Aeronautical Chart Users' Guide VFR Charting Products (Includes Sectional, Terminal Area, Caribbean, Flyway, and Helicopter Charts)

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Federal Aviation


Aeronautical Information Services Products

Aeronautical Chart
Users’ Guide

VFR Charting Products

(Includes Sectional, Terminal Area, Caribbean,
Flyway, and Helicopter Charts)

Effective as of 21 May 2020

Table of Contents

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 5
KEEP YOUR CHARTS CURRENT .............................................................................................5
EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHART USERS’ GUIDE AND UPDATES...............................................5
COLOR VARIATION ....................................................................................................................5
REPORTING CHART DISCREPANCIES ....................................................................................5

WHAT’S NEW? ..................................................................................................... 7

VFR CHARTS..............................................................................................................................7
IFR ENROUTE CHARTS ............................................................................................................7
TERMINAL PROCEDURE PUBLICATIONS (TPPS)...................................................................7

EXPLANATION OF VFR TERMS AND SYMBOLS .............................................. 9

WATER FEATURES (HYDROGRAPHY) ....................................................................................9
LAND FEATURES (TERRAIN) AND OBSTRUCTIONS ..............................................................9
LAND FEATURES - MOUNTAIN PASSES ................................................................................12
RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION .................................................................................................13
AIRPORTS ................................................................................................................................13

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Table of Contents

TERMINAL AREA CHART (TAC) COVERAGE .........................................................................18
INSET AND SPECIAL CHART COVERAGE .............................................................................18
CHART TABULATIONS .............................................................................................................18
CARIBBEAN VFR AERONAUTICAL CHARTS (CAC) ..............................................................20

VFR SECTIONAL AND TERMINAL AREA CHARTS ........................................ 21

AIRPORTS ................................................................................................................................21
RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION .................................................................................................23
AIRSPACE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................24
NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION ............................................................30
CULTURE ..................................................................................................................................32
HYDROGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................35
RELIEF ......................................................................................................................................38

VFR FLYWAY PLANNING CHARTS .................................................................. 41

GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................41
AIRPORTS ................................................................................................................................41
RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION .................................................................................................41
AIRSPACE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................42
NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION ............................................................45
CULTURE ..................................................................................................................................45
BOUNDARIES ...........................................................................................................................45
HYDROGRAPHY ......................................................................................................................46
RELIEF ......................................................................................................................................46

HELICOPTER ROUTE CHARTS ........................................................................ 47

GENERAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................47
AIRPORTS ................................................................................................................................47

Table of Contents
RADIO AIDS TO NAVIGATION .................................................................................................48
AIRSPACE INFORMATION .......................................................................................................49
NAVIGATIONAL AND PROCEDURAL INFORMATION ............................................................52
CULTURE ..................................................................................................................................53

AIRSPACE .......................................................................................................... 55

REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 57

ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................... 59
A ................................................................................................................................................59
B ................................................................................................................................................59
C ................................................................................................................................................59
D ................................................................................................................................................59
E ................................................................................................................................................59
F ................................................................................................................................................59
G ................................................................................................................................................59
H ................................................................................................................................................60
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Table of Contents

J .................................................................................................................................................60
K ................................................................................................................................................60
N ................................................................................................................................................60
O ................................................................................................................................................60
P ................................................................................................................................................60
R ................................................................................................................................................61
S ................................................................................................................................................61
T ................................................................................................................................................61
U ................................................................................................................................................61
V ................................................................................................................................................61
W ...............................................................................................................................................61

This Chart Users’ Guide is an introduction to the Federal Aviation Administration's (FAA) aeronautical charts and publica-
tions. It is useful to new pilots as a learning aid, and to experienced pilots as a quick reference guide.

The FAA is the source for all data and information utilized in the publishing of aeronautical charts through authorized
publishers for each stage of Visual Flight Rules (VFR) and Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) air navigation including training,
planning, and departures, enroute (for low and high altitudes), approaches, and taxiing charts. Digital charts are available
online at:

• VFR Charts -

• IFR Charts -
• Terminal Procedures Publication -
• Chart Supplements -

Paper copies of the charts are available through an FAA Approved Print Provider. A complete list of current providers is
available at

The FAA Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) Pilot/Controller Glossary defines in detail, all terms and abbreviations
used throughout this publication. Unless otherwise indicated, miles are nautical miles (NM), altitudes indicate feet above
Mean Sea Level (MSL), and times used are Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

The Notices to Airmen Publication (NOTAM) includes current Flight Data Center (FDC) NOTAMs. NOTAMs alert pilots of
new regulatory requirements and reflect changes to Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAPs), flight restrictions,
and aeronautical chart revisions. This publication is prepared every 28 days by the FAA, and is available by subscription

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Introduction

from the Government Printing Office. For more information on subscribing or to access online PDF copy,

In addition to NOTAMs, the Chart Supplement and the Safety Alerts/Charting Notices page of the Aeronautical Information
Services website are also useful to pilots


Aeronautical information changes rapidly, so it is impor- Although the digital files are compiled in accordance with
tant that pilots check the effective dates on each aeronau- charting specifications, the final product may vary slightly in
tical chart and publication. To avoid danger, it is important appearance due to differences in printing techniques/pro-
to always use current editions and discard obsolete cesses and/or digital display techniques.
charts and publications.
To confirm that a chart or publication is current, refer to
the next scheduled edition date printed on the cover. Your experience as a pilot is valuable and your feedback is
Pilots should also check Aeronautical Chart Bulletins and important. We make every effort to display accurate informa-
NOTAMs for important updates between chart and publi- tion on all FAA charts and publications, so we appreciate
cation cycles that are essential for safe flight. your input. Please notify us concerning any requests for
changes, or potential discrepancies you see while using our
EFFECTIVE DATE OF CHART USERS’ GUIDE charts and related products.
FAA, Aeronautical Information Services
All information in this guide is effective as of 21 May 1305 East-West Highway
2020. All graphics used in this guide are for educational SSMC4, Room 3424
purposes. Chart symbology may not be to scale. Please Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281
do not use them for flight navigation.
Telephone Toll-Free 1-800-638-8972
The Chart Users’ Guide is updated as necessary when Aeronautical Inquires:
there is new chart symbology or changes in the depiction fic/flight_info/aeronav/aero_data/Aeronautical_In-
of information and/or symbols on the charts. When there quiries/
are changes, it will be in accordance with the 56-day
aeronautical chart product schedule.

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Introduction

Update as of 21 May 2020

The following charting items have been added to the Online Chart Users’ Guide since the Guide was last published on 26
March 2020:


Revision of Trauma Center and Hospital Helipad Designations on Helicopter Route Charts

Beginning with the 18 June 2020 effective date, users’ will begin to see Trauma Center and Hospital Helipad designations
charted under the broader heading of Medical Center.


Coincident Airways/Routes with Unusable Segment

No Changes Applied

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - What’s New


No Changes Applied

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - What’s New

This chapter covers the Sectional Aeronautical Chart (Sectional). These charts include the most current data at a scale
of (1:500,000) which is large enough to be read easily by pilots flying by sight under Visual Flight Rules. Sectionals are
named after a major city within its area of coverage.

The chart legend includes aeronautical symbols and information about drainage, terrain, the contour of the land, and
elevation. You can learn to identify aeronautical, topographical, and obstruction symbols (such as radio and television tow-
ers) by using the legend.

A brief description next to a small black square indicates the exact location for many of the landmarks easily recognized
from the air, such as stadiums, pumping stations, refineries, etc. A small black open circle with descriptive type indicates
oil, gas or mineral wells. A small black circle with descriptive type indicates water, oil or gas tanks. The scale for some
items may be increased to make them easier to read on the chart.

Aeronautical Information Services' charts are prepared in accordance with specifications of the Interagency Air Committee
(IAC) and are approved by representatives of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Department of Defense


Water features are depicted using two tones of blue, and are considered either "Open Water" or

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

"Inland Water." "Open Water," a lighter blue tone, shows the shoreline limitations of all coastal water
features at the average (mean) high water levels for oceans and seas. Light blue also represents the
connecting waters like bays, gulfs, sounds and large estuaries.

Exceptionally large lakes like the Great Lakes, Great Salt Lake, and Lake Okeechobee, etc., are considered Open Water
features. The Open Water tone extends inland as far as necessary to adjoin the darker blue "Inland Water" tones. All other
bodies of water are marked as "Inland Water" in the darker blue tone.


The elevation and configuration of the Earth's surface is important to pilots. Our Aeronautical Information Specialists are
devoted to showing the contour of the earth and any obstructions clearly and accurately on our charts. We use five differ-
ent techniques: contour lines, shaded relief, color tints, obstruction symbols, and Maximum Elevation Figures (MEF).

1. Contour lines join points of equal elevation. On Sectionals, basic contours are spaced at
500' intervals. Intermediate contours are typically at 250' intervals in moderately level or
gently rolling areas. Auxiliary contours at 50', 100', 125', or 150' intervals occasionally
show smaller relief features in areas of relatively low relief. The pattern of these lines
and their spacing gives the pilot a visual concept of the terrain. Widely spaced contours represent gentle slopes,
while closely spaced contours represent steep slopes.

2. Shaded relief shows how terrain may appear from the air. Shadows are shown as if light is
coming from the northwest, because studies have shown that our visual perception has
been conditioned to this view.

3. Different color tints show bands of elevation relative to sea level. These colors range from
light green for the lower elevations, to dark brown for the higher elevations.

4. Obstruction symbols show man made vertical features that could affect safe navigation. FAA's
Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) maintains a database of over obstacles in the United States,
Canada, the Caribbean, Mexico and U.S. Pacific Island Territories. Aeronautical Specialists evaluate
each obstacle based on charting specifications before adding it to a visual chart. When a Specialist is
not able to verify the position or elevation of an obstacle, it is marked UC, meaning it is "under con-
struction" or being reported, but has not been verified.

The FAA uses a Digital Obstacle File (DOF) to collect and disseminate data. Because land and obstructions
frequently change, the source data on obstructions and terrain is occasionally incomplete or not accurate
enough for use in aeronautical publications. For example, when the FAA receives notification about an ob-
struction, and there is insufficient detail to determine its position and elevation, the FAA Flight Edit Program
conducts an investigation.

The Flight Edit crew visually verifies the cultural, topographic, and obstacle data. Charts are generally flight-
checked every four years. This review includes checking for any obstruction that has been recently built,
altered, or dismantled without proper notification.

Sectional Charts, Terminal Area (TACs) and Caribbean Charts (CACs) typically show
man-made obstacles extending more than 200' Above Ground Level (AGL), or more than
299' AGL in yellow city tint. Features considered to be hazardous obstacles to low-level
flight are; smokestacks, tanks, factories, lookout towers, and antennas, etc.

Man-made features used by FAA Air Traffic Control as checkpoints use a graphic symbol shown
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

in black with the required elevation data in blue. The elevation of the top of the obstacle above
Mean Sea Level (MSL) and the height of the structure (AGL) is also indicated (when known or
can be reliably determined by a Specialist). The AGL height is in parentheses below the MSL
elevation. In extremely congested areas, the FAA typically omits the AGL values to avoid

Whenever possible, the FAA depicts specific obstacles on charts. However, in high-density areas like
city complexes, only the highest obstacle is represented on the chart using the group obstacle symbol to
maximize legibility.

Obstacles under construction are indicated by placing the letters UC adjacent to the obstacle type.

Obstacles with high-intensity strobe lighting systems may operate part-time or by proximity
activation and are shown as follows:

5. The Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF) represents the highest elevation within a quadrant,
including terrain and other vertical obstacles (towers, trees, etc.). A quadrant on Sectionals
is the area bounded by ticked lines dividing each 30 minutes of latitude and each 30
minutes of longitude. MEF figures are rounded up to the nearest 100' value and the last
two digits of the number are not shown.

MEFs over land and open water areas are used in areas containing man-made obstacles such as oil rigs.

In the determination of MEFs, the FAA uses extreme care to calculate the values based on the existing elevation data
shown on source material. Aeronautical Information Specialists use the following procedure to calculate MEFs:

MEF - Man-made Obstacle

When a man-made obstacle is more than 200' above the highest terrain within the quadrant:

1. Determine the elevation of the top of the obstacle above MSL.

2. Add the possible vertical error of the source material to the above figure (100’ or 1/2 contour interval when inter-
val on source exceeds 200’. U.S. Geological Survey Quadrangle Maps with contour intervals as small as 10’ are
normally used).

3. Round the resultant figure up to the next higher hundred-foot level.


Elevation of obstacle top (MSL) 2649

Possible obstacle error +100

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

equals 2749

Raise to the following 100’ level 2800

Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF)

MEF - Natural Terrain Feature or Natural Vertical Obstacle

When a natural terrain feature or natural vertical obstacle (e.g. a tree) is the highest feature within the quadrangle:

1. Determine the elevation of the feature.

2. Add the possible vertical error of the source to the above figure (100’ or 1/2 the contour interval when interval on
source exceeds 200’).

3. Add a 200’ allowance for uncharted natural

or manmade obstacles. Chart specifications
don’t require the portrayal of obstacles below
minimum height.

4. Round the figure up to the next higher hun-

dred-foot level.


Elevation of obstacle top (MSL) 13161

Possible vertical error +100

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

Obstacle Allowance +200

equals 13461

Raise to the following 100’ level 13500

Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF)

Pilots should be aware that while the MEF is based on the best information available to the Specialist, the figures are not
verified by field surveys. Also, users should consult the Aeronautical Chart Bulletin in the Chart Supplement or Aeronauti-
cal Information Services website to ensure that your chart has the latest MEF data available.


Mountain Pass symbol does not indicate a recommended route or direc-

tion of flight and pass elevation does not indicate a recommended clearnce
altitude. Hazardous flight conditions may exist within and near mountain


On VFR Charts, information about radio aids to navigation (NAVAID) are boxed, as illustrated. Duplication of data is
avoided. When two or more radio aids in a general area have the
same name with different frequencies, Tactical Air Navigation
(TACAN) channel numbers, or identification letters, and no
misinterpretation can result, the name of the radio aid may be
indicated only once within the identification box. Very High
Frequency/Ultra High Frequency (VHF/UHF) NAVAID names
and identification boxes (shown in blue) take precedence. Only
those items that differ (e.g., frequency, Morse Code) are repeated in the box in the appropriate color. The choice of
separate or combined boxes is made in each case on the basis of economy of space and clear identification of the radio

A NAVAID that is physically located on an airport may not always be represented as a

typical NAVAID symbol. A small open circle indicates the NAVAID location when
collocated with an airport icon.

The type of NAVAID will be identified by: "VOR," (VHF Omni-Directional Range)
"VORTAC" (VOR Tactical Aircraft Control), "VOR-DME," (VOR-Distance Measuring
Equipment) or “DME” (Distance Measuring Equipment) positioned on and breaking
the top line of the NAVAID box.

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

DMEs are shown without the compass rose.


Airports in the following categories are charted as indicated (additional symbols are shown later in this Section).
Public use airports:

Hard-surfaced runways greater than 8069’ or some multiple runways less than 8069’

Hard-surfaced runways 1500’ to 8069’

Other than hard-surfaced runways

Seaplane bases

Military airports:

Other than hard-surfaced runways

Hard-surfaced runways are depicted the same as public-use airports.

U.S. military airports are identified by abbreviations such as AAF (Army Air Field), AFB (Air Force Base), MCAS (Marine
Corps Air Station), NAS (Naval Air Station), NAV (Naval Air Facility), NAAS (Naval Auxiliary Air Station), etc. Canadian
military airports are identified by the abbreviation DND (Department of National Defense).

Fuel Available:

Fuel availability indicated by use of tick marks around the basic airport symbol. Consult Chart Supplement
for details and availability.

Other airports with or without fuel:

Airports are plotted in their true geographic position unless the symbol conflicts with a NAVAID at the same location. In
such cases, the airport symbol will be displaced, but the relationship between the airport and the NAVAID will be retained.

Airports are identified by their designated name. Generic parts of long airport names (such as
"airport," "field," or "municipal") and the first names of persons are commonly omitted unless
they are needed to distinguish one airport from another with a similar name.

The figure at right illustrates the coded data that is provided along with the airport name.

The elevation of an airport is the highest point on the usable portion of the landing areas.
Runway length is the length of the longest active runway, including displaced thresholds and
excluding overruns. Runway length is shown to the nearest 100', using 70 as the rounding
point; a runway 8070' in length is charted as 81, while a runway 8069' in length is charted as
80. If a seaplane base is collocated with an airport, there will be additional seaplane base
water information listed for the elevation, lighting and runway.

Flight Service Station on field Elevation in feet

Airports where fixed wing special VFR op- Lighting in operation Sunset to Sunrise
erations are prohibited (shown above airport
name) FAR 91 Lighting limitations exist; refer to Chart
Indicates FAR 93 Special Air Traffic Rules
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

and Airport Traffic Pattern Length of longest runway in hundreds of

feet; usable length may be less.
Location Identifier

ICAO Location Identifier Aeronautical advisory station

Control Tower (CT) - primary frequency Runways with Right Traffic Patterns (public
Star indicates operation part-time. See
tower frequencies tabulation for hours of See Chart Supplement
VFR Advisory Service Shown when ATIS
Follows the Common Traffic Advisory Fre- is not available and frequency is other than
quency (CTAF) the primary CT frequency.

Automatic Terminal Information Services Weather Camera (Alaska)

Automatic Flight Information Service Airport of Entry

When information is lacking, the respective

Automated Surface Weather Observing character is replaced by a dash. Lighting
Systems; shown when full-time ATIS is not codes refer to runway edge lights and may
available. not represent the longest runway or full
length lighting.

Airports with Control Towers (CT) and their related data are shown in blue. All other airports and their related data are
shown in magenta. The symbol indicates that runway lights are on from dusk to dawn. indicates that the pilot must
consult the Chart Supplement to determine runway lighting limitations, such as: available on request (by radio-call, letter,
phone, etc), part-time lighting, or pilot/airport controlled lighting. Lighting codes refer to runway edge lights. The lighted
runway may not be the longest runway available, and lights may not be illuminated along the full length of the runway. The
Chart Supplement has a detailed description of airport and air navigation lighting aids for each airport. A dash represents
no runway edge lights.

The symbol indicates the existence of a rotating or flashing airport beacon operating from dusk to dawn. The Aeronau-
tical Information Manual (AIM) thoroughly explains the types and uses of airport lighting aids.

Right traffic information is shown using the abbreviation 'RP' for right pattern, followed by the appropriate runway
number(s) (RP 18). Special conditions or restrictions to the right pattern are indicated by the use of an asterisk (*RP) to

direct the pilot to the Chart Supplement for special instructions and/or restrictions.

The type “OBJECTIONABLE” associated with an airport symbol indicates that an objectionable airspace determination
has been made for the airport per FAA JO 7400.2 Section 4, Airport Charting and Publication of Airport Data. Objection-
able airspace determinations are based upon a number of factors including conflicting traffic patterns with another airport,
hazardous runway conditions, or natural or man-made obstacles in close proximity to the landing area. FAA Regional
Airports Offices are responsible for airspace determinations. Address any challenges to objectionable airspace determina-
tions to your FAA Regional Airports Office.



Controlled airspace consists of those areas where some or all aircraft may be subject to air traffic control, such as: Class
A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E Surface (SFC) and Class E Airspace.

Class A Airspace within the United States extends from 18,000' up to FL600. While visual charts do not depict Class A, it
is important to note its existence.

Class B Airspace is shown in abbreviated form on the Caribbean Charts (CAC) . The Sectional Aeronautical
Chart (Sectional) and Terminal Area Chart (TAC) show Class B in greater detail. The MSL ceiling and floor alti-
tudes of each sector are shown in solid blue figures with the last two zeros omitted. Floors extending "upward from above"
a certain altitude are preceded by a (+). Operations at and below these altitudes are outside of Class B Airspace. Radials

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

and arcs used to define Class B are prominently shown on TACs. Detailed rules and requirements associated with the
particular Class B are shown. The name by which the Class B is shown as for example.

Class C Airspace is shown in abbreviated form on Caribbean Charts (CAC). Sectionals and TACs show
Class C in greater detail. The MSL ceiling and floor altitudes of each sector are shown in solid magenta
figures with the last two zeros eliminated.

The figure at left identifies a sector that extends from the surface to the base of the Class B.

Class C Airspace is identified by name:

Separate notes, enclosed in magenta boxes, give the approach control frequencies to be used by arriving VFR aircraft to
establish two-way radio communication before entering the Class C (generally within 20 NM):

Class C operating less than continuous is indicated by the following note:

Class D Airspace is identified with a blue dashed line. Class D operating less than continuous is indicated by the follow-
ing note:

Ceilings of Class D are shown as follows:

A minus in front of the figure is used to indicate "from surface to, but not including..."

Class E Surface (SFC) Airspace is symbolized with a magenta dashed line. Class E (SFC) operating less than continu-
ous is indicated by the following note:

Class E Airspace exists at 1200' AGL unless designated otherwise. The lateral and vertical
vertical limits of all Class E, (up to, but not including 18,000') are shown by narrow bands of
vignette on Sectionals and TACs.

Controlled airspace floors of 700' above the ground are defined by a magenta vignette;
floors other than 700' that laterally abut uncontrolled airspace (Class G) are defined by a
blue vignette; differing floors greater than 700' above the ground are annotated by a symbol
and a number indicating the floor.

If the ceiling is less than 18,000' MSL, the value (preceded by the word "ceiling") is shown along the limits of the controlled
airspace. These limits are shown with the same symbol indicated above.


Class G Airspace within the United States extends up to 14,500' Mean Sea Level. At and above this altitude is Class E,
excluding the airspace less than 1500' above the terrain and certain special use airspace areas.


Special Use Airspace (SUA) confines certain flight activities and restricts entry, or cautions other aircraft operating within
specific boundaries. Except for Controlled Firing Areas, SUA areas are depicted on VFR Charts. Controlled Firing Areas
are not charted because their activities are suspended immediately when spotter aircraft, radar, or ground lookout posi-
tions indicate an aircraft might be approaching the area. Nonparticipating aircraft are not required to change their flight
paths. SUA areas are shown in their entirety (within the limits of the chart), even when they overlap, adjoin, or when an
area is designated within another area. The areas are identified by type and identifying name/number, and are positioned
either within or immediately adjacent to the area.
FAA Chart Users Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

* Alert Areas do not extend into Class A, B, C and D airspace, or Class E airport surface areas.


Mode C Required Airspace (from the surface to 10,000' MSL) within a 30 NM radius of the primary airport(s) for which a
Class B is designated, is depicted by a solid magenta line.

Mode C is required, but not depicted for operations within and above all Class C up to 10,000' MSL.

Enroute Mode C requirements (at and above 10,000' MSL except in airspace at and below 2500' AGL) are not depicted.
See FAR 91.215 and the AIM.

FAR 93 Airports and heliports under Federal Aviation Regulation 93 (FAR 93), (Special Air Traffic Rules and
Airport Traffic Patterns), are shown by "boxing" the airport name.

FAR 91 Airports where fixed wing special visual flight rules operations are prohibited (FAR 91) are shown
with the type "NO SVFR" above the airport name.

National Security Areas indicated with a broken magenta line and Special Flight Rules Areas (SFRAs) in-
dicated with the following symbol: , consist of airspace with defined vertical and lateral dimensions estab-
lished at locations where there is a requirement for increased security and safety of ground facilities. Pilots should avoid
flying through these depicted areas. When necessary, flight may be temporarily prohibited.

The Washington DC Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) is related to National Security. It is depicted using the Prohibited/
Restricted/Warning Area symbology and is located within the SFRA. It is defined as the airspace within
approximately a 13 to 15 NM radius of the DCA VOR-DME. Additional requirements are levied upon aviators requesting
access to operate inside the National Capital Region.

Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) Areas Relating to National Security are indicated with a broken blue line
. A Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) is a type of Notice to Airmen (NOTAM). A TFR defines an area where
air travel is restricted due to a hazardous condition, a special event, or a general warning for the entire airspace. The text
of the actual TFR contains the fine points of the restriction. It is important to note that only TFRs relating to National Secu-
rity are charted.
Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZs) are symbolized using the ADIZ symbol: . As defined in Code
of Federal Regulations 14 (CFR 14) Part 99, an ADIZ is an area in which the ready identification, location, and control of
all aircraft is required in the interest of national security. ADIZ boundaries include Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Canada and the
Contiguous U.S.

Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSAs) are shown in their entirety, symbolized by a screened black outline of the entire
area including the various sectors within the area .

The outer limit of the entire Terminal Radar Service Areas (TRSA) is a continuous screened black line. The various sec-
tors within the TRSA are symbolized by narrower screened black lines.

Each sector altitude is identified in solid black color by the MSL ceiling and floor values of the respective sector, elimi-
nating the last two zeros. A leader line is used when the altitude values must be positioned outside the respective sec-
tors because of charting space limitations. The TRSA name is shown near the north position of the TRSA as follows:
. Associated frequencies are listed in a table on the chart border.

Military Training Routes (MTRs) are shown on Sectionals and TACs. They are identified by the route designator:
. Route designators are shown in solid black on the route centerline, positioned along the route for
continuity. The designator IR or VR is not repeated when two or more routes are established over the same airspace, e.g.,

FAA Chart Users Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

IR201-205-227. Routes numbered 001 to 099 are shown as IR1 or VR99, eliminating the initial zeros. Direction of flight
along the route is indicated by small arrowheads adjacent to and in conjunction with each route designator.

The following note appears on Helicopters, Sectionals and TACs except for Hawaiian Islands which is different.

There are IFR (IR) and VFR (VR) routes as follows:

Route identification:

a. Routes at or below 1500' AGL (with no segment above 1500') are identified by four-digit numbers; e.g.,
VR1007, etc. These routes are generally developed for flight under Visual Flight Rules.

b. Routes above 1500' AGL (some segments of these routes may be below 1500') are identified by three or fewer
digit numbers; e.g., IR21, VR302, etc. These routes are developed for flight under Instrument Flight Rules.

MTRs can vary in width from 4 to 16 miles. Detailed route width information is available in the Flight Information Publica-
tion (FLIP) AP/1B (a Department of Defense publication), or through the 56 Day NASR Subscription from the National
Flight Data Center (NFDC).

Special Military Activity areas are indicated on Sectionals by a boxed note in black type. The note contains radio fre-
quency information for obtaining area activity status.


TAC coverage is shown on appropriate Sectionals by a 1/4" masked line as indicated below. Within this area pilots should
use TACs, which provide greater detail. A note indicating that the area is on the TAC appears near the masked boundary
FAA Chart Users Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols


Inset and Special Chart Coverage (.i.e., Grand Canyon Chart) is shown on appropriate Sectionals by a 1/8" masked line
as indicated below. A note to this effect appears near the masked boundary line. (Additional examples shown in VFR Sec-
tional and Terminal Charts > Navigational and Procedural Information > Chart Limits.)


Airport Tower Communications are provided in a columnized tabulation for all tower-controlled airports that appear on
the respective chart. Airport names are listed alphabetically. If the airport is military, the type of airfield, e.g., AAF, AFB,
NAS, is shown after the airfield name. In addition to the airport name, tower operating hours, primary Very High Fre-
quency/Ultra High Frequency (VHF/UHF) local Control Tower (CT), Ground Control (GND CON), and Automatic Terminal
Information Service (ATIS) frequencies, when available, will be given. Airport Surveillance Radar (ASR) and/or Precision
Approach Radar (PAR) procedures are listed when available.

Approach Control Communications are provided in a columnized tabulation listing Class B, Class C, Terminal Radar
Service Areas (TRSA) and Selected Approach Control Facilities when available. Primary VHF/UHF frequencies are pro-
vided for each facility. Sectorization occurs when more than one frequency exists and/or is approach direction dependent.
Availability of service hours is also provided.

Special Use Airspace (SUA): Prohibited, Restricted and Warning Areas are presented in blue and listed numerically for
U.S. and other countries. Restricted, Danger and Advisory Areas outside the U.S. are tabulated separately in blue. A tabu-
lation of Alert Areas (listed numerically) and Military Operations Areas (MOA) (listed alphabetically) appear on the chart
in magenta. All are supplemented with altitude, time of use and the controlling agency/contact facility, and its frequency
when available. Users need to be aware that a NOTAM addressing activation will NOT be issued to announce permanent-
ly listed times of use. The controlling agency will be shown when the contact facility and frequency data is unavailable.

Frequencies (VHF/UHF)


Hours of
(local time)
Runway dependent
{ Radar Instrument
Approach available

{ Frequencies (VHF/UHF)


FAA Chart Users Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

Airspace {
Name Sectors for
VHF and UHF traffic
local time




Sunrise to Sunset



Starting in 2016, the FAA CARIBBEAN VFR Aeronautical

Charts were first published, replacing the discontinued
World Aeronautical Charts (WACs), parts of CH-25,
CJ-26, and CJ-27, with CJ-26’s last effective date of 1
February 2018 and CJ-27 last effective date of 29 March
2018. The Caribbean Charts are published as two VFR
Charts: Caribbean 1 (CAC-1) covers Southern Florida,
Cuba, Haiti and the Bahamas; Caribbean 2 (CAC-2)
covers Puerto Rico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, the
Lesser Antilles and Leeward Islands. CAC-1 is updated
annually and CAC-2 biennially.

Caribbean Charts are designed for VFR and provide

aeronautical and topographic information of the Carib-
bean. The aeronautical information includes airports,
radio aids to navigation, Class B airspace and special use airspace. The topographic information includes city tint, popu-
lated places, principal roads, drainage patterns and shaded relief.

The chart symbols used on the Caribbean Charts are similar to those used in the Sectional and Terminal Area Charts, the
major difference being in scale.
The Caribbean VFR Chart scale
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Terms and Symbols

is 1:1,000,000 vs the Sectional

Chart Scale of 1:500,000 and
Terminal Area Chart Scale of
1:250,000. Chart symbology will
appear smaller on the Caribbean
VFR Charts.

Example from Caribbean 1 VFR

Aeronautical Chart

Airport Traffic Service and Air-

port Space Information Unique
to CAC

Only airway and reserved air-

space effective below 18,000’
MSL in the U.S. airspace and
below FL200 outside of the U.S.
airspace are shown.


The symbols shown in this section illustrate those that appear in the Sectional Aeronautical Charts (Sectionals) and
Terminal Area Charts (TACs). The same symbology is utilized in VFR Flyway Planning Charts, Helicopter Route Charts
and Caribbean Aeronautical Charts (CACs), however the scale of the symbols may be different due to the particular chart
scales. Where symbology is distinctive to a given chart, examples and explanations are given in the additional examples.


Landplane: Civil Landplane:

Non-Towered Towered Emergency
Airports having control towers (CT)
PUBLIC USE - (Soft surfaced
are shown in blue, all others are Fuel not available runway, or hard surfaced runway
shown in magenta.
less than 1500’ in length.) Fuel
or not available.
All recognizable runways, includ-

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Charts
ing some which may be closed, are Complete information
shown for visual identification pur- is not available. RESTRICTED OR PRIVATE -
poses. Fuel available.
(Soft surfaced runway, or hard
surfaced runway less than 1500’
Runway patterns will be depicted
in length.) Use only in emergen-
at airports with at least one hard
cy, or by specific authorization.
surfaced runway 1500´ or greater in

OBJECTIONABLE is an airport
that has an airspace determina-
tion based upon a number of
Landplane: factors including conflicting traffic
Civil-Military Non-Towered Towered patterns with another airport,
hazardous runway conditions, or
natural or man-made obstacles
in close proximity to the landing

UNVERIFIED - A landing area

Landplane: Military Non-Towered Towered available but warranting more
than ordinary precaution due to:
Refueling and repair facilities not
indicated. (1) lack of current information on
field conditions,


Heliport (2) available information indi-

Non-Towered Towered
cates peculiar operating limita-
(Selected) tions.

ABANDONED - Depicted for

Seaplane: Civil Appropriate note as landmark value or to prevent
Non-Towered Towered
required for hard surfaced confusion with an adjacent us-
runways only: “(CLOSED)” able landing area. (Normally at
least 3000’ paved).
Ultralight Flight Park

(Selected) Seaplane: Emergency

Fuel not available or complete

information is not available.

AIRPORTS (Continued)

Airport Data Grouping

(Pvt): Non-public use having emergency or

landmark value.

“OBJECTIONABLE”: This airport may adversely

affect airspace use.


Flight Service Station on field Elevation in feet

Airports where fixed wing special VFR opera- Lighting in operation Sunset to Sunrise
tions are prohibited (shown above airport
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

name) FAR 91 Lighting limitations exist; refer to Chart

Indicates FAR 93 Special Air Traffic Rules and Length of longest runway in hundreds of
Airport Traffic Pattern feet; usable length may be less.
Location Identifier
Aeronautical advisory station
ICAO Location Identifier
Runways with Right Traffic Patterns (public
Control Tower (CT) - primary frequency use)

See Chart Supplement

Star indicates operation part-time. See tower
frequencies tabulation for hours of operation VFR Advisory Service Shown when ATIS is
not available and frequency is other than the
primary CT frequency.
Follows the Common Traffic Advisory Fre-
quency (CTAF) Weather Camera (Alaska)
Automatic Terminal Information Services Airport of Entry
Automatic Flight Information Service When information is lacking. the respective
character is replaced by a dash. Lighting
Automated Surface Weather Observing codes refer to runway edge lights and may
Systems; shown when full-time ATIS is not not represent the longest runway or full
available. length lighting.


VOR Non-Directional Radio Beacon (NDB)

Operates less than
contiuous or On-Request

Underline indicates no
voice on this frequency
shares the same name
and Morse Code as
the VOR NAVAID the
frequency can be col-
located inside the same

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
box to conserve space.

VOR-DME NAVAID Used To Define Class B Airspace

ILS Components

Crosshatch indicates
Shutdown status
TAC - Shown when used
in description of Class B

DME Compass Rosette

Shown only in areas void of

VOR roses.

DME co-located at an airport Compass rosette will be

Note: DMEs are shown without the based on the five year epoch
compass rose. magnetic variation model.

Compass Rose
Compass Rose is “reference”
oriented to magnetic north

Example of VOR
NAVAID co-located at


Automated Weather Broadcast Services Off Airport AWOS/ASOS

Automated Weather Observing System
(AWOS) / Automated Surface Observing
System (ASOS). Broadcast Stations (BS)

On request by the proper au-

Flight Service Station (FSS) thority or when a VFR Check-
Heavy line box indicates Flight
Service Station (FSS). Frequen-
cies 121.5, 122.2, 243.0 and 255.4 Remote Communications Outlet (RCO)
(Canada - 121.5, 126.7, and 243.0)
are normally available at all FSSs Frequencies above
and are not shown above boxes. thin line box are
All other frequencies are shown. remoted to NAVAID
Frequencies transmit and receive site. Other frequen-
except those followed by an R. cies at FSS providing
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

voice communication
R - receive only may be available FSS Radio
determined by altitude
International Flight Service Station and terrain. Consult
Chart Supplement for voice
complete information. communications

Thin line box with-

out frequencies and
controlling FSS name
indicates no FSS frequency available.


Class B Airspace

Sectional Terminal Area Chart (TAC)

Appropriate notes as required may be shown.

Only the airspace effective below 18,000 feet MSL are shown.

(Mode C see FAR 91.215 / AIM) All mileages are nautical (NM).

All radials are magnetic.


Class C Airspace Class D Airspace

Appropriate notes as Altitude in hundreds of

required may be shown. feet MSL

(Mode C see FAR 91.215/


(A minus in front of the

figure is used to indicate
“from surface to but not

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
Class E Airspace
Airspace beginning at
The limits of Class E
the surface (sfc) desig-
airspace shall be
nated around airports...
shown by narrow
vignettes or by the
dashed magenta
symbol. Individual
units of designated
airspace are not
Airspace beginning at the
necessarily shown;
surface with an airspace
instead, the aggre-
exclusion area where
gate lateral and vertical limits shall be defined by the following:
Class E airspace is ex-
cluded below 1200’ MSL.
Airspace beginning at the surface (sfc) designated around air-

Airspace beginning at 700 feet AGL

that laterally abuts 1200 feet or
higher Class E Airspace...

Airspace beginning at 700 feet AGL

that laterally abuts uncontrolled
(Class G) airspace...

Airspace beginning at 1200 feet AGL

that laterally abuts uncontrolled
(Class G) airspace...

Differentiates floors of airspace greater than

700 feet above the surface...

When the ceiling is less than 18,000 feet

MSL, the value prefixed by the word
“CEILING”, shall be shown along the limits.


Class E Airspace (Continued)

Low Altitude Airways VOR and LF/MF

(Class E Airspace)

Low altitude Federal Airways are indicated by centerline.

Only the controlled airspace effective below 18,000 feet MSL is

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

Miscellaneous Air Routes

Combined Federal Airway/RNAV 2 “T” Routes are identified in

solid blue type adjacent to the solid magenta federal airway iden-

The joint route symbol is screened magenta.

Canadian Airspace Flight Information Regions (FIR)

Individual units of designated

Canadian airspace are not
necessarily shown; instead,
the aggregate lateral and
vertical limits shall be
portrayed as closely as
possible to the comparable
U.S. airspace.
Oceanic Control Areas (OCA)

Appropriate notes as re-

quired may be shown Control Areas (CTA)

Offshore Control Areas


Special Conservation Areas

NOAA Regulated National
National Park, Wildlife
Marine Sanctuary
Refuge, Primitive and
Designated Areas
Wilderness Areas, etc.

Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) Relating to National


Example: Washington DC

Appropriate notes as

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
required may be shown.

Note: Delimiting line not

shown when it coincides
with International
Boundary, projection lines
or other linear features.

Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) Relating to National


Example: Washington DC

Appropriate notes as
required may be shown.


Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) Relating to
National Security

Special Use Airspace

National Security Area
Only the airspace effective
below 18,000 feet MSL is
Appropriate notes as
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

required may be shown
The type of area shall be
spelled out in large areas if
space permits.

Small Area

* Alert Areas do not extend FOR REASONS OF NATIONAL SECURITY
into Class A, B, C and D BELOW 1200' MSL IN THIS AREA
airspace, or Class E airport
surface areas.
Special Awareness Training Areas

Mode C (FAR 91.215)

Appropriate notes as
required may be shown.
Special Air Traffic Rules / Airport Patterns (FAR Part 93)

Appropriate boxed note as required Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)

shown adjacent to area.
Note: Delimiting line not
shown when it coincides with
International Boundary,
projection lines or other linear

High Energy Radiation Areas Special Security Notice Permanent Continuous Flight
Restriction Areas

Appropriate notes as required

may be shown.
Sporting Event Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR)
Military Training Routes (MTR)

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
Special Military Activity Routes (SMAR)

Space Operations Area (FAR Part 91.143)

Boxed notes shown adjacent

to route.
Miscellaneous Activity Areas

Aerobatic Practice Area

IFR Routes

Glider Operations

Departure Hang Glider Activity

Ultralight Activity

TAC only Unmanned Aircraft Activity

Parachute Jumping Area with Frequency

Space Launch Activity Area

VFR Transition Routes
Examlple: Los Angeles

Appropriate notes as required

may be shown.



Bi-directional with NAVAID Ident

and Radial
TAC only
FAA Chart Users Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA) Example: Harrisburg, PA


TRSA Boundaries

TRSA Sectors

Appropriate notes as required

may be shown.


Isogonic Line and Value Aeronautical Lights
By Request
Isogonic lines and values shall
be based on the five year epoch Rotating or Oscillating
magnetic variation model.
Isolated Location

Local Magnetic Notes Site

Unreliability Notes Rotating Light with Flashing Code

Identification Light


Named intersections used as

reporting points. Arrows are
directed toward facilities which
establish intersection.
Rotating Light with Course Lights and
Site Number

Airport Beacons Marine Lights

Rotating or Flashing With Characteristics of Light

Land Light

Isolated Locations Red

VFR Checkpoints Blue
Underline indicates proper Black
name of VFR Checkpoint. Yellow
Single Occulting
Group Occulting
Composite Group Occulting

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
Group Flashing
Composite Group Flashing
VFR Waypoints Interrupted Quick
Morse Code
Fixed and Flashing
Long Flash
Group Quick Flashing
Collocated with VFR Checkpoint
Interrupted Quick Flashing
Very Quick Flashing
Obstruction Group Very Quick Flashing
Interrupted Very Quick Flashing
Above 200’ & below 1000’ AGL Ultra Quick Flashing
(above 299’ AGL in urban area) Interuppted Ultra Quick Flashing

* Marine Lights are white unless otherwise noted. Alter-

Under Construction (UC) or reported and nating lights are red and white unless otherwise noted.
position/elevation unverified
Group Obstruction
1000’ and higher (AGL)
Above 200’ & below 1000’ AGL
(above 299’ AGL in urban area)
Wind Turbine
1000’ and higher (AGL)

At least two in group

High-Intensity Obstruction Lights 1000’ and higher (AGL)

Less than 1000’ (AGL)

Wind Turbines

1000’ and higher (AGL)

Wind Turbine Farms
Wind Turbine
When highest wind turbine is unverified,
UC will be shown after MSL value.
Group obstruction

Wind Turbines
Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF)
High-intensity lights may operate part-time
or by proximity activation. (see VFR Terms tab for explanation)

Chart Limits

Outline on Sectional of Terminal Area Chart Outline on Sectional of Inset Chart


Outline of Special Chart on

Sectional and Terminal Area

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

Railroads Railroad Yards

Limiting Track To Scale
Single Track

Double Track Location Only

Railroad Stations
More Than Two Tracks

Railroad Sidings and Short Spurs


Non-operating, Abandoned or
Under Construction

Roads Road Markers

Dual-Lane Divided Highway Interstate Route No.

Category 1

Primary U.S. Route No.

Category 2
Air Marked Identification Label
Category 2
Road Names

Roads Under Construction
Category 3

Provides symbolization for

dismantled railroad when combined
with label “dismantled railroad.”

CULTURE (Continued)
Related Features to Railroads and Roads

Bridges and Viaducts Bridges and Viaducts

Railroad Road

Causeways Ferries, Ferry Slips and Fords

Overpasses and Underpasses

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
Tunnels-Road and Railroad

Populated Places

Yellow tinted areas indicate populated places.

Small circle indicates an area too small to depict using

yellow tint.

Font Style and Size indicate the category of the populated area:

Large Cities Category 1

- population more than 250,000

Cities and Large Towns Category 2

- population 25,000 to 250,000

Towns and Villages Category 3

- population less than 25,000

CULTURE (Continued)

International Time Zones

State or Province

Convention or Mandate Line

Date Line

Miscellaneous Cultural Features

Dams Dam Carrying Road

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

Small Locks
Passable Locks

Weirs and Jetties Seawalls

Piers, Wharfs, Quays, etc.

Power Transmission
and Telecommunication Lines

Landmark Features Tanks

Outdoor Theater
Mines or Quarries

Shaft Mines or Quarries

Race Tracks
Wells Coast Guard Station
Other than water

Lookout Towers Landmark Areas

(Elevation Base of Tower) 618

Aerial Cableways,Conveyors, Etc.

Open Water Inland Water

Open/Inland Water Shorelines



Label as required. Fluctuating


FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
When too numerous to show
individual lakes, show Unsurveyed
representative pattern and Indefinite
descriptive note. Number
indicates elevation.

(dry, intermittent, etc.) Illustration
includes small perennial lake.


Natural Shorelines

Man-made Shorelines
Label when necessary for

Too small to show to scale

Under Construction


Streams Canals

To Scale
Abandoned or Under Construction

Fanned Out Abandoned to Scale

Alluvial fan Small Canals and Drainage / Irrigation Ditches


FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

Seasonally Fluctuating Abandoned or Ancient

with undefined limits

with maximum bank limits, Representative pattern and/or

prominent and constant descriptive note.

Sand Deposits in and along


Wet Sand Areas

Within and adjacent to desert areas


To Scale Suspended or Elevated

Abandoned or Under Construction

Underground Tunnels

Underground with Air Vents

Falls Rapids


Single-Line Single-Line

Salt Evaporators and Salt Pans Man Exploited Swamps, Marshes and Bogs

Hummocks and Ridges

Mangrove And Nipa

Peat Bogs

Cranberry Bogs

Rice Paddies

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
Extensive areas indicated
by label only. Land Subject To Inundation

Springs, Wells and Waterholes


Permanent Snow and Ice Areas

Glaciers Ice

Polar Ice

Glacial Moraines

Pack Ice
Ice Cliffs

Snowfields, Ice Fields And Ice Caps

Foreshore Flats

Tidal flats exposed at low tide. Ice Peaks


Reefs-Rocky or Coral Miscellaneous Underwater Features Not Otherwise


Fish Ponds and Hatcheries Wrecks



Bare or Awash

Spot Elevations
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

Position Accurate

Position Accurate, Elevation Approximate


Highest in General Area

Highest on Chart
Mountain Pass
(Illustration includes mound
within depression)
Distorted Surface Areas


Sand or Gravel Areas Lava Flows

Sand Dunes
Sand Ridges
To Scale
To Scale

Hachuring Shaded Relief

RELIEF (Continued)
Quarries To Scale
Rock Strata Outcrop

Strip Mines, Mine Dumps And Tailings

To Scale

Escarpments, Bluffs, Cliffs, Depressions, Etc.

Unsurveyed Areas

Label appropriately as required

Uncontoured Areas

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts
Label appropriately as required
Levees And Eskers


FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Sectional and Terminal Area Charts

VFR Flyway Planning Charts are printed on the reverse sides of the Baltimore-Washington, Charlotte, Chicago, Cincin-
nati, Dallas-Ft. Worth, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Orlando, New Orleans, Phoenix, St. Lou-
is, Salt Lake City, San Diego, San Francisco and Seattle Terminal Area Charts (TACs). The scale is 1:250,000, with area
of coverage the same as the associated TACs. Flyway Planning Charts depict flight paths and altitudes recommended for
use to by-pass areas heavily traversed by large turbine-powered aircraft. Ground references on these charts provide a
guide for visual orientation. VFR Flyway Planning charts are designed for use in conjunction with TACs and are not to be
used for navigation.


Landplane Landplane (continued)

No distinction is made
(Pvt): Non-public use having
between airports with fuel and
emergency or landmark value.
those without fuel. Runways
may be exaggerated to clearly

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Flyway Planning Chars
portray the pattern. Hard-
surfaced runways which are
airport may adversely affect
closed but still exist are
airspace use.
included in the charted pattern.
ABANDONED - Depicted for
FAR 91 - Fixed wing special
landmark value or to prevent
VFR operations prohibited.
confusion with an adjacent
usable landing area. Only
portrayed beneath or close to
the VFR flyway routes or
requested by the FAA.
(Normally at least 3000’ paved).


VHF Omni-Directional Radio Non-Directional Radio Beacon

Range (VOR) (NDB)



NAVAIDS Used to Define Class Airspace


Example: DME co-located at an airport.


Class B Airspace Class C Airspace

Appropriate notes as required Appropriate notes as

may be shown. required may be shown.

(Mode C see (Mode C see

FAR 91.215/AIM) FAR 91.215/AIM)

All mileages are nautical


All radials are magnetic.

Floors extending “upward and above” a certain altitude are pre-

ceded by a +. Operations at or below these altitudes are outside
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Flyway Planning Charts

of the Class B Airspace.)

Class D Airspace Class E Surface

(SFC) Airspace

(A minus sign in front of the

figure used to indicate “from
surface to but not including...”)


Special Airspace Areas

Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA)

Relating to National Security

Example: Washington DC

Appropriate notes as required may be shown.

Note: Delimiting line not shown when it coincides with Internation-

al Boundary, projection lines or other linear features.


Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) Relating To National Se-


Example: Washington DC

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Flyway Planning Chars
Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) Relating To
National Security

Example: Washington DC

Appropriate notes as required may be shown.

Special Use Airspace Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ)

Only the airspace effective Note: Delimiting line not

below 18,000 feet MSL is shown when it coincides
shown. with International Bound-
ary, projection lines or other
The type of area shall be linear features.
spelled out in large areas if
space permits.


Special Air Traffic Rules/Airport Traffic Areas (FAR Part Mode C (FAR 91.215)
Appropriate notes as required may
Appropriate boxed note as re- be shown.
quired shown adjacent to area.
Sporting Event Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR)
Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA)
Miscellaneous Activity Areas

Aerobatic Practice Area

Glider Operations

Hang Glider Activity

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Flyway Planning Charts

IFR Routes

Arrival Ultralight Activity

Unmanned Aircraft Activity

Departure Parachute Jumping Area

with Frequency

Space Launch Activity Area


VFR Transition Routes Example: Los Angeles

Appropriate notes as required

may be shown.



Bi-directional with NAVAID Ident

and Radial

Special Conservation Areas Suggested VFR Flyway And Altitude

NOAA Regulated National Marine

Sanctuary Designated Areas

Military Training Routes (MTR)

VFR Checkpoints Obstructions

Underline indicates proper name of Only obstacles greater than

VFR Checkpoint 999’ above ground level (AGL)
or specified by the local ATC
Facility shall be shown.

AGL heights are not shown.

High-intensity lights may
operate part-time or by
proximity activation.

VFR Waypoints
Under Construction or reported
Stand-Alone and position/elevation unveri-

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Flyway Planning Chars
Collocated with VFR Checkpoint

Navigational Data

Railroads Roads

Single and Multiple Tracks Dual-Lane

Populated Places
Divided Highway Primary
Built-up Areas

Prominent Pictorials


Power Transmission Lines


Shorelines Reservoirs

Major Lakes and Rivers

Spot Elevations
Position Accurate
Mountain Peaks
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Symbology - Flyway Planning Charts

Helicopter Route Charts are three-color charts that depict current aeronautical information useful to helicopter pilots navigating in
areas with high concentrations of helicopter activity. Information depicted includes helicopter routes, four classes of heliports with
associated frequency and lighting capabilities, NAVAIDS, and obstructions. In addition, pictorial symbols, roads, and easily-identified
geographical features are portrayed. The scale is 1:125,000. These charts are updated every three years or as needed to accommo-
date major changes.


Landplane Heliport

All recognizable runways, including Heliports public and private

some which may be closed, are
shown for visual identification. Medical Center

Helipads located at major airports

Public (when requested)

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts

Private Ultralight Flight Park



Airport Data Grouping

Boxed airport name indicates airport for which a Special Traffic

Rule has been established.

(Pvt): Non-public use having emergency or landmark value.

“OBJECTIONABLE”: This airport may adversely affect airspace Automated Terminal
use. Information Service

Flight Service Station on field Automated Surface Weather Observing

Systems (shown when full-time ATIS is not
Airspace where fixed wing special visual flight available). Some ASOS/AWOS
rules operations are prohibited (shown above facilities may not be located at airports.
airport name) FAR 91

Elevation in feet
Indicates FAR 93 Special Air Traffic Rules and
Airport Traffic Lighting in operation Sunset to Sunshine

Lighting limitations exists, refer

to Chart Supplement
Location Idendtifier

ICAO Location Identifier UNICOM - Aeronautical advisory station

Follows the Common Traffic Advisory

Control Tower (CT) - primary frequency Frequency (CTAF)

Star indicates operation part-time. See tower Unverified Heliport

frequencies tabulation for hours of operation
Airport of Entry
When lighting is lacking, the respective character is replaced by a dash.

Lighting codes refer to runway edge lights and may not represent the longest runway or full length lighting. Dashes are not shown on
heliports or helipads unless additional information follows the elevation (e.g. UNICOM, CTAF).

VHF Omni-Directional Radio (VOR) Range Non-Directional Radio Beacon (NDB)

Open circle symbol

shown when NAVAID
located on airport. Type
of NAVAID shown in top
of box.

Compass Rose is
“reference” oriented to
magnetic north. NDB-DME

Open Circle

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts

contiuous or On-Request

NAVAID Used to Define

Class B Airspace

Underline indicates no
i hi f
When an NDB NAVAID shares NDB Frequency
the same name and Morse Code Broadcast Stations (BS)
as the VOR NAVAID the frequen- } Morse
cy can be collocated inside the Code On request by the proper authority
same box to conserve space. Frequency Channel Identifier or when a VFR Checkpoint.


Crosshatch indicates
Shutdown status


Flight Service Station (FSS)

Remote Communications Outlet (RCO)
Heavy line box indicates Flight
Service Station (FSS) Frequencies above thin line box
Frequencies 121.5, 122.2, are remoted to NAVAID site.
243.0 and 255.4 (Canada Other FSS frequencies providing
121.5, 126.7, and 243.0) are voice communications may be
available at many FSSs and available as determined by altitude
are not shown above boxes. and terrain. Consult Chart
All other frequencies are shown. Supplement for complete information.

Certain FSSs provide Airport Thin line box without frequencies

Advisory Service, refer to Chart and controlling FSS name
Supplement. indicates no FSS frequency available.

R - Receive Only

Class B Airspace Class C Airspace

Appropriate notes as required Appropriate notes as required

may be shown. (Mode C see FAR NAVAID identifier and may be shown. (Mode C see
distance from facility
91.215/AIM) FAR 91.215/AIM)

All mileages are nautical (NM)

NAVAID identifier and
(Floors extending “upward from radial from facility
above” a certain altitude are Ceiling of Class C in
preceded by a +. Operations at CLASS B hundreds of feet MSL
and below these altitudes are SURFACE AREA
outside of Class B Airspace.) Floor of Class C in
hundreds of feet MSL
Ceiling of Class B in
All radials are magnetic. Ceiling is to but not
hundreds of feet MSL
including floor of Class B
Floor of Class B in
hundreds of feet MSL Surface

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts

Class D Airspace Class E Surface (SFC) Airspace

(A minus in front of the figure is used to

indicate “from surface to but not includ-

Altitudes in hundreds of feet MSL.

Special Airspace Areas

Special Flight Rules Area (SFRA) Relating

to National Security

Example: Washington DC

Appropriate notes as required

may be shown.

Note: Delimiting line not shown

when it coincides with International
Boundary, projection lines or other
linear features.

AIRSPACE INFORMATION (Continued) Example: Washington DC

Special Airspace Areas (Continued)

Flight Restricted Zone (FRZ) Relating to National

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts

Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) Special Air Traffic Rules / Airport Traffic Areas
(FAR Part 93)
Note: Delimiting line not
shown when it coincides
with International Boundary,
projection lines or other linear

Special Security Notice Permanent Continuous

Appropriate boxed notes as
Flight Restriction Areas required shown adjacent to

Sporting Event Termporary Flight Restriction (TFR)


Mode C (FAR 91.215)

Miscellaneous Activity Areas
Appropriate notes as required
may be shown.
Aerobatic Practice Area

Terminal Radar Service Area (TRSA) Glider Operations

Appropriate notes as Hang Glider Activity

may be shown. Ultralight Activity

Unmanned Aircraft Activity

Parachute Jumping Area with Frequency

Space Launch Activity Area


Military Training Routes (MTR) Special Use Airspace

Only the airspace effective

below 18,000 feet MSL is
Police Zones
The type of area shall be
spelled out in large areas if
space permits.

Helicopter Routes
One-way Route
Primary Route with Route

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts

Name and Tower Frequency
Altitude Changeover Point
Secondary Route

Transition Symbol

Reporting Points Recommended Altitudes

Maximum Altitude
Minimum Altitude
Recommended Altitude
Reporting Point Name

Canadian Airspace
Class B, C or D Control Zone
Class B, C or D TCA

Airspace Ceiling and Floor

Class E Control Zone

Special Conservation Areas

NOAA Regulated National
National Park, Wildlife Refuge, Marine Sanctuary Designated
Primitive and Wilderness Areas, etc. Areas

VFR Checkpoints VFR Waypoints

Underline indicates proper Stand-Alone

name of VFR Checkpoint.

Collocated with VFR Checkpoint

Collocated with VFR Checkpoint

& Reporting Point

Obstruction Group Obstruction

Above 299’ and below 1000’ AGL
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts

Above 299’ and below 1000’ AGL

1000’ and higher AGL

1000’ and higher AGL

Wind Turbine Farms

High-Intensity Obstruction Lights
When highest wind turbine is
High-intensity lights may operate unverified, UC will be shown
part-time or by proximity activation. after MSL value.

Navigation Data Maximum Elevation Figure (MEF)

(see VFR Terms tab for explanation)

Railroads Roads

Single Track Dual-Lane:

Divided Highways

Major Boulevards & Major Streets

Double Track Primary

Bridges Boundaries


State or Province

Power Transmission Lines

Populated Places

Built-up Areas Prominent Pictorials

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts


FAA Chart Users’ Guide - VFR Chart Symbology - Helicopter Charts


FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Airspace

U.S. Airspace depiction as shown on Visual Aeronautical Charts



with FLOOR
1200’ AGL

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Airspace

1200’ AGL

with 1200’ AGL
Excerpt from Detroit Sectional Chart

There are several references available from the FAA to aid pilots and other interest parties to learn more about FAA
Charts and other aspects of aviation.

Publication FAA Publication ID

Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM)


Airplane Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-3A


Helicopter Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-21A


FAA Chart Users’ Guide - References

Instrument Procedures Handbook FAA-H-8083-16B


Instrument Flying Handbook FAA-H-8083-15B


Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge FAA-H-8083-25B


Remote Pilot - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems Study Guide FAA-G-8082-22


FAA Chart Users’ Guide - References

A CTAF - Common Traffic Advisory Frequency
CVFP - Charted Visual Flight Procedure
AAF - Army Air Field CZ - Control Zone (Canada)
AAS - Airport Advisory Service
AAUP - Attention All Users Page D
AC - Advisory Circular
ADF - Automatic Direction Finder DA - Decision Altitude
ADIZ - Air Defense Identification Zone DA - Density Altitude
ADS - Automatic Dependent Surveillance D-ATIS - Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service
ADS-B - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast DH - Decision Height
Advsry - Advisory DME - Distance Measuring Equipment
AFB - Air Force Base DND - Department of National Defense (Canada)
AFIS - Automatic Flight Information Service DoD - Department of Defense
AFS - Air Force Station DOF - Digital Obstacle File
AFSS - Automated Flight Service Station DP - Departure Procedure
AGL - Above Ground Level DT - Daylight Savings Time
AIM - Aeronautical Information Manual DVA - Diverse Vector Area
AIRAC - Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control
AK - Alaska
AL - Approach and Landing
ANG - Air National Guard
E - East
APP - Approach
EFAS - Enroute Flight Advisory Service

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Abbreviations

APP CON - Approach Control
EFB - Electronic Flight Bag
APP CRS - Approach Course
Elev - Elevation
Apt - Airport
EMAS - Engineered Materials Arresting System
APV - Approaches with Vertical Guidance
ARP - Airport Reference Point
ARTCC - Air Route Traffic Control Center F
ASDA - Accelerate-Stop Distance Available
ASDE-X - Airport Surface Detection Equipment-Model X FAA - Federal Aviation Administration
ASOS - Automated Surface Observing Station FAF - Final Approach Fix
ASR - Airport Surveillance Radar FAP - Final Approach Point
ATC - Air Traffic Control FAR - Federal Aviation Regulation
ATIS - Automatic Terminal Information Service FBO - Fixed-Based Operator
ATS - Air Traffic Service FIR - Flight Information Region
AUNICOM - Automated Aeronautical Advisory Station FL - Flight Level
AWOS - Automated Weather Observing Station FLIP - Flight Information Publication
FMS - Flight Management System
FREQ - Frequency
B FRZ - Flight Restricted Zone
FSDO - Flight Standards District Office
Baro-VNAV - Barometric Vertical Navigation
FSS - Flight Service Station
BS - Broadcast Station

GBAS - Ground-Based Augmentation System
CAC - Caribbean Aeronautical Chart
GCO - Ground Communications Outlet
CAT - Category
GLS - GBAS Landing System
CFA - Controlled Firing Areas
GND - Ground
CFR - Code of Federal Regulations
GND CON - Ground Control
CH - Channel
GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System
CL - Runway Centerline Lights
GP - Glide Path
CLNC DEL - Clearance Delivery
GPS - Global Positioning System
CNF - Computer Navigation Fix
GS - Glide Slope
COP - Changeover Point
GS - Ground Speed
CPDLC - Controller Pilot Data Link Communication
CRS - Course
CT - Control Tower

H MEA - Minimum Enroute Altitude
MEF - Maximum Elevation Figure
HAA - Height Above Airport MF - Medium Frequency
HAR - High Altitude Redesign MIA - Minimum IFR Altitude
HAT - Height Above Touchdown MIRL - Medium Intensity Runway Lights
HCH - Heliport Crossing Height MOA - Military Operations Areas
HF - High Frequency MOCA - Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitude
HIRL - High Intensity Runway Lights MON - Minimum Operational Network
HS - Hot Spot MORA - Minimum Off-Route Altitude
MRA - Minimum Reception Altitude
I MSA - Minimum Safe Altitude
MSL - Mean Sea Level
IAC - Interagency Air Committee MTA - Minimum Turning Altitude
IACC - Interagency Air Cartographic Committee MTR - Military Training Route
IAF - Initial Approach Fix MVA - Minimum Vector Altitude
IAP - Instrument Approach Procedure
ICAO - International Civil Aviation Authority N
IDT - Identifier
IF - Intermediate Fix N - North
IFR - Instrument Flight Rules N/A - Not Applicable
ILS - Instrument Landing System NA - Not Authorized
IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions NAAS - Naval Auxiliary Air Station
INS - Inertial Navigation System NAS - Naval Air Station
IR - Instrument Route (Military) NAS - National Airspace System
IRU - Inertial Reference Unit NAV - Naval Air Facility
FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Abbreviations

NAVAID - Navigational Aid (Ground based)

J NDB - Non-Directional Radiobeacon
NextGen - Next Generation Air Transportation System
JO - Joint Order NFDC - National Flight Data Center
NFPO - National Flight Procedures Office
NM - Nautical Mile
K NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NO A/G - No Air-to-Ground Communication
KIAS - Knots
NOTAM - Notice to Airman
NoPT - No Procedure Turn
L NPA - Non-Precision Approach
NTAP - Notices to Airman Publication
LAA - Local Airport Advisory NWS - National Weather Service
LAAS - Local Area Augmentation System
LAHSO - Land and Hold Short
LDA - Landing Distance Available
LDA - Localizer-type Directional Aid
OAT - Outside Air Temperature
Ldg - Landing
OBS - Omni Bearing Selector
LF - Low Frequency
OCA - Ocean Control Area
LIRL - Low Intensity Runway Lights
OCS - Obstacle Clearance Surface
LNAV - Lateral Navigation
ODP - Obstacle Departure Procedure
LOC - Localizer
OM - Outer Marker
LOM - Locator Outer Marker
OROCA - Off Route Obstruction Clearance Altitude
LPV - Localizer Performance with Vertical Guidance
LRRS - Long Range Radar Station
LTP - Landing Threshold Point P

PA - Precision Approach
M PAR - Precision Approach Radar
PBN - Performance-Based Navigation
MAA - Maximum Authorized Altitude
PRM - Precision Runway Monitor
MAP - Missed Approach Point
PT - Procedure Turn
MCA - Minimum Crossing Altitude
PTP - Point-to-Point
MCAS - Marine Corps Air Station
Pvt - Private
MDA - Minimum Descent Altitude
MDH - Minimum Descent Height
R TOC - Top of Climb
TOD - Top of Descent
R - Radial TODA - Takeoff Distance Available
R - Receive TOGA - Takeoff/Go Around
R - Restricted Area (Special Use Airspace) TORA - Takeoff Runway Available
RCO - Remote Communications Outlet TPP - Terminal Procedures Publication
RF - Radius-to-Fix TRSA - Terminal Radar Service Area
RNAV - Area Navigation TWR - Tower
RNP - Required Navigation Performance
RNP AR - Required Navigation Performance Authorization U
ROC - Required Obstacle Clearance UC - Under Construction
RP - Right Pattern UHF - Ultra High Frequency
RVR - Runway Visual Range UIR - Upper Information Region
RVSM - Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum UNICOM - Universal Communications
Rwy - Runway U.S. - United States
USA - United States Army
S USAF - United States Air Force
USCG - United State Coast Guard
S - South UTA - Upper Control Area
SAAAR - Special Aircraft and Aircrew Authorization
Required V
SAAR - Special Aircraft and Aircrew Requirements
SATNAV - Satellite Navigation VCOA - Visual Climb Over Airport / Airfield
SDF - Simplified Directional Facility

FAA Chart Users’ Guide - Abbreviations

VDA - Vertical Descent Angle
SER - Start End of Runway VDP - Visual Decent Point
SFAR - Special Flight Rules Area VFR - Visual Flight Rules
SFC - Surface VGSI - Visual Glide Slope Indicator
SFRA - Special Flight Rules Area VHF - Very High Frequency
SIAPs - Standard Instrument Approach Procedures VMC - Visual Meteorological Conditions
SID - Standard Instrument Departure VNAV - Vertical Navigation
SM - Statute Mile VOR - VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range
SMAR - Special Military Activity Routes VORTAC - VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range/Tactical Air
SMGCS - Surface Movement Guidance and Control Navigation
System VPA - Vertical Path Angle
SOIA - Simultaneous Offset Instrument Approaches VR - Visual Route (Military)
SSV - Standard Service Volume
STAR - Standard Terminal Arrival Procedure
SUA - Special Use Airspace W
SVFR - Special Visual Flight Rules
W - Warning Area (Special Use Airspace)
T W - West
WAAS - Wide-Area Augmentation System
T - Transmit WAC - World Aeronautical Chart
TA - Travel Advisory WP - Waypoint
TAA - Terminal Arrival Area WX CAM - Weather Camera (Alaska)
TAC - Terminal Area Chart
TACAN - Tactical Air Navigation
TAS - True Air Speed
TCA - Terminal Control Areas (Canada)
TCH - Threshold Crossing Height
TDZ - Touchdown Zone
TDZE - Touchdown Zone Elevation
TDZL - Touchdown Zone Lights
TDZ/CL - Touchdown Zone/Centerline Lights
TERPS - U.S. Standard for Terminal Instrument Procedures
TFR - Temporary Flight Restriction
TIBS - Telephone Information Briefing Service
TIS-B - Traffic Information Service - Broadcast


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