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Name: _______________________________________ Date: _____________ Score: _________
Direction: Choose the best answer. Write the letter of the correct answer before the number.
1. Which of the following is the shape of the Earth according to ancient Greeks?
a. Cylinder b. octagon c. flat disc d. sphere
2. What is the shape of the Earth as described by modern astronomy?
a. ellipsoid b. hyperboloid c. oblate spheroid d. oblate paraloid
3. Which of the following ancient Greek philosophers computed for the circumference of the
a. Anaxagoras b. Pythagoras c. Eratosthenes d. Aristotle
4. Which of the following is 250 000 stadia equal to?
a. 40,000 kilometers b. 40,000 meters c. 40,000 miles d. 40,000
5. Greek philosopher who gave the most accurate size of the spherical earth during their time?
a. Eratosthenes b. Claudius Ptolemy c. Anaxagoras d. Hipparchus
6. It is an astronomical model in which the Earth and planets revolve around the Sun.
a. Geocentrism b. Heliocentrism c. Solstice d. Eclipse
7. What practical value did astronomy offer to ancient civilizations?
a. It helped them understand our cosmic origins.
b. It allowed them to predict eclipses with great accuracy.
c. It helped them find uses for ancient structures like Stonehenge.
d. It helped them keep track of time and seasons, and it was used by some cultures for
8. Lunar eclipses can occur only during a _________.
a. first quarter moon b. full moon c. new moon d. third quarter moon
9. What is the other name for the star Polaris?
a. A. Andromeda b. Antares c. North Star d. South Star
10. Half of the illuminated disk of the Moon is visible from Earth during the _________ phase of
the Moon.
a. first-quarter b. full Moon c. gibbous (waning) d. gibbous (waxing)
11. The largest planet discovered before the invention of telescope is _________ .
a. Jupiter b. Neptune c. Uranus d. Venus
12. Which of the following is the smallest planet?
a. A. Earth b. Mars c. Mercury d. Venus
13. Who was the Italian physicist who played a major role in the scientific revolution, studied
natural forces and conducted theoretical and experimental work on motions of bodies?
a. Galileo Galilei b. Isaac Newton c. Johannes Kepler d. Tycho Brahe
14. Who claimed that heavy and light objects drop in the same way?
a. Aristotle b. Copernicus c. Galileo d. Ptolemy
15. Sacks of rice are donated during this pandemic. A sack of rice is pulled by a volunteer to be
given to Ezekiel’s family. According to Aristotle, which of the following is true about this
a. a. The sack of rice experiences momentum.
b. b. The sack of rice experiences a violent motion.
c. c. The sack of rice experiences projectile motion.
d. d. The sack of rice experiences a natural motion.
16. Which of the following agrees with Galileo’s view of motion?
a. The air rises because the sky is its natural state.
b. The cotton ball will be as fast as the metal ball if dropped in a vacuum.
c. The natural tendency of a mobile phone dropped from a certain height is to go back to
Earth, its natural state.
d. The 5.0kg boulder will stop midway when dropped to the sea.
17. . Based on Galileo’s experiments, when do you say that motion is uniformly accelerated?
a. When speed is proportional to time of travel.
b. When speed is proportional to distance.
c. When speed is proportional to acceleration.
d. When speed is proportional to distance velocity.
18. Which of the following is an example of natural motion according to Aristotle?
a. A smoke rises.
b. A kicked soccer balls.
c. A pulled bag.
d. A pushed trolley.
19. Who proved that all falling objects fall with uniform acceleration?
a. Newton b. Aristotle c. Galileo d. Plato
20. It causes the object in vacuum fall at the same time.
a. due to air resistance c. due to air in space
b. due to no air resistance d. due to mass of object
21. He is well known in his experimentation of dropping a cannon ball in the Leaning Pisa Tower
a. Newton b. Aristotle c. Galileo d. Plato
22. According to Aristotle, which falls, faster heavier or lighter object?
a. heavier object c. fall at the same time.
b. lighter object d. no data at all
23. What is the focus of Aristotle and Galileo's ideas?
a. views b. motion c. history d. knowledge
24. it is defined as the ability of an object to change its position with a given time.
a. inertia b. reference c. free-fall d. motion
25. A rolling ball was found to pick up a speed of 2m/s every second. What will be its speed after 5
s if it is started with 0m/s at 0s?
a. 25m/s b. 8m/s c. 10m/s d. 15m/s
26. What is the symbol applied for free- fall acceleration?
a. k b. m c. s d. g
27. Three objects X, Y, and Z, with masses of 6 kg, 8 kg, and 16 kg respectively, were dropped
simultaneously. Provided that there is no air resistance which object will first reach the ground?
a. object X b. object Y c. object Z d. object X, Y, and Z will fall at the same
28. A force is defined as
a. A push only b. A pull only c. A push or a pull d. None of the above
29. What unit do scientists use to measure force?
a. Newton b. Grams c. Meters d. Meter per second per second
30. Which force always pulls downward on objects?
a. Support force b. Friction force c. Gravity d. Air resistance
31. A change to an objects motion is caused by...
a. Balanced forces b. Unbalanced forces c. Acceleration d. Velocity
32. When a balloon held between the hands is pressed, its shape changes. This happens because:
a. Balanced forces act on the balloon.
b. Unbalanced forces act on the balloon.
c. Frictional forces act on the balloon.
d. Gravitational force acts on the balloon
33. A force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact is called.
a. friction b. motion c. velocity d. acceleration
34. What is the unit of energy?
a. Watt b. calorie c. Joule d. joule/s
35. Which of the following colors of the visible light spectrum contains the lowest amount of
a. Red b. green c. yellow d. blue
True or False: Write T if the statement is true, otherwise write F.
36. Max Planck introduced the concept of quantization of light energy.
37. Albert Einstein suggested that light is composed of photons and each photon has energy.
38. When an atom emits photons, its energy level increases.
39. Wavelength is inversely proportional to the energy of photon.
40. Microwaves have longer wavelength than visible light.

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