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FRACTALI AEE (air, earth, earth)

She is born from the air of consciousness and duplicates herself within the largest to the
smallest form.
Who is Fractali?
Fractali is a Dakini composed of transforming fractals. Fractals move out from her whenever and
wherever she moves through her fractal universe. Her mission is to show us the fractal nature of all
reality. Beneath the surface of appearances lies the magical united kingdom/queendom of fractal
design. She is one of the ‘new’ Dakinis, revealing ancient secrets in our modern world.
A fractal is a non-regular geometric shape, surface or pattern that can be reduced into fragments,
each of which has a similar shape or pattern to that of the whole. This is a property known as self
similarity. It has the potential to expand into the infinitely big or reduce into the infinitely small. Its
patterns are too complex or irregular to be described by conventional Euclidian geometric language.
Fractali touches the earth where art, nature and science meet.
Location/Sphere of Influence
The world of fractals/an angle of reality/ microcosm to microcosm/in the infinitely large and
infintessimally small/in the microscope and telescope.
Nature & Description of Dakini
Her realm and her being are composed of fractals. They occur inside and outside what we generally
perceive as ‘boundaries’ – boundaries between what is solid and what is space, boundaries between
self and other, between Fractali and her universe.
It is Fractali who rules over the manifestation of crop circles, and we see them appear in her realm,
where her foot falls, or imprinted in the hairs on her skin (her crops).
Fractali moves through all dimensions, the above and the below, and a crop circle is just a 2-
dimensional impression of the being of Fractali, who ‘kisses’ the earth as she passes through with her
3 (in fact 4) dimensional being, which stretches into space and down to the center of being.
Fractali likes to play in the spiral of the golden section – a vital proportion/ratio used in composition
of sound and image - which follows nature’s unfolding symmetry.
She is queen of biomimicry.
The micro-macrocosmic nature of fractals. © Penny Slinger 2010
In the center Fractali presents the Golden Key, the means to unlock the secrets of how the Universe
works through recognizing its fractal nature. It is crowned by Fractali’s version of ‘Vitruvian Man’-
the drawing by Leonardo Da Vinci which exhibits the ‘Divine Proportion’ occurring in the
physiology of the human being. In her version, she holds her fractal hoop at her hips, ready to start
spinning and swirl fractals everywhere.
Divinatory Meaning
Fractali offers you the Golden Key. The key that opens the portal that connects macrocosm to
microcosm. She shows us that we are all part of a family, a family of forms, an infinite continuity.
Nature is designed in mathematical equations that underly the fabric of existence.
The realm of fractals is built on algorithms that simulate the way natural forms occur. These rules of
growth reveal order hidden in chaos.
Fractal patterns exhibit self-similarity, which are patterns in which the smaller part reflects the
pattern of the whole. When you look at something from far away, you see a pattern. When you look
close up, you see the same pattern.
Understanding the nature of fractals is a key that unlocks the mystery of being – the Golden Key,
which works with the golden mean, the Phi ratio. The Fibonarchi sequence defines the ratio by which
a spiral expands its size while keeping its shape.
The proportions of the human body conform to this ratio.
Fractali promotes self-reflective self-organization.
The patterns of your life reflect the patterns of the world.
Each individual has the power to change the ‘big picture’ by changing their own lives.
You have the power to re-pattern, and reprogram reality. Use nature as your guide.
An opportunity for humans to create designs and structures that resonate with growth patterns in
nature. This is the nature of the world of fractals and why they appear as beautiful to us. Anything
that reflects the way we are constructed is appealing to us and helps us feel connected and part of the
grand design.
Choose this approach in your current project. Become a master or mistress of biomimetics, applying
the principles of nature’s systems to what you design and engineer, in your style of life as well as in
the workplace.
It is comforting to know that the very heart of our cellular patterning looks like the arrangement of
the stars…
Fractali brings the wisdom of the old adage, ‘Take care of the little things and the bigger things will
take care of themselves’. Attention to detail is indicated. Also, paradoxically or coincidentally,
keeping sight of the big picture will allow you to focus on the minutia.
Fractali reveals that our skins are just thin membranes and that inside and outside are not really that
separate. Every thing affects everything. Each of our actions, all we do, has an effect in the Universe.
Understand that patterns you create in your life, however small, have far-reaching consequences.
There is no such thing as an isolated event or an unconnected thought or stream of consciousness.
Fractali encourages you to take note of your patterns. Take small recurrent events and blow them up
to a grand scale in your mind. Do you like how they look when they get amplified? If not, © Penny Slinger 2010
time to do something about these patterns and shift them into something you like the look of when
they are big.
Patterns will repeat themselves unless reconfigured with awareness.
When the patterns of an individual’s life harmonize with the natural world it is called walking in
Discover how to walk in beauty.
Take actions that will balance previous actions.
Fractali presents another view of symmetry. Symmetry that is not immediately obvious but reveals
itself over time.
Put energy in without looking for immediate results but with the firm belief that there is no waste in
the Universe.
Look for the underlying patterns in situations, relationships and events
1. Meditate on Fractali. Visualize her being composed entirely of transforming fractals. See how her
skin is but a thin interface between the fractals within her and those that comprise the world around.
Now become Fractali, see yourself as full of spinning fractal universes. Touch your skin and see
fractals emanating from the point of contact.

2. Make a shift in your life that is inspired by Fractali - consciously bringing something into balance
that is out of balance, walking more ‘in beauty’, adjusting negative patterns, perceiving underlying
patterns or auras that are more than meets the eye.

3. Imagine a world where human design systems are built on the same
principles employed by nature and her systems. Just imagine it, says Fractali…
Dakini Transmission
I am she
Who holds
The golden key
Revolve in me
In fractal complex
Its all one
You see
Speaking micro/macrocosmically
I am part of everything © Penny Slinger 2010
And everything is part of me
I see the grand design
And I do not doubt my place in it
I care for everything
the large and the small

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