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Sheet Metal Claddings

Sheet Metal Raw Materials
Corrugated Sheet Metals
Technical Insulations
Installation Accessories

Product prices, pack sizes and pricing

criteria in our online price list, please visit:

Kespet Sheet Metal Claddings Kespet Insulation Element

4 Sheet Metal Claddings in General 31 Insulation Element in General
5 Pipe Cladding Models
6 Elbow Models
7 Formed Pieces Our Partners
8 End Caps, Notch and Expansion Joint
32 Kespet Oy Partners
9 Vessel Claddings
10 Materials
11 Markings
Technical Insulation
12 Pipe Cladding Diameters
13-16 Segment Elbows 33 Cladding dimensions for Paroc Combi
17 Insulation Boxes 34-35 ISOVER technical mineralwool insulation
18 HVAC Pipe Cladding Dimensions 36-37 Paroc technical stonewool insulation
19 Adaptors 38-41 Armacell technical elastomeric insulation
42 Morgan thermal ceramics Superwool
Kespet Coils, Sheets and
PVC and Aluminium Foil Claddings
Corrugated Sheet Metals for Industry
41 PVC and Aluminium Foil Claddings
20 Coils and Sheets in Genaral
21 Perforated Sheets and Checker Plates
22-23 Corrugated Sheet Metals for Industry
Installation Accessories, Tools and
Protective Equipment
Kespet Moldings
42 Products in General
24 Moldings for HVAC 43-47 Goebel Products
25 Moldings for Industry 48 Accessories for Elastomeric Insulation
49 Accessories for Aluminium Cladding Insulation
49 Accessories for PVC Cladding Insulation
Kespet Base Structures
50-55 Other Installation Accessories and Tools
26 Base Structures in General 56 Protective Equipment
27 Supporting Structures for Mat and
Slab Insulations
28 Support Rings for Mat Insulations Delivery Terms
29 Fastening Spikes for Insulations
57 Conditions of Carriage
30 Base Structures
58 General Delivery Terms
Kespet Oy is a leading international supplier of HVAC and industrial insulation
products and accessories in Finland

Kespet Oy was founded in 1977 and in the beginning focused on

HVAC building insulation. Later focus was shifted towards industrial
insulation, and since 1983 it has been on process industry pipes, tanks,
equipment, ducts and boilers and other technical insulation projects in
Finland and abroad. In 2007, Kespet decided to focus on industrial
manufacturing of protective claddings and base structures and on
import, export and resale of various types of insulation and sheet metal

In addition to our own production, we also distribute other technical

insulation and cladding systems as well as tools and installation
accessories. Our partners are long-established, high quality
manufacturers. Our partners include companies like Paroc, Rockwool,
SSAB, Armacell, Sebald, Goebel, Ovako, Alumeco and Tibnor.
Production, design, sales and marketing of Kespet products is certified
by ISO9001: 2015 and ISO14001: 2015 quality and environmental
management systems.

Kespet Oy’s production and headquarters are located in Vaajakoski,

Jyväskylä. In addition to the Vaajakoski sales office, we also serve our
customers at the Tattarisuo industrial district in Helsinki. Both sales units
are well situated to serve customers in Finland and abroad.

Quality and environmental management standards guide our

operations at every level of our organization. We are a responsible
company that takes care of customer satisfaction, personnel and
financial and environmental responsibility.

Savings and efficiency with the material service system

Kespet is an expert in HVAC and industrial insulation products. For

customers that need insulation project related materials, tools and
service, we are the one stop shop.

In addition to material delivery, we also provide expertise and

solutions with our services. Our customers can focus on their core
business when Kespet takes care for the entire material supply; from
planning and dimensioning to target-specific material deliveries. We
manufacture high quality, competitively priced products complying
with EU and Finnish building regulations. We also manufacture
products according to national standards from other countries.

Kespet Sheet Metal Claddings

for HVAC, process and ventilation
Ready-to-install cladding and base structure systems are an
economical, high-quality solution. Our products are
manufactured in quality controlled, standardized processes
with modern production lines. Automated production ensures
the compatibility of sheet metal claddings and supporting base
structure systems.

Our claddings are made of metal and they’re therefore non-

flammable. The most fireproof cladding solution for HVAC and
industrial construction:

• No life-threatening smoke gases. Kespet Sheet Metal Cladding System includes:

• Nonflammable.
• Good impact resistance. • Pipe claddings in standard lengths 1000 mm and
• Easy to install. 1250 mm.
• Easy to recycle. • Segment elbows for HVAC and process piping.
• Maintains its value. • Segment elbows for ventilation piping.
• Formed pieces: reducers, t-connections, t-pieces
and end caps.
Attention! The cladding dimensions in the catalogue are
• Insulation boxes.
default values. We also manufacture claddings according
• Vessel claddings.
to the dimensions supplied by the customer, or according to
• Base structures.
different types of insulation materials and vaurious insulation
manufacturers products .

Pipe Claddings


A A-model, standard pipe cladding. Beading type P+A.

B B-model, overlap pipe cladding. Overlap 50-100 mm. Beading type T. +/- 0 % standard pipe’s price.

C C-model, pipe cladding. Overlap 20-50 mm. Beading type T+R. +20 % standard pipe’s price.

D D-model, expansion pipe cladding pair. Overlap 20-50 mm. Pair beading type P+T+A.
Price 2 x standard pipe cladding +5 %. Packing in pairs inside standard pipe claddings +10%.

E E-model, grooved pipe cladding. +/- 0 % standard pipe’s price.

F F-model (made on request). without rounding and end beading. -10 % standard pipe’s price.

A = P + A vakiotyyppi

A = P + A vakiotyyppi

Beadings B = T limitys 50...100 mm

A = P + A vakiotyyppi
B = T limitys 50...100 mm

Beading type A = P + A vakiotyyppi

C = T + R rypytys limitys 20...50
BA == TP limitys 50...100 mm
+ A vakiotyyppi
A = P+A standard type
C = T + R rypytys limitys 20...50
B = T overlap 50...100 mmB = T limitys 50...100 mm
B = T limitys 50...100 mm
D = P + T + A limitys 20...50 mm
C = T+R ruffle overlap 20...50
C = T mm
+ R rypytys limitys 20...50

D = P+T+A overlap 20...50D mm

= P + T + A limitys 20...50 mm
C = T + R rypytys limitys 20...50
C = T + R rypytys limitys 20...50
G = Tank and round smokeGand = Säiliön ja pyöreiden savu- ja
air duct
= P + T + A limitys 20...50 mm
overlap cladding, overlap 50...100 mmlimitysvaippa
Limitys 50...100 mm
G = Säiliön ja pyöreiden savu- ja
Dilmakanavien limitysvaippa
= P + T + A limitys 20...50 mm
Limitys 50...100 mm
D = P + T + A limitys 20...50 mm
G = Säiliön ja pyöreiden savu- ja

No more useless stumps rolling all over the place!

ilmakanavien limitysvaippa
Limitys 50...100 mm
G = Säiliön ja pyöreiden savu- ja
ilmakanavien limitysvaippa
Limitys 50...100 mm Easy savings with Kespet fixed size pipe claddings and special pieces.
G = Säiliön ja pyöreiden savu- ja
ilmakanavien limitysvaippa
Limitys 50...100 mm Pricing criteria in our online price list, please visit:



Elbows for HVAC and process pipes Elbows for ventilation pipes

90° 45° 90° 45° 30°

All pipe sizes of Kespet HVAC standard elbows are manufactured according to the models described above.
Ventilation elbow manufacturing radius = 1xD. Divergent amount of segments or manufacturing radius must be
indicated on the order, prices according to the offer.


Standard beadings overlap
direction for Kespet elbow is A/C
and B/D.


Elbow A and B beading overlap
direction is manufactured
according to order.

Beading furrow minimum measures

Outer diameter a b c A

70…100 3 2 3
101…200 4 3 4.5

201…500 6 4 6
501…1000 10 4.5 7.5
over 1000 12 5 9

Formed Pieces


Reducers are used as a transformer, when the diameter of the cladding changes as
the insulation and/or pipe changes. The standard model eccentrical reducer is
manufactured with one side being straight. If necessary, it can also be produced
according to the indicated line deviation (model C).

Installed from the larger end to the joining of the

cladding and from the smaller end with the
A-measure connecting collar.

Under- or overlay beadings on both ends

A-model B-model C-model available on request.
central eccentrical eccentrical


T-connections are used as a starting collar either from larger or equal sized pipe.
In the standard model, the seam is on the long side. If necessary, it can also be
manufactured with the seam on the short side. T-connections are also available
as obliques, the degree of the inner corner must be indicated on the order.

P-model L-model Oblique T-connection


A t-piece is a cladding coupling specially intended for larger ventilation ducts. The
t-piece is installed over the close brought claddings. Can also be manufactured
without the cladding section (model B).

A-model B-model
Installed over pipe claddings, connecting seam with over beading.

Also available as a special product with under beadings.

End Caps, Notch and Expansion Joint

End Caps

End caps are used for pipe ends. The standard model is delivered as a solid
two-piece product. End caps can also be manufactured with a hole (suitable for
a pipe). One-piece end cap and furrow edge end cap with edge turned about
20 mm over or under the cladding are also available on request.

A-model, standard end cap B-model, solid end cap End cap with furrow edge


A notch is used when insulation has to be thinned for some obstacle in part of the
pipe. The obstacle is bypassed with the notch. The notch can be manufactured
as an open ended version, or a closed version. The closed version has a flap
at the end, enabling a connection with a standard pipe cladding. Fixing seam
location can be chosen from the options presented in the picture below.


A A-A 3


Expansion Joint

An expansion joint is used in long straight pipes every 6 meters to remove the effect of thermal movement.
The expansion joint can be installed directly between the standard claddings.

Product prices, storage products, package sizes and pricing

criteria in our online price list, please visit:

Vessel Claddings
Zeppelin Gable Cone Gable



Gable seam options

Zeppelin gable Cone gable • Gable manufacturing according
A standard, inside B inside A standard, inside B inside E inside to standard SFS 3978.
• Assembled as ready-to-install
sections or blocks.
• Also available according to the
C outside D outside D outside C outside F outside
standard gable model.
n. 20 mm

• AB zeppelin gables and AB cone

n. 75 mm gables can also be manufactured
according to measurements
provided by the customer.

Vessel Cladding

Cladding for sections in horizontal or vertical vessels. Manufacturing from all standard materials.
Manufactured as ready-perforated and with beadings according to the vessel measurements.

Standard overlap in the cladding’s circumferential direction is 100 mm with a 30 mm circumference of the perimeter.
Can be manufactured with other overlappings upon request. Circumference direction overlap size is freely selectable.
Transverse seam 30, 50 or 100 mm. Transverse seam is manufactured with 20 mm support edge when needed.

jako 900 tai 1200

jako ~200 mm

Vaipan kehän Vaipan kehän suunnan
B poikkisauman limitysmitta


Sheet Metal Cladding Materials

Materials Steel Class

Hot galvanized steel sheet metal EN 10346 Dx51 d+z275

Aluminium sheet metal EN 3103H16

Stainless steel sheet metal EN 10088-2-1.4301+2B

Acid proof sheet metal EN 10088-2-1.4404+2B

PVDF 27 μm/10 μm colour coated hot galvanized steel sheet metal EN 10346 S280GD+z275

NOVA 50 μm/10 μm colour coated hot galvanized steel sheet metal EN 10346 S280GD+z275

PVC 200 µm/20 µm colour coated hot galvanized steel sheet metal EN 10346 S280GD+z275

Aluminium galvanized steel sheet metal EN 10346 Dx51 d+az150 or +az185

Stucco steel sheet metal EN 3103H16

Material thicknesses (HVAC and process pipes)


Outer diameter Stainless and acid proof
Aluminium sheet Hot galvanized steel sheet coated hot galvanized
Ø...Ø sheet
steel sheet
70...150 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,4
151...500 0,7 0,5 0,5 0,4
501...800 1,0 0,6 0,6 0,5
over 800 1,0 0,7 0,7 0,5

Kespet sheet metal cladding material thicknesses are based on standard ”SFS 3914 Pipe, tank and device insulations.
Claddings and base structures”.


Kespet pipe cladding markings indicate the pipe cladding diameter, material,
material thickness and manufacturing date. The markings are made on the
claddings inner surface with weatherproof ink.

The markings of Kespet segment elbows indicate their diameter, pipe size and
insulation thickness (ventilation pipes) or manufacturing radius (HVAC pipes)
and beading overlap direction (A/C, B/D, A or B). The markings are done
with stickers or weatherproof stickers. Markings of other Kespet products
indicate a products measurements and other specific information.

Product markings can also be done according to a customers specifications

upon request.


No life-threatening smoke gases.

Good impact resistance.
Easy to install.
Easy to recycle.
Maintains its value.

Pipe Claddings
Pipe Insulation ø = pipe cladding outer diameter mm
DN pipe inner RR = pipe cladding circle measurement (hole to hole measurement) mm
mm diameter
ø =mm Insulation thicknesses mm
20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160
– 12/15 ø = 70 76 96 122 146 185
R= 220 239 301 383 458 581

10 18 ø = 70 86 106 133 146 185

R= 220 270 333 418 458 581

15 22 ø = 70 86 106 133 146 199

R= 220 270 333 418 458 625

20 28 ø = 76 96 106 133 160 199

R= 239 301 333 418 502 625

25 35 ø = 76 96 122 146 160 199

R= 239 301 383 458 502 625

32 42 ø = 86 106 133 146 173 213

R= 270 333 418 458 543 669

40 48 ø = 96 122 133 160 173 213 253

R= 301 383 418 502 543 669 794

- 54 ø = 106 122 133 160 185 225 266

R= 333 383 418 502 581 707 835

50 60 ø = 106 122 146 160 185 225 266

R= 383 383 458 502 581 707 835

- 64 ø = 122 133 146 173 185 225 266

R= 383 418 458 543 581 707 835

65 76 ø = 133 146 160 185 199 238 278

R= 418 458 502 581 625 747 873

80 89 ø = 146 160 173 199 213 253 292 332

R= 458 502 543 625 669 794 917 1042

100 114 ø = 173 185 199 225 238 278 318 358
R= 543 581 625 707 747 873 999 1124

125 140 ø = 199 213 225 253 266 304 345 385 424
R= 625 669 707 794 835 955 1083 1209 1331

150 168 ø = 213 238 253 278 292 332 371 424 464 504
R= 669 747 794 873 917 1042 1165 1331 1457 1583

200 219 ø = 266 292 304 332 345 385 424 464 517 556
R= 835 917 955 1042 1083 1209 1331 1457 1623 1746

250 273 ø = 332 345 358 385 396 436 491 530 568 612
R= 1042 1083 1124 1209 1243 1369 1542 1664 1784 1915

300 324 ø = 385 396 411 436 451 491 530 582 622 661
R= 1209 1243 1291 1369 1416 1542 1664 1827 1953 2076

350 356 ø = 411 436 436 464 491 530 572 612 647 687
R= 1291 1369 1369 1457 1542 1664 1796 1915 2032 2157

400 406 ø = 464 491 504 517 542 582 622 661 702 742
R= 1457 1542 1583 1623 1705 1827 1953 2076 2198 2324

500 508 ø = 568 582 612 622 635 687 722 768 802 842
R= 1784 1827 1915 1953 1994 2157 2277 2412 2518 2653

600 612 ø = 672 687 702 722 742 792 831 872 912 940
R= 2110 2157 2198 2277 2324 2487 2609 2735 2857 2983

700 714 ø = 768 792 802 831 842 882 922 975 1012 1052
R= 2412 2487 2518 2609 2653 2773 2898 3062 3187 3313

800 813 ø = 872 882 912 922 940 986 1026 1067 1107 1147
R= 2735 2773 2857 2898 2983 3096 3222 3350 3476 3602

900 914 ø = 975 986 1012 1026 1052 1092 1132 1172 1212 1252
R= 3062 3096 3187 3222 3313 3426 3551 3696 3806 3931

1000 1016 ø = 1067 1092 1107 1132 1156 1196 1237 1277 1317 1360
R= 3350 3426 3476 3551 3630 3755 3884 4010 4135 4270

Segment elbow1,5 x D

Pipe Insulation ø = elbow outer diameter mm

DN pipe inner
R = manufacturing radius mm
mm diameter
ø =mm Insulation thicknesses mm
20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160
- 12/15 ø = 70 76 96
R= 55 63 73
10 18 ø = 70 86 106
R= 55 68 78
15 22 ø = 70 86 106 133
R= 55 68 78 90
20 28 ø = 76 96 106 133
R= 63 73 78 90
25 35 ø = 76 96 122 146 160 199
R= 63 73 86 98 105 135
32 42 ø = 86 106 133 146 173 213 253
R= 68 78 90 98 115 145 160
40 48 ø = 96 122 133 160 173 213 253
R= 73 86 90 105 115 145 160
- 54 ø = 106 122 133 160 185 225 266
R= 78 86 90 105 125 160 175
50 60 ø = 122 146 160 185 225 266
R= 86 98 105 125 160 175
- 64 ø = 133 146 173 185 225 266
R= 90 98 115 125 160 175
65 76 ø = 146 160 185 199 238 278
R= 98 105 125 135 165 180
80 89 ø = 160 173 199 213 253 292 332
R= 105 115 135 145 170 185 210
100 114 ø = 185 199 225 238 278 318 358
R= 155 155 160 165 180 210 240
125 140 ø = 225 253 266 304 345 385 424
R= 190 190 190 200 230 250 270
150 168 ø = 253 278 292 332 371 424 464 504
R= 230 230 230 230 250 270 280 300
200 219 ø = 304 332 345 385 424 464 517 556
R= 305 305 305 305 305 305 310 330
250 273 ø = 358 385 396 436 491 530 568 612
R= 381 381 381 381 381 381 381 381
300 324 ø = 411 436 451 491 530 582 622 661
R= 457 457 457 457 457 457 457 457
350 356 ø = 464 491 530 572 612 647 687
R= 533 533 533 533 533 533 533
400 406 ø = 517 542 582 622 661 702 742
R= 610 610 610 610 610 610 610
500 508 ø = 622 635 687 722 768 802 842
R= 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
600 612 ø = 722 742 792 831 872 912 940
R= 914 914 914 914 914 914 914
700 714 ø = 831 842 882 922 975 1012 1052
R= 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070 1070
800 813 ø = 922 940 986 1026 1067 1107 1147
R= 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220 1220
900 914 ø = 1026 1052 1092 1132 1172 1212 1252
R= 1370 1370 1370 1370 1370 1370 1370
1000 1016 ø = 1132 1156 1196 1237 1277 1317 1360
R= 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525 1525

= 3 segment pieces = 6 segment pieces = 10 segment pieces

= 4 segment pieces = 8 segment pieces = 12 segment pieces

Aluminium and galvanized sheet metal storage sizes are inside the area with reinforced line.

Segment elbow special sizes thermal procession pipes

Pipe Insulation D = elbow outer diameter mm

DN pipe inner
R = manufacturing radius mm
mm diameter
ø =mm Insulation thicknesses mm
30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160
60 70 ø = 133 160 173 199 238
R= 90 105 115 135 160
89 102 ø = 173 199 213 225 266
R= 115 135 145 160 175
114 127 ø = 199 213 238 253 292 332
R= 155 160 165 170 185 210
169 178 ø = 266 292 310 345 385 424
R= 230 230 230 230 250 270
219 230 ø = 318 345 358 396 436 478
R= 305 305 305 305 305 305
273 289 ø = 385 396 424 464 504 542
R= 381 381 381 381 381 381
324 356 ø = 436 464 491 530 572 612 647
R= 457 457 457 457 457 457 457
356 371 ø = 478 504 542 582 622 661
R= 533 533 533 533 533 533
406 426 ø = 542 556 595 635 675 712 768
R= 610 610 610 610 610 610 610
508 533 ø = 647 661 702 752 792 831 872
R= 762 762 762 762 762 762 762
612 630 ø = 742 768 802 842 882 922 962
R= 914 914 914 914 914 914 914

= 3 segment pieces = 6 segment pieces

= 4 segment pieces = 8 segment pieces

Segment elbow 2,5 x D

Pipe Insulation ø = elbow outer diameter mm

DN pipe inner
R = manufacturing radius mm
mm diameter
ø =mm Insulation thicknesses mm
30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
25 35 ø = 96 122 146 160 199
R= 90 104 110 105 145
32 42 ø = 106 133 146 173 213 253
R= 100 104 110 130 150 160
40 48 ø = 122 133 160 173 213 253
R= 120 122 120 130 150 160
- 54 ø = 122 133 160 185 225 266
R= 135 135 135 155 160 175
50 60 ø = 122 133 160 185 225 266
R= 150 150 150 155 160 175
- 64 ø = 133 146 173 185 225 266
R= 160 160 160 160 160 175
65 76 ø = 146 160 185 199 238 278 318
R= 190 190 190 190 190 190 210
80 89 ø = 160 173 199 213 253 292 332 385 424
R= 223 223 223 223 223 223 223 250 270
100 114 ø = 185 199 225 238 278 318 358 411 451 491 530
R= 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 285 290 320 340
125 140 ø = 213 225 253 266 304 345 385 424 478 517 556 592 635
R= 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 350 355 375 400
150 168 ø = 238 253 278 292 332 371 424 464 504 542 582 622 661
R= 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 420 430
200 219 ø = 292 304 332 345 385 424 464 517 556 592 635 675 712
R= 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547 547
250 273 ø = 345 358 385 396 436 491 530 568 612 647 687 722 768
R= 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682 682
300 324 ø = 385 411 436 451 491 530 582 622 661 702 742 792 831
R= 810 810 810 831 810 810 810 810 810 810 810 810 810
350 356 ø = 424 436 464 491 530 572 612 647 687 722 768 802 842
R= 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890 890
400 406 ø = 470 491 517 542 582 622 661 702 742 778 831 872 912
R= 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016 1016
500 508 ø = 582 612 622 635 687 722 768 802 842 882 922 962 1012
R= 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270 1270
600 612 ø = 687 702 722 742 792 831 872 912 940 986 1026 1067 1112
R= 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530 1530
700 714 ø = 792 802 831 842 882 922 975 1012 1052 1092 1132 1172 1212
R= 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780
800 813 ø = 882 912 922 940 986 1026 1067 1107 1147 1196 1237 1277 1317
R= 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033 2033
900 914 ø = 986 986 1026 1052 1092 1132 1172 1212 1252 1294 1334 1374 1422
R= 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290 2290
1000 1016 ø = 1092 1107 1132 1156 1196 1237 1277 1317 1360 1396 1436 1476 1516
R= 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540

= 4 segment pieces = 10 segment pieces

= 6 segment pieces = 12 segment pieces

= 8 segment pieces = 14 segment pieces

Segment elbow 5 x D
Pipe Insulation ø = elbow outer diameter mm
DN pipe inner
mm diameter R = manufacturing radius mm
ø =mm Insulation thicknesses mm
30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240
25 35 ø = 96 122 146 160 199
R= 175 175 175 175 175
32 42 ø = 106 133 146 173 213 253
R= 210 210 210 210 210 210
40 48 ø = 122 133 160 173 213 253
R= 240 240 240 240 240 240
- 54 ø = 122 133 160 185 225 266
R= 270 270 270 270 270 270
50 60 ø = 122 133 160 185 225 266
R= 300 300 300 300 300 300
- 64 ø = 133 146 173 185 225 266
R= 320 320 320 320 320 320
65 76 ø = 146 160 185 199 238 278 318
R= 380 380 380 380 380 380 380
80 89 ø = 160 173 199 213 253 292 332 385 424
R= 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445 445
100 114 ø = 185 199 225 238 278 318 358 411 451 491 530
R= 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570 570
125 140 ø = 213 225 253 266 304 345 385 424 478 517 556 592 635
R= 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700 700
150 168 ø = 238 253 278 292 332 371 424 464 504 542 582 622 661
R= 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840 840
200 219 ø = 292 304 332 345 385 424 464 517 556 592 635 675 712
R= 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095 1095
250 273 ø = 345 358 385 396 436 491 530 568 612 647 687 722 768
R= 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365 1365
300 324 ø = 385 411 436 451 491 530 582 622 661 702 742 792 831
R= 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620 1620
350 356 ø = 424 436 464 491 530 572 612 647 687 722 768 802 842
R= 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780 1780
400 406 ø = 470 491 517 542 582 622 661 702 742 778 831 872 912
R= 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030 2030
500 508 ø = 582 612 622 635 687 722 768 802 842 882 922 962 1012
R= 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540 2540
600 612 ø = 687 702 722 742 792 831 872 912 940 986 1026 1067 1112
R= 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060 3060
700 714 ø = 792 802 831 842 882 922 975 1012 1052 1092 1132 1172 1212
R= 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570 3570
800 813 ø = 882 912 922 940 986 1026 1067 1107 1147 1196 1237 1277 1317
R= 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065 4065
900 914 ø = 986 986 1026 1052 1092 1132 1172 1212 1252 1294 1334 1374 1422
R= 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570 4570
1000 1016 ø = 1092 1107 1132 1156 1196 1237 1277 1317 1360 1396 1436 1476 1516
R= 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080 5080

= 4 segment pieces = 10 segment pieces = 16 segment pieces

= 6 segment pieces = 12 segment pieces = 18 segment pieces

= 8 segment pieces = 14 segment pieces = 20 segment pieces

= 22 segment pieces
Insulation Boxes

Ready-to-install insulation box for flanges

• Manufacturing according to standard SFS 3978. Joint standard connection B.
• Manufactured from all our materials.
• Pipe section insulation with 50 mm stone wool wired mat AL1 according to standard SFS 3978.
(Note! Insulation and extra locks for box endings by request. Price according to the offer.)
• The pricing of insulation boxes with holes does not differ from the regular version in our price list.
• Also available as multipart box and vertical box with a cone head. Prices according to the offer.

Flange Box (AB)

A B Reinforced
joint A:

Simple joint B:

Ready-to-install insulation box for valves

• Manufacturing according to standard SFS 3978. Joint standard connection B.

• Manufactured from all our materials.
• Pipe section insulation with 50 mm stone wool wired mat AL1 according to standard SFS 3978.
(Note! Insulation and extra locks for box endings by request. Price according to the offer.)
• Also available as multipart box and vertical box with a cone head. Prices according to the offer.

Valve Box (ABC)

joint A:

Simple joint B:

1 2 3 4
When ordering multipart boxes please
indicate the numbered installation
position, measure H and model.
H In the standard model measure H is half
of measure B.
5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Air Conditioning and Ventilation Pipes

ø = pipe cladding outer diameter mm

diameter mm
Duct outer

Insulation thicknesses mm

20 30 40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160

63 ø 133 160 173 199 238 278

80 ø 160 173 199 213 253 292
100 ø 160 173 199 213 238 278 318
125 ø 173 199 225 238 266 304 345
160 ø 213 238 253 278 292 332 371
200 ø 253 270 292 318 332 371 411 451
250 ø 304 318 345 364 385 424 464 502 542
315 ø 364 385 411 424 451 491 527 567 607
400 ø 451 470 491 512 532 572 612 652 692
500 ø 567 572 592 612 632 672 712 752 792
630 ø 692 702 722 742 762 802 842 882 922 962
800 ø 852 872 892 912 932 972 1012 1052 1092 1132
1000 ø 1052 1072 1092 1112 1132 1172 1212 1252 1292 1332
1250 ø 1302 1322 1342 1362 1382 1422 1462 1502 1542 1582

Kespet Oy delivered sheet metal claddings to

the new Metsä Fibre bio product plant.

Total amount of delivered products for

the project was 1500 k.


Adaptors for air conditioning and ventilation insulations

Formula for calculating the adaptor surface area:

Circumference length of the larger round or square end x height.

Adaptors for rectangular ducts are dimensioned in the following way: the measurements of sides A and B have the
desired insulation thickness and a 10 mm tolerance reserve added. The adaptors can also be manufactured with a
round larger head at no extra cost.

From rectangle to round: From rectangle to rectangle:

The outer diameter size C of the small round head The C and D dimensions of the smaller head have
must be indicated when ordering. Also indicate to be indicated when ordering. Also indicate
the desired position using the numbered pictures the desired position using the numbered pictures
below. below.


Kespet coils and sheets

We supply small and large coils and sheets from

various sheet metal materials straight from our ware-
houses in Jyväskylä and Helsinki. Coil and sheet widths
are1000 mm and 1250 mm. Slit coil standard width is
610 mm.

Products are available from the following materials:

• Hot galvanized steel sheet metal for coatings Stock colour selection:
NOVA, PVDF and PVC, 18 RR standard colours in
20 White 35 Blue
• Hot galvanized
• Aluminium galvanized
21 Light gray 37 Green
• Aluminium
• Stainless
• Acid-proof 22 Gray 40 Silver
• Stucco
23 Dark gray 41 Dark silver
Kespet coil and sheet materials have been selected as
comprehensively as possible for different applications. 24 Yellow 750 Brick red

On order we also supply all other RR standard colours 29 Red Neste 512/RAL 6028
and RAL colours.
30 Light brown Neste 510/RAL 6019

31 Brown
Ask about the bigger coils/slit coils and Neste 511/RAL 6021
other materials from our sales!
32 Dark brown
NB! For print-technical reasons, the
colors do not exactly match the correct
33 Black
color tones.

Perforated, Checker and Rice Grain Plates


Material Size mm Perforated area m²/plate

Aluminium EN AW 3103 H16 1,0 x 1000x2000 3mm 15% 2
Hot galvanized DX51D Z275 0,7x1250x2500 3mm 15% 3,125
Hot galvanized DX51D Z275 0,7x1250x2500 3mm 30% 3,125


Material Size mm Perforated area m²/coil

Aluminium EN AW 3103 H16 1,0 x 1000 3mm 15% 25
Hot galvanized DX51D Z275 0,7x1250 3mm 15% 25
Hot galvanized DX51D Z275 0,7x1250 3mm 30% 25

Perforated plates are also available with other perforation sizes and from other raw materials.
Delivery time about two weeks from the order.


Size mm Material kg/plate

3 x 1250 x 2500 Aluminium 28,10
3 x 1250 x 2500 Stainless 84,40 - 93,75


Size mm Material kg/plate

1,5 x 1250 x 2500 Aluminium 13,6


Material sheet thicknesses:

• Plain stainless steel sheet 0,40-0,80 mm

• Plain aluminium sheet 0,50-1,00 mm
• Stucco rolled aluminium sheet 0,50-1,00 mm
• Plain galvanized steel sheet 0,40-1,00 mm
• Plain galvanized and paint coated steel sheet 0,40-1,00 mm
Kespet Industrial Corrugated Sheet

From Kespet you can get ready-to-install corrugated

sheet metal claddings for roof and wall structures. The
products meet the requirements of SFS 3914
standard and CE qualifications. Our capable
production technology enables us to manufacture
products from thicker raw materials. Our selection for
20 and 45 corrugated sheets is the most
comprehensive product range available in Finland.

We manufacture corrugated sheets from 1000 and

1250 mm wide raw materials. The sheets are also
available with film, on both sides. The effective width of
Kespet 20 model corrugated sheet is 825 mm or 1100
mm. For the 45 model sheet the effective width is either
600 mm, 750 mm or 900 mm. We also
manufacture corrugated sheets from the customers own
raw materials.

Corrugated Sheet Metal Measurements
KESPET 20 corrugated sheet metal from 1250 mm wide raw material
Limitys ja
Pitch sizes
Harjan mitat kiinnitys
Limitys ja
Harjan mitat Limitys
29 1100 Limitys ja ja
Harjan mitat
mitat kiinnitys
18 70,5 29 kiinnitys
20A 18 70,5 2929 1100 18 20A
20A 1818 70,5
70,5 18 20A
20A 137,5 1100 1818
137,5 1100 20B
1100 18 20B
29 18 20B
70,5 20B
18 29 1100 1818
20B ja 20R 18 2929 70,5 1100
70,5 20R
20B ja 20R 1818 70,5 1100
1100 20R
20B 20R
20R 20R
KESPET 20 corrugated sheet metal from 1000 mm wide raw material Limitys ja
Harjan mitat
Pitch sizes
Harjan mitat kiinnitys
Limitys ja
Harjan mitat 29 Limitysja ja
18 Harjan mitat
70,5 825 Limitys
29 kiinnitys
18 70,5 825 20A
20A 2929 825 18
20A 1818 70,5
70,5 825 20A
137,5 18 20A
20A 20A
20A 137,5 825 1818
137,5 20B
825 57 20B
29 20B
18 29 70,5 57
70,5 825 5757
20B ja 20R 18 2929 70,5 825 20R
20B ja 20R 1818 70,5 825 20R
20B 20R
20R 20R
19 20R
Limitys ja
Harjan mitat
KESPET 45 corrugated
Harjan sheet
mitat metal from 1250 mm wide raw material kiinnitys
Limitys ja
Limitysja ja
Harjan sizes
900 kiinnitys
150 kiinnitys
150 900
150 900 45A
150 900 18 45A
45A 44
45A 44 60 18 45A
30 900
45A 4444 60 30 900 1818
6060 3030 900
900 45B
150 18 45B
150 18
150 900 1818 45R
45B ja 45R 44
44 900
900 45R
45B ja 45R 60 19 45R
45Bjaja 45R 4444 30 45R
45B 45R 60 19
6060 30 1919
Limitys ja
Harjan mitat kiinnitys
Limitys ja
KESPET 45 corrugated sheet
Harjan mitat metal from 1000 mm wide
750 raw material Limitysja ja
Harjan 150
mitat kiinnitys
Pitch sizes
Harjan mitat
750 kiinnitys
150 18 45A
45A 44 45A
45A 44 60 600 18 45A
45A 4444 60 30 600 1818 45B
6060 3030 600
600 45B
150 600
150 600 45R
45B ja 45R 44 600
600 45R
45B ja 45R 44 60 45R
45B 45R 4444
45R 60 30
6060 30

Fulfills the minimum requirements of the CE mark standards SFS EN 14783 and SFS EN 14782.
Product tolerances EN508-1,2,3:2000 and EN 502,505,507:2000.

Material thicknesses: Molding standard length 2 m,
NOVA 0,7 mm according to the order up to 8 m.
PVDF 0,7 mm Stainless steel and acid-proof moldings 120
Galvanized 0,7 mm according to the offer.
Aluminium 1,0 mm 110 30
Stainless steel 0,5 mm
Acid-proof 0,5 mm
Window lower molding





Joint molding Corner molding, outside and inside


80 90...120

Jamb molding Eaves molding



Inner molding with a miter joint Upper molding



End molding Roof ridge molding, sleek


Material thicknesses: Molding standard length 2 m,
NOVA 0,7 mm according to the order up to 8 m.
PVDF 0,7 mm


Galvanized 0,7 mm
Aluminium 1,0 mm
Stainless steel 0,5 mm 50
Acid-proof 0,5 mm
Snow stoppage molding A



Snow stoppage molding B Profile joint/movement molding




K-molding Duct lower corner molding

Other models


125 41

50x100x50 50x50x50



20 125
R An example of a boiler’s frame
beam corner movement molding.
Prices according to the model and dimensioning.

Ask for our offer!

Rounded according to
the specified radius R.


Kespet base structures

Kespet base structures ensure the quality of

insulation and protective cladding. From Kespet
you can get support rings for HVAC and process
pipings and for round ventilation ducts.

We also supply support structures for mat and

slab insulations and reducers, support strips for
tank reducer cladding, diamond pieces, base
structures and insulation fastening spikes.
Materials meet industry standards.

Kespet base structures, insulation materials and

protective claddings together ensure the
functionality of the process as planned.

Supporting Structures for Mat and Slab Insulations

Choosing the nominal distance, Choosing the distance Insulation nominal Ring nominal
strength distance
material and supports for a base support type
mm mm
X=dxt 50 60
The nominal distance for support rings is defined 100
according to the table on the right (applies for 60 70
all products listed on this page). Materials are d = object diameter (m) 80 90
S235JRG2 (FE) or AISI304 (stainless steel). The t = operating temperature (°C)
100 110
supports and the ring may also be of different 120 130
140 150
160 170
A distance support is either of the straight or flex type, Flex support Straight support
and selection is done according to the enclosed is used is used 180 190
when X>2 when X<2
calculation formula. We also manufacture supporting 200 210
structures from other materials and according to the
customers own measurements.

For large tanks and round ducts Ø > 2000 mm

Flex distance support Straight distance support

Standard length circa 4 m or circa 6 m. Standard length circa 4 m or circa 6 m.
Quality according to standards SFS 3914 and 3978. Quality according to standards SFS 3914 and 3978.
Distance ring 30x3 flat, distance support 30x3 flat bent. Distance ring 30x3 flat, distance support 30x3 flat bent.

Standard length circa 4 m or circa 6 m Standard length circa 4 m or circa 6 m

Pitch 500 or 350 mm Pitch 500 or 350 mm

For small tanks and round ducts STRAIGHT SUPPORT FLEX SUPPORT

Rounded distance support, tanks and ducts Ø < 2000

Quality according to standards SFS 3914, 5744 and 3978.
Fastening overlap 100 mm with riveting or welding.
Distance ring 30x3 flat, distance support 30x3 flat bent. Pitch 350 mm Pitch 350 mm

Buttress (diamond piece)

Supporting steel nominal distance is made according to the table above or according to customer’s
dimensioning. Material 70x5 mm flat either S235JRG2 (FE) or AISI304 (stainless steel).

Support Rings for Mat Insulations

Support ring 360° Support ring 120° Support ring 240° Support ring 360° Support ring 360°
Vertical duct Horizontal duct Horizontal duct With inner ring bolt joint Bolt joint

The ends of the support rings (aside from the 120C variant) have 3 mm holes for fastening wire. Distance support spacer distance 200-400
mm. Material S235JRG2 ring 30x3 flat and support 8 mm round. Support ring 360° is also available with overlap fastening (100 mm).
Diameter over 1000 mm also in two parts. When operating temperature is below 250 °C, quality according to standards SFS 3914 and
3978. Support rings with flat support and for over 250°C pipes with thermal break are also available on request.

Support rings for HVAC and process piping

DN mm Pipe outer ø = Ring outer diameter mm
diameter mm Insulation thicknesses mm
40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160
125 140 ø 223 251 264 302 343 383
150 168 ø 251 276 290 330 369 422
200 219 ø 302 330 343 383 422 462 515
250 273 ø 356 383 394 434 489 528 566
300 324 ø 409 434 449 489 528 580 620
350 356 ø 462 489 528 570 610 645
400 406 ø 515 540 580 620 659 700
500 508 ø 620 633 685 720 766 800 840
600 612 ø 720 740 790 829 870 910 938
700 714 ø 829 840 880 920 973 1010 1050
800 813 ø 920 938 984 1024 1065 1105 1145
900 914 ø 1024 1050 1090 1130 1170 1210 1250
1000 1016 ø 1130 1154 1194 1235 1275 1315 1358

Support rings for round ventilation ducts

Duct ø = Ring outer diameter mm
diameter Insulation thicknesses mm
40 50 60 80 100 120 140 160
200 ø 290 316 330 369 409 449
250 ø 343 362 383 422 462 500 540
315 ø 409 422 449 489 525 565 605
400 ø 489 510 530 570 610 650 690
500 ø 590 610 630 670 710 750 790
630 ø 720 740 760 800 840 880 920 960
800 ø 890 910 930 970 1010 1050 1090 1130
1000 ø 1090 1110 1130 1170 1210 1250 1290 1330
1250 ø 1340 1360 1380 1420 1460 1500 1540 1580

Insulation Fastening Spikes

Wool spikes (weldable and straight spot weldable)

Material 4 mm rounded bar S235JRG2 (FE) and AISI 304 (stainless steel).
Straight spot weldable spikes are available only of material S235JRG2 (FE).

Straight Angled Straight with straight spot welding socket

Insulation Fastening Fastening Fastening

pieces/box pieces/box
nominal spike spike spike
à10kg/box à10kg/box
thickness mm length mm length mm length
50 80 1250 55 1250
60 90 1111 65 1111
80 110 909 85 909 85
100 130 769 105 769 105
120 150 667 125 667 125
140 170 588 145 588 145
150 180 555 155 555 155
160 190 526 165 526 165
180 210 476 185 476 185
200 230 435 205 435 205
220 250 400 225 400
240 270 370 245 370
250 280 357 255 357
260 290 345 265 345
280 310 322 285 322
300 330 303 305 303

Flat wool spike

Standard length circa 4 m or circa 6 m.

Distance ring 30x3 flat, wool spike Ø 4 mm straight, fixing from the ends M8 x 30-50 mm.

Insulation nominal Wool spike

thickness nominal distance
mm mm
50 55
60 65 We also supply insulation fastening spikes in special
80 85 lengths with short delivery time.
100 105
120 125 Ask for an offer!
140 145
160 165
180 185
200 205

Base structures

Quality according to standards SFS 3914, 3978 and 5744.

Round bars

Ø/length mm/m Material kg/m

4/5 St37k 0,100
8/5 St37k 0,395
10/5 St37k 0,620
4/3 Stainless steel 0,100
8/3 Stainless steel 0,395
8/3 Acid-proof 0,395

Flat bars

Size/legth mm/m Material kg/m

30x3/4 S235JRG2 0,710
70x5/4 S235JRG2 2,750
30x3/4 Stainless steel 0,710
60x5/4 Stainless steel 2,360
30x3/4 Acid-proof 0,710
60x5/4 Acid-proof 2,360

Corner bars

Size/length mm/m Material kg/m

30x30x3/6 S235JRG2 1,360
50x50x5/6 S235JRG2 3,770
30x30x3/6 Stainless steel 1,360
50x50x5/6 Stainless steel 3,770
30x30x3/6 Acid-proof 1,360
50x50x5/6 Acid-proof 3,770

Cold rolled U-bars

Size/length mm/m Material kg/m

U 40x20x2/4-6 S235JRG2 1,150


Modularity/connectivity Modifications

A Kespet elements’ standard width is 1100 mm, length max. 7500 mm. Sets of elements are planned and manufactured on a target
The standard structure consists of an aluminium c-cassette and specific basis, according either to a planned or completed frame
aluminium corrugated sheet, with stone wool insulation inside. Light- structure. Usually delivery also includes the needed moldings and
weight design makes it easy to handle the element. The elements are installation accessories. Openings for access doors, servicing
connected to each other with profile seams, which ensure correct hatches or other passageways can be manufactured. The surface
installation of elements and a finalized result. The installation can also be manufactured from other materials, like stucco
procedure is quick, as fastening is done using self drilling screws and aluminium, coloured sheet metal or galvanized sheet metal. In
ready made mounting points. addition, the wall elements can also be made with a plain sheet
metal cladding on top.

The Kespet insulation element is designed specially for paper machine Package and marking
scuttle roofs and walls. The product can also be used as a cladding
structure solution in different device and machinery spaces. Elements are delivered in a pallet package, each one numbered.
An installation diagram will be provided on delivery, which includes
the number, location and progress measurement of each element.
Carrying capacity, sealing and insulation Elements are packaged with care into shipping containers,
enabling global deliveries.
The structure is designed to carry a weight of atleast 200 kg when the
support frame spacing takes place every 2500 mm. On the inside, the
structure is reinforced using z-moldings. Elements are sealed together
with factory-fitted gaskets and seals installed on the frame.

The elements are steam-sealed inside to prevent moisture from

penetrating into the insulation. Profile seals are fitted to the ends, so
that the insulation is completely protected from dust and possible air
flows. Stone wool insulation is used within the element, as it has good
moisture resistance and insulation features. Insulation thickness varies
between 30-100 mm according to need.

On the side of each element there is a glass fiber ribbon in the form
of a thermal break to prevent heat transfer through the body of the
element. The design takes thermal movement into account.

Our partners

Strength in numbers

Our partners are the best in the field when it comes to manufacturing technical insulation
products, raw materials, installation accessories and tools.

Cooperation is one of the key values of our company. We want to be an effective,

innovative and upright partner, and promote the development of the industry.


Cladding dimensioning for Paroc Combi

Sheet metal claddings

Insulation ø = elbow outer diameter mm

pipe inner
diam. R = manufacturing radius mm
ø =mm Insulation thickness mm
20 30 40 50 60
12-18 ø = 70 86 106 122 146
R= 55 68 78 86 98
22-28 ø = 76 96 106 133 146
R= 63 73 78 90 98
32-38 ø = 86 106 122 146 160
R= 68 78 86 98 105
42-48 ø = 96 122 133 160 173
R= 73 86 90 105 115

that doesn’t leave you
out in the cold.

Do you freeze when it’s time to choose? Not anymore, because ULTI-
MATE, the most versatile insulation on the market, suits any project you
may have. We have combined the best elements of glass and stone
wool insulation and created a completely new, efficient mineral wool
insulation: the light and fast-to-install ULTIMATE. Due to its high comp-
ression level, you will also save in delivery and storage costs. Now that
is great for your wallet and peace of mind!

Mineral wool insulation for a new age:
ISOVER technical mineral wool insulation


ISOVER provides technical insulation solutions

for fire, thermal and acoustical insulation for
housing technology, manufacturing and in-
dustrial needs.

Together with you, we will find exactly the right

solutions that bring extra value to you as well
as your customers. ISOVER is a reliable and safe
choice for all of your insulation needs.


mineral insulation for a new age
U PROTECT Pipe Section Alu2

U Protect WM 4.0 Alu1 Black

ULTIMATE combines the benefits of regular fire,
U Protect Slab 4.0 Alu1 Black
thermal and acoustical insulation. In addition to
U TECH MT Wired Mat 6.0
this, it provides substantial financial savings as
well as a lighter weight due to its excellent insu- U TECH Pipe Section MT 4.0

lative ability. Extremely flexible fibre structure U TECH Pipe Section Mat 7.0 G1
allows the product to withstand bending much U TECH Wired Mat 4.0
better than glass or stone wool insulation. U TECH Wired Mat 5.0

U TECH Wired Mat 6.0 Alu1

The products have a high compression level,
U TECH Roll 2.0
which means that a larger quantity of product
can be delivered to the destination with a smal- U TECH Roll MT 4.0 V1
ler vehicle, for example. Because of this, less U TECH Slab 2.0
packages than usual need to be carried. U TECH MT Slab 3.0

U TECH MT Slab 5.0

Furthermore, the light weight of the products
U TECH MT Slab 6.0
will not put a strain on the worker’s shoulders.
The high compression level also saves in delive- U TECH MT Slab 8.0

ry costs and the products take up less storage


The ULTIMATE product family is an environmen-

tally and user-friendly solution.

Quality and proven reliability

From Kespet Oy you get high-quality technical

insulation products from our industry leading partners.

Insulation products are compatible with Kespet sheet

metal claddings and suitable for fire, heat, cold,
condension and sound insulations.

Our product range covers technical elastomeric

insulation, stone wool insulation and ceramic
insulation. In practice, everything you need for
technical insulation. Our range also covers the
required installation accessories.

Paroc HVAC and industrial products and Armacell XG

and Ultima products are available straight from our
warehouses. Please see the full range of stock products
from the online price list.

Product prices, storage products, package sizes and pricing

criteria in our online price list, please visit:

Paroc Technical Stone Wool Insulations

Kespet Oy supplies the entire range of

Paroc technical insulations:
HVAC, piping
Paroc HVAC Combi AluCoat T
Paroc Hvac Section AluCoat T
Paroc Hvac Bend AluCoat T
Paroc Hvac Section GreyCoat T
Paroc Hvac Bend GreyCoat T

HVAC, AC fireproofing
Paroc Hvac Fire Mat Comfort
Paroc Hvac Fire Slab EI 30 N1
Paroc Hvac Fire Slab EI 60 N1
Paroc Hvac Fire Slab EI 120 N1
Paroc Hvac Aircoat

HVAC, AC heat and condension insulation

Paroc technical stone wool Paroc Hvac Mat AluCoat
Paroc Hvac Ventmat AluCoat
insulations Paroc Hvac Lamella Mat AluCoat
Paroc Hvac Lamella Mat GreyCoat
Paroc Hvac Slab AluCoat
When it’s about fire safety and insulation, the solutions Paroc Hvac Slab GreyCoat
have to be fire proof. Paroc stone wool products fulfill Paroc Hvac AirCoat
Paroc Hvac AirCoat Bend 45° ja 90°
even the highest fire class requirements. Paroc Hvac AirCoat T-joint
Fire classifications of all Paroc stone wool products are
HVAC, AC acoustic insulation
presented according to standard EN 13501-1. Paroc Invent 80 N3/N1
Paroc Invent 45 G5/N1
Paroc Invent 80 G5/N1
The products are used as fire, heat, sound and Paroc Invent 100 N1
condension insulation in process industry, HVAC and ship
Industrial, piping insulation
building industry as well as in manufacturing of machines Paroc Pro Section 100
and devices.
Industrial, pipe segment insulation
Paroc Pro Bend 100
Stone wool is nonflammable, moisture proof, sound Paroc Pro Segment 100

insulating and water vapor permeable. Industrial, insulation mats

Paroc Pro Wired Mat 100
Paroc Pro Wired Mat 100 AL1
Paroc Pro Wired Mat 80
Paroc Pro Loose Mat 80

Industrial, insulation slabs

Paroc Pro Slab 40
Paroc Pro Slab 60
Paroc Pro Slab 80
Paroc Pro Slab 120
Paroc Pro Roof Slab 20kPa

Technical elastomeric insulations

Ultima and XG product ranges and installation

accessories in our stock selection!

All other Armacell products are delivered by request.

Armacell - Armaflex XG technical information
Technical Data - Armaflex XG

Brief description Highly-flexible, closed-cell insulation material with high water vapour diffusion resistance and low thermal conductivity.
Brief description Highly-flexible, closed-cell insulation material with high water vapour diffusion resistance and low thermal conductivity.
Material type Elastomeric foam based on synthetic rubber. Factory made flexible elastomeric foam (FEF) according to EN 14304.
Colour type black Elastomeric foam based on synthetic rubber. Factory made flexible elastomeric foam (FEF) according to EN 14304.

Material Black
Special Self-adhesive coating: pressure-sensitive adhesive coating on modified acrylate basis with mesh structure. Covered with polyethylene foil.
Information Traces of silicon can be found on the protection paper/foil used to protect self-adhesive closures.
Applications Insulation /Insulation
protection /
of protection of pipes,
pipes, air ducts, air (incl.
vessels ducts, vessels
elbows, (incl. flanges
fittings, elbows,etc.)
fittings, flanges etc.) refrigeration
of air-conditioning, of air-conditioning, refrigeration
and process equipment to
prevent condensation and process andequipment
save energytoasprevent
well as condensation andinsave
insulation of pipes energy
sanitary as wellapplications.
and heating as insulation of pipes in sanitary and heating
Remarks Certificate of Constancy of Performance, Güteschutzgemeinschaft Hartschaum e.V. , Celle
Remarks Declaration of Permormance is available in accordance with Article 7 (3) of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 on address

Property Value/Assessment Test*3 Super- Special Remark

Temperature Range
Temperature Range max. service temperature +110 °C (+85 °C if sheet or tape is EU 5702 ○/● Tested
glued to the object with its EN 14706,
whole surface.) EN 14707
EN 14304 and
min. service temperature1 -50 °C DIN EN 14304
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal ϑm +/-0 °C . λ= EU 5702 ○ Declared acc. to
Conductivity EN ISO 13787
tubes λ ≤ 0,035 W/(m · K) [35 + 0,1· ϑm + 0,0008 · ϑm²]/1000 Tested acc. to
6-19 mm EN 12667
sheets λ ≤ 0,035 W/(m · K) [35 + 0,1· ϑm + 0,0008 · ϑm²]/1000 EN ISO 8497
6-25 mm,
tubes λ ≤ 0,036 W/(m · K) [36 + 0,1· ϑm + 0,0008 · ϑm²]/1000
sheets λ ≤ 0,036 W/(m · K) [36 + 0,1· ϑm + 0,0008 · ϑm²]/1000
Water vapour diffusion resistance
Water vapour sheets 6-25 mm; μ ≥ 10.000. EU 5702 ○ Tested acc. to
diffusion resistance tubes 6-19 mm EN 12086
EN 13469
levyt 32-40 mm; µ ≥ 7.000.
tubes 25-40 mm
Fire performance
Building material levyt
tubes BL-s3, d0 EU 5702 ○ Classified acc. to
classification2 EN 13501-1
sheets B-s3,d0 Tested acc. to
EN 13823
tape B-s3, d0 EN ISO 11925-2
Practical Fire Self-extinguishing, does not drip, does not spread flames
Other technical features
Dimensions and In accordance with EN 14304, table 1 EU 5702 ○ Tested according to
tolerances EN 822,
EN 823,
EN 13467
UV resistance Protection against UV-radiation is necessary. See disclaimer.

Storage & Shelf life Self-adhesive tapes, self-adhesive sheets, self-adhesive tubes: 1 year Can be stored in dry,
clean rooms at
normal relative
humidity (50-70 %)
and ambient
temperature (0 °C –
35 °C).

1. For temperatures below -50 °C please contact a sales representative to request for the corresponding technical information.
2. Building material classification is valid on metal or solid mineral surfaces.
*1 Further documents such as test certificates, approvals and the like can be requested using the registration number given.
*2 ●: Official supervision by independent institutes and /or test authorities
○: Own in-factory quality monitoring

All data and technical information are based on results achieved under typical application conditions. Recipients of this information should, in their own interest and responsibility, clarify with us in due time whether or not the data and
information apply to the intended application area. Installation instructions are available in our Armaflex installation manual. Please consult our sales representatives before insulating stainless steels. For outside use, Armaflex should be
protected with Armafinish Paint or Arma-Chek covering within 3 days of installation. For some refrigerants the discharge temperature may exceed +110 °C, please consult our sales representative for further information.

2016 © Armacell Enterprise GmbH & Co. KG – Product Catalog applies to Baltic States - Subject to alterations without prior notice - Our general conditions of sales &
44 delivery shall apply

Armacell - Armaflex Ultima Technical Insulations

Flexible elastomeric foam on the basis of patented synthetic rubber composition with improved fire retardant properties, low smoke generation
and closed-cell material structure. For use in HVAC, refrigeration and process equipment applications.
Material type Elastomeric foam based rubber; Manufactured with Armaprene® Patented Technology US Patent no. 8,163,811, EU patent no. 2 261 305.
Factory made flexible elastomeric foam (FEF) according to EN 14304.
Colour Dark
Applications Insulation / protection of pipes, air ducts, vessels (incl. elbows, fittings, flanges etc.) to prevent condensation and save energy.
Armaflex Ultima tape should also be used to fully secure self-adhesive tube seams.
Low smoke performance
5HPDUNV Meets the requirements for sustainable construction in combination with Armaflex Ultima SF990 adhesive such as LEED or DGNB.
Type III Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): Declaration number "EPD-ARM-20150109-IBB1-DE", Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU)

Remarks Declaration of Permormance is available in accordance with Article 7 (3) of Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 on address



Ȝ ”  >Â˽PÂ˽Pð@ (1
classification 6KHHWVVKHHWVVHOIDGKHVLYH %VG (Can be used with BL-s1, d0 pipes with insulation (1
max. Pipe Diameter Ø300mm acc. EN13501-1) 7HVWHGDFFWR
Sheets, sheets self-adhesive with cladding %VG (1DQG
7DSH %VG (1,62
' 0('(&
' 02'8/('




Armacell Technical Elastomeric Insulations - other products

We also deliver all other Armacell products by request:

AF/Armaflex ArmaComfort
Armafix AF SH/Armaflex
Armaflex Rail HT/Armaflex
NH/Armaflex HT/Armaflex S
Armafix NH Armaflex DuoSolar
Armaprotect DuoSolar 220
Arma-Chek D Tubolit
Arma Chek Silver Armafix VVS
Armaflex LTD ArmaSound Barrier E
ArmaSound RD Arma Gel HT

Prefabricated elastomeric formed pieces

instal 0 %

Prefabricated elbows and T-connections are shaped and cut carefully so that they enable perfect
installation work and offer significant benefits for insulation.

aEasier and more accurate installation.
aWorking is cleaner and safer.
aNo material waste.

Sewer corners, 45°elbows and ja Y-pieces are also available according to the order.
Elastomeric formed pieces are also available of Armaflex Ultima. Ask more from our sales!

Morgan Thermal Ceramics Superwool® Plus


Superwool Plus® is manufactured by International Thermal Ceramics Morgan. Superwool Plus® ceramic insulation
is designed for high operating temperatures. Morgan has developed a technology that takes into account the
preparation of the technical characteristics of the product, energy consumption and the environment.

The amount of fibres has been maximized with the use of sophisticated technology, while simultaneously the thermal
conductivity has been minimized along with energy consumption.

Superwool Plus is a durable product that is available in many different thicknesses and densities. It does not
evaporate gases or odors when used at high temperatures. The product is also flexible, easy to cut and shape.
Superwool Plus® can be used in a continuous temperature of 1000°C. The tensile strength of the 128 kg/m3 product
is 75kPa.


64 kg/m³ 80 kg/m³ 96 kg/m³ 128 kg/m³
200 0,06 0,06 0,05 0,05
400 0,11 0,09 0,09 0,08
600 0,18 0,15 0,14 0,12
800 0,29 0,24 0,21 0,18
1000 0,42 0,36 0,29 0,25


Thickness 64 kg/ 80 kg/ 96 kg/ 128 kg/ 160 kg/ Length Width
mm m³ m³ m³ m³ m³ mm mm
6 x 4 x 550 610
10 x x 18500 610
13 x x x x 14640 610
19 x x x x x 9760 610
25 x x x x x 7320 610
38 x x x x 4880 610
50 x x x x 3660 610

Ask about other Morgan ceramic products from our sales!


Aluminium foil cladding system/ PVC claddings


Sebald Ekamat aluminium foil cladding is a safe clad- A compact, light gray plastic coating protects the
ding system for HVAC pipe insulations in hospitals, insulated piping, bends and other pipe sections as
public buildings and commercial centers. In other words, well as valves against mechanical stress, abrasion and
wherever building materials require fire protection in moisture.
accordance with environmental impact criteria.

Kespet aluminium foil claddings are metal. They have a

fire safety classification of A1, which is the EU
classification for “fireproof without need for testing” (EU
Commission decision 2000/605/EY).

• Suitable for all insulation materials.

• Quality according to standard SFS 3914 P2.1.
• Fire safe.
• Environmental friendly.
• 100 % recycleable.
• Easy to install.


All you need for insulation


The tools in our retail range have been selected

due to successfull long-term performance. With
the right kind of high-quality accessories and
hand tools, you can ensure the quality of your
work and save time during installation.

In our selection:

• GOEBEL and Würth rivets

• GOEBEL screws
• GOEBEL toggles
• Accessories for technical insulations
• Accessories for claddings
• Hand tools
• Electric tools
• Site and protective equipment

Product prices, storage products, package sizes and pricing

criteria in our online price list, please visit:



Sheet metal screws


Drill head screws

Goebel Rivets and Drill Head Screws

Pull rivet round head

Code Size pieces/box
7070132800 3,2 x 8 1000
7070132100 3,2 x 10 1000
7070132120 3,2 x 12 1000
7070140120 4,0 x 12 1000
7070148120 4,8 x 12 500
7080132800 3,2 x 8 1000
7080132100 3,2 x 10 1000
7080132120 3,2 x 12 1000
7080140120 4,0 x 12 1000
7080148120 4,8 x 12 500
A2/A2 = Stainless steel
7030132600 3,2 x 6 1000
7030132800 3,2 x 8 1000
7030132100 3,2 x 10 1000
7030132120 3,2 x 12 1000
7030140120 4,0 x 12 500
7030148120 4,8 x 12 500
A4/A4 = Acid-proof steel
7044132800 3,2 x 8 1000
7044132100 3,2 x 10 1000
7044148120 4,8 x 12 500

Closed waterproof rivet with grooved feed rod A2 / C1

Code Size pieces/box
2180140950 4,0 x 9,5 500

Two-headed pop-rivets
Code Size pieces/box
9013250000 3,25 10
9013300000 3,3 10
9014100000 4,1 10
9014900000 4,9 10

Steel A2 A2 stainless A4 acid-proof Aluminium/ Aluminium

stainless steel silver silver Steel
steel GL-coating GL-coating
Goebel Screws

Sheet metal screws with hexagon head groove

Code Additional information Material Size pieces/box Head
5010142130 solid ground plate galvanized 4,2 x 13 1000 SW 1/4"
5030142130 solid ground plate A2 4,2 x 13 1000 SW 7
5063142130 solid ground plate, GL-coating AISI 410 4,2 x 13 1000 SW 1/4"

Drill head screws with hexagon head groove

Code Drill screws Material Size pieces/box Head
4010142130 solid ground plate galvanized 4,2 x 13 1000 SW 7
4010142160 solid ground plate galvanized 4,2 x 16 1000 SW 7
4010142190 solid ground plate galvanized 4,2 x 19 1000 SW 7
4010148190 solid ground plate galvanized 4,8 x 19 1000 SW 8
4066142190 solid ground plate, GL-coating AISI 410 4,2 x 19 1000 SW 7
4066148160 solid ground plate, GL-coating AISI 410 4,8 x 16 500 SW 8
4066148190 solid ground plate, GL-coating AISI 410 4,8 x 19 500 SW 8
4066148250 solid ground plate, GL-coating AISI 410 4,8 x 25 500 SW 8
8881042160 solid ground plate, GL-coating A2 (BI-metal) 4,2 x 16 1000 SW 7
8881048250 solid ground plate, GL-coating A2 (BI-metal) 4,8 x 25 500 SW 8
Drill screws with weatherstrip
4010348190 galvanized ground plate,
galvanized 4,8 x 19 500 SW 8
4062448160 GL-coating, stainless steel
AISI 410 4,8 x 16 500 SW 8
ground plate, EPDM-strip
4062448190 GL-coating, stainless steel
AISI 410 4,8 x 19 500 SW 8
ground plate, EPDM-strip
4062448250 GL-coating, stainless steel
AISI 410 4,8 x 25 500 SW 8
ground plate, EPDM-strip
8990042160 GL-coating, stainless steel
A2 (BI-metal) 4,2 x 16 500 SW 7
ground plate, EPDM-strip
8990048190 GL-coating, stainless steel
A2 (BI-metal) 4,8 x 19 500 SW 8
ground plate, EPDM-strip
8890148200 GL-coating, stainless steel
ground plate, EPDM-strip, A2 (BI-metal) 4,8 x 20 250 SW 8
no groove
8890048250 GL-coating, stainless steel
A2 (BI-metal) 4,8 x 25 500 SW 8
ground plate, EPDM-strip

Code Product name Size
5000405507 Spring socket AW 7
5000405508 Spring socket AW 8
5000400014 Magnet socket AW 1/4
5000400007 Magnet socket AW 7
5000400008 Magnet socket AW 8

Goebel Toggles

Stock products are underlined.

Code Toggle model pieces/box
5543001040 galvanized 100
5544512040 stainless steel A2 100
5577533040 aluminium 100
5543011040 galvanized 100
5544502040 stainless steel A2 100
5543001160 galvanized 100
5544502160 stainless steel A2 100
5577533160 aluminium 100
5543011160 galvanized 100
5544512160 stainless steel A2 100
5543001255 galvanized 100
5544512256 stainless steel A2 100
5577533250 aluminium 100
5543011255 galvanized 100
5544512255 stainless steel A2 100
5543001370 galvanized 100
5544512370 stainless steel A2 100
5577533370 aluminium 100
5543011370 galvanized 100
5544502370 stainless steel A2 100
5543001480 galvanized 50
5544502480 stainless steel A2 50
5543011480 glavanized 50
5544512480 stainless steel A2 50
5543011500 galvanized 100

Standard model 0/40 Standard model 2/55-60 Standard model 4/80

Goebel Toggles
Stock products are underlined.
Code Toggle model pieces/box
5543010042 galvanized 100
5544510042 stainless steel A2 100
5543020042 galvanized 100
5544520042 stainless steel A2 100
5543011044 galvanized 50
5544511044 stainless steel A2 50
5577511044 aluminium 50
5543010044 galvanized 50
5544510044 stainless steel A2 50
5543020044 galvanized 50
5544520044 stainless steel A2 50
5540044650 galvanized 10
5588544650 stainless steel A2 10
5540044800 galvanized 10
5588544800 stainless steel A2 10
5543312701 galvanized 10
5544512744 stainless steel A4 10
5543312702 galvanized 10
5544512702 stainless steel A4 10
5543312703 galvanized 10
5544512703 stainless steel A4 10
5543012500 galvanized 100
5544522500 stainless steel A2 100
5544532500 stainless steel A4 100
5544522100 stainless steel A2 50

Neste model 2/100 Neste model 2/50


A2 Aluminium/
stainless Steel

F-models are self-locked. 49

Elastomeric Insulation Accessories

Product Quantity
Armaflex EL elastomeric insulation tape roll
Armaflex Ultima elastomeric insulation tape roll
Armaflex Ultima adhesive 700 1l
Armaflex general adhesive 520 with brush 0,25 l
Armaflex general adhesive 520 0,5 l
Armaflex general adhesive 520 1l
Armaflex general adhesive 520 2,5 l
Armaflex special cleaning agent 1l

Product Quantity
Neofix 1065 contact adhesive 1000 ml
Neofix 1065 R spray adhesive 1000 ml
Neofix 1065 R spray adhesive 3000 ml
Brush13 mm piece
Brush 30 mm piece
Brush 70 mm piece
Brush 11 mm for adhesive can piece
Brush 17 mm adhesive can piece
Brush 25 mm adhesive can piece
Adhesive can (17 mm brush) with short tip piece
Adhesive can (17 mm brush) with long tip piece
Seam tape 38 mm x 33 m, black pvc roll
Seam tape 50 mm x 33 m, black pvc roll
Ceramic knives
Foldable knife in holster, blade 7,5 cm piece
Knife in holster, blade 10 cm piece
Knife in holster, blade 12,5 cm piece

PVC and Aluminium Foil Cladding Accessories

Aluminium foil claddings

Product Package unit

Rivets, galvanized 1000 pieces
Rivet tool piece
Aluminium tape 50 mm x 100 m roll

PVC claddings

Product Package unit

PVC rivets, white and gray 1000 pieces
PVC rivet tool straight piece
Seam tape 25 mm x 33 m, gray roll
Seam tape 30 mm x 33 m, gray roll

Sebald end mountings

Width mm m/roll m/box
20 10 50
30 10 50
40 10 50
50 10 50
60 10 50
80 10 50
100 10 50
Also available in colours.

Cutting table for PVC claddings

Cutting table makes working on a site easier.
On the table you can cut up to 1200 mm wide PVC
cladding. Working height is 93 cm. The table has a
measuring scale and a cutting drill.

Ask for an offer!

Other Accessories and Tools

Roofing screws Rivets

4,8 x 25, spiked roofing screw AL/ST 3,2 x 8, 500 pieces/box

250 pieces/box round head AL/ST

RR20 white RR20 white

RR21 light gray RR21 light gray
RR23 dark gray RR23 dark gray
RR29 red RR29 red
RR32 dark brown RR32 dark brown
RR33 black RR33 black
RR40 silver RR40 silver
RR750 brick red

20 White 23 Dark gray 32 Dark brown 40 Silver

Colour range
21 Light gray 29 Red 33 Black 750 Brick red

NB! For print-technical reasons, the colors do not exactly match the correct color tones.

5 section tool box Tool box

Size 530 x 195 x 200 mm. Removable tool section covered with fibre
board. Size 830 x 440 x 340 mm.

Marker pen Coroplast aluminium tape

Textmark 700
Pure aluminium tape.
50 mm x 25 m
Colours: red and black. 54 rolls/box
Available colours according to the
order: blue, green, yellow, brown, 50 mm x 50 m
24 rolls/box
orange and violet.
50 mm x 100 m
24 rolls/box

75 mm x 100 m
16 rolls/box

Tape for tape machine Tape machine

Plastic based aluminium tape. A handy tool for taping.

50 mm x 100 m, 54 rolls/box Spare blades are also available.
75 mm x 100 m, 36 rolls/box

Other Accessories and Tools

AC tape Galvanized steel wire

50 mm x 50 m. Thickness 0,9 mm, weight 170 g.

100 rolls/box.

Stainless steel wire.

Thickness 0,9 mm.

Handle Glass fibre strip

Stainless steel. 2 mm x 30 mm x 50 mm
Total length 160 mm. with adhesive surface.

Piano hinge Matt hooks

Stainless steel length 3,5 m x width 2 x 115 mm, 100 pieces/bag.

40 mm, thickness 0,7 mm.

Lock plates Climatech adhesive spikes

Diameter 40 mm, Round fastening plate 2,7 mm for ad-

fastening spike Ø 4 mm. hesive spikes. Includes fastening plate.
6000 pieces/box. 100 pieces/box.

Galvanized steel, stainless steel. Lengths mm: 19, 25, 32, 42, 51, 63,
89, 114, 125, 140.

Binding bands Aluminium foil

Galvanized Width x thickness: 1000 x 0,05 mm.

16 x 0,5 mm.
ca. 25 kg/coil. Width x thickness: 1000 x 0,08 mm.

Stainless steel According to standard SFS 3914.P4.

16 x 0,5 mm.
ca. 20 kg/coil.

Other Accessories and Tools
Ceramic knives Multipurpose knife

Foldable knife in holster, Carbon steel blade 2,5 mm. Quenching 58-
blade 7,5 cm. 60 HRC. Plastic handle and case with belt
Knife in holster,
blade 10 cm.

Knife in holster,
blade 12,5 cm.

Wool knife, wooden handle Wool shears

Blade lengths 200 and 280 mm. Straight basic scissors.

Cut length 230 mm
Total length 570 mm

Wool shears with long Forged wool shears

Forged wave blade.
Long-armed scissors enable ergo- Total length 570 mm.
nomic working position. Cut length
200 mm, total length 970 mm.

Insulators wool shears Sheet metal tensioners

Cut length: 180 mm DS 3 sheet metal clip, compatible with

Total length: 520 mm 3,2 mm hole.

Angle rule Compass

Sizes: Lengths 200, 250 and 300 mm.

150 x 200 mm
200 x 400 mm

Installers angle Fiskars scissors

Lengths 200, 300 and 500 mm. Ergonomic classic model,

right and left handed.

Other Accessories and Tools
Sheet metal shears Erdi 118 Sheet metal shears Erdi 116

Designed for long straight cuts. Stainless steel, for straight and form cuts.
Lenght 300 mm, right and left. Length 280 mm, right and left.

Sheet metal shears, Bahco® sheet metal shears

Traditional sheet metal workers scissors. Large
Excellent for cutting small roundings and jaw opening angle enables also specific
curves. Round holes and straight cuts cuttings. Length 280 mm, right and left.
can be cut. Max. sheet metal strength 1
mm stainless steel. Length 280 mm, right
and left.

Sheet metal shears Molding pliers

Erdi 29 ASS
Straight, jaw width 60 mm.
Lever operated sheet metal scissors
for straight and form cuts. Cuts very Bent 45°, jaw width 60 mm.
easily. Length 280 mm, right and left.

Vise-Grip® locking pliers Knipex combined pliers

Manufactured from high-grade heat Manufactured from special steel for tools.
treated alloy steel for maximum dura- Pliers are efficient in cutting and with gripped
bility. Classic trigger release designed jaws. Chrome plated, handles with multicom-
to provide maximum locking force. ponent thick grips.
7”/175 mm
Length180 mm

Puncher chiesel Knipex side cutters

Stubai 40 mm blade. Side cutters manufactured from special

Witte 50 mm blade. steel for tools. Single joint. Handles with
multi-component thick grips.

Length 180 mm.

Other Accessories and Tools

Utility knife Signode ST strapping tool

Blade width18 mm. Professional hand tool for installing tank

Spare blades18 mm, 10 pieces. sheet metal claddings and large pipe
claddings as well as fastening pipe
insulation fastening bands. Also suitable for
fastening package bands.
Band width 9,5-19,0 mm.
Band thickness 0,38-0,63 mm.

Single control clad- Steel bender’s hook

ding tightener
Wired mat plaiting hook.
For installing sheet metal

Bostitch P-7 staple pliers Pulley

Staples 2500 pieces/box. Wheel size Ø 250 mm.

Talmeter Cement pistol

Easy to measure inner and outer

dimensions, draw arches, diameters
3,1 m length.
Spare tapes available.

PIN WELDER PW-33 CLIM PINS weldable insulation

welding tool for fasteners
insulation brackets
Can be weld with PIN WELDER PW-33
Durable welding equipment for insula- equipment or similar. Galvanized. Round
tion brackets Weight 4 kg. Built-in timer fastener plate 2,0 mm for rivets. Hole 1,4
for optimal welding time. Metal case mm. Lengths 19/32/42/51/63/89/114
included. mm. 1000 pieces/box. 140 mm rivets 500

Barrow for carrying and Airpower 1

opening coils
Pneumatic riveter for rivets 2,4-5,0 mm, for all
Extremely useful when handling materials. Riveter has a suction that prevents
and opening small sheet metal rivets to fall and collects chucks.

Other Accessories and Tools

Gesipa battery riveter Schwartmanns SMW 50.00

Compact and light hand beading machine.
Gesipa 14,4V, pop-rivet diameter up to 5 Multiple attachment options. Frame made
mm for all materials. Spare parts: Battery, from aluminium. Maintenance free disc
clamping jaws, clamping jaws rivet Ø 6,3 bearings. Includes pipe attachment piece.
mm mouthpiece, pressure socket, spare cover, 1215 €
nozzle 17/24, nozzle 17/27, nozzle 17/29,
nozzle 17/32.

Goebel riveter GO-100 Dewalt battery

bending machine
Wireles riveter with two batteries
14,4 V. For rivets 2,4-5,0 mm, for Max. working thickness aluminium 1,2
all materials. mm, hot galvanized 1,0 mm and stainless
0,9 mm. Includes carrying device, quick
charging device, 2 x battery 4,0 Ah, 18
V NiMH and roller pairs for beading V4,
V6, V8 and V10. Wrinkle and plain roller
pairs according to order. Spare parts:
spare battery, spare charging
device, stopper plate, wrinkle rollers and
plain rollers.
Tecos T-HR03

High quality rivet tool for profes-

sionals. Capacity 2,4 mm - 5,0
mm (steel and aluminium). Stainless
rivets 2,4 mm - 4,0 mm. Locking
mechanism keeps the rivets in place
firmly. 70,50 €

F-100 ACCU
The F100 ACCU welding machine allows for insulation material
to be attached directly onto the protective cladding, such as an
AC duct, easily and on the spot.

High welding accuracy, lengthy operating cables and light weight makes the F100 ACCU easy to
use on site. Condensator based welding enables the fastening spikes to be welded on without
causing any visual trace left from overheating.

Stock fastening spike lengths: 19, 28, 48, 62, 72, 90 and 100 mm. 1000 pcs/box.

Protective Equipment

PETZL helmet PETZL led light

Protective helmet with full strapping. Helmet This forehead worn led light has a high
has an adaptor for eye protection, face vi- quality optical combination beam,
sor and head lamp. Helmet fulfills standard which offers even lighting for close-up
EN 397 requirements for impacts, dropping work.
objects and side pressure also in low
temperatures. Also available in blue and

Protective visor Glove LH polyurethane

Models clear/safety. Excellent working feel.

(12 pieces/pack).

Respiration masks Installers glove

With ventilator P2 Excellent overall glove.

12 pieces/box (12 pieces/pack).

Without ventilator P2
20 pieces/box

HI-VIS Winter Glove Cut protection glove CUT-4

Excellent cold protection. Good Good cut protection and work feel.
working touch (12 pieces/pack). (12 pieces/pack).

Conditions of Carriage

Conditions of carriage

Foreign freight deliveries by separate offer and contract.

Otherwise we follow the general contract terms NL92 and the general procurement and
delivery terms of construction products RYHT 2000.

Stock products will usually be shipped
within 24 hours after ordering
from Jyväskylä or Helsinki.
General Delivery Terms

1. Prices
9. Claims and corrective actions
Prices in our price list are in Euros without VAT, free in our ware-
houses. If the delivery is incorrect, the purchaser should inform the vendor
within 7 business days calculated from the day of receiving the
goods. The vendor has the right either to correct the error or to
2. Freight, cargo insurance and transportation deliver a new product.

Insurances: Deliveries under customer’s responsibility, we guaran- 10. Liability for damages
tee delivery only at the buyer’s request and expense.
Transport damages: Damages have to be verified by both the The vendor’s liability for damages is limited to the purchase price
purchaser and the transportation company representative. The of the delivery. The vendor is not responsible for any consequential
damage has to be marked in the bill of carriage. damages, such as third-party costs.

3. Packaging and other extra delivery costs 11. Force Majeure

Packaging, small delivery and small invoice extra costs and paper Kespet Oy reserves all rights to delivery schedule changes or to be
invoices are charged according to the price list for Freight, pack- fully/partially freed from delivery obligations in such force majeure
aging and other delivery charges. scenarios such as war, rebellion, strike, worker blockade, material
blockade proclaimed by Finland’s Employer’s General Group,
delayed or incomplete deliveries of finished products or machinery,
4. Returns devices, raw materials, or in the case of machinery faults, natural
disasters, traffic dislocation or other similiar or comparable supply
When delivery has been accomplished according to the order, the difficulties.
goods cannot be returned.

12. Change of ownership

5. Price list validity
Ownership of the goods is transferred to purchaser when the pur-
Pricing of goods is carried out according to the valid price chase price is paid in full, unless otherwise agreed. Acceptance is
catalogue. Kespet Oy has a right to change the price catalogue not considered a payment in this context.
without advance notice.

13. Transfer of information

6. Delivery times
Sender is responsible for the correctivity of information that has
Stock products will be sent mainly within 24 hours from the order been sent to other parties.
(from Jyväskylä or Helsinki). Products not in stock are normally sent
out within 2 weeks or by agreement. Projects and exceptionally
large amounts will be agreed separately. Products with less than 5 14. Settling of disputes
days of delivery cannot have their orders canceled or modified.
Disagreements arising from the interpretation of these terms of
delivery shall be settled, unless otherwise agreed, at the vendor’s
7. Terms of payment inferior court.

According to agreement, penalty interest of a delayed payment is

11 %. 15. Other terms

We are operating in accordance with the General Sales Terms of

8. Material certificates Steel and Metals of the Technical Trade Union 2010. Otherwise
we follow the general contract terms NL92 and the general pro-
We supply the material certificates on each delivery batch at the curement and delivery terms of construction products RYHT 2000.
customer’s request. The request is to be made at the same time
with the order. We will charge the costs of the retrieved material

Our professional staff is
always ready to serve!

Kespet Oy Jyväskylä Kespet Oy Helsinki

Misukantie 3 Kytkintie 23
FI-40800 Vaajakoski FI-00770 Helsinki
Sales tel. +358 10 424 5023 Sales tel. +358 10 424 5017
[email protected] [email protected]
Kespet Oy offers a high quality and comprehensive material service
for HVAC and industrial construction both in Finland and abroad.

The comprehensive material service speeds up the planning, supervision and implementation
of projects and saves time and expenses. Kespet operations are controlled by
management system standards ISO 9001 and ISO 14001.

We are a responsible company which takes care of customer satisfaction, our personnel,
financial responsibility and environmental responsibility.



KESPET Oy Jyväskylä KESPET Oy Helsinki

Misukantie 3 Kytkintie 23
FI-40800 Vaajakoski FI-00770 Helsinki
Finland Finland
Sales tel. +358 10 424 5023 Sales tel. +358 10 424 5017
[email protected] [email protected]

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