DLL-CSC-week 2

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Teaching Dates and Time November 12 – 16, 2018 Quarter SECOND


I. OBJECTIVES Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional lessons, exercises,
and remedial activities may be done for developing content knowledge and competencies. These are assessed using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives support the learning
of content and competencies and enable children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the curriculum guides.
a. compare and contrast the different changes they observe in their communities and how this changes affects their future careers
b. identify different community dynamics that exist in their respective localities
c. enumerate different social institutions present in their community
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an understanding of :
the integration of social science perspective and community action initiatives
B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to:
a. synthesize the integrative experience of implementing community-action initiatives applying social sciences’ ideas and methods

C. Learning Competency/Objectives The learners:

Write the LC code for each. Explaintheimportance of studying communitydynamicsand communityactioninrelation toappliedsocial sciences and thelearners’ futurecareeroptions.(HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-1)
Compare and contrastthe definitionsof communityusing variousperspectives,e.g.,socialsciences,institutions,civilsociety,andlocal/grassrootslevel.(HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-2)
III. CONTENT Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach in the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
Concepts and Perspectives of Community
1. Importance of understanding community dynamics and community action
2. Definitions of community a. Social sciences perspective b. Institutional perspective c. Civil society (e.g., people’s organization, civic organizations, social movements,
LGBT, etc.) d. Local and grassroots levels
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from PowerPointPresentation,PingPongBalls,C PowerPointPresentation PowerPoint Presentation
Learning Resource (LR)portal artons,Metacards
B. Other Learning Resource http://sociologyguide.com/basic-concepts/Community.php




VI. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you
can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning
processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or 10 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes
presenting the new lesson Thelearnerswillparticipatein Presentation of Homework: SOCIAL Presentation of Homework: Learners will
anactivityentitled“ROLLERCOASTERRID MAPPING. Learners will present their present their community pictures in
E”wherein 3ping-pongballs willbe maps and make conclusions based on PowerPoint. They will individually
relayedin their observations about the dynamics describe in 2-3 sentences the pictures
semicircularimprovisedpaperpipes. that exist in their communities.
Learnerswillbe Teacher asks 2 or 3 students to answer
askedabouttheirobservations on the following question:
thegroupdynamicsastheyperformed 1. Where do you belong to these groups?
thegiven task. 2.Ten years from now, where would you
Particularly,thefollowingfocusqu be in these groups?
estionsshould beanswered:

1. How would youreactif oneof

youfailto transfer thepingpong
2. Werethereanyconflictsthatemerged

B. Establishing a purpose for the 5 minutes 5 minutes

lesson The purposeof The objective of this lesson is to have
thislessonistoletthestudentunderstand students identify the different concepts
theimportance ofcommunity dynamicsand and perspective of community on the local
communityaction and grassroots level.
C. Presenting examples/Instances of
the new lesson
D. Discussing new concepts and 15 minutes 20 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes
practicing new skills # 1 The teacher and the Learners will The teacher and the Learners will have an The teacher and the Learners will have The teacher will present the definition of
have an interactive discussion about… interactive discussion about the following: an interactive discussion about the community from the institutional
The importance of studying community 1.Who compose the community? following: perspective:
dynamics and community action. Learners’ expected answer: “Me, you, and a. Institutions such marriage or
. us.” The community as a “sociological friendship;
2.What is the basic unit of community or construct?” b. Roles;
society? Communities within communities c. Status or class; and
Learners’ expected answer Community as a cultural concept d. Other patterns of human behavior

“Family is the basic unit of community or
E. Discussing new concepts and
practicing new skills # 2

F. Developing mastery Activity 1: (20 minutes) Activity 1: (10minutes) .30 minutes 30 minutes
(leads to Formative Assessment 3 COLLABORATIVE LEARNING Learners will compare and contrast the COLLABORATIVE LEARNING
In groups, the learners will be asked by 5-itemQuiz aboutthe day’s pictures presented.
the Teacher to determine the changes discussion. The learners will be working in groups
that happened in their community by The teacher will be presenting pictures and will be tasked to think of
comparing 2015 and2017 using the table depicting various types of community- KEYWORDS related to the institution
below: 1 ._ Which refers toacollection based on sociological perspective. assigned to them. Words should be
of peoplein ageographicalarea? related to the function and importance of
TABLEOFCOMPARISON –5 Enumerate Learners will be asked to look into the the institution in making the community
2015 2017 atleast4characteristicsofacommunity. answer to the guide questions: works.

1. What similarities/differences did you Meta cards will be used in posting their
observe on the pictures presented? key words.
(e. g., rural, urban, slum, subdivision,
poor, middle class, rich, industrial, A group member will present the meta
Process Question/s: agricultural, etc.) cards.
1.What are the factors that brought these Note: Teacher should provide
changes? contrasting pictures of communities
Learners’ expected response: based sociological perspective.
• Leadership
• Technology
• Economic Advancement
G. Finding practical application of 5 minutes
concepts and skills in daily living Teacher asks:
“How does a change in your community
affect your career choice?”
H. Making generalizations and 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
abstractions about the lesson Learners will answer the question, Learners will answer the question, “What Learners will answer the question, “What
“What is a community?” is a community in the perspective of is a community in the perspective of an
social science?” institution?”

Learners’ expected response: “It refers to Learners’ expected response: “It refers Learners’ expected response: ”It is
a collection of people in a geographical to human society?” composed of Public Sector and Private
area Sector that joined together to make the
community works.”
I. Evaluating learning
J. Additional activities for application 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes
or remediation Homework: SOCIAL MAPPING. Homework: LOKAL! Take pictures of Homework: Write a journal about your
Learners, in a group, will prepare a social their communities to be collated in a class role in your community.
map featuring the different networks of PowerPoint.
people and resources that exist in their

VIII. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your students’ progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the
students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require additional 10 students from GAS 2 grade 12 needs remediation
activities for remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of Yes
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to None
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies Collaborative learning helps students to understand lesson through the aid of their classmates
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials By relating the discussion in connection with their future careers students are able to understand their important role in the community and vice-versa
did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by:


SHS Teacher Principal II-DCNHS-SHS


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