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The Negative Indicators of Health and Safety Culture observed at the food manufacturing site
are given below:

 This Perception by supervisor that accidents are unavoidable because of unsafe

behavior of workers shows a negative culture of organization.

 Supervisors and some of the Middle Managers were not convinced towards the
importance of the BSA Program that shows Health and safety is at least priority to them.

 The hired contractor does not have enough experience to work in any food

 As per scenario oil spillage was observed that is unsafe condition shows an unsafe
workplace and it was not reported and hence indicating negative culture.

 There were many management failures as mentioned in the scenario and human error is
also identified.

 PTW issuer was overburdened which indicates negative culture.

 There is no any inspection system by site supervisor to ensure compliance which
indicates negative culture.

 Injury of contractor shows that risk Assessment was not suitable and sufficient reflecting
negative culture.
 Presence of blame culture indicates negative culture.

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