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Science 11
Quarter 1, Wk 2 - Module 2
Effects of Lifestyle on the Functioning of
Respiratory and Circulatory System

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Science- Grade 9
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 1, Wk 2 - Module 2: Effects of Lifestyle on the Functioning of Respiratory
and Circulatory System
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Iligan City

Schools Division Superintendent: Roy AngeloL.Gazo, PhD., CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Author/s: Sharon Jill D. Tiñola
Reviewers: Jean M. Arabaca, MT II , Nida H. Gumera, HT V
Mario S. Himongon
Illustrator and Layout Artist: Chris Sagarino, May D. Arapoc
Management Team
Chairperson: Roy Angelo E. Gazo, PhD, CESO V
Schools Division Superintendent

Co-Chairpersons: Nimfa R. Lago,PhD, CESE

Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
Mala Epra B. Magnaong, Chief ES, CLMD

Members Henry B. Abueva OIC-CID Chief

Ann Q. Solijon, EPS-Science
Sherlita L. Daguisonan, LRMS Manager
Meriam S. Otarra, PDO II
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Department of Education – Division of Iligan City
Office Address: General Aguinaldo, St., Iligan City
Telefax: (063)221-6069
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Quarter 1, Wk 2 - Module 2
Effects of Lifestyle on the Functioning of
Respiratory and Circulatory System

This instructional material was collaboratively developed and reviewed

by select teachers, school heads, Education Program Supervisor in Science
of the Department of Education - Division of Iligan City. We encourage
teachers and other education stakeholders to email their feedback,
comments, and recommendations to the Department of Education-Iligan City
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We value your feedback and recommendations.

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

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Table of Contents

What This Module is About.......................................................................................i

What I Need to Know................................................................................................ii
How to Learn from this Module.................................................................................ii
Icons of this Module..................................................................................................iii

What I Know..............................................................................................................iii

Lesson 1:
Effects of Lifestyle of the functioning of Respiratory
and Circulatory System............................................................................................1
What I Need to Know..........................................................................1
What’s New.........................................................................................2
What Is It.............................................................................................3
What’s More........................................................................................6
What’s New.........................................................................................7
What Is It.............................................................................................8
What’s More…....................................................................................9
What I Have Learned..........................................................................11
What I Can Do....................................................................................12

Assessment: (Post-Test).....................................................................................14
Key to Answers.....................................................................................................15
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What This Module is About

In this module, you will learn the common respiratory and circulatory diseases and to
learn practices for taking care of one’s respiratory and circulatory system. You will learn to
understand the detection, prevention and treatment on both respiratory and circulatory

Find out as we journey together in this module and discover that practicing a healthy
lifestyle is one of the key factors for a healthy body. Since preventative measures are our
first line of defence from diseases. The best way to protect ourselves from respiratory and
circulatory diseases such as asthma, COVID-19, tuberculosis, hypertension, stroke and
others is to practice healthy lifestyle.  As we progress in this module, always remember to
address the following questions: What would cause the respiratory and circulatory diseases?
How should we take care of our respiratory and circulatory systems?

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Infer how lifestyle can affect the functioning of respiratory and circulatory system.
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Know (Pre-test)
Take the pre-test before proceeding in the lessons. Check your answers from the answer
key at the end of the module.

I. Multiple Choice. Direction. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which of the following is another name for the flu?

A. Pneumonia B. Asthma
C. Influenza D. Tuberculosis

2. How virus infection can be spread directly?

A. Taking a bath regularly B. Sneezing, coughing and talking
C. Washing of hands thoroughly D. Taking vitamins and minerals

3. Which one of these is NOT a disease in circulatory system?

A. Stroke B. Asthma
C. Hypertension D. Heart Attack

4. Which of the following is called the silent killer because it typically has no symptoms?
A. Stroke B. Atherosclerosis
C.Heart Attack D. Hypertension

5. Which of the following is the best form of physical exercise?

A. Playing computer games B. Playing chess
C. Jogging D. Watching TV

6. Which of the following defines stress?

A. Just a normal part of human life.
B. Body’s reaction to controllable situation.
C. Situation that is not harmful.
D. It is a body’s reaction to physical or emotional tension.

7. Which of the following will benefit our body in eating a balanced diet?
A. It improves body’s health and reduces diseases.
B. It can leads to depression.
C. We are feeling empty and stress.
D. Our body will become malnourished.

8. What are some things you can do to help support your lungs health?
A. Smoking regularly B. Drink alcohol excessively
C. Regular exercise and balanced diet D. Stress all the time

9. Which of these best describe what a personal hygiene is?

A. Having a shower but wearing the same clothes
B. Washing your hands
C. Using soap to clean yourself
D. Both B and C

10. How can you make good choices and stay healthy?
A. Consult health professionals when you are not feeling well.
B. Use internet to diagnose and treat yourself.
C. Buy over the counter medications.
D. Listen to anybody that gives you advices.

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Effects of Lifestyle on the
Functioning of Respiratory and
Lesson Circulatory System

What I Need to Know

At the end of the lesson, you will be able to:

1. Identify common respiratory and circulatory diseases.

2. Describe the causes of the common respiratory and circulatory diseases.
3. Identify practices that promote healthy lifestyle.

What’s New

Respiratory and circulatory diseases are common. Both of these diseases are
easily treated, while others may cause severe illness or death. If any part of the
respiratory and circulatory system is not working properly, a human being can have
diseases and if not treated early and properly this may lead to death.

Many times, people are more likely to get respiratory and circulatory diseases,
but environmental exposure could also play a big role.

Activity 1.Common Diseases of Respiratory and Circulatory System

To identify common diseases of respiratory and circulatory system

Let’s begin by knowing the important players in this topic. In the KWL chart
below, fill in the K, W and L column with what you already know, what you want to
know about common disease of respiratory and circulatory system and what you
have learned about the lesson.

Common Diseases of Respiratory and Circulatory System

Things that I KNOW Things that I WANT TO Things that I have

Heart Attach

A. Respiratory Diseases
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________

B. Circulatory Diseases
1. _______________
2. _______________
3. _______________
What Is It

Respiratory disease that affect your airways and lungs caused by infection,
smoking cigarettes or by breathing in second hand cigarette smoke, or other forces
of air pollution.

There are diseases associated with the respiratory system. Some of these are
discussed below.

1. Asthma – is a condition when a person experiences difficulty in breathing as a

result of the narrowing and swelling of the bronchial airways. This can be triggered
by allergies brought by pollens, dust, fumes, and certain foods and medications, air
pollutants and bacteria.

2. Common Cold – is among the most common respiratory disease. This is a

disease affecting the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat). It is transmitted by
virus infected airborne droplets or by direct contact with infected secretions.

3. Pneumonia – is the infection of the lungs caused by viruses and bacteria wherein
the alveoli in the lungs are inflamed and become filled with liquid and pus making it
difficult for the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood. If not treated immediately this
serious medical condition can lead to death.

4. Influenza – is commonly called the flu. It is caused by the influenza virus that
attacks your throat, nose and lungs. It is a highly contagious disease and can spread
directly through air droplets when people with flu sneeze, cough or talk and spread
indirectly with objects contaminated with virus.

5. Bronchitis - is the inflammation or swelling of bronchial tube lining. Person with

bronchitis may experience breathing difficulty because of the mucus or phlegm forms
in the airways obstructing the flow of oxygen into the lungs.

6. Tuberculosis (TB) – is a bacterial infections of the lungs caused by

tuberculosis, which is an airborne disease that can spread from person to person
through respiratory droplets via coughing and sneezing. This may cause death if not
treated early and properly.

7. Coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) - is a serious global infectious disease

caused by a new strain of coronavirus that infect both people and animals. The virus
passes through the nose, sinuses, and throat and reached the lungs. It can spread
the same way with other coronaviruses mainly through person-to-person contact by
respiratory droplets and through contact with contaminated objects.

Like all other system in our body, respiratory and circulatory is vulnerable to
conditions and diseases.

Circulatory Disease is an interruption, blockage, or diseases that affect how

you heart or blood vessels pump blood. Diseases of the blood vessels and the heart
are known as cardiovascular diseases. There are ways to prevent circulatory
diseases by living a healthy lifestyle. Here are some of the common conditions
affecting the circulatory system:

1. Atherosclerosis – is a condition that develops when a substance called plaque

builds up in the walls of the arteries making it harder for blood to flow through. If a
blood clot forms, it can block the blood flow that can cause heart attack or stroke.
The risk factors for this diseases are smoking, eating food high in fats, excessive
alcohol intake, diabetes and increased stress.

2. Stroke – occurs when it damages the brain when a blood vessels gets blocked or
leaked usually from a blood clot. Some risk factors for stroke include smoking, high
blood pressure, excessive alcohol intake and diabetes.

3. Hypertension – is another name for high blood pressure. It can lead to severe
health complications. Is also known as the silent killer due to the fact that people with
hypertension usually has no symptoms. The causes of this disease includes obesity,
diabetes, lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet and high salt intake.

4. Heart attack – occurs when the blood flow to the part of the heart is blocked by
blood clot, the heart muscle supplied by the artery begins to die. The causes for the
heart attack are atherosclerosis, diabetes, high-blood pressure and gender (more
common in males).

Prevention on both respiratory and circulatory disease is always better than

their treatment. Diseases of both respiratory and circulatory system should not be
taken for granted because they can be deadly. With the right treatment of these
diseases it can saved the patients’ lives.

The following are some ways to prevent respiratory and circulatory diseases:

1. Good nutrition, good sleep and rest enhances your immune system that helps
the body to resist infections. And avoid eating high cholesterol and fatty foods.

2. Do not smoke. Cigarettes contain harmful substances that can be fatal to your

3. Exercise regularly. It improves the health of your lungs and heart.

4. Observe strict personal hygiene. Always keep your body clean because it will
reduce the risk of catching any diseases.

5. Avoid crowds. Avoid direct contact with person suffering from respiratory
diseases. To avoid contamination it is very important to take all the necessary
What’s More

Write the term that is being described below to complete the sentence. Choose the
correct word inside the box.

Hypertension Covid-19
Atherosclerosis Heart attack
Common Cold Pneumonia
Bronchitis Influenza
Tuberculosis Asthma the inflammation or swelling of bronchial tube lining.

_________2. is caused by a virus that attacks your throat, nose and lungs. It is a
highly contagious disease and can spread directly through air droplets and spread
indirectly with objects contaminated with virus.

_________3. is a condition when a person experiences difficulty in breathing as a

Result of the narrowing and swelling of the bronchial airways.

_________4. Occurs when the blood flow to the part of the heart is blocked by blood
clot, the heart muscle supplied by the artery begins to die.

_________5. is a condition that develops when a substance called plaque builds up

in the walls of the arteries making it harder for blood to flow through.

_________6. is a bacterial infection that can spread from person to person through
respiratory droplets via coughing and sneezing. another name for high blood pressure. The causes of this disease
includes obesity, diabetes, lack of fruits and vegetables in the diet and high salt

_________8. is part of a family of viruses called corona viruses that infect both
people and animals. It can affect nose, sinuses, throat and lungs.

_________9. is among the most common respiratory disease. This is a disease

affecting the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat).
_________10. is the infection of the lungs caused by viruses and bacteria wherein
the alveoli in the lungs are inflamed and become filled with liquid and pus making it
difficult for the lungs to transfer oxygen to the blood.

What’s New

What you eat or activity each day affects your health and how you feel now
and in the future. To maintain a healthy and functional body, it is important to take
care of them properly. Lifestyle is define as someone’s way of living that
a person or particular group of people usually do. Lifestyle has a direct effect on the
organs of the respiratory and circulatory system.

Let’s find out if we have a common understanding of what one of the

important terms in this lesson mean and that is the effect of lifestyle on the
respiratory and circulatory system. Let’s begin with the activity below.

Activity 2. Healthy and Unhealthy Lifestyle


To identify practices that promotes healthy lifestyle.


Choose the following lifestyle from the box that should go under the column “healthy”
or “Unhealthy” lifestyle.

Eat fruits and vegetables Drinking too much alcohol

Smoke cigarettes High fat and high sugar diet
Get Enough sleep Exercise regularly
Eat junk foods Have time to relax
Observe strict personal hygiene Not drinking enough water

Healthy Lifestyle Unhealthy Lifestyle

What Is It

In the previous activity, you were asked to identify the basis in determining
whether healthy lifestyle is done or not. There is a direct effect of lifestyle on the
organs on both respiratory and circulatory systems. Among the cause of these
diseases, four causes may be observed: cigarette smoking, excessive alcohol
intake, stress and high level of fat and cholesterol in the blood. Knowledge on the
symptoms of both respiratory and circulatory disease is important for its treatment.
When symptoms occur, the best thing to do is consult a doctor when symptoms of
common respiratory and circulatory diseases persist.

There are different reasons why some people smoke. But whatever the
reasons are, smoking is surely not good for the health. Cigarettes contain harmful
substances that cause respiratory and circulatory diseases. Cigarettes contain
nicotine, carbon monoxide and tar. Nicotine is an addictive substance that increases
heart rate and blood pressure. Tar is a carcinogen (substance that causes cancer)
that coats the teeth, damages the gums, numbs the taste buds and causes bad
breath. Carbon monoxide is toxic to the body that prevents haemoglobin to carry
the oxygen in the blood throughout the body.

One of the risk factor of heart problems is caused by smoking because it

weakens the heart, increased blood pressure and constricts the blood vessels.
Passive smoking (second hand smoker) which is involuntary inhaling cigarette
smoke from cigarette smokers, poses a great risk of having respiratory and
circulatory diseases especially in children.

Excessive alcohol will increases triglycerides in the blood and influence

calorie intake. Stresses especially work related stress and emotional stress
decreases the resistance to heart disease that lead to hypertension. When a person
is under stress is more likely to smoke and tends to overeat.

When it comes to food, a high fat and high cholesterol diet, has been found to
have adverse effect to the lungs and heart. It may lead to obesity, which in turn
increases the risk of having respiratory and circulatory diseases.

Here are some ways to have a healthy lifestyle:

1. Exercise regularly is important to maintain a healthy body system that makes our
lungs and heart stronger.

2. Do not smoke and drink alcohol. If you are thinking of starting smoking and
alcohol drinking, do not! Stay away from people who do this habit.

3. Eat a healthy diet. Proper diet enables a person to maintain a healthy weight
which is important in keeping the respiratory and circulatory organs healthy.

4. Take time to relax and avoid stress because it affects the conditions of our
respiratory and circulatory system.
What’s More

Activity 3: Who’s Doing Good or Bad for the lungs and heart?


To identify lifestyles that has an effectto the respiratory and circulatory systems.

Study each picture that shows lifestyles that are either good or bad for your
respiratory and circulatory system. Write your explanation on the lines provided.
And answer the guide questions that follow. Make a short explanation for your




Guide Questions:

1. Why should you take care of the respiratory and circulatory system?

2. How does smoking affect one’s health?

3. How does exercise prevent heart disease?

4. How does unhealthy lifestyle shorten one’s life?

What I Have Learned

A. Fill the diagram with the correct information.

Diseases Risk factors/Causes Preventive Practice

Example: Influenza Influenza virus washing your hands often

1. Hypertension

2. Stroke

3. Pneumonia

4. Tuberculosis

5. Covid-19

B. True or False. If the statement is true, draw ☺ before the numbers. If false,

_______1.Diseases of the blood vessels and heart are known as respiratory

________2.Covid 19is a serious global infectious disease caused by a new strain
of coronavirus.
________3.Lifestyle has a direct effect on the organs of the respiratory and
circulatory system.
________4.Unhealthy lifestyle give your body the best chance to fight virus and
________5. Consult a doctor when symptoms of common respiratory and circulatory
diseases persist.

C. Figure out the outcome of the situation below:

Christina’s father is a smoker. She noticed her father smokes almost every day when
he is under stress. She also observed that every time her father is smoking the
whole family is present most of the time. How might this habit of her father affect the
health of her family? Explain.

What I Can Do
Activity 4: Negative vs. Positive Impact
To determine the items has a negative or positive impact on the spread of disease.

In this activity you will indicate which items or item has positive or negative impact on
the individual. How does this affect our health? Are we using more or less of the
items? Compare the items presented with items available to us today? Record your
answer on the table provided.

1. Determine whether the item helps prevent or spread disease or have no impact
and why? Check the corresponding box.

Items Disease Disease No Why

Spreading Preventing impact
1. Soap
2. Alcohol
3. Toilet Seat
4. Picture of pollution
5. Picture of person
6. Face mask
7. Ads for anti-viral drugs
8. Iodine salts
9. Vitamins and Minerals
10. Social Distancing

2. Determine which item had the greatest positive impact on health and why?

3. How does use of these items today affect our personal health?
 The diseases of the respiratory system include asthma, common cold,
pneumonia, bronchitis, rhinitis, emphysema and tuberculosis.
 Asthma is a condition when a person experiences difficulty in breathing.
 Common Cold is among the most common respiratory disease. This is a
disease affecting the upper respiratory tract (nose and throat).
 Pneumonia is the infection of the lungs caused by viruses and bacteria
wherein the lungs are inflamed and become filled with liquid and pus.
 Influenza is commonly called the flu. It is caused by the influenza virus that
attacks your throat, nose and lungs.
 Bronchitis is the inflammation or swelling of bronchial tube lining.
 Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infections of the lungs caused by
mycobacterium tuberculosis, which is an airborne disease.
 Covid 19 is a serious global infectious disease. It is part of a family of viruses
called corona viruses. It can affect nose, sinuses, throat and lungs.
 The diseases of the circulatory system include atherosclerosis, stroke,
hypertension and heart attack.
 Atherosclerosis is a condition that develops when a substance called plaque
builds up in the walls of the arteries making it harder for blood to flow through.
 Stroke occurs when it damages the brain when a blood vessels gets blocked
or leaked usually from a blood clot.
 Hypertension is the other name for high blood pressure.
 Heart attack occurs when the blood flow to the part of the heart is blocked by
blood clot, the heart muscle supplied by the artery begins to die.
 For prevention for both respiratory and circulatory diseases observe strict
personal hygiene, eat healthy foods, avoid smoking, exercise regularly and
avoid direct contact with infected person and contaminated objects.
 Lifestyle is define as someone’s way of living that a person or particular group
of people usually do.
 Four lifestyles may be observed that lead to respiratory and circulatory
diseases: smoking, excessive alcohol intake, stress and high level of fat and
cholesterol in the blood.
 Smoking is not good for the health. Cigarettes contain nicotine, carbon
monoxide and tar. Excessive alcohol will increase triglycerides in the blood
and induces calorie intake.
 Stresses are caused by work related stress and emotional stress that
decreases the resistance to heart disease. A diet high in fat and cholesterol
poses a great risk to the organs of respiratory and circulatory system.
 Ways to have a healthy lifestyle is to exercise regularly, avoid smoking and
drinking alcohol, eat a healthy diet and take time to relax and avoid stress.
Assessment: (Post-Test)

It is now time to evaluate your learning. Check your answers from the answer key at
the end of the module.

I. Multiple Choice. Direction. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. Which respiratory diseases can be triggered by allergies brought by pollens, dust,

fumes, certain food and medications, air pollutants and bacteria?
A. Asthma B. Emphysema C. Rhinitis D. Tuberculosis

2. Which of these diseases that a person may experience breathing difficulty

because of the mucus or phlegm forms in the airways obstructing the flow of oxygen
into the lungs?
A. Common cold B. Asthma C. Bronchitis D. Influenza

3. Which of the following diseases is caused by family of viruses called corona

viruses that infect both people and animals?
A. Influenza B. Asthma C. Common cold D. Covid 19

4. What circulatory diseases are caused by atherosclerosis, diabetes, high blood

pressure and gender (more common in males).
A. Heart Attack B. Atherosclerosis C. Stroke D. Hypertension

5. Which of these diseases are caused by smoking, high blood pressure, excessive
alcohol intake and diabetes?
A. Hypertension B. Stroke Atherosclerosis D. Heart Attack

6. What substance is toxic to the body that decreases the haemoglobin in the organs
of the body and prevents haemoglobin to carry the oxygen in the blood?
A. Nicotine B. Tar C. Carcinogen D. Carbon monoxide

7. What addictive substance that increases heart rate and blood pressure?
A. Tar B. Caffeine C. Nicotine D. Carbon monoxide

8. What type of smoking does inhaling cigarette smoking from cigarette smokers that
found to have adverse effects to the persons lungs and heart?
A. Active smoking B. Passive smoking
C. Transitional smoking D. Collective smoking

9. Which of the following is define as someone’s way of living that

a person or particular group of people usually do.
A. Stress B. Exercise C. Lifestyle D. Smoking

10. Which of the following unhealthy lifestyle that will increase triglycerides in the
blood and induces calorie intake?
A. Smoking B. Stress C. High fat diet D. Excessive alcohol


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