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Quarter 2 - Module 9:
Determining Unsupported
Generalizations and Exaggerations
and Employing Analytical
Listening in Problem Solving
English- Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 9: Determining Unsupported Generalizations and
Exaggerations and Employing Analytical Listening in Problem Solving
First Edition, 2020
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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Bukidnon

Development Team of the Module

Author: Hope L. Lumictin, SST-I

Editor: Violeta B. Cheng, MT-I
Reviewer: Roselle A. Ferber, SSP-I
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Hope L. Lumictin, SST-I
Evaluator: Cristita M. Mabilen, SST III
Management Team
Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
Regional Director

Co-Chairpersons: Dr. Victor G. De Gracia Jr. CESO V

Asst. Regional Director

Randolph B. Tortola, PhD, CESO IV

Schools Division Superintendent

Shambaeh A. Usman, PhD

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Neil A. Improgo, EPS-LRMS
Bienvenido U. Tagolimot, Jr., EPS-ADM

Members: Elbert R. Francisco, PhD, Chief ES, CID

Sarah M. Mancao, PhD, EPS in English
Rejynne Mary L. Ruiz, PhD, LRMDS Manager
Jeny B. Timbal, PDO II
Shella O. Bolasco, Division Librarian II
Daryl Rey T. Macario, ICT

Printed in the Philippines by

Department of Education – Division of Bukidnon
Office Address: Sumpong, Malaybalay City
Telephone: (088) 813-3634
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Quarter 2 - Module 9
Determining Unsupported Generalizations and
Exaggerations and Employing Analytical
Listening in Problem Solving

This module was collaboratively developed and reviewed by educators from

public schools. We encourage teachers and other education stakeholders to e-mail
their feedback, comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education at
[email protected].

We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education-Division of Bukidnon ● Republic of the Philippines

Table of Contents
WHAT THIS MODULE IS ABOUT ……………………………………………..… ...... i
Notes to the Teacher/Facilitator ……………………………………………..………. .. ii
Notes to the Learner ………………………………………………………..…………. . ii
Notes to the Parents/Guardian ………………………………………...…………… ... ii
Module Icons ……………………………………………………………….….………. .. iii

WHAT I NEED TO KNOW ………………………………………………………… ...... iv

WHAT I KNOW (Pretest) ……………………………………………………………. .... iv

Lesson 1: Determining Unsupported Generalizations

and Exaggerations …………………………………………………….. . 1
What I Need to Know ………………………………………………....... 1
What I Know ………………………………………………………….......1
What’s In ………………………………………………………………. ... 1
What’s New ……………………………………………………………….2
What Is It ………………………………………………………………… 2
What’s More …………………………………………………………… .. 3
What I Have Learned …………………………………………………. .. 4
What I Can Do …………………………………………………………. .. 4
Assessment ……………………………………………………………. .. 5
Additional Activities …………………………………………………… .. 5

Lesson 2: Employing Analytical Listening in Problem Solving……………… .

What I Need to Know …………………………………………………. .. 6

What I Know …………………………………………………………… .. 6
What’s In ……………………………………………………………….. .. 7
What’s New ……………………………………………………………. .. 7
What Is It ………………………………………………………………. ... 7
What’s More ……………………………………………………………. . 9
What I Have Learned …………………………………………………. .. 11
What I Can Do …………………………………………………………. .. 11
Assessment …………………………………………………………….. . 12
Additional Activities ……………………………………………………. . 12

Posttest…… ……………………………………………………………………………… 13
Key to Answers ………………………………………………………………………..... 15
References ………………………………………………………………………………. 17
What This Module is About

In this module, you will learn more about detecting and determining
unsupported generalizations and exaggerations in texts and in employing analytical
listening. These are necessary skills that you need to develop to become a critical
thinker as you read and listen and make sound decisions independently.

This learning material is specially crafted to provide you with independent and
self-directed learning experiences and to have more autonomy and control over your
learning. This module will also help you improve your academic performance, increase
motivation and confidence, make choices, and decisions about how to meet your
learning needs, take responsibility for constructing and carrying out your learning.

The competencies included in this module are considered as the most essential
competencies which need to be mastered by a Grade 10 student like you. These
competencies are anchored on the general principles, goals, and objectives of the K
to 12 Basic Education program for Grade 10 students, to become productive and
active participants in the society you belong.

There are two learning competencies, which would mean two lessons to work
on in this module. Each lesson is built around a particular text for you to explore
meaningfully through a variety of integrated, challenging, and exciting tasks.

Notes to the Teacher:
Our normal and long-held views about schools and our roles as teachers
will never be the same. Transitioning to new normal education requires us to unlearn
what we have already known. It is our challenge as a teacher to break down the walls
and respond to this pandemic by overcoming the learning crisis we are facing. Let us
embrace the new learning modalities to make changes that could eventually result in
better outcomes for our learners. Let us always uphold the right to quality education
by providing any modes or pathways to learning and assuring that all learners have
the same chances for quality education.

Notes to the Learner:

You are now facing a new normal education. This alternative learning
module is the best way of replacing the traditional face to face classes. This module
is crafted and simplified concerning the essential competencies according to your
grade level. This is a self-guided learning wherein you are going to learn independently
at your own pace, but your teacher can help you speed up the learning process. This
requires you to think critically and be empowered to respond and hone your macro-
learning skills. It is quite a tough task for you, but you can ask for assistance from your
teacher and your parents or from anyone who could help you.

Notes to the Parent:

As we embrace the new normal way of learning, the shift of responsibility in the
teaching-learning process from the teachers to household members can be
overwhelming. You can act as a learning facilitator to make the learning process more
pleasant to your child/children. Together, let us forge connections and stay engaged
with our learners for the quality education they deserve.

How to Learn from this Module

To achieve the objectives of this module, you are to do the following:

• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises
• Do not write anything on this module. Answer all the given tests and exercises
in your activity notebook or activity sheets.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that

Know are set for you to learn as you go along the
Module each day/lesson.

This is a pre-test assessment as to your

What I know level of knowledge to the subject matter
at hand, meant specifically to gauge prior
related knowledge.

What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that

of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you.

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

ways to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Need To Know
In charting the course of your journey in this module, you are expected to:
a. determine unsupported generalizations and exaggerations;
b. use generalizations and exaggerations;
c. employ analytical listening in problem solving;
d. differentiate the types of listening;
e. give reasons for doing analytical listening.

What I Know

As part of your initial activity, you need to answer this pre-assessment to
check your prior knowledge on the topics in this module.

Directions: Read carefully each item below and follow directions as indicated. Write
all your answers in your activity notebook or activity sheets.

For numbers 1-10, tell whether the sentences below express unsupported
generalizations or exaggerated expressions. Write the word Okay if it is an
unsupported generalizations and Over if it is an exaggeration.

__________ 1. I will stand for you forever.

__________ 2. Dogs are the most domesticated of all animals.
__________ 3. Generally speaking, men are more emotional than women.
__________ 4. Most people find church boring.
___________5. I will cry a river of tears if you leave me.
___________6. Police officers are corrupt.
___________7. The customer is always right.
___________8. Poor people are lazy.
___________9. Differences in principles foretell a chaotic relationship.
___________10. All success is brought about by good luck.

Read the selection below and encircle the letter of the correct answer
Our country is vulnerable to the impact of climate change and global
warming, from our tropical climate, topography and geographic location, population
density, socio-economic conditions, and other factors. With the global rise of
temperatures posing drastic changes in our climate, our country becomes more
susceptible to its impacts ranging from weather disturbances, flash floods, drought,
changes in species migration and feeding patterns, increase in illnesses, and many
serious consequences. Moreover, climate changes and global warming are not just
environmental issues because they also have socio-economic implications.

11. What is the appropriate title of the selection?
A. The Global Rise of Temperature
B. The Effects of Global warming
C. The Socio-Economic Implications
D. The Environmental Issues
12. What is the main idea of the selection?
A. Our country experiences climate change.
B. Our country has a tropical climate.
C. The man should take care of the environment.
D. Global warming and climate change have socio-economic effects.

13. The following are effects of climate change EXCEPT

A. weather disturbance
B. population density
C. flash flood
D. drought

Like all the creatures on earth, the spider has an essential place in nature.
But many people dislike spiders. Some people believe all spiders are harmful. In
North America, there are six kinds of spiders whose bites can harm human, like
the black widows. However, people usually sweep out spiders and their webs
whenever they see them. This is unfortunate because indoors and outdoors,
spiders destroy millions of insect pests each year. In some parts of the world,
spiders are brought right into the house and welcomed as superior flycatchers!

14. Which statement is true according to the selection?

A. Spiders spin thread.
B. Everyone loves spiders.
C. Some people dislike spiders.
D. Spiders are favorite playthings of boys.
15. Which group of words best states the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Some spiders bite.
B. Some spiders are harmful.
C. Spiders can be raised as pets.
D. Spiders have an essential place in nature.

Determining Unsupported
Generalizations and Exaggerations

What I Need to Know

Congratulations for doing your best to learn the competencies in the

previous module! Are you ready for another exciting activities? Then,
take your time reading the discussions and doing all the tasks in this
lesson. After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

a. determine unsupported generalizations and exaggerations

b. use generalizations and exaggerations effectively.

What I know

Task 1
Tell whether each statement below is an unsupported generalization or an
exaggeration. Write your answers in your activity notebook or activity sheets.

1. All girls like to play dolls.

2. This fruit smells like hell, but tastes like heaven.
3. In general, men are polygamous.
4. This food makes you forget everything when you taste it.
5. This slimming tea will make you lose tons of unwanted fats.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, you have learned about identifying a bias and
prejudice. Do you think we can all be biased and prejudiced against someone or
something? Honestly yes, because we all have our own preferences. However, we
have to manage it carefully and practice fairness and impartiality. In this lesson, you
are going to learn to determine unsupported generalizations and exaggerations in

What’s New
Task 2
Read each statement below and answer the following questions:

1. All teachers wear heavy makeup.

2. The liniment relieves body aches and pains in seconds.
3. In general, men in the army are fearless.
4. This perfume makes you the most unforgettable woman on earth.
5. You’re the best Mom in the world.

A. What term or word signals generalization in statements 1 & 3? What do

these sentences convey? Are the statements supported by facts and/or

B. What word/s or phrase/s in sentences 2, 4 & 5 are overwhelming? Are

the ideas presented in these sentences possible to happen or have
happened in real life?

What Is It

Unsupported generalization is a broad statement, which is based on nothing.

Additionally, it is not supported by facts. They give baseless details, and it can lead
to readers and listeners to the wrong idea; thus, these ideas are useless. These will
be helpful if they are supported by additional information.

Exaggeration is a way of over emphasizing something, either making it better

or worse than it really is. It can be used to communicate the importance of something
to create a lasting impression or to evoke stronger feelings than otherwise. The word
exaggeration comes from the Latin word “exaggerationem”, which means “elevation”
or “exaltation.

Note the reminders enclosed in the box below

Learn by Heart
Unsupported generalizations and exaggerations are baseless
information that can mislead listeners or readers. Unless additional information to
support them is available, do not believe them immediately. Check them for
accuracy and truthfulness.

What’s More

Task 3

Let’s try the following activities. Copy the tables and accomplish them in your
activity notebook.
A. Read the text carefully, then, identify from the statements the exaggerated
words/expressions and write them under the appropriate heading in the box.

When we went to the hospital, my mom was jumpier than a jumping jack. And
when we saw that Grandma was awake, Mom’s face lit up like a light bulb. And when
Grandma hugged me, my heart lit up like a volcano ready to erupt.

Exaggerated Words/Expressions More Appropriate Words

jumpier than a jumping jack very nervous

B. Distinguish from the statements the unsupported generalization and try to

support it by adding relevant information.

1. All Christians follow Christian teachings.

2. I am the best basketball player in the world.
3. All men are strong.
4. Women should stay at home because they are weaker than men.
5. This shampoo will make your hair perfect in just three days!

Unsupported Generalization My supporting Statement

All Christians follow Christian teachings. Christians who know Christ by heart
follow Christian teachings.

Remember that words like all, none, most, many, always, often, everyone, never,
sometimes, some, usually, seldom, few, generally, overall, as a general rule, are words that
signal generalization statements.

Task 4

Let’s have another activity, have fun and enjoy it!

Change the following baseless generalizations to more accurate statements. Write

your answers in your activity notebook or activity sheets.
1. Generally, students without ID cards are temporarily enrolled.
Ans: Students without ID cards maybe temporarily enrolled.
2. All government officials honestly serve the people
3. Modern technology is always beneficial to man.
4. Everyone in showbiz earns much money.
5. Girls are usually weak in Math.

What I Have Learned

Task 5

Do this in your activity notebook or activity sheets.

1. What is unsupported generalization? What is exaggeration?

2. Give five example sentences for unsupported generalization and five sentences
for exaggeration.

What I Can Do

Task 6
Watch and observe three advertisements /commercials on TV (Specify
the TV Commercial), then identify statements of unsupported
generalizations and exaggerations. Write this in your activity notebook or activity


Directions: Read carefully each item below, identify whether it is Exaggeration or

Unsupported Generalization

___________1. All men have bad temper.

___________2. Earn up to 50,000 monthly working at home.
___________3. What people wear determine their character
___________4. Erase wrinkles, crow’s feet and laugh lines almost instantly.
___________5. This slimming tablet will make you lose 10 kilos in a
month. Try it!
___________6. All Filipinos love movies!
___________7. Since Velvety-Skin-So-Soft is good for your baby, it will be good for
you, too!
___________8. Bet on this! Lotto will make you an instant millionaire.
___________9. I will marry you in all churches.
___________10. All dogs hate cats.

Additional Activity:
Complete the following statement in your activity notebook or activity sheets.
The insights I have learned in this lesson are ____________________

Congratulations! You are done with this lesson. I hope you had fun learning.

Employing Analytical Listening in
Problem Solving

What I Need to Know

Good job for doing your best in the previous lesson. Now, you are going to
have a lesson on listening comprehension. After going through this lesson, you are
expected to:
 employ analytical listening in problem solving;
 differentiate the types of listening;
 give reasons for doing analytical listening.

What I Know

Task 1

Here are some classroom activities. Decide which are listening activities
and which are not. Put a Check (√), if it is a listening activity and (X) if not. Do
this in your activity notebook or activity sheets.

A. Learners respond orally to a written exercise.

B. The teacher tells a story.
C. A student asks the teacher a question about the meaning of a
D. The teacher conducts a drill with the class.
E. Two students carry out a pair- work activity.

What’s In

In lesson 1, you have learned about unsupported generalizations and

exaggerations which are baseless information, so do not believe them immediately.
Check for their accuracy and truthfulness. In this lesson, you are going to learn to
listen analytically and critically to process accurate information.

What’s New

Task 2
True or False: Read the sentences about listening carefully. Write True
if the sentence is correct and False if it is incorrect.
________ 1. Appropriateness in language use means knowing what to say
about something, how to say it, to whom, where and when to say it.
_________2. Students are told beforehand what to pay attention to in a
listening task so that the students know what is expected of them.
_________3. In a formal conversation, it is natural for the speaker to
repeat words, paraphrase or correct himself at some points.
_________4. Analytical listening is called for when viewing TV ads,
listening to debates and in problem-solving situations.
_________5. As a listener, you seldom quote the exact words of the speaker
unless you find a word, a phrase, or statement in what was said worth

What Is It

Listening is attending to what you consider important. It is trying to get the

meaning of what you hear. To listen successfully to spoken language, you need to be
able to work out what speakers mean when they use particular words in particular
ways in particular situations. The important thing about listening is getting the message
and interpreting it.

Why listen?
There are five main reasons why do people listen.
1. To be able to engage in social rituals
- As a social being, a man usually engages in social rituals such as exchanging
pleasantries, engaging in small talk, attending meetings, and the like.

2. To get information
- In school, students have to listen attentively to get important ideas from a
3. To be able to respond to “controls.”
- There is a need for an attentive listening to be able to follow directions and
instructions given orally.
4. To respond to feelings
- It is necessary to listen with empathy to understand what a person means and
how he or she feels. This situation occurs when one listens to complaints or
5. To enjoy
- Listening enables us to share a good laugh with others as when we exchange
jokes. It could also serve as a source of pleasure when we listen to music and
oral interpretation of literary pieces.

How do people listen

Listening can be classified into several types, depending on how you pay
attention to what is being said or heard.

 Marginal/passive listening- Also called hearing or auding, the listener hears

the sounds, often in the background, but simply ignores them because he or
she is engrossed in another task.

 Attentive listening-The listener focuses attention and shows interest in what

is being said. He or she takes note of the specifics and how they relate to the
main points made by the speaker.

 Critical/Analytical listening-In this type of listening, one has to decide on the

truth of ideas, pass judgment on claims made and make decisions on whether
to accept what she or he hears, reject it, or take it with a grain of salt.

 Appreciative listening- Thus, type of listening gives the listener the pleasure,
maybe from the humor, or the blending of voices in choric arrangements.

Moreover, Analytical or critical listening plays a big part in our

everyday undertakings because it is all about the ability and the capacity to
analyze what is being said properly. This does not only mean what the other
person is saying and what they mean to say but also being able to divide difficult
questions into separate parts to get the core. It helps bring balance to a
conversation and process the information objectively.


What’s More

Task 3 “Taking Notes of House Rules”

You are going to listen carefully to a recorded dialog entitled “Taking Notes of
House Rules.” The dialog involves Jane, a new boarder of Aling Cita, a very
meticulous lady. Her room is on the second floor of a new apartment building.

In this listening activity, you are going to study the picture as well, and answer
the activity that follows, in your activity notebook.

Here is the script of their dialog.

Jane: Well, it’s a lovely room. Its size is just right for me.
Aling Cita: Oh, yes. It’s a good-sized room, and it’s well-furnished.
Jane: Yes. I can see that. Is there anything I should know?
Aling Cita: Well, I don’t allow the cat to go upstairs at all.
Jane: Oh. Not at all?
Aling Luz: Absolutely not! I don’t like cats upstairs. And I don’t allow people to
smoke in the bedroom.
Jane: That’s okay with me. I don’t smoke anyway.
Aling Cita: I don’t allow people to stick up pictures on the wall with tape. You
see, when you take the pictures down, the scotch tape or masking tape leaves
marks on the wall.
Jane: Oh, I see. Can I use thumbtacks instead?
Aling Cita: Oh, yes. Something like that. But do not use big nails. They leave
holes on the wall. Then, if you go out, please remember to close the
Jane: Right! I’ll do that.
Aling Cita: And there’s a kettle for you to boil water in. Place it on the floor and
Not on the chest of drawers or cabinet.
Jane: I know. It will leave a mark, especially if it is hot. Is there anything else?
Aling Cita: One last thing- please keep your room tidy. Hang your clothes and
see to it that your books and papers should be on the table or shelf.
Jane: All right, Aling Cita. I’ll try to remember all you said to me.


1. Identify and list down the rules given by Aling Luz which have not been

Task 4
Read the following statements carefully; identify what type of listening
activity it falls. Write your answer in your activity notebook.

1. Enjoying the music played over the radio without understanding the words
2. Discussing a problem that is described orally and writing down a
suggested solution
3. Interpreting implied information, attitude, and intention
4. Getting the gist of a talk
5. Paying attention selectively and continuously varying the level of
awareness while engaged in other tasks simultaneously
6. Rewriting the listening text in different works; either in the same
language or in another translation
7. Performing actions in response to instructions given orally
8. Making judgments about which content to select for remembering
9. Interpreting music through dance
10. Identifying a general topic or information provided in a listening text

What I Have Learned

Task 5
Write your answers to the following questions in your activity notebook.
1. What is listening?
2. Give at least three reasons why we listen and give examples.

What I Can Do

Task 6
Listen to a passage entitled “The Pain of Anger.” (Video presentation)
and do the activity that follows. Write it in your activity notebook.
Here is the script of the passage

The Pain of Anger

Anger causes pain. It is usually expressed in hurting comments, cutting
remarks, and sharp retorts. Many have been wounded by words or actions that have
sprung from a heart filled with wrath. But the greatest pain is felt by the one who is
overcome with anger.
One day, as Leonardo da Vinci was painting “The Last Supper”, he became
mad with a certain man. His temper flared and he lashed at him with stinging words.
Resuming his work, he began to brush some delicate lines on the face of Jesus. But
he was so upset that he could not continue.
He laid down his tools and went to look for the man to ask his forgiveness.
Only after he apologized could Leonardo go back and complete the face of Christ.
Like da Vinci, we are sometimes prevented from doing work effectively
because of unresolved anger. We can overcome it by being reconciled to the one we
have offended. His forgiveness will heal and relieve us from the pains of anger.


1. What questions come to your mind as you listen/read the title?

2. How does anger cause pain?
3. Who will feel the pain more, the angry person, or the person he is angry with?
4. Is it just physical pain? Why or Why not?
5. Do you think this is true in real life?
6. Can something be done about it?

Listen to the news broadcast on TV, particularly on the pandemic today,
the Covid 19 issues, then, supply what is asked for in the table below

What are the issues presented in the What possible solution can you offer

Additional Activity
Complete the sentence below

As a student, listening, particularly analytical/critical is very important because


Read the selection below and encircle the letter of the correct answer

Like all the creatures on earth, the spider has an important place in nature.
But many people dislike spiders. Some people believe all spiders are harmful. Only
six kinds of spiders in North America like the black widow have bites that can harm
humans. Yet people often sweep spiders and their webs out of the house when they
see them. It is unfortunate because indoors and out, spiders destroy millions of
insect pests each year. In some parts of the world, spiders are brought right into the
house and welcomed as superior flycatchers!

1. Which statement is true according to the selection?

A. Spiders spin thread.
B. Everyone loves spiders.
C. Some people dislike spiders.
D. Spiders are favorite playthings of boys.
2. Which group of words best states the main idea of the paragraph?
A. Some spiders bite.
B. Some spiders are harmful.
C. Spiders can be raised as pets.
D. Spiders have an important place in nature.
Our country is vulnerable to the impact of climate change and global
warming, from our tropical climate, topography and geographic location, population
density, socio-economic conditions, and other factors. With global rise of
temperatures posing drastic changes in our climate, our country becomes more
susceptible from its impacts ranging from weather disturbances, flash floods,
drought, changes in species migration and feeding patterns, increase in illnesses,
and many serious consequences. To be sure, climate changes and global warming
are not just environmental issues because they also have socio-economic

3. What is the appropriate title of the selection?

A. The Global Rise of Temperature
B. The Effects of Global warming
C. The Socio-Economic Implications
D. The Environmental Issues
4. What is the main idea of the selection?
A. Our country experiences climate change.
B. Our country has a tropical climate.
C. Man should take care of the environment.
D. Global warming and climate change have socio-economic effects.
5. Which of the following is NOT an effect of climate change?
A. weather disturbance B. population density
C. flash flood D. drought

Read carefully each item below, identify whether it is Exaggeration or
Unsupported Generalization

___________6. The customer is always right.

___________7. Poor people are lazy
___________8. Differences in principles foretell a chaotic relationship
___________9. All success is brought about by good luck
___________10. I will stand for you forever.
___________11. Dogs are the most domesticated of all animals.
___________12. Generally speaking, men are more emotional than women.
___________13. Most people find church boring.
___________14. I will cry a river of tears if you leave me.
___________15. Police officers are corrupt.

1. Over 6. Okay 11. B
2. Okay 7. Okay 12. D
3. Okay 8. Okay 13. B
4. Okay 9. Okay 14. C
5. Over 10. Okay 15. D
Lesson 1
Task 1
1. Unsupported Generalization
2. Exaggeration
3. Unsupported Generalization
4. Exaggeration
5. Exaggeration
Task 2
A. 1.All- convey the idea of generalization,
No, they are not supported by facts and figures
3. In general- convey the idea of generalization,
No, they are not supported by facts and figures
B. 2. Relieves body aches and pains in seconds
4. makes you the most unforgettable women on earth
5. best Mom in the world
Task 3
Possible answers:
A. Jumpier than a Mexican jumping beans- very nervous
Lit up like a light bulb- relieved
Lit up like a volcano ready to erupt- was overjoyed
B. 1. All Christians- most/ some Christians
2. Best basketball in the world- best basketball player in the team
3. All men- some men
4. Women are weaker- women are not weak
5. Perfect hair in 3 days- makes their hair perfect with continuous use
Task 4 Assessment
Answers may vary 1. UG 6. UG
2. E 7. UG
Task 5 3. UG 8. UG
Answers may vary 4. E 9. E
5. E 10. UG
Task 6
Answers may vary Additional Activity
Answers may vary
Key to Answers
Lesson 2
Task 1 Task 2
1. x 1. True
2. √ 2. True
3. √ 3. False
4. √ 4. True
5. x 5. True
Task 3
Answers may vary
Task 4
1. Appreciative
2. critical
3. attentive
4. critical
5. margined
6. attentive
7. critical
8. critical
9. appreciative
10. attentive
Task 5
Answers may vary
Task 6
Answers may vary
Answers may vary
Post – Test
1. c 6. Unsupported generalization 11. Unsupported generalization
2. d 7. unsupported generalization 12. Unsupported generalization
3. b 8. Unsupported generalization 13. Unsupported generalization
4. d 9. Unsupported generalization 14. Exaggeration
5. b 10.exaggeration 15. Unsupported generalization

English 10 Learner’s Material: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature. Pasig

City, Philippines: Department of Education, 2015.

Rubin, D. The vital arts-reading and writing. USA: MacMillan Publishing Inc., 1979.

Developing reading skills (3rd Edition). USA: McGraw Hill

Fact, Concepts and Generalization. Retrieved on June 2020 at

Unsupported generalizations. Pennington Publishing House. Retrieved on June 2020


Flojo, Ofelia O. Curriculum and Instruction: The Teaching of English. Retrieved on

June 2020 at

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