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Inadvertently Arming China?

The Chinese military complex
and its potential exploitation of scientific research
at UK universities

Radomir Tylecote and Robert Clark

February 2021

• This report draws attention to the little-analysed but pervasive presence of Chinese
military-linked conglomerates and universities in the sponsorship of high-technology
research centres in many leading UK universities.
• In many cases, these UK universities are unintentionally generating research that is
sponsored by and may be of use to China’s military conglomerates, including those
with activities in the production of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), including
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) as well as hypersonic missiles, in which
China is involved in a new arms race and seeks ‘massively destabilising’ weaponry.
• Much of this research is entirely based at UK universities, while other research
outputs include cooperation with researchers in China, often at the military-linked
universities or companies sponsoring the UK research centre.
• Many of the research projects will have a civilian use, and UK-based researchers will
be unaware of a possible dual use that might lead to a contribution to China’s
military industries.
• This report illustrates how 15 of the 24 Russell Group universities and many other UK
academic bodies have productive research relationships with Chinese military-linked
manufacturers and universities. Much of the research at the university centres and
laboratories is also being sponsored by the UK taxpayer through research councils,
Innovate UK, and the Royal Society.
• This should be seen in the context of China’s stated aim to equal the US military by
2027; and to use advanced military technology to leapfrog the US by 2049, the
centenary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC).
• Beijing’s strategy of ‘civil-military fusion’ means an integration of military and civilian
industry and technology intended to give the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) a
leading edge in adapting emerging technologies. We suggest that the existence of
this strategy makes any claim to be able to reliably cooperate only with the civil
branches of Chinese military-linked companies and universities less credible.
• This report analyses the relationships that at least 15 UK universities have
established with 22 Chinese military-linked universities as well as weapons suppliers
or other military-linked companies. Many of these Chinese universities are deemed
‘Very High Risk’ by the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI).
• This report includes statements from the UK institutions analysed: we are
determined to be as fair to them as possible, and, provided they responded to our
enquiries, the position of each is represented. We have also told those institutions
we did not hear from that we will update the online version of this report, if and
when they contact us.
• Again in the interests of accuracy and fairness, we state here that a number of UK
institutions took issue with our analyses. We have duly included their comments and
reiterate that even so, in our view there remains the danger that research, which is
carried out in good faith, may be co-opted and exploited by the Chinese military.

• We also wish to make clear that none of the academics, researchers, or other staff
whose research at UK universities or centres is discussed in this report are accused
of knowingly assisting the development of the Chinese military, of knowingly
transferring information to that end, or of committing any breach of their university
regulations. Nor are they accused of any other wrongdoing, or breach of national
security, or any criminal offence.
• Sponsorship of high-technology research in UK universities covers areas such as:
▪ Metals and alloys;
▪ Aerospace physics and hypersonic technology;
▪ Ceramics, piezoelectrics and rare earths;
▪ Drones and radars;
▪ Shipbuilding;
▪ Data science, AI, and facial recognition; and
▪ Robotics (land, sea and space).
China has a long history of weapons sales to regimes that carry out grievous human rights
abuses including Iran, Syria, Burma and North Korea. In addition, China’s development of a
surveillance state is already leading to systematic human rights abuses, with its treatment of
the Uighur minority described as genocide.
The methods by which the UK monitors and controls Chinese involvement in UK university
research are, we suggest, inadequate. The companies sponsoring UK-based research centres
include China’s largest weapons manufacturers, including producers of strike fighter
engines, ICBMs, nuclear warheads, stealth aircraft, military drones, tanks, military-use
metals and materials, and navy ships.
At its simplest, for the UK government and taxpayer to fund and assist the technological
development and possibly the force-projection capabilities of the military of the People’s
Republic of China is not in the British national interest.
This is a picture of ‘strategic incoherence’. China is demonstrating rapid technological-
military development and growing force-projection capabilities. To risk financing and
enabling these developments suggests a lack of strategic coordination.
This points to the need for a strategic reassessment for new rules for scientific research with
PRC universities and companies, some of which should be applied directly to the UK’s
research councils and universities, while some may require legislation. Other rules are
needed for scientific research in wider potentially sensitive scientific fields generally and in
universities in particular.
The UK government should:

• List all those Chinese military-linked companies and institutions that it wants to bar
from sponsoring science research in UK universities and from research cooperation
in general;
• List those entities it wishes to prevent making inward investments generally into the
UK. This has been the practice of the US government and looks set to continue with
the new administration;
• Initiate a public audit of UK universities’ sponsorship policies to establish the total
Chinese funding of UK technology research and establish new rules for universities
themselves, as well as for UKRI, Innovate UK, the Royal Society, and research
councils. Combined with an ‘entities list’, this may be best placed in new legislation
dealing with research and Chinese military-linked organisations specifically, or
authoritarian states generally;
• Set up a new government organisation similar to the Committee on Foreign
Investment in the United States (CFIUS), whose role would include monitoring and
assessment of university sponsorship;
• While it is important to preserve academic freedom, the government should more
deeply assess whether some of what is currently deemed ‘basic scientific research’,
or research with findings in the public domain, may have possible dual-uses in
sanctioned countries including China, and where approval for research centres may
have allowed projects which are exposed to this risk to take place;
• Further review the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS), to better control
entry to the UK of international students (apart from exempt nationalities) whose
research may create risks in certain sensitive subjects; and
• Reassess the areas of scientific research that can be carried out by public research
institutions and/or in which research findings can be publicly released.
These measures should form part of an urgent reassessment of the security implications of
the so-called ‘Golden Era’ policies towards China and the strategic assumptions that
underpinned them.


Dr Radomir Tylecote is Director of the Defence and Security for Democracy (DSD) Unit at
Civitas. He is also Research Director of the Free Speech Union and a Fellow of the Institute
of Economic Affairs. He has a PhD from Imperial College London and an MPhil in Chinese
Studies from the University of Cambridge.
Robert Clark is a Defence Fellow at the Henry Jackson Society. His research interests include
defence technologies, alliance-building and the Transatlantic partnership, and authoritarian
threats to the global order. Robert has served in the British Army for nine years, including in
Iraq and Afghanistan, and has an MA in International Conflict Studies from King's College

Summary ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Authors................................................................................................................................................ 4
Contents .................................................................................................................................................. 5
Introduction: The context of Chinese military expansionism and civil-military fusion .......................... 9
Chapter overview .............................................................................................................................. 12
Highlights: Significant UK university relationships................................................................................ 13
Imperial College London ................................................................................................................... 13
Cambridge University........................................................................................................................ 13
Manchester University ...................................................................................................................... 14
Birmingham University ..................................................................................................................... 15
Strathclyde University ....................................................................................................................... 15
University of Kent ............................................................................................................................. 16
Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)............................................................................................ 16
Southampton University ................................................................................................................... 16
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) ...................................................................................... 17
Cranfield University at Shrivenham .................................................................................................. 17
Glasgow University ........................................................................................................................... 18
Heriot-Watt University...................................................................................................................... 18
University of Surrey .......................................................................................................................... 18
Glossary ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter 1: Chinese military-linked and funded universities and companies ....................................... 23
Universities and research institutions .............................................................................................. 23
Army Engineering University of the PLA ....................................................................................... 23
Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) ............................................................................................. 24
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (aka Beihang, BUAA) ................................... 25
Central South University (CSU) ..................................................................................................... 26
Chongqing University (CQU) ......................................................................................................... 26
Chongqing University of Technology (CQUT)................................................................................ 27
Dalian University of Technology (School of Naval Architecture) .................................................. 27
Harbin Engineering University (HEU) ............................................................................................ 27
Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)............................................................................................. 28
Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) ............................................................. 29

Nanchang HangKong University (NCHU)....................................................................................... 30
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) ....................................................... 30
National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) ..................................................................... 31
Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU, NWPU) ................................................................. 32
Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) (School of Naval Architecture) ............................................ 32
Southeast University ..................................................................................................................... 33
Tianjin University .......................................................................................................................... 33
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) ............................................. 34
University of Science and Technology, Beijing (USTB) .................................................................. 35
Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT, WUT) .......................................................................... 35
Xidian University ........................................................................................................................... 36
Zhejiang University........................................................................................................................ 36
Companies ........................................................................................................................................ 37
Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) .................................................................................... 37
Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (BIAM) ..................................................................... 37
Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) ............................................................................. 38
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) .................................................... 38
China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) ................................................................................ 39
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) ................................................................. 39
Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering ................................................................ 40
China North Industries Corporation (Norinco) ............................................................................. 40
Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) ................................................................... 41
Northeast Light Alloy Company (NELA) ........................................................................................ 41
Shougang Group............................................................................................................................ 41
Chapter 2: UK university research centres and their specialist fields .................................................. 42
UK-based university research centres, partnerships, relationships and groups .............................. 42
Imperial College London and the Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (BIAM) ................ 42
Imperial College London and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)........................ 44
Imperial College London and the Beijing Aircraft Technology Research Institute (BATRI) .......... 46
Imperial College London and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) ............ 47
Imperial College London and Shougang Group ............................................................................ 47
University of Cambridge and National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) ...................... 48
Manchester University and the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) . 51
Manchester University and the Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (BIAM)................... 52
University of Strathclyde and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) ........... 54

Birmingham University and the University of Science and Technology China (USTC), Wuhan
University of Technology (WUT), BIAM, COMAC and Huazhong University of Science and
Technology (HUST) ........................................................................................................................ 56
University of Nottingham and ACAE (the AVIC Commercial Aircraft Engine Company) .............. 57
University of Strathclyde and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (and larger
group in Scotland and China) ........................................................................................................ 58
University of Kent.......................................................................................................................... 60
Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and China Aerospace Science and Technology
Corporation (CASC) and others ..................................................................................................... 61
University of Southampton and Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) and Harbin Engineering
University (HEU) ............................................................................................................................ 65
Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Northwestern Polytechnic University (NPU) .... 67
Other centres of concern .................................................................................................................. 70
Cranfield University at Shrivenham .............................................................................................. 70
University of Glasgow and the University of Electronic Science and Technology China (UESTC) 71
Heriot-Watt University and partners in Scotland and China ........................................................ 72
University of Surrey and China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) ........................................ 74
University of Swansea, College of Engineering ............................................................................. 75
Chapter 3: Technological themes and discussion of potential risks ..................................................... 76
1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals ...................................................................... 76
2. Steels ......................................................................................................................................... 78
3. Aerospace physics ..................................................................................................................... 79
4. Hypersonic technology ............................................................................................................. 79
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies ....................... 82
6. Ceramics, piezoelectrics and rare earth coatings ..................................................................... 84
7. Drones and lithium-ion batteries .............................................................................................. 86
8. Radars, antennae and related technologies ............................................................................. 87
9. Shipbuilding............................................................................................................................... 89
10. Data science, AI, recognition and facial recognition............................................................. 90
11. Robotics (land, sea and space) .............................................................................................. 91
Chapter 4: UK commitments and current guidelines ........................................................................... 94
Main relevant treaties and regimes .................................................................................................. 94
UK export controls including Military and Dual-Use Lists................................................................. 96
US and Japanese sanctions on Chinese defence-linked universities and companies..................... 102
Conclusions and recommendations .................................................................................................... 105
Recommendations .......................................................................................................................... 105
Bibliography ........................................................................................................................................ 107

Introduction: The context of Chinese military expansionism and
civil-military fusion
Beijing has recently declared that China aims for the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) to be on
a par with the US military by 2027. This would have deep and far-reaching consequences for
security for the UK, other democracies, and UK allies.
The rapid technological development of the PLA should also be set against the wider
background of the increasingly hawkish strategy of and strategic thinkers around President
Xi Jinping, as well as the authoritarian entrenchment of the state in China. Scholars have
described Xi’s adherence to the concept of the ‘100-year marathon’, a strategic attempt to
become a global hegemony by 2049, the centenary of the founding of the People’s Republic
of China (PRC).1 Research and development in next-generation military technology should
be understood in this strategic context.
Since the late 1990s, defectors have referred to new military technologies under
development by the PLA for use ‘beyond Taiwan’. The aim, discussed by senior Chinese
military figures, is to use advanced military technologies to leapfrog the United States in
particular.2 This includes the capacity to launch devastating pre-emptive strikes or counter-
attacks aimed at destabilising enemy forces’ radar systems, orbital satellites, and command
and control systems, including through the possible use of unconventional weapons and
electronic warfare.
This is underway amidst apparent ongoing confusion in British strategic thinking. While UK
taxpayers fund research at universities that risks contributing to the development of China’s
military, the UK’s R&D spending on its own defence is anaemic: Volkswagen alone spends
more on R&D than the entire UK defence sector.
Driving the Chinese growth in military technology is the mandated integration and joint
development of military and civilian technology sectors, or ‘civil-military fusion’, which
Beijing hopes will give the PLA a leading edge in adapting emerging technologies in order to
utilise them for military purposes, across technological fields.3 This means it is especially
difficult to know that research for an apparently civilian business unit of a military-linked
Chinese conglomerate, or for an apparently civilian-oriented department of a military-
backed university, will not ultimately be put to military use.
China has a long history of weapons proliferation to unstable, authoritarian regimes that
systematically abuse human rights, a challenge which may be growing. China has supplied
military materiel to the Syrian regime throughout the Syrian civil war; it has routinely
supplied Burma with materiel including FN-6 surface-to-air missiles,4 107mm surface-to-

Pillsbury, M. (2015). The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America As the Global
Superpower. St Martin’s Griffin.

surface rockets,5 JF-17 aircraft,6 armoured vehicles,7 and possibly drones.8 In Afghanistan,
Chinese weapons consistently make their way to the Taliban, including surface-to-air
missiles and anti-aircraft guns.9 Chinese entities and companies are believed to have been
involved in nuclear proliferation to Pakistan, Iran and North Korea.10
China’s military force-projection capacity is growing, and its military committing more
resources to researching highly-destabilising materiel, such as directed-energy weapons and
hypersonic missiles. China’s development of a surveillance state is already leading to
systematic human rights abuses.
The findings of this report do not detract from the value of the international scientific
collaboration in which British universities participate and frequently lead, including with
Chinese nationals, and should not be used to cast suspicion on Chinese researchers in the
UK. However, that the Chinese military is liable to exploit some of the scientific research at
UK universities that we describe, research which is often also sponsored by the UK taxpayer,
demonstrates a lack of strategic coordination that is against the British national interest.

NB: None of the academics, researchers, or other staff whose research at UK universities
or centres is discussed in this report are accused of knowingly assisting the development
of the Chinese military, of knowingly transferring information to that end, or of
committing any breach of their university regulations. Nor are they accused of any other
wrongdoing, or breach of national security, or any criminal offence. In some cases,
research may be used solely for non-military ends; the purpose of the examples
mentioned in this report is not necessarily to demonstrate that they risk being used for
military purposes, but in some cases that the research may simply help improve the
business or academic position of a PRC military-linked conglomerate or institution; where
research may be put to use by the military of the PRC or organisations which are linked to
it, we assume that researchers in the UK will have carried out this research without
intending this to happen. Furthermore, none of the UK universities, institutes or funding
bodies mentioned in this report are accused of knowingly contributing to the
development of China’s military or its military industries, as we believe that these
universities have developed the sponsorship and research relationships we describe in
good faith and in the belief that their scientific outputs will have purely civil ends.
The purpose of this report is simply to draw attention to the risk that UK research may be
exploited by the Chinese military in a way the researchers could never have envisaged. It
is our belief that shedding light on this risk is unquestionably a matter of pressing and vital


public interest. (See also Nota Bene in Chapter 3.) We have initially published this in
online form only to provide more opportunity for possible corrections.

Chapter overview

Chapter 1 of the report will consider the Chinese military-linked institutions and companies
sponsoring the research centres in UK universities, and with whom researchers at these
centres are or have been cooperating.
We have derived this listing from the compilation and risk rating carried out by the
Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), and especially by Alex Joske, whose analysis of
cooperation between the Chinese military nexus and western universities first drew
attention to some of the university centres we discuss; in many respects this constitutes
an extension of that work.
This report analyses the centres’ research outputs and their possible uses for military
materiel, while bringing to light other UK research centres that have not been discussed
In Chapter 2, we describe the UK university-based research centres of concern, outlining
their Chinese sponsorship relationships, with examples of where UK taxpayer funding is
contributing to these projects, and discuss their specific research outputs.
Chapter 3 analyses the technological themes we discern in the research and relates these
themes to possible military use generally and the interests of China in particular. Chapter 4
describes the relevant rules in the UK, including for exports and information covered by
military and dual-use export control lists, UK research governance, and the US approach to
Chinese military-linked companies and institutions. We then offer conclusions and

Highlights: Significant UK university relationships
Our investigations and analyses suggest the following:

Imperial College London

Imperial has at least four research centres sponsored by major Chinese weapons suppliers.
One of Imperial’s sponsors is developing China’s next-generation stealth fighters, for which
engine research has been a major challenge. It recently described a major breakthrough in
turbine blades that also happened to be in an area of research one of its subsidiaries has
sponsored at its Imperial centre.
The firm also sponsors composites research at Imperial, including carbon fibre-reinforced
plastic (CFRP), a radar-absorbing stealth material that is receiving ‘ever more attention from
the arms industry’. Imperial researches other types of composite that, in other applications,
appear to be used in strike fighters.

Summary of response from Imperial College London11

“In the limited instances where we receive sponsorship from Chinese companies, this is for
fundamental scientific research. For example, our work to develop lightweight strong glass…
has a wide range of potential scientific and commercial applications in many sectors
worldwide. We do not conduct any classified research. Imperial conducts its own due
diligence prior to any sponsorship arrangement. We also work closely with the Export
Controls Joint Unit and other relevant UK government agencies. All relationships with third
parties are subject to prior and continued review.
Our research outputs, which are in the public domain and routinely published in leading
international journals, are good for science, innovation and the UK’s global influence.
Science is a global endeavour, and we are proud to work with our peers in academia and
industry all over the world.”

Cambridge University

Researchers at Cambridge have cooperated in research on gyroscopes with researchers

from China’s National University of Defense Technology (NUDT), whose gyroscopy
laboratory is a listed military facility and which has been sanctioned by Japan for its work on

Where these have been received, fuller responses are available below.

missile development. Beijing has said that exchanges between Cambridge and NUDT will
‘greatly raise the nation’s power [in] high-precision navigation’. One scientist teaching at
Cambridge is also a Distinguished Visiting Professor at NUDT. He has researched with a
scholar in the PRC whose other work includes studies of high-altitude nuclear detonation.

Summary of response from Cambridge

“The Cavendish Laboratory does not have, nor has ever had, any projects, research grants or
contracts with NUDT or other military institutions in China. There was an MoU between the
groups, but this never led to any formal research funding, lapsed in 2018 and has not been

Manchester University

Manchester University has provided China’s main nuclear inter-continental ballistic missile
(ICBM) conglomerate with a UK taxpayer-subsidised research centre. One member of staff’s
research has been funded by the EPSRC and includes drones and air-breathing hypersonic
vehicles, including a study on improved manoeuvrability with a Chinese military-linked
university; a recent paper illustrates missiles moving towards the same target. One
Manchester lab sponsored by a major Chinese weapons firm produces research on drone
A Manchester researcher from the PRC investigates ceramic coatings for hypersonic vehicles
with a major military laboratory at China’s Central South University. Manchester states this
has possible ‘defence purposes’, and one of the papers presenting the findings calls these
ceramics ‘desirable for applications [in] defence sectors’. When in military use, hypersonic
missiles travel at over Mach 5, with manoeuvrability that renders target-prediction
impossible. An Obama-era official has called them ‘leader-killers’. The EPSRC has helped
fund research, by scholars from the PRC, on air-breathing hypersonic vehicles. Images from
China in November 2020 showed what appeared to be a ‘potentially air-breathing and
nuclear capable’ hypersonic missile attached to a military plane manufactured by one of
Imperial’s Chinese sponsors.
Another member of staff at Manchester has researched an aluminium alloy with staff at a
Chinese military-linked laboratory which has separately been funded by the National
Defense Program of China for research into the same alloy.

Summary of response from Manchester
“We value our connections with China as an important part of the UK’s extensive
international trade and cultural links. All such interactions have to be based on government
guidance and regulation… We take all necessary measures to assure ourselves that our
research is not used beyond its agreed application. Typically, the results of collaborative
research are published in the open, publicly accessible scientific literature, as is the norm for
research conducted at the University.
The cases given in the Civitas report were either for research collaborations or for visiting
researchers to undertake projects in University of Manchester laboratories. All current
projects mentioned in the Civitas report went ahead after assessment and approval by the
Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU).
We can confirm that all due diligence and processes are in place to allow academics and the
University to question the potential of their research and only engage with external entities
within the legal remits of the export control legislation as assessed by the ECJU. Our current
due diligence addresses and ensures that no controlled information is exported outside the
UK without the appropriate licence in place. The University continues to work closely with
the ECJU and government agencies to ensure that we are fully compliant with policies and
protocols around export of materials, information and data.”

Birmingham University

Birmingham states that its practice of collecting internet users’ data to predict online
behaviour in cooperation with Baidu (called ‘China’s Google’ but under US sanctions for
military connections) is ‘controversial’. Another project, sponsored by US-sanctioned
companies including Chinese military jet manufacturers, will allow ‘end-users’ to ‘transfer
technologies to their supply chain’.

Strathclyde University

Strathclyde hosts another UK university laboratory sponsored by China’s leading ICBM

manufacturer whose fields include drone ‘swarming technology’. A separate Strathclyde
centre, for image processing, is backed by Chinese military-linked universities as well as the
Royal Society. Strathclyde researchers have cooperated with PRC institutions on research
including ‘person re-identification’ in camera networks (for ‘learning deep features’).

Summary of response from Strathclyde

“The collaboration agreement referred to between the University of Strathclyde and the
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) focused on mechatronics research

contributing to the UK-China Flagship Challenge program project SmartFarm, with the aim
of developing more efficient and sustainable approaches to farming and food production. It
used AgriRover – a device for testing soil quality based on technology previously developed
for use in exploration on Mars – as a key prototype. A demonstration of AgriRover was
made in a farm in Beijing and an export control license was secured from the UK
Government Export Control Joint Unit before the demonstration… Openly published
research is by definition available to researchers over the entire world. The university
supports, and has contributed to, work of UUK and CPNI on Trusted Research to ensure that
checks and balances are embedded across our systems.”

University of Kent

Kent’s centre has cooperated with Huawei as well as researching numerous fields, including
radars and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS).

Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG)

WMG trained one of the pioneers of China’s ICBM programme in 1983 and is a partner of
China’s main ICBM-developing conglomerate today. WMG says that its priorities ‘align
closely with the main priorities of the State Council’s plan’, boasting that its ‘[taught]
courses have been of benefit to a wide range of organisations [including weapons giant]
China North Industries Corporation’ (aka Norinco, whose other customers include
Zimbabwe). WMG staff have researched with an alloys supplier to the Chinese military, and
a military-linked university in high energy-density polymer nanocomposites: this research
stated that ‘functional polymer composites are attracting interest [for] high power

Summary of Response from WMG

“All of the University’s research is governed by research ethics governance and export
control regulations. The research you refer to is in fact, at our university, to use polymer-
based nanocomposites to develop sustainable and environmentally friendly fully
biodegradable plastics. The content of the courses that we run for Chinese companies are all
three week long taught modules on a number of aspects of management and not any form
of research.”

Southampton University

Harbin Engineering University, supervised by the PLA Navy, says its joint centre with
Southampton in naval architecture has helped it move into a ‘world class’ position. A

Southampton researcher has investigated very large floating structures (VLFS) with at least
two Chinese military-affiliated institutions. VLFS bases would allow improved sea and air
power projection into disputed waters.

Summary of Response from Southampton

“As an international university, Southampton has many active collaborations with research
colleagues from China producing work which has the potential to create wide-ranging
societal benefits… our collaboration with Wuhan University of Technology has mainly
focused on efficient shipping and safety including reducing emissions and improving
navigational safety. The ‘High Performance Ship Technology Joint Centre’ collaboration
[came] to an end in September 2017. Additionally the partnership with Harbin is an
education programme with undergraduate modules offered there replicating the same
offered in Southampton. We proactively manage and regularly review our collaborative
relationships with the wide range of domestic and international partners with whom we
work to ensure they are appropriately aligned to our strategic objectives and governance
policies. In managing our partnerships and collaborations, we also closely monitor and
follow UK Government advice on both international matters and on University-business

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL)

QMUL calls itself ‘very honoured’ to have a large joint research centre with Northwestern
Polytechnic University, an institution which says it is ‘devoted to improving and serving the
national defence science and technology industry.’12 One of the centre’s PRC-based Chief
Scientists is an authority on aero engines who has been funded by China’s National Defense
Technology Foundation for Scientific Research. Another has advertised his interests in
modern strike fighters and hypersonic missiles.

Cranfield University at Shrivenham

Cranfield is home to Cranfield Defence and Security, a secure military site whose partners
include the Atomic Weapons Establishment (AWE). A researcher at Cranfield’s Centre for
Electronic Warfare, Information and Cyber (CEWIC) has a Chinese-funded project developing
automated camera surveillance of people showing physical symptoms of stress. An expert in


Electro-Optics, he is a visiting professor at Nanchang HangKong University, where
optoelectrics is a designated area of military research.

Glasgow University

Glasgow has established a joint college with a major military-backed PRC university whose
collaborations include with a Chinese nuclear warhead manufacturer, the Chinese Academy
of Engineering Physics.

Heriot-Watt University

One Heriot-Watt researcher from the PRC cooperated with a researcher affiliated with
Harbin Engineering University on research entitled Snoopy: Sniffing your smartwatch
passwords via deep sequence learning, where UK taxpayers funded research into a
password-breaking tool with a leading Chinese military-linked university which is under US
sanctions, known to specialise in information security, and whose staff have been charged
with espionage. The research speculates: ‘in the wrong hands, Snoopy can potentially cause
serious leaks of sensitive information’.
One researcher has been funded by UK defence groups to work on MIMO Radar. She has
researched radar-jamming with China’s military-linked Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and
Microwave Photonics, including Target Tracking While Jamming by Airborne Radar for Low
Probability of Detection, which discussed stealth aircraft avoiding detection.

Response from Heriot-Watt

“Heriot-Watt University is a global university with an international academic community
that takes part in world leading, multi-national research across many diverse areas. As with
all universities, and as a charitable organisation, any research carried out, authored or co-
authored by any member of Heriot-Watt University staff is publicly available and complies
with all regulations and laws regarding national security and intellectual property… we
believe this report to be without merit.”

University of Surrey

Surrey has partnered with the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST), a subsidiary of
CASC, to develop 5G technology. Its parent company is a major part of China’s nuclear

weapons programme. This formal relationship appeared after Max Lu became Vice
Chancellor. Theresa May subsequently appointed Lu to the Council for Science and
Technology; he also sits on the boards of UKRI, the National Physical Laboratory and
Universities UK, giving him considerable potential influence over UK research funding.

Summary of response from Surrey

“The University of Surrey’s world-leading 5G Innovation Centre conducted this research into
the role of satellites in maximising the potential of 5G service roll-out. The research was led
by Professor Barry Evans, who is a leading authority on satellite-based technologies in
telecommunications. We partner with many different companies, government agencies and
other bodies to drive this work to ensure the full potential of 5G technologies are realised.
Telecommunications technologies are global in nature and scope, and our work contributes
to defining and developing 5G standards and protocols internationally – and forms part of a
large body of research on this topic publicly available worldwide… in compliance with all
relevant British Government guidance and legislation, we are playing our part in both
advancing the sum of human knowledge and delivering a global Britain.”

Some of the PRC companies sponsoring and involved with research have civilian business
lines, although in some cases production for the PRC military constitutes the majority of
their business. Where conglomerates are also civilian-oriented, the interests of their
military-linked businesses often overlap with the research carried out in the centres these
conglomerates sponsor.

AA: Aluminium alloy
AAID: Aerosol-assisted ion deposition
ACMT: Advanced Conventional Military Technology
AEA: Adversarial Erasing Attention
AECC: Aero Engine Corporation of China
AI: Artificial intelligence
AHV: Air-breathing hypersonic vehicles
AM: Additive manufacturing
ASRI: Aircraft Strength Research Institute (subsidiary of AVIC)
ATAS: Academic Technology Approval Scheme
AVIC: Aviation Industry Corporation of China
BAMTRI: Beijing Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (former name of
MTI, below)
BATRI: Beijing Aircraft Technology Research Institute (subsidiary of COMAC)
BIAM: Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (subsidiary of AECC)
BIS: Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce (US)
BIT: Beijing Institute of Technology
BUAA/Beihang: Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
BWC: Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention
CAF: Creep age forming
CALT: China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (subsidiary of CASC)
CASC: China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation
CCP: Chinese Communist Party
CETC: China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
CFRP: Carbon fibre-reinforced plastic
CGM: Control Momentum Gyroscopes
CGWIC: China Great Wall Industry Corporation
CNN: Convolutional neural network
CNT: Carbon nanotube
COMAC: Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China
CQU: Chongqing University
CQUT: Chongqing University of Technology
CRISPR: Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
CSSC: China State Shipbuilding Corporation
CSU: Central South University
CVD: Chemical vapour deposition
DARPA: Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (US)
DIT: Department for International Trade (UK)
DMU: Dalian Maritime University
DNN: Deep neural networks
DOD: Department of Defense (US)
EPSRC: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK)
ETPE: Energetic thermoplastic elastomers
FAI: First Aircraft Institute (subsidiary of AVIC)
FAST: Fast light alloys stamping technology

FLR: Fuzzy label regularisation
FML: Fibre-metal laminate
FP: Formal Partnership
FSS: Frequency selective surface
GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System/s
GPS: Global Positioning System
HDPE: High-density polyethylene
HEFCE: Higher Education Funding Council for England
HEU: Harbin Engineering University
HfC: Hafnium Carbide
HIT: Harbin Institute of Technology
HUST: Huazhong University of Science and Technology
ICBM: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
IDSS: Intelligent decision supporting systems
LPD: Low probability of detection
MIMO: Multiple Input Multiple Output
MSS: Ministry of State Security
MTCR: Missile Technology Control Regime
MTI: Manufacturing Technology Institute (subsidiary of AVIC)
NELA: Northeast Light Alloy Company
NCHU: Nanchang HangKong University
NJU: Nanjing University
Norinco: China North Industries Corporation
NPU/NWPU: Northwestern Polytechnic University
NUAA: Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
NUDT: National University of Defence Technology (China)
PEEK: Poly ether-ether ketone
PDS: Passive detection system
PLA: People’s Liberation Army
PRC: People’s Republic of China
PZT: Lead zirconate titanate
QMUL/QMES: Queen Mary University of London/Queen Mary Engineering School
Re-ID: Re-identification
RFID: Radio frequency identification
RPV: Remotely Piloted Air Vehicles
SAR/ISAR: Synthetic-aperture radar/inverse synthetic-aperture radar
SASAC: State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission
SASTIND: State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence
SIPRA: China-Scotland Signal Image Processing Research Academy
SLV: Satellite Launch Vehicles
SOE: State-owned enterprise
TPUN: Thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer nanocomposites
UAV: Unmanned aerial vehicle
UESTC: University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
UHF: Ultra-high frequency
UHSS: Ultra-high strength steel
UHTC: Ultra-high temperature ceramics

UWB: Ultra-wide band
USV: Unmanned submersible vehicle
UUV: Unmanned underwater vehicle
VLFS: Very large floating structures
WA: Wassenaar Arrangement
WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction
WHUT/WUT: Wuhan University of Technology
WMG: Warwick Manufacturing Group

NB: For individuals, name order (whether given name or surname is first) is written as
provided on the material studied.

Chapter 1: Chinese military-linked and funded universities and
We have adapted the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI’s) risk ratings and
background materials to build a list of the relevant Chinese institutions and companies
involved in scientific research with UK universities (adding some universities and institutes
that do not appear in the ASPI system). We regard ASPI’s university tracking as the most
comprehensive research carried out into China’s universities’ military links; no other
institute has its reach. We first outline the relevant Chinese universities and research
institutions, then companies. Where applicable, we provide ASPI’s risk and security rating of
each institution and the UK universities with which they are associated. It is notable that
these universities include many of the ‘Seven Sons of National Defence’, a group of leading
Chinese universities with especially close ties to the military. While some of the Chinese
universities below are officially under civilian administration, some are official military
universities, and almost all have extensive military research activities. The paper also
discusses some universities in China which are not considered military-linked or funded and
which do not appear in this list.

Key for associations with UK universities

FP = Formal partnership or cooperation in other formal project
(expired or ongoing)

R = Research cooperation generally, co-authored papers, shared

researchers or teachers including with constituent colleges of
the relevant universities, staff or student visits, or joint training
(expired or ongoing)

Universities and research institutions

Army Engineering University of the PLA

The leading education and research institution of the PLA Ground Force, with 11 ‘key
military laboratories’.13 Its research fields include communications and electronic
information science; combat engineering and support science; weapons systems
engineering; missile engineering and explosives; radar engineering; unmanned systems

13 and
develop-ai-killer in Ibid.

engineering; flight vehicle design and engineering; and electrical engineering and
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: Very high risk.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Imperial (R).

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)

BIT is one of a cluster of elite defence universities known as the Seven Sons of National
Defence, and one of just fourteen institutions allowed to grant PhDs in weapons science.15 It
has launched a programme to train elite high school students in intelligent weapons
BIT chairs the B8 Cooperation Innovation Alliance, a weapons research group of eight
institutions.17 It has produced China’s first light tank, two-stage solid sounding rocket and
low-altitude altimetry radar.18 It states that it carries out ‘world-class research on several
areas of missile technology’, including ‘precision strikes, high damage efficiency, manoeuvre
penetration, long-range suppression, and military communications systems and counter-
measures’.19 No Chinese institution has produced more military patents; BIT’s designated
‘disciplines with defence characteristics’ 20 include artillery, communication and information
systems, control engineering, and aircraft design.21
Selected defence laboratories

• State Key Laboratories of Vehicle Transmission; Science and Technology on Materials

under Shock and Impact; Mechatronical Engineering and Control (with Norinco
Group’s 212 Research Institute, aka Xi’an Mechanical & Electric Institute); Explosion
Science and Technology;
• Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for Advanced Machining and of Electronic
Information Technology in Satellite Navigation, Ministry of Education;
• Science and Technology on Electromechanical Dynamic Control Laboratory;
• Fundamental Science on Vehicular Power System Laboratory;
• Fundamental Science on Multiple Information Systems Laboratory; and

19 in
In all cases, these may not be exhaustive.
21 in Ibid.

• Micro-structure Fabrication Technology Research and Application Center for Science
Technology and Industry for National Defense.22
Links or associations

• US ban on students.
• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Top Secret security credentials.23
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Manchester (R).

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (aka Beihang, BUAA)

Another of the Seven Sons, Beihang is a leading institution for research on military aircraft,
stealth technology, and nuclear science. It has a cooperation agreement with ballistic
missiles manufacturer China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).24
Designated defence research areas include navigation guidance and control, biomedical
engineering, and nuclear energy science.25
Selected defence laboratories

• National Key Laboratory of Aero-thermodynamics of Aero-engines; Science and

Technology on Aircraft Control; Reliability and Environmental Engineering
• National Laboratory for Computational Fluid Dynamics;
• Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National Defense-Novel Inertial
Instrument & Navigation System Technology; and
• National Defence Key Discipline Laboratory of Trusted Network Computing
Technology or Key Laboratory of National Defense Science and Technology for
Trusted Network Computing Technology.26
Links or associations

• US ban on students. On US and Japan End User Lists.

• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Top Secret security credentials.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Swansea, WMG, Scottish
universities or groups (R).

Security credentials are also based on ASPI’s rating, which is derived from the level of access granted by the
Chinese government itself.
Ibid. inc.

Central South University (CSU)

CSU has a long history of strategic military research, including for China’s first atomic bomb
and intermediate-range ballistic missile.27 Today, military research specialisms include
aviation, metals, heat-resistant materials for aero and rocket engines, and guidance and
control technology. SASTIND has committed to developing CSU military research, including
its Military Industry Technology Research Institute and School of Aeronautics and
Astronautics.28 It has a cooperation agreement with the China Academy of Launch Vehicle
Technology (CALT). CSU was the first university to receive a weapons production license.29
Selected defence laboratories

• National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology for National Defence on High-
strength Structural Materials;
• State Key Laboratory for Powder Metallurgy; and
• National Defense Discipline Laboratory for Detection, Guidance and Control
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Secret security credentials.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Cambridge, WMG (R).

Chongqing University (CQU)

CQU is accredited to conduct classified research. Since 2016, an agreement with SASTIND
‘advance[s] military-civil fusion’ at the university.31 CQU carries out staff exchanges with
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and researches
communication and information systems.
Selected defence laboratories

• Defense Key Disciplines Lab of Novel Micro-nano Devices and System Technology
(which ‘accepts students working on biochemical microsystems, micro-energy
devices and systems along with new kinds of micro-nano devices’).32

28 in
29 in Ibid.
31 in

Links or associations

• ASPI rating: Medium Risk. Secret security credentials.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Nottingham (R).

Chongqing University of Technology (CQUT)

CQUT is a member of the B8 Cooperation Innovation Alliance. Having been under the
oversight of a major weapons manufacturer, it is linked to Norinco and China South
Industries Group, the country’s largest weapons manufacturers, collaborating on research
with other military companies.33
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: Medium Risk. Secret security credentials.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Exeter (R).

Dalian University of Technology (School of Naval Architecture)

Supervised by SASTIND, Dalian takes part in classified defence research and cooperates with
the PLA Navy.34 It participates in the China Innovation Alliance of the Graphene Industry (a
civil-military fusion research programme), and the National Defense Technology Industry
Nuclear Power Technology Innovation Center.35
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: Medium Risk. Secret security credentials.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Scottish universities or
groups (R).

Harbin Engineering University (HEU)

One of the Seven Sons and supervised by the PLA Navy, HEU pioneered China’s first
experimental submarine and focuses on navy ships and armaments. HEU states that it is

33 inc.
08/02/c_1123210706.htm in

involved in ‘most’ naval submarine, undersea weapon, and warship research programmes36
and is a centre for aircraft carrier and ‘high tech weapons’ research, nuclear engineering,
stealth technology, naval architecture, underwater acoustics, information security, and
nuclear reactor engineering.37 38 Since 2012, HEU employees have been implicated and
convicted in espionage and illegal military exports cases in various countries, including for
ballistic missile technology.
Selected defence laboratories

• National Key Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Technology;

• National Defense Key Laboratory of Underwater Vehicles Technology;
• Multi-hull Ship Technology Key Laboratory of Fundamental Science for National
• Coatings Analysis and Detection Center (jointly with PLA Navy); and
• Energetic materials (such as explosives) (jointly with the Chinese Academy of
Engineering Physics, a nuclear warhead research organisation).39
Links or associations

• US ban on students. On US Entity List.40

• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Security credentials: Top Secret.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Southampton (FP), Cranfield
at Shrivenham, Scottish universities or groups (R).

Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)

One of the Seven Sons of National Defence, HIT has a joint research centre with ballistic
missile manufacturer China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC).41 Its
specialisms include robotics, aviation, nuclear technology, electronic propulsion and
thrusters, and biomedicine. A US-China Security and Economic Review Commission report

m in
m in
m in
revision-of-certain-entries-on-the-entity-list in
These companies are the subjects of sanctions by either the US Dept. of Defense or Dept. of Commerce.

named HIT as one of four universities focused on information warfare-applicable research.42
missile research deemed ‘contrary to national security and foreign policy interests’ led to US
Selected defence laboratories

• National Defence Key Laboratories of Micro and Small-Scale Spacecraft Technology;

Satellite Laser Communications Technology; and Spaceflight Space Structure and
Control Technology;
• National Key Laboratory of Science and Technology on Advanced Composites in
Special Environments; and
• Information Countermeasures Technology Research Institute.44
Links or associations

• US ban on students. On Japan’s End User and US Entity Lists.

• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Security credentials: Top Secret.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Swansea, Southampton (R).

Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)

Supervised by SASTIND, HUST military research includes shipbuilding, image processing,

navigation technology, engineering, electronics, materials, lasers and directed-energy
weapons. Cooperation between HUST and China’s military industries includes AI and
imaging for weapon systems. Some research students are sponsored by China’s nuclear
warhead manufacturer.45
Selected defence laboratories

• State Key Lab of Multi-spectral Image Information Processing Technology (under

HUST’s Institute of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence);
• China Aerospace Pattern Recognition Technology Research Institute;
• Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Functional Materials for Electronic
• Key Laboratory of Gravity Navigation of Ministry of Education; and

066.pdf?_ga=2.30462079.1319451064.1567722102-1036413872.1567722102 in Ibid.
43 ; in Ibid.
45 in

• Research centre on vibration damping and isolation (jointly with the Academy of
Aerospace Solid Propulsion Technology (AASPT) of CASC (AASPT develops ballistic
missiles and carrier rockets).46
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Cambridge (R), Birmingham

Nanchang HangKong University (NCHU)

NCHU is supervised by SASTIND, with numerous links to military aircraft manufacturer

AVIC.47 ‘Optoelectric and laser technology’ is among the research areas at NCHU designated
‘national defence key disciplines’.48
Selected defence laboratories

• National Defense Key Disciplines Laboratory of Light Alloy Processing Science and
Technology; and
• Aeronautical Science and Technology Key Laboratory of Aeronautical Testing and
Evaluation Technology (jointly with AVIC).49
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Cranfield at Shrivenham (R).

Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA)

One of the Seven Sons, NUAA is a specialist aerospace research institution with relationships
with military aerospace manufacturers AVIC and AECC. It is home to China’s national
helicopter defence laboratory and is implicated in US aerospace technology theft.50 Defence

47 in
48 In Ibid.

research fields include nuclear science, aeronautical propulsion, guidance and control
technology, and microwave and millimetre wave systems and components.51
Selected defence laboratories

• State Key Laboratory of Helicopter Drive Technology;

• Ministerial Key Discipline Laboratory of Advanced Design Technology of Aircraft; and
• Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics.52
Links or associations

• US ban on students.
• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Security credentials: Top Secret.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Cranfield at Shrivenham,
Swansea, Scottish universities or groups (R).

National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)

NUDT is China’s leading military-affiliated research institution, under direct supervision by

the powerful Central Military Commission.53 Research specialisms include hypersonic
missiles, drones and drone swarms, radars, navigation and quantum physics. NUDT
developed the Tianhe-2A supercomputer. Defector testimony indicates that its ‘Intelligence
Center’ is involved in political interference outside the PRC.54
Selected defence laboratories

• State Key Laboratories of New Ceramic Fibers and Ceramic Matrix Composites;
Complex Electromagnetic Environment Effects on Electronics and Information
• National Laboratory of Science and Technology on Automatic Target Recognition;
• National 863 Plan Laser Gyroscope Key Laboratory; and
• Science and Technology on Scramjet Laboratory.55
Links or associations

• On Japan’s End User List (for missile development) and US Entity List (for importing
equipment from the US for potential nuclear weapons use).
• ASPI rating: Very high risk.

Ibid. inc.
54 in Ibid.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: includes Cambridge,
Swansea, Scottish universities or groups (R).

Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU, NWPU)

One of the Seven Sons and specialising in aviation, space and naval technology. Its UAV
laboratory manufactures military drones though a subsidiary. NPU is implicated in the illegal
export of anti-submarine warfare technology from the US.56 It researches electromagnetic
field and microwave technology, space biology, and detection, guidance and control
Selected defence laboratories

• Fundamental Science on Aircraft Structural Mechanics and Strength Laboratory

• State Key Laboratories of UAV Special Technology; Underwater Information and
Control (jointly with China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation’s 705 Institute, which
may be another name for the National Defense Key Laboratory of Torpedo Guidance
Technology);57 and
• Science and Technology on Thermostructural Composite Materials Laboratory.58
Links or associations

• US ban on students. On Japan End User List and US Entity List.

• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Security credentials: Top Secret.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: includes QMUL (FP); Bristol,
Scottish universities or groups (R).

Shanghai Jiaotong University (SJTU) (School of Naval Architecture)

Supervised by SASTIND, SJTU’s School of Naval Architecture, Ocean & Civil Engineering
cooperates with military corporations CSIC and CASC and the PLA Navy.59 SJTU is linked to
Unit 61398, a PLA cyber-espionage unit implicated in cyber-warfare against the US.60
Selected defence laboratories

allegedly-exported-devices-military-applications-china in
57 in Ibid.
59 and in

• Defense Key Disciplines Laboratory of Ship Equipment Noise and Vibration Control
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Southampton (R).

Southeast University

Under a joint construction agreement with SASTIND, a report for the US-China Economic
and Security Review Commission identified the university as involved in training hackers.62
Its electronic specialisms underpin military research laboratories in navigation and
underwater acoustics, research in information sensing and diversion, the university having
hosted staff from the PLA Navy’s Submarine Academy.63 Strategic cooperation agreements
include with missile developer China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation and
subsidiaries of military electronics conglomerate China Electronics Technology Group
Corporation (CETC).64 65
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Scottish universities or
groups (FP).

Tianjin University

Supervised by SASTIND, Tianjin is a Ministry of State Security (MSS) centre whose research
includes communication and information engineering.66
Selected defence laboratories

r-066.pdf?_ga=2.35247585.1319451064.1567722102-1036413872.1567722102 in
63 in
m in Ibid.
university-defends-chinese-scientists-indicted-by-u-s/ in

• Key Laboratory of Micro-Optical-Electro-Mechanical System Technology.67
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Scottish universities or
groups (FP).

University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)

Founded in 1961, UESTC is one of China’s oldest military-linked universities. Under joint
SASTIND-China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) supervision,68 and with
programmes in microwaves, anti-jamming, and military-use materials, its military electronic
outputs are used in missiles, aircraft carriers and aircraft, such as the JF-17 fighter. Staff
associated with UESTC have founded at least one AI firm involved in surveillance in
Selected defence laboratories

• National Anti-interference Communication Technology Laboratory;

• Fundamental Science on EHF [Extremely High Frequencies] Laboratory; and
• Strong Radiation Laboratory (jointly with the Chinese Academy of Engineering
Physics, China’s main nuclear warhead research institution, leading to the US
government giving UESTC Entity listing as a ‘proxy for China’s nuclear weapons
programme’; originally a National 863 Plan laboratory).7071
Links or associations

• On Japan’s End User List (for chemical weapons development) and US Entity List.
• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Scottish universities or
groups (FP).

68 ; in
state/ in
70 ; in Ibid. Named for its
March 1986 founding, this programme was intended to stimulate high-tech industries and was inspired by
Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative.

University of Science and Technology, Beijing (USTB)

USTB is a specialist in steel and other metals and materials.72

Selected defence laboratories

• Key Laboratory of Corrosion and Protection;

• Atmospheric and Environmental Effects and Protection Joint Laboratory (with
Norinco’s 59th Research Institute: includes explosives and stealth technology); and
• Joint Research and Development Center (with CETC’s 13th Research Institute: focuses
on semiconductor research).73
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: WMG (R).

Wuhan University of Technology (WHUT, WUT)

WHUT researches military engineering and advanced composite materials for weapons in
formal cooperation with the PLA Air Force,74 as well as ship design.
Selected defence laboratories

• Key Laboratory of High-Performance Ship Technology; and

• PLA Air Force-WHUT Air Defence Engineering and Protective Technology Research
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Southampton, Birmingham

72 and in
73 ; and in Ibid.
74 in
75 in

Xidian University

Supervised by SASTIND and defence electronics manufacturer CETC and a partner of the PLA
signals intelligence unit,76 Xidian is a research base for radar, antennas, electronic
countermeasures, pattern recognition and intelligent systems.77 It claims an ‘unbreakable
bond with secret intelligence work since its beginning’.78 Xidian’s Mobile Internet Security
Talent Recruitment Base (also known as the National 111 Project for Mobile Security)79 has
recruited foreign scholars and is directed by a PLA Navy major general.
Selected defence laboratories

• National Laboratory of Radar Signal Processing;

• National Key Laboratory of Antennas and Microwave Technology (jointly with China
Electronics Technology Group Corporation’s 14th Research Institute, a centre of anti-
stealth research on the US Entity List);80
• National Key Discipline Laboratory of Wide Band-gap Semiconductor; and
• Key Laboratory of High-Speed Circuit Design and EMC [Electro-magnetic
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: Very high risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Kent (R).

Zhejiang University

Zhejiang University is an MSS-funded cyber research centre and a base for military-focused
research into automation and manufacturing. The university participates in China’s National
Defense Technology Industry Nuclear Power Technology Innovation Center. Zhejiang
University has been implicated in espionage charges in the US.82
Selected defence laboratories

76 in Ibid.
78 in Ibid.
79 in Ibid.
80; According to Xinhua News Agency: ‘As
the birthplace of China's radar industry, the 14th is known as the ‘eye of the three armed forces and the heavy
weapon of the country.’ Today, the performance of China's multi-type radar products has reached the world's
leading level…. [it] has successfully developed China’s first quantum radar system’.

• Key Laboratory of High-Performance Embedded Computing.83
Links or associations

• ASPI rating: High Risk. Security credentials: Secret.

• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Scottish universities or
groups (FP).


Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC)

The Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC) was created from the Aviation Industry
Corporation of China (AVIC, below) in 2016, with AVIC retaining a stake and Commercial
Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC, also below) another shareholder.84 AECC is one of
China’s leading civilian and military aviation engine manufacturers, and it appears that this
includes attack helicopters and ground attack aircraft.85
Links or associations
• Under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Chinese military company’ (specific sanctions also
apply separately to subsidiaries and former subsidiaries such as Skyrizon).86
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Imperial, Manchester

Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (BIAM)

An AECC subsidiary, the Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (BIAM) develops and
manufactures advanced materials for civilian and military use: BIAM researchers are
reported as working on military helicopters, including graphene armour, and other military
Links or associations

=1 in Ibid.

• Under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Military End User’.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Imperial, Birmingham,
Manchester (FP).

Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)

China’s leading civilian and military aviation supplier, AVIC supplies the PLA Air Force with
the J-20 fifth generation stealth fighter jet,88 among many other military systems. AVIC has
dozens of subsidiaries. Research subsidiaries involved with UK universities include:
• AVIC First Aircraft Institute (FAI), responsible for designing the new PLA Air Force
stealth strategic bomber89;
• AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute (ASRI); and
• AVIC Manufacturing Technology Institute (MTI). Formerly the Beijing
Aeronautical Manufacturing Technology Research Institute (BAMTRI), MTI is
reported to include laser weapons research. 90
Links or associations
• Under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Chinese military company’.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Imperial (FP),
Nottingham (FP); Scottish universities or groups (R).

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)

China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) and some of its subsidiaries
are leading suppliers of missiles, carrier rockets, military satellites and precision-guided
weapons, and as leading players in China’s nuclear weapons programme are involved in
international nuclear proliferation. One subsidiary, China Great Wall Industry Corporation
(CGWIC), has a history of proliferation to Iran.91
In December 2020, CASC entered into an agreement with the China State Shipbuilding
Corporation (CSSC) to integrate advanced weaponry into naval projects to ‘jointly build a
world-class military, aerospace power, maritime power, manufacturing power, and science
and technology power.’92 CASC is involved in developing autonomous technology and

for-aircraft/ in

unveiling the D3000 unmanned oceanic combat vessel in 2017 for anti-submarine and
surface combat, which is expected to be deployed in the South China Sea.93.
Links or associations
• Under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Chinese military company’.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Manchester (FP), WMG

China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)

The China Academy of Space Technology (CAST, also known as the 5th Academy of CASC)94 is
a CASC subsidiary.
Links or associations
• On Japan’s End User List.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Surrey (R).

China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)

A CASC subsidiary, the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) develops
ICBMs95 and produces the Long March series of rockets with dual civilian and military use. In
October 2020, the Long March 2C rocket propelled three Yaogan 30 military signals
intelligence satellites 370 miles into Earth’s orbit. These test electronic eavesdropping
equipment and help the Chinese military track US and other deployments.96
In 2020, China launched the Long March-11 launch vehicle from a merchant vessel in the
Yellow Sea.97 As the leading manufacturer of China’s ICBMs, through the 1990s CALT
produced the Dongfeng 5 (DF5), a silo-based ICBM with an effective 7,456 mile-range and
equipped with a 1-3 MT nuclear warhead, able to strike targets across western Europe and
the mainland US. In 2015, CALT upgraded the Dongfeng to the DF5B, equipped with multiple
independent re-entry vehicle (MIRV) warheads, allowing separate strikes from one missile.
In 2017, CALT tested the DF5C, able to carry 10 MIRV warheads.98
Links or associations


• Under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Chinese military company’.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Imperial (FP), Scottish
universities or groups (FP).

Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering

The Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering is a CALT subsidiary whose

research includes reusable boosted vehicles for military requirements and refers to
supersonic flight and large angle of attack, citing studies on long-range missiles.
Links or associations
• Under US DOD sanctions99 through CALT.100
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Scottish universities or
groups (R).

China North Industries Corporation (Norinco)

China North Industries Corporation (Norinco) is a Chinese state-owned defence

conglomerate with vast size and reach.101 Norinco is involved in China’s nuclear weapons
programme and in arms proliferation, including to North Korea. It also supplies the PLA, the
PLA Navy and PLA Air Force with systems and weapons from assault rifles to battle tanks
and UAVs.102 Since 2003, Norinco has been subject to three separate rounds of US sanctions
in relation to transferring ballistic missile technology to Iran, and has supplied the
Venezuelan dictatorship with armoured personnel carriers, used against unarmed
opposition demonstrations in 2017 which led to 72 civilian deaths.103 Norinco collaborates
with leading Chinese universities, including providing direct supervision to Xi’an University
of Technology.
Links or associations
• Under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Chinese military company’.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: WMG (R).

These can include specific licencing requirements

Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC)

Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) is a state-owned aircraft manufacturer.

Focused on civilian airliners, China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
nonetheless calls it a defence industry conglomerate,104 and China’s main military aircraft
manufacturer AVIC (above) holds a 10 per cent stake. Senior staff at the Central Military
Commission have described their interest in converting civilian planes to military uses during
inspections of COMAC jets.105
Links or associations

• Under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Chinese military company’.

• ASPI rating: Very high risk.
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Imperial, Birmingham (FP).

Northeast Light Alloy Company (NELA)

Harbin-based Northeast Light Alloy Company (NELA) was China’s first aluminium-
magnesium alloy producer. It appears to be primarily a supplier to China’s military, with
reports stating that 60 per cent of its products are sold to China’s armed forces.106
Links or associations
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: WMG (R).

Shougang Group

Shougang Group (formerly Shougang Corporation) is a state-owned steel and metals

conglomerate based in Beijing. Shougang acquired thirteen military factories in 1988.107
Subsidiaries such as Shougang Guiyang Special Steel Company describe a manufacturing role
(in the ‘national defence and military industry’).108
Links or associations
• UK research connections or cooperation between staff: Imperial (FP); WMG (R).

104 in

Chapter 2: UK university research centres and their specialist fields
We analyse formal research centres, partnerships, relationships or groups in UK universities
which are funded, supported and/or jointly established with and by Chinese military-linked
institutions or companies, as well as other UK university centres of concern. In each case,
none of the academics or researchers whose research at UK universities or centres
discussed in this report are accused of knowingly assisting the development of the Chinese
military, of knowingly transferring information to that end. Following each description, we
refer to the relevant technological themes in Chapter 3.

For the avoidance of any doubt, we reiterate our Nota Bene of page 8. We do not accuse
any individual academic or researcher, or other university representative or employee, of
any wrongdoing. Rather, we highlight the risks inherent in the ties these UK research
centres, partnerships, relationships or groups have established. To adapt Neil Armstrong:
research is creating new knowledge – but, in our view, that research is insufficiently
protected and in danger of being exploited.

UK-based university research centres, partnerships, relationships and groups

Imperial College London and the Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (BIAM)

Imperial College London appears to have established more research centres with Chinese
military companies than any other UK university.109

• Imperial Centre for Materials Characterisation, Processing and Modelling (BIAM is a

subsidiary of the Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC))
This BIAM-sponsored Centre is managed by a researcher from the PRC.110 The BIAM Centre
carries out research for aerospace, including in aeronautical materials, lithium-ion batteries,
and aircraft windshields. Research includes superalloy micromechanics, solid-state lithium
batteries, and fatigue performance of nickel-based (Ni-based) single-crystal superalloys. In
2019, the Centre received as a visitor the Chairman of AECC itself.111
One example of superalloys research may be especially worth noting. A major priority for
AECC, parent company of BIAM, has been the ability to produce the engines for the next-


generation Chinese stealth fighter jets used by the PLA Air Force and PLA Navy. 112 One
critical aspect of this has been the need to develop two of the most important components
in advanced engines: single-crystal superalloy turbine blades and powder metallurgy
superalloy turbine disks.
In August 2020, a researcher at the Centre published the paper Micro-mechanisms of cyclic
plasticity at stress concentrations in Ni-based single crystal super-alloy113 with researchers
based at BIAM in Beijing. Its abstract reads:
‘Single-crystal superalloys are high-temperature materials used for turbine blades in
jet engines. Fatigue damage can pose a major threat to the integrity of such
components in operation. Traditionally… fatigue behaviour [has] been studied by
investigating cyclic plasticity in the bulk of the material… however, such investigation
may not contribute to the understanding of the alloy’s fatigue behaviour, since
plastic micro-strains are confined to regions near stress raisers… The investigation of
local cyclic plasticity at stress concentrations promises [to] provide new insight into
fatigue crack initiation in Ni-based superalloys.’
One award-winning research project from 2019 at the Centre involved investigating single
crystal superalloys within turbine blades to develop jet engines. Imperial recently
announced a breakthrough with some fanfare:
‘Congratulations… He has won the 1st prize in the ‘Electron Microscopy – Physical
Sciences’ category in the International Scientific Imaging Competition 2019
supported by the Royal Microscopical Society, a contest of the best scientific images
obtained by microscopists from all over the world.’
The title of the research was The building blocks of jet engines. The BIAM Centre at Imperial
describes this as:
‘Cuboidal Ni3Al precipitates (edge length ~400 nm) in a Ni-based single-crystal
superalloy. These precipitates are the source of the outstanding strength of
superalloys at high temperatures, enabling the operation of turbine blades in the
extreme environments within jet engines. The sample (provided by BIAM) was
etched to reveal the precipitates.’114
Chen Xiangbao, vice-president of BIAM, told Chinese news outlets in 2017 that it ‘will not
take a long time for our fifth-generation combat plane to have China-made engines… We
are able to develop the two most important components in an advanced engine – the single


crystal superalloy turbine blades and powder metallurgy superalloy turbine disks’, adding
that the main remaining challenge ‘is mass production’.115
According to recent statements by the PLA Air Force, the next-generation J20 fighter will
have no need of the Russian engines originally planned for the new stealth jet, and the
‘domestically built’ WS-10C engine will be preferable.116 Since 2017, it has been frequently
reported that AECC, the parent company of the sponsor of this Imperial laboratory, has
been developing “domestically produced engines featuring single crystal superalloy turbine
blades” for China’s J-20 stealth fighter engines.117
Having long had to reverse-engineer US and Russian jet engines, AECC may be moving closer
to being able to produce next-generation stealth fighter jet engines for the Chinese military.
See technological themes:
1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals.
7. Drones and lithium-ion batteries.

Imperial College London and the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC)

• The AVIC Centre for Structural Design and Manufacturing

Imperial describes its AVIC Centre for Structural Design and Manufacturing as ‘promoting
world leading scientific research into aircraft design and manufacturing technologies.’ A
report at King’s College London found that research sponsored by AVIC at Imperial used
high-velocity gun systems which are ‘relevant for nuclear weapons development’.118
The centre cooperates with the AVIC Aircraft Strength Research Institute (ASRI);
Manufacturing Technology Institute (MTI) and First Aircraft Institute (or FAI, which is
designed China’s latest bombers).119 It carries out research into materials science,
manufacturing techniques and structural integrity, which Imperial states is for ‘safer, lighter
and more efficient air transportation facilities.’ According to Imperial, the institutes’
‘knowledge of metals, polymers and composites and experience with design, manufacture,
testing and inspection combines well with Imperial's capabilities on fundamental

Scott, E. at al. Catalogue of Case Studies on Intangible Technology Transfers from Universities and Research
Institutes. King’s College London, September 2020.

This centre also employs a researcher from the PRC as its manager. His research through the
Centre includes Aluminium-Zinc-Magnesium alloys and aging, strength of Aluminium-
Copper-Lithium alloys and the aluminium alloys (AA) 7050 and 6082.121
Researchers include a Chinese professor whose research with AVIC staff includes a corpus
on aluminium alloys (such as AA7050), and CDRX-based material models. His paper, A CDRX-
based material model for hot deformation of aluminium alloys 122 was authored with AVIC
researchers, including from the FAI, and dealt with alloy AA5052. Another Imperial scholar
from the PRC has published widely on alloys, including aluminium alloy AA6082.123
Researchers from the PRC include one whose research covers ballistic tests, the geometry of
projectiles and thermoplastic composites,124 and another whose research aims to enable
the ‘massive production of aluminium alloys’ for aerospace.125 One researches ‘strength
assessment and modelling for thick CFRP [carbon fibre reinforced plastic] composite
laminates’. In May 2020, listing himself as a researcher at the First Aircraft Institute, he co-
published An explicit–implicit combined model for predicting residual strength of composite
cylinders subjected to low velocity impact126 with a researcher at the Army Engineering
University of the PLA.
Other fields include the reinforcement technology z-pin, which the website states is
currently seen in F/A-18 E/F aircraft; Composite Sandwich Structures (includes CFRPs, Glass-
Fibre-reinforced polymers, 3D woven and co-woven fabrics); Al-Li alloy components using
new forming technologies; Additive Manufactured Products (to be provided by BAMTRI);
Microstructures and Properties of Transient Liquid Phase Bonding Joint of Single Crystal
Alloy (widely used for turbine blades in aero engines); and Microstructure and mechanical
properties of Ti6Al4V alloy joints and other titanium alloys.
Investigation at King’s College London has drawn attention to two other pieces of Imperial
research that it states will ‘certainly be of interest for military aircraft designers, as well as in
civilian applications’. These were ‘Structural Integrity Assessment of Additive Manufactured
Products’127 and ‘Impact testing of laminated glass and composites’,128 which used a high-
velocity gun system ‘relevant for nuclear weapons development’.129 (In 2015, Charles Clover

127 in Scott, E., Peel,
R., Ruechardt, F., & Mitchell, N. (2020). Catalogue of Case Studies on Intangible Technology
Transfers from Universities and Research Institutes: Revised edition. King's College London;
in Ibid.
International Atomic Energy Agency, Communication Received from the Permanent Mission of Switzerland
to the International Atomic Energy Agency regarding Certain Member States’ Guidelines for Transfers of
Nuclear-related Dual-use Equipment, Materials, Software and Related Technology in Ibid.

at the Financial Times (as well as King’s College London) have also reported links between
AVIC’s MTI/BAMTRI and Iran’s missile programme).130 131
Imperial states the centre ‘supports fundamental, non-classified research into new materials
and manufacturing methods’.132 According to Charles Clover and King’s College London, it
‘conducted due diligence on AVIC before signing the agreement’ and liaised with the UK
Export Control Organisation (now the Export Control Joint Unit).133

See technological themes:

1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals.
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies.

Imperial College London and the Beijing Aircraft Technology Research Institute (BATRI)
• The COMAC-Imperial Research Centre for Wing Technology of Commercial Aircraft
(BATRI is a subsidiary of the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC))
The Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC) has AVIC as a major shareholder.
This Centre’s project areas include:

• Al-Li alloys (applying the creep age forming (CAF) process used to manufacture large
aerospace panels like wing skins to produce panels with these alloys;
• Aircraft transonic flutter (computational prediction of aeroelastic instabilities);
• Optimisation for 3D-printed structures; and
• Stamp forming of composites (research into composite materials such as carbon
fibre-reinforced poly ether-ether ketone (PEEK), a radiation-resistant material in
demand for military aircraft).
See technological themes:
1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals.
3. Aerospace physics.

Charles Clover, ‘UK universities under scrutiny over China ties,’ Financial Times, 24 June 2015,
00144feabdc0. The US Department of Commerce in 2014 listed BAMTRI and other
Chinese companies ‘for their roles in supplying Iran’s ballistic
missile program’. Also in
Charles Clover, ‘UK universities under scrutiny over China ties,’ Financial Times, 24 June 2015, in

Imperial College London and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)

• UK-China Advanced Structure Manufacturing Technology Laboratory

The laboratory, sponsored directly by nuclear ICBM supplier CALT (above), is now little-
mentioned in the public domain.134 However, one engineer from the PRC at Exeter, has
remained a Research Fellow of the Laboratory between 2017 and 2020. This researcher has
published in the last two years on Finite element analysis of interaction of laser beam with
material in laser metal powder bed fusion process135 and Evaluation of low cycle fatigue
performance of selected laser melted titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V136 (studying selective laser
melting to make parts from this alloy, which separately is widely used in military aircraft;
studies by others of low cycle fatigue resistance for Ti6Al4V have noted its possible use in
rocket engine cases).137 The researcher published these papers with researchers at
Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing University, and
Chongqing University of Technology.
Another researcher studied at the Laboratory, where his research was funded by CALT.138
His research includes publications on the fast light alloys stamping technology (FAST)
process for martensitic steel, springback for high strength aluminium alloys, and ultra-high
strength steels.139 His co-authors for this research include another PRC researcher at
Imperial’s AVIC Centre for Structural Design and Manufacturing (above).140
See technological themes:
1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals.
2. Steels.

Imperial College London and Shougang Group

• Shougang-Imperial Lab for Lightweight Steel Based Systems for Impact Resistant
Automotive Applications
Imperial has also established a research centre with the major Chinese steel-making SOE
Shougang. Although Shougang is a giant conglomerate and most of its manufacturing is for

Discussed in
Not to be confused with the medical researcher of the same name.

civil use, the conglomerate also supplies large volumes of steel to the military and some of
this laboratory’s research may risk having dual-use applications. Research includes fibre
metal laminates (FMLs), a class of lightweight structural materials that separately is of
considerable interest to military industries. Defence-applicable research into FMLs
elsewhere has included their capacity to improve the mechanical properties of CFRP, a
material being researched by the centres above at Imperial and of increasing interest for
stealth jets.141
See technological themes:
2. Steels.
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies.

Response from Imperial College London

A spokesperson for Imperial College London said: “These claims completely mischaracterise
the true nature of our sponsorship arrangements.
“In the limited instances where we receive sponsorship from Chinese companies, this is for
fundamental scientific research. For example, our work to develop lightweight strong glass
[per the KCL reference you note] has a wide range of potential scientific and commercial
applications in many sectors worldwide. We do not conduct any classified research.
“Imperial conducts its own due diligence prior to any sponsorship arrangement. We also
work closely with the Export Controls Joint Unit and other relevant UK government
agencies. All relationships with third parties are subject to prior and continued review.
“Our research outputs, which are in the public domain and routinely published in leading
international journals, are good for science, innovation and the UK’s global influence.
Science is a global endeavour, and we are proud to work with our peers in academia and
industry all over the world.”

University of Cambridge and National University of Defense Technology (NUDT)

The National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) says the opportunities given by
Cambridge to train its students will ‘greatly raise the nation’s power in the fields of national
defence, communications [and] anti-jamming for imaging and high-precision navigation’.142
The Cambridge-NUDT interaction involves limited but notable personal research
cooperation. Xianwen Ran of NUDT143 is a productive researcher with a professor who the

Citing China’s Ministry of Education:

University of Cambridge states is a Bye-Fellow of Gonville and Caius – which is a constituent
college of the University of Cambridge – but not an employee of the University itself.
Ran is described online as a ‘Doctor of Theology’ at NUDT, but his own recent papers (not in
cooperation with the professor at Gonville and Caius) include:

• In July 2020, Theoretical model of radial scattering velocity of fragments of the

reactive core PELE Projectile144 (the PELE projectile is a ‘new type of armor-piercing
warhead [whose] more obvious fragmentation effect… solves the problem of
insufficient after-effects’);
• Simulation Study on Jet Formability and Damage Characteristics of a Low-Density
Material Liner145 (‘[The] warhead is an effective weapon against the ERA (explosive
reactive armor’)); and
• In December 2019, A method to optimize the electron spectrum for simulating
thermo-mechanical response to x-ray radiation146 (‘The X-ray pulse originating from
high altitude nuclear detonation (HAND) is mainly soft X-ray and its intensity is high
enough [to] lead to severe thermo-mechanical deformation of unpenetrated
material… It is possible to simulate [this] using the optimized electron spectrums’).
The effects of high-altitude nuclear blasts and potentially devastating electro-magnetic
pulses (EMP) are reported to be areas of high strategic interest to the Chinese military.147
The Bye-Fellow who is Ran’s research partner in separate fields is an ‘Associate member of
the Cavendish Laboratory’, a ‘Research Fellow at Imperial College London’, and a
‘Distinguished Visiting Professor of NUDT’ (his CV lists this position as having been from
2014 to 2017, however, at the time of writing, his online profile states that this
continues).148 He remains a High-Level Foreign Talent, a position awarded by Beijing (this
‘comes with a long-term visa’), having been awarded membership of the ‘1000-Talent plan’
in 2015. He remains a Distinguished Visiting Professor of China’s Central South University
(he states that at CSU he carries out ‘research with engineers on better transportation
systems and vehicles’). Before 1996, he was also a Fellow at the US defence research base
Los Alamos National Laboratory, run by the Department of Energy.

Pillsbury, M. (2015). The Hundred-Year Marathon: China's Secret Strategy to Replace America As the Global
Superpower. St Martin’s Griffin.

According to Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg, the Thousand Talents Plan exists to bring
scientific expertise and knowledge to China, primarily by returning PRC nationals:
‘The US Department of Energy… has been heavily targeted to this end… According to
one report, “so many scientists from Los Alamos have returned to Chinese
universities and research institutes that people have dubbed them the ‘Los Alamos
There is no suggestion that this professor has engaged in any illicit knowledge transfer from
Los Alamos or elsewhere, however. We refer to this to make the point, as with the other
scientists whose work is mentioned in this report, that there may at times be a danger of
the future co-opting of research against their intentions for dual-use purposes.
Ran has published with him as recently as June 2020 (Sink-rise dynamics of horizontally
oscillating active matter in granular media: Theory)150 and in September 2016, Vertical
dynamics of a horizontally-oscillating active object in a 2D granular medium.151
Other NUDT scholars include an expert in nanoporous aerogels and their use in high-
performance light absorption and thermal insulation, who was a visiting academic fellow at
Cambridge in 2019, joining the hybrid nanomaterials engineering group. 152 Elsewhere, these
types of materials have wide potential dual-use applications, including in projectile coatings
such as for hypersonic missiles.
See technological themes:
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies.
6. Ceramics, piezoelectrics and rare earth coatings.

Response from the University of Cambridge

“Cavendish Laboratory: The Cavendish Laboratory does not have, nor has ever had, any
projects, research grants or contracts with NUDT or other military institutions in China.
There was an MoU between the groups, but this never led to any formal research funding,
lapsed in 2018 and has not been renewed.”
The Bye-Fellow “is not an employee of the University and he does not work on any research
grant or contract involving the Cavendish Laboratory. He is a Bye-Fellow at Gonville & Caius
College, where he teaches Physics to students for up to six hours per week during term
time. The University and Colleges are separate legal and financial institutions.”

Stephen Chen, ‘America’s hidden role in Chinese weapons research’, South China Morning Post, 29 March
2017. In Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping the World. Simon and

The nanoporous aerogels expert “was a visitor at the Cambridge Graphene Centre (CGC) in
2019 [and] was invited under normal academic procedures because he has expertise in
aerogels which the CGC didn’t have at the time (i.e. he had expertise that Cambridge
wanted, not the other way around). [He] did not carry out any experiments, did not have
access to laboratories and did not attend group research meetings during his time at the
University. The CGC now have two students working on aerogels which began after his
departure. Their work is not in collaboration with NUDT.”

Manchester University and the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC)
• Sino-British Joint Advanced Laboratory on Control System Technology
This joint laboratory focused on advanced control systems, but had plans to ‘move beyond
Control Systems into other aspects of Aerospace Science’. Manchester states that the
laboratory closed in 2018,153 but its Chinese director states that he still leads the
The China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) is central to China’s space
programme and, through its subsidiary the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology
(CALT) is the main ballistic missile supplier to China’s nuclear weapons programme (CALT
also researches technologies such as missile launchers and spaceplanes). In common with
many of the facilities we describe, this means Manchester University has provided China’s
main nuclear ICBM conglomerate with a research facility subsidised by the UK taxpayer.
One of the academics involved in establishing the laboratory is the Dean of the Faculty of
Engineering and Physical Sciences, who joined a CASC delegation at an agreement signing
ceremony (in 2013 he was also a Guest Special Professor of Wuhan University on a ‘World-
Renowned Scientist Lecture Tour’.)155
The director is a control systems expert, some of whose research at the laboratory has been
EPSRC-funded and includes UAVs. His research on control systems technologies covers
attitude control for rigid spacecrafts, formation flying for UAVs, and air-breathing
hypersonic vehicles.156 One of his recent papers at Manchester, from 2018 (‘Robust
Cooperative Guidance Law for Simultaneous Arrival’), includes a diagram that appears to
show different missiles, or rockets, moving towards the same target.157

research/sino-british-control-lab/ In

See technological themes:
3. Aerospace physics.
4. Hypersonic technology.
7. Drones and lithium-ion batteries.

Manchester University and the Beijing Institute for Aeronautical Materials (BIAM)
• BIAM-University of Manchester Graphene Aerospace Materials Centre
• BIAM-University of Manchester Technology Centre
• BIAM is a subsidiary of the Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC)
In 2017, Manchester launched two centres with the Beijing Institute for Aeronautical
Materials (BIAM). They were opened at an event attended by staff from the Chinese
consulate in Manchester, where Manchester’s council leader described ‘another vote of
confidence in Manchester’ which will ‘further strengthen ties between Manchester and
The Graphene Aerospace Materials Centre researches graphene in composites, ceramics,
and other aerospace materials. It is led by a professor from the PRC at Manchester’s
Department of Materials.159
The BIAM-University of Manchester Technology Centre develops, processes and tests
advanced materials for aero engines. Its director at Manchester is another professor from


China, also of the Department of Materials and who researched at BIAM before coming to
the UK. His research is focused on the corrosion control of light alloys, including AA6082,
7010, 2055, 2099-T83 and AZ31B magnesium alloy-titanium joints.160
In 2020, a researcher affiliated with the Technology Centre published research on AA7150161
with researchers at the defence laboratory the State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy,
Central South University (CSU) and Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).
Previous research by others at CSU on AA7150 has received direct sponsorship by the
National Defense Program of China.162
See technological themes:
1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals.
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies.

Response from the University of Manchester

“We value our connections with China as an important part of the UK’s extensive
international trade and cultural links. All such interactions have to be based on government
guidance and regulation.
The University carries out due diligence on all research collaborations informed by the latest
information and guidance. We have a clear intellectual property policy which all our
researchers, overseas and domestic, must adhere to as part of their professional contracts.
We take all necessary measures to assure ourselves that our research is not used beyond its
agreed application. Typically, the results of collaborative research are published in the open,
publicly accessible scientific literature, as is the norm for research conducted at the
The cases given in the Civitas report were either for research collaborations or for visiting
researchers to undertake projects in University of Manchester laboratories. All current
projects mentioned in the Citivas report went ahead after assessment and approval by the
Export Control Joint Unit (ECJU).
We can confirm that all due diligence and processes are in place to allow academics and the
University to question the potential of their research and only engage with external entities
within the legal remits of the export control legislation as assessed by the ECJU. Our current
due diligence addresses and ensures that no controlled information is exported outside the
UK without the appropriate licence in place. The University continues to work closely with
the ECJU and government agencies to ensure that we are fully compliant with policies and
protocols around export of materials, information and data.”


University of Strathclyde and the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT)
• Space Mechatronic Systems Technology (SMeSTech) Laboratory
Strathclyde’s SMeSTech Laboratory is another UK university partnership for ICBM
manufacturer CALT. Involved in research into mechatronic systems, satellites and other
fields, Strathclyde does not mention CALT’s involvement on its website (simply
‘international funding’).
One of the laboratory’s EU-funded projects163 on data fusion ‘effectively combine[s] the
data acquired by sensors used onboard satellites [and] other space vehicles’ with broad
applications ‘on earth and in space’.
One associated Chinese professor in mechatronic systems technology has published across
many related fields, including on ‘UAV swarming technology’ (for oil and gas facility
inspection). His research includes A new system design method for space launch vehicles164
and MOSAR: modular spacecraft assembly and reconfiguration demonstrator.165 He has
researched calcium phosphate166 (for standard medical purposes; however his co-authors
include researchers at China’s military-linked Northwestern University). Other publications
include on the manufacturing of oxidation-resistant coatings (types used for alloys and
His research into A new system design method for space launch vehicles168 was with
researchers at the Beijing Institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, a subsidiary of
CALT. This Institute appears to be based at 1 South Dahongmen Road, Beijing. It appears
that so is the Aerospace Research Institute of Materials & Processing Technology, another
CALT subsidiary, whose first director Yao Tongbin was ‘awarded the A-Bomb, H-bomb and
First Satellite Medals’.169 The Beijing Institute has published studies of launch vehicles for
hypersonic vehicles that refer to ‘military requirements’, the need for ‘large angle of attack’,
and missile flight control.170 171 172 173


Another Chinese researcher at Strathclyde is a graduate of Beihang and is based, like the
colleague above, in the Robotics and Automation Systems Group that includes SMeSTech.
The group’s specialisms include electronic and power systems and orbital robotics. The PhD
research he supervises includes multiple autonomous systems (to ‘improve [their]
capabilities, such as surveillance, target acquisition and tracking, etc’).174 After Beihang, he
received his PhD in 2008 in robotics and autonomous systems from the School of Computer
Science and Electronic Engineering at the University of Essex (the School has also
established a joint double degree programme aimed at Chinese students with NWU175). The
School of Naval Architecture at China’s ‘Dalian University’ (in reality ‘Dalian University of
Technology’) also states that it has established a ‘joint training agreement’ with the
University of Strathclyde.176
See technological themes:
3. Aerospace physics.
7. Drones and lithium-ion batteries.
9. Shipbuilding.
10. Data science, AI, recognition and facial recognition.
11. Robotics (land, sea and space).

Response from the University of Strathclyde

A spokesperson for the University of Strathclyde said: “International research collaboration
plays an important role in finding solutions to global challenges, from sustainable farming
and future energy systems, to protecting health.
“The collaboration agreement referred to between the University of Strathclyde and the
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) focused on mechatronics research
contributing to the UK-China Flagship Challenge program project SmartFarm, with the aim
of developing more efficient and sustainable approaches to farming and food production. It
used AgriRover – a device for testing soil quality based on technology previously developed
for use in exploration on Mars – as a key prototype. A demonstration of AgriRover was
made in a farm in Beijing and an export control license was secured from the UK
Government Export Control Joint Unit before the demonstration.
“All of our research collaborations are open and transparent, and are subject to due
diligence. Our scientific outputs are in the public domain, and are published openly in
leading journals and websites.
“All of our research is undertaken in accordance with our Research Code of Practice and its
guidance on research integrity with the core elements of honesty; rigour; transparency and
open communication; and care and respect. Any transfer of materials is subject to UK


Government legislation on export control. All relationships with third parties are subject to
prior and continued review.
“Openly published research is by definition available to researchers over the entire world.
The university supports, and has contributed to, work of UUK and CPNI on Trusted Research
to ensure that checks and balances are embedded across our systems.”

Birmingham University and the University of Science and Technology China (USTC), Wuhan
University of Technology (WUT), BIAM, COMAC and Huazhong University of Science and
Technology (HUST)

Birmingham University cluster:

• USTC-Birmingham Research Institute in Intelligent Computation and its Applications

• Wuhan University of Technology-Birmingham Joint Key Laboratory for Intelligent
• Efficient Manufacturing for Aerospace Components Using Additive Manufacturing,
Net Shape HIP and Investment Casting (EMUSIC)
Over the last decade, Birmingham has created a cluster of research partnerships with
Chinese companies and institutions leading to potentially dual-use (potentially military- or
surveillance-applicable) research.
The Director of the USTC-Birmingham Research Institute in Intelligent Computation and its
Applications is a computer scientist with a PhD from USTC.177 The Institute has two areas of
focus: adaptive optimisation, and advanced data analysis and mining. The second area, the
Institute states, is ‘controversial’, involving the collection of internet users’ data to predict
online behaviour. The group is ‘engaged with Baidu [China’s closest equivalent to Google
but which, like COMAC, is now under US DOD sanctions as a ‘Chinese military company’] to
take this information one step further and consider predictions connected to browser
In 2013, Birmingham and Wuhan University of Technology established the Wuhan University
of Technology-Birmingham Joint Key Laboratory for Intelligent Machines. Although
Birmingham makes no public mention of the laboratory, according to WUT it includes
intelligent decision supporting systems (including AI with autonomous control technology)
and carbon fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRP).178179
Birmingham is also the coordinator of the Efficient Manufacturing for Aerospace
Components USing Additive Manufacturing, Net Shape HIP and Investment Casting


(EMUSIC), an EU-China project to develop aerospace component manufacturing (such as
additive manufacturing (AM)); Near Net Shape Hot Isostatic Pressing (NNSHIPping); and of
Ti-alloy investment casting.
The project ‘will allow the end-users to decide whether to transfer the technologies to their
supply chain’. Chinese partners include BIAM, the COMAC Shanghai Aircraft Design and
Research Institute, the Institute of Metal Research (IMR), and Huazhong University of
Science and Technology (HUST). Birmingham has stated that its involvement with
BAMTRI/MTI in the project ended before the Chinese institute was added to a US watch
list,180 but Birmingham continues to use its name in their material.181

See technological themes:

1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals.
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies.
10. Data science, AI, recognition and facial recognition.

University of Nottingham and ACAE (the Commercial Aircraft Engine Company)

• University of Nottingham University Innovation Centre (UIC)

Nottingham’s agreement with ACAE (i.e. the Commercial Aircraft Engine Company, which it
describes as an AVIC subsidiary,182 although AVIC remains a shareholder in AECC) provided a
£3 million three-year package of support for ‘civil aerospace research projects in the UIC’,
including impact damage on composite materials and thermal barrier coatings to ‘improve
the performance of engine components such as turbine blades, which have to operate in
very high temperatures’.183 ACAE has sponsored around 20 of its staff to study at
The ACAE-UIC primarily works with the university’s Composites Research Group. The
executive director of the UIC looked forward to ‘further enhanc[ing] our understanding of
composite materials and thermal barrier coatings’. On his visit to launch the UIC, ACAE R&D
Director Dr Victor Wang called it a ‘historic moment’ for his company. UIC staff have


researched polymer nanocomposites with Chongqing University, including 3D-woven
composite T-joints and related areas.185
One individual associated with the UIC is now at UCL, but formerly ‘research director of
University Innovation Centre in Aero Engine with AVIC’.186 While at Nottingham, her team
invented a novel Aerosol-Assisted Ion Deposition (AAID) process and, according to her
website, developed nanocomposite coatings with unique physical and chemical properties:
‘The method is being exploited to put sub-micron/micron thick high performance polymeric
coatings on steels’. She has also developed nanocomposite coatings for tribological
applications, ceramic coatings and next generation multifunctional films for deicing,
antifogging and anti-lightning applications in aerospace.’187 Choy has worked closely with
‘leading research institutions and industrial companies to exploit [AAID] technologies [and]
novel coating materials.’ These include defence companies Rolls-Royce, QinetiQ and DSTL,
implying a potential for dual-use.188
See technological themes:
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies

Response from the University of Nottingham

A University of Nottingham spokesperson said: “The research agreement with the
Commercial Aircraft Engine Company (ACAE) ended in 2017 and was specifically designed
for civil aerospace applications in large passenger aircraft. All international research
agreements are constructed fully in line with government legislation, including export
control regulations, and subjected to rigorous internal research security, integrity and
ethical procedures, as well as our own Research Code of Conduct and Export Control Policy.”

University of Strathclyde and Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (and larger
group in Scotland and China)
• China-Scotland Signal Image Processing Research Academy (SIPRA)
• Linked universities in China: National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition, Beijing
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (Beihang), Southeast University, Tianjin
University, Zhejiang University, University of Electronic Science and Technology of
China (among others).


SIPRA was founded in 2008 by a group of Chinese and Scottish universities. It studies
signal/image processing and its applications in communications, aerospace and other fields.
SIPRA seeks ‘close cooperation [with] industry in China and Scotland.’189
SIPRA’s founder is at Strathclyde.190 His research with counterparts in China includes person
re-identification in camera networks. His paper Adversarial erasing attention for person re-
identification in camera networks under complex environments states:
‘Person re-identification (Re-ID) in camera networks under complex environments
has achieved promising performance using deep feature representations. However,
most approaches usually [ignore] features from non-salient parts of pedestrian,
which results in an incomplete pedestrian representation. In this paper, we propose
a novel person Re-ID method named Adversarial Erasing Attention (AEA) to mine
discriminative completed features using an adversarial way… original pedestrian
images are used to train the basic network [to] extract global and local deep
With his colleagues, this researcher received a Royal Society grant for Fuzzy multilayer
clustering and fuzzy label regularization for unsupervised person reidentification:
‘Unsupervised person reidentification has received more attention due to its wide
real-world applications… we propose a novel method named fuzzy multilayer
clustering [which] learns a new feature space using a multilayer perceptron for
clustering in order to overcome the influence of complex pedestrian images…’ 192
One co-author was from an institute not mentioned among SIPRA partners, the State Key
Laboratory for Management and Control of Complex Systems, Institute of Automation,
Chinese Academy of Sciences (this co-author is also a graduate of NPU). SIPRA has received
visits from China’s National Laboratory of Pattern Recognition and a Vice-President of the
Chinese Academy of Sciences. SIPRA members based at Strathclyde have visited NPU to
cooperate on a funding application; one discussed cooperation at Beihang; and as a SIPRA
member, another Scotland-based Chinese scholar has visited Beihang for research. SIPRA’s
founder has delivered ‘a number of keynote lectures’ to the University of Electronic Science
and Technology (UESTC); another SIPRA-affiliated scholar has visited Beihang’s Joint
Research Laboratory in Cognitive Signal Image Processing to discuss research applications193
and has researched pedestrian detection with the State Key Laboratory of Management and
Control for Complex Systems, the School of Artificial Intelligence, and the Center for


Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology of the Chinese Academy of
Sciences.194 195

See technological themes:

3. Aerospace physics.
7. Drones and lithium-ion batteries.
9. Shipbuilding.
10. Data science, AI, recognition and facial recognition.

University of Kent
• Communications Research Group
The Communications Research Group researches ‘advanced communications technologies
and systems for high-frequency and/or high data-rate wireless systems operating from radio
frequency (RF) to Terahertz (THz) frequencies’.196
Areas of research include space antennas, smart antennas, space-borne radars, phased
arrays, MIMO (multiple input multiple output), antenna and radio propagation for
4G/5G/6G mobile communications, base station antennas, antennas for satellite
communications, RF/microwave/millimetre-wave circuits and RF front ends, mobile
communication systems, satellite communications, inter-satellite links, wireless power
transfer, ultra-wide band (UWB) radars, GNSS reflectometry, synthetic-aperture radars,
electromagnetic modelling and small satellites.
A leading figure in the group is a professor of RF/Microwave Engineering197 and former
visiting professor at NPU and Xidian University.198 The group has been sponsored by Huawei
to research 5G antenna technologies, which Kent says will ‘produce more research impacts
on the society’.199 These include millimetre-wave antenna designs for 5G smartphones. The
group is moving into intelligent antenna technologies for 6G.
Researchers have received EU, EPSRC and Royal Academy of Engineering grants.200 Current
projects include ‘Adaptive multi-band small MIMO antennas for next-generation smart

SIPRA’s other publications include Improved sparse representation using adaptive spatial support for
effective target detection in hyperspectral imagery and A novel SAR target detection algorithm based on
contextual knowledge (
200 His recent projects as principal
investigator include ‘Millimeter-wave intelligent array antennas for Ka-band satellite communications on the
move’, ‘Advanced reflectarray antennas for space-borne synthetic aperture radars’, and ‘Gallium Nitride
integrated millimeter-wave active phased array multi-beam transceivers for SATellites’.

phones’ (funded by Huawei), ‘Low-cost THz wideband smart antennas design and
fabrication using 3D Printing’ (funded by EPSRC), and ‘Low-Profile Ultra-Wideband Wide-
Scanning Multi-Function Beam-Steerable Array Antennas’ (EPSRC).
One began his career at the China Research Institute of Radio Wave Propagation (also
known as the 22nd Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation
(CETC)).201 202 203 CETC has said that the corporation’s purpose is ‘leveraging civilian
electronics for the gain of the PLA’.204 His recent publications include on MIMO arrays for 5G
terminal applications,205 206 207 published with a Xidian researcher who specialises in
Antennas and Microwaves, a designated area of military research at the university where it
is carried out jointly with CETC’s 14th Research Institute, a centre of anti-stealth research
under US Entity List sanctions.208
They also include MIMO antenna units, ultrawideband transmitarrays,209 and Vehicle Global
Navigation Satellite System.210 Co-authors for the final paper include a phased array radar
expert at NPU and a satellite and antennas expert at the National Key Laboratory of
Antennas and Microwave Technology, a defence-funded laboratory at Xidian University.
Some of these researchers joined him for Millimetre-Wave Dual-Polarized Differently Fed 2-
D Multibeam Patch Antenna Array.211

See technological themes:

8. Radars, antennae and related technologies.

Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) and China Aerospace Science and Technology
Corporation (CASC) and others

Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) appears to have had a longer relationship with
Chinese military researchers than any other university centre in the UK.

Matthew Luce: ‘A model company: CETC celebrates 10 years of civil-military integration’ China Brief
(Jamestown Foundation), vol 12, no. 4, 2012. In Hamilton, C. and Ohlberg, M. (2020). Hidden Hand: Exposing
How the Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping the World. Simon and Schuster.
final-rule-8-1-18/file in

WMG founder, Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya (1940-2019), founded Warwick Manufacturing
Group at the University of Warwick in 1980, travelling to Beijing two years later on a high-
level scientific mission. Within a ‘three-decade relationship with the State Administration of
Foreign Experts Affairs’,212 Bhattacharyya appears to have trained his first Chinese rocket
scientist in 1983, inviting Liang Sili and a group of his associates from the Ministry of
Aerospace Industry to train at WMG for six months. Liang had already been one of the
leading figures in China’s ICBM programme for some decades.
Liang, who died in 2016, was educated at universities in the US before returning to China in
1949, and soon became deputy director of the Research Office of Missile Control Systems,
where he helped lead the ‘Two Bombs, One Satellite’ programme – which built China’s first
nuclear weapons. Liang helped design the Dongfeng (DF) 2A missile (which carried out
China’s first live rocket-launched warhead test in 1966); the DF 5 (China’s first ICBM); and
the Long March 2 and 3 rockets (developed by CALT, these were derived from the DF 5 and
launched China into the space race with the first successful launch in 1975).213 214
A China Daily interview with Bhattacharyya in 2018, ‘WMG founder gave Chinese engineers
the skills to soar’,215 explains how during Liang’s stay in the UK, Bhattacharyya ‘shared
techniques and knowledge that contributed to the development and design of [the] control
system for the Long March rocket’. After Liang returned to China, Bhattacharyya invited
another group of engineers to WMG in 1985. China’s main ICBM developer, CASC, the
parent company of CALT, cooperates with WMG today.
WMG, which has been cited in the UK Government’s Lambert,216 Wilson217 and Witty218
reviews of university-business collaboration as an international role model, makes no
attempt to hide its position in China, boasting: ‘[s]everal billionaires on China’s east coast
owe their status, in part, to the skills they acquired on WMG programmes.’219 WMG’s
cooperation with Beijing appears to have had an impact on China’s military-industrial
development. China Daily claims that, today, at least 1,900 WMG-trained Chinese engineers
hold senior positions in areas such as defence and aeronautics, including in AVIC and CAST.
Bhattacharyya became a Labour Peer in 2004 and was awarded the first ever National
Rainbow Bridge Award at a ceremony in Beijing in 2015 for ‘promoting the friendly
cooperation between Chinese people and people from other countries’.220 Xu Bingjin,


President of the China-Europe Association for Technical and Economic Cooperation,
commented that amid a ‘critical shortage of scientific talents’, Bhattacharyya trained
‘excellent talents for Chinese industries of automobile, aviation, aerospace, transportation
and national defence’. Bhattacharyya became an advisor to Margaret Thatcher in 1982.
Today, WMG has created bespoke programmes for executives at CASC and a long-term
research partnership MoU with the University of Science and Technology, Beijing (USTB).221
WMG continues much of Bhattcharyya’s work: ‘The Professor’s regular visits to China,
delivery of keynote lectures and development of strategic relationships, have aided us in
fully understanding the country’s evolving industry landscape’, their material says. 222 Hailing
his meetings with Vice Premier Madam Liu Yandong and Vice Premier Ma Kai, WMG seems
keen to present itself as supporting the regime in Beijing, describing how ‘China’s State
Council unveiled its new national plan in 2015, with a strong focus on manufacturing.
‘‘Made in China 2025’ [is] designed to transform China… into a manufacturing world power
by 2049’. According to WMG, ‘[o]ur strengths and expertise align closely with the main
priorities of the State Council’s plan’.223 Here, WMG repeats parts of the wording of an
official announcement from China’s State Council:
‘‘Made in China 2025’ is the first 10-year action plan designed to transform China
from a manufacturing giant into a world manufacturing power… by the year 2049,
which will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of
WMG explains that their ‘courses have been of benefit to a wide range of organisations
including…China North Industries Corporation’ (Norinco). These incorporate ‘creativity and
innovation’, ‘supply chain management’ and ‘collaboration and partnerships’.225 WMG has
emphasised that these courses do not involve research.
Gordon Brown described how WMG’s work shows how ‘knowledge created in our
universities can be transferred to make a difference in the real world’, and Theresa May and
Chancellor Philip Hammond visited in 2016, which Business Secretary, Greg Clark, credited
as helping inspire UK industrial strategy: ‘During all the time I’ve known Lord Bhattacharyya
he’s been a big champion for the West Midlands. [The Prime Minister] saw for herself what
is possible. As a result, I think the industrial strategy has taken such a prominent position in
the post-Brexit plan’.226
WMG receives millions of pounds annually from the Higher Education Funding Council for
England (HEFCE). Its research groups currently cover themes including advanced propulsion,
cyber security, nanocomposites, and steels processing. Technological areas include steels;
cyber-security; alloy manufacturing; metal joint strength; and lithium-ion batteries. Papers


include: The influence of fatigue on the stiffness and remaining static strength of self-
piercing riveted aluminium joints;227 Effect of governing metal thickness and stack
orientation on weld quality and mechanical behaviour of resistance spot welding of AA5754
aluminium;228 and Corrosion-erosion resistance of Zn-Al co-cementation coatings on carbon
steels in aqueous media.229
One WMG researcher is a former member of Central South University. He has researched
with Zhenbo He, an employee of the Northeast Light Alloy Company of Harbin (NELA).230 231
232 NELA was China’s first aluminium-magnesium alloy producer and appears to be primarily

a supplier to the Chinese military: China-based media reports that 60 per cent of its
products are sold to China’s armed forces.233
Their papers include research on a high-strength alloy (Effects of Sc and Zr microalloying
additions on the microstructure and mechanical properties of new Al–Zn–Mg alloys234 and
Effects of Sc and Zr microalloying additions and aging time at 120 °C on the corrosion
behaviour of an Al–Zn–Mg alloy).235 Papers on alloys with others include Microstructure,
strength and irradiation response of an ultra-fine grained FeNiCoCR multi-principal element
alloy,236 and Fe/Ni composites studies.
Another WMG expert from the PRC is a specialist in nanocomposites who researches with
staff at Central South University (CSU).237 She has researched with the defence-funded
laboratory the State Key Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy at CSU in high energy density
polymer nanocomposites.238 Her research with this laboratory states that ‘functional
polymer composites are attracting interest [in] polymer based dielectric capacitors which
are [among other uses] employed [in] high power weapons.’239 Another researcher at WMG,
formerly a project engineer at Changchun University of Science and Technology
(Changchun’s specialisms include ‘military industry manufacturing and its automation’),240 is


an automation systems and digital manufacturing project engineer, whose research includes
autonomous guided vehicles (for shop floor logistics).
WMG also has a close relationship with the University of Science and Technology Beijing
(USTB) and Shougang Group,241 focused on developing steel manufacturing through
exploiting waste.242
See technological themes:
1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals.
5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies.

Response from WMG

“All of the University’s research is governed by research ethics governance and export
control regulations. The research you refer to is in fact, at our university, to use polymer-
based nanocomposites to develop sustainable and environmentally friendly fully
biodegradable plastics. The content of the courses that we run for Chinese companies are all
three week long taught modules on a number of aspects of management and not any form
of research.”

University of Southampton and Wuhan University of Technology (WUT) and Harbin

Engineering University (HEU)
• High Performance Ship Technology Joint Center (Wuhan University of Technology and
the University of Southampton)
• Southampton Ocean Engineering Joint Institute at Harbin (Southampton University
with Harbin Engineering University)
Southampton provides little information about its research laboratory the ‘High
Performance Ship Technology Joint Center’ with Wuhan University of Technology, which
according to Wuhan was established in 2012. Southampton says that ‘researchers have set
up… international joint laboratories [including] with Wuhan University of Technology on
‘green ship technology’’.243
One leading British professor is an instrumental figure at the Joint Center. According to
Chinese media quoting Wuhan, in 2016 he was appointed ‘a WUT Expert of [the] ‘1000
Foreign Talents Plan’’ in a special ceremony in Wuhan. The ‘CPC Central Committee’
certified [he] had been recruited in the ‘Recruitment Program of Global Experts’ (also known
as ‘Thousand Talents Plan’)’.244 According to WUT, the professor “stated that WUT had

242 p.7

reached domestic advanced level in laboratory construction and research of Naval
Architecture’. In 2017, he attended ‘a reception for foreign experts working in China in the
Great Hall of the People in Beijing’, hosted by Premier Li Keqiang.245
This professor is a leading figure in UK naval engineering, as a fellow of the Royal Academy
of Engineering, Royal Society, and now a ‘foreign academ[ician] of [the] Chinese Academy of
Engineering and a strategic scientist of WUT’ recruited under the 111 Programme. ‘Under
his support, WUT-UoS High Performance Ship Technology Joint Centre was established on
September, 2012’.246 He has carried out maritime engineering research with staff at PRC
institutions, including Shanghai Jiaotong University’s School of Naval Architecture247 (which
cooperates with military shipbuilders and the PLA Navy). His co-researchers at Southampton
include an Emeritus Professor who is a graduate of NPU in Xian and a former researcher of
the China Aeronautical Research Establishment in the same city, later a professor of
One researcher at LRF UTC in Southampton249 is a graduate of Dalian University of
Technology, China, in Naval Architecture and Offshore Engineering, was awarded the WHC
Nicholas Prize by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects. Her work includes analyses of as-
welded S690 steels (including fracture toughness)250; she has also worked with WUT on ship
propeller shaft vibrations,251 and researched design improvement for very large floating
structures (VLFS) (dealing with the hinge connectors called their ‘weakest link’).252 Her
associate research group is the national Centre for Advanced Tribology at Southampton
(nCATS), a centre of expertise on corrosion whose projects include nanostructured coatings
for aluminium alloys research. At Southampton, another scholar has researched triaxial
weave fabrics including the wings of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)253 with a Beihang co-
The former scholar has researched with China-based researchers linked to organisations
under sanction. One 2019 study, Structural design of hinge connector for very large floating
structures,254 included two authors from the China Ship Scientific Research Centre,255


affiliated to China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation (CSIB),256 one of China’s leading military
Southampton says even less about the Southampton Ocean Engineering Joint Institute at
Harbin (JEI), a joint research laboratory of Southampton and Harbin Engineering University.
JEI describes itself as the first China-UK maritime school, which has placed Harbin in a ‘world
class’ position.
According to Harbin, JEI was launched in September 2020, and will develop the Chinese navy
by offering ‘undergraduate training in four undergraduate majors [including] Naval
Architecture and Ocean Engineering’. However, Southampton states that the JEI came to an
end in 2017.
See technological themes:
9. Shipbuilding.

Response from the University of Southampton

“As an international university, Southampton has many active collaborations with research
colleagues from China producing work which has the potential to create wide-ranging
societal benefits. This research is publicly available having been peer-reviewed and
published in reputable scientific journals.
For example, our collaboration with Wuhan University of Technology has mainly focused on
efficient shipping and safety including reducing emissions and improving navigational safety.
The ‘High Performance Ship Technology Joint Centre’ collaboration actually came to an end
in September 2017.
Additionally the partnership with Harbin is an education programme with undergraduate
modules offered there replicating the same offered in Southampton.
We proactively manage and regularly review our collaborative relationships with the wide
range of domestic and international partners with whom we work to ensure they are
appropriately aligned to our strategic objectives and governance policies. In managing our
partnerships and collaborations, we also closely monitor and follow UK Government advice
on both international matters and on University-business relationships.”

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) and Northwestern Polytechnic University (NPU)

• NPU-QMUL Collaborative Partnership and Joint Research Centre


Source: Prof Jihong Zhu, Northwestern Polytechnic University

Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) School of Engineering and Materials Science
(SEMS) hosts the NPU-QMUL Collaborative Partnership. The universities signed an MoU for
the plans during the September 2015 UK-China Education Summit, where Minister for
Universities and Science Jo Johnson and China’s Minister of Education Yuan Guiren hailed
the ‘UK-China Strategic Framework in Education’.258
QMUL has praised NPU’s ‘particular strengths in aerospace and marine engineering’,259 and
calls itself ‘very honoured’ to be working with NPU.260 NPU describes itself as ‘devoted to
improving and serving the national defence science and technology industry.’261 The
Partnership includes the Queen Mary Engineering School (QMES) at NPU itself, which
provides NPU students with Chinese-recognised degrees in materials science or polymers.
QMUL describes one of the leading figures in the Partnership, a senior QMES professor, as
‘The Beloved Teacher’ whose ‘fundamental research has… led to new understanding of the
strength of nano-structured materials.’ He was invited to attend the first ‘Belt and Road’
Smart Education Summit Forum in Xi'an and, as QMUL puts it, he ‘sows the seeds of
friendship today [that] are bound to blossom all over the Eurasia[n] land in the future.’262
Probably no other British university seems so keen to be of use to Chinese geo-strategy. At
the centre of the Partnership is the Joint Research Institute (JRI) of Advanced Materials and
Structures (AMAS), launched in 2017 by both universities’ presidents. According to QMUL,
one of the purposes of the JRI ‘is to serve the ‘The Belt and Road’ initiative of China’.263 The
JRI consists of five Research Centres,264 each with two Chief Scientists, one at QMUL and
one at NPU. All UK Chief Scientists have researched with NPU staff. The Centres are:


• Advanced Ceramic Materials. NPU Chief Scientist(s): Prof Feng Gao and Prof Kong Jie.
Fields include advanced ceramic materials including piezoelectric materials.
Prof Kong Jie is a Dean of QMES; he is also its Party Branch Secretary and a guest professor
of QMUL. He leads a province-level innovation team in polymers and is a national authority
on space physics. His research, which includes major national projects for aero engines and
gas turbines, has been funded by the National Defense Technology Foundation for Scientific
Research of China.265

• Nano Energy Materials. NPU Chief Scientist: Prof Bingqing Wei. Fields include high-
energy-density battery, supercapacitors, and other nano-energy materials.266

• Functional Polymers & Composites. NPU Chief Scientist: Prof Kong Jie (above). Fields
include polymers and advanced polymer composites.

• Biomaterials and Engineering. NPU Chief Scientist: Prof Li Shang, an expert in the
biological interactions of nanoparticles. Its areas are biomaterials, drug release and
Material Structure Design and Optimization. NPU Chief Scientist: Prof Jihong Zhu. Its
research fields include structure design and optimisation, and composites structure
Before a recent edit, the website of NPU Chief Scientist Prof Jihong Zhu contained diagrams
and pictures of modern strike fighters and hypersonic missiles (see pictures above).269 Zhu
supervises PhDs in structural optimisation (the subject of his Research Centre with QMUL),
which according to his previous website could be applied to military aircraft, rockets, and
hypersonic flying vehicles. His students include employees of the China North Industries
Group and PLA Academy of Military Science, Beijing. QMUL staff at this Research Centre
have been funded by the UK Technology Strategy Board (now Innovate UK).270 271

See technological themes:

5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related technologies.
6. Ceramics, piezoelectrics and rare earth coatings.


Other centres of concern

The following UK university research centres either lack direct Chinese sponsorship or have
unclear connections to China, but the ways in which some of their defence-applicable
research activities or other relationships could be exploited are a cause for concern.

Cranfield University at Shrivenham

Cranfield University at Shrivenham is home to Cranfield Defence and Security, a secure

military site run in partnership with the UK Defence Academy, Ministry of Defence. Its
strategic partners include BAE Systems, research councils, and the Atomic Weapons
Establishment (AWE).
One researcher based at Cranfield University at Shrivenham is an expert in defence sensors
and nanotechnology and a member of the Centre for Electronic Warfare, Information and
Cyber (CEWIC) at Cranfield. His research fields include topological and hyperspectral
algorithm development for target detection in natural and urban environments;
hyperspectral diffused optical tomography for target recognition in undersea environments;
real time people tracking in multiple CCTV networks using colour constancy and tone
compression; and automatic target recognitions using cortex-like machine vision.272 His UK
clients include the Home Office, the Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure,
EPSRC and Qinetiq. Yet he is concurrently Distinguished Professor in Remote Sensing,
Nanchang HangKong University (also a client). He is an expert in Electro-Optics, having
joined Cranfield as a Senior Lecturer in the subject.273 One of Nanchang HangKong
University’s designated ‘national defence key disciplines’ is optoelectrics (with laser
His papers in the last five years include:

• Spatial spectral band selection for enhanced hyperspectral remote sensing

classification applications with a researcher at Dalian Maritime University, including
analysis of satellite photo datasets;275 and
• In 2014 Detection of psychological stress using a hyperspectral imaging technique276
(image below). This Chinese-funded paper appears intended to develop automated
human camera surveillance techniques. Its authors included Tong Chen of Southwest
University, Chongqing (but who the paper states ‘was with’ Cranfield), and another
scholar, who the paper states was affiliated with Glyndwr University, Wrexham).


This scholar has researched fields including Autofocus for ISAR imaging using higher order
statistics,277 as well as other research on inverse synthetic aperture radar, including with
staff of Nanjing University of Astronautics and Aeronautics, such as super-resolution imaging
of (commercial) aircraft. His papers include High-resolution 3-D imaging via multipass SAR
278 (‘a technique for combining multiple [synthetic aperture radar] images, acquired on

flightpaths slightly separated in the elevation direction, to generate high-resolution three-

dimensional imagery’).
At Cranfield, the defence sensors and nanotechnology expert’s research also includes Target
recognitions in multiple-camera closed circuit television using colour constancy279 with
researchers who were at the time Cranfield-affiliated but are now based in China.280
See technological themes:
10. Data science, AI, recognition and facial recognition.

University of Glasgow and the University of Electronic Science and Technology China (UESTC)
Glasgow College, UESTC
In 2016, the University of Glasgow and University of Electronic Science and Technology,
China (UESTC) established a joint college in China called ‘Glasgow College’ of UESTC, offering
joint Glasgow-UESTC graduate degrees in electronics, microelectronics and


communications. The relationship began in 2009 with a joint agreement to promote
It is alleged UESTC is closely associated with China’s nuclear weapons programme.282 It has
been added to the US Government’s Entity List of organisations and institutions under
sanctions, restricting the export of US technology.283 It runs joint military laboratories with
China’s sole nuclear warhead manufacturer: the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics.284

Heriot-Watt University and partners in Scotland and China

Heriot-Watt University is one of the institutions involved in research that includes Offshore
Robotics for Certification of Assets (OrcaHub), launched in 2017 with UK government and
UKRI R&D funding for Robotics and AI for Extreme Environments.285 Among its co-
investigators (outside Heriot-Watt) is an Assistant Professor who is a graduate of the Harbin
Institute of Technology (HIT) and publishes widely with researchers at the Institute,
including through major EPSRC funding for space robotics.286 287 288 (HIT’s military
laboratories include the National Defence Key Laboratories of Micro and Small-Scale
Spacecraft Technology,289 and the university is sanctioned by Japan and the US). Another
scholar, at Liverpool, has researched with the National University of Defense Technology,
Changsha, on deep neural networks (DNNs).290 291
At Heriot-Watt (although not necessarily within OrcaHub), the research of one Associate
Professor in Robotics and Autonomous Systems ‘focuses on robot perception, learning and
long-term autonomy, and their applications in real-world, dynamic and complex
environments.’ 292 293
One of his recent papers, with the Harbin Engineering University, was entitled Snoopy:
Sniffing your smartwatch passwords via deep sequence learning,294 in which UK taxpayer-
funded researchers demonstrated a password-breaking tool with a leading Chinese military-
linked university which is on the US Entity List, whose designated research fields include

283 in Ibid.

secrecy and information security engineering and whose employees have been charged with
economic espionage (the paper speculates: ‘in the wrong hands, Snoopy can potentially
cause serious leaks of sensitive information’). For another piece of research, UnDeep VO:
Monocular Visual Odometry through Unsupervised Deep Learning,295 he joined two scholars
from the PRC at the University of Essex and has worked with a researcher at the College of
Mechatronics and Automation, NUDT.
Other researchers in Scotland have worked with PRC-based researchers on Frustratingly
easy person re-identification: generalising person re-ID in practice.296
One researcher at Heriot-Watt’s Institute of Sensors, Signals and Systems297 has developed
her own niche studying subjects around radar-jamming with researchers at the Chinese
military-linked Key Laboratory of Radar Imaging and Microwave Photonics, Nanjing
University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.298 299
The abstract of one of her papers with the Key Laboratory, Target Tracking While Jamming
by Airborne Radar for Low Probability of Detection,300 reads:
‘[a]lthough radiation power minimization is the most important method for an
advanced stealth aircraft to achieve the low probability of detection (LPD)
performance against the opposite passive detection system (PDS), it is not always
effective when the performance of PDS is advanced.’
She has received considerable UK taxpayer funding intended to improve the security of the
United Kingdom and is affiliated with the University Defence Research Collaboration (UDRC)
network (‘the most prestigious signal processing activity in the UK’)301 302 for work on
‘Forward Looking RADAR’, having been ‘funded by DSTL through a National PhD studentship
grant to work on Cognitive RADAR’, receiving ‘defence signal processing research grants
from [QinetiQ] to work on MIMO RADAR and underwater communications.’303 304
See technological themes:
8. Radars, antennae and related technologies.
10. Data science, AI, recognition and facial recognition.
11. Robotics (land, sea and space).


Response from Heriot-Watt University
Heriot-Watt University is a global university with an international academic community that
takes part in world leading, multi-national research across many diverse areas. As with all
universities, and as a charitable organisation, any research carried out, authored or co-
authored by any member of Heriot-Watt University staff is publicly available and complies
with all regulations and laws regarding national security and intellectual property. Having
identified errors in the information given to us… we believe this report to be without merit.

University of Surrey and China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)

The University of Surrey has entered into an agreement with the China Academy of Space
Technology (CAST), a subsidiary of CASC, to develop 5G technology.305 In 2016, a delegation
from Surrey’s 5G Innovation Centre (5GIC) joined CAST at their Xi’an offices to discuss high-
frequency transmission and satellite communication technology.306 5GIC’s partners include
Huawei. Surrey’s Vice Chancellor is a graduate of Northeastern University in Shenyang who
has defended Huawei’s involvement in 5G in the UK. After joining Surrey, he was appointed
to the Prime Minister’s Council for Science and Technology and the Boards of UKRI and the
National Physical Laboratory,307 and has stated that he is making it a priority to increase
links between Surrey and China.308
The China Academy of Space Technology (CAST, also known as the 5th Academy of CASC)
appears on Japan’s End User List,309 and alleged proliferation activities include providing
missile technology to Pakistan.310 CAST’s parent company, China Aerospace Science and
Technology Corporation (CASC), is a major supplier of missiles, carrier rockets, military
satellites and precision-guided weapons, and has been identified by the Nuclear Threat
Initiative as a contributor to China’s nuclear weapons programme.311

Response from the University of Surrey

“The University of Surrey’s world-leading 5G Innovation Centre conducted this research into
the role of satellites in maximising the potential of 5G service roll-out. The research was led
by Professor Barry Evans, who is a leading authority on satellite-based technologies in
telecommunications. We partner with many different companies, government agencies and

311 ; in

other bodies to drive this work to ensure the full potential of 5G technologies are realised.
Telecommunications technologies are global in nature and scope, and our work contributes
to defining and developing 5G standards and protocols internationally – and forms part of a
large body of research on this topic publicly available worldwide.
The University of Surrey is dedicated to world-class research and innovation. By advancing
our work in multiple fields through collaboration and international partnership with
universities, businesses, governments and communities, and in compliance with all relevant
British Government guidance and legislation, we are playing our part in both advancing the
sum of human knowledge and delivering a global Britain.”

University of Swansea, College of Engineering

One Professor of Aerospace Structures at Swansea became an Honorary Professor of
Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2010 and has researched with staff at
Chinese military-linked universities for 15 years. He began working with researchers at the
National University of Defence Technology while previously at Bristol (as well as staff at
Beihang and NPU) on vibration analysis.312 At Bristol, he has researched with staff at NUDT
and NUAA especially,313 and Harbin Institute of Technology (as well as Shiraz University,
Iran).314 Projects include wing technologies, flutter control, Control Momentum Gyroscopes
(CGMs)315 and trajectory optimisation (for advanced space stations), spacecraft tracking,316
and control of rigid317 and flexible spacecraft.318 319

Response from the University of Swansea

The professor “will collaborate with partners if the research is open and published in the
open literature. This is the approach he has adopted in all his collaborations with Chinese
academics. All his research is concerned with very low technology readiness level that is not
explicitly military.”


Chapter 3: Technological themes and discussion of potential risks
We find the following technological fields, which may include projects of potential dual use,
being investigated at PRC-sponsored and linked centres in UK universities. Most fields cover
a wide range of specific technologies.
NB: In the following, when we discuss some of the possible dual uses of technology types,
we do not imply that any UK-based researcher working in a technological field is
knowingly contributing to the potential military uses we outline here. We believe that all
research carried out in the UK and/or by UK-based researchers is intended by parties
within the UK for civil use only. The purpose is simply to discuss the potential risks that
their research may be exploited for these types of ends. The aim is also not to show that
any piece of research by a UK-based researcher is being put towards China’s military
development, but that some research may exist in a general area of potential dual use,
and the way that universities are asked to assess the related risks may therefore need to
change. None of the fields or projects discussed in this paper need directly contribute to a
military programme, but they may improve the state of knowledge in general in a
particular field in the PRC that may later help generate dual use outputs, or the business
position of military-linked companies, or the capacities of military-linked universities.

1. Alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals

Progress in aluminium has long been tied to aviation and defence. In 1903, the Wright
brothers made an aluminium engine crankcase for the first wood-frame biplane. Today,
aluminium alloys are ‘the overwhelming choice for the fuselage, wing, and supporting
structures of commercial airliners and military cargo/transport aircraft.’320
A number of aluminium alloys are commonly used in military aircraft. Aluminium-yttrium-
nickel alloys have been developed to enable F-35 Joint Strike Fighters to fly ‘farther and
faster.’321 Aluminium alloy 7050 has high corrosion resistance, strength in wide sections, and
is resistant to fractures, often used for wing skins and fuselages in military aircraft. 7068 is
especially commonly used in military planes, as is Al-Zn-Mg alloy 7075 for fatigue
resistance:322 ‘AA7050 is one of the few alloys of aluminium which is used in almost all alloy
related products in defense and aviation sector.’323
Research is also focusing on aluminium-lithium alloys, including for weight reduction;324
recent studies have also highlighted the need for research into aluminium-titanium alloys,


as used in the F/A-18 (structural aluminium alloy AA7050-T7451).325 India’s Defence
Metallurgical Research Laboratory lists, in particular, ‘AA2219, AA6082, AA6061 and
AA5086’ for ‘sheets, plates and rods as required for Army, Navy, Air Force and DRDO’s
missile programmes.’326 In manufacturing research, hot stamping is a high priority due to
the small formability and large springback of cold stamped high-strength aluminium alloys,
like A6061.327
Analysing the work of the sponsored scholars we discuss in this report demonstrates that
among the most common areas of research are:

• AA7000 series, a preferred material group in the military sector due to their high
strength.328329Aluminium-Copper alloys (of particular interest for military uses330),
including AA2050, an Al-Cu-Li alloy which is one of most attractive for military
• Researchers at one of the Imperial centres have researched AA7B04 for aeronautics
use.332 Researchers at NPU and the Airforce Engineering University, Xian, have also
researched this alloy.333
One of the Imperial centres also publishes on Aluminium-Zinc-Magnesium alloys with
researchers from the (AVIC) Aeronautical Key Lab for Plastic Forming Techs, who in turn
publish regularly with researchers at NPU.334
Other priority fields are titanium alloys and nickel-based superalloys. Titanium alloys are
crucial for military research: ‘[t]he military has, for decades, been the real push behind the
developing titanium industry’, the metal being vital for ‘aircraft, spacecrafts, missiles, and
other military purposes’.335 Its saltwater resistance makes it ideal for submarines, and given
its resistance to extreme temperatures, ‘[m]ilitary aircrafts tend to use even more titanium
alloy in their components than are found in commercial aircraft. In some models, up to 25%
of the jet may be comprised of titanium’, while it is also being tested for use in armour and


ordnance. Military grades include, but are not limited to, Titanium 6-4 ELI, 6Al-6V-2Sn Ti,
and Grade 5.336 337
We have discussed Ti-6Al-4V research at UK-China Advanced Structure Manufacturing
Technology Laboratory, for example (this has excellent ballistic penetration potential).338
Nickel-based superalloys, as discussed in breakthroughs at Imperial, are also used in both
civil and military aircraft engines and rotors (including but not limited to 708 and 716).339

2. Steels
Stainless steel was invented in Sheffield to address the problem of erosion in gun barrels,
but now has thousands of civil uses.340 Military-grade steels remain probably the most
important metal for military equipment, including tanks, ships and aeroplanes, and tend to
be higher-strength, generally being tested for hardness and ballistic properties.341
Areas of interest include martensitic steels, ultra-high strength steels (UHSS), and coatings
to allow steels to be used in extreme environments. Martensitic steels tend to be extremely
strong and are especially useful for firearms and gun barrel manufacture,342 however their
main drawback for aerospace applications is difficulty in sculpting complex components.
Fast light Alloy Stamping Technology (FAST) is a process that enables such components to be
In the UK, the UK-China Advanced Structure Manufacturing Technology Laboratory (a
partnership of Imperial and China’s main ICBM manufacturer the China Academy of Launch
Vehicle Technology (CALT)) has published on the fast light alloys stamping technology (FAST)
process for martensitic steel and ultra-high strength steels (as well as aluminium alloys)
(above), including with Imperial’s AVIC Centre for Structural Design and Manufacturing.
Researchers in China have analysed the potential of UHSS for rocket shells and other
military applications.344 A Chinese national is alleged to have supplied Iran’s ballistic missile





programme with maraging steel (an age-treated high-strength martensitic steel) and
aluminium alloy.345 The field of Shipbuilding (below) also includes steels research.

3. Aerospace physics
While transonic flutter, 3D printing and gust alleviation (at Imperial’s COMAC Centre) can all
be used in civil aviation, all appear to have possible dual use aircraft applications;346 347 348 so
do adaptive control systems and cooperative and consensus control, researched at
Manchester’s Sino-British Joint Advanced Laboratory on Control System Technology, backed
by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC), for UAV formation
flying. Staff at one of the Manchester centres (below) have researched in this field with the
Beijing Institute of Technology, listed by ASPI as a very high-risk institution and a centre of
military aircraft and missile research with a formal partnership with Norinco.349 350
Vibration control and disturbance rejection, studied at Imperial, are also a focus for NUDT
staff, in papers such as Real time visual tracking of moving targets using a low-cost
unmanned aerial vehicle with a three axis stablised gymbal system (an ‘extension’ of
‘disturbance rejection-based control methodologies’).351

4. Hypersonic technology
Hypersonic technology is a dominant area of research in the UK centres. Some hypersonic
missiles under development will travel at up to 15 times the speed of sound. A new arms
race appears to be underway between the US and other western countries, and China:
winning this hypersonic race has been called ‘the first priority’ in western defence security.
While ICBMs may already travel at hypersonic speeds (over Mach 5) on descent, hypersonic
missiles broadly refer to those which can manoeuvre at these speeds. These missiles are
potentially massively destabilising, constituting not simply an evolutionary development but
a ‘revolutionary new type of weapon [that would] strike almost any target in the world
within a matter of minutes.’352 In theory, able to carry nuclear warheads, they can be
manoeuvred to arrive potentially without warning, allowing first strike capacity. According
to a recent study by The New York Times and the Center for Public Integrity, ‘[during] flight,

345 There is no suggestion that anyone mentioned
in this paper is connected to these activities.


the perimeter of their potential landing zone could be about as big as Rhode Island.’353 That
they are only 5-10 feet long will also allow ‘instant leader-killer’ capacity, according to a
former Obama administration White House official.
China ‘has flight-tested its own hypersonic missiles at speeds fast enough to reach Guam
from the Chinese coastline within minutes’, and a Chinese space programme contractor has
claimed to have successfully flight-tested a hypersonic missile for over six minutes.354
Current research includes ‘waverider’ missiles, hypersonic missiles of such power that they
‘ride’ on their own shock waves.355 Gen. John E. Hyten, commander of United States
Strategic Command, told the Senate Armed Services Committee in March 2018: ‘We don’t
have any defense that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us.’356
One of the major challenges in hypersonic development is creating coatings to protect
missile bodies from the extreme heat created by flying at such speeds. Research has
included ceramics, carbon-fibre composites and superalloys like nickel-chromium. Others
include manoeuvring and tracking control.357
One Laboratory’s publications include air-breathing hypersonic vehicles. These are
hypersonic missiles that breathe air to feed their engines, and an area of urgent military
competition between China and the United States especially, with DARPA due to carry out
flight tests of such missiles in 2021.358 In November 2020, images emerged of what
appeared to be a Chinese H-6N missile carrier aircraft carrying a missile whose ‘features…
point to a hypersonic design, which could potentially be air-breathing and nuclear-
capable.’359 Its shape was similar to a DF-17, known to be a developmental Chinese
hypersonic missile.360
An example of Manchester hypersonic research, Modeling and nonlinear control for air-
breathing hypersonic vehicle with variable geometry inlet, was aimed at generating more
powerful thrust. Carried out with defence-funded Tianjin University, it reads: ‘this extends
the velocity range, which is favourable to the acceleration and manoeuvring flight.’361
Elsewhere, variable geometry inlets are the subject of US missile jet engine patents that
have been cited by arms firms for the manufacture of hypersonic missiles.362


Graphene is a potentially revolutionary nanomaterial, a single layer of atoms in an
effectively two-dimensional lattice, with potential in hypersonics and many other areas. On
his visit to Manchester in 2015, Xi Jinping was given a tour of Manchester’s graphene
laboratories by Chancellor George Osborne to welcome the new ‘Golden Era’ in UK-China
Graphene’s many potential military uses include in semiconductors, batteries and
composite materials for improved aerodynamics and reduced drag and weight. China’s
military is interested in graphene coatings for uses from artillery and installations on
artificial islands in the South China Sea, potentially to clothing for soldiers along the
disputed border with India.363 364 Recent Chinese reports suggest China’s Z-10 attack
helicopter has been equipped with graphene armour that may have been developed at the
Beijing Institute of Aeronautical Materials (BIAM).365
The Manchester Graphene Aerospace Materials Centre (with BIAM) researches graphene in
aerospace materials, including composites and ceramics.

Meanwhile in 2017, The Economist covered work by a researcher at the Graphene

Aerospace Materials Centre from China with Xiang Xiong of Central South University in an
article entitled ‘Hot stuff: A new ceramic could help hypersonic planes take off – Surviving
the searing heat of Mach 5 and above’.366. It notes: ‘The lure of hypersonic flight is such,
though, [that] the world’s air forces would love such planes.’ It describes how ‘Among those
lured’ are the researcher at Manchester and ‘Xiang Xiong at South Central University in
Changsha, China, and their colleagues. And they have come up with a new material that
might provide the answer.’ Manchester has also reported on the development: ‘Researchers
from the University of Manchester have created a new kind of ceramic coating that… could
be the future for hypersonic aerospace vehicles.’367 Central South University is a major
military aviation research base (see Chapter 1).
In fact, Manchester seems to suggest a possible military or dual-use result of the
cooperation with CSU:
‘Researchers at The University of Manchester in collaboration with Central South
University (CSU), China, have created a new kind of ceramic coating that could
revolutionise hypersonic travel for air, space and defence purposes… [with]
temperatures [of] 2,000 to 3,000 °C [the] structural problems are primarily caused by
processes called oxidation and ablation… when extremely hot air and gas remove
surface layers from the metallic materials of the aircraft or object travelling at such


high speeds. To combat the problem materials called ultra-high temperature
ceramics (UHTCs) are needed in aero-engines and hypersonic vehicles such as
rockets, re-entry spacecraft and defence projectiles.’
It adds:
‘researchers at The University of Manchester… in collaboration with the Central
South University of China, have designed and fabricated a new carbide coating that
is vastly superior in resisting temperatures up to 3,000°C, when compared to existing
UHTCs… [The professor] who led the study in University of Manchester explains:
‘Current candidate UHTCs for use in extreme environments are limited and it is
worthwhile exploring the potential of new single-phase ceramics.’’368
According to Manchester, its new material was partially manufactured as CSU’s ‘Powder
Metallurgy Institute’. CSU’s ‘State Key Laboratory for Powder Metallurgy’ is a designated
major defence laboratory.369
The research appears to be that presented in the paper Ablation-resistant carbide
Zr0.8Ti0.2C0.74B0.26 for oxidizing environments up to 3,000°C, which states: ‘Ultra-high
temperature ceramics are desirable for applications in the hypersonic vehicle, rockets, re-
entry spacecraft and defence sectors… potential uses may include the hot section
components in re-entry spacecraft, defence army, gas turbines and nuclear areas and so
on.’ One of its authors has listed his affiliations as both the State Key Lab and the School of
Materials at Manchester.370

5. Composites, nanocomposites, polymers, laminates and related

The main UK centres for this broad area are the AVIC Centre for Structural Design and
Manufacturing, the COMAC-Imperial Research Centre for Wing Technology of Commercial
Aircraft (both at Imperial), the University Innovation Centre at Nottingham, WMG, and the
Queen Mary University of London-NPU partnership.
Composites are an area of cutting-edge dual use research. Composites like carbon fibre
reinforced plastic (CFRP) are being developed as radar-absorbing materials (RAMs) for
stealth, and its light weight is leading to ‘ever more attention from the arms industry’, while


it is emerging as an alternative to aluminium alloys in a number of military applications.371
372 373

In composite laminates, joint research at Imperial’s AVIC Centre for Structural Design, the
AVIC First Aircraft Institute and the Department of Naval Architecture of Wuhan University
of Technology (supported MTI and ASRI) has investigated ‘the effects of projectile hardness
on the impact response of fibre-reinforced composite laminates’, in which ‘high-density
polyethylene (HDPE) projectiles… impact against woven carbon-fibre reinforced poly (ether-
ether ketone) (CF/PEEK) composite specimens’.374 PEEK is a promising dual-use material,
including for stealth, and researchers in the PRC are investigating its applications in
‘aerospace and weapons’.375 Separately, it is reported that in 2018, Imperial’s sponsor AVIC-
MTI founded a group codenamed ‘J.J.’ to develop China’s next stealth fighter.376
Joint research on fibre-metal laminates (FMLs) between Imperial and Shougang Research
Institute of Technology has focused on forming technologies for FMLs, which are lightweight
structural materials. FMLs have also been used for military transport aircraft since the early
1990s377 and remain a subject of military research, including to improve the adhesive
strength of CFRPs.378
3D composites and carbon composites have been used for space technology as well as in
missile systems.379 A project involving BAE Systems that includes Manchester, Bristol and
Nottingham universities is researching 3D woven textile composites for structural light-
weighting in aerospace.380
According to a 2019 report for the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission,381
China ‘[could] gain the upper hand in the composites marketplace, and by extension… key…
defense technologies.’


A WMG researcher has researched with military-linked CSU in high energy density polymer
nanocomposites,382 her research stating that ‘functional polymer composites are attracting
interest [in] polymer based dielectric capacitors which are [among other uses] employed [in]
high power weapons.’383
Polymer nanocomposites have been described as showing ‘staggering potential’ for military
applications – including UAVs, aircraft and ships.384 385 One of the most promising
applications of high energy density polymer nanocomposites is in high energy density
capacitors. One PRC paper says: ‘Polymer nanocomposites incorporated with high-dielectric-
constant nanoparticles are widely studied as… materials for high-energy-density
electrostatic capacitors.’386 The highest energy density, high voltage capacitors ‘typically
have short lifetimes [and] are designed for military applications.’387
Thermoplastic elastomer composites and nanocomposites are studied in ballistic missile
material research, including to protect the components of missile launching systems and
solid rocket motors, with thermoplastic polyurethane elastomer nanocomposites (TPUNs)
‘developed mainly for military application’.388 389 Separately, energetic thermoplastic
elastomers (ETPEs) are being researched for propellants and explosives.390

6. Ceramics, piezoelectrics and rare earth coatings

The QMUL-NPU partnership is a major centre of research into ceramics, piezoelectrics and
rare earth coatings, especially under the Research Centre in which NPU’s Chief Scientists are
Prof Feng Gao and Prof Kong Jie (guest professor of QMUL, Dean of QMES and Party Branch
Secretary, whose research includes aero engines and gas turbines and has been funded by
the National Defense Technology Foundation for Scientific Research of China).
Piezoelectricity is the electric charge that accumulates in some solids, including some
crystals and ceramics, in response to applied mechanical pressure, or refers to the ability of
materials to change shape when an electric charge is applied. Some reports state that
China’s military is interested in piezoelectric ceramics for uses including ignition detonation
and gyroscopes.391


In piezoelectric ceramics, QMUL-NPU research includes the effect of MnO2 on the
microstructure and electrical properties of piezoelectric ceramics (specifically PZNNT, a form
of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) containing niobium and nickel). China-based researchers
within the QMUL-NPU partnership have researched the same PZNNT material.392 Like all
other universities we discuss, QMUL’s research into these materials is intended for civil use
only, in this case to make piezoelectric ceramics more environmentally friendly.
Elsewhere, a study by the US Army Research Laboratory described PZT generally as ‘a smart
material… for both sensors and actuators… In missile applications that require the use of a
guidance and control systems, it can act as a backup inertial measurement unit (IMU). PZT is
also gaining attention in the field of power MEMS for applications in energy storage and
power reclamation. Insertion of smart material MEMS sensors into projectiles will [help]
develop more precise and lethal projectiles’.393
Separately, some forms of lead zirconate titanate are suitable for other high-sensitivity uses,
such as hydrophones394 (underwater listening devices) that in some contexts are used to
track adversaries’ submarines.
High entropy and ultra-high temperature ceramics are another focus for QMUL researchers
within the partnership, including “(Hf-Ta-Zr-Nb)C” (hafnium tantalum zirconium niobium
carbide).395 Hafnium carbide (HfC) has the highest melting point of any known two-element
compound (almost 3,890 degrees Celsius) (hafnium is so similar to zirconium that separating
the two elements is difficult); zirconium carbide is an extremely hard ultra-high temperature
ceramic (UHTC).396 Elsewhere, some Hafnium-based UHTCs have also been reported as
having potential for ICBM re-entry heat shields.397
Rare earths are another focus for QMUL and NPU researchers. This is an area of intensifying
strategic competition. China is the leading producer of all of the rare earths that we find
being researched by QMUL-NPU.398 399 400 401


Many of these rare earths have become strategic concerns for the UK and US on various
levels (which have little or no production of Lanthanum or Yttrium, for example).402 403 404
This research may also more generally help grant China strategic advantages.

7. Drones and lithium-ion batteries

Drones are the subject of major R&D investments by the Chinese and western militaries,
expected to ‘fundamentally change’ the nature of warfare.
China’s ‘military UAV industry is robust and growing rapidly.’ Many of the advantages a lead
in drone technology will provide are non-obvious: ‘[Chinese] unmanned systems will likely
[provide] intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance support to long-range precision
strikes and anti-submarine warfare capabilities.’ For example, its Soar Dragon UAV could
provide guidance for the DF-21D anti-ship ballistic missile.405
Drones are also a repeated focus for research in the centres studied, where, as in the other
technological fields, dual use appears to be a risk. One researcher at the SMeSTech
Laboratory at Strathclyde researched ‘UAV swarming technology’ (for oil and gas facility
inspection). While at Imperial’s Department of Aeronautics (now at the QMUL School of
Engineering and Materials Science (SMES)), one researcher published Fully autonomous
micro air vehicle flight and landing on a moving target using visual–inertial estimation and
model‐predictive control.406
Related to drones, lithium-ion batteries are a focus of the Imperial Centre for Materials
Characterisation, Processing and Modelling. Core projects include lithium-ion battery
thermal runaway modelling, modelling of solid-state lithium batteries, and ‘characterisation
and degradation of all solid-state thin film lithium battery’ [sic]. At WMG, technological
areas include lithium-ion batteries.
Lithium-ion batteries are seen as central to the development of drones,407 giving long life
cycles and potentially allowing hundreds of missions on a single battery, while tolerating
extreme conditions.408 Research into different types of lithium batteries is also fundamental
to drone development. Solid-state batteries are more compact than li-ion cells but remain


expensive. However, they have promise for drones, for which they have entered trials.409410
Meanwhile, thin-film li-ion batteries are seen as candidates for use in radio frequency
identification (RFID) tracking devices.411 Some of the UK’s allies and partners are changing
their approach to China and drone technology, with Japan reportedly preparing to ‘freeze
China from its drone supply chain’.412

8. Radars, antennae and related technologies

Since their inception in allied military research in WWII, radar (or ‘radio detection and
ranging’, a detection system employing radio waves to ascertain objects’ velocity, range,
angle and nature) and antenna technologies have been of uninterrupted strategic value to
militaries across land, sea, air and space. Research priorities include the following fields.
Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR). This extends the effective size of a radar system by using
time-varying data from the radar as it moves relative to a fixed target, creating high-
resolution images. These are used for satellite imaging using microwave frequencies which
can see through the atmosphere. Calculations based on materials’ reflective properties
allow images of targets of interest.413
Phased array radar. Radar determines target direction and distance by scanning a narrow
beam over a range of angles by rotating the antenna or controlling the phase distribution of
a multi-element antenna array (‘phased array’). The latter remains complex and expensive,
but sees military and civilian use.414. Millimetre wave circuits are important components in
5G and other radar.415
Ultra-wide band (UWB). Using a wide bandwidth for communication has advantages for
radio connections. These use similar power, but being spread over a wide bandwidth, power
per Hz is low, for less interference with other systems. UWB allows accurate distancing, is
difficult to detect, and data algorithms allow high encryption.416
High frequency radar. This operates at frequencies 2-30MHz and can monitor ocean
currents and waves because although the antennas are electrically small, the target is large.
Multiple coastal sites can cooperate to produce data using sophisticated signal


processing.417 418 China has installed high frequency communications facilities on seven of
the Spratley Islands in the South China Sea.419
Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). Describes a radio which uses multiple antennas that
reduce fade for transmission and reception. In 5G the concept is taken further, maximising
signal-to-noise, and therefore data rates, while reducing interference. For advances in
antenna technology, MIMO improves link reliability while its multiple streams boost data-

The Kent Communications Research Group’s research includes space antennas, smart
antennas, space-borne radars, phased arrays, MIMO, antenna and radio propagation for
4G/5G/6G mobile communications, base station antennas, antennas for satellite
communications, RF/microwave/millimetre-wave circuits and RF front ends, mobile
communication systems, satellite communications, inter-satellite links, UWB radars, GNSS
[global navigation satellite system] reflectometry, synthetic-aperture radars, small satellites
and intelligent antenna technologies for 6G. Huawei has sponsored 5G antenna
technologies including millimetre-wave antenna designs for 5G and adaptive multi-band
small MIMO antennas, both for smartphones.421
Among the areas that may risk leading to dual use include SAR, an interest in the
development of surveillance and attack drones;422 and phased array antennas, which are the
subject of increasing competition as the US Space Force expands.423 In 2016, reports claimed
that a Chinese JY-26 UWB (phased array) radar tracked US F-22 stealth fighters over South
CETC has launched the YLC-8B Ultra High Frequency (UHF) anti-stealth aircraft radar.425 The
Type 052C destroyers and the PLA Navy’s first highly capable destroyer class both feature a
multifunctional active phased array radar.426
The development of 5G in China is connected to civil-military fusion and will require
‘specialised communications equipment [e.g.] antennas and microwave equipment, that the
China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), a state-owned defense
conglomerate, has established particular proficiency in developing.’ 5G could also provide
‘the rapid transmission and bandwidth required to realize the potential of the Internet of


Things and artificial intelligence (AI) on the battlefield.’427 While 6G technology is still being
developed, the PLA ‘is already planning use on the battlefield.’428
A researcher at Heriot-Watt University (above) has researched radar-jamming with staff at
the military-linked Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (on target tracking
while jamming by airborne radar).

9. Shipbuilding
Shipbuilding and navy-related research mainly falls into the categories of metals for
shipbuilding, ship parts (such as propellors), and other naval structures.
Metals research includes as-welded steels, including S690, and their fracture toughness
requirements. These are high-strength structural steels (HSSS) and of increasing military
interest.429 Many western defence researchers have moved into this field, including in the
US and Sweden.430 431
Component research includes torsional-longitudinal vibrations of ship propeller shafts;
propeller-shaft vibration is an area of interest to Chinese military institutions, such as the
Ordnance Engineering College.432
Navy-applicable structures include very large floating structures (VLFS) and their hinge
connectors. A VLFS can be used as an offshore base, potentially allowing sea and air power
projection into disputed waters. China is developing a ‘Very Large Floating Platform’,
apparently a version of the US ‘Mobile Offshore Base’ concept, which could allow a mobile
military base near, theoretically, any coastline within weeks. The China Jidong Development
Group has designed a specifically military VLFS which could hold more aircraft than a
traditional carrier. 433 434 A researcher at Southampton (above) has carried out research with
at least two Chinese military-affiliated institutions on VLFS.


10.Data science, AI, recognition and facial recognition

The creation of a high-tech surveillance state is one of the most disturbing trends to emerge
from China in recent years, a threat not just to the liberties of the Chinese people, including
its ethnic minorities, but increasingly to the preservation of liberties elsewhere.
The CCP intends to use big data and artificial intelligence to create, as the writer John
Lanchester, drawing on work by Kai Strittmatter,435 has put it,436 ‘the most perfect
surveillance state the world has ever seen.’437 An early example is facial recognition, where
increased computing power ‘has been transformational’, turning the hundreds of thousands
of cameras in cities into ‘a connected network offering real-time surveillance and
supervision’. Already a street crossing in Fujian projects jaywalkers’ faces, names and
addresses onto a video screen beside the road: China’s state surveillance network is
becoming capable of identifying any one of China’s 1.4 billion citizens within a second, with
its ‘police cloud’ being upgraded to synthesise citizens’ ‘medical histories, takeaway orders,
courier deliveries, supermarket loyalty card numbers, methods of birth control, religious
affiliations, online behaviour, flights and train journeys, GPS movement co-ordinates and
biometric data, face, voice, fingerprints – plus the DNA of some forty million Chinese
This combination of facial recognition and data capture is facilitating the next phase of the
digital surveillance state: the social credit system, in which citizens are awarded points for
state-approved behaviour (like ‘offering use of their basement for a CCP singalong’) and lose
points for undesirable behaviour (in some pilots, social credit falls when people socialise
with those with low credit). As Lanchester has described,438 the ultimate purpose of this
system ‘is to make people internalise their sense of the state: to make people self-censor,
self-monitor, self-supervise’.
The Uighurs of Xinjiang already appear to live in a de facto AI police state, in which the
disappearance of over 1 million into prison camps and ongoing population replacement by
Han Chinese is enforced by state-backed firms using facial recognition technology through a
vast network of surveillance cameras. Here, ‘algorithmic policing’ is taking on new forms,
with Uighurs facing arrest for publishing textbooks that contain over 30 per cent Uighur
words (one man was seized because his book contained the word ‘China’ only four times).439
Uighurs now constitute ‘the most intensely surveilled population on Earth’.440 Beijing is
moving Han ‘big brothers and sisters’ into Uighur homes to monitor forced assimilation:
some Han big brothers share the beds of the wives of detained Uighur men. Police force

Strittmatter, K. (2019). We Have Been Harmonised: Life in China’s Surveillance State. Old Street.
See also Strittmatter, K. (2019). We Have Been Harmonised: Life in China’s Surveillance State. Old Street.
Christian Shepherd in the Financial Times, in

Uighurs to install monitoring apps on their phones. AI-powered sensors ‘lurk everywhere,
including in Uighurs’ purses and pants pockets.’441 Other programmes scan Uighurs’ digital
communications, looking for suspect patterns like lack of fervour in using Mandarin.442
Every few blocks Uighurs may encounter a checkpoint with a surveillance camera that
compares faces with pictures taken at a ‘health check’ (these checks also see Uighurs forced
to donate genetic data for studies of ‘how DNA [produces] Uighurlike chins and ears’; Uighur
women are forced to have abortions or be sterilised).443 The system notes their arrival at the
edge of their neighbourhood. In this new ‘AI-powered techno-totalitarian state’, people will
have ‘fully internalised the demands of the state and [complete] its surveillance and
A recent research output with Harbin Engineering University was Snoopy: Sniffing your
smartwatch passwords via deep sequence learning;445 UnDeep VO: Monocular [single
camera] Visual Odometry through Unsupervised Deep Learning446 was a project with the
College of Mechatronics and Automation, NUDT. (Odometry is the use of data to estimate
change in position of an object or target and visual odometry has applications in robotics
and surveillance cameras.)
In Scotland, researchers worked with the Institute of Information Science of Beijing Jiaotong
University on Frustratingly easy person re-identification: generalising person re-ID in
practice; 447 Birmingham’s research has collecting internet user data to predict online
behaviour; Cranfield University at Shrivenham has studied real time people tracking in
multiple CCTV networks using colour constancy and tone compression, and a researcher
produced Detection of psychological stress using a hyperspectral imaging technique,448
which developed automated human surveillance techniques.

11.Robotics (land, sea and space)

A recent Brookings study placed robotics at the centre of future battlefields and military
capacity generally,449 describing robots taking on:
‘a wider set of battlefield roles. Battlefield robots are being developed to target
snipers and carry a full range of weapons. Unmanned surface vessels (USVs) and

Like this section of the paper, the Brookings study discussed both robotics and UUV-related technologies.

unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) are in development for unseen attacks
against navy ships. Space is being opened as “a new unmanned battleground”.’450
Reports state that China is deploying underwater listening drones in the Indian Ocean,
which it claims, like many military technologies, have peaceful purposes, in this case
Australian media report that Indonesian fishermen captured a Chinese UUV in waters of
strategic importance to Australia, a maritime route linking the South China Sea to the city of
Darwin. One navy expert stated that this sends a signal that:
‘the Chinese navy is getting ready to deploy submarines closer to our maritime
approaches north of Darwin and we need to be ready for the prospect of submarine
activity much closer to Australia's northern coast than we have been experiencing in
the past.’452
China is investing in research on robotics for land, sea and space warfare. A study at Harbin
Institute of Technology outlines considerable resources being invested in future space robot
vehicles and robot astronauts.453 This is happening in the context of an emerging space
arms-race. China has begun testing anti-satellite missiles; the Financial Times has quoted
one European military official, ‘In space, we [in the West] still collectively maintain the
edge… that edge is a target.’ As an example, a prototype robotic arm that China has
demonstrated for ‘debris removal’ could be used to grab satellites. Space may become ‘the
next battlefield’.454
China is ‘determined’ to become ‘the dominant power in space’. A recent report stated:
‘China has developed and fielded ground- and space-based anti-satellite, directed-energy,
and electronic warfare capabilities that place the peaceful use of international space at
risk… China… launched its first successful ground-based direct ascent anti-satellite missile,
the SC-19, in 2007… In 2018 [PLA] units [began] training with anti-satellite missiles.’455
On land, Chinese conglomerates are now producing lethal military robots. Norinco’s Sharp
Claw is equipped to carry a submachine gun; and the Mule-200 transports ammunition and
can be equipped with firearms.456 At sea, ‘Chinese advances in [UUVs]’ are liable to erode
Western nations’ advantages in undersea warfare.457

Malcom Davis, quoted by ASPI, in:

Chapter 4: UK commitments and current guidelines
Main relevant treaties and regimes
We begin by discussing two central counter-proliferation regimes on which the UK’s
national export controls (below) are based: the Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) and the
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR). These should be understood in light of the UK’s
arms embargo on the PRC (which now includes Hong Kong), a partial arms embargo,

‘lethal weapons, such as machine guns, large-calibre weapons, bombs, torpedoes,

rockets and missiles; specially designed components of the above and ammunition;
military aircraft and helicopters, vessels of war, armoured fighting vehicles and other
weapons platforms; any equipment which might be used for internal repression. This
embargo covers the export of these items from the UK. It is implemented through
the Export Control Order 2008.’
The UK’s military and dual-use lists (below) provide more coverage however.

The Wassenaar Arrangement (WA) on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use
Goods and Technologies
The WA is a non-legally binding regime (non-treaty) asking its 42 member states to be
accountable for exports of conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies to
countries outside the WA.459 The UK is a signatory; the PRC is not.

Volume 2 of the WA details the dual-use goods and technologies member states must
consider when exporting or sharing such items. Dual-use goods and technologies to be
controlled are ‘major or key elements for the indigenous development, production, use or
enhancement of military capabilities’.460 Dual-use items are evaluated for:
• Foreign availability outside member states;
• The ability to effectively control the export of the goods;
• The ability to make a clear and objective specification of the item; and
• Controlled by another regime.

There are three categories in the dual-use list which will apply to most of the research
centres above:461


• Category 1 Special Materials and Related Equipment;
• Category 2 Materials Processing; and
• Category 9 Aerospace and Propulsion.

The US Commerce Department’s Bureau of Industrial Security announced in October 2020

that six technologies related to chip manufacturing would be included in its new export
control under the WA.462

Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

The MTCR is an informal arrangement between its 35 member states to limit the
proliferation of missiles and missile technology. One of its aims is vigilance over the transfer
of missile equipment, material, and related technologies for systems capable of delivering
weapons of mass destruction (WMD).463 The MTCR seeks to limit the risks of WMD
proliferation by controlling exports of goods and technologies that could contribute to
delivery systems (other than manned aircraft) for such weapons, with particular focus on
rockets capable of delivering a payload of at least 500kg over at least 300km and
equipment, software, and technology for these.464 The following passages are derived from
MTCR text.

The MTCR does this with export controls applied to a common list of items (the MTCR
Equipment, Software, and Technology Annex), a list of controlled items – including much of
the equipment, materials, software, and technology needed for missile development,
production, and operation controlled by MTCR members. The Annex has two parts:
Category I and Category II items. MTCR members require license authorisation requirements
before listed items may be exported.465

Category I items include complete rocket and unmanned aerial vehicle systems (such as
ballistic missiles, space launch vehicles, sounding rockets, cruise missiles, target drones, and
reconnaissance drones), capable of delivering a payload of at least 500kg to a range of at
least 300km, their major complete subsystems (such as rocket stages, engines, guidance
sets, and re-entry vehicles), and related software and technology, and specially designed
production facilities for these items.466 Category I exports are subject to an
unconditional strong presumption of denial, regardless of the purpose of the export, and
are licensed for export only on rare occasions. Category II items include less-sensitive and
dual-use missile-related components. Exports judged by the exporting country to be
intended for use in WMD delivery are to be subjected to a strong presumption of denial.467


UK commitment to the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR)

Each member state implements the MTCR Guidelines in accordance with national legislation
on the basis of sovereign discretion. UK compliance is maintained through the UK Strategic
Exports Control List,468 including a military and a dual-use list, plus EU compliance
legislation. The UK Strategic Exports Control List also complies with the Wassenaar
Arrangement. It was last updated December 2020.

UK export controls including Military and Dual-Use Lists

The Military and Dual-Use Lists are drawn especially from the Export Control Order 2008
Schedule 3: The UK National Dual-Use Control List (including the explosive-related list);
Annexes 2 and 3 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 1236/2005 (as amended) (the EU Human
Rights List); and Annex 1 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 428/2009 (as amended) (the EU
Dual-Use List).469
Controlled dual-use goods cover thousands of items controlled, but not necessarily
designed, for dual-use, having benign civil applications but significant potential for military
use, including for WMD, and potential for human rights abuses.
According to DIT, the item of concern will have some utility ‘in a weapons manufacture
programme’. This can ‘control key components, accessories, technology and software, in
addition to actual goods.’470 Importantly, under the lists, ‘technology’ means ‘information’
necessary for the ‘development’, ‘production’, or ‘use’ of goods or software (which are
subject to controls).471 There are some exceptions for information ‘in the public domain’.
Exports can take the form of physical or electronic transfers. The dual use categories are as
0 Nuclear materials, facilities and equipment.
1 Special materials and related equipment.
2 Materials processing.
3 Electronics.
4 Computers.

The Trade Controls are set out in Articles 20 to 25 of the Export Control Order 2008 (following the Export
Control Act 2002) and Schedule 1 Part 1 – Category A goods; Schedule 2 (the Military list (items ‘specifically
designed or modified for military use’)) Part 2 – Category B goods; Schedule 3 – the UK dual use list.
Sometimes technical parameters must be met, such as purity, accuracy, and so on.
See also: Research Services, University of Sheffield (2021). Guidance on Export Control Legislation.
Dual-use lists are drawn from the Wassenaar Agreement and MTCR, as well as the Nuclear Suppliers Group,
Australia Group, and Chemical Weapons Convention.

5 Telecommunications and information security.
6 Sensors and lasers.
7 Navigation and avionics.
8 Marine.
9 Aerospace and propulsion.

On WMD and End Use Controls, in its briefings DIT states: ‘WMD and End-Use Controls: The
end-use control can be applied to ANYTHING (e.g. main equipment or components) or ANY
activities (e.g. training or helplines), if potentially connected to a WMD programme.’
According to DIT, ‘Most of the goods or technology required for WMD or missile delivery
systems may not be on any control list’, meaning it is incumbent on the party supplying the
technology to contact the authorities to check whether its activities may be proscribed.
This does not mean that any researchers have personally broken UK rules, because we
assume that university centres and their research focuses have been approved. However
it may suggest that individual research projects which risk falling under dual use areas
may need prior approval on a case by case basis, as the products manufactured by
companies also would, which appears to mean reforms are needed to university rules.
For WMD End-Use Controls in the UK, Article 6 of the Export Control Order 2008 contains
‘additional controls on transfer of technology by any means and provision of technical
assistance in relation to WMD.’ DIT states:
‘If you know or suspect an export will be used in connection with a WMD
programme you have a legal obligation to contact [the authorities] and ask for a
licence.’ ‘WMD purposes’ mean ‘use in connection with the development,
production, handling, operation, maintenance, storage, detection, identification or
dissemination of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive
devices, or the development, production, maintenance or missiles capable of
delivering such weapons.’
DIT also defines ‘in connection with’ as ‘includ[ing] exports which may be used directly in a
weapon or missile or indirectly in WMD development’. Indirect uses include ‘infrastructure
projects; research programmes at universities or government laboratories; un-safeguarded
nuclear activities; civil space programmes’ [our italics].
A licence is required if the exporter ‘knows’, has been ‘informed’, or even ‘suspects’ the
goods software or technology are intended for ‘any relevant use’. Parties are advised to
consult the Consolidated list of strategic military and dual-use items that require export
authorisation,473 only a few of whose categories are listed below.


While controls exclude some basic scientific research or findings that will be or are in the
public domain, this will not exclude all such research474 (again, this also implies the need for
government to analyse the need for possible revision of what is meant by basic scientific
research). According to guidance issued for academics by Project Alpha at King’s College
London with the support of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office,475 ‘[e]ven if the item,
technology or software is not listed in the UK Consolidated Lists, a licence could also be
required if the exporter knows, has been informed or suspects there is a WMD end use.’
It adds: ‘Additional restrictions can apply when dealing with countries that are subject to
sanction… which often have the effect of broadening the UK Consolidated Lists to include
items which would not normally be included in the UK Consolidated List.’
Project Alpha’s flowchart (below) shows why this research may still be proscribed even if
the research funding in general has been approved (for a broader research centre). If we
begin from Question 2 (‘Is it controlled?’) at the top, the possible responses for cooperation
with China all lead to 3a (‘WMD technology assistance?’). Where this is deemed possible,
the advice is ‘Apply for licence (which is unlikely to be granted)’.
Export Control Flowchart

Source: Project Alpha, King’s College London (2015) 476

Research Services, University of Sheffield (2021). Guidance on Export Control Legislation.
King’s College London News Centre, 19 July 2015. Project Alpha and association of university legal
practitioners issue export control guidance for academia.

Current UK control lists
The following are examples of goods and technologies on UK control lists,477 intended only
to be indicative of some of the areas covered.

• The UK Military List

This includes:

• Electronic guidance and navigation equipment;

• Vessels (surface or underwater);
• ‘Aircraft’, ‘lighter-than-air vehicles’, ‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ (‘UAVs’), aero-
engines and ‘aircraft’ equipment, related goods, and components as follows,
specially designed or modified for military use:
o ‘UAVs’, Remotely Piloted Air Vehicles (RPVs), autonomous programmable
vehicles and unmanned ‘lighter-than-air vehicles’;
• Launchers, recovery equipment and ground support equipment;
• Equipment designed for command or control; Propulsion aero-engines and specially
designed components therefor; and
• Electronic equipment, ‘spacecraft’ and components, not specified elsewhere in
[this]Schedule [including] Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) jamming
equipment and specially designed components therefor.
The list also ‘controls all electronic guidance and navigation equipment Goods and material,
coated, treated or prepared to provide signature suppression, specially designed for military

• The UK Dual-Use List

This includes the products listed below and the ‘technology’ for many of these:

• Remotely operated vehicles;

• [Various] metal alloys, metal alloy powder and alloyed materials;
• Metals in particle sizes of less than 60 µm whether spherical, atomised, spheroidal,
flaked or ground, manufactured from material consisting of 99 per cent or more of
zirconium, magnesium and alloys thereof;
• Materials and devices for reduced observables, such as radar reflectivity,
• [Various] signatures and acoustic signatures [usable] in 'missiles', ‘missile’
subsystems or unmanned aerial vehicles (specified; includes: a. Structural materials
and coatings specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity; b. Coatings, including
paints, specially designed for reduced or tailored reflectivity or emissivity in the
microwave, infrared or ultraviolet regions of the electromagnetic spectrum);


• A range of graphite, ceramic, and ultra-high temperature ceramic materials –
including Hafnium carbide (HfC) (including usable for missile components (such as
nose-tips, re-entry vehicles, leading edges, jet vanes, control surfaces or rocket
motor throat inserts) in ‘missiles’, [some] space launch vehicles, [some] sounding
rockets [or] 'missiles');
• Hafnium metal and alloys (with certain properties);
• Maraging steels useable in 'missiles' (with certain properties);
• Certain single or complex oxides of zirconium and complex oxides of silicon or
aluminium; and
• Robots designed to comply with national safety standards applicable to potentially
explosive munitions environments, to operate at high altitudes or withstand high
Under the Category of Telecommunications and Information Security:

• Mobile telecommunications interception or jamming equipment;

• Telemetry and telecontrol equipment (including ground equipment, designed or
modified for ‘missiles’);
• ‘Information security’ systems and components for the control of ‘satellite
navigation system’ receiving equipment containing or employing decryption;
• ‘Cryptography for data confidentiality’ having a ‘described security algorithm’ in
some conditions; and
• Certain systems, equipment and components for defeating, weakening or bypassing
‘information [W] security’ (including ‘functions designed to defeat cryptographic
mechanisms in order to derive confidential variables or sensitive data, including clear
text, passwords or cryptographic keys’).
The dual list also includes:

• Hydrophones (including ‘Flexible piezoelectric composites’);

• Gyros usable in missiles; and
• Certain 'integrated navigation systems', designed or modified for 'missiles'.
Under the Marine category:

• Submersible vehicles and surface vessels;

• Unmanned submersible vehicles;
• ‘Robots’ specially designed for underwater use, controlled by using a dedicated
computer; and
• Propellers, power transmission systems, power generation systems and certain noise
reduction systems.
Under Aerospace:

• Aero gas turbine engines with various technologies;

• Ramjet, scramjet or 'combined cycle engines', and specially designed components

• ‘Unmanned aerial vehicles’ (‘UAVs’), unmanned ‘airships’, related equipment [and]
components [including] Air breathing reciprocating or rotary internal combustion
type engines, specially designed or modified to propel ‘UAVs’ or unmanned
‘airships’, at altitudes above 15,240 metres (50,000 feet);
• Vehicles for transport, handling, control, activation or launching, designed or
modified for space launch vehicles (specified elsewhere), sounding rockets (specified
elsewhere) or ‘missiles’;
• Other ‘technology’ ‘required’ for the ‘development’ or ‘production’ of any of the
following gas turbine blades, vanes or ‘tip shrouds’, made from directionally
solidified (DS) or single crystal (SC) alloys; and
• Components [manufactured] from organic ‘composite’ materials designed to
operate above 588K (315°C).
Under stealth technology:

• Materials specially designed for absorbing electromagnetic radiations, or intrinsically

conductive polymers (and some materials and devices for reduced observables, such
as radar reflectivity, ultraviolet/infrared signatures and acoustic signatures, or usable
in some 'missiles', ‘missile’ subsystems or unmanned aerial vehicles, unless
formulated solely for civil applications);
• ‘Software’ for analysis of reduced observables, such as radar reflectivity,
ultraviolet/infrared signatures and acoustic signatures; and
• Some pulse radar cross-section measurement systems and components.

Academic Technology Approval Scheme

The Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) applies to all international students
(apart from exempt nationalities) who are subject to UK immigration control and are
intending to study at postgraduate level in certain sensitive subjects. Its subjects are those
where students’ knowledge could be used in programmes to develop Advanced
Conventional Military Technology (ACMT), WMDs, or their means of delivery.478 These
students must apply for an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) certificate before
they can study in the UK.
In this area, ministers at the National Security Committee in 2020 signed off plans for
stricter controls over the ATAS for Chinese post-graduate students from research
institutions with links to the PLA.479 This includes within cyber security and aviation.


US and Japanese sanctions on Chinese defence-linked universities and

The US now bans US investment in or by a large number of Chinese companies, having

added dozens of Chinese companies to the Entity List in 2020.
These lists apply different types of sanctions depending on whether companies have military
ties or whether they are, for example, telecoms firms whose involvement in US
infrastructure is deemed undesirable, who may be banned from involvement and from
receiving certain exports of goods.
The previous US Administration’s Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, stated that the US will
‘not allow advanced US technology to help build the military of an increasingly belligerent
adversary.’480 The inclusion of China’s leading chipmaker Semiconductor Manufacturing
International Corporation (SMIC), for example, despite less direct military involvement than
other firms, was motivated by ‘China’s military-civil fusion (MCF) doctrine and evidence of
activities between SMIC and entities of concern in the Chinese military industrial complex.’
In June 2020, the US Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) added
33 Chinese firms and institutions to the list of entities banned from receiving various
exports, re-exports or transfers.481 Its full entity list482 and military end-user list483 includes
many companies and institutions discussed in this report. On 18 December 2020, the US
government added 59 companies to the entity list for a combination of human rights
abuses, including for the use of surveillance technology, IP theft, and activities that
generally undermine national security.
The Department of Defense maintains a list of PRC companies sanctioned due to Chinese
military backing pursuant the National Defense Authorization Act. These sanctions involve
asset blocking and visa restrictions, and are the equivalent of inclusion on the Specially
Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List (SDN), typically prohibiting financial
transactions with US individuals.484 The DOD states:
‘The Department is determined to highlight and counter the People’s Republic of
China’s (PRC) Military-Civil Fusion development strategy, which supports the
modernization goals of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) by ensuring its access to
advanced technologies and expertise acquired and developed by even those PRC
companies, universities, and research programs that appear to be civilian entities.’485


The DOD lists the following as ‘Chinese military companies’:486 487 488

• Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC);

• China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC);
• China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp.;
• China Electronics Technology Group Corp.;
• China South Industries Group Corp.;
• China Shipbuilding Industry Corp.;
• China State Shipbuilding Corp.;
• China North Industries Group (Norinco);
• Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co.;
• Huawei Technologies Co.;
• Inspur Group Co.;
• Aero Engine Corporation of China (AECC);
• China Railway Construction Corp.;
• CRRC Corp.;
• Panda Electronics Group Co.;
• Dawning Information Industry Co.;
• China Mobile Communications Group Co.;
• China General Nuclear Power Corp.;
• China National Nuclear Corp.;
• China Telecommunications Corp.;
• China Communications Construction Co.;
• China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology;
• China Spacesat Co.;
• China United Network Communications Group Co.;
• China Electronics Corp.;
• China National Chemical Engineering Group Corp.;
• China National Chemical Corp.;
• Sinochem Group Co.;
• China State Construction Group Co.;
• China Three Gorges Corp.;
• China Nuclear Engineering & Construction Corp.;
• Xiaomi; and
• Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC).


In June 2020, BIS added a licence requirement for certain US exports to PRC military end
users – even if the export itself is for a purely civilian application.489 Most of the Chinese
universities discussed in this report are subject to full licence requirements.490
In what might also be seen as a form of ‘modern slavery’ policy, the US Departments of
State, Commerce, Homeland Security and Treasury have also issued an advisory describing
supply chain risks linked to firms or institutions connected to human rights abuses in China
(in this case in Xinjiang), including forced labour and other abuses.491 Despite the UK’s arms-
related sanctions regimes and military and dual-use requirements (discussed above), the
closest UK document, the Consolidated List, contains no equivalent sanctions or controls for
specific Chinese companies.492


Conclusions and recommendations
China has a long history of weapons sales to countries that carry out grievous human rights
abuses, including Iran, Syria, Burma and North Korea (Introduction).
In addition, China’s development of a surveillance state is already leading to systematic
human rights abuses. Its treatment of the Uighur minority is being described as genocide. Its
new security law for Hong Kong is leading to the systematic arrest of protesters and has
made a mockery of the city's autonomy (subjects not covered in this report).
The methods by which the UK monitors and controls Chinese involvement in UK university
research appear to be inadequate. However, none of the researchers whose work is
mentioned in this report are being accused of intentionally assisting the development of
China’s military, let alone of any rule-breaking or of any criminal activity; still less are their
ties and work alleged to have been recklessly entered into or undertaken.
The companies sponsoring these UK-based research centres include China’s largest
weapons manufacturers and military suppliers. These include the leading state-owned
enterprises (SOEs) in strike fighter engine production, ICBMs, nuclear warheads, stealth
aircraft, military drones, tanks, military-use metals and materials, navy ships, and other
fields. There must, therefore, be a risk of research intended for civilian purposes and
benefits being co-opted and misused for Chinese military and political ends, although at
times this will mean simply improving the general commercial or research position of a
Chinese military-linked sponsor whose expansion is liable not to be in the UK national
interest in general.
At its simplest, for the UK government and taxpayer to risk funding and assisting the
technological development and capabilities of the military of the People’s Republic of China
is not in the British national interest.
This is a picture of ‘strategic incoherence’. China’s civil-military fusion, rapid technological-
military development and force-projection capabilities threaten the national interests of the
United Kingdom. To risk financing the companies at the centre of this strategy through our
leading universities and research institutions points to ill-considered research policies at the
level of the UK universities themselves, but also a lack of strategic coordination.
This points to the need for a strategic reassessment leading to new rules for scientific
research with PRC universities and companies, some of which should be applied directly to
the UK’s research councils and universities, while some may require legislation. Other rules
are necessary for any scientific research on sensitive technological fields generally, and in
universities in particular.


The UK government should:

• List all those Chinese military-linked companies and institutions that it wants to bar
from sponsoring scientific research in UK universities and from research
collaboration in general and consider the same for graduates and staff;
• List those entities it wishes to prevent making inward investments generally into the
UK. This has been the practice of the US government and looks set to continue with
the new administration;
• Initiate a public audit of UK universities’ sponsorship relationships and policies, with
the aim of establishing the total level of Chinese funding of UK technology research
and establishing new rules for universities themselves, as well as for UKRI, Innovate
UK, the Royal Society, and research councils such as the EPSRC. Combined with an
‘entities list’, this may be best placed in new legislation, covering UK scientific
research and Chinese military-linked organisations specifically, or authoritarian
states generally;
• Set up a new government organisation similar to the Committee on Foreign
Investment in the United States (CFIUS) within the National Security and Investment
Bill,493 whose role would include the monitoring and assessment of proposed and
ongoing university sponsorship;
• While it is important to preserve academic freedom, the government should assess
whether some of what is currently deemed ‘basic scientific research’ or research
whose findings enter the public domain may still have possible dual-use, in
sanctioned countries including China, and where overall approval for a research
centre may be allowing specific inadvertently dual use projects to be carried out;
• Further review the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS), to better control
entry to the UK of international students (apart from exempt nationalities) whose
research may create risks in certain sensitive subjects; and
• Reassess the fields of scientific research that can be carried out by public research
institutions and/or where research findings can be publicly released.

That British universities have cause to re-examine their relationships with and funding from
the People’s Republic of China is, we believe, already apparent. On the basis of facts in the
public domain, we believe that this report demonstrates that their sponsorship by China’s
military-linked companies and universities has become a dangerous aspect of these
Finally, the measures we recommend should form part of the urgent reassessment by the
UK government of the security implications of the so-called ‘Golden Era’ policies of the UK
towards China, and of the strategic assumptions that underpinned them.


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First published
February 2021

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