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Kindly encode your name and section on the yellow box, I will enocde your grade here o

Subject: MAPEH 6 Lesson: Tempo, Package/ Product Design, Invasion Games, Propaganda Techniques
PERFORMANCE TASK Quarter: Fourth Quarter
NAME: Pauline Rose A. Aragon


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The video commercial

The video commercial
included more than 1 The video commercial used
Propaganda Technique included more than 2 propaganda techniques 1 propaganda technique
Used (Commercial propaganda techniques and demonstrated and demonstrated some
geared towards an obvious use of a target audience
Content) considerable use of a
audience and has a very and showed some
target audience and has a
effective purpose. purpose.
considerable purpose.

The music used was The music used was The music used was
planned excellently to fit planned in a very good planned in a good manner
Musicality (Tempo) the tempo that is suited in manner to fit the tempo to fit the tempo used and
the whole period of the used and suited the whole suited the whole period of
video. period of the video. the video.

Used and portrayed all the Used and portrayed more Used and portrayed half of
Visual Aids props/ costumes/ skills/ than half of the the props/ costumes/
(Props and Skills/ props/costumes/ skills/
drills needed significantly skills/ drills needed
Drills in Football or drills needed significantly
Basketball) that supported the video that supported the video significantly that supported
commercial. the video commercial.

Incorporated design Incorporated design

elements with a high elements with Incorporated design
degree of effectiveness. considerable effectiveness. elements with some
Final Packaging/ Design of
Color scheme, font, and all A solid and effective color effectiveness. There may
the Product (Use
of Design Elements) visual elements are aimed scheme and layout. Fonts be some messy or
at the target audience aimed at the audience distracting elements when
when it comes to when it comes to it comes to packaging.
packaging. packaging.
Very satisfactorily
Excellently presented the Satisfactorily presented the
presented the commercial
Neatness and Presentation commercial within the within the time frame in a commercial within the
time frame in a logical and time frame in a logical and
logical and organized
organized manner. organized manner.

The video commercial

The video commercial
The video commercial showed significant showed evidence of
showed very significant evidence of originality and
originality and
Total Impact evidence of originality and inventiveness in a very inventiveness adequately.
(Originality and Creativity) inventiveness excellently. satisfactory manner. The
Some of the ideas were
All ideas were fresh, majority of the ideas were
fresh, original, and
original, and inventive. fresh, original, and
e your grade here once I am done checking your PT.

Date: 3/5/2020
Grade 6: tantalum


2 1

The video commercial The video commercial does

included 1 propaganda not have a clear
technique and propaganda technique
demonstrated limited use
used and the target
of a target audience and
audience is not clear.
showed limited purpose.

The music used was

planned acceptably to fit The music used was
the tempo used and suited planned however the
tempo did not fit and it is
in the whole period of the
not suitable in the video.

Used and portrayed the

props/ costumes/ skills/ Used props/costumes/
skills/ drills but they do not
drills needed however it
have any connection with
didn’t support the video the video commercial.

Incorporated design
elements however it is Had difficulty Incorporating
somehow confusing when design elements resulting
it comes to color scheme in unfinished final
or layout of the final packaging of the product
packaging of the product being advertised.
being advertised.
Presented the commercial Had difficulty presenting
in a logical and organized the commercial in a logical
manner, however it is and organized manner and
slightly beyond the time it is slightly beyond the
frame. time frame.

The video commercial The video commercial

showed some evidence of showed little evidence of
originality and new thought or
inventiveness. inventiveness.


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