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Physical Education and Health 2: Individual and Dual Sports



At the end of the module, the student is expected to:

1. Understand the history of tennis
2. Identify the different equipment and facilities used in playing the sport.
3. Identify the different strokes in tennis

Tennis is a sport usually played by one player in each playing court for
singles and two players for doubles. It can also be played with mixed doubles
with a boy and a girl player for each team. The objective of the game is to
play the ball over the net in such a way that the opponent will not be able to
return a good ball. The player uses a racket to strike the ball over the net into
the opponent’s court.
Tennis was originated from a French game called Jeu de Paume (Paume,
meaning “Palm”). It was a court game where the ball was struck back and
forth using the hand. It was then evolved all throughout and eventually,
rackets were used instead of the hands. In Europe, the game was then spread
and in 1873, Major Walter Wingfield, a student of court tennis introduced the
game called “Playing Ball” from which modern outdoor racket game was
played. From then on, tennis was introduced and it was known as Lawn
In playing this game, players must keep the ball in play by returning it over
the net before it touches the floor twice. Tennis matches were played on
courts with different surfaces, including grass, clay or hard court. The
International Tennis Federation is the governing body for tennis and all the
standard rules in playing the game are set for all tennis competitions by this

Popular International Tennis Tournaments

1. Wimbledon (England) – the most prestigious tennis tournament.
2. US Open (USA)
3. French Open (France)
4. Australian Open (Australia)
It was in the 19th century where the game was simplified and the method of
scoring was regularized. It was in the United States where the game was

Course Module
Facilities and Equipment
It is very important for a player to choose the right kind of racket. One must
consider the weight, size of the handle, the string, balance and the quality of
the frame.

Tennis racket. Photo retrieved from:

Tennis-Racket on April 6, 2018

The tennis ball should be of good quality brand. Balls with worn-off fuzz
should be discarded once the fuzz is removed because the ball becomes very
light and has the tendency to drift or float in its flight, making it different to
control. The ball is bright yellow in color.

Tennis ball. Retrieved from:

217333755404694146 on April 7, 2018
Physical Education and Health 2: Individual and Dual Sports

Playing Court
The playing court for tennis has the following measures:

Tennis court. Retrieved from:

layout-awesome/ on April 10, 2018
The measurement of the tennis court depends on the game being played. For
singles, the court measures 78 ft. x 27 ft. while tennis courts used for doubles
measures 78 ft. x 36 ft.
The baseline (doubles is 36ft, singles is 27ft) is the line that runs parallel to
the net and marks the boundary at the end of the court. Shots or serves that
reach beyond this line is considered out.
The center mark (4 inches long) divides the baseline into two and runs
perpendicular to the net. This is the point that the player must not cross
when conducting a serve.
The service line (27 ft wide) is the line that runs parallel to the net and marks
the middle of the baseline and the net. Additionally, it sets the boundaries of
service boxes.
The center service line (42 feet long, 21 feet on each side of the court) runs
perpendicular to the net and meets at the service line, creating two equally
sized service areas.
Course Module
The singles sidelines (39 ft long) are lines that run perpendicular to the net,
that defines the boundaries of a singles match.
The doubles sidelines (39 ft long) are lines that run on the same direction as
the single sidelines but are situated a few feet away that define the doubles’
court’s boundaries.
The left and right service boxes both measure 21ft x 13.5ft, wherein the
players assigned to serve will serve from.
The doubles alley (39 ft x 4.5 ft) is the space between the singles sidelines
and doubles sidelines.
The No Mans Land (18 ft x 27 ft) occupies the largest space in the court
between the service line and the baseline. This area is typically avoided by
players because it’s too close to it a groundstroke and too far to strike a solid
The net of a tennis court that divides the court into two is mesh and is small
enough that a tennis ball cannot pass through it. The top of the net is secured
by a white band that is 2 to 2.5 inches in depth. This measures 42 feet by 3.5
feet high at the post.
The posts holding the net upright must be 3.5 feet tall and should be no more
than 6 inches wide.

Basic Skills in Playing Tennis

A. Forehand Grip
There are three kinds of grip that are being used:
1. Eastern Grip

The eastern grip is the most popular grip. The player holds the
handle as if shaking hands with the racket. There are some of the
advantages of this grip. One such example is that it allows an
extremely wide reach as this is suitable for the low bouncing of the
ball and allowing the maximum power with the minimum effort.

2. Western Grip
This grip is seldom used because of some disadvantages as such
limited stroke production and awkward grip: the ball is hit on a
downward motion and to do this stroke, there must be a fairly
high ball. To obtain this grip, the broad part of the handle must lie
squarely against the palm.

3. Continental Grip

The continental forehand has an extreme grip and this would

require a particularly strong wrist to be effective. To obtain this
grip, just like shaking hands with the racket, the player’s hand
should move the hand slightly to the left, but with this hold, the
Physical Education and Health 2: Individual and Dual Sports

player can execute good slices and chops, but not for flat hitting
that it will be difficult for an average player.

Tennis grips. Photo retrieved from: on March 13, 2018.

B. Strokes
1. Forehand Stroke

Arm and Body Movements

 The body should be sideways to the net so the shoulders

are parallel and facing the right sideline.
 The feet set comfortably apart with the left foot in front of
the right.
 The backswing should be executed with an extended arm
and firm wrist
 The racket head should be at hip level back to point
opposite the right hip.
 During the back swing, the weight of the body shifts to the
right foot and the upper body is pivoted to the right from
the hips.
 With the forward swing of the racket, the weight of the
body is transferred from right to the left.
 Do not reach out for the incoming ball.

Course Module
 Always move your body forward with a swing and a good
follow-through is very important because it will direct the
flight of the ball.
2. Backhand stroke
 The least practiced tennis stroke and is weaker than the
 Used in baseline rallies and in approach shots
 Right backhand shot limits the ability of the player to
generate power as well as inhibit the necessary rotation
needed to hit a powerful and heavy tennis backhand
 Let tennis backhand come along with the ride.
 The body should help initiate the backswing on the
 The hands and racket should do minimal work in taking the
racket back.
 Feet are turned sideways on the preparation.
 Make clean contact and extend outwards with the arm and
racket towards the intended direction of the ball.
 Full extension of the arm and racket will maximize the line
of the shot.

a. Two-handed backhand technique

o Backswing – from the initial split step position, bring
the racket back and then turn sideways and be
prepared to step forward with the left foot.
o Down Swing – after the height of the backswing, it is
critical to bring the racket down at about 1 foot
below the ball. The movement causes the racket face
to brush off the ball producing top spin.
o Eastern forehand grip for the left hand (if you are
o Continental grip used for right hand (for left-
o Body is facing the net with the feet doing the same
(with toes pointing towards the net) and racket held
in both hands.
b. One-handed backhand technique
o Backswing – from the ready position, the feet should
face the net. Step forward using the right foot (for
right-handed players) and meet the ball early for the
backhand execution. Moving sideways will become
easier with the movement of the foot forward.
o Forward swing – power is generating from the
speed and velocity of the forward and upward
movements of the arms, legs and body. Take out the
left hand from supporting the racket once the ball
comes and swing forward with the racket.
Physical Education and Health 2: Individual and Dual Sports

Muyot, Soaring with MAPEH. Quezon City: Bright House Publishing.
How to Play Tennis. Retrieved from:
play-tennis.html on April 15, 2018
A Diagram of Tennis Court Dimensions and Layout. Retrieved from:
dimensions-layout/ on April 15, 2018
Tennis for Beginners. Retrieved from: on April
15, 2018
Introduction to Tennis. Retrieved from: on
April 12, 2018
Continental Grip. Retrieved from: on April 10,
Eastern Forehand Grip. Retrieved from: on
April 10, 2018
Western Grip. Retrieved from: on April 10,

Course Module

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