IP Telephony Business Case

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1 IP Telephony Business Case

IP Telephony Business Case

Prepared By:
Network Team

Executive Summary ..............................................................................................3

Business Objectives ..............................................................................................4

IP Telephony (IPT) Overview.................................................................................4

Scope of Project ...................................................................................................4

IPT Survey Statistics .............................................................................................5

2 Financial Benefits................................................................................................
IP Telephony Business Case 5

Risk Assessment................................................................................................. 6

Key Success Factors............................................................................................ 6


Executive Summary

What are we proposing?

This business case provides justification to deploy IP Telephony integration with our
current PBX solution and as a replacement to current PBX voice communications
platform across the organization.

This business case is also including video integration with the existing Poly Com video
conferencing solution.

The business case provides both business and financial justification for accelerating this
integration & migration from our current voice communications systems to an IP
Telephony platform utilizing our existing data network.

Why are we proposing it?

3 There are several reasons why Feroze1888 Mills should accelerateIP Telephony Business Case
the replacement of
the PBX platforms with IPT. IP Telephony has vast benefits like Cost, Accessibility,
Flexibility, Voice Quality etc.

Here is a summary of the reasons for this recommendation:

• Current PBX platform has no more flexibility to support more extensions and
expensive to maintain and operate while as IPT has unlimited extensions support.

• IP Telephony offers a broader range of communication applications than our current

PBX platform.

• Web conferencing & video integration with the existing Poly Com video conferencing.

• We have a data network in place today that is capable of servicing our voice

Business Objectives
Following are the business objectives which ensuring the proposed IP Telephony
acceleration supports to our business goal.

1. Unlimited number of IPT extensions.

2. Reduce spending – through lower cost options for voice communications (Direct
Inter location calls)
3. Web Conferencing & Video Calling.
4. Extensions Mobility.

IP Telephony Overview

IP Telephony (IPT) refers to the technology for transmitting voice communications over
a data network using Internet Protocol (IP). IPT solutions leverage a single network
infrastructure for the transmission of data, voice, and video traffic to deliver high-quality
IP voice and fully integrated communications.
4 IP Telephony Business Case
IPT would enable to realize the business benefits of a converged network: increased
productivity, business flexibility, and reduced operational costs. These solutions are
enabled by providing a seamless migration to full IP communications by using our
existing data network in place today.

Scope of Project
This project would migrate approximately 2,000 employees to an IPT communications
platform between January 2018 and December 2022. This will involve deploying new IPT
equipment in each location and decommissioning the older PBX equipment once the IPT
environment is stable and operational.

Each location will receive a voice gateway installed that serves as the “link” between the
data network and the public voice network (PSTN.) Every user would receive a new IP
enabled phone. Mobile employees would have the option of using the built-in
microphone in their notebook computer as their phone or using an IP enabled phone.
When someone calls this user’s corporate phone number they will be able to answer the
call using software on their computer or their IP phone.

IPT Survey Statistics

Survey Statistics Survey Results

  Excellent Good Average NA

Please rate overall performance of IP
75.50% 23.25% 0% -
Telephony System?
Please rate the sound quality of your
62.75% 27.20% 10% -
  Yes NO NA NA
Are you facing any call dropping issues? 0% 100% - -
Are IP Telephony System / IP Phone easy
100% 0% - -
to use?
Please list anything you DISLIKE about
8.33% 91.7% - -
installed IP Telephony system
5       IP Telephony
  Business Case
  Conference Call Inter-location Call Phone Book Voice Mail
What are the most likely features of IP
64% 97% 54% 22.1%
telephony system?
  Easy to used Inter-location Call Sound Quality Good for Organization
Please list anything you LIKE about
47.75% 32.40% 35% 53.70%
installed IP Telephony system

Financial Benefits

Risk Assessment

Every project has Pros and Cons and following are the Cons.

 Power outages and Internet/Intranet connections will bring down

 Inter-location communication may be effected in case of link failure.
 The higher cost of IP Phones have been the most important factor prohibiting
their mass adoption
 If location bandwidth congested then communication may be affected.
 Inherited security threats associated with the Internet.

Key Success Factors

As in any important cultural change there are several factors that are crucial to its
success. The network Team is very committed to making this project successful and we
believe this will significantly increase the quality of our communications with team
6 members and customers while delivering dramatic cost savingsIPfor Telephony
Company.Business Case

We feel the critical success factors are:

Executive Management Support

Getting buy-in and ongoing project support from the executive management team is
essential. This project will require frequent input and guidance from the executive team.
Your support will provide valuable leverage in working with the different groups within
Company to complete the necessary project action items on time and without debate.

Key Business User Support

It will be difficult to complete this project on time if we do not have support from the
key business groups within Company. As mentioned earlier in this business case, we
intend to work with all key internal groups to ensure everyone’s communications needs
are being considered and addressed.

Comprehensive Project Plan

In order to avoid common pitfalls in deploying IP Telephony, the Team will follow a
detailed project plan. We will have a dedicated project team responsible for ensuring all

areas of the project are on track and any challenges are addressed as soon as they are

Customer Focus
If the result of this project is cost savings but we end up with unhappy customers then it
cannot be considered successful. Guaranteeing that our customers have access to all
Company personnel with high voice quality is our highest priority.

7 IP Telephony Business Case

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