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© International Epidemiological Association 2003; all rights reserved.

International Journal of Epidemiology 2003;32:486–488

DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyg216


Nutritional epidemiology—past, present,

Karin B Michels

Mostly, mothers are concerned about food. Mothers tell you their diet prior to a particular time in the past, and cases are

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what to eat and what not to eat, how much of it to eat or not asked to recall their diet prior to the date of their diagnosis.
eat, when to eat it, and why you should or should not eat it. Remembering past diet is difficult, participants’ reports are influ-
Mothers seem to know. The question is, who knows more about enced by their current diet, and the differential recall among
good nutrition, mothers or nutritional epidemiologists? diseased and non-diseased individuals presents an inherent bias
Knowledge and common wisdom about the importance of diet that is difficult to overcome. Prospective cohort studies with real-
have been handed down from generation to generation for time assessment of diet offer the best opportunity to gather valid
millennia. While the formal study of diet and health is only a few and reliable information on nutrition.
decades old, the importance of diet to maintain health was already Can humans be randomized to strict diet schemes? Historic-
known to the ancient Greeks. As Hippocrates (460–377 BC), the ally, the first controlled trials of which we are aware were
father of Western medicine, put it: ‘If we could give every dietary interventions. Reference to a dietary trial was made in
individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not the Bible: Daniel and his friends were to be trained at court and
too little and not too much, we would have found the safest assigned a daily allowance of food and wine from the royal
way to health.’1 table.7 Daniel, determined not to contaminate himself, convinced
The first population-based studies collecting information on the guard to give them only vegetables to eat and water to drink
nutrition were conducted in the 20th century. Data on only a for 10 days. At the end of the 10 days they looked healthier and
few foods were collected generally and were cross-classified with were better nourished than all the young men who had lived on
disease outcomes.2,3 More detailed dietary assessment instru- the food assigned to them by the king. So the guard put aside
ments were subsequently developed, the most popular of which the food and wine that was allocated to them and gave them
are the 24-hour recall, a food diary kept for several days, and vegetables.
the food frequency questionnaire (FFQ).4 In 1747, Captain James Lind on the HMS Salisbury, found
Nutritional epidemiology is one of the younger disciplines in himself losing his sailors to a mysterious disease. Suspecting that
epidemiology. This may be partially due to the difficulties in dietary deficiency was the culprit, he decided to allocate six
measuring diet as an exposure. Diet and physical activity are different diets to 12 of his crew members.8 Everyone received
arguably the most difficult exposures to assess in observational the same basic diet, but each of the six groups received different
research and are plagued by considerable measurement error.5 additional foods. One group was given oranges and lemons.
We all eat, we all eat many different foods, we tend to forget This group quickly recovered from the mysterious disease later
rather quickly what we ate, and we often do not know the identified as scurvy.8
ingredients of the dishes we consume. Hence we are all exposed,
and the variation may be more subtle than with other, more
distinct exposures such as smoking or use of hormone replace-
ment therapy. Few people maintain extreme diets; thus
assessing diet within fairly homogeneous populations makes it
difficult to detect associations between dietary patterns (or
particular foods and nutrients) and health or disease due to the
lack of sufficient variation.
Over the past couple of decades, a large number of obser-
vational studies have attempted to elucidate the role of diet in
health and disease.6 Most of these studies were based on a case-
control design. Unfortunately, case-control studies of diet are
generally problematic since participants are asked to remember

Department of Epidemiology, Harvard School of Public Health, 677

Huntington Avenue, and Obstetrics & Gynecology Epidemiology Center,
Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 221 Longwood The author and her mother discussing important aspects of a healthy
Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA. E-mail: [email protected] diet


Captain Lind’s experiment may be one of the few examples of food constituents in their impact on health and disease are
of a dietary allocation that worked. It was a short-term inter- likely. Recent attempts to incorporate dietary patterns into our
vention that led to fast recovery from a disease. Randomized analytical models have explored the possibilities that factor
controlled allocation of diet is likely to be successful only for analysis, principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and diet
severe dietary deficiencies that can be reversed in a short period scores have to offer. While identifying patterns or scores that
of time, or for allocation of dietary supplements. Studying the relate to health is relevant for public health recommendations,
effects of dietary composition on long-term health using they are less relevant for understanding underlying mechanisms.
randomization presents a serious challenge. Ethical principles Revealing possible gene—diet interactions may provide new
do not permit randomizing individuals to a diet that, according insights into the effects of nutrition, which might allow targeted
to scientific evidence, may have harmful effects. Participants dietary interventions. Moreover, Mendelian randomization may
can be randomized only to maintaining their diet or to a diet prove more powerful and allow detection of the main effect of a
with uncertain impact on the health outcome of interest. genotype, which mimics the influence of the dietary factor.14
Adhering to an altered diet over an extended time period Nutritional epidemiology has focused on the role of diet
presents an unreasonable challenge for most people, and suf- during adulthood; few studies have considered early life diet.

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ficient differences in diet between intervention and control Chronic diseases may well originate in childhood and nutrition
group are extremely difficult to maintain.9 during these early periods may have long-lasting consequences.
What then have we learned from observational studies— Tissues may be particularly susceptible to the influence of nutrients
in particular, prospective cohorts—about the effect of diet on during periods of growth, the effect of diet may be cumulative,
health? We have been able to determine that diet plays an and the long-term impact may only translate into disease
important role in coronary heart disease prevention with decades later. There is a need to examine diets at various times
transfats, saturated fats, and a high glycaemic index promoting in life and with long follow-up, especially for studies of cancer.
heart disease and a diet high in fibre, fish oil, and poly- It is possible that the aforementioned lack of variation in diet
unsaturated fats decreasing the risk.10 Not surprisingly, diet has in the populations studied presents a crucial obstacle in identi-
been found to be a crucial factor in the aetiology of type 2 fying the true role of diet in health and disease. Most participants
diabetes.11 One of the most important questions that remains in epidemiological studies follow a diet without major restric-
unanswered is what role diet plays in cancer aetiology. Few tions. Migrant studies have taught us that environmental
dietary components have been convincingly linked to cancer factors are major contributors to most chronic diseases, inde-
outcomes. Red meat consumption has been fairly consistently pendent of the genetic background of the population. Cancer
related to colorectal cancer incidence,12 and alcohol consumption rates change dramatically in populations migrating from
seems to increase the risk of a number of cancers.6 Biologically, countries of sparse nutrition to those of more affluence. Though
nutrients could have anticarcinogenic and carcinogenic effects other environmental factors probably play an important role,
based on their possible influence on oxidation, methylation, the influence of dietary changes is likely. Moreover, countries
DNA repair and other capacities—possibly affecting initiation, experiencing changes in dietary trends also see differences in
promotion, and progression of cancer. Thus far, however, these chronic disease rates; in Japan, where diet has changed from
theoretical properties of nutrition have failed to translate into one based mostly on plants and fish to a more Westernized diet,
detectable effects. cancer rates are on the rise.
The observed lack of association between diet and cancer Dietary regimens more extreme than vegetarianism or high
could have a number of explanations. It is possible that diet fruit, vegetable, and fibre consumption have been explored in
plays only a minor role in cancer prevention. Alternatively, if Europe. The potential therapeutic effect of nutrition on chronic
a modest association exists, measurement error in dietary disease was described a century ago. Patients with severe gastro-
intake may conceal it. A true reduction or increase in cancer intestinal diseases and rheumatoid arthritis recovered after
risk of 10–30% may be impossible to detect. Furthermore, interventions consisting largely of raw fruit, berries, vegetables
insufficient variation in diet among the study population may (salad and roots), nuts, and freshly ground whole grains.15,16
not permit meaningful comparisons. An important difference, Although these observations were case series rather than the
however, in the aetiology of heart disease and type 2 diabetes results of comparisons within properly conducted observational
and that of cancer is the long latency in the development of studies, this work provides valuable clues about the role of diet.
tumours. Initial malignant transformations and clinically The results from population-based observational studies have
manifest cancer may be separated by several decades. For not provided the relevant data on whether a more restricted
dietary factors to act in this lengthy process, long-term diet and, diet consisting of fresh, ‘living’, and whole foods including freshly
possibly, nutrition during early periods of life may be ground whole grains, plant proteins, and a large variety of
relevant.13 organic and/or biodynamically grown raw fruits and vegetables,
Where do we go from here? Hopefully towards accurate as for example practised among the anthroposophic com-
methods of assessment and analyses of nutritional data, towards munity,17 might have a profound effect on cancer incidence.
identifying the role of diet at various times in life, and towards The potential beneficial effect of such living raw plant foods is
systematically studying populations with large variations in not explained by the caloric energy it provides (which is chaotic
diet. Statistical models of diet—disease relations have focused heat) but rather its ‘ordered’ energy which, according to the
on the role of individual foods and nutrients. Foods and laws of physics, can store information and therefore promote
nutrients, however, are not consumed in isolation. Our diet healing.18 Well-designed epidemiological studies among popu-
consists of a variety of foods and nutrients that are consumed in lations following such extreme diets are warranted and may
varying amounts according to individual preferences. Interactions provide invaluable insights.

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intake represent the optimal standard for calibration of Cancer Research, 1997.
7 The book of Daniel 1:1–16. The Bible.
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8 Lind J. A Treatise on the Scurvy. Reprinted Edinburgh: Edinburgh
the two methods are uncorrelated and therefore a true reduc-
tion of the questionnaire errors should be possible. Unfortu- University Press, 1953.
9 Michels KB, Willett WC. The Women’s Health Initiative: daughter of
nately, biological markers are currently not available for most
nutrients, but much hope is held for their development. politics or science? In: DeVita VT, Hellman S, Rosenberg SA (eds).
Cancer Prevention. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1991.
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10 Stampfer MJ, Hu FB, Manson JE, Rimm EB, Willett WC. Primary
confounding. Individuals who try to eat a healthy diet are likely
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to lead a healthy lifestyle in general. It is probably not possible
lifestyle. N Engl J Med 2000;343:16–22.
to measure all important markers of a healthy lifestyle suf-

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ficiently to eliminate confounding. The inability to distinguish
type 2 diabetes mellitus in women. N Engl J Med 2001;345:790–97.
the effect of diet from that of other lifestyle factors may pose a 12 Sandhu MS, White IR, McPherson K. Systematic review of the
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epidemiologic studies. cancer risk: a meta-analytical approach. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
In the meantime, most observations made in nutritional Prev 2001;10:439–46.
epidemiology would not surprise your mother. There are a few 13 Michels KB. The contribution of the environment (especially diet) to
exceptions. The identification of transfatty acids in (partially) breast cancer risk. Breast Cancer Res 2002;4:58–61.
hydrogenated oils and vegetable shortening and their hazardous 14 Davey Smith G, Ebrahim S. ‘Mendelian randomization’: can genetic
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nutritional research.22 Furthermore, the distinction between ants of disease? Int J Epidemiol 2003;32:1–22.
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optimal diet.23 Mother, however, told you a long time ago that Clarke Company, 2000.
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17 Steiner R. Naturgrundlagen der Ernährung. Stuttgart, Germany: Verlag
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Acknowledgement 18 Bircher-Benner MO. Grundzüge der Ernährungstherapie auf Grund der
Dr Michels is supported by Research Grant R01 DK54900-02 Energie-Spannung der Nahrung. Berlin: Verlag Otto Salle, 1905.
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