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Verordnung 562/2019 der Pflanzenquarantänebestimmungen Ägyptens vom 11.05.2019

Quelle:, aufgerufen am 06.09.2019

(Verwendung des Entwurfs Ägyptens in englischer Sprache und grober Vergleich der arabischen
Fassung mit dem Entwurf in arabischer Sprache, Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für
Kulturpflanzen, Institut für nationale und internationale Angelegenheiten der Pflanzengesundheit,

Übersetzung und Wiedergabe erfolgen ohne Gewähr.

Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation

Draft Ministerial Decree
Concerning Egypt's Plant Quarantine
Rules & Regulations

The Minister for Agriculture and Land Reclamation, after reviewing:

- Law No 53 of 1966, promulgating the Law of Agriculture,
- the Criminal Procedure Code,
- the Anti-narcotics Law No 182 of 1960, amended by Law No 122 of 1989, schedules attached
thereunto and all the amending and implementing resolutions thereof,
- the Decree of the Minister for Justice No 1124 of 1971, amending Article 1 of the Decree No 51 of
1967 granting to certain members of staff of the Ministry of Agriculture the capacity of judicial control
- the Decree of the Minister for Agriculture and Land Reclamation No 3007 of 2001 concerning
quarantine rules and the amendments thereof,
- Inter-ministerial Decree No 824 of 2010 and the amendments thereof,
- Inter-ministerial Decree No 670 of 2017,
- Ministerial Decree No 154 of 2018,
- the International Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS) and
- the recommendations of the Plant Quarantine Committee (PQC) convened on ...

has reached the following decision:

Chapter One
General Provisions
Article 1: The following terms and phrases, whenever mentioned in this Decree, shall have the
meanings assigned to them and stated in Annex 1.
Article 2:
1- The Competent Authority (the National Plant Protection Organisation represented in Egyptian
Plant Quarantine) shall be responsible for enforcing the provisions of this Decree and
subsequent amendments under the following legislative framework:
 the Egyptian Law on Agriculture and the amendments thereunto,
 the current Ministerial Decree regulating quarantine arrangements,
 various resolutions of the Plant Quarantine Committee (PQC),

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 bilateral and multilateral memoranda of understanding and Protocols,
 the terms and requirements of relevant international and regional organisations and
agreements; and all the (competences and functions) stated herein and annexes thereof
shall be exclusive functions for the Egyptian Plant Quarantine in its capacity of a National
Plant Protection Organisation within the meaning of Article IV of the International Plant
Protection Convention (IPPC).
2- Any decisions related to the work system and functions of Plant Quarantine shall be issued by
the Minister for Agriculture and upon the recommendation of the PQC.
3- The competent authority shall be competent for technical functions as well as those set out in
Annex 2.
Article 3: Wortlaut tw. geändert
1- Egyptian Plant Quarantine shall represent the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in
all matters related to quarantine and other measures taken in respect of all regulated articles,
whether they are exported, imported or in transit through any internal or external bodies.
2- Egyptian Plant Quarantine shall, with full supervisory control, seek the assistance of any
authority to perform the plant quarantine tasks pursuant to cooperation protocols of fixed-term
and assignment, provided that such protocols have not been concluded by the Head of the
competent authority until it has received the approval of the PQC.
Article 4:
1- The remit of Egyptian Plant Quarantine is to perform and complete the quarantine processes of
all plants and agricultural products whether natural or processed, which do not prevent
infestation with pests and other regulated articles.
2- Egyptian Plant Quarantine shall preserve the country's agricultural sector and the reputation of
Egyptian agricultural exports; and shall minimize the adverse effects on international trade to
the minimum level concerning the phytosanitary requirements through the implementation of
procedures and measures and the application of international requirements and standards that
prevent the entry or spread of any quarantine pest.
3- Plant quarantine inspectors shall be experts in the functions and have the technical knowledge
set out in Annex 3.
Article 5: A committee named "Plant Quarantine Committee" shall be established under the
chairmanship of the Head of the Competent Authority (Egyptian Plant Quarantine) with the
membership of:
 the Head of Agricultural Services and Follow-up Sector,
 the Head of the Central Administration of Pest Control,
 the Director of the Plant Protection Research Institute (PPRI),
 the Director of the Plant Pathology Research Institute (PPATHRI),
 the Chairman of the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Committee of the Ministry,
 the Director of the Weed Research Central Laboratory (WRCL ),
 the Director-Generals of the Public Administrations of Plant Quarantine,
 the Director of the Technical Office of the Plant Quarantine,
 the Director of the Exporters Service Department,
 the Supervisor of the Phytosanitary Unit at the Egyptian Plant Quarantine,
 the Director-General for Legal Affairs of the Ministry of Agriculture.
The committee’s chairman shall be entitled to seek the assistance of whomever he deems
appropriate to perform the committee’s works. The PQC shall be convened at the behest of the
committee chairman, and the meeting shall not have a quorum unless attended by at least five
members. Decisions shall be taken by a majority vote. In the event of a tied vote, the chairman

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shall have the casting vote. Decisions shall only be effective after the approval of the Minister
for Agriculture. A technical secretariat shall be established in order to complete the committee’s
functions, under the chairmanship of one of the competent engineers of the competent authority.
The committee shall discharge the functions set out in Annex 4.
 Allowances for meetings and activities of this committee shall be funded from the financial
allocations of the Plant Quarantine.
Article 6: Wortlaut tw. geändert
Inspectors of Egyptian Plant Quarantine shall have the capacity of a judicial control officer in
respect of their work and within the scope of work of the competent authority. If an inspector
suspects that regulations, conditions and procedures implemented for the quarantine actions
have been infringed, he shall be entitled to undertake all procedures necessary to corroborate
such actions; the rest of the legal proceedings shall be completed by the knowledge of the
competent authority and the Ministry officials in contact with the various bodies concerned. They
shall decide among themselves on the mechanisms to be used in such cases; and they shall
facilitate the task of the quarantine inspector to achieve the purposes of the work entrusted to
him so as to ensure the national security of the agricultural economy of the country and the
reputation of exports of plant products.
Article 7: The Plant Quarantine Samples Coding Unit shall receive, prepare and encode the various
samples, and send them to the bodies accredited by Plant Quarantine for the laboratory
examination as set out in Annex 5.
Article 8: Quarantine parcel expenses shall be collected as set out in Annex 6. Any of the Plant
Quarantine actions shall not be carried until the payment of due costs is settled, and the
expenses shall be reviewed and updated periodically by the PQC.
Article 9: A full financial statement shall be issued for the collection and disbursement of all necessary
expenses and allowances. The appropriate means of transportation shall be provided for those
who carry out various quarantine actions and shall be binding for the concerned parties or
representatives thereof.
Article 10: Without prejudice to penalties set forth in the Agricultural Law, measures set out in Annex 7
shall be applied for each specific violation.
Article 11: Requirements for phytosanitary measures contained in ISPM 15 on wood packaging
materials used in international trade shall be complied with.
Article 12: All the annexes referred to herein shall be an integral part of the articles hereof.
Chapter Two
Import and Processing
Article 13: Import and entry of plant and agricultural products parcels from a country of origin accredited
by plant quarantine shall be permitted in accordance with the conditions and rules set forth in
Annex 8.
Article 14: Importation of any regulated article from any origin for the first time shall be prohibited except
on the basis of pest risk analysis results. The adoption of a new origin and/or the re-evaluation
of a current origin in accordance with the requirements and controls is described in Annex 9.
Article 15: A consignment shall not be permitted to enter the country except under an import permit
specifying the requirements to be complied with, issued prior to the shipment from the exporting
country, or unless it is accompanied by a phytosanitary certificate issued by the exporting
country’s competent authority. One or both of those conditions may be waived in the cases
described in Annex 10.
Article 16: Plants and agricultural products infested with quarantine pests listed in Table 1 of Annex 11
shall be refused entry into Egypt.
Article 17: Plants and agricultural products infested with pests recorded in Egypt and listed in Table 1
of Annex 11 shall not be permitted to enter Egypt unless they are treated with techniques
approved by Plant Quarantine and carried out under its terms and supervision and under the
responsibility and at the expense of the party concerned.

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Article 18: Plants and agricultural products listed in Table 1 of Annex 11 may be permitted entry if they
were infested with the pests specified for each of them, after they have been treated with the
eradication techniques specified for each respectively under the terms and supervision of Plant
Quarantine and under the responsibility and at the expense of the party concerned.
Article 19: Seed parcels and plants for cultivation or propagation purposes shall be permitted entry into
Egypt if they conform to the rules and conditions set forth in Annex 12, provided that they are
completely free from the pests listed in Table 4 in addition to any of the pests listed in Table 1
of Annex 11.
Article 20: An unidentified pest shall be treated as the pest listed in Table 1 unless all of its species are
listed in Table 2. In such a case, the provisions of Article 17 herein shall apply.
Article 21: A dead pest shall not be regarded as a quarantine pest. It shall not prevent the entry of plant
and plant products consignments into the country. Fumigation is a prerequisite if and when the
accompanied phytosanitary certificate indicates that fumigation has been completed in the
country of origin.
Article 22: Pursuant to the international standards and conventions regarding the completion of the pre-
shipment inspection and the facilitation of international trade, the Plant Quarantine Committee
shall have the right to approve the application of some phytosanitary measures in the country
of origin for certain agricultural commodities and/or from some origins. It may also, upon the
request of the concerned party, apply some of such measures in the country of origin as
described in Annex 13.
Article 23: Potato tubers shall be imported in accordance with the requirements prescribed in Annex
Article 24: The import of cotton products such as ginned cotton, ginned cotton waste, commercial
cotton samples, cottonseed for pressing and cottonseed meal shall be permitted; while the
import of lint cotton shall be limited to military factories in accordance with the conditions set
forth in Annex 15.
Article 25: Some plants and/or parts or certain categories thereof shall be refused entry into Egypt, with
the exception of some or parts thereof under conditions listed in Annex 16.
Article 26: Imported agricultural products shall be permitted to enter the free zones after being inspected
at the port of arrival; and a report on the measures carried thereupon shall be issued.
Article 27: Transit passage of plants and agricultural products consignments shall not be permitted to
enter Egypt except under the conditions set out in Annex 17.
Article 28:
1- Bees shall not be imported, except bumblebees and queens that are genetically modified
(Carniolan and Italian) which may be imported under a prior import permit issued by the
Plant Quarantine in accordance with the technical requirements of the Plant Protection
Research Institute, provided that they are initially inspected by a joint committee consisting
of Plant Quarantine and representatives of the competent institute respectively. When the
consignments are proven to be free from diseases, they shall be transferred under a
reservation and shall be placed in a quarantine area by the importer and the Bee Research
Department. They shall be followed up by a specialised committee from the Plant Protection
Research Institute for one month, until the assurance of their being free of diseases and
then they are to be released permanently.
2- Eggs, cocoons and larvae of silkworm or nonwoven silkworms shall be imported under a
prior import permit from the Plant Quarantine in accordance with the technical requirements
of the Plant Protection Research Institute, provided that they are initially inspected by a joint
committee consisting of Plant Quarantine and the representatives of the competent institute
Article 29: Growing medium shall not be imported except under a prior import permit issued by the
Plant Quarantine in accordance with the requirements of the competent research institutes.
Article 30: Governmental entities engaged in scientific research may be permitted to import prohibited
materials under the following conditions:

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1. The applicant entity shall provide the Plant Quarantine with an application including
the consignor's name and the consignee's names and addresses.
2. The application must specify the species to be imported, the quantities, source and
region of origin, purpose of importation and the type of research to be conducted.
3. The importing entity must abide by all the precautions and procedures, which the
Plant Quarantine deems appropriate before and after the parcel leaves the customs
circuit so as to ensure that no pest infiltrates therefrom.
4. Plant Quarantine may annul the import permit if and when it becomes evident that
the importation of such material may pose a threat to Egypt's plantations.
Article 31: the imported plant consignments shall be treated in accordance with the conditions and
procedures set out in Annex 18.
Article 32: Shipments that are refused entry in Egypt or transit passage through its territories shall be
subject to measures and procedures stated in Annex 19.
Article 33: Returned shipments shall be regarded as imported plant consignments after notifying the
competent authority to issue the relevant instructions thereof.
Chapter Three
Article 34: Quarantine articles permitted to be exported and specified in the special form prepared for
such purpose shall be submitted to the quarantine specialists to determine the measures to be
taken in this regard. Plant Quarantine decision shall be final after the export permit conditions
and the compliance with the importing country requirements are met in accordance with the
measures stated in Annex 20.
Article 35: A Phytosanitary Certificate or Re-export Certificate (a soft copy or a hard copy) and the
required attachments thereof shall be issued for each plant products consignment exported or
re-exported from the Arab Republic of Egypt in accordance with the relevant international
standards and in conformity with the regulations set forth in Annex 21.
Article 36: Inspection and recording of sites subject to export quarantine measures shall be approved
as per the regulations set forth in Annex 22.
Article 37: Non-quarantine articles shall be exempted from the submission to Plant Quarantine unless
the concerned party requests a phytosanitary certificate based on an affidavit issued by the
importing country.
Article 38: Agricultural crop seeds are permitted to be exported upon the approval of the Agricultural
Crops Committee, provided that the exported seeds comply with the conditions and procedures
set forth in Annex 23.
Article 39: Silkworm eggs, silk cocoons, bumblebees and honeybees are permitted to be exported
under an export permit issued by the Plant Protection Research Institute, provided that they are
inspected by a joint committee consisting of the Plant Quarantine and representatives of the
Institute, each in its respect.
Article 40: Agricultural products and articles stated in Annex 24 shall not be permitted to be exported
unless they fulfil the conditions set to each respectively.
Article 41: All provisions which challenge or are in conflict with the provisions of the present decree are
hereby abrogated.
Article 42: This decree shall be published in the Official Gazette and shall be enforced as of its date of
Issued on: 11.05.2019

Minister for Agriculture and Land Reclamation

Prof. Dr. Ezz Al-Din Abu Setit

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Annex 1
Regarding Article 1 – General Provisions
Phytosanitary Terms and Definitions

Term Definition
The competent minister …
The competent authority The national plant protection organisation represented by Egyptian
Plant Quarantine.
National Plant Protection An official department established by a government to achieve the
Organisation (NPPO) functions defined by the International Plant Protection Convention
(IPPC), represented in Egypt by Egyptian Plant Quarantine.
International Plant International Plant Protection Convention, as deposited in 1951
Protection Convention with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
(IPPC) Nations (FAO) in Rome and as subsequently amended.
Plant Quarantine All activities aimed at preventing the entry or spread of regulated
quarantine pests and to ensure that they are subject to official
International Standard for International standards approved by the FAO Conferences, the
Phytosanitary Measures Interim Commission on Phytosanitary Measures or the Commission
(ISPM) on Phytosanitary Measures, established under the International Plant
Protection Convention (IPPC).
Phytosanitary measures Any legislation, regulation or official procedure having the purpose to
prevent the introduction and/or spread of quarantine pests, or to limit
the economic impact of regulated non-quarantine pests.
Phytosanitary legislation Basic laws that grant legal authority to NPPO to protect the plants
and on which phytosanitary regulations can be based.
Phytosanitary regulation An official rule with the purpose of preventing the introduction and/or
spread of quarantine pests, or of limiting the economic impact of
regulated non-quarantine pests; and including the establishing of
schemes for phytosanitary certification.
Phytosanitary procedures Any approach officially established for the application of phytosanitary
measures, including inspection, testing, control and treatment of
regulated pests.
Phytosanitary actions An official action such as examination, inspection, testing,
supervision and/or treatment, taken to apply a phytosanitary
Judicial control officer Plant Quarantine inspector who has the right of judicial control under
the Decree No 1124 of 1971 of the Minister of Justice.
Inspector A person authorized by the Egyptian Plant Quarantine to carry out
the tasks assigned thereto.
Phytosanitary certificate An official (soft copy or hard copy) document consistent with the
IPPC certificate forms stating that the consignment meets the
phytosanitary requirements of the importing countries.
Additional declaration A statement to be entered on a phytosanitary certificate that is
required by an importing country and which provides specific
additional information pertaining to the phytosanitary condition of a
consignment in terms of regulated pests or regulated articles.
Import permit An official document authorizing importation of a commodity in
accordance with specified phytosanitary requirements.
Pest Any species, strain or biotype of plant, animal or pathogenic agent,
injurious to plants or plant products.

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Quarantine pest A pest having a potential economic importance to a threatened area
but not yet present in the area, or already present in an area but not
widespread and subject to official control.
Entry (of a pest) The entry in an area of a pest where it is not yet present, or where it
is already present but not widespread and subject to official control.
Infestation (of a The presence in a plant or plant product commodity of a living pest.
commodity) Infestation includes infection.
Regulated article Any plant, plant product, storage place, packaging, means of
transport, container, soil and any other organism, object or material
capable of harbouring or spreading pests, and deemed to require
phytosanitary measures, in particular where international
transportation is involved.
Consignment A quantity of plants, plant products and/or other articles being moved
from one country to another and covered, when required, by a single
phytosanitary certificate (a consignment may be composed of one or
more commodities or parcels).
Consignments in transit A consignment which passes through a country without being
imported (by the country), and that may be subject to phytosanitary
Re-exported consignment A consignment which has been imported into a country and then
exported. The consignment may be left as is, split up, combined with
other consignments or have its packaging changed.
Lot A number of units of a single commodity, identifiable by the
homogeneity of its composition, origin etc. and forming part of a
Mark An official seal recognized internationally that is placed on a
regulated article to certify its phytosanitary condition.
Country of origin The country where the plants and the plants from which plant
products were derived were grown.
Plants Living plant and parts thereof, including seeds.
Plant products Unprocessed material originating from plant (including seeds) and
manufactured products which, by their nature or their processing,
may cause the introduction or/and spread of pests.
Plants for planting Plants intended to remain planted, to be planted or replanted
Growing medium Any material in which plant roots are growing or intended for that
Point of entry Airport, seaport or land border point officially designated for the
importation of consignments, and/or the entrance of individuals.
Regulated area An area into which, within which and/or from which plants, plant
products and other regulated articles are subjected to phytosanitary
regulations or procedures in order to prevent the introduction and/or
spread of quarantine pests or to limit the economic impact of
regulated non-quarantine pests.
Quarantine area An area within which a quarantine pest is present and subject to an
official control.
Place of production A specified production site which is separately managed for
phytosanitary purposes.
Pest free area An area in which a specific pest does not occur as demonstrated by
scientific evidence and in which, where appropriate, this condition is
being officially maintained

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Survey An official procedure conducted over a defined period of time to
determine the characteristics of a pest population or to determine
which species occur in an area.
Pest risk analysis The process of evaluating biological or other scientific and economic
evidence so as to determine whether an organism is a pest, whether
it should be regulated, and the effectiveness of any NPPO
phytosanitary measures to fight it.
Emergency measures Phytosanitary measures or regulations established as a matter of
urgency in a new or unexpected phytosanitary situation. An
emergency measure may or may not be a provisional measure.
Emergency action A prompt phytosanitary action undertaken in a new or unexpected
phytosanitary situation.
Official control The active enforcement of mandatory phytosanitary regulations and
the application of mandatory phytosanitary procedures with the
objective of eradicating or containing quarantine pests or towards the
management of regulated non-quarantine pests.
Inspection An official visual examination of plants, plant products or other
regulated articles to determine if pests are present and/or to
determine compliance with phytosanitary regulations.
Visual examination The physical examination of plants, plant products, or other
regulated articles using the unaided eye, lens, stereoscope or
microscope to detect pests or contaminants without testing or
Pre-clearance Phytosanitary certification and/or clearance in the country of origin,
performed by or under the regular supervision of the National Plant
Protection Organisation of the country of destination.
Release (of a The authorization of entry after clearance.
Refusal The banning of the entry of a consignment or other regulated article
when it fails to comply with phytosanitary regulations.
Quarantine The official confinement of regulated articles for observation and
research or for further inspection, testing and/or treatment.
Prohibition A phytosanitary regulation forbidding the importation or movement of
specified pests or commodities.
Treatment The official procedure for the killing, inactivation or removal of pests,
or for rendering pests infertile or for their devitalization.
Fumigation A treatment with a chemical agent that reaches the commodity
wholly or primarily in a gaseous state.
Wood packaging material Wood or wood products (excluding paper products) used in
supporting, protecting or carrying a commodity, including dunnage.

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Annex 2
Regarding Article 2 – General Provisions
Functions and technical competence of the competent authority
The competent authority (the National Plant Protection Organisation represented by the Egyptian
Plant Quarantine) shall assume the tasks and responsibilities assigned thereto and required to protect
the country's agricultural sector from pests. It shall preserve the reputation of Egyptian agricultural
exports and shall minimize the adverse effects on international trade under the Egyptian Agricultural
Law, its amendments, articles of International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC), Sanitary and
Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), and relevant international agreements by means of the following:
1. Representing the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in all matters related to the
quarantine measures and other measures taken on all regulated articles, whether they are exported,
imported or in transit through any internal or external bodies.
2. Monitoring and inspecting all the regulated plant consignments and articles to ensure their
compliance with the required quarantine requirements, whether they are exported, imported or in
transit or entering with passengers or whether they are postal and return parcels.
3. Approving, inspecting and examining all places and equipment of production, preparation,
inspection, storage and treatment aiming at ensuring the compliance with the required quarantine
4. Declaring the regulated quarantine and non-quarantine pests.
5. Preventing the introduction of quarantine pests from outside the country by taking all necessary
measures to regulate the importation of plants, plant products and regulated articles.
6. Regulating the exportation of plants, plant products and regulated articles to meet the requirements
of importing countries in accordance with the international conventions.
7. Defining the sites that are used as regulated areas to complete the procedures required for
agricultural exports and imports.
8. Applying the approved quarantine treatments for imported, exported and in transit consignments.
The competent authority shall have the right to eliminate or dispose of the consignment at the
expense and under the responsibility of the concerned party if and when the consignments’
presence poses a threat to crops without any compensation.
9. Taking necessary measures on consignments which are refused entry or transit through the country
by re-exporting or elimination as described herein.
10. Conducting survey and monitoring for pests.
11. Conducting Pest Risk Analyses (PRA).
12. Adopting initial emergency measures and procedures should a pest posing a threat to the Egyptian
agricultural wealth be detected until the QPC, after being informed, decides on the actions to be
13. Reporting the detection of new pests.
14. Conducting periodic reviews of legislation, regulations or official procedures aimed at phytosanitary
compliance to prevent the introduction and/or spread of pests.
15. Disseminating information on regulated pests, how to prevent their entry and spread and how to
control them.
16. Developing a technical guide on the import and export of plants and plant products as well as
regulated articles.
17. Designating particular points of entry for some consignments.
18. Coordinating and cooperating with international and regional organisations and the entering
protocols with them towards phytosanitary cooperation
19. Liaising with relevant bodies related to quarantine for coordination and to ensure the proper flow of

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20. Developing and organising training programs, seminars, conferences and workshops periodically to
review the status of pests and to reach out to and educate the community about the importance of
phytosanitary measures through various media.
21. Recommending the establishment of branches of Plant Quarantine as required.
22. Performing any other quarantine tasks pertaining to the competent authority in the implementation
of the provisions hereof.

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Annex 3
Regarding Article 4 – General Provisions
Functions and technical competence of the Quarantine Inspector
With a view to implementing this Decree, the quarantine inspector shall have the powers, functions and
responsibilities necessary for such purpose, including:
1- Inspecting, examining and monitoring all plant consignments and regulated articles, whether
they are exported, imported or in transit, and postal parcels to ensure their compliance with the
required quarantine legislation.
2- Inspecting and examining all places and equipment of production, preparation, inspection,
storage and treatment to ensure their compliance with the necessary quarantine requirements.
3- Inspecting goods accompanying passengers to ensure that they do not violate the quarantine
4- Obtaining, preparing and encoding different samples and sending them to bodies accredited by
Plant Quarantine for laboratory examination.
5- Checking that the ISPM 15 requirements on wood packaging materials are applied.
6- Issuing and signing off all necessary phytosanitary certificates and attachments and all
quarantine documents necessary to complete the quarantine procedures.
7- Supervising the processing, elimination or re-export of plant parcels and other regulated articles.
8- Supervising the collecting and elimination of the waste resulting from any quarantine
9- Supervising the processing of regulated transportations, machinery and equipment to ensure
compliance with the necessary quarantine requirements.
10- Suspending and inspecting any regulated articles, equipment or places within the country
suspected of being non-compliant with the quarantine legislation, keeping them under
reservation if there is evidence of a violation. A report shall necessarily be issued and the
Administration shall be informed of the incident so as to take all necessary actions.
11- Determining the expenses due towards the various quarantine tasks in accordance with the
laws and decisions thereof.
12- Cooperating with the relevant bodies of the different parties to apply the quarantine
13- Performing any other tasks assigned by the competent authority.

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Annex 4
Regarding Article 5 – General Provisions
Functions and technical competence of the Plant Quarantine Committee (PQC)
The Plant Quarantine Committee (PQC) shall be competent in studying the issues related to
phytosanitary matters assigned to Plant Quarantine by the present Decree and in evaluating proposals
aiming to develop phytosanitary measures and procedures within the framework of Plant Quarantine,
including the following:
1- Examining proposals submitted by its members on quarantine requirements stated herein,
whether they would result in addition, deletion or modification.
2- Examining proposals submitted from inside or outside parties regarding the adoption of new
treatments against regulated pests.
3- Deciding on quarantine requirements specified by a country wishing to open its markets to
Egyptian exports.
4- Examining requests submitted by inside or outside parties on technical obstacles faced by plant
consignments and regulated articles, whether they are for import or export.
5- Defining procedures and conditions to evaluate and approve new origins and/or to re-evaluate
and approve current origins.
6- Specifying phytosanitary measures in a country of origin.
7- Deciding on emergency measures to address threats to Egyptian plantations if pests could enter
or are already present in the country.
8- Updating the Plant Quarantine legislation.
9- Reviewing and updating on a regular basis the costs of quarantine actions.
10- Setting the procedures and analysis of results of pest inventories and of the monitoring plan for
Egyptian agriculture.
11- Debating on proposed protocols submitted by the head of the competent authority seeking the
assistance of any party to perform tasks related to quarantine actions under full supervision,
provided that such cooperation protocols shall be for a period limited in time and restricted to
specific tasks.
12- Examining any other proposals submitted thereto relating to quarantine action.

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Annex 5
Regarding Article 7 – General Provisions
Sampling and encoding
Samples shall be taken from plant consignments and other regulated articles to ensure the
compliance with quarantine legislation after completing the visual examination procedure for
the whole consignment. Based on the foregoing, the samples are divided into:
1- Selective samples: Samples of a quarantine pest in any of its development phases are sent to
the authorities accredited by Plant Quarantine if the quarantine inspector cannot identify it or
suspects its presence.
2- Random samples: The search for the existence of a quarantine pest in regulated items is
conducted; random samples are collected and representative samples are prepared and sent
to the authorities accredited by Plant Quarantine so as to assess the pest’s infestation rate or
to detect damage.
Procedure for taking, processing and encoding samples according to the regulated items:
First: procedure for the visual examination:
 Samples shall be taken from the consignment by the quarantine inspectors, using a zigzagging or
diagonal method; the units removed for examination shall be taken from the top, bottom, middle and
in all directions. The inspectors shall also determine the distances between units or the number
between each unit from which samples are collected according to the following equation:
X is the distance or number separating each unit from which samples are collected to complete the
N is the total number of units of the consignment under examination.
n is the number of units to be sampled (according to the table shown below).
The first unit shall be determined at random between the number 1 and the value X resulting from the
previous equation. The second unit shall be determined by adding X to the number of the first unit and
so on until the number required for the sampling is reached according to the consignment size and the
sample size specified in the following tables:
1- Consignments imported or exported for the purpose of consumption or manufacturing; such
as fruit, fresh vegetables, grains, cut flowers for ornamentation, wood consignments and others.
 For consignments made of packages of homogeneous weight and shape, such as boxes,
containers or bags.
The number of samples to be examined in relation to the number of consignments or packages
shall be determined according to the following table:

Number of consignments or parcel packages Sample size

Less than 10 units All the units
11 to 100 units At least 10 units
101 to 1000 units At least 30 units
1001 to 5000 units At least 100 units
More than 5000 units At least 200 units

 For cut flowers, sampling shall be done according to the following table:

Number of cut flowers (flower, package, Number of units to be examined

consignment or weight unit based on the
examination request)
Less than 100 units At least 10 units

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101 to 500 units At least 30 units
501 to 2000 units At least 70 units
More than 2000 units At least 150 units

 Bulky (solid) consignments:

Initial samples shall be taken from bulky (solid) consignments by selecting random points with sampling
probe after completion of a visual examination of the vessel or the containers as follows:

Total bulky (solid) consignments Number of points from which initial samples are
Less than 500 tons At least 30 points
501 tons to 1500 tons At least 50 points
More than 1501 tons At least 100 points

2- Consignments imported or exported for the purpose of planting or propagation:

 If the samples are homogeneous for an item and its quantity under a specific lot number, sampling
shall be made according to the following table:

Units number in the lot of propagation Units number for each lot
1 to 100 units At least 1 unit
101 to 300 units At least 5 units
301 to 750 units At least 8 units
751 to 1500 units At least 12 units
1501 to 3000 units At least 20 units
3001 to 5000 units At least 30 units
More than 5000 tons At least 50 units

 In case the consignments for propagation are in the form of separated units (seedlings – knots –
bulbs and others), sampling shall be as follows:

Number of consignments units (seedling – knot – Number of units taken for samples
bulbs and others)
Less than 1000 units At least 100 unit
1001 to 5000 units At least 250 units
More than 5000 tons At least 500 units

 The examination process of the samples taken shall be completed by inspecting the units outside
and inside, as well as the containment places included in the consignment by means of a visual
examination, using appropriate means such as lenses, cutters, sieves, etc. to ensure that they are
free from pests and other material prohibited according to the quarantine legislation.
 In the event of any unidentified or suspected pests by the quarantine inspectors, samples of such
pests shall be prepared and sent to the Plant Quarantine Coding Department prior to sending them
to the authorities accredited by Plant Quarantine.
Second: Sampling for laboratory analysis:

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1- Should the consignments, after completion of the visual examination, require samples to be
removed for laboratory examination, subsamples of the samples that were taken and examined
visually by the quarantine inspectors shall be taken from at least 10% of each unit or quantity. In
addition, such consignments shall be homogeneous. The number of samples needed for laboratory
analysis shall be taken as regulated by the quarantine regulations and legislation. The weight of the
laboratory samples shall be determined based on the consignment type and according to the
following table:

Sr. Item Sample's weight (kg) Analysis type

First: Exported Consignments:

1 Herbs and spices 0.500 kg Residues of pesticides

2 Herbs, spices, grains and seeds 1 kg Determination of the

percentage of weed
3 Grains and seeds 1 kg Residues of pesticides

4 Peanuts 1- If the consignment Aflatoxin

is 25 tons or more,
the sample's weight
shall be 20 kg,
divided into two
packages of 10 kg
2- If the consignment
is less than 25 Kg,
the reference shall
be made to the
instructions issued
in this respect.
5 Chili 2 kg Residues of pesticides +
Sudan dyes + Aflatoxin
6 Sesame 2 kg Residues of pesticides +
7 Fruit and vegetables 3 kg to 5 kg Residues of pesticides

8 Exported potatoes 200 tubers/lot Analysis of brown mold in

9 Honey bees 2 kg Residues of pesticides

Second: Imported Consignments

10 All consignments of grains and seeds 2 kg Plant diseases
(wheat –soybean – corn – lentils – 2 kg Estimation of the
beans – etc.) proportion of grass seeds
The consignment is 20 000 tons or
11 All consignments of grains and seeds 3 kg Plant diseases
(wheat –soybean – corn – lentils – 3 kg Estimation of the
beans – etc.) proportion of grass seeds
The consignment is more than 20
000 tons.
12 Peat moss 2 to 3 kg - Plant diseases
2 to 3 kg - Analysis of brown
mold in potatoes

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13 Apples 3 to 5 kg/lot Residues of pesticides

14 Seeds (according to type) 5 g to 1000 g Plant diseases

15 Potato tubers (seeds – 200 tubers/lot Analysis of brown mold in

manufacturing) potatoes
16 Honey 2 kg Plant diseases

17 All imported seeds and grains for 2 kg for the entire Ensuring the absence of
purposes other than planting and consignment germination rate therein
2- Reference samples shall be isolated from the same original samples which were taken during
the random sampling from the imported consignments and which were prepared for sending
to the bodies accredited by Plant Quarantine. These reference samples shall be sealed,
secured with lead and preserved in the Plant Quarantine Samples Coding Unit for reference
when necessary.
Third: Procedure for Encoding Samples:
1- The sample taken shall be put in a sample bag that cannot be opened once it has been closed. A
bar code from the Samples Directorate shall be written down; and the form indicating how the
sample is taken shall be put in the place specially allocated in the bag by the committee of
2- The samples shall be delivered to the Plant Quarantine Samples Coding Unit. The Unit shall be
responsible for registering the data thereof, anonymising the samples by giving them a new
identification, issuing other forms onto which special data of the Samples Coding Unit shall be
written down. The samples shall be then sent to the bodies accredited by Plant Quarantine, and
with which a bilateral protocol for conducting the necessary tests were concluded and signed.
3- Tests results, when known, shall be sent to the Plant Quarantine Samples Encoding Unit to re-
identify the unidentifiable samples and inform the Plant Quarantine Departments responsible for the
sampling to complete the rest of quarantine procedures.
4- Reference samples shall be disposed of, in an appropriate manner, one week after the result are
known and if and when the concerned party does not submit a claim against the test results to the
competent authority.
5- Should the concerned party submit a claim against the results for the original samples, the reference
samples shall be considered after the payment of all required costs; in any case, no new sample
shall be taken. The result of the tests on the reference samples shall be final and irrevocable.

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Annex 6
Regarding Article 8 – General Provisions
Costs collected for regulated articles

Procedure Due costs

First: Inspection costs of imported consignments
Imported consignments of all plant items except the 50 piasters/100 kg or its fractions by 5 pounds/ton
items stated hereinafter with a minimum of 50 pounds

Wood consignments imported without any information 50 piasters/100 kg or its fractions by 5 pounds/ton
of weight, inspection costs will be collected, with a minimum of 50 pounds
considering that size will be (used to calculate) weight.
Wood packaging materials subject to ISPM 15 (for 50 piasters/100 kg or its fractions by 5 pounds/ton
pallets, containers, boxes, wooden beams, etc.). For with a minimum of 50 pounds
imported and in transit consignments, inspection
costs shall be collected only on the weight of the
wood minus the metal parts or goods contained
therein, if a list of such components is attached;
otherwise the costs shall be collected for one quarter
of the total weight in the absence of a wood weight
For imported and in transit consignments containing 50 piasters/100 kg or its fractions by 5 pounds/ton
wooden parts, inspection costs shall be collected with a minimum of 50 pounds
only on the weight of the wood minus metal parts or
goods contained therein if a list of such components
was attached; otherwise the costs shall be collected
for one quarter of the total weight in the absence of a
wood weight statement.
Dehydrated or fresh fruit and vegetables 5 pounds/100 kg or its fractions by 50 pounds/ton
consignments with a minimum of 50 pounds
Walnuts, peanuts, almonds, nuts, pistachios, pine 5 pounds/100 kg or its fractions by 50 pounds/ton
nuts, coconut fruits, grated, carob, tamarind, kestrel, with a minimum of 50 pounds
cocoa beans, coffee, cashew nuts and others.
Second: Inspection costs of consignments in transit
All consignments in transit submitted to Plant 25 piasters/100 kg or its fractions by 2.5 pounds/ton
Quarantine with a minimum of 50 pounds
If the consignment is transferred from a consignment The value of the inspection costs shall be determined
in transit to an import consignment, the final release on the basis of the value of the inspection costs for
of the consignment shall be permitted only after the imports and according to the type of consignment.
set costs difference has been collected according to
the type of the consignment transferred from in
transit to import status.
Third: Inspection costs of exported consignments
All exported consignments submitted to Plant 25 piasters/100 kg or its fractions by 2.5 pounds/ton
Quarantine with a minimum of 5 pounds
Exported cotton consignments (lint and waste) One pound/bale with a minimum of 5 pounds
Fourth: Processing costs for exported and imported consignments or those that require the
completion of treatment procedures under the supervision of Plant Quarantine.
1- Treatment inside the institution and station of Plant Quarantine
Treatment costs of imported consignments shall be 2.5 pounds /100 kg or its fractions by 10 pounds/ton
collected for each separate process, even if it with a minimum costs of 100 pounds

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requires more than one type of treatment approved
by Plant Quarantine.
Treatment costs of exported consignments shall be 1 pound /100 kg or its fractions by 25 pounds/ton with
collected for each separate process, even if the a minimum costs of 200 pounds
regulated article requires more than one type of
treatment approved by Plant Quarantine.
The above-mentioned costs shall apply if the concerned party provides the substances to be used in
one of the treatment methods such as methyl bromide for fumigation or any other substances involved
in any other method of chosen treatment. If Plant Quarantine provides the treatment substance, the
costs of the quantity of substance provided and consumed shall be added to the costs collected from
the concerned party according to the price of the supply for the Ministry of Agriculture.
When the same consignment undergoes repeat treatment, the same costs as before shall be charged
The concerned party or its representative shall be
obliged to transfer the consignment treated in the
Plant Quarantine stations within 24 hours as of the 5 pounds per each 100 kg/bale, with a minimum cost
end of the treatment, otherwise, he shall pay for of 500 pounds
flooring and storage expenses for the first 24 hours
or parts thereof after the deadline. The storage
expenses shall be doubled for every following 24
hours or parts thereof.
2- Supervision of a treatment outside the institution and Plant Quarantine station
Treatment costs of imported consignments shall be 1 pound/100 kg or its fractions by 10 pounds/ton with
collected for each separate process, even if it a minimum cost of 100 pounds (one hundred pound)
requires more than one type of treatment approved
by Plant Quarantine.
Treatment costs of exported consignments shall be 50 piasters /100 kg or its fractions by 5 pounds/ton
collected for each separate process, even if the with a minimum cost of 30 pounds
regulated article requires more than one type of
treatment approved by Plant Quarantine.
The above-mentioned costs shall apply if the concerned party provides the substances needed for one
of the treatment methods; however, should Plant Quarantine provide the treatment substance, the
costs of the quantity of substances provided and consumed shall be added to the costs collected from
the concerned party according to the price of supply for the Ministry of Agriculture.
When the same consignment undergoes repeat treatment, the same costs as before shall be charged
Fifth: The following costs shall be collected in return for the different following procedures:
Inspection costs for each single inspection operation 500 pounds
conducted under the knowledge of the quarantine
inspector for any of the warehouses, silos, granaries,
mills or factories or other facilities requiring
inspection as a result of the execution of one of the
quarantine operations on the whole plant
consignment or part thereof.
Inspection costs for heat treatment, cooling and other 500 pounds
once a year for the purpose of determining their
validity in the implementation of the phytosanitary
measures prescribed as part of the quarantine
Inspection costs for farms and/or stations for the 500 pounds
preparation and processing of agricultural crops once
per season and/or for each crop in order to determine
their validity in the implementation of phytosanitary
measures prescribed in accordance with quarantine

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Costs of taking and preparing samples to be sent to 200 pounds/sample
the bodies accredited by Plant Quarantine for
analysis and identification of all exporting and
importing consignments
PRA costs per study carried out on agricultural 10 000 pounds
commodities alleged to be imported; it shall be
conducted for each agricultural commodity from a
single origin for the first time
Expenditure due for the approval of the disposal of 25 piasters per 1 kg; with a maximum cost of 300
fumigant substances for licensed companies carrying pounds
their work under the supervision of Plant Quarantine.
Expenses for controlling the transfer of cotton lint or 10 pounds/consignment; with a minimum cost of 300
seed per package (ballet or mobile) pounds
Sixth: the following costs shall be collected in return for each separate Plant Quarantine action carried
out, in whole or partially (for each bill of lading), on regulated items within and outside of official
working hours. These costs will be added to the costs collected for each action being carried out.
First shift 50 pounds for the period from 6:00 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Second shift 50 pounds for the period from 12:00 p.m. (midday) to
6 p.m.
Third shift 75 pounds for the period from
06:00 p.m. to 12:00 p.m. (midnight)
Fourth shift 75 pounds for the period from
06:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (midnight)
Seventh: costs that shall be collected in return for the issuance of the corresponding documents
alongside each item:
Issuance fees for the original copy of the import 500 pounds
permit for an agricultural commodity, per permit
issued for the first time for a single consignment
Fees for renewing the import permit of un-used 250 pounds
agricultural commodities
Issuance fees for a copy of import permit of an 10 pounds
agricultural commodity
Issuance and delivery fees for a phytosanitary 100 pounds
Issuance fees for phytosanitary certificate addition 50 pounds
Issuance fees for phytosanitary certificate copy 20 pounds
Issuance fees for a phytosanitary certificate 20 pounds
additional copy
Issuance fees for a replacement in lieu of damage, 500 pounds
loss, or data amendments to the original copy of the
phytosanitary certificate
Issuance fees for a replacement in lieu of damage, 250 pounds
loss, or data amendments to the phytosanitary
certificate addition
Issuance fees of a replacement in lieu of damage, 50 pounds
loss, or data amendments to the copy of the
phytosanitary certificate

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Issuance fees for a replacement in lieu of damage, 50 pounds
loss, or data amendments to the phytosanitary
certificate addition copy
Issuance fees for the original copy of the treatment 100 pounds
certificate (fumigation - disinfection - cooling - hot air
and other approved treatment methods)
Issuance fees for the copy of the treatment certificate 50 pounds
(fumigation - disinfection - cooling - hot air and other
approved treatment methods)
Issuance fees for a replacement in lieu of damage, 200 pounds
loss, or data amendments to the original copy of the
treatment certificate (fumigation - disinfection -
cooling - hot air and other approved treatment
Issuance fees for a replacement in lieu of damage, 100 pounds
loss, or data amendments to the copy of the
treatment certificate (fumigation - disinfection -
cooling - hot air and other approved treatment
Issuance fees for data certificate of the consignment 100 pounds
and the quarantine measures conducted thereunder
upon the request of the concerned party to be
submitted to any other body.
Issuance fees for a certificate of accreditation whose 200 pounds
validity has been determined. The application of the
quarantine requirements shall be valid for one year
as of the date of issue.
Fees for issuance and approval of the registration 200 pounds
record of export of agricultural crops that are
processed in the approved stations or packaging
stations equipped for such purpose for a single
export season
Fees for issuance and approval of follow-up record of 300 pounds
the treatment of consignments that are processed for
one year
Issuance fees for a certificate of examination of 10 pounds
imported, exported and transit consignments.

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Annex 7
Regarding Article 10 – General Provisions
Adopted procedures in the event of violations of quarantine legislation
In the event of quarantine regulations and legislation being violated, the quarantine inspector shall issue
a statement of facts (record) outlining the violation on the relevant form. The inspector may also take
the necessary actions to retain the violation in question, and may seek the assistance of the competent
authority where necessary; and he may refer the matter thereafter to the head of the competent authority
to take the necessary action on the violations according to the following:
- For violations that cannot be promptly addressed, the quarantine actions over the entity subject to
the violation shall be suspended and all documents and records of the quarantine actions shall be
withdrawn until the technical investigation is completed by the competent authority within seven
days at most.
- For violations that can be promptly addressed, the quarantine actions of the entity subject to the
violation shall not be suspended, provided that the technical investigation into the violation in
question is completed after the application of the appropriate procedure according to the level of
violation and in accordance with the following violation list:

Violation Procedure
1- Non-compliance of different exporting  A statement of facts (record) shall be issued
entities with the implementation of the quarantine by the committee in charge of the work for
instructions (export and import offices - export such entity. All the documents of the
companies - stations of sorting and packaging of quarantine actions existing in this entity shall
agricultural crops - collection centres etc.) be withdrawn, and the quarantine actions
shall be suspended and the necessary
investigation shall be carried out by the
competent authority on the circumstances of
the incident.
2- Manipulation of the imported consignments  A statement of facts (record) shall be issued
for the purpose of influencing the results of the in addition to reporting to the competent
examination in favour of the concerned authority to take the necessary legal
authorities before submitting them to the Plant procedures by informing the concerned
Quarantine authority.
3- Amending, counterfeiting or altering any of  A statement of facts (record) shall be issued
the documents and files on the quarantine works. in addition to reporting to the competent
authority to take the necessary legal
procedures by informing the concerned
4- Manipulating in any way the identification of  All the quarantine procedures carried out
the exported consignments before they are shall be cancelled; and the consignment
completely inspected. shall be re-inspected as if it were a new
5- Non-compliance with the implementation of  A statement of facts record shall be issued in
the quarantine instructions in performing the addition to suspending the approval issued
quarantine treatments. by the competent authority until the end of
the investigations.
6- If the party concerned or its representative  The inspection application shall be rejected,
asks for the inspection of an exported plant and the consignments shall not be inspected
consignment, and if, on inspection, it becomes again until 7 days have elapsed as of the
obvious that they are not completely ready for the rejection date.
final inspection or that the consignments are not
where it is stated in the inspection application.

In all cases, the procedures will not be engaged for the violations stated until such violations
have been approved by a technical investigation with the knowledge of the competent authority.

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Annex 8
Regarding Article 13 – Importation and Treatment
Conditions and rules for permitting the import and introduction of plants and plant products

1- Whoever wishes to import plant consignments or agricultural products must apply to the nearest
competent quarantine port for an import permit before shipping the consignment from the country
of origin. The import permit shall be obtained for one category and shall be from one of the places
of origin approved by the Egyptian Plant Quarantine; and it shall relate to one consignment only
and shall be valid for three months as of the date of issuance, provided that the shipping is
carried out during the period in question. The concerned party shall notify the exporting country
of the import permit issued for the consignment by the Egyptian Plant Quarantine to perform its
role in assuring that Egyptian Plant Quarantine’s requirements stated therein are met, providing
that the import permit number is included in the phytosanitary certificate accompanying the
consignment. The competent authority shall have the right to annul the import permit without
giving reasons. Should the importer submit an application to import a consignment of plants or
plant products from some unaccredited origin, the importer shall undertake to pay the PRA costs
for the new origin to be approved.
2- After receiving the consignment, the concerned party shall submit an application to the Plant
Quarantine on the form prepared for that purpose within 72 hours after the arrival and receipt of
the consignment. The data mentioned in the form and the following documents for the
consignment shall be attached:
 The original copy of the import permit.
 The original copy of the phytosanitary certificate.
 The original copy of any treatment certificate for the consignment (where necessary).
 Manifesto
 Bill of lading.
 Customs certificate.
 Certificate of origin.
 Delivery permit.
 Personal identification copy of the concerned party under a power of attorney or a valid
bank authorization.
 Copy of the importer's record of the importing company.
 Any other documents required to be provided as per each regulated article.
3- Quarantine inspector shall review the consignment's documents and set all the due costs
according to the consignment's documents; such costs shall be collected before commencing
the application of any of the quarantine procedures required for each consignment.
4- Necessary actions requiring the submission of the manifesto issued by the maritime services to
Plant Quarantine and translated within 36 hours as of the arrival of imported and transit
consignments shall be taken.
5- Quarantine inspectors may inspect the consignment on their own initiative upon its arrival if there
is a possibility it is infested by pests that pose a threat to agriculture.
6- The consignment shall be registered under the registration number recorded on the imported
consignments registry.
7- A committee of plant quarantine inspectors shall be established by the supervisor of the Import
Department of Plant Quarantine to verify the identity of the consignment, to complete the visual
quarantine inspection, to ascertain the extent of compliance with the Egyptian Plant Quarantine
legislation and to remove the samples for laboratory examination if necessary.
8- If the inspection lasts several days for a single consignment, the portions which have undergone
inspection shall be recorded in the form prepared for such purpose and the inspections on the

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following day(s) on the form(s) prepared for such purpose. The inspected quantities and the final
inspection result shall be recorded in addition to the collection of the expenses that are due in
9- When examining plant consignments in which pests (pathogens - insects – grass seeds ,
anomalous strange seeds etc.) are found and not identified, or are suspected to exist, by the
quarantine inspectors, the samples shall be packed in appropriate packages, sealed and leaded
with the seal of Plant Quarantine. A letter addressed to the Plant Quarantine Samples Coding
Unit shall be attached to each sample in accordance with the form prepared for such purpose so
as to send the samples to the authorities accredited by Plant Quarantine pursuant to the
protocols concluded to determine their quarantine condition.
10- The inspection committee shall, after completion of the visual examination, removal of the
required samples and approving all requirements necessary for the consignment, tightly pack
the consignment to ensure it will not be manipulated until the final results have been received.
The concerned party shall provide all necessary supplies and all necessary facilities, and shall
notify all concerned parties of the procedures to prove the case.
11- All kinds of seeds, grains and plant parts imported for purposes other than cultivation or
propagation that can be planted or propagated, such as zucchini kernel, bean seeds, carrot
seeds, vicia calcarata seeds, etc., shall be released only after being treated with one of the
approved methods to eliminate the embryo therein.
Should the concerned party submit any indication that the consignment has been treated with one
of the anti-germination methods, then samples shall be taken and sent for analysis to ensure that
germination has been halted . In the light of the results, the necessary procedures should be taken.
12- Upon examination of the imported consignments and if there is suspicion that they contain seeds
of narcotic plants mixed therewith, a sample thereof shall be taken and sent to the Horticulture
Research Institute - Department of flora and plant taxonomy for identification. Based on the
analysis results, samples shall be disposed of as follows:

- Should the seeds concern a non-narcotic plant, the consignment shall be released only after
completion of the screening process, the separation of those seeds from the consignment
and the disposal of all the waste resulting therefrom under the supervision of quarantine
- Should the seeds concern one of the narcotic plants, the consignment shall not be released;
and the General Administration of the Narcotics Control and Port Authority shall be notified.
The captain and the concerned party or its representative shall not open, change the
features or dispose of the consignment until reception of the decision from the prosecutor
and from the Plant Quarantine.

13- If the consignment is infested with a dead quarantine (pest) and if the phytosanitary certificate
includes evidence indicating that the fumigation process in the country of origin has been carried
out, the consignment may be allowed to be released after all quarantine procedures have been
completed. If there is no evidence on the phytosanitary certificate indicating that the fumigation
process in the country of origin has been completed, the consignment shall be re-fumigated and
the remaining quarantine procedures shall be carried out.
14- If cotton seeds are found to be mixed with different agricultural consignments, such
consignments shall be definitively rejected.
15- If it is difficult to complete the quarantine procedures on an imported diplomatic parcel incoming
at the port of arrival, there is no objection its being transferred under the quarantine reservation
with the completion of all the procedures at the final receipt point. If the consignment fails to
comply with the quarantine regulations, it shall be disposed of or re-exported at the expense of
the party concerned.
16- In the event of a safe agricultural consignment complying with quarantine legislation, there is no
objection to its being granted a quarantine release visa upon the request of the party concerned
or its representative to obtain a final release visa for the whole or part of the consignment;

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provided that the loading and storage of the consignment is carried out under the responsibility
and knowledge of the party concerned inside or outside of the customs circuit.
17- If the agricultural consignment complies with the quarantine legislation and was stored inside the
customs circuit and the party concerned or its representative did not request the visa for the
quarantine release and if it remained for more than 60 days as of the date of completion of the
unloading, the consignment shall be re-inspected summarily (without taking samples) in order to
ensure that it is free from any live insect infestation. However, if the consignment proves to be
infested with live pests, it shall be processed according to the quarantine legislation. Samples
may be taken for laboratory examination in the event that the presence of any other pests is
suspected during the re-examination so as to ensure that the consignment was not infected
during the storage period inside the customs circuit. The visual examination procedures shall be
re-carried out, either for the entire consignment or part thereof, after 60 days have elapsed for
the consignment stored inside the customs circuit.
18- Consignments that are reserved under the quarantine inside or outside the customs circuit and
for which the final release is not required shall be examined summarily (without sampling) to
ensure that they are free from live insects after 60 days have elapsed since the completion of
the unloading, whether for the entire consignment or part thereof; provided that the inspection
shall be re-carried out every 60 days while the reserved consignment is stored inside or outside
the customs circuit.
19- Should the party concerned make an official complaint about the result of the basic sample, the
reference sample shall be used as basic sample after payment of all the necessary expenses.
In any case, no new sample shall be taken and the result of the reference sample shall be final
and irrevocable.

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Annex 9
Regarding Article 14 – Importation and Treatment
Controls for the adoption of new point of origin and/or re-evaluation of current points of origin
Phytosanitary requirements shall be established based on the pest risk analysis (PRA) of the regulated
items that are imported for the first time from a new origin or imported from an open origin if the
phytosanitary status has changed for this origin due to a change in the applicable requirements for that
origin. The pest risk evaluation shall be carried out under ISPMs as follows:
First, procedures for opening new point of origin:
New points of origin shall be opened upon the request of the competent authority of the country wishing
to export, the competent authority in the country wishing to import (Egyptian Plant Quarantine) or that
of any other authority wishing to import as follows:
 The exporting country shall submit a complete technical file of the commodity to be exported
based on the questionnaire sent by the Central Administration of Plant Quarantine (CAPQ) and
in accordance with Article VIII (1) (c) of the IPPC.
 The pests risk analysis (PRA) shall be carried out and the elements of risk management shall
be determined in order to specify the phytosanitary requirements of importation.
 In case a field visit to the exporting country is needed to complete the PRA examination and to
verify the adopted procedures and the phytosanitary system enforced in the country, the party
wishing to export/import (to open the market) shall bear all the expenses for travelling,
accommodation and travel allowances for the delegation carrying out the field visit.
 The findings of the PRA and field visit shall be submitted to the Plant Quarantine Committee for
approval for finalizing the procedures of opening an origin.
Second, Revaluation of current points of origin:
A revaluation of an opened origin shall be made in the following cases:
1- To renew the importation of a faulty shipment infected with a pest of quarantine importance to the
Egyptian counterpart.
2- In the event of a pest outbreak at regional or international level, the competent authority is entitled
to suspend the import and re-evaluate the risks of the country of origin.
3- In the case of a change of route of the imported shipments.
4- Changes in the nature of the current origin due to manufacturing operations that do not prevent the
infection of pests.
5- To import a new plant product from the point of origin.
In all such cases, the Egyptian Plant Quarantine is entitled to re-evaluate the origin and carry out
the above procedures.

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Annex 10
Regarding Article 14 – Importation and Treatment
Cases exempted from import permit and/or phytosanitary certificate

Sr. Case Import permit Phytosanitary

1 Imported wheat consignments Import permit must be exempted
issued to avoid the
importation of
consignments from
unaccredited origin
2 Manufactured plant consignments Import permit must be exempted
such as dehydrated onions or garlic issued to avoid the
and etc. importation of
consignments from
unaccredited origin
3 Manufactured wood consignments Exempted exempted
such as; MDF, HDF and Plywood
4 Commercial cotton samples Import permit must be exempted
issued to avoid the
importation of
consignments from
unaccredited origin
5 Ornamental plants seeds with a Exempted exempted
maximum of 50 g or 5 seeds and
imported as parcels or accompanied
by passengers, subject to the
approval of the Horticulture Research
6 Wood packaging materials Exempted exempted
7 Embedded consignments that have Exempted exempted
wooden parts such as sewing
machines - hand tools, household
items and others
8 Exploitation consignments, seizures Exempted exempted
and customs clearance when items
are allowed to be imported
9 Shipwrecks (rafters, jars, etc.) Exempted exempted
10 Transient consignments (except if Exempted exempted
they concern free zones for
11 Consignments for personal use when Exempted exempted
the items are allowed to be imported
provided that their weight is not more
than 50 kg except for propagation
12 Returned consignments Exempted exempted

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Annex 11 - Importation and Treatment
Tables of Quarantine Pests
Table 1 – Article 16
Quarantine pests not allowed to enter into Egypt
 Table (1/a): Quarantine pests that are not recorded in Egypt and refused entry into Egypt:
First: Insect pests

No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Order

1 Aelia rostrata Boheman, 1852 Wheat bug Pentatomidae Hemiptera
2 All members of Family Cynipidae Hymenoptera
Ampedus nigricollis (Herbst, Nigrescent click beetle
3 Elateridae Coleoptera
4 Anastrepha spp. Tephritidae Diptera
Anomala flavipennis
5 Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
Burmeister, 1884
6 Anthonomus spp. Curculionidae Coleoptera
7 Aphis pomi DeGeer, 1773 Apple aphid Aphididae Hemiptera
Araecerus fasciculatus
8 Coffee weevil Anthribidae Coleoptera
(DeGeer, 1775)
9 Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel, Oriental fruit fly Tephritidae Diptera
Bactrocera invadens Drew,
10 Tropical fruit fly Tephritidae Diptera
Tsuruta & White , 2005
11 Blissus leucopterus (Say, Chinch bug Blissidae Hemiptera
12 Brochymena parva Rucke, Rough stink bug Pentatomidae Hemiptera
Brochymena quadripustulata Four-humped stink bug
13 Pentatomidae Hemiptera
(Fabricius, 1775)
14 Busseola fusca (Fuller, 1901) African maize stalk borer Noctuidae Lepidoptera
Calligrapha scalaris (LeConte,
15 elm calligrapha Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
16 Calligrapha similis Rogers, Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
Carpophilus lugubris (Murray,
17 Dusky Sap beetle Nitidulidae Coleoptera
18 Cephus spp. Cephidae Hymenoptera
19 Ceratitis spp. Tephritidae Diptera
Chelymorpha cassidea Argus tortoise beetle
20 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
(Fabricius, 1775)
21 Chilo spp. Crambidae Lepidoptera
22 Chinavia hilaris (Say, 1831) Green stink bug Pentatomidae Hemiptera
Conotrachelus nenuphar
23 Plum curculio Curculionidae Coleoptera
(Herbst, 1797)

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Cosmopolites sordidus
24 Banana weevil Curculionidae Coleoptera
(Germar, 1824)
Cryptocephalus vittatus Trivittatus leaf beetle
25 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
Fabricius, 1775
Cryptorhynchus goniocnemis Mango twig Weevil
26 Curculionidae Coleoptera
(Marshall, 1926)
Cydia nigricana (Fabricius, Pea moth
27 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
28 Cydia caryana (Fitch, 1856) Hickory shuckworm moth Tortricidae Lepidoptera
Cydia strobilella (Linnaeus, Spruce seed moth
29 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
30 Dacus spp. Tephritidae Diptera
Daktulosphaira vitifoliae
31 Phylloxeridae Hemiptera
(Fitch, 1855)
32 Dasineura spp. Cecidomyiidae Diptera
Deloyala guttata (Olivier, Mottled Tortoise beetle
33 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
34 Diabrotica spp. Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
Diaspidiotus perniciosus San Jose scale
35 Diaspididae Hemiptera
(Comstock, 1881)
Diaspis bromeliae (Kerner, Pineapple scale
36 Diaspididae Hemiptera
37 Diatreae spp. Crambidae Lepidoptera
Duplaspidiotus tesseratus Tessera scale
38 Diaspididae Hemiptera
(Grandpré & Charmoy, 1899)
39 Dysdercus spp. Pyrrhocoridae Hemiptera
Dysmicoccus grassii Dysmicoccus grassii
40 Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
(Leonardi, 1913)
Dyspessa ulula (Borkhausen, Garlic moth borer
41 Cossidae Lepidoptera
Epidiaspis leperii (Signoret, European pear scale
42 Diaspididae Hemiptera
Epilachna varivestis Mulsant, Mexican bean beetle
43 Coccinellidae Coleoptera
Epiphyas postvittana (walker, Light brown apple moth
44 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
Epitrix cucumeris (Harris, Potato flea beetle
45 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
Epitrix subcrinata (LeConte, Western potato flea beetle
46 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
47 Epitrix tuberis Gentner, 1944 Tuber flea beetle Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
Eulecanium tiliae (Linnaeus, Nut soft scale
48 Coccidae Hemiptera
Eumerus strigatus (Fallén, Lesser bulb fly
49 Syrphidae Diptera

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Eupoecilia ambiguella Vine moth
50 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
(Hübner, 1796)
Eurygaster alternata (Say, Sunn bug, wheat bug
51 Scutelleridae Hemiptera
Eurygaster austriaca wheat shield bug
52 Scutelleridae Hemiptera
(Schrank, 1776)
Eurygaster integriceps Puton, Sunn pest, Senn pest
53 Scutelleridae Hemiptera
Eurygaster maura (Linnaeus, shield-backed bug
54 Scutelleridae Hemiptera
55 Foreign Epilachna spp. Coccinellidae Coleoptera
56 Foreign Eurytoma spp. Liger Eurytomid wasps Eurotomidae Hymenoptera
57 Foreign Phylloxera spp. Oak phylloxera Phylloxeridae Hemiptera
Frankliniella cestrum Moulton, American flower thrips
58 Thripidae Thysanoptera
Frankliniella occidentalis Western flower thrips
59 Thripidae Thysanoptera
(Pergande, 1895)
Gastrophysa polygoni Knotweed Leaf beetle
60 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Grapholita funebrana plum fruit moth
61 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
(Treitschke, 1835)
Grapholita inopinata Manchurian fruit moth
62 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
(Heinrich, 1928)
Grapholita molesta (Busck, Oriental fruit moth
63 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
Grapholita packardi (Zeller, Cherry fruit worm
64 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
Grapholita prunivora (Walsh, plum moth
65 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
Graphosoma rubrolineatum Striped shield bug
66 Pentatomidae Hemiptera
(Westwood, 1837)
67 Harmolita tritici (Fetch, 1859) Wheat joint worm Eurytomidae Hymenoptera
Hemiberlesia palmae Tropical palm scale
68 Diaspididae Hemiptera
(Cockerell, 1893)
Hemiberlesia popularum Poplar scale
69 Diaspididae Hemiptera
(Marlatt, 1908)
Keiferia lycopersicella Tomato pinworm
70 Gellechiidae Lepidoptera
(Walsingham, 1897)
71 Larinus spp. Curculionidae Coleoptera
72 Laspeyrisia spp. Tortricidae Lepidoptera
Lepidosaphes pistaciae Yellow pistachio scale
73 Diaspididae Hemiptera
Archangelskaya, 1930
Leptinotarsa decemlineata Colorado potato beetle
74 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
(Say, 1824)
75 Leptoglossus spp. Tephritidae Diptera

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Leucoptera malifoliella (Costa, Pear leaf blister moth
76 Lyonetiidae Lepidoptera
Linepithema humile (Mayr, Argentine ant
77 Formicidae Hymenoptera
Macrodactylus subspinosus Rose chafer
78 Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
(Fabricius, 1775)
Mayetiola destructor (Say, Hessian fly
79 Cecidomyiidae Diptera
Melolontha melolontha White grub cockchafer,
(Linnaeus, 1758) Cockchafer May bug,
80 Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
Common European
Merodon equestris (Fabricius, Narcissus bulb fly
81 Syrphidae Diptera
Murgantia histrionica (Hahn, Harle quin bug
82 Pentatomidae Hemiptera
83 Otiorhynchus spp. Curculionidae Coleoptera
Oulema melanopus Cereal leaf beetle
84 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Oulema oryzae (Kuwayama, Rice leaf beetle
85 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
Palmicultor palmarum Palm, mealybug
86 Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
(Ehrhorn, 1916)
Pangaeus bilineatus (Say, Burrowing, bug (USA)
87 Cydnidae Hemiptera
Paralipsa gularis (Zeller, Stored nut moth
88 Pyralidae Lepidoptera
Pelidnota punctata (Linnaeus, grapevine beetle
89 Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
Phyllopertha horticola Garden chafer
90 Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
(Linnaeus, 1758)
Phyllotreta nemorum Striped flea beetle
91 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
(Linnaeus, 1758)
92 Phylloxera spp. Phylloxeridae Hemiptera
Planococcus kraunhiae Japanese Mealybug
93 Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
(Kuwana, 1902)
Popillia japonica Newman, Japanese beetle, velvety
94 Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
1841 chafer
95 Rhagoletis spp. Tephritidae Diptera
96 Rhopalosiphoninus spp. Aphididae Hemiptera
97 Rhynchites spp. Curculionidae Coleoptera
98 Rhynchophorus spp. Curculionidae Coleoptera
Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, Cilli thrips or
99 Thripidae Thysanoptera
yellow tea thrips
100 Sesamia spp. Noctuidae Lepidoptera

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Setomorpha rutella Zeller, Tropical tobacco moth
101 Tineidae Lepidoptera
Spodoptera eridania (J.E. Southern armyworm
102 Noctuidae Lepidoptera
Smith, 1797) Added
Spodoptera exempta (Walker, African armyworm
103 Noctuidae Lepidoptera
1856) Added
Spodoptera frugiperda (Stoll, Fall armyworm
104 Noctuidae Lepidoptera
1781) Added
Sternochetus frigidus Mango pulp weevil
105 Curculionidae Coleoptera
(Fabricius, 1787)
Sternochetus gravis Mango pulp weevil
106 Curculionidae Coleoptera
(Fabrisius, 1775)
Sternochetus mangifera Mango seed weevil
107 Curculionidae Coleoptera
(Fabrisius, 1775)
Targionia yuccarum Armored scale
108 Diaspididae Hemiptera
(Cockerell, 1898)
Temnocheila virescens bark-gnawing beetles
109 Trogositidae Coleoptera
(Fabricius, 1775)
Tetramesa maderae (Walker, Wheat straw worm
110 Eurotomidae Hymenoptera
Thaumatotibia leucotreta false codling moth
111 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
(Meyrick, 1913)
Thrpis palmi Karny, 1925 Melon thrips and oriental
112 Thripidae Thysanoptera
Trionymus utahensis Utah Grass mealy bug
113 Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
(Cockerell, 1916)
114 Trioza buxtoni Laing, 1924 Fig wax scale Triozidae Hemiptera
Typophorus nigritus nigritus Sweet potato leaf beetle
115 Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
(Fabricius, 1801)
Unaspis evonymi (Comstock, Euonymus scale
116 Diaspididae Hemiptera

Second: Mites

No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Order

Acalitus phloeocoptes (Nalepa, Plum tree bud mite
1 Eriophyidae Prostigmata
2 Aculops fuchsiae Keifer, 1972 Fuchsia gall mite Eriophyidae Prostigmata
Brevipalpus chilensis Baker, Chilean false red mite
3 Tenuipalpidae Prostigmata
Eotetranychus carpini Yellow spider mite
4 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
(Oudemans, 1905)
Eotetranychus populi (Koch, Yellow poplar mite
5 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
Eotetranychus pruni Garden spider mite
6 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
(Oudemans, 1931)
Eotetranychus sexmaculatus
7 Six spotted spider mite Tetranychidae Prostigmata
(Riley, 1890)

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No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Order
Eotetranychus willamettei (Mc-
8 Willamette mite Tetranychidae Prostigmata
Gregor, 1917)
Oligonychus perditus Pritchard Tetranychid mite
9 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
& baker, 1955
Phyllocoptruta musae Keifer, Banana rust mite
10 Eriophyidae Prostigmata
Schizotetranychus andropogoni Bamboo spider mite
11 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
Hirst, 1926
Tetranychus canadensis (Mc- Four- spotted spider mite
12 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
Gregor, 1950)
Tetranychus lambi Pritchard & Banana spider mite
13 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
baker, 1955
Tetranychus mcdanieli Mc- Mc.Daniel spider mite
14 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
Gregor, 1931
Tetranychus pacificus Pacific spider mite
15 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
McGregor, 1919
Tetranychus schoenei Schoene spider mite
16 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
McGregor, 1941
Tetranychus tumidus Banks, Tumid spider mite
17 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
Tetranychus viennensis Fruit tree spider mite
18 Tetranychidae Prostigmata
(Zacher, 1920)

Third: plant diseases

1- Bacterial diseases

1. Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae

2. Burkholderia gladioli pv. alliicola

3. Burkholderia glumae = Pseudomonas glumae

4. Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. insidiosus

5. Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. nebraskensis

6. Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus

7. Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens

8. Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. oortii=corynebacterium oortii

9. Dickeya chrysanthemi = Erwinia chrysanthemi

10. Dickeya dadanti = Pectobacterium chrysanthemi biovar 3 p.p

11. Dickeya dianthicola = Erwinia chrysanthemia pv. dianthicola

12. Dickeya solani

13. Liberibacter africanus

14. Liberibacter americanus

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15. Liberibacter asiaticus was Candidatus Liberibacter

16. Liberibacter solanacearum was Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum

17. P. cannabina pv. alisalensis

18. Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii

19. Pectobacterium betavasculorum

20. Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. brasiliensis

21. Pseudomonas amygdali

22. Pseudomonas cerasi

23. Pseudomonas cichorii

24. Pseudomonas fuscovaginae

25. Pseudomonas syringae pv. actinidiae

26. Pseudomonas syringae pv. allii

27. Pseudomonas syringae pv. apii

28. Pseudomonas syringae pv. aptata

29. Pseudomonas syringae pv. atrofaciens

30. Pseudomonas syringae pv. coronafaciens

31. Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola

32. Pseudomonas syringae pv. morsprunorum

33. Pseudomonas syringae pv. papulans

34. Pseudomonas syringae pv. persicae

35. Pseudomonas syringae pv. pisi

36. Pseudomonas syringae pv. porri

37. Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato

38. Pseudomonas tolaasii

39. Ralstonia solanacearum (Race 2) = Pseudomonas solanacearum

40. Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar2

41. Ralstonia syzygii subsp. celebesensis =Bacillus clebense

42. Xanthomonas albilineans.

43. Xanthomonas arboricola pv. corylina

44. Xanthomonas arboricola pv. fragariae

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45. Xanthomonas arboricola pv. pruni

46. Xanthomonas axonopodies pv. vasculorum = X. campestris pv. vasculoru

47. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. allii

48. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. dieffenbachiae

49. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. malvacearum = X. campestris pv. malvacearum

50. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli was Xanthomonas campestris pv. phaseoli (Xcp)

51. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. poinsettiicola

52. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae

53. Xanthomonas campestris pv. viticola

54. Xanthomonas citri pv. mangiferaeindicae (Xanthomonas campestris pv. mangiferaeindicae)

55. Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri = X. campestris citri

56. Xanthomonas euvesicatoria

57. Xanthomonas fragariae

58. Xanthomonas gardneri

59. Xanthomonas hortorum pv. carotae

60. Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae = X. campestris pv. oryzae

61. Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola = X. campestris pv. oryzicola

62. Xanthomonas perforans

63. Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens was Xanthomonas translucens pv. graminis

64. Xanthomonas vasicola pv. holcicola = Xanthomonas campestris pv. holcicola

65. Xanthomonas vesicatoria

66. Xylella fastidiosa and all sub species

2- Fungal diseases

1. Alternaria burnsii
2. Alternaria citri
3. Alternaria mali
4. Alternaria vitis
5. Apiosporina morbosa A1/10
6. Ascochyta fabae = Didymella fabae
7. Botryosphaeria laricina
8. Botryosphaeria stevensii = Botryosphaeria obtusa
9. Botrytis elliptica

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10. Botrytis hyacinthi
11. Briosia ampelophaga
12. Calonectria morganii
13. Calostilbe striispora
14. Ceratocystis fimbriata
15. Cercospora angolensis = Phaeoramularia angolensis now Pseudocercospora angolensis
16. Cercospora menthicola
17. Cercospora thujina
18. Cladosporium carpophilum
19. Claviceps gigantean
20. Claviceps purpurea
21. Claviceps sorghi
22. Colletotrichum trichellum
23. Colletotrichum fragariae
24. Colletotrichum gossypii = Glomerella gossypii (sexual phase)
25. Colletotrichum linicola = C. lini = C. linicolum
26. Colletotrichum omnivorum, most probably same as C. gloeosporoides
27. Colletotrichum psidii
28. Coniella diplodiella = Coniothyrium diplodiella = Charrinia diplodiella = Phoma diplodiella
29. Cylindrocladium parasiticum = Cylindrocladium crotalariae
30. Cylindrocladium spathiphylli
31. Cytosphaera mangifera
32. Davidiella populorum = Mycosphaerella populorum= Septoria musiva
33. Davidiella dianthi = Mycosphaerella dianthi=Cladosporium dianthi =Cladosporiumechinulatum
34. Diaporthe helianthi
35. Diaporthe perniciosa = now Diaporthe eres
36. Diaporthe vaccinia = Phomopsis vaccinii
37. Didymella lycopersici = Ascochyta lycopersici =Phoma lycopersici
38. Elsinoe ampelina
39. Elsinoe australis = Sphaceloma australis
40. Elsinoe fawcetti = Sphaceloma fawcettii
41. Erythricium salmonicolor = Botryobasidium salmonicolor = Corticium salmonicolor
42. Fomes igniarius = Phellinus igniarius
43. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp cubense
44. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis
45. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. basilici
46. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. canariensis
47. Gaeumannomycesgraminis f. sp. tritici
48. Glomerella ciingulata

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49. Glomerella lagenarium = Colletotrichum lagenarium
50. Guignardia citricarpa = Phyllosticta citricarpa
51. Gymnosporangium asiaticum = Roestelia koreaensis
52. Gymnosporangium clavipes
53. Gymnosporangium globosum
54. Gymnosporangium juniperi-virginianae
55. Gymnosporangium yamadae
56. Heterosporium echinulatum = Davidiella dianthi
57. Ilyonectria radicicola
58. Macrophoma mangiferae
59. Melampsora medusa
60. Monilinia fructicola = Monilinia fructigena
61. Monilinia laxa
62. Mycosphaerella angulata
63. Mycosphaerella fijiensis
64. Mycosphaerella musicola
65. Nectria cinnabarina
66. Neofusicoccum mangiferae
67. Neonectria galligena = Neonectria ditissima
68. Ophiognomonia clavigignenti-juglandacearum
69. Ophiosphaerella herpotricha
70. Ophiostoma wageneri
71. Peronospora farinosa f. sp. betae
72. Pestalotiopsis versicolor
73. Phakopsora euvitis
74. Phellinus weirii
75. Phialophora cinerescens = Verticillium cinerescens
76. Phoma andigena(andina) = Stagonosporopsis andigena
77. Phyllosticta ampelicida
78. Phyllosticta concentrica
79. Phyllosticta solitaria
80. Phymatotrichopsis omnivore = Phymatotrichum omnivorum
81. Physalospora zeae = Botryosphaeria zea
82. Phytophthora kernoviae
83. Phytophthora lateralis
84. Phytophthora ramorum
85. Plasmopara halstedii
86. Pseudopezicula tracheiphila
87. Puccinia asparagi

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88. Puccinia gladioli
89. Puccinia hemerocallidis
90. Puccinia horiana
91. Puccinia pittieriana
92. Puccinia sessilis
93. Ramichloridium musae = Periconiella musae
94. Ramularia lamii
95. Ramularia menthicola
96. Ramularia vallisumbrosae
97. Rhizoctonia tuliparum
98. Rhytisma vitis
99. Roesleria subterranean
100. Rosellinia bunodes
101. Rosellinia necatrix
102. Sclerophthora macrospora
103. Sclerotinia subarctica
104. Septoria lycopersici
105. Septoria lycopersici var. malagutii
106. Septoria nodorum = Parastagonospora nodorum)
107. Septoria passerinii
108. Septoria petroselini
109. Sphaceloma perseae = Elsinoe perseae
110. Sphaceloma rosarum = Elsinoe rosarum
111. Sphaceloma arachidis
112. Sphaceloma fawcettii var. Scabiosae = Elsinoë fawcettii
113. Sphaceloma mangiferae = Denticularia mangiferae = Elsinoë mangiferae
114. Sphacelotheca cruenta
115. Sphaeropsis tumefaciens var. citrum
116. Sphaerotheca pannosa var. persica = Podosphaera pannosa
117. Stegophora ulmea
118. Stenocarpella macrospora = Diplodia macrospora
119. Stenocarpella maydis
120. Stromatinia gladioli
121. Synchytrium endobioticum
122. Thecaphora solani
123. Tilletia caries
124. Tilletia controversa
125. Tilletia indica
126. Urocystis gladiolicola

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127. Uromyces aecidiiformis
128. Ustilaginoidella oedipigera
129. Ustilago affinis
130. Ustilago cynodontis
131. Ustilago syntherismae
132. Valsa cincta, var leucostoma
133. Valsa persoonii = Leucostoma persoonia
134. Venturia inaequalis
135. Venturia pyrina
136. Wilsonomyces carpophilus

3- Nematodes

1 Aphelenchoides fragariae
2 Ditylenchus destructor
3 Ditylenchus dipsaci
4 Globodera pallida
5 Globodera rostochiensis
6 Heterodera fici
7 Longidorus diadecturus
8 Meloidogyne chitwoodi
9 Meloidogyne enterolobii
10 Meloidogyne fallax
11 Xiphinema americanum sensu stricto
12 Xiphinema rivesi

4- Virus Diseases

1. Blackeye cowpea mosaic potyvirus

2. Blueberry leaf mottle virus
3. Blueberry scorch virus
4. Brome mosaic virus
5. Carnation latent virus
6. Carnation ringspot virus
7. Carnation vein mottle virus
8. Cherry rasp leaf virus
9. Chrysanthemum chloroitc mottle viroid
10. Chrysanthemum ringspot virus
11. Chrysanthemum stem necrosis virus
12. Chrysanthemum stunt viroid
13. Citrus leaf rugose virus
14. Citrus ringspot virus

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15. Citrus tatter leaf virus
16. Citrus vein enation virus Enamovirus
17. Cowpea green vein banding virus
18. Cowpea ring spot virus
19. Gladiolus ringspot virus = Narcissus latent macluravirus
20. Grapevine chrome mosaic virus
21. Grapevine corky bark-associated
22. Grapevine fleck virus
23. Iris mild mosaic virus
24. Iris severe mosaic virus
25. Maize chlorotic mottle virus
26. Papaya mosaic virus
27. Pea early browning virus
28. Pea enation mosaic virus
29. Peach Little Virus = probably Peach little
30. Peach mosaic virus
31. Peach wart virus = Peach wart agent
32. Peach X Virus
33. Peach Yellow Bud Mosaic
34. Pepino mosaic virus
35. Plum Line Pattern Virus
36. Potato Spindle Tuber viroid
37. Potato yellow dwarf virus
38. Potato yellow vein virus
39. Potato yellowing virus
40. Raspberry leaf curl virus
41. Raspberry ringspot virus
42. Strawberry crinkle virus
43. Strawberry latent C virus
44. Strawberry mild yellow edge virus
45. Sugar cane dwarf virus = Sugarcane dwarf agent
46. Sugar Cane Fiji Virus = Sugarcane Fiji disease Fijivirus
47. Sunflower Rugose Mosaic Virus = Sunflower crinkle Umbravirus
48. Candidatus mali
49. Candidatus pyri
50. Candidatus solani
51. Candidatus vitis
52. Peach rosette phytoplasma

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53. Peach yellows phytoplasma
54. Phytoplasma ulmi =Elm phloem necrosis
55. Potato purple-top wilt phytoplasma
56. Western X-disease phytoplasma = Phytoplasma pruni

Fourth: weeds

1. Acroptilon repens (Russian knapweed)

2. Agrostemma githago (Corn Cockle)
3. Ambrosia artemisiifolia (common ragweed)
4. Ambrosia trifida (great ragweed)
5. Calystegia sepium (great bindweed)
6. Carpobrotus edulis (Hottentot fig)
7. Coronilla varia L. (Crown Vetch)
8. Cortaderias elloana ( pampas grass)
9. Crotalaria spp. (Crotolaria)
10. Hydrophila polysperma (dwarf hygrophila)
11. Saponaria spp. (Cow Cockle)
12. Sicyo sangulotus (burcucumber)
13. Solidago Canadensis (Canada goldenrod)
14. Sophora alopecurides L. (Sophora)
15. Thlaspi arvense (Field pennycress)
Drug weeds
1. Argemone munita (Prickly poppy)
2. Cannabis spp. (hemp)
3. Papavera spp. (Poppy) {except Papaver rhoeas}
Parasitic weeds
1. Aeginetia spp. L (prosea)
2. Alectra spp. Th. (yellow witchweed)
3. Striga spp. (witch weed)

 Table (1/b): Quarantine pests that are recorded in Egypt and declined entry into Egypt:
First: insect pests

No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Order

1 Anarsia lineatella Zeller, 1839 Peach twig borer Gelechiidae Lepidoptera
Bectorecera zonata (Sounders,
2 Peach fruit fly Tephritidae Diptera
Cephus pygmeus (Linnaeus, European wheat stem saw fly
3 Cephidae Hymenoptera
Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann, Mediterranean fruit fly
4 Tephritidae Diptera
5 Cydia pomonella (Linnaeus, 1758) Codling moth Tortricidae Lepidoptera

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No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Order
6 Dysaphis tulipae (Boyer, 1841) Tulip bulb aphid Aphididae Hemiptera
Insignorthezia insignis (Browne, Green house orthezia
7 Ortheziidae Hemiptera
Lobesia botrana (Denis & Grape berry moth
8 Tortricidae Lepidoptera
Schiffermüller, 1775)
Myiopardalis pardalina (Bigot,
9 Melon fly Tephritidae Diptera
Nipaecoccus nipae (Maskell, Coconut mealy bug or spiked
10 Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
1893) mealybug
rhinoceros beetle scarabeid
11 Oryctes boas (Fabricius, 1775) Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
oryctes boas
Palmaspis phoenicis Desert pit scale or date palm pit
12 Ortheziidae Hemiptera
(Ramachandra Rao, 1922) scale
Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana, bayberry white fly
13 Aleyrodidae Hemiptera
Pseudococcus comstocki
14 Comstock mealy bug Psudococcidae Hemiptera
(Kuwana, 1902)
Pseudococcus maritimus
15 Grape and pear mealy bug Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
(Ehrhorn, 1900)
Rhynchophorus ferrugineus
16 Red palm weevil Dryophthoridae Coleoptera
(Olivier, 1790)
17 Silba virescens Macquart, 851 Fig black fly Tephritidae Diptera
Sitona cylindricollis (Fabricius, Sweet clover weevil
18 Curculionidae Coleoptera
19 Tuta absoluta (Meyrick, 1917) South American tomato moth Gelechiidae Lepidoptera

Second: Mites

No. Scientific Name Common Name Family Order

1 Aceria sheldoni (Ewing, 1937) Citrus bud mite Eriophyidae Prostigmata
Brevipalpus lewisi (Mc Gregor,
2 Citrus flat mite Tenuipalpidae Prostigmata
Bryobia rubrioculus (Scheuten,
3 Brown mite Tetranychidae Prostigmata
4 Epitrimerus pyri (Nalepa, 1892) Pear rust mite Eriophyidae Prostigmata
Phyllocoptruta oleivora
5 Citrus rust mite Eriophyidae Prostigmata
(Ashmead, 1879)

Third: plant diseases

1- Bacterial diseases

1. Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria and Xanthomonas vesicatoria

2. Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis

2- Fungal diseases

1. Cochlioblus setariae
2. Ganoderma lucidm

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3. Neoscytalidium dimidiatum
4. Tilletia barclayana

3- Nematodes
1. Anguina tritici
2. Aphelenchoides besseyi
3. Ditylenchus angustus
4. Helicotylenchus spp. and Helicotylenchus dihystera
5. Heterodera glycines
6. Hirschmanniella spp. other than H. gracilis de Man.
7. Hoplolaimus spp
8. Meloidogyne spp
9. Paratrichodorus and Trichodorus spp
10. Pratylenchus spp.
11. Radopholus similis
12. Rotylenchulus reniformis
13. Xiphinema bricolense
4- Virus Diseases

1. Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus

2. Apple mosaic virus Ilavirus
3. Arabis Mosaic Virus
4. Banana bract mosaic virus
5. Banana bunchy top virus
6. Banana streak virus
7. Barley stripe mosaic virus
8. Bean common mosaic virus
9. Bean yellow mosaic virus
10. Beet necrotic yellow vein virus,
11. Citrus tristeza virus
12. Cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus
13. Fig Potyvirus
14. Grapevine fanleaf virus
15. Grapevine leaf-roll virus
16. Olive latent ringspot virus Olive latent virus 1, 2 and 3
17. Onion yellow dwarf virus
18. Papaya ringspot virus
19. Pea seed-borne mosaic virus
20. Peach rosette mosaic virus
21. Peanut mottle virus
22. Plum pox virus
23. Prune dwarf virus

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24. Prunus necrotic ringspot virus
25. Red clover vein mosaic virus
26. Strawberry ring-spot Virus
27. Strawberry vein banding virus
28. Tobacco ringspot virus
29. Tomato ringspot virus
30. Wheat dwarf virus
31. Wheat streak rymovirus
32 Palm lethal yellowing phytoplasma = Phytoplasma palmae
33 Phytoplasma prunorum (Apricot chlorotic leafroll phytoplasma)

Fourth: weeds
Parasitic weeds
1 Cuscuta spp (dodder) { except C. pedicellata, C. planiflora, C. epilinum and C. campestris }
Orobanche spp (Broomrape) { except O. crenata, O. aegyptiaca, O. ramosa, O. minor and O.

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Table 2 – Article 17
Plants and agricultural products infested with pests recorded in Egypt
that are refused entry to Egypt unless they are treated
with techniques approved by Plant Quarantine
First: Insect pests

No. Scientific name Common name Family Order

1 Ahasverus advena (Waltl, 1834) Dried stored beetle Sivanidae Coleoptera
2 Alphitobius diaperinus (panzer, Lesser meal Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
1796) worm & little beetle
3 Alphitobius laevigatus (Fabricius, Black fungus beetle Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
4 Aphodius lividus(Oiivier, 1789) Dung beetle Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
5 Apomyelois ceratoniae (Zeller, Carob moth Pyralidae Lepidoptera
6 Asterolecanium pustulans Oleander pit scale Asteroiecaniidae Hemiptera
(Cockerell, 1892)
7 Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius, 1889) Silver leaf white fly Aleyrodidae Hemiptera
8 Carpocoris purpureipennis (De Black – shouldered Pentatomidae Hemiptera
Geer, 1773) shield
9 Ceroplastes floridensis Comstock, Florida Soft scale Coccidae Hemiptera
10 Ceroplastes rusci (Linnaeus, 1758) Fig scale Coccidae Hemiptera
11 Cryptoblabes gnidiella (Millière, Citrus pyralid Pyralidae Lepidoptera
12 Cryptophagus affinis Sturm, 1845 Foreign grain beetle Cryptophagidae Coleoptera
13 Drosophila melanogaster Meigen, Common fruit fly Drosophilidae Diptera
14 Egyptian members of family Antlike flower beetle Anthicidae Coleoptera
15 Egyptian members of family Tiger beetle Carabidae Coleoptera
16 Egyptian members of family Checkered beetle Cleridae Coleoptera
17 Egyptian members of family Water Boatmen Corixidae Hemiptera
18 Egyptian members of family Carpet and hide Dermestidae Coleoptera
Dermestidae beetles
19 Egyptian members of family Predaceous diving Dytiscidae Coleoptera
Dytiscidae beetles
20 Egyptian members of family Webspinners Embidae Embioptera
Embidae insect
21 Egyptian members of family True loopers Geometridae Lepidoptera
Geomertridae measuring worms
22 Egyptian members of family Dung beetles Histeridae Coleoptera

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23 Egyptian members of family Sap beetles Nitidulidae Coleoptera
24 Egyptian members of family Scuttle Flies Phoridae Diptera
25 Egyptian members of family Minute Black Scatopsidae Diptera
Scatopsidae Scavenger Flies
26 Egyptian members of family Rove beetles Staphylinidae Coleoptera
27 Egyptian members of order All families Collembola
28 Egyptian members of subfamily Seed beetle Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
29 Egyptian spp. attacking woolen Tineidae Lepidoptera
material from family Tineidae
30 Egyptian spp. of Balaninus Corn weevil Curculionidae Coleoptera
31 Egyptian spp. of Calandra Curculionidae Coleoptera
32 Egyptian spp. of Empoasca Leaf hopper Cicadellidae Hemiptera
33 Egyptian spp. of Ephestia Stored product Pyralidae Lepidoptera
34 Egyptian spp. of Laemophloeus Rusty bark beetle Laemophloeidae Coleoptera
35 Egyptian spp. of order Psocoptera Book & bark rice All families Psocoptera
36 Egyptian spp. of order Thysanura Silver fish Egyptian families Thysanura
&bristle tails
37 Egyptian spp. of Pyralis Cotton seed moths Pyralidae Lepidoptera
38 Egyptian spp. of Sitona Curculionidae Coleoptera
(except Sitona cylendricollis Root weevil
39 Egyptian spp. of Tribolum flour beetles Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
40 Egyptian spp. of wood borers different Egyptian Different
families orders
41 Eristalis aeneus (Scopoli, 1763) Aeneus fly Syrphidae Diptera
42 Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus, 1758) Drone fly or rattailed Syrphidae Diptera
43 Euborellia annulipes (Lucas, 1847) Ring legged earwing Forficulidae Dermaptera
44 Eysarcoris ventralis (Westwood, Til pod bug Pentatomidae Hemiptera
45 Forficula auricularia Linnaeus, Common earwing Forficulidae Dermaptera
46 Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, Greater wax moth or Pyralidae Lepidoptera
1758) bee
47 Gibbium psylloides (Czenpinski, Spider beetle Ptinidae Coleoptera
48 Gnatocerus cornutus (Fabricius, The broad – horned Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
1798) flour beetle

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49 Haplothrips cahirensis (Trybom, Pit & soft scale Phalaeothripidae Thysanopte
1911) ra
50 Imatismus vilosus Eucalyptus beetles Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
(HaagRutenberg, 1870)
51 Labidura riparia (Pallas, 1773) Riparian earwing Labiduridae Dermaptera
52 Lasioderma Serricorne (Fabricius, Cigarette beetle Ptinidae Coleoptera
53 Latheticus oyrzae Waterhouse, Long headed flour Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
1880 beetle
54 Latridius minutus (Linnaeus, 1767) Minute scavenger Latridiidae Coleoptera
55 Lyonetia clerkella (Linnaeus, 1758) Apple and peach leaf Lyonetiidae Lepidoptera
56 Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green, Pink hibiscus mealy Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
1908) bug
57 Nezara viridula (Linnaeus, 1758) Green stink bug Pentatomidae Hemiptera
58 Nipaecoccus viridis (Newstead, Globular mealy bug Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
59 Oryzaephilus surinamensis Surinam beetle & Silvanidae Coleoptera
(Linnaeus, 1758) Saw toothed grain
60 Palorus ratzeburgi (Wissmann, Small – eyed flour Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
1848) beetle
61 Palpita vitrealis (Rossi, 1794) Olive leaf moth Pyralidae Lepidoptera
62 Paropta l-nigrum (BethuneBaker, Salix stem - barer Cossidae Lepidoptera
63 Phthorimea operculella (Zeller, Potato tuber worm or Gelechiidae Lepidoptera
1873) moth
64 Planococcus citri (Risso, 1813) Common mealy Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
bug &
citrus mealy bug
65 Planococcus ficus (Signoret, 1875) Grape mealy bug Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
66 Plodia interpunctella (Hübner, Indian meal moth Pyralidae Lepidoptera
1813) or
meal worm moth
67 Pseudococcus longispinus Targo & tozz. Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
(Targioni Tozzetti, 1867) Long- tailed mealy
68 Sitotroga cerealella (Oliver, 1789) Angormers Grain Gelechiidae Lepidoptera
69 Stegobium paniceum (Linnaeus, Bread beetle& drug Ptinidae Coleoptera
1758) store beetle
70 Tenebrio molitor Linnaeus, 1758 Yellow meal worm Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
71 Tenebroides mauritanicus Cadelle beetle Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
(Linnaeus, 1758)
72 Thrips simplex (Morison, 1930) Gladiolus thrips Thripidae Thysanopte

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73 Thrips tabaci (Lindeman, 1889) Cotton thrips or Thysanopte
onion thrips Thripidae ra
74 Typhaea stercorea (Linnaeus, Hairy fungus beetle Mycetophagidae Coleoptera
75 Virachola livia (Klug, 1834) Pomegranate worm Lycanidae Lepidoptera
76 Vryburgia amaryllidis (Bouche, Lily bulb mealy bug Pseudococcidae Hemiptera
77 Zeuzera pyrina (Linaeus, 1761) Apple stem horned Cossidae Lepidoptera
78 Zophosis abbreviate Solier, 1834 Abbreviation darkling Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
79 Zophosis punctata Brulle, 1823 Punctual beetle Tenebrionidae Coleoptera

Second: Mites

No. Scientific name Common name Family Order

1 Brevipalpus californicus (Banks, Citrus flat mite Tenuipalpidae Prostigmata
2 Brevipalpus obovatus Donnadieu, Scarlet tea mite Tenuipalpidae Prostigmata
3 Brevipalpus Phoenicis (Geijskes, False spider mite Tenuipalpidae Prostigmata
4 Cenopalpus lanceolatisetae (Attiah, Plum spider mite Tenuipalpidae Prostigmata
5 Cenopalpus Pulcher (Canestrini & Scarlet flat mite Tenuipalpidae Prostigmata
Fanzago, 1876)
6 Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher, Grape erineum mite Eriophyidae Prostigmata
7 Eriophyes pyri (Pagenstecher, Pear leaf blister mite Eriophyidae Prostigmata
8 Eutetranychus africanus (Tucker, Citrus brown mite Tetranychidae Prostigmata
9 Eutetranychus orientalis (Klein, Oriental spider mite Tetranychidae Prostigmata
10 Panonychus ulmi (Koch, 1936) European red mite Tetranychidae Prostigmata
11 Rhizoglyphus echinopus (Fumouze Bulb mite Aceridae Astigmata
& Robin, 1868)
12 Tetranychus urticae Koch, 1836 Beans mite Tetranychidae Prostigmata

Third: weeds

Weeds recorded in Egypt

( Its number shall not exceed 13 grains/kg whether for one of such types (separately or gathered)
1. Avena fatua L. (wild oat)
2. Avena sterilis L. (winter wild oat)
3. Commelina diffusa (spreading dayflower)
4. Convolvulus arvensis (bindweed)

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5. Fallopia convolvalus (Black bindweed)
6. Ipomoea (carica, eriocarpa,hederaceae and purpurea).
7. Lolium temulentum (ryegrass).
8. Oryza longistaminata (perennial wild rice)
9. Sorghum halepense (L) Pers (Johnson grass)

Table 3 – Article 18
Regulations for permitting the entry of the plant and plant products stated if they are infested with the
pests specified in the second column and after they have been treated with the eradication methods
specified in the fourth column.

Sr. Host Infestation Treatment Treatment specification

1 Wheat Infected with mechanical separation 1. Carrying out the sifting or
sclerotia due to chromatography
fungi causing the separately or within the
argot disease by process of
not more than manufacturing.
0.05% 2. Withdrawing the plant
disease from the wheat
through separate sifting,
or by a rough thumping
resulting in a form of
sifting within the process
of industrialization
so as to make sure they
are free of the fungus.
3. If there is a match, the
resulting waste shall be
Infected with 1. Carrying out the sifting
ambrosia seeds separately.
by not more than 2. Taking a sample of the
10 seeds per kg wheat resulting from the
sifting process to ensure
that it is free from the
ambrosia seeds.
3. The waste resulting from
the sifting process shall
be destroyed.
Infected by more 1- Carrying out the sifting
than 25 seeds within the process of
per kg of a manufacturing.
quarantine weed 2- The waste resulting from
seeds listed in the sifting process shall
Table 2 of Annex be destroyed
2 yellow corn 1-Infected by mechanical separation 1. Carrying out the sifting or
more than 25 chromatography
seeds per kg of separately or within the
the quarantine process of
weed seeds listed manufacturing.
in Table 2 in 2. Withdrawing the plant
Annex 11 disease from the wheat
through separate sifting,
or by a rough thumping

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resulting in a form of
sifting within the
industrial process so as
to make sure it is free of
the fungus.
3. If there is a match, the
resulting waste shall be
2- Infected with 1. Carrying out the sifting
the ambrozia separately.
seeds by not 2. Taking a sample of the
more than 10 corn resulting from the
seeds per kg sifting process to ensure
that it is free from the
ambrosia seeds.
3. The waste resulting from
the sifting process shall
be destroyed.
3 Soyabean 1- Infected with mechanical separation 1- The sifting process shall
white mold be conducted separately.
disease 2- Samples of the infected
soyabean weeds after
the sifting process shall
be withdrawn to ensure
that they are free from
white mold disease.
3- The waste resulting from
the sifting process shall
be destroyed.
2- Infected with 1- The sifting process shall
ambrosia be conducted separately.
seeds by not 2- Samples of the infected
more than 10 soybean weeds resulting
seeds per kg from the sifting process
shall be withdrawn to
ensure that they are free
from ambrosia seeds.
3- The waste resulting from
the screening process
shall be destroyed.
4 Manufactured A- Timber Fumigation Fumigation with methyl
wood damaged by bromide gas:
consignments wood borers
(such as wood or termite First: under conditions of
slabs with normal air pressure:
rhytidome, 1- In rooms or under covers
wood, furniture, with a dose of 42 g/m³
etc.) for 16 h at 21° C or
2- 80 g/m³ for 16 h at from
4.5° C to 20° C
Second: under a pressure of
66 cm Hg:
1- 64 g/m³ for 3 h at 21° C
or more.
2- 64 g/m³ for 4 h at 4.5° C
to 20 °C

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B- Timber Fumigation in addition Treatment by fumigation by
damaged by to one of the other one of the previous methods
powderpost treatment methods in A then:
beetle - Hot air treatment at 80° C
for 10 h.
5 Un- Infested with any Treatment by Treatment by fumigation by
manufactured kind of wood fumigation in addition one of the previous methods
timber logs borers or termite to one of the methods in A then:
(e.g., full or breeder or used for other cases 1- Supervision of the
fragmented combination of manufacturing process
trees, them and waste disposal.
uncircumcised 2- Hot water treatment at
or rhytidome 80° C for 3 to 6 h.
trees) 3- Hot air treatment at 80° C
for 10 h.
4- Hot water steam
treatment at 21° C for
10 h
7 Commercial ------------ fumigation Fumigation by methyl
cotton samples bromide at a dose of 64 g/m³
for two hours at 66 cm Hg.
Or under normal atmospheric
pressure fumigation with
methyl bromide at a dose of
48 g/m³ for 24 h

Table 4 – Article 19
Pests that are banned from entering the country via seeds and plants for agriculture and
1- Bacterial

1. Agrobacterium tumefaciens
2. Agrobacterium vitis
3. Burkholderia gladioli pv. gladioli
4. Dickeya sp.
5. Dickeya zeae = Erwinia chrysanthemi pv. zeae
6. Erwinia amylovora
7. Pectobacterium atrosepticum = Erwinia caratovora subsp.
8. Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum
9. Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi
10. Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae
11. Spiroplasma citri

2- Fungi

1. Ceratocystis paradoxa
2. Cochliobolus carbonum = Drechslera carbonum = Helminthosporium carbonum
3. Cochliobolus heterostrophus = Bipolaris maydis=Drechslera maydis=Helminthosporium
4. Colletotrichum dematium

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5. Colletotrichum gloeosporioides = Glomerella cingulata
6. Colletotrichum graminicola = Glomerella graminicola
7. Colletotrichum lindemuthianum = Glomerella lindemuthiana
8. Colletotrichum musae = Gloeosporium musarum = Myxosporium musae
9. Colletotrichum truncatum = Vermicularia truncata
10. Cryptosporella viticola = Diaporthe viticola = Diplodia viticola = Phoma viticola = Phomopsis
11. Cycloconium oleaginum = Spilocaea oleaginea = Fusicladium oleagineum
12. Diaporthe phaseolorum var sojae = Phomopsis sojae
13. Eutypa lata = Libertella blepharis (anamorph)
14. Fusarium moniliforme var. subglutinans = Gibberella fujikuroi var.
15. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae
16. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lilii
17. Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. psidii
18. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. apii
19. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami
20. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cumini
21. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. dianthi
22. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. fragariae
23. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. gladioli
24. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. tulipae
25. Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. vasinfectum
26. Gibberella aveavenacea
27. Gibberella zea
28. Gloeosporium thuemenii
29. Kabatiella caulivora = Gloeosporium caulivorum
30. Kutilakesa pironii = Nectriella pironii
31. Magnaporthe oryzae = Magnaporthe grisea = Pyricularia grisea= Pyricularia oryzae
32. Mauginiella scaettae
33. Mycosphaerella fragariae = Sphaerella fragariae
34. Mycosphaerella linicola
35. Mycosphaerella macrospora
36. Mycosphaerella pyri
37. Mycosphaerella zeae-maydis = Peyronellaea zeae-maydis
38. Peronosclerospora maydis
39. Peronosclerospora philippinensis
40. Peronosclerospora sacchari
41. Peronosclerospora sorghi

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42. Peronospora farinose f. sp. spinaciae
43. Peronospora lamii
44. Phoma tracheiphila
45. Phomopsis obscurans
46. Phyllosticta capitalensis = Guignardia mangiferae
47. Phyllosticta dracaenae
48. Phyllosticta musarum
49. Phytophthora cactorum
50. Phytophthora citricola
51. Phytophthora citrophthora
52. Phytophthora erythroseptica
53. Phytophthora fragariae
54. Phytophthora nicotianae
55. Phytophthora palmivora
56. Plasmopara viticola
57. Pleospora betae = Phoma betae = Phoma spinaciae = Phyllosticta betae = Phyllosticta
58. Podosphaera leucotricha = Sphaerotheca leucotricha
59. Pseudocercospora rhapisicola
60. Pseudocercospora vitis
61. Sclerotinia bulborum
62. Sclerotinia narcissicola
63. Sclerotinia polyblastis
64. Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
65. Sclerotinia sclerotorum
66. Septoria dianthi
67. Septoria gladioli
68. Septoria hydrangea
69. Septoria iridis
70. Septoria lavandulae
71. Sphaceloma poinsettiae
72. Spilocaea oleagina
73. Stagonospora curtisii
74. Uncinula necator = Erysiphe necator
75. Urocystis agropyri
76. Urocystis cepulae = Urocystis colchici
77. Ustilago scitaminea = Sporisorium Scitamineum
78. Ustilago segetum var. tritici
79. Verticillium dahlia

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80. Villosiclava virens = Ustilaginoidea virens

3- Virus diseases

1. Alfalfa mosaic virus

2. Broad bean mottle virus
3. Broad bean stain virus
4. Broad bean true mosaic virus
5. Chrysanthemum ringspot virus
6. Citrus blight agent
7. Citrus leprosis virus
8. Citrus yellow mosaic virus
9. Coconut cadang-cadang viroid
10. Cucumber mosaic virus

11. Eggplant mosaic virus

12. Gladiolus latent Virus
13. Lettuce mosaic virus
14. Peach (Moorpark) Mottle Virus
15. Peanut Stunt Virus
16. Rose mosaic virus
17. Rose ring spot virus
18. Rose streak virus
19. Rose wilt virus
20. Satsuma dwarf virus
21. Soybean mosaic virus
22. Tobacco mosaic virus
23. Tomato mosaic virus
24. Tomato yellow leaf curl virus
25. Tulip breaking virus = Tulip mosaic virus
26. Watermelon mosaic virus 1, 2

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Annex 12
Regarding Article 19 – Importation and Treatment

Rules and conditions for the importation of seed packages and plants for cultivation or
propagation purposes
1. A prior technical import permit shall be obtained from Plant Quarantine, showing the approval
number of the Agricultural Crop Seeds Committee and explaining the quarantine requirements for
the items to be imported.
2. The approval of the Agricultural Crop Seeds Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture for the items
to be imported shall be provided.
3. The consignment shall be accompanied by:

 A phytosanitary certificate issued by the competent official authorities indicating the country of
origin and that the shipment is intended for agriculture and propagation purposes, that it
complies with the requirements of the Egyptian Plant Quarantine and stating the import permit
number of the shipment. The consignments that are re-shipped from a country other than the
country of origin may be accepted, provided that they are accompanied by a phytosanitary
certificate issued by the country of re-export. This phytosanitary certificate must indicate the
country of origin and the number of the phytosanitary certificate issued by the country of origin,
attached together with a certified copy of the original phytosanitary certificate issued by the
country of origin in addition to the compliance by all countries of origin and shipping ports where
the consignment has been opened. The consignments of bulbs, roots and other parts of plants
intended for planting or propagation of species prohibited and with a maximum of ten pieces for
a single shipment shall be exempted of phytosanitary certificate under the approval of the
Agricultural Crop Seeds Committee.
 The bill of lading issued by the country of origin, provided that the country of origin is not
prohibited from importing the item.

4. Such consignments shall be accompanied by a list indicating the name and quantity of the items
and the country of origin in accordance with the approval of the Agricultural Crop Seeds Committee
and the import permit issued by Plant Quarantine. In case of a difference of nature in the items or
in their quantity with the permit issued, the competent authority shall have the right to refuse the
entry of the supplementary quantity, unpermitted items or other country of origin.
5. Some propagation and planting consignments (annual and long-term) may be temporarily released
if sufficient data on the entity or entities that will cultivate them are provided. Plant Quarantine in
cooperation with the research authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture shall follow up their inspection
at any time to verify their safety; provided that such consignments shall be finally released only after
one year at least. Should some of such plants appear to have symptoms of a pest, they will be
immediately destroyed using all necessary treatment procedures at the expense and under the
responsibility of the party concerned.

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Annex 13
Regarding Article 22 – Importation and Treatment
Controls of the application of the phytosanitary measures in a country of origin
Pursuant to the international requirements of the Preshipment Inspection Agreement of the World Trade
Organisation (WTO) and Annex 1 to ISPM 20 of the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC),
the importing country is entitled to apply some phytosanitary measures to the imported consignments in
the country of origin.
At the request of the importer or its representative or in the light of the implementation of the decision of
the Plant Quarantine Committee, the Egyptian Plant Quarantine shall establish committees of the
quarantine inspectors to verify the conformity of the imported consignments to phytosanitary
requirements in the country of origin based on the following procedure:

First: Conditions for candidacy for external missions:

1- Quarantine engineers who are appointed to travel must prove they have a work experience in
the domain of plant quarantine for a period of at least 5 years and six months.
2- If an engineer has taken leave (except regular leave – leave on personal grounds – sick leave
- maternity leave – Hajj leave), the duration of the leave shall not be counted within the period
prescribed above.
3- Travel shall only be permitted after a Ministerial Decree is issued indicating the destination,
product, quantity to be imported, importer and travel period.

Second: Rules for establishing a Travel Committee:

1- Al least one of the members must have broad experience in the field of inspecting the product
to be imported.
2- The general health status (certified health certificate or certificate of good health) shall be taken
into consideration for the Committee members in accordance with the requirements of the
consignment to be imported.
3- The engineer likely to travel shall pass an ad hoc interview to ensure that he is technically
qualified to perform the phytosanitary measures required for the plant consignment for which
he is applying.
4- By the time the general directors of Plant Quarantine meet, the candidate must not have
received an investigation-based penalty forthe year of his candidacy which would prevent him
from serving for a period of 3 to 12 months depending on the wrongdoing.
5- There must be no evidence that the candidate has previously misused the authority of Plant
Quarantine through abuse of power in order for personal gain.
6- The head of the Competent Authority may prevent the candidate finally from travelling abroad
to complete any quarantine task in a country of origin after a conviction and punishment based
on an investigation carried out by the administrative and public prosecutor into an offence
against honour and integrity.

Third: General Procedures:

1- The importer shall officially apply to Egyptian Plant Quarantine to request a committee so as to
import a specific plant consignment from an accredited origin within a sufficient period prior to
the committee's travel.
2- The importer shall undertake to pay all the costs, travel allowances and transportations set as
per the regulations issued in this regard, as well as to provide the health and life insurance
documents required for this task.
3- The importer shall undertake to provide the laboratories and appropriate places of examination
for the committee’s work and to facilitate the work of the Plant Quarantine committee in the
country of origin in the places and during phases of processing, examining and shipping of the
4- The ministerial Decree shall include all the necessary data.

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5- The Plant Quarantine committee shall, before commencing the work in the country of origin,
convene a meeting with the shipping officials at the port to organise the committee's work,
identify responsibilities with the importer's representative at the shipping port and a direct way
of communication with Egyptian Plant Quarantine to follow up the work of the committee abroad.

Fourth: Requirements for work abroad:

1- Necessary inspection tools for each inspector for the entire duration of the mission abroad.
2- Permanent attendance of all the committee's members through all phases of the work.
3- Obligation to complete the "findings" form for the samples examined during the shipment,
approval and delivery with the mission report indicating the overall status of the shipment.
(a) Procedures of inspection of bulk consignments in the country of origin:
1- The committee shall, in sufficient time prior to the commencement of the shipment, conduct a
random inspection of the silos or warehouses from which the consignments will be shipped to
the vessel and ensure that the consignment is consistent with quarantine legislation.
2- The committee shall inspect the vessel's holds and shall verify their conformity for shipment as
well as their state of cleanliness, the absence of metal rust, live insects or prohibited seeds.
3- After ensuring the conformity of the vessel, the map of the ship (number of holds and capacity
and size of each hold).
4- The Plant Quarantine committee shall supervise the shipping process and shall remove required
samples in appropriate ways throughout the shipping to conduct all the visual inspections to
ensure that it is in conformity with the quarantine legislation.
5- In case that the consignment does not comply with the quarantine legislation, the consignment
shall be suspended immediately and the appropriate decision shall be taken either by
re-emptying the infested part of the infected holds if possible, or else the consignment shall be
refused and the reasons for the rejection shall be documented (photocopies and documents).
A rejection notification shall be issued and shall be immediately sent to the Egyptian Plant
Quarantine for necessary action.
6- After completion of the inspection and supervision of the consignment shipping on the vessel
and ensuring that the consignment complies with Egyptian phytosanitary requirements, the
fumigation of the consignment shall be carried out by one of the fumigation companies in the
country of origin in accordance with the rules adopted and under the supervision of the Egyptian
Plant Quarantine Committee. Each hold shall be closed after the completion of the fumigation
7- A copy of the fumigation report approved by the fumigation company in the country of origin and
a certified copy of the map of the vessel showing the number of hold and quantity loaded in
each hold and a copy of the bill of lading shall be sent to the committee.
8- The committee shall complete the report of the mission on the relevant form, indicating that the
consignment shipped complies with the Egyptian quarantine legislation and including all the
necessary data.
9- An original copy of the committee's report shall be sent to the vessel's captain or the company's
representative and a receipt shall be signed by the recipient.
10- After receiving the shipment at the port of arrival in Egypt, the importer shall submit to the import
section of Plant Quarantine at the port of arrival the original consignment documents jointly with
the mission report issued by the Plant Quarantine committee in the country of origin. The other
phytosanitary measures shall be completed on the consignment according to Egyptian Plant
Quarantine legislation and by the Plant Quarantine Committee.
11- Should the consignment faily to comply with the Egyptian Plant Quarantine legislation at the
port of arrival, the necessary quarantine measures shall be taken.
(b) Procedures for inspecting consignments in packaging stations, storage places or
production places in the country of origin:
1- Inspection shall be carried out for the lots completed and ready for importation.

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2- The quarantine inspection of the samples taken by the Plant Quarantine Committee shall be
carried out and the results recorded.
3- The non-compliant lots shall be excluded and reported in the committee’s report as well as their
quantities as rejected quantities.
4- In the case of shipments requiring fumigation, the fumigation process shall be undertaken with
the doses approved by Plant Quarantine. Such facts shall be stated in the committee's report.
5- If any of the shipments have been rejected and the importer has carried out the treatment in the
country of origin, such shipments may be inspected again so as to ensure that they comply with
Egyptian Plant Quarantine’s legislation.
6- In any case, a report is issued by the committee in the country of origin for the attention of the
Plant Quarantine committee at the port of arrival. The report shall indicate the results of the
consignments’ inspection together with the forms showing the inspection results in detail. The
committee shall accept full responsibility for the shipment status, taking into account the
shipping conditions.
7- The Plant Quarantine committee of the port of arrival shall verify the identification of the
consignment with the report of the committee and shall ensure the safety of the consignment
so that it is not subject to any conditions that would require it to be re-inspected again as a new

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Annex 14
Regarding Article 23 – Importation and Treatment
Regulations for importing potato tubers

First: Rules and conditions governing the import of potato tubers for the purpose of
1- The potato seeds shall be imported with an import permit issued by the Agricultural Crops
Committee based on a request submitted by the importing authority to the Agricultural Crop Seeds
Committee every year on the appropriate form and specifying the quantities, item, rank and origin.
2- Egyptian Plant Quarantine shall annually receive a list of agricultural land codes allocated for
growing potato tubers for the purpose of exporting seeds and the plans at least one month prior to
the importation, and in the event of any change in the above-mentioned codes or plans, the
competent authority in the exporting country shall notify Egyptian Plant Quarantine of such change
in due time.
3- The potato seeds shall be imported as per the quarantine requirements set forth herein and provided
that they are accompanied by the phytosanitary certificate certified by the concerned authority in
the country of origin, certifying the validity of the potato seeds and in which there is an additional
acknowledgement indicating the compliance with the quarantine requirements, as well as the
additional requirements in paragraph 4 below.
4- The following requirements must be complied with for potatoes imported from abroad:
1- Insects:
 The imported potato seeds shall be completely free from the infestation of any of the following
insects in any phase:
 Leptinotars decemlineata (Say) Colorado potato beetle
 Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller) Phthorimaea operculella
 Euzophera osseatella (Treitscke) Eggplant Fruit and Shoot borer
 Premnotrypes spp. Andean susses
 Epitrix cucumeris (Harris) Cabbage Llea Beetle
 Epitrix subcrinita (Le conte) Western potato flea beetle
 Limonius canus Wired Worms Group
 Limonius californicus
 Ctenicera pruinina
 Epicauta spp. Bitter beetle
 Phyllophaga spp. Cyclocephala
 Hydraecia micacea (Esp) Potato leg digger
2- Diseases
First: The imported potatoes should be free from, and produced in, places free from the
following diseases and their causes. Such places shall be established in accordance with the
relevant international phytosanitary standards:
1- Fungi

Synchytium endobioticum

2- Nematodes

Globodera spp.
Trichodorus spp. and Paratichodorus spp.

3- Bacteria

Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepdonicus

Ralstonia solanacearum

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Dickeya spp.
Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum

4- Virus and Phytoplasma

Potato Yellow Dwarf Virus and Phytoplasma

Second: The final importation of potato seeds is prohibited from any farm that has been infected
with one of the diseases listed in item 1 during the year preceding the import season.
Third: Potato seeds must be completely free from the following diseases:
1- Nematodes

Ditylenchus destructor
Meloidogyne spp.

2- Virus and Viroid

Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid

Tobacco Necrosis Virus (TNV)
Tobacco ring spot nepo Virus (TRSV)

3- Physiological diseases/Others:

Frost injury

Fourth: The following diseases if present should not exceed the percentage indicated in each
of the samples taken from the lot:
1- Bacteria

Pectobacterium carotovorum
Tubers infected with a rate of more than 0.2 % shall not be permitted to enter Egypt
Pectobacterum atrosepticum
Tubers infected with a rate of more than 0.2 % shall not be permitted to enter Egypt

2- Fungi

Phytoplithora erythoseptica
Tubers infected with a rate of more than 0.1 % shall not be permitted to enter Egypt
Phytophthera infestans
Tubers infected with a rate of more than 0.1 % shall not be permitted to enter Egypt
Colletorichum Coccodes -(Colletorichum atramentarium)
Tubers infected with a rate of more than 20 % shall not be permitted to enter Egypt
Alternaria Solani
Tubers infected with a rate of more than 0.5 % shall not be permitted to enter Egypt
Verticillium spp.
Tubers infected with a rate of more than 0.5 % shall not be permitted to enter Egypt

3- Viral viruses
- The Central Administration of Plant Quarantine (CAPQ) may mandate experts’
committees of the Plant Quarantine in coordination with the Institute of Plant
Pathology Research to examine signs of viral infection in the crops in the countries
exporting potatoes and verify that the total percentage of all manifestations of viral
infection in the fields does not exceed 4 %.

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- It is prohibited to let enter into Egypt tubers infected with the following percentages
of viruses respectively:

Corky Ring sport (Tobacco Ratte Virus) (0.1 %)

Mop Top Virus (MTV) (0.1 %)
Potato Leaf Roll Virus (0.1 %)
Alfa Alfa Mosaic Virus (0.4 %)
PVY (0.4 %)
PVX (0.4 %)
PVA (0.4 %)

 The total percentage of infection from such viruses should not exceed 0.8 %

Fifth: The following diseases should not exceed the percentage specified for each one
respectively and provided the total percentage shall not be more than 5%:
1- Fungi

Fusarium spp. (0.1 %)

Phoma Spp. (0.5 %)
Watery wound rot caused by Pythium spp (0.5 %)

2- Others /Physiological diseases:

Internal Brown spot and Browning or Black sport & Vascular Discoloration (0.5 %)
Hollow heart (0.5 %)
Black heart (0.5 %)
Skin Necrosis (0.5 %)
Mechanical Damage (3 %)

Sixth: The infection in samples should not exceed the following percentages as indicated:

1- Powdery scab caused by Spongospora subterranea

Seeds shall be banned from entry if more than 1 % is affected and the pustules cover more than 10 %
of the surface area of the tuber.
2- Common Scab caused by Streptomyces scabies
Potato seeds with common scab are allowed in accordance with Dutch Standard No 1.5
3- Black crust and other pathological symptoms that cause the Rhizoctonia solani
fungus caused by
Seeds shall be banned from entry if more thatn 5 % is affected and the infected area of the tuber
surface exceeds 10 %
4- Silver scurf caused by Helminthosporium solani
No more than 20 % of infected pests should enter and the patches should cover no more than 20 % of
the surface area of the tuber

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Second: Rules and Conditions for importing potato tubers for processing purposes:
The following requirements shall be applied when importing and inspecting imported potato tubers for
manufacturing purposes in the ports of arrival in Egypt:
1- The imported potato seeds should be completely free of infection from the following insects in any
of their phases:

Colorado beetle Leptinotars decemlineata (Say)

Potato Tuber Moth Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller)
Eggplant Shoot borer Euzophera osseatella (Treitscke)
Andean mite Premnotrypes spp
Cabbage Llea Beetle Epitrix cucumeris (Harris)
Western potato flea beetle Epitrix subcrinita (Le conte)
Wireworms Limonius canus
Limonius californicus
Ctenicera pruinina
Bitter beetle Epicauta spp.
scarab beetles Phyllophaga spp.
Potato leg digger Hydraecia micacea (Esp)

2- Potato tubers shall be free from, and produced in countries or places of production free from, the
following diseases and in accordance with the standards of the International Plant Protection
Convention (IPPC - FAO).

Brown rot caused by Ralstonia Solanacearum

Ring rot caused by Clavibacter Michiganensis Sub sp.sepdonicus
Black cancer (fecundity) caused by Sunchytrium
golden nematode Globodera spp
Root-knot nematodes Trichodorusspp
and Paratichodorusspp
Potato Yellow Dwarf Virus And Phytoplasma Potato Yellow Dwarf Virus And Phytoplasma
Blackleg caused by Dickkeya solani
Black Dot caused by Colletorichum Coccodes
Colletorichum atramentarium
Zebra Chip caused by Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum
Tobacco Necrosis Virus (TNV)

3- Potato tubers shall be completely free of the following diseases:

Nematodes Dry rot in potatoes Ditylenchus destructo

Nematode Root Knot Meloidogynespp

Potato spindle tuber viroid Spindle Tuber Viroid

Frost injury Frost injury

4- In the samples representing the lot, infection by the following diseases should not exceed the
percentage indicated below

Dry rot 3 % Fusarium Oxysporum

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Early Blight 3 % Alternaria solani
Late Blight 0.5 % Phytophthora infestans
Soft rot 1 % Pectobacterium Carotovorum
Powdery Scab 3 % Spongospora Subterranea
"Severe infection covers one third of the tuber
Common Scab Streptomyces Scabies
"Dutch Standard No 1.5"
Black scurf 10 % Rhizotonia solani
Mechanical Damage 5 % Mechanical Damage
Phoma sp 1 % Phoma sp

5- The amount of natural soil attached to potato tubers in each sack shall not be more than 0.3 % of
the total weight.
6- Provision is made for shipments in the country of origin to be treated with an anti-germination
substance. It is recommended that the phytosanitary certificate shall be accompanied by a certificate
confirming such treatment with its name, and the doses used. If treatment is not done abroad, it
shall be completed in the stores of the owner and at the expense of the party concerned and under
his responsibility.
7- A copy of a phytosanitary certificate shall be attached certifying the compliance of the consignment
with the quarantine requirements listed in this Annex and stating that it has been treated with an
anti-germination (name and doses used) and that it is not being imported for the purpose of
8- Importation shall be within a limited period of time (August, September and October) so as not to
interfere with the importing period of potato tubers for cultivation.
9- The import shall be in special packages with the mention on one of side in Arabic "Not for cultivation"
and on the other side the importer's name, variety and the farm’s number or the field code, in addition
to an identification card to be put inside the package bearing the words "Not for cultivation".
10- All necessary quarantine measures shall be taken such as examination and inspection of
warehouses, transport, storage, manufacture and disposal of solid waste and treatment of liquid
waste and others under the supervision of Plant Quarantine and under the responsibility and at the
expense of the party concerned.
11- The party concerned shall undertake not to use or market the consignment as seeds for cultivation.
12- The necessary records for registration and documentation of all previous steps and procedures
under the supervision of the Plant Quarantine shall be provided.

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Annex 15
Regarding Article 24 - Importation and Treatment
Controls for importing cotton products
First: Ginned cotton and its waste:
1. The consignment must be imported from areas registered as quarantine pest free, areas that have
been pre-examined by specialised higher committees to confirm the fact.
2. A technical permission to import must be pre-obtained from Plant Quarantine before shipment of
the consignment from its place of origin and must be approved by Egyptian Plant Quarantine as a
source of import for cotton.
3. The importer shall apply to the competent Plant Quarantine office to determine the appropriate date
for the arrival of the consignment to start fumigation treatment with the available fumigation stations
so as to prevent the accumulation of packages.
4. A phytosanitary certificate from the Plant Quarantine of the country of origin shall accompany the
5. The consignment of cotton shall be accompanied by a fumigation certificate from the Plant
Quarantine Authority of the country of origin taking the following into account:
 The fumigation certificate shall have a validity of no more than three months.
 If the consignment is received after the expiry period of the fumigation certificate, it shall only
be accepted if proof is submitted that the shipment was undertaken during the validity period of
the fumigation certificate.
 If the fumigation certificate has expired before the consignment is shipped from the country of
origin, re-fumigation is required before shipment and an approved fumigation certificate issued
with a new validity period shall be submitted.
 The period of validity of the fumigation certificate shall be added to the import permit, taking in
account the importer’s acknowledgement of the required quarantine requirements.
6. If the fumigation process was completed in the country of origin in the absence of a committee from
Egyptian Plant Quarantine, a phytosanitary certificate must be provided in the form of an additional
declaration stating that the package was fumigated in accordance with the terms of the Egyptian
Plant Quarantine and under the full supervision of the Plant Quarantine of the country of origin.
Upon arrival of the consignment in Egypt, samples shall be taken for the necessary analysis to verify
the completion of the fumigation process. If the fumigation process was made under normal
atmospheric pressure in the country of origin and in the absence of a committee from Egyptian Plant
Quarantine, a phytosanitary certificate must be provided in the form of an additional declaration
stating that the consignment was fumigated under conditions of normal atmospheric pressure in
accordance with the terms of the Egyptian Plant Quarantine and under the full supervision of the
Plant Quarantine of the country of origin. Upon arrival of the parcel, a vacuum fumigation shall be
completed at the nearest vacuum fumigation plant under the supervision of Egyptian Plant
Quarantine before the consignment is released.
7. Upon arrival of the consignment to the port of arrival, the necessary quarantine inspection shall be
carried out to ensure that:
 the consignment is free from the cotton seeds, whole, broken or peeled.
 the consignment is free from prohibited quarantine pests.
 the consignment has been thoroughly fumigated abroad with neccesary documentation and
laboratory analysis if vacuum fumigation has been undertaken abroad in the absence of an
Egyptian Plant Quarantine committee.
 Compliant consignments shall be released, and consignments not complying with the terms of
the Egyptian Plant Quarantine shall be rejected and re-exported.
8. Transit consignments are treated the same way as incoming consignments regarding inspection
and fumigation.
9. For imports in containers, the consignment is inspected in the container yards at the first port of
arrival (after ensuring that the fumigation process has been carried out in the country of origin), and

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may be re-sealed after the quarantine inspection and transferred for vacuum fumigation at the
nearest fumigation plant. It is transported within Egypt by the safest routes and means under the
supervision of Plant Quarantine.
10. For importats in containers that have previously been inspected by an external inspection committee
of engineers from Plant Quarantine and identified as such on arrival, they shall be fumigated at any
available vacuum fumigation plant.
11. For importats in the holds of a ship:
 The consignment shall be sent by sea to the nearest port with a vacuum fumigation plant.
 The consignment shall be inspected on board ship.
 Samples shall be taken for random laboratory analysis to ensure fumigation has been
undertaken if vacuum fumigation abroad was carried out without a committee of Egyptian Plant
Quarantine being present.
 The consignment shall be fumigated at the port of arrival at the time specified in advance or as
approved by the Plant Quarantine Authority at the port of arrival.
12. The consignment must be transported from the country of origin in a tightly locked means of
transport and shall be opened only at the port of arrival in Egypt. The inspectors of Plant Quarantine
shall confirm this point.
13. Transportation, manufacturing and waste disposal are carried out under the supervision of the Plant
14. Manufacturing priority shall be for imported cotton.
15. The consignment shall be rejected should the importer have violated the Plant Quarantine
instructions contained in the import permit.
Second: Commercial Cotton Samples:
1. The samples shall be well ginned and be completely free of cotton seeds and of remnants thereof.
2. The weight of each sample shall not exceed three kilogrammes. In the event of higher weight, three
kilograms shall be separated for delivery to the importer if he agrees to it and the rest shall be
disposed of.
3. The samples shall be well packed in a solid, unbreakable packing.
4. The samples shall be labelled in the name of the consignee and the requested port of arrival.
5. If the cotton in the sample is fragmented into several parts, each part shall be considered an
independent sample.
6. Samples shall be processed at the expense of the owner prior to final delivery and the samples that
he does not claim shall be disposed of within seven days from the date of notification of the goods’
Third: Cotton seeds imported for the purpose of pressing:
Persons wishing to import cotton seeds for the purpose of pressing shall submit an application to Plant
Quarantine within a period of not less than three weeks before importation after the approval of the
relevant scientific institutes (Cotton, Plant Protection, Plant Diseases and Plant Quarantine Research
Institutes) through the Plant Quarantine Committee and under the following conditions:
1. The seeds must be imported through one of the country's maritime ports where a mill is available
within the Customs Circuit from the port of arrival so that the pressing process can be undertaken.
The seeds shall be heat treated at a temperature of not less than 80° C, laboratory tests ensuring
that the seeds are not germinating. The consignment shall not be relocated outside the Customs
Circuit before completion of the pressing process under any circumstances.
2. Cotton seeds shall be free from insects and pathogenic pests, be non-bioengineered, non-irradiated,
and not treated with chemicals and pesticides. This shall be confirmed by competent authorities
through Plant Quarantine.
3. Crushed or milled seeds imported for the purpose of pressing may not be transferred.

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4. The owner of the seeds and the mill owner undertake to give priority to the process of pressing the
imported seeds. If they violate this undertaking, they shall receive a warning, and if they reiterate
the violation, the owner shall no longer be permitted to import cotton seeds for pressing, and the
mill owner shall no longer be permitted to press cotton seeds.
5. The mills shall send within a maximum of one week a statement to Plant Quarantine in the port of
the mill stating the quantities of imported seeds that have been pressed and the remaining quantities
of seeds.
6. The disposal of the packages in which the seeds were placed shall be made inside the Customs
Circuit where the mill is located and they shall not be transferred in any way to any other area outside
the Customs Circuit.
7. In all cases, the transportation, pressing and burning of waste shall be carried out under the
supervision of Plant Quarantine and according to a specific work programme of the mill, advance
notification of this programme being given to the Plant Quarantine.
8. It is stressed that in the event of any violation resulting in the refusal of the consignment, the
consignment shall be re-exported and shall not be processed on the territory of Egypt.
Fourth: Cotton seeds for scientific purposes:
1. The samples shall be imported only for the Cotton Research Institute and after ensuring that they
conform to the quarantine requirements
2. They shall be fumigated with an approved fumigation product, under the supervision of Plant
3. They shall be planted in an isolated area so that they remain under the supervision of the Cotton,
Plant Protection, Plant Diseases and Plant Quarantine Research Institutes until the end of the
harvest to ensure safety.
Fifth: Cotton seed cakes:
Cotton seed cakes are imported by sending a joint committee comprising Plant Quarantine inspectors
and the Regional Center for Food and Feed for inspection in the country of origin.
When the package enters the territory of Egypt, the following measures shall be taken:
1. Fumigation with an approved fumigation product under the supervision of Plant Quarantine (e.g.,
methyl bromide at a dose of 32 g / m3 / 24 hours).
2. For the packaging, hot water treatment at 100° C for half an hour or fumigation with methyl bromide
at a dose of 32 g / m3 / 24 hours or any other treatment approved for this purpose.
3. Transportation and manufacturing at the expense and under the responsibility of the concerned
party and under the supervision of Plant Quarantine.
Sixth: Conditions for importing cotton linters for military factories:
1. An import permit must first be obtained from Plant Quarantine.
2. The import shall only be from certified cotton points of origin in addition to points of origin in India
and Pakistan.
3. The imported consignment must be accompanied by a certificate from the competent authority of
the exporting country confirming that the linters have been extracted from cotton seeds that have
been sterilised by exposure to a temperature of not less than 65 °C for a period of at least five
4. The linters shall be free of cotton seeds or parts of seeds and from harmful pests. They shall be
packed in high-pressure, high-quality bales.
5. The linters shall be inspected to ensure that they meet the required conditions and then transferred
immediately to the military factories by a safe means of transport which will be closed and sealed
with lead by specialised staff from Plant Quarantine, and may not be opened upon arrival at the
factory, unless a representative from Plant Quarantine is present.
6. The means of transport shall receive treatment after unloading in a manner approved by Plant

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7. The parcels shall be stored immediately after unloading in a store inspected by Plant Quarantine
inspectors who shall check that it meets required quarantine requirements.
8. The factory must complete the processing to stop the linters from being in their vegetative state
(digestion) within a period of not more than seven days from the date of arrival at the factory, all the
waste being burnt in the presence of the representative of Plant Quarantine. The Director General
of Plant Quarantine may extend the previous deadline for another seven days.
Seventh: Medical cotton:
For the import of medical cotton, the cotton is required to be whitened lint cotton offering a resistance to
cutting, to have a thick cohesion during combing, to be free from defects and foreign substances and to
be absorbant to the point that if one gramme of cotton is put on the surface of water at a temperature of
25 °C, it should be saturated with water after 10 to 15 seconds. A sample shall be sent to the Cotton
Research Institute to verify these properties.

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Annex 16
Regarding Article 25 - Importation and Treatment
Ban on the introduction of plants and parts of some cultivars and agricultural materials shown
below into Egypt, with the exception of some or part of them under certain conditions
First: plant products whose importation is prohibited:
1. Date palm fruit whether dry or processed, or any dry or processed vegetable parts from palm waste
such as leaves, palm fronds, etc., as well as henna, Medicago sativa and ornamental palms, which
are considered to be hosts to Fusarium oxysporum var. albedinus which causes the Bayoud
disease, from countries where this disease is spread.
2. Natural soil suitable for agriculture as well as containing organic materials under any name.
3. Live plant pests in all their stages.
4. Culture media of bacteria and fungi harmful to plants.
5. Remnants of plants and agricultural products resulting from consumption on ships and aircrafts.
6. Non-agricultural materials if they are mixed with agricultural soil, plants, agricultural products or
other prohibited materials, if they cannot be separated inside the Customs Circuit without any risk
of them leaking out.
7. It is prohibited to import bee honey products except under the following conditions:
8. The product should come from areas that are free from bacterial infection caused by (Paenibacillus
larvae = Bacillus larvae), and European Melanococcus disease (Melissococcus plutonius =
Paenibacillus) and the product should be free of pathogens and pests for both diseases. An
approved certificate from the country of origin shall accompany the consignment.
Second: plants and parts suitable for planting and whose importation is prohibited
1. Cotton plant (Gosspium. Spp) and parts thereof.
2. Date palm plants, sprouts, henna, Medicago sativa and ornamental palms, which are host to
Fusarium oxysporum var. albedinus that causes the Bayoud disease, from the countries where this
disease is spread.
3. Palm sprouts from origins where Palmasips phoenicis (Asterlecaniidae) is spread.
4. Packages received for agriculture if they are mixed with agricultural soil, plants, agricultural products
or other prohibited materials.
 The items recommended by the Plant Quarantine Committee to enter the country based on
the PRA shall be excluded.

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Annex 17
Regarding Article 27 - Importation and Treatment
Conditions for allowing the transit of plant and plant products in Egypt:
1. All plants and plant product packages passing through ports, airports and entry points in Egypt,
which are to be stored in free zones or in refrigerators within the Customs circuit, or sent to another
port, and which were opened or suspected of leaking any quarantine pests, shall be treated as
imported, exempting them from the following:
 Import permit.
 Phytosanitary certificates.
Excluded from this exemption are transit parcels to free zones for manufacturing
2. Transit packages in Egyptian ports that are transported in sealed containers with the customs seal
of the country of origin and which are to be stored in the Egyptian transit areas within the Customs
Circuit until they are re-shipped, and whose seals are not to be removed except in the final pors of
arrival, may not be inspected unless they are unsealed in an Egyptian port, provided that the
concerned party submits a statement from the Customs permitting to do so.
3. Plant packages which are refused entry into Egypt shall be re-exported within the period specified
in Annex 19. The party concerned shall submit to the competent Plant Quarantine port a statement
approved by the Customs on all the re-exported packages and remnants thereof.
4. The transfer of in-transit packages of foreign cotton and seeds from one ship to another in Egyptian
ports is not authorized, unless the cotton is ginned and contained in intact bales and unless the
cotton seeds are kept in new well-sealed double bags. An application for permit shall be submitted
to the competent Plant Quarantine port for the transfer of foreign cotton and seeds, together with
the number of cotton bales, their weight, the number of cotton seeds bags, their weight, the name
of the ship and the expected date of arrival. The concerned party must inform Plant Quarantine
immediately upon arrival of the ship and specify the date of transport so that the Plant Quarantine
can supervise the transport.
5. It is prohibited to unload cotton and its seeds to the ground but it may be transfered from one ship
to another either directly or by barges. In the latter case, it must be covered in full in a manner
approved by the Plant Quarantine representative. The barges shall be cleaned and all the waste
shall be burned under the supervision of Plant Quarantine after the transfer at the expense and
under the responsibility of the party.
6. In-transit parcels of cotton and seeds may not be kept in the port for more than fifteen days;
otherwise, they shall be disposed of at the expense and under the responsibility of the concerned
party without any right to claim any compensation.
7. In-transit packages of cotton and seeds may not be transferred from one aircraft to another within
the Egyptian airports unless the cotton or seed are packed in metal containers that are intact and
welded on all sides. These parcels may not be kept at the airport for more than 15 days; otherwise,
they shall be disposed of at the expense and under the responsibility of the concerned party without
any right to claim for compensation.
8. The Customs Department shall notify Plant Quarantine of the date of arrival and unloading of the
parcels from ships at the ports and from aircrafts, and indicate all their specifications as well as their
date of re-exportation.
9. Tax on incoming plant parcels may not be transferred from in-transit tax to import tax unless they
meet the conditions of imported plant packages, in particular regarding the import permit and the
phytosanitary certificate required by the Egyptian state and the payment of the difference in
expenses with the import tax according to the type of parcels. Otherwise the parcels shall be
completely rejected.

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Annex 18
Regarding Article 31 - Import and Treatment
Procedures for treating incoming plant consignments
1. The treatment of incoming plant consignments shall be as approved by the competent authority
(Plant Quarantine) and at the expense and under the responsibility of the party concerned as per
this document or any other approved methods in accordance with the following:
 Methods approved internationally: stipulated in ISPMs.
 Methods approved locally: Methods recommended by one of the national research institutions
(specialised Research Institutes of the Agricultural Research Centre - Egyptian universities -
the Academy of Scientific Research and other research bodies). The methods shall be adopted
by the Scientific Research Academy or the Egyptian Organisation for Standardization and
Quality. Plant Quarantine is responsible for the application, monitoring and supervision of the
treatment after it has been approved by the Plant Quarantine Work Committee.
 All the requirements for the appropriate treatment must be observed in all previous
2. All incoming consignments to be treated must be submitted to treatment during official working hours
by the party concerned or its representative within 48 hours of the notification of their transfer for
3. The competent Plant Quarantine inspector may request that the consignments be submitted to
treatment before the end of the agreed period, if failure to start treatment as early as possible would
constitute a threat to the country's agricultural sector. If the party concerned or its representative fail
to comply with this requirement, a violation shall be reported and submitted to the competent
4. The competent quarantine inspector and his direct supervisor shall indicate the treatment’s
completion in the specifically designated box on the original inspection form.
5. If the consignments are delivered to a customs port which does not have the appropriate treatment
equipment, they shall be transferred to the nearest customs port where the necessary equipment is
available so as to complete the required treatments at the expense and under the responsibility of
the party concerned or its representative, by sea or any other means approved by the competent
authority and in accordance to the terms and procedures of that authority.
6. The treated consignmnets shall be received from the plant quarantine stations and delivered within
29 hours of completion of the treatment. The transfer of the consignments in whole or in parts shall
not be permitted except after payment of the required ground fees according to the provisions of the
attached expenditure annex.
7. The treatment procedures may be completed outside the customs port if the treatment cannot be
completed within the designated premises and if it is undertaken under the supervision and
monitoring of Plant quarantine, at the request of the concerned party or its representative and in full
respect of the treatment methods stipulated in the treatment schedule, and after the site and its
equipment have received the necessary inspection to assess their validity and efficiency and in
accordance with the conditions and preventive measures approved by Plant Quarantine for the
transport of the consignments and at all stages of the treatment.
8. In cases of transfer of some incoming plant product consignments that are temporarily released
under custody for the purpose of completing some of the quarantine operations outside the Customs
circuit, the consignments or parts of it shall be transported using suitable means of transport to
prevent pest leakage. The consignment shall also be sealed and its weight shall be determined
accurately to ensure that the consignment is not contaminated from outside or does not cause
contamination to the external environment.
9. Consignments that are placed under plant custody shall be re-examined visually only (without taking
samples) to ensure that they are free from live insects 60 days after the decision of Plant Quarantine
as regards to their treatment, in whole or in parts, and this procedure shall be repeated every 60
days for as long as the consignments remain in custody.
10. Waste from treatments shall be disposed of by one of the safe disposal methods to protect the
country's agricultural sector.

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11. In all cases, the final release of the treated plant consignments shall not be allowed until due
expenses have been paid and treatments and quarantine procedures have been completed for the
whole consignment as covered by the customs certificate.

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Annex 19
Regarding Article 32 - Import and Treatment
Procedures to be applied to plant consignments that are refused entry or transit through the
Egyptian territory
1. The consignments which are refused entry or transit through the Egyptian territory must be re-
exported by the party concerned within three weeks of the date of notification of the rejection
decision, provided that the party concerned has been notified within two days of the date of the
notification of the rejection. If this period has elapsed without the consignments having been re-
exported, they shall be disposed of by the Plant Quarantine specialists at the expense of and subject
to the liability of the party concerned. The consignment’s disposal may be undertaken before the
expiry of this period if there is any threat to plantations if the disposal is approved by the Plant
Quarantine committee at the expense of and subject to the liability of the party concerned without
any compensation. The Director of Plant Quarantine or his representative may extend the three
week period by a period of no more than one week if this extension does not pose a threat to the
country's crops.
2. If the party concerned fails to respond to the re-export or disposal order, or if notification proves
impossible, Customs shall be notified using the specific form for all necessary steps against the
rejected consignments. Dealings with the party concerned or its representative (the importing
company) shall be suspended until the final action is taken on the irregular consignments.
3. The party concerned shall be forced to re-export the consignments within the legal deadline if the
consignments are infected with live insects and if their existence in the port and their release for
disposal in a sanitary landfill outside the Customs circuit constitutes a threat to plantations.
In the event of the re-export of the consignments not being complied with, dealings with the
concerned party or its representative (the importing company) shall be suspended until after
the re-export of the non-compliant consignments.
4. The competent staff from Plant Quarantine shall take all precautions to prevent pests leaking from
the rejected consignments at the expense of and subject to the liability of the party concerned.

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Annex 20
Regarding Article 34 – Export
Procedures applied to exports of plant consignments
1. Persons wishing to export plants or plant products whose export is not prohibited must go to the
nearest Plant Quarantine Office to submit an application on the relevant form indicating the variety
to be exported, the export destination and all data requested on the form. A single application for a
consignment containing more than one variety of plants may be submitted if all varieties are
exported to a single importer at a single destination. Costs due shall be estimated and recorded in
the relevant register and the information provided on the application form shall be identical to the
consignment to be exported.
2. The application form mentioned above shall be submitted by the exporter or its representative
together with the following required documents:
 Copy of proof of ID of the party concerned or its representative under a power of attorney or
bank authorization.
 Copy of the exporter's record of the exporting company.
 Proof of payment of the expenses imposed by Plant Quarantine on the consignment.
 Any other documents that need to be present prior to the inspection according to each article
subject to quarantine regulations.
3. The consignments must be fully prepared for export upon submission for inspection. Consignments
shall be opened under the responsibility of the exporter and at his expense. The exporter may not
open the consignments authorized to be exported or make any change to them or to their distinctive
marks except with the permission of and under supervision of Plant Quarantine. Preparation of the
mentioned consignments shall not include the use of any plant products not approved by Plant
4. After the completion of all documents (and payment of required expenses), a committee of
quarantine inspectors shall be assigned to the inspection of the consignments. The consignments
prepared for export shall be examined in accordance with the requirements of the importing country
if they are known in advance or if an import permit from the importing country specifies the import
requirements to be applied, otherwise the party concerned shall take responsibility for the export of
the consignments. The inspection shall take place either in the production area or in the packaging
and preparation station or, where absolutely necessary and subject to the issue of an official
document by the head of Egyptian Plant Quarantine, in the airport.
5. Treatments are carried out on the exported consignments according to the requirements of the
importing countries.
6. The assigned Plant Quarantine Committee shall complete the inspection and record its results.
 If the consignments are compliant with Plant Quarantine requirements and not subject to any
type of laboratory analysis, the export shall be authorized.
 If the consignments are compliant with Plant Quarantine requirements and subject to any sort
of laboratory analysis, samples shall be taken in accordance with the relevant ministerial
Decrees, the requirements of the importing countries and the protocols signed between Egypt
and the country requiring the analyses. The export shall not be permitted until after the results
of the tests are known and they are compliant with the requirements of the importing country.
 If the consignments are compliant but the results of the laboratory tests do not conform to the
requirements of the importing country, the consignments shall be rejected and the export shall
not be permitted.
 If the consignments are not compliant with the requirements of the importing country, the
consignments shall be rejected and the export shall not be permitted.
7. The consignments compliant with the requirements of the importing country shall be exported within
seven days from the day following the date of inspection. If not, all measures taken in this regard
shall be deemed not to have taken place. This applies to plants and fresh fruit consignments. For
other types of consignments, the Director General may extend the deadline by one further period of
up to seven days. Some varieties and plant products for which joint ministerial Decrees have been
issued shall be excluded from the extension.

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8. If the exporter wishes to change the destination of the consignments, he shall notify the concerned
quarantine office well in time before shipping so that the requirements of the importing country can
be met. If the consignments meet the export requirements of the new destination, there shall be no
objection to changing it.
9. If all of the aforementioned export conditions are met as regards documents, expenses, inspection
and sampling results (where applicable), the phytosanitary certificate shall be issued for the
consignments authorised for export.

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Annex 21
Regarding Article 35 – Export
Phytosanitary Certification Regulations
Egyptian Plant Quarantine (National Plant Protection Agency - NPPO) is the sole authority competent
to issue, develop and amend phytosanitary certificates and their annexes or issue an alternative or a
copy thereof. The competent authority shall not issue the phytosanitary certificate for consignments that
do not meet the necessary quarantine requirements.
First: Phytosanitary certificates:
Phytosanitary certificates are considered a documentary guarantee and acknowledgement of the
compliance of the exported plant consignments with the requirements of the importing country.
Second: Exporter's obligations when issuing phytosanitary certificates:
1. Issuance of a copy of the bill of lading or a carbon copy of the original bill certified and stamped by
a power of attorney (with a valid stamp) or issuance of a carbon copy by a Compass Custom certified
and stamped by the Customs with a valid stamp of the Egyptian seal.
2. The concerned party or its representative must submit an official power of attorney from the Real
Estate Publicity Department or a valid bank authorization to complete the phytosanitary certification
procedures proving that the concerned party does not bear any legal or criminal liability resulting
from fraud.
3. The exporter shall submit an official statement from the importing country should he request a
phytosanitary certificate for products for which Plant Quarantine does not issue phytosanitary
Third: Conditions for amendment, change or replacement of phytosanitary certificates:
An alternative phytosanitary certificate may be issued for any consignment for which a phytosanitary
certificate has already been issued in the event of damage, change of address, destination country,
entry point, change of importer's name, lack of information or error, after submission of the original
certificate to be cancelled and its approved copies to the Plant Quarantine inspector. The cancelled
certificate and copies shall be stamped with a stamp “cancelled” or have the word “cancelled” written in
bold on them across the certificate. They shall be kept in the relevant section in the file of cancelled
certificates with the registration thereof in the records prepared for that purpose.
An alternative phytosanitary certificate is issued when the following conditions are met:
A. After submission of an official statement to correct erroneous data.
B. The party concerned submits a request and the reasons for an alternative certificate to the Plant
Quarantine office responsible for issuing the certificate to be replaced.
C. The requested modification does not concern the characteristics of the exported consignment in
terms of its dimensions, size, type and number of packages, contents and any other change in the
nature of the consignments.
D. The party concerned shall submit the original phytosanitary certificate to be replaced by Plant
Quarantine free of any alterations to particulars such as amendments, modifications, wear and tear,
additions or such like, and provided that it bears the stamp of Plant Quarantine and other plant
E. The certificate shall not have been marked by the importing country with a seal indicating a refusal
of entry, a rejection or an interception or any other measures that could have been taken regarding
the consignments.
 If an application is submitted to replace the phytosanitary certificate, it is necessary to refer to
the replacement of the first certificate in the second certificate.
 If the concerned party fails to return the original phytosanitary certificate because it has been
lost or it is in another country, the case shall be referred to the competent authority to take the
necessary action.
 A record of cancelled certificates listing their numbers, alternate certificate numbers and
respective data shall be opened.

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Fourth: Issuing copies of the original phytosanitary certificate:
An original copy is a copy of the original phytosanitary certificate endorsed and stamped by the
competent authority. It may be issued at the request of the concerned party. It shall not replace the
original certificate.
Fifth: All controls set out in ISPMs 7 and 12 shall be complied with. The competent authority shall
issue instructions as regards these controls.
Sixth: Phytosanitary certificate for the re-export of incoming or in-transit consignments from
Phytosanitary certificates may be issued for the purpose of re-exporting incoming or in-transit plant
consignments, which are to be re-exported to another party and if they are in their original form or have
undergone some manufacturing operations that do not cause them to deviate from their plant form,
provided that the original certificate number supplied by the country of origin for the consignment is
mentioned and that a copy of the original certificate is attached, and provided that the certificate has
been issued by the Plant Quarantine office from where the consignment was exported.
Seventh: In all cases, upon arrival of a previously exported returned consignment to an
Egyptian port and when a new phytosanitary certificate is requested for re-export, the following
shall be complied with:
1. Determining what actions should be taken after it has been treated as an incoming consignment.
2. Treating it as a new exported consignment to be subjected to all quarantine procedures applicable
to exported consignments.

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Annex 22
Regarding Article 36 – Export
Conditions for approving the inspection and registration of sites subject to quarantine
procedures for export
Products to which the requirements of this Annex apply:
1. Stations for the sorting, preparation and packaging of potatoes, citrus, peanuts and any other
varieties or stations found in accordance with any other resolutions.
2. The requirements contained in any relevant ministerial Decrees, whether in connection with or
related to quarantine works, shall be applied.
3. Items that are not subject to the two previous clauses and whose inspection requires approved
export facilities, provided that the parties concerned are given a deadline for meeting the conditions
which shall be determined by the competent authority, to comply with the specifications required for
places of inspection and preparation of plant products for export.
First: Required Documents:
1. Copy of the permit for building the facility or approval from the Land Protection Authority or from the
2. Copy of the Commercial Registration or copy of the Tax registration.
3. Copy of the ID of the owner of the facility (National ID card - Passport).
After review of the original copies and proof of validity of these documents, any other document may be
requested that is required for approval after the competent authority has given instructions thereon,
provided that such approval is not deemed proof of the ownership of the site approved for such facility.
Any changes to the facility shall be notified to Plant Quarantine.
Second: General specifications of export facilities for crops that require inspection in approved
1. Paved roads to facilitate transport and transfer shall be available for the purpose of preserving export
2. It shall be surrounded by a solid wall that isolates the facility from external contaminants and a gate
for raw products to enter and a gate for exported products to exit.
3. The site shall have sufficient permanent shaded areas with solid, well ventilated floors with adequate
lighting and a clean water source, and auxiliary production tools such as scales, hoists, printing
equipment, inspection tables and others shall be made available.
4. Appropriate means of communication shall be present.
Third: Specifications of export facilities for potato crops from the areas (PFA): Without prejudice
to any joint ministerial Decrees, the following technical requirements are required:
1. The station shall be licensed by the appropriate authorities and shall not be contrary to the law of
land protection.
2. The total area shall not be less than eight thousand square meters. It shall be paved or tiled and
surrounded by a wall on all four sides with a secure entrance for raw products and another for the
exit of exported products, both under surveillance.
3. The station shall have a source of pure water and appropriate drainage facilities. Regardless of
whether the source of water in the station is from the municipal water supply or from wells, an up-
to-date document certifying that the water is free from chemicals and biological contaminants must
be provided from one of the laboratories approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Land
4. The station shall have areas to store raw potatoes and shall meet the following requirements:
 Have adequate storage capacity.
 The floor shall be tiled or paved, made of concrete or asphalt, with umbrellas that meet the
technical conditions required for storage.
 Be separate from other storage areas.

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5. Storage areas of operating supplies must be separate from the outgoing and raw products
6. The preparation areas of peatmoss shall have a smooth (non-earth) floor tiled or paved,
impermeable, easy to clean and disinfect, compatible with the production capacity of the station and
have a source of pure water.
7. The station shall have the necessary electrical power for operation and adequate lighting for sorting,
and packaging operations.
8. The sorting and grading areas should allow for a sufficient number of workers for the sorting works.
9. The areas for outgoing items must be well ventilated or cooled and the floor should be tiled or
10. The inspection facilities shall be commensurate with this aim and equipped with sufficient lighting
and fixtures to allow inspection with all necessary equipment and tools.
11. The station shall keep the following records:
 Books for recording incoming raw products.
 Books for recording outgoing products.
 Books for recording samples sent to analysis bodies.
with respect to the models prepared for this purpose.
12. The station shall be headed by a manager qualified for the job and the staff shall be trained to sort
and pack potatoes.
13. A suitable rest area and a well-equipped office shall be available for the inspection committees
inside the station.
14. The station shall be equipped with an approved weighbridge.
15. The station shall have appropriate means of communication.
16. A refrigerator with a suitable storage capacity shall be provided when required.
17. The station shall be isolated from sources of pollution.
18. The station shall have toilets, changing rooms and a staff canteen large enough to accommodate
the number of workers in the station.
Fourth: Specifications of export facility for citrus:
Without prejudice to any joint ministerial Decrees, the following technical specifications are required:
1. Perimeter of the station:
 A fence on all four sides shall surround the station with a gate to the outside of station.
 The station shall be isolated from any source of pollution.
 Drainage network outside the station shall be provided.
 The ground shall be asphalted or be a smooth soil.
 There shall be an integrated pest and rodent control system to prevent any animals or pests
entering the station.

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2. Inside the perimeter of the station:
 The floor of the station shall be made of concrete, asphalt or of tile slabs to support the required
machines, and the floor shall be free of any cracks.
 The inside surfaces of the walls shall be smooth without cracks and they shall be washable.
 A drainage network must be available within the station.
 The station shall have two gates, one for the entry of inbound products and the second for the
exit of outgoing products, allowing for the effective partition of incoming and outgoing products.
 The station shall be safely closed. There shall be no opening in roof supports, doors or windows.
 The windows shall be covered by wire netting.
 Curtains shall be available to prevent the entry of insects.
 There shall be adequate lighting.
 There shall be adequate ventilation.
 Electric insect killer or electrocutor trap must be available in the work room to stop flying insects
as well as a net to control pests and rodents.
 A first aid kit with equipment shall be available.
 Well lit and suitable workbenches for inspecting raw and outgoing materials shall be available.
 There shall be waste bins within the station.
 A slot for evacuating the results of the operation.
 There shall be firefighting equipment.

3. Operating Equipment to be made available:

 Operation line for the process of sorting, washing, waxing, grading and packing of fruits
 Refrigerators to store the finished product.
 Standby generator.
 Approved weighbridge.

4. Available facilities and Services:

 Disinfectant storage area with asphalted floor, drainage and ventilation source.
 Carton storage area meeting the requirements of industrial security.
 Basin with water sprayers to wash the boxes.
 Export equipment warehouse with concrete floor, well ventilated, equipped with fire
extinguishers and anti-rodent control.
 Toilets and hand wash basins commensurate with the number of employees in the station.
 Changing rooms with lockers or coat hangers.
 Canteen area.
 A rest area and well-equipped offices for Plant Quarantine committees located at the station.
 Appropriate means of communication.

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Fifth: Specifications for export facilities of soybeans crop:
Without prejudice to any joint ministerial Decrees and in addition to general requirements, the following
technical specifications are required:
1. The warehouses used shall be properly ventilated with tiled floors and remain at a temperature
ranging from 10 to 15o C.
2. The storage areas shall be subject to periodic inspection by the competent authority.
Sixth: Specifications for export facilities for other crops:
1. For exporting dry plant products which do not require special treatments, preparation, processing,
packaging and storage, it is sufficient to meet the general requirements of export facilities.
2. For fresh and fragile export plant products such as grapes, strawberries, guava and the like, the
facility shall have the same specifications as for citrus crops but taking into account the appropriate
operating line for those specific crops.
In all cases, the following shall be observed:
1. A copy of the export facility's inspection record shall be attached to its approved operating records,
and should there be any discrepancy in the facility’s specifications when in operation as shown by
the details of the inspection record, then this should be reported to the competent authority.
2. In addition to the inspection necessary for the station's approval by the Joint Committee, Plant
Quarantine shall carry out periodic inspections whenever necessary.
3. Plant Quarantine shall have the right to add any other specifications and issue appropriate
instructions if required by some specific export product.

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Annex 23
Regarding Article 38 – Export
Conditions and procedures for the export of crop seeds and plants for growing
The following products shall not be exported except after the exporter has submitted a prior
import permit from the importing country indicating the necessary quarantine conditions for the
products should these conditions not be in place within Plant Quarantine.
First: Crop Seeds
1. To initiate an export procedure, the exporter shall submit the following documents to Plant
 Valid approval from the Agricultural Crops Committee.
 Certificate of examination and approval of seeds from the Seed Inspection and Certification
Committee from the Central Administration for the Examination and Certification of Seeds.
Each certificate shall be completed with the following data:
Name of exporter - Product - Number - Weight - Seed Committee's approval number - Lot number
- Inspection results - Approval Seal of the Seed Department.
All varieties of seeds must be inspected and have approval certificates of seeds for export with the
exception of the 25 crop varieties shown in the table below, which are excluded from the need of
obtaining an approval from the Agricultural Crops Committee,.

Crop seeds not submitted to approval of the Agricultural Crops Committee

Castor Mulukhiyah Anise
Melon Lettuce Fennel
Chard Spinach Tyle
Cabbage Dandelion Cumin
Cauliflower Chicory Coriander
Kale Purslane Leek
Rocca Hibiscus Parsley
Radish Okra Celery

2. If the exporter wishes to change the destination or period mentioned in the approval issued by the
Agricultural Crops Committee, fresh approval shall be obtained from the Agricultural Crops
Committee to change the destination or period required for submission to the Plant Quarantine; no
other item can be changed from the original approval.
3. In the case of exporting seeds for manufacturing purposes, the consignment shall be exempted
from the approval of the Agricultural Crops Committee and from inspection and approval certificates.
In this case, the concerned party shall submit a prior import permit from the importing country with
all necessary requirements.
4. The crops seeds intended for export abroad must meet the following conditions:
 They must carry an inspection certificate issued by the Central Department of Seeds.
 Each homogeneous consignment shall contain seeds of the same type and variety.
 Seed consignments must be packed in new, sealed packages. The following data should be
written on the packages:
Type and variety followed by the word “seed” - gross and net weight - the number of
consignments (the lot) - production entity (Arab Republic of Egypt) - the name of the exporter -
the trademark of the exporter (if any).

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Second: Fruit seedlings and horticultural crops:
1. To start the export procedure, the exporter shall submit the following documents to Plant
 Valid approval from the Agricultural Crops Committee.
 The record of the inspection and examination of the seedlings by the General Department of
Horticulture, stating the approval’s number from the Seeds Committee and the number of
seedlings - their variety - the exporting company - the state of the seedlings - the seal mark for
the seedlings. The record shall be signed and stamped with the seal of the General Department
of Horticulture.
2. Consignments intended for cultivation or planting, or consignments not prepared for cultivation or
planting may not be exported if they contain natural soil suitable for agriculture.
Third: Seedlings with a part of the growing soil (natural soil suitable for agriculture)
To start the exporting procedure, the exporter shall submit the following documents to Plant Quarantine:
1. Valid approval from the Agricultural Crops Committee.
2. The record of the inspection and examination of the seedlings by the General Department of
Horticulture, stating the approval’s number from the Seeds Committee and the number of
seedlings - their variety - the exporting company - the state of the seedlings - the seal stamp for
the seedlings. The record shall be signed and stamped with the seal of the General Department
of Horticulture.
Fourth: Non-productive Palm Sprouts:
To start the export procedure, the exporter shall submit the following documents to Plant Quarantine:
1. Valid approval from the Agricultural Crops Committee.
2. Pre - and post - harvest inspection record of the sprouts by a joint committee from the
Horticulture Research Institute – the General Directorate of Palm Care and Development – the
Central Palm Laboratory – the Plant Protection Research Institute.
The inspection record shall include the name of the exporter, the destination, the production sites (basin,
area, municipality and governorate), the seal mark, the variety and number of palms sprouts, the findings
and duration of the inspection and confirmation that the sprouts are valid for export. The record shall be
stamped with the stamp of the General Directorate for Palm Care and Development. The length of
sprouts’ stem shall not exceed 3 m.

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Annex 24
Regarding Article 40 – Export

Plant products and articles whose export is completely prohibited or prohibited except
under certain conditions
S. No. Item Export Conditions
Non-ginned cotton
and cotton seed Can only be authorized by a Decree of the President of the
whether prepared Republic
for seeds or not
White Palm fronds
2 near the core of Total prohibition
the palm
After approval to export from the governmental officials, the
following procedures shall be followed:
1. Plant Quarantine shall be notified of the numbers and location
of the non-productive palms (Heesh) in each governorate,
specifying the number of authorized palm leaves to be
exported from them.
2. Plant Quarantine shall be notified of the numbers and names
of exporters in these governorates and their exporting shares.
3. Palm fronds shall be cut under the supervision of the General
Directorate of Palm Care and Development - General
Department of Horticulture and the directorates of agriculture
in respect of the applicable conditions to be used when cutting,
assembling, processing, inspecting, preparing and shipping
these items:
 Cutting 1 or 2 green fronds from each of the non-productive
palms (free from disease symptoms or insects) leaving a
base of not less than 20 cm intact.
 Cutting shall be carried out with sharp pruning shears or a
pruning saw cleaned with fungal and bacterial disinfectants
as work progresses from one tree to the next (chloroox
Green fronds cut
 Spraying or covering the cut on the tree with one of the
3 from non-
recommended pesticides against red palm weevil to clean
productive palms
the chopped palm base.
 Male palms shall not be cut.
 Avoid cutting the white frond, which is the frond next to the
core of the palm before the bifurcation between the
weaving palm leaf, with a length of less than 80 cm and of
a white or yellowish white color.
 The exporter wishing to cut green palm fronds for export
shall apply in sufficient time to the competent authority
before exporting, specifying the quantity of palm fronds to
be cut, the destination, the date of the cutting, and the
names of the owners of the palm trees to be cut.
 The cut quantity shall be collected in the place specified for
collection. A joint committee report shall be prepared from
the following authorities (Agriculture Directorate, Central
Department of Horticulture, and Central Laboratory for
Palm Development Research), to check the quantities
ready for export and make sure that they meet the above
conditions. The closure of the packages shall be done by
the Central Department of Horticulture with a lead seal
whose number shall be be recorded in the report of the
joint committee.

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 The report from the Joint Committee shall be submitted to
the Plant Quarantine Office of the export port for the
quarantine and consignment inspection with the letter of
the Joint Committee and the completion of the rest of the
export procedures.
After authorization (from the concerned authorities) from the
Ministry of Agriculture, the export shall be permitted with the
Export of following conditions:
productive date 1. The export destination shall be scientific and research entities
palm sprouts of for a limited number of ten sprouts per variety per entity, once
Egyptian varieties every three years.
2. The length of the sprout wood to be exported shall not exceed
one meter.
Arable soil
containing organic
matter, as well as
intended for  The exporter shall submit a proof of approval from the
cultivation or Plant Quarantine authority in the importing country, to
5 planting or other import soil or any plants whether prepared or not for
consignments not cultivation or planting if they are mixed with agricultural
intended for soil.
cultivation or
planting if they are
mixed with
agricultural soil
They shall be produced from fields originally intended for the
6 Baby Small Potato
production of potatoes of this size and at this condition.
1. There shall be a proof from the Central Laboratory for Palm
Research that there are surplus quantities for export.
2. There shall be accurate statistics on date palms in Egypt, on
Palm pollen the productive capacity of Egypt, on Egypt's need for palm
(Pollen) pollen and on surplus which can be exported with the
knowledge of the Central Laboratory for Palm Research.
3. The Central Laboratory for Palm Research shall specify the
regulations for the export of palm trees.

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