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SABAS/ 09515773589

T L E 10 ( NARRA)

Lesson 4: Evaluating the Finished Product

At the end of this quarter the student will have a good understanding about eggs, their
functions, and preparation techniques, qualities of fresh and old eggs, and how to purchase and store
eggs for best quality. This module learner is able to perform skills by cooking a simple egg dish and
evaluate the finished product by rating it using a rubric .

The module consists of the lesson namely:

 LO 4 – Evaluating the finished product

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. Clean, sanitize and prepare tool, utensils and equipment needed in preparing egg dishes
2. Identify market forms of egg
3. Select suitable plates according to standard

What I Know (Pre-Test)

Multiple Choice.
Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a

separate sheet of paper.

1. They start out like scrambled eggs, but when the eggs start to set, they are rolled over.
a. boiled c. omelets
b. fried d. poached
2. The following are ingredients in making French omelet, except:
a. clarified butter c. salt & pepper
b. egg d. soy sauce
3. Keeping potentially hazardous foods cold enough to prevent bacteria from growing
a. cold storage c. dry storage
b. close storage d. hot storage
4. Eggs should be stored properly to prevent increase of
a. alkalinity & bacterial growth c. alkalinity & molds
b. alkalinity & metabolism d. alkalinity & taste
5. How long pickled egg can be stored?
a. within 1 month c. within 3 months
b. within 2 months d. within 4 months
6. How many eggs is needed in cooking French omelet in the activity?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
7. Why do we keep away eggs from strong odors?
a. because it absorbs through the shell which are porous
b. because it absorbs through the yolk which is in the center
c. because it absorbs through the chalaza which anchor the yolk in place
d. because it absorbs through the membrane which protects the shell/ yolk
8. Which will you consider in buying egg?
a. fragility c. quality
b. price d. size
9. How long fresh egg can be stored in the refrigerator?
a. 1 week c. 3 weeks
b. 2 weeks d. 4 weeks
10. Why should eggs not washed before storing them?
a. It destroys the mineral-oil film that coats the shells.
b. It destroys the egg whites.
c. It destroys the chalaza.
d. It destroys the yolk.
11. What ingredient is added to the omelet during mixing that makes it lighter?
a. tablespoon of oil c. tablespoon of sugar
b. tablespoon of salt d. tablespoon of water
12. What ingredient is used to cover the pores of egg that delays its deteriorative changes, reduces
mold penetration and retards spoilage?
a. oil c. sugar
b. salt d. water
13. What kind of storage provides temperature enough to prevent bacteria from growing?
a. cold storage c. hot storage
b. dry storage d. wet storage
14. What tool/utensil is used in beating the egg in the French omelet activity?
a. fork c. wooden spoon
b. spoon d. wire whip
15. When storing egg yolks in the freezer, what ingredient should be added to prevent the yolks
from becoming too thick and gelatinous over time?
a. salt or pepper c. salt or vinegar
b. salt or sugar d. salt or wine
Egg is one of the simplest yet complex ingredients in culinary world. A good source of protein
can be served as main dish, appetizer, dessert and an important ingredient to many mouth-watering
dishes. In the previous lesson you have learned the parts of egg, market forms, nutritive value, uses and
functions of egg in food preparation, tools used in preparing egg dishes, preparing and cooking egg
dishes and tips on how to present egg dishes attractively .


The rolled or French-style omelets start out like scrambled eggs, but when the eggs start to set,
they are rolled over. A folded or American style omelet is prepared in the same manner, though it is
often cooked on a griddle rather than in a pan, and instead of being rolled, the American omelet is
folded in half. There are two other styles of omelets, both based upon a beaten mixture of eggs, cooked
either over direct heat or in an oven

1. Prepare the necessary equipment.

2. Beat two or three eggs on a small bowl first

until well-mixed. Do not whip until frothy.
Season with salt and pepper. A tablespoon
water may be added to make the omelet

3. Place an omelet pan over high heat.

4. When the pan is hot, add one tablespoon

clarified butter to coat the inside of the pan.
Give it a second to get hot.
5. Add eggs to the pan

6. With one hand, vigorously shake the pan back and

forth. At the same time, stir the eggs with a circular
motion with the bottom side of the fork, but do not
let the fork scrape the pan.

7. Tilt the handle up and shake the pan so the

omelet slides to the opposite side.

8. For filled omelet, spoon the filling across the center

of the egg.

9. With the fork, fold the sides of the omelet over the

10. Grasp the handle of the pan and tilt omelet into the
plate so it inverts and keeps an oval shape.

Store Egg Dishes

Storage is done to maintain the quality of food, prolong the shelf-life, maintain an adequate
supply of food and ensure its safety for consumption.

Proper storage of food is very crucial in keeping food safe because the manner and temperature
of storage will affect the food’s susceptibility to bacterial growth, other contaminants and infestation.
Storing food will not improve its quality, it will only delay the rate of deterioration. Thus, the proper
period of storage should also be observed.

Eggs should be stored properly to prevent increase in alkalinity and bacterial growth. They
should be stored in an oval, dry place to retard deterioration as enzymatic activity is greater at room

Keeping eggs as fresh as possible depends on the care taken by the farmer, wholesaler and
grocer to refrigerate them at all times. After you have chosen your eggs by size, grade, freshness, and
type, proper storage will help maintain their quality.

Kind of Storage
 Cold Storage (refrigerated storage, deep chilling, freezer storage) keeping potentially hazardous
foods cold enough to prevent bacteria from growing.
The temperature of the freezer compartment must be at 0°F or less, and the eggs should be
stored in an area of the freezer where there is the least amount of temperature fluctuation.
 Dry Storage should be dry, cool, well-ventilated, free from insects and rodents, clean and

In the absence of refrigerators, eggs may be stored at room temperature for about seven days.
Left-over egg yolks and egg whites should be kept in containers that will prevent drying.

Tips for Storing Raw and Cooked Eggs:

 Put eggs in the refrigerator as soon as possible after purchase.

 Keep them in their covered carton (large end up) to preserve moisture and assure darkness. Do
not put them in the egg box at the door of the refrigerator.

 Keep eggs away from strong odors. These can be absorbed through the shells which are porous.
 Whole eggs can be beaten slightly and placed in a container with a tight seal and stored in the
freezer for up to one year.
 Egg whites also can be stored for up to a year in a tightly sealed container in the freezer.

 When storing egg yolks in the freezer, a small amount of sugar or salt should be added to
prevent the yolks from becoming too thick and gelatinous over time.
 Add a pinch of salt per yolk if the yolks will be used for savory dishes, or add about a ¼ teaspoon
of sugar per yolk if these will be used for sweet dishes.
 Do not wash eggs before storing them. This destroys the mineral-oil film that coats the shells
and helps keep them fresh.
 Dip the eggs in oil to cover the pores and to delay its deteriorative changes, reduce mold
penetration and retard spoilage.
 Do not keep eggs longer than 2 weeks in the refrigerator.
 Left-over raw yolks can be refrigerated for several days when covered with water, milk or oil.
Two yolks can be used in place of 1 whole egg in a recipe.
 Left-over raw whites can be stored in a tightly covered plastic or glass container in the
refrigerator for several days or as long as they do not have any odor. They can also be frozen
although when thawed the white is thinner. However, you can use them successfully in recipes
calling for egg whites.

Recommended Storage Time for Eggs

Fresh shell eggs Buy best before date

left-over yolks or whites within 2 to 4 days

hard-Cooked eggs within 1 week

prepared egg dishes within 3 to 4 days

pickled eggs within 1 month

frozen whole eggs (blended) within 4 months

How to Store Eggs

Refrigerated: Refrigerated eggs will stay good for about a month. How can you test whether your eggs
are still good? Place an egg in a full glass of water. If the egg lies flat on the bottom, it is fresh. If it stands
up, it’s on its way to bad. And if your egg floats, toss it.

Room Temperature: It’s okay to store eggs at room temperature depending  on production method. In
America, eggs are power washed before selling. This removes the natural coating that protects the eggs
from nasty bacteria, so we must keep our eggs below 40 degrees F to ward off potential foodbourne
pathogens. Some countries (like most European countries) choose to leave this layer on, so if you go
abroad and panic because the eggs are all sitting out, it’s okay!

Frozen: Egg whites tolerate freezing well, though the yolks do not. Separate the whites from the yolk
and place in an ice cube tray to freeze
A. Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if it is incorrect.
Write your answer in the space provided.

1. Eggs should be stored properly to prevent increase in alkalinity and bacterial

____ growth.
2. Fresh eggs can be kept more than two weeks.

3. When storing egg yolks in the freezer, a small amount of sugar or salt should
be added to prevent the yolks from becoming too thick and thin over time.
4.To delay the deteriorative changes, cover the pores by dipping the eggs in oil.
5. In the absence of refrigerator, eggs may be stored at room temperature for
____ about two weeks.

Directions: Supply the correct tool/ utensils used, ingredients or procedure

needed in making omelet. Write your answer in the space provided.

1. Prepare the necessary __________.

2. Beat two or three eggs on a ________first until well-

mixed. Do not whip until frothy. Season with salt and
pepper. A tablespoon water may be added to make
the omelet lighter.

3. Place an _______________over high heat.

4. When the pan is hot, add one tablespoon

____________to coat the inside of the pan. Give it a
second to get hot.

5. Add _______ to the pan.

6. With one hand, vigorously shake the pan back and

forth. At the same time, stir the eggs with a
____________with the bottom side of the fork, but
do not let the fork scrape the pan

7. Tilt the handle up and shake the pan so the omelet

slides to the ________.

8. For filled omelet, spoon the filling across the

____________of the egg.

9. With the___________, fold the sides of the omelet

over the center.

10. Grasp the handle of the pan and tilt the omelet into
the plate so it inverts and keeps an ____shape.

Assessment (Post-Test)

Multiple Choice

Directions. Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. They start out like scrambled eggs, but when the eggs start to set, they are rolled over.
a. boiled c. omelets
b. fried d. poached
2. The following are ingredients in making French omelet, except:
a. clarified butter c. salt & pepper
b. egg d. soy sauce
3. Keeping potentially hazardous foods cold enough to prevent bacteria from growing
a. cold storage c. dry storage
b. close storage d. hot storage
4. Eggs should be stored properly to prevent increase of
a. alkalinity & bacterial growth c. alkalinity & molds
b. alkalinity & metabolism d. alkalinity & taste
5. How long pickled egg can be stored?
a. within 1 month c. within 3 months
b. within 2 months d. within 4 months
6. How many eggs is needed in cooking French omelet in the activity?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 2 d. 4
7. Why do we keep away eggs from strong odors?
a. because it absorbs through the shell which are porous
b. because it absorbs through the yolk which is in the center
c. because it absorbs through the chalaza which anchor the yolk in place
d. because it absorbs through the membrane which protects the shell/ yolk
8. Which will you consider in buying egg?
a. fragility c. quality
b. price d. size
9. How long fresh egg can be stored in the refrigerator?
a. 1 week c. 3 weeks
b. 2 weeks d. 4 weeks
10. Why should eggs not washed before storing them?
a. It destroys the mineral-oil film that coats the shells.
b. It destroys the egg whites.
c. It destroys the chalaza.
d. It destroys the yolk.
11. What ingredient is added to the omelette during mixing that makes it lighter?
a. tablespoon of oil c. tablespoon of sugar
b. tablespoon of salt d. tablespoon of water

12. What ingredient is used to cover the pores of egg that delays its deteriorative changes,
reduces mold penetration and retards spoilage?
a. oil c. sugar
b. salt d. water
13. What kind of storage provides temperature enough to prevent bacteria from growing?
a. cold storage c. hot storage
b. dry storage d. wet storage
14. What tool/utensil is used in beating the egg in the French omelette activity?
a. fork c. wooden spoon
b. spoon d. wire whip
15. When storing egg yolks in the freezer, what ingredient should be added to
Prevent the yolks from becoming too thick and gelatinous over time?
a. salt or pepper c. salt or vinegar
b. salt or sugar d. salt or wine

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