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Name: M Faseeh Haroon

Arid No: 19-Arid-5210

Computer Organization and Assembly Language.

Semester Project:


I made a simple calculator. The source code is written below in detail. As I also wrote steps which
helps you to understand what I just done. And I attached the pictures of end result also in the end of
source code.

Source Code:

org 100h

jmp start ; jump over data declaration

msg: db "1-Add",0dh,0ah,"2-Multiply",0dh,0ah,"3-Subtract",0dh,0ah,"4-Divide", 0Dh,0Ah, '$'

msg2: db 0dh,0ah,"Enter First No : $"

msg3: db 0dh,0ah,"Enter Second No : $"

msg4: db 0dh,0ah,"Choice Error $"

msg5: db 0dh,0ah,"Result : $"

msg6: db 0dh,0ah ,'thank you for using the calculator! press any key... ', 0Dh,0Ah, '$'

start: mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg ;first we will display hte first message from which he can choose the
operation using int 21h

int 21h

mov ah,0
int 16h ;then we will use int 16h to read a key press, to know the operation he choosed

cmp al,31h ;the keypress will be stored in al so, we will comapre to 1 addition ..........

je Addition

cmp al,32h

je Multiply

cmp al,33h

je Subtract

cmp al,34h

je Divide

mov ah,09h

mov dx, offset msg4

int 21h

mov ah,0

int 16h

jmp start

Addition: mov ah,09h ;then let us handle the case of addition operation

mov dx, offset msg2 ;first we will display this message enter first no also using int 21h

int 21h

mov cx,0 ;we will call InputNo to handle our input as we will take each number seprately

call InputNo ;first we will move to cx 0 because we will increment on it later in InputNo

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg3

int 21h
mov cx,0

call InputNo

pop bx

add dx,bx

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg5

int 21h

mov cx,10000

pop dx

call View

jmp exit

InputNo: mov ah,0

int 16h ;then we will use int 16h to read a key press

mov dx,0

mov bx,1

cmp al,0dh ;the keypress will be stored in al so, we will comapre to 0d which represent
the enter key, to know wheter he finished entering the number or not

je FormNo ;if it's the enter key then this mean we already have our number stored in the
stack, so we will return it back using FormNo

sub ax,30h ;we will subtract 30 from the the value of ax to convert the value of key press
from ascii to decimal

call ViewNo ;then call ViewNo to view the key we pressed on the screen

mov ah,0 ;we will mov 0 to ah before we push ax to the stack bec we only need the value
in al

push ax ;push the contents of ax to the stack

inc cx ;we will add 1 to cx as this represent the counter for the number of digit

jmp InputNo ;then we will jump back to input number to either take another number or
press enter

;we took each number separatly so we need to form our number and store in one bit for example if our
number 235

FormNo: pop ax

push dx

mul bx

pop dx

add dx,ax

mov ax,bx

mov bx,10

push dx

mul bx

pop dx

mov bx,ax

dec cx

cmp cx,0

jne FormNo

View: mov ax,dx

mov dx,0

div cx

call ViewNo

mov bx,dx

mov dx,0

mov ax,cx

mov cx,10

div cx

mov dx,bx

mov cx,ax

cmp ax,0

jne View


ViewNo: push ax ;we will push ax and dx to the stack because we will change there values while
viewing then we will pop them back from

push dx ;the stack we will do these so, we don't affect their contents

mov dx,ax ;we will mov the value to dx as interrupt 21h expect that the output is stored in

add dl,30h ;add 30 to its value to convert it back to ascii

mov ah,2

int 21h

pop dx

pop ax

exit: mov dx,offset msg6

mov ah, 09h

int 21h

mov ah, 0

int 16h


Multiply: mov ah,09h

mov dx, offset msg2

int 21h

mov cx,0

call InputNo

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg3

int 21h

mov cx,0

call InputNo

pop bx
mov ax,dx

mul bx

mov dx,ax

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg5

int 21h

mov cx,10000

pop dx

call View

jmp exit

Subtract: mov ah,09h

mov dx, offset msg2

int 21h

mov cx,0

call InputNo

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg3

int 21h

mov cx,0

call InputNo

pop bx
sub bx,dx

mov dx,bx

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg5

int 21h

mov cx,10000

pop dx

call View

jmp exit

Divide: mov ah,09h

mov dx, offset msg2

int 21h

mov cx,0

call InputNo

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg3

int 21h

mov cx,0

call InputNo

pop bx

mov ax,bx
mov cx,dx

mov dx,0

mov bx,0

div cx

mov bx,dx

mov dx,ax

push bx

push dx

mov ah,9

mov dx, offset msg5

int 21h

mov cx,10000

pop dx

call View

pop bx

cmp bx,0

je exit

jmp exit




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