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bibliography on
play, games and toys


Jean-Pierre Rossie

Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies

Catholic University of Portugal
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences



Commented bibliography
on play, games and toys

Jean-Pierre Rossie

Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies


To the Saharan and North African children
To my children Tania, Ben, Ruben and Pia
To my grandchildren Linde, Camille, Ilona, Thilda,
Oona, and Alvin
To my great-grandchildren Matthys and Gilles

Cover photograph:

Boys modeling toys with clay

Goulmima, Morocco, 1994, taken by the author

© 2021 Jean-Pierre Rossie

Apart from any use for pedagogical or non-commercial purposes, no part of

this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means,
without the written permission of the author

Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies

Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Braga, Portugal
Catholic University of Portugal

Jean-Pierre Rossie
E-mail: [email protected]

The books of the collection

Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures are available on



The collection: Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures 6

Note-t-on the author 9

Introduction 11

Commented bibliography 13

Geographic and ethnic index 77

Map of North Africa and the Sahara 79

Map of Morocco 80

Map of the Anti-Atlas 81

Saharan and North African
Toy and Play Cultures

Engaged since 1975 in research on games and toys and later in experiments
in intercultural education based on this research, the idea slowly matured to
create a collection called Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures. A toy and play culture that rightly should be part of the cultural
heritage of humanity, just as the masterpieces of art and architecture.
An attempt to create such a collection for the International Council for
Children's Play was supported by André Michelet, director of the Centre
d'Etudes Roland Houdon at Saran, France, with the publication of my book
Jeux et jouets sahariens et nord-africains: poupées - jeux de poupées in
1993. As the Centre d'Etudes Roland Houdon stopped its publishing
activities soon afterwards, this attempt was prematurely broken off.
In 1999, the Nordic Center for Research on Toys and Educational Media
published on its website the first English and French versions of Children's
dolls and doll play. A final version of this book and of The animal world in
play, games and toys were published by the Stockholm International Toy
Research Center in 2005 on the CD included in Toys, Play, Culture and
Society. An anthropological approach with reference to North Africa and
the Sahara (2005). These books from 2005 are available on the Internet in
English and French.
Two more volumes of the collection Saharan and North African Toy and
Play Cultures edited by the same center are available on the Internet in
English and French: Domestic life in play, games and toys (2008) and
Commented bibliography on play, games and toys (2011, updated in 2021).
As the Stockholm International Toy Research Center closed in 2011, the
book Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures. Technical
activities in play, games and toys, has been edited in 2013 by the Centre for
Philosophical and Humanistic Studies of the Faculty of Philosophy and
Social Sciences of the Catholic University of Portugal. The same center
edits this book Make-believe play among Amazigh children of the
Moroccan Anti-Atlas and the updated Commented bibliography (2021).

To make the information on Saharan and North African games and toys
available to people reading English as well as to those reading French, to
stimulate the exchange of information and the reciprocal enrichment of
ideas and actions between the French-speaking and the English-speaking
world, who otherwise remain too often separated by a linguistic cleavage,
the books are published in English and in French.
To facilitate a large distribution of the information on Saharan and North
African games and toys, the volumes of the collection Saharan and North
African Toy and Play Cultures and of the collection Cultures Ludiques
Sahariennes et Nord-Africaines are freely available on: :
Scribd :

The volumes of the collection:

Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures

• Children’s dolls and doll play, 2005, 328 p., 163 ill.
• The animal world in play, games and toys, 2005, 219 p., 107 ill.
• Domestic life in play, games and toys, 2008, 438 p., 410 ill.
• Technical activities in play, games and toys, 2013, 360 p., 350 ill.
• Make-believe play among Amazigh children of the Moroccan Anti-
Atlas, 2021, 721 p., 638 ill.
• Commented bibliography on play, games and toys, 2021, 81 p.

Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s Toy Catalogs

• Donation to Centro per la Cultura Ludica in Turin, 2015, 93 p., 272 ill.
• Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, first part: dolls
and toy animals, 2015, 72 p., 127 ill.
• Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, second part:
toys related to domestic life, 2015, 72 p., 109 ill.
• Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne, third part: toys
related to technical activities and games of skill, 2016, 57 p., 76 ill.
• Donation to other museums and associations, 2016, 91 p., 133 ill.

The volumes of the collection:
Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-Africaines

• Poupées d’enfants et jeux de poupées, 2005, 344 p., 163 ill.

• L’animal dans les jeux et jouets, 2005, 229 p., 107 ill.
• La vie domestique dans les jeux et jouets, 2008, 449 p., 410 ill.
• Les activités techniques dans les jeux et jouets, 2013, 364 p., 350 ill.
• Jeux de faire semblant des enfants amazighs de l’Anti-Atlas marocain,
2021, 750 p., 638 ill.
• Bibliographie commentée des jeux et jouets, 2021, 84 p.

Catalogues de Jouets des Enfants Sahariens – Nord-Africains – Amazighs

• Don au Centro per la Cultura Ludica de Turin, 2015, 93 p., 272 ill.
• Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne : première partie,
poupées et animaux-jouets, 2015, 72 p., 127 ill.
• Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne : deuxième partie,
jouets liés à la vie domestique, 2015, 72 p., 109 ill.
• Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne : troisième partie,
jouets liés aux activités techniques et aux jeux d’adresse, 2016, 57 p.,
76 ill.
• Don à d’autres musées et associations, 2016, 91 p., 133 ill.

Note on the author

Jean-Pierre Rossie was born in 1940 in Gent (Ghent), Belgium. After

studies in social work and later in African ethnology at the State University
of Ghent, he became a doctor in African history and philology at the same
university in 1973. His thesis in Dutch covered the theme of “Child and
Society. The Process of Socialization in Patrilineal Central Africa”.
Following fieldwork among the semi-nomadic Ghrib of the Tunisian
Sahara, he devoted himself since 1975 to research on Saharan and North
African children’s play, games and toys.
In 1967, he was proclaimed prizewinner of the Belgische Stichting
Roeping / Belgian Foundation for Vocations, Brussels.
From 1968 until 1978, he worked as a researcher of the Nationaal Fonds
voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek / Belgian National Foundation for
Scientific Research, Brussels, which subsidized his research and
publications until 1992.
From 1980 until 1990, he worked as social worker and sociocultural
anthropologist in the social services for immigrants, especially Turkish and
North African immigrants, of the city of Ghent.
A first research trip to Southern Morocco, in February 1992, followed by
yearly sojourns in this country give him the opportunity to supplement,
verify and actualize the information on Moroccan children's play and toys.
In 1993, he was one of the founding members of the International Toy
Research Association (ITRA), from 1997 till 2001 he was a member of the
Nordic Center for Research on Toys and Educational Media (NCFL), and
from the start in 2002 till the closing in 2011 he was a member of the
Stockholm International Toy Research Centre (SITREC).
On October 29, 2004 the Lennart Ivarsson Scholarship Foundation
awarded him the BRIO Prize 2004.
In July 2005, he became an associate researcher at the Musée du Jouet/
Toy Museum in Moirans-en-Montagne, France ( The same year he donated to this museum his collection of
around 650 toys, most often created by Moroccan children. In 2014, he
gave this same museum all the written and visual documents he collected
on the Saharan, North African and Amazigh (Berber) play cultures.

In April 2007, he was appointed ‘Member of the Advisory Board of the
UNESCO / Felissimo Social Design Network’.
From July 2008 to July 2014, he was a member of the executive
committee of the International Toy Research Association (ITRA).
In October 2013, he became an associate researcher at the Center for
Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social
Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, Braga. This center is the
publisher of the collection Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures: Technical activities in play, games and toys published in 2013,
the new version of this Commented bibliography and the book Make-
believe play among Amazigh children of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas, both
published in the beginning of 2021.
Since the end of 2018, he participates in Play, Education, Toys, and
Languages (PETaL EMJMD). Erasmus Mundus Master's Programme for
the Education of 21st Century Early Childhood Teachers, director Prof.
Elena. Gómez Parra, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain –
In 2019, he became an associated member of the project Locus Ludi. The
Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity, European
Research Council Advanced Grant 2017-2022, director Prof. Dr. Véronique
Dasen, University of Fribourg, Fribourg, Switzerland –


In the following pages I list and comment on those publications that

contain information on play activities, games and toys in North Africa and
the Sahara. Some of these books and articles deal entirely with these
topics, however in most of them one has to scrutinize the text to find the
information. In order to make this unnecessary I have noted the pages
where the information can be found. Some documents figure in the
bibliography because they describe the reality of which the games and toys
show an interpretation or because they describe childhood in these regions.
A few contain general information on play activities, games and toys. As
there exists no commented bibliography on childhood and youth in
Morocco, as far as I know, I try to find during my sojourns in this country
the new publications on these topics in order to integrate them into this
bibliography and thus make it easier to analyze the Moroccan games and
toys within the broader theme of childhood and youth in this country.
The bibliography is quite complete and great effort has been put into
giving the correct references. Yet, I would greatly welcome information on
additional documents. The links to the Internet have been updated for the
last six months of 2020.
In my published articles and books and in a series of publications on
dolls and doll play, on the animal world, on domestic life, on the skills, and
on traditional and modern techniques in North African and Saharan
children's play activities, games and toys extensive use is or will be made
of the data found in the documents mentioned in this bibliography.
Most documents can be consulted in the library of the Musée de
l’Homme or in the Bibliothèque Nationale, both in Paris. If this is not the
case, the location where I found the document is mentioned. These
libraries are:

• Biblioteca Nacional de España, Paseo de Recoletos 20, 28071 Madrid,

Espagne (
• Bibliothèque de l'IREMAM, Institut de Recherche et d'Etudes sur le
Monde Arabe et Musulman, Université de Provence, 29 avenue Robert

Schuman, 13621 Aix-en-Provence cedex 1, France
• Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Site François Mitterand, Quai
François Mauriac, 75706 Paris, France (
• Centre National de Documentation, Boulevard Hadj Ahmed Charkaoui,
Rabat 10100, Morocco (
• Faculty of Arts Library, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Blijde-
Inkomststraat 21, PB 3304, 3000 Leuven
• Library of Congress Online Catalog (
• Library of the Emory University, 1380 Oxford Road, NE, Atlanta, GA
30322, U.S.A. (
• Library of the State University of Ghent, Rozier, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
• Library of the UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France
• Médiathèque of the Musée du Quai Branly, 37, quai Branly
75007 Paris, France (
catalogue-de-la-mediatheque/index.html) - This Médiathèque has
integrated the library of the Musée de l’Homme.
• Studiecentrum voor Speelgoed en Volkskunde, Toy Museum,
Nekkerspoel 21, 2800 Mechelen, Belgium
• The British Library, St Pancras, 96 Euston Road, London, NW1 2DB,
U.K. (

In 2014, my complete visual and written documentation on Saharan and

North African children’s play, games and toys has been transferred to the
Musée du Jouet, Moirans-en-Montagne, France (
The geographic and ethnic terms given in the text have been indicated
on three maps, a map of North Africa and the Sahara, a map of Morocco
and a map of the Anti-Atlas.
When at the end of a reference one reads “location: J-P. Rossie” this
means that the document has been transferred to the above mentioned
Musée du Jouet.

Commented Bibliography

Actes du Premier Colloque Maghrébin sur l’Education Préscolaire.

Théories et Pratiques (1992). Groupe ATFALE, Faculté des Sciences de
l’Education, Université Mohamed V, Rabat, 238 + text in Arabic. -
About the preschool in Morocco and related subjects (location: J-P.
Actes des Journées Internationales Audiovisuelles sur l’Education
Préscolaire (1994). Groupe ATFALE, Faculté des Sciences de
l’Education, Université Mohamed V, Rabat, 352. - About the preschool
in Morocco and related subjects (location: J-P. Rossie).
Actes du Colloque Internationale sur l'Education Préscolaire.
Problématiques et Perspectives. Novembre 1997 (1998). Association
ATFALE, Faculté des Sciences de l'Education, Université Mohamed V,
Rabat, 220 p. in French + 93 p. in Arabic. - About the preschool in
Morocco and related subjects (location: J-P. Rossie).
Adam, André (1951). La maison dans quelques tribus de l’Anti-Atlas.
Collection Hespéris, XIII, Institut des Hautes-Etudes Marocaines, Paris:
Larose éditeur - Description of the traditional plough of which a toy
version exists, Amazighs (Berbers) (p. 84).
Aghali-Zakara, Mohamed (1982). Mudduran-mudduran épreuve ludique
de courage chez les enfants touaregs. Bulletin des Etudes Africaines de
l’INALCO, I, 2, 95-99 - A ludic proof of courage among the Tuareg
children, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara.
Aguilar, Mario L. (1994). Portraying Society through Children. Play
among the Waso Boorana of Kenya. Anthropos, 89, International
Review of Anthropology and Linguistics, Berlin: Anthropos Institut, 29-
Akesbi Msefer, Assia (1998). Ecole, Sujets et Citoyens. Casablanca: Edit
Consulting, 351 - Description of the past and present situation of the
Moroccan school, field research with the point of view of the teachers,
students and pupils, and an analysis of the schoolbooks and children’s
books, Morocco (location: Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne).

Akkari-Weriemmi, Jenina (1990). Jeux traditionnels de Jerba (Tunisie).
IBLA, 166, 2, Revue de l’Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes, Tunis, 297-
320 - Detailed analysis with designs of knucklebones (p. 297-305), a
game using a board designed in the sand but without pieces (p. 305-309)
and the game of sig, a game of strategy using social, folklore and
religious symbols played with a board designed in the sand, pawns and
four identical sticks, each stick having two different sides. These sticks
are thrown up and the way they fall on the ground determines the
number of points a player gets for moving his pawns. (p. 309-320),
Alleau, René & Mattignon, Renaud (1964). (Eds.). Dictionnaire des Jeux,
Réalités de l'Imaginaire. Tchou Editeur, 544, ill. - This dictionary of
games contains under the title ‘Jeux Exotiques’ some North African
games: the kharbga of Tunisia (p. 275-276), an action game of Algeria
(p. 323) and a game of action and skill from Tunisia (p. 424-425).
Amado, J. (2002). Universo dos Brinquedos Populares. Coimbra: Quartelo
Editora, 214 p., Portugal.
Amar Amar, J. J. (1996). Quality of Life and Child Development. Working
Papers in Early Childhood Development 20, The Hague: Bernard van
Leer Foundation, 22 p., ill.
Amonachvili, Chalva (1991). La nature, maître du jeu. Le Courrier de
l’UNESCO, mai, 22-25 - photo of two boys playing baby-foot at
Timbuctu in Mali.
Andreu Cabrera, Eliseo (2004). Análisis histórico de la actividad lúdica
infantil en el mediterráneo. Aplicación a la psicopedagogía del juego
tradicional. PhD thesis, Facultad de Educación, Departamento de
Didáctica General y Didácticas Específicas, Universidad de Alicante,
612. - Important comparative study of children's play activities around
the Mediterranean, more especially games of skill, and their possible
value for a psycho-pedagogical approach. This thesis can be consulted
through the interlibrary loan service of the Biblioteca General de la
Universidad de Alicante (
Andreu Cabrera, Eliseo (2006). La actividad lúdica infantil en el
Mediterráneo. Sevilla: Wanceulen Editiorial Deportiva, 186 p., ill.
(location: Biblioteca Nacional de España).

Angel Flores, Morales (1949). Typos y Costumbres del Sahara Español.
Africa. Revista de Accion Española, VI, 95, Madrid, 407-410. - Short
description of the sig board game (p. 410), Sahara, Morocco.
Archier, L. (1953). Note sur les chameaux-jouets. Bulletin de Liaison
Saharienne, IV, 15, Alger, 38-39. - Some useful notes on the toy
dromedaries of Saharan children in Algeria.
Argyriadi, Maria (1991). La poupée dans la vie et l’art grecs de l’antiquité
à nos jours. Athènes: Editions Lucy Braggiotti, 160, ill. - A very fine
book on Greek dolls from ancient to modern times.
Ariel, Shlomo (2002). Children’s Imaginative Play. A Visit to Wonderland.
Westport (USA): Greenwood/ Praeger - A remarkable book offering a
new theoretical approach (location: Library of Congress Online
Ariel, Shlomo & Sever, Irene (1980). Play in the desert and play in the
town: on play activities of Bedouin Arab children. In Helen B.
Schwartzman (Ed.), Play and Culture. New York: Leisure Press, 164-
175 (location: Library of Congress Online Catalog).
Arm, Jean-Philippe (1976). Jeux et jouets des enfants de Oualata. In J.
Gabus, Oualata et Gueïmaré du Nemadi. Rapport brut des missions
ethnographiques en R.I. de Mauritanie du 19 décembre 1975 au 29 mai
1976. Neuchâtel: Musée d’Ethnographie, ill., 102-122. - Good analysis
of twenty games, e.g. games of action and of dexterity (p. 102-110), of
imitation (p. 110), of hazard (p. 112-118) and verbal games (p. 110-
112); also of dollhouses, toy animals, toy cars and spinning tops (p. 118-
122), Sahara, Mauritania.
Arripe, H. J. (1911). Essai sur le folklore de la Commune Mixte de
l’Aurès. Revue Africaine, Alger, 450-470. - Brief notes on games of
action and dexterity (p. 466-469) and on a girl’s doll used to implore
rain (p. 461), Amazighs (Berbers), Algeria.
ATFALE (1992). Le jeu dans l’institution préscolaire. Guide d’activités
pour le préscolaire. Rabat: Alliance de Travail dans la Formation et
l’Action pour l’Enfance, Faculté des Sciences de l’Education, Université
Mohamed V, 72, ill. - Document promoting the role of children's play in
the preschool and used during in-service training.
Ayoub, Abderrahman (1990). Jmal Limlaya: un jeu de Dhehiba (sud de la
Tunisie). Cahiers des Arts et Traditions Populaires, 10, Revue du
Centre des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Tunis: Institut National

d’Archéologie et d’Art, 187-194. - Describes a ludic theatrical
representation performed by adults before an audience composed of
adults and children, Tunisia.
Ayoub, Abderrahman (1991). 100 jeux traditionnels du sud de la Tunisie.
In Jeu et sports en Méditerranée. Actes du Colloque de Carthage, 7-8-9
novembre 1989. Tunis: Alif-Editions de la Méditerranée, Collection
Savoir, 270, 7-54, ill. - Notes on 100 play activities in South Tunisia.
Azimpour Tabrizi, Poupak (2018). Handmade Dolls of the Iranian Nation,
the Representatives of Culture and Civilization. In Kamil Kopania (ed.),
Dolls and Puppets: Contemporaneity and Tradition, Białystok (Poland):
The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok, National Academy of
Dramatic Art in Warsaw, p. 204-211, 13 ill. - These dolls made by
mothers and grandmothers are used by girls. Similarities with North
African dolls are found, especially the cross shaped form of the dolls’ -
structure, their dresses and the use of goat or girl hair for the dolls’ hair., retrieved on 20 December 2020.
Bairam, Alya (1976). Notes sur les rites traditionnels de la asura à Tunis. -
Cahiers des Arts et Traditions Populaires, 5, Centre des Arts et
Traditions Populaires, Tunis: Institut National d’Archéologie et d’Arts,
39-46. - Mentions some play activities and toys typical for the °ashûra
feast (p. 40-43), Tunisia.
Baklouti, Naceur (1990). Eléments de signification dans le mariage
traditionnel (Région de Gabes). Cahiers des Arts et Traditions
Populaires, 10, Revue du Centre des Arts et Traditions Populaires,
Tunis: Institut National d’Archéologie et d’Art, 87-100. - Mentions
briefly some ludic activities during wedding ceremonies in the Gabes
region, Tunisia.
Ballais, J. L. (1989). Aurès. In Encyclopédie Berbère, Aix-en-Provence:
Edisud, volume VII, 1067-1095. - An introduction to the Aurès region in
Algeria where the Chaouia live, Amazighs (Berbers).
Balout, Lionel, Bovis, Marcel & Gast, Marceau (1959). Collections
Ethnographiques. Planches. Album n° 1. Touareg Ahaggar. Paris: Arts
et Métiers Graphiques, LXXVI planches. - Shows several objects
imitated in toys made by Tuareg children but also some toys such as
horses, dromedaries, bullocks, a male doll, female dolls, a woman’s
dromedary saddle and a car, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.

Barron, C. (2009). Through the Eyes of the Experts: Children’s Visual
Representation of Their Play Spaces. In Abstracts From the TASP 2009
conference Brownsville, Texas -,
retrieved on 3 October 2020.
Béart, Charles (1955). Jeux et jouets de I'Ouest Africain. Dakar: Mémoires
de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire, volume 42, 2 tomes, 888. - Unique
analysis of the games and toys of West Africa. As a geographic or
population index is lacking, a close scrutiny of the text revealed
information on North Africa and the Sahara: board games of sig or sik
(p. 428-430, 433, 484), other games (p. 217, 423); Tuareg: toy animals
(p. 140-142), board games (p. 473), musical toys (p. 685), other games
(p. 221, 227, 251, 259, 276, 287, 292, 302, 312, 356, 415, 422);
Mauritania: dolls and dollhouses (p. 94-98, 836, 840), toy animals (p.
96-97, 145, 597-598), playing household (p. 145-148), board games and
games of draughts (p. 461-462, 464, 466-469, 484, 512-514, 714, 717-
718, 842), sig board games (p. 428-430), knucklebones (p. 350-351),
other games (p. 77, 156, 212, 214, 222, 227, 245-247, 250, 256, 272,
287-288, 302-303, 354, 361, 375-376, 404, 419, 484, 636, 650, 706-707,
712-714), lullabies (p. 63-64); Teda: playing household (p. 126, 129),
hide and seek (p. 225), Sahara, Algeria, Mauritania, Chad.
Béart, Charles (1960). Recherches des éléments d'une sociologie des
peuples africains à partir de leurs jeux. Paris: Présence Africaine, 147. -
Remarkable synthesis of the relationships between play and society
based on the vast documentation published by this author in 1955.
Belghiti, Malika, Chraibi, Najat & Adib, Tamou (1971). La ségrégation
des garçons et des filles à la campagne. Bulletin Economique et Social
du Maroc, 33, n° 120-121, 81-144, Rabat: Société d'Etudes
Economiques, Sociales et Statistiques. - Ethnographic enquiry among
the rural women of the Haouz of Marrakech, with a paragraph on games
and differences between boys and girls (p. 102), Morocco.
Bellin, Paul (1960). Ethnographie saharienne. Le damier d'Abdallah.
Trésor de jeux d'enfants sahariens: arabes, souâfa et cha'mba, noirs,
Kel Djanet, Touareg Ajjer et Hoggar. Privas: Imprimerie Lucien Volle,
47, ill. - The author has re-used the whole text in his publication
"L'enfant saharien à travers ses jeux" of 1963, except two pages with
photos. The first page shows three dromedaries of stone, a dromedary of

jawbone with a saddle on top, and another dromedary made of
dromedary dung and thorns. The second page shows a dromedary made
with sticks and rags (see 1963, game 71), Tuareg Kel Ahaggar,
Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Bellin, Paul (1963). L'enfant saharien à travers ses jeux. Journal de la
Société des Africanistes, Paris, tome XXXIII, 1, 47-103. - An important
publication on the games and toys of children in the Sahara, especially
of the Tuareg and Chaamba nomads, with a good analysis of 72 games
of boys and girls and some interesting general statements, Algeria.
Bellin, Paul & Rondreux, Guy (1957). Le trésor des jeux d’enfants du
Souf. Bulletin de Liaison Saharienne, Alger, tome VIII, 28, 257-268. - A
description of some 15 games of Saharan children re-used by Bellin for
his publication of 1963, Algeria.
Benaboud, A. (1981). Les jeux traditionnels au Maroc. Mémoire,
Université Mohamed V, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Rabat, 56. -
Contains few information on games and toys in Morocco (location:
Centre National de Documentation).
Benhazera, Maurice (1908). Six mois chez les Touareg du Ahaggar. Alger:
Typographie Adolphe Jourdan, IX + 233, ill. - Mentions a few games
e.g. the making of dolls and toy animals and a ball game, illustrated with
four photographs (p. 19-21), Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara,
Benhimouda, Abdelaziz (1993). L’approche sémiotique des jeux et jouets
dans la région d’Ouled Dlim. Mémoire, Département de Langue et de
Littérature Françaises, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences Humaines,
Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, 110 p., ill. - Licentiate dissertation
in which the author discusses twenty-two games and toys, e.g. dolls and
doll play (p. 52-54), making of toy cars (p. 84-86) and several action
games of the Oulad Dlim in Morocco (location: the mentioned
Département de Langue et de Littérature Françaises).
Bennani, Jalil (1999). Parcours d’Enfants. Casablanca: Editions Le
Fennec, 151 - Interesting book based on the outcome of a series of
conferences and seminars in relation to reading, school, child psychiatry
and the exclusion of the child in Morocco, together with reflections of
the author who is a Moroccan psychiatrist (location: J-P. Rossie).

Bennani-Chraïbi, Mounia (1994). Soumis et Rebelles. Les Jeunes au
Maroc. Casablanca: Editions Le Fennec, Paris: CNRS Editions, 373 -
Detailed analysis of changes in Moroccan society based on the lives of
school going youngsters who are a dynamic and important part of the
population as about 70 % of the population in Morocco is younger than
thirty (location: J-P. Rossie).
Ben Thabet, A. H. (2017). Jeux et jouets d’enfants de Tunisie : formes,
fonctions et enjeux. Thèse de doctorat, Université de La Manouba, Ecole
Supérieure des Sciences et Technologies du Design, La Manouba (Grand
Tunis), 366 p., ill.
Bernus, Edmond (1975). Jeu et élevage. Vocabulaire d'élevage utilisé dans
un jeu de quadrillage par les Touareg (Iullemmeden Kel Dinnik).
Journal d'Agriculture Tropicale et de Botanique Appliquée, Paris, tome
XXII, 4-5-6, 167-176, ill. - Detailed description with photographs and
designs of a game of draughts related to cattle breeding among the
Tuareg. Illustration 4 shows a little boy with a self-made toy dromedary,
Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Mali.
Bernus, Edmond (1983). Jeu et élevage igugelan 'les orphelins', jeu
touareg". Bulletin des études africaines de l'INALCO, Paris: Institut
National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, volume 3, 5, 15-19 –
Board game of the youngsters among the Tuareg Iullemeden Kel Dinnik
of the In Gall region, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Niger.
Bernus, E. (2003). J10. Jeux. J12. Jouets. In Encyclopédie Berbère, volume
XXV, Aix-en-Provence: Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Monde
Arabe et Musulman, Paris: Centre de Recherche Berbère (Inalco), Aix-
en-Provence: Edisud, 3906-3913, ill. - Texts on games in Kabylia,
among the Aït Mgild of the Moyen Atlas, the Belbala and the Tuareg
published for many years but difficult to find. Short overview of the
toys, especially the dolls in the Sahara, in Morocco, in Kabylia, and in
the Aurès. Ten nice photos.
Bernus, Edmond. & Suzanne, photos de Desjeux Cathérine & Bernard
(1983). Touaregs. Paris: l'Harmattan, 70, ill. - Playing with animals (p.
46) and a game of draughts (p. 47), Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers),
Berti, Francesca (2019). PhD Thesis: Traditional Games and Toys as a
Tool of Intercultural Education. Discovering the Shared Space of Play.
Tübingen: Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät,

Eberhard-Karls-Universität. - Mentions an abstract, the contents and
bibliography of this thesis,,
retrieved on 11.1.2021.
Biarnay, S. (1924). Notes d'ethnographie et de linguistique nord-
africaines. publiées par L. Brunot et E. Laoust, édition Ernest Leroux,
Paris IV + 272. - Under the heading “ festivities and games” in Morocco
the author notes briefly the game of the dinner party using toy dishes (p.
79), an °ashûra festivity with some playful activities (p. 84) and the kura
ball game (p. 91).
Bischop, J. C. & Curtis, M. (Eds.). (2001) Play today in the Primary
School Playground. Life, learning and creativity. Buckingham,
Philadelphia: Open University Press, 204. - An excellent reference book
(location: The British Library).
Bissuel, H. (1888). Les Touaregs de l’Ouest. Alger: Adolphe Jourdan
éditeur, XIX+210, ill. - Speaks of the traditional ball game of the
youngsters and the game of draughts of the adults (p. 100), Tuareg,
Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Blommaert, J. (2015). Pierre Bourdieu. Perspectives on language in
society. In Jan-Ola Östman & Jef Verschueren.Handbook of Pragmatics.
Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, p. 1-16. -, retrieved on 8 August 2020.
Boris, Gilbert (1958). Lexique du parler arabe des Marazig. Paris:
Librairie Klincksieck, Imprimerie Nationale, XV+686. - With the
exception of the sig board game (p. 300) no information on games or
toys among the Marazig of South Tunisia.
Borzakian, M. (2012). Prendre au sérieux les espaces du jeu. In Géographie
et cultures, 82, Revue publiée sur Internet :,
retrieved on 8 August 2020.
Boulifa, S. A. (2003). Jeux en Kabylie au début du XXe siècle. Traduit par
S. Chaker, Encyclopédie Berbère, 25, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, p. 3874-
3890. Put online on 1 June 2011 - This publication is available on the
Internet (5.11.2020) -
Detailed description of twenty-two traditional games of skill of Great
Kabyle followed by four counting out games. The first three games are
toddler games and most other games are boys' games. Amazighs
(Berbers), Algeria.

Bourilly, Joseph (1932). Eléments d’ethnographie marocaine. Publié par
Laoust E., Paris: Librairie Coloniale et Orientaliste Larose, 296 -
Describes the old wooden plough and yoke which also exist as toys (p.
142-143), Morocco.
Brandily, Monique (1980). Piégeage des oiseaux au Tibesti. Objets et
Mondes, Revue du Musée de l'Homme, Paris, tome 20, 4, 141-148, ill. -
Detailed description of the capture of birds by Teda children in Chad.
Brewster, Paul G. (1955). The Game of Sahbi Iddi 3aiât: Some Parallels
and Analogues. Hespéris, Paris, tome XLII, 239-244. - A Moroccan
game of intelligence and its parallels in several other societies, Morocco.
Brookshawn, Sharon (2009). The Material Culture of Children and
Childhood: Understanding Childhood Objects in the Museum Context.
In Journal of Material Culture, Sage Journals, vol. 14 (3), p. 365-383. -, retrieved on 20 January 2021.
Brougère, Gilles (1989). La représentation de l’habitat dans le jouet. Paris:
Comité pour le Développement de l’Espace pour le Jeu, Ministère de
l’Equipement, du Logement, des Transports et de la Mer, Direction de
l’Architecture et de l’Urbanisme, 31, ill.
Brougère, Gilles (2003). Jouets et compagnie. Paris : Stock, 414 p. - An
excellent reference book.
Brunot, L. (1917-1918). Jeux d’enfants à Fès. Les Archives Berbères,
Paris, 1917, volume 2, 4, 321-330; 1918, volume 3, 4, 311-320. - A
quite detailed description of several games of dexterity and action of
children in the city of Fès, Morocco.
Brunot, Louis & Malka, Élie (1939). Textes judéo-arabes de Fès. Textes,
Transcription, Traduction annotée. Publications de l’Institut des Hautes
Etudes Marocaines, tome XXXIII, Rabat: Ecole du Livre, XVI + 408 -
A few notes on the games and toys of Jewish children of the city of Fès
in Morocco (p. 261-265).
Burnett, Cora & Hollander, Wim J. (2004). The South African Indigenous
Games Research Project of 2001/2002. South African Journal for
Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, volume 26, 1, 9-
Cabot Briggs, L. (1958). The Living Races of the Saharan Desert, Papers
of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology. Harvard
University, volume XXVIII, 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Peabody
Museum, XII + 217, ill. – Information on the Chaamba (p. 111).

Campigotto, M., Razy, É., de Suremain, Ch.-É., Pache Huber, V. (2012).
Le religieux à l’épreuve de l’enfance et des enfants : quels défis pour
l’Anthropologie ?. In AnthropoChildren, Liège: Liège Université, 15 p.
(PDF) –
8517/index.php?id=1498&file=1&pid=1494, retrieved 4 October 2020.
Camps, Gabriel (1984). Avertissement: Être Berbère. In Encyclopédie
berbère, volume I, Union Internationale des Sciences Pré- et
Protohistoriques, Union Internationale des Sciences Anthropologiques et
Ethnologiques, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et de Préhistoire des Pays
de la Méditerranée Occidentale, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 7-48, ill. -
Excellent introduction to the Amazigh (Berber) populations of North
Africa and the Sahara.
Camps, Gabriel (1989). Anzar. In Encyclopédie Berbère, volume VI,
Union Internationale des Sciences Pré- et Protohistoriques, Union
Internationale des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques,
Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et de Préhistoire des Pays de la
Méditerranée Occidentale, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 795-797 - Notes
on the ritual rain doll and the kura ball game among the Amazighs
(Berbers), Sahara.
Camps-Fabrer, Henriette (1966). Matière et Art mobilier dans la
préhistoire nord-africaine et saharienne. Mémoires du Centre de
Recherches Antropologiques, Préhistoriques et Ethnographiques,
Conseil de la Recherche Scientifique en Algérie, V, Paris: Editions Arts
et Métiers Graphiques, 573, ill. - A study of archeological findings in
North Africa and the Sahara e.g. anthropomorphic and zoomorphic
figurines (p.245-262).
Capot-Rey, Robert (1953). L’Afrique blanche française. Tome second. Le
Sahara français. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 564, ill. -
Explains the working of the hand-operated beam well (p. 322-323) also
found as a toy, quoted by Tubiana, 1977.
Casajus, Dominique. (1989). Jeux touaregs de la région d’Agadez. Journal
de la Société des Africanistes, Paris, volume 58, 1, 23-49, ill. - Detailed
analysis of sixteen games from the Agadez region in Niger: board
games, sig board games, games of skill, Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers),

Castells, F. (1915). Note sur la fête de Achoura à Rabat. Les Archives
Berbères, Publication du Comité d'Etudes de Rabat, 1915-1916, 2e
édition, mars 1987, fasc. 1 à 4, 438, 332-346. - Mentions some toys, e.g.
dolls, musical toys, toy weapons, given to children during the °ashûra
festivities in Rabat, Morocco.
Catalogue des Collections de l’Aurès (1943). Paris: Musée de l’Homme,
16. - Background information especially on the material life in the Aurès
mountains in Algeria, Amazighs (Berbers).
Cauvet (1934). Notes sur le Souf et les Souafa. Bulletin de la Société de
Géographie d’Alger et de l’Afrique du Nord, 114, ill. - Short notes on
the kura ball game, the swing, knucklebones, sig board game and
marbles (p. 110-111) in the region of El Oued, Sahara, Algeria.
Centre d’Écoute et d'Orientation pour Femmes Agressées (1999). Enfance
Violée. Casablanca: Editions Le Fennec, 195. - Four French texts and
twelve Arabic texts on the taboo theme of violence, and especially
sexual violence, towards children in Morocco (location: J-P. Rossie).
Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes sur les Sociétés Méditerranéennes/
Centre d'Etudes d'Afrique Noire (1979). Introduction à la Mauritanie.
Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 421, ill.
-Interesting general introduction to Mauritania with reference to the
doll’s houses, toy animals, toy utensils and the sig board game (p. 142-
143), Sahara.
Chaker, Salem (s.d.). Une décennie d’études berbères 1980-1990.
Bibliographie critique. Langue, Littérature, Identité. Institut National
des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (Paris), Centre de Recherche
Berbère, Editions Bouchène, Alger, 256. - Critical bibliography on
Amazigh (Berber) studies between 1980 and 1990.
Champault, Francine Dominique (1969). Une oasis du Sahara nord-
occidental: Tabelbala. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, 486, ill. - Detailed ethnographic analysis of the
Belbala population living in the oasis of Tabelbala in the Algerian
Sahara with notes on games, toys and childhood and on the reality
copied by imitative play and toys (p. 106-108, 140-142, 146-147, 178-
181, 186-203, 243-244, 275-282, 311-359).

Champault, Dominique (1980). A propos d’une takuba. Objets et Mondes.
La Revue du Musée de l’Homme, Paris, tome 20, 2, 83-85. - Description
of the takuba, the Tuareg sword, and its social significance, of which a
toy version exists, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara.
Champault, Dominique (1983). Du rituel agraire au jeu. In Poupée-Jouet.
Poupée-Reflet, Paris: Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 115, 79-
81. - Brief analysis of the dolls of children in North Africa and Sahara
and their relationship to ritual dolls.
Champault, Dominique (1990). Les jours du mariage, Cahiers des Arts et
Traditions Populaires, 10, Revue du Centre des Arts et Traditions
Populaires, Tunis: Institut National d’Archéologie et d’Art, 57-69. -
Mentions a few games played during wedding ceremonies in Tunisia (p.
Chapelle, Jean (1957). Nomades noirs du Sahara. Paris: Librairie Plon,
449, ill. - Integrated in a chapter on Teda childhood one finds an
overview of some games of boys and girls (p. 267-268), Chad.
Chernaya, A. (2014). Girls’ Plays with Dolls and Doll-Houses in Various
Cultures. In Jackson, L., Meiring, D., Van de Vijver, F., & Idemudia, E.
(Eds), Toward sustainbable development through nurturing diversity:
Selected papers from the Twenty-First Congress of the International
Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology. Melbourne, FL:
International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, p. 201-210. –, retrieved on 4 October 2020.
Chick, G., (2010). Work, Play, and Learning. In F. D. Lancy, J. Bock &
S. Gaskins (Eds), The Anthropology of learning in Childhood (pp. 119-
143). London, UK: AltaMira Press. - Very interesting overview of the
anthropological research on these topics.
Claudot-Hawad, Hélène (1986). Ahal (ahâl). In Encyclopédie Berbère,
Union Internationale des Sciences Pré- et Protohistoriques, Union
Internationale des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques,
Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et de Préhistoire des Pays de la
Méditerranée Occidentale, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, volume III, 305-
307. - Mentions that there are some games preparing Tuareg children to
perform well when they will attend the ahâl musical and poetical
gatherings, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara.

Claudot-Hawad, Hélène. (1992). Gani: la politique touarègue en spectacle.
Revue du Monde Musulman et de la Méditerranée, 1-2, Aix-en-
Provence, 211-224, ill. - Analysis of the Tuareg political organization
during an important festivity, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara.
Claus, G. J. M. (1977). De Ghrib. Field-work in een zich vestigende
nomadenstam in de noordwestelijke Tunesische Sahara. Diss. phil,
Gent: Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte,
Seminarie voor Islamkunde en Modern Arabisch, 584, ill. - Doctoral
thesis on the ethnography of the Ghrib of the Tunisian Sahara who at
that time changed from nomadism to sedentariness with reference to
childhood (p. 307-345) and games and toys (p. 345-361) (location:
Central Library of the State University of Ghent).
Claus, Gilbert J. M. (1983). The Pastoral Ghrib of the Northwestern
Tunisian Sahara. Causes and Effects of the Transition from Nomadism
to Sedentariness. In Liber Memorialis Prof. Dr. P.J. Vandenhoute 1913-
1978, Gent: Seminarie voor Etnische Kunst, H.I.K.O, Rijksuniversiteit
te Gent, 129-143. - An introduction to the Ghrib population of the
Tunisian Sahara (location: Central Library of the State University of
Claus, Gilbert J. M. (1997). Grossesse, naissance et enfance. Us et
coutumes chez les Bédouins Ghrib du Sahara tunisien. In Conception,
naissance et petite enfance au Maghreb. Les Cahiers de l'IREMAM,
9/10, Aix-en-Provence: Institut de Recherches et d'Etudes sur le Monde
Arabe et Musulman, 181-208, ill. - Detailed analysis of pregnancy, birth
and childhood among the Ghrib of the Tunisian Sahara, without direct
references to games and toys.
Claverie, (1928). Jeux berbères (Région d’Azrou). Hespéris, VIII, Archives
Berbères et Bulletin de l’Institut des Hautes-Etudes Marocaines, Paris,
401-403. - A short description of 13 games of action and dexterity of
Amazigh (Berber) children from the small city of Azrou in the Moyen
Atlas, Morocco.
Cline, Walter (1950). The Teda of Tibesti, Borku, and Kawar in the
Eastern Sahara. General Series in Anthropology, 12, Menaska,
Wisconsin (U.S.A.): George Banta Publishing Company Agent. -
Background information and short note on the typical Teda children’s
knife, Chad.

Cómo juegan los niños morroquíes (1939). Ceuta: Alta Comissaría de
España en Marruecos, Delegacion de Asuntos Indigenas,Imp. Imperio,
93 p., 72 ill. - Unique book on children’s play in several regions of the
former Spanish colony in Northern Morocco, written by twelve Spanish
male primary school teachers from schools for Moroccan children. More
or less detailed description of 97 games of skill, mostly games of
dexterity and other physical skills, together with a few games of
intellectual skill or chance. These games are boys’ games possibly also
played by girls. Arab-Berbers, Amazighs (Berbers), Ghomara, Rif
(location: Biblioteca Nacional de España).
Cortade, Jean-Marie (1967). Lexique Français-Touareg. Dialecte de
l’Ahaggar. Paris: Institut des Sciences Humaines, Travaux du Centre des
Recherches Anthropologiques, Préhistoriques et Ethnographiques, Arts
et Métiers Graphiques, 511. - Very useful to scrutinize the dictionary on
the Tuareg language of de Foucauld, 1951-1952, Amazighs (Berbers),
Sahara, Algeria.
Cortier, Maurice (1908). D’une rive à l’autre du Sahara. Mission Arnaud-
Cortier 15 février - 24 juin 1907. Paris: Emile Larose éd., VIII + 414. -
Notes on childhood and some games and toys of Tuareg children (p.
306-309), on the ahâl meetings (p. 313-314) and on female dress (p.
317), Amazighs (Berbers).
Crosse, E. et Louis, A. (1944). Les jeux de la rue à Mateur. Revue de
l’Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes, Tunis, 303-328, ill. - Useful
description with ten photographs of several street games of girls and
boys in the city of Mateur in North Tunisia.
Crown, P. L. (2010). Learning in and from the Past. In Lancy, D. F., Bock,
J. & Gaskins, S. The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood. Lanham:
Altamira Press, xi + 483 p., p. 397-418.
Daoumani, B. (2012). tessourar d ourarn iqbourn n tazzanin gh tmnadt n
ait ikhelf (ait baamran) [titre en tamazight, traduction: Jeux et jouets
traditionnels des enfants dans la région d’Ait Ikhelf (Ait Baamran)].
Mémoire de licence, Université Ibn Zohr, Faculté des lettres et des
sciences humaines, Filière des Etudes Amazighes, Parcours Didactique,
Agadir, 40 p., 14 ill.
Dasen, V. (Dir.), Ludique ! Jouer dans l’Antiquité. Catalogue de
l’exposition à Lyon, Lugdunum-musée et théâtres romains, du 20 juin au
1 décembre 2019, Gent : Snoeck, 144 p., ill.

Davey, G. B., Darian-Smith, K. & Pascoe, C. (2013). Playlore as cultural
heritage. Traditions and change in Australian children’s play. In Kate
Darian-Smith, and Carla Pascoe (eds), Children, Childhood and Cultural
Heritage. Collection: Key Issues in Cultural Heritage, London:
Routledge, 320 p., p. 40-54. -,
retrieved on 13 July 2020.
de Foucauld, Charles (1951-1952). Dictionnaire touareg-français. Dialecte
de l’Ahaggar. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 4 volumes, 2028, ill. -
Contains several words referring to play activities and toys (p. 35, 358,
564, 831-832, 875, 1067, 1255-1256, 1487) or the material reality
reflected in them (p. 73-74, 98, 101, 154, 247-249, 408, 439, 520, 547,
559-564 (ahâl), 713, 723, 726-727, 867, 960, 995, 1022, 1034, 1059,
1085, 1107-1109, 1119, 1241-1242, 1483, 1517, 1533, 1595, 1623,
1695, 1738, 1803, 1887-1888), Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara,
de Foucauld & de Calassanti-Motylinski, A. (1922). Textes touaregs en
prose. Dialecte de l’Ahaggar. publiés par René Basset, Alger: Jules
Carbonel éditeur, Alger, VI + 230. - General information on the Tuareg
Kel Ahaggar, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Delalande, Julie (2001). La cour de récréation. Contribution à une
anthropologie de l'enfance. Préface de Patrick Rayou, Collection Le
Sens Social, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 278, ill. - An
excellent reference book.
Delalande, J. (2014). Le concept d’enfant acteur est-il déjà périmé ?
Réflexions sur des ouvertures possibles pour un concept toujours à
questionner. In AnthropoChildren. n° 4, Liège: Liège Université, 8 p., retrieved on 29
August 2020.
Delarozière, Marie-Françoise & Massal, Michel (1999). Jouets des enfants
d’Afrique. Regards sur des merveilles d’ingéniosité. Edisud, Paris:
Editions UNESCO, 159, ill. – A nice book on African children's toys.
Delheure, Jean (1990). Id irar wargren - Jeux à Ouargla. Awal, Cahiers
d’Etudes Berbères, Paris-Alger, numéro spécial, 291-298. - Description
of a few games of dexterity or of action and detailed analysis of
knucklebones. Amazigh (Berber) text with translation in French, Sahara,

Delphin, G. (1891). Recueil de textes pour l’étude de l’arabe parlé. Paris-
Alger: E. Leroux-A. Jourdan éds. - Text in Arabic with notes in French.
Detailed description of many games of young people and adults, mostly
games of action or dexterity, sometimes also played by children (p. 66-
88). Delphin who was professor of Arabic at the University of Oran in
Algeria does not clearly specify the origin of his information. He only
mentions that the texts are in the language of the “Arabes bédouins” (p.
II) and that he systematically excluded what did not belonged to the
rural area and came from the cities where it might have been borrowed
from the Europeans (p. V), Algeria.
Delphin, G. (1904). Recueil de textes pour l’étude de l’Arabe parlé.
Traduction par le Général G. Faure-Biguet. Alger: Imprimerie
Orientale Pierre Fontana, 130 - Translation of the Arabic text in
Delphin, 1891. - Describes several games of youngsters and adults,
mostly games of action or dexterity, sometimes also played by children
(p. 66-88), Algeria.
de Maret, P. & Sidéra, I. (2015). Poupées sur métapode de ruminant.
Quand des exemples africains contribuent à l’interprétation de vestiges
archéologiques d’autres continents. In Afrique : Archéologie & Arts,, version
PDF, p. 9-20, retrieved on 2 October 2020.
Dembele, Nagognimé Urbain (1999). Enfants sahéliens, ces ancêtres
descendus du ciel (Mali). In Gilles Brougère & Sylvie Rayna, Culture,
Enfance et Education Préscolaire - Culture, Childhood and Preschool
Education. Paris: Unesco, Université Paris-Nord et INRP, 264, 171-189.
- Interesting discussion of childhood and socialization in Mali with some
information on toys and play ( p. 174, 180-181, 183).
Denis (1952). A propos des pièces en T et en Y. Bulletin de Liaison
Saharienne, 8, Alger, 27-37, ill. - Description of how Tuareg children
make and play with toy dromedaries of stone and a photograph of a boy
cutting one such toy and playing with several others, Amazighs
(Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Dernouny, Mohamed (1984). La socialisation de l’enfant en milieu
traditionnel marocain. Sindbad, 32, Casablanca, 7-15. - Extract of the
thesis for a masters degree of this author, some references to children’s
games in Morocco (p. 13) (location: J-P. Rossie).

Dernouny, Mohamed (1984). L’enfance marocaine d’hier à aujourd’hui.
Sindbad, 34-35, Casablanca, 2-44. - Interesting article on childhood in
Morocco based on the author’s thesis Etudes de passage des cultures
régionales à une culture unifiée au Maroc but containing no references
on games and toys (location: J-P. Rossie).
Dernouny, A. & Chaouite, A. (1987). Enfances Maghrébines. Casablanca:
Afrique Orient, 164. - Collective work on childhood in Morocco with
some short notes on dolls (p. 26-27), toys (p. 74) and play (p. 93)
(location: J-P. Rossie).
Desjeux, Catherine & Bernard (1988). Sahara. La passion de la vie.
Avant-propos de Dominique Champault, Nathan Image, Paris: Editions
Nathan, s.p., ill. - Photographic impressions of the Sahara, with the dara
board-game of Niger (p. 31).
Desparmet, J. (1948). Coutumes, Institutions, Croyances des Indigènes de
l’Algérie, Traduction annotée par Henri Pèrès et G.H. Bousquet, Tome
1, L’enfance, le mariage et la famille. Alger: Impr. la Typo-Litto et J.
Carbonel Réunies, 326 (second edition, first edition in Arabic at Blida in
1905). - Important information on traditional childhood (p. 13-136) and
description of some action games or games of dexterity (p. 59-63),
Northern Algeria.
Destaign, Edmond (1905). L’Ennayer chez les Beni Snous (Texte berbère,
dialecte des Beni Snous). Revue Africaine, 256, 1er trimestre, Alger:
Librairie Adolphe Jourdan, 51-70. - Detailed analysis of the Amazigh
(Berber) New Year in the region of Tlemcem in Algeria containing a
few lines on children’s dolls (p. 64).
Destaign, Edmond (1920). Etude sur le dialecte berbère des Aït
Seghrouchen (Moyen Atlas Marocain). Publications de la Faculté des
Lettres d’Alger, Bulletin de Correspondance Africaine, tome LVI, Paris:
Editions Ernest Leroux. - Brief notes on some action games and games
of dexterity, and on girls’ dolls (p. LV-LVI, Amazigh (Berber) text p.
337), Morocco.
Dornier, P. (1954). La politesse dans les campagnes du Nord de la Tunisie.
Tunis: Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes, 156. - Two games played at
wedding (p. 112E-112F), Tunisia.

Dounias, E. & Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y. (Eds), (2017). Children’s
ethnobiological knowledge. AnthropoChildren, 7, Liège: Université de
Liège – Revue publiée sur Internet :
8517/index.php?id=2513, retrieved on 5 October 2020.
Doutté, Edmond (1905). Merrâkech. Publié par le Comité du Maroc, Paris,
408. - A long analysis of the traditional ball game in Morocco (p. 318-
326) is followed by a brief description of several other Moroccan
children’s games (p. 326-331).
Doutté, Edmond (1908). Magie et Religion dans l’Afrique du Nord. Alger:
Typographie Adolphe Jourdan, 617. - Description of the °ashûra
festivities (p. 525-534) and the use of musical toys for it (p. 534), the
kura ball game (p. 554) and ritual fighting (p. 556), North Africa.
Dupuy, Aimé (1933). Les jeux des enfants tunisiens. In Outremer, V, Paris,
308-319. - Short overview of some twenty games of girls and boys in
Tunisia with more or less ethnocentric comments.
Durand, A. (1904). Notes sur les Touareg et sur les populations agrégées,
alliées ou voisines, d'après des légendes et des renseignements recueillis
dans le Tidikelt. Bulletin de la Société de Géographie d'Alger, IX, 686-
713 – The author mentions (p. 691) the ball game played with sticks
'takikra' (el kura in Arabic) and the 'tiddas' game (a kind of board game),
Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Eady, Dorothy L. (1989-1990). Toys and Games in Ancient Egypt. Paper
published in RSUE, 6-7, 5 p.
Early Childhood Matters. The Bulletin of the Bernard van Leer
Foundation. First number n° 88, February 1998, in continuation of the
Bernard van Leer Foundation Newsletter, The Hague: Bernard van Leer
Foundation, Internet:, e-mail:
[email protected]
Eiselt, B. S., Pocklington, K. & Muchnikov, N. (s.d.). Vecino Archaeology
and the Politics of Play. Dallas: Southern Methodist University,
Department of Anthropology, 25 p., preliminary study -, retrieved on 2 August 2020.
Eisenhauer, S & Beeler, D. (2018). Risky Play – In or Out? A Revival of
Experiential Learning. In ACYIG Blog, Anthropology of Children and
Youth Interest Group – retrieved on 23 July 2020,

Edwards, Carolyn P. (2005). Children’s Play in Cross-Cultural Perspec-
tive: A New Look at the Six Cultures Study. Faculty Publications,
Department of Child, Youth, and Family Studies. Lincoln: University of
Nebraska, 23 p. -
El Andaloussi, Brigitte (1997). Guide d'activités pour le préscolaire. 4. Le
jeu dans l'institution préscolaire. Alliance de Travail dans la Formation
et l'Action pour l'Enfance, Casablanca: Gaëtan Morin éditeur - Maghreb,
VII + 78, ill. - Guide for introducing play in the preschool, Morocco
(location: J-P. Rossie).
El Andaloussi, Brigitte (2001). Punitions et violences à l'école. Alliance de
Travail dans la Formation et l'Action pour l'Enfance, Rabat: Unicef, 42.
- One of the very few studies of violence against pupils in the preschool
and primary school in Morocco (location: J-P. Rossie).
El Andaloussi, Khalid (1999). Petite enfance et éducation préscolaire au
Maroc. In Gilles Brougère & Sylvie Rayna, Culture, Enfance et
Education Préscolaire - Culture, Childhood and Preschool Education,
Paris: UNESCO, Université Paris-Nord & INRP, 264, 101-115. -, retrieved
on 4 October 2020. - One of the very few documents on early childhood
and preschool education in Morocco.
El Mostafa, Haddiya (1988). Socialisation et identité. Etude psycho-
sociologique de l’enfant scolarisé au Maroc. Faculté des Lettres et des
Sciences Humaines, Rabat: Université Mohamed V, 220 - Psycho-
sociological study of the schoolgoing child in Morocco (location: J-P.
El-Waryasi, Qais Marzouq (1991). L’ethnologie des jeux populaires au
Nord du Maroc et le sud de l’Espagne. In Jeu et Sports en Méditerranée,
Tunis: Alif-Editions de la Méditerranée, 270, 207-248. - Text in Arabic
on traditional games of Northern Morocco and Southern Spain (location:
J-P. Rossie).
Epstein, Shifra (1987). The Use of Dolls among the Bedouin of Beer-
Sheba and the Falahin of Hebron-Dura: an Ethnographic Study. In The
Mankind Quarterly, Washington, volume XXVIII, 1, 41-52. - Interesting
article on the dolls used as charms or for obtaining rain among the
Arabic-speaking peoples of Israel.

Fantar, M’hamed (1991). A propos des jeux en Tunisie. In Jeu et Sports en
Méditerranée, Tunis: Alif-Editions de la Méditerranée, 270, 109-114. -
A Spring mock battle of boys in Southern Tunisia (location: J-P.
Fassoulas, A. (2017). De la fabrication à la fonction des figurines
néolithiques de la Thessalie. Thèse de doctorat, Paris I Panthéon-
Sorbonne, 571 p., ill., soutenance de la thèse le 18 décembre 2017.
Fassoulas, A., Rossie, J-P. & Procopiou, H. (2020). Children, Play, and
Learning Tasks: From North African Clay Toys to Neolithic Figurines.
In Ethnoarchaeology, London: Taylor & Francis Group, vol. 12, p. 36-
62, 10 ill. -
Fates, Youssef (1987). Algérie, des jeux presque oubliés. In EPSI-
Education Physique et Sportive au 1er Degré, 34, Paris, 18-20, ill. -
Description of a few action games of Algerian children.
Fima, Mohamed (1983). Quelques jeux en Tamasheq. In Enseignement et
mathématiques en langues africaines. Paris, 181, 146-154. – Three
games with text in Tuareg language and in French. The games are
knucklebones ('cisawaten' or 'iswan', a board game 'izgag' and a game of
mathematical problem solving 'bararan win karad'. After the description
of the games, possibilities for their pedagogical use are mentioned.
Flamand, Pierre (s.d.). Quelques manifestations de l’esprit populaire dans
les juiveries du sud-marocain. (Marrakech-Casablanca 1948-1958),
Casablanca: Presses des Imprimeries Réunies, 219, ill. - Important
chapter on the play activities and toys of Jewish children of Southern
Morocco containing 94 games divided into three parts: universal games
(55 games), games common for Jews and Muslims (24 games) and
games typical for Jews (15 games), research from 1948 till 1958.
Fleury, L. (2017). Criança e Natureza Experiências sensoriais ao ar livre
evocam emoção da arte. A natureza, da mesma forma que as produções
artísticas produzidas pela humanidade, nos conectam com o belo, o
sublime e o bom. –
ar-livre-evocam-emocao-da-arte.html, retrieved on 7 October 2020.
Foley, H. (1930). Mœurs et médecine des Touareg de l’Ahaggar. Alger:
Imprimerie La Typo-Litho, 123, ill. - Next to its short description of the
making of dolls or toy animals by Tuareg boys and girls (p. 47, ill. XXX
p. 46). - This book shows in text and photographs the material and social

reality of which several toys and play activities are an imitation,
Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Folklore touareg. Fêtes et ludisme (s.d.). In Etudes et Documents Berbères,
1, Paris: La Boîte à Documents, 86-99, ill. - Notes on the ahâl meeting,
on the ball game and other games of action or dexterity (p. 95-96),
Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara (location: library of the IREMAM).
Friedmann, A. (2020). A vez e a voz das crianças: escutas antropológicas e
poéticas das infâncias. São Paulo: Panda Books, 138 p.
Fuchs, Peter (1961). Die Völker der Südost-Sahara. Tibesti, Borku, Ennedi.
Wien: Wilhelm Braumüller, 254, ill. - A short description of female
dolls and toy animals (p. 46-47) is completed with an interesting
photograph of a Teda boy playing with mounted toy dromedaries in clay
(p. VIII), Chad.
Gabus, Jean (1958). Au Sahara. Arts et Symboles. Neuchâtel: Editions de
la Braconnière, 408, ill. - Important overview with designs of several
Saharan dolls (p. 133-136), toy animals (p. 164, 168), toy utensils (p.
164, 168) and doll’s houses (p. 163-167); also shown are a nicely
worked sac (p. 208), Tuareg saddle (p. 226-227) and shield (p. 233-234)
of which toy versions exist.
Gabus, Jean (1967). 175 ans d’ethnographie à Neuchâtel. Musée
d’Ethnographie de Neuchâtel, 18 juin - 31 décembre 1967, 149. -
Mentions some Saharan dolls (p. 112).
Garcia, J. (1955). Mœurs et coutumes des Tedda du Tou. Bulletin de
l'Institut d'Etudes Centrafricaines, 110, Brazzaville: Institut d'Etudes
Centrafricaines, 167-211. - Contains some information on birth (p. 200-
201), childhood (p. 192-193, 201-202) and betrothal (p. 203-206) but
nothing on games and toys, Teda, Tibesti, Chad.
García-Sánchez, I. M. (2010). Serious games: Code-switching and
gendered identities in Moroccan immigrant girls’ pretend play. In A.
Kyratzis, J. F. Reynolds & A.-C. Evaldsson (eds), Special Issue:
Heteroglossia and language ideologies in children’s peer play
interactions. In Pragmatics. Quarterly Publication of the International
Pragmatics Association, vol. 20, no. 4, 2010, p. 523-555. -, retrieved on 27 July 2020.
Gaudry, Mathéa (1929). La femme chaouia de l’Aurès. Etude de sociologie
berbère. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, 316. - Good
description of the North African ball game (p. 259-262) and the game of

knucklebones in the Algerian Aurès region (p. 165-166), with a
photograph of a young girl playing at knucklebones with 32 shells,
Amazighs (Berbers).
Gaudry, Mathéa (1961). La société féminine au Djebel Amour et au Ksel.
Etude de sociologie rurale nord-africaine. Alger: Société Algérienne
d’Impressions Diverses, 530, ill. - Description of some games and of
childhood (p. 132-134), with three photographs of playing girls (pl.
XXXIX-1, XL-1/2), Algeria.
Gelard Marie-Luce (2006). Une cuiller à pot pour demander la pluie.
Analyse de rituels nord-africains contemporains. In Journal des
africanistes, volume 76, 1, p. 81-102, put online on 15.9.2009, retrieved
on 6.6.2011. URL : - Important study
of the tlaghnja (talghenja) doll used for the ritual to obtain rain in North
Africa based on a comparative analysis (1903-) and research conducted
by the author in the regions of the Tafilalt and the Haut-Atlas in
Morocco (2003-2004). Information on the ball game takurt (kura in
Genevois, Henri (1962). Education familiale en Kabylie. Principes et cas
d'application recueillis en majorité dans le secteur de Ouaghzen et
Taourirt (At-Mengellat). Fichier de Documentation Berbère, Fort-
National, n° 89, III + 75. - Study based on proverbs and observations of
the traditional upbringing of children but no information on their games
and toys, text in Kabyle with French translation, Algeria.
Goichon, A. M. (1927). La vie féminine au Mzab. Etude de sociologie
musulmane. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner, volume 1: 355,
volume 2: 159. - Under the general theme of childhood in the Mzab
region of the Algerian Sahara, short comments are given on several
games in the first volume (p. 54-55, 58-71, 276-277) completed with
comments given on some other games in the second volume (p. 57-58).
Göncü, Artin (Ed.) (1999). Children’s Engagement in the World:
Sociocultural Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, X
+ 269. - Stimulating description of Western and non-Western children’s
development, play activities and toys in their cultural and social context.
This book gives an interesting theoretical as well as illustrative analysis
of the recent cultural psychology approach called ‘activity setting
method’. From this angle children are not seen as isolated individuals

but as active members of a family and a community in which they
socialize and participate through their activities (location: The British
Göncü, Artin & Vadeboncoeur, J. A. (2016). Returning to Play. The
Critical Location of Play in Children’s Sociocultural Lives. In Susan
Douglas and Lesley Stirling (eds). Children’s Play, Pretense, and Story.
Studies in Culture, Context, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. New York:
Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, p. 294-313 - retrieved on 10 August
Göncü, Artin & Vadeboncoeur, J A. (2017). Expanding the definitional
criteria for imaginative play: Contributions of sociocultural perspectives.
In Learning & Behavior, Springer Nature, vol. 45, p. 422-431. -,
retrieved on 10 August 2020.
Gottlieb, A. (2018). The New Childhood Studies: Reflections on Some
Recent Collaborations between Anthropologists and Psychologists. In
AnthropoChildren [En ligne], Liège: Liège University, n° 8, 21 p. -, retrieved on
10 August 2020.
Gougoulis, Cleo (Ed.) (1993). Special Issue on Children’s Play.
Ethnographica, volume IX, Athens: Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation,
256, ill. - Ten articles on games and toys in different cultures, in a Greek
and an English version, and two bibliographies on games and toys
(location: J-P. Rossie).
Granda Vera, Juan, Domínguez Saura, Rafael & El Quariachi Anán, Said
(1995). Juegos Populares de la Cultura Bereber. Melilla: Ayuntamiento
de Melilla, Fundación Municipal, Ludoteca Municipal, 99, 60 ill. - The
first part of this book discusses play activities as a human activity,
traditional and popular games as an important aspect of culture and the
role of games in the primary school (p. 15-21). In this chapter some
aspects of research among Amazigh (Berber) children coming from the
Rif region in northern Morocco and studying at secondary schools in
Melilla and in Morocco, are also analyzed. All the Moroccan secondary
schools are located near Melilla except one situated in the Tafilalelt
region at 30 km from Erfoud (p. 22-36). The second part of the book
describes 58 games in more or less detail. These games are illustrated
with designs (p. 39-96). They are divided into competion games (1-42),

games with songs (43-51), cooperative games (52-56), solitary games
(57) and other games (58). In most cases these games are games of
physical skill, Amazighs (Berbers) (location: J-P. Rossie).
Le Grand Livre de la Poupée (1971). traduit de l’allemand, Paris: Editions
Siloé, 247, ill. - Nicely illustrated book on dolls from all over the world.
Green, J. L., Skukauskaite, A. & Baker, W. D. (2012). Ethnography as
epistemology: An introduction to educational ethnography. In Coe R.,
Waring M., Hedges L. V. & Arthur J. (eds), Research Methods &
Methodologies in Education, London: Sage Publications, p. 309-321. -
pistemology_An_introduction_to_educational_ethnography, retrieved on
16 August 2020.
Gruber, C. (2020). Long before face masks, Islamic healers tried to ward
off disease with their version of PPE. In The Conversation, Parkville
(Australia), published online on May 20, 2020 -
gJwUTIdr68iuppm8ipZJeIMVwLg1h6XhGZ79k - ), Retrieved on 12
July 2020,, 5 p. (PDF).
Grunfeld, Frederic V. (Ed.) (1979). Jeux du monde, leur histoire, comment
les construire, comment y jouer. Genève: UNICEF, Editions Lied, 280,
ill. - Interesting publication on games in different cultures and how to
play them (location: Faculty of Arts Library, Katholieke Universiteit
Guichard (1921). Joujoux Marrakchis. France-Maroc, 5e année, n° 58,
162-164. - Very useful description of several wooden or tin toys
formerly sold during festivities in the city of Marrakech, Morocco.
Hardy, Georges & Brunot, Louis (1925). L’enfant marocain. Essai
d’ethnographie scolaire. Paris: Editions Bulletin de l’Enseignement
Public du Maroc, n° 63, 76. - Under the title “jeux et jouets” the text in
this book uses partially the information given in Brunot, 1917-1918, and
at the same time adds some new games of children in Morocco.
Herber, J. (1918). Poupées marocaines. Tiré à part des Archives Berbères
(volume 3, 1, 65-82), Publication du Comité d’Etudes Berbères de
Rabat, Paris: Editions Ernest Leroux, 18 - Description of several dolls

some of them used by Amazigh (Berber) girls (p. 66-72) and an
illustration with three female dolls (planche I, p. 67), Morocco.
Heugh, K. (2017). Lessons from Africa prove the incredible value of
mother tongue learning. Australia: The Conversation -
value-of-mother-tongue-learning-73307, retrieved on 22 July 2020.
Histoire du Pays du bon Dieux. Film of a young Tunisian filmmaker,
shown on the French television channel A2 on March 3, 1977 at 22 h. -
Contains a scene of children making with wet sand some
anthropomorphic figures at the Tunisian seaside.
Huughe, G. (1906). Dictionnaire Français-Chaouia. Alger: J. Jourdan,
750. - Mentions the sig board game and two games of draughts (p. 309),
Amazighs (Berbers), Aurès, Algeria.
Ibaaquil, Larbi (1996). L’école marocaine et la compétition sociale:
stratégies, aspirations. Rabat: Edition Babil, XII + 227. - Analysis of
the relationship between education, public and private schools and the
social classes, Morocco (location: J-P. Rossie).
Ibn Azzuz Hakim, Mohammad (1959). Folklore Infantil de Gumara el
Haila. Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Africanos, 98. - Description of
children’s action games (p. 12-22), games of dexterity and other games
(p. 23-36), dolls (p. 32) and children’s songs (p. 39-56), Arabic text (p.
57-98), North Morocco (location: Biblioteca Nacional de España).
Index Analytique: Femme, Famille, Enfant (1993). Rabat: Centre National
de Documentation, Ministère des Affaires Economiques et Sociales,
261. - Bibliography on women, family and children, especially in
Morocco (location: the library of the above mentioned Centre National
de Documentation).
Indigenous Childhoods and the Environment. Introduction to the ASA
conférence 3-6 September 2019 at the University of East Anglia,
Norwich, UK. -,
retrieved on 5 October 2020.
International Federation for Parent Education (1980). The Role of Parents
in the Education of Children of Pre-School Age in Tropical Africa, India
and the Maghreb Countries. Division of Structures, Content, Methods
and Techniques of Education, ED80/WS/97, Paris: Unesco, 48.
(location: library of the UNESCO).

Iwoketok, Uwemedimo Enobong (2002). A Historical Analysis of Ibibio-
Anaañ Children’s Toys. Jos (Nigeria): University of Jos, text prepared
for the 3rd World Congress of the International Toy Research
Association, University of London, Institute of Education, London; 19th-
22 August, 16 (location: J-P. Rossie).
Jarih, Moustapha (2004). Jeux et jouets des enfants d’Aïn Toujdate dans
les années 1980, manuscrit, 17, ill. - Manuscript on the games and toys
of the Aïn Toujdate children in the 1980s (location: J-P. Rossie).
Jemma-Gouzon, D. (1976). À Marrakech: célébration de deux moments du
cycle annuel religieux: l’Ashura et le Mulud. Lybica, XXIV, Alger:
Centre de Recherches Anthropologiques, Préhistoriques et
Ethnologiques, Alger, 257-265. - Useful information on the °ashûra and
mulud (birth of the Prophet) festivities in the city of Marrakech, but no
references to toys and play activities, Morocco.
Jemma-Gouzon, Danielle (1989). Villages de l’Aurès: archives de pierres.
Paris: Editions l’Harmatan, 240. - Gives an interesting overview of
childhood in the Algerian Aurès mountains and a short description of the
kura ball game (p. 155), Amazighs (Berbers).
Jeu et Sports en Méditerranée (1991). Actes du Colloque de Carthage, 7-9
novembre, Tunis: Alif-Editions de la Méditerranée, Tunis, 270. -
Different articles on games, especially in Tunisia (location: J-P. Rossie).
Jeux traditionnels marocains. Espaces et jeux (s.d., s.l.). 51 p. - Research
among Moroccans living in France using a questionnaire. Probably this
is a report written at the end of the 1990s at the Université de Paris Nord,
Département des Sciences du Jeu.
Jouin, Jeanne (1950). Chants et Jeux maternels à Rabat. Hespéris, XXXVII,
Paris, 137-156. - Refers to little games for bodily development and
learning to walk (p. 149), for getting to know the parts of the body and
the fingers (p. 152-153), Morocco.
Jouin, Jeanne (1954). Chansons de l’escarpolette à Fès et à Rabat-Salé.
Hespéris, XLI , Paris, 341-363. - Songs used by city girls in Morocco for
the swinging game.
Khanna, Sudarshan (1983). Dynamic folk toys : Indian toys based on the
application of simple principles of science and technology. New Delhi:
Office of the Development Commissioner of Handicrafts, V + 49p. : ill
(location: The British Library).

Khanna, Sudarshan (1992). Joy of Making Indian Toys. New Delhi:
National Book Trust India, 125, 102 ill., second reprint 1996. - An
excellent reference book (location: J-P. Rossie).
Khanna, Sudarshan & Surabhi (2015). Dynamic Ephemeral Ingenious
Toys. Playful Design Heritage for Innovative Learning & Earning. In
Sasian Journey Compendium, Vol. 2, p. 138-142. -
mic+Ephemeral+Ingenious+Toys (click on Paper Titles), retrieved on 7
February 2021.
Khanna, S., Wolf, G., Ravishankar, A. & Sundram, P. (2018). Toys and
Play with Everyday Materials. India: Tara Books Pvt. Ltd., 113 p., ill.
Klepzig, F. (1972). Kinderspiele der Bantu. Meisenheim am Glan: Verlag
Anton Hain, 608, ill. - A basic book on the games and toys of Bantu
children from Central, East and South Africa (location: J-P. Rossie).
Kohler, William (1974). African Ritual Dolls. Philadelphia: The University
Museum, 113, ill. - Excellent photographs with brief comments on
Black African ritual dolls.
Komorowski, Z. (1975). Formation de la conscience sociale supratribale en
partant des conditions ethniques du Sahara Occidental. Africana
Bulletin, nr. 23, Warsaw: University of Warsaw, Centre for African
Studies, 95-123. - Good overview of the different populations in the
Western Sahara and notes on modern education, but no information on
games and toys (localisation: J-P. Rossie).
Kopania, Kamil (ed.), Dolls and Puppets: Contemporaneity and Tradition,
Białystok (Poland): The Department of Puppetry Art in Białystok,
National Academy of Dramatic Art in Warsaw, 368 p., ill. -, retrieved on 20 December 2020.
Kress, G. & van Leeuwen, T. (1996). Reading Images. The Grammar of
Visual Design. London/New York: Routledge, X + 288 p., ill.
Kronenberg, A. (1958). Die Teda von Tibest. Wiener Beiträge zur
Kulturgeschichte und Linguistik, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für
Völkerkunde der Universität Wien, Band XII, Horn/Wien: Verlag
Ferdinand Berger. - Six games of draughts played by adult men (p. 142-
145), and a photograph of dancing women in the local dress (ill. 15) and
of a Teda woman wearing a nasal ring just as the girls’ dolls sometimes
do (ill. 19), Sahara, Chad.

Kubik, G. (1997). Children, Child Education and “Children’s Furniture” in
the Cultures of sub-Saharan Africa. In kid size. The Material World of
Childhood. Milan/Weil am Rhein: Skira editore/Vitra Design Museum,
315, 111-117, ill. (location: library of the State University of Ghent).
Lakhsassi, A., (s .d.). La mascarade de Achoura. Website of Asays,, 16 p. -
Description and analysis of the Ashura masquerade in the Moroccan
town Tiznit during the second half of the 20th century.
Lancy, D. F., (1996). Playing on the Mother-Ground. Cultural Routines
for Children’s Development. New York/London: The Guilferd Press,
XII + 240, ill. - Excellent book on childhood among the Kpelle of
Liberia (location: Library of Congress Online Catalog).
Lancy D. F., Bock J. & Gaskins S., (2010). The Anthropology of learning
in Childhood. London: AltaMira Press. - A remarkable book offering
much information and good insights into a seldom treated topic.
Langley, M. C. (2017). Magdalenian Children: Projectile Points, Portable
Art and Playthings. In Oxford Journal of Archaeology, vol. 37, 1, p. 1-
22. -, retrieved on 6 October 2020.
Langley, M. C. and Litster, M. (2018). Is It Ritual? Or Is It Children?
Distinguishing Consequences of Play from Ritual Actions in the
Prehistoric Archaeological Record. In Current Anthropology,volume 59,
number 5, October 2018, p. 616-643. -, retrieved on 2 October 2020.
La nuit des masques. Le carnaval de Goulmima. Buwkeffus à Goulmima.
(s.d.), 4 ill. -, retrieved
on 3 October 2020.
Laoust, E. (1920). Mots et choses berbères. Notes de linguistique et
d’ethnographie. Dialectes du Maroc. Paris: Auguste Challamel éditeur,
XX + 531, ill. - Notes on ritual games such as the kura ball game and
rope-pulling (p. 242-244), the rain bringing dolls (p. 224-228) and the
sig board game (p. 252); designs of the different ploughs (p. 278-287)
and a hand operated beam well (p. 437) that are imitated by some toys,
Laoust, E. (1921). Noms et cérémonies des feux de joie chez les Berbères
du Haut et de l’Anti-Atlas. Hespéris, 1, premier trimestre, Paris, 3-66. -
Talks about the ritual dolls used as rain charms among the Amazighs
(Berbers) in Morocco (p. 28-33).

Laoust-Chantréaux, Germaine (1990). Côté femme: la vie féminine à Aït
Hichem, 1937-1939. Notes d'ethnographie. IREMAM/CNRS, Paris,
Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 304, ill. - Detailed study with chapters on
birth and breastfeeding (p. 139-157), childhood and adolescence (p. 158-
180). In this last chapter several games and toys are described: dolls,
small houses, dinner play (p. 167), paper wheels, guns (p. 168), swings
(p. 169), and also several games of skill of girls and boys (p. 169-175),
Kabyles, Amazighs (Berbers), Algeria.
Laoust-Chantréaux, Germaine (1994). Mémoire de Kabylie: scènes de la
vie traditionnelle 1937-1939. Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 127, ill. -
Album with the photographs published in the author’s book of 1990 but
in greater size, among them a photograph of four girls playing
knucklebones (p. 94), Kabyles, Amazighs (Berbers), Algeria.
Lazhar, Mohamed (2012). Le Maghreb urbain : paysage culturel entre la
tradition et la modernité. Eurostudia, 8 (1-2), 251–264. -, retrieved on 2 October 2020.
Lebeuf, A. M. D. & Pâques, V. (1970). Archéologie malienne. Collection
Desplagnes. Catalogues du Musée de l'Homme, Série C: Afrique Noire,
Supplément au tome X-3, Objets et Mondes, Revue du Musée de
l'Homme, Paris, 56, ill. - Toy animals and figurines of Tuareg children
(p. 53-54), Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Mali.
Lebeuf, Jean-Paul (1962). Art ancien du Tchad. Bronzes et céramiques.
Ministère d’Etat des Affaires Culturelles, Exposition au Grand Palais,
Paris, 18 mars - 21 mai 1962. - Jean-Paul Lebeuf e.a. have published a
series of documents on archeological research on the Sao culture. The
excavations showed a lot of toy animals, dolls and toy utensils, mostly
in clay. This book is an early study on the Sao art in Chad, for some toys
see p. XIV and XVIII.
Lebeuf, Jean-Paul (1962). Archéologie tchadienne. Les Sao du Cameroun
et du Tchad. Paris: Ed. Hermann, 147, ill. - Earlier work on the Sao art,
for some toys see p. 53-54.
Lebeuf, Jean-Paul & Annie, photographies Dominique Darbois (1977). Les
arts des Sao, Cameroun, Tchad, Nigeria. Paris: Editions du Chêne, 205,
ill. - More recent and general overview of archeological research on the
Sao culture with information on toys p. 46, 52-53, figures 10, 11, 15.

Lebeuf, Jean-Paul & Masson Detourbet, A. (1950). La Civilisation du
Tchad, Suivi d’une étude sur les bronzes Sao par Raymond Lantier.
Paris: Payot, 198, ill. - Toy animals, dolls and toy utensils (p. 120-
Le Cœur, Charles (1950). Dictionnaire ethnographique téda. Précédé d'un
lexique français-téda. Mémoires de l'Institut Français d'Afrique Noire,
n° 9, Paris: Librairie Larose, 213, ill. - Shows the material reality
reflected in the dolls and other toys (p. 57-58, 60-62, 67-68, 83, 86-87,
96-97, 99, 113, 131, 143, 147, 164, 198; ill. 23-25, 39-55, 103-104) but
gives also scanty information on Teda children’s life and play (p. 55, 57-
59, 83, 86-87, 131, 147; ill. 56-64), Sahara, Chad.
Le Cœur, Charles & M. (1956). Grammaire et textes Teda-Daza.
Mémoires de l’Institut Français d’Afrique Noire, n° 46, Dakar, 394 -
Two Teda games are explained in detail. The first one is a little game to
amuse children on rainy days. Small holes made in the sand represent
different personages (ostrich, dog, man). The pyramid like design is then
used to tell a stereotyped story of the one chasing the other (p. 189-193).
The second game is a girl’s teasing game (p. 193-194), Sahara, Chad.
Le Cœur, Charles (1969). Mission au Tibesti. Carnets de route 1933-1934.
édités par Marguerite Le Cœur, Paris: Editions du Centre National de la
Recherche Scientifique, 206. - Some references on action games of
young Teda children (p. 110, 152-153) and description of the female
dress reproduced on the dolls (p.72-73, ill. VII-2, XIII-1, XVI), Sahara,
Lecureuil, Xavier (1908). Quelques jeux au Maroc. Revue du Monde
Musulman, publiée par la Mission Scientifique du Maroc, Paris, volume
VI, IX, 136-142. - A few less important notes on card playing (p. 139-
140), knucklebones (p. 141) and games of draughts (p. 140-142),
Legey (1926). Essai de folklore marocain. Paris: Librairie Orientaliste Paul
Geuthner, 235, ill. - Two games mothers play with their little ones, a
game of intelligence and two games of action of young girls (p. 118-
124), Morocco.
Leichter-Saxby, M. (2009). Parents and Provision. In Play Everything. -,
retrieved on 6 October 2020.

Le Rouvreur, Albert (1962). Sahéliens et Sahariens du Tchad. Paris:
Editions Berger-Levrault, 467, ill. - General information on populations
living in the Sahel and the Sahara, Chad.
Leonetti, A. (1997). Guide d'activités pour le préscolaire. 5. L'activité
physique du jeune enfant. ATFALE - Alliance de Travail dans la
Formation et l'Action pour l'Enfance, Casablanca: Gaëtan Morin éditeur
- Maghreb, VII + 30. - Guide for introducing physical activities in the
preschool used for in-service training, Morocco (location: J-P. Rossie).
Lester, S. & Maudsley, M. (2006). Play, naturally. A review of children’s
natural play. London: The Children’s Play Council, 105 p. – retrieved
on 17 August 2020,
Lester, S. & Russel W., (2010). Children’s right to play. An examination of
the importance of play in the lives of children worldwide. Working
Papers in Early Childhood Development, 57, The Hague, The
Netherlands: Bernard van Leer Foundation. Available from
Leupen, A. (1978). Bibliographie des populations touarègues (Sahara et
Soudan centraux). Leyde: Afrika Studiecentrum, 240. - Bibliography on
the Tuareg populations, Amazighs (Berbers).
Lhote, Henri (1944). Les Touareg du Hoggar. Paris: Payot, 415, ill. - A
photograph shows a little Tuareg girl sitting in front of several warrior
dolls and a toy dromedary (p. 112, planche VIII), good description of the
male and female dress which are imitated on the dolls (p. 264-269) and
of the ahâl musical and poetical meetings sometimes enacted in doll play
(p. 288-289), Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Lhote, Henri (1947). Dans les campements touaregs. Les Œuvres
Françaises, 413, ill. - No information on children’s toys but the index
explains some words referring to Tuareg toys, Amazighs (Berbers),
Sahara, Algeria.
Lhote, Henri (1947). Comment campent les Touaregs. Collection Les
peuples campeurs, Paris: J. Susse, 163, ill. - General information on the
Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.

Lhote, Henri (1951). La chasse chez les Touaregs. Paris: Amiot-Dumont,
245, ill. - A study of Tuareg hunting practices, Amazighs (Berbers),
Sahara, Algeria.
Lhote, Henri (1952). Jouets en pierre des enfants touaregs. Bulletin de la
Société Préhistorique de France, Paris, tome XLIX, 5-6, 278-282. -
Detailed analysis, with designs, of toys in stone representing
dromedaries, Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Lhote, Henri (1952). Jouets touaregs. Note complémentaire. Bulletin de la
Société Préhistorique de France, Paris, tome XLIX, 7, 349-351. -
Additional information on toys in stone of the Tuareg children and
criticism of the article of Denis, 1952, on the same subject, Amazighs
(Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Lhote, Henri (1975). Pierres peintes par des enfants touaregs. Objets et
Mondes, Revue du Musée de I'Homme, Paris, tome XV, 4, 407-410. -
Flat stones painted in an anthropomorphic way by Tuareg children
influenced by European painters reproducing rock paintings. Contains
information on the traditional dolls and toy animals of the Tuareg
children, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Lhote, Henri (1984). Abatul. In Encyclopédie Berbère, tome 1, Union
Internationale des Sciences Pré- et Protohistoriques, Union
Internationale des Sciences Anthropologiques et Ethnologiques,
Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et de Préhistoire des Pays de la
Méditerranée Occidentale, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 59-61. - Mentions
some small animals hunted by Tuareg children, Amazighs (Berbers),
Licitra, E. (2015). Play and Learning in Benin. In John Horton
& Tracey Skelton. Play, Recreation, Health and Well Being.
Geographies of Children and Young People. Singapore: Springer
Science+Business Media, PDF file, 29 p.
Lihi, Mohamed (1989). Les Jeux traditionnels marocains: essais
d’intégration dans les séances d’enseignement de l’éducation physique.
Mémoire, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Département de l’Education
Physique, 46. - Dissertation on the possible use of traditional games of
action in the lessons of physical education, with a description of six
games of action or dexterity of the Amazigh (Berber) children of the city
of Goulmima, Morocco (location: J-P. Rossie).

Lombard, Chantal (1978). Les jouets fabriqués par les enfants baoulé.
Objets et Mondes, Revue du Musée de l’Homme, Paris, tome 18, 1-2,
85-90. - Article based on the following book of this author, Ivory Coast.
Lombard, Chantal (1978). Les jouets des enfants baoulé. Essais sur la
créativité enfantine dans une société rurale africaine. Paris: Quatre
Vents Editeur, 236, ill. - Fundamental research on the games and toys of
the Baoulé children of the Ivory Coast.
Lombard, Chantal (s.d.). Initiation à l’étude ethnologique des jeux
d’enfants, s.l., texte polycopié, 10. - Methodology of ethnological
research on children’s play activities (location: J-P. Rossie).
Lopatinsky, Oleg (s.d.). Les Teda du Tibesti et le problème de survie.
Thèse pour I'obtention du doctorat de 3e cycle. Université de Paris,
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris, 459 + VIII (recherches de 1957
à 1962). - Important information on this population from whom the
author brought back a remarkable collection of numerous female dolls
made by Teda girls and preserved at the Musée de l’Homme in Paris,
Sahara, Chad.
Lopatinsky, Oleg (s.d.). Vêtement, parure, parfums et coiffure chez les
Teda du Tibesti. Mémoire pour l’obtention du Diplôme des Hautes
Etudes, Université de Paris, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines,
109, ill. (recherches de 1958 à 1962). - Background information on
clothing, hairdo and ornaments among the Teda, Sahara, Chad.
Magalhães, L. (2017). Brinquedos no Intervalo. Publicidade Infantil na
Televisão Portuguesa. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Editorial Novembro,
376 p.
Magalhães, L. & Goldstein, J. (Eds), (2018). Toys and Communication.
UK: Palgrave Macmillan, p. xviii + 309 p., ill.
Magalhães, Luisa & Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2014). Children as toy makers and
toy users: Television relevance in Moroccan rural child play. In
Childhood Remixed: a special edition with papers drawn from the
International Children and Childhoods Conference held at UCS, July
2013, Suffolk: Childhood Remixed Journal, University Campus,
February 2014, 112, p. 77-85. - retrieved on 7 October 2020.
Journal-2014.pdf - The complete version of this document will be
published online in 2021.

Maggi, S. (2016). A small change with great implications. Site web de
Ethical Research Involving Children, published on 7 July 2016. -, retrieved
on 5 October 2020.
Malkin, Michael R. (1977). Traditional Puppets of the World. A. S. Barnes
& Co. Inc. - Information and illustrations on shadow puppets of Greece,
Turkey, the Middle East and North Africa (p. 49-63) and on puppets in
Sub-Saharan Africa (p. 64-71).
Mandel, Jean-Jacques & Brenier-Estrine, Armelle (1977). Clay Toys of
Mopti. African Arts, X, 2, Los Angeles: African Studies Center,
University of California, 8-13, ill. - Interesting article on these toys of
children in Mali.
Manson, Michel e.a. (1985). Les Etats Généraux de la Poupée. Actes du
Colloque de Paris, Musée de l’Homme, 30.11-02.12.1983, Courbevoie,
France: Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur la Poupée, 171, ill. -
Series of articles on dolls of different societies and historical periods.
Manson, M. (2007). Les jouets et les jeux des enfants sont sur la place
(1560-1660). In L. Baudoux-Rousseau, Y. Carbonnier, Ph. Bragard
(eds), La place publique urbaine, du Moyen Âge à nos jours, Arras :
Artois Presses Université, p. 69-77, ill. 19-22 (Publications
d’Archéologie et d’Histoire de l’Art de l’Université Catholique de
Louvain, vol. CII). -, retrieved on 6
October 2020.
Manson, M. & Renonciat, A. (2012). La culture matérielle de l’enfance :
nouveaux territoires et problématiques. In Strenæ, 4. -, retrieved on 6 October 2020.
Le marché du jouet (1993). Enjeux. Le Magazine de l’Entreprise et de
l’Economie, 58, Maroc, 32-38. - An overview of toy selling, toy-making
and toy import in the larger cities of Morocco (location: J-P. Rossie).
Marçais, W. (1911). Textes arabes de Tanger. Transcription, traduction
annotée, glossaire. Bibliothèque de l’Ecole des Langues Orientales
Vivantes, Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, Editions Ernest Leroux, XVII +
505. - Three texts among these Arabic texts of Tangiers in Morocco
speak of the swing (p. 167-176), the spinning top (p. 177-183) and the
traditional ball game (p. 184-189); another text mentions the giving of
toy utensils used for playing dinner (p. 205).

Marçais, W. & Abderrahman, Guiga (1925). Textes Arabes de Takroûna: I.
Paris: Imprimerie Nationale. - Information on two games from the
Takroûna region in Tunisia: the kura ball game (p. 226-233) and
knucklebones (p.333-338).
Martin, M. C. (2016). The state of play: historical perspectives. In
International Journal of Play, vol. 5, no. 3, p. 329-339, Routledge,
Francis & Taylor Group – retrieved on 10 August 2020,
Mas, Marie (1959-1962). La petite enfance à Fès et à Rabat. Etudes de
sociologie citadine. Annales de l'Institut d'Etudes Orientales, tome
XVII, 1959, 1-141, tome XVIII-XIX, 1960-1961, 167-275, tome XX,
1962, 277-400, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines d'Alger, Alger:
La Typo-Litho. - Detailed study of children up to the age of two years:
customs and rites from birth to the fortieth day (volume XVII), care for
little children, children’s development, and a child’s death (volume
XVIII-XIX), magic protection, illness and the education of children
(volume XX). A few games and toys are mentioned: the rattle (p. 225),
little games for babies: tickling, moving up and down, balancing a child,
naming one's fingers (p. 263-267), Morocco.
Mauchamp, Emile (s.d.). La sorcellerie au Maroc. Paris: Dorbon-Aimé,
314. - Some lines on the interdiction of playing inside at knucklebones
or at making string figures (p. 144), Morocco.
Mc Alister, D. (2013). Childhood in Viking and Hiberno-Scandinavian
Dublin, 800-1100. In D. M. Hadley & L. Ten Harkel (eds), Everyday
Life in Viking Towns: Social Approaches to Towns in England and
Ireland c.800-1100. Oxford: Oxbow, p. 86-102. - (PDF 19 p.), retrieved on 4
October 2020.
McIntosh, Susan (Ed.) (1995). Excavations at Jenné-Jeno, Hambarketolo,
and Kaniana (Inland Niger Delta, Mali), the 1981 Season. University of
California Publications in Anthropology, 20, Berkeley, Los Angeles:
University of California Press, XXVI + 605, ill. - Detailed analysis of
the archaeological research and findings in that region, among others of
two thousand year old toy animals (p. 60-61, 214, 219-221, 237-241,
figure 36).

McIntosh, Susan & Roderich (photographs by Michael & Aubine Kirtley)
(1982). Finding Jenné-Jeno West Africa's Oldest City. National
Geographic, 162, 3, 396-418, ill. - Archeological research on the ancient
city of Jenné-Jeno in Mali (300 B.C.-1400 A.D.) mentioning clay toys
figuring animals (p. 407, 411-413) and also toy animals of the modern
city of Jenné from around 1980 (p. 410) (location: The British Library).
Meakin, Budget (1902). The Moors. A Comprehensive Description.
London: Swan Sonnenscheind & Co, XXII + 503. - Enumeration of a
few children’s games (p. 121-122), Sahara, Mauritania.
Mekediche, Tchirine (1998). Modèles educatifs, institutionnels et
familiaux et pratiques éducatives dans les classes primaires. In Actes du
Colloque International sur l'Education Préscolaire. Problématiques et
Perspectives. Novembre 1997. 1998, Rabat: Association ATFALE,
Faculté des Sciences de l'Education, Université Mohamed V, 220, 48-
55. - Next to the analysis of models and practices in the Algerian
preschool there is some information on the zanka or the street play area
(p. 53-55) (location: Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne).
Mercier, Louis (1927). La chasse et les sports chez les Arabes. Marcel
Rivière éditeur, 256, ill. - Overview of the kura ball game in North
Africa (p. 173-177).
Merici, F. & Soldini, G. (1992). African Children. Art of Dreams. Milan:
Plan International, 223, ill. - Fine book with among others photographs
of playing children and their toys (location: J-P. Rossie).
Mesdouri, Meftaha (1981). Traditional Games and Toys in Morocco.
Université Mohamed V, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Rabat, 52. - End of
studies dissertation containing, in contrast to the title, no information on
games and toys but only general information on childhood in Morocco
(location: Centre National de Documentation).
Mikulu, Jean-Baptiste (1997). Le système ESAR dans l’analyse des jeux et
jouets du milieu traditionnel des enfants de la République Démocratique
du Congo. In Jouets et Objets Ludiques: Les champs de recherche –
Toys and Playthings: The fields of the Research. Textes réunies par
Gilles Brougère, Actes du Colloque International sur le Jouet -
Proceedings of the International Toy Seminar, Angoulème, France, 9-14
novembre 1997, 260-268. - Uses the ESAR classification system for
analyzing children's play and toys in the République Démocratique du
Congo (location: J-P. Rossie).

Mission Scientifique du Maroc (1915). Villes et Tribus du Maroc.
Casablanca et les Châouïa. Tome II, Paris: Ernest Leroux éditeur, 338. -
Mentions the burial of a doll made by girls during the °ashûra festivities
in the town of Settat in Morocco (p. 302).
Mission Scientifique du Maroc (1921). Villes et Tribus du Maroc. Volume
VII. Tanger et sa zone. Paris: Editions Ernest Leroux, 463. - Mentions
the buying of toys and sweets during the °ashûra festivities in the region
of Tangier in Morocco (p. 342).
Mission Scientifique du Maroc (1932). Villes et Tribus du Maroc. Volume
XI. Région des Doukkala. Tome II. Azemmour et sa Banlieue. Paris:
Honoré Champion éditeur, 219. - General informations on the
Azemmour region in Morocco.
Mokhtar Ould Hamidoun (1952). Précis sur la Mauritanie. Etudes
Mauritaniennes, 4, Saint-Louis, Sénégal: Centre Ifan-Mauritanie, 69, ill.
- Analyses briefly fifteen games, e.g. games of action and different types
of draughts (p. 64-69), Sahara, Mauritania.
Montgomery, H. (2010). Learning Gender Roles. In Lancy, David F.,
Bock, John & Gaskins, Suzanne (eds). The Anthropology of Learning in
Childhood. Lanham: Altamira Press, xi + 483 p., p. 287-305.
Morel, M-H. (1943). Essai sur l’épée des Touareg de l’Ahaggar (takouba).
Travaux de l’Institut de Recherches Sahariennes, Alger: Université
d’Alger, tome II, 121-168, ill. - Speaks of young Tuareg boys playing
with miniature swords (p. 155), Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, Algeria.
Moscoso, Fr. (2002). Jeux d’enfants à Chefchaouen (Maroc). Estudios de
Dialectologia Norteafricana y Andalusi, 6, p. 99-104. - Twelve games of
skill, for example hopscotch, throw on a line, and play marbles., retrieved on 1 October 2020.
Naseh, Abdelhalek (1993). Jeux et jouets à Oulad Ben Sbaa. Approche
sémiotique. Mémoire de licence, Département de Langue et de
Littérature Françaises, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines,
Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, 68, ill. - Dissertation on several
children’s games of a village in the Marrakech region in Morocco, e.g.
doll play (p. 30-32) and games related to animal life (p. 43-45) (location:
library of the above mentioned Département).
Nicolas, Francis (1950). Tamesna. Les Ioullemmeden de l'Est ou Touareg
Kel Dinnîk. Cercle de Tawa. Colonie du Niger. Notes de Linguistique et
d'Ethnographie Berbères. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 251, ill. - Short

description of several games and toys of Tuareg children and youngsters
(p.182-186), Sahara.
Noblet, M. (1932). Quelques jeux berbères. Bulletin de l’Enseignement
Public au Maroc, 118, Paris, 19e année, 85-89. - Analysis of three
games of draughts (p. 85-87), of a game in which progress depends on
the way a pair of slippers thrown into the air fall down (p. 86), of
wrestling, of a game of dexterity and of drawing lots (p. 88-89) played
by Amazigh (Berber) children and adults of the region of Azrou in the
Moyen Atlas mountains of Morocco.
Noël, P. (1920). Etude ethnographique et anthropologique sur les Tédas du
Tibesti. L’Anthropologie, XXX, 115-135. - Description of a typical
throwing knife of the Teda boys (p. 117). Sahara, Chad.
Norton, B. (2015). Digital stories could hold the key to multilingual
literacy for African children. Australia: The Conversation –
multilingual-literacy-for-african-children-40405, retrieved on 22 July
Oubahammou, Lahcen (1987). Ethnographie des jeux traditionnels chez les
Aït Ouirra du Maroc: description et classification. Thèse, Ecole des
Gradués, Département de l'Education, Faculté des Sciences de
l'Education, Université Laval, 147, ill.- Important and unique study by a
Moroccan scholar analyzing, sometimes in detail and sometimes briefly,
100 play activities of the Aït Ouirra of the Moyen Atlas in Morocco
based on the information on their childhood given by adults of thirty
years and more; mentions also six dissertations on games and sports
written by Moroccan students of physical education, Morocco (location:
J-P. Rossie).
Ould Salek, Mohamed (1987). Mali: Le Chakla. EPSI, 34, septembre-
octobre, Education Physique et Sportive au 1er Degré, Paris, 10-12, ill. -
Notes on an action game of boys in Mali based on hopping.
Oussaid, Brick (1989). Mountains forgotten by God: the Story of a
Moroccan Berber Family. Washington: Three Continents Press, 129.
(translation of Les Coquelicots de l'Oriental, 1983) - Description of a
board game called sig (p. 22-23), Morocco (location: library of the
Emory University).

Pasquier, A. (2016). Loose parts play is highly engaging for children. Child
in the City. -
with-loose-parts-can-be-highly-engaging/?gdpr=accept, retrieved on 3
October 2020.
Paul, Sigrid (1970). Afrikanische Ballspiele. Baessler-Archiv, Berlin, Neue
Folge. Band XVIII, 155-251. - Comparative analysis of the kura ball
game in North Africa (p. 194-197), see also p. 171-172, 180, 193-195,
197, 205-210.
Paul, Sigrid (1970). Afrikanische Puppen. Baessler-Archiv, Berlin, Neue
Folge, Beifeft 6, VII + 208, ill. - Comparative analysis of African dolls,
e.g. of the Tuareg and in North Africa (p. 108-119, ill. p. 94-97).
Pinto Cebrián, Fernando (1999). Juegos Saharauis para Jugar en la Arena.
Juegos y Juguetes Tradicionales del Sáhara. Madrid: Miraguano S.A.
Ediciones, 119, 171 ill. - After a short introduction on the origin of the
games of the people living in the Western Sahara and in Mauritania, and
on the different age categories, the major part of this book describes in
detail different games played on a diagram designed in the sand or on a
board, and comparable to games of draughts (p. 17-83). Several other
games, described in detail or in more general terms, belong to the action,
throwing and skill games played by teams (p. 85-99). A paragraph gives
some indications on the influence of imported games and toys (p. 99).
Finally, a few toys are described such as toy tents and toy utensils, toy
dromedaries and toy saddles, doll’s houses from Oualata and traditional
dolls (p. 103-116), Sahrawi (location: J-P. Rossie).
Ponte, I. (2017). Engaging with Dolls and with Play in Rural Southwest
Angola. In Anthropology Matters Journal, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 1-29. -, retrieved on 25 July 2020.
Portmann, P. (s.d.). Kinderspiele Pieter Bruegel d. Ä. Stuttgart: Parkland
La poupée iblisa (1917). France-Maroc, 4, Revue mensuelle illustrée, 39. -
Short note on dolls in Morocco.
Poupée-Jouet. Poupée-Reflet (1983). Exposition présentée au Musée de
l'Homme par le Laboratoire d'Ethnologie, Muséum National d'Histoire
Naturelle, Paris, 115, ill.- Gives information with illustrations on North
African and Saharan dolls from the collection of the Musée de l’Homme
(p. 25-28, 52, 74, 79-82, 92, 95-96).

Quemeneur, J. (1944). Le jeu de la Kharbga. Revue de l’Institut des Belles
Lettres Arabes, Tunis, 463-471. - A traditional way of playing with
draughts or checkers in Tunisia.
Rabaté, M-R. (1970). Les jeux de l’Achoura dans la vallée du Dra (Sud
Marocain). Objets et Mondes, Paris, X, 4, 239-262, ill. – Remarkable
study of the Ashura playful activities, such as the throwing of water, the
games with fire and the masked figure, in the Moroccan Dra Valley near
Rahmani, Slimane (1939). Coutumes kabyles du Cap Aokas. La grossesse,
la naissance et la vie de l’enfant jusqu’à la circoncision. Société
Historique Algérienne, Alger, 118, ill. - Important study of childhood in
Algeria with several lullabies for girls and boys (p. 100-116) but no
information on play, games and toys.
Razy, É., de Suremain, Ch-É. & Pache Huber, V. (2012). Introduction
(fr/eng). Anthropologie de l’enfance et des enfants à travers le
monde/Anthropology of Childhood and Children worldwide, In
AnthropoChildren. n° 1 -
8517/index.php?id=121, retrieved on 19 August 2020.
Remorini, C. & Rende, M. (2014). Play and Child Development.
Considerations from a Comparative Ethnographic Research in Two
Rural Argentinian Communities. In The Oriental Anthropologist,
Allahabad (India): Oriental Institute of Cultural and Social Research,
Sage Journals, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 241-266. -, retrieved on 29 August 2020.
Renon, A. (1940). Le Mariage. Collection “Le Bled”, première série, 4,
Tunis: Editions Librairie Namura, 68. - Mentions a few games played at
weddings in Tunisia (p. 60-63).
Ringa, Rachid (1998). Regards sociologiques sur la délinquance juvenile
au Maroc. Mohammedia, Maroc: Imprimerie de Fédala, 327. - Analysis
and discussion based on questionnaires, interviews with privileged
witnesses and talks with three juvenile delinquents from the Centre de
Temara near Rabat. This doctoral thesis seems to be the first to discuss
this topic as the bibliography does not mention another publication on
juvenile delinquancy in Morocco (location: J-P. Rossie).

Rivière, Thérèse (1938). L’habitation chez les Ouled Abderrahman
Chaouia de l’Aurès. Africa, XI, 3, London, 294-311. - Background
information on Amazigh (Berber) housing in the Aurès region in
Robert, Achille (1932). Jeux et jouets d’enfants algériens. Outremer, p.
155-173 (same article in Revue Africaine, 62, 1921, Alger, 62-84). -
Some sportive games (p. 156-159), counting games (p. 159-162), games
of dexterity (p. 162-163), dances (p. 164-169) and other entertainment
(p. 169-173) are shortly described, the author taking a negative point of
view on the play activities of Algerian children (p. 155).
Rosenthal, F. (1982). La'ib (play, toys). In Encyclopedia of Islam, Volume
5, new edition, 615-616. – Summary of the attitudes of Islamic scholars
towards games and toys, with some specifications on dolls, toy animals,
games of society, board games, games of skill and sportive games.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1975). Film on the relations between children and
between children and adults among the semi-nomadic Ghrib of the
Tunisian Sahara: an ethnographic and human-ethology approach. Silent
film in black and white 16 mm, duration about 1 hour. With a detailed
protocol joint to the film. - Deposed in the Musée du Jouet de Moirans-
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1975). Film on the making of a doll by a girl from the
semi-nomadic Ghrib of the Tunisian Sahara: an ethnographic approach.
Silent colour film 16 mm, duration about 20 minutes. - Deposed in the
Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1982). Children in Exceptional Situations: the Role of
Anthropological Research in Designing Programmes of Special
Education. Aids to Programming Unicef Assistance to Education. Notes.
Comments... Child, Family, Community, N.S. 118, Paris: Unit for Co-
operation with UNICEF & W.F.P., UNESCO, 10, reedited in 2003 by
Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal
Institute of Technology.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1984). Games and Toys: Anthropological Research on
Their Practical Contribution to Child Development. Aids to
Programming Unicef Assistance to Education. Notes. Comments...
Child, Family, Community, N.S. 147, Paris: Unit for Co-operation with
UNICEF & W.F.P., UNESCO, 71, 64 ill., reedited in 2003 by

Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal
Institute of Technology.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1987). Kinderspel en speelgoed bij de Ghrib uit de
noord-westelijke Tunesische Sahara. In ‘t Trojaanse Hobbelpaard,
Jaarboek van het Studiecentrum voor Speelgoed en Volkskunde,
Mechelen, volume III, 192, 53-84, ill. - Detailed overview of the play
activities, games and toys of the Ghrib children in the Tunisian Sahara
related to a permanent exhibition in the Toy Museum of Mechelen in
Belgium (location: Library of the Studiecentrum voor Speelgoed en
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1987). Classification System for a Cross-Cultural
Analysis of Play Activities, Games and Toys. In Balke Eva (Ed.), Play
and Culture. The Child between the World of Yesterday and the World
of Tomorrow. OMEP-Seminar, Oslo: Organisation Mondiale de
l’Education Préscolaire/World Organization for Early Childhood
Education, Oslo, 170, ill., 72-83 (location: Faculty of Arts Library,
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1988). Games and toys among a Tunisian Sahara
population. An example of the contribution of anthropological research
to child development. In Games and Toys in Early Childhood
Education. UNESCO-UNICEF Cooperative Programmes, Digest 25,
Paris: UNESCO, 112, 53-75. - Reprint of the text in J.-P. Rossie, 1984.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1988). Jeux et jouets dans une population du Sahara
tunisien. Un exemple de contribution de la recherche anthropologique au
développement de l’enfant. In Jeux et jouets dans l’éducation des jeunes
enfants, Programme de Coopération UNESCO-UNICEF, Paris:
UNESCO, 117, 57-79. - Translation in French of the text in Rossie,
1984, Tunisia (location: library of the UNESCO).
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1989). Creativiteit en sociaal-culturele reproduktie
doorheen spel en speelgoed. In ‘t Trojaanse Hobbelpaard, Jaarboek van
het Studiecentrum voor Speelgoed en Volkskunde, Mechelen, vol. V, 43-
63, 18 ill. - Creativity and sociocultural reproduction through games and
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1990). Jeux et jouets sahariens et nord-africains.
Créativité et reproduction socioculturelle. Réflexions interculturelles et
socio-pédagogiques. L’Éducation par le Jeu et l’Environnement,
Association Française pour l’Éducation par le Jeu, Saran (France):

Centre d’Études Roland Houdon, n° 38, 3-11 and n° 39, 28-33, 12 ill. -
Creativity and sociocultural reproduction in Saharan and North African
playful activities with some intercultural and sociocultural reflections.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1992). Poupées et jeux de poupées sahariens et nord-
africains. L’Éducation par le Jeu et l’Environnement, Association
Française pour l’Éducation par le Jeu, Saran (France): Centre d’Études
Roland Houdon, n° 45, 38-44, 4 ill. - Short overview of Saharan and
North African dolls and doll play.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1993). Jeux et jouets sahariens et nord-africains.
Poupées - Jeux de poupées. Préface de Dominique Champault,
International Council for Children’s Play, Saran, France: Association
Française pour l’Éducation par le Jeu, 180, 75 ill. - First edition in
French of my study on dolls and doll play in North Africa and the
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1993). Children’s Play, Generations and Gender with
Special Reference to the Ghrib (Tunisian Sahara). In Cleo Gougoulis
(Ed.), Special Issue on Children’s Play. Ethnographica, IX, Athens:
Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation, 256, 193-201 (Greek text with the
illustrations, 57-69).
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1993). Bibliography on Play, Games and Toys in
North Africa and the Sahara. In Cleo Gougoulis (Ed.), Special Issue on
Children’s Play. Ethnographica, IX, Athens: Peloponnesian Folklore
Foundation, 256, p. 237-241. - Uncommented version of my
bibliography on play, games and toys in North Africa and the Sahara.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1994). Jeux et jouets sahariens et nord-africains: de la
recherche aux applications socio-pédagogiques. In Actes des Journées
Internationales Audiovisuelles sur l’Education Préscolaire. Rabat:
Groupe ATFALE, Faculté des Sciences de l’Education, Université
Mohamed V, 352, 48-56, ill. - Socio-pedagogical applications of
anthropological research on Saharan and North African games and toys.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (Ed.) (1994). Play, Communication and Cognition. In
Communication & Cognition, 27, 3, Ghent, Belgium: Communication &
Cognition, p. 247-374, ill. (location: Faculty of Arts Library, Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven).
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1994). Symbols and Communication through
Children’s Dolls. Examples from North Africa and the Sahara. In Jean-
Pierre Rossie (Ed.), Play, Communication and Cognition.

Communication & Cognition, 27, 3, Ghent, Belgium: Communication &
Cognition, 301-320, ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1996). L'animal dans les jeux et jouets touareg. Tifawt,
Périodique de Langue et Culture Amazighes, Meknès, 2, 8 p., 17-19, ill.
- An overview of the animal in the toys and play activities of Tuareg
children, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (1997). Toy Design: Reflections of an Anthropologist.
In Report from Toy Center Workshop on Toy Design. August 26-28
1997. Halmstad: Nordic Center for Research on Toys and Educational
Media, University of Halmstad, 59, 28-33.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2001). The animal in the Tuareg children's play and
toys. In Amadal Amazigh – Berber World, Internet: (see Civilisation/Tradition), Suresnes,
France, 6 ill. -, Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara, English version of
the reworked 1996 article.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2001). L'animal dans les jeux et jouets des enfants
touaregs. In Amadal Amazigh - Monde Berbère, Internet: (voir Civilisation/Tradition), Suresnes,
France, 6 ill. - Reworked version of the 1996 article, Tuareg, Amazighs
(Berbers), Sahara.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2001). Changing Toys and Play in a Changing African
Childhood. In B. Onur (Ed), Proceedings of III. Child Culture
Congress: Changing Childhood in the World and in Turkey. 16-
18.10.2000, Ankara: Center for Research on Child Culture, Ankara
University, 327, 253-281 (Turkish version with illustrations, 51-84).
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2001). Games of physical skill from the Tunisian
Sahara and Morocco: anthropological research and physical education
for peace. In Actas del I Congreso Estatal de Actividades Físicas
Cooperativas, Medina del Campo: 9 - 12 de julio de 2001. Valladolid:
La Peonza Publicaciones, 64 ill., published on CD-ROM, ISBN 84-
921266-3-9 ( - See new 2004
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2001). Los juegos de habilidad física del Sáhara
tunecino y de Marruecos: investigación antropológica y educación para
la paz. In Actas del I Congreso Estatal de Actividades Físicas
Cooperativas, Medina del Campo: 9 - 12 de julio de 2001. Valladolid:

La Peonza Publicaciones, 64 ill., publié sur CD-ROM, ISBN 84-921266-
3-9 ( - See new 2004 version.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2002). Poupées et jeux de poupées des enfants
berbères de l’Atlas et du Pré-Sahara marocains. In Peuples, identités et
langues berbères. Tamazight face à son avenir. Passerelles, Revue
d’Etudes Interculturelles, 24, Thionville, 247, 151-161. - Amazigh
children's dolls and doll play in Morocco.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2003). Creativity through Toys and Play in Morocco
and the Tunisian Sahara. Play & Folklore, 43, Victoria, Australia:
Museum Victoria, 6-10. - This review was published on the Internet:
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2003). Children's Creativity in Toys and Play.
Examples from Morocco, the Tunisian Sahara and Peace Education.
Paper prepared for Time to Play - Fourth Nordic Conference on
Children's Play, Hämeenlinna, Finland, 3-6 August 2001, Stockholm
International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of
Technology, 81 ill. - HTML version first published on the website of the
congress till the beginning of 2003.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2003). Rural Moroccan Children's Play and Toys in
Multicultural and Multilingual Environments. Paper prepared for the
Symposium “Studying Children’s Play, Development and Education in
Bicultural Contexts”, College of Education, University of Illinois at
Chicago, Chicago Circle Center, April 18th, 2002, Stockholm
International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of
Technology, 31 - Analysis of some multicultural and multilinguistic
aspects based on the videos mentioned under Rossie and Daoumani.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2003). Toys in changing North African educational
and socio-cultural contexts. In L-E. Berg, A. Nelson & K. Svensson,
Toys in Educational and Socio-Cultural Contexts. Toy Research in the
Late Twentieth Century, Part 1. Selection of papers presented at the
International Toy Research Conference, Halmstad University, Sweden,
June 1996. Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 193, 33-45.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2003). A social semiotic approach to North African
and Saharan toys. In L-E. Berg, A. Nelson & K. Svensson, Toys as
Communication. Toy Research in the Late Twentieth Century, Part 2.
Selection of papers presented at the 2nd International Toy Research

Conference, Halmstad University, Sweden, June 1999. Stockholm
International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of
Technology, 409, 159-172.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2004). Games of physical skill from the Tunisian
Sahara and Morocco: anthropological research and physical education
for peace. Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology. - New version of the 2001 article.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2004). Los juegos de habilidad física del Sáhara
tunecino y de Marruecos: investigación antropológica y educación para
la paz. Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal
Institute of Technology. - New version of the 2001 article.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2004). L'animal dans les jeux et jouets des enfants
marocains. In L'enfant et l'animal. Une relation pas bête! Le Journal des
Professionnels de l'Enfance, 26, Paris, 78, 77-78. - Short article on the
theme of the animal in toys and play, Morocco.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2004). Itse tehdyt lelut ja luovat leikit -
pohjoisafrikkalainen näkökulma leikin tutkimukseen. In Liisa Piironen
(Ed.), Leikin pikkujättiläinen (Handbook of Play), WSOY, Helsinki,
511, 396-405, 9 ill. - Article on children’s creativity in toys and play in
North Africa and in peace education.
Rossie, J-P. (2004). Moroccan children’s toys between yesterday and
today. Paper for the BRIO Prize 2004 ceremony, Lennart Ivarsson
Scholarship Fund, BRIO toy industry, Osby, Sweden, October 29th,
2004, 16 p., 26 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Children's Play and Toys in Changing
Moroccan Communities. In F. F. McMahon, D. E. Lytle & B. Sutton-
Smith, (Eds), Play: An Interdisciplinary Synthesis, Play & Culture
Studies, 6, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, 308, 97-111.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre et Musée du Jouet (2005). Projet d’acquisition de la
collection de l’anthropologue J-P. Rossie. Thématique : Jeux et jouets
des enfants sahariens et nord-africains. Projet soumis à la Commission
scientifique interrégionale « Bourgogne - Franche-Comté » du 13
octobre 2005. Moirans-en-Montagne: Musée du Jouet, 95, 198 ill. -
Document on my donation of a large collection of North African and
Saharan toys to the Musée du Jouet.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Child's play: Dorothy Howard and the folklore
of Australian children. A book review and personal comment.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005/2013). Toys, Play, Culture and Society. An
Anthropological Approach with Reference to North Africa and the
Sahara. Foreword by Brian Sutton-Smith, Stockholm International Toy
Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology, 256 p., 144
ill. - Renewed digital version in 2013.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures. Commented Bibliography on Play, Games and Toys.
Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal
Institute of Technology, 61 p.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-
Africaines. Bibliographie commentée sur les jeux et jouets. Stockholm
International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of
Technology, 61 p.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures. Children's Dolls and Doll Play. Foreword by Dominique
Champault, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 328 p., 163 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-
Africaines. Poupées d'enfants et jeux de poupées. Préface de Dominique
Champault, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 344 p., 163 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures. The Animal World in Play, Games and Toys. Foreword by Theo
van Leeuwen, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 219 p., 107 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2005). Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-
Africaines. L'animal dans les jeux et jouets. Préface de Theo van
Leeuwen, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 229 p., 107 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2006). Feasts and rituals in Moroccan children’s
games and toys. Play & Folklore, 47, Victoria, Australia: Museum
Victoria, p. 3-8, 4 ill.
Rossie, J-P. (2006). Desert Children: games and toys from the Tunisian
Sahara and the Moroccan Atlas Mountains. PowerPoint presentation, 77

Rossie, J-P. (2006). Enfants de Déserts : jeux et jouets du Sahara tunisien
et des Atlas marocains. Présentation PowerPoint, 77 dias.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2006). An introduction to Moroccan children’s toys
and games. Document made for the Toys for Tomorrow Forum,
Ahmedabad, 13 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2006). Une introduction aux jeux et jouets des enfants
marocains. Document rédigé pour le Toys for Tomorrow Forum,
Ahmedabad, 13 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2006). Innovazione e tradizione nei giochi e nei
giocattoli dei bambini marocchini. La Ludoteca, Centro Internazionale
Ludoteche, Firenze, XXVII, 1-2, p. 4-6, 4 ill. - Summary on innovation
and tradition in Moroccan children’s play and toys.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2006). Innovation et tradition dans les jeux et jouets
des enfants marocains. 8 p., 4 ill. - Original version of the foregoing
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2006). Giochi e giocattoli dei bambini marocchini. La
Ludoteca, Centro Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze, XXVII, 4-5, p. 42-
45, 13 ill. - Short overview of Moroccan children’s play and toys.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2006). Jeux et jouets des enfants marocains. 4, 13 ill. -
Original version of the foregoing article.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2007). Museo del giocattolo di Moirans-en-Montagne.
La Ludoteca, XXVIII, 3, Firenze: Centro Internazionale Ludoteche, 20-
22, 8 ill. - Information on the Musée du Jouet in Moirans-en-Montagne.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2007). The Toy Museum of Moirans-en-Montagne.
Published on the website of the Toy Museum, 4,8 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2007). Le Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne.
Published on the website of the Toy Museum, 4, 8 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2007). An anthropological approach to children's play
and toy culture with reference to North Africa and the Sahara.
International Journal of Anthropology, Florence: Angelo Portecorboli
Editor, 22, 1-2, January-June, 89-106, 8 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures. Domestic life in play, games and toys. Foreword by Gilles
Brougère, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 436 p., 410 ill.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-
Africaines. La vie domestique dans les jeux et jouets. Préface de Gilles
Brougère, Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:
Royal Institute of Technology, 448 p., 410 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Moroccan children’s go-carts. Document made
for Renzo Laporta’s website the Handmade Go-Cart Club
(, 2, 5 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Planches à roulettes des enfants marocains.
Translation of the document made for Renzo Laporta’s website the
Handmade Go-Cart Club (, 2, 5 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Innovation and tradition in Moroccan
children’s toy and play cultures. In 4th ITRA World Congress AIJU :
Toys and Innovation. Alicante (Spain) 5, 7 and 8 July 2005. Book of
Abstracts. AIJU Alicante, 128, ill., p. 94-96.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Moroccan children playing and making toys
with natural material. Document made for Renzo Laporta’s website I
Love Toy-making (, 3, 5 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les festivités d’Achoura dans l’Anti-Atlas :
entre rites agraires séculaires et divertissement folklorique
d’aujourd’hui. PowerPoint Presentation with 65 slides. Shown during
the Ashura feast in the Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, 19 February 2008.
- The comments for these slides are given in the next publication.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les festivités d’Achoura dans l’Anti-Atlas :
entre rites agraires séculaires et divertissement folklorique
d’aujourd’hui. Notes jointes à la présentation PowerPoint pour la fête
d’Achoura au Musée du Quai Branly, Paris, 19 January 2008, 9 - To be
used with the foregoing PowerPoint Presentation.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Moroccan children’s toys seen through the
eyes of Greek children. Report on the workshop on play and making toys
among the Anti-Atlas Mountain children in Southern Morocco at the
Museum of Childhood “Stathmos”, Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation,
National Railway Station Park, Nafplion, Greece, 5-8 July 2008, 6, 8 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Jouets d’enfants marocains vus à travers les
yeux d’enfants grecques. Rapport sur l’atelier d’enfants sur les jeux et
la création de jouets des enfants de l’Anti-Atlas au sud du Maroc au
Museum of Childhood “Stathmos”, Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation,
National Railway Station Park, Nauplie, Grèce, 5-8 juillet 2008, 6, 8 ill.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Achoura : une fête des enfants au Maroc.
PowerPoint Presentation with 22 slides, made for the children’s
workshop in the Museum of Childhood “Stathmos”, Peloponnesian
Folklore Foundation, National Railway Station Park, Nafplion, Greece,
5-8 July 2008.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Achoura : la mascarade de Tiznit. PowerPoint
Presentation with 45 slides, made for the children’s workshop in the
Museum of Childhood “Stathmos”, Peloponnesian Folklore Foundation,
National Railway Station Park, Nafplion, Greece, 5-8 July 2008.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Poupées d’enfants dans l’Anti-Atlas.
PowerPoint Presentation with 35 slides, made for the children’s
workshop in the Museum of Childhood “Stathmos”, Peloponnesian
Folklore Foundation, National Railway Station Park, Nafplion, Greece,
5-8 July 2008.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Globalisation and tradition in Moroccan Anti-
Atlas children’s toys and play. PowerPoint Presentation with 45 slides,
made for a lecture at the 5th ITRA world congress “Toys and Culture”,
Nafplion, 9-11 July 2008.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Ashura : a children’s feast in Morocco.
PowerPoint presentation with 29 slides made for a project in Global
Education of Humanities Education Centre, London. - The texts for this
PowerPoint Presentation are given in the next publication.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Ashura : a children’s feast in Morocco. Texts
related to the PowerPoint presentation made for a project in Global
Education of Humanities Education Centre, London, 12 - To be used
with the foregoing PowerPoint Presentation.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Rêves d’Enfants : jeux et jouets de l’Anti-Atlas
et du Sahara. Document de travail pour les séminaires au Centro per la
Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008. Centro Internazionale
Ludoteche, Firenze, 31, ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Poupées d’enfants et jeux de poupées.
PowerPoint Presentation with 66 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux de tente et de maisonnette. PowerPoint
Presentation with 15 slides, made for the seminars at the Centro per la
Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro Internazionale Ludoteche,
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux et jouets de dînette et de ménage.
PowerPoint Presentation with 16 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux et jouets liés au monde animal.
PowerPoint Presentation with 14 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux et jouets liés aux moyens de transport.
PowerPoint Presentation with 33 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux et jouets liés à la communication.
PowerPoint Presentation with 6 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux et jouets musicaux. PowerPoint
PowerPoint Presentation with 11 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux et jouets liés aux fêtes et rituels.
PowerPoint Presentation with 16 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux d’adresse physique. PowerPoint
Presentation with 31 slides, made for the seminars at the Centro per la
Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro Internazionale Ludoteche,
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Les jeux d’adresse cognitive ou intellectuelle.
PowerPoint Presentation with 11 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Projet interculturel. PowerPoint Presentation
with 6 slides, made for the seminars at the Centro per la Cultura Ludica,
Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2008). Achoura : une fête des enfants au Maroc.
PowerPoint Presentation with 35 slides, made for the seminars at the
Centro per la Cultura Ludica, Torino, 4-6 July 2008, Centro
Internazionale Ludoteche, Firenze.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2009). Toys created by Moroccan children: toys and
the animal world. PowerPoint Presentation with 28 slides, made for the
Facebook group Toys created by Children.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2009). Jouets créés par des enfants marocains : le
monde animal et les jouets. PowerPoint Presentation with 28 slides,
made for the Facebook group Jouets créés par des Enfants.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2009). Toys created by Moroccan children: dolls.
PowerPoint Presentation with 50 slides, made for the Facebook group
Toys created by Children.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2009). Jouets créés par des enfants marocains :
poupées. PowerPoint Presentation with 50 slides, made for the Facebook
group Jouets créés par des Enfants.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2009). Toys created by Moroccan Children: toys for
games of skill. PowerPoint Presentation with 31 slides, created for the
Facebook group Toys created by Children.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2009). Jouets créés par des enfants marocains : jouets
pour jeux d'adresse. PowerPoint Presentation with 31 slides, created for
the Facebook group Jouets créés par des enfants.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2011). La cultura lúdica de los niños amazigh
marroquíes y las cuestiones del desarrollo (traduction du document
suivant par Stela Maris Ferrarese Capettini). In Ferrarese Cappetini, Stela
Maris. El Sembrador 3, Neuquén (Argentina), capitulo 7, 26 p., 25 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2011). La culture ludique de l'enfant amazigh marocain
et les questions de développement. 27 p., 25 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2013). Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures. Technical activities in play, games and toys. Foreword by
Sudarshan Khanna, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic
Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University
of Portugal, 360 p., 350 ill.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2013). Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-
Africaines. Les activités techniques dans les jeux et jouets. Préface de
Sudarshan Khanna, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic
Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University
of Portugal, 364 p., 350 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2013). Material culture in North African children’s
play and toy heritage, in K. Darian-Smith & C. Pascoe (eds), Children,
Childhood and Cultural Heritage, London: Routledge, 320 p., p. 270-
283, 3 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2013). Rêves d’enfants : jeux et jouets de l’Anti-Atlas et
du Sahara. Brochure pour l’exposition ‘Rêves d’Enfants’ à Turin. 55 p.,
57 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2013). Sand as environment and material in Saharan
children’s play and toy-making activities. In Play & Folklore, 60,
Victoria: Museum Victoria, p. 4-9, 6 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2014). Le sable comme environnement et matière dans
les jeux et jouets des enfants sahariens. 20, 23 ill
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2014). Videos on Moroccan children’s play and toys
available on YouTube: References and Notes, 33.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2015). Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s
Toy Catalogs. Donation to Centro per la Cultura Ludica in Turin, Braga:
Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy
and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 93 p., 272 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2015). Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s
Toy Catalogs. Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne,
first part: dolls and toy animals. Braga: Centre for Philosophical and
Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic
University of Portugal, 72 p., 127 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2015). Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s
Toy Catalogs. Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne,
second part: toys related to domestic life. Braga: Centre for
Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social
Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 72 p., 109 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2015). Catalogues de Jouets des Enfants Sahariens –
Nord-Africains – Amazighs : Don au Centro per la Cultura Ludica de
Turin. Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty

of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 93
p., 272 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2015). Catalogues de Jouets des Enfants Sahariens –
Nord-Africains – Amazighs : Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-
Montagne. Première partie : poupées et animaux-jouets. Braga : Centre
for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and
Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 72 p., 127 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2015). Catalogues de Jouets des Enfants Sahariens –
Nord-Africains – Amazighs : Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-
Montagne. Deuxième partie : jouets liés à la vie domestique. Braga :
Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy
and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 72 p., 109 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2016). Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s
Toy Catalogs. Donation to Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-Montagne,
third part: toys related to technical activities and games of skill, Braga:
Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy
and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 57 p., 76 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2016). Saharan – North-African – Amazigh Children’s
Toy Catalogs. Donation to other museums and associations, Braga:
Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy
and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 91 p., 133 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2016). Catalogues de Jouets des Enfants Sahariens –
Nord-Africains – Amazighs : Don au Musée du Jouet de Moirans-en-
Montagne. Troisième partie : jouets liés aux activités techniques et aux
jeux d’adresse. Braga : Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies,
Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of
Portugal, 57 p., 76 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2016). Catalogues de Jouets des Enfants Sahariens –
Nord-Africains – Amazighs : Don à d’autres musées et associations.
Braga : Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of
Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 91 p.,
133 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2016). Using North African children’s play culture for
pedagogical and sociocultural applications. Play & Folklore, 66,
Melbourne: Museum Victoria, p. 19-24, 6 ill.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2017). PowerPoint: Communication in Moroccan
Children’s Toys and Play. 37 slides. - Made for the chapter mentioned
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2018). Communication in Moroccan Children’s Toys
and Play. In L. Magalhães & J. Goldstein (eds), Toys and
Communication. UK: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 117-136, 3 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2019). Amazigh Children’s Toys and Play Cultures. In
Fourth World Journal, vol. 18, 1, p. 4-19, 6 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2019). Los Juguetes y las Culturas del Juego de los
Niños Amazigh. In Fourth World Journal, vol. 18, 1, p. 20-36.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2019). Les jeux des enfants de l’Afrique du Nord et du
Sahara. In Dasen, V. (dir.), Ludique ! Jouer dans l’Antiquité. Catalogue
de l’exposition à Lugdunum-musée et théâtres romains du 20 juin au 1
décembre 2019, Gent: Editions Snoeck, 144, p. 115-117, 4 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2019). PowerPoint : Cultures ludiques amazighes et
nord-africaines et de l'antiquité gréco-romaine. Recherche
interdisciplinaire sur des millénaires”, LUGDUNUM - Musée &
Théâtres romains, Lyon, France, 85 diapositives.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2019). PowerPoint : Jeux et jouets des enfants du
monde rural nord-africain. Approche écologique, socioculturelle et
historique. Université Cadi Ayyad, Faculté des Lettres et des Sciences
Humaines, Centre Euro-Africain des Etudes et des Enquêtes de Terrain,
Marrakech, Maroc, 75 diapositives.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2020). Comparing play and toys from Greco-Roman
antiquity with traditional play and toys from rural North Africa.
Working document for Images at stake: cultural transfers and continuity,
CUSO doctoral program Historical Anthropology, Ancient and Modern
Worlds, Fribourg, Switzerland: ERC Locus Ludi. The Cultural Fabric of
Play and Games in Classical Antiquity (741520)
(, 31 p.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2020). PowerPoint: Comparing play and toys from
Greco-Roman antiquity with traditional play and toys from rural North
Africa. Fribourg, Switzerland: ERC Locus Ludi. The Cultural Fabric of
Play and Games in Classical Antiquity (741520)
(, 49 slides.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2020). Comparer des jeux et jouets de l’antiquité
gréco-romaine et du monde rural nord-africain. Document de travail
pour Images en jeu : transferts culturels et continuité, Programme
doctoral CUSO Anthropologie historique, Mondes anciens et modernes,
Fribourg, Switzerland: ERC Locus Ludi. The Cultural Fabric of Play
and Games in Classical Antiquity (741520),
(, 32 p.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2020). PowerPoint : Comparer des jeux et jouets de
l’antiquité gréco-romaine avec des jeux et jouets traditionnels du monde
rural nord-africain. Fribourg, Switserland: ERC Locus Ludi. The
Cultural Fabric of Play and Games in Classical Antiquity (741520)
(, 49
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2021). Saharan and North African Toy and Play
Cultures. Commented bibliography on play, games and toys, Braga:
Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy
and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 81 p.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre (2021). Bibliographie commentée des jeux et jouets.
Braga: Centre for Philosophical and Humanistic Studies, Faculty of
Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic University of Portugal, 84 p.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Claus, Gilbert J. M. (1983). Imitation de la vie
féminine dans les jeux des filles Ghrib (Sahara tunisien). In Liber
Memorialis, Prof. Dr. P.J. Vandenhoute 1913-1978. Gent: Seminarie
voor Etnische Kunst, Rijksuniversiteit te Gent, 440, 331-347. - First
article on games and toys of the author of this bibliography, Tunisia
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Daoumani, Boubaker (2003). Protocol of Video 1:
Doll Play and Construction Play in Sidi Ifni, Morocco, 31.1.2002.
Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal
Institute of Technology, 12. - Detailed description of 19 minutes doll
play by a 6-year-old girl and a 4-year-old boy with dolls made by the
girl and bought dolls, and also of the 26 minutes interview with the
players and the boy’s mother. Authorisation by the father given on the
video. Video deposed in the video library of the Musée du Jouet
( The video is available on YouTube.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Daoumani, Boubaker (2003). Protocol of Video 4:
Doll Play and Construction Play in Lagzira (Sidi Ifni), Morocco,
4.3.2002. Stockholm International Toy Research Centre, Stockholm:

Royal Institute of Technology, 6. - Detailed description of 43 minutes
doll play and construction of dollhouses by a 6-year-old girl and her 9-
year-old brother with dolls represented by shells. The dolls represent a
bride or a bridegroom when they are wrapped up in a piece of white, if
not they represent family members and visitors. Boubaker Daoumani’s
interview with the father has been recorded on audiocassette. Video and
audiocassette deposed in the video library of the Musée du Jouet
( The video is available on YouTube.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Daoumani, Boubaker (2007). Protocol of Video 2:
The Sidi Ifni Toy Maker, Morocco, 2.2.2002. Stockholm International
Toy Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology. -
Detailed description of 35 minutes toy construction and toy play by a 10-
year-old boy and his 6-year-old brother; preceded by three minutes
interview with the father. Authorization by the father given on the video.
Video deposed in the video library of the Musée du Jouet (www.musee- The video is available on YouTube.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Daoumani, Boubaker (2007). Protocol of Video 3:
Doll Play in Sidi Ifni, Morocco, 10.2.2002. Stockholm International Toy
Research Centre, Stockholm: Royal Institute of Technology. - Detailed
description of 39 minutes doll play by two girls of 9 years and one girl of
6 years with Barbie and other dolls. Boubaker Daoumani’s interview
with the players has been recorded on audiocassette. Authorization by
the father given in writing. Authorization document, video and
audiocassette deposed in the video library of the Musée du Jouet
( The video is available on YouTube.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Jariaa, Khalija (2007). Il gioco delle casette dei
ragazzi marocchini di Sidi Ifni. La Ludoteca, XXVIII, 1-2, Firenze:
Centro Internazionale Ludoteche, 4-7, 8 ill. - The games with pretend
houses of the Moroccan boys in Sidi Ifni.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Jariaa, Khalija (2007). Jeux à maisonnettes des
garçons marocains de Sidi Ifni. 8, 7 ill. - Original version of the
preceding article.
Rossie, J-P. & Jariaa, Kh. (2012). La différenciation sexuelle dans les jeux
et jouets des enfants marocains. Les Cahiers de LUDO, 18, supplément à
l’Artichaut: revue des ludothécaires de la Communauté française de
Belgique, Bruxelles: LUDO a.s.b.l., p. 1-6, 6 ill.

Rossie, Jean-Pierre, Jariaa, Khalija, Daoumani, Boubaker & Fassoulas,
Argyris (2021). Saharan and North African Toy and Play Cultures.
Make-believe play among children of the Moroccan Anti-Atlas.
Foreword by Luisa Magalhães, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and
Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic
University of Portugal, 2 volumes, 739 p., 638 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre, Jariaa, Khalija, Daoumani, Boubaker & Fassoulas,
Argyris (2021). Cultures Ludiques Sahariennes et Nord-Africaines. Jeux
de faire semblant des enfants amazighs de l’Anti-Atlas marocain.
Préface de Luisa Magalhães, Braga: Centre for Philosophical and
Humanistic Studies, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, Catholic
University of Portugal, 2 volumes, 750 p., 638 ill.
Rossie, Jean-Pierre, Laabib, Souad & Sterner, Björn. (1998). Video:
Homemade Dolls from Morocco. Filmed by Björn Sterner, Halmstad:
Nordic Center for Research on Toys and Educational Media, University
of Halmstad, 18 minutes. - Video deposed in the video library of the
Musée du Jouet (
Rossie, Jean-Pierre & Lauras, Luc (2001). Vidéo: Poupées de l’Atlas et du
Pré-Sahara marocains. Filmed by Luc Lauras, Sète: Musée
International des Arts Modestes, version of 30 minutes (for visitors of
the exposition) or 60 minutes (detailed description). - Video deposed in
the video library of the Musée du Jouet (
Salamone, Frank A. & Salamone, Virginia A. (1991). Children’s Games in
Nigeria Redux: A Consideration of the ‘Uses’ of Play. Play and Culture,
4, Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics Publishers Inc., 129-138.
Said, S. (2016). Autour du patrimoine culturel de l’enfant au Rif et chez les
Jbala « A la recherche d’un corpus ». Mémoire, Aix-Marseille :
IREMAM. Université Aix-Marseille, 82, 16 ill.
Sarcinelli, A. S. (2015). Réflexions Épistémologiques sur l’Ethnographie de
l’Enfance au Prisme des Rapports d’Age. In AnthropoChildren, n° 5,
version PDF originale, p. 1-21 –
8517/index.php?id=2241, retrieved on 17 August 2020.
Sbrzesny, Heide (1976). Die Spiele der !Ko-Buschleute, unter besonderer
Berücksichtigung ihrer socialisierenden und gruppenbindenden
Funktionen. München/Zürich: R. Piper & Co. Verlag, 316, ill. - A very
good human ethological study of the games of the !Ko-Bushmen in the

Servier, Jean (1951). Les rites du labour en Algérie (Région du Dahra et du
Moyen-Chélif). Journal de la Société des Africanistes, Paris, 175-196. -
Short description of two ritual games: the kura or hockey-like ball game
(p. 178-179) and the knocking over of piles of stones (p. 179-180) both
related to old agricultural rites, Algeria.
Servier, Jean (1962). Les portes de l’année. Rites et symboles. L’Algérie
dans la tradition méditerranéenne. Paris: Robert Laffont, 428, ill. - In
his book on the agricultural traditions of the Amazighs (Berbers) of
Kabylie in Algeria, the author gives brief but interesting information on
children’s and adult’s play (p. 59, 63-64, 67-68, 210-211, 234, 265-266,
277-280, 289, 293-294, 340-341) but also a more detailed analysis of the
kura ball games (p. 196-202) and the stone throwing games (p. 88-89).
Two photographs, one on a boy with a self-made car and the other with
two boys playing at marbles with cupules, have been inserted in this
Sijelmassi, Mohammed (1979). Certain Cultural and Social Aspects of
Children in Some Arab Countries. Reports/Studies, Ch. 10, Division for
the Study of Development, Paris: UNESCO, 7 (location: library of the
Sijelmassi, Mohammed (1984). Enfants du Maghreb entre hier et
aujourd'hui. Mohammedia (Maroc): Editions Soden, 141, ill. - The
author discusses childhood in Morocco, using his own memories, and
describes and illustrates with 11 photographs several games and toys.
Sijelmassi, Mohammed (1993). Le Guide des Parents. Comment Elever et
Eduquer votre Enfant. Casablanca: OUM Editions, 270, ill. - Some data
on Moroccan games and toys, with illustrations (p. 167-177), Morocco.
Silva, H. (1996). Éléments pour une étude historique des billes et des jeux
de billes. Paris: Université de Paris III – Sorbonne Nouvelle, 33 p.
(disponible les pages 1 à 13) -,
retrieved on 10 août 2020.
Simenel, R., Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y., Salzard, M. & Amzil, L. (2017).
From the solitary bee to the social bee. The inventiveness of children in
the acquisition of beekeeping skills (southwestern Morocco). In Dounias,
E. & Aumeeruddy-Thomas, Y. (Eds), (2017). Children’s ethnobiological
knowledge. AnthropoChildren, 7, Liège : Université de Liège, 29 p., ill. -, retrieved
on 7 October 2020.

Soulé (1933). Jeux de fillettes musulmanes à Fès-Djedid. Bulletin de
l’Enseignement Public du Maroc, Paris, 355-363 - The doll play and six
games of action of young girls in the city of Fès are described here,
together with the text of six accompanying songs, Morocco.
Steinilber-Oberlin, E. (1934). Au cœur du Hoggar mystérieux. Les Touareg
tel que je les ai vus. Paris: Editions Pierre Roger, 267, ill. - Contains
some pages on the birth of a Kel Rela child (p. 78-80), on childhood (p.
82-85) and puberty (p. 93-95). In the chapter on childhood one finds a
description of the ball game played with sticks (p. 83), on dolls, and on
toy animals in clay (p. 84), Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Ahaggar,
Sutton-Smith, Brian (1986). Toys as Culture. New York, London: Gardner
Press Inc., XII + 292 - This book and the following one offer an
excellent introduction to the socio-cultural study of toys and play
(Faculty of Arts Library, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven).
Sutton-Smith, Brian (1997). The Ambiguity of Play. Cambridge
(Massachusetts)/London: Harvard University Press, XI + 276 (location:
Central Library of the State University of Ghent).
Ter Minassian, H., Rufat, S., & Borzakian, M. (2017). Le jeu dans tous ses
espaces. In Sciences du jeu, -,
retrieved on 7 October 2020.
Tillion, G. (1938). Les sociétés berbères dans l’Aurès méridional. Africa,
XI, 1, London, 42-54 - Short note on girls’ dolls (p. 54) in the Aurès
mountains in Algeria, Amazighs (Berbers).
Touaregs: 12 photographes témoignent (1993). Catalogue de l’exposition
du Musée de l’Homme, Touaregs: Association pour l’Identité du Peuple
Touareg, Paris, mars 1993 - Photograph of a Tuareg boy with a toy
dromedary made with dried dung and thorns and of a Tuareg girl sitting
in front of a miniature tent, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara.
Tubiana, Marie-José (1964). Survivances préislamiques en pays Zaghawa.
Paris: Institut d'Ethnologie, 229 - Contains a few notes on a game with
pebbles played by Zaghawa girls, Chad. (p. 165).
Tubiana, Marie-José (1971). Système pastoral et obligation de transhumer
chez les Zaghawa (Soudan-Tchad). Etudes Rurales, 42, Paris, 120-171. -
Background information on the Zaghawa in Chad.

Tubiana, Marie-José & Joseph (1973). Un peuple noir aux confins du
Tchad et du Soudan : Les Beri aujourd’hui. Les Cahiers d’Outre-Mer,
103, Bordeaux, 250-261 - Background information on the Zaghawa in
Tubiana, Marie-José & Tubiana, Joseph (1977). The Zaghawa from an
Ecological Perspective. Foodgathering, the Pastoral System, Tradition
and Development of the Zaghawa of the Sudan and the Chad.
Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, XII + 199 - Offers a design and a description
of the hand-operated beam well also found as a toy (p. 89).
Tubiana, Joseph (1960). La Mission du Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique aux Confins du Tchad. Cahiers d’Etudes Africaines, Paris,
fascicule 1, 115-120 - Background information on the Zaghawa in Chad.
UNESCO (1978). Games and Toys of Children of the World. Exhibition
catalogue. Paris: UNESCO, 42, ill. - General information on children’s
games and toys from all over the world (location: library of the
UNESCO (1978). Jeux et jouets des enfants du monde. Catalogue de
l'exposition. Novembre 1978, Paris: UNESCO, 42, ill. (location: library
of the UNESCO)
UNESCO (1979). The Child and Play. Theoretical Approaches and
Teaching Applications. Educational Studies and Documents, new series,
34, Paris: UNESCO, 71, ill. - Important study on the theoretical and
pedagogical aspects of play and toys (location: library of the UNESCO).
UNESCO (1979). L'enfant et le jeu. Approches théoriques et applications
pédagogiques. Etudes et Documents d'Education, nouvelle série, 34,
Paris: UNESCO, 71, ill. (location: library of the UNESCO).
UNESCO (1980). Réunion d’experts sur recherche philosophique et
interdisciplinaire sur les moyens d’expression ludique comme solution
aux conflits dans l’univers de l’enfant. Caracas, Venezuela, 4-7
septembre 1979, rapport final, SS-79/Conf. 611/11, Paris: UNESCO, 12
mai 1980, 9 - Report on the role of playful expressions in the solution of
children’s problems (location: library of the UNESCO).
UNICEF (2001). l'Enfance au Maroc. Analyse et statistique. Rabat:
UNICEF. - Document on the situation of children in Morocco.

Van Gennep, A. (1911). Etudes d’ethographie algérienne. Les soufflets
algériens - les poteries kabyles - le tissage aux cartons - l’art décoratif.
Paris: Ernest Leroux Ed., 103, ill. - Useful for comparing toys to the
pottery or other objects they imitate, e.g. Amazighs (Berbers), Algeria.
Van Risseghem, Rita (1981). Kinderspelen in Algerië: een cross-cultureel
ontwikkelingspsychologisch onderzoek vanuit de theorie van Jean
Piaget. Laboratory for Experimental, Differential and Genetic
Psychology, University of Ghent, volume 1: IX + 99, volume 2: 47 -
Licentiate dissertation with a description of the sig board game,
knucklebones and hopscotch used for psychological research on
Algerian games according to Piaget’s theories (location: Library of the
State University of Ghent).
Vaughien, Jean (1951). Evolution d’une tribu berbère du Maroc Central:
les Aït Ouirra. 18 photos, Gauthier Langlois. - Dissertation written by
the author between July 1950 and January 1951, and made available by
his grandson as a Word document in the beginning of 2000. This book
contains a chapter of three pages on intellectual development and the
school problem, Amazighs (Berbers), Morocco (location of this chapter:
J-P. Rossie, for the complete text contact Gauthier Langlois, e-mail:
[email protected]).
La Vie du Sahara (1960). Catalogue d’exposition. Paris: Musée de
l’Homme, XXV + 85, ill. - Brief analysis of Saharan dolls, toy animals
and other toys preserved at the Musée de l’Homme (p. 72-74). Shows
also a photograph of a female doll from Mauritania (ill. 27) and a
mounted toy dromedary from the Tuareg (ill. 28). Useful to compare
toys or details of them with the real objects they imitate.
Vie des Touaregs. Enfance et Jeux (1987). Etudes et Documents Berbères,
2, La Boîte à Documents, Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 91-98 - Playing
with dolls, toy animals and toy utensils, mentions also the issaghen or
sig board game, Tuareg, Amazighs (Berbers), Sahara.
Vijay, H. (2018). A toymaker’s dreams... In Deccan Herald, Sunday Herald
Melange, 18 novembre 2018. -
_AEFNwPYWHmZxTlX6srzPXic, retrieved on 19 October 2020.

Vlahos, M. M.-L. (2014). Developing an Archaeology of Childhood
Experiences in Australia from 1788-1901 (Lecture Podcast and
PowerPoint). -, retrieved on 12 July
Vlahos, M. M-L. (2015). Exploring the Experiences of Nineteenth-Century
Colonial Children in Australia with the Application of Interpretive
Reproduction Theory - An Alternative Approach in the Study of
Childhood in the Past. In Childhood in the Past: an International
Journal, volume 8, n° 1, p. 48-63 -,
retrieved on 9 October 2020.
Voinot, L. (1912). Oudjda et l’Amalat (Maroc). Publications de la Société
de Géographie et d’Archéologie de la Province d’Oran, Oran:
Imprimerie Typographique et Lithographique L. Fouque, 585 -
Mentions the kura ball game, the sig board game and two games of
draughts of children from the city of Oujda in Morocco (p. 59-60).
Webber, Sabra (1969). Lissigharina (To Our Little Ones), Tunis:
Publishing House of Tunis, 94 p., ill. - This children’s book published in
Arabic describes children’s games, nursery rhymes and lullabies from
around Tunisia.
Webber, Sabra (1990). Les fonctions communicatives des devinettes de
Kélibia (Tunisie). IBLA, Revue de l’Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes,
Tunis, tome 53, n° 166, 275-295 - Description of several riddles and
their communicative function in a Tunisian town.
West Africa's Oldest Metropolis (1984). The Unesco Courrier, Paris, May,
3 & 12-13, ill. - Summary of McIntosh, Susan and Roderich, 1982, with
on the cover a nice photograph of ancient toy animals from Jenné-Jeno
(location: library of the UNESCO).
Westermarck, Edward (1913). Ceremonies and Beliefs in Connection with
Agriculture. Certain Dates of the Solar Year and the Weather in
Morocco. Ofversigt af Finska Vetenskapssocietetens Förhandlingar,
Helsingfors, Bd. LIV, 1911-1912, Afd. b. Humanistiska Vetenskaper, 1-
150 - Analyses the relationship between certain ceremonies and dolls (p.
20-22, 110, 117-121, 124), ball games (p. 67, 121-123), board games (p.
129), rope pulling (p. 123), fighting (p. 95) and miniature ploughs (p.
92, 126).

Westermarck, Edward (1926). Ritual and Belief in Morocco. London:
Macmillan & Co., volume I: XXX + 608, volume II: XV + 629 - Ritual
dolls (vol. I: p. 79, 330-332, 335, 340, 343, 596; vol. II: 79-80, 221-224,
259, 265-270, 273), relationship between children’s games and wanted
or unwanted events (vol. I: p. 601-602), selling of toys during the
°ashûra festivities (vol. II: p. 61), sig board game (vol. II: p. 21, 278)
and ball games (vol. II: p. 171, 268, 271).
Yagou, A. (2019). Book Review “Childhood by Design: Toys and the
Material Culture of Childhood, 1700-Present”. M. Brandow-Faller (ed.) -, retrieved on 13 July 2020.
Zafrani, Haïm (1998). Deux mille ans de vie juive au Maroc. Histoire et
culture, religion et magie. Paris: Eddif-Maisonneuve & Larose, 325, ill.
- Information on the childhood, adolescence and education of the youth
among the Jews of Morocco (p. 49-75).
Zamiti, Khalil (1991). Réflexion-témoignage sur la grande mutation
contemporaine des jeux d’enfants. In Jeu et sports en Méditerranée,
Tunis: Alif-Editions de la Méditerranée, 270, 177-180 - Some notes on
contemporary changes in Tunisian games (location: J-P. Rossie).
Zerdoumi, Nefissa (1982). Enfant d'hier. L'éducation de l'enfant en milieu
traditionnel algérien. Paris: Editions François Maspero, 302 (première
édition, 1970) - Stimulating book on childhood in the Tlemcen region in
Western Algeria during the first half of the 20th century, notes on several
games (p. 224-229).

Geographic and Ethnic Index

The references of the geographic and ethnic index can be found by using
the search function.

Agadez Kélibia
Aït Ouirra Mali
Algeria Marazig
Amazigh Marrakech
Anti-Atlas Mateur
Aurès Mauritania
Azrou Melilla
Belbala Morocco
Berber, see Amazigh Moyen Atlas (Middle Atlas)
Mozabites, Mzab
Chad Niger
Chaouia Nigeria
North Africa
Dra Valley
Fès Ouargla
Gabes Oulad ben Sbaa
Ghrib Ouled Dlim
Ghomara (Rhomara)
Goulmima Rabat
Jews of Southern Morocco Sahara
Kabyles, Kabylie Settat

Sidi Ifni Tiznit
Souf Tlemcen
Tangier (Tanger) Tunisia
Teda Tunisian Sahara
Timbuktu Zaghawa


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