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Case 3:21-mj-00053-CHL Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 1 of 9 PageID #: 1

J J. JR.,
AO 91 (Rev. 11/11) Criminal Complaint




V. )
) Case No. 3:21MJ-53


I, the complainant in this case, state the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

On or about the date of December 28, 2020 in the county of Jefferson in the Western District of Kentucky,
the defendant violated:

Code Section Offense Description

18 U.S.C. 875(c) Interstate Threats

This criminal complaint is based on these facts:

Continued on the attached sheet

January 29, 2021
Date: ------- Joshua Powers, Special Agent FBI
Printed name and title

Sworn to before me and signed by telephone.

January 29, 2021
Date: _______
Judge's Signature

City and State: Louisville, Kentucky Colin H. Lindsay, U.S. Magistrate Judge
Printed Name and Title
APGIJDJ (A USA initials)
Case 3:21-mj-00053-CHL Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 2 of 9 PageID #: 2


I, JoshuaPowers, Special Agent, (hereinafter “Affiant”), having been duly sworn, hereby

depose and state:

1. Affiant is an investigative or law enforcement officer within the meaning of Federal Rule

of Criminal Procedure 41 (a)(2)(C), that is, a government agent engaged in enforcing the

criminal laws and duly authorized by the Attorney General to make arrests.

2. 1 am a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, (hereinafter “FBI”), and

have been since July 2020. Your Affiant is currently assignedto the Joint Terrorism Task

Forceat the FBI’s Louisville Field Office. Affiant graduatedfrom the FBI Academyin

Quantico, Virginia as a Special Agent. Affiant has received training in interviewing and

interrogation techniques, arrest procedures, search and seizure, search warrant application,

and various other investigative techniques.Prior to becoming a Special Agent with the FBI,

your affiant was employedwith the West Virginia StatePolice as a sworn law enforcement

officer for approximately nine years where I enforced criminal laws and participated in several

complex investigations. I hold a Bachelor’s degreein Criminal Justice from West Virginia

State University.

3. The facts in this affidavit come from my personal observations, my training and experience,

and information obtained from other agents and witnesses.Becausethis affidavit is

submitted in support of application for a criminal complaint and arrest warrant, it does not

include every fact known concerning this investigation. It does, however, set forth a

statement of fact and circumstances sufficient to establish probable cause for the issuance

of an arrest warrant.

4. Basedon my training and experienceand the facts as set forth in this affidavit, there is

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probable cause to believe that violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section 875(c)

(Interstate Threat) has been committed by Addam TURNER.

5. Title 18, United StatesCode, Section 875(c) prohibits transmission “in interstate or foreign

commerce any communication containing any threat to kidnap any person or any threat to

injure the person of another,shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than

five years, or both.”


6. On December 25, 2020, members of United Pharaoh’s Guard (UPG), including

TURNER, were present and participated in a caravan protest in the area of St. Matthews,

Kentucky, just outside of Louisville, Kentucky. St. Matthews Police Department

(SMPD) conducted a brief prior to responding to the caravan and began to shadow the

vehicles involved. Protester caravansoften involve protesters using vehicles and getting

out on foot to illegally block roads, harassing vehicles not involved in the protests, and

engaging in other illegal activities.

7. UPG is a Boogaloo Bois (“BB”) ideology. “Boogaloo” is a term referencing a violent

uprising or impending civil war. The term is sometimes used by militia extremists and

racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists (RMVE), who allude to it using

shorthandsuchas“big igloo” or “big luau” andimagerysuchasigloos or Hawaiian

shirts. The term has particularly resonatedwith militia extremists, who have adopted it

to referencean impendingpolitically-motivated civil war or uprising againstthe

government following perceived incursions on Constitutional rights–including the

Second Amendment–or other perceived government oveneach. Some RMVEs have

used the term to reference an impending race war–or other conflict–that will lead to

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the collapse of the “system,” including the United States government, society, etc. The

Boogaloo is not a single cohesive group but rather a loose concept arising from Internet

platforms which hasbecomea rallying point for someextremists.


8. On Friday, December25, 2020, members of United Pharaoh Guard (“uPa’), including

TURNER, were present and participated in a caravan protest in the area of St. Matthews,

Kentucky, just outside of Louisville, Kentucky. St. Matthews Police Department

(SMPD) conducted a brief prior to responding to the caravan and began to shadow the

vehIcles rnvolved = = = lfollowed the caravan for several mIles and

witnessed several traffic violations and dangerous behavior. initiated a

traffic stop on the caravan'stwo lead vehicles. was speaking with the

drivers of those vehicles and heard a SMPD officer giving loud verbal commands to

TURNER to not crossthe road towards SMPD officers. TURNER was observedin the

200 block of North Hubbards Lane, St. Matthews, Kentucky, wielding an AR-pistol with

an additional handgun holstered on his person. TURNER was observed placing the

safetyof the AR-pistol into the fire position thenplacing his right index finger inside the

trigger guard and onto the trigger. TURNER ignored loud verbal commandsto remove

his hand from this position, putting officers on scenein fear of imminent physical

danger and injury. TURNER finally complied. While officers attempted to place

TURNER into custody,TURNER usedphysical force againstarrestingofficers acting

under official authority. TURNER was arrested by SMPD for menacing (misdemeanor)

1The complaint has been redacted to remove the identity of the victim to be filed. An unredacted copy was shown
to the court

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and resisting arrest (misdemeanor). Officer May was the arresting officer and =

= assrstedWIth the arrest

9. TURNER used a Twitter profile with a display name of "Profane812" and a user name

(Twitter ID 467224398).This profile was createdin January

2012. The Twitter account’s Bio section suggests "Profane8 12” is a member of UPG and

is locatedin or aroundLouisville,Kentucky.

10. Affiant has knowledge of TURNER and believes the photos posted to the account to be

him. On or aboutDecember28, 2020, "Profane812" tweetedthe following:

II AT&T 5GE 16:14 T e 57%c+

Profane81 2
183 Tweets

Tweets Tweets & replies Media Likes

a ©aP
Profane812 @ProfaneRed,...14h ..•

Q O C>3 A
tI Profane812Retweeted

a andrew tilman @andrewtil... .1d

U asked for this. No justice no
fucking peace pigs!!!!!!


XD Q a 8
Case 3:21-mj-00053-CHL Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 6 of 9 PageID #: 6

11. The above Twitter post shows , SMPD, with red crosshairs drawn on his

head, along with smoke, skull, and flame emojis with what appearsto be an anarchy

symbol. assistedin the arrest of TURNER on December 25, 2020. The

post has since been deleted and TURNER’s Twitter account has been suspended.

12. Below are screenshotsfrom TURNER’s Facebook“Addam Jusstin” and Twitter

account “@ProfaneRedacted” indicating he commented on St. Matthews Police

Department Facebook page following his arrest. The Twitter and Facebook profile

picture are the samepicture of TURNER. TURNER also had his Twitter account linked

from his Facebook page prior to the Twitter account being shutdown. The display name

for TURNER’s Facebook page is “Addam Jusstin.” Database and records check show

true name for TURNER to be “Addam Jusstin Turner” which is a unique way to spell

“Addam” and “Jusstin.”

Case 3:21-mj-00053-CHL Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 7 of 9 PageID #: 7

8 Profane812

If you happen to still have a Facebook,go tell saint

Matthews PD what you think about them, I did
's AIP 11 18 PU e h ••4A•nnvH anY AH HA %
t8gt)luqangthe protest ets arxi sect#dy
AA a facebook COm e d tIe endis rtqnrveIIt to It+ paIN
weve Item wasno &+scdawl tactes
+ WIShrW eafyor8 a very WIg Cha tI\at Wgad can VW antI y$u'n m4nnHg
txit a r&at gm ftBttnsed. weeHIV
tgwatS+tUI<#UI gang of <k#TUSbC
t+tuBes hereto prOtectDfolnrty andtIe
W St UattJren RHlc• D8partlrunt
UB+H7b+rHAU + system oni pINe if Wlulre OrI+ of tIe
'gcx)dcops' wto rUlees ths aKNaal
m--qH'W-'-•'y U"yCM'Ba-., HU nu'y W ctxx>sesto stay WIthe 'lace' Wu'n
kbUBrg blaasgultyasttetut ChatHx#Pb.
WII't+ anew WIIWhOin d hIstory Erm
Purest of Be yea :: :J :: :J / //
l+ +wa La+ RWit Here

a BIBFMs+rHd
Toal of au ot6cets afa artBereten
vwtnq tad+ lun a uh ul Merry
(:tvBUrut. a
+ ip LIU &rgty Uwe


12:47AM . Dec 29, 2020 . Twitter for iPhone


11:53 PM
a facebook.c a

4 Addam Jusstin
Fuck you all and fuck your Christmas.
Hope your New Years is fucked too. Your
authoritariandomesticterrorismis a
threat to our constitutional rights. Learn
rules of engagement because you're
terrible at them and that is dangerous to
public safety! You’rewilling to put the
safety of the public in danger to flex your
qualified immunity all the while
antagonising the protesters and security
of the civil rights movementto the point
where there was no deescalation tactics
that would calm you down. You’re nothing
but a racist,over militarised,wealthy,
unconstitutionalgang of domestic
terrorists here to protect property and the
system over people. If you’re one of the
"good cops" who notices this corruption
and chooses to stay on the '’force" you’re
just as guilty as the rest. Quit your job,
you’re on the wrong side of history. Enjoy
the rest of the year! := ====:J ./ /- /s
AP 4 a
16 mins Lil e Reply More

Case 3:21-mj-00053-CHL Document 1 Filed 01/29/21 Page 8 of 9 PageID #: 8

13. SpecialAgent PeterSummersand Task Force Officer Wesley Claxon interviewed

m reference to the mcrdent advrsed on January 2nd,

2021, he was notified by SMPD Officer Larry Cushman that TURNER had posted

something about him on TURNER’s Twitter account (the Twitter post from TURNER

being referenced is the screenshot included in section 10). stated that

after watching the UPG group behavior, including actions taken by the group on

December 25, 2020, his first responseto the tweet was to "take it seriously." Because of

the threat, SMPD adopteda partner system which requires its officers to operate in pairs

at all times, including responding to all runs with a partner. advised he

hastaken this threat communicated by TURNER via Twitter very seriously, is much

more security conscious about his home and his family.

14. 1 know that Twitter, 1355 Market St., Suite 900, San Francisco, California, is a

microblogging and social networking service. Twitter operates globally via the Internet,

and materials postedby TURNER to Twitter thus constitute transmission of threat to

injure the person of another in interstate commerce, The photograph TURNER posted of

with red crosshairs drawn on his head, along with smoke, skull, and

flame emojis in the text portion of the post, demonstrates intent and is a feasible threat to

injure communicated via interstate commerce through the use of

TURNER’s Twitter account.

15. Based on the above facts and circumstances as well as this Affiant’s training and

experience, Affiant states that there is probable cause to believe that ADDAM

TURNER has committed violations of Title 18, USC Section 875(c), Interstate


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January 29, 2021

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