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chandigarh | gurugram | jalandhar | bathinda | vol.141 no.44 | 16 pages | ~6.00 | established in 1881 � haryana

/thetribunechd /thetribunechd sunday, february 14,2021

J&K to getstatehoodat righttime: Shah Reform push to make nation

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, February 13

referred 15 petitions challeng-
ing the abrogation to a Consti-
tutional Bench.
self-reliant, says Sitharaman
The government today said “Had the move been uncon- Tribune News Service
Cong questions
full statehood to Jammu and
Kashmir would be restored at ❝ You are continuously
increasing confusion...What
stitutional, the SC could have
stayed it. But there is no stay. New Delhi, February 13
‘U-turn’ on MSP
the appropriate time and 6,000 is the objective of this (J&K Should development be sus- Finance Minister Nirmala
Kashmiri Pandits would be pended till the matter is decid- Sitharaman, responding to a New Delhi, February 13
resettled in the Valley by 2022. reorganisation) Bill?... You ed? Nowhere does the legal discussion on the Union Bud- Days after the Centre accused
Speaking in the Lok Sabha are taking J&K towards status say the move can’t be get in the Lok Sabha, today the Opposition of U-turn on
before the passage of The OUR GOVERNMENT WORKS ON SENTIMENTS uncertainty. Appointed implemented,” Shah said after lambasted the Congress, call- farm reforms, the Congress
Jammu and Kashmir Reor-
ganisation Amendment Bill,
Home Minister Amit Shah
❝ The Modi government does not work on laws,
schemes and planning. It works on sentiments. We
officers should have connect
with the ground realities.
Masoodi called for halting the
implementation of the move
till the matter was sub judice.
ing party leader Rahul Gand-
hi as “Doomsday Man” and
accusing the Congress of
hit back citing an old report
by a panel led by the then
Gujarat CM, Narendra Modi.
said the Bill aimed to merge believe J&K is ours, people are ours. Amit Shah, HOME MINISTER Hasnain Masoodi, NATIONAL CONFERENCE On Tewari’s suggestion having joined the “break RAHUL DOOMSDAY MAN that had suggested legalisa-
the J&K cadre of officers that the government seek an India fringe group.” The min- tion of the MSP regime.
with the all-India AGMUT
cadre for better administra-
granted. The statehood will seeking its withdrawal was people look within and ask
early hearing in the SC, Shah
said, “The Congress is not
ister also claimed Rahul was
constantly insulting constitu-
❝ The Modi govt doesn’t
work for cronies; Rahul is
“What about this U-turn
Madam Finance Minister?”
tion. He defended the abroga- be given at the appropriate rejected by a voice vote. whether they have the right to even before the SC. It has no tional functionaries. becoming ‘Doomsday Man’ Congress whip in Rajya Sab-
tion of Article 370, saying it time,” Shah said after Oppo- The minister attacked “three ask others for accounts.” List- position — yes or no. The She praised PM Narendra Nirmala Sitharaman, FINANCE MINISTER ha Jairam Ramesh asked.
had enabled large-scale sition MPs Hasnain Masoodi families that ruled J&K for 70 ing a range of works undertak- hearing has been delayed Modi for leading the country Quoting the 2011 report of
development and facilitated (NC), Manish Tewari (Con- years” and asked, “Did these en in the UT after August 5, because such a sensitive mat- in times of the Covid-19 pan- government from undertak- the Working Group on Con-
the extension of 170 laws, gress) and Asaduddin Owaisi three families that ruled J&K 2019, when Article 370 was ter cannot be heard virtually.” demic with a “clear-headed ing reforms for attaining long- sumer Affairs, Jairam said,
including the quota policy. (AIMIM) opposed the Bill for 70 years ever give an scrapped, the government said On the post Article 370 approach,” emphasising that term goals. Defending the “The committee recommen-
“Nowhere does the current and Adhir Ranjan Chowd- account of their work? We will it would defend the move in phase in J&K, Home Minister challenges posed by the pan- Budget, Sitharaman said the dation was that we should
Bill say statehood will not be hury’s statutory resolution give an account, but let these the apex court which had continued on page 6 demic had not deterred the continued on page 6 continued on page 6


Right to protest can’t be Parl panel plans LAC visit; Rahul skips meet ALLEGES TMC’S MAHUA

❝ I am under some

anytime, everywhere: SC New Delhi, February 13

Members of the parliamen-
tary standing committee on
■ Official sources questioned Rahul Gandhi’s
frequent absence from the panel meetings
between Indian and Chinese
troops. The aim is to get first-
hand information of the
sort of surveillance…
Upon enquiring, I was told
cops from Barakhamba
Tribune News Service Maintaining that “democ- defence have proposed a five- ground situation amid the Road police station have
DISMISSES REVIEW PLEA racy and dissent go hand in day tour to forward areas ■ Rahul has attacked the Union Government for
disengagement of troops. been deputed for
New Delhi, February 13 IN SHAHEEN BAGH CASE hand”, the SC had on October along the Line of Actual Con- allegedly ceding Indian territory to China Committee sources said
The Supreme Court (SC) has 7 last year ruled that roads trol (LAC). Panel chairman ■ The Congress leader has also raised questions Congress leader and panel
my protection.
dismissed a petition seeking
■ SC dismisses plea seeking
and public space couldn’t be Jual Oram said the visit on the disengagement agreement with China member Rahul Gandhi was I never
review of its Oct 7 verdict on sought any
review of its Shaheen Bagh anti-CAA protesters blocked indefinitely and would be subject to clearance absent from the meeting. He
verdict that said roads and
■ It had said public space
demonstrations expressing from the government and the members at this week’s wan valley and Pangong lake has been attacking the gov- protection.
public spaces couldn’t be dissent had to be in designat- Lok Sabha Speaker. meeting expressed a unani- in eastern Ladakh, which ernment on handling of the Mahua Moitra,
blocked indefinitely and can’t be blocked indefinitely ed places. Oram said the committee mous view to visit the Gal- saw violent stand-off continued on page 6 TRINAMOOL MP
and protest has to be held in
demonstrations had to be in However, review petitioner
designated places
designated places. Kaniz Fatima and 11 other
■ Petitioners allege the court
“The right to protest cannot Shaheen Bagh protesters TRIBUNE PHOTO: PAWAN SHARMA
be anytime and everywhere.
There may be some sponta-
neous protests but in case of
stance appears “giving way
to unrestricted sanction to
police action”
had requested the top court
to reconsider its ruling, say-
ing the judgment “appeared
Rescuers boring wider
prolonged dissent or protest,
there cannot be continued
occupation of public places
to be giving way to an unre-
stricted sanction to the police
to take action by misusing
hole in Tapovan tunnel
affecting the rights of others,” these observations.” Tribune News Service find something concrete.”
a three-judge Bench headed The protesters, who had The official, however, main-
by Justice SK Kaul said. protest and express dissent blocked the Kalindi Kunj- Joshimath, February 13 tained that the rescue work
“We have considered the but with an obligation to have Shaheen Bagh stretch in Rescuers today began boring a had been accelerated with the
earlier judicial pronounce- certain duties,” said the Delhi since December 15, wider hole into the Tapovan installation of some additional
ments and recorded our opin- Bench, which also included 2019, were removed on tunnel in a bid to locate around machines. The rescuers are
ion that the Constitutional Justice Aniruddha Bose and March 24 after Covid lock- 35 persons feared trapped working on two strategies —
scheme comes with a right to Justice Krishna Murari. down was enforced. inside for around a week. drilling a hole vertically down-
The Silt Flushing Tunnel
A day before polling, an officer in Bathinda instructs police personnel deployed on election duty. (SFT) was reportedly punc-
tured on Friday night by
New lake poses no
Recall Guv, Shiv
SKM: We want court to High-stake elections, will indicate drilling a 75 mm-diameter
hole into it, but now it was
danger: Experts

Sena urges Centre probe R-Day violence votermood in Punjab’s urban areas being widened to 300 mm so
that a camera and a water
flushing pipe could be insert-
ward and also digging and
excavating debris and sludge
inside the tunnel. According
MUMBAI: Accusing Governor Tribune News Service ed into the tunnel. to district officials, 166 per-
Bhagat Singh Koshyari of toe- Jupinderjit Singh municipal corporations and A senior official of the sons are still missing while 38
ing the BJP's line, the Shiv Ghazipur, February13 Tribune News Service 109 municipal councils & Uttarakhand Government bodies have been found.
Sena has urged the Centre to The Sanyukt Kisan Morcha Chandigarh, February 13 nagar panchayats are being said there was no big break- “As only 12 bodies have been
recall him. If the Centre wants has called for a judicial Ahead of the civic body polls fiercely fought. These are through yet in the rescue identified so far, we have taken
the Constitution to be upheld, it probe by a high court or a in Punjab on Sunday, an being viewed as a prelude work. “We have drilled a DNA samples of the remain-
should recall him, stated Sena Supreme Court judge into edgy Opposition accused the CIVIC POLL to the Assembly elections hole, but we can’t say it is a ing 26,” a senior administra-
mouthpiece ‘Saamana’. — PTI the January 26 violence and ruling Congress of “tamper- due early next year. big breakthrough unless we tion official said.
the arrest of farmers. ing” with voter lists and “mis- FEB 14 & 17 DRY DAYS While winning is a matter
Prem Singh Bhangu, Mor- using” government machin- of prestige for Chief Minis-
Top TRF terrorist cha’s legal cell convener, ery. Denying the charges,
7,000 EVMs TO BE USED ter Capt Amarinder Singh
arrested in Samba said: “A high-level judicial PPCC chief Sunil Jakhar 25,010 EMPLOYEES ON DUTY and the Congress, the
inquiry is a must to unravel DELHI COPS TAKE DEEP, observed: “It seems the
19,000 POLICEMEN ON JOB Akalis view the elections as
JAMMU: A top terrorist affiliat- the conspiracy behind the Opposition has already con- an opportunity to retrieve
ed with The Resistance Front events.” After Deep Sidhu
Actor-activist Deep Sidhu and
ceded defeat.” 4,102 POLLING STATIONS lost ground. Sukhbir has
(TRF), wanted in connection and Iqbal Singh, the Delhi While SAD chief been at the forefront of cam-
Iqbal Singh (in blue turban),
with the killing of three BJP Police arrested three more Sukhbir Singh Badal violence during polling. paigning. In Jalalabad, he
arrested by the Delhi Police
workers and a policeman in persons, Sukhmeet Singh, for R-Day violence, were tak- decried “attempts to kill But AAP’s Raghav Chad- accompanied candidates to
south Kashmir last year, was Gundeep Singh and Harvin- en to Red Fort on Saturday to the Opposition,” BJP state ha claimed a groundswell the poll office for filing
arrested in Samba district, the der Singh, for the violence at recreate the crime scene. president Ashwani Shar- of support for the party. nomination papers.
police said on Saturday. — PTI Burari on January 26. ma said he apprehended The elections to eight continued on page 6 Rescue work on at Raini village in Chamoli district on Saturday. PTI

Air travel set to be

costlier from April 1 Cable metro part of plan to ease Shimla traffic Key accused in akhara shooting
NEW DELHI: Air travel is set to
get costlier from April 1 with
the Director General of Civil
Bhanu P Lohumi
Tribune News Service

Shimla, February 13
held, was sacked by coach: Cops that limit,” said Shimla SP
Mohit Chawla, the man
behind the latest initiative.
Aviation revising airfare The Shimla police have come International and best prac- Tribune News Service complaint by a woman
bands sensing recovery of the out with a 70-page document tices were studied and it took wrestler. Sukhwinder, who had
sector and air traffic nearing suggesting short and long- around seven months to pre- Rohtak, February 13 been nursing a grudge against
pre-Covid levels. BACK PAGE term measures to decongest pare the vision document, he Sukhwinder, prime suspect Manoj, allegedly opened fire at
the state capital roads. The said. The city has been divided in the killing of wrestling him, his wife Sakshi Malik and
Shimla City Traffic Regula- into eight sectors for initiating coach Manoj Malik, his wife several others at an akhara
Petrol rate hiked for tion and Management Plan various remedial measures. and three others, was arrest- here late Friday evening,
fifth day in a row was released by Urban Devel-
opment Minister Suresh
1.20L 2,500 24,000 The short-term measures
listed in the document
ed in a joint operation by the
Delhi and Rohtak police
ed by the Rohtak police to
killing five of them and injur-
ing many others.
vehicles registered can be accommodated remain parked on
NEW DELHI: The petrol price in Bhardwaj here today. in Shimla town in public parking lots roadsides in town include deployment of 119 from the Samaypur Badli probe the case. Earlier, the Rohtak police
Mumbai neared Rs 95 mark as Around 1.20 lakh vehicles additional traffic police per- area of Delhi today. Rahul Sharma, SP, said pre- had announced a reward of Rs
fuel rates were hiked for the are registered in the town remain parked alongside to accommodate around sonnel in the town, clearing Sukhwinder, also a wrestling liminary investigation 1 lakh for information leading
fifth day in a row. It was Rs 88.4 that has public parking lots to roads. The exact data on pri- 35,000 persons, but its pres- encroachments, diversion of coach, is being interrogated by revealed that Manoj had to the arrest of Sukhwinder,
a litre in Delhi while diesel rate accommodate 2,500 vehicles vate parking is not available. ent-day population has traffic from busy roads during members of the special inves- recently terminated the servic- who is a native of Baroda vil-
climbed to Rs 78.74. — PTI only. Around 24,000 vehicles “Shimla city was designed swelled to around 10 times of continued on page 6 tigation team (SIT) constitut- es of Sukhwinder following a lage in Sonepat.
02 HARYANA 123

BJP ignoring
interests of
farmers: Abhay
Gandhi’s kin at stir site Appear before police with counsel: SKM
Mukesh Tandon Patiala, said the Delhi Police ary 26. “We have the copies of
Tribune News Service Tribune News Service APPROACH LEGAL CELL FOR ASSISTANCE were issuing notices to farm- only 22 FIRs,” he added.

Kurukshetra, February 13
INLD leader Abhay Chauta-
Sonepat, February 13
The legal cell of the
Samyukta Kisan Morcha
❝ The Delhi Police are issuing notices to farmers
and asking them to join the probe. We urge them not to
ers in Punjab, Haryana and
UP under Section 160 of the
CrPC and asking them to join
Raminder Patiala said
eight farmers had been
released on bail while two
la on Saturday said the BJP (SKM) on Saturday asked appear before the police directly and instead approach the investigation. others would be released on
government had been farmers, who are getting the SKM’s legal panel. Raminder Patiala, MEMBER, SKM LEGAL CELL Describing it as a trap, he Monday. “Now, our priority
ignoring the interests of police notices, not to appear said, “We have come to is to seek the release of the
farmers and labourers just before the force directly and cases slapped on farmers shahr, who was arrested after know that the police are remaining 112 farmers. A
to benefit corporates. instead approach the legal by the Delhi Police. the violence at the Singhu calling farmers by issuing panel of 150 advocates is
He was addressing a gath- cell for any assistance. Addressing a press confer- border on January 29, and notices and then slapping working on it,” the farmer
ering as part of the ‘Kisan Kuldeep Singh, a member ence, convener of the legal Ranjit Singh of Tataryewala false cases on them.” leader added.
Jan Jagran Abhiyan’ at of the SKM’s legal cell, cell Prem Singh Bhangu said village in Moga district. As He again appealed to the According to the legal pan-
Kharindwa village of Sha- alleged the Delhi Police had he along with other members many as 11 youths from Tat- farmers not to appear el, 16 persons — Haryana
habad on Saturday. implicated innocent youths — Raminder Patiala, Kiran- taryewala village were lodged before the Delhi Police (nine), Rajasthan (one) Pun-
Abhay, who was honoured and other farmers in false jeet Sekhon, Inderjeet in the Tihar jail under Sec- directly and instead jab (six) — are still missing.
for resigning from the Assem- cases to sabotage the agita- Singh, Harpal Singh and tion 307 of the IPC, he added. approach the legal panel. The panel has decided to
bly in support of farmers, tion. He demanded a high- Vikas Ishar — visited the Bhangu demanded that a As per information, 122 extend monetary help to
said: “We have launched the level judicial inquiry into Tihar jail on Friday to meet retired judge of the Supreme farmers had so far been each farmer lodged in the
‘Kisan Jan Jagran Abhiyan’. BKU leader Rakesh Tikait greets Tara Gandhi Bhattacharya, the violence that took place farmers lodged there. Court or High Court should arrested by the Delhi Police jail. The money would be
The objective of the campaign granddaughter of Mahatma Gandhi, at the Ghazipur border during the tractor parade They met Ranjit Singh of probe the incident. in connection with 14 of the deposited in their bank
is to strengthen the ongoing in New Delhi on Saturday. TRIBUNE PHOTO: MUKESH AGGARWAL on January 26 and “false” Kajampur village in Nawan- Another leader, Raminder 44 FIRs registered on Janu- accounts by Monday.
stir and make farmers aware
of the wrong policies and
problems they are going to
face after the implementation
of the three laws. The BJP has
Farmers strategise for future events Selja: Bills were
passed despite
been taking anti-farmer deci- They would encourage the vil-
sions. Other senior leaders of
Jhajjar, February 13
Farm leaders from Punjab Post mahapanchayat, lagers to continue their sup- Cong uproar
the INLD will hold meetings and Haryana on Saturday port as it’s a decisive fight Hisar, February 13
in villages to spread aware- chalked out strategy to make
number of protesters against the laws, he added. Haryana Pradesh Congress
ness across the state.” their future events successful. swells at Tikri Meanwhile, more people Committee (HPCC) president
“A candle march will be tak- from nearby areas joined the Kumari Selja on Saturday
en out at Tikri on Sunday sary of farmer leader Chhotu farmers at Tikri on Saturday. lashed out at the Central Gov-
Dalal makes evening to pay tributes to the Ram would be celebrated on “Average 500 people were eat- ernment for passing the
2019 Pulwama martyrs. February 16. Similarly, a dis- ing food at the border for sev- three farm Bills despite
controversial Besides farmers, people from cussion was also held for suc- eral days but the number rose uproar by the Congress.
nearby areas will take part in cessfully carrying out the ‘rail to around 900 on Saturday, a “The Congress had objected
remarks it. We’ve also called upon oth- roko’ protest on February 18 day after the mahapanchayat to the three agricultural Bills
Hisar, February 13 ers to take out a similar march from 12 pm to 4 pm, he added. wherein BKU’s Rakesh when these were introduced,
State Agriculture Minister Jai in their villages and cities con- Buta Singh, a farm leader Tikait and other prominent but the Central Government
Prakash Dalal on Saturday cerned to express their soli- from Punjab, said farmers farm leaders called upon the did not listen to it. The govern-
made a controversial remark darity with us,” said Joginder along with locals would peace- people to ensure their pres- ment is not concerned about
against the farmers, who have Singh Nain, a farmer leader. fully sit on the rail tracks in ence in the stir,” said Gurcha- the sufferings of countrymen.
died at the Delhi borders. He Nain said the birth anniver- every village on February 18. ran Singh from Moga. — TNS Protesting farmers gather around the main stage at the Tikri border on Saturday. TRIBUNE PHOTO Even during the peak Covid
said they would have died even period and the lockdown, ben-
if they had stayed back home. efits were extended to capital-
Addressing a press meet at
Bhiwani, Dalal said, “Ye ghar
mein hote toh bhi marte”.
Nodeep ‘assault’ case: Women panel seeks report from Sonepat SP ists,” alleged Selja while
addressing a “kisan samme-
lan” at Barwala town here.
Trying to justify his claim, Parveen Arora BAIL PLEA DEFERRED said Preeti Bhardwaj. Sonepat SP denied all The Congress leader said
the minister said, “You can Tribune News Service She added that Kaur was allegations and said they the farmers’ agitation was
figure out the average age of Karnal, February 13 Sonepat: The bail plea of fine and had no issues with would soon submit reports showing a new path to the
activist Nodeep Kaur in anoth-
people in India and get the Taking cognisance of reports the Karnal jail authorities, but to the Haryana and Punjab country and the world. Peo-
er extortion case was on Satur-
data of deaths every year. that labour rights activist day deferred by a local court. It her co-inmates complained women commissions. ple from all walks of life
They have died in the same Nodeep Kaur (24) was “physi- was set for hearing on February that she was non-cooperative. “Nodeep was arrested for had extended support to
ratio of deaths,” he said, cally assaulted” by Kundli 15. Jitender Kumar, counsel of Nodeep has been granted extorting money from indus- the farmers.
adding that there were differ- police station staff while in Nodeep, said the court bail in an extortion case, but trialists. She had even She said,”The state of
ent causes of deaths such as custody, the Haryana State deferred the hearing in the she will have to remain in the attacked police personnel dur- Bihar had enacted agricul-
heart failure and ailments. Commission for Women on extortion case registered jail as she is yet to get bail in ing the protest,” the SP added. tural laws in 2006, and today
He alleged that the farmers’ Saturday sought a report from against the activist and her two other cases. The police official said farmers there are working
agitation was being carried Sonepat SP Jashandeep associates on January 12. TNS Preeti Bhardwaj said her Nodeep’s medical examina- like labourers. Now, the Cen-
out at the behest of Left Singh Randhawa. Punjab counterpart Manisha tion was conducted soon tre wants to create a similar
activists. He described BKU Preeti Bhardwaj, officiat- << Women panel chairperson Gulati would visit Kaur on after the arrest. “There are situation for Haryana and
leader Rakesh Tikait as ing chairperson of the com- inspects the Karnal jail. Monday. “The jail authorities some videos in our posses- Punjab farmers. The three
‘sadak chhap’, who was “try- mission, who met Kaur in have been asked to follow sion in which she can be ‘black laws’ will encourage
ing to lead the people of the Karnal jail today, said, offered by us.” cognisance of media reports the allegations from her. A proper protocol during her seen creating a ruckus and hoarding and for this, capi-
Haryana for his vested inter- “The labour rights activist She said, “I came here to that she was assaulted in cus- report in this regard has been visit to the jail,” she added. taking the law into her talists have already built big
ests”. — TNS refused to take legal help meet Nodeep after taking tody. I also inquired about sought from the Sonepat SP,” On the other hand, the hands,” the SP added. warehouses.” — TNS

State to replace ‘Punjab’ Uneasy calm in Karnal, 10 more arrested HC: Limited scope
with ‘Hry’ in 163 laws of interference with
Karnal, February 13
Two days after the alleged
vandalism in the houses
The residents of Valmiki
Basti held meetings on Satur-
day and announced to protest
brancer (LR) Bimlesh Tanwar. of Dalits by youths of on Sunday for the arrest of the

employee transfer
Chandigarh, February 13
The Haryana Government “A Bill will be brought in the upper caste, an uneasy remaining accused.
will bring a Bill in the next ses- House session starting from calm prevails in Phoos- “Meetings were organised in
sion of the state Assembly for March 5 for replacing the word garh colony in the city. the ‘basti’ today to decide the
replacing the word ‘Punjab’ ‘Punjab’ with ‘Haryana’ in Residents of Valmiki Basti next course of action if the Saurabh Malik
with ‘Haryana’ in 163 laws. 163 laws,” said Gupta. held meetings on Saturday to police fail to arrest all the Tribune News Service THE RULING SAYS...
Earlier, a panel was formed
in this regard on the initiative
of Assembly Speaker Gian
In a press statement issued
by the Assembly, LR Bimlesh
Tanwar is of the opinion that
decide the future course of
action. Meanwhile, the police
have arrested 10 more
accused,” said Ajay Kumar,
another resident.
On the other hand, the
Chandigarh, February 13
The Punjab and Haryana High
Court has ruled that the scope
❝ In the absence of
specific pleadings and
Chand Gupta. The panel has there is no legal obstacle in accused, including kingpin police have constituted an SIT of its interference with the the impleadment of the
presented its recommenda- replacing the word ‘Punjab’ Sita Ram, taking the number Cops at Phoosgarh village of Karnal on Saturday. SAYEED AHMED headed by DSP City Vijay power of an employer to trans- officer against whom
tions. CM Manohar Lal Khat- with ‘Haryana’ in the laws. of arrested accused to 13. Deswal to inquire into the fer an employee was “very lim- mala fide is alleged, the
tar has approved the recom- Haryana was carved out of On Thursday, Phoosgarh nity had served an ultimatum DC Nishant Kumar Yadav incident. Six teams are work- ited”. A plea challenging the bald statement of the
mendations, which have Punjab in 1966. So laws which colony in the city turned into for the arrest of the accused and Superintendent of Police ing on the case. action can only be entertained petitioner can't be
cleared the way for passing were in promulgation in Pun- a fortress with hundreds of till Sunday afternoon and Ganga Ram Punia had On Saturday, the police have in case the transfer was
the Bill in this regard. jab continued in Haryana too. police personnel in place fol- threatened to launch a stir. already assured the residents arrested 10 more accused ordered without jurisdiction
entertained and is
After that, Gupta held a In 1968, Haryana was lowing vandalism in the The residents had that strict action would be tak- including the main accused with the authority passing the accordingly rejected.
meeting with Chief Secretary allowed to modify these laws houses of Dalits. claimed that the illegal sale en against the illegal sale of Sita Ram, said the SP. He said order or it being mala fide. Justice Harsimran Singh Sethi, HC
Vijai Vardhan, Secretary Vid- as per its requirements and it Their bikes were also van- of liquor was the main liquor. The police have regis- that police have been Justice Harsimran Singh
han Sabha Rajender Kumar could remove those laws too, dalised and set on fire. The cause behind the clash tered a case against 200 per- deployed there for the securi- Sethi asserted that the order from Panchkula HPHC divi-
Nandal and Legal Remem- said the statement. — TNS members of the Dalit commu- between the two groups. sons, including 12 by name. ty of the residents. — TNS being mala fide was required sion to Faridabad.
to be proven on the basis of The counsel for the petition-
the specific averments made er submitted the transfer was
in the petition. The assertion on account of mala fide inten-

NPCIL chips in to preserve wildlife in 2 Fatehabad villages Khattar holds

came after Justice Sethi
referred to a judgment by the
Supreme Court of India in the
tion of the respondents. Tak-
ing up the matter, Justice
Sethi asserted: “In the
Deepender Deswal Wildlife Department. case of the “Union of India absence of specific pleadings
Tribune news Service ~1.35 CRORE TO The project director of meet with MPs and another versus Deepak and the impleadment of the
Hisar, February 13 PROTECT TURTLES NPCIL, Puneet Pathak, said Chandigarh, February 13 Niranjan Nath Pandit” decid- officer against whom mala
Nuclear Power Corporation of they had started the work on CM Manohar Lal Khattar has ed on February 7, 2020. fide is alleged, the bald state-
Nuclear Power Corpora-
India Limited (NPCIL), which tion of India Limited these two projects — to set up said like last year, the state The SC judgment had held ment of the petitioner that the
is setting up a nuclear power (NPCIL) is likely to a boundary wall and informa- Budget 2021-22 would be pre- that it was within an employ- order suffers from mala fide
plant in Gorakhpur village of spend ~1.35 crore tion centre. He said around Rs pared and presented after er’s domain to transfer an cannot be entertained and is
Fatehabad district, has come under the corporate 65 lakh would be spent on the holding discussions and seek- employee and the latter could accordingly rejected.”
up with a project to protect social responsibility to turtle project in Kajlaheri and ing suggestions from MPs. not claim continuance at a Before dismissing the plea,
and preserve wildlife in WORK LIKELY TO BE COMPLETED IN 6 MONTHS develop a community the blackbuck project in Their suggestions and their particular place of posting. Justice Sethi took note of the
Dhangar and Kajlaheri vil- reserve area for the Dhangar village is likely to expectations regarding the The SC held that the HC could petitioner’s submission that
lages of Fatehabad district.
The NPCIL is likely to ❝ A pond in Kajlaheri has attracted attention as locals
preserve soft-shell turtles in a 100-year-old pond. Similarly,
protection of engen-
dered species of black-
bucks and soft-shell tur-
cost about Rs 70 lakh.
He said people in the region
development of their areas
would be incorporated in the
not dictate to the employer as
to where an employee should
his son was to appear in the
JEE exam and, as such, he
spend Rs 1.35 crore under the were wildlife friendly and state Budget, said the CM. be posted even during the shouldn’t be forced to join at
corporate social responsibility
the work is also on in Dhangar village and is likely to be tles in Dhangar and took keen interest in the The CM held a pre-Budget period of suspension. the place of posting at Farid-
(CSR) to develop a communi- completed in next six months. Puneet Pathak, NPCIL PROJECT DIRECTOR Kajlaheri villages.
preservation and conversa- meeting with the state’s Lok The observations came dur- abad before February 28. He
ty reserve area for the protec- tion of wildlife. Sabha and Rajya Sabha MPs ing the hearing of a petition said the counsel for respon-
tion of engendered species of system for vegetation for pre- and guard hut in Kajlaheri for been taking care these. Simi- The Gorakhpur Haryana at the residence of Ambala filed by Sandeep Kumar dents submitted he had
blackbucks and soft-shell tur- serving blackbucks in protection of turtles. larly, the area around Dhagar Anu Vidyut Pariyojana MP Rattan Lal Kataria in New against the State of Haryana instructions that the petition-
tles in Dhangar and Kajlaheri Dhangar village. Similarly, it A pond spread over five village is a hub of blackbucks. (GHAVP), situated in the Fate- Delhi late on Friday. and other respondents. The er would be given time up to
villages of Fatehabad district. will construct a boundary wall acres on the outskirts of The NPCIL has decided to habad district of Haryana is Discussion on increasing petitioner had moved the February 28 to join the new
The works include sterlisa- and wire mesh fencing, inter- Kajlaheri village is the home contribute in developing two proposed to have 4 x 700 MWe Haryana’s participation in the court challenging the order place of posting. It is made
tion of dogs and relocation, pretation centre, disposal of of about 200 rare turtles and spots as per the guidelines of PHWR types of nuclear Power Union Budget was also held, dated January 27, whereby clear that the respondents will
water supply and sprinkling village sewage to safe place the residents of this area have the Haryana Forest and Plants at the GHAVP site. the CM said. — TNS the petitioner was transferred be bound by their statement.”
Pehowa man
duped of Why accused in land scam not Rise in power theft after March
Chandigarh, February 13 The DHBVN has imposed a
~2.84 lakh
named in challan, court asks CBI
The Covid period in 2020-21 penalty of Rs 126.5 crore in
(till December 2020) has wit- 2020-21, but only Rs 59.65 crore
Tribune News Service nessed detection of over 59,000 (47.2 per cent) has been recov-
power theft cases in Haryana ered. Even in 2019-20, it had
Kurukshetra, February 13 which is 35.5 per cent more imposed a penalty of Rs 85.34
A man from Pehowa has Bhartesh Singh Thakur names of former CM Bhupin- than the figure for the entire crore but only Rs 39.16 crore
allegedly been duped of Tribune News Service DY SP DIRECTED TO FILE AFFIDAVIT der Singh Hooda and ACS TC 2019-20 when close to 44,000 (45.9 per cent) was recovered.
Rs 2.84 lakh on the pretext Gupta, many pockets sand- cases had come to light. Under UHBVN, against a
of sending him to Italy.
The accused has been
Chandigarh, February 13
The Central Bureau of Inves-
tigation (CBI) Special Court,
❝ IO/Dy SP Kailash Sahu is directed to file an
affidavit specifically mentioning as to how and wiched between land on which
licences were applied, falling
A total of 37,346 cases of
power thefts till December
It reflects efficient
enforcement: Officials
penalty of Rs 74.26 crore till
December 2020 of 2020-21, Rs
identified as Gurvinder Haryana, has questioned the why and under what circumstances the name of the under revenue ‘rasta’, ‘nul- 2020 have been detected 36.75 crore (49.5 per cent) has
Singh, a resident of CBI over leaving out the name aforesaid person has not been included in the array lah’ were proposed for acquisi- under Dakshin Haryana Bijli more than the figure for the been recovered. In 2019-20,
Pehowa. He was arrested of Amit Katiyal, Director of of the accused, even though there is categoric tion in Gurugram. The notifi- Vitran Nigam (DHBVN) entire 2019-20 when 19,025 cas- against penalty of Rs 56.51
and produced in court M/s Krrish Builtech Pvt Ltd, mention in the challan about his role in the alleged cation under Section 4 of Land which is 50 per cent more than es were recorded. In 2018-19, crore, Rs 38.90 crore (68.8 per
which sent him to one-day from the array of accused in criminal conspiracy and offences. The CBI Special Court Acquisition Act was issued in the figure for the entire 2019- there were 22,746 cases. cent) was recovered.
police remand. the challan in a Gurugram 2009 for acquisition of 1,417.07 20 when 24,904 theft cases “Any unauthorised with- “If the fine is paid, the
Suraj, a resident of land release case. acres situated in Sectors 58 to were detected. Even in 2018- drawal of power is considered offence is compounded. Other-
Pehowa, in his complaint The CBI had filed the chal- grant licence to the accused been included in the array of 63 and 65 to 67 of Gurugram. 19, there were 16,273 cases. as power theft. More detection wise, the FIRs are registered
said that he works as a lan in the case before the CBI company, by releasing notified the accused, even though It allegedly compelled the The DHBVN distributes of theft cases reflects efficient and courts decide the cases.
barber. The accused told Special Court, located in land of 130 acres from acquisi- there is categoric mention in landowners to sell their land power in 12 districts of the enforcement by UHBVN and During the Covid period, the
him that he would send Panchkula, on January 4. tion proceedings, thereby the challan about his role in to colonisers at lower price state. Under ‘Uttar Haryana DHBVN,” said Additional enforcement by DHBVN has
him to Italy and sought Rs CBI Special Judge Jagdeep causing cheating to the related the alleged criminal conspira- than the price prevalent Bijli Vitran Nigam’ which cov- Chief Secretary Power PK Das. been quite active which led to
13 lakh for it. Singh observed, “It came to land owners/HUDA/state of cy and offences.” before the notification. ers 10 districts, a total of 22,197 However, the recovery has more detection of theft cases,”
“He told me that he and the notice of the court that in Haryana’, but in the array of Besides Redhu, former The notification under Sec- cases were detected till Decem- been dismal under both power said Dr Balkar Singh, MD,
his two brothers run a bar- the challan/chargesheet filed the accused, the said person, Assistant Town Planner tion 6 of the Act in 2010 com- ber 2020 which is 16.7 per cent distribution companies. DHBVN. — TNS
ber shop in Italy. He took by the CBI, there is specific namely, Amit Katiyal has not Satish Kumar Arora and for- prised 850.1 acres. Finally, the
Rs 2.84 lakh from me in mention to the effect that ‘In been arrayed an accused.” mer Deputy Superintendent award was issued for only 85.95
instalments. He also gave furtherance of criminal con- He added, “On a pointed Rajbir Singh, both from acres. The FIR adds that the
me a fake visa, but didn’t spiracy entered with Amit query, learned PP (Public Pros- Town and Country Planning release of land to coloniser Man dies by suicide
send me abroad. Later, I Katiyal, Director of M/s Krrish ecutor of the CBI) could not (TCP) Department, are companies was wholly mala
came to know that he has Builtech Pvt Ltd, despite hav- clarify the position.” named as accused in the fide, taken with a view to bene- while on video call
been cheating me,” ing major discrepancies, The CBI court ordered, challan along with the firm fit private firms. GURUGRAM: A youth died by
said Suraj. accused JS Redhu (former “IO/Dy SP Kailash Sahu is for cheating, forgery, crimi- It was the apex court which suicide while on video call
A case was registered Chief Town Planner of Town directed to file an affidavit nal conspiracy under the had directed the CBI to investi- with a friend on Facebook
under Section 406 and 420 and Country Planning Depart- specifically mentioning as to Indian Penal Code and Pre- gate the case, vide its order dat- messenger on Saturday. The
against Gurvinder at ment) dishonestly and fraudu- how and why and under what vention of Corruption Act. ed November 1, 2017. deceased has been identified
Pehowa police station lently, proposed to seek circumstances the name of According to the CBI FIR, The next date of hearing in as Praveen Kumar (24) of
on Friday. approval of the government to the aforesaid person has not which also mentioned the the case is March 1. Madanpuri colony. He had
been unemployed from some
time. The police handed over
the body to the kin after the

CMO comes to aid of Man held for abetting suicide postmortem. OC

Faridabad bride-to-be Tribune News Service

Faridabad, February 13
The accused, Anil, had
threatened Haridutt of reg-
istering a false case if he
did not pay the money. Fol-
Tribune News Service The police have nabbed a 46- allegedly demanded ~5 lakh lowing this, the victim
from the victim, Haridutt,
She was upset with year-old man in connection
alias Bholu (23), for the
ended his life.
Chandigarh, February 13 waterlogging in her with a suicide incident that A suicide note written by
marriage of his daughter
The official Twitter handle of took place two years ago. the victim blaming Anil
Chief Minister’s Office,
residential complex Identified as Anil
and provoked him to take
and his daughter was
the extreme step in 2019.
@cmohry, has come to the res- Kumar from Bihar but recovered by the police.
cue of a bride-to-be and ren- of her residential area had the residing in Dabua colony “We have arrested the
dered help in ensuring appro- problem of waterlogging. here was arrested by the the victim, Haridutt, alias accused, who was on the
priate wedding arrangements. She added that her wed- police on Friday evening Bholu (23), for the mar- run for the past two
The bride to-be, who is to ding is scheduled to take after a tip-off. riage of his daughter and years,’’ said a police offi-
get married on February 16, place on February 16 and in According to the police provoked him to take the cer, who added that the
was upset with waterlogging such a situation, it would be complaint, Anil allegedly extreme step in 2019. It is hunt for the accused
in her residential complex in difficult to entertain the demanded Rs 5 lakh from alleged that Anil also daughter was on.
Faridabad. She especially ‘baraat’ and guests. The
created an account on the Social Media Grievance
social networking site to Tracker (SMGT) team of RECRUITMENT NOTICE
tweet in this regard. CM’s Office swung into Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre, Mohali-VI, requires a
Dhruv Majumdar, IT Con- action and did the needful. Physiotherapist, Age 25 to 45 years, on purely contract basis.
For ESM age limit 50 years. Applications along with Bio-Data
sultant to Chief Minister, said The bride’s mother, while
and Photocopies of experience and qualification certificates to
Kamini, a resident of Par- speaking to mediapersons, reach by 15 Mar 2021 to Director, Paraplegic Rehabilitation
vatiya Colony in Faridabad, expressed gratitude to the Centre, Sector-56, Phase-VI, Mohali (Pb.), PIN – 160055.
had raised a ticket on the CM for the quick action and Telephone: 0172-2225352.
Twitter handle on February 10 said she was satisfied with Sd/- Director,
stating that the surroundings the work done. — TNS Paraplegic Rehabilitation Centre,
DI-20402 Mohali.

The dates of online publication/download of tenders, called through e-
procurement vide this office Notice Inviting Tender No. PW-GHR-CB-NIT/E-
Tendering/2019-20-10285-314 dated 10.12.2020, are hereby extended as (0172-2558888, 2559855, 2559755)
below, due to some administrative/Technical reasons.
The Gymkhana Club MDC Panchkula/Shivalik Country Club
1. Date of Online publication May be read as 01.03.2021 17.00 Hrs.
instead of 15.02.2021 17.00 Hrs. offering the Temporary Visitors Members Category as “Golden
2. Document Download start date May be read as 01.03.2021 17.00 Hrs. Card Holder” from time to time for persons who are interested to
instead of 15.02.2021 17.00 Hrs. use the facilities of Gym, Squash Court, T.T., Yoga, Swimming Pool,
3. Bid submission start date May be read as 01.03.2021 17.30 Hrs. & Spa etc. for individual person only for the residents of Panchkula,
instead of 15.02.2021 17.30 Hrs. Chandigarh & Mohali on annual basis @ Rs. 50,000/- yearly + GST
4. Bid submission end date May be read as 15.03.2021 17.00 Hrs. & usual charges for usage of facilities. This number shall be
instead of 03.03.2021 17.00 Hrs. restricted to 100 and they shall be offered time slots for the said
5. Physical submission of EMD May be read as 16.03.2021 11.00 Hrs. facilities as decided from time to time by Club Management.
and Cost of Tender Document instead of 04.03.2021 11.00 Hrs.
Bid Opening Date May be read as 16.03.2021 11.30 Hrs PRDH/1298/11/1/2021/1775/31/4 Sd/- Gen. Manager
instead of 04.03.2021 11.30 Hrs.
All other terms & conditions will remain un-changed.
Executive Engineer,
DPR/HP/5768 Gohar Division,(B&R), HP.PWD.Gohar.
04 PUNJAB 123

੍ਯ੨"I੍ਯ੦."ਜ਼ਯ੭���"੭�੪�"I੭ਭ�ੰ"ੋ�" 680;7"੪�ਮ"੨ੁਗ਼ਦ"ੋ�" ਭ�੦�ਙ" ੪ਟ"੦੍��੨੮ੁੋ�"੪�ੜ੨"ਭ�/
Moga farmer dies 19K cops deployed, voting today
ਝ��Iਾ੭"ੰੁੰ�ਞਾ�ਝਙ" ਜੇ�" ਿ�ਭ�ੋ�੨�ਙ" ੭�੪�"ੰ�ਵ�ੜੌ"��/ਾ�ੀ੨�ਙ" ੋ�"੦�ਯ"I੦ੇ�"2602504243 ੇ�ਭ
ਭ�ੇ�"ਸ�ਙੋ�"ੱ��"੭ੌ�੨�" ਸ�ੂਭ�੨�"੪ਟ"ਗ਼�ਸ�ੜ"ੰ੨ਭ�੨"ੋ�"੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"www0eproc0punjab0
at Singhu border 9,222 vie for 2,302 wards | Polling from 8 am to 4 pm amid tight security
DPR1Pb136;3 ੰੱ�1/"I੍ਯ੨�੍"ਞ�ਸ�੍�ਜ੨."੍ਯ੨"I੍ਯ੦."ਜ਼ਯ੭���� Tribune News Service of Said Mohammad village
at Dharamkot. His associ- 33 PATIALA BOOTHS
Moga, February 13 ates said Hansa had gone to HYPERSENSITIVE
A 72-year-old Moga farmer, the Singhu border over two
Patiala: The district
who was taking part in the months ago.
protest against the three con- Eyewitnesses said after he CIVIC BODY POLL administration has deput-
ed 1,800 police officials
tentious farm laws, died after collapsed on Thursday along with four SP-level
suffering a cardiac arrest at night, he was taken to a hos- Chandigarh, February 13 officers and eight DSP-
the Singhu border on the pital in Sonepat district. The voting process of elec- level officers in all four
outskirts of Delhi, said local But, he was declared tions to eight municipal cor- municipal council areas.
officials today. brought dead by doctors. porations and 109 munici- Officials said 33 booths
The deceased has been His body was cremated at pal councils and municipal out of 190 in Rajpura,
identified as Hansa Singh his native village today. panchayats will be held Samana, Nabha and
from 8 am to 4 pm on Sun- Patran were hypersensi-
day. All arrangements have
tive and 50 sensitive.
been put in place by the << Officials carry EVMs at a
Office of the Chief Medical Officer administration.
An official spokesperson
distribution centre in Amritsar.

Chamba, District Chamba for the commission said 30

No. NHM/CBA/ADHP/19- Dated- IAS/PCS officers had been daspur and Pathankot; grur. He said the voting 9,222 candidates were in the
deputed as observers to Baljit Singh Rathore for would be conducted on elec- fray in 2,302 wards. The
CORRIGENDUM conduct free and fair elec- Bathinda, Mansa and Farid- tronic voting machines commission had set up
tions. Apart from this, kot; Surinder Kumar Kalia (EVMs) and 7,000 EVMs had 4,102 polling stations for
This is with reference to tender No - IG/DIG-level officers had for Hoshiarpur, Jalandhar, been arranged for the pur- these elections, of which
also been appointed as Kapurthala and SBS Nagar. pose. He said the commis- 1,708 were sensitive and 861
NHM/CBA/ADHP/19-1572-77 on police observers. The spokesperson said sion had appointed 20,510 hypersensitive.
Dated - 23.01.2021 regarding IPS Mukhwinder Singh Harbaz Singh had been employees for uninterrupt- The State Election Com-
Chinna has been deputed as selected as the observer for ed voting. Around 19,000 mission announced that
printing of IEC material. Average the observer for SAS Nagar, Ferozepur, Muktsar, Moga police personnel had also February 14 and 17 would be
Roopnagar and Fatehgarh and Fazilka; and Gurinder been deputed to conduct dry days. The counting of
annual turnover may be read as Rs. Sahib; Surjit Singh for Singh Dhillon for Patiala, free and fair elections. votes would start at 9 am on
2 lakh in place of Rs. 5 lakh. Amritsar, Tarn Taran, Gur- Ludhiana, Barnala and San- The spokesperson said February 17. — TNS

Chief Medical Officer,

Chamba, Distt. Chamba HP. Cong using
violence to win No postal ballot, Muktsar
staff on duty say can’t vote
election: SAD
( Singh Badal today said the Tribune News Service
The Executive Engineer, Water Supply & Sanitation Divn No. 2, Ferozepur on
Behalf of Chairman GPWSC Bodal Pire Ke Guruharshai Dist. Ferozepur Congress had vitiated the law Muktsar, February 13
invites, bid from eligible bidders for the works detailed in the following table, and order situation in Punjab In the absence of postal bal-
the bids shall be on lumpsum/ Item rate basis.
Sr. Name of work Approx. Bid 1.Tender Period
by using “goons” to maim and lot, some government
No. value of Security Proce- of even kill Opposition support- employees assigned election
(In lacs)
(Rs) ssing Comp-
fee letion
ers to win the municipal elec- duty have claimed they have
1 Providing Water Supply 72,93,746/- 1,45,875/- As per 10+3 tions in the state. been devoid of their right to
Scheme Bodal Pire Ke Block website Months Sukhbir visited the families vote in Muktsar district. The
Guruharshai Distt. Ferozepur
Under Head la(ii)/ JJM
of two party men — Harmin- municipal council elections
1. Availability of bidding document on website from 15.02.2021 at 10:00 to
are slated for February 14.
16.03.2021 at 16:00 HOURS Sukhbir meets kin of “In the municipal council
2. Prebid Meeting at Superintending Engineer, WSS Circle, Ferozepur elections, the government
Office on dt 02.03.2021 at 11.15 AM
2. The dead line for submission of bids online is 16.03.2021 at 16:00
2 deceased workers does not offer the option of
HOURS postal ballot. I live in Mukt- Poll staff examine the election material in Bathinda. PAWAN SHARMA
3. Part I bid named Technical Qualification part of bid will be opened on
der Singh and Jagdeep Singh sar and have been deputed
17.03.2021 at 11:00 HOURS
Note : — who were crushed to death to Malout. I have to go to the TEACHER DEPLOYED FOR POLL DIES IN MISHAP
1) Other details including eligibility criteria of bidders can be seen in the
bidding documents on websites : Aspiring allegedly by Congress men polling booth a day in A government school teacher heading to Malout for election
bidders who have not obtained the User ID and Password for earlier this week. advance, thus will be unable duty died in a head-on collision between two motorcycles
participating in e-tendering may obtain the same by registering in the e-
procurement portal ( The contractors once Sukhbir said the two were to cast my vote. Had the near Bharu village in Muktsar on Saturday. The deceased has
registered can participate in any of the department tenders of killed because they were State Election Commission been identified as Gurmel Singh, a resident of Mallan village.
Government of Punjab. All other details can be seen in the bidding
SAD workers and Congress assigned duties to employ- Another person suffered multiple injuries in the accident.
document. For any clarification/difficulty regarding e-tendering process
flow, please contact on our helpdesk numbers 01722791326,2791226 “goons” did not want Akali ees in their respective areas,
2) Bidder have to pay the Bid security through online must be furnished
through e-payment facility available at website.
workers to campaign. “While people like me could have adjustment in this regard “The maximum number is
3) Corrigendum if any, will be given on above website & will not be I condemn this killing, I also cast their ballot,” said a gov- has to be done at the district from departments other
advertised in Newspapers. condemn the district police ernment teacher. level. We will exempt than the Education Depart-
Sd/- Executive Engineer,
W/S & Sanitation Division No. 2, Ferozepur
for remaining a mute specta- Deputy Commissioner MK employees having votes in ment,” he said. The situa-
On behalf of Chairman GPWSC Vill. Bodal Pire Ke tor to the violence unleashed Aravind Kumar said: “The urban areas from poll duty.” tion in neighbouring Fazilka
DPR/Pb/1504 Block Guruharshai, Distt-Ferozepur by Congress ‘goons’. If the number of election staff in Meanwhile, sources in the district is similar. A govern-
police had done their job, civic elections is lower in district administration say ment employee from Abo-
HIMACHAL PRADESH IRRIGATION AND both would have been alive comparison to the Assembly nearly 900 employees have har said he was assigned
PUBLIC HEALTH DEPARTMENT today,” he said. — TNS or Lok Sabha elections. The been assigned election duty. poll duty at Fazilka.
The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Anni, District Kullu (H.P.) invites tenders

Oppn fears violence, rigging in Bathinda

on behalf of Governor of Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible contractors for the
following work through e-tendering process:-
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Earnest Time Cost of
No. Cost Money Limit Tender
1 Augmentation of WSS Nagot Palli, 856749.00 17135.00 6 250/-
WSS Kritwa Kohila and WSS Parkot Months Bathinda, February 13
Kamand Phase-IV th in GP Kohila in
Anni Block, Distt. Kullu (H.P) (SH: Highlighting alleged irregu- CAPT MADE FALSE
C/o Intake Chambers = 5 Nos., C/o
Storage Tank 11500 Ltr Cap. at
larities in the voters’ list in PROMISES: MANN
Node D, C/o Storage Tank 10000 Ltr. Bathinda, the SAD and AAP
capacity at Node E, Laying, Jointing have raised doubts over the Chandigarh: Aam Aadmi
and Testing of GI pipe 20mm dia at
intention of the state govern- Party state president and
Point C to X from RD 0 to 700 = 700
Sangrur MP Bhagwant
Rmt & 20mm dia at Point C to Z from ment and State Election Com-
RD 0 to 600 = 600 Rmt, 20mm dia at Mann on Saturday said
Point B to 10 from RD 0 to 600 = 600 mission with regard to con- CM Capt Amarinder Singh
Rmt, 32mm dia point A to 1 from RD
0 to 600 = 600 Rmt & Providing water ducting free and fair elections. had made big promises,
supply connection for 183 No’s Former SAD minister Sikan- including waiver of farm-
households (under Jal Jeevan Mission.)
der Singh Maluka today raised ers’ debt and ‘ghar ghar
2 Aug. of WSS Buchhair, WSS Upper 1834845.00 36697/- 6 400/-
and Lower Tarala and WSS Khadvi Months fears of booth capturing and rig- rozgar’ to youth, before
Kafti in GP Buchhair in Anni Block,
Distt. Kullu (SH: C/o Intake Chamber
ging in the polls with the sup- the 2017 elections. How-
= 8 No’s., C/o Storage Tank 20000Ltr port of the police. He said a ever, four years had
capacity at Node C & B, C/o Storage
Tank 10000 Ltr capacity at Node police officer linked to the passed, but the CM had
D&G, C/o Storage Tank 15000 Ltr Bathinda CIA had warned par- not fulfilled even a single
capacity at Node A, Laying, Jointing
ty candidates and supporters promise, he claimed. TNS
and Testing of GI pipe 32mm dia point AAP leader Navdeep Jeeda addresses the media in Bathinda.
A to 2 from RD 0 to 800 = 800 Rmt,
& point C to 22 from RD 0 to 1400 =
against having party booths
1400 Rmt, and Providing water outside the polling stations. AAP district president which raised suspicion of more than 750 names in the
supply connection for 444 No's
households (under Jal Jeevan Mission.)
Referring to irregularities Navdeep Singh Jeeda said rigging in the election. He voters’ list with incomplete
3 Retrofitting of WSS Manjugad Lagooni 744456.00 14889/- 3 250/- in the voters’ list, Bathinda there were many flaws said the Bathinda MC had information. — TNS
in G.P Durah in Nirmand Block, Distt. Months
Kullu (H.P) (SH: C/o Sector Storage
Tank 10000 Ltr Cap. at Node 2 & point
B, and Laying, Jointing and Testing

Pak intruder shot, 14-kg heroin seized

of GI pipe 20mm = 750 & G.I pipe of
25 mm = 3000 mts and installation of
Function house water tap connections
(under Jal Jeevan Mission.)
4 Augmentation of WSS Khanag and 1170018.00 23400/- 4 400/- Our Correspondent heard the sound of PVC
WSS to L/o Sub Village Lajheri in Months pipes rubbing against the
Anni Block, Distt. Kullu (SH: C/o 7
Nos. Intake Chambers, C/o Sector Tarn Taran, February 13 barbed fencing as the sus-
Storage Tanks at Node F=40000 Ltr
cap. at node H 13000 Lts cap at Node
In a joint operation by the pects transferred packets
N=10000 Lts cap, Laying, Jointing Border Security Force to the Indian side.
and Testing of G.I pipe 50mm
=2500mts and Providing & (BSF) and Narcotics Con- The intruders were chal-
Installation of functional water tap trol Bureau (NCB), a Pak- lenged by the BSF and
connection for 46 households under
(Jal Jeevan Mission.) istan intruder was shot and heard the sound of cocking
5 Retrofitting of WSS Koil in Nirmand 1782772.00 35655/- 4 400/- 14-kg heroin seized on the of a weapon. The BSF team
Block, Distt. Kullu (SH: C/o RCC
Head weir = 2 Nos., C/o Intake
intervening night of Febru- fired in self-defence in
chambers (2 Nos.), C/o Sector ary 12-13 near the Interna- which one intruder was
Storage Tank 5000 Lts at point B1,
10000 litres cap at Node K&J each. tional Border. killed near the fencing. The
Laying, Jointing and Testing of GI A pistol magazine with six other intruder fled back
pipe 20 mm dia = 1790Rmt, 32mm
dia = 3060 Rmt, 40 mm dia G.I pipe live rounds and two The contraband seized from into the Pakistan territory.
= 740mm and 65 mm dia = 2900 mts
(under Jal Jeevan Mission.)
mobiles were also recov- 14 packets is worth ~74 crore It was learnt that Pakistan
6 Retrofitting of WSS Koil in Nirmand 1973873.00 39477/- 6 400/- ered from the spot. The in the international market. Rangers, during a flag
Block, Distt. Kullu (SH: C/o Months 14.8-kg heroin concealed in meeting with the BSF,
Sedimentation tank 10313 Lts Cap,
Filter Tank units 3 of 27.23 Sqmt. 14 packets was reported to barrier in the district. refused to take back the
Laying, Jointing and Testing of GI be worth Rs 74 crore in the Around 2.30 am, the body of their national.
pipe 65 mm dia = 3700 Rmt, (under
Jal Jeevan Mission.) international market. teams observed two The BSF said 70.904-kg
1 Last Date of filling/uploading the tender through e-tendering:- 18.02.2021 up to The BSF said on specific intruders enter the Indian heroin had been recovered
05:00 P.M.
The tender forms and other detailed conditions can be downloaded from the website
inputs, a joint ambush was side from across the bor- and two Pakistan intruders or from office of above Executive Engineer, up to date laid at Thehkalan (Khalra) der. The security men killed so far this year.
specified above.
Stamped ballot papers found Hamirpur farmers sow ~11 cr approved
for vegetable
markets in Kullu,
dumped at Dharampur school cash crops, reap gains Our Correspondent
Mandi, February 13
DC orders probe | Congress questions poll process | Blames BJP Hamirpur, February 13
The Agricultural Produce
Market Committee (APMC)
Ambika Sharma The crop diversification Kullu and Lahaul and Spiti
Tribune News Service ZP CANDIDATE PLANS incentive project being run in has approved a Rs 10.84 crore
Solan, February 13 LEGAL RECOURSE collaboration with the Japan annual budget (2021-22) for
In a sensational revelation, a ■ Rajkumar Sharma, who International Cooperation the construction of vegetable
bundle of 25 stamped ballot lost the zila parishad poll Agency (JICA) has created a markets in the two districts.
papers, two sealed envelopes from Darwa by 632 votes, new hope for farmers and gar- There are around 11 veg-
and an account sheet of the is exploring legal options deners in the district. While etable markets in Kullu where
ballot papers relating to the ■ The highest number of 15 farmers faced a crisis of liveli- the construction work is going
recent Dharmapur zila candidates contested the hood during the coronavirus on. One vegetable market is
parishad elections were found outbreak, the JICA project Farmers are now earning good income after the implementation proposed in the Lahaul valley,
ZP election from Darwa
of the crop diversification incentive project. TRIBUNE PHOTO
dumped along with the ■ Rajkumar Sharma
paved the way for self-reliance while the APMC is planning to
garbage of a counting centre the third highest votes for many of them. Adopting set up another market to facili-
at Government Senior Sec- Policemen collect the ballot papers and other documents found while 262 votes were the mantra of self-reliance, He says that a lift irrigation JICA and improved varieties tate the people of the region
ondary School, Dharampur, dumped in a school at Dharampur in Solan district on Saturday. declared invalid these farmers have earned a scheme has been constructed of seeds and plants, they can with better marketing facilities.
this morning. good income by growing cash for about 9.55 hectares of agri- harvest high yields. Amar Singh, chairman of
The counting of votes for ward. Two sealed envelopes polling agent at the counting apprised about the callous- crops in their farmlands with cultural land in Jamali village He says even during this the APMC of Kullu and
the elections to all zila and poll-related papers were centre, no discrepancy could ness of the polling staff. He the help of JICA project. and about 35 farming families time of crisis, the farmers of Lahaul and Spiti, said that the
parishad wards and block also found. It has put a ques- take place there. It seems that said, “It is surprising how the Dile Ram, a resident of are directly being benefited the village have planted APMC had approved Rs 10.84
samitis had taken place at this tion mark on the poll process. some mishandling had taken assistant returning officer will Jamali village, says that it was from it. After providing irriga- cucumber, ladyfinger, tomato, crore for the vegetable mar-
centre. A local resident, Ram Sharma, a resident of Patta place. The record was sup- account for the votes, if some- impossible for him to support tion facility, officials of the JICA bitter gourd and early cabbage. kets in Kullu district. Besides,
Rattan, who was waiting for village, also rushed to the spot. posed to be stored in the block one challenges the poll his family and survive on the project and agricultural scien- Vinod Sharma, Project the World Bank was also fund-
someone near the school, He had lost the elections. development office after the results before a court. It is also income from small landhold- tists motivated the farmers of Director of the JICA, says ing the construction of these
spotted the bundle. DC, Solan, KC Chaman, completion of the poll surprising how the account ing. He adds that after the the village to produce vegeta- that the agency is providing markets. He said Bandrol
He was surprised to see a said it was a serious issue. The process,” he added. had been compiled.” implementation of the crop bles that gave them an income training and teaching scien- market would be constructed
bundle of 25 ballot papers police had been directed to Congress spokesman He urged CM Jai Ram diversification incentive proj- of Rs 1.75 lakh, he adds. tific techniques to farmers to at a cost of Rs 12.32 crore and
polled in favour of zila investigate the matter and Ramesh Chauhan, who Thakur to inquire into the mat- ect in his village, he can now Watan Singh, another help them increase their crop Shat market at a cost of Rs
parishad candidate Rajku- take action against the guilty. reached the spot, said the dis- ter and take strict action earn sufficient income to sup- farmer of the village, says production and thus improv- 4.04 crore with funds from the
mar Sharma from Darwa “As every candidate had a trict administration was against those responsible for it. port his family. that with training from the ing their economy. World Bank. — TNS

Guv: Promoted
Shimla-Kalka 2K parking lots planned for Shimla Smart City Keylong shivers
at -5.9°C
rly track as Subhash Rajta
The other big parking is Shimla, February 13
Union MoS Shimla, February 13
The authorities are planning
SITE BUDGET VEHICLE CAPACITY coming up in Vikasnagar,
which will accommodate 200
Keylong in Lahaul and Spiti
district with -5.9°C continued
IGMC ~32 crore 700
Shimla, February 13 to create 2,000 to 2,500 park- vehicles. “Besides, we have to be the coldest place in
Governor Bandaru Dattatreya ing spaces for Shimla Smart Vikasnagar ~13.27 crore 200 parking lots coming up in Himachal Pradesh, said
today enjoyed a rail car journey City by early next year. At the Sankat Mochan ~5 crore 100 Wills Park, Kacchi Ghati, Shimla Meteorological Cen-
from Shimla to Kalka. He halt- moment, besides small park- Barns Court near Raj Bha- tre Director Manmohan
Raj Bhavan ~1.14 crore 35
ed for a short period at Barog ing lots in most of the wards, van, Panthaghati and Sankat Singh on Saturday. Kalpa
and visited the railway station. Shimla Smart City has at Panthaghati ~95 lakh 80 Mochan,” said Garg. recorded a low of 1.4°C, he
The Governor and Lady Gov- least five major parking lots PROJECTS FOR WHICH DPR IS READY Besides creating parking added. Manali, Dalhousie and
ernor Vasantha Bandaru were under active implementation, spaces, Garg said initiatives Kufri registered a low of 2.4°C,
welcomed at Barog by Station while the detailed project Site Budget Vehicle capacity like the widening of roads, 6.3°C and 6.9°C, respectively,
Superintendent Dharam Dutt report (DPR) of two other lots IGMC ~15 crore 400 creation of pedestrian paths while Shimla recorded a low
Upadhyay. The Governor visit- has been completed. Besides, Boileauganj ~5 crore 100 and foot over-bridges were of 6.4°C. — PTI
ed the office building and the the proposals for two other being taken to decongest the
tunnel — this office building parking lots, one of which has ❝ Many of these projects will be completed this year overburdened city roads. “A
was built in 1902. Upadhyay already been approved by the and the remaining by early next year. The availability budget of Rs 55 crore had
told the Governor about the Smart City board of directors, of more parking spaces will bring relief to residents been allocated to make better
historical background of the are awaited. as well as tourists❞ Nitin Garg, SMART CITY GENERAL MANAGER (TECHNICAL) pedestrian paths. The idea is
Barog station and also Colonel “Many of these projects will to provide better connectivity
Barog and British officer Har- be completed this year and One of the largest parking close to the hospital. “The Smart City board of direc- coming from out of town. It to reduce people’s depend-
rington. He said when he was the remaining by early next lots, which will accommodate DPR for a parking lot oppo- tors,” said Garg. should have a capacity of 700 ence on vehicles,” he said.
the Union Minister of State for year. The availability of more 700 vehicles, is coming up site the IGMC auditorium The third parking at the to 800 vehicles, depending on “We hope all these proj-
Railways, he worked to pro- parking spaces will bring close to the Indira Gandhi has been made and most of side is planned opposite the the number of rooms built for ects are completed without
mote this heritage railway relief to residents as well as Medical College and Hospital the clearances for the project new OPD building. “It will be people,” said Garg. “The proj- getting caught up in
track. He added that the Shim- tourists,” said Smart City (IGMC) at a cost of Rs 32 have been secured. A tenta- a huge parking lot. In this ect has been approved by the bureaucratic or political
la-Kalka railway track is an general manager (Technical) crore. Besides, two more tive budget of Rs 15 crore, too, complex, there will be rooms BoD, we are awaiting a pro- tangles,” said Ramesh
international heritage. — TNS Nitin Garg. parking lots are planned has been approved by the for patients and attendants posal from the Public Works Chauhan, a city resident.

SCERT"Punjab ੰਾ�ਾ ਭ�ੰ੪ ਝ�"ਧਸ�ਭ�੮੍੪"�੨ੰ੨ਵ"ਧਙ�"ਾ੨���ਯ"*ਧੰ0ੰੀ0

SCERT"Punjab ੰਾ�ਾ ਭ�ੰ੪ ਝ�"ਧਸ�ਭ�੮੍੪"�੨ੰ੨ਵ"ਧਙ�"ਾ੨���ਯ"*ਧੰ0ੰੀ0

BJP executive meet D0P0Ed0"4242/44

ਟ0ਝ੨0ਾੀ0+"ਗ਼�ਸ�ੜ"੍�" Diploma"in"Ph{sical"Education
*D0P0Ed0+"ੰ�੮੍ 4242/44"ੋ� ੋ��੪� ੋੀ ��ਭ�੨ਝ"੮ੁ੨�" ਭ੨
ਿੋ�ੇੀ"ੱ��"�ਸੱ��" ਠ੦ੀੋ੭�੨"32-4"ਸ�ਙ" ਞੰ"ੋ�" ੜ੨�ੜ੨"ੋੀ
�ੀ�ਮਝ" ਗ਼�ੰ" ਭ੨" ਵੁ�ਭ�" ੱ੍" ਜੇ�" ਗ਼�ਸ�ੜ" ੨�ਸ" �੭ਵ" ੰ�ੈੇ
*D0EI0Ed0+"*E0T0T0+"ੰ�੮੍ 4242/44"ੋ� ੋ�ਮ੪� ੋੀ ��ਭ�੨ਝ

at D’sala from Feb 17 ੰ੨ਭ�੨ੀ"ੰ�ੰੈ�੭�ਙ"ਸ�ਙ"੦�੍ੇ�"��ਗ਼ੇ"��ਟ੭�ਾ"ੰ�ੰੈ�੭�ਙ"�੭ਵ

ੋ�/ੰ�੪�"D0P0Ed0"ਭ�੨ੰ"�੭ਵ"ੋ��੪�"੪�ੂ"ੋ�"ਞ�ਸ਼ਭੁ "ੱ੍."ਠੱ"ਝਗ਼ੂੀ"੨�ਸੰਾ੨�੮੍"੭�ੜ
www0ssapunjab0org ਆੇ� ਭ੨"ੰਭੋ�"ੱ੍�"ਸ੍੨੪"ੇ�"ੜੀ0ੰੀ0"ਭ�ਾ��ਯ੨ੀ"੪ਟ"੨�ਸੰਾ੨�੮੍
� ੰ�ਟਾ

ੋ�/ੰ�੪�" D0EI0Ed0" ਭ�੨ੰ" �੭ਵ" ੋ��੪�" ੪�ੂ" ੋ�" ਞ�ਸ਼ੁਭ" ੱ੍." ਠੱ" ਝਗ਼ੂੀ" ੨�ਸੰਾ੨�੮੍
੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"www0ssapunjab0org ਆੇ� ਭ੨"ੰਭੋ�" ੱ੍�"ਸ੍੨੪"ੇ�" ੜੀ0ੰੀ0"ਭ�ਾ��ਯ੨ੀ"੪ਟ
Tribune News Service ਜ਼ੀੰ"ਝ੍੪�ਟ੍"ਫ਼੨ੀ"ਸ�੭�ਯੀ�"ਧਭੰ/ੰ੨�੭ੰ੦�੍"*ਮੁੴੋ+"੪ਟ"ਭ�ਟ"ਜ਼ੀੰ"੍ੱ�"ੱ�� ੱ��"੨�ਸੰਾ੨�੮੍"ਜ਼ੀੰ"ਝ੍੪�ਟ੍"ਫ਼੨ੀ"ਸ�੭�ਯੀ�"ਧਭੰ/ੰ੨�੭ੰ੦�੍"*ਮੁੴੋ+"੪ਟ"ਭ�ਟ"ਜ਼ੀੰ"੍ੱ�"ੱ��
Nadda to address meeting ੧�ਯੇ�<"32-4"ਸ�ਙ"ਞੰ"ੋ�"ੜ੨�ੜ੨"ੋੀ"੧�ਯੇ�"ਗ਼�ੰ"ੱ�੭��"ੋੰ੭�"ਗ਼�ੌ੨"ੋੀ ਗ਼�ਸ�ੜੀ ਿ੭੮� ਗ਼�ੰ ੧�ਯੇ�<"32-4"ਸ�ਙ" ਞੰ"ੋ�" ੜ੨�ੜ੨"ੋੀ"੧�ਯੇ�"ਗ਼�ੰ"ੱ�੭��"ੋੰ੭�"ਗ਼�ੌ੨"ਆੇ�" ਜ�ਯ੨�ੀ."�ੱ�ੋੀ.
Shimla, February 13
■ The meeting of the state ੱ�੭��" ਗ਼�ਸ�ੜੀ."�੭�ਯਝ੍."ੰ੦��ਸਭ"�ੰ��ਮਝ"ਜੇ�"�ੱੰ�ੜ"�੭੮�"ਗ਼�ੰ"ੱ�ੂ�"੪��੦ੀ"ੱ੍�
The three-day meeting of the office-bearers will be held on IMPORTANT DATES Website: IMPORTANT DATES Website:
state executive of the February 17, followed by a 1 Online Registration 16.02.2021 to 02.03.2021 1 Online Registration 16.02.2021 to 02.03.2021
meeting of working commit- 2 Filling of Online Application form 16.02.2021 to 02.03.2021
Himachal BJP will be held at 2 Filling of Online Application form 16.02.2021 to 02.03.2021
tee on February 18 and 19 3 Payment of Fees 16.02.2021 to 02.03.2021 3 Payment of Fees 16.02.2021 to 02.03.2021
Dharamsala from February 17
■ The meeting will commence 4 Merit List 04.03.2021 4 Merit List 04.03.2021
to 19. A training camp for
trainees will also be organised
with the address of national � ਠਗ਼੨�ਭੇ" ੇਸ੭ੀ�" ਜ੍ੁੰ�੨" ਸ�ਭ੨" ੋ��੪�" ��ਭ�੨ਝ" ੋੀਝਙ" �੦ੇੀਝਙ" �੭ਵ" ਭ�ਟ � ਠਗ਼੨�ਭੇ" ੇਸ੭ੀ�" ਜ੍ੁੰ�੨" ਸ�ਭ੨" ੋ��੪�" ��ਭ�੨ਝ" ੋੀਝਙ" �੦ੇੀਝਙ" �੭ਵ" ਭ�ਟ
BJP president JP Nadda ੇੜੋੀ੪ੀ"ਭੀੇੀ"ਸ�ਙੋੀ"ੱ�."ਠੰ"ੰੜ�ੌੀ"੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"ਆੇ�" ਸ�ੂਭ�੨ੀ"ਿੋ�ੇੀ"ਸ�੭�ਯੀ�"ਞੰ ੇੜੋੀ੪ੀ"ਭੀੇੀ"ਸ�ਙੋੀ"ੱ�."ਠੰ"ੰੜ�ੌੀ"੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"ਆੇ�" ਸ�ੂਭ�੨ੀ"ਿੋ�ੇੀ"ਸ�੭�ਯੀ�"ਞੰ
on February 17 from 9 am to 5
੪ਟ"ਞ�ਸ਼ੁਭ"ਠ੦ੀੋ੭�੨�ਙ"੍�"ੰ੪�ੱ"ਿੋ�ੇੀ"ਸ�ਙੋੀ"ੱ�"ਿਭ"ਠੱ"੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"ਿ੍੧�੦ੇ"ੇ�੨"ਆੇ� ੪ਟ"ਞ�ਸ਼ੁਭ"ਠ੦ੀੋ੭�੨�ਙ"੍�"ੰ੪�ੱ"ਿੋ�ੇੀ"ਸ�ਙੋੀ"ੱ�"ਿਭ"ਠੱ"੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"ਿ੍੧�੦ੇ"ੇ�੨"ਆੇ�
pm under the chairmanship ਵ��ਭ"ਭ੨ੋ�"੨�ੱੂ�
of state BJP president Suresh the working committee on � ਝ੍੪�ਟ੍"੨�ਸੰਾ੨�੮੍"ਭ੨੍"ੰ੦�"ਠ੦ੀੋ੭�੨"ਝਗ਼ੂ�"੦ੁਭ੦ � ੪"੭�੨੭�"ੰੱੀ"ਫ਼੨੍"ਠਗ਼੨�ੇ � ਝ੍੪�ਟ੍"੨�ਸੰਾ੨�੮੍"ਭ੨੍"ੰ੦�"ਠ੦ੀੋ੭�੨"ਝਗ਼ੂ�"੦ੁਭ੦ � ੪"੭�੨੭�"ੰੱੀ"ਫ਼੨੍"ਠਗ਼੨�ੇ
Kashyap. Chief Minister Jai February 18 and 19. The ੱੀ"Final Submission ੇ�"ਗ਼�ੱ੪�ਙ" ਞਭ"੭�੨"ਵ��ਭ"ਭ੨"੪�ੂ."ੜ�ਜੋ"�੭ਵ"੭�੨੭�" ੰ�ੌ ੱੀ"Final Submission ੇ�"ਗ਼�ੱ੪�ਙ" ਞਭ"੭�੨"ਵ��ਭ"ਭ੨"੪�ੂ."ੜ�ਜੋ"�੭ਵ"੭�੨੭�" ੰ�ੌ
Ram Thakur, former chief meeting would commence *edit+"ਭ੨੍"ੋ�"ਭ�ਟ"੭ੀ"੦�ਭ�"੍ੱ�"ਿੋ�ੇ�"ਸ�੭�ਯ�� *edit+"ਭ੨੍"ੋ�"ਭ�ਟ"੭ੀ"੦�ਭ�"੍ੱ�"ਿੋ�ੇ�"ਸ�੭�ਯ��
ministers Shanta Kumar and with the address of national � ਠ੦ੀੋ੭�੨"੭ੌ�੨�"ਸ�ੂਭ�੨ੀ"੪ਟ"SSA ੋੀ"੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"*www0ssapunjab0org+ �ੋ੮�/ � ਠ੦ੀੋ੭�੨"੭ੌ�੨�"ਸ�ੂਭ�੨ੀ"੪ਟ"SSA ੋੀ"੭��ੜੰ�ਟਾ"*www0ssapunjab0org+ �ੋ੮�/
Prem Kumar Dhumal, Union BJP president JP Nadda and �੍੨ੋ�੮"ਗ਼�"੪�ੂ� ਿ੍੨ੋ�੮"ਗ਼�"੪�ੂ�
Minister of State for Finance all ministers, MPs, MLAs, DPR1Pb136:2 Sd1/"Director SCERT0 DPR1Pb1369; Sd1/"Director SCERT0
and Corporate Affairs Anurag candidates of the 2017
Thakur and in-charge and co- Assembly elections, presi-
incharge of BJP affairs in dents and secretaries of mor-
Himachal Avinash Rai Khan- chas, conveners of the party
na and Sanjay Tandon would cells and the presidents of the
give valuable inputs to the district units and the man-
trainees, said state BJP gener- dals would participate. The
al secretary Trilok Jamwal. meeting is likely to review the
The meeting of the state performance of the party in
office bearers would be held the panchayat and urban
in the evening on February local bodies elections and
17, followed by a meeting of chalk out a future strategy.

Tearful adieu to Pathania

The Executive Engineer, Jal Shakti Division, Nagrota Bagwan invites offline tenders on behalf of Governor of
Himachal Pradesh from approved eligible contractors for the following work through off line tendering process:-
Sr. Name of Work Estimated Earnest Time Cost of
No. Cost Money Limit Tender
NURPUR, FEBRUARY 13 general secretary Kewal Patha- (in Rs.) (in Rs.) form(in Rs.)
Thousands of people and nia, former Congress president 1 A/R & M/O Lift Water Supply Scheme to Dr.Rajendra Prashad Govt.
Medical College Tanda in Tehsil Nagrota Bagwan Distt. Kangra 1
political leaders bade a tearful Sukhwinder Sukhu, former (H.P.) (Sub Head-Repair of various storage Tanks and its water
4,98,635/- 9975/-
adieu to former minister and ministers GS Bali, Sudhir proofing at Tanda)
sitting Congress MLA from Sharma, Asha Kumari, 2 CAD work to FIS Kandul Kuhl in Tehsil Nagrota Bagwan and
Distt.Kangra HP(Sub Head:-Construction of RCC Linning in main 4,49,845/- 9000/- 250/-
Fatehpur in Kangra district Vipolve Thakur and Harbans kuhl from RD 9300 to 9500=200 Rmt and 1 No outlet Chamber)
Sujan Singh Pathania at his Rana, Kangra district Con- 3 Providing FHTC by Retrofitting to Multi Village Group of WSS
native village on Saturday. gress president Ajay Mahajan, Serathana, Rounkhar, Jassour, Sunehar, Mundla, Rajiana,
Sadarpur, Thanpuri including Imp. of 4 Nos. WSS in Block Nagrota 3
Pathania, who died yester- former Lok Sabha MP Rajan Bagwan and District Kangra (H.P.) (Under JJM Ph-3) (Sub Head:-
3,35,400/- 6710/-
day, was cremated with hon- Sushant and Chander Kumar, Providing and Installation of functional house hold tap connections
including G.I. Fitting material at Panchayat Kawari and Tharu)
ours. Bhiwani Pathania, his former Rajya Sabha MP Kirpal
Last date of submission of tender 20.02.2021 up to 11:00 A.M and opened on same day at 11:30 A.M
son, lit the funeral pyre. Parmar, Forest Minister Last date of sale of tender from Divisional office :- 19.02.2021 upto 3.30 P.M.
Mukesh Agnihotri, Leader of Rakesh Pathania and Arjun The Application for the same may be submitted to this office on or before 19.02.2021. at 10:30 A.M.
the Opposition, state Congress Singh MLA, Jawali, paid trib- The tender forms and other details conditions can be downloaded from the website or from office of
the Executive Engineer, JSV Division, Nagrota Bagwan up to date specified above.
president Kuldeep Rathore, utes to Pathania. — OC Executive Engineer,
DPR/HP/5780 JSV Division, Nagrota Bagwan
06 J&K/LADAKH 123

Charges framed against former

cop for attack on CRPF convoy
Tribune News Service
New Delhi, February 13
The National Investigation
Agency (NIA) today said it
❝ The case relates to an
attack on the CRPF convoy Zahoor Ahmad Rather
at Tethar, Banihal,
had filed a supplementary
chargesheet in a case relat- Ramban district, J&K, by a Top TRF ultra
ing to an attack on the CRPF
convoy at Banihal in March
terrorist who had exploded
an explosive-laden Santro
held in Samba
2019 against Hizb-ul- Jammu, February 13
Mujahideen terrorist
car on March 30, 2019 A top terrorist affiliated
Naveed Mushtaq Shah, a for- with the intention of killing with The Resistance Front
mer constable of the Jammu security personnel and (TRF), wanted in connec-
and Kashmir (J&K) Police, waging war against the tion with the killing of
in a special court in Jammu. Government of India. three BJP workers and a
The charges were framed National Investigation Agency policeman in south Kash-
under various sections of the mir last year, was arrested
Ranbir Penal Code (RPC), in Samba district, the
Explosive Substances Act, arms and ammunition in was actively involved in Deceased terrorists Sahil police said on Saturday.
Jammu and Kashmir Public 2017, when he was posted as the planning and execution Abdullah Bhat, Adil Bashir Zahoor Ahmad Rather,
Property (Prevention of a guard on the Food Corpo- of the attack on the CRPF Sheikh and Zubair Ahmed alias Sahil, Khalid, was
Damage) Act and Unlawful ration of India (FCI) premis- convoy in Banihal along Wani were also actively hiding in Samba district of
Activities (Pervention) Act es in Budgam, the officials with other terrorists Riyaz involved in the preparation of the Jammu region and
(UAPA), NIA officials said. said, adding that he later Ahmed Naikoo, Rayees the explosives that went into was arrested on specific
In the chargesheet it has joined the terror group Ahmed Khan and Dr Sai- the making of the IED,” he information by the Anant-
been alleged that accused Hizb-ul-Mujahideen and fullah Mir, who were subse- said, adding that the charges nag police, a senior police
Naveed, who is a former became its active member. quently killed in encoun- had also been abated against official said.
constable of the J&K Police, “Investigation has estab- ters with security forces,” a the deceased terrorists The Resistance Front is an
had deserted the force with lished that accused Naveed senior NIA official said. involved in the conspiracy. offshoot of the LeT. — PTI

PAGD wins DDC chairperson election in Bandipora

Srinagar/Jammu, February 13 person in Bandipora district quorum, an Independent
Elections to the posts of INDEPENDENTS BAG POSTS IN POONCH and an Independent candi- candidate, Safina Baig, won
chairperson and vice-chair- ■ In the Jammu region, while Independents won both the posts date won from Baramulla. the election to the post of the
person of the District in Poonch district, voting could not take place in the three dis- In Bandipora, candidate of chairperson, while Sonullah
Development Councils tricts of Ramban, Rajouri and Kishtwar due to lack of quorum. the PAGD Abdul Gani Bhat Parrey of the People’s Con-
(DDCs) were held in two ■ In
Poonch, Tazim Akhtar was elected chairperson of from the NC was elected the ference bagged the position
districts of Kashmir in the the DDC and Mohammad Ashfaq vice-chairperson. chairperson, while Kaunsar of the vice-chairperson, the
final phase on Saturday, Shafeeq of the PDP was officials said.
while a lack of quorum phase of the polls, the chair- on Saturday, the officials said. elected as the vice-chairper- The PAGD has won five
forced adjournment of polls persons and vice-chairper- They said the People’s son, the officials said. chairperson posts in the
in three of the four districts sons for the DDCs in Bara- Alliance for Gupkar Decla- In Baramulla, where the Valley after the successes in
in the Jammu region. mulla and Bandipora, both in ration (PAGD) won the elec- election was postponed ear- Kulgam, Ganderbal, Pulwa-
In the fifth and the last north Kashmir, were elected tion to the post of the chair- lier this week due to lack of ma and Anantnag. — PTI


Reform push to make J&K to get statehood at

nation self-reliant: FM right time, says Shah
Budget has set the pace for Congress why it took a U-
India to become “self-reliant” turn on the farm laws. But no quoted BR Ambedkar to On charges of human planning. It works on sen-
so as to become one of the top reply came,” she remarked, say, “Kings will now be rights violations, Shah timents. We believe Jam-
economies in the world. even as she questioned the born in J&K from the bal- said, “These charges are mu and Kashmir is ours.
Responding to Gandhi’s steps taken by the Congress- lot of voters and not from relevant to times when The people of J&K are
speech on Thursday, during ruled Punjab Government to the wombs of queens.” three families ruled J&K. ours. The whole country
which he talked about the stop stubble-burning. The minister was refer- They never cared for the stands with Jammu and
recent farm laws and not on “Rahul Gandhi did not refer ring to successful conduct rights of West Pakistan Kashmir. J&K will get
the Budget proposals, she to any clause in the three of panchayat and district refugees, Valmikis and statehood the moment
said: “It’s clear that their farm laws which, he claims, development council polls Kashmiri Pandits because development of the
(Congress) belief in a demo- are against the farmers,” the and said 21 subjects of these people didn’t com- region, derailed by the
cratically elected parlia- Finance Minister pointed out. governance, including prise their vote bank.” “three-family rule”, is
mentary system is fin- On the “Hum do, hamare do,” mining, had been decen- Shah invited sharp reac- restored to an appropriate
ished.” She said she wanted jibe, Sitharaman retorted: tralised in J&K and Rs tions after he said their level,” Shah said.
Rahul to speak on 10 issues, “The Modi government 1,500 crore provided for government “worked on Congress MP Ravneet
but was disappointed. works for the common peo- the works. feelings, not laws”. “The Bittu attacked Shah say-
“I wanted to know from the ple, not for crony capitalists.” The minister also reject- Modi government does ing, “We knew all along
ed Congress’ allegations not work on laws. Modi that this government does
that 4G was restored government does not what it feels right… it has
under foreign pressure. work on schemes and no care for laws.”

Cable metro
part of plan
Congress questions...
protect farmers’ interests we should protect farmers'
to ease by mandating through
statutory provisions that
interests by mandating
through statutory provi-
Shimla traffic no farmer-trader transac-
tion should be below MSP”
sions that no farmer-trader
transaction should be below
peak hours and introduc- The report, which the Con- MSP, wherever prescribed.”
ing shuttle services. gress veteran referred to, PM Modi, replying to the
Increased use of public says under ‘Enforce MSP’ debate on the motion
transport, cable metro proj- section: “Enforce MSP since thanking the President's
ects, multi-storey parking intermediaries play a vital Address, had quoted for-
lots at strategic points, role in the functioning of mer PMs Manmohan Singh
widening of roads, con- the market and at times and late Chaudhary Charan
struction of overbridges, they have advance contracts Singh to ask, “Why is the
expansion of the old ISBT with the farmers. In respect Opposition making U-turn
and shifting of Lakkar of all essential commodities, on farm reforms today?”
Bazaar bus stand to Dhalli
are some of the long-term
measures suggested in the
vision document.
The plan identifies 22
High-stake elections...
traffic bottlenecks in the The performance of the its own after three decades,
town. It blames traffic Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) is testing the waters.
chaos on acute shortage of will be keenly watched. It Besides facing public
parking space, haphazard is the first election with anger over the Centre’s
parking alongside narrow the reins of the campaign three farm laws, it doesn’t
roads, lack of traffic sense firmly with the young and have a widespread network
among people and exis- energetic Raghav Chadha, in the state. Nevertheless,
tence of offices, hospitals, in-charge of AAP affairs in the party is hoping to
educational institutions Punjab, and not Sangrur maintain its hold over key
and shopping centres MP Bhagwant Mann. pockets of Gurdaspur and
along busy road. The BJP, contesting on surrounding areas.

Parl panel plans LAC visit... calendar

February 14, 2021, Sunday
LAC standoff, alleging that the from the panel meetings. ■ Vikrami Samvat 2077
government had “ceded” Indi- The Congress, meanwhile, ■ Shaka Samvat 1942
■ Magh Shaka 25
an territory to the Chinese. decided to step up the offen- ■ Phalgun Parvishte 3
The government has denied sive on the issue and has called ■ Hijari 1442
■ Shukla Paksha Tithi 3, up to 2:00 am
the claim as “misinformation”. a press conference of former ■ Siddha Yoga up to 1:11 am
The sources today questioned Defence Minister AK Antony ■ Purvabhadrapad Nakshatra up to
Rahul’s frequent absence on the matter on Sunday. 4:33 pm
■ Moon enters Pisces sign 10.09 am
jalandhar | 14 FEBRUARY 2021

A theatre director reflects: Hope and love make By 10.30 am on December 3,1971, Lance Naik In ‘The Hidden Garden’, Dr Gopi Chand Narang
us strong, it is this impulse that pushes us to Albert Ekka of 14 Guards had earned the first PVC plumbs the depths of Mir Taqi Mir’s poetic
explore the arts. It is what we fight for when all is during Operation 'Cactus Lily’, commonly referred and non-poetic selves to delineate a holistic
lost. This is why we tell stories ARTS page 12 to as the Bangladesh War TRIBUTE page 13 picture of his craftsmanship BOOKS page 14

studies show
the Himalayas
(top) are getting
warmer and

glaciers are
melting earlier.
ists claim this is
because of
climate change;
and (left) rescue
work underway
at the Tapovan
tunnel after the
February 7
Chamoli tragedy.

HESE are our Hills of Home. Five genera- ICS officer — decided to do something however, is that the Uttarakhand govern- Here, at home, we relished an excellent
tions of our family have lived in this cot- about it. All three were senior citizens,
The Himalayas are the youngest ment seems very eager to deplete the for- Garhwali soup made out of stinging nettle,
tage in the oak woods of Mussoorie. This
is where we return after we have spanned
two were widows, the third unmarried.
They were inexperienced in such civic
in the world and growing, est cover for various reasons. “Security” is
one of them though it is significant that
with a swirl of cream.
If mountain getaways, cuisine and culture
the globe. This is our stability, our securi- agitations but they were very sincere, making the mountain range no reliable authority has been quoted to can re-populate ‘ghost villages’, the securi-
ty, our refuge. But, last Sunday, just a and very determined. The people of support their claim! The old scapegoat of ty of our borders will be strengthened.
snow-goose flight away, the Hills of Home Mussoorie rallied around them. unstable. Unmindful tourism can no longer be burdened with
snarled, and growled, and struck back. To cut a long story short, the Supreme this because one of our government’s The role model
Innocent people lost their lives in swirling Court intervened, the quarriers were
development, ignoring local proposals would deplete the habitat of This brings us back to where we began. If
torrents of slush. Others withered away,
slowly, painfully, in Stygian gloom and
ousted, and the apex court set up a high-
powered monitoring committee to over-
wisdom and environmental wild elephants. That would deter tourists! the Uttarakhand government does not
dig tunnels and build dams for hydel
bone-crushing cold. For many of the peo- see all environmental matters in Mus- concerns, is fraught with danger, The bogey of tourism projects, how will it cater to the power
ple of Garhwal, the Hills of Home became soorie and the Doon valley. This, then, begs the question, does needs of its tourism industry? Simple:
the Hills of the Homeless. In the silence of as Chamoli disaster has shown tourism development call for erecting follow Mussoorie’s example.
our home, we sit sad and pensive. We The Third Pole more and still more concrete and metal Back in the first decade of the 20th centu-
share the anguish of Alan Paton and ‘Cry, This, we believe, is one of the earliest ref-
yet again. Travel writers Hugh monstrosities? Do we need the sort of ry, the Mussoorie City Board created its
the Beloved Country’, not for South
Africa as Paton did, but for Uttarakhand
erences to the environment by the
Supreme Court. People, particularly
and Colleen Gantzer, who call over-building that has blighted Mus-
soorie, to attract more tourists? Not so,
own hydro-electric power plant. It tapped
the water of two mountain streams and
and our awesome Himalayas. those of us who live in the Himalayas, Uttarakhand home, call out the say tourism specialists. In fact, the pan- diverted them into large sedimentation
The Himalayas are the greatest moun- began to realise how fragile our snow- demic, coupled with the growth of digital tanks to allow suspended particles to settle.
tain range in the world, but they are also covered mountains were. That was the flawed development model mass communication, has hit MICE: Then, in metal pipes of decreasing diame-
the youngest. They are massive, towering first time it was brought home to us that Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and ter, it drew this water down a steep slope till
infants growing at the rate that a human on the massive, growing, unstable base of Exhibitions. In this Covid-19 age, tourists it gushed out in powerful finger-width jets
fingernail does in a year. A fingernail is the Himalayas rested the world’s largest tend to avoid such mass gatherings. Peo- in the Galogi Power House. There were no
very small. Try and imagine a fingernail mass of ice and snow, after the Arctic and ple confined to their flats, because of the dams, no tunnels, no toxic fumes, no waste
the size of the Himalayas and the force Antarctic Polar regions. This is why geol- lockdown, increasingly opt for the great products and no consumption of water
needed to make it grow! This titanic pow- ogists have begun calling the Himalayas outdoors, experiencing the wide open because, after powering the generators, the
er is provided by the continental plate on the Third Pole. This great weight of snow spaces in small, intimate groups. Uttarak- water flowed back into the streambeds to
which India rests, its forward edge thrust- and ice is bound up in vast frozen rivers: hand has plenty of these. Road tourism is irrigate downstream farms and villages.
ing like the blade of a monstrous bulldoz- the glaciers. They move slower than slug- what our state should concentrate on. The only unusual maintenance it
er under the Eurasian plate: slowly, gish snails and their melting ice creates required was the cleaning out of lime
implacably. It raised the bed of the ancient many of our mighty rivers, including our The road forward encrusting the pipes about once in 18
Tethys Sea to create the Himalayas. sacred Ganga, Yamuna, Brahmaputra But, double-lane, concrete roads are not months. This scheme, reputedly, made
The white limestone of our mountains and even our Saraswati. On a trek the answer, especially not if the state is the Mussoorie municipality the richest in
is made of the shells of billions of prehis- beyond Badrinath, local people showed promoting its faraway places. Upgrade India. Then, the hydel plant passed into
toric sea creatures which lived and died us a waterfall gushing out of the moun- Dak Bungalows, PWD Rest Houses, Cir- the fell hands of the state government.
in the Tethys. On a trek in these moun- tains. They claimed that it was the source cuit Houses and Forest Houses. Offer But Galogi still manages to limp along
tains, we picked up something which of the Saraswati. This impressive cascad- cheap and easy-to-read guide maps also after more than a century of service.

our guide said was a Sudarshan Chakra. ing torrent has not been developed as a listing local fairs, festivals, places of inter- Why can’t we have a large number of
It was an ammonite: a fossilised shell of tourist/religious destination. est and handcrafts. Then leave it to mar- similar run-of-the-river systems controlled
Mussoorie created its hydro-electric power plant
a prehistoric creature related to our This neglect is curious. Tourism is ket forces on what to develop. Local politi- by local civic bodies? In fact, our decision-
without digging a tunnel or building a dam. It tapped
present-day cuttlefish! often considered to be the basic busi- cians can always find the funds to promote makers must realise that that voters have
two mountain streams and diverted their water
ness activity of Uttarakhand. It, conse- whatever will benefit them. Let them do it. begun to suspect that all grandiose projects
Stranger than fiction down a steep slope to power the Galogi Power
quently, has attracted the most astute of Highway facilities will grow if the traffic are inherently dangerous, and likely to be
House. After powering the generators, the water
It was those fossils, that limestone that commercial interests as well as the most grows, and the traffic will grow if the local motivated by suspicious intentions! If you
flowed back into the streambeds to irrigate
nearly wiped out Mussoorie. Quarriers shadowy. It is a fact that widening the downstream farms and villages. people are interested, provided the state trust the voters to elect you, you must trust
had discovered that the Mussoorie bridle path that serves the Saraswati builds roads to the remotest areas. them to accept or reject your schemes.
Range was made of the purest limestone waterfall would call for a great amount Uttarakhand has two major remote-area Don’t decide for them, decide with them!
known in India. It would make the most of engineering skill. It would not, how- Global warming to blame problems: migration and border infiltra- Finally, Uttarakhand has a number of gla-
superb cement. It even had some very ever, need the massive inputs of men, Here, however, ambitious contractors run tion. If the enormous budgets earmarked ciers, our only source of water. They fill our
valuable, but rather secretive, defence machinery and material that a tunnel into a hazard. Repeated studies of our for hydel projects are diverted to estab- rivers, re-charge our springs and are replen-
uses. So these great business houses would. Contracts to bore tunnels into Himalayas have shown that our moun- lishing motorable roads to these so-called ished whenever water, carried aloft from the
suggested that all citizens of Mussoorie our fragile, tremor-prone mountains tains are getting warmer. Wild plants are ‘ghost villages’, there is likely to be a oceans, falls as snow on the world’s highest
should be evacuated to other places so become a far more attractive proposition blossoming and fruiting many months reverse migration. These returning vil- abodes of snow, the Himalayas. If these tor-
that they, the quarriers, could excavate for many reasons which may, or may not, before their usual time. More significant- lagers, bringing back their urban skills, rents of heaven are not caught in the tan-
all this valuable mineral! occur to our well-meaning politicians. ly, glaciers are melting earlier. will put their homestays, Garhwali cuisine gled locks of the forests of the great moun-
This sounds an unlikely tale, but it is Clearly, however, the larger the account, Environmentalists claim that this is and handicrafts on the tourism map. In tains, they will wreak havoc on earth, and all
absolutely true. It was then that our late the more the scope for padding. When because of climate change. They say that the Lake District in England, we stayed in its inhabitants, beneath.
mother, Maisie Gantzer, and two other the ‘developer’ has to provision for we are releasing more greenhouse gases a very exclusive hotel. It had once been a That is what happened on a terrible
ladies — Princess Sita of Kapurthala working in high altitudes in winter, pro- into the atmosphere than our forests can mill and now specialised in local cuisine, Sunday, just a snow-goose flight away, in
and Mai Badhwar, the daughter of an jected costs are bound to soar! absorb and recycle. The strange thing, including porridge slow-boiled overnight. our beautiful Hills of Home.
12 Arts JALANDHAR | 14 FEBRUARY 2021

Fake works andthe real threat they pose

Imitation art has been destroying reputations, collectors are being duped, galleries have gone bankrupt
In lockstep, the incentive to be a profi-
cient forger has soared; a single, expertly
executed old master (painting) knockoff
can finance a long, comfortable retire-
ment. The technologies available to abet
the aspiring forger have also improved.
Naturally, then, the frauds are getting
better, touching off a crisis of authentica-
tion for the institutions of the art world:
the museums and galleries and auction
houses and experts who are expected to
know the real thing from its imitation.
— The Guardian

Wolfgang Beltracchi is considered one of

the most audacious forgers of recent The painter John Myatt with his copy of Van Gogh’s self-portrait; (right)
decades. In 2011, he was found guilty by a Vermeer’s 17th century work: The Girl with a Pearl Ear-ring. Two versions by the
German court of forgery and corruption contemporary painter, van Meegeren, both fakes. The Hand that Paints. PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY BRIAN BRITIGAN
relating to 14 fakes that had sold for a total
of $45m, sending shockwaves through the itself.” Finally, what is a Fraud? The
art world. Beltracchi has since claimed to answer: “A fraud is the final piece in the
have forged around 300 works by artists, triad. Fraud is a crime in which the perpe-
including Max Ernst, Max Pechstein, trator is charged with seeking to benefit
André Derain, and Fernand Léger. from conveying a fake or forgery.” I am
— The Art Newspaper sure legal minds will be able to put this to
some use, but, personally, I do not find it
too enlightening.
The common man, unconcerned with

’ RT & niceties, is having fun with all this, I am
sure. There are galleries which have, for

SOUL years, been having annual shows of

fakes and forgeries, inviting entries for a
modest price. It is the 30th year of doing
bn goswamy this for a gallery in Newport, for

instance. Book after book is turning up,
E might pretend other- telling you cases of faking and forging
wise, but, we all know that and offering advice about how to discern
the world, including, of and how not to get caught in this web. A
course, the land we live in, gentleman once held a competition pub-
is swarming with fakes: lishing two paintings looking exactly
fake claims, fake products, fake news, fake alike, and offering a prize of US dollars
gurus, fake politicians, fake passports, fake 500 to anyone who could, within a given
degrees, fake guarantees, fake documents, time, tell the original from its copy — a
to name just a few. It should come as no portrait of a girl by Modigliani; in anoth-
surprise, therefore, when someone says er case the famous Vermeer painting of a
that so is the world of art: full of fakes. Just An artist’s impression of a court-room with a trial involving the famous Knoedler Gallery of New York and a forged Mark Rothko painting. Girl with a Pearl Ear-ring. “The odds are
look at the headlines, or reports, in art jour- terrific: 50-50,” it was announced. “Is it
nals. Not long ago, The Telegraph reported duce forgeries, wrote: “John Drewe has upon for forging works was John Myatt, art world are Fraud, Fake, and Forgery. the left one, or the right one? Are you
that all works, except one, in a collection of now begun his six-year sentence for what who had once put in an advertisement in The question, however, is whether one can ready? Begin.” And then, after a little
21 paintings by the great Italian painter, Scotland Yard has described as ‘the Private Eye, offering to paint “genuine distinguish one from the other. On my while: “Sorry, your time is up. If you
Amedeo Modigliani, which were on exhibi- biggest contemporary art fraud of the fakes” for £150! part, I tried to look for precise definitions selected the one at left, you are wrong.
tion at Genoa’s Palazzo Ducale, were fake. twentieth century’. Although it may be a These names and these cases come, one and this is what I landed upon in a serious, And if you selected the one at right, you
‘Modigliani is one of the most copied slight exaggeration to describe it as the realises, from other lands. But ours is no concerned, article on the question. “What are wrong. In fact, they are both fakes.”
artists in the world and his paintings sell in biggest case of the century, Drewe is exception, for stories about faking not is a Fake?” the question was asked. And With all this going on, fakes have been
the millions. Marc Restellini, a French believed to have sold 200 forgeries of works only works belonging to the tradition — the answer: “A fake is a new creation based destroying reputations, collectors are being
expert on Modigliani believes that there by modern masters, of which only 60 have sculptures, paintings, drawings, calligra- on an object that already exists. It is, in the duped, galleries have gone bankrupt, and
are over 1,000 fake Modigliani paintings in been tracked down and the remainder are phies — but also modern and contempo- words of Theirry Lenain, meant to steal panels of experts who authenticate works
the world. The exhibition closed in July still in circulation. Among the artists rary, are beginning to tumble out in alarm- the identity, place, and status of the origi- are being held to ridicule, if not worse. But
and the paintings were handed over for involved are Chagall, Dubuffet, Bissière, ing numbers. One is beginning to dread nal it simulates.” And what is a Forgery? then, this is only about the world of art: “the
investigation.’ Again, another newspaper, De Stael, Le Corbusier, Giacometti, pronouncing judgments or giving opin- “A forgery is another type of deception. It curse of museums and the plague of art col-
reporting on a case involving a con-man, Sutherland and Nicholson.” The art ions. Because the three words that keep is an exacting new copy of an original, a lectors”. How about all the other fakes that
John Drewe, who got an art teacher to pro- teacher whose talents John Drewe drew emerging from this murky segment of the copy that purports to be the original I mentioned at the beginning?

On Valentine’s, celebrating power of love in arts

Neelam Mansingh Chowdhry Kitchen Katha, a play about food, suggest-
A theatre director reflects: Hope and love ed to me that “each of us is born with a box

POET shared his experience of of matches inside us but we can’t strike
meeting a nomad, who when
asked about the role of art in any
make us strong, it is this impulse that pushes them all by ourselves”. In Black Box, I
understood incarceration and the existen-
culture, replied: “The job of the us to explore the arts. It is what we fight for tial question of aloneness. In Gumm Hai, I
artist is to remember where the water holes plunged into grief and loss, how grief is
are. The survival of a whole group depends when all is lost. This is why we tell stories processed and managed. Working on these
on the water holes scattered around the plays was my way of leading many lives, of
desert. When people forget the water holes, becoming many people, understanding
the artist leads them to it.” What an apt myself. But is this possible without identifi-
metaphor for the role of the artist. The water cation, sympathy, connections and love?
is the history, the memory the juice and the Theatre is not necessarily a cosy place
elixir of shared experience. designed to make us feel good. We stick
Theatre is about community and family, around, for it reminds us of the wonders and
love and humanity. Love is not only an passions that we always had for the world
abstract feeling and no matter how deep or but have now lost or forgotten them. Theatre
intense your feelings may be, it’s got to be holds out hope for a shared space in a segre-
accompanied by action. Love is action, gated world, invites us to enter a space of the
about support, understanding and pride. unspoken, the unspeakable and helps us
In order to engage in effective action, you reimagine reality, not just as an idea, but
find something that you value and put it in something we can touch, feel, smell, taste.
the centre of your life. I could not have man- Theatre is about community and Art, even as it entertains, is always a search
aged my theatre company for 35 years with- family, love and humanity. Here, a for meaning, a struggle. One of the basic
out my family. The premise came from love, scene from the writer’s adaptation functions of art is what the Greeks named
but it was transformed through effective of Tagore’s A Wife’s Letter. catharsis. According to Aristotle, catharsis is
action. My husband designed the posters, the purifying and cleansing of emotions, by
the brochure and handled my accounts. My is openness, curiosity and love. world,” says Judith Butler. less. It made me realise the immense poten- evoking a sense of fear and pity in the audi-
sons did the sub-titling on tours and han- Even when we talk about catastrophe, ‘What is that one moment that alters your tiality of the stage. When an actor enters and ence. The etymology of the word is ‘to shine
dled the sets and props. They helped in the pain, the darkness of the human condition, life?’ I ask myself. Is it the people I met or creates a world of images, sound, movement, through dark spaces’. Yet, when we try to
ushering during shows at the Rock Garden, the very fact that we are performing shows my experiences? I suppose it is a mix of ideas. How space animates and expands, explore the dark spaces in our soul through
much to the chagrin of a society where help- the existence of hope. It’s impossible to do what I have seen, heard, smelt, experi- how boundaries dissolve, space magnifies our work, very often we have a tendency to
ing the wife/mother was seen as gender theatre if one is not conscious of this. Most of enced, eaten, remembered and forgotten. and transforms in an unimaginable way. shut the issues with the busy work of the
reversal, dissolving the stereotypical my recent work has been on migration, loss Love has the capacity to transform you in We do not just go to watch, but take our- daylight hours. But without looking into
entrenched practices of role playing! and fractured identities, works of Saadat one instant, like a haiku. In the same way, selves to every show. Theatre does not exist those dark spaces, as Carl Jung said, we will
Hope and love is what makes us strong. It Hasan Manto, devised production revolving a painting, a book or a work of art can. It in isolation but always within a social, polit- lose touch with our essential humanity.
is this impulse that makes us explore the around an image, a moment in history, in an can unblock clogged hearts and souls, cre- ical, geographical and architectural context. In these confused, uncertain days and the
arts. It is what we fight for when all is lost. attempt to give voice to the voiceless. ating fresh ways of seeing and feeling. I saw set patterns being challenged, and in escalating global tensions, we seem to be in
This is why we tell stories, stories that need Despite them being dark and brooding, The work of Pina Bausch, Nelken (Carna- a flash realised that rules are there to be bro- some sort of greyness. In negative times, we
to be shared and taken forward. This is only there is a sense of affirmation. Tiny little ges- tions) changed all my tidy and safe defini- ken and that the fourth wall can be battered need to discover what was once contained
possible if you ‘hear’ and ‘listen’ with tures of assertions — through a song, a child- tions on what was possible on the stage. A down, even in the case of classical text. in such ‘hackneyed values’ as beauty, har-
empathy and love. hood game, sharing of food. It is imperative stage covered with silk carnations and I’ve been able to lead multiple lives mony, order, peace and joy. And a visit to the
Our body tells a story — how we sit, walk, that hope and humanity glimmer through, dancers in cascading gowns, crawling through my work. In Naga-Mandala, I theatre, as a visit to a restaurant or time
eat, interact, dress, all tell a story. We read, no matter how savage the times! amongst the flowers, giggling and playing reflected on how moments of love and hap- spent with a friend, should leave one feeling
see films, hear stories and through experi- Very often this question comes up: do we leapfrog before they are confronted with piness are imagined. In Yerma, I learnt that better on the way out.
encing these, make them our own. The artist have the right to tell stories of people that passport officers and snarling dogs. Men the artist, particularly the poet, is always an It’s Valentine’s Day, and Kamadeva is hov-
combines and edits existing material to cre- are far removed from our world? “How else sniff onion rings and pour powdered coffee anarchist. He must heed only to the call that ering among young hearts, it’s only appro-
ate something new. Every work of art bears can we imagine living together without hav- on their head while a naked woman carries arises within him; the voice of death, the priate that we have a quote that celebrates
references to another work. Everything then ing the ability to see beyond where we are, an accordion, but doesn’t play it. It met with voice of love, the voice of art. In Phaedra, I this event — “Love is wise, hatred is foolish,”
becomes a remix, processed and combined to find ourselves linked with others we have immediate rejection, as I didn’t know how understood systems of patriarchy when as Bertrand Russell put it. Say no to hatred
so new stories and fresh ways of working are never directly known, to understand that in to access the performance. Phaedra wails, “How these vain ornaments, and divisiveness, say no to intolerance and
generated. All this can only happen if there some abiding and urgent sense, we share a But the show clung to me, made me rest- how these veils oppress me.” prejudice, say yes to diversity and love.
JALANDHAR | 14 FEBRUARY 2021 Tribute 13

Albert Ekka, braveheart from tribal belt

Lance Naik of 14 Guards was posthumously awarded Param Vir Chakra for exploits in the battle of Ganga Sagar

Lt Col Dilbag Singh Dabas Ekka noticed an enemy light machine

gun inflicting heavy casualties on his
T was during the season of the tradi- company. With complete disregard to
tional song, dance and feasting at personal safety, he charged the machine
tribal village Zari in Ranchi district gun bunker, bayoneted the firing crew of
of Chota Nagpur (now Gumla district two and silenced the machine gun.
of Jharkhand) that a son was born to Though seriously wounded in this
Mariam and Julius Ekka on December
27, 1942. The Ekkas, a devout Christian YEARS OF THE encounter, he continued to fight along-
side his comrades through half-a-km deep
couple, named the child Albert. Like
most Adivasis, Albert was at ease in the
art of tracking and was a good marksman
1971 WAR objective, clearing bunker after bunker
with undaunted courage.
Towards the northern end of the objec-
with the bow and arrow. And he was also tive, one enemy medium machine gun
exceptionally good at the game of hockey. opened up from the second storey of a
During one of the district tournaments, well-fortified building, inflicting heavy
Subedar Major Bhagirath Soren of 7th By 10.30 am on December 3, six hours before the casualties and holding up the attack.
Bihar spotted Albert and got him Once again, this gallant soldier, without
enrolled in his battalion. declaration of war, 14 Guards had completely giving a thought to his personal safety,
After the 1947-48 India-Pakistan war in despite his serious injuries and heavy
Jammu and Kashmir, General (later
decimated the seemingly impregnable defences volume of enemy fire, crawled forward
Field Marshal) KM Cariappa decided to
form a Guards Brigade in the Indian
at Ganga Sagar complex inside the eastern front till he reached the building and lobbed a
grenade through the loophole of the
Army on the lines of Guards units and of East Pakistan west of Agartala, and its bunker, killing one enemy and injuring
formations in the western armies. The the other. The medium machine gun,
raising of the Brigade commenced on braveheart Lance Naik Albert Ekka had earned however, continued to fire. With out-
September 1, 1949, and within three standing courage and determination,
years, four existing infantry battalions —
the first Param Vir Chakra during Operation Lance Naik Albert Ekka scaled a side
2nd Punjab, 1st Grenadiers, 1st
Rajputana Rifles and 1st Rajput, having
‘Cactus Lily’, commonly referred to as the Bangladesh War wall and after boldly entering the bunker,
bayoneted the enemy who was still firing.
converted into Guards battalions — (Left) Lance Naik Albert Ekka’s bust at Param Yodha Sthal, National War Memorial, New Delhi. He silenced the machine gun, saving fur-
formed the Brigade of the Guards. TRIBUNE PHOTO: MUKESH AGGARWAL ther casualties to his company and ensur-
In January 1968, 32nd Guards battalion ing the success of the attack.
was raised at Kota. It consisted of Ahirs In this process, however, he received
from the Kumaon Regiment, Mazhabi ries had been attained by the Indian December 1971, to meet the challenges of and Mogra. It was during the capture of fatal injuries and succumbed to them
Sikhs from the Sikh Light Infantry and Army in East Pakistan. The first — in the the war on two fronts, the Indian Army the whole complex that Lance Naik after the capture of the objective.
Biharis from the Bihar Regiment, all in morning hours of November 21, the first adopted an aggressive strategy in the Albert Ekka of 14 Guards, for his most In this action, Lance Naik Albert Ekka
equal proportion. ‘C’ Company of 7th full-fledged defensive battle at Garibpur, eastern theatre to sever the eastern half conspicuous acts of bravery, was displayed the most conspicuous acts of
Bihar Battalion, to which Albert 7 km inside East Pakistan’s western of Pakistan and liberate it from the tyran- posthumously awarded the Param Vir valour and determination and made the
belonged, was allotted to the newly front, had been fought and decisively nical west and a defensive strategy in the Chakra. The battle account of his grit supreme sacrifice in the best traditions
raised 32nd Guards. And Rifleman won by 14 Punjab (Nabha Akal), with western theatre to prevent Pakistan from and determination, against all possible of the Army.”
Albert Ekka, the ace hockey player of 7th direct support from 6 Field Regiment occupying any Indian territory. odds, reads: Lance Naik Albert Ekka, PVC,
Bihar, was now a proud Guardsman of (Artillery) and ‘C’ Squadron of 45 Caval- While the clouds of war were hovering “At 2 am on December 3, 1971, Lance undoubtedly, is a shining jewel in 14
32nd Guards Battalion. In April 1971, ry (Armour). The second — by 10.30 am rather low, 14 Guards, ex-73 Mountain Naik Albert Ekka was part of the left for- Guards’ crown, but 7 Bihar also deserves
32nd was re-designated as 14th Battalion on December 3, six hours before the dec- Brigade, was concentrated near the bor- ward Bravo Company of 14th Guards a fair amount of glory for having nur-
of the Brigade of the Guards. laration of war, 14 Guards had complete- der town of Pratapgarh on the southern during the attack on the enemy defences tured him during his formative six years
The bombing of forward Indian air- ly decimated the seemingly impregnable outskirts of Agartala. It was soon to win a at Ganga Sagar on the eastern front. It in combat fatigues.
fields by the Pakistan Air Force at 4.30 defences at Ganga Sagar complex inside battle honour, a theatre honour, a Param was a well-fortified position held in Near the main gate of its headquarters,
pm on December 3, 1971, signalled the the eastern front of East Pakistan west of Vir Chakra and a number of gallantry strength and in great depth by the enemy. as a mark of respect, the Tezpur-based 4
commencement of hostilities and soon Agartala, and its braveheart Lance Naik awards for the outstanding performance The assaulting troops were subjected to Corps has most suitably displayed the
began the unavoidable third round with Albert Ekka had earned the first Param of its officers and men in the forthcom- intense artillery shelling and heavy small majestic bust of two of its bravest of the
Pakistan, with both countries fighting a Vir Chakra during Operation ‘Cactus ing battle of Ganga Sagar. arms fire, but they charged the enemy on braves. One is that of Lance Naik Albert
two-front war. Lily’, commonly referred to as the Ganga Sagar complex inside East Pak- the objective and were soon locked in bit- Ekka, the Param Vir from one of the trib-
But even before the declaration of war Bangladesh War. istan comprised Ganga Sagar railway ter hand-to-hand combat. During that al belts of India.
on December 3, two most decisive victo- During the third round with Pakistan in station, Goal Gangail, Lilahat, Triangle close quarter battle, Lance Naik Albert — The writer is Gunner Veteran


Laughter as practical happiness
Remembering the legendary cartoonist RK Laxman in his birth centenary year
Usha Laxman

K LAXMAN once said, “One should make
it a point to take the opportunity to laugh
even if it be the most trivial provocation.
This necessitates setting aside the thought
that occupies the mind.” He always felt that
laughter is ‘practical happiness’ while peace of
mind is ‘spiritual happiness’, which is why one
should make it a point to laugh even at the most
trivial of things. “There is abundant relief in look-
ing for objects to laugh at. It is a surprising phe-
nomenon of the mind which fastens on the lifebelt
of laughter in the sea of moods,” he would say.
If you would ask him to describe the hum-
drum of daily life, he would say, “It’s like a life
of a squirrel in a wheel cage.” His day would
begin like that of many others — reading the
daily newspaper. Only for him it was also about
extracting a sense out of the events, happenings,
speeches, policies and plans.
RK Laxman, who passed away in 2015, has been
called one of the earliest social media activists of
the country. He started highlighting issues in his
own way, without garnering hate, and helped
awaken Indians to the fact that the common man
is the fundamental building block of this country.
There were viewers who looked upon Laxman as
a social reformer. His cartoons made such an impact
upon the aam aadmi that he would receive letters of emergency. She parks her car in the same park- actor’s talent. After the serial, Anjan’s popular- Cartoons by
complaining about postal delays, telephone issues, ing place as her grandfather, following his instruc- ity as actor grew by leaps and bounds and even RK Laxman:
the sloppiness of municipal authorities, inflated tions even today. today he is popularly known as Wagle, TV’s Pandora’s box,
electricity bills, bribes in school admissions, corrup- 2021 happens to be RK Laxman’s centennial Common Man. Wagle ki Duniya was based on and a young boy
tion prevalent in all places at all levels, etc. birth year but his Common Man continues to be Laxman’s concept of life and to bring out with RK
In his concern for people, in the event of situa- as relevant as he was then. Though in a different humour in every situation. Laxman was the live Narayan’s photo.
Entries are invited to suggest a caption for awarded ~300, ~250, ~200, ~150 and tions happening, his mind would always plan era, the scenarios and situations continue to be source of material to the team. COURTESY FAMILY
the above photograph. The caption should ~100, respectively. Each caption must be ahead, accessing the state of affairs and how it the same. The Common Man cartoons strike a The new series Wagle Ki Duniya — Nayi Peed- OF RK LAXMAN
only be in English, witty and not exceeding accompanied by a clipping of the caption
affects people. Observation and empathy came chord with the youth of today and connect them hi, Naye Kissey is also based on the same con-
10 words, and reach Spectrum, The contest and its number. Photocopies of the
Tribune, Chandigarh, 160030, by Thursday. caption photo will not be accepted. Please naturally to him. I remem- to his ideology. I have started a social media plat- cept, bridging the gap of the ’80s generation
The best five captions will be published and mention the pin code in your address. ber once he explained and form called Laxman Legacy to reach out to the and the current generation, where the problems
showed his granddaugh- youngsters and it has been a success. faced are similar, but, on different grounds. A
You have a camera or a phone camera? Click and send us a picture for the ter how to always park If Laxman were alive today, he would have had nostalgic journey nonetheless, a memorable
caption contest. The selected picture will be used for Caption Contest. Mail the the car in a certain way so a lot of things to say about this new, ever-immer- recall and an emotional connect.
high resolution picture (.jpg format) at [email protected] that it can be easily sive digital era and how this pandemic has He never recognised his cartoons as game-
taken out in case changed our lives. His talent and interest extend- changers. He always said that whatever I am
Selected entries for Caption Contest 1291 ed beyond cartoons and caricature. He even con- doing, it is for the Common Man and I am just
ceptualised, devised and created TV serial Wagle bringing it to the surface for people to under-
February 7 issue (see photo)
Ki Duniya, based on The Common Man, on Door- stand and see how you they find solutions to
❚ Making India rice-sourceful — Seema Rani,
Jalandhar darshan. For millions of viewers across the coun- these situations. He always told the youth to do
❚ Groundwork — Daljit Kaur, Chandigarh
try, Wagle Ki Duniya in the evenings became a what they thought was right for them, what they
❚ Paddycure — Sandeep Daniel, Shimla
habit as engrossing as his cartoons. liked and were passionate about. To him, quali-
❚ Grain in the muddy lane — Ritu, Ludhiana
Among hundreds of people at the audition for fication didn’t matter, he gave weightage to the
❚ Planting hope— Aman Jain, Derabassi
the protagonist Srinivas Wagle, he chose Anjan capacity to read and understand and write.
Srivastav and guided him on the art of subtle RK Laxman’s The Common Man, at 100
acting where the lines you speak have to be Not Out!
RK Laxman with wife silent and the acting and expressions prove the —The writer is RK Laxman’s daughter-in-law
14 Books JALANDHAR | 14 FEBRUARY 2021

Enriching journey of objectivity, ideas

Vivek Katju for its condition to improve, even as he has
HO in this world isn’t
looking for greater peace
and satisfaction? But
how does one gain it? Psycholo-

urged it to introspect and become a full gist Scott Haas is a votary of the
IRST, a disclosure. Hamid Ansari participant in national life, is not driven by Japanese concept of ukeireru. In
was one of my ‘gurus’ in the Indi- sectional interest but on the principle of his book, he offers an elegant,
an Foreign Service (IFS). He inclusive growth. It is his desire for the practical and life-changing look
emphasised, by precept and exam- state to “develop a formula of equidis- at the ways in which we can
ple, the virtues of discretion, deep tance and minimum involvement” (page reduce anxiety and stress and UKEIRERU:
study and reflection, dispassionate analysis 304) that is problematic, especially in view increase overall well-being. He HAPPINESS AND
and objectivity. His autobiography ‘By of some of the Directive Principles of State says ukeireru helps improve your ACCEPTANCE
Many a Happy Accident’ bears testimony Policy of the Constitution. relationships, with a greater focus THROUGH JAPANESE
to his firm adherence to these quali- Through the past two decades, even as on listening, finding commonali- WISDOM
ties amidst the demands of diplomat- Vice President, Ansari extensively ties. It helps find calm in mun- by Scott Haas.
ic work. Nor, after retirement from expressed his views on social and political dane acts like making coffee and Hachette.
the IFS, did he give up these attrib- issues of ideological and administrative drinking tea, nudges one to learn Pages 240. ~599
utes in the academia or as a universi- kinds. A chapter of the book has given to pause, take in the situation,
ty Vice-Chancellor, as chairperson of precises of his speeches and addresses. and then decide on a course of
the National Commission for Minori- They all bear the imprint of his scholar- action that reframes things.
ties, or in his two terms in the high ship and vision. Serious students of pub-
office of Vice President of India.
At the beginning of college life,
BY MANY A HAPPY Ansari, after reading Harold Laski’s
ACCIDENT: RECOL- ‘An Introduction to Politics’, decid-
LECTIONS OF A LIFE ed to shift from the science stream to
Through the past two decades, even as Vice President of India, Hamid Ansari has extensively expressed his
views on social and political issues. FILE PHOTO: THE TRIBUNE
lic affairs need to ponder over them for
they are the product of thoughtfulness
and experience. It would have been use-
ful for the general reader though if Ansari
had summarised his worldview in a run-
B RINGING together yoga
guru BKS Iyengar’s inspira-
tional messages and his rec-
ommendations on asanas that
help an individual cope with trau-
by M Hamid Ansari. the humanities. That changed not and in some cases — Saudi Arabia and the author, however, has an obligation to his ning cohesive account. ma, ‘Imagine If’ is a tool for our
Rupa. only the course of his life, but possi- UAE, but also Iran — the impact of enor- readers as well. They want to know a full Even while moving with men and turbulent times. A practitioner of
Pages 368. bly led him to consider a career in mous and sudden wealth on traditional account of interesting incidents as those women and interacting so sincerely and Iyengar Yoga herself, Rajvi
~795 the civil service. A ‘happy accident’ societies and polities. Ansari’s accounts of concerning Israeli interference in Indian even charmingly with them, this work trained under Iyengar and came
led him to the IFS. That was benefi- his assignments capture some of these fas- politics before the 1971 election (page 44), clearly indicates that Ansari’s passion has across several instances of people
cial for the country, for Ansari made cinating transformations even as they or of the Asadullah Sarwari incident caus- been for the life of the mind. Clearly, he overcoming mental and physical
an ideal diplomat who actively promoted relate India’s ties with these countries and ing Afghan President Najibullah’s out- has been happiest in the world of ideas weaknesses with the help of yoga. IMAGINE IF: STORIES
the country’s interests abroad. some interesting diplomatic events and burst (pages 86-87). In both cases, the relating to statecraft and social evolution In her new book, she narrates sto- OF ORDINARY
Ansari spent the major part of his diplo- matters concerning his family’s journey. incomplete accounts can only frustrate and in poetic works reflecting the milieu ries involving people from all over PEOPLE WITH
matic career in West Asia and in India’s Ansari also served in the Indian mission them. Perhaps, in a later edition, Ansari of his Indo-Persianate cultural back- the world, and how yoga helped EXTRAORDINARY
western neighbourhood — Iraq, Morocco, in Brussels, as ambassador to Australia will shed his reticence. ground, leavened with modernisation. them lend a new perspective to GRIT
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emi- and in the significant assignment of Per- After he hung up his foreign service That era is rapidly passing all over South life. “Yoga does not change the by Rajvi H Mehta.
rates, as well as in Afghanistan and Iran; manent Representative to the United boots, Ansari took to multi-faceted work Asia. And new patterns of public culture way a person sees things; it trans- Westland.
he was India’s ambassador to the last Nations in New York. The last job was at a making significant contributions in all are emerging without the urbanity of the forms the person who sees,”
Pages 160. ~299
three nations. Over a period of three-and- time when Pakistan’s global diplomatic that he undertook. All through these two past era. But these are part of historical Iyenger would say. The book is a
a-half decades, he closely observed an area onslaught on developments in J&K was decades and more, he has, as a patriot who processes which both in their political and glimpse into how yoga can trans-
for which he has had an abiding scholarly intense. His quiet but persuasive diploma- has a deep commitment to the national social manifestation are naturally causing form you if you open yourself to it.
interest. During the period of his diplomat- cy at the UN was of great help in India well-being, propagated his conviction that Ansari deep distress.
ic service, this entire region witnessed
enormous turbulence, including violence
and revolution, the rise and waning of
nationalism, the growth and consolidation
of Islamic identities in the post-colonial era
combating it successfully.
Ansari has never sought to publicise his
accomplishments and has always been cir-
cumspect, adhering to the well-known
bureaucratic principle of need to know. An
the country needs to firmly adhere to its
inclusive and plural values and ways and
eschew the drive towards painting it in a
monochromatic hue. His concern for the
welfare of the Muslim minority and need
His autobiography is a must read for all
those who care about the country, especial-
ly those who may completely disagree with
his worldview. They, in particular, would
find much food for thought.
R EGARDED as Stephen
King’s most iconic stories,
‘Rita Hayworth and Shaw-
shank Redemption’, a tale of
unjust imprisonment and offbeat
escape which was the basis for
Oscar-nominated ‘The Shaw-

Dip into the ocean of ancient tales

shank Redemption’, is now avail-
able for the first time as a stand-
alone book. Originally published
in 1982 in the collection ‘Different RITA HAYWORTH AND
Seasons’, it was adapted for the SHAWSHANK
big screen in 1994. King has REDEMPTION
Aradhika Sharma (‘The Great Story’) written by Gunadhya tale. Yet, many are self-contained, one nim- love of another man and, subsequently, authored more than 60 books, by Stephen King.
in the lost Paishachi dialect in the 1st cen- bly leading to another. Interspersed with has to suffer poverty and humiliation. many of which have been turned Hachette.

HE ancient, yet eternally modern, tury CE. Writes Somadeva: “My purpose legends, myths, fairy tales, folk tales, and ‘ Kathasaritsagara’ includes tales of into films, television series and Pages 144. ~350
‘ Kathasaritsagara’ (‘The Ocean of is to ensure that this conglomeration of anecdotes, the ‘Kathasaritsagara’ follows penance and sin; of temptation and streamed events.
the Rivers of Story’) is a significant stories is remembered.” the ‘frame narrative’ or the story within a redemption; of crime and punishment;
work that serves to remind us of
our cultural heritage and scholarship.
Estimated to have been compiled
around 1070 CE and retold by the
Shaivya Brahman, Somadeva Bhatt,
Meena Arora Nayak’s retelling of the
legends and tales contained in this mighty
work is an opportune reminder of the
country’s cultural diversity. The classic,
which is one of the oldest surviving collec-
story technique. Still, the stories are com-
plete in themselves and many of them,
such as the tale of Nala-Damyanti, are well
known and oft narrated.
“Somadeva wrote the ‘Kathasarit-
of curses and boons; justice and injus-
tice; love, longing, separation, and union
with the beloved and the divine.
The pages abound with talking swans and
monkeys, huge, bloodthirsty rakshasas,
I N his life of 62 years, British-
born Indian anthropologist,
ethnologist and tribal activist
Verrier Elwin did enough to
inspire generations of scholars to
during the reign of Raja Ananta of the tions of stories in the world, contains more sagara’ as a cure for the psyche rather snake gods, wise rishis, beauteous apsaras, delve into his work over and over
Lohara dynasty of Kashmir, the than 350 tales told across 18 books in over than an intellectual pursuit,” says gallant princes, yakshas, scholars and yogi- again. The present book is a com-
‘ Kathasaritsagara’ is said to be the 20,000 stanzas. ‘Kathasaritsagara’ con- Nayak. The stories are told for the pure nis and magical shoes in which you can pilation of papers presented at a
inspiration behind great master- sists of 18 lambhakas (books) of 124 taram- delight of storytelling, without aiming stride in the skies. There’s a whole section two-day seminar on Elwin organ-
pieces of the world. These include the gas (chapters named ‘waves’). Nayak, for moral teachings. Yet, wisdom is of stories on foolish men; it includes stories ised by the Archaeological Survey
‘Arabian Nights’ — the compendi- however, has consciously chosen to cover intrinsic to them. In ‘The Bodhsattva such as ‘Kesha-Murkha’, ‘Asthi-Murkha’, of India in 2017. What’s interest-
THE KATHASARIT- um of Middle-Eastern folk tales writ- just 14 lambhakas in the interest of a more Calls for Help’, Naravahanadatta’s min- ‘The Fool Who Marked the Ocean’. ing is that it includes pieces by
SAGARA OF ten during the Islamic Golden Age; linear and less rambling narrative. ister Gomukha says: “Those who have In the story named ‘The City of Wood- both, the scholars who study
SOMADEVA: A the ‘Grimm’s Fairy Tales’ by Jacob The central story of this epic revolves good thoughts lead a good life and those en People’, Naravahanadatta comes Elwin and the tribals whose lives
RETELLING and Wilhelm Grimm written in 1812; around Naravahanadatta, the son of the who have evil thoughts… suffer misery.” across the “expansive city of Hemapu- he affected, irrespective of the fact
by Meena Arora and Geoffrey Chaucer’s ‘Canterbury famed Raja Udayana, and his marital In ‘Upkosha Outwits Her Harassers’, ra”, which was populated with wooden whether they ever met him or not.
Nayak. Tales’, written between 1387 and quests wherein he cohorts with the ladies the virtuous Upkosha outmanoeuvres people — “moneylenders, prostitutes, Written in English and Hindi,
Aleph. 1400. The work continues to inspire of terrestrial and celestial origin. Nayak’s (in a way that would make the modern citizens, horses, elephants — all going these pieces try to explain his
Edited by
Pages 456. authors and fascinate readers thou- primary attempt is to adhere to the core feminists proud) four respected but about their business like real live beings, experiences in Central India,
KM Sinha Roy.
~999 sands of years after it was written. narrative of Naravahanadatta’s story. lecherous men who were trying to sexu- but mechanical and mute.” Thus, imagi- more specifically Bastar, where he
Gyan Books.
However, as admitted by Somade- ‘ Kathasaritsagara’ celebrates the art and ally exploit her. Diametrically opposite nation takes wondrous flights, bringing worked, married and lived for a
va himself, the ‘Kathasaritsagara’ is craft of the oldest form of literature — the to this story is that of ‘Bodhisattva and abundant fantasy into mundane life, large part of his life. They seek to Pages 210. ~490
an abridged version of a much larger com- short story. All the stories are adroitly inter- the Wanton Wife’, in which the treacher- leaving the reader enthralled today, as he define his contemporary rele-
pendium of stories — ‘Brihatkatha’ twined, while proceeding from the original ous wife betrays her husband for the must have been centuries ago. vance in times when jungles and
those living in them are threat-
ened by ‘development’.

Mir Taqi Mir, for the heart and mind I T is never too late to start sav-
ing, and it’s never too soon,
says seasoned value investor
and YouTuber Pranjal Kamra. A
devastating pandemic, a global
economic slump and a teetering
Sumit Paul Chand Narang and Surinder den Garden’ (translated from I feel indeed privileged. ebrated intentional fallacy and job market have shown us, more
Deol in exploring hitherto the Urdu by Surinder Deol) is As I’ve stated at the outset, juxtaposing it with TS Eliot’s clearly than ever, how essential it

S a student of classical unknown facets of such a sub- like manna from heaven for me. though much has been written objective correlativity, the is to set aside savings. But in case
Persian language and lime poet. Dr Narang needs no on the poetic greatness of Mir scholar duo has presented a you are not familiar with finance,
literature at the Univer- introduction. I was reading his Taqi Mir, an etiological (the holistic picture of Mir’s exqui- in his book Kamra takes you step MINT YOUR MONEY
sity of Tehran and after perspicuous critical analyses in study of causation or origina- site poetry and its hidden roots by step through investing, debt, by Pranjal Kamra.
that at Oxford, I was already au Urdu and English long before I tion) analysis of his poetry was and reasons. Knowing that tax and insurance, demystifying Westland.
fait with the names of the sub- came to India. He is a world- much-needed. Life’s varied ‘ambiguity is a literary quality’ these and showing you how you Pages 192. ~250
continent’s formidable Urdu renowned critic whose name and myriad circumstances (William Hazlitt), Dr Narang can make it all work for you. ‘Mint
poets Mir Taqi Mir, was suggested to me invariably play a vital role in has plumbed the depths of Your Money’ is specifically tai-
Momin Khan ‘Momin’, by my British Pro- determining a poet or writer’s Mir’s poetic as well as non- lored to Indian needs and the
Daagh Dehlavi, among fessor of Urdu, the persona or poetic self. Before poetic selves by choosing the Indian finance environment.
others. In fact, it would legendary Sir Dr Narang, all other experts on most apposite creations from
have been sacrilegious on
my part not to have heard
these names, especially of
Mir and Ghalib.
While translating Bud-
Ralph Russel,
at SOAS, Lon-
don. Ergo,
his book
Mir attempted to delve into his
verses without bothering much
to know about the circum-
stances that egged him on to
write certain ghazals and pen
the magical quill of Mir to
delineate a holistic pen-picture
of his craftsmanship.
To encapsulate, the book
shines with the academic rigor
T HE nerd, fat boy, skinny girl,
Asian kid, the queer — school
can be miserable for those
who seemingly cannot conform.
Maulik Pancholy’s protagonist,
THE HIDDEN GAR- dhist scholastic work ‘The Hid- specific masnavis such as and coruscates with the halo of Rahul Kapoor, an Indian-Ameri-
DEN: MIR TAQI MIR ‘Mahabhinishkramana’ ‘Muaamlaat-e-I’shq’ and admirable erudition. That does- can, is a skinny geek, struggling
by Gopi (The Great Renunciation) ‘Khwaab-o-Khayaal’. As a n’t mean the ‘Hidden Garden’ with sexual identity and OCD — a
Chand Narang. into English as ‘The trained theorist, having stud- caters only to the academicians. perfect fodder for the school bully.
Translated from Light of Asia’, Sir Edwin ied Swiss linguist and semioti- Even those remotely interested In his semiautobiographical debut
the Urdu by Arnold tellingly wrote in cian Ferdinand de Saussure in Mir’s poetry in a purely non- novel, evident in the author’s note,
Surinder Deol. the preface, “Veil after and after that the greatest academic manner shall find actor Pancholy has perfectly cap- THE BEST AT IT
Penguin Random veil will lift, but there’ll exponent Umberto Eco’s aper- this compendium to be a great tured the angst of a seventh grad- by Maulik
House. be veil after veil behind.” cus on semiotics (science of source of solace to the heart and er who doesn’t fit into the norms of Pancholy.
Pages 224. The same can be said signs and symbols), Dr Narang mind. The English translations a middle-class white society. Sup- HarperCollins.
~499 about the redoubtable Mir has clinically explored the capture the quiddity of the orig- ported by his family, a fiercely, pro- Pages 336. ~299
Taqi Mir, whose vast oeu- sighs and angst in Mir’s poetry inal. The volume is an exhaus- tective best friend and his friend-
vre and consummate and the trials and tribulations tive saga of Mir’s poetic crafts- philosopher-guide grandfather,
poetic genius will continue to that he faced in life with a dig- manship and evolution. It’s a Rahul tackles bullying and racism
engage great critics, theorists, nified sangfroid. delight to readers and scholars head-on, while finding the courage
interpreters and translators Employing WK Wimsatt Jr and a sine qua non for the to accept his own truth. Appropri-
like the venerable Dr Gopi ILLUSTRATION: SANDEEP JOSHI and Monroe C Beardsley’s cel- libraries across the world. ate for ages 9-12.

In troubled Northern Ireland The state power been fired at protesters. If all

this escalates, we will see blood
ELECTION for the Police I gathered that his humane the handrails of their balconies to on the streets. The chorus of
Command Course in the approach had significantly reduced crush any man or vehicle suspect- condemnation of the Junta
United Kingdom in the late mistrust between his force and ed of spying in this stronghold of would have been much fiercer
1980s held out promise of community members, including Irish nationalist paramilitaries. An if Suu Kyi had raised her voice
exposure to the Home the Catholics. Army Observation Point atop this for the Rohingya. But regret-
Office Large Major Enquiry System Garnerville Training School tower, among the tallest in Belfast, tably, she kept quiet and lost
(HOLMES), which had tipped the arranged sessions about the histo- could only be accessed by helicop-
MUSINGS & MALEDICTIONS much of her halo. The atro-
scales against hardened criminals ry of the 20-plus years of Irish eth- ter in those days. A few tots of KEKI DARUWALLA cious treatment of the
within a year of introduction. Mov- no-nationalist conflict and Black Bush were needed that Rohingya has ethnic and reli-

NEHCHAL SANDHU ing quickly between jurisdictions approaches adopted, including use evening to soothe one’s nerves. TATE power in some gious dimensions, and this
after serious crimes, lawbreakers of the British army and MI-5, for Sensing our new-found predilec- countries is getting just persecution has had ‘nation-
made it difficult for county police quelling violence. On the technical tion for this brand, Brian offered to overpowering. Take al’ approval in Myanmar. Our
Recalling the visit to forces, then numbering 43, to man- side, we were introduced to modifi- arrange a visit to the Bushmills Russia, which for two right-wing parties need to take
ually collate and analyse clues col- cations in police station design, distillery. centuries has never had a a lesson from this. National
the land of beautiful lected from locales separated by police patrol vehicles and body Two days later, we headed out in democratic dispensation. The jingoism can take many
rolling meadows in significant distances. The West
Yorkshire Police, that ran the
armour to reduce casualties, the
use of electronics to defeat Impro-
four separate Ford Granada sedans,
rather than the new armoured
Czars were vilified by the com-
munists, and Czar Nicholas
forms, and religious jingoism
can be a part of it. Donald
the 1980s — the course from a complex enveloping vised Explosive Devices, and the Land Rover Tangis, for Londonder- was shot along with his family. Trump seems to have taken
a 19th century Bishop’s house, like. A trip to Ballykinler military ry about 80 miles away in the north- They were replaced by people too much of our right-wing
Emerald Isle had been comprehensively slaked our base, not far from Belfast, one west of the province. While each who were a hundred times time. We need to devote more
wracked for years by curiosities about HOLMES and afternoon served as a worthwhile adopted a different route, we more ruthless. Now, after a attention to our neighbours.
concordant computer-beneficiated introduction to the twin roles of the arrived at the appointed ren- temporary thaw in the days of We need to support democracy
The Troubles, the tools. The remaining four weeks at British army since its deployment dezvous in a police station at about Gorbachev and Yeltsin, we in our neighbouring countries,
Bishopgarth involved schooling in of about 19 years in the province. the same time. All the while, our have Vladimir Putin. The more strongly. Formerly, polit-
downplayed a wide range of policing subjects. Besides supporting the RUC in drivers used coded communica- leader of the Opposition, 44- ical exiles from Pakistan and
euphemism for Of the week-long field visits to Internal Security duties, the army tions to ensure a coordinated year-old Alexei Navalny, has Nepal used to flock to us. Pak-
London, Leeds, Manchester, Scot- was conducting independent arrival; our driver’s call sign was been sentenced to prison. Not istani poets have stayed here
unrelenting land and Northern Ireland, integral counter-insurgency operations. “Alpha X-Ray Idiot”. After our content with poisoning him for years. Exiled Ranas from
fratricidal conflict to the programme, schedule of the
last one remained uncertain, with Occupants of Divis Flats in West Belfast
Responding to our urge to savour
usquebaugh, we were allowed
engagements in the police station,
we headed out to Bushmills, where
with a nerve agent which
almost killed him had he not
Kathmandu came here. Now
you don’t see them.
the Royal Ulster Constabulary were known to tip refrigerators from unchaperoned one evening to visit our tour between the mashing tuns, been flown to Germany, they The jackbooted Pakistan
(RUC) expectedly pre-occupied balconies to crush any man or vehicle the Cultra, a pub on the slopes yeast washbacks crafted out of brought charges of violating state is a veteran in trampling
with the Provisional Irish Republi- suspected of spying. ISTOCK below the Culloden, with strict pine, and copper stills was punctu- ‘probation conditions’ of a on human rights. It took Pak-
can Army (PIRA), which had super- advice that we were not to disclose ated by generous swills. Conse- previous fraudulent convic- istanis about half a century to
seded other republican groups in week were in the stately Culloden, any association with the RUC. The quently, we were not in the best tion. He was in Germany for conduct an election, resulting
two decades to emerge as the most built as the residence of the local hostess beguiled us into trying shape for negotiating the nearby five months recovering from in the Prime Minister getting
violent one. Ultimately, our brash Bishop and turned into a hotel in Guinness, instead of Irish whiskey. Giant’s Causeway, a World Her- the poisoning, the kind which hanged. (ZA Bhutto could
course coordinator, Chief Superin- the late 1960s. Its imposing struc- A dark stout produced since the itage Site marked by thousands of killed Alexander Litvinenko, have won without any tamper-
tendent David Clarkson, settled on ture sat atop Hollywood Hills over- 18th century in the neighbouring basalt columns of uneven heights the FSB officer. There is a big ing, but he went for the
a date and let the hosts know. And looking Belfast Lough. The week Republic of Ireland, its viscous disappearing into the sea. outcry in Europe, but this kind overkill. Overkill is a syn-
so, on a windy Sunday morning, the began with a call on Sir John Her- petroleum-like look and lactic acid The week ended too soon and for- of thing is now being treated as drome strong rulers are
10 of us boarded a Shorts 360 air- mon, then RUC Chief Constable for flavour put me off. On another tunately without mishap thanks to par for the course. You are free addicted to.) It must be men-
craft from Leeds Bradford Airport. eight years. Self-assured and calm, evening, we visited Anderson Brian, who, though a Catholic, had to murder, create mayhem and tioned that the Pakistani mili-
Quite a flight that was — the air- he detailed the bloody ravages per- McAuley, the Harrods of Belfast, in joined the RUC to contend with his then issue a strong-worded tary is very watchful of its own
craft was buffeted by strong winds petrated by the PIRA. Keen to the heart of the city. Favourite of co-denominationists staging a denial. The state’s power to rights — in fact, those are the
all along and it was not until the divest the RUC of its militarist the well-heeled for more than a bloody insurrection. Quite brave of kill or deny the killing, or put- only rights protected in Pak-
pilot competently set the bird down image, he had rejected the shoot to century and a quarter, this tony him, considering that he had to live ting the blame on the victim, is istan. From this beleaguered,
on the Belfast Harbour Airport run- kill approach. At the time of our multi-floored department store in the community! We left the paramount. army-besieged, and khaki-
way that our innards stopped slosh- visit, he was helming a change in selling a wide range of goods Emerald Isle reinforced profession- What does a political leader benighted country, with a pup-
ing around our thoracic cavities. interrogation techniques — an seemed to be losing its verve. The ally but sad that this land of beauti- do, recovering from poison pet in-swing bowler as Prime
Inspector Brian McCargo was unannounced visit to the same evening, we drove past Divis ful rolling meadows had been which almost kills him? Minister, comes this delightful
there to receive us — much of what Castlereagh Police Station in Flats in West Belfast, occupants of wracked for years by The Troubles, Navalny is reported to be very story. Gulalai Ismail, human
he said in ‘sing songy’ brogue flew Belfast showed that mistreatment which were known to think noth- the downplayed euphemism for rich and could have stayed in rights activist, daughter of
over our heads. Our digs for the of prisoners was improbable. Later, ing of tipping a refrigerator over unrelenting fratricidal conflict. luxury abroad. But you can’t Mohammed Ismail, escaped
fight a system while staying from Pakistan and finds her-
outside the reach of its tenta- self in New York. Imagine the

Sport transcends religion, leave it alone

cles. The trouble is that Naval- embarrassment of the state,
ny has ideals also, a pretty dan- the ISI, IB, Rangers, Paramil-
gerous thing to be equipped itary forces, which I surmise
with. If you are constantly outnumber the electorate,
attacking a Russian head of caught flat-footed! Yah Allah,

N English bowler, Ted career lasting over two decades, coach has to explain this. state, ideals are a bomb in your what a pass have things come
Wainwright, said of the winning several Ranji Trophy Social media erupted in a battle coat pocket ticking away. to. So the state has now jailed
great Ranjitsinhji: “Ranji, titles with Mumbai and Vidarbha, on the issue. There were several Entire Europe knows it was a her father for sedition and
he never made a Christian resigned his position as Uttarak- voices in support of Jaffer, too. state nerve agent which poi- terrorism-financing. Sounds
stroke in his life.” hand’s coach recently. He alleged CAU’s secretary then began to soned Navalny and that the a bit familiar.
Charles Fry, Ranjitsinhji’s friend that the Cricket Association of backtrack, saying he never knew courts which try political pris- The Pakistan judiciary
and captain at Sussex, believed Uttarakhand (CAU) secretary and of any allegation of communal bias oners are a farce. The question caters to both public senti-
GOOD SPORT Ranji’s distinctive strokes were selectors had been “pushing non- against Jaffer. one can ask: ‘is the state a ment and the state. Killers of
ROHIT MAHAJAN due to “a combination of perfect deserving players” for selection So all this trouble was over noth- criminal?’ Of course, it is or Daniel Pearl, the American
poise and the quickness peculiar to into the state team. His resignation ing? No. It’s likely that the CAU sec- was in Hitler’s or Stalin’s journalist who was linking the
the athletic Hindu”. letter suggested that the CAU ’ s retary, who has inherited control of times. State-sponsored killing al Qaeda with the ISI and was
Sportspersons know It’s all rubbish, really — there’s affairs were run in an unprofes- the association from his father, has would be as old as history. beheaded in 2002, have been
no Christian stroke or Hindu sional manner. been unnerved by his own wild alle- Isn’t the state a much bigger graciously acquitted by the
it well that a player quickness or, for that matter, Mus- Immediately after that, CAU gation. And it is also possible that criminal than an individual? Sindh High Court. The death
must perform, lim reverse-swing. It can be safely
assumed that both Wainwright and
fired a salvo at Jaffer — its secre-
tary alleged that Jaffer was mak-
Sourav Ganguly, BCCI’s president,
had a quiet word with him.
Can Jack the Ripper or Al
Capone match a state on the
sentence on the al-Qaeda oper-
ative convicted of beheading
whichever god he Fry were not really referring to ing “religion-based” selections. He Among his brother cricketers, rampage? Pearl was first reduced to sev-
Ranji’s religion — and that, in the alleged that Jaffer was trying to few dared to stand up for Jaffer — It is not just Russia. Look at en years’ imprisonment and
does or doesn’t bow idiom of their day, they were over- “break the team through religious not his India captains Sachin Ten- Myanmar. The Junta takes now he has been sequestered
down to. It’s no flowing with “Oriental” clichés.
Sport is secular. What god or gods
It’s terrible what Wasim Jaffer has been
subjected to. PTI
activities”. As if on cue, the team’s
manager added allegations of his
dulkar, Ganguly and Rahul Dravid.
Anil Kumble, his coaching partner
over and dismisses the gov-
ernment on the brazen excuse
in a guest house. The
Supreme Court dismissed an
surprise, then, that it’s you believe in — or don’t believe in own — that Jaffer used to call at IPL team KXIP, was one of the of ‘voter fraud’. Aung San appeal by the Sindh govern-
— plays no role in how you perform. Wasim Jaffer, who played 31 Test “maulvis” for Friday prayers at the few players who supported him, Suu Kyi is imprisoned. The ment and Pearl’s family
an administrator who Bob Woolmer’s atheism didn’t pre- matches for India, is Muslim. So is team’s camp, and changed the the others being Manoj Tiwary and political ‘party’ the army against the acquittal.
has poured poison vent him from trying his best with a Zaheer Khan or Mohammed Siraj, team’s religion-based slogan to Dodda Ganesh. Ajinkya Rahane, backed, lost. It is much worse Nearer home, we are much
deeply religious Pakistani cricket the emerging fast bowler. Sachin “Go Uttarakhand”. who has shared long partnerships when the army becomes the better off. Some leftists, liber-
into cricket team. John Wright, born in a Christ- Tendulkar is Hindu. Shubman Gill Later, Jaffer denied the allega- with Jaffer for Mumbai, said he state — as it did in Burma from als, tribal leaders, etc, get a
ian family, and an enthusiastic choir is Sikh. Virat Kohli is from a fami- tions, and said that it was a very had “no idea” about the issue. 1962 to 2011. The fig leaf of the smooth passage into Tihar
boy as a child, did his best to coach an ly of Hindus, but is “non religious”. painful episode for him. “The Jaffer’s prominent Mumbai army just being the army is and other salubrious places.
Indian team that had players from Big deal! Sport transcends reli- communal angle that has been teammates Sanjay Manjrekar — necessary. Even the fig leaves The government has differ-
different religious backgrounds. gion. Sportspersons know it well. brought up, that is very, very sad,” known for often saying the right of judiciary and human rights, ences with farmers, but
‘Religion poisons everything’ — They know a player must perform, Jaffer said. thing — or Tendulkar kept their with a commission to enforce everything is hunky dory.
that’s the sub-title of a book by whichever god he does or doesn’t “Had I been communal, both silence. those rights, offer some pallia- They have held a dozen
Christopher Hitchens, the atheist bow down to. Samad Fallah and Mohammad Clearly, even the ‘God’ of cricket tive. The usual story is unfold- peaceful meetings. Farmers
writer and polemicist. In India, it It’s no surprise, then, that it’s a Nazim would have played all the is not necessarily a good friend to ing now: protests, the three- bring their own chai paani,
seems that there are clear attempts cricket administrator who has games. It’s a very petty thing to a man in need. A good straight- fingered salute, car horns government side gets lunches
to poison cricket, too, with reli- poured poison into cricket. say, or even think,” he said. drive doesn’t make you a great blaring and the water canon in from Parliament canteens. No
gious hatred. Jaffer, who had an excellent It’s terrible that a cricketer and human being. action. Rubber bullets have slogan bazi, no hulla gulla.

Life’s lessons from the wise dogs of Dhauladhar mountains

IS name is Shahrukh Khan,” said After nearly a year of no holidays in the who does the back-breaking work. everywhere by Chulbuli and Laddoo, to themselves and sometimes when they are
Hukam Chand, the elderly owner pandemic year of 2020, our family of five As we drove from McLeodganj to community dogs who hung outside vari- actively neglected, things find a rhythm on
of a mountain-side eatery in Gal- had finally planned a getaway that had Dharamkot and later to Kandbari and Bir ous homes in the neighborhood. It was their own. The one labelled urgent reveals
lu, a small hamlet around the brought us to Himachal . Three members Billing, we stopped in various places for uncanny how they knew when we would itself to be superfluous. Our subconscious
Gallu Devi temple above Dharamkot in had chosen to trek to Triund and our eld- large meals and short walks. Some days leave for a walk and when we were ready leads us towards the essential; we just need
Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh. He was est daughter and I were spending the day we trekked, on other days we sat by to find our way home. We let ourselves be to give ourselves permission to follow.
referring to his gaddi dog, who was bask- in Gallu. She had brought her personal mountain streams and admired the light led by the energy of the dog siblings. If anything is truly urgent in this time of
IMMORTAL FOR A MOMENT ing in a pool of sharp sunlight on a stone embroidery project with her and I hoped dancing on water, daring ourselves to dip They knew something about the moun- generalised anxiety, it is our ruptured need
NATASHA BADHWAR ledge, along the street. “I got him from to work on an anthology of essays on our timid toes in the icy flow. Then it tains that we could absorb too, if we for peace, intimacy and solace. We need
Bambai. He doesn’t like the limelight India’s lockdown that I am editing. I snowed and we became part of large agreed to not try to put it in into words. pockets of silence that enable us to break
anymore.” Hukam Chand’s eyes squint- needed a day off to do this — with no Wi- crowds of tourists and locals who came A year is not a long time, but something away from words that do not seem to reach
If anything is truly ed as he laughed at his own joke. Fi, no phone calls, and no doorbells to dis- out to revel in the magic of fresh snow. about the disruption caused by the pandem- others and make place for a language that
urgent in this time of I had paused next to the dog to chat to him
about his day and mine. I appreciated his
tract me. Only the promise of fresh
omelettes and instant noodles, the simple
We moved out of our hotel and stayed with
friends, exchanging stories of lockdown and
ic has changed the way many of us experi-
ence life. For me, what was earlier a vague
allows us to express our vulnerability. To
connect deeply with our own selves.
generalised anxiety, it choice of spending a winter day doing noth- soul food of India’s Himalayan trails. the things we learnt to do in the unexpected awareness of our mortality and the imper- Each one of us has a need to heal and
ing much except relaxing and occasionally “Don’t you get tired stooping over your time we had at home with ourselves. I took manence of things, has now become a more each one of us has restorative powers
is our ruptured need contemplating one’s role in healing the computer for hours like this?” Hukam down recipes of pancake and bread. We overt influence on how I process events. within us. That’s what I learnt from
for peace, intimacy world. Shahrukh Khan, the dog, seemed Chand said as he passed me by with a log of shared anecdotes of heartbreak and healing. From the distance of the mountains, I spending a few days with Shahrukh
way ahead of me in the pursuit of answers wood on his shoulder. I instantly fixed my We teased the one who is newly in love. We looked back at missed deadlines, unan- Khan, Chulbuli and Laddoo — the wise
and solace to life’s recurring conflicts. Like a wise posture as I saw him mimic me with my ignored our books and devices and made swered emails and the heavy expectations dogs of the Dhauladhar mountains.
teacher, he wasn’t offering me any quick shoulders hunched and neck outstretched wild plans about future adventures. of one’s professional life. I realised I no — The writer is an author & filmmaker
answers. Just his presence to be inspired by. stiffly. I would have thought he is the one At our friends’ home, we were escorted longer want to carry the burden of guilt. Left [email protected]
16 BACK PAGE 123

IN PARLIAMENT DGCAraises fare cap, air travel to be dearer Wait for in-flight
Net connectivity
gets longer
Tribune News Service The Union minister’s cap has been increased to

New Delhi, February 13

Up to 30% price hiked remarks signaled a defi-
nite surge in demand for
Rs 3,900 from Rs 3,500,
whereas the cap on maxi-
New Delhi, February 13
Surfing the Internet on jetlin-
Air travel is set to get cost- BAND REVISION air travel. Taking a cue mum chargeable fare has ers cruising 30,000 feet above
BJP, Cong members flag Myanmar issue lier from April 1, with the Flight duration (IN MINUTES) Minimum Maximum from the government, been increased to Rs 13,000 the earth may not become a
Director General of Civil the DGCA has now from Rs 10,000. Routes reality in the country soon.
Congress leader Manish Tewari and BJP’s Tapir LESS THAN 40 New: ~2,200 ~7,800
Aviation (DGCA) revising announced a new price like Varanasi-Jaipur, The issuing of draft rules by
Gao on Saturday pitched for the restoration of Old: ~2,000 ~6,000
airfare bands sensing band beginning April 1. Ahmedabad-Kolkata, Ben- the Directorate General of Civ-
democracy in Myanmar. They were speaking in the
Lok Sabha during zero hour. Noting that India was recovery of the sector and 40 TO 60 New: ~2,800 ~9,800 Airlines were adversely galuru-Bhopal and Delhi- il Aviation (DGCA) in August
now a non-permanent member of the Unit- air traffic nearing pre- Old: ~2,500 ~7,500 hit during Covid and Bhubaneshwar among oth- for the use of WiFi on portable
ed Nations Security Council, Tewari Covid levels. 60 TO 90 New: ~3,300 ~11,700 reported massive losses in ers fall under this category. electronic devices on flights
said, "We must create a coalition to The air traffic has the last quarter. The rise in Earlier, airfares on aroused hopes that the facility
ensure that pressure is brought on improved following a Old: ~3,000 ~9,000 air fares, sector experts domestic routes were Indian flyers had been waiting
Myanmar's military to respect the government decision to 130 TO 180 New: ~6,100 ~20,400 say, will help boost the capped from May 25, 2020, for would be extended soon.
November 8 election verdict.” Gao allow airlines to operate at Old: ~5,500 ~15,700 finances of airline opera- with an intention to allow As on date, authorisation
said the GoI should lead to restore 80 per cent of the sched- tors. As per the order, min- air services to resume under the Flight Maritime
180 & MORE New: ~7.200 ~24,200
democracy in Myanmar because India uled capacity. imum fare on all seven sec- without a massive drop or Connectivity Rules, 2018, has
had a 1000 km-long border with Old: ~6,500 ~18,600
With DGCA’s airfare band tors has been increased by rise in prices. Domestic been granted to 13 companies.
Myanmar. PTI revision, domestic air travel 10-12 per cent and the lim- flights resumed after a But the government has no
Bill to modify SC list in Tamil Nadu tabled would get costlier by 10 to it on maximum fare has two-month shutdown due plan to allow “in-flight con-

A Bill to modify the list of Scheduled Castes in Tamil

Nadu was introduced in the Lok Sabha by Union
30 per cent, depending on
the duration of the flight.
Minister for Civil Aviation
❝ With air travel emerging as a preferred mode of travel
due to safety and efficiency, we are almost touching pre-
been raised by around 30
per cent. The seven sectors
have been classified on the
to the Covid outbreak.
As per the third-quarter
results for the current
nectivity” immediately. San-
jay Dhotre, MoS, Communi-
cations, Education,
Minister Krishan Pal Gurjar. The Tamil Nadu Gov-
Hardeep Singh Puri today Covid numbers. Hardeep Singh Puri, MINISTER FOR CIVIL AVIATION basis of approximate financial year, SpiceJet Electronics & IT, has been
ernment has proposed certain modifications in the
list by way of grouping seven castes which at pres- said, “We had 2,97,102 pas- duration of flight. reported a net loss of Rs 57 quoted saying that no time-
ent exist as separate castes. The Registrar-General sengers on 2,349 flights on tic flights on May 25, 2020. due to safety and efficiency, For instance, for flights crore as against a profit of line has been set by the gov-
of India has conveyed concurrence to the proposed February 12, the highest With air travel emerging as we are almost touching pre- with the duration of 90 to Rs 77.9 crore during the ernment for allowing in-flight
modifications, the Bill says. PTI since resumption of domes- a preferred mode of travel Covid numbers.” 120 minutes, the lower fare same period last year. net connectivity. — TNS

Rahul: PM Modi wants to hand Florists rue biz plunge

over agri business to his cronies amid farmers’ protest
Jaipur, February 13 Vinayak Padmadeo
Continuing his scathing Tribune News Service DOUBLE WHAMMY
attack on PM Narendra Modi Ghazipur, February 13 ■ Flowersellers say Covid
over the farm laws on the sec- It is not even noon, but the lockdown followed by
ond day of his visit to Ghazipur flower market farmer stir is double
Rajasthan, Congress leader wears a deserted look. Most whammy for them
Rahul Gandhi today alleged of the shop owners are wait- ■ Ruing losses, they say
that thePM wanted to "hand ing for customers. “We are people from certain
over the entire agriculture sitting idle,” says Manoj, a places aren’t able to
business to his two friends". helper at Virender Florist. reach them for purchases
Gandhi addressed two Next to him is Abhay Deol, ■ Lack of auspicious wed-
farmers' rallies at Roopan- owner of Shri Sai Shraddha ding dates too contributes
garh in Ajmer and Nagaur's Saburi Pushp Bhandar. Deol to losses of traders in
Makrana. At Rupangarh, he says the entire market is hit. Ghazipur flower market
said 40 per cent people of the “You wouldn’t have been
country were stakeholders in able to step into this place in auspicious days other than Feb-
Congress leader Rahul Gandhi during a rally in Ajmer on Saturday. PTI
the farming business. "Modi these days last year. It was ruary 16 for wedding this
wants to give this entire busi- ban, Rahul reached the rally He spoke while standing on a jam-packed,” Deol says. month. Lockdown, then ‘kisan
ness to his two friends.This is site driving a tractor with CM platform made of two tractor- “First lockdown hurt us and andolan’ and now this. We are
the objective of the farm Ashok Gehlot and state Con- trailers. Thee farmers sat or now it’s the farmer agitation. just losing money,” he rues.
laws," he claimed. gress chief Govind Singh stood on tractor-trailers Customers from nearby The scenario is same with
Wearing a Rajasthani tur- Dotasra accompanying him. around the platform. — PTI areas, like Indirapuram, are small flower shops. Balajee,
not coming. The business is who runs a shop in Raj Nagar
down by at least 70% than last Extension, has just picked up

Rose Valley official gets

year,” he adds. his quota for Valentine’s Day.
Second round of According to Virender, own- “I have bought only three
er of Virender Florist, “I had packets comprising 20 roses
vaccination starts
New Delhi, February 13
India today began administer-
7-year jail under PMLA to throw flowers worth Rs
80,000 on January 26. Nobody
could come during the rally.”
each. Last year, I bought 20
such packets,” he says.
However, Vijay Sisodia,
ing the second dose of Covid-19 NewDelhi, February13 FIR against Rose Valley Real Rahul Yadav, a partner in chairman of the flower mar-
E-Procurement Notice
vaccine to those who received A special Prevention of Mon- Estates Construction Ltd, its LS Florist, says he had to keting committee, said the INVITATION FOR BIDS (IFB)
No.:- EE/RDD/D/Sala/2020-21 Dated:-
the first dose on January 16, ey Laundering Act (PMLA) chairman Gautam Kundu and throw flowers worth over Rs 2 business was picking up.
The Executive Engineer (RDD) Zonal Office Dharamshala, on behalf of Governor of H.P. invites the online
when the drive started. Over- court in Kolkata has convict- others in 2014 under the lakh due to dearth of buyers. “The demand for flowers is bids on item rate, in electronic tendering system, in 2 cover system for the undermentioned work from the
all, total vaccine beneficiaries ed a Rose Valley Group offi- PMLA. Kundu was arrested by “The rates have shot up more than what it was last eligible and approved contractors/firms registered with HPPWD Department.
today reached 80, 52, 454. Of cial, Arun Mukherjee, and the agency in Kolkata in 2015. because of Valentine’s Day, year. There are difficulties Sr. Name of work Estimated EMD Time Cost of Eligible
these 5935275 are healthcare awarded him seven years’ “The court has sentenced but it is not enough. We have because the border is sealed, No. Cost in Rs. Rs. limit tender class of
form Rs. contractor
workers. The Health Ministry imprisonment on money Arun Mukherjee to rigorous been also hurt because there but trucks are still coming.
1. C/o Mukhmantri Lok Bhawan at G.P. Kotla 23,33,246/- 43000/- One 500/- "D"
said 59,27,607 health workers laundering charges, the imprisonment of seven is hardly any wedding this The demand has risen signif- Kalan Upper, Dev. Block Una, Distt. Una H.P. Year
had received the first dose Enforcement Directorate years and to pay a fine of Rs month,” he explains. icantly. The slowdown is also (SH:- Civil work and WS & SI work).
and 7,668 were today given (ED) said on Saturday. 2.5 lakh,” the ED said in a “Our sales also depend on the due to no auspicious wedding 2. C/o Mukhmantri Lok Bhawan at G.P. Jhalera, 23,33,246/- 43000/- One 500/- "D"
Dev. Block Una, Distt. Una H.P. (SH:- Civil work Year
the second dose. — TNS The ED had registered an statement. — TNS wedding season. There are no dates,” he adds. and WS & SI work).
3. C/o Mukhmantri Lok Bhawan at G.P Dehlan 23,33,246/- 43000/- One 500/- "D"
Upper, Dev. Block Una, Distt. Una H.P. (SH:- Year

Rohit powers India to 300 on Day 1

Civil work and WS & SI work).
4. C/o Mukhmantri Lok Bhawan at Dhanotu G.P. 23,33,246/- 43000/- One 500/- "D"
Dadamb, Dev. Block Rait, Distt. Kangra H.P. Year
(SH:- Civil work and WS & SI work).
1. Availability of Bid Document and mode of submission: The bid document is available online and bid
Chennai, February 13 ting 18 fours and two sixes in should be submitted in online mode on website Bidder would be required to
Rohit Sharma struck an his 231-ball knock. He also register in the website which is free of cost. For submission of bids, the bidder is required to have Digital
Signature Certificate (DSC) from one of the authorized Certifying Authorities (CA), “Aspiring bidders who
attractive, aggressive 161 on a silenced those who doubt his have not obtained the user ID and password for participating in e-tendering in RDD may obtain the same
challenging wicket, helping temperament by scoring from the website digital signature is mandatory to participate in the e-
India seize the initiative with runs when it mattered the tendering. Bidders already possessing the Digital Signature issued from authorized CAs can use the
same in the tender. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to reject any tender or all tenders without
a solid 300/6 on Day 1 of the most as India attempt to level assigning any reasons.
second cricket Test against the series after a crushing 2. Key Dates:-
England today. loss in the first Test. 1. Date of online Publication 18/02/2021 11.00 Hrs.
Ajinkya Rahane looked Rohit displayed great con-
2. Document Download Start and End Date 18/02/2021, 04/03/2021 11.00 Hrs up to 17.00 Hrs.
equally attractive during his trol with his sweeps, putting
3. Bid Submission Start and End Date 08/02/2021, 04/03/2021 11.00 Hrs. up to 17.00 Hrs.
knock of 67 off 149 balls as out a big front-foot stride out-
Priyanka Goswami and Sandeep Kumar. COURTESY: AFI 4. Last date of Physical Submission of EMD, Cost 05/03/2021 11.00 Hrs.
the two Mumbaikars added side the off-stump to sweep of Tender and other relevant documents'

2 from Hry among 3 race

162 runs for the fourth wick- both Moeen Ali and Jack
Date of Technical Bid opening. Evaluation of 11.30 Hrs.
et. It was worth the trouble Leach. Knowing fully well 5.
Technical Bid followed by opening of Financial Bid.
for the 12,000 spectators who that the track would start

walkers qualify for Tokyo

3. TENDER DETAILS: The Tender Document Shall be uploaded online in 2 cover:-
flocked the stadium as Indi- crumbling with the passage
i) Cover-1 Shall contain scanned copies of all “Technical Documents/Eligibility information”.
an cricket welcomed fans of play, Rohit attacked at the
ii) Cover-2 Shall contain "BOQ/Financial Bid" where contractor will quote his offer for each item.
back into live matches for first opportunity, picking up
Rohit Sharma during a match in 4. SUBMISSION OF ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS: i) The bidders are required to submit (a) original demand
Ranchi, February13 Games, scheduled to be the first time during the 80 runs in the first session. draft towards the cost of bid document and (b) original bid security/Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) in
Chennai on Saturday. PTI
Two Haryana athletes were held in July-August. Covid-19 pandemic. After Shubman Gill fell to shape of FDR duly pledged in favour of Executive Engineer (RDD) Zonal Office Dharamshala and other
technical document in the O/O the Executive Engineer (RDD) Dharamshala.
among three race walkers Sandeep, 34, clocked 1 hour, A score of over 350 on this hundreds before today, all in the third ball he faced,
5. LIST OF MACHINERY, TOOL, PLANT:- The bidders must have to submit/upload the list of machinery/
who qualified for the Tokyo 20 minutes and 16 seconds to turner wicket will be equiva- India, and this would rank offering no stroke to Olly tools/equipment in the form of affidavit.
Olympics today with impres- win the men's 20km event, lent to 500 on any other track, very high due to the quality Stone, Rohit added 85 runs 6. CONTRACTORS REGISTRATION:- The bidders have to produce the enlistment of competent authority
sive performances at the finishing 10 seconds ahead of and Rishabh Pant, batting on of attack he faced and the with Cheteshwar Pujara in appropriate class valid at the time of tender and upload as pdf.
National Open Race Walking Rahul Kumar, also of 33, has the ability to take the challenging conditions. (21), who fell when he edged 7. GST REGISTRATION:- The bidders have to produce/upload the GST registration at the time of tender
Championships here today. Haryana. Rahul too qualified team score close to 400. Rohit made batting look Leach to Ben Stokes at slip. and upload as pdf.
Haryana's Sandeep for the Tokyo Olympics. Rohit had scored six Test easy on a difficult wicket, hit- — TNS/Agencies 8. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:-
The bidder must have successfully completed at least one similar nature of work not less that 40% of
Kumar and Priyanka The 24-year-old Priyanka estimated cost for one civil work of any value during the last 5 years (without liquidated damages of
Goswami of Uttar Pradesh Goswami won the women's compensation) and the bidder must have
shattered national records 20km event with a time of i) Work done certificate and work in hand certificate:- The bidders have to submit upload the list
in the men's and women's 1:28.45. The three also quali-
Medvedev, Nadal advance in Australia
of work which are completed/in hand (progress) in the proforma shown General rule No. 19 in
schedule “F”. This statement should be countersigned by the Engineer-in-Charge not below the
20km races, respectively. fied for the 2022 World Ath- rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent in State/Central Govt. PSU s with his seal. The original
With today's results, a total letics Championships to be attested copies of same may be submitted at the time of physical submission of tender.
of five Indian race walkers held in Eugene, USA. Melbourne, February13 ed and chatty Medvedev Slam breakthrough in Aus- ii) Affidavit:- Contractor have to submit an affidavit wherein mentioned that they have not more than
have qualified for the Tokyo — TNS/ Agencies Daniil Medvedev finally directed at his box, his coach, tralia. Medvedev, on a 17- two works in hand in Rural Development Department.
9. BID OPENING DETAILS:- The bids shall be opened on 06.03.2021 at 11.30 hrs in the O/o Executive
worked out how to a win a five- Gilles Cervara, got up and left. match winning streak, said Engineer (RDD) Dharamshala and by the authorized officer. If the office happens to closed on the date
setter. The fourth seed was 0-6 “He said just before leaving while that's nice to hear, he's of opening of the bids as specified, the bids will be opened on the next working day at the same time
Printed and published by Rajesh Ramachandran for The Tribune Trust in Grand Slam matches that that he's sure I'm going to win got a long way to go. He'll have and venue.
Printed at The Tribune Press, Plot No. 123, Sector 37, Pace City-1, Gurugram. went to five sets, and his Aus- the match,” Medvedev to face unseeded American 10. The bid for the work shall remain valid for acceptance for a period of 90 days after the deadline date for
the submission.
Published at The Tribune, Sector 29-C, Chandigarh. tralian Open third-round explained in his on-court Mackenzie McDonald in the
11. Other details can be seen in the bidding documents. The officers inviting tender shall not be held liable
RNI No. CHAENG/2017/72605. match against No. 28-seeded interview after Saturday's 6-3 next round. After that could for any delays due to system failure beyond its control. Even though the system will attempt to notify the
Copyright © The Tribune Trust. All rights reserved. Filip Krajinovic looked like it 6-3 4-6 3-6 6-0 win. Some pun- be a quarterfinal against No. 7 bidders of any bid updates, the employer shall not be liable for any information not received by the
Telephones: 0124-2210033,2210044 was going all the way. dits, including John McEnroe, Andrey Rublev, while No. 2 bidders, It is the bidders responsibility to verify the website or the latest information related to tender.

Circulation: 0172-2670419, Advertisement: 0172-2670256, 257 After some angry outbursts are tipping the 25-year-old Rafael Nadal is also in his half Executive Engineer,
Editor: Rajesh Ramachandran* from an increasingly animat- Russian to make his Grand of the draw.— AP/PTI RDD, Zonal Office,
*Editor for purpose of PRB Act, 1867 DPR/HP/5781 Dharamsala – 176215.

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