Your Hidden Power

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Your Hidden Power

An eGuide to Getting The Life You Want

By Josephine G Payge


Your Hidden Power

An eGuide To Getting The Life You Want
By Josephine Payge

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin

it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.
Begin it now.”
 - Goethe

1. Introduction

This eGuide is the result of my years of study of many

wonderful “New Thought” writers, who were
published in the early part of the 20th century. People
like Wallace D Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Genevieve
Behrend, Thomas Troward and many others.

Their thinking and inspiration has completely

transformed my life and my perspective.

Firstly here is a little part of my history. I come from a

very religious background that taught me to avoid the
workings of my mind at all costs and that the only
worthwhile pursuit was being a devotee. I believed for
33 years, yes, that long, that I should “escape my
thinking” and go to an inner place of “peace and
happiness”. That, they said, was all that was necessary
for a fulfilling life.

Eventually and fortunately I came to realise that living

this way was not going to get me where I wanted to go
in life I felt like time was running out! I had begun to
feel like I was stagnating, deteriorating because of  

lack of action. Over the years my mind had become

quite passive and weak from lack of attention.

Because I finally pursued an education about the

power of thought, I eventually discovered that in fact
my mind could actually become my best asset. My
ally instead of my enemy. I learned that I could, with
practice, choose my thoughts, and I could make sure
that they were by and large positive. My mind wasn’t
my enemy and it was unhealthy to ignore my

Strangely this notion had never occurred to me. I had

never heard of it, I had certainly never been taught it. I
had never even read about it. It was an entirely new
concept to me.

Perhaps you are one of the fortunate ones who know

this already but I have created this small guide for
those who are new to these concepts and ideas.

I learned that spirituality and materialism can co-exist.  

2. What is your Hidden power?

To get started, I would like to explain what this

Hidden Power is, a power that I have come to know
and understand very well over the years.

As you know, ultimately, everything is energy.

Energy exists both in form and without form. It cannot
be created and it cannot be destroyed. This is the First
Law of Thermodynamics in classical physics.

Wallace D Wattles says in his book The Science of

Success: “There is one original formless stuff, or
substance from which all things are made. All the
seemingly different elements are but different
presentations of one element; all the many forms
found in nature are but different shapes, made from
the same stuff. This stuff is thinking stuff; a thought
held in it produces the form of the thought. Thought,
in thinking substance, produces shapes. The human
being is a thinking centre, capable of original thought;
if a person can communicate thoughts to original
substance, he can cause the creation, or formation, of
the thing he thinks about.”

In another groundbreaking book, Think & Grow Rich,

Napoleon Hill refers to this Hidden Power as “the
infinite intelligence”. And more recently Earl
Nightingale referred to it as a “power greater than
your self” in his marvelous little book The Strangest

It is important that we each have our own individual

understanding of this energy, this power, this life
force. There are many ways to get in touch with it.
Simply asking is perhaps the easiest way. Connecting
whilst out in nature is also another wonderful way. I  

get a great sense of this natural force when I am in my

boat gently cruising the river in its many moods in all
the different seasons.

Why not try right now to start to feel this vibration?

Find out what works for you. Nature is a great place to
start or simply sitting quietly in contemplation can
work equally as well.

“You Become What You Think About”

- Earl Nightingale  

2. Mental activity versus thoughts

Let us be clear, mental activity is not thinking. There

is a big difference between thoughts and mental
activity. Thoughts are consciously chosen and
directed, mental activity is all the other stuff that
rattles around inside the mind.

All form begins with a thought, an idea. Where these

thoughts and ideas originate is up for debate, which I
won't get into here. Suffice it to say, that one of the
few things that we can control is our thinking.

I now know without doubt that thoughts become

things and more importantly I can choose the thoughts
and therefore choose the things. Knowing this simple
fact was for me the beginning of my journey to getting
the life I wanted.

You may be surprised at the simplicity of it!

The first thing is deciding what it is you really want.

You may want better health, better relationships, a
new home or more money. Whatever it is, you must
be very clear.

And no matter what it is, know that you can

have it.

The following example shows how I got started. It is

just one of many. As I was emerging out of my
“spiritual” lifestyle where I had trained myself never
to want anything - because desiring things was “bad” -
I found it very hard to want anything more than what I
already had.

After much soul searching and shifting of mental  

patterns I decided with some difficulty, that I would

love to own a traditional wooden river boat so that I
could enjoy the river like so many others. I
remembered that I had often found myself watching
longingly as the “fortunate ones” would cruise by in
their beautiful boats.

This was it. I had made my decision. I wanted a boat.

This was a big deal! I certainly didn’t think I deserved
one and I also didn't have the money to buy one, as the
boats I had my eye on were, about UK£20-30,000

My clearly defined goal gave me the chance to put this

new and exciting information to the test. I really
wanted to see if simply thinking about a thing, as I
had been taught, could bring it into form in my life.

It was only three months later when I became the

proud owner of a magnificent boat made from teak
and mahogany. That was three years ago and I still
enjoy my boat to this day.

It worked. I was surprised and overjoyed.  

3. Success is measured in different ways

My experience with the boat demonstrated a very

practical application of how directed thoughts do
indeed become things. However, success is measured
in many different ways.

Earl Nightingale defined success as “the progressive

realisation of a worthy ideal…” and of course
everyone has their own “worthy ideal”. Mine will not
be the same as yours. Whatever your desire, you owe
it to yourself to pursue it. It would be wrong not to.
An unfulfilled life is a wasted life.

When JK Rowing, the author of the Harry Potter

books, was interviewed by Oprah recently, she
mentioned that no one ever asks her about her failures,
of which she said there were many. The focus is
always on her success.

She spoke of her sense of regret about this lack of

acknowledgement around failures, as they were in fact
the stepping-stones to her success.

If we do not dare to fail we cannot possibly succeed. It

is a well-known fact that the famous inventor Thomas
A Edison had countless failures before he was able to
celebrate his fantastic success as the inventor of the
electric light bulb, an invention that changed the world

Most of us have been taught that to fail is bad.

Whereas the truth is that we must fail so that
ultimately we can win.

One of the best examples of this is watching a child

learning to walk. How many times do babies “fail”
just so that they can pick themselves up and try again  

and again until they achieve their objective. All

children persist until they can walk. There is never a
question of giving up.

Whatever you want in life you can have, remember


“No one is destined to live a life of poverty,

because each of us has the ability to change
everything in this life. The Law of Attraction is
the law of creation, and it allows each person
to create the life they want. Everyone has their
own unique circumstances to overcome. But
every single person also has the opportunity to
achieve anything - and change everything.”
– Rhonda Byrne.  

4. Visualisation

Consciously directed thoughts are necessary for

getting the life we want but there is another even more
powerful tool, the art of visualisation. The simple fact
is we all visualize. We form pictures in our mind all
day long whether we intend to or not. We remember
the past and we project the future but we rarely stay in
the present.

All things begin with a thought or idea. Visualising

can also help to create the things in life that we desire.
We have all heard of Olympic winners describing how
they would “see” themselves receiving their medal,
they would hear their national anthem being played
and they would feel the emotion of winning. They
would practice this art for years in preparation for the

They visualised what they wanted and they got it.

They also had to practise daily to become the best at

their sport. They didn't win simply through
imagination alone, although it was their visioneering
that propelled them to persevere with their training
and to never give up.

The best time to practice this much under-used

technique of visualising is just before going to bed and
directly on rising. It is important to give yourself
plenty of time.

Genevieve Behrend is the inspiration for the following

meditation. First find a quiet place where you won't be
disturbed, then bring your thoughts into a peaceful
place. This will take practice like all new skills but do
the best you can.  

Breathe consciously and deeply for about a minute.

See a beautiful circle of bright, white light surround
your being. Staying in the centre of this circle of light
envision the bright rays entering your body from all
directions and coming together in your centre, your
solar plexus. Then picture this brightest of lights
sweeping through your entire body. From your centre
up to the crown of your head, and down through your
entire body and out through your feet.

Then sit comfortably either on a straight-backed chair

or cross-legged on the floor, whichever is more
comfortable for you.

Know that there is but one life, one substance, and this
benevolent, giving life force is finding pleasure in its
self-recognition in you.

Begin creating the picture of what it is you want with

your imagination. Whatever it is, begin at the
beginning. See every detail of what it is you want to
manifest. For example, if you are visualising money,
see yourself already in possession of the exact amount
of money you want. See yourself holding it in your

Really see and experience the money and notice the

emotion you are experiencing as you do this. Do you
feel happy? Do you feel that this is what you really

Go over your picture again and again until you

actually feel the reality of it and you experience the
emotion of receiving what you want.

Know this with all you heart, that your picture is as

certain to come true, in your physical world, as the sun
is to shine.  

Do this twice a day - every day - until you have

achieved your goal.

Do not give up but persist exactly like the Olympians!

“ The human mind is the most powerful wealth

creation tool that exists. It doesn't matter who
you are. It doesn't matter what you've done 'til
now. It doesn't really even matter what you
currently think you're capable of. Every time
you think of money and wealth, think of all the
positives associated with it.”
- Bob Proctor  

5. Repetition and Paradigms

Have you noticed how our language can be negative a

lot of the time? How we have become used to using
negative expressions without realising what we are
really saying? We have become habituated to
negativity and therefore our thoughts are very often
negative. We can be filled with self-doubt and self-
criticism. Often these negative thoughts are not
conscious, they are there because of habit, because of

It is well known that the news we watch or read to

find out what is going on in our world is often 100%
negative. For some unknown reason the news
providers assume that we enjoy hearing about all the
bad stuff and that we have no interest in the good and
positive events that occur every single day.

Not only do we have negative input to contend with

every day, but people can also have a natural pre-
disposition to be negative.

During our formative years we often heard statements

like; “Money is the root of all evil.” or “Money
doesn’t grow on trees.” or “You can’t have it all.”
Hearing statements like this repeatedly over time
makes people accustom to and even embrace these
negative beliefs and in turn they become their mental

Overcoming these limiting beliefs first of all takes

awareness. Only after people have become acquainted
with their patterns can they then begin to change them.

When I realised what it would actually take to get

what I wanted in life I almost didn't begin! I had to
double-check with my mentor at the time, Bob  

Proctor, that this was the way. He confirmed that it

was and that there is no easy solution to replacing
negative thought habits.

Personal development is definitely not for sissies!

Every single negative thought must be replaced with a

positive one. How? With the same method that was
perfected when negativity became a habit, by
repetition. Earl Nightingale has a wonderful idea in
The Strangest Secret. Decide for the next 30 days to
think only positive thoughts. Then repeat. This is such
a simple idea but utterly life-changing.

Affirmations are the solution to changing negative

habits. Simple ones repeated many times a day, every
day, are very powerful. This effective exercise keeps
negative thoughts and feelings at bay. Over time being
allergic to negative talk, negative images and negative
people becomes the norm. Which of course is just the
way it ought to be. The solution to this is quite simple
surround yourself with the kinds of people you want
to be like.

The result of this elementary turn-around in my mind

has been something of a miracle. One of the
unexpected “side effects” is that from time to time I
feel utter joy and happiness for absolutely no reason
whatsoever. Who would have thought that such a
thing was possible? In my book that is the
“progressive realisation of a worthy ideal”, in other
words a Success!

Go ahead. Begin now. There is no time like the

present. Write your affirmation in the present tense,
and start it with the words “I am so happy and grateful
that…” Then repeat it over and over again until you
have formed the habit. Some say it takes twenty-one  

days to form a habit. In my case it took quite a while

longer. But who's counting?

“A person who has good thoughts cannot ever

be ugly. You can have a wonky nose and a
crooked mouth and a double chin and stick-out
teeth, but if you have good thoughts they will
shine out of your face like sunbeams and you
will always look lovely.”
Roald Dahl  

6. Timing

Although we can with practice develop the ability to

choose our thoughts and create our visions, we cannot
control when these thoughts and pictures will come
into form.

We can set a date for their achievement, but if the date

comes and we have not succeeded it means that we
have simply chosen the wrong date. Just re-set the
date. It is not an excuse to start doubting the process.
On the contrary it is the time to regroup and begin
anew with more focus and persistence than ever

Remember – you can create the life you want.

“Thought is the only action of the mind. By

your habitual thoughts you create
corresponding external physical conditions,
because you thereby create the nucleus which
attracts to itself its own correspondence, in due
order, until the finished work is manifested on
the material plane… ‘I am’ is the word of
power. If you think your thought is powerful,
your thought is powerful.”
- Judge Thomas Troward  

7. Power versus force

It is well known that to go against the natural flow of

things is a really tough way to live. It has been proven
that cooperating with our Hidden Power rather than
using our will to force things to happen, gets much
better results.

Learn to be in tune with your essence, your core,

develop your intuitive skills, listen to your quiet inner
voice that always knows what is right and all will be

To re-cap:

1. Decide what you really want.

2. Eliminate negative thoughts from your life.
3. Develop a positive mind-set.
4. Repeat affirmations daily.
5. Practice the art of visualization.

Do these things with commitment and perseverance

and your Hidden Power must be unleashed. The life
you really want will begin to manifest in wonderful

Begin now. And stay in touch so that you can let me

know how these techniques have helped you to create
the life of your dreams.

Sow it! Reap it!

Blessings of joy and prosperity  

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