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ACT OF 2018)


In this lesson you will be able to:
1. summarize the important features of Republic Act 11131;
2. discover the different job opportunities that awaits a Registered
Criminologist; and
3. assess the importance of RA 11131 to all criminologists.


Instructions: Write your own understanding to the following words listed below.
1. Criminologist -

2. Registered Criminologist -

3. Criminologist Licensure Examination -

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RA 11131

job registered
opportunities criminologist

This map shows the importance of RA 11131 otherwise known as “The

Philippine Criminology Act of 2018” to all the criminologist

Instructions: Study the images below and write your ideas/opinions on what the
pictures are implying to.

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1. What does the pictures tell about?


Instructions: Copy and follow the link posted. Watch the video until the end and answer
the corresponding questions below. Write your answers on the space provided.


1. What is RA 6506? RA 11131?


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2. What are the differences between RA 6505 and RA 11131?


3. How is RA 11131 related to RA 6506?





Republic Act 11131 otherwise known as “The Philippine Criminology

Profession Act of 2018”, is an act regulating the practice of criminology in the
Philippines, and repealing for the purpose of Republic act 6506, otherwise known as
“An act creating the Board of Examiners in the Philippines”. The said law aims to uplift
and advance the interest of criminology profession to become globally competitive.
Thus, section 2 of the said law reiterates that, “The State recognizes the importance of
criminology profession in national security, public safety, peace and order, and in nation-
building and development. Hence, it shall develop and nurture, competent, virtuous,
productive and well-rounded criminologists whose standards of professional practice and
service shall be excellent, qualitative, world-class and globally competitive through
sacred, honest, effective and credible licensure examinations coupled with programs
and activities that would promote professional growth and development.

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A. Objectives of the Law

Under Section 3 of RA 11131, it provides that the said law shall govern:

1. The examination, registration and licensure for criminologists;

2. The supervision, control and regulation of the practice of criminology;
3. The standardization and regulation of criminology education;
4. The development of the professional competence for criminologists through
Continuing Professional Development (CPD); and
5. The integration of all criminology professional groups, and membership of all
registered criminologists to the accredited professional organization.
B. Terms to Remember

1. APO – refers to Accredited Professional Organization of criminologists, that

the Professional Regulatory Board of Criminology created hereunder and
hereinafter referred to as the Board, as the one and only recognized and
accredited integrated national organization of criminologists, subject to the
approval of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) hereinafter referred
to as the Commission created under the Republic Act No. 8981, otherwise known
as the “PRC Modernization Act of 2000”;

2. Board - refers to the Professional Regulatory Board for Criminologist created


3. CHED – refers to the Commission on Higher Education, created under

Republic Act No.7722, otherwise known as “Higher Education Act of 1994”, in the
formulation of policy standards, and monitoring of the criminology education in
the country, which shall be assisted by the Criminology Technical Panel
composed of the president of the APO, Chairperson of the Board of Criminology,
one (1) from the academe, and two (2) from the law enforcement agencies;

4. Commission – refers to Professional Regulatory Commission hereinafter

referred to as the Commission create under Republic Act No. 8981;

5. Criminology – refers to the scientific study of crimes, criminals, and victims, it

also deals with the prevention and solution of crimes;

6. Profession – refers to the art and science in the practice of criminology

discipline; and

7. Registered Criminologist – refers to a natural person who holds a valid

certificate of registration and an updated professional identification card as
criminologist issued by the Board of Commission pursuant to this Act.

C. The Composition of the Professional Regulatory Board for Criminologists

Section 6 of this Act provides for the creation and composition of the Professional
Regulatory Board for Criminologists as a collegial body under the administrative
supervision and control of the Commission, to be composed by the following:

1. Chairperson; and
2. Four (4) members

All of them shall be appointed by the President of the Philippines from a list of
three (3) recommendees for each position, chosen and ranked by the
Commission from a list of three (3) nominees for every position endorsed by the

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APO. The new Board shall be organized not later than six (6) months from the
effectivity of the said Act.

C.1 The Classification of the Chairperson and the Members of the Board

As provided under Section 7 of this Act, the chairperson and each member shall,
at time of their appointment, possess the following qualifications:

a. Must be a natural-born Filipino citizen and a resident of the Philippines;

b. Must be of good moral character, good reputation and a sound mind and
c. Not convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction of any offense involving
moral turpitude;
d. Must be a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Criminology, and a holder of a
Post-Graduate Degree in Criminology or a lawyer in any reputable school
recognized by the CHED;
e. Must be a registered criminologist with a valid certificate of registration and a
valid professional identification card, having at least ten (10) years of practice
in the profession prior to the appointment including no less than two (2) years
teaching experience of criminology or law subjects in full-time or part-time
capacity in the college of criminology or college of law recognized by the
government through the CHED;
f. Must be a member in good standing of the APO but not an officer of trustee
thereof; and
g. Must not be a member of the faculty of any school, college or university
where a regular class or review course in criminology is offered, nor a
member of the staff of reviewers in a review school or center, and must not
have any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any such institution.

C.2 The Term of Office of the Chairperson and the Members of the Board

Section 8 of RA 11131 provides that the Chairperson and the Members pf

the Board shall hold office for a term of three (3) years from the date of
appointment until their successors shall have been qualified and appointed. They
may be reappointed to the same office for another term of three (3) years
immediately after the expiry of their term: Provided, That the holding of such
position shall not be more than six (6) years, whichever is longer: Provided,
further, That the first Board under this Act shall hold these terms of office: the
Chairperson for three (3) years, the first two (2) members for two (2) years, and
the second two (2) members for one (1) year: Provided, finally, That any
appointee to a vacancy with unexpired period shall only serve such period. The
chairperson and the members shall duly take their oath of office.

D. How to become a Registered Criminologist

As provided under Section 13 of RA 11131 that all the applicants for registration
for the practice of criminology shall be required to pass a licensure examination as
provided for in this Act, in such places and dates as the Commission may designate in
the resolution thereof on the Master Schedules for all licensure examination in
accordance with Section 7 (d) of RA 8981.

Furthermore, to pass the licensure examination for criminologist, Section 17 of

RA 11131 reiterates that:

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1. A candidate must obtain a weighted average rating of seventy-five
percent (75%) with no grade less than sixty percent (60%) in any
given subject.
2. In case the examinee obtains a weighted average rating of seventy-
five percent (75%) but, has a grade below sixty percent (60%) in any
of the subjects, the result of the examinee shall be deferred, and be
required to retake that particular subject/s.
3. The deferred examinee shall only be allowed to retake once within
two (2) years from the date of the examination, and shall be required
to obtain a grade not lower than eighty percent (80%) on the subject,
to be considered to have passed the licensure examination.
4. If the examinee failed to retake after the lapse of two (2) years or
failed to get the passing mark of eighty percent (80%), the examinee
shall retake all the board subjects.

However, before a candidate be allowed to take the licensure examination

Section 14 of RA 11131 states that an applicant for the licensure examination for
criminologist shall satisfactorily prove that one possesses the following

1. Must be a citizen of the Philippines or a foreign citizen whose

country/state has reciprocity with the Philippines in the practice of
2. Must be of good moral character, good reputation and of sound mind
and body certified by the school where he/she graduated and the
barangay where he/she lives, unless an examinee is a foreign
national a certification from any professional of good standing will do;
3. Must hold a bachelor’s degree in criminology duly accredited by
CHED and conferred by a school/college/university duly authorized by
the government or its equivalent degree obtained by either a Filipino
or foreign citizen from an institution of learning in a foreign
country/state: Provided, That it is duly recognized and/or accredited
by the CHED;
4. Must not have been convicted of an offense involving moral turpitude
by a court of competent jurisdiction; and
5. Those who failed five (5) times whether consecutive or cumulative in
the criminologist licensure examination, must present a certification
issued by a reputable institution duly recognized by the CHED that
such applicant has satisfactorily completed a refresher course in

E. The Practice of Criminology

Under Section 27 of this Act, the lawful practitioners of criminology and shall be
authorized to practice the criminology profession are the following persons:

1. Natural persons:
• Duly registered criminologists and holders of valid certificates of
registration and valid professional identification cards issued by the
Board and the Commission pursuant to this Act; and
• Holders of valid temporary/special permits issued by the Board and
the Commission to foreign licensed criminologist pursuant to this Act.

2. Juridical persons:

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• Single proprietorship whose owner and technical staff are registered
• Partnership duly registered with the Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) as professional partnership pursuant to the Civil
Code and composed of partners, majority of whom are registered
• Corporation duly registered with the SEC as engaged in the practice
of criminology and with officers and Board of Directors who are all
registered criminologists; and
• Association and cooperative duly registered with the appropriate
government agency as a non-stock corporation where majority of the
officers, Board of Trustees and members are registered
Note: These juridical persons shall also be registered with the Board and
the Commission in accordance with the rules and regulations thereon.

Section 29 of RA 11131, following the principle of Foreign Reciprocity, states that

“No foreigner shall be allowed to take the licensure examination for criminologists,
register, receive one’s certificate of registration and professional identification card, and
practice criminology in the Philippines unless the requirements for the licensure
examination and/or registration and practice of criminology imposed under the laws and
regulations in the foreign country/state are substantially the same as those required and
contemplated by the Philippine laws and regulations, and unless the foreign laws and
regulations allow the Philippine citizen to practice criminology within the territory of the
foreign country/state on the same basis and grant the same privileges as those enjoyed
by the citizens, subject or nationals thereof”.

Furthermore, under Section 30 of RA 11131, Foreign Registered Criminologist

who wanted to practice criminology profession in the Philippines shall obtain a
Temporary or Special Permit which may be issued by the Board subject to the
approval by the commission and payment of fees the latter has prescribed and charged.
Hence, such permit may be issued to the following:

1. Registered criminologist from foreign countries/states whose services are

rendered either for free or for a fee:
• If they are internationally known criminologist or experts in any branch,
specialty or allied field of criminology; and
• If their services are urgently required for lack or inadequacy of available
local specialists and experts; or for the promotion or advancement of the
practice of criminology through transfer of technology.

2. Registered criminologist from foreign countries/states whose services shall be

free and limited to indigent patients in a particular hospital, center or clinic; and;

3. Registered criminologists from foreign countries/states employed as exchange

professors in a branch specialty or allied field of criminology, in schools, colleges
or universities offering the course criminology.

Note: The permit shall, among other things, contain these limitations and
conditions for a period of not more than one (1) year subject to the renewal: the
branch or specialty of criminology and the specific place or practice such as
clinic, hospital, center, school, college or university offering the course of

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criminology. The Board, subject to the approval of the Commission, shall
promulgate rules and regulations on the implementation of this particular section.

F. Scope of the Practice of Criminology

Section 5 of RA 11131 provides that the scope of criminology shall include, but
shall not be limited to, acts or activities performed:

1. In line with the practice of profession or occupation as a law

enforcement administrator, executive, adviser, consultant, officer,
investigator, agent or employee in any private or government
agencies performing law enforcement and quasi-police functions at
Sea and Air Marshalls, the VIP Security, Airport and Seaport Police,
NICA, ISAFP, and other intelligence service or agencies of the
government exercising similar functions;

2. In line with the practice of teaching profession such as performed by a

professor, instructor, or teacher in any university, college or school
duly recognized by the government of any of the following
professional component subjects of criminology program: (1) Criminal
Jurisprudence, (2) Criminalistics, (3) Law Enforcement Administration,
(4) Crime Detection and Investigation, (5) Correctional Administration,
(6) Criminal Sociology and Ethics, and other technical and specialized
subjects in the criminology curriculum provided by the CHED;

3. As a technician. Examiner/criminalist or specialist in dactyloscopy,

questioned document, DNA, lie detection, firearms identification,
forensic photography, forensic chemistry and other scienctific crime
detection and investigation;

4. As a correctional administrator, executive supervisor, or officer in any

rehabilitation, correctional, and penal institution or facility, and in any
community-based corrections, and rehabilitation agencies and/or

5. As a counselor, consultant, adviser or researcher in any government

or private agency on any aspect of criminological research or project
involving the causes of crime, children in conflict with the law,
treatment of offenders, police operations, law enforcement
administration, scientific criminal investigation or public safety and
national security administration; and

6. As a private investigator, administrator, consultant or agent, or

detective in any private security and investigation agency organized
under the laws of the Philippines.

NOTE: The Board, in consultation with the APO and the academe,
subject to the approval of the Commission, may revise, exclude form
or add to the above enumerated acts or activities as the need arises
to conform with the latest trends in the practice of criminology in the

G. Privileges of a Registered Criminologist

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Section 34 of RA 11131 provides that all registered criminologists shall be
exempt from taking any other entrance or qualifying government or civil service
examinations and shall be considered civil service eligible to the following government
positions, among others:

• Dactylographer;
• Ballistician;
• Questioned Document Examiner;
• Forensic Photographer;
• Polygraph Examiner;
• Probation Officer;
• Parole Officer;
• Special Investigator;
• Investigative Agent;
• Special Agent;
• Intelligence Agent;
• Law Enforcement Evaluation Officer;
• NAPOLCOM Inspector;
• Traffic Operation Officer;
• Associate Graft Investigator Officer;
• Special Police Officer;
• Safekeeping Officer;
• Sheriff;
• Security Officer;
• Criminal Investigator;
• Warden;
• Reformation Officer;
• Firefighter;
• Fire Marshall;
• Jail Officer (up to Jail Superintendent);
• Police Officer (up to Police Superintendent);
• And other law enforcement agencies, and agencies under
Criminal Justice System

On the other hand, Section 35 of RA 11131 also provides that Registered

Criminologist shall have Preference of Appointment in Government Criminal
Justice and other Government Institutions. Hence, it states that Registered
criminologists shall enjoy priority of appointment and shall not be required
to take any qualifying or entrance examinations in the PNP, the NBI, the
BJMP, BFP, LTO, and other government positions related to criminology, police
and law enforcement work, investigations and security, corrections and public

Lastly, another privilege of being a Registered Criminologist is provided

under Section 36 of RA 11131 which states that Registered Criminologists
who are not in the government service shall be eligible and given
preference for appointment via lateral entry as Police, Fire, and Jail
Inspectors or its equivalent in the PDEA, NBI and other law enforcement

H. Obligations and Responsibilities of a Registered Criminologist

The practice of criminology profession in the Philippines is sacred and is

protected by the law. Hence, only those who possesses the necessary qualifications and

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was able to hurdle the tedious licensure examination may be allowed to practice the said
profession. However, like any other profession, it has certain limitations and a continuing
requirement that a registered criminologist must possess. Otherwise, as provided under
section 21 and 22 of RA 11131 that the commission of prohibited acts may lead to the
refusal, revocation or suspension of the Certificates of Registration, and the cancellation
of the Temporary/Special permit. Thus, a registered criminologist should avoid any of the
following acts:

A. In order to avoid refusal of issuance of Certificate of Registration and

Professional Identification Card or Temporary/Special Permit:

• Convicted with finality of a crime involving moral turpitude by a court

of competent justice;
• Found guilty of immoral or dishonorable conduct by the Board;
• Summarily adjudged guilty for violation of the General Instruction to
Examinees by the Board; and
• Declared of unsound mind by a court of competent jurisdiction.

B. In order to avoid the revocation or suspension of the Certificate of

Registration and Cancellation of Temporary/Special Permit:

• Violation of any provision of this Act, its IRR, the Code of Ethics, Code
of Good Governance, or policy of the Board and/or the Commission;
• Conviction of a crime with finality involving moral turpitude;
• Perpetration or use of fraud in obtaining one’s certificate of
registration, professional identification card or temporary/special
• Gross incompetence, negligence or ignorance resulting to death or
injury of a person or damage to property;
• Nonrenewal of the professional identification card for a period of six
(6) years with the PRC without justifiable cause;
• Aiding o abetting the illegal practice of a non-registered criminologist
by allowing the use of one’s certificate of registration and/or
professional identification card or temporary/special permit;
• Illegally practicing the profession during suspension from the practice
• Addiction to drugs or alcohol impairing one’s ability to practice the
profession or a declaration by the court of a competent jurisdiction
that the registrant is of unsound mind; and
• Noncompliance of the CPD and APO requirements, unless one is
exempted therefrom, for the renewal of the professional identification


RA 11131 is the repealing act of RA 6506, wherein in this new law aims to
govern the examination, registration and licensure of criminologists; supervise, control
and regulate the practice of criminology; and develop professional competence
of criminologists. It is said the state recognizes the importance of criminology profession
in national security, public safety, peace and order, and in nation building and
development. The Professional Regulatory Board for Criminologists will be created to

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administer, supervise and monitor licensure examination, registration, membership, and
practice of criminology.

Alviola A. A. (2014), Introduction to Criiminology and Psychology of Crimes,
Quezon City, Philippines: Jobal Publishing House
Bautista, F. F., Guevarra, R. M. (2013), Sociology of Crime and Ethics, Quezon
City, Philippines: Wisemans Book Trading, Inc.
Cutamora Jr., Mamasalagat (2015), Introduction to Criminology and Criminal
Justice and the Psychology of Crimes, Quezon City, Philippines: Central Book
Supply, Inc.
Reyes L. B. (2017), The Revised Penal Code 19 th Edition. Manila, Philippines:
REX Book Store

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