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Week of: February 8-11th 2021 Grade Level: 4th Grade Office Hours: By Appointment Only

PYP Unit and Central Idea: HOW WE ORGANIZE OURSELVES; Systems and cooperation can create a balanced community.
Prioritized Standards Addressed This Week:
On Level Math Advanced Math Accelerated Math
Unit 4 Unit 7b Unit measurements MGSE5.NF.4 Apply and extend previous
MGSE.4.NF.3 Understand a fraction a/b with a > 4.MD.3 Apply the area and perimeter formulas for understandings of multiplication to multiply a
1 as a sum of fractions 1/b. rectangles in real world and mathematical problems. fraction or whole number by a fraction.
4.MD.8 Recognize area as additive. Find areas of A. .Apply and use understanding of
a. Understand addition and subtraction of
rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non- multiplication to multiply a fraction or
fractions as joining and separating parts referring
overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the whole number by a fraction
to the same whole. non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to B. Find the area of a rectangle with
b. Decompose a fraction into a sum of fractions solve real world problems. fractional side lengths by tiling it with unit
with the same denominator in more than one MGSE4.MD.4 Make a line plot to display a data set of squares of the appropriate unit fraction
way, recording each decomposition by an measurements in fractions of a unit (12, 14, 18). Solve side lengths, and show that the area is
equation. problems involving addition and subtraction of
the same as would be found by
MGSE4.NF.4 Apply and extend previous fractions with common denominators by using
multiplying the side lengths
understandings of multiplication to multiply a information presented in line plots.
MGSE5.NF.6 Solve real world problems involving
fraction by a whole number. multiplication of fractions and mixed numbers,
e.g., by using visual fraction models or equations
to represent the problem.

Reading/ ELA – RL2 Determine the theme of a story, drama or poem from details in the text; summarize the text. RL.3 Describe in depth a character, setting,
or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text. SL.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on
grade 4 topics and texts, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.
Science/ Social Studies SS4CG3 Describe the structure of government and the Bill of Rights.
a. Describe how the three branches of government interact with each other (checks and balances and separation of powers), and how they relate to local, state, and
federal government.
b. Identify and explain the rights in the Bill of Rights, describe how the Bill of Rights places limits on the powers of government, and explain the reasons for its inclusion in
the Constitution in 1791.
SS4H2 Analyze the challenges faced by the framers of the Constitution.
c. Identify the major leaders of the Constitutional Convention (James Madison, George Washington, and Benjamin Franklin).
d. Evaluate the major issues debated at the Constitutional Convention: the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, the rights of states to govern themselves
(federal system), the Great Compromise, and slavery (Three- Fifths Compromise).
*An asterisk or highlight indicates items that will be graded


Meeting -Greeting - Greeting -Greeting -Greeting Professional Development
8:10- 8:20 am -Review Expectations -Review Expectations -Review Expectations -Review Expectations Day
-Heards Ferry Live -Heards Ferry Live -Heards Ferry Live -Heards Ferry Live
-Student Success Skills: -Student Success Skills: -Student Success Skills: -Student Success Skills:
Social Contributions Social Contributions Social Contributions Social Contributions
Lesson Lesson Independen Lesson Independent Lesson I ndependent Lesson Independe
Math: t nt
Introduce Math Interim Multiplying a Review Professional
8:20- Multiples of
Introduce in Illuminate Meet: Whole
Multiplying a Homework Meet: Developmen
a Unit Multiples of Math Interim Number by a Whole Mixed t Day
9:25 Fraction usin a Unit Homework: in Illuminate Fraction Number by a Mixed Numbers and
g Models & Fraction Word Word Fraction Word Numbers Improper
On Number Problems Problems Problems and Fractions
MyMath Line (Anchor At seat: Worksheet At seat: (Interactive (Interactive Improper Nearpod
Book Chart & Multiply Math Interim Notebook) Notebook) Fractions
Examples) Whole Nearpod At seat:
**Change in Illuminate
Numbers by At seat: WB 619-621;
to Volume 2 Homework: Unit Fraction Finish Word Interactive Homework: Daily Spiral
Multiplying s Worksheet; Problems Notebook None
Fractions on Daily Spiral Worksheet if Independent
y Technology
Advanced a Number needed; Practice;
Line IReady iReady Math IReady
MyMath Technolog
Daily Spiral
Book y:
IReady Technology
Volume 2 All Hands On Hands On
homework Math IReady Project/
due the Math Nearpod/
following Hands On choice
day Project/ Hands On board
Nearpod Project/
Lesson Independen Lesson Independen Lesson Independent Lesson Independent Lesson Independe
Area and t Math Interim t Line plots Line plots At seat: nt
perimeter in Illuminate At seat: At seat: Complete
word At seat: Math Interim Meet: WB 745-746 Professional
Meet: line plots
in Illuminate Developme
problems Continue Check area Check practice
area and Meet: and Daily Spiral 745-748 nt Day
Meet: perimeter perimeter Q4:3 Daily Spiral
Unit 7b test Technolog
check area word word Q4:3
date y: IReady
and problems problems Technology: Complete
perimeter change: IReady line plots TechnologyI
#4-7 Hands On
as additive 2/18-19 Complete notes Ready
practice project/
Daily Spiral WB 743-744 Hands On
nearpod Hands On
Q4:3 project/ line
/choice project/
Complete/ Technolog plot
board nearpod/
model area y: IReady Nearpod
and choice
Homework board
15 minutes
word e.nearpod.c
iReady Homework
problems om/e/GJfbn
Hands On
#1-3 qVUBdb None
project- Unit 7b test
create a date
All board Unit 7b test
timeline change:
Homework date
project 2/18-19
due the Homework change:
following Line plots 2/18-19
day WB 747-748
15 minutes
Unit 7b test Unit 7b test
date date
change: change:
2/18-19 2/18-19

Accel Focused Student Focused Student Focused Student Focused Student Focused Student
Lesson Independen Lesson Independen Lesson Independent Lesson Independent Lesson Independe
Essential t Practice t Practice Practice Practice nt Practice
Questions Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Professional
Focused Add Mixed Part II – (Work is (Work is Developmen
How can I use Lesson (Work is Numbers (Work is Multiplying posted in TAG DAY / posted in t Day
place value and posted in WB 677-678 posted in each REVIEW each
each channel daily channel daily
properties to Models to channel each and Dividing Focused Spiral
divide decimals? Add Mixed daily channel Fractions Lesson
Numbers daily) Assessment Spiral Subtract Hands On
Small Groups WBp. 671- with
T- Word 672 Spiral Hands On Renaming Technology
Problems/ Inquiry Spiral WB 689-690 I-Ready
work Student Hands On Independent Project Due Technology
S- Spiral Work I-Ready Student
Independen Practice Hands On Today Meet-
T- Technology (I- Technology Independe
t Practice WBp. 679-680 Teacher
Ready) I-Ready nt Practice
WBp. 673- Technology Meet –
WBp. 691-
674 HW: 681-682 I-Ready Teacher 692
Meet – Exit Ticket: REVIEW
Teacher Spiral Topic
HW: WBp. Meet- 4 Word LESSON
of the week :
675-676 Teacher Problems
with Adding
Kahoot it Fractions /
Spiral Topic W/ Mixed min/quiz/5f Dividing
of the week : (Taskwork Numbers fb3d024e3 Fractions
Multiplying hare/addin and links db8001bc8
Fractions / g-mixed- posted on b195
Dividing numbers/52 each
Fractions 12fbde- channel)
(Word e35f-443d-
Problems) ac1c-
Project #2
Stories is Due

Read Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud Read Aloud
Finish Number the Stars Full Cicada Moon by Full Cicada Moon by Full Cicada Moon by
Aloud Marilyn Hilton Marilyn Hilton Marilyn Hilton Professional
Pages 1-27 Pages 28-42 Pages 43-68 Development Day
9:30- The class will read
aloud from the book
and discuss the book The class will read The class will read The class will read
using the novel study. aloud from the book aloud from the book aloud from the book
and discuss the book and discuss the book and discuss the book
using the novel study. using the novel study. using the novel study.

Specials PE- Coach K Art/Strom Music/LeSaicherre P.E.- Braddock Spanish- Murdock

9:55- Fitness Catch up Instruments of the Fitness Clothing,

day/independent Orchestra
10:40 learning: catch up on Materials:
incomplete In Person: None
In Person: None assignments or In Person: None
do assigned indepen At Home: None
In Person: iPad
At Home: None dent lesson (Origami At Home: None
Message) if all work is At Home: None


In Person: iPad,
drawing and coloring

At Home: Any
incomplete work,
drawing & coloring
supplies, drawing
Units of Study Language Skill of the Units of Study Units of Study
Writing Unit 3 Session 17 Week: (WriteScore
/ ELA data –Sentence Unit 3 Session 19
Session 17 Formation ) Development Day
11:15- ELAGSE4L2: Demonstrate Digging Deeper: Remind students that
Interpreting the Life writers draw on all they
11:45 & Self- Assessment & command of the
conventions of standard Lessons that History know as information
Goal Setting
12:15- English capitalization, Teaches writers to draft new
punctuation, and spelling
12:45 DRAFTING & when writing. b. Use
Teach students that
CATCHING UP commas and quotation
marks to mark direct speech history writing is not
REVIEW DAY - Teacher
ELAGSE4W2: Write
and quotations from a text. just made from facts Autonomy (extension tasks)
informative/explanato Teach students that
ry texts to examine a but also ideas. History
topic and convey writers think about
ideas and information writers convey larger Vocabulary Choiceboard
clearly. setting goals and Writing Choice Board:
ideas about a people,
a. Introduce a topic
self-assessing as they Unit 3 Session 18 January
clearly and group
a nation, and a time. (Students will select an item to
related information in
navigate through
paragraphs and
As they write they ask complete)
sections; include completing a writing Information Writing Nearpod – Language Practice
formatting (e.g., themselves, “What life
headings), illustrations, task. Gives Way to Idea
and multimedia when lessons might this be
useful to aiding Writing
comprehension. teaching?” and write
• Using Checklist
about them.
(Lauren Teach students that
. .
created) history writers write and
develop their own
• Using Lucy ideas about the
Caulkins 4th /5th information that they
Grade Writing find as they research.
CATCHING UP ON min/quiz/5f80ac3a380a NEARPOD
com/e/1u4lGXaQCdb WRITING BOOK

Students will: Students will: Students will: Student Practice:

• Work on producing • Work on producing
• Work on producing • Work on producing
informational books informational books
informational books informational books
• Language Skill • Language Skill
• Language Skill • Language Skill
Practice Practice
Practice Practice
• Choiceboard • Choiceboard
• Choiceboard • Choiceboard
• Vocabulary • Vocabulary CB
• Vocabulary • Vocabulary
Choiceboard Choiceboard
Mini-Lesson: Mini-Lesson: Mini-Lesson: Mini-Lesson:
Reading Mini-Lesson:

/Phonics Unit 4 Lesson 16: Unit 4 Catch Up Day ELA Interim Assessment ELA Interim Professional
Finding Thematic Assessment (Day 2- if Development Day
12:45- Connections Across The class will work on Students will work on the needed)
1:35 Texts any missed lessons or ELA Interim Assessment
lessons that may need to show their growth Allow students who
Teaching Point: a repeat for better and learning thus far. need it additional time
Standards “Readers, you’ve understanding. to work on Interim
RL. 2 learned to think hard Word Work Assessment if needed.
RL. 3 about people, places Word Work mal, male (bad;
SL. 1 and events in the mal, male (bad; abnormal; worse) Students who are
stories you read—and abnormal; worse) Vocabulary Review- finished will work on a
about ideas. Today I Vocabulary Sort- Students will do a quizziz Nearpod to deepen
want to tech you that Students will match the review to help them their understanding of
when you have correct definition with study for their vocab synthesizing
developed some the correct vocabulary quiz. information.
thinking about a bug words.
idea in one story, com/e/OHOvCqzHyd
sometimes that b
thinking helps you find
similar ideas in another
story.” Word Work
mal, male (bad;
Word Work abnormal; worse)
mal, male (bad; Students will take their
abnormal; worse) vocabulary quiz.
The teacher will
introduce, teach, and
review each of the Quizziz Review:
vocabulary words for
the week. min/quiz/58beac8a37
Digital Flash Cards:
Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice Independent Practice
Students will work on I-Ready Students will work on I-Ready Students will work on I-Ready Students will work on I-Ready Students will work on I-Ready
Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading. Reading.

Students will read Students will read independently Students will read independently Students will read Students will read
independently and record their and record their reading on and record their reading on their independently and record their independently and record their
reading on their reading log. their reading log. reading log. reading on their reading log. reading on their reading log.

*Vocabulary Quiz (summative)

The class will participate in small The class will participate in small The class will participate in small The class will participate in The class will participate in small
Small book clubs within the class to book clubs within the class to book clubs within the class to talk, small book clubs within the book clubs within the class to
talk, discuss, and wonder about talk, discuss, and wonder about discuss, and wonder about books class to talk, discuss, and talk, discuss, and wonder about
Groups books on their level. books on their level. on their level. wonder about books on their books on their level.

SS/Sci Focused Lesson

New Nation
Focused Lesson
New Nation
Focused Lesson
New Nation
Focused Lesson
Be My Valentine
Focused Lesson
1:35-2:05 Development Day
Unit 3 Constitution NearPod Students may exchange m/socialstudies/ushistory Complete Levels of Government cards
Theme: An
inquiry into the
m/e/Nz6VTl0WBdb /usconstitution/ reading passage- formative
graded assignment.
ess of human- Students work in groups to
Watch Liberty Kids- “We
made systems Extensions rewrite the Preamble or
the People” and write 3
and 1. SS WB 54-74 solve the License Plate
important events related
communities; the 2. New Nation Choice Preamble puzzle
structure and to New Nation
function of
3.BHM class project Students will work in
4. Research IB Country of groups to solve the Bill of
societal decision- org/SAFARI/montage/play
making; Study Rights sort
economic February: architecture, cation=local&filetypeid=81
activities and art, music &xc=1
their impact on Connection:
humankind and
What kind of
the environment.
organizations; societal
Central Idea: decision making affect
the architecture/ art/
Systems and
music of the New Nation
5. Add a wonder to the
can create a
wonder board
6. Research and answer
another’s wonder
Lines of Inquiry/
Key Concepts: Student Independent Student Independent Student Independent Student Independent Student Independent
How can changes Practice Practice Practice Practice Practice
affect systems? Research IB country Research IB country Research IB country
Research IB country
Human impact
affects systems.
there-yet/ yet/ there-yet/ there-yet/
Explain the
Also use MackinVia and Also use MackinVia and Also use MackinVia and Also use MackinVia and
interaction of
systems. Safari Montage resources Safari Montage resources Safari Montage resources Safari Montage resources


~How did the

tyranny of
England’s king
effect new
~How did the
fathers of the
constitution work
together to
establish an
~How would
losing an
organism effect
an ecosystem?

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