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Development Team of the Module:

Authors: Jhunard R. Tapongot

Fritzie Aileen A. Puray
Evaluators: Ernell C. Culob
Jadilyn Rose S. Saturos
Illustrator: Jay Michael A. Calipusan

Management Team:
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director
Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr., CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Mala Epra B. Magnaong
Members: Dr. Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr.
Regional ADM Coordinator
Ray Butch M. Mahinay
EPS-Designate- AP

Printed in the Philippines by: Department of Education – Regional Office 10

Office Address: Zone 1, Upper Balulang Cagayan de Oro City 9000
Telefax: (088) 880-7071, (088) 880-7072
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Module 6
Lesson 1

Course Synthesis

What I Need to Know

Learning Competency:
1. Synthesize the learning from the course and its applications to the learner

In this module, you are going to compile all your learning worksheets and put them
in a portfolio. You may have your own portfolio design. If you do not have in mind, you
may also use the following guidelines.


Materials needed

bond paper printed emoji design puncher pair of scissors

glitter dust crayons color markers other art materials

How to do it:
1. Prepare all materials needed.
2. Spread glitter dust on the edges of the paper which serves as your border.
3. Use a colorful colored paper as possible to make your portfolio more creative,
interesting and lively. Punch it using the design puncher which can be bought in
any school supplies shops.
4. Create emoji icons or print them out. Cut them into pieces according to size and
5. Paste the cut pieces of emoji on colored or plain white bond paper.
6. Use different pattern designs on your paper.
7. Place your photos, content materials in each designed page.

8. Write your little notes or captions and labels of each photo or content material on
each well-designed page.
9. Compile all pages and put them in a folder or in a clear book.
10. Review your whole work from required content to designs.
11. Pass your work to your teacher. Congratulations!

Score Comments
4 ___The portfolio represents the student’s learning in a variety of
contexts and in an organized and coherent fashion.
___The student invents new ways to demonstrate learning.
___The portfolio utilizes links within the reflection to point to and
explain learning and mastery of the course materials.
___The design of the portfolio is linguistically effective and
___The written text within the portfolio is error-free.
3 ___The reflection, while planned and personal, does not exhibit full
and complete mastery of the course content.
___The student’s reflection leans towards generality or in contrast is
overly specific.
___The design, while efficient, is problematic in one or more areas.
___The written text within the portfolio has minimal errors.
2 ___The portfolio represents minimal student learning with links to
work samples without thorough discussion of those samples.
___The reflection consists of links and statements that bring up the
past information rather than inventing new structures and
___The student exercises choices in the design that are not
rhetorically effective.
___The written text within the portfolio has several errors.
1 ___The portfolio reflection shows little evidence of connection,
selection and or projection with the intent of impressing the
instructor rather that demonstrating learning and connections.
___The design is ineffective for the intended audience.
___The student utilizes links which force the audience to make
reflective conclusions.
___The written text within the portfolio has significant errors.

Source: “Scoring Guide for Portfolio Assessment”,

Clemson University, SC, USA, accessed January 16,

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