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Hanuman Chalesa Ram, Lakshman, and Sita dwell in your

Verses in Praise of Hanuman heart.

Shree Gu-ru cha-ra-na sa-ro-ja ra-ja 9.Sookshma roopa dhari Siyahin dikhaavaa
Taking the sacred dust from my guru’s lotus Assuming tiny form you appeared to Sita,
feet Bikata roopa dhari Lanka jaraawaa
Ni-ja ma-nu mu-ku-ru sud-haa-ri Then became immense and terrifying to burn
I purify the mirror of my mind the city of Lanka.
Ba-ra-naun Rag-hu-ba-ra bi-ma-la ja-su 10. Bheema roopa dhari asura sanghaare
And sing the pure glory of Ram Taking the form of a mighty warrior you
Jo daa-ya-ku pha-la chaa-ri slaughtered the demons
Who bestows the four fruits of life. Raa-ma-chan-dra ke kaa-ja san-vaa-re
Bud-hi hee-na ta-nu jaa-ni-ke And completed Sri Ram's mission.
Knowing this one to be devoid of 11. Laaya sajeevana Lakhana jiyaaye
intelligence, Bringing the life-giving herb you revived
Su-mi-raun pa-va-na ku-maa-ra Lakshman,
I meditate and remember you O Hanuman, son Shree Rag-hu-bee-ra ha-ra-shi u-ra laa-ye
of the wind. Delighting Sri Ram who held you to his
Ba-la bud-hi vid-yaa de-hu mo-hin heart.
Grant me strength, wit, intelligence & true 12. Raghupati keenhee bahuta baraai
wisdom Ram embraced and extolled you greatly
Ha-ra-hu ka-le-sa bi-kaa-ra Tuma mama priya Bharatahi sama bhaai
Free me from my sorrows & shortcomings. “You are as dear to me as my brother
Bajalo-ji Hanumana gosaee Bharat.”
My dear friend Hanuman, my guru. 13. Sahasa badana tumharo jasa gaavai
"A thousand voices sing your praises."
MUSICAL BREAK Asa kahi Shree-pa-ti kan-tha la-gaa-vai
Ram said as he embraced you again.
1. Jaya Hanumaana gyaana guna saagara 14 Sa-na-kaa-di-ka Brah-maa-di mu-nee-saa
Victory to Hanuman, ocean of wisdom & Sanak and the sages, Lord Brahma
virtue Naa-ra-da Saa-ra-da sa-hi-ta A-hee-saa
Ja-ya Ka-pee-sha ti-hun lo-ka u-jaa-ga-ra and the gods, Narada, Saraswarti
Hail Lord of the monkeys, 15 Ya-ma Ku-be-ra di-ga-paa-la ja-haan-te
2. Raa-ma doo-ta a-tu-li-ta ba-la dhaa-maa Yama, Kubera, the earth supporting
Emissary of Ram, abode of matchless power, elephants, poets and
An-ja-ni pu-tra Pa-va-na-su-ta naa-maa Ka-bi ko-bi-da ka-hi sa-ke ka-haan-te
Anjani's son, known as son of the wind. Scholars all praise you. But none can truly
3 Ma-haa-bee-ra bi-kra-ma ba-ja-ran-gee express your glory.
Great hero, mighty as a thunderbolt. 16. Tuma upakaara Sugreevahin keenhaa
Ku-ma-ti ni-vaa-ra su-ma-ti ke san-gee You rendered great service to Sugreeva
You remove evil thoughts and are a Raa-ma mi-laa-ya raa-ja pa-da deen-haa
companion to the wise. By introducing him to Ram, and restoring
4 Kan-cha-na ba-ra-na bi-raa-ja su-be-saa him to the throne.
Golden in color and splendidly adorned. 17. Tumharo mantra Vibheeshana maanaa
Kaa-na-na kun-da-la kun-chi-ta ke-saa The whole world knows Vibhishana heeded
With rings in your ears and long, curly your advice,
hair. Lankeshvara bhaye saba jaga jaanaa
5. Haa-tha baj-ra au-ra dva-jaa bi-raa-jai And became Lord of Lanka.
Holding a mace and red banner, 18. Yuga sahasra yojana para bhaanu
Kaan-dhe moon-ja ja-neu saa-jai Though, the sun is thousands of miles away,
Adorned with sacred thread across your as a youth,
shoulder. Leel-yo taa-hi ma-dhu-ra pha-la jaa-nu
6. Shan-ka-ra su-va-na Ke-sa-ree nan-da-na You leaped and swallowed it, thinking it to
You are an incarnation of Shiva, Kesari's be a sweet fruit.
joy. 19. Prabhu mudrikaa meli mukha maaheen
Te-ja pra-taa-pa ma-haa ja-ga ban-da-na So it's no surprise that you leaped the
Your glory is revered throughout the great ocean,
universe. Jaladhi laanghi gaye acharaja naaheen
7 Vi-dyaa vaa-na gun-ee at-i chaa-tu-ra Carrying the Lord's ring in your mouth.
Supremely wise, virtuous and very clever, 20. Dur-ga-ma kaa-ja ja-ga-ta ke je-te
Raa-ma kaa-ja ka-ri-be ko aa-tu-ra Any difficult work in this world
You are ever intent on Ram’s work. Su-ga-ma a-nu-gra-ha tum-ha-re te-te
8. Prab-hu cha-ri-tra su-ni-be ko ra-si-yaa is made easy by your grace.
You are always immersed in the nectar-like
stories of Ram. MUSICAL BREAK
Raa-ma Lak-ha-na See-taa ma-na ba-si-yaa
21. Raa-ma du-aa-re tu-ma rak-ha-vaa-re At the time of death one goes to heaven
You are keeper of God's door, Ja-haan jan-ma Ha-ri bhak-ta ka-haa-ee
Ho-ta na aa-gyaa bi-nu pai-saa-re Or is born here on earth as one of God's
None may enter without your leave. devotees.
22. Saba sukha lahai tumhaaree sharanaa 35. Au-ra de-va-taa chi-ta na dha-ra-ee
Taking refuge in you, one finds all Mind need not dwell on other gods-
delight. Ha-nu-ma-ta se-ee sar-va suk-ha ka-ra-ee
Tu-ma rak-sha-ka kaa-hu ko da-ra-naa Hanuman alone bestows all bliss.
With you as protector there is nothing to 36 San-ka-ta ka-tai mi-te sa-ba pee-raa
fear. All affliction ceases, all pain is removed,
23. Aa-pa-na te-ja sam-haa-rau aa-pai Jo su-mi-re Ha-nu-ma-ta ba-la bee-raa
You alone can withstand your splendor. By remembering the mighty hero Hanuman.
Tee-non lo-ka haan-ka ten kaan-pai 37. Jai Jai Jai Ha-nu-maa-na Go-saa-ee
The three worlds tremble at your mighty Victory! Blessed Hanuman!
roar. Kri-paa ka-ra-hu gu-ru-de-va kee naa-ee
24. Bhota pishaacha nikata nahin aavai Bestow your grace on me as my guru.
Demons & ghosts dare not approach, great 38. Jo sa-ta baa-ra paa-ta ka-ra ko-ee
one Whoever recites this verse 100 times is
Ma-haa-bee-ra ja-ba naa-ma su-naa-vai freed from bondage
Whenever your name is recited. Choo ta-hi ban-di ma-haa suk-ha ho-ee
25. Naa-sai ro-ga ha-re sa-ba pee-raa And enjoys the highest happiness.
Diseases are cured; pain and suffering are 39 Jo yaha parai Hanumaana chaaleesaa
removed by Whoever reads these verses in praise of
Ja-pa-ta ni-ran-ta-ra Ha-nu-mat-a bee-raa Hanuman
Constant repetition of your name brave Ho ya sid-hi saa-khee Gau-ree-saa
Hanuman-ji. Will gain success, as Shiva is witness.
26 San-ka-ta ten Ha-nu-maa-na chu-raa-vai 40 Tu-la-see-daa-sa sa-daa Ha-ri che-raa
Hanuman, releases from affliction those Tulsidas, who always serves the Lord says,
Ma-na kra-ma ba-cha-na vdhyaa-na vjo laavai Kee je naa -ta hri-da-ya ma-han de-raa
Who remember him in thought, word and deed. "Oh Lord, make your encampment in my
27. Saba pa-ra Raa-ma ta-pas-vee raa-jaa heart."
The ascetic king Ram is supreme, all
pervading, MUSICAL BREAK
Ti-na ke kaa-ja sa-ka-la tu-ma saa-jaa
And you bring his work to completion. Pa-va-na ta-na-ya san-ka-ta ha-ra-na
28. Au-ra ma-no-ra-tha jo ko-ee laa-ve O Hanuman, remover of sorrow,
You fulfill the longings of we who approach Man-ga-la moo-ra-ti roo-pa
you, embodiment of all blessings, with
So-ee a-mi-ta jee-va-na pha-la paa-ve Raa-ma Lak-kha-na See-taa sa-hi-ta
And bestow the fruit of abundant life. Ram, Lakshman and Sita
29. Chaa-ron yu-ga pa-ra-taa-pa tum-haa-raa Hri-da-ya ba-sa-hu su-ra bhoo-pa
Your splendor fills the four ages, dwell in my heart, O king of the gods.
Hai pa-ra-sid-ha ja-ga-ta u-ji-yaa-raa Bajalo-ji Hanumana gosaee
Your fame enlightens the universe. My dear friend Hanuman, my guru.
30 Saa-dhu san-ta ke tu-ma rak-ha-vaa-re
You protect the saints and sages and
destroy the demons,
A-su-ra ni-kan-da-na Raa-ma du-laa-re http://neemkarolibaba.com Indian text
O beloved of Ram. Multiple translations adapted by Jon
31. Ash-ta sid-hi nau nid-hi ke daa-taa Seskevich, [email protected] 7/28/08 this
You bestow the nine powers and the eight edition.
As-a ba-ra dee-na Jaa-na-kee Maa-taa
By Mother Janaki’s blessing.
32 Raa-ma ra-saa-ya-na toom-ha-re paa-saa
Knowing the essence of devotion to Ram,
Sa-daa ra-ho Ra-ghu-pa-ti ke daa-saa
You remain eternally his servant.
33 Tum-ha-re bha-ja-na Raa-ma ko paa-vai
Through singing your praise one finds the
Ja-na-ma ja-na-ma ke duk-ha bi-sa-ra-vai
And the suffering of countless lives is
left behind.
34. An-ta kaa-la Rag-hu-ba-ra pu-ra jaa-ee

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