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Q. 1 What is true about utility computing and cloud computing?

a. Utility computing is not related to cloud computing

b. Cloud computing can be delivered as utility computing
c. Utility computing runs in a cloud computing environment
d. Utility computing is the only billing model for cloud computing

Q. 2 Cloud Computing refers to both the applications delivered as services over the ---- and
the hardware and system software in the data centers that provide those services

a. Softwares
b. Internet
c. Web Services
d. All of the mentioned

Q. 3 What is a public cloud?

a. A cloud formation that can be seen across the globe

b. A cloud service that can only be accessed from a publicly shared computer
c. A necessary IT infrastructure established by 3rd party service provider
d. A cloud environment owned, operated and controlled by a public company

Q. 4 A company interested in cloud computing is looking for a provider who offers a set of
basic services such as virtual server provisioning and on demand storage that can be combined
into a platform for deploying and running customized applications. What type of cloud
computing model fits these requirements?

a. Platform as a Service
b. Software as a Service
c. Application as a Service
d. Infrastructure as a Service

Q. 5 Which cloud computing feature allows for server consolidation resulting in increased
asset utilization and decreased data center energy needs?

a. Automation
b. Governance
c. Provisioning
d. Virtualization
Q. 6 is an example of

a. SaaS
b. PaaS
c. IaaS
d. XaaS

Q. 7 Machines built using ----- model are well suited for any kind of application


Q. 8 Which architectural style goal is to achieve Integrity of data

a. Data Flow Architecture

b. Call and Return Architecture
c. Data Centered Architectures
d. Virtual Machine Architectures

Q. 9 Which model is suitable in many-to-one scenarios, where the information and the
services of interest are centralized and accessed through a single access point

a. Peer to Peer Architecture

b. Client Server Architecture
c. Call and Return Architecture
d. Data centered Architecture

Q. 10 In which model, there is no central infrastructure that dispatches the messages &
communication is initiated by the sender of the message

a. Point to Point Message Model

b. Publish Subscribe Message Model
c. Request Reply Message Model
d. None of these
Q. 11 A fundamental component in ----- is ORB which is responsible for returning the
reference to client and managing all the low level operations required to perform the remote
method invocation

a. Common Object Request Broker Architecture

b. Java Remote Method Invocation
c. Distributed Component Object Model
d. . Net Remoting

Q. 12 This type of hypervisor is also called hosted virtual machine

a. Type I
b. Type II
c. Type III
d. Type IV

Q. 13 What is true about grid computing?

a. Cloud computing is an example of grid computing

b. Cluster computing is an example of grid computing
c. Grid computing is a type of infrastructure as a service
d. Grid computing can run in a cloud computing environment

Q. 14 VMware Player, VMWare ACE, VMWare ThinApp are examples of

a. Server Virtualization
b. Desktop Virtualization
c. Infrastructure Virtualization
d. Hardware Virtualization

Q. 15 What practice is known as service orchestration?

a. It generally describes the automated arrangement, coordination and management

of complex computer systems, middleware & services
b. It is coordinated interaction of services without single point of control
c. It is a general abstraction that encompasses several different implementations by using
different technologies & protocols
d. All of these
Q. 16 Which product types are typically provided by an Infrastructure as a Service cloud
computing delivery model?

a. Virtual machines
b. Virtual network
c. middleware software stacks
d. Web applications & services

Q. 17 Which scenario best illustrates the benefits of using a hybrid cloud?

a. An enterprise whose IT infrastructure is underutilized on average, and the system load

is fairly consistent
b. A small start up business that is focused primarily on short term projects, and the
system load is highly unpredictable
c. An enterprise that is not too concerned about control over their data and has a large
existing infrastructure that is capable of handling future needs
d. An enterprise that needs highly controlled storage and access to their data and
that has a large existing infrastructure but needs additional resources for test and
development of new solutions

Q. 18 What is community cloud?

a. The infrastructure is shared by several organizations & supports a specific

community that has shared concerns
b. They offer solutions for minimizing IT infrastructure costs & serve as a viable solution
for handling peak loads
c. They rely on private infrastructure & provide internal users with dynamic provisioning
of computing resources
d. They allow exploiting existing IT infrastructures, maintaining sensitive information
within the premises, & naturally growing and shrinking by provisioning external
resources & releasing them when needed

Q.19 Cloud service providers typically provide web based management consoles that provide
users insight on the state of cloud services. What is one technology used in client side browser
code that queries back end systems for data from the cloud services?

a. PHP
Q. 20 Which statement is true about a cloud computing environment?

a. It cannot be used to host location based applications

b. It enables users to access systems regardless of their location
c. It introduces latency as the servers are geographically dispersed
d. It can improve a web server response time by having servers closer to the end user

Q. 21 What denotes the infrastructure as a cloud from which businesses and users can access
applications as services from anywhere in the world on demand

a. Grid Computing
b. Cloud Computing
c. Distributed Computing
d. All of these

Q. 22 A cloud is a type of parallel and ------ system consisting of interconnected and

virtualized computers that are dynamically provisioned & presented as one or more unified
computing resources based on service level agreements

a. Soft
b. Sequential
c. Distributed
d. Hybrid

Q. 23 Which of the following statements could be used to describe a private cloud


a. The use of cloud based in house solutions

b. A private environment within organizations premises
c. A cloud service inaccessible to anyone but the cultural elite
d. Both #1 and #2

Q. 24 A cloud provider offers an environment for building applications that will run from the
customer's environment. Which cloud computing delivery model are they using?

a. Platform as a Service
b. Software as a Service
c. Development as a Service
d. Infrastructure as a Service
Q. 25 A company currently experiences 7 to 10 percent utilization of its development and test
computing resources. The company would like to consolidate to reduce the number of total
resources in their data center and decrease energy costs. Which feature of cloud computing
allows resource consolidation?

a. Automation
b. Elasticity
c. Provisioning
d. Virtualization

Q. 26 Virtual machines are example of

a. SaaS
b. PaaS
c. IaaS
d. None of these

Q. 27 Gnutella, BitTorrent and Kazaa are example of

a. Client Server Architecture

b. Peer to Peer Architecture
c. Call and Return Architecture
d. Data centered Architecture

Q. 28 Machines based on ----- model are well suited for scientific computing


Q. 29 Which architectural style goal is to achieve Portability?

a. Data Flow Architecture

b. Call and Return Architecture
c. Virtual Machine Architecture
d. Data Centered Architectures
Q. 30 Which model introduces strategy based on notification among components

a. Point to Point Message Model

b. Publish Subscribe Message Model
c. Request Reply Message Model
d. None of these

Q. 31 ------- enables such capabilities in a distributed environment by adding the required inter
process communication support

c. RMI
d. .Net Remoting

Q. 32 Which is an XML based language for exchanging structured information in a platform

independent manner & constitutes the protocol used for web service method invocation

c. XML namespace

Q. 33 FreeBSD Jails, LPAR and OpenVZ are examples of

a. Hardware Virtualization
b. Operating System Level Virtualization
c. Programming Language Level Virtualization
d. Application Level Virtualization

Q. 34 What organizes distributed systems in terms of services which represent the major
abstraction for building systems

a. Service Oriented Computing

b. Service Oriented Architecture
c. Web Services
d. Service Oriented Modelling
Q. 35 Which product types are typically provided by Platform as a Service cloud computing
delivery model?

a. virtual machines
b. Programming API & framework
c. Virtual network
d. middleware software stacks

Q. 36 Which customer scenario best fits a deployment on a public cloud?

a. A customer whose IT infrastructure is underutilized

b. A customer who deals with highly sensitive user information
c. A customer who does not have the IT infrastructure to handle variable system
d. A customer who is not too concerned about security control over their data, and the
system load is almost a constant at all times

Q. 37 What is community cloud?

a. The infrastructure is shared by several organizations & supports a specific

community that has shared concerns
b. They offer solutions for minimizing IT infrastructure costs & serve as a viable solution
for handling peak loads
c. They rely on private infrastructure & provide internal users with dynamic provisioning
of computing resources
d. They allow exploiting existing IT infrastructures, maintaining sensitive information
within the premises, & naturally growing and shrinking by provisioning external
resources & releasing them when needed

Q. 38 Which statement is true about the security of the cloud computing environment?

a. It is compromised because it is a shared environment

b. Multitenant applications are not able to run in a cloud environment
c. A public cloud provides the same level of security as a private cloud
d. Access to critical data is better controlled in a private cloud environment

Q. 39 What is one benefit of a cloud computing environment?

a. It improves server performance

b. It minimizes network traffic to the virtual machines
c. It automatically transforms physical servers into virtual machines
d. It maximizes server utilization by implementing automated provisioning
Q. 40 How can IT resource consolidation and virtualization help companies deliver services?

a. It scales applications better than traditional clustering of application servers

b. It reduces the network traffic
c. It allocates computing resources more efficiently and reduces maintenance costs
d. It creates more maintenance work but virtualization makes it easy to scale applications

Q. 41 What allows renting infrastructure, runtime environment and services on pay-per-use


a. Grid Computing
b. Distributed Computing
c. Cloud Computing
d. All of these

Q. 42 Cloud computing is a model for enabling ubiquitous, convenient, -------------network

access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources

a. on agreement
b. on demand
c. on appeal
d. on application

Q. 43 What is a hybrid cloud?

a. A blend of public cloud resources and privately owned infrastructures

b. A cloud service deployed across multiple offices or locations
c. A blend of private cloud and legacy on-premises hardware
d. None of the above

Q. 44 A company has decided to leverage the web conferencing services provided by a cloud
provider and to pay for those services as they are used. The cloud provider manages the
infrastructure and any application upgrades. This is an example of what type of cloud delivery

a. Platform as a Service
b. Software as a Service
c. Application as a Service
d. Infrastructure as a Service
Q. 45 What is the role of virtualization in cloud computing?

a. It removes operating system inefficiencies

b. It improves the performance of web applications
c. It optimizes the utilization of computing resources
d. It adds extra load to the underlying physical infrastructure and has no role in cloud

Q. 46 Google docs is an example of

a. SaaS
b. PaaS
c. IaaS
d. XaaS

Q. 47 In ---------- machine instructions are processed sequentially and hence computers are
called sequential computers


Q. 48 What is pipes and filter style?

a. They emphasize on incremental transformation of data

b. It is used in UNIX family of the system
c. They return no state information
d. All of the mentioned

Q. 49 A process that is based on IPC mechanism which executes on different systems and can
communicate with other processes using message based communication, is called ________

a. Local Procedure Call

b. Remote Procedure Call
c. Remote Machine Invocation
d. All of these
Q. 50 which model provides a different classification that does not focus on the number of the
components involved in the communication but on how the dynamic of the interaction evolves

a. Point to Point Message Model

b. Publish Subscribe Message Model
c. Request Reply Message Model
d. None of these

Q. 51 Which is a standard technology provided by Java for enabling RPC among distributed
java objects

c. RMI
d. .Net Remoting

Q. 52 What is used to define interface of a web service in terms of methods to be called and
types & data structures of the required parameters & return values


Q. 53 Wine is one of the most popular solution implementing

a. Hardware Virtualization
b. Operating System Level Virtualization
c. Programming Language Level Virtualization
d. Application Level Virtualization

Q. 54 What encompasses a set of design principles that structure system development and
provide means for integrating components into a coherent and decentralized systems

a. Service Oriented Computing

b. Service Oriented Architecture
c. Service Oriented Modelling
d. Web Services
Q. 55 Which product types are typically provided by an Infrastructure as a Service cloud
computing delivery model?

a. applications
b. virtual machines management infrastructure
c. virtual private networks
d. middleware software stacks

Q. 56 Which business scenario is best suited to maximize the benefits gained from using a
private cloud?

a. An enterprise that manages sensitive data and the load on their systems is fairly
b. An enterprise that manages sensitive data requiring maximum control and does
not have enough infrastructure capacity to handle variable load
c. An enterprise that is focused primarily on short term projects, and the load on their
systems is highly unpredictable
d. An enterprise that is not too concerned about control over their data, and the load on
their systems is almost a constant at all times

Q. 57 What is community cloud?

a. The infrastructure is shared by several organizations & supports a specific

community that has shared concerns
b. They offer solutions for minimizing IT infrastructure costs & serve as a viable solution
for handling peak loads
c. They rely on private infrastructure & provide internal users with dynamic provisioning
of computing resources
d. They allow exploiting existing IT infrastructures, maintaining sensitive information
within the premises, & naturally growing and shrinking by provisioning external
resources & releasing them when needed

Q. 58 Which statement is true about the scalability of the cloud computing environment?

a. They allow scaling beyond the limits of existing in house IT resources

b. They improves the scalability through the use of multiple sites
c. A hybrid cloud strategy represents the best approach for a scalable cloud computing
d. They allow scaling within the limits of existing IT resources
Q. 59 A private cloud helps businesses reduce their cost in what way?

a. It reduces infrastructure cost by adopting virtualization techniques and

consolidating computing resources and distributed computing
b. It reduces infrastructure cost by owning all of the computing resources
c. It reduces operating costs by having maximum control over the data and infrastructure
d. It reduces operating costs by having the internal IT department manage all the
computing resources

Q. 60 What is trait of a cloud computing architecture?

a. Single tiered & non scalable

b. on demand access to resources & internet accessible server
c. client and server run in the same physical environment
d. Single tiered & scalable

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