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(2) the drive and energy of the American people (3) the natural beauty of the land (4)

the high standard of

living (5) the opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrants

· One bad impression Rizal had of America was the lack of racial equality: “America is the land par
excellence of freedom but only for the whites”

RIZAL IN LONDON (1888-1889)

-After visiting the United States, Rizal lived in London from May, 1888 to March, 1889 for three reasons:
(1) to improve his knowledge of the English language (2) to study and annotate Morga’s Sucesos de las
Islas Filipinas, a rare copy of which he heard to be available in the British Museum (3) London was a safe
place for him to carry on his fight against Spanish tyranny


· The trans-Atlantic voyage of Rizal from New York to Liverpool was a pleasant one.

· Rizal entertained the American and European passengers with his marvelous skills with the yo-yo
as an offensive weapon.

· Yoyo-is a small wooden disc attached to a string from the finger.

· May 24, 1888-Rizal arrived at Liverpool, England

· Adelphi Hotel-Rizal spend the night here while staying for one day in this port city

· According to Rizal, “Liverpool is a big and beautiful city and its celebrated port is worthy of its
great fame. The entrance is magnificent and the customhouse is quite good.”


· May 25, 1888- a day after docking at Liverpool, Rizal went to London

· Rizal stayed as guest at the home of Dr. Antonio Ma. Regidor, an exile of 1872 and a practicing
lawyer in London. By the end of May, Rizal found a modest boarding place at No. 37 Chalcot Crescent,
Primrose Hill

· Dr. Reinhold Rozt- librarian of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and an authority on Malayan
languages and

-He was impressed by Rizal’s learning and character and he gladly recommended him to the authorities
of the British Museum. He called Rizal “a pearl of a man” (una perla de hombre)

· Both good and bad news from home reached Rizal in London. Of the bad news, were the
injustices committed by the Spanish authorities on the Filipino people and the Rizal Family

· The greatest achievement of Rizal in London was the annotating of Morga’s book, Sucesos de
las Islas Filipinas (Historical Events of the Philippine Islands), which was published in Mexico, 1609.

· September 1888- Rizal visited Paris for a week in order to search for more historical materials in
the Bibliotheque Nationale

· Rizal was entertained in this gay French metropolis by Juan Luna and his wife (Pas Pardo de
Tavera), who proudly showed him their little son Andres (nickname Luling)
· December 11, 1888-Rizal went to Spain, visiting Madrid and Barcelona
· Rizal met, for the first time, Marcelo H. del Pilar and Mariano Ponce, two titans of the Propaganda
· December 24, 1888-Rizal returned to London and spent Christmas and New Year’s Day with the

· Rizal sent as Christmas gift to Blumentritt a bust of Emperador Augustus and a bust of Julius
Caesar to another friend, Dr. Carlos Czepelak (Polish scholar)

· The Life and Adventures of Valentine Vox, the Ventriloquist-a Christmas gift from Rizal’s
landlady, Mrs Beckett


· Asociacion La Solidaridad (Solidaridad Association)- a patriotic society, which cooperate in the

crusade fro reforms, was inaugurated on December 31, 1888, with the following officers: Galicano
Apacible (president); Graciano Lopez Jaena (vice-president); Manuel Santa Maria (secretary); Mariano
Ponce (treasurer) and Jose Ma. Panganiban (accountant)

· By unanimous vote of all members, Rizal was chosen honorary president

· January 28, 1889- Rizal wrote a letter addressed to the members of the Asociacion La


· February 15, 1889- Graciano Lopez Jaena founded the patriotic newspaper called La Solidaridad
in Barcelona

· La Solidadridad-fortnightly periodical which served as the organ of the Propaganda Movement

· Its aims were as follows: (1) to work peacefully for political and social reforms (2) to portray the
deplorable conditions of the Philippines so that Spain may remedy them (3) to oppose the evil forces of
reaction and medievalism (4) to advocate liberal ideas and progress (5) to champion the legitimate
aspirations of the Filipino people to life, democracy and happiness

· Los Agricultores Filipinos (The Filipino Farmers)- Rizal’s first article which appeared in La
Solidaridad which is published on March 25, 1889, six days after he left London for Paris


-Rizal wrote articles for La Solidaridad in defense of his oppressed people and to point out the evils of
Spanish rule in the Philippines

1. “A La Defensa” (To La Defensa), April 30, 1889- this was a reply to an anti-Filipino writing of a
Spanish author Patricio de la Escosura which was published by La Defensa on March 30, 1889
2. “La Verdad Para Todos” (The Truth For All), May 31, 1889- Rizal’s defense against the Spanish
charges that the native local officials were ignorant and depraved
3. “Vicente Barrantes’ Teatro Tagalo”, June 15, 1889- in this article, Rizal exposes Barrabtes’
ignorance on the Tagalog theatrical art
4. “Una Profanacion” (A Profanation), July 31, 1889- a bitter attack against the friars for denying
Christian burial to Mariano Herbosa in Calamba because he was a brother-in-law of Rizal. Herbosa,
husband of lucia died of cholera on May 23, 1889
5. “Verdades Nuevas” (New Truths), July 31, 1889- a reply to Vicente Belloc Sanchez’ letter
published in La Patria, Madrid newspaper, on July 4, 1889, which asserted that the granting of reforms in
the Philippines would ruin the “peaceful and maternal rule” of the friars
6. “Crueldad” (Cruelty), August 15, 1889- a brilliant defense of Blumentritt from the scutrillous attack
of his enemies
7. “Diferencias’ (Differences), September 15, 1889- a reply to a biased article entitled “Old Truths”
published in La Patria on August 14, 1889, which ridiculed those Filipinos who asked for reforms
8. “Inconsequencias” (Inconsequences), November 30, 1889- a defense of Antonio Luna against the
attack of Pablo Mir Deas in the Barcelona newspaper El Puieblo Soberano
9. “Llanto y Risas” (Tears and Laughter), November 30, 1889- a denunciation of Spanish racial
prejudice against brown Filipinos
10. “Ingratitudes” (Ingratitude), January 15, 1890 - a reply to Governor General Valeriano Weyler who,
while visiting Calamba, told the people that they “should not allow themselves to be deceived by the vain
promises of their ungrateful sons.”

· Simultaneous with Rizal retirement from the Propaganda Movement, Rizal ceased writing articles
for La Solidaridad

· August 7, 1891- M.H. del Pilar wrote to Rizal begging forgiveness for any resentment and
requesting Rizal to resume writing for the La Solidaridad

· Rizal stopped writing for La Solidaridad, it was because of several reasons: (1) Rizal need to
work on his book (2) He wanted other Filipinos to work also (3) Rizal considered it very important to the
party that there be unity in the work (4) Marcelo H. del Pilar is already at the top and Rizal also have his
own ideas, it is better to leave del Pilar alone to direct the policy


· While busy in research studies at the British Museum, Rizal received news on Fray Rodriguez’
unabated attack on his Noli

· La Vision del Fray Rodriguez (The Vision of Fray Rodriguez)-pamphlet wrote by Rizal which
published in Barcelona under his nom-de-plume Dimas Alang in order to defense his novel
-In La Vision del Fray Rodriguez, Rizal demonstrated two things: (1) his profound knowledge of religion
(2) his biting satire
· Letter to the Young Women of Malolos- a famous letter wrote by Rizal on February 22, 1889 in
- this letter is to praise the young ladies of Malolos for their courage to establish a school where they
could learn Spanish, despite the opposition of Fr. Felipe Garcia, a Spanish parish priest of Malolos

· The main points of this letter were: (1) a Filipino mother should teach her children love of God,
fatherland, and mankind (2) the Filipino mother should be glad, like the Spartan mother, to offer her sons
in the defense of the fatherland (3) a Filipino woman should know how to preserve her dignity and honor
(4) a Filipino woman should educate herself, aside from retaining her good racial virtues (5) Faith is not
merely reciting long prayers and wearing religious pictures, but rather it is living the real Christian way,
with good morals and good manners

· Dr Reinhold Rost, editor of Trubner’s Record, a journal devoted to Asian studies, request Rizal to
contribute some articles. In response to his request, the latter prepared two articles—(1) Specimens of
Tagal Folklore, which published in the journal in May, 1889 (2) Two Eastern Fables, published in June,

· March 19, 1889- Rizal bade goodbye to the kind Beckett Family and left London for Paris

it was extremely difficult for a visitor to find living quarters in Paris
· Valentin Ventura- a friend of Rizal where he lived—No. 45 Rue Maubeuge, where he polished his
annotated edition of Morga’s book

· Rizal used most of his time in the reading room of the Bibliotheque Nationale (National Library)
checking up his historical annotations on Morga’s book

· Rizal was a good friend of the three Pardo de Taveras—Dr. Trinidad H. Pardo de Tavera, a
physician by vocation and philologist by avocation, Dr. Felix Pardo de Tavera, also physician by vocation
and an artist and sculptor by avocation, and Paz Pardo de Tavera, wife of Juan Luna

· June 24, 1889- a baby girl was born to Juan Luna and Paz Pardo de Tavera, she was their
second child

· Her baptismal godfather was Rizal, who chose her name “Maria de la Paz, Blanca, Laureana,
Hermenegilda Juana Luna y Pardo de Tavera”

· May 6, 1889- opening of Universal Exposition of Paris

· The greatest attraction of this exposition was the Eiffel Tower, 984 feet high, which was built by
Alexander Eiffel, celebrated French engineer


· March 19, 1889-the same day when he arrived in Paris from London, Rizal organized his
paisanos (compatriots) into a society called Kidlat Club
· Kidlat Club-purely a social society of a temporary nature

-founded by Rizal simply to bring together young Filipinos in the French capital so that they could enjoy
their sojourn in the city during the duration of the Universal Exposition


· Rizal was enchanted by the dignified and proud bearing of the American Indians in a Buffalo Bull

· Indios Bravos (Brave Indians)- replaced the ephemeral Kidlat Club

-its members pledged to excel in intellectual and physical prowess in order to win the admiration of the
foreigners -practised with great enthusiasm the use of the sword and pistol and Rizal taught them judo, an
Asian art of self-
defense, that he learned in Japan


· Sociedad R.D.L.M. (R.D.L.M Society)- a mysterious society founded by Rizal in Paris during the
Universal Exposition of 1889
-its existence and role in the crusade reforms are really enigmatic
-Of numerous letters written by Rizal and his fellow propagandists, only two mentioned this secret society,
as follows (1) Rizal’s Letter to Jose Maria Basa, Paris, September 21, 1889 (2) Rizal’s Letter to Marcelo
H. del Pilar, Paris, November 4, 1889

· According to Dr. Leoncio Lopez-Rizal, grandnephew of the hero, the society has a symbol or
countersign represented by a circle divided into three parts by two semi-circles having in the center the
intwerlocked letters I and B meaning Indios Bravos and the letter R.D.L.M. placed outside an upper,
lower, left and right sides of the circle

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