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Skill & Resource Management


Jan, 2021

• We are building a vertical B2B SaaS product for managing skills & resource management at services

• The product will generate relevant insights and enable intelligent decision making

• It will need integrations with existing systems (both in-house & OTS) to pull data into a common data
platform & send update requests to these systems once decisions are made

• We would start with public cloud (AWS or Azure) and build a multi tenant architecture to onboard
multiple clients

• This document contains initial requirements and sample wireframes

• Plan is to have 3 phases – Phase 1: Skill management system along with search & match & Phase 2:
Resource management system followed by Resource forecasting

Typical IT services enterprise map shows multiple custom apps – most
are not so well integrated with core Typically Custom in house app Typically COTS (e.g. SAP / Oracle / MSD/ SFDC )

Sales Delivery People supply chain (PSC) - Demand PSC – Recruitment

Demand forecasting
Sales forecasting Deal estimation Demand capture Recruitment Candidate tracking
CXO MIS & fulfilment planning
tool and pricing tool system systems

Lead Skill Master and

Order Demand-supply
management Competency
management matching
Sales intelligence framework
• Sourcing • Project Account master
and analytics Evaluation
• Qualification creation Traditional
• Extension sourcing
• Tracking interview)
Attrition Allocation/
model deallocation
SDLC/ Run Quality manage-
project mgt ment

Subcon sourcing
Alternate sourcing
Ext crowd-sourcing Internal job portal and tracking
Project management systems

Finance HRMS IT Others
Performance Learning/
Timesheet Accrual ITAM Procurement
management reskilling engine

Budgeting C&B and Payroll HR MIS and analytics ITSM Travel mgmt.
Change request
• Billing Invoicing
mgmt. (Contract)
• Allocation Time and attendance Onboarding systems
Security Facilities mgt
(leave) (incl. Employee master)

Treasury & FX Collections Visa management Career architecture BCP mgt Cust visit mgt
Modern systems can unlock significant value to the IT companies as it
navigates business model disruption due to digital

What will a modern vertical SaaS

look like for tech services
• Cloud first , scalable
• Microservices based easily Reduced scope creep, better 10% better Reskilling, OTF Pyramid improvement
configurable/plug and play estimation and solutioning increase of 5% (cost/FTE) by 3-4% yoy
Improved forecast accuracy, Crowd sourcing talent
• E2E integration with COTS to 4-5% lower
enable real time performance rev loss
transparency n decision making
Atleast 3-5% margin upside using a combination of these levers
• Consumer grade User

• AI/ML & system driven predictive

analytics , automated bots for
L1/L2 key queries Reduced ”waste” for Faster invoicing cycles, Revenue productivity
• Automated reporting/ governance management team by 5-10% improved ability to do non- higher by 3-5% ;
meeting prep, auto diagnostics (time spent on data linear work reduced contracting
on key perf. parameters forensics) leakages ; greater non
Reduced G&A linear deal flow
• Lesser integration points and
data/fidelity losses
Adjacent project based services markets represent significant
opportunity: 2-3x of core
xx - Total revenue / spend of top-50 players (proxy for TAM), $B Core Most adjacent Further off

CIO and R&D units internal Most F500 have 5000+ own IT employees;
labor spends, incl captives 1500+ R&D spend of $1.5 Tn+ is inhouse
Approx. 2000+captives in India, EE, China

IT & BPO Services Revenue are mostly generated by “Big

Audit/Consulting/Tax 200 four” global firms. Each of them have 30%+
tech services now

Four larger players

500+ Staffing industry 200 Resource management processes common

Vast majority of revenue are generated by

Fragmented fast growing market,
Core Engg , design engineering companies
numerous digital/regional/niche players 350 Some sales and delivery processes
dot the mkt common
Focused on legacy trying to make a shift
to digital
Advertising is 50% of this and other
Others incl. Advertising industries (security/facilities mgt) some
250 processes are common

Fragmented market, most processes will

Legal / lawyers community need heavy customization
Competitive landscape confirms the opportunity
• Focused on CIO orgs <10 Mn topline, Head of biz quit recently (jitin)
• Full suite of apps build by Epam for internal use, are being offered externally
• Covers recruitment, onboarding, skills mgmt., training, project mgmt., resource
mgmt., performance mgmt., engagement platform
competit- • Series A funded (Kalari) , approx 5-7 Mn$ Revenue; hasnt been able to scale v well
ors • Started as recruiting solution and has expanded into skill management & resource
management (HCL/Wipro/Syntel/Virtusa/NTT etc & few captives)
• Focused on domain specific AI on skills mgmt. – uses multiple optimizations for
talent matching; claims best in domain intelligence
• Offers both ATS and resource management solutions (CTS ATS/ACN/LTI - RMG)

• Revenue: ~$140M (40% growth); Funding ~$325M; Valuation: $700M+

• Cloud ERP & service automation platform built on Salesforce; In services industry focused on
professional services automation
• Provides revenue mgmt., billing, project mgmt., capacity planning & service analytics.
Targeting IT services space (deal disc at DXC, used by some US Hitech players) )

• Revenue:~$20M; Funding: ~$22M; Valuation: ~$85M

• Professional Services Automation software covering sales, resource
management, project management, billing & analytics
• Revenue:~$62M; Funding: ~$120M; Valuation: ~$235M
• Focused on Professional & marketing services orgs. providing resource mgmt.,
project mgmt., accounting, business intelligence

• Revenue:$25-30M+; Funding: ~$177M; Valuation: ~1Bn

• Horizontal platform focused on recruitment primarily but has started venturing into
internal talent management, provides talent marketplace
• Has tieu up with McK / Deloitte/ BCG etc
Functional requirements
Phase 1: Skill management system – key features overview

Skill Inventory Upskilling Search and Match

• Customizable skill taxonomy & skills • Linkages with opportunity pipeline & resource • Search resources matching the skills and other
maps/ontology requests system to identify in-demand skills parameters (on job level, location, etc.); along
• Auto capture of existing skills from existing • Define learning goals/ path based on in- with a matching score & customizable
systems, code repositories, Resume & LinkedIn demand, adjacent skills & feedbacks – linkage weightages
profile with LMS • Near matches (based on trainability) included
• Proficiency level evaluation through internal • Gamification & Nudges based on top skills, in results
expert network (along with PM’s feedback) peers’ upskilling
• Certifications - Internal & External
• Capturing of experience & recency of skills
• Nudges for updating skills – event & time based
• Integration with LMS, assessment systems
(internal or 3rd party)
• Employee skills profile & score
• Analytics & dashboards to view skills inventory at
different levels
Phase 2: Resource management system – key features overview

Demand capture Matching Fulfilment Allocation/ Deallocation

• Capture resource demand based • Real-time view of available • Real-time view of status of open • Nudges for confirmation on blocked
on opportunity pipeline; sync resources matching the resource resource requests, with option to candidates and auto-allocation
between opportunities & resource requests; along with a matching share with clients • Auto-check of business rules/
requests score & customizable weightages • Display of expected time to fulfil compliances before allocation
• Automated checking of request • Near matches (based on based on historical data, availability • Reminders before release / project
validity based on financial trainability) included in results and pipeline end date & auto-deallocation
parameters • Integrated communication to
• Auto-generate workflows based on candidates & workflow triggers right
additional requirements, e.g., visa from matching results
checks, client interviews • Matching to also include yet to join /
• Estimate request priority & hiring pipeline candidates
cancellation probability based on • Matching results to display cost
historical data/ set parameters implications between different
• Auto creation of requests in case of options & auto suggest candidates
attrition, rotation, etc. with N-1 rules that meet operating/ financial target
enforced • Self learning to improve matching
results based on feedback/
finalized candidates
Phase 2: Resource management system – key features overview

Supply analytics & bench Internal job rotation Sub-con onboarding & Forecasting
management management
• View of resources by allocation, • Nudges to employees/ manager on • Onboarding of sub-cons with • Intelligent Resource forecasting
billability for selected location, BU rotation due date details on skills, rates, etc. – based on opportunity pipeline
or Service line • Auto demand request creation for integration with vendor systems (revenue), open & historical
• Demand supply gap analysis & N-1 requests for rotated candidates • Sub-con margin and ageing resource requests
fulfillment planning based on replacement management • Correlation analysis between
forecast • Compliance reports on N-1/ rotation • Sub-con replacement identification revenue & resource forecasts
• Attrition prediction & management policy adherence (matching/ reskilling) for low margin
• Ideal bench size estimation by skill sub-cons
& locations based on forecasting
• Recommendation on actions
(discounting, reskilling plan) for
different bench resources
• Bench analytics on ageing,
opportunity strikes, time to bill, etc.

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