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The set of all possible vectors you can reach with the linear combination of

two vectors is called ____________________ linear combination

________________ vectors are vectors of length 1 pointing in each of the

(x,y,z) axes respectively. Unit basis

Every vector in 2D space is associated with multiple pairs of number false

Consider the following 2 X 2 square matrices A, B and C. (A+B) + C = A +

(B + C) signifies which property ? associativity

The _____________ of a vector space is a set of linearly independent

vectors that span the entire space. Basis

If one set of vectors can be expressed as a linear combination of other set

of vectors , they are called _____________________ linearly dependent
___________________________ is the span of the columns of your
matrix. Column space

_________________ is the number of dimensions in the output of a

Transformation . rank
In a linear transform when the orientation of space is inverted the
determinant value is negative . true

Consider two square matrices A and B with dimension m X m. AB = BA



2.In a linear transform when the orientation of space is inverted the

determinant value is negative . true



7. Consider two square matrices A and B with dimension m X m. AB = BA

8. The _____________ of a vector space is a set of linearly independent
vectors that span the entire space. Basis

9. Consider the following 2 X 2 square matrices A , B and C. (A+B) + C = A

+ (B + C) signifies which property ? Associativity

10. The set of all possible vectors you can reach with the linear
combination of two vectors is called ____________________

Linear combination

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