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EVERY SUCCESSFUL COMPANY ALREADY operates according to an effective business

model. By systematically identifying all of its constituent parts,

executives can understand how the model fulfills a potent value proposition
in a profitable way using certain key resources and key processes. With that
understanding, they can then judge how well the same model could be used
to fulfill a radically different CVP—and what they’d need to do to construct a
new one, if need be, to capitalize on that opportunity

EVERY SUCCESSFUL COMPANY ALREADY operates according to an effective business

model. The first thing I would do is identify all the constituent parts of my Company’s
business model
With that understanding, I can then then effectively assess how well the same model
could be used to fulfill a radically different CVP—and what our oganization needs to do
to construct a new one, if need be, to capitalize on that opportunity

A limitation based on theoretical investigation is about the absence of strategy in terms of competition.
The Business Model Canvas is an internally focused tool which is focusing on what a company delivers,
how it will be delivered and what is necessary to make what the company is delivering. Competitive
strategy is missing in these mechanisms of the business model tool. Based on theory the strategy and
business models are highly related to each other (Brandenburger & Stuart, 1996), because the way of
adapting to competition may lead to superior performance or under performance (Magretta, 2002).

y. In the Business Model Canvas emphasis is on the Value Proposition and ways how to capture and
deliver value and less on the sources of value creation, such as experienced people and a high profile

The Business Model Canvas is formed around profit generation. This excludes non-profit and
governmental organizations. In other terms, the goal of the Business Model Canvas is fixed, it is about
the exchange of value for revenue. Organizations which aim at other values such as Social Value cannot
be designed with the Business Model Canvas. The limitation is therefore the exclusion of other purposes
of a business model then the purpose of profit generation.

Exclusion of competition is another important limitation which is corresponds with the former sub-
research question. According to online discussions, competition should be included because it is an
essential part of the daily influences of a company. When not taking into account competition, a
business model might not work. Because, for example the competition has a better value proposition
than the new business model of the company under design. The business model might not be feasible.
Furthermore, a limitation is directed at the execution of a business model designed with the Business
Model Canvas. It is not clear how to start the business. This can be remedied, according to the online
discussion, by making a story around the business model to explain relations and interaction between
the individual building blocks. Last limitation is the difference in detail of the individual building blocks.
The resource, activity, channel and customer relationship blocks induce to higher detail then other
building blocks

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