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All questions are compulsory: - 1x5=5
1. Tick ( ) the correct answer:-
i. The loss of water from the leaves of plants as water vapour through the
stomata is called:
a. Respiration b. Evaporation
c. Translocation d. Transpiration
ii. Which of the following is purest form of natural water?
a. Well Water b. Spring Water
c. Rain water d. River Water
iii. An examples of nonconductor of electricity is a ---
a. Coin b. Battery
c. Rubber Glove d. Metal spoon
iv. The plane mirror forms a
a. Virtual Image b. Real Image
c. Inverted image d. Magnified
v. Which of these things cannot give its own light?
a. A torch b. A Lamp
c. The Moon d. The Sun
2. Fill in the blanks:- 1x5=5
a. Light travel in __________lines.
b. The image which cannot be projected onto a screen is called
c. Light help us _______objects.
d. An electric cell has _________ terminal.
e. Air is not a conductor of electricity, it is an _____________.
3. State whether the following statements are true or false. 1x5=5
a. A cockroach has three pairs of legs.
b. The cartilage is harder than a bone.
c. Cockroaches have outer skeletons.
d. Common salt is separated from its solution in water by decantation.
e. A mixture of milk and water can be separated by filtration.
4. Match the following:- 1x5=5
Column-A Column-B
i. Milk, Curd, Ghee, Cheese a. Eat other animals
ii. Lions and Tigers b. Eat plant and plant product
iii. Spinach, Caulliflower, c. Are Vegetables
iv. Herbivores d. Are all animal product
v. Upper Jaw e. Is an immovable joint
5. Answer these questions:-(Any five only) 3x5=15
i. Write the main functions of skull?
ii. What is a rib cage? State the function of ribcage?
iii. What is the importance of water cycle in nature?
iv. What are the two main techniques of rain water harvesting?
v. What is periodic motion? State two examples of periodic motion?
vi. What is meant by rectilinear motion? Give two examples rectilinear
vii. Write the full names of the following units of measurement.
6. Answer these questions ( Any Five) - 7x5=35
1. What is meant by standard unit of measurement? Why is it necessary to
have standard unit of measurement? Name the SI Unit of Length? Write
its symbol.
2. What is meant by Rotational motion and Circular motion? Give two
examples of rotational motion and two example of circular motion.
3. What is mean by Real image and Virtual Image? Give one example each
of a real image and a virtual image?
4. What is meant by transparent materials, translucent materials and opaque
materials? Give two examples each of transparent translucent and
5. What is meant by a complete circuit and an open circuit? Draw sketches
of the two types of circuits to explain your answer.
6. What are magnetic materials and nonmagnetic materials? Name two
magnetic materials and two nonmagnetic materials.
7. What is Air? State the composition of air. Write any two properties of

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