Good Citizenship Values

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As a Filipino student, the good citizenship values I possessed and should do are Faith in God,

Unity, Patriotism, Work, Respect for Life, Respect for Law and Government, Truth, Justice,
Freedom, Love, Equality, Peace, Promotion of the Common Good, Concern for the Family and
Future Generations, and Concern for the Environment- by living according to good citizenship
values which we can derive from the preamble of the Constitution.

Faith in God
In real life, every time we face unfortunate events such as setbacks and illnesses, we may think
that God has forsaken us and no longer protects us, and thereby sink into negativity and lose our
faith in God. Yet as long as we pray to God in these situations and understand His will, our
mistaken viewpoints will be turned around. One of my experiences is that, I have lost someone
as important in my life without doing anything just to protect it. But I know in myself that God
has a purpose on it. Still, I should strengthen my faith to Him and just see the brighter side of life
because I know that I will be blessed and successful in my journey.

Giving paper even just a piece, can make your heart at peace. Having a good humanity, can make
a better unity. We should be thankful for the world we had today surrounded by people and
friends we may call “family.” Our world today is suffering from this pandemic that hits a
thousand lives and what we need today is “unity”. We should help one another without having in
return especially those old people that are needed the most of help. One of my action is helping
our front liners by giving them food to eat especially those victims of pandemic. Unity is
strength, when there is teamwork and collaboration, and wonderful things can be achieved. Our
world will be better and we can finally be healed.

“What is the worth of a country without its people? What is the worth of a body of people that
convene for no common purpose?” Millions of men and women make the decision to give up
their lives for a higher purpose beyond themselves so that we, as a country, may live in comfort.
These men and women, just like my brother, accepted their obligation as a military to relinquish
themselves for the continuation of the dream that we civilians live. As a youth, I can help the
world for the better through using my voice and be committed to help the nation and obligation
in the society as what my brother did for us to be aware of our duties and responsibilities not just
as a student but as a member of the society. Because I believed that, we, the students, are the
future of our nation.
Be diligent and earn an honest living. We must not engage in crime and corruption. One of my
experiences in working is that, not all people received equality on how great and less fortunate
they are. I’ve been working independently since I need to sustain my financial needs and to make
my parents proud of my little earnings. We need to work hard and help others to their work also
because that is an important thing to do. One should be grateful enough in this world full of
hopes and negativities. We must turn out to be the best version of ourselves and change our life
to a positive one and faithfulness.

Respect for Life and Respect for Law and Government

We should recognize the absolute value of human life and the human dignity of every person.
We should not inflict harm on others. As citizens, we must respect the laws because they are
clearly communicated and fairly enforced. Everyone is held accountable to the same laws, and
those laws protect our fundamental rights. As individual living in this nation, I have the duty to
respect all living and speak out my rights. I should inspire others also to boost their confidence in
protecting their lives and speaking out the truth in order to be at peace. I should value my people
and be the one to help the Government.

Truth, Justice, and Freedom

Freedom is asserting our rights to be able to do the right things. These 3 are interconnected
because the truth upholds justice and acquiring the desired justice is freedom. So we, as an
individual, we should be a good example of a person that possesses this three characteristics in
order to lived peacefully without doing immoral acts to others and in this society. We can have
the life we are praying and we can acquire the needs we had in life.

Love, Equality, Peace,

Peace is living and working together in harmony, avoiding violence as a way of settling disputes.
Love is looking after the good and welfare of one another and equality is treating one another as
brothers and sisters, being children of one God and one nation. I have this experience where I
need to choose between leaving and staying in the house with my father. I have pounded on mind
that my parents should not let me choose between the both of them since I was only an innocent
child and should be loved. But I chose to be with my mother side not because I love her more
than my father but because being on her care is what I needed the most as a child. And that was
the most regretful thing I’ve done in my life. There’s no equality and love and therefore, no
peace at all. So now, as a young woman, I should be more careful about my decisions in life and
always put in my mind that I should love and be loved. I should put on all equality in every
situation and most importantly, I should value others more as I value myself and that is where I
acquire love, equality and peace.
Concern for the Family and Future Generations, and Concern for the Environment
The term itself talks about concerning the family, future generations, and environment.
Environment concern is because we are part of it and we should be aware what's happening in
our environment especially in these times of crisis. As a law abiding citizen, we need to stick in
the rules and regulations of our society and we have to follow the protocols mandated by the
authorities for the betterment of our environment. Family concern is a must because that is where
we belong and our home. We, as a future generation, the particular needs for us is to focus on
peace and security, the environment, the worst risks of all, governance, the knowledge base, and
the children and learning. As future generations, we may provide the centerpiece for a new
global ethic that improves the prospects for a positive future.


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