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Jake Yvan G.



Summary of Nursing informatics in Asia

We all know that asia is the most largest and populous continent. And since
computer was invent in the early 1840 but it was introduce in the healthcare
sectors in Asian countries during 1970’s it was used in administration, billing
and insurance. APAMI was established in 1993 as IMIA – regional member of
IMIA to promote regional cooperation and development of health informatics. It
includes 15 countries, Australia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan,
Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan,
Thailand, and Vietnam.

In South Korea, the use of computers began in 1970’s in hospital finance and
administration systems to expedite insurance reimbursments. The term health
informatics and nursing informatics were introduced in korea when the
KOSMI was found. A lot of Korean nurses participated in many international
conference organized by the IMIA. The use of information technology in Clinical
Practice it actually began in korea in medium sized hospital and used only in
administration and billing like other countries did. This only allow nurses to
view their work list on screens or printouts. They don’t need kardex or take
notes on a piece of paper. In Education, Most nursing schools in korea are
adding informatics to the graduate level curriculum so that students can take
informatics courses as an elective. There is only one graduate program
specializing in nursing informatics in korea. In research, the growing interest
in IT has been reflected in nursing research in korea.

In Japan, total health expenditure of japans remain lower than in some other
advance nations which is partially attributable to healthier dietary habits the
relatively small number of healthcare professionals working in japan also helps
in expenditure. They began to pay attention to the use of computers I 1970’s
following the increase of computer in other industries. Becoming a specialist in
nursing informatics is useful when information systems and electronic health
records are introduced. However accreditation of program for healthcare began
in 2003. Nursing informatics in education, Universities provided elementary
computer literary education during the first half of the 1990’s but this became
unnecessary thereafter during the introduction of computer education in
primary and secondary level. In Research, Nursing informatics in was one of
the main subject areas of paper presentations at a recent annual meeting of
Japanese academy of nursing practice. There is also a research about the use
of information to prevent nursing related accidents and into telenursing.

In Taiwan, Hong Kong And China

Taiwan nursing informatics association or TNIA was established in 2006. Since

then NI has become an important nursing professional specialty in Taiwan. The
republic of China inaugurated is nursing informatics group at the Asia- Pacific
Association for medical Informatics (APAMI) meeting held in Beijing in 2012.
Hong Kong hospitals have a well- established clinical management and
numerous other associated systems widely used by nurses. Hong kong nurses
established Nursinfo(HK). Use of computer since 1992, computerized care plan
systems have been used in clinical settings. Patient classification systems have
been applied in patient assessments, nursing interventions and staff workload
assignments and decision support systems have been integrated with medical
and nursing diagnosis. Computerized nursing systems have mainly been
established to manage patient vital signs,care plans and medication
administration records in acute units, the ICU, and in long term care units.
These system also contain administrative functions like clinical classification
systems, shift arranging, personnel management, educaton and training,
quality control, as well as assets and material management. In Education,
many schools Taiwan include NI courses and some have set up. Use of nursing
research standardized terminologies such as nursing diagnosis classification
systems and INCP have been translated to clinical use.

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