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A Practical Guide

for the Professional Brewer

to the World's Classic Beer Styles
from A to Z

by Horst Dornbusch

with Sponsorship & Technical Edits by

Brew Systems since 1677

March 21, 2010


The U LTIM AT E ALMANAC of WORLD BEER RECIPES contains 92,300 words. Some 10,000 of these are pu re
numbers for such va l ues as gra vities, alcohol contents, beer colors, and malt and hop quantities. The math for
these values was first executed on elaborate Excel spreadsheets. Then the results had to be transferred
manually into the manuscript in Word. Though the author and technical editors took great care to proofread
and double-check all num bers and facts before the books went to press, several errors are known to date to
have sl ipped our collective attention. In addition, a regrettabl e mathematical error occurred in the hop
calculations for several beers. Unfo rtunately, correcting even a minor error on a page requires reprinting that
page and its opposite. A package of reprinted correction page will be available sho rtly upon request from
Weyermann<�>, SCHULZ, and Barth- H aas . Meanwhi l e, pl ease fix the values that were transposed in error from
the list below and from the reverse side manually in your printed copy.

1. The grist percentages for Caraam ber<�> and Carared® in the Amber English Ale on page 72 should
be 10% each, not 15%. The ma lt quantities listed in pounds, ounces, kilograms, and grams,
however, are correct.
2. The OG of Blond American Ale on p. 89 is 1.042 (10.5 •p); the FG is 1.012 (3 •p).
3. The OG for So uthe rn E ngl i sh Brown Ale o n p . 100 i s 1.048 (12 •p); the F G i s 1.012 ( 3 •p),
4. The color of the California Common on p. 101 is 11.3 SRM/28.8 EBC.
5. The AA-values for Taurus, Tradition, and Smaragd/Emerald on p. 112 are 8.5; 5.5; and 5,
respecti vely .

6. The second malt I n the Dunkelweizen o n p . 122 is Pale Wheat; the EBC va l ue i s 37.8, not 38.8.
7. The BU-value In the Gruitbier on p. 133 is, of course, 0; the colo r should be 19.9 SR M/52.5 EBC.
8. The OG of Kelsch on p. 143 is 1.045 (11.25 •p).
9. The g rist percentage for Pilsner malt in Maibock on p. 155 is 60%, not 42%. The malt quantities
listed in pounds, ounces, kilograms, and grams, however, are correct. The color is 8.4 SRM/20.9
10. The BU va lue for Modern Czech Pilsner Ill on p. 175 is 20; the SRM value, 2.3.
11. The Pale Ale in the Baltic Porter on p. 176 is 65% of the grist; the smoked malt is 16%.
12. The FG of the Classic Porter on p. 177 is 3.25 •p, not 2.75 •p.
13. The grain bill for the London Porter on p. 181 is 33% each of Pale Ale, Carared®, and Caraamber®,
and 1% of Ca ra fa ® I. The malt quantities listed in pounds, ounces, kilograms, and grams, however,
are correct.
14. The color of the Robust Porter on p. 182 is 30.3 SRM/79.1 EBC.
15. The OG of Pump kin Ale on p. 185 is 1.056 (14 •p); ABV/ABW should be 5.8% and 4.6%,
16. The OG and FG of Scottish Ale on p. 206 are 9.5 •p and 3 •p, respecti vely. In the style d escri ption
on p. 205, the enzyme sequence is reversed in t he sentence: "All Scottish or Scotch ales are
mashed in thick for a rest of 60- 90 minutes at a relatively high 158 •F (70 •q for a
saccharification that favors beta- instead of alpha-amylase activity." The sentence must read "...
that favors alpha- instead of beta-amylase activity."
17. The FG of Sticke on p. 208 is 3.25.P; the ABW is 4.7%.
18. The bittering hop in the Irish Stout on p. 214 is Ta rget; the aroma hop is none.
19. The OG of the Weissbier on p. 221 is 1.052; the color is 5.3 SRM/12.9 EBC.
20. The specifications for Zoi glbie r on p. 228 are: OG 1.049 (12.25 •p); FG 1.013 (3.25 •p); 13.2
SRM/33.8 EBC; ABV 4.8%; ABW 3.8%.
21. The SRM for Zwickelbier on p. 230 is 24.25.

Bockbier (p. 92)

HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 191 (g)
Bittering: Taurus 8.5 2.73 77 3.2 91 0.5 15
Flavor: Tradition 5.5 1.28 36 1.5 42 0.2 7
Aroma: Smaragd 5 0.64 18 0.7 21 0.1 3
Dunkelweizen (p. 123)
Bittering: Mittelfruh 4.6
Aroma: Mittelfri.ih 6.1
Ice Beer (p. 135)
I B ittering : Taurus 15.5 1.05 30 1.2 35 0.2 6
Engl ish IPA (p. 138)
Bittering: Geldings 5 9.04 256 10.6 301 17
. 49
Flavor: Fuggles 4.3 3.93 111 4.6 131 0.7 21
Aroma: Goldings 5 3.93 111 4.6 131 0.7 21
Kellerbier (p. 141)
I Bittering: Hersbrucker 14.5 15.02 426 17.6 499 2.8 81
American Lager (p. 146)
Bittering: Taurus 1.1
Aroma: Saaz 0.3
American Light Lager (p. 147)
Bittering: Taurus 0.8
Aroma: Saaz 0.2
American Premium Lager {p. 148)
I Bittering: Taurus I 15.5 1.50 43 1.8 50 0.3 8
European Light Lager {p. 150)
Bittering: Spalter 6.2
Aroma: Saphir 3.1
Lambie {p. 153)
I Bittering: Fuggles 4.3 2.74 78 3.2 91 0.5 15
American Pub Wheat (p. 184)
I Bittering: Warrior® 15.5 1.64 47 1.9 55 0.3 9
Pumpkin Ale (p. 185)
Bittering: Fuggles 4.3 5.97 169 7.0 199 1.1 32
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Geldings 5 4.99 142 5.9 166 0.9 27
American Rye Ale (p. 194}
I Bittering : Warrior® 15.5 1.64 47 1.9 55 0.3 9
Foreign Export Stout (p. 212)
I Bittering: Target 11 4.12 117 4.8 137 0.8 22
Zoiglbier (p. 228)
Bittering: Hersbrucker 11.1
Aroma: Mittelfri.ih 4.4
Zwickelbier {p. 230)
Bittering: Hersbrucker 12.6
Aroma: Mittelfruh 7.6



A Practical Guide
for the Professional Brewer
to the World's Classic Beer Styles
from A to Z

by Horst Dornbusch

with Sponsorship & Technical Edits by

Published by Cerevisia Communications
P.O. Box 719
West Newbury, MA 01985

Copyright © Horst Dornbusch, 2010

All rights reserved. Without limiting the rights under the copyright reserved above,
no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored i n or introduced into a
retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise}, without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner of this book, at the address above, except by a
reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

Printed in Bamberg, Germany

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN: 978-0-9844449-0-8

Disclaimer: The recipes i n this book are based on the author's and technical
editors' combined international brewing experience stretching over several
decades. They have also benefited from the technical expertise and
resources available within the three sponsor companies, the Barth-Haas
Group, SCHULZ Brew Systems, and the Weyermann® Malting Company. The
recipes are thoroughly researched to ensure their authenticity. However,
because classic beer styles have evolved as part of the living brewing past,
the author and technical editors freely and cheerfully admit that there may
be other equally legitimate interpretations of the brew-historical record.
Therefore, style specifications, appropriate ingredients, and brew-technical
procedures are always subject to interpretation and debate. The recipes
presented here are purposefully adapted for a modern brewery operation,
that is, for technologically advanced SCHULZ systems as well as for top­
quality Weyermann® malts and Barth-Haas hop products. They are intended
for use by professional brewers, who understand the particular
characteristics and capabilities of their brew equipment. Depending on
specific local brewery setups, the recipe parameters may need to be
adjusted to fit existing physical and technological conditions. Therefore,
though the recipes have been designed with the outmost care, neither the
author nor the technical editors can warrant the success of each and every
recipe in each and every brew house and cellar configuration under all
Table of Contents

Recipe Index............................................................................................................ 7
Beer Styles in Appendix... .................. ......... .................. ............ ............ ......... ........ 10
Acknowledgements .............................. ............ ... ... ... ... .......................................... 11
Foreword by Dr. Wolfgang Stempfl ......... .... .... .... ... ........................................... 13
About this Book. ................. ...... ................................. ......... ..................... ... ...... ...... 14
About Malt ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ..... . ... ...... ... . ..... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... . ........ ... . ..... ... ...... ... ...... 16
Color .............. ............................................................................................... 17
Moisture Content ............ ... ... .. . ... ......... ... . .. ................ .. ..... . ... ... ....... .. .. ....... 18
Extract %DBFG/%DBFG ....... .. ....... ... ..... ... ... ... .. . ... . .................. ......... ..... ... . 18
Protein ......................................................................................................... 19
Kalbach Index ...... ..................... ... ......... ... ...... ... ......... ............ ...... ......... ...... 19
Homogeneity ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ..... . ... ..... . .... .. ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... ... . 19
Friability .... ..... ... ......... ... ... ...... .... ..... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... .. .... ... ...... ... ...... ... ...... 20
Hartong Index (VZ 45 °C) ... ... ................................................................... . 20
Diastatic Power tLintner). . ......... ...... ......... ...... ... ... ...... ......... ... ............... 20
Conversion Time ............... ... ...... ......... ............ ... ...... ... ... ......... ...... ... .......... . 20
Viscosity (Malt)... ... ... ......... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... .... ... . . 21
About Mashing .... ............ ....................... ............ ................................................ ..... 22
Mash Viscosity. .. ... ............ ... ...... ... ... ......... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ......... ...... ... ...... ... . 22
Enzymes and Temperatures ... ............... ......... ......... .................. ............... 23
Single-Step Infusion Mashing ... ......... ......... ... ......... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ...... 25
Multi-Step Infusion Mashing ............ ... ... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... . 25
Decoction Mashing . . ...... . ........ ... ...... ............ ........ . . ........ ... ......... ............... 26
Extract Efficiency ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ... . 27
Grist Weight ... . .. ...... ... ... ... .. . ... ...... ... ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... ... .. . ... ... ... ... ... ... .. . ... . .. ...... 28
Gravities ... ... .. . ... . .. . .. .. . ... . .. ... .. . . .. ... .. . .. . ... ..... . ... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... .. . ... ... .. . ... .... .. 28
pH-Value ...................................................................................................... 29
Alcohol ........................... ...... ........................................................................ 30
Brewing with Sugar ... . ..... ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ...... ... ..... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... . . 31
Brewing with Honey ............ .... ..... ............... . ....... . ............... ...... ...... .......... 32
About Hops ...... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... . ..... ... ............ ... ... ... ......... ... ......... ... ...... ...... ... ... .... . 34
Pellets .......................................................................................................... 35
T-90/T-45 Pellets.. . ... ......... ............ ......... ... ...... ... ...... ... ......... ... ......... .......... 35
Hop Substitutions ... ............ ... ......... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ...... ... ......... ....... . 36
Hop Specifications........................................................... ........................... 37
Hop Utilization ... ... ............ ... ......... ... . ..... ... ... ...... ...... ... ................... . ........... 39
Bitter, Flavor, Aroma Hops: Definitions ...... ... ........................................ 39
Bitter Unit Calculations ... ............. .. ... ...... ............... ................................. . 40
"Down-Stream" Hop Products . . . ..... .. . ... ...... ... . .. ... ... ... ...... ... . .. ... ... ... ... ... . . 41
About Water ... ... ...... ... ... ... ...... ... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... . ..... ... ...... ... ......... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... ...... 44
Brewing Liquor Around the World ... ... . .. ... ... . .. ... ... ... ... . .. ... ... . ..... ... . ........ . 43
About Yeast............................................................................................................. 47
About Brew Systems. . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ......... ... ...... ......... ... ......... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... . 48

Configuration and Layout ..... ...... .................. ............ ...... ...... ............ ...... 48
Brew System Quality Variables..... ....... ...... ............ ............ ............ ... ..... 49
Brew Systems for the Future.. .... ... ...... ............ ............ ...... ...... ...... ...... .... 50
The ECO-Burner ... . .... ....... ... ... .. .... ......... ... ......... ... ........ ..... . ... ... . .. . .... . ... .. 52
What's a Style Anyway?........................................................................................ 53
Beer Styles and Their Ingredients . . . .. ...... ...... .... .......... .. ... ........ ...... .. .... .. 55
About the Sponsors ... ...... ......... ... ...... ... ...... ... ... ...... . ..... ... ...... ...... ... ...... ... ... ... ... ..... . 56
Barth-Haas Group.. ........................................... .................. ...................... . 56
SCHUU Brew Systems . ... ...... ... ....................................... ......... ............ .... 57
Weyermann® Specialty Malting Company ............................... .. .......... 58
Unit Conversion Table ...... ..................................................................................... 60
101 Recipes of the World's Classic Beer Styles A - Z. ... ........................ . ... ... . 61
Appendix: The World's 11Minor" Beer Styles A - Z .......... .. ............... ...... .. . . . . 231
About the Author and Technical Editors ... . ... ....... ... .... . . . .. .... . . . . ................... . 244

Recipe Index
Abbey Ale Dubbel ....................................... .......................................... .................. 64
Abbey Ale Triple ................................. ............... ............ ................................. ......... 66
Altbier, Dusseldorf .................................................................................................. 68
Altbier, Westphalian ... .............................. ...... ............ ... ............ ............ ...... .......... 69
Amber Ale, American ............................................................................................. 71
Amber Ale, English ...................................................... ........................................... 72
Barley Wine, English & American ......................................................................... 74
Berliner Weisse ....................................................................................................... 76
Biere blanche (see Wit Beer)................................................................................. 227
Biere de garde ........................................... ............................................................. 78
Biere de mars, Alsatian ................................................ .......................................... 80
Biere de mars, Belgian (see Lambie).................................................................... 152
Biere de printemps (see Biere de mars, Alsatian).............................................. 80
Biere de saison ...... ............ ........................ .................. .................. ......... ................. 82
Bitter, Best ... ........................ ......... ................................. ..................... ... .................. 84
Bitter, Extra Special ................................................................................................ 86
Bitter, Ordinary ......... ................................................... ........................... ................ 88
Blond Ale, American ... ..................... ........................... ... ........................ ......... ........ 89
Blond Ale, Belgian ... ...... ....................................... ......... ........................ ... ............. . 90
Blueberry Ale, (see Fruit Ale, American).............................................................. 126
Bockbier ................................................................................................................... 92
Braggot .................................................................................................................... 94
Brown Ale, American ...... ............................................. ......... ................................. 96
Brown Ale, Belgian ... ...................................................................... ................... .... 97
Brown Ale, Northern English ........................................................................... ...... 99
Brown Ale, Southern English ................................................................................. 100
California Common ... ............ .......................................... ........................ ... ............. 101
Cassis (see Kriek) ...................................................................................... ............. 144
Cream Ale................................................................................................................. 103
Dampfbier................................................................................................................. 104
Dark Ale, American............ ..................................................................................... 105
Dark Ale, Belgian .................................................................................................... 107
Dark Ale, English...................................................................................................... 109
Dinkelbier................................................................................................................. 110
Doppelbock .............................................................................................................. 112
Dortmunder Export.......................................... ........................................................ 114
Double IPA, American (see lmperiaiiPA, American)........................................... 140
Dubbel (see Abbey Ale, Dubbel)............................................................................ 64
Dunkel, Bavarian...................................................................................................... 116
Dunkel, Bohemian .......... ....................................................................................... 118
Dunkelbock...... ... ............... .................. ............ .......................................................... 120
Dunkelweizen........................ .................................................................................... 122
Eisbock ...................................................................................................................... 124
Emmerbier (see Dinkelbier) .................. .................................................................. 110
ESB (see Bitter, Extra Special).......................................... ...................................... 86
Faro (see Lambie).................................................................................................... 152
Festbier (see Oktoberfest/Miirzen).............................. ......................................... 160
Framboise (see Kriek) .............................................................................................. 144
Froagh (see Gruitbier)............................................................................................. 132
Fruit Ale, American ................................................................................................. 126


Golden Ale, Belgian ....................................... ......................................................... 128
Gueuze (see Lambie) ............................................................................................... 152
Gose, Leipziger ......... ................................................ ..................... ...... ... .................. 130
Gruitbier ............................................................... ...................................................
. 132
Heather Ale (see Braggot) ...................................................................................... 94
Hefeweizen (see Weissbier)................................................................................... 221
Helles (German/Munich)....................................... ................................................. 134
Honey Beer (see Braggot).............................. .... ................. ..... ... .. . ...... . . . .... ..
. . . . . . . . . 94
Ice Beer ...... ... .............................................. ................................................. ............. 135
India Pale Ale, American ........................................................................................ 136
India Pale Ale, English.................................................................. ........................... 137
lmperia/IPA, American ............................................................................ ............... 140
Kellerbier ..................... ...... ....................................................................................... 141
Kolsch ... ... ........................................................................ .......................................... 143
. . . . .
Kriek .................................... ..................... .................... ....... ...... .. .......... ...... ......... 144
Lager, American ............ ................................................ ......... ................................. 146
Lager, American Light ............................................................................................. 147
Lager, American Premium .................................................................................... . . 148
Lager, European Amber.......................................................................................... 149
Lager, European Light............................................................................................. 150
Lager, European Red............................................................................................... 151
Lambie..................................................................................................................... 152
Maibock ......... ........... .................. ... ......... ... .................. ..................... ....................... 155
Malt Liquor............................................................................................................... 157
Mild Ale (English) .................................................................................................... 159
Oktoberjest/Miirzen.................................................................. ............ ................. 160
Old Ale ................................. ..................................................................................... 163
Oud Bruin (see Brown Ale, Belgian) ...................................................................... 97
Pale Ale, American .................................................................................................. 164
Pale Ale, English ...................................................................................................... 166
Peche (see Kriek) ...................................................................................................... 144
. . .
Pils/Pilsener, German ... ... .. ..................... ................... .......................................... 168
Pilsner, American ..... .............................. ..................... ........................ ... ................ 170
Pilsner, Classic ..... .. ............ ............... ... ..................... ..............................................
. . 171
Pilsner, Czech, Modern (I)....................................................................................... 173
Pilsner, Czech, Modern (II}..................................................................................... 174
Pilsner, Czech, Modern (Ill}.................................................................................... 175
Porter, Baltic ... ............... .......................................................................................... 176
Porter, Classic .............. ........................ ........................... ..................... ... ................ 177
Porter, Dry ............... ................................................ ...... ........................................... 178
Porter, German .. ......... ................................. ............... ...... ...................................... 179
Porter, London... ............ ................................................ .......................................... 181
Porter, Robust ... ............ ...... .................................................................. ................... 182
Pub Wheat, American .............................. ........................... ......... ... ........................ 184
Pumpkin Ale ..................................................................... ........................................ 185
Rauchbier .................................... ............... ......... ........................ ............ ... ......... .... . 187
Red Ale, Flanders ..................................................................................................... 189
Red Ale, Irish ............................................................................................................ 191
. . . .
Roggenbier ......... ................ ... ...................... ......................................................... 192
. .
Rye Ale, American ............................... ........... .. .. ................................. .................. 194
. . .
Sahti .. .............. .............. ........ .......................... ........................... .................... ....... . 195


Schwarzbier, Franconian ............................................................. .............. .......... . . . 198

Schwarzbier, Thuringian ......................................................................................... 200
Scotch Ale ............ ........................... ............ ......... ... ...... .................. .......................... 202
Scottish Ale ......... ....................................... ... ......... ... ............... ................................. 205
Smoked Ale, American ............ ............ ... ........................ ... ...... ... ......... ... ... .............. 207
Spelt Beer (see Dinkelbier)...................................................................................... 111
Steam Beer® American (see California Common) ................. . ........................... . . 110
. . . .
Sticke ............................ .................. ............... ....... ................................................. 208
Strong Ale (see Old Ale) ................. ......................................................................... 163
Stock Ale (see Old Ale) ............................................................................................ 163
Stout, Belgian ...... .................................................................................................... 210
Stout, Foreign Export ........................ ...................................................................... 212
Stout, Irish ................................................................................................................ 214
Stout, Oatmeal ........ ............ .................. ............................................................... 216
Stout, Russian Imperial ............................. .............................................................. 217
Stout, Sweet.............................................................................. . .............................. 219
Trappist Ale (see Abbey Ale}.................................................................................. 64
Triple (see Belgian Abbey Ale, Triple}................................................................... 66
Vienna Lager..................................................................... ........................................ 220
Wiener Lager (see Vienna Lager) ......... ................................................................. 220
Wee Heavy (see Scotch Ale) .............................................................................. .... . 202
Weissbier.. ... ....................................... ..................... ... ............ ............... ...... ...... ....... 221
Weizenbier (see Weissbier)..................................................................................... 221
Weizenbock ........ ............................................................ ......................................... 223
Weizendopplebock (see Weizenbock) ...... ............ ............................................... 223
Weizeneisbock (see Weizenbock) ................................................................ ........ . . 223
Wiess ............................................................ ............................................................. 225
Witbier/biere blanche ............................................................................................. 227
Zoiglbier .................................................................................................................... 228
Zwickelbier............ ............... ............ ...... ............... ......... ... ......... ... ............ ............... .. 230


Beer Styles in Appendix

AlsterIAlsterwasser Liege Saison

American Wild Ale Louvain Peeterman Wit
Biobier Malzbier
Black& Tan Mead
La Blonde van Vlaanderen Millet Beer
Broyhan Beer Molasses Beer
Canadian Ale Mumme
Champagne Ale Musa Beer
Chicha Near-Beer
Chocolate Ale/Lager Okobier
Christmas Beer Organic Beer
Diatbier L'Orge d'Anvers
Diesel Potato beer
Diest Potsdamer Stangen-Bier
Diinnbier Quinoa Beer
Eblulum Radler/Radlermass
Erntebier Rice Wine
Festbier Russ/Russ'n
G1rorns Saki
Ginger Beer Schlehenbier
Gluten-Free Beer Shandy
Gratzer Bier Sorghum Beer
Grozet Sour Beer
Griinkernbier Spiced Beer
Jopenbier Steinbier
Kamut Beer Texas Bock
Kefir Triple Bock
Kelpie Urbock
Keutebier Utopias
Koumiss Uytzet des Flandres
Krausenbier Weihnachtsbier
Kvass WeiPi
Landbier Zoeg of Tirlemont



The idea for a collection of recipes for professional brewers, in book form, of all the
world's beer styles has been kicking around in my head for almost two decades. One
of these days, I always said, I will write this book, because somebody should and
nobody has ... and then I merrily kicked the can down the road, again, and again, and
again. It's amazing how one can fill one's life to the brim with daily chores, while
grandly procrastinating when it comes to doing the big things.

Whenever I mentioned this book idea to friends in the brew industry I received
nothing but enthusiastic encouragement, especially from Sabine Weyermann and
Thomas Kraus-Weyermann. They both felt that such a tome could be the perfect
show-case for what brewers can do with Weyermann® malt. It was their contention
that I would not be able to find a single beer style that could not be made with their
malt, and that I would be welcome to brew anything I wanted to in the Company's
pilot brewery, a dream of a 2.5-hectoliter SCHULZ system, which I knew well,
because I had spent many a happy brew day there with Weyermann® brew master
Oliver Honsel.

So I boldly suggested that, if Weyermann® sponsored the book, I would actually

begin writing it. In fact, I proposed that SCHULZ, as a Bamberg neighbor and the
world's oldest brew equipment manufacturer, might be interested in participating as
well, and perhaps also Barth-Haas, the world's largest hop supplier, located just a
quick swish down the Autobahn in Nuremberg. Combining the technical expertise of
these three companies, each world leaders in their fields, I thought could only
strengthen the final result.

Thus, over a beer in Bamberg, the foundation for this book was laid. Soon I found
myself in negotiation about the details of the project with Johannes Schulz-Hess, the
CEO of SCHULZ Brew Systems, Stephan Barth, the CEO of the Barth-Haas Group, and
Sabine and Thomas. The final agreement was struck at the Drinktec in Munich in
September 2009, and we settled on finishing the project ready for the brewing public
at the Brewers Association Craft Brew Conference and BrewExpo America in Chicago,
in April 2010.

With this august trio of Franconian companies covering my back, I spent much of the
2009/2010 New England winter selecting the 101 greatest beer styles in human
history and nailing down their specifications, ingredients, and processes. For a
passionate beer scribe, this was bliss! I thought of Ella Fitzgerald's line from I got
Rhythm, "who could ask for anything more?"

I would like to give a special tip of the hat to Dr. Christina Schonberger of the Barth­
Haas Group; Jurgen Buhrmann, Oliver Honsel, and Andreas Richter of the
Weyermann® Malting Company, and the brew engineers of SCHULZ Brew Systems
for the thoroughness of their technical reviews; and to Silke Thomas of the
Weyermann® Malting Company for chaperoning the project through its physical
production cycle.


Iowe a special thank-you to my wife Elva for cheerfully suffering through weeks of
neglect during my solitary writing marathon and for proofreading the entire
manuscript before it went anywhere.

As I write these lines, the book is finally being readied for the printer in Germany. So
there is nothing left for me to do on this project, but to express my profound
gratitude to my sponsors. I thank them for their enthusiasm for the project, for their
daring in undertaking it, and for their trust in me to pull it off. I am honored!

Horst Dornbusch
West Newbury
Massachusetts, USA
March 2010


Bavaria, Germany
March 2010

Globalization is making the world one, impacting every field of human endeavor.
Brewing is no exception. With beer, brewing ingredients, and brew systems shipped
around the globe, with brew education offered on a global scale, and with our ability
to "build" any type of brewing water anywhere in the world, beer styles that were
once the province of distinct beer cultures within clear geographic boundaries, have
now become universal. Today, a brewer in the United States, Italy, Norway, or
Canada may brew a Belgian-style Abbey Ale just as likely as a brewer in Belgium may
brew an Irish-style Stout or a German-style Bock. Beer styles that have evolved
gradually over centuries are now taken as jumping-off points by innovative, modern
brewers to create what is probably the greatest global beer variety ever, which is a
glorious thing!

But all these new and exciting brews have their roots in what has come before them.
"What's past is prologue," proclaims William Shakespeare's Antonio in the second
act of The Tempest, and of course it is so. We all value the future, but, to know our
way, we must also look into the past. Yet, there has been no work to date that puts
all that tradition together in one volume for the professional brewer. What has been
lacking so far is a definitive archive of the past that can serve as the authoritative
basis for the brewing profession's own, unique "prologue." The Ultimate Almanac of
World Beer Recipes-A Practical Guide for the Professional Brewer to the World's
Classic Beer Styles from A to Z, therefore, goes a long way towards filling that gap. It
is a long-overdue book, which provides a solid set of recipes, presented in a crisp,
easy-to-use format, for replicating the world's greatest beer styles. Its pages
represent the global heritage of brewing, to be revered in the present and to serve
as an inspiration in the future. It is the product of a perfect synergy of a group of
world experts in their fields: of the Barth-Haas Group, the world's leading hop
merchant and processor; of SCHULZ Brew Systems, the world's oldest and most
innovative brew equipment manufacturer; of the Weyermann® Malting Company,
the world's leading specialty malting company; and of Horst Dornbusch, a multi­
lingual and multi-cultural brew industry consultant and one of the world's leading
beer journalists.

This book is the practical reference guide for the serious brewer, and an
indispensible source book to be kept handy in any brew house anywhere in the
world ... as it will be in our library at Doemens Academy!

Dr. Wolfgang Stempfl

Managing Director and Dean
DOEM ENS Academy


About this Book

As the subtitle states, The Ultimate Almanac of World Beer Recipes is a practical
guide to the world's major beer styles from A to Z. It assumes that the reader is an
accomplished brewer who knows how to apply the specifications and short-hand
technical instructions in the recipes. How many beer styles there are exactly in the
world is always a matter of debate among experts. The (American) Brewers
Association Beer Style Guidelines recognize close to 150 styles and sub-styles; the
European Beer Star recognizes about 40. Even the most detail-oriented classification
may not exceed 200 styles. This book attempts to cover (/all" beer styles in the world,
past and present. It features 101 (/major" beer styles with descriptions, recipes and
brewing instructions. In addition, there are some five dozen "minor" beer style
entries listed in an Appendix at the end of this book, with brief style descriptions or

Some styles, however, may still be considered "missing." This is because this book
avoids, for the most part, the current and explosive trend of classifying styles
prefixed with such attributes as "extreme," "imperial," "double," or "American" as
separate styles. There are legitimate arguments for considering beers that are
exaggerated in one or more aspects-in hop bitterness, in maltiness, in alcohol
content, in choice of ingredients, or in spiciness-as new styles. Adding such beers to
this book, however, could easily have multiplied the number of recipes to several
hundreds. Suffice it to say that any one of the recipes in this book is perfectly
suitable for experimentation and adaption by creative brewers in quest of truly new
and unique brews. Nonetheless, given the book's comprehensive ambition, there is
no comparable professional recipe collection available to date, in any language,

The Ultimate Almanac of World Beer Recipes is deliberately constructed as a quick

and easy reference guide for the practical brewer. As such, it may not satisfy all
expectations of all brewers everywhere at all times. Here is what the book is not: It is
not a collection of poetic style descriptions. There are already books that do that
well. Nor is it primarily a list of style specifications and their ranges. Such lists exist
already. The {American) Brewers Association Beer Style Guidelines, for instance, are
an excellent resource for such information. This book does not purport to give
comprehensive brewing instructions. There are libraries of technical brewing text
books that take care of that. Instead, this book attempts to present a condensation
of all the key characteristics of all major and some of the minor beer styles so that a
professional brewer has enough information to start making the beer. This scope
makes the book both a modest and an ambitious endeavor. It certainly makes it

This book pools the combined resources and technical experience of three major
companies in the international brew industry: The Barth-Haas Group of Nuremberg,
which is the world's largest hop processor and hop trader; SCHULZ Brew Systems of
Bamberg, founded in 1677 and now the world's oldest and most innovative brew


equipment manufacturer; and the Weyermann® Malting Company also of Bamberg,

founded in 1879 and today the world's largest and most diverse specialty malt

All the recipes in this book are designed for use with the products of these three
companies. However, they can be adapted by professionals for any brew system and
any raw material. All quantities are listed for batch sizes of 1 U.S. barrel, 1 hectoliter,
5 U.S. gallons and 19 liters, for easy scaling up or down to suit any brew house size.
They are also uniformly based on a near-perfect nominal extract efficiency of 80%,
which is achievable in most modern brew houses for most beer styles. To apply the
recipes to brew houses with different extract efficiencies, simply adjust all quantities

For easy calculations, all quantities are provided in both metric units (decimal
system) and U.S.-English units, where applicable. All brew-technical formulas have
been selected for their ease of application by practical brewers in daily brew house
operations. Simplicity with reasonable precision rather than unwieldy complexity
with ultimate, laboratory-conform exactitude has been the criterion by which they
were chosen. Some formulas have their roots in the metric system, others in the
American/English system of measurements. All formulas, however, can be used in
either system of measurement by simply plugging in the respective conversion
factors from the Unit Conversion Table that can be found right before the recipe

The following pages contain a list of key terms and formulas they are applied in the
recipes in this book, with definitions and explanations.


The first written description of the preserving and
healthful effects of hops in beer is in a book entitled
Physico sacra (Sacred world) by Hildegard von Bingen
(1098 - 1 179), a Benedictine abbess, brew nun,
physician, natural scientist, and advisor to Emperor
Frederick I (a.k.a. Barbarossa). Hildegard drank beer
regularly and lived to be 81 years old, an incredible age
for that time. It is not surprising that some people like
to see a causal connection between her longevity and
her dedication to beer.


About Malt

Malt is made only from grain, any grain. Taxonomically, all grains belong to the grass
family (Graminae), and cereals are their edible seeds. Mankind's most important
cereal grains are barley, wheat, rye, corn, sorghum, millet, and oats. Bamboo and
reed, incidentally, are grasses, too. At least since the time of the ancient Egyptians,
mankind has known that grains make better beer if they are malted.

Barley, of course, is the brewer's grain of choice, mostly because it has plenty of
enzymes for the crucial conversions that need to take place in the malt house and in
the brew house before beer can emerge. Barley also has relatively few lipids. (While
corn oil is common and wheat germ oil is popular, barley oil is rare.) It is also
relatively low in protein and has well-developed husks-two characteristics that are
advantages for efficient lautering and filtering.

Literally dozens of barley varieties are suitable for making base and specialty malts.
Most of them are bred nowadays specifically for brewing rather than for other uses.
Wheat and rye varieties, on the other hand, tend to be multi-purpose grains that are
bred not just for brewing but also for food processing and as animal feed. Millennia­
old heirloom grains such as Dinkel (a spelt) are making a comeback in brewing, too.

Cereal adjuncts are grains that are added to the mash unmalted, usually in small
quantities to supply extra body and mouthfeel, and sometimes color and flavor, to
the finished beer. Barley and wheat can be used as adjuncts, as can rice, corn,
sorghum, and millet, and, in fact, any other grain. If adjuncts are used in large
amounts, as is common i n many industrial pale lagers, they are usually boiled in
adjunct cookers before being added to the mash.

Barley is planted either in the fall or in the spring. Fall plantings are invariably for six­
row "winter" barley, while spring plantings are for two-row "spring" or "summer"
barley. Both barleys are harvested in late summer. Compared to two-row barley, six­
row barley tends to contain more husk material, proteins, and diastatic enzymes per
amount of starch. Because of these qualities, six-row barley is the preferred base
malt for beers with large portions of adjuncts, which are usually deficient in husks,
protein content, and diastatic power.

Depending on the region of origin, two-row barley generally has between 8 and 11.5
percent protein content, rarely more; six-row barley, between 10 and 14 percent;
and wheat, as much as 15 percent. Grain develops more protein on the stalk if grown
i n a continental climate (in North Dakota, for instance) than it does if grown in a
maritime climate (on the British Isles, for instance).

Malt quality is determined essentially by two factors: the choice and quality of the
grain, and the competence and equipment of the maltster. There are several
variables that a brewer needs to understand when assessing malt quality. Quality
maltsters tend to disclose these as specifications with their products. The units of


measurement for these variables are often derived from standard, laboratory­
perfect mashes as reference norms. These mashes invariably produce higher yields
than tend to be achievable in most production brew houses.

The procedures, ingredients, equipment, and quantities for these benchmark

mashes are defined by various standard-making organizations. Most important
among these are the American Society of Brewing Chemists (ASBC) and the
European Brewing Convention (EBC). The units of measurement employed by these
organizations are not always identical, but, because they are standardized, can be
converted mathematically. One particularly prominent and internationally
recognized standard mash is the so-called "Congress Mash," defined by the EBC.

The following are explanations of the key malt variables that are of importance to

Color (SRM, 0L)

SRM is the acronym for Standard Research Method. SRM is usually applied to beer
color, while grain color tends to be expressed in degrees of Lovibond (OL}. Under
standard laboratory conditions, 1 ol of grain color produces 1 SRM of beer color. In
the European system, both grain and beer color is expressed by the same unit, EBC.

The formula used in this book for determining final beer color uses SRM-values. It is
calculated from each malt's Lovibond-values (OL}, the amount of each malt in a
particular grain bill (in U.S. pounds}, and the amount of green beer (in U.S. gallons)
produced with that grain bill. This simple formula comes from American brew house
practices, but it can be used in the metric system, too, by simply plugging equivalent
metric values for weights and volumes into the formula.

Beer color formula:


0L1, 0L2 ... 0Ln are the Lovibond values of the malts that make up the grain bill
lb1, lb2 ... Ibn are the amounts of each malt in U.S. pounds
V is the amount of green beer in U.S. gallons made from this grain bill

Example for a one-hectoliter (26.41721 gal} batch of Altbier made from a grain bill of
25.05 lbs. of 6 °L Weyermann® Munich I plus 8.35 lbs. of 17.45 ol Weyermann®
SRM = (6*25.05+17.45*8.35)/26.41721
SRM = (150.3+145. 7075}/26.41721
SRM 296.0075/26.41 721

SRM = 11.2051= 11.2 (rounded)

To convert SRM color values into EBC color values, or vice versa, this book uses the
following formulas:


y SRM = {y * 2.65) - 1.2 EBC

x EBC = (x * 0.375) + 0.46 SRM

11.2 SRM = {11.2*2.65} - 1.2 EBC
11.2 SRM = 29.68 - 1.2 EBC
11.2 SRM 28.48 EBC

11.2 SRM = 28.5 EBC (rounded)

28.5 EBC (28.5 * 0.375) + 0.46 SRM

28.5 EBC = 10.6875 + 0.46 SRM

28.5 EBC 11.147 SRM = 11.15 SRM {rounded)

Note: The difference between 11.2 SRM and 11.15 SRM is the result of cumulative

Moisture Content
The moisture content (MC) of barley at harvest time is usually around 12 to 17
percent. Once turned into malt, depending on the type of malt, the MC-value drops
to about 1.5 to 4.5 percent. Malts with an MC exceeding 6 percent are poorly kilned
and thus difficult to store without risking microbiological spoilage. Caramel malts,
which are steeped to produce glassy sugars, tend to have higher MC-values than do
fully dried pale malts or roasted malts.

Extract %DBFG/%DBCG
A malt's extract potential is expressed either as %DBFG (extract yield, dry basis, fine
grind) or as %DBCG (extract yield, dry basis, coarse grind). Also important for the
brewer is the difference between %DBFG and %DBCG.

The %DBFG is a measure of the maximum, theoretically possible, soluble content of

the malt, by weight, extracted under laboratory conditions, relative to a zero-percent
moisture content of the malt before mashing. A quality base malt should have a
%DBFG-value of at least 78 percent. The top %DBFG limit is slightly below 85
percent, even for the best malts under laboratory conditions.

The %DBCG, by contrast, also generated under standardized laboratory conditions,

gives the analogous extract value for a grind that more closely resembles a grist
produced by a real-life brew house mill. Any difference between the mathematical
%DBCG-value for a given grain bed and the actual extract result of a batch is an
indication of the quality of the brew system, including the mill.

Factors that may influence the deviation between actual brew house extract values
and %DBCG-values stated by the maltster are usually the performance of the mill,
the completeness of malt hydration during mashing, the mash regimen (single
infusion, multi-step infusion, decoction), the mash viscosity, the mash pH, and the
physical construction of the Iauter tun (in terms of false bottom design and height-


to-width ratio affecting grain bed depth). For a calculation of actual brew house
efficiencies, see the formula presented later in this section.

The difference between the theoretical values for %DBFG and %DBCG is a measure
of the malt's starch and protein degradation. I n general, the lower the difference
between the two grind values, the higher the degree of starch modification and the
easier it is to extract carbohydrates from the mash. Top-quality base malts should
have %DBFG/%DBCG differences in the range of 1 to 2 percentage points. Mashes
with grain beds having a %DBFG/%DBCG difference that is greater than 2.5
percentage points indicate a slight under-modification of grain starch. Such malts
may not perform well in a single-step infusion regimen.

Proteins are composed of nitrogen-based compounds such as amino acids. In a
barley kernel, 1 percent of nitrogen equals 6.25 percent of protein. A malt
specification sheet usually lists a total protein or total nitrogen value (TN). In either
case, the value represents the entire quantity of nitrogenous matter in the malt,
soluble and insoluble.

Malt with protein values exceeding 12% (1.9% TN) may cause lautering problems in
the brew house and haze problems in the finished beer. Higher-protein malt is
desirable, however, if protein-poor adjuncts such as rice or corn are used in the
mash. A grain bill with a combined protein level below 10%, on the other hand, may
be insufficient to provide the beer with a good body and a firm and stable head.
Because proteins are essential yeast nutrients, low protein/nitrogen values may also
lead to an incomplete fermentation.

Kalbach Index
This index indicates the ratio between soluble protein and total protein (soluble and
insoluble combined), whereby the soluble protein is expressed as a portion of the
total protein (measured as dry weight). Mathematically, the Kalbach Index is
calculated by dividing the percentage value of soluble protein by the percentage
value of total protein. Essentially, it tells the brewer how much of the entire protein
content of the malt has already been modified in the malting plant.

There are no hard thresholds for the appropriate Kalbach Index, but it is generally
accepted that top-quality base malt should have a Kalbach Index in a range of 36 to
44%. A higher index indicates over-modification, a lower index, u nder-modification.
With severely undermodified malts, brew house extract yields may be unduly low.
Malts with a Kalbach Index near or below the low end of the acceptability range,
therefore, tend not to perform well in a single infusion mash and are likely to
produce thin beers.

Barley kernels are always sorted for size by means of screen separation. In malt,
plump is better than thin, and the greater the amount of homogeneously plump
kernels in a batch of barley or malt, the better the average modification of the batch,


the more uniform the crush, and the better the brew house yield from that batch.
Any kernels below 2.2 millimeter in diameter are undesirable in a quality malt. As a
general rule, at least 90% of the kernel diameters in a batch should be
homogeneous, regardless of size. A malt with more than 95% of kernels at a
diameter of 2.5 millimeters, for instance, is considered excellent.

This is the capacity of malt to be crumbled or crushed during milling. It is expressed
as a percentage value. This variable is also referred to as mealiness, and it is the
opposite of a malt's glassiness, the latter being the amount of sugar that has
hardened or caramelized during the malting process. An acceptable base malt should
be at least 75% friable; 85% is considered good; while 95% is considered excellent.
Friability values above 95%, on the other hand, can be an indication of structural
defects-not health-of the malt. Such excessive friability may be caused by pest
infestations, such as Fusarium graminearum, which can cause the complete
destruction of the endosperm. In this context, the glassiness value of a top-quality
base malt may be between 0.5 and 3.0%.

Hartong Index {VZ 45 oc)

The Hartong Index is a measure of the extent of proteolytic and cytolytic enzyme
activity at a reference temperature, which, in turn, is an indication of the amount of
malt modification achieved by the maltster. The index is sometimes expressed as VZ
45 °(, whereby VZ stands for "Verhiiltniszah/," the German word for "ratio number;"
and 45 oc stands for the amount of that enzymatic conversion at a cool reference
temperature of 45 oc {113 °F). A few maltsters use a Hartong index of VZ 65 oc. A
Hartong Index of 40 ± 5 based on VZ 45 oc is considered excellent for modern base
malt. A value of 32 to 34 is considered excellent in traditional, "undermodified" floor

Diastatic Power
This index measures the strength of starch-reducing malt enzymes. A malt's diastatic
power {DP) is often expressed in terms of olintner. Sometimes DP is also listed as
lOB, which stands for the method of a nalysis developed by the UK Institute of
Brewing. An extremely well-converted malt may have a DP-rating of as low as 35
olintner, which means it is well suited for single infusion mashing. A top-quality
Pilsner base malt is likely to have DP-values in the vicinity of 100 olintner. A North
American two-row ale base malt may have a olintner value of 125 or above, while
some six-row malts may have olintner values exceeding 160. The ESC unit for
diastatic power is oWK {which stands for degrees Windisch-Kalbach). The conversion
between oWK and olintner is:

DP oLintner = tWK + 16)/3.5

Conversion Time
Conversion time is measured in minutes. It specifies the amount of time it takes,
under standard conditions, for the enzymes in a base malt to convert starches to
sugars. The conversion time is, of course, related to a malt's diastatic power. Malts


with high diastatic power have shorter conversion times than do malts with lower
diastatic power. A good base malt for any mash application should have conversion
times not exceeding 10 minutes. Extremely enzyme-rich six-row malts may have
conversion times as short as 5 minutes.

Viscosity (Malt)
Viscosity is a fluid's resistance to flow, and poise (P) or PA s (Pascal-second) is the
unit of measurement for the force required to overcome that resistance. In malt,
viscosity indicates the extent to which beta-glucans in the endosperm cell walls have
been broken down enzymatically during malting. Beta-glucans are viscous gums, and
beta-glucanase enzymes exert breakdown forces, in centipoises "cP" (one hundredth
of a poise) or "mPa s" (millipascal-second) during their degradation work. For
conversions among these unites: 1 cP = 1 mPa s = 0.001 Pa s.

The better the degradation of beta-glucans in the malt house, the lower the
subsequent viscosity of the wort in the brew house. Wort viscosity, therefore, is a
malt spec, indirectly. It is measured under standard laboratory conditions. A value
greater than 1.75 mPa s is considered high and is likely to cause Iauter problems. The
higher the value for mPa s is, the less the malt is suitable for simple infusion
mashing. Base malt values in the range of 1.4 to 1.58 mPa s are considered excellent.
Wheat malt, by comparison, has a viscosity of 1.60 - 2 .10 m PA s.


• In the mash, calcium reacts with phosphates
and amino acids f rom malt, which makes the
mash more acidic.
• Magnesium, too, acidifies the mash.
• Bicarbonates make the mash more alkaline,
but they precipitate when boiled, like scale in
a household tea kettle.
• Sodium in moderate amounts adds fullness
and sweetness to a beer, in large amounts,
sa lti ness .
• Sulfate increases the perception of hop
• Chloride decreases the perception of hop
bitterness. Like sodium, it also adds fullness
and mouthfeel to the finished beer.


About Mashing

Traditionally, as ideal types, most brewers have been using only two mash regimens,
with a few variations on each theme: infusion and decoction. While infusion {single­
step or multi-step) has been a staple of British-style ale-making, decoction {single,
double, or triple) has been a staple of Continental-European lager-making.
Nowadays, however, with the availability of modern, well-modified malts, decoction
mashing is being abandoned more and more, even in the bastions of traditional
lager-making. This is because decoction mashing is more time-, labor-, energy-,
knowledge-, and equipment-intensive than infusion mashing. Regardless of the
method by which a beer is presented in this book, however, it can be made by either
method, though the results may not be identical in all instances.

One of the key differences between the typical British and the typical Continental­
European mash method is the brew house configuration. While the traditional
British brewing method relies broadly on a two-vessel system composed of a mash­
lauter tun and a brew kettle {also known as a copper), the Continental-European
brewing method relies broadly on a two-vessel system composed of a mash-kettle
plus a Iauter tun, or on a three-vessel system composed of a mash tun, a Iauter tun,
and a kettle. Some brew house configurations even feature a fourth vessel, a
separate cooker, for boiling decoctions or for cooking cereals in recipes requiring
large amounts of cereal adjuncts. The more single-function vessels are installed in a
brew house, obviously, the more the more brew house processes can occur in
parallel and the more brews can be put through the system in a day.

In the Continental-European system, the mash must be slurry-pumped {or ladled, in

the old days) between vessels, while in a British system, the mash remains largely
undisturbed once the mash-in is complete. A Continental-European brew system can
easily be used for traditional British-type mashing, a British-type system, on the
other hand, is rarely convenient or efficient for traditional Continental-European­
style mashing, mostly because of mash-transfer limitations, mash-temperature
control issues, and the relatively small volume of the mash-lauter tun compared to
the kettle volume.

Mash Viscosity
In a British system, mash viscosity is usually rather high {a thick mash). Temperature
increases from mash-in to mash-out are usually accomplished through sparging after
the completion of the diastatic rest{s) instead of through heat application during the
mash time itself. This has been true at least since the 1850s, when the first
references to sparging began to appear in the Anglo-Saxon brew literature.
Depending on a brewer's preferences, the conventional ratio of brewing liquor to
malt in an infusion mash may range from one quart per pound of grist for a thick,
high-viscosity mash to about 2.5 q uarts per pound of grist for a thinner, lower­
viscosity mash.

In a traditional Continental-European system, by contrast, temperature rises in the

mash are usually accomplished by the application of external heat in jacketed


vessels, often in conjunction with thorough-and often lengthy-mash agitation to

avoid hot spots. Mashes in Continental-European systems, therefore, tend to be
much thinner (low viscosity) than in British-type systems. It is not uncommon for
such mashes to contain as much as 80 percent of the kettle volume in mash liquor
and, therefore, have the consistency more of a grain porridge than of a grain bed.

Also, while in a British-style system the grain bed remains covered with brewing
liquor throughout the entire lautering period, in a Continental-European system, the
grain bed is often allowed to run dry during lautering. It is then washed again with a
second, third, or even fourth dose of mash liquor, the so-called "Nachguss" i n
German (literally: "after-pour"), which may amount to 30 to 5 0 percent of the kettle

Though there are no set prescriptions for the "correct" water-to-grain ratio, you may
wish to consider the following general rules:

A thinner mash with a reduced amount of sparge liquor tends to produce first
runnings of relative higher gravities. It also may produce wort of lower pH values and
fewer tannins extracted from the grain husks. A long sparge through a thicker grain
bed, by contrast, has the opposite effect. Thinner mashes tend to produce better
extract efficiencies (higher original gravity values per given grain bed) than do thicker

On the other hand, there is a traditional, mostly British, view that thicker mashes
(made with, perhaps, 1 qt of water per l ib of malt) yield maltier beers. However,
because wort quality is critically determined also by malt modification, not just by
mash-tun geometry and grain bed thickness, much depends on the quality of the
malt and on the barley strains from which it is made!

A mash with malts of high homogeneity and high friability values (both above 90%),
for instance, should yield beers with exceptional maltiness under a great variation of
mash viscosities. High friability values are an indication of good cell wall modification
and proper cytolysis, which, in turn, allow for proper enzymatic access to all grain
compounds in the mash that are relevant for obtaining complex malt flavors.

Enzymes and Temperatures

Enzymes are protein structure that work as organic catalysts, which means they
cause a chemical reaction but are themselves not part of that reaction. They operate
only in very specific temperature ranges. They kick in at one temperature, peak at a
second, higher temperature, and become denatured and stop working at a third,
even higher temperature. Once denatured, an enzyme is permanently destroyed. It
cannot be regenerated by lowering the temperature.

Here is summary of the relationships between mash temperatures and enzyme



Mash Enzyme Activity

Temperature Enzyme Function Activity
95 ° F 35 oc Gum conversion Start
38 ± 2
100 ± 5 OF Phytase Mash acidification Start
104 °F 40 oc Protein conversion Start
Beta-amylase Starch to simple sugar
104 °F 40 °( Start
(diastatic) conversion
113 °F 45 °( G u m conversion Peak
45 oc -
113 O F - 13 1 OF Phytase Mash acidification Peak
122 O F so oc Protein conversion Peak
131 OF 55 °( Gum conversion Denatured
56 oc-
131 OF - 145 OF Phytase Mash acidification Denatured
140 OF 60 oc Protein conversion Weaken
Starch to complex,
140 O F 6 0 oc unfermentable sugar Start
Beta-amylase Starch to simple sugar
149 °F 65 oc Peak
( diastatic) conversion
Beta-amylase Starch to simple sugar
158 OF 70 oc Denatured
(diastatic) conversion
Starch to complex,
162 °F 72 °( unfermentable sugar Peak
176 °F 80 oc Protein conversion Denatured
Starch to complex,
176 OF 80 oc unfermentable sugar Denatured

Based on the above list, it is obvious why rests at approximately 100 oF {38 oq; 122
OF {50 °C}; 149 OF {65 °C}; and 162 °F {72 oq have become classic benchmarks for a
complex multi-step mash regimen, while rests at 122 oF {50 oq and 152 oF {67 oq
have become the standard for two-step mashing.

For a single-step mash, a rest at 152 OF (67 oq appears to be the best compromise.


One elegant alternative for the cautious brewer who wishes to ensure that all
enzymes perform all their work at maximum efficiency, is to take the mash from a
thick dough-in at about 95 OF (35 OC) or even lower, through a slow, continuous rise
in temperature in about 90 minutes, to the mash-out at about 170 OF (77 ° (). This
method also ensures maximum hydration of the malt for improved extract yield.

There is also an inverse relationship between mash temperatures for peak enzyme
activity and mash viscosity. Specifically, enzymes that become active at lower
temperatures-such as beta-glucanase and protease-perform more efficiently in
more viscous (thicker) mashes, while enzymes that become active at higher
temperatures-such as beta and alpha amylase-perform more efficiently in less
viscous (thinner) mashes. Under the correct viscosity and temperature conditions,
enzymes usually perform the bulk of their work within the first 15 to 20 minutes of a
rest; and longer rest times tend to produce only diminishing returns. Of course,
conversion also occurs during the time it takes to ramp up a mash from one rest
temperature to the next.

The brew house instructions in the recipes in this book are all variations of three
standard brewing methods: single-step infusion, multi-step infusion, and decoction.
All instructions are very brief and convey basic guidelines. Every brewer should feel
free, however, to depart from these instructions and chart his or her own course.
There is no room for dogmatism in the brew house!

Single-Step Infusion Mashing

Many traditional British/Irish-style beers can be made just fine by the single-step
infusion method, which places the least amount of requirements on the brew
equipment. This method dates from a time when mash tuns were invariably simple
vessels, usually unclad, uninsulated, and unjacketed-even made of wood, in the old
days. A fairly thick mash of about one hour at a fixed temperature of about 148 oF to
152 oF (64 oc to 67 oq is the norm in this process, as is a slow sparge with water at
about 180 OF (82 oc ) plus or minus a few degrees, depending on the mash tun's
thermal characteristics. The sparge water temperature is adjusted, once the grain
bed reaches a mash-out temperature of about 170 OF (77 °C).

Thick, single-step infusion mashes may be simple, but unfortunately they are also
the least extract-efficient ones, because much of the starch fails to get converted
and much of the fermentable sugar fails to get washed out of the grain bed. In
single-infusion mash tuns, therefore, the overall quality of the malts, especially with
respect to modification and homogeneity, takes on heightened importance for brew
house yields and beer flavor.

Multi-Step Infusion Mashing

Raising the mash temperature from low to high becomes easier the more versatile
and sophisticated the brew system is. In a mash-lauter tun without a heat source,
there is only one way to step-mash: After a thick mash-in at the first rest
temperature, the next rest can be achieved solely through the addition of hot water,
which can even be near the boiling point, depending on the required temperature


rise as well as the capacity and the thermal absorption characteristics of the mash­
lauter tun. In a jacketed mash tun or mash-lauter tun, step-mashing is possible either
by the hot-water infusion method, by heating the mash with the jacket, or by both.
To avoid hot and cold spots, the mash needs to be agitated, mechanically or by hand,
during temperature rises from one step to the next.

Decoction Mashing
This traditional Continental-European mash method requires a mash transfer system
with a slurry pump as well as a kettle or cooker with a heat source for raising the
temperature of the decoction and for boiling it. Decoction mashes, therefore, tend
to be rather thin. Depending on the specific brew house configuration, the decoction
can either be drawn into the cooking vessel and processed there, or the main mash
minus the decoction can be removed from the mash-kettle-leaving the decoction
to be processed there-and then re-introduced to the decoction after boiling.

Decoctions need to be taken through their d ifferent temperature rests, before the
temperature is raised to the boil. A decoction boil usually lasts about 15 to 20
minutes. Then the hot decoction is returned to the main mash (or the main mash to
the hot decoction) to raise the main-mash temperature.

In theory, a mash can be decocted as often as the brewer desires, between each
rest, from the acid rest to the mash-out. Mash combinations are possible as well. For
instance, a brewer could mash in at the acid rest temperature of 100 ± 5 oF (38 ± 2
oC); followed by a hot-water infusion in combination with steam heat from the mash­
tun jacket to reach the protein rest temperature; followed by a decoction to raise
the mash to a beta-saccharification temperature of perhaps 149 °F (65 oq 152 °F (67
OC); followed by another infusion and jacket-heat step to 162 OF (72 OC); finally
followed by a second decoction to achieve the mash-out temperature of 170 oF (77
0C). In practice, however, most decoctions nowadays are single-step, from the
protein rest to a single saccharification rest; or they are double decoctions, from the
protein rest to a single saccharification rest, and then to the mash out.

The amount of mash to be decocted at each step depends on the temperature

increases required in the main mash. As a rule of thumb, brewers tend to decoct
about one-third, but rarely more than one-half of the main mash at any one time.
The following simplified formula (using liters and the Celsius scale) approximates the
mash volume (V-dec) that should be decocted to move the main mash (V-main) from
one specific rest temperature (T-main) to the next:

V-dec = T-diff * V-main)/{84 - T-main)

V-dec is the volume in liters of the mash that needs to be decocted
T-diff is the desired increase i n temperature i n the main mash, in oc
V-main is the volume i n liters of the main mash
84 is a calculation constant
T-main is the starting temperature of the main mash before the decoction


Example for raising the temperature of a 100-liter (1 hi) mash from the protein rest
temperature of SO oc (122 °F) to a beta-amylase rest of 65 •c (149 oF):
V-dec = {15 * 100}/{84 - 50) liters
V-dec 1500/34 liters

V-dec 44 liters

The cooking process involved in decoction mashing tends to break down the cytolytic
cell structures (mostly gums) of the malt more thoroughly than does infusion
mashing. This makes the malt starches more accessible for gelatinization-which
occurs under laboratory conditions at about 147 to 153 oF (64 to 67 oc)-and,
subsequently, for enzymatic conversion into fermentable sugars. This is why
decoction mashes tend to have higher yields than do infusion mashes, especially
when compared to infusion mashes of the traditional, thick, British-style, single

Historically, decoction developed probably for two mains reasons: First, the
invention of the first practical thermometer happened only in 1714, by Gabriel
Fahrenheit. Before that time, only volumes could be measured reliably, and bringing
a given volume of mash to a boil was the safest method for controlling the mash
heat. Second, medieval malts were often poorly modified and of rather inconsistent
quality-two deficiencies that could be overcome by boiling the mash.

SCHULZ brew systems, for which the recipes in this book have been formulated,
permit any type of mashing, from simple single-step infusions to multiple decoctions,
thus allowing the brewer maximum freedom in handling the mash for any beer style.

Extract Efficiency
If all the compounds that can be converted in malt in a given grain bed (a
hypothetical value) were actually being converted in a brew house, we would call
that brew house 100 percent efficient. But such a brew house is pure fiction. It does
not exist in practice because there is always a certain amount of soluble matter i n
the mash that fails to get extracted. The best brew houses have extract efficiencies
close to 85 percent (a nominal value, averaged over many brews). Poor systems may
have efficiencies of 55 percent or lower.

The amount of difference in extract efficiency between an actual brew house and an
optimal brew house indicates the amount of grain that is being "wasted" in that
brew house. In clear language, upgrading from a 60 percent efficient brew house, for
instance, to one that is 80 percent efficient saves one-third of the total cost of grain
per batch.

Such savings should be considered when calculating the amortization period of a

brew house renovation or a new brew house purchase. In other words, a cheap brew
house made from modified dairy or food-processing equipment can be more
expensive in the long run than a well engineered and quality-fabricated-and
admittedly more expensive-SCHULZ system.


A simple approximation of a brew house's percentage efficiency value (%E) can be

obtained by applying the following simple formula:

%E = fop * OG * Voi)/M

op is the starting gravity before fermentation in °Piato (e.g., 12 op)
OG is the original gravity before fermentation in English measure (e.g., 1.048}
Vol is the net kettle volume in liters (e.g., 100 liters)
M is the total mass in kilograms of the malt used in the grain bed (e.g., 15.5 kg}

Example for a 2.5-hectoliter batch at an OG of 1.0516 (12.9 °P) for 47.94 kilograms of
%£ = {12.9 * 1.0516 * 250}/47.94
%£ {3391.41}/47.94

%£ = 70.742803
The extract efficiency for this batch is 71% rounded.

Grist Weight
The amount of grist required for a mash depends on four variables: The desired OG,
the expected FG, the expected net green beer volume (the amount of wort that
reaches the fermenter), as well as the nominal extract efficiency (a percentage
value} of the specific mash-lauter system. To determine the total amount of malt
required at the mash-in, this book uses the following simple formula from the metric

GW = OGtP) * FGtP) * V(net)/%E

GW (grist weight) is the total amount of grain in kilogram (kg)
OG(0P) is the target starting gravity in degrees Plato
FG(oP) is the target final or terminal gravity in degrees Plato
V(net) is the net green beer volume in liters that reaches the fermenter
%E is the nominal system extract efficiency expressed as a percentage

Example for a 100-liter beer with l2°P starting gravity, 3°P terminal gravity, and
made in a brew house with 80% nominal extract efficiency:
GW = 12*3*100/80 kg
GW = 3,600/80 kg
GW = 45 kg

In this book, the brew's starting gravity, that is, the gravity of the wort as it reaches
the fermenter after all evaporation in the brew house is complete, is listed in both
"English" OG and metric degree Plato (oP} values, whereby op is identical to the
German %-extract or %-StammwOrze.


To convert OG-values to op and vice versa, we use the simplified formulas:

op = {OG - 1}*250
OG = 1 + 0P/250

op {1.048 - 1}*250

op 0.048*250

op = 12
OG 1 + 12/250

OG = 1 + 0.048
OG 1.048

There is also a laboratory-precise formula. It is:

(-668.962} + (1262.4S*OG) - 776.43*0G2 + 182.94*0G 3

op =
op = {-668.962} + {1262.45*1.048} - 776.43 * 1.0482 + 182.94*1.048
op 11.8974982605

op = 11.9 rounded

In our example, the difference in the result between the simplified and the complex
calculations is a mere one-tenth of a degree Plato (precisely: 0.102501739 op) or the
equivalent of 0.0004 gravity-points on the OG scale. If this miniscule gain in precision
is important to you, obviously feel free to use the more complex formula.

The formulas for converting the final or terminal gravity (FG or the
"Endvergarungsgrad" in German) into op or vice versa are analogous to those for
converting the starting gravity.

The abbreviation "pH" stands for "power of hydrogen" or "potential of hydrogen."
Chemically, p H refers to the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution; practically,
it is a measure of a solution's acidity or alkalinity. Perhaps fittingly, the pH-scale was
developed in a brewery, about a century ago, in 1909, by a Danish chemist named
S¢ren Peder Lauritz S¢rensen. S¢rensen was the head of the Chemistry Department
at the famous Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen - the same lab, incidentally,
where, in 1881, Emil Christian Hansen first isolated and cultured pure strains of ale
and lager yeasts.

pH-values are measured on a scale with 7 as the neutral value. Distilled water is
considered a neutral solution. It thus has a pH-value of 7. As solutions increase in
acidity, their pH-value drops further and further below 7. As solutions increase in
alkalinity, their pH-value rises further and further above 7.


The most acidic solutions can have a pH-value of as low as -5, while the most
alkaline solutions, also known as base or caustic solutions, can have a pH-value as
high as 14 or 15.

When reading pH-values from a strip or an instrument, it is important to understand

that the pH-scale is not linear. Rather, it is a logarithmic scale, similar to the Richter
scale for earthquakes, which means that a change of 1 increment represents a ten­
fold change in actual acidity or alkalinity, and a change of 2 increments represents a
100-fold change!

For instance, a mash with a pH-value of 4 is ten times more acidic then a mash with a
pH-value of 5; and it is a hundred times more acidic than a mash with a pH-value of
6. Therefore, even seemingly small changes in a pH-measurement can have
significant effects on the finished beer.

In the mash, pH-values affect enzyme activity, because enzymes, though they can
function in a fairly broad range of pH-values, usually reach their peak performance
not only at precise mash temperatures, but also at a fairly narrow, acidic, pH-range
around 5.5.

In the kettle, the wort's pH-value drops by about 0.2 or 0.3-which means the wort
becomes more acidic. That drop is greater i n lower-gravity worts than it is in higher­
gravity worts. For best yeast performance, the wort should have a pH-value of 5 -

In practice, brewers frequently encounter pH-values that are too high instead of too
low (the mash and wort are not sufficiently acidic). The addition of acidified malt to
the grain bill is the easiest way to solve such a problem:

If the mash and or wort pH is too high (i.e. not sufficiently acidic)J replace 1 percent
(by weight) of the base malt in the mash with Weyermann® Acidulated malt to
drop the pH-Value by 0.1.

For the calculation of the amount of alcohol by volume (ABV), this book uses the
simple formula:

{OG - FG)/0.00753 = ABV {%)

{1.048 - 1.012}/0.00753 = ABV {%)
0.036/0.00753 ABV {%)

4. 7808764 = ABV {%)

AVB = 4.8% (rounded)

For the conversion of ABV into alcohol by weight (ABW) and vice versa, this book
uses the following simple formulas:


1% ABV = 0.789% ABW

1% ABW = 1.267% ABV

4.8% ABV = 4.8*0. 789% ABW
4.8% ABV = 3. 7872% ABW
ABW = 3.8% (rounded)
5% ABW = 5*1.267% ABV
5% ABW = 6.335% ABV
ABV = 6.3% ABV {rounded)

Note: There are also more complex laboratory formulas for determining ABV and
ABW, but these are well beyond the scope of this book.

Brewing with Sugar

Many beer styles, such as Belgian Abbey Ales or British Barley Wines recommend or
require the addition of sugar to the wort. Others, such as Braggot, require the
addition of honey. Sugars are either fermentable or not, depending on their
molecular complexity. Brewers yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) can ferment most
monosaccharides and disaccharides (single and two molecule sugars).

Important, fully fermentable malt monosaccharides include glucose (AKA corn sugar
or dextrose) and fructose. Fully fermentable disaccharides include sucrose (AKA
table sugar, a compound of both glucose and fructose) and maltose (AKA malt
sugar). Inverted sugar or invert sugar syrup, incidentally, is a mixture of glucose and
fructose. It is obtained by splitting sucrose into its two constituent components. It,
too, is fully fermentable. To calculate the contribution sugars make to wort gravity
and to the production of alcohot consider the following facts and mathematical

Sugar (for instance pure sucrose) in solution produces a specific gravity increase of
46.31 points (that is, of 0.046 or approx. 11.5 op) per pound per gallon. If this sugar
were dissolved in water (which has a SG of 1.000 (or 0 OL the resulting solution
would have a gravity of OG 1.046 or 11.5 °P. In the metric system, this amounts to
386.5 points/kilogram/liter. For quantities that are more meaningful to professional
brewers, this means:

l ib pure sucrose (or equivalent) dissolved in 1 bbl wort increases OG by 1.493871

points (approx. 0.0015).

1 kg pure sucrose (or equivalent) dissolved in 1 hi wort increases OG by 3.863

points (approx. 0.0039).



The addition of 4.5 lbs. offully fermentable sugar to 1 bbl of wort

raises the wort OG by {46.31 points * 4.5 lbs)/31 gal.
46.31 points * 4.5 lbs}/31 gal = 6. 7224 points
46.31 points * 4.5 lbs}/31 gal = approx. 7 gravity points (rounded)

For a Belgian Abbey Dubbel, for instance, with an OG just from just grain of 1.060 (15
0P), the combined wort gravity from both grain and from 4.5 lbs/bbl sugar, therefore,
is 1.060 + 0.007 = 1.067 (16. 75 OP).

Considering that-at a final gravity of 1.010-this beer's ABV, without the sugar, is
6.7 percent (rounded), it would be 7.6 percent with the sugar-calculated from an
OG of 1.067 and the same FG of 1.010.

Note that the wort OG changes with the addition of sugar, but the wort FG does not,
because the sugar is fully fermentable into alcohol and thus does not leave any
residual, non-alcohol substances that would contribute to gravity in the finished

Brewing with Honey

A typical sugar analysis of honey is as follows:

Honey Analysis (by weight in percent)

Components % %
Fructose 38.2 All
Glucose 31.3 Fermentable
Sucrose 1.3 Sugars
Maltose 7.1 Combined
1.5 Water and
All Non-
Water 17.2 21.1
3.4 Combined

The water content of individual batches of honey varies marginally, depending on

the evaporation rate of the honey in the hive before harvesting. As a rule of thumb,
however, we can use the following generalization:

Honey is about 20 percent water and 80% sugar, and virtually all of the sugars are
fermentable. Therefore, for honey, we can use the same formula as for pure sugar
above. However, the results need to be multiplied by 80 percent (or by 0.8, or by
four-fifth). Therefore:

l ib honey dissolved in 1 bbl wort increases OG by 1.1951 points (approx. 0.0012).

1 kg honey dissolved in 1 hi wort increases OG by 3.09 points (approx. 0.0031).



Mankind has been brewing beer for at least 8,000 years, but flavoring beer with
hops, Humulus lupu/us from the Latin for "wolf plant/' is a fairly recent development.
The first written evidence of hop cultivation comes from the medieval Benedictine
brew monks of Weihenstephan outside Munich, in Bavaria. These friars made
explicit mention of their hop gardens as early as 736, only a dozen years after the
founding of their monastery by the Franconian missionary Corbin ian. By 1040,
Weihenstephan received from Bishop Engilbert of Freising the official brew privilege
and the right to sell beer for profit. By that time, the place had grown into a
substantial abbey and brewery. Since 1803, Weihenstephan has been owned by the
State of Bavaria. At that time, Bavaria was occupied by Napoleon and, as part of his
new Civil Code, he demanded the secularization of all church properties.
Weihenstephan is now home to one of Germany's top three brew universities, the
Technical University of Munich, and it is still a commercial brewery. This makes
Weihenstephan the oldest continuously operating brewery in the world.

The first literary reference about hops comes from Hildegard von Bingen (1098-
1179), a brew nun, botanist, physician, and advisor to Emperor Frederic I (a.k.a.
Barbarossa). In her book Physico sacra (Sacred World), written in 1079, she pointed
to the healthful properties of beer made with Humulus lupu/us. The legendary
abbess drank beer regularly and lived to be 81 years old, which was a rare age for
that time. She maintained that there was a connection between her longevity and
her dedication to beer. The French King Louis IX passed a law, in 1268, stipulating
that, in his realm, only malt and hops may be used for beer making. We also know
that hops were put into beer in the Netherlands as early as the 1300s. The German
beer purity law (the Reinheitsgebot), too, makes hops one of the three required
ingredients in beer {next to malted barley and water), which suggests that hops had
become a common brew ingredient by then.

Hops were probably introduced to Britain by Belgian immigrant brewers in the
and 161h centuries. In fact, in those days, unlike today, the term ale denoted a beer
brewed without hops, while the term beer denoted a brew made with hops. Once
hops were introduced into beer toward the end of the Middle Ages, the brew that
emerged was the original brown ale, the foundation style for all other British ales.
The lighter browns eventually evolved into mild ales; the darker browns, into
stouts; blends of stouts and browns, into porters; and the paler, happier browns,
into IPAs, bitters, and pale ales. The introduction of hops in Britain, however, was
apparently not without controversy. As we know from a 1440s-manuscript, the
new-hopped-ale became known as "beer" to distinguish it from the traditional
un-hopped "ales." In fact, while hops were being legislated into beer on the
European continent, it seems that, at least initially, hops were being legislated out of
beer in Britain. In the 1530s, King Henry VIII-obviously taking time out from his
strenuous philandering-forbade the use of hops outright at his court. He
considered hops an aphrodisiac that would drive the populace to sinful behavior.
Such is the pious duplicity of a ruler who, after all, managed to go through countless
mistresses-not to speak of six wives, two of whom lost their heads in the Tower!


About Hops

The best hops (Humulus lupulus) in the world grow only in two narrow bands around
the globe, roughly between latitudes 35 to 50, north and south, because this is
where the proper amount of sunlight per day reaches the earth during the hop­
specific growing season, which, in the northern hemisphere, starts in late March to
early April and ends with the harvest in late August to late September.

The hop vine is a member of the hemp family. Though it likes a bright and sunny
climate, it also likes plenty of water from rain or irrigation, as well as soil types that
drain well. This combination of requirements eliminates much of the land within the
optimum latitude range as unsuitable for hop cultivation. Two core hop-growing
regions stand out in importance, the German Hallertau region, slightly northeast of
Munich, and the Pacific Northwest in the United States, each of which produce
about one-third of the world's hop supply. China produces about one-tenth, and
about a dozen other countries combined produce the rest.

There are hundreds of compounds in hops that contribute aroma, flavor, and
preservative properties to beer. Importantly, these include resins and oils. The key
resins, which are precursors to beer bitterness, are the three alpha-acids humolone,
adhumulone, and cohumulone, as well as the three beta-acids lupolone, adlupulone,
and colupulone. The key volatile oils in hops are linalool, geraniol, 4 mercapto-4-
methylpentan-2-one, alpha-selinene, aromadendrene, beta-caryophyllene, beta­
selinene, farnesene, and humulene. In addition, hops contain very valuable and
bioactive substances, such as xanthohumol and desmethylxanthohumol, as well as 6-
and 8-prenylnaringenin.

These compounds reside only in the hop's cone-shaped female flowers, specifically
in the cluster of tiny, sticky, yellow globlets-the lupulins-on the inside of each leaf.
When fresh, alpha-acid resins isomerize in the kettle and become wort-soluble.
When exposed to air, alpha-acids oxidize fast and become wort-insoluble. Fresh
beta-acid resins, on the other hand, such as lupulone, colupulone, and adlupulone,
do not isomerize in the kettle and, therefore, contribute only negligible amounts to a
beer's bitterness. Oxidized beta-acids, however, become wort-soluble.

Some hop varieties may have as little as 3 percent (by weight) of alpha-acids, while
others may have as much as 18 to 20 percent. So-called unable" hop varieties tend to
contain relatively low amounts of alpha- and beta-acids. Rather, they have high
amounts of hop oils, especially of humulene.

Hop flowers are also rich in tannins, which aid in the removal of excess protein from
the wort. Tannins also serve as natural preservatives by inhibiting the development
of pathogens in the beer. Finally, hops enhance the firmness and creaminess of a
beer's head.

Numerically, the unit of measurement for bitterness is the same in the

American/British and the ESC-system and is expressed as bitter unit (BU) or


international bittering unit (IBU). As a reference point, 1 BU equals 1 milligram of

dissolved bittering compounds (isohumulones or equivalent) in 1 liter of liquid (wort
or beer). The average human taste threshold for bitterness in beer is at about 4 BU,
while the upper solubility limit for alpha-acids in beer is at about 100 BU.

Fresh hops, when harvested, are extremely perishable and rarely last longer than a
day or two. Therefore, all hops need to be processed immediately after harvesting to
make them available throughout the entire brew year. This involves kiln-drying as
well as pressing and baling, or pelletizing. Pellets are made from de-stemmed hop
flowers that are deep-frozen (to eliminate the stickiness of the resins) and then
hammer-milled. The frigid hop powder is then passed through a pellet die. Pellets
are cylindrical in shape, approximately 15 mm long, and 6 mm in diameter.

They are packaged in laminated, plastic or aluminum foil pouches. Before sealing,
the air in the pouches is evacuated to prevent oxidation of the hop resins and oils,
which would give the hops an undesirable "cheesiness." Alternatively, they may be
packed in soft pack containers that are back-flushed with carbon dioxide or nitrogen
gas. Hop pellets are shipped in quantities of 5 kg (ll lbs.), 20 kg (44 lbs.), or 150 kg
(330 lbs.). Unopened packs of pellets can be kept in cold storage for about a year
without losing their bitterness and aroma properties; opened packs should be used
in their entirety immediately or re-sealed and stored in a freezer.

In many breweries nowadays, the use of hop extracts for bittering has become
popular, because, compared to dried hop flowers and pellets, they require much less
storage space, they keep much better in storage, and their alpha-acid contribution to
wort is much easier to calculate reliably. Hop extracts are produced from hop pellets
that are "washed" under high pressure in liquefied carbon dioxide gas (C02) to
dissolve the essential bittering and aroma substances. When the pressure is
released, the C02 becomes gaseous, leaving behind pure hop extract.

T·90/T-45 Pellets
Pelletized hops come in two varieties, Type-90 and Type-45. T-90 pellets are made
from the entire hop flower, while T-45 pellets are made after much of the vegetative
matter has been removed from the flower, which concentrates the lupulin content in
the pellets. Because T-90 pellets contain all the vegetative and lupulin material of
the hop flower, they function as a full replacement for leaf hops in the kettle.
Because of their greater surface area when dissolved in wort, however, they tend to
give somewhat better hop utilization by weight than do comparable amounts of leaf

T-45 hop pellets are made the same way as T-90 pellets, except that the hammer­
milling occurs at a very low temperature of -31OF (- 35°C ), which prevents the
stickiness from the lupulin to affect further processing. The powder is then sieved to
produce a resin-rich fraction which contains only about half the original vegetable
matter, before the T-45 powder is sent to the pellet die and the packaging machine.


Hop Substitutions
Different hop varieties, of course, provide different characteristics to beer, in
bitterness, flavor, and aroma.


Aroma Aurora, Cascade, Citra, East Kent Geldings, First Gold, Fuggles/
Hops Geldings, Hallertauer Mittelfruh1 Hallertauer Tradition, Hersbrucker,
Lublin, Mt. Hood, Opal, Perle, Saaz, Saphir, Select, Sladek, Smaragd
(Emerald), Spalter, Strisselspalter, Styrian Geldings, Tettnanger,
Bittering Cluster, Galaxy, Marynka, Northern Brewer, Premiant, Pride of
Hops Ringwood, Target
High Admiral, Chelan, Chinook, Galena, Herkules, Magnum, Millennium,
Alpha Nugget, Super High Alpha, Super Pride, Taurus, Tillicum, Warrior®

As a general rule, the earlier a hop is added to the kettle, the easier it is to
substitute, which is why many large breweries have switched to hop extracts for

However, should a hop specified in the recipes in this book be not available or not
practical to obtain for any reason, the following chart contains a few possible
substitution suggestions based on the different varieties' profiles:


Brewers Gold-Like Brewers Gold, Chelan, Galena, Magnum, Merkur,
Hops Millennium, Nugget, Perle, Tillicum
Fuggles-Like Hops Cascade, Centennial, Fuggles, Palisade, Southern Brewer,
Styrian Geldings, Willamette
Goldings-Like Hops Bramling Cross, Chinook, East Kent Geldings, First Gold,
Horizon, Northern Brewer, Target
Hallertau-Like Crystal, Hallertauer, Liberty, Mount Hood, Opal, Saphir,
(Mittelfruh) Hops Smaragd, Tradition, U ltra, Vanguard
Saaz-Like Hops Backa, Lublin, Saaz, Santiam, Select, Spalter, Sterling,
Tettnanger, Zhayi
Other, Difficult to Amarillo, Ahtanum, Citra, Cluster, Galaxy, Glacier,
Match Varieties Herkules, Hersbrucker, Nelson Sauvin, Simcoe, Summit,
Taurus, Warrior®

Being a natural product, hop characteristics, of course, vary from one harvest year to
the next. The following list shows the average values that brewers can expect from
different varieties:


Alpha Beta Cohumulone Oil

Variety Aroma
Acids[%] Acids[%] [%] [ml/lOOg]
Admiral 13 - 16 4.8-6.1 37 - 45 1.0 - 1.7 Typ ica l E n gl ish Aroma
Ahtanum 5.7-6.3 5.0 - 6.5 30 - 35 0 . 8 - 1.2 Citrus, Floral

Amarillo ® 8-11 6.0 - 7.0 21 - 24 1.5 - 1.9 F lora l Citru s


Apo llo 15 - 19 5.5 - 8.0 24 - 28 1.5 - 2.5 Aromatic, P leasa nt

Aurora 7.0 - 9.0 3.0 - 5.0 23 - 28 0.9 - 1.4 Intense, Pleasant

Bravo 14 - 17 3.0 - 4.0 29 - 34 1.6 - 2.4 Fruity, Floral

Brewer's Gold (UK) 5.5 - 6.5 2.5 - 3.5 40 -48 1.8 - 2.2 Blackcurrant, Fruity, Spicy

Cascade 4.5 - 7.0 4.8 - 7.0 33 - 40 0.7 - 1.4 Floral, Citrus, Grapefru it
Ce ntennial 9.5 - 11.5 3.5 - 4.5 29 - 30 1.5 - 2.3 Medium Intense Floral, Citrus

Cha l lenger 6.5 - 8.5 4 . 0 - 4.5 20 - 25 1.0 - 1.7 Mild To Moderate, Spicy

Chelan 1 2 - 14.5 8.5 - 9.8 33 - 35 1.5 - 1.9 Pleasant Citrus Notes

Chinook 12 - 14 3.0 - 4.0 29 - 35 1.7 - 2.7 Spicy, Piney, Strong Grape fr uit

Citra 11 - 13 3.5 - 4.5 22 - 24 2.2 - 2.8 Strong Citrus, Fruity

Cluster 5.5 - 8.5 4.5 - 5.5 37 - 43 0 . 4 - 0.8 Floral, Spicy

Colu mbus 14.5 - 16.5 4.0 - 5.0 28 - 32 2.0-3.0 Pu ngen t

Crystal 3.5 - 5.5 4 . 5 - 6.5 20 - 26 1.0 - 1.5 Mild, Spicy, Floral

First Gold 5.6 - 9.3 2.3 - 4.1 32 - 34 0.7 - 1.5 Spicy, Similar To G o ldi ngs

Fuggles 3.0 - 5.6 2 . 0 - 3.0 25 - 30 0.7 - 1.4 UK:Mild /Pieasant;US:Woody/Fruity

Galaxy 13.5 - 15 5.8 - 6.0 � 35 2.7 - 2.7 Intense, Pleasant, U n ique

Galena 11.5 - 13.5 7.2 - 8.7 36 - 40 0.9 - 1.3 Citrus

Glacier � 5.5 � 8.2 11 - 13 0.7 - 1.6 Pleasant Happiness

Goldings 4.0 - 6.0 2.0 - 3.0 23 - 28 0.7 - 1.0 Mild, Delicate, Classic English

Hallertau Merkur 10 - 14 3.5 - 7.0 17 - 22 1 . 4 - 1.9 Spicy, F lo ral

Hall. MittelfrUh 3.0 - 5.5 3.0 - 5.0 18 - 28 0.7 - 1.3 Mild, Pleasant

Hallertau Tau rus 1 2 - 17 4.0 - 6.0 20 - 25 0.9 - 1.4 Noble, Aromatic

Hallertau Tradition 4.0 - 7.0 3.0 - 6.0 24 - 30 0.5 - 1.0 Fi ne Nob le

Herku les 12 - 17 4.0 - 5.5 3 2 - 38 1.6 - 2.4 Typical Spicy
Hersbrucker 1.5 - 4.0 2.5 - 6.0 17 - 25 0.5 - 1.0 Mild To Medium, Pleasant

Horizon 11 - 13 6.5 - 8.5 16 - 19 1.5 - 2.0 Floral, Spicy

Kent Goldings 4.0 - 6.5 1.9 - 2.8 28 - 32 0.4-0.8 Gentle, Fragrant, Pleasant

Liberty 3.0 - 5.0 3.0 - 4.0 24 - 30 0.6 - 1.2 Mild, Slightly Spicy

Lubl in 3.0 - 4.5 3.0 - 4.0 25 - 28 0.5 - 1.1 Very Fine

Magnum 11 - 16 5.0 - 7.0 21 - 29 1.6 - 2.6 Happy, Fruity, Flowe ry

Marco Polo 14.5 - 16.5 4 . 5 - 5.5 28 - 32 2.0 - 3.0 Pu ngent
Marynka 6 - 12 10.2 - 13 26 - 33 1.8 - 2.2 Strong Hoppy
Millennium 14.5 - 16.5 4.3 - 5.3 28 - 32 1.8 - 2.2 Mild, Herbal, Similar To Nugget

Mount Hood 4.0 - 7.0 5.0 - 8.0 21 - 23 1.2 - 1.7 Mild, Somewhat P u n ge nt
Nelson Sauvin 12 - 13 6 . 0 - 8.0 22 - 26 1.0 - 1.2 Unique Fruity, White Wine
N ewport 13.5 - 17 7.2 - 9.1 36 - 38 1.6 - 3.4 Mild
NZ Hallertau 6 . 5 - 8.5 8.0 - 9.0 28 - 30 0.9 - 1.1 Slig ht Floral, Some Citrus

Northdown 7.5 - 9.5 5.0 - 5.5 24 - 30 1.5 - 2.5 Mild, Pleasant, Delicate

Northern Brewer 6 - 10 3.0 - 5.0 27 - 32 1.0 - 1.6 Medium To Strong


Alpha Beta Cohumulone Oil

Variety Aroma
Acids [%] Acids [%) [%] [ml/lOOg]
Nugget 9 - 14 3.0 - 5.8 22 - 30 0.9 - 2.2 Pleasant Herbal

Opal 5.0 - 8.0 3.5 - 5.5 13 - 17 0.8 - 1.3 Fine, Spicy

Pacific G em 13 - 15 7.0 - 9.0 37 - 40 1.1 - 1.3 Pleasant Blackberry

Pacifica 5.0 - 6.0 5.5 - 6.5 24 - 26 0.9 - 1.1 Citrus, Floral

Palisade ® 5.5 - 9.5 6.0-8.0 24 - 29 1 . 4 - 1.6 Good

Perle 4 . 0 - 9.0 2.5 - 4.5 29 - 35 0.5 - 1.5 Moderately Intense & Pleasant

Pilgrim 9 - 13 4.3 - 5.0 3 6 - 38 1.2 - 2.4 Distinctive, Strong

Premiant 7 - 11 3 . 5 - 6.0 18 - 23 0.9 - 1.3 Mild, Pleasant

Pride Of Ringwood 7 - 11 4.0 - 6.0 32 - 39 0.9 - 2.0 Strong, But Not Unpleasant

Progress 5.0 - 7.0 2.0 - 2.5 25 - 30 0.6 - 1.2 Moderately Strong, Good Aroma

Saaz 3.0 - 6.0 4.5 - 8.0 23 - 26 0.4 - 1.0 Intense, Pleasant

Santiam 5.5 - 7.0 7.0 - 8.5 20 - 22 1.3 - 1.7 Herbal, Noble Hop Aroma

Saphir 2 . 0 - 4.5 4 . 0 - 7.0 12 - 17 0.8 - 1.4 Spicy, Fruity, Floral

Simcoe 0 12 - 14 4.0-5.0 15 - 20 2.0 - 2.5 Unique Pine-Like Aroma

Sladek 5.0-9.0 8 . 0 - 11.0 22 - 28 0.8 - 1.0 Spicy

Smaragd (Emerald) 4.0 - 6.0 3.5 - 5.5 13 - 18 0.4- 0.8 Very Fine Aroma

Southern Hallertau 5 . 0 - 6.0 3.8 - 5.4 22 - 26 0.6 - 0. 7 Very Mild And Pleasant

Southern Saaz 4.0 - 7.0 3.0 - 5.0 23 - 28 0.5 - 1.1 Herbal, Spicy, Resinous

Sovereign 4.5 - 6.5 2.1 - 3.1 26 - 30 0.6-1.0 Fruity, Intense, Pleasant

Spatter 2.5 - 5.5 3.0 - 5.0 22 - 29 0.5 - 0.9 Mild, Pleasant, Slightly Spicy

Spalt Select 3 . 0 - 6.5 2.5 - 5.0 21 - 27 0.6 - 0.9 Very Fine, Spicy, Floral

Sterling 6.0 - 9.0 4.0 - 6.0 22 - 28 1.3 - 1.9 Herbal, Spicy, Floral, Citrus

Strisselspalt 3.0 - 5.0 3.0 - 5.5 22 - 25 0.6 - 0.9 Medium Intense And Pleasant

Styrian Goldings 4.5 - 6.0 2.0 - 3.5 25 - 30 0 . 5 - 1.0 Delicate, Slightly Spicy

Summer Saaz 4.0 - 7.0 4.0 - 6.0 22 - 25 1.0 - 1.3 Balanced, Sweet, Fruity

Summit 1 3 . 5 - 15.5 4.0- 6.0 26 - 30 1.5 - 2.5 Strong Citrus, Grapefruit

Super Galena 13 - 16 8 . 0 - 10.0 35 - 40 1.5 - 2.5 Similar To Galena, Citrus

Super Pride 13 - 15 6 . 0 - 8.0 27 - 29 1 . 0 - 1.4 Pleasant

Target 9 . 5 - 12.5 4.3 - 5.7 35 - 40 1.2 - 1.4 Intense, Pleasant English Aroma

Tettnanger 2.5 - 5.5 3.0 - 5.0 22 - 28 0.5 - 0.9 Mild, Pleasant, Slightly Spicy

Tillicum 12 - 14.5 9.3 - 10.5 31 - 38 1.5 - 1.9 Good Aroma For Bitter Hop

Tomahawk ® 14. 5 - 17 4.5 - 5.5 28 - 35 2.5 - 3.5 Pungent

Topaz 15 - 18 6.0 - 7.0 47 - 50 0.8 - 1.7 Strong, Fruity, Pleasant

Tsingdao Flower 6 . 0 - 8.0 3 . 0 - 4.2 � 35 0.4 - 0.8 Floral, Spicy

Ultra 2.0 - 3.5 3.0 - 4.5 23 - 38 0.5 - 1.0 Mild, Pleasant, Saaz-Like

Vanguard 5.5 - 6.0 6.0 - 7.0 14 - 16 0 . 9 - 1.2 Similar To Hallertau Mittelfruh

Wa rrior ® 14.5 - 16.5 4.3 - 5.3 22 - 2 6 1 . 3 - 1.7 Very Mild

Willamette 4.0 - 6.0 3.0 - 4.5 30-35 1 . 0 - 1.5 Mild, Pleasant, Slightly Spicy

Zeus 1 2 - 16.5 4 . 0 - 6.0 27 - 35 1.0 - 2.0 Aromatic, Pungent


Hop Utilization
The essential value for determining hop utilization of a hop addition with a known
alpha-acid content (AA) is the length of time it is exposed to the heat of the wort in
the kettle. Hop utilization values (as a percentage of total AA contained in a hop
addition) for pellets are listed below. They are empirical averages for most brew
systems. This book relies for all hop calculations exclusively on pellet values.

Approximate alpha-acid isomerization rates in % for pellets,

relative to the number of minutes of the hop's exposure to hot wort

Minutes % Utilization Decimal

60+ 30 0.30
55 29 0.29
50 28 0.28
45 27 0.27
40 25 0.25
35 23 0.23
30 21 0.21
25 19 0.19
20 17 0.17
15 14 0.14
10 10 0.10
5 6 0.06
0 0 0.00

Note that, in utilization formulas, percentage values for isomerization relative to

time are often expressed as decimal values. For instance, 25 percent utilization is
calculated as 0.25.

Bittering, Flavor, Aroma Hops: Definitions

The d istinction between bittering, flavor, and aroma hops is perhaps analytically
illegitimate, because virtually all hop additions contribute bitterness, flavor and
aroma to the brew-but each to different degrees.

Also, the terms themselves are somewhat ambiguous, because there is no precise,
scientific separation between bittering, flavor, and aroma. Clearly, bitterness is also a
"flavor." And it is probably debatable, if a floral-happy note i n a beer's finish is more
aptly called an "aroma" than a "flavor." With these provisos, here are the concepts
used in this book.

• Bittering hops: Hops used primarily for their alpha-acids. They are invariably
added close to the beginning of the boil.

• Flavor hops: Hops added to the brew "in the middle" of the kettle time. There
may be more than one flavor addition, or even none. The term "flavor" hops
was selected merely to indicate that "middle" hop additions tend to lose
many, though not all, of their delicate, volatile aromas through evaporation.


Depending on hop variety and length of heat exposure, flavor hops also
contribute-next to aroma compounds-certain amounts of alpha-acids to
the brew.

• Aroma hops: These are hops added very late in the kettle process-shortly
before, at, or after shut-sown; often in the whirlpool; or in a hop back before
the heat exchanger. In dry-hopping, brews are passed cold through a hop
back during transfer. For all practical purposes, aroma hops make next to no
contribution to a beer's bitterness, but many of their volatiles remain in the
brew because of the short time (or no time) of their exposure to wort heat,
or because they are added to the wort as it is cooling down.

This book relies on a simple formula for calculating the amount of bittering hops
required to achieve a specified BU-target in a targeted amount of green beer. The
amounts of flavor and aroma hops, on the other hand, are specified "free-hand"
simply by weight, usually as a multiple or a percentage of the calculated weight of
the bittering hops addition.

However, there is a feed-back relationship between the amounts of bittering, flavor,

and aroma hops, because of the latter's' measurable contribution also to bitterness:
Initially, the nominally required amount of bittering hops for a given BU target is
calculated as if no other hops were used in the brew.

But if flavor and aroma hops are used in the brew and these hops, too, are exposed
to kettle heat for any length of time, the actual amount of bittering hops is reduced
to account for the amount of alpha-acids these other hop additions are allowed to
contribute to the brew.

Bitter Unit Calculations

For the calculation of the weight of bittering hops (in U.S. ounces), based on the BU­
values specified in the recipes, this book uses the following formula:

Amount of bittering hops (in U.S. oz) = {Vgal * BU}/{U * %AA * 7462}

Vgal is the target amount of green beer in U.S.-gallons
BU is the bittering value specified in the recipe
U is the percent hop utilization value (as a decimal value) per heat exposure time
(from the table above)
%AA is the alpha-acid rating of the hop variety used (as a decimal value)
7462 is a computation constant

Example for 1 hectoliter of beer with a target BU of 40, bittered with a hop variety of
4.5% AA, exposed to high heat for 60 minutes:
Amount of bittering hops = {26.41 721 *40}/{0.30*0.045*7462) oz
Amount of bittering hops = 1056.6884/100.737 oz
Amount of bittering hops = 10.489575


Amount of bittering hops = 10.5 oz or 300 grams (rounded)

This formula yields the total amount of hops required to achieve the brew's target
bitter value with just one (!) addition of bittering hops at a given AA-rating. If a brew
also receives flavor and/or aroma hops additions, this amount is merely
hypothetical, because it must be reduced in relationship to the bittering values
contributed by these subsequent additions. In the recipes i n this book, the specified
amounts of bittering hops already take into account the alpha-acid contributions of
the later flavor and/or aroma hops additions, if any.

For those brewers interested in making their own hops calculations, the formula for
determining the "weight equivalent of bittering hops" that needs to be subtracted
from the nominally required, hypothetical weight value of the first hop addition is as

BU contribution from flavor or aroma hop = (oz * U * %AA * 7462}/Vga/

Vgal = target amount of green beer in U.S.-gallons
Oz = amount by weight (in U.S.-ounces) of flavor or aroma hops, respectively, as
specified in the recipe
U = percent hop utilization value (as a decimal value) per heat exposure time (from
the table on page 32)
%AA = alpha-acid rating of the hop variety used (as a decimal value)
7462 = a computation constant

• As a general rule, leaf hops have slightly lower hop utilization values than do
equivalent amounts of pellets at the same AA-rating. Unless better
information is available, the following is a passable rule of thumb: To achieve
the same extraction from leaf as opposed to pellet hops, simply increase the
weight of the calculated hop pellet addition by about 20 to 25 percent.

• Also, utilization values depend on the hop variety, crop year, and the physical
characteristics of the brew system.

• The small bittering values that come from hop beta-acids are ignored in all
BU-calculations in the recipes in this book.

• Bitterness derived from other hop substances are also not considered in this

"Down-Stream" Hop Products

"Down-Stream" products are preparations that are extracted from natural hops.
These products have several advantages for certain brew house applications: They
are of laboratory-controlled consistency, they are highly shelf-stable, and they are
very compact and thus require less storage space than pellets or baled leaf hops.


Barth-Haas down-stream products are intended for use in finished beer after
fermentation and lagering or conditioning. Down-stream hop products are divided
into bitter product known as lsohop and Tetrahop (Gold) as well as aroma products
known as Pure Hop Aroma products (PHA). They are aqueous solutions of
standardized concentrations that disperse easily in beer. The dosage is metered
precisely by a dedicated pump that injects the solutions continuously into the beer
stream during transfer, usually during or after filtration. The later the beer is
inoculated with a down-stream product, the greater is that product's utilization,
which generally ranges between 60 and 100 percent. Alternatively, down-stream
products can be added to kegs during filling, which, however, results i n reduced
utilization rates.

Tetrahop Gold
Tetrahop Gold is a solution of 9 percent Tetrahydroiso alpha-acids. It is used not only
for bittering, but also to enhance the finished beer's foam stability and its resistance
to damage from ambient light. For bittering, it can be used as a partial substitute for
bittering hops in any beer style in this book, replacing a hop equivalent of up to 8 BU.
It is particularly suitable for all beer styles for which a sturdy head of foam is an
essential characteristic, such as most lagers as well as Porters. For the correct
dosage calculation for Tetra hop Gold, the following formula applies (metric):

Amount of Tetrahop Gold (g/hl) = BU*1.22 g/hl

BU is the amount of bittering units that are to be replaced with Tetra hop Gold.
1.22 is a computation factor based on a solution of 9 percent Tetrahydroiso alpha­
acids and 70 percent product utilization.

Assuming it takes 122 grams of Hallertauer Tradition with 5.5% AA (at 30%
utilization) to supply 1 h i of beer with 20 BU (or it takes 5 oz/bbl). Replacing 6 BU
with Tetrahop Gold, therefore, requires:

73 g/hl Hallertauer Tradition (= 30% less hops),

6*1.22 g/hl = 7.3 g/hl = 8.6 g/bbl = 0.3 oz/bbl Tetrahop Gold

lsohop, on the other hand, is a solution of 30 percent iso-alpha-acids and is used
exclusively for bittering. It is suitable for the following beer styles featured in this
book: Bitter, Extra Special; Brown Ale, American; California Common; Dark Ale
American; Dunkelbock; Eisbock; Fruit Ale, American; lmperiai iPA, American; IPA,
English; IPA, American; Kellerbier; Old Ale; Lager, Amber European; Maibock; Pale
Ale, American; Pale Ale, English; Pilsner, Northern German; Pilsner, American;
Pilsner, Classic; Porter, Baltic; Porter, German; Porter, London; Porter Robust; Sticke;
Stout, Belgian; Stout, Foreign Export; Stout, Irish; Stout, Oatmeal; Stout, Russian
Imperial Stout.


lsohop can replace a hop equivalent of up to 40 BU. For the correct dosage
calculation for lsohop, the following formula applies {metric):

Amount oflsohop (g/hl) = BU*0.42 g/hl

BU is the amount of bittering units that are to be replaced with lsohop.
0.42 is a computation factor based on a solution of 30 percent iso-alpha-acids and 80
percent product utilization.

Assuming it takes 122 grams of Hallertauer Tradition with 5.5% AA (at 30%
utilization) to supply 1 hi of beer with 20 BU (or it takes 5 oz/bbl). Replacing all 20 BU
with lsohop, therefore, requires:

0 g/hl Hallertauer Tradition (= 100% less hops},

20*0.42 g/hl = 8.4 g/hl = 9.9 g/bbl = 0.35 oz/bbl lsohop

PHAs {down-stream aroma product) enhances, obviously, the beer's aroma. But,
depending on the beer's composition also enhances other taste components such as
the beer's sweetness indirectly. PHA is available for all hop varieties. They are
divided into two types, PHA Varietal and PHA Topnote. PHA Varietals give beer a hop
variety-specific late-hop character, while PHA Topnotes give it a variety-specific dry­
hop character.

All PHAs can be used as partial or entire replacements for aroma hops. Various PHPs,
both Varietals and Topnotes, can also be combined with each other to produce
specific aroma profiles.

PHAs are dosed into the finished beer before or during filtration, or-for close to
100-percent utilization-after filtration. The dosage is metered by an in-line pump.
They can also be added to the beer before kegging. Depending on beer style, PHAs
are added at rate of 5 to 40 g/hl (approx. 6 to 47 g/bbl or 0.2 to 1.7 oz/bbl). A
standard dosage recommendation is 10 g/hl beer (12 g/bbl or 0.30 oz/bbl). Belgian­
style Abbey and Trappist ales, Biere de saison, and all variations of I PAs are excellent
styles for PHAs.


About Water

The average beer is about 90 percent water, and traditionally brewers had to rely for
their brewing liquor only on what was locally available. This meant using a liquid
from the local municipal water works, a local river or reservoir, or a local well as is,
without any control over the mineral content or the impurities it may contain. This
fact has had a profound impact on beer styles and flavors.

Chemically, pure water consists of two parts hydrogen and one part oxygen, it is pH­
neutral (pH 7L and it has no flavor. However, there are many trace elements that
can be dissolved or suspended in water, including calcium, carbonate, chloride,
magnesium, sodium, and sulfate, which influence the flavor profile of the finished
beer, often by reacting with other beer compounds that are contributed by the
yeast, the malt, and the hops. These trace elements and the compounds they form
determine the two most crucial water variables for the practical brewer: hardness or
softness and alkalinity or acidity.

Hardness/softness is determined mostly by the amount of calcium and magnesium

in the water, or their absence; and by bicarbonate, or its absence. Water that is high
in calcium and/or magnesium is acidic; water that is high in bicarbonate is alkaline.

Hardness comes in two varieties, permanent and temporary. Permanent hardness is

usually slightly acidic, while temporary hardness is strongly alkaline. Permanent
hardness is also referred to as sulfate or non-carbonate hardness, and is produced by
calcium and magnesium ions, while temporary hardness is also known as carbonate

Water from aquifers surrounded by limestone tends to be fairly hard, because

limestone is calcium carbonate. Carbonates in large amounts can contribute a harsh
bitterness in beer which can negatively affect the flavor especially of a delicate, pale
brew. As a broad generalization, water with fewer than 100 parts per million (ppm)
of calcium carbonate is considered soft. Temporary (carbonate) hardness can be
reduced by boiling the brewing liquor, which causes calcium carbonate (CaC03) to
precipitate into scales, as it does in a household tea kettle. Permanent (sulfate or
non-carbonate) hardness, on the other hand, remains in the liquor after a boil. It is
much more difficult to reduce. Changing the amount of permanent hardness in
brewing liquor requires specialized equipment, such as filters or reverse osmosis

Brewing Liquor around the World

Among the world's famous traditional brewing centers, Pilsen has extremely soft
water, which contains very low amounts of calcium, carbonate, chloride,
magnesium, sodium, and sulfate. In most locations, therefore, it is advisable, when
making a Pilsner (or a similar pale brew) to boil the brewing liquor before mashing
with it. After the boil, rack the liquor, leaving about 10 percent of the liquid
undisturbed behind at the bottom, or drain off the bottom 10 percent.


Not far from Pilsen, in Vienna, water is fairly hard. However, it has low levels of
sodium and chloride, which makes it a good liquor for amber brews.

London water contains a modest to high amount of carbonate, sodium, and sulfate.
It is an ideal brewing liquor, for instance, for Porter.

Munich water, on the other hand, is a more mixed bag. It contains relatively low
amounts of sodium, sulfates and chloride; low to medium amounts of calcium and
magnesium; but a fairly high amount of carbonates. Such water is well suited for the
complex, mellow, malt-accented, yet relatively dry Munich Dunkel.

Dublin water, even more so than Munich water, is very high in carbonate content,
and, not surprisingly, Dublin is a famous dark-beer center.

Burton-on-Trent water shows fairly high values for all elements, with calcium and
sulfate values being exceptionally high. This gives Burton water plenty of permanent
hardness. Burton's bicarbonate values are high as well and give it lots of temporary
hardness, too. This composition makes Burton water the perfect liquor for I PAs.

Dortmund water is high in practically all mineral aspects, especially in carbonate and
chloride (non-carbonate) hardness, which is why Dortmund-style Export lagers are
perceived as very full-flavored and as both hoppier and maltier than similarly brewed
Munich lagers, for instance.

In general, water with more temporary (carbonate) than permanent hardness-like

Munich or London water-makes better dark beers; while water with more
permanent (sulfate, non-carbonate) than temporary hardness-like Burton-on-Trent
water-tends to make better pale beers.

Importantly, soft water, such as Pilsner water, dampens the perception of hop
bitterness, while hard water, especially water that is high in sulfate, accentuates it.
Therefore, a true Bohemian Pilsner of, say, 40 BUs can still taste predominantly
malty, with a soft, rounded happiness, and without harsh astringencies, while a
Burton Pale Ale made from the same grain-bed composition and with the same
alpha-acid loading would have an overwhelmingly assertive, mouth-puckering, up­
front bitterness and a dry aftertaste.

To achieve control over water quality and composition, several breweries now use
modern techniques such as reverse osmosis to strip their water of all characteristics,
good or bad, so that they can "build" their water from scratch to match the water
characteristics of such famous traditional brewing centers as Burton-on-Trent,
Dortmund, Dublin, London, Munich, or Pilsen.

The most common additives used to compose different water types are gypsum,
which adds calcium and sulfate; Epsom salt, which adds magnesium and sulfate;
non-iodized table salt, which adds sodium and chloride; chalk, which adds calcium
and carbonate; baking soda, which adds sodium and bicarbonate; and slaked lime


(calcium hydroxide), which adds calcium; as well as calcium chloride; potassium

chloride; sodium sulfate; and potassium metabisulfite. Gypsum and Epsom salts are
also known as Burton salts because they add Burton-on-Trent-like hardness and
sulfate levels to the brewing liquor.


The Danish botanist Emil Christian Hansen (1842 - 1909), a recognized
authority on fungi (myces), was the first person to find a practical way to
segregate the different yeast strains and breed them pure. From 1879,
Hansen worked as head of the laboratory of the Carlsberg Brewing
Company i n Copenhagen. In 1881, he classified brewer's yeast into cold,
bottom-fermenting lager strains (Saccharomyces uvarum) and warm, top
fermenting ale strains (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). All other yeasts are
called "wild" in beer making and produce nasty off-flavors. Saccharomyces
uvarum, incidentally, is also known as Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis. It is
not difficult to figure out where that name comes from.

Hansen also noted that, within the two broad classes of beer-friendly top
and bottom fermenting yeasts, there are many variations, each with their
own properties that affect the ultimate taste of the beer they ferment.
Already in 1882, he demanded that yeast not only be free from bacteria, as
Pasteur had insisted, but also free from "wild" yeast, if we want to make
good beer. By 1890, he had developed a practical technique for the
cultivation of pure yeast strains from a single cell. Pitching was never to be
the same again.


About Yeast

The recipes in this book do not list specific yeast brands, only generic yeast types.
There are many reputable yeast laboratories operating around the world, whose
products-dried or liquid-are perfectly suitable for fermenting the beer styles in
this book. For example, there are specialty yeast strains for Altbier, Kolsch,
Hefeweizen, Bavarian Lagers, Czech Pilsners, Belgian Oud Bruin, Lambie, dry Stout,
California Common, London-type ales, or high-alcohol ales and lagers.

Pitching rates are dependent on the cell count of the pitching slurry or starter as well
as the gravity of the wort to be fermented. However, rates are not critical to a
precise degree. Yet, severe under-pitching can cause a delay in the start of
fermentation and lead to excessive levels of acetaldehyde, which gives the finished
beer an aroma and flavor of green apples. A sluggish fermentation without vigorous
C02 formation may also be insufficient to carry any remaining OMS out of the brew.
Over-pitching, on the other hand, may cause a low ester profile that is atypical for
certain beer styles, or the excess yeast cells may autolyze and impart an off-flavor
similar to the smell of burnt rubber to the beer.

As a rough guideline, at a fermentation temperature of roughly 60 O F - 65 OF (roughly

15 oc - 18°C), ales require about 6 to 10 million cells per milliliter of wort per degree
Plato, while lagers, which are usually fermented colder, require about 10 to 15
million cells per milliliter of wort per degree Plato. The following rule of thumb is a
serviceable translation of these quantities for the practical brewer:

Pitch about 0.5 liters of thick, healthy yeast slurry per hectoliter (or about 0.6
quarts/bbl) of wort at about OG 1.048 {12 °P}. Pitch up to twice as much for a brew
with a gravity of OG 1.076 {19 oP); and pitch about 50 percent more slurry for a
lager than you wouldfor an ale.


Even though yeast, a single-cell organism, is the sole agent of alcoholic
fermentation, it is not listed as a permissible beer ingredient in the original 1516
Bavarian Beer P urity Law. This is because, in those days, brewers ( and their
regulators) believed that yeast sediments were an i mpu rity that was excreted from
the brew during fermentation, a residue of putrefaction. To their minds, wort
already contained alcohol, albeit in an adu lterated form, and fermentation was a
cleansing process, by which alcohol was liberated from its contaminants, including
yeast. In the modern version of the German federal Beer Purity Law, (the
Reinheitsgebot), yeast has been added as a legally permissible ingredient. However,
only barley-based beers may be fermented with either bottom- or top-fermenting
yeasts! Any beer containing rye, wheat, or other non-barley ingredients may be
fermented with top-fermenting yeast only; otherwise it cannot be called "beer," by
law! Consequently, like anywhere else, there are ba rley-on ly ales as well as lagers in
Germany, but there are only rye or wheat ales, such as Roggen bier and Hefeweizen.
This German law, of course, should not prevent any brewer outside Germany from
brewing a "Weizenlager."


About Brew Systems

Brew systems can be categorized by their configuration and layout, by their capacity
and versatility to brew different beer styles ... and, of course, by their aesthetics.

Configuration and layout

Brew systems are either modular, for any size brew house, or block-mounted as a
pre-assembled unit-a configuration that has obvious size limitations. In either case,
the system must perform all elementary functions of a brew house: mix the milled
grain with water (mashing), produce wort (lautering), and heat up the wort. A brew
system-modular or block-mounted-may range in complexity from traditional and
simple to very sophisticated and high-tech.

The mash vessel must ensure:

1. Proper hydration of the milled grist.
2. Complete and homogeneous mixing of the milled grist.
3. Temperature control for all required enzymatic conversions.
4. The proper volume for grist and brewing liquor in relation to the overall size of
the other equipment in the brewery, for any beer style.

The Iauter vessel must ensure:

1. Temperature control throughout the lautering period.
2. Efficient and fast wort run-off.
3. Easy evacuation of spent grain.

The kettle process must ensure several functions that crucially affect the taste of the
finished beer:
1. Wort sterilization and termination of all enzymatic degradation processes.
2. Isomerization of alpha-acids for bittering.
3. Formation of color, taste, and flavor elements through chemical processes such
as the Maillard Reaction.
4. Coagulation and sedimentation of excess proteins into trub.
5. Evaporation of undesirable, volatile wort elements, including OMS and its
6. Wort gravity adjustments to specification.

In addition, ease of cleaning is or should be a crucial selection criterion, too, when

choosing any brewing vessel.

Historically, making any beer at all-invariably from easily available local

ingredients-was the primary brewing objective, and all other factors, such as raw
material utilization and energy efficiency, were probably less of an issue. A simple
system normally sufficed. A mash-lauter tun; a direct-fired kettle; an open, often
wooden, fermenter; and a few casks were all that was needed as basic equipment to
make beer. Classic British pub systems are typical representations of such a simple,
traditional brew house model.


The Continental-European, mostly German, brew house configuration, on the other

hand, evolved as a mash-kettle configuration, with the Iauter tun-not the kettle­
being the single-function unit. Such systems tend to be more versatile than British
systems, because they allow more readily for multi-step mashing-traditionally by
way of decoctions, but today usually by way of multi-step infusions with rest in
between. For more through-put, some systems have a three-vessel configuration,
with mash tun, kettle, and Iauter tun each as stand-alone units. In the old days, the
mash often had to be ladled from one vessel to the next. In early medieval systems,
lautering often involved just ladling or skimming the wort from the mash tun into the
kettle. Today, a "Continental" mash is transferred by means of positive head­
pressure slurry pumps.

In either system, British or Continental, an extra vessel, the whirlpool as a wort

clarifier, came into wide use during the second half of the 20th century. A very recent
innovation that allows for an increase in the brew frequency is a so called "whirlpool
kettle," tied to an external boiler.

Around the same time, steam generators for supplying jackets with heat became
commonplace, even though the first practical use of steam for wort boiling dates
back to the 1820s. Steam as a heat source, compared to direct firing, represents a
great improvement in temperature control for hot liquor tanks, mash tuns, and
kettles, which, in turn, results in better utilization of raw materials. Steam heating
also improves energy efficiencies, compared to open flames, by aiming the energy
primarily where it is needed. This reduces energy losses to ambient air.

Finally, with the arrival of automation in the brew house, efficiencies have increased
even further, because it allows different recipes to be pre-programmed into the
system so that all crucial temperatures, times, volumes, and flows can be reliably

Brew System Quality Variables

Apart from the efficiency and versatility of a brew system, sanitation and
workmanship are perhaps the most crucial-and related-components of a quality
brew house. Poorly ground welding seams, as well as nooks and crannies in vessels,
transfer pipes, and other plumbing are notoriously difficult to keep clean and are
obvious hideouts for spoilage microbes. The same is true for poorly designed or
badly crafted valves and connectors, as well as ports for probes and gauges. A brew
system that meets modern standards of sanitation and food safety, therefore, must
be well designed for the unimpeded flow of slurries and liquids, including CIP

Many components of a brew system are also under constant stress from high heat,
rapid temperature changes, and high pressure. All system components, therefore,
must be made exclusively of strong, food-grade, quality metals (stainless steel) that
can guarantee a brew system's long and trouble-free working life. This requires
superior engineering at the design stage, diligent quality workmanship during
fabrication, as well as intelligent site planning for the efficient material flow in the


brewery from the silos and grain lofts, through the hot brew house, the cold cellar,
the temperate packaging area, to the loading ramp for packaged beer.

Finally, all brewing vessels must be properly insulated for maximum heat retention,
which is essential for energy-efficient brewery operations.

Brew Systems for the Future

Most experts agree that the occurrence of the next energy crisis is not a question of
"if" but "when/' worldwide, because the amount of fossil fuels in the earth appears
to be finite and their availability is always subject to political uncertainties. In
response to these impending challenges, several brew equipment manufacturers are
now working on new, energy-saving designs. Perhaps the most progressive approach
is that of SCHULZ Brew Systems of Bamberg, which relies, among other i nnovations,
on a revolutionary wort boiling method, which is available in two versions, the
GentleCraftBoil system for small breweries with batch volumes smaller than 40
hectoliters (approx. 34 bbiL and the GentleBoil system for larger breweries with
batch volumes exceeding 40 hectoliters. These systems are marketed in German
speaking countries under the brand names of "SchoKolino" and "SchoKo." "SchoKo"
is an acronym for "Schonkochen/' which is German for "gentle boil."

Conventional wort boiling, which usually lasts 60 to 90 minutes, is, of course, the
most energy-intensive process in the entire production of beer, traditionally
consuming about 65 to 70 percent of the total energy requirements of a brewery.
Improvements at the boil stage, therefore, offer the greatest energy-savings
potential. The standard heat source nowadays for a full boil is steam circulated
through internal or external kettle heating zones. By this process, heat-induced
chemical changes in the wort, as well as wort evaporation, are achieved in a single
step, the boil, without scorching the wort, as can occur in direct-fired kettles.

Whereas the expulsion of aromatic volatiles and the adjustment of wort

concentrations definitely require evaporation temperatures, other reactions in the
hot wort, such as hop isomerization, protein coagulation, and wort sterilization, can
take place at temperatures below a full evaporation boil. Separating evaporation
from other reactions in the wort, therefore, was a crucial conceptual starting point
for the revolutionary SCHULZ GentleBoil wort treatment concept. In this new kettle
concept, the wort is processed in three phases:

1. In a closed kettle, the wort is constantly recirculated for agitation at a

temperature slightly below a full boil. This prevents the escape of thermal
energy into the brew stack, while allowing alpha-acid isomerization; wort
sterilization; color, taste, and flavor formation; protein coagulation; and
partial evaporation of volatiles to take place in the wort.

2 . The next step in the GentleBoil concept i s a conventional whirlpool to clarify

the wort.


3. Then, in a separate, innovative mushroom-shaped vessel, designed from

scratch by SCHULZ developers as part of the Gentle Boil system, the wort is
put in-line through its final and major evaporation phase. A pump maintains a
constant vacuum inside this vessel, and the whirlpooled wort enters the
chamber through a tangential inlet. As the wort spins along the inside wall of
the vessel in a thin film, it slowly descends and loses volatiles and some
excess water. These evaporants are the same volatiles that, in a conventional
full boil brew kettle, evaporate through the brew stack, along with plenty of
thermal energy. The amount of evaporation inside the GentleBoil
evaporation chamber is variable, but typically around 6 percent of wort
volume. During evaporation in the vacuum, the wort cools off by roughly 30
oc (roughly 55 oF). A further decrease in wort temperature to the desired
pitching temperature is then achieved the conventional way, through a cold­
water heat-exchanger. The unit's vacuum pump, too, is connected to a
separate cooler. The steam that is generated inside the vacuum unit during
evaporation is water-cooled and liquefied in a condenser. This water exits the
system at about 60 oc (140 °F). Therefore, the entire heat energy contained in
the evaporated water is recovered-crucially, without generating excessive
amounts of hot water.

There are other advantages to the SCHULZ GentleBoil innovation: By not exposing
the wort to the high temperatures of a full boil, there is less stress on the wort, but
all traditional kettle effects are achieved: wort concentration, wort evaporation, a
lowering of coagulable nitrogen content, and sufficient hop isomerization.
Substances contributing to foam stability are preserved as well and their amounts
can be calibrated by varying the duration of the wort's gentle "kettle time."

Implementing this technology in new brew systems or retrofitting existing systems

with it does not limit a brewery's flexibility in terms of processes or beer styles. On
the contrary, the brewery gains flexibility, because, with the new technology, the
system can handle even very small charges-for specialty or contract brews, for
instance. Minimum batch sizes, once dictated by external boiler configurations, are
now a thing of the past.

I n terms of amortization, this larger GentleBoil technology is economically viable

only for batch sizes above 40 hectoliters. In the smaller GentleCraftBoil system,
therefore, after the non-boil kettle process is complete and all kettle-related wort
objectives are accomplished, the remaining dissipation of wort volatiles is achieved
by a patented kettle-internal adjustable wort dispersion plate (AWDP) that operates
under atmospheric instead of vacuum conditions.

Empirical energy measurements indicate substantial fuel savings of the new SCHULZ
GentleBoil and GentleCraftBoil technologies over conventional, full-boil, brew
systems. To produce one hectoliter (100 liters) of wort in a conventional brew
system with an internal or external boiler consumes approx. 3.0 - 4.0 1/hl of oil (or
equivalent) in primary energy. If the system is fired by a direct oil or gas burner the
energy requirements even exceed 4.0 1/hl of oil (or equivalent)-often substantially!


The SCHULZ GentleBoil and GentleCraftBoil technologies, by comparison, require

much less energy to prepare the same wort ready for fermentation. The
GentleCraftBoil system requires less than 2.2 liters per hectoliter of finished wort,
while energy consumption drops even below 1.0 1/hl for GentleBoil systems with the
vacuum evaporation unit. This means the new SCHULZ technology yields up to 70
percent in energy savings compared to conventional systems.

Energy Consumption
SCHULZ Wort Boiling Systems

Low Energy Consumption

SCHULZ GentleBoil < 1 .0

SCHULZ GentleCraftBoil < 2.0

Internal Boiler with

Kettle Vapor Condenser < 3.0

Internal Boiler > 3.0

Direct-Fired Kettle

High Energy Consumption

Primary energy consumption in liters of fuel o il per hectoliter of wort

A brewer with an annual output of 50,000 hectoliters (roughly 43,000 U.S. bbl), for
instance, can save up to 125,000 liters (more than 32,500 U.S. gallons) of fuel oil (or
equivalent) per year just by replacing or retrofitting an existing conventional with the
new SCHULZ GentleBoil brew system. The savings are both economic and
environmental: In the United States, as an example, at an assumed price of US$ 2.50
per U.S. gallon of fuel oil, the savings in a 43,000-bbl brewery add up to more than
US$ 80,000 in annual operating cost as well as a reduction of 375 tons in annual C02

The ECO-Burner
The latest SCHULZ eco-friendly energy-saving invention is the ECO-Burner, a fully
automated, wood waste-consuming boiler that is connected to a closed-loop, hot­
water kettle heating system. The ECO-Burner is fully integrated into the brew house
process control software. Using shavings, pellets, or saw dust from the wood
processing industry as an energy source takes the brew house carbon footprint down
to zero. In addition to heating the brew equipment, this closed-loop hot-water
system can also supply other areas of the brewery with heat by just tying it into
building's heating system, thus generating the maximum in sustainability available
for a modern brewery today.


What's a Style Anyway?

Beer styles are elusive concepts that seem next to impossible to define. It is rare that
a majority, or even a plurality, of brewers or consumers agree on a particular beer
style's exact parameters or numerical technical specifications. Some brewers might
review a particular set of specifications presented in this book and argue that there
might be too much caramel and not enough chocolate malt in the grain bill; that
Warrior® or Ahtanum might have been a better choice of hops than Nugget; or that
the final gravity of 2.5 op (FG 1.1010) might be difficult to achieve in many
fermentation cellars. Well ... that's in the nature of the beast. A discussion of "style"
will never be entirely "objective." We may use math to derive a certain set of
numerical style specifications from assumption we make about a style, but the
process by which we arrive at our assumptions in the first place has often more to do
with subjective, creative intuition than with math.

Most beer styles have evolved over decades, even centuries, and many are still i n
flux today. In addition, creative brewers are constantly pushing t h e boundaries of
their craft by inventing new interpretations of old styles; sometimes they even
create new beers, especially in the New World, that defy all classifications
heretofore known.

So, how many styles are there? That depends entirely on how you count. Is a
Weizeneisbock, for instance, a separate style or just a sub-category of a broader
classification called Hefeweizen, Weissbier, or wheat ale? Or is it a subcategory of
Bock? Is a Baltic Porter a different style from a Robust Porter or a London Porter, or
is it just one of many variations of the basic Porter theme? Is a beer already a style, if
it's new, but is still just a one-of? Is a beer that is infused with grapes, figs, dates, or
citrus fruit a new style, or is it merely a funky experiment? Is a n American Pale Ale,
which, only a few decades ago, was just a New World novelty, a style of its own or
merely an adaptation of the classic English Pale Ale or Bitter? Likewise, are the
Northern German Pils or Pilsener, the Bavarian Pils, the Scandinavian Pilsner, or, for
that matter, the American mass-market "Premium Pilsner" just subcategories of the
classic Czech Pilsner of 1842 from Bohemia? Or are there many Pilsner styles now?
Considering that, today, perhaps nine out of 10 beers brewed in the world are-or
claim to be-a variation of that revolutionary mid-19th_century brew, we have
chosen to feature several Pilsner recipes here, without answering, whether or not
each of them reflects a different "style."

Then there is the question of overlapping styles. For instance, when does a brew
cease to be a Porter and become a Stout? At which color barrier does a pale ale
become a n amber, brown, or dark ale? Likewise, how deep golden may a Kelsch be,
before we would rather call it an Altbier? What are the real distinguishing
characteristics of a Vienna Lager, a Marzen, and an Oktoberfestbier; or what
separates a Scottish ale from a Scotch ale? Perhaps because of this natural
ambiguity, differences between brands within the same beer style are sometimes
greater than the differences between adjacent beer styles. Just consider the vast
variety of American pale ales on the market, on the one hand, and the often hard-to-


fathom difference between an American-style lager and American-style premium

lager, on the other.

The term Trappist Ale is perhaps a typical example of the difficulty of aggregating
various beers, or brands, into a style. Trappist ales hail from the seven monastic
breweries that may legally call their beers Trappist-Ache!, Chimay, De
Koningshoeven, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle, and Westvleteren-yet brew­
technically they differ greatly from each other. For instance, Westvleteren does not
use dark malts, the others do. Orval uses Brettanomyces and dry hopping as well as
two different yeast strains for primary fermentation and bottle conditioning, the
others do not. Chimay Premiere has a strong banana aspect, the others do not.
Rochefort uses some coriander i n its brews, the others do not. Perhaps the strongest
characteristics that binds the Trappist together and separates them from such
secular ales as Leffe Bruin, Affligem Tripe!, or St. Bernadus Abt 12 is a non-brew­
technical variable, namely ... monks! Should a secular Abbey Ale really be considered
a different style than a sacred Trappist Ale?

Finally, a beer's designation on the label is not always a reliable indication of what's
inside the bottle either. Is it really OK to call a blond ale made with Pacific Northwest
hops a Kelsch, or to call a wheat ale made with only 30 percent wheat malt, a
Hefeweizen, when the German beer law defines the style as requiring at least 50
percent wheat malt? Stylistic mislabeling, deliberate or inadvertent, is not
uncommon. I n fact, in some jurisdictions, even the law is party to the obfuscation: I n
Texas, for instance, higher-alcohol brews such a s Bocks and Doppelbocks must
always be labeled as ales, even though they are technically lagers.

The quest for definition and precision in beer styles is undoubtedly vexing. Yet, i n
attempting to present beer style recipes, the team behind this book had to become
specific. At the same time, we tried to avoid all dogmatism, high-minded or
otherwise. More often than not, brewers know a style intuitively when they see or
taste one, though they may not always agree on its technical definition. In trying to
nail down the essence of a beer style, therefore, we sought to identify and to distill
its core characteristics-brew-technical, socio-historical, and artistic-aesthetic, and
translate each style into one plausible and practical rendition.

We constructed our specifications in all the obvious areas, including color ranges;
bitterness ratings; original and final gravity ranges; mash temperatures; grain, hops,
and yeast selections; and fermentation times and temperatures. For some of the
truly classic styles, such as the Czech Pilsner, this task was relatively easier than it
was for such highly variable styles as the Belgian biere de saison, for instance, which
can be brewed equally authentically with and without spices!

The historical roots of a style were important to us as well. We took into account, if a
style emerged at a particular point in time and within a particular culture. For us, a
beer style acquired a much clearer definition, once it had longevity, that is, the style
had been made by several generations of brewers, preferably in more than one


geographical location. In essence, when it comes to "style," most brewers know it

when they see-or taste-it.

With all of these caveats, once again, this book is not intended as a set of dogmatic
fixations of the different beer styles. Rather it is intended as a solid piece of research
and a foundation for enlightened brewers, who may be interested in either copying
our interpretations of a style or using them as take-off points for modifications
according to their own predilections. With this book we hope to inspire, not to stifle,
boundless individual experimentation.

Beer Styles Ingredients

Along with process, the basic tools for a creative brewer are, of course, water, malt,
hops, and yeast. Given the vast variations of available ingredients today, even a
simple calculation of their mathematically possible permutations should give us beer
variations that number in the millions! There are many suppliers on the market that
offer these ingredients as well as brew systems-some locally, others, like the three
sponsors of this book, the Barth-Haas Group, SCHULZ Brew Systems, and the
Weyermann® Malting Company, worldwide. These companies offer a vast range of
products that enable a brewer to make just about any of the world's beer styles
authentically. All recipes presented here are composed to work with the sponsors'

The Barth-Haas Group sources hops from all across the globe, from New Zealand, to
China, the United States, Germany, Poland, Slovenia, and the Czech Republic. It
supplies about one-third of the world's hops in the form of pellets, leaf hops, and
"down-stream" products such as hop extracts.

SCHULZ is the world's oldest brew systems fabricator, since 1677, with installations
in breweries all across the world, ranging in size from 2.5 to 400 hectoliters. The
oldest, still operating SCHULZ brew house is over 150 years old ! SCHULZ systems
rank among the most versatile in the world and are suitable for making any beer
style, from a no-boil Finnish Sahti, a single-infusion brown ale, a partigyle Stock or
Old Ale in conjunction with a "small" ale, a Belgian Abbey Triple, to a triple-decoction

Weyermann® has emerged, during the past quarter century, as the world's largest
supplier of specialty malts as well as a top-quality supplier of German-, English­
Belgian- and Czech-style base malts. In all, Weyermann® now produces more than 80
varieties of malt as well as malt extracts and the patented liquid roasted color malt
SINAMAR®. There is a malt for every beer in that portfolio.


About the Sponsors


The Barth-Haas Group is the leading, vertically-integrated, global player in the hop
industry. The group maintains operations in every link in the hop supply chain, from
growing hops on Barth-Haas Group-owned farms, purchasing third-party hops, hop
processing, hop storage and logistics, to creating specialized hop applications for the
brewing process and beyond. This involves hop R&D in agronomy, processing,
brewing applications, pharma- and nutraceuticals, food processing, and several
other areas.

Barth-Haas is active in every major hop growing area in the world and services both
large and small brewing customers. For inquiries about the Barth-Haas Group, hop
issues or hop purchases, contact:
[email protected]
Phone: +49 911 54890

Joh. Barth & Sohn


SCHULZ Brew Systems

SCHULZ has been fabricating brewery plants since 1677. Today, it designs and
manufactures customized, top-quality brew and fermentation/maturation systems
for any requirement-from simple, traditional, single-infusion systems to fully
automated, versatile brewery facilities with the most advanced, economical, and
eco-friendly technologies on the market.

SCHULZ systems range in size from 2.5 to approximately 300 hectoliters. For small
breweries, SCHULZ manufactures complete breweries either in separate components
or on a base frame, a block, ready for operation.

The SCHULZ spectrum of equipment ranges from individual tanks and vessels of all
shapes and designs to complete turn-key breweries with custom designs,
architectural plans, plant layouts, automation and control systems, heating and
chilling peripheries, transfer infrastructure, energy recovery systems, spent-grain
and effluent management systems, installation management, recipe assistance, and
brewer training.

For pub breweries of any size, where aesthetics are often crucial, SCHULZ brew
houses are available copper clad as well. With its long company history, SCHULZ has
emerged as an international market leader in small-size and pub breweries, with an
installed base of approximately 250 u nits, in addition to hundreds of mid- to large­
size installations. The oldest SCHULZ brew house still in operation has been making
beer for over 150 years.

For inquiries in North America, contact:
Horst Dornbusch at [email protected];
or by phone at 987-255-2009 or 978-255-1412.



The Weyermann® Specialty Malting Company was founded by Johann Baptist

Weyermann in Bamberg, Germany in 1879, as the MICH. WEYERMANN MALT
COFFEE FACTORY, so-named after the founder's father. Today, Weyermann® is still a
family- owned and family-operated company, managed by the fourth-generation
descendants of the founder. From a small, local company, Weyermann® has grown
to be the world's largest specialty malt producer to the beverage and food
industries. It supplies about 3,000 customers in 115 countries, on every continent,
except Antarctica. Its product spectrum includes more than 80 different malt
products, from caramel, to chocolate, to roasted, to smoked-ranging in color from
pale, to amber, to brown, to black. Weyermann® exports amount to about 60
percent of all shipments.

Weyermann® is a pioneer not only in malt product development, but also in

trademarking malt brands. Already in 1903, Weyermann® trademarked its invention
of a liquid color malt extract, called SINAMAR®, which is made from de-husked and
thus de-bittered roasted malt. That trademark was granted by the German Imperial
Patent Office in Berlin, in 1903. Today, it is protected internationally by the Madrid
Protocol. In 1908, Weyermann® created the world's first-ever pale caramel malt,
registered then in Germany under the trade name of Carapils®. This pale caramel
malt was followed by other caramel malt innovations, including CaraheW!l,
Caraaroma®, Caramunich®, Carafa®, and most recently, Carabohemian®, and


Weyermann® employs one of the most rigid incoming inspection procedures in the
malt industry. It purchases seeds for its raw materials and has them grown by select
contract farmers in some of Germanls best growing locations, mostly in Bavaria,
Saxony, and Thuringia. It insists on deep plowing for weed suppression, and is
involved in all herbicide and pesticide decisions, as well as in timing decisions
relating to both seeding and harvesting. All incoming trucks are sampled for kernel
size, kernel homogeneity, cleanliness, and several other significant grain parameters.

All malt is batch-processed only at Weyermann®, whereby batch sizes range from 12
to 120 metric tons. This permits the complete traceability of all Weyermann®
shipments from the customer's grain loft all the way back to the field where the
original raw material was cultivated. All caramel and roasted malts are processed in
drums rather than kilning boxes to ensure that every kernel is completely and evenly
processed throughout each entire batch.

Weyermann® does not use genetically modified raw materials in any of its malts,
malt extracts, and malt products for the food industry. All Weyermann® products are
processed in accordance with DIN-ISO 9001-2000. In addition, they are made in
accordance with the requirements of all applicable government food- and health
regulations, including HACCP (Hazard Analyses of Critical Control Points), and contain
less than the maximum allowable amounts of trace elements from pesticides,
herbicides, mycotoxins, and nitrosamines. All analyses are carried out by
independent, certified laboratories according to MEBAK standards (Methods of
Brew-Technical Analyses).

All Weyermann® products are all-natural and conform to the requirement of the
Reinheitsgebot (the German Beer Purity Law).

In addition, they are also available as internationally certified organic products.

Organic certificates include the EU-BIO standard as well as the USDA-NOP.


Weyermann® products are i mported into the United States exclusively by

Crosby & Baker Ltd

They are imported into Canada exclusively by Gilbertson & Page (Canada) Inc.


Unit Conversion Table

1 oz = 28.34952 grams
1 kg = 2.20462 lbs.
l ib. = 0.4535924 kg

1 US fl. oz. = 29.57353 milliliter
1 US fl. oz. = 0.02957353 liter
1 ml = 0.03381402 U.S. fl. oz.
1 US pint = 0.4731765 liter
1 US quart = 0.9463529 liter
! liter = 0.2641721 U.S. gallons
! liter = 33.81402 fl. oz.
! liter = 2.113376 US pints
! liter = 1.056688 US quarts
1 US gallon = 3.7853 liters = 0.03226 barrels
1 bbl = 1.173 hi
1 h i = 0.852 bbl
For medieval German recipes: 1 Eimer (bucket) = 65 liters approx.

Grain Weight
1 US bushel (grain) = 35,238 liter = 0.35238 HL
1 US bushel barley = 48 lbs.
1 US bushel wheat = 60 lbs.
1 hi/kg barley= 61.7868766499 U.S. bushels

US bushel -7 f- "hectoliter-weight" and vice versa:

x hi-weight = y bushel weight*1.288393
x bushel weight = y hi weight*O.776855

1 o on the Celsius scale = 9/5 o on the Fahrenheit scale
1 o on the Fahrenheit scale 5/9 o on the Celsius scale

X oc = (9 * X °C/5) + 32 OF
y OF = (5 * y °F/9) - 32 oc


1 0 1 Rec i pes
of t h e
Wo r 's
Bee r Styles


About "Major" Beer Styles

All hop and malt quantities for making a brew with the listed specifications are calculated for
brew systems with a nominal, average system extract efficiency of 80 percent. This ensures
easy standardization and comparison across brew systems of all types and sizes. Extract
efficiency is essentially the amount of wort you get from a given amount of dry grist. An SO­
percent performance is considered excellent. For most recipes, however, this top
performance is achievable only with top-quality i ngredients, such as Weyermann® malts;
used in modern, well engineered brew houses, such as those supplied by SCHULZ Brew

Systems. Empirically, given the enormous variability of brew systems in use throughout the
world, extract values may be marginally to substantially lower than presented here. In
practice, commercial brew house efficiency values tend to vary between 55 and 80 percent.
In rare cases, especially for certain recipes, and with the most meticulous attention to
process control, they may even be higher-up to 83 to 85 percent.

Among the key factors influencing real-life brew house yields are process variables, brew
house configurations, equipment heating methods, thermal characteristics of the brew
system, vessel geometries, rake/agitator and false-bottom designs, and the chemical
composition and pH-value of the local water. If your average brew house extract efficiency is
known, use its difference from 80 percent for the proportional adjustment of all hop and
malt quantities listed in the recipes here.

All beer color calculations, expressed in Standard Research Method {SRM) and European
Brewing Convention (EBC) values, are based on average Lovibond ratings of the specified
malts. Actual values, of course, vary from one harvest year to the next. Finished beer results,
therefore, may differ slightly from those specified here.

Hop alpha-acid values, too, are based on assumed averages. The hop plant is very delicate
and susceptible to local and seasonal weather conditions as well as the vagaries of pests and
diseases, soil conditions, and cultivation techniques. If real alpha-acid values differ from
those stated here, simply recalculate hop quantities accordingly.

All values in the recipes are rounded to no more than two decimal points.

The selected recipes are for beer styles that the author and technical editors judged to be
among the most significant classic styles. Modern, experimental recipes were, for the most
part, not included. For completeness, however, "minor" classic beer styles are discussed
alphabetically in an Appendix, but without elaborate brewing recipes. The author and the
technical editors freely acknowledge that the distinction between "major" and "minor" as
well as between "classic" and "modern, experimental" beer styles is subjective and a
judgment call. While the erstwhile experimental, muscular, in-your-face, high-alcohol hop
bomb of an American Double or lmperial iPA is clearly sufficiently established to deserve
recognition as a major beer style in its own right, perhaps an American Mandarin Orange
Wheat Ale is not quite there yet.

Vague historical styles, too, for which it is very difficult to construct a recipe with a
reasonable claim of authenticity, such the Brunswick Mumme from the days of the
Hanseatic League, are generally just covered in the Appendix. Several pe rhaps "minor"
recipes, on the other hand, which are still brewed today, such as the Finnish Sahti or the
Flanders Kriek, have been included in the "major" recipe section.


The proper brewing method for a given style is another legitimate point of debate. How to
brew a beer is not only a matter of theory, but also of the practical capabilities and
limitations of the brew system, in which the recipe is to be put into action. Several recipes in
this book may call for a continuous infusion, for instance, which is a simple "multi"-mash
method that often produces very suitable and satisfactory, if not excellent, results. However,
these beers can also to be brewed by the multi-step infusion or decoction method, or even
by a single-temperature infusion. As a professional brewer you know how to take matters
from here!

Cask-conditioning as a traditional cella ring technique has not been treated in this book,
simply because-subject to the brewer's discretion and inclination-any beer included here
can be cella red by this method-in new or used casks; in traditional English ale firkins; in
Scotch, Bourbon, Cognac, or wine casks; in casks made of different woods; in casks lined
with pitch; in casks toasted to various degrees; in untoasted casks...the variations are

All non-alcoholic beers and most low-alcohol beers-though popular-have been omitted
from this book, because such brews as German Malzbier and Alkoholfreies Weissbier or
American mass-produced N-A beers tend to require special equipment and production
techniques to eliminate alcohol produced by the yeast or to interrupt fermentation and keep
the yeast from producing alcohol in the first place. Such beers are treated briefly in the

Finally, most beer mixed drinks or blended beers, such as Radler, Russ or Russ'n, Black &
Tan, and Wei Pi, have been left out of the recipe section. They, too, are treated briefly in the

For all the reasons enumerated above, none the style treatments in this book-not their
specifications, not their ingredients, nor their brewing procedures-are intended as dogma.
Instead, the recommendations listed here represent possible or typical interpretations of
the featured styles. In the spirit of brew freedom, alternative interpretations of these styles
may be just as valid. Therefore, you may use the recipes exactly as presented here, use them
as a beacon for your orientation, or just consider them a platform from which to depart on
your own trail of unl imited experimentation.


The Egyptian Queen Cleopatra and her Roman lover Marc Anthony invented
the beer tax to finance a navy for their struggle with the Roman Empire led
by Octavian, who later became Augustus, the first Roman Emperor. At the
naval Battle of Actium (31 BC) Octavian completely routed the Egyptian fleet,
and darling Cleo together with the philandering Marc Anthony committed
suicide a year later. The Romans take-over of Egypt caused the decline of
Egyptian brewing, because the gra i n s that were once transformed into the
brews of the Nile were now being transformed into the breads of the Tiber.
Egypt remained under Roman influence until the so-called Arabic Conquest,
which was completed by 642 AD, when Egypt became part of the Muslim
world. This spelled the absolute end of Egyptian brewing, because the Koran
demands that holy warriors practice sobriety.


Abbey/Trappist Dubbel
Beer culture of origin Belgium
AKA Abdijbier, Biere d'Abbaye, Trappistenbier, Biere des
Peres Trappistes
Related Styles Belgian Tripei/Triple Abbey Ale

Style Description
The brew-technical parameters of Belgian Abbey or Trappist Ales range so widely
that it is virtually impossible to categorize them. Their alcohol by volume may vary
from 4 to 12 percent; their original gravity, from 12.5 op to 25 op (OG 1. 050 to 1.100};
theirfinal gravity, from 2.5 op to 5 op (FG 1. 010 to 1.020}; their color, from a pale­
blond 3 SRM to a dark copper or tawny 20 SRM. The base malt for Abbey/Trappist
brews is usually Pilsner or Pale Ale malt. The bitterness of a Dubbe/ may range from
almost imperceptible at 20 BU to highly aromatic at 45 BU, and the hops can come
from almost anywhere, including Germany (Tettnanger, Hallertauer Mittelfruh, Spalt,
or Perle}, the Czech Republic (Saaz}, and Slovenia (Styrian Go/dings).

Even such terms as Dubbel (Flemish) or Double (French)-meaning double-as

opposed to the usually pale to golden-colored Tripe/ (Flemish) or Triple (French)­
meaning triple-are potentially misleading, because a Dubbei/Double from one
brewery may actually be more potent than a Tripei/Triple from another.
Dubbei/Double is usually deep amber to copper-colored, while a Tripei/Triple is
usually pale to golden-colored.

Perhaps the most salient definition of an Abbey or Trappist Ale appears to be a legal
one: According to a 1962 Belgian court decision, only six monastic Belgian
breweries-and one in neighboring Holland-may legally call their beers Trappist
ales (Trappistenbier in Flemish and Biere des Peres Trappistes in French). These are
alphabetically: Ache/, Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle, and Westvleteren, as
well as the Brouwerij de Koningshoeven across the Dutch border. All other, secular,
Abbey beers must be labeled Abdijbier (Flemish) or Biere d'Abbaye (French) to
distinguish them from the ones made by monks.

With these provisos, perhaps the only feature all Abbey/Trappist Ales have in
common is bottle conditioning. In addition, these ales tend to have a big, dense, and
creamy head; a complex, yeasty, fruity, and estery flavor and aroma; and sometimes
a slightly sweet finish. Especially the stronger, well-aged variations often have notes
of sour cherry and oak.

Abbey/Trappist ale brewers usually add rock candy, sugar syrup, or regular table
sugar to the brew kettle to increase the brew's amount offermentables and thus of
alcohol. The sugars may be white or dark and are often a variable mixture of sucrose
and glucose. The recipe below produces a brew of 15 op (OG 1.060} kettle gravity
before the addition of about 1. 75 kg/hi (4.5 lbs./bbl) of white table sugar, which has
virtually no influence on beer color. After the addition of sugar, the gravity is approx.
16.75 op (OG 1.067}.


The apparent attenuation of this brew at the end offermentation is approx. 2.5 op
{FG 1.010}. The sugar, therefore, raises the alcohol by volume (ABV) of the finished
beer by approx. 0.8 percentage points from 6. 7 to 7.6 percent (rounded values!).

Specifications (before the addition of sugar)

OG 1.060 {15 °P} BU 20 ABV 6.7%
FG 1.010 {2.5 °P) Color 11.8 SRM/30.1 EBC ABW 5.2%

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (lbs) 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(l<g) (kg)
Pale Ale 65 28.48 12.92 33.41 15.15 5.39 2.45
Abbey Malt"' 20 8.76 3.97 10.28 4.66 1.66 0.76
Carabelge<» 7.5 3.29 1.49 3.85 1.75 0.62 0.28
MunichI 7.5 3.29 1.49 3.85 1.75 0.62 0.28
Total Grain 100 43.82 19.87 51.40 23.31 8.29 3.77
White table sugar 3.85 1.75 4.52 2.05 0.728 0.33
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)

Bittering: Barth-
Haas Magnum 13.5 0.60 17 0.7 20 0.1 3
Flavor: Barth-
Haas Tettnanger 4 5.24 149 6.2 174 1.0 28
Aroma: Barth-
Haas Styrian
Goldings 5.25 3.50 99 4.1 116 0. 7 19
Yeast Belgian high-gravity ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion @ 152 °F {67 °C}. Rest 90 min. Recirculate. Sparge 90 min. Boil 120
min. 1st hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops @ 100 min; 3 rd hops @ 110 min. Add sugar 5 min
before shut-down. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation 5 - 7 days @ 56 - 70 oF
(15 - 21 oq, depending on yeast strain. Rack. Secondary fermentation 3 - 5 wks @
46 - 50 OF {8- 10 °C}. Dissolve and sterilize about 250 grams/hectoliter of beer
(roughly 10 oz./bbl) of white table sugar 2 liters (2 quarts) in hot water. Add to beer
and re-inoculate it with fresh yeast. Conditioned in closed tank for a day. Package.
Bottle-condition 3 wks @ about 70 OF {21 °C}. Age beer in bottle for 3 - 4 months in
dark cellar @ 46 - 56 °F (10 - 15 °C}.


Abbey/Tra ppist Tripei/Triple

Beer culture of origin Belgium
AKA Abdijbier, Biere d'Abbaye, Trappistenbier, Biere des
Peres Trappistes
Related Styles Belgian Dubbei/Double Abbey Ale

Style Description
For a general style description of Abbey/Trappist Ale� see Abbey/Trappist Dubbel. The
base malt for any Abbey/Trappist brew is usually Pilsner or Pale Ale malt.
Traditionally, some of the brew's fermentab!es and thus alcohol come from rock
candy, sugar syrup, or regular table sugar added to the kettle. The recipe below
produces a brew of 15.5 op (OG 1.062) kettle gravity before the addition of about 3.5
kg/hi {9 !bs./bbl) of white table sugar, which has virtually no influence on beer color.
After the addition of sugar, the gravity is approx. 18. 75 op (OG 1.075). The apparent
attenuation of this brew at the end offermentation is approx. 2.5 op (FG 1.010}. The
sugar, therefore, raises the alcohol by volume (ABV) of the finished beer by approx.
1. 7 percentage points from 6.9 to 8.6 percent (rounded values!).

Specifications (before the addition of sugar)



Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg)
Pale Ale 96 43.55 19.75 51.08 23.17 8.24 3.75
Weye rm an n�
Abbey Malt® 2.5 1.13 0.51 1.33 0.60 0.21 0.10
Carabelge" 1.5 0.68 0.31 0.80 0.36 0.13 0.06
Total Grain 100 45.36 20.58 53.21 24.14 8.58 3.91
White table
sugar 7.70 3.49 9.03 4.10 1.46 0.66
HOPS %AA 1 H l (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Magnum 13.5 1.01 29 1.2 34 0.2 . 5
Flavor: Barth-
Haas Tettna nger 4 8.92 253 10.5 296 1.7 48
Aroma: Ba rth·
Haas Styrian
Goldings 5.25 5.94 169 7.0 198 1.1 32
Yeast Belgian high-gravity ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion @ 152 °F {67 °C}. Rest 90 min. Recirculate. Sparge 90 min. Boil 120
min. 1 st hops @ 15 min; 2 nd hops @ 100 min; 3 rd hops @ 110 min. Add sugar 5 min
before shut-down. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation 5 - 7 days @ 56 - 70 oF


(15 - 21 °C}, depending on yeast strain. Rack. Secondary fermentation 3 - 5 wks @

46 - 50 °F (8 - 10 °(). Dissolve and sterilize about 250 grams/hectoliter of beer
(roughly 10 oz./bbl) of white table sugar 2 liters (2 quarts) of hot water. Add to beer
and re-inoculate it with fresh yeast. Condition in closed tank for a day. Package.
Bottle-condition 3 wks @ about 70 OF (21 °C}. Age beer in bottle for 3 - 4 months in
dark cellar @ 46 - 56 OF (10 - 15 °C}.


The first modern kiln was developed less than 200 years ago, by British inventor
Daniel Wheeler who patented it in 1817 as an "Improved Method of Drying and
Preparing Malt." I n doing so, he paved the way to the many beer styles we
know today. I n Wheeler's indirect-heat kiln, hot, clean air was blown by steam­
engine driven fans into the grain bed.

The drying process in the Wheeler kiln could now be perfectly controlled,
without imparting any nasty fuel flavors to the grain and without scorching it. If
the maltster wanted to make dark grain for the black brews, he could now do
so deliberately. And brewers could now mix pale malt with different amounts
of dark or black, burnt malt to create different color and flavor effects in the

Wheeler replaced the traditional direct-fired kiln with an iron, cylindrical drum,
in which the grain is blow-dried by clean, hot air rather than penetrated by
dirty, hot smoke. Thus the malt no longer picked up residues from coke or
wood fuels, flavors that used to be passed on to the beer.

Apparently the idea for his kiln came to Wheeler while he was watching some
coffee being roasted. With Wheeler's device maltsters could, for the first time,
produce clean-tasting malt of predictable color.

It was Wheeler's invention that gave brewers the flexibility they needed to
experiment with beer color and flavor in a way they had never been able to
before. Thus, in the nineteenth century new beer styles came into existence,
and older beers, even the black ones, were slightly altered by being made with
pale foundation grists plus deliberately darkened grains.

The new lighter-colored beers that came on line in the nineteenth century and
have dominated brewing ever since are the Oktoberfest, Pilsner, and Helles in
the European continent and the pale ale, India pale, and bitters in the British


Beer culture of origin Germany (Dusseldorf region in the Rhineland)
AKA Alt, Dussel
Related Styles Sticke Alt; Latzen Alt; Doppelsticke

Style Description
Altbier is an unusual, cool-fermented, lagered ale. It is copper-colored, hop-accented
{25-45 BU} and clean tasting. It should have virtually no roasted notes and is best
mode with plenty of Munich malt. The flavor profile ofAltbier is greatly influenced by
the yeast. While relatively warm-fermenting British ale yeast gives a brew plenty of
fruity complexity, cool-fermenting specialty Altbier yeasts do exactly the opposite.

Spalt is ideally suitedfor this well-balanced bitter-sweet brew, for both bittering and
aroma. Haflertauer, Tettnanger, Perle and Mt. Hood are good substitutes.

The mouthfeel ought to be light and clean, like that of a Dunkel lager, but with a
touch more attenuation and a more hop-aromatic finish. The original gravity usually
varies between 11.5 and 12.SOP {OG 1.046-1.050).

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL {lbs) 1 BBL {kg) 5 Gal { lbs)
{lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 63 21.36 9.69 25.05 11.36 4.04 1.84
Munich I 30 10.17 4.61 11.93 5.41 1.92 0.88
Carared® 5 1.70 0.77 1.99 0.90 0.32 0.15
Carafa"' Special I 2 0.68 0.31 0.80 0.36 0.13 0.06
Total Grain 100 33.90 15.38 39.77 18.04 6.41 2.92
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL {oz) 1 BBL {g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Spa Iter 4.5 8.04 228 9.4 267 1.5 43
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Spa Iter 4.5 5.24 149 6.2 174 1.0 28
Yeast Dusseldorfer Altbier yeast

Brewing Process
Step infusion at 122 OF (SO oq, 148 OF (64 oq, and 156 OF (69 oq, with a 10 min rest at
each step; or single infusion @ 150 oF (66 °C}, with a 30 min rest. Then raise temp to
170 °F {77 °C}. Lauter. Boil 75 min. 1st hops after 15 min. 2nd hops after 65 min.
Primary fermentation 7 days @ bottom edge of the yeast's preferred temp range.
Rack. Reduce temp by 2 °F (1 oq per day to 32 ° F - 40 OF {0 oc - 4 °C}. Rack after 2
wks. Lager 3 wks to 2 months. Rack and condition.


Altbier, Westphalian
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Munster Alt
Related Styles Dusseldorf Altbier

Style Description
The City of Munster is deep in the heart of Westphalia, one of the two regions of the
modern northwestern German State of North-Rhine- Westphalia-whose capital is
Dusseldorf Munster is also adjacent to the State of Lower-Saxony to the east. These
two states as well as Holland and Belgium to the west are part of the vast, mountain­
less Great European Plain that stretches from the Atlantic Ocean to the Ural
Mountains in Russia. Beerologically, this region has always been ale country, and ales
are still holding their own there, even though Bavarian and Czech lagers have by now
conquered the rest of the world.

From the descriptions available to us today, the early medieval ales of the region,
such as the Brunswick Mumme, were fairly heavy, darkish, syrupy ales-probably
from smoky malts and low-attenuating yeasts.

In the late Middle Ages, these ales became a bit more drinkable through the addition
of plenty of wheat malt. The brews that emerged became known as the Keutebier,
forerunner of the modern Altbier and, in the 19t11-century, of the Wiess of Cologne,
which, in turn spawned the modern Kblsch.

While the copper Altbiers of Dusseldorf and their blond Kblsch cousins from Cologne
have largely shed their wheaten heritage, in Munster and environs, the Keutebier
metamorphosed into a type of Altbier that retained much of old wheaten creaminess.
The Westphalian Altbier recipe below is a modern rendition of such an ale.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
Pale Wheat Malt 40 14.47 6.56 16.97 7.70 2.74 1.25
Pilsner 30 10.85 4.92 12.73 5.77 2.05 0.94
Vienna 30 10.85 4.92 12.73 5. 77 2.05 0.94
Total Grain 100 36.17 16.41 42.43 19.24 6.84 3.12
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh 4.25 5.55 157 6.5 185 1.1 30
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast DOsseldorfer Altbier yeast


Brewing Process
Step infusion at 122 "F (50 "C), 148 "F (64 "C), and 156 "F {69 "C), with a 10 min rest at
each step; or single infusion @ 150 "F (66 "C), with a 30 min rest. Then raise temp to
170 "F (77 "C). Lauter. Boil 60 min. Hops @ 5 min. Primary fermentation 7 days @
bottom edge of the yeast's preferred temp range. Rack. Reduce temp by 2 "F (1 "C)
per day to 32 "F - 40 "F (O "C - 4 "C). Rack after 2 wks. Lager 3 wks to 2 months.
Rack and condition.


During the 14th century, the German North Sea port

city of Hamburg was probably the world's largest
brew center, mostly because its beers became one of
the trading staples of the Hanseatic League.
According to records still in existence, in 1376,
Hamburg recorded 457 burgher-owned breweries,
and by 1526 there were 531. Together, they brewed
almost 25 million liters per year (more than 200,000
barrels) and employed almost half the city's wage
earning population. Their most famous brew was
Keutebier, a hopped, reddish to dark-brown wheat
beer with an up-front sweetness and a viniferous
aftertaste-a brew that was to become the
forerunner of the modern Altbier and Kelsch.


The Bavarians are not the only

ones with a Beer Purity Law. I n
1706, Duke Johann Wilhelm, the
ruler of the Rhineland, proclaimed
that Dusseldorf Altbier, too, may
be brewed only from barley, hops,
and water; and three years later,
he ordered in a police ordinance
that "nobody may tap a cask [of
Altbier] that is not at least several
days old, bright, and well­
sedimented ."


Amber Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles Pale Ale, Dark Ale

Style Description
On a scale from pale to black, this brew is akin to an American version of a red ale­
somewhere between deep golden and dark. It has more malty notes than a pale ale,
but next to no roasted notes of darker brews. Unlike many aggressively hopped
American pales, this brew benefits from some restraint in the bittering department
and a greater emphasis in the hop flavor and aroma departments. Any high-alpha
American hops are suitablefor bittering, while the selection offlavor and aroma hops
should lean toward mild citrus notes rather than assertive spiciness. Unlike ales from
the British Isles, this American Amber is low in diacety/. It finishes with hops and malt
in smooth balance. Plump, healthy, homogeneous two-row-rather than six-row­
base malts, therefore, are important in this style.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 B B L (Jbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(Jbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann!> Pale
Ale 74 28.45 12.91 33.37 15.14 5.38 2.45
Caraamber"' 20 7.69 3.49 9.02 4.09 1.45 0.66
Carared• 5 1.92 0.87 2.26 1.02 0.36 0.17
Carafa"' I 1 0.38 0.17 0.45 0.20 0,07 0.03
Total Grain 100 38.45 17.44 45.10 20.46 7.27 3.31
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Chinook 13 1.81 51 2.1 60 0.3 10
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Willamette 5 15.02 426 17.6 500 2.8 81
Aroma: Centennial 10.5 3.00 85 3.5 100 0.6 16
Yeast Various America n-style ale yeasts

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Depending on desired dryness in the finish, mash in @ 148°F - 154 OF
{64°C - 68 oq; rest 60 min. Recirculate. Raise temp for mash-out @ 168 O F ± 2 oF (76
oc ± 1 oq . Initially, sparge with 180°F {8 oq brewing liquor; adjust sparge water
temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2 nd hops @ 55 min. Whirlpool 30 min.
3 rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Primary fermentation @ 60 °F -70 °F {16 ° ( - 2 1 °C},
depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days.
Rack again, condition for a wk. Package.


Amber Ale, English

Beer culture of origin Great Britain
AKA None
Related Styles Pale Ale , Dark Ale

Style Description
It is virtually impossible to define with certainty the color wave length at which a Pale
Ale is too amber to still be called a Pale. Likewise, once an Amber Ale gets too
coppery or darker, it should be called a Red, a Brown, or even a Dark Ale. Those
brewers, therefore, who disagree with the color values in the specifications below,
should feel free to adjust the grain bill in either direction.

An Amber Ale should show a good malt backbone, but without any chocolate or roast
character, which is achieved in the interpretation below by a good portion of
diastatically active Weyermann® Munich I malt in the grain bill. This lends the brew
the required color without adding too much body.

The English character is assured by the floral notes of the East Kent Go/dings for
bittering. Flavor and aroma hop selections are noble-Continental, but any British
hops would be suitable as well. Citrus accented Pacific Northwest hops, however,
would be out of character.

A robust London-style yeast should give this brew the required touch of esters and

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann� Pale
Ale 60 21.70 9.84 25.46 11.55 4.11 1.87
Munich I 20 7.23 3.28 8.49 3.85 1.37 0.62
Caraamber® 15 3.62 1.64 4.24 1.92 0.68 0.31
Cararede 15 3 .62 1.64 4.24 1.92 0.68 0.31
Total Grain 100 36.17 16.41 42.43 19.24 6.84 3.12
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 5 5.20 147 6.1 173 1.0 28
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Hallertauer Perle 6.5 3.36 95 3.9 112 0.6 18
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Northern Brewer 8 6.10 173 7.2 203 1.2 33
Yeast London-style ale yeasts


Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash 7 gal brewing liquor per 1 bbl of net kettle volume @ 154 oF
(68 °C). Rest 45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180oF (8 oC) brewing liquor to raise
mash temp to 168 °F ± 2 OF (76 °( ± 1 oq for mash-out. Adjust sparge temp, if
needed. Boil 70 min. 1st hops @ 55 min; 2nd hops @ 65 m in . 3rd hops @ start of
whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary-ferment @ 60 OF -70 OF (16 oc - 21 ocL
depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary-ferment about 14 days. Rack
again, condition for a wk. Package.


Archimedes (287-212 BC) apparently was already also
familiar with the principles of the hydrometer, which is still
one of the most efficient instruments for measuring the
density of liquids, such as wort.

The oldest description of the hydrometer, however, dates to

about 400 BC, in a letter by the Greek bishop Synesios of
Cyrene (c. 373 - c. 414 AD) to his teacher Hypatia of
Alexandria {370-415 AD), a scientist and daughter the Greek
mathematician Theon of Alexandria (335 - c. 405 AD).

Galileo (1564-1642), too, mentioned the hydrometer, in

1612, i n a letter t o a friend.

In the second half of the 18th century and throughout the

19th century several inventors took out patents on
hydrometer designs. The most practical hydrometers, similar
to the ones still in use in breweries today, were developed
by French chemist Antoine Baume (1728-1804} and the
English chemist and engineer William Nicholson (1753-


Barley Wine, English & American

Beer culture of origin England
AKA N on e
Related Styles None

Style Description
Barley wine is both an old and a young style. Its origins lie in the ancient British
custom of partigyle-fermenting several runnings from the same mash separately. Its
modern name, however, evolved only in the early 2dh century, when the large
commercial breweries in Britain started to move into big-ale brewing. The suffix
"wine" is, of course a, misnomer, because barley wine has nothing to do with
fermented fruit juice.

There is nothing definite about this style-exceptfor its "bigness." It is usually blond
to brown and fermented with alcohol-tolerant ale yeast. It can be hopped any which
way. For a more "English" flavor, use East Kent Go/dings or Fuggles throughout; for a
more "American" flavor replace the Tettnanger with Liberty.

As a high-alcohol brew, barley wine wort requires plenty offermentables from beta
amylase, which become active at roughly 104°F (40°C} and peak at 149°F {65°C}.
Long mash rests at lower temperatures, therefore, are essential.

Barley wine reaches its full potential only after aging like a good grape wine. Six
months in the bottle is considered a minimum; a quarter century, a maximum.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded}

1 Hl 1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann��> Vienna 80 60.63 27.50 51.65 44.01 8.33 5.22
Weyermann• Pale
Ale 11.5 8.72 3.95 7.43 3.37 1.20 0.75
Melanoidin 7 5.30 2.41 4.52 3.85 0.73 0.46
Carafa��> II 1.5 1.14 0.52 0.97 0.83 0.16 0.10
Total Grain 100 75.78 34.37 64.57 52.05 10.41 6.53
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 191 (g)
Bittering: Aurora 8 10.31 292 12 .1 343 2.0 55
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tettnanger 4 9.81 278 11.5 326 1.9 53
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Cascade 5.75 9.81 278 11.5 326 1.9 53
Yeast British, American, Belgian Abbey, Scottish, eau -de-vie, or other alcohol-
tolerant ale yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion: Mash in @ 99 oF (37 oC); raise temp to 122 oF (50 OC); rest 15
min; raise temp to 145 oF (63 oC); rest 45 min; raise temp to 154 OF (68 oC); rest 5
min; raise temp to 162 OF (72 OC); rest 20 min; raise temp to mash-out @ 171 oF (77
0C}. Alternatively employ a single infusion @ 150 OF (66 °C), with a 60 min rest. Then
raise temp to 171 °F (77 °C). Lauter. Boil 90 min. l5t hops after 30 min. 2nd hops after
75 min. 3 nd hops after 85 mi n . Primary fermentation 14 days @ 66 - 70 oF (19 - 21
oF). Rack. Allow to sediment for 4 wks. Rack again. Condition. Package.

Sour Beer Process Advisory:

Sour beer-making is only for the bravest of the brave and demands a great deal of
caution. Traditionally, and often still today, many sour beer styles are
spontaneously fermented by airborne microbes. These may include Brettanomyces
bruxellensis, Brettanomyces lambicus, lactobacillus delbruckii, pediococcus, and
other assorted wild yeasts and bacteria.

Souring microbes are invariably considered defects in regular beers. As beer

spoilers, they are kept in check by a host of cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting
agents, especially on the cold-wort side of the brewery. Breweries attempting to
make sour beers, therefore, need to ensure that there is no cross-contamination
between their sour and their regular brews. That is why many breweries that
produce both sour and regular beers have separate fermenters, transfer hose,
pumps and even fillers j ust for sour beers. Brewers who wish to make sour beers,
but prefer not to risk errant microbe infections, can replace some of the base malt
with up to perhaps 10 percent Weyermann® Acidulated Malt, which contains
biologically produced, Beer Purity Law-conforming, natural lactic acid.

Traditionally, souring microbes settle into brews during wort cooling in old­
fashioned, flat, copper cool-ships that are placed in well vented rooms, where the
green beer is exposed to a fresh breeze. The type or combination of microbes
responsible for souring particular brews have often become proprietary micro­
floras that are dominant only in a particular region or even brewery, thus giving a
beer style-even a beer brand-its signature character. In many cases, this
character is virtually impossible to imitate elsewhere. Specific mixtures of souring
micro-flora are now commercially available from many yeast labs.


Berliner Weisse
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles None -

Style Description
Berliner Weisse is an extremely refreshing, effervescent, dry, tart, straw-colored, sour
brew that is usually served "mit Schuss" (with a shot) of raspberryjlavored or
woodruff-flavored syrup. In a sense, Berliner Weisse is the German equivalent of a
Belgian Lambie.

Because of its fine-pearly, champagne-like effervescence, Napoleon referred to the

brew as the Champagne of the North during his occupation of Berlin in 1809.

Brew-technically, Berliner Weisse is a sour wheat ale. It is best fermented with a

clean-finishing German Altbier yeast as well as a special Berliner Weisse bacterium,
lactobacillus delbrOckii. German Hefeweizen/Weissbier yeasts, on the other hand, are
wrong for this style!

The wheat portion of a Berliner Weisse is usually well below 50 percent (in a Bavarian
Hefeweizen/Weissbier it must be at least 50 percent by law). More than half the
grist is usually regular, well modified, 2-row Pilsner malt.

Because of its sour characteristics, this brew benefits from a lengthy, even overnight,
phytase acid rest at about 95 oF (35 oC) as well as an addition of some Weyermann®
Acidulated Malt.

The bitter-hop loading in this brew is almost non-existent and hovers just above most
people's taste threshold. The only dose of hops is generally added to the empty kettle
right before lautering.

There are no flavor or aroma hops at all. The boil is extremely short, mostly to
coagulate proteins and to sterilize the brew, not to extract many alpha-acids or to
evaporate grain volatiles.

To prevent the lactobacillus delbrOckiifrom become dominant at the start of

fermentation, which would create too acidic an environment for the ale yeast to
develop properly, the yeast should get a head start. This is best achieved by
preparing a yeast starter ahead of time, but adding the bacteria to the starter only
right before pitching.

Immediately before packaging, the beer is krausened for bottle-conditioning. This

produces the powerful effervescence already noted by Napoleon. Berliner Weisse has
an unusually long shelf life for a German beer. If stored cool, in the dark, it may keep
for up to 5 years.


I OG j 1.030 (7.5 •p) I BU 5 ABV 1 3.2% l
I FG 1 1.006 (1.5 op) I Color 2.3 SRM/4.9 EBC ABW 1 2 .5% I
Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Well-
Modified Pilsner 57 12.13 5.50 14.23 6.46 2.30 1.05
Weyermann® Pale
Wheat Malt 30 6.39 2.90 7.49 3.40 1.21 0.55
Acidulated 10 2.13 0.97 2.50 1.13 0.40 0.18
Caraamber® 3 0.64 0.29 0.75 0.34 0.12 0.06
Total Grain 100 21.29 9.66 24.97 11.33 4.03 1.83
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.45 69 2.9 81 0.5 13
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Yeast German-style ale yeast (such as an Altbier yeast) plus Lactobacillus delbruckii

Brewing Process
Three days before brew day, prepare a sterile, well-aerated starter for the German­
style ale yeast from roughly 5 liters (5 quarts) of water per hectoliter of beer (approx.
6 quarts/bbl) plus approx. 500 grams (17 - 18 oz.) of pale liquid malt extract (LME)
such as Weyermann® Pilsner LME. Alternatively use an equivalent amount of pale,
preferably unhopped wort. On brew day, add the lactobacillus delbruckii to the

Dough in with 40 liters of brewing liquor per expected hectoliter of finished beer
(approx. 12 gallons/bbl) @ roughly 95 OF (35 •q. Acid and hydration rest of at least 2
hrs (longer is better; can be overnight). I nfuse and heat to 122 •F (50 •q. Rest 30
min. Infuse and heat to 148 OF (64 °C). Rest 60 min. Infuse and heat to mash-out
temp of 170 oF (77 °C}. Recirculate 15 min. Add bittering hops to the empty kettle
and Iauter the wort into it. Boil about 20 min. Rest wort 15 - 20 min. After shut­
down, check the gravity and restore any evaporation losses if necessary by liquoring
the wort down to the target OG. Let the wort rest in the kettle for about 15 to 20
minutes to allow the trub to settle.

If possible, draw 10 liters/hectoliter or 2.5 gallons/bbl of sterile wort and refrigerate

or freeze for krausen and bottle-conditioning later.

Heat-exchange to 63 oF - 65°F (17 •c - 18°C). Add starter. Ferment about 4 days to

approx. 3 •p or 1.012 or 3°P (approx. 75% attenuation). Rack and reduce temp to SO
oF (10 ·q, which is below the lactobacillus' survival temperature. Keep at that temp
for two days to ensure that all lactobacillus bacteria are dead. Rack again. Warm up
krausen to room temp and add to racked beer. Bottle immediately. Lager bottled
beer @ 59 OF - 61 OF (15 oc - 16°C) for 2 wks, and @ 46 o F - so OF {8 oc - 10 oq for
another 2 wks to 3 months.


Biere de garde
Beer culture of origin Northern France
AKA French Farmhouse Ale
Related Styles Belgian biere de saison

Style Description
Biere de garde, as the name implies, is a "lagered" ale (garder is French for to keep,
to watch, to care for, to reserve). In that respect, it resembles an Altbier. Biere de
garde is at home in the northern French provinces of Nord-Pas de Calais, Artois and
Picardie, right across the borderfrom Belgium.

Depending on the grain bed composition, the color of a biere de saison may be blond
(blonde), brown (brune) and amber (ambree).

It is brewed either from all barley malt or, in the Belgian fashion, with a small
amount of sugar added to the brew kettle. The recipe below is an all-malt one. If you
add sugar to the kettle, 1 1b raises the OG by approx. 1.5 gravity points (= 0.0015) per
bbl; 1 kg by approx. 3.9 gravity points (= 0.0039) per hi. Note that the addition offully
fermentable sugar raises the OG, but not the FG.

Traditionally, a biere de garde used to be brewed weak or strong at different times of

the year, and the alcohol by volume of this farmhouse ale may range widely from a
weak 3 to a mighty 8 percent. The stronger versions were usually brewed in the
spring, before the start of the working season on the farm. Such a biere de garde of
March was consumed until well into early fall. The last drop in a cask of biere de
garde, therefore, might have aged for as much as eight months before it was drunk.

Brewing on the farm usually resumed only after the harvest, with the season's new

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency
1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL {lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg)
Pilsner 68.5 33.20 15.06 38.95 17.67 6.28 2.86
Vien na 10 4.85 2.20 5.69 2.58 0.92 0.42
Munich II 12.5 6.06 2.75 7.11 3.22 1.15 0.52
Caramunich<�> II 7.5 3.64 1.65 4.26 1.93 0.69 0.31
Caraaroma® 1.5 0.73 0.33 0.85 0.39 0.14 0.06
Total Grain 100 48.47 21.99 56.86 25.79 9.17 4.18
Optional brown
sugar 2.20 1.00 2.58 1.17 0.42 0.19


HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Northern
Brewer 8 1.65 47 1.9 55 0.3 9
Flavor: Barth-
Haas Spalter 4 7.63 216 8.9 254 1.4 41
Aroma: Barth-
Haas Saphir 3.25 3.81 108 4.5 127 0.7 20
Yeast Saison- or Abbey-style yeast

Brewing Process
Step-infusion. Mash in at about 150 OF - 154 OF (66 oc - 68 oq with about one-fifth
the net kettle volume. Rest 45 min. Raise temp to 168 O F ± 2 OF (76 °( ± 1 oq for
mash-out. Lauter for 90 min. Add optional brown sugar. Boil 60 min. l5t hops @ 5
min; 2nd hops @ 45 min. 3 rd hops @ 5. M i n . Whirlpool 30 min. Primary-ferment @ 60
o F - 65 oF (16 oc - 18 oC L depending on yeast, for about 7 d ays Rack. Secondary­ .

ferment about 14 days. Rack. Condition for a wk. Package.


It was only around at the beginning of the 19th century that
brewers began to understand that fermentation had nothing
to do with rot, that yeast played an important role, and­
thanks to French chemist Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier (1743 -
1794)-who had discovered in 1789 that fermentation
produces alcohol and C02• But someone still had to put it all
together and to explain the mechanisms at work in
fermentation in detail.

Along came the German physiologist and histologist Theodor

Schwann (1810 - 1882). Schwann discovered that the cell is
the building block of all plant and animal tissue. He was also
the first to recognize, in 1837, that the yeast cell, which was
first seen by the Dutch microscope-maker Antony van
Leeuwenhoek in 1671, is a living organism. Noting that the
little critter had a sweet tooth, Schwann called it "sugar
fungus", hence the Latin name Saccharomyces. Schwann
also discovered that the munching of sugars by
Saccharomyces, which we call fermentation, occurs only
when there is no air, i.e., that fermentation is an anaerobic


Biere de mars, Alsatian

Beer culture of origin France (Aisace region)
AKA Biere de printemps (beer of spring; usually refers to
bottled biere de mars)
Related Styles Biere de saison (but without spices), biere de garde

Style Description
Biere de mars shares its name with a Belgian second-runnings Lambie, but the two
beer styles have nothing in common. Think of the Alsatian biere de mars as an
amalgam between a Bavarian Hefeweizen/Weissbier, a Bavarian Oktoberfest­
Miirzen (both Marzen and mars mean March in English), and a Belgian biere de
saison. There are a jew similarities to, and a few differences from, either style,
though. While the Belgian biere de saison is brewed in March and lageredfor months
throughout the summer to be consumed through the fall, well into the harvest
season, the Alsatian biere de mars is brewed in the fall, right after the hops harvest,
and is lagered for months in brewery cellars throughout the winter for consumption
in the spring.

The proper hop for biere de mars from Alsace is, of course, the local, slightly floral
Strisselspalt. If unavailable, the mildly spicy Tettnanger hops from just across the
Rhine from Alsace, in Germany, is an excellent replacement.

Because there is plenty of time between brew day and consumption day, a biere de
mars is fermented very slowly at the low end of the yeast's temperature tolerance,
which makes for a particularly clean-tasting beer with veryfew esters. It should not
be fruity at all. Perhaps the best yeast for a traditional rendition of this brew is a
Belgian saison specialty strain.

Though biere de mars is nowadays considered primarily an Alsatian seasonal

specialty beer, its historical roots are in Arras, the capital of the Pas-de-Calais region
in northern France, where its first mention dates to 1394.

Modern Alsatian versions of this beer are brewed invariably as a Jager without
wheat, at a strength of 5.4 to 6.5 percent alcohol by volume. Some French sources
indicate, however, that, in the old days, this brew was more likely an ale, and it may
also have been made with a small portion of wheat.

An old-style biere des mars should be light amber in color and at or above 5.5
percent alcohol by volume, which puts this beer's strength more in line with a
Bavarian Miirzen and a biere de saison than with a Bavarian Hefeweizen or its
second-runnings Belgian namesake.

The traditional versions-but no longer the modern mass-produced ones-are

supposed to have a hefty biscuit malt aroma as well as a touch of smokiness. The
recipe below is an attempt to recreate this relatively unknown, cold-matured, long­
lagered, French March ale.


Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (l bs} 1 HL (kg} 1 BBL { l bs} 5 Gal (lbs}
(kg} (kg}
Pale Ale 65 26.48 12.01 31.06 14.09 5.01 2.28
Melanoidin 20 8.15 3.70 9.56 4.34 1.54 0.70
Pale Wheat Malt 10 4.07 1.85 4.78 2.17 0.77 0.35
Smoked Malt 5 2.04 0.92 2.39 1.08 0.39 0.17
Total Grain 100 40.74 18.48 47.79 21.68 7.71 3.51
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz} 1 HL {g) 1 BBL (oz} 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz} 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tettnanger 4 2.83 80 3.3 94 0.5 15
Flavor: None 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-
Strisselspalt 4 4.29 122 5.0 143 0.8 23
Yeast Belgian biere des saison specialty yeast

Brewing Process
Step-infusion. Mash in at about 144 oF {62 °C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 168 oF ± 2
°F (76 °( ± 1 oq for mash-out. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2n
hops @ 45 mi n . Whirlpool, for 30 min. Ferment at the low end of the temperature
range of the selected yeast strain for up to 4 wks. Rack. Condition @ cellar temp of
40 o F - 44 oF (4 oc - 6 oq, or lower, for at le ast 3 months. Package unfiltered.


The thermometer was not invented until a mere 250 years
ago. The first usable thermometers were developed by a
German named Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit, in 1714, by a
Frenchman named Rene Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur, in
1731, and by a Swede named Anders Celsius, in 1742. This
new little gadget finally allowed brewers to control the all­
important mash temperature for the enzymatic conversion
of starches into sugars and the equally important
fermentation temperature for the yeast's conversion of
these sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide.


Biere de saison
Beer culture of origin Belgium, Wallonia
AKA Belgian Farmhouse Ale
Related Styles French biere de garde

Style Description
Biere de saison is a farmhouse ale from southern Belgian province of Wallonia. As a
beer with homebrew roots, its range of specifications is fairly wide and it is often
difficult to distinguish itfrom the other farmhouse ale brewed on the French side of
the Franco-Belgian border, the biere de garde (see entry).

A biere de saison tends to be brewed with a pale malt base (often Pilsner malt) as
well as some reddish color malt (Vienna is a good choice). In addition, it usually
contains a good portion of malted or unmalted wheat. Just a touch of darker color
malts often adds flavor complexity and depth of color.

This brew may or may not be fortified with brew sugar, it may be dry-hopped or not,
and, in typical Belgian fashion, it may be made with or without spices. If spices are
used, these may be anise, coriander, cumin, ginger, grains of paradise, bitter orange
Curacao peel, or some combination of these. The spices can be added to the kettle at
the beginning of the boil or as late as the whirlpool; and their amounts may vary
from a few grams to a few ounces per barrel or hectoliter.

To create "the" recipe for a biere de saison, therefore, is practically impossible. The
version presented below is a typical, middle-of-the-road interpretation of the style,
without dry-hopping and without sugar. It can be brewed with or without an optional
mixture of roughly 25 grams each of coriander and Curacao peel per hectoliter
(approximately 2 oz per U.S. barrel) offinished beer, added to the hot wort at the
start of whir/pooling.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 B B L (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pate Ale 47.5 22.28 10.11 26.14 11.86 4.22 1.92
Vienna 22.5 10.56 4.79 12.38 5.62 2.00 0.91
Pale Wheat Malt 22.5 10.56 4.79 12.38 5.62 2 00 0 91
Carawheat® 7.5 3.52 1.60 4.13 1.87 0.67 0.30
Total Grain 100 46.91 21.28 55.03 24.96 8.88 4.04
Optional spices in
whirlpool: S0/50 mix of
ground coriander and bitter
Curacao orange peel 0.1065 0.0483 0.1249 0.0567 0.0201 0.0092


HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tettnanger 4 5.78 164 6.8 192 1.1 31
Flavor: None 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-
Haas Styrian
Geldings 5.25 7.94 225 9.3 264 1.5 43
Yeast Saison-style yeast

Brewing Process
Step-infusion. Mash in at about 144 ° F {62 °C}. Rest 30 m in . Raise temp to 168 OF ± 2
OF (76 o c ± 1 oq for mash-out. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 60 m in . 1 5t hops @ 5 min; 2 nd
hops @ 45 m i n . Spices, if used, at start of whirlpool, for 30 m i n . Depending on
selected yeast strain, ferment @ 72 O F - 80 OF (22 °(- 27 oq for u p to 2 wks. Rack,
condition, package unfiltered. Brew improves if matured in package for about 3
months @ a p p rox. 73 OF (23 °C}.


In 1843, only one year after the first Pilsner Urquell was brewed, the
Bohemian chemist Carl Joseph Napoleon Balling invented the modern
hydrometer. His gravity spindle measured the amount of dissolved
substances in the wort--mostly sugars, but also proteins, minerals, vitamins
and aromatics--and thus allowed for the quantitative determination of
extract strength and of the progress of fermentation (which brewers call

Brewing science was advancing! The milky by-product of medieval

putrefaction had by now become firmly established as a living, single-cell
creature that converted sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide and thus
turns the brewer's wort into beer. Brewers could control the color of the
grain that they fed the yeast, they could measure the yeast's temperature
while it was at work in order to predict if they were producing a lager or an
ale, and they could check the progress of the yeast's labors with a
hydrometer. But if they wanted to tame the yeast, they had to find out what
made it tick. The French chemist Louis Pasteur was the one to furnish that


Bitter, Best
Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles (Ordinary) Bitter, Burton Ale, Pale Ale, ESB (Extra
Special Bitter)

Style Description
Hops were introduced to England by Flemish immigrants as late as the 1400s, and
they were slow to catch on. Perhaps the first truly hop-bitter English ale was the India
Pale Ale {IPA), first brewed in the 1790s in London and later in Burton-on-Trentfor
the British colonies in what are now India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

In the 1830S1 the large English breweries adopted the IPA style also for the domestic
market, for which they reduced its hop loading, renamed it "Bitter," and offered it in
three strengths: "Bitter" at roughly 9 op (approx. mid-1.030s}; "Best Bitter" at roughly
11 op (approx. OG mid-1.040s}; and "Extra Special Bitter" {ESB}, a strong Bitter at
roughly 13 op - 14 op (low to mid-1.050s).

Starting in the 1860s, bottled Bitters entered the British market, and they came to be
called "Pale Ales" (without the prefix "India"), while only Bitters served in casks in
pubs kept their traditional name.

Old-style Bitters are slightly fruity, mildly estery, single-infusion brews with mild
British-style hop notes and a dry finish. They are fermented with fairly "dusty" (not
veryflocculent) yeast.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs}
(lbs) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann* Pale
Ale 79 25.00 11.34 29.33 13.30 4.73 2.15
Carared® 10 3.16 1.44 3.71 1.68 0.60 0.27
Carahell18 10 3.16 1.44 3.71 1.68 0.60 0.27
Carafa18 II 1 0.32 0.14 0.37 0.17 0.06 0.03
Total Grain 100 31.65 14.35 37.12 16.84 5.99 2.73
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-Haas
Goldings 5 3.19 90 3.7 106 0.6 17
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Fuggles 4.3 5.19 147 6.1 173 1.0 28
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Geldings 5 5.19 147 6.1 173 1.0 28
Yeast London-style ale yeast


Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash i n with 7 ga l of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume (or 1 qt/l lb of grist, dry weight) @ 148 OF - 150 oF (64 oc - 66 oq; rest
60 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to
168 o F ± 2 oF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge
water temp, if needed. Boi l 60 min. 1 st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 55 min. Whirlpool
30 min. 3 rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Primary fermentation @ 60 oF -70 oF (16 oc -
21 °C), depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14
days. Rack again, condition for a wk. Package.


The world's oldest known piece of literature-the Sumerian epic of King
Gilgamesh- mentions beer. It was written and rewritten by priests over
centuries, and stored in temple vaults for scholarly reference. Only one
rendition of about half the work, copied about 3,200 years ago on twelve
tablets, has been preserved. It was found in the library of the Assyrian capital
of Nineveh on the banks of the river Tigris, and is now in the louvre in Paris.
On the ninth tablet, incidentally, the epic tells about a deluge, which is
probably the earliest historical reference to the great flood of the Old

The Gilgamesh epic talks about the origin of man-as a descendent of a

mythical beast called Enkidu-and about the role that beer and its
transformative powers have played in that genesis. Enkidu was an unkempt
and unruly creature, half man, half bull. He often wandered the plains of
Mesopotamia like prehistoric nomads-not in search of food, but of the key
to immortality. He ate grass with the gazelles and when he found a hunter's
trap, he would destroy it, thus acting as protector of his animal friends. He
shared the gazelles' watering holes, but Enkidu also drank ... beer!

One day, Ninkasi, the Sumerian goddess of fertility and beer, decided to play a
trick on Enkidu. She sent one of her temple maidens out to the plains with the
mission to seduce the wandering and searching Enkidu. When she found him,
she did, indeed, seduce him as she had been ordered, and afterwards offered
him a meal of bread and beer. "Enkidu knows not how to eat bread," she said,
"nor how to drink beer." She then entreated him: "Eat bread, Enkidu, as it is
part of life I Drink beer as it is the custom of the land." Then the epic continued:
"The wild beast Enkidu ate bread until he was sated. He then drank beer, seven
crocks full. His spirit relaxed and became free. He started to talk in a loud voice.
Well-being filled his body and his face turned bright. He washed his matted
fleece with water and rubbed his body with oil, and Enkidu became human." In
short, the two sides to Enkidu's nature seem to be a metaphor for the dual
nature of man, but it is beer that makes us animated, it is beer that propels us
to civilization, it is beer that makes us human. By gentling Enkidu's animal
nature, beer helped to define who we are.


Bitter, Extra Special

Beer culture of origin England
Related Styles (Ordinary) Bitter, Best Bitter, Burton Ale, Pale Ale

Style Description
Extra Special Bitter (£58}, though called "bitter" is not all that bitter by modern
standards. Rather it is a very balanced brew with a good malt base and a typical
English citrus hop aroma of tangerine and orange in the finish. Traditionally, all
Bitters-from Ordinary Bitter, to Best Bitter, to £58-are just single-infusion-mashed
in a mash-tauter tun. The mosh is fairly thick and the rise from the mash temperature
to the mash-out temperature occurs through sparging, usually with just the hot
sparge liquor as the heat source. Classic Bitters tend to be fermented with fairly
"dusty" (not very flocculent) yeast strains. ESB is a very complex ale with slightly
fruity flavors as well as some buttery diacetyl notes. £58 emerged in the 191h century
and was one of the styles favoredfor serving as cask-conditioned ales drawn by beer
engines. Authentic ESBs, therefore, are relatively low in effervescence.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann<l> Pale
Ale 80 32.59 14.78 38.23 17.34 6.17 2.81
Carared® 10 4.07 1.85 4.78 2.17 0.77 0.35
Caramunichs I 10 4.07 1.85 4.78 2.17 0.77 0.35
Total Grain 100 40.74 18.48 47.79 21.68 7.71 3.51
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth·
Haas Geldings 5 7.44 211 8.7 247 1.4 40
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Goldings 5 4.15 118 4.9 138 0.8 22
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Geldings 5 8.30 235 9.7 276 1 .6 45
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume (or 1 qt/l lb of grist, dry weight) @ 148 · F - 150 •F (64 • c - 66 •c); rest
60 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180•F (8 •c) brewing liquor to raise mash temp to
168 •F ± 2 •F (76 ·c ± 1 ·q for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge
water temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 55 min. 3rd hops @
start of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary-ferment @ 60 •F -70 ·F {16 ·c - 21 ·c),
depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary-ferment about 14 days. Rack
again, condition for a wk. Package.



Until the late Middle Ages, the understanding of yeast as
a living organism being responsible for alcoholic
fermentation was completely unknown. Instead, the
residue of spent yeast was considered of putrefaction
rather than fermentation. The full scientific explanation
of the yeast's metabolism had to wait for Pasteur in the
19th century. But even Pasteur would not have been able
to do his work, had he not been able to see yeast. .. and
for that he need a microscope.

Although Antony van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723) appears

to have had no interest in fermentation, he was, without
realizing it, the instrument for the research that would
ultimately solve its mystery. Van Leeuwenhoek was a
d raper-turned-natura !-scientist-a nd-m icroscope-ma ker.
As a draper apprentice in Amsterdam, in 1648, young
Antony often had to check the quality of cloth under a
lens. This helped spark his interest in optics. By 1871, he
had constructed his first microscope. He assembled at
least 242 of them in his lifetime, some with a
magnification of as great as 270 times.

We know that Zacharias Janssen, a Dutch spectacle

maker, had theorized about magnification before van
Leeuwenhoek and had made a prim itive model of the
microscope around 1590 (as had Galileo in 1610), but
van Leeuwenhoek's was the first truly usable device. In
1674, it helped him to see yeast cells, bacteria, and other
protozoa (single-cell animals) as well as red blood cells
for the very first time. H e also described the
reproduction of microorganisms and thus refuted the
theory of spontaneous generation, which, thus far, had
furnished the accepted explanation for the cause of
fermentation and putrefaction.

Finally, there was the yeast!


Bitter, Ordinary
Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles (Ordinary) Bitter, Burton Ale, Pale Ale, ESB (Extra
Special Bitter)

Style Description
Ordinary "Bitter" is the lowest-strength English Bitter. It has a gravity of roughly 9 op
(approx. OG mid-1.030s). "Best Bitter" is slightly stronger and happier at roughly 11
op {approx. OG mid-1.040s}. "Extra Special Bitter" {ESB} is the strongest and happiest
Bitter at roughly 13 op - 14 op (low to mid-1.050s}. Bitters are slightly fruity and mildly
estery, with mild British-style hop notes and a dry finish. They are invariably single­
infusion brewed and fermented with fairly "dusty" (not very flocculent) yeast.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann" Pale
Ale 59.75 15.35 6.96 18.ol 8.17 2.90 1 .32
Carared® 20 5.14 2.33 6.03 2.73 0.97 0.44
Carahell" 20 5.14 2.33 6.03 2.73 0.97 0.44
Carafa" II 0.25 0.06 0.03 0.08 0.03 0.01 0.01
Total Grain 100 25.69 11.65 30.14 13.67 4.86 2.21
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Geldings 5 4.88 138 5.7 162 0.9 26
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Fuggles 4.3 4.72 134 55 1 57 0.9 25
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Geldings 5 4.72 134 5.5 157 0.9 25
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash i n with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of net kettle volume
(or 1 qt/l lb of grist, dry weight) @ 148 oF - 150 oF (64 oc - 66 OC); rest 60 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 168 o F ± 2
oF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water
temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2 nd hops @ 55 min. 3rd hops @ start
of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary-ferment @ 60 O F -70 ° F (16 °( - 2 1 °C},
depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary-ferment about 14 days. Rack
again, condition for a wk. Package.


Blond Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles Pale Ale (English), IPA, Imperial or Double Pale Ale

Style Description
Perhaps the best way to characterize an American Blond Ale is by calling it an ale
version of the American Standard Lager, akin to a Kolsch, but with clearly American
accents in the hop and malt department. It is often brewed as an easy-drinking
summer seasonal. The grain bill is simple and of good diastatic strength. Some wheat
(used below) and a few adjuncts (not used below) are acceptable. The beer is often
brilliantly straw blond, like a Munich Helles. Unlike many British pale to blond ales,
though, the American version tends to be low in diacetyl, with only a hint of mild,
fruity esters. The hopping is American, but restrained. Any American yeast is
acceptable, but a clean-fermenting Kolsch or Altbier yeast gives excellent results, too.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)

Weye rmann Pale
Ale 75 22.61 10.26 26.53 12.03 4.28 1.95
Diastatic Barley
Ma lt 20 6.03 2.74 7.07 3.21 1.14 0.52
Weyermann<�> Pale
Wheat Malt 5 1.51 0.68 1.77 0.80 0.29 0.13
Total Grain 100 30.15 13.68 35.37 16.04 5.70 2.60
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth�
Haas Warrior<�> 15.5 1.48 42 1.7 49 0.3 8
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Crystal 4.5 1.58 45 1.8 52 0.3 8
Yeast Any American�style ale yeast; or Kolsch or Altbier yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume {or 1 qt/l lb of grist, dry weight) @ 152 oF {67 oC); rest 60 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F {8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 168 OF ± 2
oF {76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water
temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 55 min. 3 rd hops @ start
of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF {16 oc - 2 1 °C},
depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days.
Rack again, condition for a wk. Package.


Blond Ale, Belgian

Beer culture of origin Belgium
AKA Blonde (French)
Related Styles Belgian Golden Ale

Style Description
The Belgian Blond Ale is a more restrained version of the stronger Belgian Golden Ale,
and it is generally brewed by a similar, or the same, process. You can use a multi-step
infusion, a single decoction, or, as suggested below, a continuous infusion. The
Belgian Blond has a bit more malt aroma from the complex grain bill, but much less
hop aroma. For a straw-blond version, replace it with Weyermann® Extra Pale
Pilsner. Because of the long maturation period during which the brew mellows in the
conditioning tank on the yeast, itfinishes fairly dry and clean, almost like an Altbier
or a German blond lager.

1.011 (2.75 °P) 3.9%
Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL {kg) 1 BBL {lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 74 25.65 11.63 30.08 13.65 4.85 2.21
Vienna 15 5.20 2.36 6.10 2.77 0.98 0.45
Carabelgel!l 9 3.12 1.41 3.66 1.66 0.59 0.27
Caraaroma& 2 0.69 0.31 0.81 0.37 0.13 0.06
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Saaz 4.5 6.29 178 7.4 209 1.2 34
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Belgian Abbey-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Continuous infusion. Dough in as thick as possible @ 90 OF (32 oq or lower. Then
ramp up temp slowly and continuously over 3 - 4 hrs to a mash-out temp of about
170 OF (77 °C}. Lauter slowly for 3 hrs. Boil for 90 minutes. Hops @ 15 min. Whirlpool
30 min. Ferment for 1 wk. @ 64 O F - 70 OF {18 ° - 21 °C}, depending on yeast strain.
Rack and ferment for another 10 days. Reduce temp to approx. 34°F (rC); lager for
12 wks. Rack, condition, package.



By February-March, with winter dragging on in Bavaria and Ash
Wednesday putting a somber stop to all the merriment of Mardi Gras,
it's time for some serious consolation:

Out comes the Doppelbock, a beer that was first brewed by Paulaner
monks at Cloister Neudeck ob der Au in Munich. The Benedictine
order of Paulaners had arrived in Munich from Italy in 1627. No
sooner had they settled in their new home, they started to fire up
their brew kettles, making beer just for their own consumption.
Depending on which documents you trust, the year of the Paulaners'
inaugural brew was 1630, 1651 or 1670.

The strong brew that these austere Paulaners concocted apparently

had such delightful qualities that it gave them no small amount of
guilt pangs. They felt, their beer might be just a bit too much of an
indulgence, especially for Lent, a 46-day time of fasting between Ash
Wednesday and Easter Sunday. To calm their worried souls, they
decided to ask the Holy Father in Rome for a special dispensation so
that they could continue to brew with a clear conscience. So they
send a cask of Lenten beer to Rome for the pope to try and to pass
judgment. During its transport across the Alps, however, and along
the burning-hot highways of Italy, unfortunately-or fortunately-the
cask tossed and turned, and got "cooked" for several weeks-a classic
condition for beer ruin. So when the Holy Father tasted the much­
praised quaff from Munich, he found it (appropriately) disgusting. His
decision: Because the brew was so vile, making and drinking as much
of it as the Munich monks could was probably beneficial for their
souls. Therefore, he willingly gave the brewing of this new, allegedly
rotten, beer style his blessing. little did he know ... !

Traditionally, the Paulaner monks brewed their "liquid bread" only for
themselves for the Lenten season, when next to no solid food was
allowed to pass their lips. It was not until the spring of 1780 that
Elector Duke Kari-Theodor of Bavaria finally granted the Paulaners to
their official permit to disburse their brew to the public. The name of
that first commercial Doppelbock was Salvator, which is Latin for

The brew soon found its imitators, and, in a clever marketing ploy,
each and every one of these strong brews ended on "ator," as in
Animator, Celebrator, Kulminator, Maximator, Sympator, and

As an escape from the rigors of the Lenten season, it seems,

thousands of Munich residents nowadays gather annually in the
Paulaner Beer Hall in the Nockherberg district, around St. Joseph's
Day (March 19), to kick off two weeks of official Bockbier drinking.


Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Bock
Related Styles Doppelbock, Maibock, Eisbock, Weizenbock

Style Description
Bockbiers are Bavaria's traditional strong lagers. They rank among the heaviest and
maltiest, yet smoothest, brews in the world. The bitterness of a Bockbier is very
gentle, usually within a range of 20 25 IBU, and there is next to no hop aroma in

the nose or in the finish. Most Bockbiers (though not all!) are slightly dark in
appearance, somewhere between dark copper and burnt amber. Depending on
Bockbier type, however, the color can vary greatly, from amber pale to fairly dark.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 30 14.54 6.60 17.06 7.74 2.75 1.25
Munich II 27.5 13.33 6.05 15.64 7.09 2.52 1.15
Carafoam"" 25 12.12 5.50 14.21 6.45 2.29 1.04
Melanoidin 12.5 6.06 2.75 7.11 3.22 1 .15 0.52
Caramunich"" Ill 5 2.42 1.10 2.84 1.29 0.46 0.21
Total Grain 100 48.47 21.99 56.86 25.79 9.17 4.18
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 8.5 77 3.2 91 0.5 15 2.73
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tradition 5.5 36 1.5 42 0.2 7 1 .28
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Smaragd/Emerald 5 18 0.7 21 0.1 3 0.64
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast

Brewing Process (Continuous Infusion)

Dough in for a very thick mash @ approx. 90 oF (32 °C}. Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise
temp continuously over 2 - 3 hrs to the mash-out temp of 170 OF (77 °(). Lauter for
at least 90 min. Boil 90 min. l5t hops @ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3 rd hops @ 85
min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ so OF (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to
freezing point for at least 5 wks. Rack again, condition, package.

Brewing Process {Double Decoction)

Mash in main mash at @ 100 o F (38 oC); rest 30 minutes for proper grist hydration
and activation of phytase for some mash acidification.


Draw 1 st decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (10 - 15 min). Rest
decoction @ 149 OF (65 oq for 30 min. Heat decoction (10 mi n ) . Rest decoction @
162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @ 212 ° F (100 oq
for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @ 149 oF (65 oq
for 10 min.

Draw 2nd decoction (o n e -t h i rd of main mash). Heat decoction (5 - 10 min). Rest

decoction @ 162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min ) . Boil decoction @
212 oF (100 oq for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @
162 °F (72 oq for 10 min.

Raise temp of main mash to 171 OF (77 °C). Rest 15 min. Recirculate (5 min). Start
lautering and sparging slowly ( ! ) for about 3 hrs until kettle full. Boil 90 min. 1st hops
@ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3 rd hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min.

Ferment @ 50 OF (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing point for at least 5
wks. Rack again, condition, package.


Bockbier season in Bavaria runs roughly from December to May. As the
temperature drops, the Bocks get darker, and vice versa. While Christmas
Bocks and Doppelbocks are the most opaque of the Bocks, Maibocks are the
blondest. Here is the varied nomenclature of Bavarian Bocks, in alphabetical

Doppelbock: Literally "double bock," it is a favored of the Lenten season. All

Doppelbock names end on the suffix "ator."
Dunkelbock: A regular Bockbier, but brewed with plenty of roasted malts for
extra color.
Eisbock: A Doppelbock that is frozen in the tank until much of the water
becomes slush. The beer drained off the slush is Eisbock, literally "ice" Bock.
Fastenbock: "Lenten bock" is another name for the Doppelbocks of Lent.
Fruhlingsbock: "Springtime bock" is another name for a "Maibock."
G'frornes: Franconian vernacular for "Frozen thing" in Franconian dialect. An
Eisbock from the city of Kulmbach.
Heller Bock/Helles Bock: Another name for "Maibock."
Maibock: The blond Bock of late spring.
Urbock: A non-Bavarian Bock form the northern German city of Einbeck.
Weizenbock: A Bockbier brewed as an ale with at least SO% malted wheat.
Weizendoppelbock: A Doppelbock brewed as an ale with at least SO% malted
Weizeneisbock: A Weizendoppelbock brewed as an ale and treated like a
barley-based Eisbock.
Weihnachtsbock: "Christmas Bock," a dark Bock brewed for Christmas.
Winterbock: A winter special often brewed at Doppelbock strength.


Beer culture of origin Scotland
AKA Honey Ale
Related Styles Mead

Style Description
Braggot is an ancient Scottish ale that allegedly dates back to the times between the
Roman invasion of the British Isles under Caesar a little over 2,000 years ago and the
Viking conquest of Scotland about 1,000 years ago.

Not much is known for sure about this brew, except that it was apparently very
strong from being fortified with plenty of honey... and it obviously had no hops.

Many modern craft-brewers nowadays make brews they call Braggot_ but they
cannot lay claim to any measure of authenticity, nor can the recipe presented below.

All Braggot recipes are of necessity fanciful-but nonetheless inspirational­

interpretations of the antique original-as is the recipe below, which contains a
small, anachronistic amount of bittering hops.

The average honey is about 80 percent fermentable sugars and 20 percent water.
The addition of 1 pound of honey, therefore, to 1 barrel of wort increases the OG by
1.1951 points (approx. 0.0012}. In the metric system, the addition of 1 kilogram of
honey to 1 hectoliter of wort increases the OG by 3.09 points (approx. 0.0031}.

The recipe below features a hefty dose of about 50 lbs. of honey per barrel (about
19.33 kg/hi). This should add approx. 59.75 gravity points (= 0.060 or 15 °P}, which
raises the alcohol content by volume from 5.1 to a whopping 13 percent!

Specifications (from grain bill only, without addition of honey)

Specifications{from grain bill plus addition of honey combined)

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 B B L (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermanne Pale
Ale 75 28.27 12.82 33. 16 15.04 5.35 2.44
Cararye" 15 5.65 2.56 6.63 3 .01 1.07 0.49
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 5 1.88 0.85 2.21 1.00 0.36 0.16
Smoked Malt 5 1.88 0.85 2.21 1. 00 0.36 0.16
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3 . 25
Honey 42. 63 19.33 50.00 22.68 8.06 3.67


HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Northern
Brewer 5 2.36 67 2.8 78 0.4 13
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Alcohol-tolerant Scottish/Scotch-Style yeast, mead yeast, or champagne yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in @ 158 oF (70 oq; rest 90 min. Recirculate. Sparge
slowly with 180°F (8 oq liquor to raise mash temp to 172 OF (78 oq for mash-out.
Adjust sparge temp if needed. Boil 60 min. Add honey to kettle @ 30 min.
Periodically skim scum off wort surface. Hops @ 5 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment
@ 60 oF (16 oCL for about 1 month. Rack. Condition. Package. Age in package for 1


The original Braggot brewers are believed to have been the
Picts, a rough, shadowy people that inhabited what is now
Scotland around the beginning of the first millennium BC. They
seem to have moved there from the northern parts of the
European Continent or from the Iberian Peninsula (nobody is
quite sure). They were a ferocious tribe with a mystical culture,
and, after their migration to the island home, they suppressed
the native Scots there and effectively ruled Scotland until the
ninth century AD.

When the Romans under Julius Caesar arrived in the British Isles
in 54 BC, they encountered the warriors from the north, but
were never able to defeat them. The Romans gave the Picts
their name. They called these people pictii, or "the painted
ones," probably because the ancient Pict warriors tattooed their
bodies before they went into battle. In subsequent centuries,
after the Romans had left, the Picts kept themselves busy in
perpetual strife with new invaders from the south. However,
neither the Celts nor the Angles and Saxons could dislodge
them. But then came the raiding Vikings from Scandinavia ...

For centuries, the Picts had stood their ground, but in one of
those great mysteries of the ancient world, they suddenly
disappeared around the tenth century, without leaving much of
a trace. And when they were vanished by the Vikings, they took
their beer knowledge with them, which is why the true
composition oftheir Braggot is as much of a mystery as is the
rest of the mu rky part that Picts played on the stage of world


Brown Ale, America n

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles Brown Ale (English), Dark Ale, Blond Ale, Pale Ale

Style Description
This Brown Ale is an Americanized version of the British original. It is strongly malty,
with a good caramel base, some chocolate and toasty overtones, but no smokiness
whatsoever. The brewer isfree to choose the hop selection from any number of
citrus, floral, herbal, pungent, resiny, or spicy hops. The yeast should be clean­
fermenting with relatively little diacetyl or ester. This beer originated in the late 20th
century, when Cascade was the American hop to use. In the recipe below, Cascade is
used for bittering, flavor, and aroma.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermanne Pale
Ale 65 24.00 10.89 28.16 12.77 4.54 2.07
Caramuniche Ill 20 7.39 3.35 8.66 3.93 1.40 0.64
Cararede 13 4.80 2.18 5.63 2.55 0.91 0.41
Carafae Special II 2 0.74 0.34 0.87 0.39 0.14 0.06
Total Grain 100 36.93 16.75 43.32 19.65 6.99 3.18
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
B ittering : Barth
Haas Cascade 5.75 8.24 234 9.7 274 1.6 44
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Cascade 5.75 3.18 90 3.7 106 0.6 17
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Cascade 5.75 6.37 181 7.5 212 1.2 34
Yeast Any American-style yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume (or 1 qt/l lb of grist, dry weight) @ 152 OF (67 OC); rest 45 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 •q brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 168 •F ± 2
oF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water
temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1 st hops @ 5 min; 2 d hops @ 40 min. Whirlpool 30 min.
3 rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF (16 oc - 21 oc),
depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days.
Rack again, condition for a wk. Package.


Brown Ale, Belgian

Beer culture of origin Belgian
AKA Oud Bruin, Flanders Brown Ale
Related Styles Flanders Red Ale, Lambie

Style Description
Flanders Brawn Ale or Oud Bruin, which is Flemish for Old Brown, is one of Belgium's
classic sour ales. Flanders (VIaanderen in Flemish or Flandre in French}, the mostly
Flemish-speaking region around Brussels, is the center of Belgian sour beer-making.
This region has also spawned such styles as Flanders Red Ale as well as Lambie in all
its variations-including Gueuze, Faro, Mars, and the fruit Lambics {Kriek, Peche,
Framboise, and Cassis}.

The brews of Flanders are generally golden to reddish-brown, rarely darker, not
unlike an English Brown Ale, Irish Red Ale, or Dusseldorf Altbier. Roasted notes are
not acceptable. In typical Belgian free-style brewing fashion, Flanders beers are
strong or mild, and they are drunk young or well aged. Sometimes they are even
blended from young and old beer, reminiscent of the fabled "threads" that allegedly
composed the original London Porter. Sometimes they are flavored with sour fruit.

The Dud Bruin has a rich caramel malt base and plenty offruitiness and esters, with
complex overtones ofphenol and sherry-like oxidation products, but relatively little
hop flavor. The hops are noble and restrained. The finish is tart.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBl
MAlT % 1 B B l (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann"' Pale
Ale 30 12.22 5.54 14.34 6.50 2.31 1.05
Pilsner (well
modified) 30 12.22 5.54 14.34 6.50 2.31 1.05
Vienna 20 8.15 3.70 9.56 4.34 1.54 0.70
Carabelgee> 20 8.15 3.70 9.56 4.34 1.54 0.70
Total Grain 100 40.74 18.48 47.79 21.68 7.71 3.51
HOPS %AA 1 H l (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBl (oz) 1 BBl (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth·
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.81 80 3. 3 93 0.5 15
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 5.55 157 6.5 185 1.1 30
Yeast Belgia n ale yeast plus Belgia n Lactobacillus bacteria


Brewing Process
Mash i n @ about 125 OF (52 oq; 20-min hydration, beta-glucan and protein rest.
Raise temp to 144 OF (62 OC); 40-min beta-amylase rest. Raise temp to 162 oF (72 oq;
40-min alpha-amylase rest. Recirculate 15 - 20 min. Lautering. Boil 90 min. Bittering
hops @ 15 min; aroma hops @ 75 min. After shut-down, rest brew for 30 min before
whirlpooling for another 30 min. Primary fermentation temp @ about 68°F (20°C).
Pitch equal amounts of yeast and bacteria. Because bacteria have longer lag time,
yeast will metabolize most of the sugars before bacteria become active. Rack after 2
wks, then again after 4 wks. Condition for 6 wks. Package.

Sour Beer Process Advisory:

Sour beer-making is only for the bravest of the brave and
demands a great deal of caution. Traditionally, and often still
today, many sour beer styles are spontaneously fermented
by airborne microbes. These may include Brettanomyces
bruxellensis, Brettanomyces lambicus, lactobacillus
delbruckii, pediococcus, and other assorted wild yeasts and

Souring microbes are invariably considered defects in regular

beers. As beer spoilers, they are kept in check by a host of
cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting agents, especially on the
cold-wort side of the brewery. Breweries attempting to
make sour beers, therefore, need to ensure that there is no
cross-contamination between their sour and their regular
brews. That is why many breweries that produce both sour
and regular beers have separate fermenters, transfer hose,
pumps and even fillers just for sour beers. Brewers who wish
to make sour beers, but prefer not to risk errant microbe
infections, can replace some of the base malt with up to
perhaps 10 percent Weyermann® Acidulated Malt, which
contains biologically produced, Beer Purity Law-conform,
natural lactic acid.

Traditionally, souring microbes settle into brews during wort

cooling in old-fashioned, flat, copper cool-ships that are
placed in well vented rooms, where the green beer is
exposed to a fresh breeze. The type or combination of
microbes responsible for souring particular brews have often
become proprietary micro-floras that are dominant only in a
particular region or even brewery, thus giving a beer style­
even a beer brand-its signature character. In many cases,
this character is virtually impossible to imitate elsewhere.
Specific mixtures of souring micro-flora are now
commercially available from many yeast labs.


Brown Ale, Northern English

Beer culture of origin Northern England
AKA Nut Brown Ale
Related Styles Bitter, Pale Ale, ESB (Extra Special Bitter)

Style Description
Perhaps the best-known interpretations of the traditional Northern English Brown Ale
are the hallowed, but now mass-produced Newcastle Brown Ale and the craft­
brewed Samuel Smith's Nut Brown Ale. Northern Browns are flavorful, malt-accented
ales with subtle notes of nuttiness, biscuit, and caramel. Like southern English
Browns, they range in colorfrom dark amber to a reddish-brown, but they are
brewed slightly stronger and have a little bit more residual sweetness in the finish,
with a very restrained hop bitterness and only mild hop flavors and aromas. The
classic hop profile of the Northern Brown is decidedly "English," calling for Fuggles or
East Kent Go/dings. While the southern rendition may have a slight chocolate malt
note, even a touch of roastiness and smokiness, the northern edition does not.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBl 19 1
MAlT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBl (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann& Pale
Ale 85 31.39 14.24 36.82 16.70 5.94 2.71
Caramuniche Ill 5 1.85 0.84 2.17 0.98 0.35 0.16
Weyerma nn"
Caraamber® 4 1.48 0.67 1.73 0.79 0.28 0.13
Caramunich® I I 4 1.48 0.67 1.73 0.79 0.28 0.13
Caraaroma® II 2 0.74 0.34 0.87 0.39 0.14 0.06
Total Grain 100 36.93 16.75 43.32 19.65 6.99 3.18
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBl (oz) 1 BBl (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Fuggles 4.3 6.81 193 8.0 227 1.3 37
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: n one 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume (or 1 qt/1 1b of grist, dry weight) @ 150 oF - 154 oF (66 oc- 68 o q; rest
45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180oF (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to
168 O F ± 2 OF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge
water temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1 st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 55 min. Whirlpool
30 min. Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -65 OF {16 oc - 18 oq, depending on yeast, for
about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days. Rack again, condition for
a wk. Package.


Brown Ale, Southern English

Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles Bitter, Pale Ale, Northern English Brown Ale, ESB

Style Description
The original English brown ale dates from the Middle Ages or earlier. Its "brownness"
was the direct result of unpredictable malting techniques. In the old days, the malted
grist was kiln-dried over open coal or wood fires, which caused all brewing grains to
be somewhat dark, smoky, and roasted. That is the reason for the complex grain bill
with modern malts. Pale malt was simply not available then. The color of beer made
from such medieval malt would invariably be some shade of brown. Initially, this beer
was made without hops, which was introduced to the British Isles by Flemish
immigrants only in the 15th century. The hopped British everyday ale became what
we now know as brown ale-brewed a bit stronger in the north than in the south of
England. The /ower-gravity Browns eventually evolved into Milds; the darker ones,
into Stouts and Porters; and the happier ones, into /PAs, Bitters, and Pale Ales. Today,
the typical southern English Brown is dark-amber, with a copper hue or ruby tinge.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 60 20.79 9.43 24.39 11.06 3.93 1.79
Caraamber1111 15 5.20 2.36 6.10 2.77 0.98 0. 45
Caramunich� II 14 4 .85 2.20 5.69 2.58 0.92 0.42
Weyerman n•
Smoked Malt 10 3.47 1.57 4.07 1.84 0 .66 0.30
Carafa"' Ill 1 0.35 0.16 0.41 0 . 18 O.D7 0.03
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6. 56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth·
Haas Fuggles 4.3 6.81 193 8.0 227 1.3 37
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal per 1 bbl net kettle volume @ 154 OF (68 °C). Rest
45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to
approx. 168 ° F (76 oq for mash-out. Hold temp at that level. Boil 60 min. 15t hops @
5 min; 2nd hops @ 55 min. 3 rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary­
ferment @ 60 °F - 70 ° F (16 oc - 2 1 o q, depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack.
Secondary-ferment about 2 wks. Rack, condition for 1 wk. Package.


Cal ifornia Common

Beer culture of origin USA
AKA Steam beer®
Related Styles None

Style Description
California Common is one of very few indigenous traditional American beer styles. It
is a quaffing brewfor the common man and woman that dates back to the rough and
tumble days of the Alaska Gold Rush of the 1890s, when many of the mostly male
inhabitants of San Francisco lined up on the docks waiting to be transported to the
riches of the northern frontier.

Given its frontier history, this beer style has a fairly broad range of specifications. The
beer was a lager, made, in those days, mostly by German immigrants.

The beer was also known as steam beer, a name, which-according to one theory­
was given to it by a brewery that owned one of the first steam engines at the time.
The Anchor Brewing Company of San Francisco has since trademarked that name.

The early brewers of California Commons obviously brewed with whatever

ingredients were handy and fermentation was invariably fairly warmfor a lager,
which is why this brew requires a warm-tolerant specialty lager yeastfor
authenticity. The beerfinishes dry, with a slight fruitiness and an assertive, lingering
happiness from traditional (not modern_ citrus) American hops.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 B B L (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 I (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann� Pale
Ale 79 29.77 13.51 34.92 15.84 5.63 2.57
Cararede 12.5 4.71 2.14 5.53 2.51 0.89 0.41
Caramunich® Ill 7.5 1.28 0.58 1.50 0.68 0.24 0.11
Carafav I 1 0.38 0.17 0.44 0.20 0.07 0.03
Total Grain 100 36.14 16.39 42.40 19.23 6.84 3.11
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Northern
Brewer 8 4.26 121 5.0 142 0.8 23
Flavor: None 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Cluster 7 5.16 146 6.1 172 1.0 28
Yeast California lager or San Francisco lager yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 148 - 150 OF (64 - 66 °C). Rest 60 min. Raise temp to
168 °F (76 oq for mash-out. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 75 min. 1 st hops @ 15 min; 2 nd
hops @ 70 min. Whirlpool. Ferment for 10 days @ 58 ° F - 72 °F (14 ° ( - 22 oq,
depending on yeast selection. Rack. Rest for 1 wk. to 10 days. Rack again. Condition
for a few days and package.


It is widely known that the framers of American
Independence were men of vision, courage, and wisdom.
Less well known is the fact that they were also great
imbibers of beer. Patrick Henry, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel
Adams, and James Madison vigorously promoted the
brewing industry in the colonies. George Washington
operated a small brewery at his home at Mount Vernon. His
handwritten recipe for beer--said by his peers to be superb-­
is still on display at the New York Public library. And during
the Revolutionary War, he made sure his troops received a
quart of beer each day. In their fondness for beer, these
great men were only following an American tradition that
was already well established. No sooner had the colonies of
Pennsylvania, Vermont and New York been founded, than
their governors established breweries to provide their
s u bjects with refreshment. Since the first of these was built
in 1623, it can be seen that the practice of enjoying beer in
America i s older than America itself.


Cream Ale
Beer culture of origin USA
AKA None
Related Styles None

Style Description
Cream Ale is one of very few indigenous traditional American beer styles. It can be
fermented as an ale, a lager, or a hybrid of the two. The recipe below uses a 50/50
mixture of San Francisco-style lager yeast and Chico-style ale yeast. Cream Ales are
pale-golden, highly attenuated, well carbonated, pre-Prohibition American brews,
generally made at the frontier with whatever grain was at hand, which more likely
than not included corn adjuncts. It is low in diacetyl, esters, hop bitterness, and
maltiness. Often made with six-row malt, it has some grainy sweetness. For a two­
row mash use some biscuit Belgian malt, such as Weyermann ® Carabelge, for color
and mouthfeel. In the Cream Ale recipe below, about 0.9 percent of the alcohol is
derived from 4.95 lbs. of white table sugar per barrel (1. 75 kg per hectoliter).

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 I (kg)
(lbs) (kg)
Pale Ale 98.5 31.91 14.47 37.43 16.98 6.04 2.75
Carabelge"' 1.5 0.49 0.22 0.57 0.26 0.09 0.04
Total Grain 100 32.40 14.70 38.00 17.24 6.13 2.79
White table
s ugar 3.85 1.75 4.52 2.05 0.73 0.33
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Cluster 7 2.43 69 2.8 81 0.5 13
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-
Haas Cluster 7 3.03 86 3.6 101 0.6 16
Yeast 50/50 mix of San Francisco-style lager yeast and dry "Chico" -style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 148 - 150 oF (64 - 66 •q; rest 60 min. Raise temp to
168 ° F ± 2 °F (76 ·c ± 1 oq for mash-out. Recirculate 15 - 20 min. Lauter. Boil 75 min.
l5t hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops and sugar @ 70 min. Whirlpool. Ferment @ 70 oF (21 •q
or slightly below. Brew should reach terminal gravity of 2.5 •p (1.010} in 3 to 4 days.
Rest 2 days for sedimentation. Rack and condition @ approx. 40 •F (5 oq for 10 days.
Rack again and package.


Beer culture of origin Bavaria, Germany
AKA None
Related Styles None

Style Description
Dampfbier is German for steam beer. Though now rarely brewed, it was quite
common towards the end of the 19th century in the Bavarian Forest-then an
economically depressed region-near the Czech border. The breweries were fairly
antiquated and still without refrigeration yet. It was brewed mostly in the summer as
a medium-bodied, very gently hopped (only about 14 1BU}, low-effervescence, all­
barley ale. It was fairly warm-fermented, by German standards, at roughly 70°F
(21 oc}, with top-fermenting yeast scrounged from better-to-do Weissbier breweries.
But German or English ale yeasts work, too. Apparently, the brew's name comes from
the copious amounts of bubbles produced during a fast and vigorous primary
fermentation without temperature control. As these surface bubbles burst, they give
the appearance-at least to the uninitiated-of a ferment boiling and giving off
"steam." Originally, Dampfbier was a dark brew, like a Munich Dunkel. Today, it is
generally deep golden to light amber in color. It may be filtered or not.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 70 24.26 11.00 28.46 12.91 4.59 2.09
Munich I 30 10.40 4.72 12.20 5.53 1.97 0.90
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh 4.25 4.08 116 4.8 136 0.8 22
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.33 66 2.7 78 0.4 13
Yeast Bavarian Hefeweizen/Weissbier yeast; also Kelsch yeast or Engl ish ale yeast

Brewing Process
Thin single infusion mash @ 152°F {6rC). Rest 60 min. Sparge 60 min, letting grain-bed
temp rise to 168 OF {76 °C}. Boil 60 min. 1St hops at 15 min. 2nd hop in whirlpool. After
shut-down, siphon off about 5 l iter/hi (approx 2 gal/bbl) of hot wort into a sterile,
sealable container, and refrigerate or freeze as krausening until bottling. Pitch @
70°F {21 °C}. Rack after 4 days. Add krausen. Maintain pressure at 7 - 8 psi for 2 wks.
Rack and age for 4 wks. Package.


Dark Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles Amber Ale, Porter,

Style Description
American Dark Ale is a vaguely defined style and there is little consensus as to its
identifying criteria. It is perhaps best explained by what it is not. American Dark Ale,
unlike its adjacent styles on the color and flavor scale, Porter and Amber, sets itself
apart by having a background of biscuity notes that-in the view of the author and
technical editors-are best achieved through the addition of a small amount of
unmalted roasted barley to the grist. Chocolate notes, too, should be present, but not

The hop component should be noticeable and non-noble, unlike in a dark European
lager such as Munich or Bohemian Dunkel. Perhaps a combination of Galena and
Willamette, rather than the grapefruity Northwest standby Cascade, give a more
balanced result. The finish should have some residual sweetness, unlike that of a dry
Irish Stout, for instance. The single-infusion temperature should favor alpha-amylase,
not just beta-amylase. A mash-in temperature of 154 OF {68 oc) should achieve this
goal. For yeast, virtually any American-style yeast appears suitable.

The recipe below is only one possible interpretation of this style.

30 4.9%
37.4 SRM/98 EBC 3.9%

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL {lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
{lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann¢ Pale
Ale 80 28.94 13.12 33.94 28.92 5.47 2.49
Caraamber19 15 5.43 2.46 6.36 5.42 1.03 0.47
unmalted roasted
barley 4 1.45 0.66 1.70 1.45 0.27 0.12
Carafa® I 1 0.36 0.16 0.42 0.36 0.07 0.03
Total Grain 100 36.17 16.41 42.43 36.15 6.84 3.12
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL {oz) 1 BBL {g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Galena 13 2.59 74 3.0 86 0.5 14
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Willamette 5 2.82 80 3.3 94 0.5 15
Yeast Various American-style ale yeasts


Brewing Process
Single infusion. Depending on desired dryness in the finish, mash in @ 154 oF (68 oC);
rest 60 min. Recirculate. Raise temp for mash-out @ 168 oF ± 2 oF (76 oc ± 1 oq .

Initially, sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor; adjust sparge water temp, if
needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 55 min. Whirlpool 30 min.
Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF (16 oc - 21 oq, depending on yeast, for about 7
days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days. Rack again, condition for a wk.


In the twentieth century, alcoholic beverages, including beer,
became the topic of two of the only 27 amendments to the
American constitution. The 18th Amendment ushered in
Prohibition in 1919, the 21st Amendment ended it in 1933.
Th is puts alcoholic beverages at a statistical par with such
weighty matters as, for instance, the succession to the
presidency in case of incapacitation or death of the
i ncumbent, which also takes up two amendments, the 20th of
1933 and the 25th of 1967.

And even after the repeal of Prohibition, the simple joy of

homebrewing remained illegal-and this in spite ofthe fact
that two American presidents, George Washington and
Thomas Jefferson, were homebrewers. President Jimmy
Carter finally decriminalized homebrewing as late as 1978!


Dark Ale, Belgian

Beer culture of origin Belgium
AKA Dark Strong Ale
Related Styles None

Style Description
The Belgian Dark Ale belongs to the category of Belgian "strong" ales-those with an
alcohol by volume content starting at around 6 percent and seemingly having no top
limit as long as the yeast is cooperative. The base malt is usually a Pilsner malt. The
beer also needs plenty of aromatic malts as well as some color malts. However,
strongly roasted, British-style, dark malts are not part of this style.

The hops in a Belgian Dark, as in many Belgian beers, are noble and Pilsner-like­
Styrian Go/dings and Saaz are suitable for bittering and flavor, respectively. Because
the Belgian Dark needs to be brewed to a high alcohol content of at least 8 percent
(usually much more!), it requires a slow and extensive mash regimen that ensures
both proper hydration of the grain bed as well as the extraction of anything that is
fermentable. One effective method-chosen below-is to dough in at a low 90 OF {32
oC} and ramp the temperature up gradually through a continuous infusion process
over a three- to four-hour period to the mash-out temperature of about 1 70 oF (77
oq This ensures the proper breakdown of proteins and beta-g/ucans as well as the
conversion of starches mostly to mono- and disaccharides for plenty of alcohol and a
dry finish.

For the extra alcohol, a proper Belgian Strong Dark Ale also needs a dose of dark
sugar in the kettle for additional, clean-tasting fermentables and additional alcohol.
Roughly 1. 75 kg of pure sugar per hectoliter (roughly 4.5 lbs./bbl) offinished beer
bumps up the amount of alcohol by volume by about 0.9 percent. A more flavorful
alternative to dark sugar is the sugar-equivalent amount of an unhopped, pale, liquid
malt extract (LME). Added to the kettle, LME instead of sugar gives the brew an
enhanced malt intensity.

Our choice below is roughly 3 kg per hectoliter (approx. 3.66 lbs./bbl) ofdark brown,
smooth Weyermann® Bavarian Dunkel LME, which is made entirely from a two-step
decoction of Weyermann® Munich I, Weyermann® Caramunich®, and Weyermann®
Pilsner. This LME has 72 to 79 percent offermentable sugars by weight and gives the
brew a well balanced slightly sweet, malt-aromatic finish. Mathematically, therefore,
the LME raises the alcohol content by volume (ABV) by about 1.3 percent.

The recipe below produces a brew of 21 op (OG 1.084) kettle gravity before the
addition of LME, and of 23.5 op {OG 1.094} kettle gravity after the addition of LME.
The apparent attenuation of this brew at the end offermentation is approx. 3.5 op
{FG 1.014). At that attenuation level, the malt alone is responsible for about 9.3
percent ABV, and the mash and LME combined generate about 10.6 percent. The
estimated color value of the finished beer is approx. 14.5 SRM {37.2 EBC).


Specifications (before the addition of LME}

I QG I 1.084 {21 °P} I BU 22 I I ABV 1 9.3% I
I FG I 1.014 (3 .5 °P) I Color 15.1 SRM/38.9 EBC I I ABW 1 7.3% I
Specifications (after the addition of LME}

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 61 38.27 17.36 44.89 20.36 7.240 3.298
Weyerman n&
Munich I I 20 12.55 5.69 14.72 6.68 2.374 1.081
Abbey Malte 10 6.27 2.85 7.36 3.34 1.187 0.541
Carabelge* 6 3.76 1.71 4.42 2.00 0.712 0.323
Caraaroma® 3 1.88 0.85 2.21 1.00 0.356 0.162
Total Grain 100 62.73 28.45 73.59 33.38 11.869 5.40
Bavarian Dunkel
LME 6.66 3.02 7.81 3.54 1.26 0.57
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL {oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Styrian
Geldings 5.5 3.32 94 3.9 110 0.6 18
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.47 70 2.9 82 0.5 13
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.47 70 2.9 82 0.5 13
Yeast Belgian Abbey-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Continuous infusion. Dough in as thick as possible @ 90 OF {32 oq or lower. Then
ramp up temp slowly and continuously over 3 - 4 hrs to a mash-out temp of about
s n
170 OF (77 °C). Lauter slowly for 3 hrs. Boil for 90 minutes. 1 t hops @ 15 min; 2 d
hops @ 60 min; 3 rd hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment for 1 wk. @ 64 oF -
70 oF {18 ° - 21 oCL depending on yeast strain. Rack and ferment for another 10 days.
Reduce temp to approx. 34oF (1 °C}. Lager for 12 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Dark Ale, English

Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles Brown Ale, Scottish Ale, Old Ale, Porter, Stout

Style Description
"Dark" is by definition a vague term, and it is truly debatable where exactly one
should place the borders for Dark Ale specifications vis-a-vis Brown Ale, Scottish Ale,
Porter, or Stout. There appears to be only one guideline this brew: Given the rough
malting techniques of the Middle Ages, during which many kernels probably failed to
sprout and many other kernels got inadvertently roasted in the smoky kiln, part of
the dark ale grist was probably more akin to roasted barley than malt. Perhaps the
traditional Dark Ale reflects this aspect of medieval British beer-making more so than
any other style. Therefore, the author and technical editors consider the Dark Ale
primarily a darker version of the classic British Brown Ale, but based on a very uneven
grist_ with both a slightly toastier flavor and a chewier texture than the Brown.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
{lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermannlll Pale
Ale 60 21.70 9.84 25.46 11.55 4.11 1.87
Caraamber® 15 5.43 2.46 6.36 2.89 1.03 0.47
Caramunich® II 10 3.62 1.64 4.24 1.92 0.68 0.31
Smoked Malt 10 3.62 1.64 4.24 1.92 0.68 0.31
Carafa<�> Ill 3 0.36 0.16 0.42 0.19 0.07 0.03
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 1 1.09 0.49 1.27 0.58 0.21 0.09
Total Grain 100 35.81 16.24 42.00 19.05 6.77 3.09
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL {g) 1 BBL {oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 5 6.84 194 8.0 227 1.3 37
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of net kettle volume @
154 OF (68 °C). Rest 45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180 °F (8 oq brewing liquor to
raise mash temp to 168 oF (76 oq for mash-out. Boil 60 min. l5t hops @ 5 min; 2 nd
hops @ 55 min. 3rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary-ferment @
60 oF -70 oF (16 oc - 2 1 °CL depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary­
ferment about 14 days. Rack. Condition for 1 wk. Package.


Dinkel bier
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Speltbier
Related Styles Hefeweizen/Weissbier, Emmerbier, Einkornbier

Style Description
Dinkel (Triticum spelta) is German for spelt. It is a hard-grained heirloom wheat, with
genes going back to cultivars planted in Neolithic times in the Fertile Crescent of the
Middle East, where beer brewing originated. The Sumerians almost certainly made
beer from Dinkel.

Dinkel is the result of a cross between Emmer (Triticum dicoccum) and wild grasses in
Mesopotamia some 10,000 years ago. Emmer, in turn, is a cross between Einkorn
(Triticum monococcum), which is an even older wheat variety, and also wild grasses.

In Europe, Dinkel is known to have been cultivated at least since the late Bronze Age,
some 3,000 years ago, mostly in the regions inhabited by the Alemans, a Germanic
tribe in what is now the German State of Baden-Wurttemberg and the German­
speaking part of Switzerland.

In the Middle Ages, Dinkel was also known as Schwabenkorn (Swabia grain}, because
the southwestern German region of Swabia (part of Baden-Wurttemberg) was then
the center of Dinkel cultivation. Spelt placesfew demands on soil quality and climate,
which means that it can grow where modern wheat (Triticum aestivum) cannot.

Maltfrom this cereal is about 1.9 oL to 2.8 oL in color. Dinkel is fairly high in protein
content (up to 17% compared to modern wheat, which has about 12.5% to 14.5%).
Therefore, the Dinkel portion of the mash seldom exceeds 50 percent. In addition,
Dinkel kernels are best de-husked in the malt house. Otherwise, Dinkelbier would
taste very rough and astringent.

The recipe below is based on 68 percent well modified Weyermann® Pilsner malt and
about 30 percent Weyermann® Spelt malt. It also contains an optional, small amount
of Weyermann® Chocolate Spelt malt for additional color, which you can omit.

Afterfermentation_ Dinkelbier needs to mellow out during a maturation period of

several months around the freezing point.

Because beerfoam is mostly protein, Dinkelbier throws a very thick head when it is
poured into a glass. Its alcohol content by volume tends to be about 4.5%.

When brewing a Dinkelbier think of it as making an heirloom Hefeweizen.


OG 1.050 {12.5 °P) IBU j 15 I I ABV 1I 4 .5 % I
FG 1.016 (4 °P) Color I 8.5 SRM/21.4 EBC I I ABW 3.6% I
Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 Hl 1 Hl 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs} 1 BBL (kg} 5 Gal {lbs}
(lbs} {kg} (kg}
Weyerma nn®
Pilsner 68 24.60 11.16 28.85 13.09 4.65 2.12
Weyermann® Spelt
Malt 30 10.85 4.92 12.73 5.77 2.05 0.94
Chocolate Spelt
Malt 2 0.72 0.33 0.85 0.38 0.14 0.06
Total Grain 100 36.17 16.41 42.43 19.24 6.84 3.12
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz} 1 H l (g) 1 BBL (oz} 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz} 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh or
equivalent 4.2 4.21 119 4.9 140 0.8 23
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma : Ba rth Haas
Mittelfruh or
equ ivalent 4.2 4.20 150 6.1 175 0.9 28
Yeast Bavarian Hefeweizen/Weissbier Yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash i n with approx. 65% of expected net kettle volume of
brewing liquor @ 99 OF (37 oc}; raise temp to 113 OF (45 OC); rest for 10 min; raise
temp to 126 OF (52 OC); rest 10 min; raise temp to 144 OF (62 oc}; rest 30 min; raise
temp to 162 oF (72 oC); rest 30 min; raise temp to mash-out @ 172°F (78°C).
Sparge/lauter 100 min. Boil 60 min. Bittering hops after 15 min. Aroma hops in
whirlpool. Ferment in open fermenter @ 64 - 75 OF (18 - 24 oc}, depending on
selected yeast strain. Rack after about 2 wks and again after 4 wks. Pull the temp
down to the freezing point and mature for 3 - 2 months. Rack, condition, package.

r �
The very first freight carried by a German train
was two casks of beer. They were brewed by
the Lederer Brewery of Nuremberg! The casks
traveled from Nuremberg to Furth on July 11,
1836, on the first German rail link, a mere
seven months after it had been opened.
� �


Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Bock, Maibock, Eisbock, Weizenbock

Style Description
Doppelbock is the strong version of the already strong Bockbier. Doppel is double in
German. It is made essentially the same way as a Bockbier with virtually the same
ingredients., except with a bit of de-husked Weyermann® Carafa® I for additional

The wort's starting gravity seems to be limited only by the geometry of the mash tun;
and the alcohol level, only by the yeast's ability to metabolize all that isfermentable
in this brew. The starting gravity is usually above 18 op (OG 1.070} and may even
approach 25 op (OG 1.100}; the alcohol by volume level may exceed 10 percent. Hop
dosage, however, is restrained.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 32 22.15 10.05 25.98 11.78 4.19 1.91
Munich II 30 20.76 9.42 24.36 11.05 3.93 1.79
Carafoam• 27.5 19.03 8.63 22.33 10.13 3.60 1.64
Melanoidin 8 5.54 2.51 6.50 2.95 1.05 0.48
Caramunich"' Ill 2 1.38 0.63 1.62 0.74 0.26 0.12
Carafa® I Special 0.5 0.35 0.16 0.41 0.18 0.07 0.03
Total Grain 100 69.21 31.39 81.19 36.83 13.09 5.97
HOPS %AA 1 H l (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL {g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 2.73 2.46 70 2.9 82 0.5 13
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tradition 1.28 1.92 54 2.2 64 0.4 10
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Smaragd/Emerald 0.64 1.28 36 1.5 42 0.2 7
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast

Brewing Process (Continuous Infusion)

Dough in for thick mash @ approx. 90 oF (32 °C). Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise temp
continuously over 2 - 3 hrs to mash-out temp of 170 oF (77 oq. Lauter for at least 90
min. Boil 90 min. l5t hops @ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3 rd hops @ 85 min.
Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 50 OF (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing
point for at least 5 wks. Rack again, condition, package.


Brewing Process (Double Decoction)

Mash in main mash at @ 100 oF (38 oq; rest 30 minutes for proper grist hydration
and activation of phytase for some mash acidification.

Draw 1st decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (10 - 15 min). Rest
decoction @ 149 OF (65 oq for 30 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Rest decoction @
162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @ 212 OF (100 oq
for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @ 149 OF (65 oq
for 10 min.

Draw 2nd decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (5 - 10 min). Rest
decoction @ 162 O F (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @
212 O F (100 oq for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @
162 O F (72 °C} for 10 min.

Raise temp of main mash to 171 oF (77 oq. Rest 15 min. Recirculate (5 min). Start
lautering and sparging slowly ( ! ) for about 3 hrs until kettle full. Boil 90 min. 1st hops
@ 30 min. 2 nd hops @ 75 min. 3 rd hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min.

Ferment @ 50 °F (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing point for at least 5
wks. Rack again, condition, package.


The oldest depiction of beer-making in the world comes from Mesopotamia (in what is
now southern Iraq). It is more than four thousand years old and shows the threshing of
em mer (a primitive wheat variety) for a sacrificial beer made by Sumerian brewsters
specifically i n honor of the goddess Ninkasi, whom the Sumerians worshipped as the
great mother of creation. Ninkasi is also known by the names of Ningiirsu, Ninurta,
Nidaba, Astarte, or lshtar. She was revered as the goddess offertility. Her emblem was
an ear of emmer or barley. In the spring she caused the grain to ripen. Grain was the
center of Sumerian culture and Ninkasi, its goddess, the center of Sumerian ritual.
Ninkasi was born of sparkling-fresh water. In the world above, her job was to brew all
the beer for all the gods. On earth, she was in charge of the harvest, beer and brewing,
drunkenness and seduction, the passionate art of carnal love, and the cruel art of war.
Her name meant "the lady who fills the mouth."


Dortmunder Export
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Bavarian Helles, European Pilsner

Style Description
Dortmund is the largest city in what was once the coal-mining and steel-making Ruhr
District, Germany's industrial heartland, in the northwest of the country. Dortmund
has been an ale-brewing center ever since 1293, when the German King Adolf of
Nassau conferred the brew right upon its burghers. The beers made in Dortmund
throughout the Middle Ages were mostly Altbier-like brews, called Keutebier, mashed
from a mixture of barley and wheat malts.

The modern Dortmunder Export, by contrast, is a blond lager that evolved in the
latter part of the 19th century, during the heyday of the Industrial Revolution, as an
adaptation of the Bohemian Pilsner. In Germany, beers called "Export" generally
have an alcohol by volume content in the five-percent range. The Dortmunder is no

Dortmund water is exceptionally high in both carbonate and non-carbonate

hardness. If need be, adjust your brewing liquor accordingly. A traditional
Dortmunder Export is a deep golden brew with a solid malt backbone, a substantial
mouthfeel, a complex happiness, a crisp, medium-dryfinish, and next to no esters or
diacetyl. The yeast, therefore, must be very clean-fermenting, such as a Danish-type.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 75 28.27 12.82 33.16 15.04 5.35 2.44
Carafoame 12.5 4.71 2.14 5.53 2.51 0.89 0.41
Carahell"' 12.5 4.71 2.14 5.53 2.51 0.89 0.41
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tettnanger 4 5.26 149 6.2 175 1.0 28
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mittelfri.ih 4.25 2.95 84 3.5 98 0.6 16
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 7.38 209 8.7 245 1.4 40
Yeast German or Danish dry-fermenting lager yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 oF (50 oq; rest 30 minutes; raise temp to 148 oF
(64 OC); rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash-out @ 172 oF (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for
75 minutes. 1 st hops @ 15 min; 2nd ho p s @ 60 min; 3 rd hops in whirlpool. Ferment @
48 oF (9 oq for 1 wk. Rack and fermentation for another 10 days. Reduce temp to
34oF (1 °C) ; lage r for 4 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Today, it's possible to enjoy beers from breweries all over the
world. But 800 years ago, the brewers' market was confined to
only their local area. It simply was not possible to physically
move the beer long-distance and keep it fresh. All this changed
when momentous technological advances were made in
transportation... especially in animal traction and harness!

Im provements in these fields were first reported in the ninth

century, but came into wider use only around the 13th century.
Before that time, a horse was hitched to its dray by traces
fastened to a yoke on its withers and anchored by a strap
around the breast. The harder the horse pulled, the more the
strap choked it. The rigid collar changed all that. It put the strain
on the horse's shoulders instead on its windpipe, thus
increasing the animal's "horsepower" almost fivefold. Only then
did the transport of heavy casks of beer over rutty roads
become possible.

Horses employed in freight hauling were also susceptible to

slipping, hoof breakage and foot injuries. Because of frequent
breakdowns of the hay burners, delivery schedules for trading
goods were notoriously unreliable. It was not until the arrival of
the nailed-on, iron horseshoe, which kept the animals sound
and sure-footed, that trade, especially in semi-perishable goods,
could be conducted on anything resembling a timetable.


Dunkel, Bavarian
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Munich Dunkel
Related Styles Bohemian Dunkel, Schwarzbier

Style Description
Dunkel is malt-accented dark lagerfrom Bavaria. It is a difficult beer to make well,
because-just as in the even darker Schwarzbier-the requirements of color and
flavor in this brew are at odds. The beer must be opaque, but it must not have any of
the roasted notes that are so typical of the dark ales of the British Isles. Chocolate
and roasted malts, therefore, are not appropriate.

The Dunkel is also arguable the world's first and oldest true beer style. It emerged
after two feudal decrees changed Bavarian brew practices. The Bavarian Beer Purity
Law of 1516 mandated that, in Bavaria, beers could be made, henceforth, only from
barley, hops and water-the existence of yeast was still unknown then.

The Bavarian summer brewing prohibition of 1553-unknown to the medieval

brewers-caused all Bavarian beers to be lagers, because ale yeasts simply went
dormant during the brewing season in the cold Bavarian winters.

The darkish lager that everybody started to make after these two decrees had been
passed quickly became the staple beer of Bavarians. Initially called red beer, it
acquired the name Dunkel in the 19th century.

Nowadays, the Dunkel grain bill is composed primarily of Munich malt, sometimes
with a portion of Pilsner malt, as well as a few darker specialty malts for color and
flavor. Always decocted in the old days, it is now usually just multi-step infusion­

Hops in the Dunkel are always noble. They are gentle up front, with lingering aromas
in the finish.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Munich I 55 20.73 9.40 24.31 11.03 3.92 1.79
Munich II 30 11.31 5.13 13.26 6.02 2.14 0.97
Caramunichl!l Ill 10 3.77 1.71 4.42 2.01 0.71 0.32
Carafoam® 5 1.88 0.85 2.21 1.00 0.36 0.16
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25


HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tradition 5.5 4.49 127 5.3 149 0.8 24
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 1.72 49 2.0 57 0.3 9
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 1.07 30 1.3 36 0.2 6
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast

Brewing Process
M ulti-step infusion. Dough in thick for a n optional 15-30 min. acid rest @ at 100 ± 5
°F (38 ± 2 °C). Raise temp to 122 OF (50 °C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 146 ± 2 OF (63
± 1 °C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 156 ± 2 OF (69 ± 1 °C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to
mash-out temp @ 170 OF (77 oc). Recirculate. Lauter for about 90-120 minutes. Boil
90 min. 1st hops @ 15 min. 2 nd hops @ 70 min. 3rd hops in whirlpool. Ferment @ 50
° F - 59 °F (10 °( -15 °C). After 7 ± 2 days Primary fermentation, rack. Secondary
fermentation for 2 wks. Lager @ -2 oc (28 oF), if possible, for 4 - 6 wks. Rack,
condition, package.


We consider the dawn of man's recorded history to be the dawn of Sumerian culture
some 10,000 years ago, and there is sound reason to think that beer and human
civilization began at roughly the same time. The Sumerians were a Stone Age people
of hunters and gatherers, who wandered the mountain regions of Persia (present­
day Iran) and Anatolia (part of present-day Turkey), when Europe was still recovering
from the last Ice Age. For their daily survival, they were engaged in a roving game of
chance in pursuit of food that came with swift and nimble feet, wings, and fins
designed for a quick getaway, or it grew somewhat haphazardly as wild fruits, grains,
and vegetables in scattered places. Eventually, perhaps by accident, these prehistoric
nomads strayed into the fertile flood plains below, between th e rivers Tigris and
Euphrates in what is now Iraq, into a region that the Greeks would one day call
Mesopotamia, which means "land between the rivers." There the hunting was good
and the living seemed easy-and they evolved into a sedentary farming culture-the
first ever-that lasted at least five thousand years. With this step, they left behind
not only the mist of the mountains, but also the fog of prehistory. Among the grains
they cultivated was a form of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) with six rows of
kernels, which, by 7000 BC, they had evolved into an advanced type of barley,
Hordeum distichium, with two rows of big, plump kernels, the oldest cultivated plants
in the world and a forerunner of most modern brewing barley. The Sumerians did
the same with em mer or spelt (Triticum dicoccum), which they evolved into
wheat (Triticum aestivum), and we know from Sumerian records that, by the
fourth millennium BC, they used half their annual grain harvest for bread, the
other half for wheat and barley beer.


Dunkel, Bohemian
Beer culture of origin Czech Republic
AKA Bohmisch Dunkel, Czech Dark Lager
Related Styles Czech Pilsner; Bavarian Dunkel

Style Description
Perhaps the mostfamous Bohemian dark Jager is the brew served at the U Fleku pub
and microbrewery in Prague, Czech Republic.

The roots of Bohemian beer can be traced back to 1295, when King Wenceslas II of
Bohemia convinced Pope Boniface VIII in distant Rome to revoke a papal ban on
secular beer-making in Wenceslas' kingdom. After this reversal of papal policy, the
king granted 260 burgher families in Pi/sen the right to make their own beer. And the
beer they made was dark und possibly an ale, a forerunner of the modern Bohemian
Dunkel lager. It is generally referred to nowadays as Bohemian Dunkel or Bohmisch

The German designation comes from a time when Bohemia was part of the German­
speaking Austro-Hungarian Empire.

The Bohemian Dunkel is to Czech Pilsner what Bavarian Dunkel is to Bavarian Helles.
It is rich and dark, and, like the blond Pilsner, it requires a very malt-aromatic grain
bill as well as aromatic Saaz hops. The brew has a slight residual sweetness, which is
offset by some roastiness from a small addition of chocolate-flavored caramel malt.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Bohemian Pilsner 40 13.86 6.29 16.26 7.38 2.62 1.19
Munich II 40 13.86 6.29 16.26 7.38 2.62 1.19
Weyerma nn®
Carabohemian® 18 6.24 2.83 7.32 3.32 1.18 0.54
Ca rafa® Special I 2 0.69 0.31 0.81 0.37 0.13 0.06
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth
Haas Saaz 4.5 2.94 83 3.4 98 0.6 16
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 5.51 156 6.5 183 1.0 30
Yeast Czech Pilsner yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (SO °C); rest 30 minutes; raise temp to 144 OF
{62 oq; rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 oF (72 oq ; rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 °F (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. 1st hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops
@ 60 min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F (12°C). Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op
(1.018). Reduce temp to 34oF (1oC); lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2


The oldest continually operating brewpub i n the world is arguably U Flecku
in Prague in the Czech Republic. Established in 1499, this large and
magnificently designed tavern closed for only for a few months in 1620
after the Battle of the White Mountain which took place on a hillside just
outside the city. Today it is a bustling establishment frequented by locals
and tourists alike. Only one beer is brewed- Flekovsky tmavy lezak 13°, a
dark, almost black lager {4.5% ABV, OG 1.052).


Dunkel bock
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Dunkler Bock, Dunkles Bock
Related Styles Doppelbock, Maibock, Eisbock, Weizenbock

Style Description
Most Bockbiers (though not all!) are slightly dark in appearance, somewhere
between dark copper and burnt amber. Some Bockbiers, however, are mashed with a
particularly large portion of chocolate and roasted caramel malt, which makes them
more akin to a super-strong Schwarzbier than a Bockbier. For a basic Bockbier
description, see entry.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 30 14.54 6.60 17.06 7. 74 .
2 75 1.25
Munich II 27.5 13.33 6.05 15.64 7.09 2.52 1.15
Carafoam• 25 12.12 5.50 14.21 6.45 2.29 1.04
Melanoidin 12.5 6.06 2.75 7 .11 3.22 1.15 0.52
Carafa® I Special 5 2.42 1.10 2.84 1.29 0.46 0.21
Total Grain 100 48.47 21.99 56.86 25.79 9.17 4.18
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth
Haas Taurus 8.5 4.16 118 4.9 138 0.8 22
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tradition 5.5 1.94 55 2.3 65 0.4 10
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Smaragd/Emerald 5 0.97 28 1.1 32 0.2 5
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast

Brewing Process (Continuous Infusion)

Dough in for thick mash @ approx. 90 oF (32 oq. Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise temp
continuously over 2 - 3 hrs to mash-out temp of 170 oF {77 oq. Lauter for at least 90
min. Boil 90 min. 1 st hops @ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3rd hops @ 85 min.
Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 50 OF (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing
point for at least 5 wks. Rack again, condition, package.

Brewing Process (Double Decoction)

Mash in main mash at @ 100 OF (38 OC); rest 30 minutes for proper grist hydration
and activation of phytase for some mash acidification.


Draw 1st decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (10 - 15 min). Rest
decoction @ 149 °F (65 oq for 30 min. Heat decoction {10 min). Rest decoction @
162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @ 212 OF (100 oq
for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @ 149 OF {65 oq
for 10 min.

Draw 2nd decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (5 - 10 min). Rest
decoction @ 162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @
212 OF (100 oc) for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @
162 °F {72 oq for 10 min.

Raise temp of main mash to 171 oF {77 oq. Rest 15 m in . Recirculate (5 min). Start
lautering and sparging slowly { ! ) for about 3 hrs until kettle full. Boil 90 min. l5t hops
@ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3 rd hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min.

Ferment @ 50 °F (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing point for at least 5
wks. Rack again, condition, package.


By far the biggest monastery brewery of the Middle Ages, which does not exist any
longer, was the Benedictine Monastery of Sankt Gallen (St. Gall) in Switzerland. It
flourished around the turn of the l5t to the 2nd millennium. This monastery had three
breweries, which were spread over 40 buildings. They yielded about 300 gallons of
beer a day. In 895, it took more than 100 monks, about 200 serfs, and an even larger
number of pupils from the monastery's school to tend to the oats and barley fields
and to run the breweries.

I n 1060, St. Gall's then-Abbot, Ekkehard IV, chronicled his Casus Sancti Galli, the
history of St. Gall, in which he wrote that each monk was entitled to seven meals a
day with all the bread he could eat. Evenings were reserved for the round table at
which the monks indulged in happy conversation over tankards of brew. Each monk
was allotted five Mass of beer a day. The term Mass is still used in Bavaria today to
denote a liter mug. In those days, a Mass was any measure roughly between a US
quart and half a gallon. A single monk at Sankt Gallen, therefore, might have drained
as much as one sta nda rd U.S. keg of beer a week!

St. Gall, with its splendor and opulence, epitomized the greatness of medieval
monastic brewing-an achievement that had been almost five centuries in the
making. Economically, monastic breweries were much like secular businesses, but
with several competitive advantages: Cheap or free raw materials, cheap or free
labor, and an exemption from all taxes. Monastery beer was good (or as good as it
could get then) and it was cheap. After 1204, the abbots of St. Gall would even serve
as powerful secu la r princes, too, of the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, as
the medieval central European empire was then called!


Beer culture of origin Germany (Bavaria}
AKA Dunkles Weissbier, Dunkles Weizen
Related Styles Hefeweizen/Weissbier, Weizenbock,

Style Description
Dunkelweizen is the dark version of the pale creamy Bavarian Hefeweizen,
Weizenbier, or Weissbier. For a basic description, see Weissbier. Dunkelweizen has
pronounced clove, vanilla, banana, apple, bubble-gum, and sometimes nutmeg

Dunkel means dark in German (as opposed to weiss, which means white) and Weizen
means wheat. In Germany, the modern Beer Purity Law stipulates that any brew
called wheat beer must contain at least 50 percent wheat malt. It must also be an
ale. Because wheat has a relatively high glucan and protein content and very little
husk material, which makes for difficult lautering, German wheat beer mashes rarely
contain more than 70 percent wheat malt.

They are always malt-accented, with hop notes remaining in the background. A
delicate noble hop, such as Hallertauer Mittelfruh, therefore, is idealfor both
bittering and aroma.

Authentic German wheat ales are usually fermented in open vessels for easy yeast
cropping. They are also unfiltered and bottle- or keg-conditioned. For this, the fully
fermented brew is inoculated, just before packaging, with Speise (fresh wort for
priming) andfresh yeast. The yeast can be pitched into the Speise. If no Speise is
available, an amber liquid malt extract (LME) can be used as a substitute priming

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs} 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann& Dark
Wheat Malt 25 9.80 4.45 11.50 5.22 1.85 0.84
Weyermann� 15 5.88 2.67 6.90 3.13 1.11 0.51
Pilsner 35 13.72 6.23 16.10 7.30 2.60 1.18
Carawheat19 15 5.88 2.67 6.90 3.13 1.11 0.51
Munich II 7 2.74 1.25 3.22 1.46 0.52 0.24
Acidulated 3 1.18 0.53 1.38 0.63 0.22 0.10
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)


Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh or
equivalent 4.2 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh or
equivalent 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Yeast Bavarian Hefeweizen Yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash i n with approx. 65% of expected net kettle volume of
brewing liquor @ 99 °F (37 oc); raise temp to 113 OF (45 °(); rest for 10 min; raise
temp to 126 OF (52 OC); rest 10 min; raise temp to 144 oF (62 oq; rest 30 min; raise
temp to 162 oF (72 oq; rest 30 min; raise temp to mash-out @ 172°F (78°C).
Sparge/lauter 100 min. Boil 75 min. Bittering hops after 15 mi n . Aroma hops in
whirlpool. Ferment in open fermenter @ 64 - 75 OF (18 - 24 oc), depending on
selected yeast strain. Speise/priming: @ apparent gravity of 2.85 op (1.011) pitch
fresh Bavarian Hefeweizen yeast and add enough fresh Dunkelweizen wort or
Weyermann® Munich Amber Liquid Malt Extract (approx. 4.28 lbs LME/bbl; 3.65 lbs
LME/hl; 1.66 kg LME/hl; or 0.14 1bs LME/gal) to raise gravity to 4 op (1.016). Package
primed brew immediately into kegs, bottles, or serving tank. Warm-condition
packaged beer 7 - 8 days @ approx. 68 oF {20 °C). Pressure should not exceed 2.6 bar
(37.7 psi). Finally, cold-condition packaged beer @ 4 1 oF (5 oq for another 2 wks.


The oldest evidence of beer-making in Central Europe is of a type of Dunkelweizen. In
1935, a broken crock was discovered in the burial site of a well-to-do Celtic tribesman
who had died about 800 BC. The site is near the Franconian village of Kasendorf, some
seven miles from Kulmbach, in northern Bavaria. The grave belongs to the so-called
Hallstatt culture, a subgroup of the Celtic family of peoples. Not only did it contain the
remains of the deceased gentleman, but buried with him were also the provisions that
his clan had so generously contributed for his trip into the realm of the spirits, including
the large crock. When archaeologists pieced the shards back together, they took on the
shape of an elegant amphora. But there was a faint residue in its bottom, and when
that residue was analyzed, almost 3,000 years later the amphora was sealed in that
grave, it was identified as dried-up traces of black wheat beer, made from moist, half­
baked loaves of bread-the standard raw material for the mashes of ancient times­
soaked in water, and flavored with oak leaves. The crock, which is now in the Beer
Museum in Kulmbach, ranks as the oldest evidence of beer-making in Europe.


Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Doppelbock, Bock, Maibock, Weizenbock

Style Description
Eisbock is the strong version of the Doppelbock, which is the strong version of the
already strong Bockbier. To make this beer, brew as strong a Doppelbock as your
equipment allows and let itferment to the finish. Then freeze the brew in the tank to
at least 24.4 °F (-4 °C) and drain the still-liquid portion of the slush that forms at this
temperature. Note, not all breweries have the equipment to make this beer!

Separating the ice from the liquid has a similar effect as distilling: The more ice you
remove, the greater becomes the alcohol concentration in the beer that's left behind.
The key taste difference between distillation andfreezing is in the amount offlavor
that remains in the finished beverage. In distillation for Scotch Whiskey, for instance,
you leave not only water but also some of the malt aroma behind, and you drink
what you take out of the brew. In freezing, on the other hand, you discard what you
take out (water) and drink what is left behind, and that includes most of the malt

Because freezing also creates a cold break ofproteins and tannins, which clings to
the ice crystals, a beer produced by this method is not just stronger but also very
smooth. Therefore, the malt aroma in this beer is extremely pronounced and often
sweet. The color deepens as well, while virtually all hop perception fades away. The
alcoholic level may reach as much as 14 to 15 percent. Because this beer is not
strictly "brewed" but freeze-processed, the specifications below are merely

Up to 35 Up to 14.5%
Up to 11.2%
Ingredients: Same as for Doppelbock. See entry.

Brewing Process
Brew and ferment a Doppelbock. See entry.

After the final racking, freeze the tank content until the water in the brew begins to
crystallize, which occurs at a temperature of below 24.4 oF (-4 °C}. It is OK to set the
temp even lower. However, the lower the temp, the more ice crystals will form, and
faster. Depending on the chilling system's thermal capacity, this may take several
days. Not all breweries may have this capability. The unfrozen beer and alcohol can
now be drained or filtered off the slush. This creates a highly concentrated full­
flavored brew, as if it had been made from a wort up to 25 op (OG 1,100), even more.
Condition this concentrate for a very mild effervescence. Package. Age the packaged
Eisbock for up to 9 months in a cool, dark cellar.



It is not entirely clear, however, where and when the first batch of
Eisbock was made, but there is one persistent legend that places the
origin of Eisbock in the city of Kulmbach, at around 1890.

According to that (ta ll?) tale, a brewery lad-after a long day of toil in
front of the mash tun-was too tired in the evening to roll the casks of
finished Bockbier from the brewery yard back into the cellar, as the
brew master had told him to. He figured that there would be no harm
in leaving them outside until morning. That night, however, turned out
to be bitter cold, and the beer inside the casks froze solid.

By the time the brew crew returned the following morning, the staves
of the casks had burst open. It appeared to all that the entire lot of
wonderful Bockbier had been ruined. As the brewers inspected the
frozen brew more closely, they discovered that, at the very center of
each cask, a small pool of murky, brownish liquid had collected.

The brewers were unaware that alcohol has a much lower freezing
point than water, and that it became concentrated as the beer froze in
the casks from the outside in. As the water froze, the alcohol also
transported with it all the essence of the Bockbier's malty flavor to the

The irate brew master, bent on meting out severe punishment,

ordered the hapless lad to crack open the icy casks and drink the awful
brownish stuff. The frightened lad, of course, did as he was told, taking
mere tentative sips at first, but then imbibing with ever increasing
gusto. In the center of each cask-size lump of ice was the most
delicious, ma lty-sweet, and heavy beer imaginable. Punishment,
indeed! The lad, being a kind and generous sort of chap, let the others
share in his "punishment."

Subsequently, the Kulmbach brewers made it a practice, during severe

cold spells, to roll out into the open a few casks of Bockbier or
Doppelbock, leave them overnight, and collect the cold nectar in the
center, the essence of Bock, as a heart-warming sipping beer.

Thus was born, allegedly, the Eisbock, a beer style that is still made
today, but now in modern fermenters, according to the principles that
operated on that bitter cold wintry night in Kulmbach.

Next to barley-based Eisbock, there is also a Weizeneisbock, which is

based on a Weizendoppelbock. To make it, make a Weizenbock, as
strong as possible, ferment it to the finish, and freeze and drain it as
you would a barley-based Doppelbock.


Fruit Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA Cherry Ale, Blueberry Ale, etc.
Related Styles Pale Ale (English), IPA, lmperiai iPA

Style Description
American fruit ales may be made with any number offruit. The recipe below is an
example made with about 50 lbs/bbl (approx. 25 kg/hi) of very ripe, dark, sour
cherries, macerated, placed with the pits into a heat-resistant hop bag, then lowered
first briefly into the hot kettle for sterilizing, then into the primary fermenter for

Cherries (and most fruit) contain pectin (carboxymethyl cellulose), which is a

flavorless starch that starts to gel at around 145-155°F (63-68°C}. Fining the hot
wort with 8 grams of Irish Moss per hectoliter (0.33 oz./bbl}, therefore, is highly

There are no firm rules for making fruit ales, except that they are vaguely built on
American pale to dark ales and are best fermented with a clean-finishing yeast. Note
that all numerical specifications here are without taking into account the effects of
the fruit on the wort or finished brew. They are thus approximate.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 80 37.53 17.02 44.02 19.97 7.10 3.23
Carahell® 10 4.69 2.13 5.50 2.50 0.89 0.40
Carafa® Special ill 5 2.35 1.06 2.75 1.25 0.44 0.20
Roasted Unmalted
Barley 5 2.35 1.06 2.75 1.25 0.44 0.20
Total Grain 100 46.91 21.28 55.03 24.96 8.88 4.04
Very ripe, sour,
preferable dark
cherries 50.00 22.68 58.65 26.60 9.46 4.31
HOPS %AA 1 H l (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Chinook 13 5.55 157 6.5 184 1 30
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Tettnanger 4 1.55 44 1.8 52 0.3 8
Yeast Irish ale yeast


Brewing Process
Mash in @ 122 OF (S0°C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 154 °F (68 °C}. Rest 20 min.
Sparge to reach mash-out @ 168 oF ± 2 oF (76 oc ± 1 °C}. Boil 60 min. 1 st hops @ 15

Meanwhile, wash cherries in cold water and remove all stems and leaves. Macerate
fruit in bowl with a masher. Stuff cherry pulp, including pits, into steeping bags.
Collect cherry juices oozing out of bags in bowls.

After shut-down, siphon off about 5 liter/hi (approx 2 gal/bbl) of hot wort into a
sterile, sealable container, and refrigerate or freeze as krausening until bottling. This
is optional. The brew can also be conditioned the conventional way.

Add Irish moss, if used, to kettle. Lower bags of cherries into hot wort to sterilize for
about 15 min. Pour in any collected juice as well. Remove sterile bags and place
them in sanitized bowls to collect juices again. Add aroma hops to kettle. Rest 5 min.

Heat-exchange into open fermenter. Add fruit bags and collected juices. Pitch yeast
@ 66 OF (19 °C). Once a day, skim scum off top of fermenting brew. Remove fruit
bags after 7 days. Do not squeeze bags, to keep pectin trapped in the bags from
getting into the brew, where it would cause hazes later on!

Rack into closed fermenter. Condition conventionally under pressure as for Pale Ale,
or add warmed-up krausening and condition. Conditioning time is 7 days. Package.


The word "Kolsch" has three meanings in the local
dialect of the city of Koln (Cologne) in the Rhineland
of Germany. As an adjective, it means "of Cologne."
As a noun it is the name for both the local dialect
itself and for the local beer. That's why patrons in
the pubs around that famous cathedral joke that
Kolsch is the only language in the world that you can
also drink.


Golden Ale, Belgian

Beer culture of origin Belgium
AKA Belgian Strong Ale
Related Styles None

Style Description
The Belgian Golden Ale evolved in the late 19rh century as the Belgian brewers'
answer to the golden Pilsner lager from Bohemia, which was gaining market share
against Belgium's local brews at the time. In appearance, maltiness and happiness,
the Belgian Golden was designed to resemble the foreign competitorfrom Bohemia,
but, in typical Belgian fashion, it was brewed as an ale, not a lager and almost twice
as strong as a Pilsner-hence the brew's other name of Belgian Strong Ale.

The hops in a Belgian Golden are noble and Pilsner-like-Styrian Go/dings and Saaz
are suitable for bittering and flavor, respectively. The malt for this brew is the rich
and aromatic Weyermann® Extra Pale Pilsner Malt.

Because the Belgian Golden is brewed to a high alcohol content of 8 - 10 percent (or
more), it requires a slow and extensive mash regimen that ensures both proper
hydration of the grain bed as well as the extraction of anything that is fermentable.
One effective method-chosen below-is to dough in at a low 90 oF {32 oC) and ramp
the temperature up gradually through a continuous infusion process over a three- to
four-hour period to the mash-out temperature of about 1 70 OF {77 oq This ensures
the proper breakdown of proteins and beta-glucans as well as the conversion of
starches mostly to mono- and disaccharides for plenty of alcohol and a dry finish.

For the extra alcohol, a proper Belgian Golden Ale also needs a dose of sugar in the
kettle for additional, clean-tasting fermentables. Roughly 1. 75 kg ofpure sugar per
hectoliter (roughly 4.5 lbs./bbl) offinished beer bumps up the amount of alcohol by
volume by about 0.9 percent, without contributing much flavor.

An alternative to relativelyflavorless sugar is a sugar-equivalent amount of

unhopped, pale, liquid malt extract (LME). Added to the kettle, LME instead of sugar
gives the brew an enhanced malt intensity. Our choice below is roughly 3 kg per
hectoliter (approx. 3.66 lbs./bbl) of Weyermann® Bavarian Pilsner LME, which is
made entirely from a decoction mash of Weyermann® Pilsner Malt and Weyermann®
Carafoam®. This LME has 72 to 79 percent offermentable sugars by weight.
Mathematically, therefore, the LME raises the alcohol content by volume {ABV) by
about 1.3 percent.

The recipe below produces a brew of 1 7.25 op (OG 1.069) kettle gravity before the
addition of LME, and of 19.75 op (OG 1.079) kettle gravity after the addition of LME.
The apparent attenuation of this brew at the end offermentation is approx. 12.5 op
(FG 1.014). At that attenuation level, the malt alone is responsible for about 7.3
percent ABV, and the mash and LME combined generate about 8.5 percent. The
estimated color value of the finished beer is approx. 5. 7 to 5.8 SRM (14 EBC).


Specifications (before the addition of LME)

Color 4.4 SRM/10.4 EBC

Specifications (after the addition of LME)

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 B B L (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
WeyermanntD Extra
Pale Pilsner 95 48.28 21.90 56.63 25.69 9.13 4.16
Abbey Malt® 2.5 1.27 0.58 1.49 0.68 0.24 0.11
Carabelge® 2.5 1.27 0.58 1.49 0.68 0.24 0.11
Total Grain 100 50.82 23.05 59.61 27.04 9.61 4.38
Bavarian Pilsner
LME 6.66 3.02 7.81 3.54 1.26 0.57
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Styrian
Goldings 5.5 3.77 107 4.4 125 0.7 20
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.81 80 3.3 93 0.5 15
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.81 80 3.3 93 0.5 15
Yeast Belgian Abbey-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Continuous infusion. Dough in as thick as possible @ 90 oF {32 oq or lower. Then
ramp up temp slowly and continuously over 3 - 4 hrs to a mash-out temp of about
170 °F (77 °C}. Lauter slowly for 3 hrs. Boil for 90 m inutes. 1St hops @ 15 min; 2 nd
hops @ 60 min; 3 rd hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment for 1 wk. @ 64 o F -
70 oF {18 o - 2 1 oq, depending o n yeast strain. Rack and ferment for another 1 0 days.
Reduce temp to approx. 34°F (1 oC); lager for 12 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Gose, Leipziger
Beer culture of origin Germany, Saxony
AKA None
Related Styles None

Style Description
Leipziger Gose is a mostly malted wheat-based brew of medieval origin that
flourished in the early 20th century in and around the Saxon capital of Leipzig. But it
faded from consciousness after the Second World War, when Saxony became part of
Communist East Germany. However, it has seen a revival after the Fall of the Berlin
Wall on November 9, 1989. It is a rare German brew, because it contains salt as well
as spices, which are technical violations of the German Beer Purity Law. However,
that law, in its modern version, also allowsfor exceptions in the case of traditional,
indigenous, heirloom brews that predate the first proclamation of the Purity Law in
Bavarian, in 1516. Gose apparently takes its name from the river Gose which flows
through the town of Gasior in the German State of Lower Saxony, about 100 miles
west of Leipzig. Goslar rose to prominence in the 11th century not only as one of the
wealthiest and most important copper, lead, zinc, salt, and silver mining towns in the
German Empire, but also as a brew center. It is likely that the original source of
saltiness in Gose was the naturally saline water from some of the mineral-rich
aquifers in and around Goslar, which supplied much of the liquorfor the old Gasior
brew houses. The coriander helps diffuse some of that saltiness on the palate.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency
1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Wheat Malt 60 19.89 9.02 23.33 10.58 3.76 1.71
Pilsner 17.5 5.80 2.63 6.80 3.09 1.10 0.50
Munich I I 15 4.97 2.26 5.83 2.65 0.94 0.43
Acidulated 7.5 2.49 1.13 2.92 1.32 0.47 0.21
Total Grain 100 33.15 15.04 38.88 17.64 6.27 2.86
ground coriander 0.1065 0.0483 0.1249 0.0567 0.0201 0.0092
Sea or kosher sa It 0.1200 0.0544 0.1408 0.0638 0.0227 0.0103
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh 4.25 2.55 72 3.0 85 0.5 14
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Hallertauer Perle 6.5 3.73 106 4.4 124 0.7 20
Yeast German Hefeweizen/Weissbier yeast


Brewing Process
Place ground coriander seeds in a steeping bag on a string for easy immersion in and
removal from kettle. Step-infusion. Mash in at about 148 oF- 150 oF (64 oc - 66 °C).
Rest 120 min (or longer). Raise temp to 160 OF (71 oq for mash-out. Add sea or
kosher salt to the kettle. Boil 60 min. 1 st hops @ 5 min; 2"d hops and coriander @ 55
min. Shut down. Remove coriander. Recirculate. Lauter. Whirlpool 45 min. Ferment
@ 63 O F - 75 °F (17 °( - 24 °C}, depending on yeast strain, for approx. 7 days. Rack.
Mature for 3 wks. Rack. Condition for 2 wks. Package.


Louis Pasteur {1822 - 1895) became interested in the fermentation of wine, vinegar
and beer while he was a professor at universities in Dijon, Strasbourg and Lille. By
1862, we find him at the Ecole normale in Paris, where he is poised to finish off the
myth of spontaneous fermentation for good. He discovered that heating liquids to
about 145°F fo r 30 minutes kills any bacteria or other organisms that it may contain
(pasteurization), and that, if the liquid is left hermetically sealed, no microbial
activity--spontaneous or otherwise--recurs. Always eager to increase the shelf life of
their beers, breweries were among the first industries to pasteurize their products.

Since infectants cannot suddenly appear in a sterile environment, but must be

introduced from the outside, Pasteur also admonished brewers to examine yeast
cells under the microscope before adding them to the beer (pitching) in order to
determine whether the yeast was infected or healthy.

In 1868, Pasteur moved to the Sorbonne. Two years later, he was commissioned by
the French government to investigate how French brewers could make a beer that
could compete effectively against the rising flood of imports from Germany. Eight
years later, he spelled out his findings in his study Etudes sur Ia biere, which did not
rescue the French beer market from domination by the neighboring Teutonic brew,
but did provide the most comprehensive explanation yet of the fermentation
processes and the products that result from the yeast's metabolism.

He discovered that yeast metabolizes glucose under the presence of oxygen and that
it uses energy gained from the sugar to grow and reproduce furiously. Under
anaerobic conditions, yeast does not grow much, but, as Schwann had already
observed, commences vigorous fermentation. This rule is now known as the Pasteur
effect: Oxygen suppresses fermentation, its absence stimulates it.

Since Pasteur, we can manage the metabolic life of yeast through wort aeration after
pitching and through subsequent oxygen starvation. We also know that, if we start
out with sterile wort and control the microbes we pitch into the brew, we can
control the result and make good beer. Thanks to Pasteur, hygiene has become one
ofthe most important tools in the brewer's repertoire.


G ruitbier
Beer culture of origin Medieval Continental Europe and British Isles
AKA Herb Ale
Related Styles Scottish Heather Ale, Froagh

Style Description
Gruitbier is a medieval beer made before the universal acceptance of hops as a beer
flavoring. It was made both on the British Isles and on the Continent. Gruit is old­
Germanicfor herb. The modern German wort Kraut {also meaning herb) is derived
from this etymological root, as is the word Sauerkraut, "sour herb, which is

bacterially fermented cabbage.

Common herbs used in Gruitbier included, among many others, bog myrtle, gale,
heatherflowers (in Scotland}, juniper berries (still used in Finnish Sahti today},
mugwort, rosemary, woodruff (especially popular in Germany), and yarrow. In fact,
the name mug wort is derived from the use of this herb in beer: It turns an ordinary
ale into one that's truly a mug's worth.

Before the introduction to England of hops by Flemish immigrants in the 15 th century,

who settled in Kent, where they grew East Kent Go/dings, all beer was called "ale"
there. As hops began to conquer ale brewing, however, the new, hopped ale was
given the name "beer, to distinguish itfrom the older unhopped ale. Today, of

course, beer is the umbrella category, with ale and lager, both hopped, as its

The base brew of Gruitbier may have contained any number of grains, next to barley,
including wheat, oats, rye and spelt. Given uncertain malting methods at the time,
the brew would likely have been somewhat brownish or darker, but rarely pale.

A Gruitbier's strength may have varied greatly, too, especially considering the then
popular partigyle method of brewing several threads from the same mash. There
were probably Gruit Stock Ales from the first runnings and Gruit Mild Ales from the
final runnings. Given this vague definition of a Gruitbier, the modern brewer has
great freedom in composing one.

The indeterminate nature of the Gruitbier's specifications, however, ought not to be a

reason not to brew one. Below is one possible interpretation, brewed a bit on the
strong side, as a variation of a classic English brown ale. Note that there appear to be
no Gruit-flavored lagers in brewing history, probably because, in the cradle of lager­
making, such potions would violate the Beer Purity Law.

Depending on your taste preferences, the combined weight of herbs should not
exceed 50 to 100 grams {1.75 to 3.5 oz.) per barrel or hectoliter, added to the kettle
and best suspended in a steeping bag from a string for no more than 15 minutes
before shut-down. For a stronger herb flavor, increase the amount of herbs and/or
the length of time they are exposed to the hot wort.


I OG I 1.064 (16 °P) I I BU I 26 I ABV 6. 9% I
I FG I 1.012 (3 op) I I Color I 10.6 SRM/26.9 EBC I ABW 5.5% I
Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 47.5 22.28 10.11 26.14 11.86 4.22 1.92
Vienna 22.5 10.56 4.79 12.38 5.62 2.00 0.91
Weyermann"' Pale
Wheat Malt 22.5 10.56 4.79 12.38 5.62 2.00 0.91
Carawheat"' 7.5 3.52 1.60 4.13 1.87 0.67 0.3 0
Total Grain 100 46.91 21.28 55.03 24.96 8.88 4.04
A mixed "bouquet garni" of
juniper berries, mugwort,
woodruff, and rosemary 0.1500 0.0680 0.1760 0.0798 0.0284 0.0129
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Any English-style ale yea st

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume (or 1 qt/1 1b of grist, dry weight} @ 150 °F - 154 °F (66 °( - 68 °C}. Rest
45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to
168 ° F ± 2 OF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge
water temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. Add spices i n steeping bag on a string in kettle @
45 m i n . Shut down, Remove spices. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation @ 60 oF
- 65 °F (16 °( - 18 °C}, depending o n yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary
fermentation about 14 days. Rack again, condition for 1 wk. Package.


When Germany stretched its colonial ambitions in the nineteenth century, its emissaries
opened breweries in almost every land they conquered. Even today the breweries of
Togo (known as German West Africa in colonial times) produce great blonde lagers.
Tsingtao was a German colony between 1897 and 1914, and still today the Tsingtao
brewery-established in 1903 and now the biggest brewery in China- makes a Munich­
style lager, which is a staple offering of Chinese restaurants throughout the globe.


He l ies
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Hell, Munchener Helles, Munich Helles
Related Styles Export Hell, Dortmunder Export, European Pilsner

Style Description
Thefirst cask of Helles ever was released on March 21, 1894, by the style's inventor,
the Spaten Brewery of Munich as a Bavarian competitor to the Pilsnerfrom
neighboring Bohemia. Hell or Helles is German for 11light," in color, not in calories or
alcohol. Helies has an ABV of 4. 7 to 5.4 percent, with versions above 5 percent
usually called Export Helles. If a brewery calls a Helles 11Urhell" or 11Urtyp, " it tries to
emphasize the brew's authenticity (11urtyp" means original type in German). A
115pezial Helles" is a seasonal Helles, while an 11Edei-Hell" is often a brew of special
quality t'edelll means noble).

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner so 16.95 7.69 19.88 9.02 3.21 1.46
Weyermann��> Extra
Pale Premium
Pilsner 42 14.24 6.46 16.70 7.58 2.69 1.23
Weye rm a nn��>
Carahell19 5 1.70 0.77 1.99 0.90 0.32 0.15
Carafoam��> 3 1.02 0.46 1.19 0.54 0.19 0.09
Total Grain 100 33.90 15.38 39.77 18.04 6.41 2.92
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Hass Hallertauer
Tradition 5.5 4.49 127 5.3 149 0.8 24
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 1.72 49 2.0 57 0.3 9
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 1.07 30 1.3 36 0.2 6
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast

Brewing Process
M u lti-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 oF (50 °C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 148 oF (64
oc). Rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash-out @ 172 °F (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil 75
min. 151 hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops @ 60 min; 3 rd hops in whirlpool. Ferment @ 48 oF (9
oq for 1 wk. Rack. Ferment another 10 days. Reduce temp to 34°F (1 °C). Lager for 4
wks. Rack, condition, package.


Ice Beer
Beer culture of origin Canada
AKA Ice Lager
Related Styles American Premium Lager/Pilsner, American Light Lager

Style Description
Ice beer was first introduced by Labatt of Canada in 1993. Like Bavarian Eisbock, it is
fully fermented and then chilled to at least 24.4 OF {-4 °C}, when ice crystals form.
Removing the slush increases the beer's alcoholic strength by perhaps as much as 0.5
percent ABV. Freezing also removes some of the proteins and tannins in the beer,
making its flavor fairly subdued. Because of the effects offreezing on the brew, all
specifications below are approximate.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann411 Extra
Pale Premium
Pilsner 82.5 32.35 14.67 37.95 17.21 6.12 2.79
Weyermann" Pale
Ale 7.5 2.94 1.33 3.45 1.56 0.56 0.25
Acidulated 5 1.96 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0.17
Munich II 5 1.96 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0.17
Total Grain 100 39.22 17.79 46.00 20.86 7.42 3.38
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 15.5 3.62 103 4.2 120 0.7 19
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 0.27 8 0.3 9 0.1 1
Yeast American lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (50 OC); rest 30 minutes; raise temp to 144 oF
(62 oc); rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 OF (72 OC); rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 °F (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. 1st hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops
@ 70 min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F (12°C). Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op
(1.018). Reduce temp to 34°F (1 °C}. After the final racking, freeze the tank content
until the water in the brew begins to crystallize, which occurs at a temperature of
below 24.4 OF (-4 °C). It is OK to set the temp even lower. The lower the temp, the
more ice crystals will form, and faster. Separate the crystals from the unfrozen beer
and alcohol. Bring temp back to just above the freezing point. Lager for 4 wks.
Condition and package.


I ndia Pale Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
Related Styles English IPA, American Double or lmperiai iPA

Style Description
American India Pale Ale (IPA) is an adaptation of the original British IPA. While the
classic British version often had an original gravity of 1.070 or greater, American
versions tend to be just a tad less strong. But like the Old World model, New World
/PAs are aggressively hopped, often with in-your-face bittering values from floral­
citrus Pacific Northwest hops including the signature Cascade with notes of
grapefruit peel. One interesting hop combination is Simcoe® for bittering, Amarillo®
for flavor, and a half-and-half mixture of Cascade and Crystal for aroma. The pungent
Columbus, Tomahawk® and Zeus, and the citrus Galena and Summit are also good
choices for this style. For balance, this hop-accented brew needs a solid malt
backbone with good underpinnings ofpale caramel malts for body and mouthfeel
and melanoidin malt for depth offlavor. A single infusion mash is quite sufficient for
this brew.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 55 24.10 10.93 28.27 12.82 4.56 2.08
Melanoidin 20 8.76 3.97 10.28 4.66 1.66 0.76
Carared® 17.5 7.67 3.48 8.99 4.08 1.45 0.66
Carafoam "' 7.5 3.29 1.49 3.85 1.75 0.62 0.28
Total Grain 100 43.82 19.87 51.40 23.31 8.29 3.78
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Simcoe® 13 4.71 134 5.5 157 0.9 25
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Amari ll o"' 9.5 2.54 72 3.0 85 0.5 14
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Cascade 5.75 2.54 72 3.0 85 0.5 14
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Crystal 4.5 2.54 72 3.0 85 0.5 14
Yeast American "Chico"-Style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of net kettle volume @ 148 o F - 150
OF (64 o c - 66 °C). Rest 60 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor
to raise mash temp to 168 oF ± 2 o F (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at
that level. Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil 75 min. l5t hops @ 15 min; 2 nd


hops @ 70 m i n . Whirlpool 30 min. 3rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Primary

fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF {16 oc - 21 oq, depending on yeast, for about 7 days.
Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days. Rack again, condition for 1 wk.


Beer-making in colonial North America was not just an English way of
life, but a French one as well, up north in Quebec, along the banks of
the Saint Lawrence River. Founded as a fur trading outpost by Samuel
de Champlain in 1608, Quebec was the first permanent French
settlement in North America. By 1615, the first Jesuit missionaries of
the Recollet order had arrived-sent into the wilderness by King Louis
XIV to convert heathen Indians to the faith of the king. These pious
friars, however, had obviously more on their minds than just the
salvation of savage souls, because by 1620, they were already setting up
a brewery.

This was the same year, incidentally, when a group of Pilgrims set off
from Plymouth, England, i n a ship called the Mayflower to start a colony
in Virginia, but ended up in what is now Massachusetts. The Pilgrims
had to cut their voyage short for lack of victuals and ale. And after they
landed and built their "Piimouth Plantation," one of the first structures
they erected after a church was ... a brewery.

By 1646, the Quebec missionaries got really serious about their thirst:
They moved their brewery to the outskirts of Quebec, to a place known
as Sillery. However, they kept all the beer they produced just for
themselves. Preaching charity and brotherly love was one thing, but
sharing your brew was clearly quite another. The ordinary colonists had
to be content with mere cognac imported from France!

By 1670, the population of Quebec had grown to about 5,000, and it

became ever more difficult and expensive for the authorities at the
court in Paris to keep that many bodies in cognac. Jean Talon, the
Intendant who ran the province of New France for the king in Old
France, therefore decided to give himself a secular brew monopoly,

plant hops, brew beer for the people, and sell it at a controlled price.
His official justification for the money-making scheme was to cut public
drunkenness. His brewery was on what is now St. Vallier Street in
Quebec City. There, according to old documents, he made some 4,000
casks of beer a year, aged in cellars made of eight-foot thick wal ls

Talon left office in 1672, and his brewery closed three years later, but
strangely the same site became a brewery again, 180 years later. The
now-defunct Boswel l Brewery of Quebec operated on that site between
1852 and 1971. The brewery vaults of Jean Talon's original brewery,
however, are still preserved to this day. They now house a museum of
17th-century guns and furniture.


I ndia Pa le Ale, English

Beer culture of origin England
Related Styles American IPA, Burton Ale, ESB, Pale Ale

Style Description
India Pale Ale {IPA) is the original British pale ale. It was first brewed in the 1790sjust
for export to the British colonies run by the East India Company, hence its name.
Initially a brew from London, it was soon brewed primarily in Burton-on-Trent, where
the water from deep aquifers is rich in gypsum, which enhances the perceived
bitterness of hops and produces o drink of thirst-quenching dryness. Casks of IPA,
preserved by plenty of alcohol and hop-bitterness, were loaded into the holds of
sailing ships on their six-week voyages, twice across the equator, to the Far East.

These original /PAs often had an original gravity of 17.5 op {OG 1.070} or greater,
they finished at about 3.75 op (FG 1.015), and contained at least 7% ABV. By the 20th
century, after steamships and the Suez and Panama canals had made the voyage to
the Far East shorter and more predictable, and after the conquest of almost every
beer market in the world by the golden Pilsner Lager and its imitations, the original
IPA faded almost into oblivion.

Today, however, this classic style has been rediscovered, principally by North
American craft brewers, who are inclined to bitter their /PAs with a vengeance,
usually with Pacific Northwest hops.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 I (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 89 46.18 20.95 54.17 24.57 8.74 3.98
Carared® 5 2.58 1.17 3.03 1.37 0.49 0.22
Carahell® 5 2.58 1.17 3.03 1.37 0.49 0.22
Carafa® 11 0.5 0.26 0.12 0.30 0.14 0.05 0.02
Total Grain 100 51.60 23.41 60.53 27.46 9.76 4.45
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 5 6.78 192 8.0 226 1.3 36
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Fuggles 4.3 2.81 80 3.3 93 0.5 15
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Geldings 5 2 .81 80 3.3 93 0.5 15
Yeast London-style ale yeast


Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume @ 148 ° F - 150 °F (64 ° ( - 66 °C}. Rest 60 min. Recirculate. Sparge
with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 168 OF ± 2 OF (76 oc ± 1 oq for
mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil
75 min. 1 51 hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 65 m i n . Whirlpool 30 min. 3 rd hops @ start of
whirlpool. Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF (16 oc - 21 °C), depending on yeast,
for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 day s . Rack again, condition
for a wk. Package.


As the name implies, the key market for India
Pale Ale was the British colony of India, which in
those days included what are now the countries
of Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

Casks of IPA were loaded into the holds of sailing

ships of the East India Company, which had a
trade monopoly for goods from the
Subcontinent. Outbound, these trading vessels
were filled with the amenities of British life for
the distant merchants.

On their return voyage, they brought back the

treasures of the orient, from spices, to cloth, to
tea. In the 181h century, the East India Company
was the effective ruler of the British possessions
in the Far East, not only economically, but
politically, too. Its monopoly, however, ended
with the institution of the Raj, in 1858, when the
company was dissolved and the Crown itself took
over the administration and defense of the

The opening of a domestic British market for the

bitter IPA occurred apparently by accident, when,
i n 1827, a ship bound for India foundered off
Liverpool and its cargo, which included casks of
IPA, was salvaged and sold locally.

Because the bitter export ale disappeared quickly

down the Liverpudlian hatches, the Burton
brewers realized they had a home market, too,
for their "bitter," as the beer became soon


l m peria i i PA, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA Double IPA
Related Styles English IPA, American Double or lmperiai iPA

Style Description
lmperiai iPA is one of America's signature "extreme" brews. Also known as Double or
Extra IPA, it pushes the limits of brewing specifications-and sometimes of the
tolerance of a drinker's palate as well. The recipe below pushes these limits in both
gravity and the solubility of alpha-acids in wort. To secure the requisite amount of
fermentables for a high alcohol content, the malt base for this brew needs to be
highly attentuative (therefore, the large amount of diastatic barley malt}, and the
mash temperature must favor beta amylase. The hop bittering is often aggressive
and mouth-puckering, and the hop flavor reverberations, long lasting. The brew is
pale, but its precise color value is almost irrelevant. Subtleties are not a hallmark of
this brew! Note that the ABV-value of 10.9 percent is based on a nominal 80 percent
extract efficiency, which may not be achievable with the grain loading for this brew!

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 55 41.68 18.91 48.89 22.18 7 89 3.59
Diastatic Barley
Malt 45 34.10 15.47 40.00 18.14 6.45 2.94
Total Grain 100 75.78 34.37 88.89 40.32 14.34 6.53
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Columbus 15.5 6.70 190 7.9 223 1.3 36
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Cascade 5 .75 7.23 205 8.5 241 1.4 39
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Amarillo® 9.5 7.23 205 8.5 241 1.4 39
Yeast American "Chico" -Style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net kettle volume @
148 •F - 150 ·F (64 ·c - 66 OC)Rest 90 min for proper hydration. Recirculate. Sparge
with 180•F (8 •q brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 168 OF ± 2 OF {76 oc ± 1 oq for
mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil
75 min. 1st hops @ 15 min; 2 n hops @ 60 min. 3 rd hops @ start of whirlpool.
Whirlpool 30 min. Primary-ferment @ 60 oF -70 oF (16 • c - 21 °C}, depending on
yeast, for about 7 to 10 days. Rack. Secondary-ferment about 14 to 2 1 days. Rack
again. Condition for 1 wk. Package.


Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Zwickelbier, Zoiglbier

Style Description
Kellerbier, literally "cellar beer, " ranks among the most popular summer beer garden
brews in its region of origin, in Franconia, in northeastern Bavaria. It is closely related
to two other beer styles from region, Zwickelbier and Zoiglbier (see entry).

Traditionally, Kellerbier is a /ow-effervescent, unfiltered, cask-conditioned (but un­

fined) lager that requires slow, cool maturation in oak, at atmospheric pressure, at a
cellar temperature of perhaps 50 oF- 55 oF (10 oc- 13 o C), for months. The tank
pressure for a modern Kellerbier should not exceed 3 psi. When served on tap,
Kellerbier is usually just gravity-poured. It is brewed to classic Mi:irzen strength (5.0 -
5.5 percent ABV} and has a pronounced, lingering hop aroma from Hallertauer or
Hersbrucker. The grain bill and color are Mi:irzen-like, too, with plenty of Munich
malt. The color is light to deep amber with a reddish or orange tinge.

12.7 SRM/32.4 EBC

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 64 25.58 11.60 30.01 13.61 4.84 2.20
Munich II 28 11.19 5.08 13.13 5.96 2.12 0.96
Caramunich® Ill 8 3.20 1.45 3.75 1.70 0.61 0.28
Total Grain 100 39.98 18.13 46.89 21.27 7.56 3.45
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 H l (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hersbrucker 14.5 2.85 81 3.3 95 0.5 15
Flavor: None 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfri.ih 4.25 2.85 81 3.3 95 0.5 15
Yeast Bavarian lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (SO 0C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 148 OF (64
oc). Rest 15 min. Raise temp to 156 °F (69 °C}. Rest 15 min. Raise temp to 170 °F (77
0C). Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 90 min. 1 st hops @ 30 min. 2 "d hops in whirlpool.
Ferment @ 48 °F (9 oq in unpressurised tank. Ferment to finish for about 3 wks.
Warm up to room temp for 2-day diacetyl rest. Rack.


Condition, keeping pressure @ 3 psi. Traditionally, brew should be transferred to

oaken (often un-toasted) casks and aged at cellar temp of about 50 - 55 oF (10 - 13
OC) for 2 months. If kept in tank instead, do not rack again. Package yeast-turbid.

Brewers who prefer not to cask-condition this beer can imitate the barrique-ing by
making an oak-chip tea as follows:

The day before brew day, using a quart- or liter-size size kitchen measuring
container, take three scoops (about 3 quarts or liters) of oak chips per barrel or
hectoliter of beer and mix the chips with about 5 gallons (19 liters) of roughly 180 o F
(80 oq water. Cover the container and let it cool off overnight. For greater (optional)
depth of flavor, before steeping, lightly toast the oak chips in an oven at 250°F
(approx. 120°C} for about an hour, until the chips are slightly brownish, but not
charred. On brew day, strain the liquid off the oak chips and add to the wort at the
start of whirlpooling. The combination of noble hop aroma, oak flavor and
Weyermann® Munich malt makes for a surprisingly complex, but refreshing summer


In the Bavarian regions north of the River Danube,
the right to brew came automatically with the
deed to a parcel of land. These brew-privileged
medieval home- and landowners often brewed
their beers, such as Kellerbier, Zwickelbier, and
Zoiglbier, in communal brew houses, with open
brew kettles and a powerfu l wooden fire
underneath. The brew houses often doubled as
bake houses, too, taking advantage of the fire
under the kettle to heat both the brew and the
oven; and the yeasts that took care of
fermentation in usually open fermenters also took
care of the leavening of the bread. Communal
brew and bake houses were set up by many city
administrations as a public safety measu re,
because they reduced the incidents of fire, an
ever-present danger in cramped medieval cities.
Eventually, as tradesmen guilds became common,
brewers and bakers often joined to form a single
guild for both professions.


Beer culture of origin Germany (Cologne region in the Rhineland)
AKA None
Related Styles Altbier

Style Description
Kolsch like Altbier is an unusual, cool-fermented, lagered ale. The specialty Kolsch
yeast ferments cleanest at around 59 OF- 65 OF {15 oc - 1 8 °C}. This ale is brilliantly
straw-blond like a Munich Helies, mildly noble-hop-accented at 20 -30 BU from
Tettnanger or Spalter, for instance, and clean tasting. Traditionally, it is step-mashed
with just Pilsner base malt and no specialty malts. In a sense, Kolsch is to Altbier what
Pale Ale is to Brown Ale. The Kolsch is a fairly recent stylistic development. Like the
Altbier from Dusseldorf, 25 miles {45 km) down the River Rhine from Cologne, the
Kolsch derives from a medieval northern German brew called Keutebier, which was
made form a mixture of often dark (Dunkel) barley and wheat malts. In the early 20th
century, the wheat was dropped, the malt became pale, and the Kblsch style was
fixed in its modern interpretation.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 H L (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Extra
Pale Pilsner 77 24.95 11.32 29.26 13.27 4.72 2.15
Weyermann«> Pale
Wheat Malt 15 4.86 2.20 5.70 2.59 0.92 0.42
Carafoam111 5 1.62 0.73 1.90 0.86 0.31 0.14
Acidulated 3 0.97 0.44 1.14 0.52 0.18 0.08
Total Grain 100 32.40 14.70 38.00 17.24 6.13 2.79
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tettnanger 4 5.75 163 6.7 191 1.1 31
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tettnanger 4 5.75 163 6.7 191 1.1 31
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Kelsch yeast

Brewing Process
Mash in thick @ 110 OF {43 °C}. Infuse and raise temp by about 1 °F (0.5 oq per min.
to 146 °F (66 °C}. Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise temp to 158 "F {70 °C}. Rest 15 min.
Infuse and raise temp to mash-out @ 170° F (78" C). Sparge 45 - 60 min. Boil 70 min.
1 st hops @ 10 min. 2nd hops @ 60 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment for 2 wks @ 59 "F
- 65 OF (15 ·c - 18 °C}. Rack. Lager 6 - 8 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Beer culture of origin Belgian, Flanders
AKA None
Related Styles Lambie, Peche, Framboise, Cassis

Style Description
Kriek is a Lambie (see entry) that is re-fermented with fresh sour cherries. It is a sour
specialty beer from the Senne River valley in the Pajottenland, which is part of
Flanders, outside Brussels. Traditionally, the cherries for this brew were uniquely
local. They are an extremely sour variety called Schaarbeek cherries they are
indigenous to only a very limited area around village ofSchaarbeek. Nowadays
Schaarbeek cherries are also grown in a few other parts of Europe, especially in
Poland. If unavailable, other sour cherry varieties, such as Moreno, may serve as
substitutes. Cherries are added to Lambie after the main fermentation is finished,
during the aging period. The amount offruit is entirely up to the brewer's preference.
A good rule of thumb is 20 kilogram (44 lbs.) offruit per 1 hectoliter (26.42 gal.) of
finished beer (or approx. 50 lbs./bbl). The fruit can be added macerated or crushed.
Traditionally, cherries are added with the pits. The dormant yeast and bacteria in the
Lambie ferment the fruit sugars for some effervescence. Once secondary fruit
fermentation starts, the brew should be racked off the pulp and packaged for
conditioning in bottles or kegs.

Cherries can be replaced by otherfruit to make other forms offruit Lambie called
Framboise (raspberry Lambie}, Peche (peach Lambie), or Cassis {black currant
Lambie). The process for making these beers is analogous to making Kriek. Modern
brewers, especially in the New World, have experimented with additional, less
traditional Lambie fruits, including cranberries, blueberries, even grapes.

For specifications and ingredients, other than fruit, see the entry for Lambie.

Brewing Process (Applies also to Cassis, Framboise, and Peche)

Make a regular Lambie as described in the Lambie entry and allow the beer to
ferment entirely to the finish (after perhaps 4 - 6 wks). Now you have two choices
for adding the fruit: Follow tradition, which may not be practical in every brewery
operation, or go for a modern improvisation. Traditionally, the Lambie is aged for at
least a year, before the fruit is introduced to the matured brew. The fruit is left there
for a few months to a year, before the beer is racked and packaged.

A practical, though not authentic, compromise may be more suitable for a modern
brewery or brewpub operation with no cask cellaring possibility and an
economically-drive tank utilization requirement, which prevents a single brew to
block a tank for a year or two. Let the Lambie ferment to the finish. Then place the
macerated fruit, including the pits, into a clean tank and rack the still brew over the
fruit. A fresh dose of yeast and Lambie microbes may help at this point as well. Rack
the brew off the fruit after about 6 - 8 wks, condition mildly and package into
bottles, kegs, or a serving tank.



The Alsatian Biere de mars
ought not to be confused
with the Belgian brew of
the same name. A Belgian
Biere de mars is a "small"
Lambie made from the
second, low-gravity
runnings of the mash
(Lambie is the stronger of
the two, made from the
first, high-gravity runnings, DID YOU KNOW ... ?
at about 12.5 •pjQG All Lambics originate from the
1.050). Lambie and/or Senne River valley in the
biere de mars is made from Pajottenland, part of Flanders,
a mash of roughly 40% outside Brussels. A beer made from
unma lted pale wheat and blending Lambie and Biere de mars
60% pale barley malt, half-and-half, incidentally, is called
whereby Lambie receives Faro; and a blend of one-third
about twice as much young Lambie and two-thirds old
bittering hops (12 - 22 BU) Lambie, Gueuze. Lambie re­
as does biere de mars. The fermented, before bottling, with
hops are usually English, fresh fruit, are called Kriek (cherry
such as Fuggles. Lambie fermented with sour
Schaarbeek cherries, indigenous to
the village of Schaarbeek outside
Brussels); Framboise (raspberry
Lambie), Peche (peach Lambie), or
Cassis (black currant Lambie). All
Lambics are sour, spontaneously
fermented ales with such airborne
m icro-flora as Brettanomyces
bruxellensis and Brettanomyces
lambicus ("wild" yeast strains)
contributing to the fermentation
process, next to ale yeasts
(Saccharomyces cerevisiae).
Traditionally, the beer-souring
micro-flora reached the wort after
the boil, when it rested in large,
shallow, copper coolships exposed
to a fresh breeze. Nowadays,
brewers can purchase Lambie
microbe mixes from commercial
yeast labs.


Lager, American
Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles American Light Lager, American Premium Lager,
German Pils or Pilsener, Czech Pilsner, Bavarian Helles,
European Pilsner

Style Description
American Lager is the classic American adaptation of the original Czech Pilsner and
its global variations. It may be brewed as an all-malt beer, with two-row or six-row
barley, as well as with or without such adjuncts as rice and/or corn as flakes,
torrified, or unprocessed. The recipe below is for a top-quality all-malt version. Feel
free to substitute the two-row base malt with six-row base malt and/or with up to 40
percent adjuncts. The bittering and aroma values should be kept very low, just above
the taste threshold.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Well-
Modified Pilsner 85 27.54 12.49 32.30 14.65 5.21 2.37
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 10 3.24 1.47 3.80 1.72 0.61 0.28
Acidulated 5 1.62 0.73 1.90 0.86 0.31 0.14
Total Grain 100 32.40 14.70 38.00 17.24 6.13 2.79
HOPS %AA 1 H l (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 15.5 3.10 88 3.6 103 0.6 17
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 0.23 6 0.3 8 0.0 1
Yeast American lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (50 OC}; rest 30 minutes; raise temp to 144 o F
(62 oC}; rest 2 0 min. Raise temp to 162 oF (72 oC); rest 2 0 min. Raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 oF (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. l5t hops @ 15 min; 2 nd hops
@ 70 min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F (l2°C}. Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 o p
(1.018}. Reduce temp to 34oF (1 oC}; lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2
days. Note: If adjuncts are used, they need to be cooked separately and added to the
mash at mash-in.


Lager, American Light

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles American Lager, American Premium Lager, German Pils
or Pilsener, Czech Pilsner, Bavarian Helles, European

Style Description
American Light Lager is a low-calorie and often low-carbohydrate adaptation of the
standard American Lager. It has a very light body, a straw-yellow color, and very little
flavor or aroma-either from malt or hops-but can be refreshing and thirst­
quenching. It is high in adjuncts and may have notes of acetaldehyde (green apples)
and OMS, but not of diacetyl. It is usually severely filtered and may have a slight
residual sweetness. The recipe below is for an all-malt version. Substitute the malt
with up to 40 percent rice and/or corn adjuncts, if desired.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann� Extra
Pale Premium
Pilsner 90 20.48 9.29 24.02 10.89 3.87 1.76
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 5 1.14 0.52 1.33 0.61 0.22 0.10
Acidulated 5 1.14 0.52 1.33 0.61 0.22 0.10
Total Grain 100 22.75 10.32 26.69 12.11 4.30 1.96
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 15.5 2.33 66 2.7 77 0.4 12
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 0.17 5 0.2 6 0.0 1
Yeast American lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 oF (SO oq; rest 30 minutes; raise temp to 144 oF
(62 oc); rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 oF (72 oq; rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 °F (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. l5t hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops
@ 70 min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F (l2°C}. Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op
(1.018). Reduce temp to 34°F (1 oq; lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2
days. Note: If adjuncts are used, they need to be cooked separately and added to the
mash at mash-in.


Lager, American Premium

Beer culture of origin U nited States
AKA None
Related Styles American Lager, American Light Lager, German Pils or
Pilsener, Czech Pilsner, Bavarian Helles, European

Style Description
American Premium Lager is very similar in flavor, aroma, mouthfeel, and appearance
to American standard or light lagers, except the hops is more noticeable, there are
fewer adjuncts (if used) in the mash, and the alcohol by volume is higher-reaching
as much as 6 percent. The American Premium is more likely to be made from an all­
malt base than the other two American lagers. If adjuncts are desired, substitute up
to 25 percent of the base malt with rice and/corn.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (lbs) 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(kg) (kg)
Extra Pale
Premi um Pilsner 82.5 32.35 14.67 37.95 17.21 6.12 2.79
Pale Ale 7.5 2.94 1.33 3.45 1.56 0.56 0.25
Acidulated 5 1.96 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0.17
Munich II 5 1.96 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0.17
Total Grain 100 39.22 17.79 46.00 20,86 7.42 3.38
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 15.5 5.17 147 6.1 172 1.0 28
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-
Haas Saaz 4.5 0.38 11 0.4 13 0.1 2
Yeast American lager yeast

Brewing Process
M ulti-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 oF (SO oq; rest 30 minutes; raise temp to 144 oF
{62 oq; rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 OF {72 oq; rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 °F (78 °C). Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. 1 st hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops
@ 70 min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F {l2°C}. Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op
{1.018}. Reduce temp to 34°F {1oq; lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2
days. Note: If adjuncts are used, they need to be cooked separately and added to the
mash at mash-in.


Lager, European Amber

Beer culture of origin Universal
AKA None
Related Styles Dortmunder Export, Vienna Lager, European Red Lager

Style Description
This is a very simple, single-infusion-mashed, deep amber, German-style lager of
Export strength (> 5 percent ABV) with a medium, but noticeable, fine, spicy, and
floral hop bitterness and hop aroma. It is just a shade darker than an English Brown
Ale and a shade lighter than an English Dark Ale. It finishes with a touch of residual
sweetness. The yeast should be a clean-fermenting variety that produces next to no
esters or diacetyl. This beer is an ideal choice for a generic fall or mid-spring brew­
pub lager.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 I (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weye rman n40
Vienna 80 32.59 14.78 38.23 17.34 6.17 2.81
Carared• 20 8.15 3.70 9.56 4.34 1. 5 4 0. 70
Total Gra in 100 40.74 18.48 47.79 21.68 7.71 3.51
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth·
Haas Spalter 4 8. 85 251 10.4 294 1.7 47
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth·
Haas Saph ir 3.25 8.85 251 10.4 294 1.7 47
Yeast German, Bavarian, or Danish dry-fermenting lage r yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion. Mash in @ 154 OF (68 OC); rest 45 minutes; raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 OF (78 °C). Lauter 90 min. Boil for 90 minutes. 151 hops @ 30 min; 2 nd hops
in whirlpool. Ferment @ 48 OF (9 oq for 1 wk. Rack and ferment for another 10 days.
Reduce temp to 34°F (1oC); lager for 4 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Lager, European Light

Beer culture of origin Universal
AKA Leichtbier, Low-Alcoholic Lager
Related Styles Helles

Style Description
This is a very simple, single-infusion-mashed, brilliantly blond, German-style, /ow­
a/coho/ lager with and a very delicate fine, spicy, andfloral hop bitterness and a
gentle hop aroma. It is roughly in the color range of a Munich Helles. It finishes fairly
dry. The yeast should be a clean-fermenting variety that produces next to no esters or
diacetyl. This beer is an ideal choice for a generic, mid-summer, brew-pub, quaffing
lagerfor "starter" patrons generally accustomed to mass-produced industrial brews.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann� Extra
Pale Premium
Pilsner 77 16.95 7.69 19.89 9.02 3.21 1.46
Carafoam® 15 3.30 1.50 3.87 1.76 .
0 62 0.28
Carared" 5 1.10 0.50 1.29 0.59 0.2 1 0.09
Acidulated 3 0.66 0.30 0.77 0.35 0.12 0.06
Total Grain 100 22.02 9.99 25.83 11.72 4.17 1.90
HOPS %AA 1 H l (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas $palter 5.31 151 6.2 177 1.0 28 5.31
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saphir 2.66 75 3.1 88 0.5 14 2.66
Yeast Danish dry-fermenting lager yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion. Mash in @ 154 oF (68 oq; rest 45 minutes; raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 °F (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for 90 minutes. 151 hops @ 30 min; 2 nd hops
in whirlpool. Ferment @ 48 OF (9 oq for 1 wk. Rack and ferment for another 10 days.
Reduce temp to 34°F (1 oC}; lager for 4 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Lager, European Red

Beer culture of origin Universal
AKA None
Related Styles Dortmunder Export, Vienna Lager, European Red Lager

Style Description
This is a very simple, single-infusion-mashed, German-style lager of with a reddish
hue, and a delicate fine, spicy, and floral hop bitterness and hop aroma. It is roughly
in the color range of a Vienna Lager. It finishes with a touch of residual sweetness.
The yeast should be a clean-fermenting variety that produces next to no esters or
diacetyl. This beer is an ideal choice for a generic early-fall or /ate-spring brew-pub


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl {kg) 1 BBL {lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Vienna 75 24.86 11.28 29.16 13.23 4.70 2.14
Caramunich« II 15 4.97 2.26 5.83 2.65 0.94 0.43
Carared® 5 1.66 0.75 1.94 0.88 0.31 0.14
Melanoidin 5 1.66 0.75 1.94 0.88 0.31 0.14
Total Grain 100 33.15 15.04 38.88 17.64 6.27 2.86
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas SpaIter 4 6.49 184 7.6 216 1.2 35
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saphir 3.25 6.49 184 7.6 216 1.2 35
Yeast German, Bavarian, or Danish dry-fermenting lager yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion. Mash in @ 154 OF (68 OC); rest 45 minutes; raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 OF (78 °C). Lauter 90 min. Boil for 90 minutes. 1 st hops @ 30 min; 2nd hops
in whirlpool. Ferment @ 48 OF (9 oq for 1 wk. Rack and ferment for another 10 days.
Reduce temp to 34°F (1 oq; lager for 4 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Lam bie
Beer culture of origin Belgian, Flanders
AKA None
Related Styles Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin, Flanders Red Ale, Faro,
Gueuze, Kriek, Peche, Framboise, Cassis, Biere de mars

Planning a Lambie Brew Day

A traditional Lambie is a partigyle brew, whereby only the first runnings of a mash
become true Lambic-at a kettle gravity of about 12.5 oP/OG 1.050-while the
second runnings become a "small" Lambie of indeterminate kettle gravity, called
biere de mars. The low-gravity biere de mars receives only about half as much
bittering hops as does the full-blown first-runnings Lambie. Use the recipe below to
compose your Lambie mash and then Iauter it until the desired kettle gravity is
reached. Then you have a choice: Follow the partigyle tradition and continue
lautering for a biere de mars into a separate holding vessel, orjust drain the
remaining weak wort away.

If you chose to make a biere de mars consider the extra vessel requirements: Because
you need to boil and ferment two gyles from the same mash separately, you need a
receiving vessel for the second runnings, while the first runnings are boiling. You also
need two fermenters, one for the Lambie and one for the biere de mars. If no biere de
mars holding vessel is available in the brew house, you can use the fermenter that
will ultimately receive the biere de mars for fermentation. In this case, make sure you
shut off that tank's glycol system before filling it with hot wort. Turn it back on to
cool the tank while the biere de mars is boiling. Depending on the relative size of your
brew house and your tanks, using the partigyle method may fill two fermenters only
half way each. In this case, consider making two Lambie batches on two consecutive
days, which results in complete capacity utilization of the occupied tankage.

Style Description
Lambics are sour Belgian ales that are drunk young or old, blended or not, pure or re­
fermented with fruit. They are related to Flanders Oud Bruin and Flanders Red Ale.
Lambics originate from the Senne River valley in the Pajottenland, part of Flanders,
outside Brussels. Traditional Lambics are made from a mash of up to 40 percent
unmalted pale wheat and 60 percent pale-often a very pale-barley malt.

Hops for Lambics are usually aged for three years before they are added to the brew.
By that time, they have lost all volatile aroma. Much of their alpha-acids content,
too, has become oxidized and thus wort-insoluble. A good calculated bittering target
is about 10 BU, however, because the true state of the hops is difficult to judge,
precise dosage calculations are not feasible (and not necessary) for Lambie. Mild,
low-alpha hops such as Fuggles from England or a German noble variety are
traditional for this brew.

A beer made from blending Lambie and Biere de mars half-and-half is called Faro.
Some Faro interpretations are re-fermented with Belgian dark and/or light brewing


sugar. A blend of one-third young Lambie and two-thirds old Lambie (at least 6
months old} is called Gueuze.

Lambics that are re-fermented with fresh fruit are called Kriek (cherry Lambie),
Framboise (raspberry Lambie), Peche (peach Lambie), or Cassis (black currant

In their home environment, all Lambics are spontaneously fermented with a veritable
cocktail of airborne micro-flora which usually include Brettonomyces bruxellensis and
Brettanomyces lambicus as well other brewer's and wild yeasts, including
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nowadays, brewers can purchase Lambie microbe mixes
from commercial yeast labs.

Classic Lambics are fermented in open wooden vats and aged in oak casks, which
impart strong flavors to the sour beer as well as allow it to partially oxidize. The
result of aging is often a kind of barnyard flavor reminiscent of goats, hay, and
sweaty horse blankets, with a background of raw cereal, citrus, apple, rhubarb, and
honey aromas, as well as a slight moltiness. Hop flavors, however, are completely
lacking, as is hop aroma. Because Lambie is fermented completely to the finish by
yeasts and bacteria, there is no residual sweetness left, and the finish is exceptionally
tart and of mouth-puckering dryness. Lambics hove next to no effervescence and no


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann" Extra
Pale Prem iu m
Pi lsner 60 22.16 10.05 25.99 11.79 4.19 1.91
Unmalted wheat 40 14.77 6.70 17.33 7.86 2.79 1.27
Total Grain 100 36.93 16.75 43.32 19.65 6.99 3.18
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth·
Haas Fuggles 4.3 1.97 56 2.3 65 0.4 11
Flavor: no ne 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Belgian ale yeast plus one to all of the following: Brettanomyces bruxellensis,
Brettanomyces lambicus, lactobacillus bacteria, and pediococcus bacteria

Brewing Process
Mash i n @ about 125 °F (52 oq; 20-min hydration, beta-glucan and protein rest.
Raise temp to 144 oF (62 OC); 40-min beta-amylase rest. Raise temp to 162 OF (72 OC);
40-min alpha-amylase rest. Recirculate 15 - 20 min. Lauter. Boil 90 min. Bittering
hops @ 30 min. After shut-down, rest brew for 30 min before whirlpooling for
another 30 min. Primary fermentation temp @ about 68°F (20°C). Pitch equal
amounts of very healthy ale yeast and a commercial Lambie blend (or a mixture of
custom-selected souring microbes). Because bacteria have a longer lag time than do


yeasts, the latter will metabolize most of the small-molecular sugars before the
bacteria become active. Rack after 2 wks, then again after 4 wks. Condition for at
least 8 wks, preferably much longer. Best aged for 6 months up to 6 years in oak.
Used casks that previously contained Port, Sherry, or wine can be used. Package.

Sour Beer Process Advisory:

Sour beer-making is only for the bravest of the brave and

demands a great deal of caution. Traditionally, and often
still today, many sour beer styles are spontaneously
fermented by airborne microbes. These may include
Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Brettanomyces lambicus,
lactobacillus delbruckii, pediococcus, and other assorted
wild yeasts and bacteria.

Souring microbes are invariably considered defects in

regular beers. As beer spoilers, they are kept in check by a
host of cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting agents,
especially on the cold-wort side of the brewery. Breweries
attempting to make sour beers, therefore, need to ensure
that there is no cross-contamination between their sour
and their regular brews. That is why many breweries that
produce both sour and regular beers have separate
fermenters, tra nsfer hose, pumps and even fillers just for
sour beers. Brewers who wish to make sour beers, but
prefer not to risk errant microbe infections, can replace
some of the base malt with up to perhaps 10 percent
Weyermann® Acidulated Malt, which contains biologically
produced, Beer Purity Law-conform, natural lactic acid.
Acidulated malt can also be used in addition to souring
microbe preparations.

Traditionally, souring microbes settle into brews during

wort cooling in old-fashioned, flat, copper cool-ships that
are placed in well vented rooms, where the green beer is
exposed to a fresh breeze. The type or combination of
microbes responsible for souring particular brews have
often become proprietary micro-floras that are dominant
only in a particular region or even brewery, thus giving a
beer style-even a beer brand-its signature character. In
many cases, this character is virtually impossible to
imitate elsewhere. Specific mixtures of souring micro-flora
are now commercially available from many yeast labs.


Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Heller Bock, Helles Bock; Fruhlingsbock
Related Styles Bockbier, Doppelbock, Eisbock, Weizenbock

Style Description
Mai is German for the month of May, the time of year when, in Bavaria, it is still too
cool to sit out in the open air in a beer garden and already too bright and spring-like
to hide indoors in the beer halls. This is when Bavarians turn to Maibock, a real
Bockbier, but brewed almost as golden-yellow as a Helles, the Bavarians' summer
quaffing lager. Because of its blond color, the Maibock is also often called a Heller or
He!les Bock (hell is German for light in color, not in strength). Brewing a Maibock is
almost identical to brewing any other Bockbier; except that the Maibock requires a
different grain bill and much more hops.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL {kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal {lbs)
{lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 42 30.02 13.62 35.21 15.97 5.68 2.59
Carahefl® 15 7.51 3.40 8.80 3.99 1.42 0.65
Carafoam® 10 5.00 2.27 5.87 2.66 0.95 0.43
Munich I 10 5.00 2.27 5.87 2.66 0.95 0.43
Melanoidin 3 1.50 0.68 1.76 0.80 0.28 0.13
Vienna 2 1.00 0.45 1.17 0.53 0.19 0.09
Total Grain 100 50.03 22.69 58.69 26.62 9.47 4.31
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 8.5 3.92 111 4.6 130 0.7 21
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tradition 5.5 1.83 52 2.1 61 0.3 10
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Smaragd/Emerald 5 0.92 26 1.1 30 0.2 5
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast

Brewing Process (Continuous Infusion)

Dough i n for thick mash @ approx. 90 oF {32 °C). Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise temp
continuously over 2 - 3 hrs to mash-out temp of 170 oF {77 °C}. Lauter for at least 90
min. Boil 90 min. 1 st hops @ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3 d hops @ 85 min.

Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 50 °F (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing
point for at least 5 wks. Rack again, condition, package.


Brewing Process (Double Decoction)

Mash in main mash at @ 100 oF (38 oq; rest 30 minutes for proper grist hydration
and activation of phytase for some mash acidification.

Draw 1st decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (10 - 15 min). Rest
decoction @ 149 °F (65 oq for 30 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Rest decoction @
162 O F (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @ 212 O F (100 oq
for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @ 149 oF (65 oq
for 10 min.

Draw 2nd decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction {5 - 10 min). Rest
decoction @ 162 O F {72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction {10 min). Boil decoction @
212 oF {100 oq for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @
162 OF {72 oq for 10 min.

Raise temp of main mash to 171 OF {77 °C). Rest 15 min. Recirculate (5 min). Start
lautering and sparging slowly ( ! ) for about 3 hrs until kettle full. Boil 90 min. 1st hops
@ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3 rd hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 50
°F (10 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing point for at least 5 wks. Rack again,
condition, package.


Maibock is also known as Heller Bock or Helles
Bock, meaning pale Bock. But why the different
endings i n Heller and Helles? The reason is a
matter of grammar:

In German, adjectives have case and gender

endings, whereby the form of the gender ending is
determined by the gender of the noun. Heller is
masculine, Helles is neuter. Helle would be
feminine. It is obvious that the Germans cannot
make up their minds, if Bock is masculine or
neuter: Is it "der Bock" or "das Bock?"

Bock coincidentally also means ram or Billy goat in

German, which is a creature of masculine gender.
However, Bock is also a beer, and "das Bier" (the
beer) is neuter in German. So, if you think of Bock
more as a beer, you are more likely to call the
Maibock He lies Bock. If you are more concerned
with its goat-like kick, you are more likely to call it
Heller Bock.


Malt Liquor
Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles American Lager

Style Description
American Malt Liquor is a unique brew. It is not intended as an elegant beer, but
more as a generic, robust, slightly harsh, usually high-alcohol working man's drink.
Made with next to no hops and usually just six-row brew malt and plenty of adjuncts
(usually corn), this brew is a hefty, single-step infusion affair designed to be low-price
in terms of both ingredients for the brewer and finished beer for the consumer.

At 10 BU, bittering is kept just above the taste threshold. The adjuncts should not
exceed 40 percent of the grain bill by weight. Corn is added to the mash, but it has no
enzymes and relies on barley enzymes for conversion. It adds alcohol to the brew
while lightening its color and contributing no flavor, exceptfor some residual

Raw, milled corn needs to be decoction-cooked before it can be added to the mash. If
you do not wish to mill your own corn, purchase pre-ground corn meal. Milled corn or
corn meal should be cooked (or heated to above 190 oF or 88 oC} for about an hour to
ensure for proper starch gelatinization. Starch that has not gelatinized will not
convert enzymatically to sugar.

Alternatively, you can purchase conveniently pre-processed corn adjuncts in the form
ofpre-gelatinized (which means pre-cooked and dried) brewers flaked corn. These
can be added to the mash without any ado. There is also torrified corn, which is corn
treated like popcorn, but without the oil. Torrifying causes the moisture in the fresh
corn to turn into steam, which, in turn, gelatinizes the starches.

The recipe belowfeatures two different mashes. One is a classic malt liquor mash
made with six-row barley malt and about 28 percent pre-gelatinized flaked corn.

The other mash is a "gentrified" grain bill that may be more appealing to brewpub
patrons. It is made with a single grist base of top-quality Weyermann ® Pale Ale malt,
without adjuncts.

For either version, Cluster {4.5 - 8.5 %AA) is a good bittering hop choice and a
California-type lager yeast strain provides the right kind offruitiness for this brew.



Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency, with corn adjuncts (rounded)
1 Hl 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal ( lbs) 19 I (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
6-row brew malt 72 38.29 17.37 44.91 20.37 7.24 3.30
brewers flaked corn 28 14.89 6.75 17.46 7.92 2.82 1.28
Total Grain 100 53.18 24.12 62.37 28.29 10.06 4.58
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Cluster 7 1.69 48 2.0 56 0.3 9
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast California-type lage r yea st

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency, all malt (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann• Pale
Ale 100 53.18 24.12 62.37 28.29 10.06 4.58
Total Grain 100 53.18 24.12 62.37 28.29 10.06 4.58
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Cluster 7 1.69 48 2.0 56 0.3 9
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast California-type lager yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion. If raw corn adjuncts are used, decoct them @ 190 O F - 212 OF
(88 oc - 100 oq 60 min and transfer to mash tun. Add cool water to reduce adjunct
temp to mash-in temp of approx. 154 O F (64 °C). Rest 30 minutes; Raise temp to
mash-out @ 172 °F (78 °C). Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 75 min. Hops @ start of boil.
Primary-ferment @ 65°F (18°C) for 2 wks. Rack. Secondary-ferment @ 65°F (18°C) for
2 wks. Rack. Condition for 1 wk. Rack. Package.

r �
In 1878, Lorenz Enzinger, a Bavarian living in Worms, on the banks of the
Rhine River, put a filtration device on the market that took yeast and other
suspended solids out of the beer before it was packaged. This gave beer
clarity and a longer shelf life. Two years later, the first patented machine for
dispensing beer with C02 instead of air appeared. Now even draft beer
stayed fresh to the last drop.
� �


Mild Ale, English

Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles {Ordinary) Bitter, Burton Ale, Pale Ale, ESB {Extra
Special Bitter)

Style Description
"Mild ale" was the beverage of choice of the rough necks of British heavy industry, a
real working man's drink, consumed in copious quantities by the steel workers and
coal miners of the Midlands and Wales. The roots of mild ale, however, date back to
well before the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, perhaps to as early as the
16th century, when milder, weaker versions of the regular brown ale was the drink of
the "fairer" sex and of the servants. Brew-technically, mild ale was often made from
the final runnings of a partigyle brew.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded}

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 88 22.61 10.26 26.52 12.03 4.28 1.95
Munich I I 10 2.57 1.17 3.01 1.37 0.49 0.22
Carafa® II 2 0.51 0.23 0.60 0.27 0.10 0.04
Total Grain 100 25.69 11.65 30.14 13.67 4.86 2.21
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Geldings 4.3 3.41 97 4.0 113 0.6 18
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of net kettle volume
@ 154 OF {68 °C). Rest 30 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F {8 oq brewing liquor to
raise mash temp to 168 oF ± 2 oF {76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that
level. Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. Hops @ 5 min. Whirlpool 30
min. Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF {16 oc - 21 oq, depending on yeast, for
about 4 - 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 10 - 14 days. Rack again,
condition for a wk. Package.


Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Vienna Lager

Style Description
The Mi:irzen was developed in 1842 by the Spaten Brewery of Munich, the year that
the Dreher Brewery near Vienna released a similar style, the Vienna Lager. Mi:irzen
means March in German. Before the invention of refrigeration, the beer was
originally brewed, in late spring as a strong lager, aged in wooden casks in cellars
and caves for the hot summer months, when ambient-temperature lager-making was
not possible in Bavaria. In 1871, the Spaten brewery introduced its Mi:irzen for the
first time at that year's Munich Oktoberfest. This is how the brew acquired its long
double name.

The beer is very malty, based on a grain bill of mostly Vienna and Munich malts.
Pilsner and light caramel malts may also be used, with a small quantity crustalfor
depth offlavor and some color. Many breweries still believe in decocting this beer for
additional malt aroma. If decoction is used, as below, dough in as thick as possible at
the acid rest temperature. Then gradually raise the temperature to the mash-out
while reducing mash viscosity simultaneously. The hops take a second seat to the
malt in this beer, and hop aroma predominates over hop bitterness. The recipe below
uses a few recently developed hop races to good aromatic effect.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Vienna 70 28.52 12.94 33.45 15.17 5.40 2.46
Munich I I 20 8.15 3.70 9.56 4.34 1.54 0.70
Carahell® 5 2.04 0.92 2.39 1.08 0.39 0.18
Melanoidin 5 2.04 0.92 2.39 1.08 0.39 0.18
Total Grain 100 40.74 18.48 47.79 21.68 7.71 3.51
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Taurus 8.5 2.73 77 3.2 91 0.5 15
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tradition 5.5 1.28 36 1.5 42 0.2 7
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Smaragd/Emerald 5 0.64 18 0.7 21 0.1 3
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast


Brewing Process
Dough in for a thick mash @ approx. 90 oF {32 °C). Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise temp
continuously over 2 - 3 hrs to mash-out temp of 170 oF (77 °C). Lauter for at least 90
min. Boil 90 min. 1st hops @ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. 3 rd hops @ 85 min.
Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 50 OF ( 1 0 oq for 3 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing
point for at least 5 wks. Rack again, condition, package.


Until the late 19th century, breweries used natural ice, harvested in
winter to keep their fermentation and storage cellars cold during the
summer. For this they used to cut ice from frozen lakes or sprayed
water on so-called ice gallows to make icicles. If you brewed in a
climate where freezing was no common, you had to make warm­
fermenting ales and drink them fast.

It was the invention of a German engineer, Carl von Linde, that finally
allowed brewers to replace the traditional ice houses with mechanical
refrigeration. The breakthrough came in 1873, when Linde, with the
financial backing of Gabriel Sedlmayr, brew master at the Munich
Spaten Brewery, completed his first working model of what was then
called an ammonia cold machine.

Linde recognized that a compressed gas, when it is permitted to

expand, or a solid when it is liquefied, absorbs heat from its
surroundings. Ammonia, C02, Freon, or several other volatile
chemicals can be used as refrigerants, as long as they lend themselves
to alternating condensation and evaporation in a closed system. Linde
used an electromotor to compress gaseous ammonia into a liquid. He
then released it into the coils of a refrigeration compartment. There
the ammonia reverted to its gaseous form and, in the process, drew
heat from its environment. The motor then repeated the cycle by
converting the ammonia gas back into a liquid, and so on and so on.
Compression is best done away from the refrigerated area, because
compression gives off heat.

Depending on the sources, different people, including Linde, have

been credited with the invention of refrigeration, but it was Linde's
work with the new technology and the enthusiastic support of brew
master Sedlmayr that led to the universal embrace of refrigeration by
the brewing industry. To this day, the compressors and evaporators in
a modern brewery still work according to the same principles that
Linde used in his first cold machine.


Old Ale
Beer culture of origin England
AKA Stock Ale, Strong Ale, Winter Warmer
Related Styles Wee Heavy, Scotch Ale, Barley Wine, Belgian Strong Ale

Style Description
Like Barley Wine, Old Ale (AKA Stock Ale or Strong Ale) is traditionally fermented
from the first, high-gravity runnings from the same mash in a partigyle brewing
process, with plenty ofgrain insolubles in the wort. Stock Ale was one of the tree
threads from which Porter was allegedly composed. A long recirculation time and a
slow sparge usually improve the flavor quality and extract value of the wort.

An Old Ale usually improves with four to six months of aging, in wooden casks in the
old days. It tends to be less dry in the finish than the equally alcoholic Barley Wine.
Therefore, the saccharification rest should favor alpha-amylase for the production of
a good amount of unfermentable sugars. The addition of brewing sugar is optional.
The flavor of an Old Ale should be earthy and complex, perhaps reminiscent of an old
Port. Hopping rates can varyfrom very mild to very bitter-from 20 to 60 BU, with
very little hop aroma. For base malt, a portion offloor malt makes the brew more
authentic. Interesting flavor variation: Age in toasted Port, Scotch, or Bourbon casks.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann* Pale
Ale 40 24.45 11.09 28.68 13.01 4.63 2.11
Bohemian Pilsner
Floor Malt 40 24.45 11.09 28.68 13.01 4.63 2.11
Carabelge"' 8 4.89 2.22 5.74 2.60 0.93 0.42
Smoked Malt 8 4.89 2.22 5.74 2.60 0.93 0.42
Roasted Barley
(u nma lted ) 3 1.83 0.83 2.15 0.98 0.3 5 0.16
Carafa"' I I 1 0.61 0.28 0.72 0.33 0.12 0.05
Total Grain 100 61.13 27.73 71.70 32.52 11.56 5.27
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL {g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 5 11.80 335 13.8 392 2.2 63
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Goldings 5 5.90 167 6.9 196 1.1 32
Yeast London-Style yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion: Mash i n @ 154 OF (68 DC); rest 60 min. Recirculate. Sparge with
180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 168 °F ± 2 OF (76 °( ± 1 oq for
mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil
90 min. 1st hops @ 30 min. 2 nd hop at start of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary
fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF (16 oc - 21 °C}, depending on yeast, for about 7 - 10
days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 - 21 days. Rack again, condition for a
wk. Package and age for 4 - 6 months.


The Germans have their Beer
Purity Law, which was first
decreed in 1516, in Bavaria. But,
when it comes to beer law­
making, the Brits are no slouches
either. In fact, the first legal code
in any Germanic language was
written in Britain, by King
Ethelbert, ruler of Kent, in his
capital city of Canterbury, in 616
A.D. Ethelbert's laws not only
contained a code of moral
conduct that expressed his vision
of a just social order, it also
specified which behavior was not DID YOU KNOW ... ?
permitted in alehouses. One such Samuel Johnson, wrote most of his
stipulation listed the payments seminal Dictionary of the English
troublemakers had to make in Language, in 1775, in an alehouse along
restitution, if they caused anybody the Thames called The Anchor Inn. This
an injury while intoxicated. inn is still at Bankside, on Park Street, in
Likewise, King lne of Wessex the Southwark District, a stone's throw
issued a code of laws in 694 in from the London Bridge and the old
which he tried to contain the London Hop Exchange. There, Johnson
rampant spread of ale booths boozed it up with his friend Boswell. I n
serving up inferior ales. lne The Anchor Inn, there i s still a "Johnson's
decreed that an alewife, pouring Bar," where this scribe once wrote: A "

where she shouldn't, was to be tavern chair is the throne of human

punished by being dunked publicly felicity." But Boswell had a thoroughly
into a trough of water, and her ale antiquated understanding of the terms
was to be given to the poor, free beer and ale. In his Dictionary he states
of charge. that beer is a "liquor made from malt
and hops," while ale is a "liquor made by
infusing malt in hot water and
fermenting the liquor." By 1775,
however, all British ales were already
made with hops!


Pale Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles Pale Ale (English), IPA, Imperial or Double Pale Ale

Style Description
One of the key distinctions between English and American pale ales is the types of
hops used for bittering and aroma. While Old World Pale Ale relies on such English
stalwarts as East Kent Go/dings and Fugg/es, New World Pale Ales rely on Pacific
Northwest hops. At the start of the American craft brew movement, that meant
invariably Cascade. But Ahtanum, Amarillo®, Chinook, Cluster, Columbus, Galena,
Warrior0, and Willamette, among others, are suitable, too, in either their bittering or
aroma capacities.

A particularly interesting variation of an American session Pale Ale is the recipe

below brewed with Galena for bittering and Willamette for aroma.

The American Pale Ale is a popular take-off platform for experimentation in malt and
hop flavors as well as alcoholic strength. Frequently, it is also the basisfor seasonal
specials, including spiced ales and fruit ales.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl
1 Hl
1 BBL (lbs)
5 Ga l (lbs) I 19 1 (kg)

Weyermann® Pale
Ale 70 23.20 10.53 27.22 12.35 4.39 2.00
Munich I 10 3.31 1.50 3.89 1.76 0.63 0.29
Diastatic Barley
Malt 10 3.3 1 1.50 3.89 1.76 0.63 0.29
Caraambere 10 3. 31 1.50 3.89 1.76 0.63 0.29
Total Grain 100 33.15 15.04 38.88 17.64 6.27 2. 86
HOPS %AA 1 H l (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Cascade 5.75 4.75 135 5.6 158 0.9 25
Flavor: none 0 0.00 0 0.0 0 0.0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Amarillo® 9.5 7.22 205 8.5 240 1.4 39
Yeast American "Chico"-Style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of expected net
kettle volume (or 1 qt/l lb of grist, dry weight) @ 154 OF (68 °C); rest 60 min .
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquo r to raise mash temp to 168 oF ± 2
oF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water


temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 55 min. Whi rl poo l 30 min.
3 rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF {16 oc- 21 °C),

dep e n di n g on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days.
Rack again, condition for a wk. Package.


The struggle for the place of alcohol in American society
pitched the breweries against crusading teetotalers. Here
are the m i lestones of the struggle:

1826: Founding of the American Temperance Society

1873: Founding of the Women's Christian Temperance
1881: Kansas is the first state to go dry
1893: Founding of the Anti-Saloon League
Late 1800s: Almost 4,000 breweries in America
Right before Prohibition: Barely 500 breweries in America
1920: On January 17, passage ofthe 181h Amendment
mandates Prohibition and forces the nation to be dry, by
law. Alcohol production and distribution goes
underground and become the province of the mob.
1933: On December, 5, repeal ofthe 18th by the 21st
Amendment makes alcohol legal again.
After Prohibition: Fewer than 200 breweries left in
1935: Passage of the Federal Alcohol Admi nistration Act
institutes the th ree-tier system and many states enact
their own "blue laws"
1935 to 1975: Progressive consolidation of brew industry
1978: 42 breweries left in America
1980s: Start of the craft brew movement in America
2010: Approx. 1,500 mostly small, independent breweries
(1,000 of those are brewpubs)


Pale Ale, English

Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles (Ordinary) Bitter, Burton Ale, Pale Ale, ESB (Extra
Special Bitter)

Style Description
Hops were introduced to England by Flemish immigrants only in the 1400s, while on
the Continent, hops had been in use as a beerflavoring for several centuries. The
British were slow to catch on to the marvels and potential of hops. Perhaps the first
truly hop-bitter English ale was the India Pale Ale {IPA}, first brewed in the 1 790s in
London and later in Burton-on-Trent for the British colonies in what are now India,
Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka.

In the 1830s, the large English breweries adopted this style also for the domestic
market, for which they reduced its hop loading, renamed it "Bitter, " and offered it in
three strengths: "Bitter" at roughly 9 op (approx. OG mid-1.030s); "Best Bitter" at
roughly 11 op (approx. OG mid-1.040s}; and "Extra Special Bitter" (ESB}, a strong
Bitter at roughly 13 op - 14 op {OG low to mid-1.050s}. Starting in the 1860s, bottled
beer entered the British market, and bottled Bitters came to be called "Pale Ales"
(without "India" prefix), while only Bitters served in casks in pubs kept their
traditional name.

English Pale Ales are slightly fruity, mildly estery, single-infusion brews with delicate
British-style hop notes and a dryfinish. They are fermented with fairly "dusty" (not
very flocculent) yeast.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBl (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermanne Pale
Ale 92.5 34.67 15 73 40.67 18.45 6.56 2.99
Caraamber"' 7.5 3.02 1.37 3.54 1.60 0.57 0.26
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 5 8.65 245 10.2 288 1.6 46
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Geldings 5 5.37 152 6.3 179 1.0 29
Yeast london-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of net kettle volume
@ 154 °F (68 °C}. Rest 45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to


raise temp o 168 oF ± 2 OF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level.
Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @ 55
m i n. 3rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation @ 60 OF
-70 °F (16 oc - 21 oq, depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary
fermentation about 14 days. Rack again. Condition for 1 wk. Package.


The English epic Beowulf, composed by an Anglican bard

in the early gth century, tells how serious boozing was
considered an integral part of life-almost a religious
ritual-during the Middle Ages, when ale booths lined the
old Roman roads of Britain, and the Christian kings passed
pious legal codes in a vain attempt to regulate the hearty
drinking of their subjects.

By the end of the first millennium, drunkenness had

become so rampant that King Edgar (he reigned between
959 and 975) decreed, on the advice of Archbishop
Dunstan of Canterbury, that any village or town was
limited to only one alehouse. He also ordered that ale may
be served only in drinking horns with pins fastened on the
inside at prescribed intervals so that, the law read,
"whoever should drink beyond these marks at one
draught should be obnoxious to a severe punishment."

With the Norman Conquest of Britain, in 1066, by the

wine-drinking French, things did not change much. True,
wine became the poison of choice for the nobles, but beer
remained the favored quaff of the toiling lower orders,
the now-subjugated Anglo-Saxons. A telling quote from
the scholarly William of Malmesbury, written in the early
1100s, laments the deplorable lack of sobriety among the
commoners: "Drinking in particular was a universal
practice, in which they [the Britons] passed entire nights
as well as days. They consumed their whole substance in
mean a n d despicable houses, unlike the Normans and
French, who i n noble and splendid mansions lived with
frugality ... They (the Britons) became accustomed to eat
until they became surfeited, and to drink until they were


Pils/Pilsener, Northern German

Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA Edelpils
Related Styles Czech Pilsner, Dortmund Export, Bavarian Helles,
European Pilsner, American Lager

Style Description
A northern German Pits is mostly characterized by its straw-blond appearance-a
beer simply could not get much paler without the use of adjuncts. The classic version
has an assertive citrus-like, up-front noble-hop kickfrom as many as 40 BU. Many
mass-produced modern versions, on the other hand, now have a much reduced
bitterness (most between 28 and 36 BU, with some as low as 23 BU).

A Pits is well-attenuated and has a very dry, crisp and refreshing finish, with a spritzy
effervescence and next to no fruitiness, esters or diacety!. It has a sturdy, long-lasting
head. The Northern German Pils is an adaptation of the original Czech Pilsner Urque/1
of 1842.

The first Pilsner-style beer in Germany was brewed in 1872, by the Aktienbrauerei
Zum Bierkeller of Radeberg near Dresden, the capital of the German State of Saxony,
which borders the Czech Republic. This brewery has since been renamed Radeberger.
In line with German grammar, the adjective "Pilsner"-without the middle "e"­
refers to anything made in Pi/sen, whereas "Pilsener"-with the middle "e"-denotes
anything that is like a thing from Pi/sen but not made there. Not o/1 German
breweries, however, label their Pilseners (or Pils) in line with this etymological

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann�t Extra
Pale Premium
Pilsn er 90 31.19 14.15 36.59 16.60 5.90 2.69
Carafoam® 10 3.47 1.57 4.07 1.84 0.66 0.30
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tettnanger 4 4.64 132 5.4 154 0.9 25
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tettnanger 4 6.49 184 7.6 216 1.2 35
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 6.49 184 7.6 216 1.2 35
Yeast German or Danish dry-fermenting lager yeast


Brewing Process
M ulti-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (50 °C); rest 30 min. Raise temp to 144 ° F (62
0C}. Rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 °F (72 °C}. Rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash-out
@ 172 OF (78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for 90 min. 1 st hops @ 10 min; 2nd hops @ 30
min; 3rd hops @ 75 min. Fermentation temp @ 50 O F - 59 oF (10 oc - 15 oCL
depending on yeast strain. Rack @ terminal gravity. Reduce temp to 34°F (1 oC). Lager
for 12 wks. Rack. Condition. Package.


Until the 16th century, government regulations like the Reinheitsgebot and
the summer brewing prohibition were the driving forces behind the changes
in brewing practices, particularly in Bavaria. But even after 1516, when only
barley, hops and water were used, the result of the brewing process was still
a matter of luck. Fermentation was commonly regarded as a mystical and
spontaneous process, a form of putrefaction. The milky substance that
settled out at the bottom of the fermenter or formed a flocculent layer at the
top of the brew was not recognized for what it was (yeast). Instead, it was
considered an impurity, a by-product of putrefaction that better be
discarded. It was not known that this very "by-product" made alcoholic
fermentation happen.

As any brewers can guess, in practice, any number of airborne yeast strains,
from lager yeasts (Saccharomyces uvarum) to ale yeasts (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) to wild yeasts, could be-and probably were present in any given
brew and, most likely, all were infected with bacteria. Which yeast became
dominant and defined the character of the beer depended largely on the
ambient temperature. The warmer the cellar, the more likely the beer would
be an ale. Off-flavors in beer and a short shelf life were probably the rule
rather than the exception, especially for beers brewed during the hot
summer months.

A theoretical understanding of the metabolism of yeast, of the differences

between warm and cold fermenting yeasts--and of the differences between
the beers they produce--had to wait until the late 19th century. It was the
German physician and chemist Andreas Libau, a.k.a. Libavius (around 1560 -
1616), who was the first to point out that fermentation and putrefaction
were different processes. He knew about carbon dioxide (C02) and was the
first to describe a method of distilling alcohol. It is doubtful that any brewer
of Libavius' time read his heavy tome, Alchymia (published in Latin, in 1606},
which was the first systematic text book of chemistry, but later scientists did.
Libavius laid the conceptual foundation for all subsequent discoveries about
the true nature of fermentation.


Pilsner, American
Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles American Lager, American Light Lager, German Pils or
Pilsener, Czech Pilsner, Bavarian Helles, European

Style Description
American Pilsner is similar to a European Pilsner, except it is often made with about
30 percent adjuncts (corn and/or rice). The recipe below is for an all-malt version. If
adjuncts are desired, replace a portion of the base malts accordingly. Hop bitterness
is noticeable and usually noble. Aroma hops is sometimes added to whirlpool.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann"' Extra
Pale Premium
Pilsner 80 31.37 14.23 36.80 16.69 5.93 2.70
Weyermann"' Pale
Ale 15 5.88 2.67 6.90 3.13 1.11 0.51
Acidulated 5 1.9 6 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0. 1 7
Total Grain 100 39.22 17.79 46.00 20.86 7.42 3.38
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Hallertauer Barth-
Haas Taurus 15.5 9.18 260 10.8 305 1.7 49
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Tettnanger 4.5 2.00 57 2.3 66 0.4 11
Yeast American lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (50 °C).Rest 30 minutes. Raise temp to 144 oF
(62 °C). Rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 °F (72 °C). Rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash­
out @ 172 OF (78 °C). Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. l5t hops @ 15 min. 2nd hops
in whirlpool. Fermentation temp @ 54°F (12°C). Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op
(1.018). Reduce temp to 34°F (1oq; lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2
days. Note: If adjuncts are used, they need to be cooked separately and added to the
mash at mash-in.


Pilsner, Classic
Beer culture of origin Czech Republic, Bohemia
AKA None
Related Styles Modern Czech Pilsner, German Pils or Pilsener,
Dortmund Export, Bavarian Helles, European Pilsner,
American Lager

Style Description
The original Bohemian Pilsner was brewed by Josef Groll, Bavarian brew master, in
1842. Groll was then in the employ of the Mesransky Pivovar (Burgher Brewery) in
Plzen (Pi/sen), Bohemia. The new beer, the world's first blond lager, was called
Plzensky Prazdroj, or, more commonly, by its German name of Pilsner Urque/1,
because Bohemia was then part of the German-speaking Austro-Hungarian Empire (it
is now part of the Czech Republic). "Ur" is German for "original, " and "Quell, "for
"source, " "spring," or "well. "

This "original source" has since become the foundation brew not only for the modern
Czech Pilsner, but alsofor many adaptations throughout the world, including the
Bavarian Helles, the Northern German Pits or Pilsener, the Dortmund Export, the
Scandinavian and Dutch blond lagers, even the mass-produced American lagers. In
fact, Pilsners in one form or another are the most common beers in the world,
probably with a global market share of about 90 percent. The first Pilsner-here
called "Ciassic"-differed slightly but significantlyfrom all modern Czech and global
Pilsners in four respects:

The entire grist was floor malted and made only from indigenous, two-row, Czech
Hand spring barley. Today, the Hand barley of the mid-19th century is no longer
available in its pure form. However, Hand has given its genes to many of the best
modern brewing barleys, including Bojos and Tolar, two Czech varieties used to hand­
make Weyermann ® Bohemian Pilsner Floor Malt in a 19th-century floor mattery with
an 1890s, two-tier, indirect-fired kiln. Given the likely uneven composition of the malt
used by Groll, the grain bill in this recipe includes about 3.5 percent of Weyermann®
Carabohemian ®. Because of the extremely soft, low-pH, low-carbonate, low-sulfate
Pilsner water, it also contains about five percent of Weyermann ® Acidulated Malt.

The yeast in that original brew was Bavarian. The Bavarian yeast of Groll's days has
since mutated in its new home into a distinct Czech strain that ferments at a slightly
higher temperature and produces slightly more diacetyl than its Bavarian progenitor
strain. A modern Czech Pilsner yeast, therefore, would be an anachronism in an
authentic classic Czech Pilsner recipe.

The Groll mash was a triple decoction, a method that is now rarely employed. Yet,
the authentic recipe below is formulated for a triple decoction mash.

The 1842 beer was brewed with more Saaz hops for bittering and aroma than is now
common. The bittering in the recipe below, therefore, is a substantial 40 BU.


Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Bohemian Pilsner
Floor Malt 91.5 34.48 15.64 40.45 18.35 6.52 2.97
Acidulated 5 1.88 0.85 2.21 1.00 0.36 0.16
Carabohemian® 35 1.32 0.60 1.55 0.70 0.25 0.11
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Saaz 4.5 1.92 55 2.3 64 0.4 10
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 6.98 198 8.2 232 1.3 37
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 3.41 97 4.0 113 0.6 18
Yeast Bavarian lager yeast

Brewing Process
Triple decoction. Depending on the composition of the local water, boil the brewing
liquor to precipitate some carbonate hardness. Rack the liquor, leaving about 10
percent of the water behind. This imitates the soft, low-pH, low-carbonate, low­
sulfate water of the Pilsner region. Mash in the main mash at @ 100 oF ( 3 8 oC); rest
30 minutes for proper grist hydration and activation of phytase for some mash

Draw 1 decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (10 - 15 min). Rest
decoction @ 149 OF (65 oq for 30 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Rest decoction @
162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @ 212 OF (100 oq
for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @ 149 oF (65 oq
for 10 min.

Draw 2nd decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (5 - 1 0 min). Rest
decoction @ 162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @
212 oF (100 oq for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @
162 O F (72 oq for 10 min.

Draw 3 rd decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (10 min). Boil
decoction @ 212 °F (100 oq for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest
main mash @ 171 o F (77 oq for 15 min. Recirculate (5 min). Start lautering and
sparging slowly ( ! ) for about 3 hrs until kettle full. Kettle time: 90 min. Bitter hops
after 10 min; flavor hops after 30 min; aroma hops after 75. Whirlpool 3 0 min.
Primary fermentation in open fermenter for 4 days @ approx. 55 OF {13 °C). Transfer
to closed tank for pressure build-up for 3 to 5 days. Rack into horizontal tank on day
7 or 8. Lager for 4 wks @ 30.5 °F (-0.8 °C). Package.


Pilsner, Czech, Modern (I)

Beer culture of origin Czech Republic, Bohemia
AKA None
Related Styles German Pils or Pilsener, Dortmund Export, Bavarian
Helles, European Pilsner, American Lager

Style Description
The original Bohemian Pilsner, brewed in 1842 in the Bohemian City of Plzen (Pi/sen),
now in the Czech Republic, was the world's first blond lager. About nine out of 1 0
beers today are derived from this revolutionary brew. The recipe below is a simple
modern adaptation of this brew, with a small addition of Weyermann® Acidulated
Malt in the grist to simulate the soft, acidic brewing liquor of Pi/sen.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Bohemian Pilsner 95 32.21 14.61 37.78 17.14 6.09 2.78
Acidulated 5 1.70 0.77 1.99 0.90 0.32 0.15
Total Grain 100 33.90 15.38 39.77 18.04 6.41 2.92
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Saaz 4.5 5.43 154 6.4 181 1.0 29
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 3.54 100 4.2 118 0.7 19
Yeast Czech lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (50 OC}; rest 30 min. Raise temp to 144 OF {62
°C); rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 oF (72 oC}; rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash-out @
172 OF {78 °C}. Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. 1 st hops @ 15 min; 2 nd hops @ 60
min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F (12°C}. Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op (1.018).
Reduce temp to 34°F (1 oC}; lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2 days.


Pilsner, Czech, Modern ( I I )

Beer culture of origin Czech Republic, Bohemia
AKA None
Related Styles German Pils or Pilsener, Dortmund Export, Bavarian
Helles, European Pilsner, American Lager

Style Description
The original Bohemian Pilsner, brewed in 1842 in the Bohemian City of Plzen (Pi/sen),
now in the Czech Republic, was the world's first blond lager. About nine out of 10
beers today are derived from this revolutionary brew. The recipe below is a modern
adaptation of this brew, with a few specialty grains for a deep-golden hue as well as
a small addition of Weyermann® Acidulated Malt to simulate the soft, acidic brewing
liquor of Pi/sen.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg} (kg}
Bohemian Pilsner
Malt 60 20.34 9.23 23.86 10.82 3.85 1.75
Carafoame> 20 6.78 3.08 7.95 3.61 1.28 0.58
Munich I 15 5.09 2.31 5.97 2.71 0.96 0.44
Acidulated 5 1.70 0.77 1.99 0.90 0.32 0.15
Total Grain 100 33.90 15.38 39.77 18.04 6.41 2.92
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Saaz 4.5 4.83 137 5.7 160 0.9 26
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 3.15 89 3.7 105 0.6 17
Yeast Czech lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 o F {50 oC); rest 30 min. Raise temp to 144 oF {62
OC); rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 oF {72 oC); rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash-out @
172 °F {78 °C). Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. l5t hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops @ 60
min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F {l2°C). Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op (1.018).
Reduce temp to 34°F {1oC); lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2 days.


Pilsner, Czech, Modern ( I l l )

Beer culture of origin Czech Republic, Bohemia
AKA None
Related Styles German Pils or Pilsener, Dortmund Export, Bavarian
Helles, European Pilsner, American Lager

Style Description
The original Bohemian Pilsner, brewed in 1842 in the Bohemian City of Plzen (Pi/sen),
now in the Czech Republic, was the world's first blond lager. About nine out of 10
beers today are derived from this revolutionary brew. The recipe below is a modern
adaptation similar to several mass-produced Czech Pilsners available worldwide
today. The grain bill is made up just of base malt and the hop bitterness and aroma
are very restrainedfor an easy quaffing brew. Instead of Weyermann® Bohemian
Pilsner Floor Malt you can also use Weyermann ® Bohemian Pilsner Malt,
Weyermann® Well-Modified Pilsner Malt, or, for a straw-blond brew, Weyermann®
Extra Pale Premium Pilsner Malt.


Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

MALT 1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBl
% (lbs) (kg) 1 BBl (lbs) (kg) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
Bohemian Pilsner
Floor Malt 100 33.90 15.38 39.77 18.04 6.41 2.92
Total Grain 100 33.90 15.38 39.77 18.04 6.41 2.92
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBl (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Saaz 4.5 4.02 114 4.7 134 0.8 22
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 2.62 74 3.1 87 0.5 14
Yeast Czech lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash i n @ 122 oF (50 oC) ; rest 30 min. Raise temp to 144 oF (62
OC); rest 20 min. Raise temp to 162 OF (72 °C). Rest 20 min. Raise temp to mash-out
@ 172 °F (78 °C). Lauter 90 min. Boil for 75 minutes. 1 st hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops @
60 min. Fermentation temp @ 54°F (12°C}. Rack when gravity @ about 4.5 op
(1.018). Reduce temp to 34°F (1 oq ; lager for 3 - 4 wks. Rack and condition for 2


Porter, Baltic
Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles Robust Porter, Russian Imperial Stout

Style Description
The Baltic Porter is one of two British brews developed specifically for trade with
Scandinavia; Poland; the Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia; and the
Russian Empire of the Czar. The other northern trading brew is the Russian Imperial
Stout. Baltic Porter was brewed a bit stronger than a Brown Porters destined for
British home consumption-usually between 5.5 and 7.5 percent alcohol by volume.
It is also a bit happier and a bit toastier to better survive the long, rough ocean
voyage. For bittering and flavor, the recipe below uses East Kent Go/dings; for aroma,
Styrian Go/dings.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency {rounded)

1 HL 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 60 33.03 14.98 38.75 17.57 6.2 5 2.85
Caramunich® Ill 15 7.62 3.46 8.94 4.06 1.44 0.66
Carabohemian® 10 5.08 2.31 5.96 2.70 0.96 0.44
Carared"' 6 3.05 1.38 3.58 1.62 0.58 0.26
Carafa® I 4 2.03 0.92 2.38 1.08 0.38 0.18
Total Grain 100 50.82 23.05 59.61 27.04 9.61 4.38
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 5 3.06 87 3.6 102 0.6 16
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Goldings 5 9.18 260 10.8 305 1.7 49
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Styrian Goldings 5.25 9.18 260 10.8 305 1.7 49
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of net kettle volume
@ 154 OF {68 °C). Rest 45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to
raise mash temp to 168 oF ± 2 oF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that
level. Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil 60 min. 1st hops @ 5 min; 2nd hops @
55 min. 3rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary-ferment @ 60 o F -
70 O F (16 o c - 21 °C), depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary-ferment
about 14 days. Rack again, condition for 1 wk. Package.


Porter, Classic
Beer culture of origin England
AKA Entire Butt, Historical/Original Porter
Related Styles Brown/London Porter, Robust Porter, Baltic Porter

Style Description
Porter emerged in England in the early 1 720s, allegedly as a "three-thread" blend of
three ales from different casks, in the pub. The threads were usually a strong, "two­
penny" Old or Stock Ale; a well-hopped ale; and a "small," usually low-hopped ale
from the final runnings of a partigyle brew. When brewery made this brew as a single
unblended ale, it was referred to as an entire butt meaning that it could be served in
a pub entirely from one cask. The brew was very popular among London dock
workers and porters, who gave the brew its name. At the beginning, this rough-neck
Porter was much stronger than the London Porters made today. The original gravity
was probably between 15 op and 1 7.5 op (OG 1.060 and 1.070). They are also
somewhat rough and smoky, because they were made from the standard brown malt
of the day, also known as "blown" malt, which was kilned over an open wooden fire,
imparting the some burnt roastiness to the grain and the beer. A modern grain bill
that attempts to replicate this classic Porter, therefore, ought to contain some
roasted malt such a Weyermann® Carafa Ill as well as some smoked malt.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
{lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermannl!l Pale
Ale 80 40.03 18.16 46.95 21.30 7.57 3.45
Smoked Malt 15 8.01 3.63 9.39 4.26 1.51 0.69
Carafa® Ill 4 2.00 0.91 2.35 1.06 0.38 0.17
Total Grain 100 50.03 22.69 58.69 26.62 9.47 4.31
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Fuggles 4.3 6.81 193 8.0 227 1.3 37
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in @ 154 °F (68 °C}. Rest 45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F
(8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 168 °F ± 2 OF (76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out.
Hold mash temp at that level. Boil 60 min. Hops @ 15 min. Whirlpool 30 min.
Primary fermentation @ 60 OF -70 OF (16 oc - 2 1 °C), depending on yeast, for about 7
days. Rack. Secondary-ferment at same temp about 14 days. Rack again, condition
for a wk. Package.


Porter, Dry
Beer culture of origin Ireland
AKA Irish Porter
Related Styles London/Brown Porter, Robust Porter, Irish Stout

Style Description
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? The Stout or the Porter? While the answer
to the chicken-and-egg riddle sends most people into metaphysical nirvana, the Stout
vs. Porter issue is clear-cut answer: The English Porter came first. It was then made
"stouter, " which is how the Stout got its name. But in another adaptation, it became
both leaner and drier instead of stouter-which is how it is presented below. Dry
Porter is essentially a very simple English Porter from the start of the Industrial
Revolution, with clean notes of chocolate and roasted malt, but less alcohol.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL {lbs) 1 BBL {kg) 5 Gal {lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann� Pale
Ale 82 25.95 11.77 30.44 13.81 4.91 2.24
Carabohemian• 15 4.75 2.15 5.57 2.53 0.90 0.41
Weyerma nn 111
Carafa® II 3 0.95 0.43 1.11 0.51 0.18 0.08
Total Grain 100 31.65 14.35 37.12 16.84 5.99 2.73
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Fuggles 4.3 6.59 187 7.7 219 1.2 35
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Irish-style dry-finishing ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in @ a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by dry weight @ 153 oF
{67 °C}; rest 90 min. Recirculate. Raise temp to 168 °F (76 °C}. Sparge slowly with 170
oF (77 oq water until kettle full. Boil 90 min. Hops @ 30 min. Whirlpool 30 min.
Fermentation @ roughly 66 oF {19 oq for aboutlO days. Rack and condition for about
14 days. Rack. Package.


... it was during the Viking period in Br itain and Ireland that the
Celtic term for beer, cwrw, began to be replaced by the N orse term
61, from which derives the modern English term "ale?"


Porter, German
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Schwarzbier

Style Description
Yes, there is such a brew as a German Porter, but it is extremely rare. It originated in
the early 20th century, when a few German brewers tried to create an indigenous
competitor to the London Porter which was then gaining friends on the Continent.
After the Second World War, the brew survived mostly in what became East
Germany, where many breweries let the beer undergo a secondary fermentation with
Brettanomyces. In West Germany, on the other hand, Porter was fermented with
yeast only.

The original English Porter is, of course, a dark ale that was first created in London in
the 18th century. It is fairly dry, slightly acrid, and made in part from roasted malts.
The German version, by contrast, is decidedly "Germanified." Instead of an ale, it is a
lager. In both flavor and brewing process, it resembles more a Schwarzbier than the
English model. The German Porter should have between 5.8 and 7.2 percent alcohol
by volume, which is stronger than virtually all English Porters. For bittering, flavor,
and aroma, the German version relies on zesty noble instead of instead offloral
English hops. The recipe below uses Herkules (12 - 1 7 %AA)for bittering, Northern
Brewer {6 - 1 0 %AA) forflavor, and Tettnanger {2.5 - 5.5 %AA) for aroma. Liberty {3
- 5 %AA) would be suitable, too. Finally, unlike the English Porter, which is a fast
turn-around ale, the German Porter is, of course, lagered for six weeks in a cool
cellar. The result is an interesting, but very rare combination of British-ale complexity
and German-lager drinkability.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 54 22.41 10.17 26.29 11.93 4.24 1.93
Munich II 40 16.60 7.53 19.48 8.83 3.14 1.43
Carafa<'> Ill Special 6 2.49 1.13 2.92 1.33 0.47 0.21
Total Grain 100 41.51 18.83 48.69 22.08 7.85 3.58
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Herkules 9.5 2.68 76 3.1 89 0.5 14
Northern Brewer 8 1.86 53 2.2 62 0.4 10
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Tettnanger 4 3.73 106 4.4 124 0.7 20
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (SO 0C). Rest 20 min. Raise temp to 147 °F
(64°C}. Rest 100 min. Raise temp to 162 oF (72°C} Rest 30 min. Raise to 169 oF (76°C}.
Rest 5 min. Lautering for 2 hrs. Boil 2 hrs. 15t hops @ 60 min. 2nd hops @ 105 min. 3 rd
hops @ 115 min. Pitch @ 48 OF (9°C). Total primary fermentation 6 - 7 days. At 1.026
(6.5 OP}, close tank, raise tank temp to 52 OF (11 oq , and maintain pressure @ 0.6 bar
(8 psi). At 1.018 (<5 °P), raise tank to diacetyl rest temp of 55 OF (13°C) for 3 days.
Rack. Crash temp i n 24 hrs to 30 OF (-1 °C). Cold-condition for 10 days. Package on
day 28.


In the early 19th century, Porter became so popular i n England

that brewers had a hard time keeping up with demand. Not
surprisingly, their solution was to expand and to construct ever
bigger brew houses and fermenters to cash in on the seemingly
unquenchable thirst of this nourishing brew.

I n those days, fermenters were invariably made of wood. And as

the demand for Porter grew so did the size of the vats. The Meux
Brewery in central London, at Tottenham Court Road and Oxford
Street, established i n 1764, famously owned a marvel of
construction at the time, the world's biggest beer fermenter
with a reported capacity of 860,000 gallons (more than 27,000
bbl or 32,500 hi). These vats were so huge that breweries held
dinners for their patrons inside them, when they were empty
between brews.

On October 16, 1814, the unthinkable, yet probably inevitable,

happened: The metal hoops holding one of the Meux Brewery
vats with 3,555 barrels of 10-month old Porter together
snapped. The escaping beer caused the other vats in the building
to rupture, too, and a tidal wave of rushing Porter flooded the
streets in the neighborhood. The flood of brew crushed
everything i n its path, sweeping along houses, horses, wagons,
and people. Once the flow had spent itself, eight people were
found dead. Seven had drowned in beer, while one died from
alcohol poisoning as he heedlessly drank without limit from the
river of precious libation.

The brewery was torn down in 1922, and today, a theater is on

the site where the brewery once was.


Porter, London
Beer culture of origin England
AKA Brown Porter
Related Styles Brown Ale, Scottish Ale, Old Ale, Porter, Stout

Style Description
Porter emerged in England in the early 1 720s, just before the Industrial Revolution. It
rose to become the biggest selling English beer style at the height of the British
Empire near the end of the 19t century. But by the 1930s, it had all but disappeared.
It was only revived by the North American craft brew movement in the late 20 th
century. Thus is the rise, and fall, and rise again, of the Porter through a turbulent
three centuries, during which its character changed dramatically, as brewing
ingredients, malting and brewing technology, and consumer tastes evolved. To
speak of Porter in the singular, therefore, is not meaningful. Rather there are several
clearly distinguishable variations on the Porter theme, known under such names as
Brown, London, Irish, Robust, Double, Baltic, Imperial, and Dry, not to mention its
North American Double, Imperial and Double Imperial interpretations. Below is a
Porter which was popular around the turn of the 18th to the 1 9th century.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal {lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermanni!> Pale
Ale 60 12.94 5.87 15.18 6.88 2.45 1.12
Carared® 15 12.94 5.87 15.18 6.88 2.45 1.12
Caraamber<�> 10 12.94 5.87 15.18 6.88 2.45 1.12
Weyerm an n�
Carafa® I 10 0.39 0.18 0.46 0.21 0.07 0.03
Total Grain 100 39.21 17.79 46.00 20.86 7.42 3.38
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 5 6.20 176 7.3 206 1.2 33
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Geldings 5 7.81 221 9.2 260 1.5 42
Yeast London-style ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in with 7 gal of brewing liquor per a 1 bbl of net kettle volume
@ 154 OF {68 OC)Rest 45 min. Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to
raise mash temp to 168 oF ± 2 oF {76 oc ± 1 oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that
level. Adjust sparge water temp, if needed. Boil 70 min. 1st hops @ 15 min; 2 nd hops
@ 65 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation @ 60 °F -70 °F {16 °( - 21 °C},
depending on yeast, for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 14 days.
Rack again, condition for a wk. Package.


Porter, Robust
Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles Brown Porter, Stout

Style Description
Near the end of Queen Victoria's long reign, as the 19th century was coming to a
close, the Robust Porter split offfrom the standard London or Brown Porter. The
Porter, long a brew of working class lineage and favored by the rough, hearty, and
robust strand of the British socialfabric, seemed to be just a touch too rough for the
more gentile denizens of refined Victorian society. A gentleman might want his dark
ale, but it had to be a bit more upscale. Strange then that the upper-crust Porter that
evolved came to be known as "robust, " a term more workman- than gentleman-like!

The Robust Porter is rich and coffee-accented. Its finish is slightly sweet, not dry. In
spite of the dark malts in the mash, this beer should never finish like an Irish stout. A
single infusion is sufficient, but the saccharification rest temperature should be closer
to 1ss·F (6s•cj than, say, to 148 •F - 152 •F {64 •c -67 •q at which most British ales
are mashed. For bittering, the recipe below uses the high-alpha Magnum. But a
traditional, lower-alpha English hop variety would be suitable as well. Forflavor,
Santiam adds a slight note of citrus to the brew. It can be substituted with
Tettnanger or Fuggles. For aroma, the recipe below uses Glacier in the whirlpool. It
can be replaced it with Fuggles, Styrian Go/dings, or Willamette.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
( l bs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann<�> Pale
Ale 73 30.86 14.00 36.20 16.42 5.84 2.66
Caraamber8 9 3.80 1.73 4.46 2.02 0.72 0.33
Caramunich., II 8 3.38 1.53 3.97 1.80 0.64 0.29
Smoked Malt 8 3.38 1.53 3.97 1.80 0.64 0.29
Carafa® Ill 2 0.85 0.38 0.99 0.45 0.16 0.07
Total Grain 100 42.28 19.18 49.59 22.49 8.00 3.64
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Magnum 13.5 1.98 56 2.3 66 0.4 11
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Santi am 6.25 3.11 88 3.6 103 0.6 17
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Glacier 5.5 3.11 88 3.6 103 0.6 17
Yeast London-style ale yeast


Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in @ 155 OF (68 °C}; re st 45 m in Recirculate. Sparge with hot

liquor to raise temp to the mash-out @ 168 OF (76 °C}. Boil 75 min. 1 st hops @ 15
min; 2"d hops @ 55 min. 3rd hops @ start of whirlpool. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary
fermentation @ 60 °F -70 °F (16 o c - 21 oq for about 7 days. Rack. Secondary
fermentation about 21 days without pressure. Rack, condition, p a cka ge .


In the old days, beer bottles were closed like
champagne bottles, with corks and a wire or string
cage. But an invention in 1875 by Nicolai Fritzner, in
Germany, change all that. He came up with a wire­
bale bottle closure, the flip-top. It not only solved
the problem of containing the high pressure in beer
bottles, it also made it easy to re-close a bottle, once
opened. The flip-top remained the standard beer
bottle closure worldwide, until it was replaced by
the crown cap.

Crown caps or crown corks as bottle stoppers were

invented by William Painter in Baltimore, Maryland,
in 1892, originally with natural cork lining. The
success of this new closure soon allowed Painter to
start his tarts the Crown Cork & Seal Company of
Baltimore. A scarcity of cork in the mid-1950s
caused a switch from cork to polyvinyl chloride
(PVC) liners.

The beer can is another American invention. The

very first beer sold in a can was the Krueger Cream
Ale (see entry for Cream Ale). It went on sale in
Richmond, Virginia, on January 24, 1935, -exactly
13 months and 19 days after the ratification of the
21st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which
repealed the 18th Amendment and thus ended
Prohibition. The Gottfried Krueger Brewing
Company was founded in 1899 by a German
immigrant in Newark, New Jersey. Krueger decided
to test-market its revolutionary canned Cream Ale in
far-away Richmond, in the south of the United
States, just in case the new container flopped, which
could have affected Krueger's reputation in its key
northeast market.


Pub Wheat, America n

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA Wheat Ale
Related Styles Hefeweizen/Weissbier

Style Description
American Pub Wheat is an ale with perhaps 10 to 30 percent-usually but not always
entirely pale-wheat malt, compared to German Hefeweizen/Weissbier, which must
contain at least 50 percent wheat malt by law. The non-wheat portion of the mash
can be Pilsner or Pale Ale malt as well as a few specialty malts. The recipe below
contains about 20% pale wheat malt, 2 percent caramel wheat for a bit of color, and
pale ale malt as the diastatic base. The hop profile in the recipe below is kept
deliberately mild and noble for a spritzy-spicy and refreshing taste experience. For a
more robust Northwest character, use, for instance, Cascade and/or Cluster instead.
Filtration is optional.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

% (lbs) (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) (kg) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
Weyermannf) Pale
Ale 78 29.40 13.33 34.48 15.64 5.56 2.53
Weyermann® Pale
Wheat Malt 20 7.54 3.42 8.84 4.01 1.43 0.65
Carawheat® 2 0.75 0.34 0.88 0.40 0.14 0.06
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Warrior® 15.5 9.25 262 10.9 308 1.8 so
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mount Hood 5.5 0.95 27 1.1 32 0.2 5
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Amari llo19 8.5 0.95 27 1.1 32 0.2 5
Yeast American wheat yeast, Kelsch yeast, Altbier yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Dough in @ approx. 113 oF (44 °C}. Rest 20 min. Infuse and raise
temp to 122 °F (SO 0C}. Rest 20 min. Infuse and Raise temp to 149 OF (65 OC) . Rest 45
min. Infuse and raise temp to 158 oF (70 °C}. Rest 20 min. I nfuse and raise temp to
mash-out @ 170 °F (77 °C}. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 90 min. l5t hops @ 30 min. 2 nd
hops @ 75 min. 3 hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ low temp range of
selected yeast for 7 days. Pull temp down over 2 days to 45 o F (7 °C}. Rack and keep
@ that temp for 3 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Pumpkin Ale
Beer culture of origin England & United States
AKA None
Related Styles None

Style Description
Pumpkin Ale is an old brew with great variations in ingredients and processes. The
recipe here uses both Old World and New World hops: Fuggles and East Kent
Go/dings for bittering and American Willamette for aroma. Feelfree to use other hop
combinations, English or American. The color of pumpkin ale is orange to amber; it
has a biscuit malt aroma and a warming pumpkin aroma. If properly conditioned, it
has a dry and very effervescent finish. It is flavored not just with hops, but also with
spices. For about a barrel or hectoliter, use a spice mixture of about 2 teaspoons each
of ground cloves and allspice, 3 crushed cinnamon sticks, and about 50 grams of
fresh peeled, and finely diced ginger root.

Pumpkin preparation for brewing varies greatly: Most brewers bake their pumpkins
before adding them to the brew; but some use them raw. Some use the seeds, others
don't. Some press the pumpkins like apples and just add the juice to the kettle or the
fermenter. Some cut the pumpkins into 2-inch cubes, others macerate them like
mashed potatoes. Some add the pumpkins to the mash {which creates less turbidity
and allows the mash enzymes to convert the pumpkin starches}, others, to the kettle.
Some add the spices only briefly into the kettle or whirlpool, others to the fermenter,
which creates as rougher flavor. Some even steep the spices in vodka and add the
strained vodka at the end offermentation in the fermenter. The recipe below uses
about 13.87 lbs/bbl {5.3 75 kg/hi) offresh, baked, mashed pumpkin meat without the
peel and the seeds, added to the mash.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann"' Pale
Ale 80 32.59 14.78 27.77 23.66 4.48 2.81
Carafoam"' 10 4.07 1.85 3.47 1.57 0.56 0.35
Carared® 10 4.07 1.85 3.47 2.96 0.56 0.35
Total Grain 100 40.7414 18.48 34.71 28.19 5.60 3.51
Fresh pumpkin flesh, seeded,
baked, peeled, mashed 11.850 5.375 10.096 8.602 1.628 1.021
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz} 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Fuggles 8 10.31 292 12.1 343 2.0 55
Flavor: none 4 9.81 278 11.5 326 1.9 53
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Willamette 5.75 9.81 278 11.5 326 1.9 53
Yeast American "Chico" -styl e yeast or equivalent


Pumpkin Preparation
Remove pumpkin stems and cut each pumpkin into 2 - 3 pieces. Remove seeds.
Place on cookie sheets skin-side up. Bake for about 90 min in 375 oF (190 oq oven
(until pumpkin is mush). Let cool off and scrape flesh from peel. Using a potato
masher, macerate pumpkin flesh thoroughly until smooth.

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion: Mash in @ 140 OF (60 °(). Add and mix in all pumpkin. Rest 60
min. Raise temp to 165 OF (74 °C}. Rest 10 min. Raise temp to mash-out @ 169 °F (76
0C). Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 75 min. 15t hops @ 15 min. Wrap spices in cheese cloth
suspended from a string and drop into kettle @ 60 min (hold on to sting!). 2 nd hops
and Irish Moss (3 tablespoons/hi or bbl) @ 70 min. Pull out spice @ shut-down.
Whirlpool at least 30 min. Ferment @ 70 oF (21 oq for 10 - 15 d ays . Rack, condition,
package unfiltered. Beer improves if allowed to mature in package for about 2 - 4


• Pumpkins originated in Central America.
• They belong to the family of cucumbers and melons, the
• Pumpkins are rich in starches and sugars, which m ake them
ideal for brewing. The old-English word for pumpki n is
pumpion or pompion.
• The oldest written mention of pompion dates from 1547.
• Pumpkin Ale was invented by English colonists in America.
• Early brewers in the New World, just as medieval brewers in
the Old World-including Bavaria ns before the Beer Purity
Law of 1516-brewed with anything that was available and
• After the introduction of pumpkins from the New World to
England pumpkin was used there as well for brewing beer.
• The oldest, anonymous recipe for pure pumpkin ale, that is,
an ale without grain, was publish ed in February 1771 by the
American Philosophical Society, founded in Philadelphia by
Ben Franklin. The "Receipt for Pompion Ale" read as follows:

"Let the Pompion be beaten in a Trough and pressed as

Apples. The expressed Juice is to be boiled in a Copper a
considerable Time and carefully skimmed that there may be
no Remains of the fibrous Part of the Pulp. After that
Intention is answered let the Liquor be hopped cooled
fermented &c. as Malt Beer. "


Rauch bier
Beer culture of origin Germany (Bamberg region of Franconia, Bavaria)
AKA Smoked Marzen
Related Styles None

Style Description
Rauchbier is German for "smoked beer, " a smoky-tasting, barley-based, opaque,
usually unfiltered lager that is brewed and aged similar to a Mdrzen/Oktoberfest
beer. Modern Rauchbier is particularly common in the City of Bamberg in Bavaria. In
the days of indirect-fired malt kilns, many beers had a smoky flavor. Today, this style
is made from various unsmoked base malts plus about 25% two-row Smoked Malt
that is kiln-dried over aged local beech wood logs, similar to the way Scotch Whiskey
is dried over peat moss. The smokiness from the beech wood imparts a bacony flavor
to the beer. A Rauchbier's color usually ranges between 20 and 30 SRM (approx 51 -
78 EBC}. Because of the strong smoke-flavor, the beer does not require aroma hops,
just a dose of bittering hops. Bitter values, however, may range widely-from 15 to
more than 30 BU. Bavarian noble hops is traditional.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Munich II 57 21.05 9.55 2469 11.20 3.98 1.81
Smoked Malt 27 9.97 4.52 11.70 5.30 1.89 0.86
Caramunich® II 10 3.69 1.68 4.33 1.96 0.70 0.32
Carafa® Special
Type I 3 1.11 0.50 1.30 0.59 0.21 0.10
Acidulated 3 1.11 0.50 1.30 0.59 0.21 0.10
Total Grain 100 36.93 16.75 43.32 19.65 6.99 3.18
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Tradition 5.5 4.29 122 5.0 143 0.8 23
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Bavarian/Munich-Style Lager Yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in with approx. 65% of expected net kettle volume of
brewing liquor @ 140 oF (60 oC); rest 20 min; raise temp to 147 oF (64 oq; rest for 20
min; raise temp to 162 oF (72 oC); rest 30 min; raise temp to mash-out @ 172 oF (78
0C). Sparge 90 min. Boil 60 min; bittering hops after 15 min. Fermentation in unitank
14 days @ 50 ° F - 54 °F (10 oc - 12 °C}; tank capped @ 4.5 op (1.018}; transfer to
horizontal; lager at least 2 wks @ approx. 34 oF (1 oc ) .



The oldest "modern" brewery with all the facilities for malting and brewing
is... of ancient Roman origin. It was excavated in 1978 on the banks of the
River Danube, inconspicuously tucked away between two family homes on a
little street named Kornweg, in a quiet residential suburb of the Bavarian city
of Regensburg, called Grossprufening. It's a puzzling archaeological find. The
sign at the dig merely identifies it enigmatically as a Wirtschaftsgebaude (an
"economic building"). A 30-foot walkway leads from the sign to a locked
pavilion, approximately 26 by 43 feet (8 by 13 meters), erected in 1983, with
glass walls on three sides, through which visitors can view the excavations.

The building contains an oblong set of stone foundations in which are

arranged a deep well, a water-tight basin at ground level, a kiln with a flue,
and a stone-ringed fire place, about three feet in diameter. The probable
date of the site's construction is 179 AD. At that time, Regensburg was the
largest Roman military camp in what is now Bavaria, housing Emperor
Marcus Aurelius' Third Italian Legion of some 5,500 to 6,400 heavily armed
Roman elite troupes, as well as the same number of Germanic tribal
servants, tradesmen, merchants, artisans, an d - most importantly­
innkeepers and ladies of easy virtue, who supplied the Roman military
machine with all the necessities-and frivolities-of life.

But why would the wine-loving Romans build a brewery? Out of necessity!
The grape had not yet been introduced to central Europe, and given the
paucity of roads across the Alps in those days, it was simply not possible to
keep that many thirsty legionnaires in imported drink from down south.
There nothing but temperance-not the Roman way!-or making the booze
on location. They Romans had watched the Germans make an "adulterated
wine from grain," from half-baked bread loaves stirred into crocks of water
for fermentation, a drink that they detested. So, with Roman ingenuity and
architectural skill, the civilized wine-drinkers set out to work on a method of
improved beer-making. The result: A brew made from malted and mashed
grain rather than soggy bread.

Thus, strangely, we must credit the Romans with the invention of the basic
brew systems configuration that started what we now consider the sublime
Bavarian beer culture.


Red Ale, Flanders

Beer culture of origin Belgium, Flanders
AKA Flanders Sour Ale
Related Styles Flanders Brown Ale/Oud Bruin, Lambie

Style Description
A Flanders Red Ale has many characteristics of the Flanders Oud Bruin ... only more so.
Like the Oud Bruin, the Red is very tart and sour, but its otherflavor components are
even more complex. There is a strong black cherry-like fruitiness with notes of
currants, red grapes, and plums, with mild phenol, vanilla, and chocolate
undercurrents. These complex flavors are balanced by a noticeable residual
sweetness. Hop flavors are very subdued. While the Oud Bruin relies on central
European noble hops, the signature hops for the fruitier Red is more British, such as
Brewers' Gold. Fermentation is by Belgian ale yeast strains as well as lactobacillus
and Brettanomyces-and occasionally even by vinegar-making acetobacter, which
uses oxygen dissolved in the brew to convert ethanol into acetic acid (not used here).


Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Abbey Malt0 25 9.42 4.27 11.05 5.01 1.78 0.81
Vienna 25 9.42 4.27 11.05 5.01 1.78 0.81
Munich I 20 7.54 3.42 8.84 4.01 1.43 0.65
Carabe lge® 20 7.54 3.42 8.84 4.01 1.43 0.65
Acidulated 10 3.77 1.71 4.42 2.01 0.71 0.32
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Brewer's Gold 6 2.10 59 2.5 70 0.4 11
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Brewer's Gold 6 3.93 112 4.6 131 0.7 21
Yeast Belgian ale yeast plus Brettanomyces bruxellensis and Belgian lactobacillus

Brewing Process
Mash in @ about 125 oF (52 OC); 20-min hydration, beta-glucan and protein rest.
Raise temp to 144 oF (62 oC); 40-min beta-amylase rest. Raise temp to 162 oF (72 oq;
40-min alpha-amylase rest. Recirculate 15 - 20 min. Lautering. Boil 90 min. Bittering
hops @ 15 min; aroma hops @ 75 min. After shut-down, rest brew for 30 min before
whirlpooling for another 30 min. Primary fermentation temp @ about 68°F (20°C).
Pitch equal amounts of ale yeast, Bettanomyces and lactobacillus. Because bacteria


have longer lag time, yeast will metabolize most of the sugars before bacteria
become active. Rack after 2 wks, then again after 4 wks. Condition for 6 wks or
longer. Package.

Sour Beer Process Advisory:

Sour beer-making is only for the bravest of the brave and demands a
great deal of caution. Traditionally, and often still today, many sour
beer styles are spontaneously fermented by ai rborne microbes. These
may include Brettanomyces bruxellensis, Brettanomyces lambicus,
lactobacillus delbruckii, pediococcus, and other assorted wild yeasts
and bacteria.

Souring microbes are invariably considered defects in regular beers. As

beer spoilers, they are kept in check by a host of cleaning, sanitizing,
and disinfecting agents, especially on the cold-wort side of the
brewery. Breweries attempting to make sour beers, therefore, need to
ensure that there is no cross-contamination between their sour and
their regular brews. That is why many breweries that produce both
sour and regular beers have separate fermenters, transfer hose,
pumps and even fillers just for sour beers. Brewers who wish to make
sour beers, but prefer not to risk errant microbe infections, can
replace some of the base malt with up to perhaps 10 percent
Weyermann® Acidulated Malt, which contains biologically produced,
Beer Pu rity Law-conform, natural lactic acid. Acidulated malt can also
be used in addition to souring microbe preparations.

Traditionally, souring microbes settle into brews during wort cooling in

old-fashioned, flat, copper cool-ships that are placed in well vented
rooms, where the green beer is exposed to a fresh breeze. The type or
combination of microbes responsible for souring particular brews have
often become proprietary micro-floras that are dominant only in a
particular region or even brewery, thus giving a beer style-even a
beer brand-its signature character. In many cases, this character is
virtually impossible to i m itate elsewhere. Specific mixtures o f souring
micro-flora are now commercially available from many yeast labs.


Red Ale, I rish

Beer culture of origin Ireland
AKA None
Related Styles Brown Ale, Amber Ale

Style Description
The Irish Red Ale, similar to the English Brown Ale, is an outgrowth of the late­
medieval ale tradition of the British Isles, but, much like the Vienna Lager of central
Europe, it has almost disappeared. There is even some debate as to its true
characteristics, and some mass-produced commercial versions of this ale are even
fermented as lagers. Its ABV may vary between perhaps 4.2 and 5.2 percent, it
finishes dry, has next to no fruitiness, and relatively little hops. It has a few roasted
notes, which are reminiscent of the old direct-fired kilns that invariably scorched a
few grains and probably also steeped rather than just dried a few of the grains,
giving them a slightly crystalline acrospire. Finally, during the hand-worked floor­
malting process of yore, some kernels may not have been able to sprout and they
thus turned into unmalted roasted barley rather than malt. These historical roots are
the basis for the ingredients and process selection below.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 Hl (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann° Pale
Ale 50 15.82 7.18 18.56 8.42 2.99 1.36
Vienna 30 9.49 4.31 11.14 5.05 1.80 0.82
Melanoid in 10 3.16 1.44 3.71 1.68 0.60 0.27
Caramunich� Ill 9 2 .85 1.29 3.34 1.52 0.54 0.25
Roasted Barley 1 0.32 0.14 0.37 0.17 0.06 0.03
Total Grain 100 31.65 14.35 37.12 16.84 5.99 2.73
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth·
Haas Fuggles 4.3 6.40 182 7.5 213 1.2 34
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Fuggles 4.3 1.70 48 2.0 57 0.3 9
Yeast Irish-style dry-finishing ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single infusion. Mash in @ a liquor-to-grist ratio of about 3:1 by dry weight @ 153 oF
(67 °C). Rest 45 min. Recirculate. Raise temp to 168 OF (76 °C}. Sparge slowly with 170
oF (77 oq water until kettle full. Boil 65 min. 1 st hops @ 5 min; 2"d hops @ 60 min.
Whirlpool 30 min. Fermentation @ roughly 66 oF (19 oq for about 7 days. Rack and
condition for about 14 days. Package.


Roggen bier
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA German Rye Ale
Related Styles American Rye Ale

Style Description
Rye {Secale cereale), or Roggen in German, was much more common as a malt
source in the Middle Ages than it is today, especially in the German-speaking world.
This is in part, because the Bavarian Beer Purity Law of 1516, which has hence
become a law in all of Germany, restricted beer ingredients to just water, hops, and
barley. All other cereals were "out, " reserved for the people's solid rather than liquid
bread. Rye malt is very hard and has smaller kernels than barley. Therefore, it should
be milled separately with a narrower gap setting. Its protein content is roughly
between that of barley and wheat. Like wheat and unlike barley, rye has no husks
and thus absorbs water comparatively quickly, which means the maltster must take
extra care not to over-steep the rye at the beginning of the malting process. The
elongated shape of rye kernels, compared to the rounder shape of barley kernels,
results in poorerflow characteristics and greater compaction in the germination
chamber. This turns aeration into a challenge and can lower the germination rate.

For these reasons, it is virtually impossible to make an all-rye beer, because the mash
would be difficult to Iauter. Also, rye has a relatively high beta-glucan content, which
can make the run-off agonizingly slow. Rye beers, therefore, commonly contain a
large amount of barley malt (Pilsner), and often some wheat malt and a few specialty
malts (dark Munich and acidulated malts) as well. The share of rye in a commercial
mash varies between roughly 30 and 60 percent for a Roggenbier and between
roughly 10 and 30 percentfor a North American Rye Ale.

Always employ a multi-step mash that allows for the enzymatic degradation of as
many of the unconverted beta-glucans and proteins as possible. Beta-glucanase
reach their peak activity at roughly 113°F (45°C); protease, at roughly 12rF (SOOC}.

Rye beers are nowadays almost always ales-even in Bavaria, the cradle of lager
brewing. In Europe, they are usually fermented with a strain of wheat beer yeast. The
addition of rye gives the brew a noticeable crispness and dryness on the palate. So as
not to conflict with the rye's slight spiciness, select hops that are relatively low in
cohumulone, such as Hallertauer Mittelfruh, Hersbrucker, Magnum, Opal, Premiant,
Smaragd (Emerald}, Santiam, Saphir, Spalt, or Tettnanger.

Rye ales show mild up-front fruitiness, some yeastiness and breadiness in the middle,
and an almost smoky, spicy, faintly sour, even tangy-tart finish. Similar to a
Hefeweizen, a Roggenbier is usually left unfiltered. Roggenbier as an old style from
before the invention of beerfiltration in 1878, it is more authentic to package the
beer in its yeast-turbid state. Roggenbier can be a pleasing and refreshing summer
quaffing beer.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) {kg) (kg)
Pilsn er 45 15.60 7.07 18.29 8.30 2.95 1.34
Weyermann® Rye 30 10.40 4.72 12.20 5.5 3 1.97 0.90
Vienna 20 6.93 3.14 8.13 3.69 1.31 0.60
Carafa 8 I Special 2.5 0.87 0.39 1.02 0.46 0.16 0.07
Cararye8 2.5 0.87 0.39 1.02 0.46 0.16 0.07
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hersbrucker 2.75 4.92 139 5.8 163 0.9 26
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Smaragd/Emerald 5 7.72 219 9.1 257 1.5 41
Yeast Bavarian-style Hefeweizen/Weissbier yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Dough in @ approx. 113 ° F (44 °C}. Rest 20 min. Infuse and raise
temp to 122 °F (50 °C). Rest 20 min. Infuse and Raise temp to 149 °F (65 °C) . Rest 45
min. Infuse and raise temp to 158 o F (70 oq. Rest 20 min. Infuse and raise temp to
mash-out @ 170 ° F (77 °C}. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 90 min. 1 st hops @ 30 min. 2 nd
hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 68°F (20°C) for 7 d a ys . Pull temp down
over 2 days to 45 oF (7 oq and rest for 3 days. Rack and warm up to room temp, and
condition for 1 wk. Rack and p a ckage .


Buckwheat is not a grain but an herb, the
Fagopyrum family, which originated in Asia.
It has small, off-white and edible, triangular
fruits, which, when ground up, can be used
as a flour substitute. Buckwheat seeds are
high in protein and may be added as a non­
grai n adjunct to the mash. It produced a
slightly nutty flavor to beer.


Rye Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles Roggen bier

Style Description
American Rye Ales contain perhaps 10 to 30 percent rye malt compared to German
Roggenbiers, which may contain as much as 60 percent. Rye malt is very hard and
has smaller kernels than barley. Therefore, it should be milled separately with a
narrower gap setting. Its protein content is roughly between that of barley and
wheat. Like wheat and unlike barley, rye has no husks, which would make it next to
impossible to Iauter an all-rye beer. The non-rye portion of the mash can be Pilsner or
Pale Ale malt as well as some wheat and a few specialty malts. Because rye has a
large amount of beta-glucans, it is best to employ a multi-step mash. The addition of
rye gives the brew a noticeable crispness and dryness on the palate, which is why it is
preferable to use only hops low in cohumulone. Suitable hop varieties are, for
instance, Amarillo®, Mount Hood, and Warrior®. Cluster and Cascade, on the other
hand, would be less ideal.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann* Pale
Ale 77.25 26.77 12.14 31.40 14.24 5.07 2.31
Weyermann® Rye 12.50 4.33 1.96 5.08 2.30 0.82 0.37
Weyermann® Pale
Wheat Malt 10 3.47 1.57 4.07 1.84 0.66 0.30
Carafa ® I Special 0.25 0.09 0.04 0.10 0.05 O.Q2 O.Dl
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Warrior® 15.5 9.25 262 10.9 308 1.8 50
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mount Hood 5.5 0.95 27 1.1 32 0.2 5
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Amarillo® 8.5 0.95 27 1.1 32 0.2 5
Yeast American wheat yeast, Kolsch yeast, Altb ie r yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Dough in @ approx. 113 ° F (44 °C}. Rest 20 min. Infuse and raise
temp to 122 OF (50 °C}. Rest 20 min. Infuse and Raise temp to 149 OF {65 °C}. Rest 45
min. Infuse and raise temp to 158 oF {70 oq. Rest 20 min. Infuse and raise temp to
mash-out @ 170 °F (77 °C}. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 90 min. l5t hops @ 30 min. 2
hops @ 75 min. 3 hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ low temp range of
selected yeast for 7 days. Pull temp down over 2 days to 45 OF (7 oc). Rack and keep
@ that temp for 3 wks. Rack, condition, package.


Beer culture of origin Finland
AKA None
Related Styles None

Style Description
Strangely, the Finnish word Sahti appears to derive from the German word Saft,
meaning juice, even the though the modern Finnish word for beer is olut, a derivative
of ale. Sahti brewing instructions are enshrined in about 400 stanzas of the 22,795
stanzas of the Kaleva/a, the ancient Finnish national epic, which, incidentally, devotes
only about 200 stanzas to the creation of the universe-obviously a subject of lesser
importance than beer. The Kaleva/a emerged at least 2,000 years ago and was orally
transmitted. Because Sahti is still brewed today, largely according to ancient
methods, by several Finnish specialty breweries, Sahti is one of the oldest, if not the
oldest, continuously brewed beer style in the world. For this reason, though a "minor"
style by some standards, it is included here with a complete recipe. The Kaleva/a,
incidentally, was first written down by a Finnish physician, Elias Lbnnrot, in 1836.

This traditional Finnish 'juice" comes in two partigyle strengths from separate
runnings of the same mash. "Tupulisahti" means "strong Sahti" from the first
runnings, while the brew from the weak runnings is called "Jdlkijuoma, " literally
"nose drops. " In the recipe below are specifications for both full-strength Tupu/isahti
and weak Jdlkijuoma. Traditionally, Sahti was made from malted barley, steeped in
sacks in a cold stream, spread out to germinate, and then "kiln-dried" in a smoky
sauna. Sahti may also contain some rye and/or oats. Traditional Sahti mashing­
usually in an elongated wooden tun carved from a tree trunk- involves the gradual
heating of the mash for several hours with hot water and stones made red-hot over
a sauna fire. The effect is similar to that of a modern continuous infusion mash.
Juniper twigs with or without berries as well as whole, old (!) hops are placed at the
bottom of the mash to impart bitterflavors to the wort during lautering.

The modern adaptation of the Sahti recipe below, therefore, includes some rye malt,
Smoked Malt, and roasted caramel malt. Once the grain bed has run dry, ifyou chose
to make a Jdlkijuoma as well, wash it again withfresh hot water andferment these
runnings separately. Sahti wort, unlike modern wort, is not boiled, but fermented
directly after /autering. Modern brewers, however, would be well advised to raise the
wort temperature in the kettle to about 180 oF {82 °C} to sterilize it.

Traditional Sahtifermentation was in open wooden vats, by bread yeast, as is still done
today in Finland. Bread yeast is a poor attenuator that quits long before modern
brewers yeast does. Oncefully attenuated, traditional Sahti was stored in wooden casks
in root cellars at about 40 OF (4 oc)for quick consumption. The result was a hazy
coppery ale of around 8 percent alcohol by volume (Tupulisahti) with a buttery to
tangy aroma and a refreshing winey to spicy palate. Jdlkijuoma had about 3 percent
ABV, unless it was fortified with honey during fermentation. Nowadays, commercial
Sahtis tend to be weaker than their traditionalforbearers, having an ABV of about 5 -


6.5 percent, half way between traditional Tupulisahti" and Hilkijuoma. The recipe
below is for a Sahti of traditional strength.

Note that, because of the murky origins of Sahti, the specifications for our
reconstruction of this style with modern ingredients and equipment reflect necessarily
more educated guesswork than firm brew-historical certainty! Nonetheless, this could
be an interesting and unusual summer brew to attempt in a brewpub.

8.5 SRM/21 EBC
Specifications-Jalkijuoma (est.)

Ingredients-Tupulisahti @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann"' Pale
Ale 84 50.00 22.68 58.65 26.60 9.46 4.31
Weyermann"' Rye 10 5.95 2.70 6.98 3.17 1.13 0.51
Smoked Malt 5.75 3.42 1.55 4.01 1.82 0.65 0.29
Carafa ® I Special 0.25 0.15 0.07 0.17 0.08 0.03 0.01
Total Grain 100 59.52 27.00 69.82 31.67 11.26 5.13
Crushed dried juniper berries 0.30 0.14 0.35 0.16 0.06 0.03
Juniper (or cedar) boughs Enough to cover false bottom of Iauter tun
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tettnanger
flowers in the mash 4 7 198 8.2 232 1.3 37
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Bakers bread yeast

Brewing Process
Continuous infusion. Place juniper boughs (or cedar boughs) over false bottom of
mash tun. Lay base liquor. Mash in at about 120 OF (49 oc) using milled grains, juniper
berries and leaf hops mixed together. Note that rye malt needs to be milled
separately at narrower gap setting. Rest mash 30 min. Raise temp over 90 min to 160
OF (71 oq for mash-out. Recirculate. Lauter. Raise wort temp to 180 °F (82 °C} to
sterilize it. Make bread yeast starter with wort from a previous batch or a water
solution with sugar, DME, or LME. Heat-exchange wort to room temp into (optionally
open) fermenter. Pitch yeast. Ferment to finish. Rack into pressure tank. Condition
lightly. Package unfiltered into bottles, kegs, or serving tank. Brew has only short
shelf life; consume within a few weeks.



For centuries in Europe-from antiquity to the Middle Ages­
juniper (Juniperus communis) was a favorite beer flavoring.
Today, we know juniper mostly from gin, which is essentially
nothing but juniper-flavored vodka. Juniper is a coniferous
shrub or columnar tree that grows well throughout most of
the Northern Hemisphere. It can be found beyond the tree
limit, from Alaska to Newfoundland, Greenland, and Iceland.
It ranges south through New England to the Carolinas and
west through northeastern Illinois, Indiana, northern Ohio,
Minnesota, and Nebraska to the western mountains of
Washington, California, Arizona, and New Mexico. While the
role of juniper in beer making was once indispensible, it has
now been marginalized by the ubiquitous use of hops.

Sahti in literature:

She, the maid who beer concocted,

Gathered six of grains of barley,
Seven hop tassels next she gathered,
And eight ladles of water,
Then upon the fire she placed it,
And allowed it there to simmer,
And she boiled the ale of barley,
Through the fleeting days of summer,
Poured it then in wooden barrels,
And in tubs ofbirch wood stored it.
From Kaleva/a, the ancient Finnish national epic
German translation: Kaleva/a, Das finnische Epos des Elias
Lonnrot, Marix Verlag GmbH, Wiesbaden 2005. English
translation: Bosley, Keith, Kaleva/a. Oxford University
Press, Oxford 1989.

Sahti was made for centuries as part of

the natural way of rural life (in Finland).
Roger Protz, The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Beer, 1995.

The only "primitive" beer to survive in

Western Europe is the Sahti of Finland.
Michael Jackson, The New World Guide to Beer, 1988


Schwa rzbier, Fra nconian

Beer culture of origin Germany, Bavaria
AKA Kulmbacher Schwarzbier
Related Styles Thuringian/Kbstritzer Schwarzbier, Dunkel

Style Description
Schwarz means black in German. Schwarzbiers are opaque, very dark mahogany
lagers, almost like "Ober"-Dunkels. There is a Thuringian version, with very slight
chocolate-toasty notes, as well as a Franconian version from northern Bavarian, with
absolutely no toasty or astringent notes at all. Both versions finish fairly dry, but the
Bavarian version may have some residual sweetness. In both versions, hop bitterness,
flavor, and aroma are restrained and noble. In a Schwarzbier-just as in a Dunkel­
the requirements of color and flavor are brew-technically opposed to each other. The
beer gets its darkness from dark malt, but the malt must not be too roasted. A good
way to achieve this is through small additions of Weyermann ® de-husked Carafa® I,
II, or Ill Special malts. The base malts for both versions are Pilsner and Munich.

For a milder flavor, you can replace the roasted malt with more Pilsner malt and
some SINAMAR Liquid Malt Color added to the kettle. For quantities, use about 1.5
ounces {by weight) or 1.25 fluid ounces of SINAMAR to darken 1 barrel of wort by 1
SRM. In the metric system, the equivalent values are 14 grams or 11.9 milliliters of
SINAMAR to darken 1 hectoliter of wort by 1 EBC.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 43 14.56 6.60 17.07 7.74 2.75 1.25
Munich I 20 6.93 3.14 8.13 3.69 1.31 0.60
Munich II 20 6.93 3.14 8.13 3.6 9 1.31 0.60
Carafoam® 10 3.47 1.57 4.07 1.84 0.66 0.30
Carafa® I Special 8 2.77 1.26 3.25 1.48 0.52 0.24
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Herkules 15.5 1.75 so 2.0 58 0.3 9
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Tradition 5.5 0.37 10 0.4 12 0.1 2
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfriih 4.25 0.37 10 0.4 12 0.1 2
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Dough in thick for a n optional 15-30 min. acid rest @ at 100 ± 5
oF (38 ± 2 °C}. Raise temp to 122 oF (SO 0C}. Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 146 ± 2 OF (63
± 1 °C}. Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 156 ± 2 oF (69 ± 1 °C}. Rest 30 min. Raise temp to
mash-out temp @ 170 oF (77 °C). Recirculate. Lauter for about 90 - 120 minutes. Boil
90 min. 1 st hops @ 15 min. 2"d hops @ 65 min. 3 rd hops @ 5 min. Whirlpool. Pitch @
48 o F (9°C). Total primary fermentation 10 - 14 days. Rack @ terminal gravity. Lager
@ 30 o F (-1 oq for 3 wks. Rack, condition, package.


... how the Bockbier acquired its name? The story of Bockbier starts not in
Bavaria but in the northern German town of Einbeck, in the middle of the 13th
century. Einbeck was then an important member city of the Hanseatic League, an
international trading empire run by hundreds of powerful medieval merchants.
Einbeck's specialty export was a strong dark ale made from wheat and barley.
Almost every inhabitant of Einbeck was directly or indirectly engaged in the
brewing trade ... and, much to the chagrin of Munich's brewers, one of the
greatest customers of Einbeck beer was the House of Wittelsbach, the ruling
dynasty of Bavaria. Eventually, the Bavarian Dukes and their entourage quaffed so
much of the Einbeck ale that their drinking habits started to impact Bavaria's
balance of payments. Beer imports had become a matter of Bavarian fiscal policy.

In 1590, to salvage the Bavarian money supply from leaking north, the ruler of the
day, Duke Wilhelm V, had an Einbeck-like, strong, brown to red beer brewed in his
own brew house in Landshut (SO miles northeast of Munich}, which he hoped
would recapture the market lost to the northern brewers. A year later, he
completed brew house for the new beer in the center of Munich, on the site of
the now-famous Hofbrauhaus. Initially, Wilhelm's Einbeck beer replacement was
intended only for the nobility, but, starting in 1610, the local innkeepers had to
buy it, too ... and the Bock stated to make money for the state coffers.

Wilhelm V's successor, Duke Maximilian I, went one step further. In 1612, he
enticed an Einbeck brew master, Elias Pichler, to come to Munich. Under Elias'
guidance, and in accordance with prevailing Munich brewing practices, the
famous Einbecker strong ale metamorphosed into a strong lager, the kind of
Bockbier we know today. The first strong Munich lager brewed the "Einbeck way"
was dispensed at the Hofbrauhaus in 1614. The Bavarian dialect soon mangled
the name Einbeck to "ayn pock" and, eventually, to "ein Bock" (one Bock). And
that's how the Bock got to Bavaria.

Because the word Bock also means ram or Billy goat in German, many Bockbiers
now feature that creature on their labels ... which is strangely fitting, because, at 7
percent alcohol by volume, the beer, like the animal, has a kick!


Schwarzbier, Thu ringian

Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Franconian/Bavarian/Kulmbacher Schwarzbier, Dunkel

Style Description
Schwarz means black in German. Schwarzbiers are opaque, very dark mahogany
lagers, almost like "Uber"-Dunkels. There is a Thuringian version, with very slight
chocolate-toasty notes, os well as a Franconian version from northern Bavarian, with
absolutely no toasty or astringent notes at all. Both versions finish fairly dry, but the
Bavarian version may have some residual sweetness. Hop bitterness, flavor, and
aroma are restrained and noble.

In a Schwarzbier-just as in a Dunkel-the requirements of color and flavor are brew­

technically opposed to each other. The beer gets its darkness from dark malt, but the
malt must not be too roasted. A good way to achieve this is through small additions
of Weyermann ® de-husked Carafa® I, II, or Ill Special malts. The base malts for both
versions are Pilsner and Munich.

For a milderflavor, you can replace the roasted malt with more Pilsner malt and
some SINAMAR Liquid Malt Color added to the kettle. For quantities, use about 1.5
ounces (by weight) or 1.25 fluid ounces of S/NAMAR to darken 1 barrel of wort by 1
SRM. In the metric system, the equivalent values are 14 grams or 11.9 milliliters of

SINAMAR to darken 1 hectoliter of wort by 1 EBC.


Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL {lbs) 5 Gal {lbs) 19 1 {kg)
{lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 45 15.26 6.92 17.90 8.12 2.89 1.31
Munich II so 16.95 7.69 19.88 9.02 3.21 1.46
Carafa® Ill Special 5 1.70 0.77 1.99 0.90 0.32 0.15
Total Grain 100 33.90 15.38 39.77 18.04 6.41 2.92
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Magnum 13.5 6.28 178 7.4 209 1.2 34
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Northern Brewer 8 0.45 13 0.5 15 0.1 2
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Northern Brewer 8 0.45 13 0.5 15 0.1 2
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast


Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (SO 0C). Rest 20 min. Raise temp to 147 oF
(64°C}. Rest 100 min. Raise temp to 162 o F (72°C) Rest 30 min. Raise to 169 o F (76°C).
Rest 5 min. Lautering for 2 hrs. Boil 2 hrs. 1 st hops @ 60 min. 2nd hops @ 105. 3 rd
hops @ 115 min. Pitch @ 48 o F (9°C). Total primary fermentation 6 - 7 days. At 1.026
(6.5 OP), close tank, raise tank temp to 52 °F (11 °C}, and maintain pressure @ 0.6 bar
(8 psi). At 1.018 (<5 °P), raise tank to diacetyl rest temp of 55 OF (13°C) for 3 days.
Rack. Crash temp in 24 hrs to 30 OF ( 1 °C}. Cold-condition for 10 days. Package on

day 28.


In the mash, calcium reacts with phosphates
and amino acids from malt, which makes the
mash more acidic.
Magnesium, too, acidifies the mash.
Bicarbonates make the mash more alkaline,
but they precipitate when boiled, like scale in
a household tea kettle.
Sodium in moderate amounts adds fullness
and sweetness to a beer, in large amounts,
Sulfate increases the perception of hop
Chloride decreases the perception of hop
bitterness. Like sodium, it also adds fullness
and mouthfeel to the finished beer.


Scotch Ale
Beer culture of origin Scotland
AKA 120/-
Related Styles 90/-, 140/-, Export, Wee Heavy, Scottish Ale

Style Description
Scotch Ales are the strong versions of Scottish Ales. They come in strengths of 90- to
140-shillings. A typical 90-shilling Scotch Ale has a gravity of 13. 75 op - 19.25 op
{1.055 - 1.075}; a 120-shi//ing, of 19.25 op - 23.75 op (1.075 - 1. 095}; and a 140-
shi//ing, of 23.75 op- 32.5 op {1.095 - 1.130}.

The base malt for Scotch Ale is Pale Ale malt with varying amounts of pale caramel
malt and unmalted roasted barely. The recipe below contains a small amount of
Weyermann® Smoked Malt to imitate the flavor that peat-fired kilns might have
imparted to the brew. The base malt for all Scottish/Scotch ales is Pale Ale malt with
varying amounts of pale caramel malt and unmalted roasted barley.

The recipe below also contains a small amount of Weyermann® Smoked Malt to
imitate the peat flavor that peat-fired kilns have traditionally imparted to the brew.
For a more modern version of a Scottish or Scotch Ale, you can replace the grain bill
presented here with the following grain bed composition, adjusted for the desired
gravities: Weyermann® Pale Ale Malt {50%}, Weyermann® Vienna Malt (20%},
Weyermann® Carared® (10%}; Weyermann® Caramunich® I (10%}, Weyermann®
Caraaroma® {9.8%}, plus Weyermann® Carafa® I {0.2%}.

Scotch Ale is mashed in thick for a rest of 60- 90 minutes at a relatively high 158 oF
(70 oC) for a saccharification that favors beta- instead of alpha-amylase activity.
Traditionally, the mash-out temperature is achieved through sparging with hot
brewing liquor at 180 OF {82 oc). The sparge temperature is reduced, once the mash
reaches 1 72 °F (78 °C).

Scotch Ales were usually made only from the first runnings of two consecutive
batches, whereby the weak runnings of the two batches were fermented separately
for a lower-gravity and lower-alcohol ale (often called a Two-Penny Ale). The recipe
below is for a 120-shi//ing ale. Higher or lower gravities can be achieved by simply
increasing or decreasing all grain amounts proportionally. For the heaviest Scotch
Ale, though, it may be convenient to add some unhopped liquid malt extract (LME) to
the kettle rather than risking an overflowing mash tun or a stuck mash.

BU-Ievels generally range from approximately 30 to 40 BU, though some Scotch Ales
may be brewed to a bitter-value of 60 BU. Boiling time is at least 90 minutes, and
there are two hop additions in Scotch ales, at 60 minutes and 45 minutes into the
boil. The yeast should be a Scottish strain or ale yeasts that yield low levels of esters
and fuse/ alcohols.


OG I 1.o9o (22.5 OP) 1 I BU I 36 I ABV 9.3%
FG 1 1 . 022 (5.5 °P) I I Color I 23.5 SRM/61.1 EBC I ABW 7.1%
Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL ( l bs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyerma nn"' Pale
Ale 75 50.69 22.99 59.46 26.97 9.59 4.37
Weyermann :P
Carafoam"' 11.5 7.77 3.53 9.12 4.14 1.4 7 0.67
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 1.5 1.01 0.46 1.19 0.54 0.19 0.09
Smoked Malt 10 6.76 3.07 7.93 3.60 1.28 0.58
Total Grain 100 67.59 30.66 79.28 35.96 12.79 5.82
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Gol ding 5 4.67 132 5.5 155 0.9 25
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Golding 5 4.25 120 5.0 141 0.8 23
Yeast Scottish/Scotch-Style yeast
(Imperfect su bstitutes: Belgian Strong Ale or Altbier yeast)

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in as thick as possible @ 158 OF (70 °C). Rest 90 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 172 °F (78
oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp. Boil 90
min. 151 hops @ 30 min. 2 nd hop @ 45 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation
@ 60 OF (16 °C}, for about 12 days. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 21 days @
40 ° F - so OF (4 °4 - 10 °C). Rack again, condition for 1 wk. Package.


The first New World brewer probably stirred the mash in
the English colony of Jamestown, established in Virginia in
1607. I t became the first lasting English settlement in North
America. We know that there wasn't a single brewer
among the first group of settlers, but within two years, the
Jamestown folk did something about that. They planted a
field of barley and simultaneously put an ad in a London
newspaper asking for two brewers to come over. By the
time the brewers arrived, barley was already waiting for
them to be turned into beer.

This fixes the beginning of brewing in North America to the

year 1609, at Jamestown!



Today, people think of Scotch mostly as whiskey, not beer.
But Scotch whiskey became popular only in the nineteenth
century. Before that time, it was beer that was the Scotsman's
national beverage. And what is Scotch anyway? It's made
from barley, and it is a distilled spirit. In other words, Scotch is
nothing but distilled beer. Traditionally, ales in Scotland were
strong and dark or very strong and dark. The darkness came,
as it did elsewhere, from the kilning of malted barley over
open fires. It is likely that much of the barley for beer making
was kilned over peat moss, which gave the grist a unique
smoky flavor.

Hops came to Scotland only relatively late, in the early to mid-

1800s. In Scotland, the growing season is simply too short to
support hops cultivation and importing hops was simply too
expensive for regular production. Because of the lack of hops,
Scottish ales tended to be brewed either just with malt,
water, and yeast-often with the addition of honey or
molasses for extra alcoholic strength. Sometimes they were
flavored with heather flowers. But the lack of hops had a
detrimental effect on the lower-alcohol, everyday brews. As
the central Europeans had figured out centuries earlier, hops
is not only a great beer flavoring, but it also helps to preserve
the brew and give it better keeping qualities. So Scottish ales
that were not made from very heavy, sugar-rich, malt extracts
that yielded fairly high-alcohol brews, tended to go off
relatively fast. Until only about two hundred years ago,
therefore, everyday Scottish quaffing beers had a fairly awful

But interestingly, the very strong ales from Scotland, those

that flirt with an alcohol by volume level of nine to ten
percent, have always been regarded as belonging to a class by
themselves. Unlike the ordinary Scottish brews, the heavies
always found much favor among the discriminating beer
connoisseurs. To set them apart from ordinary ales made in
Scotland, these "wee heavies" are usually referred as Scotch
ales, rather than Scottish ales.


Scottish Ale
Beer culture of origin Scotla n d
AKA 70/-
Related Styles 60/-, 80/-, 90/-, Export, Wee Heavy, Scotch Ale

Style Description
Scottish Ale comes in three basic strengths (with a few variations): 60-, 70-, and SO­
shillings. Stronger Scottish Ales are usually called Scotch Ales or Wee Heavy Ales.
These come in strengths of 90- to 140-shi//ings.

A typica/ 60-shilling ale from Scotland has a gravity of 7.5 op- 8. 75 op {1.030 -
1.035}; a 70- shilling, of 8. 75 op - 10 op {1.035 - 1. 040}; an 80-shilling, of 10 op-
13.75 op (1.040 - 1.055}; a 90-shi//ing, of 13.75 op - 19.25 op {1.055 - 1.075); a 120-
shilling, of 19.25 op- 23.75 op {1.075 - 1.095); and a 140-shi//ing, of 23.75 op- 32.5
op {1.095 - 1.130}.

The base maltfor all Scottish/Scotch ales is Pale Ale malt with varying amounts of
pale caramel malt and unmalted roasted barely. The recipe below also contains a
small amount of Weyermann® Smocked Malt to imitate the peat flavor that peat­
fired kilns have traditional imparted to the brew. For a more modern version of a
Scottish or Scotch Ale, you can replace the grain bill presented here with the
following grain bed composition, adjusted for the desired gravities: Weyermann®
Pale Ale Malt {50%}, Weyermann® Vienna Malt {20%}, Weyermann® Carared® {10%};
Weyermann® Caramunich® I {10%}, Weyermann® Caraaroma® {9.8%}, plus
Weyermann° Carafa0 I (0.2%}.

All Scottish or Scotch ales are mashed in thick for a rest of 60 - 90 minutes at a
relatively high 158 OF {70 oc) for a saccharification that favors beta- instead of alpha­
amylase activity. Traditionally, the mash-out temperature is achieved through
sparging with hot brewing liquor at 180 °F (82 oq The sparge temperature is
reduced, once the mash reaches 172 OF {78 oc). Ales in Scotland-especially the
stronger ones-were often made only from the first runnings of two consecutive
batches, whereby the weak runnings of the two batches were used to produce a
weak ale, called a Two-Penny Ale. The recipe below is for a 70-shilling ale. Higher or
lower gravities can be achieved by simply increasing or decreasing all grain amounts
proportionally. For the heaviest Scotch Ale, though, it may be convenient to use the
addition of an unhopped liquid malt extract (LME) in the kettle, rather than risking an
overflowing mash tun or a stuck mash.

BU-/evels range from approximately 25 for the weaker Scottish Ales to 40 BU for the
heavier ones. Some Scotch Ales were brewed to a bitter-value of 60 BU. Boiling time
is at least 90 minutes, and there are two hop additions in Scottish/Scotch ales: 60
minutes and 45 minutes into the boil.

The yeast should be a Scottish strain or ale yeasts that yield low levels of esters and
fuse/ alcohols.



Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 77 20.92 9.49 24.54 11.13 3.96 1.80
Carafoam® 11.5 3.13 1.42 3.67 1.66 0.59 0.27
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 1.5 0.41 0.18 0.48 0.22 0.08 0.04
Smoked Malt 10 2.72 1.23 3.19 1.45 0.51 0.23
Total Grain 100 27.17 12.33 31.88 14.46 5.14 2.34
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Ga l (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Geldings 5 3.50 99 4.1 117 0.7 19
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Goldings 5 3.19 90 3.7 106 0.6 17
Yeast Scottish/Scotch-Style yeast
(Imperfect substitutes: Belgian Strong Ale or Altbier yeast)

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in as thick as possible @ 158 •F (70 •q. Rest 90 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F {8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 172 OF (78
•c) for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp. Boi l 90
min. 1 st hops @ 30 min. 2nd hop @ 45 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation
@ 60 •F (16 •c), for about 4 - 5 d a ys Rack. Secondary fermentation about 21 days @

40 • F - 50 •F (4 •4 - 10 •c). Rack again, condition for a wk. Package.

DID YOU KNOW ... where hops come from?

The hop plant is a clinging vine that has been grown virtually wherever beers have
been made ... and that means: everywhere. Its origins are not entirely certain, but
most reference works maintain that the hop plant is likely to have originated in
central Asia, spreading gradually to Europe and North America. There is evidence
that hops grew in Britain at least 5,000 years ago. Though hops can grow virtually
anywhere, certain regions offer more favorable conditions for the vine than do
others. The leading hop-growing countries are, in alphabetical order, Australia,
Belgium, China, the Czech Republic, Germany, New Zealand, Poland, Slovenia, South
Africa, Ukraine, and the United States. Hops do well in soft, sandy, porous soil
deposits with plenty of drainage, such as the yellowish lime deposits accumulated
by winds during the ice age in southern Germany. The hop vine also needs ample
rainfall du r ing the initial growing phase, followed by a prolonged dry spell during
the maturation phase, conditions that characterize the climate in the Pacific
Northwest of the United States. In the Northern Hemisphere, the hops harvest
occurs usually between late summer and early fall. After the harvest, the hops'
rhizomes stay in the ground. From these, new shoots emerge the following spring.
It is not uncommon for the same rhizome to produce hops for 70 to 100 years
before they need to be replaced with a fresh plant.


Smoked Ale, American

Beer culture of origin United States
AKA None
Related Styles Rauch bier

Style Description
This is a simple, smoked quaffing beer reminiscent of a Franconian Miirzen-strength
Rauchbier (see entry), but with less alcohol. It has a distinctly American flavor and
aroma balance of Pacific Northwest hops, slightly roasted malts, and smoke. As an
ale, it also has a slight fruitiness from the yeast, which is completely absent from the
German Rauchbier, the latter being made with a very clean fermenting, low­
temperature lager yeast. The color of this ale is deep red ta copper.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Munich I 63 21.83 9.90 25.61 11.62 4.13 1.88
Smoked Malt 25 8.66 3.93 10.16 4.61 1.64 0.75
Caramunich Ill 8 2.77 1.26 3.25 1.48 0.52 0.24
Carafa I I 4 1.39 0.63 1.63 0.74 0.26 0.12
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Galena 12.5 1.51 43 1.8 so 0.3 8
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Willamette 5 2.83 80 3.3 94 0.5 15
Yeast American ale yeast, such as "Chico" -style

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion. Mash in @ approx. 150 °F (66 °C}. Rest 60 min. Raise temp to
mash-out @ 172 OF (78 °C}. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 70 min. 1st hops @ 10 min. 2
hops @60 min. Whirlpool. Ferment @ 58 OF (20 oq for 10 days. Rack. Condition for
14 days. Rack. Package unfiltered.


Beer culture of origin Germany ( Dusseldorf region in the Rhineland)
AKA Latzenbier
Related Styles Altbier, Doppelsticke

Style Description
Sticke is to Altbier (see entry) what Bockbier is to Helles, or Imperial Stout is to Stout.
It is the strongest and scarcest Altbier. Its strange name derives from a mangled
version of the /ow-German word Nstickum, " meaning secret in English.

The brew evolved at the Zum Uerige, one of the four traditional Dusseldorf Altbier
brewpubs. It is brewed only twice a year, readyfor tapping on the third Tuesday in
January and the third Tuesday in October, respectively.

Several other Altbier makers, too, produce a version of Sticke, also just a few times a
year. In the past, some of them even kept the brew dates secret and announced the
availability of the specialty beer as a surprise.

Sticke is essentially brewed like a regular Altbier, only its gravity and bitter values are
much higher, as is its alcohol content by volume. The Sticke is a much under­
appreciated but easy-to-make beer that would make a perfect addition on any
brewpub winter beer menu.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency {rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 54.25 22.93 10.40 26.90 12.20 4.34 1.98
Munich II 20 8.46 3 .84 9.92 4.50 1.60 0.73
Carared® 20 8.46 .
3 84 9.92 4.50 1.60 0.73
Weyermann<t Pale
Wheat Malt 5 2.11 0.96 2.48 1.12 0.40 0.18
Weyermann °
Carafa® Ill Special 0.75 0.3 2 0.14 0.37 0.17 0.06 O.Q3
Total Grain 100 42.2763 19.18 49.59 22.49 8.00 3.64
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Spa Iter 4.5 12.06 342 14.1 401 2.3 65
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
SpaIter 4.5 7.87 223 9.2 262 1.5 42
Yeast Dusseldorfer Altbier yeast


Brewing Process
Step infusion at 122 °F (SO oq, 148 OF {64 oq, and 156 OF {69 oq, with a 10 min rest at
each step; or single infusion @ 150 oF (66 oq, with a 30 min rest. Then raise temp to
170 OF (77 °C). Lauter. Boil 75 min. l5t hops after 15 min. 2 nd hops after 65 min.
Primary fe rm en tation 7 days @ bottom edge of the yeast's preferred temp range.
Rack. Reduce temp by 2 ° F (1 oq per day to 32 OF 40 O F {0 oc 4 °C). Rack after 2
- -

wks. Lager 3 wks to 2 months. Rack and condition.


The origin of Sticke, according to local lore, dates from a time
when beer ingredients were still measured rather haphazardly by
the bucket-fulls. If the brew master made a " mistake" and mashed
in too generous an amount of malt (for an OG of perhaps 1.056 or
l4°P), he also had to add an extra dose of hops. The finished beer
from such a batch would be a strong and substantial beverage­
one not to be missed by the Altbier stalwarts. Because the Sticke
started out as a mistake, it was rarely brewed the same way twice.
The news of a brew master's mistake, of course, normally would
get around quickly among the initiated, who would pass the secret
by word of mouth, behind cupped hands, in a "stickum" or "sticke"
way to their friends. To be i n on the secret was q uite a privilege. It
is said that this "stickum" hot tip, shared among the aficionados,
then became the origin of the beer's name.

I n the Schumacher brewpub in DUsseldorf, a similar specialty

Altbier is seasonally available. There, the Sticke brew is called
Latzenbier. It, too, is usually brewed only twice a year. Apparently,
the name Latztenbier dates from a time when monasteries still
dominated the brewing trade and ordinary folk were served only
thin beer, known then as "convent beer." But the real stuff, the
strong beer, was stored high up on "Latten" o r "Latzen" (wooden
slats) out of sight of the impecunious commoners. This top-shelf
brew, or Latzenbier, would be reserved only for the brew monks
themselves or sold secretly, or "sticke," to only to the deserving
folk, that is, those with ample cash.


Stout, Belgian
Beer culture of origin Belgium
AKA Black Belgian Stout
Related Styles English/Irish stouts

Style Description
Belgium has always been at the crossroads of two great brew cultures, the German
culture across its eastern border and the Anglo-Saxon culture across the Channel to
the west. As a result, Belgian beers have absorbed influences from both and then
mixed these with indigenous brewing concepts.

The Belgian Stout is no exception. It is about as opaque as any Stout from the British
Isles, yet without any harsh, burnt, or acrid notes that are invariable associated with
British black patent malts. The beerfinishes almost as clean as a German
Schwarzbier, almost lager-like.

The yeast for this brew must be a high attenuator, giving the brew a typically Belgian
high alcohol content of 7 to 8 percent by volume, but without the fruity, estery, or
high molecular alcohol underpinnings of many British strong ales. In spite of its
strength, a Belgian Stout should have no syrupiness or heaviness. Instead, it should
be of a medium body. To achieve an easy-drinking brew in spite of the seeming
contradiction of blackness and crispness, the interpretation of this style below relies
on de-husked Weyermann® Carafa® Ill, mostly for color, as well as Weyermann®
Carawheat® for both color and smoothness. The diastatic power in the mash comes
from Weyermann Pilsner malt. Some extra body is supplied by Weyermann® Abbey
and Carabelge® malts.

The brew is formulatedfor an ABV of 7.3 percent, which is similar in strength to a

Golden Belgian Ale.

Those who wish to bump up the ABV even further can add some Belgian dark sugar.


Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 50 25.41 11.53 29.80 13.52 4.81 2.19
Carabelge® 25 12.70 5.76 14.90 6.76 2.40 1.09
Abbey Malt® 12 6.10 2.77 7.15 3. 24 1.15 0.52
Carawheat® 10 5.08 2.31 5.96 2.70 0.96 0 .44
Carafa Ill Special 3 1.52 0.69 1.79 0.81 0.29 0.13
Total Grain 100 50.82 23.05 59.61 27.04 9.61 4.37


HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Geldings 5.5 5.81 165 6.8 193 1.1 31
Flavor: None 4.25 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.25 7.08 201 8.3 235 1.3 38
Yeast Be lgian Abbey-style ale yeast
Brewing Process
Continuous infusion. Dough in as thick as possible @ 90 °F (32 oq or lower. Then
ramp up temp slowly and continuously over 3 - 4 hrs to a mash-out temp of about
170 OF (77 °C). Lauter slowly for 3 hrs. Boil for 90 mi n utes. 1st hops @ 15 m i n; 2 d
hops @ 85 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment for 1 wk @ 64 °F - 70 °F (18 ° - 2 1 oq,
depending on yeast strain. Rack and ferment for another 10 days. Reduce temp to
approx. 34°F (1 oC); lager for 12 wks. Rack, condition, package.


What is Belgium? Where does the name come from? Those who had to study
Latin in school may recall the first line in Caesar's Gallic Wars: "Gallia est omnis
divisa in partes tres, quorum unam incolunt Belgae, aliam Aquitani,
tertiam... Galli." (All of Gaul is divided into three parts, one inhabited by the
Belgians, another by the Aquitains, the third ... by the Gauls.) To Caesar, everybody
who lived north the river Seine and west of the river Rhine, was a Belgian-and it
is that Roman designation of the locals that is at the root of the name of the
modern country of Belgium. Thus we can ultimately blame a Roman emperor for
the prefix of the many beer styles that the Be/gae have spawned.

Subsequently in the Dark Ages, as the Roman Empire was being replaced by the
Germanic medieval feudal system, Caesar's land of the Belgae, disappeared
completely from the map, both in name and in fact. For about a thousand years,
the lands that were eventually to become the country of Belgium were ruled by
other countries, first, in the 81h century as part of Charlemagne's empire, and, by
the by the 151h century, as part of Burgundy. In 1477, Mary of Burgundy married
the Austrian emperor Maximilian I, and Caesar's erstwhile land of the Belgae
became part of Austria. I n 1555, Charles V, King of Austria and Emperor of
Germany, turned these lands over to his son, Philip I I of Spain, and the Belgians
found themselves living in the now-Spanish Netherlands, which became French,
when Napoleon Bonaparte's Grand Armee overran Europe in the early 19
century. At the Vienna Congress, in 1815, made Belgium part of the Netherlands.

In 1830, the Belgians finally had enough. They started an uprising against their
Dutch king, William I, and simply declared their independence, and found
themselves a king, a German blue-blood, Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
At the London Conference of 1831, the European powers finally gave their
blessing to the formation of the new state. Thus was created between The
Netherlands and France the current country of Belgium, under a label dating back
to antiquity, to a Roman chronicler, general, and emperor named Julius Caesar.


Stout, Foreign Export

Beer culture of origin Ireland
Related Styles English Stout

Style Description
This is a Stout that dates from the beginnings of the style in the late 18th century, in
London and Dublin, when a Stout was still a "stout" Porter, and the study of
microbiology had not been invented yet. It was a strong brew with plenty of dark,
unmalted adjuncts, fermented by a yeast culture, the composition of which we can
only guess today.

Apparently, the beer had certain sour, horse-blanket notes on the palate, which
suggests the presence of Bettanomyces in the fermentation vats. In fact, there is
speculation that the agents offermentation for that brew may have included some
lager yeast strains as well.

The recipe below is a "conservative" interpretation of the style, formulated entirely

forfermentation by a pure Irish dry ale yeast strain.

The more adventurous brewers, however, may wish to pitch this brew with a
melange of ale and lager strains as well as a Brettanomyces preparation.

Barrique-ing a brew thus fermented in a whiskey barrel, could add even more
interesting notes to the finished beer.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 Hl 1 Hl 1 BBl
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermanne> Pale
Ale 75 40.47 18.36 47.48 21.53 7.66 3.49
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 17 9.17 4.16 10.76 4.88 1.74 0.79
Caraa roma® 8 4.32 1.96 5.06 2.30 0.82 0.37
Total Grain 100 53.96 24.48 63.30 28.71 10.21 4.65
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Goldings 11 5.92 168 6.9 197 1.1 32
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Goldings 5 6.97 198 8.2 232 1.3 37
Yeast Irish ale yeast


Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in as thick as possible @ 151 OF (66 °C}. Rest 90 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 172 OF (78
oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp. Boil 90
min. 1st hops @ 30 mi n . 2 nd hops @ 80 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation
@ 65 OF (18 oc) for about 1 wk. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 3 wks @ same
temp. Rack again, condition for a w k. Pac ka ge .


Though beer styles are a fairly recent development, historically,
because it has been only about 200 years since brewers have been
able to fix their brews in terms of scientific parameters and repeatable
processes. But the origins of beer styles have their roots in much
earlier practices, especially among the medieval brew monks and
brew nuns, often educated people and the only ones in their
communities who could read and write. In the feudal culture of the
Middle Ages, just about everything and every activity in life was linked
to a person's place in the static social hierarchy of society. It was no
different with monastery beer.

For the monastery's abbot and his inner circle as well as for
distinguished guests the brew monks made a beer they called celia. It
was a strong brew usually made from barley, sometimes from wheat
or, frequently, from both. It is probable that celia was one of the first
beers to be flavored with hops, when it started to be used in
monastery breweries in the 8th century. Though the ordinary monks
had to brew celia, they rarely got to taste it.

Slightly below the lofty rank of celia was a brew called cervisa, It was a
beer of often milky-sour taste, usually made from oats, and flavored
with herbs and sometimes with honey, in which case it was called
cervisa mel/ita. Technically, therefore, this was a Gruitbier (see entry).
It was the everyday beer of the monks and pilgrims and was
consumed almost incessantly throughout the day.

The third beer was called conventus, a thin beer made of the final
runnings from the stronger beers and mixed with fresh extract from
malted oats. It was brewed specifically for the lower ranks, the abbey's
workers, and for beggars.

And below that was, of course, always ... water. But that was often
contaminated and thus bad for your health!


Stout, I rish
Beer culture of origin Ireland
AKA Dry Stout
Related Styles English Stout

Style Description
If there is one outstanding characteristic of an Irish Stout, it is its dryness. The key to
making a dry stout -or a dry beer in general, ale or a lager -is the mash
temperature, which should favor beta- over alpha-amylase.

A dry Stout, therefore, is best mashed in at a single infusion temperature of about

150 OF {66 °C}. Stout is a delicate beer, in spite of its dark appearance. The base malt
should not be too rough. In the recipe below, the solution is about 15 percent of
Weyermann® Extra Pale Pilsner malt.

For a bit of body the balance an Irish Stout's dryness, the brew requires a small
portion of dark unmalted adjuncts, such as Weyermann® roasted barley. The
Caraaroma® contributes a smooth chocolate character for a well-rounded taste.

There is only one hop addition, for bittering. Too complex a hop regiment with strong
flavors and aromas would conflict with the predominance of dark malt flavors.
Therefore, Target with its 9.5 to 12.5 percent alpha-acids-which are relatively high
bittering values for a British-style hop-is a good choice, but the old standbys of
Fuggles and East Kent Go/dings are suitable as well.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann® Pale
Ale 70 20.06 9.10 23.53 10.67 3.80 1.73
Weyermann® Extra
Pale Pilsner 15 4.30 1.95 5.04 2.29 0.81 0.37
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 10 2.87 1.30 3.36 1.52 0.54 0.25
Caraaroma® 5 1.43 0.65 1.68 0.76 0.27 0.12
Total Grain 100 28.66 13.00 33.62 15.25 5.42 2.47
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Go Idings 11 3.75 106 4.4 125 0.7 20
Flavor: none 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Goldings 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Irish ale yeast


Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in as thick as possible @ 151 OF (66 °C}. Rest 90 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 172 OF (78
oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp. Boil 90
min. Hops @ 30 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation @ 65 OF (18 oq for
about 1 wk. Rac k. Secondary fermentation about 3 wks @ same temp. Rack again,
condition for a wk. Package.


Today, we consider monastery brewing a strictly Continental European way of beer­
making. Few people, however, know that the pious brew monks and nuns got their
start in the brewing trade from Irish missionaries in the Dark Ages. Here is how that

The Irish were among the first European outside Italy to be Christianized. It all
started around 385 AD, when a young Scottish lad named Patricius (now St. Patrick,
the patron saint of the Emerald Isle) was born as the son of Calpurnius, the local tax
collector for the Romans. When he was about 30 years old, he claimed to have been
instructed by a divine voice to go to Ireland and make it Christian, which he did so
successfully that, by the beginning of the 61h century, there wasn't a soul left for his
missionary spiritual heirs to Christianize. So, they reached for their shepherd's staff,
laced up their sandals, crossed the Irish Sea and the English Channel, and set out
with zeal and ardor to wrestle Continental lost souls from the clutches of eternal
damnation. As soon as they reached the shores of mainland Europe, they set up a
string of small monasteries-the first ever on the Continent-as hubs from which
they spread the gospel into the vast, heathen forests.

One of the most consequential founders of Irish monasteries on the Continent was a
chap by the name of Columban (c. 540-615). He was a monk from the Benedictine
Abbey of Bangor in Ireland. Around 585, he took leave of his homeland in the
company of 12 disciples. It is not clear if Columban knew how to brew when he left
Ireland, but he clearly learned about it once he started living among ale-swigging
Germans. Initially, life in these Dark-Age monasteries was harsh and sparse, for
austere Columban had laid out strict rules from them: For monks who forgot to say
Amen or sang out of tune, he prescribed six lashes; and ten lashes for notching a
table with a knife. He decreed that meals be simple and never large, because food
and drink should sustain, not harm, life. Though every monk was allotted his daily
measure of beer, he forbade drunkenness, and any monk who spilled beer had to
stand upright and still for an entire night. The monks' labors were centered on good
deeds for others, not for themselves, and they shared not just their counsel but also
their produce with all comers. But as the flow of pilgrims and other traveling folk
increased on the highways and byways ofthe feudal realm, so did the monasteries'
operations. The food, drink, and shelter the monks once shared out of charity with
anyone who came, soon became a commodity offered to the dusty travelers for
profit, and the hooded fishermen of souls, with hostels and breweries in all the right
places, went into the hospitality business with abandon, and they turned their
cloisters and into first truly large-scale brewing operation in Europe.


Stout, Oatmeal
Beer culture of origin England
AKA None
Related Styles English Stout, Sweet Stout, Milk Stout

Style Description
Along most specification variables, Oatmeal Stout ranges roughly between dry and
sweet stouts, though it often has a bit more alcoholic strength. It is very low in
diacetyl and hop flavor and aroma, which leaves room for the almost oily silkiness
and smoothness of oats to have their effect on the palate. The simplest source for
oats is your local grocery store. Quick oats are fine, instant oats are better because
they are more thoroughly pre-gelatinized.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann'" Pale
Ale 55 21.57 9.78 25.30 11.47 4.08 1.86
Caramunich• Ill 15 5.88 2.67 6.90 3.13 1.11 0.51
Caraaromae 15 5.88 2.67 6.90 3.13 1.11 0.51
Carafae I 5 1.96 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0.17
Quick or instant
oats from grocery
store 5 1.96 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0.17
Weyerman n"'
Roasted Barley
(un malted) 5 1.96 0.89 2.30 1.04 0.37 0.17
Total Grain 100 39.21 17.79 46.00 20.86 7.42 3.38
HOPS %AA 1 H L (oz) 1 H L (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Target 11 3.61 102 4.2 120 0.7 19
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Go I dings 5 0.94 27 1.1 31 0.2 5
Yeast English- or Scottish-style yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in as thick as possible @ 151 oF {66 °C). Rest 90 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F {8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 172 OF {78
oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp. Boil 90
min. 1st hops @ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 80 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 60 oF {16
oq for about 4 wks to keep the diacetyl level in check. Rack. Condition about 3 wks
@ same temp. Rack. Mature for 3 - 4 months. Package.


Stout, Russian I m peria l

Beer culture of origin England
AKA Extra Double Stout
Related Styles English Stout

Style Description
In the late 19th century the British Isles produced a plethora of Stouts, ranging in
gravities from perhaps lOOP (OG 1.040} for both the dry and sweet Stouts, to about
16 op {OG 1.064} for the single Stouts all the way to about 25 op {OG 1.100} or more
for the crown of them all, the Russian Imperial Stout-mature, inscrutably black,
strong, weighty, rich, and awesome-the basso in the matrix of Stouts. This super­
Stout for the Baltic export trade was brewed to an extraordinary strength of 8 to 11
percent alcohol by volume, and conditioned for months, even years. It was mashed
from a grain bill of pale ale, Pilsner, amber and black malts and preserved with often
four times the hops of a regular ale. Favored even at the banquets of the Czar's
Imperial Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg-hence it imperial name-this stout is a
harmonious marriage between the incredible finesse of British dark-ale brewing and
the somber melancholy of the Russian soul. Its grain bill is so hefty that it may push
the capacity limits of most mash tuns. Depending on the size of your mash tun, it
might be necessary to divide the massive grain bill into two portions, mash each of
them separately, and fill the fermenter on two consecutive brew days. To ensure
proper attenuation, the yeast pitch must be healthy and plentiful.

An English-style yeast may deliver the correct flavor, but it may not be able to go the
distance to full attenuation. Also suitable is a Scottish-style yeast, which may be more
robust. A Belgian Abbey-style yeast may be the safest bet, because of its high alcohol
tolerance. Perhaps the best pitch is a combination of all three yeasts.

80 11.7%
Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)
1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 HL (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermann• Pale
Ale 43 36.17 16.41 42.43 19.25 6.84 3.12
Pilsner 12.5 10.52 4.77 12.33 559 1.99 0.91
Caramunichl!l I l l 12.5 10.52 4.77 12.33 5.59 1.99 0.91
Caraaroma��> 12.5 10.52 4.77 12.33 5.59 1.99 0.91
Caraamber® 12.5 10.52 4.77 12.33 5.59 1.99 0.91
Carafa"' Ill 4 3.36 1.53 3.95 1 .79 0.64 0.29
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 3 2.52 1.14 2.96 1.34 0.48 0.22
Total Grain 100 84.12 38.16 98.67 44.76 15.91 7.25


HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Target 11 7.28 206 8.5 242 1.4 39
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Geldings 5 8.58 243 10.1 285 1.6 46
Yeast English-, Scottish-, and Abbey-style yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in as thick as possible @ 151 OF (66 °C). Rest 90 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 172 OF (78
oq for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp. Boil 90
min. 15t hops @ 30 min. 2nd hops @ 80 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 60 oF (16
oq for about 4 wks to keep the diacetyl level in check. Rack. Condition about 3 wks
@ same temp. Rack. Mature for 3 4 months. Package. -


Oats are usually added to the mash unmalted, at
no more than 10 percent of the total grain bill.
Oats give the finished beer added body, mouth
feel, and head retention, but can also create chill
hazes, which is one reason why they are used
mostly in dark beers. Oats must always be mashed
with other grains, because they have no diastatic
power- for lack of amylase enzymes). Their
relevant specifications are:

Color: 1 ol/1.45 EBC

Diastatic Power: 0.0 olindner
Maximum portion in grain bed: 10.0%
%DBFG/%DBCG Diff: 1.5 %
Total Protein: 9.0 %


The origin of the name Oyster Stout for

Sweet or Milk Stout does not come from
the practice of putting raw oysters into a
cask or adding oyster juice to it as a
flavoring. Rather, nourishing Sweet Stout
has long been a favorite beverage to
drink with oysters, especially in British
pubs. Placing in Stout was first tried not
in England, but in New Zealand i n 1929.


Stout, Sweet
Beer culture of origin England, Ireland
AKA Export Stout, Milk Stout, Oyster Stout
Related Styles English Stout

Style Description
While the classic Irish Stout excels in dryness and a complete lack of residual
sweetness, the fruity-creamy Sweet Stout-also known as Export Stout or Milk
Stout-excels in residual sweetness and a full-bodied finish. The term Milk Stout
derives from the fact that some varieties achieve their sweetness from the addition of
unfermentable lactose, the sugarfound in milk. In the recipe below, the sweetness is
achieved through the addition of a substantial amount of chocolate and caramel
malts to the grain bill. The alcohol content may vary between a low of 3 and a high of
4.6 percent by volume. The interpretation below is formulated for a /ower-alcohol
version. On the British Isles, this Stout was once considered beneficialfor lactating
ladies and thus frequently prescribedfor young mothers.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

% (lbs) (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) (kg) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
Weyermann� Pale
Ale 50 14.70 6.67 17.25 7.82 2.78 1.27
Caraaroma110 20 5.88 2.67 6.90 3.13 1.11 0.51
Weyerman n�
Caramunich0 Ill 10 2.94 1.33 3.45 1.56 0.56 0.25
Caraamber<9 10 2.94 1.33 3.45 1.56 0.56 0.25
Roasted Barley
(unmalted) 10 2.94 1.33 3.45 1.56 0.56 0.25
Total Grain 100 29.40 13.34 34.49 15.65 5.56 2.53
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Target 11 2.79 79 3.3 93 0.5 15
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast London ale yeast

Brewing Process
Single-step infusion: Mash in as thick as possible @ 151 OF (66 °C). Rest 90 min.
Recirculate. Sparge with 180°F (8 oq brewing liquor to raise mash temp to 172 °F (78
OC) for mash-out. Hold mash temp at that level. Adjust sparge water temp. Boil 90
min. Hops @ 30 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Primary fermentation @ 65 °F (18 °C) for
about 1 wk. Rack. Secondary fermentation about 3 wks @ same temp. Rack again,
condition for a wk. Package.


Vienna Lager
Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Oktoberfest/Marzen

Style Description
In many respects, the Vienna Lager, which is now rarely brewed, resembles the
Mdrzen-Oktoberfest, a close stylistic relative. It was first introduced in 1841 by the
Dreher Brewery in Schwechat, near Vienna. The Vienna's body is medium and malty;
its finish is slightly, but not cloyingly, sweet. Its hop loading, like that of a Mdrzen­
Oktoberfest, emphasizes aroma more so than bitterness, and its alcohol by volume is
usually around 5 percent-more in line with what Munich brewers call an Export than
with a Mdrzen-Oktoberfest, which tends to have an alcohol by volume level closer to
6%. Finally, the Vienna lager is a touch more reddish in color than the more golden­
amber typical Mdrzen-Oktoberfest.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded}

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 I (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Vienna so 18.08 8.20 21.21 9.62 3.42 1.56
Munich II 40 14.47 6.56 16.97 7.70 2.74 1.25
Caramunich"' I 5 1.81 0.82 2.12 0.9 6 0.34 0.16
Melanoidin 5 1.81 0.82 2.12 0.96 0.34 0.16
Total Grain 100 36.17 16.41 42.43 19.24 6.84 3.12
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Tradition 5.5 5.31 151 6.2 177 1.0 29
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Mittelfri.ih 4.25 3.49 99 4.1 116 0.7 19
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Bavarian-style lager yeast

Brewing Process
Dough in for a thick mash @ 122°F (50°C}. Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise temp to 151
OF (66 oc). Raise mash temperature to 170 OF {77 °C}. Lauter for 90 min. Boil 90 min.
15t hops @ 15 min. 2nd hops @ 75 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment @ 50 OF (10 oq for
2 wks. Rack. Lager close to freezing point for at least 4 wks. Rack again, condition,


Beer culture of origin Germany (Bavaria)
AKA Weizenbier, Weizen, Hefeweizen
Related Styles Kristallweizen (filtered), Dunkelweizen, Weizenbock,

Style Description
Weissbier or Hefeweizen evolved in Bavaria in the 16th century. Its signature flavor­
often described as phenolic, spicy, tart and fruity, with notes of clove, banana,
nutmeg, vanilla, apple, even bubblegum-comes exclusively from special Weissbier
yeast strains.

A mash-in temperature of 99 oF {37 oC) is particularlyfavorable to the formation of

ferulic acid, a precursor compound in malt for 4-vinyl guaiacol, a type of phenol,
which is largely responsiblefor the clove-banana Weissbier flavor. In Germany, the
modern Beer Purity Law stipulates that any beer called Weissbier on the label must
contain at least 50 percent wheat malt. It must also be an ale. Because wheat has a
relatively high glucan and protein content and very little husk material, which makes
for difficult lautering, Weissbier mashes rarely contain more than 70 percent wheat

Weissbiers are always malt-accented, with hop notes remaining in the background. A
delicate noble hop, such as Hallertauer MittelfriJh, therefore, is idealfor both
bittering and aroma. Weissbiers are usually fermented in open vessels for easy yeast

Weissbier is always unfiltered (the filtered version is called Kristallweizen), and

usually bottle-conditioned. For this, a fully fermented Weissbier is inoculated, just
before bottling, with Speise (fresh wort for priming} and fresh yeast. The yeast can be
pitched into the Speise. If no Speise is available, an amber liquid malt extract (LME}
can be used as a substitute priming agent.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 19 1
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 1 BBL (kg) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermanne Pale
Wheat Malt 55 20.73 9.40 24.31 11.03 3.92 1.79
Pilsner 20 7.54 3.42 8.84 4.01 1.43 0.65
Carahell® 15 5.65 2.56 6.63 3.01 1.07 0.49
Munich 11 7 1.13 0.51 1.33 0.60 0.21 0.10
Acidulated 3 2.64 1.20 3.09 1.40 0.50 0.23
Total Grain 100 37.69 17.09 44.21 20.05 7.13 3.25


HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Ba rth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh or
equivalent 4.2 3.93 112 4.6 131 0.7 21
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh or
equivalent 4.2 5.25 150 6.13 175 0.93 28
Yeast Bavarian Hefeweizen Yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash in with approx. 65% of net kettle volume of brewing liquor
@ 99 oF {37 OC); raise temp to 113 oF {45 °C); rest for 10 min; raise temp to 126 oF {52
oq; rest 10 min; raise temp to 144 °F {62 oq; rest 30 min; raise temp to 162 °F {72
oq; rest 30 min; raise temp to mash-out @ 172oF {78°C}. Sparge/lauter 100 min. Boil
60 min. Bittering hops after 15 min. Aroma hops in whirlpool. Ferment in open
fermenter @ 64 - 75 °F (18 - 24 °C}, depending on selected yeast strain.

Speise/priming: At terminal gravity, which is likely to occur around 2.85 op (1.011},

pitch fresh Bavarian Hefeweizen yeast and add enough fresh Weissbier wort (approx.
8% - 9% of finished beer volume) to raise gravity to approx. 4 op (1.016}.
Alternatively, add Weyermann® Munich Amber Liquid Malt Extract to prime the
brew. The approximate quantities of LME are: 4.28 lbs LME/bbl of finished beer;
3.65 lbs LME/hl of finished beer; 1.66 kg LME/hl of finished beer; or 0.14 lbs LME/gal
of finished beer.

Package primed brew immediately into kegs, bottles, or serving tank. Warm­
condition packaged beer 7 - 8 days @ approx. 68 OF (20 °C}. Pressure should not
exceed 2.6 bar (37. 7 psi). Finally, cold-condition packaged beer @ 41 oF (5 oq for
another 2 wks.


On its home turf in Bavaria, a properly
brewed wheat ale is usually referred to as
Weissbier (German for "white beer) or
Weizenbier ("wheat beer"), while In North
America this beer is called by its now less
common German name of Hefeweizen
(literally "yeast wheat"). The modern
German Beer Purity Law defines
Weizenbier as any top-fe rmented brew
that is made with at least 50 percent
wheat. A few breweries mash their
Weissbiers with as much as 75 percent


Beer culture of origin Germany
AKA None
Related Styles Weissbier/Hefeweizen, Bockbier

Style Description
While Bockbier is a barley-only strong Bavarian lager, Weizenbock is a wheat-and­
barely strong Bavarian ale. Brew-technically, Weizenbock can be infusion-mashed
like a Hefeweizen/Weissbier or decoction-mashed like a barley-based Bockbier. The
recipe below contains instructions for either method. Compared to the pole
Hefeweizen/Weissbier grain bill, the Weizenbock grain bill is slanted slightly towards
darker malts.

Like a Hefeweizen/Weissbier, a Weizenbock is usually bottle-conditioned. For this, a

fully fermented Weizenbock is inoculation, just before bottling, with Speise (fresh
wort for priming) and fresh yeast. The yeast can be pitched into the Speise. If no
Speise is available, an amber liquid malt extract (LME) can be used as a substitute
priming agent. For a Weizendoppelbock, simply increase the grain bill proportionally
to your heart's content. For a Weizeneisbock, make a Weizendoppelbock, then follow
the analogous instructions for a barley-based Eisbock (see entry).


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 Hl 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Weyermannl!l Pale
Wheat Malt 55 26.66 12.09 31.27 14.18 5.04 2.30
Pilsner 20 9.69 4.40 11.37 5.16 1.83 0.84
Carahell® 7.5 3.64 1.65 4.26 1.93 0.69 0.31
Weyermann<�> Dark
Wheat 7.5 3.64 1.65 4.26 1.93 0.69 0.31
Carawheat"' 7.5 3.64 1.65 4.26 1.93 0.69 0.31
Acidulated 2.5 1.21 0.55 1.42 0.64 0.23 0.10
Total Grain 100 48.47 21.99 56.86 25.79 9.17 4.18
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Mittelfruh or
eq uivalent 4.2 6.46 183 7.6 215 1.2 35
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh or
equivalent 4.2 5.25 150 6.1 175 0.9 28
Yeast Bavarian Hefeweizen Yeast


Brewing Process (Infusion)

Mash in with approx. 65% of expected net kettle volume of brewing liquor @ 99 OF
(37 OC); raise temp to 113 oF (45 oq; rest for 10 min; raise temp to 126 OF (52 OC); rest
10 min; raise temp to 144 oF (62 oq; rest 30 min; raise temp to 162 oF (72 oq ; rest 30
min; raise temp to mash-out @ 172°F (78°C}. Sparge/lauter 100 min. Boil 60 min.
Bittering hops after 15 min. Aroma hops in whirlpool. Ferment in open fermenter @
64 - 75 °F ( 1 8 - 24 °C}, depending on selected yeast strain.

Speise/priming: At terminal gravity, pitch fresh Bavarian Hefeweizen yeast and add
enough fresh Weissbier wort (approx. 8% - 9% of finished beer volume) to raise
gravity to approx. 4 op (1.016}. Alternatively, add Weyermann® Munich Amber Liquid
Malt Extract to prime the brew. The approximate quantities of LME are: 4.28 lbs
LME/bbl of finished beer; 3.65 lbs LME/hl of finished beer; 1.66 kg LME/hl of finished
beer; or 0.14 1bs LME/gal of finished beer.

Package primed brew immediately into kegs, bottles, or serving tank. Warm­
condition packaged beer 7 - 8 days @ approx. 68 oF (20 °C}. Pressure should not
exceed 2.6 bar (37. 7 psi). Finally, cold-condition packaged beer @ 41 OF (5 oq for
another 2 wks.

Brewing Process (Double Decoction)

Mash in main mash at 99 oF (37 oq ; rest 30 minutes for proper grist hydration and
activation of phytase for some mash acidification.

Draw 1st decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (10 - 15 min). Rest
decoction @ 149 OF (65 oq for 30 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Rest decoction @
162 ° F (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil decoction @ 212 °F (100 oq
for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest main mash @ 149 OF (65 oq
for 10 min. Draw 2"d decoction (one-third of main mash). Heat decoction (5 - 10
min). Rest decoction @ 162 OF (72 oq for 10 min. Heat decoction (10 min). Boil
decoction @ 212 OF (100 oq for 10 min. Reintroduce decoction to main mash. Rest
main mash @ 162 °F (72 °C} for 10 min. Raise temp of main mash to 171 OF (77 °C).
Rest 15 min. Recirculate (5 min). Start lautering and sparging slowly ( ! ) for about 3
hrs until kettle full. Bittering hops after 15 min. Aroma hops in whirlpool. Ferment in
open fermenter @ 64 - 75 OF (18 - 24 °C}, depending on selected yeast strain.

Speise/priming: At terminal gravity, pitch fresh Bavarian Hefeweizen yeast and add
enough fresh Weissbier wort (approx. 8% - 9% of finished beer volume) to raise
gravity to approx. 4 op (1.016}. Alternatively, add Weyermann® Munich Amber Liquid
Malt Extract to prime the brew. The approximate quantities of LME are: 4.28 lbs
LME/bbl of finished beer; 3.65 lbs LME/hl of finished beer; 1.66 kg LME/hl of finished
beer; or 0.14 lbs LME/gal of finished beer.

Package primed brew immediately into kegs, bottles, or serving tank. Warm­
condition packaged beer 7 - 8 days @ approx. 68 OF (20 °C}. Pressure should not
exceed 2.6 bar (37.7 psi). Finally, cold-condition packaged beer @ 41 oF (5 oq for
another 2 wks.


Beer culture of origin Germany (Cologne region in the Rhineland)
AKA None
Related Styles Kelsch, Altbier, as well as medieval Keutebier and

Style Description
Wiess-meaning "white" in the Lower Rhineland German dialect-is a type of
unfiltered Kolsch that was once common in Cologne, especially in the late 1
century. The style became practically extinct, however, at the beginning of the 20th
century, when the easy-drinking, brilliantly blond, and severely filtered modern
Kolsch completely replaced it as the default quaffing and session beer of the locals.
While the KO/sch is an all-barley based ale, the Wiess was an unfiltered ale, made
from a base of pale barley malt and up to 20 percent (rarely more) pale wheat malt.

Historically, the Wiess is an evolutionary link between the modern Kolsch and the
medieval Keutebier, a wheat-and-barley ale that evolved from the Mumme, a strong,
brown, low-attenuation, high-gravity trading ale from the City of Brunswick
{Braunschweig in German). The Mumme was once the most common beer in the
world, because, between the 1 3 and 16th centuries, it was transported in ketches of
the Hanseatic League to all the far corners on the then-known world. Keutebier is the
common ancestor of the modern Altbier and, through the Wiess, of the modern
Kolsch as well.

With the resurgent interest in heirloom beer styles, Wiess is now being revived,
especially in brewpubs. The recipe below is based on a regular Kolsch brewing
process, with a continuous infusion mash and a 90-minute boil.

Ingredients @ nominal SO% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 80 26.52 12.03 31.11 14.11 5.02 2.29
Weyermann"' Pale
Wheat Malt 20 6.63 3.01 7.78 3.53 1.25 0.57
Total Grain 100 33.15 15.04 38.88 17.64 6.27 .
2 86
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hallertauer
Perle 6.5 2.02 57 2.4 67 0.4 11
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Spalter 4 3.00 85 3.5 100 0.6 16
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Hersbrucker 2.25 1.80 51 2.1 60 0.3 10
Yeast Kolsch yeast


Brewing Process
Mash in thick @ 110 OF (4 3 °C). Infuse and raise temp by about 1 °F (0.5 oq per min.
to 146 OF (66 °C). Rest 30 min. Infuse and raise temp to 158 OF (70 °C}. Rest 15 min.
Infuse and raise temp to mash-out @ 170° F {78° C). Sparge 45 - 60 min. Boil 90 min.
l5t hops @ 5 min. 2"d hops @ 40 min. 3 rd hops @ 80 min. Whirlpool 30 min. Ferment
for 2 wks. @ 59 O F - 65 OF (15 oc - 18 °C). Rack. Lager 6 - 8 wks. Rack, condition,


Wheat beer has apparently been brewed in Bavaria (and
probably in Bohemia, too) since the Bronze Age. Proof of this is a
2,800-year old earthenware fermentation amphora discovered
in 1934 in a Celtic tribal burial mound near the small village of
Kasendorf, outside Kulmbach, in northern Bavaria. The amphora
can now be seen in the Kulmbach Beer Museum. Scientists have
determined that the residues in the amphora are from dark
wheat beer flavored with oak leaves.

In 1520, the feudal ruler of Bavaria, Duke Wilhelm IV of the

Wittelsbach dynasty, rewarded one of his vassals, Duke Hans VI
of Degenberg from the village of Schwarzach in the Bavarian
Forest, with the exclusive privilege, in perpetuity, to brew and
sell "white beer" (Weissbier) in this hinterland region. Perhaps
unexpectedly, the Degen bergs were able to make quite a profit
from their new monopoly. They thus aroused the jealousy of
their erstwhile benefactor. Under feudal law, however, a
privilege once given could not be revoked. In 1602, however,
Duke Sigismund of Degen berg died without leaving an heir. Now
that the Degenberg clan had become extinct, all the clan's
hereditary privileges, including their Weissbier monopoly,
reverted back to the Wittelsbach ruler of the day, Duke
Maximilian I.

Maximilian promptly continued the Weissbier monopoly, now

owned by him, and insisted that all pubs in his realm had to
serve Weissbier purchased from the Duke's breweries. He also
built a "white" brewery in downtown Munich, which opened in
1605 on the location of the current landmark Hofbrauhaus. The
Wittelsbach Weissbier monopoly lasted until the middle of the
19111 century, when "white beer" gradually fell out of fashion and
the traditional Bavarian brown lager started to make a
comeback. In 1856, the Wittelsbachs sold the Weissbier brew
rights to a brewer named George Schneider I, whose
descendants still make Weissbier today.


Witbier/Biere blanche
Beer culture of origin Belgium
AKA Belgian White Ale
Related Styles Biere de saison; French biere de mars

Style Description
Witbier or biere blanche in French is the Belgian equivalent of a German
Hefeweizen/Weissbier, but without the clove, banana, and bubblegum notes that
come from the Hefeweizen yeast. It also has a kinship with an Alsatian biere de mars.
This brew is fermented cleanly with a Belgian Witbier yeast and then spiced with
coriander and bitter orange Curacao peel, both ground before being immersed in a
steeping bag in the hot kettle wort. The beer is nicely effervescent and makes a
refreshing summer quaffing ale, especially when served chilled at a cellar
temperature of about 54 OF {12 oc).

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 BBL 19 1
MALT % 1 H L (kg) 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
Pilsner 55 19.06 8.65 22.36 10.14 3.61 1.64
Weyermann"' Pale
Wheat Malt 45 15.6 7.07 18.29 8.30 2.95 1.34
Total Grain 100 34.66 15.72 40.65 18.44 6.56 2.99
ground coriander 0.17 0.077 0.199 0.091 0.032 O.DlS
bitter Curacao orange peel 0.083 0.038 0.097 0.044 0.016 0.007
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Styria n
Golding 5 1.23 35 1.4 41 0.2 7
Flavor: Barth-Haas
Saaz 4.5 3.66 104 4.3 122 0.7 20
Aroma: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Yeast Belgian Witbier yeast

Brewing Process
Step-infusion. Mash in at about 144 OF (62 oc). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 164 OF (73
oC) for mash-out. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 75 min. 1 st hops @ 15 min; 2nd hops @ 30
min. Spices in steeping bag on a string @ 60 min. Depending on selected yeast strain,
ferment @ 70 OF (21 oq for up to 2 wks. Rack. Condition for 2 wks @ 54 °F (12 °C).
Package unfiltered.


Beer culture of origin Germany, Bavarian
AKA None
Related Styles Zwickelbier, Kellerbier

Style Description
Zoiglbier is very similar to Kellerbier and Zwickelbier (see entries), but it is
traditionally more effervescent than Kellerbier and less than Zwickelbier. Near the
end of its maturation with active yeast in casks (or, today, modern tanks) the brew is
bunged or capped ("gespundet" in German). Zoiglbier, like Zwickelbier, has an
alcohol content below 5 percent by volume. Its color is also roughly half-way between
Kellerbier and Zwickelbier. It is the least happy of the three brews, and nowadays is
brewed exclusively with Hallertauer Mittelfriih. While Kellerbier is aged for months,
Zoiglbier is usually aged for only a few weeks.

Zoiglbier has its origin in medieval Franconian homebrews. "Zoigl" is the Franconian
vernacularfor "sign." In Franconian medieval home- and farm-brewing, a Zoigl was a
six-pointed white-and-blue star, made from two triangles of wooden slats and
assembled into a shape that is similar to the Star of David. Inside the star was usually
a cutout of a beer mug or a pine branch.

Burghers and farmers used to hang a Zoigl in front of their doors whenever they had
homebrew ready to drink. It was an invitation to the neighbors to come over and
have a few. One triangle of a Zoigl symbolized the three elements involved in
brewing: fire, water, and air. The other triangle symbolized the three ingredients of
brewing: malt, hops and water.

Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency {rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
{lbs) (kg) (kg)
P i ls ner 46.75 16.56 7.51 19.42 8.81 3.13 1.43
Munich II 52 18.41 8.35 21.60 9.80 3.48 1.59
Weye rman n <!>
Carafa® I 1.25 0.44 0.20 0.52 0.24 0.08 0.04
Total Grain 100 35.50 16.10 41.64 18.89 6.72 3.06
HOPS %AA 1 HL (oz) 1 HL {g) 1 BBL {oz) 1 BBL {g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 1 (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hersbrucker 14.5 1.79 51 2.1 60 0.3 10
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 0.72 20 0.8 24 0.1 4
Yeast Bavarian lager yeast


Brewing Process
M ulti-step infusion. Mash in @ 122 OF (SO 0C). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 148 OF (64
°C). Rest 15 min. Raise temp to 156 OF (69 °C}. Rest 15 min. Raise temp to 170 °F (77
0C). Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 90 mi n . l5t hops @ 30 mi n . 2 nd hops in whirlpool.
Ferment @ 48 OF (9 oq to the finish for about 3 wks. Warm up to room temp for 2-
day diacetyl rest. Rack, condition, and package yeast-turbid.


The German Beer Tax Law levies dues on brewers based
on the kettle gravity of their beers, before they are
fermented. There are four such categories:

Einfachbier: The word literally means "simple" or

"plain" beer. It is defined as any brew, regardless of color
or composition, with a taxable extract value of 2 - 5.5%,
which usually produces an alcohol by volume content of
0.5 to 1.5%, slightly above non-alcoholic beers and
slightly below Leichtbiers. Only very few breweries make
Einfachbier nowadays, and the category holds no more
than 0.1% market share in Germany.

Schankbier: The word literally means "tap" or "draft"

beer. Only very few styles and brands fall into the
category. Schankbiers have only a 0.2% market share.
They have an extract value in the 7 to 8% range, and
their alcohol by volume level tends to be between 0.5
and 2.6%. Berliner Weisse falls into this category.

Vollbier: The word literally means "full" or "entire"

beer. It contains 11 to 14% extract. This beer category
holds about 99% market share in Germany. A
completely fermented Vollbier usually has between 3
and 5.3% alcohol by volume. Pils, Helles and Weissbier
(Hefeweizen) belong in this category.

Starkbier: The word literally means "strong" beer. All

beers with an extract value exceeding 16% are
Starkbiers. Their alcohol level is invariably above 5%
and rarely more than 10%. Though many beer styles
fall into this category, all Starkbiers combined hold
only a 0.7% market share. All Bockbiers, Doppelbocks,
and Eisbocks are Starkbiers.


Beer culture of origin Germany, Bavarian
AKA None
Related Styles Kellerbier, Zoiglbier

Style Description
Zwickelbier is very similar to Kellerbier (see entry), but it is traditionally more
effervescent because, unlike Kellerbier, during its maturation with active yeast in
casks (or, today, modern tanks} the brew is bunged or capped ("gespundet" in
German). This allows for just enough carbon dioxide to build up, giving the
Zwickelbier a nice creamy head when poured into a glass. Zwickelbier is also less hop­
accented than Kellerbier, as well as a bit darker than Kellerbier because of a small
addition of highly kilned caramel malts. Milder versions of Zwickelbier are sometimes
brewed with de-husked malt as isfeatured in the recipe below. With an alcohol
content of usually below 5 percent by volume, it is slightly weaker that the Marzen­
strength Kel/erbier. Finally, while Kellerbier is aged for months, Zwickelbier does not
have any barrique characteristics, because it tends to be served as soon as its
fermentation is finished. Hence its name: Zwickel means sampling cock in German.


Ingredients @ nominal 80% system extract efficiency (rounded)

1 HL 1 HL 1 BBL
MALT % 1 BBL (lbs) 5 Gal (lbs) 19 1 (kg)
(lbs) (kg) (kg)
P i lsne r 58 20.54 9.32 24.09 10.93 3.89 1.77
Munich II 38 13.46 6.10 15.78 7.16 2.55 1.16
Carafa® I 4 1.42 0.64 1.66 0.75 0.27 0.12
Total Grain 100 35.41 16.06 41.54 18.84 6.70 3.05
HOPS %AA 1 Hl (oz) 1 Hl (g) 1 BBL (oz) 1 BBL (g) 5 Gal (oz) 19 I (g)
Bittering: Barth-
Haas Hersbrucker 14.5 2.03 58 2.4 68 0.4 11
Flavor: None 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Aroma: Barth-Haas
Mittelfruh 4.25 1.22 35 1.4 41 0.2 7
Yeast Bavarian lager yeast

Brewing Process
Multi-step infusion. Mash i n @ 122 OF (50 oc). Rest 30 min. Raise temp to 148 °F (64
0C}. Rest 15 min. Raise temp to 156 °F (69 °C). Rest 15 min. Raise temp to 170 OF (77
0C}. Recirculate. Lauter. Boil 90 min. 1 st hops @ 30 min. 2 nd hops in whirlpool.
Ferment @ 48 OF (9 oq to the finish for about 3 wks. Warm up to room temp for 2-
day diacetyl rest. Rack, condition, and package yeast-turbid.


en f


Selection Criteria for 11Minor" Beer Styles

The beer styles selected for this appendix are those, which the author and technical
editors judged to be of interest, h istorically or otherwise, but did not merit a place
among the 101 "major" styles featured in this book with a full-blown recipe. They
are listed in this Appendix with brief descriptions or definitions mostly because, to
paraphrase Sir Edmund Hillary, the first climber of Mount Everest, "they are there."

Here is an explanation of the groups of styles you can find in the Appendix:

• Styles about which not much is known, except that they once existed. These
include La Blonde van Vlaanderen and Louvain Peeterman Wit, for instance.
Constructing recipes for these brews with any claim of authenticity would be
difficult if not futile.

• Several other historical styles are included here even though plenty of
information is available about them. However, these beers are hardly made
today. Typical examples of this group are Mumme, Keutebier, and Broyhan
Bier, which were truly ubiquitous beer styles at their time, when Northern
Europe as well as international beer commerce was dominated by the
Hanseatic League, a private merchant trading empire that was founded in
Lubeck i n 1241 and formally dissolved in 1669.

• Then there are styles whose key ingredients are difficult to impossible to find
or their processes are so obscure that few brewers would venture to make
them. Including such styles with a full-blown recipe i n this book would have
shifted the focus from a practical guide to an encyclopedic collection. Styles
in this group include, for instance, Chicha, Quinoa Beer, and Steinbier.

• Other beer designations, though i n use today, such as Landbier, Erntebier, or

Krausenbier, are really more marketing terms than bona fide beer styles.
Their definitions are included in this Appendix.

• Several beer mix drinks such as Radler or Shandy are listed in the Appendix,
as are Black&Tan and WeiPi, two beer blends mixed from beer that are
covered i n the recipe section.

• Finally, for terminological completeness, there are a few very brief references
to fermented beverages that technically are not "beers" at all, such as
Koumiss or Kefir.


Alster or Alsterwasser
Northern German version of Bavarian Radler or Radlermass (see entry).

American Wild Ale

Inspired by Belgian Lambics and Flemish Red Ales, American Wild Ale is emerging as
a category of American Ales (any ale) fermented with Brettanomyces for the
characteristic sour notes reminiscent of horse sweat.

Biere des mars, Belgian

See Kriek, Lambie.

One of two German terms for organic beer. The other term is Okobier. See organic

A mixture of pale beer (usually ale) and stout, also known as half and half. The two
beers are poured carefully and separately into the same glass so that they remain
layered. The brew with the higher gravity, usually the pale brew, needs to be poured
first so that the brew with the lower gravity can float on top. Some breweries now
package a pre-mixed Black&Tan, which, when poured is, of course, not layered.

La Blonde van Vlaanderen

An obscure Belgian beer made with oatmeal.

Broyhan Beer
Named after Hanoverian brew master Cord Broyhan, who lived in the early part of
the 16th century. His beer was a form of Mumme (see entry), a well-hopped light
brown ale mashed from one-third wheat and two-thirds barley.

Canadian Ale
A beer that is difficult to define. Generally it refers to an ale made in Canada, with
relatively little hops and relatively more alcohol (perhaps 5 ABV). It has a flavor
profile somewhere between an English Pale Ale and the North American Lager.

See Kriek, Lambie.

Champagne Ale
Usually a Belgian blond, strong ale that is finished like champagne. In the methode
champenoise, the brew undergoes three separate fermentations, each being best
served by a different yeast strain.

Primary fermentation is usually by a clean-fermenting Belgian ale yeast. Secondary

fermentation is by an alcohol-tolerant champagne yeast. Tertiary fermentation
called the prise de mousse (literally: "absorption of foam") occurs in a champagne
bottle, for almost four months, with the bottle kept neck down, on the lees (sur lie),


usually with a resilient eau de vie yeast with a clean profile and an alcohol tolerance
of perhaps 21 percent.

Two months into the prise de mousse, the brew undergoes a remuage (riddling}. This
involves twisting each bottle sharply one-quarter turn with the flick of the wrist. It
helps to firmly lodge all sediment in the bottle neck. This should be done once a day
for two weeks. Then the brew rests undisturbed for another month to completely

Next comes the degorgement, the removal of the sediment. For this the bottle neck
must be frozen until the debris becomes an icy plug. The bottle is open upside down
until the pressure in the bottle forces the plug to be disgorged. At this point the
bottle must be rightened immediately, the lost liquid replenished with fresh brew,
the so-called dosage; and then the bottle should be re-sealed with a champagne cork
and plug and a new wire cage.

A South American pale ale prepared from corn. Because corn has no amylase,
traditional Chicha-makers used to chew the corn, thus exposing it to ptyalin, a type
of amylase in human saliva. They then spat the chewed corn into a communal
trough. The ptyalin performs the same function as amylase in grain: It converts
starches to maltose sugar and thus makes the starches accessible for yeast
metabolism. Chicha made by this method contains about 1 3 percent ABV.

Chocolate Ale/Lager
A recent American experimental brew, involving the aging of beer o n cocoa chits.

Christmas Beer
A specialty beer often brewed with spices for the winter holiday season. One of the
classic Christmas beers is called Winter Warmer.

Literally "diet beer," this is the German designation of a beer type brewed
specifically for people suffering from diabetes, a condition that is characterized by
the body's inability to process glucose, a type of sugar. Diatbier is fermented
completely to the finish, without any residual sugars left. It is thus extremely dry.
Because of the way diet beer is made, even though it has nearly no residual sugar, it
has approximately the same alcohol content as a comparable regular beer.

A German beer mix usually of lager and a cola-type soft drink. The mixture has the
color of Diesel fuel, which explains the name. There are variations on the Diesel­
theme: A lager-cola mix is also known as a Colabier or Gespritzter. A Hefeweizen-cola
mix is a Colaweizen, Flieger ("Aviator"), or "Turbo." Pilsner-cola or Altbier-cola is a
Krefelder. A Greifswalder is a Schwarzbier-cola, a Brummbar ("Brown Bear"), a Stout­
cola or a Porter-cola.


An obscure dark and heavy Belgian brew. Not much is known about it.

Literally "thin beer," this is a German designation for a relatively low-alcohol beer
(about 4.5 to 5.5% extract value and roughly 2 - 3% alcohol by volume). It falls into
the Einfachbier tax category (see entry). Traditionally, Dunnbier was brewed in the
industrial north of Germany for the coal and steel workers, where they drank it all
day long. The beer was provided free of charge in unlimited quantities by their
employers. Dunnbier tastes similar to Erntebier (see entry), which it resembles brew­
technically. Perhaps the closest popular relative to Dunnbier is Leichtbier or Light

A black elderberry ale, apparently introduced to Scotland by Welsh druids in the
century AD to be drunk at Celtic autumn festivals. It probably had about 6.5 percent
ABV and may have been made from a mash of barley malt and unmalted roasted
oats and barley.

See Dinkelbier.

Literally "harvest beer" in German, this is a thin, relatively low-alcohol beer (about
4.5 - 5.5% extract value and roughly 2 - 3 percent alcohol by volume, rarely
stronger). Traditionally, Erntebier falls into the Einfachbier tax category (see entry). It
started as a seasonal brew made by farmers to be drunk at lunchtime in the fields
during the harvest. It was customary for the farmers' children to take earthenware
crocks of Erntebier to their elders at noon. Several breweries, especially in Bavaria,
still make a commercial Erntebier today, though such modern versions tend to be
slightly higher in alcohol than the original homebrewed Erntebiers. A typical
Erntebier is mildly hopped with a fairly weak body. It is only moderately effervescent
and does not keep its head very well because of its lack of body. Most Erntebiers are
brewed to a very pale color.

See Lambie.

A German specialty brew, usually a Bock or Doppelbock, often dark. More often than
not, it is like an Oktoberfestbier (see entry). In most locations, Festbier is timed for
fall consumption, especially in the south of Germany. In some locations, however,
Festbier may also be brewed as a springtime specialty.

See Kriek, Lambie.


Scottish heather ale. See Gruitbier.

Literary "something frozen," a term in the Franconian vernacular for Eisbock. The
spelling in High German would be "Gefrorenes."

Ginger Beer
Not a beer, but a soft drink originally from Jamaica. English Shandy (see entry) is
conventionally a mixture of pale beer (often an ale) and ginger beer.

Gluten-Free Beer
Beers brewed primarily from sorghum (see Appendix entry) and/or buckwheat as
well as millet, quinoa, or rice, for instance, which do not contain gluten-unlike
barley, wheat, rye, spelt, oats, and kamut. Gluten is a type of grain protein that
causes damage to the intestines of people diagnosed with Celiac Disease. Such Celiac
sufferers, therefore, cannot drink regular beer.

Gratzer Bier
Gratz is the German name for the Polish town of Grodzisk, the origin of a low-gravity,
pale, h ighly-hopped ale made mostly from smoked wheat malt.

A form of Gruitbier (see entry). The term comes from the Gaelic "Groseid," a brew
made by Scottish monks and alewives from barley and wheat malt and flavored with
bog myrtle, hops, and meadowsweet. It was secondary-fermented, almost like a
Kriek (see entry), with ripe Scottish gooseberries.

Grunkernbier is made from unripe Dinkel (see Dinkelbier) with the starch not fully

See Lambie.

Heather Ale
See Gruitbier.

Honey Beer
See Braggot.

A highly hopped type of Mumme (see entry), originally from Hamburg. This beer was
particular popular in the 16th and lih centuries. Danziger Jopenbier from what is
now the Polish City of Gdansk, was also well known at the time.


Kamut Beer
Kamut is scientifically known as QK-77. It is an ancient strain of wheat that contains
about 30 percent more protein than wheat. Related to durum wheat, it was allegedly
cultivated in Egypt during the reign of the Pharaohs. An individual grain of Kamut
looks like regular wheat only the individual grain seed is more than twice the length
of regular wheat. Like wheat, it can be used for both bread- and beer-making.

Often listed in publications about beer, Kefir is strictly speaking not a beer, because
it is not made from grain but from camel's milk. It is fermented like beer, whereby
the carbohydrate source is lactose, the sugar found in milk, which can give it up to
2.5 percent ABV. Kefir comes from the Caucasus, a mountain range between the
Caspian and Black seas.

An ale made from malted barley that is fertilized in the field with seaweed.
Apparently of medieval Scottish origin, this ale used to be served in alehouses there.
The flavor can be slightly imitated by adding a small amount of fresh seaweed into
the mash.

A northern German, medieval precursor to Altbier and Kelsch, this ale was mashed
from an uncertain mixture of barley and wheat malt, usually kilned over smoky,
direct-fired kilns, originally flavored with herbs (see Gruitbier), later with hops. One
interesting statistic: In 1494, there were 64 breweries in Cologne, producing a
combined total of 65,000 hectoliters (about 55,000 bbl) of Keutebier per year.

Really not a beer, because not made from grain, Koumiss, like Kefir, is a fermented
milk drink, fermented from mare's or camel's milk.

A rarely used German term for a beer secondary-fermented by the addition of
"Speise" for "Krausen," that is, the addition of fresh wort as a priming agent to a fully
fermented brew.

A Russian beer style made partially from stale rye bread, just as beer used to be
made from half-baked loaves of bread in ancient Mesopotamia and in Central
Europe by Celtic and Germanic tribes before the arrival of the Romans north of the
Alps. The brew is traditionally with fruit or herbs, including mint, raisins, apples,
berries, even birch sap collected like maple sap in early spring. For additional
strength, kvass may be fortified with sugar. The name comes from the Russian word
for "leaven." The bread for Kvass can be made not just from rye, but also from wheat
or barley. Traditionally, the fermentation agent for Kvass is ordinary baker's bread


Literally "country beer," this is a generic German term denoting a simple every-day
session or quaffing brew. As an easy-drinking beer, it is usually not too happy. Its
other characteristics, however, are undefined. A Landbier is usually golden-yellow,
but it may also be dark; it may be filtered or not, and its alcohol by volume level may
range between 4.8% and 5.3%. For many breweries, the term Landbier has more to
do with branding a particular line of beer than with brewing a beer according to a
style definition.

The German term for light beer. In Germany, Leichtbier is just a lighter version, in
terms of alcoholic strength and calories, of a regular beer. Most, though not all,
Leichtbiers tend to have an alcohol content by volume of approximately 2% to 3.2%,
which places them in the Schankbier category, that is, above the alkoholfrei (non­
alcoholic) category of less than 0.5% alcohol by volume and below the Vollbier
(entire beer) category, which usually falls into the 4.5% to 5% alcohol-by-volume
range. America's best-selling beer brand, Bud Light, by comparison, has an alcohol by
volume level of 3.6%.

Liege Saison
A low-gravity, highly hopped Belgian brew with a small amount of spelt as part of the
grain bill.

Louvain Peeterman Wit/biere blanche

The low-gravity (OG 1.025 - OG 1.030; 6 o p - 7 op), Belgian Peeterman beer from
Leuwen/Louvain outside Brussels is a white ale made from three-quarters air-dried
malt and one-quarter unmalted wheat or three-quarters air-dried malt and one­
quarter unmalted oats. In the fermenter, unboiled Speise with live microbes
including Lactobacillus is added as krausen.

Literally "malt beer," this German designation is for a type of non-alcoholic beer,
which, by law, must have an alcohol-by-volume content of no more than 0.5%. It is
unrelated to the similar-sounding American "malt liquor," which is a high-alcohol
brew. Malzbier is generally dark and sweet. It is produced by brewing a regular, low­
hopped, dark beer that could have evolved into a normal dark beer with about 4.8%

More often than not, Malzbier is brewed as an ale, not a lager. It becomes a Malzbier
simply because the brewer chills the brew down to the freezing point before adding
the yeast. At this temperature, the yeast remains virtually dormant and
fermentation is very slow and sparse, even though there is plenty of sugar for the
yeast to metabolize. Thus, the sugars remain largely unfermented-hence the brew's
incredibly malty sweetness.

Before bottling, Malzbier needs to be filtered or pasteurized to remove or kill all the
yeast. Malzbier is usually made from malted barley, but it may also be brewed like a


wheat beer from a combination of malted wheat and barley, in which case it is called
Weizenmalzbier ("wheat malt beer"). Because this brew is also popular as an energy
drink it is also called Kraftbier ("strength bier") or Nahrbier ("nourishment beer"). A
particularly sweet version of Malzbier is Karamelbier and Doppelkaramelbier, two
low-hop Malzbier versions brewed with caramel malts and often enriched with
glucose or sucrose syrup.

A brew made from honey, usually diluted with water or wort, and fermented like a
beer. If it is a fermented mixture of malt wort and honey, it is typically called Braggot
(see recipe).

Millet Beer
This brew is a n alcoholic beverage of African origin. It is also known as Chibuku made
from malted millet, a true grain. Similar African beers are sorghum beer and maize
beer. The latter is also known as maize liquor or Kisasho.

Molasses Beer
Molasses, the extract of sugar cane, is highly fermentable and has been used as a n
adjunct in beer in the New World (as has maple syrup). George Washington, the
United States' first president was a molasses ale homebrewer. Here is the recipe,
with the old-style spelling and punctuation in original form. This recipe is now in the
Precious Book Department of the New York Public Library. It makes a brew of
roughly 11 percent alcohol by volume.

'To Make Small Beer: Take a large sifferfull of bran hops to your taste-boil these 3
hours. Then strain our 30 go/In into a cooler put in 3 galln molasses while the beer is
scalding hot or rather draw the molasses into the cooler. Strain the beer on it while
boiling hot, let this stand till it is little more than blood warm. Then put in a quart of
yest if the weather is very cold cover it over with a blank Jet it work in the cask­
Leave the bung open till it is almost done working-Bottle it that day week it was
brewed. "

This medieval ale was once the most popular beer in the world. It was the main
trading beer of the Hanseatic League for about three centuries. The brew takes its
name from Christian Mumme, a brewer master in the City of Brunswick
(Braunschweig in German), who is on record as having concocted a thickish, hopped
barley beer in 1492, the year, incidentally, of Christopher Columbus' first voyage to
America. Apparently, Mumme was a darkish, heavy ale brewed to a fairly high
original gravity but also to a fairly high terminal gravity, perhaps in the 9 op (FG
1,030) range.

We can surmise that the lack of complete fermentations was the result of poorly
attenuating yeast strains, because, in the Middle Ages, many tradesmen were
combination baker-brewers, who made both the people's solid and liquid bread in
the same facility, using the same microbes for leavening and fermentation. Mumme


eventually evolved into a style called Keutebier, which was made from a mixture of
malted barley and wheat and, apparently, more attenuative. Keutebier, in turn,
evolved into the 19th_centure Wiess of Cologne as well as the modern Kelsch and

Musa Beer
This brew from Central and East Africa is technically not a beer. It is the fermented
juice of a ripe fruit known as "beer banana." Musa beer is relatively low in alcohol,
but can be distilled to make a liquor called waragi.

Another term for a low-alcohol beer (with an ABV < 0.5%). The term became
particularly popular during the American Prohibition (1919 - 1933}, when many
breweries switched to making near-beer to stay in business. Near-beers are usually

One of two German terms for organic beer. The other is Biobier. See Organic Beer.

Organic Beer
In order for beers to be called "Organic," they must be certified by a government
agency as meeting clearly defined organic standards. In the United States, these
standards are spelled out by the National Organic Program (NOP). Certified organic
beers must be brewed entirely from organically grown and processed raw materials.

l'Orge d'Anvers
An obscure dark and heavy, barley-based Belgian brew. Orge is barley in French.

See Kriek, Lambie.

Peeterman Beer
See Louvain Peeterman Beer.

Potato Beer
Beer from this tuber, too, ought not to be called beer. However, the potato, just like
the grains we use in our mash tuns, contains starch and some enzymes. Especially if
mixed with amylase-rich diastatic grains, potatoes can increase the alcoholic
strength of the drink that results from it. If distilled, it is called vodka-though today
most vodka is wheat-based.

Potsdamer Stangen-Bier
A type of highly effervescent, kegged-only, German Krausenbier (see Appendix entry)
from the region around Berlin. It was very popular in the 1930s but has since fallen
out of favor. Originally, Potsdamer Stangen-Bier was a blend of fresh wort inoculated
with yeast and beer dregs collected from returned kegs. It was available in both ale
and lager versions.


Quinoa Beer
Quinoa beer is usually mashed from a base of Pilsner malt, with some Munich,
Carafoam®, and acidulated malts as well as up to 20 percent quinoa. Quinoa grains
are high in proteins and have more fat content than barley or wheat, which gives it a
silky smooth, almost oily effect, similar to that of rye i n the grist. In beer, quinoa is
usually treated like an adjunct and cooked separately before being introduced to the
mash. This beer can be brewed as a n ale or a lager.

Radler or Radlermass
This is a Bavarian beer mixed drink made in the glass of half Helles or a similar blond
lager and half lemonade. Nowadays, many breweries premix Radler pre-packed. I n
the north of Germany, Radler i s called Alster o r Alsterwasser after the small river
that empties into the Elbe River at Hamburg.

Rice Wine
Technically neither Chinese Rice wine nor Japanese Sake are wines. Because they are
both made from grains, not from fruit juice, they are true beers. Both are fermented
by molds rather than by yeasts or bacteria like Lactobacillus.

Russ or Russ'n
Similar to Radler (see entry), this Bavarian beer mixed drink consists of half
Hefeweizen/Weissbier and half Lemonade. For a clear Russ'n use filtered
Hefeweizen, called Kristallweizen. Russ'n means Russians in the Bavarian-German
dialect. The mix apparently got its name in the 1920s, when it became popular
among members of the Munich Communist Party during political beer hall meetings.
Stretching the precious Hefeweizen with lemonade was a way to also stretch the
party's meager financial resources. Russ'n can be mixed i n the glass or, nowadays,
purchased ready-mixed, pre-packaged.

Japanese rice-based fermented beverage. Sake is technically a beer, because it is
made from grain, and is not distilled. The conversion of rice starch to fermentable
sugars occurs by the action of a particular mold called kopi-kin or Aspergillums
oryzae. See also Rice Wine.

Literally "sloe beer," an old-style German brew flavored with sloe berries, the fruit of
the blackthorn. It was a summer beer.

English Shandy is a mixture of pale beer (often a n ale) and ginger beer, which is a
soft-drink originally from Jamaica.

Sorghum Beer
This beer of African origin is made from sorghum, a member of the grass family. Beer
made from malted sorghum is slightly opaque compared to an identical beer made
from malted barley instead. Sorghum, unlike barley, can be cultivated in arid as well


as tropical regions Sorghum is a gluten-free grain. Beer made from it is, therefore,
not harmful to people with celiac disease.

Sour Beer
Any number of brews, usually from Belgium or based on Belgian-style brewing
methods, fermented with bacteria in addition to yeast.

Spiced Beer
Any type of beer, ale or lager, flavored with spices in addition to or instead of hops.

Literally "stone beer" in German, this brew gets it its name from the medieval
technique of boiling wort in the brew kettle by dropping super-heated stones into it.
This was necessary when brew kettles were made of wood and obviously could not
be direct-fired. Beer boiled this way tastes different from regular beer, because the
rocks, when dropped into the brew, scorch and caramelize some of the malt sugars.
The result is a smoky-tasting deposit that literally sugar-coated the rocks. Once the
beer is in the fermenter, the coated rocks are placed there so that the yeast can
metabolize the sugar coating. This adds a pleasantly smoky flavor and a slightly
sweet, malt-candy-like finish to a Steinbier.

Texas Bock
A strong, Bockbier-like ale that originates in the State of Texas, where State law
demands that any beer with an ABV exceeding 6 percent must be labeled "ale" even
if it is brew-technically a lager.

Triple Bock
Triple Bock is a term coined by the Boston Beer Company for a brew stronger than a
"mere" Doppelbock ("double" Bock). The first Triple Bock was released in 1994. It
had an ABV of 17.5 percent, which was achieved by the addition of maple syrup as
a n adjunct. Triple Bock was the "forerunner" of two and even stronger brews, the
Samuel Adams Millennium at 21 percent ABV, released in 1999, and the Utopias at
2 4 - 27 percent, first released i n 2002.

The prefix "ur" means "original" i n German. Strictly speaking, the original Bockbier is
an ancient northern German, not a Bavarian, beer, though many Bavarian brews
nowadays also use the designation Urbock. Originally, Urbock was brewed as an ale,
not, as is now common, as a lager.

See Triple Bock.

Uytzet des Flandres

An obscure h istorical dark and heavy Belgian brew.


Wee Heavy
Another name for a strong Scotch Ale

German for Christmas Beer

The abbreviation stands for "Weissbierpils." It was first introduced in Germany in
2005. It is a beer blended in the lagering tank at a ratio of 53% Weissbier and 47%
Pils. The resulting beer has about 5.2% alcohol by volume.

Zoeg of Tirlemont
An obscure, h istorical, low-gravity, very sweet Belgian brew.


About the Author and Technical Editors

Horst Dornbusch, Author

Horst Dornbusch was born and raised in Dusseldorf, Germany. He holds
degrees in sociology and politics from Reed College in Oregon and Brandeis
University in Massachusetts. After a 20-year career as a journalist and editor,
he founded a craft brewery in Massachusetts. Since 2001, he has been a
consultant in the international brew industry. He is a former Fulbright
Scholar, an award-winning brewer, and an author of several books and
hundreds of articles about beer, published in European and North American
trade journals.

Dr. Christina Schonberger, Manager of Technical Services, Barth­

Haas Group
Christina Schonberger is an engineer in brewing and beverage technology.
She graduated from the Technical University of Munich-Weihenstephan in
1999. She completed her internship at the Suntory Brewing Company, Japan,
in 2000. In 2003, she obtained her PhD from Weihenstephan and became a
consultant to the German Brewers Association. She has been with the Barth­
Haas Group since 2005, as Manager of Technical Services. In her role, she
also manages research projects and writes hop-related professional articles.

Johannes Schulz-Hess, CEO, SCHULZ Brew Systems

Johannes Schulz-Hess is the 10th-generation CEO of SCHULZ Brew Systems, a
company dating from 1677. SCHULZ is not only Bamberg's oldest
continuously operating industrial enterprise; it is also the world's oldest
manufacturer of brew equipment. Known as a leading innovator in its field,
SCHULZ fabricates a full range of brew house and cellar installations from
single vessels to complete turn-key breweries. Johannes Schulz-Hess is an
architect with a graduate degree in engineering from the University of
Stuttgart. In 2007, he joined the family business and, a year later, assumed
the role of CEO.

Sabine Weyermann, Thomas Kraus-Weyermann, Co-CEOs,

Weyermann® Malting Company
Sabine Weyermann together with her husband Thomas Kraus-Weyermann
are the Co-CEOs of the Weyermann® Malting Company in Bamberg,
Germany. The company was started by Sabine's great-great-grandfather
Johann Baptist Weyermann in 1879. Sabine is the fourth-generation
Weyermann in the malting business. Both Sabine and Thomas hold
engineering degrees in brewing and beverage technology from the Technical
University of M unich-Weihenstephan. In addition, Thomas has a Masters
Degree in economics from the Ludwig-Maximilian-University in Munich. He
apprenticed as a brewer at about a dozen European lager and Weissbier
breweries. Starting in 1986, he worked for the Dortmunder Kronen Brauerei,
first as Head Brew Master and eventually as Technical Director of the
brewery and the brewery's malting facility. In 1990, he joined his wife Sabine
in her family business in Bamberg. Since then Weyermann® has tripled its
capacity and now ships more than 80 malt varieties to some 3,000 brewery
customers in almost 120 countries.

"The Ultimate Almanac of World Beer Recipes"

, is a collaboration of

the world's leading supplier of specialty malts,

the world's leading hop supplier, and

Brew Systems since 1 677

the world's oldest and most i nnovative

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