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Unit 6 Progress Test A Name, class: Keitija Bērziņa 9.

1 Complete the dialogue with the phrases below and the relative pronouns who, which / that, whose and
where. Add commas where necessary.

• are very expensive • family come from Sicily

• have been here for years
• Luigi works in the evenings • was very nice of him

Max Hi Cath! Are you enjoying your new weekend job?

Cathy Yes, it’s great. The place 1where i’m working is called Melody Makers. It’s a shop 2 where you make and sell
Max That sounds great. Are the people in the shop nice?
Cathy Yes, they are. But they’re all people 3 who have been here for years so it’s difficult to make friends quickly.
But the boss Luigi 4 who actually makes the instruments is great. He’s the person 5 who I’ve seen on the
BBC news programme . There’s a big cellar under the main shop, 6 whose have been here for years.
Max What instruments does he make?
Cathy Well, the shop sells lots of instruments, but Luigi only makes violins, 7 which are very expensive. Some of
the people 8 buy his violins are famous musicians.
Max Really?
Cathy Yes. A really nice man 9 whos family come from Sicily came in the other day. He thanked me for helping him
that was very nice of him!
Max Well, it sounds like you’ve got a really interesting job!

Mark: ___ / 10

2 Write sentences using the words in bold to write defining or non-defining relative clauses.
Add commas where necessary.
1 the skirt / I / buy / cost / £15
______The skirt I bought was 15£.
2 that / be / the school / my dad / work / as a maths teacher
______My dad works as a maths teacher in that school.
3 Lucy / photos / be / very good / win / the art prize every year
______Lucys photos are very good she wins the art prise every year.
4 May / be / a / nice girl / family / own a shop on the High Street
______May is a nice girl with a nice family who owns a shot on the High Street.
5 my best friend Jack / write / songs / be / very creative
______my friend Jack writes songs hes very creative.
6 Sally / just / start / work at a sports centre / she / help / disabled athletes
______Sally just started working at the sports centre where she helps sisabled athetes.

Mark: ___ / 6

3 Combine the sentences to write single sentences containing defining or non-defining relative clauses.

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 1 Unit 6 Progress Test A

1 My boss speaks Mandarin Chinese. He’s British but grew up in Beijing.
My boss is British but he grew up in Beijing so he speaks Mandarin Chinese.
7 She’s the new girl. I really want to meet her.
I really want to meet the new girl.
8 This is a great website. You can download music here.
There’s an amazing website where you can download music there.
9 The young entrepreneur started a computer business. I met him on a train.
I met a young entrepreneur on a train he started a computer business.

Mark: ___ / 4

4 Match sentences 1−6 with adjectives and nouns A−F. Choose the correct word to complete the
1 You supported me when everybody was against me. Thank you for your ___D__ . 
2 You’re very __E__ , but unfortunately we don’t live in a perfect world. 
3 Einstein is one of the most ___F___ people who has ever lived. 
4 It won’t be easy, but I’m ___C____ to work hard and succeed. 
5 Gary is always telling people how good he is. He needs a little __B___ . 
6 The doctor is very busy, so you’ll have to be ___A___ and wait to see her. 
A patient / patience
B modest / modesty
C determined / determination
D loyal / loyalty
E idealistic / idealism
F intelligent / intelligence

Mark: ___ / 6

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 2 Unit 6 Progress Test A

Use of English (pārfrāzēt teikumus)(do as much as you can)
5 Rewrite the sentences so they have a similar meaning. Use the words in brackets.
1 Is the job part-time? (may / ask)
May I ask, is the job part time?
2 What qualifications would I need? (could / tell)
Could you tell me what qualifications i need?
10 What time do I need to arrive? (be / wondering)
I’m wondering what time do I need to arrive?
11 Do I have to work at the weekend? (interested / know)
I need to know if i have work on the weekend?
12 What experience do I need? (like / know)
What type of experience do i need to know
13 Is there a canteen? (interested / know)
I’m interested is there a canteen?

Mark: ___ / 6
Total: ___ / 32 points

Solutions Third Edition Intermediate Tests 3 Unit 6 Progress Test A

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