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BS EN 771-1 European Standard Specification for clay masonry units

compared to BS 3921 British Standard Specification for Clay Bricks

BS3921 - Durability October 2003 TECHNICAL SERVICES

FL Frost resistant (F) Low (L) BS EN771-1

FN Frost resistant (F) Normal (N) Freeze-thaw resistance and Active Soluble Salt content
ML Moderately frost resistant (M) Low (L) Unlike BS 3921, where durability incorporated both frost resistance
MN Moderately frost resistant (M) Normal (N) and soluble salts content, BS EN 771-1 states that freeze-thaw
OL Not frost resistant (O) Low (L) resistance and active soluble salts content are separately
ON Not frost resistant (O) Normal (N) categorized.
Frost Resistance
Bricks are placed into one of three categories Freeze/thaw resistance
Frost resistant – bricks durable in all normal building conditions This should be declared by the manufacturer with
when in a saturated condition subjected to continuous freezing and reference to performance under passive, moderate or
thawing. severe exposure.
Moderately frost resistant – bricks durable except in a saturated F0 – Suitable for Passive exposure.
condition subjected to continuous freezing and thawing. F1 – Suitable for Moderate exposure.
Not frost resistant – Suitable for indoor use or under impermeable F2 – Suitable for Severe exposure.
cladding. These bricks may suffer damage during and after
construction if not properly protected. Active soluble salt content
No requirement for completely protected walls otherwise:
Soluble Salts Content When sampled and tested in accordance with EN772-5 the
Bricks are placed into one of two categories content of water soluble salts should be no greater than
Low- The percentage by mass of soluble ions shall not exceed tabled
Magnesium-0.030%, potassium-0.030% and sodium 0.030%. Category Total % by mass not greater than
Sulphate content 0.500% Na+ + K+ Mg²
Normal- The percentage by mass of soluble ions shall not exceed SO No requirement No requirement
Magnesium, potassium and sodium 0.25% in total. Sulphate content S1 0,17 0,08
1.6% S2 0,06 0,03


The Compressive Strength of a brick should not be less than that stated by the manufacturer. The minimum strength is 5N/mm².
However Class B Engineering Bricks must be => 50N/mm² and Class A Engineering Bricks must be =>70 N/mm².
The water absorption should not be greater than that stated by the manufacturer and there is no maximum or minimum requirement for facing bricks.
Test involves placing in boiling water for 5 hours.
Dpc 2 bricks (for damp course use in garden walls etc) and Dpc1 bricks (for use in walls in habitable buildings) have the same requirements for Water
Absorption as shown for Class ‘B’s’ and ‘A’s’ respectively.
Class ‘B’s should be =< 7% and Class ’A’s should be =< 4.5%.


Must be declared by the manufacturer. The results are recorded in N/mm².
The test involves grinding the surfaces smooth if they vary in height more than 1mm per 100mm from a level plane. Alternatively the
unit can be bedded in mortar to achieve a flat plane if grinding would alter the contact area significantly.
There are no classes. Engineering bricks will be referenced in the UK National Annex to 771-1.
The orientation of the unit should be indicated e.g. frog up or down and whether voids are intended to be mortar filled. If the units are
intended to be exposed to concentrated loads or for use in seismic areas, any strength result from the batch tested that falls below
80% of the stated strength must be declared.
Must not fall below strength stated by the manufacturer who must also categorise the unit into:
Category I (probability of failure not exceeding 5%) or Category II. (the level of confidence as placed on category I does not apply)

For facing bricks, the mean water absorption should be declared by the manufacturer, when tested the mean should not be greater
than the declared value. The test now involves soaking for 24 hours.
DPC bricks
For DPC bricks the mean water absorption should be declared by the manufacturer. The mean should not be greater than the
declared water absorption and the test involves placing in boiling water for 5 hours.

BS 3921 Size of Voids BS EN 771-1 Size of voids -Percentage of voids

Configuration –(Geometry shape and features)
Solid bricks have no perforations or frogs.
Perforated bricks have holes not exceeding 25% The shape of the brick and direction of any perforations should be stated. The
of the gross volume of brick. The area of any number of perforations, the volume and shape of these and frogs and the
one hole should not exceed 10% and the thickness of the shells and webs should be stated if the product is to be
amount of solid clay across the width should not specified for acoustic requirements, or for calculating thermal performance, fire
be less than 30%. resistance or certain applications e.g. chimneys or seismic zones. An illustration
Frogged bricks may have depressions in one or of configuration would be acceptable or a declaration using the definitions given.
more of the beds but this should not exceed Minimum thickness shall be measured in the rendering keyways if applicable.
20% of the gross volume of the brick. There are no tolerances specified related to volume of perforations or frogs.
A one-size standard work HD UNITS (High gross dry density - unprotected masonry)
size of 215 x 102.5 x Dimensions
65mm. The work size The manufacturer should declare the work size in order of length, width and height in mm. The deviation
shall not exceed the category for the mean values must also be stated. Additionally when relevant to the uses for which the
coordinating size, which unit is put on the market, the manufacturer shall declare which of the tolerance categories for range in
includes 10mm mortar a given consignment of clay masonry units fulfils. i.e. Range requirements are optional.
Dimensional deviations.
Combined measurements Mean value (means of 10 bricks) Range
of 24 bricks should not fall The difference in value between the declared The maximum range (difference between
outside the limits stated. value and the mean value should not be largest and smallest measurement) for any
Measurement Procedure greater than the figures tabled for UK – size given dimension on the batch of 10 sampled
Take 24 bricks and . products, and derived from the formulae given. should be within one of the 3 categories tabled
remove any flakes and e. g work size mm e. g work size mm
blisters. Place bricks 215 102 65 215 102 65
header to header on a T1 ±6 ±4 ±3 R1 9 6 5
clean level surface. T2 ±4 ±3 ±2 R2 4 3 2
Measure overall length to Tm Deviation declared by manufacturer Rm Range declared by manufacturer.
the nearest mm using a
steel tape. (Alternatively T2 R2 would be the tightest tolerance to quote unless manufacturers declaration was tighter.
measure two rows of 12
and add them together. Measurement procedure
Do not measure 12 and For bricks smaller than 250 x 125 x 100mm. Using long nose callipers remove any surplus flakes etc.
then double the figure). Using procedure b of EN772-16 one measurement each should be taken from the centre of the brick for
Repeat the process for length and width.
width and height. It For height, measurements
should be noted that all of should be taken from
the bricks should face a positions A and B and the
common direction for mean worked out from
each measurement. the two.


This test measures how quickly water is absorbed into the brick, which gives some idea of whether or not adjustment is necessary to
achieve maximum bond strength. The result is in kg/m2/min.
When relevant for the intended use the range of initial rate of water absorption of a consignment of clay masonry units shall be declared
by the manufacturer. Results in kg/m /min.
No guidance is given on application.

EN 771-1 other requirements not in BS 3921

Dry Density
When relevant to the uses for which the unit is put on the market and in all cases for masonry units intended to be used in elements
subject to acoustic requirements, the gross and dry density of clay masonry units shall be declared by the manufacturer.
When clay masonry units are sampled from a consignment in accordance with Annex A and tested in accordance with EN 772-13, the
mean gross or net dry density derived from measurements of the test sample shall not differ from the manufacturers declared dry density
by more than the declared one of the following categories.
D1: 10%
D2: 5%
Dm: a deviation in % declared by the manufacturer (may be wider or closer than other categories)

Thermal properties (optional)

When relevant to the uses for which the unit is put on the market and in all cases for masonry units intended to be used in elements
subject to thermal insulation requirements, the manufacturer shall provide information on the thermal properties of the masonry unit.
When this is the case it shall be done by reference to EN 1745. It shall be declared whether the declaration is based on a table, test or
Moisture Movement (optional)
In countries where there is a requirement it shall be evaluated and declared to the provisions valid in the intended place of use.
Reaction to fire (optional)
For designs subject to fire regulations. For units containing less than 1% by mass or volume of added or naturally present carboniferous
materials, these can be a class A1 with no need for testing.
Units containing greater than 1% should be tested and classified according to prEN13501-1
Water vapour permeability (optional)
For units intended for external elements the manufacturer shall provide information on the water vapour permeability through the water
vapour diffusion coefficient tabulated values given in EN1745.
Bond strength (optional)
The bond strength in combination with mortar shall be declared either by means of tests carried out or from a declared value found in BS
EN998-2, which is 0.15 N/mm² (the characteristic initial shear strength).

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