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Tighten the bolts and check them again for rocking motion.

Halcyon Tank Bands

With the bands are properly installed. Get your tanks filled and enjoy many dives
with your new Halcyon Cylinder Bands.

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Warning: To lessen the possibility of catastrophic failure of the manifold,
you must purge all gas from the tanks before you loosen the band bolts
DIR Dive Systems
to adjust or remove your Halcyon Tank Bands. Never loosen the hex nut or
Nylok stop nut on a band while either tank is pressurized.

Top bands should rest just below the shoulder break of the tanks

Assembling Doubles with Halcyon Tank Bands Threaded bolt with split washer/hex bolt

Tools Required:
Any two of the following:
Adjustable wrench
Deep socket wrench 1⁄2”
Box end wrench 1⁄2”

Manifold Preparation Without the bolts in the bands, place the upper band at the top of the cylinder
Begin by breaking your manifold down into its three components– isolator cross- where the curve of the cylinder neck ends. You will need to rotate the isolator
bar and left/right valves. Take care to note that one side of the isolator crossbar (either tighten or loosen) so the bands will snug against the tanks. Put a bolt in
is designed to use reverse threads. This side is usually marked with a notched set the band and secure using either the Nylok nut or the hex nut and split washer.
nut, and/or a groove on the isolator crossbar. Make sure the manifold you have
is listed on the label inside the tank bands. Failure to use a compatible manifold Caution: Your Halcyon Band Kit includes both Nylok stop nuts and split
could result in manifold damage. The bands are designed for the isolator spacing
! washers/hex nuts to secure the bands to your tanks. Although Halcyon
of the manifolds listed. recommends using the split washers and hex nuts, some people prefer to
use the Nylok stop nuts. If you do use the Nylok stop washers, we recom-
mend that you apply an anti-seize compound to the threads of the nuts
Doubles Assembly
to prevent galling, or seizing, on the bolt. Bolts stripped from seized stop
Proper assembly requires a flat work area. Your work area should be reasonably
nuts are not covered under Halcyon’s warranty.
clean and free of dust and other contaminants. Rest the cylinders on their sides,
and arrange them with the neck of the cylinders toward you. The cylinders need to
Do not over-tighten the bolt. Make sure the bolt is fed thru from the back so the
be parallel.
threaded side is on the same side as the valve outlets. Place the lower band on
the cylinders and then insert a bolt, again making sure that the threaded end of
Install each valve in the cylinders so that when the regulator orifice is rotated to
the bolt is on the same side as the valve outlets. You will need to place a back
face up, the valve knob in the left most cylinder is parallel to the floor and thus
plate on the assembled doubles to make sure the distance between the bands is
oriented to the left, and the valve in the right most cylinder is parallel to the floor
correct before you snug the bolt. With the bolts snug, you should be able to ro-
and thus oriented to the right.
tate the isolator about a 1⁄2 turn either direction. If you can’t rotate the isolator,
then the manifold needs adjusted till you can turn it with the bands snug. Make
If your manifold has been in use on another set of doubles– or if you are break-
the adjustment by rotating the crossbar to change the spacing of the manifold.
ing apart an existing set to hydro/VIP tanks, Halcyon suggests that you take
After the adjustment, snug the bands and check the isolator again. Once you have
advantage of the opportunity to rebuild your manifold. A Halcyon Manifold rebuild
the isolator adjusted properly, tighten the bands making sure they don’t move out
kit (64.100.020 for 3/4” thread, 64.100.025 for M25 thread) is available from
of alignment with the back plate holes. While tightening the bands, you should
your Halcyon dealer. Be sure to use appropriate lubrication for the O-rings and to
ensure that the tanks remain level; please refer to the next paragraph for instruc-
tighten the valve snorkel before reassembly. For non-Halcyon manifolds, follow
tions for leveling the tanks. Do not over-tighten the band bolts to the point that
instructions from the manufacturer for servicing their manifold.
it causes any distortion of the plate where the bolts pass through. You may also
decide if you wish to tighten the jam nuts on the manifold at this time. Some
Place the cylinders parallel so that you can install the isolator. Begin to install
people like them loose, some like them tight.
the isolator making sure that you have the notched side screwing into the correct
valve. Start slowly making sure that both sides engage the threads equally. This
While the cylinders may be parallel, it is important to verify that they are also in
may take a few tries. Be careful not to damage the fine thread on the manifold. If
the same plane as they rest on the flat work area. In order to check parallel align-
you feel any resistance after you have the isolator started, move the cylinders to
ment, simply rotate the doubles horizontally to check that they do in fact remain
keep them parallel as you thread the isolator. Rotate the isolator until two threads
stable and do not exhibit any undesired rocking motion. If they have any rocking
remain visible. Once you have the manifold installed you are ready to install the
motion you will need to loosen the bands and readjust them on a flat surface.

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