Where in The World

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Indicaciones: Leer cada oración que se encuentra en la parte de abajo, cada oración describe
lugar o punto de referencia natural o hecha por el hombre alrededor del mundo y teniendo en
cuenta la información, escribir el lugar al cual se está haciendo referencia, más abajo encontrara
las respuestas, las cuales usted debe organizar en el espacio correcto. Una vez se resuelva el
punto, el aprendiz debe realizar su propio cuestionario, utilizando lugares del mundo los cuales les
gustaría conocer o volver a visitar.

________________________________ 1. This London palace is the official home of Her Majesty,

the Queen of England.
________________________________ 2. In Rome, huge crowds witnessed sporting events in
this amphitheater built around 75 A.D.

________________________________ 3. This metal structure rises above the city of Paris.

When it was built in 1889, it was the tallest building in the world.

________________________________ 4. More than 10 million bricks were used to build this

New York City landmark in 1931. Today, it is the tallest building in the city.

________________________________ 5. In 1953, Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were

the first two people to stand at the top of this mountain -- the tallest mountain in the world.

________________________________ 6. In Arizona, this natural landmark of colorful rock is

4,000 feet deep.

________________________________ 7. This St. Louis, Missouri, landmark was built in 1965

as a monument to the first pioneers who settled west of the Mississippi River.

________________________________ 8. Located in New York Harbor, this famous symbol of

freedom was a gift to the United States from the people of France in 1886.

________________________________ 9. Each second, about 150,000 gallons of water pour

over these falls on the United States-Canada border.

________________________________ 10. It took 14 years for 400 workers to carve the heads
of four great U.S. presidents into this South Dakota landmark. BONUS!

________________________________ Probably the most famous landmark in London,

England, the bells of this clock ring on England’s “Houses of Parliament” building.

© 2003 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only.

 Coliseum
 Empire State Building
 Mount Everest
 Buckingham Palace
 Big Ben
 Niagara Falls
 Grand Canyon
 Eiffel Tower
 Gateway arch
 Mount Rushmore
 Statue of Liberty


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© 2003 by Education World®. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only.

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