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Wagner CS 161

Computer Security Midterm 1

Spring 2014

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You may consult one sheet of paper (double-sided) of notes. You may not consult other
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Please write your answers in the spaces provided in the test. We will not grade anything on
the back of an exam page unless we are clearly told on the front of the page to look there.
You have 50 minutes. There are 6 questions, of varying credit (100 points total). The
questions are of varying difficulty, so avoid spending too long on any one question.

Do not turn this page until your instructor tells you to do so.

Question: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Points: 15 10 15 20 16 24 100

Page 1 of 7
Problem 1 Security principles (15 points)
For each scenario, identify the security principle illustrated by scenario and give a short
one-sentence justification of your answer. Some scenarios may represent an example of
following the principle; others may represent an example of violating the principle.
(a) Bike lock manufacturers tend to have a range of different kinds of locks for customers
to choose from. The high-end ones are advertised for high-crime areas and the low-
end options are advertised for low to moderate crime areas.

(b) Some paranoid people will equip their houses with high fences, a gate that only
opens with a password, a home security system, and a panic room.

(c) A company called ES&S makes electronic voting machines for use in public elections.
A special password is needed to upload software updates to their voting machines.
This password is identical for every ES&S machine throughout the country, hard-
coded in the code, and cannot be changed. The password is documented in manuals
given to election officials who need to update the software on their voting machines.

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Problem 2 Multiple choice (10 points)
(a) Many security experts recommend using prepared statements in your code. Which
of the following threats do prepared statements defend against? Circle all that
XSS Integer overflow
CSRF SQL injection
Clickjacking Polymorphic worms
Buffer overruns Session fixation
None of the above

(b) ROP (Return-Oriented Programming) attacks are one way to exploit memory-safety
vulnerabilities. Which of the following defenses can defend against ROP attacks?
Circle all that apply.
Non-executable stack Random CSRF tokens
Same-origin policy Memory-safe programming languages
Output escaping
None of the above

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Problem 3 True/false (15 points)
In parts (a)–(e), circle true or false.
(a) True or False: The same-origin policy would prevent Javascript running on a
page from from reading the cookies for and sending
them to
(b) True or False: The same-origin policy would prevent Javascript running on a
page from from reading the cookies for and sending them

To prevent SQL injection attacks, uses input sanitization to remove

the following characters from all user-provided text fields: ’=-. However, they forgot to
include ; in the list, and as a result, some hacker figures out a way mount a successful
SQL injection attack on their site.
Based on this, which of the following are accurate? Circle true or false.
(c) True or False: This vulnerability was a predictable consequence of using black-
listing: it’s too easy to leave something out of a blacklist.
(d) True or False: This bug would not have been exploitable if all modern browsers
used privilege separation and sandboxing, like Chrome does.
(e) True or False: If had used address space layout randomiza-
tion (ASLR), it would have been difficult or impossible for an attacker to exploit
this vulnerability.

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Problem 4 Web security (20 points) provides a way to search for cool videos. When presented with
a URL such as:
The server will return an HTML search results page containing:
. . . searched for: <b> cats </b> . . .
In particular, the search phrase from the URL parameter is always included into the
HTML exactly as found in the URL, without any changes.
(a) The site has a vulnerability. Describe it, in a sentence or two.

(b) Alice is a user of Describe how an attacker might be

able to use this vulnerability to steal the cookies that Alice’s browser has for You can assume that the attacker knows Alice’s email

(c) The developers of hear rumors of this vulnerability in their

site, so they deploy framebusting on all of their pages. Does this prevent exploitation
of the vulnerability? Why or why not? Circle yes or no, then provide a one- or
two-sentence explanation of why or why not.
Yes No
Explanation (why or why not):

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Problem 5 More web security (16 points)
You are the developer for a new fancy payments startup, CashBo, and you have been
tasked with developing the web-based payment form. You have set up a simple form
with two fields, the amount to be paid and the recipient of the payment. When a user
clicks submit, the following request is made:<dollar amount>&recipient=<username>
You show this to your friend Eve, and she thinks there is a problem. She later sends you
this message:
Hey, check out this funny cat picture.
You click on this link, and later find out that you have paid Eve 1 dollar via CashBo.
(Background: Tinyurl is a URL redirection/shortener service that’s open to the public.
Thus, Eve was able to choose what URL the link above redirects to.)
(a) Name the type of vulnerability that Eve exploited to steal one dollar from you, in
the story above.

(b) What did the tinyurl link redirect to?

(c) How could you, as the developer of CashBo, defend your web service from this sort
of attack? Explain in one or two sentences.

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Problem 6 Memory safety (24 points)
Assume all preconditions are met whenever the following function is called. You may
also assume that the following code is executed on a 32-bit machine.
/* Copy every step’th character from src to dst */
/* Requires: src,dst are valid non-NULL pointers,
n <= sizeof(src), n <= sizeof(dst) */
void vulncopy(char* dst, char* src, int n, int step) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i += step) {
dst[i] = src[i];
(a) This code has a memory-safety vulnerability. Describe it.

(b) What parameters could an attacker provide to vulncopy() to trigger a memory-

safety violation? (Your input must comply with the preconditions for vulncopy().)

(c) If the vulnerable code was compiled using a compiler that inserts stack canaries,
would that prevent exploitation of this vulnerability? Answer yes or no. You do
not need to justify your answer.

(d) If the vulnerable code was run with DEP (Data Execution Prevention), would that
prevent exploitation of this vulnerability? Answer yes or no. You do not need to
justify your answer.
Reminder: DEP uses the NX (non-executable) bit to mark the stack and heap
regions as non-executable, so no page in memory is both writeable and executable.

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