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TVL-ICT (Computer System Servicing) 

Activity Sheet Quarter 2 – Lesson 3 
Install operating system and drivers for
peripherals/ devices
(Device Drivers)


TVL 11– ICT (Computer System Servicing)
Activity Sheet No. ​6
First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines

By the Department of Education
Region 6 – Western Visayas

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This ​Learning Activity Sheet is developed by DepEd Region 6 – Western


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED​. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced

or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without written
permission from the DepEd Regional Office 6 – Western Visayas.

Welcome to TVL 11- ICT(Computer System Servicing)!

The ​Learning ​Activity Sheet is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Schools Division of Antique and DepEd Regional Office VI - Western Visayas through
the Curriculum and Learning Management Division (CLMD). This is developed to
guide the learning facilitators (teachers, parents and responsible adults) in helping the
learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum.

The ​Learning Activity Sheet ​is self-directed instructional materials aimed to

guide the learners in accomplishing activities at their own pace and time using the
contextualized resources in the community. This will also assist the learners in
acquiring the lifelong learning skills, knowledge and attitudes for productivity and

For learning facilitator:

The ​TVL 11- ICT (Computer System Servicing) Activity Sheet ​will help you
facilitate the teaching-learning activities specified in each Most Essential Learning
Competency (MELC) with minimal or no face-to-face encounter between you and
learner. This will be made available to the learners with the references/links to ease the
independent learning.

For the learner:

The ​TVL 11- ICT (Computer System Servicing) Activity Sheet ​is developed to
help you continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material provides
you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent learning. Being an active
learner, carefully read and understand the instructions then perform the activities and
answer the assessments. This will be returned to your facilitator on the agreed

Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) No. 1

Name of Learner:_____________________________________________________
Grade and Section:________________________________ Date: ______________


Device Drivers

I. Learning Competency with Code

✔ 3.4 Access OS and drivers updates / patches in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and requirements
✔ 3.5 Install OS and drivers updates / patches in accordance with manufacturer’s
recommendations and requirements

II. Background Information for Learners

On Windows 10, a device driver is an essential piece of code, which allows the system
to interact with a specific hardware (such as graphics card, storage driver, network
adapter, Bluetooth, etc.), as well as peripherals, including mice, keyboards, printers,
monitors, and many others.
But occasionally, you’ll plug in something that’s either too new for Windows to know
about or too old for it to remember. Or perhaps something attached to your PC
becomes cranky, and you see odd messages grumble about “needing a new driver.”
In these cases, it’s up to you to track down and install a Windows driver for that part.
The best drivers come with an installation program that automatically places the
software in the right place, fixing the problem. The worst drivers leave all the grunt work
up to you.

Ways to install Device Drivers into your PC

1. Using Drivers CD/DVD
2. Download directly from manufacturer’s support website
3. Direct Update from Device Manager

After successfully installing a windows

operating system, first thing to do always
is to check the ​device manager​ to look
for required device drivers to install.

There are several ways to open the

device manager​, this procedure will work
both with windows 10 or windows 7:
1. Press ​Win Key + R​, type
devmgmt.msc ​then press

This devices require to install or update


If Windows doesn’t automatically recognize and install your newly attached piece of
hardware — even after you restart your PC — follow these steps to locate and install a
new driver:

1. Using Driver CD / DVD

The ​drivers CD​ is a CD or DVD included
with computers that contain the necessary device
drivers for the hardware components included with
your computer. This CD can be used after erasing
your computer and starting over to install each of the
hardware devices not automatically detected by
Windows. In the picture, is an example of
a Dell drivers and utilities CD. When this disc is
inserted into the computer, you can select the
devices you want to install.
If you've lost your drivers CD, it is likely you can still find the drivers necessary
for your computer on the Internet through the manufacturer’s website.

2. Visit the part manufacturer’s website and download the latest

Windows driver.
You often find the manufacturer’s website stamped somewhere on the
part’s box. If you can’t find it, search for the part manufacturer’s name
on ​Google​ and locate its website.
Look in the website’s Support, Downloads, or Customer Service area.
There, you usually need to enter your part’s name, its model number, and
your computer’s operating system (Windows 10) before the website
coughs up the driver.
No Windows 10 driver listed? Try downloading a Windows 8.1, 8, or 7
driver, instead — they sometimes work just as well.

If the downloaded file has a little zipper on the icon, right-click it and
choose Extract All to ​unzip​ its contents into a new folder that contains the
files. (Windows names that new folder after the file you’ve unzipped,
making it easy to relocate.) Look for ​Setup​ executable file, double-click to
open the driver installer and proceed with installation.

3. Direct Update from Device Manager

The Device Manager appears, listing an
inventory of every part inside or attached

to your computer. A yellow triangle

with an embedded exclamation point icon
appears next to the troublemaking part.

Click your problematic device listed in the

Device Manager window. Then click
Action​ from the Device Manager’s menu
bar and choose ​Add Legacy Hardware
from the drop-down menu.

Adding new hardware / peripherals to your system

You need to install drivers only in either of these two cases:

✔ You’ve just bought and installed a new piece of hardware, and it’s not working
correctly. The drivers packaged with newly bought parts are usually old. Visit the
manufacturer’s website, download the latest driver, and install it. Chances are
good that the new driver fixes problems with the first set of drivers.
✔ You’ve plugged in a new gadget that Windows doesn’t recognize. Tracking down
and installing the latest driver can often fix the problems.

1. But if you’re not having trouble with a piece of hardware, don’t bother updating
its driver, even if you find a newer one online. Chances are good that newer
driver adds support only for newer models of the gadget you own. And that new
driver might throw a glitch into something that was already working fine.
2. Don’t bother signing up for a service that claims to keep your computer
up-to-date with the latest drivers. They can do more harm than good.

3. If your newly installed driver makes things even worse, there’s a solution: Boot in
Safe Mode (if needed); Head back to Device Manager, double-click the
troublesome part’s name, and click the Driver tab on the Properties box. Keep
your breathing steady. Then click the Roll Back Driver button. Windows ditches
the newly installed driver and returns to the previous driver.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites​ (With Possible

Materials for experiments/activities)
Windows. “How to Properly Update Device Drivers – Windows 10”.
Accessed October 15, 2020​.

Dummies. “How to install device drivers in windows 10”. Accessed October

15, 2020.

IV. Activity Proper

​1. Directions / Instructions

Open the link provided below and watch a video on installing / updating device

2. Exercises / Activities
Based on the video, enumerate the steps of every different ways of installing /
updating device driver.

3. Get a computer or rent in an internet café and follow any procedure of installing
or updating device driver.

4. Scoring Rubric

  Needs  Approaching  Good  Excellent 

  Improvement  standards     
  3Pt  5Pts  7Pts  10Pts 
You put
There is no thought into
What you are writing about is
Ideas  clear or this, but What you are writing ab
clear. You answered the
and  specific there is no is clear and well-express
question. Some support may be
Content  explanation real including specific examp
lacking, or your sentences may
  in answer evidence of to demonstrate what yo
  be a bit awkward. Overall, a
to the learning. learned. Well done!
decent job.
question. More

is needed
or you need
to follow the
Only one
term from Your answer included a
Use of  No terms the lesson Your answer included several the terms from the less
terms  from the is used in terms from the lesson, that applied to the quest
  lesson are the answer. demonstrating adequate asked. All terms are fu
used. Try for a understanding of the material. defined and used in th
few more, proper context.
next time.
Sentenc are Sentences are comple
e  complete and they connect to on
or too long. Sentences are complete and able
Fluency  and easy to another easily when the
It makes to be understood.
  understand. are read out loud. You
Others writing 'flows.'
some work.
Few end Mistakes Use of punctuation marks and No punctuation or structu
marks or using end capitals, as well as spelling, is mistakes. No spelling
capital marks or mostly correct. Few errors exist errors. Your writing show
Conventio letters. capitals as in your answer. full awareness of the rule
ns  Answers well as of English use.
  contain spelling
numerous mistakes
spelling or make the
structural writing hard
errors. to read.

V. Direction:​ Select the best answer for each question. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. These are small software programs that help the operating system use the
hardware devices. This is constantly updated and made sure that the correct
versions are installed.

a. Operating Systems
b. Drivers
c. Windows
d. Bios

2. It is responsible in making sure that all chips, hard drives, CPU and other
components function together properly. This boots the computer and loads the

a. Software
b. Device Manager
c. Operating System

3. It is a free tool which automatically finds proper drivers for a computer, then
downloads and installs it without wizards or installation prompts.

a. Driver Pack Solution

b. Device Manager
c. File System
d. Programs

4. If you are looking for the device driver online, you should look for the:

a. Brand Serial Number

b. Official Receipt Number
c. Operating System
d. Model Name and Serial Number

5. It allows users to view and control the hardware attached to the computer. When
a piece of hardware is not working, the offending hardware is highlighted for the
user to deal with.

a. Driver Pack Solution

b. Device Manager
c. File System
d. Programs

6. These are ways to locate and install drivers, EXCEPT:

a. Using Driver CD/DVD
b. Drivers from Manufacturers Website
c. Hard Drive
d. Direct Update from Device Manager

7. What does it mean when a yellow triangle with an embedded exclamation

point icon appears next to the troublemaking part?

a. Windows has identified a problem of some kind with that device.

b. Device is installed properly
c. Device is ready to use
d. Device detected problem on Operating System

8. Which of the following statement is not correct?

a. But if you’re not having trouble with a piece of hardware, don’t bother
updating its driver, even if you find a newer one online.
b. Don’t bother signing up for a service that claims to keep your computer
up-to-date with the latest drivers
c. Install the original driver or installation CD that is included with the
purchase of the computer or device
d. Update drivers weekly.

9. Which of following scenarios indicate that the driver is not installed properly.

a. Scanner is not able to scan.

b. Printer prints clearly
c. Speaker and Microphone are working
d. Camera captures clearly

10. Software program that enables a specific hardware device to work with a
computer's operating system.

a. System software
b. Application Software
c. OS
d. Device Driver

VI. Answer Key


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