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: 900020-2021






Claimant / CREDITOR Plaintiff's Trustees: Harold William Van Allen and Christopher Earl Strunk in esse sui

juris pre 1933 private Federal National American Citizens with filings in Lamar County of Georgia served upon

POTUS / United States Treasury, are the secured party sole beneficiaries of the AD HOC NEW YORKER

REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE registered Association Trust shown (see EXHIBIT 1-A); and that Trustees are an

injured CREDITOR of Defendant State of New York, having been released and no longer trustee of the Trustees'

decedent(s) / names used in commerce; and as such, Trustees hereby file this amended complaint to merge and

consolidate Index No.: 900020-2021 assigned to the Honorable Roger D. McDonough Justice of The Supreme

Court in Albany also of the Court of Claims to be assigned to related Claim No.: 315318 / 315335

currently before Claim Judge Francis T. Collins against the State of New York, and whose active entities are

registered for profit and not profit entities in commerce / business under State jurisdiction trust obligation over

its CORPORATE OLIGARCHY Defendant names listed in the caption that operate under 12 U.S. Code §95a

obligatory Federal ownership jurisdiction of: Regulation of Transactions in foreign exchange of gold and silver;

property transfers; vested interests, enforcement and penalties (Part 2) and other Public Policy on U.S. Debt

brought inland by the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) 50 U.S.C. App. 5b - APPENDIX-WAR AND

NATIONAL DEFENSE, in direct relation to the borrowed gold and Emergency Banking Relief Act (EBRA)

and Proclamations 2040 / 2039 of 1933 that as a matter of public record in the Federal Register currently having

various active emergencies under the National Emergency Act of 1976 and International Economic Emergencies

Act of 1977 for all Commercial Public Debt-Obligations and assets safeguarded under the current amended

United States of America Constitution with related law for transacting all business within UNITED STATES

Commercial Markets, the True Obligor in each and every U.S. Commercial-Transactions; and as such, based

upon Trustees pre-1933 private Creditor status Claim injuries in propria persona, CREDITOR seeks relief from

this Court with restraint of State of New York, Governor, Attorney General and its entities, by orders granting:

A. $50M funds (see EXHIBIT 1-B) to rehabilitate various jurisdictions in New York City damaged by

Defendants' facilitation of mayhem under color of a contrived statewide Coronavirus lockdown; and

B. $388K funds (see EXHIBIT 1-C) to restore Plaintiff 's monetary damages from 2007 to 2021 for State

Defendants fraudulent inducement of Natural Born Citizen injury that the State must resolve; and

C. Say $400M funds (see EXHIBITS 1-D thru 1-F) to restore the election system in each New York

county subdivision disrupted by Defendants facilitation of illegal mail-in-voting contrary to the State

Constitution, Election Law and Amended U.S. Constitution during or before the 2020 election cycle; and

D. an Order of Protection from Defendants facilitation of crypto currency willful conspiracy to infringe

Trustees Plaintiff's rights otherwise protected inter alia by the U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 10; and

E. an Order of Protection under the Nuremberg Code and U.S. Constitution 13th Amendment prohibiting the

State its agents and Defendants from imposing any experimental medical device(s) including masks under

the guise of treatment and prophylaxis for its patented Coronavirus pathogen for i.e. unjust enrichment;

F. an Order of Protection permitting a sufficiently effective treatment and prophylaxis regimen i.e. by use of

Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc Sulfate as certified in 2005 by Federal authorities and others for use; and

G. such other and different relief including a declaratory judgment as the Court may deem necessary for

justice herein including the costs of this action with punitive damages determined at a jury trial.

1. This COMPLAINT filed on January 4, 2021 by the AD HOC NEW YORKER REPUBLICAN

COMMITTEE (Plaintiff) in propria persona was denied an injunction on 5 January 2021;

2. However, the conditions and illegality of the massive election fraud remains unresolved, requires this

amended Complaint as of right with summons for additional Defendants to enlarged Plaintiff's request that

seeks timely orders of protection / restraint relief against collateral imminent irreparable harm caused by

Defendants along with others similarly situated whose willful use of the coronavirus lockdown for election

interference beyond unconstitutional tortuous inducement of fraud that also involves NYS EL § 17–142.

Giving consideration for franchise (1) §17–154. Pernicious political activities (2) to rig the 3 November 2020

2016 New York Laws ELN - Election Article 17 - (Election) VIOLATIONS OF THE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE
Section 17-142 - Giving consideration for franchise. Except as allowed by law, any person who directly or indirectly, by
himself or through any other person:

1. Pays, lends or contributes, or offers or promises to pay, lend or contribute any money or other valuable
consideration to or for any voter, or to or for any other person, to induce such voter or other person to vote or
refrain from voting at any election, or to induce any voter or other person to vote or refrain from voting at such election
for any particular person or persons, or for or against any particular proposition submitted to voters, or to induce such
voter to come to the polls or remain away from the polls at such election or to induce such voter or other person to
place or cause to be placed or refrain from placing or causing to be placed his name upon a registration poll record or on
account of such voter or other person having voted or refrained from voting for or against any particular person or for or
against any proposition submitted to voters, or having come to the polls or remained away from the polls at such election,
or having placed or caused to be placed or refrained from placing or causing to be placed his or any other name upon
the registry of voters; or,
2. Gives, offers or promises any office, place or employment, or promises to procure or endeavor to
procure any office, place or employment to or for any voter, or to or for any other person, in order
to induce such voter or other person to vote or refrain from voting at any election, or to induce any voter or other person
to vote or refrain from voting at such election, for or against any particular person or for or against any proposition
submitted to voters, or to induce any voter or other person to place or cause to be placed or refrain from placing or
causing to be placed his or any other name upon a registration poll record; or,
3. Gives, offers or promises any office, place, employment or valuable thing as an inducement for any voter or
other person to procure or aid in procuring either a large or a small vote, plurality or majority at any election district or
other political division of the state, for a candidate or candidates to be voted for at an election; or to cause a larger or
smaller vote, plurality or majority to be cast or given for any candidate or candidates in one such district or political
division than in another; or,
4. Makes any gift, loan, promise, offer, procurement or agreement as aforesaid to, for or with any person to
induce such person to procure or endeavor to procure the election of any person or the vote of any voter at any election;
5. Procures or engages or promises or endeavors to procure, in consequence of any such gift, loan, offer,
promise, procurement, or agreement the election of any person, or the vote of any voter, at such election; or,
6. Advances or pays or causes to be paid, any money or other valuable thing, to or for the use of any other
person with the intent that the same, or any part thereof, shall be used in bribery at any election, or knowingly pays or
causes to be paid any money or other valuable thing to any person in discharge or repayment of any money, wholly or in
part expended in bribery at any election, is guilty of a felony.
2015 New York Laws ELN - Election Article 17 - (Election) VIOLATIONS OF THE ELECTIVE FRANCHISE 17-154 -
Pernicious political activities. It shall be unlawful for any person to:

1. Intimidate, threaten or coerce, or to attempt to intimidate, threaten or coerce, any other person for the
purpose of interfering with the right of such other person to vote or to vote as he may choose, or for the purpose of causing

and 14 December 2020 elections that based upon the prima facie evidence by operation of State and Federal

Constitutional / Statutory law(s) still warrants timely emergency injunctive relief under C.P.L.R. §6312

notwithstanding the 6 January 2021 stand down by POTUS Donald J. Trump to his Florida Mar-a-Lago

estate remains in an interregnum status constitutionally until 4 March 2021 and or until the Military

investigation of actual Chinese Communist Party and Iranians foreign interference is concluded.

3. That the State of New York Governor ANDREW M. CUOMO, the Democratic Party VPOTUS Elector

(Cuomo Defendant) is now a SEA member for trust & profit having served for trust and profit at least two

years as the U.S. Secretary of Housing Urban Development and is a SES member located for service at the

NYS State Capitol Building Albany, New York 12224 and 4 Bittersweet Lane, Mount Kisco, NY 10549; and

4. That former U.S. Senator from NYS and U.S. Secretary of State HILLARY R. CLINTON of THE

CLINTON FAMILY FOUNDATION, the Democratic Party VPOTUS Elector (Clinton Defendant) is now

a SEA member for trust & profit having served for trust and profit at least two years as U.S. Secretary of

State SES member located for service at 15 Old House Lane, Chappaqua , New York 10514; and

such other person to vote for, or not to vote for, any candidate for the office of governor, lieutenant-governor,
attorney-general, comptroller, judge of any court, member of the senate, or member of the assembly at any election held
solely or in part for the purpose of selecting a governor, lieutenant-governor, attorney-general, comptroller, any
judge or any member of the senate or any member of the assembly; or,
2. Directly or indirectly, promise any employment, position, work, compensation, or other benefit, provided for
or made possible in whole or in part by any act of congress or of the legislature appropriating funds for work relief
or relief purposes, to any person as consideration, favor or reward for any political activity or for the support of or
opposition to any candidate or any political party in any nominating convention or in any election; or,
3. Deprive, attempt to deprive or threaten to deprive, by any means, any person of any employment, position,
work, compensation or other benefit provided for or made possible in whole or in part by any act of congress or of the
legislature appropriating funds for the work relief or relief purposes, on account of any political activity or on account
of support for or opposition to any candidate or any political party in any nominating convention or election; or
4. Solicit or receive or be in any manner concerned in soliciting or receiving any assessment, subscription or
contribution for any political purpose whatever from any person known by him to be entitled to or receiving
compensation, employment or other benefit provided for or made possible by any act of congress or of the legislature
appropriating, or authorizing the appropriation of, funds for work relief or relief purposes; or
5. Furnish or to disclose, or to aid or assist in furnishing or disclosing, any list or names of persons
receiving compensation, employment or benefits provided for or made possible by any act of congress or of the
legislature appropriating or authorizing the appropriation of, funds for work relief or relief purposes, to a political
candidate, committee, campaign manager, or to any person for delivery to a political candidate, committee or campaign
manager, and it shall be unlawful for any person to receive any such list or names for political purposes.
No part of any appropriation made by any act of congress or of the legislature, heretofore or hereafter enacted,
making appropriations for work relief, relief, or otherwise to increase employment by providing loans and grants for
public works projects, shall be used, and no authority conferred by any such act upon any person shall be exercised or
administered, for the purpose of interfering with, restraining or coercing any individual in the exercise of his right to vote
and to vote as he may choose at any election.

Any person who violates any of the foregoing provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

5. That Cuomo Defendant and Clinton Defendant (SEA Defendants) are unconstitutional Elector defendants

chosen in violation of U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 as SEA members for trust & profit

who have aided and abetted concerted opposition on 20 January 2017 to re-election of DJT on 3 November

2020 and 14 December 2020; and

6. That SES / SEA Defendants and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY acted with the Peoples Republic of China

and Chinese Communist Party against DJT / CREDITOR starting no later than 2015 when U.S. NIH-funded

$3.7 million project grant was approved by Dr. Anthony Fauci in 2015 involves the ECOHEALTH

ALLIANCE INC. etal., after the Obama White House's ban on 'monster-germ' research, that in October

2014, the federal government declared a moratorium on gain-of-function research to weaponized viruses

related to influenza, such as Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute respiratory

syndrome (SARS), and

7. That as a result, the illegal outlawed research was outsourced to China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology for the

CCP in 2019 known as the Covid-19 pandemic project creation of the SARS-CoV-2 modified with Gain of

Function, as the CoronaVirus bio weapon created in the PRINCE'S TRUST AMERICA INC. / PILGRIMS

FOUNDATION, INC.'s Wuhan PRC Lab inter alia as the excuse to facilitate mail-in-vote ballot election of

Electors of each State of several States for DNC Candidates for POTUS and VPOTUS versus DJT; and

8. That SES/SEA Defendants and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY promoted the expansion of late term abortion

with expectation that fetal tissues for international sale would be used for the manufacture of a

CORONAVIRUS vaccine delivered by Fauci and Obama with $3.7 Million funding in 2015 that was

promoted by the Pirbright Institute of Great Britain that in 2018 received a U.S. patent for the virus aided

and abetted by the Gates Foundation, SEA Defendants and others yet named to facilitate inter alia mail-in-

vote ballot use for the 2020 election of Electors of each State of several States for whoever would be both

DNC Candidates for POTUS and VPOTUS; and

9. In 2019 SES/SEA Defendants and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY facilitated mail-in-vote use for the 2020

election of Electors of each State of several States for DNC Candidates for POTUS / VPOTUS without

presenting changes to NYS Constitution Article 2 Section 2 for ratification by Trustees and the People

required by NYS Constitution Article XIX (3) without ratification renders any Law void.

10. That Cuomo Defendant and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY Crypto Currency facilitation approved State

Legislature passage of mail-in-vote Law use for Electors of each State of several States for DNC Candidates

for POTUS / VPOTUS in 2019 as if an amendment to the State Constitution Article 2 Section 2; and

11. That Cuomo Defendant and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY approved State Legislator passage of mail-in-

vote ballot law use in election of New York State's Electors at the 3 November 2020 and 14 December 2020

elections as similarly done in each State of several States for both DNC Candidates for POTUS and

VPOTUS in 2020 as if an amendment to the State Constitution Article 2 Section 2 (4) - but was not presented

as such proposed amendment to the Trustees and state voters vote - is not ratified ; and

12. That Cuomo Defendant and State Legislature with Attorney General Letitia Ann James and CORPORATE

OLIGARCHY decided to use the un-ratified passage of the mail-in-vote ballot law change to the State

[Amendments to constitution; how proposed, voted upon and ratified; failure of attorney-general
to render opinion not to affect validity] Section 1. Any amendment or amendments to this constitution may be
proposed in the senate and assembly whereupon such amendment or amendments shall be referred to the attorney-general
whose duty it shall be within twenty days thereafter to render an opinion in writing to the senate and assembly as to the
effect of such amendment or amendments upon other provisions of the constitution. Upon receiving such opinion, if the
amendment or amendments as proposed or as amended shall be agreed to by a majority of the members elected to each of
the two houses, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be entered on their journals, and the ayes and noes taken
thereon, and referred to the next regular legislative session convening after the succeeding general election of members of
the assembly, and shall be published for three months previous to the time of making such choice; and if in such legislative
session, such proposed amendment or amendments shall be agreed to by a majority of all the members elected to each
house, then it shall be the duty of the legislature to submit each proposed amendment or amendments to the people for
approval in such manner and at such times as the legislature shall prescribe; and if the people shall approve and ratify such
amendment or amendments by a majority of the electors voting thereon, such amendment or amendments shall become a
part of the constitution on the first day of January next after such approval. Neither the failure of the attorney-general to
render an opinion concerning such a proposed amendment nor his or her failure to do so timely shall affect the validity of
such proposed amendment or legislative action thereon. (Formerly §1 of Art. 14. Renumbered and amended by
Constitutional Convention of 1938 and approved by vote of the people November 8, 1938; further amended by vote of the
people November 4, 1941; November 6, 2001.)

NYS Constitution Article 2 for Suffrage [Absentee voting]

§2. The legislature may, by general law, provide a manner in which, and the time and place at which, qualified voters who,
on the occurrence of any election, may be absent from the county of their residence or, if residents of the city of New York,
from the city, and qualified voters who, on the occurrence of any election, may be unable to appear personally at the polling
place because of illness or physical disability, may vote and for the return and canvass of their votes. (Formerly §1-a.
Renumbered by Constitutional Convention of 1938 and approved by vote of the people November 8, 1938; amended by
vote of the people November 4, 1947; November 8, 1955; November 5, 1963.)

Constitution Article 2 Section 2 for the 2020 election of Electors as if valid under the U.S. Constitution

Article 2 Section 2 and 12th Amendment to facilitate DNC Candidates for POTUS and VPOTUS, and in

preparation met with Dr. Anthony Fauci and WILLIAM HENRY GATES III of and for the MICROSOFT


13. That Cuomo Defendant and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY issued Executive Orders to cover for the patented

CORONAVIRUS so-called pandemic and used un-ratified mail-in-vote ballot law to rig election fraud; and

14. That Cuomo Defendant to back-fill State budget shortfalls decided to grift CARES ACT Federal funds by

never letting and opportunity go to waste ordered use of the fatally flawed PCR virus test to generate

CARES ACT Funds and nursing home bed elevated reimbursement, to make his point willfully murdered

the elderly forced into nursing homes after He removed his own mother from nursing home custody; and

15. If this were enough authority for the ex HUD Secretary who was HUD under secretary for community

development for the Clinton Administration before the Texas HUD grifter Henry G. Cisneros was

imprisoned, and according to Catherine Austin Fitts, the pattern of mayhem property destruction in various

Democratic controlled urban areas in States resembles the HUD Community Development funding patterns

for redevelopment funding, and it is alleged that Cuomo Defendant, aided and abetted by the State Attorney

General with oversight over State non-profits, facilitated terrorist organizations to commit mayhem under

the guise of questionable mask compliance submission surveillance cult social credit requirements

supposedly to prevent patented CORONAVIRUS contamination transmission (see Exhibit 1-B); and

16. That the despicable activities of the New York State Democratic Party and Republican Party Committees in

control of the New York State Board of Elections along with those persons similarly situated as Defendants

among others too numerous to name were unable to launch a candidacy for either of the parties to defeat the

Trustees and DJT re-election on or after the 3 November 2020 and 14 December 2020, agreed in August

2020 to DNC nomination candidates Joseph R. Biden for POTUS and Kamala D. Harris for VPOTUS; and

17. That KAMALA DEVI HARRIS, the United States Senator for California with place for service at 112 Hart

Building, Washington, DC 20510 (Harris Defendant) is not a Natural Born Citizen (NBC) in violation of

NYS EL §6-122-2 (5) is ineligible for VPOTUS office by U.S. Constitution Article II, Section 1, Clause 5, is

aided and abetted by SES/SEA Defendants, CORPORATE OLIGARCHY and State Defendants, and

notwithstanding that there is an open New York Court of Claims Claim No: 135318 filed 10 September

2020 by Claimant AD HOC NEW YORKER REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE Trustees (see Exhibit 1-C);


18. As a matter germane herein Defendant Harris' husband Douglas Emhoff is a "big pharma lawyer" that was

a lawyer for Merck, the company that makes Gardasil, a vaccine against human papillomavirus.

19. That Cuomo Defendant and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY with the deadly Attorney General's facilitation

forbearance of tyrannical executive orders that impose shutdown of the New York economy interrupted the

ability to finance the 2020 election, and Cuomo Defendant with CORPORATE OLIGARCHY

DEFENDANTS illegally sought mail-in-vote election funds from CCP collaborator MARK ELLIOT

ZUCKERBERG and FACEBOOK (Facebook Defendants)- with place for service through the NYS

Secretary of State at 1601 WILLOW ROAD MENLO PARK, CALIFORNIA, 94025 as reported and

acknowledged by the New York Times (see Exhibit 1- D); and

20. That Facebook Defendants sanctioned by State Defendants for the CORPORATE OLIGARCHY throughout

New York County Subdivisions provided a contract for grant funds to finance the 2020 election using

Election Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems Equipment for ballots under illegal mail-in-

voting law requirements subject to a claw back provision (see Exhibit 1-E) violates Election Law:

Grant Funds Participating

Machine Type Company
No. County

1642 Allegany County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1643 Broome County ImageCast
Voting Systems

NYS ELN Law Section 6-122-2 Designation or nomination; eligibility, restrictions
A person shall not be designated or nominated for a public office or party position who (1) is not a citizen of the state
of New York; (2) is ineligible to be elected to such office or position; or (3) who, if elected will not at the time of
commencement of the term of such office or position, meet the constitutional or statutory qualifications thereof or, with
respect to judicial office, who will not meet such qualifications within thirty days of commencement of term of such office.

Grant Funds Participating
Machine Type Company
No. County

1644 Cattaraugus County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1945 Cayuga County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1646 Chautauqua County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1647 Chemung County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Chenango County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1648 Clinton County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1649 Columbia County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1650 Cortland County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1651 Delaware County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1652 Dutchess County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Essex County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Franklin County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Fulton County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1654 Genesee County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Greene County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Hamilton County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Herkimer County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1655 Jefferson County ImageCast
Voting Systems

Grant Funds Participating
Machine Type Company
No. County

none Dominion
Lewis County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Livingston County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Madison County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Monroe County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Montgomery Dominion

County Voting Systems

none Dominion
Niagara County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Oneida County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1658 Onondaga County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1659 Ontario County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Orange County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Orleans County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1660 Oswego County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1661 Otsego County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1662 Putnam County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1663 Rensselaer County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1665 Saratoga County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1667 Schoharie County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1668 Schuyler County ImageCast
Voting Systems

Grant Funds Participating
Machine Type Company
No. County

1669 Seneca County ImageCast
Voting Systems

St. Lawrence Dominion

1670 ImageCast
County Voting Systems

1671 Steuben County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1672 Suffolk County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1673 Sullivan County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1674 Tioga County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1675 Tompkins County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1676 Ulster County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1677 Warren County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Washington County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Dominion
Wayne County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1678 Westchester County ImageCast
Voting Systems

none Wyoming County ImageCast
Voting Systems

1679 Yates County ImageCast
Voting Systems

DS200 Ballot
none Albany County Systems &

DS200 Ballot
1657 Bronx County Systems &

DS200 Ballot
1653 Erie County Systems &

Grant Funds Participating
Machine Type Company
No. County

DS200 Ballot
1657 Kings County Systems &

DS200 Ballot
1656 Nassau County Systems &

DS200 Ballot
1657 New York County Systems &

DS200 Ballot
1657 Queens County Systems &

DS200 Ballot
1657 Richmond County Systems &

DS200 Ballot
1664 Rockland County Systems &

Schenectady DS200 Ballot
1666 Systems &
County Scanner

21. It is alleged that Defendants willfully used an un-ratified amendment that violates the New York State

Constitution Article 2 Section 2 compliance is arguably a violation of NYS EL § 17–142. for giving

consideration for franchise and § 17–154. for pernicious political activities; and

22. That the Defendants' facilitation is an illegal unconstitutional tortuous interference violation of the U.S.

Constitution Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 accordingly; and

23. That unconstitutionality renders all such mail-in-voting ballots law done without State Voter ratification

compliance with the State of New York Election Law that requires individual application for absentee

voting by the State Constitution Article 2 Section 2 therefore renders each mail in vote without permissive

application void ab initio injures Plaintiff Trustees in favor of DJT with those similarly situated, and each

such vote is disproportionately diminished and diluted; and

24. Under the U.S. Const Article 2 Section 1 Clause 2 and the 12th Amendment the NYS Legislature has

plenary authority to determine the Electors for the December 14, 2020 election of POTUS and VPOTUS

does not empower the New York State Executive and or Courts per se. On 9 December 2020 Jesuit

Coadjutor and now the CCP accessory to mass murder and election fraud with its UBS/CCP Dominion

Voting Systems (DVS), and which Andrew M. Cuomo ordered the Electors certified after the 3 November

2020 general election may only vote in person instead of by absentee ballot - a violation of law.

25. That the Trustees were parties in interest to the case United States of America v. New York State Board of

Elections et al NDNY 2006-cv-00263 (GLS) under the 28 USC 1343 Violation of Civil Rights that foisted

the CCP's Dominion Voting Systems (6) upon NY voters using the

Help America to Vote Act (HAVA) that was Filed March 1, 2006, and

alleged used in the 2006 election of Andrew M Cuomo then Attorney

General of New York sworn in on 1 January 2007, and thereafter,

Cuomo won the 2010 New York gubernatorial election and reelected

twice after winning primaries against liberal challengers Zephyr

Teachout (2014) and Cynthia Nixon (2018) using DVS and ES&S.

26. Analysis of each election above referenced, as a complete certified set of numbers, applies with any election

including to that of the reader who must satisfy Bedford's Law when the leading digit d (d ∈ {1, ..., 9}) that

occurs with probability, and that the leading digits in any such set thus have the following distribution: that

d is the sum of: 1= 30.1%; 2= 17.6%; 3= 12.5%; 4= 9.7%; 5= 7.9%; 6= 6.7%; 7= 5.8%; 8= 5.1%; 9=

4.6%; and further, the quantity P(d) is proportional to the space between d and d + 1 on a logarithmic scale.

Therefore, this is the distribution expected if the logarithms of the numbers (but not the numbers

themselves) are uniformly and randomly distributed.

27. For example, a number x, constrained to lie between 1 and 10, starts with the digit 1 if 1 ≤ x < 2, and starts

with the digit 9 if 9 ≤ x < 10. Therefore, x starts with the digit 1if log 1 ≤ log x < log 2, or starts with 9

if log 9 ≤ log x < log 10. The interval [log 1, log 2] is much wider than the interval [log 9, log 10] (0.30 and

0.05 respectively); therefore if log x is uniformly and randomly distributed, it is much more likely to fall

into the wider interval than the narrower interval, i.e. more likely to start with 1 than with 9; the


probabilities are proportional to the interval widths, giving the equation above (as well as the generalization

to other bases besides decimal).

28. If it please the Court, Bedford's Law as with any natural law such as the Pareto distribution and Price's Law,

is sometimes stated in a stronger form, asserting that the fractional part of the logarithm of data is typically

close to uniformly distributed between 0 and 1; from this, the main claim about the distribution of first digits

can be derived.

29. Further, Jesuit Coadjutors and now the CCP sinecure mass murderer Governor Cuomo acted with Anthony

Fauci and William Henry Gates III of the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation, Barack Hussein Obama and

Joseph R. Biden apparently includes James Biden who forwarded a letter to Governor Cuomo in New York

via his Director of Scheduling, Annabel Walsh (see Exhibit 1-F) for the purpose to set up a meeting in

early April 2020 with Governor Cuomo, along with a Chinese billionaire and therefore top China leader,

former Deep State actors and the Bidens. Included in the memo were the following :

James Biden – Former VP Joe Biden’s brother who sent the email
Governor Cuomo of New York – a close friend to the Bidens
Hunter Biden – son of VP Biden and known practicing drug addict
Ye Jianming – Chairman of CEFC was a large Chinese conglomerate
Zang Jianjun – Executive Director of the Board, CEFC
(t) member of the Royal Family of Luxembourg – not sure who this is
James Gilliar – Chairman, J2CR
Rob Walker – President , J2CR

30. Further, as summarized on 1 January 2021 by Catherine Austin Fitts (7) if the above were not enough,

Defendants met and coordinated use of the CORONAVIRUS tyrannical executive orders to promote a

dangerous mRNA vaccine experimentation in violation of the Nuremberg Code (see EXHIBIT 2) quote:

1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person
involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free
power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or
other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension
of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and
enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision
by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the
experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards
reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his
participation in the experiment. The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent
rests upon each individual who initiates, directs or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and
responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.


31. That when a medical device is designed to transform each "vaccinated" New Yorker is combined into a full

spectrum surveillance device with a nano-chip integrated into the person's DNA as a type of EZ-PASS

designed to collect / disseminate data and generate a unique crypto-currency to automate surveillance and

financial transactions, in part developed by Eric Schulz's Alphabet Corporation repurposed Google in the

PRC with the Pilgrim Society of Great Britain's Welcome Trust / Pirbright Foundation investments into

Gain-of-Function Research under the watchful eye of Dr. Anthony Fauci that ended up in Wuhan China as

an illegal bio-warfare study of animal to human virus aerosol transmission

32. That as a matter of Eugenics Genocide, based on information and belief Trustee Strunk alleges the illegal

GOF research as previously strived for on Plum Island off of Montauk New York under the OSS / CIA bio-

warfare auspices restarted in New York in association with the New York Department of Health and

National Institute of Health using various of the 33 or so Rockefeller era New York Psychiatric Centers such

as the Rockland Psychiatric Center where Trustee Strunk worked as a field engineer in the 1980s for the

New York State Facilities Development Corporation, a so-called public benefit corporation, to construct the

Nathan Kline Primate Labs in Rockland County New York that appears to be associated with the World

Wildlife Federation in New York subsidiary Wildlife Trust incorporated in Rockland County repurposed as

the ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE INC with its headquarters in New York County where Dr. Anthony Fauci is

a conference presenter starting in 2016.

33. That on September 21, 2018 with Application Number 16138518 Defendants William Henry Gates III of

the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation. Microsoft Corporation by its subsidiary Microsoft Technology

Licensing, LLC filed a patent for a nano-chip program mRNA medical device that when injected generate

crypto currency in a person's mitochondria and that on March 26, 2020 received a patent with Publication

Number 20200097951 (see EXHIBIT 3) with the abstract quote:

Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of a
crypto currency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is communicatively
coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the device of the user may
sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based on the sensed body activity
of the user. The crypto currency system communicatively coupled to the device of the user may verify if
the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by the crypto currency system, and award
crypto currency to the user whose body activity data is verified.

34. Further, Defendants knew of Medical Journals that confirm the operation of the platform associated with the

nano-chip technology mining of crypto currency associated with the patent see EXHIBIT 4; and

35. That in June 2015, by Defendants facilitation together embraced the Department of Financial Services

published final virtual currency rules after a nearly two-years (see EXHIBIT 5).

36. Defendant Cuomo and CORPORATE OLIGARCHY has designated Crypto Currency Mining development

and has dedicated infrastructure for that purpose for to crypto moguls use (see EXHIBIT 6).

37. That on May 5, 2016 Governor Cuomo for the CORPORATE OLIGARCHY announced that the New York

State Department of Financial Services has authorized Gemini Trust among others (see EXHIBIT 7).

38. That on December 4, 2017 it was reported that New York has introduced four bills in an effort to spur

research into possible uses for blockchain by the state’s government. The proposed laws from Assemblyman

Clyde Vanel (D-33) would establish legal language for the technology (similar to an effort undertaken in

Arizona) under state law while also creating studies around its application for local and state elections,

including the verification of voter tallies. The first bill would add sections to New York’s technology law

which define “blockchain technology” and “smart contract,” as well as provide a legal understanding for

digital signatures stored on a blockchain. The second bill “directs the state board of elections to study and

evaluate the use of blockchain technology to protect voter records and election results,” according to the

text. (see EXHIBIT 8).

39. That without permission of Congress as required of Governor Cuomo designated New York State as a

Crypto Currency Center issued as Executive Order (see EXHIBIT 9) to that effected inviting participation






EXCHANGE; and further the corporate crypto Moguls agreed that they would fund THE NYS


40. By February 2019, there were more than 50 engineers working on the project with confirmation that

Facebook intended a crypto currency that first emerged in May 2019, and it was known as "GlobalCoin" or

"Facebook Coin". The project was formally announced on June 18, 2019, under name Libra.

41. That Trustees consider all crypto currency to be a fraud and not legal tender designated by Congress and as

such New York is intending to operate outside of the U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 8 quote:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes,

Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide
for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United
States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform
throughout the United States;
To borrow Money on the credit of the United States;
To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among
the several States, and with the Indian Tribes;
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform
Laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States;
To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign
Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures;
To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities
and current Coin of the United States;

42. That Trustees consider all crypto currency to be a fraud and not legal tender designated by Congress and as

such New York is intending to operate outside of the U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 10 quote:

No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation;

grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money;
emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver
Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any Bill of Attainder,
ex post facto Law, or Law impairing the Obligation
of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility.

43. That on 20 November 2018 the Patent Office approved United States Patent No.: US 10,130,701 B2 named

CORONAVIRUS by application of


Pirbright Woking Great Britain that is

acknowledged by Bill Gates; and

44. According to the PRC's World Health Organization partner, COVID 19 is CORONAVIRUS transmitted by

symptomatic viremia positive persons considers the PCR tests to be a fraud used to skew statistics; and

45. Trustee Strunk is a Veteran with Blood Type A according to the Department of Defense, susceptible to

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) plus Gain of Function Research

(GOFR) done in WUHAN PRC under U.S. Patent No.: US 10,130,701 B2 named CORONAVIRUS is

COVID-19; and

46. In June 2020, Trustee Strunk filed to intervened in the Coronavirus related lockdown case REV. STEVEN

SOOS etal v. ANDREW M. CUOMO et al., filed in the NDNY with Index 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS) to no

avail, the Affidavit without Exhibits is attached as germane judicial notice herein (see EXHIBIT 11), and

47. However, leaving no stone unturned, Trustees did file a motion to reconsider the denial in the NDNY with

Index 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS) to no avail, the Affidavit without Exhibits is attached as germane judicial

notice herein ( EXHIBIT 12), did establish the unconstitutional nature of the Coronavirus lockdown pre-

ordained to established the CCP foreign interference in the 2020 Election cycle in use of mail-in-voting with

our individual experience and expertise Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) safety

requirements in the dangers of mask use as a questionable medical device that limits the necessary oxygen

intake and dangerously breeds recirculation of bacterial disease from the mask; and

48. According to the New England Journal of Medicine June 17, 2020 study report confirmed in conclusion

that persons with Blood Type A are the most vulnerable to fatality from the CORONAVIRUS infection, and

49. According to the Oklahoma Blood Institute, Caucasians with Blood Type A compose 31% of the total

United States Population are thus disproportionately vulnerable to CORONAVIRUS infection and vaccine

death; and

50. As a matter of Eugenics Genocide there is science omitted separate and apart from the politically

compelling improper mandate by Defendants to force the use of a mask medical device regarding the nature

of effectiveness and physical danger to health threat involved with mask use; and

51. Strunk's fellow Trustee Van Allen, has blood type O and less threatened by the virus according to the study

referenced at Exhibit 11 not herein, is a retired injured veteran Harold William Van Allen — former US

Navy Salvage Diving Officer, a university research engineer in hyperbaric medicine researcher, bio-

materials, marine materials researcher with clinical medical research-student nurse-engineer. d.b.a. Passive

Aerobic Health Care and Fitness Devices (medical device design) VanAllen Research Foundation

hyperbaric oxygen research experiments published in the Undersea Medical Society Journal; and

52. That Trustee Van Allen participated for several years with the Veterans Administration multiyear Lupus

(SLE) study as a patient receiving PLAQUENIL; and

53. Trustee Van Allen as an expert, questions the politically conflict of interest associated with the respective

spouse of Drs Fauci / Birx who universally use a collective virtue signaling for mask wearing — a

professional conflict of interest for safety and efficacy of mask use; and

54. That Fauci/Birx appear to ignore or are oblivious to mask / respiratory mask and face covering issues:

a) Vital Capacity
b) Residual Forced Volume
c) Respiration Rate
d) Tactile Oral Nasal Mask Effect
e) Full Face Masks
f) Face Guards
g) Oral Nasal Surgical Masks
h) Cloth Face Coverings
i) Diving Reflex
j) Oral/Nasal Region Tactile Receptors
k) Blood Gas Chemical Receptors
l) Apnea
m) Hypercapnia
n) Carbon Dioxide Ventilatory Dead Space

55. That the John Hopkins School of Medicine has conducted Pulmonary Function Tests (PFTs) that are

noninvasive tests that show how well the lungs are working. The tests measure lung volume, capacity, rates

of flow, and gas exchange. This information can help your healthcare provider diagnose and decide the

treatment of certain lung disorders; and

56. There are 2 types of disorder problems with air moving in and out of the lungs:

a. Obstructive. This is when air has trouble flowing out of the lungs due to airway resistance. This

causes a decreased flow of air.

b. Restrictive. This is when the lung tissue and/or chest muscles can’t expand enough. This creates

problems with air flow, mostly due to lower lung volumes.

57. PFT can be done with 2 methods. These 2 methods may be used together and perform different tests,

depending the information that a healthcare provider is looking for:

• Spirometry. A spirometer is a device with a mouthpiece hooked up to a small electronic machine.

• Plethysmography. You sit or stand inside an air-tight box that looks like a short, square telephone
booth to do the tests.
PFT measures:
• Tidal volume (VT). This is the amount of air inhaled or exhaled during normal breathing.
• Minute volume (MV). This is the total amount of air exhaled per minute.
• Vital capacity (VC). This is the total volume of air that can be exhaled after inhaling as much as you
• Functional residual capacity (FRC). This is the amount of air left in lungs after exhaling normally.
• Residual volume. This is the amount of air left in the lungs after exhaling as much as you can.
• Total lung capacity. This is the total volume of the lungs when filled with as much air as possible.
• Forced vital capacity (FVC). This is the amount of air exhaled forcefully and quickly after inhaling as
much as you can.
• Forced expiratory volume (FEV). This is the amount of air expired during the first, second, and third
seconds of the FVC test.
• Forced expiratory flow (FEF). This is the average rate of flow during the middle half of the FVC test.
• Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). This is the fastest rate that you can force air out of your lungs

58. That the results of the 3 November 2020 General Election for Defendant Harris who is not NBC when the

SEA Defendants' devised vote-by-mail law is used, render such illegal votes void must be discarded as such

changes the results of all down line election results and is worthy of a Court audit order accordingly; and

59. That Trustee Strunk is a shareholder in Leader Technologies Incorporated acknowledged by the redacted

copy of the Annual Shareholder Report herein (see EXHIBIT 13);and

60. Further, Leader Technologies Incorporated created the source code for scaling up social networking in the

1990s and its proprietary material was stolen by International Business Machines and its Canadian based

Eclipse Foundation for the Five-Eyes intelligence community given to Defendants WINKLEVOSS and

ZUCKERBERG according to a Facebook insider confession published by the American Intelligence Media

(see EXHIBIT 14); and

61. Further, Leader Technologies Incorporated filed a Miller Act Claim in 2017 was updated in 2019 (see

EXHIBIT 15); and in that regard the social networking scaling source code used by Gemini/ Facebook

Defendants etal. has resulted in their unjust enrichment, and

62. Further, when a portion of Facebook Defendants unjust enrichment proceeds was used in the New York

2020 elections to facilitate mail-in-voting resulted in disproportionate diminished dilution theft of the

Trustees votes accordingly, and if this were not enough came from shareholder Strunk's stolen asset value.

63. That the Trustees individually voted at the General Election of 3 November 2020 for the Electors for re-

election of POTUS Donald J. Trump Candidate and VPOTUS Michael Pence accordingly, despite the

despicable activities of the New York State Democratic Party and Republican Party Committees in control

of the New York State Board of Elections along with those persons similarly situated as Defendants among

others too numerous to name, and whose willful acts of suffrage interference are by unconstitutional

tortuous inducement of fraud.

64. That according to the Ulster County Election board it acknowledged receipt of election funds with

the Ulster report shown herewith as EXHIBIT 16; and according to the Warren County Election

board, it acknowledged receipt of election funds with the Warren report shown herewith as



surveillance and contact tracing to further suppress our freedom and constitutional rights;

66. As background on voting methods, Rochester New York safe-maker Jacob H. Meyers created the first

Automatic Voting Machine in 1888 and established the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation in 1898 for

multi state manufacturing of the first mechanical vote machine; and

67. In 2010 New York State was the last state to switch to electronic voting under the Help America Vote Act.

In doing so, New York abandoned its Shoup Lever Machines which had been used since 1962 and were

originally built by American Voting Machines Company in Jamestown, New York; and

68. Further, New York had a long established history with the lever machines goes back to the patent for the

lever machine by Alfred J. Gillespie and Standard Voting Machine Company of Rochester, New York, in

the late 1890s. The device drew a privacy curtain around the voter and simultaneously unlocked the

machine's levers for voting. In 1898, Gillespie and Myers formed the American Voting Machines Company.

69. However, New York has a long history of attempting to replace the machines including Strunk's mayor

Edward I. Koch who urged they be replaced in 1985; and presently Dominion Voting Systems ImageCast is

used in 52 of the state's 62 counties. The contracts were originally awarded to Sequoia Voting Systems but

Dominion acquired the company in 2010. However, the machines in some of the state's largest cities such

as New York City, Buffalo, New York and Albany, New York are the DS200 Ballot Scanner by Election

Systems & Software.

70. That Defendant Cuomo facilitation as with the CCP's Jack Ma of the Alibaba Group in the buying up of

New York timberland as is being done by the efforts of Defendants William Henry Gates III of the Bill and

Melinda Gate Foundation, Microsoft Corporation and others to become the largest productive farm and

ranch land owner in the New York that use to feed the world; and

71. Arguendo, Trustee Strunk having been a U.S. Air Force Rawinsonde Upper Air Observer brings some

experience here having been part of the Sixth Weather Squadron out at Tinker AFB Oklahoma that chased

Tornadoes each year for the NOAA National Severe Storms Laboratories, and whose study of weather and

climate when combined with that of mathematician Viscount Christopher Monckton - Margaret Thatcher's

Science Advisor, is sufficient to hold contrary opinion to schemes proposed by that of Bill Gates and the

insidiously daft Neil Ferguson statistician computer modeler of the Imperial College London with 1998

hockey stick global warming hysteria referenced by the American Spectator magazine on 30 March 2020

(see Exhibit 18) that in my opinion arranged for the Al Gore for president crowd pushing the global carbon

tax model that resurrected the Kung Flu Hockey Stick head when Neil Ferguson’s computer model was

again called upon to project the carnage of the corona virus's spread whose deadly effects projections by Dr.

Deborah Birx said the projections by Dr. Anthony Fauci, who arranged for the GOF virus in the first place,

that U.S. deaths could range from 1.6 million to 2.2 million is a worst case scenario if the country did

"nothing" to contain the outbreak, but said even "if we do things almost perfectly," she still predicts up to

200,000 U.S. deaths was used to shutdown the United States Economy - no one gets fired or arrested.

72. Notwithstanding our own Donny Appleseed with his Trillion Tree Campaign project which aims to plant

one trillion trees worldwide that seeks to repopulate the world's trees and combat climate change as a nature-

based solution, in which as of 5 December 2020, 13.94 billion trees have been planted worldwide, on the

other hand with Defendants such as William Henry Gates III of the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation,

Microsoft Corporation who invest to block the sun and remove carbon dioxide weather modification

through chemical dumping into the atmosphere to deprive photosynthesis, were it not mistaken for terra-

forming is in violation of international law, nevertheless foreshadows massive starvation and eugenic

genocide with impunity; and warrants seizure of assets and a new Nuremburg trial.

73. Notwithstanding the potential of Thorium per se, Defendants William Henry Gates III of the Bill and

Melinda Gate Foundation, Microsoft Corporation invest in TerraPower that is a nuclear reactor design

company headquartered in Bellevue, Washington, United States; and in which TerraPower is developing a

class of nuclear fast reactors called the traveling wave reactor (TWR). The TWR concept places a small core

of enriched fuel in the center of a much larger mass of non-fissile material, in this case depleted uranium.

Neutrons from fission in the core "breeds" new fissile material in the surrounding mass, producing Pu239.

Over time, enough fuel is bred in the area surrounding the core that it begins to undergo fission as well,

sending neutrons further into the mass and continuing the process while the original core burns out. Over a

period of decades, the reaction moves from the core of the reactor to the outside, thus giving the name

"travelling wave"; and in September 2015, TerraPower signed an agreement with the state-owned China

National Nuclear Corporation to build a prototype 600 MWe reactor unit at Xiapu in Fujian province;

74. As the Department of Financial Service will confirm, Trustee Strunk relocated upstate to start a private bank

to restart New Yorkers agricultural production, and hit Defendant's stonewall when deprived from using

gold letters of credit, crypto currency and the Federal Reserve Bank as designed.

Given the nature of New York's romance with the corporate oligarchy who consider themselves an elite class in

itself separate from the unwashed who actually do physical labor for a living would not hesitate to enslave their

inferiors, and as such it stands to reason that our individual liberty and freedom is best served by paper ballots

cast in person based upon a certified Identification and record on the day designated for such vote to be cast and

tallied in public, and that safeguard of the physical record mandated to be preserved for 22 months thereafter

must be done; however, when voting, banking, surveillance, travel, commerce are tied to the viability of

contracts as apply to individual liberty and freedom in this age of invisible electronic technology and fear

mongering subterfuge that threaten to end our God given rights, and we hazard to think under worsening

conditions why we may need to bring in the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights

(ODIHR) to provide support, assistance and expertise to participating States and civil society to promote

democracy for a republican form of government, rule of law, human rights and tolerant non-discrimination -

unfortunately we are not so sure at this point - that is why we are here seeking justice at the state level seeing

absence of Federal justice per se, and the record shows we have been at this for decades. Plaintiff seeks relief

from this Court with restraint of the State of New York, Governor, Attorney General and its registered entities,

by orders granting Plaintiff:

A. $50M funds (see EXHIBIT 1-B) to rehabilitate various jurisdictions in New York City damaged by
Defendants' facilitation of mayhem under color of a contrived statewide Coronavirus lockdown; and
B. $388K funds (see EXHIBIT 1-C) to restore Plaintiff 's monetary damages from 2007 to 2021 for State
Defendants fraudulent inducement of Natural Born Citizen injury that the State must resolve; and
C. Say $400M funds (see EXHIBITS 1-D thru 1-F) to restore the election system in each New York
county subdivision disrupted by Defendants facilitation of illegal mail-in-voting contrary to the State
Constitution, Election Law and Amended U.S. Constitution during or before the 2020 election cycle; and
D. an Order of Protection from Defendants facilitation of crypto currency willful conspiracy to infringe
Plaintiff rights otherwise protected inter alia by the U.S. Constitution Article 1 Section 10; and
E. an Order of Protection under the Nuremberg Code and U.S. Constitution 13th Amendment prohibiting the
State its agents and Defendants from imposing any experimental medical device(s) including masks under
the guise of treatment and prophylaxis for its patented Coronavirus pathogen i.e. unjust enrichment;
F. an Order of Protection permitting a sufficiently effective treatment and prophylaxis regimen by use of
Hydroxychloroquine with Zinc Sulfate as certified in 2005 by Federal authorities and others for use; and
G. such other and different relief including a declaratory judgment as the Court may deem necessary for
justice herein including the costs of this action with punitive damages determined at a jury trial.

TAKE NOTICE: Any Willful Dishonoring and/or Non-Settlement of UNITED STATES

Commercial "Public-Debt" Obligation Matters, by any Duly-Bound Commercial Business Entity
within the United States of America, will result in Federal Prosecution to the fullest extent possible.

) ss. ) ss.

Accordingly, I, Christopher Earl Strunk, so affirm, Accordingly, I, Harold William Van Allen, so affirm,
depose and say under penalty of perjury: depose and say under penalty of perjury:

I am a Trustee of Plaintiff AD HOC NEW YORKER I am a Trustee of Plaintiff AD HOC NEW YORKER
REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE, and have read the REPUBLICAN COMMITTEE, and have read the
foregoing AMENDED COMPLAINT with Exhibits 1 foregoing AMENDED COMPLAINT with Exhibits 1
thru 17, against Defendants malicious tortuous thru 17, against Defendants malicious tortuous
interference with elections and who with Defendants' interference with elections and who with Defendants'
illegal Mail-In-Voting ballot without permissive illegal Mail-In-Voting ballot without permissive
application along with crypto currency is void ab initio application along with crypto currency is void ab initio
along with medical devices injure Plaintiff Trustee to along with medical devices injure Plaintiff Trustee to
enslave along with those similarly situated, and each enslave along with those similarly situated, and each
such vote at the 3 November 2020 Election is such vote at the 3 November 2020 Election is
disproportionately diminished and diluted if left disproportionately diminished and diluted if left
uncorrected suffers imminent irreparable harm in that uncorrected suffers imminent irreparable harm in that
Defendants have illegally fashioned and used the mail- Defendants have illegally fashioned and used the mail-
in-vote law without ratification by the People. in-vote law without ratification by the People.

Affirmant knows the contents thereof apply to me as in Affirmant knows the contents thereof apply to me as in
that time is of the essence with irreparable harm with that time is of the essence with irreparable harm with
likelihood of success with reasonable relief available to likelihood of success with reasonable relief available to
this court, and that the same is true to my own this court, and that the same is true to my own
knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be
alleged on information and belief, and as to those alleged on information and belief, and as to those
matters I believe it to be true, am available for matters I believe it to be true, am available for
testimony. The grounds of my beliefs as to all matters testimony. The grounds of my beliefs as to all matters
not stated upon information and belief are as follows: not stated upon information and belief are as follows:
third parties, books and records, and personal third parties, books and records, and personal
knowledge. knowledge.

_______________________ _______________________
Christopher Earl Strunk in esse sui juris Harold William Van Allen in esse sui juris
All Rights Reserved without Prejudice All Rights Reserved without Prejudice

That on the ____ day of February in the year 2021 That on the ____ day of February in the year 2021
before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for
said State personally appeared, Christopher Earl said State personally appeared, Harold William Van
Strunk, personally known to me or proved to me on the Allen, personally known to me or proved to me on the
basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose
name is subscribed to the within instrument and name is subscribed to the within instrument and
acknowledged to me that he affirmed and executed the acknowledged to me that he affirmed and executed the
name in his capacity, and that by his signature on the name in his capacity, and that by his signature on the
instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of instrument, the individual, or the person upon behalf of
which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument. which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrument.

Subscribed and Affirmed to before me Subscribed and Affirmed to before me

This ____ day of February 2021 This ____ day of February 2021

_______________________________ _______________________________

Notary Public, State of New York Notary Public, State of New York

the Nuremberg Code fifty years later

The New England Journal of Medicine

Special Article



HE Nuremberg Code is the most impor- cability to modern medical research, and even its au-
tant document in the history of the ethics thorship.1,2,4,5,8 The chief prosecutor at the Doctors’
of medical research.1-6 The Code was for- Trial, General Telford Taylor, believed that one of
mulated 50 years ago, in August 1947, in the three U.S. judges, Harold Sebring, was the au-
Nuremberg, Germany, by American judges sitting in thor of the Code.2 Two American physicians who
judgment of Nazi doctors accused of conducting helped prosecute the Nazi doctors at Nuremberg,
murderous and torturous human experiments in the Leo Alexander and Andrew Ivy, have each been
concentration camps (the so-called Doctors’ Trial).7 identified as the Code’s author.5,8-11 A careful reading
It served as a blueprint for today’s principles that en-
sure the rights of subjects in medical research. Be-
cause of its link with the horrors of World War II
and the use of prisoners in Nazi concentration From the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, University and Woodland
Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19104, where reprint requests should be addressed
camps for medical experimentation, debate contin- to Dr. Shuster.
ues today about the authority of the Code, its appli- ©1997, Massachusetts Medical Society.


1. The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.
This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able
to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreach-
ing, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of
the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision.
This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there
should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by
which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his
health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.
The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, di-
rects or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another
with impunity.
2. The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods
or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.
3. The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the
natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results will justify the performance
of the experiment.
4. The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.
5. No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will
occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.
6. The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem
to be solved by the experiment.
7. Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against
even remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death.
8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care
should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.
9. During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he
has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.
10. During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any
stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill, and careful judgment
required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experi-
mental subject.

1436  Novem b er 1 3 , 1 9 9 7

The New England Journal of Medicine

Downloaded from on January 16, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
Copyright © 1997 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

of the transcript of the Doctors’ Trial, background out and exposed before they become a spreading
documents, and the final judgment reveals that au- cancer in the breast of humanity.”12 One recurring
thorship was shared and that the famous 10 princi- theme was the relevance of Hippocratic ethics to hu-
ples of the Code grew out of the trial itself. man experimentation and whether Hippocratic mor-
In this article I will explain the important role that al ideals could be an exclusive guide to the ethics of
physicians had in the prosecution of the Nazi doc- research without risk to the human rights of sub-
tors and in the formulation of the Nuremberg Code jects. In the trial’s exploration of ideas that shaped
and summarize how medical researchers have used medical-research ethics, three physicians had central
the Code as a guide over the past five decades. roles: Leo Alexander, an American neuropsychiatrist,
Werner Leibbrand, a German psychiatrist and med-
THE DOCTORS’ TRIAL ical historian, and Andrew Ivy, a renowned Ameri-
The main trial at Nuremberg after World War II can physiologist.
was conducted by the International Military Tri-
bunal. The tribunal was made up of judges from Leo Alexander
the four allied powers (the United States, Britain, Leo Alexander, a Viennese-born American physi-
France, and the former Soviet Union) and was cian, had joined the U.S. Army Medical Corps in
charged with trying Germany’s major war criminals. 1942, before being stationed in England at the
After this first-of-its-kind international trial, the American Eighth Air Force base. At the end of the
United States conducted 12 additional trials of rep- war, Alexander was sent on a special mission under
resentative Nazis from various sectors of the Third the Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Commit-
Reich, including law, finance, ministry, and manu- tee, an intelligence organization with members from
facturing, before American Military Tribunals, also several nations, and charged by orders from Supreme
at Nuremberg. The first of these trials, the Doctors’ Headquarters of Allied Expeditionary Forces to gath-
Trial, involved 23 defendants, all but 3 of whom er evidence for the Nuremberg trials. Two days be-
were physicians accused of murder and torture in the fore the opening of the Doctors’ Trial, Alexander
conduct of medical experiments on concentration- gave Taylor a memorandum entitled “Ethical and
camp inmates.7 Non-Ethical Experimentation on Human Beings,”
The indictment of the defendants was filed on in which he identified three ethical, legal, and scien-
October 25, 1946, 25 days after the conclusion of tific requirements for the conduct of human experi-
the first Nuremberg trial by the International Mili- mentation.9 The first requirement established the
tary Tribunal. The Doctors’ Trial began on Decem- right of the competent experimental subject to con-
ber 9, 1946, and ended on July 19, 1947. The case sent or refuse to participate in these terms: “the sub-
was heard by three judges and one alternate. Thirty- ject should be willing to undergo the experiment of
two prosecution witnesses and 53 defense witnesses, his own free will. . . .” The second focused on the
including the 23 defendants, testified. A total of duty of physicians as expressed in the Hippocratic
1471 documents were introduced into the record. Oath, which Alexander restated in research terms:
Sixteen of the 23 defendants were found guilty; 7 of “the medical Hippocratic attitude prohibits an ex-
them were sentenced to death by hanging, 5 to life periment if the foregone conclusion, probability or
imprisonment, 2 to imprisonment for 25 years, 1 to a priori reason to believe exists that death or dis-
imprisonment for 15 years, and 1 to imprisonment abling injury of the experimental subject will occur.”
for 10 years. Seven were acquitted. The sentences The third characterized good research practices.
were confirmed by the military governor, and, after On April 15, 1947, Alexander gave Taylor a sec-
the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review the case, ond memorandum.9,11 In it he set forth in greater
the executions were carried out at the Landsberg detail six specific conditions for ethically and legally
prison. permissible experiments on human beings. The first
For the United States and its chief prosecutor, Tel- stated that
ford Taylor, the trial was a murder trial (and murder
had been identified by the International Military the legally valid voluntary consent of the experimental
Tribunal as a crime against humanity). Nonetheless, subject is essential. This requires specifically the absence of
as Taylor pointed out in his opening statement, this duress, sufficient disclosure on the part of the experiment-
er and sufficient understanding on the part of the experi-
was “no mere murder trial,” because the defendants
mental subject of the exact nature and consequences of
were physicians who had sworn to “do no harm” the experiment for which he volunteers, to permit an en-
and to abide by the Hippocratic Oath.12 He told the lightened consent.
judges that the people of the world needed to know
“with conspicuous clarity” the ideas and motives The five other conditions established the human-
that moved these doctors “to treat their fellow hu- itarian nature and purpose of the experiment and
man beings as less than beasts,” and that “brought the scientific integrity and obligations of the inves-
about such savageries” so that they could be “cut tigator to the welfare of the subject.

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Werner Leibbrand Andrew Ivy

On January 27, 1947, Werner Leibbrand, a Ger- Andrew Ivy was an internationally known physiol-
man psychiatrist and medical historian at Erlangen ogist and a noted scientist. He also had first-hand
University, opened the debate on medical ethics at knowledge of the Stateville Penitentiary experiments
Nuremberg.12 He explained to the court that Ger- on malaria12,13 in his home state of Illinois, which the
man physicians at the beginning of the 20th century Nazi defendants attempted to liken to those per-
had adopted a “biologic thinking” according to formed on concentration-camp inmates. When the
which a patient was a series of biologic events, and secretary of war, through the surgeon general of the
nothing more than “a mere object, like a mail pack- army, asked the board of trustees of the American
age.”12 Leibbrand insisted that such a view preclud- Medical Association to nominate a medical advisor
ed any human relation between physicians and their to the Nuremberg prosecution, Ivy emerged as the
patients and that it represented a perversion of natural nominee. On June 12, 1947, Ivy came to
Hippocratic ethics and “a lack of morality and rev- Nuremberg for the third time, this time to testify in
erence for human life.”12 He strongly condemned rebuttal for the prosecution. His testimony, the
physicians who conducted experiments on subjects longest of the trial, lasted four days.12
without their consent, and testified that this was also In direct examination, Ivy presented to the judges
the result of biologic thinking. three research principles that he had formulated at
During cross-examination, defense lawyers assert- the request of the American Medical Association
ed that “civilized” nations such as France, the and which, he said, reflected common research prac-
Netherlands, Britain, and the United States had per- tices.12 His document entitled “Principles of Ethics
formed dangerous medical experiments on prison- Concerning Experimentation with Human Beings,”
ers, often without their consent. They cited Amer- adopted by the American Medical Association House
ican malaria experiments12-14 to argue that Nazi of Delegates in December 1946, read in part:
physicians had followed common research practices. 1. Consent of the human subject must be obtained. All
Leibbrand replied that this American research also subjects have been volunteers in the absence of coercion
was wrong because “prisoners were in a forced situ- in any form. Before volunteering, subjects have been in-
ation and could not be volunteers.”12 Leibbrand in- formed of the hazards, if any. Small rewards in various
sisted that “the morality of a physician is to hold forms have been provided as a rule.
back his natural research urge which may result in 2. The experiment to be performed must be based on the
doing harm, in order to maintain his basic medical results of animal experimentation and on a knowledge of
the natural history of the disease under study, and must be
attitude that is laid down in the Oath of Hippocra-
so designed that the anticipated results will justify the per-
tes.”12 This strong accusation of American research formance of the experiment. The experiment must be such
by the prosecution’s first medical-ethics witness cre- as to yield results for the good of society, unprocurable by
ated major unanticipated problems for the prosecu- other methods of study, and must not be random and un-
tion. It therefore became necessary to broaden the necessary in nature.
scope of the trial by defining the conditions under 3. The experiment must be conducted only by scientifical-
which risky human experimentation is ethically per- ly qualified persons and so as to avoid all unnecessary
missible. physical and mental suffering and injury and only after the
Defense lawyers explained that Nazi doctors were results of adequate animal experimentation have eliminat-
ordered by the state to conduct such experiments as ed any a priori reason to believe that death or disabling
injury will occur. . . .15
the high-altitude, hypothermia, and seawater exper-
iments on inmates at the Dachau concentration Ivy explained that these common-sense principles
camp to determine how best to protect and treat mirrored the understanding shared by everyone in
German fliers and soldiers. They contended that practice in the medical community.12 The first prin-
these experiments were necessary and that the ciple was that a physician would never do anything
“good of the state” takes precedence over that of to a patient or subject before obtaining his or her
the individual.12 Leibbrand replied that “the state consent. Ivy also asserted that, unlike Leibbrand, he
could order deadly experiments on human subjects, did not consider prisoners to be in an inherently co-
but the physicians remained responsible for [not] ercive situation and thus unable to give consent, be-
carrying them out.”12 Once these physiologic exper- cause in democratic countries where the rights of
iments became the centerpiece of the trial, reliance individuals are respected, prisoners can always say
on psychiatrists alone was not possible. The prose- yes or no without fear of being punished.12 He tes-
cution needed a prestigious medical scientist who tified:
was an authority on research physiology and whose The American malaria experiments with 800 or more pris-
wartime scientific interests corresponded to those of oners were absolutely justified, scientifically, legally and
the Nazi doctor defendants. This expert was An- ethically even if they bring with them danger to human
drew Ivy. life. To treat malaria was an important scientific problem,

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and so long as the subjects volunteer and are explained the butes of the subject’s consent and explicitly added
hazards of the experiments, there is no ethical reason the subject’s right to withdraw.
against it. . . . If prisoners condemned to death are vol- In the traditional Hippocratic doctor–patient re-
unteers, then it was ethical to do just that.12 lationship, the patient is silent and dutifully obedi-
During cross-examination, Ivy acknowledged that ent to the beneficent and trusted physician.16-18 Ob-
there were no written principles of research in the viously, the patient must seek the physician’s help
United States or elsewhere before December 1946 and initiate the therapeutic relationship with the
and that the principles adopted by the American physician.17 But once patients agree to be treated,
Medical Association were expressly formulated for they trust that the physician will act in their interest,
the Doctors’ Trial.12 Ivy also recognized that the or at least will do no harm.17,18 In research, which is
right of the research subject to withdraw from an outside the beneficent context of the physician–
experiment may not always exist, as in the malaria patient relationship, this trust may be misplaced, be-
experiments in which the subjects had already been cause the physician’s primary goal is not to treat;
infected, or in dangerous experiments in which the rather, it is to test a scientific hypothesis by following
subjects could be severely injured or fatally harmed. a protocol, regardless of the patient-subject’s best
Ivy agreed with Leibbrand that researchers must interest. It is therefore only through a conflation of
refuse to conduct experiments on human beings treatment and research that Alexander and Ivy be-
when ordered by the state in order “to save lives,” lieved they could expand on Hippocratic ethics to
because in such cases subjects would not be volun- protect the rights of subjects in human experimen-
teers. He declared that “[t]here is no justification in tation.19,20 Their Hippocratic view of medical re-
killing five people in order to save the lives of five search may have prevented them from adequately
hundred” and that “no state or politician under the appreciating the risks to research subjects, which are
sun could force [him] to perform a medical experi- many times greater than the risks to patients who are
ment which [he] thought was morally unjusti- merely being treated.21 Hippocratic ethics, even
fied.”12 Ivy also stressed that the state may not as- when supplemented with informed consent, tend to
sume the moral responsibility of physicians to their submerge the subject’s autonomy into what the phy-
patients or research subjects, arguing that “[E]very sician-investigator thinks is best for the subject.
physician should be acquainted with the Hippocrat- Informed consent, the core of the Nuremberg
ic Oath [which] represents the Golden Rule of the Code, has rightly been viewed as the protection of
medical profession in the United States, and, to subjects’ human rights. The key contribution of
[his] knowledge, throughout the world.”12 When, Nuremberg was to merge Hippocratic ethics and the
finally, defense counsel asked Ivy to reconcile the protection of human rights into a single code. The
Hippocratic moral maxim that forbids physicians to Nuremberg Code not only requires that physician-
“administer a poison to anyone even when asked to researchers protect the best interests of their subjects
do so” with conducting potentially lethal experi- (principles 2 through 8 and 10) but also proclaims
mental interventions on volunteer subjects, Ivy re- that subjects can actively protect themselves as well
plied, “I believe this Hippocratic commandment re- (principles 1 and 9). Most strikingly, for example, in
fers to the function of the physician as a therapist, Hippocratic ethics the subject relies on the physician
not as an experimentalist, and what refers to the to determine when it is in the subject’s best interest
Hippocratic Oath is that he must have respect for to end his or her participation in an experiment. In
life and the human rights of his experimental pa- the Nuremberg Code, the judges gave the subject as
tient.”12 much authority as the physician-researcher to end
the experiment before its conclusion (principle 9).
The judges at Nuremberg, although they realized 50 YEARS AFTER NUREMBERG
the importance of Hippocratic ethics and the maxim The Nuremberg Code has not been officially
primum non nocere, recognized that more was nec- adopted in its entirety as law by any nation or as eth-
essary to protect human research subjects. Accord- ics by any major medical association. Nonetheless,
ingly, the judges articulated a sophisticated set of 10 its influence on global human-rights law and medi-
research principles centered not on the physician but cal ethics has been profound.6 Its basic requirement
on the research subject. These principles, which we of informed consent, for example, has been univer-
know as the Nuremberg Code, included a new, sally accepted and is articulated in international law
comprehensive, and absolute requirement of in- in Article 7 of the United Nations International
formed consent (principle 1), and a new right of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966).6,22
subject to withdraw from participation in an exper- Informed consent, with specific reliance on the Nur-
iment (principle 9). The judges adopted much of emberg Code, is also the basis of the International
the language proposed by Alexander and Ivy but Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involv-
were more emphatic about the necessity and attri- ing Human Subjects, the most recent guidelines

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promulgated by the World Health Organization and REFERENCES

the Council for International Organizations of Med- 1. Annas GJ, Grodin MA, eds. The Nazi doctors and the Nuremberg
ical Sciences (1993).23 Code: human rights in human experimentation. New York: Oxford Uni-
The World Medical Association, established dur- versity Press, 1992.
2. Biomedical ethics and the shadow of Nazism: a conference on the prop-
ing World War II, has been accused of purposely try- er use of the Nazi analogy in ethical debate/April 8, 1976. Hastings Cent
ing to undermine Nuremberg in order to distance Rep 1976;6(4):Suppl:1-20.
physicians from Nazi medical crimes.24 The election 3. Katz J. The consent principle of the Nuremberg Code: its significance
then and now. In: Annas GJ, Grodin MA, eds. The Nazi doctors and the
of a former Nazi physician and SS member, Hans- Nuremberg Code: human rights in human experimentation. New York:
Joachim Sewering, to the presidency of that organi- Oxford University Press, 1992:227-39.
4. Ambroselli C. L’éthique médicale. Paris: Presses Universitaires de
zation in 1992 added credibility to that accusa- France, Que Sais-je?, 1988.
tion.24 (Because of public criticism, Sewering later 5. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments. Final report.
withdrew.) Nonetheless, the various versions of the Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1995.
6. Grodin MA, Annas GJ. Legacies of Nuremberg: medical ethics and hu-
Declaration of Helsinki promulgated by the World man rights. JAMA 1996;276:1682-3.
Medical Association since 1964, although attempt- 7. International Military Tribunal. Trials of war criminals before the
ing to have peer review supplement informed con- Nuremberg Military Tribunals under Control Council law no. 10. Wash-
ington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1950.
sent and even supplant it as their central principle 8. Moreno JD. Reassessing the influence of the Nuremberg Code on
in the context of “therapeutic research,” all implic- American medical ethics. J Contemp Health Law Policy 1997;13:347-60.
9. Alexander L. Ethics of human experimentation. Psychiatr J Univ Ottawa
itly acknowledge Nuremberg’s authority. Both the 1976;1:40-6.
Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki 10. Grodin MA. Historical origins of the Nuremberg Code. In: Annas GJ,
served as models for the current U.S. federal re- Grodin MA, eds. The Nazi doctors and the Nuremberg Code: human rights
in human experimentation. New York: Oxford University Press, 1992:121-44.
search regulations, which require not only the in- 11. Bayle F. Croix gammée contre caducée: les expériences humaines en
formed consent of the research subject (with proxy Allemagne pendant la Deuxième Guerre Mondiale. Berlin, Germany: Com-
consent sometimes acceptable, as for young chil- mission Scientifique des Crimes de Guerre, 1950.
12. Complete transcript of the Nuremberg Medical Trial: United States v.
dren), but also prior peer review of research proto- Karl Brandt et al. (Case 1). Washington, D.C.: National Archives, Novem-
cols by a committee (the institutional review board ber 21, 1946–August 20, 1947. (Microfilm publication no. M887.)
13. Ethics governing the service of prisoners as subjects in medical exper-
of the hospital or research institution) that includes iments: report of a committee appointed by Governor Dwight H. Green
a representative of the community.25 of Illinois. JAMA 1948;136:457-8.
The Nuremberg Code focuses on the human rights 14. Annas GJ, Glantz LH, Katz BF. Informed consent to human experi-
mentation: the subject’s dilemma. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger Publishing,
of research subjects, the Declaration of Helsinki fo- 1977.
cuses on the obligations of physician-investigators to 15. Supplementary report of the Judicial Council. JAMA 1946;132:1090.
research subjects, and the federal regulations empha- 16. Hippocratic corpus: oath and epidemics 1. Jones WHS, trans. Cam-
bridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1923.
size the obligations of research institutions that re- 17. Aziza-Shuster E. Le médecin de soi-même. Paris: Presses Universitaires
ceive federal funds. Nonetheless, by insisting that de France, 1972.
18. Katz J. The silent world of doctor and patient. New York: Free Press,
medical investigators alone cannot set the rules for 1984.
the ethical conduct of research, even when guided 19. Alexander L. Medical science under dictatorship. N Engl J Med 1949;
by beneficence and Hippocratic ethics, and by adopt- 241:39-47.
20. Ivy AC. Nazi war crimes of a medical nature. JAMA 1949;139:131-5.
ing a human-rights perspective that acknowledges 21. Bacteriology and the end of nineteenth-century “medical theory.” In:
the centrality of informed consent and the right of Canguilhem G. Ideology and rationality in the history of the life science.
the subject to withdraw, the Nuremberg Code has Goldhammer A, trans. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1988:51-77.
22. The international covenant on civil and political rights. Suppl. 52. No.
changed forever the way both physicians and the 16. Article 7. New York: United Nations Office of Public Information,
public view the proper conduct of medical research 1966. (UN document no. A/6316.)
23. International ethical guidelines for biomedical research involving hu-
on human subjects. Fifty years after Nuremberg, we man subjects. Geneva: Council for International Organizations of Medical
recognize the human-rights legacy of the Nurem- Sciences, 1993.
berg Code and are better able to face the critical 24. Grodin MA, Annas GJ, Glantz LH. Medicine and human rights: a pro-
posal for international action. Hastings Cent Rep 1993;23(4):8-12.
challenge of applying the Code in its entirety and 25. National Institute of Health, Office for Protection from Research
enforcing its human-rights provisions. Risks, protection of human subjects, 45 C.F.R. 46 (1991).

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Defendant William Henry Gates III of the Bill and Melinda Gate Foundation and Microsoft
Corporation filed a patent for a nano-chi[p vaccine program when injected will generate crypto
currency in a persons mitochondria


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H04L 9/0866 G06Q 20/3672 H04L 9/0637

G06F 3/011 Abstract

Applicants Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of
Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is
communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the
Inventors device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based
Dustin ABRAMSON on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to
Derrick FU the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by
Joseph Edwin JOHNSON, JR. the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is

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Dutch Medical Journals describe the operation of the platform associated with the namo-chip
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Human body activity associated with a task provided to a user may be used in a mining process of
a cryptocurrency system. A server may provide a task to a device of a user which is
communicatively coupled to the server. A sensor communicatively coupled to or comprised in the
Inventors device of the user may sense body activity of the user. Body activity data may be generated based
ABRAMSON, Dustin on the sensed body activity of the user. The cryptocurrency system communicatively coupled to
FU, Derrick the device of the user may verify if the body activity data satisfies one or more conditions set by
JOHNSON, Joseph Edwin, JR. the cryptocurrency system, and award cryptocurrency to the user whose body activity data is
Agents (FR)
MINHAS, Sandip S. L'activité du corps humain associée à une tâche fournie à un utilisateur peut être utilisée dans un
CHEN, Wei-Chen Nicholas processus de minage d'un système de cryptomonnaie. Un serveur peut fournir une tâche à un
HINOJOSA, Brianna L. dispositif d'un utilisateur qui est couplé de manière à communiquer avec le serveur. Un capteur
HOLMES, Danielle J. couplé de manière à communiquer avec un dispositif de l'utilisateur ou compris dans ce dernier
SWAIN, Cassandra T. peut détecter l'activité corporelle de l'utilisateur. Des données d'activité corporelle peuvent être
WONG, Thomas S. générées sur la base de l'activité corporelle détectée de l'utilisateur. Le système de
CHOI, Daniel cryptomonnaie de la présente invention couplé de manière à communiquer avec le dispositif de
HWANG, William C. l'utilisateur peut vérifier si les données d'activité corporelle satisfont une ou plusieurs conditions
WIGHT, Stephen A. définies par le système de cryptomonnaie, et attribuer une cryptomonnaie à l'utilisateur dont les
CHATTERJEE, Aaron C. données d'activité corporelle sont vérifiées.
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Saudi Arabia Removes Central Banker,
1. Lays Out Wealth Fund Goals

U.S. CDC says 21.8 million doses of

2. COVID-19 vaccines administered

Norway widens capital region's lockdown

3. to combat pandemic

SoftBank Managing Partner Colin Fan

4. Steps Back From Vision Fund

Canada Worries About Biden’s ‘Buy

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A New York Power Plant

Is Mining $50K Worth of
Bitcoin a Day
Paddy Baker
March 5, 2020 · 2 min read

BTC=X +1.0861% BTCUSD=X -0.224% NG=F +0.25%

An upstate New York power plant has been using

some of its own electricity to mine bitcoin on an
industrial scale.

Greenidge Generation, a natural gas power plant

near the town of Dresden in the Finger Lakes region,
announced it had successfully installed a mining
farm in its facility. Comprised of nearly 7,000 mining
rigs and powered by electricity generated on-site,
the facility can mine an average of 5.5 bitcoins (BTC)
every day, roughly $50,000, according to CoinDesk’s
Bitcoin Price Index. 1/6
1/24/2021 A New York Power Plant Is Mining $50K Worth of Bitcoin a Day

HOME MAIL Greenidge

NEWS FINANCEuses its own “behind
SPORTS the meter”
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the generated electricity it uses itself at the basic

9+ 24
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cost of production. symbols
Kevin or companies
Zhang, director of Mail

Greenidge’s blockchain strategies, said in a

statement the initiative would provide potential
investors with unique exposure to both the
cryptocurrency and energy markets.

Related: Ethereum’s ProgPoW Debate Is About

Much More Than Mining

The server farm comes as part of an extensive $65

million renovation of the power plant, which
includes transforming the plant from coal to natural
gas as well as investing in the electrical
infrastructure needed to power the mining rigs.

Following the plant’s conversion to natural gas, with

both state and federal approval, in 2017, Greenidge
Chief Executive Dale Irwin said the mining operation
would complement the “power plant’s unique
commitment to environmental stewardship.”

Because costs are already low and predictable, plant

owners say they are in a “favorable market position”
and believe they will remain profitable even after
the halving event takes bitcoin’s block reward down
to 6.25 BTC in May.

“Due to our unique position as a co-generation

facility, we are able to make money in down markets
so that we’re available to catch the upside of volatile
price swings,” said Tim Rainey, Greenidge’s chief
financial officer, to Bloomberg.

Related: Ukraine Justice System Employee Caught

Mining Crypto at Work

First established in 1937, Greenidge is now owned by

Connecticut-based Atlas Holdings, which helped
install the mining rigs in the facility in the space of
four months. The plant used to only open at peak
times in the summer and winter months; the new
mining initiative means it now operates all year
round. 2/6
1/24/2021 A New York Power Plant Is Mining $50K Worth of Bitcoin a Day

Story continues
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That on May 5, 2016 ... Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the New York State

Department of Financial Services has authorized Gemini Trust

1/24/2021 New York Approves New Digital Currency for Winklevoss Bitcoin Exchange | Fortune

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New York Approves New Digital Currency for Winklevoss Bitcoin

May 5, 2016 1:11 PM EDT

Tyler Winklevoss (L) and Cameron Winklevoss speak during TechCrunch Disrupt NY 2015 on May 6, 2015 in New York City.

The New York State Department of Financial Services has approved the application of Gemini
Trust Company, founded by investors Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, to trade digital currency
ether on its bitcoin exchange, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced on Thursday. 1/4
1/24/2021 New York Approves New Digital Currency for Winklevoss Bitcoin Exchange | Fortune

Cuomo said Gemini would be the first U.S.-based ether exchange, created, and operated in
New York.

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1/24/2021 New York Approves New Digital Currency for Winklevoss Bitcoin Exchange | Fortune

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1/24/2021 Governor Cuomo Announces Approval of First U.S.-Based Ethereum Exchange, Created and Operated In New York | Governor Andrew …

MAY 5, 2016 Albany, NY

Governor Cuomo Announces Approval of First U.S.-

Based Ethereum Exchange, Created and Operated In
New York

Department of Financial Services Authorizes New York-Based Company

to Offer Trading of Emerging Digital Currency

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the New York State Department of Financial Services
has authorized Gemini Trust Company, LLC to offer the trading of Ether, an emerging cryptocurrency, on
its virtual currency exchange based in New York City. Cryptocurrencies are alternative decentralized
global digital currencies that provides users with a more secure and efficient means of payment.

"This action continues New York's long tradition of pioneering new innovations and emerging industries,"
said Governor Cuomo. "With robust regulatory oversight, we are maintaining our status at the forefront
of this technological revolution and ensuring that users have a safe and secure experience."

Acting Department of Financial Services Superintendent Maria T. Vullo said, "Through smart and careful
regulation, New York State continues to flourish as a virtual currency leader in the global marketplace.
DFS will continue to encourage the development and long-term future of this growing industry."

Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, Founders of Gemini Trust Company, LLC said, "We thank Governor
Cuomo for his leadership and DFS for being the first regulator in the world to build a licensing
framework for virtual currency businesses. Their approval of Gemini as the first-ever licensed platform to
support Ether trading demonstrates their commitment to being global thought leaders in financial
regulation that both protects consumers and fosters innovation."

The Department of Financial Services issued a charter to Gemini in October 2015 to operate a virtual 1/2
1/24/2021 Governor Cuomo Announces Approval of First U.S.-Based Ethereum Exchange, Created and Operated In New York | Governor Andrew …

currency exchange through which Gemini customers may purchase and sell virtual currency for U.S.
Dollars and U.S. Dollars for virtual currency. In June 2015, the Department published final virtual currency
rules after a nearly two-year inquiry into the appropriate regulatory guidelines. Virtual currency license
applicants are subject to a rigorous review of anti-money laundering, capitalization, consumer protection
and cyber security standards.

The Ethereum network, which receives significant development contributions from Brooklyn-based
ConsenSys, is a cryptocurrency and blockchain platform. Ether is the digital cryptography-based asset of
the Ethereum network, similar to how bitcoin is the digital cryptography-based asset of the Bitcoin

As a limited purpose trust company chartered under New York State Banking Law, Gemini can launch
Ether trading immediately, subject to ongoing supervision by the state.

Contact the Governor's Press Office

 Contact us Albany: (518) 474 - 8418
by phone:
New York City: (212) 681 - 4640

 Contact us
by email: Press.Offi[email protected] 2/2
The second bill “directs the state board of elections to study and evaluate the use of blockchain

technology to protect voter records and election results,” according to the text.

1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York …

Story from Business

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced

in New York Legislature

Nikhilesh De

Dec 4, 2017 at 1:00 a.m. EST

Updated Dec 4, 2017 at 1:17 p.m. EST

A lawmaker in New York has introduced

four bills in an e ort to spur research
into possible uses for blockchain by the
state’s government.

The proposed laws from Assemblyman Clyde Vanel (D-
33) would establish legal language for the technology
(similar to an e ort undertaken in Arizona) under state
law while also creating studies around its application for
local and state elections, including the verification of
voter tallies.

The first bill would to add sections to New York’s

technology law which define “blockchain technology”
and “smart contract,” as well as provide a legal
understanding for digital signatures stored on a

The second bill “directs the state board of elections to

study and evaluate the use of blockchain technology to
protect voter records and election results,” according to
the text. 1/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

It gives this study a year to produce a report explaining

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York …
whether a blockchain platform can help limit or prevent
voter fraud, improve cybersecurity around digital voting
platforms, maintain better voter records and more
e iciently share election results.

The third bill also calls for a study and the creation of a
task force to determine whether a blockchain platform
can be used by the state government to store records
and share information quickly and e iciently. This
particular measure echoes one pursued in Vermont in
2016, though in that case o icials ultimately passed on
greenlighting such a platform.

The New York bill would require the task force to hold at
least one public hearing during its study, with a final
report due later than Jan. 1, 2019.

The fourth and final bill would, if passed, create a digital

currency task force to determine the impact of
cryptocurrencies on New York financial markets.

Public records don’t o er any clear picture on the future

trajectory of the bills, with three of them being referred
to a committee related to government options.

New York Assembly image via Wikimedia Commons


New York News State Government

Clyde Vanel Blockchain Legislation

 Use Cases & Verticals

The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet
that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides
by a strict set of editorial policies. CoinDesk is an
independent operating subsidiary of Digital Currency Group,
which invests in cryptocurrencies and blockchain startups.

Related 2/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York …


Bitcoin Developers Weigh the Blockchain Bites: Clearing the

Costs of Defying White Paper Record on Yellen’s Crypto
Copyright Claim Concerns and the Bitcoin Double-
Spend Fracas
Colin Harper Jan 22, 2021
Daniel Kuhn Jan 22, 2021

Story from Tech

Bitcoin Developers Weigh the

Costs of Defying White Paper

 Copyright Claim
Should anyone in an open source
community have to bear the legal brunt of a
seemingly senseless lawsuit? 3/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York …

(Siddhant Kumar/Unsplash)

Colin Harper

Jan 22, 2021 at 5:16 p.m. EST

Updated Jan 22, 2021 at 5:23 p.m. EST

The Bitcoin community is debating the

extent to which Bitcoin Core developers
and maintainers should shoulder the
symbolic burden of hosting its white paper,
particularly when doing so could
unnecessarily sap their time and finances.

The question arose after the Bitcoin white

 paper was taken down from, a canonical repository for
the Bitcoin software and educational
resources like Satoshi’s 10-page thesis,
following legal threats of copyright
infringement from nChain Chief Scientist
Craig Wright.

Wright, who has made a career of his claim

that he is Satoshi Nakamoto, also helped to
spawn the Bitcoin fork Bitcoin Satoshi’s
Vision (BSV). 4/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in The Bitcoin

New York … white paper, titled “Bitcoin: A
Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System,” was
published by Satoshi Nakamoto under an
MIT public license in 2008 and is
distributed widely in many forms around
the world. Wright has filed a copyright
claim and that claim has been processed,
but it is still open to challenge.

Read more: What Is the Bitcoin White


But whether his legal pressure has merit is

not the issue: Wright is no stranger to
lawsuits and has eagerly sued prominent
Bitcoiners, like British podcast Peter
McCormack, for challenging his claim as
the inventor of Bitcoin.

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and you agree to our terms & conditions and privacy policy.

The issue is whether it would be best to

entertain another of Wright’s enervating
(but expensive) lawsuits with a show of
strength, or if sidestepping the problem
entirely by removing the white paper –
which exists in numerous corners of the
web anyway – would be a wiser path for to follow. 5/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in While’s

New York … maintainers have
scuttled the white paper from the site,, the other website in the
lawsuit’s sights, has yet to remove the
white paper.

Read more: Craig Wright Again Claims

Authorship of Bitcoin White Paper

As to the matter of practicality vs. principal,

as ever, Bitcoin’s open-source community
is at odds with itself.

No harm, no foul

Prolific Bitcoin contributor Gregory

Maxwell, for instance, is in the camp that
argues hosting the white paper on the
Bitcoin Core website carries unneeded
legal and financial risk for the Bitcoin Core
developers who maintain the site.

“It’s not currently needed there: The bitcoin

white paper is already all over the place, it
is on dozens of sites, it is in the Bitcoin

 blockchain and with publicity about this
nonsense it’s going to get published in
1,000 more places.”

Read more: Why Everyone From Square

to Facebook Is Now Hosting the Bitcoin
White Paper

The fuss is over a digital paper, Maxwell

points out, not even the Bitcoin code itself,
which will chug on, entirely una ected by
the brouhaha. 6/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York …

"Wright might be able to abuse the
legal system to take a copy down, or
even to take down
entirely (maybe even
entirely). And what e ect would that
have on Bitcoin? NONE. No e ect at
all. What e ect would it have on the
availability of the whitepaper? If
anything it would make it more
available. But even if he managed to
get the whitepaper taken o every site
– a total impossibility – what would
that do to Bitcoin? Still nothing."

Greg Maxwell

He adds that instead of distracting Bitcoin

engineers with years of hearings and
lawsuits costing millions of dollars, it would
be better to allow them the freedom to
continue their important work maintaining
Bitcoin. He cites McCormack’s and other
cases as evidence that Wright has plenty of

 money to throw at court hearings that go
nowhere (and he’s even failed to pay legally
mandated restitution after losing these
fights, Maxwell says in the post).

A matter of principle and pride

Responding to Maxwell’s post, Cobra, a

pseudonymous developer who maintains
the website, disagrees with
Maxwell’s conclusion that “this isn’t the
right battle.” Where Maxwell thinks it would
show weakness to engage with Wright, 7/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in Cobra believes

New York … submitting to the demand is
weakness as well.

“With respect to Greg, I think the Bitcoin

Core project submitting to unreasonable
demands that lack merit is a bad thing, and
doesn’t inspire confidence in the
robustness of the project to social and legal
attacks” Cobra told CoinDesk over direct

Cobra told CoinDesk the developers are

willing to go to court to combat Wright’s
“nonsense” allegations if necessary.

Can’t sue ‘em all

Other Bitcoiners, in response to a post by

Bitcoin Core lead maintainer Wladimir van
der Laan (@orionwl), were more

@[email protected]

 so let this be clear: i'm happy to
maintain the bitcoin core code, but i
will not personally be a martyr for
bitcoin, it's up to you as bitcoiners to
protect it

Seccour @Seccour_FR
Weak @orionwl

4:08 AM · Jan 21, 2021

“Y’all made the right decision,” Pierre

Rochard, Nakamoto Institute co-founder
and Bitcoin Strategist at Kraken, 8/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in responded.

New York … “Thank you for your excellent
stewardship of the project.”

Decentralizing Bitcoin Core

Still, some suggested that van der Laan and

other Bitcoin Core developers who would
rather avoid legal conflict should pass the domain on to someone who
is willing to bear the litigious brunt of a
potential lawsuit.

@[email protected] @ · Jan 21, 2021

so let this be clear: i'm happy to
maintain the bitcoin core code, but i
will not personally be a martyr for
bitcoin, it's up to you as bitcoiners to
protect it

Seccour @Seccour_FR
Weak @orionwl


This is fair, but people will always

take it the wrong way. It's a huge
amount of pressure, and the
centralization of power is never

 good. I'd never want to be in your
shoes and thank you for all you do.
Perhaps offload this specific task to

In a blog post yesterday, Bitcoin Core’s lead

maintainer made it clear that, in his view,
this goes further than the debate over
taking down the white paper that, in itself,
is likely to be a battle that will need broader
support that one person could handle
alone. 9/13
1/24/2021 4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in New York Legislature - CoinDesk

4 Blockchain Bills Introduced in Indeed,

New York he
… had already begun considering
“decreasing [his] involvement” in the open
source project prior to this week’s events.

The “responses on social media” to’s delisting the white paper
he writes in the post “have made me realize
that people have strange expectations from
me, and what my role in the Bitcoin Core
project is.”

Van der Laan will be stepping down as

chair of Bitcoin Core’s weekly meetings. For
the rest of the post, he proposes ways to
further decentralize Bitcoin’s development
and software distribution.

“Some arrangements that were acceptable

for a small scale FOSS project are no
longer so for one running a 600 billion
dollar system. Market cap is famously
deceptive, but my point is not about
specific numbers here,” he writes.

 “This is a serious project now, and we need
to start taking decentralization seriously.”


Bitcoin Core Bitcoin Craig Wright

Bitcoin White Paper

The leader in blockchain news, CoinDesk is a media outlet
that strives for the highest journalistic standards and abides 10/13
Governor Cuomo designated New York State as a Crypto Currency Center
issued as Executive Order

1/24/2021 New York Governor Cuomo Signs Bill to Create First US Crypto Task Force

New York Governor Cuomo Signs Bill Paving Way for

First US Crypto Task Force
Last Updated: October 4, 2020 UTC: 1:57 PM. Published: January 7, 2019 UTC: 1:08 PM. by Mark Emem

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The state of New York has created a cryptocurrency task force following the signing of a digital
currency study bill by Governor Andrew Cuomo.

This was announced by New York State Assemblyman and the chair of the subcommittee on internet
and new technologies, Clyde Vanel, who commented that the task force would benefit both the 1/3
1/24/2021 New York Governor Cuomo Signs Bill to Create First US Crypto Task Force

blockchain industry and investors:

The task force of experts will help us strike the balance between having a robust
blockchain industry and cryptocurrency economic environment while at the same
time protecting New York investors and consumers.

Members of the cryptocurrency task force who will be appointed by the New York State Assembly,
Senate and the Governor will be drawn from the tech sector, the investor community, academia and
blockchain firms. The task force is expected to have turned in a report by December 15 next year.

New York’s Crypto Task Force a First in US

According to New York City’s tech nonprofit, Tech:NYC, the crypto task force will be the first in the
United States and this will assist in solidifying the state’s status as a “global hub for smart innovation.”

The idea of a cryptocurrency task force in New York was initially proposed mid last year following an
inquiry into exchanges that had been launched by the Office of the Attorney General in the state.


New York State May Launch a Cryptocurrency Task Force
1:56 PM · Jun 3, 2018

1 See CoinLook’s other Tweets

At the time, the New York AG’s Office indicated that the inquiry had been started following an
increase in public interest in cryptocurrencies and a spate of cryptocurrency heists.

Tyler Winklevoss, the chief executive of Gemini Exchange, which was one of the exchanges that had
received questionnaires from the AG’s office, welcomed the move, arguing that the market was in
need of prudent regulation and enhanced transparency:

These technologies can’t flourish and grow without thoughtful regulation that
connects them to finance. As long as jurisdictions strike the right balance, we
think it’s going to be a huge boon and win for cryptocurrencies. 2/3
1/24/2021 New York Governor Cuomo Signs Bill to Create First US Crypto Task Force

‘No Way!’
At the time, not all crypto exchanges welcomed the inquiry by the AG’s office with open arms,
however. The founder and CEO of Kraken, Jesse Powell, declined to respond to the inquiry, saying on
social media that the 34 questions would require a diversion of company resources and would thus
hinder the firm from fulfilling its mission:

When I saw this 34-point demand, with a deadline 2 weeks out, I immediately
thought ‘The audacity of these guys – the entitlement, the disrespect for our
business, out time! The resource diversion for this production is massive. This is
going to completely blow up our roadmap!

Featured Image from Shutterstock

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© 2021 Hawkfish AS, Drengsrudhagen 6, 1385 Asker, Norway., aka CCN - Capital & Celeb News, is a part
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the Moguls agreed that they would fund The NYS Department of Financial Service

1/24/2021 NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight


NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo wants crypto businesses to pay for NYDFS’ oversight to “make progress

2770 85 2:51


Cryptocurrency entities licensed under the New York’s Financial Services Law (FSL) should pay the costs of
regulatory oversight, Governor Andrew Cuomo believes.

The Democratic Governor purportedly wants the state authorities to amend the FSL in order to require
virtual currency-related entities within the FSL jurisdiction to foot the bill for examination and oversight
conducted by New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS).

The NYDFS is one of primary regulatory agencies for crypto-related businesses in New York state as the
regulator issues a major business license for cryptocurrencies, the BitLicense. As the home of the nancial
capital of the United States, the NYDFS is often at the front line of new regulation.

Cuomo wants crypto businesses to pay for NYDFS oversight to “make progress happen” 1/7
1/24/2021 NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight
Cuomo wants crypto businesses to pay for NYDFS oversight to make progress happen

Cuomo revealed his amendment proposal in his state of the state speech in New York on Jan. 8, where the
Governor outlined his “Making Progress Happen” agenda. The crypto-related FSL amendment is part of
Cuomo’s 2020 state of the state book, a 321-page list of policies suggested by the Governor to improve the
economy of the state.

Speci cally, Cuomo wants to put virtual currency businesses on an “an even footing with other nancial
services companies” that are required to pay assessments to the NYDFS to cover the costs of oversight. The
document reads:

“Under current law, supervised entities that are licensed under the Insurance Law or Banking Law
are required to pay assessments to DFS to cover the cost of examination and oversight. Entities
licensed under the FSL (e.g. virtual currency entities) are not required to pay such assessments,
despite being subject to similar examination and oversight requirements. The Governor proposes
to amend the FSL to place such entities on an even footing with other nancial services companies.”

Cointelegraph contacted the Governor's press o ce in order to get more clarity what virtual currency
entities are particularly meant in this context. Cointelegraph has also requested some BitLicense bearers
including crypto trading app Robinhood and nancial rm SoFi to comment on the matter. This article will
be updated pending any new information.

NYDFS to soon update its BitLicense for the rst time in 5 years

The NYDFS, also referred to as the DFS, is a department of the New York state government that regulates
nancial services and products in such elds as insurance, banking and nancial services. The authority rst
released rules for BitLicense in 2015, soon after proposing a regulatory framework in 2014.

The news comes after the NYDFS announced its plans to update the BitLicense’s terms for the rst time in
ve years in mid-December 2019. The regulator will be accepting the general public comment on the
proposed changes by Jan. 27, 2020. In July 2019, the regulator established a new department dedicated to
licensing and regulating crypto-related businesses.

#Cryptocurrencies #Government #BitLicense #Finance #Bitcoin Regulation

#New York #NYDFS #United States #Andrew Cuomo

1/24/2021 NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight

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BuyUCoin initially denied the reports of a data breach, but added that all user funds are safe.

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1/24/2021 NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight


Users of Indian crypto exchange BuyUCoin have reportedly been a ected by a breach compromising
personal data of more than 325,000 people.

According to a report from Indian news outlet Inc42, a hacking group by the name of ShinyHunters leaked a
database containing the names, phone numbers, email addresses, tax identi cation numbers and bank
account details of more than 325,000 BuyUCoin users. However, a later report from Bleeping Computer
shows the leaked data may only contain information from 161,487 BuyUCoin members.

Cybersecurity researcher Rajshekhar Rajaharia posted screenshots of the leaked data — recorded until
September 2020 — to Twitter last week, which included trading activity and BuyUCoin referral codes.

Rajshekhar Rajaharia

Trading in #cryptocurrency? 3.5 Lakh Users data including me

leaked From @buyucoin. The leaked data contains Name,
Email, Mobile, bank account numbers, PAN Number, Wallets
Details etc. Again didn't informed to affected users by
Story -…
#InfoSec 4/7
1/24/2021 NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight

7:10 AM · Jan 21, 2021

BuyUCoin initially claimed that “not even a single customer was a ected” by the data breach and referred
to the reports as “rumors,” but has since released a statement saying it was “thoroughly investigating each
and every aspect of the report about malicious and unlawful cybercrime activities by foreign entities.” The
exchange added that all user funds were “safe and sound within a secure environment” as it reported 95%
were kept in cold storage.

Though no funds have reportedly been a ected in the breach of the exchange, there are still potential risks
to BuyUCoin users. Like the exchange’s customers, Ledger users had their personal data compromised in a
June and July 2020 data breach a ecting 272,853 people who ordered hardware wallets. Some users have
since reported receiving threatening emails with demands for a crypto ransom to be paid within 24 hours
or they will face “horrifying” consequences.

While real world attacks to steal crypto are much rarer than hacks or scams, they do occur. Whether
concerned for their data or their physical well being, some BuyUCoin users expressed their frustration with
the reports of the breach.

“What if someone used my account in any illegal activity?” said Rajaharia — also a BuyUCoin user — in a
follow-up tweet, calling the exchange's initial response “irresponsible.”

Cointelegraph reached out to BuyUCoin CEO Shivam Thakral for comment, but did not receive a response at the
time of publication.

1/24/2021 NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight

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1/24/2021 NY Governor Wants Crypto Firms to Cover Costs for NYDFS Oversight

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the Coronavirus related lockdown case REV. STEVEN SOOS et v.ANDREW M. CUOMO et al., filed in
the NDNY with Index 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS) to no avail, the Affidavit without Exhibits is attached as
germane judicial notice herein


REV. STEVEN SOOS et al., 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS)






Although there is evidence of Defendants' malicious infliction of Plaintiffs' religious

liberty injury, Memorandum-Decision and Order (Exhibit 1) outrageously neglects

to protect NEW YORKERS from Defendants' malicious acts to prevent re-election of

Donald J. Trump (DJT) on 3 November 2020 by any means possible with tortuous

interference and propaganda to disrupt state / federal elections and commerce with

Deborah L. Birx, Anthony S. Fauci, Robert R. Redfield, Bill & Melinda Gates

Foundation, GAVI Vaccine Alliance, Imperial Chemical Industries, and investment

to facilitate unjust enrichment by NANO-TECH systems experimentation on NEW

YORKERS to: introduce global surveillance with eugenics / genocide capability, to

tortuously interfere under color of law to violate Constitutional 14th Amendment

rights under 42 USC §1983 and related law, infringe Plaintiffs / Intervener's 1st 4th

5th 9th 10th rights, and aid & abet Chinese Communist Party's illegal virus Gain-of

Function Research (GOFR); despite treatments see

richard-bartlett-acwt-interview-7-2-20/, and according to the following allegations:

1. Affirmant Christopher Earl Strunk in esse sui juris is a Private American


(Exhibit 2) registered to vote in Warren County New York; and

2. As such, after consideration from 1997 onward, in 2015 Affirmant celebrated

his Bar Mitzvah pictured in front of the Brooklyn Public Library (Exhibit 3),

who since 2018 became Brooklyn's wandering Jew in Warren County as a

Veteran with Blood Type A according to the Department of Defense; and

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) plus

Gain of Function Research (GOFR) done in WUHAN PRC under U.S.
Patent No.: US 10,130,701 B2 named CORONAVIRUS is COVID-19?
3. On 20 November 2018 the Patent Office approved United States Patent No.:

US 10,130,701 B2 named CORONAVIRUS by application of THE PIRBRIGHT

INSTITUTE of Pirbright

Woking Great Britain

that is acknowledged by

Bill Gates; and

4. According to the PRC's World Health Organization partner, COVID 19 is

CORONAVIRUS transmitted by symptomatic viremia positive persons; and

5. According to the New England Journal of Medicine June 17, 2020 study report

(see Exhibit 4), confirmed in conclusion that persons with Blood Type A are

the most vulnerable to fatality from the CORONAVIRUS infection (1), and

1. The Study concludes that: Non-genetic studies that were reported as preprints have
previously implicated the involvement of ABO blood groups in Covid-19 susceptibility, and
6. According to the Oklahoma Blood Institute, Caucasians with Blood Type A

compose 31% of the total United States Population (see Exhibit 5) are thus

disproportionately vulnerable to CORONAVIRUS infection and vaccine death.


7. Affirmant served his claim notice that NYS EXECUTIVE AIDS AND ABETS


over participant entities responsible for riot and mayhem (see Exhibit 6); and

8. Based upon Affirmant's search of the Division of Corporations and Business Entity

Database with information contained in its database current through June 25, 2020,

inter alia to the extent that the State CINC refused to act to prevent rioting and

mayhem in the City of New York it is alleged that the NYS executive is aiding and

abetting terrorism using its registered entities inter alia:



ABO blood groups have also been implicated in susceptibility to SARS-CoV-1

infection. Our genetic data confirm that blood group O is associated with a risk of
acquiring Covid-19 that was lower than that in non-O blood groups, whereas blood group
A was associated with a higher risk than non-A blood groups. The biologic mechanisms
undergirding these findings may have to do with the ABO group per se (e.g., with the
development of neutralizing antibodies against protein-linked N-glycans) or with other
biologic effects of the identified variant, including the stabilization of von Willebrand
factor. The ABO locus holds considerable risk for population stratification, which is
increased by the inclusion of randomly selected blood donors in the current study (for
which there is an inherent risk of blood group O enrichment). Alignment of the allele
frequencies at the ABO locus in our control population with those in several non–blood-
donor control populations would suggest that this is not a major bias, and at least one
study that tested for association with blood type used disease controls with no affiliation
to blood donors.

9. All listed entities operate with impunity under the jurisdiction of New York State as

registered for profit and or non-profit corporations whose members commit mayhem

and their leaders make statements as terrorist organizations that are ignored by

Defendants and others who are accessories to crime in the recent City of New York

riots; and that goes to the Executive arbitrary disaster and emergency parallel

process that is ULTRA VIRES of state law / Constitution implementing a

"VACCINE" with aid and abetting by Deborah L. Birx, Anthony S. Fauci, Robert

R. Redfield, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Vaccine Alliance,

Imperial Chemical Industries and others unjust enrichment; and

State within the State members are listed in the Plum Book
10. Further, in explanation regarding the 'Deep State' the State within the

State ( 2) employees are listed in the Plum Book: The post civil war 14th

Constitutional amendment administrative federal government that

transformed the spoils system overlaid after the deaths of Lincoln, Garfield and

McKinley from the 1913 temporary monetary emergency was made perpetual

in 1928 and with the 1933 FDR Proclamation 2040 Military Government under

the Emergency Banking Relief Act is now an extra-constitutional permanent

state within a state of United States Government Policy and Supporting

Positions the list of which, the Plum Book, originated in 1952 during the

Eisenhower administration most important legacy disclosure; and

11. That for twenty years, the Democratic Party had controlled the federal

Deep state. ... A deep state (from Turkish: derin devlet), also known as a state within a state,
is a type of governance made up of networks of power operating independently of
a state's political leadership in pursuit of their own agenda and goals.

government. When President Dwight Eisenhower took office, the Republican

Party requested a list of government positions that the new president could fill.

12. The next edition of the Plum Book appeared in 1960 and has since been

published every four years, just after the presidential election, as a publication

of the Senate's Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House of

Representatives' Committee on Government Reform; and

13. The Plum Book is published after each Presidential election, now lists over

10000 plus federal civil service leadership and support SENIOR EXECUTIVE

SERVICE of 1978 (SES) positions in the legislative branch and the executive

branch of the federal government that may be subject to noncompetitive

appointment nationwide, commonly called political appointments.

14. The Plum Book covers positions such as agency heads and their immediate

subordinates, policy executives and advisors, and aides who report to officials.

15. The Plum Book is used to identify presidentially nominally appointed SES

positions within the present unconstitutional federal government.


16. Affirmant as a matter germane herein, explains the insidious nature of the

SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE of 1978 (SES) state within the state that

is the unconstitutional fourth branch of government position classification

in the civil service of the United States federal government, in that a member is

equivalent to general officer or flag officer ranks in the U.S. Armed Forces was

created in 1979 when the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978 went into effect

under the Trilateral Commission's corporatist President Jimmy Carter whose

accommodation merger with the global Five-Eyes national security MIC

apparatus best illustrated by the Queens Golden Share in her Privy council's

Serco Inc. served by SES inside traders with impunity using the Office of

Personnel Management and related offices designed to be a corps of executives

selected for their leadership qualifications, serving in key positions justbelow

the top Presidential appointees as a link between them and the rest of the

Federal civil service, the SES workforce of whom the LTC Vindman twins are

poster boys for why the Natural Born Citizen(3) requirement is important; and

17. Further, that SES positions are considered to be above the GS-15 level of the

General Schedule, and below Level III of the Executive Schedule Career

members of the SES ranks are eligible for the Presidential Rank Awards

program that based upon information and belief SES remains the seditious

foreign existential burr under DJT's saddle to be removed and disposed of; and

18. Further, that up to 10% of SES positions can be filled as political appointments

rather than by career employees, and about half of the SES is designated

"Career Reserved", which can only be filled by career employees, Defendants,

Deborah L. Birx, Anthony S. Fauci, Robert R. Redfield, all of whom are SES

members and or the retirement association; and

19. Further, the other half designated "General" can be filled by career employees

or political appointments desired by the administration, and due to the 10%

Term Natural Born Citizen is a person born on soil of citizen parents as matter of allegiance

limitation, most General positions are still filled by career appointees; and

20. Further, Senior level employees of several agencies are exempt from the SES

but have their own senior executive positions that include the Federal Bureau

of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, Defense Intelligence Agency,

National Security Agency, Transportation Security Administration, Federal

Aviation Administration, Government Accountability Office, Members of the

Foreign Service, and government corporations.

21. Due to Affirmant's efforts in Strunk v. DOS etal. in DCD F.O.I.A. case 2008 cv

2234 (RJL) to protect the Constitutional term of art "Natural Born Citizen", we

discovered that the Indonesian Barry Soetoro is also known by his Indonesian

SUBUD cult name SOEBARKAH, and as such the Indonesian Wahhabist

traveled on an Indonesian Passport kept secret by John O. Brennan; and

22. Further among the work of other researchers, according to the past New York

Borough President Attorney Percy Sutton, Indonesian Barry Soetoro's

education at Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard University

as a foreign student was at best paid for by the Saudi Kingdom and at worst by

the CIA to which we have no access to sealed records for the Saudi's

INDONESIAN WAHHABIST Jihadist Moslem Brother asset protected by his

Jesuit Coadjutor John O. Brennan fellow Jihadist Moslem Brother; and

23. Based upon information and belief the Indonesian Barry Soetoro, Soebarkah

became a SES member when working for the CIA's Business International

Corporation, and according to Col. Field McConnell (ret.) in 1996 his sister

Kristine Marcy, SES President and Chief Executive Officer with U.S.

Department of Justice: Assistant Director for Prisoner Services, U.S. Marshals

Service changed Barry Soetoro's name to Barack Hussein Obama; and

24. Further, Affirmant is concerned with the treason / sedition of the

INDONESIAN WAHHABIST's pursuit of American cultural deconstruction

using propaganda along the lines devised by Benito Mussolini's main political

competitor Antonio Gramsci, whose prolific writings were glommed by the

seditious American communist Saul Alinsky with Cardinal Montini's help in

the 1950s in pursuit of Harry Truman's Iron Mountain Plan that intended to

destroy the Sovereignty of the United States of America to make peace in favor

of governance by the United Nations (see Exhibit 7); and

The State within the State: Propaganda - Fake News

25. Affirmant complains of Defendant SES members' ongoing Coup D'etat against

DJT that since 2016 has harmed us all by criminal traps set for DJT and his

NSC choice LTG. Michael T. Flynn, in which criminal case the Affirmant's

Committee is in the DC District and Circuit Court record, see


DCDC-17-Cr-232-EGS; and

26. Further as a motive of why the SES is going after DJT and Flynn, by his own

admission LTG. Michael T. Flynn intends to audit the CIA / Intelligence

Community, and were it done threatens the Military Industrial Complex

(MIC) with SES and SERCO INC. of the Queens Privy Council; and

27. Further, Affirmant complains of Defendants' tortuous interference with re-

election of DJT by fraudulent participation in a manner characterized by the

Cato Institute policy-report The Criminalization of Almost Everything

report/2012/2/cpr32n1-3.pdf (see EXHIBIT 8): that Alan Dershowitz references

in the foreword to his 2006 book Preemption: A Knife That Cuts Both Ways,

discusses his time litigating cases in the old Soviet Union. He was always

taken by the fact that the Soviet Union could prosecute anybody they wanted

because some of the statutes were so vague Alan Dershowitz points out that

this was a technique developed by Lavrentiy Beria, the infamous sidekick of

Stalin, who said, “Show me the man and I'll find you the crime.” That really is

something that has survived the Soviet Union and has arrived in the USA; and

28. Further, Lavrentiy Beria, like Walter Friedrich Schellenberg after the

abolition of The Canaris / Von Papen Abwehr in 1944 worked for Hitler and

the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini who initiated the Jewish

Holocaust, from 1919 Beria started in the Georgian Cheka was the most

ruthless and longest-serving secret police chief in Joseph Stalin's reign of

terror in Russia and Eastern Europe who assumed Stalin's job in 1954 (4),

bragged he could prove criminal conduct on anyone, even the innocent. “Show


me the man and I'll show you the crime” was Beria's infamous boast; and

29. Further, at

stalins-disastrous-mistake-intelligence-analysis (see EXHIBIT 9), Harvard

University laments that DJT does not trust the Intelligence Community, and

especially so following the briefing of President Elect DJT at Trump Tower by

NSA Chief Adm. Michael S. Rogers, the United States Navy admiral who

served as the second commander of the U.S. Cyber Command concurrently as

the 17th director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and chief of the

Central Security Service from April 3, 2014; and

30. Further as background germane herein, the U.S. Information and Educational

Exchange Act of 1948 (Public Law 80-402), popularly called the Smith–Mundt

Act, is the basic legislative authorization for propaganda activities conducted

by the U.S. Department of State, sometimes called "public diplomacy". The act

was first introduced by Congressman Karl E. Mundt (R-SD) in January 1945

in the 79th Congress. It was subsequently passed by the 80th Congress and

signed into law by President Harry S. Truman on January 27, 1948; and

31. Further, the noun PROPAGANDA per se is information, ideas, or rumors

deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement,

institution, nation, etc. a.k.a. Fake News, that is the deliberate spreading of

such information, rumors, etc. the particular doctrines or principles

propagated by an organization or movement; and

32. Further, large-scale institutional propaganda derived from the 1534 Council of

Trent in reaction to the protestant reformation within the Roman Catholic

Church. When the College of Propaganda - Office Of The Congregation For

The Doctrine Of The Faith - was founded by Pope Paul III in 1542, and for

whom the congregation's sole objective is to "spread sound Catholic doctrine

and defend those points of Christian tradition which seem in danger because of

new and unacceptable doctrines." Its headquarters are at the Palace of the

Holy Office, just outside Vatican City and is a parallel to the PROPAGANDA

DUE Lodge (P2) approved by Pope Paul VI

12-17/mafia-boss-licio-gelli-dies-96/7037324 (see Exhibit 10); and

33. Further, as if following the strategy of Lavrentiy Beria. when the Saudi's

INDONESIAN WAHHABIST goal in his 2008 campaign of Hope and Change

Transformation of the USA Strategy needed to eliminate the 1948 Smith-

Mundt Act protection of the American people against propaganda / fake news /

accomplished with the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act; and

34. Further, according to the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012, which was

contained within the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year

2013 (section 1078 (a)) amended the United States Information and

Educational Exchange Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization

Act of 1987, allowing for materials produced by the State Department and

the Broadcasting Board of Governors (BBG) to be available within the United

States, see

spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/ (see Exhibit 11); and

35. Further as background, for decades the so-called anti-propaganda law prevented the

U.S. government’s mammoth broadcasting arm from delivering such programming to

American audiences. But on July 2, 2012 that came silently to an end with the

implementation of a new reform passed in January.

36. The result: an unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio

and TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption in a reform initially criticized as a

green light for U.S. domestic propaganda efforts; and

37. Further, the U.S. government's mammoth broadcasting arm has begun the

"unleashing of thousands of hours per week of government-funded radio and

TV programs for domestic U.S. consumption," reported by John Hudson; and

38. Further, so what happened? A vast ocean of U.S. programming produced by the

Broadcasting Board of Governors such as Voice of America, Radio Free Europe/Radio

Liberty, and the Middle East Broadcasting Networks could only be viewed or listened

to at broadcast quality in foreign countries.

39. The programming varies in tone and quality, but its breadth is vast: It’s viewed in

more than 100 countries in 61 languages. The topics covered include human rights

abuses in Iran, self-immolation in Tibet, human trafficking across Asia, and on-the-

ground reporting in Egypt and Iraq; and

The UNI-PARTY with its Business Advisory Council

40. With the peacenik DJT 2016 election, warmonger Republican / Democratic

UNI-PARTY with its Business Council( 5) donors fear DJT re-election in 2020.

5 - The Business Council was founded by
Secretary of Commerce Daniel C. Roper and investment banker Sidney Weinberg as the Business
Advisory Council for the United States Department of Commerce in 1933, under President Franklin
D. Roosevelt. It formed the Industrial Advisory Board for the National Recovery Administration

41. Further, as a strategy against DJT the UNI-PARTY / SES planned use of the

CORONAVIRUS by exaggerating the potential range of influenza pandemics

in terms of transmissibility and disease severity spread as partisan political

psychological warfare propaganda to prevent DJT's re-election; and

42. Further, the CORONAVIRUS so-called COVID 19 epidemic was illegally

prepared in 2014 by Dr. Fauci and the INDONESIAN WAHHABIST who

financed the SARS COV-2 Gain-of Function Research transfer to the PRC /

CCP Wuhan Military lab to enhance the bio-weapon to release as a pandemic.


43. Further, ( despite its

characterization of the 2009 Influenza (H1N1) as to severity estimated by the

case fatality ratio, probably ranged from 0.01 to 0.03%, COVID-19 values are

very similar to those normally seen in the case of seasonal influenza when the

number of deaths was higher in younger people, and is a recognized feature of

previous influenza pandemics morbidity rate according to the CDC Data in the

United States Table 1 from 2/1/2020 zero deaths thru 7/11/2020 that had 272

deaths and is dropping - warrants pandemic declassification (Exhibit 12); and

44. Further, for budget and political reasons Defendants maliciously sent highly

during the Great Depression. It also established committees to discuss the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934, the Banking Act of 1935 under FDR's Proclamation 2040 and the Social Security Act.
It was renamed The Business Council as an organization independent from the Department of
Commerce in 1961, under President John F. Kennedy.
Membership is limited to 200 active members, all of whom are CEOs of leading multinational
businesses personally selected by fellow members of The Business Council.
The organization is strictly nonpartisan. It is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

infectious CORONAVIRUS / COVID-19 patients to New York State nursing

homes where their obligation was to protect the most vulnerable at-risk

population from the pandemic, and thousands were killed in New York State

due to his deliberate malicious malfeasance despite the fact:

a. That DJT had sent the USNS Comfort to New York Harbor - Cuomo sent
it away unused.
b. The Jacob Javits Center was prepared tpo handle COVID-19 patients -
Cuomo elected not to use it.
c. A purpose built $21 million dollar facility at Red Hook Brooklyn was
closed and never used.

45. Despite the falling morbidity rate being fraudulently pumped up in New York by

Governor Andrew Cuomo, in May met with Bill Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates

Foundation to promote their surveillance experimental efforts to use New Yorkers

as their congressional protected liability free vaccine guinea pigs (see Exhibit 13).

Bill Gates: From Entrepreneur to Supervillain

46. On July 8, 2020, the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) published

the Article written by Barry Brownstein about Bill Gates: From Entrepreneur to

Supervillain gives an informed balanced summary

gates-from-entrepreneur-to-supervillain/ (see Exhibit 14); and

47. AIER observes: when Gates the entrepreneur was wrong, he was held accountable

by consumers and competitive forces; however, when Gates the philanthropist is

wrong, politicians and academics will evaluate him by different criteria; and

48. Further AIER reports that: Gates the Philanthropist and Neil Ferguson of the

Imperial College London had inordinate influence “advising national governments

on pathogen outbreaks.”; and

49. AIER Reports: Ferguson listens to Gates, as his center receives “tens of millions of

dollars in annual funding from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.”; and

50. AIER further reports that: the model Ferguson used to advise draconian lockdowns

in response to CORONAVIRUS / COVID-19 has been thoroughly discredited both

on theoretical and empirical grounds. To err is to be human, but this was not

Ferguson’s first disastrous prediction.

51. AIER president Edward Peter Stringham points out, “Ferguson rose to fame in

2005 when he predicted that up to 200 million people could be killed from the bird

flu.” The actual deaths was 50 persons; and

52. AIER reports that: Gates, the businessman, would have long ago cut off Ferguson.

No successful entrepreneur insists on partnering with a dismal failure; and

53. AIER alleges that: Yet for Gates, Ferguson’s performance as an epidemiologist

didn’t seem to matter; and

54. AIER alleges that: What matters to Gates is that Ferguson’s view of the world is

aligned with his own; and

55. Further AIER reports that: Both support quarantining healthy people without

regard to the human and economic cost; and

56. Further AIER reports that: Bill Gates has enjoyed a partnership with Dr. Anthony

Fauci; and

57. AIER observes that: Of course, it is natural to partner with those who share your

worldview; and

58. AIER reports: Problems arise when a partnership leads to the use of the coercive

arm of government to implement what you believe is your superior vision; and

59. Further AIER reports that: according to Bill Gates' April blog post on

CORONAVIRUS / COVID-19 vaccine development, Gates explains how a new

rushed to market a COVID-19 vaccine is likely to be a RNA vaccine; and

60. Further Gates explains that: With an RNA vaccine, “rather than injecting a

pathogen’s antigen into your body, you instead give the body the genetic code

needed to produce that antigen itself”; and

61. Further Gates admits that: the process is risky. “It’s a bit like building your

computer system and your first piece of software at the same time.” ; and

62. Further Gates admits that: Rushed vaccines have unique safety concerns, and RNA

vaccines deserve heightened scrutiny; and

63. Further Gates admits that the vaccine may not be both safe and effective:

a. “If we were designing the perfect vaccine, we’d want it to be completely safe
and 100 percent effective.
b. It should be a single dose that gives you lifelong protection, and it should be
easy to store and transport.
c. I hope the COVID-19 vaccine has all of those qualities, but given the
timeline we’re on, it may not.”
d. Heightening potential risks, vaccines are shielded from liability when they
turn out to be unsafe.
e. Nobody is held accountable for the consequences of taking shortcuts in the
development process.
f. A COVID-19 vaccine has not even arrived and already some doctors are
advocating for compulsory vaccination.

64. Gates says, “We need to manufacture and distribute at least 7 Bil doses of vaccine.”

65. With polls showing only 50% of the population planning on taking a

CORONAVIRUS / COVID-19 vaccine, presumably, Gates and vaccine

manufactures are banking on the government making the vaccine mandatory and

protecting it from liability:

a. Gates is now actively stoking the fires of fear.

b. He warns that this fall “COVID-19 will be back in big numbers, if we don’t
restrain our behavior more than it looks like we are right at the moment.”
c. He complained that we’re not tough enough “on contact tracing or enforcing
66. In short, obey Gates and his favored “experts” or doom will befall us all; and

67. Gates insists normalcy cannot return until “we have an almost perfect drug to treat

CORONAVIRUS / COVID-19, or when almost every person on the planet has been

vaccinated against coronavirus.” ; and

68. Yet, death rates from the COVID-19 virus are falling as shown in Exhibit 12.

69. Without a deadly virus it is hard to sell a potentially dangerous vaccine; and

70. Further, Nobel laureate Michael Levitt repeatedly warned that the doomsday

exponential models, such as Ferguson’s, were wrong.

71. Instead of examining Levitt’s analysis, Levitt received only “abuse” from other

scientists. You need to “stop talking like that,” he was told; and

72. Further, another Nobel laureate, Saul Perlmutter, observed the “tendency to circle

the wagons and hide all the conversations that need to happen.”; and

73. With use of SES propaganda: Entrepreneurs don’t hide conversations that need to

happen; it’s bad for business; and

74. Those with a one-track agenda seek to maintain control by suppressing

conversation of divergent viewpoints. AIER states, will leave it to others to parse

Gates’ philanthropic motives. His good intentions don’t matter; and

75. What matters is that Gates has access to world leaders who have coercive power.

Gates, undisciplined by consumers or business partners, will make errors.

Windows 1984
76. On 20 June 2020, Greg Hunter's USA Watchdog broadcast with Catherine Austin Fitts

characterized the Gates' Nanotech(6) Artificial Intelligence brain digital interface

anti-virus injection as Windows 1984

77. May 14, 2020 - A flu shot does not make you healthy. Too many people are confused

about this issue. It provides you with artificial immunity. Even if this protects you

against a particular strain of flu, there may be another 200 viruses out there

6 Nanotechnology (or "nanotech") is manipulation
of matter on an atomic, molecular, and supramolecular scale. The earliest, widespread description of
nanotechnology referred to the particular technological goal of precisely manipulating atoms and
molecules for fabrication of macroscale products, also now referred to as molecular nanotechnology.
A more generalized description of nanotechnology was subsequently established by the National
Nanotechnology Initiative, which defines nanotechnology as the manipulation of matter with at least
one dimension sized from 1 to 100 nanometers. This definition reflects the fact that quantum
mechanical effects are important at this quantum-realm scale, and so the definition shifted from a
particular technological goal to a research category inclusive of all types of research and technologies
that deal with the special properties of matter which occur below the given size threshold. It is
therefore common to see the plural form "nanotechnologies" as well as "nanoscale technologies" to
refer to the broad range of research and applications whose common trait is size.
Nanotechnology as defined by size is naturally very broad, including fields of science as diverse
as surface science, organic chemistry, molecular biology, semiconductor physics, energy
storage, microfabrication, molecular engineering, etc. The associated research and applications are
equally diverse, ranging from extensions of conventional device physics to completely new
approaches based upon molecular self-assembly, from developing new materials with dimensions on
the nanoscale to direct control of matter on the atomic scale.

during any given flu season which you won't be protected against.

78. What the evidence says: Currently available flu vaccines unlike Chem-trails are

aluminum-free and over 80% of flu vaccines today contain no mercury at all.

79. Some flu vaccines contain a tiny amount of formaldehyde that is less than 1% of

the amount naturally found in people and is safely cleared from the body

80. For example, during 2017-2018, flu vaccination prevented an estimated 6.2

million influenza illnesses, 3.2 million influenza-associated medical visits,

91,000 influenza-associated hospitalizations, and 5,700 influenza deaths.

81. Feb 21, 2020 -During the 2018–19 influenza season, in which Influenza A(H3N2)

and A(H1N1) viruses co-circulated, interim VE was estimated to be 29% against

illnesses associated with any influenza virus and vaccination was estimated to

prevent 4.4 million illnesses, 2.3 million medical visits, 58,000 hospitalizations.

82. Jan 22, 2020 - CDC estimates indicate that there have been 13 million

influenza illnesses, 120000 hospitalizations, and 6600 flu-related deaths so far this

season. It's possible that they haven't been exposed to as much Influenza B in their

short lives. CDC notes that flu vaccine effectiveness estimates are not.

83. May 5, 2020 - CDC estimated that there were at least 24,000 deaths related to

the flu during the 2019-2020 season.

84. Jun 5, 2020 - Several vaccines on the U.S. vaccination schedule are made

in cells from fetuses aborted decades ago. They include vaccines against rubella,

85. Dr. Judy Mikovits and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: A New COVID Vaccine Could Kill 50

Million People in the U.S.(7) see (Exhibit 15).

86. Several vaccines are produced using one of two cell lines that came originally from

the lungs of aborted fetuses.

87. The Catholic Church opposes using fetal tissue derived from abortion for medical

research and vaccine development.

88. However, the Church also recognizes that in the absence of ethically sourced

alternatives, parents and individuals may use those vaccines until an alternative is

available, explained Jozef Zalot, staff ethicist at the Philadelphia-based National

Catholic Bioethics Center.

89. A 2005 instruction from the Pontifical Academy for Life stated (see Exhibit 16) that

people who have no access to ethically sourced vaccines would be “right to abstain

from using these vaccines if it can be done without causing children, and indirectly

the population as a whole, to undergo significant risks to their health.”


90. Confirmed! The Absolute Science Behind Masks and the Proof That They Don’t

Work — Denis Rancourt, PhD see (Exhibit 17).

91. Defendants and SES demands the use of masks to maintain fear and control.

92. ACE2, which stands for angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, is a protein that sits on

the surface of many types of cells in the human body, including in the heart, gut,

lungs, and inside the nose. It’s a key cog in a biochemical pathway that regulates


blood pressure, wound healing, and inflammation. ACE2’s amino acids form a

grooved pocket, allowing it to snag and chop up a destructive protein called

angiotensin II, which drives up blood pressure and damages tissues. But

angiotensin II isn’t the only thing that fits in ACE2’s pocket. So does the tip of the

mace-like spike proteins that project from SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus that

causes Covid-19. Like a key turning in a latch, the virus gains entry to the cell

through ACE2, then hijacks the cell’s protein-making machinery to make copies of

itself. An infection begins see Article from WIRED Magazine see (Exhibit 18).

93. July 02, 2020 - Henry Ford Health System Study shows treatment with

Hydroxychloroquine(8) (not chloroquine) in conjunction with Zinc-sulfate(9) and an

anti-biotic cut the death rate significantly in Covid-19 patients, see (Exhibit 19).

8 - Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), sold
under the brand name Plaquenil among others, is a medication used to prevent and treat malaria in
areas where malaria remains sensitive to chloroquine. Other uses include treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis, lupus, and porphyria cutanea tarda. It is taken by mouth. HCQ is being studied to prevent
and treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). High-quality evidence of benefit for such use is
lacking, with concerns of potential harms from side effects.
Common side effects may include vomiting, headache, changes in vision, and muscle
weakness. Severe side effects may include allergic reactions, vision problems, and heart
problems. Although all risk cannot be excluded, it remains a treatment for rheumatic disease during
pregnancy. Hydroxychloroquine is in the antimalarial and 4-aminoquinoline families of medication.
Hydroxychloroquine was approved for medical use in the United States in 1955. It is on the World
Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the safest and most effective medicines needed in
a health system. In 2017, it was the 128th most commonly prescribed medication in the United
States, with more than five million prescriptions. The speculative use of hydroxychloroquine for
COVID-19 threatens its availability for people with established indications.
9 - Zinc sulfate is an inorganic compound and
dietary supplement. As a supplement it is used to treat zinc deficiency and to prevent the condition
in those at high risk. Side effects of excess supplementation may include abdominal
pain, vomiting, headache, and tiredness.
It has the formula ZnSO4 as well as any of three hydrates. Was historically known as "white vitriol".
All of the various forms are colourless solids. The heptahydrate form is commonly encountered.

94. In regards to the ACE2 protein explained in Exhibit 18, West Texas doctor, Richard

Bartlett, claims he's found the best treatment for the so-called CORONAVIRUS,

with the nebulizer administered Budesonide(10), a corticosteroid or steroid

(cortisone-like medicine) that works by preventing inflammation (swelling) in the

lungs that makes an asthma attack less severe, has been touted as a "silver bullet"

for treating COVID-19 by one West Texas doctor, but many other doctors say the

drug needs to be studied before it's widely used see (Exhibit 20).

95. The Case Study Report by Authors – Richard P. Bartlett, MD and Alexandria

Watkins, DNP regarding SARS-CoV-2 and The Case for Empirical Treatment see

(Exhibit 21) states in CONCLUSIONS:

"It should be mentioned that telemedicine has been put to the test during
these trying times. The success of these two cases and the safety permitted by
monitoring remotely and providing real-time consultations by phone could
not have been achieved without the integration of telemedicine. This
experience has enabled us to witness the advancement of technology in
medicine personally. Inhaled corticosteroids are a powerful tool. The evidence
is currently under review in regards to the precision and power that inhaled

10 - Budesonide (BUD), brand name Pulmicort among
others, is a medication of the corticosteroid type. It is available as an inhaler, pill, nasal spray, and
rectal forms. The inhaled form is used in the long-term management of asthma and chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. The nasal spray is used for allergic rhinitis and nasal polyps. The
pills in a delayed release form and rectal forms may be used for inflammatory bowel
disease including Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis and microscopic colitis.
Common side effects with the inhaled form include respiratory infections, cough, and
headaches. Common side effects with the pills include feeling tired, vomiting, and joint
pains. Serious side effects include an increased risk of infection, loss of bone strength,
and cataracts. Long-term use of the pill form may cause adrenal insufficiency. Stopping the pills
suddenly following long-term use may therefore be dangerous. The inhaled form is generally safe
in pregnancy. Budesonide is mainly acting as a glucocorticoid.
Budesonide was initially patented in 1973. Commercial use as an asthma medication began in 1981.
It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines. Some forms are available as
a generic medication. In 2019, generic budesonide was listed as involved in Teva's price fixing
scheme in the United States. In 2017, it was the 190th most commonly prescribed medication in the
United States, with more than three million prescriptions.

corticosteroids possess; these studies are being performed by France, Spain,
Sweden the University of Oxford, and the National Institutes of Health
(NIH). It is our understanding that there is more than one way to treat
SARS-CoV-2, but it is with great respect to the studies that have come before
and will come after ours that these case studies and the treatments provided
be considered in the arsenal of powerful therapies to be used when treating
SARS-CoV-2. A call to arms was sounded on January 20, 2020, when the first
case of SARS-CoV-2 was first identified in the United States and in March
2020 a successful empirical treatment plan was put into place (budesonide
0.5mg nebulizer, twice daily, clarithromycin (Biaxin) 500mg tab, twice daily
for ten days, Zinc 50mg tab, twice daily, and aspirin 81mg tab, daily). "

96. Affirmant complains that notwithstanding facts of a 90% effective virus treatment

and the Nuremburg Code, Defendants conspire against human rights and effective

treatment with Deborah L. Birx, Anthony S. Fauci, Robert R. Redfield, Bill &

Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Vaccine Alliance, Imperial Chemical Industries,

not just to facilitate unjust enrichment to be protected by Congress from liability

for 50 Million deaths, outrageously mandate their NANO-TECH interactive RNA

Robotic / A.I.(11) designed human injection EZ Pass type transformation system that

is exponentially more sophisticated than a mere EZ Pass / Utility scanning billing

technology, is a frequency tuned area denial weapon with FEMA camps, interactive

surveillance and control system injected into targeted NEW YORKERS, who are

labeled as if Typhoid Mary zombies with fear porn propaganda about their threat

as if Coronavirus zombies that requires Defendants to mandate intra / interstate

global surveillance disruption to commerce with eugenics / genocide capability.

11 - In computer science, Artificial Intelligence
(AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, unlike
the natural intelligence displayed by humans and animals. Leading AI textbooks define the field as
the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that
maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Colloquially, the term "artificial intelligence"
is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans
associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving".

97. In Summary Affirmant is a targeted NEW YORKER:

a. Affirmant chose the Jewish religion;

b. Affirmant refuses to wear a mask and or a star of David badge;

c. Affirmant is a Caucasian threatened by Defendants facilitation of terrorists;

d. Affirmant is disproportionally threatened by Defendants refusal to support

alternative treatment regimens;

e. Affirmant is singled out with Type A Blood to die;

f. Affirmant is part of the 31% of those 50 Million U.S. Persons to be murdered;

by injection under Defendants mandate;

g. Defendants disrupt intra / interstate commerce violate the Hobbs Act; and

Further, Defendants conspire with Deborah L. Birx, Anthony S. Fauci, Robert

R. Redfield, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI Vaccine Alliance, Imperial

Chemical Industries and others for unjust enrichment seek Congress' protection

from Vaccine liability for causing 50 Million U.S. deaths and debilitating injury.


A. Petitioner - Affirmant Plaintiff-intervener standing;

B. A hearing on the above issues with briefing schedule;

C. An information subpoena of Defendants and named persons;

D. An order to allow NEW YORKERS to seek medical treatment if necessary;

E. An order prohibition of interactive surveillance and control system injections;

F. An order of Defendants to strictly adhere to the New York State Election law; and

G. Such other and different relief deemed necessary for Justice herein.

) ss.

Accordingly, I, Christophet-Earl Strunk, duly so affinn, depose and say under


penalty of pe:rjury:

I have read the foregoing petition of the AD HOC NEW YORKER

thru 21 during the ongoing National Banking Emergency and related emergencies
or time of war under the 12 USC 95a amended 50 USC App. 5b that comply with
the Hague Convention and related law including judicial rules herein to
safeguard rights.
Pursuant to remedy provided by Congress under 50 USC App. 17, this
affinnation supports·'perfecting evidence at trial in the respective district court
under the ongoing Proclamation 2040 National Emergency or time of war that
takes private property and infringes personal rights otherwise to be protected by
others directly under the authority of the Commander-in-chiefPOTUS, in that time
• is of the essence with irreparable hann; and
Affinnant knows the contents thereof apply to me and that the same is true
to my own knowledge, except as to the matters therein stated to be alleged on
infonnation and belief, and as to those matters I believe it to be true, am available
for testimony. The grounds of my beliefs as to all matters not stated upon
information and belief are as follows: 3rd parties, books and rec~r

Christoph r Earl Strunk, in esse sui juris

NY DL 388 435 714 Expires 1/23/2021
All Rights Reserved without Prejudice
•. l~
That on the_\_ day of July in the year 2020 before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in
and for said State personally appeared, Christopher Earl Strunk, personally known to me
or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose name is
subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he affirmed and executed
the name in his capacity, and that by his signature on th~ instrument, the individual, or
the person upon be alf of which the individual(s) acted, e_x ecuted the instrument.
Trustees did file a motion to reconsider the denial in the NDNY with Index 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS) to no
avail, the Affidavit without Exhibits is attached as germane judicial notice herein

Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee
Trustee Christopher Earl Strunk
141 Harris Avenue
Lake Luzerne, New York 12846-1721
518-416-8743 Email: [email protected]

John M. Domurad, Clerk of the UNITED STATES Court

for the Northern District Court Of New York
U.S. Courthouse and Federal Building
445 Broadway, the Clerk's Office Room 509
Albany, NY 12207-2936

Re: REV. STEVEN SOOS et al., V ANDREW M. CUOMO et al., 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS)



The Honorable Clerk of the Court,

Pursuant to the Denial of Intervention Text Order of July 21, 2020 at Docket entry 42
attached is the single sided Notice of Motion to Reconsider Denial of Intervention with
Support Declaration and Exhibit 22 , having been duly served by regular mail upon
counsels for Defendants, Plaintiffs and NDNY US Attorney; and

Christopher Earl Strunk Trustee for Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee declare,
certify, verify, and state under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct with
28 usc §1746.


Dated: Jul/21'3 , 2020

Lake Luzerne, New York
Christopher Earl Strunk in esse Sui Juris
Trustee for the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

Attached: Original Document secured by spring clip and Certificate of Service


REV. STEVEN SOOS et al., 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS)





PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the accompanying support declaration of Proposed
Plaintiff Intervener, Christopher Earl Strunk in esse sui juris in propria persona Trustee
for the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee dated July 23,2020, the SUPPORT FOR
FOR UNCONSTITUTIONAL SURVEILLANCE; and upon all prior pleadings and
proceedings heretofore had herein, Plaintiff will make a motion for expanding restraint
relief to ban masks for healthy persons in assembly at the United States District Court,
Northern District of New York, U.S. Courthouse Federal Building 445 Broadway Albany
New York on July 31,2020, at 10:00 a.m., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard, for
an Order, pursuant to Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, for reconsideration of denial of
intervention and for such other and further relief as may be just and proper.

Dated: July 'l'3 , 2020 ~/ fJ Q~~ JJ

LakeLuzerne,NewYork ~ ~( ~/
CllriSt()J)herErunk in esse Sui Juris in propria persona
Trustee for the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice
141 Harris Avenue
Lake Luzerne, New York 12846-1721
518-416-8743 Email: [email protected]

For Service upon Plaintiffs and Defendants Counsels:

For Service upon Plaintiffs and Defendants Counsels:


148-29 Cross Island Parkway,
Whitestone, NY 11357


10506 Burt Circle, Ste 110
Omaha, NE 68114

Adrienne J. Kerwin
Office of Attorney General - Albany
State of New York
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224
518-776-2608 Fax: 518-473-1572
Email: [email protected]

Melanie Sadok
New York City Law Department
100 Church Street
New York, NY 10007
Email: msadok@law

Ellen Parodi
New York City Law Department
100 Church Street
Room 5-179
New York, NY 10007
Email: eparodi@law

Hilary M. Meltzer
New York City Law Department
Environmental Law Division
100 Church Street
New York, NY 10007
212-788-1585 Fax: 212-788-1619
Email: [email protected]

The Honorable Grant C. Jaquith

the United States Attomey for the Northern District of New York
U.S. Attomey's Office
445 Broadway, Room 218
Albany, NY 12207-2924

REV. STEVEN SOOS et al., 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS)





The Trustee of the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee HEREBY CERTIFIES that on
this 23th day July, 2020, caused a true and correct copy of The Notice ofMotion with SUPPORT FOR
SURVEILLANCE with Exhibit 22 to be served upon Parties' Counsels by first class United States
Postal Service mail postage prepaid and by complimentary email marked for delivery to:


148-29 Cross Island Parkway, New York City Law Department
Whitestone, NY 11357 100 Church Street
Room 5-179
MICHAEL McHALE, ESQ New York, NY 10007
10506 Burt Circle, Ste 110
Omaha, NE 68114 Hilary M. Meltzer
New York City Law Department
Adrienne J. Kerwin Environmental Law Division
Office of Attomey General - Albany 100 Church Street
State of New York New York, NY 10007
The Capitol
Albany, NY 12224 The Honorable Grant C. Jaquith
the United States Attomey for the Northem
Melanie Sadok District of New York
New York City Law Department U.S. Attomey's Office
100 Church Street 445 Broadway, Room 218
New York, NY 10007 Albany, NY 12207-2924

Christopher Earl Strunk Trustee for the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee declare,
certify, verify, and state under penalty ofpe:rjury that the foregoing is true and correct with 28
usc §1746.
Dated: July IJ.?J, 2020
Lake Luzerne, New York
~ ~
~-U--7'---_.JI__ ~- ~
d- ()
Chiis opher Earl Strunk in esse Sui Juris in propria persona
Trustee for the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee

REV. STEVEN SOOS et al., 20-cv-651 (GLS/DJS)






1. This is the Motion to Reconsider the Court's denial of Proposed Plaintiff Intervener,

Christopher Earl Strunk in esse sui juris in propria persona, with STRUNK Petition

for the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee Trustee Member Intervention

under FRCvP 24, lodged at Docket 41 on 20 July 2020, and

2. That accordingly at Docket 42 on 21 July 2020 Strunk Trustee Petition was denied

by the Court for:

3. FRCvP 24 (a) intervention as of right the Court alleging no common claim and injury

regarding being able to assemble for religious practice; and

4. Despite the fact that the Memorandum-Decision Order left unresolved requirement

to wear a mask as a healthy person, is unconstitutionally the outrageous quarantine

of a healthy person so ordered as an unreasonable badge of compliance submission or

suffer under the executive order by Defendants; and

5. In memory of Rabbi Harold Finkelstein Swiss, a popular public speaker of religious

subjects and the meaning of Judaism in a secular world, who celebrated his 27th year

at the Little Synagogue in the Basement meeting room of Gustavus Adolphus

Lutheran Church at 155 E 22nd St, New York, NY 10010 in 2004, wrote over 2,000

sermons, 30 monologues and 13 plays, as well as four books: Scatter the Seed, Pale

Flower, The Philosopher, and Out of Eldridge Street, series of autobiographical

works; and

6. Strunk Trustee became a Caucasian Jew with Type A blood; and despite Strunk

Trustee is part of the most vulnerable New Yorker group to the CORONAVIRUS /

COVID-19 infection that is transmitted only by symptomatic viremia positive persons

when the actual body temperature exceeds 100°F, for safety over 99°F should not be

admitted to Schul and or Church - is an ill person who must be sent home not

allowed in to Schul and or Church with a mask; and

7. The bottom line while news that the normal body temperature may be drifting down

over time is intriguing, it is not cause for alarm — and it doesn’t mean the definition

of fever should change. But it’s probably time to abandon the assumption that 98.6˚ is

a normal temperature. Something closer to 97.5˚ may be more accurate according to

the Harvard Medical School Article(1) see Exhibit 22; and

MARCH 17,2020, 11:17 AM by Dr. Robert H. Shmerling, MD Senior Faculty Editor, Harvard Health
Publishing of HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL Title: Time to redefine normal body temperature? Asks
the question: Normal body temperature is 98.6° F, right?
But more modern studies have called this time-honored truth into question, and have found that

• Body temperature varies over the course of the day. It tends to be higher later in the day.
• It also varies among individuals. Women tend to have higher body temperature than men, and younger
people tend to have higher temperatures than older folks.

8. Despite accurate device temperature testing, when the body temperature is as low as

97.5°F or the accepted normal 98.6°F is safely measured not to exceed 99°F measured

by accurate thermometer device is not a person that must be made to wear a mask in

religious assembly; and

9. As a matter of science omitted separate and apart from the political compelling of

improper mandate by Defendants to use a mask regarding the nature of effectiveness

and physical danger to health threat involved mask use; and as such Strunk's fellow

• Recent studies suggest that normal body temperature may be falling over time to well below the
commonly accepted measure of 98.6˚ F. An analysis of 20 studies between 1935 and 1999 found that
the average oral temperature was 97.5˚ F. And a 2017 study of more than 35,000 people found a similar
Two key possibilities are:

• Lower metabolic rate: One of the biggest determinants of body temperature is your metabolic rate. Like
a car engine that’s idling, your body expends energy just keeping things going, and that generates heat.
A lower metabolic rate in modern times could be due to higher body mass (some studies link this with
lower metabolic rate), or better medical treatments, preventive measures, and overall health.
• Lower rates of infection and inflammation: In Wunderlich’s day, tuberculosis, syphilis, chronic gum
disease, and other inflammatory conditions that can raise body temperature were common, and
treatments were limited.
Why body temperature — and changes over time — matter

Body temperature is vital to health — that’s why it’s among the “vital signs,” along with blood
pressure, heart rate, and breathing rate routinely checked by your doctor. These measures are
absolutely critical when evaluating someone who may be sick, because significant abnormalities can
indicate major, even life-threatening, illness.

Thousands of chemical reactions occurring simultaneously and continuously in the body require a
rather narrow range of temperature. As a result, the body does not tolerate wide fluctuations in
temperature very well. In fact, severe hypothermia (low body temperature) or hyperthermia (high body
temperature) may cause permanent organ damage or death. That’s why the body has such an elaborate
thermoregulation system that keeps the body’s temperature close to ideal most of the time.

Fever is typically any temperature above 100˚ F. The most common cause of fever is any infection in
the body, but there are other causes, including heat stroke or a drug reaction. Although you can be sick
with a normal temperature, body temperature is clearly an important and useful indicator of health.

Metabolic rate, infection, and inflammation in the body all influence human health and longevity. So, a
falling average body temperature over the last century and a half could reflect important changes and
warrant additional research.


type O and less threatened by the virus according to the study shown at Exhibit 4, is

my associate retired injured veteran Harold William Van Allen — former US Navy

Salvage Diving Officer, university research engineer in hyperbaric medicine

researcher, bio-materials, marine materials researcher with clinical medical

research-student nurse-engineer. d.b.a. Passive Aerobic Health Care and Fitness

Devices (medical device design) VanAllen Research Foundation hyperbaric oxygen

research experiments published in the Undersea Medical Society Journal; and

10. Trustee Van Allen participated for several years with the Veterans Administration

multiyear Lupus (SLE) as a patient receiving PLAQUENIL; and

11. Trustee Van Allen as an expert, questions the political conflict of interest

associated with the respective spouse of Fauci and Birx who universally use a

collective virtue signaling for mask wearing — a professional conflict of interest for

safety and efficacy of mask use; and

12. That Fauci/Birx appear to ignore or are oblivious to mask / respiratory mask and face

covering issues:

a. Vital Capacity h. Cloth Face Coverings

b. Residual Forced Volume i. Diving Reflex
c. Respiration Rate j. Oral/Nasal Region Tactile Receptors
d. Tactile Oral Nasal Mask Effect k. Blood Gas Chemical Receptors
e. Full Face Masks l. Apnea
f. Face Guards m. Hypercapnia
g. Oral Nasal Surgical Masks n. Carbon Dioxide Ventilatory Dead Space

13. That the John Hopkins School of Medicine has conducted Pulmonary Function Tests

(PFTs) that are noninvasive tests that show how well the lungs are working. The

tests measure lung volume, capacity, rates of flow, and gas exchange. This

information can help your healthcare provider diagnose and decide the treatment of

certain lung disorders; and

14. There are 2 types of disorder problems with air moving in and out of the lungs:

• Obstructive. This is when air has trouble flowing out of the lungs due to airway

resistance. This causes a decreased flow of air.

• Restrictive. This is when the lung tissue and/or chest muscles can’t expand

enough. This creates problems with air flow, mostly due to lower lung volumes.

15. PFT can be done with 2 methods. These 2 methods may be used together and perform

different tests, depending the information that a healthcare provider is looking for:

• Spirometry. A spirometer is a device with a mouthpiece hooked up to a small

electronic machine.
• Plethysmography. You sit or stand inside an air-tight box that looks like a
short, square telephone booth to do the tests.
PFT measures:
• Tidal volume (VT). This is the amount of air inhaled or exhaled during normal
• Minute volume (MV). This is the total amount of air exhaled per minute.
• Vital capacity (VC). This is the total volume of air that can be exhaled after
inhaling as much as you can.
• Functional residual capacity (FRC). This is the amount of air left in lungs after
exhaling normally.
• Residual volume. This is the amount of air left in the lungs after exhaling as
much as you can.
• Total lung capacity. This is the total volume of the lungs when filled with as
much air as possible.
• Forced vital capacity (FVC). This is the amount of air exhaled forcefully and
quickly after inhaling as much as you can.
• Forced expiratory volume (FEV). This is the amount of air expired during the
first, second, and third seconds of the FVC test.

• Forced expiratory flow (FEF). This is the average rate of flow during the middle
half of the FVC test.
• Peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR). This is the fastest rate that you can force air
out of your lungs

16. Normal values for PFTs vary from person to person. The amount of air inhaled and

exhaled in your test results are compared to the average for someone of the same age,

height, sex, and race. Results are also compared to any of your previous test results.

If you have abnormal PFT measurements or if your results have changed, you may

need other tests.

Why might I need pulmonary function tests?

17. There are many different reasons why pulmonary function tests (PFTs) may be done.

They are sometimes done in healthy people as part of a routine physical. They are

also routinely done in certain types of work environments to ensure employee health

(such as graphite factories and coal mines). Or you may have PFTs if your healthcare

provider needs help to diagnose you with a health problem as a matter of complexity

such as:

• Allergies
• Respiratory infections
• Trouble breathing from injury to the chest or a recent surgery
• Chronic lung conditions, such as asthma, bronchiectasis, emphysema, or
chronic bronchitis
• Asbestosis, a lung disease caused by inhaling asbestos fibers
• Restrictive airway problems from scoliosis, tumors, or inflammation or scarring
of the lungs
• Sarcoidosis, a disease that causes lumps of inflammatory cells around organs,
such as the liver, lungs, and spleen
• Scleroderma, a disease that causes thickening and hardening of connective
tissue PFTs may be used to check lung function before surgery or other

procedures in patients who have lung or heart problems, who are smokers, or
who have other health conditions.
• Another use of PFTs is to assess treatment for asthma, emphysema, and other
chronic lung problems. Your healthcare provider may also have other reasons
to advise PFTs.

What are the risks of pulmonary function tests?

18. Because pulmonary function testing is not an invasive procedure, it is safe and quick

for most people. But the person must be able to follow clear, simple directions. All

procedures have some risks. The risks of this procedure may include:

• Dizziness during the tests

• Feeling short of breath
• Coughing
• Asthma attack brought on by deep inhalation
In some cases, a person shouldn’t have PFTs. Reasons for this can include:
• Recent eye surgery, because of increased pressure inside the eyes during the
• Recent belly or chest surgery
• Chest pain, recent heart attack, or an unstable heart condition
• A bulging blood vessel (aneurysm) in the chest, belly, or brain
• Active tuberculosis (TB) or respiratory infection, such as a cold or the flu

19. Risks may vary depending on your general health and other factors. Requires advice

from a healthcare provider which risks apply most to you. Talk with him or her about

any concerns you have. Certain things can make PFTs less accurate. These include:

• The degree of patient cooperation and effort

• Use of medicines that open the airways (bronchodilators)
• Use of pain medicines
• Pregnancy
• Stomach bloating that affects the ability to take deep breaths
• Extreme tiredness or other conditions that affect a person’s ability to do the
tests (such as a head cold)
How do I get ready for pulmonary function tests?

20. Any healthcare provider will explain the complexity of the procedure to you. Ask him

or her any questions you have. You may be asked to sign a consent form that gives

permission to do the procedure. Which is not done when compelling of mask use by

Defendants - will result in user injury.

21. Mask use must take into consideration any user medicines. that includes

prescriptions, over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, and herbal supplements. Make

sure to:

• Stop taking certain medicines before the procedure, if instructed by your

healthcare provider
• Stop smoking before the test, if instructed by your healthcare provider. Ask your
provider how many hours before the test you should stop smoking.
• Not eat a heavy meal before the test, if instructed by your healthcare provider
• Follow any other instructions your healthcare provider gives you
• Your height and weight will be recorded before the test. This is done so that your
results can be accurately calculated.

What happens during pulmonary function tests?

22. As an outpatient procedure that means you go home the same day, or may be done as

part of a longer stay in the hospital. The way the procedure is done may vary. It

depends on your condition and your healthcare provider's methods. In most cases, the

procedure will follow this process:

• You’ll be asked to loosen tight clothing, jewelry, or other things that may cause
a problem with the procedure.
• If you wear dentures, you will need to wear them during the procedure.
• You’ll need to empty your bladder before the procedure.
• You’ll sit in a chair. A soft clip will be put on your nose. This is so all of your
breathing is done through your mouth, not your nose.
• You’ll be given a sterile mouthpiece that is attached to a spirometer.
• You’ll form a tight seal over the mouthpiece with your mouth. You’ll be
instructed to inhale and exhale in different ways.
• You will be watched carefully during the procedure for dizziness, trouble
breathing, or other problems.
• You may be given a bronchodilator after certain tests. The tests will then be
repeated several minutes later, after the bronchodilator has taken effect.

What happens after pulmonary function tests?

23. If you have a history of lung or breathing problems, you may be tired after the tests.

You will be given a chance to rest afterwards. Your healthcare provider will talk with

you about your test results.

24. Hopefully the Court can appreciate the levels of complexity shown above that shows

much at risk when Defendants outrageously compel a mask wearing by a healthy

Jew for Schul is a Star of David compliance badge, is similar as if under Shariah law,

now under color of Gov Cuomo's executive order is infringement of Strunk - Trustee's

1st 4th 5th 9th 10th rights infringement by fundamental denial of due process of 42

USC 1983 without equal protection treatment for religious assembly also applies to

outside gatherings absurdly right down to the design of menus; and all is Defendants

tortuous interference with Assembly that protects the mask of submissive compliance

that like the symbol of the Roman Cross per se is the symbol of torture and death by

asphyxiation - why not mandate a guillotine instead; and

25. Further, the Court even denied Strunk-Trustee FRCvP 24 (b) permissive


(1) In General. On timely motion, the court may permit Strunk-Trustee to

intervene who:
(A) is given a conditional right to intervene by a federal statute as is used
by Plaintiffs under 42 USC 1983 with related law; and
(B) Strunk-Trustee has a claim that shares with the main action a common
question of law or fact notwithstanding as evidence of ongoing injury the State
tort claim shown in Exhibit 7, is nevertheless a permissive intervention matter
associated with Defendants tortuous interference with November election who
promote voting by mail notwithstanding requirements of NYS Election Law,
NVRA / HAVA, and 18 U.S. Code §1951 - Interference with commerce by threats
matter herein that may be similarly applied to Plaintiffs; and
26. Further in the matter of unconstitutional mask mandates imposed by state governors

notwithstanding the clown DJT foolish nonsense statement that to wear a mask is

patriotic, challenges Strunk Trustee to exhaust available relief passively signed a

petition at:

order-make-mandatory-mask-wearing-unlawful demands POTUS TRUMP TO SIGN


UNLAWFUL. Created on July 15, 2020 Needs 19,342 signatures by August 14, 2020

to get a response from the White House 80,658 SIGNED 100,000 GOAL, quote:

The mandatory mask wearing orders put out by the states governors, are NOT
backed by any legitimate law. The mask does NOTHING to prevent the spread of
COVID-19, and is being used as a social control apparatus. Even Dr. Fauci said
that the mask is ineffective to combat this virus, and the CDC has put out a memo
stating the same. NO ONE should be made to wear a mask, it is a SUGGESTION
ONLY. This is getting WAY out of hand, and causing a lot more harm than good.
Something must be done!

27. Further, Strunk-Trustee spoke with the Democratic Party Warren County Board of

Elections Commissioner Kimberly Ross to ascertain if masks are mandatory for

voting at the 3 November 2020 General Election; to wit she stated that masks are

voluntary and if not worn a mask or plastic visor will be offered to wear while voting

in person, and if rejected the Voter may use a machine properly spaced from other

voters; and
28. Further, if a qualified voter is ill or disabled, under election law /state constitution,

may request an absentee ballot be mailed for return to the County, and the so-called

vote by mail proposal shown to be outside the law must be stopped to prevent fraud.

29. Were there no appearance of duplicity in the decision to assemble Jews and

Christians in groups larger than ten as long as they all submit in compliance to adorn

a mask or be exterminated like the Uyghurs native to the Xinjiang Uyghur

Autonomous Region in Northwest China - is not farfetched?

30. In stark contrast is the professional bravery of Dr. Carrie Madej MD, a specialist in

Vaccine Technology, who provides (2) the Proof that the Jesuit Order seeks to weaken

the White Anglo-Saxon-Celtic Protestant Nations to further destroy the Reformation

and Western Civilization to complete the unfinished work of the grand inquisitor Sir

Thomas More that for him ended in the Red Mass of 1535, then to be assumed by the

Jesuits; and whose efforts were expressed by Father Leonard Edward Feeney S.J.

(February 18, 1897 – January 30, 1978) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

homegrown version of Father Charles Coughlin for his anti-Semitism, articulated a

particular interpretation of the Roman Catholic doctrine extra Ecclesiam nulla

salus ("outside the Church there is no salvation"); took the position that baptism of

blood and baptism of desire are unavailing; and therefore no non-Catholics will be

saved whence he fought against the liberalization of Catholic doctrine acted to convert

Jews to the sacrifice of the Cross, and came under ecclesiastical censure.


31. Were it in the Courts capacity to consider Modifying DNA? Understand that mutating

DNA so as to weaken and reduce Americans and Canadians is in preparation for

North America's future Sino-Soviet-Muslim Invasion, and perish the thought that the

Court would serve justice in regards to the Jesuit vaccine promoted by Jesuit Fauci

and Jesuit Redfield and Jesuit Gates and Jesuit Trump must be imposed if the Sons

of Shem are to repossess the "tents of Shem" pitched in the land of Shem as per

Genesis 9:27. If the Risen Son of God does not intervene, and if Satan's Jesuit-ruled,

the Jesuit run Vatican Empire has its way, the White-raced peoples (along with the

Blacks) will be finished in North America by 2050 or thereabouts.

32. Were the Court capacity in a different venue, at best Fauci, Birx, Redfield must lose

their license for Malicious Malpractice; however Petitioner meets the rule herein.


A. Petitioner- Mfirmant Plaintiff-intervener standing;

B. A hearing on the above issues with briefing schedule;
C. An information subpoena of Defendants and named persons;
D. An order to allow NEW YORKERS to seek medical treatment if necessary;
E. An order prohibition of interactive surveillance and control system injections;
F. An order of Defendants to strictly adhere to the New York State Election law; and
G. Such other and different relief deemed necessary for Justice herein.
Christopher Earl Strunk Trustee for Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee
declare, certify, verify, and state under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and
correct with 28 USC §1746.

Dated: July fl.~ 2020

Lake Luzerne, New York
Christopher Earl Strunk in esse Sui Juris in propria persona
Trustee for the Ad Hoc New Yorker Republican Committee
All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice

Trustee Strunk is a shareholder in Leader Technologies Incorporated acknowledged by the
redacted copy of the Annual Shareholder Report herein

Facebook insider confession published by the American Intelligence Media

1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media

 

Citizens Addicted to Truth

A N O N Y M O U S PAT R IO TS / JUNE 13, 2019 @ 6:37 PM

1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media



The following anonymous document claims to be written by a Facebook insider who was
Mark Zuckerberg’s lover from their freshman year at Harvard. Mark’s continuing
indiscretions with his ongoing government contract keep getting him in trouble to this
day. Mark was supposed to simply be the fake “boy genius” of Larry Summers’ (Harvard’s
president) social media project funded by DARPA/In-Q-Tel (CIA)/IBM and the secretive
international “public-private” group called The Highlands Group organized with the DoD
O ce of Net Assessment.

It was Summers and a group of government o cials who fabricated, produced and
directed Mark throughout the entire fraudulent creation of the Facebook propaganda
story at Harvard. These claims are explosive and allege that the entire fraudulent social
media network called Facebook was always controlled by the government through the
people who were at Harvard directing Mark. The anonymous author of the letter below,
who we will call “John”, also points out why Facebook was created, how Mark was
controlled by Eric Schmidt, James Beyer, Larry Summers, Sheryl Sandberg and the evil
intellectual property thief Professor James Chandler.

Admittedly, this Zuckerberg “Dossier” has enough information in it to put Mark

Zuckerberg behind bars, and therefore would not be touched by the Main Stream Media
– according to the person who hand-delivered this letter to a member of the Anonymous
Patriot’s Conclave a few days ago.

American Intelligence Media has been able to quickly verify that many of the claims
insinuated in this “Zuckerberg Dossier” are true and this leads us to conclude that the
document is authentic and exactly what it appears to be. The true authorship of this
Zuckerberg Dossier is evident to members of the Conclave, but that supposition is
speculation and the Conclave does not deal in speculation. Though, if one were to listen
carefully to the admission of guilt by Sean Parker (a long-time executive of Facebook) 2/30
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which he made repeatedly before the press, you will hear that Sean knew all about the
 true creation of the social media giant and its evil intents and ngers the culprits.

Therefore, it is not hard at all to gure out who may have written this expose on Mark
Zuckerberg’s Facebook evil. You can even see the true motivation for writing this “tell all”
about Zuckerberg at this time in history, just as Facebook is facing all kinds of charges,
including  anti-trust violations.

Any person well-educated on the continuing scandals surrounding the creation of

Facebook might have been able to piece together the many divergent claimants to the
authorship of the source programming code used to make social media “scalable” –
which was the universal problem of all of the major tech companies at the time, including
the NSA’s “LifeLog” project. Somehow, genius Mark Zuckerberg “solved” the problem that
no one else in the world could. Oh yes, and Mark did it “between a week and two weeks
or so” while studying for nals and hosting a beer “kegger” for his friends. [1]

The author of this expose offers a quite different story and for the rst time tells of the
involvement of high-level government players who made a fortune off of the sky-
rocketing overnight growth of Facebook stock on NASDAQ. The players mentioned by
“John” (anonymous author) check out to be the people who made enormous amounts of
money from Facebook stock. These insider traders then took their Facebook winnings
and started other social media companies that, coincidentally, sky-rocketed beyond most
companies in history.

Hmmm…do you own any Facebook stock? Might be cash-out time! 3/30
1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media

American Intelligence Media does not claim that the Zuckerberg Dossier is 100%
 correct, but we can state with absolute con dence that the source is real. We also

believe that their may be other installments of what we are calling the Zuckerberg
Dossier and will probably not be the last time we hear from this source as the trouble
that Mark is having in the news keeps mounting.

The most convincing aspect of this “scorned lover tell-all” is found in what the author
outlines as Mark’s true nature and what he believes is happening to Facebook right now
in America. It was shocking to read these remarks and we found them to be, after much
re ection, probably true and certainly not what we might have imagined to be the reality
with the U. S. government’s threat to act against Facebook.

Sir Nick Clegg pictured in this meme.

Also, interesting is the major British intervention in Facebook through the former Deputy
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Sir Nick Clegg, taking over the “face” of Facebook
which Baron Richard Allen (another UK agent) had failed to do properly. 4/30
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 

Mark, Nick, and Sheryl Sandberg hanging out, probably planning ultimate censorship of
patriots and conservatives.

At this point, Facebook seems to be “dead in the water” unless the British Crown Agents,
Clegg and Allen, can save Mark from his horrible mis-management.

Again, we do not claim that this anonymous “confession” and “indictment” is true in all its
parts. But certainly, any intelligent reader will acknowledge that this version of Mark
Zuckerberg’s rise to fame and fortune is much more likely that the nonsense stories we
have been told by Mark since the early 2000’s when he rst popped up Larry Summers’

Please circulate this wide and far. We need to turn the weapon that
Zuckerberg is aiming at us – social media … back on him.

[1] Tr. 41:7, Mark Zuckerberg Deposition, April 25, 2006, ConnectU LLC v. Zuckerberg
et al, 1:04-cv-11923-DPW (D. Mass. 2004).


Z U C K E RBERG-LET-HACKIN G_BEGIN-28 - O C T- 20 0 3 5/30
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 

To Every Facebook User,

Mark Zuckerberg, and all of us who were there from the beginning, are lying to you and
using your personal life as a government-controlled experiment in brain-washing and
mind-control – basically a weaponized system of the military (CIA especially) that got out
of control. At this point, Mark Zuckerberg has lost control of a company that he never
really owned or operated. Truly, anyone who has ever worked with Mark knows that his
mind is a blank and that he is nothing more than a parrot for the government handlers
who created him. Mark is incapable of running a McDonald’s, let alone one of the most
powerful companies in the world. Not even his name is real and his identity has always
been covered up. Mark was chosen as child for a CIA training program because his
relatives were some of the people creating the program.

I am not making excuses for Mark, but his choices have not been his own. Yes, he has
become an evil sociopath who once believed in his heart-of-heart that if he decided he
wanted to be president, all he had to do is say he wanted the job and “Facebook” would
deliver the election to him. This is the level of brain-washing Mark is at – he is not in
contact with reality.

You might think that a madman who could think he could become president – because
he “said so” – would be discovered and accused as a fraud. Well, that has happened
repeatedly with the other three teams that were working at Harvard, under Harvard
president Larry Summers, to create what DARPA and In-Q-Tel wanted the most – a 6/30
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cyber-weapon that could control the minds of anyone that could be lured into it.
 Facebook was always a military weapon – just like Eric Schmidt’s Google which was

incubated in the same fashion that Facebook was. Mark was a patsy, but a ruthless,
heartless, cold-blooded non-human patsy. He became this way through the brain-
washing he received in his High School years by a DARPA program called TIA that
needed a “boy-genius” to be the front man. This scam would make Mark into a global
model of the young, cool, irreverent computer geniuses that “rule the world” and lead
everyone to a cyber-god of arti cial intelligence. Mark was just an unwitting puppet at
rst – I felt sorry for him.

I remember when I rst became room-mates with Mark in our sophomore year at
Harvard. We were in Kirkland House, on JFK Street and had to endure Dustin and
Andrew. Mark hated them because they prevented us from sleeping together, even
though we were in the same room. It was frustrating and kept our relationship secret.
Little did I know that the thing that drew me to Mark, a certain openness for listening to
anyone, also made him extremely promiscuous with both sexes.

Mark had no morals, conscience, or shame. He also chased women on Craig’s List and
would sometimes just disappear to rendezvous with them. He was like a blank slate that
simply echoes whatever was happening in his environment. I loved and hated this aspect
of his personality but later found out that he, and his brother and cousin, were all the
same way due to the brain-washing programs they were subjected to during high school.
If certain people spoke to Mark in person or on the phone, he would drop everything and
do whatever they told him to do. Certain people had more power and effect over him. I
eventually found out, from Mark breaking down and crying, that the brain-washing was
permanent and was all part of the “position” these people had promised to create for
Mark. He didn’t even know what this “position” was or entailed.

But one thing Mark was sure of, he was only “placed” at Harvard “for a while” until his
“position” became available to him. Mark was certain that this promise of a position
included a great deal of money and power—aphrodisiacs to an incurable narcissist

I must admit that I came under the power of Mark’s surety that he didn’t need Harvard, a
degree, or good grades. Mark eventually dropped out of Harvard at the end of our
sophomore year and did become lthy rich and more powerful than he could have
imagined. I also admit that I road on Mark’s success to become quite wealthy myself. All
four of the members of the club Mark eventually named – “The Fellowship” – became
wealthy by no means of our own – we simply knew Mark’s secrets. 7/30
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You see, Mark could never be faithful to anyone but he loved men more than women. He
 actually used to hate all women. So, Mark cheated and would want to bring the new “boy”

home to me to join in. I was never into that like Mark was. He was abusive but would
never admit it, especially to young boys. Eventually, there were three of us that remained
lovers with Mark.

Mark always had panic attacks and would break down frequently due to the brain-
washing – according to Mark. He would cry about his mother and the “torture” she let
“them” do to him. At those times, Mark’s mouth ran on open and he would tell his bed-
partners about all the pain and horrible plans these “evil people” did to him. Early on, his
doubts and fears almost consumed him at night and he could hardly sleep due to
nightmares. Once Mark became lthy rich, he simply used drugs to mask these fears. But
if you get him upset by asking about the creation of Facebook, Mark will freak out and
have a panic attack because he always messes up the story and looks like an idiot. He
can’t stand questions about “how he made Facebook” – because he didn’t. I had to laugh
as one of his stupid answers: “I saw that Harvard didn’t have a Facebook, so I made one”,
or something close to that. The journalist let him get away with that lie, like they always

Mark Greenberg (Zuckerberg) did not write one single line of programming source code
for Facebook. Those are lies and propaganda generated by his government, military
handlers. Everyone knows that the Winkelvoss twins (Aaron and Cameron) won a $65
million dollar lawsuit settlement against Mark because they knew that their little
HarvardConnection (HC) piece was just adjunct code attached to the original stolen
source code – which was given to Mark by Professor James Chandler and IBM. That $65
million bit of dirty knowledge was pretty pro table for a couple of cute Harvard Crew
rower jocks with no interest in me.

Mark simply had others adjust the code into what was a government-sponsored military
weaponization of a cyber-warfare project directed by the President of Harvard, Larry
Summers. Even Summer’s himself had his own budding student and staff directory being
developed by the Harvard computer staff called “Facebook.” Mark didn’t even create the

The Winkelvoss twins had developed their own version in the competition for the
government contract, HC, that they changed to ConnectU. Aaron Greenspan was
developing  HOUSE System, and Paul Ceglia was working with Mark to modify his
StreetFax software into a Facebook too. Mark developed nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Even the famous “hacking” of the Harvard systems was not done by Mark himself. Mark 8/30
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was the middleman for those who were the overseers of the “big project”, as it was
 called.

From the president of Harvard, to the “PayPal Ma a”, National Venture Capital
Association, In-Q-Tel, DARPA, NSA, CIA, DIA, to the worst patent thieves in America:
James Chandler, Hillary Clinton, David Kappos, Robert Mueller and the rest of the Big-
Tech group. Mark is just like the other fake front-men chosen to represent the numerous
other social media companies.

Eric Schmidt was the poster child for the Silicon Valley geniuses who ran corporations
that are basically exempt from prosecution as the facade for military-weaponized
companies that are always funded by the same evil bankers—Fidelity Investment,
Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, BlackRock, JPMorgan, HSBC, Accel Partners, Kleiner Perkins
and the rest of the Silicon Valley venture capitalist who always make a killing from
companies who get no-bid government contracts. These companies, like Facebook, are
just an excuse for black-ops experiments to control the enemy – and Mark doesn’t know
who the enemy is. Mark’s lack of a moral compass made him the perfect patsy for the
new “military experiments on U. S. citizens.”

I believe now, since Mark was well-aware of the evil intentions of the government, that he
has committed crimes of many types with the clear, pre-meditated intention of harming
every user of Facebook. That is why Mark let Facebook be used to manipulate elections,
he has no moral core. I personally saw the “template” that Hillary ordered that uses
Facebook to manipulate voters to win elections for her. Given the amount of election
interference by Big-Tech in 2016, I became a reluctant believer in miracles.

I have seen the truth concerning the supposed “Russian Interference” and can tell you
that it was all made up and, in fact, was the exact opposite of what the media reported. I
have seen so many illegal actions of Facebook that I am indeed complicit with the
crimes. That is one of the reasons I must remain anonymous. But I assure you, if I
testi ed, Mark and I would be locked up along with the other members of the Fellowship
as well as many, many other Facebook employees.

It is due to the truth that is currently coming out in the media that I feel I can reveal what I
witnessed so that Mark and the “U. S. and British military controlled” Facebook can be
charged with criminal activity instead of simply being hit with anti-trust charges that will
only split Facebook into many subsidiaries – which would simply make Mark even more
rich. 9/30
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Then, the poor suckers who believed in Facebook will be left holding the bag – an empty
 bag of a gutted Facebook worth little or nothing. Mark will simply rebrand and go on with

multiple companies that will be just as big as Facebook. He will escape unscathed,
protected again by his military handlers who, by the way, were insider traders from the
beginning of Facebook and will be allowed to buy into the new companies from the
beginning also.

Once again, the use of taxpayer dollars goes to private corporations run by stooges and
controlled by non-Americans. Yes, I just called Mark a stooge because he actually has no
clue what he is doing – at all. Just ask him to write a simple program in any code he
would like – he can’t, he is a fraud and always was.

Though I will not tell you who the members of Mark Zuckerberg’s “Fellowship” group
were, I can point out that all of the original members of Facebook knew from the
beginning that it was a military project for cyber warfare mind-control. Everything done
from the beginning was an experiment to see just how far a social media platform could
go to “conquer the enemy” through behavioral manipulation with electronic warfare. The
idea that Mark wanted to connect all college students in America was a novel idea that
was far from the true intention of mind-control of every user in the world.

Free platforms like Google, Gmail, Facebook, and the rest were con dence tricks to get
users to experiment on. My old buddy, Sean Parker, an early member of Facebook has
“confessed all” to the media and speci cally told the truth that Facebook was meant as a
cyber-drug to create and control addicts – digital addicts. As Sean said, we knew from
the beginning it was harming every user and that is why we never let our friends or our
children use these systems – it harms them tremendously and was the original intent of
the media. Mark and I were told by representatives of DARPA that that was the intent of
Facebook from its inception.

The U. S. Patriot Act allows the military to consider every American a possible terrorist or
enemy war ghter until proven otherwise. Every person on the Internet, which was also
created by DARPA, is considered a cyber-terrorist and the military sees it as their job to
create systems to surveil, target, disarm, and aggressively remote control the user. I
hated the idea from the rst time I heard of it. Personally, I have never used Facebook
and don’t let anyone I love use it.

Mark would use patriot arguments, like the ones mentioned above, to justify his
participation in this black-ops CIA operation to the Fellowship. We argued with him, but
to no avail. Mark basically believed anything his “controllers” told him. We would 10/30
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sometimes convince him that the project was “dead wrong”, but all it took was one
 phone call from “above” and Mark went back to his scheming. It was truly pathetic to see

that Mark had no freedom but was told what to do. He was also so poorly organized and
such a muddled thinker that he couldn’t get anything done: homework, schoolwork,
project work, nothing. So, there was always clean up to be done after Mark, especially
when the company got big. Clean-up would include stupid stuff like paying others
millions for “stealing” their code, making stupid statements every time he opened his
mouth, or the lack of attention he gave to the running of the company.

Mark was always a mess and the Fellowship, as well as Larry Summers’ squeeze Sheryl
Sandberg—those soul-less megalomaniacs deserve each other—helped the handlers
control Mark, were always picking up the broken pieces and trying to glue them back
together. But this time, Facebook and Mark cannot be xed.

Many of the original Facebook players and the Fellowship have been paid off in huge
bribes to keep us quiet. CIA secrecy agreements grow on every plant at Facebook, but
the Facebook insiders are turning against Mark anyway for many good reasons. The
board of directors wants him red. Mark’s British controllers sent Baron Richard Allen to
rein Mark in, but he failed miserably. Even Sir Nick Clegg, x-deputy prime minister of
Britain was sent to shut Mark up, but to no avail. Even the second-in-charge of Britain
couldn’t stop Mark and his non-stop stupidity. Mark opens his mouth, it cost the
company billions. Mark testi es, and everyone nds out that he doesn’t know a single
thing about “his” company.

Mark knows nothing because he doesn’t do anything and hasn’t really shown up for work
since the beginning. Mark seems to be allergic to work and can’t stand meetings unless
he is “announcing” something. He is the worse manager in history, and everyone will tell
you the same if asked. We all “play” like Mark runs the company, but that is not true. Mark
can’t run himself effectively, let alone Facebook. That is why he was failing at Harvard
and was going to be kicked out for bad grades, even after I did much of his work for him.

I can honestly say that, at this point, there are no “insiders” who have any faith in Mark to
run the company, or to even speak in public. We believe that even after Larry Summers,
the father of Facebook, who planted Sheryl Sandberg at Facebook to shut Mark up and
stop revealing that Facebook is the tool of the Democrat agenda for globalism, cannot x
the company. This is one of the points I am most angry about. Mark has become, over
the years, no friend of America. In fact, he hates America and rants on about how proud
he is to avoid U. S. taxes and to cheat the American people – whom he considers to be
animals. 11/30
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Mark believes he is a higher being – above human beings. He now believes it was all his
 work that made Facebook. He is completely deluded by his own propaganda, which is

nothing but lies. It is because Mark is now a danger to himself and the world that I must
tell the true story of how Facebook and social media have become the enemies of
Americans and the world.

Mark was shocked when he received an acceptance letter from Harvard, before he had
applied. No test scores, interviews, or pre-requisites were required. His government
“programming” had made his acceptance a given. Harvard wanted Mark, and Mark did
what he was told. So, when the president of Harvard, Larry Summers, called Mark into his
o ce early in his freshman year, Mark was not so surprised. He knew he would have to
pay the piper. Summers asked Mark to start a group to work on the social media project
– a supposed competition among teachers and students to win a government contract.

The ostensible goal was to create a social directory and Harvard where people could
share in small groups. The real intent was to create a social network to manipulate the
world. Mark liked the idea but was too lazy to do anything about it. He stuck his nose into
the others’ camps to see what they were doing, but he himself just talked about it with
good programmers and made them promises—thus, numerous lawsuits ensued from
those promises.

Larry Summers continued to call Mark into his o ce for updates, so Mark just lied.
Occasionally, others would be in the o ce with Larry Summers, but one person stood out
and showed up at many more meetings in the future. This man was obviously the person
in charge of this project. His name was a former Harvard Law Professor James
Chandler. He boasted that he was one of the top idea people for DARPA and that he had
actually developed lower level programming languages for the Army. He pretended to be
interested in me, but I could tell that was a political act. Guys like me can just sense
these things.

Over time, it came out that Summers and Chandler had much bigger plans for the social
media project and had some outside sources of help to complete the project. Mark found
it odd that Summers, Chandler, and eventually Sheryl Sandberg did not put much
pressure on Mark to produce but were interested in everything Mark was learning from
spying on the other groups for almost two years.

One day, Mark was called to Summers o ce in Massachusetts Hall to meet a most
unusual man. His name was Andrew Marshall and he was the head of the Naval
Intelligence Net Assessment O ce. Mark was terri ed of Marshall from the beginning. 12/30
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Marshall had Mark sign a government secrecy agreement, and other security
 agreements before he told Mark the ultimate military nature of what the Harvard

Facebook project entailed. Mark, and Harvard, were simply being used as incubation
think tanks as a cover for a military project that needed a corporate face. Professor
Chandler said he had discovered the source code that would accomplish the seemingly
impossible task of making a social directory “scalable” to billions of people.

Chandler droned on as Harvard professors like to do about how Harvard academic elites
were the best choices to do the early testing because of their superior intellects. He
explained that this scalability dilemma was not being solved by the military’s usual
Microsoft, IBM and Oracle go-to military intelligence suppliers for reasons that were over
my head. He said they had found a company who had solved the problem but was not
willing to be used by the military as a black-ops project against Americans and the rest of
the world.

Chandler and Summers had selected Mark as their front-man to lie and claim that he had
written the source code for scalability. Chandler explained that the government had
seized the source code from an inventor and his company for use in the DARPA Harvard
Facebook project. He explained in very owery intellectual property theft language that
Mark may get sued by the inventor, but that DARPA would shield him. Mark told them he
was willing to take that chance.

Mark knew full-well that the people who had brain-washed him had a big plan and his
part was simply to do as they told him to do. But now, Mark was getting scarred because
James Chandler was a member of the president’s National Security Team, a top national
security and patent lawyer, and a truly mean, ugly and frightening black man who could
easily turn on you like a pit bull.

Larry Summers had those same elitist bully traits, and was the president of Harvard and
an economic world leader. Mark felt he was being groomed and protected by some very
powerful people. But it was Andrew Marshall, the one they called “Yoda”, who scared the
pants off Mark. After Mark had been “read into” the plan by Summers and Chandler, their
boss wanted to meet Mark to make sure that he could be trusted to be part of this
overarching evil plan to manipulate all of cyber space as if it were a war arena.

Andrew Marshall did not like Mark at all. I witnessed it myself when I was asked to attend
one of Andrew Marshall’s Highland Group forums as a major executive for Facebook,
along with Mark. Every time Mark opened his mouth, Marshall would stare at him until
Mark would shut up. Marshall indicated in this meeting that Mark himself was the 13/30
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biggest problem with the Facebook operation. Mark was so happy when Andrew
 Marshall died not long ago. Mark now takes his orders from Marshall understudies Dick

O’Neil and James Baker who run Highlands Group. Chandler also worked for Highlands
Group and directed numerous operations working directly with Andrew Marshall and
James Baker.

The Facebook operation also coordinated their activities with Rose Law Firm in Little
Rock, Arkansas, and the group that gathered around Hillary Clinton’s patent thefts. Every
Facebook insider, who was there from the beginning, know these things to be true but
would never speak of it for fear of retaliation and possible death. We are speaking about
a theft of literally many trillions of dollars in intellectual property, trade secrets, patents,
designs and stolen programming source code.

Mark bragged for two years about being able to write the source code for the Facebook
platform, but he did not produce a single line of code. For two years, all the Fellowship
heard were promises of a break-through at any moment. We heard one excuse right after
the other. We learned later it was because the inventor had run into some R&D
roadblocks that needed sorted out rst. Mark continued to spy on the other groups
working on the Harvard Facebook student and staff directories, made many promises to
everyone involved, but did not follow through. Mark kept promising he was going to just
“sit down and write the code”, as if it was no big deal.

His meetings with Summers, Chandler, Marshall and others continued and Mark always
came back encouraged. Then, one day Mark got terribly excited about hacking a fellow
student at Harvard because he had some part of the Facebook program. The particular
student was an upper classman named Max McKibben who lived next door in Winthrop
House, literally 100 feet from our Kirkland House front door. Mark got the best hacker to
come to our room and use a special “school” computer to hack into McKibben’s personal
Harvard email account to steal several white papers on an invention just like the one
Chandler had described. This white paper described EXACTLY what Mark had been
talking about for two years and now a Harvard student had a full description of a
program that could do the same thing.

It was on October 28, 2003 that Mark returned from Summers’ o ce and announced:
“Let the hacking begin.” That hacking stole the white paper that had been sent to the son
of Michael McKibben, the owner of Leader Technologies and the real inventor of scalable
social media. Michael had sent his son Max the white papers written to describe the new
invention. When Mark learned that Chandler was Michael’s patent attorney, the theft
nally put a name to the target Chandler had talked about in vague terms. 14/30
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Chandler had requested that Michael write up a detailed explanation of the system and
 how it worked. Once Mark showed the stolen white papers to Chandler, Chandler

confessed that he already had a complete evaluation copy of the source code as
Michael’s patent attorney, that he was using a spy tactic called “strategic deception” in
pretending to help Michael and Leader Technologies le patents, while he was secretly
providing Michael’s invention code to DARPA’s IBM Eclipse Foundation cyber-warfare

Chandler told Mark that IBM Eclipse was preparing Michael’s program, as they spoke, to
give to Mark for the Facebook launch at EclipseCON ’04 in San Fancisco right after the
Harvard January Reading Period. He said the plan was to transfer all of the NSA’s LifeLog
data as soon as possible to the Facebook platform as well. He also told Mark that he
would be moving to Silicon Valley after the term was over, and that the next phase of the
plan for him would happen in California. Dustin and I went with him that summer, but I
decided to return to Boston and graduate. That was a sad separation, but I was happy he
got rid of his Craig’s List girls. The few that I actually saw looked like sad street urchins.

Chandler had not seen Michael’s white papers yet and was eager to have them. Mark
sent him the hacked copies. Chandler said with the inventor’s rst-ever public write-up,
and the source code, the Highlands Group and the IBM Eclipse Foundation now had what
they needed to prepare the platform for Mark to launch thefacebook, later shortened to
Facebook, at EclipseCON ‘04 in February.

I now realize that Chandler took the stolen source code from Michael McKibben and
Leader Technologies and gave it to the IBM Eclipse Foundation who turned around gave
it out as “open source”, the most lucrative intellectual property in history, to all of the
social media giants as open source code without charging a penny.

What I am telling you now is a composite understanding of what I knew early on in the
Fellowship group of Mark Zuckerberg and what I have learned up to this time as a core
insider of Facebook to this very day. It is not only Mark who needs to pay for his crimes,
but many others also. IBM Eclipse Foundation plays like they are moral, honest, and
philanthropically gave away intellectual property to other companies who essentially
became monopolies with the stolen programming source code. This is laughable and I
told Mark when he was being told this information by his handlers that the plan would
never work because anyone can see through such stupidity. But to this day, beside
Facebook insiders and the Fellowship group, no one has ever told me that they
suspected the IBM Eclipse Foundation or the Highlands Forum are corrupt. 15/30
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The bigger the lie, the easier it is to get people to believe it.
 
Mark Greenberg (Zuckerberg) did not create Facebook. Facebook is a governmental
monopoly doing the most advanced virtual behavioral modi cation on the planet with
stolen and modi ed patents, intellectual property (IP), and trade secrets from inventors
who were not remunerated for their inventions. I personally knew this, even when it was
happening. I felt sick about the whole thing and this led to many, many arguments
between Mark and me. The other members of the Fellowship felt the same way I did.
Eventually, Mark had to buy all of us off with large sums of money over the years.

We have not spoken up before now, but I personally cannot hold my silence any longer. I
must speak out openly about the criminal surveillance Mark does through Facebook
because it gets worse every day. Mark’s handlers tell him to allow more surveillance even
though security breaches, selling customer data, allowing for spying by CIA, NSA, DIA,
GCHQ, MI6, Five Eyes, lying to Congress, meddling in elections, allowing everyone access
to Facebook data, censoring conservatives, being a platform for the Democrat party, and
many other charges have been brought against Facebook in other countries and
America. Mark will not listen to me or anyone else about stopping the insanity. I believe
he is unstable and not t to run Facebook.

When I saw the $1.5 billion from George Soros and the Atlantic Council bring in the AI
system (some built by the Cambridge Digital Forensic Research Laboratory) used in
Europe to stop free speech, I had had enough. It was then that I knew Mark was truly
being used by evil forces and that even he couldn’t stop it. He seemed to have a death
wish to destroy Facebook and reveal some of its evil intent. This was ruining the
company I was trying to help run. There were no other avenues that I could take the
company down that would deter Mark from the total destruction of Facebook. Mark had
been told to win the country for Hillary, or kill the company trying. He was making
astounding mistakes that showed the truth of the evil foundations of Facebook.

Our secrets were gushing out like blood from a slaughtered pig. I kept talking to Mark,
trying to change his mind, but he became more insane and impossible to talk to. Mark
gave up control of the company to a crowd stumbling over themselves to take personal
credit for Facebook’s “turnaround”, including Highlands Group, DHS, DoD, Naval
Intelligence, SERCO, Crown Agents, IBM  Eclipse Foundation, Clinton Foundation, Open
Society Foundation, Google, Alphabet, Schmidt, Sandberg, Thiel, Hoffman, Breyer, Louie,
Ketterson, Goldman Sachs, Blankfein, Dimon, Microsoft, Gates, Allen, Thompson, Balmer,
Ozzi, Nadella, Milner, Obama, Pritzker, Hillary, Kutcher, Bono,  Soros, Lamont, the Queen’s
men Richard Allan and Nick Clegg, and the rest of the gang who are eager to clean up 16/30
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Mark’s messes. I could see that Facebook was on its last leg but I couldn’t understand
 why Mark would kill the company.

Then, one day I realized what Mark was doing with the obvious crash-landing of
Facebook. He was being told that he would get a “deal” with the government charges
against the company and would not have to pay billions in nes. The deal would be like
the government’s deal with Standard Oil when they were charged with anti-trust,
monopoly issues. They were made to break up into seven different companies – all of
which became as big or bigger than Standard Oil itself. Splitting up the monopoly made
the owners seven times richer.

That is what Mark is doing. He wants Facebook to be broken up instead of answer to the
crimes it has willingly committed. Corporations can simply go bankrupt, dissolve, crash
and burn, or do what Google did when it created a new company called Alphabet who is
now called the Mother of Google and is worth even more. How a child becomes the
parent is a new one for me. Eric Schmidt showed Mark exactly what to do and please
remember that Eric Schmidt was also Mark’s mentor and the rst person to invest
hundreds of millions in Facebook before it went public. Eric Schmidt made billions off of
his insider trader knowledge from the Highlands Forum investment in Facebook. Britain’s
offshore banks feed them all with endless money laundering and “deal ow” as long as
the Queen gets her cut. All us insiders know this global money game is totally rigged to
perpetuate this evil power. I don’t want to go to my grave knowing that I didn’t do
something to atone for my sins in perpetuating these lies.

I believe that Mark is doing everything in his power to get President Donald Trump
deposed, just as he did everything he could to try to help get Hillary elected. If Trump
continues, the globalist lose. Mark is a true globalist; he is not an American anymore.
Mark essentially does not have a plan for Facebook, he simply does what he is told and
always has. Mark has made no decisions on his own – not one. This current decision to
destroy Facebook from the inside out is nothing more than Mark’s handlers using Mark in
their last hours of power. Trump will win 2020 and Facebook will die. The only question
left is whether Trump will charge Mark Fakerberg with the crimes he committed.

I, for one, want Mark in jail along with his handlers. I have personally been threatened and
intimidated by these Big-Tech monsters since I met Mark Zuckerberg (Greenberg) – a
person who truly does not even know his own name or who he is and yet is one of the
richest people on earth. Mark did not earn nor deserve a single penny he has been given.
Mark is a card-board cut-out who has lost his way and is completely delusional at this
point. 17/30
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As a Facebook insider I demand Mark be red and all assets taken from him due to his
 non-stop lying to stockholders and Facebook users. The Board of Directors, underwriters

and institutional investors all know about the secret government contracts that have
been propping up the company since the beginning, but most average shareholders do
not.  It is a government-owned and operated military psy-ops weapon that has gotten out
of control and been used for treasonous purposes and for seditious actions against the
American people.

After she got sick of the lies, Mark’s former speech writer Katherine Losse described in
her 2004 book The Boy Kings that Facebook has stolen personal data and sold it, created
a “dark” pro le on every user and sold it to everyone who would pay the price, created
secret les of compromising photos, allowed all government agencies to access all user
data, breached every user agreement, lied continuously to all users, built in back-doors
and zero-day programs for the military, and many other unethical, immoral and illegal
activities. Did Mark Zuckerberg (Greenberg) willing and with intent allow these criminal
activities to go on unchecked on Facebook? – You bet he did. And he is still doing it and
getting worse every day. Like other Facebook insiders, I want no part of this squelching
of free speech or illegal surveillance activities or the purposeful experimentation on users
to develop new and better means to electronically control, manipulate, and imprison

I have stood against Mark’s immoral and evil actions since our freshman year at Harvard.
Nothing has changed, except that Mark has gotten worse and his handlers have become
so demanding that they are condemning Facebook to the trash heap and creating the
circumstances for Mark to become even richer and more insane. His next projects
include a system much like what Eric Schmidt has created for China, a social credit
system that controls the freedom of every American.

When Facebook is broken up, the new companies will have the Eric Schmidt “Dragon y”
social credit system built in. Mark wants to be like Eric and control the world from a
digital Ivory Tower and oversee the depopulation of the earth. These maniacs believe
they are “above the human race” and are actually higher beings sent to the earth to
control the masses. From my experience, these attitudes are extremely prevalent with
Silicon Valley tech giants — and they make me sick.

The time has come to simply end the fake social media experiments and call them
governmental black-ops projects. I personally know most of these cyber tech-lords and I
can testify that they do not possess the tech skills they claim founded their companies.
They are simply tech thieves, like Mark Zuckerberg, who need to pay back those they
stole from and be put in jail for their crimes. I personally am willing to testify without 18/30
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immunity and suffer whatever consequences I deserve for knowing these things and
 never bringing them forth until now. I know that the corruption is so great in Washington

D. C. that I would not stand a chance of bringing forth this information without being
squelched, killed, or silenced like I have seen done to others.

I suggest that the new Attorney General simply read this letter, investigate and then ask
Mark Greensberg to program a single line of coherent code. When he cannot, lock him



24 Comments ADD YOURS

Eliza Ayres on June 13, 2019 at 7:08 pm Reply

Reblogged this on Blue Dragon Journal.


🙏 4 POTUS & Patriots (@LanieLou5) on June 13, 2019 at 7:10 pm Reply

Project Paperclip Experiment… Cancelled by Patriots, Revived by CIA Traitors.


Justin Camp on June 13, 2019 at 7:45 pm Reply

You can all this or just watch this video…

L di 19/30
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 
ppanther on June 14, 2019 at 6:25 am Reply
Thank you for this report, it is remarkable that this person had the goodness in him to
write this letter and report. I have forwarded it to President Trump and all on my email
list, since I am banned from twitter..for now…and Diamond and Silk, Devin Nunez, Ron
Paul, Steve King…

I pray that this all comes out oh, and Sean Hannity, also…and that it comes out in the
news and all over to expose this CIA operation and CHandler and all the evil and
corrupt people involved, which are MANY so this can be broken up and McKibbon can
receive the rewards he deserves monetarily. Too bad he sent this to his son at
Harvard. What a shame. but more than that, his own attorney betraying him as he did,
which is fraud and he shd be disbarred to begin with.

I prayed that God would allow someone to come forward with the goods on these evil
people and that it would all be exposed. God is going to rip the bandage off of the
wounds and let the festering come out and be cleansed from our existence so that
the whole country doesn’t die. It sounds like the CIA has been and is the shadow
government, pulling strings behind the scenes like the python snake they are
slithering underground so no one knows it’s there, but feels the effects just the same.

Thank you for all you do to expose the evil and promote good in the world. I
appreciate everything you and Tyla and Michael have been doing to prove the
underhanded nefarious schemes of the devil. God is greater and I hope you come to
believe in His son, Jesus, as the only true Son of God who gave His life that we all
might live and escape the ames of Hell. Thank you for listening.

Sincerely, Donna Bryson [email protected]


Saheike1 on June 14, 2019 at 1:30 pm Reply

Reblogged on Wissenschaft3000


Saheike1 on June 14, 2019 at 1:32 pm Reply

edward-snowden-aka-ed-green/ Verfügbarmachen von Edward Snowden aka Ed 20/30
1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media

 

ezduzit63 on June 14, 2019 at 1:51 pm Reply

Reblogged this on Free At Last.


Brooks Brooks on June 14, 2019 at 2:44 pm Reply

Thank you for your continued efforts to expose the despicable criminal frauds, and
uncover the REAL TRUTH.


seasideroses on June 14, 2019 at 3:27 pm Reply

folks, facebook is evenworse than what’s exposed here. you may have noted that
these “handlers” of mark and facebook are demonically-controlled; well, what’s also
happening on facebook, as put in place by satanists, is the existence of “leylines”, or
“portals”, through which evil people can “astral travel” directly into your soul, as you
are on facebook. This is an evil tool by which satan gets access to you, unless you are
covered by the blood of Jesus by virtue of belonging to Him. As soon as I read about
this, I quit facebook.
I actually should have quit facebook when I noticed that it always made me
depressed to be on it; I couldn’t help but feel jealous of other people, as they seemed
to be so happy, having so much fun, and having so many friends. I’m sure that’s not
really true, but I still felt bad everytime I was on it.


Georgeanne Kaufman on June 15, 2019 at 8:40 pm Reply

Mark Zukerberg’s name is also Mark Greenberg, and some people says he’s related to
Rockefeller. If you look into the goings-on at Sandy Hook School and other so-called
shootings designed to make the public want to take away the Second Amendment,
you’ll discover that the Greenberg extended family was involved in several of those
false ags. The Greenberg family members, using various disguises, depending on
the personnel requirements of the actors in the “set up” situation, have been identi ed
by many “eagle-eye” analysts.

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arleneljohnson on June 16, 2019 at 7:20 am Reply

 11 
Dear Georgeanne, Yes, Mark Zuckerberg is David Rockefeller’s grandson. Imho, that’s
why the CIA, etc. decided to use him to create FB. If you don’t know who David
Rockefeller was, log onto as David was
one of the creators of a relatively secret organisation called the Trilateral
Commission. The history in that article is top secret, and has been denied to decent
people worldwide, even in rst world nations such as the UK.


Arlene Johnson
To access the rest of my e-zine editions, click on the icon that says Magazine.


Bill on October 6, 2020 at 3:06 pm Reply

Wellaware1 exposed the Greenberg entire family and its’ false ag involvement years
ago. I believe he has his site back up now, but probably all the material lost.


Augustine de Lawrence on June 15, 2019 at 11:22 pm Reply

you guys wrote this man, cmon…ive heard most of your broadcasts and the pro le of
so many of them shows up into this as one coherent narrative. why do you pretend
this is from his former lover? I mean, really. love your work but this is not real….


Johnny Walker Read on June 16, 2019 at 7:52 am Reply

Has anyone tried to share this on FB…Hahahahaha


Our Spirit on June 17, 2019 at 7:29 am Reply

They never dreamt we could turn this weapon against them!

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ppanther on June 17, 2019 at 2:03 pm Reply

 16 
We know that Bill Clinton is also a Rockefeller, also used by the CIA , and who knows
what Obama really is but he is a CIA creation. This is getting smellier and smellier all
the time!


ppanther on June 17, 2019 at 2:07 pm Reply

I understand that if the Facebook company is broken up, it will multiply the wealth of
Zuckerberg or whatever his name is and those involved in this facade. I would like to
see it shut down, period, not allowed to reopen in any other name! This guy is a fraud
and needs to go to jail, but that will probably not happen with the ‘connections’ he has
involved. This is such a travesty upon our nation and the world, that someone could
steal this information from the rightful owner without any remuneration! I am sure
that McKibbon would not have allowed his invention to be used in such a deviant
manner, so the enemy went around him and used a demonically controlled attorney,
which most of them are, to steal it instead! Is there no JUSTICE in this world


coopdeville999 on June 27, 2019 at 3:33 pm Reply

David Wilcock nally refers to American Intelligence Media in this blog… …
expect many more eyes to nd the light here.


EyeinTheStorm on November 21, 2019 at 4:23 pm Reply

yes it is all true.


[email protected] on February 8, 2020 at 2:28 am Reply

I have some doubt that the purported author of this document is the actual source.
However, a lot of the information is demonstrably accurate:


1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media



This is actually kind of believable. I always wondered why the ‘Winkelvii’ settled for
$65 million: compared to Facebook’s valuation, that was an incredibly lowball gure, if
Mark had merely stolen their source code. There has to be more to the story. And we
already know that Google was funded by the intelligence community:

Facebook has been repeatedly caught violating their own privacy policy, and
everything they say is a lie. One purpose of Facebook is to document the relationships
between people for the bene t of governments & advertisers. The system basically
turns stupid people into spies:

They now have millions of useful idiots uploading & tagging photographs of friends &
relatives, along with reports on their interests, activities, travels, and personality traits.
This is being used to create sophisticated political & psychological pro les of every
person, which can be used to model & predict individual or collective behavior. It’s
basically a duplicate/extension of a similar system created for the NSA.

The CIA was doing this long before the internet arrived: in the late 1950’s they had
already developed a psychological pro ling system which could ostensibly screen out
criminals from public service, but they actually used it to hire criminals who would
obey orders without question. In a similar fashion, some police departments are now
using I.Q. tests to screen out highly-intelligent people who are likely to question
dysfunctional or illegal policies.

The photos which people upload to Facebook are also being utilized by face
recognition cameras all over the world. However, the California Consumer Privacy Act
is now forcing some of these retail partnerships to be disclosed. Go watch “Enemy of
the State” or “Conspiracy Theory” if you want to get some idea of how this global
surveillance system is being abused, and how hard it would be for a whistleblower to
hide, travel, or escape the way that Snowden once did.


1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media


This is completely true: the CIA’s budget is secret, and the congress does allow it to
create shell corporations that become self-sustaining. So the U.S. taxpayer ponies up
for the seed capital, while corrupt members of congress and the military/intelligence
sector pro t on the back end when the company becomes successful. Most “foreign
aid” is a similar kind of scam, as revealed in “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man.”

The supreme court has even ruled (with no media coverage whatsoever) that U.S.
taxpayers don’t have a right to know what the government spends their money on. If
you step out of line, you end up like Scalia. The only solution is to remove everyone
from congress who will not abolish the CIA and then repeal the National Security Act,
PATRIOT Act, Military Commissions Act, et cetera – then shut down every company
that was covertly funded with taxes and sell off its assets (or repurpose them for
public use.)

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in
forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.” – Harry S. Truman

If Facebook’s illegal spying became the subject of litigation, the courts could
dismantle Facebook simply by collecting appropriate nes on behalf of every user for
all of the violations of its own terms of service which have already been
demonstrated. What is the monetary value of your stolen data? –If you would not
have surrendered your data to the people that Facebook shared it with for less than
one million dollars, then Facebook owes you a million dollars. I therefore submit that
the collective monetary damages for Facebook’s breaches of contract should be
greater than all of Facebook’s assets.



This is plausible. Competition of that sort is a trap, for breaking up Facebook does not
bene t the public unless users cannot be censored and the user is totally in control of
who can access his data. We have to use decentralized, non-proprietary systems.


1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media



Yes, but it should be noted that Google is doing exactly the same, and is every bit as
dangerous to liberty & justice (if not more, since they can track and control millions of
phones.) On the day that whistleblower Zach Vorhies was scheduled to meet with the
justice department to show how Google had lied to congress about its political
censorship, Google called in a fake bomb threat at Zach’s home and tried to get him
shot. Why are these people not in jail – and why has there been no mainstream media
coverage ?!?



Apple has already migrated all Chinese customers iCloud accounts to servers which
are controlled by China’s state telecom operator. And they do not encrypt the iCloud
data of U.S. customers because the FBI asked them not to. They also volunteered to
spy on the Trump campaign,* and kicked conservative news apps out of the app store
for supporting Trump. Their next move will be to lock down the Mac desktop, so
programs wont run without their permission. A previous update to Mac OS silently
started sending Spotlight desktop searches to Apple, so they could create a database
of document and photo titles that people are working with (which is very helpful when
tracking down leaked documents.) The iPhone uses GPS to geo-tag every WiFi router
it sees, so anyone who disables the GPS or cellular radio on their iPhone can still be
located if they connect to the internet through a previously geo-tagged WiFi router.
And Google is doing similar things with Android.

* Apple volunteered to spy for Clinton campaign 26/30
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Microsoft backdoored Skype, SkyDrive, and messaging services

 

Clinton campaign considered deep-state spying partners Bill Gates & Tim Cook for
vice president

Illegal dragnet surveillance occurred with FULL COOPERATION from Yahoo, Apple,
Google, Microsoft, Facebook, AOL (and all of them lied to the public about it.)

After promising they would no longer spy on your emails for advertisement purposes,
Google recently admitted to lawmakers that they continue to allow third party
companies to scan and share data from private Gmail accounts.

Meet the shadowy tech brokers that deliver your data to the NSA

Google collects Android users locations even when location services are disabled

GOP senator blasts Google over lies about consumer privacy: “There’s NO way to
really turn off tracking services”

How much information is Google getting from your phone? 27/30
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Google employee brags about Google’s election rigging attempts

 

How to get Google off your Android phone



Yeah, good luck with that:

Barr Ends All Conspiracy Theories Forever By Saying Epstein Died Via A Series Of

While Zuckerberg has done many illegal things which he can and should be
prosecuted for, taking him down will only reveal some of these issues and
conspirators, it will not x the problem. The bottom line is, we have to wean people off
these proprietary platforms and closed source operating systems that are riddled
with backdoors for surveillance & tracking. We are engaged in a battle with ‘big tech’
for the soul of America, and the prize is all of our ignorant friends & relatives who who
are Zuckered into using proprietary products & cloud services which make us ALL
subject to censorship & surveillance, directly or indirectly.


guest on February 8, 2020 at 3:58 am Reply

page reloads & comment disappears — testing


Our Spirit on February 8, 2020 at 1:27 pm Reply

Until your post is approved, it will not show. You are using a general name “guest”
which anyone can do – but all of these comments will have to be reviewed before
posting. We don’t post troll garbage.

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1/17/2021 Facebook Insider Confesses All – American Intelligence Media

christopherearlstrunk on January 14, 2021 at 3:14 pm Reply

 23 


christopherearlstrunk on January 14, 2021 at 3:46 pm Reply

As my uniqie injury here in New York. As a stockholder in Leader Technologies whose
source code was stolen by IBM eclipse foundation and given to Mark Greenberg
(Zuckerberg) by Andrew Marshal (now deceased) has been used at the 3 November
2020 election to steal my vote here in New York. As such Defendants not only stole
the value of my stock property asset but have destroyed my vote property too at the
election. A unique argument with proof accordingly.


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Leader Technologies Incorporated filed a Miller Act Claim in 2017 that was updated in 2019

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ.

July 23, 2017 (“Effective Date”)


The United States Chief Executive Donald J. Leader Technologies, Inc.
Trump, and his predecessors William J. Michael T. McKibben, Founder, Chairman
Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack H. and Inventor (the “Claimant”)
Obama (the “Executive”) P.O. Box 224
The White House Lewis Center OH 43035
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW (614) 890-1986 office
Washington, D.C. 20500 (614) 864-7922 fax


Surety bonds are presumed to have been James P. Chandler, III, National Security
provided to the Executive by the various Advisor, Chief Contractor Agent for the
public-private supplier-beneficiaries of Executive, National Infrastructure
Claimant’s properties (the “Surety”) Assurance/Advisory Councils (NIAC), THE
“Hiring Party”)
1776 K Street, NW
Washington, DC 20006
Bar ID: #270686



Historical Claim:
$40 billion (this is a substantial compromise from President Trump’s recent estimated value
in excess $3.5 trillion from just 22 organizations, all of whom use and benefit from
Claimant’s property.) 2
Forward-Looking After-Tax Fee Claim:
Government to collect $184 billion per year Fee (pre-tax) from bond holders on 7.7 billion
people @ $2/month who use Claimant’s property as users of mobile, user-generated social,
schools, federal, state and local employees. Claimant to receive after-tax balance of the Fee during
the life of the intellectual properties, including derivative works. Source: U.S. Census Bureau.

Notices: Any errors and omissions are inadvertent. Claimant reserves the right to amend this Notice and the Claim(s).
No claims are made to third party rights. All footnotes and endnotes are incorporated as if fully written herein.
Source: President Trump’s Opening Remarks, American Technology Roundtable, WH, Jun. 19, 2017 (“We have
approximately $3.5 trillion dollars of market value in this room.”) See WH, Jun. 19, 2017 Attendees, Endnote [i].
40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017


$ 0.00


 $40 billion (one-time) (as of Effective Date) (Compromise proposed. Does not
reflect the full historical value of Claimant’s property used.)3
 Net After-Tax Fee on $184 billion per year, collected by the government from bond
holders for annual forward-looking license Fee for use of Claimant’s property for
the full life of the properties, incl. derivative works.


Benefits accrue continuously to Original Contractor and bond holders.


Claimant’s property is “social networking” and related software intellectual property operating
continuously on computers and servers in literally billions of locations in the United States and
America's Founders knew that a vibrant economy must protect and incentivize real inventors and
writers to grow. The U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 ("[t]o promote the Progress
of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.") protects patents and copyrights and is the
only property right actually written in the Constitution.
The Founders also forbade the government in Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 from issuing a
contract, then quashing it later under the color of law. These fundamental principles of property
protection have been reaffirmed numerous times.
For example, James Madison said in Federalist No. 44: "Patent rights receive protection pursuant
to public contracts between inventors and the federal government, acting on behalf of the people."

Claimant reserves the right to reassert up to the full value of Claimant’s property used without compensation.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Chief Justice John Marshall affirmed in Fletcher v. Peck. 10 US 87 (1810) that the government
cannot rescind a contract once awarded. Subsequent Patent Office manuals reinforced this
fundamental Constitutional principle: "A Patent is a Contract." Manual of Patent Law (1874), A
Summary of the Law of Patents (1883).
Claimant has multiple patent contracts with the federal government that the government is using
without compensating Claimant.
Claimant and his investors sought out a highly-regarded Washington, D.C. patent legal counsel in
law professor James P. Chandler, III (“Chandler”).4 Claimant relied on his legal advice after
sharing Claimant’s innovations with him and the government. Claimant paid substantial fees to
obtain patents that were eventually awarded by the government.

Figure 1: Timeline of events related to this Leader Technologies, Inc. claim.

However, Chandler turned over Claimant’s property to a group of “public-private” collaborators

with whom he was associated, without any notice or compensation to Claimant.
In February 2000, the Hiring Party, James P. Chandler, III entered into contracts with Claimant to
provide legal, director and other services5 that resulted in, among other things, the registering of

Professor James P. Chandler biography,
James P. Chandler, The Chandler Law Firm Chartered, Leader Technologies Director Services and Engagement
Letters, Apr. 6, 2000, May 5, 2000, Mar. 01, 2001, May 25, 2001; Chandler signed a Leader Directors Services

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

trademarks, copyrights and the award of U.S. Patent Numbers 7,139,761,6 7,925,2467 and
8,195,714.8 Chandler was also then a senior national security advisor to the White House,
Congress, Judiciary and intelligence community (e.g., FBI, NSA, CIA, DoD, DOJ, DoE, NRO,
DHS, IBM), among others.
Chandler is well known or strongly believed to have collaborated with numerous members of the
political, legal and intelligence communities in this work, including, but not limited to Former
FBI directors Louis Freeh,9 Robert S. Mueller, James B. Comey; Rod J. Rosenstein; Andrew D.
Goldstein; Preetinder Bharara; Eric H. Holder, Jr.;10 Loretta E. Lynch; Williams & Connolly
LLP;11 Gibson Dunn LLP,12 Fenwick & West LLP; Weil Gotshal LLP;13 Skadden Arps, LLP;
Cooley Godward LLP; White & Case LLP; Orrick Herrington LLP; Blank Rome LLP, Perkins
Coie LLP, Latham & Watkins LLP; Cravath Swaine LLP,14 Mayer Brown LLP; Hillary & Bill
Clinton; John D. Podesta;15 Directors of the CIA, NSA. DNI and National Security Advisors since
1993 through the Obama Administration; the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals;16 Federal Circuit
Bar Association,17 American Bar Association,18 FISC (“The FISA Court”); In-Q-Tel principals,

Agreement on May 5, 2000 in which he specifically committed to the Business Judgment Rule duties of diligence,
loyalty, obedience, accountability, disinterestedness, due care, good faith, abuse of discretion, e.g., "prohibited
from using their position of trust and confidence to further their private interests" and "may not engage in
undisclosed personal transactions of a material nature.” Sec. 1(2), 1(2)(d).
U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761, Dynamic Association of Electronically Stored Information with Iterative Workflow Changes,
McKibben et al, awarded by Jon W Dudas, Director, USPTO, Nov. 21, 2006.
U.S. Pat. No. 7,925,246, Context Instantiated Application Protocol, McKibben et al, awarded by David J. Kappos,
Director, USPTO, Jun. 5, 2012,
U.S. Pat. No. 8,195,714, Radio/Telephony Interoperability System, McKibben et al, signed by David J. Kappos, Director,
USPTO, Apr. 12, 2001.
S. Hrg. 104-499 (Feb. 28, 1998). Economic Espionage Act Hearing, testimony of FBI Director Louis Freeh acknowledging
James P. Chandler. U.S. Senate.
Chandler, J. P. (Mar. 28, 2001). Trade Secrets and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Conference. NIPLI
(highlighted then Assistant Attorney General Eric H. Holder who was collaborating with Chandler on trade secrets and
economic espionage cases, along with Robert S. Mueller, James B. Comey and Rod J. Rosenstein, among others).
United States v. James Hsu, 155 F.3d 189 (1998) (James P. Chandler, III, for the Justice Department, and Paul
Mogin, Williams & Connolly LLP, concluded the first prosecution of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 ("EEA")
drafted by Chandler for President Bill Clinton).
Petition for Writ of Certiorari (Nov. 16, 2012), Leader Technologies, Inc., v. Facebook, Inc., No. 12-617 (U.S.
Supreme Court 2012) (Gibson Dunn LLP, White & Case LLP, Blank Rome LLP and Cooley Godward LLP represented
Facebook and had personal relationships with Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. who hold substantial Facebook
financial interests, as do all of the lower court judges in this case).
Graham, S. (May 23, 2014). Rader Steps Down as Chief, Apologies for Reines Email. The Recorder.
Former Patent Office Director David J. Kappos’s current law firm.
James P. Chandler, John D. Podesta. (Jun. 07, 1993). Third CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference. Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace (“to require [for the FBI] that telecommunications manufacturers and service
providers redesign their systems to facilitate wiretapping.”).
Chandler bio, fn. 4.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

their banker/underwriters and funded companies; National Venture Capital Association (NVCA);
the Judicial Conference;19 the national laboratories; and The Clinton Foundation.
At a minimum, the above-mentioned individuals, organizations and their principals should be
excused from involvement in any investigations and decision making about Claimant’s claim and
compensation because of the appearance of impropriety. Further citations will be supplied upon
Chandler received detailed proprietary information about Claimant’s invention properties for
which he initially estimated that there were “over 60 patentable inventions.” The industry now
calls Claimant’s inventions “social networking.”
Chandler failed to disclose to Claimant his conflicts of interest and his material involvement with
a “shadow government”20 to which he was/is a key consultant.

Figure 2: On Jun. 8, 2000, James P. Chandler, III, and his legal assistant Kelley E. Clements (L/R, right rear, seated),
participated, along with co-inventors Jeffrey Lamb and Michael McKibben (L/R, left rear, standing), in Leader
invention design sessions in Columbus, Ohio where he learned the essences of Leader’s social networking invention.
Photo: Leader Technologies, Inc.Figure 1: On Jun. 8, 2000, James P. Chandler, III, and his legal assistant Kelley E.
Clements (L/R, right rear, seated), participated, along with co-inventors Jeffrey Lamb and Michael McKibben (L/R,
left rear, standing), in Leader invention design sessions in Columbus, Ohio where he learned the essences of
Leader’s social networking invention. Photo: Leader Technologies, Inc.

In 2002, under the color of attorney-client privilege and national security, Chandler obtained a
custody copy of Claimant’s invention engineering source code on Jun. 05, 2002.21 Eleven (11)

Report of the Secretary (Mar. 14, 2001). Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United
States. Judicial Conference (Organizer of change to mutual fund reporting rules for federal judges and judicial
employees: Jan Horbaly, Fed. Cir. Executive).
National Press Office. (Sep. 2, 2016)., Part 04 of 11, p. 56, ¶1. FBI.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

weeks later, on Aug. 29, 2002, he distributed Claimant’s invention to his “public-private”
collaborators22 via Version 2.0.123 of the IBM Eclipse Foundation source code, his client
(“Eclipse”). This new Eclipse source code release contained no mention of Claimant and was
marked only with IBM copyright notices.
Notably, just one day earlier, on Aug. 28, 2002, Chandler had met with Montgomery County,
Maryland development officials on behalf of himself, IBM, the Patent Office and classified
intelligence agencies (he specifically mentioned the CIA)24 about acquiring a 30,000 sf. facility
for their plans that his notes described as a “coup.” David J. Kappos was then chief inside
intellectual property counsel at IBM and an advisor to Chandler. (In 2009, Kappos was appointed
director of the Patent Office by President Barack Obama.) Claimant had no knowledge of this
attorney-client and directorial misconduct.
The IBM Eclipse Foundation was formed on Nov. 29, 2001 with a $40 million “donation” from
IBM.25 Through Eclipse’s members, Claimant’s property was distributed to and adopted widely
by the bond holders under the moniker of “The Internet of Things.”26
The Original Contractor’s use of Claimant’s property is ongoing and global in scope. The Hiring
Party facilitated use of Claimant’s property throughout a multitude of government agencies and
private organizations, including but not limited to:
1. Suppliers to Executive Orders 13130 (July 14, 1999) National Infrastructure Assurance
Council (NIAC), 13231 (October 16, 2001) National Infrastructure Advisor Council
(NIAC) and their progeny, up to and including Executive Order 13708 (September 30,
2015) which expires on September 30, 2017 (unless renewed by the Executive), among
others. These orders give the Executive full authority to satisfy this claim. The Hiring

James P. Chandler. (Jun. 5, 2002). LLNL-CRADA. CRADA No. TC-2030-01. The Regents of the University of California
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) under its U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48 and
Leader Technologies, LLC for RAPIDLY DEPLOYABLE SECURITY SYSTEM, signed by Jeffrey Wadsworth for Director C.
Burce Tartar. The Chandler Law Firm Chartered, PDF p. 36, Sec. 5, ¶5.
Executive Order 13130, Sec. 2(1); Executive Order 13231, Secs. 1(b), 10(c).
Version 2.0.1 (Aug. 29, 2002). Source code release including Leader Technologies' inventions marked with IBM
copyrights. IBM Eclipse Foundation.
Kelley E. Clements. (Aug. 30, 2002). Chandler Executive Assistant Clements’ stenographer's minutes from meetings
and events surrounding meeting among James P. Chandler and Montgomery County, Maryland development officers
Dave Edgerley (Director), Janis Peters and May Webster (with the knowledge of Doug Duncan, County Executive) to
negotiate use of $500-1,000,000 in federal budget support for a 40,000 sf. office space facility to be used by his
organization NIPLI (National Intellectual Property Law Institute), the U.S. Patent Office archives, classified material
(mentions CIA) and IBM, says no involvement of Congress and even used the phrase "(kind of a 'coup' of sorts)."
25 Consortium. (Nov. 29, 2001). Consortium Forms to Deliver New Era Application
Development Tools [Press release]; See also The Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 17, 2008). The Members of Eclipse,
Minutes of the Eclipse Board Meeting, Sep. 17, 2008; The Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 09, 2008). Membership Logos
[Board minutes]; IBM. (2001). 2001 IBM annual report, Armonk NY, p. 21 (“We donated more than $40 million in
application development tools to a new, independent, open-source software community called Eclipse.”).
Executive Order 13718. (Feb. 09, 2016). Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, Sec. 3(a)(ii). Barack Obama
(“(ii) ensuring that cybersecurity is a core element of the technologies associated with the Internet of Things and cloud
computing, and that the policy and legal foundation for cybersecurity in the context of the Internet of Things is stable
and adaptable.”).

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Party had material influence and control over the execution of these executive orders,
directly and through surrogates.

In fact, the NIAC uses the “Government’s procurement power to encourage information
technology suppliers to develop cybersecurity framework-compliant hardware and
software.”27 In other words, the Executives, namely Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama,
with the assistance of the Hiring Party, forced broad use of Claimant’s property by the
bond holders. See also Endnotes [i] and [ii] Individual and Organization beneficiaries of
Claimant’s property; [iii] for sources.

2. Some of the more notable federal government beneficiaries of Claimant’s property

include, but are not limited to, Departments of State, Justice, Treasury, Homeland
Security, Defense, Energy, Interior, Education, Transportation, Commerce, Agriculture;
Census Bureau, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); National Security Agency (NSA);
National Security Staff (NSS); Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC); Director of
National Intelligence (DNI); Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); National Archives Administration
(NARA); National Reconnaissance Office (NRO); Agency for International Development
(USAID); Agricultural Research Service (ARS); Bureau of Alcohol; Bureau of Indian
Affairs (BIA); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP); Consumer Product
Safety Commission (CPSC); Department of Health and Human Services (HHS);
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Executive Office of the President (EOP);
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA); Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI); Federal Election
Commission (FEC); Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); Federal Trade
Commission (FTC); Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS); Food and Drug Administration
(FDA); General Services Administration (GSA); Housing and Urban Development
(HUD); Institute of Museum and Library Science (IMLS); Merit Systems Protection
Board (MSPB); National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institutes of Standards and
Technology (NIST).; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA);
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO); National Science Foundation (NSF);
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA); Office of Inspector General
(OIG); Office of Personnel Management (OPM); Small Business Administration (SBA);
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF); US Congress; US Patent Office; US
Postal Service (USPS) and US Secret Service (USSS). See also Endnotes [i] and [ii]
Individual and Organization beneficiaries of Claimant’s property, [iii] for sources.

3. Secret NGO (non-governmental organization) bond holders who use, benefit from, and
provide Claimant’s property to third parties, include, but are not limited to:

Past and present agents of the Executive, members of the National Infrastructure
Assurance/Advisory Council (NIAC), The IBM Eclipse Foundation, AllSeen Alliance,
Brookings Institution, World Economic Forum (Davos), Freedom House, Global Network
Initiatives, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Open Society

NIAC (Nov. 21, 2013). Business Meeting Agenda. Recommendations, p. 117. DHS.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Foundations (OSF), Open Society Initiatives (OSI), The Clinton Foundation (incl. more
than 35 pseudonyms), Bohemian Grove, Federal Reserve, NVCA, GCHQ, ASD, CSE,
GCSB, FRE and FVEY. See also Endnotes [i] and [ii] Individual and Organization
beneficiaries of Claimant’s property; [iii] for sources.



Claimant invested over $10 million in five years in research and development in the property. This
creative work consumed over 145,000 engineering man-hours that created over 750,000 lines of
computer source code.28 The expenses include, but are not limited to, office facilities,
communications gear, multiple server centers, servers, computers, switches, hosting sites,
databases, testing, debugging, documentation, patents applications, trademarks, branding, product
design and development, research, legal, equipment, payroll, transportation, public relations, travel,
room & board, meeting expenses, conferences, consulting, insurances, facilities management,
human resources, clerical, engineering, supplies, utilities, security, copyrights, legal, accounting,
fund raising, data protection, general and administrative expenses, rents, leases, systems,
procedures, accounting, auditing, bookkeeping, recruiting, training, professional development,
management development, strategy, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award state program
application and award, etc.


Claimant reserves the right to update this Notice based upon new information obtained, most
especially secret, stonewalled and redacted information regarding the full scope of the Executive’s
use of Claimant’s property.

The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally.

Leader v. Facebook, 1:08-cv-00862-JJF-LPS (D. Del. 2008), Tr. PgID Nos. 11423:21-11424:5.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017




Claimant hereby requests a copy of each payment bond of each surety provider, including
their contact information, to each and every public-private beneficiary used by the subcontractors
to the Original Contractor to distribute Claimant’s property identified in this notice. This request
is made pursuant to 40 U.S.C. §3133. Please forward a copy to the Hiring Party and the Surety
Parties identified above.

Claimant: Leader Technologies, Inc.

/S/ Michael T. McKibben

By: Michael T. McKibben
Title: Founder, Chairman and Inventor

Claimant: Michael T. McKibben

/S/ Michael T. McKibben

By: Michael T. McKibben

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017


State of Ohio }
} ss:
County of Delaware }



Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, Founder, Chairman and
Inventor (the “Claimant”)

The United States Chief Executive Donald J. Trump,
and his predecessors William J. Clinton, George W.
Bush and Barack H. Obama (the “Executive”)

My name is Michael T. McKibben, and I am of legal age, sound mind and otherwise competent to
make this affidavit. At all times herein, I live in Columbus, Ohio and now work in Lewis Center,
Ohio. I have personal, direct knowledge of each of the facts set forth in this affidavit and believe
them to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge and ability. Errors and omissions are


Claimant invested over $10 million in research and development in the property which consumed
over 145,000 man-hours of cross-expertise engineering that created over 750,000 lines of computer
source code. The expenses include but are not limited to office facilities, communications gear,
multiple server centers, servers, computers, switches, hosting sites, databases, testing, debugging,
documentation, patents applications, trademarks, branding, product design and development,
research, legal, equipment, payroll, transportation, public relations, travel, room & board, meeting
expenses, conferences, consulting, insurances, facilities management, human resources, clerical,
engineering, supplies, utilities, security, copyrights, legal, accounting, fund raising, data protection,
general and administrative expenses, rents, leases, systems, procedures, accounting, auditing,
bookkeeping, recruiting, training, professional development, management development, strategy,
Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award state program application and award, etc.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Claimant’s property is “social networking” and related software intellectual property operating
continuously on computers and servers in literally billions of locations in the United States and
America's Founders knew that a vibrant economy must protect and incentivize real inventors and
writers to grow. The U.S. Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 ("[t]o promote the Progress
of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive
Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.") protects patents and copyrights and is the
only property right actually written in the Constitution.
The Founders also forbade the government in Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 from issuing a
contract, then quashing it later under the color of law. These fundamental principles of property
protection have been reaffirmed numerous times.
For example, James Madison said in Federalist No. 44: "Patent rights receive protection pursuant
to public contracts between inventors and the federal government, acting on behalf of the people."
Chief Justice John Marshall affirmed in Fletcher v. Peck. 10 US 87 (1810) that the government
cannot rescind a contract once awarded. Subsequent Patent Office manuals reinforced this
fundamental Constitutional principle: "A Patent is a Contract." Manual of Patent Law (1874), A
Summary of the Law of Patents (1883).
Claimant has multiple patent contracts with the federal government that the government is using
without compensating Claimant.
Claimant and his investors sought out a highly-regarded Washington, D.C. patent legal counsel in
law professor James P. Chandler, III (“Chandler”).29 Claimant relied on his legal advice after
sharing Claimant’s innovations with him and the government. Claimant paid substantial fees to
obtain patents that were eventually awarded by the government.

The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally.

Professor James P. Chandler biography,

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Figure 1: Timeline of events related to this Leader Technologies, Inc. claim.

However, Chandler turned over Claimant’s property to a group of “public-private” collaborators

with whom he was associated, without any notice or compensation to Claimant.
In February 2000, the Hiring Party, James P. Chandler, III entered into contracts with Claimant to
provide legal, director and other services30 that resulted in, among other things, the registering of
trademarks, copyrights and the award of U.S. Patent Numbers 7,139,761,31 7,925,24632 and
8,195,714.33 Chandler was also then a senior national security advisor to the White House,
Congress, Judiciary and intelligence community (e.g., FBI, NSA, CIA, DoD, DOJ, DoE, NRO,
DHS, IBM), among others.

James P. Chandler, The Chandler Law Firm Chartered, Leader Technologies Director Services and Engagement
Letters, Apr. 6, 2000, May 5, 2000, Mar. 01, 2001, May 25, 2001; Chandler signed a Leader Directors Services
Agreement on May 5, 2000 in which he specifically committed to the Business Judgment Rule duties of diligence,
loyalty, obedience, accountability, disinterestedness, due care, good faith, abuse of discretion, e.g., "prohibited
from using their position of trust and confidence to further their private interests" and "may not engage in
undisclosed personal transactions of a material nature.” Sec. 1(2), 1(2)(d).
U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761, Dynamic Association of Electronically Stored Information with Iterative Workflow Changes,
McKibben et al, awarded by Jon W Dudas, Director, USPTO, Nov. 21, 2006.
U.S. Pat. No. 7,925,246, Context Instantiated Application Protocol, McKibben et al, awarded by David J. Kappos,
Director, USPTO, Jun. 5, 2012,
U.S. Pat. No. 8,195,714, Radio/Telephony Interoperability System, McKibben et al, signed by David J. Kappos, Director,
USPTO, Apr. 12, 2001.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Chandler is well known or strongly believed to have collaborated with numerous members of the
political, legal and intelligence communities in this work, including, but not limited to Former
FBI directors Louis Freeh,34 Robert S. Mueller, James B. Comey; Rod J. Rosenstein; Andrew D.
Goldstein; Preetinder Bharara; Eric H. Holder, Jr.;35 Loretta E. Lynch; Williams & Connolly
LLP;36 Gibson Dunn LLP,37 Fenwick & West LLP; Weil Gotshal LLP;38 Skadden Arps, LLP;
Cooley Godward LLP; White & Case LLP; Orrick Herrington LLP; Blank Rome LLP, Perkins
Coie LLP, Latham & Watkins LLP; Cravath Swaine LLP,39 Mayer Brown LLP; Hillary & Bill
Clinton; John D. Podesta;40 Directors of the CIA, NSA. DNI and National Security Advisors since
1993 through the Obama Administration; the Federal Circuit Court of Appeals;41 Federal Circuit
Bar Association,42 American Bar Association,43 FISC (“The FISA Court”); In-Q-Tel principals,
their banker/underwriters and funded companies; National Venture Capital Association (NVCA);
the Judicial Conference;44 the national laboratories; and The Clinton Foundation.
At a minimum, the above-mentioned individuals, organizations and their principals should be
excused from involvement in any investigations and decision making regarding Claimant’s claim
and compensation due to the appearance of impropriety. Further citations supplied upon request.
Chandler received detailed proprietary information about Claimant’s invention properties for
which he initially estimated that there were “over 60 patentable inventions.” The industry now
calls Claimant’s inventions “social networking.”
Chandler failed to disclose to Claimant his conflicts of interest and his material involvement with
a “shadow government”45 to which he was/is a key consultant.

S. Hrg. 104-499 (Feb. 28, 1998). Economic Espionage Act Hearing, testimony of FBI Director Louis Freeh acknowledging
James P. Chandler. U.S. Senate.
Chandler, J. P. (Mar. 28, 2001). Trade Secrets and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights Conference. NIPLI
(highlighted then Assistant Attorney General Eric H. Holder who was collaborating with Chandler on trade secrets and
economic espionage cases, along with Robert S. Mueller, James B. Comey and Rod J. Rosenstein, among others).
United States v. James Hsu, 155 F.3d 189 (1998) (James P. Chandler, III, for the Justice Department, and Paul
Mogin, Williams & Connolly LLP, concluded the first prosecution of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 ("EEA")
drafted by Chandler for President Bill Clinton).
Petition for Writ of Certiorari (Nov. 16, 2012), Leader Technologies, Inc., v. Facebook, Inc., No. 12-617 (U.S.
Supreme Court 2012) (Gibson Dunn LLP, White & Case LLP, Blank Rome LLP and Cooley Godward LLP represented
Facebook and had personal relationships with Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. who hold substantial Facebook
financial interests, as do all of the lower court judges in this case).
Graham, S. (May 23, 2014). Rader Steps Down as Chief, Apologies for Reines Email. The Recorder.
Former Patent Office Director David J. Kappos’s current law firm.
James P. Chandler, John D. Podesta. (Jun. 07, 1993). Third CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference. Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace (“to require [for the FBI] that telecommunications manufacturers and service
providers redesign their systems to facilitate wiretapping.”).
Chandler bio, fn. 4.
Report of the Secretary (Mar. 14, 2001). Report of the Proceedings of the Judicial Conference of the United
States. Judicial Conference (Organizer of change to mutual fund reporting rules for federal judges and judicial
employees: Jan Horbaly, Fed. Cir. Executive).
National Press Office. (Sep. 2, 2016)., Part 04 of 11, p. 56, ¶1. FBI.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Figure 2: On Jun. 8, 2000, James P. Chandler, III, and his legal assistant Kelley E. Clements (L/R, right rear, seated),
participated, along with co-inventors Jeffrey Lamb and Michael McKibben (L/R, left rear, standing), in Leader
invention design sessions in Columbus, Ohio where he learned the essences of Leader’s social networking invention.
Photo: Leader Technologies, Inc.

In 2002, under the color of attorney-client privilege and national security, Chandler obtained a
custody copy of Claimant’s invention engineering source code on Jun. 05, 2002.46 Eleven (11)
weeks later, on Aug. 29, 2002, he distributed Claimant’s invention to his “public-private”
collaborators47 via Version 2.0.148 of the IBM Eclipse Foundation source code, his client
(“Eclipse”). This new release contained no mention of Claimant and was marked only with IBM
copyright notices.
Notably, just one day earlier, on Aug. 28, 2002, Chandler had met with Montgomery County,
Maryland development officials on behalf of himself, IBM, the Patent Office and classified
intelligence agencies (he specifically mentioned the CIA)49 about acquiring a 30,000 sf. facility
for plans that his notes described as a “coup.” David J. Kappos was then chief inside intellectual

James P. Chandler. (Jun. 5, 2002). LLNL-CRADA. CRADA No. TC-2030-01. The Regents of the University of California
(Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) under its U.S. Department of Energy Contract No. W-7405-ENG-48 and
Leader Technologies, LLC for RAPIDLY DEPLOYABLE SECURITY SYSTEM, signed by Jeffrey Wadsworth for Director C.
Burce Tartar. The Chandler Law Firm Chartered, PDF p. 36, Sec. 5, ¶5.
Executive Order 13130, Sec. 2(1); Executive Order 13231, Secs. 1(b), 10(c).
Version 2.0.1 (Aug. 29, 2002). Source code release including Leader Technologies' inventions marked with IBM
copyrights. IBM Eclipse Foundation.
Kelley E. Clements. (Aug. 30, 2002). Chandler Executive Assistant Clements’ stenographer's minutes from meetings
and events surrounding meeting among James P. Chandler and Montgomery County, Maryland development officers
Dave Edgerley (Director), Janis Peters and May Webster (with the knowledge of Doug Duncan, County Executive) to
negotiate use of $500-1,000,000 in federal budget support for a 40,000 sf. office space facility to be used by his
organization NIPLI (National Intellectual Property Law Institute), the U.S. Patent Office archives, classified material
(mentions CIA) and IBM, says no involvement of Congress and even used the phrase "(kind of a 'coup' of sorts)."

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

property counsel at IBM and an advisor to Chandler. (In 2009, Kappos was appointed director of
the Patent Office by President Barack Obama.) Claimant had no knowledge of this attorney-client
and directorial misconduct.
The IBM Eclipse Foundation was formed on Nov. 29, 2001 with a $40 million “donation” from
IBM.50 Through Eclipse’s members, Claimant’s property was distributed to and adopted widely
by the bond holders under the moniker of “The Internet of Things.”51
The Original Contractor’s use of Claimant’s property is ongoing and global in scope. The Hiring
Party facilitated use of Claimant’s property throughout a multitude of government agencies and
private organizations, including but not limited to:
1. Suppliers to Executive Orders 13130 (July 14, 1999) National Infrastructure Assurance
Council (NIAC), 13231 (October 16, 2001) National Infrastructure Advisor Council
(NIAC) and their progeny, up to and including Executive Order 13708 (September 30,
2015) which expires on September 30, 2017 (unless renewed by the Executive), among
others. These orders give the Executive full authority to satisfy this claim. The Hiring
Party had material influence and control over the execution of these executive orders,
directly and through surrogates.

In fact, the NIAC uses the “Government’s procurement power to encourage information
technology suppliers to develop cybersecurity framework-compliant hardware and
software.”52 In other words, the Executives, namely Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama,
with the assistance of the Hiring Party, forced broad use of Claimant’s property by the
bond holders. See also Endnotes [i] and [ii] Individual and Organization beneficiaries of
Claimant’s property; [iii] for sources.

2. Some of the more notable federal government beneficiaries of Claimant’s property

include, but are not limited to, Departments of State, Justice, Treasury, Homeland
Security, Defense, Energy, Interior, Education, Transportation, Commerce, Agriculture;
Census Bureau, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); National Security Agency (NSA);
National Security Staff (NSS); Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC); Director of
National Intelligence (DNI); Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA); National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA); National Archives Administration
(NARA); National Reconnaissance Office (NRO); Agency for International Development
(USAID); Agricultural Research Service (ARS); Bureau of Alcohol; Bureau of Indian
Affairs (BIA); Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCP); Consumer Product
50 Consortium. (Nov. 29, 2001). Consortium Forms to Deliver New Era Application
Development Tools [Press release]; See also The Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 17, 2008). The Members of Eclipse,
Minutes of the Eclipse Board Meeting, Sep. 17, 2008; The Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 09, 2008). Membership Logos
[Board minutes]; IBM. (2001). 2001 IBM annual report, Armonk NY, p. 21 (“We donated more than $40 million in
application development tools to a new, independent, open-source software community called Eclipse.”).
Executive Order 13718. (Feb. 09, 2016). Commission on Enhancing National Cybersecurity, Sec. 3(a)(ii). Barack Obama
(“(ii) ensuring that cybersecurity is a core element of the technologies associated with the Internet of Things and cloud
computing, and that the policy and legal foundation for cybersecurity in the context of the Internet of Things is stable
and adaptable.”).
NIAC (Nov. 21, 2013). Business Meeting Agenda. Recommendations, p. 117. DHS.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Safety Commission (CPSC); Department of Health and Human Services (HHS);

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); Executive Office of the President (EOP);
Federal Aviation Agency (FAA); Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI); Federal Election
Commission (FEC); Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); Federal Trade
Commission (FTC); Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS); Food and Drug Administration
(FDA); General Services Administration (GSA); Housing and Urban Development
(HUD); Institute of Museum and Library Science (IMLS); Merit Systems Protection
Board (MSPB); National Institutes of Health (NIH); National Institutes of Standards and
Technology (NIST).; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA);
National Reconnaissance Office (NRO); National Science Foundation (NSF);
Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA); Office of Inspector General
(OIG); Office of Personnel Management (OPM); Small Business Administration (SBA);
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF); US Congress; US Patent Office; US
Postal Service (USPS) and US Secret Service (USSS). See also Endnotes [i] and [ii]
Individual and Organization beneficiaries of Claimant’s property; [iii] for sources.

3. Secret NGO (non-governmental organization) bond holders who use, benefit from, and
provide Claimant’s property to third parties, include, but are not limited to:

Past and present agents of the Executive, members of the National Infrastructure
Assurance/Advisory Council (NIAC), The IBM Eclipse Foundation, AllSeen Alliance,
Brookings Institution, World Economic Forum (Davos), Freedom House, Global Network
Initiatives, Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, Aspen Institute, Open Society
Foundations (OSF), Open Society Initiatives (OSI), The Clinton Foundation (incl. more
than 35 pseudonyms), Bohemian Grove, Federal Reserve, NVCA, GCHQ, ASD, CSE,
GCSB, FRE and FVEY. See also Endnotes [i] and [ii] Individual and Organization
beneficiaries of Claimant’s property; [iii] for sources.

The remainder of this page is left blank intentionally.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

BEFORE ME, undersigned authority, personally came and appeared Michael T.

McKibben, who did declare under oath the following:

A. That he is an authorized and disclosed agent of the above-identified Party Providing

Work, the Claimant. As the authorized and disclosed agent of the Claimant, he has been
provided with the facts related to this Affidavit and Request for Bond, and to the best of
his information, knowledge and belief, the facts set forth herein are true and correct. He is
competent and authorized to make this Affidavit.

B. That Claimant, the Party Providing Work, has provided the above-identified Services to
the above-described Project, and payment for the work provided has not been made.

Notice is hereby provided to the Public Authority to furnish to the Claimant, the Party
Providing Work, a certified copy of the payment bond(s) and the contract(s) for the Project, as per
any applicable statutes, or as per applicable Public Records Acts. These materials should be sent
Leader Technologies, Inc.
Michael T. McKibben
P.O. Box 224
Lewis Center OH 43035


/S/ Michael T. McKibben

Michael T. McKibben
Agent for Party Providing the Work
Claimant and Claimant Leader Technologies


Notary Public, this ____ day of
_______________, 2017.


40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017


[i] Attendee List at President Trump’s Opening Remarks, American Technology

Roundtable, WH, Jun. 19, 2017.

President Donald J. Trump (Jun. 19, 2017):

“We have approximately $3.5 trillion dollars of market value in this room.”

Surety Bond Holder Attendees: Oracle, Microsoft, IBM, CIA, Google, Alphabet, Facebook,
Clarion, Palantir, Apple, Kleiner Perkins / CIA, VMWare, Dell, EMC, Palantir, NSA, In-Q-Tel,
Intel, Qualcomm, Akamai, SAP, CMU, Hoover Institution, Stanford, MasterCard, Amazon,
Washington Post, MIT, Accenture, Ohio State, UNC, Adobe and OpenGov.

Administration Attendees: John F. Kelley, Jared Kushner, Christopher P. Liddell, Steven T.

Mnuchin, John Michael Mulvaney, David J. Shulkin, Ivanka M. Trump, Seema Verma

[ii] Most of these organizations have used Claimant’s property. received from the Hiring
Party, and supplied it to third parties. They include, but are not limited to:

(Names of responsible officials within these organizations will be supplied upon


18F, ABU Holding International Limited; Accel Partners LLP; AccelPath; Access; Accesso Fund
LLC (Colombia, Clinton Foundation) (AFLLC); AccuRev; ACM Queue; Addison-Wesley; Adobe;
Adastra Mining; Agitar; Airbnb; Aldon; ALGO; Allen & Co.; Alliance for a Healthier Generation
(Clinton Foundation) (AHG); AllSeen Alliance; AMD; America Mineral Fields; American Scholars
Inaugural Ball; ANCIT Consulting; Anyware Technologies; AOL; Apple; Ardoe Finance Limited;
AT&T; athenahealth; Agua Caliente; Aptana; ARM; AvantSoft; AWD Holding AG; Baidu ADR;
Baillie Gifford; Band Xi; Bank Menatep; Bank of America; Barclays; Barrick Gold Corporation;
Battelle Memorial Institute; BEA; BEO; Bilderberg Group; Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton
Foundation (BHCCF); Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; Blackberry; Blackdock; BlackRock;
Boeing; Bohemian Grove; Borland; Bowles, Erskine; Bridge Masters (IOM) Limited; Brocade;
Brox; BusinessObjects; BZ Media; Cape Clear; Cardew Services Ltd (DST); Carleton University;
Castlight Health; Cedarville University; Chempolis; Cenit; Center for American Progress; Channel
Trustees Ltd as trustee of the Yuri Milner Trust (DST); C.I.A. (Central Intelligence Agency); Cisco;
Citibank; Citigroup; Ciudad Verde Amarilo Frailejon III (Clinton Foundation) (CVAF); Clarium
Capital; Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI); Clinton Executive Service Corporation (CESC); Clinton
Foundation (The) (TCF, CF); Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative (CFHAI); Clinton

Ref. Timeline,

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Foundation Hong Kong (CFHK); Clinton Foundation Insamlingstiftelse (Sweden) (CFI); Clinton
Giustra Enterprise Partnership (CGEP); Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative (CGSGI);
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI); Clinton Global Initiative - Asia (CFIA); Clinton Global Initiative
University (CGIU); Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI); Clinton Health Matters Initiative
(CHMI); Clinton Hunter Development Initiative (CHDI); Clinton Institute (CI); Clinton Small
Business Initiative (CSBI); Cloud (The); Cloudera; Cloudsmith; CMA; CollabNet; Color of
Change; Columbia University; Common Core; ComPeople; Computer Associates; Compuware;
Cooley Godward LLP; Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA); CPSR
(Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility); Council on Foreign Relations (CFR);; Cravath Swaine LLP; Credit Suisse;; CWI; DARPA; DC Systems;
DDC-1; Dell; Deloitte & Touche; Deutsche Bank; DevZuz; DigiCash; Digital Sky Technologies
(DST); Disney; Diversified Strategies Fund, L.P.; DocuSign; Dropbox; DSDM Consortium; DST
(Digital Sky Technologies); DST Capital Partners Limited; DST Advisors Limited; DST Global
Advisors Ltd; DST Global II, L.P.; DST Global Ltd; DST Holdings Ltd; DST Managers Ltd; DST
USA II Ltd; DST USA Ltd; EADS; Eastman Chemical; eBay; Eclipse Foundation (The);
EclipseCON 2004; Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA); Edmundo; Embarcadero
Technologies; ENEA; EOIR Technologies; Epion Holdings Limited; Ericsson; Enteraction; Etilix
(USA)(Venezuela); Etish; ETRI; Eurotech, Ltd.; Eurotech, SpA; Facebook, Inc.; Fahr LLC (Steyer,
Thomas F.); False Statements Accountability Act of 1996 (FSAA); Farallon Capital (Steyer,
Thomas F.); FBDC Advisors Offshore, Inc. (FB=Facebook, Goldman Sachs); FBDC Investors
Offshore Holdings, L.P. (FB=Facebook, Goldman Sachs); Federal Circuit Bar Association (FCBA);
Fenwick & West LLP; Fidelity; Fiserv; Flickr; FOKUS; Forty Two (Clinton Foundation) (FT);
Froglogic; Fujitsu; GAO (Government Accounting Office); Gates Foundation (Bill & Melinda);
GDC Limited; GE; Genentech; General Dynamics; Generalitat Valenciana; Gentleware; Genuitec;
Gerhardt Informatics; Ghegg; Gibson Dunn LLP; Glass-Steagall Act; Global Technology Partners;
GMP Securities Ltd.; Goldman Sachs; Goldman Sachs Group Inc; Goldman Sachs & Co; Goldman
Sachs Investment Partners GP, LLC; Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Private Opportunities
Holdings, L.P.; Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Private Opportunities Holdings Advisors, Inc.;
FBDC Investors Offshore Holdings, L.P.; FBDC Advisors Offshore, Inc.; Google; Gramm-Leach-
Bliley Act of 1999; Greylock Partners; Groupon; GovTech; Harris, Jeffrey; Harvard Business
School; Harvard Law School; Harvard University; Hellman & Friedman LLC (Steyer, Thomas F.);
Hewlett-Packard (HP); Hitachi; Hoffman La Roche; Howcast; HSBC; IBM (International Business
Machines); IBS; IDG; IDG Capital (China); IDG Technology Venture Investment III, L.P. ; IDG-
Accel (China); IEEE; IMF; Ilog; Ingres; In-Q-Tel; Innoopract; Innovations Software; Inpriva;
Instagram; Instantiations; Institute for Software; Intalio; Intel; International Consortium of
Investigative Journalists; Intervoice; IONA; IoT; itemis; iWay Software; James LLC; Jekyll Island
Club; Jiva; JNC -Opportunity Fund Ltd.; JNC Strategic Fund, Ltd.; JPMorgan Chase & Co.;
Judicial Conference; Juniper Networks; Kanton Services Limited; Kanton Services (Belize)
Limited; Kapino Group Holdings Limited; King & Spalding LLP; Kleiner Perkins LLP; KPMG;

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

KPIT Cummins Infosystems Limited; Krugle; Laszlo; Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
(LLNL); Lazare Kaplan International, Inc.; League of Nations; Lenovo; LinkedIn; Linux
Foundation (The); Lockheed Martin Corporation; Lombardi; Lotus; Louisiana (Hurricane Katrina);
LSI; Lucent Technologies; LynuxWorks; M.O.O.C.; (DST); Manchester University; Mango
Software; Market LLC; Markland Technologies; Marsh & McLennan Capital, Inc.; McAfee;
McManis Faulkner LLP; MDS Technologies; Media Matters; Medical Banking Policy Research
(MB Project); Mentor Graphics; Meritech Management; Merrill Lynch; Metafinanz; Metallect;
MexTel; Micro Focus; MicroDoc; Micron Technology; Microsoft; MicroTech; MISYS; Mitre
Corp; MKS; Mobile Accord; MontaVista; Montgomery County (MD) Economic Development;
Morgan Stanley; Motorola; Mozilla; mvalet; MySQL; NASA; National Economic Council (NEC);
National Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIAC); National Infrastructure Assurance Council
(NIAC); National Intellectual Property Law Institute (NIPLI); National Institute of Standards &
Technology (NIST); National Security Agency (NSA); National Venture Capital Association
(NVCA); Navigator Management LLC; NEC; NetApp; NetBridge; Netflix; New Enterprise
Associates (NEA); New Media and Technology Investment; New Media Communications; New
Media Technologies Capital Partners Limited; News Corporation; New York Times; Nexaweb;
NexB; NextGen Climate Action (Thomas Fahr Steyer); No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project
(Clinton Foundation) (NCTFPP); Nokia; Northrop Grumman; Novell; NPR; ObjectWeb; OC
Systems; OCDemon Macraigor Systems; OCDemon; Ohio State University; OMG; Open Source
Applications Foundation (OSAF); OpenGov; OpenMake Software; OpenMethods; Open Society
Foundations (OSF); Open Society Institute (OSI); Open Source Lab; Open Systems Publishing;
OPSEC; Oracle; Orland Properties Ltd (DST); Orrick Herrington LLP ; OW2 Consortium;
Palamida; Palantir; Paltalk; Pandora; Parasoft; Paul Weiss LLP; PayPal; Perforce; Perkins Coie
LLP ; Polcarion; Price Waterhouse; Progress Software; ProSyst; Protocode; PTAB (Patent Trial and
Appeals Board); QNX; Qualcomm; QuestNet Corp.; Rational Software; Raytheon; RCP;
RealNetworks; Red Hat; Redmond Media Group; Remain; Replay Solutions; Royal Bank of
Canada (RBC); Renaissance Capital; RSA; RTC Group;; Samsung; SAP; SAS;
Serena; Siemens; SIGS Datacom; Silver Lake Partners; Skype; Skyway Software; SlickEdit;
SMARTech; Software & Support Vertrag; Sony; Sony Ericsson; SpikeSource; SpringSource;
Square; Squarespace; Stanford University; State Street Corp; Strandside Holdings Ltd; Stratfor;
Stroz Friedberg; Sybase; Symantec; Symbian; T. Rowe Price; TARP; Task Force on National
Healthcare Reform; Teamprise; Technest; Technovation Solutions; TechPresident; TEI; Telecredit,
Inc.; Telelogic; Teneo Holdings; Tensilica; Texas Instruments; Thales; The Clinton Foundation
(TCF, CF); The Clinton Initiatives (TCI, CI); The Clinton Museum Store (TCMS, CMS); The Eric
Schmidt Project; The Full Participation Project (TFPP); The Internet of Everything; The Internet of
Things; The William J. Clinton Foundation (TWJCF, WJCF); The William J. Clinton Presidential
Center / Library (TWJCPC, TWJCPL); ThinkProgress; TIAA-CREF; TIBCO; TimeSys; TNI-
Software; Too Small To Fail (Clinton Foundation) (TSTF); Toshiba; Trans-Pacific Partnership
(TPP); TRC Group; Trident Nuclear Submarine Squadron; Trolltech; Tsinghua University; Tumblr;

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

Twitter; Uranium One; UrAsia Energy Ltd.; U.S. Copyright Office; U.S. Court of Appeals for the
Federal Circuit (D.C.); U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (CA); U.S. Department of
Defense; U.S. Department of the Treasury; U.S. Digital Service; U.S. Global Investors, Inc.; U.S.
Patent & Trademark Office; U.S. State Department; U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee; UBS; United
Nations; United Ventures Ltd (DST); USM Internet Holdings Limited; Vanguard; Vector; Vectra
Networks; Venture Strategy Partners (VSP); Verisign; VirtualLogix; Virtutech; Visa; Vista; W
Software; Wal-Mart; Warburg Pincus; Washington Post; Webtide; Weil Gotshal LLP; Wells Fargo;
West Wing (Clinton Foundation) (WW); Weston Presidio; White & Case LLP; White House;
White Oak Group (The); Wiki; Wikipedia; Williams & Connolly LLP; William J. C. Foundation
(Clinton Foundation) (WJCF); William J. Clinton Foundation (India) (WJCFI); William J. Clinton
Fndn (Kenya) Char Trust (WJCFKCT); William J. Clinton Foundation UK (WJCFUK); Wilmer &
Hale LLP (formerly Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering); Wind River; WininChina, Inc.; WJC Investments
[William Jefferson Clinton, for profit] (WJCI); WJC, LLC [William Jefferson Clinton, for profit]
(WJCLLC); Woodward LLC; Workday; World Bank; World Economic Forum (Davos); Wright-
Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB); Xbredex; Xerox Corporation; Yahoo; Yale University;
YouTube; Yurie Systems; Zend; Zynga.

[iii] Supporting Evidence.

Archived and available from multiple sources including National Archives; Federal Register;
Government Printing Office (GPO); Senate Judiciary Committee;; Purdue University
Law Archives; Judicial Conference; Department of Homeland Security (DHS); U.S. Patent Office
(USPTO); Inspectors General for Departments of Commerce, State, Defense, Energy; Securities &
Exchange Commission;; Eclipse Foundation; IBM; Federal Bureau of Investigations
(FBI); Montgomery County Maryland Development Department; Leader Technologies; National
Security Agency (NSA)(“Collect It All”), U.S. Supreme Court; The New York Times; The
Washington Post; The Wall Street Journal; The Huffington Post; Cooley Godward LLP; King &
Spalding LLP; Kramer Levin LLP; White & Case LLP; Blank Rome LLP; Potter Anderson LLP;
State of Ohio Department of Commerce; Office of Government Ethics (OGE); The Chandler Law
Firm Chartered; Fenwick & West LLP; Harvard University; University of California; Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL); Wright-Patterson Air Force Base (WPAFB); Defense
Intelligence Agency (DIA); National Intellectual Property Law Institute (NIPLI); House Oversight
Committee on Government Reform; Rep. Jim Jordan (OH-4th); Rep. Trey Gowdy (SC-4th); Mike
Cernovich; Stefan Molyneux, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA); Swiss
Leaks; WikiLeaks; DCLeaks; The Panama Papers; International Consortium of Investigative
Journalists (ICIJ); Steve Piecznick; Fortune; World Bank; International Monetary Fund (IMF);
Roger Stone; Reuters; ABC; CBS; NBC; Infowars; Alex Jones; Charlie Rose; PBS; FoxNews; Sean
Hannity; Associated Press (AP); The Hill; AmLaw Litigation Daily; PatentlyO; The Recorder;
ZDNet; Computerworld; CrunchBase; Bloomberg; The Daily Mail; The Guardian; PCWorld; IDG
Financial Times; Full Measure; and Sharyl Attkisson, among others.

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017

40 USC §3131 ET SEQ. Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, 07/22/2017


Leader Technologies, Inc.,
Michael T. McKibben, Founder, Chairman and
Inventor (the “Claimant”)

The United States Chief Executive Donald J. Trump,
and his predecessors William J. Clinton, George W.
Bush and Barack H. Obama (the “Executive”)


I, Michael T. McKibben, hereby certify that a copy of the MILLER ACT NOTICE
FOR FEDERAL WORKS PROJECTS 40 USC §3131 ET SEQ was served on the Executive,
President Donald J. Trump, at The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington,
D.C. 20500 by Express Mail this July 22, 2017.
/S/ Michael T. McKibben
Michael T. McKibben
Leader Technologies, Inc.
P.O. Box 224
Lewis Center, Ohio 43035
Phone: (614) 890-1986
Fax: (614) 864-7922
[email protected]

Submitted July 22, 2017

That according to the Ulster County Election board it acknowledged receipt of election funds
with the Ulster report

Resolution No. 343 October 20, 2020

Authorizing The Ulster County Executive To Enter An Agreement

To Accept A Grant From The Center For Tech And Civic Life For
Safe And Secure Election Administration And Amending The
2020 Adopted Budget – Ulster County Board Of Elections

Referred to: The Laws and Rules, Governmental Services Committee (Chairwoman
Bartels and Legislators Gavaris, Heppner, Roberts, and Ronk), and The Ways and
Means Committee (Chairwoman Archer and Legislators Bartels, Gavaris, Haynes,
Maio, Ronk, and Walter)

Chairwoman of the Laws and Rules, Governmental Services Committee, Tracey A.

Bartels, and Deputy Chair Kevin Roberts offer the following:

WHEREAS, this resolution has been submitted at the request of the Ulster
County Board of Elections; and

WHEREAS, the Center For Tech And Civic Life concluded an assessment of
the Ulster County Board of Elections and identified areas of potential improvements
when providing voters with the safe administration of election responsibilities; and

WHEREAS, the Ulster County Board of Elections will be required to protect

the integrity of the election process, causing the Board of Election to incur additional
expenses; and

WHEREAS, the Center For Tech And Civic Life is providing a new stream of
funding through its COVID-19 Response Grant in the amount of $112,872 to address
such needs; and

WHEREAS, the Ulster County Board of Elections was notified on September

9th of the existence of this grant opportunity and has subsequently participated in
several meetings with partners in the State and County in order to access these funds;

WHEREAS, the term for the COVID-19 Response Grant program is for
services purchased between September 22, 2020 through December 31, 2020; and

WHEREAS, if the County’s application is approved, the funds will be used to

reimburse the County for COVID-19 Response Grant expenditures incurred by the
Ulster County Board of Elections to implement, ensure, and expand on a safe and
efficient voting experience; and

WHEREAS, the Ulster County Election Commissioners request that the Ulster
County Executive be authorized to execute the COVID-19 Response Grant agreement
and required assurances, and any amendments thereto; now, therefore, be it
- Page 2 -

Resolution No. 343 October 20, 2020

Authorizing The Ulster County Executive To Enter An Agreement

To Accept A Grant From The Center For Tech And Civic Life For
Safe And Secure Election Administration And Amending The
2020 Adopted Budget – Ulster County Board Of Elections

RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Executive is hereby authorized to execute

a grant agreement and required assurances, and any amendments thereto, with the
Center for Tech And Civic Life to obtain COVID-19 Response Grant program funds,
for the term beginning September 22, 2020 through December 31, 2020 in the form as
filed with the Clerk of the Ulster County Legislature or as modified with the approval
of the County Attorney; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the 2020 Ulster County Budget be amended as follows:


AA-1450-1176-4000-4045 Safety Supplies $ 112,872.00


AA-1450-1176-3200-2210 General Services – Other $ 112,872.00

(Rev. #)

and move its adoption.



Passed Committee: Laws and Rules, Governmental Services on _____________.

Passed Committee: Ways and Means on _______________.

According to The Warren County Election board it acknowledged receipt of election funds with

the Warren report

Neil Ferguson statistician computer modeler of the Imperial College London with 1998 hockey
stick global warming hysteria referenced by the American Spectator magazine on 30 March 2020

Exhibit 18
2/6/2021 The Kung Flu Hockey Stick | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics




The Kung Flu Hockey Stick

Climate change thinking isn’t going to produce a cure to the
by JED BABBIN March 30, 2020, 12:03 AM

Neil Ferguson of Imperial College, London (YouTube screenshot) 1/6
2/6/2021 The Kung Flu Hockey Stick | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

L ast week, hundreds of Iranians reportedly died from drinking methanol — industrial

alcohol — believing it was a cure for the coronavirus. Iran’s experience is just another

aspect of the panic over the coronavirus pandemic gripping many people and nations.

Right now, there are over 100,000 cases of coronavirus infection in the United States, almost

half of them in New York City. People — and state governments — are trying to stem the
spread of the disease through social distancing, hand washing, and quasi-quarantines.

Most of the U.S. economy is shut down. People are still hoarding toilet paper and other
essential supplies. Panic — hyped by the media — is the common thread in these actions.

There is so much information being thrown at people that it’s hard to lter real scienti c
advice from the guesswork and pseudo-science that dominate other crises both real and

imagined. Consider the globally touted work of epidemiologist Professor Neil Ferguson of

London’s Imperial College.

Ferguson (who should not be confused with the brilliant economic historian Niall Ferguson)
published the results of his computer modeling, which claimed that the coronavirus would

kill about 500,000 people in the UK alone. He projected that up to 2.2 million Americans

would die of the disease and that the health-care systems in both countries would be

Computer models are used for a variety of purposes, from predicting climate change and

pandemics to the design of ghter aircraft. They build on observable data to project the future

by making assumptions. And, for each assumption they include in the mathematics of the
model, they built in a degree of structural unreliability. The more assumptions built into the

model, the less reliable it becomes.

Consider for a moment the design of the F-35 ghter. Much of the design was predicated on

computer modeling instead of ight testing of prototype aircraft. When ight testing nally

occurred, there were huge variances between the models’ predictions of amazing aircraft

performance and the highly disappointing performance of the aircraft in ight. 2/6
2/6/2021 The Kung Flu Hockey Stick | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Remember the 1998 infamous “hockey stick” graph peddled by the global warming crowd as
proof of man-made climate change?

The hockey stick graph was created by data taken from a computer model crafted by a

University of Massachusetts researcher. It “proved” that climate change was minor through
the Middle Ages and that average global temperatures began to shoot up in the 20th century.
Of course, there are no temperature data from the Middle Ages, so the temperature data was
derived through a study of ancient tree rings and the like. The model also proved, said the
global warming crowd, that man-made climate change was about to doom us all.

But there were problems with the computer model. As reported in 2004 in the MIT

Technology Review, Canadian scientists Stephen McIntyre and Ross McKitrick found, on the
basis of their review of the computer model software, that it would generate the “hockey
stick” graph regardless of the data input because it deemphasized — i.e., ignored — data that

con icted with the desired conclusion.

McIntyre and McKitrick’s work was severely criticized because it was not published by a

“peer-reviewed” journal, but not for a lack of trying. It was rejected, repeatedly, by scienti c
journals because it didn’t t the global-warming narrative. Which doesn’t prove that their

conclusions weren’t correct, only that the “scienti c community” didn’t want to consider

the possibility that the “hockey stick” was wrong.

The “hockey stick” graph, despite the obvious error in the computer model that generated it,
is still used by the global-warming panic peddlers.

Which brings us to Neil Ferguson’s computer model of the coronavirus’s spread and deadly
e ects. The data it generates have created the Kung Flu Hockey Stick.

Ferguson has revised his prediction down twice, rst to 20,000 UK deaths and then to a lower

number, but he insists that his model is still the best means of predicting the e ects of the
coronavirus. His work has been the basis for many governments’ actions — including the U.S.
and UK as well as many U.S. states — and a lot of doomsday predictions.

Enter Dr. Deborah Birx, one of the top doctors on President Trump’s White House task force

dealing with the Kung Flu crisis. Dr. Birx insists that the data — the actual facts on the 3/6
2/6/2021 The Kung Flu Hockey Stick | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

ground on infections, deaths, and the spread of the disease — don’t match Ferguson’s

doomsday predictions.

Her remarks are worth a couple of quotes:

Models are models. When people start talking about 20 percent of a population
getting infected, it’s very scary, but we don’t have data that matches that based on
our experience.

Birx also said that the media should not “make the implication that when they need a

hospital bed it’s not going to be there, or a ventilator, it’s not going to be there, we don’t have

evidence of that.”

Birx said that the job of the White House task force is “collectively to assure the American
people.” She said, “There is no model right now — no reality on the ground where we can see

that 60 percent to 70 percent of Americans are going to get infected in the next eight to 12

weeks. I want to be clear about that.”

Birx added that the model doesn’t match the reality on the ground in China, South Korea, or
Italy. She added that if the model were correct, there should be about 500,000 deaths in Italy,

which isn’t close to the real number. (Italy has su ered more than 10,000 deaths so far.)

Dr. Birx is being too diplomatic. What she’s saying is that Ferguson’s model — even as
revised — is just plain wrong and neither governments nor individuals should panic or make

policy based on its ndings.

The U.S., and the Trump administration, are dealing with the coronavirus crisis in many

di erent ways that should prove e ective in reducing the spread of the virus and the deaths it


American industries are responding to the crisis better than any other nation is, has, or can.

Ford, GE, and 3M have pooled their resources to build ventilators (the hospital equipment

that enables su erers to breath) as well as face masks that may be able to lter out the virus.

President Trump, having asked General Motors to help and found their response lacking, has
ordered them to produce ventilators under the Defense Production Act. 4/6
2/6/2021 The Kung Flu Hockey Stick | The American Spectator | USA News and Politics

Governors are ordering people to stay home and avoid gatherings. Some — such as Rhode
Island’s and South Carolina’s governors — have ordered people from New York City to self-

quarantine for two weeks before going out into the general population.

So far, the U.S. has the second-lowest death rate from the coronavirus. (Germany has the

Another month, at least, will pass before the virus will reach its peak of infections in the
United States. There is a possibility that the infection rate will be seasonal, dying o in the
summer months and resuming in the fall or even sooner.

There may be a vaccine available by the fall, or it may not be available for another 18 months.
Treatments of the disease are proving possible, such as with the combination of the drugs

hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin or with blood plasma transfused from people who
have already recovered from the disease. Both seem promising, but neither is proven.

Meanwhile, there are major outbreaks of the coronavirus disease in cities such as New
Orleans. And people will continue to do stupid things such as gathering in large groups (like

the spring break revelers on Florida beaches) and self-medicating like the Phoenix couple

who ingested sh tank cleaner that contained chloroquine. (The husband died, but the wife

Trump has set a goal to get America back to work by Easter and is now reportedly rethinking
that date, which is probably too early by at least six or eight weeks. Many sections of the

country that are showing low infection rates can go back to work sooner than many others.

At this point no one can predict accurately how wide the disease will spread and how many
deaths will result. Nevertheless, we need to have a level of con dence that our government’s
actions will slow the disease and minimize the fatalities that result. Don’t believe the panic-
peddlers in think tanks and the media no matter how fancy their computer models may be. As

the Brits said during World War II, keep calm and carry on. 5/6
2/6/2021 Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths 'if we do things almost perfectly'


Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths 'if we do

things almost perfectly'
"I think in some of the metro areas we were late in getting people to follow the 15-day guidelines," the White
House coronavirus response coordinator said on "TODAY."

March 30, 2020, 7:58 AM EDT

By Ben Kesslen

The White House coronavirus response coordinator said Monday that she is "very worried about every
city in the United States" and projects 100,000 to 200,000 American deaths as a best case scenario.

In an interview on "TODAY," Dr. Deborah Birx painted a grim message about the expected fatalities,
echoing that they could hit more than 2 million without any measures, as coronavirus cases continue
to climb throughout the country.

 very
"I think everyone understands now that you can go from five to 50 to 500 to 5,000 cases

quickly," Birx said. 1/3
2/6/2021 Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths 'if we do things almost perfectly'

"I think in some of the metro areas we were late in getting people to follow the 15-day guidelines," she

Birx said the projections by Dr. Anthony Fauci that U.S. deaths could range from 1.6 million to 2.2
million is a worst case scenario if the country did "nothing" to contain the outbreak, but said even "if
we do things almost perfectly," she still predicts up to 200,000 U.S. deaths.

Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Aller y and Infectious Diseases, reiterated Monday on
CNN that "I don't want to see it, I'd like to avoid it, but I wouldn't be surprised if we saw 100,000

Trump extends social distancing guidelines to April 30, predicts 'great things' by June 1

Birx said the best case scenario would be for "100 percent of Americans doing precisely what is
required, but we're not sure that all of America is responding in a uniform way to protect one
another," referencing images circulating online of people still congregating in big groups and ignoring
guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Birx was also on "Meet the Press" on Sunday warning that "no state, no metro area will be spared," a
message she repeated Monday. Even if metro or rural areas don't see the virus in the community now,
by the time it does appear, the outbreak will be significant, she added.


Tennessee man shot, killed after YouTube video 'prank' goes wrong

Georgia elementary school substitute teacher charged with 19 counts of child molestation

How long Americans will be expected to comply with measures, including socially distancing and
sheltering in place, remains unclear in this growing pandemic after several states and larger cities

began implementing measures over the past couple of weeks.
2/6/2021 Dr. Birx predicts up to 200,000 U.S. coronavirus deaths 'if we do things almost perfectly'

President Trump announced Sunday that the administration's guidelines on social distancing have
been extended until April 30. Trump said last week that he wanted to see much of the country return
to normal by Easter, April 12, despite warnings from top health experts that easing guidelines early
could cause mass deaths. Now, Trump said he expects "great things to be happening" by June 1.

Birx said on Sunday that the choice to extend the guidelines had not been made lightly.

"We know it's a huge sacrifice for everyone," she added.

Ben Kesslen
 

Ben Kesslen is a reporter for NBC News. 








  

2/6/2021 Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering | Geoengineering | The Guardian


This article is more than 9 years old

Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large scale


John Vidal, environment editior

Mon 6 Feb 2012 05.18 EST

A small group of leading climate scientists, financially supported by billionaires including

Bill Gates, are lobbying governments and international bodies to back experiments into
manipulating the climate on a global scale to avoid catastrophic climate change.

The scientists, who advocate geoengineering methods such as spraying millions of tonnes
of reflective particles of sulphur dioxide 30 miles above earth, argue that a "plan B" for
climate change will be needed if the UN and politicians cannot agree to making the
necessary cuts in greenhouse gases, and say the US government and others should pay for a
major programme of international research.

Solar geoengineering techniques are highly controversial: while some climate scientists
believe they may prove a quick and relatively cheap way to slow global warming, others fear 1/5
2/6/2021 Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering | Geoengineering | The Guardian

that when conducted in the upper atmosphere, they could irrevocably alter rainfall patterns
and interfere with the earth's climate.

Geoengineering is opposed by many environmentalists, who say the technology could

undermine efforts to reduce emissions, and by developing countries who fear it could be
used as a weapon or by rich countries to their advantage. In 2010, the UN Convention on
Biological Diversity declared a moratorium on experiments in the sea and space, except for
small-scale scientific studies.

Concern is now growing that the small but influential group of scientists, and their backers,
may have a disproportionate effect on major decisions about geoengineering research and

"We will need to protect ourselves from vested interests [and] be sure that choices are not
influenced by parties who might make significant amounts of money through a choice to
modify climate, especially using proprietary intellectual property," said Jane Long, director
at large for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in the US, in a paper delivered to a
recent geoengineering conference on ethics.

"The stakes are very high and scientists are not the best people to deal with the social,
ethical or political issues that geoengineering raises," said Doug Parr, chief scientist at
Greenpeace. "The idea that a self-selected group should have so much influence is bizarre."

Pressure to find a quick technological fix to climate change is growing as politicians fail to

reach an agreement to significantly reduce emissions. In 2009-2010, the US government
received requests for over $2bn(£1.2bn) of grants for geoengineering research, but spent
around $100m.

As well as Gates, other wealthy individuals including Sir Richard Branson, tar sands
magnate Murray Edwards and the co-founder of Skype, Niklas Zennström, have funded a
series of official reports into future use of the technology. Branson, who has frequently
called for geoengineering to combat climate change, helped fund the Royal Society's
inquiry into solar radiation management last year through his Carbon War Room charity. It
is not known how much he contributed.

Professors David Keith, of Harvard University, and Ken Caldeira of Stanford, [see footnote]
are the world's two leading advocates of major research into geoengineering the upper
atmosphere to provide earth with a reflective shield. They have so far received over $4.6m
from Gates to run the Fund for Innovative Climate and Energy Research (Ficer). Nearly half
Ficer's money, which comes directly from Gates's personal funds, has so far been used for
their own research, but the rest is disbursed by them to fund the work of other advocates of
large-scale interventions. 2/5
2/6/2021 Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering | Geoengineering | The Guardian

According to statements of financial interests, Keith receives an undisclosed sum from Bill
Gates each year, and is the president and majority owner of the geoengineering company
Carbon Engineering, in which both Gates and Edwards have major stakes – believed to be
together worth over $10m.

Another Edwards company, Canadian Natural Resources, has plans to spend $25bn to turn
the bitumen-bearing sand found in northern Alberta into barrels of crude oil. Caldeira says
he receives $375,000 a year from Gates, holds a carbon capture patent and works for
Intellectual Ventures, a private geoegineering research company part-owned by Gates and
run by Nathan Myhrvold, former head of technology at Microsoft.

According to the latest Ficer accounts, the two scientists have so far given $300,000 of
Gates money to part-fund three prominent reviews and assessments of geoengineering –
the UK Royal Society report on Solar Radiation Management, the US Taskforce on
Geoengineering and a 2009 report by Novin a science thinktank based in Santa Barbara,
California. Keith and Caldeira either sat on the panels that produced the reports or
contributed evidence. All three reports strongly recommended more research into solar
radiation management.

The fund also gave $600,000 to Phil Rasch, chief climate scientist for the Pacific Northwest
national laboratory, one of 10 research institutions funded by the US energy department.

Rasch gave evidence at the first Royal Society report on geoengineering 2009 and was a
panel member on the 2011 report. He has testified to the US Congress about the need for
government funding of large-scale geoengineering. In addition, Caldeira and Keith gave a
further $240,000 to geoengineering advocates to travel and attend workshops and meetings
and $100,000 to Jay Apt, a prominent advocate of geoengineering as a last resort, and
professor of engineering at Carnegie Mellon University. Apt worked with Keith and Aurora
Flight Sciences, a US company that develops drone aircraft technology for the US military,
to study the costs of sending 1m tonnes of sulphate particles into the upper atmosphere a

Analysis of the eight major national and international inquiries into geoengineering over
the past three years shows that Keith and Caldeira, Rasch and Prof Granger Morgan the
head of department of engineering and public policy at Carnegie Mellon University where
Keith works, have sat on seven panels, including one set up by the UN. Three other strong
advocates of solar radiation geoengineering, including Rasch, have sat on national inquiries
part-funded by Ficer.

"There are clear conflicts of interest between many of the people involved in the debate,"
said Diana Bronson, a researcher with Montreal-based geoengineering watchdog ETC. 3/5
2/6/2021 Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering | Geoengineering | The Guardian

"What is really worrying is that the same small group working on high-risk technologies
that will geoengineer the planet is also trying to engineer the discussion around
international rules and regulations. We cannot put the fox in charge of the chicken coop."

"The eco-clique are lobbying for a huge injection of public funds into geoengineering
research. They dominate virtually every inquiry into geoengineering. They are present in
almost all of the expert deliberations. They have been the leading advisers to parliamentary
and congressional inquiries and their views will, in all likelihood, dominate the
deliberations of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as it grapples
for the first time with the scientific and ethical tangle that is climate engineering," said Clive
Hamilton, professor of Public Ethics at the Australian National University, in a Guardian

The scientists involved reject this notion. "Even the perception that [a small group of
people has] illegitimate influence [is] very unhealthy for a technology which has extreme
power over the world. The concerns that a small group [is] dominating the debate are
legitimate, but things are not as they were," said Keith. "It's changing as countries like India
and China become involved. The era when my voice or that of a few was dominant is over.
We need a very broad debate."

"Every scientist has some conflict of interest, because we would all like to see more
resources going to study things that we find interesting," said Caldeira. "Do I have too much
influence? I feel like I have too little. I have been calling for making CO2 emissions illegal for
many years, but no one is listening to me. People who disagree with me might feel I have
too much influence. The best way to reduce my influence is to have more public research
funds available, so that our funds are in the noise. If the federal government played the role
it should in this area, there would be no need for money from Gates.

"Regarding my own patents, I have repeatedly stated that if any patent that I am on is ever
used for the purposes of altering climate, then any proceeds that accrue to me for this use
will be donated to nonprofit NGOs and charities. I have no expectation or interest in
developing a personal revenue stream based upon the use of these patents for climate

Rasch added: "I don't feel there is any conflict of interest. I don't lobby, work with patents or
intellectual property, do classified research or work with for-profit companies. The research
I do on geoengineering involves computer simulations and thinking about possible
consequences. The Ficer foundation that has funded my research tries to be transparent in
their activities, as do I."

• This article was amended on 8 February 2012. The original stated that Phil Rasch worked
for Intellectual Ventures. This has been corrected. This article was further amended on 13 4/5
2/6/2021 Bill Gates backs climate scientists lobbying for large-scale geoengineering | Geoengineering | The Guardian

February 2012. Prof Caldeira has asked us to make clear that the fact that he advocates
research into geoengineering does not mean he advocates geoengineering.

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