Assignment 8 Pearson Correlation

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Question 1:

Question 1:
Independent variable : Motivation (X)
Dependent variable : Satisfaction (Y)

a) Pearson Correlation Coefficient ( )

Subject X Y X² Y² XY
Summary Statistics
1 5 8 25 64 40
2 7 5 49 25 35 n 8
3 11 17 121 289 187 ∑X 64
∑Y 100
4 8 12 64 144 96
∑X² 574
5 4 12 16 144 48
∑Y² 1384
6 13 18 169 324 234 ∑XY 866
7 9 15 81 225 135
8 7 13 49 169 91

√( )( )

( )( ) (64)(100)
− 866 −

= ( )
2 ( )
2 (100)

2 2
√[ − ][ − ] = √[574 − ][1384 − ]
8 8

66 66
= = = 0.724
√(62)(134) 91.148

b) Nature of relationship between the two variables

There is a positive and high relationship between motivation and satisfaction.
= 0.724

c) Test the hypothesis on the relationship at .05 level of significance.

i. State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses


ii. Calculate the test statistic.

− 0.724 − 0 0.724

= = = 0.281 = 2.576
√ 1− ² √ 1 − 0.724²

−2 8−2

iii. critical value

.025,6 =2.447

iv. decision and conclusion

Since (2.576) > (2.447)

There is significant relationship between motivation and satisfaction at = 0.05 level of significance.

Question 2
Independent variable : Tenure (X)
Dependent variable : Commitment (Y)

a) Pearson Correlation Coefficient ( )

Summary Statistics

N 10
∑X 44
∑Y 119
∑X² 246
∑Y² 1573
∑XY 472
√( )( )
− ( )( ) 472 − (44)(119)

2 2
( )
2 ( ) (44)
2 (119)

= √ [ 2
− ][ 2
− ] =√[246 − ][1573 − ]

10 10

−51.60 −51.60

= √(52.40)(156.90)
= 90.669
= −0.569

d) Nature of relationship between the two variables

There is a negative and moderate relationship between tenure and
= −0.569

e) Test the hypothesis on the relationship at .05 level of significance.

v. State the appropriate null and alternative hypotheses

: =0
: <0

vi. Calculate the test statistic.

− −0.569 − 0 −0.569

= = = 0.290 = −1.962

√ 1− ² √ 1 − (−0.569)²

−2 10−2

vii. critical value

.001,8 =2.896

viii. decision and conclusion

Since (|-1.962|) < (2.896)

Fail to reject
There is no significant negative relationship between tenure and commitment at = 0.01 level of significance.
Question 3

Independent variable : Attitude

Dependent variable : Participation
a. SPSS Pearson Correlation Results

Table 1: Results of Pearson Correlation between selected factors and participation


Attitude 0.582 0.000

b. Nature of Relationship
There is a positive and moderate relationship between attitude and participation.

c. 5 Steps Hypothesis Test Procedure

i. Hypothesis
: =0
: ≠0
ii. Set the alpha ( )
The alpha ( ) value is 0.05 (95% level of confidence).

iii. Test Statistics

Based on SPSS Correlation metric table, = 0.582 and
- = 0.000.

iv. Decision
Since− (0.000) < (0.05)

v. Conclusion
There is significant relationship between attitude and participation at = 0.05 level of significance.

d. APA Reporting

Results of the Pearson correlation indicated that there was a positive and moderate
relationship between attitude and participation and the relationship/correlation was
significant, (303) = .582, p < .05.


Attitude Participation
Attitude Pearson Correlation 1 .582
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 305 305
Participation Pearson Correlation .582 1
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 305 305
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

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