Tugas Ifrs Chapter 7

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Cash includes the

1. Commercial savings
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... $ 600,000
1. Commercial checking
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... 800,000
2. Money market fund—
Volonte ...................................
.......... 5,000,000
5. Petty
....................................... 1,000
11. Commercial Paper
12. Currency and coin on
....... 7,700
Cash reported on
December 31, 2010,
balance sheet .........
Cash includes the
1. Commercial savings
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... $ 600,000
1. Commercial checking
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... 800,000
2. Money market fund—
Volonte ...................................
.......... 5,000,000
5. Petty
....................................... 1,000
11. Commercial Paper
12. Currency and coin on
....... 7,700
Cash reported on
December 31, 2010,
balance sheet .........
Cash includes the
1. Commercial savings
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... $ 600,000
1. Commercial checking
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... 800,000
2. Money market fund—
Volonte ...................................
.......... 5,000,000
5. Petty
....................................... 1,000
11. Commercial Paper
12. Currency and coin on
....... 7,700
Cash reported on
December 31, 2010,
balance sheet .........
Cash includes the
1. Commercial savings
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... $ 600,000
1. Commercial checking
First National Bank of
Olathe ......................................
.... 800,000
2. Money market fund—
Volonte ...................................
.......... 5,000,000
5. Petty
....................................... 1,000
11. Commercial Paper
12. Currency and coin on
....... 7,700
Cash reported on
December 31, 2010,
balance sheet .........
a) Cash includes the following:
1. Commercial savings account—
First National Bank of Olathe .......................................... $ 600,000
1. Commercial checking account—
First National Bank of Olathe .......................................... 800,000
2. Money market fund—Volonte ............................................. 5,000,000
5. Petty cash.................................................................................. 1,000
11. Commercial Paper (cash equivalent)............................... 2,100,000
12. Currency and coin on hand................................................. 7,700
Cash reported on December 31, 2010, balance sheet ......... $8,508,700

Uang tunai meliputi:

1. Rekening tabungan komersial— First National Bank of Olathe .................................. ........ $
1. Rekening koran komersial— First National Bank of Olathe ............................. ............. 800.000
2. Reksa dana pasar uang — Volonte ............................. ................ 5.000.000
5. Uang tunai kecil ............................. .................................................. ... 1.000
11. Commercial Paper (setara tunai) ............................... 2,100,000
12. Mata uang dan koin di tangan ............................................. .... 7.700 Kas dilaporkan pada
tanggal 31 Desember 2010, neraca ......... $ 8.508.700
b) 3. travel advances (reimbursed by employee)* should be reported as receivable employee in the
amount of 180.000
uang muka perjalanan (diganti oleh karyawan) * harus dilaporkan sebagai piutang karyawan
sebesar 180.000
4. cash restricted in the amount of 1.500.000 for the retirement of long term debt should be
reported as a noncurrent asset identified as " cash restricted for retirement of long term debt "
kas yang dibatasi sebesar 1.500.000 untuk penghentian hutang jangka panjang harus dilaporkan
sebagai aset tidak lancar yang diidentifikasi sebagai "pembatasan kas untuk penghentian hutang
jangka panjang"
6. An IOU from Marianne Koch should be reported as a receivable in the amount of 150.000
IOU dari Marianne Koch harus dilaporkan sebagai piutang sebesar 150.000
7. the bank overdraft of 110.000 should be reported as a current liability
cerukan bank sebesar 110.000 harus dilaporkan sebagai kewajiban lancar
8. certificates of deposits of 500.000 each should be classified as temporary investments.
sertifikat deposito masing-masing 500.000 harus diklasifikasikan sebagai investasi sementara.
9. Postdated check of $125,000 should be reported as an accountsreceivable
Cek terlambat sebesar $ 125.000 harus dilaporkan sebagai piutang dagang
10. The compensating balance requirement does not affect the bal-ance in cash. A note
disclosure indicating the arrangement andthe amounts involved should be described in the
Persyaratan saldo kompensasi tidak mempengaruhi saldo kas. Pengungkapan catatan yang
menunjukkan pengaturan dan jumlah yang terlibat harus dijelaskan dalam catatan.

* Jika tidak diganti, bebankan ke biaya prabayar.

** Jika uang tunai ada di rekening lain di bank yang sama tempat terjadinya cerukan, diperlukan
penggantian kerugian

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