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20210214-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

TGA, vaccinations, DNA & the Rule of LAW-Supplement-2

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, you are really concerned about this vaccine debacle, are you?
**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, when politicians are making clear that they pursue everyone to
be vaccinated and airliners and orders demand this also, while in fact there appears to be a total
disregard for proper safety testing procedures then we have on our hand a GENOCIDE/MASS
MURDER of biblical proportions.

How on earth can any vaccine specifically excluding individuals with comorbidities and
vulnerabilities be deemed approve and even given priority for the very elderly which suffer most
of the comorbidities? What they are doing is sneaking untested so called vaccines to be approved
without proper testing at all. And, the politicians are claiming nevertheless that it is to make it all
safer for everyone, when like tyrants and terrorist placing the most vulnerable persons to be
killed off. If one merely had 20 persons over 70 and screened for “comorbidities or
vulnerabilities” this to avoid any adverse results out of the thousands of those subjected to the
test then the mere 20 would have made no real impact on the test results. Hence, the test results
are not really indicating the real risk using the Moderna vaccine. In my view if the TGA were to
approve this kind of nonsense then those in the TGA should be charged with culpability to mass
murder, and so any politician and official who goes along with this sickening mass murder
project. In my view the TGA must make sure that any vaccine is only approved that has stand the
test for all of those for which the vaccine is to be used and provide specific guidelines as to how
those vaccines are to be used and upon the special approval of a medically qualified specialist in
the relevant field for each individual for which such vaccine is to be used. Nothing less can be

GENOCIDE? As I suspected, an estimated 115,000 Australian seniors could die from the
clash of antigens, etc, after vaccination. Let it be very clear that Moderna testing of the
vaccine “purposefully excluded individuals with comorbidities or vulnerabilities” and yet
the vaccine is specifically used and prioritise those. “The Moderna vaccine trials included no
individuals over 80 years old and only 20 individuals over 70. ” Neither the CDC, FDA or the
Australian TGA could even for emergency approve this so called vaccine for use for those
“individuals with comorbidities or vulnerabilities” in those circumstances. It is simply a
sickening game of MASS MURDER. “Is it possible that a particularly reactogenic vaccine
(like Moderna’s) could even kill more people than the disease against which it purportedly
promises immunity?”.

COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense

p1 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
Pain Relievers May Dull Effectiveness of COVID-19 Vaccine, Experts Warn
New York Post reported:
As the US continues to roll out vaccines from both Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna to the general
public, recipients have reported minor side-effects like temporary pain that have driven some to
take preventative over-the-counter painkillers before inoculation.
But several experts who spoke with ABC News Wednesday warn that this practice may hinder the
body’s ability to form the antibodies that protect against COVID-19.
“We do not recommend premedication with ibuprofen or Tylenol before COVID-19 vaccines due
to the lack of data on how it impacts the vaccine-induced antibody responses,” Dr. Simone
Wildes, an infectious disease expert and member of Massachusetts’ COVID-19 Vaccine Advisory
Group, told the network.

I have already previously written about the dangers of vaccinating any individual without a
specialist qualified in medical issues being involved. In particular where it concerns “mRNA”
changing the DNA of a person. The above quotation underlines that if you even are warned
against taking ordinary plain killers, etc, then how on earth can it be appropriate for those on
medications, etc, then to be vaccinated without a medical specialist involved?
What this underlines is that anyone who takes any kind of pain killers, medication or even certain
food better not allow to be vaccinated without having consulted a specialist who is medically
qualified (not some charlatan) to give appropriate advice/recommendations. In particular where
as set out below often the cause of death by those who were vaccinated is subjected to
concealment or false claims to avoid the general community to know the real cause of death even
more should work as a warning that something very serious untoward the rights to know is going
on. This kind of deception if anything should be sufficient to never allow any vaccination unless
all relevant details are known, at the very least. After all, if there was no real issue then why the
concealment and fraudulent claims?

COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense

Cardiothoracic Surgeon Warns FDA, Pfizer on Immunological Danger of COVID Vaccines in Recently
Convalescent and Asymptomatic Carriers
The Defender reported:
In a letter to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Pfizer and the press, Dr. Hooman
Noorchashm warns of an “almost certain immunological prognotication that if viral antigens
are present in the tissues of subjects who undergo vaccination, the antigen specific immune
response triggered by the vaccine will target those tissues and cause tissue inflammation and
Noorchashm, M.D., Ph.D., is a physician-scientist and advocate for ethics, patient safety and
women’s health. He specializes in cardiothoracic surgery and has taught and practiced medicine for
nearly two decades.
“Dr. Noorchashm’s prognostications of harm in elderly individuals with cardiovascular disease
coincides with the numerous reports of unexplained cardiovascular deaths following COVID-19
vaccination in Norway, Germany, the UK, Gibraltar and the U.S.,” said Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN,
director and president emerita of Children’s Health Defense.
Did CDC Deliberately Mislead Public on Allergic Reactions to Moderna Vaccine?


This precisely underlines what I write about in “20210213-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H.

Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. ISSUE -TGA, vaccinations, DNA & the Rule of LAW-Suppl-1”.

p2 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
When the immune system has already created antigens against COVID and then due to a
vaccination the “mRNA” changes the DNA and different antigens are then created, this can so to
say end up in a war between the different antigens with the prise being the death of the
individual. Yet, the cover up to pretend that those vaccinated somehow died natural causes or
whatever to avoid acknowledging that the vaccination may have been the real culprit I view is
totally unacceptable.
As shown below the deception is also to essentially use out of date details, that are by far under
reported allegedly a mere 1% of the real vaccination issues and so the overall conduct by
politicians, the medical profession and others should be sufficient in my view for all persons to
decline any involvement in vaccinations unless and until all relevant details are honestly
published. We should never tolerate the playing with the lives of innocent persons merely so
pharmaceutical companies can make a lot of monies and the politicians and those in the medical
profession may perhaps get some financial kickback one way or another.

COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense
The Defender reported:
The CDC’s choice to use VAERS data to calculate the rate of anaphylaxis associated with
Moderna’s vaccine is idiosyncratic and troubling. Why?
First, VAERS is a “passive” reporting system, which results in a high degree of underreporting. In
fact, a 2010 study (Lazarus et al, 2010) commissioned by the CDC, concluded that “fewer than 1%
of vaccine injuries” are reported to VAERS. A 2015 study (Shimabukuro et al, 2015) similarly
concluded that vaccine adverse events are underreported.
The other problem with VAERS? Reports often get filed only weeks or months after the event,
which means the data is not current.
There are other reporting systems that the CDC could have used to calculate anaphylactic reactions
to Moderna’s vaccine.
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s
Body • Children's Health Defense
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation
This is unfortunate, since this was the very cohort that the CDC targeted for the first round of
vaccines. There are 34 million Americans over 70. Therefore, a vaccine that kills one in every 21
seniors could conceivably cost the lives of 1,619,047 Americans — far more than have died from
Furthermore, Moderna tested its vaccine on a carefully selected group that included only the
healthiest representatives of each age group. Moderna purposefully excluded individuals with
comorbidities or vulnerabilities. The Moderna study group, as a whole, had 1/6th the daily death
rate of average Americans. In other words, Moderna’s trial tells us virtually nothing about the
safety of its vaccine on average Americans in any age group

If the USA has a population of say about 380 million people and there are 4 million over 70 then
this means that about 380 : 34= 11. 176%
With Australia having about 27 million population (give and take a few) then this would be say
estimated about 27: 11.176%= 2,415,891 over the age of 70. Then, if 1 in 21 will died because of the
vaccination then this represents 2,415,891:21= 115,042 persons over the age of 70 to die from the
vaccination, that is estimated in Australia.

p3 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s
Body • Children's Health Defense
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation
Fauci justifies this high-risk gambit by arguing that, as they administer the Moderna vaccine
to millions of people, regulators will quickly see if it is causing unacceptable levels of injuries
or deaths. In that case, officials will make rapid course corrections, seamlessly shifting to less
dangerous products by Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson.
Here’s the big problem: This bold scheme can ONLY work if the existing surveillance system is capable of
detecting virtually all potential vaccine injuries over the first two months — the time when most vaccine-
related deaths are likely to occur. Since there is no placebo group, regulators — using national health data —
could then compare death rates among recently vaccinated 80-year-olds to background death rates from
unvaccinated 80-year-olds over a similar two-month period. If fatalities occurring in the vaccinated group are
far greater than the national average over the same period, then we can assume that the vaccine is dangerous.

Fauci justifies this high-risk gambit by arguing that, as they administer the Moderna vaccine
to millions of people, regulators will quickly see if it is causing unacceptable levels of injuries
or deaths.

Hear the is referring to the lives of many and well who cares as after all the pharmaceutical
companies cannot be held legally liable. Well, in my view where the “vaccine” is not a “vaccine”
then legal liability must in any event remain with the pharmaceutical company. However, what
this shows in my view is that Fauci seems to care less about sacrificing human lives.
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s
Body • Children's Health Defense
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation
Medical establishment punishes doctors who report vaccine risks
VAERS has all the inefficiencies of any voluntary reporting system and many others that are unique.
Healthcare workers are unlikely to recognize, and even less likely to report, most vaccine injuries.
According to Los Angeles physician Dr. Rachel West, “Physicians receive no training as to how to
recognize vaccine injury in medical school. To the contrary, we are taught that vaccine injuries don’t exist.
Most physicians don’t know how to identify them.”
There are overwhelming financial and professional disincentives to reporting. “No one pays us for the time
spent filing VAERS reports,” said West, “and most doctors don’t want to acknowledge to their patients that
an intervention they recommended caused a death or severe injury. It’s always easier to dismiss injuries as
‘unrelated to the vaccine.’”
Most importantly, the medical establishment actively discourages medical professionals from reporting
injuries. “We are punished in hundreds of subtle and direct ways if we acknowledge that a vaccine caused
harm,” said West. The medical cartel treats doctors who frequently report or treat vaccine injuries
as dangerous and irresponsible pariahs, and systematically punishes them.
Medical boards, acting as commissars for the orthodoxy that all vaccines are safe for all people, shut down
clinics and remove the licenses of physicians who take an interest in studying, reporting, and treating vaccine

What this underlines is that as it appears to me not only are there no specialist involved to
determine if any vaccine for a particular patient is suitable but neither is there any medical doctor
at hand to be able to evaluate the vaccination effect upon an individual. While it might be
claimed this relates to the USA, reality is I have not come across any better system in Australia.

p4 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s
Body • Children's Health Defense
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation
Media acts in concert with medical establishment to suppress acknowledgment of vaccine
The Tiffany Dover incident offers a template for how media and medical authorities act in concert to
gaslight the public to suppress reports of vaccine injuries.
Dover, a Tennessee nurse manager, collapsed on national TV after receiving a vaccine at a press event. Her
injuries reportedly required subsequent hospitalization. Med ical officials who sponsored the event and their
media partners immediately circled their wagons. Her hospital hastily released a statement that Dover had
suffered long-existing pain reflex unrelated to the vaccine. The credulous national press assured the public
that her loss of consciousness was not vaccine-related.
Dover’s accounts disappeared from social media. Social media campaigns censored and de-platformed
individuals who reposted the video of her collapse, or who speculated that vaccines played a role in Dover’s
To this day, no one knows what really happened to Dover. The media’s lack of curiosity should alarm anyone
interested in vaccine safety, as press scrutiny is often the lone force that safeguards the public from vaccine
companies that are immune from legal liability or market forces, in the case of mandated vaccines.
On Sunday, citing my “fake” Hank Aaron claim, the St. Paul Pioneer Press published an article urging the
national press to work with medical authorities to suppress news stories about COVID vaccine injuries. Such
advice is largely gratuitous. Denying vaccine injury is a survival skill for journalists.
When it comes to public health, the media no longer does journalism. Reporters instead play the role of
ideological inquisitors — guardians of the sacred orthodoxy that “all vaccines are safe and effective.” And as
with all orthodoxies, its zealots act in concert to silence, discredit and ban the heretics who question dominant
Among American journalists, blind faith in undeserving authorities has replaced critical thinking, healthy
skepticism, scientific literacy and peer review as the source of scientific knowledge. “Fact-checking” under
the current rubric means checking the disputed statement against the pronouncements of government agencies
like the World Health Organization or CDC. Fact checkers who are supposed to expose “vaccine
misinformation” are instead its purveyors.
Any discussions of the well-documented financial entanglements and corrupting conflicts between
the pharmaceutical companies and their captured regulators are similarly taboo in the mainstream media.
Hank Aaron’s death was unrelated to vaccines, the media told us, because the coroner said so. This script is
now so familiar that The New York Times can safely invent this coroner’s verdict, knowing that no reporters
will fact-check a story that supports vaccination. So why bother actually calling the coroner? The actual
definition of this exercise is not “journalism,” it is “propaganda.”
These public kabuki plays — starring Hank Aaron and Tiffany Dover — teach us all how to think and to
behave. The barrage of national media vituperation that met my common-sense question about Aaron is a
powerful object lesson for anyone tempted to voice similar heresies. My decades of experience on the front
line, my thick skin and inclination for combat, my infrastructure — the deep bench of scientists and
physicians who support CHD’s mission — all give me the resilience to withstand such attacks and to push
back. Very few people are similarly equipped.
But consider the effect that my high-profile public shaming will have on others tempted to proffer similar
questions about the sudden deaths of Cicely Tyson, Larry King and Andrew Brooks, the otherwise
healthy 51-year-old molecular neuroscientist who invented the COVID-19 saliva test before dying on Jan. 23
of an unexpected heart attack.
If any of these individuals received COVID vaccines, I can practically guarantee that none of their family
doctors reported those deaths to VAERS as potential vaccine events. It’s hard to imagine that any reporter or
investigative journalist in the country would be rash enough to incinerate their careers by investigating these
potential associations.
The media has thus made itself complicit in Pharma’s campaign to mask vaccine injuries. This “Pharmedia’s”
reflexive instinct to shame, marginalize, demonize and silence questioning is a formula for making vaccine
injuries vanish by fiat and intimidation. It is a recipe for a national health calamity.

As is very clear in Australia politicians and others are claiming that “disinformation” should be
removed from the internet. Reality is that they blame ordinary people for “disinformation” while
p5 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
reality is that often it is the true FACTS that the politicians and others are hiding. As such as the
above example shows, they are falsifying what really eventuating as to protect pharmaceutical
companies rather than the right of citizens to know the truth. This I view is also why many are
not willing to have any vaccination as when you also lose the trust in the medical profession who
are participating in this elaborate deception about the safety of vaccinations then only a fool
would trust them. The right to know is enshrined by the High Court of Australia in the Albert
Langer case so that electors can make an “informed” decision who to vote for. Just that the
politicians rather sacrifice the lives of the many to serve their pharmaceutical partners in crime.
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s
Body • Children's Health Defense
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation
VAERS allows dangerous vaccines to remain on the market
Vaccine proponents often argue that vaccine deaths are collateral damage in the battle against the pandemic,
and that no matter how many people die from a vaccination, the vaccine will still yield a net saving of lives.
But is that necessarily true? Is it possible that a particularly reactogenic vaccine (like Moderna’s) could even
kill more people than the disease against which it purportedly promises immunity? And is it possible that
health authorities would continue administering that vaccine year after year and never notice all the carnage?
As it turns out, this is quite possible. The most sickening example is the DTP. The DTP vaccine is the
world’s most popular inoculation. Approximately 116 million African children have been receiving DTP
shots annually for three decades. The World Health Organization, Bill Gates and others have long claimed
that DTP saves “ millions of lives.”
Then in 2017, the Danish government and a Danish vaccine maker, the Statens Serum Institut (SSI), funded
a study of the DTP to confirm its beneficial impacts on mortalities. After researching 30 years of data, the
scientists concluded that the DTP vaccine was probably killing more children than died from diphtheria,
pertussis and tetanus prior to the vaccine’s introduction.
Vaccinated girls were dying at 10 times the rate of unvaccinated children during the two months after
inoculation. While protecting the children from diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus, the vaccine had ruined their
immune systems, rendering them susceptible to other illnesses. The vaccinated children were dying of
pneumonia, bilharzia, leukemia, anemia, malaria and dysentery — all diseases that no one recognized as
vaccine injuries. For 30 years, no one realized that virtually all the deaths were occurring in the vaccinated

COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health
Tucker Carlson on COVID Vaccine Rollout: ‘Tons of Celebrity Endorsements, Not a Lot of Science’
The Defender reported:
Tucker Carlson has a few questions about COVID vaccines. At the top of his list is: “Why are
Americans being discouraged from asking simple, straightforward questions about [vaccines]?”
On Tuesday’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight” segment, the Fox News commentator suggested there’s
“nothing QAnon about questions like that.”
He continued:
“They are not conspiracy theories, they’re the most basic questions. In a democracy, every citizen
has a right to know the answer, but instead we got fluff and propaganda.”
Carlson then went on to say:
“The media rollout for the vaccine came off like a Diet Pepsi commercial at the Super Bowl. Tons
of celebrity endorsements, not a lot of science.”
p6 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
For decades, doctors and politicians have been claiming that vaccinations are “safe” but as now
the truth has come out the rate of death of vaccinated children can be as much as 10 times that of
unvaccinated children. From now on any politician/doctor claiming vaccines are safe should be
required to prove this in a court of law and failing this must be imprisoned for the rest of his/her
natural life for fraudulently placing the lives of innocent children at risk.

COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health
The Many Faces of COVID-19 Experimental ‘Vaccine’ Deaths
Ghion-Journal reported:
These are but a few of the countless victims mainstream media refuse to mention and politicians
conveniently overlook as they maliciously go about inflating the death count associated with
COVID-19. It’s a most pernicious endeavor; opinion leaders on all fronts omit more and more
people who are dying immediately after they take injections of a supposed “vaccine” or, as
evidenced by the links I provided above, go out of their way to dismiss the “vaccine” as a the cause
of death even though most of them were doing perfectly well up until they offered their arms as
sacrificial limbs to Biotech corporations.
These same chiselers deceptively lump people who die as a consequence of heart disease, diabetes,
cancer or a myriad of medical conditions into the COVID-19 mortality rate. There is of course a
reason they do this; hospitals are incentivized financially to report COVID-19 deaths. Providers are
being reimbursed by Medicare for each patient who is listed as being positive, on a ventilator
and/or passes away from the dreadful virus. Doctors are likewise being paid directly by CMS
upwards of $45 per injection. And of course we all know that our politicians are nothing more than
harlots who are being pimped out by Wall Street; most of them being funded directly by Biotech
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s
Body • Children's Health Defense
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation
Under the best circumstances, vaccine injuries are notoriously difficult — if not impossible — to
diagnose — so difficult, in fact, that doctors miss MORE than 99% of them, according to a 2010 U.S.
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) study.
Vaccine injuries wear so many guises that nobody even knows what they look like. Manufacturers’
U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-required product inserts on the 16 vaccines the Centers
for Disease and Prevention (CDC) recommends for children list some 400 ways that vaccines can
kill or injure people. These include heart attacks, myocardial infarction, strokes, seizures,
tachycardia, a long list of allergies and allergic reactions, encephalopathy, anaphylaxis, arteritis,
autoimmune injuries, blood clots, brain swelling, systemic inflammation, sudden death and many,
many others.
Vaccine injuries and deaths generally result from aggravations of existing comorbidities. But since the
vaccine rarely leaves a distinctive fingerprint, there is almost no way to determine if the vaccine
triggered the fatal event — even with an extensive autopsy.
The National Academy of Sciences has listed 175 injuries closely associated with vaccines, and
concludes that there is insufficient science to exonerate or definitively inculpate any of them.
In cases before the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (Vaccine Court), the government
routinely takes the reflexive position that something else caused the injuries. The Vaccine Court has
nevertheless paid out $4.5 billion for vaccine injuries. The deciding factor in most of these cases is
p7 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
timing; If the injury or death associated with that vaccine occurred within a few days or weeks
following inoculation, the court is more likely to assume culpability.

From this, it must be very obvious that no one can claim that vaccinations are safe because it is
extremely difficult to assess if they are safe at all.
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation — Coroner’s Office Never Saw Hank Aaron’s
Body • Children's Health Defense
National Media Pushes Vaccine Misinformation
Moderna’s clinical trials were inadequate to assess the vaccine’s risks to the elderly
Hank Aaron was 86 years old. The Moderna vaccine trials included no individuals over 80 years old
and only 20 individuals over 70. A study of this anemic statistical power could detect no special
vulnerabilities in people over 80 and could detect risks only from lethal injuries like heart attacks if
they killed more than 1 in 20 vaccine recipients over 70.
This is unfortunate, since this was the very cohort that the CDC targeted for the first round of
vaccines. There are 34 million Americans over 70. Therefore, a vaccine that kills one in every 21
seniors could conceivably cost the lives of 1,619,047 Americans — far more than have died from
Furthermore, Moderna tested its vaccine on a carefully selected group that included only the
healthiest representatives of each age group. Moderna purposefully excluded individuals with
comorbidities or vulnerabilities. The Moderna study group, as a whole, had 1/6th the daily death rate
of average Americans. In other words, Moderna’s trial tells us virtually nothing about the safety of its
vaccine on average Americans in any age group.
Nevertheless, the study results were bristling with red flags. Despite the extreme vitality of its elite
participants, Moderna’s Phase I clinical trial reported astonishingly high injury rates. A
stunning 100% of vaccine recipients suffered adverse events. Moreover, 6% of the low-dose group (1
in 20) and 21% of the high-dose group (1 in 5) reported “serious injuries” so grave that they
required medical intervention or hospitalization. The Moderna vaccine reported 5x the death rate in
Phase 2 as Pfizer’s vaccine.
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More
The study — published as a preprint1 paper — also found that around 60% of infected people did not report
any symptoms in the week leading up to their positive test.
This comes after the UK Biobank SARS-CoV-2 Serology study found that around one in four people with
evidence of past COVID-19 infection were completely asymptomatic, while 40% did not have one of the
three classic symptoms used to determine whether someone needs testing—fever, persistent dry cough, or
loss of sense of taste or smell.2
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More
“In about 30 days, we’re going to start another trial that is six months to 17 years old, but that’s about
30 days away,” said Elizabeth Hoff, the executive director at DM Clinical.

p8 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
While that trial is 30 days away, Hoff is encouraging people to sign up now. She’s expecting a lot of
interest in trials for children.
Children weren’t a part of the initial large phase three trials so this is a big step in getting closer to
getting kids vaccinated.
“The more that adolescents are getting vaccinated, the more that our schools can open more safely and
that the teachers do feel [safer] and that the parents do feel [safer],” said Hoff.
From the young to our seniors, Houston Fights COVID-19 is calling on those 65 and older to
participate in several trials.

Well, now you can sacrifice your child so that “the teachers do feel [safer] and that parents do
feel [safer]”. To me this is utter crap as you do not have trails merely so someone may feel safer.
We now have this kind of Voodoo vaccination to make others to feel safer never mind you or
your child could end up permanently suffering serious adverse consequences or even death.
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More
The Defender reported:
As of Jan. Feb. 4, 653 deaths — a subset of 12,697 total adverse events — had been reported to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccinations. The numbers reflect reports filed between Dec. 14,
2020 and Feb. 4, 2021.
VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to
VAERS require further investigation before confirmation can be made that the reported adverse event was
caused by the vaccine.
As of Jan. Feb. 4, 653 deaths — a subset of 12,697 total adverse events — had been reported to the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting
System (VAERS) following COVID-19 vaccinations. The numbers reflect reports filed between Dec. 14,
2020 and Feb. 4, 2021.
VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to
VAERS require further investigation before confirmation can be made that the reported adverse event was
caused by the vaccine.
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More
California man tests positive for COVID-19 weeks after getting second vaccine dose
The Mercury News reported:
Monday marked three weeks since a Lake Forest man received his second dose of the Pfizer
COVID-19 vaccine, and one day since he got a positive COVID-19 test result.
“Yesterday, I got a phone call from the Orange County Health Department,” Gary Michael said.
“They told me that, yes, I’m positive with coronavirus, and they went through my symptoms and
the precautions of what I should do as far as quarantine.”
Michael was tested for the virus when he went to Mission Hospital in Mission Viejo on Saturday
for an unrelated health issue.
“You might be surprised by this man’s story, this patient’s story, I’m not, and it’s not the first one
that I’ve heard of,” Dr. Tirso del Junco Jr., chief medical officer of KPC Health, said. “I think I’ve
heard of six or seven independent cases over the last three weeks of individuals that have been

p9 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://
vaccinated with different timelines that have tested positive, and I think we’re going to continue to
see that more and more.”

When this man had his second dose already weeks earlier and nevertheless contracted COVID
then one has to question if the vaccination was of any use at all or that the vaccination caused the
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More • Children's Health Defense
COVID Vaccine Trials to Include Participants as Young as 6 Months + More
The Times of Israel reported:
A new coronavirus treatment being developed at Tel Aviv’s Ichilov Medical Center has successfully
completed phase 1 trials and appears to have helped numerous moderate-to-serious cases of COVID-
19 quickly recover from the disease, the hospital said Friday.
Hailing a “huge breakthrough,” the hospital said Prof. Nadir Arber’s EXO-CD24 substance had been
administered to 30 patients whose conditions were moderate or worse, and all 30 recovered — 29 of them
within three to five days.
The medicine fights the cytokine storm — a potentially lethal immune overreaction to the coronavirus
infection that is believed to be responsible for much of the deaths associated with the disease.

* It seems to me that this peddling of “safe” vaccines is really deliberate ploy to con people into
taking the vaccines.
**#** That is how I view it also. In my view, no proper testing has so far been conducted
specifically regarding the most vulnerable persons in our society, and as such, I cannot accept
that the TGA somehow nevertheless could approve such so called “vaccines”. To claim that there
is an urgency to nevertheless approve the “vaccines” is utterly and sheer nonsense, as if such an
urgency existed then Moderna and others could have included an appropriate ratio of the
individuals with “comorbidities or vulnerabilities” to ensure the likelihood of approval.
Therefore, any kind of approval, if any at all, must exclude the usage for any person who has
“comorbidities or vulnerabilities”.
We, as a society, must never gamble with the lives of the most vulnerable merely because it may
suit the sickening mantra of politicians and pharmaceutical companies. The mere fact that
Moderna and others specifically excluded those with “comorbidities or vulnerabilities” to
ensure the likelihood of approval underlines that it likely was well aware it could never so to say
pass the sniff test.
*.You advice is?
**#** No approval of any vaccine by the TGA that is not properly tested for the very
individuals for whom it is to be used.
We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.

Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)

MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p10 14-2-2021 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: [email protected]. For further details see also my blog at Http://

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