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"This is the ultimatc guide to cine IlUlutJaise, lavishly

illustrated, scrupulously researched, and entertainingly written ...

Author Michael Weldon has truly left no rock unrurncd .. .The book is full of
small delights ... both a scintil latingly weird look at the un ..lcrside of Western
cu lture and a thoroughly researched n.'fcrcnc~ book."
The Sail Francisco Chronicle

"What Weldon's produced is nearly unputdownablc ... for cult film freaks, horror
fans, and oddity buffs, The PsychorTOnic Encyclopedia , with its more than J,CXX)
liStings, is a perfect buyer's (or renter's) gu ide to the decidedly offbeat."
The Washington POS!

" An absolute must for those who lust after the slime and sleaze of B~movies.
Loose, lecherous, and totally offbeat." Cinefanwstique

"By far the witticst and most comprehensive attempt at creating a resource book
on the murky field of [he grade-Z j cxpl0itation/culr film." Film Quarterl)·

"The n:vicws arc delightfully unabashed in their prejudices; they art." informative,
irrcVl'rent, and very, very funny." Adam Film WOTld

Bob Martin and Akira Finon


The Bcachcliff
The iXtroit (still there! )
The Embassy
The Granada
The I lilliard
The H lppodromt·
Tht, Homestead
The Madison
The Roxy
The Standard

lmd all the other great American movie theaters

that are or soon will be parking lots, discos, and
gutted tire(I<lps.

CmwJes,gn hy jam~. R. H,lrm

Book DeSIgn hy MlCh".,I,sJC.lTpel,s [leo<,Rl" A,,\OC'31c>, In.('_
eo,·.-r,lll ls, cl""k",-,,,, (turn upper I,,(t.lorum "t IELLCATSOF TI IE NAVY"Glp'inghr 0 1957
Col1lmh,a P,CIUI\." Corromnon. GlOme,\-, ofCol umb'3 PICture •. From Ih.- MGM rde~ " KISSIN'
(X)USINS" CopYright " 196'1 "k t ro·GoIJw)·n · M,,~·er, In.('. and Four LcafPmducllon>, Inc_ From
MOlinn Pictures, Inc. From "TIlE BEAC H GIRLS AND TIlE MONSTER." Background >lill:
From "THE INCRED!ALE MELTING MAN" u'N'II~hl (I 1977 Quamt Produc!i"",. Courtl'Sy
of Max J. R0M'nb"r~. Producer. B..'lCk ,,,WeT ph"", of th.- ~luhor hy je'SlCa Ralml
Full photo credl!$ may b" found at the hack of rhe ho"k.
Ewrv effort has bt,~n made IOcon(aCl the pwplle wr(.) of lol l ,lluSlr:1llOn' used in this book. H"",'eve r,
In som(' (aloeS the identic)' ot th e location of rh e prnp"et'" pw\'eJ impossIble to discover. Any error,;
a!e unintentional and If neCe~1T~' correclions WIll bo:: made in (ulure ed It ion •.
Copyriglll Ii) 198] by )..1,cha~1 Weldon
Fore",'oN copYrl~ht Cl 198J b~' ChrlSroph~, (:en
All ,,~h!s '~..,rved undcr I"'~maw.mal ~nd Pan.Am.-rican Copyright Conventions_ Published In
th~ Unn.-..l States hy Ballantine Boob, a di\'ision III Random HolJ.~. Inc., New York, and
' im"h anwrnly in Canada by Random H~ of Canada. TOlonto.
L,bml)' ofConl':'cos Catalog Ca rd Num~" 82-90841
ISBN- W'>-}4345-)
F"'t EdIlIO"; No"ember 1983

Ackno wledgments

Fo reword by C hristopher Ccrf



How to Use This Book


The Swdios

The PsychO/rmllc Encyclopedia of Film: A-Z


Recommended Reading

Picture C redits

Index of Major Psycho n onic Person:llities


Aoout the Autho r


uch of the earl y research for this book was done by C harles
Beesley, who also wrote the entries marked -C8 . Bob Martin of
Fangoria magazine (~BM) also contributed many of the en tries. Akira Fitton
(-AF) wrote several of the reviews and designed the ad (or The Kirlian Witness
(a.k.a. The Plants Arc Watching).
Special thanks are also due to C hrislOphcr Ccrf, Michael Marsh , Sally
Eckhoff, and Howard Smith and lin Harris of The Village Voice. This book
would not have been possible withoUl the ir efforts.
Thanks to director Frank Henenlotlcr, for supplying screen credits and many
of the rarest stills and pressbooks from his collection; to John Donaldson, for
credits and stills; to Richard Bojarski and Barry Gi llam, for digging up hard·
lo-lind credits; and to Bill La ndis and Rick Sullivan, (or illustrations.
Other sources of the illustrations in the book were rock 'n ' roll expert Alan
Betrock , Pauline Klaw's Movie Star News (New York) , Cine 2000 (Paris), and
various shops in Amsterda m.
Thanks to Jod ie Delbourgo, liz Sacksteder, Fred Oodn ick, Jimmy HarriS,
Stephen McNabb, and Nancy Burke at B..llantine. and to Don C hase. the copy-
editor. for useful information.
T he following people were also helpful during the preparatio n of this book:
Lucas Balbo and the staff {If HerefidNostalJ..,ja magazi ne (PariS); Nat Adriani of
U PI ; Gene Gromeck of Dona ld Velde.lnc.; Nancy N uttall of New World;
5.. m Sherman of Independent -International; Lester B..ngs; John and Geraldine
Mead; Louise Gikow; and Katya Pend ill.
Finally. I'd like to thank everybody who bought, WTOle for, rev iewed and
supported Psydwtronic magazine: and my famil y and everybody else in Oeveland
who supported my movie mania.

- Michael Weldon
New York City
May 1983


ne morning in \981, my wife, Genevieve, and I opened OllT mail to

discover a hand-drawn rendition of an ancient Philco television set,
on the screen of which was scrawled the following mess;}ge:



Following this infonnation (just above the brightness knob on the Philco) was
an undecipherable signature.
All very mysterious. And a call to our friend Mr. Marsh was anything but
enlightening. "Just what is Psychotrcmic!" I asked. "You'll find Ollt. " he replied.
"Let's just say I wanted to give you the opportunity to study, on a wcck-to-week
ba~is, the development of a truly unique American mind."
AboUT a week later, the (Xlstman delivered our first opportunity (or study. It
consisted of severa l Xeroxed sheets of paper, each filled with tiny, and impeccably
neat, hand-printed script, broken on ly by the occasional odd illustration. And
when I say "odd," I mean it quite literally. The cover sheet, for example, was
graced by the photograph of a tiny soldier holding a huge hypodermic needle.
Next to him, anothe r soldier was bellowing into a megaphone which, incredibly,
was pointing almost straigh t up inTO the sky. The object of their attention: a 60-
foO( tall totally bald man dressed only
in a sarong , clutching a blonde in a
low-cut evening dress.
Psychorrollic, it seemed, was "New
York's weekly guide to television
movies-especially forgonen junk."
And the cover iIIustnnion was a sti ll
of the memorable "world's largest fix"
scene from The Amazing Colossal Man,
the "unbeatable '50s hit" that was
editor Michael Weldon's choice of
what TV had to offer us this week. The fatefulls51U' of Psycho-
The AmminK Colossal Man, the pains- tronic magaZine thar fint
takingly block-lettered text explained, sP<lrked Chriswpher Cerfs
interest in Michael Weldon.
was an anempt hy producer Bert I.
The original Psrchotronic
Gordon (the celebrated "Mr. B.I.G."
IogOlYpe was designed &,'
himself!) to cash in on the success of Sally Eckhoff.

Jack Arnold's The Incredible Shrinking Man. Bert'S credits, we soon learned,
included "producer, director, special effects (they're real shoddy), and co-writing
the scnpt" with Mark Hanna, whose Involvement to the creation of Attack of
the 50 Fr. Woman apparently made hll11 the most expeT1enced candidate for
the Job.
We watched The Amazmg Colossal Mall, of course. We also watched The
Angry Red Planer, filmed In Ci nemaglc ("which means things change color a
lot"), Run of the Arrow ("I could explain how Rod SteIger manages to shoot
Ralph Meeker twice with the same bullet, but you wouldn't believe me") , and
even los Morutnws del TerroT ("Sound dumb! Try to imagine what was going
through Michael Rennie's mind whIle he was acting in rhls dubbed mess. ") In
short, we were hooked.

Our next insight into MIChael Weldon's "truly unique American mind"
came a few weeks later. I was in front of the televi~lon set, dutifully watching
Frallkcll.lleill Meets the SlxJCe MOIlSIl.'T" ("You really llWC it w yourself w watch
this-it's the wurst"). The evil Princes~ Marcuzan and her dwarf assistant Nadir
had just arrived in Puertu Rico when my wife, who was downsmirs reading next
week's PsychorTonie, called to me. "Gadzooks!" she exclaimed. "He's got Gone
With the Wind in here!"
"He docs!" [ answered. "What's he
got w say about it!"
" He says it's worth watching because
the guy who designed the sets also
worked on The Man III the Iron Mruk ."
"My God, what consistency!" I
marvelled. "I've got to meet this
MIchael Weldon!"
And so 11 was that, rhe fo llowing
Saturday, Michael Marsh and I found
ourselves srandmg m front of a dilapi-
dated browosmne on New York's East
9th Street, shouting up at a third-floor
wmdow ("The doorbell's our of order,"
MIchael Weldon had told us on the
phone, " but ['II be watching for you
... "). Momen ts later, we were sining
in a tiny walk-up apartment, wedged
between a shelf full of old movie books,
~eve ral piles of magazines (including
what seemed like thousands of
MiCll£IeI Wddflrl (I f home copies of PsychotrOllic), and Weldon's remarkahly cluttered worktable. ''I'm really
sorry about rhe doorbell," our host expkuned. "We're on a rent strike now,
M) [ can't get it fixed."

"Will the strike end soon!" we asked.

"[ hope not," he answered. " [( I had to pa~' rent, I couldn't afford to put out
my magazine "

With the preliminaries Out of the way, Weldon proceeded to tackle our long
list of questions about PsychotTonic. "The name, as you've probably guessed.
was originally mc,mt to suggest a combination of weird horror films and elec-
tronic gadget-filled science fiction movies," he told us. "[ thought I'd made it up,
but it later turned our I'd stolen it from The Psychotranic Man, ,1 Chicago-made
film about a maniac barber who kills people with psychic energy. After a while,
[ began to use the term 'psychoTronic' as an adjeccive, to descrihc all the
different kinds of movies that interest Int', " And what, specifically, were those?
"Well, monster and science-fiction films. of cnurse. Bur exploitation films of any
sort. really: biker movies, rock 'n' roll movies, musclemen movies, }·O movies,
'60s beach movies, Mexican movies with subtitles- you get the idea ..
Particularly fascinating to Weldon are wh;}t he termed "grade-Z" movies: films
produced so incompetently, or on such impoverished budgets, that they have
no chance of being rele;}sed through even the sleaziest of regul;}r distribution
channels. "Well. sometimes they open on 42nd ~tTl~et for a couple of d;}ys,"
Weldon said, " but they close right aw;}y, never to be seen in a the;}ter ;}gain.
The rest of them never make it to the;}ters at all. To cam back at least some of
their mane)" the producers are forced to sell their pr()(luct directly to TV. As a
result, there's almost no informat ion avai lable aiX)ut these films." Except, of
course, for th;}t which Weldon has culled from poring through thousands of
outdated "famines" and promotion pieces- and, not surprisingly, from countless
all-night marathons in front of the TV screen.
What triggered Michael Weldon's peculiar obsession! ·'It's kind of hard to sa)" "
he told us. "When I was growing up in Cleveland, my grandfather had a friend
who owned a theater, and, as a result, I got in free every Wednesday night.
They didn 't show many 'psychotron ic' fi lms, though-they spec ialized more in
your John Frankenheimer-type maimtream adventures. But, when I got older,
I used to sneak out of school and go to rhe Hippodrome or the Embassy Theaters,
wnere you could see several films a day-most of them really junky ones- without
having to spend more than a dollar or so. I got really addicted to monster mag;}-

zincs, too-monsters, as you may recall, were very big in the '60s. My grades got
worse and worse all the time, of course, and finally one day my dad gathered up
all my monster magazines and tossed them in the garbage."
When I was a kid, my father once squeezed his way into my junk-filled bed-
room and threw out my entire collenion of New York Rangers hockey programs.
So I had immediate sympathy. "And it was the scars of this horrible experience
that made off-beat films the focus of your entire life!" I theorized.
"I don't think so," Weldon responded. "But I guess what happened made me
more determined than ever to play hooky and go to the movies."
Whatever factors first contributed to Michael Weldon's taste in cinema, there is
no question that he was profoundly influenced by a petformer named "Ghoulardi,"
the host of a late-night horror-movie show on Cleveland's local CBS affiliate.
"When a TV station wants to buy the rights to show a particular movie," Weldon
explained, "they're almost always fo rced to invest in a couple of clinkers, too, as
part of the package. Ghoulardi was the guy who had to show the clinkers."
Ghoulardi, it seemed, had made the best of his unenviable fate by adopting a
weird costume and an anarchist-beatnik persona; after a while, he even began
cutdng himself into the films his employers ordered him to show. Before he knew
it he had become a cult hero, at least among a certain segment of C leveland's
youth. "One day," Weldon reminisced, "Ghoulardi made a special live appear-
ance at the auditorium near my school- the very same auditorium where the
Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival is usually held. He showed some terrible film
clips, and then, using firecrackers, he blew up some skulls and model cars right on
the stage. Kids were throwing their own firecrackers, too; it was really terrific!"
Perhaps the most important event in Weldon's career- even more important,
if such is possible, than his discovery ofGhoulardi-was the fortuitous purchase,
by his friend Gary Dumm, of fifty year's worth of bound volumes of the Middleroum
(Ohio) News. "Gary bought them only for the comic strips," Weldon told us,
"and he didn't care at all about anything else in the paper. So, as long as they
weren't on the backside of the comic pages, I was allowed to clip out any movie
ads or articles I wanted. That's where a lot of the data in my files-and many
of the illustrations I've used in Psychotmnic- originally came from."
So much for history. What of the future? Weldon sighed deeply, and got up to
fetch Michael Marsh and me some tea. "Well," he said dreamily, "first of all
I'd like to make enough money so I could actually get my magazine printed,
instead of having to Xerox it each week at the office where Sally, my girl-
friend, works.
"Then, there's the book. I'd Jove to compile a reference book , so people could
look up any 'psychotronic' films they were interested in on a title-by-title basis.
A book like that would also make it possible for people to trace the careers of
actors and directors-not just the ones who've fallen on hard times and can only
get parts in Z pictures, but also film-makers and performers who got their start
in exploitation films-and then went on to do really im(Xlrtant things. Did you
know, for example, that Francis Ford Coppola once made a 3-D nud ie movie
called The Playgirls and the BeUboy!
"Then, finally, I'd like to do something about 42nd Street. There are a lot of
developers and (Xlliticians these days who want to "clean up" 42nd Street; you
know, tear down all the old $2. 50-for-a-triple-bill movie theaters and replace

them with hote ls and bomiques and ,
thmb'S like thal. " Weldon's eyes grew
mIsty. "Wou ldn't It be great," he said ,
"If we could sum a 'Save 42nd Street
Commiucc'-one whose goal was to
keep thl~~s there the way they
are now!

Almost three years have passed since

the day I first met Michael Weldon.
The rent-strike in his building ended
many months ago, bringing with it a
newly-repaired doorbell, but, sad ly, at
least a temporary end to the regular
publication of Psychorronic magazine.
Weldon's other plans, however. are
faring considerably bener. Linle
progress has been made on New York City's ambitious plan to clean up
42nd Street. And, far mo re important, the incredible volume ~'ou now hold in
~'o ur hands has been researched, wrinen, and published. No longer need you
WOITy about missing a terrific "scient ist-kills-beautifu l-women-i n-order-to-graft-
rheir-skin -onw-his-horribly-scarred-wifelgirJ(riendldaughter" movie si mply be-
cause your local paper failed to appreciate its true value. Never again need you
risk watching Necromancy withom realizing that the fat aClOr with the beard and
fake nose is actually Orson Welles. Maybe-just maybe -there's hope yet for
commerc ial TV....

-Christopher Cerf
New Yo rk C ity



hi! Psychotronic Encyclopedia of Film celebrates o ver 3,()(X) movies often

treated with indifference or contempt by other movie guides. Most of
them arc considered exploitation films. Some of them were made with such
im(Xlssibly low budgets that they have never been released through regular
channels of distribution. Many are now considered classics or cult films despite
unfavorable critical response or initial box office failure. C ritics searching for an
condemn most of these features for the very reasons that millions continue to
enjoy them: violence, sex, no ise, and often mindless escapism.
Ps),chorronic films range from sincere social commentary to degrading trash.
They concern teenagers. rock 'n' roll, juvenile delinquents, monsters, aliens,
killers, spies. detectives. bikers. comm unists, drugs, natural catastrophes, atomic
bombs, the prehistoric past, and the projected future. They star ex-models.
ex-sports stars, would-be Marilyns, fUnlre Presidents (and First Ladies), dead
rock stars, and has-beens of all types.
Although we have tried to be encyclopedic, we cannot claim to have
included eve ry potent ially Psychotronic film ever released in America, nor have
we seen all of the ones listed in the book. Some fi lms are released onl y regionally.
some are here and gone in a matter of days; some are so obscure that it's hard
to track down any infonnat io n abom rhem at all. We've had to be somewhat
arbitrary in deciding what to include. We've concentr.ned on the genres that we
enjoy the most: horror, teen movies, and science fiction. We've also tried to
document the careers o f significant Psychocronic actors and actresses. Films in
which they appear are noted throughout, even if the mov ies ate otherwise
Certain horror greats receive special attention : Boris Karloff. Peter Lorre,
Be la Lugosi, and V incent Pric e. These ac tors have such a powerful and immedi-
ate presence that anything they appear in becomes special in a way that has
nothing to do with the subjec t matter or qua lity of the film. So while we're
more concerned with Panic in the Year Zero and Hot Rods w HeU, don't be
surprised to find reviews (or Nirlorchka (with Lugosi) and Keys of t~ Kingdom
(with Price) in this book. The mere p<lrticipation of these stars makes these films
The same applies to certain behind-the-scenes personalities. Whether good or
bad. the films of many producers and directors are consistently Psychotronic, so
we've included representative features fro m the emire range of theiT work. Many
of these filmmakers arc known for o nly a small part of their output, an unfair
perception which we've tried to correct. If you like Roger Corman's Link Shopo{
Horrors or T~ Pit and the Pendulum . you should try his gangster, rock 'n' roll,
and Westem features. A lbert Zugsmith directed the notorious Sex KitU'ru Go w

Cullege, bur he also proouced The Incredible Shrinking Man and Touch of Evil.
The PS)'chorronic Encyclopedia of Film includes features made in the e,nly '30s
through 1982, but since we grew up in the '50s and '60~, our favorites mostly
come from those two decades. Films made from rhe time of television's mass
acceptance in the '50s to the creation of the current (i nadequ,lte) rating system
in November 1968 are often the most interesting. During this perioo Hollywood
was desperately trying to lure audiences away from their home screens and
compete with the European imports while putting up with an outdated,
puritanical censorship board. Theatergoers were rewarded with teenage rebellion,
worldwide desrTllction, a potent but acceptable dose of sex and sadism. and
gimmic kry of all kinds, including 3-D and Cinerama. The so-called "adulrs-
onl y" movies of the perioo arc so tame that tcxiay they'd probably be rated R or
PG, but they remain fascinating historical documents of a more innocent time.
Today there are more ways to watch Psychnrronic films than ever before. We're
in the midsr of an astounding boom in the cable lclevi~ion and home video
indu~trie~. Movies that most people didn't bother to sec in the theater turn up
within months on cable. Movies that would have remained unreleased or
unseen except by collectors are now available to a vast market of viewers in the
comfort of their ho mes. The promotional hype that once lured or tricked a
person into spending a few bucks to see a movie is now being used to convince
him to spend $60 to buy a videocassette of a film that in many cases would have
put him to sleep or sent him to the exit door~ in a theater. The lack of
information available about the obscure films now being watched and even
purchased by millions or bored comumer~ is staggering:. This lxx:.k attempts to
remedy that problem for discriminating viewers of the more bizarre, ~hocking.
and unclassifiabJe muvie~ available.
We've made every effOTT to include as much interesting and relevant infonnation
as possible, while keeping the entries brief and to the point. We've also tried to
il lustrate the text where possible with original ad mat~ and unusual sti lls , most of
which have not been used in :my other film IXlOk and many of which have never
before been seen in print anywhere. Many of these illustrations were acquired
over the years from stil l ~hops and junk sales; many other~ were borrowed or
rented from film collectors.
We hope that The Ps)"Chorronic Encyclopedia of Film will introduce you to new
realms of cinemat ic enjoyment.


All films reviewed in this book arc listed alphabetically by title. If the film
was originally released in a foreign country, the origin,ll foreign-language title
is also indicated in the entry. If the film was released under ~cveral Engllsh-
language titles, it is listed by the title it was originally rel('a~t'd under or the one
it is best known by, and the alternate title~ arl' indicated in the entry. If you look
it up under one of the alternate titles, you wi!! be referred to the title it is
di;;cusS(..J unde r.
Below the title, the year of the film's release is given. If the film was never
released theatrically or released yc,lrs after its completion, the ye,IT it wa~ made

is given. Following the date ;s the name of the American distributor, preceded
where applicable by well -known (oreign production companies such as Hammer
and Toho. When a fi lm was distributed by more than one company over the
years, the original distributo r is listed when possible . Made-fa r-television movies
are indicated by "TV" instead of a distributor. When the film was not made by
an American production company, the country of origin o r the co-producing
nations are also indicated.
Since color has been the norm (or SO long, we nOle when a fi lm was made in
black-and-white or in parlial color. If the film was made in J-D, that is also
indicated, even if it was issued flat.
For each entry, we have made every efforlto c ite the producer, director, and
screenwriter o( the film. However, complete screen credits proved impossible to
find (or some of the more obscure (eatures that were never reviewed by trade
publications or have incomplete credits in the prints. Sometimes we have given
a substitute credit- for example, "Associate Producer" instead of"Producer"-
when the one we were looking (or was unavailable .
After the review, we give the MPAA rating if it was R, X, or M (for
"mature"-a rating used briefly instead of PG in 1968- 1969). Films released
before November 1968, made-for-television movies, and features released
directly to television or videocassette companies are unrated.
Some o( the reviews in the book were written by C harles Beesley, Bob
Martin, and Akira Fitton. Their initials appear at the end of each entry they
We base our reviews on theatrical viewing whenever possible. Films made
after the late '60s obviously suffer when CUt for commercial television, and no
film benefits (rom constant interruption for commercials.
We've tried to indicate thro ughout which movies have sound track albums in
print. Most of those that remain in print for longer than a few mo nths are on the
Yarest Sarabande label.
Unlike many movie guides, this book does not give star ratings. If a film is
especially good, bad, laughable , or boring we say so. Otherwise, we prefer to
give you the facts and let you decide. People who enjoy the more unusual
features tend to select them on the basis o( the subject maner, stars, director,
or company rather than somebody e lse's arbitrary and si mplistic tating system.

Knowing which company released a film can often tell you what to expect,
but sometimes just knowing the name of the offi cial distributor isn't enough.
The relationships between many film companies featured prominently in this
book have been obscured over the years by company name changes, the
creation of subsidiaries, and corporate takeovers. This sectio n outlines the
history of some of the major distributors of Psychotronic films.
Probably the most important company in this book is American International
Pictures (AlP). Founded in 1954 as American Releasing Corporafion (ARC)
by Samuel Z. Arkoff and the late James Nicholson, AlP ( 1956-1980) defined

the postwar youth-oriented feature. Shortly after it~ 25th anniversa ry, the
company was purchased by outsiders ;md renamed Filmways. Soon thereafter,
Filmways was engulfed by Orion. The current regime may prNend to be
disengaged from its exploitative past, but recent releases like Amit)'ville 3-D
indicate tbat its A lP origins linger.
During its heyday, AlP had several subsidiaries. Filmgroup made some of
the more offbeat features (often produced or directed by AlP standby Roger
Corman). By the [ate '60s more lurid features dealing with sex and drugs were
released by Trans-Americ'lIl. During the '70s. Hallmark released the most
shocking of the \ffiOStly European) horror acquisitions. AlP-TV released dozens
of Mexican, Japanese, :mel European films directly to American television. [t
also somet.imes made extremely cheap feacures to be sold as part of TV package
Many favorites that f<lns assume to be frum AlP were actually made by Allied
Artists, a company whose [<lrter history and output were similar to AlP's.
Monogram (1930-1953), the well-known king of l-iollyw()(xI's poverty row
studios, changed its name to Allied Artists in 1953 and continued m<lking cheap
youth-oriented features and releasing foreign horror films until the late '70s.
Producers Releasing Corporation (PRC), <In even sma1!er studio founded in
the '305, became Eagle Lion in 1947. By 1951 that company had been
SW<lHowed up by United ArtiSTS. The (mostly awful) UA horror films of the '50s
have their roots in PRe.
Other studios releasing more than their sh<lre of Psycholronic films are the old
Repuhlic (1935-1959) and RKO (1929-1959). Ouring the '50s, Astor, OCA,
Howco, and Lippert were quite active. Re<ll<lrt, a company that began <lS a
vehicle for re-releasing old Univers<ll horror films, also made its own features.
James Nicholson, a co-founder of AlP, W<lS a high-ranking executive at Realart.
Imp:mant independent comp;mies aCTive in the '60s include Box Office
International, Fairway International, Fanfare, Geneni, Hemisphere, Barry
Mahon, and Wool ncr Brothers. L<lrry Woolner later helped Roger Corman
start New World, then left to form Dimension. Other defunct firms well
represented here are Cineranw and Jerry Gross' Cin('maTion. Crown
International. an exploitation company going back to the '50s, is still going
strong. Smal1 companies currently turning out PsychutTOnic fi lms include
Independent-International, Motion PiCTure Marketing (MPM), World Northa],
United, 21st Century, Film Ventures, Group I, and Jensen Farley. Cannon and
New World (recently sold by Roger Corman) are today's biggeST independents.
Major studios th<lt lost their identities years ago are Universal (the oldest
studio in existence, founded in 1912), Paramount (1930- ), 20th Century-
Fox (founded as Fox in 1915, which merged with the new 20th Century
corporation in 1935), and Columbia (1924- ). MGM (1924- ) and
United Art ists (1919- ) are now merged as MGM/UA. Warner Brothers
(1923- ) purchased First National in 1928, which released films through
Warner Brothers until 1938. During 1967 -1968, Warner Brmhers WflS known
as Warner 8rO!hers-Scven Arts or just Scven Arts.
Embassy was founded in the laIC '50s by Joseph E. Levine and laler purchased
to become Avco Embassy. It relea~cd foreign fcatures directly to television as
well as the f<lrnili<lr domestic releases. Thc company was recently purchased by

Norman Lear and is now known o nce aga in as Embassy.
Foreign studios of note include Japan's To llo and its riva l, Daei. In England
the international success of Hammer Stud10s set the stage for Amicus and
Tigon, all of which specialized in horror features. Some of the most interesting
British horror fi lms of the '50s and '60s, however, were from the liule-known
Anglo Amalgamated.


• •
• •
•• •

• • 1953 Universal (B&W)
~ODUCO: Howard ChrLsm~
• • DlP.ECTOI'.: Ch:nles Lamon!
1953 Universal (8&W)
~ODIK~ Howard C hrlSlie
•• • KI\([N\VIU1'£lU: John Gnmt,
O. D. Beauchamp
DlA£CtOk: Charles lamonI
SCk[[N'W'kIT[k5: Lt-o Loeb, John Gram
Dumb comedy with (he team (known Boris Karloff plays the Dr. but not rhe
as deux nigaud5~{WO n i twits-in Mr. (famo us stuntman Eddie Parker
France) accidentally mkmg of( in a does). The stars are called Slim and
rocket ship and landing In New O r- Tubby, which should give you an idea
leans during Mardi Gras. (They think of the level of comedy. When Costello
it's Mars. ) They take off agam, thIS time becomes a monster he bites a group of
with two un wanted convicts, and land bobbles, who all become ident ica l
on Venus, populated by beautiful wom- monsters. With a fake Frankemtcin
en and ruled hy Queen A lura (Mari monster, a giant mouse, C raig "Pe ter
Bl;mch;lTd of She-Devil fame). Th e G unn " Stcvcns, and Helen Westcon.
Venusi;lIlS are played by con testants in
the '53 Miss Universe pageant, includ·
ing Amta Ekberg-Miss Sweden . The
same year, the incredible Car Women ABBOTT AND COSTELLO
of lhe Moon explored si milar [crntory.
With Martha H yer, Robert Pouge, Hor·
1948 Urllversal (8&W)
ace MacMahon. and Jack Kruschen. PkODIK£k: Robert Arthur
Aren't you tired of movie hooks begm. DlA£CTOk: Charles T. Banon
nlng with Abixm and Coslello! SCk(£N'W'kIT[k5: Joh n Grunt.
frederic I. Renaldo, Roben Let's
After achieVing last ing fa me as Count
Dracu la In 1931. Bela Lugosi had to
walt 17 years to repeat the role. After
U niversal exhausted the possibihties of
multnnonster epiCS they decided to pit
their three most popular creatures
UPI 8115151, TIl., "jI)l!IJ:
agamSI a comedy team. The resu its
$(I1Kt'T" iJc<l~ (Ire begrll-
aren't bad at all . G lenn Strange (later
ning f() kmd In IN! C/!S-
tiline Jeu drv /rnSIflt'$S <lnd
seen as the bartender on Gunsmoke)
WIl'lC htll~ Wille /0 H'st 1JT\ pla~'ed ,he Karloff clone monster for the
(1C 1TeS5 MaTI BkUhNlrd, th ird time. Lon Chancy, Jr., played
SWTof A],I"lII and Larry Talbot the Wolfman for [he fifth
Costello Go To M(lr~, time. Lugosi was working for his o ld
Tlic "J(U<('~'T" tl<,<"kLIC{' w"j StudiO for the first time in years but S(Xm
em'Tmg5 cou/dn '( ""'u'e returned to ch eap quickies. Leno re
p!c/w.>d <I OCll<'r IlkII.'': b.:- Aube rt wants Cosrello's brain for the
luccn h.'T~ <111<1 MIlTs A monster. The Wolfman wants to be
preJJellO!I th.u .rum: Ilkllt's
..dl l~liunrt'<'T (15 5/)<)/1(>15
cured. Dracula rums into a cartoon hat .
u111 be III order If $(I1.url Vincent Price is heard briefly as the in-
(Im ftnu<, W mild (l.lung VISib le Man. Remade in Mexico as
U11n. Iwuwnh 1>1..:111"$ Frall/renslein. el Vampiro "J Cia.

ABBOTI'AND COSTELLO awful. With Marie Wmdsor, Michael
AIEET THE INVISIBLE AfAN Ansara, Rich ard Deacon, and Mel
195 1 Umversal (8&W) Welles.
"-OOUC£A: Howa rd Christie
DlI\£CTOA: C harles lamon I ABBY
SCI\£[HWMTE~: john G rant ,
1974 AlP
FrederiC I. Renaldo. Rober! ~s
PIIOOUC£M: William G irdler. Mike Henry.
The boys 3rc bac.k again-as inept de- Gordon C. Layne
tectives involved with an in visible William Gi rdler
prize fi ghter p layed by Arthur Franz SOll~: G . Cornell Layne
(Monste'r on C ampw) , With William " Blacula" William Munhall is now the
Frawley (Fred Mertz o n " I Love Lucy") black exorcist. As a bishop/archaeolo-
and Sheldon Leonard. gist, he unkno wingly brings back a
demon from Africa that takes o ver
ABBOTT AND COSTELLO Carol Speed, wife of minister Terry Car-
AIEET THE KILLER, BORIS ter. When possessed, she goes Ihrough
KARLOFF the expected tran sformation s while
1949 Unive rsal (B&W) swearing and spewing. With Austin
"-OOUCEk: Robert Arthur Stoker and Juanita Moore. From the
DlUCTOk: C harles T. Barto n director of The Mani tou. Caro l sings
~:HughWedlock ,J r., the theme song. Warner Brothers sued
Howard Snyder, Jo hn G rant over similarities to T~ Exorcist and
The inferior fo llow·up to Abron and won. (R)
Costello Meet Frankenstein, with the
same director and female star (Lenore THEABOAflNABLE
Auben), Boris Ka rloff is wasted as the
mad swami in a mystery.comedy about 1971 AlP (England)
two dumb hotel employees who discover PIIOOUCW: louiS M . Ileyward.
dead bodies. Boris hypnotizes Lou the Ronald S. D..mas
bellboy and commands him to commit DIIi.lCTOP.: Roben Fuest
suicide. Lou refuses. With Roland SO.[lff\VfJT£M: James Whi ton,
Winters, Percy Helton, Alan Mowbray, Wilham Golwtein. Gl'()rb~ Bani
and Billy Gray. The smr-in-the-tide idea Clever art deco revenge fi lm with Vin-
cropped up again in Bela lugosi Meets cent Price as an ex-vaudevillian mad-
a Brooklyn Gorilla and Sabu and (he man living in a secret underground
Magic Ring. mechanica l world while killing off the
team of surgeons that unsuccessfully
ABBOTT AND COSTELLO operated on his late wife . Due to in-
AfEETTHEAfUMMY jury in an auto accident, Phibes has no
1955 Universal (B&W) face or voice, so he constructs an imim-
PIIOOUCEP.: Howard Christie rion face for himself and talks by plug-
DlA£CT~: Charles Lamont ging a cord from his neck into a Vic-
SOlENW'Mtf.: John Grant trola. His ingenio us methods of killing
Th e last of the meet -the-mo n sters are inspired by [he len plagues visited
seri es, next-to-the- Iast movie for Ab- upon the Pharoah in the O ld Testa-
hott and Costello. In Egypt they dis- ment. Ene mies die in horrible ways in-
cover Ihe Mummy (Eddie Parker), now volving locusts, bats, and frogs. Joseph
called Klaris. The mummy costume is Con en has a good role as Ihe c hid


surgeon . With Virgin ia North as Vul- ADVENTURES OF CAP1)IJN

navia, Terry-Thomas, Hug h G riffith, FABIAN
and Caroline Munro seen mosrly in 1951 Republic (B&W)
phoros as the late Mrs. Victoria Phibes. PI\ODUCEI'JDlkECTOk: William Marshall
Great line: "Love means never having KkEEN\lII\lTEk: Errol Flynn
ro say you're ug ly!" It was billed as Fad ing star Errol Fly n n wrote the
Price's l OOth fi lm. The sequel was Dr. screenplay fo r this cheap period ad-
Phibcs Rises Again. venture set in New Orleans. As a se a
captain, he rescues a C reole servant girl
(Micheline Preslel, who seeks revenge
THEABOAIINABLE on the local corrupt rich people (Vin-
SNOWAfAN OF THE cent Price and Victor Francen) . With
HMIALWIS Agnes Moorehead as h er "octoroon"
1957 Hammer120th Century-Fox companion, Howard Vernon, and Reg-
(England) (B&W) gie Nalder.
Pf.OOUCEI'.: Aubrey Baring
DIP.ECT~: Val Guest
KP.EENWPJTEk: Nigel Kneale
An intelligent, restrained look at two
1941 Republic (B&W)
men with opposing views who encoun- PI\ODU( EI\:Hirram S. Brown
ter a monster that turns our [0 be DlkECTO kS: William Witney, John English
fr iendly (and frightened). Peter Cush- KkEENWPJTEkS: Ronald Davidson,
ing is the dedicated scientist. Forrest Norman S. Hall, Arch B. Heath,
T ucker is a money-hungry showman . Joseph Poland, Sol Shor
The giant yeti appears very briefly in AUO I\ELEA5ED AS: The Relurn of Caplain
an unforgettable scene. It was Cushing's MartJt!!
first role after The Curse of Frankenslein. One of the best serials ever made.
Based on a BOC television play. Ameri- When young Billy Batson says "Sha-
can ads warned viewers to "bring your zam" he becomes the mighty Capta in
own tranquilizers!" Marvel. Tom Tyler (The Mumm)"s
Hand) doesn't say much as Marvel but
he flies through the air and treats bad
THE ABSENT-MINDED guys roughe r than Superman ever did .
PROFESSOR The villain is the Scorpion . If he can
1960 Buena Vista (B&W) steal five magical lenses he can rule the
PkODOCU: Wah Disney universe. Frank Coghlan, Jr., is Billy.
DlkECTOI\: Robert Stevenson The entire 12 chapters were re-released
SCP.EEN\lII\ITEI\: Bi ll Walsh to be shown consecutively during the
Fred MacMurray as Prof. Brainard de- '60s. Balman was shown in its entirety
velops "f1ubber," a super rubber that may too; in '66 a condensed feature version
have been the inspiration for the "Super- was released.
balls by Whammo" that were bouncing
all over the country. Rubber bounces the l'HEADVENTURES OF
college basketball team to victory and SHERLOCK HOLMES
helps Fred's Model T fly. Kee nan Wynn 1939 20th Century-Fox (B&W)
is the villain (so is the Pentagon ). W ith PP.QDUC(k:Darryl F. Zanuck
To:Umy Kir k, Ed Wynn, a nd Nancy DlkECT~: Alfred Werker
Olson. They all return in Son ofFlubbcr. SCkEENWM"EkS: Edwin Blum, William Drake

The follow-up to The Hound of rlu.> AFRICA SCREMIS
BaskerviJIes is the beSt of the Basil 1949 United Artists (B&W)
Rathbone-Nigel Bruce Ho lmes films. I'P.ODUCU: Edward Nassour
Ida Lupino shows up with a sketch of a DIP.ECTOP.: Charles Barton
man with an albatross arou nd his neck, KP.[EHWNTEP.: Earl Baldwin
a club-footed killer with bolas lurks in Pretty bad Aboott and Costelloquickie
the fog, and Professor Moriarty (George with no n-actor stars like Frank ("Bring
Zucco) steals the crown jewels. Mary 'em back al ive") Buck, lion tame r
Gordon is Mrs. Hudson. Three years C lydc Beatty. and heavyweights Max
latcr the detecti ve showed up in the and Buddy Baer. Also starring Hillary
20th cenmry at Univers.1l for a series Brooke, stooge Shemp Howard, and fu-
of 12 films. ture swage Joe Besser. A bit with a giant
gorilla was a nod to the same year's hit,
1976 20th Century.Fox AFRICAN TREASURE
~ODUCEI\;Richard A. ROIh 1952 Monogram (B&W)
DIP.lCTOOSCP.lEHWPJTEP.: Oene Wilder Pf.ODUCEI\; Waltd Mirisch
Sort of a follow-up to Young Frankenstein
From the ads: "Jungle drums echo the
with fewer laughs and no Mel Brooks.
dangers of ruthless fortune seekers!"
Director Wilder is Sigi Ho lmes, aided
Bomba (Joh nny Sheffield) fights dia-
by Marry Feldman as a Scotland Yard
detect ive in helping a blackmai led mond smugglers. With Laurene Lue%.
Arthur Space, Lyle Talbot (Glen or
si nger (Madeline Kahn). Leo McKern
Glenda), and WoOOy Strode.
is a comica l Moriarty. Douglas Wilmer
<lnd Thorley Walters aTC Holmes and
Watson. With Dom DeLuise and Roy AGAINST ALL ODDS, See
1975 TV 1966 Universal
PP.OOUCEI\; irwin Allen I'P.ODO(O.: Joseph E Robertson
DIP.ECTOP.: David Lowdl RICh DIP.lCTOP.: Gero Oswald
$O.£ENWMU: John Oa)' SCN:EHWIUTU: Blair Robenson
Robert Stack is the captain of a luxury A low-budget American James Bond
cruiser that is aoout to be dcstroyed in imi tation by a director known for
order to kill millionaire p.1sscngcr Ralph his Ourer Limirs episodes. Mark
Bellamy. The worried pam nger and Richman stars as agent Adam Chance.
crew list includes David Hcdison, Brad· H.A.R.M. chief Wendell Corey sends
ford Dillman, Russell Johnson, and Sor- him to invest igate a plo t to import
rcll Booke. By the director of Have an alien SpoTI' that turns human flesh
Roc/c£1 WiU Travel. to fungus . Martin Kosle k as Maiko
is the star vill a in. With Barbara
AFTER JENNY DIED, &e Bouchct, Alizia GUT, Rafael Campos,
TERROR FROill UNDER THE and Donna Michelle, PIa:yboy's Miss
HOUSE December 1963.

1970 Universal
ROM Hunter
George Seaton
Burt Lancaster, the general manager of
lincoln International Airport , is hav-
IIIg an affa ir with Jean Seberg. His
wife (Dana Wynter) wants a divorce,
Van He fl in is th reaten ing a jet in
fl ight with a bomb, Helen Hayes is a
stowaway, and the weather's terrible.
Burt's brother-in-law, the pilot (Dean
Martin). finds out his lover, steward-
ess Jacqueline Bisset, is pregnant, and
the bomb goes off in the plane's bath-
room. This maverick disaster movie
(Above) UPI 811180: AIRPLANE led to t hree seq uels and countl ess
Karum Abdul-Jabbar 1980 Paramount imitations. The cast includes George
(!efr) , /1wyn\g the W-III/oI, ",OooCD.: John Davidson Kennedy, Barry Nelson, Whit Bisse ll,
and Pet~ Gral'cs, n\ the DtP.ECTOru/KP.[[NW1JT(M: jim Abrahams, Barbara Rush, Virginia Grey, Lloyd
role of pilot, silou )'oung David and jefT)' Zucker Nolan, and Barbara Hale. From the
Rossie Hams hou.' lhey A real surprise-a modem comedy with Arthur Hailey bestseller of the same
check 0111 lhe CUlllrots be- title. In 70mm Todd-A O.
tOO many funny gags to catch in o ne
fore the lI.'i/d fllgIII In AIr-
plane ! Ktlreem, best viewing. A major hit, with a great cast
knou-n for IllS SUIl'TII'Ig role of neglected B-movie and TV standbys,
In profeuwnal baskelball. and some great anarchistic humo r. For
$(I)'S. '" like makmg motI- no reason at all , a watermelon splats
Its.II'sorlt'o/lilelru"&s on a desk, A framed photograph as-
/ mig/II do u-nm' qUII pla,- sumes the same pose as its subject stand-
mg baskelball. " mg m front of it. If that's n Ot exactly
funny, watch Robert Stack punch and
(Right) UI'/ 7119/69: judo-kick Hari Krishnas, Moonies, and
Veleran /ltTfonners Hewn ot her pests in an airport, or Lloyd
HtI,es (100 Van Heflm are
reuJIIlcJ on 1M .KTeen m
Bridges float to the ceiling, his hair on
Airport flIT lhe jimlnne end, after sniffing glue. The stars,
since l/wry appeared wgerheT Robert Hays and Julie Haggerty, are
ill My Son, john 17 years go:)(1. but the supporting cast is wonder-
ago, 13141 !I ISU'1 lheirre- ful. Including Peter Graves (as a pilot
UIIIOI1 thut prompu Ihis em- who likes little boys), Leslie N ielsen, AIRPORT 75
brace, Hcflm /Iwys a mad Barbara Billingsley (Beaver's mom), 1974 Universal
bombeT 011 a pltl1l£ and slIt" s Kenneth Tobey, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, AAODUCti'.: Wi/liam Frye
lhe Imk aid lady SIOU'(lu'ay Ethel Mennan, and Maureen McGovern. DtP.lCTOk: Jack Smight
lL'ho tries 10 SlOP hnn. KP.E[~: Don Ingalls
A spoof of all the films in the ridicu-
lous Airport series, the plot is based on The first big laugh-filled follow-up to
Zero Hour, a 1957 film. There is a Airport Stars C harlton Hesto n leaping
sequel, Airplane II, but the original from a helicopter to a disabled in-flight
creative team W35 no t directly involved jet being flown by Karen Black. Along
with It. (or the bumpy ride are George Kennedy

(also in Airport), Helen Reddy as a sing- Christopher Lee, in an early psychologi-
ing nun, Dana Andrews, Roy Thinnes, cal horror film, stars as a man troubled
Sid Caesar, linda Blair (just after The by nightmares who becomes a Jekyll-
Exorcist), Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., G loria Hyde type. Betta SL John is his wife.
Swanson (in her first film in 16 years), Alexander Knox is the psychiatrist.
Myrna Loy, Susan Clark, Ed Nelson,
Larry Storch , Eric Estrada, Jerry Stiller,
Norman Fell, Beverly Garland, and ALIAS NICK DEAL
Guy Stockwel l. 1949 Paramount (B&W)
H.ODUCEII:Endre Bohem
John Farrow
AIRPORT '77 Jonathan Latimer
(977 Universal
Ray Milland is great as the devil III
""000(0: William Frye
DIP.ECTOII: Jerry Jameson
human fonn. I-Ie uses Audrey Totter to
SCM:ENWIIITU.S: Michael Scheff,
help corrupt honest politician Thomas
David Spector Mitchell. With George Macready,
It's gO[ everything: the Bermuda trian- Darryl Hickman, Fred Clark, King
gle, an undersea rescue, and an art Donovan, and Nestor Paiva.
heist. Jack Lemmon is the pilot and
James Stewart is the art magnate. Also ALICE, SWEET ALICE
with your other favorites, including 1976 Allied Artists
Lee Grant, Brenda Vaccaro, George PIIODUCEII: Richard K. Rosenberg
Kennedy (in all Airport movies), DIIlECTOII: Alfred Sole
Christopher Lee (as a hero), Joseph SCIlEENWJUTEIIS: Rosemary Rirvo,
Cotten, Monte Markham, Darren AI(red Sole
McGavin, Olivia deHavilland, and ALSO IlEJ..EAS[O AS: HoI), T('ITor, ComnllmiOTI
Michael PatakLBy the director of The Because of BrCKlke Shields' small role,
Bar People. The TV version includes this shockcr has been re-released twice
over an hour of footage not shown in with new titles, each time disappoint-
theaters! ing folks who go to a film just because
a famous underage model is in it. Well,
ALAllML1 'S GHOST forgct about that because this movie is
1972 Brem50n International excellent despite the misleading hype.
PIIODUCEIVDIf\[CTOIVSCP.EENWIIffEII.: It's the best-made and most unsettling
Frederic Hobbs psycho-shocker in ages. A violently
"If you dug Blacula, you gonna love anti-Catholic feature, it takes place
Alabama's Ghost." See a vampire rock during the early '60s in Paterson, New
group on motorcycles battle a ghosL Jersey (where it was filmed). The mur-
As the ads said, "A super hip horror ders, although not overly gory, are hard
movie." With the Turk Murphy jazz to ICKlk at, and the audience is clearly
band. Watch for it. thrown off track. You won't Ix sure who
did it until the end, and you won't be-
ALIAS JOHN PRESTON lieve Mr. Alphonse! Brian DePalma's
1956 Associated Anists (England) derivative hits pale by comparison.
(B&W) With Lillian Roth (I'll Cry Tomorrow
",DOUCEII: Sid Stone was a film of her life story), Linda Miller,
DIIlECTm: David MacDonald Mildred Clinton, and Niles McMaster.
SCP.EENWIIffEII: Paul Tabari (R'

1979 20ch Century-Fox (England) FROM THE SKY.
P~ODIJCEI'.S: Gordon Carrol!, David Oiler,
Walter Hill
KIU:ENW1\ITER: Dan Q'Bannon 1941 RKO(B&W)
Of course it's an expensive B-movie, PP.ODUCWDIUClOI\: William Dieterle
but it's also fascinating, well made, and SCP.EENWI\IT[~:
Dan Totheroh,
the scariest science-fiction film in ages. Stephen Vincent Benet
A welcome hit after a ll the dismal OOGINAUY l\[lEASED M: TM Dft-·a and
Daniel Webster
Star Wars clones, although the much-
Classic American fantasy set in 18405
publicized effects are not as shocking
as you've been led to believe. Too New Hampshire. Walter Huston as
bad it was cut some before release. Scratch (the Devil) buys the soul of
Sigourney Weaver as Ripley emerges farmer Jabez Stone (James Craig) for a
as the survivor/star. Nor on ly is it re- pot of gold and seven years' gcxxlluck.
freshing to have a female star in this As the Devil's emissary, Simone Simon
kind of film, but there are no unneces- acts as a nursemaid for Jabez's baby and
sary, unrealistic subplots showing ro-
steals him away from his wife, A man
is danced to death at a party attended
mantic or sexual situations. None! A
real breakthrough . With Tom Skerritt, by demons and the farmer tricks the
Veronica Cartwright (sister of Angela, Devil imo going to court over their
who was Lost in Stxue), John Hurt (The
deal. The courtroom is filled with a
Elephanr Man), hm Holm (as the sci- jury of damned American killers, pi-
ence officer-robot), Yaphet Kotto, and rates, and traitors. With Edward Ar-
Harry Dean Stanton. (R ) nold, H.8. Warner, Jeff Corey, and a
fiddle-playing DeviL Music by Bernard

1981 Cannon (Italy) ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT
Charles Mancini
I'f.OOUCEL\: 1942 Warner Brothers (B&W)
DIUCTOP.: Lewis Coa tes (Luigi Cozzi) PI\ODUCEI\: Hal B. Wallis
Luigi Cozzi
SCP.EENWPJTU.: DII\£CTOI\: Vincent Sherman
A bad Italian Alien copy by the direc- SCIl.EENWI\lTE~: Leonard Spigeigass,
tor of Scarcrash, a Scar Wars copy. The Edwin Gilbert
story opens in New York City (like From the ads: "Gangdom turns its gats
many recent Neapolitan shockers) but on the Gestapo." Nazi saboteurs (Con-
quickly shifts to a Colombian coffee rad Veidt, Peter Lorre, and Judith
facwry, where space eggs that look like Anderson) plan to blow up a banle-
watennelons are being incubated for use ship in New York Harbor. A patrio-
in conquering Earth. The eggs squirt tic gangster named Gloves Donahue
out a sticky liquid that cahses people (Humphrey Bogart) stops them in a
to explode. A slimy, badly constructed wartime comedy-thriller with Frank
monster makes a token appearance. The McHugh, Karen Verne, William Dem-
dubbing is terrible. The music is by arest, Phil Silvers, and Wallace Ford.
Goblin . With Ian McCulloch (of Dr. LoITe, who had just been in The Maltese
Butcher, M. D. ). It was never released Falcon with Bogart, stands out as the
theatrically in America. sadistic spy Pepi.

ALLIGATOR erly Garland finds her missing husband
1980Group [ (Rocky JOlles-Space Ranger series star
""oovco.: Br.H"loon Chase Ric hard Crane) at the home of a doc-
DIN:CTO~; LewIs Teaj:uc tor (Bruce Benneu) . Thc poor man has
SOJ:[H'IIo'Nf(A: John Sa~·les hornblc scaly skin and after another op-
Thanks TO the scI'Cl:nplay by John $ayles. eration turns Into an upright alligator
here I~ aglant-monsTer'film that's as good (with pants on and no rail) ! The un-
or bener than the heSl of the '50s fil ms likely all igator man (designed by the
" r~l1lblcs. The cast (especially laugh- man who m ade the Fly) IS one of the
guy JCICClIVC R()hen Forster) is believ- morc outrageous screen monsters. Lon
ahle and the humor works. "Ramone." a Chaney, Jr., as an unshaven drunk with
36-(001 J,>aIOt hidmg In a M ISSOIIT1 sewer. a hook hand and sinister George Mac-
even chomps on a sewer worker named ready arc o n hand to make rna tiers
Ed Norton. Robm Riker is a f;lIllOUS worse. With Frieda Inescort. Originally
'oC .cnt ist romOlntical1~· involved with the released with Refilm of ,he FI:y.
loner detective. Jack Carter is the
mayor, Henry Silva a m;lcho mercenary ALPHA VILLE
tyre. Dean J:1l;:g(,T (in his 70s) is the 1965 PathI' COTllcmpomry Films
tycoon indirectly rcsponsihle for the (Frallce/ltaly) (B&W)
alhgawr's growth. With Perry Lane and P"ODUC[": AIlJr~ Mlchelm
hits by Sidney Lassick. Mike Ma:urki, DluaOfJKIU:[N\VM'[" :J~an - Luc Godard
Angel TompkinS, and Sue Lyon. Proof a-.IGINAUY "(l£AS[D M : AlpMl'llle, Une
thaI low budget doesn't have to mcan Emmge An'nlure de !.emmy Cat.tIlVll
haJ .( R) Godard wok the well-kno wn French
film detect ive Lemmy CaUTion and pUT
him mlhe prescntlfurure where you can
THE ALLIGATOR PEOPLE dnve (0 The planet A lphaville III a Ford
1959 ZOth Centu ry.Fox (B&W) Galax ie. A SSigned TO bnng back or liq-
Pf.ODUC[~: Jack Lec\\,'ood UIdate Professor Von Braun (Howard
DIIU:CTOf\: Roy del Ruth Vernon), LellllllY IS tricked by h is
K I'.£[N\IINTU: O. ! I. Hampton dilugh tcr (Anna Karma), an emotion-
Down In the Louisiana swamp, Bev- less citizen ru led by Alpha-6Q, the ult i·
. ~

he's su.pposed 10 look m
The Alligator People.

mate conuol computer. The requi red THE MtAZING CAPTAIN
dictiona ry/Bible is rewritten dail y, NEAtO
changing the meanings of some words 1978TV
and banning others. A great confusi ng PkOOlKEk: Irwin Allen
science-fiction/detective film full of ref- OIUCTOk: Alex March
erences to Nosferatu , Hekyll and Jekyll, SCUEH'tIrIP.I1"£M: Nonnan Kalka ....
Flash G o rdon , and Dlher In ... ented Presion Wood, Roben Dennis.
heroes. American-born Eddie Constan- WiIlmm Keys. Mann Rubin.
Roben Bloch. Larry Alexander
tine starred in a series of French Lemmy OkIGiNAl..l.Y UI.LAS£D AS: The Refurn of
Caution adventures. One, Attacko{ thl! GlpUlmNemo
Robots, was e ...en directe d by Jesse ThiSthree-part miniseries loosely based
Franco. With Akim Tamiroff.
on Jules Verne is Irwin Allen's attempt
to duplicate the success of his Vo)'age
10 thl! Bottom of the Sea. I [ features a
ALTERED STATES typical Allen cast. As the good C 1ptain
1980 Warner Brothers Nemo, Jose Ferrer takes the Nautilus
""OOUCEk: Howard Gottfried
to the lost ciry of Atlantis and battles
OlkEOOk: Ken RUMeIl
~UENWkm:k: Sidney Aaron
a mode rn supersub owned by a mad
professor (Burgess Meredith) who plans
Drugs and I}drwinism arc the excuse
to destroy Washington, D.C. Also on
for a ...ersion of Jekyll and Hyde that
hand are Mel Ferrer (fo r a Star Wan-
seems tailored specifically (or acid heads
inspi red battle of the Ferrers), Horst
under the age of 16. Lots of pretty col-
Buchholz , Lynda Day George, Warren
ors to watch, and some grotesque make-
Stevens, Tom Hallick, robots, and all
up effects b)' Dick Smith make it worth-
the old fl ashing lights and control pan-
while-but that 's about it. Part of
els from the Seaview. It was a theani-
Altered States' problems can be traced
cal release in Europe.
to the fan that direclOr Arthur Penn,
production designer Joe Alves, and ef-
fects supervisor John Dykstra were all
replaced shortly before the sran of prin- THEMtAZING COLOSSAL
cipal photography. When Russell Clime AlAN
in, radical changes were made that 1957 AlP (8&W)
prompted screenwriter Paddy C hayefsky H.OOUColOtUCTOII.: Ben I. Gordon
to use the pseudonym "Sidn ey Aaron" ~: Ben I. Oordc?n. Mark Hanna
in the credits. William Hurt ne ... erthe- As soon as ThI! Incredible Shrinking Man
less is likable in his role as a young proved TO be a hit, director-producer-
scientific researcher who pursues the writer-effects man Bert Gordon nlshed
process of dc-evolution as if it were the out his opposite popular hit. The open-
Holy Gra il and is rewarded by his own ing is strong. Colonel Manning (Glenn
transformation into apeman and worse. Langan) walks right into the explosion
Blair Brown is always lovable, and here of a plutonium bomb in the desert. The
she struggles gamely with the part of radiation bums his Ixxiy, but it heals
Hurt's wife. mad with jealo usy o his o ... ernight and starts [Q grow rapidly.
dedicat ion to umh -sceking . As one Soon the colossal colonel is losing his
critic was brave enough t o point out, mind and feeling like "less than a man"
Monster on Campus was a lot more si n- since his wife (Cathy Downs) can only
cere. With Drew Barrymore.(R) - BM look up at him in disbelief. He gets rired

of hanging around all the tiny props so With series regulars James G regory and
he puts on his beSt giant dia~ r and Be\lerly Adams, Tommy Bo~'ce and
heads for Las Vegas where he lears down Bobby Hart sing the theme song. Filmed
o\lersize Signs advertising casinos. He's in Mexico. Fashions by O leg CaSSll11,
nnally shot down by the army at Hoover
Dam. The speCial e{{ccls st ink bur who AN MIERICAN IVER.EIVOLF
can reSISI Gordon's cheesy '50s mO\lies1 INLDNDON
Look for the scene wi th the giant 1981 Um\'ersal
syringe, With Russ Bender, Judd Ho ld- ,""ODU(o.: Gcor~t' Folse-y, Jr,
ren, and William Hudson. The colo- D1II£CTOI\!SCI\EENWMll\: John L1nJIs
nel was back the next year 10 War of Two traveling New York UllLverSity ~ttl­
lnt Colossal Beast. The theme mlL~ic dents are attacked by a werewolf on the
is a\lailable on the Fanwstic Film Music English moors. One dies: the other
of Albert Glasser album. (former Dr. Pepper song-and-dance man
David N,llIghton ) ~u rvive s, 10 receive
THEMIAZING DR. X See the care of a beautiful nurse played hy
THE SPIRITUALIST. Jenny Agutter, and regular visit~ (rom
his dead friend, who warns him that
the werewolf's hite will take its toll at
THEMIAZING the next full moon. Sure enough, the
TRANSPARENTAtAN lunar cycle brings about the strange
1960 AlP (B&W) transfonnation of man illlo wolf, ac-
,""ODU([k: Lester D. Guthm" compamed h~' [he strams of Creedence
OIM:CTOf.: Edwllrd G. Ulmer Cleurwater and Elmer Bcrnstelll's IIlU-
SCJ,.[ENWkJTU,:Jack Le"' IS sic, and engmeered by special makeup
This sC lence-nctlon/cnme nlm was effens man Rick Baker. (For his work
made simult aneously wnh Ul mer's here, Baker won the fi rst Acad('my
Be)'Oflll the Time Bamer. BOlh were shot Award for Bc~t Makeup when If was
11\ Dallas on the SHe of the Texas State
established as a regul:lr Q<.car category
Fait, usmg exhlhlts of futuri stic art and in 1981.) The wolflike creature soon
de:.Lgn a~ b.1ckdrops. Marguente Chap- comes to an abrupt cnd under the guns
m,m (F11Rhr to Mars) IS the moll of an of the London police force. The guy
invisible hank robber. With Douglas who goes Ihrough the wmdow dUTIng
Kennedy and James Grifnth. the ShU's Brorhas-~tyled car-wreck ~cne
is wmer-dlrector John (Anmwi House)
THEMfBUSHERS Landis. Landis tried to gel Cm Stevens'
1967 Columb,a "Moonshadow" and Bc,J, Dylan's verslOT\
,""ooucu,: Irvmg Allen of "Blue Moon" for the rock :>(lund-
OIN:CTOI\: Henry Levin track, but hoth crooners found The script
SCI\[ENWI'JTEI\: Hcrbcrt B~kcr too irreverent to be graced by their
Dean Martin and Janice Rule go to work.( R) BM
Mexico to recover a flying saucer that
never gets off the grou nd in the third MfERICATHON
of the Mutt Helm nlms. Lots of stupid 1979 U'lIld ATliSh
jo kes und a shooting bra (copied from Pf.ODUCU : Joe ROlh
The Trnth Viwm) keep Dina busy while OII\£CTOI\; NCIlisracl
dealmg with villains Kurt Kas!llHr, Al- SCI\£EN\VJIJT[J!S: tI.-t,ch~eI MI~I\)vc.
bert Salmi, and friendly Scnla Berger. MonIC:! Johnson

Very few people flocked to the theaters stars as a possessed teen who sleeps with
to see this unfunny comedy set in 1998 his younger sister after hearing the voice
and centered around a telelhon to save of the Devil on his Sony Walkman.
America. The cast is strictly TV tal- Later he kills h is who le famil y with a
e nt- Jo hn Ritter, Harvey Ko rman, shotgun and develops ugly boi ls on h is
Fred Willard, with Elvis Coste llo per- face. With Rutanya A ida as the mo m.
forming two songs, a V ietnamese punk Orion absorbed Filmways, the sho rt-
rocker, and C hief Dan George. For lived successor to A lP. Damiani also di-
some reason, John Carrad ine's part was rected A Witch In looe. AmifJviUe 3-D
cut out. is next. ( R )


1979 AIP
"-ODUCD.S: Ronald Saland, Elliot Geisinger AAfONG THE LIVING
Dll\EaOf.: Smarr RosenberlC 1941 Paramount (B&W)
SCI\E[HWM"E~: Sandor Stem ,""ODU(U: Sol C. Siegal
A young long Island couple , played by OII\ECTO~: Stuart Heisltr
Margot Kidder and James Brolin, face SCk[EHIN~m:~: L. Cole, GarrettFort
black muck in the basement and flies A low-budge t psychological thriller,
in the parlor of their new home. It must often cited as one of the great B-pic-
be haunted. Prelate Rod Steiger futters tures. A lbert Dekker stars in two roles,
and sputters until the house kills him. as a businessman in a poor Southern
With Murray Hamilton, Michael Sachs, rown and as his insane homicidal twin,
Helen Shaver, Natasha Ryan, and Don hiding from the authorities. The good
Stroud. It was A lP's biggest hit . The brother is married [ 0 Frances Farmer
company subsequemly changed its name (in real life she did o ne more fea ture,
to Filmways. Amit:yville: TIw Pos5enion then was comm itted to an asylum by her
is the 1982 sequel. (RJ - BM mother). The bad twi n hangs our with
you ng fl irtat iOUS Susan Hayward , pre-
AAIlITVILLE If, tending to help her catch the escaped
IHE POSSESSION killer fo r reward mo ne y. With Harry
1982 Orioo Carey and Maude Eburne.
H.OOUCD.S: Ira N. Smith.
Stephen R. Greenwald AAIONG THE THORNS, See
Dll\EaOf.: Damiano Damiam THE YOUNG SINNER.
SCMEHWM"E'-: Tomm~ Lee Wa llace
This sleazy Italian-American prequel [Q THE AAfPHIBlAN AlAN
the popular Amit:yville Horror features 1962 NTA (U.S.S. R.)
unintentional laughs, a mass slaughter, OIMao~: Gen nadi Ka zans ky/
in ces t , a nd another we ak Exorcist- VladimirChebotaryov
inspired script. This is what we get from SCk[£HWkm:IU: Alexander Xenofontov,
Dino De Laurentiis for nO[ turning our A lexei Kap ler. Akiba Golburt
in droves for his Flash Gordon movie. An evil scientist tries to kill a young
As a priest who keeps trying to go man with gi lls. A Sov iet adventure re-
fishing with hack actor Andrew Prine, leasW di rectl y to television in America.
James O lson gets the funn iest lines. Bun With Will iam Koren and Anastasia
Young mumbles his way through his role Vinen . The estate of Edgar Rice Bor-
as the sadistic father, and Jack Mag ner roughs sued to prevent use of the name

Tanan in the French release title (Tar- Fuest made this British thriller about
tan des Men ). two vacationing British nurses cycling
through rural France who are menaced
AlI1UCK, See "fANlAC b)' a sex murderer (Sandor Eles), just
"fANS/ON. before he d id The Abominable Dr. Phibes.
Srar Pamela Franklin has been starring
ANA:l"OMY OF A PSYCHO in scary movies since she was a little
1961 Unitel ofCalifomia (B&'W) girl (The Innocent5, 196 1).
~o/DIJ.1CT~: Brooke L. Peters
Mann. Larry Lee
Darrell Howe has a list of the people NONE
who scm his brother to the state gas 1945 20th Century-Fox (B&W)
chamber. With he lp from sadistic gi rl- PP.ODUCEIVDIUCT~ Re n~ Clall
friend Judy Ho ward, he plans to take sa.EDl\IIMU.: Dudley Nichols
care of them one by one. George and Excellent adaptation of Ag:nha C hris-
Gracie's son Ronnie Bums becomes the tie's Ten Unle Indians, a classic who-
victim of a fra me-up when his girl nies duniT, set o n a deserted island off the
to talk sense into a twisted mind and Devonshire coast. Directed in Hol1y-
makes thi ngs worse. From the director wood by Frenchman C lair (l Manied a
of The Unearthl,. With Pamela Lincoln, WifCh) with Barry Fitzgerald, Walter
Russ Bender, Don Devlin, Robert W. Huston, Lo uis Hayward, Roland Young,
Stabler, and Pat McMahon. -CB June Duprez, and C. Aubrey Smith.
Two less effective remakes were made
ANATO"lY OF A SYND/CA:rE, in '65 and '74.
AND NOW THE SCREMfiNG 1971 Universal
"-OOUCE.lV'DIUCT~ Robert Wise
1973 AmicusICinema Releasing An excellen t big-budget techno logical
"-ODUCEM: Milton Subotsky,
thritler, based on Michael C richton's
Max J. Rosenberg bestselling novel. Everyo ne in a small
DIJ.1CT~: Roy Ward Baker town is killed by a virus brought back
SCP.nN'W'MU: Roger Marshall by a space probe, except for a baby and
As Dr. Pope, Peter Cushing tries to un- an old derelicr. A group of scientists in
ravel the mystery surrounding the house a vast underground laboratory complex
of Fengriffen, where the very pregnant study the survivors and attempt to avoid
Stephanie Beacham and her husband a worldwide epidemic. With great spe-
(Ian Ogilvy) arc being terrorized by a cial effects by Douglas Trumbull and
dismembered hand and an axe-wielding an exciting climax with James O lson
farme r. He rbert Lorn plays an evil vs. a computerized laser beam. A pretty
anc estor. Partick Magee is the country terrifying look at the future (present!).
doctor. With Guy Ro lfe. (R) With David Wayne, Arthur Hill , and
Kate Reid.
AND SOON THE DARKNESS The soundtrack of electronic music
1970 Levitt Pickman by Gi l Melle was issued by Kapp Rec-
PROOUCtlV!I(UEMWMU.: Brian Clemens ords on a six-sided disc which caused
DlIILCTO~ Roben Fut'llt untold deStruction to the natio n's auto-

marie turntables, whose cartridges were Three of the SlarS of Andy Warhol's
smashed by the record's comers. It was Fmnkenstein return in a co-feature made
recalled and reissued safe and round. the Same year. Udo Kier is the palest ,
weakest, sickest vampire ever seen on
ANDY WARHOL'S BAD screen. H IS assistanr (Am o Juerging)
1977 New World loads the coffin on his vintage 1930s
I'I'.OO\.ICU.: car and they head for Italy looking fo r
DlA£ClOA: Jed Johnson VIrginS' blood. They stay with imp:wer-
S(A£ENIIffJTU.S: Pat Hacken, ished nobleman Vittorio De Sica, his
George Abagoalo WIfe (Max ime McKendry), and their
C arroll Baker stars as a Queens elec- four beautiful daughters. The parents
trolysist who manages a female dial-a- think Dracula is an eccentric but rich
murder organization. Perry King and foreigner and want him to marry into
Stefan ia Cassini are L.T. and P. C. It the family. He finds o ut that three of
looks like an unsuccessful attempt to the girls aren't "wirgins," retching each
make a John Waters movie. With Susan time he bites one . The fo unh une (the
Tyrrell, Brigid Polk, lawrence Tierney, real virgin) is "saved" by Communist
and Soho art humor. Music by the late handyman Joe Dallesandro before Drac-
Michael Bloomfield. (Xl ula can drink her "pure" blood. Roman
Polanski has a great bit as a villager,
winning a game of "You can't do what
ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA [ can do." [n a scene nearly duplicated
1974 Bryanswn (Italy)
H.OOUCE'-: Andrew Braunsberg in Monty PYlhonand the Holy Gmil. Kier
OIA£OOOSCI'.EEHWfJT£A: Paul MOITlssey has his arms and legs hacked off but
AUO A£l.£AXD AS: Bloud fur Dracula, Young conti nues to move and hiss. A sound-
1ft~~ track album is available. (R )

Udo Kier In Andy

WarhoJ'~ Dracula.

ANDY WARHOL'S and singer Lou Rawls) move in on a
FRANKENSTEIN wealthy fam ily. Chnswpherseduccs the
1974 Bryanston (haly) (3-0) shy daughter, Angel ( Holly Near), and
~[r.: Andrew Brauruberg her mother Oennifer Jones), a forme r
DIAlClOf.: Paul Mornssey stag-movie star. Jenntfer is taken sky-
Kk(~: Paul Morrissey, diving with a fauhy parachute and her
AntOniO Marghentl
husband, who had once been Chnsto-
AUO UI.£U(O M: Flesh {or Frankenstem
pher's lover, is found hanging from the
Andy probably didn't have to do swimming-pool diving board. Jordan
anything more srrenuous than sign a Christopher smgs all the songs, mclud-
contracr, but who cares. It's a comedy- ing "Mother Lover" and " Hey, Hey,
gore-sex-horror movie that del ivers- Hey, and a Hi Ho." Lyrics by B,my
and it's in J·D! Totally sick and Mann and Cynthia Weil. Reviewer.;
disgustingly wonde rful. Uclo Kier noted similarities between the events
(previously in Mark of the Devil and in this feature and the Manson murder.;,
InoTe obscure Euro-hoITors) is the Baron, but it was produced (by Sam Katzman's
obsessed with his beautiful female crea- son) before Cha rlie made the (run i
tion (Dal ila .Ii Lazzaro). who needs a pages. (R )
mate in order to crcate perfect bei ngs.
He uses giam shears to decapitate a
handsome farme r (STojan Zelenovic)
1966 (Italy)
and sews the head onto a new body. PkOOUC£'-S: LIliana Bmn(lnl.
The Baron's sister/wife (Mon;que Van Glullanu SImOnetti
Vooren) seduces servant Joe Dallcsandro Dlk£CTOk: Camillo Maslrocmque
and the mo nster. Otto (Amo Jucming) SCkHH\\n,ITEkS: C1m lilo MaSI TOClnl<.jUe,
is the ultimate degenerate, Lorre-voiced Glu~rpc Mangione
aSSIStani. The height o f absurdity is OkiGINAlLY k£1.£AS(O AS: Uri Aflgl'/o (leT
reached at the end. with Joe Dallesandro SaW"
dangling from the ceili ng while the A little-known and f;ur ly perverse Bar-
Baron (whose hean on the end of a bara Sleele mov Ie thaI was relea~d dl-
spear seems about to drop on the au- renly to Ielcvislon. PlaYing one of her
dience) deliver.; an endless speech. All man\' dual roles, she's a woman o n va·
the while, the Addams Family-styled catiOn in a European village who $Cems
children watch and wait. A box-office to become possessed by the spirit of a
wi n ne r in its original release, it was ZOO-year-old statue. She also IS the
successful again duri ng a 198Z re-release. model for the statue in flashbacks. The
The soundtrack album is in print. ( X ) evil wom,m seduces a number of JX'Ople,
unleashing jea lousy and murders. With
ANGEL, ANGEL, DOWN Amonio De Teffe and Ursula Davis.
PAOOUClk: Jerome F. Katzman 1970 All'
OIUCOfJSCUEH\\IMU.: Roben Thorn PI\ODtlCEk/ olk£CTOk: Let' MaJJell
AUO m£AS(O AS: Cub of the DamfU'd SCk£EWWI\lTEk: Jeffrey All~,ltn
A Hollywood decadence-and-murder After rescuing hiS friend Shotgun (Bri l
story directed by the guy who wrote Wild McKinney) from an ambush, Angel
in the Streets. Jordan Christopher and his (Don Stroud) leaves gang life behtnd
rock group (including Roc:kIy McDowall for a leisurely cross-country tOUT. He

makes it as far as Arirona. where he "defiantly dies opposing the establish-
meets T yne Daly in a gas station and ment for which he fought in 'Nam!"
joins a pacifist commune to be ncar her. Music by the Peanut Buner C:mspit-
The hippies' feud with local rednecks aCy and the Lollipop Shoppe. It was
on dune buggies turns into major war- executive producer Joe Solomon's fol-
fa re when Angel takes down one at- low-up to Hell' s Angels on Wheels.
tacker with a pitchfork. Shotgun and With Jack Starrett.
reinforcements are called in for the final
confrontation. Co-starring Luke Askew, ANGELS' WIW WO,'fEN
with Lmy Bishop as Pilot, Bud Ekins 1972 Independent International
as Speed, and Aida Ray as the local ~DOCoIDlkEaOP.: Al Adamson
sheriff. Madden also directed "fell's SQ.(EN\VP.lrn: D. Dixon, Jr.
Angels '69. - CB From the ads: "Too tough for any man !
They'll beat 'em, treat 'em and eat 'em
ANGELS DIE HARD! alive!" Four fema le bikers beat a rapist,
1970 New World
go to a "free love colony," meet devil
PRODUCO.: Ch:ulcs Beach Dickerson
worshipers, and fight with chains and
OlkECTO,",SCMEN\VPJTEP.: Richard Compwn whips. Regina Carrol (the directo r's
Angels vs. militant townspeople as cy- wife) Sta rs as Margo. With Maggie
clists honor the memory of a comrade Bemby (a Diana Ross look-alike with
tun down after being released from the a 48 -;nch bust), Kent Taylor, Ross
local jail. Despite the peace-making ef- Hagen, and Vicki Volante. From the
forts of sheriff's daughter Omnie Nel- makers of Blood of Dracula's Castle. (R )
son and Depury Frank Leo, the hour of
confrontation arrives; much blood is
spilled, and as Sheriff Carl Steppling HOT, HARD AND MEAN•••
bears down on head Angel Tom Baker, roo rflUSH FDR AllY MAIi !1
a bullet from Leo sends the squad cat rky'll 'ur ..... "EA r ',/II ,M EAT·.. .m.!
into an embankment where it explodes.
Filmed in Kerrville, California. The cast
includes William Smith , R.G . Arm-
srrong, A lan DeWin , and producer
Beach Dickerson. Baker is the star of
Andy Warhol's I. a Man. C ustom bikes
by Gary Linlejohn. ( RJ -C8


1968 AlP
PP.OOUC[ P.: Kurt Neumann
Bruce Kessler
so.nNWPJTEP.: Jerome Wish
Mike (Tom Stem), a biker, returns to lN6ELS'
California after serving in Vietnam. He
uses his war-hero experience to orga-
nize a new, united super oudaw gang.
_ ..,. _ _ .. , KENT TAYLOR
w,,,"'---" REGI
..., _ ... _NA
_ •CA
__ RROl
When one member is shO[ by police be-
cause he killed a girl at a pot orgy, an
all-out cop vs. biker war results. Mike

THE ANGRY BREED Advert ised as: "T\\"o Bill ion Years in
1968 Commonwealth Umted the Making!!" IXspite scenes with di-
Pf.ODUCE';OIUcroNSC!U:EHWPJTEP.: nosaurs designed by Willis O' Brien and
David Commons animated hy Ray H arry hallsen , this
The adventures of an aspiring actor who Irwin Allen pse udo-documentary is
is given a prize script after saving the ptohahl~' as comical as his later, better-
life of a Hollywood screenwriter in known disaster-film hits. Animal World
Vietnam. On his rerum, Johnny Tay- was a follow-up to his The Sea Arolmd
lor has trouble finding a stud io that Us. After ;mllllals, Irwin A llen summed
wi llie! him play the lead until he saves up human life with The Story of Man -
producer's daughter Lori Mantn from kind. The dlnOS<lur bat tle scenes were
a cycle-gang attack. The grateful father considered VIOlent and a bit roo gory
sends him to agent Jan Murray, bur at the [tme . C uts were made before the
Murray wants rhe SCri pt (or gang leader film's release. Part of the battle segment
Deek Stacy Uames MacArthur). Deel later showed up In Twg.
and his agent feed Johnny LSD and drag
him away [0 the dungeon during rhe
producer's Halloween party. Starring
Murray MacLeOO. with WilHam Win- TilE ANNI VERSARY
dom as Vance Patton, Jan Sterli ng as 1968 Hammer/20th CenTUry-fox
his alcoholic wife G loria . and Melody (England)
Panerson as April Wi lde. eM) -CB PI'oODOCWSCIlEEH\VM'E": Ji mmy Sangster
DIUCTOI'.: Roy Ward Baker

THE ANGRY R/!,'[) PLANET A great bl<lck comedy starring Bette

1959 AlP Davis in top form as Mrs. Tagga rt , the
",,"ODUCEI\S: Sidney Pmk, Norm ~n M3urer ultimate mom (W Ith a black cyepafch).
011'1:00": Ib Melc h ior Every year she dema nds the presence
sau:EH\VM'EI\S: Sid Pink, Ib Melchior of her three grown sons at the ce lebra-
Mars as recalled by a woman astronaut lion of her wedding anniversary. But
under the influence of drugs. Since ev- the father has heen dead for ye~lts and
erything is supposed to be d istorted and Bette dominates and manipulates her
dreamlike, a process called Cinemagic sons SO Ihey won't strdY. The one who
was used. Giant creatures like th ree- managed to marry plans to move to
eyed Martians, an mtelligem amoeba, Canada. Mom teaches him a lesson by
and a rat/spider/c rab monster sometimes tdling hIm h is ch ildren have been killed
resemble cartoons, and the colors keep in an aCC Ide nt. She puts her glass eye
changing. An imaginative use of cheap under the pillow of another son's fiancee
special effects to highlight some silly whom she cla ims has deformed ears and
science fic tion. With Les Tremayne, encourages her eldest son, who doesn't
Gerald Mohr, Jack Kruschen, and Nora like wo men. to dress up in pretty
Hayden. Similar dnlggLod images were unde rrhi ngs he steals from neighbors'
found in the Pink/Melchior team's next clotheslines. (An early Pink Floyd song.
project, Joume., to the Sevemh Plane/. "Arnold Layne," is about th is panry
fan) . With Sheila Hancock, Jack Hed-
ANflJlAL WORLD le~', Christi an Roberts, James Cossi ns,
1955 Warner BrOlhcrs and Elame Taylor. Theme b), the New
'''OOUCEI\I'DIMCTOI\I'SCIklEH\\.?Jf['': Vaudeville Band. Based on a Londo n
Irwin Allen stage hit .

APACHE WO,IIAN Tree) . Jonathan Haze. and Bruno Vc
1955 ARC (AlP) Sota. Joan Taylor (who ran the gen-
~ODUCoIDII\I:a~: Roger Corman eral store o n Rifleman) is the Apache
SCUEN\VM"[I\: Lou Russo£( woman. Alex Gordon was execut ive
From the ads: "Ca ll her ha lfhreed and producer. -CB
all hell breaks loose!"Govemmem man
Lloyd Bridges is scm to investigate an
outbreak of lawlessness blam ed on the
local Apaches. Wh1 1e on assignment, THIRTEEN'fH FLOOR
he falls in love with a redskin beauty, 1974 Arias Imemarional (Spam)
","ODUCEA:Joe Truchado
then fi nds out the crime wave is the
DIMCTOk: Elo}, De La Iglesia
work of her renegade brother (Lance
A slaughterhouse employee goes bonk-
Fuller). Can Bridges save a peaceful res-
ers and begins killing people. When
ervation from the vengeance of angry
pioneers withom losing the woman he the bodies in his apartment begin to
stink, he chops them up and pulverizes
loves! The cast includes Chester Conk·
lin and Paul Dubov, with AlP stock the re mains. Vincent Parra stars in this
players Paul Birch, Dick Miller (as Tall cha rming import. ( R )

1976 Worldwide (Kor~a) O-D)
Ten Tons of Animal Fury Leaps from the Screen K.M. Yeung, Pau1 Leder
DIMCTOk: Paul L ...-dcr
SQ.[EH\VkIT[kS: Paul Leder, Ruben Leder
• destroy a
tHmin&CIt, A terrible quickie King Kong imitation
with a good first few minutes. A man
in a gorilla su it destroys an ocean liner
and kills a giant shark . Then it's th e
usual s[Qry in temble J-D. A Jack Har-
ris presentation .

1940 Monogram (B&W)
Pf.OOOCU: Seon R. Dunlap
OlkECTOk: Wilham Nigh
SCkEEHWkltEJ.S: Curt SiOOmak.
Richard Carroll
Nine Boris Karloff films were released
in 1940. He followed the dull Mr.
Wong fi lms at Monogram with this.
probably the sill iest movie of his entire
career. Karlo ff plays another kind ly
doc tor, trying to cure a polio victim
(Maris Wrixon). He needs human spi-
nal fluid (or the miracle serum . so kills
an escaped circus gorilla , skins it (0((-
screen ), and disguised as the ape goes
"~ .. " " 'lIIIS.IOlJI.I . ""IlI.'·AlU tI!. _ _ I'ooIu.. · __ .M ' - .......... ·~,_ ... '" after mo re spines. What a brilliant idea!

Nobody wO\lld notice a gorilla killing but shl' get!> pregnant and dies giving
people. And you thought o nl y Bela birth. The promOler displays [he corpses
LUgl)SI made mO\,le~ this dumb. of his Wife and hahy. The show must
go on. The American versio n has a
THEAPEAIAN ~pecial co wardl ~' happy end m g: her
1943 Monogram (B&W) excess hair vamshes and the family lives
~OOIK[IU: S;lm Kat:man. jack Diet: happily and is supported by [he refonm.>d
DIP.lCTOR: William BeaudinI' dad. It wasn't reall~' that long ago that
SCMEN\VMT£~ : Bam~y Sarecky we were still being shel[ered from the
An unheal:lble combmation : BeaudinI' "excessive sex and vio lence" of deca-
and Lugosi ! William "one-sho t" Beau- dent foreign film~. Based o n a true SIOI)'.
dine direcred over 150 movies (from
1929 to 1966). Some of our favorites THE AQUA S£,(, See
arc Voodoo Mall (1944), Bf/';. Lllgosi
Mee[S a BrooklYIl Gorilla (1952), and BiU)'
the Kid tiS. I)rocllu. (1966). This incred-
ible, typica lly ridiculous Monogram Stu- AN ARABIAN ADVEN'rURE
dios horror fe atures Bela as a scicntist 1979 Assoc iaTed Film Distrib ul lo n
who injec ts himself with ape spinal
P~OOUCE~: John (},lTL.:
fluid, becomes a werewolflike monster, DIM:CTO~: Ke Vin Connor
and sends his pet gori lla o ut to murder SUEEN'IIklTU.: Bmn Hayles
humans fo r lhe.r spinal fluid so he can Christopher Lee, as Ihe wizard Alqua-
rever! to no rmal. Reporters Wallace zar, rules the city ofJ addur with an iro n
Fo rd and Louise Currie interfere. His hand in this reshuffled version of Thief
sister (Minerva Urecal) approves; great of Baghdod (rolll producer John Dark (AI
stuff! A runnlOg gag (ealUres a man lhe Ellnh's Core. \Varlords of AdwllIs).
a l "",~'s pecTing through windows. At [he
As usual, Dark's effects are more ambi-
end he says, "I'm the guy who wro te ti OUS [han they arc effecti ve (l OIS of 1.[-
rhls picture!" tlc dolls on little fly m g carpets do mg
loop-the-loops 10 Imitation of SlaT \Van'
IHEAPE WO,'IAN dogfights), but there's lo ts of act ion , a
1%3 EmbaSlly ( Italy/Fnmce) good comic performance by M ickey
""ODIJCEI'.: Carlo Ponf! Roone y, and a brief cameo appearance
DIP.lCTC*: M 3 rco Ferren
hy Peler C ushi ng. - BM
SC~EENWP.ITEIU: Marco Fe rre ri.
Rafael A:con3
A depress ing sa tire abo ut a wo man AlAN, Su BEAST IN
(Annie Gi rardot) covered with hair IHECELLAR.
who is passed off as an African ape-
wo man stripteaser by fast-buck show- THEARENA
man Ugo Tognazzi (La Cage Aux Foiles). 197J New Wu rlJ
He discovers her at a poorho use run Mark Damon
by nuns where he is givi n g a "c ul- DIM:CTO~: S t eve Carver
tural" sl ide sho w o ( naked African ~: jo)'ce and john ColTlngtoo,
womcn . When ~ he th reatens 10 leave From rhe ads: "Sec Wi ld wo men fight
h im , he marries her. He finally agrees to the de,uh !" It's black slave Pam G rier
to have sex With her [ 0 keep her around, (with a uident ) vs. white slave Marga-

ret Markov in this '70~ drive-in ver- AROUND THE WORLD,
sion of SpartacU5. The female slaves are UNDER THE SEA
really friends and rum on their deca- 1966MGM
dent male captors for a bloody finish. PI\OOUCEWOII\ECTOI\: Andrew Marton
A sometimes amusing departure from S<:I\EENWI\JTERS: Arthur Weiss, Art Arthur
the women's prison movie cycle. Filmed The hydronaut, an atomic submarine
in Ita ly. ( R ) of fools, tries to stop a worldwide earth-
quake and encounters a giant moray ed .
ARNOLD The stellar cast in this adventure
1973 Cinerama
brought to us by Ivan (Flipper) Tors in-
PI\OOUCEI\: Andrew J. Fenady
DIR.ECTOI\: Gt.""Orge Fenady
cludes lloyd Bridges, Brian Kelly, David
SCI\EENWl'.ITERS: hmeson Brewer, McCallum, Shirley Eaton, Marshall
John Fenton Murray Thompson, Gary Merrill , Keenan
Horrorlblack comedy starring Stella Ste- Wynn, and Celeste Yarnall (The Vel-
vens as the new golddigging wife of a tiel Vampire) .
corpse. She marries Arnold at his fu-
neral and continues to get his money
as long as she stays by the coffin. Mean- THEAROUSERS, See SWEET
while various oddba ll relatives after KILL.
Arnold's wealth are being killed in a
variety of ways. With Roddy McDowall,
Elsa Lanchester, Victor Buono, Farley ARSENIC AND OLD LACE
Granger, and Patrick Knowles. From 1941 Warner Brothers (B&W)
OCP (Bing Crosby Productions). PP.ODUCEWDI"ECTOI\: Frank Capra
S<:"EENWI\ITEI\S: Julius J. Epstein,
EIGHIYDAYS A wonderfu l, fast-paced ghoulish com-
1956 United Artists edy starring a manic Cary Grant as Mor-
'''ODUCEI\: Michael Todd timer Brewster, a drama critic. He plans
DII\ECTO": Michael Anderson to marry Priscilla Lane but d iscovers
S<:"EENWM"U: S.J. Perelman that his kindly old aunts in Brooklyn
Academy Award winning wide-~creen have been poisoning lonely o ld men
all-star adventure comedy epic based and having them buried in the base-
on Jule~ Verne's novel of the same ment by an uncle who thinks he's Teddy
name, with the 1902 VO)'age to me
Moon Roosevelt digging the Panama Canal.
as a prologue. David Niven stars as His brother, the long-lost Jonatha n
Phineas Fogg. With Cantinflas, Shirley (Raymond Massey), shows up with the
MacLa ine, Marlene Diet rich, Peter drunken Dr. Einstein (Peter Lorre) .
Lorre (as a Jap,mese steward), John Jonathan is hiding from the law and,
Carradine (as a reporter), Ronald Col- thanks to Lorre's inept plastic surgery,
man , Frank Sinatra, Edward R. Mur- "looks like Boris Karl off." (Karloff
row, Joe E. Brown, Noel Coward, played the role in the Broadway version,
Cedric Hardwicke , Buster Keaton, by Joseph Kesselring.) In the end Mor-
George Raft, Charles Boyer, Mike timer is relieved to d iscover he was
Mazurki, Edmond U:.we, Caesar Ro- adopted. With Josephine Hull, Jean
mero, Red Skelton, and many mhers. Adair, and John Alexander, all from the
In 70mm Todd-AO. William Cameron play, and Edward Everett Horton, Jack
Menzies was the associate producer. Carson, and James Gleason. Music by

Max Steiner. For legal reasons, the re- ASSIGN"IENT,ISVINBUL,
lease was held up over twO ~'e<lrs until See THE CASTLE OF FU
the play endt--d its run . AfANCHU.
1971 Paragon (En~bnd)
ollu:ao,,: Peter Newbrook 1960 AlP (Italy)
KMEHWf.lTU.: Brian Compon ~oouc~: Hugo G rimaldI
Fascinating, unique science-fiction film OIu:aor.: Amon lo Margheriti
(Amhony DaiSies)
scr in the 18 70s. A pho tographer! SCMEN\1rmTD.: Vasslly Petro\'
lIlventor (Robert Stevens) discovers he ALSO m£AS(O AS: Spoce Mt'Tl
can photograph the Spirit of death , The Alfa II, mn by a malfunct ioning
which briefly enters the body when it computer, is alxmt to crash into and
dies. He photographs a man being pub- destroy Earth. A group of internationa l
licly hung, and <Iccidcnta lly gets a piC- astronauts take off in another ship to
ture 0( his o wn SO l) drowning. The SlOp it but ~pe nd most of the time
spirit. shown as a protoplasmic fl oat- arguing and fighting ove r a fema le
ing shape, is captured and used in ex- crew memher. Preu y dull stuff. WiTh
periments roachleve IInmortal ity. Con- Rik von N utter, Gabriella Farino n ,
Vincing and well-ac ted. With Robert A rchie Sa\'agc, and Dave Montresor.
Powell (Mahler) .


GlRLS 1970 Spa\!v lt~lyI\V.Gennany
~ODucn: Jalllle rrades
OIU:aOM: Tulio Dcm lchcli. Hu~,'() Frc~:onesC
VmoJd Ummo
ASSAULT ON PRECINCT U ALSO II.(L£ASEO AS: Dracula vs. Fran.kemltlll

1976 T unle Releasmg Corporation A ml iculous ho rror/science-fiction

~oouco.: ).S. Kaplan movie slarnng the king of Spallish
OIMaoNKMEN\1rmTD.: John Clrpemer monsters, Pau l Naschy. Startmg with
A great ac tio n-packed low- budge t FT(ln/cenSlein's Blood)' Terror, Naschy
sleeper aoout the siege of an L. A. pu- p l a~'ed a vicious wolfman in a series of
lice stat ion. On the last functioning nine features. In t his, the fourth,
night of the preci nct, some unexpected Mich<lcl Rennie phlYS an alien who
prisoners aTe hrnugh r in and the phones rl'v i ve~ the werewolf (Naschy, who
arc disconnected. A ll hell breaks loose wrote the sctipt using his real name),
when unrelenting urban guerrillas with the Frankenstem monster, Dracula, and
silencers attack. The dark phmography the Mummy III order w conquer eanh.
and Carpenter's repeutious fo ur-nOle Sound dumb! Try to imagine what went
synthesizer score actually add ro the ap- through Renme's mind while he was
pea l of this modem eXplOlt'.lt lon classic. actmg m this duhhed mess. (Renme
W ith Austin Stoker, Darwin Johnson. died the next year. ) With Karin Dor
and Lauric Zimmer. (R) and Patty Shepard.

Corey (who d ied just after film ing) is a
CIA chief on the case. Foreign agem s
(mostly Mex ican) led by the incredi-
ble pasty-faced ex-st ri pper Satana,
star of Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! ,
are after DeMarco's creations. W ith
Rafael Camposand Wally Moon. Wayne
Rogers of M. A. S. H. co-wrote the script
and was the executive producer.

1972 AmicusICinerama (England)
Max J. Rosenberg,
Millon Subotsky
OIMCTO~ : Roy Ward Baker
KMEH\VI\If[~ : Robert Bloch
TIlT(1 SIlI(lna umgllidly THEASTOUNDlNG SHE- ALSO Ml~D AS: HOZI5/' uf Crazies
scans nev.'spas)er far /ateSI MONSTER "You have nothing to lose but your
nmroenms exp/.oilS of The 1958AIP(B&W) mind." Fo ur horror S[Qries (originally
ASHo Zombies. AAOOUCEII/O"U:CTO~ :Ronnie Ashcroft written and then adapted by Robert
SC~[~TU: Frank Hall Bloch) are told by mental patienrs [Q
Wonderful ultra-cheap junk sTa rring explaIn why they " lost it ." in " Fro-
Robert C larke as a gt.'VlogiS[ living In zen Fear," Richard Todd dismembers
the woods with his rnlsty dog. A pai r his wife (Sylvia Sims) and puts her
of crooks (Kenne Duncan and Jeanne wmpped-up parts in the freezer. Latcr,
Tatum) arrive with a kidnaped heiress various arms, legs ... attack. In "The
(Marilyn Harvey) and takc over the WeIrd Tailor," Peter C ushing brings
house. Soon a crash nearby turns OUt
to be a spaceship contammg a sexy
blonde alien with a skintight meta llic
SUit, high heels, lipstick, and incredible
eyebrows (Shirley Kilpatrick) . The plot
is advanced by an offscreen narrator.
Watch for it on your local Mo nster
Chiller Horror Theater.

1968 Geneni Film Discributors
Wayne Rogers,
Ted V. Mikels
One of the all-time worst. Jo hn
Canad ine, as the mad Dr. DeMarco,
works in a basement making zombies
(actors with skeleton masks), with the
help of a typically deformed assIstant.
The zombies like to mutilate people by
Auo rekrued as; Asylum. rippmg out their vital organs. Wendell

some magic. doth to tailor B.1.rry Silly adventure fi lm set in the distant
to make a suit to brmg his dead son past on the scientifically advanced lost
back to life. "Lucy Comes to Stay" comment. A G reek sailo r (Anthony
IS a schizo-murder tale with Charlotte Hall ) rescues a pnncess (joyce Taylor)
Rarnphng and Britt Ekland. "Mannikins whose fa the r's kingdom has been taken
of Ho rror" feature s tiny murdering over by the ev il Zaren (John Dall , the
roOOt do lls, with Herbert Lorn, Patrick star of GUll Crat1). T he villai n trans-
Magee, and Robert Powell. When re- forms slaves mto animal men and uses
Issued in theate rs, this bette r-than - atomic power to kill the opposit ion .
average an tho logy was advertised The va rious bull -, dog-, and bear-
without even memioning its many well- headed slaves are the fi lm's highlight.
kno wn stars. With Barbara Parkins. With Edward Platt, Barry Kroeger,
Frank deKova, and William Smith.
1972 Studio Om:~
DlkECTOWs.<;P.l:ENWMIk: W illll1m Girdler
A very low-budget Illovie about a devil's
diSCiple runnmg a hospital and offer-
109 a female patient to hiS master. With
"axed chopped Ixxilcs" and a robot
sna ke. Filmed 10 Louisville, Kentucky.
It was the first effort by the d irector of
T~ M :ln.fOU. C harles Kissinger stars.
(R )


1976 AmICus/AlP (England)
"'-OOUCEP.:John Dark
Kevm Connor
SCkEEHWMtP.: Mihan Su b()(sK~' ATLAS An (lx/,.choppea bod] from
1960Fllmgroup Asylum of Satan.
A ch ild ish vers ion of Edgar Ric e
Burrough s' adventure, with Peter ""ODUC[WDUu:CT~: Roger Corman
KU[H\VP.lTU: Charles G riffith
C ushing and his Iron mo le machine
drilling into earth and flrriving at Pellll- A mini malist Hercules copy filmed in
cidar. Pudgy Doug McClure is the hero. Greece by budget -minded A mericans.
Carolme Munro is the princess Dia. Michael Forest as a thin O lympic cham-
With lots of odd man-in-suit monsters pion fights the evil Praximedes (Frank
that look like Toho rejects. Wolff) . You migll! remember them in
Beast from Haunted Cave. Barboura
ATLANl1S, THE LOST Morris (Buckel of Blood, The Wasp
CONTINENT \Xloman) is the mistress Cand ia. Tiny
I960MGM armies inc luding director Corman cross
PP.OOUCWD.UCTOP.: George Pal swords in front of anc.ient rums. Frank
~: Damel Malnwarmg and Barbourd exchange wisecracks. Un-

[ike any other muscleman epic you've her brain into a beaut iful young body,
ever seen. Three young European girls are im -
ported as candidates bot the doctor and
ATLAS AGAINST THE his mutant assistant stray from their
CYCWPS missio n. T INO girls become zombies and
1961 Medallion (Italy) the third has a cat's brain placed in her
PI\ODUCW: Ermanno Donati, head ! You ...:on't believe it! Meeeoooow!
Luigi Carpentien
DI!U:ClOll.: Antonio LeonUlola 711EATOJIIC CA FE
~: O. 8iancoll, Gino Mangini 1982 Llhra
0AIGlHAIJ. Y P.£l..EAS[D AS: MUClS/.e nella T t'"I"Tti PkOOOCER5 / DIA£CTOM: KC"\Iln Rafferty,
deiCidopi Ja\'ne LoaJcr, Plerc .... Rafferty
Gordon Mitchell as MacisteiAtlas fights A dcvastatin~ documentary edited from
an evil queen and saves a baby (rom a 1950s U.S. Govemmenr film s. Soldiers
one-eyed giant. arc $uhJected to atomic homb tcsts, is-
land paradises are wiped off the map,
ATOJfAGE VAJIPIRE fmd schoolch ildren arc taught how to
1961l{)pllZ Film~ (Italy) (1l&W) hilk under desks to avoid nuclear
PIIODUCEII: Mann ElY;! f:l11()lIt. Such respected figures as Chet
I-Iuntley Hnd Hugh Beaumont (Beaver's
Anton Giulio M<l5<1nn
dad) are onsereen pawns in the luna tic
A professor (A lberto Lupo) who does conspiracy ro convince a rrusting na-
research on Hi roshima bomb victims tion that an inevi table atomic show-
restores the horribly scarred (ace o( a down would be survivable and even
woman (Susan Lorer) who had a car \llorthwlule. Audiences react with ner-
accident. He falls in love with her and vous bughter and stunned disbelief.
has to kill women for the ir glands to Then they J.lO home and tead about in-
keep her beaut iful. Fo r some unex- creased mi litary spending, currem un-
plained re35On, the doctor occasionally derground bomh re~ts, weapons belnJ.l
becomes a horrible reptile-faced crea- launched into space, the planned l~vac­
ture. He also has to deal with his jea l- uatlon of N('w York C ity, and a presi-
ous fema le assistant and h is patient's dent who blames the emire antinukc
boyfriend, who arrives in a Hench coal movement on the Communists. Not
and sporn car looking for his lost gi rl. rccmllmended for viewers with weak
A .late night favorite. hearts. An l'xcellem sound-track album
()( '50s homb-rheme songs is available
THEAl'O,IIIC BRAIN (1) Rounder. (No Rating)
1963 Emerson Films (B&W)
Jack Pollexfen.
LXan Dillman, Jr. 1954 Republic (B&W)
DIMClOII ; Joseph V. Ma".;e lli Mickey Rooney
!>(MENWIlITEII ; Vi Russell. Slie [)wlggens. DIMClOII:Leslie H. Martinson
I:kan Dillman, Jr., JKk Pollt-X(lon !>(ME~tTEM: Benedict Freeman,
AlSO MlEAs.ED ,1,5; ,\4omlw5Uy John Fenton Murray
The cinematographer of The Incredibly While o ther films were demonstrating
5n-ange Creatures and other Ray Den- the unleashed horrors of atomic bombs
nis Steckler films steps out and makes with revived monsters and mutatio ns,
his own cheap horror film . A wealthy Mickey Rooney wa lks into an A-bomb
widow hires a mad doctor to uans(er blast and emerges a comical radioac-
Wlur BisseU "'(Itches ru
1 MICke, Roont')' (The

"1 "'
AtomiC Kid) u tesled fO'r

rive "kid" who can win at Las Vegas ATOAIlC AtONSTER - THE
slot machines just by smnding along- BEAST OF YUCCA FLATS,
side them. He goes w a testing-area See THE BEAST OF YUCCA
house fi lled with mannequins and lives FLATS.
because of some peanut buner he ate.
Blake Edwards wrote the smry. With
THEATOAfICAIAN 1956·9 Manly TVOapan) (B&W)
1956 AIIi~ Amsts. (England) (B&W) Pf.ODUCu.: Mmugl Okura
Tervo Ishii, Aldra MltSl.Jwa,
"",OUCER.: Alec C. Snowden
Koreyoshl Akasaka
OIAECTOA: Ken Hughes
SOEEHWIUlV.: Charles Eric Maine
KIUEHWMl: ...: Ichlro Mlyegawa
ONGINAL1Y p.[l.£AS(O AS: Tlmtshp Starman (also known as Supergiant) was
An atomic scientist, thought dead, is the alien superhero of a series of nine
found alive and well by fellow scien- sho rt Japanese films. In 1964, fou r
tists Gene Nelson and Faith Domergue. dubbed features edited from the originals
Due to an overdose of radiation, his were released on American television.
mind works seven seconds ahead. He The fast-paced seriallike action includes
can't speak coherently but always knows martial·am fighting, back flips, and
the immediate future. Gangsters try to colorful costumes. In this feature, Star-
exploit his incredible powers fo r their man battles American gangsters who
own gains. Clever idea but a slow film. threaten to destroy Japan with an atomic
h originally played with Invasion of the oomb. Funn)' excitement that shouldn't
Bod)' Snatchers. be missed. Ken Utsui is Starman.



THEATOJlIIC SUBIIIARINE science fiCt ion. See Atomic Rulers of
1959 Allied Artl~l s (B&W) rfi£ World.
",OOUCEP.: Alex Gonion
OIMO()f.: Spencer G. Bennet
SO£ENW'Jll:1I.: 0.1 1. Hampton ATTACK OF THE CRAB
A fl ying saucer that can trawl under- AfONSTERS
water is dcsu oying Eauh shtps. An 1957 Allied ArtiS15 (B&W)
atomic subdiscO\-er.; the saUCer is alive. PllOOOCWOIIlECTOP.: Roger Cornlan
can self-repair any dam'lgc. : m d h a~ ,. sa£E~": Charles Griffith
giant hairy eyeball insiJc. Arthur Franz. One of Corman's delightful little sci-
Dick Fornn, BTen Halsey, Tum G..mwOlY, ence-fiction co-fearures. The giant
f1"ul Dubov, and Joi Lmsing arc suhma- atomic mutation crab looks pretty rea l-
rine crcw member.;. The best pm! comes ist ic except for its big eyes and the
when some ofrhe men explore the sau- human feel you can sometimes sJX)t un-
cer's interior. Bennet had dire cted demeath it. The crab decapitates sci-
mosrly westerns since the silent era. entists stranded on an isolated island,
eats their heads, and assim ilates their
brains. The voices of previous victims
ATRAGON coming through the crab attract new
1963 TohoiAIP
hUlllfln food. With Richard Garland,
DIk[CTOk: lnoshiro H o nda
SCk[[NWM'lP.: ShinichL Sd:i:awa Pamela Duncan, Russell Johnson, Mel
OOGINAlLY Ul£ASEO AS: KWII'I Welles, Beech Dickerson, Leslie Brad-
A superior Japanese science-fict ion I ley, Jonathan Haze, and Ed Nelson (in
fantasy film. The anc ient undersea Mu the crab) . Originally co· billed with the
kingdom has harnessed all the energy equa lly essential Nor of This Earfh. It's
from the center of the Earlh. The Mu only 64 minutes long.
queen decides [Q conquer the surface
world by causing devastating earth- A7TACK OF THE 50-FOOT
quakes. The world's only ho pe IS Cap- WOAIAN
tain Shinguji's incredible la nd/sea/air 1957 Allied Amsu (B&W)
supership Arragon, built but nm used ~EI\.: Bernard Woolner
by Japan during World War II. The OtllEOC>ti: Nadlan H.. nz
captain doesn't get involved until his KIlEENWfJTE": Mark Hanna
daughter and her boyfriend are kid - From the ads; "See a female colossus
napped by the Mu kingdom. Arragon ... her mountainous torso, skyscraper
destroys the warring kingdom (and a limbs, giam desi res!" A legendary ab-
giam serpent) in an orgy of great spe- surd classic starring statuesque Allison
cial effects. Tomoyuki Tanaka was the Hayes as a wealthy woman who is able
execut ive producer. 10 teach her cheating husband a lesson
after a transparent bald alien turns her
AITACK FROM SPACE into a giant. Doctors chain her in the
1956- 59 Manly TV (Japan) (B&W) house and give her injections with an
PllOOUCD.: Mitsugi Okura elephant syringe, but she breaks out and
DIIlECTO~: Tervo Ishii, Akira Miuuwa, heads for the bar where her husband
Koreyoshi Akasab (William Hudson) is smcxx:h ing and
sa£ENWII.I'JU: lchiro Mlyegawa plotting with Yvette Vickers (Playboy's
Starman fights a Nazi-style alien in Miss July 1959). She squeezes him to
outer space. Unlike any other Japanese death before the cops close in and kill

her. Harry! N,nhan Hem (Juran) ,,1>0 ATTACK OF HIE AIAmN
Jire<:[eJ Rona ld anJ Nancy Reag,m in AIUAIAIY
HellaJlS of ,he Navy thl' same )·t"ar. 1963 Medallion (MexLco/U.S.) ( B&W)
PIIOOUCtWDIIl.ECTOf.: Jerry Warren
K I\EEWWMltIU: GLlberto Solares,
Alfredo Salazar
ATTACK OF THE GIAN T Warren took scenes from the Aztec
LEECHES Mumm )' series and re-edited them with
1959 AlP (B&W) new scenes shot in America. The rc-
PIIOOUCE": Gene Corman
suiting mess about a woman regressing
DIf\[CfOf.: Bernard KowalskL
to a forme r life as a Mayan princess
SCIU:EIf'oVM'E"; Leo Gordon
ALSO '-fLEAStD AS: The Gaanr
Leeches featu res Nina Knight, Richard Webb,
The intelligent, bloodthirsty leeches liv- and Bruno Ve Sota.
m g in the swamp 3re actuall y men in
suction-cup-covered suits that didn't ATTACKOFTHEAfONSTERS
quite fit over their ai r tanks. Besides 1969 I),ueilAJP·TV (Japan)
the unconvmcing monsters. this fun PllOOUCE": Hidemasa Nagata
cheapie has a cast of no-good swamp OIIU:CTOf.: Nona!,;1 Yuasa
dwellers. A bartender (Bruno Ve Sota) K IU:EIf'oVM'E"; Fum! Takahashi
OftIGINALLY I\ELEASED.u: Gamera tai G uirOJ1
discovers his sexy tramp wife (Yvette
Vickers) passionately kissing Michael An alien spaceship kidnaps twO Earth
Emmet; he forces them at gunpoiOt IO(Q boys. Gamera, the fri end ly giant flyi ng
thc swamp- leec h food. With Ken turtle, races to a world on the o ther
C lark, Gene Roth , Jan Shepard, and side of the sun to save them from the
Tylcr McVey. It's only 62 minutes long clutches of alien women who eat brains.
and o riginally played with Buckel of He also batt les Guiron, a ridiculous
Blood. Roger Corman was e xecutive giam monster with a head shaped like
producer. a knife. The fifth Gamera mo vie.

TOAfATOES PIIoooco.: Daiei
1978 N.A.I.EntertalOm~nt O!II.£CfOl\S: lnoshiro Honda, GiJI Tsu bura~'a
PPIODUCE'-S : Steve Peace, John DeBello SCIU:ENWm(I'.: T akeshi Kimura
D1II.£CfOf.: John DeBello AI.lO Il.ELLUEO.u: Curst of the MU5hrOOTn
SQ.£EH\lINTD,:C>sta DLllon Ptopk and Maltlngo, Iht Fungus of Terror
A science· fiction comedy with intcn- A real find for bored late· night TV
tionally bad special effects and ludicrous viewers. It's a fungus frenzy as ship-
dialogue. Scenes of vario us·sized lOrna· wrecked Japanese tourists are trapped
toes chasing people and bobbing in the on a fog-shrouded [Topical island. One
water "attacking" a swimmer are funny, by one they tum into human toadstools.
but it doesn't really make it as a mid- A survivor te lls the story from a pad-
night cu lt film. The only suiking ef· ded cell.
fect is a hel icopter crashing (it was a
reat accident). A modem Invasion of ATTACK OF THE PHANTOMS:
tht Star CrealUTes. With David Miller Su KISS MEETS THE

Swf!, John Agar re/ust'$
10 Jom ,he 11m In A Hack
of th e Puppet Pt'Ople.

ATTACK OF THE PUPPET master, and you've gO[ ro see a brief-

PEOPLE case full of John Agar,; in tu bes! Hoyt
[958 AlP (B&Wj stages a show In which lin le people are
",OOUCEpJDlk£cr~: Bert I. Gordon forced to act with mario nettes; Agar
~: George w. Y:lle~ vlolenlly a((<lcks and desu oys the £ft.
John Iloyr is a do ll manufacture r and Jekyl l puppet! With June Kt-nney, Bert 's
he's lonely. In order ro ha ve consta nt lillie girl 5 11£1m (with a un y cat). a
(and obedient) company he wkes un- "gianr " dog, and a woman who barhcs
suspecring people inlO the h:lck room In a coffee can. Do- it -all Gordon also
of his shop and shrmks them. TIle liule wrme the srory.
people are kept (sleeping) 10 glass rubes
and {<Iken out for champ:lgne part l e~
and rock 'n' roll d:lncing on the tahle. ATTACK OF IHE ROBOTS
One little woman likeSht'r existence- 1962 AlP-TV (France/Sp;.l in ) (B&W)
no worries oroblig:ltions, jusl sleep un- DtP.£CTOk: Jesse Franco
til the m:lster wakes her for fun Hnd KkEENWI\JTEk: Je:ln-C laudo: Carri ere
games-but the recently shrunk Jo hn OktGINALLY !\ELEAS£D AS: Cartes sur Table
Agar is a rebel ,Ind le:lds five others on Far from AlpNlt'ille in terms of quality,
:In escape plot. (Before being shrunk , th iS is an earlie r adve nture starring
John and his new girl go to a drive-in Eddie Consrantine as IntelJXll agent
and make out during The AnulZing Co- Lemmy Caution. He saves the world
lossal Meln ! What irony!) The effec ts fro m a sc ientist whose ki ller roOO r-men
by Bert Gordon are good for o ne of hiS arc rargeled to elimmate variolls heads
movil'S (if a little OU[ of scalc), hUI Hoyt of Slate. W ith Fernando Rey and So-
is hilario us as the kllld/mc<l n puppet phIe Hardy.

AUDREYROSE stars wilh R ay Lovelock and Barry
1977 United Anists Primus. Music by Ennio Morricone. (R )
I'AOOUCW: Joe Wizan, de Fdllta
DlMctOA: Robert Wise AVALANCHE
KP.£ENWmO.: Frank de Fdiua 1978 New World
John Beck and Marsha Mason live on Pf.OOUCEP.:Roger Connan
New York's Centra l Park West with OIN:CTOA: Corey Allen
their 12-year-old daughter Ivy (Susan so.£ENWM'EP.: Claude Pola

Swift). They're reasonably happy until Advcrtised as: "6 million tons of icy
An[hony Hopkins shows up and claims tcrror!" 11115 disaster gOt terrible reviews
Ivy is a reincarnation of his daughter and didn't do so well at the box office.
Audrey Rose, who was burned alive. It couldn't be any worse than your av-
A hypnotist is used to bring Hopk ins' erage Irwin A llen movic. Rock Hudson
girl "back." Reincarnat ion has never stars as the rich de veloper of the resort
been a very popular movie theme. This in d anger. M ia Farrow, his ex-wi fe,
feature was a box-office flop for UA. goes for naturalist photographer Roben
Despite its bad reviews, it's probably a Forster until Rock rescues her from a
lot bener than The Reincamalion of Peter wrecked bridge. With Jeanette Nolan,
Proud (1975). Robert Wise's long and Anthony Carbone (all right!), and X
diverse career can survive an occasio nal brands. A je t c ras h c auses the ava-
failure. From Frank de Felina's novel lanche. Dire<:tor Corey Allen is a pop-
of the same name. With Nomtan Lloyd, ular character actor.
Robert Walden, and Jo hn Hillcnnan.

1967 (Mexico)
~WOtN:CTOA: bmad Rodriguez
It's really amazing that this Mexican
horror-comedy film was never released
here, because it features three Amcri-
can stars. John Carradine plays a tradi-
tional-looking Satan with horns. Basil
Rathbone (in h is last ro le) is fl ghost
looking for a perfect love. Cameron
Mitchell is II mad .scientisL A blond
fema le robot falls for the 75-)'ear-old
Rathbone. The comedy ends with a nu-
clear holocaust! Those funny Mexicans!

1978 Brenner (Italy) ROCK
MOOUCD.: Leonardo Pescarola HUDSON
OUU:CTOP.: Armando C risplnl
A mystery known for its graphic foot-
age of an autopsy which was later cut
out. Mimsy Farmer (HOI Rods 10 HeU)

HOU'((Td Venum and IllS
hwman robot In The Awful
Dr, Orloff

1HEAVENGER Steve Reeves repeats his Aeneas role

1960 UCGTV (W. Genn<m~') (B&W) (rom Tfw TroJ(1II Hone, This timc thl..'
P"ODllCWSC'I.UNWPJT£I.: Kun Ulrich musc ular hero IS involved With EtnlS-
DIMCTOI'.; Karl Amon cans, more Trojans, another princcss,
OOGlNAUY MlLA$[D AS: fu Ru<?che-r anJ astampcde of hulls. With Giacomo
Based on the Edgar \Vallace novel of RO~~ 1 Stuart ,mJ Carla Marhcr.
the same name. An ugly hunchhackeJ
ape man decapitates pcop!o..· and m:u ls
the heads to Scotland Yard. He m :
Drache stars with Ingrid Va n Bergen. THEAIfIAKENING
Omens of the slDries of Wallace (187;- 1980 Warner BrOlhers
1912) were filmed m Germany dUring Rohen Solo.
thc 60s. They all Involve Scotland Yard AnJrew Scheml11an. Martin Sharer
1I\\'estigating bizarre cnmes. Klaus Kin - DIMCTO«.: Mike Ne .... .::!!
K"[[NW?ITEAS: Allan Scott . ChrIS Bryant.
ski is in about fiftecn of [hem. C h m-
Cli ve EX!(ln
topher Ll'e and Gert Friibe turned up
Charl!on I leston ST<lrS <IS an archaeolo-
11\ a few. Most were rdc,lsed directly
~i,t whose d<luuh tcr (Jil l Townsend) is
to Anll'rican telcvision.
possc~sed by the spirit of an evil Egyp-

7HEAVENGER tii'l n queen, It's bascd on The JeKel of

1961 Medallion. (France/h"ly) SI.'t-'/.'1I SUITS hy Brarn Stoker. which was
PM>OUCW; Alberl Band. vl()rl"lO Venturml prc\'l(lusly filmcd under the title BitxJ
DIMCTOII.: Giorgio Rlvalt" from {he Mwmll)"s Tomb. A fairly dull
SCMENWI\fT["; Uj:!o LlbcrafOre biU-blldgct production with Sus,.-mna h
OAIGIKA.llY MI.[A5[O AS: LII...e~'1w.e dJ York. Stephanie Zi mbahst. and some
E,w<l pre ff ~' hloody scenes. The soundtrack
AUO MI.[A5(D AS: The LlSI Gumt'l ()f TTlf\/ is a\':u lable. ( R )

1961 S1gma III Corporat ion (Spain!
France) (8&W)
~OUC(A: Serge Newma n
Dt~CTOPJ!oO.[[HI/Io'MU,: Jesse Franco
ONGiNAllT IW.£A)U) 0\$: GnlDs rn /a Noche
He re's the hil that got Jesse Franco's
incredible career off the ground. Maybe
you've heard how bad it is. It spawned
four sequels. Howard Vernon stars as
the dcmenled Dr. Orloff, another Euro-
pea n surgeon with a horribl y disfigured
daughter. Of course he has to kidnap
beautiful women in order to perform
skin-graft operations. The real star,
tho ugh. is his brot her Marius (Ricardo
Valle), a blind human rolx)[ with a
cartool);sh face. Marius had been caught
with the Doc's wife, killed, and turned
inm a handy slave. As a brave ballerina.
Diana Lorys putS a Stop to the killings.
Originally co-billed with The HornIk Dr.
Hichcock. A tranquilizing experience.


1957 Aneca (MexICO) (B&W)
PP.OOUCU: William Calderon Stell
OIklCTOP.: Rafael lope~ Pomllo
OAI6INAUT 1UUA$£D.u: La M omlll
Most Mexican film s were pretty prim-
itive-looking in the '50s. Their '30s-srylc
ho rror fi lms made with '305 tcchn iques
are a srrange and unique brced. The
samc director made threc in a TOW about
a long-haired walking corpse. Ramon
Gay is the hero in all three . The next
OI\ C, Robot vs. the Aztec Mummy, got
more nonh-o(-dll·-borderexposure. The
tnummy'~ name is Popoca.


• •
• •

• • 1952 Umted Amsts
Edward J.
1974 Scoria lmemational

• • H.OO\KE'-: [}<mzl~cr ~OOlK(M: MIlton Polsky. Ahe Polsky

DlAiCTOk : Ted P05f
• •
DtLl.(CTO,,: Edgar G. Ulmer
SCUEHlllllJTEI\; Harry Lee Dan:lger SCil.EENl/llMtI\: Abe Polsky
• The main babes are Paulette GodJarJ Ruth Roman plays a deranged mot h e r
• and Gypsy Rose Lee. TIle eleven wj\'CS
of the Kadi of Baghdad revolt r.ecausc
who hates men. She takes It out on
her full-grown teenaged son whom she's
of ncglcn, With Richard Ncr. John nll~d 10 remain an infant. As the baby,
Boles. Sebastian Cabot. and ChnslO' DaVid Manzy wears d iapers and crawls
pher Lee as a slave driver. U lmer made and gurgles in his c ri b. Anjanetle Comer
The Man From Planet X for the same plays a soc ial worker who shows up ro
studio in '51. Filmed in Spam. spoil Mom's fun. With Mariamla Hill
and .. twist ending. Roman is great but
the fi lm overall is an uneven mixture
of horro r cliches and reality (scenes of
BABES IN TOYLAND refll ret:nded kids), and "baby's" cryi ng
1934 MGM (B&W) is hadly dubbed. From the director of
~OOlKE": Hal Roach Whiffs. a terri hIe nervc gas comedy.
DIk£CfOIl,S: Gus Meins, Charll's Rogcn
SCI\[£N\VklTEAS: Frank Butler, Nick GrlnJe BACHELOR OF HEARTS
AlSO musED AS: Murch of (~ \.l'o.x!cn 1958 Contmental (England)
So/JiC'1S ~OOUC[k: Vivian A. Cox
Dlk[crO k : WolfRllht
A funn y musical-comedy \'e~ lon o(Vic-
K k[{H\VM'[kS: leslie BncllSM.'".
for Herbert's operetta with Laurel and
heJenc R:lph~eI
Hardy as J heroes working ({)r
rhe Toymaler. [n~tt:aJ of 600 one·fool IlarJy Kmger srars III this comedy as a
soldiers they make 100 slx·foot SOIJlO:.'r) German exchange s[Udent at Ca m -
th;!t later help fight t he eVil B.lrnah} nndge who becomes a vicrim of the
(Henry Brandon) and hiS bogeymen. pranks of rhe exclusive rxxIo C lu h.
With Charlotte Henry, Angl'lo Ros- T wc nry ld Barbara S teele ap-
~ar-. In her first role.
~IttO, and Mane Wilson.


1964 lOth Cenrury-Fox (U.S.lPhlhp-
I'lIle~) (B&W)
1961 Buena Vis('1 Dlk[CTOk: Monte! Icllm:ln
AAOOU(:Ek: Wah Di'l\~~' KMENWkITEM: Rlchnrd A. GUllman.
DlkECTOk: Jack Donohue John Hn ckCf!
KkEENWklT[kS: Joe Rinaldi, Ward Kllllh:lll. llcllrnan made tv.n of these island cheap-
l.Aw,..:!1 S. H;'"'l~y ~tcrs Wllh Jack Nicholson after his use-
A disaster from the Disney Stud IUS, full I c,~ The Bellst From Hmmted ClIl'('. In
of teen stars and forg~ttahlc l;on).!,. An- lhi~ World War II stury, NlChobon and
nette Funicello has her sheep stolen h~' John Hackert help Lieutenant Jimmie
Ray Bolger, who h .. ~ Tommy Simds R(Jd).!c~ ~Ign up n:lli\'e guerrillas to fight
kidnaped while Ed Wynn make" \tIp. ,he J.lpilnc~c occupat ion. Annabelle
With Tommy Kirk (The 1\1(111 W'lfh Ihe Iluggm~, Conrad Maga. and Johnny
SYllthelic Bram). MOlltelTl) co-~tJr. Filmed WIth the co..

ope ration of the Philippine Department A ~ycho teen lives hIdden in a house
of National Defense. The foll o ..... · up is that a fam ily with three daughlers has
Flight to FUT)·. Nicholson also starred just moved into. With Scott Jacoby,
10 The Shooung and Rule the \VhirlU'ind Pippa ScOIl, and Kim Hunter. By the
for Hellman. -CB director of The ExploslI>e Gtflt'rllflofl.


1957 20th CcnluTy.Fox (B&W) 1956 Warner BrOlh('~ (B&W)
",ODUCEP.: Robc>n Srahl~r ",ooucE"/oIUOo...: Mervyn leRoy
DIM:CTO"': Charles MarquIs Wam~o KM:ENWPJm: John Lee Mahm
KM:ENWlUTt ...: Calherme Tumey Eleven·year.old Pany McCormack re-
Peggie C astle is possessed by the spirit ceived an Academy Award nomination
of husband Arthur Franz's first ..... ife! for her portrayal of Rhoda, a pigtailed
From the di rector of The Unknown young murderess who seems to be in -
Terror. With Marsha Hunt. herently evil. After dro ..... ning a litde
ooy at " picnic and hurning the half-
BACKGROUND TO DANGER ..... ined gardener to defl1h, she's struck
1943 Warner BrOlhers (B&W) dead by lightninR (an emling not in
P"OOUCE": Jerry Willd the play, which also starred Patty). A
01'-1:00"': Raoul Willsh silly curtain call featuring Rlwl(la bem~
KUENW'MTI": W. R. Burnet! spanked was al:.o added because of the
More CasablanCll-style foreign intrigue censor. With Nancy Kelly, Henry Jones.
set In TurKey, based on an Eric Ambler William \-Iopper, Eileen Heckart, Jesse
novel of the same name. G eorge Rah Whlte . and Evelyn Varden. 13.1st'ti on
and Brenda Marshall star ..... ith Peter Maxwell Anderson's pl a~' of the same
Lone as Zalenkoff, a Russian agent . and tide .
Sidney GreenStreet. who is working for
the NaZIS. With Turhan Bey and Kurt BAFFLED!
KOlich. A mbler'sJouOIe)" /nlO Fear had 1973 TV
hcen a hit film the \'ear before. PM>DUCE.JDlMOo...: P11lhp Leacock
KMENWNfE": Theodore Epstem
BAD CHARLFSTON CHARI.JE Leonard Nimoy as a mce driver with
197 J Inlern:lllonal Cmcma ESP joins psychiatrist Susan Hampshire
",oouco.: R,\SS Hagt'n to try to prevent tragedies seen in his
DI,,-£OO": 1,,:Ul Nag)· visions. With Vera Miles and Rachel
KIUENW"ITlP.S: R(>s$ ll a~,·n. I\'an Nagy, RobertS. Filmed in England. Available
S!:m K,unhcr
on videocassclIC.
Rnss Il a~e n st :lr~ as :l comic gang~ter.
John Ca rradine is a drunk ne ..... spaper
reporter. With U ltra Violet. BAGHDAD
1949 Unl\'crs;.,l
DIM:OO": Ch:ules Lamont
BADGIRL. KI'.EENW'''ITEI'.: Robert liard\" Andrews
BAD RONALD As an Ambian princess, red-haired Mau-
reen O'Hara sings and dances. Vincent
1974 TV
""-ODUCE": rtllllpCaplcc
Price, as Pasha Ali Nadim, is a comic·
strip \' il1 ~lLn . Paul Christian is Hassan,
DlM:OO"= Bu:~ Kulik
KM:lNWlUTt"= Andrew Peler M oUlin (he hero.

19'>4 Columbia (8&W) 1967 World Enlenainment
AAOOUCEIVOIIU:CTOk: H U/..'o Haas PAODOCEA: Jerry Fairbanks
SCMEH\VM[IU: Samuel W. Tay l or, DIUCTOOKIU:ONI'MU: Frank T eI(ord
Ilu/.'O Haas AUO 1\[lLA$[O AS: CoUI5/VTl COUT$('
The devil (C(.'(inc HardwICke-) Intro- Dan Duryea and his team are searc h-
duccs and narr.lh ."li this Important mom1 109 for a downed saucer somewhere in
lewm. Old prruJX'Ctor Hugo Haas mar- Tibet ; a t the same time the Red Chi-
Ties YOllng Cleo Moore and moves her nese discove r rhe spaceship has a deadly
mIll the cabin he shares with John side effect . Duryea finds rhe saucer and
Agar. Hugo hopes John will make a play takes off In it. Litlle ac tion before th e
for his wife so he can shool hun. but end of this fi lm ; the results are onl y
they fall in love d iscreetl y and make pass..1.ble. With John Ericson. Lois Net-
their o wn pla ys . The fourth chc;)p tleton. and Bob Has rings. - AF
drama srarring Hugo and C leo. John
Ag:H fCHlmed with Cleo in Haas' Hold
Back Tomorrow. With Bruno Vc Sota. THE BANANA JIONSTER,
A seTtOIlS 1II{J1llt'1lI III 11111
~'Ith CIe() Moon'. II~go BANGKJD.
/-1005. alld 101m ~r_


[968 AJ,l\' Films (Spain Italy)
","OOUC[,,: SIdney Pink
oluno,,: LUCI<lIlO Lell\'
Kp'[[NWIUT[": JoSt~ L. Ba),onas
AlSO "£lEASED 045: Bmw Bang
H atJ(1)' D,j)'5' Tom Bosley Sta rs as a mal-
functlOnmg comic gu nsllngl·r/robot. A
hard-to-hdleve (eature frolll the pro-
ducer o( The AI\gT')' Red Plane!. With
Guy Madison and Sa ndra Milo.

[968 Pammount (Fmnce/ltaiy)
","ODUCU: Omo De LauremilS
Dluno,,: R o~~ r Vadirn
K"HHW"ITE"S: Tar), Sout hern.
Roge r Vadllll. Jean-Claude Forest.
Vm o no BonicclJ.. Bnan Degas.
CI:lude Brul~ , Tudor G ates.
CiI;'IllI;'Il( Blddle"'ood

A colorful. corny science- fiction adve n -

ture starring Jane Fonda as the heroine

o( the popular French comic strip. After BARON BLOOD
an in-fli ght antigravity stripteflse, Bar- 1972 A lP (Italy)
barella lands on Lythio n and sets out "'-ODUC9.: Alfred Leone
to find Duran Duran (M ilo O'Shea) . 01'-£001\: Mario Bava
An ita Pallenberg makes a perfect black sa.£EHIII'M'O.: Vincent Forte

queen ; she seduces the blind angel ONGIIW.!Y WUSED AS: au Orrori ikl
(Jo hn Phill ip Law). Barbarella has sex Ca.steUo ~ NO'I'ernbrTgo.
witha revolutionary (David Hemmings) When a ho tel fi rm starts restoring an
by laking pills and touching fingers. She o ld Austrifl n cascie, a centuries-old bar-
also shorts out a pleasure machine, is on with a moldly (ace puts his torture
trapped in t he queen's c hamber o( chamber to good use. Joseph Cotten
nightmares, and is attacked by dead ly stars both as the COntemporary baron
birds, cannibalistic do lls, and ho llow in a wheelchair, and as the horrible
leather guards with whip arms. Lots o( ancient creature (he looks like Vincent
great clo thes and ideas. With Marcel Price in TIw! House of Wax). Elke Som-
Marceau and C laude Dauphin. Sunday mer is on hand to scream a lot, and
newspapers got a lot o( criticism from others enjoy the stretching rflck and
parents (or running fu ll-color cartoon spike-lined coffins. With Rada Rassimov
ads in their comic suppleme·nts. (also kno wn as Sarah Bay). Filmed
in Austria.


1975 Burbank 1m. PlcruresCorp. THE BARON OF ARIZONA
(W. Germany) 1950 Lippert (B&W)
",OOOC9.: E. C. Dietrich I'f.OOlICD.: Carl K. H inleman
011\1:001\: Jesse Franco DlI\[CTOAI~ Sam Fuller
0RIGINAl1 y ~o AS: Fmuen Gefdngni5 Fuller's seco nd film is unlike any of his
ALSO '-£lEA5(D AS: Caged Women o thers, but it's a fascinating if slow-
Bondage, beatings, rape, humiliat ion . moving sto ry of James Reams (Vincent
and sad ism in a gross prison film (rom Price)' a 19th-century American who
the director of 99 Women and Wanda devises a complicated scheme involv-
rhe Wicked Warden. A popu lar 42nd ing forgeries and passing as a monk in
Street item. With Lina Romay. (R ) Europe in o rder to " legally" claim the
Arizona Territory as his own and estab-
lish his own coun try. He also raises
BARN OF THE NAKED DEAD Ellen Drew to be his future adoring wife.
197JT..... inWorld Supposedly based o n a true story. With
~f\J011U:00l\: Gerald Cormier Beulah Bondi, Vladimir Sokoloff, Gene
SCkUHlllklTlkS: Roman Valenti. Ralph Roth, and Angelo Rossino. C inema-
HaroldI.' tography by James Wong Howe.
AlSO II.IlLM£O AS: Trn'OI' Cin:w
Andrew Prine, formerly Simon, King of
the Witches, continues his low-budget BARRACUDA
horro r career as a maniac who tortures 1978 Republic
women. Meanwhile, his fath er. a mon- ~ WayneCrawford,
ster transformed by radiation. roams the Harry Kerwin
Nevada desert killing people. Incompe- OIUOOR: H aITY Kerwin
tent cheap thrills with Jennifer Ashley. .we II£l£A5UI AS: The Weirn Proi«l

Chl'mlcals In the ocean make fish at- as Duane, a seemingly innocent youn g
Tack and people go crazy. Jason Evers man from G len Fa lls. New York, who
(The Bwm That \X/ouldn'f Ore) Stars with arrives at a seedy 42nd St reet hotel
Wayne [},wid Cr:n\ford and Ben Freed. clutchmg a mysterious wicker basket.
Filmed In Florida. Title theme by the Inside is Belial, his grotesque telepathic
Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra . nUllant twlO. Duane tries [0 have a re-
Other music by Klaus Schult:e . h uses lationship with a nurse, bur the \'enge-
a o ne -shot revival of the o ld Re puh- ful, donuneering hrother makes him
he logo. help slaughter the unethical doctors who
had separated them. With animated se-
BASKET CASE quences, gore, humor, and lots of sur-
1982 Analrsis prises for horror fan s. Also starring
P"OOUCE": Edgar le"lns Robert Vogel , Beverly Bonner. and Terri
OI'-EOOpJSCIU:ENW'-IT[": Fmnk I knenlottcr Susan Smith.
This imaginative indepmdcnt fea ture
is a twisted gem about the ultimate split
rcn>ona[ity. Ke vin Vanht·menryck Stars THE BAT
1958 Allied Artists (B&W)
P"OOUCE": C. J. Tevlin
OI"ECTO"/SC "EENWIIJTE": Cra ne Wilbur
An old-fashio ned mystery play by Mary
Roberts Rtnehart that had already been
fi lmed three Times was made once more
with Agnes Moorehead starring as a
wnter staymg a t a summer home. A
hooded figure with a claw hand known
as the Ba t murders some of the cast ,
money is stolen, and a real bat shows
up to terrorize a group of wome n .
Vi ncent Price as Dr. Wells is the prime
su~pcct. Grown-up "Little Rascal" Darla
Hood IS a victim of the mysterious
klll"f. W Ith Gavm Gordon ;md Lenita
Lane. A[ [he Time of release, newspaper
ads sa id : "Make a double date ! People
III palr~ don't mind the SGlres!"

1974 A lP
D.M:CTO": Jerry Jamc.$on
Whil" exploring a cave in the desert,
biologist John Beck is bitten by a bat
and slowly mutates into a deadly bat l
man. The makeup is pretty con vine -
mg in this low-budget thriller. With
Mari anne McA ndrew and Mic hael
Patakl as the sheriff.

1931 United AUIStS (B&W)
Dire<:tor West remade his own The Ba,
(1926), aoout a masked killer in an o ld
mansion. C hester Morris stars with U na
Merkel and Gustav von Seyffertitt. A
third version starred Vincent Price.
They all were based on a popu lar play
of the same title.

1966 10th Century.Fox
~OOUC[": Willi~lll [)()lU.!T
ollu:aOf.: Leslie H. Mamnson
sa.E[NWIIJT[I\; Lorenzo Semple. Jr.
It's Batman- the Movie! h's longer and
dumber than the TV show ever was!
Four villains team up the dy-
namic duo and steal a dehydrator that
[urns nine kidnaped diplomats (0 dust.
With Cesar Romero as the Joker, Bur-
gess Meredith as the Penguin, Frank
Gmshin as the Riddlcr, and Lee Meri-
wether (Miss America [955) playing
Kith! the Catwom:m for the firs t and
las[ time. With all the show's regulars
(Adam West, Burl Ward, Neil Hamil-
ton, Alan Napier, Stafford Repp, and The Red C hinese use a laser-beam tank
Madge Blake). a 8m-Copter, a Bat- 10 drill a tunnd unde r the Pacific , so
O~.'cle, Reginald Denny, and Sterling they can invade Ca lifornia with atom
H o lloway. Ho ly econonlLCS, B.."ltman, bombs! Kerwin Matthews leads a small
Ihis lousy feature must haw laken a American anny to battle a small Chi·
week 10 film, edit, and rdease! nese arm y in the tunnel. With Bessie
wve, some classic dialogue, and an
Anglo playing [he Oriental leader.
EARTH PM>OUCu.: Ed Carlin
1968 MOM (England) DluaO«.: Junm y T. Murakami
MOOUCD.: Charles Reynolds :IOl£NWMtA: John Sayb
OIuaOP.: Montgomery Tully The SCvell Samurai done SWT Wars-
KP.U:NWMtk: LZ. Har~ rea ... es style with a script by John Sayles. Rich·

ard Thomas (The Wa!wns) recruits BATTLE FOR THE PLANET
seven space fighters to save his peace- OFTHEAPES
h.1! planet from villain John Saxon. Rob- 1973 20th Century·Fox
en Vaughn reprises his Magnificent Seven I'IIoouco.: Arthur P. Jacobs
role. George Pepp.1rd is an actual space DIPolCTOP.: J. LC(' Thompson
cowboy. Sybil Danning is a Valkyrie KJl(EINo'M(M: Paul Dehn, John William

with the beSt space COStume since Bar- Corringwn, Joyce Hooper Corringwn
barella. Darlanne Flugcl is the beautiful Finally- the last chapter of the apes
daughtcr of what's left of Sam Jaffe. The story. It's good apes vs. militant gorillas
last twO sh ips arc manned by a lizard and it all leads up to the post· ho locaust
man and five white clones caUed Nestor. gorilla-ru led Earth of [he first film.
Some of the gags were cut out and the Roddy McDowall is back with Natalie
editing could have been ben er, but it's T rundy from Conquest. , .. France Nuyen
a lot more memorable and more fun than and Severn Darden are murants. The
T'" E~ Strike.< Bock. Whh jdf Corey.
Roger Connan was executive producer.
ape casting gets funnier than ever. Ha ve
fun spouing hairy John Huston, C laude
Music by James Horner. A soundtrack Akins, Paul Williams, and Lew Ayres.
album is available. The human hero is Austin Stoker (As -
sault on Precinct 13). With Sam Jaffe as
the lawgiver. The next stop fo r Roddy
and the apes was a flop TV series which
BATTLE BEYOND THE SUN was re·edited into five phony featurC's.
1959/63 AIP/Filmgroup Real fans went to drive-ins and watched
Ptl.OOUCEP.:Thomas Colchart all five ape films in a row.
DIPolCTOM : Alexander Ko:yr,
Thomas Colchart
Edwin Palmer 1959 ToholColumbia (japan)
Roger Corman bought a Russian film PtI.OOUCD.:T omoyuki Tanaka
or~CTOf,: Inoshiro Honda
(Nebo Zower) that featured Soviet KW~: Shinichi Seki:awa
cosmonauts triumphing over cowardly OI\lGlHAU.Y W!AS[D AS! Uschi dai SemQ
American astronauts. Young Francis Made as a so rt of fo llo w-up to The
Ford Coppola was called into action to MJsteriall$, it's an all-out space·battie
re-edit, write new dialogue, and shoot
movie with fiying saucers launched from
a battle scene with monsters. The cold-
the Moon by the pint-sized Natalians,
war politics vanished as the scenario fighting Earrh spacecraft. W ith lasers,
was projected into the future, when
a spacC' wheel, and Earth astronauts
Earth is divided into two countries,
with transistor devicC's planted in thelr
North and South Hemis. The good·guy
brains by the nasty aliens.
Russ ians became ci tizens of North
Hemis. Unless you're a big fan of ma n ·
ster fights , it's pretty dull. It shows a BATTLE OF BLOOD ISLAND
tall, hastily constructed penis monster 1960 Filmgroup (B&W)
battling a round vagina monster! Only Roger Connan
very young kids wouldn't notice. The DlPolCToNscutN\VMV.: Joel Rapp
reconstructed version dots not play in On a remote island in the South Pacific,
the Soviet Union. Corman takes the two stranded American soldiers strug-
executive producer credit . gle to stay alive under impossible con -

ditions in the late days of World War BATTLES'DIR GALACTICA
II. Filmed in the Caribbean. Ro n Ken- 1979 Universal
nedy and Richard Devon are the leads. P1I.OOUCW: John Dykstra, Leslie S(evens
Ra pp also directed High School Big OIAECTOk: Richard A. Colla
Slwe -CB SCM(HWMtJl.! Glen Larson
AUO UltASED AS: MisJ1OI1 Galacuca:TN!
Cyclol1 Atwck
THE BllITLE OF THE RIVER The three-hour (with commercials)
PLATE, See PURSUIT OF pilot for T V's SlaT Wars d one was cur
to two hours and released in C.-mada as
THE GRAF SPEE. a feature. It was a hit , so a few more
minutes were added and it got released
in A-2can theaters, too. The recycled
BATTLE OF THE WORLDS TV mov ie features " the super rea lity of
I960Topa% (haly) Sensurround" (!) and a different ending
I'kODUCOON SUPO.VlSOP.: Thomas Sagone from the original epic's. Starring Lome
OIAECTO~; Antonio Marghetti (Anthony Greene as the ship's commander, Maren
~ Vassily Perron
Jensen as his daughter, Richard Hatch,
ONGINAU.Y m£AS(l) AS: II Piantw degls Dirk Benedict , Cyclon warriors, and a
Uomini Spenl; robot bear that rivals the mo nkey in
LoSI in Space. The guest stars are Ray
Sevemy-two-year-old C laude Rains
Milland, Lew Ayres, Wilfred Hyde
went to Italy to star as Professor Ben-
White, Jane Seymour, and Roby n
jamin. A dead planet run by comput-
Douglas. The makers of Star Wars sued
ers is trying to destroy Earth . The old
professor and his crew travel [0 the on grounds of plagiarism and lost.
planet and discover giam skele[Ons of
a dead race . Thanks 10 a good perfor- BAYOU, See POOR WHITE
mance by Rains and interesting sets, TRASH.
it's easier to take than most dull Italiano
space fl iCks. BEACHIJALL
1965 Paramoun(
,""ODIKo,; Barl
BATTLE TAXI DtN:CTO"; Lennie Wcinrib
1955 Unittd Artists (B&W) SCN:[NWMU,: David Malcolm
P'IUXlUCW! Ivan Tors. An Arthur Edd Byrnes tries to get an ethnic-mu-
OlUCTOk: H erbert L Strock sic-studies grant to buy instruments for
SCAE£HWMtk: MalVin Ward his sensations, the Wigglers. College-
Former jet pilot Arthur Franz learns the finan ce-committee members C hris
value of his new assignment with the Noel, Ga il Gilmore, Mikki Jameson,
Air Force helicopter rescue service dur- and Brenda Benet 'uncover the scam
ing the Korean hostilities-searching and tear up the check, but the Wig-
for lost patrols, taking part in daring glers playa custom-car show in drag
ocean rescues, and mixing it up with and win first prize. The Supremes do
contentious enemy tanks. Stock foot - "Come to the Beach Ball With Me ,"
age courtesy of the 42nd Air Rescue a nd The Fo ur Seasons, Right eous
Squadron. With Sterling Hayden, Mar- Brothers, Walker Brothers, and Hon-
shall T ho mpson, and John Goddard. dells play themselves. Robert Logan,
See T~ Crawling Hand. -C6 Don Edmonds, and Aron Kincaid are

the Wigglers. Swimsuits by Rose Mane gang of idiots (Deoorah Walley, John
Rel-d. Gary Kurt! of Slar Wars fame Ashley, Jocly McCrea, Don Rickles,
was the assistant director. With Dick etc.), Mana Kristen as a mermaid, and
Miller. -CB Donna Michelle (Playboy's Miss Decem-
ber 196) as An imal. Music by the
BEACH BLANKET BINGO Hondells. Busier Kearon and Earl Wil-
1965 AlP son play themselves.
H.OOUC[~: James H. Nicholson.
Samuel Z. Arkoff
Kll.EEHWII.I1'DS: William Asher, ,'fONSTER
Leo Townsend 1965 AIP·TV (B&W wilh color
Frankie and Annette star in their fourth sequence)
beach movie. A gang led by Eric VOn PI'ODUCEII.: Edward JaniS
Zipper (Harvey Lembeck) kidnaps a DII'[CTOI': Jon Hall
5(1I.[[HWIUT(I': Joan Gardner
singing star managed by Paul Lynde,
AL50 I'[lEASED AS: Swrj' Terror, MonsleT
who hires sky-diving surfers for a pub- From the Surf
licity stunt. Big Valley regular Linda
Famous '40s movie hero Jon Hall retums
Evans is Sugar Kane. With the usual
to direct himself as Otto Lindsay, an
Former nUlllnee Idol Jon
Hal! makes an nnpre.!Jit'e
oceanographer who likes to dress up like
comeback In The Beach a sea monster and kill frivolous teens.
Girls and the Monster. The monster su it has a poimed head,
bulging eyes, and seaweed hanging from
it. The color sequence is stock footage
of people surfing. A cheap laugh riot
with lots of bongos, murders, and girls
in bikinis. Music by Frank Sinatra, Jr.

1963 AlP
PII.OOUCW: Jamd H. Nicholson, Lou Rusoff
DIM(TOI': William Asher
Lou Rusoff
This is the one [hat started the Frankie
and Annette beach se ries. William
Asher directed five in a row, all inane,
all very popular. AnthrolXllogy professor
Robert Cummings and his secretary
(Dorothy Malone ) are studying the sex
habits of teenagers. The surfing teens
don't have much sex but they sing.
battle the motorcycle rats and mice of
Eric Von Zipper (Harvey Lembeck).
and dance to Dick Dale and the Del~
Tones. Dale, the king of the surf guitar.
practically invented surf music and
stands out here with his large earring;
on one of his albums, the liner notes

THE BEAST Annel~ and FrllllkU pt>5e
1974 Argos (mnce) fur a publicll:, photo /.0
P'Pioouco: Anatole Daum:m promou one of !heir I'ml,
OIUCTOP. / KkEENWP.ITEII.: Wa lerian Borowc.yk '60s btach part, rrIO!.Jits.
A reworking of Beauty and the Beast,
originally made as a segment of Immoral
Tales. Hailed as an erotic classic, it fea-
tures Sirpa Lane having sex with a hairy
beast who dies of pleasure. Lisabeth
Hummel dreams the whole story. (X )


1959 F,)mgroup (B&W)
PllOOUC(1I.: Gene Corman
explain that he was the only one in OIIlolCTOII.: Monte Hellman
the film who didn't need bronze body SCIl.EEH\\fII./TE,,: Charles Griffith
makeup. Series regulars Jcxl.y McCrea "See: screaming young girls sucked into
and John Ash ley mostly just stand a labyrinth of horror by a blood-starved
around. Eva Six is the sexy waim!ss who ghoul from hell!" If ~'ou believe that
dances with Frankie whi le Annette hype, you deserve to be disappointed
fumes. With Morey Amsterdam, Play- bv this Story of gangsters in a ski lodge
boy fo ldouts Dolores Wells and Yvetie confronting an immobile "snow beast"
Vickers (as a Yogi gi rl) , and Brian in a cave. The creature (Chris Robin-
Wilson of the Beach Boys as a surfer. son) is covered in spiderwebs and en-
Vincent Price has a surprise bit part. cases a few cast members in cocoons.
Karloff and Lorre did the same in later A painless 65 minutes. With Michael
beach films. Look for Peter Fa lk as a Forrest, Frank Wolff, Sheila Carol, and
biker. Wally Campo. Filmed in South Dakota.
O riginally co-billed with The Wasp
BEAR ISLAND Woman. Roger Corman was exeCUTive
1980ColumhL3 (England/C·mada/U.S.) producer. The same cast appeared in
PIU)OUC9.;Peter Snell Ski Troop Auock for Connan.
OIUCT~: Don Sharp
SOJ:ENWkJTOS: D.)I'l Sharp, David Buder, THE BEAST EROA! 20,000
Murray SmLth FATHOA!S
"At a remote U.N. outpost in the 1953 Warner Brothers (B&W)
frozen North Sea ... something has PIIOOUCEl: hICk Diet~
gone terribly wrong." read the ad copy. DIUCTOl : Eugene Lourie
Something has gone wrong when stars SClEENWllTElU: Louis Morheim.
continue to make ignored or unreleased Fred Fncberger
tax-shelter movies in Canada. Thisone, A milestone feature that spawned
which few people have seen, has Don- countless immuions. Derived part ially
ald Sutherland. Christopher Lee. Lloyd from Ray Bradbury's short story "The
Bridges, Richard Widmark, Vanessa Foghorn." the plot concerns a prehiS-
Redgrave, and Barbara Parkins. J'm sure toric dinosaur who is revived by an
they all tried real hard. Based on an atomic blast in the Arctic.The (fic-
Alisrair Maclean mystery. tional) rhcasauros, fir.>t seen vaguely

through a heavy snowstorm, was ani- Two spinster siste rs (Flora Robson and
mated by Ray Harryhauscn. It was his Beryl Reid ) hide a terrible family se-
first film after assisting on Mighly Joe cret III a talky modem Lovecraft-style
YOllng. T he atomic beast sWims [0 ew horror film. ( R )
York City, tramples people in Times
Square and Wall StR't't, and ends up at
Coney Island, where he takes hites out THE BEAST"lUST DIE
of the Cyclone roller co.'mer. Lee Van 1974 Amlcus/Cmerama (England)
PAODUCW: Max J. Rosenberg.
Cleef (in a small role) shoolS IT up with
Milton Subotsky
an atom ic isotope, ending th e destruc- DIAECTOk: Paul Annett
tion. The next year Ja pan released the SQ,([HWkITIk: Michael Winder
sim ilar Godzi/Ja, and by the late '50s A werewolf mystery movie sta rring Cal-
the monster unleashed by atomic en- vin Lockh art as a millionaire hunter
ergy was an oveno.·orked cliche. Beasl who invites a group of people to his
stilTS Paul Christian and Paula Raymond isolated mountai n lodge. O ne of them
as the roman tic leads. Cecil Kellaway is a werewolf. During a 30-second
is the e lderly paleontologist who sees "werewolf break," the audie nce is sup-
the beast from a diving bell. With posed to guess who it is. Prime suspects
Kenneth Tobey (The Thing) and King are Peter Cushing, Marlene Clark. and
Donovan (lm1a5ion O/Ihe Body Snatch- Charles Gray. Anton Diffring monito rs
ers). Director Lourie pranically remade the action on dosed circuit television.
his monster hit twice with The Guml
Behemoth and Gorgo. Beast was made
fo r $100,000! BEAST OF BLOOD
1970 HemLsphere (Ph ilippines/U.S.)
1971 TLgonlCannon (England) ALSO AEL£AS(D ,u:Beas, of 1M IRad
P~oDUCD.: Graham HarriS
John Ashley re[Urns to Blood Island in
DlAECTOI\ISCA[[tfI.VM[k! James Kelly
T:yptcal F./I(>IOO gore In O«JGlNALLY I\£I.£M[D,u: Are You o,l~ a hom ble sequel to The Mad Doctor of
Beast of Blood. YOLmgMan! Blood Island. Dr. Lorea (Eddie Garcia).
now d isfigured, has the lxxJy of the
monster with green blood, but its head
won't stay on. The headless crea[Ure
terrorizes Celeste Yarnall. At origina l
sh owmgs, "survival kits" conta ining
airplane barf bags were thoughtfu ll y
handed out.


1956 Un ited Art ists (U.S./Mexico)
P~ODUC[~: Edward & WLlliam Nassour
DIAlCTOM: Edward N~ur,
lsmae! RodTi gue!
SCAl[N\IIkIT[~: Robe rt I·hll ,
Ismae! Rodrigue!, Carlos Orellana
ALSO UL£AS[D,u: / Be5no de /0 Monldno

King Kongcreator Willis O'Brien always offscreen narration. Well, this hour-
wanted (Q do a cowboys vs. dinosaurs long amatcur movic uses the silent
movie. He sold his Story idea to the techniq ue and it's even worse! The
Nassour broThers. buT they did not hire "star" is t he huge and famous Tor
him (Q do The stop-motton animation, Jo hnson who, as a Russian awmic
so the combat scenes bet .....een the ty- scientist, is chased into the desert by
rannosaur and the cowboys are sub- Communist agents with guns. They
standa rd . Guy Madison stars ..... ith auually miss his JOO-pound-plus body
Patric ia Medina (Phantom of the Rue from about )0 feet away. When Tor
Morgue). The same idea was much bet- walks right into the blast of an momic
ter eXIX:uted by Ray Harryhauscn in The bomb. he is reduced ro "noThing." He
Vllik), of G\i.I{Ingi. lives in a cave, carries a big stick, kills
people, and eats hair. The narrator re-
BEAST OFffIOROCCO, See peats absurd philosophical lines over
THE HAND OF NIGHT. and over ("Flag on the Moon- how did
it get there ?") and informs us of things
after they've happened on the screen .
BEAST OF PARADISE The actors stare hlrmkly waiting fo r
ISLAND, See PORT direction. At the end, as Tor is dyi ng,
SINISTER. he is shown holding and being licked
by a rabbiT. A sense less non movie,
BEAST OF THE DFAD, Sec worse than anything Tor did for Ed
BEAST OF BWOD. Wood, Jr. With Douglas Meller. Tony
Cardoza, and Barbara Francis. Director
Coleman Francis also edited the film.
197 1 New World (U.S.lPhlllppmes) THE BEAST THAT KILLED
Pr.OOUC£M: Eckhe Romero and John Ashley WO,IIf<.N
PlUCf~SC:f\lEHWNTl": Eddu: Romero 1965 Barry Mahon
Co-producer John Ash ley stars as a dis-
ciple of the Devil who kills people and Barry M~h on
absorbs their evi l. He is transformed A misogynist gori lla kdls women aT a
Into an unconvincing, snarling. crusty- nudist camp. Mahon made 10 other fea-
faced monSter who wonders about the tures for "adults on ly" the same year.
nature of God and the Devil when he
is not murdering or having sex. Roger THE BEAST WITH FIVE
Corman was execu tive producer. FINGERS
1946 Wnrm'r BTlltha~ (B&W)
1961 C rown Internat Ional (B&W) DIIUCTOP.: Robert Florey
H.OOUCEP.: Anthony Cardoza SCIU[N~ITEII: Curl Sloomak
OIP.£Cf~SCf\lEHWM"[P': Coleman i-=mncis Peter Lorre gCh a chance to act de-
AlSO AS: AlOnuc Morurer- The ranged in the last d&:ent American hor-
Be«sr 0( Yucc" Fku5 ror film !Unde for at lenS( another
YOIl might have been appa lled (and decade. Lorre is III lOp form strangling
de llghh.'d) watching The Creeping Ta- himself and trylll~ to mil l an IInaglllary
rur because It had no dialogue. ju~ t crawling hand to a t"ble. A wo nderful

special effect, the hand is at its best like a cicada," says one character). Th is
playing the p iano and strangling Lorre. revolting transformation is squeezed for
Luis Bunuel helped to film the powerful all it's worth, particularly when-for
hand sequenceS. The story, set in Italy, no reason other than cinema thrills-
features Robert Aida (Alan's dad), An- h is head starts to blow up like a moldy,
drea King, Victor Francen (as the dead wet balloon. This silly premise for a
pianist), J. Carrol Naish as a police horror movie is saved by a cast that
captain, and John Abixln. From the plays it for real; director Mora helps by
director of the original Murders in the casually tossing off explan ations of the
Rue MorKl«'. weird occurences, while concentrating
on the da rk aspects of the story and
the atmosphere of a tiny, incestuous
THE BEAST WITH 1, 000,000 Southern town. The end product of the
EYES boy's transformation- a slimier, more
1955 ARC (B&W) Ix-lievable version of dozens of rubber-
PIIO OUCEillJOUIJ:OO II: David Kromarsky suited creatures that stalked the 19505
:l(IIlEN'oVfI.IT(II: Tom Filer B-movies-decapitates, skewers, an d
The alien/beast/puppet created by Paul eats everyone in his path. Credit for
Blaisdell has only two actual eyes but the gory effects goes to T homas Bur-
it has the added advantage of seeing man 's makeup studio- the folks behind
through the eyes of the Earth animals Prophecy and Cat People. Music by Les
it controls. Thln explanation out of the Baxter. With L.Q. Jones. (R) -6M
way, this is an effective little science-
fict ion movie in which the family of
rancher Paul Birch is attacked by cows,
1982 MGM/UA
birds, and even the formerly faithful
PROOUCEIIS: Paul Pepperman. Sylvio Tabet
pet dog. Living in the desert. the beast DIII£CTOP;: Don Coscardli
controls lower life forms ;md a retarded SCIllENWIIITEIIS: Don Coscarelli,
farm hand affectionately known as Paul Pepperman
"Him," Lorna Thayer and Don ald Cole A sword-and-sorcery epic, directed by
complete Birch's terrified family. Silent the 28-year-old creator of Phantasm,
comedy star Chester Conklin is old man that sent most viewers over 12 to the
Webber. Roger Corman was executive exits. Rip Torn, a gCK>C! actor in dan -
producer. ger of becoming a permanent fixture
on the nation's drive-in screens, plays
THE BEAST WITHIN Maax. an evil cult priest with a large
1982 United Artists false nose. Under Maax's influence, the
PIIODUC£k,S: Harve~' Bernhard. blond hero (Marc Singer), whose sur-
Gabriel Katzka rogate mother is a cow. is able to com-
DIII£CTOII: Phillipe Moro municate with and command anima ls.
SCIIEENWIlITEII: Tom Holland His best friends arc twO cure ferrets that
Forget logic and you may enjoy this dark hang from his belt and ex-Charlie's
talc of a teenaged boy (Paul Clemens) Angel star Tanya Roberts as a slave girL
who turns into a cannibalizing insect. John Amos (the dad o n the Good Times
The MacCiearys neglected to te ll their series) has a Mohawk haircut and he lps
son that he was conceived when Mom Maax control h is barbarian warriors and
was raped by a ~wamp monster. Now zombie guards, who wear spiked learher
17, he's starting to shed his skin ("JUSt bondage gear.

1959 MGM (B&W)
",ooucu.: Allxrt Zugsmllh
OtN:CT~: Charles Haas
s.o.£EHWM'EM:Richard Matheson,
lewis Meltzer
ALSO m.EASED.u: Tlili Rebel Age
A lurid cop-after-a-rapist Story with a
beatnik-coffee-house background.
Steve Cochran srars as the detective
who will stop at nothing to catch "the
aspirin kid" (Ray Danton), a wealthy
young rapist who considers himself
above the law and mentally superior.
To show the detective that he can get
away with anything, he picks Cochran's
new wife (Fay Spain) as his next victim.
The amazing oddball cast includes BEAT THE DE VIL )ockie Coogan and SU"tIt'Il
Mamie Van Doren 35 an almost-victim; 1954 United ArtistS (B&W) Cochran c~ck ou! a cof-
Jackie Coogan as Cochran's partner ~("'DUU:ctOf.: John Huston fee IIous.- In The Beat
(seen in drag while staking out lovers' ~:JohnHllStoo, Truman Capolt Genera!ion.
lane); Jim Mitchum as Danton's eager A same recalling The Maltese Falcon.
trainee; and Louis Armstrong and his starnng Humphrey Bogan and Gina
band, who perform on sc reen. And lollobrigida. Petcr Lorre has blond hair
then there are the beats- Vampira as and calls hImself O' Hara. Robert Mor-
a poetess, Maxie Rose nbloom as a ley takes the S idney Greenstreet role.
wrestler, Charles Chaplin, Jr., and A big flop when first released, it was
Gra bowski, the "Beat Beatnik." Also billed as a "serious" adventure movie.
with William Schaller!, Guy Stockwell, Capote was sti ll working on the script
Regina Carrol, and Irish McCalla as while it was being filmed (in Italy).
O:>ogan's wife. Cinematography by Freddie Francis.


UP11954: M()\OW bogc,-
THE BEATNIKS man PeU"T Lorre. JW!1e-
1%0 Barjul (B&W) !UTJl("d from four ),eOl"s in
","ooucu: Ron MLlIer Europe!, hokU Kalherme,
DlIllCTOI\: Paul Frees born September 2 I in
KP.((NWMtJ.$: Arthur Julian, Paul Frees Hamburg, German). for
Talent scout hears leader of hipster ter- M jim phmograpru. Her
rorist gang singi ng along with jukebox mother iJ W formtT Anna
Maria 8renn",g of Ham-
and offers him a shot at stardom. Our burg. Fnend Humphrry
hero tries ro break (rom the gang and &gar!, u.uh whom Lorre
gets entangled in murder committed by sUlI'Ted m hu mosr recenl
resident manlac Peter Breck (Nick motion picture, Beat the
Barkley on The Big Valley). "The inti- DevLI, cooptTaU"s In W
mate secrets of the beat generation!" piwro taking.

the ads promised. Tony Travis stars, BEAUTYAND THE BODY
with Karen Kadler. Joyce Terry, and 1963 Manson
Charles Delaney. - CB PROOUCOJ OII\ECTOI\: Paul Man
Richard Tyler

BEATSVILLK See A romance travelogue that follows two

vacationing teenagers who meet on the
THE REBEL SET. beach in Santa Monica and share three
exciting days attending S[KHtS events
BEAU'IT AND THE BEAST in Southern California ;Jnd Mexico.
1946 Lopen (France) (B&W)
Pl\OOUCEI\: Emile Darbon Swimming, sky diving, ice skat ing,
DII'.ECTOI\ISCI\EEH\VM"lI\: Jean Cocteau
karate, bullfights, and rodeos provide
a..IGINALLY I'.ELEASEO IS: La Bdk et La Bete plenty of action. Physique star Kip
A beautiful artistic fantasy classic that Behar and Judy Miller part tenderly.
make~ one wonder why other movies
She returns to her car-hop job, and an
can't look like this. Josette Day and elaborate lie surfaces. - CB
Jean Mara is star.
1963 United Artists TO COLLEGE.
Pl\ODUCER: Robert E. Kent
Orville H. Hampton COLLEGE.
A forgotten quickie version of the fa-
mous fairy tale. It feawres the S[ars from BECAUSE THEY'RE YOUNG
The House of Usher (Mark Damon as the 1960Columbia (B&W)
beast ) and Atlantis, the Lost Continen! Pl\OOUCER: Jerry Bresler
(Joyce Taylor). If the beast resembles DII'.ECTa..: Paul Wendkos
Lon C haney as the Wolfman, it's be- sa.EENW?JTER: Jame.> Gunn

cause Jack Pierce, Universal's fa mo us "Because ... they're driven by strange

m;Jkeup artist, designed the face and new desires they don't understand!"
hands. With Michael Pate and Merry shrieked the ads. Because ... American
Anders. It was the last feature by Ed- Bandstand host Dick C lark is driven to
ward Cahn, who died the same year. play the new teacher at Harrison High
who understands the kids and the ir
BEAUTY AND THE BEAST problems. Tuesday Weld is "scared by
1976 TV an experience" with Michael Callan.
Hank Moonjean
Pl\ODUCEI\: The teacher wants to experience the
OII'.ECTOR: Fielder Cook principa l's secretary. Everyone ends up
KI'.EENWRlTEI\: Sherman Yellen happy, including James Darten, who
The Beast looks like a runaway (rom acts and sings, Roberta Shore, Warren
the Island of Dr. Morrall remake. As Berlinger, Chris Robinson, and Doug
played by George C. Scott, he resembles McClure. Bobby Rydell sings the hit
a boar instead of the usual werewolf. "Swinging School" over the credits, and
John Chambers created the makeup, Duane Eddy and the Rebels perfonn
complete with tusks and snout. Trish "Shazam" and the theme song, which
Van Devere is Beauty. Bernard Lee is was also a hit. I'd give the picture a
her father. Not very magica\. 10. Rydell and C lark get a 5.

DuJ/e)' Moore, PeleT
Cook, and Eleanor Bwn
m Beda~ded.

TilE BED SITTING ROO;f[ "Love Me"), a fly, :md a nun. Raquei
1969 Unlled ArtlSU (England ) Welch IS lust. Cook ~i ngs the theme
"-ODOC(f\/OlktCTOA: Richard lester song. A great comedy.
SQ.((N'oIfPJT£l : Jean Amrobus
The comic side of posmuclear-holocaust TilE Bl:.lJFORD INCIDENT
life , British style, CiVil ization has dis- 1965 wlumbla (U.S.lEngland) (B&W)
appeared and the few remaining inhabi- I'I'.ODOCWOIIUCTOl: James
B. Hams
tants gradually mutate into inanimate Kl(£HI.VNTtl: J3mcs Poc
objectS and non-human life forms. Dad Hams, formerly producer o( Stan ley
(Arthur Lowe) becomes a parrot, Mum KubrICk feawre~, made thiS fi lm a year
(Mona Washboume) turns into a chest after Or. Srmngelot't'. Richard Wldmark
of drawers. Daughter Rita T ushingham plays a navy captain who discovers a
is seventeen months pregnant. Dudley Russian sub off the coast o( Greenland
Moore and Peter Cook represent the and deCides to play cat and mouse with
government. Marty Feldman is a Com- it. He arms a nuclear missile and warns
muniSt. With Spike Milligan (who the Russians that he'll usc it i( they don't
wrOte the play it was based on). Ralph give themselves up. This creates a tense
Richardson, and Harry Secombe. situation aboard ship-and the threat
o(World War III. With Sidney Poitier
BEDAZZLED as a newspaperman. Martin Ba lsam,
1967 20th Century-Fox (England) James MacArthur, Wally Cox, and
Pf.OOUC(f\/OlktCTOII.: Stanley Donen Donald Sutherland. -AF
JO.UN"W"JT(l: Peter Cook
Short-order cook Stanley Moon (Dud- BEDLAffI
ley Moore) sells his soul [Q George 1946 RKO (B&W)
SPlggot (Peter Cook) and receives seven I'lODOC(1'.: Val lewwn
wishes. Trying [Q impress Eleanor Bron, DluaOA: Mark Robsoo
Moon becomes a rock star (singing !>CU(H'oIINTlM: Val l ewton. Mark Robson

the mean ing of decency and honesty. "
When Bonzo pulls off a jewel heist . his
sc ientlSt -tramer (Ronald Reagan) gets
blamed. Soon after this blockbuster was
released, its screenwriter was labeled
a Communist; he never wrote another
movie! Director De Cordova is beSt
kno wn fo r directing the Tomght Show.
He also did Elvis' Frankie and Johnny.
an awful Bob Hope fl op called l'U Take
Sweden, and Bonzo Goes 10 College. Ron
refused to star in the sequel because the
pia l wasn't believable! With Walter
Sleza k and Diana Lynn.

UPI 10/4/46: SCOT<'S uf In the last of Lewton's unique low bud- ll1EBEES
screen Sl<Irs wok /XITI III (I get RKO films, Boris Karloff stars as 1978 New World (U.S./Mcx;co)
saiOLIS JLj~-'usjj(m uf r~
Ma~ter Sims, the sadistic ruler of a no- PI\OOUCEI\ ! OII\ECTOI\ / KlU:ENWI\ITEI\;
film srriiu- JUTLlLg (In <'1n('T- Alfredo Z;lch;lnas
genc), 17lt'elm,l: 0{ rile S(.Tcen
wrious London asylum. Set in /761 and
inspired by the engravings of William Except for an impressive shot of bees
AClors Gwld at Los Angc-
ks uguJIL StadIum OClo- Hogarth, the story concerns Anna Lee. anacking the UN, this is a terriblel
OC'T 3rd. Among /LIm folk an actress sent to Bedlam after d is- funny disaster film with misfire humor
tUfClldmg rhe HIII$J ml.'I.'T- pleasing the fat Lord Mortimer (Billy and ridiculous dialogue. Hero John
mg mI.'. kfl II) TighT. Jane House). At an Inmate parry. a man Saxon and heroine Angel Tompkins
W,man, 1/1.'111)' Fonda. (Glenn Vernon) dies of asphyxiation find themselves covered with bees the
Buns Kmf.4{, and Gtne afte r being painted gold to unpe rson-
Kdly; Ru~dJ Rt<W1n IS ate " Reason. " Inmates have deSCri p-
s ralldn~ K(Jrf.,trscurrelll
tive names like Dan the Dog (Robert
film IS BedI"nI
Clarke) and Queen of the Artichokes
(Ellen Corey). One Inmate IS Judged
Lnsane because he invented mo tio n
pictures. There isn't much action, but
some of the charaClers and Situations
are priceless. With RIChard Fraser (as
a Quaker), Elizabeth Russel (as Karloffs
wife), and Skelton Knaggs. The year it
was released, Boris got marned for the
fifth tune.


1951 UnIversal (B&W)
""OOUCEI\; MIchael Kralke
Frederick Dc Cordova
~1\([NWIUTEIU: Val Burton, Lou Breslow
[\1n't miss President Reagan in his best-
lo\·ed role. The SlOry I:' based o n the
prcr11lsc that "even a monkey brought
up 10 the right surroundmgs can learn

firsr night they go ro bed together.
Angel's Uncle Ziggy (John Carradine)
puners around looking for a solution
to the Brazilian bee attacks. and gets
stung ro death for his trouble. Presi-
dent Ford. shown in aerual footage of
the Rose Bowl Parade, lives. Th is and
TV's The Saooge Bees beat lrwiO Allen's
The Swarm ontO the nation's screens.

1940 Columbia (B&W)
~ Wallace McDonald
DlALCTOII.: Nick Gnnde
K IU:£NWPJT[": Roben D. Andrews
Boris Karloff is a brilliant SC ientist
driven ro murder. Sentenced to death
for a mercy kil};ng, he continues his
old-age-stoppingexperiments in prison,
with the help of the prison doctor
(Edward Van Sloan.) He's given a full
pardon and becomes younger because
of a blood injection. The blood was
from a condemned criminal and causes be shocked out of your skin!" Bert was Is Boris Karloff the
him to murder indiscriminmely. With back With another real live creature the sfrangfer! Before I Hang.
Evelyn Keyes (Gone Wid! the Wmd) and next year in The Sp.deT. The theme song
Bruce Bennett. is available on The Fantastic Film MUJic
of Alben Glasser album.
I'PoOOOCWOIUCTOII.: Ben I. Gordon 1947 MGM (B&W)\IIMPJ: Fred freiberger, Lestcr Gom Pf.Ooocn: S'III1Uel Marx
"The screen's first full-length science- DII'.ECTO": Norman Taurog
fiction thriller with renltive creatures !" SOUN\VlYrrR: Robert O,n5idine
The ads assured you of this fact so you Wow! The first real fi lm about the A-
wouldn't be cheated by any phony stop- bomb! It's quite serious and the produc-
motion characters. Real grasshoppers tion was overseen by the U.S. Govern-
shown on a rear projection screen are ment. The title comes from a statement
magically made to attack Chicago! It by President Truman. Brian Donlevy
all started with the good old U.S. Gov- (lmcr Professor Quatermass) is the head
ernment dumping radioactive material of the Manhanan Project. Tom Drake
Ln the soil to improve crops. They grow (M aster of Las.sle) IS the wimp scientist
to immense sizes. as do the creepy who thlllks it shou ld be used onl)· for
hoppers. Peter Graves stars with Peggie peace. But the majority rules and Hiro-
Castle, Thomas B. Henry, and Morris shima IS destroyed. In Science Fiction
Ankrum. Graves saves [he day by lur- m the Cine ma John Baxtersays, "Hilari-
lIlg the bugs into the lake with a tape ous- Donlevy strides about pointing
of the grasshopper's mating call. "You'll at unseen installations and sa~'ing, 'Put

the cyclotron over here!'" With Robert A man is placed in an asylum. Greedy
Walker, Hurd Hatfield, and Ludwig relatives want his money. He plucks
Stossel as Einstein. out his eyes. A lot of the story centers
around a bell tower. On the last day of
BEHEl/IOTH THE SEtI shoot ing, the director jumped (fell!) to
AIONSTER, See THE GIANT his death (rom that very tower. The
BEHEI/IOTH. film was released directly to American
television. With Viveca Lindfors.
1932 Columbia (8&W) THE BELLBOY AND THE
DlklCT~: Jo hn Frands Dillon PLAYGIRLS, See THE PLAY-
~:)o Swerling, Dorothy Howell GIRLS AND THE BELLBOY.
Made in early 1931, this Sec ret Serv-
ice film was released after Frankenstein BEN
and advertised as a horror movie. It fea- 1972 Cinerama
tures Boris Karloff working for Dr. X, a ",ooucn,: Mort Briskin
masked master criminal running a dope OlklCTOA: Phil Karlson
ring who turns out to be Edward Van KMEHWkITEA: Gilbert Ralston
Sloan. Jack Hol t stars as an under- The army of rats from Willard are still
cover agent almost operated on by the o n the loose. A detective (Joseph
underworld doctor. With Constance Campanella) is investigating the mur-
Cummings. ders in the first movie. Liule Lee Hart-
Court Montgomery makes friends with
BELA LUGOSI AIEETS A Ben the rat leader. Acting with Ben
BROOKLYN GORILLA were Arthur O'Conne ll , Meredith
1952 Rea[art (B&W) Baxter, and Kenneth Tobey. "Ben 's
I'RODOCn: Maurice Duke Song" was a hit single by Michael
PlkECTOP.: William Beaooine Jackson. The first 500 lucky patrons at
so.£ENIIfkfTU: Tim Ryan first-run theaters in many cities got free
AI.SO k£l..U.S(O AS: T~ &,5 From Brooklyn photos of Ben! Like Willard, Bm was a
Bela Lugosi is Or. labor, a mad scien· Bing Crosby Production.
tist on a tropical island who meets a
team of Marlin-and-Lewis imitators. BENEtlTH THE PLANET OF
Duke Mitchell takes the Dean Martin THEAPES
role. He's no big deal, but Sammy 1970 20th Century-Fox
Petrillo, who looks and acts like a young "'oooc£l\: Arthur Jaco~
Jerry Lewis, is amazing. It was Bela's OIMCTOf\: Ted POSt
last role before his famou s Ed Wood , Paul Dehn, Mort Abrahams
Jr., features. From the company that A good seq ue I to Planet of flu: Apes. It
made Bride of the Gorilla. Jerry sued opens with Charlton Heston finding the
Sammy for copying him, and Mitchell Statue of Liberty and fa lling into a hole.
and Petrillo disappeared from the Astronaut James Franciscus teams with
screen. mute Linda Harrison and friendly ape
scientist Kim Hunter to find him. They
BELL FROAI HELL all end up in the buried ruins of Grand
1973 Avco Embassy-TV (Spain) Central Station, where masked tele-
I'WOOCDlOlA£CT~: Claudio Hill pathic mutants led by Victor Buono
so.£EtNI'MtA: Santiago Moncada worship a live atom bomb that soon

explooes. destroying what's lefl of the midget. and intelligent pood les. Al-
world. This did not, however. put a though not overly gory, it was the tacki-
stop to the lucrative Apes series. Three est yet (or Joan, who with her hair in a
increasingly silly sequels fo llowed. This tight bun manages to out yell the other
one also stars Maurice Evans (again). actors. Newspaper ads offered a "shock-
James Gregory as the brutal gorilla limit teST." Example: "Saw-teeth sav-
leader. Jeff Corey, Thomas Gomez. agely slash ing a girl :lpart rips my
Gregory Sierra . and the voice of Ro.:Idy nerves." C heck yes or no. Next StOp
McDowall. Roody wasn't in it because (or Joan: Trog.
he was busy directing Devil'$ Widow.
THE BEiUlUDA DEPTHS 1935 Columbia (B&W)
1978 TV ~OIJC~ Col umbia
PAOOOCW: R ankin. Bass OIUCTOP.: Erie C. Kenton
OII'l.ECTO'-: Tom KOlanl Ethel Hill. Bruce Manning
SCl.EEN\III\ITEI\: William Overgard Bela Lugosi is a bearded villain who
"150 I'I.ElEAS£D AS: II Gtme Up From Ik smuggles rare gems while pretending to
Bermuda Depths catch fish. Hero Jack Holt and Edmund
A prehistoric sea creature-a big tunle Lowe are deep-sea divers.
-and a woman who seems to have re-
turned from death threaten Burl lves THE BEST OF SEX AND
in the Bermuda Triangle. A theatrical VJOLENCE
release in Europe . With Leigh McClos- 1981 Witard
key and Connie Selleca. H.OOUCU.: Charles Band
OtI'l.ECT~: Ken Dh:on
BERSERK A feature made from 40 tra ilers of the
1968 Columbia (England) 1970s with onscreen commentary by
PP.ODU(EP.: Hennan Cohen John Canadine. Some of the films rep-
DII'I.ECT~: Jim O'Conolly resented are Zombie, Tourut Trap, Ter-
:lCf.£EN\III\ITU.5: Aben Kandel, minal Island, Tanya's Island, Truck Stop
Herman Cohen Women and BIIT) Me An Angel. Watch
Herman Cohen returns to his HO'ITon for it on cable. Also with David and
of the Black Museum idea of gruesome, Keith Carradine.
bizarre murders, but now he's got a real
star-Joan Crawford ! She's Monica BETRAYED WOAfEN
Rivers, owner and ringmaster of a 1955 Allied Artists (8&W)
traveling circus who'll do anything to ~OIJC~ William F. Broidy
draw bigger audiences. When some OIUCTOP.: Edward L Cahn
performers die during shows, profits SCAEEN\III\ITEI\: Steve Fi$her
soar. As a young tightrope walker, Ty "Love-starved gun molls make a break
Hardin becomes Joan's lover and dies (or freedom!" the ads screamed. De-
fa lling on bayonets. Michael Gough, tective Tom Drake is sent to investi-
as Joan's partner. has a spi ke driven gate condit ions in a ladies' death camp
through his head. Diana Dors is sawed where Esther Dale infl icts cruelties upon
in half! Robert Hardy is called in from Carole Mathews and Beverly Michaels
Scotl and Yard and, in a lud icrous as well as Drake's one-time fiancfe,
ending. discovers who the ki ller is. Peggy Knudsen. He arrives in time for
With Judy Geeson, Milton Reid. a a crnshout and is forced to accompany

the three into swamp country as they The first feature by the creator of the
search for Mathews' buried ti(ty grand. ughu Our radio show. Psychiatrist Ed-
The cops know just where to look, but mund Gwenn uses h ypnosis to separate
Carole would rather eat lead than the split personality of Phyll is Thaxter.
surrender. "These babes were plenty Obaler later made Fillt', Bwana Devil,
tough !" - CB and The Twonkey.


IN CUBA. 197 J Dimension Picrures (Philippines)
PROOUClkS: Eddie Romero, John Ashley
1944 Warner Brothers (B&W) SCIlEEN\V1UTE,,: Charb Johnson
PRODl)(U: Mark Hellinger Possibly the worst of the John Ashley
OIIlECTOI\: Edward A. Blatt Filipino films. Ashley plays a baby-faced
SCIlEEHWPJT(I\: Daniel Fuchs tough guy who is invo lved with bald
Second version of Ow ward Bound, Sut- gangster S id Haig in a scheme to seize
ton Vane's play about a sh ip of people sacred pearls from the population of an
who don't know they're dead and head- uncharted island. They join forces with
ing for Heaven(!). They spend the en- good guy Patrick Wayne and Lenore
tire cruise bickering and judging each Stevens to plunder and loot. Nereus,
othe r's li ves. Sound familiar ! Great the leader of the ancient islanders, is
Warner Brothers cast includes John no ne other than George Nader (he
Garfield, S idney Grce nsrreet, Paul sta rred in Robot Momfer, for God's
Henrcid, George Cou louris, and Elea- sake). He orders the beautiful "Syrene"
nor Parker. Music by Erich Wolfgang (Leigh C hristian) to mate with one of
Korngo ld. the strangers in order to continue the ir
race. The results mix hi larity with
BEWARE,tIY BRETHREN boredom. Most of the natives have eyes
1972 Cinerama (England) like Ping. Pong balls and carry Syren e
PROOUCWOIIlECTQk: Roben Hartford-Davies around in a giant clamshell. Ashley is
SCP.[[N\V1UTE,,: Brian ComporT incred ible as usual. Dimension Pictures
Patrick Magee is the minister of the was run by Stephanie Rothman and her
Brethren, a religious seCt whose finances husband C harles Swartz.
come from the late mother of Tony
Beckley. The young man kills women
so they can be reborn and "communi-
1980 IFI-Sc.ope III
cates" with his mother. Magee ends up "-DOUClkS: David Baughn, Htrb Freed
crucified. With Ann Todd. By the di- OIIlECTOA: Herb Freed
rector of Corrupfion. (R ) SCl\ElN\VPJT[I\S: Herb Freed,
Paul Ross
C rummy Exorcisf-type film, set on an
BEWARE THE BLOB, See island. W ith John Saxon, Lynda Day
SON OF BLOB. George, and Michael Dante. A laugh-
able 1000-year-old female spirit tries [0
BEWITCHED possess George. Music by Pino Donag-
1945 MGM (B&W) gio (CarTif). Director Freed next put
"-DOUCE!\,: JeTTy Br('sl('r Lynda's husband, Christopher George,
DIIlECTo..!SCIlEEHWM"E!\.: Arch Oboler in Graduafion Day. (R )

BEYOND THE BERAIUDA hushand (Jo hn Steiner), who isn't what
TRIANGLE he seems. This nonscquclls much more
1975 TV original than rhe first Door movie. (R)
I'P.OOUC[~Don Roth
OIIl£CTOf\: William A. Graham BEYOND THE FOG, See
so.E£N\VfJTtf\:Charles A. McDaniel HORRORS ON SNAPE
Reti red businessman Fred MacMurray ISLAND.
loses his fi ancee (and his three sons!)
in the famous triangle. With Donna BEYOND THE GATE, See
Mills, Sam Groom, and Woody Wood·
bury. A Playboy production.


1975 Film Ventures CU,S.lltaly) NURSE SHERRf.
DI~crOA; Ovidio AS50nitis (Ol i\'cr
He ll rll<ln)
A lthough part ially fi lmed in Califor- 1979 Warner Brothers
nia and with Engl ish stars, this is very ~ODUCEI\I'DIIU:CTOII.: I rwlll Allen
much a shcxldy Italian Exorcist clune. KMENWM1:II. : Nelson Glddin!:
Juliet Md ls (sister of Hayley and Nanny Maker of science-fiction schlock and
of the Nann)' and lhe Professor TV show) overcrowded d isaster epics Irwin Allen
stars as a pregnant woman who dupl i- brings us a ~equel to his earlier sinking·
cates all of Linda Blair'sgreen.puke con- ship hll. Michael Ca me (also mAllen's
vulsions and levitat ion nicks. The rest The Swarm) staN as a thle( tryin g to
is fi ller. With trash actor Richard John. loot the bom, containing the bodies of
son as her husband. It made enough an all-star cast. before It sinks. The sink-
money for t he producers to fa ke a ing ca:; t Include:; Sally Fields,Te lly
sequel. Presented by Edward L. Mon- Savalas, Peter Boyle, Angela Ca rt-
toro. (R) wnght, Simley Jones, Karl Ma lden,
Slim Pickens, Shirley Kni~ht, and Jack
BEYOND THE DOOR 2 Warden. Twenty-two minutes were
1979 Film Ventu re~ (Italy) added to rhe Tl'lev islon verSion, to fi ll
"'-OOUC£k: Juri Vaslli a three-hour time slot.
OIUCT~ : Mano 8:l\'a
Franco Barbieri BllRRIER
AUO kEUASEC> AS: Shock 1960A1P
Advertised in America as a sequel 10 ~ODUCU.: Robert Cl;lrke
Beyond lhe Door, it's the last feature of OI IlECT~: Ed~ar G. Ulmer
horror spec ialist Mario Bava and, like !.O£ENWlUTU.: Anhur C. Pierce
its predecessor, It'S about possession. One o( the bst: efforts o( cult director
Only one cast mcmher, David Colin, Edj::;"lr G. Ulmer, it stars Rohen C larke
J r., remains from the onginal. He stars as a pilot who hreaks the lime barrier
as a little boy possessed by a supernatu- and tind~ hUllself on a post-World War
ral power. An amnesia viC llln, his II I E.'mh, where he's captured hy mu-
mmher (Daria Nicolodi) has horrible [;lnb ami rescued by a pnncess o( the
nightmares and a mysterious second new lInder~rolind c iv i li~minn. U lmer

Strawberry Alarm C lock (who a lso ap-
pear on screen) and the Sandpipers.
With Edy Wi lliams, Erica Gavin, Haj i,
Pam Grier, and C harles Napier. Meyer
did o ne more major-studio film (The
Seven Minures), and then went back to
makmg his own distinctive mach o
fantasies. (X )

1966 20th Century-Fox (U.s.lltaly)
PRODUCEI'.: Dina De Laurem iis
DIUOOII: John Huston
SCP.£EH'Nllrrn: Christopher Fry
Before Dino gave us his versions of King
Roberr Clarke In Beyond filmed it on the site of the 1959 Texas Kong, Flash Gordon, and Orca, we were
the Time Bnrncr. St:1tc F:1irgrounds in D<11l:1S, using an blessed with his version of the first 22
exhibit of fUTUristic art and design for chapters of Genesis. Director John
sets. (He found time to make TN! Amaz· HustOn sta rs and narrates as Noah. Mi-
illg Trallsparent Mall there, [00.) Both chael Parks (Then Came Bromon) is
films, sho t in a matter of weeks) arc Adam. He and U lia Bergryd bcgat us
ultimate examples of minimalist film- all . Richard Harris is Cain. Stephen
making at its strangest. Star Robert Boyd is N imrod (the Tower of Babel) .
C larke was also in Ulmer's M all From George C. Scott is Abraham. Ava Gard-
Plant't X (1950). Wi th stock footage ner is his wife, Sarah. Peter OToole
from hland of Lost SoIlIs. plays the three angels. Filmed in Ital y
and Egypt.
1970 20th Century-Fox
~ODUC(IV'OllU:OO": Russ Meyer
UP/8!ll!1/. Man) a
$O[[HWPJTU5: Russ Meyer, Roger El'>ert
glrl can be caul/hi r~ rud,-
ments of ocung. but /iou, The incredible story of the Carne Na-
m<.!11)' au elldou-cd tmh lIOns, an all-girl rock group, in a funny
!he naturall/lflJ ()f a Ruqud look at Ho llywood decadence. Dolly
Welch or Mlml)·1\ Monroe! Read (PkIYbo)·'s Miss May '66 and wife
One of t~m IS Edy of Laugh In's Dick Martin), Cynthia
Williams. a I/ITI u..ho collid Myers (Miss December '68), and Mar-
reJIIt·Cllalf t~ miulbiWIlI5
cia McBroom make up the band. The
ofSuY! Cily sml/H~ by SITI,u_
iog IhrOllgh in a blkml mose memorable clwracter is Jo hn Lazar
filled nllt It!uh her ample as Z-Man Bar-ell the Teen Tycoon, who
39·13·31 fonn. £dy IS at one point pretends he's Superwoman
Il()\(! $lIIdymg u.'IIh ftllned and decapitates Lance (Mi chael Blod-
dram<.! cooch La SlTtI.lMg. gett). Blodgen now goes out with Presi-
Her ",0$1 TeCt'lU monon dent Reagan's daughter Paui Davis. The
pretUTe i$ Beyondthe screenplay is by Russ Meyer and Roger
Valleyof rhe Dolls... Ehcn of Sneak Pret,reu's. Music hy the

1974 New World 1957 Un iversal
I'fI.ODlJ((~: Roger Corman Pf.OOUCOJ OIMCTOP.: Will Olwan
DIIU:CTO": S Tev e Carver !.Q,£EH'.VPJT[P': D,wid P. Harmon
KI\EE~ITEI\S: WIlham Norton, A record-company exec who likes the
Francis Doel old sounds lets his rockin' son (William
In the tradition of Blood)' Mama, Angie Reynolds) start a subsidiary label. A mu-
Dickinson stars as a 19JOs Texas gang- sical demonstrating that Fats Domino
ster/mother. Audiences were surprised (performing " I'm Walkin' "), the Dia-
at her pre-Police Woman nude love scene monds (doing " little Darling"), the
with William Shamer, who in non-Star Del-Vikings, and the Four Aces are as
Trek roles a lways seems like Captain entertaining as the Mills Brothers,
Kirk caught in a rime warp. I was more Harry james, Cal Tjader, and George
surprised at the nude scenes with Susan Shearing. Bridging the generation gap,
$enncn (as one of Angie's daughters), '50s style. To a kid in the '80s, it prob-
who had just been Olzie and Harriet's ably all sounds equa lly foreign. With
innoccm roomer on CUic's Girls. Any- Hans Conried, Gogi Grant, and Rose
way, it's a fun movie with the usual Marie . Originall y billed with The Thing
machine guns, banjo music, To m Sker- Thar COllldn'r Die.
Tin, Robbie Lee, Royal Dano. Joan
Prather, and Dick Miller. Some of the THE BIG BUS
musIC is by Woody Gmhrie and Pete 1976 Panlllloont
Seeger. The next year Cloris Leachman ....oouco.s!Kf,l£N\II'M"US: Fred Freeman,
took her [Urn as CrazY Mama.{R) La .... rence J. Cohe n
OIMCTO«.: James Fmwley
Before Airplane, we got this less-popular
MEN. MONEY .... MOONSHINE disaster-film parody about a giant nu-
clear-powered bus containing a swim-
ming pool and a bowling alley. The cast
includes joseph Bologna, Stockard
Channing, John Beck, jose Ferrer, Larry
Hagman , Sally Kellerman, Ruth Gor-
don, Lynn Redgrave, and Vic Tayback.


1953 Lippert (B&W)
....oouc£..: Robert LiplX'T(, Jr.
OIMCTo«': Arthur Hilton
~klEH\V'kIT[":Fred Freiberger
Glenn Langan of The Amazing Colossal
Man is a rookie cop who passes up a
promotion because his pregnant wife
(Adele Jergens) wants him alive. Bur
life on the juven ile squad has its risks.
He gets into a railroad-yard shootout
with payroll robber Lon Chaney, Jr.,
then helicopters to Mexico in pursuit of
rhe rest of the gang. When he gets back

he and his wife have a new baby girl. THE BIG OPERATOR
With Douglas Kennedy and Jim Ddvis. 1959 MOM (B&W)
Hilton , more often an editor, also di- MOOOCEA: Albert Zugsmith
re([ed Cal Women of the M oon. - CB DIUCTOP.: Charles Haas
so.uH'WMtA: Robert Smith
ALSO Ul£AS£D AS: Anawmy 0/ (l Syndicate
THE BIG CIRCUS Mickey Rooney plays Litlle Joe, a rough
1959 Allied Artists gangster being investigated by the FBI
H.OOUCUf5O.£ENIIrmTU.: Irwin Allen in anOlher all ·star cxldity. With most
OIA£CfOP.:Joseph M. Newman of the cast of the previous Zugsmithl
This all-star cliche circus advenrure Haasopus, Th£ Bear Genen:lliort (Mamie
climaxes when Gilbert Ro land crosses Van Doren, Ray Danton, Jackie Coog-
Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Victor Ma- an, Vampira, and Sr:cve Cochran). Also
ture stars with Rhonda Fleming, Kath - with Mel Tonne, Jim Backus, Ziva
ryn Grant (The SetJenrh Voyagr of Sin- Rcxlann, and little Jay North. Real se-
bad), Red Buttons, Vincent Price (the rious st uff.
ringmaster), Peter Lorre (a sad-faced,
drunken clown) , Steve Allen, David BIGFOOT
Nelson (a deranged aeria li st ), the 1969 Ellman Enterprises
Human C annonball, the Jungleland H.ODU(EA: Anthony Cardoza
OIUCTOP.: Robert F. S latler
Elephants, Tex Carr and his Chimpan-
KU£HI.WJTEM: Robert F. Statler,
zees, and the Movieland Seals (as
James Gordon White
themse lves).
"Breeds with anything! Greatest mo n-
ster since King Kong! " the ads claimed.
Actua lly, it's the second worst Bigfoot
1969 Warners, (U.S.lMexico)
mov ie (see The Curse of Bigfoor). A to-
~ODllCU: Lindsley Parsons
rally ridiculous story about a Nonhwest-
DlP.£CfOP.: Tito Davison em missing link (a skinny man in a
SOEENIIrmTU.:William Douglas Lansford battered gori ll a suit) who kid naps
Retired Broadway star Adriana Roman wo men for breeding pUl'JX>ses. High -
(lana T umer) lands in an asylum after lightS include a fight between Bigfoot
steJXlaughter Karin Mossberg spikes her and a rea l bear, and a motorcycle gang
nightly sedat ives with LSD. Karin (led by famous nonsrar star's sons C hris
confesses to playwright Ric hard Egan Mitchum and Lindsay Crosby ) racing
when she realizes co-conspirator George to the rescue of Joi Lansing. Jo hn
Chakiris is onl y after her la te fat her's Carradine and another Mitchum Uohn)
fortune. The Finks perform "Lean On want to capture the monster for a side
Me"; Regina Tome is the mysterious show. With Ken Maynard, Doodles
Queen Bee. With Dan O'Herlihy. Filmed Weaver, Hajj, and lots of girls in biki-
in Mexico. In real life Lana Turner nis to tempt the poor lonely creature.
celebrated The Big Cube's release by
marrying her seventh husband. -CB BIKINI BEACH
1964 AlP
H. Nicholson,
H.ODI..ICU.S: James
BIG ENOUGH AND OW Samuel Z. Arkoff
DlUCTOA: William Asher
FROMHELL. Leo Townsend, Robert Dillon

Frankie and Annette on the beach Stock role from Funeral in Berlin. Filmed
~Part III. Avalon gets to air his per- in Latvia and Finland.
sonal hatred of the Beatles (and other
British groups who were then ruling the THE BILLION
airwaves) by playing the Potato Bug, a DOLLAR THREAT
British recording Star. Frankie also plays 1979TV
Frankie. He had enough trouble with PRODUCE"': Jay Daniel
one role, let alone two. His Bug por- Barry Shear
KltlENWP.ITEA : Jimmy Sangster
trayal, complete with long wig and
"yeah-yeahs," is really embarrassing. A comic James Bond-style pilot film
Keenan Wynn is the manditory adult with Patrick Macnee as Horatio Black,
star who tries to prove that his chimp, who threatens to destroy the world if
Clyde, is more intelligent than Ameri- he doesn't get one billion dollars real
can teenagers. Martha Hyer disagrees. quick. Dale Robinette is the hero. With
Annette is tom between the twO Frank- Ralph Bellamy, Keenan Wynn, and
ies, and Eric Von Zipper (Harvey Lem- Harold Sakata, still redOing his Gold-
beck) shows up to aid Wynn's antiteen finger role. Written by Jimmy Sangster
campaign. The highlights are provided of Hammer Films.
by Little Stevie Wonder, the Exciters,
and the great surf band the Pyram ids
(they're all bald and one is black). With
Don Rickles (as Big Drag), John Ash-
ley, Jady McCrea, Meredith MacRae,
Donna Loren, Boris Karloff (in a gag
bit part), and Val Warren as a werewolf.
Warren won a makeup contest in Fam-
ous Monsters magazine to land the small


1967 United Artists (England)
""ODUCEI\; Harry Saltzman
Dl'-lCTOI\: Ken Russell
KltlENWMEI\: John McGrath
Michael Caine as Harry Palmer, the
reluctant British agent, is back for the
third time in the last and weirdest of
the series. Karl Malden as Leo New-
begin works for Ed Begley as General ,l,
Midwinter, a Texas oil billionaire plan-
ning to destroy Communist Russia by !
starting a revolution from a base in
Latvia. The title computer is used to i
plan the uprising. Palmer gets involved
with double agent Fran~oise Dorleac
(who died in a car crash the year this ,
was released) and some deadly eggs.
Oscar Homolka reprises his Colonel 1
BILLY THE KID invcslIgmion finally leads to the killer.
VS. DRACULA Produced by Dario's father, Salvatore.
1966 Embassy PiclUres With Eva Renzi. The soundtrack album
~[k: Carroll Case with mUSIc by Ennro Morricone is sti II
PlUCTOA: William Beaudme available.
lo(f.£[NWIUTEP;: Carl K. Hltdcman

John Carradine (in a top hat and a THE BIRDS

goatee) is Dracula for the first time Since 1963 Universal
~ooucuJoIUCTOA: Alfred Hitchcock
1945. If you think 60-year-old John
KUEN\VIUTU: Evan Hunter
looks like a rather feeble vampire here,
see him in NocfUma 14 years later. This Hitchcock fo llowed the ground-break-
ing Psycho with another departure-
time he !XJSeS as the uncle of pretty
blond Betty (Melinda Plowman), owner a nature-turns-on-mankind story by
of the Bar-B ranch. Her foreman is re- Daphne Du Maurier. During a slowly
formed outlaw Billy the Kid (Chuck developing relationship between law-
yer Rod Taylor and an aggressive Tlppi
Courtney). Funny dialogue and low pro-
duction values in this hope less horror Hcdren (a model in her first movie),
Western. With Roy Barcroft and H:l1T)' birds begin to attack people randomly
Carey, Jr. Filmed in "Shockorama"(1). in an isolated California community.
This and co-feature Jesse James vs. A teacher (Suzanne Pleshette) and
Frankenstein's DaughteT were the last two schoolchildren afe pecked at. Birds
enter houses through chimneys. No ex-
movies of superprolific Willi:lm Beau-
dine, who directed over 115 films. planation is ever given. The special ef-
fec ts (Albert J. Whitlock) are a comb-
mation of real birds, animation, and
BIRD WITH THE CRYSTAL models. W ith young Veronica Cart-
PLUAIAGE wrighl. Jessica Tandy, and II bit with
1970 u'M.C. Distributors Hitchcock wal king pet poodles. No
(haly/W. Gennany)
MOOUCD.:: Salvamre Argento
AUO Ul.EASEO AS: CUcceUo dalle Pllmte dl
Cmtallo. Phalllam uf Trrwr
Except for Mario Bava's films. anything
upr ~/ZO/6Z: Dimror from Italy involving modem horror and
Allud Hitchcock inspecu crime has become synonymous with
SQITU! of the UOO finches
dull. This first effort by Dario Argento
appearing in ~ of the comes as a nice surprise because it's vis-
seaTie sequences for his ntw ually exciting and always interesting.
film. The Birds. The birds. A lthough based on an Edgar Wallace
shipptd 00tr from Japan. story. it's closer to Hitchcock than to the
cost Hitchcock $1.50 ptr formula Wallace mysteries. An Ameri-
head. "Man)' ptopk are can writer in Rome (Tony Musante)
afrakJ. of birds. " Hitch- witnesses a murder through a large win-
cock said. ··Somt womtn
art more ofrcud of brrds dow in a modem art gallery. The po-
than the, are of mice. lice refuse to let him leave until the
ThtTe is no ttrm for Uu.s murder (one of a series) is solved, and
pheba. PI!'I'Mp$ omunoo.a a caller threatens to kill his girlfriend
would be: COITect 1lSoO(t. .. (Suzy Kendall) if he doesn't leave. HIS

BIRDS DO IT gang, played themselves. Johnny Reb
1966 Columbia (played by King John Ill) joins the
""OOUCEI'.: Smnley Colbert Serpents. The gang S(X)n learns the hor-
DUUCTOk: Andrew Manin rible truth-he's a Chopper member
SCkt[HWMU.5: Arnie Kogen, Art Arthur passing for white! An all-out war results.
Cape Kennedy janitor Soupy Sales With Des Roberts, Linda Jackson,
(Ttw Little Bears) accidentally becomes James Whitwirth (The HiUs Haw Eyes),
"negatively ionized" so he can fly and a lot of bad songs, "What's Going
around with Judi the astra chimp. He On" and "Military Disgust" among
also becomes magically irresistible to them. Director Merrick made Guess
women (especially Beverly Adams). What Happened to Count Dracula the
With Tab Hunter, Arthur O'Connell, same year with many of the same actors.
and Edward Andrews. (R,


STORY PP.OOUCEI\: Marcello Danon
DIIVCTO'-: Paolo Cavara
BL1CKANGEL so.£EN\\mTER: Lucille Sales
1946 Universal (B&W) A confusing who's-the-killer movie
'''ODU(EAS: Roy William Neill, probably inspired by the success of Bird
Tom McKnight With the Cryscal Plumage. Victims are
.l)1'-1CTOft: Roy William Neill killed with a knife dipped in deadly
SQ..EENWMEk: Roy Chanslor spider venom. They're paralyzed, "so
A good mystery based on a Cornell they must lie awake and watch them-
Woolrich noveL Dan Duryea's treach- selves die!" Featuring three often-nude
erous estranged wife is found murdered. starlets of James Bond fame: Barbara
June Vincent enlists his aid to help Bouchet (Casino Royale), Claudine
prove that her cheating husband, con- Auger (ThunderOOll) , and Barbara Bach
victed of the crime, is innocent. Sus- (The Spy Who Loved Me). With Gian-
pecting Marko (Peter Lorre), a very carlo Giannini (Seven Beauties). The
suspicious night club owner, they get a soundtrack by Ennio MOrTicone is avail-
job at his club as a pianist/singer duo. able. (R)
Broderick Crawford is Captain Floo::l
of the police department. With Wal-
lace Ford. Lorre next starred in an Am- THE BL1CK BUCCANEER,
bler adaptation, The Chase. See RAGE OF THE
1970 Merrick International THE BL1CK CMfEL
MOO\JCEI\: Leo Rivers 193120thCentury-Fox (B&W)
DIN:CTOI\I$CA[EHWMU: Lawrence Merrick ASSOCIATE "'-OOUC[I\: William Sistrow
"God forgives ... the Black Angels Hamilton MacFadden
don't!" the ads read. An extremely vi- ~ Hugh Strange, Barry Conners
olent biker film with a white gang (the The second Warner Oland/Charlie
Serpents) vs. a black one (the Chop- Chan film. Made right after Dracula,
pers). The Choppers, a real California it features a turbaned Bela Lugosi

as Tarneverro, a fortune-teller, and rer Crowley than Poe, it combines clas-
o...:ight Faye in a bit part as a butler sical music, art deco s('[s, and clever
who actually did it. The only Chan film camerawork under the direction of the
shot on locatio n (Hawaii). it shows 3D-year-old Ulmer. With David Man-
Charlie eating breakfast with his wife ncr~, Jacqueline Wells (a.k.a. Julie
and ten children. The cast includes Bishop), and none other than John
Sally Eilers, Robert Young. and Mary Peter Richmond, later known as John
Gordon. Carradine. ;)s the organ ist. Note Boris'
black lipstick and haircut. A great
Lugosi line: "Supernatural, perhaps -
BLACK CASTLE h;)loney, perhaps not."
1951 Univers~l (B&W)
H.ODUCEk: William AllanJ
KkEENWklT£k: Jerry Sackheim 1941 Universal (B&W)
Tame. dull Gothic horror with Boris H.OOUCEP.: Burt Kelly
Karloff as the captive physician of the DIP.£CTOP.: Albert S. Rogell
murderous lord of a castle (Stephen Mc- KP.£ENWkIT£IU: Roben Lees, Fred Rinaldo,
Eric Taylor, Roben Nevill..
Nally with a black eye patch). Richard
Grecne arrives to avenge a killing and An unfunny old-dark-house murder-
faces a moat filled with alligators, a mystery comedy with a good cast. Bela
torture chamber, and a drug that makes Lugosi is a grizzly handyman who has
people appear dead. With questionable many pet cats. Basil Rathbone and Gale
characters played by Michael Pate and Sondergaard play relatives living in a
mansion. Hugh Herbert and Broderick
John Hoyt . and Lon Chaney. Jr., as a
halfwit. Also with Mara Corday. Crawford provide the laughs. With
Anne Gwynne and Gladys Cooper.
When it was re-released, bit player Alan
THE BLACK CAT Ladd received top billing in newspaper
1934 UniveTS<l1 (B&W) ads.
PkODUCEP.: Carl bemmle. Jr.
DlkECTOP.: Edgar Ulmer
ALSO P.£lEA~D AS: The VtlnlshinI! Body 1966 Hemisphere (B&W)
Karlclf and Lugosi together fur the first PRODUCER: Patrick Sims
time- and what a great movie! A s devil DlIlECTOIVKkEENWPJT[P': Harold Hoffman
cult leader/engineer Hjalmar Poelzig, Clever, original title for a gory exploi-
Boris Karlo(f lives in an ultramooernEu- tation film that is actually closer to th e
TlJflCan home, built on tOP{lt "the great- Poe story than the other earlier versions.
l'st graveyard in the world." He had A man thinks his father is reincarnated
stolen the wife of Dr. Virus Werdegast in a kitty, so he gouges its eye out and
(Bela Lugosi), and when she died he then kills it. He later kills his wife and
married her young daughter. When walls her up in the basement-you
Lugosi arrives, he is shown his wifc's know the rest. With a decapitation and
dead body floating in a glass tank and an axe in a skull. The stars are Robert
told his daughter is also dead. After Frost and Robyn Baker. From the di-
stopping a sacrificial ceremony, Lugosi rector of Underage and Love and the
skins Karloff alive and Ihe whole unholy Animals (a documentary showing how
place blows up. Inspired more by Alcis- animals mate).

BLACK CHRISTJIAS, See Manle, Hull h::1fJlwciteJ
SILENT NIGHT; EVIL Bela LI(gOSI for his !"Ok in
Black Friday.

1942 Monogram ( B&W)
MOOUCEIU: Sam Katzman, Jack DIetz
ONCTot.: Wilham NIgh
Harve y M. Gates
Wartime madness, released shortly after
Pearl Harbor. Bela Lugosi as a bearded
Nazi plastic surgeon turns Japanese spies
into Caucasians. Ads featured a signed
testimonial by Bela stating, "Never have
I worked in a stOry SO startling or so
blood-chillingly shocking. See it if you
dare!" W ith Joan Barclay and George



1940 Unl\'ersal (B&W) This film came Ollt the same month as
Pf.OOUC[~ Burt Kell y Star Trek: The MOIion Picture and was
OliI.ECTOk: Arthur Lubm mostly ignored evcn though it is fa r
SQ.((~: Curt S.odlllllk , Eric Taylor more enjoyable, with highly anginal
A c helll KarlofflLugosi fi lm in which and impressive special effects. A space
they have no scenes together and Stan- probe , the Palomino, discovers another
ley Ridges rea lly stars. As a doctor, spaceship, the C),gnus, commanded by
Karlo(( saves the life of his professor Ham Reinhardt (MaXimilian Schell)
(riend (Ridges) by giving hi m part of a and his killer robot, Max, o n the edge
dying gangster's brain. The man "be- of a black ho le. The entire crew of the
comes" the crook under hypnosis and C)"gTlIlS is made up of mindless human
kills underworld rival Lugosi and some slaves and robots (they look like a
of his men. Everylxxly's after the stolen bunch of Darth Vadcrs). The big draw-
mo ney stashed by the dead gangster. For backs to the film are two cutesy robots
a publicity gimmick, Lug05i was actually (voices by Roddy McDowall and Slim
hypno tised on the set (or his death Pickens). But don't miss scenes of a me-
scene . With Ann Nagel and Anne teor rolling down a main corridor, An-
Gwynne. thony Perkins lip against Max's TOIary
blades, and a large impressionistiC bridge
TIlE BlACK HOLE set. The srory is loosely based on Ju les
1979 Buena Vista Verne's 20,CXXJ League5 Under Ute Sea.
~OOUCD.: Ron Miller With Robert Forster, Ernest Borgnine,
DIAECTOP.: Gary Nel50n Joseph Bottoms, and Yvette Mimieux.
SCkllNWNnM: Jeh Rosebrook, Ger!")' Da~' John BaTT)' WTOle the score. - AF

THE BLIICK KLANSAfAN his dead co-worker. A girl arri\les to
1966 U.S. Films (B&W) claim an inheritance, fa lls for a physi-
PWOUCWDlM:CTO'-: Ted V. Mikels c ian she saw in her dreams, and stays
SCJI.[[N'oVNTD.S: John T. Wi lson, on as a nurse. An attendant who was
Arthur Na mes recently scarred with acid d ies, on ly to
AUO IWLt.)£O AS: 1Cro1Std cht: Color LiTU' return ro life with the spirit of the doc-
Racial-tension exploitation by one of tor who had been executed for a mur-
the world's worst direcroNl. Richard der he d id n't commit. The ugly re\li\led
G ilden stars as a Iight.skinned Negro corpse {who likes to play the violi.n}
emertainer who di scovers t hat his 10\les the nurse and wants to make h er
daughter has been killed in a Ku Klux ugly. too. With Raphael Bertrand. Mary
Kl an church bombing. Passi n g fo r Con ez, and Gaston Santos.
white, he joins the Klan and has an
affair with the local leader's daughter. THE BLIICK RAVEN
His white mistress and a black friend 1943 PRe (B&W)
arrive IO find him and are about co be DIA£CTO~ : Sam Newfield
hanged when .... At the happy cnding so,[[N'.IIRITEk: Fred Myton
the bad guys are eXJXlsed and racial har- The stars of The Mad Monster return in
mony becomes a reality. Made with the a story of murders at a roadside inn.
sensitivity of Mikels' The AstTo-Zorn- Vi llain George Zucco owns it. Dumb
bie5. Presented by Joe Soloman. h:mdyman G lenn Strange does wh at
he's told. With Robert Li\lingston and
BLIICKAtAGIC 1[, See Charles Middleton.
BLIICK N OON 1935 Columbia (8&W)
~ODUC[k: Raben North
1971 TV
DlP.lCTOk: Roy Wi lllllm Neill
PM>DUCW SCPHHWNlU: Andrew J. Fenooy
DIP.ECTOP.: Bernard Kowalski
SCI\E[N~ITO.5: Arthur SHawn.
Henry Meyers
TV's first occult Westem ~ A traveling
preacher (Roy Thinnes) and his wife Boris Karloff is great as 19th-cemu T)'
Czech twin brothers. A legend says that
(Lynn Loring) arrive in a town where
the kind younger brother will slay the
witchcraft rules. They should have
known something was amiss when they older sadistic one in the black room. [t
spou cd YvcHe Mimi eux (a mute). happens as pred icted in a round-a bout
Henry Silva (a gunfighte r). Gloria way after the bad twin kidnaps local
Grahame, and Ra y Milland (as Deliv- women, throws enemies into a pit, and
gi\les up his title of baron under mob
erance). By the director of S.~sssm.
pressure. With Marian Marsh , Kather-
ine DeMille, and Edward Van Sloan .
1958 United Releasing (Mexko) (B&W) BLII CK SABBATH
~ODUCEA: Alfred Ripstcin. Jr. 1964 A lP (lraly)
DII\ECT~: Fernando Mendel ~ODUC[~: Salvatore Billitteri
SCJ,£EN\IIIUT£A: Raymond Obon DIMCTOII: Mano Bava
OPJGINAllY MlUSED .4.5: Milterw5 del SCk(( N\VkIT[M: Marcello Fomiaw,
UltTalumoo Albert(l Bcrvllacqua. Mario Ba\'a
A pretty wild horror film about an asy- OPJGINAllY Ml£ASED.4.5: I Tre Volri della
lum doctor using a med ium to contact Pal/fa

Bowa at his best. This excellent three- Hoping to cash in on the previous year's
p<1rt horror story was labeled Black Sab- Tarantula, its star Mara Corday is on
bath by AlP to remind you of their hand with perennial hero Richard Den-
previous Bava hit, Black Sunday. They ning as a geologist. A scorpion battles
also added a new Les Baxter sound track a helicopter and a tram, and other ani-
and Bon s Karloff asa Thriller-type host. mated wonders appear, like a spider and
In "The Drop o( Water" ((rom a SlOry a worm with claws.
by Che khov), a nurse (Jacqueline
Pierreux) lakes a diamond ring hom the THE BLACK SLEEP
hand o( a dead clairvoyant. But the ter- 1956 Umted Anlsts
rifying corpse seeks revenge. In "The ",001)(0.: Howa rd W. Koch
Telephone" (by F. G. Synder), a prosti- DIUCTOI\: Reginald LcBorg
tute (Michelle Mercier) receives threat- John C. Higgens

ening phone calls (rom a dead man she AUO I\£l.EAS[O AS:Or. Cadman'5 Secret
had betrayed. In the best SlOry, "The Never before (or since) have so many
Wurdalak" ((rom a Tolstoy story), Boris horror actors been brought together and
Karlo(( is Gorca, a Balkan humer who told to act like mongoloids. Never have
becomes a vampire and must prey on so many ac.tors been so wasted. Only
his loved ones. His first victim is his Basil Rathbone and Akim Tamiroff get
litrle grandson, who rerurns from the to play semirational humans. Rathbone,
dead and cries to lure the family mem- as Dr. Cadman (in 19th-century
bers. It has a great chi llmgending. Also England), tries to cure his cataleptic
wuh Mark Damon (HoU5t" of Usher). wife by experimenting on people pro-
vided by Otto the gypsy (Tamiroff). His
lobotomy victims are kept in the base-
THE BLACK SCORPION ment except for Casmi r the mute but-
1957 Warner BrOlhers (B&W) ler (74-~'ear-old Bela Lugosi). Other
"-OOUCo.s: Fmnk Md(ord, Jack Diett brainless characters are John Canadine
DII\(CT~: Edward Ludwig as Borg, a bearded nut always spouting
SOJ:EHWMD.S: DaVid Duncan, Roben Blees verse; Lon Chaney, Jr., as Mongo, a
A low-budget featu re shot in Mexico witless idiot who strangles people; Tor
that includes excellent stop-motion ani- Johnson as Curry, a big. blind retard
mation effects (done in a rush) by Wil- kept in cha ms; a guy with a sku ll-like
lis O'Brien and Peler Peterson. The half-face; and a token bald woman with
terrifying huge scorpions make the mon- rufts of hair all over her body. In the
sters in most other films look pathetic. end, the army of mutants escapes,
chanting "Kill, kill, kill." They do. It
was the last film Lugosi made. He died
in August 1956.

1960 AlP (Italy)
I'I\ODUCEI\: Massimo Derita
OII\(CT~: Mario Bava
S(P.EEN\VI\ITEI\5; Enmo Oi:<:onClIli,
Mario Bava, Marcello Coscia,
Mario Seranore Bdo. Lugosi (kit) andJohn
OI\IGlHAU.r ik£l.£AS(D AS: La Mruchera del Carradine (right) dme u.oith
Drnwruo rkcasto{ The Black Sleep.

English-born beauty Barbara Stee le be- BLACK TORAIENT
gms her horror career in this classIc first 1964 Governor (England)
(eature b)' fo rmer c inematographer n.OOUCo,/OtUCTOI'.: Roben Hanford-DavIS
Bava. As Princess Asa, a witch, she Derek. Ford
sa.£(JfI.\/'M"tM: Donald and
has a metal mask with spikes pounded A British Lord Gohn Turner) remar-
mto her fdce and is burned at the stake. ries after his wife's suicide and returns
When she's revived a hundred years to his gloomy old castle. W itness mur-
later by drops o( bllXXl, she summons der, a ghost on horseback , and an un-
her vampire servant (Arturo Dommici) believable trick ending. With Heather
from his grave and tries to take over Sears.
Princess Katia (also Steele). Don't miss
this atmospheric horror c lassic Inspired BLACKZOO
by Gogol's "The Viy." Music (U.S. 1963 Allied Anisrs
version) by Les Baxter. With John n.OOUC[1'.: Herman Cohen
Richardson. AfTer iL~ American success, DlUCTOk: Robert Gordon
AlP brought Steele TO America (or The Kk((H\VklTEkS: Aben Kandel,
Pit and the Pendulum. R!ack Sunday pre- Henniln Cohen
miered in Cleveland at the Allen Thea- L.A. zoo owner Michael Gough sends
Vic MOTTO« In Black- tre. Patrons were given a special ca rd his various jungle cats (and a man in a
bo.·udJunglc. with a proTeCTive chant. gorilla suit left over from Konga) to maul
his enemies. He loves the animals so
much that he plays an organ recital (or
them while they lo unge on the bving-
room furn iture; he even we(lrs a tiger-
skin rug fo r ceremo nies. Jeanne Coo-
per IS his wife. Rod Lauren is a mute
keeper Gough likes to beat . Virginia
Grey, Jerome Cowan, and Elisha Cook.
Jr., arc all victims. With Marianna Hi ll.
Edward Platt tS a detecti ve. Look for
the rare photo/comic book of Black Zoo
put out by Horror MonsfeTS magazine.

1955 MGM (B&W)
n.OOUC(k: Plmdro S. Berman
OIUCTOIUKkEENlllklfEk: Richard Brooks
This lop-notch look :It :In inner-city
New Yo rk vocat iona l school featu res
ramp:lnt juven ile deli nquency and
"Rock Around the C lock" by Bill Haley
:lnd the Comets as its theme song. Al-
though a pre-rock 'n' roll man ia fi lm,
it did more than any other to spread
the word. Glenn Ford stars as t he
teacher called Mr. Daddy-Q by his
students. Most of them don't seem in-
terested In learning and act like prison -

ers stnkmg out at their wardens, a aters real fast. Cheap thrills with Rob-
shock ing revelation to many older ert Carradmc, Jun Mitchum, Ray Mil-
filmgoers. Vic Morrow, making his film land. June Allyson, Belinda Montgom-
debut as the main tough guy, beats up el)', and Jean-Pierre Aumont. (R )
Foret threatens hLs wife (Anne Francis),
and smashes his math teacher's colle<:- BLACULA
tlon of jazz 7&, Other studems arc Sid- 1972 A lP
ney Poitier, Paul Ma'Zursky, Raphael 1'P.OOlJC[L\: Joseph T Naar
OIN:CT~: Wil ham Cram
Campos, Jamie Farr (then known as
SCJI,[ENWP.ntM: Joan Torres.
Jarneel Farah), and Allison Hayes. Mar- Raymond Koenig
garet Hayes is a teacher. With John
Bener than most of the black horror
Hoyt, Louis Calhem, Richard Kiley,
fi lms, but besides the inLtial novelty,
Horace MacMahon, and Richard Dea-
it's pretty ordinary, William Mrmhal1
con. Based on a best-selling novel of
is good as Manuwalde , a vampire in
the same t itle by Evan Hunter. Rebel modern L.A. As a fo rmer African
WirhOL11 a Cause was released the same
prince bitten by the origina l Dracula,
year. he's appalled by contemporary customs
and morals, putting the bite on drug
BLACKI!.' NSTEIN dealers and homosexual :H\lique deal-
1973 Exclusive International ers to help clean things up. Thalmus
""o oUCEIIISCUEH\IIPJTEk: Frank R, Salem Rasulala finally defeats him. With De-
OIUCT~: WLlIiam A. Levy
nise Nicholas (Room 222), Elisha Cook,
AUO M:UM[OAS: Block Fmnket\5tem
Jr. (..... ith a mechanical hook hand),
After Bktcula this was inevitable, but Vonetta McGee, and Gordon Pinsent.
nobody could have guessed how bad it It was billed as the first black horror TMlmus Rruu/ala !.Iuk,
would be. It's a totally inept mixture film. It wasn't. Scream, Blacllla, Scream tI gd'] '-'Ilmp!rl' In till open
of the worst horror and blaxploitation was (he seque l. MUSIC by The Hues R'tll'(' ",fule Denu,," Nicho-
films-and Liz Rena}' (Desperate liv- ku u'IllChcs in Blacula.
O>rporation .
Ing) IS in it! A crazed scientist creates a
beefy black mo nster with an afro. The
cre ature ILkes to lear open the shirts of
his female victims before killing them.
If you think aging actors have it bad,
how about an old special effects expert?
Ken Suickfaden, the man who created
the incredible electronic gadgets in the
original Universal Frankenstein movies,
made some token 'Zaps in this equal-
opportunity landmark. With John Hart,
Ivory Stone, and Andrea King. (RJ

1978 New World (CanadaIFrance)
Pt.OOUCE~: Nicole Boisuert. Eddy Matalon
OIUCT~: Eddy Matalon
A violent all-star look at Ne ..... York's
1977 blackout. It dis,'lppeared from the-

BLADE utcs of gore and vio lence cut fro m the
1973 Joseph Green Pictures theatrica l print. (R )
MOOIJCEP.: George Mansse
DIP.£Oo..: Ernest Pinto(f
SQ,(EH\II'MUS: Ernest Pintoff,
Jeff Lieberman AIONSTER
"A psycho-karate killer brm aiizes his 1963 AlP-TV (Spain/Italy)
~DUClk: Alberto Aguilera
victims and your emotions!" the ads DIUCTC».; Albeno deManillO
promised. John Marley stars as a detec- SCUEHWMUS: Bruno Corbucci.
tive stalking a killer in New York C ity, Giovanni Grimaldi, Natividad bro
where th is confusing thriller was shot. AUO ULLUED M: H orror
With William Prince, Keene C urtis, Forgettable horror loosely based on Poe's
and Marshall Efron. Co-written by Jeff "The House of Usher" and "The Pre-
Lieberman (Squinn). Pinto(f also di- mature Burial. " An insane d isfigured
rected Dynamite Chicken and Lunch Englishman has buried his daughter
Wagon Girls. (R ) alive. With Gerard Tichy and Joan
1982 Warner Brot hers BLASl'OFF GIRLS
",ODUCEII.: Michael Deeley 1967 DominanrfBoxo(fice Spectaculars
DIr.£CTOP.: Ridle~' Scott I'f.OOUCOIOIM:CTOOsaaN\VPJ1U.:
SQ,(EH\VlIJT[I\S: Hampton Fancher, Herschell Gordon Lewis
David Peoples
The Big Blast rock combo vs. crooked
The director of Alien returns with an- manager Boojie Baker (Dan Conway),
other superior big-budget ($27 million) who bribes promoters, h ires girls to rip
science-fiction feature . A futuri sticjilm the boys' clQ[hes off, and mkes half of
nair adventure based on Do Androids everyth ing. He tries to blackmail the
Dream of Electric Sheep! by Phill ip K. group inio an even better deal fo llow-
Dick. it's a much m OTe difficult film ing a phony drug raid. but his plan
than Alien or any of star Harrison Ford's backfi res and they tear up their contract.
mher acrion hits. In 21st-century Los Featuring Ray Sager and Colonel Har-
Angeles, Ford is forced [Q conti nue lan Sanders. The band is actually the
terminating out-of-control superhuman Faded Blue-Tom Tyrell, Ron Liace,
replicants, primarily beaut iful Sean Denn is Hickey, Chris Wolski , and
Young and Aryan killer Rutger Hauer. Ralph Mullin. -CB
Some fans will recognize t he unique
Bradbury Building previously used in
"The Sixth Finger" episcxle of The Oueer
1972 Hallmark (Spain)
Umit5. Most o( Blade Runner takes place
ruCUTM: ""OOUCU: Salvadore Romero
on massive, incredibly detailed sets of OIP.ECTOOSCUEH\VIIJTD.: Annando De Os.sorio
tOwering megastructures built above the OAIGINALLY P.ELEASEO M: /...0. NOCM del Tt'TTOf
crumbling o ld bu ildings. The stunning Ciego
visua l effects are by Douglas Trumbull. AUO P.ElEASf:O M: Tombs of lhe Blind Dead
Music by Vangelis. With Joe Turke l A 13th-century religious seC t called the
(the bartender in The Shining). A Templarios were executed and blinded
fascinating , sadistic movie marred by (by crows) for killing women d uring
an unrealistic happy ending. The vid- blood rituals. They return from their
eocassette versio n contains five min- graves as mummified bloodthirsty skel-

The TemplariQ5 Knights
terrorize the Sp(lIIish shore
in The Blind Dead.

etons on horseback and attack 20th- tionist, and oozes through the holes in
century Spaniards. This atmospheric the wall onto the patrons below (busy
horror film was so popular in Europe watching Daughter of Horror). A per-
that three sequels resulted. Retum of fect effect to unsenle the theater audi-
the Rlind Dead was next. Starring Lone ence watching The Blob! After consum-
Fleming and Cesar Burner. (R ) ing some of the people, it grows so big
it's forced out the front lobby doors.
BLIND ~1AN'S BLUFF, McQueen and h is gi rlfriend try to warn
See CAULDRON OF BLOOD parents and police, but hey, they're just
drunk kids, rig h t? With Olin Howlin
THE BLOB as the firs t victim (an old man) and
1958 Paramount Aneta Corseaut (best known as Helen
H.OOUCEk: Jad: H. Harris Crump on The Andy Griffith Show) as
OtM:OO ..: Irvin S. Yeawonhy McQueen's girl.
K A.HNW1\lnltS: Theodore Simonson.
Ingenious teen scil'nce-fict ion classic 1955 Globe Roadshows (B&W)
with 28-year-old Steve McQueen in h is H.ODUCU; George Weiss
first st.arring role. The ever-growing DIIl.ECTOA: Robert C. Dertano
blob, bright red with the blood of the Gym owner Timothy Farrell tampers
humans it absorbs, terrorizes a small with horses and sets up crooked lady-
American town by overtaking its most wrestling ma tches while dodging syndi-
treasured institutions- a supermarket, cate hit men and investigators from the
a diner car, and a movie theater. The Senate Cri me Commission . He's skip-
theater scene is especially great: the ping town with a suitcase full of money
gelatinous mass makes its way to the when his number comes up. Seamy mat
projection booth, engulfs the projec- action features C lare Mortensen , Rita

hiS lover (Eva Bartok) own a lux urious
fashion salon and traffic drugs on the
SHOCK AFTER side. One by one, their beautiful mod-
els are killed by a masked man with a
SHOCK aFTER horrible metal claw glove. Fearuring ")0
of the world's most glamorous girls!"
SHOCK Bava's imaginative shockers were treat-
ed like cancer when shown in A merica's
as Desire drives inner-city theaters. Today similar but
a bargain with inferior film s are treated as major, even

MURDER! respecrable releases.

1971 A l P
PROOIKEII.S: Ed Carlin, Gil Lasky
DI,-£CTO~: Philip Gilbert
KI\EEN\VPJTE~: Gil Lasky
One of the sickest PG-rated films ever
made, starring G loria Grahame. Set in
an orphanage, the plot involves torture,
starvatio n, murder (with hammers),
blackma il , rape, incest, and frozen
Martinez, and Peaches Page. Globe. an corpses. Vic Tayback (from the Alice
art-house outfit, also released DanCt' Hall show) makes a surprise appearance.
Rocket. Farrell appears in jml Ball. -CB Newspaper ads featured a big bloody
hammer and promised "shock after
shock after shock." W ith Melody Pat-
BLOOD! Terson and Mi ltOn Selzer.
1974 BryanslOn
Pf.OOUCEP.: Waller Kenl
OlklCTO«./ so'£E~": Andy Milligan
1960 Paramount (Francelltaly)
HOrrible horrors from Slah:n Island. In PRODlJC(k: Raymond Eger
1899 Dracula's daughu"r anJ the Wolf· DII\ECToNK,-£EtfIoVNTEk: R~'Cr Vadlm
man's son marry and move to Amenca ~GINAUY '-£LU.lEO 45: EI Mounr de PklIsir
and grow carnivoruu~ planh. (R) An atmospheric, bloodless version of
Sheridan Ie Fanu's Camilla, which had
BLOOD AND BLACK LACE previously been the basis for Vampyr
1964 Woolner Omly/Fr.mccl (1932). Annene Vadim is Carmilla , a
W. Germany)
woman in modern-day Rome obst:ssed
",OOUCE~: M~5simn Pa ri:., Alfr.:J Mmlbc1
PP.ODUCE.. (English wr,ion): L"u Mi':»
With her vampire ancestOr Mircalla. Her
DIUCTOI\: M,lTio 1l1va aristocrat cousin (Mel Ferrer) puts on
SCkEEHWl\rTUS: Mario Ba"a. a masked ball celebrating his impending
Marcello Fondal. ), Olusel're Banlla marriage ro Elsa Martinelli. Carmillal
o«'lGINAlU ktUASEO AS: Sei iJmme per MiTcalia kills a servant girl and" bites
L;A.l5a55111O her cousin's fiancee. The version dubbed
Even Cameron Mitchell is good in this for American audiences omitted all ref·
beautifully phorographed ahead-of'lts- erences to lesbianism, pretty much d e-
t ime gore- murder thriller. Mllchcll and StrO~·tnll the story.

BLOODBATH movie director. YO\I might want to en-
1966AIP(B&W) dure it for the film debut of P.J. Soles
~OOUC(~:KAEOfllll'mu: Jack HIll of Rock ·n' Roll High School fame.
DIP.£CTOM: Jack Hill, Stephanie Rothman Otherwise, take a na p.
AlSO P.£LLASED AS: Tra(;k of the V(lmpire
A confusing but interesting horror film BLOOD BEACH
with an even more confusing history. 1981 jerry Gross Organization
William Campbell is Antonio Sordi, a ",OOl.lCU: Sll~vcn Nalcvansky
crazed artist li ving in Ven ice, Ca lifor- OIAlCfOPJ'KIUEHWMtk: Jeffrey Bloom
nia. He believes he becomes his 15th- People are sucked intO the sand by a
century ancestor, a vampire/artist who ridiculous creature you only get to see
was burned at rhe stake. He stalks girls for a few seconds. In one attempt at
and kills them. or sometimes lures [hem humor, a rapist is castrated by the un-
to his bell-[Qwer studiO and drops them seen monster. A slow, uneventful '50s-
into a vat of boiling wax, then paints style movie with John Saxon and Burt
them. Sordi is in love with w ri Saun- Young as contrasti ng cops, and Mari-
ders, a ballerina whom he believes to ann;l Hill and David Huffman as trou-
be a reincarnation of his ancestor's bled lovers. \ R)
mistress. He Kills her friend Marissa
Mathes (Playboy's Miss June 1962), BLOOD BEAST FROAt OUTER
whose sister (Sandra Knight) shows up SPACE
onl y to be killed herself. In the unlikely 1966 World Enlertammenl Corporation
ending, his wax-covered vict ims come (England) (B&W)
to life and kil l him. Executive producer PkOOOC£k: Ronald Li les
Roger Connan fired director Hill. Steph- DlN:CTOk: johll GIU mg
anie Rothman was given his footage plus Kk£(HWMtk: Jim O·Connoll~·
4UO k£LLASEO AS: The Nighr Caller From
old footage from a Yugoslavian vam-
Olll~ Space
pire film and told to shoot new footage
and have it all make sense. Sources
conflict, but I'm sure thi s contains Dtlecriw}Q/m Saxon on
scenes from a 1965 feature called Portrait W jOb In Blood Beach.
In Terror with Pauick Magee. In any
case, Rothman shO! the footage with
Sandra Knight. Also wuh Connan reg-
ulars Jonathan Haze and S id Haig.
Sound by Gary Kurtz, who later pro-
duced the SlaT Wars movies.

t976 Cannon
H.ODUCU.: Anthony FmglelOn
nus very local New York anthology of
wemi tales by the directOr of Blood Suck~
mg Freaks shouldn', be confused with
the '60s film of the same name. It con-
sists of short T wilighr Zone-like sequences
and features Harve Presnell as a horror-

A disguised mutant alien (Robert Crews- over a pit of spiders and snakes and Lex
don) arrives fro m Jupiter's third moon is strapped down under a razor-sharp
in a glowing orb, rems a shop in Soha, pendulum . Lee really looks dead a nd
and places ads in Bikini Girl magazine there are some striking visual treats like
for models. The beautifu l women are an impressionistic forest full of corpses.
replenishing h is world with healthy
babies. A female sc ientist iX'SCs as a THE BLOOD DRINKERS
model to find out what's gain' on. Her 1966 Hemisphere (U.S.lPhilippints)
co-scientists are Maurice Denham and PkODUCEk: Cirio H. Santiago
American John Saxon. With Saxon as DIIU:CTOf.: Gerardo de Leon
a hero it's no wonder that the under- Kk£l:NW?JTEP.: uw r Amigo
cover scientist/model gets killed. Don't AUO ~l£ASED AS: The VampiTt Ptople
miss the theme song. It's nice see that they can make a
monster movie in the Philippines with-
THE BWOD BEAST TERROJ<, out John Ashley. Marco the Vampire
See THE VAMPIRE BEAST (Ronald Remy) has a girl and a dwarf
CRAVES BLOOD. for assistants. He also has a bat that
acts as a carrier pigeon. The girl he loves
BLOOD CEREAtONY, See is dying, so he goes after her twin sister,
FEAfALE BUTCHER. plan ning a heart transplant. Amelia
Fuentes, who plays the twins, returned
BLOOD COUPLE, See GANJA as a vampire in CrtalUrts of Evil a few
years later. It's parrially in real colo r
and mostly in tinted black and white.
1963 Box Office Spectaculars
PkODUCEk: David E Friedman
BLOOD DEAtON DIIU:CTOf.: Herschel! Gordon Lewis
1967 Hemisphert (W. Germany) KIU:[NWPJTEP..: A. Louise Downe
""ODUCE!\: Wolfgang Kuhnlem
DI~CTOk: Harold Reinl
This is it! The infamous first gore film.
SC~EN'olaJn:k: Manfred R. Kohler If you can stand the sight of guts, it's
O,..GINAU.Y IU:~ED AS: DIl SchLangengrube hilarious. In Miami, Fuad Ramses, an
und dru Pendet Egyptian caterer, worships a goddess (a
AUO ~I.LU(D AS: The Torture Chamber of mannequin) and murders women for
Or. Sadum their body parts. A tongue, brains, and
This is supposed to be based on Poe's a leg are removed in d isgusting and con -
"The Pit and the Pendulum" but forget vincing full-color detail. As the limp-
that and enjoy the outrageous story. ing caterer, Mal Arnold is a detennined
C hristopher Lee is Count Regula, who bug-eyed psycho. Connie Mason, Play-
had been beheaded and dismembered bo)"5 blond June 1963 playmate, isgiven
for kill ing 12 virgins. Forty years later, an "Egyptian feast" by her mother.
his indestructible servant puts him back Guess who the caterer is. A weird-
together and he's ready for virgin num- looking cop (Thomas Wood) saves
ber 13. A baroness (Karin Dor), her Connie JUSt in time and Fuad ends up
attorney (ex-Tarzan Lex Barker), her crushed in a garbage truck compacter.
maid, and a monk (who is really a thief) The acting is terrible. I(the actors were
arrive at the castle. Karin is suspended as good as the effects it would be nearly

Fuad Rarrues acltlCkJ m
The Blood Feast.

t ,j' "" .,,..
impossible to watch. The girl whose BWOD FIEND, See THEIlTER
head is ripped open on the beach is OFDFATH.
Ashlyn Manin, another Playoo, Play·
mateofthe Month (April 1964). Lewis
was the first, and (or years the only,
person making offensive fi lms like this. ANDY WARHOL'S DRACULA.
He had previously made nudic fi lms,
but after this rural drive-in hit he did BWOD PROAl THEAIUAMfY"S
1,CXXl Maniacs, also with the untalented TOAfB
Miss Mason. Lewis is also credited with 197Z Hammer/A lP (England)
the music , the photography, and the ~u.: How-,ml Brandy
special effects. In "Blood Color." DlUCTOM: Seth Ho lt. Michael Carreras
KP.[EHWMU: Chmwpher Widdng
This mummy is female , unwrapped, and
from a Bram Stoker story. The sou l of
BLOODFFAST Queen Tflm is transferred to the da ugh -
1976 Cannon (Italy) ter (Valerie Leon) of one of the arche-
OtU:cro,-: Emil P: Miragala ologists who desec rated her tomb. A n -
~: Frank Pitto
drew Kier and George Coulouris lead
Feast 0/ Flesh
the modem-day expedition that leads
The original feature bearing the title to death, The same story was remade
Blood Feasr deserved it. This extreme ly
as The Awakening.
boring police mystery starring Barbara
Boucher should be ca lled Uving Room
Furniture because the chairs and lamps BWOD LEGACY, See LEGACY
arc more interesting than the actors. OF BLOOD.

Sandra Harrison is no typica l vampire.
She becomes a vampire when the evil
headmI stress of her girls' boardi ng
school hypnotizes her. And her looks!
She can hardly close her mouth for th e
long pomty teeth sticking Out. Her long
hair comes to a point o n her forehead.
She has jets of hair behmd her ears,
enonnous winged erebrows, and a white
face. Really hot stuff! (She also wears
the required '50s tight sweater.) With
Louise Lewis, Gail Ganley, Thomas
B. Henry, and Richard Devon. Ads
warned: "In her eyes-desire! In her
veins-the blood of a monster!"

1967 Paragon Pictures
~OOUC[~: AI Adamson, Rex Carlton
BLOODMANlA OI"'CTO~: Jean Hewm, AI Adamson

1971 Crown Imem.lUonal

SCAl[NWM't~: Rex Carlton
~: PererCarpemer. Chris Marcom
Dracula's Crufle
ALlO '-£L£ASlD AS:

DlAlCT~: Robert O'Neil Not only is this a t\'pically laughable

~: Toby Sacher, Tony Crechalcs Adamson Z·movie-star John Carra·
Lousy sleaze about an abortion doctor, d ine doesn't even play Dracula. He's
drugs, blackmail , and a plot to gam an George the butler. Alex D'ArC)' and
inheritance. The "shocking climax"
during the last 15 minutes ;s supposed
to "jolt rou out of your seat." You've
been warned. Starring co-producer
Peter Carpenter and Maria De Aragon.
(R )

19;7 AlP
PflOOUCEfI: Herman Cohen
DIA£CTOfl: Herbert L Strock
SCMEH\\I'-JT£I\: Ralph Thorton
You can't tell from the bland title, but
this is the (emale counterpart to I Was
a Teenage Frankenstem and I Was a Tern-
age Werewolf. All were Cohen produc-
Note w fm'lfic f'l'I£1k-up tions from the wonderful year of 1957.
job on w tar of [hu Blood (At least it was a wonderful year for
of Dracula's Castle 5fOT. drive-in movies and rock 'n' roll.) Young

Paula Raymond (SIar of The Bease From ered head. \'(Iith go-lola-dancer victims
20.000 Farhoms) are the Count and and music by the Vendells! Cinematog-
Countess Townsend (Dracula) living in raphy by Vtlmos Szigmund.
present-day America. George and Man-
go (Ray Young). a halfwit hunchback. BLOOD OFTHEAIAN DEVIL,
keep young women chained up in the See HOUSE OF THE BLACK
basement, occasionally sacrificing them DEATH.
to the great god Luna(!). The girls'
bl~ is drained wi th a syringe and THE BLOOD OF
served [0 the Draculas as cockta ils. NOSTRADMIUS
Wi th Vicki Volante. Robert Dix (as a 1960 Al P-TV (MexICO) (B&W)
we rewo lf), Joh n Ca rdos o and Kent P1\OOUC[~ VICIOT Parm
Osrome. C inematography by Lasz lo Dl~croa.: Fredenck Cund
Kovacs. SCU£H\VPJTEIlS: Ch:lrles T aixmda,
Alfred RU3rl(1va
BLOOD OF FRANKENSTEIN, German Robles (The Vampire) played a
See DRACULA IW . bearded Mexican vampire descendant of
FRANKENSTEIN the fam ous prophet (with a hunchback
servant) in a ten-part serial. It was re-
ediled and dubbed into fou r features that
BLOOD OF FU AIANCHU, See were released directly to television in
KISS AND KILL. America. T ryand tellonefromanother.
A K. Gordo n Murray presentat ion.
1%517 1 H~ml sph~r~ See SCHIZO.
P1\ODUCE';OI"ECTOf.: Al Ad~mson
SC"EENlllfI.lTEIlS: Dick Poston. C hrIS
ALSO mEASlD AS: Mall Wuh the SYIlIMrlC [958 Un iversal (England)
Bram ~ODUCUS ; Robert S. Baker. Monty Berman
An amazingly incoherent mess. The DIUCTO" ; Henry Cass
s[Ory. arout jewel thieves using a Viet- saE£NIIIlUTO: Jimmy Sangster
nam vet (with an cleCtTOIl1C cmurol de- Or. Call .strastlls (SiT Donald Wol fit ) is
vice in his brain) as cheir zomhielhit executed, returns to life , and runs an
man, was made by Adamson III 1%5 insane asyl um . The rev ived doctOr
as Ps),cho-a-Go-Go. New scenes were needs blood to stay ali\"e, so he kills
added in 1969 and It was released as (and tortures) mmates. The most mem-
Fiend With the EleetfOllie Bram. Still orable aspect of the movie is the make-
more scenes were added in Inl and up. The doctor is a Lugosi-like fiend
the title changed again. The T3cked-on with pointed sidehurns, upturned eye-
star footage invo lves Kenr T3ylor, John brows, and a )treak of white hair. His
Carradine (as the mad Dr. V~maTd ). and assistant C·lTI (Victor Maddern) is an
t he stunni ng Regina Ca rro l as hi s unshaven cripple with oongs and a dead
daughter. (Regina is happily married to eye that bu lges out an inch [ 00 low.
A I Adamson in rea l life.) The best Some torture-chamber scenes arc fa irly
scene invo lves ex-Disney star Tommy gruesome (or the lime. Barbara Shel-
Ki rk as a detectlve getting sick when ley :m d Vi nce nt Ball arc a captive
he opens a gift box contain ing a sev- couple.

1970TII,'OnlCannon (England)
""OOUCEM: Peler L. Andrews.
Malcolm B. Heywon h
OIMC1OA: PU.'TS Haggard
so.£[~: Roben Wynne,Slmmons,
Piers Haggard
Sawn's S/un
An effective, serious witchcraft thriller
set in I hh-century England. linda
Hayden (Taste Ihe Blood of Dracula)
stars as Angel Blake, a seductive blonde
serving the devil (seen as a hairy crea-
ture with claws). A coven of possessed
children is formed. As a judge. PatricK.
Wymark tries to put a stop to the evil.
With Barry Andrews. (R)




1973 Gemini
Ted V. Mikels
Marn the witch queen (Lil a Zaborm) Chamber of Or. Fal4sws. This time. a
lives In Californ ia and practices the wealthy pamter (Frederic Lansac) lives
black arts, She even contacts an A meri- in a secluded chateau with his ..... ife
can Indian spirit during a seance and (Anny Du perey). Her face had been
has a "wolf pack of voluptuo us virgins." horribly burned so a plastic surgeon
From rhe man responsible for The Aslro- wanted by ,he IXllice (Howard Vernon)
wmmes, so don't expect qualiTY of any is blackmai led into performing graft ing
operations. Of course, beamiful women
are needed to "donate" their faces. This
strange, atmospheric production is mo re
THE BLOOD ROSE warped than usua l, thanks to two dwarf
1969 Allied Artists (France) servan ts who wear animal ski ns, are sex-
"-OOUCE1\: Edgar Oppenheimer ually active, and generally get under-
OI1\ECT01\: Claude Mulot
foot. With Elizabeth Teissier. Lesbian
K1\EEHW1\ITE1\S: Claud!: Mulot,
Edgar Oppenheimer, Jean Carriaga
scenes were supposed ly deleted for
Of,IGINAllY 1\ELUSEO~: /...a Rose Escon:hie American release, where it was billed
as ",he first horror-sex film_" ( R )
The doctor -k iIls- to-restore- the-face-of-
a-beaut iful-woman theme was really
overworked in European films during THE BLOOD SEEKERS, See
the '60s. The hest (and first) was Harrar CAIN'S WAY.

THE BLOOD SPATTERED A gory li.lm inspired by Night of the Lill-
BRIDE ing Dead. Government agents are using
1974 Europix (Spain) a weed killer o n marijuana crops.
~ODUC£A: Antonio PerCl Olea Young drug-dealing "farmers" are trans-
DIIlECTOIVKJ\EENWM'EI\: Vincent Aranda formed into crazed cannibalistic zom-
La Novia
OAlGtNAl..l.Y R.ELLASED AS: bies who attack people with machetes.
E5£lngentada Pretty strong stuff despite the mostly
One of several versions of Sheridan Ie terrible acting . With John Amp las
Fanu's Carmilla made after the success (Martin) as an FBI agent who looks like
of The Vampire Lovers. This one deals he should be in high school. Filmed in
morc with the lesbian vampire aspects Pennsylvani.a. (R )
and includes bizarre scenes like a woman
buried in the sand with a diving mask
on and her breasts showing, and a fe-
1959 Crown lmcmational
male vampire couple sleeping in a coffin PkOOOCEklolkECTOklKkEENWMEk:
builr for two. Maribel Martin stars with Ralph Brooke
A lexandra Bastedo. (R) Cheap explo itation version of The Most
Dangerous Game in which the perverse
BLOOD SUCKERS, See DR. Dr. Balleau (Wilton Graff) keeps his
TERROR'S GALLERY OF teenage victims' bodies in glass tanks.
TERRORS. With June Kenney, Robert Reed (later
the dad on The Brady Bunch), and
1971 Chevron (England)
197Z Barton DlkECTOk: Roben Hartford-Davies
Pf.ODUcoJDll\Ea~: Don Barron SOEENWJIJT"Ek: Julian More
SOEENWIUl£k5: Lee Laren. Ron Kivett AUO kD..EAS£O AS: IncfIUf {Of" the Damned,
AI50 '-£l.EAS£D AS: Zaal Doctors Wear Scarlet
Florida is an unheralded center of grade Patrick Macnee (The Avengers) stars as
Z filmmaking. This swamp movie fea- a retired Greek major helping a young
tures a mad doctor developing a race woman find her lost fiance, who is under
of super amphibian monsters. The crea- the influence of devil worshipers. The
ture has a scaly (and hairy) body and man (Patrick Mower) practices vampir-
an immobile face that looks like (may- ism as an extension of his sexual per-
be) a good Halloween mask. The stars version. Peter C ushing has a small role
who probably remrned to raising alliga- in this little-seen li.lm. With Imogen
tors after this one came out are Mar- Hassall. Based on Simon Raven's novel,
sha ll Graver, Nancy Lien , and Paul Doctors Wear Scarier. (R )
BWODEATERS 1970 Constitution
1980 Parker National I'kOOOCEk:William Miskin
p«.ooocnJ olkECToNSCUENWMEk: DlkECTOkl'KkEENWMEk: Andy Milligan
Chuck McCrann Pathetic remake of The Demon Barber
AUO kELEASED AS: FOf"est of Fear of Fleet Street with Sweeney Todd and

his baker friend sellmg human meat BLOODYMMtA
pies. Filmed in England. Wnter-di- 1969AIP
rector Milligan also photographed the I'I'.OOUCOJOIUCTOA: Roger Conna n
him. (R ) !>O.UN'WJJTU.: Robert Thom
Corman's psychologica Igangster movie
THE BLOODY BROOD stars Shelley Winters, machine gun in
1959 Sutton (Canada) (8&W) hand, as Ma Barker. Her dedicated gang
Julian Roffman (her sons) havc every perversion, addic-
sa.£IN\IIM£M: Eh,wx.xl U llman. Ben Kerner. tio n, and problem imaginable. The sa-
Des Hardman distic Hennan (Don Suoud) sleeps with
Peter Falk is Nico, the leader of a drug- Ma. When Fred (Lou Gran! regular
dealmg beatnik gang who feeds a mes- Roberr Walden) is released from prison,
senger boy a hamburger fu II of ground hc brings ho me his cellmare/love r
glass- for kicks. \'\'hen the local Moun- (Bruce [)em), who also sleeps with Ma.
ties are unable to crack the case , the Lloyd (Robert DeNiro) is a spaced-out
victim's brother (Jack Betts) cutS in. drug addict who sniffs glue if nothing
Ronald Hartmann, Barbara Lord. Wi l- beneT is around. With Clint Kimbrough
liam Brydon, and Michael Zenon arc as the fourth brother, Pat Hingle, Diane
Nico's ~idckicks, and Robert Christ ie Varsi, Scatman Crothers, and so me
is Detective McLeod. CB alligators. Shelley had already played
Ma " Parker" on &mum in 1966 in an
BLOODY JUDGE, See NIGHT episode called "The Biggest Mother of
OF THE BLOODAJONSTER. Them All." Filmed in the Ozarks. ( R )

l II \ . -

Sheik), W!"U~'T5 and

mac/line gun In Rugi;'T
CQl'l11(In', BII'ooJ} Mann

THE BLOODY PIT OF John T nI\'oha works in Philadelphia as
HORROR a sound effects man (or cheap horror
1%5 Pacemaker ( hal ~') fi lms. While tapmg wmd effects for
",000<0.: Francesco MCri l Coed Frcn?:], he 10advertently obtains
DlAECTOII: MaSS11l1O Purll1a (Ma~ H umer) evide nce of a polttlcal murder and a
so[EHWlUTUS: Roheno Natale, cover-up conspIracy. What starts as
Romano Mlgllorml DePalma's best 10 rears ends up with a
ALSO MI.UJ€ O AS: The Cmruon Ext'mllOlll'T.
mind less comic car chase and a sick
The Red 1/(llIgJTWn
[wist ending thm does n 't work. Mixed
A classic of silly sad ism and bad acting. iment ions, srill more Hitchcock refe r-
While In Ita ly fi lming Primlriu ences, and spinning camera shots help
wit h his wife Ja~'ne Mansfidd. muscle- si nk Travol ta's acting career. With
man Mlckc~' H <lrgLtay fo und time abo Nancy Allen as a naive prostitute in
losmr as the Crimson Executioner. His her (ourth role for her dIrector-husband
castle is visited hy a publisher and a
and John Li thgow as a vicious ice-pick
wrller of horror novels. They bring murderer. Music by Pi no Donaggio.
alon g fa secretary, a photographer, and Trash movie foms will enjoy seei ng all
five sexy models (or lhe OOok jackets. the posters for hits like S(IHinn on the
When they emer the forbidden tort ure wall in Travolta's office. ( R)
cha mber for some cheesecake tortu re
shots, Mickey loses his cool. dons tights
and mask, and "becomes" the castlc's THE BLUE BIRD
original owner. He spends a 1m of time 1940 lOrh Century-Fox
PM>OOCE": Darryl F. Zanuck
stretching, burmng, and cumng the Ol,,£CTO«.: W~ h ct L-mg
uninvited guests. Th ese laughable, K PHNlln./Tn : Ernest P:uc~1
unconv 1Ocing horrors are based on the
Shirley Temple I0511he lead III The \Vi?:-
wntlOgs of the MarquIs de Sade, who
ard of OZ but got to slar in thIS sillll iar
I~ qUOIed as saying "my vengeance needs
fant asy, which pretty much ruined her
blood" 10 the artful newspaper ads. career. Q\'er rhe h ill at 12. It also Stars
Gale Sonde rgaard, who had lost the
THE BLOODY VM IPIRE Wicked Witch role in that other film.
1962 AlP-TV (MeXICO) (B&W)
Shirley goes to [he la nd of death to sec
~ODUCU: Rafael Perc~ Grouas
OItU:CTOI\I'KMEHWlUTI": MIchael Morata
her grandpa rents. Along for the ill-fatt.'tI
QfOGlKAU.Y "EI.Lf.SEO -"'5: £1 VamplTO search for [he bird of happi ness are
S~ngn~mo Nigel Bruce, Sterling Ho lloway. Spring
Count Cag liostro, a Mexican Van Byington, and Scony Beckett. Direc-
Hclsing type, d isguises his own daug h- tor L~ng ended his ca reer wllh Snotl!
ter as a servant ro gain entrance in to White and the Three Swoges. Sh irley
the home of the vampire Count Frank- ended hers by marrying John A gar.
enhausen (Carlos Agosli). The vam- Later. she m arried C harles Black and
pire survives. H e was also in Int'asion turned to politics.
of lilt Vampires. A K. Gordon Murray
Production. THE BLUE BIRD
1976 lOth Cenwl)·-Fox (U.S.S.R./U.S.J
BLOWOUT ,""OOOCo.: Paul Masl3nsk~
1981 Filmw3Y5 Ol'-£CTO": George Cukor
~ooucU: George lillO KP.EEN\II1\ITIP.S; Hugh Whu('mor(', Alfred
DlA£CTOAIK'-££N\VMt": Bnan DePalma Hares

This second version of Maurice Maeter- Oc." "Can't Help Falli ng in Love" was
linck's fantasy was the first Amencanl the hit.
Russian co-product ion and was a big-
ger commercial flop than the first ver- BLUE J EANS, See BLUE
sio n. Very few people paId [Q see ElLza- DENMI.
beth Taylor, Jane F.onda, Ava Gard·
ncr, CicelyTyson, Robert Morley, and BLUEBFARD
Wi ll Geer dressed up as witches and 1944 PRC(B&W)
animals. PAODUCEI\: u'On FromkcS5
DII\(CTOI\; Edgar G. U lmer
BLUE DENlAl S(lI.EENWPJfEl\: PieTTe Ge ndron
195910th Century-Fox (B&W) From the ads: "To love him meant
H.ODucn .: Charles Brac ken deat h !" [n one of his beSt roles John
DIIU:CTOk: Ph ilip Dunne Carrad ine is Gaston Morel. an opera·
SCtu:£HWME~: Edith Sommer. Philip Dunne singing puppet show operator in 19th-
AUO I\(lEASED M: Blue Jeans century P<lris who kills women. He gives
Fifteen-year-old Carol Lynlcy: "Maybe a marionette version of Faust sing ing
I could just disappear somewhere or severa l of t he parts himself (wit h a
- j ust kill myself!" Six teen-year-old dubbed voice). W ith Jean Parker, Nils
Brandon De W ilde: "I'm rc~rx..msible Asther, and Ludwig Stossel. A popular
lind I know a way out!" A look at <.1 B-nlm from rhe director of The Mall
common teenage problem, featuri ng From Planer X.
Macdonald Carey and Marsha Hunt as
parents faced with bemg grandparents. BLUEBEARD
With Warren Berlinger. TIle twu young 1971 Cinerama (Italy/Hungary)
stars were actually 17 at the time. Carol Pl\OOUCEI\: A lexander Salkmo
had also starred III the Broadway play DIIU:CTOI\: Edward Dmytryk
of the same title. Music by Bernard S(UEN\InJTEP;: Enmo 0. ConCim
1961 ParJrnount
Pl\ODYCo.: Hal B. WallIS
DIIU:CTOI\; Norman Taurog
SCIU:EHWI\lfEl\; Hal Kamer

From 1961 [Q 1968 Elvis Presley starred

in 21 movies. This o ne started that se·
ries of mostly mindless musicals: Elv is
stars as Chad Ga res , who defi es hi s
wealt hy pineapple-growing pare n ts
(Roland Winters and Ange la Lansbury )
by refusing to work for the m. Instead,
UPI 412717Z: Rllque/ he takes a Job with a tourist agency
Welch IS (J "nun" III her
where his girlfriend Ooan Blackman)
kueSf film efforf, Blue-
beard, filmed TewlIl)' III works. While escon ing a group of girls
Bu&pe5f. In llu;! mOVie. around an island he gets in a fight and
she f(J/ls IIfoul of flu;! thrown III jail but emerges singing to
row lind «",ked Blu.:b;:ard, many and start an agency with his wife.
pW.)'td b, RIChard Burwn. Songs include "Ito Ems" a nd "Aloha

Richard Bunon marnes seven women. Walden (Lou G ram) . Mark Goddard
I-Ie kills SIX of them in various ways for (Lost in Space), and Alice Ghosdey.
vanous reasons. SIXof them have nude (R) - 8M
scenes, IS the excuse for this un-
likely comedy. Karin Schubert is sho[. BLUES FOR W VERS
Virna Lis. gets guillotined . Agostina 1965 20th Century-Fox
Belli IS "falconated." Marilu Tala is (England) (B&W)
Pf.ODUCIk; Hennan Blaser
drowned (after kicking Richard in the
OIlU:cr~: Pau l Hcnreid
balls). Raqucl Welch plays a nun who
SO.HNWJJTO.; Burton Wohl
IS suffocated. (Raquel doesn't do nude
AUO IU:I..£AS(D AS: Ballad In Blue
scenes.) Miraculously, Joey Heathetton
survives. The dead wives are all kept If you can get around the soap-opera
plot with Ray Charles (as himself) help-
lined up in a freezer. With Natalie
ing to reunite young composer Tom Bell
Delon and Sybil Danning. Shot in four
different European countries. Ads pro- with Mary Peach and to cure her little
boy's blindness. you'll be rewarded by
claimed : "Bunon is Bluebeard." Burton
isa Hack. Music by Enniu Morricone.(R) Charles performing some of his classic
hits. The so ngs include "Unchain My
Heart." "Hallelujah. I Love Her So,"
BLUEBEIIJUJ'S TEN "What'd I Say." " I Gatta Woman." and
HONEYJIOONS "Let the Good Times Ro ll."
1960 Allied Artists (En~land ) (B&W)
"-OO!J(1J;: Roy Park lnK)n THE BODY BENFATH
DIU:O~: Lee Wilder 1971 Nova internal iomll
KP.(1HWM"U: Myles Wllut'T ....OOUCEI\I'DtUcrol\l'K IU:(NWNl( ":
George Sanders IS Landru the French AmI}' MIlligan
wlfe-kdler. Ie's by the director of Killers More terrible junk from Slalen Island's
From Space. so rou know wh:u to ex- Andy Milligan , who even photographed
pe<:t. With Corinne Ca lver, Patricia ,his movie. The Reverend Ford leads a
Roc. and Jean Kent . fami ly of 19th-cemury vampires. Origi-
nally filmed in 16mm "in the grave-
yards of England."
1978 Cinema Shares THE' BODY SNATCHER
George Manasse
1'AOOUC1J;; 1945 RKO (B&W)
DIIUOOOKIU:(NWPJTU; Jeff Leiberman PkOOUCEJ;: Val Lewton
Leibermfln's script concerns a group of DIIU:OO " ; Rohert WIse
o rdinary middle-class citizens who turn KIU:ENW"rrEP.5 : Philip MacDona lJ .
into psychotic murderers as a result of Val Lewton
bad LSD ingested some ten years ear- A classic historicallhorror movie based
lier. when they were students at Stan- on Robert Louis Stevenson's short Story.
ford. First they lose their hair, then they In 19th-century Edinburgh, Boris Kar-
lose their cool as they erupt into vio- loff as Gray the cabdriver supplies bod-
lence, wh ic h ends only with their ies to Dr. Macfarlane (Henry Daniel)
deaths. Za lman King stars as Zipkin, a at the medical school. Second-billed
lone avenger determined to capture a Bela Lugosi has a small role as a dull-
living Blue Sunshiner and end the epi- witted servant who tries unsuccessfully
demic of psychedelic psychosis. From to blackma il Gray. Ka rloff and Daniel
the director of Squirm. W ith Robert are excellent. The famo us end shock

features Dan iel imagining a corpse be- Bomba saves elephants from crooks
coming Karloff and coming to life dur- (Myron Healey and John Ke l1og). With
ing a lightning s[Orm. Ka rlofrs voice Donna Martell.
is heard repeating, "You'll never get rid
of me!" With Russell Wade , Ed ith BOillBA AND THE HIDDEN
Atwater, Roben Clarke, a nd Donna CITY
Lee as a linle girl who sings Scottish 1950 Monogram (8&W)
fo lk songs. H.oouco.: Walter Miriseh
-DtUCTOf.:Ford Beebe
HELL " Ruthless ki llers sra lk h uman prey in
1969 Pacemaker (japan) Africa's citadel of mystery!" the ads
~ODUC[I\: Shoc.hiko promisc<i. Bomba saves Sue England,
OlkECTOI\: Hajime Saw a jung le orphan. W ith Paul G uilfoyle.
SCI\EEN\VJIJTEIU: Susumu T ataku,
Cokt'midon.> 1952 Monogram (8 &W)
AlSO kE l EAK O AS: Coke. [/u> Body Snalc/u>r
AAODIKE": Walter Mirisch
From Hell D1UCTol\!scU£HWPJT[": Ford Bee be
A pretty amazing airplane disaster/hor- "Savage darts and whi te man's bu llets
ror/science-fiction movie. When a plane split the Congo ... " the ads proclaimed.
crashes, the survivors are killed by a Bomba finds the skeletons of his par-
space vampire that ta kes over their ents! W ith Karen Sharpe and Kimba
l:xxIies. Lots of surprising gr isly makeup the chimp.
and shots of an oozing liquid entering
a man through his smashed nose.
1949 Monogram (8&W)
1969 TigoniAlIicd Artists (England)
PI\Ooucu: Walter Mirisch
~oouco.: Tony Tenser
DlkECToNKU( ffI/I/'N"!U: Ford Beebe
OlkECTO" : Gerry Levy
saEENWPJ"!U: Mike St. Clair Natives think a panther is really the
AlSO I\£1.US[O AS: Thin Alf, Int'asian of the devil. Bomba helps an agriculturist and
Body SreaLrrs fights the devil-cat . W ith lita Baron
Parachutists pass th rough a red mist and and A llene Roberts.
dis..1ppear in midair. It's the work of an
alien (Maurice Evans) who putS the BOilIBA, THE J UNGLE BOY
parachut ists in suspe nded an imation 1949 Monogram (8&W)
and substitutes duplicates. George Sand- AAODUC(": Walter Mirisch
ers (in a cameo role ) discovers the das- Ford Beebe
KUENWPJTU: Jac k Dewit[
tardly plot. W ith Hillary Dwyer, Raben
Flemyng, and Nei l Connery. (R) T wo years after being kicked out of t he
Tarzan series, 18-year-old Johnny Shef-
BOillBA AND THE fie ld sl3rted playing Bomba, based on
ELEPHANT S 'DlIIIPEDE Roy Rockwood's juvenile books writ-
1951 Monogram (8&W) ten in the '20s. Footage from Afriru
l'I\oouco.: Walter Mirisch Speaks, a 1930 documentary, was used
DlkECToNKUEHWM"E1'.: Ford Beebe in all 12 of the quickie features. Ex-

child star Peggy Ann Gamer plays the A ~ pCtce of Il br0-
daughter of photographer Onslow Ste- ken mirror in The Boogey
vens. Bomba helps them. Ford Beebe Man.
(The Im}isible Man's Revenge) directed
all of them, wrote most of them. and
produced the last four. Jungle Ji m. over
at Columbia, was a lot funnier.


1958 AlP (B&W)
,""OOUCEWSCUENWIUT['-! Sranley Shpemer
DIIILO'Of.: William Wlmey
Sharpie waitress teams up with brain-
less petty thief. Dorothy Provine, Pinky
Pinkham on TV's The Roaring Twen-
ties, nine year.; before Faye Dunaway.
The cast includes Jack Hogan, Rich-
ard Bakalyan, Douglas Kennedy, Joseph brmher. A doctor Oohn Carradine) ad-
Turkel, and Stanley Livingston (My vises her to go back to her chi ldhood
Three Sons). When o riginally released home (the scene of the murder) to see
(with Machine Gun Kelly) it was adver- there's nothing to be afraid of. A piece
tised as being "fi lmed in Superama:' of broken mirror in which she saw the
wh atever that is. ~CB dead man glows and follows people
around. inciting them to kill. People
THE BOOGENS levitate. get piTchforks thrust through
1982 J en~n Farley their stomachs (it rakes place in the
~OOUCE~: Charles E. Sellier. Jr. country). and die in various gory ways.
DIIILO'o~: James L. Conway Director Lomel (Cocaine Cowboys) used
SCMEHWPJT[I'.S: David O'Malley,Bob Hum to work with Fassbinder. ( R )
The Sunn Classics documentary peo-
ple branch out, making a horror film THE BOOGIE,IIAN WILL GET
that's considerably less wholesome than YOU
their usual fare. A tentacled monster 1942 Columbia (8&W)
in a Utah mine shaft kills locals but PP.OOUCEf.: Colben Clark
is kept hidden from view in the '50s DIUO'OA: Lew Landers
tradition until the last reel. More fun SCP.EE~rTn.: Edwin Blum
than The UFO Incidelll. With Rebecca A silly comedy with Boris Karloff as a
Balding (Silenr Scream ). (RJ white-haired scientist who tries to turn
people into supermen. Peter Lorre co-
THE BOOGEY AlAN Stars as an interested investor. "Slapsie"
1980 jefT)' Gross Organi:ation Maxie Rosenbloom is a victim of the
~Dl.lal'JDIUO'oI'JSCl\£EHWPJTO: malfunctioning transfonnation device.
Uili Lome! With Larry Parks. Karloff and Lorre
A bizarre, somet im es funny movie were starring in Arsenic and Old Lace
about a ~"Oman (Suzzana Love) who is on Broadway at the time this was
haunted by the spirit of her mother's released. This feeb le imitation beat the
lover, killed years ago by her now-mute Arsenic fi lm to the nation's screens.


BOP GIRL GOES CALYPSO Ohman in a huge Imperial convertible;
1957 Unifed Anists (B&W) Mamie seeks advice from Jeff's grizzled
PM>OUCWDlU<TOA: HO"~.lHl Koch s idekick, Arthur H unnicut. He ar
scp'[[NWMU.: Ed James Mamie sing the title song for a steak
Bobby Troup. as a university psycho lo- dinner. Koch d idn't direct again for 14
gist, trics ro prO\'c that calypso music years. -CB
is replacing rock 'n' roll . He visits clubs
and falls in lo\'e with a ca lypso singer.
With Nino Tempo, Lord Flea and his BORN WILD, See YOUNG
C,lypsonians, the Cubanos. Judy Tyler, ANltIlALS
and Lucien Littlefield . A brief rush of
calypso movies failed to duplicate the
success of the similar rock counterparts.
By the director of Frankenstein 1970. BORN TO BE LOVED
1959 Universal (B&W)
1967 AlP Elderly music instructor Hugo Haas
P,"ODUCE";DIRECTO";SCACENWlllfElI: helps rich widow Vera Vague and poor
Tom Laughlin Carol Morris (Miss Universe of 1957)
Billy Jack battles outlaw rnotorcrclisrs find romance. Hugo gets a new ba by
terrorizing small·town Califomia girls. grand piano and a wife. In earlier Haas
Coed Vicky Barringron (Elizabeth films he gets murdered, cheated on, and
James) attra([s rhe animals with We[- used. They were more (un to watch.11le
look bi kini and boms. Jane Russe ll's 13th film directed by Hugo Haas (he
daughter Jodell (Janice Miller) IS at· starred in 10 of them). Paradise Alley
tacked while doing a suitT), striptease was his next.
for a stuffed dog (really). Local cops
help Billy by throwing hml in jail and
shooting him in the back. Bikers m- BOURBON ST. SHADOWS,
elude Jerem y Sla te as Danny, Bill See THE INVIS IBLE
Wellman, Jr., as C hild , Robert Tessier
as Cueb.,ll, Jeff Cooper as Gangrene.
Paul Prokop as S!X!echless. and Edwm
Cook as Crabs. Witb Jonathan Haze.
Laughlin used pseudonyms (Donald
194Z Monogram (B&W)
Henderson and T.e. Frank) for hi s
Sam Katzman, Jack Dietl
production credi ts. CB OlkEeTO": Wallace Fox
KI\EENW"lfE":Gerald Schnitzer
BORN RECKLESS A psychology professor (Bela Lugosi)
1959 Warners (B&W) runs a Bowery mission as a front for
",OOUCEk: Aubrey Schenck crimina l activities. Although it's con-
OlkEeTO,,: Howard W. Koch sidered o ne of the better Mo nogram
!lCkEENWM'Ek: Richard Landau films, nobody seems ro quite understand
Mamie Van Doren stars as a rodeo trick the plot. A doctor revives a group of
rider in love with a bronco-busting trav- dead bums in the basement and they kill
eling companion who hasn 't no ticed. Bela. The cast includes Wanda McKay,
Jeff Richards gets mixed up with Carol John Archer, and Tom Neal.

THE BOWERY BOYS "IEET Hersher/ He rustein/Seagull and her
7HE ,JIONSl'ERS rhen real-life borfricnd David Carradine
1954 AIIK'<I Amsrs ( B&W) as Depression era train robhcrs. David's
PM>DUCEJI.:Ben Schwalb dad John is a rai lroad boss. With Barry
OI M:aOI\:Edward Bcrnds Primus and Bemie Casey. Scorsese d id
K Ilt:EHWm'EM: Elwood Ulhnan, Mean SlreelS the next year with more
Edward Bernds Carradine sons (David and Keith) . (R )
C heap laughs and scares as Hum! Hall
get s turned into a werewolf monster. A BOY AND HIS DOG
There's the usual man in a gorilla suit, 1975 LQ/JAF
a clunky robot, even a vampire. With MOOUC[k: A Ivy Moore
Lloyd Corrigan. Ellen Corby, and the OIUCTOOKt\E£N\VPJTEP.: L Q. Jones
usual crew (Leo Gorcey, hi~ (:nhcr as After making interesting little shock-
Louie, and h is brother as Chuck). The ers like The \Vilchrnaker and The BreMer-
Bo.....ery Boys averaged four features a hood of Saran, the A lvy Moore- LQ.
year. Most are just ovcr an hou r. On Jones team took o n the risky job of
television you'll get about 25 minutes filming a straightforward adaptation of
of commercial interruptions In a 90- Harlan Ellison's warped postnuclear
mmute sial. novel, A J3o:y and Hi5 Dog. The result
has beco me a campus and midnight-
BOWERY TO BAGHDAD mov ie fa vori te. Don Johnson (The
1955 Allied AniSlS (B&W) Magic Garden of Swnley Sweclhearl)
~ODU(U.: Ikn Sc hw alb rQ<uns what's left of America WIth his
OII\£CTO..: Edward Ikmds telepathic, wisecracking dog, Bloc)(1.
Kk£ENW?JT(kS: Elwood Ullman, He escapes the brutal surface world,
Edward Bemds o nly to find himself in a ghou lish un-
The Bowery Boys find a magic lamp and de rground rec reation of middle-class
a gen ie appears (Eric 810re in one of soc iC[y nm br Alvy Moore and Jason
his last roles). With Leo. David, and Robards. Escaping android farm ers and
Bernard Gorcey. Hunn Hall. and the a furure of forced stud work , he takes
rest of the gang. leo Gorcey quit the Susan Bemon to the surface where a
se rie~ in 1956, at age 40, whe n h is dejected, starving BI<xld awaits him.
father Bernard Goreey died. He had The twist ending is effective. (R )
been playi ng basica lly the sa me role
since 1937's Deuel End. Hunt% Hall con- THE BOY AND THE PIRATES
tinued in seven more movies without !960 Un l[ed Ani,,{s.
hiS fo rmer partner. Even with Gorcer, 1'P.000000000ltuCTOk: Ben I. Gordon
all but diehard fans of the series agree SCtu[N\VPJTE~: Lillie Hayward,
that sitting through most Bowery Boys Jerry Sackhcim
features is maider. A juvenile fantasy. A genie sends a
young boy back in time, where he meets
BOXCAR BERTHA Blackbeard the Pirate. With C harles
1972 AlP Hcrben, Susan Gordon, Murvyn Vye,
PAODUCD.: Roger Corman and Mickey Finn . Filmed in "Percepto-
OIIUCT~: M:mm Scorsese vision," a nonex iste nt process. The
SCWJoNmTOJ: Joyce H. lind John W. theme music is available on The Fall-
Corrington IaSlic Film Music of Alben Glass er
Scorsese's second feature stars Barbara album .

THE BOY WHO CRIED with high productio n values and big-
WEREWOLF name stars. I'd rather watch The Fro-
1973 Uni"('ThaI zen Dead or I Saved Hirler's Brain th an
PP.OOUCEk: Aaron R~n~rg this "respectable" exploitation feature
DlUCTOP.: NarhanJumn with glossy gore. Gregory Ped as Or.
SCkEEN'tVPJ1D.: Bob Homel Mengcle. the Angel of Death af the
Kerwin Matthews becomes a werewolf Ausc hwitz concent ration camp, is
with surprisingly long faei :!1 hair. His li ving in South America, heading a
12-year-old son knows but nobody be- project developing Hitler clo nes_ He
lieves him. They go camping together. surgically experiments with local peas-
ContemPJrary nonsense is added by a ant children and plots with fellow Nazi
group of Jesus freaks trying to exorcise James Mason. An aging Nazi humer
the monster. With Elaine Devey and (Laurence O li vier) manages to top ple
Scott Sealey. the entire, complex worldwidecon spir-
acy with the aid of some giant dogs in
Pennsy lvflnia. With Lilli Palmer, Uta
THE BOY WITH GREEN fWR Hagen, Michae l Gough, and Li nda
1948 RKO
Hflydc n . Fro m a silly book by 1m Levin.
PI\OOUCEI\S: Adrian Sco tt. Stephen Ames
DIII.£OOIl: Joseph Losey Almost half an hour was cut out for
SCkEEH'WIUT'EI\S: Ben Bamnan.
television. (R )
Alfred LC~' is Levin
Losey's first feature is an antiwar film
thar wasorderoo Cut by Howard Hughes THE BOYS FROi/1
when he purchased RKO. The origi· BROOKLYN, See
nal prooucer (Adrian Scou ) quit when BELA LUGOSI i/lEETS A
he was branded one of the Hollywood BROOKLYN GORILLA.
Ten. Twelve·year-old Dean Stockwe ll
stars as a war orphan ostracized because
of the color of his hair, which is later BOYS OF THE CITY, See
shaved off. Roben Ryan is a police GHOST CREEPS.
psrchiatrisr. With Pat O'Brien , Barb..1m
Hale. Dwayne Hickman . Rusty (later THE BRAIN
Russ) Tamblyn, and Ann Caner. In one 1962 Governor (W. Germany/England)
scene orphan chi ldren in a poster come IB&W)
to life. Jl"kODlJ(£A: Raymond Stross
oluao~: Freddie Francis
~£HWPJ1U.S: Robert Stewart. Phil Mackie
197810lh Century-Fox Suclll $cinen M6Tder
Jl"kODlJC£'-S: Martin Richards. The third version of C urt S iodmak's
Stan ley O'Toole DarIOt.'aJl'S Brain_ Peter Van Eyck stars
oluaOP..: Franklin J. Schaffer as the doctor who keeps [he brain of a
Heywood Gould
SCII.££NWPJT[~ : ruthless tycoon alive after a plane crash.
Not tOO long ago. Nazi-revival horror The living brain takes over the doctor's
movies were shoddy, low-budget affairs, mind and uses him to d iscover who
uni versally condemned for their ques- caused the "accident _" Anne Heyv.·ood
tionable taste_ Well, times h ave is the dead man's daughter_ With Ber-
changed_ This one was a major release nard Lee.

1958 AlP (B&W) 197 1 Hemisphere
pp,o()IJCD.; Edwin Nelson ""<>DI.ICnS: AI Adamson, Sam Shennan
DHU:CTQP.: Brono Ve SOfa DlP.lCTOII: Al Adamson
KI'\aNWPJTEI\: Gordon Urqu hart I SCkUNWJIJT'[IU: Joe Vim Rodgers,
The special effects are laughable. but Kane W. Lynn
this is a good, imaginative low-budget AlSO UlEMEO AS: The C rl'a!uu'J RewfllC'
sc ience·fiction movie . Based on The Eddie Romero made a series of awful
Puppec Masten by Roben Heinlein, it "Blood Islan d" films in the Philippines.
concerns a strange drill-shaped craft The producers dec ided they weren't
from the center of the earth turning up quite bad enough, so they hired Al
in a small town . Hairy parasites take Adamson to di rec t a similar mad·
over the bodies of locals while scientist scientist film . Sure enough, it's worse
Ed Nelson (also the producer) battles than the others. Al manages to do ev-
thick-headed military personnel to stop erything wrong again. Kent Taylor (also
the invasion. When he finall y figures in Brid£s of Blood) Stars as the nut whose
out how to enter the ship, he's con- brain-transplant experiments produce
fro nted by a bearded o ld man you might Gor (John Bloom), a big ugly monster
not recognize. The voice, however, is who gets to carry Regina Carrol around.
unmistakable. It belongs to Leonard Dwarf assistant Angelo Rossitto laughs
N imoy! Only an hour long. With Jody a lo t and pokes at cha ined women.
Fair and Joanna lee (Plan 9 From Outer Grant Wi ll iams is the hero. With
Space alien), Reed Hadley, Vicki Volante, and Zan-
dor vorkov. Partially fi1med in the


1958 Haweo (B&W) LlVEDAGAlN.
"'-OOUCEa.: Jacques Marquette
OWCTOR.: Nathan Hem (Nathan Juran)
The ultimate John Agar film ! A hugely WOUWNTDIE
enjoyable invasion-attempt story with 1959 AlP (B&W)
a large hamburger-like floating brain PM>OOC[l\:Rex Carlton
(called Gor) taking over nuclear phys- DlMCYoWKN:EHWMU.: Joseph Green
icist Agar. Using his shiny new black A grea t , absurd mov ie wi t h Jason
eyes, Agar destroys an airplane by star- Evers (also known as Herb) as a bril-
ing at it, grinning and laughing at a li ant surgeon whose fast driving causes
job well do ne. A ri val alien brain an accident that decapitates his fi ancee
(ca lled Vol) arrives and takes over Jan (Virginia Leith). He wraps her head
Agar's dog. Gar-Agar and Vol-Rover in his jacket and takes it to his up-
batt le unti l the exciting climax when state New York " mansion" (we see one
gi rlfriend Joyce Meadows attacks the barren room and an entranceway), at-
bad brain with an ax. With Robert taches some coils and puts it /her in a
Fuller and Tho mas B. Henry. For more fi lm developing tray. The living head
topical Nathan HertzlJura n fare see wants [Q die but talks too much, so he
HeUcal5 of ~ Natry. putS tape over her mouth and goes body-




shoppmg. Dnvmg around in his con-
vert ible eying asses isn 't good enough,
so th e Doc visit s a reall y stacked
model who poses for photographers in
a leopard·prim btkmi. Because her face
IS scarred and he promises ro fix It, she
agrees to go to Ihe lab. When Jan finds
out what's going on she uses her [e1e·
p<1thic power to tell the giant pinhead
mutant in the closet to break o ut. The
creature tears the arm off the crippled
asslstam, kills the doctor by taking a
blg bloody bite out of his shoulder (and
spLtting ;1 Olll), and sets the labon fire .
The blood-covered monster rescues the
model as Jan laughs. Filmed in Tarry-
town, New York, it took three years to
reach an appalled public.

THE BRA/NIAC BRAVE NEIflIflORLD ThL horrilk Iong.wngued

1961 AlP·TV (MexIco) ( B&W) 1980 TV IClTOTofThe Bramiac.
PP.OOUClk: Abel Salazar PII.ODUC£II.: Jacquf;!lme B.1bbm
OtklOQP.: Chana Ur\,ela DtIl.£CTOII.: Bun Bnnkerho((
)(JU:£H\IIkIT(II.: Adolpha
Pomllo KII.E[H\IIkIT(II. : [bran William Cannon
QAIGIKAUY U:I.US£D oM:EI Boron del T errOl" A n addptatlon o ( A ldous Hu x ley's
A JOO-year·old &ron who was burned satiric novel. IhlS was o Tlgtnaily a , ....'0.
at the stake returns ro life. The incred· part special laler cut to a three·hour
Lble creature sucks out victims' brains version shown 10 one nlglu . Knslopher
with a long tongue and has a big mflat· Tahon (John Savage) IS hrouj.!hl 1010
able head. A surprisingly surreal horror [he ~ upcrCl v lh:cd world of aTlificial
movie with producer Abel Salazar and hmhs (babies bom In Glad pla:.uc oo)::,'s).
German Robles. If ~'ou can 't find it on outlawed lo\'c (everyone mU~ 1 "engage"
television. rent the videocassette. In sex ). and a "som,."-poppmg populace.
Fme performances and clever scnpllng.
THE BRASS BOTTLE With Julie Cohh, KelT Duilea, Bud
1964 Universal Cort. Ron O'Neal. :tnd Marcia Strass-
",OOUC£II.: Alben Arthur man . - AF
OIRECTOII.! H arry Keller
Architect Tony Randall buys an antique "lANCHESTER "tORGUE, See
bottle containing genic Burllves. Ives DON7' OPENTHE 1fI1NDOIIY.
ruinS Randall's life by being overhelpful
and producing a female genie (Kama la THE BRIBE
Devil. Barbara Eden (S(X)n to become a 1949 MGM ( B&W)
TV geme) is Tony's angry fiancee. A PII.OOUC£k: Pandro S. Berman
silly comedy, which had previously been 0IM:00ll.: Roben Z. Leonard
filmed in 1914 and 1923. KII.(£H\IIkIT(II.: MargueTile Robcns.

A federal agem (Robert T aylor) tells Les Baxter. Most of this short fi lm is
h is srory in flashbac k. Sent to a small safari stock footage.
Somh American island to break up a
{X)S£war weapons ring, he faces im{X)S- THE BRIDE OF
sible odds against Charles Laugh ton
and syndicate boss Vincent Price. Ava
1935 Universal (B&W)
Gardner is the bait. Taylor is drugged, Carl Laemmle, Jr.
seduced, and thrown to the sharks. OIP.ECTOt\: James Whale
W ith Jo hn Hodiak, John Hoyt, and a so.££H\lIMW: John Balderston,
song from Miss Gardner. Several scenes William Hurlbul
from The Bribe later turned up in Steve The Fmnkenstein monster (Boris Kar-
Martin's Good Guys Don't Wear Plaid. loff) returns, learns to talk, drink, and
smoke, and forces his creator (Colin
THE BRIDE Clive) to piece together a mate in t his
1973 Unisphere (Canada) faSCinating, humorous horror classic.
PI\ODUC£I\: John Grissrner Fmnkenste in cries, is rejected by his
DIP.ECTOI\: Jean·Marie Pelissie mate, and gets carried Christlike on a
saEEHWPJTEI\S: John Grissmer, cross. The fi lm's most incred ible per-
Jean.Marie Pdissic fOrmflnCe is from Ernest Thesiger as the
AUO P.ElEASf: D AS: The House ThaI C ricd brittly eccentric Dr. Pretorious, creator
Murder of miniature beings; Elsa Lanchester is
A strange and vengeful wife (Robin also pretty amazing as the hissing bride
Strasser, a soap opera actress) makes with electric hair (and as Mary Shelley
Hfe hell for her husband (Anhur Rob- in the prologue). Valerie Hobson is
erts) and his lover. John Seal (The Mrs. Frankenstein. Dw-ight Frye is Karl,
Vampire) is her father. Preto rious' murderous servant. a.p.
Heggie is the blind hermit. W ith U na
THE BRIDE AND THE BEAST O'Connor, Jo hn Carradine, and , in
1958 Allied Artist (B&W) there somewhere, Walter Brennan.
PP.OOUCEpJOIP.£CTOJ.: Adrian Weiss Fram Waxman wrote the effective
SCf.UHWMU.: Ed Wood. Jr. musical score.
AUO P.ElEASEO AS: Queen of the Gorillas
Lance Fuller and wife C harlotte Aus-
tin are camping out in a ten! in Africa.
Charlone seems ro have a strange ef·
fect on the jungle animals and is espe·
cially attracted to gorillas. Scenes with BRIDE OF THE GORILLA
the woman in her sheer n ightgown or 1951 Reahm(B&W)
fin ultra·tight sweater being embraced PM>DOCo.: Jack Broder
by a man in a gorilla suit provided the OIP.ECTOIVSCI\UHI.\IAlTEI\ : Curt Siodmak
titi llating publicity shots fo r this laugh - Plantation owner Raymond Burr is
able film written by none other than cursed by a witch doctor. He thinks he's
Ed Wood, Jr.! The straying wife turns a gorilla. His wife (Barbara Payton) is
out to be the reincarnation of an ape. awfully upset, and Lon Chaney, Jr.,
She reverts to a gorilla and ambles off as a local police officer, is confused by
into the jungle to mate wit h h er furry the killings. With Tom Conway, Paul
friends. Poor Lance! With Johnny Roth Cavanaugh ,and Wood\, Strode in his
and Jeanne Gerson. The music is by film debut. Watching Burr go through

hIS apish changes is a rare treat. The with atoms. When Bela is given the
venerable Herman Cohen was assistant shock treatmem himself he becomes
producer on this epic. superstrong and fight> Lobo, only to fall
into a pit conta ining a deadly octopus.
BJUDE 01-' THE AIONSTER The battling Bela is obviously a stunt
1956 Banner (B&W) man (Eddie Parker); the lifeless rubber
H.OOIJCl~DI'-lCTOk: Ed Wood. Jr. octopus is a left-over prop from an old
KlIUN\VPJTUS; Ed Wood, Jr .• Alex Gordon john Wayne film. When shO[, the
AUO mu.Y:D AS: Bride of the AlOIn OCtopuS releases an explosive mush-
Seventy-three year·old Bela Lugosi plays room cloud. The posters showed a
Dr. Vomoff in his last speaking role. young- looking Lugosi (with vampire
Three of his last four releases were pi- teeth) carrying a beautiful .....oman and
loted by the notorious transvestite di- claimed it was "more horrifying than
rector Ed Wood, jr. In his minimal lab DracuU! and Fmllkenstein." It was. The
deep in the swamps, Bela uses atomic original co·feawre was an obscurity
energy to create superbeings. Most of called Macurnoo, simi lar to but not the
his experiments die. but mind less giam same as Macumoo !..Ax'c.
Tor john!;()n (once a nonnal man) sur-
vives and is called Lobo. As the bare- BJUDES 01-' BLOOD
foot bald giant, Tor wears a makeshift 1968 Henllsphere (U.S./Philippmcs)
tom jacket and a big facial scar. Tony PP.QDUC[k;EddIe Romero
McCoy gets to play (he hero because DiuaOM: Edclle Romero,
his dad financed the film. To give you Gerrardo de Leon
an idea of the budget, poor Bela wem ALSO mu.Y:D AS: Craw DesiTt'J, hland of
home with $I.OOO! Lorena King is a U..,mgHorror
nosy reporter whom Bela wants to mate The first of 11 series of "Blood Island"
with Lobo. Victims are transfomled by films starring American teen actor John
being strapped to a table with a metal Ashley. Radiation causes animals and
light-bulb shade on their heads and shot men to become monsters. The main

Bela Lugo~i bemg /UTlIf"d

infO an afomic superman
in Bride of (he Mons(er.

IAwld Petl In Hammer'J monster is an unbelievable carlOOntsh
Brides of Dracula. mess of dripping blohs that looks like
the Michelin tire man's cousin. It eats
naked girls. With Kent Taylor and Bev-
erly Hills (any relation to Holly Wood-
lawn?). At original sc reenmgs, female
patrons were given free plast ic weddlllg
rlOgs. It was re-re/eased III 1979 with
an unbelievably misleading title and ad
camp.1ign. Three sexy women lean o n
a tombstone under the words: "They
rise at night for mo re than a bite"
and a warning aoom the "the unuslml
subject matter and explic it presenta-
tion." Terrible.
C hristopher Lee didn't want to repeat
BRIDES OF DRACULA his Horror of Dracula role, but Peter
1960 HammerlUnlversal (EnRland) Cushing returned as the sensible Dr.
Anthony Hinds
Van Helsing in this underrated sequel.
DIUaOf.: Terence Fisher
!O.EENWMDS: Jimmy Sangster, Peter Bryan, Beginning with the actual exciting end-
Edward Percy ing of the prev ious film, the story in-
volves Baron Meinstcr, a handsome
young blo nd man kept chained up by
his old mo ther at the ir chateau. A
)'oung French schoolteacher (Yvonne
Monlaut) spending the night releases
the perverse man , wno shows his lX>inry
teeth, turns imo a bat, and collects
vampire brides. With Freda Jackson and
Martita Hunt . It's hard to believe that
David Peel. the star vampire, was 40
at the time.

1966 Ang lo Amalgamared!7 A rts
Pictures (England)
P~ODUCE~: O liver Unger,
Harry A Ian Towers
Dluao~ : Don Sharp
SCAEENIII~ITt~: Harry Alan Towers.
Don Sharp
Christopher Lee in his second outing
as Fu Manchu. This time , stationed in
North Africa, he has kidnaped twelve
beautiful women, each the daughter of
RadllUron muram and one an international political figure. Pub-
of the Brides of Blood. licity centered on the dozen "contest"

winners, each from a different country, Boris Karloff is a master spy working
who are thrown into snake pits and ap- for the Germans during World War I.
pear in topless fight scenes (cut from The scared Karloff poses as a butler for
the American version). S ir Nayland a British war officer. Double agent Mar-
Smith (Douglas Wilmer), Or. Petrie garet lindsay manages to gain his trust
(Howard Marion-Crawford), and Heinz and SlOp him from sening off a time
Drache as the fianc~ of kidnaped Marie bomb at a cab inet meeting. With
Versin; aITive at the secret temple and Ho lmes Herbert and Maris Wrixon. A
use a death ray to blow it up. The dead remake of Three Faces West, filmed in
U) villain claims, "You will hear from 1926, then in 1930 with Erich von
me again!" You d id. With T sai Chin Stroheim.
and Burt Kwouk.
BRIGHAM YOUNG- 1931 First National (B&W)
1940 20th Century-Fox (B&W) scr.EENWMTW: Bert Kalmar,Harry Ruby
""OOUCl..: Darryl Zanuck Joe E. Brown plays chaperon to his play-
011l.E0o..: Henry Hathaway boy cousin in a comedy featuring Bela
SCP.tE~: Lamar Trotti Lugesi as a South American who acru-
Vincent Price as the founder of the ally gets a girlfriend (Thelma Todd)
Mormon church! On the way to Salt without having to kidnap or vampirize
Lake City in 1846 he's tried for trea- her. Bela was menac ing o nly in publi-
son and killed. Dean Jagger (as Brig- city photos.
ham Young) takes over. The real stars
are Tyrone Power and linda Darnell. THE BROOD
John Carradine is a scour. Wirh Brian 1979 New World (Canada)
Donlevy, Mary Astor, Charles Middle- MOOUCD..: Claude Heroux
ton, and Chief Big Tree. OlllEcroNKPHNWMD.: David Cronenberg
Oliver Reed is Or. Hal Raglan, a mad
psychotherapist whose catch phrase is
THE BRIGHTON "the shape of rage." It refers to his tech-
STRANGLER nique of encouraging patients to de-
velop boils, welts, and o ther physical
~OOUClk: Herman Schlom
DlP.tCTo..: Max N06SC(.K
manifestations of their emotional tur-
KkUNWk/TEkS: Arnold Phillips, moil. His greatest success is with Sam-
Max Nosseck antha Eggar, whose anger has given
John Loder is an amnesiac English aClOr birth to a small army of nonhuman chil-
who assumes the identity of a murder- dren who run off to kill another of her
ous character he plays on stage. With relatives every time Sam gets a little
June Duprez, Miles Mander, and Ian ticked off. H usband Art Hindle is un-
Wolf. derstandably upset. (R) -BM


1940 Warner Brothers (B&W) 1971 Columbia
ASSOCIATI ~ Bryan Foy PM>Ot.ICU5: L Q. Jones, Alvy Moore
DIMOCk: Terry Morse DIAlOo..: Bernard McEvuty
SCAUH'W'MO.: Lee !Cau SCJI££N\VIUTU.: William Welch

Famous screen scum Strother Mart in it TO PRe. "His brain cried Kill ! Kill !
has his first starring role as the leader Kill!" ran the ads. With Tom Neal
of a modern Ca lifornia devil cult . The (Detollr) and Jane Adams as a blind girl
elderly members arrange to transfer their who isn't afraid of Rondo.
souls [0 the bodies of kids, displayed
on pedestals in a crypt. Some clever THE BUBBLE
special effects show chddren's toys en- 1966 Mld~·t'sfcrn Magic
larged [0 life size by black magic. The ~OOUC[rJOII\£CTOrJ5CJU:[N\V1\lf(1I.!
producers, L Q. Jones (who appeared Arch OOOler
with Martin in some Peckmpah films) ALSO P.llUSEO AS: The Fantasuc InmsKm of
and Alvy Moore (the Green Acres TV Planer EartlJ
show) also act. Also with Charles In 1952 Arch Oholer made the firs t
Bateman and Alma Capri. major 3-D feature (8wana Devil). Four-
leen years later he gave it another try,
lHE BRUTE ,JlAN Ihis time in "Spacevisio n." Special
1946 PRC( B&W) glasses were required. A little money
P~OOU(E~: Ben Pivar and OJ better cast would have helped a
D1P.lCTO~: Jean Yarbrough lot. Only one projector was used. Ex-
K~EEHWPJTEM; George Bri c kl' rn, AlP starlet Deborah Walley, fu ture Mod
M. Coates Webster Squad star Michael Cole, and Johnny
Rondo Hatton, in his last role, is a (or- Desmond go to a strange community
merly handsome scientist who becomes filled with old movie props and citi-
an ugly killer when acid is thrown in zens repeat ing the same lines over and
his face. In real life, he was a formerly over. A huge transparent dome covers
Buck Rogers (BU$It'f handsome actOr with acromegaly, which the whole town. The best 3-D effect is
Crabbe) U'(IrCMS as Wilma distorted his features. The disease killed a floating beer mug. The worst includes
Demng (Om.slO.nce h im after he made this feature for a flo.... ti ng old rubber scare mask.. It's
Moore) recelt!I!S rhe latesr Umversal. They washed the ir hands of like an expanded T wilighr Zone episode
III !v.mdgufU. the distasteful exploitation by sell ing Ihal they cou ldn't find an end for. Rec-
om mended only to palient fans of bad
3-D movies.

19]9 Universal (B&W)
A5SOCIATt PAOO\.lC[1I.! Barney Sarecky
OIP.lCTOM: Ford Beebe, Saul Goodki nd
)(JU:[HWPJTEM: Norman S. Hall.
Ray Trompe
ALSO ~[LU.5[D AS: DesliMlion Sa/un!
If you haven't already seen the com-
plete 12-c hapte r serial go for the
condensed ac tion-packed 90-minu te
version (re leased in 1965 ); it's much
si mpler than the Flash Gordon serials
bur almost as (un. Buster Crabbe stars
as the hero who wakes up in the year
2500 and faces the space-age gangsters
of Killer Kane. Constance Moore (as

WIlma Deering), C. Montague Shaw
(as Dr. Huer), and Jack ie Moore (as
Buddy) fight along with Buck. Kane's You'l1Pe~'
men wear strop-on hoods decorated with
lightning bolts and put mind-control
helmets that look like pa int cans on
their enemies. On Saturn, Prince Tal-
len (Philson Ahn) and his men wear
capes and bullet-shaped helmets. Buck
wears his iXlpular studded belt. The mu-
[3nt Zuggs dress the best-loose pants
with le~:s that don't match. Wilma looks
like she's ready to go riding. ,
1979 Umvers.11
~ODIJC[k; Richard Caffey
DIUCTOk: Daniel Haller
K k[(N\\{klTEkl : Glen A. LaIWn,
Leslie Sle\'cru
Here's a TV pilot that people actually
paid money to see. The same producers
pulled the same stunt with their Barrie-
star Galaccica movie. Both are Star Wars-
mfluenced camp space operas. Gil Ge-
rard as Buck battles Killer Kane (Henry
SI lva) and Draco (Joseph Wiseman).
He trades sexual wisecracks With the
evi l but beautiful princess Ardal"
(Pamela Hensley), yet stays faithful [0 accidentally kIlls his cat wllh a knl(e
Wilma Deering (Erm Gray). Mel Blanc and covers II With plaster; the resul-
provided the vOICe for the cute robot. tant "sculpture" IS declared an artistiC
A soundtrack album is available. A TV masterpIece. A lovely beatnik girl
series resulted. There was also a 1950 (Barboura Morris) falls in love with
Buck Rogers TV show. him, a woman ~ives him heroin, and
everyone wants to see his r,ext work o(
A BUCKET OF BLOOD art. Contorted dead humans bring more
1959 A l P (B&W) recognition, respect. and mon e~' unti l
Pf.QOOC( I\"DlkECTO«.: Roger Corman the unfortunate status seeker is nabbed
!to.((N\\{flJTEk: Charb B. Griffith for his (mostly unintentional) crimes.
A wonderful beatnik horror comedy An all-time classic. With Anthony
shot in five days. Dick Miller. a fami- Carbone. Ed Nelson. and Bert Convy.
har Corman stock-company player, is Corman fo llowed ;t with the similar.
perfect as Walter P'lISley. a coffeehouse bener known Litle Shop of Horrors.
busboy who wants [0 be as hip as the Both used the same comIcal Jazz score
poetry-spouting beats he waits on. He by Fred Katz. Pau l Horn on sax.

BUG Jayne Mansfield film no ir! She helps
1975 Paramount her half-brother Dan Duryea stea l a
~Ooocu/KN:ENWIUTD.: William Castle diamond necklace from a wealthy spir-
DI~CT~: Jeannol Swarc itualist. A crooked cop (Stewart Brad-
An earthquake in a small Western town ley) resorts to kidnaping and murder
unleashes three-inch insects that cause to obtain the jewels. It was a serious
fires. A scientist (Bradford Dillman) ex- role for the actress, who next starred
periments on the bugs and mates them in Win Success SpcHl Rock HunteT! on
with cockroaches, resulting in giant Broadway. The Burglar was filmed in
meat-eating cockroaches. They also Philadelphia and Atlantic C ity. It was
learn to fly and spell out words by form- the fi rst film directed by Wendkos. With
ing the letters with their bodies. Patty Martha Vickers and Mickey Shaugh-
McCormack (star of The Bad Seed) dies nessy. In 1972 it was remade in France
while a roach eats her eye. With Jo- as The Burglars.
anna Miles and Richard G illand. It was
the last production of "horror king"
William Castle, who also wrote the
scree nplay based on the novel The BURN OUT, See JOURNEY
HepMeSlUS Plague. Director Swarc went INTO FEAR.
on to )awl 11.


1965 Col umbia (England) (B&W) BURN WITCH BURN
I'M)DLlCU/DIAECTO«.: Otto Preminge r 1961 Anglo Amalgamated/AlP (England)
so.£ENWJI.fTDS: John and Pe~lopt H.OOUCU: Albert Fennell
Mortimer ONCTOA: Sidney Hayers
A psychological thriller with a "surprise" Charlie Beaumont,
ending based on a novel of the same Richard Matheson. George Baxt
title by Evelyn Piper, whose The Nanny OAIGINA.LlT W£AS£I) AS:Night of rhe Eagle
was filmed the same year. Carol Lynley A well-made scary lale of Witchcraft
goes to England and enrolls her little based on Frin Leiber's "Conjure Wife."
girl Bunny in a nursery school. When A university professor (Peter Wyngarde)
she goes to pick her up, the child is discovers that his wife (Janet Blair) is
not there-and nolxldy has ever seen or using voodoo and witchcraft to furthe r
heard of her. Laurence Olivier is the his career. Being a rational man, he
police inspeclOr. As Lynley's brother, destroys all her spiders, skulls, and dolls
KeiT Dullea has the Anthony Perkins -and his life fall s apart. A student ac-
role. With Noel Coward, Adrienne cuses him of rape, he almost dies in a
Corri, Anna Massey, C li ve Revi ll, Fin- car crash, and he finds his wife nearly
lay Currie (as the dollmaker), and on dead in a graveyard. A stone eagle
a television in a bar- the Zombies as comes to life in an effective climax.
themselves. For protection, American theateraudi-
ences were given a special pack of salt
THEBURGIAR and words to an ancient incantation.
1956Q)lumbia (B&W) Weird Woman, a 1944 Lon Chaney film,
Louis W. Kellman
PAODOCD.: was based on the same story. The direc-
DIU:CTOk Paul Wendkos tor of this version had previously do ne
sa.u:HWMO: David Goodis Circus of Horrors.

THE BURNI N G of her broth er. With Dan H aggert y
198 1 Fllni.wa)'s (Griul)' Adams) and Beach Dicker-
~ODUCU: Harvey Weinstein son . The first biker fi lm directed by a
DlA£<TO'-: Tony Maylam woman. Peter.; later did Humanoids From
SCIUENWJIJTEIU: Peter Lawrence, the Dee/J. (R )
Bob Weinstein
A Friday W 13th copy about a disfig-
ured man who had been burned by kids
while he was a gardener at a summer
camp. He rClUms to the camp to maul
and decapitate with giant hedge shears.
LoL!i of modem teens gel killed to the
music of Rick Wakeman. Filmed around
Buffalo, New York. Tom Savini did the
gore effects, which were mostl y cut to
avoid an X fating. The soundtrack is SHE TOOK ON THE WHOLE GANG!
available. {R)
Ahowling helicat
humping, hot steel hog
on, roaring rampage
1976 U n ited Aru5U
PROOUCu./OIA£CTOk: Dan Cun ls
so.£ENWPJTU.S: WIIIH.. m F. Nolan,
Dan Curtis
A family rents an old house fo r the
summer. The house is possessed; deaths
OCCllf from a gas-filled room, a swim-
ming pool, a falling chimney, "Jive"
trees. Oliver Reed and Karen Black play
the parents of 12-year old Lee Mont-
gomery (the human slar of Bell). Bette
D<wis is the aum. Burgess Meredith and
Eileen Heckan arc the house owners.
The ghost of a chauffeur drhring a h<.-arse
haunts them. Dan Curt is is better off
making TV films.

1972 New World
PP.O OUCE'-: Paul
OIIU:CTOOS(..rENWP.ITO.: B.1rl-!lra Peters
"A howling hellcat humping a hot hog
on a roa ring rampage of revenge!" the
ads promised. Oixie Peabody (Angels
[)u. Hard), a six-foot blonde. gets on DIXIE PEAUODY • TERRY MACE· CLYDE VENTURA
...........cIa ., ~ .. IT'" U D D, .,eTlo.,
her bike with a s.'lwed-off shotgun and. PAUL NOB[RT ' BARBARA PEET[RS ' A N[W WORLD PICTURES R[LEASE
aided by TwO men, goes after the killer

UP/lI5 !53 : A SCTttrung- THE BUSTER KEATON A gangster comedy in which Sid Cae-
T(l(mI tludlenct t 'IeU'S
S TORY sar .s ~nt by gang leader Robert Ryan
Bwana De ....1 m Holly- to fi nd a corpse buried in a suit lined
1957 Paramount (B&W)
u:ood. Eoch 5P«raror we.m money. Wuh Anne Baxter, Ka y
poUInztd specrocies, u,/uch S1 d ney S h e ldon Medford, Jan Murray, Richard Pryo r,
art nudtd /.0 prodUCt the
DI"lCTOf.: Sidne~' Sheldon Dam Dehllsc, Godfre y C ambridge ,
thml-dllnenswnal effect,
f(ff u:idlOUI Ihtm the \!IeU'tf A mostly Hollywood-lled biography, Marty Ingels, Bill Dana , and George
u"Ould see !too r~$ {)!1 concentrating on the great comedHin's Castle's next was a Sid Caesa r
lhe scrttn. rise and fall. Donald O'Connor play~ ghost comedy, The Spirit is WillinK.
h im. Keaton was hired as "Technical
advisor." Peter Lorre and C. B. DeMille
play directors. With Ann Blyth as a BUTCHER, BAKER
fictional wife, Rhonda Fleming, and
Jackie Coogan . Watching th is proha-
19821lHernat ronal Film MMketing
bly made Ke<lton drink more he<lvil~' P1\ODUC[~:Stephen Brelmer,
Than he already haJ been. Eugene M:u:ola
DIA(CTOJ\ : Wilham Asher
THE BUSY BOOY SOJ:[NWJ\m:~: Stephen Brt"lInt" r.
[%7 Paramount A l anJa~' Glueckman, Boon Collms
P1\OOUCWDtI\ECTOf.: William C -mlc .4L50 I\EL£AS£D AS: N1ght Warnmg,
SCJ\[ [N\IIM"U; Ben StJrr NlghmlttTe Maker

AlP beach ·movie director Asher is back
with Krisry McNicho l's brother (and
ex-singing partner) Jimmy as a boy
raised by hI S aum (Susan T yrrell). She
[Urns the boy into a "surrogate h usband"
and becomes a ps)'chopathic killer (0
kccp him around the house. With Bo
Svenson as a cop and "graphic vio-
lence." Asher also used (0 di rect I Lov..
Lug cpisOOes. (R )

1952 Unitoo ArtiSlS (3·0)
Arch Dholer
A lousy film but it was the first 3·D
(c:Hure released during the early 50's
boom and it made piles of money. Rail·
road workers in Africa fight off lions
and natives. Try to imagine this being
the most publicized and talked-about
mov ie playing in your [Own . "Newer
than Te levision!" "A lio n in your
lap! A lover in your arms!" rhe ads
screamed. With Robert Stack. B.'ubara
Brino n . and Nige l Bruce. In 1966
OOOler made The Bubble. anmhcr bad
3-D mov ie.

• •
• •
• • THE CABINET OF Eleanor Parker didn't know her hus-
• • CALIGARI band was robbing the gas station while
• • 1962 (8& W) she waited in the car. She lands in
• • 20th Century·Fox
"'-ODUC[pjDlkEClO«.: Rugn K<l1
prison. where she is corrupted by Jan
• • K'-£ENWP.ITEA: Robert Bloch
Sterlmg, Gertrude Michael. Jane Dar-

• If thl~ psychologic:!1 horror fi lm had a

Jlfferent tLllc CInd weren't comrar.:d 10
well, Ellen Corby, and the mher tramps.
Most threatening is a six·foot rwo-inch
guard played by Hope Emerson, who
rhe 1919 German film nf rhe same IlIlc, throws Eleanor into solitary and shaves
it would have a much bcuer reputation. her head. Agnes Moorehead is the de-
It was Robert Bloch's M:comi screenplay spainng warden "'ho advises an aide to
after Ps)'chu. G lynis Juhm cxpcnenc(>s keep Parker's tile active as she watches
a series of terrifying hallucmatlons In - her walk out of [he gates: "She'll be
volving her psychialrbt, to rtuTe, and back." See Women's Prison. Reform
<In unhdpful lover. As in the c:1 r1i cr Scn(x)/ Girl, and Caged Heal. - CB
film, we realize in the end that t.'wry-
thing wa~ in rhe mind of the p:1tit.'n1, CAGED HEAT!
who is undergoing treatment III an 1974 New World
:l~yhlln. With lots of distorted set,. D.m P~ODUC["! Evelyn Purcell
O'l lcrlihy i~ Dr. Clligari. With E:.tcllc DIUCTOII/SCM:ENWMtk: Jomllhan Dcmmc
WinwooJ and Richard Davalos. A Audiences expecting another forget-
Lippert Production. table women's-prison drive-in feature
were a bit surprised to find politics and
CAGED feminism mLxed with the usual skin,
19S0 Wameh (B&W) shocks, and lowbrow humor in this cult
PIIODLK£k= Jerry Wald film. Female Inmates escape the sexual
DlA.ECTOk: John Cromwell abuse and "corrective physical therapy"
SOJ:ENWM£M: Virginia Kcllo~, of Connorvdle Maximum Security
Bernard C. Shoenfdd
Prison, rob a gang o(hank robbers, take
O\'cr the ja11, and rescue their friends.
B,lrbara Steele is McQueen, the re-
pressed, cnppled, sad istic warden who
has a sexy C<1h<1ret-number dream. In-
mate~ Include Juanita Brown (Foxy
Brown), Roberta Collins, Russ Meyer
star Enca Gavin, and Rainbeaux Smith.
Pom ~tar Desiree Cousteau is III There
somewhere , TOO. The music, a miXTure
of m<XXiy viola and country harmon im ,
is by John Calc. Evelyn Purce ll, the
producer, was the wife of Jonathan
Demme, here making Ius first film. (R )



1970 Fanfare
p«.ooucW: Kent Osborne, Budd Dell
DIM:CTOl\: Kent Osborne
Kp"[E~If[": Wilton Denmark
AUOWEAS£DAS: Cain',Cllrthroot.s, Tk
Ine pt violent sickness during the Civil
War. Scon Brady [Tacks down the Con-
federate gang who had raped and killed
his black wife. W ith a bounty hunter!
preacher (John Carradine) at his side,
he decapitates members of Robert Dix's
gang and keeps their heads. The story
is intc rcut with sce nes sho win g a
modem-day biker gang terroming a
town. Important statements about h is-
wry, racial problems, and vio lence from WHITE HOT DESIRES MElTING COLD PRISON STEELI
the people who gave us Blood of Drac-
ula's Casde. ( R)


CALL HlAt JIR. SHATTER "", ""'I0<, ... .., ........ ~! Y",·... ' .... l~l!~~'" I r ""t><DlIUX(

1974 Hammer/Avco Embassy

(Hong KonglEngland)
Vee KmgShaw 1943 Un1ve rsal ( B&W)
DIIY:OOP.: Michael Carrerns Ben Pi "ar
",,"O DUCE!\:
SCME~nv.: Don H oughtOn OIk£CTO": Regi nald LcBorS
ALlO Al1..£AS[D AS: Shaller S(k£[HW?ITEI'.: Edward Dem
A spylkung (u fi lm made in Hong Kong. A floa ting head introduces us to the
Hammer made Legend of the 7 Golden first of fi ve Lon Chaney, Jr. , films in-
Vampires. a good kung fulh orror film , spi red by the popular In ner Sanctum
at the same time, also starring Peter radio show. Chaney is a neurologist who
C ushing. With S tewart Whitman, uses hypnotism to sol ve his wife's mur-
Anton Diffring, and a Bruce Lee clone. der. J. Carrol Naish is the police in-
T he o riginal director, Seth Holt , died spector, With Patricia Morrison, David
during production. Whitman is awful Bruce (The Mad Ghoul), Fay Helm, and
and C ushing's part is small. (R) Holmes HerOCrt .

CALTIKl, THE IAIAIORDIL involved with both beauties. At a party,
AIONSTER he gets another gi rl pregnant . Mamie
1959 Allied ArtIsts (h aly) (B&W) takes her to an abortionist who rnpes
PlWDO(U: Samuel &:hnelJer her. Ted plans to marry June but dies
Dlt\£CTC».: RICcardo Freda (Rober! Hampton) of a heart attack when he sees her in a
SoC'-UNWPJT[P.; Filippo &mlusT( Ph il lIp JUSt) Stag fi lm. Has Mary Tyler Moore seen
An Italian movie.set in Mexico, though this o ne!
filmed in Spain and pawned off as being
American. even in Italy! Caitlk i, a ra-
dioac tive mass, is discovered in a sub- CANDY
terranean JX'IOI ncar Ma yan rums in 1968 Cmerama Releasing
Mexico. A dead diver su!'fuces with onl y (U.S.lFnmce/ltaly)
the bones ofllis arm left. Another man Pf.ODUCER: Robert Haggiag
who touches the killer gloh goes on a DIP.ECJOR: C hristian Marquand
murder spree, strangling peop le With his SCP.EEN\\nJTER : Buck Henry
new skeletal hand. Some gcxxi shocks. Terry Southern's novel is turned in to a
The cinematographer was Mario Bava scriesof guest-star bits. Pouty Ewa Au lin
(under the name Jo hn Foa m). With is the sexual goal of an alcoholic Welsh
John Merivalc, Dioi Perego (Sullivan), poet (Richard Burto n), rhe Mexican
and Giacomo Rossi-Stuart. gardener (Ringo Starr) , a generaUpilot
(Walter Matthau) , a long-haired guru
CAN ELLEN BE SAVED? (Marl o n Br anda), a hun c hback
1974 TV (Charles Amavour), and finally her
P"OOUC[k; Everett Chambe~ own fathe r (John Ast in) . With James
DIUCT~: Ha rvey H art Coburn and Jo hn Huston as crazed
!>o.[£NWlUT['-: Emmen Roberts doclOrs, Suga r Ray Ro binson . Elsa
John Saxon is hired by Leslie NIelsen MartinellI, Florinda Balkan, and Anita
and Louise Fletcher to depro~rnm their Pallenbcrg. Some of the music was by
cult-d isc iple daughter, hale Cat h y the Byrds and Sreppenwolf. Special ef-
C 1n non. Religious fa nao cs, exorCIsm, fect:. expen Douglas Trumbull did rhe
and Michael Parks-a ll in <l dull TV Impressive open ing and closing se-
movie , By the Canadian dmx£Or of quences. Filmcd in Ro me and New
Dark Illlruder. York. ( R )

1964 Atlantic Pictures CANNIBALATDICK
PRODUCER: Maurice Duke 1954 Columbia (B&W)
DIP.ECTOR: Robert Angus PI\ODU( EI\;Snm Kat:man
SCREENWRITER; Joyce Ann Miller DIP.ECTOl\: Lee Sholcm
No, it's not a Roben Redford hit. Two SCP.EENWI\ITEI\; C1Troil Young
of America's mOM successful breast- For the last three "Jungle Jim" movies
fetish queens, Mamie Van Doren and the cartoon-hero namc was dropped and
June Wilkinson, star in a scandalous Johnny Weissmu ller played .. . John ny
talc of political corruption in Washing- Weissll1uller! Johnny battles a tribe o (
ton, D.C., with none o ther than Ted crooks that wcar crocod ile skins. Jud y
("B.1xter") Knight . It's typical sleaze Walsh is the daughter of a princess in a
fro m a compan y known for its nudle tribe that lIsed TO be cann ihals. With
fil ms. Ted, a senatorial candidate, is D,wid Bruce .

BELL: {woother soldiers and a nu ~ on a ram-
page of mai ming. killing, and eat ing
until the police arrive to slaugh ter the
hungry "heroes" in the sewer. Saxon 's
always interest ing exploitation career
goes back to 1955 when he made h is
debut in RIUllling Wild with Mamie Van
DJre n. Director Margherit i has been
churning out Ita lian junk mov ies for al-
most as lo ng. O rigin ally rated X fo r
violence . ( R )

1976 New World (U.S.!HonGKonG)
PAOOUCEk: Samuel W . Gelfman
DlkEOOM /SCREENWklTEkS : Paul Bartel.
Donald C Simpson
A fo llow-up to Death R(lCe 20c0. I),w id
CANNIBAL GIRLS C arradi ne as C annonba ll Buc kman
1972 AlP (Canada) panidpates in a present d.-1Yillegal cross-
"'.OOU(:o.: Daniel Goldberg country race . With Gerrit G raham,
OlkECTOfi: Ivan Reitman Robert Carradine , Judy Canova , Se-
~: Rober! Sandler linda Balaski, Bill McKinne y, lo ts of
Second City T V fa ns: this horro r spoof mangled cars, and Martin Scorcesc re-
sw rs Eugene Levy and Andrea Martin . present in g the Mafia. With bits by
As in Chamber of Horrors, there's a Roger Comla" and Joe Dame. Run Run
wa rning bell that rings (Q induce the Shaw was the executive producer. In
audience to close their eyes. Rei tman, '78 C.-nrad ine was projec ted into the
the di rectOr, later h it with Meatballs and future again in Dealruporr.
Stripes afte r prod ucing earl y Da vid
C ro nenberg hirs. ( R ) CAPE CANAVERAL
DlkEOOk/SCkEENWklT[k: Phil Tucker
CANNIBALS IN THE Acts of sabotage arc carried o ut against
STREETS a fledgling U. S. sp..1ce program by a mar-
1982 Aim; Cinema Five (Ital y) ried co uple killed when their Buick h it
Pl\OOUC[1l.s: Maurizio Amari, Sand ro Amari a tree. The ir cncrgiz(..-d bodies piece to·
OIk(CTOI\ISC kUN'IIkITEk: gether an intergalactic communications
A ntonio Marghem i (Anthony Dawson) center fro m faucets and broken speedo-
of lhe Flesh
AUO IW.£AS[O M : ImwlOTl meters. As long as they keep the ir aTms
I-fu nle" from falli ng off. they do fin e. Missiles
An c XlTc mel y gor y o rgy o f fl es h - go up, missiles come down. With lots
munching fi lmed in Atlanta , Georgia , of terrific N ASA footage of same . Fea-
wi th an Italian crew. Joh n Saxo n stars turing Scott Peters, linda Connell ,
as an ex-Green Beret who was infected Katherine V ictor, Jason Johnson , and
by a cannibal virus in Viemam. He jo ins Fra nk Smith . As with Robot Monsla,

10 1
worth spending an extra night in nix from a neutron bomb. With Heather
Wilkes-Barre for. - CS Menzies and Len Birman.

1975 20th Cemury-Fox 1979 TV
P"'OOUCE"': Roger Curman PIIOOUC[!\: Allan Balter
Ol'-Eao",: Steve Carver Oll\[ao"': [van Nagy
KMENWl'JTE",:Howard Browne KMEN\VPJT£I\.S: Wilton Schiller,
A quickie gangster bio, Corman style! Patricia Payne
Ben Gazzara is pretty ridiculous in his Reb Brown returns as the new Captain
portrayal of Al Capone as a vio lent America in a second pilm film. Chris-
psychopath. Connan only produced this topher Lee is a kidnaped scientist ca-
one but it includes scenes from his 51. pable of accelerating the aging process.
Valentine's Day Massacre. With Harry With Len Birman, Lana Wood, and
Guardino, John Cassavetes, Frank Connie Selleca . It was a theatrical re-
Campanella, Susan Blakely, and Syl- lease in Europe.
vester Stallone as Frank "The Enforcer"
Nitti. Blakely and Stallone had just
been in The Lords of Flatbush. (R) CAPTAIN CLEGG, See NIGHT
1978 Warner Brothers CAP1JtTN KRONOS, rqJMPIRE
P"'OOUCE"': Paul N. Lalarus III HUNTER
OluaopJK"'EEHWI\.ITE",: Peter Hyams 1973 Hammer/Paramount (England)
NASA fakes a manned flight to Mars. PllOOUCEP.S: Albert Fennel, Brian Clemens
The capsule is destroyed and the astro- Dll\[aoNKP.£ENWI\I1EI\: Brian Clemens
nauts who were supposed to be inside Too bad this fun vampire adventure got
are marked for death to insure their lost on a double bill with the inferior
silence. James Brolin, Sam Waterston, Frankenstein and the Monster From HeU,
and O. J. Simpson are the astronauts because it's really good. Horst Janson
flee ing from the government. Hal Hol- is the swashbuckling hero, killing vam-
brook is the mission commander who pires with the aid of the odd, hunch-
devises the deception, which is discov- backed Professor Grost (John Carson)
ered by investigative reporter Elliott and Caroline Munro. The vampire lore
Gould and TV commentator Karen is mostly new and the film works as an
Black with the help of crop duster Telly adventure and a comedy. 'When a friend
Savalas. With David Doyle and Brenda (Ian H endry) becomes a vampire they
Vaccaro. Director Hyams later did try to kill him by using a cross, bullets,
Outland. a sword, and hanging. Nothing seems
to work. They figure Out how to knock
CAPTAIN AMERICA him off just in time for a whole family
1979 TV of aristocratic bloodsuckers to be dis-
PIIOOUCE!\: Martin Goldstein covered. With Shane Bryant. Director
OIMaof'.: Roo Holcomb Clemens wrote many of the best Aven-
KI\EEHWI\.ITE",: Don Ingalls gers shows. The the me song is available
Dismal pilar film with Reb Brown as on The First Man on the Moon L. P. ,
Captain America's son, saving Phoe- which features music by Laurie Johnson_

1970 Richmark (B&'W)
I'MXlOCEWDIAECT~ Richard Crawford
~: Richard Crawford,
Barry Leichtling
Marine Geoff Gage is introduced to
drugs and free love whi le home on
leave. He breaks off with hippie girl
Andrea Cagan and returns to Vietnam,
where he dies in action. Music by the
Steve Miller Band, Country Joe and
the Fish , Quicksilver Messenger Serv- magician. S inbad encounters a giant fist UPI 3131150: New York:
ice, and Kaleidoscope. W ith David with a spike-glove, an invisible mon- Joonny Weissmul/eT (nghl).
Kom , Ronald Barca, and Belle Greer. ster, birdmen , a multiheaded monster, HOW (l/Ipearing in Capt I lie
-CB and a man-eati ng crocodile. Almost as Girl. IS mel by nine su.,m-
mi,,&, bw.uries from his
good as The Sevemh Vayage of Sinbad.
CAP1)IJN NEAfO AND THE Filmed in Germany.
"u.UlCn"adco" Jht;w, on Ius
llI"I"i\GI tU Guardia Field.
1969 MGM (England) TM girls braved low tern-
CAPTfVE GIRL ptTarurn to display WIT
,"",ooucu.: Bertram Osler
1950 Columbia (B&W) scrap/.eJJ IX!flling suies. TM
OIk£CTOk: James Hill
Ptl.OOUCEk: Sam Katzman WeissmuUer waurcade
SCII.££H\VPJTE'-S: Pip and Jane B..1ker, William Berke
DIIU:CTOf.: opens in Cincinnati.
R. Wright Campbell KIU:EPNn.ITEP. : Carroll Young
Ro bert Ryan, as C,prain Nemo. in his Jungle Jim (Johnny Weissmutler) res-
only fantasy film. A passable adapta- cues a blond girl (Anita Lhoestl who
tion of Jules Verne . it features an un- had grown up in the jungle. Buster
derwater city threatened by a giant Crabbe is the villain. Johnny and
manta ray. With Luciana Paluzzi , Na- BuSler, both former Tanans, had also
nette Newman, and C huck Connors as been in Swamp Fire (1946) together.
the senator.
CAP1)IJN SINBAD 1943 Universa l (B&W)
196J MOM PtI.OOUCEk: Ben Pivar
Pf.OOUCEP.S: Frank and Herman King DIIU:CTOf.: Edward Dmytryk
DIIU:CTO~: Byron Haskin K IU:£NWfJTEP.S: Henry Sucher, Griffith Ja y
~: Samuel B. West, Harry Rclis The success of Cal People inspired Uni-
Guy Williamson, TV's Zarro (and Pro- versal to ma ke thi5 ape-woman movie,
fessor Robinson in Los! in Space), stars a mindless bur fun variation o n the
as Sinbad in an overlooked famasy with theme . John Carradine as Dr. Sigmund
some great special effects. The villain! Walters turns a man in a gori lla su it
dictator (Pedro Prinendariz) keeps his into the beautiful Acquanetta. When
heart in an ivory tower so he can't be sexually aroused, she become5 a hairy,
killed. Abraham Sofaer is hi5 court snarling killer. Milburn Srone (Doc on

Gunsmoke) is the animal-tramer hero. THE CAR
Evelyn Ankers is his girl. Circus (00[- 1977 Universal
age from The Big Cage (1933) with PIIOOOCW: Elliot Silverstein, Marvin Birot
Cl~'de Beatty helped fill out the 61- OII\£CTOII: Elliot Silverstein
minute feature. With Lloyd Corrigan SOHN\\I'MU.i: Denms Shryac k,
and Fay Helm. There were two sequels; Michael Butler, Lane Siale
Jungle Woman was nex[. Unintentional laughs highlight this
thriller patterned after Jaws. A big black
car withoul a driver chases Sheriff James
Brolin and his family through the des-
ert. After many deaths, the c,,'lT blo....'S up.

1963 United Arlists (B&W)
Pf.OOUC( R/Olfl.EClOfl.; Hall Bartlett
Henry F. Greenberg
Don't miss the powerful beginning of
this good psycho-wa rd movie. Poll y
Bergen wa lks down the street (past as-
sociate producer JeTI)' Paris, doing a
cameo) into a movie theater showing
a smte-of- the-world newsreel, and has
a nervous breakdown. She runs up to
the stage, slaring at the screen until
the men in white coalS arrive. In the
mental hospital. it's Robert Stack as
the liberal dacmr vs. hard-liner Joan
Crawford (in a suPPOrt role). Joa n
Qn.e of the Captive Wo- CAPTIVE WOAfEN teaches her nurses karate and consid -
men In the New Yl,l1'k 1952 RKO (B&W) ers Polly too dangerous to stay wit h
CIf,o{3000A.D. ~SOlDNo'MtM: Aubrey Wl.~be~, others. The inmates include Janis Paige,
Jack Pollexfen Ellen Corby, and Barbara Barrie as a
OIl'£CTOII: Sruart Gilmore mute pyromaniac. Herbert Marsha ll
AUO I\£l..LI..S£O AS: 1.0CI0 Yl'ar5 {rom Noo' runs the hospita l where Van Williams
New York in the 29th century is a IXlSI- and Susan Oliver work. Robert Vaughn
alomic heap of rubble. The remaining is Ikrgen's weak husband.
people are either norms (led by Rab-
en Clarke) or mutes (led by Ron Ran- CARNIVAL OF BLOOD
dall). The disfigured mutes arc the 1971 Kirk Films
peaceful good guys, the norms a rc Pfl.OOUC[R/OIII[CTOR/KIIE[HWAlTU.:
barbaric. Clarke and co-stars William LWJlllTd Kirman
Schallert and Margaret Field had just I dare anybody to stay awake through
been in The Man from Planer X. Pretty Camiwl of Bro.!. Some fools have been
laughable stuff. Albert Zugsmith was trying lately after putting down about
associate producer. $50 for the videocassette. Burt Young
owns a copy. He's in it, though. It was
CAPTURE THAT CAPSULE, his first fi lm. Some women get killed
See Spy SQUAD. and there's a guy named Gimpy. Most

of the time people sit on a couch and smgs "Ou-shoo-bla-d." The Shadows
talk or try to break balloons. It was (..... ith guitanst James Burton) do the
filmed at Coney Island, which is not a creep. -CB
borinll place. Originally co-billed with
the equally unwmchable Curse of fhe
Headkss Horseman.
1956 20th Century-Fox
Pr.QOUCU.: Wend )' Ephron
DluaOf.; Henry KinG
1962 Hert5-Llon (B&W)
",,"ooucuJOtUCTC».: Her!': Har ...:y A musical version of Uliom, which Fritz
KUEHwmn.: John Clifford Lang had directed in 1935. If Gordon
Organist Mary Henry (Candace Hilli- Macrne and Shirley Jones singing "You'll
goss) drowns when a girlfriend's car Never Walk Alone" doesn't thrill you,
breaks through a rural Kansas bridge watch for performances hy Cameron
railing and sinks inw a swollen river. Mitchell. Angelo Rossitto, and Tor
Hours later, she reappears on the shore Johnson!
a nd makes her way to the town of
Lawrence, where she starts her new job CARRIE
playing the organ at the church. Strange 1976 Un!(ed Artl~I S
things begin to happen. She is d rawn Paul Monash
OlkEaOl\: Brian DcP:llnI:I
to an abandoned lakeside pavilion on KUEHWPJrEfI. ; l.:lwrence O. Cohen
the outskirts of IOwn-where the dead
wa lk. And dance. Farmers in ghoul A horror (11m bri lhantly conceived to
appcal to [he V:lSt American teenage
makeup block every path of escape.
moviegomg popu lation. The much·
Mary IS back m the front seat of the
copied plo[ IS about a naive girl (Sissy
old Chevy when I['S draIDled from the
Spacek) ..... ho uses her psychic powers
river. Frances Feist is the landlady, Sid-
to punish her rnan~' tomlentors, mclud-
ne~' Berger the man next door. Direc-
tor Harvey leads the dead eyes of Law- ing her religiOUS (anallc mother ( Piper
Lauric). The modcrn thrills include
rence. Requm.-d viewing. - CB
a mensrru3rlon -ln-the-school-shower
scene, a shock ending coplcd fro m
CARNIVAL ROCK Delit'fTance, and Nancy Allen (rhen the
[958 Howco (B&W) director's girlfriend, later his wife) giv-
I't\ODUCW OlkECTOk: Roger Connan ing John Travo lta a blow Job. Amy
K Il.EEH'IIII'.m:I\: La> Lieberman Irving, William Kan, Travolta, Allen,
"The pcnt-up fUT)' of today's rock 'n' and P.J. Soles all went on tomher teen-
rol lers-hungry for kicks!" was the ad related projects. With Sidney Lassick.
copy on this one. Gambler Brian Hu t- Based on Stephen King's first nove l.
ton wins a nigh tclub and singer Susan Music by Pi no Donaggio. ( R )
Canot; obsessed loser David Stewart
stays o n as a baggy-panrs comic and CARRY ON SCREAAIING
torches the club on the eve of the 1966 Audio Film Center (En/:land)
wedding. With Dick Mil ler and Jona- I't\OOUC EI\: Peter R~e rs
than Haze. Musica l guests include Bob DlkECTOf.: Gcrnld Thomas
Luman, David Houston, the Planers, K kEEHWI\1TEI\ : Talbot Rmhwe11
and the Blockbusters. Originally a pack- The revived Or. Watt (Kenneth Wil-
age deal with Tn'l1(lgc Thunder. Cabot liams) and h is vampmsh sister (Fenella

Fielding) create twin Frankenstein mon- Hugo Haas, who soon decided he could
sters called Oddbod. who kidnap wo- direct as well as the guy who d id this.
men. Bungling detectives investigate. as Omat.
A mummy and a Dr. Jekyll join in the
fun. It was the 12th in the long-nmning
1971 Newport
CASABlANQI ~EN'DfA(CTOP.: Sean Cunni ngham
1943 Warner Brothers (B&W) !IO.[EtfIIINTW: Bud Talbot, Jerry Hayling
~OOOCD.: Hal B. Wallis AlSO I\£UASED AS: Sex on the GI'OOlIt' T.we.
DlAECTOP.: Michael C urtiI Co.u: of the Smiling Stiffs
5O.EDNtINTEkS: Julius J. and Philip G. Epstein An episod ic Dragnet-style parody of
Ronal,J "eagan and A nn Sheridan al· sexploi tation films made in Florida by
most played the Humphrey Bogart and the director of The last House on the
Ingrid Bergman roles in this all-time Ufl, Friday the 13th, and A Stranger Is
favorite. Everybody's seen it ,md knows Warching. It features a vampire girl who
the plm and cast, which includes Peter likes oral sex and Harry Reems of Deep
Lone in a great small role (Bogart ca lls Throat fame. Originally released as a
him a "cut-rate parasite" ), Sidney hard core feature with a self-imposed
Greenstreet, and Conrad Veidt. X rating. (R )


1954 Paf1lnlOOnt QlSE OF THE &ltlLlNG
!IO.[ENWMU.: Aubrey WISberg
As a cowardly tailor's assistant, Bob
Hope is mistaken for Casanova (Vin- QlSH ON DEAtAND
cent Price in a small role). He enCQun- 196 1 HammerlColumbia (England)
I'II.OOUCtk:Michael Carreras
ters a Who's Who of screen villains and
DlAECTOP.: Quentin Lawrence
oddities, including Basi l Rathbone, KmH\WJT'EAS: David T. C han tier,
John Canadine, Lon Chaney, Jr., Ray· Lewis G reifer
mo nd Burr, Skelton Knaggs, Primo Peter C ushing, in a rarc '60s non-horror
Camera, John Hoyt, Henry Brandon, ro le, plays a strict bank manager. And re
Lucien Littlefield, and a group of mid- Morell kidnaps his wife and son to force
gC(s. With Joan Fontaine , Audrey him to help commit a robbery.
O<Ilron, Frieda inescort, and Robert
1967 Columbia (England )
QlSBAH PP.QDUCE'-S:Char\e$ K. Feldman.
1948 (B&W) Jerry Bressler
PRODUCEI\: Nat C. Goldstein oluCTOP.S:John Huston. Ken Hughes,
DIP.£CTOI\: John Berry
Val Guest, Robert Parrish,
K i\(EH\VfJT{I\: L Bushfcketc
Joseph McGrath
A musical remake of Algiers (1938) with ~EN\III'MV.!: Wolf Mankowitz, John Law,
rhe dubious charms ofTony Martin and Michael $ayers, Billy Wilder, Ben Hecht.
Yvonne DeCarlo. Peter Lon e is Sli- John Huston, Val Guest, Joseph Heller,
mante , a singing police inspector. With Terry Southern

The only Ian Fleming Bond novel that Elizabeth Blackwood (Barbara Steele)
producers Saltzman and Broccoli didn't and discovers she has no heartbeat . He
own was his first. Charles Feldman de- sees severa l horrible murders replayed
cided to throw our the plot , use the by the dead inhabitants. When he dis-
title, and make this all-star comedy covers that they plan to kill him for
mishmash that looks like an adult his blood he runs outside and is im-
Monkees show. David Niven stuTTers as paled on an iron fence. Poe and Black-
the " real" Sir James Bond, coming out wood arrive and collect their money
o( retirement to save the world (rom from his pocket. One of Barbara Steele's
SMERSH . Woody Allen, as his inept bes[. A great ghost story with some tame
nephew Jimmy Bond, has some of the (probably Cll[) lesb ian scenes. Mar-
best scenes and provides the surprise gheriti liked it so much he remade it as
end ing. As a gambling expert, Peter Web of the Spider with Tony Franciosa.
Sellers has a big casino scene pillying American theater patrons who won a
against Orson Welles, a SMERSH promotional contest got "one frozen
agent . The two actors disliked each dead corpse ;md one fema le scalp"!
other so much that they fi lmed on differ-
ent days playing to doubles. Including a CASTLE OF DOOM, See
takeoff on Gennan expressionistic fi lms, VMfPYR.
a nod to the producer's earlier What's
New'car (with Peter O'Toole), a CASTLE OF EVIL
fl ying saucer, Frankenstein's monster 1966 World Entncainment Corporation
(David Prowse), music by the Tijuana PI\ODUCEI\: Earle lyon
Brass, and Dusty Springfield singing DII\ECTO~: Francis O. Lyon
"The Look of Love." With Ursu la KI\EENWP.ITE~: Charles A. Wallace
Andress, Joanna Pettet, Daliah Lavi, Kovec, a mad scientist who was dis-
Barbara Bouchet, Deoorah Kerr, Wil- figured by phosphoms salts, is dead. H is
li am Holden, Charles Boyer, John heirs arrive at his Caribbean island cas-
Huston, George Raft, Jean-Paul BeI- tle and are killed by a robot created by
mondo, and Jacqueline Bisset (as Miss the clever Kovec in his own image
Goodthighs). It's over two hours long. (rotted face, missing eye). This laugh-
able horror features Scott Brady as the
CASTLE OF BLOOD hero, Virgini a Mayo as Kovec's ex-
1964 Woolner (FwnCe/ltah') (B&W) mistress, Hugh Marlowe, David Brian,
H.OOLKEII.S: Frank Belty, Walter Sarch and Li sa Gaye. A free fune ral was
DIP.ECTO~: Antonio Margheriti promised " if you D. D. (Drop Dead)
(Anthony Dawson) while watching."
~I\EEN\\[lI.S: Jean Grilllaud,
Gordon Wilson, Jr. THE CAS1LE OF
Al..:SO ML£ASEO AS: Cmlle of TC7TOT
19681ntermltional Cinema
A writer (George Riviere) meets Edgar (W. GermanyfSpairJltall'/England)
Allan Poe and Lord Blackwood at an ~EIIJSCJI,[[NWIIJTEI\: Harry Alan Towers
inn . They bet him that he can't spend 011\(001\: JeSS<' Franco
the night alone in a certain castle on ALSO I\EI.EAS[D AS: Assignment; lSlanbul
All Sou l's Eve. On that night, every This final cheap Christopher Lee/Fu
person who ever died there re-enacts Manchu number was so bad it wasn't
his deaths. He meets the beautiful released for several years ;md then on

the:: hlttom of a double bill, The main who gives a charm to the dwarf, The re
cast IS the s,'lme as Kiss and Kill with are di screp~ ncies in reports as to who
the:: addition of European beauties Maria actua lly d irected, but the end scen es
Perschy and Rosa lba Nen, with the enormous statues were directed
by Michael Reeves, a young English -
CASTLE OF THE LIVING man who later made h is own fearures,
1961 Woolner Br{)5, (It\lly /Fr:mce) CASTLE OF TERROR, See
Pll.OOUCEI'.: Pau l
DIP.£CTOA: LUCiano RICCI (Herf..crt Wise)
A surprisingly good film about a small, THE CAT AND THE CANARY
p icturesque group of perfo rmers who 1939 Paramount (B&W)
<lgree to travel by wagon to the castle H.ODUC[": Arthur Hornblow, Jr.
of Count Drago (C hristopher Lee with DIP'£CTO~: Elliott Nugent

a goatee and blackened eyes), His real - SC~E[NW"ITEkS: Walter De Leon,

istic co llection of stuffed anima ls is Lynn Starlmg
really the result of a drug th at h e also A comedy version of the o ld masked-
uses o n huma ns to " preserve" thei r killer play. Bob H ope and Paule tte
beaut)', It's not a great role fo r Lee but Goddard star with Gale Sondergaard,
the plays and magic shows put on by George Zucco, John Beal. and Doug-
the performers are mtere~ting, The lass Montgomery, The escaped- in mate
dwarf emerges as the fil m's hero, Donald killer with the clutch ing hand stalked
Carol L,nk, 51TU,WeJ III
1M J1e1t't'JI t'tTSlOJI a/The Sutherland plays t....'O roles, a dlmwined for the fourth time in 1978. Hope an d
Cat and (he C::m~ry soldier and, in o ld wo man drag, a wllch Goddard retu rned in a bener follow-up
hit (The Ghosl Breakers) in 1940.


1978Qu~rtel (Brit ish)
Pll.OOUCE":Richard Gordon
DIP.£CTOOK'-£ENWPJT(k: Radley Metzger
Based on a 1922 stage play, this was
the fourth ve rsion of the reading-of-the-
will mystery. It's a comic version set in
1934, by a director previously known
for his enjoyably any sex films (like The
Lickerish Quarlel). Carol Lynley is
named the sole heir to a fonune left by
Wilfrid H yde-White, All the relatives
are spending the night in an o ld man -
sion and an insane killer is loose in the
neighborhood, With Honor Blackman ,
Mich ael C allan , Edward Fox,Wendy
Hill er, O liv ia Hu ssey, and Dan iel

1973 TV 1957 AlP (En!!bnJ) (B&W)
~ODUC£k: Douglas S. C mmer ~OOUCEI\,S:L()u, Herbert Smith
DlIU:CTOI\; Curtis H~rrm).:t'l1l OIP.EOO": Alfred Shau!! hnessy
KUENWP.ITEP.: Ro~rt Bloch K"EEHW"ITE~: 1.011 Ruso(f
Okay attempt to recreate;l Val Lewton A fi lm alxi ut a f<lmily curse which c:m
'40s mood. Gale Sondcrgaard (who turn <l girl (Bllrbara Shelley) into a killer
had only appeared in onc film since leopard. With Robert Ayres and Kay
1949 because of rhe Communist scare CallarJ . O rigmally co-bi lled with The
blacklist) is Hester Black. a mysterious Anu1zmg Colossal Man.
shopkeeper. John Carmdinc, Key Luke,
Kent Smith (Cal Peopk), and John Ab·
bpn (The Vampire's Ghost) flrc all o n
hand [0 remind you of the B-movie THE CATO'NINE TAILS
1971 N,llional General Pictures (It::1lyf
roots. Smrring Meredith Baxter and
Fr,mcodW. GCTlll::1nr)
David Hcdison. With Stuart Whitman
~OOUCE~: S~llc,t tme Argento
and Peter Lorre, Jr. (actually Eugene OI"EOO,",K"HNW"ITU: D~rio Argentu
Weingand, an unrelrltcd imposter once
The " Italian H itchcock" returns with
raKen to court by Lorre for illegal use
another clever, somNimes bloody mys-
of his name).
tery. Reporrer James Franciscus (cams
With a hlinJ professional crossword-
pu:!le solver (Karl Malden) to find a
THECATCREEPS murderer. The XY factor in chromo-
19JO Universa l ( B&Wj somes causes the man to kill. Music by
Pll.OOUCU: Carl Laemrnle, Jr. EnnlO Morricone.
DlIU:CTOP.: Rupert Juilan
SCI\EENWP.rrElU: Gbdrs Lehman.
William Hurl but
A talkie remake of The Ca t and the CATPlWPLE
Canary- (1927). Helen Twelvetrecsstar-; 1941 RKO (B&W)
with Neil Hamilton . Je.m Hersholt. and Pf.OOUCE~:Val Lewton
Montague Love. A Spanish-language 011'.[00": J:1C"lUCS Toumeur
version was shot slnwltaneousl), with a :KA([NW1';JTO;: DeWttt Bodeen
different casl. UOIvers..,1 d id Ihe same "Kiss me ,md ['II claw you (0 deal h !"
wi th Dracula the nexI year. read the ads. Irene (Si mone Si mon ), a
Serbian-born fashio n anist living in
New York. IS haunted by the fear that
THE CAT CREEPS she is descended from a race of cat-
1946 Un lvcrs.11 (B&W) women who turn into panthers when
~OOUCE~: Howard Welsc h sexua lly aroused. Her architect husband
0111,£00": Earlc C. Kenton (Kent Smith) is having an affair with
KiII.£ENVnJ'TEP.S: Edwa rd Oem, Jerry Warne r Jane Randolph and her psychiatrist
Forgettable horror fi lm with a murdered (Tom Conway) ....'ants ro have one with
woman's spirit HVLOg in a cat. With Paul hcr. The first of Lewron's great, subtly
Kelly. Lois Collier, Nooh Beery. Jr., aunosphenc B-movies. It deals morc
Douglas Dumbrille. and Jonathan Hale. with the fcar of sex than with a cliche
No relation to the 1930 fi lm of the same monSter. With Alan Napier and Eliza-
name. beth Ru~1I as the mysterious woman

who calls Irene "moyasestra." The Curse Women was remade in '58 as Missile- w
of the Cm People was a very different the Moon. Music by Elmer Bernstein
semi-sequel. (The Magnificent

CAT PEOPLE 1967 Crown International (B&W)
1982 Universal PI\OOOCW: Bond Blackman, Jack Barden
I'kOllUCU: Charles Fries OIkECTOk! Lee Sholem
Dl RLCTOf.: Paul Schrader 5CA£EH\VPJTU.: Clyde Ware
SCP.££HWM'U.: Alan Ormsby Vacationing divers Tommy Kirk and
Whenever Malcolm MacDowell has an Brian Cutler are hired to retrieve a rare
orgasm, he turns imo a panther. His Chinese scroll dropped overboard dur-
sister, Nastassia Kioski, is under the ing a scuffle between thieves.The two
same curse, but she doesn't know it college friends help get the artifact back
'cause she's a virgin. Since "cat people" to the museum after girl -chasing and
can mate with each other without beina musical (un. little Richard does "Scuba
transformed, MacDowell proposes an Party," and Mary Wells docs "Never
incestuous solution, Nasti is in love with Steal Anything Wet." With Del Moore,
zoo keeper John Heard, so she won't Peter Duryea, Ly le Waggon e r, Sue
go for it-instead she goes off with Casey, Carol Connors, the Cascades,
Heard, who eventually finds a solution Michae l Blodgett, and the Adr ian
that's even more depraved. A radically T cen Models. Filmed on location on
revisionist remake of the Val Lewton Catal ina Island and in Malibu. T. V.
moldy o ldy set in New Orleans. Music Mikels was the director of photography.
by G iorgio Moroder and David Bowie. Sholem directed ./...ouisiana Hussy. -CB
Screenplay by Alan Ormsby of Children
Shouldn't Play with Dead Things fame.
With Ruby Dee and Ed Begley, Jr.
(R ) - BM
1953 Aswr (3.0)
PP.QDOCU.:Al Zimbalist YOU CAN, See
5CA£EHWPJTEk: Roy Hamilwn
ALSO kELU.5ED .u: Rocker ro rhe Moon
Sonny Tufts leads a min i-expedition to 1977 21st Cenrury (Canada)
the Moon, inhabited by beaut iful tele- I'kOOUCEIU:Eddy Mamion, N. Mathieu,
pathic women in tights. Crew member Nicoll:! Boisvert
Victor Jory causes trouble. A giant spi- OlIllCTOP.: Eddy Matalon
der threatens. Sonny and Earth woman SCI\[[~TU.S: Myra Clement,
Marie Windsor love each other. The Eddy Matalon, A. Sens-Cazenave
"cat women" let the Earth people go. OPJGINALLY k£lU.SlD.u: Cauchemares
A terrible but well-loved and trend- S low-mov ing Exorcist copy about a lit-
setting (eature from the producer of the tle girl with a possessed rag doll. little
same year's ground-breaking Robcx Mon- Randi Allen get5 to act like linda Blair.
JIeT. Both were in thrilling 3-0. Cat Filmed in snowy Canada.

onc more theatrical release- Hellcats
of the Navy with Nancy Davis. This one
has Gene Evans, Lance Fuller, Jack
Elam, Morris Ankrum, Myron Healy,
and Paul Birch.

1967 Cannon (Spain)
Santos Alcocer (Edward Mann)
EI COWCciOllista de Cadavres
AUO RElEASED AS : Blind Man's Blllff
Boris Karloff is a famous blind sculpmr
who unwitti ngly uses real bones as the
foundations for his work. H is wife
(Viveca Lindfors) is the crazed kil ler
who supp lies the bones. Jean.Pierre
Aumont is a writer fooling around with
THE CATMAN OF PARIS a JXltential model/victim. Boris spends
1946 Republic (8&W)
most of the fi lm in a wheelchair. For
Pl'.ODUCo.: Marek M. Ubkov
Viveca Lindfors fans only. Karloff was
DIlUCTOf\: Lesle~' Selander
KA.EENWf\m:I\: Shennan L Lowe long gone by the time the movie was
released here in '71. By the director of
A man wearing a top hat and a cape
becomes a cat. He basically looks like HaUucirwtioll Generation.
an uns have n guy with vampire teeth
and Spock cars who went wild with an
eyebrow pencil. With Lenore A lben,
Carl Esmond, Douglas Dumbri lle, and
Gerald Mohr.

1954 RKO
PI\OOUCEI\; Benedict Borgeans
DIIUCTO..: Allan Owan
K II.E£NWlIJTEM: Robert Bires,
Howard Estabrook
Ronald Reagan plays a hired thug trai-
mrausiy in love with his ooss's enemy,
cattle queen Barbara Stanwyck. In the
cnd he turns Out (surprise!) to be a good
guy working for the govern ment. It's
said to be one of Reagan's best. The
next year Owan di rected him in Ten-
nessee'l Parmer. After that he on ly made

1979 Fil m Vemures (hal y) 1963 Parade Pictures (U.S.fPhilippmes)
OIMCTO"= Tullo MonlOro Pf.ODUCD.: e mo H . Samiago
UPI4f2 118 1.)ohn M(luL.!- so..£[N\VIIJTU: Joe Mac.\oSO OIMClO!VKP.l[HWM"EI'.: Eddie R o mero
;:ak, defelUlt~ mJ fur ill!' Q . -What·s worse than a bori ng ita l- The Philippines- 1902. John Aga r
OakWnd RarMrS pro fOOl- ian Mafia movie d isguised as a horror struggles to convert a loca l fanat ic who
ball telllll, IlSl'S hIS I.'nOf- film ? has organized a rebellion against Ameri-
moiL.! y-x-fOOl I.'I,l:hl -mch
A.-A bori ng Italian Mafia movie wilh can occupation. Richard Arlen, Myron
{rllnte 10 (/L, I/IR dreaded
Tundtl III I/IR Ullned Art- vacationing American Slars. In this Healey, W il liam Phipps, A licia VergeJ,
ISISskl/'Slick willed, Cave· case, Arthur Kenned y and C hris Mit - and Eddie Infame co-star. See Brides
man. The :;<mng num fill chum . Also with the ever-f'Opul:u and of Bbx1. -CB
,'''' nghtlS nflne fllheT Ihrm very busy Barbara Boucher. Presented
Rul,l:O SunT (}f lkw/e fame . by Edward L. Momoro. (R) CA VE AlAN See


1964 Trans· Lux (Yugoslavia!
W. Gcrmany) (B&W)
Pl'.OOlKE!VOIP.lClOl'.: Akos Von Rathony
KP.l[N\VP,ITEI'.: C. Von Rock
OIIIGI NAUY Ml£AS[O.&.5: Der Flueh der
A pro fesso r and his secreta ry con-
ducting experiments in a cave under
an ancient casd e. With the help of a
witch (!) an Interpol inspe<: tor (Adrian
Hoven) discovers seven missing girls in
the cave. T hey're at! living dead and
the professor is really a vampire. W ith
Karin Field and Erika Remberg. Ric h -
ard Gordon was the executive producer_

\981 Unned Artists
Pl'.0DlICW: I....'lwrence Turman, David Foster
DIMClO": Carl Gottlieb
5O.EIH\IIPJ'IOS: Rudy Dc Luca, G1rl Gott lie b
Since Canay in '68, Ringo Starr has
been acting in mov ies most people
n eve r saw or q uickly fo rgot. Then
fin a ll y-a h it! He Hars in thi s pre -
historic comedy with his new wife
Barbara Bach and the animated d ino-
saurs of David Allen. Well done Sto ne
, Age chuckles with Jack Gilford, Avery

--- Schreiber, Dennis Q uaid, and She lly
Long. Filmed in Mex ico.

SlameJt Ituns o.:m, and
Violet Hl/wn alll?T ,heir
nage showm ChaIned (or

CELL 2455, DEA7H ROIlY woman who nrtnled them as correspon-

1955 United AruSb (8&W) dents I n a JI vorce SUit ! The spectacular
....OO\KUJOIIU:CTOI\: Fred f. $eJrs trial ended with the d ismissal o( the ir
KI\E£NWPJT[P': Jack Dewitt SIL H , and Inng-awalled (rc<:dunl. By the
William Cam pbell. later the star of tune they madc Chwned for Ufe, they
Blood Bath and {kmt'JIIUl /3, gets pt"<lC- were owner... o( a hotel in Pittsburgh .
ticc playing a killer asCaryJ Ch cs~man, B~' the '6(b. the money was gone and
a real life sex murderer on death row, they npemted a (nut stand in Florida
C hessman was known a~ the "Lo\'cr'~ until thcydlcd m 1964. TIle nearly plot·
Lane 8andir." With Kathryn Grant. less film con tains endless ordinary nov-
Vince Edwards, and Roh!rt C unphell, dty dCt~ (or prtdding. With All en
W illiam's brOlhct. From the Jirenor Jenkins. once a popular member o( the
of &mh vs. the Flymg $i:mcCTs. Warne r Bml hen. ~I oc k company. O ngl'
nall~' shown 11\ rtdulls-only thealers.
t950Cb,.,;1C Fdrm (B&W)
H.ooucn.: Gcorge Mosel)\' IHE CHALLENGE, See
011\["0": H arry L. rr:IM'T IT7 )IKESA 7HIEF.
KUEN'IlnJTE": N:1t Tanthud:
Viole[ Jnd DaiSY Hilton , real Si, lIne~
[wins who appeared in Freaks, sing and C/I/ ILLENGE TO SURVIVK
Jdllce in th is explOIta tion drama in See L;lND OF NO RETURN.
which o ne of them IS accused of murder.
It's nothing compmeJ to their real srory.
Bum In England III 1908, they were sold
1941 MonOj.!ram (En)!hmd) (B&Wj
h} theu barm:wj mother to a woman PM>DlJCU: J()hn Argyle
wh o neared them htt ll' beHer Ihan OIMCTOI\: Norm,1Il Lee
slaves and became neh by ~hoW Lng Ihem SCkElNWMt~: Nommn Lee. GIlbert Gun n
0(( at (real.. show~In America. In the ALSO WEAYO AS:
'30s they were t rt ken to court by a The /)1)(11' "'uh Set't-"'Il Locks

"A woman's scream was music [Q his Comedy about radio quiz shows, with
ears!" Leslie Banks, who had seen bet- Vincenl Price in one of his best roles
ter days as the star of The Mall Who as a crazed soap tycoon who sponsors
Knew Too Much and The Most Danger' a show hosted by Art Li nklener(!).
ous Game, is a mad doc tor who experi- Ronald Col man plays an unemployed
ments in an underground lab and torture genius named Beauregard Bonomly,
chamber (with an iron maiden). Lilli who becomes an overnight celebrity
Palmer is an imended vict im. It was when he gets all the right answers to
remade in Germany in 1962. Based on quesc ions on the popular show. Price
an Edgar Wallace mystery. sends C eleste Holm to distract him
and save his company's money. Rec-
CHMfBER OF HORRORS ommended. Wi th Lyle Talbot and
1966 Warner Brothers the voice of Mel Blanc (Caesar is a talk-
","oDUcoiDIMCTop.: H r Ave rback ing hird).
Stephen Kandel
A great neglected shocke r that was
originally made as a TV pilot but was
1934 Principal (B&W)
considered too lurid for ho me screens PI\OOUCEI\: Sol Lesser
at the t ime. New sce nes. including DIP.ECTOI\: Ray Taylor
William Casde-swle breaks, were added SCI\[[NWJIJT[I\: Barry Barringer
for a theatrical release. Whenever a gory See The Return of Chanda.
scene is about to begin . the "Fear
Flasher" and The "Horror Hom " spare
us the blood. The TV ser ies. based CHANDU THE AfAGICIAN
on Th e HOII~e 0/ Wax, woul d have 1932 Fm( (B&W)
featured Cesare Danova and Wilfrid OIMCTOA$: Michael Va rne,
Hyde- Wh ite as turn-of-the-century Wll113m Cam('ron MenziC$
crime-solving Baltimore wax-museum BaIT)'Conroors. Phillip Klein
owners, along with a dwarf sidekick Impn~sslve Egyptian sets a nd Bela
(Tun Tun). The real star here. though, Lugosi's evil turba ned villain Roxor
IS Patrick O·Neal. who is wonderfu l as highlight this filmed version of a mdio
Jason Cravatte, a demented killer who adventure series. Edmund Lowe, look-
chopped off his own manacled hand to ing like a silent-movie idol. stars as
escape hanging. Cravatte has a special C hanclu, who must stop Roxor fro m
wooden hand stump, which can be conquering the world with his death
fitted with a horribl e se lection of ray. With Irene Ware and Henry B.
hooks, knives, and cleavers to hack Walthall. James Wong Howe was the
up his enemies. With LaliTa Devon, cinematographer. Audiences were con-
Patrice Wymore, Suzy Parker. Yvonne fused when Bela showed up in a 1934
Romain, Wayne Rogers. and guest stars serial playing the hero Chandu.
Marie Windsor. Jeanette Nolan, and
Tony Curtis.
CHMfPAGNE FOR CAESAR 1970 U n ive rsal
1950 United Artists (B&W) Joe Connelly
PkOOU(["': George Moskov OIMCTO«.: Will iam Grnham
OIMCTOI\: Richard Who rf !.(k[[NWJIJT[M: James Lee. 5.S. Schweitzer.
SCP,[[NWMD.S: Han sJacob}·. Frc."<i Brndy Ene Bercovlc i

Elvis Presley's 31s1, last, and possibly tor (Melvyn Douglas) was involved in
worst film. As John Carpenter, a hip the child's death.
free-clinic ghetto doctor, he falls in love The Changeling's basic story is pretty
with a nurse (Mary Tyler Moore). What vapid, but M<.>clak's style is definitely not,
he doesn't know is that she's a nun. particularly in the seance sequence and
Elvis S<lves Sister Mary from a rape. She the sce nes immediately following.
has to choose between Goo and Elvis. Medak's early films, Negatives, A Da'j
Elvis sings " Let Us Pray" and "Rubber- in lhe Death of Joe Egg, lind The Ruling
neckin'." Edward Asner pl<lYs a cop Class, arc bizarre classics, but hox.-office
(The Mary T ykT Moore Sho.v, which failures. Subsequently, he directed two
debuled later that year, got its stan comedies, Ghosts in the Noone/.a'j Sun
here). Regis T oome}' is a priest and with Peter Sellers and The OddJob with
Richard Carlson is a bishop. Don't miss Graham Chapman-both successful in
the inspiring rock 'n' roll mass scene. Britain but unreleased here. He then
chose 10 di rect this ghost tale as a bid
for large-sca le commerc ial success. "I'd
CHANGEOFMIND like to make a civi lized sort of picture,
1969 Cinerama that people would slill go and see," he
Pf.OOO(£iUlSCM£NWIYTO.S: Sceleg Leuer, saj d aT the rime. "A friend of mine said
Dick WeMOn
Ot~CT~: Rolkn Stevens
thaI I shou ld make Hamiel o n roller
skales." (R) -BM
The brain of a libera l white d1strict at-
torney dying of cancer is implanted in
the body of a recently deceased black CHARIOTS OF THE GODS?
1969 Sunn ClaSSICS(W. Germany)
man (Raymond SI. Jacques). The man
PM>OUCU: Gut'ntier Eu l~ u
with a new body;s rejected by his wife, OII\ECTOI\: Huold Reinl
mother and former associates. He be- SCA(ENWl\tTtl\: Wilhelm Poger.;dorff
comes a community hero after break- Erinnerungell all
ing a controversial case involving the die Zubll1{1
murder of Sheriff Leslie Nielsen's black The origina I Sunn Classic release tries
mistress. Filmed in Toronto. With to convince us that all gods worshiped
Susan Oliver, Coselle Lee, and Janet on earth were prehistoric aliens. Newer
Maclachlan. ( RJ -CB Sunn "claSSICS" go abom proving the
existence of Christ and Noah's Ark.
One thing you can be sure of- these
THE CHANGELING boring, unconvincing documentaries
198 1 Associated Film DiStribution
(Canada) make lots of easy bucks for Sunn Class-
",ODuens: Joel B. Mich(lcls,
ics. From the director of over 50 W.
Garth H. Drabinsky German (eatures. Based on the book of
OI~CTOI\: Peler Medal the same name by Erich Von Daniken.
Sek(E NWI\ITEI\S: William Gray,
After he witnesses a road accident that CURSE OF THE DRAGON
kills his wife and daughter, a music QUEEN
teacher (George C. Scon) moves to a 1981 Amencan Communications
new town and rents an o ld decaying ~EA: Jerry Sherlock
mansion. He communes with a ghost- OII\ECTOA: C)IVt' Donner
child, and learns that a respected sena- 5CP.£ENWI\tTD.S: Stan Bums, David Axelrod

Roddy McDou'tlllu lhe CHARRO
butler In Charhe C han 1969 National General
and [he Curse of the PP.OOUCo./OIRLCToUSCA£.EN\VMtk:
Dragon Qwen. C harl es MarqUiS Warren
Elvis plays a bearded reformed outlaw
accused of stealing a cannon in 1870.
It was a big move for Elvis to star in a
serious nonmusical role. Not surpris-
ingly, it flopped. Elvis on ly made twO
more movies, both terrible musical
comedies. With Ina Balin and Victor
French. By the director of The Unknown
Terror. Music by Hugo Montenegro.

A dreadful comedy with Peter Ustinov 1946 United Artists (B&W)
as Chan and Richard Hatch as his inept H.ODUCEI\: Seymour Nebemal
grandson, who acts a lot ltke Jerry DIMCTOI\: Arthur Ripley
Lewis. Angie Dickinson looks awful as Philip Yordan
the dragon queen. often in black and Dark version of a Cornell Woolrich
white flashbacks. Roddy McDowall is nove l (Dream in a Dream). Robert
a crippled butler. Brian Keith is an Cummings chauffeurs for Steve Coch-
overboiling cop. With Lee Gront and ran. a wealthy Miami "businessman"
Rachel Robe rts. Chinese-American whose right-hand man is Gino (Peter
groups protested the film' s ethnic loTTe ). Cumm ings helps his employer's
stereotypmg, but they needn't have unhappy wife (Michele Morgan) escape
bothered: hardly anyone saw this oox- to Havana and is haunted by a night-
office dud. mare involving his o wn death. With
Don Wilson and Lloyd Corrigan. From
CHARLIE CHAN AT THE thc producer of M.
1937 20th Cemury-Fox (B&W)
OII\£CTOI\: H. Bruce Humber~[one 1963 Mercury
K M(NWIYTEIU: ScOIl Darling, ....COUCE'.: Herb Vendig
Charles S. Belden DIMCTO R/SCRLEN\VMtI\: William Grefe
In o ne of the more elaborate C han Lust and murder o n the hot-wheels
films. Boris Karloff is Gravelle. an ex- circuit. Alcoholic track wife Evelyn
operatic b"ritone who escapes from a King talks a promising rookie into help-
mental institution ;lIld is blalnt;.-d for the ing dispose of her millionaire playboy
murder of his wife and her lover. C han husband. Joe Morrison manages to kill
(Wamer O land) figure s the plot out Charles G. Martin by [Tiggering a
with help from number-one son (Key pile-up. but loses both legs in the
Luke) and a police sergeant (William process. King is horribly burned in an
Demarest). Karlaff sings (with a dubbed explosion when she tries to pull Joe from
voice) and appears as Mephistopheles the wreckage. Grefe's first. Financed
in FatlSl. With C harlotte Henry as by Herb Vendig, featuring Peggy Vendig
his daughter. as Joe's girl Ginger. Morrison and Mar-

tin appear in Racing FetJel' and Safe af viously phony stumps fall over make
Home. Live action filmed at Sebring. the viewer o ptimistic aoom the imme-
-CB diate future of bad cinema.( R)


1977 Valiant International 1964 MGM (Engl:md) (B&W)
~EP.: Roben Dadashian P~ODUC [~: Ben Arbeid
DlklCTOk: Robert Voskanian OIAlCTOI\: Amon M. Leader
5CJt.[[H\VM'ElI.: Ralph Lucas SCk£[~TtI\: john Bnley
ALSO mLMEO AS: KiU (llld Go H.Je ~ A semi-sequclto the great Village of ~
A badly edited and sho l SlOry aoout a Damned. They're ooth based on The
iiu le girl (Rosalie Cole) woo lives in the Midwich Cuckoos by John Wynham,
woods wilh her older brother and ec- who also wrote The Day of lhe Triffids.
centric fat her. A young woman (Laurel Six of the ahen kids from the original
Barnett) discovers thai the d ifficult film are being studied by scientists and
child can command dead bodies to rise threatened by the military. Some peo-
from a nearby cemetery and kill . Things ple think rh is forgonen fo llow-up is as
are pre tty ooring until the mummylike good as the original. The cast includes
corpses attack and mutilate what's left Ian Hendry and many compctem British
of [he small cast. Music by Michael actors. "Beware the errs that paralyze!"

1980 World Northal
PROOUCEP.S: Max Kalmrmowicz,
Carlton j. Albrlghl
OIt.£CTOk: Ma){ Kalmanowicz
SCklEH'W~rTEP.S : Carlton j. Albright,
Edward Terry
Some unintentional hilarity in this story
about a nuclear-plant leak that turns a
school bus of kids Into atomic zombies
with black fingernails. The cute. wide-
eyed tykes walk up [Q aduhs, arms ou[-
stretched for a hug, and fry them on
conran. A small-town sheriff encoun- CHILDREN SHOULDN T Ghoul! I'TlJfl'J dmllt'l" m
ters a series of unca ring. divorced, PLAY WITH DEAD THINGS Children Shouldn't Play
stoned, decadent parents (lots of so- with Dead Things.
1972 Geneni
cial commentary here), although there PAO DUCEAI'D IIUCTOII. : Benjamin Clark
is one wholesome couple whose kid is (Bob Clark)
missing. The pregnant mom is played SCAl[H'Wknt'-S: BenJamm Clark,
hy Gale Garnett, who on ce hit IOp-40 Alan Ormsby
charts with "We'll Sing in [he Sun- An odd horror comedy starring Alan
sh lOe." She survives but gives birth to O rmsby (as a director) and his wife
a mutant baby with black fingernails. Anya. He and hiS actor friends go to
The only way to kill the children is to an island and act a satanic rite using
cut their hands off! Scenes of hands a corpse the}' name Orville, whICh IS
httering the ground while kids with ob- the source of some strained comedy.


The rire actually works, causing the THE CHOSEN
dead to rise out of the earth in an ex- [977 AlP (England/haly)
cellem Nigh! of Uving Dwd- inspired I'M>D!.ICE'-= Edmonda Amati
seque nce. When the dead begin to OIf\[CTOP.: Alberto de Manino
walk , the comedy (thankfully) disap- SCUEHWM"EM: Sergio Donati,
pears and the scares begin . Made in Aldo Di Manino
Florida. Bob Clark's next project was Al.SO IUUASlO.u: Holocausr Z,IXXJ
the incredible Dearhdream. A European mixture of The Omen and
The China S:yndrome (which hadn't been
CHOAfPS made yet ). Kirk Douglas stars as a man
1979 American [ntemationa[ who designed seven do med nuclear
l'M>ooco.; Joseph Barbera power plants. His son (Simon Ward)
DIN:CTOR: Don Chaffey [Urns o ut to be the Antichrist; he plans
SCUE~: Dick. Robbins, Duane Poole to destroy the world with a chain of
Chomps is short for "Canine Home Pro- nuclear explosions. Poor Kirk even has
tection System." A young electronics a Biblical nightmare with a seven -
gen ius invems a robot dog in order to headed serpent-monster destroying the
stop a crime wave . please his boss. and world . If you haven't no ticed, Kirk has
marry his boss's daughter (played by become quite the exploitation/horror
rock-star wi fe and former Spie lberg star lately. Wirh Agostina Belli as Kirk's
girlfriend Va lerie Bertinelli). He ac- mistress. A lso with Antho ny Quayle.
complishes all three by the time this The soundtrack album by Ennio MOrTi-
bionic Benji rale is over. J im Backus, cone is avai lable. (R )
Chuck McCann, Regis T (>Omey, and
Red Buttons arc around , but they can't CHOSEN SURVIVORS
save Chomps from its producer, Joseph 1974 Columbia
Barbera of Hanna-Barbera (TN- Fline- H.OOUCEM: Charles Fries, Leon Benson
SloneS) fa me. -BM OlALCTOR: Sutton Roley
Kf\E£HWM"EM: H . B. Cross, Joe Reb Moffiy
THE CHOPPERS A group of 11 people take an elevator
1%1 Fairv.'3y-Intemationa[ (B&W) down 1,700 fee t under the desert in
Pf.OOUCWSCUEH\tmTU; Arch Ha[l , Sr. order to survive a thermonuclear war.
OtN:CTOP.:Leigh Jason They don't realize that it's only a test.
Arch Hall, Jr., and his car-stripping The 5.1fety chamber fills up with blood-
commandos ommaneuver autho rities sucking vampire bats and the people
until an insurance investigator's secre- can't get Out. Jackie Cooper stars in
tary finds a chicken feather at the scene his first fake post-holocaust/vampire
of a crime. Hall , as C ruise r, sings his movie. With Bradford Dillman, Ric h-
own " Konga Joe" and " Monkey in My ard Jaecke l, A lex Cord , and Diana
Hatband," and kills fence Moose Mc- Muldaur. Filmed in Mexico.
Gill to keep him from squeali ng. The
gang includes Robert Paget as Torch, CINDERELLA 2000
Rex Holman as Flip, and Mickey Hoyle 1977 Independent International
as S nooper. With Marianne Gaba I'M>OUCwOtAECTOR: AI Adamson
(Playboy's Miss September 1959), Tom SCUEN\ImT£A: Bud Donnelly
Brown, C huck Barnes, and Bruno Ve AI Adamson tops his previo us efforts
Sora as McGilL Written and produced with this soft -core science-fiction sex
by Arch Hall, Sr. of Eegah! fam e. - CB musical version of Cinderella. With

men in tights and bunny masks, a who is wamed by the police for aiding
"fairy" godfather, and sets and makeup criminals and now runs a circus. He
that will bring back memories of Santil reco nstructs the scarred featu res of
Claus Conquers the Martians . Starring mherwise beautiful women but forbids
Catherine Erhardt, a former model and them TO leave his little circus world.
actress on Search fO'J' Tomorrow. Not to When they try, "accidents" occur. A
be confused with Cinderella. another knife-throwing act ends when the fe-
X-rated film made the same year. (X) male target gets stuck in the neck.
A lion tamer is mau led, an acrobat
plunges to her death, etc. Goethe has
ClRCLE OF IRON a perverse fascination with the flawed
1978 A\·co (English) women he treats, fondling their scars
Paul Maslansky. Sandy Howard
I'M)DLICD.S: while pmising their beauty. With Erika
DII'.ECTOII.: Richard Howard Remberg, Yvonne Molaur, Jane Hy.
SCM:ENWMtflS: Stirling Sillipham. laton, Yvonne Ro main. and Donald
Stanley Mann
Pleasence. Screenwriter George Baxt
ALSO '-EtEAS£D M : The
Silem FIUle
a lso wrote H()1l"O'J' HOLeI. Don't miss the
Bruce Lee, James Cobum, and Stirling
"temple of beauty. "
Sil1iphant originally wrote this martial-
ans fantasy for Lee. But David Car-
radine ended up as the star of this CITY ACROSS THE RIVER
philosoph ical advenTUre-fable. Most of 1949 Universal (B&W)
the time , he is Chang-sha. guide to a Pf.OOUCEpJDlP..ECT~SCp'£[NWNTD.;
knowledge-seeking fighte r OcffCooper); Maxwell S hane
he also appears as a blind man, a mon- A toned-down version of Irving Shul-
key man, and Death. Christopher Lee man's The Amboy Duke5 that pre-dates
is Zetan, keeper of the Book of Enlight- the '50s juvenile-delinquency movies.
ment. With Eli Wallach, Roddy Mc- Two members of a Brookl yn gang kill
Dowall, and Erica C reer. It was a box- their shop teacher (they only wanted
office failure. Filmed in Israel. ( R ) to rough him up). With zip gum, pool
halls, and "Crazy," an incredible funnyl
scary psychotic geek teen in a root suit
CIRCUS OF FEAR, See Uoshua Shelley). With young Tony
PSYCHO-CIRCUS. Curtis, Richard Jaeckel. Jeff Corey,
Stephen McNally, and Thelma Riner.
1960 Anglo Am.1lgamaredlAIP (England) CITY BEN EATH THE SEA
....OOUC[AS: Julian Wintle. Leslie Parkyn 1953 U niv~rsal
OII'.ECTOI\: Sidney Mayers Pll.ooucu.: A lberr J. Cohen
SCI'.EENWJIJT[I\: George Bax! DIP.ECTOI\: Budd Boetticher
A long with the superior Peet)ing Tom SCP.EENIIIMW: Jock Harvey, RamonRomero
and the sillier Horror of the Black Mu- Robert Ryan and Anthony Quinn sal.
seum, this is one of the big three among vage a gold shipment from the sunken
un forgettable sick British shockers deal- c ity of Port Royal. Bad guys and sharks
in,:: with voyeurism, physical deformi- get in the way. With Mala Powers (The
ties. and murders. All were made within ColosSIU of New York), Karel Stepanek,
a year of one another. Anton Diffring and Woody Strode. Filmed in the West
stars as Dr. Goethe, a plast ic surgeon Indies.


CI7Y BENEATH THE SEll juvenile Prison and
HOI Car Girl June
197 1 TV Kenney co-star with Warner Ander-
IIII.OOOCWOII\ECTOP.: Irwin Allen son and Herbert Lytton , Produced by
SOJ:~ John Meretiy[h Lucas Paul f Heard of the Protestant Film
ALSO m£AS(O A!: One H our to
Commission . ~CB
T ypical Allen nonsense. In 2050 A.D.
the vast underwater c ity of Pacifica is
threatened by meteors and sea mono CI7Y UNDER THE SEll, See
sters. A TV pilot fi lm shown theatri· WAR·GODS OF THE DEEP.
cally in Europe, it features past Irwin
Allen stars Richard Basehart (VOJage THE ClAIRVOYANT
to rh£ Bonom of the Sea) and James 1935 Gaumont (England) (B&W)
Darren (The Time Tunnel), Also star- PIIOOUCER.:Charles Bennet!
ring Stuart Whitman, Robert Wagner, OIIU:CTOk: Maurice Elvey
Joseph Cotten, Whit Bissell, Sugar Ray KkEENWklTUS: Charles Bennett,
Robinson, and Rosemary Forsyth . Bryan Edgar Wallace
AUO kEI..EASEO AS: Evil Mind

CI7YON FlRE "The In visible Man makes the fmure

1979 Asrrdl (Canada) visible .. . ," the ads promised, Claude
PAODUCEk: Claude Heroux Rains as a fake fortune-te ller discovers
DIAECTO'-! Alvin Rakoff his powers are real . He foresees his own
saEEfNll\IT[!U: Jack Hill. David P. Lewis, de:nh and is unable to prevent it. The
aline La Freniere Night Has a Thousand EJes ('48) with
A Midwestern American town burns Edward G. Robinson has a similar plot.
[0 (he ground in a cut- rate di saster With Fay Wray and Jane Baxter.
movie fil med in Montreal. The hot cast
includes Henry Fonda, Shelley Winters, CLAAfBAKE
A va Gardner, Barry Newman , Susan 1967 United Artists
C lark, Leslie Nielsen, and James Fran- Jules Le vy, Arthur Gardner,
ciscus. Fonda's previous hits were RoUer- Arnold Laven
coaster, Tenwcles, Stt'ann, and Meleor. OlA£CTOk: Arthur Nadel
KkE£N'IVklTEk: Arthur Brown, Jr.

CI7Y OF THE DEAD, See Elvis Presley, a Texas oil heir, goes to
HORROR HOTEL. Flo rida , where he switches identities
with a poor water-skiing insrructor (Will
CI7YSTORY Hutchins) and falls for his first student
1954 Davis (B&W) (Shelley Fabares). Bill Bixby, a play-
H.OOUCEk: Paul E Heard boy boat racer, is a rival for her charms.
OlkECTOk: William Beaudine Elvis mel's a boat designed by Gary Mer-
~IU:ENWklTD.: Margar<~[ Fim rill and sings "Who Needs Money."
From the man responsible for jesse james With Angelique Pettyjohn.
Meets Frankenstein' s Daughler, this is the
story of a clergyman who seeks advice CLASH OF THE TI"DINS
from a teenage jailbird when he is forced 1981 MGM/UA
to do something about slack attendance. I't.OOUCW: Ra y Harryhausen,
The resuh : "Wider community services Charles H. Schneer
bring )'oung and old togeth er in the DIA£CTOk: Desmond Davis
house of God." Ann Doran of Riot in SCklENWkfTU: Beverley Cross

King) is raped by some of his doped- Zeus (L:tureTlu OIi..-itT)
up punk students. King fights back, plays with dolls on MI.
killing the guilty kids one at a time. OI)'mpu.s in Clash of the
Roddy McDowall is an alcoholic biol- Titans.
ogy teach er whose favorite rabbits are
skewered alive by students under the
leadersh ip of Timothy Van Patten.
Timoth y's brother, Vincent, srarred in
Rock 'n ' Roll High School. Their proud
dad is Mr. Bradford on Eight Is Enough.
With Steven Amgrim, the star of Fear
No Evil. By the dire<.:tor of Unda Blair's
Roller Boogie. Music by Lalo Schifrin
and Alice Cooper. (R )


1944 Umvo::rsal
Harryhausen's biggest animation fan- MQOUC[WOIIlECT~ George Waggne r
tasy got an enonnous publicity push and ~: am SlOdrnak, Lynn Starlmg
was a summer hit , which is nice. It cost Boris Karloff is Dr. Hohner, the physi-
more than twice as much as Sinbad and cian of the royal opera who preserves
W Eye of the Tiger, but most of the the body of his dead wife and uses hyp-
budget must have gone to the big-name nosis o n the singer he believcs to be
stars because it's a disappointment that's her re incarnation (Susanna Foster).
good more for laughs than for thrills. Miss Foster, an opera singer, had been
The Mount Olympus scenes (similar to featured in the prcvious year's hit re-
those in Jason and the Argonauts) fea- make of The Phantom of the Opera (by
tu re Laurence O livier, C laire Bloom, the same d irector), which inspired this
Ursula Andress, and Maggie Smith, Technicolor thriller. With Turkish
later seen as a giant talking head. Harry heartthrob T urhan Bey, the great Ga le
Hamlin stars as Perseus. (He and Ur- Sondergaard, ex-Litt le Rascal Scotty
sula had a kid together.) With Burgess Beckett, Thomas Gomez, and June
Meredith, Judi Bowker, and a robot Vincent. It was a rcmake ofa 1930 fi lm .
ow\. Jim Danforth he lped with the
effects, which oh en fail to convince. A CLOCKWORK ORANGE
1971 Warner Brothers (England)
1981 United Film Distribution (Canada) Stanley Ku brick
~o.: Arthur Kent This future-shock hit based on Anthony
DIIlECT~ Mark LeSter Burgess's novel doesn't look as innova-
sa.£~: John $axtOl"l, Tom Holland tive today as it did when it fi rst came
In this sick updating of The Blackbomd out. Like al1 Kubrick films, it has mo·
Jungle, the pregnant wife of a nice Ch i- ments of brilliance, and Malco lm Mc-
cago high school music teacher (Perry Dowe l1 is grea t as Alex, the cu red


Gregory Sierra. an early defector fro m
the Samey Miller show, chases around
clones of govern ment scientists fo r
about two hou rs (with commercia l
breaks). A lso with Bruce Bennett . John
Barrymore, Jr., and Angelo Rossitto.


1977 Columbia
PI\OOUCEIU:Julia Phi llips, Mic hael Ph illips
DII\£OOk!KkEENWI\ITEI\: Steven Spielberg
} (lW5star Richard Dreyfuss discovers a
Malcolm McDow.:!1 maktJ "droog." Patrick Magee is Mr. Alexan- UFO with friendly little musically in-
ff~ndJ in (.I record store of der. Adrienne Cori is his unfurtumlle clined bei ngs from outer space. In the
the future in A Clock- wife. David Prowse is Julian. the mus- tradition of remixed l2- inch disco
work Orange. cular servant. With Anthony Sharp. singles. the confused consumer was of-
Music by Walter (now Wend y) Carlos. fered three different versions of this box-
Note the 2001 sound track in the re- office bonanza. [n order to catch every
cord shop. The X rating demonstrated (rame, real fans watched the original,
how unfa ir and unfocused our ratmg the Special Edition (ava ilable on video-
system is. Many newspapers refuse to cassette), and the complete network
carry ads for any and all X-r'dtcd fil ms, teleVISion version (which includes all
groupmg hard-core sex movies together footage from both others). With Teri
with ambit ious efforts bke thiS. An R Garr, Franc;ois Truffaut, and Roberu
rating was later achieved by cutung out Blossom. Cinematography by Vil mos
a few seconds of fi lm, making it accept- Zsigmond, Laszlo Kovacs, Douglas
able to self-censoring papers. (X) Trumbull , and others. Music by John
PI\ODUCE~~O[[NWIIJT[I\: John D. F. Black !967 Paramount
Don Medford
DII\£CTOI\: PI\OOUCEI\S:June Stal:{. John Hc rtelandy
011\£001\: David Butler
Art Hindle as a biochemist clones \3
KkEENWl\tfEl\: June Starr
exact replicas of himself in a desperate
attempt to create a new television series. Lots of ridiculous liberal movies about
A dumb pilot . with Ralph Be llamy in campus unrest were released in the '60s.
his 17th made-for-TV movie. Here's one that took a more conserva-
tive view. Singer Bobby Vee (no longer
CLONES very popu lar by '67) plays Jesse Craw-
1973 Film Makers International ford. an Arkansas fo lk singer who ga ins
Pf.OOU(Ek:Paul Hunt entrance into a college after saving the
OII\£CfOM:Paul Hunt. Lamar Card dean's daughter (singer Jackie Deshan-
SCl.[EHWlUlU: Ste\'e Fisher non) from a car accident . After being

used by campus radical John Ireland, The PhanlOm Lady. The Killers, and
J r., to draw a crowd at a free-speech Crisscross. He later returned to his na-
rally, &bby punches him. The dean tive Germany, where he directed until
shows up and "completely wins over his death in 1973.
the student body." A fantasy1 With
Eddie Hodges and Patsy Kelly. By the CODE NAIIIE, Jlf/NUS ONE,
director of many of Shirley Temple's See GEJlI/NI "MN.
beSt known features.
1944 Universal
DlUCTOA: Roben Siodmak I960S(o.'rling (B&W)
SCP.I£NWMEM: Gene ~wis, Ru:hard Brooks ~o.: Berj Hagopian
Don't miss this extraordinary Holly- DIUCTO~: Mel Welles
wood Technicolor fantasy. Maria Mon- scp'[E~rmu: Norman Toback,
tez stars as the queen of a mythical Allan Adrian
kitsch kingdom-and as her evil sister AUO Ul.£AS(P AS: KjlleT'~ Cage
who has taken over the throne. With A quiet Mexican village erupts as syn-
Jon Hall as Ramu, Lon Chaney, Jr.• as dicate hit men and Senate committee
the tongueless caprain of the guards, investigators fight over a former rack-
Sabu, and Edgar Barrier as a bad guy eteer given to dropping names in his
who ends up in a pit of sharp spikes. fiction. Terry Becker (Chief Sharkey
The mOSt outrageous of the Montez- on Voyage to th£ Borwm of the Sea) stars,
Hall adventures. Cobra Woman's direc- with Elisa Loti and Welles' AlP friends
tor, Robert Siodmak. worked here dur- Ed Nelson and Bruno Ve Sma. Filmed
ing the war, turning our films ~rs like on location. -CB

On rht 5t( o{College

Confidential. producer Al
Zug~mjlh (in T-shirt),
Sieve Allen. Mamie Van
Doren. and Conway
Twill, (~landlllg).

Pll.OOUCO.: Paul Junger WIt(
DIU CTQA: Jerrold Frerom;m
IO.(£H\VAlTtk: Chnstopher Knopf
Psyc hological sc ience hc(ion about
1954 Criterion (England) (B&W)
snowbound research scienrist.sswdying Donald Ginsberg
monkeys. Wi,h Roben Culp and Eli SCU[NWkfT[,,: Led Davis
Wallach. The chimps surprise every- A feature made from episodes of Colonel
one in the end. March of Scarland Yard, a British televi-
sion series. As Colonel March, Boris
COLLEGE CONFIDENTIAL Karloff s(XIrts an eye patch.
1960 Univ ... rsal (B&W)
Pll.ODOCU/OII\ECTOI\: Alberl Zugsmah
SCP.EENWIUTO.: Irving Shulman
1965 Box Office Spectaculars
The producer of High School Confiden- ",o oucu,: David Friedman
tial steps out and directs the inevitable OIMCTO"/KP.E[NWklTE":
sound-alike follow-up. This time the Herschel! Gordon Lewis
small· time scandals involve sex instead The third of Lewis' notorious gore
of drugs. Steve AUen stars as a profes- films made in Florida stars Don Joseph ,
sor arrested for corrupting the minds of who bears a resemblance to Anthony
minors. Even his real-life wife Jayne Hopkins, as an artist who becomes a
Meadows can't stop him from ogling local celebrity after he Slam paiming
Mamie Van Doren! Conway T Willy with hiS own blood. When it fina lly
si ngs. Waher Winchell, Earl Wilson, d.1wns on him that he has only so much,
and Shei lah Graham play themselves. he starts killing his models for their
A CTIltl.'d bul successful With Rocky Marciano. Elisha Cook. blood. Like Blood Feast and 2000 Man-
artist pamu umh fils (lU,T1 1r., Ziva Rodann , and Mickey Shaugh- iacs hefore it, it contains some graphic
blood In H. G. Leu'IS' nessey Uai!house Rock). Zugsmlth made scenes, st ill shocking today. With the
Color Me Blood Red. Sex Kittens Go to College n ext. usual inept acting and a hydro-bike.
"They say Gauguin was obnoxious too!"
proclaims the mad paimer. Lewis was
also the fi lm's c inematographer.

1958 PllrarnOu nt (B&W)
P"OOIJCE": William Al!and
OIP.lCTO": Eugene Lourie
KMENWklTE": Thelma Schnee
W hen renowned scientist Ross Martin
dies, brother Otto Kruger transplan ts
his brain in a robot (played by Ed
Wolff). The eyeless, 12·foot-rall robo t ,
wearing a cape and metal braces on his
shoes to support his great weight, is one
of the screen's finest science-fictio n
creatio ns. The brain malfunctions and

the formerly peaceful scientist becomes mansion. In one cheat scene designed
a lethal creature. On ly his little son to throw you off the track of the killer,
(Charles Herbert) can relate to the scary his manager (David Doyle) is shown
giant. His wife (Mala Powers) doesn't wearing a wig, a d ress, and makeup.
understand at alL With Robert Hulto n Otherwise it's a preny good feature, with
and John Baragrey. Richard Joh nson , Shei la Keith (The
Confessional), and Pamela Stephenson.
COLOSSUS, THE FORBIN Walker did The House of Long Sfu.ulows
PROJECT next. (R )
1969 Universal
OII\E~: JosephSargent 1964 AlP
SCUEHWMU.: James Bridges PM>OOCEM: James H. N icholson,
A well -made and scary science-fiction Samuel Z. Arkoff
fi lm with a plot similar to Demon Seed's. DlM;CT~: Jacques Tourneu r
Dr Forbin (Eric Braeden of Rat Patrol) so.E["""'ITU.: Richard Matheson
develops Colossus, the ultimate com· ALSO M;I.EA$E.D AS: The Grat'ejide Slory
puter. The thinking machine demands Despite all appearances, this is not a
that it be able to communicate with Corman fi lm . Ir's a lesser effort by the
the equally powerful Soviet computer, director of classics like Car People and
Guardian. Together they launch mis- I Walked With a Zombie. Vi ncent Price
siles, destroying major cities as a part stars as Wa ldo Trumbull, a lazy New
of a plan to take over the world. With England funeral parlor owner. He black·
Susan C lark and William Schallert. mai ls Felix (Peter Lorre, in his laS[
Music by Michael Colombier. featured role) w aid him in helping
bUSiness by killing people, including
COAM the landlord (Basil Rathbone), a Shakes-
1978 United Anisrs peare-spouting cataleptiC who keeps
~[k: Ma rtin Erlichman "returning to life." Boris Karloff doesn't
OII\ECTOOKLUENWm£A: Michael Crichton have much to do as Price's grizzly, se-
Thriller about black·market organ trans- nile father-in- law. Joyce Jameson is
plants. The cast (including Genevieve Price's opera·singing wife. Joe E. Brown
Bujold, Richard Widmark, Rip Tom, shows up lo ng enough to yell.
Michael Douglas, Elizabeth Ashley, and
Lois Chiles) is good and there are some COAIIN'Arm!
chilling moments, but on the whole the 1981 Filmways ( Italy) (3·0)
film is forgettab le. PM>OOC[k: T o ny Anthony
DIM;CT~:Ferdinanco Baldi
THE COMEBACK Lloyd Battista,
Wolf Lowenthal, Gene Quintana
1978 Bedford (England)
~DlLUCT~ Pete Walker The first 3·D movie of the '80s was a
~ Murray Smith big hit. It's a terrible spaghetti West-
OPJ~y 1WLAl[O.u: The rk iJaJ ern produced by its star, Tony Anthony.
Screaming Swpped His woman (and dm:ens of o ther beau·
Popular (!) crooner Jack Jones in his ties) are kidnaped by two slobbering
first horror movie! He plays a middle- brothers, Gene Quintano (the execu-
of-the-road hitmakerwho loses his mind tive producer) and Richard Palacius
while recording a new album in a (The Good, the /lad, and the Ug/,I. Th,

white slavers are so dumb that they This expensive entry in the early '80s
leave the women on the desert to die. swo rd-and-sorce ry sweepstakes is a
A lmost everybody in the cast dies. The sprawling adaptation of Robert E.
flaming arrows arc very effective, but Howard's pulp stories starring non·actor
the endless shots of everyth ing imagi. muscleman Arnold Schwaruenegger
nable dribbling, falling , or shooting at (previously in Hercules in New YOf"k).
the audience gets pretty tedious. Look It features a convincing giant snake. a
out for the bats, rats, playing cards, to ugh fema le love inte rest (dancer
and more bad J-O movies to follow. Sandahl Bergman), and a few fun char·
Revenge of the Shogun Women, are· acters (surfing champ Gerry Lopez as a
release from Hong Kong, and Parasite thief and Mako as a cowardly magician),
also ran in '81. ( R) but most of the epic scenes look like
Dino De Laurentiis showing of( again
THE COAtIN G and wasting millions. As the evil Thulsa
1980 International Films Doom, James Earl Jones turns into a
snake. Max Von Sydow (fresh from
Bert l. Gordon Di na's Flash Gordon) is a Viking king.
Teen terror idol Susan Swift, who Conan's dad is action film star Will iam
screamed her way into your heart as S mith. Most of the blood and gore was
Audrt'J Rose, returns as Loreen. Her cut prior to the re lease. It might have
teen routine is suddenly interrupted helped. Schwamenegger, who looks
when her father from another life leaps perfect for the role. will be remembered
the time barrier to enlist her aid in sav- mostly for punching out a camel. Four
ing his daughter (rom being burned as sequels are planned. (R)
a witch. Meanwhile, Loreen is being
invaded by a strange evil force that gives THE CONCORDE -
her the ugliest case of acne ever cap- AIRPORT 7 9
tured on film. as well as a slimy. blood· 1979 Universal
thirsty parasite that creeps out of her Jennings La ng

every once in a while. Though at this OIA£CTOk: David Lowell Rich

Eric Roth
$O.[ [ N\IIM'E'-!
writ ing there has not been a U.S.
release. this could crop upon TV when Airport No.4 and funnier than ever.
you least expect it. With Guy Stockwell On the way to the 1980 Moscow O lym.
and Tisha Sterl ing. (R) -BM
pic Games. a plane with a bomb on
board is shot at by missiles and flies up·
side down in Srar Wars-influenced
COilfAfUNION, See ALICE, scenes. Some of the big stars with
S WEET ALICE. mouths above their noses are: George
Kennedy (again) and Alain Delon as
pi lots, Mercedes McCambridge as a
COMPUTER KILLERS, See Russian coach, Susan Blakely, Robert
HORROR HOSPITAL. Wagner, Eddie Albert. Bibi Andersson.
Cicely Tyson, Martha Raye. Jimmy
CONAN, THE BARBARlAN Walker, David Warner, John David·
1982 Universal son( !) and Charm(!!). Wi th more bed·
",ODUC[~: Edward Summer room scenes and suicides than any other
DII\ECTO~: John Milius disaster fi lm. What happened to Airport
5CA£[N\II~ITUS : John Milius, O live r Stone '8J and Airport '83!

THE CONFESSIONAL the sto ry ends in a sewer. At leaS( real
1976 Atlas (England) Orientals were given major roles for a
""oooc:£AlDIUCT~ Peler Walker change. With Philip Ahn, Linda Ho.
SCIU:EN\VMU.: David McGil ltvray Richard Lao, Victor Sen Yung, and Ali-
Howe of MOTwi Sin
AUO P.ll..EASlD AS: c ia Li (as Ping Toy). It was Zugsmith's
A violently anti·Catholic horror film. last production shown legally to view-
Anthony Sharpe as a demented o ld ers under 18. His next was Fanny HiU,
priest tape-records confessions SO he can directed by Russ Meyer.
blackmail youn~ women. Later, he kills
the people who are on to him by stran-
gling onc with II rosary, giving one II CONFlDENTlALAGENT
poisoned host, and bashing anmher 1945 Warner Brothers (B&W)
with an incense burner. Sheila Keith I'I'OOUCWKP.E£N'tVIUl'U.: Raben Buckner
is his glass-eyed servant. "'5
the most
unsettling of Walker's well-made fea-
OIUctOP.: Hennan Schumlin
Charles Boyer is a Spanish loyalist in
tures. With Stephanie Beacham and England involved with Lauren Bacall
Mervyn Johns. Sharpe played a minis- (in her second film). Peter Lorre is a
ter in A Clockwork Orange. Earlier double-crossing Spaniard. With George
Walker features inc luded School for Sex Coulooris, George Zucco, Victor Fran-
and Hoc Girl.! for Mm Onl,. (R) cen, and Wanda Hendrix. The cloak-
and-dagger plot came from a Graham
Greene novel of the same ti tle. Ci ne-
matography by James Wong Howe.
1962 AllIed A r!15t s CONGO CROSSING
H.OOUCo. / Dlk[CTOk: Albert Zugsmllh 1956 Universal
SCP.EENW'-lTEk: Robert Hill , Seton L Mil b ~ODOCD.: Howard Christie
.we P.El.£AS[O AS: Souls for Sale, SeCTt::llof OIUctOP.: Joseph Pevney
(J Soul, EI'llo/ Chmatou'll ~ Richard Alan Simmons
Incredib le, trashy drug adve n tu re George Nader and Virginia Mayo star
starring Vincent Price as Thomas de in an African adventure about crooks,
Qu incy, an early 19th-century adven- tsetse flies, and construction by the ex-
turer invo lved with helping runaway actor director of Female on me Beach.
slave girls and victims of a tong war in Peter Lorre is the smiling Colonel Or-
San Francisco. Garbed in black from landa of Congotanga. Rex Ingram is a
head to toe , PriCe narrateS his adven- doctor and Michael Pate is a bad guy.
tures. The highlight: a long, unbeliev-
able, violent, slow- motion drug trip/
fight scene-worth the price of admis- THE CONQUEROR
sion ! In the late '60s this Albert Zug- 1956 RKO
smith epic was a favor ite of drugged I'I'OOUCWOIUC1OP.: Dick Powell
patrons at midnight shows. At the slave KAUHWIIJT'D.: <kaT Millard
auction where beautifu l Oriental girls John Wayne in a spiked helmet as Gen-
are displayed in hanging bamboo cages, ghis Khan and Susa n Hayward as a
Vincent befriends a tiny wisecracking Tartar princess provide lots of laughs,
fema le Oriental dwarf. The tong leader bot the story behind this historical mess
turns out [Q be a woman in drag and makes it even mo re interest ing. The

multi-million-dollar epic was the last feature by 24-year-old Michael Reeves,
personal project of that reclusive ec- who apparently killed himself in '69.
centric Howard Hughes. After its re- Ian Ogilvy stars in all three of Reeves'
lease (beginning with premieres in unique films .
capital cities all over the world), Hughes
sold RKO, then bought back let Pilot CONQUEST OF AfYCENE
(an earlier Wayne film) and this epic 1963 Avco Embassy-TV (italylFtance)
for $12 million so only he could see PAOOUCD.: Bruno T urchetto
them. Th£ Conqueror was shot in Utah, DIUCTOI.: Giorgio Ferroni
near the site of atomic-bomb tests. Evi- KM£NWPJTEP.5: Remigio Del Grosso.
dence is mounting that the director and Giorgio Ferroni
several of the cast and many crew mem- OklGINAUT II.ELEMEO M: Erak ContTO
bers, not to mention the local Indians Moloch
who weTC hired to play Mongol warriors, Gordon Scott plays G lauco, the son of
have died slow painful deaths because the late king of Mycene. He calls him-
of exposure. Multi -leveled madness, self Hercules (to insure a bener Euro-
now unspooled for the masses again. pean box office) and fights the evil
With Agnes Moorehead, William Con- queen's son, Moloch. Scott eventually
rad, Thomas Gomez, Pedro Armen- played the real thing in Hercules and
dariz, John Hoyt , and Lee Van Clcef. ,he Princess of Tra'J . a 1967 TV pilot.
With Rosalba Neri , Michel Lemoine,
and Arturo Dominici.
1968 TigonJAIP (England) CONQUEST OF SPACE
Arnold Lewis Miller
"'-ODUCE'-: 1955 Paramount
DIUCTOPJK~: Michae l Reeves "'-ODUCE~ George Pal
AUO kn.£ASED M: The WIICh/inder General DlMCTOP.: Byron Haskin
AlP took this excellent tale of witch - ~J amesO'Hanlon
hunting in 17th-ce ntury England , George Pal never forgave Paramount
changed the title, and had Vincent for cuning the budge t and addi ng a
Pri ce rec ite Poe's "The Conqueror love-story subplot to his planned follow -
Worm" over the credits. It has noth- up to Destination Moon. Based on The
ing to do with Poe. Price. in one of his Mars Project by Werner Von Braun, it
mOSt restrained and humorless roles, is still managed to depict wonders like an
Matthew Hopkins, the Witchfinder orbi ting wheel-shaped space statio n.
General. The corrupt "public servant" The story includes an only-in-the-'50s
tortures and blackmails female victims ending. The captain (Walter Brooke)
for money, power, and sex: . When a decides that a trip to Mars is a blas-
young soldier (I an Ogilvy) discovers phemy against God and tries to sabo-
that his fiancee (Hillary Dwyer) has tage the landing. When the crew lands
been raped by Hopkins' brutal assistant on C hristmas day and is about to die of
(Robert Russell) , he vows to track and thirst, the friendly guy in the sky shows
kill the guilty pair. The vio lence ends his approval by making it snow! With
when Price is hacked to death by an Eric Fleming (soon visiting The Queen
axe. With Patrick Wymark (as Crom- of OUler Space), William Hopper,
well) , Rupert Davies, and Wilfrid Mickey Shaughne ssy, Phil Foster,
Brambcl1 (Paul's granddad in A Hard Ross Martin, Benson Fong, and Joan
Day's Night). It was the third and last Shawlee.

1972 20th CenlUry- Fo)[
P'M)OU(o.: A nhur P. Jacobs CONVICTS FOUR
DlUCTOA: j. L«Thom~ 196Z Allied Artists (B&W)
~: Paul [)ehn PkOOUC£k: A. Ronald Lubin
The baby chimp from Escape From ... OlkECT~SCk£[~: Millard Kaufman
grows up to be Roddy McDowall (for- Ben Ganara slars as John Resko, a (rou-
merly the dad) . Rodd y as Caesar be· blesomecon vict in prison for life. When
comes a slave/pet to Governor Don his artistic ability is discovered and
Murray and leads all the other apes in encouraged, he becomes rehabilitated,
a revolt . Ricardo Monmlban returns famous, and paroled! The story ;s sllid
from the previous fi lm. The ape makeup ro be tnle! Vincen~ Price plays the an
looks inferior the fourth time around. critic who helps make him fam ous.
With Natalie Trundy, wife of Arthur Stuart Whitman is a guard. Ray Wlll -
P. Jacobs. who produced the entire ~[On is 199y. a comical psycho tic, and
series. Sammy Dav is, Jr., is Wino. "the Hal-
loween ba ndi t." With Rod Steiger,
Broderick Crawford, Dodie Stevens.
THE CONSPIRATORS Jack Albertson, and Reggie Nalder.
1944 Warner Brothers (B&W)
OIM:CTOII.: Jean Negule"co 1958 AlP (B&W)
Kf\UHWkJ'TEM: Vladimir Pmner,
I'kOOUCEk: E. C. Rhoden. Jr. [hck &kal)'on Iooklng for
Leo Rosten OlkECTOf.: Wilham Witney pot money m The Cool
An other of Wamer's "remember Casa· SCN:[N\VkfT£II.: Richard C. Sarafian and the Cra~y.
blanca" films. with Paul Henried as a
Dutch guerrilla leader in lisbon. He
meets mysterious Hcdy Lamarr. suspi.
cious Sidney Greenstreet , and mute
Peter Lorre. WIth Victor Francen and
Carol Thurston.


1943 Wilmer Brot he~ (B&W)
Pf"OOUClk: Henry Blanke
DlkECTOk: Edmund Goulding
KkE[~IT£k: KadH)'1l Scola
A British woman (Joan Fontaine) liv-
ing in an alpine retreat fa lls in love with
her piano tCllchcr, an unsuccessful com-
poser (Charles Boyer). Peter Lorre, in
a rare non-menacing role, is a musician.
With Alexis Smith. Brenda Marshall,
and C harles Coburn. Based on a ro-
mantic novel by Margaret Fennedy
which had already been fi lmed twice
in England.

The second E.C. Rhoden product ion
filmed in Kansas City, afte r Raben
Altman's The Delinquenls. Old-wne r
Witney has trouble keepmg up wuh
Scan Marlowe, Gigi Perreau, Richard
Bakalyan, and Dick Jones in thiS hIgh
school dope expose. Eddie the pusher
gIves the local kids a taste; service-
station holdups and murder follow. Or:
"Seven savage punks o n a binge of
violence!" as the ads promised. Nice,
unfamiliar locations. Originally released
with DragStrip Rio!. -CB


1971 Geneni
H.OOUCE,j01P.CCTOR: Ted V. Mikels
!>cp'cEN\VRJTERS: Arch Hall,
)o.seph L Crnnston
An c:xl.d little horror comedy from the
creator of The Astra-Zombies. A cat-
food company with crippled derelict (Luana Walters). Bela is aided by an
employees buys Ixxlies from a grave- o ld lady (Minerva Urecal), her idiot
robbing couple to can and sell. Cats son (Frank Moran), and a dwarf (An-
eating the lasty meat become s,.·wage, gelo Rossino). Bela and h is wife sleep
auacking their owners, wh ich leads to in matching coffins. Like all of Be la's
an investigation by undercover veteri- Monogram quickies, :I must.
narians. The machine of the title is a
painted cardboard box. A body goes in
o ne end and hamburger meat IS pushed CORRIDOR OF AIIRRORS
through holes in the other, falling into 1948 Universal (England) (B&W)
a bucket. The dialogue, acting, and "-OOUCER: Rudolph Carlier
sets are typically bad. Prc:xl.uce r-director OtR£CT~: Terence Young

Mikels was also editor and music direc- SCAEEH'W'RIT£RS: Rudolph Carrier,
Edana Romney
tor on the film. It was often co-billed
with TV's Tfu? WomJ Ealers. Eric Portman thinks he and Edana
Romney are reincarnated lovers from
400 years ago. C hristopher Lee makes
THE CORPSE VANISHES his film debut in a small part. Filmed
1942 Monogrnlll (B&W)
in France.
AAOOUCER: Sam Katzman
OIMCTOR: Wallace Fox
!>CR.EEN\VRJTER: Harve y Gates
" Horror !O make your hair st;lnd o n CORRIOORS OF BLOOD
end!" the ads enticed. Bela Lugosi is 1958 MGM (England) (B&W)
"-OOUCERS: John C roydon,
Charles Vetter
Dr. Lorenz, a bolanist who sends o r- OIR£CT~: Robert Day
chids to young brides and then kIdnaps
SCAEENWlU11:R: Jean Scan Roge rs
them to provide glandular injections for OIUGINAllY Rn£AS(O.4.5: The Doclor from
his young-looking 80-year-o ld wife Seven DWs

In 18405 London. Dr. Bolton (Boris THE COSAIIC AlAN
Karloff) experimems with :mesthesia. 1958 All ied Anist$ (B&Wj
He becomes addicted to h is experi men- PRO DUC[": Ro~rt A. Tcrr~'
tal drugs and is humiliated when a pa- Ol'-l:ao,,: Herman G r..en
tient rises from the operating table , SCkEENWJIJT["; Arthur C. Pierce
attacki ng doctors. The well-meaning A min i-budget fi lm influenced by The
Bolton is blackmailed by two loath- Va., the Eurth Stood StiU. John Canadine
some grave robbers, Black Ben (Francis plays a friendly, misunderstood alien
de Wo lff) and Resurrect io n Joe (Chris- who arrives in a giant golf ball. He has
topher Lee), who force h im to sign fa lse black skin and a white shadow! He
death certificates. Francis Mathews is passes as an earthling by wearing a
the doctor's son. With Adrienne Corri, trenchcoat, sunglasses. and a hat. Be-
Beua St. John , and Nigel Green. Lee sides passing for white, he can hccome
is good in his small role. Made at the in visible. He also cures a crippled kid.
same time as The Haunled Strangler, but Only scientists Bruce Benneu and An -
not re leased theatrically here until ge la Greene believe in his peacefu l
1963. Richard Gordon was execu tive mission. With Lynn Osoorne and Jean
producer. Hagen.


CORRUPTION 1958 1X:A (England) (B&W)
1968 O:>lumbia (England) PRODUCE": GC"Org .. Maymrd
~k; Peter Newbrook DI'-I:CTO": Robert Gunn
OIr.£CTOP.: R obert Hartford·[)avie5 SCkE[HW"MEIU: P:lul RydN, Joe AlIlbor
sc~'-S: Donald Ford, Derek Ford A scient ist (Forrest Tucker) acciden-
A laughably sleazy gem that had a great tally makes a hole in the io nosphere.
American ad campaign: "This Is Not a Gia nt killer insects from another di-
Woman's Picture! No women will be mensio n in vade Earth. An alien (Mar-
allowed in alo ne !" The ad shows a tin Benson) arrivL'S in a saucer and saws
crowd of unescorted female would-be the world. With Gaby Andre. Based
fitmgoers being turned away by a cop. o n a BOC-TV serial, The Strange World
A brilliant surgeon (Peter C ushing) of Planet X. The same company (Eros)
t:lkes his bcautif\11 modeVfi ancce (Sue made a better fi lm wiTh T ucker the s..'lme
Lloyd) to a party. He gets in a jealous year, The CrawlinK Eye.
fight with a photographer and a hot
floodli ght disfigures her face. Using a
laser beam and new skin. he can restore 11lECOUCH
her beauty- temporarily. C ushing de- 1962 Warna Brotht·fS (B&W)
capilatcs topless prostitutes and stores Qv,'en Crump
their heads in the refrigerator. One da y K"[[NWNfE": R~n Bloch
his house is besieged by a group of de· Grant Williams plays an ice-pick killer
mented hippies, and [he lascr beam goes undergomg [reatment with psychiatrist
Out of con trol, zapping and killing ev- Onslow S tevens. He picks the shrink
erybod~' around. At the end , C ushing as the victim of his next killing. From
wakes up from a dream rmJ mkcs his a story by Blake Edwards and the di-
beautiful modeUfiancee (Sue Lloyd) to rector. With Shirley Knight , Anne
a party. . (R) Helm, and I lope Summers.

13 1
1971 World Enrert<linmem (Sp:lin l 1970A IP
EOI!land/ hal yl W Ge rm~ny) ""OOOC[I\: Michael Macreadv
MODtICEP.: Hany Alan T ~~rs OIl\(CTcNKAEEHWPJTEA: Roben Kelljan
DlN:CJOk: Jesse Franco
This succcssful low-budget "vampire in
KAEEH\\I'IUT[M; Jesse Franco,
AUi:ust Finochi , Harry Alan Towers.
modem LA." movie was origina lly
Carlo Fadda, Milo G . Cuccia , planned as a sex film . Some of you older
Diefmar Behnle. ma le perverts should recognize various
After five fi lms, C hristopher Lee was of the vampire brides (including Mar-
tired of playing Dracu la Ihl' Hammer sha Jordon) as Veterans of countless '60s
Company way. He wanted to du it by soft -core sex movies. It was wisely
the book. The results are ukay (o r a turned into a sleazy but PC-rated hit.
Franco film, bm it's still a Fr.lnco film Smr Raben Quarry, a former child
and thaI can', be too good. Lee pbys actor, was elevated to a brief horror
Drdcula as an o lder man with whit .... hair career. Roger Perry, Michael Murphy,
and a musmche who gets yo unger after and Michae l Macready are rhe heroes.
dri nking blood. Herbert Lmn is Profes. Macready, who also produced, got his
sor Van Helsing. Klaus Kinski giVl's more fam ous father George to narrate.
the standout performance as The mad Judith Lang is memorable as a recently
Renfield eating in~"C[s in a padded cell. bit victim who eats a kitty. With Donna
With Franco regulars Soledad Miranda, Anders, and Edward Walsh as Brudah,
Maria Rahm. and Fred Williams. The the Count's idiot servant. Tfu! Return
music sounds like outtakes frolll Th/! Of Count Yorga showed up the next
Third Mun. Franco soon returned to year. Director Kelljan also acts in mov-
more typical farl' like Vamtryros L:sbos. ies like Hell's Angels on Wheels.

1978lV (England) COUNTDOWN
H.OOUCo.: MOlTis Barry 1967 Warner Brothers
OlAlCTOf.: Philip Sevil le ""OOOCEI\: William Conrad
SQ[EN\\I'klT[I\: Gerald Savory OIl\(CTOk: Roben Altman
Louis Jourdan is the count in a sur- SCk£l:NWMD.: Loring Mandel

prisingly good three-h our vi~eotape Astronaut James Caan is rushed into
presentation originally shown LO three space when NASA learns the Russians
parts. Frank Finlay is Van Helslng. are circl ing the Moon and are about to
W ith Susan Penhaligon and Judi Bow- land. After persona l problems on Eanh
ker. It's fairly faithful to the book and are resolved. he lands on the Moon and
contains some good shocks. discovers dead Russians. With Robert
Duvall, Ted Knight, and Joanna Moore.
COUNT DRACULA AND HIS It was Altman's first theatrical fea ture
VAMPIRE BRIDE.. See THE since The James Dean Story in '57.
COUNT DRACULA:SO GREAT [970 Hammer/Fox (England)
PP.OOUC[I\: Alexander Paa!
LOVE.. See DRACULA:SO DIl\(CT~: Peter Sasdy
GREll]" LO VI>: SCP.aH\vM(I'.: Jeremy Paul

After playing Carmilla the vampire in CRASH!, See DEATH RIDE.
Vampire i..moers, Ingrid Pitt shows up as
a different kind of vampire. As Hun - CRASH
garian Countess ElizabNh Batho ry, she 1978 TV
remains youthful and beautiful by bath- PRO OUC[,": Edward J. Montague
ing in the blood of virgins whose nude Ol'-ECTO,": Barry Shear
corpses keep IUrning up in the nearby KlUEN'W"JTo,S: J)nn;!k[ S. Sanford.

village. Nigel Green is a police cap- Steve Brown

tain who helps her find victims. Sandor ALSO ••m.w:o AS: The Crash of Flighf 401
Elcs is her young lover. With Lesley- A made-for-TV airline-disaster Sio ry
Anne Down and Maurice Denham. with William Shamer, Adrienne Bar-
beau, Eddie- Albert, George Maharis,
Brooke Bundy, Brett Halsey, Ed Nel-
COUNTRY i/IUSIC U.S.A ., See son, and band leader A rtie Shaw-
LAS VEGAS HlLLBILLYS. b<&-d on a real crash in the Florida
Ever,qlades. Two TV movies were made
CRACK IN nIE WORLD the same year about [he same clien t.
1965 Panmount TN! Ghosr of Flighr 401 substituted Er-
PI\OOOCW: Bernard Glasser, nest Borgnine for Caplain Shamer.
Lester A. Sansom Take your pick or suffer through bOlh!
DlIUCTO,": Andrew Marton
KPJ;(NWMr£A: Jon Manchip
Searching for a new source of energy,
1958 Columbia (B&W)
scientist Dana Andrews sets off an PROOUCUi: Sam Katzman
atomic bomb at the center of the Eanh OI'-ECTOfl: Fred Scars
that threatens to crack the world in two. Fred Freiberger
Dana's sorry but he's old. has cancer, A plane is about 10 crash in the ocean!
and suspects his wife {Janette Scott l is Nancy Davis' hushand is on it! With
fooling around with another sc ientist Gary Merrill as her husband, the pilot,
(Kieron Moore), so he won't person- Roger Smith, and Irene Hervey. By Ihe
ally miss life too much. The world is director of The Giant Claw and Teenage
barely saved. Pan of it breaks off and Crime Walle. One of our First L'ldy's
forms a new moon. Filmed in Spain. funniest feature s.


1936 20th Century-Fox (B&W) See CRASH.
""OOUCU; Samuel G. Engels
Kf.((NW1\IT[IU: Ol:uln Kenyon. Sam Mintz
Brian Donlevy stars as Ace Manin, a 1977 Crown International
pilot planning to steal the design of a H.OOUC(pJOIIUCTOP.: William R. Stromberg
revolutionaq· new war plane. T he 5Ck((HW,"rro,s: William R. Stromberg.
airJX>rt's feeb le-minded, bugle-blowing RIChard Cardella
mascot, Col. Gimpy (Peter loTTe), is For animat ion fans only. A low-budget,
actually Baron Taggart, a spy also after badly acted independent feature star-
the plans, which are owned by Ralph ring a briefly seen animated dinosaur.
Morgan. J. Carrol Naish and Helen A meteor reaClivates t he dormant
Wood co-star. creawrc; ils final hattle is with a snow-

plow. h ....'as animated in "Fantamation" THE CRAWLING HAND
by David Allen, who has don e g<XKi 1%3 AlP (B&W)
work on mher low· budget fi lms such PkOOOCD.: Jam~ F. Robertson
as Equinox and Flesh Gordon and docs DikECTO"'Kk££HWkIT£k: Herbert L. Strock
great TV ads with Po ppin Fresh, the Young Peter Breck (Shock Comdor) is
Swiss Miss, and Mrs. Butterworth. a confused teen taken over by the living
hand of an astronaut who exploded in
IHE CRAWLING EYE space. The hand kills people on ;tsown ,
1958 OCA ( England) (B&W) then gets the kid to help. The sland-
PkOOUCElI.S: Ruben S. B.1ker. Monty Bt:nnan out memo ry of th is cheap liule horro r
DIP.£CTOk: Qutntin lawrence (by the d irector of I Was a Teenage
KkEENWlUTEk: Jimmy Sal1!l~t er
FrankeTlSrein) is the soundtrack. The ul-
The Trolknberg Terror
ALSO k£UAS£D .t.S:
rimflte rock song-"Papa Oom Mow
A strange cloud is lurking around the
Mow" by the Rivingtons- is heard
Swiss vi llage of Trollenbe rg, where
twice! With Kent Taylor, Rod Lauren,
mountain climbers have been found
Alan Hale, Jr., Richard Arlen (Island
dead~wiTh their heads ripped off! A
of Los! SOIlIs), Tris Coffin, and Allison
lady with ESP (JaneT Munro) COIltf!cts
Hflyes. Also introducing "thc sex icc-
aliens in the clouds, who have lo ng,
berg" Si rry Steffen. A cat eats the hand
deadly tentacles anached to their sin-
in the end. A lflndmark production.
gular eyeball bodies. She joi ns with
American Forrest Tucker to save hu-
manity from the ghastly alien invasion. CRAZE
1974 Warner Brothers (England)
l1,;s popular and scary film w as adapted
PkQOOCEk: He rman Cohen
ftom a British TV serial. F- Troop sta r DIP.lCTOk: Frctldu:~ Francis
FIJITt51 TIK ker rescues (.I Tucker also appeared in The Cosmic KkE£NWPJTEM: Aben Kandel ,
Imk girl from Til'" em ..... l· Monslen and The Abominable SJ1oumum, Herman Cohen
mg Ey .... made in England about the S<lme time. AUO k£l.t,U(D.t.S: The Infmud Idol
Jack Palance stars as an antiques dealer
~) who sacrifices women 10 his favor ite
idol. C huku. Jack keeps Chuku in tne
cellar. With Diana Oms, Man;n Potter,
( Trevor Howflrd , Hugh Griffith, Julie
Ege, and Suzy Kendall. From the pro-
ducer of Berserk!



1973 Cambist
P"ODUCEk: Alvin C. C roft
DikECTOk/Kk£ENWIIJTE": George A. Romero
AUO ML!ASED.t.S: Code N(.Iml': Trixie
Box-office flop from Pittsburgh cult
directOr George A. Romero. Panic,
paranoia, and general madness prevail
after a U.S. Anny plane carrying a bac-

terial virus crashes neM Evan)) C ity,
Penns)·lvania. The virus ge tS In the
drinking water. trJnsforming the loca ls
Into killers. When the army arrives in
all(:nlike suits to s:.l\'l~ the few remaining
sane citizens, they're met by highly hos-
tile and confused folk. In o ne scene a
kind-looking old lady calmly stabs a
soldier with a lung knitting needle.
Li ke Night of Ihl.! Ut.·ing 01'00, th iS low-
budget local feature relies a lot on gore
effects, so rhealrical viewi ng is advised.
With Lynn Lowrey. The theme song IS
" Heaven Help Us."

1943 Universal (B&W)
AlsoctAn: PAOOtKU,: Erie C. Kenton
OI'-lOOf.: Edward Clme
KP.£ENW'-lTEP.S: Robert Le..>s. house comedy. With a gorilla. fa ke Clons Leachman takes lhe
Frederic L Rmaldo ghosts, and Minerva Urecal. One of law mlO her OU!fl hands a5
Ole Olsen and C hic Johnson fo llowed II (!) Bcaudine movies released in '44 . Cra:y Mama.
thei r hit Hellzapoppin ' with another
great anarchisllc musical comedy. This CRAZY"lMfA
tilne they're trying to get Inoney to 1975 New World
make a movie. When Universal refuses'u.: Julie Corman
to back them, they make it indepen- DfUCTOf.: Jonathan Demme
dently. Martha O 'Driscoll and Patrick KPHHWM'[": Robert T hom
Knowles Sfar in a cast includ ing Lon In bet.....(.'en TN! Mary T ylcr Moon' Show
C haney, Jr., Shemp Howard. Basil and Phyllis, C loris Leachman played a
Rathoone and N igel Bruce as Holmes 1950s widow tum ing to a comic life of
and Watson, Billy Gilbert, Frankl in crime when she loses her Long Beach
Pangoom. Hans Conreid, the Count beauty parlo r. She's joined by her
Basie Band, the Five Hemogs, and partnef (Ann Sothern), her pregnant
New YorK Mayor Fiorello La G uardia. daughter (Linda Purl), and her daugh-
ter's boyfriend (Happy Days' Donny
CRAZY HOUSE, See NIGHT Most ). They head fOf Arkansas in a
OF THE LAUGHING DEAD. smlen Cadillac and a wood-panelled sta-
tion wagon with an o ld lady, a greascr.
CRAZY KNIGHTS and a defecting sheriff (Stuart Whit-
1944 Monogram (B&W) man) . The sound traCK is made up of
~ODIKu.: Sam Kauman great '50s hits. including "Black Slacks"
DlIILCTOP.: W illiam Beaudine and "TransfUSion ." Director Demme
SCIIL[N\VMTI": Tim Ryan (Melvin and HOUJard) had previously
...uo IILILUEO AS: GhoSTCWO' done Caged Heat. With Jim BaCKUS,
Shemp Howard. Billy Gilbert, and DicK Miller, Beach DiCKerson , and d i-
"Slapsic" Maxie Rosenbloom (the new re<tor John Milius. W ritten by Demme's
Three Stooges1) star in [his haunted- wife, Evelyn Purcel l. (R)

1962 Emcr.;on Films 1976 Hawcu International
I'WDUCW: Wesley E. Barry, Edward J. Ka~' Pf.OOUC£": Jim McCollough
OIki:CTO": Weslry E. Barl")' OIUCTOA: J OY Houck, Jr.
~:J aySimms SOJ:EH\\IM'(~ Jim McCollough, Jr.
An incredible little film about rhe ster- A surprisingly effective Bigfoot film with
ile (mure after World War III. The slllall screen veterans Jack Elam and Dub
group of remaining humans use super- Taylor helping the unknown cast move
imelligent, obedient, purplish-green things along. Two eager college students
hairless robots to do all the work. Don drive a van to Louisiana [0 document
Megowan (the Illonster in The Crea- the sighting of a mythical creature. The
lure Walks Among Us) is C raigus, a productio n was a h<lPPY family affair.
security officer who d istrusts the me- The director's famous father o wn s
chanical men. A scientist has been in- HowcD, rhe distributor. The producer's
jecting blood into the emotionless son, Jim McCullough, Jr.. wrote the
androids, making them more human , screenplay. fmd also acts and sings.
and Craigus's girlfriend fall s in love with
one. The furious Craigus soon gets even THE CREATURE FROM THE
more shocking news. Filmed on mini -
mal sets as if it were a play, this short
1954 Universal (J -D/8&W)
(75-minute) hit has been called "Andy ""OOUC[,,: William AJland
Warhol's favorite movie." With Dud- OIki:CTOA: Jack Arnold
ley Manlove (Plan 9 From Outer Space) . Kki:£H\\IME": Ha rry F...S$ex, A rthur RUM

Richard Dennmg U'homps

lhe ImjoruIJltIk? Creature
(rom [he Black b.goon.

The ~ds ~nnounced: "Centuries of P~s­ for Robert T ownefEdward Wain and h is
sion Pem Up in His Sav~ge H ean!" A girl Mango. C arbone uses his best Bogey
sta r is born ! After the success of the voice. Robert Bean, acting for the first
3-D film II Came {ram OljleT Space, the time, gives a stellar performance as a
s.1me production team and star appeared guy who com mun icates with animal
in this 3-D hit featuring a newly cre- noises. C uban s on the boa t dance
ated mo nSter that enjoyed fa me (and no nstop, never m issing their murdered
sequels) missing from the screen since friends. It should've been a hit. W ith
the '40s. Members of an rl rchrlelogical Betsy Jo nes- Moreland, Be~ch Dicker-
expedition discover and then are mostly son, and R oger Corman . M usic by
killed off by a preh islOric manffish . Fred Katz.
Dedicated scientist Richard Carlson ,
rich greedy showoff Richard Denning,
and the ancient gracefu l creature all CREATURE OF
want lovely Julie Adams in her white DESTRUCTION
on c-piece bathing suit. The creature. 1967 AlP-TV
played underu'ater by swimming champ P~ODUC E~DIlI,ECTO~: Larry Buchanan
RieOl! Browning, was a masterful crea- SCklENWkITtk: Enrique Touceda
tio n by Bud Westmore and Jack Keven. Bu c h ana n made four un c redited
Ben Chapman played the ancient mon- remakes o ( AlP '50s sc ience-fict ion
ste r on land. With Whit Bissell , who movies. T h ey all be long on anybody's
spends mOSt of the movie wrapped up top ten worst list. This isn 't the worst of
like a mummy, and Nesror Paiva. The them, but it's still rotten to the core. If
new sta r was back a year later in The you ever saw The She Crealurc ('56) yo u
Creature Walks Among Us. A 1980s re- know the plot. You also know the dia-
make has been announced and can- logue and [he music. Instead of C hes-
ce lled several times. ter Mo rris as the h ypnotist who causes
a beaut iful girl to become her previous
CREATURE FROilt THE inC<lmarion (a murderi ng preh istoric
HA UN'f ED SEA monster) , we've got worn-out- looking
1961 Film Group (B&W) Les Tremayne. Instead of t he scary
",ODUCOJDI~CTOk: Roger Corman mon ster in the original. we get a man
SCP.EENwm u: Charle~ Griffith in a wet suit (look fo r the zipper) with
A quickie horro r comedy in the tradi- a Ilshmrln mask with fangs and ping-
tio n of BllCker of Blood and Utile Shop !XIng ball C)·(''S. The same monster turns
of HmTot's. Corman decided at the last up in Buchanan 's fr'! Alive. W ith Aron
minute to use the same sma ll cast and Kinca id.
crew that had just done The Battle of
Btood. Island and Last Woman on Earth
in Puerto Rico for a third ferlture there.
When a C 1fibbean island has a revolu·
t io n , American crook Sparks Moran
1960/65 A.D.P. Productions
(Antho ny Carbone) plans to help loy- (Mc)(ico) (B&W)
alists (and the national treasury) escape PP.OOUCEP. (U.S. Ve rsion): Jerry Warren
on his boat, then kill the men and blame DtI\ECTOk: Fernando Cort ~s
their dea ths on a myth ica l sea monste r. KP.EENWM'EIU : Alfredo Varela, Jr.,
T roublc is, there really is a silly- looking Fernando Cortes
m onSter that cats all of the cast except ()P.IGtNAU.Y ~ M : L1 MarcaJd Mut'TtO

A sc ientist revives the body of his dead THE CREATURE WASNT
grandfather. The walking corpse kills NICE
for blood to stay strong. In new foO[- [981 A lmi Cinema 5
age edited into the American release, PAODUCEk: Mark Haggard
Katherine Victor condUCts a seance and OIAECTOAiSCA£[H\VPJ'TU,,:Bruce Kimmel
Bruno Ve 50[a is a police inspector. AUO P.lI.£AS(O~: SpaceshIp
The two-in-one movie, in the Jerry A low-budget spoof of Alien starring di -
Warren tradition, makes li[[le sense. rector Kimmel and C indy Williams of
With Rock Madison . lAverne and Shirley. Patrick Macnee is
a mad scientist. Leslie Nielsen is the
THE CREATURE WAL~ spaceship commander. Gerrit Graham
MtONGUS is the co.pilot. With Kenneth Toby.
1956 Universal (B&W) An alien monSter o n board the sh ip
PWOUC9.: William A lland sings "I Want [() Eat Your Face." Kim ·
OIMCTOII.: John Sherwood mel also directed Williams in The First
SCA[(N'oInJTD.: Arthur Ross Nudie Musical.
The creature from the black lagoon re-
turns for a final bash. After being har. CREATURE WITH THEATOJr
pooned and burned, he's operated on , BRAIN
leaving him a gill . less, bulk y land 1955 Columbia (B&W)
creature with clothes. T he new-model I'AOOUCEk: Sam Kauman
creature (Don Megowan) is after the Edward L Cahn
human female chams of Leigh Snow- SCMEPNn.rru.: Curt Siodmak
den th is time. Jeff Mo rrow and Rex The screen's first mass atomic zombie
Reason are the scientists. They had attack feature . A scientist creates super-
just starred in This Island Earth. Ricou suong robot men (with stitches where
Browning was again the creature in the thei r skulls were cut open) . The zorn ·
opening underwater scenes. bielike killers are used by gangsters to

Local polICe and the arm)'

ballte sU/}eT-human zom-
bies in The C reature with
(he Atom Brain.

kill of( riva ls and meddlesome publ ic UPI 11717 I; ActTtlJ Jw1k
officials. It was the fi rst of many fun Ege of Norll.'Il'!. who MS
ho rro rs fro m di recto r Cahn . In 198 1 emOOrlu:-d on (l new eaten"
til a pop JingtT. Her jim
Ro ky Erickson recorded a song based
m:urd. on the CBS label,
on this movie complete with dialogue
wrillen fry John /..enn(m of
and a radio report of a killing by a man Bwrlel fame, il called
impervious to bullets. "Wt.oe." julie became fa-
motU afttT {111m bke C rea-

CREAIURE WITH THE BLUE tu res the World Forgot.

1%7 New World (W. Germ:lI\V)
PAQOUCEP.$: Horst Wendlandt.
OI~CT()k.: Alfred Voluer
!lCP.EENWMU.: Alex Be~
One of the fe w German Edga r Wa llace
thrillers released here in [heaters. Klaus
K inski sta rs (as twin s) with Diana
Ko m er and Harold Lepnvin. The SlOry
concerns a cloaked killer stalki ng a cas-
tle and an asylum. [I was Kinski's 15th
appearance in the Wa llace series. CREATURFS THE WORLD
1971 Hammer/Columbia (England)
BEYOND THE GRAVE, See OIP.ECTOk.: Jo hn C haffey
FROA! BEYOND THE GRAVE. After producing two prehistO ric cave-
man h its with stop-motion dinosaurs,
Hammer decided to ski p the monstcrs
CREATURES OF EVIL a nd concen tra te o n the sex y ca ve-
1970 Hemisphere (u. S.lPhiltppines)
women. Ju lie Ege. a former Miss Nor-
PAOPUC£": Amalia Muhlach
OI~CTOl: Oer-mlo de uon
way, was th e selli ng point , slipping out
SCP.EEHW'MW: Ben Feleo. Pierre L Salas of a wardrobe of reveali ng bikin is and
AUO P.ELLt.$tO AS: C UT}t of lhe Vamprrt'l rurs. To insure bigger audiencl.!S of bored
A man keeps his vampire mom chained kids, they cut the R-rated mo vie to a
in the basemen t. In the end God cures PG. mak in g it even more vacant and
her. Praise the Lord ! A sequel [0 T he pointless. Filmed in Africa.
BIorxl Drinkers. With a dwarf and a bald
1948 20th Cemury-FoK(B&W)
~M: Bernard Smail, Ben Plva r
DIP.ECT~ :J ean Yatoorough
KlEEHWMt,,: Maurice Tombragel
Tht"only American horror film released
OF THE BWOD AfONSTERS. during du ll '48. O nslow Slevens be-
comes a killer with cat paws. With
THE CREATURE'S REVENGE, Eduard C ianelli . Julie Vincent, Ralph
See BRAIN OF BWOD. Morgan , and Philip Ahn .

Peter Cushms: e.UlJnmn A legendary silent monster movie. That
!fu! fil1fp vf a pre/tislI'.l'ric
is, there's almost no dialogue, only lame
m On5It.'T m The Creeping
Flesh. narrat io n. The srory of two hairy mon-
ster.; resembling giant erect penises with
suc tion mouths at the base is undoubt-
edly one of the rop fi ve worst movies
of all time. One of the monsters goes
to Lake Tahoe (where this was fi lmed)
and cats a fisherman and his son, a cho-
rus gi rl , patrons at a d ri ve·in movie,
and, best of all, some teens at a rock
'n' rott party. The victims have to fake
being dragged inside the monster by
pushing themselves into its hole/mouth.
The feet of people playing the alien are
visible. The director (1) later worked
as an editor on big-budget films like The
Greaten Slory Ever Told. Co·writer
Robert Sitliphant also wrote The Incrcd·
THE CREEPING FLESH ibly Srra'We Creatures. S[ar Vic Sav-
19 72 Tigon/Columbi<l (Engl<lnd) age is actually director An J. Nelson.
",ODUCU.: Mike Redbo um
KI\£[N\VPJTO.S: Peter Spt'nceley. 1956 Hammer/United Anists
Jonathan Rumbold (England) (B&W)
Partially effective gothic science.fiction Pl'.OOUC[1\: Anthony Hinds
horror. which seems to be the result of Val Guest
S(p.(£HWI'.IT!M:Richard La rxbu, Val Guest
mixing two or more scripts together.
ALSO P.£W.5[D AS: The Q llafermass 'Xpmment
Peter Cushing is a scientist who owns
an incredible giant skeleton that ~rows Hammer Fi lms' first international hit
flesh when touched by water. C hrbto- was based on a television series featu r -
pher Lee, an unscnJpulous half-hrOther, ing the supersc ie nf ist Quarermass.
steals the skeleton and carries it ou t in American Brian Donlevy ably took over
the rain. The resulting creature pro· the role for this feature . The only sur·
vides some real shocks. Meanwh ile, viving aSlro naut of a rocket crash
Cushing has injected hi s daughte r (Richard Woodsworrh) has a fungus on
(Lorna Heilbron ) with a serum (rom his hand th;!t slowly consumes him. The
the skeleton. She becomes a vicious resulting gi;!IU blob with tentacles is
killer and is faced with another homici- killed in Westminster Cathedral dur-
dal maniac who has just escaped from ing a Ji ve TV broadcast. With Margia
an asy lum- where her dad ends up. Dean and Lionel Jeffries. Enemy from
Space was the sequel.
1964 Crown Intern~ t ion~1 (B&W) CREEPSHOW
"ODUC[iIII'OII\£CTOI'.: 1982 W:lrner Brothers
Arl!Yle (Art J.) Nelson. Jr. H.ODUCO: Rich:ml Rubenstein
SCI\££HWI'.ITI:M: Robert and Alan S ll1l ph~m OII\£CTOI\: George A. Romero
AUO I\£LUJLO 1.5: lJdnuTOw ChtlTl~'T KI\£[~m:I'.: Stephen King

This anthology of storie~ ba~ed on old Stephanie Powers goes to France to do
E. C . comic hooks is sometimes closer research on a deceased composer and
to the feel of the originals than the Brit- runs into James Olson as his crippled
ish attempts (Tales from the CT)·Pt, Vaul! dope-addicted son. Untold horrors tum
of Horror. etc.), but it's a minor effort out TO be a m<ld twin locked in the attic.
by Romero. "Something To Tide You With Margaretta Scott. Similar to
Over" is about aje<llous hu~band (leslie Hammer's early Paranoiac .
Nielsen) who buries his wife (Gaylen
Ross of Dawn of the Dead) and her lover CRIME AND PUNISIMfENT
(Ted Danson ) neck-deep on a beach 1935 Columbia (B&W)
below tideline. In "F<lther's Day," a PIl.O OUCEk: B. P. Schun~rg
ghoulish surprise guest (John Amplas Joseph von Stt"rn~rg
of Martin) visits Viveca Lindfors and ~: S. K. Lauren, Joseph Amhony
Carrie Nyc while they're celebrating the Following Mad Low, Peter lorre gO[
anniversary of the death of the bmily another great role, as Raskolnikov,
patriarch. College professor Hal Hol- Dostoyevsky's intellectual killer. Edward
brook tries to get rid of his nagging wife Arnold co-stars as the detect ive Pomri.
(Adrienne Barbeau) after a friend (Fritz With Marian Marsh as Sanya, a prosti-
Weaver) discovers the living contents tute. By the director of The Blue Angel
of "The Cr<lte." Scriptwriter Stephen and later Marlene Dietrich classics.
King pl<lYs a backwocx:ls hoy strange ly
affected hy <l meteor in "Weeds." A CRIME IN THE STREETS
reclusive billionaire (E.G. Marsh<lll) 1956 Allied Arcists (B&W)
tries to stamp out the vermin of the Vincent M. Fennellr
world in the best episode, "They're DlkECTOk: Don Siegel
Coming to Get You." The tales are KkE[HWlIJTEk : Reginald Rose

humorous but ugly, moralistic. and suit- Siegel followed Invasion of the Bod)'
ably gory, and <lll feature "surprise" Snatchers with low-budget street real-
endings. M<lkeup by Tom Savini. seen ism and juvenile delinquency. John
here as a garh<lge man. A sound track Cassavetes plots to have his gang kill a
is available. (R) witness to <l crime. He practices the
murder on a drunk . Sal Minco (who
THE CR&JfATORS had just been in Rebel Without a Cause)
1972 Nt"w World fo llows him faichfu lly. Mark Rydell,
PIl.OOUC[ II/OII'.ECTOII/SCI'.E[NWPJTEk: later the director of The Rose and On
Harry Essex Golden Pond, is an unhi n ged ga ng
An alien sphere absorbs human beings. member. J,ulles Whitmore is the under-
A low-budget ($40.000) adaptation of standing social worker.
The Dune Rollers from Astounding Sci-
ence Fiction magazine. By the d irector THE CRIilfE OF DR. CRESPI
of Ocranurn. 1935 Republic (B&W)
Edwin Olmstead
1969 HammerlWarner Brothers
PkODUCEk: Michael Carreras A lowhudget bastardization of The Pre-
OIIU:CTOk: Alan Gibson mature Burial, filmed in New York and
SCJI;EENWkrTtkS: Jimmy Sangster, starring Erich von Stroheim in h is most
Alfrt:d Shaughne~y outrageous role after The Great Gabbo.

As Dr. Andre Crespi, he injccts a rival quickies in Mexico afterward . Barbara
with a drug to make him appear dead Steele looks good with green skin and
and has the unfo rt unate man buried a goat'S horn headdress, but mostly just
ali ve . Co-star Dwight Faye is a doctor sits watchin g nude and S&M scenes
friend who tries to stop Erich von's mad that were cut before the release. Michael
plan. W ith Edward Van Sloan . Gough has h is worSt ro le ever as a
butler. {M)
1946 Re public (B&W)
P"OOUCE": Rona ld David50n
OIM:CTOP.S: William Wimey, Fred C. Brannon
1963 Hammer/Columbia (England)
KM:ENWPJTEP.S: Alfred DeMono,
Pf.ODUCU.: Anthony Nelson-Keys
DIM:CTO,.JKP.[[NWM"EP': John G il ling Basil Dickey, Jesse Duffy, Sol ShOT
ALSO P.t:I..EM£D AS: Tk Scor/.er Blade ALSO UL£ASlD AS: C.,ckmo.::k X
The Crimson Ghost, a great·looking
Cromwell vs. Ki ng Charles loyalists in
serial villain , uses death mys and con -
17th -century England. lion el Jeffries
stars as a n l[h less bald bad guy. O liver trol collars to gain control of Cyd otrode
Reed is his aide. Jack Hedle)' and June
X. a dev ice that short circu its all elec·
tricity. The G host wears a black shroud
Thorburn are loyalist lovers.
and a scary skull mask. C harles Qu igley
and Linda Sterling star. C layton Moo re
THE CRIAfSON CULT (The Lone Ranger) is the main thu g.
1968 Tigon/A1P (England)
The condensed version came out in '66.
PP.ODVCEII..: Loui, M . Heyward
DIM:CTOP.: Vernon Sewell
Henry lincoln 1952 Warne r Brothers (England)
ALSO M:l.£AS[O AS: Curse of rk C rimson Pf.OOtJ(D.: Harold Hecht
A/lilT, T~ Crimson AIIIlT OIM:CTOI\; Robert Sioofllak
A pretty pathetic all-star version of H. P. !.a.EENWMU,: Roland Kibbee
Lovecraft's The Ordeals in the Wirch Burt Lancaster stars in a pirate spoof
House. C h ristopher Lee isJ . D. Morley. featuring a submarine and machine guns
owner of G reymarsh Lodge and a rein- (in the 18th cemury). Torin Thatcher
carnation of Lav ina (Barbara Steele). and C hristopher Lee are villains. With
a witch who was burned at the stake Eva Bartok (The Gamma People). It's
300 years before. Boris Ka rloff as pro- become a cult fil m.
fessor Marsh, an occult expert, helps
Mark Eden and Virginia Wetherell es- CROCODILE
Cape from me witches. E ighty-()ne'~'ear­ 1979 Cobra Media ( Hong Kong)
o ld Karloff. act ing in a wheelch air. PWOUCW: Dick Randall , Robert C han
caught a chest cold during p roduction DIUOOl\: Sompote Sands
that led to h is death in 1969. W hen Rid iculous special effects and dialogue.
released here in 1970, it was billed as lo ts of spu rting blood, and a rear·
Boris' last . It wasn 't. He made fou r projection croc make this one of the

worst in years. Filmed in Thailand and BBC-disc-jockey-turned·acto r Mikc
Korea. Presented by Herman Cohen. Raven has his first starri ng role as a mad
W ith T any Tim. (R ) anist jX)SSCssed by the spirit of a dcad
girl who covers bodies in bronze. W ith
THE CROSS OFLOmvuNE Mary Maude and Melissa Stribl ing.
1943 MGM (B&W)
1'k00lICU: Edwin Knopf
DIA£CTOk: T ay Gamen
sa.£EH\\IkIT£kS: Mkhllel
Ring Lardner, Jr., A]exllnder Esway. WOAfEN.
Robert O. Andrews
Jean-Pierre Aumont and Gene Kelly are
prisoners of war at odds with the Nazis. CRUISE INTO TERROR
W ith Hume Cronyn, Wallace Ford, and 1979 TV
Peter Lorre as the sadistic Nazi, Ser- DlklCTOI\:Bmce Kessler
geant Berger, who shoots priest Cedric Dirk Be nedict (BaulcHar Galactica)
Hardwicke during church services. It and Fronk Converse (M()\Iin' 011) Slar
was considered a blood~' film in [he '405. in a tale of evi l emanating from an an-
cient sa rcophllgus brought aboard a
CROWHAVEN FARAf pleasure-cruise ship. Who brought thc
1970TV damned thing on in the fim place! Was
PkOOUCDiDlklCTOk: Walter Grauman
SCI\[[NWJIJT[k: John McGreevey
it Christopher George or Lynda Day
George (in their third big TV-movie
Horror story about reincarnated witches
together) r How about Ray Milland,
who make life miserable for a couple
Marshall Thompson, John Forsythe,
(Hope Lange and Paul Burke) living
Hugh O' Brian, Stella Stevens, or Lee
on an old fann. Lloyd Bochner and John
Carradine are warlocks. With an inter-
esting flashback segment and William
Sm ith .
CRUCIBLE OF HORROR 1958 Allied Anists (B&W)
1971 Gnnon (England) "-OOUCEk: Roger Corman
I'kOOlIClA: Gabrielle Beaumont DIUCTOk: Justus Addis.-;
DIk£CTOII: Vihor Ritelis 5(l\££NWIIJT£k: Leo Gordon
~ OlllfPooley After shooting two hoods in a bmss-
AUO k(UAS(D AS: Vt/t 'el H~ knuckles attack, 21-year-old JackNich.
Michael Gough plays a sadistic man o lson (in h is firs t role) holes up in a
who tonnents his wife (Yvonne Mitch- drive-in theater storeroom with three
ell) and daughter (Sharon Gurney). hostages. Television crews :lrrive and
They kill him but he apparentl y remms the concession stand cleans up on hot
from the dead. It was double-billed here dogs and pop until the pol ice bring in
with Cauldron of Blood. tear gas. Harry Lauter, Leo Gordon,
C arolyn Mitchell, Brett Halsey, Ed
CRUCIBLE OF TERROR Nelson, and Mitzi McCall appear; Dick
1971 ScotialB.1rber (England) Kallman sings "Cry Baby Cry." Look
PkODOCO.: Tom Parkinson for Roger Corman as a television cam-
DIA£CTOk: Ted Hooker ennnan on top of a van . A comoo with
SCP.[[NI,IIM[M: Ted Hooker. Tom Parkinson H Ol Car Girl. - CB

A CRY IN THE N IGHT plantation fall in low with her. Ni na
1956 WarneTh (B&Wl Sevilla stars with Ramon Gay. In color.
DI~CTOI\: TuttiI.'

"A fre nzied search, a madman's whul),

a girl's life in the balance!" the ads CRY OF THE WEREWOLF
shouted. Infantile psycho Rarmond 1944 Columbia (B&W)
Burr is d isco\'Cred spyi ng o n a couple ~OUC£I'.: Wallace McDonald
in Lovers' Loop. After knocki ng out OtI'.ECTOI'.: Henry Levin
~1'.EENWm£kl: Griffin Jay, Charles O'Neal
the boyfr iend, he d rags policeman's
daughter N atalie Wood away to his As Q ueen Celeste of the gypsies. N ina
secret playhouse. where she is d ismayed Foeh rums into a wolf and kills villagers.
to find a dead puppy under the bed. With Barton MacLane. Fritz Leiber.
Tuttle fol lowed this with Mesa of Lost Mil ton Parsons . Blanc he Yurka . and
Womell. The cast includes Brian Don. Stephen Crane.
levy, Edmond O'Brien. and Richa rd
Anderson. - CB
1970 A lP (England)
C hristophe r Wicking LlVlNG DFAD
An unsatisfying, confused 16t h-century 1973 CoaS! Indusn ies
witch story. A frer ton uring in noce nts Pl'.oouc£k/SCI'.E£NWlUTD.; l ou Shaw
as wi tches in The Conqueror \Vonn, OII'.ECTOI'.: Ray Danlon
Vincent Price is now faced wilh the One of three obscure little horror fi lms
real th ing. Oona (EliS<lbeth Bergner), directed by actor Ray Danton. This o ne
the leade r of a Druid cult. se nds a takes place on Vampire Island, where
demon werewolf in the form of a hand- a 13th -century undead fe male wearing
some roung man (Patrick Mower) to a tiara is rcvived by a n Ameri ca n
terro rize and ki ll Lord W h itm an 's enginecr. With Mark Damo n, Andrew
(Price's) fa mily. With Essy Persson (I, Prince, and Patty Sheppard. One ad
A Woman), H illary Dwyer, Sa ll y Gee- shows a skull saying: "She's 700 Years
son, and Hugh G riffith. The music by O ld And Still Going Strong! " Anorher
Les Bax ter is available on a sound tr<lck shows a woman in a bikini with a wolf
album . head.


PI'.OOUCEI'.: Ruben A. Calderon 1960 Brenner (B&W)
OrI'.ECTOI'.: AlfredoCrevcna Pl'.OOUC£k/OII'.£CTOI'.: Barry Mahon
~I'.EENWl'.rTU: julio Albo ~I'.£ENWI'.fT(I'.: Errol Flynn
mtGrNALJ.Y i'.ElEAS£O M: Yambao AUO I'.£lEASlD M : A5$aulr of the Rebel
AUO I'.ElEASlDM: Youligand Edl Grrk
The granddaughter of a witc h uses voo- Errol Flynn (playing himself) and 17-
doo to make the overseer of a suga r year-old gi rlfriend Beverly Aadland help

C,,!>tro guerrillas ovenhrow the B..,tista

regIme by smuggli ng arms to Outposts
In the C uban coumryside. FeaTUring
"actual ((x)tage shot during the star's
real-Me adventures with Casuo rebels!"
n his lost picture
Thecasl includes Marie Edmund, Jackie
Jack ler, and John Mackay. This was DURING THE
Flynn's laSt film. Producer-director HEAVIEST fiGHTING Of THE
Mahon, also Flynn's agent, becaille a
:.ex movie tycoon; Aadland worked in
mgluclubs for a while and married a REVOLUTION
car dealer from Van Nuys. - CB

1965 Gr.m J Nationnl (England) (8&W)
P~OOUC [~ : Mrlllrice j . Wilson
DI I\EOO~: l)ullcnn WlXld
Lew Sc hw~r.
After musicals starring the Beatles, the
Dave C lark Five, and Gel1)' and the
Pacemakers, Ihis film featured the worsl
of all the British invasion groups~
Freddie and the Dreamers~do ing the
Freddie and dressing up like boy scoms.
nley also were in Every Da:y's a HoIida:y.
Seaside Surmgcn, and OUi of Si)::hr.


195 5 Universal (B&W) IH". O WN cn'.IY I D S Il '

""OOOCE~: HowllrJ Pme

DIMOOI\: FranCIS D. Lyon
K I\UNWMtIU: Uxll M~IJen , VioLENr
Richard Collins
Faith Domerguc is a high pricstess who
can change into 11 cobra, Five Ameri-
1:f' v L .,

can CIs who photographed her secret

ritual in Asia are surprised to find her
in Amcrica--out for revengc, All five CULTOFIl1E OM/NED, Sec
were laler forced to act in TV series: ANGEL, ANGEL, DOWN WE
Richard Long (77 SUllset Strip), Marshall GO.
n\ompson (Dakrari), W ill iam Reyn-
o lds (The FBI) , Jack Kelly (Mat-'erick) , CURFEW BREAKERS
and Da'lid Janssen (TN! Fugitive) . With 1957 Scu.-en GUild (1}&W)
Kathlcen Hughes. O riginally double- Pkoouco.: C h:lrles E. Kmg
b. lll:d with Ret!t'llge of rhe CremUTe. DlU:CTO~: Alex Wells


"Pem-up punks on a pemhouse binge !" creaky specialist lectures a high school
the ads promised. An obscure youth- elass on the limits ofknowk-dge. Flash
on-thc-rampage shocker starring Regis back to his mOSt horrifying experience,
Toomey and Paul Kelly as community ten years before. William Simonsen and
leaders who investigate teenage drug Robert Ciymire star. The older section
[rdffic fo llowing the murder of a gas- ;s fairly amusing if you can get that far.
station attendant by a crazed addict. Not just an o ther lam e speculati o n
Cathy Downs, Marilyn Madison, and movie. -CB
Shei la Urban are tOO cool to be careful
and "tOO young to be scared. " A Presley CURSE OF DRACULA , See
stand-in performs "Baby Baby Blues" THE RETURN OF DRACULA.
and "Jump for George." - CB
1969 Fanfare [957 HammerlWamer Brmhers (England)
Anthony Hinds
KIU:EN"'tVPJTEk: Winston R. Paul
DIII.£CTOI\: Terence Fisher
Science-fict ion sex. In 2177 a master K IU:EH'W'NT[I\: J immy Sangster
computer runs a .sexually libenlled world While America was being overrun by
without love, romance, or fami lies. Two atomic monstets and teenagers, the
people illegally view a 1969 film, The small British Hammer fi lm company
Three Virgins, aoout the o nly three stu- si n g lehand edl~' revived traditional
dents at a university who refuse to have gOthiC horror with their hit version of
premarital sex and why. The viewers Mary Shelley's famous no vel. It was
are arrested for watching subversive made for $250,(XX) and grossed millions.
material. Bunny Allister and David [[ made Peter C ushing (as Or. Frank-
Westberg star in bot h film s. With e nstein) an internatio na l star, but
Angelique Pettyjohn. Jex' Solomon was Christopher Lee, in his 36th film, hid-
exccUlive producer. den under makeup as the creature,
didn't achieve star billing in an English -
CURLEY AND HIS GANG IN language production unti l 1964. Un-
THE HAUNTED JIANSION, like the Universal films, it was in color,
See WHO KILLED DOC with blood, severed body parts, and a
ROBIN? doctor who didn't just think about his
work. Hazel Court as a housekeeperl
THE CURSE OF BIGFOOT mistress and Valeree Grant as a maid
1975 Universal Enlertainment take Cushing's mind off his ugly crea-
DIIU:CTOk: Don Fields tion. Robert Urquhart is the assistant .
KkEENWM"Ek: J. T. Fields It was Terence Fisher's 25th feature.
Advertised as: "The story of five stu- He spent the rest of his life directing
dents who will never be the s.."lme!" The horror films. Cushing starred in five
shysters at Universal Entertainment sequels.
took an unreleased (or very obscure)
students-on-field -trip monster thing THE CURSE OF KING TUT
from the early '60s and spliced new foot- 1980lV' (England)
age onto roth ends in an attempt to Pf.ODUco: Peler Graham Scott
make d ri ve-in audiences think [hey OIIU:CTOI\: Philip Leacock
were getting their money's worth. A KkEENWkfT[I\: Herb Meadows

TIle discovery o( the tomb o(Turankh- CURSE OF THE BLACK
amen, TV-style, with Raymond Burr WIDOW
as ::t ridiculous villain. With Eva Marie 1977 TV
Saint , Tom B.1ker, and Robin Ell is. PROOUC[ k: Sleven North
DI"ECTO,,: Dan C urtis
SCkl£NWIk.IT£M: Robert Blees, Earl W~ll;lcc
.4150klI..EA5EO,u: I..oo.'(! Trap
THE CURSE OF A Spider L~dy "thriller" with pretty ter-
N OSTRADMIUS rible makeup and the following cast;
1960 AlP-TV (Mexico) (B&W) June Lock hart as the mother of Pauy
PkODUCEk: Victor Parra Duke and Donna Mills; Vic Morrow as
DIN:CTOk : Frederick Curiel
SCMEffIWMt~: Charles Toboada,
a cop; To ny Franciosa, June Allyson
Alfred Ruanova (as O lga), Jeff Corey, Sid Caesar, and
~GI NAUY M I.lM(O.u: La Ma1diciOn o:k Roz Kelley. When even TV movies start
NostrOOomus changi ng tides in between showi ngs
See T/u;- Blood uf N05 Iwda'!U15, things can get confusing. Would you
be more likely to watch this under its
alternate tllle!


1959 AlP-TV (Mexico) (B&W)
",o ouen.: William Calderon Stell
D.MCTO": Raphael Porrillo IHE CURSE OF THE CAT
SCMUA/MD.: Alfredo Sala::lf PEOPLE
O klGIN AlLY "[LEAS[D.0\5 : La Mu/dlCl()Il o:k III 1944 RKO (B&W)
o\I Ofllla A~teca Val Lewton
A [0[ o ( American kids were packed DlMCTOM: Robert Wise, GumherV. Fritsch
off to Saturd<lY mat inees to see K. Gor- SC"££HWlUTEk; l:>eWitt Bodcen
don Murray productions like this one Advertised as: "A tender tale of terror!"
in the '60s. At the time, his name was The Stars of Car Peopk relurn ! This
liS well kno wn as Walt Disney or Wil- "sequel" is a fantasy starring a beautiful
liam C"lStle. thanks to saturation tele- litde girl (Ann Carter) who sces the
vision promotion. The youngsters didn't friendly ghost of her father's first wife
kno w they were seeing substandard (Simo ne Simon). It has nothi ng to do
Mexican films that K. gO( for a few with cat people , but it's a scnsitive clas-
pesos. Ir, this (ollow-up to The Robot sic on its own. Kent Smith and Jane
VJ. [he Aztec Mummy, the e\'il Dr. Randolph arc the dull P'lTcnts.
KniPP is back 'Ifter the treasure in a
pyramid guarded by Popoca, the tat-
tered Mex ican mummy. It was his third
appearance. A few years later he re- CURSE OF IHE CRIAIS ON
turned in Wrestling Women vs. the Aztec ALTAR, S ee THE CRIiIISON
Mummy. CULT.

THE CURSE OF THE CRYING Paul Naschy is EI Hombre Lobo for the
WOJIAN seventh t ime. Female gypsy devil .
196 1 AI P·lV ( Mexico) (B&W) worshipers, descended fro m witches
I'f.OOUCEP.: Abel Salazar killed by an execut ioner (also Naschy)
OlkECTO"'KkEE~ITEII.: Rafael Baledon 400 years before. turn him into a snarl ·
OOGINAUY k£l£A$[O AS: iA MaldlCion de Ia ing hairy beast. Most recent Spanish
!Jo,mw horro r movies have had to be cot to get
"The crying woman" is at the center an American R rdti ng. lR)
of a Mex ican legend that had already
ix.-en filmed three times when this ver- THE CURSE OF THE DOLL
sion came OUt. A descendant of the PEOPLE
original crying woman inherits a house 1960 A IP·TV (Me xico ) (B&W)
with ghosts and witches. With Abel H.ODUCE~: William Ca lderon Stell
Sa laza r and Ros ita Arenas. Imagine DluaOf..: Benito Alanaki
paying to see i l in a theate r in 1969 SQ[EtfI.IINTU: Alfredo Salazar
(when K. Gordon MUTmy imported it). Qf.IGINALLY I\ELEAS(D AS: MWlecw Infemaks
Now ~'OU can pay to see it o n video- Midgets in dark suits and fright masks
cassen e. are delivered to the MexicoCity homes
of four who mUSt pay fo r witnessi ng a
forbidd en Haitian voodoo ceremony.
In the night, the mute death messen-
1956 Colu mbia (England) (B&W)
"-OOUCEr.: Frank Bevis gen; crawl OU t of their boxes (or revenge.
OIk£CTOI\: Jacques T oumeur The dubbed d ialogue will give you a
K '-f:EH"WP.ITEJ.$: Charles Bennett. laugh but the lit tie folk s arc quite
Hal F. Chester another stol)'. Not the average piece
~NAU.Y ~D AS : Niglu o/Ine Demon of junk. -CB
C lassic devil-cult thriller fro m the di ·
rector of Cal People. As in his Val CURSE OF THE FACELESS
Lewton features, Toumeur wanted to AlAN
avoid showing a monster. The produc- 1958 United ArtislS (B&W)
ers insisted on adding a demo n based PI\ODUCEI\: Ro~rt E. Kent
on old woodcuts, which is pretty scary Dluao~: Edward L Cahn
but overused. Sensible American psy- SQ[ENWMU: Jerome Bixby
chic investigator Dana Andrews is A cruSty face less mummylike creature
cursed by accepting a runic parchment (actually a slave buried in Pompeii when
from cult leader N iall MacG innis. The Vesuvius erupted) returns to life and
photography and acting is mostly top· escapes from a box in the back of a
notch in a fi lm that almost surpasses truck. He carries o f( Elaine Edwards.
the earlier RKO· Lewron hits. With Richard Anderson is the hero.
Peggy C ummins.
CURSE OF THE DEVIL 1965 lippert/20th Century.Fox
1973 Goldstone (Spain/ Mexico) (England) (B&W)
H.OOUCO.: Lois Game: PP.OOUCW: RO~rI Uppert, jack Pa~5
Dll\EaOf.: Charles Aured Dll\EaOf.: i:))n Sharp
KU[NWMt~: Harry Spalding
KI\EEHWP.lTtk: Jacinto Molina
Of./GINALl.Y I\E1£AStD AS: El Reromo de Ia The only connect ion between this and
Walpllrgis (he American "fly" fil ms is a teleporta ·

tion device, the Delambre famil y name, CURSE OF THE AIUAIMY'S
and a publicity still from RelUm of the TOAfB
Fly. On its own, it's a pretty giXXi hor- 1964 HammerlColumbia (England)
ro r film. Brian Do nlevy conti nues Pf.OOUCEl\/ OII\ECTOf.:Michael Carreras
matter·transmissio n experiments, with SClU:£N'oI.'NlEk: Henry Younger
disgusting results. People arrive in a glass In the 1920s, American showman Fred
ca se as completely mixed-up mutants, Cl,uk brings a mummy to England, The
some just blobs of pulsating fl esh. One mummy of Ra-Antef (Dickey Owen)
of his sons (George Baker) marries a goes on a killing spree and kidnaps
girl (Carole G ray) who is an escapee Jeanne Ro land and carrics her through
from a mental institution. She really the sewers until the final battle with
do ubts her sanity when she discovers the reincarnation of his brother (Ter·
her husband's fi rst wife and a fe w lab ence Morgan), who killed him. One
assistants, all mutantS, locked in rhe of Ham mer's ro utine and unrelated
stables. When police arrive looking for mummy fi lms.
the gi rl, Donlevy tries to escape in the
machine and gets lost in the fourth CURSE OF THE"fUSHROO"1
dimension. Actually, he showed up in PEOPLE, See ATIACKOF
C,lifornia, acting in How to Sruff a Wild THE "fUSHROOM PEOPLE.
Bikini. With Yvette Rees as the C hinese
housekeeper and Burt Kwouk of rhe CURSE OF THE STONE
Pillk Pamher series. HAND
1946159/65 Associated DiStributors
Pictures (MexicuiChile) (8&W)
~OOUC[I\IOIIU:CTOf. (U.S. lIotrsion):
CORPSE DI~ClOM: Carl Schleipper. Carlos Hugo
1963 IOlh unfU ry·Fox (8&W) Christensen
t>ROOUCEkloIIU:CTOklscIU:EN\\II\lT£I\: SCII.££NI.II'II.I: Amos Powdl, Marie Laurent
Del Tenney A two·pan horror film with new Ameri·
A gothiC horror fi lm made in Stamford, can footage resulting in amusing chaos,
Connecticut. A millionai re vows to kill John Ca TTadi!)e is an evil h ypnotist.
all his re lat ives ifhe is buried alive. He Katherine Victor is somcbody's sister.
is, a nd various in -laws drown, are W ith Lloyd Nelson. Narrator Bruno Ve
burned to death, d isfib'Ured, ClC., as a Sora tries vain ly to hold the plot to-
hooded figure sta lks around. The best gether. The ti tle story is a shon encd
death is the maid's, Her head is found 1959 Mcxican film. "TI1C Suicide C lub"
o n the d inner table. This laughable is a condensed 1946 fi lm from C hile.
carl~' gore mov ic stars Roy Sc heidcr in Probahl y your only chance TO see a
his fi lm debut ! With Candace Hill igoss, C hi lean horror mo vie.
star ofCamitoal ofScmk When co-billed
with The Horror of ParI), Beach (by the CURSE OF THE SWAAIP
same director), patrons were asked to
sign a " Fright Release."
1966 AIP·TV
Tony HuslOn
CURSE OF THE LIVING A mad doclOr in the Florida Everglades
DEAD, See KILL BABY KILL. creates bulky reptile monsters with ping.

The txci ring climax of
of the Swamp Creature. See THEPLAYGIRLSAND




1%5 Allied Artists (England/U.S.)

J (B&W)
Pf.ODI.K[I\; Kenneth Rice
1 DIk£CTO": lindsay Shonteff
Kk£EH'WI\ITU: Tony O'Grady

~, C UTse of 5imb«
Game hunter Bryant Halliday is cUThed
by C hief M'Gobo when he kills a sa-
J cred I ion. Back in England, he suffers
pong ball eyes. Most of them li ve about physical and mental anguish, halluci-
nates, and is constantly fe verish. H e
three minutes. John Agar arri ves. sits in
returns to South Africa and runs over
an easy chair. and smokes cigarettes.
The black natives dance and burn a M'Gobo with a jeep, ending the curse.
W ith Dennis Price and Lisa Daniely.
lik eness of the evil doctor. A new
A Richard Gordon Productio n.
swamp creature (who used to be the doc-
tor's wifl') leaves the lab and promptly
fal ls into a pit of g<lWTh after being cal led
a hag. An all-time favorite of A meri- THE CURSE OF THE
can insomniacs. With Franc ine York WEREWOLF
(Space Monster). 1% 1 HammerlUniversal (England)
Pf.OOOCEIt: Anthony Hinds
DIk[CTOk: Terencc Fisher
Kk[[N\III\ITU.: John Elder
CURSE OF THE UNDEAD As popu lar as the Wo lfman is, this is
19;9 Universal (B&W) the only really good serious Wolfman
Pf.ODUCH.: Joseph Gershenson movie made since the 1941 Chaney
DIk£CTOf.: Edward Oein version. Except for silver bullets, it has
KI\E£N\!mTEM: Edward and Mildred Oein little in common with the accepted
The first vampire Western ! Rancher lycanthro pe lore. It all starts with a pa-
Kathleen Crowley hires a gunslinger thet ic beggar in 18th-century Spain,
who turns out to be a bloodsuc ker. Eric thrown into prison to rot by a cruel
Fleming. as a minister, kills h im with marquis. Years later, a mute servant girl
a bulle[ with a cross carved on it . Mi - (Yvonne Romain) is locked in with the
chael Pate. a mino r villain in many now crazed, animal- like man. She is
films. stars as the vampi re, Don Drago raped, escapes, and is found drowning
Robles, in all-black clothes, of course. by a professor. On Christmas Eve she
Wi th John Hoyt and Bruce Gordon. d ies giving bi rth to a linle Leon, whose

adoptive parents have to put up bars ro CURTAIN CALL AT CACTUS
keep him in at night. As a young man, CREEK
Leon (Oliver Reed) ;s sent to a monas- 1950 Uni"crs:iI (B&W)
tery, but he escapes to be with his ",ODUCE": Robert Arthur
girlfriend and bccomesa powerful snarl- OIIUCTOf;: Charles lamoni
ing monster again. Reed is terrifying as KIU:EH\VNTE~: H ()w;udD,mscble
the demonic werewo lf and effective In the O ld West. a performing troupe
as the confused, rortured Leon. The docs skits about the use of alcohol. Vin-
makeup (by Roy Ashton) is great. nle cent Price is a hammy actor. Eve Arden
film was banned in Spa in until 1976. as the mother ofCale Storm and stage-
Screenwriter Elder is actually the same hand Donald O'Connor complete the
person as producer Hinds. Based o n troupe . Walter Brennan is a bank
The Wcrewolf of Paris by Guy Endore, robber.

QlII'CTReed sum In Curse

of the Werewolf.
man wearing homs. claws, and a beak)
HOT STEEl BETWEEN THEIR LEGS ... story. John Bromfie ld (who had just
been in RctleTlgc of the Creature) stars
THE WILDEST BUNCH OF THE 10's! with Beverly Garland and Tom Payne.
Filmed in Brazil. Originallydouhle-billed
They steal women...
1966 Features Film Corporation
initiate them into the Earle Lyon
pack... sell them Franklin Andreon
on the black SC~ k: Arthur C. Pierce

market of crime ! As Garth the Cyborg, Michael Rennie

travels back in time to 1965 to prevent
Professor Marx (Eduard Franz) from de-
veloping radio telepathy that made pos-
sible a (uture dominated by a small
ruling class-a world of torture with-
out free thought. The slyly anti-Com-
mun ist film was originally made for tele-
vision on an extremely low budget.
Garth also finds the time to fall in love
with the professor's daughter (Karen
Steele). With Wendell Corey (who was
in The ASfTO-Zombies next) and Warren


1969 AlP
~o.: Maurice Smith
OIk[CToNSCM[I'f\VPJTt~ : Bill
Bruce Oern doing what he does best,
playing a sadistic mental case. As Keeg,
he and his motorcycle gang run a white
slavery operation in Las Vegas. High
school girls are kidnaped, given LSD.
and raped by the bikers before being
sold. The hero (Chris Robinson) is an
artist who jOins up with a gang defec-
tor (Melody Patterson). Oem tortures
h im by potting h is hands in a vise. Scott
CUR UCU, BFAS TOFTHE Brady and Steve Brodie are cops. Amer-
MlAZON ica's Top /0 host Casey Kascm (also
1956 Universal an execU[ive producer) plays Oem's
~w: RIChard Kay, Harry Rybnl(k brother. The other executive producer
DIUCTO~/SCM:[N\ln.ITO.: Curt Siodma k was Mike Curb. now lieutenan t Gov-
A plan tation in the Amazon is thc set- ernor ofCalifom ia. Don 't forget to look
ting of this phony monster (it's just a (or the sound track. ( R )

1957 Allied Artim (B&W)
Bert L Gordon
Gloria Talbm hires pilot Lon Chaney,
Jr., to take her to Mexico and find her
lost husband. Thanks to radiation, her
man (and some nearby snakes and
animals) are giants. The 50·foot mon-
ster is Ben Gordon's dumbest/weirdest
special effect. His mutated face is half
covered with flabby flesh, half the
mouth shows oversize teeth , and of
course there is one oversized eye. If he
resembles the guy in War of ,he Colos·
sal /3erut it's because it's the same actor
(Dean Parkins) . A trash classic! With
James Craig and Tom Drake. It was
originally part of an incredible double
bill with Daughter of Dr. lek:yU-anmher
Gloria Ta lbot triumph. The theme
music is available on ThL Fantastic Film
Music of Alben Glasser album.



• •

• 1957 Warner Brothers (B&W) AIONSTER
• K I\UNW' J TEP.: James Lee B.-men
1964 Toho Uapan)
DlLUCTOk: [noshlro Honda

• • Dragnet creator and sta r Jack Webb IS !ICk£[HWk/TU.: Shinlchi Seki:awa

• • perfect as a maniacal Parris Island drill

s,'lrgeant. A recruit (Don Dubbins), des-
OkIGlHAU.Y kll£,U(D AS: Uchl4 Drukns.Ju
perately trying to get thrown out of the Giant alien fly ingjellrfish anack. in th is
Corps. almost Cos!s4Vebb his reputa- odd Japanese film in volving gangsters
tion. The boy's mother (Virgini::! Gregg) and diamonds (wh ich the creatures like
visits and asks the sergeant 10 show no 10 eat). The animated monsters use
mercy (she had previously lost two sons their tentacles to rip up bridges and
and her husband in combat), With Lin buildings.
McCarthy, little Melody Gale, 19 gen-
uine U.S. Marines and Monica Lewis,
who sings ''(If'n You Don't) Somclxxly DALEKS-INVASION EARIH
Else Will" in an officer's h,[ngollt. 2150B.C.
1966 Amicus/Continental (England)
PkOOUC£l\: Max J. Rosenberg,
Milton Suooisky
1969 National General 5CM:EHWklTU.: MIlton Subotsk~'
PI'.OOUClIVOII'.ECTOk: Mark Robson The second feature sta rring Peter
SCI\£ENWI\'TEkS : brr~' Cohe n. C ushing as Or. Who, based on the SBC
Lorenzo Semple, Jr. tcievlsion series. A !XJlice constable,
Mark Robson, once a Val LewlOn d i- thinking the doctor's time machine (the
rector, followed his smash Valk)' of the T.A.R.D. I. S.) is a phone booth, acci-
Dolls with this psycho talt' concerning denw lly joi ns Who, his niece, and a
the previously off- lim its topic of abor- granJmOl her in the future. The alien
tion_ In San Franc isco a British woman Daleh usc IlHnd comrol to make slaves
(C'lrol White) discovers she's pregnant. out of humans and plan to blast out
She rea lizes that her photogr<lphcT E.'lrth's core and use il for a spaceship.
boyfriend (Scott H ylands) is vio lent The doctor, wilh Ihe help of resistance
and unstable. He wants to get married. fighlers, wins again. With Andrew Keir,
She has an abortion. Later she: m::lTTies Roberta Tovey, Bernard Cribbins, and
a lawyer (Paul Burke), has a baby, and Jill Cun:on .
is generally happy. Guess who shows
up! The crazed almost-dad dema nds
that she kill her baby and then kid- DMI/EN OAtEN /I
naps it. Co-writer Larry Coh en later 1978 20th Century-Fox
d irected his own baby movies, fr' ! Alive PkODUC[k : Harvey £kornnrd
and its sequel. With Mala Powers. Mu- Dtk£CTOk: Don Taylor
sic by Johnny (later John) Barry. 1M) 5Ck([NWktT£'-S: Stan ley Mann. Mil.;t: Hooges
D._mien Ihe Antichrist is now J3 and
pl;tyed by Jonathan Scon Taylor. Wit-
limn Holden and Lee Grant, his new
IHE DAFFODIL KILLER, See foster parents, die jusl as [he previous
THE DEVIL'S DAF'FODIL. ones dId. A helpful raven pecks OUl [he

eyes of reporter Elizabeth Shepard and
kills o ld aunt Marion (Sylvia Sidney).
Lew Ayres drowns under ice. Damien
goes to milita ry sc hoo l and lots of
funera ls. With Robert Foxworth and
Alan Arbus. The. Final Conflict became
the next, and last , stOp for the hit
concept. Fox originally planned a longer
series but this one didn't make enough
mo ne y. (R)

[977 20th Century-Fox
PII.OOUCE~ : Jerome M . Zeifman ,
Paul Maslansky
OII\[CTOII.: Jack Smight
SCI\£UfW'M[~: Alan Sharp, Lukas HeUer
Jan Michael Vincent and George Pep-
pard drive around the postho locaust DANGER, DlABOLIK UPI SI13/66: A Radcliffe
United States in a big tank, fight giant 1968 Paramount (Francclltah') College girl, known only
PI\ODUCO,: Dino Dt Laur~ntiis Il5 " MisJ Box 1!XX), " and
scorp ions and cockroaches, pick up
OI'-£CTOI\: Mario 8av3 her date, a tneUll robot
Dom inique Sanda , and head for Al- rwmed " The Oaldc,"
SCI\[[NWII./TU: Oino Mai vri
ban y. A flop version of Roger Zelazny's which IS I~ JWI' of an
ALSO I'.£tEASED AS: Dlabolik
nove\. With Paul Winfield and Mur- English lelevision senel and
John Ph illip Law, who had just been
ray Hamilton . tht mou'e Daleks: Inva-
in Barbarella, stars as the international
sion Earth 2150 A.D.,
supercriminal Diabolik. He wears a draw sam.! amLUed glance.!
skintight, h ead-to-toe black leather sui t. {rom orJooken as the, (IT-
fro m whic h he emerges to make love nve (If New York'J Empire
ARE THE DMtNED. to his beaUliful assisranc (Marisa Mel\) Suue Bllildmg for (l m it.
under a blanker of stolen bills. An in- MUJ Box 1!XX) Tteeml,
speclOr (Michel Piccoli) ~ tS a trap, drew natiollal attelltion
DANCE HALL RACKET turning Diabolik into a gold-covered tmh heT ad, in tht Har-
1956 Globe Roadshows (B&W) statue. A stylishly futuri stic adventure vard Crim.son, appealmg
P'I\Ooucn: George Weiss based on the Europea n OitWolik comic for (l temporary husband
DIIl.ECTOI\: Phil Tucker Ii) {ree heT from dormitory
books. With Terry-Tho mas.
Lenny Bruce appears in this borderline life. " The Dalek" applied
an-house feature about an FBI opera· ffYT the job and rna, gel
DANGER ISlAND, SeeAIR. II. "T~ Dalek" u, mo-
tive planted in a dime-a-dance jOint to AIOTO ON DANGER ISLAND.
get information on the murder of a mer- denulll)" the fin! J1IOnSte'r
!O visil me Empfre SfaU'
chant seaman. The club is a front for DANGER ROlHE BUilding WIth hiJ IITI since
d iamond smugglers, honky-tonk host- Amicus/Unitcd Artists (England) King Kong, calT)'ing a re-
esses involved in the white slave trade, Max J. Rosenbe rg,
Pl\QOUCEll.i: /ucklnl Fa)' Wra)l. cLmbed
etc. Tucker made a series of bawdy After Mihan Subotsky 10 tht sk)'JCI'ape!" J pmna-
Midnight adul£s-oniy features and then DIIl.ECTOI\: Seth Holt cle t~ hard 100)1. up !he
tried to b reak Hollywood with his Robens
SCI\[[N\IIM'EI\: M eade ouuide of the building.
incredible Robot Monster . See also Cape Ri chard Jo hnson, a busy European
Canaveral Monsters. -CB B-picture actor, is a se<: ret-service man

involved with the usual double agents, Vicror Mature and Vincent Price soon
defec ting scientiHs, and beautiful show up there. One o( them is there to
women, including Carol Lynley, Bar- kill her. The thickheaded woman can 't
bara Bouchet, and Diana Dors, who figure out which. With William Bendix
plays his helpful housekeeper. Sa m and Betta St. John .
Wanamaker is a C IA agent.
DANGEROUS CHARTER 1958 WlIfner Brolhers ( Eng land) (B&W)
1962 Crown lntem:u ional PkOOlJC[II,; Anna Neagle
PRODUCW: Roben Gottschalk, DlkECTOk: H e rber! Wilcox
John R. Moore SCP.£E~lru: J;lck T I"Cvor Srory
PP.OOUCu/DtA.ECTOA: Roben Gottschalk AUO kEI..tMED AS: TMSt.' Dangerous Years
KP.EEN\w.rrn.: Paul Strait A Tough Liverpool gang leader (Frankie
The high seas adventures o( three goof- Vaughan) becomes a popular singer, is
ball fishennen who find a dead man and drafted, marries his partner (Carole
a half-million in heroin aboard the adrift Lesley), and is happy ever after. The
yacht MedWiu. "What kind of woman ?! would-be Elvis sings top hits like "Cold
Snakes (or hair!" exclaims one as they Cold Shower." With Anna Neagle.
li nd a namesake bust in the maSte r
stateroom. A likely story develops as DANTE'S INFERNO
the Coast Guard tells C hris Warfield, 1935 Fox (B&W)
C hick Chandler, and Wright King that PkOOU(EA: Sol M. Wurtzel
the vesse l is theirs if they will help set DlkECTOA: I-In rry L3(:hmnn
SCAEENWM£I\S: Phi lip Klein .
a trap (or the dope dealers. Richard
Roben M. YOSI
Foote bites and sings "The Sea Is My
Woman" and "Lonely Gu itar" repeat- A carnival disaster movie with an in -
edly before his pa ls arrive for the dope. credible look at Hetl. Spencer Tracy as
Sa lly Fraser, John Zaremba, Peter For- a successful showman brings on the
ster, and John Pickard co-st ar. Loca- deaths of patrons because of hasty
[ion scenes filmed in 1958 of( Santa constnlction . He has a wonderful 10-
Catalina Island. -CB minute vision of writhing souls [hat was
apparendy taken from a silent Italian
fea ture. With Claire Trevor, Henry B.
DANGEROUS CHARTER, See Walthall, Ray "Crash" Corrigan. and
THE CREEPING FLESH. Rita Hayworth (then Margarita Can-
sino) as a dancing girl.
DANGEROUS "fiSSION 1959 Buena Vi st;l
1954 RKO (3·0) PkOOUC[k! W;lll Disney
~OOUCEII,; Irwin Allen DlkECTOk: Robert Steven son
DIA.ECTO": Loui s King SCkEEH\VfJTE~: L;lwren ce Edward W;ltkin
SCP.£ENWklTEl\S: H o race M cCoy. As Darby, Albert Sharpe meets lepre-
W. R. Burnen. Charles Iknnen chauns who give him a fiddle. Sean
Forest fires and avalanches at Glacier Connery (who sings) and Janet Munro
National Park in a 3- D Irwin A llen co-star with Estelle Winwood, Jack
movie! Piper Laurie., who has wimesscd McGowran , and Kieron Moore. This
a gangland murder, fl ees to the park . Irish fantasy with howli ng banshees, a

hcadlesscoach driver, and a ghost horse A superior supernatural story set at the
is o ne of Disney's best. turn of the century. As an occult inves-
tigator, Leslie Nielsen discovers a hor-
DAREDEVIL rible-looki ng demo n from Hell played
1971 Geo rge Montgomery by Werner Klemperer ( H ogan's Heroes).
From the ads: "I'm waiting fo r you to The makeup is great. With Judi Mere-
die! Die!" Anothcr Southern stock-car dith and Mark Richman. Originally
epic. starri ng Din<lh Shore's former made as a pilot for the projected Black
husband George as a driver plagued by Cloak TV series. but shown in theaters.
voodoo after being blamed fo r a track
famlit)·. Lots of steamy action , as is usual
with Montgomery's one-man shows.
1972 ClIleldma (England)
Co-starring Terry Moore of Wh y Mus! I"-ODUCU: James Hanna, Jr.
I Die! ~CB
OIIU:CTO"-: Don Sharp
KIU:[N\\I'M'l~: Ed STemm,
THEDARK Jor.eph V~n Winkle
1979 Film Vemures Intem,lIion<l1 Joan Collins, Herbert Lorn, and Chris-
PP.ODUCD.5: DICl.: Clark, Edward L Montoro topher Lee as a greed)' ps),chim ris[, are
OIN:CTO": John (Bud) Ca rdos involved in a search for hidden mone,'
KJI.([N\VfJTl": Stanford Whitlll ore left to Robert Hardy. who is possessed
A confusing science·fic t ion monster by a murderous ancestor's spiri t. With
movie. A creature is stalking L.A ., rip- Jan Birkin and Jean Marsh.
ping the heads off victims. It also bums
people to death with laser vision. The
killings are always predicted by a mystic. THE DARK SECRET OF
Apparen tly [he producers dec ided to HARVEST HOAIE
make the supernatural munster an alien 1978TV
by adding new scenes. William Devane 'WDucn: Jack Laird
DIIU:CTO'-: Leo Penn
as an author, Cathy Lee Crosby as a
SCMENWP.ITEM: Jack Guss, C harles E. Israel
TV newscaster, and Richard Jaeckel as
a cop are all involved with the mysteri- A New York City famil,· moves to a
o us deaths. With Keenan Wynn, Viv- New England farm community where
ian Blaine, and Casey Kascm . T obe the old-fashioned residenlS. led by
Hooper was o rigina lly set to direc t this Bene Davis as Widow Fortunc, prl:lC-
ill-fated movie.(R) tice occu lt riwa ls to insure a good
harvest. O riginally a two-part, five-
hour special, it was fi lmed at Holden
DARK EYES, See SATAN:S Arborerum in Kirkwood, Ohio, and
MISTRESS. featured <l number of C leveland girls
(including Jill Adams) dressed in
DARK EYES OF LONDON, See sheers, mo.1ning through the riruals.
THE HUAlAN AIONSTER. Based on Tom Tryon's novel, il has
the look of the mClre recent Deadly
DARK INTRUDER Blessing. With David Ackroyd, Jo-
1965 U nl ve~l anna Miles. Rosanna A rquette, Una
'''ODUCE'': Jack laird Raymond, Earl Keyes (Cleveland's
CtIIU:CTO": Harvey Hart "Mister Jingaling") as the sherri ff, and
~CP.£EHWf,IT[": Barre Lydon the voice of Dona ld Pleasence.

DARKS'DIR Robert Fo rster (AUigalOr) is a professor
1972 Bryaoslon who has himself cloned. H is u ouble-
~D: Jack H. Harris making duplicate also wants his wife
DIUCTOI\: John Drpentcr Adrienne Barbeau (Swamp Thing). Ray
KAUN\IfM£M: Jo hn C arpent er, Milland (The Thing Wirh Two Heads)
Dan O'Bannon regrets everything. From the director
An impressive accompli shmem that of The £t.,.1
started as a USC project shot in [6mm
and running around 45 minutes. Jack
H. Harris pur up additional fund s, so
1936 Republic (B&W)
the origi nal footage was blown up to
MODUCEA: Barney Sarecl y
35 mm and 43 minutes were added. The DIk£CTOM: Breel'es Easton, Joseph Kane
whole thing cost about $60,000. It reo SCk£EHWP.ITOS: John Rathmell.
ceived a limited theatrica l release in Barney Sared: y, Tcd Parsons
'75 , and has si nce become a m idn ight AUO ~D AS: Balmen of Africa,
and college favo rite. Yo ung spacemen King of 1M Jungle/and
fight boredom while on a protracted Famous animal trainer C lyde Beatty
mission to destroy unstable suns. Ex- srars as himseU in this fan tastic seria l,
cept for a purposely laughable beach- the first from Republic Stud ios. C lyde
ball alien, the special effects are excel· goes to a hidden jungle city with jun-
lent. Co-scriptwriter Dan O'Bannon gle boy Manuel King (a chubby kid
also sian as Pinback. He later wrote hailed as "the world's youngest animal
Alien, a somewhat similar fi lm but with- trainer") to rescue the roy's sister. The
out Dark Star's comedy. Carpenter went lost civiliz..... tion is guarded by great flying
o n to demonstrate his d irectorial skill batmen. C lyde and his pal also encoun-
in Assaulr on Precincr 13 and Halloween. rer dinosaurs (back-projectio n lizards).
A soundtrack album is available. With a (riend ly gorilla. A l OO-minute
TV feature was released in 1966.


1960 Filmgroup (B&W)
1956 First National Film Distributors PAOoucWDtMCTO~ O'Dale Ireland
DIk£CToNSCk£EHWP.rT(k: John Calvert
Calvert (using the name John Trev lac) Ethel Mae Page
d irects himse lf as an adventurer in Gary C larke o(TIle Virginian and Marlo
Africa. John Canadine is a "deranged Ryan star as teenagers determined to
white mystic" guarding the elephants' marry. Their plans are held up by two
gra veyard. With Ann Cornell. Pretty sets of parents as well as Marlo's (or-
obscure . Iller boyfriend and his doper-psycho
brorher. Some sources claim gangsters
are ",'Orking againsr them as well. Ri ch ~
ard Gering co-stars. Co-billed wilh
Ireland's High School Caesar. -CB
PkOOUCE~: AI Ramus, John Herman Shllncr A DATE WITH DEATH
Dlk£CTO~ : Gus Trilonis 1959 Pa<inc Internal ional
SOoI:EN\IifNTUS: Al Ramus, William S. Edwards
John Herman Sha ner DIk£CTOA: Harold Dan iels

Liz Renay was up for a comract with Canadine, as a hypnotist , and Virginia
Warners when funny business with C hrist ine.
Mickey Cohen put her off limits. Her
screen test was shelved and she landed DA UGHTERS OF DARKNESS
in Arizona to make this picture. playing 197 1Gt' mml (BdglUm/ Frnnce/
a jailed gang moll opposite Gerold Mohr W. Ge n nany/[t<lly)
of the Foreign Intrigue series. Mohr plays Pl\OOUCEI';5: Alam GUll1eaume, Paul Cotlet
a vagrant who borrows the ident ity of DIP..ECTOl\: Harry Kiime l
a murdered police agent and stays on K P..EEN\IiMU.5: H a rr.,. Kumcl. Pierre DrouOl
OfJGItwJ.y kELEASED M : Ln uws Rouges
ro break the local rackets and find his
namesake's killer. The subliminal im- An excelle nt erotic vampire art film
age process " Psychorama" carries over with Delphine Seyrig as the countess
fro m Dan iels' Terror in the HliunlCd Elis;lbeth Bmho ry. She and her com-
House. W it h Harry Lauter, Robert 1>.1nion- lover Illona (Andrea Rau) stay
C larke, and Stephanie Fam ay. Liz at- at a huge luxurious European hotel by
tended the prem iere faci ng a grand jury the sea. They seduce a sadistiC young
indictmem for perj ury. She also appears Illan and his beautiful bruiSL.J wife. The
in TN! ThriU KiUen and Desper-ale Uving. wife Ix:comes the countess's new com·
-CB pa nion afler her husband is killed and
1II0na d ies from the water of a shower,
which is deadly to a vampire. (R )
1957 Allied Artists (B&W) DAUGH TERS OF SAliIN
",ooucu/ so.[EM\VAIT[p': Jack Pollexf... n
DlkECTOl\: Edward G. Ulmer
1972 Un itL'd ArtistS (Philippines)
Pl\ODUCEP.: Aubrc~' Schenck
G loria Talbot is the titular daughter. DII\.ECT~: H o lIlllJ:.S ....'Orth Morse
Her fia nce is John Agar and he's going K I\EEM\VAITCI\: John C. HigginS
c razy! The murders she's blamed for are A man's Wife becomes a witch. It WelS
actually committed by a werewo lf doc· billed with Su/)C'(beast as "h is and her
to r played by Arthur Shie lds, lookalike horro r!" Terrible, but Tom Selleck.
brother of Barry Fiugerald. Gloria waS now a top television he,.rtthrob on Vampire CounftSJ Del·
in The C)'clops the same ~·c ar. Magnllm r./., stars as an art collector phint Se:yn'g in Daughters
in the Philippines. (R) of Da rkness.


1969 TV
, I\OOOCo./DIUCTOl\: Walter Graumnn
SO,[EH\IIMU: LUlher Davis
Phony supernatural thriller with Ray
Milland as a professor who thinks his
dead daughter ( Pamelyn Ferdin) is
tl)'ing to communicate wi th him. It's
all an elaborate plot devised by spies.
Gene Tieme)' is the mom, Don Mur·
ray is a psychic invcstigaror. With Ed·
ward Asnet, George Macready, Jo hn

DAVID AND GOLIATH the involvement of a television techni-
1960 Allied AfliSlS ([1<lly) cian and her boyfriend. This ti me the
Pf.ODUCU: Emimmo &1\';
exploding heads and ripped-open Ixxl -
DIA£OOM: Fern<lndo Baldi , Richard POllwr
SCl.[EHIII'JIJ1US: Umbe n o Scarpelli.
ies arc in bright color. The actio n sta m
G inO M<lncini . Emlmmo &1\'1. in ghetto tenemencs and then switches
Amhrogio Moltem brilliantly to a large brightly lit subu r-
~t N.w.Y m£AS[DAS: lJd l·td eGrnUl ban mall complex where zombies ride
Orson Welles wasn't in a movIe chis esca la tOrs while Muzak plays. The im -
bad again until NeCTOlnilncy or Bur- portant if overlong hit throws in vi-
leT{/y, If you don't wall! {O sit through cious bikers that actua lly make you pity
this cut-rate Biblical epic in which the zomhies and some intentional hu-
We lles pla}'s King Saul. mayOc you mor, and borrows a bit from The World.
can find a copy of the comic-version the Flesh, and the Devil. As in Night of
(with color stills from the movie on the Ullin/{ DClui, the hero (Ken Foree)
the covet!). As David, [va Payer kills is bbck, Romero. who still ignores Ho[-
the badly made-up giant named Kro- Iywood and works out of Pittsburgh.
nos who plays Goliath. (ought rhe MPAA b}, releasing rhi s
unrated. It wo uld have gonen a deadly
X. Special makeup effec rs hy Tom
DAWN OF THE DEAD Savini. Iw[ ian director Dario Argento
1979 United Film Distributors co-produced and made it a big hit in
PRODUCE'S: RIC hard Runemlcm, Europe. Goblin, heard in several Ar-
Dario Argento
gento movies, provide pan of the sound
DllU:crOOKA£ENWPJT£k: George Romero
track. With Howard Smith of the Village
An often devastating continuation of VOice. For full impact see it in a multi -
Night of the Uving Dellll. The story cen- plex cheater at rO UT nearesr shopping
terson two National Guardsmen calleJ mall . A slightly longer ven;ion some-
out to rek ill the always growing num-
limes plays ,H better Ihealen;.
!x-r of flesh-ea ting gho uls and featuTes ("e[f unposed X)

Hungry ghouls 111 Dawn

o( lhe Dead.

1981 Goldf~rb(ltaly)
KP.UJrrI\lrIPJTUS: Daria PrlC(, Ronald
The fi rst mummy gore movie! A fash-
ion photographer and his models diswrb
the burial site of a mummy and his eight
flesh -ea ting zombie followers. The
highlight is an attack on a wedding
party in which all the guests arc disem-
boweled andd~voured. Filmed in Egypt.
Bad acting provided by Brenda King
and Barry Sattels. (X)


1979 G roup I (Australia)
"'OOUCU: Anthony J. Ginnane
Rod Handy
~ ClJris and E",errttt De Roche
ALSO k[LEASEO.u: Snapshot
: " .. , .. ..
. . ..
". -"" - " ,,".,
Obscure European crime mov ies have
been passed off as horror films in Amer-
ica for years. Here's an obscure Austra- fo und in the form of human-shaped
lian dmma about a young fashion model ashes floating in the swimming pool.
that some people ac ru al1y paid money Poor Kent loses the battle against the
to see, thinking il was a seque l to devious aliens. W ith William Mimms
Halloween. With Chantal Contouri and Betty Bea ll.
(Thirsr) . Music by Brian May (Road
Warrior). CR)
1977 FIlm Ventures
EARTH OIA[CTOf.: William Girdler
196J 20th Century-Fo)[ (B&W) SCA[EH\tnJt(~: William NOrlon.
Pf.OOUCOJouUCTOf.: Maury Dexler Eleanor E. Nonon
SCk((NWkfTU,: Harry Spa ldmg .4ilO "[lEASED.u: Somerhlllg Is Old There
Screen favorites Kent T<lylor and Marie Animalsof all kinds attack and kill peo-
Windsor pl<lY husband and wife in this ple in the High Sierras. Why! Some-
fun cheapie fil mro at Greyston Man- thing about ecology and the sun. Who
sion in Beverly Hills. Taylor, a Cape cares! With lors of humans too: Chris-
Canaveral scientist responsible for land- topher and Lynda Day George. Rich-
ing a communications device on Mars, ard ja<.'Cke l. Leslie Nielsen, Michael
relUrns ho me from a vacation <lnd find s Ans..1.Ta, Paul Mantee, Andrew Stevens,
doubles of his famil y and himse lf! The and specia l guest Ruth Ro man. It was
Martirm look-a likes reduce the origi- director Gi rdler's follow-up to his dumb
nals to ashes. Some of his family is Grin/y.

1965 Herts-Lion (B&W) CAUGHTFIRE
l'P.Oouco.: Leon Bleiberg 1961 Universal (England)
OII\[CT~; John
so.£lNWMU: Leonard Go ldste in Val Ouest
A se ldom seen Psycho copy. A male WolfMankowin
commercial an isf is suspect ed of mur- Excellent end-of-the·world drama cen-
der, bur no one can produce the dead tering on London Daily Ne1m writers
wo man's lxxIy. The an isf reappears dis- who d iscover that recent unexplained
guised as the missing woman and tries disasters and the constantly rising tem -
to kill his wife and father. then falls in perature are the results of atomic test-
fron t of a speeding yacht during a po_ ing. The U.S. and the U.S. S.R. had
lice chase. With John Ireland. Elena both set off test bombs at the same time,
Verdugo, John Hart , and Li: Renay o f knocking the Earth out of orbit and
A Date with Death. The directOr of pho- hurling it toward the Sun. The film is
tography is T. V. Mikels. - CB mostly concerned with personal reac-
tions to the disaster, and there's mo re
talk than acrion, but the cast is always
convinc ing. Leo McKern plays the sci-
DAY OF THE TRlFFlDS ence editor, Edward Judd is an alco-
1963 Allied Artists (Engla nd)
ho lic reporter, and Janet Munro is his
PM>OUCU: George Pitcher
OII\ECTOII.: Steve Sekely girlfriend. As the world sweats and waits
SCP.[[N\ImTO.: Philip Yordan fo r a likely end, teenagers enjoy rock
'n' rolt riots in rhe sneers. When more
Ex-musical star Howard Keel plays an
American seaman who is one of the bombs are exploded ro try to reverse
few people on E.,nth nO[ blinded by a rhe damage, two headl ines are prepared
meteor shower. The meteors also bring by the N~Wj ; WORlD 5/WED a llJ WUKllJ
plan t spores that grow into giam mo-
bile carni vorous plants wh ich easily
sting blind Earthlings ro d ealh. T he THE DAY THE EARTH FROZE
sailor rescues a little girl and wi th a 1959 AlP (FinlandlU.S.S.R.) (B&W)
Frenchwoman (Nico le Maurey) they Pll.ODO(£II..: Gregg Sebelious
flee to Spain fo r a final confrontation DIIl.ECTOII.S: Alebndr Plushko,
Julius SII"3ndberg
with hordes of killer plants. Meanwhile
Janette Scott and Kieron Moore (both A fantasy about a magic mill, a witc h
of whom went on to fa ce A Crack ill queen, a field of snakes, and a hero log-
the World) afe be ing a tt acked in a ger. When the witch sleals the sun, ev-
lighthouse. Two simple ways of kil ling erything freezes until the sound of sacred
the aliens arc discovered and Earth is harps turns her to stone. In typical A lP
sa ved again. From }o hn Wyndham's fashi on, dialogue scenes were resho t in
novel of the same name . With Mervyn '64 featuring American actors. Marvin
Johns. Screenwriter Yordan was also ex- Miller narrates.
ecutive producer.
1974 TV
PII.OOUCW: Bobby Shennan, Ward S~' h'es[er
DAY OF THE WOAlAN, See DIIl.ECTOII.: Robe rt Michael Lewis

Em1hqu.ak, Ielevision-style, withJaclde Bizarre nuclear disasler story from the
Cooper and C leavon Litlle warni ng direclOr of Zorba (he Greek. Wearing a
small-lOwn residents lO get out. The pop-an bikini, Candice Bergen space-
shook-up casl includes Beverly Garland dances o n an island in the Aegean while
(!rConquered the World), Stella Stevens, half-naked soldiers search for a downed
and William Windom. plane's jettisoned warheads. Tom Courte-
nay, Ian Ogilvy, Colin Blakely, and Sam
THE DAY THE EARTH Wanamaker co-star. Atom·age swim·
STOOD STILL wear designed by the director. - CB
195 1 10th Century-Fox (B&W)
~oouco.: Julian Blaustein THE DAY THE SCREMIING
!oCACEN'oINTO.: Edmund H. NOrlh
C lassic antiwar science fiction based on THE DAY THE SKY
FareweU to the Masrt'T by Harry Bales. EXPWDED
Mic hael Rennie as Klaatu, the Chrisl- 1958 Excelsior (France/Italy) (B&W)
like alien, arrives in Washington, D.C., ~ODU(o.: Gu ido GiambarlOlomei
with a warning: SlOp using nuclea r DlA£cr~ Paolo H eusch
weapons or the Earth will be destroyed. SCN:ENWMU5: Man:el1oCosc ia,
Sam Jaffe. as the Einstein character, Alessandro Cominema
and P:ltricia Neal seem 10 be the only An Eanh rocket hilS the Sun , sending
ones convinced until he causes all ()OYo't'r asteroids hLirling toward Earth. Heat
to stop for o ne hour. Patricia N eal later waves, tidal waves, and assoned disas-
starred in a British semi-remake, Imme- ters result. Most sc ientists panic, give
diate Disaslt'T (,54). Rennie was to be up. or go mad. The hero (Paul Hub-
caSt as an alien again in Cyborg 2087 schmid) saves Earth by organiling all
(,65). Assignmenr Terror, and even /...osl countries 10 fire all their atomic weap'
in Space. Hugh Marlowe and Harry ons into space, thus destroying the
Lauter Ix>lh found themselves back in asteroids. NOI as exciting as it sounds.
Washinglon five years later in Earth tIS. Cinematography by Mario Bava.
the Flying Saucers. The robot Gon was
played by Lock Martin. a seven·fool- THE DAY THE WORLD
seven former doorman at Grauman's ENDED
Chinese Theatre. Drew Pearson plays 1956 AlP (B&W)
himself. Also with Billy G ray (Father ~EpJDlUcr~ Roger Connan
Knows Best), Franc is Bavier (The Andy SCN:ENWMU: Lou Rusoff
Griffilh Show). and Stuatl Whitman. "A new high in naked shrieking terror!"
Special effec[S man Ray Kellogg later proclaimed the ads. It was also the real
directed TN! Killer Shrews. The pD\\-'er- beginning for the new American Inter-
ful music is by Bernard Herrmann. A nat ional Pictures (formerly A.R.C.).
remake was announced in 1982. Roger Corman's /irst sc ience-fictio n
fi lm cost a whopping $65,000, was a
THE DAY THE FISH CMfE big success, and is st ill a fondl y remem-
OUT bered movie aoom T.D. Day. Thal's
1967 International Classics Total Destruction. After an atomic war,
(England/Greece) radiation turns survivors into horrible
H.OOUCEpJDIN:crOOSCN:ENWNf[~ mutants. Hero Richard Denning, Lori
Michael Cacoyannis Nelson {who had just been in Revenge

of the C reature) , and the well-prepared voice of the rat. Orher voices are Hayley
Paul Birch arc protected in a C<lbin Mills. Ed Wynn , Parry Duke, Tallulah
surrou nded by mountains, bu t their Bankhead. Terry-Thomas. Vicmr Bor-
sanctuary is raken ove r b)' Michael ge, Roocrt Gou let , and Scssuc H ~ya­
"Touch" Connors and Pau l Dubov. It 's kawa. Most of them sing. Filmed in
the who lesome good fo lk vs. the gun- Japan, America, and various European
wielding roughs and their wild mo ll countries.
(Adele Jergens). Outside, the telepath-
ic, cannibalistic, three·eyed, fo ur- DAYSOFTHRILLSAND
homed , four-amled mutants are getting LAUGHTER
closer. The m(lin mutant is played by 1961 20rh Century- Fox (B&W)
P(lul Blaisdell , who designed his outra- Robert YounJlson
geous suit . Jonathan Haze is one of the Aside from the comedy. this comp ila-
new. still part-human mutants. Alex tion of rare silent footage includes Boris
Gordon was ex(.'C utive producer. An un- Karloff in a Rmh Roland serial, Warner
credited remake was In lhe }car 2889. Oland in a Pearl White serial. and Hou-
dini in a SCene from Mall From Beyond.
1978 Compass Intem ~tion<ll (Spain) DAYI'ONA BEACH WEEKEND
p~oouc[~: Wayne Schmid!, SI\:v(' Nt"ilI 1965 Dominant
OlMOOf,: John O udO$
Rober! Wdby
KIl.E£NW?fT[~: Wayne Schmidt ,
J. Larry Carroll, DdVid SchmOo! II"r College students on vacation with leg-
ALSO "lLLt.SEO~: VOTlex endary rock 'n' roll star Del Shanno n,
A pretty cheap, mix ed- up sc ien ce- Houston & Dorsey, the Offbeats, and
fiction adventure about UFOs. a time Sue Skeen. Shot on locatio n in 16mm.
warp. a desen home mmsplan{(..d to an Dominant also distributed Blast-of!
alien planer. and three animated crea- Girls . -CB
tures. With C hris Mitchum (rhe Mln D-DAY ON AIAR& See THE
of Robert and a slar in Europe), Doro- PURPLE AJONSTER STRIKES
thy Malone, Jim [},I\'is (Dallas) , and
little Natasha Ryan (Th£ AmilJulle Hor- DEAD AND B URIED
ror). TIle one friend ly alien is of the
198 1 Aveo Emb'lss),
Close Encounrers variety. The other two Ptl.ooucru: Robert Shusc{{ , Rober! Fentress
resemble an e lephar\! mixed with a DI"lOO~: Gary A. Sherman
gorilla and a tun ic without ils shell K MENWNTEP.S : Robert ShuSt'u.
respectively. A soundtrack al hurn is Dirn O'B'lnnon
.rvailable. A confusi ng. stupid, gory horror movie
about reconstructed corpses living in a
THE DAYDREMIER New England town. Everylxx\y there
1966 EmhaSliY Plctu re~ seems to know what's going on except
Ptl.ODUCUJK"lENW'-IIT~: Arthur R:rnkin Jr. for Sheriff J;rmes F;rrentino. Jack A I-
DI"lOO~: Saui llass ocrtMln, in his last role, pla)'s an eccen-
Animagicfearure (stop-motion puppets) tric o ld lllo rticianlzombie master who
hased o n Hans Christian Andersen at o ne poim is seen opera ting on him-
stories, with Ray BoIgc r. Ma rgaret self. W ith Melody Anderson (Flash GQf-
Ham ilton. and Jack Gilford in the live- don) providi ng beauty and laugh s,
action scenes. Boris Karl uff provides the Michael Pataki. and a syringe through

an eyeball . By thedireclorof R"w Meat
and the writers of Alien. (R )

1971 NGP (YUI-.>(lSiavlalCt'rm;m y/lt;Jly)
PkOOUCU: Mundl~1 Tdi
OIM:CT~; Armando Cr~~rll)(l
KP.EENWP.ITEM:LuCiu B.111 ISlrJ.b .
Armando C rispIno
A series of gory kIllings .s<:C n) 10 have
been committed by T uchulka, fln Etrus-
ca n go:.l. Samantha Ej.!gar ,md Aln
Cord arc dIgging where they shouldn't.
With Hom Frank . (R)
197'; TV
PkODUCEP.: Henry Q,leman
DlUCT~: Cu rtI S Harrlnglnn DEAD KiDS, See STRANGE Dead and HuriN 5WTS
Kp. EENWp.lru: Robtort Bloch
BEHAVIOR. Jack Albt>rrson III 1115 Imr
A rribute !O the poverty-row horwrs of role (1.'1 (l m(lI"f((Wn.
the 'JOs that tries hard to be as ndicu-
lous as the origina ls. A group of West DEAD AIAN·S EI'ES
Indians in Chicago plots to rule the 1944 Un l\'c rMI (B&W)
world wid, zombies. In volves hammy PkOOUCEJU: B..' n PI\'[lf. WI ll Cowa n
act ll"lg from G eorge Hamilton as hero OIH CTOP.: Rl·);:l))ald Ll·
Don Drake.With Ray Milland . Ralph KP.EEHWP.IT[II : DWight 111lxock
Meeker. Joh n Blondell , Lmda C TlStal. Acqu,mena (as Tanya, slslerl)fSat ;lIl !)
Reggie Na lder, Milton Pa rsons, and i ~ jea l,)us bcc:luse artist Lon C h;lIley,
YvC[{e Vickers. Robert Bloch (l's)"cho ) Jr. , loves Jefl!) Parker, so she throws
wrote the teleplay. aCid III fIlS face. Lon gets an eyeh:lll
DEAD EYES OF LONDON Iransplilnt, is accused uf fl murder, and
1961 Magna (W. Germ:my) (B&W) pretends he 's sti ll blind . Detectivc
Hl·rhl'n Senne ....·ald
PP.O OUCEP.: Tho mas G o mez sorts things mIt. An
Alfred Vohrer
OIP.[CTOP.: ·'lnner Sanctum" mystery with Paul
KM[NWP.lltP.: T ry~\'e Larsen Kel ly fl nd Jonathan Hale.
~IGI NAll.Y HL£AS[O AS: Die TOf~n AI4gen
One of the beSt of man ~' Edga r Wal- DEAD AIEN WALK
IrlCt.> mysteries fihllt.>d in Germflny. As 1943 PRe (13&W)
a Scotland Yard inspector, Joac him PkOOUC[p.; S i~rn und Nl·tlcld
FlIchsberger in\'c~lIgates the d<:aths of OIA£CT~: Sam Newfield
heflvily i!)sured olJ men. A grong of Frcd Mywn
hlmd mcn led hy a crook....J reverend As a living-dead vampire, George Zucco
'lrt.> behind the Illurders. Wi th Klaus menaces his twin brother Dr. Clayton
Ki!)ski , Karin Baal, and Ady BcrlX'T as (also Zucco). Zucco number one is aidL-d
a monsrrous bald and bl md killer. The hy Zo iarr, a hunchback (DWIght FT)·e ).
story was also filmed ;n 1939, as T1u! Frye dled of a hean ;mack the next year.
Human M onsccr with Bela Lu~os i. From the makers of The Mad Man5ler.

DEAD OF N IGHT The second pilar for the projened Dead
1945 Univer$<ll (England) (B&W) of Nighl series. Trilogy of Terror ('75)
PAOOUCEA: Michael Baleon was the first. The fi rst story, "No Such
DIP.£OOf.S: Albeno Cavalcanti.
Thing as a Vampire," Slars Horst Buch-
Basil Dearden, Robert Hamer,
Charles Crichton holz. Patrick Macnee, and A njane n e
KP,[E~ John Bames,
Comer. "Second Chance," about an an -
Angus MacPhail. T.E.S. C larke tique car tramporring its driver into the
No arher horror compi lation fi lm has past, featu res Ed Begley, Christina Hart.
come close to the power of this classic, and Ann Doran. T he thi rd tale is
which has a strong linking story about
an architect (Mervyn Johns) visiting
the country home of his nightmares. THE DEAD ONE
When he tells the inhabitants th at he 1961 Favorite Films
knows them all from dreams they each PI\OOUCEI\IOII\EOOI\ISCI\EEHWI\IT[I\:
relate a chilling story. All the charac- Barry Mahon
ters and stories come together in a ter- The extremely prolific Barry Mahon
rifying fi nal sequence and the man's made dozens o( nudie films, some ch il-
nightmare starts again. The beSt story dre n 's film s. and this obscure vCHJdoo-
features Michael Redgrave as a schizo- zombie horror movie. Monica Davis,
phrenic ventriloquist controlled by afraid of losing a property inheritance.
Hugo, h is dummy. The ending obv i- uses voodoo to resurrect her brother and
ously influenced Psycho. Other ta les in- sends the zombie after her cousin's new
volve the ghost of a little boy at a bride. Wi th John McKa~' tCuban Rebel
Chrisnnas party, a haunted mirror. a Girls) and Linda Ormond. From the ads;
comical ghost on a gal( course, and a "See the voodoo princess call on the
wait ing hearse. dead ones to KilU Kill ! Kill!"
UPI 4111146: Accepw'Ig a DEAD OF N IGHT 1974 Bedford Enterprises
cMlI.en{t tMt no woman 1977 TV PI\ODU(o/OII\EOOI\IKP,[EN\VNT[I\S:
u-'QU1d sit throug/1 a show- PI\OOUCEA: Dan Curtis Gloria Katz. Willard Huyck
I", of tN: Brituh thn/kT 011\[001\: Dan Curtis AlSO 1\El.£AY:0 AS: Messiah of EtiJ. Return
Dead of Night wuh a SCI\[ENWI\JT[I\: Richard Matheson of the Litling Dead, Ret'fflgf: of rk
coffin comami", a s~le­ Screaming Dead
IOn beside /teT, alone and The writers of American Graffiti made
Gf midnight. in a theater their own Nighl of the Litling Dead
thaI seats 1,500 people, imitation. It's a confUSing, badly ed-
Mrs. Mathilde Dermanl-
ited story about zombies in a Califor -
nus. wtfe of an American
G/., wins aprite of six nia coasral town. Mariann a Hall stars
guineas ($25. 40) without as a woman searching for her father. a
«Jen working liP" si~eable surrealist painter. With Joy Bang, Royal
~ pimple. She plans 10 Dana. Elisha Cook, and Michael G reer.
wst the prite 1nOI1e)' /0 buy When the film was re-issued, ads carried
p1euies in u'hich 10 look a copy line used to promote Dawn of
nice u-·hen she reaches the the Dead-"When there is no more
U. S. for a reunion with room in he ll the dead will walk the
her husband. earth. " George Ro mero sued. (R )

1964 W;Jmcr BWlhers (B&W)
",ODUCU: Willi~m II. Wnght
DII\£CTOk: P,wl HcnrC IJ
SCM:ENWkll£l\: AI~rt &oK h
"o..ublc Davis Me,ms Oouhlc [)yna-
mire !" the ads slmckcd. FiftY-:'lx-ycar-
old Bette Davis. hc;]v ily made lip TO
look years you ngt.' T, played [Will s isters
in this comri vcd mysu.'r)'. After her
s l ~ t cr's husband's funeral, the Be n e thm
Tun s a bar learns that her rich tWill had
tric ked her way into marriage with the
man she also 10\'('''. Poor Bette kills
identica l rich Bene and assumes her
idcntif ~' and life-style. !-leT life IS com-
plic<lted by her late s i ~'s lowlife !x)),-
fri e nd (Peter Lawfo rd ) and a cop (Karl g,Hll C of dc .. th. W ith S u: anna Le igh. The mmuter In Barry
Ma lden) who loved the "dead" cock- SOItlI' Girls Oil W,I~ a sequel. Mahon', TIle Dead One.
rail lounge nwner. DIrected by her NUt I'
Voyager co-star, Palll Henrcid. With 111li DEADLY BEES
Philip Ca re y. jl'an H agen. George 1%7 Aml c u ~ P;lra m,~u nt (En~1.JnJ)
M'lCready. and Estelle Winw~. A re- P"ODYCW; ~Lt~ J.R,,~n ht:rl:'
make o( a MeXican Dolores Del Rio /.'\Ilton SU'"" I,k)
film, It was Davis's first film after Whm- 011\((1'011: Frl'l..klle Franc"
SCII[[H\\IAlf[~ : R"I~rt BI, ><:h,
eller I lap/Jened to Bah)· jane ! h'~ usually
Anthony M :trrlllt{
cut by 10- 1Z minutes to fit a two-hour
Bee mO\'IC f.lns!-Ihisonc wa~ the fi~L
TV lime slm, ~Ic n fic tn g the scene in
An cxh,lII" red rup s mge r (Su:anna
which Dav is ~ tn gs "Shufflln ' Off to
Leigh ) goc, I,) a ~ m<ll1 BTlII~h island to
Buffal,)". This re ndition Ius hi he
rest. Il er re n lcd cortagl' I ~ n n thl' farm
see lVhe;trd to be believed.
d .. heekccper (GIlY Doll'man) . A
nClghbor (Fr.lIlk FlIllay) .. bo ra ises Ix",:>.
DEADLIER 1HANTHlidlALli Soon <I d'lg, t hcn a wo man are fo und
1966 Um\"er~'ll (En~ l a nd) stlln ,!: t o demh , And ne xt IIIl" b.::c~ at-
P"OOUCEA: Betr\" E. I}(,x
t,lc k the girl.
OI"£CTO": Ralph Thomas
~((H\\IAlf["; JUlimy Sang'ln DMDLY BLESSING
Build,)!: Drumm,md, the m \'e~t l g<lt or 1981 UOI(~',1 Artl~ l~
herll (If at least 20 fi lms from the '20s Michel",,' ;m,1 M,IX Keller,
to the 'SOS was rl'\,tVl..-d again III the na 1\1\ Herskm'll
of Ja1ll t:~ Bond film s, htl[ h...' dtdn't re- 0 11\((1'0"; \"l'~ Cr."·cn
~('mh l e the o r i~inal much . RIChard
JohnMln s tar~. Nigel Green IS the M,udww I\m, \'(Ie, Cr:wcn
villain, IivlIlg III a ca~t1c nn a M(.'d itcrra- A beautifully rhuwgrapheJ but confus-
nean 1~ I ;lIld. HI ~ all -fe male a~ass m a­ ing movie t h at pits three bi~c lty WO I11CI)
tion rmg mclulles Elke SomlllN and aga lll~t a stn ct M idwc~te rn religious
SrI va Kosei na. The)" lure the phlyhny ~ct, MarenJc nsen is jOIlle<1by tWOWlr-
Je!t:Cllvc to the Isbnd for a g iant c hess gC(ll iS friend~ (Susan Buckner ;md S har-

on Stone) after her ex-Hittite husband with lo ts of stoc k footage. Producer
is killed. Ernest Borgn ine is the strict Alland wrote the story.
religious leader. The few good parts in-
volve a snake in a bathtub, a spider in
someone's mout h (only a dream),
goony-looki ng Michael Berryman from DEADLY RAY FRO"! "tARS,
The Hilts Have Eyes, and twO characters See FLASH GORDON'S TRIP
going to see Summer of Fear (Craven's
TV movie). The ending is a last-minute
mixture of'rhe supernatural and Psycho
that satisfies no one. Music by James
Homer (Humanoids From the Deep). (R )
1975 TV
PI\ODUCUt.: Antonio Calderon
THE DEADLY CIRCLE, See 011\[00": Jerry Jameson
Ex-Disney star Kurt Russe ll plays a
sniper ..... ho kills tJ people at rando m
in this critically acclaimed TV movie
THE DEADLY DJlFAA.t based on a true 1966 event in Austin.
1971 TV Tcxas. W ith Ned Beatty, Perne!! Ro b-
PRODUCE": Stan Shpctner crtS, John Forsythe, and Richard Yni-
011\[00": AlfKjdhn
guez. Earlier, similar films were The
lQ.[ENWMU: Barry Crmger
Sniper and Targel5.
Poor Lloyd Bridges thinks his dreams
about people trying ro kill h im are real.
T hey are. Janet Leigh is his wife. With
Don Stroud, Richard Jaeckel, Led
Erickson, and Carl Betz. Directed by a
Swedish aClOr. P"OOUC£A; P,II Roemer
OII\[CTO"; Richard Compton
SCI\[ENWAlTI"; Darlene Young

THE DEADLY"fANTIS A TV movie about Jan and Dean! Ric h-

1957 Univer5al (S&W) ard Hatch (Bardestar Galacrica) plays
PRODUCE": William Alland Jan Berry, whose 1966 car crash left
011\[0o,,: Nathan Juran him comatose for several years. Bruce
SCAUN\IIAIT£A:Martin Scrkeley Davison (\Vi/lnrd) is Dean Torranc e .
Released by an earthquake in the Arc- Mike Love and Bruce Johnston of the
tic, a giant praying mantis hops to the Beach BoYi play themselves. as do Dick
East Coast, causing destruct ion in C lark and Wo lfman Jack (here calling
Washington, D.C., and New York C ity himself"The Jacka l. ") See The real hiT-
befo re being gassed to death in the making duo in The TAM./, Show.
Holland Tunnel. It dies o n a pile of Also be sure to get your Jan and Dean
smashed-up panek-d station wagons, hot "little Old Lady" skateboard, avai lable
rods, and trucks. Milimry man Craig at stores every..... here (information fro m
Stevens, scientist Will iam Ho pper, and the back of their Command Per/umumce
newswoman Alix TallOn make up the album). Direc tor Compton usually
requisite love triangle. A dumb fi lm works for New World.

DEADWOOD 7 6 buried. Vario us relatives and servants
196'> Fai rwa y· international with atrocioLis Southern accents are de-
"'-ODucn.: Nicho las Merriwt!!her capitated while racing to get the loot.
OIiU:crm: James La "di~ With Michael Ansara. Will Gcer (The
KM[NlllP.ITt~ : Arch Hall, Sr..
Waltom ), and Dennis Patrick. Filmed
William Watters
in N ashvi lle. Di rector Farris later wrote
Fairwa y's next-to-last picture lakes place The FliT).
in [he old Dakota Territory. A ~'oung
cowboy played by Arch Hall. Jr .. res-
cues Tennessee Thompson Uack Lester) DEATH ATLOVEHOUSE
from the Pawnees. T ogc ther they set 1976TV
out fo r Dcadwocxl. Arch is mistake n Pl\OOUCEA; Hal S1towi t ~
for Billy the Kid and later capfUred by OII1.ECTO~: E. W. Swackhamer
the redskins, but he runs into his father KI\EENWI\ITE~: Jim Barnett
(Arch, Sr.) and falls in love wllh Link- A writer and h is wife (Robert Wagner
Bird (LaDonna Cottier) at the reserva- and Kate Jackson) Slay at the mansio n
tio n . A showdo wn with Wild Bill of a dctld '30s mov ie Slar to research
Hickuck (Roben Dix) follows his es- her life for a screenplllY. Trouble is, he r
cape. Melissa Morgan plays Poker Kate spirit rises from a glass tomb to destroy
and Rex Holm:m sings the tide song. them. With fi lm vets Sylvia Sidney,
With John C1.rdos and LittlcJack Little. Joan Blondell. Dorothy Lamou r. and
Ph()[ogrflphy by William (Vilmos) Jo hn Carradine. Filmed at the H arold
Zsi~mond. Sec Airborne and The NasI)' Lloyd eSlate .
Rabbit. -CB


1975 Signscopc (B&W)
~OOUCE~ : G:lry Holstrom
1971 Para,l.'t)n
OlkECToAl'scMENW'-!Tn ,: Peler W «hsherg
Ken Friedman

The world's first fea lure film in sign A witch dl'Capi latcs I he descenda n ts of
language :l n d it had to be abuut :l het killers with an axe. Real low-budget
vampi re. You're not likely to h:l\'e a and enjoyed by few. (R )
chance to view this very low- hudget
effo rt, but it fe<llUres a limited SI..)und
track for hearing audiences, a hunch -
back servant wiTh rin-can hand ... , and WAVES.
a vc ry theatrical-looking vampire. The
director, who is deaf. started the first
TV news program in sign language (in DEATH CRUISE
San Franc isco). 1974 TV
Pl\OOUCEIU: A arun Spe ll m~.
DEAR DEAD DELIlAH Leon ~l rJ Goldberg
1972 A\"co Emh;lssy TV 011\[00 1\: Ra1rh Scnesk y
P~ODllC[~; Jack Clement K II.E£NWMU : J:ld: B. Suwards
FarriS Three coup le~ win ocean voyages. Will
A cheap, patheric axe-mu rder film set Richard Long. Polly Bergen. Edwa rd
in the Deep South . Agnes Mourehead A lbert, KlIte JlIckson , Celeste Holm .
is the dying, wheelchair-bound owOl'r :md Tom Bosley sink ! More TV disas-
of a mansio n where lots of cash i... ters with Cesare Danova.

1967 Thunderhlrd Ill{crnation:11 1933 Worldwidt· (B&W with linll-d
PIIODUC£M: JOl;cph Fink, Juan Hid31/.'O-Gato scenes)
Ollu:ao,",sCII.I:EH'.\IMEP.: WIII'3m Grefe ,""OOOCD..: KBS
Horrihle Seminule WiTCh doclOr tracks DIIU;CTOf.: Edwin L. Marin
(our archaeology students who disturb SC~([N~T£P.$:Barry Barringer.
his grave. Doug Hoban is Tartu, able Gordan Kahn
fO stalk victims as shark. snake, or alii- Three of the stars of Dracula and a mis-
WHor as well as zombie. Native proph- leading ad campaign made 'JOs audi-
cq' comes true as dread Cf emure is ences expect a new horror movie. Bm
swallowed by quicksand dllring stTUg- this interesting independent (eature is
~Il' with Fred Pinero. Fred and wife Ba- a murder mystery about Hollywood,
bene Sherrill survive; the dead studen ts with Bela Lugosi as a studio manager.
arc Mayrrl Christine. Sherman Hayes. David Mmmers is a scripTwriter. Edward
Gary Ho ltz, and Maurice $tc warl. Van S loan is a director. Besides the
Filmed on loca ti on in the Florida mystery, it's a fascinat ing behind-the-
Everglades. Also from Grefe: The Dn.'il's scenes look at a rea I studio (the Tiffany
Sisters and The Hooked Genera/ioll. Studios on Sunset Boulevard), Wi th
-en Adrienne Ames.

DEATH DRiVE, See FER-DE- Pfl.ODUCU,: Jay Benson
lANCE. DII\[CTO~: Bruce Kesslt"T
George Schenck
A werewolf-in-Hawaii mov ie. Vaca-
DEATH FLlGH1, See SST tioning Robert Foxworth fu lls for France
Dr-A111 FLIGHT. Nuyen and is cllTsed. Thc best werc-
wolf movie of April '78.

Dr-ATH RACE 2000

DEAHl HOUSE See SILENT 1975 New World
NIGH1: BLOODY NIGH1: Pfl.00UCD.: Roger Corman
DII\[CTO~: Paul Ban e[
KI\£[NWM'EP.$: Rober! Thorn.
DEAHl IN S,'IALL DOSES Charles B. Griffith
1957 Allied Artists (B&W) In the fascist America of the ncar fu-
PIIOOUC[.. : Rick Hee rm,mcc turc live drivers enter the transconti-
OIUCTOf.: J~rh Newman nent:1 1 death race, gaining points for
K~[[NW~rt(~: Juhn McGfl'Cvcy each person rhey hit and kill along the
C huck Connors (just before he weill way. This cartoon ish fantasy-comedy
III small -screen fa me as The Ri/lcman) remains a popular favor ite while its se-
b an amphe[;1l11im'-popping '50s truck riotls and expensive model , Rolkrball,
driver in ,his mu:.t-see femure. II would is forgonen. David Carrad ine stars as
make :1 great triple bill with C huck's the p,lTTially bionic Franhnstein, a
The M(w BomJx.r and his Tot/fi$1 TraIJ. driver with a black leather suit and (ape
Peter Graves strlr~ as a U.S. Food and and a mo nster car with fangs. His navi-
Drug Administration investigator. With g;J[Or (Simone Griffith) is actually a rev-
Mala Powers ,lIld Merry Anders. o lutionary spy. His chief opponenrs are

DEAHl S/I/l LES ON A Skmny lAW'" CarrUllme
JIURDI:.'R1:.'R punches out 5,/0"'511'1
1971 A\'co Emhassy.TV Otaly) "Rocky" 5ra1/alle In Paul
Barrd's Death R~cc 2Q"(l.
011U:00": Afl:>tidc M~ ~lcces l
Oll.IGI NALLY "ELEASED AS: La Marie a SonulJ
All AssmSI1lO
A doctor (Klnu~ Kinski) hrings the dead
back 10 life, See Ewa Aulin (ClIlJ{/)')
tum mto a rotting corpse! An incom-
prehensihle feature.

Sylvester Srallone (as Machme GunJoe DEAl1l 'DIKES A HOLIDAY

Viterbo), Mary Woronov, and Roben a 1934 I\munount (B&W)
E, Liard Sheldon
Collins. With deejay Don Steele as the
DIMOO": Mltchl'll L.:i>l'n
fast-ta lking announcer and loUisa Mo- SCMENW"ITEP.S: M,lxw",ll Anderson,
ritz. From a story by Ib Mclchior. GLH.lyS Lehmnn
Director Barte l had prcviollsly done As Print(' SITki (Death), rredric March
Primre ParIS. He followed thiS with arT1ve~ at ,I Rlvlcra society parry w('ar-
Cannonball , in ",'hlCh C M",d11le plays a mg a monocle and a how tie. H(' falb
sim ilar role. ( R ) in Im'e with Evelyn Venable and Im-
geTS on earth , Wh ile he's her(' nobod~'
DEATH RIDE dies. Thl:. popular (;mt,ls), is ha~ically a
19i7 Band Ltd.
filmed stage pl,IY, hut March IS gre~t as
Pl\ODUCU,: Brandon Chil!oC
C harl...s B.lml
lbual. With Edward Van Sloan, KCT11
K"EENW"IT("; Mnrc Mar;115 T<l~'lm. and Si r Guy Swnd ing.
Terrihle psychic- car wreck movie fea- DEATH TAKES I I HOLIDA I'
turing a cri ppled Jo~ Ferrer In one of 19i1 TV
his worst roles and Sue "Loht;I" Lyon (Je,lr),:.: I:.cbl<:1Il
as h is wife. She uses an Idol to willfol DIMOQk: RlCh,lrJ Butler
a car that kills her enemies. With John SCIU:ENWkI1U.: Rl!a Lakm
Carradine, John ET1 c~ n. Lesl ie Parrish, A had remake of the '34 film. A:. Death,
and 100s of c",:.hc:., Monte Markham fa lls in love WITh
Yvette Mnll1eux. Her wealthy fa mtly
DEATHSHlP mclude- Melvyn Douglas, Myrna Loy,
1980 Avco Emhass)' (Cl1n~d;J) Kerwin Matthews, and Mallrl'cn Rea-
P"OOUC[~: Derek Gihson, gan, Typically TV-movie haring.
I !arold G reenberg
DIIU:OOII.: Alvin Rakoff
K"H~l{k; John Rohm) DI:.'ATH TRAP, See EATEN
George Kennedy stars ,l~ the mJd cap- ALI VI:.'.
tain of a NaZ I torture :.hi p ~ Frozen
sailors. roning corpse" and stock foot- DFA111 VALLE!'
age arc fcatured in this dull, cheap- 1981 Unl\'c~11
looklllg horror film. W ith RICh.nd PllOOUCEII. : 1:11'0\ Kastner
Crenna, Sally Ann I l o wc~. Kate Reid. DIMOOII.: DICk RlCh.Ir.l~
and Nick Mancuso, ( R ) KkEENWMtE": Rl(;h~rJ Rothstein

A Ix)}' goes from New York to Phoen ix A rid icu lous, dated follow-up to t he
to visit h is mother (C atherine Hicks). Count Yorga fi lms; like them, it stars
Upon h is arrival he sees a murder bu t Roben Quarry as a vampire _ Also star-
nohcxiy believes him . A seties of graph ic ring Betty Anne Rees , John Fielder,
knife slashings fo llo ws. P rl u l Le Mat and Bob Pickel. With a Billy lack- in -
(MeltJin and Howard) is Mo m's bll Y- spired kung fu fi ghter.
friend. Stephen Mc H<1 ttie is neurotic
dese rt sc um. \ R) DFATHSPORT
1978 New World
DEATH WEEKEND, See THE "'-OOUCE": Roger Corman
HOUSE BY THE LAKE. DlP.£CTOM: Henry S u so, A lla n A rk um
SCMENWPJTEP.S: Hem)' Suso,Donald Stew3T1
THE DEATH WHEELERS, David C arradine and C laud ia Jennin gs
star in this Surr WUTS-meets-Demh Race
2000 feature. As " range guides," the
two escape aft er be ing forced to battle
"statesmen" on futuristic motorcyc les.
1972 Europix {Cm:ld:l )
Lots of fie ry crashes on the desert and
K IUENW'kITE"; Ahm Ormshy fight s with cann iba l mutants result.
AUO MLEAY:O AS; Dead 0/ Nlghl, Jenn ings, Playboy's Miss November
Night Walk 1969 and Playmate of the year and a
A great low-budget reworking of The drive- in movie queen of the '70s, d ied
Monkey's Paw. A woman wishes her in a car crash no t long after this was
son A ndy (Richard Backus). who d ied released. With Richard Lynch and Jesse
in Vietnam , wen: back. He relU rns, a VinL (R )
confused bloodthirsty walki ng corpse
who kill s his o wn dog a n d uses a THE DECEIVERS, See
syringe to obtain nourishment . He ends IN71JIACY.
up in a graveyard afte r a lte nd ing a
drive- in movie with his girlfriend , h is DECOY FOR TERROR, See
sister, and her da te- who th ink h e's PIAYGIRL KfLLER.
just act ing strange because of the war.
Screenwrite r A lan O a lso d id the DEEP RED
makeup. Addition'll makeup by To m 1976 Mahler (haly)
Savin i. Fast becommg a late-nigl,,-TV I>a.OOUCE"; SalvalOre ArgenlO
cuI, classic. Don't miss. OlMCTO,,: D-.. no ArgenlO
SCM[HWI'.ITE": Giusep~ B:t>san
ALSO ML£ASEO AS: The Hatchel Murders

THE DFATHAIASTER Another stylish and imaginative shoc k-

1972 AlP er by the director of Suspiria. David
I>a.QOUCE"; Fred Sadoff Hemm ings stars as an Englishman in
OIMOOA; Ray Danlon Ro me who wim esses the murde r of a
SCM[NWPJT("; R.LGrove psychiatrist. He flees from the mass
A coffi n contain ing a lo ng- h aired vam- killer ,mcl stumbles on clues, includ ing
pite is washed ashure o n the Southern some macabre childish drawi ngs. Bloody
C 'I1ifomia coost. He becomes a Manson - fun with music by the Goblins. With
esque guru to a ~rry group o( h ippies. Dario N icolod i. (R)

Incal I.'xu:P! for 1\'ler Milll'r frum The Orlgmally released aJ:
Bltu-kbudrd Jungle. H.lCharJ &blyan. OttpReJ.
and Tnll1m~ L:wghlin-who gCh In-
\'ol\'l~d in a Jrivc-1Il hrawl aftcr ,I show-
down wiTh his ~lrlff1end's folks. Miller
and Bablpn lIltr..Juce thcmsel\'e~ to
L IlIghlm after rhe free-t"or-il ll and ,\'0.; 111
to he mce enough guys. T hen the}' tum
around and k ldn.lp 111~ foWl (Ro~\·rnary
HowdrJ), force lIquor down hi~ ,Iltonr,
and frame hIm (or;t gas-sI<1tion holdup.
A lt man's WIfe and daugh ter appear
along \\'Ith Jet Pinkston a nd L(l tliS
Corell I. Alrm,m'i nt'X! Wlb Tn.:. jll1nes
Dean SlUT)'. -ell

P"ODUCo,: Silmw:1 BI>chn{f
DII'J:CTOR: Fcli" E. FClsI
SCllE[NIII".t(JU: John GooJrlch,
Wilrrcn R. Dull
The <ld, read: ·'E:ln h d~X)1l1ed!" Decades
I..dofe mml end-of-rhe-wlIfld m OVies,
!IllS specttlcie showed New York floodcJ
by " tieLd w;]vc. SIJne y Bl,lCkmer ~t<lrs
A DliGREE OFt/tURnER ,IS the hl~t man on Elmh. \Vith Edward
1967 Urll\"et-.ll (\'(I, Gcrm:my) Van Slo,m, Pl'j;!g ~' Shannon, and Man
M{XITe. FI )o t,lge of Nell' York in ru ins
DIR.ECTO";SCI\EENWlllnl\; Volker Schl<lnuorH
!liter tllrned lip III Republic serials .
~IGI NAllY 1\[l£Al(O AS; .\1f)'TJ lind TU/.klt/ag
DIrector FehllatcrdlJ DonOt"an's Bmm.
The bte Briilll Jones of th" Rollmg
Stoncs wrote the music for thi~ mod-
ern murder story .ilarrlnj.! Stone:. g-tl-
{fiend Amta Pallen berg, more recently
Involved in Ihc r{',II-life possible sui-
cide of a young man at her American
home . She play:. a waltre~s who ,lCci-
dentally kills a former lover ;md rinds a
new one to help get rid of [11(" Ixxiy.
Fro m the direcTOr of The Tm Dillin.

Thl. I. th. h.,d-hlllln" ""otton

pi" . ..... t.~ •• ,,"
~I<O "low • • • nd puI. on
1957 Unned Artists ( B&\'(I) ' ' ' . ,,'. . . . ......., .. 1••
PIIOOUCE";Olfl.ECTOIV'SC"EENWl'ltTtll: '" ..........'n... "po_
ot 'cd., ·. ohlld,.n ot
Robom Altmnn v'o'." o. _ who I....
" \loti. ".w• •etto.. - t
Allman':. first ({'<lIme. made In Kansas
Ci ty in the slimmer of '55. The cast is

1955 V.m Wolf·A PI (I\&W ) IY61 A I P/Fllm~roup (8&W)
John Parker DlII;(CT~'KII;(£H\VIIITU: FrafIC l.'l Ford Coppola
AUO II;£LEASCD AS: Val/glue!' of I/urmr AUO II;(lEASCD AS: TIu> H aunled and lhe
A fasc inatlllg expressiom:.tlc hour-long I hmled
horro r film. Adrienne B.nrclt gli des From the upening .scl'ne of a woman
dHo ugh dark alleys and mto a vicious d umping her heart-attack· victim hus-
con(TlJlltafion octween a drunk and .l hand illlo a lake, you know this is no
passing IXlliecman . SIll' IS led to the o rdinary quickie shocker. His body
s,lfety of Bruno Ve Sow's 11Inoll~mc. slowly sinb to the bottom of the lake
After a struggle with Adnenne in 1m alongside his tnmsistor radio- still blar·
;!panrnent, Bruno lands on rhe slTeet ing bubbly rock'n'roH. While in Europe
se ver<ll /loors down, his dead fingers doing the sound (or Roger Corman's
clutching <I necklace , The girl hreaks The Y!JUllg Racers , Coppola wrote the
thruugh the gathering aowd, plills the script (or a film Corman wanted 10 m"ke
knife (lut of his scom;!ch, and be gm s that wou ld be like Homicidal (wh ich
sawing off thc h,md when she is unahle wa~ Wil1i<l1ll Castle's attempt to make
ttl loosen its grip, She /lees infO a jtlz: a tilm like Ps),cho) , Because he had to
cluh, Suddenly, crazed laughter, lX)int- go home and do The RawlI, Corman
mg iingers, stares, She aW<lkcns m a gave Coppal;! $22,000 and three of The
che<lJl hotel room and moves to the Young Racers stars <lnd said, "YOli direct
dresser, Inside a d rawer IS the hand, it." Good move, Roger. Luan<l Anders
NarraTion by Ed McMaho n , Declared devises a bizarre .sc hcme [0 gain control
"mhuman, indl'cent , <lnd th e qumtes- o( her late husband's famI ly's money.
senee of" hy the New York PatTlck Magee is the mysterious fam .!y
State Bomd of Censor~, Scenes fmm docto r, a nd W illiam Campbell IS
LUlIfIIl Afllkrs In Fr(IIlCIS the fi lm and Its '57 re·relea~e poster Anders' brother-i n-law. With a great
Fur.' CJilpi,L '5 l),,-mCl'llla tUTlH.-d up III Thl' Bloh. With Angelo trick endmg, some tru ly shocking gory
Il RO'...~J1to. -C I~ axe murden;, and lotsofin venlive pho·
tog raph y. Despite what ~'oll 've heard ,
not Coppala'~ fin;( film , bur a mino r
horror classic from a master filmmaker.
W<ltch for it. Filmed in Ireland. Origl-
n:11 theater patrons had to take a "D-13
test" to get in, Scenes from [his shocker
turned up in Coppola's You're (I Bi~ Boy



1936 Select (England) ( B&W)
DIII;lCT~: George King

Too Slaugh ter (1885-1956), billed as
" the horror man of Europe" III this
country. was a theatrical villam who
starred in a S<."ries of GImpy (ealUres. In
this, Ius best·kno..... n (m Amenca). he
pla,·s Sweeney Todd. the barher who
opens a trap door under the barher ch,lir
10 dump victims into the basemcnt
where they're made mto meat pies to
be sold in the bake shop next door.


1964 Phllltps.~larker (B&W)
Rll~S Marker
Operat ion Noah's Ark crash-lands in
Lake Texoma on its way to space. Leak·
lIlg radiation ca uses the birds, mam·
mals. and repliles 10 mansmutate into
one awful beast. Starring Dave HeaTh DElIION RAGE, See SA1/1N'S
and made in Sherman, Tcxas. - CB


19762 151 Cemury DEI/ION SEED
""OOUCl~DIUCTOMIscu[N\lI'M'£~ : 1977 MGM/UA
Dunald JackS0n, J~rry Younkins P~O O UC[k: Ilerb Jaffe
An independeOi release filmed III Jack· OIUCTO~: Donald Carnmell
son, Michigan , b,· horror fans and fea· SCP.E[HW~n[p.s.; Robert Jafit.". Roger Ohllwn
turing Gunar Hansen (Leatherface in Overlooked in the ~'eaT of Slar \'(/"rs
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) and and Close EncQwuers, (his science-
"Howard the Duck" artist Val Maye rick. fiCtion thriller is worth re·c\'aluafmg.
Considering the lack of budget, this oc- Scientist Fritz Weaver works on Proteus
cult thriller got some surprisingly posi· IV. an flrtificifll brain (with Robe rt
tive reviews, and a sho rl (Demon lover Vaughn's \·oice). He installs a termi·
Dinry) was made about the confusion nal in hIS ultramodern house. The
behind the scenes and the dubious superintelligent computer mkes o\'er the
financial backers. The characters aTe house. seals all e;.ats, anJ terrorizes the
all named after comic book and fi lm scientisl's wife (julie ChrIStie). The re·
personalities (Fnnelta, Gould, Ormsby, suIts aTC like a mcch;mi:ed version of
Ackerman. Romero, Kirby, etc.). (R) Rosemary's Bab)·. The special effects,
inc!udln,r: an Incredible flexible mewl
pyramid structure. arc flreat. With
Gerrit Graham (PhanlOm of the Para-
DEAION PLANET, See ruse). B..sed on a novel by Dean R.
PLANET OF VAlUPIRES, Koontz. Director Donald Cammel1 W:'lS

co-director of Perfumumn.'. Electronic rick Magee dbcovers the down-fO-eanh
music by Ian Underwood <lnd Lee RIte- facts concerning the family's incest and
nour. ( R. ) the baron's madness. W ith Paul Jones
(star o( Prit1i/ege and lead si nger of rhe
DEAION WITCH CHfLD origina l M:ln(red Mann group), Y\'onne
1974 Coliseum (5p:lln) Mitchell. Robert Hardy, and Virginia
OIMCTOI\;Armondo De <A-.oTlO Wetherell (she and Magc,-' werc both
Terrible Exorcist copy with a little girl m Clockwork Omngr).
turnmg ugly, doing awful thing.~, then
lx'{:oming an olJ witch. ( R. )
1979 American Panor;l!ll"
PI\OOUCEIIJOII\(CTOI\: Alfred Zac h,m:I.'
KI\EENWIUTEIU: l).wid Lee Fl'in,
Alfred Z;lch;ltia, 1<)74 AlP (Canad~)
AUO I\ELEA5ED AS: MllnWril PIIODUCU : Tom Karr (BobChrk)
Boh Clark, A lan Ormsby
One of rhe worst horror fi lms in ye<lr~,
Abn Orm,h~'
S:l m:lnTha Eggar and her husb:lnd
go to Mexico :lnd :lcc idcmally unleash Psycho and T~ Texas Chaimaw Mm-
stlCTe wcrc both partia ll~' based on the
a JX)ssessed S\.·vered h:lnd found in a
silver mine. Each person tilken over by rea l-life Wisconsin killer Ed Gein. BUT
the five-fi ngered ..lemon t nes to ge t this movie comes closer to what aCTII-
rid o( his own left hand. One :lC tor ally happened. Robert Blossom is Ezra
shuts his h:lnd in a car door, unl' let~:l Cobb, "t he bUTcher of Woodside," a
train nm over h is, another lI'>CS a hlow- neurot iC middle-aged mama's ooy who
wrch .... A posse~d cop to :I plasTic blls and ~tuffs people, As in the no\'eI
surgeon: "Either you Cut my h,md off
lIr I'll kill you !" Stuart Whitman, as a
priest who attempts an exorcism, has
never been worse o r fUllnl,'r. HIs ac-
cem changes from Spanish to Irish I\)
American. First-run thc:lter patrons
were given "Demonoid diplomas" ro 2
sign. This movie S.1 [ around for three
years until somciJ(xly fi gured out what
fO do with iT.


1971I -bmmer/Cmem~li on (Enl<l~nd)
PI\OOUCEI\: Frank Godwin
DIMCTOI\ : Peter S~'ke~
K HEHWl\fTEII.: C hristopher Wicking
An interesting and intelligent Hammer
film sct in 19th-century Bavaria, A
baron keeps his chi ldren (Sh:mc Brian!
and Gillian Hills) locked up hecau~
he thinks they're possessed. IAx:tor Pat-

Psych(), he ~ tuJIt::s occult boob, and ;I~ ~ t;ml11 g roul=!h gll~' Scoll Brady. Thi.,
In the nl<lVie /'.Iycho, he pre ~('r\'e~ hi, II111C he \:1 navy commander in charge
mOl her's b<ldy when ~he dl(.'~. To m (If ,Ill unJeT-,ea I<lh ~tng terrorhed hy
Savini cr... atcJ the lllumnHfied corpses ,ill <Ihen ;unrh .h,an monster. Bradyaf-
Ezra has Sit t ing around the dlnm:r table. glle~ a 101 With c hief sc lemiM G:"1 r ~' Mer-
The sickbt part cOllies when he wears Till and trI{'~ tUCOIwinc{' Sheree North
the skin of a woman he ha~ JlI~t killed. (in a nice c h eckered dlvlnJl outfit) that
A M'mi-humorous treatment of:l rcal- hc'~ JlIst the glly for her if Ihey don't
lifl' horror Story. Ed Gelll is in the stat... get .,bllgh !CTed hefllre the mo vie ends.
!"",'n. ( R )
or..sTINA11DN "lOON
1950Eagilo-l.lon uri 1950: Th£ mont'
OESADE Destinatio n Moon re-
P"O DUC E": G""rgc 1',,1
1969AJP ceiwdwlllt' peculiar I)ub/,c-
0 1'-£0011: In Ill!! Piche!
P"OOUCEIU: S,lInue] Z. Arkoff, rl, when 1/ ""(IS shou.-n III
S("EENW'-lTEIU: R,p van !tonkel.
James H. N,chobon WtSI BeT!IIl. Et"t'l1 "moon.
Rnt'nt A . Hcmlcm, James 0" l;lIlion
Oln erOIl : Cy Endfidd Hlen" ilrt' sllbje(/ 10 Ihrrst.
SCfUEN\lnJTEIU : RI(h~r,! M,ulwSOll. Thb hl~(()rically Il1Ipmranl ~cie nce­ 11<'Tf rhey are seen p<Ulsilig
Peter Bert-! tiuion hll 'I'lIa!ly ~urpri ;;e~ fir~t-tillle (II a s!de-u'alk cafe for a
\':e\\'er~ \\ Ith I h corn y humor ;md da ted SIt'm of beeT. Th£ rums In
A major fin.IIKia l flop fur AlP, [hl~
"bIOgraphical" hormrlsl'x film was par- J()nk. It te,ttures " I1lDOn surface like the In:~fJlmd art' those of
tl"lly directed by Roger Corman ;Hld the bottol1l of a dried-up bkl', ilnd was Ikrlm'! Kwjuef5k'nd.mlrtl.
GnrJon He:.sler. Screenwriter RIChard
Mmheson claims h.) :.cnpt wa) rlllIled.
Nobody liked the results. The reviews
«l lled II "silly," "low-grade," "inculll -
prc hemlble," and "emharrasslng." John
Hustun, who plays the Marqu.,' cruel
father. is uscd to emharra~~il\g role~.
Klcr Dullea followed 2001: A Sp..lCe OJ-
ys:.c . . with Ih , ~. I guess this I ~ r rnbably
slI l'posed In he an oJ ys;,e~' IIlto ,I Je-
I'ntved mind. If your raste in film is Je-
rranxi enough you might love \\'arching
such Tld l c ul oll~l~' lame scene~ as Kt'lr
pUlling jam on a gi rr~ nipples. whipping
a baT(' "S~, a nd chasing topl{':,.\ beau-
ties "round hIS ornate bedroom. \'(lith
Scnta Berger, Lilli Palmer, and Anna
Ma~~e y. MII~ic by I3tlh' Srrangl'. Made
III Berlin. ( H )


J966 Unu<,d j'iClur<,s
AAO OUCEk: blrle L~'()n
Ol ,-£O~: Fr~nCls D. L)"on
SCIIHNW"ITEII: ArthurC. Pierce
The same teHIII that hro ught y<)U Castle
()f fl'il is hack with more medIocrity

considered scientifically acc urate allhe kept under control on Ogaswara Island.
lime. John Archer slars with Warren Ali ens from Kilaak, stationed on the
Anderson . Tom Powers. and Dick Moon, use remo te-contro l devices and
Wesson. Also incorporati ng a Woody o rder {he monsters [0 destroy! Godzilla
Woodpecker cartoon. George Pal con - attacks New York! Mothra invades Pe-
~idered Woody good luck and referred king! Ro(J;m destroys Moscow! There's
to him in several features. Directed by also Manda (th~ snake from Arragon),
the co-star of Dracula's Daughter. The Angurus (from Godzilla vs. The Fire
score by Leith S tevens has been re- Monst(.'T) , Baragon (from Frankenstein
issued several times. Conquers chi,> World), Spigas (the spi-
der from Son of Godzilia). No mo rc !
DESTINADON NIGHTlJfARE, Stop! Too many monsters! Aaaaaieeee!
See THE VEIL. By rhe way, Earth regains COntrol. the
aliens send Ghidrah, who is defeated
DESTINA110NSATURN See by the E.,rth mo nsters, and order is fu lly
restored !
1944 Uni\'crsal (I}&W ) DESTROY ALL PLANETS
P"OOUCEM: Howard Benedict, 19681);Jiei/AIP-TV (Japan)
Roy William Neill Hidemasa Nagata
OIUOC>M: Reginald Le Borg, Julian Duvivicr Dlu:a~: Noriaki Yuasa
KII.££N"\VNTEM: Roy Chanslor. Ernest Pascal K.HNwmu: Fumi Takahashi
A film within a film. A segment of the AlSO "ELEASED.u: Gamem Tai VirllS
anthology Flesh alia Fanwsy was Cut out Gamera the !lying turtle is back for the
before the fi lm's release and expanded fourt h time. Aliens land in a spaceship
and re-edited by anOTher director (Le made offour striped balls and turn into
Borg). The new and o ld sequences arc a giant !lying squid. Gamera saves the
easy to identify. Alan C urtis Slars in world (and (wo little boys) by defcaf-
the new beginning and in the superio r ing (he invaders. Nor to be confused
main part. A fugitive, he hides out at with Desrroy AU Monst(.'Ts- now thar' s
a farm owned by Frank Craven, whose a movie to reckon with.
blind daughter (G loria Jean) can com-
mune with nature. When the crook at-
tacks her (after shooting her father), a THE DESTRUCTORS
dog attacks him. a storm starts, trees 1967 UniTed Pies
grab at him. and he runs terrified inro PP.OOUCE'-: Earle Lyon
a river and drowns. OIM:CTO": Francis O. Lyun
KM:EN'oInJTEkS: Arthur C. Piercc,
L'lTf)' E. Jackson
1968 ToooJA IP (japan) Spy action about a super laser beam
H.OOUCE": Tomoyuki Tanaka called the Cyclops. Richard Egan as
DIM:CT~: Inoshiro Honda hero Dan Street battles bad guys Mi -
KP.EEHW'kIlUJ: Kaoru Mabunchi, chael Amara, John Ericson, Joan Black-
!shiro Honda man, and Khigh Dhiegh. familiar faces
ALSO M:l[.UED AS: Kmjll Soshingek.i all. Patricia Owens (The Fly) plays the
The ultimate Japanese monster movic! hero's ex-wife. From the makers o(
In the fUHlrc all of Earth's mo nsters are Cas"e 0/ Evil.

WEBSTER, See ALL THAT 1941 Columbia (13&W)
JfONEY CAN BUY. PP.OOUCE~ Wallace Mdxmald
DlUCT~: Edward Dmyuyk
K~EEH\\I'-ITt~: Robert D. Andrews,
THE DEVILAND "f1SS SARAH Milton Gunzberg
1971 TV In Boris Karloff's weirdest unhinged-
H.O DUCU: Sr.m Shpt'In<!T scientist fil m . he tries w communicate
OIM:CTO'-: Michael Ca((cr with the dead (specific<l lly his late wife)
K P.EENWPJTU .: Cah'in Clements by using elccuicity and stolen corpses.
Boring occult Western with o ud aw A whole table of seated, wi red bodies
Gene Barry possessing Janice Rule's soul in robodike diving suits with neon
through hypnotism. James Drury ;s her ligh tni ng coming our of thei r helmets
husband. With Slim Pickens. jerks spastically whcn Boris throws the
switch. One manacled live human sits
at the head of the table. After his
THE DEVIL BAT medium-helper Anne Revere d ies he
1941 PRC(B&W)
decides to use his unwilling da ughter
"'-Oouco.: Jack Gallagher
OIM:CTO" : Jean Yarbrough
(A manda Duff). One standout scene
K IUEN\IIIIITEf\: John Thor1l:ls Neville has a maid locked in the room with
ALSO ~o M: Killer Hat5 the neatly arranged corpses. It was
As Dr. Carruthers, Bela Lugosi gelS re- loosely based on "The Edge of Run ning
venge by giving out samples of his spe- Water," a popu lar story by Will iam
cial shavi ng [m ion. The aroma attr<lets Sloane.
his giam bat . usually kept in h is secret
lab. A wonderfully ridicu lous chiller DEVIL DOG, IRE HOUND
from the cheapest studio in the business. OF HELL
Bela says a cheery £oexl-bye to his vic- 1978TV
tims afte r making sure they S<1mple his ~DUCEA: Lou Morhe lm
lotion. With hero [},wc O'Brien and OlM:CTO~ : Cunis H arrington
Suzan ne Kaarcn . SC~EEH\\I~JTE~: Steph~n and Elinor Karpf
A dog is possessed by the Devil ! Its
suburba n-family owners (Richard C ren -
THE DEVIL BArS na, Yvette Mimieux, and kids) fa ll
DAUGHTER under its canine spell! Wi th Victor Jory
1946 PRe (B&W) and Martine Beswick. TV's answe r to
H.Ooucvu'DIkt:CTO~ Frank Wisbar Dracula's Dog!
KM:EH\VM[~ :Griffin J(IY
A psychifllrist (Eddie Kane) tries w IRE DEVIL DOLL
drive Rosemary Laplanche (Miss Amer- 1936 MGM (B&Wj
ica of 194 1) crazy. Rosema ry is the ~ooucu ..: E.J. ManniX
daughter of the late Or. Carruthers OlkECTO~: T od BfOwnin~
(played by Lugosi in The Devil Bal). KkEEH\\I~ITEI'.S: Ga rr... tt Fore. Guy Endore,
T he good docwr's name is cleared of Erich \ '01"1 Su o he im
the murders in that fi lm and the "real" A strange sentimental revenge story
vilbin is exposed in this cheat sequel with Liond Barrymore escaping fro m
from the direcw r of Strangler of the ~vi l 's Island (where he was unjus tl y
Swamp. John James is the hero. sentenced) and using Ihe shrink ing

serum of his fe llow prisoner Henry B. tall robot companion is a un ique crc-
Walthall to make tiny people. He mas- ation that looks SO rt o( like a thin white
querades as a kindly old lady running a toaSTer with a police-car light on top.
doll shop and sends 12- inch people [0 The alien herself is a real vision in
kill or rob h is crooked ex-business boots, black Tights, padded shoulder.;,
prmners. Maureen O'Sulli van is his cape, and a shi ny black skullcap. The
Impoverished daughter. Rafaela Ottiano STU(fy British males actually want to stay
is hi s crazed assistant. TIle special ef- in Engl;md. With Hazel Court, Adri-
fects are hetter than in Doctor C)"clo/)s enne Corri, H ugh M c~ rmou, and
or any o rher shrunken-people movie. Peter Reynolds.
Browning on ly did one more film (Mir-
acles for Sale).
1955 Columbia (B&W)
PkOOUCn.: Sam Kat:man
711EDEVILDOLL DI"ECTO": Spenccr Gordon I3cnnet
1963 Associafcd Film DI)f rihuf ors
SC~[[N\v"ITt": George Plympton
(Engian(VU.S. )
P~OOUC[~OI~[CTO~: lindsay Shoml'ff
African natives who look like Hawai-
SC~[(H\VM"U.S: Georgl' B:ITeby, ians worship a volcano. Johnny Weiss-
L.'me .. Z. Hargrc:l\'cs muller (as himsclO guides an explorer
Aside from a Dead of Nigh t segmenl, and his da ughter to thei r territory. It
this is the best ventriloquist's dumm\' was the last of 16 Jungle Jim movies.
film. Bryant Halliday is territlc as the For the last threc the Jim name was
Grear Yorc lli. whose act wirh the dllrn- dropped. Weissmu ller, aged 5 I, retired
my Hugo is tense with insults and from acting after this one, and producer
threats. A London newspaperman Sam Katzman started ai ming h is mov-
(Wil liam Sylvester) knows there's some- ies at 16-ycar-olds inslead of six-year-
thmg unnatural ,loo\lt the aCl and de- o lds wilh Rock Around the Clock and
tennines [0 find out whm it is. H ugo is other rock musicals.
sc ary cnough just Si tting there. But
when he gets up and w(llks and talks
on his own or threatens people with a 711E DEVIL RIDES OUT, See
knife. he's real nightmare mate rial. 711E DEVIL'S BRIDE.
TIlere's an involvcd piOl. plans for a
(emale version o( little Hugo, and a
chi ll ing ending. With Yvonne Romain. 711E DEVIL SHIP PIRATF,S
Richard Gordon wascxl'Cutive producer. 1964 l-1ammerfColumbia (England)
P"OOUCE~: Anthony Nelson-Keys
DIMCTO": Don Sharp
K~HN\V"I1U;: Jimmy San)::srcr
1954 Spartan (Engl;md) (8&W) Even after 17 years of playing roles like
~oocw: Ech...ard J. and Dracu la , the Mummy, and Franken-
I larry Lee Dan:igcr stein's monster, it wasn't until rhis pi-
O'MCTO~: David MacDonald ralc film [hat Christopher Lee receivcd
K"EEN'o.IaITE~: John C. Mather. top billing in an English -language film.
James Eastwood J-Ie's rhe Spani~h Captain Roblcs 100[-
A MrHt ian woma n arri ves on Earth to ing the coast of England. With An-
capture men (or breeding purposes. Her drew Keir and Michael Rippet.

THE DEVIL WITHIN HER From the ads. '''Thei r god is violence
1976 Hammer/A lP (England) ... and like rabid dogs, Lust is the law
"-OOUCE": NalO 0 ... Angeles they live by!" Cody (john Cassavetes)
011\[00..: rel e r S;' and hiS gang, the Sku lls, have a om-in
SoC"lEN\VJJT[k: Smnley Prkc wi th a small- town sheriff following a
fatality on the highway. The Sku lls
I Don'l W(.[nllO Be Born
are deserted by their leader after a sec-
The Exorcist meers II 's Alit'C as Joan Col- o nd gang's rescue 3th.'lOpt leaves the
lins (cursed by a dwarf) gives birth w a town III shreds. Be\'erly Adams, Leo
killer baby. Donald P\cascncc delivers Gordon, Wally Campo, Nai Bonet,
the tiny terror. With Ralph Bates, Car- Buck Kart,dian, and Russ Bender co-
o line Munro. and Eileen Atkins. (R) star, with Mim~y F;mller as Mi'lrianne.
It was a follow-up to the popu li'lr Wild
1976 Hal1mll rk (PhIlipPines)
~ODUCn.: Jimmy Pasqual
An awful h o rror movie featuring a 1964 Man,;on (B&W)
Gurgon. A woman with snakes for hair H.OOUCE'-S; G....:.rgt: Gunter, L.Q. Jone ~
OIIl£CTOf.; L.Q. Jones
is harmless unlil supcr,;ritious Vi llage rs
KII£[H\VPJT[I'\S: Claude 11.111,
bum her home and kill her parcms. Morgan WOOl.:!w:!r,1
She sends cobras (not the:' ones on ht"r
An ('arty effort b~' the A lvy Moore-
head) t6 kil l the unfonunate l oca l ~.
L.Q. Jones team (The Witchmaker rm d
THE DEVILS A 80)' Clnd I lis DOR). Moore, better
197 1 Wamer Bfother5 (EnghlndJ
known as Hank Kimhall on the TV
~OOUC['-S : Roher! H, Solo, Ken Russ...!l sent'S Guen Acres, was rhe associat('
DIIUCTO"'SCMEH'oVP.ITE ..: Ken Rll~1I producer and acts il) the film. The stu!)'
Disturbin):: histuric<' [ frenzy b<lscd on is about a couple driving a man insane
John Whiting's play of the same tide to ga in control nfhis Western property.
and The fJet,ils of loudon by Aldous located (wer an IInt,lppcd oi l well. With
Huxley. O liver Rc...-d gives his beSt per- ValNi" Allen and DICk Jones. O rigi-
formance as the powerful father confes- nall y an ad ults-only rcl('ase.
so r of the walled 17th·century French
(Own of Loudon who is destroYL't\ by THE DEVIL 'S BRIDE
political m:mipulators. They hire an ex- 1968 Hammt"rISc\'en Arts (Engl~nd)
orc ist (Michael Gothard) to IUTrUTe the HoOOUCEII: Anthony Nelson-Keys
mothn superior (Vanessa Redgrave) DIII£OOf.: Tt"ft"llce Flshn
KIIE[N\VI\.ITEII.: RiehM.! M:lt hcson
until ~he lHi'lkes slanJerous accu£arions
about the strong- willed religious leader AUO I\.ElWEO A1: Tht' Oct II Rides Oil!
~h e secretly lu~ts for. A stunni ng i'lnd An ('xcellt,T"IT, imilgimuivc horr(>f STOry
fasc inating fi lm hurt at the box office of j.,'u(Ki vs. eVIl, set in the ·lOs. Chris-
by a mislead ing X rat ing. (X) torher L('e, represcntlllg {he good for
a change as the Duc De Rich leau, dis-
DEVIL S ANGELS c\lvers that his friend has joined a sc-
1967 All' cr('t society of s;1tanists. Charles G ray
~OOUC[ll;; Burt T(lr f'l"r (ni'lrratpr of Th e Rock)· Horror I'ic-
DIN:CTOII; Damel Haller IfIre Shvw) pl;,ys Mncaw, who has the
K N: EN\lnJT[II; Ch:nlell Gnflilh kn n ..... ledg(' and ptIW('T to summo n the

Devil. Lying in a protective circle with Fuchsberger. The less interesting English
holy symbols, Lee and three others are cast features William Lucas and Colin
subjected to every possible visual and Jeavons (as the killer).
psychological illusion of terror. Finally
the Angel of Death arrives o n hQrse-
bac k. Based o n Denn is W heatley's DEVIL'S DAUGHTER, See
nove\. With Nike A rrighi. POCOilfANlA.


COilMlANDilfENT 1972 TV
1956 RC IP ( Italy) (B&W ) "-OOUCEfI.S: Thomas L Miller,
~: ErmanllO Dona ti, Edward K. Mi1kis
Luigi CarJXnl ieri OtIl.lCYOII.: Jeannm SzwaTc
OtAtoC>-.: Riccardo Freda scp'(EN'IVPJT(Il.: Colin H iggins
KmN\VM(fI.S: Piero RegllOli , Rik Sjost rom Shelley Winters as Satan! She tries to
C>-.IGINAU.V "llEASEO AS: I Vampiri make the daughter of the title (Belinda
AlSO J..ElEASED AS: Lust of rAe Vampire~ J. Montgomery) marry a fellow demon .
T his early h alian gothic horror film A Rosemary's Baby ripoff with Joseph
about a doctor using blood to restore Cotton , Jonathan Frid , Abe Vig<xla,
the youth of a countess was released in and Robert Foxworth. By the director
America as an aduhs-only fi lm. The of Bug and ]aw5 II .
U. S. distributor added an opening se-
quence in which an actress takes a bath
and a mild rape scene . That's why th is DE VIL 'S EXPRESS
probably pretry interesting fi lm, which 197} Mahler Films
was photographed by Mario Bava, is PAOOUCEfI.S: Nick Panon, Steve Madoff
so hard to find no w. With Gia nna DW:CYC>-.: BaTT)' Roseo
Maria Canale, Antoi ne Ba lpetre , and ALSO UlEASED AS: Ga", Wars
Paul Muller. A black New York City kung fu stu-
dent somehow unleashes an ugly mur-
dering demon in the subway system. A
THE DEVIL'S DAFFODIL terrible, funn y mart ia l-a rts mo nste r
1% 1 Goldstone Films (];nl-:[:mdl movie with ideas taken from Raw Meal.
W. Ge rmany) In one scene you can see the camero:!
PAOOUCEfI.S: Stt."loocn £>alios, Donal d Taylur crew! Starring Warhawk Tanzania and
DIUCYOIl.: Akos Von Rathony Sam DeFazio. (R)
~: Basil Dawson, D.Jnald Taylor
ALSO J..ElEASED AS: The Daffodil Kllk'T,
J)a~ Geheimnis der G dben Narzisscn
An Edgar Wallace mystery which was 1959 C rown International (B&W)
shot with two different supporting casts, I'IIoooc.o.: A lvis K. Bubis
one English and the o ther German . OtIl.lCTOIl.: William J. Ho le, Jr.
C hristopher Lee (who had to play a SOJ:DfWIIJTEIl.: Jo Heims
C hinese detective in German ) stars in ALSO II.lI.£A5(C AS: The Nok.ed Goddess,
bOlh . In the Gennan version , Klaus Uvt: to Lot.oe
Kinsk; is the main viliain, a n insane Robert Aida dreams about beautiful
ex-con heroin addict who battles it o ut Linda C hristian. He goes to a curio shop
with Lee in a cemetery. With Joachi m run by Ne il Hamil ton , a voodoo high

priest , and is given the gi rl 's address THEDEVIL'SAfASK
when he buys a dol1 of her. She con - 1946Columbla (B&W)
vinces him to join the cult and his PI\ODUCEI\: Wallace MacDonald
o ld girlfriend ends up in the hospital DIP.lCTOI\: Henry Levin
when her do ll is used as a pi ncushion . KI\EENWPJTEM: Charl~ O·N~al.
Hamilton (Commission er G o rdon on [)y,'ight V. Babcock
Barman) has a ni ft~, sac rifice machine, An " I Love a Mystery" feature based
a wheel with sharp swords attached on the CBS radio show. Private detec-
tha i descends fro lll the ceiling OntO tives Jim Bannon and Banon Yarbor-
the victi m on a table. Prett~' bad. From o ugh investigate a murder invo lving
the director of T he Ghost of Dragstrip shrunken heads, hyp notism . and a man
Hollow. who has re(umed from the grave . With
Anita Loui se and Mona Barrie.


19 lJ Fox (B&W) 19S9/6Z Herts-lion lmemational
~ODUCEI\: Fox Produc tion (US./Sw<,dcn) (B&W )
DIUCTOI\: William D'('lerie PI\OO\.l(E'-= Kenneth Hens
Victory Jury stars as a doctor who joins DlI\E('lQA: Herben L Strock. Curt Siodmak
the French Fore ign Legion to avoid a S(I\EEHWM1:I\: Leu Gui ld
murder charge. Bela Lugosi, in a slllall Apparently Lon Chancy, Jr.. went IC'I
ser ious role , is a military prosecutor at Sweden and started in a TV seriescalled
a court-mart ial. With Loretta Yo ung , No. 13 Demon St., wrillen by C urt
David Manners, J. C arrol Naish , and Siodmak. ThIs is a re-edited version of
Akim Tamiroff. Th ree episodes. As the Devil. Chaney
keeps a litt lc revolving fi le of human
sins. Karen Kadler is Sa tanya , his
DEVIL 'S ISLAND messenger. S he helps three people on
1939 W;nner Brot hers (B&W) the road to Hell. then is reunited with
..uSOCIAT£ PI\ODUCEI\: f3ry~n Foy the lover sh e had killed he tself over.
DIR[CTOI\: Wilham Clemens Chaney M'nds the damned couple hack
KN:EHWM1:P.S: Kennelh Gamer. Don Ryan to Earth ....,ith "n envelope. It con tains
A good expose/adventure mov ie slar- the formu la for the atomic bomb. Soon
ring Boris Karlo(( :lS a curl y-headed the human race is destroyed and every-
French surgeon acc used of trca~(ln for hody joins Lon C hancy in Hell ! End .
trca l1n~ an escaped convict. He's sent Same direclOr as I Was a Teenage Frank-
10 ,he nowr i ou~ Island prison , where enstein.
the sad istic comm:mdanr uses a mi n ia-
nlfc ~uillo tine tn cl ip his c i~ ;Hs . After IHE DEVIL 'S NIGHTAtARE
le ading a revolt, I--cin~ put in solitary 19i1 Hl.""mlsphcTI."" ( Belgillml1ral~')
confi ne ment , cscaping. and hci n~ sen- Pf.ODOCEI\: Ch~ rlC"s Lecocq
tenced (0 death , Boris is helped hy the DII\ECTOI\: Je:ln Brrsmee
commamhlOt's wife fo r savi ng The life SCI\UNWl\rTEII.S: P~urlCl."" Rhomm,
of her child. It was released a ye;u late Ch:u ll.""s Lecocq. AndT~ Hlineb..Jle
WITh some scenes cut and new footage AlSO I\[LEASED.f.S: Vampire Playtrrl.!
added hecauS(' of complaint~ from the Seven tou rists (symbo l i .i n ~ the seven
French w nsulate. With James S tephen- deadl y sins) go to a r('more European
S0n and Nedda Harrigan. villa where they arc seduced and killed

EnM Blanc helps tnocl it. Reviews were less than enthusiastic.
The Devil's Nightmare. She retired (rom theatrical features for
good. Ouring the pre<:redit sequence
Joan is involved with voodoo in Africa.
Returning to Eng land, she find s a
mooem-day witches' coven led by Kay
Walsh, who plans to sacrifice a virgin .
Also with Martin Stevens (the lead kid
in Village of the Damned).


1958 Film Group (B&W)
""OOOC[l\: Hugh M. Hooker
OIUOOP.: Charles R. RondeflU
SCM£NWPJTEM: Stanley Clements,
Lmm J. Mathews
Ed Ne lson has an interesting role: as
by a succubus (Erika Blanc). The deaths
un old man possessed by the Devil, h e
arc various and gruesome. Danie l Emil-
seems to die but returns as a younger
fork, whom you might recogn ize from
version of himself. He sacrifices goats
some Fellini movies, shows up as rhe
and w;es magic to winJean Al lison from
Devil. With Jean Servais. It was re-
Richard Crane. who is savagely attacked
leased here in '74 in an attempt to cash
by his own dog. When the sheriff inves-
in on the success o f The £xorci51. (R)
tigates, the versati le evil o ne turns into
a snake. With Edgar Buchanan and
1965 20th Century- Fox (Engl:and)
PP.ODUCEA: Tom Blakely
o,ua~: lance Comforl THE DEVIL 'S PEOPLE, See
Counr Sinistre (Hubert Noel) is a vam-
pire posing as :an artist in modem -day THE DEVIL'S RAIN
Brittany. He leads a cult of Devil wor- 1975 BryanstOn
shipers who met in a secret crypt under ""OOUClM: james V. Cullen,
a graveyard. The cult enjoys sacrific- Michael S. Glick
ing young female [Ouris[s and has an D1MOO": Robert Fuest
orgy with a snake dancer. William Syl- K"E[~M: Gabe Essoe, james Ashton,

vester is the hero. With Carole Gray. Gerald Hopman

Although it has a hard time living up
THE DEVIL'S OWN 10 Hieronymus Bosch's "Garden of
1966 H;)mrnerl20rh Century-Fox Earthly Delights," which is shown under
(England) the credits, this film might satisfy if you
PP.ODlJ([I\: Anthon~' Nelson-Keys wa it until the end. Ernest Borgnine as
oluaOP.: Carl Frankel Corbis TUrns into a goat-headed demon
SCU[NWPJTE": Nigel Kneale and for about 15 minutes cast mernbers
AUO UILU[O AS: The Witches are reduced to colorful oozing, melting
Joan Fontaine owned the rights to an puddles. The goat-demon is after an
occuh thriller and wanted to star in it . ;mdent book hidden by the Southwest-
so she got Hammer Films to produce ern Preston family. A highlight is the

screaming souls of doomed vict ims in a DEVIL 'S TRIANGLE
crystal ball that resembles one of those 1976 UFO DISfrlbutlon
p,lpcrweights that snow when you tum PIIOOUCOJOII\ECTOI\JKIUEHWM'[I\:
them upside down. Not a highlight R ich~rd Winer
is the acting. With Ida Lupino and The best thing about this specu la-
Keenan Wynn (Ihey become eyeless tion film is its length. It' s only 55
soulless things), Eddie Albert, Tom minutes. Vincent Ptice reads (he sill y
Skerrit, W illiam Shamer, Anton Levy narrat io n. King C rimson provides the
(a " real witch"), and John Travolta (in music . Viewers were offered S 10,000 if
a tiny role). When thc film was rcrc- they could solve the mystery of the
leased, the hard-w-spot Tra volta actu- triangle.
ally got top billing in the ads. Fi lmed
in Mexico.

1966 T hundcrbird In lcrnati o n~1 (8&W) 1973 Dimcn)lon (If~h')
PM)()l)Cu.5: JoscphFink, Ju~n Hid~lgo-Gato PI\ODUCEI\: Ra lph Zuc ker
OIIU:CTOI\: William G re(t' DIUCTOI\: P~ ul Solvay
KIU:ENWI\rTU-S: John NICho l as, so,[ENWI\tfEl\5 : Ralph Zucker,
William Grefe A I ~n M. H:lrns
Sh aron Saxon answers a domestic-help- Italy's answer to Counless Dracula, star-
wanted classi fied in Tijuana ,md. with ring Sard Bay of Lad, Frankenstein fame
the help of sadist ic Mildred Rodesky. as the cou m ess who sta)'s young by
IS taken into a wh iTe slavery ring run bathing in virgin's blood . American
by Velia Martinez ;lOd Anita Crystal Mark Damo n (Housl;' of Usher) shows
(as the A lvarado siste rs). Saxon is up as both the g()()(), and bad brothers.
stripped and tied with barbed wire for The ,Kling is all bad and there's lots of
her part in the murder of an Engl ish- nudity. (R )
man but escapes after fellow captives
rise in her defense _ With Fn-d Pinero,
Babene Sherrill , To ni Camel. Jo an
Jacobs, and NOrd Alonzo. Filmed in TilE DE VIL 'S WIDOW
M iami. - CB 1972 AII' ( En~1and)
Alan Ladd, Jr. , Snmlcy M;mn
OIUOOA: Roddy Mc lJ<:J"'~.I11
THE DEVIL'S S LEEP $(IUEHWtJTll\: W.lli:un Spier
1951 Screen Art (B&W) AUO I\EL£ASED AS: Tmn Lm
DIIUCTOI\: Merle Roddy McDowall d irected a horror
Leaders of a narcotics ring preying on movie? Sure did, and it's an odd one.
teenagers try to Stop the investigation The story is based on an ancient Scot-
of a crusading woman juvenile judge tish folk son g. Ava G,lf(lner is an o lder
by tying her daughter into a blackmai l woman who uses witchcraft to keep her
sc heme. lita G rey C haplin, Jo hn young jet-set friends, including Madc-
Mitchum. Wi lliam Thomason , and line Smith . Stephanie Beacham, and
Tr.JCY Lynn star. Di recmr Conne ll was Ian McShane. The fi lm never got a gen-
the cinematographer o n Phil Tucker's eral release and critics seem to agree
Cape Caruwcral Monsters. He also di- that it's both awful and ovcrart,'. Filmed
rened The Flesh M('fchams. - cn in Scotland. Music by PentanRle.



1966 U.S. Films (SpamfFr.lnce) (B&W) 19')4 Warncr Brothers (}-O)
PP.OOUCEP.S: $t-Tj!e Silberman , MIchel 5.. fm PIIOOIJC["'OflU:CTO~ Alfred Hitchcock
OlklCtOA: Jesse Franco SC"[EHWNT£k: FrroCTld: Knorr
!oO.£(N\IIPJT£M; JcS$(' Franco, In a few years, stars Ray Milland and
Jean.Claude Carnere Robert Cummings would be working
Ok!G! HAllY ~o AS: M ..u MlteTU'
for A lP (in I'remawre Bllrial and Beach
Howard Vernon is back as Dr. Orloff/ Parry respectively), and Grace Kell y,
Or. Von Zi mmer. When he d ies 0( a in the first of her three Hitchcock roles
heart anack, his work is taken over by here, would IX' the Princess of Monaco.
his dcvotcddaughtcr (Mabel Karr). She All of them arc cxcellent in this filmed
discovers a cabaret dancer known as version of Frederick Knott's suspense
Miss Death (Estella Blain) who has abo play. John Williams (the inspector) is
norma ll }' long fingcrn<lils. The daugh. now known for the TV commercials in
ter figures they'd make good weapons, which he pitches classical music LPs.
so she uses mind contro l to will the WMch (or d irector A lfred Hitchcock
dancer to kil l her dad's enemies. It was in a picture on Milland's wa ll. Kelly's
the th ird in a rid iculous series. Two hand reflching out for help as someone
we re released only in Europe. attempts to murder her is the best use
of )-D ever. The film was re-released
in 1982.
1981 TV
PllOOUC [~ Peler K:m
0 1,-£001.: BOTis Saga!
SCM:[H"IIIPJT[P': John Gay
1955 Seven ArtS (France) (B&W) It's TV-movie remake rime . ( Before it
"-OPUCWDtIl.[CT~ Henri·GnJQ,,'cs C\oU!nl was a plflY and a Hi tchcock fil m it was
~ : Henri·Geoq!d Clou:UI, a 1952 British television prcscmation.)
GeorgcsGeronimi, Rene M~I :.son. C hrIStopher Plummer is the husband
F. Grendel who wants wife Anllie Dickinson killed
OAIGINAL1Y ~D AS: UJ lAaboliques by Ron Moody. Inspector Anthony
It's fin ing that one of rhe first forei,(:n Quayle and Angie's lover Michael Parks
features w make it big on the Ameri - solve (he murder mysrery. Angie had
can art-theater c ircuit was a masterful JUSt starred in Brian DePalma's Hitch-
psychological horror film. The twist- cock copy, Dressed to Kill.
end ing murde r plot has been do ne
countless ri mes but never better. DfllAfONDS ARE FOREVER
Simone Signoret helps Vera C louzot 1971 United Artists (England)
(real-life wife of the director) drown P"OOUC [II.S: A!~rt R . Broccoli,
he r husba nd (Paul Meurisse), who H arr}' Sa lmnan
"returns w Me" in a terrifying scene . Ot'-£OoA: Guy Hamilton
It all takes place at a school. T he face SC"[[NWP.IT[II.S: Richard Maibaum.
of the would-be murderess/victim seeing Tom MankiewlC!
her dead husband move W; IS USI...J in the After the fai lure of On Her Majesr:y's
effect ive newspaper ads. Reikcciuns of Secref Service, Sean Connery was lured
Murda was a remake. back for o ne more Bond movie. He

sho uldn't have bothered. It's the worst . scare. Cordier, now controlled by evil,
Everything leads to sausage king Jimmy [ties to calm down by sculpting, but
Dean. 007 smashes cars, gambles, fi ghts kills h is model .
female gymnasts, loves Jill St. John,
defeats Blofeld (C harles G ray- the DICK TRACY
third actor in the part), and strangles a 1945 RKO (B&W)
wo man with her bikini top. Lana WOO;:! PI\OOUCu.: Herman Schlom
is thrown out a window. With King Dll\(a~: William Berke
Ko ng star Bruce Cabot , who died in '72. so,[[N\1nJTElI.: Eric Taylor

Music by Jo hn Barry. Filmed largely in After fo ur popular Republic se rials,

Las Vegas. Connery returned to the C hester G o uld's famous detective was
Bond role again in 1983 (Never Say Die featured in four full -length RKO fi lms.
Again) . In rhis, the fi rst, Morgan Conway (as
Tracy) caplures a scarn:d Mike Maz urki
(as Splitfacc). Anne Jeffreys plays Tess
DIARY OFA HIGH SCHOOL Trucheart. The ncwspaper ads, refer-
BRIDE ring to the serials, promised "no wait-
1959 AlP (B&W) ing till to morrow to see what's next!"
PP.OOUCEWOIMCTOW5O.[[H\IIMD.: Some co nsider these among the worst
Burt Topper fi lms ever made , but they were based
C hris Robinson (of Stanley) stars as an on comic strips, ai med at kids attending
unbalanced teenager trying to sabotage matinees, and not intended to be taken
former girlfriend Anita Sands' marriage too seriously. Di rector Martin Scorsese
to law student Ronald Foster. She agrees has announc«i a ncw Tracy feawre.
to meet him fo r a talk o n a deserted
sound stage at h is father's studio; he DICK TRACY AfEETS
attacks. Foster, acting on a tip from GRUESOAfE
an other of Robinson's victims, races to 1947 RKO (S&'W)
the scene and there fo llows a hair- H.OOOC£I\: Herman $chlom
raising catwalk banle resulti ng in h igh- OIUCTOP.: Jo hn Rawlins
voltage electrocution. T itle song wrinen 5O.[[H"'oVPJTEkS: Robertson Wh ite ,
and perfo rmed by Tony C asan ova. Er ic Taylor
O rigina ll y billed with Ghosl of Dragstrip In the best Dick Tracy feature, Boris
Hollow. -CB Karloff plays Gruesome, who uses stolen
paralyzing bombs to freeze everybody
in banb while he robs them. Enemies
DIARY OF A AfADAtAN arc thrown in a furnace. Ralph Byrd is
1963 U nited Art ists Di ck Tracy. He was Tracy in four
H.ODVCEWSCMOfWIIJT£I\: Rob:-rt E. Kent serials, two fea tures, and on television .
Reginald Le Borg
DIP.ECTOI\: Anne Gwynnc is Tess T rueheart . With
An effec tive lo w-key pe riod ho rro r Skelton Knaggs, Milton Parsons, Lex
piece based on "The Horla" by G uy de Barker, and Robert Clarke.
Maupassant . Vincent Price is Simon
Cordier, a 19th-century French magis- DICK TRACY'S DILEAfAfA
trate who inhcrits an invisiblc cvil spirit 1947 RKO (B&W)
when he kills a mad condemned prisoncr I'I\OOUCEP.: Herman Schlo m
in self-defense. llle prisoner, whose eyes OII\£CT04\: j o h n Rawlins
glow before he dies, provides an eerie SCP.E[NWME~: R~rt Stephen Brody

[96) I Lmullcr/Q,lurll"I,1 (En,l::li,h )
']l.oooco.: Anthony Hmds
011\£0 0 1\; SIII'IO Nan::ano
K I\£[NWI\ITEI\: Ru;hard M ,lIht:":.()Il
Tallul,lh B,lIlkhead In her la~t IIlal'le
n Ile (II lO.·a~ ,.ISt) h e r fir:.1 In 12 vears) as
.10 \lId rcl l~ l ou s fanatIC wh o ke<:p" hl'T
dead "on\ fiancee (Stepham e Puwe r~ )
I'n"uncr. T,lllul ,lh plath 10 "cleanse"
;1Il.1 then kill Iwr Ml ~he can lll<lrT)' the
dead ",Ill 111 Heaven ! Slephanlc I ~ ,1bllS<c-.j
h~ e\'ery Cf,I:)' meml:x'r of the hOll~'·.
mcludill).! ])onald SlIlherlanJ a~ an illl -
hl'c lle halld~' m;,]ll who reads his S ilo!.:
1I1hi,lc d(}wl1. A Bahy Jml<' and /'.I ycho-
IIl'pire,1 drama.


I%'; AIP(LJ.S. IEncbnd)
Pill (~re,·n
011\£001\: D.U1 ld I blln
SCI\UNWIIlT[I\ : Jl-rr-,' Soh[
UurIS Karwff (tI 'uh ~15 Aftl'r rdea"mg two fnrgt:trdhk Traq
bomb}, Anne Gwynnt', ALSO I\£lEA5EO AS: M Oml<'1' IJfTt"fTUr
f.. ,Hurl's. RKO got Ral ph RYf,1. thl'
Ralph Bynl, Imd Sk..-lltm ongln,11serial lAck T raq, til "',If In tl\"l)
Formcr AlP ,IT! UlreClor 1).lllIel Halle r
Kn.\AA5m Ihe k T r.1C\ dlrl'ct~ fur du' flTSI rune wllh ffi lxeJ
more. Thest' I.hl two .ITl' evt:n mure
~ l cc ls Grues..II1H;'. re~1I1h. Bon, K,lrioff ,,1.11» In a wheel-
caTlOOn-l nsplreJ th,m their pre,kcl''''
sor.o. This one featurl'b J.,d, L lInh..:n . h e h,lI r ,h N,l1hul1l \'Vlrle\'. ma.sll'T of a
.. Tran~c huu .... III Arkham. Engl,md. in
a fur ."lc'l llllll crouk with ,I Icth,.1 11(I"k
tlw.tilm ha~,lon ,m'ecrait
h a n J. \Vilh hill Keith ,md L, Il' L.1!c1l.
~fOrr. American Nick Adam~ :Irriv,'s
t P n\;ITT) \'Vule y\ ,bughter (Su:;l1l
DICK TRA C Y VS. CUE/IALL Emncr) ,mel dl-.cOl'er.. a huge. radm<lC-
1946 RKO (1)&\'(1) {IVl' !1\ul,uinn-cau"mg mel,'OTIte In the
P~OOUCEI\ : I fnm;m S<:hlulll
(d1.lT. The l'bnt" ,mu ani11\:I I ~ grow Ire-
011\£001\: Gor,i(ln L\Hlgla,
lI1<:nduu~l)' large. Mrs. Wh irley (Fred;']
SCI\E£ NWI\JTEI\ : Lm:i \Vard
):Kks,m) I' ,lbfigllre,1, and Nalhulil be-
Morgan Conway ,l~ DICk Tnl,'Y ,md
C(lIllC, :1 glowing mnn,Ter w il h a head
Anne Jeffreys as Tl''' Trlll'ill'drt. tnT
like 01 r'I.'l'herr~' . \'Vith I\H rick Magee
the second ,md lasr lime. Typical Old
(a,,, dnCI<lr) :Ind Tnence I)e Marney.
campaign: "Dick rhe d,Hllltk'~' ddr<:,
1-I"lk'r trll',1 filming L..lVl'Cmfr again wi rh
dea th 10 ,lelivl'T d i amolld~!" The h;tl d
fhl: /)lIllU i('h H,m-,rr.
(!J,lInonJ-slealing unok Ib Dick W,·,..... 1.
Jncludl'b characTer, wHh nam ... , Ilh'
Filthy Fio rd and Perclv,11 PriCl·le~ ... \V1,h DIE SCRLiAll/IN G ,'//IRIANN I::
~ Tles regu"lT~ Lyle Llldl, 10m Keith . 1l:JiO (En,l::LUl ti)
,md Skellnn Kllagg~. 011\£00 1\; I\-t<· \V.lller

SUS<1n Geo~ smrs asa nigiuclub<L1ncer with modern applmnces. The anima-
pursued by killers our for her father's tion is pn'tty lous,-. Dinosaur scenes later
money. An early thriller by the direc- showed up o n the If 's Aoout Time TV
tor of The Confessional. Wi th C hristo- series.
pher Sanford and Leo Germ.
1967 Fe~nm.' HIm Corpor3wm
""OOLIC[~ Earl Lyun
DruCTO~: Fr;mkl m Ad r~'()n DISCIPLE OF O£-.ATH
KI\[[NW'-JT[~: Arrhur C. Pu:::rce 1972 Avcoll: mha,s,- (l:nl!1a nd)
Jeffrey Hunter, fresh (rom playinJ! Cap- ,I\OOUC£I\S: Tom Par kill"nn.
lain Kirk in the Star Trek pi lof, IS se- Charles f,m man
cret agent Justin Power. H e and France DIUCTO I\: Tom Parkin".;,n
Nu yen wear time- travel bel ts and go a KU£H'IW1lI1U.): Tom Parkinson.
few weeks into the future to save Los Churton Ellnnan
Angeles from a Communist C hinese After being in severa l H :lIlHlIer films
A-bomb. Harold Sakawls' Big Buddah. and Cmcible of Tf'ITOT, ex-diSC jockey
With Donald Woods, Lindo Ho, and Mike Rave n sr<l rred In this low-budget
David Chon. Gothic shoc ker. Hl' plays the Str<lngcr,
a livmg-dead ghoul ",ho m lb! sacnfice
DlNO virgi ns to Sa ran. When the hero
(Stephan Brad ley) and a minister ' <I re
1957 All ied Arum (B&W)
""OOOC[I\: Bernice Block unahle to Stop [ h~' killings, rhey go for
DIN:CTO~: Thomas C arr help to an o ld Jewish C<lbaI IS[ with a
K"£[HWk/T(I\: Regm :l ld ROS<.' magic nmror. With Virginia Wetherall
A confused 17 -year-o ld juvenile de - (A ClochL'f)fk Orange).
linquent (Sal Mineo) is paroled after
serving time (or a robbery in which a THE DlSEAIHODIED
watchman was killed. Social worker 1957 Allied Artist~ ( B&W )
Brian Keith tries to hdp. Susan Kohm'T ""OOUCEI\: Ben Sc hwalh
is his gitlfneml. Minco had ju~ r played OIA£CTOf;: Walter GmUInan
essenti;lli y the same rule (as suppo rt) XI\[£NWI\ITER: J,lck To wlllq·
in Rebel \Vilholll (I Cause il nd Crime in Fun jungle nl)nsense with All ison Hayes
rhe SrreelS. as T onda, who sneaks away from her
doc tor hush;lml to d.mce wild ly in a
DINOSAURUS sarong and tooth nl'cklacc. The con-
[960 Universal (using voodoo (eature also stars Paul
""ODU(£A: Jack 1-1 . Harris Burke and John E. Wengraf. It origi-
DlA£CTOP.: Irwin S. Ye3"'onh, Jr. nall ~' played with From Hell It Came.
KU[N\II'-JT[IU: Jean Y('awnrrh,
D.m E. Weisburd
A chi ldren's fi lm about a caveman , a
1966 Allied A n is(~ (Enj!land)
b rontosaurus, and a T. Rex reVived by P~OOUC [~:Jacques Dc La ne
lightning o n an island, A little boy be- OIPJ:CTOIU: [K 'II/,::ias Hickox (U. K.)I
friends and rides the brom o, the T. Rex Vmce Scar.a (U.S.)
lights a steam shovel, and the caveman KI\[ENWI\ITO: DaVid Ed .....ard.
(Gregg M,lrtel) has "comical" prohlems AUO ~[lu.5(O A.l: )"5t far You

ReleaSt:d in Britain in 1964, this rock DOCTOR BWOD'S COFPlN
'n' roll movie was reworked for Ameri· 196 1 United Artists (England)
can distr ibution with addit io na l se· ""ODUCE~: George Fowler
quences fea turing regional heroes like DlP.ECTOP.: S idney J. Furie
the Vagrants (wi th Leslie West) and K II.E [ H\VP,ITU: Jerry Jumn
the Rockin' Ramrods. With Peter and Dr. Peter Blood (Kieron Moore ), a bio-
Gordon. the Chiffons, the Bachelors. chemist in Corn wall , decides [Q k ill
Freddy Cannon. the Merse ybcats, the "worthless" people so he can usc the ir
Applejacks, the Orch ids, Jackie and the h ean s to revive "worth y" corpses. He
Rai ndrops, Casey Paxton, and Mill ie experimen ts secretly in a mi ne, occa·
Srndll . Arnie "Woo Woo" Ginsberg 0( sio nall y ki lling villagers. His fat her's
Boston and Hy lit of Philadelph ia arc n urse (Hazel Coun ), a widow, discov·
the emcees. - eB ers his activities and threatens to ca ll
the authorit ies, so the perversc doctor
DOC SAVA GE- revives th e TOn en, decomposed body
JIAN OF BRONZE of her dead husband (with the hea rt of
1975MGM a kidnaped ho bo). Pa u l S toc km a n
H.OOUCEP.: George Pal makes his de but as the unexpected
DIp'[CfO~: M ichael A nd~ rson hubby.
K Il.EENWM'E'-S: Owrge Pal. Joe Mo rheim
Pal's last feature is a silly version of the DR. BREEDWVE OR
'30s pu lp magazi ne formu la of a hero HOW / LEARNED TO STOP
search ing for killers in Africa. Blond WORRYING AND WVE,
ex·T arza n Ron Ely stars. Look fo r Mi· See KISS "IE QUICK .
chael Berryman of The H ilL~ Halle Eyes
fa me in a small role. Di recTor Ander· DR. BUTCHER, " t.D.
son topped it the next year with Logan's ("fEDlCALDEVIATE)
Run . 1979 Aquarius (lmly)
PP.ODUCEP.: Terry Levine
1975 Dimension (Fr..mcesco M.mino)
H.OOUC[P.: Chllrld Walker O P.IGINALlY P'[lEASED o\S: Queen of the
DIIl.ECTO P.: W illiam C rai n CQnnibals
K I\EENWP.ITU : La rry LeBron Th is ex treme ly gory can niba l adven -
AU<) Il.El£AS(D M : The WallS Mvns/.eT ture became a big moneymakcr when
T he di rector of /3lacula returns with an released in America with a new pre- lit ll.'"
even cheaper blac k horror fil m . Bernie sequence (from an unreleased NYU
Casey as "Dr. Pride" works al a Watts fi lm) tacked o n. In 1982 an c xtens;vc
free cl in ic. When he becomes h is man· trave ling "Sutchermobile" promotion
strom m ht'r self he turns white! Look· in the New Yo rk C ity area helped
ing [ike a black man who sneezed into spread the word that it was the best
a bag of flour, he kills women and le<lves gut muncher in years. The disgus ting
his n icc girlfr iend for a prOSTitute. Cascy e(feclS are hy the guy who did The hon-
is an ex·Rams run n ing back. With Ro· ors for Zomhie. As in that hit. the ac-
sa lind Cash (The Omega Ma n), Ji·Tu tion begi ns in Manhattan but soon
Cu mbu ka, and disco music. It was moves 10 a remo re island. Very realis-
o riginal ly going to be called Or. Black tic flesh·ea ting Indones ian pygmies at-
alia Mr. White. (R) tac k investigatin g A mericans, whi le a

Dr. Thorkel, a hald, nearsighted scien-
He is adepraved, tist (A lbert [.lekker). lures fiv e people
homicidal Jtill« .md a burro to hl ~ Jungle hideout and
~hrinks them. 1l,cy'rc confronted by an
imp ressive a rra~' of o\'ersized props and
••• and
an alligator. It's In Tedm icolor and is a
lot of fun to watch. Janice Logan rX:JSed
for c()unt less great plibli c lT ~' shob, being
crushed in ;1 gi ;lIlt hand, stepped on
by a giant boot. and exam im:d hy the
cuehaU-headed doctor. From the direc-
tor of KlIlJ! Krmg.


1971 Cm(rama Rel easmg
mad doctor performs lohmomles. On- PP.OOUCEI\fOII\ECTOI\: Eddll' Sa~ (a
KI\lENWI\ITEI\: S,11 P,)!1n
enrOll nati\'es provide comedy relief
Beautiful Alexandra Cole (a.k. a. Alex- Sure It'S another stupid cheap horro r
andria Delli Colli) is stripped and wor- mm'le , hut the guest star is Moe How-
shiped by the naTl v('s before the whole ard! It was the last role for the famous
exhall~tlllg and incoherent feature en&,. 77- year-old pic-thrower. John Consi-
Dr. Blucher /I (another re-edited Ital - dine stars as a youthfu l-looki ng but ac-
laO ~lc kie) is pronmed. (R) tuall y anc ie nt ~u l transplanter. With
his scarred a~~iSfant Thor he operates
o n female patien ts. With Barry CO(',
DR. CADlllAN'S SECRE1, See Florence Marle~' (as Tanya), C heryl
THE BLACK S LEER Miller (from the Duktari ~ries).) o Mur-
row, Si\'ifl Berg, ;md TV horror host
Seymour. ( RJ
1971 TV
I'kODUCU: Bob Markell
DIPJ:CTOk: Tt'<l Post
SC'-£ENWkrT£k: An Wallace 1968 OllumbHI (Engl:mdfltal)')
P~ODUCEIU: Rlch ~ rd Rurto n.
In his o n ly horror movie Bing C rosby
Richard Mc Whorror
plays Dr. Leonard Cook. who treaTS hi ~ OII\£CTOI\; Richanlilurion
~JIlall community JUSt like his garden. He Nt"vll1 Coghill
KI\EEH\Ir{l\mR :
kills the weeds-the bad people. Bast., (1 Burton shows hi~ stuff ditl'Ct ing h im-
on an Ira Ll'v in Broadway play. W ith S!.·lf as old Doctor F;mstus. hargaming
Blythe Dann('r and Frank Converse. with Mel,hi ~to phclcs to se ll his soul and
become you ng to enjoy 24 ho urs of
DR. CYCLOPS "voluptIJOLlsness" (~md Ellzaheth Taylor
1940 Paromoum as Helen of Troy). An Oxford U ni ver-
PRODUCEI\: D:lle Van I;wry sity productIOn fcaturin,g memhers of
DII\£CTO k: Emc:.! B . &: hoed~.1C k their dramatic society. Richard was in
SCI\EEN\VI\fT[I\: Tom Kllp:IIT1ck Candy and Boom! the ~a mc year.

DR. FRANKEN STEIN ON An A lP joke starring Vi ncent Prier.: as
CAlI/PUS a mad doc lOr. He plans on taking over
1970 /vicdforc (Canada) the world with his beautifu l female
PkODlKU.: Brll M arsh;!11 rolx:tIS. who seduce rich and powerfu l
OII\[CTO I\: Grl T a),lo r
men. SUs<rn Hart is sent after millio n_
K I\£.[HWPJT(I\5; Davrd Cobb, 11111 Man-kill .
Grl Taylor
aire Dwa},ne Hic kman. Secret agent
Al50 I\£UAS£O AS; FlIck Frankie Avalo n tries 10 Sl Op the plot
but ends up in the IOrture chamber
A young student who is a de~"" nda nt of (wi dl Hickman) . The parody o f The
the famous doclor turns some of hi S
Pit and the Pendulum is the highligh t of
classmates into !O mhie~ with drug~ and
this no nsense . which also includes b its
a mind-cont ro l device. Smrring Rohm
Ward. (R) by An ne tte Funiccllo. Harve}' Lern.
beck, Deborah Walley. and two Pla yboy
Pl a~' m at es. Title son g sung hy the
TilE DOCTOR FROA! SEVEN Supremes. The made-in-Italy seque l
DIALS, See CORRIDORS OF makes this loo k like a classic.
DR. GOLDFOOTAND 7NE 1966A1P (lml)·)
1965 Al l' Fulvro Luciano
PI\ODlK£I\S: Jame~ II. Nichol" ,n. O IAlCT~: M a rr o B.w a
Samuel Z. Ark off SCJ.[EHWI\ITEI\5: LOUIS M . H .. yward.
Nomr,rn T;!ur~
{)Iu crOI\; Ronert Kaufman . C.astcl bno Pipolo
EI"'()I"XI U llm,In.
Robert Kaufm;!n I.e S/>Ir VI'flgOJUI d(11 Semlfrc>ll.W

Vr»C('fI1 rricf (111£1 hl5 cre-

a/lun5 rn Or. G o ldfoot
and tho:: BIkini MachIne.

Inc redibly bad, unfunny seque l to 1)r. minutes weTt.' cut for ,1 re-release and
Gold/oOf and rlu> Bikini Machine, Vtn- nl'ver re~ lo rcd.
cen t Price is back trying to SlaT{ a war
between Russia and America. Hi s fe- DR. JEKYLL AND AIR. HYDE UP/ B/7141 ; TM idea of
Ihis eXper!mt'IlI is to /est Iht
ma le robots have bombs in thei r navels 1941 MOM (B&W)
ftrook I"('lICt lQll U) Mrror
that explode when they make lo ve to PI\OOuc£P.lDI I\£aOI\: VICTOr Fll"tnmg
pic/urn. TM IT\()\;lt U '«S
NATO ~enerals . Fabian, as an Amen- KP.l£HWP.lnp.: John
Lee 1I.hhin
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
can spy, tcams with twO awful l!alian Freudian versinn of the c\as~ic story. It Here is Jos~phine Sn·eck
comedians t o stop Dr. Goldfoot. Laura was d irector Fleming's first movie after raking the IW. She IS
Antonelli (now fa mous for taking off Gone wilh the \Vind. Spencer Tracy stars hooked up 10 a rl'cording
her clothes in "art" films) is the ma in without much makeup. With Lana apparatus presided 0l'i'T try
girl bomb. Mario B:wa's worst. If 's even Turner as his fiancee and Ingrid Bcr~­ Dr. W. MarsWTI . emillenl
Fabian's worst. Includes footage from man as Ivy the barmaid (obviously a psyclvJkJgiJl. While !he gals
prostitute in the superior '32 version) . get !he /wrr(}f5 from 1M
Gold/oor No. I.
anlics of Dr. ]. (or lTI(Iybe
Worth watching just for Bergman's fa ce
Mr. H .) OIl !he seTeen,
DR. HECKYLANDMR. lIYPE and a brief sequence showing the t .....o Dr. Marslon checkJ 111$ 111-
1980 C1 nnon women as ho rses being whipped by Jlruments and cflaTIS. He
~ Menahem G:Jlan,Yoratn OIub.1S Hyde. Two years later Tracy starred in found thru biondes urt mc.rre
ol ~ao.JSo.([tNnJTEP.:Charles 8. Onffi,h Fleming's war-time (antasy, A Guy emUIiOIlm. Al if u '(' dWn .I
Long-time Corman collabomtor Charles Narraed Joe. k~.
Griffith made this comedy sta rring O li-
ver Reed as an incredibly ugly podia-
nist who becomes a handsome murder-
er. G riffith, who wrote Bucker 0/ Blood
and Urrle Shop 0/ Horrors, even uses
Corman regulars Mel Welles and Dick
Mi ller. Jackie Coogan is the desk ser-
geant at a dungeon/jail. With Sunny
Jo hnson, Maia Danziber, and Corinne
Calvert. (R)


1932 Paromounl (8&W)
~OOOCWOlP.laOA: Rouben MamOI,J]lan
Samuel HoffenSlein.
Percy HeaTh
This classic adaptation of R, )bcn Louis
S tevenso n's novel feature s FredTlc
March ,givi n,g hi:. Academy Award-
winning perfo rmance. None of th e
countless other versions hef,)re or since
has anything like the pov.·er of thb qual -
Ity production. Miriam Hopkins IS Iv)'
Ihe prostitute. Wall y West more created
t he convincing makeup. A shocking
adult [featment of a timeless theme.
\Vith H ()lmc~ Hcrhc rt and Ruse Hubart.
Ci nem:lto,gmphy hy Karl St russ. Ten

tertaining variatio n on an overused
theme. Ralph Bates (who resembles Ray
Davies of the Kinks) is the good doc-
tor who becomes the evi I and very beau-
tiful Martine Beswick. Desp ite the
obvious possibilities it had a PO tating.
Ads carried this warning; "The sexual
transformation of a man into a woman
wi ll actually take place before your very
Of A M.... KE pLACE eyes!" The same line was later used
WILL ACTUAO~~ J:AY EYESI more tnnhfully for Let Me Die a Woman,
but that's another story. This one in-
cludes Burke and Hare, R.L. Steven-
son's fam ous graverobbers, to supply
bodies and a Jack the Ripper subplot.


Be sure your children 197 1 1ntemationalCinema Films (Spain)
are sulliciently malure to AAODIJC [~:Jose Frade
j witness the in timate detail.

01 th is frank and
DIUCT~: Leon Kaminsky
SCU[N\WJT[~:Jae into

Dr. Jelc)/J) d Hombre Lobo

, Paul Nasch y as Valdemar the Wolf-
man- for the sixth time_ Obviously
J nmning OUt of ideas, he goes to the
grandson of Dr. Jekyll Oack Taylor),
who cures him of being a werewolf. An
assistant then rums him imoa new "Mr.
Hyde" and he tortures womcn on a
J rack. eR)

1982 Rochelle
'''ODUC[~DI M:CTO'': James Wood
HYDE A no-budgct stinker made in Nevada
1971 Harnmer/A1P(Brilish) abour the gra ndson of Dr. Jekyll injeer-
""OOUCEIU: Alben Fennell, Brian C lemens ing capt ives in his house with an ag-
DIUClOII: Roy Ward Baker
gression se rum . This results in long
KI\([NWIUT£,,: Brian C leme n s
brarc banles, tOrture, and various sa-
Brian C lemens, writer (or the At'engers d ist ic acts. all observed by the dement-
show, co-produced and wrote this cn- ed. voreuristic doc. (R)

})t}UJ 1962 K. Gordon Murra}, (Mexico)
1963 uee-TV (W. Gennany) (B&W) (S&W)
~DlJCU: F.]mkunsl PllOOUCE~ William Calderon Sit-II
D'IUCTO~ : Pau! May OIP.lCTO~ : Rene Cardona
sa.EENWMO.: Ladislas Foder K I'.EEHWfJTEk: Alfred Salazar
OfJGIHAU.Y M:~D AS: xorland Yard)«gt 0k/G1HAllY P.lUAS£D AS: Lru Lw;hoOOrru
Dr. Mabuse ConIT£! eJ MMico Resmo

The spirit of Dr. Mabuse (Wo lfgang A classic of Mexican c inema . When a
Preiss) takes over the body of a profes- masked mad doctor steals the brain of
sor and begins a new series of crimes. a fe male scientist , her wrestling Star sis-
Peter Van Eyck (The Wages of Fear) ter vows to expose the culprit. Two
stars with Klaus Kinsk i, Sabine Beth· beautiful, statuesque wrestling room-
man, and Walter Rilla . It was the fi.(rh mates, The Golden Rubi (Elizabeth
and one of the best of a series of six Campbell) a nd Gloria Venus (Lorena
Mabuse adventures made in the '60s. Vasquez), eventually defeat the crazed
surgeon, hi s super-strong ape man,
Gomar, and his surgica lly created wres-
DR. AtAN tAC, See THE AtAN ding woman, Vende!ta. They also have
lots of fights in and out of the ring ,md
rescue the bumb ling male po licemen.
The fi rst o f a series of entertaining
somh-of-the-bordcr wrestling women
DR. NO adventures. Don't miss it.
1963 United Artists (En~land)
H.ooucus: Harry Sa\nmall,
Albert R. Broccoli
DIUCTOP.: Terence Young
Ri chard Maib .. um,
Johanna Harv>'Ood, Ik-rkely Mather
1964 AIP·TV (Spain/A us)
DII'.ECT()f;: Jesse Fr" ncn
Thirt)·-rwo-year-old Scm Sean Connery K P.lEHWM"ELU: Jesse Fr;mco, NIC k Frnnk
is Ian Fleming's 007 for the first time. ()f;IGINALLY ~EL~ED .t.l: EI St'CTt'[() dd Or.
James Bond is sent to Jamaica to inves- ""ell
tigate a murder and d iscov<'rs a se- The Awftl/ Dr. Orloff is back in his first
cret island base run by the d iabolical sequel. Star Howard Vemon is missing,
Dr. No , who plans TO destroy rockets but the plot's the same as in the pre-
lallllched from Cape Canaveral. He also vious film. A mad sc ientist uses his
discovers beautiful Ursu la Andress as human robot to kill (or h im. With Jose
Ho ney, busy hunting shells o n the Rubio and Agnes Spaak. Pretty slow.
beach. A winning combination of spies,
Sl!X, and science ficfi on, with a flame-
throwing dra~,'o n (son of) and a taran -
tula in bt."<i. Joseph Wiseman is the DR. PIJIBF.s RlSESAGAI N
Oriental Dr. No. Jack Lord is CIA agent 1972 All' (England)
Felix Leiter. Bemard Lee as M and Lois PIIOOUCE~: Louis M. He }'w~ rJ
Maxwell as Miss Mo neypenny contin- DlA(CTO~ : R obert Fuest
ued their roles throughout the long K I'.EENWAIT£M: RoberT Fu\:st, R oh.! rt Bb.· s
series. With Amhony D.lwson and Zena Vincent Price returns as the ingenious
Marshal l. Music by John B.1fry. doctor, now in Egypt searching (or the

1978 TV
",ODUaI\; Alex Beaton
011\£001\: Richard Lang
5CA(ENWMU: Stephen }. Cannell
As comic-book superhero Dr. Scorpion,
Nick Mancuso saves the world fro m a
mad doctor who steals atomic missiles.
From the same TV season that brought
us pilots for Spiderman and The Incredi-
ble Hulk, from the director of the pi-
lOIS (o r Fantasy Islnnd and Vegas. With
Roscoe Lee Browne and Denny Miller.

1978 TV
P~OOUCEI\ :Alex Beaton
OIUCTOI\ISCI\E(~TEI\: Philip DeGuere
UPI1971: Lasl year's Elixir of Life to revive his dl'ad wife After The success of Superman, the net-
Abominable Or. Phibes (Caroline Munro, in a glass coffin) . works were anxious to turn comic-rook
wa3 such (.l weU-receillt'J
Robert Quarry is after the sa me prize heroes into series. This pi lot is one in-
film mal AlP is following and, as in the original movie (The rcresting attempt. Peter Hooten is the
il with another, Or. Phil,es
Rises Again. Vincen l Alxnninable Dr. Phibes), people keep psych iatrist hero. John Mills is his
Price depicu a scienriSI who dying in horrible and sometimes hilari- teacher, the ancient sorcerer lindmar.
IS St"elung a secrel some- ous ways. Especially good is a te lephone Jessica Walter as Morgan Le Fay repre-
rhlJ~ u,htch U1U bong Ius receiver with a spike in it. Peter C ush - sell[S the (orceso( evil. From Stan Lee's
beloo.'t'd ,kcetued u~fe back ing has a bit pan as a ship's captain . Marvel comic. Hooten co-starred in &
10 life. Of course he has 10 With H ugh G riffith, T err y-Tho mas, Derek's first film (F'lnrasies) and Orca.
deliciOUSly do ( u11h CI Fiona Lewis, Beryl Re id , and Va ll i
few /xJd gu,s and good Kemp as Vulnavia. Not as good as the
guys alcr" me wa,.. .. first o ne but still fun.
1941lOIh Century Fox (Il&W)
1963 Columbia (England) (B&W)
~OPIJC EI\;Sol M. Wurt:eJ
",OOUClI\IOII\ECTO«.: Stanley Kubrick
OIU OOI\: Harry Lachman
SCI\E[NWMll\S: Stanl .. y Kubrick,
SCI\E[NWl\rrns: William Bruckner,
Terry Sou them. Peter George
Robert F. Metzler
Until AI07nic Cafe was releaSt.>d, this was
Mad sciem ist George Zucco turns a
probably the most important film ever
gorilla into an ape Tmm 0. C ar ro l
made. It looks less like a satire every
Naish). Monogram-style ho rror with a
year. As General Jack D. Ripper, Ster-
slightly higher budget. W ith Sheppard
ling Hayden sends B-52s to bomb Russia
Strudwick. Lynne Roberts, and Mike
Mamrki. and stop Commies from putting fluoride
in our water. The planes are recalled,
but Texan Major "King" Kong (Slim
DR. S11llNS ROBOT, See THE Picken s) gets through, the Soviet
illYSTER/OUS DR. SATAN. doomsda)' device is triggered, and the

world ends to ,he- str<linsof"We 'll Meel made fa~t and cheap to cash in on the
Again ." Peter Sellers is m tum Pn:~I Jenl ~ ucces~ of Ha mmer's Or. Tl'TTOf's HUllSI.'
Muffey, Captain Mandrake, and Dr. of Harmrs. The sets look stT<light uut
Strange love, who eagerly awaih lif~' {If a PlolY put on by <L ruml h igh sc hllol.
underground where Ihe ratio of wumen The ~ T1 P ( is comp l etel~' I liJicTtlu~. In
to men will be ; to 1. George C. Scott o ther wo rcls- Io t;.1 en terta i nment !
is General " Buck" Turgiclson, Keenan Don't miss it! C:'Hwdine is the n~m~L ­
W)'IlI) is Colonel "B<lt" GU<lnu. With tor and a warll)Ck in "The Witches
Peter Bu ll . James Earl Jones, and Tracy C lock ," Cha nc y LS the narr<lIor and
Reed, O riginally 102 minutes long. a mad docto r hringing life t ll the
Music by L1urie Johnson. corp:;c..' o f :l c mzed mu rde rer in "Spark u(
life. " Much Evan~ is "Cuunt AluCllrd"
DR.SYN (cll-ver!) and );ets tll fight .. wen.'wulf.
19J7GauIllont (England) (B&W ) The othn thrilling short storit'S <lfe
DIUCTO" :Roy Wilham Ne ill " M lln~' l' r R,uJ" ,IIlJ " Kmg Va mplh~."
In his last role , George Arliss I ~ The Rochelle HUJSI)!l, the lither hUllllliated
smuggling Vicar of Dymchurch. The n,lme ~IJr, W3,,; ilk,ding lady hack in the
Siory was remade firs t as Night CrealLlres 'JOs ;LIlli played N,Ltalie Wond'~ mot her
and then as The SWrt.'CTVW of Romne) in Rebl!! \VirhmH a Calist'.
Marsh. Pink Fl o~'d wrotc a ;,ong abo UT
Ihe characler on their second album DR. TERROR 'S HOUSE OF
("Corpora l Clegg"). Director Nei1llater HORRORS
did most of the Rathbone IHolmes films. 1943 N:III11Il,LI Ro ..J Show (B&W)
From the ads: "Now togethe r fm the
DR. TARR 'S TORTURE first Time un ,my screen ! Zo mhies,
DUNGEON vampires, ghouls, werew'llves, vuoduu
1972 Group 1(MeXICO) rites, \\,~'lrd crl',Ltures, and thl' living
DIUCTOP.: Juan Lopez MIICTcwma deaJ!" TIle producers of tillS mo vu: Sllll-
A repo rte r gc~es to an asylum run by ply edited tugether scenes from fivt' for-
in mmes in a surreal version of Poc's eign or IIlJepcndenr American features
"System of Dr. Tarr and Professor Ihat the~' never paid nghrs for. See bits
Fea lhe r." This fi ll1\ is stranger (and has of Lc GV/l'm ( French, '36), V,ullpyr
more sex) than the usua l sou th-of·the- (Dani ~ h , '31), ThcLit·illgDea.d(English,
border ljuickies. Direc ll>f Mocte:um.1was ' 33), ,md &~Ia Lugosi in White Z()fllbie
the producer of Alexander JoJorllwsky's and Till! R.:turn uf Chandu ,
Fandu"J Lis. ( R )
1964 AIllI(Usl [~ Ir;H1HHJIlt (U.S.IEI1j.!lanJ)
P1\ODUC[~: Millon Suh.)b k}·,
1967 ArneTiun Gcnl'r,11 PICture)
P"ODUCE~: [);LV ld L I kWI(I , R.. y Dur n Max J. Rusc nlx-Il!
OII\[CTO": Freddi e Francis
OlklCTO": O;IV1J L Hewitt
KRE£NWf.lT[" : M.Jwn SUi'llISk}·
SCI\([H\\Il\1fE~: David Prt.'I\!ISS,
G~ t)' Ht"acod :, Russ Jnncs The filM and prubabh' best of m.lny
AUO klLLl~O AS : Blood SUClccH, Reu~rn Aminl ~ horro r anthology films. Dr.
frum liu> Pasl Sandor Schreck (Peter C ushing) uses
Jo hn Carradine and Lo n Chane ~' , Jr., w rot c a rd ~ hI tell the (mure o( five
in a te rrible five·part horror anthology clnonwd men . The first is killed by a

(email· werewo lf. The next is stra ngled rcally scary scene. A great horror movie
by a vine. A jazz musician is killt.-d by with dated com ic re lief, originally in
the Hait ian god Dambala for playi ng "gorgeous T ec hnicolor" (an early two-
music he heard at a secret ceremony. color process). The effective makeup
Donald Sutherland discovers his wife was b~' Max Factor. The nex t year
IS a vampire. kills her, and hangs for First National was absorbed by Warners,
it. As an art critic, C hristopher Lee which made .he better· known M yslery
ruins artist Michael Goug h's career, of lhe \'(/ax MILSeilm with the same sta rs,
then oms hi m down with a car, scver- the sa me d irector. and the same color
ing his hand. The still li ving hand seeks process. With Anhur Edmund Carew
revengc. With Bernard Lee. and Mac Busch. Michael Curtiz d i·
rected ove r 60 features in Europe ,
DR. WHOANDTHEDALEKS moved to America. and directed 62
1965 AmlcusiComine nta l (English) more! Lo ts of them arc very good.
PP.ODUCO.s: Milton Slibotsk~·,
Max). Ro.>Cnf-.erg
T he popular BBC-TV series Dr. Who
was the lo ngest-running science.fiCTion
show in the world ('63-'75). Four dif- DOGFATDOG
ferent actors played the absent-minded 196] Aja)" Film$ (U.S./W. Gcrman~·1
doc tor, bur a fifth, Peter Cushi ng, was Italy) (B&W)
PIIOOIJ(£P.: Carl S:okol
cast for the feature version s. In the
DI"-EOOM: Ray Nazarro, Albert Zugsmith
future . the doctor, his two gr..lOddaugh-
S(AU~IT£RS: Robert Hill . M ichael Elkins
ters, Barham Oennie Linden ) and Sus.1n
Jayne Mansfie ld and Cameron Mitch ·
(Roberta Tovey), and Ian (Roy Castle)
ell together! In a nihilistic tale of gret.-d,
boyfriend of SlIgn . fi ght the Daleks,
madness, and murder! Cameron is a
c reatures e ncased in shon robot like
"'<Ingstcr who steals a million dollars and
mctal conC5 to avoid neutron-bomb radi-
flees to an Adriatic island with another
arion. The Tha is. who are friendly hu.
crook and Darlene, a loose woman at ·
mans, are hunted and dcstroyed by the
tracted by the toot (played by guess
Daleks. The sequel was D£lleks-lll'
who!). The re are do ublc and triple
t'ruioll Earth 2150 A. D.. also with Jen·
crosses and a S('ries of murders. O ne
nie linden and Robert<! Tovey .
pcrson is burned with gasoline, onc is
found srrangl('{l in a go ldfi sh bowl (! ).
DOCTOR X and e\le ntua l1 ~' everybody o n the island
[932 Fi rst Nationa[ is dCrld except for an insane old woman
PRODUCU: First National who watches the money float our to
DI"-EOOR: Michael Curtil
sea. Obviously an important statement
SC"-EENWlVTIRS: Robert Tasker, Earl Baldwin
invo lving two of om most enduring
Lionel Anvill runs a sc ientific research stars.
lab on Long Isl;md. Po lice sus\Xct him
of cannibalistic murders. Fay Wray
screams. The killer is rcvealed to be THE DOLL SQUAD
Dr. Xavier (Preston Foster ). a o ne- 1973 Geno:nt
anned scient ist who turns himself intO .....OOUC£A/OIREOOP.: Ted V. Mikels
:1 mo nst er with sy nthetic nesh in ;) AUO "-EUASED AS: HUlrler SqruW

All-~[ar action and hllamy abour a ream
of fema le assassins hirl'd by thl: C IA to
stop foreil:n nx:ket s,'lboteurs. With An-
thuny Ei:.ley, Michael Ansard, Francine
Yurk (Curse (Jf the Swamp Creanlre),
Tura Sa tana (The Astru-Zumb,es' , and
Herb Robhins (The \Xlonll £mers,. It's
bcl:n reissued se\"erailimes ,md IS now
PUPUhH u n viJeoC<ls~cttc. Director
Mikels (a ~oa leed man who li ve!> wilh
len women) claims dll~ Charll("s A ngels
show was copied from th is feature.


1978 (England)
'kODUCEkS : Milton Subvtsky,
Andrew Dona[[~'
DIIUCTOk : Mlch<ld Anderson
DONO VAN'S BRAIN TUTaS£it£ma, Francme
1953 Uml<...J Am'b (Il&W) YQTk, and I~'V OM mt'IT\ -
KMEHWPJT[kS: Edward :mel
PkO DUCEk: Tl'm Gno::s hom ofT. V. f..1</<d 's [)nU
V.. leric Abr.lh~m Squad.
Thl.' first film presentl.'o b~' thl: ex-half
From rhe .IJ~: "'A dead m<ln's brain wid
of A m icu~ films. Milton Subotsky, is <I hun tll 1011 ki ll 1011 ki ll kill. ."' A
tlmller Ilbviuusly in!>pirl.'d by D I<I/,ollt/lI<' .
gnod "ciaplation lIf Curt S ll.Jm ak 's
C liffRobcrtson (who had Just done Ob-
novd with thl.' alkk·d ,lII r,lCtlOn of our
s(;'SJiuu ) trl CS to drive wife Jean Sim-
CUrTl.'1lI f ,r:.t Lady, !llt' lo nner Miss
mo ns ins,'lne ~ he can takl.' her monl.'Y.
N"nq o. I V I!>. as the h eroi n.:. Ron was
bUI she kills herself and hawHS him.
busy making more down -to-earth West-
Jenny Agutter plays his half-sister. Wi th
erm <It the time. Lew A y rl'~ ~t ars as
Flora Robson . Judy Geeson , S m)Qn
the seie lU lS ! who!>\! mtnd is taken over
Ward, and Ron Moody. By the d ir ....'Ctor
by a pulsatmg living hnun that he keeps
of Logan's Run and Doc Sawgt'- Man
in a fish ta n k. It bdongcd tn a crooked
of Bf(Jn~e.
t ycoon . Nancy and fellow !>cie ntist
Gem' Ev,ms worry abvul Lew'~ new per-
DONKEY S KIN s..m"llty and murl\....·TOuS tendencies. The
197 t Janus (France) story had previously l"lCl'll fihlled in 1944
~DUCU,: Mag Sodard as The Lnd) and the MUllster.
DI IY: CToNKkEEH\1I'PJT[k : Jacques ~m y
A colorful musical fantasy starring Cath - 198Q Crol>.'I\
erme Deneuvl.' as <I pnncess disguised PAOOUCEpJD''''CTOk : Rub.:n I lamme r
<IS a pauper in a donkcy skin ro avoid K P.E[NIIIP.IT[ O: Rohen H,lllllllcr,
having to marry her {<lther (Jean Mar- Michae l C,l~de
ais). Delphine Seyrig is her fairy gOO- If yo u li ke reaUy tra~hy sick movies
mot he r. With anachronisms hke a see Ih i!> one. As <In O\'crwcIl:ht Viet-
helicopter. Pam arc reminiscent ofCoc- nam w t/pomo photIW,lphcrlr,lplsuslmn-
teau's Semlt)' and tN! Berut. Like Dcmy's gler in L.A., Nicho las Worth gives ,111
Pied PIper, It's a fairy mlc for ad ults. eccentric perforlllancl.' th,1! outclasses

1973 TV
PM>Dl)Co: Alan S. Epstem
OIUcrOI\: John Newland
KUEN\IIPJT(I\: N igel McKeand
Kim DlIrby and Jim Hunan as Mr. &
Mrs. mherit an o ld mansion , move in,
and d iscover smal l goblin crearures with
shriveled faces living underneath . Ex-
cel lent makeup was used for this TV
feature din'ered by the man who creared
the Qlle Sit'/' BC)·(jlJd series. With Wil-
liam Demarest and Barbara Anderson.


1980 Film Vcnturt'S
PI\OOUCEI\: Ellen Hammill
OIUCTOI\: JO)l.'ph Ellison
K I\E!H\VI\!TEM: J{)~ph Ellison,
Ellen 11:llnmtll, J {)~ph Mascliekl
A maniac who was burned by his moth-
er as a child keeps charred corpses of
women in his house. He scours d iscos
for victims. At the end, the Ixxliescome
alive <lnd attack hi m. A real sick OIlC.
For fa n.> of Maniac o nly. (R)


1957 Columbm (B&W)
PkOOllCEII.: Sam Kal:man
DIMcrO!\.: Fred Se:lrs
Kl\EENWI\lTEI\: Robert E. Kent
[n the quick follow-up to Rock Around
the Clock , Alan Dale plays a singing
Chubby ChL'Ck'T$ In Don', all previo us screen psyc hos. He ca lls il idol who pu ts o n a rock 'n' roll show in
Knock the Twist. radio psychiatrisT and rants on the air hb ho mefown to prove the new music
with a phony Mexicm accent, con- isn't sinful. Alan Freed he lps him. He
st<Lntiy works out wi th weights (in slo w also stages a 1920s dance and singing
mo ti on), kills during mock -rel ig ious dt:!ll1onsrration to show the mayor and
ceremonies-all of which he docs to the other old (ans that their pop music
try and "T11ca~ure up" to his fa ther. The was even lamer than rock. Besides Bill
ads made it look like ano thl'r haby- Hale)' and his Cornets doi ng [he title
sitter-in-distress movie, hut it's in a class song, " Hot Dog Buddy Buddy," and
all by itself. With James WesllIlo rdand others, the real reason to watch is lit-
(The Hills H a t'f Eyes). Worth late r de Richard. The wildman of rock and
turned up in Craven's Swamp Thin~. his band blast through "Long Tall Sally"
,R, and "Tuni Fnttti"- enough roscate any

sma ll-town o ld-r imers. Also with the DON'TWOKNOW
Tren iers, Dave Appe ll and his Apple- 1973 Pammount
jacks, some wild dancing, and a roman- "'-ODUCEP.: P~( t:r Katz
tic subplot. DIf\ECTO": Nicholas R oeg
SCAlEHWP.rTE"-S: Allan Scan, Chris Bryant
A psychic thriller based o n a Daphne
DON'T KNOCK THE TWIST du Maurier novella set in Venice. After
1962 Columbia (B&W) The daughter of Julie Christie and Don-
"'-OOUC(II.; Sam Katzman ald Sutherland drowns, mysterious oc-
DlAlCTOA: Oscar Rudolph currences lead through the canals and
SCM:(HWNl[k; James 8. Gordan alle)'s of Venice to a confusi ng ending.
Chubby Checker stars as himself in this Roeg confused morc audiences with The
inevitable quickie sequel to Tu.;Sf Around Man Woo Fell 10 Earlh ,md Baa Timing.
the Clock. The plo t concerns Lang Don't Look Now got considerable pub-
Jeffr ies prepa ring a tele vision tw ist lici ty when originalll' released because
special, an orphan summer camp. and of a realistic love scene. Music by Pino
the scandalous "Sa lome Twist." Musi- [\maggio, who later scored De Palma
cal highlights include Gene Chandler hits. (R )
as and singing " The Duke of Earl ,"
the Dove ns doing "The Bristol Stomp, "
and Chubby and Dee Dee Sha rp in
"Slow T wisrin." For some reason Vic DON'TOPI:."N THE WINDOW
Dana si ngs "little A ltar Boy." Wi th 1974 H~lIrnark Otaly)
Mari Blanchard. PP.OOUC[k; Edmonda Amau
OIAlCTOf,: Jo 'l,'<! Gmu
KAl[H..,.."ITEP.5 : Jor)::c
SanliroContincnza, Marcello Coscia
BASEAIENT Pm{ " Sonllo <.lei Mom
1973 Hallmark " 150 P.ElEAS£D AS: Breakfast £1/ MancheHt'T
~OOUCE~DI"ECTOf,: S. F. Brownrigg Mmgue
SCUlHWMU.: Tim Pope The goriest and best Night of the Living
Wes C raven and Sean Cunningham Dead ripoff. Those of ~'ou who don '(
(the director and producer respectively fo llow explo itat io n fi lms might be sur-
of Lrut House on the Left) had nothing prised to see Arthur Kennedy as a mean
to do with this gore film. Hallmark Re- cop surrounded by Aesh-eating ghou ls.
leasing Corporation just repeated their A government device w kill insects also
hrilliant "it's o nly a movie" ad cam- revives the dead. One body fresh from
paign from Lan Howe. The only way an autopsy is particularly gross. With
to enjoy this trashy shocker is as a com- Ray Lovelook and ChriSTian Galbo.
edy. A fem ale inmate takes over an ex- The misleading American ti tle proba-
perimental asylum when the director bly turned away potential patrons. A
is axed. In what might be a nod to Night shocking film, which was draSTically CU I
of the Living Dead, the last survivor is a for its American release. ( R )
black man named Sam, the guy who
JUSt wanted to eal !Xlpsicles. Don't miss
the ridiculous end c redits. h 's only a
movie-only a movie-on ly a movie DON'T TOUCH MY S ISTER,
-onl~· a movie- on lv a movie- See THE GLASS CAGE.

DOOAIED TO DIE An aromic war and rhey missed it! In
1940 Monogram (B&W ) between scenes of a spaceship in flight
",ODUCE"': Paul Malvern (from WamillR" from Space, of 1956),
OIUOOfl.: Will iam Nigh the unlikely cast members argue, con -
sa.£DrrNmTU.S: Michacljacotoy, standy walk through doors, and accept
Ralph Gilbert BemnllOn their " responsibi lity" to restart the
Boris Ka rloff, Grant W ithl.'r5, and Mar- human race. G rant W illiams (The lll-
jorie Reynolds. as Mr. Won g, Captain credible Shrinking Man) is a hot-tempered
Street, and rcpon er Bobby Logan re- tro ublemaker trying to get into the
spectively, solve rhe murder of a ship. pants o ( the fema les o n board. O ld
ping magnate. It was the laSt of five Henry Wilcoxon is the self-sacrificing
KarlofflWo ng movies. all directed by senior office r. Denny (Tarzan) Miller
the same guy during '38-'40. When is handsome and sensible. With Ma la
Karloff quit. the y squeezed Otl! one morc Powers (TN! Unknown Terror), Ruta
without him (Phantom ofChinafoull1). Le e, and Bobby Van (bad comed y
relic/). Also with Casey Kasem and
DOOAISDAY FLIGHT Mike Farre ll from M .A. S.H. in biT
1966 TV parts. From the director of Superman
PkOOUCEII. : Frdn k and the Mole Men.
011\£00": William A. G r~h,ml
Rod Serlin~
So.E£N..v..rn ll:
Rod Serling wrote rhe teleplay fo r this 1971 ng<:m (England)
early "World Premiere"TV-movic. Ed- ~OOUC[~: Tony T en$er
mond O'Brien p lays a man iac who DIP.£CTO«.:Peter Sasdy
planrs a bomb on a jet that will acti- SCR.[[H\VPJT£A: C live E,,!on
vate below 5.000 {Cl't. Special a,[:(·nt In his second.To- las! role George Sand-
J:lck Lord is the heTo. Van Johnson ers is a mil itary officer in vestiJ::aT ing eco-
is the captain. W ith John Saxon. lo,::ical horrors on an island. Fish eal
Richard Carlson , Edward Asner, and che micals dumped in the water. Peo-
Michael Sarrazin. G raham hasdlTecte<1 ple eal the fish and hecome lumpy-faced
an average of two T V m(wies a year mutanf~. rren y dull. WithJudyGeeson
ever si nce . and Ian Bannen. It was based on a BBC
1967 Firs! Leisure DOOR TO DOOR AfANfAC,
~OOUC[~: H arn'r Rore
D I M:CTO~: Lee Shnlem
SCM: rN"lln. lf(~: S(l I ~T! Jaml'~ Ayrl'
The planet Emh was tmall y destroyed THE DOOR WITH SEVEN
in I97S! If YOll didn't know, it's he- LOCKS, S ee CHAMBER OF
c w.'c you missed thi.~ stunning thriller HORRORS.
that wasn '[ released unril it was five
yea rs o ld. A small ,l.!TOUp of people arc DOOR WI TH THE S EVEN
in a spaceship en rou te to Venus when LOCKS
they notice some stock footage of rid::!l 1962 UCC-TV (W. Germ;my) (8&W)
waves o n rheir viewfinder. All (If a DIP.£CTOk: Alfred Vohrer
sudden , E'Hfh (reM'mhlin,g a papier. O«.lGI NAUY AlLEAS£D AS: Die TilT mil den
mache hall on a string) hums TO a crisp. Sieben Schlmsem

A remake of Chamber of Horr()T5 (' 40) DOUBLE TROUBLE
with Klaus Kinski. It features a [Orture 1967 MGM
chamber, a treasure vau lt . and murder. ~OOIJCEM: Judd Bernard. II"\\·m WmkleT
An Edgar Wallace mystery with Heinz DlI'iECTOI\: Nor m :m TauT o,.:-
[)rache , Ady Berber, and Sabine Ses- SCI\EEH\VI\JTEM : )O Ileims, Marc Brandel
selmann . Elvis is Guy L;lInbert, a ~i n gc r ill Lon-
don in volved with Annette Day, jewels,
DORlANGRAY det!..'C ti ves, and smuggling. Elvi~, rocked
1970 AlP (1 IalylW. Germanyl by the G- men, sings "Old Mac Do nald"
Liechtemtein/U.S. ) and " Lo ng-legged Gi rl s with Shorr
PI\ODUCEI\: Harry Abn Towers Dresses On." With Yvonne Romain,
()II'iEOOO:KkEEN\VMD.: Massimo D;ll brn~ no John Williams, and the Weire Brothers.
AUO I\£UAS£D AS: II /)I(l Chwmlo /)orulII.
The St'(Tt" of Dorlall Gray
Ht'lm ut Be rger , still hot from Th e
1931 Unin:rsa l (B&Wl
Damned, sta rs in rhis tacky modern -day ~ODIJCEI\: Cui Laemmk, Jr.
version of Oscar Wilde's nove l. Sec DtI'iECTOI\: Too Brownm ~
He lmut stick it [0 an o lder rich woman SCk£ENWNTU: G:mett For!, Dudley Murphy
In ;:. horse stable and [0 Herbert Lorn Having acted in fi lms si nce 19 17 (10
In a steambath ! See mod Hel mut in a Hungaq'. Germany, and A rne-rica).
striped fur coat. See lovely young Marie 49-year-old Bela Lugosi (Bela BIMko)
Liljedah l. naked as usual. as Dorian·s here pla ys his first srnrring role. He h:1d
innocent actress lover S~' bil Vane . With been Dmcula in the play since 192 7.
Ric hard Todd, Margaret Lee, Maria The phenomenal success of this, the
Rohm , and Beryl C unn ingham_ Pro- fi rst real talk ie ho rror fil m, and Frank-
ducer Towers was arrested in 1980 for (,"S fein later in the S:1me yea r led to a
running a sex-for-sale ring providing cycle of similar hits. Edw<lrd Van Sloa n,
girl s for politic irms and UN dip lomats. who had also been in the play, dupli -
He was freed on probation and an - cated his Van Helsing role. The origi-
nounced plans to PrOOucc a movie about nal version fearures Van S loan warning
hiS "other business." (R ) Ihe aud ience al thc end. "There are
such things as v;unpires!" Dwight Frye
DOUBLE CONFESSION gained lasting fame as the lawyer Rcn-
195 1 Stratford (England) (B&W) field, reduced to a era:!.....1fly-eating slave
Harry Re ynolds
f'f.OOUCU JOIk£CTOI\: to Dracula. A talky, bloodless film ed
SCMlHWI\IT£M; Wl lln.rn Templeton. play that rema ins one of the best-loved
Ral ph Keene films of all time. W ith Helen C h:1n-
A mystery seT at a seaside resort with dler, David Manners, and some surpris-
Peter loTTe and William Harrne ll as ing armadillos. A Spanish -Inn gunge
gangsters. Derek Fan and Joan Hop- version was filmed on the same se tS with
kins star. a different cast. Bela's immortal vcrsion,
caut iously adverll1)(!d as a S[r;JO):l:C love
DOUBLE POSSESSION, See stOry, opened on Valentine's Day. Music
GANJA AND HESS. by T chaikovsky.



20 )
DRACULA Frank Lil ngel b was popu lar as Dracula
1974 TV o n Bro.,dway (as was Lugosi). so wh y
Dan Cums not hire him and the direc tor of SmUT-
KA[[HWmu: Ri chard Mathc>Oll da)' NiRhl Fet'rt and make the biggest-
CUrtiS switches from Barnah<lS Collins budgeted vampire movie of all time!
to an ugly Dracula (Jack Palancc> In O()(xl question , Not the greatest mo vie,
love with Fiona LewIs. Th is ta lk y TV though . Lawre nce O livier is Van I-lei·
muvie was filmed m England :md re- sing. With Donald Pleasence, Kate
leased as a thearncal feature 111 Europe. Nelltgan , and some psychedelic special
It fulluwed Curris' dull Frank.:.'fI5r.?m TV· l'ffec , ~. Mu~ i c by Jo hn Will iams. (R)
movie. With Nigel \);Iwnrorr a~ Van
Helsing, Simon Ward. Vi rginia Werh · DRACULA A.D. 1972
crall, and romantic Ihtshhac b. The 1971 HalllmcrlW'~rner BrOfhc rs
onglnal a'ievision showing wasJc layed (En~land)
hy a Nlxun sl'eech ,l1l 1H>l lllCing the P~ODUC£~ : Jo ",: phinc Dougbs
resignallon of Vice President Agncw. OIUCTO~; Alan G dwlll
ALSO 1\HEASED AS: DTllCula T ud{l)'

DRACULA Van Hdsing (Peter C ushi ng) destroys

19]9 Univcrsal DraClilfl (C hristopher Lee) during the
Pf.ODUCU; W~lrer Mlri,;.ch 19th cenlury. A cenlury later, the vam·
DIMCT01\: John ll.1dh:lt!1 pire: is conjured hac k to life in England
W. D. Rlchto:r
,\(P.lEH\VJ.ITE~; dmin)! a black mass ri tual. A desce n -

A FI.mdt (ldr~lS rrrfJ I/)

ChTlSwph..'T 1.('(' In
Dracub and s'm

dam of Van Helsi ng (Cushing again) chances to make any money from a Tl'-
carries on. Here, in Lee's sixth Dracula IXlrtedly (unny film ,
mov ie, Hammer Sludios Jllad~ a big
mistake changing th~ setting hi rhe 70s,
The others <lrc timeless. This ()Ill', full DRACULA HAS RISEN FRO~f
(If nhxJ young people, h,ISalre,ldy Ja red. HIS GRAVE
A p~ln y sequence with the American 1969 Hammer/ Warner BrOlhers-7 Am
band SlOneground is a real low point . (Engbndl
C hristopher Ne;une is another v,l111pi re ~OOOC£k: Aida Younl:
called Johnny Alucard (clever), Dracula DIA£CTOf.; Frl-ddie FranC IS
has lots of beautiful vict ims including SC'-£ENWP.ITU: Amhony Ilinds
C1roline Munro and SIL-pI\anie Bead)'1m. The third C hristopher LCt'/Dracula film
Lee sri II looks as imposing as ever, out is also the most religiuus-oriented. A
he claims he hated doing the:.c fina l weak priest provides the blDod 1\1 re-
Dracu la movies. At original openings, vive the vampi re ,In.! b.:comes its ser-
a short aNlut The Count Dracula Soci- vant. A girl, drained of her blood , is
ety ca lled Horror Ritual was shown. found hangin g up~idc down in~idc a
Barry Atwater srarn.-d. church bell. The heft) tries to kill
Dracula with a stake bUl he's an at he-
ist whucan't TI.,,'cite rhe required pTll~'er.
Dracula eventually dies, impaled on
DRACULA AND SON a crucifix. Except for The Humff vf
1976 Qu~rrcr Films (Francd
~ODIK£~: Alain Poir':
Dracula, this is the strongest and best-
OIA£CTO~: Edouard Molina ro
looki ng entry in the :.cries. The public -
KA£(H\VNT[~: EJouard Molinaro, ity centered on starlet Veronica Ca rl-
J~'an.Ma rie POIro:l. Alain Godard son ;md silly ad li nes likt', "Boy, docs
c»'IGINALLY "nu,S£D AS: /Jrumlu, l'~r':':1 he give a g,xxJ hickey." Qne ad showed
Fils a rre[[~' ncck with two Band -A ids,
The fiN fearure by the director of UJ With Rupert Davies, Ewan H(X)I)Cr,
Cage aJlX Folks is a vampi re comedy Barry Andrews, and B<lrham Ewins,
:md obviously the inspiration (or lOllc
at Fiw Bile, which stole whole scenes
(rom it. The reason they got away with DRACULA IS DEAD AND
it is that the American version of WELL AND LIVING IN
Dracula and Son had the worst dub- LONDON, See THE SATANIC
bing and re-editlng job in memory. RITES OF DRACULA.
The ..... hole scripI was rew rinen to in-
clude inane jokes. Bernard Mene! as
th~ son was given an imitation Don DRACULA, PRINCE OF
Adams voice and goes arollnd saying DARKNESS
"Sorry about Ihal ," and "Would you 1966 Hammer/ 20th C .. mul1'-Fox
believe .... " One scene of Dracula ~OOUC£k: An thony Nelson .Keys
(Christopher Lee with gray hair) open- [)IA£CTOA: Terence Fisher
ing a door is repeated endlessly, each KA££N\VIIJ"TD;: John s.'1nsom, Jimmy S;lnj.,'sler

time with a new dubbed-in unfunny gag Hammer wa ited eight lung yt'ars before
supposedly spoken by actors whose purring Ch ri ~tupher Lee in a follow-up
mouths don't even move. The cretins to Horror of Drtl.:uk!. The story fo llows
that acquired the U.S. rights blew their rwo couples o n V3Glthm in rhe ClTpath-

unw Vurlco\l bites Regina DRACULA VS.
ClTrOl In AI Aooll15lm's
Dracula "S. Fr;m k~l'\5lem.

196917 1 InJepcndcnr-lm .. matlo nal
PI\ODUC[~D'I\£CTOA: AI Adamson
KI\£(NWfJITP.S: William Pugsl.. y,
Samuel M . Sh..nnan
ALSO P.[L£A$(D AS: Blood of Frankenstein,
Th.?'J 're Coming lOGe! You
A I Adamson's most fa mous celluloid
[ll rocity is an embarrassing mixtu re of
ian Mountains and unfortunate enough old rIctors and iderls with modern ex-
to find themselves at Dracula's casde. plo itrllion dev ices. like many of A I's
Klove, thc buder, kil ls onc nKm, h:m gs films, il was made in bits and pieces
him upsidedown over the vampire's over a period of severa l years. Two stan;,
ashes ,md slits his throat. Result: an J. Ca rrol Naish and Lon Chaney, Jr.,
instant vampire who gets to work right played their last parts in it. Naish, feeble
away and turns Barbara Shelley into a and in his 70s, came out of retireme m
creature of the night. The rema ining to play Dr. Frankenstein , who runs an
couple escapes [0 a mon;lstery and soon amuscment park horror show under an
it's vampires vs. monks (led by Andrew alias_ He h;ld to act in a wheelchair.
Kier as Father Sandor). Lee is awesome C haney, in his 60s, had a terrible role
enough, but has no dialogue. TIle most as Groton , an imbecile sent our to de-
memorable scene sho\\'S Barham Shelley capitate preuy young girls in miniskirts.
hissing and struggling as the brothers A ngelo Rossitto, a dwarf actor as o ld as
drive a stake through her heart . Filmed the others. helps_ Meanwhile, Dracu la
:It abom rhe S'l me time as RruPlIlln, Tfu!
(played by a ridiculous· looki ng actor
Mad Munk, using the S<llT1e sets and part with a goatee rind curly hair who calls
of the same cast. With Fmncis Mathews, himself Zandor vorkov) arrives and
Susan Farmer, and Tho rley Walters. forces the doc to revive "Frankenstein"
(big John Bloom with a mutant mask
DRACULA (THE DIRTY OLD and wig). The silly creature kills Famous
MonSlt!rs editor Forrest J. Ackerman, a
" tAN) spec ial guest Slar. As if that weren't
1969 Art Films
enough, Adamson's busty blond wife
Williams Edw~rJs Reginrl Carro l sings, dances, and takes
A sex comedy/horror film with Count L.5. D., rind Anthony Eisley and Russ
A lucard (Vince Kelly) and his jackal - Tamblyn (as a biker) manage to show
man assistant kidnaping nak...d virgins. their acting talents. Some e lectrical
Adults only ! props from Tfu! Bride of Frankenstein
we re dug up fo r atmosphere. It was
rel eased o n a big d ouble bill with
DRACULA TODAY.· See Frankenstein's Bloody Terror. Wi th Jim
DRACULA A.D. 1972. Davis (Dallas).

BLOOD OF DRACULA'S 19i1 Cinema Sh~r.::s (Spain)
CASTLE. H.OOUCU,: E L~ura Polop
OluaOP.: Ja vie r Aguirre
K IIUNW1IJTEM: Jacinto M"llna ,
hvi.::r Aguirre
DRACULA'S DA UGHTER OP.lG1NAL1Y I\£t.£AS£D AS: Gr<ln Amort' del
1936 Unt\'~~l (B&W) Cond.. Dr,leul.,
P"O DUCE": E.M. Asha AUO M:LEA~EO AS: Cuum Dr<ICul.:,'s Grell!
OIM CTOA: l;l!lIhcrt Hillyer Lot'c, Vwnlme Pl.:l )girls
K p'uHWl';IT[A: Garren Fort Four un wary travelers seek refllge III a
In (he oftcn-forgoncn moody sequel to nursing home 0 IX-'r:lled by the ~ trange
rhe 1931 Dracula, Edwn rd Van S loan's Dr. Wendell, phiye..! by Paul Naschy,
Van Hclsi ng rc(Urns to face Gloria Wendell, whu is actually Dracub. PUh
I ioiden. the screen's fim (cmfl lc vam- the bite on three of his visitors .md at -
plTe srar. as Countess Mary;) Zalcsb. tempts 10 e n list the fourth. bc,lIltiful
Sandor (I rving Pichcl) is her strikingly Kari n, in a pbn to hrmg his dead daugh-
pale servant with hair parted down The ter b.tCk 10 l ife. PrellY nUlle (or Span-
middle. The countess wants fO be cured ish horror. (R) BM
hut she also wants ~'ou ng model Mar-
gueri te Churchill. OttO Kruger IS rhe
hero. By rhe di rector of The Invisible
RaJ. With Hedda Hopper and Nan See LAST RITES.
Grey. Based on Dracukl's Gues! b~' Br,ml
1954 W~rn("r BWlhers
Swnley tvkycr
DluaOIl: Jack Webb
1918 Crown [ntem:monal From the ads: "Siren-1>CTeaming out of
"",OUCEP.S: Charles Band. Fronk Ray Pcnlll
rhl' police files-the untold srory of the
DII'.ECTO": Albert Bano
SOEENWM"EA: Frank Ray Perilli
Red Spot Gang!" Sgt. Friday (di rector
Webb) and sidekick Smith (Ben Alex-
Some people thought this title was just
ander) investigate the ~hooting o( a for-
a joke. Zoltan. the title canine, is a
mer syndicate debt collector via (Oll r
vam pire dog, ~ccidentally resurrened
empty shotgun she lls and the plaster
in Transylvan ia. He pulls the stake OUi
impression o f a left foot, An instrumen -
of vampire Reggie Naldcr (also the vam-
ta l "Foggy Night ill S~n Francisco" is
pi re in Salem's LoI) and they go to
hea rd. With Richard Boone, Ann
America to serve the bst of the Dracu1a.~ ,
Robinson. Gregg Weaver, Dub Taylor.
Michael Pataki (a vampire in GmtI(' of
and Vi rginia Gregg, who has a great
the Vampire). Trouble is Patak! doesn't
scene as a sad one-legged widow. See
know his ancestry and Jose Ferrer (an
actor who will appear in just about any·
-30- , also by Webb. -CB
thing these days) as a Van Helsing type
is after rhe bloodsucking pair. Zalran DRAGNET
chews a hole in the roof ofPataki's sum- !966TV
m~rcab i n and ... As you can see th j ~ is PlIooucEl'Jollo.t:aOIl: J~ck Webb
no joke. (R) K IIUHWP,rTtA.: Richard L Breen

The pi 1m hIm fnr the renn-J DrtlJ,:1I1.'1 ,Id<lI.IJc ring wiza rd, to (<lCl' the dr<lgon
~hll\\" (1967-'70), filmed In '66, wa_n', 111magical combat. When Richa rd!oOn
~hn\\"n until '69. [n then tYPica l 110- h knifed hy an agen t of the king, rhe
nlllho.:n,e (ao5h l')l1, Jlle Fn,I.IY (\Vchh) t,l~k (all, to young Galcn, a 1101 -q1litc-
.lnd 111" ncw p,lITner B.ll (j,mnon (Harl) compe tent 1>OrCereT's app re ntice (Peter
~ lorg,lI1) track .lUII'll thc kI[ler o( two McNIChol). D...·,pHe Ihe dragons, rhc
llloJel,. Thc new «ene" .1 high \""'(llnt PG ratmg, and thc f::let thai fhe Disney
01 '60~ Idcvl::'lon, (,':tlLlrcd ,I ,tpck OIJ,:;lm:<1tIOIl co-producl'll, J on', dismiss
ctlmp,m y of actll r~ playing ,\i ((cn'nt rillS :1, kid-~tuff till \'ou'\'c seen it -
ch,lraCfero5 each week ,10.1 ll(ten (Cn- It's gO! truc medlcval grit, cynica l hu·
rned o n misClIIdc..1 h,ppu:s ;1I1..t drugced- ml)r, :1nd mc rro ihlc e(fcc t~ by the Star
U ti( kids. Joe set Ihell1 ;.11 _much! with \V(lrs I'!t!\lpk', and it's the o nl y pictu rc
,I ~hon s,'nsihle speec h . \'\/ lTh Gene we C:1n ,hmk o ( that kills 0 (( its two
EV,Hl::', Vic Perrin, ,lIld Bobhy Troup. most endeari ng charac ters (one of 'em
tWice! ). Ve rtithrax, rhedrd!,'on, hrol.t~ht
DRAGONS[.;tYE'R (() Ilfl , rhrpugh a compu ter-controlled
I<fSI,'urll / B\lcrl<l VIOl:) lorm of Stop motion, is worth the price
PP,ODUCEP,; Hal fhn,, ~,,! (If admission hy itself. ~ fII-"t
DIR£CTOP,: '" l<llthe\\' R"hblll'
SCR£ENWRITERl: lldl Barw,~,,1.
M:mhc" R"I']"lh DRlIGONlf/YCK
TIll' King of UrLm.1 h", m"' an unca::.y ]<)46 20,h C"rltllr)·.Fox (B&W)
truce with the Jr<lJ!lln rl1.1t l"X""slegcs lu, PIIOOUCEII: D~rryl F. Zallllck
Klngdllm l"oy agrl'"eing It I :o.KrifICl' virgllh OIRlCTOI\ISC k([NWRITER:
f<1 If 1111 a regular h,\",. Thc iX'Orle, Jo)Crh L ~l;lnL:U.'WIC:
Fr<lllk (,HTshm <1".1 FII:' h()\\'cvl·l". are ullhapp\' With rhe mr.mgc- Vrncenr Pnce IS Nichol ..::. Van Ryn, a
SPWrl III Drag'TTlI' Girl rnmt ,md call on S ir R,llph RKh:lrJ..,.;m, wc,llthy eccetllTiC who livcs with his
Wife on a n e~ ta te in the Hudson Val-
Iq' In the 18 40s. A d istant COUSIIl
(Genc Tu: rncy) who was rniS<.-.J f:,\, :1
puti"""c .. l (athcr (Walte r Husfo n ) ;Jr-
rtves fOC;l re for ,he Va n Ryns' daughter.
After thc Wife succ umbs, Priet' a nd
Tierne\' marry and have a child that
dic~. Pricc Occomes even more sadi sric
and broodi ng, taking drug, and hiding
in th{' art ie. Ticrney suffets until a
young doctor (Glen Langdon ) comes to
the rescul'. Gothic murder and madness
(rom Anya Se ton's nllVl'1. With Henry
Mo rg,m and Sprin g Byington.

]9')7 AIP( B&W)
PRODUCE1\.: Alex Gordon
DlR£CTOR: G.lward L Cahn
SCR£[NWI\lT£R: LOll RlIs<;{)(

The a d ~ c:lll her: "C :lr crazy, ~ reed when Sh;lne Fentllll :lnd the Fenwnes,
cr<q', hoy cra.y!" John Ashley and poor Jo hn Ba rr ~', and Ih e C lyd e Va ll ... y
but honest Steve Terrell figh t for the Stomrcrs sh ow up late.
himd I i Fay Spain. Ashley tries I II run
h is ri val o ff cou rse during the hig mCl',
then realizes there's a girl IIndt'r that
he!ml't . Ml're ad copy: "Thrill-hungry
1946 U l1 i\'~' r!>;11 (B&W)
' ...... ns o n .. reckless rampag... !" Featuring
Pf.OOUC[llJOINOOl\: Ro)' WI IlI:UIl N('1 1l
act ion (L)(lT:lge I>f Rolllan -riding, ch ick- KI'.[[NW~ITU: L("<.Hl :lTd Ln'
l'n runs, legal and illegal dra).:, . With
The !:lst of rhe I I m(xil'rn -d:lY 11 \llme~
Frank Gorshin , Russ Bende r, ,mJquar-
movie) is al:xlut :l music ho x ,md
, ... r-mile Ch,II11P Tomm y 1\'0 - a regu-
ing engravi n g plates. BaSil Rath bone,
br on My Unle Margie. Originally a
Nigel Bruce, and Mary Gordon pby
twin bill wi,h Rock All Nigh/. Mo re
Iheirllsu,.1 roles. With Patricia Morison.
c..1 hn : Intmioll vf the SWICIT Mel! and
l lo lmes was off the screen for 13 years,
Jer AtUlCk . -CB
next appcilring in the Hammer versio n
of Th~ //ul£rul of ,he B(LSken'iJ/es.
19 58 AlP (B&W)
Ot~OOf.: [}.I\'id Bradlt·y
1980 FJ l mway~
KkE[NWJ.IT[l\: Georg... Hodl<lns P~ODUCE~: Geor).!I' Ll!ln
GaT)' C lark ... ;mJ Yvonne lime are pm- OIP.ECTO";Kl\£ENWl\ITU: BrmnL>.: P;llmn
suc d hy mo torcycl e g,lIlg fo llo wing Sec MIChael Cailw as a psychiatrist in
:lltereation. Mystery wrench ml1>:les in - drag kill with a razor. See Angie Dick-
tenJed t:lrgl't. sending q cli st out of inson n;,kcJ again (a lthmJgh it was
co ntrol o wr cl iff. Clarke is blam...d. really a Jouhle III the shower). See {he
On fO oc'ach riot. 'twixt four .md two director's wife Nancy Allen play pros-
wheelers, where culprit i ~ unlll:lsked titute. The best PS)'chu mn vie of 1980,
and reWliat...s with s{X'ar glln ! Fe;l{Ur- With Keith Go rdo n (fm lll Dc Pa lnw's
ing Con nie Stev... ns, Kin~ Kong screamer HOllie Mvd es ) :lnJ a look Inside Belle-
Fay \'\Ir,IY in her laS! role, ilnd rare vue. The sound track by Pino D01l<lgio
rai lroad -track d rag fom ag... . A Jua l (Cam e) is 'lVailablc. When released ,
re lease with The Cool and the Crazy. the Catho lic Film and Bmadcast lng
By the di reclOr of Tht;!y S(lt'C'd Hitler's Review g;lve it a condemned Tating, so
Brain . - CB if you're C atho lic. watch :It your own
risk. T he Europ.!:ln vcrslo n (also on
videocassette in America) is longer :Ind
I1fE DREAI'f JIAKER mo re explicit. A Samue l Z. Arkoff
1963 Univcrs.1l (England)
~oouc£~: N orman W i ll i;lIn~
present,1II0 n. ( R )
DIP.ECTO l\: !Jon Sharp
KNEN\VM"EII..: l CIJ.:h V a ncc
A nice teen IIHJsic:l1 wit h nice-guy 1979 Roch~lI e
re<:ord -company talent ~o ut To mmy Pf.OOUC[~: Roc helle We"b..'r~
Sleele putting on a show for o fJ'hans. OIl\£CTOA: A hel t=o:rra r.1
Tommy himself pi tches in and sings Kl\E£NWJ.tTEl\: N lch,) la ~ S f . John

From the ads. "Several pints of blood DUEL OF THE 11'DINS
will spill when teenage gi rls confront 1%1 Paramount (Italy)
his drill !" New York art/explo itation film "'000((": Alessandro jacouonl
wi t h an alienated young surrealist OIIl.EOO": Scrgio Corbucci
painter (di rectOr Ferrara) going berserk KII.E[N\VPJTEM: Sergio Corbucci,

and atTacking downtowners with his Luciano Martino, Sergio L('onc.

Black and Decker. A gory midnigh t Giorgio l'ros~rl, Franco Rossetti,
Ennio Dc Concini, Ducc io Tessari
movie, it was fe -re leased (with Drive-in
OIJ6INAUY Il.EUASEO M: Romolo e Rrnw
Massacre) when Ferrara hit with Ms. 45.
More history reworked TO star Steve
Reeves as Romulus and Gordon ScOtt
DRiVE-IN JIASSACRE as Remus. The brothers raised by a wo lf
1976 New American grow up and fight side by side until they
P"OOUCO/ OII'ECTO": Stuart Segal1 both dec ide they want Julia, the daugh-
K Il.EEHWII./T£II.$: John Goff. Buck Flower ter of the King of the Sabines (Virna
A very low-budget Califo mia horror Lis;). Ro mu lus kills his brother and
movie about a madman killing off pa· starts the Roman Empire.
frons of a drive-in. A bit better than
you 'd expect fro m the c rummy ads.
With funny characters and gore mur-
1964 Hens·lion
ders. A gimmic k ending featuresa voice 0111.£00": ral Boyette
(supposedly the manager of the the,Her sa.rEHWI\ITE": Henry Garcia
you're watching this in) warning you ALSO "ElW£O AS: Dli1lgeollS of Horror
that the killer is loose and you might
be the next victim! Made by people
In this wild featurem.n in San Antonio,
Texas, a shipwreck survivor named Mr.
who usually do porn film s. (R) Fallon awakens in the lost-island cas-
tle of Count Lorente De Sade, a spite-
DRiVERS TO HELL, See WlW ful old fool who can't even pronounce
his own name right. Fallon's introduc -
tion to the count'S captive family and
morbid routines is enough to tum his
DUEL hair gmy. He meets the countess - lep-
1971 TV rous and insane , locked away in her
pp'ooucE~ George Eckstein wedding gown for the past twenty )'can;
OIIl.ECTa..: Steven Spielberg Miss Cassandra - " I used TObe a nurse,
KII.EENW"ITE": Richard Matheson now I'm no t much of anything"; Mantis
This TV fi lm was so popula r that 15 - a Nubian slave; little Anne - whose
mi nutes were added on so it could be tongue was cut out by piraTes and who
released as a featu re in Europe. As a bears the "scars and bruises of mistreat-
travelling salesman Dennis Weaver is ment. " Cassandra and Fallo n conspire
pursued by an oil ranker that seems to to murder the horrible De Sade and es~
have a life of its own. h created an cape to freedom, but the dingy ca rd~
unwelcome new subgenre of possessed board hell proves difficult to leave
vehicle movies. Spielberg followed it behind . Featuring Russ Harvey, Helen
with a TV horror movie (Something Hogan, Bill McNu lty, Maurice Harris,
Evil). a TV pilot film (Savage). The Ron Russe ll , Lee Morgan. and the
Sugarland Express, and then the big time d irector. Impossibly cheap, genuine ly
with Jaws. creepy, and about as close to standard

art and glamour .IS case !lures from an
asylum. LllOk (' )T rcl<l l cd fC~ltllreS The
\'Veird Oltes and No Man's Land. which
are just as unbelievable. - en


1969 AlP
~OOUCW: James /-I . Nichol:.un.
Samud Z. Arkoff
OIIUCTOI\: l"hni!."1 Haller
SoO.E[HWiUl[lU: C UrTI S Lcc Hamon.
Henry Rosenhaum, Ronald Sllkusky
As a student a t Miskatonic U., S and r:1
Dec is lured away and drugged hy an
extremely crazed Dean Stockwell, who
ha s just stolen the Nccmnomicun from
the lihrary. Ed Begley (in his lasl rold
i~ ;:1 professor who discovers that Stock-
we ll has an invi sib le brother :m d a
mother in an asylum. Stockwell is about
II) sacrifice Sandra at the devil's hopyard
clliring a particularly druggy scene when
rhe prof slum'S up WIth the propercursc.
B:lsed o n H. P: Lovecraft's story. With
Sam Jaffe as Stoc kwdl'~ (ather, Lloyd
Bochner, Talia Coppola (lmcr Shire) .
B:lrhoura Morris, ,lnd Beach Dickerson.
Peter Fo nda wa:, originally sel to play
rhe Stockwell p:m . Roger Corman was
executive producer. (M)

E.1:, THE EXTRA- then reviving the dead as eye less w m -
TERRESTRIAL bies. The pilot discovers a few oth er
1982 UniverS<lI survivors and they frantica lly search for
",OOUC£M: Steven Spielberg. a way {Q stop the invaders. With Wil-
Kathleen Kennedy lard Parker, Vi rginia Field , and Den-
DlAlCTO,-: Steven Spielberg niS Price.
SCA[[~: Stc\'en SpldbefR.
MellSS3 Mathison
Spielberg's uplifting science-fiction
1971 TV
blockbuster has not only surpassed the Pl\ODUCEA$I'SCJ,[[H\VNTO.s:
domestic box-office take of his Close William Read Woodfield, Allan Balter
Encollnters. Raiders, and Jaws. but also DII\£CTO,,: Tom Gries
of Slar Wars. Henry Thomas Stars as A space Station with 2,000 inhabitants
El lio tt. Lirrlc Drew Barrymore (3 grand- becomes an independent cou ntry. An
daughter of John) IS his sister. Dec orbiting bomb and personal squabbles
Wallace, of The Hills Ha ve Eyes, The threaten the peace. Some of the 2,000
Howling, and 10, is their divorced mom. arc Gary Lockwood, Anthon y Fran-
They live a normal upper-middle-class ciosa, Lew Ayres, Mariette Hart ley,
suburb;m American existence unti l E. T. and Gary Merrill.
<lrrives and the Disney-inspired kid ad.
ventu res begin. Despite the baggy-
skinned alien's uncuddly appearance, EARTH Vs. THE FLYING
mass-merchandised E. T. paraphernalia SAUCERS
1956 Colun\hia (B&W)
easily surpassed the Smurfs in IXlpular-
PP.OOOCEA: Charles H. Schneer
it)' and went on [0 overpower even the
DtI\£CTOA: Fred F. Sears
SlaT \'(Ian robots. John Williams. who SCAE£N\VPJTtkl: George Wonhing Yates.
also scored Jaws (I and II). SWr \~ars Raymond T. Marcus
(and sequels), Superman. Close Encoun- The destruction of Washington , D.C..
ters. and Raiders. provided tb e music. by Ra y Harryhausen's incredible spin-
Hearing "Papa Oom Mow Mow" over ning flymg Sll llCCrs is the highlight of
a radio in an earl y scene provides a wel- this alien -in vasion film. Hero scientist
come relief fro m Wi ll iams' overly fa- Hugh Marlowe (back in the capitol after
miliar score. With a film clip from Th,s The Day lhe Earlh Stood StiU) develops
Island Ear/h. E. T. will not go away. an antisaucer wealX'n to defeat the
Can you stand it? aliens and gets to ride in a saucer (with
new bride Joan Taylor). But before the
THE EARTH DIES b.1 ttle is over the Capitol Building, the
SCRBMflNG Lincoln Memorial. and other landmarks
! 964 LiwrtllOth Century-Fox (England) are realistically smashed. The feature-
n.ODUCEk.s: R obert LLippert, Jack Parsons less invaders wear "suits of solidified
DII\£OO": Terence Fisher electricity" and resemble bullet-headed
sc"nNW"rn,,: Henry C ross robots. Morris Ankrum is the general.
Although it doesn't quire live up to its With Thomas B. Henry, Donald Curtis.
ritle. this is a good alien -invasion film. and Harry Lauter. Sam Ka t2 man was
A test pilm retums to England and finds executive producer.
almost the entire population dead.
Large robots with clear-domed heads EARTH VS. THE SPIDER, See
roam the streets killing with their touch, THESPfDER.

1974 Unl\·cr.'.al
PkODl)(EiIV'DIiU:CTOII : Mark Robson
"In SCllsurrollnd!" wh ich (cit and
~oll nded somcthmg Ilke a vc ry large vac-
uum cleaner i:>eing [Umed on. "The
management assumes no responslbilit)'
iOT the ph ysical or cmorion,d reilc rions
uf the ind ividual viewer." Some doc-
tors cI.limcd the process definJt l' l~' dam -
agl,{\ cardrum ~ . It .. Iso ruined the movies
playing nt'X I door III tWill theaters all \
(WeT the C{ll m try. Charlton Heston is
the hero, bur models o( Los Angeles arc \. . .
the real ~mrs. With Ava Gardner. Lome
G reene, G&1rgt' Kennedy, Lloyd Nolan. EilSYRIDER UP14127174: Acr..wCharj·
Go;;nCVl l~\'e Bujold. RicharJ Roundtree. 1969Columbl,I um Ileswn and Am GflTd·
Barry Sull ivrm. MarjO(' Cortner, Victo- PROOUCER: I'\.crt Sch n"' ldcT nt'f gnma.:t!ll ~ r llC as
rm Pnncipal. ,lOti G abnel Dell. }..'iusic DIA£CTOR: l~:nlll~ ! \ol'per m..'J duck und•.'I" an (11 . /(Irl1O-
ky John Wtl1iam ~. It han led for ~Hldl' KREEHW!\lT£!U: Petn Fo nJ", hlk W ",1Uid falunx cldms
~' n ce attention wnh Ihat other t ime · 11.::nnl> HI'rrx'r, Terry Southern dUT"'!! a ~ene In the film.

b .s c1J!>~ic, The Totl't'TlIlg Inft'nlo. '74 Pell!r Fo nd,l. Denlll, H(lppo:r, :lnd Jack inx of Earthquake (.1/ UTU.
\--ersai SUrdIOS.
was " had yc'lf. NlChnlson. all ul\'olvnl in The Trill.
got had: \(lg(,th~r (ur this IO\\l· hlldg:el.
mll c h - pral s~~d C"1UHo:rcu lrure hIt. Den ·
ni ~ I lorr!'.'r has heen directll1g Increas·
THE EASTSIDE KIDS IIIEEl' Ingly "hS("ur~ and ~t'I('l1ldlllg(,1lI mO\' l e~
8LiLil L UGOS I, See GIIOSTS evcr ~ lI1 ce. Here, 1,laY1l1,1.; Bill~., he and
ON THE LOOSE. Cart :un Am~'ri ca (Fo nJa) sell coke In
nch ru~her 1'\\11 Srcclllr, MIl.)ke :, lot
of gr;I ~~. \'I~ 1t a cummune. get arrested
F.ilS Y CONE. EllS Y GO in .1 ~ mall tllwn for ridl1lg [h~' l r mOlOr·
1(}fi 7 P:u:UlI< >lmt cycles In.I l'aT<lde, leave with an alcn·
PRO OUCER: H.1I \'(/alll, holic c ivd right.- 1.lwycr (Nichol.-on),
DIRECTOR: John Rich anJ ~m o k c mnr~' ~rass. When t he law·
SCI\.EEH'IV1\JT£P.$: AlIcn \'(ICI."', yer 1, ht,,,t<:n to "!eath, they);o til New
Am ho n y L'I\Hellle Orle:ln~ d UTIng M.lTJ I G ras where rhey
Elvl' Presley competes with the drill<' have~, ba~1 ,Iud Inp with some rrosli '
c r;l:ed hipPie llloJern worlJ h~' Singing tllt c~ 111 a J!ravev<l rd (K .. ren BI,lCk and
"Yoga I, as Yog<"l Doo:~" and p1.lymg " Tom Ba~ d "f"lley MICky" fame). then
frogm,m doubling ,I ' a singer <"It ,I disco· heaJ for FIllrid". En TIIU1e thcy'r~' shift
the'-IIK.'. Elsa L'Ulcilt.'1>tt'T I~ a Yl'l!.1 teach· hy rl'd n o:c k ~ . \Vllh L":Ina AndcN, Ruh·
er. l..\xlio: Marshall uwn- a sunken sillp crt Wa l k~r. Jr .. :111..1 MIChael Pata k! .
that IIllghl cont aln .1treas ure. MUIIS!l'T$ B,,,,:kgroll lhi nUNC bv Slcrpcnwo lf. 111('
~Iar 1\ 11 Pri("1 isa wealthy pla~wrl. The Elec trIC Prune" J1Im I-kn ~ITlx , Roger
In~tnullenwls arl' (""l ied "Fr~ahl\I! " and McGUinn .• In.1 ,'fheh . CinellliltO);ra·
·'GI\·GO·Jll ... phy hy 1,..ld o K ovac~.t R l

UP' 5110169: If I~se pr0-
duction mtmbers of w
_film, " " R;oo,
u.'rn! to 10 infO wrr danct
on any odic UTttt in w
....<d, "'" migIu b. roru;d.
m d CT'IIQ. BUI, ~ af
Cannes, Ikon/ookm rtm-
i~t IIw Wy art "oedng
osa" rhe spirit of uungJ
rhm prtwils during rhe
Inlernational Film Ftsfiwl
now raking p/act. Lt{! to
right are: Dennis Ho[JpeT,
Feliciano, Peter' Fonda,
}. Jefferson, andJoek

EATENALIVE George Sanders narra tes a MGttIo Cane-

1976 New World type docu me ntary. Highligh ts include
"-ODI.ICU: Ma rdi Ruslam
Nairobi tribesmen do ing the twist , a n
DIIU:CT~ T abe H ooper
SCIU::£HWll.IT£M: Alvin Fast, M:mli RusuulI
L. A. rolle r de rby, re indeer being cas-
ALSO All.LU£D AS:Starlighf Slaugh ter, Deall1 t ra ted, d uels in Berl in , a ka rate de mon ~
Trap, Horror Hotel stration, a nd the last perfonnance o f
the Grand G uignol t heatrical troupe in
Ve teran villain Neville Brand is a crazed
Lou isiana ho tel owner who kills off most
of t he cast wit h h is large scyth e and an
a lligator. S ta r victims include Mel EDEN CRIED
Ferrer, Carolyn Jo nes, and Stua rt Whit- 1967 Continenta l (B&W)
"-ODUCO.S: Shad Young, CharlC$ Ellis
man . W ith Marilyn Bums from H oop-
DlI,£CTOOSC!U:[N\VM'(": Fred Johnson
er's earlier cult hi t, The Texas Chairuaw AUO I,£LEASED AS: In 1M Fall of '55 Eden
Massacre. Because of numerous t itle Cried
c hanges and bad distribu tio n , Eacen Ja mes Dean seems to be the inspira-
Alit.'f hasn ' t gained the re pu ta tio n it rion (o r t h is 1955-set StO ry of two Mal-
dese rves. (R )
ibu neigh bors who sh are good times
until t he ir parents fo rce the relatio n -
ECCO shi p underg ro und follo wing a stree t-
1963 Al P (Italy) raci ng fa ta lity. S ta rrin g To m Pace ,
~~ Francesso Mazzei Carol Ho lland, and V ictor Izay- who
DIIU:CT~: Gian ni Proia appears with Pace i n GiTI in Gold Boots
$C~",: R. W. Cresse and TIu! Asrro-Zombies. - CB

21 4
EDGE OF FURY na me) and A rch Hall , Sr. H is son , 16-
1958 United Artist~ ( B&W ) \'car-o ld Arch , Jr., scars here as To m,
PI\ODOC[~KP.EENWM'[k: Robert Gurney, Jr. the ooyfriend of Mr. Millds daughter
OII\ECTOM: Irving l erner, Robe r! Gurney, Jr. Ro xy. Rich ard Kie l ("Jaws" in recent
A sick beachcomber (Michael H iggins) Ja mes Bond films) excels as rhe [ide
sbugh ters a family :H their su mmer giant in an early featured ro le. Roxy
h(Jllle after r-.llki ng them into renting d iscovcrs Eegah in a cave, befriends
hi m the adjacent guest cottage. When h im, and gives h im a clean shave. The
the (XIlicc arrive, The kille r is pa inting id iot caveman falls in love with her.
a (ami !}- pomait. Jean All ison, Lois The sad love s[Ory ends in Palm Springs,
Ho hnes. Doris Fesene, and Malcolm where poor Eegah is shm by insensi-
Lee Beggs co-star. ~CB tive police while Arch , Jr., and rhe
Archers play. Amazing. From the peo-
p le who la ter released the classic In-
EDGE OF HELL credibly Sirange Cmuures Who Stopped
1956 U ni versal (B&W) Ut'ing and Became Craz:y Mixed-up Zom-
P"ODLKEIVOIMCTOIVS(IU;[NWkJTU,: bies. T h:u mo vie's d irector-star Ray
Hugo Haas Dc n n is S t eck le r is the ma n Eegah
A beggar ( Hugo Hass) comes to A mer- throws in t h e poo l. Wit h Ca rolyn
ica with his trick ster dog Flip, and Bra ndt.
through a waim:ss fr iend 's chauffe ur
fi a nce they get a job entenaining at a
wealthy chi ld's blrlhday pany. The EERIEtlfIDNIGHTHORROR
ynungster is Ill uch [" ken with Flip and S HOW, See TORtlIENTED.
Haas is offered S500 for the pooch by
the boy's grandfather. He refwies and he EFFECTS
and Flip usc the day's wages to throw a 1980 The: Image Works
pmr)' for their hooo frie nds. Some time PkOOUCEk): Joh n H arri!Oll, Pasquac Buha
later. weakened by a~th ma and unable DI,-£CTOA/ SCIUEN\VklTIk: Dus[y Nelson
II) provide for Flip's well-bemg, Haas ALSO UI.£AXD AS: T~ Manipulo.ror
accepts $ZO (or h is companion and is Scveralfilm tech nicians best known for
prompd y be,lten and robbt-d. Rescued their work with George A. Romero con -
by fellow vagrants, he clings to life triburcd to this low-budget shocker
unti l, on receiving word of d~'~ de mise, about a ma n ipulative fi lm d irector who
he sets off for a rendezvous in Heaven , is working on a Grade-Z horror opus.
where hc and friend will perform tricks T he film project is entitled "Some -
for the Al mighty. Francesa Dc Scaffa, thing's Wrong"-appropriate ly: cast
Ke n Ca rleton . and Syra Marti co-star. and crew arc unaware that they are also
See Picku/J. -CR going to Star in a "snuff" mov ie called
"Duped." worked on by an unde rcover
crew head...-d by the mad d irector. U n -
EECAII! (ortun ately, the opportunit ies for black
1962 Fai rw<ty-lntem,ttional Films h u mor in th e si ru :ni o n ;ITe mostl y
PfI.OOOCO/OW:CTOI\: Nic h o las Me rri weth e r ignored; Nelson goes instead for the
SCkUN\VMt1\: Bob Wehlmg metaphysica l implicat ions offil m-with-
Thc m:m responsih le fur th is laugh riot in -film-with in-6Im . Tom Savini worked
is :Ilso known as W illi am Watters (he on th e gore effccts and h as an acting
plays Mr. Mi ller in Eegah! unde r that role. Made in Pinsburgh .( R) -BM

1963 Emoo5l;y (haly) (B&W) 1980 Paramount (England) (B&W)
PP.ODU(U: Angelo Rinoh ....OOUCEP.:jonathan Sanger
OI~CTO" : F~derico Fellin1 t>tRLCTOA: David Lynch
K~E~ITEIU: Federico Fellini. SC~ENWM'tkS : Christopher DeVore.
Tullio Pinelli, Ennio Fhliano. Eric Bergren. David L~·nch.
Brunella Rano A surprise success from the director of
B.1rbara Steele plays Gloria Morin. Era5eThead that shares the bleak indus-
trial-ruin look of that underground clas-
EIGHTEEN AND ANXIOUS sic. Director of photography Freddie
1957 Republic (Il&W) Francis was a director at Hammer and
~OOUC[" : Edmund Chevie photographed Sons and Lown and The
DlRLCTOA: joe Parker !nnocenU. Fredd icJones, who plays the
S(~[H'\VIUTEAS:Dale and Katherine Runson man who "owns" the elephant man,
AUO ~L£M(O,u: No GrccueT Sm acted in many Hammer films. It's a
Mary Webster and her high school beautifully made (eature about John
sweetheart (William Campbell) arc Merrick (John Hun ). the world's ugH-
forced ro marry secretly in Mexico. He e~ t man, and sticks very close to the
subsequently dies in a car crash, raking truC story wri tten by Dr. Frederick
the only proof of the Ceremony with Trevcs (played by Anthony Hopkins).
him. With Martha Scott, Jim Backus, With Anne Bancroft, John Gielgud :
Jackie Coogan. Slick Slavin, and TV ;md Wendy Hiller. Produced by Mel
Batgirl Yvonne Cra ig. Songs by Phil Brooks' company. It was nominated f()T
Tuminello include "Teach Me How to eight Academy Awards.
Cry," " Bye B.lby Bye," "Step O UI of
That Dream," and "Someday We' ll
Love Again ." It was later re-released ELVIS
as part of an adults-only birth -uf-a·bi1hy [979 TV
show. -CB I'P;ODUC[I\I)C ~EH\VJIJTE" :
Anthony La"'Tence
OI~CTOp': John Carpenter
AUO MUAKD AS: Ellu. the Mo\'le
1957 Anglo Anml),:;lmarediColumhm
(En),:land) (B&W) Elvis is shown growing up, hitting the
PP.ODUCEII.: Alec C. Snowden big time in records and movies . return-
DI~CTO": Momgomery Tully ing to live performances, and beco m-
Kl\UHW1JTU,l : Charles Enc Maine. ing a Las Vegas phenomenon. One
j. MacLaren-ROSl character refers to him as a walking
Rod Cameron di scovers that patients drugstore. Shelley Winters is Elvis' be-
at a clinic arc being given e lec rroni - loved Ma. rat H ingle is Colonel Tom
cally induced halluci narions by unscru- Parker. Season Hubley is Priscil la. Ron -
pulous doctors. An interesting. neglect- nic McDowell prov ides the singing
ed feature based on the novel EscClpe- voice for slar Kurt Russell , backed by
menl by Charles Eric Maine. The dream the original Jordanaires. With Melody
sequences involve di1ncing girls and Andcrson . Ed Begley, Jr .. and actors
torture. Wirh Mary Murphy. By the di- portraying Ed Sullivan, Nata lie Wood,
rector of BaH/e Beneath lhe Ear/h. Elec- Bill Black, and Hank Snow. A the;ltri-
tronic music by Soundrama. Richard cal release in Europe. it origina lly filled
Gordon was execUfiv(' producer. a three-hour TV time slot. Busyexecu-

.tive producer Dick Clark also backed and the nubile superwo man deteriorat·
T he Binh of (he Beatles televisio n movie ing while injecting herself with some
[he same year. Former Disney kid Kurt of Roc k's spec ial che micals. Rodd~'
Russell wem o n (0 mo re Ca rpemcr McDowall and Dr. Joyce Brothers put
projects (Escape from New York lmd The in St upid appearances at a party scene.
Thing ). Rock is best at the end, crying and hold-
ing on to a ..... ithered old corpse he has
just killed. With Diane Ladd as a re-
ELVIS, THEAfOVIE.. See pressed spinster type.(R)


1977 A lP
1965 Eu roplx (italy) (8&W) ~oDuc[kloIJl.[CTOklscJl.[lN\VM'[1I.!
Pf.ODUCW : Chfl suan Marvel ,
Bert I. Gordon
Walter Manley
DI JI.[CTO~: Dino Tavella Terrible sc ience fic tion about a group
SCMENWM1:IU: Dino Ta vella, G. Mure t ta of suckers being sho ..... n a phony unfin-
ONGINAUf Jl.[lEASED,u; II M05!ro di Vrnezia ished ho using development on an is-
In Ven ice a mad man who wea rs a land. Soon the{re attacked by laugh-
mo nk's robe and a skull mask lives in able giant ams created by radiation.
the crypt of a secret underwater monas· Joan Collins is the head swindler. Rob-
tery. He occasionally dons frogmHn gear ert Lansing is the bea rded boat o ..... ner.
and swims through the canals looking Lots of boredom as the survi vors bicker
fo r beautifu l women to kill and embalm wh ile trying to escape. The script is said
( lO preserve their beauty. of course). A to be b.1sed on an H.G. Wells book.
meddlesome architect turns up dead on With Albert Salmi, John David Carson.
Stage as part of a magic act. With Mau- and Robert Pine. Somelxx\y shou ld tell
ree n Bro'vn and G in Mart. Bert you can't bring back the '50s.


1976 Cine Artists 1980 20th Cent ury. Fox
',,"ODUCEIU: Arno ld H. Orgo linl . ~ODUC[IU: George Lucas, Gary Kurt z
A nita Doohan OIJl.[CTO~ : IrvinKershner
DIJI.[CTO II.! Ralph Nelson SCA£EPf\VkJT'[IU: Leigh Bl1Icken,
SQ,EEN\VM'[IU: Anita Doohan . u.wrcncc Ka:;(l.1n
Jade. W. Thomas The sequel to SfaT' Wars is the number-
A real howU Rock Hudson is hopeless three film rental champ of all time as
as a hrill iant scientist who grows the of th is writing. G uess what number twO
fetuses of a dog and a woman outside is. (E. T. is number o ne.) From the di-
o( their mothers' wombs. The woman rector of Sca.keoUi on Dope SIreI'I and
(Nicaraguan Barbara Carrera) grows to Eyes of lnura Mars. Return of the Jedi is
ma turity in four and a half weeks. the next ste p fo r th is pheno mena l
Thanks [0 Rock's prenatal mpes, she is scries/indlNry. Music by John Williams.
superimelligcnt and a perfect , [Otaily Williams, who has scored over 60 films,
de voted vi rgin lo ver for her "creator. " replaced Arthur Fiedler as conductor
Lots of e mbarrassing a nd repu lsive of the Bos ton Pops Orchestra the year
scenes of fetuses bouncing on the floor Em/nre was released.

ENCOUNTER WITH THE Good sc ience fic tion based on a Brit-
UNKNOWN ish TV serial Gi lled Qzl(IIeTllla.'lS II. With
1973 Cenlroni c.s Internatlollal Vera Day, Bryan Fo rbes, Sidney James,
'"ODIJC[~ Joe Glass and MIchael Ripper.
DllECTOl: Harry Thomason
An anthology fHm partially n arnltro by EQUINOX
a hard-up Rod Serling. It stars Rosie 1967171 VIP
Holotik and Gene Ross of Don 'J Look ~W: Denm s Murcn, Jack Iiams
in the Basement. The stories a re about a DllEaOM/scm~Il£J.,S: Mark McGee.
cursed trio of teenagers, a mysterious J;Kk Woods
hole in the earth on a fann, and a ghost A unique fealure o rig inally sho t in
on a bridge. A 1m of money was saved 16mm to which producer Harris added
by repeating certa in segments over and new scenes. The casl of amateur un-
over again as flashbacks, dreams, and kno wns and writer FrilZ Leiber (as a
subjects of serious discussion by one of missing sc ient ist) face an incredible
the narrators. The dialogue was all array of giant animated demons emerg-
dubbed in :lfler the film W:lS shot. From ing from a dimensional barrier to hum
1he makers of So Sad Abour Gloria. a necrono miconlike book. The special
effeclS by Jim D,mfonh and David A lien
THE END OF THE WORLD .. include a f1~' ;ng devil and an apclike
See PANIC IN THE YEAR monster. ForreSI J Ackerman supplies
ZERO. ,he voice on a tape . With Frank Bon-
ner of the "W. K. R. P. in Cincinnati"
19771r.... in Yahlans Co.
AAOOIJC[~ Charles Band
DllECTOA: John Hayes
KAEEH\VMtf.: Frank Ray PeTell1
A priest (Christopher Lee) and some
nuns in a convent are really aliens out
10 destroy the wo rld ! The disguised in -
vaders resemble Close EncOimleTS left-
overs. The wonderful has-been caSi in-
cludes Sue Lyon (the original Lolita),
Lew Ayres, MacDonald Carey, Dean
Jagger, and Kirk Scott.


[957 Hammer/United Arrim (England )
PlODUCU: Anthony Hinds
DIIU:CTOA: V3[ Guest
SClE(NWM'EJ.,S: Nigl'[ Kneale. Val GUl'S!
AlSO IU:L£AS(D M: Ql4lk'm1O.5J /I
Alien life forms take over a resca rch
plant and infiltr.lte the govern ment. Dr.
From l:bt-.::l Lyrch's Eraser- Quatermass (Brian D:mlevy) is theonl )'
head. earthling sman eno ugh to stop them.

l 18
1977 Lib!":! (B&W) 1971 TV
D.:I\'IJ Lmch OlIl.£CTOII.: John Llewellyn Ivloxcy
An amazing, ~drnosl indescribable night· Phl)J,m
)CI'.[[NW"-IT£I'.: Paul

mare. mcticulously filmed over a pe- Chri stophN George as a magician/

nod of (h'c rears ",lIh parrial fin.lnClng (':.cape art I~t SlOps A very Schreiner frum
(rom thc American Film lmotute . rakmg o\'er thl' world! With Gloria
Anyone who has lived in a once-tht i\'- GrahamI'. Hum: H rdl, William Schal-
mg Northeastern Clt y will lx, falll1liar Icrt, Wilham Windom. lind hum;m
wnh the decayed indusnial ~urrou nd­ robot:.. DITI..:CIU T Moxcy has Jone o\"er
mgs. O thers WIll identify with the com- two do:en TV movies smce 1970_
pletely alienated, ~cxl1ally ret,mled
c haractcr~. Many viewers (ul>ually fe-
ma le) walk mIt of the rheater In d,sgust.
Many others watch it faithful1~' every
week at midnight showings. You proba-
b l ~' wouldn't feel comfortable alone in
a room with o ne of the frequent VI<,:wcrs.
Jack Nance Stars. The ~radual success
of Lynch's debut feawre led to The fL!·
pMnr Meln. A sounJ track album was
finally released In 1982.


1961 AlP (Iraly/Fmncc)
Manu Ba\'~
~:C>re5I(' 131,111(;011. M ,UlD S.Wd,

OI'.IGI NAUY II.UEAS£D ,1,5: Gil hm:w)!"!

AUO MLU.SEO.&.5: FliT)' o/Ihc Vikmgl
Cameron Mitchell IS Iron. a Viking
ch iefta m. HIS broth('r Erik (G iorgio
GIOvan nini) was Tfliscd by Ihe Brit ish
Queen. Iro n 's woman IS Enk's wife 's
[wm (A llcc and Ellen Kessleri) , The
brothers fight. The (;rst of three Viking
movies Mitchell did in Europe in the
'60s. The OIhl'rs werc Lnsr of flu! Vikings ESCAPE FRO/I! NEW YORK A future cm;:en In Scll pe
A"coEmhas,,~' from New York.
( 1962) anJ Knitl'S of the A"mgt'T ( \968). 1981
PI'.OOUc[~: Lkbro I bll, Larry Fraoco
OII'.ECTOk: J<>1ll1 CarIX'otcr
KI'.[£N'.II'-.IT£lU: Joho Carpcml-r, NIck C:btle
7HE EROI1C IW VENTURES In 1997 Manhanan is a max imum se-
OF SNOW WHITE, See curity prison. Pnsoncr Snake Plissken
GRI"lIIfS FAIRY TALES FOR (Kurt Ru s~e ll) is hauled in b~' Warden
ADULTS. Lee Van C lcc( and offercd a repneve if

he can rescue the President of the U.S., in his Ifls t role) escape the end of the
whose plane has crashed in the city. world in /Jen('(lIh ... by traveling back
Although fl awell. it's the best use of a In t ime to LA. in the 1970s. They're
New York City-in-ruins :.ctting ~ f,u. destroyed by greedy humans but Kim's
lAmald Pleasence is the incf('Ctua l kId- chi mp bflby (played by a real chimp)
naped President. Ernest Borgn ine IS ~ urvives in a ci rcus and grows up to star
a cabhie who knows h is way around the in Conquest ... With Bradford Dillman,
prison/city_ Isaac Ha)'es IS "The Duke." Jason Evers, and Ricardo Montalban
Henry Dean Stanton as " Brain " and (as humflns).
Adrienne Barbeau reluctantly he lp the
grizzly hero. With obvious nods [(l Clmt ESCAPE TO WITCH
Eastwood Westerns and punk fashions. JlIOUN1il1N
The girl in the ruins o f a C hoc k Full 1975 Buena Vista
O'Nuts is Season Hubley. Escape frum P"ODUCE" : Jl'rome Cou rtland
New York games and sound tracks arc 01,-£00,,: John Ho ugh
available. With professional wrestler O x SC"UNWP.ITU: Ro hert Malcolm Young
\3;.lker. (R) Two o rph rJncd fl liens with psychic pow-

.\ .
-------.....- '.~

Marie LiljedMJ takeJ a

bath inEug~ni e ... The
Story o( Her Jou rn ey
Into Perversion.

ESCAPE FROAI THE PLANET ers arc explo ited by an evil tycoon (Ray
OFl'HEAPES Milland) and a psychic inve~ ti gator
1971 20 th Century-Fox (Donald Pleasencc). A nice guy (Eddie
P"ODUCE": Arthur P . Ja(()~ Albert) helps them escape . Eventually
DIMCTOA: Don T aylor they're SflVW by a flying saucer from
SCM£HWPJT£": Paul Dehn their ho meland. The alien kids were
Apes Pan III. Three apes (Rodd y Mc- back in Relurn w Wirch Mountain, fac-
Dowa ll , Kim Hunter. and Sa l MiO(.'O ing new villains.

EUGENIE . .. THE STORY OF Herbert Lorn is a vi1Jain who has been
HER JOURNEY INTO passing off h is mistress as the lost jungle
PERVERSION woman. Fred Clark is an American side-
1969 Distinction Films (Spainl show ()pe rator. They all wanl Eve.
W. Gennany/England) Meanwhi le (he natives d<.'Cide to torture
",OOUCErVSCIU:[NWPJTEP.; her for helping the pi lor.
Harry Alan Towers
OIUClOf.: Je~ Fnanco
AilO I\EL£M[O,u: Phllmophy In W
1944 lOt h Century-Fox (B&W)
C hri stopher Lee is Dolmance , the ",ODUCEA: William Perlberg
o n se Teen narrator of t his inept sex DII'.(CTOI\: John M. Stah
sickie. He claims he never saw ,he rest KP.([HW'-IT£I': GcorJlc Se;uon
of the fi lm or knew what it was about. American soldiers train and go off to
H is role was supposed to be played by fight in the Phil ippines. Anne Baxter
George Sanders, who "b'Ot sick." Maria and William Eythe star. Vi ncent Price
Rohm is a wealthy jaded De Sade fan is a Shakespeare-quoting South ern-bred
who lets a man seduce her on the con- good guy. With Dickie Moore.
dition that his beautiful young vIrginal
daughter be sent to he r private island
for a weekend. Marie Liljedahl. star of EVERYTHING YOUALWAYS
some highly publicized European soft- WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT
core cpics like Inga and Ann and Eve, SEX (BUT WERE AFRAID TO
is the innocent Eugen ic. Blit nOt for ASK)
lo ng. She's drugged, beaten, forced [0 1972 United Artists
participate in o rgies (involvi ng all the ",OOUClA; Charles H . Joffe
guests and the hired help), drinks blood, OIk.ECTOA/~AHN\ln.IT[I': WooJ)" Allen
and kills Jack Taylor. In the clever end- Seven segments based on questions in
ing she wakes up fro m a nightmare- Or. Reuhen's be~tse ll i n g sex manual.
and prepares to go to a pri vate island [n one epiMXle a mad sex-research doc-
for the weekend. An X-rated relic, tor (J ohn Carradine) who has created
which would probably get an R now. (Xl a 400-fool diaphragm is visited by
Alien, who unleashes a giant breast.
An Anmnioni movie parody about fr i-
EVE gidit y stars Louise Lasser. In "What
1968 Common\n~<Ihh Unitd
Happens Dur i n ~ Ejaculation!" Tony
(SpainfEnglltnd/U.S. )
Randall is a microscopic opera tor who
Harry Alan TO" 'ers sends Out thc nervous Woody A lien as
DII'.(CTOI\; Jeremy Summers sperm No. 2. A sometimes funn~' com-
AlSO AUEA!>[D AS;The Foce uf Ew edy that's beSt when Woody Allen is
A reall}' shodd}' "female Tanan" film in it (four o f rhe segments). With Gene
with an interesting internat io nal cast. Wilder, L)'nn Redgrave. Bun Reynolds,
A s an Ameticrm pilot, Robert Walker, and Lou Jacobi.
Jr. crashes in the jungles of Peru and is
rescued b)' Eve (Celeste Yarnall) who THE EVICTORS
is worshiped as a goddess by the natives. 1979 AlP
Soon there's a big search for her. Chris- Pl'OOUCEAlD'UCTOA: Charles B. Pierce
topher Lee (in a wheelchair) IS a fa- j.(1I,(£H\VP.rtEP.S: Charles B. Pierce.
mous explorer and Eve's grandfather. Garry Rusoff

More backwoods horrors fro m the crc- See AlUmic RUk'TS of rhe World . Starman
ator of T he u Kena of Brpjoof. Vic Mo r- bailie:. Jeformed Marpct ians ruled by
row sta rs as a rea l estate agent/ killer. the Imu n of Bala:ar, an evil scknt ist.
W ith Michael Parks, Jessica Harper, Funn ie r than Godvl/a tis. Ih e Smog
and Sue A nn Langdon . Very obscure. MonSler.

1978 New World THE EVIL E YE
PM>OUco: Ed Carlin 1963 AlP (h al y) ( B&W)
orlUCTOII.: Gus TnkOIllS ASSO(IATt ~OOUC(": Sal valore Bl lh tten
K IU[N"IV"rrn: Donald G. Thompw n C)IIUCTO": M:m o Bava
KUENWIIJT(II.: Ennio de Concini
An entertain ing hau nted-house th Tl llcr
OIUGrNAUY kEtU.S£D AS: Ll Ragana che:
in the tradi tion of The Ha unting hlJl St.pem Tro/!t)(l
wilh more hOTTi ble deat hs and a helpfu l
An American in Rome (Leticia Roma n )
ghost. Psycho logist Richard C renr)a, his
c:m't conv ince anybociy That she's wit-
doctor wife Joanna Pene!, and profes~or
nessed a m urde r. T hen her late aunt's
Andrew Prine go to a mansion wi th a
house beco mes occupied overnigh t by
group of students and pati en ts. Wh en
a couple who say rhey've always been
C renna unleashes a powerfu l force from
there. A friend ly doctor (John Saxon)
the cellar, the horror never Sto ps. The
becomes a suspect in a series of killings.
c nd in g wit h V iclOr Buo n o (as the
A .~tncti mes co nfusing mys tery similar
Devil ) was cut fro m some prin ts. O pin-
to the later Da ria Argen to fi lms.
ions vary as to whether his prese nce
ruined or made the film . T ou bad some
of the spec ial effects are so shodd)'.{ R) EVIL IN THE DEEP
[977 SeleCTed
SPACE J.A.S. McCombie
1956-59 Manl y TV Uapan) (B&W) DIk£CTO": V lfj:! ln l3 SWIlC
P1\ooucu.: M IIsugl Okor.l " RIps your nerves ro sh reds!" the ads
OIIUCTOIU: Tervo Ishii , Abra MltSuwa, prom ised . Stephen Boyd (in his last
Koreyosh. AbS3ka ro le) is a bra ve scuna -d iving sh ar k
KI\[£~,,: IchlTO Mlyagawa hunter I n {h iS j elll's- inspifed obscunt y.

cAn ancient horror

slept ber.eath the
haunted mansiotl ...


RoseyGricr (The Thing «~Ih Two Heads) computer hoo kup) wi th Satan Olnd a
and Cheryl SlOppdmoor (soon w be hell ish army of mwr-tuskcd wild pigs.
C heryl Ladd) CO-SHIr. Boyd d ied in '77. At first Howdrd, aided by the ancient
black book he finds in the hasement of
the old chapel, [Ties IOcomrol his nCw-
EV/L,,/lND, See found powers. But when he finally de-
THE CLAIRVOYANT. c ides tha r enough is too much. he lets
the demonic porkers run riot o ver the
campus and zaps drunken Sergeam R.
THEEV/LOF G. Armstrong with a very nasty head
FRANKENSTEIN twist. An energetic and promiSing ter-
1964 H31l1mcr!UnI\'cfl><l1 (England) ror film dehut for Weston. (R) - BM
""ODUC ~: Anthony Hinds
DII'.ECTO~ : Freddlc Franc i.~
SCkUN\lnJTU,: John Elder
The tlmd of Hammer's Peter Cush ingl
1981 Orion / Wamer Brothers
Dr . Frnnkenslein fi lms. It was thc only ""OOUC[~/DIIUCTO~: John Boonnan
one not dirccted b\, Terence Fisher and SCMENW~lTo.5 : Rospo Pallenberg.
the only onc in whtch the mon~ter re- John Boorlll,m
sembles thc U niversal / Karioff version . Squeezing the whole of Thomas Mal-
Thc doctor and his assistant Han (San - lory's U Ml1rtc d'ArrhllT (with a few
dor Ell'S) revive the monster, found fro- Tl'vis ions) lIlto o ne [\~'o- h ou r -fo rty­
zen in an ice cave. The creature (Kiwi minute mo\'ie, Boorman rakes the op-
Kingsto n ) has brain damage, so Zoltan, portun ity to d iscourst· once agam o n
a mesmcrist (Pcter Woodthorpe), is cosmic duality (good-evil, p.1gan-Chris-
called in to reactivate the brain with ri,If), Merlin-MorgOlna, Arthur-Mor-
hypnot ism. Zohan takes tot~11 conuol dreJ, ctc.), wi th plenty of medieval
and uses the lumbering monster to kill IXlmp, heart)· bOlnqueting. and muddy,
his enemies. With Katy Wild as a mute blondy ball lmg. All well and good, bur
beggar. The American TV vcrsio n has the di::ymg pace of thl' film leaves lit-
new scenes shut in rht· U.S. to replOlce lIe (iml' for charOlcterization (excepl for
scenes that were CUI Out. the charact ers (hOlt interest Boorman ).
It hclr s If you're already familiar with
the events ,If the legend. With Nicol
EVILSPEAK Wtlhamson, N igel Terry, Helen MlTren,
1982 ThcMorenoCo. and some wonderful iron masks. ( R )
P~OOUCEIIJ : 5\'lvLOTahcr, ETLC Wes!Un - BM
O I ~[ CTO~ : Eric WeslOn
KMlN\VIUT[Al: J o~ph Ganlalo.
Eric Wt'5101l £YO-JIIAN
Clint Howard , beSt known as 01 bcar'~ lYi7TV
best buddy on TV's Gentle Ben, plays a H.O DUCE~: L",ncl E. SLCI{e1
computer-obsessed nerd, ahu:'w and re- DII\ECTOR: R,cI",rJ Irvinl{
viled b\, h is classmates .11 an oh-so- KI\EENW~ITE'-S : Marrm CmJm,
orpressive milit<Lry acad~mr. As the butt Howard R(l(lman
o f countless practical jokes. Howard has When a professor (l);lVid Ackro~'d) is
plenty of cause to whir Ul' a bad caSl' p<lraly:ed hy gangst~rs, he crt'mes <In
of angN before gettin!,: in tuLlch (via "exo-sull" lind ~COI\lC~ a superhero in

J9H National Forum CorporatIOn
D1uCTOII./scu£HIIIPJT£k; Ra('l,l Murena A[h.1
A.LSO Ul£AS£O~: /-IOU51' of huane Womell
A (,u ri), interest ing movie abom a
19th-century as),lum , Francisco Rahal
(Na~arin) discovers that Aml'1 ia Gadc
IS 1I1S:l Il{' because as a child she saw
her mother dIe during an atrempted


living only for the pleasure of their keepers!
"I1/E K ,(ORC/ ST
l-IOUSE Of INSANE WOMEN [973 Warner Brolher§
Wdltnln Peler Bhltty
OngilUllly rdeased 1/$: rhis TV pilO( film (eaturing Jose Ferrer DtUCTO": Williilill Frie.lklll
ExorC1sm's Dnu,ehlcr. as Kermit Haas. With H .nry Morg,m Friedkin, known for such flops as Good
and Ke vin McCanhy. r rom rhe guy THill'S (wilh Sonny and Cher) and
who made the SIX Million Do/kif M ml C rl/ismg', he1rwd make this intlul'ntial
pi lot. VOllllt fest the most popular horror fi lm
o( all t llne. Wi ll iam Peter Blatty, who
bU,'r IIImed unsucces;;fu l director With
EXOR C/S,I! /ITA/IDlY/ GilT TWlllkle TtI'mkle Killer Kane, adapted his
1966173 IndercnJcnI Imcrnatllma! novel IIlto an (}.,car-winning screen-
(EnglanJ) (B&W tinted) rl:l~" How much little linda Blair re-
AAOOucn.: MKilad F. John..ull all~' contrlhuted to her part has 1x'C1l
OIA£CTOkisclI.££NWPJTU.: S r<1n l~'l Gouklcr
III q uestion. Mercedes McCambridge
.4.150 Il.EtEME() AS: N«k>J. Et rl
~uppll ed the rossessed vole('. Actre~
To cash in on the E;l.fftrl5l em:e. a sur- EIleen Sm ith douhk'd in the \"omitl1l.L:
rnsingly Rood o ld British voodoo movu:: ~llIenc.:s :l ntl later had to slie for credit.
was fe-released in 19i3 with :.ullle IIl'W
Max Von S}'dow and playwright Jason
American scenes. The ~ I nry I ~ aholl t Miller are (he priest s. Ellen Bursrrn is
West lndi;lIlS in England who !x'I!(>\,c ti lt.' <lctress Il1 (Hll. With U'C J. Cohb and
III possession. An old hlOlCk SCTV:UH
Jack MacGowra n (CIlI-de-Sill:), Dick
named Amazan is actuallY!l Wit c h dnc- S1I111h and RICk Baker were responsi~
tor prac ticing in ~. hidden ha,c11lcllt hie (or the n(·nd-setting srccial m<lkcup
worn. A detenive (Richard Co leman) d(ecrs. The sound track, caken {rom
investigates a ~cries o( 11l1lrd~rs :lnd ,I Mike O ldfield's Tllbllk!r Bell5, b still
priest performs :In exorci~nL Till' em- h<.'ing copied in lither (eatures. (H)
h:lrnlssmg new scenes using aC1or~ with
llhv lOllS American ,lCc eIH~ sh uw doc-
lors (Including Lawrencl' TI e rne y)
l~,(ORC1ST fl .. TilE IlEREl1C
st udymg a posses~ed lll,m. The enti a'
1977 Wilr!"~ r Brothers
hIm was Iinted! The pron'''S wasc:lI 'cd
Pr.OOIJ(W; John Booml<ln, Rid1.1rd L..Jercr
"MultlColor_" Rememher, tlw, W:l~ (('- D,k(CT~: Juhn I\Jorman
leased in the '7l\;!
KIUEHW"flI": W.llldlll Guudh:m

EWTyhody's new favorite bad Richard EXPRESSO BONGO
Burton movie, alsostarnng IS-year-old 1959Cominental (B&W)
Linda Blair being wired, studied, and f'l\ODU(tp.]OII\ECTOI\: Val Gue~1
probed by Lou ise Fletcher. Max Von SCI\E(N\VfJl(I\: Wolf MankowilZ
Sydow is Father Merrin in flashbac ks. Cl iff Richards got his successful Elvis-
Burton is Father Lamont, the heretic. of-England career started with this sa-
Paul Henried is rhe cardinal and James tirical musical based on the play of
Earl Jones is Kokumo. With Ned Bc<lfty, the sa me name. Laurence Harvey as a
music by Ennio Morricnne. and a view fast-ta lking small -tinn' agent disC\.\'ers
thrLlugh a fly' s eye . A major financial him singing at the Tom Tom Club ,
and critical dis.1ster, it was recalled and hacked by tht, Sh ;lclows. Bongo Her-
re-edlted after audiences laughed at the hert (Rich ards) rises TO fame, sings reli -
ver)' serious devih r~' . Ads suggested gious ballads dedicated to his mother,
buying the sound track and "The Mak- suffers romantic confusion, and fi,)ally
ing of ..... book. ( R ) dumps hiS overbearing manager. A [('-
cord cornpan~' owner character refl'TS
to Ihe whole business as "n:lusea."


Ron Ormond I'I\ODUC(I\IOII\[CTOf.: LUT)' Buclmnan
M,Hiju:ma monster terrorizes strippers KI\[(HWIYTIM: R ohert Gurney. Jr.,
in New Orleans! The director and his AI M(trtm
wift.' June star. O rmond made at least If you've seen /JI\'lLSI{JJ1 of [he SUllcer»len
nine (lfher features from 1951 on, in- and happen to catch this awful uncred-
cluding Mesa of Lost \Vomen, KinK of ited remake on TV while you're falling
rhe Bul/whip, UIlfLlffied Mi5fTess, and asleep, yt.u'l1 probbly doubt your san-
F(rrry A~Te Feud. - CB ity. The ~tory i, rlw S<Jllle, but instead
of scary link aliens, there ,1ft.' full -s ized
mt.'n in ill- filting lumpy costullles with
" Ill! nf eyes. and Jo hn Ashley IS the

TilE EXPLOSIVE ht.'w! Hl.!adlights make the creallln.'s

GENERATION blow up [l'al good. Add somc voycur
1961 United Artists (B&W) anny pen,onnci and you've got the worst
~OOUCEI\: Smnley Colbert
of Ihe wurst.
OIUClOf.: Buzz Kulik
Kf..[[NWPJT[I\: Joseph landon
TI..~lIc hcr William Shamer is suspended AN EYE FOR AN EYE, See
after ha ving his high -school(,rs write TilE PSYCIIOPATII.
sexual autobiographies. T he studt.'nt s
protest his dismissal with a silt.'nce strike
that culminates in a ghostly basket hall EYE OF TilE CAT
game III the school gym. FeatUring Patty 1969 Unl\"l'Tsal
McCmmack, Lee Kin solving, Billy Pl'iODU(E"': (krn ;lrd Sc hll' (lTtz,
Gray, and Beau Bridges; with Edw<JrJ Philip I-h:dton
Pial[, Jocelyn Brando, Steve Dunne, DlI\ECTOI\:DaVId Lowell Rich
and Virginia Field as ,he PTA. - CB SCI\EENWIYTIfI : J"~ph Stefano

CosmelOlogist Gayle Hunnicut plots This boring film is just another stan-
with young heir Michae l Sara zi n 10 kill dard rapist-ki ller movie, bur there are
h is wheelchair-ridden aunt (Eleanor a (ew n ice touches. A TV an chor-
Parker). Sarazin is deathl y afraid of cats. woman who lives with her deaf. dum b,
The aunt owns dozens of them. The and bli nd sister (she became that way
cats spoil the get-rich-quick plans. With because she was raped as a child) dis-
Tullia the cat. (M ) covers that a neighbor is the rapist-
murde rer but can 't prove ir. Even
though well shor and edited, this drcam-
EYE OF THE DEVIL like movie doesn 't rise above its dull
1966 MGM (England) handling. At one poi n t in the film a
PIIOOUC£kS: John Glle\', M3T( in Ran50ho(t
Lee Thompson
Dawn of the Dead poster can be seen in
(ront of a movie theater. With Lauren
SCfO.EENWklTEkS:Robin E~tridge,
[\.·nnis Murphy Tewes and Jennifer Jason Leigh. By t h e
ALSO kEi.EAS(O AS: J 3 director of Shock Waves. Gore effec ts
British occult thriller set in Fmnce with by To m Savini were mostly cut before
the film's release. ~A F
D;lvid Niven as a wealthy vineY;lrd
owner who agrees to be sacrificed to
improve the wine . His wife, Dehorah THE EYES OF CHARLES
Kerr, doe~n't like the idea. Featuring SAND
David Hemming~ as a warlock and 1971 TV
Sharon Tate as a witch wh o turns a PIIOOIKEfI.: Hugh Ben50n
toad inlO a dove and hyp no tizes people. OIf\ECTOl\: Re~a Badiyi
Also with Donald Pleasence as a priest K IU:EN\VfJTEkS: Henry Farrell,
and Edward Mu lhare . It was cut before Stanford Whitmor!"
the American release (or reasons o ( Peter H askell can see into the future
"taste." Partially fi lmed in the Bordeaux in this T V-pi lot film. He helps solve a
country o( France. murder. Fro m a Storr b)' Henry Farrell.
With J()a n Bennett, Barbara Rush .
Bradfo rd Dillman, Sharon Farre l l.
EYEBALL Adam West, and Gary C larke. Boring.
1978 Brenner ([Ialy) The music was "borrowed" from W'air
H.OOUCEk: Joseph Brenner Un til Dark. Hem\, Manci n i sued.
OlkECTOk: Umberro Lenzi
Kk£[NWklTEk: Fe-lix Tusell
OklGINAUY kEl£AlEO AS: G(l!w ROll i III 1411 EYES OF EVIL, See THE
LabirinlOdv VerT() 1,000 EYES OF DR. ;lfABUSE.
Another horing Ita lian murder mystery
passed 0 (( as a horro r film. Jo hn Rich-
ardson stars. T he kil ler li kes to cut OUI EYES OF HELL, See
eyes. (R) THE AIASK.


1980 Warner Brothl'rs PAOOUCEk: JonPefers
PkOOUCEk : Ronald Zerra DlkECTO k : Irvin Kershne r
DlklCTOk : Ken Wiederhom K klEH\IIkITUS: John Carpt'"nfer,
SCP.£EHWMEkS: MaO. jackson, Ene L. Bloom DaVid Zela~ Goodman

Former hairdresser Jon Peters originally
planned to produce this psychic thriller
as a vehicle for Barbra Streisand (she
sings the theme song) . Faye Dunaway
ended up playin g the title role of a fash-
ionable New York photographer who
can see through the eyes of a psycho
who is murdering her friends. Tommy
Lee Jones is a detective on the case.
With Brad Dourif, Rene Auberjoino is.
and Raul Julia. John Carpenter (0-
wrote the screenpla y from his story. Jack
Harris (The Blob) was the e xecutive
producer. Helmut Newton did Fa)'e's
photographs. The director went on to
The Em/lire Strikes Back. (R)


• •
• •
• •
1: • THE FABULOUS BARON in ·'Mystimarion." Ir's based on sever.! 1
• • AIUNCHA USEN Verne nove ls and (eatures submarines.
• •• 1961 Tell"world (C:t"dloslovakm) aIrsh ips, and agianr squ id. In the tr.!di-
• 011\£0 01\; Karel Zeman
~: Karel Zcman.j(l)Crh K:un"n
tion of the silent Iilms ofGoorge MeliC:i.
• OOGINAUY I\[lU.S(O M: Barun PrmlE
Hugh Downs is in the tacked·on intro.

• live action is blended wlIh hackdrop

scenery and props based on the engrav-
ings of Gustav Dore. The first modem
1941 Columbia (B&W)
man o n the Moun finds the (amu us Wallace McDonald
hoasting baron aJread)· there enjoying OtUCT~: Robert Florty
tea with Jules Verne. Thl' haron take~ KA£[~T[M; AlIt"n Vincent, Paul Jarrico
the astronaut on an incredihle world Peter wrre is perfect as Janos Szaby.
tour using an airship held h~· birds. Terry an immigrarn Hungarian watchmaker
Gilli3m. who used ~imilar technique., un having a di(/iculr time in America. H e
Momy p),than, promises to do a rcltl:1kc. beco mes horribly burned in a tenement
lire and has made an expressionless mask
of his (ace that he can 't pay for. H e
THE FABULOUS WORLD 01' grows increasingly bitter and easily takes
JULES VERNE over an underworld orcration he joined
1958 Warner Brothers (C;:echo~lo\'.1kl,r) to make money. When he help~ out
PI\OOU( £II,; Ceskos Lovcn~kv Fr hns and (al[s in love with a blind g irl
OIIUCTOP.: K3rel Zeman
(Evelyn Keyes) who considers him kind
SCI\[[NWJIJTEIU: Karel Zeman,
and ho nest, the gang thinks he's he-
Fr.mTlsek Hrublll
tTfl}'ed them and mOTe tragedy results.
The best-known ofZelllan's poetiC mIx- A cla SS IC a 'rictu re with George E.
tures of live action and 19th-century Smne and Don Beddoe. Florey directed
engravings was released here with an - Lo rre ::I!!a in to The Beasl with FH'f'
glicized credirs and promoted as bClI1g Fiflj.1eTs.

GungJfI..'Tl ....tuch rherr ex-

0051 Peler Lurr" III TIlt'
Fact' Belul)(l the Mask.

THE FACE OF EVE, See EVE. U1'19/ J3/65: This(i(rr-
" £III of et-'iJ repre5t'lliS ,""
111E FACE OF FEAR, See relHm of''''' j lni~tt'T Fu
Munch"" He is /xing /)(}T-
PEEPING 1'0,1/. lTayed In II!.? tin!. film
The Fa(.c of Fu Mandlll
FACE OF FIRE Iry BrillSh lI('f(J1' Chrislo-
1959 Allied ATflm (U.S.lSweden ) pkrLee.
~DOCW : Albert Hand, LOUIS Garfinkle
OI k(CTOII.: Albert Band
SCk('(NWklTEII.: Loui ~ GlI rfinkl e
Prumme.::l ;ls a horror m OV ie , this fi lmed-
in -Sweden fea ture is based o n STephen
C r:'lne's "Th\..' Monster." J ~uncs Wh it-
mo re's face IS badly burned while rcscu- Professor Randol ph (John C a rrad ine)
mg a boy from a fi re. The ordea l also and his assisTrlm (Robert Shayne) re-
affects his mind and rh e town5P1!oplc turn some dead people 10 life. They also
become terrified of hi m. With Cam- revi ve a G reat Dane who is soon walk-
cron Mitchell. Bettye Ackerm<ln, and ing through walls. Meanwhi le, thc 1-I00i -
Royal Dano. tian h ouse keeper uses voodoo lo \'e
potions and W illie Best shi vers and
THE FACE OF FU AIANCHU hides. With C hl udia Drake OInd Maris
196'; Anglo Amalgam::ucdls.:,·cn An~ W rixon. A forerun ner of Dracllla's/Jog.
(England) Bad as on Iy 01 Mo nogmm ho rror movie
PkOOU(mSOHHWJU1U: I-\arry Alan T,lwers
could be.
OIk(CTOA: Do n Sharp __
Ch riswpher Lee b the arclwi llalll Fu FA.CE OF111E SCREM flNG
Manch u whuse secret hcadquaru:rs arc WEREWOLF
righ t unde r the Thaml'~ (thl' watn is 1959165 A~lCmt...d o.striblll<lu Pic' "Tes
handy for drow ni ng his victims). With (Mc:x lco) (R&W)
his heautiful but evil daughter lin Tang P~OOUCE~ (rnj.lll,h "e r~iul\): Jerry Warren
(T ~1i C hin) at hi~ side , he plans 10 con- OIUCTOM: G I[homo Mart me: Sobres,
q\l ~ r (he world with a new poison gas Jerry Warren
J e\'cloped by a German professor he K MENVmTEP.l: G ,Ib..·Tl fl I-.hrllne: Su I~TCS,
ho lds prisoner (Walter Ri lla). The pro- Juan G;,rc ia, Ft'mando de FUt'nles
fes~or's daughter (Karin Dor) is alSl.) Fu's "150 kEl[.f.}(D.4$: H rJll5e lif Tt'fl'Qr
prisoner. Sir Nayland Smith (Nigel In [959 Lo n C hancy, Jr., went south
Green) stops the ho m'ndolls plot and of the border to star 111 a horror corn-
Fu M;m chu dies in an explosion. (Or l~dy c:llk,.:.! 1-11 C(l\:ll Jel Terror with Mex i-
did he ! He was back the next year in can fu nnyman Tin Tan. When Jerry
T he BriMs of Fu Munch'l, ) Wi th I-Iow- Warren bought it for Jubb1l1)! and a
ard Marion-C rawford as Dr. Petrie. U.S. release, all the conu'd y was left
out - or was it ! A mad ~ i e nt i st rinds
FA.CE OF AIA.RBLE a mumm y and revives 11, but under the
1946 MonO/.:ram (B&W) bOlndagcs it 's a werewo lf! Lon, wearin~
,,"ODUCEk: Jcffre ~' Bernard makeup similar to the old Universal
D'~CTO~: W illiam Seal/dUll' look, gut to re vl\'(' tWO of his '40s ch OI r-
KM(NWNTE~: Michal'l Jacoby ac ters at o nce . A rarity.

nuvels by memory (including The M elr-
tum Chromclel ). Nicholas Rocg was the
di rector of photograph y. Bernard He rr-
nUlnn wrote the music.. W ith a great
dream sequence, wordless comic-Ixx>k
newspapers, and Anton Diffring.

1%4 Columhla (B&W)
....oouco.: Max E. Yc>ungstem
DlktCTOf.: Sidney Lume r
SOUNW'-lTE~: Walte r Bernstem
This nuclear-mistak(, mov ie was re-
leased a year aft er Dr. Strange/ave_
When Moscow is accidenta lly wiped off
the map by American oombers, prcsi-
1-01\ Chan<!y {l/iIYS Ill.! wulf- FADE 1'0 BLACK
man 011<' more lime m dcnt Henry FondOl has New York City
1980 Compass Intcrnanona l destroyed to avoid a war that would de-
T h e Face uf the Scrt'am- P~OOUC[I\S: G eQrge Bralln5fein,
mg Werewolf. R oy Hamady STroy alL The action ends with a (reeze
frame of childre n playing. With Dan
OII\ECTOA!~I\EEN\VlUt[~: Vernon Zimmennan
O 'Herlihy, Walter Matthau, Larry Hag-
W impy Eric Binford (pIaYl-d by wimpy
m ~ln, and Dom DeLuise.
Dennis Christopher) is a movie fun who
kilts people in the style of his heroes-
Dracula, Richard Widmark . and Hopa-
long Cassidy among them, Unless you
cou", the clips from o ld mOVIes, JXX:lr
li nda Ke rr idge- a talemed act ress
doomed to be typed forever as a Man- UP FRONT.
Iyn Monroe look-alikl'-is the on I), a~ t
In this attempt at a horror film by the
director of the cla55ic roller-derby epic OF USHI:.'R ( '60) .. See HOUSE
Unhol), Rallen. With a fi lm clip fro m OF USflER,
NiRhr of lhe Living Deoo. <N.) - B~1
FAHRENHEIT 451 1980 Sunn C lass ics
1967 Un iversal (England) .... ODUCEII.: C harll's E. St:-lher, Jr.
p~oouc[~: lewI, M. Allen DlktCTO~: James l. Conway
DII\ECTOI\IK~EEHW~ITE~: Fr;m~ o i ~ T rll ffaut KIU[ NW'-lT[~ : Stephen Lord
Truffaut tackles Ray BmJbury 's world A be<l rdcd Martin l andau and Ra y Wal-
of rotalitarian ism. Montag (Oscar Wer- STOn star in thi ~ new Poe adaptation
ner) has a job bllming books and a wife fro m the peop le who brought us In
(Julie C hri~tie) who watches a giant Se{Jfch of the Guds and an endless num-
propaganda screen al! day. He leaves ber of simihu docudramas. They must
both when h is conscio usness is mised ha ve run out of psychic phenomena to
by a teacher (Julie Christ ie with a dif- explore because they're making more
fe rent haircut). He hides out wit h the all -fiction duds li ke this. Filmed in Sa lt
"book people" who keep busy reciting Lake Cr ty.

f'ALSEFACE UPI 1975: hUlled m()uurl
1976 United Inr{'rn~lLoni!l pictllre dlr~etor Alfred
H.ODUCE1U: John Gnssmer. Hitchcock. U'M NIS JUH
Joseph Weintraub (wnpk'teli his 53rr1 m OllOIl
OI~CTORIKA[ENWI\lT£~; Jo h n Grissme r picufTe. Urul't'1 '.sal"$ Farml}
m.IGINAllY R.£lEASEO .4.5: Plot, cdebraled hi.! 76fh
Rohe rt Lansing is a murdering plastic bmhdllY \.I nh a Spmr of
'76 birthday cak m red,
surgeon In New Orleans who rums 3
u 'Nte. and bllle III hu
go-go d<lncer into a dupl icate of his office. The nulSler of $I<S-
runaway daughter (Judith C hapman) , 1~1I5£ U'illlxml uri Augusf
Wi th a surprise ending. (R). 13, 1899, III LeytOTlSturIC,, En,r:l.lI1d. liedl'
f'MflLY PLOT reefed his first film. The
1976 UniverS;ll Pleasure G ardell, OTI 1w.1-
Pl\OOIJC[~OIMCTO'-= Alfred Hitchcock ((1>1 mI(l GmrUIII I..,callons

SCII,UHWNT'EII,: Ernest Lehman III 1915. HuchcO("k CllIIIII'

Hitchcock's last fi lm (his 53rd) about fO the Ullited Sla/e.! ill
a kidnapi ng and twO coupl es after 19401(1 dluct Rd\crc~
mo ney and diamonds is very liglnhear. for Dat'ld O. SelmKk a.ul
renuuncd 111 thIS crnllliry
tcd. [ {oS entertaining bUT could almost
fO become (III Am,'TiGln
be a Disney film. The crooked couple cili~en.
arc WI lliam Devane and Karen Black.
Spi ritual ist I3.1rbara Harris and boyfriend
goes to Londo n and has her life taken
Bruce Oern arc the nice couple. Oem
over b~' a madame played by Miriam
was put to much better use b\, Hitch-
Hopkins (star of the 1932 Dr, Jekyll and
cock on severa l episodes of The Alfred
H ilchcock Hour. Alfred is scen for the Mr. Hyde, here in her 60s), Thi s rather
laSt time as a familt :u shadow o n a glass
tame version of the famous ba nned
door. Music by John W illiams. novd has a happy ending uniting Fanny
with her sailor-lover UUi Lommcl. With
Alex D'Arcy as the admiral and pro-
FANAnc, See DIE, DIEJlfY ducer Zugsmi th as 11 duke. The loca-
DARLING. tion scenes were filmed in Berlin.
A WOAIANOFPLEASURE 196610,h Century·Fox
1964 Famous Pl3Yers (U.S.i ~OOUCEk: Saul Uw id
W. German}') (B&W) OIk(CTOk: Richard Fleischer
~OOUCEk: Alben Zugsmlth KkEEN'oIIklTEk: Harry Kleiner
OlklCTOk:Russ Merer [n 1995 five people and a submarine
Kk££HWMD.: Rober! Hill are mini<tturized and IIlJecled into the
A o ne- sho t collabora ti o n between hloodstream of a dying dcft."C ting Czech
Mqcr and Zugsmith . Neither has an\'- SC ientist to perform brain surgery on
thing good to say about It. Leticia him. Tin)' A rthur Kennedy is the sur-
Roman is Fann)', the country gi rl who geon. Minuscule Raquc[ Welch is his

Dorrxhy Malone and John
lrelcmd 111 Fasl and Furi_
ous, !he fim !eal14Ye re-
it!AA!d fry AlP.

assistant in a t ight diving su ir. Minute

W ith Marie.Helene Arnaud. One o(
Stephen Boyd is a secret agent. Little
the three comica l Fanromasadvenrures
William Redfield is the submarine cap-
made in the early '60s with the same
tain. Wee Donald Pleasence is an ene- cast and di rector.
my agent ki lled by white corpuscles!
They anack Raquel too and hero Boyd THEFASTAND
has to peel them off her quivering body. THE FURIOUS
Lots o( enlarged guts, a voyage through 1954 ARC (AlP) (B&W)
the venrricles, and a lung-i nduced tor. "'-OOUC(I\: Roger Comlan
nado. With Edmond O'Brien and James OIIU:CTOM:}ohn Ireland, Edwards Sam~n
Brolin. KP.££HIN'M['-S: jerotne Odium, lean Howell
The second film (mm Roger Corman's
FANTOilLAS Palo Alto productions and the fim to
1964 (France/Italy) be distribuT(x! by American Releasing
1'AODOc[~DIIU:CTO": Andrt< Hunebdl .. Col'JXlranon, soon to be known as AlP.
SQ.([N\VIIJT['-S: Jean Halain, Pierre Foucaud BlacklisTed by the tnlcking industl)' after
~'GINAUY P.£L£ASEO AS: FanlollUJS Conrro
Scurland Yard a mysterious (<ltality, teamster John Ire-
l<lnd is having coffee in a roadside care
Je<ln Mara is, the star o( sever::!! Coc-
when he meets Dorothy Malone-on
teau films, is the supercriminal Fan-
her way to compete in the <lnnual Peb-
tomas. Fandor, a newspaper reporter
ble Beach road mce into Mex ico. Ire-
(also Marais), infuriates the c ri mina!
land geTS into a fistfight with a stmngcr,
by pri nting stories saying there is no
locks M<llonc in a shed, then takes her
such person, that the police JUSt m3de
Jaguar and heads (or the border. Run-
hi m up to have someone to blame (or
ning another driver 0(( the course re-
unsolved crimes. Fantomas, who has a
sults in a fl ashback and a change of
meta! (ace, is a master of d isgu ises. He
heart. With Bnlce Carlisle, Marshall
comm its crimes as Fandor and as Jove,
Bradford, Jean Howe ll, and Bruno Ve
the police inspector (Lou is de Funes).
Sora. -CB

FASTER PUSSYCAT! Ben Cooper. Poupee Gamin, Iron Eyes
KILL! KILL! Cody. and Sam the Sham. Songs in-
1965 Russ Me~'er Associ:lles ( B&W) clude "Piscolero," "Good Time Party,"
",ODUCUS: Russ and Eve Meyer "Whirlwind," and " Ro llin' On." -CB
OIIU:ClQ«.: Russ Meyer
K '-£IN'tVP.fTU: Jack M o ran THE FAT Spy
AUO kElEASEO M: Leather Girls, Mankillers.
1966 Magna Pictures
AAODUCEII.: Everett Rosenthal
Partl~' because director John Water,; has DIP.£ CTOP. : J ~ I)h BTUn
declared it's his favo rite movie, this KII.E[NWP.IT(P': Matthew Andrews
outrageous, ahead-o(·its.time, 'Idults- Would you believe a comedy (with
only feature has found a new, younger music) about a search for the fountain
audience and a notoriety equaling of youth sta rring Jack E. Leonard (in
Meyer's major-studio Bcymwlhe Valley two roles)! Brian Donlevy. a cosmet-
of tJw. Dolls. Three psychotic go-go danc- ics tycoon, sends fat Jack E. ro an is-
ers race their Porschcs in the Cal ifo r. land off Florida to find the foomain.
nia desert sea rching for cheap thrills. Leonard's twin brother (in love with
Tura Samo a, an awesome part-Apache cosmet ics manufacturer Phyll is Diller)
part -japanese woman, wears a tight shows up, too. As if that weren't bad
jumpsuit as Varia, the dyke leader of enough, the island is loaded with sing-
the pack. She leads Lori W illiams and ing teenagers and Jayne Mansfield as
Haji in a funny, non-stop barrage of Don lcvy's seductive daughter. Ponce de
sex: and violence while searching for Leon turns up to put an end to the
an old man's hidden money. With nonsense. With Jordan C hristopher,
mart ial-arts battles, a chicken run. Johnny Tillotson , and the Wild O nes,
a musclebound guy ca lled Vegetable, a group that actually played in New
Sue Bernard, Playboy's Miss December York City.
1966, as a kidnap vict im, and the beSt
dialogue you've he:lrd in years. The
Bostweeds provide the memo rable
1940 Monogram (B&W)
theme song. AAODUCEP.: William T. Lackey
DIIl.ECTOP.: William Nigh
TH E FASTEST SCMEH\Io'lUl£PS: Scoll Q;.r1ing. Joseph West
Gu/DIRALIVE Another fo rgenable Mr. Wong detec-
1967 MGM (S&W) rive fil m with Boris Karloff and Grant
AAO DlICEI\: Sam K<lt:man Wilhe~ solving a murder. With Marjo-
DIIU:CTOP.: Michael Moore rie Reynolds, Ja.~-m Robards, Sr., and
SCREENWM'[I\: Rober! E. Ken! Jack Kennedy.
Roy O rbison stars as a Confederate spy
who gives guitar lessons to tht' go ver- THE FFAR CflMlBER
nor's daug hter and then rob5 a U nion 1968 Aneca (U. S.lMexico)
mint befo~e finding out the war is over. AAOOUCEP.: Louis Enrique Vergara
See Roy use his shotgun b'llitar to get DIl\ECT0P.5: Juan [bane:, Jack H ill
himself and his companion Sammy K MENW?rTEk: Jack I [ill
Jackson and the dancing C hesmut Sis- OP.lGI NAllY P.£l.£ASED AS: La Camara dd
ters OUt of a sc rape with a band of T~~
renegades. Co-starring Joan Freeman One of four Mexican features that Boris
and Maggie Pierce , with Lyle Bcttger, Kadoff shOi scenes for in Los Angeles.

These seldom-seen films were his laSL White star as occult investigators. Brad-
As a kind scierHist, he becomes ill after ford Dillman becomes possessed by a
about 15 minUies of experimenting with full-length antique mirro r. When he
a "living rock" and goes to bed. No d ies in a car crash, he returns through
more Boris. His assisWnlS ( including a the mi rror. His Ilancee ( Lynda Day
dwarf) continue the experiments by George) seeks the help of the ex pert
feeding the blood of girls to the rock in team. With Carroll O 'Connor. It was
an effort to rule the wo rld. Wi th Julissa, a pilot film fo r a series ro be calk-d Be-
S<tntanon, and C,rios East. Boris' other devilled. Rilual of Evil was a second try.
south-of- the- border ho rrors were House
of Evil, The Incredible Im'(1Sion , and The FEAR NOEVIL
$lUlke People. 1981 Avco Embassy
~: Frank and Olarles M. La Loggia
1947 Para mou nt ( B&W) An imerest ing attempt to make a mod-
""ooucus: William H. Pine, em fantasy horror movie with stro ng
William C. TIlOm as religious overtones. Avco picked up the
DltU:CTO","SCtU:EHWfJTU.: M ax well Shane independent feature and added a 101 of
DeForest Kelly of Star Trek fame is a colorfu l optica l effec ts. The confusing
man who can', decide whether he killed story features Andrew, a qu iet high
somebody with a drill in a mi rro red school student who is really the Anti-
room or iu~t dreamed it. His IXllice- christ. An o ld woman and a young g irl
detective brother-in -Jaw (Paul Kelly) arc really angels scnltodefeat him. An-
helps sort out the (acts. With Ann drew destroys a local passion p lay and
Doran. This Comell Woolrich story was unleashes a ho rde of revived corpses.
remade in 1956 as Nighllnare by the Most of the sound track is borrowed
same direc tor. new wave and punk rock music , includ-
ing John ny Ron en snarl ing " I Am the
FEAR IN THE NIGHT A nti-C hrist .. . " Pren y sil ly, but the
1972 Hammerllmemalional (England ) guy who made it (in Roches[Cr, New
""OOUC[WOItU:CTOP.: Jimmy Sangster York) was only 23 at the time. O ne o f
SCP.EEHWP.JTEP.S: Jimmy Sangster, Andrew's male h igh school tormentoo; is
Michael Syson punished by being given instant breasts .
Peter C ush in g stars as a o ne-armed A (fue oddity. Star Stefan Arngrim
headmaster of a private school. A young was the lin le boy on The uma of the
teacher (Ralph Bates) plots with C ush- Gianl5 TV show. (R)
ing's wife (Joan Collins), who is his
mistress, to drive his own wife Uudy FEARLESS FRANK
Geeson) insane and have her murder 1967 AlP
Philip K~,lman
FEAR NO EVIL AUO P.£l!AS.£O AS; Frank 's Gr(a((sr
1969TV Advmrure
PP.OOUCE";K I\EENWP.lTEI\: Frank , a coun try boy (jo n Yoight),
Richard Alan Simmons comes (Q the big city, fa lls in love with
DlP.£CTOf.; Paul Wendkos a girl named Plethora (Monique Yan
The first and best made-for -TV occu lt Yooren), is killed by gangsters and
movie. Louis Jourdan :m d Wilfrid Hyde- brought back to life as a superhero by a

doctor. The doctor's brother creatCS Shot o n locat io n 6,CXX) (eel high in the
False Frank (also Voight), an inferior Italian Alps.
duplicate, to fight Frank. The original
revived Frank becomes corrupt and
overconfident while the imitation be- THE FFARAtAKERS
comes the hero. A seldom shown S31- 1958 United Artists (S&W)
PkOouctk: M:ntin Lancer
ire filmed in Chicago by rhe director
DI'-£CTOk: Jacques Tourneu r
of the remake of /nt.wion of the Body SCk££H\IIkfTt~: Ell iot West, Chris Apple
Snatchers. With Joan Darling, Severn Dana Andrews returns home from the
Darden (both in The Presidenf's Ana- Korean War and discovers his ad agency
lyst), and David Steinberg as the R<lt . is unknowingly promoting communism.
Their client, "The Sons of the Patri-
THE FEARLESS VMfPlRE otic Pioneers" (an antiatomic warfare
KILLERS, OR PARDON AlE group), is a front (or reds. With Dick
BUT YOUR TEETHAREIN Foran, Mel To rme, and Veda Ann
AfYNECK Borg. Andrews had just been in Tour-
1967 MGM (England) neur's CI4T5e of the Demon.
~O Ducn: Gene Glitowski
DIk{CTo«': Rom:m Polanski
SCII.(ENlllkITEkS: Gerald Sweh, FEAST OF FLESH.. See
Roman Polanski BLOOD FEASI:
Po lanski's vampire spoof isn't his best
effort, but like all his films it's at least FEAlALE .. See THE VIOLENT
partially brillillnt. As Alfred, Polanski
accompanies Professor Abronsius (Jack
MacGowran), an enthusiastic o ld V<lm-
pi fe hunter, to the cllstle o(Count Von IRE FEAtALEANIAtAL
Krolock (Ferdy Mayne). MacGowran 1958 Universal
also starred in Polanski's Cul-de-Sac and PkOOUCEk: Alben Zugsmith
was in How I Won the War and The DI'-£CTOP.: Harry Keller
Exorcis/. Mayne repeated his excellent Hedy Lamarr p];,ys a fad ing Hollywood
vampire role in an obscure 197 I Ger- sex symbol who decides to keep Robot
man comedy, Vampire HaptJening. A l- Monster star George ader around for
though the idc<l of an organized colony company. She hires him as a Guetakcr
of V<lmpires attending a bal! had been but he flltls for her adoplt.xi d,lUghter
used in Hammer's Kiss of ,he Vampire, Jane Powell. Lamarr retired after this
Po illnski's film featured two firsts-a nonhit. With Jan Sterling and Jerry
Jewish vampire (Alfie (kISS) unaffected Paris.
by the crucifix and a homosexual vam-
pire (Ian Quarrier). Sharon Tale, who IRE FBlltALE BUNCH
was featured in a Playboy pictoriOlI 1969 Burhank International
pro moting the film, is Re becca, the PkOOUCEk: R:llph Nussb"um
beautifu l red-haired peasant girl kid- DIUCTOk: AI Adamson
naped (from one of her rnOlnr baths) !tC,-£EN\IIkIT[~: Jale Lock ....ood,
by the count. MGM cur 20 minutes Brt.'nt Nimrod
out againsl Polanski's wishes lind added AUO k£1.E~(D AS: A Time 10 Run
a cartoon introduction. With awesome A gan~ of man -hating women living
sets and strikin~ color photography. III the desert have problems with seduc-

1955 AlP (B&W)
PP.Ooucn: Bun Kaise r
C>lI\lCTOi\: Bruno Vc Sofa
s.o.£Of\VlUT1:M: Burt K:user. Bruno Ve Sola
Jayne M;lOsfieid in her first film role!
She made $150 (or playing a nympho-
maniac. "It was finished in two weeks
and led to norhing," she claim<...J huer.
The slory starred L'lV.'rence Tierney (the
real-life brother of SeOtl Brady) as a
police sergeant fou nd drunk at the scene
of an actress's murder. W ith Joh n
Carr<ldine as a gossip wriTer, Kath leen
Crowley, and director Ve Sota. Jayne
then moved to even stn:! lIer roles at
Warner Brothers before starring in \Vill
SIJCceSS SPOil Rock /-fumer? on Broadway
and rerurn ing to Hollywood and a star-
ring contract at 20th Century-Fox.
five Russ T:!rnblyn. Lon C h ancy, Jr.,
(in his la~ t released fi lm) is a hired- FER-DE-LANCE
h:!nd drug pushcr. W ith Rcgma Carrol 1974 TV
and }ennifl'r Bishop. Russ, Lon, and ~U.: I)ollllnic Frolllicre
Regina were next seen III Adamson's Russ Ma}'bcrry
Dracula 1'S. Fmnkenslem. For fittin g at- Lesll" Stevens

mosphere Ihis slearehall featu re wasshO( AUO k£I.EASEO AS: Dealh Ont...
on rill" Manson ranch. (R) TeleviSIon 's dumbest disaster film. It 's
about makes on a submarine. \Vith
DaVid J'lIlssen, Hope Lange, J a ~o n
7HEF£llALEBUTCHER E\'er~, and lvan Dixon. The British
1971 Frlm Venfu r~s (If<llyISp;lIn)
PI\O OU«I\: J~ M :IrI,' Son:" le: S mJc
had to pay w see it. Leslie Stcven~ (The
OfI\ECTOI\: Jorge Grau Ower Limus) was executive producer.
s.o.££NWl\JTnS: JUdO Tabar.
Sandro Conrenen:a FERRY CROSS THE
1964 Unired Arllsts (England) (R&W)
ALSO I\ELEA~ED AS: ul!nu/ of BkK){i emilI', Michaeilloiden
BlIJ<.JdCemn,,")" OII\[CTOP.: Jl!remy Summers
"She blltchered 610 nubile virgins!" SCI\[(N~IT[I\ : David Franden
the ad~ screamed. Luchr Bose, in an- Gerry rmd the Pacemakers, a popular
ot her \"er~ion of the Countess Eliza l~t h Liverpool group of the early '60s, sta r
Balhory legend, stays etern;dly young in their own Hard Da)"'s Night. After
hy harhing in thc blood of \·irgins. It heing welcomed by sc reami ng fans,
w,r~ m:!de after the producers studrc:d Gerry Marsden rem in isces about the o ld
the profib of Countess Dracula. With prcf:ullc days going to an school dur-
Ew:! Aulin (CaJld~). (R) lIlg the da y and pl:!)'i ng the Cavern at

nlghc After equipment compllC<l!lons
they win a hig-beat comest and achieve
(short-lived) (mematlQnal fame. The~'
perform the title hit. "It's Gonna Be
All Righ t," rmd others. C ilia Black, the
Fourmosl, and OIhers you never heard
of also play. Execut!\'e producer Bnan
Epstein managed the Bcatles and the
Paco.:ma kers. Note the way Gerry holds
hiS gu itar.


1961 EssanJar (B&W)
AAOOUC[k.: J. ! larold Utdl L.K:...
OI'-l(TO": N:ltt· Wan
KJlH HWIIJTEIU: Bruce Iknnen.

Mark Carnl'el
Canbbean island baron Bruce Bennett special effec ts were created b~' a team llus
L./\~ng brOIlU atwck !JI

li ves by dealing in ~tolcn firearms and of Austrians. The fi lm was di rected by Bntilh rek/.W:frum

the guy who did Horror of [he Black rh.-nd Wuhom A Face.
local marijuana. paying his native la-
oorers slavc wages. The fiend Imports MltScllm. Two hiu in a row (or Mr.
a whltc female for fun, but she rmd his Cr:Jbtree. RIChard Gordon was exec-
assiswnt (Robert Bray) unite to end the utive producer.
tyranny. With Tania Velia as Glory L1
Verne. ~CB
1958 Anglo Arna[garnah:dlMGM 7HE FlrlH FLOOR
(En),!bnd) (B&W) 1980 Film Ventures
AAOOUC[": John Croydon AAOOUCOJOIJl£CTO ..: I [ow;lrd Avt'dls
DIJI£CTO": Arthur Crnhtrec KJ\[[NWJ\ITE~: Mq· .. r l))[msky.
K"HNWJ\JT£": Herbert J. Leder //o"'ard AVl'(lis
A rocket base in Canada is being sabo- A cocktail waitress at a disco lounge is
ragt.-d by an invisible force creilled by slipped a powerful drug and ends up in
some scient ists experimenting wllh the .. mental asylum on the dreaded fi fth
lll<Lterialization of thought. This fi lm lloor. As a Icerillg. demented anendam,
sta rring Mar.;hall Thompson might .>eem Go Hopkins makes sure she doesn't re-
prCllr ordinary for a while, but stick gain her san ity. Mel Ferrer is rhe guest-
wl[h it. The thought creaturc~ eventu- star doctor. Cas.1blanca Records pro-
ally materialize as fiying brains with ~pi­ vided rhe disco music. With Dianne
na l cords attached. The scenes of these 1·lull. Patti D'ArbanviHe, Sharon Far-
partially animated creatures choking rell. and Julie Adams. Pretty 8.'ld. (R)
their screaming victims with their cords
while sucking their hraim Ollt are the
most nightmarish and shocking you'll 52 AllLES TO TERROR, See
evcr see. Real breathlaking stuff! The HOT R ODS TO HELL.

FIGHTING DEVIL DOGS as the skipper of a nuclear aircraft c ar-
[938 Re public (B&W) rier (the Nimitz) in this silly Twilight
PM>DU([k; Robert IXche Zone-style feature. Ki rk and his ship
OIP.ECTOkS: William Wimey. John English are suddenly time-warped to Pearl Har-
SCM:EHWklTIM: B:myShipman, bor before the attack ! With Katharine
Franklyn Adreon, Ronald D.lIlidson , Ross, Martin Sheen, j ames Faremino,
Sol Shor
C harles Durning, and Ron O'Nea l.
.wo P.£l.£ASEO AS: Tile Tamado of Doom
The Lightning, an impressive villain
with lightning bolts all over his cos- FINALEXMf
tume, destroys with h is artificial thun- 1981 AvcoEmbassy
derboh. U.S . Marine hero Lee Powe ll I'f.OOUCW: John L Chambliss,
saves the world and Eleanor Stewart. Myron Me i~l
With Herman Brix (Bruce Bennett) and DIUCTOOSQ,EEH'IIfJTU.: Jimmy Huston
Monrague Love. A condensed feature Ano ther Halloween copy, this o ne set
version was released to TV in '66. at a college. A homic idal maniac fa-
rally knifes all the main characters e x-
cept the heroine. The victims get a lot
THE FINAL CONFLICT of screen rime but the murders are t oo
198 1 lOth Century· Fox (England) rame to please the hardened fa ns of this
Pf.OOUCEA: H arvey Bt-rnhard type of film in the '80s. (R )
DIP.ECTOA: G raham Baker
KP.EI1NmTU: Andrew Birkin
The Omen. Part Three. Damicn (Sam THE FINAL PROGRMMfE,
Neill) is no w grown up . runn ing a See THE LAST DAYS OF
large corporatio n and about to beco me JrAN ON EARTH
U.S. Ambassador to England. Some
monks led by Rossano Br:mi try to STOp THE FINAL WAR
him from killing Don Gordon's baby, 1960 ToeilSame Lake Emerprises (Japan)
a possible future obstacle. The mo nks ( B&WI
d ie in a number o f connived ways. H.ODUCO: T oei
The baby is killed by a steam iron. DIIU:CTOII: Shigeaki Hidaka
The public d idn't seem too interested SCIlElN\1olMDS: T. Y:uumi, Tah~$hi Kim ura
in the last insmllment o f this stupid se- OIIJGIHAllY IIDLASW AS: Dai $anj; St-kai
ries and it didn 't even have celebrity
deaths [Q help it along. With Charles AUO Ul.U.S£D AS: World War Three Breaks
Durning. ( R )
End-of-the-world parano ia from a jap-
anese point of view. The U.S. acci-
THE FINAL COUNTDOWN dentally detonates a nuclear bomb over
1980 U n ited Anim
Korea . South Ko rea bla mes Nort h
""OOUC[II: PeteT Vmcent Douglas Korea. japan mobil izes. An American
DIAECTOf.: Don Taylor jet is shot down o ver the Soviet Union .
SCIU:(H\VIIJTlAS: David Ambr~, Tokyo is totally leveled by Soviet H-
GeT!)' Davis, Thomas Hume r, bombs. The film's hero finds his nurse
Pete r Powell gi rlfriend dead and dies from radiation .
Kirk Douglas, fi rmly established as a Every country in the world is destroyed
horror/science fi ction star after The except for Argentina. A great kiddie-
Fury, Tht- Chosen , and Saturn 3, stars matinee feat ure .

""oouco.; [rvlng Smr 1956 Top(IZ Films (England) (B&W)
DIIl.ECTOI\! Charles Ledcri.'r PkOOUCEk: Geo rge Fowler
KUENWI\ITt'-S ; Rose C,lylur, Cy Roth
Lawrenct" P. Bachmann
Sort of a Bri tish version of Cat \'(/omen
"Th e Mystery of the Robot Muruers!" of the Moon and JUSt as rid ieulnus.
the ads prom ised. Basil Rtlchoonc b a America's imtant has-been Antho ny
magician who impersonates rhe head Dexter (star of Valenrilw) is the astro-
of an asyl um and hypnot izes in mates naut leader who finds a lost all-female
so they'll comm it axe murders. Wi th c ivi lization o n a moon of Jupiter.
Lew Ayres and Larai ne Day (known at These descendants of the citizl'os of At-
the t ime as stars o f the Dr. Kildare lantis wear lY.lth ing suits with little skirts
series), and li e around in flame s for ex tra
cnergy. A lumpy-fac(.-d monster in tights
attacks the fi ve Earth mcn. The alien
FlRE! beauties d:lf)ce to Borodin's Polovers!1I
1977 TV
H.QOUCU.: Irwi n Allen
DlR.ECTOA: Earl Bcll:l m~'
K M:EMVPJTEM; N Omt:ln Katkov, fIREBALL 500
A rth ur Weiss 1966 AlP
A hot o ne from diS<ISlcr master Irwin Pf.Ooucw: J:unes H . Nicholson,
Allen , executive producer of rhis story Slllnuel Z. Arkoff
OlkECTO I\: William Ashn
about a moun tain commun it )· th reat-
ened by a blaze started by an escaped Wlll!:l111 Asher,
Leo TownS(:nd
con. Ernest Borgn inc sta rs. O thers risk·
ing burned makeup include Pany Duke Fmnkie Avalon plays into the hands
Astin , Neville I3mnd , Erik Estrada. of whiskey rllnneTS b~' agreeing to drive
Lloyd Nolan , Vera Miles, Donna Mills, in a cross-country race. Annette Funi -
Gene Evans, Ty Hard in, and Alex cello and Fabian assist. With Chi ll
Wills, Harvey Lembeck, Julie Parrish,
Cord. A sha n (90-minute) version was
pai red with a cut -down Flood! as tcle- and Vin Sc ult ~,. Music by the Don
visio n's fi rst double-dis..1ster bi ll ! Randi Trio Plus One and the Carole
Lombard Smgers. Track action fi lmed
at the Ascol and Saugus Raceways ncar
fIRE IN THE SKY Los Angeles, local color shot in Char-
1978 TV 101le, North Carolina. Featuring four
Pf.ODUCU,: Hugh 6t:nson Playboy PlflymHtes. -CB
DII\,(CTOk: Jerry Jam eson
:\.Ck£EN\VklTEkS: ~nnis N(mec,
M ichael Blankfort
1968 Americana
Astronomer Richard Crenna warns the l'I\ooucu.: G. B. Robe rls
people of Phoenix that a fiery come t DlkECTOA: Jose Priete
will destroy them. It does. With El iza- SCAUN\VkITU,: Harty Wh ittington
beth Ashley an d ;,700 eXtra5 ! An AU<) kEl.tAltO M : Jungle Tj>fTO"r

Em my winner fo r special desH ucto S rock-car racing infi ltrated ! Ca reye

eHeets! It aired before Meteor was Meares (A lan Mixon) helps mobster
released. Mereor was funnier. Nero Sagi tt arius (John Russell) lake

The cull1man<i<"T (Marshall Thompson)
gets him III a glass booth and tries to
C,)nlmU nlClllc. No such luck. Wi th
Marla Land i. RIChard Gordon was ClI"-
eclUl\'C producer.


1964 G,lumbla (England/U.S.)
PI\ODUCE": Charles H. Scllllct.""r
DlklOOR: Narh,lll Juran
Nigel Kne~le, Jan Read
K I\£ENWRrTrll.,S:
Fu n Victorian sc ience fic tion based o n
I1. G. Wells' novel. When UN ,Istro-
nauts land on the moo n they find a
Brirbh flag fr,)m 1899 there . Flashhacks
~ llI)w eccentric professor C avor (Lionel
J ef(r ie~) using his antigravi ty paint on
a spherical met,, 1 ship that takes him
to th l • M(lOn wi th playwright Edward
,\Irx/..>m 1l(JlTrJl"I III Crill ovcr ;1~trin)! ot Southern tracks, sbul,lh-
CII.m•.',, '5 ~151 film, FITcl>all Judd and Judd's fiancee, Martha H yer.
tcring as llI"n~' trouhlcnwkl' Ts as nccl'S-
They're captu red by Selenites (inseCl
Jungle Silry. Drivcr~ arc :,cnt carcenrng, and
men), Most ,Jf them are men in suits,
jllllkFUd owner Lon Ch,mey, Jr. . he-
hut a spec ial (eature is stop-motion an i-
comes a human torch. Catc\'c I~ even-
mation by Ray Harryhausen o ( the
tually undone hy the hrotlll;;:r o( o ne 1)(
Grand Lunar ,m d a gian t M ocm cal(
h", earlier \'lCl llib. \Vuh Rand y Klri:>y.
(caterpi llar) . Peter Fmch has a tiny role
Chuck Daniel. Nancy D,)nuhuc. P",hs
as a messenger in England . Newspa-
!X·any. and Herman the \Vnml... r D'ig.
T hrr ll d riving by jOll' Chmv()oJ. ~hde per ads featured a signed endorsement
(rom Col. Joh n "Shorty" Powers. A
III Tampa. Director Pflct<.· '~;I I~l known
sound Irack album by Laurie Johnson is
as Joseph Pneto. ell
11v;"1I Iahle.
1959 Anglo Amalg,Ulwl·d/MGM
Pfl.ODUCEII.,S: John Cro~'d~)n,
Charl es F. Vetter. Jr.
1960 C rl)wn International (E. Germanyl
DIUCTOI\; Roocrt Day
J"lm C. G"'I'CT ,
PRODUC£II.,S: Ncwton E Jacobs,
Lmcc Z. Hargreavc,
I\u rl SchreihllIan. Edmum! Goldman
Another scary hit from the people whn DlklCTOR: Kiln Maerzig
Inade Fiend \Vilh,ow (J Face (Ama lga- K"E[NWI\It£R!i: J. Barckh aust.""n. J. Ft.""thh:.
mated). therc kncw how to W. Kohhl»t."". K. Maurg, G. Reisc h ,
deliver uneasy shocks. An as tronaut re- G. Rucker, A. Slenbock-Fermor
turns to Earth bloated and (Otally Cov· OOGINA.LLY I\[lEM[D AS; lkr Schweigt'lw
en..J with space dust l'lI"Cept for one eye. SWTTI

The crazed man needs hlood to surV1\·e. A critically accla imed serious space film
He soon graduates from call ie to l"JI.."Ople. with ,good special effects, wh ich was re-

le,beJ here by ! \ugo Grirnfl ldi minus FIVE COLD EN DRAGONS
30 mll1ute~ of foolflge. B:1.sed lin a book 1968 \'V,lrnn Brotill'TS (En!-:l:mJ)
hy S t ,IIlI~I "w Lem. II tr:1.cb :\ multi- I brfYAI,,,, Towc rs
raCial/n,lIlon,11 tJ.ghl lo Venu:. III 1985. OlkECTO«.: h'rry S"mme~
Th~' r1CllI re~ue hut dead world they Rohen C Ull nnmg:. ~ ta rs In hIS last the-
tmd heen destroyed by n uclear atflca l featll re ,IS a n Amellcan In H o ng
warf'lr~·. Try ,mJ Ull:1.gme fl 1960 Ameri- K.lIl g In thIS mtemallo nfll cnnu' adven-
can m\Jvle with :1. hlack :1.strl)Oau t. [ure. With Gcorge Raft. Brian l"XJnlevy,
Dan D\lrye;l, C hristopher Lee, Maria
Rohm. ilnd Margarl·t Lee. From the
FI VE ,llreclor of The Venxeilllce of FII Manch".
195 [ ColumbIa
'~OOUCE~DI~ECTO~5C/l.[( N""/l.llE~:
Arc h Ol-olcr
The on ginfl l posthoiocausl hit . Five sur-
vivors COIllC togcthl'r 111 " Frank Lloyd
Wngh t cliff hOllse .lncl ta lk ,.hout thc T-MAD
nuclear holoGmsL T hl'Y are a pregnant
woman. a bl,lCk doorm<ln. a hank cash-
Ier wh n IS d ymg. a {rll~1r:1.1ed Ide:l \rst. WOMEN IN A
and" mo un ta m clunhcr who IS :l mur-
de re r. With Wilham Phtprs, Susan VICIOUS AND
J)ollgla~. James AnJl'ho n . C h"rlcs
La mpkrn , :md Earl Lec. -AF
1969 inJI."J'<:ndl."nt [ntemallon,11 P,ctllTeS
P~ODIJC[~DIM:CTOk: AI Ad.lIl1l1(m
SCIt.EEN\\,t'-lru: Rohcrt lJ,x
ALSO II.£LEAUD AS: Tht, Gun Rult'l'5,
Londy,\;l(11l "Inhuman"
Fro m the ads: "Passionflte pLtrgir1 ~ meet
~ i c k gu nmen III a saV:lge and sensuous "Shocking"
slaughtcr!" Actor-screenwrHcr Robert
DIX (who also was as:-oc iate producer)
lo tMS as "The Messenger of Dea th" in
th iS cheap allegon cal We~tem. Death
hl111Sel{ (Gene Raymond) IMrratcs the
act io n : Yacqui lnd i~ln $ arr:lck, h:uhing
prmtitUfeS arc watched hy II k'c hl~roulo
old preac her Oohn Carl":ldlnc ), ;1 sqU,lW
IS raped and tortu red, :1. man IS left to
the on an am hIli. Heavy thnught from
cnrert'<ltn ing hflck AI Ad"m..on. With ROBERT DIX JIM DAVIS scon BRADY
Scot! Brady, John C:lrdos, JIm D,,\'i~
(Dillkt~). Paub Ra ymo nd . and Vicki ~!~~~:~~~h,~,~,,~u~~'~"il.~'~"~~. J(JH~ C.NDOI with 'ENE ''';.';'0;:;':,,,,,,,-j
Vol:lnTc. C inematography by V tlmos .. ,n,' INDEPEMDENl-INm NUION.l Pictures Corp ra] ~-==:::=...
LslgmunJ. ( R )

24 1
FIVE GUNS !VEST as a British TV movie, but it hasn't
1955 ARC (AlP) (B&W) shown up here yet.
IIP.OOUCE"'OIM:CTOP.: Roger Corman
KM:£H\VfJTE": R . Wright Ca mpbell
Corman's first time out as d irector. A
1961 Sulton (B&W)
cavalry·esconed stagecoach carries a de-
H.OOucu..: James Ellswonh
fecting intelligence netwo rk head to- OIk£ClOk: Bill Kam
ward Union headq uaners. Jailbird Kk£ENW?JTEII.: Cay Forestd
commandos he lp a Confcdcmtc capmin AUO P.EI.LASED AS: Door-ro-Door Mllniac
stop it. With John Lund. Dorothy Jo hnny Cash poses as a salesman to
Malone, 8obCampbell , Jonathan Haze, trap ho usewife Cay Forester while h is
Paul Birch , larry Tho r, and Michael partner extracts $70,000 ransom fro m
"Touch" Connors. -CB her banker husband . Featuring Donald
Woods, Pamela Mason, Ronny Howard
(who was Opic on The And)· Griffith
FIVE llfILL/oN YEARS TO Show at the time), Vic Tayback, and
EARTH Merle Travis. C ash sings " I've Come
1967 HammerIWamer Brothers to Kill" and "Five Minutes to Live ."
(England) Rereleased by AlP in 1966 as Door- IO-
I'P.OOUCU: Anthony Ndson.Keys Door Maniac with an added rape scene.
DIUCTO~ Roy Ward Baker -CB
salENI.\IRJT[II.: Nigel Kneale
and lhe Pir
The Quatermassseries creared by Nigel FIVE S'DIR FINAL
Kneale was o riginally serialized on Brit· 193 I Wamer Brothers (B&W)
ish TV. Hammer made two excellent H.ODUCU: Hal 8. Wallis
features about the superscicntis[ in the otk£CTO!\: Mervyn Leroy
sa.tEHWkJTEII.: Byron Morga n
'50s (The Creeping U nknown in '56
and Enem:; from Space in '57- U.S. A film versio n of a play written by the
tides). Andrew Kier stars in this, the managing editor of the New York Eve-
beST of the series and o ne of the better ning Graphic, the P OS I of its day. Man -
sc ience-fiction mov ies ever made. A aging editor Edward G. Robinson hires
Martian spaceship conraining !ong- Boris Karloff to pose as a priest and
dead insect like creatures is discovered pho tograph and spy o n a fami ly pre-
under the London subway. The ship is vious!)' involved in a sensational mur-
pro tected by a mental energy which der. New sensatio nal smries result in a
when unleashed begins desHoying the double suicide and death threats aimed
city. The scientists discover that the at the publisher. With H. B. Warner,
aliens had instigated human evolution Marian Marsh, Frances Starr, and Ona
by their experimenTs on ancient apes Munson . T\.VO Against the World was
{they were trying (Q make them into a remake.
better slaves). When the Martians died
the humans were left o n their own. FIVE THE HARD !VAY
Some of these ideas werc explored the 1969 Crown International
next year in 2001: A S{XlCe Od)'sse)'. H.Ooucn: Ross Hagen
With Barbara Shelley and J ames Don- OIk£ClO~: Gus T rik onis
ald . [n 1980, The Qualermass Condu- Kk£[N\VIUT£A: Tony Hous!O n
sion starring John Mills was produced AUO k£LEASED AS: The Sid.!hacken

A competition cyclist (Ros~ H agen)
see ks revenge (or the sex ~1aying of his
nrmcee (Diane Md3:un). The man
responsible is Michael P,llaki (GTIII't' of
the Vampire), He and his boys prl'p,m!
for" confron mtion with Ha!!en and
friends C"lpout (Hoke I lowell), Nero
(Edward Parrish), and Jake (Robl,rt
Tes~ier), When the TIde was later
changl~d to The SidelulCkers, m OM peo-
ple drew a hlank. DlrC'<:lor Tnko01~ wa:.
a Shark in \Vesl Side SI01')', -en


OR. I'
1953 Columb';l
,",,004)(0.: Sr;mlq- Kramer
DIMCTO"; Roy Rowland
SC"EENW"no.s: Dr, Scuss, Alan ScOIf
Thischi ldre n '~nightmare co·written by
Dr. $cuss is o ne of the beSt surrealistic
fanlasies ever made, To mm y Rettig
(bter slar o r TV's uissie) dn',lIlb he is
~enr TO (I music sc hool run by Dr.
Te rwil likcr ( H am Conreid). :l mad
pmno instructor who hopes w have hl~
500 pupils play wilh their SOOO nngers
o n his piano, the \\'orld's largest, Tom·
my, wilh !he help of Peler LlIld Hayes,
fights two men on rollerskates con·
necred by thei r beards and builds a
bomb (possibly aromie). which ah!>Orbs
S()u nd~ flglu OUI or
the air. With Mary
1-1("<11),. - AF

FIVE WEEKS IN A BALLOON (,j playboy reponer), Barb:1T:1 Luna (a UP/II/1lI5). Th.- s..'!15
1962 20lh C enfury.F,))( runaway ~la\'C). ,l1ld Richard Haydn T(ady ru shoo!'TlR IS reo
float inl<1 \lTlch:Hte,1 We~t Afri ca. S'lmt,a /(}r{h( giant Imlnu
5O.EENWMTDS: Charles Bcnn<:u, They reSClle Barbara Eden (I Dream of ('Uurr yarJ 1""
seq,U'na' It!
IrwlIl Allen. Alberr Gml Jellnme) from a drunken sult,lIl ( Billy /amruy. The >,ODD Fill·
,l!e~ of Dr. T. M(JII«;rnx
Jules Verne W,IS hot box ofnce III the Gilbert) and take on Ahmed, " co\\,· grUlra}, 5mall &0)5, and u
early '60s, so Irwin A llen 11l:1de this ard ly Arab ~lave trader (Pl'rer Lon e). IOO.)'urd-lolIl( piano make
fairly entertai ning Verne "dventure Wilh H("rocrr Mar,hall, Henry D,lntel. up {iw sc(ne. Ca1Jlt'1'd and
" hou t a balloon voyage in Africa. Mike Ma:urki, and Chc~ter th(" C hlmp. soulld erell's arl' allou-e-r
Cedric Hardwicke (the balloon'~ inven· Allen ~otln Jumped \)\'e r to TV. where rrl(hl.
to r), F"bian (his young assist:1nt who he proJlIccd VO)'agc [0 [he BuuolII uf [ile
'11so sings the title song) , Red Bunons Sea, ha$l'lI on his previous hi! nlm.

1958 U nited Armis (B&W ) 1936 Universal (B&W)
pp'oDIK[~: Arth ur Gard ner, Ju les V. l evy PP.OOUCEP.: Henry MacRae
DIP.lCTOII.: Paul Lan der.; OIM:CT~: Frederick Stephani
S(P.l[NWP.ITEM: Pat Fielder. KM:EHW?JTEP.S: Frederick Stephani,
George W. Yates GeoTge Plympwn. Basil Dickey,
Arthur Franz and Kathleen Crowley go Ella O'N eill
to the jungle to fi nd a fallen satellite. AlSO ~o AS: Roc~1 Ship, Spaceship to
It 's covered by a hOi mass of living pro- !he Unkl1QWl1., Spoce Soldiers, A romi("
toplasm thaI can melt humans. O rigi-
The best-loved, most imaginative serial
na lly billed with The Rerurn ()fDracul.a..
of all time descrves to be viewed in its
FLAAflNG S'DIR entirNY (13 chapters) , but various fca-
1960 20th Century-Fox ture versions (with various titles) exi st .
'""'oouco: (}.!vld W"'L~ba rt In this o ne , Buster Cmbbe (in his best
DIM CTOII.: Dun Sicgd role) leaves Earth with Dale Arde n
Clair Huffah "r,
KII.U NWIIITEII.5: (Jocn Rogers) and Dr. Zarkov (Fmnk
Nunna ll y Johnson Shannon) and heads fo r Mongo to stop
El vis Presle{s best film s had good attacks o n Earth. C harles Middleto n is
directors. Aft er King Creole (Michael the wonderful bald Ming the Merci-
C un i!) and this sc:rio us, vio lent West- less, whose beautiful daughter Princess
ern . he usually g OI busy but pedestrian Aura wants Flash for herself. Richard
Nurm:m Taurog. In rh is one, Elvis is Alexander is the helpful Prince Barin.
Pacer Burton , a half-breed tragically With hawk men,shark men, dinosaurs,
caught between the world of h is fa ther a horm.-d gorilla , electric torture, a lo b-
(John Mcintyre) and his Indian mother ster mo nster, lion men , mo nkey me n,
(Dolores Del Rio ). Steve Forrest is his soldiers in armor, great costumes and
bro ther. With Barbara Eden, L. Q . scts, and lots of spaceships on wires.
Jones, and Rich<lrd Jaeckel. Elvis sings The great god Tao was borrowed (rom
the (itle song over the credi ts and one The Mu mmy. The exc iting music and
other song at a birthday pa rty. Elvis' some sets were from The Bride of Frank-
fans were not very pleased. His pan was enslein. A timeless classic .
originally intended for Brando. Barbara
Steele was later cast as the femal e lead FLASH GORDON
but qu it over wardrobe differences. 1980 Uni ver:;al (England)
PM>oucu,: Dino DeLauTcntiis
1956 Truman (8&W) so.EE~: Lorenzo Semple, Jr.
DIIU:CTOAS: Ervin S. Yeawon h, Despite a re petitio us rock score by
Charles Edw~n.b Q ueen and a terrible campy attitude,
Noe l Reyburn , Et hel Barrett , Jerry this Flash Gordon (rom executive pro-
Frank, and Shirley Ho lmes star in this ducer Dino DeLaurentiis is often visu-
semidocumemary look at booze and ally impressive, and Max Von Sydow
dope. A concerned far her rakes his son does a good Charles Midd leton imper-
out for a night on the town to show sonation . Basically it's about as good
him the e vils of <l lcohol. Part Two is as Balr/w ar Galactica. Sam Jones is a
the all cgl'~lI y true sto ry of a dope add ict- pretty bad hero. Dino discovered [he
turned-evangdist . O rigi nally co-bi llt.-d star of hi s new ep ic o n The 'Daring
with Lost Women. -CB G ame ! His lines had to be dubbed over

Dr. ZarIw[, I'nnce:ss Awra.
Flash Gordon mTT)'1I1,ll"
Dale Arden, and Mmg the

by another ~Ictor! Buster C mbbc prob- ton is. ~IS always. Ming. Anne Gwynne
ably got more money tha n he made is thc cvil Sonia. Frank Shan no n is
during hi s emire ,Kling careet for again Dr. Zarkov. Fbsh and his com-
endorsing the new version and making r<ldes tr;lvel to Frigia. cncounter rock
TV appearances to plug It . W ith Md- me n , ,md Jress like characters fro m
ody Anderson of BatrleswT Galaclica as Robm Hood. Onginally a I Z-chapter se-
Dolle, C h ai m Topol as Dr. Zarlov, rial, it was condensed for a TV fearure.
Brian Blessed as V\lhan, chief of Ihe
H awkrnen, and some Nazi-style villains, FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO
including Mariangcla Mclalo of Lina IIIARS
Wcrtmullcr fi lm fa me . Th is FUlSh COSI 1938 UnL'·cl"$.'11 (B&W)
22 million earth dollars. PI\ODUCEI\: B;'Irnc~' S;'Irccky
Ollu:aOM: Ford Beelx'. Robert E Hill
Norman S. Hall, Wyndhmn Gllten~ .
THE UNIVERSE Herl":n [Iolm ••s
1940Un1\'ers.'11 (B&Wl ALSO m[M£O.-.5; ,\-IIITS Alw,;ks IN! World,
P"OOUCE": Henry MacR:H~
a."lIl1y Ra)' fru", Mars
DI'-EaOM: Ford Fleehc. Ra y Taylor
SC'-E[N\\IPJT[IU: GC(lr~e H. Pl),lIIrwn, BmterCrahl')C I~ hack fighting Ming the
BaSil Dlckq-. B,tTry Shll'11Ian Mercllc:.s and stopptng a war between
AUO I\Et.U.SED M: Purpl~ Deuth from Outer the trce men and the clay men. All
S/JOCI', Spaet' ConqIU'T the UlIlt'tne. the ~lars (m ill Flash Gordon are back
Pt"T"I/s {yom the PLmtl .~I ()I\,I{u ,md C.'«(Cpt for the coml~dy rel ief of new
Buster Crabbe is Flash Gordon for the char:lC[cr Harp), Hapgoml (Don ald
th ird and final Wile. Carol H ughes is Kerr) . II'~ al most a~ great as thc origi-
the new Dale Arden. Ro[;mJ Drew is nal. Montaguc Shaw IS thc popu lar clay
the new Princt' B.1rin. Charle~ MIJdle- king. O riginally a 15-chaptcr seria l.

iT wa.., laTer condensed into a fea ture. FLESH AND FIMtE, See THE
Beauice Robens is Queen Azura. NIGHT OF THE QUARTER


197J Entertainment Ventures (England) THE FLESH AND THE
PP.OOUCEpJOt'-£CTO~: Pete Wa lker
K '-£EHWPJT[k: Alfred Shau~hn('5.5Y
OkIGINALLY I\El..EASEO -'5: Asylum of the Insane
"An appalling amalg;nll of carnage and 1956 AlP (B&W)
carnality," as the ads put it, fro m the PkODOCD.:Alex Gordon
director of The Comelxu:k and The Con· DI'-£CTOII.: Edward L Cahn
fessioTUli. Fo llowi ng the phenomenal From the ads: "Death stalked the ant
success of The Sle\mrtie5scs there wa.., a h ill !" A vengeance patrol led by d irt
mostly ignored early '70s glut of bad farm er John Agar tracks escaped killer
3·0 and panially 3-D sex films. This Michael "Touch" Connors. Agar res-
was the only 3-D horror fil m released cues Indian gi rl Marla English from ,he
at that time. It fea tures a bit of sex and ant hill where her tribesmen left her to
a group of actors and actresses at an die. With Raymond Hatton . Maria
audition being attacked by a hocxled Monay. Joyce Meadows. and Kenne
killer. Ray Brooks and Jenny Hanley Duncan of The Sinister Urge. Title song
star. [t·.., been given a new [ease on life by Chipmunks creator Ross Bagdas.1ri-
via the miracle of videocassettes. (R ) an . A double bi ll with Naked Paradise.


1943 Universal (B&W) 1%4 Cinema Distributors of America
PP.ODU((M: Ju lien Duvivier. Charles BoYl!r (B&W)
DI'-£CTOk : Jul ien Duvivier PkODUCEk5: Jack and Terry Curtis.
)Ck EEN'NklfEkS : Ernest r ~scal. Arnold Drnke
Samuel J-I of(ensttin , ElliSSt. Joseph OI'-£CtOIl.: Jack Cuftis
One of the earliest and best compila· SCkEEtfI/oIPJT(l\ : Arnold Drake
tion fantasy films. In the fi rst slOry a A prime example of an OUTr<lgeous early
girl who is considered ugly goes to a '60s independen t shocker. A plane
st range toy shop and purchases a mask conta ining an alcohol ic film star (Rita
that changes her life. The second, based Morly) and her secretary crashes on a
on Oscar Wi lde's "The Crime of Lord small island (actually Long Island)
Saville," stars Edward G. Robi nson as inhabited onl y by a crazed sc ientist
a man whose life is dcrcrmined by a (Martin Kos[ek) experimenting wi th
palm reader. [n the th ird story a psy. tiny carnivorous sea creatures able to
c hic trapeze art ist is haunted by a strip the flesh of humans in seconds!
woman. A fourth story was removed Koslek was a bottom-of· the-barrel vil-
and expanded into [he fea ture Desliny. lain :1( Universal during the '40s and
With Charles Boyer (the co-producer), played Joseph Pau l Goebbe[s at [cast
Barbara Stanwyck, Robert Cummi ngs, three times. The fi lm'.., other standout
Thomas Mitchell, and Robert Bench · performer is Ray Tudor as the jive·
ley (in the connecting sequences). talk ing, shi pwrecked bearnik O mar.

The fle~h eaters were created by scrmch· scure feature made III Montreal, this
ing the film with pins. but the makeup very cheap horror film wrb Veronica
Joh on the vicll m~ is pretty good. Don't Lake's first film in 12 ye'lrs. Whde other
miss the unexpected and ambitious middle-aged female stars were husy wi th
ending. Filmed (as e<lrly as 1961) by axe murders and psychological prohlems
se x-film vets. The director also made in England and Ho llywlXld. Veronica
hilS like The Pink Pussy ;md We Are went to Miami Beach where she co-
All Naked. Famo us sex dire<:ror Radley product·d. and starred as an ex-mental-
Metzger was the editor. Theater patrons patient sc i en tl ~t experimenrmg wuh re-
were offered packs of "instant hkxxl" swring youth. First the old skin tissue
fo r protection. is removed with l1 e~ h-ea!lng maggots!
They used real ones. mi-,ed III garhage
FLESH FEAS T cans (rice was <Idded for crowd shot s).
1970Cme World Corporat IOn The big slIrpn'>C is that her 'eeret new
P~ODU( E~ : Vero nl Cll Lake , Brad F. Gmra patlent turn~ out to be Hider! S ince
DIP.EOO": Brud F. GlIltl'T her mo ther had died in a concentra-
SCMEN·..·NTO.s: Brad F. Gmle r, tion camp. the sciemist de~tmy;,> the
Thomas Casey exiled dictatur with a ~warm of magJ.,'\ )ts.
Excepf fo r Fool5teps in the SWJ\l', an ab- This film is ~ till availahle for theatrical

showings. Veronica L"1kc. who was oom standout animat ion sequences and sex
in Brooklyn , died in 1973. (H) made this a natum l hit. The plot bor-
rows from all the o ld serials. Flesh's
FLESH FOR spaceship, on a wi re like the one in
FRANKENSTEIN, See ANDY the '30s serials, is shaped like a penis.
WARHOL:S FRANKENSTEIN. So are the guns. Zarkoff is lerkoff, Ming
is Wang, the Forest Men from Flash
FLESH GORDON Gordon COnqlleTS I~ Unit.'l?Tse are gay.
there's a lesbian land, a great metal bee-
1972 Grafiui Productions
tle man with a sword, a giant monster
AAOOUCEM: Bill Osco, Howard Ziehm
DIMcrO""saE£N\VPJTEP.: Mike Light
with hooves that talks, and a pen isaurus
with a blinking eye at the end-all ani-
The <Kting's bad and the humor is pretty
mated by Dave Allen, lim Danforth (h is
sophomoric, but the faithfully recreated
name is spelled backward in the cred-
spoof of the Flash Gordon legend with
irs), and other talented artists. With
porn queen Ca ndy Samples as a space
dyke with a hook hand, hil arious ro-
oots with cock drilis, and John Hoyt !
The o rigina l hardcore sex scenes have
been cut a lot since '72. ( X )

1961 United Artists (B&W)
AAODUC[k: Robert E. Kent
DIIlECTOk: Regmald LeBorg
saEEN\IIMU..i: Ralph and Judith Hart,
Qv,·en Harris
U.S. scientisrs who have develoJX.-d a
new supcroomb are raken [0 another
dimenSio n and put on trial for plotting
to destroy Earrh. The jury is made up
o( unborn future generations. The sci-
em ists arc found guilty, bur released
when the judge decides only prayer
can SfWC the human race. Craig Hill
srars with Paula Raymond and Dayton


1966 Feature Film (U.S.lPhilippmes)
~OOLH:o.: Fred Roos
DIIlECTOI\: Mome Hellman
S(1\£(HWP.1TE1\: Jack Nicholson

Passenger plane crash-bnds in the jun- spa ce sui ts were left over from Des-
gle en route to Manila, depraved pas- tination Moon. In amazingly unreal
sengers fight over stolen diamonds. Jad: Cinecolor.
Nicholson wins, but throws the gems
into a river when he realizes he's going
to die. Dewey Manin, Vic Dia:!, Jo hn FLOOD!
Hacken, and Jacqueline Hellman co- 1976 TV
star, with Fay Spain as Destiny Cooper. ",",DuCtk: IrwinAllen
Follow-up to Back Door CO Hell. - CB DIIUCTOk: Earl Bellamy
Executive producer Irwin Allen's fi rst
made-far-TV disasu'r movie! As a cyni-
FLIGHT TO HOLOCAUST cal helicoprer pi lot , Robert Culp comes
1977 TV to the rescue when a dam bursts. The
PP.QOUCE": A.C. Lyles soggy cast includes favorites like Cam-
DIIUCTO ..: Bernard Kowalski
eron Mitchell, Led Garrett. Whit
SCk.EEHWP.tTUS: Robert HevO!r1y,
Anthony Lawr~nce
Bisse ll. Richard Baseharr. Barbara
Hershey, Martin Milner, Carol Lynley,
A private plane crashes into the side
and Roddy McDowall. Fire!, Irwin's
of a skyscraper! Sons of famous actors
clever companion piece. aired the next
(Patrick Wayne, Christopher Mitchum,
and Desi Amaz. Jr.) star as profe ssional
troubleshooters in this cut-rate Towering
Inferno. By the direcmr of Atrack of the
Giant Leeches. With Sid Caesar, Rory THE FLY
1958 20lh Century-Fox
Calhoun, Greg Morris. Lloyd Nolan,
Kurt Neumann
and Paul Williams. ~:J amesCla\'e11
A brilliant, sick, absurd hit based on a
PkI:y1xry short story. Patricia Owens, a
FLIGHT TO "tARS seemingly mad woman who keeps
1951 Monogram looking for flies, crushes her French
PM>DU(o.: Walter Mirisch Canad ian sc ientist hu sband Andre
OIM:CTO": Lesley Selander Dclambre (AI Hedison) in a hydraulic
SC'-£[NWNTU.: Arthur Strawn press-twice. In a confront;ltion with
The first space-flight movie in color, a brother-in- 13w Vincent Price. she con-
surprise from the last days of the Mono- fesses the killing and explains why she
gram St udios. Cameron Mitchell starts did it. Matter-transmitter experiments
his long career of low-budget weirdness had resulted in Andre trading his head
by joining Arthur Franz as the leaders and an arm with a fly. The tiny "white
of the first Martian landing. They dis- fly" with a human head must be found!
cover a vast, advanced underground When little Philip Delambre fi nds his
civilization led by Morris Anknlm as fly dad screaming " Help me! Help md"
the council leader. His beaut iful daugh- in a squeak.,. little voice while a spider
ter {in a silver minidress with pointy moves in to cat him, Herbert Marshall
shou lders} saves the handsome Earth- as the police inspector picks up a rock
men from imprisonment and death. The and smashes himli r. Unforgettable.
impressive city was mostly we ll-done Screenwriter James Clavell is the au-
paintings. Filming took 11 days. The thor of ShoRtm.

James Craven repeats his role as Dr.
Bryant . Scenes from Kil\g of the Rocker-
men ('49) were used. (The incoherent
(eature version consists of random 13-
minutechapters stnmg together in '58.)

20. Century- It's the Iem.--I""", 111E FLYIN G SAUCER

first introduc:ed 10 1950 Film C lassics (B&W)
Fox presents ~CulDIMCTOk: Mikd Conrad
the public in SO[[HIII~TEkS : Mikel Conrad,
the last word -Playbo'- Magazine! How~rd lrvm~ Young
in excitement- Practically a one-man show with pro-
the last word For you, own good ducer-direetor Mikel Conmd starring in
we rron't let you his own Story as an agent sent TO Alaska.
in thrills! see it akme ... unless There he finds the saucer of the ti rle
you sign a waiver [lnd Commllnist scientists. It was the
in ou' lobby absolving first movie Olhout UFOs and supposedly
Ihe managemetll hOld TO be viewed officially by the FBI
for the uopredictable before its release. Imagine a roomful of
effects of "The A ,- our coun try's finest watching a special
preview. The saucer isn' t even from
on your nenous system! OUler space. With Denver Pyle.

1964 Avco Embassy·TV (ltal}')
....ooucu,: Dmo Dd..aurentiis

_. . - . <_.
OIMCTOk: TmlO Bmss
OkiGI NAU.Y kD.£AS£D AS: II Disco Volanle
NtKlltK I MARSHALL KURT NEUMANN JAMES CLAvm An unfu nn y comedy from the director
of C«ligH/a. A Martian lands and kid-
FLYIN G DISC AlAN FROAI nap~ Italians. Alberto Sordi plays four
A/ARS different roles. With Monica Vitti.
1951 Repuhlic (B&W)
""ODUCE!\.: Franklin Adrcon
0 111.[ 00 " : Frt"d C. Bmnnon 111E FLYING SERPENT
K k£ENWkITER: Ronald Davidj.()11 1946 PRe (B&W)
From the ads; "A Republic serial in 12 ....o ouco.: Sigmund Neufeld
atomic chapte r~!" Mot;] the Marti ,1n OlkECTOk: Sherman ScOIi (Sam Newfield)
(Gregory Gay), uriginally St.'cn in The K M[NWf.IT[k: John T Neville
Purple Momh.'f Strikes, returns to Earth George Zucco is an insane archaeolo-
in his onc -man bat·wing ~p;Jceship, gist who uses Quetzalcoatl, the ancient
hides in a volcano. and stans conquer- Aztec bird/god. to murder his enemies.
ing again! His new weapon is the ther- lie simply puts a (cather o n somebody
mal disi ntcgr<ltor. Aviator Waller Reed and the birdlb'Od kills to get it back. The
and secrC(;Iry Lois Collier l).'lVC Earth. monster bird was an interest ing idea,

but ~'OU know rhat at a studio like PRe aoout ~rare rihs and 1ad~' fingers~~ ) hack
rhe wires will show and uncumroJ1ed to The Underwker and His Pals. A young
act lOg will do 10 any attempt at serious- cannihal (Jo hn Nelson) who lives with
nel)S. If It looks overl y fa m iliar, maybe his 100'ing grandpare nh fa lls for linda
YOU '\'e seen The D..>t.rl Bar from the .same Gillin. who i~on the week 's menu . Pro-
slUdio. With Mam an Moreland. ducer Mic h ael Mac read\'. who pre-
sented the COIiIlf Yar,ga fil ms, also acts
TIlE FOG in rhis one. By the director of NighrTrUJre
1980 Avco Emlxmy ill Wax. It was advcrtls;,.-d as "a grotty
AAOOllC[k; Ot:bra Hill bedtime story."
DIMCTOII: John Carpent . . r
KI\[[~IT[M; John CarpentCT, IJcbr3 Hill FOLLOJr/ THATDREMI
T he Elizabeth Dane, a ghost ship with 1962 UIlIred ArmIS
rorced pirate corpses , invades a coastal PI\ODUCEI\: David Wcisbart
town. Though a hit in its own right, DIII.£crOl\: Gurdun Dou~1a~
C arpenter's horror fo llow-up ro Hallo- KII[£ NWIlITEII : Chnrles Lederer
wee!} fail ed to duplicate the earlier fi lm's Elvis Presley as Tohy Kwimpcr, a home-
sen sational SCtl TeS or as tronomical oox less army vet, sett les down on a Flor-
office. With Adrienne Barbeau as a ida beac h with hi s father (Arthur
deejay, Hal Ho lbrook as a priest, Jamie O'Connell) and four orphans. One of
Lee Curtis, her real-life mother Jand them (A nn I kim) love~ Elvis. The
Leigh, Nancy Loomis, and John House- homesteaders start a profitable fi shing
ma n. who tel ls the story around a bminess lind ta ngle With ,Il:angstcrs and
cmn pfire. ( R ) the gm·ernment . One of Elvis' d ullest.
With Joanna Moore, Simo n O akland,
FOG ISLAND and Ro land Winters.
1945 PRC(B&W)
Dlk.£CTOl\: T err)' ~ l orsc 1976 Al P
K I\[[H\VI\Jl[I\: Pu:,rr . . Gendron AAOOUCUJDlIUCTOIIIKU[H\VI\lTEk;
Lio nel Atwill and George Zucco star Ikn I. Gunlun
III a talc of h idden treasure on an isl:md. Animalsof all kinds become giams,lftef
With Jerome Cowa n and Veda Ann eating a speeral growth food raised by a
Borg. Zucco made five poverty-row farnu~r on an island. It was the second
cheaples for PRe. Director Morse later time Bert Gordon used ideas (rolll H.G .
did the Amcri c~1O scenes for Gu(blkJ . Wells' novel of the same title (see Village
of rhe Gilln!s). Some of the special ef-
THE FOLKSATRED WOLF fects arc j.!Teat compared with Bert 's
INN other cffnrrs (Rick Baker built ~()m c of
1972 Scope III The creatures), but rhe di:llngue and
,I\ODUC£I\: Mich,ld M~ c rcad ~' script arc lau,Chable as usual. As the
DIMCTOl\: Bud Townscnd hero, Marjoe Gortner confronts giant
AUO ULlAUD AS: TflTUfal Red WoJ.f Inn ; chickens and wasps. As <I bu~i ne ss man
T(.'IT(Jr l/ouSt' (l lJI ro exrloit the phenumena, Ralph

[n '72, the ye:u of the cannibal. we Meeker IS c hewed up by giant rats.

were offer(.'{1 Raw Meal, Cannibal GIrLs, Ida Lupinu IS <llwcked in her home by
and rhis-a ll of them ba~ i cal1 y come- some di~l:lJ~T lIlg msec ts. Wilh Pamela
dies aoout eatrn~ people. Dum b jokes Frankl in .

Naney Srnmra and Bob
!:kn WT mewftlu.' m For
Those Who Think

THE FOOL KILLER Harry Lauter. Graham also appears in

1963 Allied Art ists/AlP (B&W) The Restless Ones and Wlirewpper. Not
P~ODUC[~: DaVid FTledkin to be confused with the dismal 1974
DIUCTO~: Servando Gomale! Barbra Strcisand comedy of the s.'lme
KUENIIrII'JTU5: Monon Fine. DaVid Fncdkm name. - CB
AUO it(L.U.5ED~: Vio/.em )ullme),
In post-Civil War America, a 12-)'ear- FOR S INGLFS ONLY
old orphan (Edward A lben , Jr.) leaves 1968 Columbia
his foster home and meets an oldster pp.oouco: Sam Kawnan
(Henry Hull) who tells him the legend OIUCTOIl: Arthur DrCIfuss
of a tall man wilh an axe who kI lls the KU[HWmo.S: I ial Collms, An hur Orelfu ss
fools of the world. The boy later be- Musicoll coml"<iy, Katzman style. Lana
friends an odd, introverted, a lllirel ig iotl~ Wood attempts suicide and is gang-
veteran pbrcd by A mhony Perkins. He tapt.~. Jo hn Saxon seduces Mary Ann
lakes Perkins 10 a revival meeting. Af- Mobley to win a bet. Mihon Berle, the
terward the preacher is found hacked social Jire<:tor of the singles-only bu ild-
to death. A great, un ique Americana! ing where they all li ve, throws a party
psycho movie which was re leased first at the end. The Nitty G ritty Dirt Band,
in '65 and then in a bad ly c ut version the Sunshinc Company, the Lewis and
in '69. Clark Expedition, the Walter Wander-
ley Trio, and the Cal Tjadcr Band
FOR PETE'S SAKE provide the sw ingi n' music for the
1966 Wurld-Wide (B&W) under-30s.
~ODUCE~: Fnm k R. JacuwJIl
Robert Sampson, Pippa Scott . and son YOUNG
Johnny Jensen attend a Billy Graham 1964 United Anists
revival; later God and Jesus help S:unp- PP.OOllC[~: Hugh Benson
son shut down a teenage cycle gang. DIUCTOP.: Lesl ie H. Mamnson
With Sam Groom, Bob Beach, and KU[HWfJTE~: J:lffieS O'Han lon

Surfing college students hang ou[ ,II Altair IV. The starship commander
a dub watching comedian Woody (Leslie N ielsen) discovers o nly twO
Woodbury and drinking Cokes. James survivors. Morbius (Walter Pidgeo n)
Darren, as rich playboy "Ding" Pmitl and his beautiful daughter Al ia (Anne
Ill, falls for Pamela Tiffin. Hisgrandfa- Franci s): the rest have been killed hy
ther tries to have the club closed but is some unknown terror still ro.1ming the
exposed as an ex-bootlegger. The comic ,I
planer. Morhiui lives in housc con-
cast includes Tina Louise and Bob structed above the last remains of the
Denver. both lost on Gilligan's Iskind ancient Krell civilizatio n . The film .
later that year, Nancy Sinatra, Paul shot en tirely on sound stages at MGM.
Lynde, Roger Smith, George Raft, (eatures electronic music by Louis and
Robert Armstrong, Anna Lee , Jack Bcbe Baron. S till o ne of the fine st
LaRue, and Alan Jenkins. science-fic tio n films evcr. The high-
light s arc the tour of the Krell c it~'. the
FOR YOUR EI'ES ONLY Id monster. Robby the Robot. the land-
1981 United ArtistS (England) ing 0( United Planets C ruiser C-57D,
PAOOUCEr.: Alben R. Broccoli and the laser battle with the monster.
OJU:CJOA: John Glen W ith Warren Stevens and Earl Ho lli-
SC'-l:[~lTEk: R ich~lrd
Maibilum man. A sound track album is available.
After Moonrakcr James Bond (Roger - AF
Moore) returns to earth in a si mpler,
low-key entry with a lot of skiing, FORBIDDEN WORLD
mountain climbing. and scuba diving. 1982 New World
Carole Bouquet (That OhSCIlT1! OhjCCl P~OOUC[~: RflI.,'er Corman
0/ Desirr) is a sy mpathetic hero ine. DI'-£CJO " : Alan Holzm~m
W ith Chaim Topol as Columbo. Lynn- K PHHW?JTEk: J m1 Wynorskl
Ho lly Jackson. Michael Gothard, Jill AUO "[L.E..f.5[O~: Mllwnr
Bennett, sharks. and a Margaret TIlatch- A cut-mte fo llow-up to New World's
er lmitator. Sheena Easton sings the hit Galax)' of Terror fearuring sets from that
theme song. One cast member, Tula film. space -bat tle scenes lifted from
Cossey, made news when a London Halik Bc)'urnJ the Stars. and an Alien-
paper discovered she used to be named inspired flesh -eating and vomiting ten-
Barry. Willi,lIn Grefe (The Death Cllrse (;Ided monster. The creature is the
of Tarfll) was the second unit dire<:tor. result o ( an extraterreStrial rape, which
The next Bond adventure is Ocropussy. was Cllt to a void an X rating. The new
sets Olre the che<lpest in ~' e lITS , con-
FORBIDDEN WVE, See strucwd m a inl~' of cardhoard and egg
FREAKS. cartons. A bving !>Cicntist's cancerous
liver is C llt ou t by stOlr Jesse Vint and
FORBIDDEN PLANET fed to the alien kilk'r in a key scene. A
19'i6MGM pretty slck qUickie f()f the legions of
H.OOUCEk: Nichulas Nil}1ack undiscnminOlting science-fie! iOIl/gore
Otk£CJOA: Fred ~kLcod Wilcox fOllls. ( R )
SCk(£~ITE~: CYril Humc
Special effects are the Stars or this
sclence-fielion version of Shakesrcare's THE FORCE BEYOND
The Tempesr. A flying saucer frum Earth 1978 Film Vcnture~
IS sent to rescue a space mission on DI'-£CJOk:William Sachs

If you loved Galnxina and The Incredi- some surprising camerawo rk and some
ble Melling Man, here's an earlier at- gruesome killings. Music by Enn io
tempt (H low-budget thrills by their Morricone. (R)
director. Find out why "100,000 peo-
ple disappear off the face of the Earth
each year." See a "mysterious crearure
1963 Wamrr Brot hers
in O regon"!
PR.ODUC£"'OII\£CTO'-: Robe rt
SCIU:£~ITDS: Theodore Simonson,
FOREST OF FEAR .. See THE Frank Sinatra and Dean Martin in a
BLOODEATERS. Stupid Wcstern comedy. Director A l-
drich hates it. The Thrce Stooges a re
in it. They destroy a nude painting of
A nita Ekberg. Wi th Ursu la Andress.
THE4DAIAN Victor Buono, Charles Bronson , Jack
1959 Universal Elam, and Arthur G odfrey.
PR.ODUC(k: Jack Harris
011\£0()P;: Irwm S. YC3worth , Jr.
!oC1\£[NWlmos: Th{'()(.]orc Slnll)Oson, THE FOUR JIUSKETEERS
Cy Chl'rrnak 1974 2011, Century-Fox (England)
AUO I\£lUSED Al: M asIn ofTerrUl" EX£CUTlV[ PR.OOUC£I\: Alexander Salkind
A science-fict ion hit (rom the team that 011\£00": Rich a rd Lesler
made The Blob. Scienrisl R()bert Lan- SCI\£E~": George McDonald FTlIscr
sing discovers a way to pass through The Three Muskeleers- Part T wo. More
solid matter. With no support (rom col- swashbuckling fun with basically the
leagues or his cheating wife, he turns So'llne cast. C hristOpher Lee as the nasty
10 a brief li fe of easy crime. When he Rochcfort (with an cye pa tch and fl ow-
rasses through other humans, they die ing hai r) and Faye Dunaway as Milady
of old age whi le he beco mes youngcr. (wi th long curls) have larger roles this
Thc speci;!1 effects afe greOlt and it's ti me. The closest Richard Lcster has
rea lly strange to see Patty Duke at age come to duplicat ing thc spirit o( his
12. With Lee Meriwether and Jamcs Bcades movies.
1953 H~mmer/Astrr( En~l~nd) (B&W)
FOUR I'Ll"" ON GREY '''OOUCE'': Alexander Paal
VELVET OII\£O()P;: Tc rence Fisher
so.EE~M: Paul Tabori, Terence Fisher
1972 l'aTll ffiOunt
P"OOUCE": Salvatrlrr Argento Bride of rhe Gorilla star Barbara Payton
DII\£CTOOSCIU:ENWkJl'E": fhrio A rgrnto is loved by two sc icntists, but she only
~INAl1Y I\£I.£ASED Al: QUlUro Moselle dr loves o ne of them. So, being ci vilized
Vl'lIulOGris Englishmen , thcy do the only sensible
A psychological murder mystery with thing- make a dupl icate of her. Dia ls
the added anmction of a laser-beam de- twirl, neon tubes glow, and finally a
vice ,.ble to photograph the last image twin blonde cmcrges from thc glass-
on thc retina of a dead person's eyc. enclosed table. Being ident ical, borh
Michael Brandun stars as a rich rock Barba ms love the same man ! W ith
star married to Mirnsy Fanncr. Incl udes James Hayter and Stcpher) Murray.

THE FOUR S KULLS OF sion. The cast tn c1udc~ a who's who of
JONATHAN DRAKE '50s B-movie keauues (julie Adams,
1959 UnlleJ ArTists (B&W) Mamie Van Doren , Mara Corda y, and
""O()lK[~ Roben E. Ken! Allison I layes). Also with Zasu Pins,
OIp.[CT~: Edwa rd l. Calm Chill W ills, and Lynn Ban. Mamie
sa.,[[N\II'kITO: o,v11I0;> H. HamplOJl sings "She' ll Be Comlll' 'Round the
A classIC ghoulish cheapie with expert Mountain." It ..... as the fiflh o f six
screen villain Henry Daniell as the tid e Francis movies directed by Lubi n , who
head shrinker. Members of a certain later transferred the concept to TV with
family all d ie o f decapitatio n at the age Mr. Ed.
of 60. The hcads, brought to Drake by
h iS tall. long-hai red servant (whosc FRANKENSTEIN
mouth is sewn shu t with visible su- 1931 Universal (B&W)
tures). arc carefully treated and shrunk- PI\ODUCEI\: CHI Lacmmlc. Jr.
1'1). In the end we d iscover That Drake DII\.ECTOl\: Ja m c~ Whale
is a 200-year-old man whose head is KllENWP.ITEI\5: Garrett Fon, Robert Flore~"
Francis Edw~rd Fanlgoh
sewn on to the Ixxly of a witch doctor!
With Eduf\rd Franz, Valerie French, and After 12 yea rs of aCl ing o bscurity,
44 -year-o kl Bor is Ka rloff became a
Grant Richards.
household name by play ing the mon-
ster made from dead bodies. Jr's still
FRANCIS IN THE HA UNTED po ..... erful toda~', desp ite the lack of
HOUSE music ,md some prerelease censonng by
1956 Univers..1! (B&W) the stud io. Wh en Dr. Frankens tei n
"-OOUcu.: Roben Arthur (Colin Clive) has hiS great "It's alive!"
OIk[CTOk: C hark-s Lamont
scene, he orig1lla lly continued, "Now
SCMlH\VP.IT£PS: Ilerben M argo!l$.
W lll'lIm RaynJe
After ~lX Francis the Ta lking Mule
comed ies, Donald O'Connor said,
"Enough!" So d id director A n hu r
Lubin. Univers<11decided w squee:eout
o n e more, so they got a di recto r of Ma
and Pa Kettle flnd Abbot! and Costello
film s (i t was Lamont's laS! feature)
and Mickey Roone~' to fill tn. Ima-
gme Mickey o n a talking mule hiding
from phony ghosts and a cast that in-
dudes DaviJ Janssen . The worst. With
Virginia Welles.


1954 Unl\"crsal (B&W)
PI\ODUCEI\: Ted Richmond
DII\.lCT~ : A n hur Lubul MaL-lip expert Jock P.crct'
KlUEHWI\ITEI\: Devery Freeman t.I'uh &m5 KarWff /xfure
Francis the Ta lking Mule an d arm y !he public: was allou.'t'd 10
!'eutenant Do na ld O'Connor h elp set' t~ fact' of Franke n-
some WACs with a camouflage mis- stein.

I know what iI's like to be God!" The FRANKENSTEIN CONQUERS
monster was also shown throwing the THE WORLD
little girl into the water. Two endings 1964 AlP (Japan/U.S.)
were filmed . In one, the doctor dies PP;OOU(n.: Tomoyuki Tanaka
when thrown from the windmill; in the DIM:OOA: Inoshiro Honda
other, he lives. With Edward Va n SCM:£N\ln,ITO: Kaoru Mabuchi
Sloane, Mae C larke, and Dwight Faye ~IG1HAU.Y P.ll.£AS[D AS:
as the hunchbac k Fritz, snatcher of the IaiBarugon
famous bad brain. Some original prints In this ridiculous monster-battle film a
were tinted green, "the color of fear." young Japanese boy eats the heart of
Karloff worked for director Whale a year the Frankenste in mo nster that had
later in The Old Dark House. The Bride been sent from Gennany during the war
of Frankenstein had to wait until '3 5. and mutated in Hiroshima. The boy
grows into a friendly bucktoothed giant
FRANKENSTEIN dressed like a caveman and saves t he
1973lV day by destroying a troublesome dino-
PP;ODOCn.: Dan Curtis saur called Baragon . Add confused
OII\ECTO": G lennJordan American actor Nick Adams as Dr.
scp'[EINIMDS; Sam Hall , Richard Landau James Brown and you get a new low in
Bo Svenson playes the sympathe tic horror. Scenes of a giant oc topus we re
stitched·up creature. Robe rt Foxworth removed for the American release.
(Qut5ttlr) is the doctor. With Susan
5 trasberg and Robert Gentry. A cheap FRANKENSTEIN CREA1'ED
little pnxluClion that was quickly fo r- WOJlL1N
gotten when Frankenstein: The True 1967 Ham mer/20th Century. Fox
Story was aired later the same year. (England)
Three ho urs long, it was o rigi nally PP;OOIJCEJI.; Anthony Nelson-Keys
shown o n two nights. DIfl.EOOfl.; Terence Fisht:r
SCM:ENW"ITU: Anthon y Hind;;

FRANKENSTEIN AND THE Even if you're not a fan of the Hammer

AIONSTER FROM HELL Dr. Frankenstein series, you might like
1973 HammcrlParamount (England ) thiSoffbeat entry. Peter C ushing (play-
,,,OOlJClf\: Roy Skeggs ing the doclOr (or the fourth time) and
DlUOOA; Terence Fisher his assistant (Thorley Walters) are ex-
SCI\EEN·.'mu: John Elder perimenting with the transfer of souls.
Peter Cushing plays the infamous baron A crippled girl with a large birthmark
in the sixth and final entry in the on her face drowns herself after her
Hammer Fmnkenstein series. It's also lover is guillot ined fo r a murder for
the worst. As played by David Prowse which he was framed. The clcvcr doc-
(later [},Hth Vader in Star Wars), the tors put the boy'ssou llbmin in the gi rl's
monSter is a hairy apelike creature made body, fix her face and limp, and dye
fro m pans of inmates of an asylum her hai r blond. The resu lt is Playboy's
where Frankenstein works. A laughable Miss August 1966, Susan Denberg, a
model of the asylum ruins any attempt beautiful woman with the mind of he r
at reality, and scenes of skulls being cut bit ter boyfriend ! Out (or revenge, shelhe
open are ludicrous. Shane Briant is the lures herlhis enemies to remote places,
doctor's assistan t. Madeline Smith is promi sing sex and delive ring a fe w
Angel . With Bernard Lee. ( R ) chops with a cleaver. More psychologi-

cally oriented horror is d isplayed when monster was a big miStOlke. As Dr. Frank
til(' girl imagines talking with lwr/his Manm'ring, Patrie Knowles revives the
decap itated head. A few years la te r monster and n ics to cure the wo lfman,
Hammer tried anOlher dual-sex "mun- but the\' escape, fight, and are drowm..'d
ster" with Dr. Jek)'11 (lnd Sister I-I)'oc. by vil lagers who explode a dOlm. Ilona
Massey is Baroness Elsa Frankenstein.
FRANKENSTEIN AIEgI'S THE Wi t h Li o ne l Atwill as the ma yor,
SPACE AIONS1'/:,'R Dwight Frye- as a villager, and Dennis
1965 Al lied Artis!s (1l&W) Hoc}" who basically plays his Inspec-
Pf.OOUCE..: Robt:rt M cOmy tor Lcstrode role from the Ho lmes films
OI~CTO'-: Robt:rt G affney (also di recud by Neill ). A favo rite
K~ENW'-rn; ..: George Ga rre t segment sho ws a distraught C hancy
ALSO IIELEASEO~: M«rs Im'aJ.:s P!<CT{O Rico stopping a big gypsy production number
Don't miss. It's the worsr. The evil but with lyrics about wanting to live.
beaut iful Princess Marcuzan and her
bald effeminate dWflrf assistant Nadir FRANKENSTEIN AIUST BE
arrive in Puerto Ric" to kidnap women DF'.STROYED
10 usc in repopulating their dying 1969 1lal111llcrIWamer I3rOlher)
rlanet . Mcanwhie Frank, an American (England)
astronaut who is actually an android, ",ODUCE',: Anthony Nch-un· Keys
cmsh-lands ncar the Olliens. He becomes DIIlECTO": T cre!lCC Fish e r
Fra nkenstein , a crazed killer with o nly S(A((NW'IIlTEl\ :Ben lilt!
hlllf a face. While wildly go-going girls In the fift h of the Hammer Dr. Franken-
are kidnaped from a JXlOlside party, stein series, I he dOClOr (Peter C ushing)
sc ientists track down Frank, anJ a rock more than ('ver is sho wn w be the real
combo plays hi ts like "That's the Way Ill o ns { l~r. He blackmails a younge r
It 's Got to Be. " The rew ired Frank plwsician (Simon Ward) into helping
battles the horrible alien muta11l Mull him ;md takes over the life (and body)
and rescues the kidnaped Earth girls. of his fiancee (Veron ica Ca rlson).
Lots of rock music, ~ t oc k footage. and T he " monsler" is a parheric hald guy
laughs. Filmed in Puerto Rico. T he ac- (Freddie Jones- recently in The Ek-
tors are mostly New Yo rk('r ~. W ith pham Mau) with stitches arollnd his
Ja mes Kare n (star of Poliergeisl and head. A SC("lle with a buried body burst-
Pathmart te lev isio n commerc ials), ing through Ihe soil hccausc of a bro-
Ifdv id Kerman, and Nancy M;mhall. ken water pipe is memorable, but some
of the (laml") gore effec ts get a little
FRiINKENSTEIN IIIEE1'S THE silly, especially when the docto~ use a
1170LFAIAN dnll and sa ..... to remove a bmm .
194.3 Un l vt:r~,l {B&WJ
011'.[00'-: Ro~' William N':ll1 1958 AlIlc..o Amsis (B&W)
K NEHWl\lTllI: Cu rt SloJlnak PllOOUC[II: Auhrq' Sllenck
The fifth Frankenstein feature in [he 0111.1:00": H o ..... ard W . K och
U niversal series is real ly a seq uel to The KIlEENWlltTtI'.5: Richard Landau,
Wolfman. It's great to see Lo n Chancy, G eorge \V. Yates
Jr . back as Larry Tnlbm and Maria In the future year o( 1970, Boris Ka rloR's
O uspenskaya as Maleva the I-:YPSY, but baron lets n TV crew fi lm a show about
Glsting Bela Lugosi as the Frankenstein Frankensfein at his castie. Meanwh ile

Bon! Karloff llj 1M ruroll Sam",n) With the help of C lerval
In Fntnkenslem 1970
(David McCal ltnn) . U nfortunat e ly,
they don't know how to keep the mon-
ster's flesh from ro ning. James Mason,
as the eccentric Dr. Polidorv, demands
the crea tio n of a mate. The)' use the
head of the creature's true love, farm
girl Jane Seymour, w create Prima. The
degenerating creature breaks inro a
party where Prima is being inmxluced
and [Ip S h<'r head off. With Agnes
Moorehead in her second-to- Iast role.
Sir Ralph Richardson as a hlind hermit,
Sir Jo hn Gielgud, Tom Ba ker, Nicola
Pagel. Michael W ilding, and Margaret
LeightOn. Originally fou r hours long.
the scarred Germanic nohleman p l :1Y.~
spooky wnes at his pipe organ and tries
to duplicate his farnou~ ance~t o r' s ex-
periment~ down in the lah. Usi ng
atomic energy and his M;Tvant'S bram.
he builds a wrapped-up creature that 1968lndept'"ndl'nt lntcrn~1I0nal (Sr~ln )
'''ODUC£A: Maxpc r
looks like a mummy with a garb.lge C:1n DIIII:OO": Enrique L Equllu:
on its head. In a surprisi ng finale the Jaclnlo Mol ln'l
monster is revealed to have the (ace o( ORIGINAll Y IIHlASlD M: La MtJrcu ckl
... Boris Karloff! A strange Ill ixture o( Humlm l..nbo
gothic and atomic-age ho rrors with o ne Waldemar Dan illsky ( Paul Naschy) IS
o(Boris' hammiest performances. With a we rewolf who goes to an occult-
To m Duggan. Jana Lund. and Mike specialist couple (or a cure. The)' tunl
Lane as the TV-show monster. I low- out to be vampires. In Spa in this was a
ani W. Koch. who also direc ted Bop big hit (Ill 3-D) and led to eight more
Girl, Unwmd YOl/th. and The Girl in fil m ~ With horror star Naschy as EI
Black Stockmgs . later produced The Odd Hombre Lobo. In America it was rl.:-
Couplc and Frank Sinatra films. leased (usually III 2-0) with a totally
misleading lide . a silly prologue, and
about 45 minll1es of footage missing.
FRANKENSTEIN, THE TRUE i11sicall y an atmospheric o ld-fashioned
STORY monster movIe with '60s blcxxl, it has
1974 TV (Enf,!bnd) an undl'~e r vedly bad reputation. In
~IIODUCU: Hunt Stromhcrg, Jr. supcr-70mm "C hi l-a- rama." Nasc h y
DIM:CTOII: Jack Smight
uses his real name, Jacinto Molina, to
sa.££N\VIlrn:J.5: C hriSTopher !shcrwo,.....1, Don write his sc ript ~.
Maybe not the "true" Slur)'. but an
excellenl ('pic version of Ihe 1c~cnd
that was shown theatrically In ElIruJX'. FRANKENSTEIN'S CASTLE
Dr. Frankenstein (Leonard "Romeo" OF FREAlIS, See HOUSE OF
Whit ing) creates the creature (M ich:1el FREAKS.

AJi.l!mryscenc'from Frank-
ensTem's !)augh t;: r.

a break from The Beuer!), Hillbillies).

FRANKENSTEIN'S Anthony Eisley hi res them 10 si ng on
DAUGHTER his showboat. Han)' Morgan is the ir
1958 ASWf (B&'W) piano player. Elvis thinks red-haired
PfoOOUCEP.: Marc Fr~eric Nancy KO":':lck brings him luck. Jealous
011\£00'-:Dick C unha Frankie sh<Xlts Johnny, who li ves any-
SCMEH\II'MtP.: M.E. Boune
way. El VIS sings " Pe tunia, the Ga r-
Inc redibly shoddy teenage-monster
dener's Daughter" and "What Every
muvie frolll the dire<:wr of MiS5iie 10
Woman Li ves Fo r." De Cordova di-
die Moon. O liver Fmokcnstcin (D.mald
Murphy), ,mother descendent of the reCled both Bonzo fi lms.
onginal doctor, makes a creature with
half ils fa ce melted away and uses drugs
10 turn ;1 girl (Samira Knight) into a
buck.loot!uo--d monSler. Both creatures FRANK.
arc played by men . Talent ed John Ash-
ley and Sally Todd an:: teen lovers. With FRANl1C
1958 Times FLlIus (France) (B&W)
the great Harold Lloyd. Jr.. and Robert
P"ODUCo.:Jc,m T llUillicr
Dix . DIr.£OO": L"uis Malk
Kr.£ENW"'T[~: Louis MalIc, Roger Nunicr
1966 United ArtistS !'tc/l(lfm«l
pf.()()U(EP.: Edward Small In 1961 Americans were offe red this
[)lP.ECTOA: Fred Dc Cordova
first effort by French New Wave direc-
KMENWNTlP.: Alex G()nI Lt~b
lOr Malle with a new title designed [Q
In this retelling of the famuus song.
compete with the then rccent P5ycno,
gambler-singer Johnny (Elvis Presley)
Mania. and Homicidal. It does share
loves Frankie (Donna Douglas, taking

some elements with those shcx:ke rs. a thunderstorm .c;cene that is still strong
Jeanne Mo rea u and lover Maurice e nough to induce nightmares, Tod
Ron('[ plan the perfect en me, the Browning, who had directed many of
murder of her husband. After the deed, Lon C haney's beS t fi lms, put his future
Ronet's car, gun , and camera are slOlen on the line by making this unconven _
by a pair of wild teenagers while he is tiona l, unflinching oddity-and losf.
t rapped in a Ha iled e levator. The Tiny Harry E.1tles (in both versions of
teenagers usc his gun in a double hOlm- Browning's The Unholy Three) is Ha ns,
cide for which he's blamed . More plot the star. When a cruel trapeze artist
twists slowl)· un fold to the music of (Olga Baclanova) marries him, publicly
Miles Davis. Although fi lmed before humiliates him, and tri es with he r
the Malle-Moreau team's The Lot~rs, strong-man lover (Henry Victor) to kill
Frantic wasn't shown here unti l after. him for an inheritance, the circus freaks
Times Films also released Mondo Cane b..1nd together to avenge their friend.
and Wild for Kicks.
Wallace Ford is a sympathetic clown
who ch;"J rms Leila Hyams. The actual
FREAKS circus freaks include the Hil ton Siste rs
1932 MGM (B&W)
(Siamese twins later in the exploitative
I'P.OOUC£AiOIMCTOI\: Too Bruwning
Chailledfar Ufe), Johnny Eck, "the liv-
SCP.[( NWP.ITEI'S: Willis Goldbcc k,
Leon Gordun, Edg~r AIl;1Il Woolf. ing hillf-boy," Prince Randian, "the liv-
Al Boasberg ing torso," pinheads, josephindJoseph,
ALSO MlU.SlO AS: F01buMt'n l..o1:e; Na il/fe 's and a living skeleton. Except for the
Prlflee Randuin rrnaJohnny MISWkeS; TIu- M onsleT Show vengeance scene they're portrayed as
Eek. In Ted 13rou.nITJR', This incredible feature, banned for gentle bei ngs somet imes tormented by
Freaks. decades. is a powerful mor-dlity tale with cruel ou tsiders. Dais)' E.1r1es (the real-
life sister of Harry) is Hans' dejected
girlfnend. W ith Angelo Rossitto, "Bur
for an accident of birth, you might be
as they are."

1969 Hollp\"ood Slar PiCluTes
l'P.Ooucu..: Joon Lawrence
OIIl£CTOI\ ; Bill Brame
KI\[E NWI\ITElU: John bwrcnce.
James Gordun Wlmc, Gera ld Wilson
ALSO P.EI.U.SEO .~: Scream Free
How did yOll miss this dynamite combi-
nation of West Side Story stars and Easy
Rider- inspired plot! Richard Beymer
fa lls in love with Lana Wood (sister
Nata lie wasn't avai lable). They need
cash, so he agrees to help Russ Tamblyn
and his gang smuggle grass (rom Mexico
to L.A. o n motorc)'c les. When Beyme r
objects to narcotics agents bei ng killed.
hIS long-hai red pa l from the Jets puts
LSD in his drink, nics to bum him

alive, and has the Natalie substitute fi lm for those o n th e lookou t for a
kidnaped. Too bad it wasn 't a musical. no-(rillscar-"Iogue of kill ings. Sean C un-
Also with Bing's son Lindsay Crosby, n ingham, who also produced and co-
Joel's son Jody McCrea, and obnoxious wrote Llts! House (m The /..eft, says he
deejay Casey Kasem. Direnor Brame did it because he needed a h il. Tom
also did The Cyc k Stwttgt's. ( R ) Savini. :Ilso known for his work o n sev-
eral Geor.lle A. Romero films, solid ified
FREE, WHITEAND21 his reputation as a maslcr of gore ef-
1963 AlP (B&W) fen s with [his o ne. The big surprise
P~OOU C£IVOIl\ECTO~: Larry Buc hanan for many was seeing who lesome early-
SCP.££H"W'M""E'-S: L1rry Buchan;m. Hal Dwain, television celebrity Betsy Palmer playing
Chff Pope a major role and losing her head. Also
Te.xas rape tTi;!1 involvlOg a black hotel with Bing Crosby's son Harry, who is
owner and a Swedish freedom ride r. shot in the eye with an arrow. As lhe
Frederick O'Nea l is Ernie Jones, An na- ads expla ined, "Th ey arc Doomed".
lena Lund is Greta Mac Hansen. you (R) - BM
aTe the jury. With George Edglcy,
George Russell , and John H icks. More FRIDAY THE JJIH PART /I
Buch anan: Cretlllm!" of Destruction and 1981 Paramourl!
The Trial of Ll!e Harvey Oswald. - CB I'P;ODUCE~: Stcve Miner. Dennis Murllhy
OItu:CTO~: SIeve Miner
Ron Kur.
1971 Univc rSll 1 (England) Five yea rs after the Friday the J 3th
H.OOU(£IVDIP.£CTOf.: Alfred Hitchcock killings, the body count starts again at
KJI,[[N\VME~: Anthony Shaffer Camp Crysta l. This sequel was Cut to
At age 72. H itchcock reTUrned [Q En- avoid an X rating, so it's no t as shock-
gla nd to do his first picTUre there in Z2 il1g or disgusting as the original. You
years. It's a mix of clements from a lot do, however, get to see 10LS of shms of
of his earlier hits. Barry Foster IS;! very Betsy Palmer's mongoloid son Jason's
aCTive psycho rap ist-murderer. Hi s (cet. (R)
friend Jon Finch (The Vampire l..owrs)
is accused of the heinous crimes. One FRIDAY 11IE JJTH, PART /II
of the pathctic vic tims is Anna Massey, 1982 P~T"<Imount (3-D)
star of Peeping Tom. T he "neckt ie PI\OOOCu.: Frank Mancuso, Jr.
snang lin gs" a rc mo re graphic tha n DIP.£CTOf.:Steve Miner
anything Hitchcock had done and the K~[[NW~IT!~: Martin K itr<)~ser,
dark humor is a bit da rker than usual. Carol WatsOn
It was Hitchcock'sonly R-rated fil m. (R) It 's the same o ld story again. Jason is
back, this time in a hockey mask , chop-
FRIDAY IHE 13TH ping up dope-smoking teens at Ca mp
1980 GeorJ.:cwwn FilnulParamoUnI Crystal. Dana Kimmel is the on ly sur-
P"OOUCE~DI~(CTOIVSC~[[NW~IT[~ : vivor of slaughter No.2 . The "surprise"
Sc;tn Cunningham ending is copied from No. 1. The gore
C'lmp C rystal Lake has been closed (or effects aren 't as good as in the previous
sevcm l years, ever since the occurrence entries hut the )-0 effects are excellent.
of a bruta l, unsolved murder. Seven The beSt is achieved when an eyeball
counselors gather to reopen the camp is squeezed out of a head and seemingly
fu r business; only o ne survives. A good thrust in to rhe aud ience. W ith a flash -

back performance by Betsy Palmer in A gory fi lm about an elderly British £ann
2-D, some bikers, and the tim issue of couple (Sheila Keith and Rupert Da-
Fangoria. Paramount tends to act a lit- vies) who are cannibals. like othe r
de embarrassed by the success of these Walker projects, it's well acted, effec-
moneymaker.;. They released An Offi- tively gruesome, and didn't receive a
cer and a Gentleman during the same dece nt re lease in America. Sheila
month . ( R ) Keith, a stage actress who appeared in
several of Walker's movies, is pretty
FRIDAY THE UTH . .. THE memomble. (R )
[980 World Northal FROGS
DlA[CTOIV'SCA[EMVPJTEP.: John B..l llard 1972 AlP
AUO A[UASlD Al: Killer Orphall P1I.ODUCEP.S:Peter TI\Omas , Gcorge Edwards
C lever title, huh! A IO-year-old boy DIIlEClOP.: George McCowan
remliates against the ad ult world in a KMEN'tIIPJTEP.S; Robe" Hutchison,
bloody fashion . At some showings, the Rober! Blees
old gimmick of offering an insurance A rich family led by cantankerous,
pol icy against dea th by shock was used. wheelchair-ridden Ray Milland suffers
Mark Owens stars with Joanna Miles fro m bad ecological karma. S nakes,
and Peggy Feury. The theme song is by lizards, insects, all led by intelligent
Janis Ian (Society's Child). ( R ) frogs, attack the cl iched upper-class
types o n their private island. " Millions
FRIGHT, See SPELL OF THE of slimy bodies squirming everywhere
-millions of gaping mouths!" is the
HYPNOTIST. way the ads put it. The film often played
with its Japanese cousin Gocb.illa tis.
FRIGHT the Smog M onster. Film ed in Eden
1972 Allied Artists (England) State Park, Florida . With Sam Ellio tt,
~oucW: Harry Fine, Michael Style Joa n Van A rk , and Adam Roa rke
OIA[OO": Peter Collinson (Ps,ch-Olll).
SCJI,[(N'W'P.ITD.; Tudor Gates
ALSO A[LEASlD AS: Night Legs
More psycho killings fro m directOr FRO'" BEYOND THE GRAVE
Co ll inson (The Penfhouse). S usa n 1974 AmicuslWamcr Brothers (England)
George is hired as a babysitter by PP.OOUCEP.S: Max J. Rosenburg,
mother Honor Blackman . Father Ian Mi lton Subotsky
DIA[OO": Ke vin Conner
Bannen , who has just escaped from the
KM[~: Robin Clarke,
asylum , seems sa ne enough [0 the
Raymond C hrislOdqulow
babysitter, but he's already ki llL-d her ALSO "(LEASED AS: The CreOll4res from
boyfriend (Dennis Waterman) and is Beyond rhe Gral't
after her. When the police finall~' An especially go<xl. anthology horror
arrive, he threatens to take rhe life of fil m based on four stories by R. C het-
his o wn son unless they let him escape. wynd - Ha yc~. Peter C ushing holds it all
together as an antiques dealer who sells
FRIGHT"IARE surprisingly potent objects to various
1974 Miracle (England) characters. With David Warner, Don-
Peter Walker
P«.ODUCUJDI ..EClO": ald Pleasence, his look-alike daughte r
KMENWNTI ..: David McGiIlwray Angela, Diana Dors, Ian Ogilvy, Lesley-

OrlRlnall), relerued ru:
From Beyond Tht· Grave.


Anne Down, Margan!t Le ighton, Ian FRO,II HELL IT CAllIE

S(lnnen, Nyree Dtlwn Porrer, and [an 19;7 Alho!d Artists (B&W)
CannichaeL PM)()ucEII.: Jack Mllnt:r
DIM;OO": Orin Miller
K"£ENWNTUI,: Richard Bemslein
FROAI EAR TO EAR When Sollth Sea islrmd Prince Kimo
1971 C mcrnation (Fmnce) is killed by the tribal chief and the witch
Pfl.OOUCEII.: Jerry Gr()S.ti doctor for fratern izing wi th vis it ing
D II\I:CT~ : LOU1:.c Soulancs scientists, he returns as Tabanga, a
ONGI NAU.Y Ul.£AS£D AS: uS Cou.sine~ walking tree! T abll nga, who looks [ike
A pair of bisexual female cousins to r- the star of a six-year-old's had drea m ,
[Ure a girl with sex, dnlgs, and a mum- is a classic example of {he anyth ing-
mified baby. A French exploi t;Hio n goes monst.ers of the '50s. The scientists,
shocker re-edited and greatly alte red for led by Too Andrews (lnd Tina Carver,
American release. With Jean Gavin. dig up the nee-man growlOg out of

Kimn's grave, pm him on an operaring have a great gi rl -fight scene. With
table, and stimu late his h eart. Then Pedro Armendariz as Kerim Bey, and
the awkward Tabanga {<-vcr see a tree series regulars Bernard Lee and Lois
try to walk drops some enemies in Maxwell. Filmed in Istanbul and Lon-
quicksand and eventually joins them don. Theme song by Matt Mo nro.
there. W ith native dances, girl fighrs, Music by John Barry.
and a half-asscd explanation involving
an arom bomb of hawaII rhis came (Q
be. Paul Blaisdcll created the incredible
creature from Hel l. AIOON
1958 RKO
PM>DtJC£A: Belledi" Bogeaus
~ Raben Blees, James Leicester
1964 Un iled Anim (Enghmd)
~OO: Harry Saltzman. Alben Broccoli A pretty dull Ju les Vcrne advcmurc
DIALCTOI\.: Terence Young about a 19th-century spaceship fired
SCM:EN\VPJTEII.: Richard Malbaunl from a can non. The passengers are Jo-
Sean Connery is back in the second seph Cotten, George Sanders, Debra
and beSt of the James Bond films . 007 Pager, and Don Dubbins. They all be-
goes ro Istanbul and fa lls in(Q rhe arms long 10 the Gun Club. With Henry
of Tariana (If-micla Bianchi ), a Rus- Daniell, Pauic Knowles, Morris Ank-
sian agent who is unkno wingly leading rum, and Carl Esmond as Jules Vern e.
him into a Spectre death trap. Bond
battles the incredible Rosa Klebb (Lotte FROZEN ALIVE
Lenya). a Russian who works for Spec- 1964 Magna Pictures
tre and carries a poisonous switchbladc (W. GennanylEngland) (B&W)
in her shoe, and a big blond psycho hil PM>DtJCru: Ron R,etti, Art hur Braun('r
UPI 317164: To Irawl
man (Robert Shaw) on the Orient DtIl£CTOII.: Bernard Knowle~
lightly, b14l ef/fCfil,dy.
Express. Martine Beswick and Aliza Gur SCMEH\VlUT[1I.: Evelyn Fra~er
fWrJ youngSIn wiU U'(.lnl
BARK. the jaffil!s BOTld
N.saub and R.cudrr Kil A scientist is accused of killing hiS un -
thai is beill& inlToduced by (aith(ul wife whilc he is frozen in sus-
Multiple TO)'1Iltlkers Df the pended animation. Mark Stcvens stars
Toy Fair. AmongorheT with Mar ianne Koch and Yoachim
things, BARK Iw in its Hanscn.
moIdtd pirufic attache CU5f
a rnWile launcher wlfh rlrree
mils/ks, a roc~l-firing THE FROZEN DEAD
pU~, and a cap-firiTlil 1967 Warne r BrOlhers (Englan d)
pocket gun. The roc"", PM>DUC[";DIM:CTO";SCII.[E~II.:
firing pUtoI also ((In be Herbert J. Leder
DpfrClred whik!he Cill(' 15 An in credible film starting Dana An-
c/ostod. BARK i.s ani, one drews as a postwar Nazi scientist in En -
of fill< new jaffil!s Bond gland trying to revi ve H itler's TOp
products IMI Multiple is
officials, now hanging (in uniform) in 3
adding to its highly success-
ful OOllil1(' of W)S 10 walk-in freezer. Dana can gel the Third
coincuUo with w relcllSf of Reichers ro walk, but their brains don't
!he new Bond film. From work. His colleague kills a girl and keeps
Russia with 1..0\'('. her pathetic- looking shaved hcad alive

on a tab le. As in The Brain That next started work on I, the Jury, got
Wouldn't Die, the heroine develops fi red, and finally found some SUCCC5S
mental telepathy and warns her Ameri- with Q.
can fr iends about what's going down.
In a totally weird ending the twO Nazi THE FUN HOUSE, See
sc ient ists are str.mgled by dismembe red LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END
arms hangin g on a wall, ac ti vated by STREE1:
the telepathic head! An unheralded
wonder of silliness. With Ann Polk , FUN IN ACAPULCO
Philip G ilbert, and Kathleen Breck as 1963 Paramoulll
the bodiless girl. P1\0DUC£A: Hal Wallis
DIP.Ea~: Richard Thorpe
1945 Uni\"t!rsal (8&W) Ex-trapeze artist Elvis Presley becomes
PP.OOUCEP.: Wilham Cowan a lifeguard and singer at a resort ho tel
DIP.EOO..: Harold Young where U rsula Andress is the social
KP.EEN'WP.ITD.S: Bernard Schubert, director. Ursu la and lady bullfighter Elsa
LuCl Ward Ca rden as bot h wa n t Elvis. Divi ng
Lon C h anc y, Jr., is a mentalist acc used champ Alejandro Rey wants Ursula. A
of causing the death of an audience cu te Mex ican boy is Elvis' manilgcr.
member he hypnotized. It's no Hypnotic Elvis sings songs like "No Room to
Eye, just a n other "Inne r Sanc tum " Rhum ba in a Sporrscar" and conquers
mystery. With Martin Kosleck as a his fear of heights.
weird W'd}(-museum owner, Evelyn Ank-
ers, Elena Verdugo, Douglas Dumbrille, FUNERAL IN BERLIN
and Milburn Stone. 1966 Paramollnt (England)
Pf.OOU(EP.: Charles Kasher
FULL CIRCLE, See THE DIP.EaOll.: Guy Hamilton
KP.EENWP.ITE .. : Evan Jo nes
Michael Caine is hack as HarT)' Palmer,
a spy invol ved with double-crossing ex-
FULLAIOON, SeeAIOON Nazi Communists and an Israeli age nt.
CHILD. Oscar Homolka has o ne of h is best roles
as the colonel whose funeral is f'lked
FULLAIOON HIGH in order to geT him th roug h the Berlin
1982 Filmways wall. With Eva Renzi and Paul Hub-
'P.ODU(EPJ OIP.EOOP.!KIUE NWP.lITP.: schmid. Hamilton had di rected Gold-
b irr,' Cohen fingcr and went on to other &nd fi lms.
Adam Ark in goes to Transylvan ia with
his fa ther (Ed McMahon) . He becomes THE FUNHOUSE
a teenage werewolf who l ike~ to bi te 1981 Universal
girls on the ass. This seldom-seen com- PP.OOU(ERl; Derek Powers,
edy was released right after An Ameri- Stevo:n Bernhardt
can Werewolf ill London. A lso wi th DIP.Ea~: T obe Hooper
Adam's rea l-life father A lan as a psy- KIUENWP.ITEP.: Larry Block
chiatrist, Demond Wilson (S.:mford and A cleft-headed albino (played by pro-
Son), Elizabeth Hartman, Louie Nye, fessiomll mime W;I ~' ne Doba) whose fa-
and Kenneth Mars. Director Cohen vorite apparel is a Frankenstein monster

mask sta ib the dark comers of a carni- Aut hor/scriptwriter Jo hn Farris wrote
val fun hou$l', pick in~ off young stoned rh is ;.fter seeing Carrie. John Cassaveres
smdenrs locked in for the night in rou- kidnaps Andrew Stevens (the real life
tine slaughter-fi lm style. son of Stella) for his psychic powers.
Funhouse was plagued br COSt and Stevens' dad Kirk Douglas rries ro rescue
schedu le prohlems during the entire him. A my Ir ving (Carrie) uses her
shoot-which started with the tmns· powers 10 blow Cassavetes apan . Bits
porralion of an entire ca rm v;) 1 fro m of his bloody body fly all over a nicel y
Akron, Ohio, 10 Ihe Ivan T or:, swdlC) furn ished room; his head ends up o n
(ho me of Fli/J/Jer) m Florida . The the floor. his legs on a couch. Another
monster, designed and huil! by Rick highlight is Carrie Snodgress' head
B..1ker and Craig RC<lrdon , is COStumed splattering into a pulpy mass afte r smash-
hadly, <lnd rhe pi cturl' doesn't seem ing through acar windshield. This rather
finished. NO[ the film hoped for from confused movie made money because
the director o( The Texas C halllsaw of these scenes. Another crowd pleaser
Manacre. With Sylv i<l Miles, Kevi n is fI timely sc ene with Arabs on a
Conway, and a dip (rom The BriJe of revo lving carnival ride that goes so fa st
FT(ll1kell5lelll. Hoopcrnexr did Pohergem they' re thrown up in the air and crash
for Steven Spielberg. (R) 8M through a wall to the ir deaths. Dc Palma
really knows how to work his audience.
IHEFURY W ith Fi o na Lewi s, Ruran ya Aida,
Can ,Iwt u'llChdocror $/I\'e 1978 20th Century. Fox ;md Charles Durning. Music by Joh n
Jungle )lIn (Johnn y WeISS' AAODUcn: Yabl;)ns Will iams. ( R )
muller) m Fury of ,he OIMClC>A: Bnan De Palm~
Conl.'O! KM[N\VM"[~ : John Farri~
196 1 Embassy Pictures (England) (B&\v)
John G ll1 lnj.:
As Squire Trevenyan , Peter Cushi ng
is aft er Black John ( Bernard Lee), leader
of a gang that lures ships Onto the roc.ks
to be wre<:h.-d and then loots them. The
19th-century adventure set in Cornwal l
stars John Fraser, Michele Mercier, and
George Cou louris. By the director o(


195 1 Olilimbia (B&W)
P~OOUC[~: Sam K ~ u11lan
DIMCTO~: Willinm Berke
SCAEEN\II~IT£~ : Carroll Young
The ads promised: " B;,lrbaric beauties
in fie rce jungle war !" Jungle Jim Ooh n-
ny WeissllluUer) saves a whi te nath'e
tri be from the clutches of a narcotics
gang in ho t pursuit o( the Okongo, a

giant spider that providt!s a powerful vestigating a si mulated space fl ight in
drug. With L~' l e Talbot and S herry Delos, an adult vacation park. They
Morcl:lnd. discover a world-domination plot and
a clone of Fonda. With Arthur Hill,
A llan Luden, and a brief appearance
FURY OF THE SUCCUBUS, by Yul I3rynner to remind you of the
Sec &1TAN'S ,II/STRESS. firs t movie .




1970 Avco Emooss~' -TV (Spam)
PIIODlfCtll: Plata Films
DII\£CTOII: Jose Maria Zabal:a
SCI\££HWPJT[II: Jacmto Molma
Paul Naschy plays the wol(m:ln for the
fourth time. A m"d female scientist who
turns into a werewo lf and a nip to Tibet
aTe involved. Includes scenes from
Frankenstein's Bloody Terror. Dr. Jekyll
and ,he Wolfman was next in the series_



1976 TV
PP.OOUCt....SCI\[[HWPJT[II: Anthuny Wilson
DIII£CTO": Jud Taylor
O ld cop ErneST Borgninc gets a new
partner-android Michael Shannon.
With John Amos. It led to a short -lived
te leviSIon series. Taylor directs a:. many
as three TV quickies a ~'ear.

1976 A lP
PIIODUCE'-5: Paul L:uarus ttl.
Jamt!s T. Aubrey, Jr.
DlIl.ECTOII: R ichard T. Heffron
~CH[N\vIIITEU: M ayo Simon.
G eorge Schenk
In This sequel to \Veslttlorld, Peter Fonda
and Blythe Danner play reporters in-

G.I.BLUES McCaule)" he forms a combo with two
1960 Par.lmount budd ies and plays a big army show. A
pp.ooucu .: Hal WalliS series of misunderstandi ngs involv ing
DIAlCTOA: Nonnan Taul'Of!. a bet to see who can seduce cabmer
Edmund Belan,
si nger Juliet Prowse give way [0 mar·
Henry Garson
riage plans and a happy ending. Elvis
[n 1960. E[vis returned from fhe army sings "Wooden 1·leart," paniall}' in
minus his sideburns, did a TV show Gcnnan, and other runes. The one·
with Frank Sinatra, and made th is time threat to the youth of America
movic about a singing serviceman. Parts play~ WiTh puppets and baby-sits. Stilt,
of ;t were fi[m<.-d in Germany while he media bluenoses complained at the time
was still stationed there. As Tu[sa becausc [('en idol Elvis was obviously
hanging OUT at a whorehouse. Just
imagine-a n American sold ier in silch
\ a place.

1980 Cro"'n
The kue lfirrl)/hy Smmen P"ODUCE": MarilynJ . T~n>c r
ru G~la)[m:1 DIUCTO " /SCIU:(HWJ.lTu.: William Sach.
A comcdy scien ce-fic tion adventure
wilh good spec ial effects for a low-
budget project, but the humor really
docsn't work. Dorothy S[ralten (Hoog-
Slnlllen), the beautiful 20-year-old
Pkrybo)· Playmate of rhe Year, stars as
the robot Galax ina. Featuring parod ies
o( Alien lind SWT \VaTS, Avery Schrei-
her. Angelo Rossi tto as a small alien,
and ~I film clip from First Spaceship 011
VelU($. By [he director o( The Incredible
( Mellin)! Mall. Straiten was murdered by
her sicko estranged husband the day the
film premiered in Kansas City. (R)

19S I New World
P"O DUClkS: Roger Corman. MHc Siegler
DI"-£CTO" : B. D. Clark
SC"UNWIIJTE'-$: Marc Sit'j.:!a. B. D. Clark
... LSO iI.l l£MED AS: Mmdl~·arp; All /lijimt) vi
Tt'1T(rr, Plallel of liurrtrrl
A ~clC n cc-fictio n/ h o r ror mov;e pat-
terned after Alien, with {Ouches of The
EIII/nrc Scrike5 Back, The story is con-
fUSing, someti mes ridicu lous, bur the re

are plcnty of real shocks and a S\r,mgc and Hugh O 'Rrien all pretend to he in
enough cast fO make il wort hwh Ile. Erin .. Bruce Lee fi lm. FUfUre act ion star
Mora n (Joan ie on Happy Days) j;ZCIS dis- C h uc k N"rr is appo.:;l TS In ;10 oLlIt:1 ke
emboweled and explodes! Sid Haig cuts frum Nelllnl of [he DmgulL. Ghoulish
off h is own arm afte r a sma ll g la ~s (;lOd h:1J) cash-in projects featuring
weapon burrows under IllS skin . A ~p; lC e dead star~ are inevitable. The Trail
wom:m is mpcd hya gi<1nt worm. These of the Pink Pallther is .. more rece nt
scen es arc d isgusting fi~l.s and ~h ou ld example. ( R )
plense even veremn gross-out fan~. With
Edw;lrd A lben . GnKe Zabriske, Ib y
Walston (My Fat'OTiIeMtlrfUtn), Z<1 lman
1965 Wor1J EmcTI,umnenr/ Daicl
Ki n g, and Rernard Behrens. II played P"ODUCO: YuneJlw
unde r various t itles in d ifferent p:lrtSof DII\ECTOII.S: Mrtsai;;hl N .. gata.
the country. Ta ke your pic k. (R ) San.h· I·(ow.. rd (U.S. \'('r,;lon)
FumL T.. kah ..shl.
RLchard Kraft
GAAIE OF DEATH O tl.lGI NA LLY " ELEASED AS: /)wk.llju Galn<'Ta
1946 RKO (B&W) ,he Inl'ln<:ll*
AI.5O IUlEASED AS: Cilllnmt'l'<.l
P1.0DUCttl.: Herman Schlom Gamcm, an unltkcl)' movie star, was
DII\ECTO " : Rohen Wise
crc:Hcd in J a p~1Il to r iv~d Godz illn. As
SCA(EHWtI.lT[": Norman Houmm
in th(' firs l God:illa fi lm , new Ameri-
A re m,lke of The Most Dangcrolls Garnt', can foorage was added here and the
wit h John uxle r in the COllnt Zaroff story severely alt('Ted. An atomic ho mb
role. Audrey Long use~ tapes (If Fay tJnlea:.he~ a giant fire-breathi ng prehis-
Wray's screams from , he origma l and toric turtle t hat flies b\· pull ing illlo its
Noble Jo hnson repe;lts his roll' of 14 shell ;lnd spi nn ing. Al hcrt Dek ker (<I~
years earlier. W i, h Edgar Barrier. J<lson the U.S. Secr~";lry of Defense) and
Ro hards. Sr., Russl,lI Wade. Robert Brian [)I)nlcvy (as a general) confer
C larke, and Gene Roth. with Japanese SC ien tists to decide how
to avert worldwkk dcstructiun. Eart h
THE GAAIE OFDEA:tH IS saved by using the ingenious " Plan
1978 Colurnhin (Hong Ko ng ) 2" (Gamera is trapped in a rocket :1nd
P"OOUCEtI.: Ra~'m()nd Chow ~e nt to Mars), The supcrturtle caugh t
DllU:CTOM: Ro~rt Clouse. Bruce Ll'C on (in J~pan. anyway). So far the re
K "EEHWI'JT[": Jan S}X'ars h :we !-oeen cij;Zht GaOlcm adve nt ures.
After wLTTi ng in (our (e<l tu rc~. Bruce Like Godzilla, the crLlshi ng mons ter be-
Lee dIed a cu lt hem, le.. ving he h ind came a friendly hero in Imer fi lms.
about {en m inu tes of fight scenes he
h<ld direc ted and starred in with Ka reem GAAIERA VS. ,IIONS TER X
Abd ul Jllbbar. In the tradition of Plan 9 1970 Da1(~il Al P·TV (japan)
from Ower StxtCe "st:l rri ng" Bela Lugosi DIIUCTO" : Nuriakl YU<lsa
after h is death. an ent ire (eature W,l S SC tI.EEHW"ITEI'. : Fumi Takahas hi
made arou nd {he valuable foomgc. Most ONG INAUY tI.El.£AS[D AS: GlltTk'T£lldi D,umtlju
of the time ;In uncon vinci ng double }w,"
masquerades;ls Ll'e , wearing dark glas,<;- The sixth and Illost uu tmgeolLs Gamera-
es. Sometimes he's seen on ly from be- the- tlyi ng-turr le adventure. A t Expo
hi nd, or close-ups o( Lcc's face or eyes '70. Jiger, a fe male mo nSte r, lays an
arc cur in . Gig Yo ung, Dean Jagge r. egg in Ga mera's body. The offspring

sucks The hero mon ste r '~ 1:>100..1. The tator (Walter Rilla), The pair d iscover
lIsual two Iml ... Jap,lnese hoys ,1Tr1VC ,lIld a ~cret project In which children are
s,,1VCGamera so ht, can clefc,1{ the m· bomb.arded with gamma rays. Some be-
vaders and save the world again. [, was cOllle geniuses, others morons. A very
the last hig turtle movie 10 reac h AmeT1- unusual science-ficT io n film combin ing
can shores. ",orne humor wiTh political horror. With
Eva l3,lTtok. Jr orig inally p layed in
Amenca wi th /984.
1967 Umver",.l
I'f.OOUcu: Geo'l!:~' EJw:ml, GAlIMIA 69}, See NIGIIT OF
DlllECTOII,; Curr .;; Harnn!!f0f1 THE ZOAIBIES.
SCII.lENWMTEP.: Gene Kcarnq
A bored art·collecting Manhattan Ct)u- GANG IPARS, See IHE
pic (James eaan anJ Katharine Ro~) DEVIL'S EXPRESS.
invite an intl'rt'sting "ging cmmetics
sa ICSWOm;lTl to l'nlivcn their Jull lives GANJA AND HESS
hr directing sex and deal h "g,Hlle~." 1973 Kelly-Jordan
Simone Signorer )tars in a /)w/lOII(/II<!- PI\ODUCH: e lm Schul tz
style thriller fearurmg a corp~e en c a~ed Bill Gunn

in plaster and displayed III the livlIlg [Amble Pn55e55101l.

room as an, and a [Tip Ie-cross endmg.
One of Harrington's most dfecTive Duane Jones. star of NiKhr of the Llt'ing
films, it features Kent 5nmh, Florence Dead, is a modern vampire with visions
M" rl y (star of his QueI'II of Blood), of hb native Africa. It's an imercsting
Don STroud, EsTelle Winwood, a hu black-oricnted horror fi lm, both a n y
h~' Luana Anders (NighT Tule) , .md a
and explouauve, which was rereleased
scene uf Lu\:!osl 111 Dwodll. after he lllg confu~ingly CUT. Direc[()r
Gunn play~ a really odd vicTim of the
n ch decadent vampi re. Marlene Clark
TilE GAlI/JlIA PEOPLE (al~ In Russ Meyer films) becomes
1956 (::Olul11bia ( En~l:lIld) (8&W) Jones' bnde. One version sulniTi tutes
PRODUCEk: John Gll5S<I~C soul mU~lc for the origina l haunting
DIkf:CTOk: John Gilling Afncan music. Filmed at Croton-o n -
Gri llll,ll
SCI\EENWIUTEI'.S: J,)hn GOSS,I/.:'l'. John
Iluds()tl, New York, and the Brooklyn
An American (Pau l Douglas) and an Museu m. (R)
Englishman (Leslie Phillips (rom the
Ongi lwll), r.-le(lsed (15. Carry 011 series) travel to a mythical GAPPA 71IE TRIPIBIAN
G.m):I ~nd H <,)). Eastern Eurol'ean cuuntry rLin by a dic- AIONSTER, SeeilfONSTER
1972 Clover
~OOUC[": Daniel Cady

~ ~§~~~~~~~~~~ KMENWMTtll; John Jones

DI,-£CTOII:Jo hl1 Hayes
A low-budget Night of the I..wlIIg Dead-
Inspired feature with prison inmaTes

who ~niff formaldehyde to gct h igh. in the cast, it 's an excruciating hippie
T he)' go crazy and are killed b)' guards. mov ie. Wi t h Rohen Corff, El a ine
Returning from the dead, rhe)' au ack G.fros, Bud Con (Harold ,md Maude),
wi th hoes amI sh~l rp r;lk es. Talia Coppola (later Sh ire), Ben Ve-
reen, C indy Williams, Marshall Mc-
Luhan, and Country juc and the Fish.
THE GARDENER, See SEEDS Ar the end , dead heroes {john Ken·
OF EVIL. nedy, Martin Luther Ki ng. C he, :md
Poc) emerge from a crtlck in the ground.
Bring hack thl' crab monste rs! It was
GARGOYLES the second-to-hlst film Corman dire.>ct-
""OOOC[IU: Robert W. Christianxn. ed and his last for AlP.
RICk RosenhcT](
Ol'-ECTO~: B. W. L. Norton
KAE[N\II'P.IT(IU: Stephen and Elinor Karp( GE.JIflNI AlAN
An anthro pol\)gist (Cornel Wi lde.» and 1976 TV
his daugh ter (Jcnnifer Sa lt ) find a skele- noouc[p.; Rohert F. O'Ne Ill
ton in Mexico. A j,'fO\lp of anCient mon- Ol,-£CTOP.: Alan L..\,\
~ters show lip ro geT their bones back. SCAUNWJIJT[p': LeslIe S l c'·cn s
AUO ~nEASlD Al: Code Namc: ."-"111\'45 On..,
The unusual g:ngoyles (each one.> is
differen t) won an Emmy. Bernie C asey, A reworking of The Illvisible Mall TV
~rar of Dr. Black (llld .)"'1r. H)·de, plays show (rom the producers ofThc Six Mil-
the gargoyle leader. With Gray~n Hall lion Dollar Man. nen Murphy can he-
(Dark ShadouIS). come invisible for short amoums of
time. T he resulting senes lasred a short
amoullt of time.
THE WORLD IN ORDER TO D I"'CTO~; John Llewellyn Moxey
SA VE IT, See GAS-S-S-S! A pilot film, from the creator of SWT
Trek, for a series that never made it.
GAS-S-S-S! Dylan H um (A lex Cord) wakes up m
1970AIP the year Z133 after being in suspended
""ODUCEP./ DI,-£CTOP.: Rogn Corillan animation for 60 years. He finds a
K P.EENWP'IT(~: G~lr~c Annit~gc post- World W~lT!l1 universe wiTh the
AlSO ",El£AS£D AS: CIlS, or Hf}UJ Ir Ikaune usua l mutant~ and scientists Trying to
Nece5sury to 1)..>" lrO) lhe lX'orld III Order 10 rehu ild th in gs. He also makes fr iends
Sat"t'" Ii with Mariette Harr ley, who has two
Everybody over 25 dies after a nerve· belly buttons. With Ted " Lurch" Cas-
gas leak. Corman S;lYS AlP ruined This sidy. lr 's pretty sm ndard stuff and a lot
YULlth-takeovcr musical comedy by cut- of confusion was later caused hy two
tlnl-: TOO much, including the charac- more pilots based on the same chartK-
ter of God. Could he ... but ap..1rt (rom reTS: Planet Earth and Strange New
the (un of spouing up-a nd-coming stars World.

THE GENII OF DARKNESS Not mrmy actors have thcir life s[Ories
1960 A:tct:a/A IP-TV (Mexico) (Il&W) filmed while they're alive. [don 't know
PI\ODUCEk: ViCIOT Parm what George thought of this little bio,
OIIl.(CTOI\; Frooerick Cund but u's got plent)' of gangste rs a nd
!.CA[[~M; Charles TablMJa, dame .... Future horror-film director Ra y
Alfred Ruandu"<1 Damon IS Raft, shown growing up In
OPJGINAU.Y P.l:lEA5EO AS: NO$lradlllnI4S. d
ck las T!l1IeblLis
Hell's Kitchen, d;mci ng at casinos,
hangmg o ut with gangsters, making
Sec The Blood of NOSfmdarnllj.
Scarface, 11e('ing C uha after the re\"("Ilu-
(ion , and acting in Some Like It HOI.
GENI USATlVORK Barhara Nichols is his friend Texas, ,md
1946 RKO (B&W)
Jayne Mansfield, Julie London, and Bar-
PkODUCEk: Hnman Schlom
DIII.£OOk: Leslie Goodwlns
rie Chase arc fictional girlfriends. Nev-
KI\EENW'PJ1"£P.S: Robnt £. Kent, 1"\0111(': Brice ille Brand is A l Capone (as he was o n
The last film starring Brovm and Ca r- The UnlOllChaNes). Brad Dexter is Bugsy
IlC Y. RKO's imitation Abbott :1nd Co- Siege l. With Frank Gor~hin , Herschel
~ [cl1 o
team, WOlS also Lionel Atwill's last Bernardi. (lnd Rohert Strauss.
I-Ie plays "The Cobra, " a crim-
inologist/killer who at one poin t dis- GET YOURSELF
gui~es himself as an o ld woman. Bela A COLLEGE GIRL
Lugosi is wasted again as Atwill's serv- 1%4MGM
:1Ot. With Anne Jeffries. The team of Pf.OOUCEI\: Sam Kal:man
Wally Brown and Alan Carney broke OlkrCTOI\; Sidney Mltlet
KI\[[NWI\IT£I\: Robert E. Kefll
up after ,h is, thl'iT eighth unfunny
.t.UO I\U£M(O AS: The Su'mgm ' Sel
comedy. It was a remake of a 1937 Jack
o.,kie film. Super Sleu/h. Mary Ann Mobley, Miss A merica of
1959, stars as a swdenr at a conserva-
t1 vecollege who secret ly writes hit rock
~mg3. O n vacation at a Sun Va lley
Il.u, Danrlm as GrOTRt' 1961 Atlled AruSlS (B&W)
Rufl dunkl }(lY1li ,'-'tuns- Pf.OOuco,: Bcn Sch"'3lb resort, ~ he and other studenrs put Dn
fidtl m Tht' Gt'Or,l:e Ra(1 OI~CT~: Joscph M. \lewm,m a show to help re-elect a senator. The
Slorv· KkrE~lfEl\: Crane Wilbur lineup: the Da\"e Clark Five and rhe
Anl1nal~, fresh from Engl:md, the Stan-
dells In their prehit days, Freddie Bell
and the Bellboys (left over from Katz-
man's 50's musicals) and for the qui-
eter moments-the Jimmy Smith Trio
and Snm Getz and Astmd Gilberta.
Also with Nancy Sinatra and Chad


1969 JER
Pf.OOIK[I\/OII\[CT~: Andr Milligan
SOJ:ENWl\lfEl\l: Andy Millig-.m,
Hal S Il ~rw()oJ
A 16m m wonder about th ree couples
going to an o ld mansion on an island

off Ihe coa~1 of M.line in h,.biled by tWO
okl l ;) d k~ ;)nd a hunc hback (who .... ats
11\'e rabbits). r ...op le arc ~;lwed in half.
decapitaleJ, ~tuck with pHchfurb. T he
gmt.' eff. . cts are so b ughflbly hflel that
Y(lli can S<..~ ,I ruhhcr leg hounce, Writer-
du~c tot MH hg,ln, whn also rhuto.
gmphnl t his ti lm. remad ... it as I-t'Kacy
of fJlood in '78. If you're an A ndy
Mill ig,m fan t herl"s no hoP'"' for you.
rihlllxl ,In SUllen bbnd.


1965 TohnfCull! mental (jap,on)
P"ODUCU: T"lUn~ Ilk I T~naka
OIIl[CTOA: In<Jshml Honda
KIU£NWP.ITU: Shmlchl ~b!awa
C 1lIk:Ol4 SIIId.u No K.·~ her. W ith :.<.'ann's, murder. 1tl1klllit)' .. SWt('n blmld rna)'''''m III
The ti rs t (If t he "new" Gudulla films. bur ~ee 11 for B;1Th,na Sleel",. TIle Gha~tly One,
The forme r terror I)f Japan, now ,I good
gU)', le,.ms up wllh two other T a ho 1JIEGHOSTAND
monsters, Rncb n and Mothra. to hat· ,IIR, CHICKEN
tlc the ne w thrce-Ill'aded alten ho r- 1966 Un,,·.'r,.ll
ro r, GhiJrah. TIll' hllge firc-hreil l hlllg PP.ODUCU: blw,uJ J. Mll",agnc
winged dC lgon, who comeS from;t me· DIRECTO" : A I.11l R.IIKI1l
te(lr, is nn inspired c reation. Add a KIIUNWP..ITEIU : J:unc, Fm:cll,

~tl h plot ahoU( a heauTlfllll1li~ i ng prin- E, ('rclt r.rCl'llb~lJm

cess c1fl iming she's a Martian ;md y<,u've After teolVIn).: M(ryl~IT)', lXIIl Knotts
gilt nne uf the beSI Japanese monster made a lot of rml\'ie~ you never saw.
ha ~hes. With M(l{ h ra'~ Ittt1c rals. the Thb one, "lthou),:h I.g11l, IS ,lClually
twi n Al ilenas. prdty gou...! , As Luther. :l Tim id small-
town newsl,arcr type'etter, he heC011lC5
,I h",w afle r 'I">endlllg the night III a
THE GHOST haunted hOtl~e (C<lmpletc WI! h a bkllxl-
1961 Magna PIClU res (It:lly) "all1ed org,1Il that play~ itself) anJ
PP.ODUCUS: LUI)!I CaTJ""'nucri, Ir.Jrkll1g down ~I murderer. \Vlth J<Mn
Erm:IIl1UI Donati Swtcy (Pk!:-.I~!;.:'., Mis. Novemher 1958).
OIA£CTOA: RICcardo f.Tt.'l1l (R,,~rt H .lmpton) Li:l!ll Redmond. DICK Sargent, Skip
K P.E[NWP.fT[P.$: Or"'~te 81:lIlcoll.
Homeler. Chf( NOTwn. Ellen Corby.
Riccar.lo Fred.•
and Hnpc Summers.
Not just a ny g:hosr hut the gho:'1 of Dr.
Hlchcock (of The Horrible ... ). nuwa 'lUI:.' GlJOS'l'AND ,IIRS. " IUIR
cr ipple with an unfaithful wife (Ba rbara 1947 2OthCcnlury-Fox (B&W)
S ,cl,le). She: a nd he r lover (reter Bnld· 1'11001)([11: Frl'J Kohlm.1r
Win) ptot agai nst [he husb nd. Th", OIP.ECTO P.; J'~l'h L. ~ l ~nkl<'\\'IC!
lover and (he housckc",pcr plot ag;linsl KP.UNWP.ITE" : Phllr" Dunn",

An excellent ro mantic ~hos t story. and Manha O 'Oriscoll also star. Look
Gene Tierney, a widow living in a beau- for Tor Johson and Mel Torme ,IS a
tiful New England home , is haunted drummer.
by the charm ing ghost of a S('a captain
(Rex Harrison). With George Sanders
and little Natalie Wood . Music by Ber- GHOST CHASERS
nard Herrmann. It was remade in '55 1951 Monogmm (B&W j
as Stranger in lhe NiJ!ht and " Iso became ~OOUCE": Jan GriPPO
a 1968- 70 TV series. Dlr.£ao..: William Beaudine
SC"EE~TU: ikrl Lawrence
Leo Gorcey, Huntz Hall , and the other
Bowery Boys chase ghosts and a mad
GHOST BRFAKFJIS doctor (Philip Van Zandt) .
1940 Paramount (B&W)
"'-OOUCE": Arthur Homblow, Jr.
DlR.Ea~: George Marshall GHOST CRAZY, See
SCIU:ENW?ITU: Wah ~r De Leon
Following the success of TnI' Ca l and
the Canary, Bob Ho pe and Pau lelle
Goddard were reunited in th is superior THE GHOST CREEPS
horror comedy. I-lidi ng out (rom gang- 1940 Monogram (B&W)
sters, '·Iope ,lOd Willie Best go to Cuba, Pf.OD!J(r'-: Sam K at~ man
where Goddard has inherited a haunted OIr..ECTO": Joseph Lewis
castle. Noble Johnson is a great zom- SC .. EEHWIIJTE ..: William Uvc:ly
bie aod there's a real ghost. With Rich- Al50 I'.£lEAS£O AS: Bo,s of the Cil,

ard Carlson, Anthony Quinn. Pedro The East Side Kids (afler they were the
De Cordoba. and Paul Lukas. One of Dead End Kids, before they were the
Bob Hope's best. In '53 il was remade Bowery Boys) encoullrer ghosts that
as SCilred Stiff with Manin anJ Lewis. turn out to be fakes. The ghost footage
was added at the last minute in an ef-
fort to parody the then current hit
Rebecca. Leo Gorcey and Bobby Jor-
GHOST CATCHERS dan star. Direcror Lewis later did c hIS-
1944 Universal (B&W) sics like Glm CruZ] and The Big Combo.
"'-OOucE .. / scr..EENWPJTU: Sam Katzman was associate produce r.
Edmund L. Hartmann
DIR.ECTO":Edward F. Cline
An insane Olsen and Johnson co medy THE GHOST GOES WEST
about a haunted ho use located next 1936 Un ited Artists (England) (B&W)
door to their nightclub. Real ghosts mix P"ODIJCEr..:Alexander Ko rda
with gangsters tryi ng 10 scare people DlII,(CT~: Ren.:' Clair
away. Lon Chancy, Jr., is a bear, Andy SCIIEEHWPJTEP.S: Roben E. SherwoOO.
Devine is a horse, C liff Norton is a tap- Goof(rey Kerr
dancing ghost, and Leo Carillo is a An exce llent ro mantic comedy. A
mummy. It's filled with unexpected Scou ish casd e containing a ghost h a.s
gags, impressive special effects, an ex- been mo ved to America. As the castle 's
orcism with swing music, and Ole Olsen new inhabitant, Jean Parker falls in love
and C hic Johnson facing the camera with the ghost, who rakes the human
and talking to the audience. G loria Jean form of Robert Donat. With Eugene

Pallette and Elsa Lanchester. OTl~in<l1 THE GIIOSTOF FLIGHT 401
prints were timN] sepia. 197tiTV
PfI.ODUCU:Emmet G. la\"~'I)" Jr.
BiKiNI SCI\£ENWlUT£I\: RoIx-n Malcolm You ng
1966 AlP Ernest Borgnine as [hl' ill -(ated capta in
H.OOUCUS: Jlll1le!l H . Nicho lson, of a crashed jet reappears in ghost form
Sllmuel Z. Arkoff on m hcr nights. The same "real" inci-
0 11\£00": [Jon Wel s dem provided the plot for Crash, an-
SCI\££NWMIM: Lou l5 M . H e~'wood, olher '78 TV-movie, but il didn't have
Elwood U llman Ernie the friendly ghost. With Gary
A beautiful ghost (Susan Hart) tdls the Lockw()(xl and Tina C hen.
dead Boris Karloff that in o rder to get
to Heaven he must perform a good
deed. Unfon unatdy the deed involves TfiEGfiOSTOF
helping to keep Tommy Kirk from being f'RANKENSTEIN
swindled o ut of his inheritance by 1942 Unl~'e rSlll (B&W)
crooked lawyl'f Basil Rathbone. It's Pll.OOUCEI\: Gl'llrgeWaggncr
pretty much standard AlP mindlessness, DIP.£CTOIl: Eflo: C. Ko:nwil
with Deborah Walley, Nancy Si natra SCM( NWlUTE"; W. Scou l}.Jrling
(she si ngs), Aron Kincaid, more old- In the fo llow-up to The SVlI of FmnkJ;!Il-
timers (Francis X. Bushman , Pa tsy steill, the monster (Lon Chancy, Jr.)
Kell )', and Jesse Wh ite), Harvey Lem- is revived by lightning and taken by
beck as Eric Von Zipper, some IIncon- Igor (Bela Lugosi) to another Frank en-
vincing mo nsters, good music by the stei n son (Sir Ced ric Hardwick..),
Bobb,. Fuller Four, lots of girls, and a Frankl'llslein's assislaTlt (Lionel Atwill)
gorilla. PUtS Igor's brain in the munster- who
then kidnaps a little girl. takes her back,
THE GHOSl' Of' and goes to court in cha ins to stand
DRAGSTRIP HOLLOW [f ial. With Evely n Anker ~, Ralph
1959 A lP (I3&W) Bcll a m~" and Dwight Frye as a villager.
PfI.OOUCE..tSCkf[N',l(klTU: Lo u Ru,off Characters who died in the previuus
OlkfCTOA: William Hole, Jr. film magically show up.
A group o( drag racers and their girls
hold a Halloween rock 'n' roll C05tume
bash in an abandoned mansion. "The GHOST S HIP
She C reature" shows up wearin,:: tennis 1943 RK O (13&W)
shoes. Only her tits are gone, :so now PllOOUC[1I.:Val Lewtull
it's a he crearure. The rock in ' teens find DIP.ECTOP.: M<lfk Robson
o ut that the creature is rea lly Pa ul SCI\£EN\lnJT[Il: Dullllld H~I"\(lcrson Clarke
Blaisdel l, who cries when they find him The least known of Lewton's classic at-
out. Blaisdell creflted most of the best mospheric fi lms feature s Russe ll Wade
AlP '50s monsters, incl uding the one as an office r on a s;Jiling sh ip who dis-
(or The She CrcalUre, which showed up covers th"t his much-admired captain
in rhr<:e fi lms. Russ Bender stars in this (Richard Oix) is a psychopathic killer.
plotless-jive filler with Judy Fair, Mar- Wi th Edi th Barrett , Skehon Knaggs,
t in Braddoc k, and Jack Geng. Music Lawrence Tierney, and Sir Lance lot
by the Renegades. (/ \'(Ialked with /I Zombie).

GHOST STORY FollOWing The Mummy, Boris Karloff
1981 Un1\"n5al relU rned to his native England (which
Pll00UC[M: nun \Vcl""bourJ. he had left in 1909) to sta r as an Egrp-
DO",I(b~ Green
tolngist professor. He dies with a jewel
011\£001\: John Irvin
called the Etcrn;! 1 Light in h is hand and
K I\([N'IVIIJTEA: L'l\' T':TlCC D. Cohen
vows to return fmm the grave if it's
fred Astairl', Melvyn [)ou J{b~. John stolen. Soon the house is teaming with
Houseman. ,llld Douglas r ,urbanh. Jr..
heiT) and criminals, the jewel is missing,
star <IS old men UpSCt when thl' ghost
and K.. rloff rises. Ernest Thesiger is the
of a woman tht·y acciJcntally drowned
clubfo(lfed servant. Cedric Hardwicke
50 years ago comes back 10 kill them is a crooked lawyer. Ralph Richardson
one by one . Apparently. the prohlem is a phony parson . It was remade as a
of ,.,hi pring Peter Stmuh\ 600.pagc comedy (What a CaTtle Up).
novel (or the screen was ~(llved hy
throwing the l'mire thing out the
window; the novel \',',IS an admir:'lhk 111EGHOUL
Illdrriagc of goth ic ~1)'lc and Iilude rn 1975 Tyhurtl (England)
P~ODUC£~: KeVin Francis
horror. while thL, film has neither the
DIM:ao~: Freddil' Fr~ncis
atmos phere of The! I ImmlHlg. rwr thl' $C~[[ NWP.ITU: John Elde r
chill uf Carrie (ad:lptl'J from SrCrh"1l
In the '20s , ;! mu rdering cann ibal is o n
King's novel hy sc ree nwriter CI)hen).
the loose. Peter C ushing stars as Dr.
It's mOTl' a ;;.oap oper,] than a horror
Lawrence. With Veronica Ca rlson ,
fil m. With Alice Krige (ChMi0l5 vf Fm'l
Gwen Watfmd, and John H urt as the
a~ the ghOllr, Cm ig Wa~n, and Patric1.!
gardener. Don Henderson is thc ghou l.
Neal. (R) - AM
Never released thearTicati)' in A merica
hut available on videocassette.
194J MonOj.!rnrn (B&W)
Ol lU:ao~; Wdlialll Sc.llIume 1959 A lhcd A rtists (Eng land) (B&\v)
SC~[[N\ln.ITO;; Kenneth HI~tns "'ODlJCU: Teu lloyd
ALSO mUSEO AS; T/w Erut Side Kids Mcrf Dr~aOM : Du~ las HIckok,
s..w LIIKo1i Eu~cne LouTle
Bela Lugosi a~ Emil. a Nazi spy, pre- SCAE[H\II~lru : Eugene Lourie

tends IllS hideout in New Yurk is haun!- AIJO IU:I.£A$(D AS: &hemorh rhe Sea MvnskT

\.!J. The East Side Kids show up and Eugene Lourie recycles elements (rom
Huntz Hall and Leo Gorcey find them- his BeaSI from 20,(X() Fathollls, sets them
selvcs hound ;)nd gagged h~' i3t:1a, Mi - in England-and ends up wi th rhe scar-
nerva Urccll, and Fran k Mor;)n. With iest gianr-monster-on-r he -loose movie
a presfar Ava Gardner, Billy Benedict, ever made. The giant brontosaurus.
Bobby Jordan, ,Ind Sunshine Sammy loose in London, was an imated b~' King
Morrison (the orig inal hlack kid in O llr Kong's crearor, Willis O 'Brien , among
GaliK shurts from 1922 to 1924) . o thers. This monster has a rad ioact ive
advantage over the o rigin;)!. As it
THE GHOUL $m;lshes cars and knocks over the House
]9J3 GaUll10m (Eng land)IB&W) of Parliament, it also burns the skin off
DllU:ao~:T. Hart'S H unton screami ng people. Even though the ani-
SCIU:£NWkITtIU; Roland Pertwee, matio n was rushcd, the results are fine.
Juhn Hastings Turner With Gene Evans and A ndre Morell

as scient ists, Leigh Madi ro n, and Jack Don Sulli va n :lIld his teenage friends
MacGowran. bau le a rea r-project...-d gila monster in
New Mexico. Roc k music, hot rods,
THE GIANT CLA W and la ughs from the d irector o( The
1957 Columhia (B&W) Krlb Shrews and The Green HerelS. Pro-
PAQDOC£A: Sa m Kaw n:m duced b ~' Ken CurtiS (Fe~tus on G un-
Dllu:ao~: Fred E Se:lI"S smoke). W it h Shug Fisher.
SC~(( NWiIJTEM: S~ mu d Ncwman,
Paul G;m gclm 111E GIANT LEECHES, See
It's a giant ma rionette bird from ourer A1"DlCK OF THE GIANT
space surrounded by an invisible force
fie ld and it's (lnacking New York! It
likes to destroy airplanes and Jays an
egg in Q uebec. Jeff Mo rrow and Mara GIANT OF ~IARATHON
Corday (Playboy's Miss October 1958) 1959 MGM ([raly)
H.ooucu: Bruno Vail:ui
as the star-crossed scien tists tea m up
DIII.£CTO~; J~tc qUl'~ T ournl'ur
with Mo rris Ankrum to defeat the KM[NW~If£M: En!llo Dc Concini.
floppy-w inged horror (on visible wires). Augusra Fras..mleUI
They all had recent experience in such After rhe populari ty of t wo H ercules
maners. h av ing fought Kronos, the features and Golialh (md [he Baroorians.
Blac k Lagoon C rc<II ure, a tarantula, Steve Reeves reTurned as Ph ilippides,
black scorpions, and flyi ng saucers dur- defe nding A thens ag(linst Persi;m in-
ing thl' previolls yea r. With Robert vaders. Mylcne [ kmnnget co-stars in
Sh ay ne, film clips from Earth t'5. lhe this slow-moving spectacle. Director
Flying Saucers, and the destruction o( Tourne ur soon returned 10 Amenca to
the U. N. work (or A lP. C inemillographer Mario
a ava stayed in Italy and worked on
GIANT FRO~f THE Reeves' nex t adve ntu re , The While
UNKNOWN Warrior.
1958 Asmr ( B&W)
Dllu:aD~: Richard E. C unha 1961 Seven ArT. A.-.mciatl" \ (Italy)
SCfI.U~IT£AS: Fronk /"11m Taussig , H.ODUC[,"= E"",nmo Salvi
Ralph Brooke DrIl.£OO": U mhcrt u Sc:lTpclt.
Buddy BaCT, a profes..;ional fighter. plays KII£[NW~m:RS: Sahatillli Clu ff'rlO.
a murJcri ng Span ish co nqUl~ tador re- Orcsle Palella, A lnhn~1O Moltenl.
vivt·d by [ighming in the 20th century. Gmo St,, ((md, Emltnmu Salvi
Inept shocks (rom the d irector of Missile O"'GrNALl.Y ,,"[l[AS[D AS: II Grj,!iUlft' dr
IU [he Moot! and the producer of the f.,·jerruf)(llr5
Planet of [he Apes seri(>s. W ith Edward Mad..., durmg the Italian Hercules cnlze.
Kem mer. Sall y Frase r, and Morri s this imagmative (ilmasy features a t~' pi ­
Ankrum. ca l ~tro n g man (Gordon Mitchell as
Obm) hut looh more like a Flash Gor-
THEGIANTGILIl~fONSTER don fi lII) . ,A. hiddt'n, SC ientifically ad-
1959 ~klenJ()n RadIO Picturcs (B&W) vancl.-d superCIty in JO,CXXl R.C. is the
""DDUC[": Ken Curtis settmg (or experiments, torture, and
DluaOP.: R3Y Ke ll~ palace tn triguc. The costumes and ~ tS
SCMENW~ITEM: Jay Sims, Ray K<:I1"!,:!;l arc a grc:lt m1xture of :lncient and

futu nst ic. With Ro ld:ma l Ulp and Bclb GIDGET
1959 Columbia
""OOUCEP,: LeWISJ. Radllml
1975 Group 1 SQ.[[N\II'lUf[~:
Gahrtelle UpTOn
","000(0.: William W. G ll icne Seventeen-year-old Sandra Dec loves
DIk[CTOA: Bill Rchanc surfer James Darren but is sidetmcked
KM£N\VPJl(IU: Btil Rehane.
by heach hum Cliff Robertson. With
RIChard L Huff Arrhur O'Connell, Joby Baker, Yvonne
There hasn't been a movie with spe- Craig, and Doug McC lure . The SllC-
cial effect s so had since The Guml Claw. cess of this who lesome teenage sand.
DiffcrenHized spiders ju mp o ut of a and-sex comedy led to a whole new
"black hole" and t crrori~e a small town . genre of beach films in the '60s. If you
lJebarah Walley Sllirred m The hig ones are stripped -down Volks- lik ed this one, you'll probably also wam
Gldgel Goes H~w ~lIan, wagens with leg~ and eyes addl'd . Lo ts to sec Gidgel Goes J-/awaiiall (Dcbor:lh
bw the locallUIU sl4AAesh:d of laughs with Steve Brodie (The Reasl Walley), Cit/gel COt's 10 Rome (Cindy
on lhe Gidget-Cards m fmm 20,(X)() Fmhotns), Barbara Hale Caro l), Gidgel Grows Up (Karen Vrd.
Ihi! p!"olJlolion u'ere lefl 10 (Perry l\ll1Son). Alan Hale (G illigml's cntine) or Gldger Gels Manied (Monic
her ~ ltc,essors . Is/and), and Leslie ramsh. Ellis).


1934 Uni versa l (B&W)
""001J([~:C arl Laemmlc. Jr.
DIk[OO": Karl Freund
SCM[NWP.tTE~: R y,m Janll's, Lou Bresluw
After making The Bk.ICk u.n together.
Karloff and LlI~OSI both d id bits in this
musical comed), about a radio show.
Bons, In a top hat, IS the PhantolTl.
Be la IS an Apache da ncer. Edmo nd
Lowe and G loria Sruart star. With a
comeJ)' triO ca lled The Three St(Xlg{'s
! (nol the popu lar Howard , Fine, Ho ......
ard Team hut a compeTing hand (If
1I0ilf .
upstarts), Also wuh C hester Mo rris.
Andy Devine. Alexander Wo lcott,
.j ~ l/EXJCO STerli ng Holloway, Ali ce Whitl', and
Wini Shaw.
"1 CRU$f
l 1955 TnholWa rn er Br,)ilwn; (J ~ pan )
1 ""OOU( E": Tomoyub T anab
D'k[OO~ : MOIO)"Oshl Odo
~ SCM[ NWIIJl[ k5: Takeo Murata,
"i Sl.l:e~ b H ld~ka
; OklGI NAUY ~£L£AS(O AS: GUilT{! No
" G'I(t/m)hy u

Tho: jiN GOo,bltl ...e4ud, re l ea~d here
when II W:h film }'('ar~ old, lI,eJ a new )
I1 d e lor Ihe )I<lr mOTl"ler N:cau",-' \Va r-
no: r BrnlhO:I"l! Jldn', own the righb t~·
dk' n,unc of J,IP,IIl\ mo~1 farmms him
l'Xllt.rt. God:tllil h,m lcs Angorll~, a
~tant c rearun' wIth ,I 5ptk y hac k. T hey
level P;I(:(,J,I::> ilnJ c m"h c iviltan". 11 wa::.
'('\en years befon.' the atOlillC JlTlosaur
rO:lurno:.lm Kmg KIJ1IK I 'S. (J(J{bllll.


1~56 2Cth <:l'nl llr~ -I'ox
Fr,HI\; T,.,hlm
"She 11l\!Slllen:o:s l'very 11\, lrlwr\ ",n- If
~ he ,mile, tho:n ho.:cf, tO:'lk b.'c"mes ",,'ell
J,mc. ," LInk, RiciwrJ sing, the gre,H
them" " mg wlHk Ja\' ne /"....1.ITI,fie1J
hllmp~ down the ~ treet c lur chlng her
III Il k hll lies. Ga n !!~tt:r EdmonJ O'Bril'n
forces rre~, .!go:nt Tom [wel1 '" 111<1\.:.e
j,I \ lh.' ,\ sen).!"'!! ,I,lr. TIll!> cl'I::.~ IC 'SOs
..... x cllllleJ\' Jerlct" rh,' miluence 01 or-
g,llll:eJ cTlm,' 011 t h,' rtlck 'n' run c ra:(~.
It ,liso ,how, ,.onw uf Ihe }-.est roc k ,\C IS
J"""rtormLllt-: In ::.1,'f(.'O, Cmem,l)(oj"'C, and
1)"',LII)(e color. Elh \)..l11l 1ll0 ,mg" "Rlue" G. . nc Villcent ,m.\ the BilIe-
C,II'S ,I" "Be 1\11' A Lu l,I" III ,I stUJill,
EdJ le Cochra n .Ines "Tw"llt} Fltght
Itoc\.:." IHl T V, ,md Little RJ(hard ,toes
"Shl"~ GIll It" III a nI),!IHc\ub. For th('
HIder t1lemhcr~ of the ;1l1diem"e Juli,~
Londd n S l n),!~ "Cry Me A Rl vl'r, "
()' Bnen ,\oc~ comic;!1 "(1ng~ in rTl~on, LIP1I'l)o; J(I~ l": l\.1,m'-
J. S\llne) l(l l'l.l~ 111 I" .. h,n LlU,\cr-
:lnd j;!)' nc Si.JtlC'I\ ~. I!d.:! ,Il 1Tl(11.I,' mwin',:t'\
Jalc I1Igi1rc\u\> , Eh I .. ,11,,1 h .l~ t" kCql
«'iJ!l"e hl'r ill Tlw Ci,rl
<Ill ~y~' l)11 b,,~; d,l1Ighler Slwlk\' Filharc ..
r:~n't HeIr 11. J01h (:"n-
(will' 1,,\,0.; .. him) wlllic HYing 1<1 nw\.:.c 114T:","F".l IJ.IS Ilwdl' h,,1'''
GIRL HAPP )' It with M:lf\' Ann Mohl ... ),. h fl)f ,on"n~ l,k4lIllw!l hi",,,,!.>
\1J65MCi M th ..' m\lun1<1llh In Ih,' "j'h'fl,\;l" hlek- ",.J wiJ,l.,J r...'T r...urlin.' U
PRODUCEP. : Joo.' P.I,I.'In.• \;
gr.lun,\. \Vlth J:\{kle Clltlg,m lind NII1<1 /\,llf-IIKh <IS Ih .. .l:l«m, 'm
DIMCTOP.: Ron .. S"I:"\
KM[ N\ln.tTEI\l: H .lfVl'Y I\ullucl. R.S. Allen T,llht,t. 11"'<lr I I .... ,n),!~ Imlu,len,!! "She\ hUlkl-IlI'l:dS lImi.:ru !1\" '"
Elvl, I~ Rust\, Well~, HIS CllI nr..1 (inc lud- th" lI.l" .u1l',t L; lrlll1 TIl\\n." ·'F,ITI LIII- "'lnk'.\1

lilt-: G,lry Cn"hy ,m.\ jUlImy Hawk lTl::') Jo: r.1,I\e C h,unill'f III <:l lIlunCrl"l'," ,mJ
, If0: ImeJ h\' ,I Chlc ag.1 g,ln g~'cr (I I,HoIJ "[)o t h,' Cl.llI1."

UP1 411157, AcITt'S$ M(l1111C
V,m J)Or~'11 JNJUS ~"'(I_ Bancroft. Mamie Van Doren (who also
phl'TS h..'f b.:uw/(lgea fif1J!''T, did Unllimed Youlh and Born Reckless
1JT{)UI.-leJ u'uh (m (mil sl"II:, for d ireclOr Koch) is Ihird-billed. With
!Ill hnuml,J m Lm Marie W inruol, Ron Randall, and Srumt
AIIJ..~ks {rom CIur;'IglI. The Whmnan.
"<."lr~$S f ill UI1 EU$/tm
/luhl,,:uy IUIIT :>firm'" jf)UT
"'1\, f{) jl~' buck ff) $C,' ht'T GIRL IN GOLD BOOTS
dll(lVT.l lercurrP."llf{IIC_ 1968 Genenr (B&W)
IIIre u The G,rl In Black ""ODUC£ll/DmccrO~ Ted V. Mdccls
S hlCkml!' KI\.£[H\VkIT(IU: Lelghron L Pearman,
An N(lmes, John T. Wilsoll
A whi rl pool o( crime and sin nearly
s wall o w~ a draft dodger and h is girl in
Hollyw(xxi. C ritter Jones :ind M ichele
t:i ke Johs :is jani tor !Inc! go-go girl in a
GIRL H UNTERS slcaz~' d ive, bu t they end up hit ch-
1963 Colomlm (Enl!tmd) (B&W) hik ing back to the induction cent!.:t
I'kOOUCU.: Roi->cr! Fl'l!ow, afler rangling with robbe ry, drugs, and
011\.£0011: R<l~' Ruwhnd lIlurder. Jotly D,mielsand Leslie McCrae
SCIIEENWkITEII~: Mic key S rlll~IH.·. STlIT, WiTh B..lra B~'TTles, Tom Pace, Mar k
Roy RO\d~nJ. R"bt.'f{ F.,l!o", Herron, and Vic for h ay. Songs include
Micker Spillane Mars as hb own crea- "Cowbo\' Sama ." "Minnie Shimmy, ..
tio n, detectIve MI ke I lammer. lie a l ~ "Wheels of Love," a nd "You GOHa
CO-WTOtl' the screenplay, based on ht ~ Come Down," - CB
'62 besbd ler. :-.Jone of till' H,lInmel
film~ was a com mercial lilt wh en re-
leased, hut they're great to catch on 1960 Ftlrngroup (B&W)
TV. ThIs was the comeback lowry wJlh PkOOUC£k: Rohe rr Roark
Hammer emergmg from a ~~\'en-rcar 011\.£0011: Charll'S R. Rondeau
alcoholic siupor after the dlsaprcarance KU[~If£II: Jo Helms
of h IS k"'Crelary, Velda. A plol mvolv- Runawa y Lowe ll Bro\\'11 is befriended
ing COIlHllUnisl assaSSins IS dlscon!red. on the road by Brerr H:il.sey. BrNt COlITIS
Spl!lane/Hammercalchcs one killer and
nails his hand to the floor! With Shlr-
k,y Eaton as a suspiciou ~ wIdow, Lloyd
Nohm as a federal agent, newspal'{'r
co lulllnisr Hy Gardner a~ hllllSdf,
and Scott Peters :is police captain 1'<11
Cham hers.


1957 Unllt'J Art!>!, (B&W)
DlECUTIVI OII\.£ClOII;Allbrq· Schenck
OII\.£CTOP.: Huw,mj \"('. Koch
RlCh.nJ L1I1Jon
A murder mystery set al ,I reSOT[ III
U tah. stamng Lex Barkl'r :illd Anne

Joyce Meadows dunn.!.: O'l ~topo\'er in ,I
~ mall town and IS m.'arl} Iynch ... d wh ... n
she fUrm up ~kad. Local vigil,tn to:" :l re
defu~cd when Brown l<llb ctln{e~si(ln
o ur of half-wit Jack EI,IIIl. "TOo,) you n.!.:
10 know, (00 r(!ckks:. to forget !" I~ thl::
way the ads descrihed the d('ad girl.
Emile tvleyer pl.lp her father. A pack.
age de<ll with Thl;' Wild Ride. -CB

1961 A~lOr rictllre~ (U. S.!Bra:d)
",oouen.: Marc FrederiC
OlluaOf.: RlCharJ E. Cunha
KlUtHW1l.ITEIU: I I.J:. R1T1"e,
Rlch,ml E. Cllnh~
Th... d irector Mmik to the ,\.10011 and
The She Dt.,Il0115 film ...d th is m Hr<l:iI Prodllcer-dm_'oor-wml'r Hu/..'o 11<\,I,aI5O Hugo I·IUI~ ( ilia &1 d ..
with 62-year- o ld Brian Donlevy a~ Steve ~t,lrs ;IS ,I
lundy midJlc-agl,d ,"""lch- ,\llCha..!, St'~ m U"OITI.,d 11\
M~lr~h<l!l, private eye. He track ~ coun· waker whose oh~ ... ~si\'e inH)ivenll'nt The Girl "~n rhe 13r1.1~e.
terfelters and killer" ,md face~ <\ c a~ t o f wlIh ;Ill unwed mother (polity Ben'rly
Michaeb) lC;lcb tu "IIlClde. Rlrlckmad ,
death , and de~l1-t' mtilin ahound 111 a
TIlE GIRL IN THE KRE.IIILIN Irn~h y follow-up 10 PI.-kllp. With Ron-
195i Un lvCNI (B&W) ... rt Dane and Juhnny CI 0~e. I\\u't of
",OOUCE~; AI~r! Zug,ml1h pOV T Hu )..'u'~ /c,IHlres receive o nl' -~t ar
OIl,,:(TO~ : R,,~<c ll
Bud" ell (vr 1001'l'r) T.lIlnW' in nh)l' il'-reliew
KR[EHW~tT[lU: H,ITry Ru,hkm, IxlOb,
DeWitt Bodeen
Stalin didn't d ie! He hlld hi ~ (;Kl' Te- nlE GIRLS FRO,II
modeled and wo k l (Jt~ o f ruhlcs 10 TIIUNDER S TRIP
GreeCe when.' he hid <lut with hl~ nurse 1966 Am"'TlLl!1 (,ena:11
(ba Zsa GahorJ . Zsa Zsa pl<l ~s tWill P~OOUCEI'JOUIJ:CTO": D.n " I L. Il~"" I
5lsters! Stal m (M~l unce Man:.onJ li kes KUENW"ITER: P.11 Buyell;:'
ba ld wOlllen! Wi th Lex B<lTker, Wi!- Motorcrcl.: g,lIlg ~Hld m()vn~hm c war,
liam Sch;lllert, ,md Je(frey SlOne. Z&1 (rum a :.cTlpl hy P,II BOYl' ttc (Dullgeons
Is.. h;ld w wall for Quet'JI of 01llt!f S(x1C1' IIf Harrou). ~t.II"lI}· Ayrc~, Jo...Iy McCrea,
to get another role thi ~ good. O ngmally M1Ck Meha" Llnd~<lY Cfll~ hy, ;lnd dee-
billed with The /)eadl)' MaIllI S. P)" Ca,e)" K a~em ~ 1<lT. Am ... rican (Jen-
efal dl ~ tT1hutl'J other Ile\\ Itt produc-
11 0 m , lIlcilldmg Hell's Chosell Fc'1I' lind
\vi~ard of }vlars. ell
195110th Cemurv·FOM(B&W) ","OOUct.. ; H;II B. Wall ..
Pf',ODUCUJ DIAlCtOIV'KM£HWlUTU : OIIU:CTO~ : Norm.;1.Il T ~urog
Hugo Haas KIU:ENWP.ITEP.S; Alhln \Vel"" EJW.1T.1 Anlult

Elvis movie No. II! Poor hut honc~ t THE GIRLS ON THE BFACH
Elvis works o n a runa bo.1t in Hawaii 1965 Paramount
and moonlights as a nightclub si nger I'M)OUCO: Harvey Jacobson
JUSt so he can buy back his late father's OIM:CTO~: Wi llmm Wimq
sailboat. Singer Stella Sten;ns and KM:£N\WJTEII: l}.Jvld Malco lm
L"lIlT(.·1 Goodwin both ....Hdnt ElvIs. L1urel Vacation ing sorority girls are led fO
is rich but prNends to be JX)Or. She believe that the 8catles are flying in to
buys the boat for Elvis. His pride is hurt headline their house benefit. They
but, after saving her from the lecher .. ,Iren't, so Noreen Corcoran, Linda
uus owner of the tuna boat, he marries Marshall , and Anna Capri attempt a
her, makes her sell the boat , and builds simulation. u -sley Gore does "Leave Me
his own ! With at least one c lassic song Alone, " " It 's GOlia Be You." and " I
- "RNUTn to Sender"- and the usual Don't Wan t to Be a Loser"; rhe Crick-
dogs like "Song of the Shrimp." ets perform "Lonely Sea" and "La
Samba"; the Beach Boys sing "Little
Honda" and the ritll' song. The cast
GIRLS, GUNS AND includes Martin West, Peter Brooks,
GANGSTERS Arnold Lessing, Stew Rogers. ATOn
1958 UniTed Artists ( B&W ) Kincaid. Lana WOCKI, Ron Kennedy.
I'wOUCE"/ KM:ENWI\lTEII; RoherT E. Kent and Bruno Ve Sora . -en
OI"ECTO": Edward Cahn
Gl'rald Mo hr, Lee Van Cb,f, Paul Fi x, GIRLS ON THE LOOSE
and Grant Richards are gangsters with 1958 Universal (B&W)
guns. Mamie Van Duren IS a girl. The ",OOUCEIIS: 1 larry Rybnich, Richard Kay
same year, Cahn also d irected Jel At- OIUCT~ : Paul Hcnreid
flick, The Curse of Ihe Faceless Man, KM:EHWI\ITEIIS: Alan Friedman,
Silicide &IlUIliml, H ong KmJR CUlljiJen- DoroThy Raison, Allen
l ill/, ;lIlJ II! The Terror /mm Beyund From the ads: "Crime-crazy gang girls
Space. Mamie ..... asn't in any of them. looting, lyi ng, li ving on l ~' for thrills!"
Mar.! Corda), masterminds a $200,000
payroll robbery, her kid .~iste r falls in
GIRLS IN PRISON love with the investigating officer.
19'56 AlP (B&W) tlnd the hellcats kill each other over
~UCEk: A l('"x Gordon the loot. Featuring lita Milan, Mark
OIM:CTO": Edw~rd L Ca hn Richman. Abby Dalton. and Barbara
KM:ENW?ITEII: Lou Rusoff Bostock- who sings a couple of songs,
The ads pro mi sl'd : "1000 trapped Co-released with Henreid's Lil'I! Fast.
women ripped (rom steel cages by a shat - Die YOIIn;';. -CB
tering earthquake!" Juan Taylor (aces
violent death at the hands of crazed
inmates on the nail of holdup money
1959 MG M (B&W)
rhey believe she has hidden. Featuring "'ODUCEk: Alb.-rt Zugsmi!!l
Richard Denning as the prison chap- OIM:CTO": C h:lrles Haas
lain who opens his own investiga tion, KM:E N\VP,ITEII: Robert Smith
with Adele Jergens. Helen Gilbert, J:me AlSO IIlLWEO Ai: Th.- innO(:enl lind
Darwell, Diana Darrin, <lnd Mae Marsh. 1h.-iJ.unni'J
A "double-sock rock and thrill show" 111d .eirl Mamie Van Doren is SC nt up
wuh Hm Rod Girl, - CB for a crime she d idn't commit. In [he

currectional insmllfion she look~ for the
real cu lprit. Was it Mel Tonne! P,lul
Anka! Ra y Anthony! The Planers!
Wh,lt are they all dUlIlg in ,I fe male
loc k up! Ho w about Glori a Talbot,
Cath y Crosby. Gigi Perreau. Maggie
I-layes. or Sheilah Grah::tm! A lso with
the hysterical Charles C haplin. Jr. , and
hi!oZ Jim Mitchum.

1970 C mcr,Hu,l Re lCd~lIl!( (Enl:!
~oou(a; ROllllldJ. K,lhll
DIM:CTOI\; Fr.mcis
K "EEWWI\ITlI\: Bn.m Comrort
AUO "ELEA5EO "5: I\lwn5v, :\"Ulnv, S(m1)~ rnpist (King ~kx)(ly). A real find on .'vl' !fa Coratl)" Skns coOl III
and Girl:, late-nj.!:h! TV. G lrlson the l~sc
A famI ly of acti ve psychopaths ltnng
in an o ld Victorian hlJuse murder a THE GLASS WEB
woman. convillce her drunken boy- 1',)53 Unlv~·rsal O·D)
fflend he was respomlhle. threat en to PI\OOUC£I\: All'('rt J. Glhen
blackmatl him. and (orce him TO move OII\ECT~: Jack ArnolJ
in. The "new friend" (M ichael Bryant) tee. Rorert Blce,
KI\[ EN\II"ITtP.$: Leonard
sed uces Mumsy. Girly. and Nan ny, A murder mystery lI'ilh an interestin.l!
causmg: (amily discord. With axc mur- hehmd-the-sc(~nes look at early tl·levi-
ders and a bot k-d helld. Vanessa I loward slOn product ion. Edward G. Robl1lsoll.
is G irly; Iloward Tn' vcr is h er murder- a mell ctdous scnptwril er for a live
ou::. hrmher. With Ursula Howe lls and crIme show based on c tlrrent true sto-
Pa l Heywood. (R) nes, gIn') hi mself ,I\~.. ay by u~mg fact~
only rhl' real hiler could know. With
Joh n Fots~' d1l". Rlch:uJ Denning. and
THE GLASS CAGE Kathleen Hughes. It W;IS one of Arnold's
1964 FUlurnma (B&W) four 3-D projects.
~ODUCEI\l: John H o) t. Paul LewI~
DIMCTO " : Ant o n io San lean GLEN I~VD IIILNDA
!O.£OtWPJtUS: John H o) I. Antoni') S<mtcan 1971 UMC Picrurt""~
,,1.50 I\EtEASE O,tS: Den uf Doom, Don·1 PI\OOUCEI\; Sidney Glazier
Touch My SISler DII\ECT~ : Jim Me BriJe
An interesting expcrimemalnwstery co- $C"E EWW"IT£ P.$: Lo rcn~o Mans.
wntten. co-produced. and slarnng hlL~y RuJulph Wurltt:t""T. Jim McBmk
ch aracter actor John Hoyt (AI/lick of A youngpost-nuclear-holucaust couple
rhe Pllpper People). As a police detective , ~e arch va in ly for the city of Metropolis.
he sends Robert Kd ljan to investigate which Ihey h,lve discovered In an old
the murde r of a prowler. The llccused comic IxXIk. A 16m111 feature blown
I~ lonely Arltne Sax. who also pl a~·s her up to 3511111\ showing a homble future
own domineermg sister. El isha Cook. Jr. where e"erylxxh' IO(lks like an early '70s
is their father. A sho rter version of the hippie. A bit of nudity and ~c x got it
fi lm de letes a scene with a heatnik an carly X. (X )

O,.,gmllU)' released tls:
Gll:n or GI.:-nd,1.

MY SEdl'i
..,",.,..,." ..........
GLEN OR GLENDA " srrange pJaCl' to live i n, All (hose
1953 Screen CIa,sin (B&W) com. All go in~ someplace. All c lrry-
P"ODUCE": George \VC iS5 inll humans .. .. " Th is all mkes place
DlP.£OOR/SCP.EEN'\IIM"[": EJwnnl D. Wn.:J . Jr. III 67 minutes and is pad(It'd with a
ALSO MLEAlED AS: I Led TII'CJ Lll'cs, swggering amount of s[{)c k footage of a
I Ch.mged h·h Sel', Ht, or She', Th..
World War II batt le, lighmi ng. and a
h ighway. The producl'r. George Weiss,
\Vocxl's fi rst fe ature is a very ~rsnnal
abo made exploitation fi lms lih· Tej/
look at lransvestlsm and (ran ~~x uals,
Tube IXlbles. Wood's next fea t uTl~ was
extremely taboo topic:. 30 years ago.
)(111 IxU! . Glen or Glenda was actua lly
PolICe Inspector Warren (Lyle Ta lbot)
rercl ea~d by Paramoun t in 1981. The
discuS:,Cs the sUlcide of a trans\'cstltc
world soli wasn't readr.
with Dr. Alton (TUllot h y FllTrt'l l).
Thl' doc to r relates two (rue ston es.
Ex-ma rine Alan (Tommy H a~' n es) THE GLORY STOAIPERS
unde rgoes a sex -change opera tion and 1967 AII'
becollles Ann. Glen (playt'd by the di - AAOOUCE'-: John lawrence
rector under the name Danu~ 1 DaV IS) OIMCTO": Anthon ~' M. Lamn
is afraid to tell hi s Wife (played h\' SCMEN"\I(I'.lfElU: Jnrnes Gordon White,
lXolores Fuller, tht, director's wife ) t hal John Lnwr~'ncc
he enjoys dressing lip in an.cora swea t- Dennis Hoppt.·r's Black Souls capture
e rs and go ing out a t night as G lenda. Stolllpers le3lk'r Jody McCrea and his
Bela LIl.l!osi-as a godlike figlln: ca lled girl C hris Noel. Jody is beaTen and left
the Spirit , who s it~ in an ea,y chair in a for dead as the Souls drag Noe l off to
mom full of skulls. shrunken heads, and be sold on the white-s lavery market in
w)(xioo ido lS-interrupts the story with Mexico. Jock Mahoney disco vers the
sllc h profound comments as: " Pull the mjured McCrea and Joins his former
string ! Dance to that which une IS cre- fr iend o n a manhunt. With Saundra
ated (or! " He also mentions "big green Ga~'le, Amid Warner, Robert Tessier,
Jraj:.'Ons that si t nn your doorstep and Lindsay C rosby, and Cast')' KaSCIll as
eat linle hoys." A no ther (o(fsc rcen ) Mouth. Music by Side ....'alk Productions.
narrator ponders life: "The world IS - CB

GLU,/IP, See PLEASE DONT II {In thC'l' ,hore •. "IT" the nell' inler·
EATAIY,1I01HER. natillnal h.,,·,u tlMt \ mc km' ,he W()rlJ~"

GO, .I0 llNNY GO!

1959 11.11 Ru,ll h [)I,lnhwIO\l ("orr.
1964 El Dm:ldo Picturl'~ (England) PROOUCEl\: ALm Frl'cd
Pl\ODUCEA: Kt.'"nnclh Humc LindT';"
OIM:CTOM/SCII.([N'WMT£IU : K':1lI1dh Ilull)1:, The flnillnal rN: (If ,II'Oilr llrrh.m hoy
Frank G il pm II;(medJlllmny Mdl"!Y(JUllllIY Cl.mtlm)
Three co lo r shorts strung t()~dher. 1<) rock 'n' roll ~t,lTdllm. Alan rreeJ.
givtnl! an early look at the Beade~ era playing hHn~df ,I~ Il~U.11. ;md Chuck
in En ~ l :1 nd. Millie Small sing~ "Mi J\)y BeTTY, dllmg lIh'll'be. l1l'll' him rcach
lolliPOP." Lulu and the Lu\'vcrs do the tol" Iks ides ]X'rformance." h~' Clan·
"ShuII!." ,he An imab do "Bahy Let ton, Berry. Ed,lll' Cochr,m. the CaJd·
Me T:lke Yuu H,llllt'," :"Ind the H()l!il'~ lao, rl1l' fbmlll),!us. ! !:lrvC\' (If thl'
do "Here [ Go Ag<l in." Other g r(lllr~ MOOIlClllW" and ,I fewo!her..;, thl~ fe; I'
mclude the Ma~yheats. P.n:1O Poole (lire h.b I\ll) UllllJUC ~l'lp len (·l·'. It'- the
and the Trenmlus, the Torna,lll~. and Iln!r him with Ri chie Vakn~. wh,l \\,l~
the J!reat Swin,t:mg Blue Jeam. The la~1 dc,uJ h~ th..: 11m ... It lI'a, relea~l',L I k
Ihml IS ,\ modern ballet GIJled "MOo"!" ~eTlb like ,he nice, "h~' 1 ~·rl"lr·"IJ that
anJ Rockers" \\'I,h a C,l(C scene ,1I1J a he \\a~ rel'llrtl',lt() Ix'. Tlll'n Iher ... ·~ an
gangiight. set to early Beat ie song, I'er· , lh~IIUll·l y Ill',lrt ·'tl1rJ'lng ]'crf(lrm~l11ce
formed hya cover band. It \\"b ,ld vcr- h~ Jack 1l" \VI1", Ill, lit., 1I1l1,I,' lUll' I Ii t hl'
tl5cJ so as to make YUII think th .... rab ((lok'i 11ll'n III the l'u~lIle~~.
Four lhemsclve~ wen' in it.

196') A l l' (E,,~ I ,Ul.l)
I'I\ODUCEI\,: H arr~' Flel,1
OIIU CTOI\{SCP.E£N\lII\IT£I\: Fr~deri( 00.... Ie
ALSO All£A5£O 1.5: IJUfI Gfur
Goufy Lon,11I1l Jeejay Jnnmy Savil k'
tntn l<.illCeS 16 lOr
re(IT,ling a(t-, Th,'
hr~1 I; ~rform on stylt:cd studio seb.
The ~r\llll' e\'cryNl<.h' paid w ~ee, the
BeatIe" arc ~hl)w n In a 1963 Ill'w.,reel
taken at .1 M anche~ler cuncert . )lllL (an
,JmoSI hear "She Luve~ You" anJ "TWI~t
,md 5h"llt" o\'cr th~' ~cre;lm" 11 \ ~ ! ili
a grl':lt (oliecllon of ]'It.'rformancc'i Iw
thl' hkes of the Annn:lis, the Spencer
Dal'l' Group, Ihe N",Jwi1\e Tel'rh, t hl'
I loneyclll11t.s, (3i!ly J, Kramer ,mJ ,hl'
DaKOt,I'. Herman's I k·rmns. Peter ;mJ
........ _......
......... ... ".... ... ,. .. -........

(>ng"lI.dl)- r,.j.'Li5t·'! ,~, (;",,1
G'lrdun. and "Ihcr~ who never rn,lde T l ,1J ~ ll' Tp

Attgekll'lcruc.'f1("t (<.kn~hlc.'" GOD TOLD ME TO
of Dorl(lkl, In The Gud- 1976 New World
~ nd_ l'llOOUC[pJDlP.£CtOOKP.£[HWNT[k:
Larry Cohen
A remarkable, seldo m-seen fea lUre
made in New York br the director of
II 's Alitle_ The t itle was c hanged to
Demon after TV srations refused to run
the origi nal trailer. A reltgious cop
(Tonr La Bianco) investigates a series
of senseless sniper murders. The killers,
when asked why ther did it , answer
with the film' s title . "God" turns out
to be a pale, long-haired h:llf-brc<.-d alien
(R ichard Lrnch) whose mother (Sylvia
Sidner), now in a rest ho me, was im-
pregnated by beings from a Ilying sau-
cer {shown in a flashback). With more
surprises and an appearance by Andy
Kaufman as a cop who goes berserk in active breath torally destroys Tokyo.
a parade. Sandy Dennis and Deborah Un like most of the Godzilla sequels,
Raffi n also star. (R ) which are ai med at kids, th is is a very
sombe r, serio us science-fic tion film
about the (fictitious) result of nuclear
THE GODSEND radiation. The American release fea-
1980Canllton (England )
tures a 101 of Raymond Burr as reporter
I'IIOOUC[k / OIMCtOA: Ga Lme11e B.:aumom
SOE[NWkfTU: Olaf I\loley
Steve Marrin . Most of the new scenes
are made to fi t in pretty well by using
A slow Omen copy with a couple adopt- doubles fo r the original actors. But at
ing a little blond girl who somehow kills the end, o n the boat, Burr seems to
all four of their natural chi ldren. An- Stare continually at norhing. It's too
gel:! Pleascnce is Ihe natural mother of bad so much of the original story about
the hellish kid. (R) the Knmika!e scientist hero with the
eye patc h seems to be mi ss ing. He
GODZILLA, KING OF (Akira Takarada) uses his oxygen de-
THE IIIONSTERS stroyer to kill the ,Homic terror. Dr.
1954 Toho.l Embas~y (J ap~n) (B&W) Yam;mo is played by Takashi Shimura
I'IIOOUCEk: T umoyuki Tanaka of The SetJcn Samurai. G ij i Tsuburaya
DIMCtOIlJ: Inoshiro Honda, deve loped the monster suit. Akira
Terry M or~ (U.S. version) Ifukube wrote the haunting musica l
SCII.[[NWklTEIIJ: T akeo Murata, score .
Inos hiro Honda
Right afrer The Beds l fTO m 20,000 ISLAND
Fathom s sromped New York , Japnn 1971 ToholClIlcma Shares (japan)
countered with Gojira- "Makes King DIMCto-.: Jun Fukuda
Kong look like a midget!" sc ream<.-d the KM[N'IIoNTtA: Sh irllehi St'kizawa
ads. The ancient dinOS;lur wi th rad1o- OkIGlNAUY II.£L~O AS: GojlT(I T ai Gaigan

AI,,'n cockroachl's use G hiJmh the
thro.!e-heaJcd dragon and Galgan (a
metal hlrd with a hlJ~~ saw in its ~Io m · SPACE MONSTERS
aeh) tu Invade E:mh. Godzilla teams WAR WITH _
up with AngUlUS (1m foe from Giganlis
the Fire Munster) to s.We it. In proba-
hly the worst G{xblla movie, the mon- GODZILLA
ste r~ actually talk 10 each other. It [<lkcs
place at a children'~ amusement park.


1913 TohdCmema Shares (Japan)
",ooucn.: Tomoyukl Tanab
OIl\ECTOl\/ K'-I:ENWl'.ITO,: JUIl FukuJ,1
OAlGINA1.lY ML.EA5£D~: G<1JIT<I T(,I! MegdTu
Another laughable Godzdb film. Sta-
tio n ed under an (lcean, the Seatorians
(Ie(t over (rom AtTtJROI1) plan to conq ue r
Earth with Gaig,m (the mNal hird mon-
~ter with a hu~z lklW III Ib stomac h) and
Megalon (a new metal lIl ~ect 1ll0 llstl'r For Go,blla\ 20th ,101lIvcr,ary (and
with drill arms). Godzilla teams up with 14th him) To\)() studIOS created Mecha-
Jet Jaguar, a brightly colored U ltrnman- GOI.bll.l, a worthy metal adversary. Of
ltkc qhor~ Ihat can changl' ItS ~ I:e to CDurSl', hy Ih l ~ tIIne God:ilIa IIln" I C~
fight the bid mOIl,ters. The humall star lo()h,d lih- long Ultral11an TV show~,
IS:l hnle hoy. \'(thell the mon"teh bat- Thl ' onc's got .. pc ,tl i en~, cybor/.:s.
til' It 's un a harren dcsert; no mOTl' costly Anguru~, and a ImlicTOlIs ncw do/.:
model cities to hJl'ple. When It caml' lIlomtl:r wid, tlol'PY e:m. Thc crenors
out here the Dum Dd.aurcntll~ KI11R of tdcvl~illn\ Biolllc Man sued over
Kong wa .. PbYIIl/.:, so ads showed Glx.!- tlw Bton lC Mo nster (ltie. Bionic wa~
:ilb Jnd W ~ga lon on tCJP of the World ch,mged t(l Co~mic,
Tr,IJe C· Oler Towers. It 's a l mo~t a~
funny a~ the nL'\\' Kong tilm. The duh- GODZILLII VS. THE COS/JIfC
hlng inc1udn somc ridiculllu., milJ
SWI:;mng like "!1,0M' d amn SC.UOpl.I1lS"
and "shit, Jel Jagu;lr, what'l l W~' do!"


1966 Toho/C.>O(menl"l (jar-1n)
1':0174 T"hl,,!Cmcm,l Sharc~ (Jap,tn)
Pl\OOUCEl\;Tmn<l)ukl T:mab
Pl\OOUCU: T"mnyukl Tanak:l
OItu:OOk: JUIl hlku,].,
OIMCTOl\: Jun Fuk u,b
K MENWM"ER: ShmlChl s..,ki:,I "I ,\
K l\[[NWRITEl\i: Jun Fukuda,
Ol\IGINALLY RElL\.S[O ,1,5 : J\'«nk.u N(I [)tU
H l t'''·~~,\ Y;UllUTil
O"-lGINAl.lY l\[l L\.S[O Ai: UUjn'<I T<li
,\kk.I -(j(~lm Go,l:ilb team, With MOlhra III hattie
AUO IIELEA5EO ,1,5 : Cicl(blld \'1 (h.' Cmrtll!' Ehlrah, an ,>vil giam ~hTHnp. The Imy
.\1(}<'f twin AIHena, rut in an arrc'lrance, too,

G(ld~II~1 (center), his JVlmJ:
$()II , /llld U NmU'd 1U'iJ:h-
bor III Glo,bll,,'s Rcveni!t'.

GODZILLA VS. TilE S~IOG Plllin~ GodzilloJ a.caimt Mot h ra was a

~IONSTER good Idea. The fight scenes don't rescm-
[971 ToholA JP(jaran ) bk Saturday night wrestl ing matches
....ODUCEI\: TomoyukiTaodb a.) the ones III KUJK Kong I ·S. G(xblltl
OIP.EOOf,: Yo:;hmlllsu
B:.mno do. and it's always fun to S{'(' MOrlH<l'~
SCM:EH\VM'(I\S: "<10 m ~bl'uch l . tiny tWill ,lZuardians, thl' Alilena ~.
Ym;hlml{.,,, Sannn Oo(l:1l1a kil ls Mothra, hili her giant ~).!g
ORIGINAlLY M:l£A5EO M: GUjIT<I T(u 11 ..J.n'U
(Hl the hands of carnival promo ters)
GO(blla barrie;; a sn nking gl,lnt live rde h:Hche~ ;lnd two .ciant caterpillars
of hdge ~lIld garhage called Iinlora cml.'rge. They ~I'Hl a Ctlc(X)n amlln,1 thl'
("pol1m Io n " In Jal'ane»e) . As III .111,h l, menaCIng Jml)&1l1T and drop h im in the
'70s G(xblla filnl~, there's,! cute Imll' ucc:m. An cnjoyahk- M'quel.
boy star. lms of cUlIlcdy, c artoon ~('_
quences, and the usual s d l ~' ~rl'c i ;l l
effeCls. This film h;JS the aJded ~HtT:1 C· GODZILLA'S REVRNGE
tion of so ng~ like "S;JW the Earth" and 1969T"h,.tUPA (Jar~ll)
PI\OOU(EI\: T"m"I'llkl Tanak.,
lots of teens rockin' out o n j\·1u\lnt Fuji .
OtM:CTOI\: Ino,h,r,) H')i1,b
Ir was sometimes co-fe,HIIT("(1 Wit 11 PT(!J,(S
SCM:ENWI\I TtI\; Shii1IChl S,.. kl:aw.1
for ;I not-too-rx)pular eco illgy-horror-
O l\lGINAllY "HEASED AS: Or'! Km}!<
comedy douhle bill. It \\',h till' l!th D<lISh"I,I:ttkl
Chxlzilla mu\'il~.
A Glxhiliol film for s ix ·year-o ld~ (nl<1~t
GODZILLA VS. TilE TIliNG of them ;I re aillll'd at IO-ye;lr-olds). A
1964 TnholA1r(Jdr~n) little hoy h:lVin.c trouble with hulli('s
PI\ODUCO: Tomo) "ki T ,m,lb ,lnd some c ru.)ks dreams that he goes
01M:001\: In,,,,ll m' H ond ,. to Monster 1,land, where most of the
SCM:EH\VPJT[I\: Sh'nichl S.:k .:,m.1 DeslTf':' All M<JllSk'J's cast of crealUrcs
Of.K,INALLY M:L[AllO AS: C;"Jlrtl lin '\1"llml a re In rC~ld~nce, Godzdb tl'<lches the

kid 10 he br:we ,\nd win his battles. GOED RAIDERS
G{I.:hlll .. ·~ son Minya talks and blows 19')1 UmtedAn l~t)( B&W)

smo ke nngs. The theme song is "March PllOOUCEI'.: Bern,lld GlaSSl'1

of rhe M.lOsters." Loh of money was DIUO()fl;: Edw;,rd Bernd)
KP.[ENWklTilU: Elwood UlIm:mn,
So'wed by using hanle scenes from SOil
Will iam L I \"l·I~'
of Godztlla and God::ma vs_ the Sea
A Thn.:."C Stooge:. movie you ne ve r he<lrd
Munster. about . Larry, Shemp, and Moe <lTe 1he
heTllcs in this forgo tten Western star·
GOG ring George O'Brtc n . With S h e ila
]1J54 Unu\....1An '"t~ {3·D) Ryan, Lyle Talht'r. Fuzzy Kn ight , ami
Pl\ODUCEk: I\'~n TnI') Monto.:: Blue.
DtkECTOk ; Hl'rh.:rt L. Snock
Kt\EENWkt ltt\:Tom Til~~,m
Communist spie, take over a comruteT THE GOEDEN ARROW
Ih:ll cum rots tWI \ non·hllmanuid robms. 1162 M(jM (It;tll'l
The roh.)ts kill ,c iemists and destroy PRODUCEk: G"ffrcdn L"mh:u,l()
1l1()._t uf H erbert Marshall's lab. The Anl<l1l10 M.\r~llcfl!i
SCkEENWkITEIU: Bruno Vi lll.lri.
manY' iHtned rllhot tan k Go~ and its
AuU"usto FW\~II\'::!11. F,llrpo Sanjust.
"hrother" M a~1 19 arc the out·of·control G inr~i,' Pr"'pcri. Gl!)r),!lt\ A h)r!u
Sta rs. W,th Richard Egan working for Ot\.IGINALll' kELEAUD M: u, Fr~.·<."1<1 ,row
the Office tlf ScienIific ln vest i~a ti on, Hassan the [hief (Tah 111I",cr) becollll's
a hct lonal group also featured in The Suh,1Il ,i D ,l1llascus after he s h ( I\.'.'~ he
Magllellc Momrer, Constance Dowl ing,
is the onl\' o ne who can ~ h nor a magic
W illiam Scha ller!, an d Philip Van arr,)w. W ith a flying carpe t, ~e"era l
Z:mdt. PTlxiucer Tors, who provided the gen ies. and Ro~~am' Podesta.
OTlg1O,11'lOry, suon staned a similar tde-
vl->lon ..ene~, SclCllce Ficllon The(l/t'T.
]9')4 All"'... ] Artl~t~ (B&W)
Sec 110Dl' SNATCHER An Amh chIef steals an Idol from the
FRO,II HEEE. W<ltusis. Rom ~1 (j()lmny Sheffield) ,eets
It hack. With Anr)l' Kimhell an.1 Paul
Pt\ODUC(t\: Alfred Le< \Ill'
lY54 U nll ~d ArtIst) (R&W)
DIIU:CTOt\ :M.lrk I . Lcsln
PRODIJCEIU: RIchard Kay. HilrTY Ryhnlck
SCP.U NWt\ITEk: Sue !)",Wll
DIII.lCTOk: Jocl judg,'
Antta Ekber,c I~ Queo.::l1 Na·Ecla in <l 5(1I.l[NWkITEIU: Le .... 11.· .... 1\1, Jocl JII< I~c
hlg comch.lCk effort. Na. Ln··Leeu. and John Agar stars in a wl.:- of voodoo and
oth.:- r Amr' :(l n wumen from South a golden idol. With Rosemarie Bowe
AmcrlC,1 "foll.)w" furtum: hunter~ 130 and Kiki. Filmed in Ilaili.
S"en'lJT) and Donak! Pleasenn' hack to
Manhanan. \'(/ilh Jasm in(" ;mJ Sari ta.
YUll W\)O't h::he\"t: II. Fmm the dir\"ctor TilE GOEDEN NY,,/PHS, See

THE GOLDEN VOY/ IGt' OF hi t thai Ihl' ti rst S inh:ld ti lm was re-
S INBAD relea:.<:d to the:lter!> and a t hird (Smbad
19i j C.,lumbl,! and ffu.. Ew of ffu.. Tiger) was put i nto
",ODUCEI! : Chari,>, II. Sdml'cr pnxlucllu~. T hc live ac tinn scenes (or
DIRlCTOI!: Gunlon H\""lcl
all th ree were til med rn S palll. M usic
KAEENWIUTEIO.: Bro.m (::I\"lllen..
hy MIklos Ros".
FI(teen yea~ after , hl' cla~1C St'I"t'11fh
Vo:mRe of SIIlWI, stop-mo t ion II I.1~ter
Ra~' H arry h a u~l' n hruught till' anCI\'Of GOLDHNGER
I,m ta., y world o( Sinhad hac k to the IY64 United Artists (England)
scr<'en . It's Im,offll n , l'ven fhoug h th iS ",oouC[1\S; A lhcr! R . Broccoli,
HMr\' S"II:man
v<lyagt' can't luuc h .h\, tirq on<,. &'111<'
DtP;ECTOP;: GUI' H ~miltnn
cri n o bl,uneJ the script hy Brian ell'- SCP;[[N\!n,ITE1\S: Rich ard Mai baum,
Ilwn.,. Ma yhe t hey ShllUld havl' ~ Hlglcd P:nil Dchn
(lI lt the d lrl'c tiol\ uf Gordo n H e~~ k'r nnJ T he thi rd Jl1 mes Bo nd hit (eattlTe!> G e T!
( 'PIII!,lftl! 1I'.I«!,'n' t he hlanJ ac ting o( star j(,hn Phillip Fn)he a~ t he ~ upcr v illai n who dr ive,; a
'1""1,11,·,11')" Ih"TI"1 II L;}w instead. The ~lnin w t 1<l n 1~ gren l, 1><r lld-gllld Ro lls Ro),c<' and plans 10 ro b
! .'1"\ 11),,\ l'IIINlrkl1lJ: /,41,,' but un(orruniltcl y, unlike rh\, origm a! F{lrt Kno x, t hen destroy it with a n ;}t(Hn
f.ff·1l em,II ..·,· 11,111<1.1 111 o nsten , n OtH' o f th .. c r e<lt ll rc~ I ~
" lmlm
homb. 007 (Sea n Conntry) <l rrives in
11<'\11111/1<' Allllf! enormous. A onl'-e),cd Cl'nl a uT hattles hl ~ gl rnm ick-I<lden As tin M;}rtin DRS
D/l-S 11~1l Ihl' ((!~I hl'T ,1 winged g ri ffin, thc w U<ld\~n ~iT!.:n
).:rn. (lun rh..· and In ves ti gates. lie lmgers in Mia mi
ti)!urehe<ld uf th \' ship and ~IX a rmcd with Goldti nger's secretary (Sh irl ey
"IT 1\ pmk..·'! m til.' \111 ,'T, fe male ~ t atues a rl' \)ro ught tn 11(l' rr the
1>l.lI..k. <1111./,,'111' KII1lIt' TOKIIU Emon ) a nd laler ti nds he r suffocated
m tll<'11 \1.l>lItl~m I'hlk"lt'/ _ Black Prr nce Koura (Torn Ba k\'T, "])r.
In ;} com of gold paint. G oldtinger's
/lhl'l h""l<' BUill m 19(13, W hn"), and a IIny wlll!!ed hOlllunculu, k.Ir:lI e expert pilot Pussy Ga lore (former
Ilk· -"j,JlIIl"'tl "11.1111111':" ~rle ... on S rn haJ. Caml lllt' Munro I ~ t he
AI t'1lJ1t'T5 Slrr r ll()flur Blrrc kman ) tigh ts
1111.1 11 '-<.".1 h::- "5ul"'nI" ~[.we girl wll h ,Ill erl~ tallol).,:d o n h\.'r
Ihcn Jili n!> Bernd, He sa\'e!> the gold
J,lII h ') B",IIi" III rh..' mot I': pa lm. D"ug:la~ \V i[mer I ~ the Gra nd Slll'l'lr ,1(ler .. un'1vl!1g a poSSible laser
O"ldhll):\"T 11\ \/il/ III Vi:I\'r, whn wears a golJe n l1l a~ l tl r h lJe h\',I111 castratiun a n d elcnrocll nng
/)"'r{"d U"tklll~ "rd.·T hl~ scaTTeJ (ac\·. It W,I~ ~uc h .[ N IX-Ir(hce
OJu)oh ( HnrolJ Sakata with a ra:or-
hn mllh.'i.1 derhy). GolJfinger e n d~ up
!>lIck\.'d thf()u~ h a holc III a Jet plane,
M U~ l c hy Joh n B;}rry. Shirley B<l~t'y
~rng .. til\' great hi ' -~ m gle t heme song.
It \\a~ the bi),!,l!est Bond movie <It th e
tll1 ll'. Thl' tir,,1 two w<'r(' re rcl ('ased imd
Tire ,\1 a n {rllm l),N.C.L E. carril'd The
whole 1,lea ( mlllu ~ t he sex ) to new e x -
tre ml" IIIl tclev i ~ l () n


1960 A lP (11,11),)
PP;ODUC£I!: EmlmlllO S,III I
DIRlCTOI!: C"rl" C,nupol)!al liaTlI
SCI!££HWP;IT£ I!S : Emrnll1ro S.lh t.
Cim" II.lim,c11l1
OI!.lGlNAl l y P;£lU,~D AS; II Terrorr '/... 1T311TI,.'TI
After t .....o Hercules hits, Steve Ret'ves Gordtm Scot! sho",s off in
plays a different hero pretty much the Goliath and the Vam-
same wa~'. With the hero of Kin!! Kong, plTt.·S.
Bruce Cabot, ,lnd Chelo Alonso. A
sound track album by Les Baxter is


1960 A lP (l ml~-IFranc{'")
pp.ooucw : Archillt· Pia::l. Gi.mnl Fuchs
DII\[OOl\: Viltofl() Cotta(avi
KIU:(NIWk/TEI\.S: Milrio Piccol,),
Archibald Zounl1., Jr.
OPJ<:.lNAU.Y IU:l..LU£D AS: LA Vtndt-rw
€It' Ercole
The first twO Hercules films to follow
the Steve Reeves hits were clearly made
with American audiences in mind. One
starred Jaym' Mansfield (The LOt'es
of Hercules). In this one, Broderick
Cra\\1ord, fresh from the Highu'Ll)" Pa-
lm/ TV show, stars as the evil lOga- GOLIATH AND THE
weanng king. Both feature myt hical VMIPIRES
(and quite phony) dragons. Watch Brod 1961 AlP (Italy)
lower female vict ims into his pi t of PkODUCU: Pllnln M,)ff~
horror! H e rcules (Reg P:uk). who is DIUCTOI'.: G iacomo Gentl l,"no
called Goliath in A mencan prints, b<H- Kl\£ENW1JTP.): Se rg iO CorhuCCI.
ties a three-headed dog, thl' one-headed DuCCIO TeSo.">afl
OPJGI NAUY kEUA5ED A5: M acl5k COnlr" 11
dWJ,:on, a giant bat, :"lIld the \Oo'ind
goddes.~_ Greal stuff. Les Bax terdld thc
AUO kEl£AS[D AS: Tit...
music that AlP added.
Former Tarzan Gordon Scott plays
Italian hero Macis{e_ H is name W;IS
changed 10 {he more familiar O.)lmth
GOLIATH AND THE SINS OF in America. He ~aves slave women fmm
BABYLON a vampire who turns men into human
1963 A l P (hair) rooots. G ianna Maria Ca nale '1- an
PI\ODUCEI\: Eliu Sc .lrJamaj:ll:1 ":lmaZOT1 heauty." A Dinn Dd . .aurl.'mll~
DIAECTOI'.: Michell' Lupo prescnt:ltioll . O ne of the more ('xcil-
KAl£NIWlUrrll.S: Ro h:-rto G la m ' lti.
IIlg Hercult's- tyPc picture,.. SenlT re-
Francesco Scard:lmaglla,
pelted the roll' In S(lmson (lnd the
Liont'llo 0.:: FellCt:
OI'.I GINAU.T I\[I.EAS£D AS: M llCliI<'.
7 Miracles.
I'm GfmKk del ,\ Iondu GOL/Al11 /1II"l1ITS
Menk F(1reM plays MaCiste again. In the 1981 TV
dubhed version he's called Goli .. th. He H.ODUC£P.$: Hugh P..:n"m. Richard Alud
wins a c hariot race and rescues Z I D,I\[OOI\: KeVin C.mlln
virgins, keeping one for himM·lf. KI'.[[NIWP;tTtI'.S: RlCh.lrJ Blue!. P:u F,ekll'r

1977 \'(/orld Northal (Hone Kone)
""000(0: Runrne Sha ...
OIk{ CTQA: H'lI1wrChugh
KJ,.[[H\II'NT[II, : Ll Chen
.".tu;u" "dwig " Iun
ALSO IUl£AS[O .t..S; Tho!
•• Ilrl,ln(lus Kong copr wnh rhe

, \~ ilJJlIlon of ,I heautlful blond Jungle

woman as ,he /.:1;Jnt are'~ friend. The
Jungle wom;m, who is :Ilways on the
v.... r).:e o( lu.'lIlg her top. (a lis in kwe
• With :1Il OnenTal adl'enturer. I Iis ex p<'_
dlll\Jn takn the nealUrl' had [() Hong
Kon)! In cx lllhit it In an aren a. All the
K<,ng cliche, are uscd. The e((('cts are
ralhellC and Ihe dialoguc is price-
Ic~~. AIIll<)~I as (unny as Iliff(! Mwl.
Evelrn Kr<rft, or
the German Lady
/)racukl. swrs.



GOOD 11111ES
1967 Column, ••
H.OOUCEP.: L,"d,le~' Par.,,,n,
OIU OOA: W,llwn fT1~d llll
KR.([HW" IT£" : Ton)' B.:mcn
Cher. not Chic. Sonny and Chn pby
th~'rn.,dn" In ;) ~roof o( (lId m ol'll'S d i-
rected hy FTll·dkm Ix'(ure h l , turned to
reOl 'OUI' ,md hanki('~ III IC£t Jean"
l"t>ckcI'. Sonny dreams he and Cher
,I,lr 111 a \Vl'~!ern, a ga n~ster movie.
Christopher Ll'l' pl!ln rhe Cilrt :lln f an,j d Tar:an film. As film Iycoon
dict!l(o r of 300 pt'(ll'lc who hdVC 111;]11- Mordicu,. (,,'mge Sanders i~ the villa III
iI),(ed to surv ive tinder I h\, W:lle r ever in each ~eg m\!nt. Sonny dlSlru~!s 11IIn
since thdr sh ip ~ ,m k 40 j'C,lr, ago, Till' and deci,Il'~ III concentrate on their
cralllpeJ utopian ,ueicI) j, in\':Jdcd ~inglllg CITeer. T<)(l had hc didn't stick
hy divas ;mJ the IXlwef S(luTC l' 111,d. 10 hi'> lk'u'lun III real Iifl-. Tlw once
functions . Originally an \)vl'r long h.ll'l'Li y m.lrri('d couple ~lIlg a nUTllhe r
lour-hour two -pnrt 'peci.ll. \X'ith John o( rll!W~, Includmg ,hl'lr smash "I (Jot
Carradmc;], , I ham a(for, Eddu.: Al~rl. YOli. 13,lh...... Th ... worst was )"l't \0
r mnk Gorshln. Jean M;n,h. Alex CorJ, come ("(:JMsm~' ''). \\lith Chma Lee
Rnherr FONt'r, fo,"\drk Hannon . !lndJohn (Pul:-hoy's MISS August 1964) and Edr
MdnTlre. Filmed (In the Queen t.l.lry. Wdl1<ll1h (Beymrd the Valley of rhe Dolls).

GOODB}'t: GEAIIN I sl.lugIUl'fl·,1 III \'.IT1Utl~ ).!ro)s W. I )' ~. An
1970 CIIl.:mm.1 R\,I..'a._Il1)! Cori",r:lIl,lIl l·).!t) tI ~tlC<l l , fe y ,il-te'lin' .m.! ,I female
reporter IIl vcSlLg.lte. A w\)mcn'~ lih
PP.OOUC[~: Pct \'T S ndl group attac k ~ ,he ~tTl l'rcrs l,n ~Iage. A
OII\[ Cl~: AI,1Il n,h)Ol1 V il·lll.lIn \'l't ~ It ~ ,\I t he h,u drawmg f;Kl'~
KIt.(ONl"'T£~ : EdmunJ IJ./" rJ o n II Hd,)n~. t I,,:n ~I'l.lttlll).! t h l'm al l (wer
A mce litt le ps}'ch\llo~lCal study of m- with 1m fi~t. Henny tdl~ joke). It wa)
ccstu,lllS tWinS. M "rt Ul Potter (wh o one ~,( the tir~' m()V le~ ).!I\'en (In
X for
sla rn..J In S(lIYfK.m th.: sa me y,,-'a r) gdS vIOlence. (X)
Icalnu:. of a m.m who pays t Oll much
alt..::nt Ill n 10 hl ~ live-m tWin sister (J udy
Gc .... lr<. JIl ). w he gets him drunk, takes
1<}61 MGM (EIl~LUlJ)
hun to a homosexual "rgy. and SIlOlPS
PI\ODU(EI\: Wilfred E,llk.
f'ICllIres. The next ~ t cr is to gel his sis- DII\[OOI\: Etlgen~ LUUri e
ler to hel p kill the intruder. Then he KI'iEENWI\IUI\S: J"llII Lurln),!, D.U1ld II Y<I !!
kill s her .md himsdf. With SiT Michael A frer direct ing the ,mimated Bea.\! {rum
KcJgravc. ~ R) 10,(XX) FcUlwlll ~ , whi ch impired vud-
zllkl. Eugene Lour ie Jir..::cted 1h,S gi,m'
dinus<1m film , J'lp ,me ~e style (man in a
GORA11f mumte r ~ lI i t ). G~lrg(), <I 6S -f' )ol., t-t,, 11
1963 Toh,vv..,hnn\":l (Jap,m) prehisturic dinosa ur, is captured .If the
".OOUC (~ : Ton,) Cu, ~hure uf Ire larid ,iIld wken 1" London
OIIUCTO": In,,~l lIru Hond,. a~ <l c ircu) e xh,hlt . Soun his lSO- f"tlt-
Kk([ HWIUTt" : T.l kcshl KllllUTI tall mum ,lrT1\'C~ ;!I)d dt'~ t roy) "Wl'SI-
QMGI NAllY MLEASlD Al: Y,,5<'r Gor<lSU millster Abbe)', the lower \,f BIg Ben,
!noshlro Hond" found ti m..: between cl.- ,lIld t h l~ ru~y n·d cheeb uf thl' Ilt ile
r~ tmg Go(h:rlla feat ures lodo Ih ,S litt le- chi ldren ." Scene) wnh a d, VlIlg hdl
known tale. In 1980 (rhe futu re) a and <1 ro11er CU<1~te r .u e direct thmw-
m<l:»lve runaway planet is about \0 col- hach 10 Beast. Wit h B'\ I Tf<\vcrs ,md
lide with Earth . Q Ulc k-[h inkmg Japa- Wil liam Srl\,cstcr.
nese scient ists mO\'e Earth with large
roc kets. but result ing earthqllakes un-
leas h a tusked termr frum the polar 11ft: GORGON
regions. U nf,.)f!unately the walrus .'>Cene 1964 I hUllmcrIC"lumi:lI<l (En)!bnd)
",O DUCEI\: Amh u ny Ndson-Kcys
was c ut fo r the American release .
DII\ECTOI\: Terence Fhhcr
K I\EENWI\ITE": John Gillin)!
After remak ing ever),th ing in sight. the
11ft: GORE GORE GIRLS Hammer S rudlos decided to explo it
1972 Le wI s Pl(turcs
PP.OOUCE~DIIUCT~: He ~hdl Gordo n Lew is
mythology. In 19th -century Europe "
KI\UNWI\ITtI\: AI ,ln J.
DJchm,m doc tor (Peter C ush ing ) protects ,\ girl
AU!) I\ElWED AS: Blood Or~') (Barbara Shclley) who becomes " myth-
LewiS' last h o rro r film is a sick but ic,,1 snake-haired creature (It night. Men
hU1llur\)us mixture of St'X and gore, and who gaze at h .. r tu rn to stone! A prnfe s-
is mo re uf(ensivc than any of his car- sor (C hristopher Lee) arn vl'S to fi nd
li er h ih (l ike Blood Feast and 1000 out why so many stiffs are turning up
M(lIIlll(s). Strippers whu work for n ight- ;md CtltS I h e h l:»i ng. writh ing serpen t's
cluh o wncr !-lenny Yo ungm,m (!) arc head off.

THE GORILLA Unbellevahle all-star stupid ity abou t a
19391l1rh Cemury-Fox (B&\V) "n:~II" gorilla krlling people at a c ircm.
f'RODUCW: 1Y.t1T'i1 F. l.lnuck, Of course you can't tell the rea l gori lla
Hdrr·,. J oe Brown froll1 the acwr in a suit, since they're
Dl kCCTOf.: Allan Dwan
hoth actors in a su it. In c ase you
SCI\([NWRIT[M; R'<ln J.tme~, Sid SII, (' r~ didn't know rhe end rng already- An ne
An o ld mystery-comedy ph_I)' that h,ld Bancroft IS the murderess in a gorilla
;llrl'ady heen filmed twice (rn '27 <lnJ SUit! Her act conSists of swinging over
'30) was revived yet agam as a vehicle a cage of "real" gOrillas. Ca meron
(or the R lt~ Brothers. The cun:ilClntly Mitchell (who is top-bil k'd ) also wears
mugging brm hers pia)' de (ect i ve~ IIl\'CS- a gorilla suit. Raymo nd Burr had al-
tigallllj.( thc monh'y-suit murders, Bela ready been a gorilla in BrUle uf the Gu-
Lugo~1 was thrown III as anmher Sinis- rilla, SO he doesn't, A lso on hand fo r
ter hlltler. nUl Lionel Atwlll stars. With the 3-l) hilarit)' arc Lee J. Cobh as <l
Anita Louise. Edwa rd Norris, and co- delective, Lee Marv in , Bil ly Cu rtis , an d
medie nne Palsy Kelly. Warren Steve ns. With Goliath, "t h e
hate heast tholl loves to kill." Director
GORILLA .. See NABONGiI. Jones wen t on to Heast of BUdape5t an d
Don't WorT)' We'll Think uf a Tille.
19'5410rh Century-tox (3-D)
DIk.£CTOR: Hannon Jonc~ 1981 &·dford
'lCR£ENWRITEM: Lr.-ona rd Pr.t,krn s, PP.ODUCER/DIRECTOR:Hern Freed
Barney Slater 'lCAU~'f[M: Anne MaTiSse, Hern Frt'l-d

C()(lCh ChmllJllrn..,. G(:f)Tge

yom! ff)T 5(1011 10 be 5kUlJlh-
h.'red 11'1'115 In Gradu,lllon

Yet another cliche H(III(Kl'ee7I-!mplred THE GRlIVF'S lDE S TOR}', Sec
Ixldy-count movie , Members of a high CO~IEDI' OF no'RRORs'
school track team an' being killed, B~'
the coach (Ch ristopher Geor~e)! T he
princi pal (Michael Pamki)! rmbably
nOl, Interesting to nme that the gore
See INVII S ION 0/,'
effects were done by <I youn!: wom,ln THli BEE GIRDS,
(Jd l Roc kow). ( R )
GRAVli DESIRES, See 1'J80 (h ,l l)"}
P"OOUCEIl: LII.... cn..:c ~1.,rt'"
111li VMIPYRE 'S N IGHT DIIUOO""~C"[(HW"rf["; S" TeU ) M,lrttn"
ORGY. O l\IGIHAL LY " [L[ASED AS; II Fium,' dd (,r,mtk-
Cm mdllli
A dlrect- t{)-A mcTlc,lIl - net\\'{lrk -TV
qllld:ie with the ~;lIl1e main ca~t 3nd
1972 Ent..:nainmcnt Pyra mid
I'koouco.: Daniel Cady crew as Sao.'wnen. Md rerrer th()lI~ht­
011U 00"; John Hay..:s l('~ly keep~ hI' lUCT<llu'c Afnc,lIl rcsort
K,,-£[NWI\ITt M: Jo hn PaUlck Hay..:s, o~n even whde toUfl~ts a nd locals aR'
D<lV id C h il~ helng dl'voured hy a ~iant alllg3hlr.
ALSO II.lL£AYD AS:Sud (J{TclTor (Mel ,11so encountered g;Hor~ III Tub..:
In the opening o f one of Ihe mure H oor('f'~ Demh Tntl'.) Barham Bach
shoc king mov ies you mighl c<llc h on C()"5 tar~ 3n~1 Rich rl rJ Johnsnn h,l~ a
TV, M ichrlel Pataki is rl v<lm pire who ndiculolls bit <IS 3 hCdrJ..:d hCfmit. Not
rapes a wo mrln in an open grave. The a~ good as th e S3ml' ),c,lr's Ailigllfllr hut
pale, pathet ic mother ha~ brlb\' who heller than Cw.... oJrlt'.
drinks her blood ((rom a bottle) until
she dies. The kid grows up inlo a very GREAT GIIBBO
odd reluctant vampire (Will ia m Sl1Ilth) 1929 SOlin-An Wurkb,,,·,d." (Il&W .1Il.!
and selS out to kill his father. lie fi nds O,lIlT)
him teaching <l college couJ"St' on ("lCcuit- pI\ooucn / Dl,,[ool\: J;Hnc~ CTlI:.'
ism , He also fa lls in love with a neigh-\[[NWI\tltl\: E Hugh l l.'rhen
OCtr and Hies to restnun his vamplTe lncreJihly awkward hacbtage dramal
urges when she wants to join the un- mUSICal! Erich von S lTnhcim (complete
dCrld. Wil liam Smith had just appeiued wHh mtlnllc le) gives rln eccentric pn-
in the last season of H a waii Flt,('-O_ {ormann: as:111 cg'lCcntric vent rilolJlIis!
Michael Patak I starred in DracU/{I'S Dog who abuses hIS devllted fem ale hdper
a few ycars later. ( R ) (ReilY GHllpton) and talb wnh hiS
si ngin),; dummy Orr,), The actilln h<llts
pcri,x\icalh' for awful song-and-Ja nce
GRAVEmRLJ OF HORROR numbeh like "Caught In rl Weh o f
1971 lntl'rnatlonal Films (Sp3in) I.II\"C." III which C h llTUS girb dangle
DIUoo"fK"[[ NW~f["; Miguel M<1driJ ff,lm a giant wcb controlled \:Iy a rn,lIl
~IGIH..w.Y IUlEAS£D.u: NecruphaguJ III a ridiculous spider costumc. Sccnes
A man cares for his hairy ghou l brother wll h Strohe ,m and 011<) srngmg in a
h~' tenJing his gra ve and feed in,!; him r..:~murant arc pricele1>.~, You 'll ncver fur-
fresh corpses, A str;m ge fe3tme bc~t get this cfl"aky old trllkil' hascd ,>Il "The
vtewed at 5; 30 A.M. on tel evi~ion" Rn·al DUlIlm{' h~' \3.."n Hecht.

THE GREAT HOUDINIS he3d.hunting c3n nibals, ,md p()i~ n
1976 TV dam. Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., and joan
DII\[(1oiVKI\[[NWl\ln~ : Mel-'ll l e Shan'ls()o Bennett star. With G~'orge Sanders,
Paul Michael Glaser stars in a prt'try Vincent Price (as Bennett's weak hus-
good hio of the ('Hnous CSCOlpe artist! band), Alan Hale, Noble Johnson (as
magid,m. Sally Struthers is his wl(e. an Indhm chie!), and Iron Eyes Cody
Rmh Gordon Ills mOl her. With Peter (as a snake dancer). The Inca temple
Cushtng as Arthur Conan Doyle. Viv. set became an Egyptian temple in The
ian Vance (in <1 rare dramatic role). MUlllm)'·s Halld. Karl Freund was the
Adrienne Barbeau. Wilfrid Hyde- cameraman. It was the second·to-Iast
White, Clive Revil l. Nina Foeh, Jack effort from the director of many classic
Carter, and Bill Bixby. Universal horror films. Most viewers,
including star Price, found it hyslcri .
THE GREAT RUPERT call~' funny.
1950 Ea~le.LlOn (B&W)
011\[00 ..: Irving Pichcl 1974 Acquanu~
KP.EEHW1JlU.: Laslo Vadnay Pl\OOI./C£k; Wll!t:Ull t::knier
George Pal's first feature produclLon DIM:CfOM; N"orm~m FOSler, Jerry Thomas
stars Jimmy Durante fmc! Terry Moore Three episodes of the short·l ived 1966
(who had juSt been in Mighl,joc YowlJ:) TV series were thrown together 10 cash
in a light comic adve nrure aoout a squir- in on the popu larity of Bruce Lee (who
rel who dances (in stop· motion ani- died in '73). Ads read "Bruce Lee as
mation) and finds hidden money in an Kato-in The Green Homer." He does
old house. With Tom Drake. get in a few fights, but the unrelated
sroric~ about rich game hunters killing
GREAT WHITE gangstl·rs. phony aliens with a bomb,
]982 Film Ventures (lt~ll'l and a tung war are pretty tedious. Some
"'000(00 : MauTIlI O Amatl, Uw> TUCCI idiot made a few continuity switches
DlAECTO" : En:o G. Ca)ldlan in the editing, making things even more
SCM:EHWI\ITEI\: Mark Pnnci senseless . A dmwing of a hornet is
Seven ycar~ after Jaws thmC" shark· shuwn Wlll'Tt'VCr commercia ls used 10
~If[ack movies keep on com mg. Thb be. With Van Williams.
one stars James (Cal 0' Nm.e
Tales) and Vic Morrow (l-Il;manoids of THE GREEN SUlliE
lhe Deep). It's so close to il~ Inspiration 1968 Toci/MGt-.·\ (U.S. /Japan)
that Universal was able to obtam a pre· Pl\OOI./CEI\S; h'an Rl'mer. Walter
limina!)' injunction in cour! to ~top any DI M:OOI\; Kinji Fukasaku
further showings. People who managed ChllrieS Sinclair,
to catch it say it's pretty funny. Wilham Fmger, Tom Row~
ALSO MlU.5ED M: Gamma Sang<> Uchu
1940 Umversal (B&W) Green newspaper ads fur this space di-
Pl\O OIK EI\: HarT)· Edmgton S-.'lSler announced; "The Green Slime
DIM:CTOk : Jame~ Whale are coming!" then "The Green Slime
Kk[£HWklTtk; Fnmces Manon an.' here." The Green Slime were the
An archaeological expedition to the most laughably unconvincing monsters
Brazi l;3n jungle finds los! Inca temples, of any j apane~ proouclion in years.

TI,e one-eyt.-d creatures with stiff tenta- GRIiJI REAPER
des multlphed when shot! What should 1981 Film V.. nlur..s (Italy)
astronaut~ RIChard Jaeckel and Roben p'II.oooco: Osca r 5<lnran le llo
HortO n do! Fight over Luciana Paluui DIII£CTOII.; Joe D' AmMO
m her fetchi ng mmldress at an outer- sa.££NW'II.Jf[1I.; leWI S Montdior..
OPJGINAUY II,ELU.Y:O M: Anmropopiwg(JIls
space party. of COUTSC. Uncredll ..:d midg-
ets pla~'ed the ~ l lllle mon sters. The TiS<! Farrow of Zombie fame is stuck o n
theme song wa~ ~ld on a 45. a Greek island this time. Most of the
popula tion has been devoured by a
crusty-faced ghoul named Klaus. Direc-
GREENWICH VILLAGE tor D'Amato shou ld Slic k to ~x fi lms.
STORY Tisa is, of c<)ur~, Mw's 3ister and a
1963 Sha\\"n InlcrnJIIonal (B&W) daughter of Maureen O'Sullivan and
PII,OOUCE~OIIl,ECTO~~CII,[ENWII.JTEII,: director John Farrow. (R )
J;lck O'Connell
l-looleIlW1I\)', Th .. ~ 1.fJ\'C «5 Thq rle(l~C
Rohert Hog:m and Melind<l PI<lnk be·
1970Cinemation (W. Germany)
long 10 the beat gener<ltion. Rohert DIP..£CTOM: RolfThlci<'; H ..,I,m G11lY
promises to marry the b<lllet-dancing (U.S. version)
MeltnJa if his first novel is a success. KII.E(N\1III.JTEII: RolfThkle
The hook is panned and Mehnda dies OOGI NAJ.Lf II£lW(D M: Gnmml Mardl,'n
fr()ln an abortion while Robert IS in the FI.T Lustm... P,'rc:ht-n
country sulk mg. Wnh Tam SeltZ, James AUO W£AS[O AS: The ErotIC Ad"t!"l1wres of
Fr<lw ll'Y, j<lllll Arent, and John C. Snou White
Avildsen, bt er the director of Joe and Jerry G ross imroned and fe-edited ,h iS
Roc ky, as A lvle. O'Connell al~ d i- sex fantasy III which MaTic LIIJtldah l
rected R(' I'oill!l(}II. -CB sleeps topleSl> III a pla~tic coffi n unt il
she I~ rcvlveJ h\' an amorous snake with
a little crown . II has a lot of pr .... tty Sick
scenes. Includlllg Ci ndercl l a'~ ugly ~Ic p­
sisters cutting rh .... 'r toes off in order ro
fi t into her ~ltpper (which is, mcidl' n-
tally, wh<ll happens In the o n glnal
Grimm version of till' talc). The first of
many "adult" vemons of famous ch ild-
ren's stories. ( X )

1976 Fi lm Ventu res
Dnvid Sheldun,
Ilarwy FI"~Ill~n
DIII£CTOII: WIlliam Gmll<'r
AUO II,ELWED M: Killer Gnd)·
Girdler is hest known for AIJby (1974),
his black veTSlon of The ExorCist. ThiS
is h iS hear versIon of JaUis. StarTIng Mane u~ ..dcml as Snoo·
with what the ,I d~ cal led "18 feet Whue In Grimms FaIT)·
of gllt-crunchtn~, man-couing Terror". Talt·s for Adlilb.

Dmculfl'~ Ca~tlc. Some scenes were
ISleelolgul-crunching filmed :11 [he fa lllou~ "Magic Castle"
In 1-lo ll}'wood. There arc nllllOTl.u ro be
mon-ealinglerrorl two (lther versions, an R-rated onc with
more o rgy sceneS and a homosex ual
one. C haracTers have nameS like Imp,
V.mlp. Hunch. and RII[. Wr i [cr-dirl~c­
hlr-exeCUllve producer Merrick also
madc BltlCk AIIJ:'ds.

1967 20,h CenTury-Fox
PRODUCEk: FranL.: McO mh y
DIFIlCTOk: ()cne Kell~'
SCkUNIIo'RITEk : Frank Tarloff
W"lter M,l1Thau convinCeS friend Ro b-
ert M,)rse th", he should fool around
with other women in o rder TO p re-
~f\'e his marriage (to Inger Stevens).
M:mhau illu,mlles his poim with a lot
of humnruus stories acted out hy a lot
;ITl' Chnsropha George ;1I1d Rich,ml of famous people (often in tiny roles).
Jaeckel, both 0 1 whom st<l rrcd III Gi rd · Among thcm are J"yne Mansfiel d in
ler'~ '77 feawre Vay uf rhe ArlUlu/ls. AI.'>Il hernf"!)[ I iol lywood fi lm since 1961 (she
with Andrew Pnrw. on ly mad", one mOTe- Single Room Fllr-
IUshed) , Jackie Jusl'ph (lillie Shup uf
GRUESO,IIE n VOSO" IE H OlTors ) , Jack Benny. Luc ille Bal l. J ef-
1965 M,n i1mlcr (rey I lunter. Marty Ingels, Sam Jaffe.
Pf.ODt.IC£l\/OItu:CTO"= I [cl'>£hcll (J. >nl. '11 Lell I> Wall} (".(lX and LOUIS Nye. The Tun-Ics
KII.[(HWfJT[II.: L'-'lIl~I·lJoWn., slIlg the theme son!:. Music by Johnny
A n tlhsnJrl~ gllH~ film fWIll the (hr(>C{,'T (j(llm) Williams.
of B~)(,J Feast. A young lI11hcolc (Rud·
ney Bedell ) sc;Jlps young wnlllen (or hl~
[ll(lthcT, a wigmaker. The \'icri1l1~ aTC
lx'drdcr~ in the rW(l~,'mc' ~ home.


1970 Merrick Intcrn,Hhln,,1
DI PJ: CTOIVKII.E£NW1lITEII. : LlUI(!llCC Merri c k 1956A IP(B&W)
T Im terrihle linle l[uickle wa~ ~brl'e,1 AAOOU CEI'JDIIU CTO": Ru)!o:f Corman
1<')!\~lhcr ;md hen the hetter kn"wn KklEHWf.ITU: C harlc~ C:;,.,fh lh
COUIlI YorR<1 10 the n,ltlO n'S SCTl"t'IlS. Des A }ohuny Gwtm remake in vo]vmg a
Rohcfb ~t:lr~ a~ C"unl,ln. ,I I1lpd· scr:1mhk· (OT land 111 the path o( a pro-
nn \'am pire ,11 a dl~olheqlle cn lled jected mi lruad and twO strung fwm ier

women set on ~ h oo ting each other out GUYANA TRAGEDY, THE
of {he picture. Beverly Garland IS the STORY OF JIIII JONES
new marshal. having taken over after 1980 TV
her husband was shO[ over breakfast; p"o o UC£'-S: Emc't T1dlrnan. Sam ~-lanncrs
Allison Hayes is the land-scam ma~ter­ DlIl.E CTO" : \Vtlham A. Graham
mind who imports John Ireland to dim i- SC"EENW"ITE" : Ernt". TiJynwn
natl' an yone who gets in the way. Big O n gi ll;llly a four-hour, twO-p;lTt epIC,
decISio n for Ireland when he IS c:lught this \·ersion of the '78 Koo[-Ald drin k-
Ln a three-way showdown: " I iLred to Lng fes[l\'ai won Emn\lc:.. TIle alb a:.kl.""tl:
kil l the woman he loves!" is the way "Why would 91 3 peorle rut their lives
the ;lds put it. Wilh Martin Kingsley, in hi S hands? Why !'· Wh;lt I want 10
Jonathan Haze, Bruno Ve SOla, and know is: Why II"nuld milliom \If peo-
C h ris Alc;lide. -CB rIc ,pend twO nights glued to their TV
:.ctS to watch mas:. suicides! Powers
Booth plays Jm\ Jone~. Lots of drugs
GURU, THElllAD ,JIONK ;lnd Implied sex. With Ned Ik;llty,
1971 Nova Im crnational VcronlC<l Cartwright. J;lmes Earl Jones,
OL<lIle Ladd, R:mdy Quaid, I\nsahnd
And~· Mllhgan
AUO II.£l..£M£O AS: Glm •. rhe ,\hJ ,\ Iunk Cash (T he Omegll ,\llIn), Brend:! Vac-
cam (Dmrh Weekend), ;lnd r·,o1eg FOStl'r
FJther Guru, I\IS \,<lmpire rmsrress, and
(Tender Flesh). Jones is portrayed lb a Rt"t . )l1n)onnwtl (StudTt
hunchhack sc rv,Lnt Igor torture prbon.
drllg-CT<LZed idol who hns frequent 'ex Whl(!n(l1\) I!ljtTUC!.\ hiS
ers on the island of Mortav,,1. Filmed
with femnle followcr, (like a rock hl:lr). foilom"fS u! kill\' San '·r,1»
on the ishmd of Manh att:m ill St-
Scriptwriter Ernest Tidyman a!..... wrote cis..~(1 ",lin hnn iT1 GUlan,t.
Peter's C hurch . SixtY-TWOIlltnute~ that Cult oflhe DamnN
only seem bke hours.


1980 UflI vt"T":.."I1 (McXI(:ulPan.llnafSpaln)
Rcm" Cardona. Jr.
The ul t imate lauglKlble exploitation
film by the director of Simlille, a can-
nibal/disaster hit. Thc incredlhle cast
flown down m profit from the l1l a~~ :.tll -
clde IOcludes SWMt Wh ltnw n a~ Rev-
erend Jll\1 JohnM"ln (the name:. \H'TC ! .~-:!..
ch;lnged to protect the innocent!)'
Bradford Dillm,lIl dS Dr. Gary Str,lw the
Kool-Aid mixer, Joseph Cotten, John
[re land, Gene Barry, Yvonne Oc Carlo,
and Jennifer A~hley. Exnemcly slea:)',
even after clilling to get an R ranng,
and much mo re enjoyable Ihan thl' TV
fe,lture that (ollowed. It later m,lde a
rerf(~ct douhle hill wllh Amlll- Th...> l\i5<'
(inti Fall. (R)

• •
• • THE H ,ItAN vivor. I~ J .
Soles and Nancy Loom is
• • 1958 TohulColu mhl ~ (jap,m) aren't lucky. With clips (rom The

• • Pf.ODUC£I\: T ol11o}'ub T ;mab ThlllR and Forbil/t./en Planer. The diTL'C-

• • OIMCTOI\; lnc..,lmo H onda
KjI.[[~ITU: T ake)l" KmlUrn
to r preparoo new scene~ (o r the '81 TV

showmg. The inevita ble sequel also
ca me out IT) '8 1. A HallQtI'(~en \'Ideo
• U"mrm H ; B,J}'o IV Elulllmlllgt',.
M('n are tllrned into OO: IIlJl grNm rn·
game IS avadahle. ( R )
.[,,)actlve slime by an amlllle "umb. The
colorful killer guop dissolve:. ,md e;HS
1981 Un iversal
o thl'r [leOple. The original title WIIl S-
Dchra Hili,
late, as "Beallt;iu1 \Vo men and the Il y- Jtlhl~ C.-up.:nter
drllJ,:en M;lll." Son of a more scr iou~ l'oII\I.(",TOII.: Rick Rm.cnthal
\'l"r~iun (l fThe Hlob. whic h W<l~ rcka~cJ
"All-New! MO RE Of The N ight H c
till' same yea r. C ame Ho me," re:td thc posters, wh ic h
shou ld give ~'Otl an ide:t of where th is
th ing was coming from. Michael. the
195'5 Toh"/OCA (japan) (A&W)
kil ler fru m Halloween, gets up and kills
PRODUCE!,;: TOIn()~' lJki T,m,.b
DlkfC10 R: Ino, hl TO I hmd" , 'Igain :tnd aga in :tnd :tga in , unti l Jamie
Ken ne th G. C rane (U.S. Vcr>lnn) Lee C urt is fi nds out thm he's her brot h·
SC H ENWIIJT£R: T " kt"u MUI<lra cr and setS him on fire, It's miles :thead
OfIJGI NAllY P.ElEMl D M : ) uJm Yllkl(lwk" of the other Hal/ourccll imitations- hut
In th is ahomin,.ble-snow rll<Hl fi lm a it's still an im itation ,
gmnt ape like creature (with a really Cmu wvcrsy raged about this fi lm
creepy· looking haby) is dl~tJ\'l'rcJ III " ,hen director Rosenthal was qumed as
the mountalllS of nonhern J"ran. Thl' s:t~'i ng Ihal eXl'"curive producer John
film was Ame ricanizl."(t with new scenes Carpenter came in at the end of th e
featuring John Carradme and MOTTl~ filming and screwed it all up b\' shooti ng
Ankrum. Director Honda, who had J u~t ).lore inserts. Members of Carpenter's
do ne Godzilla, mack· ROOan next. lo~' al crew, ho wever, indicate that Car-
pent o.: r was onl y trying ros traighten out
HALLO WEEN Roscnthal 's scrcw-ups. C arpenter, al -
1978 Compar.s Inrem~tl"n,11 ways the gentleman, kept Out of the
PkoouCU,s/ SCI\EENW"-ITU,s: John Clr~r\!l'r, controve rsy, :t nd after :t (cw weeks
J-:\-bra Hill nnhody c:tred. With Donald Pleasence
0 11\E0 0": John C<l r~nte r and a scene (rom N ight of the Litlllw
Amenca', film revi .... wer:. (dlllVer them- Dea.d. A sound track alb um is :tva ilable,
se lves praismg thi s intlue n tiill Illw- (R) -BI.... \
budget ($300,000) horror film. It lI\adl'
countless millions and we ·re -"till suffer- H, ILLOIVEEN 1//, SEASON
ing: fro m a ll [he inferior illlltilti(ln~ OF 71-11\ IV/TCfI
ground out by every proJucl'"t trying to PhIl U I1I\"t"r~al
make a 4uick buck. h\ gO(ld, hilt PI\OOl\CEM: 1"A!\,ta Ildl. Joh n C:nperl\<"T
Ca rpenter's Ass(lul[ ml PrecirlCl IJ w,l~ OIPJ:OOWSCI\EENWJIJTEI\; Tommy Lee Wall<lce
even hen cr. Dona ld PIc'lso.: n cl' b [he Nnt :m'Hher ,I:t~hl'r seque l, hut a flln if
grim r sych imrist <I(kr the indc"tn JCtlhlo.: f;lrfo.: rched new H;llkm·l'l'n story with"
I1Md kI ller. Jamie Lee CUrti" '" LaUTIl', chear mil" Insh aCtor Dan O'Herl ihy
tho.: to.:rnlil·d. vlrglllai. Mll,,11 h)lI'n "" r- ptlys:t Dnl ld desce ndant with" dlal:lol l-

Upper 1..41: A prodl<cUOIl
shvlfrOln Hallowet:n.
Upper nghr: }mnie tee
CUTU$ In Hallowccn II
De/ou.,: Tom AIkins (.Ind
Sway Ndknu 1'1511 her
Ime fmher's COSlunl(" shop
m Hallo " 'een III.

30 1
fun lIlHil his mother cuts off his allow-
ance, seeks help in a monastery after an
LSD- induced crime spree results in rhe
murder of a Barcelona am iques dealer.
The real world is black-and-wh ite, rhe
LSD trips are in color. Featuring Re-
nate Kasche . Tom Baker. Marianne
Kamer. and Steve Rowland. Filmed in
Spain. -CB



1961 AlP (England) (B&W)
P"ODUCE"; Bi ll Luckwell
OIIU:CTO": Henry Cal'S
!>CIUENW"ITEIU: Ray Coolley, Tony Hilton
cal plan. He has robots manufacture
Acnmlly it's aoom a couple of hands.
masks co maining microchips fmm
Stonehenge. The trick-or-treaters who In Burma du ring World War II , cap-
buy them blow lip in a mass of snakes, tured British sold iers who refuse to tal k
!:.ugs, anu slime while watch ing a tele- have thei r right hands severed. Their
vi~ l o n commerci:l l for the masks on
capm in (Derek Bond) is less parrioric.
Halloween. The three glow-in-the-d:uk Years later, in contemporary London.
masks uscd in the film :Ire actually for a series of amputation murders are in-
s..--.Ie. The)' were made at the famous vesr if.'3 red by detectives. Who do you
Don Post studio, which economically rhlOk did it! It's pretty chilling.
serves as the madman's mask faclOry in
the movie. Stacey Nelkin anu Ihe hero
doctor (Tom AIkins from Escape from THE HAND
Nf.'W York and Tfu.. Fog) IT\ce to save 1981 OrionIWamer Brothers
""OOUC[~: Edward R. Pressman
the nation's children from all explo-
DI~CToaI!>CIUEH\III\fT[": Oliver Stone
sive end. Annual Ha lluween (ealU res
After newspaper cartoon ist Michael
with unrf.'!ated plots arc planned. (RJ
Caine loses his right hand and his ca-
HALLUCINATION reer in a car wreck, wife Andrca Mar-
GENERA710N c()vicci pegs him as a loser, and he loses
1966 Trans-Aml'rican (B&W with color hcr, too. But he's not alone-h is hand
>equcnccs) comes back to keep him company, and
P~ODUCE~; Nigd COX to help him kil l off some of thc pcople
DIIUC10~; EJw~rd A. M~nn who've becn buggi ng him. Another
!>CIUENW"ITU: Edward A. Mann a ngry and depressing pic turc (rom
George Monrgomery is the psychede lic Stone. who wrote and dire<:ted Sei~ure
adv isor to a ci rcle of young expatrilltes and won an Oscar fo r his M idnight Ex.-
living on the Isle of lhiza. Visitor Danny press screenplay. W ith Viveca Lindfors.
Stone, who avoids taking part in the (R) - BM

1961 20th Ccnru ry-hl.~ (fI&W)
"'-OOIJCEI\I'Kp,[[NWIIJT£~; ElJ~cnc lmg
Oltl.lCTO~; G.-nl' r-:d>oOn
W(lr king at his dcs.."rt lab. scient hi Ju hn
AL!M dcvelops a g,l' he bell~'\'c' wdl
aVe rt nuclear W'IT. I n~reaJ it tHrn~ him
inTI) a horrible blo:lt ......1 n hllh r c r whoso:
touch means instant ,.Ie:11 h! "nl(' cracked
face makeup in t1'I~ low-budgd tilm is
a unique creatlun. \'(Iuh ex-S l lklj.!C Joe
Ik~:)c r and future Muns tl'r Butch Pat-
rick. Paula Raymond (l1x<.I/ [fUm lO,C\.-"O
Fuchmm) is Agar'~ suffering wife.


1%6 Sch"cnfdd FI[m~ (Engbn.i) (B&W)
1%1 C,'llIl11enLll (Fr.U1celEns:l.onJ) H,md "I l)c,nl..
PkODUC£I\: I-brry he"!
(f',M'(/ )
011\(001\; Fred"Tlc G,)odc
I'P.ODUCEP.S: Steven Pall",. D•. ,n.lld T;l\lor
!oCM:[HWl\lT(k: Sr.:w,ut
OlUCTO" : 1:...lm .... nJ T. G rc-lile
AlSO HlEA5EO AS: Belli (Jf ,\-Ior.--;c()
K "EEHW"ITEP.S: John fI.lm<'~.
\V, llwm Sy lvester visits an arch:\('olo- ldn'()!h] T. Gr('\'I11c
~is l In northern Africa. where h(." fall~
Md Fen..:r is OrLIC. ,I concert run ist
for a woman who tum~ out (0 he a V,III1 - WhlJ::,C hanJ~ ,lfe <lC~tTllyeJ III ,I pianl'
pHC. With Aka GU T. Terence De CT,!'h. A ~llr)..!con (D"1Il;]IJ \V(ll ht) gr,Itl ~
Marney. and Diane Clare . FilmeJ in the h.mel, o( ;] condemncd ~Ir;\ nglcr
Morocco. onto t he Cllnt ll ~eJ Orlae. who noll'
thmks hc', ,I killer. In tvb~t11e~, .1111"-
j.:lci:m n,lmed Ncw (Chri ,tol'her Lee)
.md his reluctant as",bt,mt ( D.myCurd)
HIINDS OF II Sl'RIING'ER decide to hbckmal l h im. With ,m u..IJ
1961 Allu~J Artl5b (B&W) h:llrcut an,l C)"l' llIakeu p, Lee I' the
P"ODUCOS: NcwfOn Arm)ld. tilm's hl,L:hli).,dn: he n C;Irl y .,e:lr..:~ Ferrer
l\.hchaelDu Pont 1(1 death and kills his assistant on ~tai,:<'
DI!U:CTOIVKIU"EH\\Il\.IT£A: :-'I<'w(011 Arn,,]d
hy sticklllg sword~ through her III an
An lmeresting Amenc.1n v":TSlon ,l Til.! upTIght " trick " COftlll. \Vith l"Amald
'·Iauds of OTUK. j :lTIlCS St:lpleton i~ :l Pl.:'lsenCl'. Two \','r,io n s WCT": filmed
(am o us pianlS{ whol>C mutilated h:lnds 'lllluiraneolisly-one In French, li ne III
:lre replaced ~urglCally. Unahle (Q play English-a pTaellCc more common III
thc piano ,m ymore, hc goes crJ:Y and th..: e:lrl)' ·30s.
I)CCKs revl'ngc on the doctors who per-
(\)rmed Ihe o pnal lo n and the caixJril'l'r IlJlNDS OF HIE RIPPER
(now blind) who caused the aCCldl'n! . 197 1 H.l1nmn/Unl\·. . r"'-!1 (Engbn..l)
With Irish McCa ll a (Sheena. QlIl.'eJlof P"ODUCEP.: Ale]" YUllns:
thc)lmKle). S"lly Kellerman (in a ~ lll ,dl DIIUClOP.: I\'tl'r Sa,,11-
role), Paul Lukather, a nd Joan H tlrvcy. K"HH\\Il\.ITU : L. W. D.I\,!,]<OIl

A critica lly acc bimed thriller similar Robert C ulp is a killer hired by Raquel
to The Daughfer of Dr. Jekyll. Welsh Welch to track down Ihe men who had
aCtress Angharad Rees stars as the raped her and killed hcr husband. Er-
daughter of Jack the Ripper. She may nest Borgnine, StrOlher Marrin, and
or may not be following in dad's mur- Jack Elmn play the Weslcrn slime who
derous footsteps. Eric Porter is a kind did it. [n his first Western, Christophe r
doctOr who tries to help. ( R) Lee bui lds Raquel a spec ial gun. A lso
wilh Diana Dors and Stephen Boyd.
HANGAR 18 Watch il for the cast. Producer Cunis
1980 Taft International was Raquel's rea l-life husband. Filmed
PP.ODUC[P.; Charles E. SeI her, Jr. in Spain.
DIMOOP.: James L Conwa~'
KP.[[HWM'[P'; Steven Thornley
Darren McGavin leads a group of sci- THEAIINDSNATCHER.
ent ists st udying a fl ying saucer the gov-
ernment has hidden in a warehouse.
Some post - Close Encounters a liens fi-
nally emerge to wake up the audience WARM CLUE
1971 TV
for a while. With Roben Vaughn, Jo-
P!I.OOucEk: Jad: Laird
seph Campanella , Tom Ha tlick, W il -
DIllECTOf.: Daryl Duke
liam Schallert, and Gary Collins. From S(I\[[HWM'[P.: Gene Kearney
the Sunn C lassics fo lks. AlSO k£LWEO AS: The RClum ofClwrlie
HANGOVER, See A pilOi film with Ross Marr in as Char-
THE FEAlALE JUNGLE. lie Chan. It wasn 't shown on Ameri-
can television unti l 1979. Protests aoout
HANGOVER SQUARE another white actor playing the O rien-
1945 20th Century-Fox (B&W) tal detective might have had something
P!l.OPVCU.: Robert Bassler to do wi th iL With Lesl ie Nielsen,
DIMOOP.: John Brdhm Richard Haydn, and Louise Sorel.
S(U(N\II'I\ITU: Barr.! Lydon
John Brahm directs a follow-up to his HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO lifE
successful The Lodger with the same 1981 Culumbia (Canada)
male leads playing similar roles. Laird John Dunning, Andr;' Link
C regar stars as a schizophren ic concert D!MCTOP.: J. Lee Thompson
pianist. George Sanders is a detective. SCA([HWM'[p's: John Saxton, Peler Jobm,
By the time it was released lS-year-old TimOthy Bond
C regar was dead, a victim of excessive The most shocking thing about this fi lm
d iet ing. With Linda Darnell, Alan Na- was the poster-a yuung man screa m-
pier, and Glenn Langan. With music ing with a shish-kabob skewer shovL-d
by Bernard Herrmann and a memora- down his throat. The star is Melissa
ble fiery fina le. Sue Andersoll' (Ulfle House on the Prai-
rie), a college student in New England
HANNIE CAULDER whose preppy friends, all members of
1<) 71 l'\ir,ullolint (EnJ(iand) the "Top Ten Club," keep dying in vari-
PkOPVCU.: !'.• trick Cllrtl~ ous unusual ways. Melissa, who had
D!MCTOR: BlIrt Kt"nm'Jy brain surgery after an ace idem . thinks
KP.[[NW1\IT(p's: Burl, [}.\V,d Ila(( she might be the killer. Glenn Ford is

her ps)'c1mllTisr. Except for the gr:lphlC Bri fish TV ~h"w CI1PI('d here ,b Sdll{!1I'd
surgery scene 1I 'l> no t :IS gory :IS some mul SOil. N,lflna n R u~i n g t on (Norm ,
511mbr mov ies but hal> mOTl~ plol twists the m,\Il:lgl'r) IS al:.l} III Sawrdl.l:Y NI~h l
and other surpr be~. ( R ) mul Sunday M(lnung ;md A Nj~h l lu Re-
lllt"mix'T. John Jun kin (NIJrlI I'l> a:"~ I~ t,lIl1)

HAPPY BIR711DAY, plays III Lestcr's I ' !lUI I \Vun rhe \ John Lenmlll . Vi..:flJr Spino.:tt l (,he
WANDA JVNE TV Jirl'crnr) rl'lllTncd 111 Hel,,! and IS
10.)71 Q.,lulllbu.
in SWrf Ihe Rt'llfXldlllll \Vuhollr Me. W,lh
""OOU((k: Ro~n Goldm~n
OI'-£OOk: lvbrk Rorn...m Patti Boyd ami the 13.,.',ltll'~.
KI\.£EHWI\.ITtk: Kun VUl1negU!, Jr.
R,KI Steiger returns home after ~even IlAREtIJ HOLIDA }', See
years and finds his wife (Susann,.h York) HARVill SCAR VIII.
matured and engaged. Lots of black
hUlmu and some f<ln!:lsy (one scene is
set in Hea ve,,) in a very stagy version HARLEQUIN
of Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.'s play. With Dun 1980 Ile\lld:llc (Au'lmll,L)
Pf,OOUCEk: Tuny GlIln:me
Murmy, William Hichy, and P~Hllelyn
Olk[OOk: Simon Powell
Ferdin . SC,",[[HWI\lT[k; Ever..:1! l.kR,IC hl'
Anuthn imagmati ve ALI'ITalian muvic
HAPPY ,IJ0711ER'S DAY, from the Cll1l1p,my that !ll"dl' Thlrsl.
LOVE GEORGE Robert Powell (The A~I,hyx) ~ tars <IS
1<n] Cm~nla 5 Haricljui n , a myS tl' nOll~ hut bcnev~lk,nt
PP.OOU((~DlI\£CTOA; l);mCIl McGaVin moJern Ra1>pulln willi cureS ,he Il'uk·
Kk[(HWkITU,: R~lberf C louse
em li•. "uickcn ch. ld of ,r we .. lthy ~ na '
AUO R .. n, Sf1/.t>\g..,., Run
fOr (tJavld Hcmnllngs). TIle 1. . . ,IItlClOln'S
In Nova Scot ia Ron Howard (Huppy v",(e (C,ITIIlCIl J)unc:lIl) IS IOt.l lly t:.kl.'n
Days) is the illeg itimatl~ son of cafe by the healc:r, who C,m al:.l) levlI,lIe and
owner C lo ris Leachman. His fa lher, disappear, but a ",IIIIIC<l1 mOlnlpu1.1T1lT
Gcor~e, who was murdered, was mar- (Broderick C wwford ) tTles IL) destroy
n ed to his mo ther's sister (Patric ia him. Music by Brian Ma)' (The Ro(ul
Neal). H is mother's new IXlyfriend
(Bobby [brin in his last role) beats him,
A religious fanat ic couple care fo r him
and a series of gor\' murders take pbce. HAROLD ROBBINS' TilE
S imo n O ak land and Th:lyer David PIRATE
rm md oul the cast of this horror film 1':178 TV
directed by aCTOr Darren McGavin "ftl'r PkODUC£k: H0W.lTJ W, K,ICh
his Koldwk , Th(' Ni/;!hl $wlker series W,IS OI,-£OOk : Ken Annaklll
KI\£EHWkITEk: JlIlc~ J . Epsleln
ca nce lled.
Baydr A 1 Fay (Fran", NeTll) is a Jewish ·
born Ar"b oil sh eik with a daughter in
1%4 Uniled Artisrs (En~bn,l) (I)&,W) the PLO, Epic (four huurs) TV trash
""ODUCE!\: W ;.h e rShensoll with Chri s t~Jph cr Ll'l' as Samir, O li via
DII'.£OOA: RIChard LeSlcr HuS5CY. J ~lIl1es Fr,lIlci!>Cus. Stuart Whit-
KI'.£EHWI\llik: Alun Owen man , Jeff Corl'Y, Mich ael P"wki . Eli
Wilfred BWlllhell (Pau l's ~ranJad) Wallach, Ferdy Mayne , Marjorie Lord,
swrred 111 Srel,we a nd Soil. a popular and a casl of duzens,

IIARUAI SCARU,II A I'~rc h o de,'i~ n l" r (Stephen FOr5yth)
1965 1-.1G~1 \\ Ilh . 1 ~l'C h~t ruom of mannequins in
PII.OOUC EII. ! Sam K :lT:m,Ul \\ cddlng d re~~es c,m"1 ger a di\'orce, so
DtUCTOf,: G,,"n~ :-Jl'i,;,on he 1'l.')!IIl' h ac klll~ up young hnJe:. o n
SCIt.UN\W.IT[R: G erard I )rn\ '>lOll ,heir \\'edJmg nig:lu , Ill' also likes to
ALSO fl.H£A5[O A~: J /,IT.'rn I/olulu:- dre" up ,b.1 hnde hmlsdf and e\'entu-
\ \OflOll piClUTl' ,mJ ~ Ingmg ~ ' <I r Johnn} .l ll ~ kllb hl3 wife, who dl,<:uJes 10 return
Tyronne (EI\"I~ Presley) I" kldn,'rcJ ftl)m Ihe I!r;l\'e~ A dc mcnted shocker.
while o n a tour ot the MIJdle Ea~L In melu,lmJ,! a character watchmg Ba\',l's
bclw(,CIl Arahlan adn' mur('~ he fail, t~lr BUlI:k SI.lI>hllh on tele\'i:.ion.
i'n llc('ss Shalimar ( ~hry Ann Mohley)
and 'lng,; "Go Ea.,t, Yo ung Ma n ,"
"H,m:rn Holiday," and "evcn other 11If ~.
With MiclliLc1 Ansam, Fran Jeffnes. Ja}
.'\J()vdlo. ,inel [lttll' Bill } Bany. N~'l'Llll
>1\,,0 dircctl'd Elds in :mo th cr K" tzm:m "11//:: HAUNTED AND TilE
chcap il', K mm ' GmSl1ll , :md JI,hn Ag.1T H UN71W .. SeeDElIIENTIA H
III Hund ()f D"mh.
1969G.G.P. PicTure, (SI'''ln/l(<lI\)
PRODUcU.: tvtmud Com,) S anlIT i,i(o
OIUOOII.: Mari,) 8<1\'.1
Debra Paget. Vmcel1f Klo,UNWMUI\S: San tl,H~O ~l onc .. J .. .
1963 AlP
Pf.OOUCEIVDII\ECTOI\: R o!!er Corman
PrICe. (JIIJ um Ch.m£, ~tm" 8a\a
KP.£[H\IINT[I\; Charles !k~umom
J UTlng lhe fdrnu'X IJ/ Thc OI\IGI NALLY P.£LEMED,u:
H:mmed Palace /I Row S<'I(TW J....11.. P"IIW5 A guod entr}' In the Corman/ Price/Poe
..ene,. It was frauducntly pre1>Cntcd as a
I\)C ad.lptdtlon, hUI aCTually it's baM'd
on "The e l M! of Charles Dexler Ward"
h~' II , P. Lovecra(t. Joseph Cum'en
(Vmccnt Pnce) i~ hurned as a warlock
i hy ,he vi llagers of Arkham in 1765. A
century Imer his great-great grand...on,
j C harlc:. Dexter Ward (also played by
Pme). :lrrlves with his wife (Debra
1, Paget) to reopen the C urwen man~ion.
Arkham IS fdled With mUlants (re., ults
1 u( the C tlTwcn c ur~e ). The spirit of
\Van.!':. .m C l.'~to r takes over and Ward!

1 C um'cn, aided by warlocks (Lon Cban-

cy. Jr.. and Milton Par.sons), resurrects
hi:. former witch partner and prepares
to sacrifice his wife on the altar hidden
In .. massive ba~ m cnt. In the end.

• evil triumphs, \Vuh Elish a Cook, Jr.,

j Leo Gonion. 6.1rbara Morris, and BnlnD
Ve 50101.

tr;lIml.11cing >up,,:rn;ltur.rl (·xp... rwn,-c a.' Mr. and Mrs. Bor~K(lrI.4f
.1 child ( H arriS). ,I c.xll le~hl,Hl wilh amL\'1!l London. u.~e
ESP (Claire B!,XUIl), ,lIld ,I \\·hI,'crad.rng BQI"u rl1lIIk T hl' Ila unt .....1
heir ( Russ T'lmhlyn) 'pend The nrght Srrnng1cr. III Atml /958
in II haunt ...·.! N ...,w EngLmd m,II)Sl\>n.
The r('kntkss [1< !rTllr, Ih"y ·re 'lIhJl'ctni
to make thb tlw hc~T of Ruhert \'(Ii,e's
many popular hlb III gl(lrllJu~ 1'l.lck-
.1nJ -II"hlto..·. Ba,,,.! on ffw Hmmtrrtg vf
HillHouse h~ Shlrlc\" Jack"-ln. Fllnll'd
in Engbnd.


1977 [)Io>c,wcry (i:.lIg1.lIl,tlCallold,l)
P"OOUCEII.S; PC{l'r h·Ucrm.m. Ahrnl ['.'n~r
OI"[CTO"; Rlch,lrd LUlh. r. lmc
THE flA UNTED S1'RANG'UiR K"[[NW"tT["; n,",c Ilul11!,lmc o;
1'/58 An!:l,) Amal!:.lm'lt~JIMG~·l ALSO "UEA~O lj: FI~1I ('Ird.·
(Engl anJ) MI,I F.ITrOW (wuh ,I ROscIHIlI.... ·~ 11,,/1'1
PI\ODUCE'-: John CwyJ"" h:ll rcut) ~t<lr~ 11\ ,I CTltlGl lir ,red,lIll1e:1
DIRECTOI'.: R"~rl n.l~
Surcrn,Lwr,ll 'lOry \\'hl..:h w,,~ rcle,,,eJ
Kr.EENWIlITEM: J:m Rcau, Juhn CrllyJ""
hl·ro..· III '82. Jr\ ha~e,! on a novel by
In this good o ld -fashioned horror movie Peter Str:Juh (Uhll,t SWf)·). A~ Julia,
Bun s Karlo(( stars as a 19rh.cenrury Mi,1 feels r""f'l.lIl'lhle for the dedlh oj
c ntlllllo loglSI mvc:.II /!<Jtmg a 20-year- her [m il' j.!lrI , le.lws Iwr hu~h, ' n,l. ,rod
1)ld nlurdn C<1'>C, Karloff pef1();.IK •• l1 y be- rm l\'e~ 10 a ~(f,rnge h OLl~e. \Vuh K('IT
cnmes a snarling kdle r Tl'l'c,)!mg the D\lIl",1 a nd Jill Bennett. (Rl
original crimes. hut hl' docSI1" Tl'mem-
her Ill<: rran~f\ )rmation:.. Til rlay the
l1l;lJman , he I>ltll plr shuts o ne eye and
1976 Inll'rn>rlI,nl'n(,,1
hiles his low('r lip and stalh ,'fOund as
",O OUC[M: H,'rh h,',:d. "lin W,·"huur...!
If It were the '}O:. again. Anthony
DI'-ECTO": Herl' hn'd
Oaw,on IS till' Scotl;lI1d Yard man who SC"lENW~ITE"; AIl11l' M.ln,,,"'
[rack; him duwn. With Elizabeth AIl;,!Il. ALSO "£LEASED AS: Th~ V<,il
RIChard Gordon wa.s('xccUfive producer. In till" c(l n fu~lIlg tow-hudger me~~, M"y
Bmr (from The UlriC Angel Tl'm,Ii.c) I ~ a
THE flAUNl1NG' T('pTl'~~eJ
hut btl)) farm g,rI who Sl,.'cms
196) MGM (U.S.!EnglnnU) (B&W) IU he going era!y. She thm b hl'r mys-
W" ..
P"ODUCE";D IIUCTOl'.: Rohert t"'TI\\lI ~ uude (Cameron Mitchell) is
SCl'.EENW"ITEI\: Nelson Gid,I"'1l lurkmg aT()UnJ when he's rl'a ll) mill'S
You don', lICe a ny phantom.;. hut pul- :lW,I)" S he also (mayhe) k i ll~ ~omd'ody
satmg walls, loud pounding, a -,111.1 ~Ieeps wllh her go,l{. C,uncron
Iinle gi rl '.~ cries, and Julie Hams' hy~te­ Mitchell's hair ch, m ~ws colm three t LlllC~
na sho uld make yo u want to Ic,lve a dllrll1g the Tl1()VU..' and AIJ,) Ray as Ihe
night light on afTer seeing whal i~ un- overweigh t ;lico h,,1ic sherif( ).!l·t~ to
doubted[y The sca riest ghost movu." en'r mumhle a lo t ;lnJ throw up. Whl'n ,In
made_ A n anth ropologist (Richard til " -of-town killer IS c.luglu rhe murders
JOhl1son) , a lonel y wom:m who had a continue. Eve n th ... poor goat d,e~.

a nun' l hy C urt Siodmak-who wrole
Ihe ~i mr1:r r Dmll)t'(IIJ'S Brain. Filmed in

19WC,Iumhia (B&W)
",oooe(l'.: Harry Ro mm
OII'.£(lOk: l );I\' id 1.0 ,,·.:11 RICh
loCI'.HNWl'.lTEl'. : Raphael Ha res
Aft~r making films for 28 years. the
Three Stooges thought the~' were fin-
1 ~ lwd when rhe ir contr;1ct expired in
'58. Tcl ev i ~ i () n came to the fescue hy
,hnwlllg 190( !) (lId sho rrs and TIKlking
tho.: SWogl'S more popular than ever.
M,'l(' :l11d Larry were rehired by Co-
IUllloia, rccruitl'd a new Siooge (Joe De
Rlt tl). ,lnd m;1d~ this outer-Spilce qu ick ie
}a..{ 1'''/.111<.' Itl 1till k 1 h,· IlrlUNTS OF HIE vn<y RICII compkco.:- wilh a trip [() Ven us. il talk-
51.1)<:r 19i2 TV Ing unicorn, and duplic;1te Stoogcs. It
PI'.ODtJcu: Lilt..m G .. ll" 11\ ~l de millions. Soon tho.:-re were T lncl'
011'.£001'.: P;}IJI \'\I~·n.lh" SWOgl'5 comic hooks, stamps, Imohlc-
loCIlEENWI'.IlEI'.: \'\Iil1"ll11 \'(1....,,1
gum tan.b. , .. T hey starred in five morc
:\ {l'I~'\' hl on llUX{lITl' of Ow ward Bound til nh.
,1n,1 ,,",'0 E\/1 dlCh,.;, WI£h :.ev.. n I'\'ork
_(f,m,I .. ,1 PI) .1 1'00r,I.lI'" 1, 1.111.1 wbt)
.11'OI\-\'r dwy'r,' dt';td. Llonl Bndge"
Cion, L~'acbll1,m. EJw;tr.1 A'l1cr, Anne
1965 W;trncr Brothers (England) (B&\v)
Fr;mei-. T,m} HIlL ,mJ no n n'! Mill, l)
;IT" ,III m Ilell~
OIMOOk: John Bourman
loCMEHWkll[k: reter N1chols
.... LSO I'.H~O .... s: Ouch Us IfY()u em
HA USER'S IIIFAIORY Tho.:- Dave C lark Five, who were nearly
1970T\, ,I ~ f.llllOliS a, th .. Bcarles at [he time, in
Pl'.ooU.:£I'.: J:ICI.. L' lr,] lite;r musical comedy by fir~[-time di-
DII'.[CTOII: 1'1.. '[1' SCI)!'II rec(()r IX)0rm,\!l (De/it'erance, Zardoz).
SCI'.EENWRIl[R: A,in,,,, Srll" They phy di~lllusioned stunt men doing
's":ll'iHl_t Lhdd McC,rlllllll IIlJC(lS him - TV cummcrciaJs st reSsing "eat meat."
,df with <I hrall1 serum con LlIlllllg Ihe S ick of thc grind, they ta ke a company
lI1emorv of ,I dC<ld Germ_tn phy~ i cb l . Cd r and an ;1cttess (Barbara Ferris) and
Th .. "new man" .'l'lJnl ~ his wifl~ (Susan head fo r her private island to get ;tW;1y
Srr,I,bt.'rg) anJ ,..--eh revenge ,Ig,uns[ for- (ro m it all. Instead, they encounter
mer 5S 11ll'11lbers who h;tJ pllr1l~hc.I hun beilllllb, a Frankenstein monStcr, war
I~)r re)eClll1g Hltkr. Li ll i Palmer pla v~ gdmes, and a stray missile, At a costume
th .. dead m an'~ wife. \Vith Roherr 0,111 they dress as (amous acto rs (and
\X'd"her and Le"lie l\ id-<.'n. Based on ac tre~s) and dodge publ icity-seeki n g

photogr'lphers. [n a surprise ending THE'HFAD Clark (as Steve) abandons h is 1959 Trans-Luli" (WCq G~'mlan y)
(riends and the girl. who go along with (B&W)
the pub[icir,'. The popular "TOI tenham ~OOUC[I\; Wolfj:anj: H~rt"' l g
5..)und" is on the sound track, but the DIRl CTOpJKI\EENW"kITtI\: Victor Triva)
gro up is never shown perform ing. OI\IG INAUY I'.£LWEO AS: /)i<, Nru:klc wid deT
Amazing bur true- the same year that
T~ Brain Tha' \l:fnukln ' / Die was prod-
HAWK THE'SLAYE'R tlel,d, some G ermans were making this
1980 ITC (Engl::m d)
sim ilar dccapiT<ltion epic. Michel Simon
PI\ODUCEI\; Harr y ROOcrtson
DII\ECTOpJSCI'.£ENWI\ITEI\; T <'"rr)' Marcel
(a famolls French actor who haJ seen
beuer d ,IYs ) has in vented serum Z. He
A sword-and-scorcery fealUre released
uses IT to keep a dog's head . His
t OO earl y to cash in o n the craze, which
didn't gel of( the ground (or anmher new co-worker, Dr. 000 (Horst rrank),
cu ts o(fSimon's dmhby head ,md keeps
two yeaTS. JOIck Pahmce is everything
it Idivc with the .~erum. NO( w;Jllting
that's evil as Volt;ln, disfigured half-
hrother of the noble Hawk (Jo hn Ter- to he upstaged b~' the American CmlnT -
erpart , rhe d ireclOT also has Ood pUI
ry). They both want "The Po wer"
(a magic flying sword). With Im s of the pretty head of a Cri ppled n UT!>C onto
rhe perfect lxx jy of a stripper. TIll'
slo w-mmion swordtights, Shane Bri-
ant, Patrick Magee, Ferdy M ,lyne, nurse/stripper fall s in love with the
stripp('f's boyfriend, who recognizes the
Harry Andrews, and Roy Kinncger.
nurse but nn t the I"K.Ki~'! Incredible, to
say the least, and the sJX'cial effects
arc pathetic.
1980 Lansbury-fie ruhlUnited Artists
PI\ODUCE'-S; GeorJ,:c Manasse.
Rube n 01 Mill;!. N;m Peluirn,m 1968 Culumh,a
OII\[CTO'-: Ann;lnJ MastrOlanm
PI\OOUCEM/ KkUNWNTt'-S: Bob R,,(eI...on.
KI\.[[NWI\lT[I\ ; ScOIt Parker Jack NlChob.on
OII\£CTOI\: Bob RafelSi.'"
A bride-to-he loses her brideMmlld and
several of he r guests [0 a knife-wielding The Mo nkee s S how ended In '68 .
maniac, wh ich evennllllly [cads 10 her Mick", Davy, Mike, and Peter really
had nothing to lose by dcbunkinJ.! fhe ir
own confrontatlon with the killer. No
image in this major-company p~udo­
real surprises here, unless you COU nt the
unde rground p itHless mus ical. Jac k
fa c t that the director is Marcdlo's
Nichul:.l..m. who hadn't even ~cn in
American cousin. Filml'd on St:!Ten
£(5)' Hider yet, co- wrote and pnxluceJ
with neWCOml"r Rafelson. It's spotty.
but there are ..;ome inspired mo ments,
.'>omc greaT phowgraph r, really odd
HE'LIVE'D TO KlLL, See gU("st ~Iars . and 1>I lllle of the Monkces'
A NIGHTOFTE'RROR. h.- ~ t songs. IT '._ 01 11 very anti-cswhhsh-
men! ~\I1d dTllg -ti nged. Tht" irreveren t
).lroup sprink le dandruff on Victur M;I-
HE' OR SHE', See GLE'N OR lure's head in onc I)f the best scc n e~.
GLE'NDA. \V,ltch for AnnetTe FUll1ce llo as Min-

Th ree teenagers meet ancient Briti~h
ghnsls m a haunted casrll'. You'll groan
or sleep through this comedy fea turlTlg
the urle ghost chasmg arou nd after his
and Victor and Liston! n oalHlg head . With Richa rd Lyon ,
Lillianc Scor ianc, and Cl ivc Revill.
and Annette Funicello! and Carol Dada!
1980Crown Imema{lo nal
Pl'.ODUCW: Mark- Tenser, C harles Russ..!
D1MClOR: George Bowers
KM[INmTrP.; Btil AleICh
Trish Van Devere inheri ts an o ld man·
sion and is hounded hr a 1953 Packard
hearse. NO! bad enough to be actually
fun ny (like, for instance, The Car), but
not good (lik e DIIC/) , either. Joseph
Cotten plays a drunken lawrer. - BM
1982 UnI\'l'rsal
'M>DUC[~ : Mlcbael Phtllips
DIUCT~: Allan Ark-u.h
KME~rTt~; John H111

A ~n llmcntal comedy 5('t in 1995 th rl t

was a maJor Christmas release flop.
"A movie for a
turned-on And\' K'lUfman and Bernadette Peters
audience'" play 1>Crvanr robots who fall in love,
_ fl ""m~u,., <._ ,~ - , 1._~ n m away, and have a (real) robot baby.
Me!<lnle M:lyron and Q uisrophl'r Guest
arc the GOriS, a helpful couple who
own the Junk \·ard where the mecham -
nie, Fr,mk Zappil (wJ[h a hu ll) . Sonn y ca l fugllives hide out. Randr Quaid
Liston, Carol [hb (as Sally Silicone), and Kenneth Mc Millan are rohor-
TC. Jones (as Mr. & Mrs. Ace), Ahra - factory emplorces. Jack Caner is the
ham Sofaer, Teri Garr, <lnd Tor Johnson. vO ice of Catskill 55602, an entertain·
O ld film clips fearure Reagan , Lugo~ 1 mel)! lll,xle1. With Dick Miller. A sel"-
(m The Black Cat), Ann Miller, <Lnd hack for rhe direCtor of Rock 'n' Rull
C harles L~' llghton. It did nothing In 1-liRh School , who returned TO teens with
help the Monkees' quick ly sinkmg ca· Ger CrazY. Music by John Williams.
n:cr. Watch it and look for thc sound
Track al bum (wi th the mirror cove r). THE HELICOPTER SPIES
1968 MGM
Anthony Spmner
1919AIP(England) (B&W) DIUClO~: Boos S aga!
Pl'.OOUC[~; Herman Coh.. n KP'[[~!f[P' : Dean Hargrove
DIUCTOR: P,'rer G. ScOtl Two e p iso de s of Thr M an from
K~[[_IUTU; Kennt'rh Lm)(rry UN.C.L E. shnw edi ted inm a (cature.

Napoleon and llY<l (Rohert Vaughn t:lnkers for the local boodegging ring
and David McCallum) go 10 Grl'eu' w hecome~ a lucrntlvl' sidel ine for John.
Il nd the thermal prism, a new Sl'<r(~ I hut h(' and Marty ,Ire taken h(lSta~e
weapon owned by a sect of mystICs. when he tTies rn phase himself 0111.
Wi t h Carol Lyn ley, Bradford Dillman, TheIr o ther hmther, revenue agent
Lola Albright, Ju lie Lond<m, John Robert [)om:ln, aTTlve~ too ble to STOp
Carradine, Sid Ha ig. and, of w ursc, :l high -~pced cha!!C ovcr winding moun-
Leo G. Carroll. lain roads whICh ends in death, The
Stom'm,iO F:lmlly and Conme Smith
HELL NIGHT pl:ly rh(·,me lves. and Marty sings "Fly
1981 Compa~~ International Butterfly" and "No T C:lrs, Milady."
P"O OUCE~: [rwm, With Gigi Perreat!. - (:R
Bruce Cohn CUrtiS
01f.E00A: T om D,~Slm"ne
K M:EPNn.ITE": R:mllolph Feldman
Linda Blair is nne of four new college 1957 Rep"h1I c (BCi,W)
students who have 10 spend the night ASSOC IAT[ P" ODUCO: Gc<'rge Bllson
in an old mansion rh<lt years hcfoTl' DIUOOM: Let." Sholo:-m, Elmo Williams
was the scene of a Illass family murder! KP.EENWP;tT£": rx-Vall\,n Scott
~ U1cide. One ret.lrd ..:d :.on s uppo~-dly Jon Hall (also Ihe c)[('culive producer)
~u rv i ved and IS back to kill. A ndlcu- IS a :o.C:l caplmn who helps a South Seas
lous teenagl' ~bshc r movie with Vincent princess (Rplx·Tf:l I-bynes) rid T elll:l
Van Patten. Direcror IX-Simone ear- Tangi isl;md of ,hi('ves. With Peter
lier did gay porn films. Hl~ kller madl' Lorrc as Lamouct, a crooked French
the popular CIJIKTele Jungle. (R ) JudJ.!c. John Carrndinl', Peter C...<l(', (lnd
MIke Mawrk ,. The pi IS from Repl lhlic. I.inOO Blrur In Hell Night.
19'55 Warm;'T Rmlhcrs
M~OCI"TE Pf.O Duc n : GeOfl!t." C. l\'mhnl'~11
01"[ 00": Fronk Tunic
K"EEHWlUT[~: S~'dnq' 8o<.""h01,
Martm Rackm
Ex -cop Ahm Ladd b framed hy W<ltl'r-
frnnt hood Edw<l rd G. R"hinson.
\Vi,h JO:lnne Ow, Will iam 1)cI1\<lTt·~t,
F.,y W r:lV, Ne~tl'r Pan'a, :lnd Jayne
Man~field :lS "a hlonde." In W:ITner-
color and C lOema-.col'e.

1967 C nwm lmern:lwmal
H.OOUCE": Rnl'>eT! PalTlck
0111,1:00": \'(/111 Zen<
K "EEHW"'T[k: Wl'~l~y Q,x
John Ash ley :.UU.~ a~ :-I track mechanic
who tries to ~cC out of the ~had(lw of
~tll(" k-car-ace hrmher M ~lrc v R ()hhln~ h}'
upenm,e: hi$. own spcl·d shop. Olltfinmg

commander and shares his canteen in
exchange for mine-field informatio n,
but the commander tries ro double-cross
him . "The gutS and gore of desert war !"
were promised by the ads. With Bran-
don Carroll , Fred G avlin, and Greg
S tuart . Tank Bmllliion was the original
co-feature. - CB


1968 Crol<'n rnti:mario n ~1
P"OOUCE": AnThony CardOl~
OIMOO": Rober! F. Slancr
SC "[[H\V"JTE~:Tony Ho usron,
Robert F. Slnt!cr
A female motorcycle ga ng is infiltrat<:d
by the girlfriend o( a murdered detec -
tive (Dee Duffy). She acco mp<lnies
Sharyn Kimle and Lydia Goya on a dnlg
run into Mex ico and is taken hostage
b~' director S ianer (as the mysterious
Mr. Adrian ) on her return. Thrilling
dochide confron tation between Hell-
cms and authoriTies follows. Featuring
Sonny West as Snake and Sh annon
Summers as Rita, with guests Pepper,
Candy Ca ne, Moonfire , Mongoose.
Scorpio. Scab, and Zomhie. [},wy Jo nes'
Dolp hms do " Hellcats," "Mass Confu-
sion ." and " ] Can 't T ake a Chance";
Somehody's Ch ildren give us "Marion-
ettes" and "I'm U p." Producer Cardoza
also did The Beast of Yucca FlaB. -CB
Hclic:us of The N~"y. 19;8 A Ir (B&W) HELLCATS OFIHE NAVY
1957 Columbia
Bun T" rrcr P"OOUCE": C harles H. Schncer
Five American so ldicr~, lus t in the T il- OI"ECTO": Nafh~n Ju ran
nisi<lJl desert J uring \Vorld W ar II , arc K "EENW"ITUS: Dav id Lan)!,
unable to <15k for JilL'Ctill!l5 hecall'>C rmlio Ra)'mond M~rcll~
communications <Ire hclng monllt)red Every American ci tizen should see this
hy Ihe enemy. The palTol l ~ trap pl~J by mOfl1l:ntous screen 1('aming of our Presi-
gunfire and stT<lfl~d by hO~T de ,mcrafl; dent and First Lady. As a submarine
cvemua lly only W,llly Campo is lefe commander, Ronald Reag<ln has bro-
He llleu~ up wilh <I ~1T,lmkd German ken up WITh Nan cy Davis (safe o n

shore} . She had a fling with one of his thdr rock h~nd - all1i\'ing and pl.lying
men who keeps an 8 x I 0 g l oss~' of her lO~ether in an under .. ea house. 13c~ldes
unJ er his pillow. When her adm irer is great rock song~ like "Gl ub" and " I-ley
ou t in a diving suit, the sub is attacked Little Goldfi sh," II'S got cute do lphins
and Ron orders the hatch shut before and ~eals, Mer\' Griffin (as hllmclf),
he can get back in. He dies and Ron ;lnd ,Ill e xtensive cast, including Ji m
(now rid of his ri val) is hlamed by Backus, RCk.ldy McD..)wall. Ken Berry,
Arthur Franz (MoJISreron Campus) and RIChard Dreyfu:):>, I l,trvey Lemheck,
some o thers for the unfortunate death. Bruce Gord on, and Arnold ST,mg.
The awkward lo ve sc.enes betwcen Ron
anJ Nancy arc chilling. With Harry Hli LL 'S ANGl'.LS ON If/l-/t.'liLS
Lauter, Selmer Jackson, and :1n intro 1967 U.S. FIIIll)
by Admiral Nim itz. It was Reagan's ~ucu.: Joe Solulll:"lI1
last theatrical feature. Director Juran, OII\(OO~: RIChard Rush
also known as Nathan Hertz, is herter KP.EENW"P.IT£P.; R . \'(IT/ght Cmlpt.cll
known for his Aftack of the 50 F!. WOlJum Gas station attendant Poet (Jack
and Brain from Planet ATOllS. Nichoh.on) joins the Angels imd is
jumped by fOllT s.lil()~ in ;In amll~ement
THE HELLHRE CLUB park . Head Angel Adam Roark(· takes
1961 Emb;usy PICtureS (England) care of the attackers for his Pill. hut
P~ODUCEMlDIP.ECTOP..S: Roben S. !laker, the rebtionshlp sours when P OCt moves
Monty Berman in on his girl (Sahrinil Scharf) during
~C~[[NW~IT[kS :
Leon Griffiths, the big orgy sequence. Roarke crashes
JImmy Sangster through platc gla . . . . and dics in flames.
In 18th-century London the wife of the The c:m incluJes Jana Taylor. Munl
leader of the Hellfire Club rakes h('T Machu, Jack Starrett, Bruno VI.' Sora,
son and flee s to escape her husband's Gary Little john, lmd Sonny Barger,
decadence. The boy (Keith Michell) real -l ife Angel s le:1der who brought
returns ycars later and with the help along followers (rom Q,lk land and Daly
of an an omey (Peter Cushing) fights Ci ty :15 well as the Nomads o f S,I(r<1-
the club's new leader, his cou.sin , for mento. The Poor perfonn "Study III
rights to the esta tl~. With Kai Fishl~r, MOIion No. I." L.~:lo Ko\'ac~ was the
Adrienne Corri, ,md Skip Martin. c inematographer. Director Rush wem
American prints are in black-und-white. on t\) du Psych-Olll .lnd T ()() SOO1l to
There's a club with the s.1me name in LOI'(;" ,1150 with N ichoi5on. U.S. Films
New York City that makes this place also released The Beach Girls muJ roc
look like Mister Rogers Neighborhood. MOllster. CB


1968 Paramount 1969 AlP
Pf.OOuco.: Gcoq,>e Shennan ",ooUco.: Tom Stern
DIREOC».: Jack Arnold OII\(OO~; Lee ~hdJen
K P.EENWP.lTOoS: Frank T dford. KP.£ENW"M"EI';: Dun Talt
John McGreevey Two East Coa~t Tlch kids (Tom Stern
An Ivan Tors, made-in-Florida proouc- and Jeremy Slate) whu have C0111(, to
tion. I('s a wholesome comedy abom rob C'les.1r's Palace for kicks !\()\x!wlOk
dad Tony Randall and mom Janet Leigh Sonny Barger and hl ~ gang 1010 sup-
and thei r teen son and daughter and plYlOg the perfec t dh·eTliion. The Job

31 J
goes off as pklllnd hur Seem, Slatl', agents. With Keith Andes, Robert Dix,
ilnd Angels defectuT Con ny Van Dyke Vicki Volam e, and Bambi A llen. Fea-
f:1cC dl'ath as angry Angcl~ track thelll turing "The Wild Rebell ion G irls,"
Into the Nevada desert ~ee king re- Ca lifornia's I-! e~s i ans bi kcr gang, Cob-
venge. Filmed o n locat ion. Fe,nuring nel l'larlon Sanders, film clipsof l-!ir1er,
Stev(' Sandor. Terry the Tramp, G.D. and trained dolphins. The violem biker
SI'r.ldhn, and thl' Hell'~ Angels Oak- scgrncms are missing from the TV vcr-
I:md chapter. Producer-sfflr Stern wrole sion. C inematography by Laszlo Kovacs.
the original story \\'ith Shlt(,. Madden Also with Anne Randall, Pkl)'OOy'S Miss
:1lso directed Angd Unclulined. -ell May 1967.


1969 A lP 1968 Thunderhlrd Int("matlonal
Pl\OOUColDlkECTO" : ~b llT)' [kxtl'r PP.O DUCEiVDIP.EOOl\: [}.wld L. Hewitt
K "E£N'W"lrE"S: J~me~ Gordon White. K Il.EEHWPJTEP.S; John K. McClTlhy,
Rober! McMullen David Prentiss
ALSO "£lEASED AS: Girl ill Ih~ l.....(!lher SUII A returning Vietnam veteran (J oey
A motorcycle won in a desen enduro Daniels) joins the motorcycle gang of
is sto len by Ad,101 Roarke and h is his ja iled brother (Gary Kent) to find
gang, and Jocelyn L me IS left in trade. out who really kilk-d the sheriff's daugh-
When rancher Jercmy Sla H' regains ter's boyfriend. Wit h help from the
consc iousness he and his new friend she riffs daughter und the brother 's
Jocelyn head of( acr(lS~ the Arizona des- girlfriend (Kelly R()s~) . the sheriff is
ert for acts of revenge involving rope, rroven gu ilty and killed. The "inno-
elwin, and snakepir. Gippo, Red Beard, cent" biker is released and proceeds TO
R:1bbit , Ml'atbaH , anJ Cr:l:y John flee make a fool uf his brOlher_ With Tit us
m terror; Slate :.c ll~ the reclaimed hike Moody. Hewitt created The Girls fwm
to make a down pa~' ment o n cactus- Thllnder Strip, 1)r. T error's Gallery of
counlTy love nest. WHh Angelique Hrrrrors, and others. -CB
Pettyjohn, Michael Walker. and Amid
1967 O)mmercinl
/JE'LL'S BLOOD!' DEVILS "'o ouco; John Baron
1967 InJeJ'Cndenr Inrcmauunal Pictures DIIl.ECTO": Jesse Clark
AI Ad;un .....ln
SCIl.EEHWPJTlP.: J<'rry EV:lIls AUO P.El.E.&SED AS: RIOIIIII..audt.'Tdnle
AlSO I\ElUSED AS: O/)('T(Ui'm ,\1. TN> FIlMn Beach riot! Spring brcak in Fort lau-
When released in 1970 the ads said "a ll derdale with Jane Ashley, Skip Everett,
new !" It was, of course. old ~md so were the Surftones. and [he Pebbles. More
the lI s lI;l1 Al A,i<lnlson sta rs, including florida fun: OaywIW Beach Weekend,
Brodcrick (HiKhtmy Pmrol) Crawford. W~ekclld Rebellion, Musical Mlliiny, and
Scun Brady, Kenr T aylor, and John Mondo OU)'IoIW. -CB
C.lrradinc. T ry and (ollow this story of
Count Von Dclbcrg, a Nazi war crimi- HELLZAPOPPIN
nal who joins forces with til(' Mafia and 1941 Universal (B&W)
ou tlaw bikers to circu1:'lte coumerfeil ",OOUCO: Jules Levc~'
money in Utah. The plan i~ llncll'r- DII\ECTO,,: N.C. Putter
mined by undercover fBI and Israeli KP.[[NW"rrus: N;n Petrin. Wa rren Wil5011

3 14
Olsen and Johnson'sanarchic stage play ace oflustful plea~ure!" "Sce the seduc-
turned in to an almost cquall~' unstruc- tive AmamZlS lure men to voluptuous
tured movie. It opens in Hell. Occa- reve ls and viulel11 deaths!" n)e one that
Sio nally the stars "leave" the fi lm, argue started the o nslaught of Iwlian Illusclc-
with its proje([ionist (Shemp Howard), lIlan lIlovies. Prootlcer Joseph E. Levine
and have him replay scenes. SomNimes made a bund le bringing it :md HerCZlln
the film jumps oul offr.mle. WHh Mad Unchained to America. Swr Steve
maga:inc-type gags about polted plants Rcevcs was a fonner Mr. Univcrse from
,md a characte r yelling "Mr. Jones!" Montana. The story is basically "J<lson
for no apparent reason. Unforfllnately and the Golden Fleece ." Think about
an added romant ic suhplot slows thing~ the "cost in millions" when you see the
do wn. With Mi sc ha Auer. Manha awful men-in-monSfcr-suit dznosaurs.
Raye. Hugh Herbert. a Frankenstein With Sylvia Kosein;'!, Gianna Maria
monster. and Elisha Coc.k, Jr.. as the C<ln<lle, and Arturo Dominici (Black
sC riptwriter. Olsen and J o hn~ n re- 51(11&.1),). Mario Sava was the cinema-
turned in the even bctterCra;:J IluzlSe. rographer. A 1980's version is prom-
ised with Lou Ferrigno (The Incredible
Hulk) .

196'5 United Artists (England)
Pf.OOucu.: Walter Sht'nson HERCULES AGAINSTRO"IE
01N:0~: Rich3rd L~h'r 1964 AlP-TV (haly/ Franc..)
SCP.[ENWkITU.s: Marc Bchm, Charles Wood OIUOO": Plero Plerol1l
SC"HNW " Il[P.S: Arp<lJ De RI!;o,
Leo McKern (high priest Clang) is aLso
Nino Scolaro
in X TN.- Unknown, TN.- Mouse Thai Ercole COl\tro Rorno.
Roared, and The Day Ihe Earth Caught
Alan Stl'CI, whose rea l n<lmc IS Sl'rgio
Fire. Ek'anur Sron (priestess Ahmcl is
C iani, t:1kcs his turn as the muscle-
in Alfie and Twu fur Ihe Road. Victor
OtlllnJ hall:ln boulder-thrower. One of
SplIletti (Prof. Fool) was the TV direc-
ezght Hercules title~ releaS<.-d directly
tu r III A Hard Day's Night. Roy Kmnear
to television by A W
(Foot's assistant Algernon) IS Itl Taste
the Blood of Dracula. The Tlm'e MI<ska-
le,,"TS, and How I Won Ihe \War. With
the Searles singing :.even great ~ongs. HERCULESAGAlNSTTHE
Parti<llly filmed in Ausnia an,1 the ,'lOON/liEN
IkIhmnas. 1964 OO\'cmur (ltaly/Fmnce)
",ODucn.: LUI!!I ~'l ond(,'lIo
DIUCTO"; Gl,ocomo Ol'lltl lo mo
SCH ENW"ITUS: Arpad Dc Ri.\{).
HERCULES Nino Sc" Glacomu GentilOlllo,
1957 Warner Bruth.. rs (Italy) An!!do S.lllgarmano
~IGI N.l.LY "[lEASED AS: h ·lacis/e e ~I Regina
""ODUCE": FcJcflco Te(l
DlklCTO,,: Pit'lro Franci;.ci di Samar
K klEH\WJT('-S: Ennio de Concinl, Alan Steel as Hercules (aclUally Ma-
Gaio Frnnml, Piel", FnmC1SCI cistd figlus the Moonmen liVing in the
Ercole MOllnt:1in of De:uh. With sacrifices.
Frum the <Ids: "Sec the heroic Hercules monsters, a lllelal -hc,lded giant , and
rip down the Age of Orgy's lavish pal- the best rock men o( all time.

) 15
t\'pica l WIll lIner BnllhersaJsca lll'd this
nne /-k'Tl'ule5 mul the HutUned W(JIn('11~
(Nu. thal'~ nut a typo.)





Fay Spain (l5 the c l'I l <lllt'ell HERCULES AGAINST THE

He rcules and (hc Cap-
(Ive Women,
1964 Sc reen GCllI,; (ltOilyISp,un) 1964 AlP-TV (Italy)
PkODUC£k/OlkECTO k/Kk££HWkll[~: DlkEClOk: DI >lll~l1iClI Pa'lldb
(),,"<lIJu Cil'irani SC kUHWkITEIU: L. M,trtlnll,
OklG IHAUY AELEAUD M: Ercuk C,m/TO I i:\llllI:IIICU P;I"lclla
h/:li dd Sol.: ~IGI HAUY kElEASED AS: Erak CI!n!ru I
A {,l\'OTlle TItle. HeTC ll l e~ (M.lrk Furc'l ) Tmmm JI 11.ibllullUl
hghr~ InGIS. Rock 5tcvem takes u ver as the brain -
lel>l> h.llh' huildef. W it h Helga l int'.
1961 Wuolner Brothers ( I r,II~1Fr.' n~c)
PAODUCEA:Ad'ullt' PiaZZI 1970 Unuc..l l-r lms
DliI.[CTOA: VIII'lTI" o.'lla(,I\"1 P"ODU(EIV'SCA[EHWklTEA: Auhre)' Wisbcrg
SCAEU'WArTD.S : Ak~alhlr" C"mlncn:a. OII\[CTO": Arthur A. Sc IJ"lm.m
VlIIon o Conafavi. DUel 10 TC>". lrl ALSO "[lEASED AS: H"rc"l./"s: T he M o, 'e
OfJGiHAUY iUUASEO AS: ETc-',k ,rlL{ C"'~llmw Ye i lf~ aftcr the Hl'rcules lll(Wit: mania
ddb Arlanrule had enJ ed, Slime guys in New Yurk dt'-
ALSO kELEMED AS: H('TCllb ww 1ft.- HWlIlrd clded we nceded anurhl'r u n e. Arnuld
Women Stang ~ Iar~ as the meek friend of He r-
Ilcrcules (Rl'g Park) g()e~ tu Atlanrb- c ules (pla~'ed hefl' by Arnold Schwartz-
which is ndeJ by F;JY Sp,rin! Shl.' play ~ CI1Ill'ger, usin).: an alias) . The ancient
thc saJisTic QUl'l'n Antinl.'<1 anJ hilS rhl.' hcro I~ ~cnt III IlH.x k ' rn M,rnillHtan by
po wer To control men. Hl'rc rt'M: lIl.'~ h b hi ~ dad Zeus. Hl' captures a bear that
son, tights an dTmy o { Idl~ ntl nll lIlen eSCilpl'~ frum thc O .'lltral Park Zou, rides
and a weird upright dfagull. thcn ~ inb a chariot up Bruadway. and makes a
Fay and her Imt i ~la nd . T h e ~' 1I11 1.' re,)- livi ng a~ a p rllfc s~ i()nal w restler. What
pie mad(' H('fCll/es in the I-ImmteJ WtIfM. clse! Thlrtcen years later, it was shown
which is even better. Will~n the y WCfe under oj new ti rle III cash in o n Arnold 's
released here as a dl)uble fL'.ml re the COllan film.

HERCULES IN THE Reg P"rk play, IlcrclIJe, for the th ud
IIml'. The I1lcrc 'I~ 11l.dy Nlrlllg 'o(:ne~ 1~
1961 Wooln(r Brorhcn; (Ita ly) given fl boost by a witch who IlIrn~ men
(X£CUTM '~OOIJCtR.! Achi lle Pia::1 lIl tll \\·erewo !vc,. l\iTk '~ I lercu l c~ hJ I1l ~
OIN:CTOk: Mari o Bav;! are the m o:.t IIllflg m ,lt l\·C.
K IUEN\VPJTlM: A 11t'~1n,lro Com !nen:a.
Mario B;l\'ll, Duccio T('5s<m . Ht.'RCULES, SIW SON AND
Frnnc(I Prosperi ULYSSES
Th i~ is the only H e rculc~ 11\0Vle that 1%4 ~tC;)l.t (it .II)"I
rcally makes il as a fantasy. Depending PkOOUC[k: j.,,"cph h~d
on )'our mood (or age) it can he scary OItu:CTOklKkEENWkI1Ek: PI<"t rt' rml1tl .... 1
,md exciting or pretty funny. H ercules ORIGINAllY I'.EtEAS[o AS: /;"',,1.0. S,W.I t'
(Reg Park) goes to Hell ! Yes-he and Sull5om'
a pal go TO Hades to obtain a precious Hercllk'~ I~ 11l1~tah'l1 fur 5a l11"'11 :Iftcr
plant 10 cure an ailing princcs~. They he ,Ind U l y~~cs hl t tle II nhlTl,tl·r.
encounter man y wo nders. including Yo u h:lVe to he " real ll1l1 M: ]c fan I II tell
C hristopher Lee as thl' evil Lichas, ser- Ki rk MorriS, Richa rd Llt )Y.! . :md En:tl UPI 21 J J/74. The· [mlll/>
va nt of Pluto, SOnll' grC;l! rock men, Cervi,co. ;I ~ the IhTl' C h Cf(;e~ . aplln. of tu tor John CmmJI11l'
sea s of Irlva , and a tempting n<.ked (cenrerJ hulds (1 reuniull
maiden in chai ns. Hercules throws boul- HERCULES.. 111EJIIOVIE.. See Ihl~ u ·<.'C k to cde/mHt' lhe
dt' rs and ove rcomes all ob;;mclcs. Lee 68th bmhda" of II!.: .\ill Ur-
HERCULES IN NEW I'ORK. nine ill" ("r, «·iv, has ,illYI'd
docs not playa vampi re (as implied in
IIlI :X) motIl'J. J>.1m/.:mg
some of the ads). Hercub (.IlId the HERCULES UNCI-/ AINlW the ~"'IJI"I 11m,' ill [ami/-..:
CapHt'C \'(/omell, also wl th Park, IS worth 19:;9 W;uncr Br.,t ller_ Ih ••I) hntorv dl{.11 ,he dan 11.15
catching as wc ll . 'I'.ODUCEI'.: Brunn V:ul.l\l J.... l/h..~d aT<'. kif hi nght
OItu:CTO'-: P,ctW>Cl Roo".l. 19. Chmroplwr.
KI'.[[NWI'."[~: PICHt> h ,11lU"IC1. 16. Kl'rrh. 14. John, Rruce
HERCULES IN I1fE VALE Enn .. , IX- c..'n(1Il1 (mslnpeJshinJ. D.lIui,
OFlf/OE Er.·,.!.., I' I., NfJ:II1<'
Ol'.' GINAllY I'.nWEO .1.5: B/ ~.n. arl</llil,fl
1962 Avco Emh.1ss~.TV (Italy) alld &rb.lw·s ch<lJ, Fret'.
«I L"J'd
",ooocu: l ~n:lll(l luccTi Steve Reeve, an,1 5\ 1\,,;1 K'l~H\.\ rl'- John Kl'rrh 51L1tTt'd mus'
K IU(N"IlnJTEM: VittOriO ~·Iet:.
turn Hl the hl1 ~('q lJd It) I fl'K14/<!.I. T hc recem" III H .-:~
~ l.lrcdlo ~hrc hbl
ALSO kEl£AS£O AS: Macls/c Aguiml H(.'TCllies
ItI Ih.· V(tie of W'oc

A h er ., ccing l lcrcules epics with Jay ne

M:lnsfic ld lind Bro...·krick C rawfurJ. the
wur1d was ready fo r ,he first imention·
al ly colllic llerculcs film. Two dumb
!ra lian C~ \Il men tra vel back in time
where !h e ~' encounter Hercules (Kirk
M orris) and Maciste.

1964 A lP-TV (11.11)')
I'kOOIJCEk: Adelphn Ambrosian,'
011'..[(l0'-: AnlOnl u M Ml!h efill
(Anthnn~' D:Jwson)

~,m 01 Jupiter lu~e~ hi, memory thanks Varll)II' blzaTre ways. Starring Keit h
I" dll'l'\"il Queen Lidia (5ih'1.1 Lop..:\), Carradinl' and Rnbe rt Wa [ke r,J r. , as ,I
fighb Ilgers an.l a gldnt (wre~ller Pmll(l mute, Nurm,m Mai le r liked it. 20th
Carnna), and 1'1I11~ down The HI.I~I\e Ccnlury·Fox d idn't. T hey decided not
rlll 'lf~ he\ challll',1 [0, Jelllot.,hmJ.: a to rclea~ H , Fl lm...xI in South Lfdkota.
heath('n Temple. Lldl ~1 k i ll~. then ~lUffs, With Gary Busey and Juh n C1rr'ld ine.
her lon:r-.. O\'er 20 I-krcu lt."s fihm w!th
dlffen.:nt ,lCtor, fnllowni. Reeves wcnt
nn to phI)' mher legcnd,ll)" heroe.~,
1961 ParHnlOtJIl1 (B&W)
1%4 J"lm Akx,mJa F!hm (1t"lyltr.lnu·) SCII([ N'.lnJTEI\: Hal l bcbdy
PIIOOUCER: AI~no Ch!nl!n' A fictionalized look a t t he rise of the
OII\£CTOR: AII,<;:,rto Dc Martm .. P~'PI"li.'nnim Lounge in New York. \Vhe n
SCIIEENWRITffU: R"bnt<> l;I:1I1vi II, t hcir 1'<1 1'<1 has a stroke, Juey Dee (as
Ale»" F;,rreau
himself) <1nd Teddy Ra ndazzo (as his
ORIGI NAUY RELEASED M: II "/n"ulo .II E1 .... Ae
hn'thl'r) t;Jke (wcr the fam ily restaUTall1,
Z<':lJ' t<l kcs away HCn.;llk~' ~trcnglh hut rename it, and introduce the tw iM there.
rh')lJghtlully restores it I<ltl'r. L
"\'11 V"dls S.:)(iel y columnist Zohra Lampert visits
s t,lr~ and h,ntii.'s a ~'rceT,:ss In Hade,
and soon It's a Teservatiu ns-only club
pIll' 10 giant hrlln:e \\',ITTH'T'. with the nriglTlal teen~ cruwded nut by
the tWI~ti n/.: upper c rust. This makes
/I"..x mont.'y hut cal l~l'S pcrson,ll conflic ls (or
IlJi ~ 10th C",ru\u)· h ,~ poor JrlCY, who rums IT hac k to a teen
PI1.0OUCEII: Clark P.wlo"
~pOt, L l keh' ~\tl l)'. W ith Jo-A n nCamr-
OII\£CTO I\: Ll't1 G<lrcn
Ll'nG.ncn, SIne K"c:
hI:11. AI.1Il Arhu~, the Starli teTh, a nd the
Peppermint LounJ.!er~ as rhem.:,(..'tves.
[n 1919,1 hki.'r ganJ.: J.:"',," to ;1Il 1'<"
NIJb.:'11 CLrrk as Thl' H!d· lat,'d mnc h wlll'fl' two ,I'kr, hIe. One
,'OlJ' Sun l"~:m()n I ~ ;1 wJ{ch who kill, thi.' IlHTlJ~kr, 111


11)42 \'Ii:lrn<'T flr"d,CT> (B&\V)
P~O OUCEl\: \'(I ,lliam ]d(' ,I"
OIIlECTO R: 1\":11 St"lnlt
SCIlEENWI\IUI\i; AmlHlny C"ldc\\"C')",
H,I)"llh ,nd Schn lCk
An pkl·L.,11I,1I1cd mp1<.: ry with creepy,
pop·l.'yed Mdton Parsuns a,", an "sylum
l'~('<IIX'I.'. Young e ral/.: 5te\'en~ b t h e
hen I, Tlw ~ t(l T y ha~ ".Hlll.'Thi nJ,: to tI"
wllh '1I"I"li.'lltiL'd .mimatIOI1. It (e;lTu r..:~
Julie BI ~h<lp, Eh:aN-th Fraser, Wil1'l'
13I.'~t , Cri.'l,L:hwll Il.lil', .md MOllie Bllll'.

19'59 P,Kihc Imernallonal (R&W) \.!-'(/fcr - and hair - Nl5
PI'.ODUC EkP'DII\E( TOI'.: R"l-cn Clarke gunt llmkr lilt ~ since
E.S.Sttlcr. Jr•. [)O.llll' HO.ll!
SCPJ:£NWIUTn,$: JackIe CooRan (nghl) par_
Rohert C klrke, the gll~' who met The tTaytd "The Kid" III a
M(m [mill Planel X. slars In hl~ n10~1 memrn'llb/e mOl'lf lA.'Hh
Charlie Chaplin. Nou' h....~
fa rmJIIs \ow-hudgct 1oC lC IKc·ficllCln film. \l1)1'km,1{ \11th CMrI.e Chap-
He rlay~ a sc ient ist cxro~cd tn r<tdi;l- /in, Jr. in H o!l}U'()("'.
(lu n who hecOIllt'S a mon~tcr when the They'll appear 10000Ihrr In
sun shines on hlln. Tht, ~caly hwrd- lhe film HIgh Sch('\(,1
man makeup b rhe h ighpOint of rhls Confidemial.
great laughable hit. Some of the musIC
later turned up in Nighl of [he Llt'mg
Dead. C larke next went Bey~ rhe Tnnc


1973 Universa l 1960 Fllmgroup (I3&W)
",COUCH.: Robert Dalc~' AAOPUCEI\IDIIUCTO-': O'D~.le Ireland
DIMaOf.: C lmt E:lSfwood
K k[[HWIIJTEI'.S: E,he1 Mac 1'3,1:;;>,
K k[EN\In,ITEP.: Ernest Tidyman
Rubert st.",,"n
In 3 bmure variatlon on h is Western John Ashley,s unpopular at school be-
loner/avenger role, C li nT Eastwood IS calise of his wealth. I-Ie org,mizes an
featu red as an angd of death. With in-schoul pro(('ctlon racket, but hiS bru-
some he lp from midgeT Billy CUrtlS (as Tfll taclies resuit In puhlic outrage and
Mordecai), he kills c\'el)'onc in sight , a fall fmlll power. With Lowell Brown,
paints the town red, burns It, and rides Steve Stevens, Judy Nugent, and Gary
off. With Vema Bloom, Marianna H ill, Vinson of Mel/ale's Navy, A dougle fea-
and Jack Ging. ( R ) ture wi lh the same director's Dale Rart.
1959 F,lmgr"up (B&Wj HIGH SCHOOL
DI'-E:CTO-./ KMNt?JTU: Joel Rapp 1958 MOM (B&W)
Tom Pittman IS unpopular at !>ClulOi he- I'kOPUC£k: Alhcrt Zug»IIUfh
C<l US<: of his high IQ. His nalvcre Illakc~ DlkECTOk: Jack Arnold
him eas~' prc~' fo r a gold-d igging c\aSl,- KM£NWkITEIU: LoUIS ~'Ie1rl~r, RII~n Ble~s
mate who wants h\ln to wnre her term The YOIHlR Hdlw1l.\
AUO ktl EA.lED Al :
p"pers. He engineers a shipping-office From thl' o pening with Jnry Lee Lewis
heist for her, bu t Shl' ,md her rcalbo)'- singing rhe title song while pounding
(fiend double-cross hi1ll, Death for the kl'Y~ o f ;l piano o n the b,lCk of a
many. Wit h Virgin ':'! A ldndge , How- flat-bed t ruck to the absurd happy
ard Vic!, St,lnlcy A&uns, and Malcolm ending, this tcen-dopc-ring movie is a
A lI l~ r hury. O ngln.,l co-feature: T-/;IlrJ ClaSSIC o( ItS kmd. As the nl'W kid in
Gang. Ra pp also dneeted B(Utie uf schnol, Rm, Tamblyn asks !c,lCher Jan
BIooc1 /sian.J. Roger Connan execu- Sterling for a date, proves he's l'ven
tive producer. - CB cooler tium Jlve-I:llkmg John Drew

B.1rrymore, and soon learns the local out o(West Poi nt (or sexual dcvi ;)ncy) ,
drug seTUp. Mr. A, (he h ead pusher plus it bhlCk ma il ing handyman and lar-
(J ac kie Coogan!), spends spare hou rs cenous chauffeur. Filmed at the Frisco
cheerfu lly playi ng piano at a (een club. eS[;)Te outside [mllas. Sec CreUlllre of
Tamblyn lives with his "aunt " (Ml1m ie Desrruc[;on. _CB
Vl1n Doren) , who is always trying ro
seduce hi m, and goes o ut with Mel HIGHWAY DRAGNET
Welles. N ice guy Michl1el L:mdon dmg 1954 Allied ArtlSlS (B&W)
races with Tamblyn, who keeps joints PIIOOIJCEII : W i1lim F. I3roi d y
hidden under his glove compartmen t OlkECTO" : Nathan Jur:m
and pretends 10 shoot up to impress his SCl\.£EH\lIfJ1('-S: Herb Meadow,
new boss Coogan. With C harles Chn p- Je rome OdI um
lin, Jr., Lyle Talbot , Wil liam Wellmnn, Richard Conte as an ex-marine hi tches
Jr., Diana Darrin , and Ray Ant hony. a ride from a lady phomgrapher a nd
A serious look at rhe horrors of drug her model, then finds himsel( the ob-
addict ion . JCCt of a police manhunt on a murder
charge. Can he prove his innocence!
HIGH SCHOOL HELLCATS Young Roger Corman received his firs ,
1958 AlP (B&W) screen credit as co-writer and assoc ia te
PAOOUCE"-S:James H. Nicholson. producer. He became a rea l prod ucer
Samuel Z. Arkoff with The Monster /r()m the Ocean Flour.
Ot IlEOOII: Ed ward Ik rnds T he cast o( this qu ickie includes Joan
KkEEH\lI"rT£M: M:uk and Ja n l o .....el Bennett . Wanda Hendrix, and Reed
Yvonne lime is new in town. She's not Hadley. Some sources clai m it was shot
interested in smarting off to teachers in 3-0. The title was inspi red by Drag-
(If wild dri nki ng parries. After a om-i n net, then a hi ' on TV.
with Jana Lund's outl aw sorority o n her
fi rst d'l}' at sc hool. she seeks advice fllLLBILLYS IN A
ffllnl the college boy who works at the flAUNTED HOUSE
mal t shop: " What must a gO(x:! girl say 1967 Woolnef Brothers
10 belo ng!" The delinq uent fun ends ",coveU : Ilern;ud W()(llne r
wi th dea th in an aba ndorwJ mov ie OIP.ECTO":Jean Yarbrou).:h
theater. Wi th Brett Halsey and Su- K kEENWf.ITEII: Duke Yelton
zanne Sydney. A dua l release wllh /-lUI Two Country music st;)rs (played by
Rod Gallg. - CB Country music star Ferlin Husky and
nonslar Joi Lansing) spend the night
HIGH YELLOW in a haullfcd ma nsio n used as ,\ (ront
1965 Thunder ( B&W) for spies. Lon C hancy, Jr.. is the bodr-
OOCllllV[ PIIO DveU: Cl~"le Knud:;cn guard of Madame Wo ng (linda Ho):
Ol kECTOII: Larry Buchanan B,l sil Rathbone as Gregor, John elf -
The sordid confessions of a [7-year-old rad ine as the mad Dr. Kimmil. and
Negro m,lid who passes (or white in ;) G eorge Barrows as a gori II .. complcte
111\"l' l e~ nest of misfits lmd malcontents. the spy ring. They're after an atomic
Cynth,;) I lull \ ry rnnnical em ployer is fo rmu la. Musical -comed y no nse nse
movie tycoon Bob Brown, who shares which manages to waste three (count
his palace wit h hypochond riac wife 'em) once-popular horror stars. Also
Anne MacAd,ullS, hellcat daugh tef Kay with Sonny James, Merle Haggard, and
Taylor.)On Warren Hammack (kicked Molly Bee. It was a fi tting last fi lm (or

axle brcab In the de...crt d'l,),'fe ('lce,1 ).nn.:J \X'hmwrth ru)u/JlI<7,
[/«, /J«Lrittrch of Lhe mULanf
WIth ,m,)ther f.llnih'. The (,nher, ,I mu-
jllmlh 111 TIll' l-1I11, H,I\'<'
tant left tn die on ,Ill :IH,mlC le,t 'lie. I~
cal leJ JUpltl'f O :ull e~ Whlt\\'IJrth-.ll-":J
in the ~1C k l1-m ', Amtl ·~'f the Pholle).
I h ~ wife I ~ a t.II ex-pro,ulUre that
"noWy Ln hJwn cver 1Il1 ~~ed." Tlw
" kid," arc Plut o. ~br'. Mac llf),•• lOll
Rl1b~,- they're all c,lIllHb,lb who Cllll1-
mUlHc lte WIth ~ t() len C.B. rr".lIn~! The
Clevc1anJen .ITC dylll): \lff ql1Kkly ,lilli
the hdl pI.'llpk have rhl' hahy. "'lIlH [0
be dinner. Thl' :.t:emmgly h\)f"'.:le" '1111.1'
tion i~ hc!ped hy olle of thc d\l);!~ ~m,1 a
few ~1Cflfice~ by the ff;lntic ~tr;1nJl'd
famih'. Jt\ an exCil1ng, sav.I);!e lluwk
with tUlLdll" of hUll1ur. PIWll I' MI-
chael BcrrylJi<1n, wh" pbycd the h"kl
rcrmLl1al ca~l' in O IlL.' Flew O,t<"T th(·
Cllckoo' s N.:sl. , R)

Jlr..:c tor Yarhr,)ugh, who s t~r1eJ out THENINOV

hack at PRe dmng Thc /Jet'li Hm wIth 19')3 UnItt·,] Am'h
Lugnsl ('41) , HlllhlUys was a ~e4.l1d to I'I\OOUCEWOIR[CTOWSCI\[[NWI\ITEI\:

un Vl'gas 'ii/ll)Ii!ys, a\"o wlIh Fcrlin_ Franl Fl.'rrlll

AUO Il.El[M(O Al: s,.d~IIUI
Bun, K:lrlllff 1'\")" .1 turhaned gencral
Hl Indl.1 (.iCcJ with .1 ll1urdernu~ reli -
TilE IlfLLS HAVE EYES j;!IOU' cult. \'(Illh V let,'TJory, Regm.lld
1977 V:ml{u,ml Denny, ,LIld Lh,I HI,\\ ,lrd. The rC.ll ,rar
",OOUC[": Peler Luc le
I ~ NIno M,ITC(,I.l' Gu ng,1 \\:Jm, a YLlunJ,:
OtP.£CTOWKkUH\II'P.!To,: '\lA'~ Cr:I\t'!l
elephant tr.uner. hlllled In Jnlha.
Craven, known for hl~ groundhre:,king
bad.t,l~te revenge Jram<1 Lasl House on
HIPPIE HOLLn I700 f), 111E
,hl'Left, toncJ Jown a bil for Ihis one.
hut It'S st I H uutragcolIS, The rlnt I~ ~im·
Il:lr to Texas Cfldin.~ltII M(lSSdCH', hl11 SecAIONOO HOLLnrIOOf),
HiII.1 is m ore c;J1wincin~ ami more sut--..-
vcrSI\'c. A Isru;:al God·fe'lring middle· THE HIPI'm R/.;vOLT
c\a ~s American Ll1nil~' with ,In ex-cop 196711<-."IIII1I.'T
P"OOUC[I\: :~r( L\l"l>crill<lI\
d:IJ IC(1vCS Ihe wIIJ, pf CkvcLllld ami
DlIl.ECTO": l~di!;H Tk.ITl \
he(ld~ (,)r Californ1<l in a trailer ,md _,Ia·
lion wagun. Bc~idc~ M01\l and [):d Car-
The SUlll111 l'f ,,\ Lo\'c, /r,Hll 1-I ' II).:hl'
Ashhury rn SUIl~et StTll'- tilmed ,,~ It
tcr thl'rc arc two prctr)' Jaughtcn
h :ll'r ened ! Take .1 ITlp t" till:: wend
(Susa n Lamcr llnJ De~' \V;lllaCl' of
E. T.). a hand)(HllC ~n (Rnhnt 1-I ~)lJS­ workl of LSD! Wllm"~ tI'l' cflech IIf
POT lin the m,llell'cl1l,t\c 'l'X drive !
wn), ~ 1>on-in· law (Martnl Specr). the
Blllw )nur mllld t,l rill' "'llund~ of the
new grandchllJ, ami two tU1I11y d,)gs
(lk,ult)' and the &'<I~t). Wh~'n thl' car"- Lon' Cil'IlCr,U1L1n! PIll' I"lll) 1',1Intm):!.

cmsh pads, love-ins, and freak-outs! Au- HITLER 'S A1ADAMN
thentic hippie loca le! - CB 1943MGM
I'ROD\.IC[II.: Seymour NdJenzal
1951 RKO (B&W) SCI\[[H\\IfJTU: Peteu Hirshbein
I'P.OOIJCEM: Huward Hughes, Robert Sparks AUO P.flLtS[O AS: Hir/er 's Hangman
OIAlOOA: John Farrow After fleeing Germany Douglas Sirk di-
SCAl:EN\VIU1D.: Frank Fenlon rected this, h is fi rst A merican film, for
As a gambler just ou( of jail, Robert the ti ny PRC company. It's based on
Mitchum is lured to Mexico where he the desrruClion of tid ice, Czechoslo-
is set up to be killed so dcportt.'<.I syndi- vakia, in retaliation for the assassina-
cate boss Raymond Burr can assume his lion o f H itler's executioner Heydrich.
identity. Ourrageous film noir with a Held up because of its similarity to Fritz
vampi n g Jane Russe ll posing as an Lang's Hangmen Also Die, Sirk's film
heiress, hammy Vincent Price as a mati- was sold to MGM and released [ater.
nee idol, and dialogue you won't be- John Carradine stars as the war crim i.
lieve. Russell wears a black bathing suit. nal. Alan Curt is is the hero. With Pa-
M itchum, who passes the time ironing tricia Morison, Ralph Morgan, Edgar
money, is stripped, beaten, and offered Kennedy, Peter Van Eyc k, and Ava
a slow-death drug injec tion. With Tim Gardner. It's one of the few PRe films
Hol t, Jim Backus, and Ja n e singing anyone has anything good to say about.
"Kiss and Run" and two other seduc-
tive tunes. HITLER'S SON
1978 (W. Germany)
HIS WIFE'S HABIT, See A»OC. ""OOUC[~ : Burkhard Dnest
TERROR. SCI\[[N\WJT[p's: Lukas Heller,
Burkhard Drk-st
Bud Con , star of Harold and Mmde , is
HITANDRUN Adolf's son Wi lly in this comedy, which
1957 United Artists (B&W) didn 't get released here. Peter Cushing's
Hugo Haa~
in it. The Variet)' ad says: "Ve haff vays
of making you laff." Tasteful. Prcsente<[
"Back fro m the grave for revenge !" Ga- by Gerd Goering.
rage owner H ugo Haas is purposely
killed by a hit-and-run driver. The mur-
der was planned by a mechanic em - HOLD BACK TOllfORROW
ployee (Vince Edwards in his fir st 1955 Universal (B&W)
starring ro le) to clear the way for ro-
Hugo Haa~
mance with Hugo's young showgirl wife
(Cleo Moore in her seventh Haas fi lm). John Agar sits in his death-row ce ll
An unexpcned twin-brother heir (Hu~,'o awaiting a late date with a noose. Some-
again ), just released from prison, shows body asks his laST wish; he says get me a
up to straighten things Ollt. Ella Mae girl. Enter suicidal hooker Cleo Moore.
Morse sings "What Good'lll! Do Me." Aga r and (riend, both hopelessly cyni -
cal. dec ide to be married by the prison
chaplain. As Jo hn is being led away he
HITLER'S HANGAMN, See mentions a drea m in which the rope
IIITLER:S lllADlI1AN. breaks, the prison bells ring, and he is

p.1rdoned because of the miracle. Moore
walts in the prison chapel and as she
prays, the bells begin to ring. With
Frank De Kova ;lnd Harry Guardino.
~C B

1965 MOM
~oDU(~: Sam Katzman
orl\£a~: An hu r Luhm
KM:OI\VPJTtIl.: James B. Gordon
Herman's Hermits were more popular
here than in their native En~land. Even
years after the departure of lead sin~er
Peter Noone, the group con tin ued to
play sma ll U.S. gi~s. This wholesome
A merican anSWer to the Ikatles' Help!
is based on the unl ikely premise thaT who did the c~l1ncdy tc:lm' ~ hc ~t (their John Agilr shares his kw
mMI \I nil Cleo Moore III
NASA will n"me a spaceship after the first five) and Lucr Wlb rc~ ponsihlc (or
I h.g" Haa.!' Hold Back
gro up if they are deemed worthy. After the Mr. Ed show. Tomorrow_
a lot of screaming l i t a charity lawn party
anJ a Rose Bowl show, they arc. They
do the hits "A Must to Avoid," "Lean· /lOLD TIIAT m 'PNOTIST
19')7 Al1l<_·<1 Artl~I S (B&W)
ing on ;I Lamppotit ," and o thers. With
PllOOIJC(1I.; Ben Schw"lh
S h elle~' Fabares (in bctwl..-en Elvis fi lms)
OII\£CTOII.; Austen Jewell
and Sue Ann L1.ngdon. T h e Hermits ~[~1I. : ~ 11 Pepper
refurned in Mrs. Brotl.'Jl , YOU'1't' Got a The Bowery Boys Jump on the [3ruit-y
/..m'd , DWI}::hleT. Murph )' ba ndwagon . Hunn Hall rc-
gresses 10 rhe 17th century, where he
obta ins a map fwm Blackbeard the
Pirate (Mel Welles). WlIh Stanley
1941 Ul\lv<;,rSo1.1 (B&W)
.t.S-K)CIATt PlI.O OUCU .S: Burt Kelly. C lements.
OI<;'l1n TI)'on
Drl\£a OIl.: Arthur l.uMin HOLD 11lAI' LINE
KII.E[NWII.ITOS: Rol-crl LI.'<.'s, Fr<;,,1 Rinaldo ,
1952 Munollrnm (Il&.Wl
Juhn Gr:m! PIIOOUCEII.: jt:rry Tholll,I'
The Ihird of Abhott rmd CmteHo's hit OII\£CTOI\ : \'(IllIi,lm !Xaudllll'
Wilrtime comedies featu ri ng the .An- KI\£ENWlI.rTEM : Tlln Ry ,m,
drews Sisters, The nl'WS pilper ads ,ld - Charl~~ R. Marion
vise ~'uu to "forget thl' news-shake thl' The Bowery p,()y~ g,) to colkgc anJ lise
bll1e~, ... " It's a (unny hauntl~d house il super-sT rength formula 10 win the big
movie wi th Joan Davi s as a professional game. With Jolm Bn~lllfield, Veda Ann
mdio screamer, Mischa Auer, Univer- Borg, Leo G\)rce~', Hunrz Hal!, and the
s;J 1 ho rror star Evd~' n Anhrs, ~'Olln~ usual crew,
R ich ard C arbo n, find She11lp !-IowlIfd.
Ankcrs anll Carlson were married in
rea l \1 (1.'. With T ell Lewis and 111~ en-
len alllers. Directed h~' A rt hur Lubin ,

Where starlets are made. viously been ed iwrs o n New World
nailers. ( R )
" WIu-n Uw .j~~c"'r MY. 'ACTIO,.,.
-llfh"./1 to Itf.... ~
"' ~~~! .U
"" m.
.r,,,M" 1944 Wamn Brothers (B&W)
n .....&. PMlDUa:I\; Alex Goultch
, .... -PC" OIIU:ClOOSCP..E[NIII"-ll(I\: Dclnwr [}.lVCS
.11 "IC'''.~
O n SICk It'a\'e (rom acr ivc duty, you ng
RON-'r[ Hunon tries to pick up Joan Lcs-
he at the cameen. Bene 1),lVis cxrlains
how the establishment opera tes and
endless Strlrs sing, dance, or just appear,
Some o( rlll'm ,He; Peter Lorre , Sidney
Greenstreet, Faye Emerson, and Zach-
<lr)' ScOtt (<III h;Jd jusr b,'en in The Mask
of Dilllitrios), Jack Benny, Ro)' Rogers
and Trigger, Jimmy [)orsey and his
1I0U.YlfOOl) band, the Andrews S isters, Joan Craw_
ford, Ida Lupino, B.1rhara Stanw)'ck,
IIOIJU~~UU) Jane Wym<ln, :md Kiny C<lrlisle. It was
Warners' higge.'iI hit o( the yen.

1976 New World 1I0LLl1Y100DAIEATCLEilVER
~ODlJC[I\; Jon I}.Ivldson ,IIASSACRE, See THEAlEilT-
Dame, Allan Arku~ll
Pafnek Hobby
The di rectors set out to parodrdnvc-m
featu res and make the ]owcsr-huclgelcd, HOLOCAUST2,OOO, See THE
fastes t New World pic[UTC III IlISrory. CHOSEN.
They slIcceeded. It 's a c razed. fa sl -
p<lced, paste-up job ahOlH fi lm mJ,:
Machere Maidens of M ara/all for Mlffl- HOLY Tl:.'RROR, See ALICE.
ete Pictures-with a masked killer (\11 SWEETALICE.
the scc. Scenes from The Terror and
Battle BC)'and the Sun arc used <llong with
appearances by Robby the Ro bot, Dick f101l/EBODIES
Mill er as Walter Pai sley, Forrest J.
1974 AI'Co Emh~"y
Ackerman, d irector Paul Bartd as di. PI\OOUCU,: Milrsh'll J3Jacka r
rector Von Leppe , Commander Cody 0111,£001\: Pcter Brocco
a nd his Lost Planl't Airmen, and a final SCl\.E£NWI\IT£I\: Larr~' Yust
confrontation on wI' of the H ollywood A grotl!, o( demented senior citlzen~
s ign . Mary Woronov and Candice threatened with eviction via urhan re-
Rialson star. This ultimate In -Juke (':<1- newal tilke de~peratc STeps. Construc-
ture led (0 A rk ush di rect mg Ruck 'n' tlon workers (ry In an e!cvalOr cagtO, <l
Roll HIgh School and Dante ducc ll n~ knlfed relocation hn:.Tess is d umped of(
Pmmha and The Hoo:ling, Tht-·y had rre- a HlTO a freIg hT car, and a capi-

t"list CO nIT,I Cf(I T I ~ hum·d allV<' in l'HE J-/ONEYlIIOON KILLERS
cem ent. St<lrnng Frances Fuller. Ian 1'J70Cm~rillll'l (13&\'1/ )
Wolfe. Rmh Mc[\:vlI1, and Kenneth PI\O OUCEiII; Warren S(Clbel
Tohcy. An cxcdlc nt 1"w bud~ct odd- DIM:CTOI\IK I\EENWI\ITEI\ : LCIlndfJ Kohli.:
Ity fi lmed in Cinc innati . whl'n: there's AlSO I\ELUSEO AS: Th~ Lv!ld~ Ilc(lrc:; I\:llj,m
Je"pa,IIUJIl to ' r ;l fC. ell B.'lSt'J o n thl:' trut.' ~to r)' u ( R.I\" Hem,lIl-
Jt.'z an.1 Manh.1 Beck, whu me! Through
1963 (W. GCrt!\.Ul~' )
~6I HAUT kEUASEO AS: I /(onn.""eh N{M.h
51 PUI,I
Jayne M ;\Il~ fielJ smgs to German, ac-
companied by accordions and glockcn-
spids. Her co-star is Freddy QUInn, an There will be a special "FRIGHT BREAK"
El v , ~ 1I1\1(a[Or. The fi lm rt'ceivcJ a very during the showing of William Castle's
lirnired Amenc:m rdease in New York
Ci t y. "Homicidal." All those too to
take t climax will be
H OAIICIDAL welcomed to the
1961 Columht:l ( B&W) COWARD'S
~OOUC [I\IDII\[CTO": Willl~m Ca~(le
K~[[HW'-lTE~ : Rol-b Willte CORNER !
C "btl... 's classIc ~ The fi rst ,mJ mo~t ob"
v i ou ~ Psycho imi tat iun take~ the trans-
vc~ tit e them..: a step further. The ~ tar
(Jean A rless) pl.,.ys Emily and her hus-
band W,men. Arless' real sex I ~ never
revealed. Audiences wcren't a lI11weJ in
to:.ce Psycho .. fte r the first five mlIHIlC~
of each showmg. Amt.ence~ watchmg
l/onucid.J1 were given (I "(right break"
five mmme~ before the end. The~' could ,I,
'"follow the yellow ~treak 10 the cow-mis'
corner" and ge t their money back. Few
pt."ople did. The film opens ",mh Emily
the ICy blonde (Xlymg a confus;.oJ bellboy
(Richard Ru ~t) TO marry her. During
the pri va tl' T11ghttimc cerellmn y she
stabs the justice of the peace. The ~to ry
ge ls more hlZarre With the decaplt.nion
o f an o ld mut e woman, a trip to Den-
mark , and an unbel ...:vable scheme to
protect an mheritance. An incredIble
cx~ru.: nce . jc,ln Arle s~, where arc you?
With Glenn Curbett , Pauicla Breslin,
and Hope Summers.

lonely·heans corresponck'll ce and wer\! HONEYtlfOON 01' HORROR
l'xecuTed in ]951 for till' murdl'rs o{ 1964 Manson
Myrtle Young. J,Ulet FiI)', Delphme PI\ODIJC[~ Herb Mt'yt'r
Down ing and her Z·year·old daugh ter 011\£001\: IrwlIl Meyer
Ramell .... Ber\\Ten projec ts the IImn l- KI\([NWP.ITEA: Alt'xander Panas
granT gigolo and the o\'l'rweigh t nurse ALSO I\[LEM£D AS: TN: Deadh CIrcle. The:
from Mobile rl'lax 111 a modest home Golden N)TnpN. Org:y of IIw,. Golden ,'flde5
on a quiCf street 111 Va lky Srream , Long Thremcm ng phone ca lls and queer ac-
Island. Starring Tony loBianco and Cidents plague scu lptor Emile Duwe's
Shirley Stoler. Originally se t for rt.·leil~c new bride Lil li . II seems that each of
b), A lP in 1969 as The u-mel)· Hearts Emile's frie nds has a reaso n to want her
Killers. Defin itely not mack b y The usuill dead . The lin kup with a series of statu.
boros. Required viewing. (R ) CB ettes :.cems to have been lifted (rom
Screaming Mnni. Rohert Pa rson~ and
Abbey He ller Sla r as Emi Jt· and Li lli.
Filmed in Miami and Coconut Grove,
Florida. An adu lts o nly fea ture. Ma n .
son released The O('t!ii's Bedroom and
Sindcrdla aJld lhe Golden Bra the same
year. CB

1969 TV
PAOOUC£l\: Robert Jacks
DII\[OOl\: John PC)'ser
KU~M: O;l\'ld r. Harmo n , H~nf)'

A pretty good mystery slarring Janet

Leigh. She wakes up from her wedding
ni ght alon gside a stra n ger (Cesare
[hnova) who claims lO be her husband.
Nobody Ix'lieves her. Rossano Bra~zi is
the police capt:lin. Barbara Steele and
( Enc Braeden are in o n the plot. Filmed
in Spain, tho ugh the story takes place
In ltflly.

1951 Par,nllount
PAODUC£I\l: Wdlw,m H. Pme.
Wdbam C. T homas
011\((101\: le"' (~ FOSler
KI\([NWl\lfU: Wllhton Mllie r
The H(\Tl")lnoon KIllas Ronald Rea~an, dressed like InJiana
ClIn'55, Jones, IS a crooked ex-G ] in China after

World War II trying to stl." ll ,I v,lltH!- 17IE HORRI8LL,
hie an tique fmm an orphan (D,mny DR. HICH COCK
Ckmg). Rhonda Flem ing helps hun gu 1962 SI),:III<I III ([I,lly)
straigh t. W ith Nigel Bruce ami Marvin Pf.QOUCU $: \.";):1 C"'l,..:m I<'ri,
Miller as Tao Liang. The po puhr Ron - Erman" \)nn.ltl
anJ-Rho nda ream haJ just heen In Tlu? OIUCTO":!., Fr<"j;1 \R •• t",.n t tHill'" on)
UUI OW/XJSI. They ret urned in TropIC ~'-IENWRITU: Jul~.. m Pl'T!)
wILe. O"IGINALLY RELEM ED M: L'Om '"l~ Sf~".~t<!
dd Duff,"" IIKh.ock
Dr. Hich..:<>ck (R,)hl'r! Fi<'m~n).!). .l
necr, 'rluklC linn).! in 1885, lih'~ 1\ I dr\l~
1'J68 Alilcd Artlst~
William Grefe
hI' wife fur ~ex llal "fu neral ).!,11lles."
SCAEENW'-lm: QumnMmri..oll When he g()e~ t(lO folr ,he dk~. Twelve
Pu~hers Daisy (Jeremy Shm'). Acid
yea rs I,lfer the sick doc m ,lrr ll'~ t1w
Uohn David ChanJler) and Dum Dum lovely Cynthia (B'lrh.lw Sredc), hut
(Willic Pastr,lno) arlo' spotted murder- ..... Ife N,). 1 rCfUrn, (ru\1I thl' gl<l\'e, in
ing thl'lr Cubnn suppliers and hurn ing terrtble ~ h:ll'e. lie rn\~~ ,,) rl~~tOrl' the
their I:xmt. Intervcn ing Coast G uard~­ TOtti ng hr,t \\'I(e by h,mgm).! Ill" '1'..:onJ
men arc el iminated in turn; informcrs one up~lde Linw n and drdlnlng her
Stcve Alaimo and Cl'ce Swne arl' bkllx.!. An olltrageou~ EUTO-gothlc hor-
dragged away to a Seminole camp TI lT film \\ Ith StUlle ChlllCl' ad I l m'~ : " Hi ~
hIdeout. T he nigh rmare ends a~ Dais)' se<:rl't w:h ~I c,lflin n,tnll'd ,k'~lr<'!" Ani!.
geTS a hypo in the nec k f,)lIowlng the "The emdle nf hl~ lu~t burnt bT\ ghtl'~1
death~ of Acid and Dum Dum by bul-
in thc ~ h,l d () \\' of the gr.lve!" The
let ,md snake. Camp sceneS wert' fi lmed Amcrican \ '(' 1'11)11 I ~ mis"lflg 11 mln-
in the Everglade:.. With Socr;nes Ba1li;o" !Ites pI ~t'Xll;! 1 clcvia t l(){). R,lTh,lf;! Srl'c le F.Jllh s.,.,,n I 'I~,/j h..'T f<uh....,.·s
M ichad Dc ReallS~d. and W il liam f('lllrneJ III a ~t:<l uel. The: (;hIJSI. Tht' lab III Th<' Hnrrur <:hall1 '
Kerwin of Deeo)' {or T('rrol". M llsic hy direc tor \\',l'i ,I fnrnll'r ,!tt c ritIC. J:... r "I Dr. F,lu,ru~
thl' B..1ngles. A laimo was a regular on
Where the A cliull Is. en

1963 MGM (R&W)
""ODUCE": Sam Km:man
01,,-£00": Gene Nd>tll1
SC "EENWPJT£,-: "lIncs 8. Gordon
PCler Breck (Shock Corridor. Tlu-Crawl-
IIlR ! Iand) plays a New York TV dl rl"C-
tor who m(l kes ,I star of P(ln1eia AuS l in
after hearing her le,ld a college hootl'-
nanny. He rums the show into a T V
senes (there re<llly W;IS ,I 1963 - 64 TV
~Tles) ;mJ gets b(lck with hiS WIfe Ruta
Lee (D(~ "I1S(Ia)" Machine}. Music is pro-
v llied b~' Johnny Cash, Sheb Wooh.'~'.
,\1(' Bro rhers Four. Judy Henskc. and
George Hamihon IV, With ChTis CrOll-
r.y,md Joby Baker (the Gidget series).

THE IIORRIBLE SEXY wel l-supp lied IOrlure chamber. The
VMIPIRE truth about the deaThs turns out 1(1 be
1970 PMagon (Spain) rel ated to more recen t to rt ure rs -
",ODOCEA: Edmundo Amant. NaZIS.
DIM(TOk: Jose LUIs Madnd
Waldema r Woh lfahrt plays the reincar-
1959 Loperc (France/haly) (B&W)
na tion of a vampire bamn. The bo:st PAOOUCEII: Jules Borkon
horror movie tide of 1970. 011\[001\: Georges Franju
KllEENWMtI'J: GC01llCS Franju, Jean Redon,
HORROR, See 1HE Claude Sauter. Pu! rre BoHenu,
Yeux WII3 Visage
THE HORROR AT.J 7,000 A dassic , poet ic horror fil m with a
FEET much-copied plot abo ut a plastic sur-
1973 TV geon trying to revive his daughter's
'''ODIJC[~ Anthony Wilson beam y. Pierre Brasseur sends his assis-
DlklCTO": David Low.: l1 Rich tant (A lida Valli) 10 kidnap you ng fe-
KkEENW"ITE'-S: Ron A ustin. Jitn Buchanan ma le victims in Paris. A s the scarred
A druid SlOne in the baggage compart - daughter, Edith Scab wears an immo-
mem pUI S a jetliner and its passengers bile face mask with holes fo r her large
in danger and ca uses many strange sad e)'es. One extremely shocking scene
happenings. O n board arc Chuck Con- shows the doc tor cutting around the
nors, William Shatner, Roy Th innes. face and eyes of a woman and slowly
Buddy Ebsen, France Nuyen. Russell peeling off the skin . Eve n now, over
Johnson. Ta mm~' Grimes, Pau l Win - 20 years late r, modem gore makeu p ef-
field, Will H utchins. and Lynn Luring. fects haven 't duplicated that unsettling
close-up. It ends wit h the m asked
HORROR CASTLE daughter releasing cages of experimen.
1964 Zodiac Films (lt~I)') tal dogs and doves. Music by M au rice
P1\ODIJCEI\: Marco Vicar io }:m e.
DlMOOk: An tOniO Mar!:hcTL{1 (Ant hon ~'
K I\E[N\VM'[M: Anton io M arJ:hcTlri , HORROR CREATURES OF
G. G reen , Edmo nd T. Grc"i llc TilE PREHISTORIC PLANET,
~IG INAU.YlI£lEAsrO M: La Vergine de See HORROR OF 1HE
AUO IIn£AS[O A5: T t'lTQI" Crulle,
Gl5lk ofT<'TTor
A haunted castle o n the Rhine is the
1912 ScOlia Imernanonal
sening for th is typical Euro-horror movie (Spain/England )
with Ch ristopher Lee as the te rri bly PAOOUCEII: Bernard Gordon
scarred chauffeur/caretaker. G eorges OtN:OOl\: Eugenio Mama
Riviere arrives at the fam il )' castle with SCI\£EN\VIUJ£II: A rn aud O'Usseau
h is American wife (Rossana Podesta) OIlIGINALL Y IIELEASEO AS: Pando ..n el
and the mys terious mutilatio n murders Tronsibrnano
begin. Some believe a JOO-year-old ex- Before groan ing- not another Christo-
ecut ioner is using the still-intact and pher Lee- Peter C ush ing movie! - try

only wanf ~ tn get ImJ. Then he dcvel- All aUrn wkeJ on'"I" pa$J<'Il-
ops a Sl'rum t hat turn ~ him into a hru- rJ... Hurror Exrress.
gt."I"J (In
tal monster! II c di~sol\'Cs the cruel
Jrtllltor 111 a drum of chemicals! He rl'-
moves his IlIIchi' English teacher's hand
With a pape:r cutter! As the parr-time
kllkr Porf~, Pat Cardl IS good, hut the
rc~t of Ihe C,ls t I~ pretty ~lwfu1. The cop:.
<Ire all plilYL,d by football pro~. Don't
Ie:{ that ~lOr you from watching thiS
o hscure Ice!) epic. ( R )

watching thiS fun sclence-hction/horror 197 j (Enl,!l;md)
~tory set o n the Tram-Si berian express I'IIOOO(U: RlCh.lrd Gordon
m 1906. Explorer Lee is returnmg from 0111[0011: Anth"n} Ihlch
Ch ina with the body of an "pe l ike SC II££HWIlITE "-S: Anrh'lni' Belich,
"m issing link" Inh,lhHed by an alien Alan \'(fill",m
force. The alien can assimilate all the AlSO 1I[ I.EA5[D ,u: CU1U/lIII<'T Kllkf)

know ledge from people by SlaTing at Michael G,)ugh, the Briti sh king of
them. Thl' process "bolls" their hnllns, horror-film filming and uve rac ting, stars
causes death, ~lIld make:. their eyes Heed as Dr. Storm III a nllShre comedy of de-
and tum white. TIle life furce hiler rakes carnations anJ br,lIn experimenb. Rob-
ovc r various passengers who appC~lr ert Askw lth I ~" Peter Nocllle l'lOkalike
normal but kill. Lee teams with rival po]' smg('r who V1SIb {he: hospital. It
Cu~ hmg 10 defeat the c reature lmd saw was re-fl'lea-.ed hero: wllh an ,ld cam-
the top~ off victilll'~ heads for hrain prugn comp rmng 11 TO Com(1. With
inspl'ctions. In a Ni!?,ht of the Llting Dcnni~ i'rice as a h lllnofOlis homosex-
Dead-sty le scene, all the dead pa~­ ual ;tnJ a :>Cl'n('-~ te ,)l mg dwarf (Ski],
sengers return as :ombles anJ march t<.l.lrtm ). ( R )
through the train toward the terrified
survivors. \Vith Tell)' Savala:. a:. an un- HORROR HOTEL
couth Cossack policem,m. Made lx-- 196C Trans·Lu:< (England) (B&\X')
C;l U:.c the pruducer ownl'{l The model ",ODUC["-S: ~l,lt.)llSlIN}"k}.
Trai n used in Nicholas and Alexander [xmald T:I}lnr
(1971 ). DIIUCTOI\: j" hn ~'[ox"\
SCII££HWi\tTU: Oe<lrgc 13,1>;1
AlSO 1I£lE.u[D,u: The elly of fhe u.,u,I
1'J74 Cnlwn Inlcrnatloll,,1 "Just rin).! fm doom ~crvice!" thc ads
",OOOC[II: T(Itll Moorl' ad\'l~e. A gooJ Witchcraft movie with
D!UCTOII: Llrq $Iouffn an IIllcrC:.tlng plOT sillubrity 11) Psycho,
SC"-[[HWIIIT[II: Jnkc Fo"ler released the "nne year. A girl goes " lone
ALSO IIEL[A.~EO A~: T,(I.H~d /Jr{lin to I'm in n dnJ IS ktlkd. Her boyfrie nd
incr('dlhly Chl',IP production un gmdlly and brother arrtve to look for her. Chris-
:.hll( In 16mm . \Verno:r Pntb. ,Ill Imel- wrher lee:, a hNnry profl'~"or, IS part
bgcnt hUT 1\'Ulll'Y cho:mbtry ~t\ldel\t . is of a modeTn coven In \Vhlll'wood,
mltculed by J'X:ks, glr].;. even ,he: Jani- Md~~rlchll~d t,. Patricw Jessel, rroprie:-
tor. I Its teacher.. ar..: mean and lu:. d,ld trc~s (If the mn. I~ rC.llI y a centuries-
1941 Uni versal ( B&W)
ASKKIAn: Pf.OOUC(k: Ben i'imr
OtR[CTOP.: George Waggner
scp'[E~: Maurice T rombragel.
VlelOr McLeod
"The Phantom" st a lks a h a unted cas-
de where people arc searc hing for a
treasure. W ith D ic k Foran , Peggy M o-
ra n , Leo Carrillo (The Cisco Kid) , a nd
Fuzzy Kni ght .

1958 HammcrlUniversal (England)
PP.OOUCEP.: Ant hon\' Hinds
DIP.ECTOP.: T crenee Fisher
SCP.EENWP.ITEP.: Ji mm\, Sangstl'r
The C:tCllmg d ll11i1x of u ld witch. Tht, two men <lrrive in time ALSO P.[lEASED AS: /)rllC ll /a
Hmmr H(I,d for the s;Jcrificc of ;J histo ry Student The l'\Cst vn mpire film ever made. Time
(Ben;J SI. John) and in :m exc lTlI1g eli· hasn't diminished the impact o f thi s
max o ne (If them man;Jgcs, wh ilc d~' ing. ground-hreaki ng hit. C hristopher l ee
to kill the witches with the shado w is grc;J1 as the tall caped count that the
01 a cemetery cross. Recommended. Victoria n ladies swoon over. B;Jsed on
Scn'cnwfltcr a.xt also wro te C,rcus (1/ Br.:un S TOker's nove l, this versio n has
/-IIJfTun. JII~ t the ngh t doses of hlood, S(.'X, and
horror. H am m er made .'>even sequels,
HORROR HOTEL j'IASSACRE, a ll hut o n e sta rring Lee. Pete r Cushing
See r-ATEN ALfl' E. returned as Dr. Van H clsing in on ly
three. Michael Gough 's role as Arthur
H ol m wood led to a career in horror
HORROR HOUSE films. H o lm wood's wife Mina (
1%9 T il/on/AlP (I:.ncl.mJ)
5 tribbling ) a nd siste r Lu cy (Carol
PP.OOUCEk: Tuny Tenser
OIRECTOA: ~li e h ild Arm, twn g Marsh) are both va mpire victims. As
SCIU:EN\\IJ.ITo.S: ~'\I c h:lcl AtIl h tr" n g. Jo n athan H ;Jrker, John V;Jn Eysscn
Peler ~1 ~ r(1l' seems to be the main character until
ALSO P.El£ASED M: Th.: 1/lllllll<'d /-I,,1<.~ his unlimdy death. With Valerie Gaunt
,,! H"fT(}f as the vampire who ;Jges when st;Jkcd
) U.,1 wh;n we ncedeJ- 30' ye,lf-old "kid" by Ilarker. T he I3rides of f)r<u;uW was
Fmnkie Avalon in a British hnuntcd · the immediate sequel.
hllmc - p;.rr~' IlH)vic. One Ii the teens is
killll1g the others with ,I Kukri knife . 1111!: HORROR OF
Who c oulJ it be! It's n o t Fr:mkie; h e FRANKENSTEIN
diC~;J hloody dl'ath. W ith JII I I'bworth, 1970 Hammer/Continental (England)
Mnrk \Vyntcr, ;md Denni ~ Pnce. By PP.OOUCEP.!OIP.£CTOA: Jirnm\' Sangster
the director of M IITk of fhe Devil. It was KR[ENWP.ITEP.S: Jimm y &1Il),:ster,
-.(111l(·times part (If , I "Gho ul-a-rama " Jeremy Burnh"m
, how with TJu. C(lfk/lIl.'Tftr Wlimll <l nll (WO Bcfme Andy \Varho/'s FrankenSfeili and
o ther Bntl ~ h h o rro rs. Mel Broo ks' Yotlng Frankem!ein (both

f:lmily incl udes [)enOis Pnce, Andre Dand PTI)U'u ru tm. 1I11m -
Melly as a pos~i ble va mpire (she was Sterin IlurrorofFran ken·
definitely onc 10 TIu! BriJes of Dracula), stein.
a werewolfish madman, and a brother
with an elec tric he,lrsc.


1964 20, hC,:ntur) -Fox (8&W)
PkODUCElllol!U:CTOR: IA' I Tenney
SC!U:ENWRn"U.: Richard L Hdlmrd
Forget anemIC teen horror fi lms like
Ghosl m the Int'isible Bikini. ThiS low-
budge! gem from Stamford, Connect i-
CUI , fearure~ kids o n the beach danc-
Ing to "The Zombie Stomp" ,lIld :l girl
1974), England's H,umner STudiOS did who drin h hard liqum and SHips fo r
hikers. Me,tn while radioacth'C wilSte
the first rcal Franken ... tein comeJy,
turns hUlll tl ll skulls o n the lxmo m of
which is basically a relll:lke of thelTown
Cline of Frankenstelll. T oo bad It isn't the ocean InIO homble momtef1l ! They
kill the wayward girl on the beach, then
funny. The doc tor (R:llrh Batcs) brings
a dead fUTIle back 10 life and a...sembles all the gIrls at a ~ Iulllhcr pan~'. If you
don't understand II'hat'~ harrelllng,
hiS mon ster by numhe rs. Scenes frolll
newspaper headl!ne~ (MO~ STERS
The Bride of FrankellS/ci n :lre parodied
(a ... in Broob' overTfltcd versio n) and STRI KE !, MONSTERS STR I KE
the re's some sex and gore (a ... In the AGA IN !, ,md MA SS rv\ URDER AT
SLUMBER PARTY!) are ~how n to
Warhol/Morris...ey version). The si lly-
keep you II)forllled. With grC:l1 music
look ing mu sc ular Cfea ture is Dave
by the Dd -Aires, lame joke ~ , phony TIw Dd-Am.'s 110 Ih.! ~()m­
Prowse , the hody builder in A Clock-
blood. a ~ port 5Car dTiven through New bte swm/J In Hurror of
«'arK OrallR"c who weill o n to play D:mh
York C ity, and ,I tll:IIJ na med Eulabelle P3rt)' Ikach
Vader in the SUIT W/(lr$ m O\' l e~. Also
With Hammer Slud io ocaulies VeTllniC<1
C"lrison and Kate O'Mara. Dennb Price
as a grave-robber, and furun: star Jon
Finch as a student. (R)
1964 L'PJX"rtI2Oth Cent ury- f ox
Dt MOOk: T.;>n.'nee Fi she r
SC!U:£NWNTEk: Ray RuS>ot'I
Mr. Wholesome, Pal Boo ne (who sing;;
the litle song), IS an Americ;m visi ting
the Marley mansion in EnglanJ to ask
~Tm i ssion TO marry o ne of the (mml y's
daughter .... It's a horror/co medy ~I milar
10 The Old Dark I-/ollse, which h:ld just
been remade. The murderous eccemrie

!-'allng a vampire tribe that plans to cnn-
qUer EaTlh! Narrator Theodore G oulieb
tries 10 help m<lkc se nse of things.
Vl lmos Zsigmond W<lS the cinematogra_
phcr. Ten points for the tirle.


[974 Indep"'ndelll International (Spalll)
J, L. Bcrmud.>r 0.. Castro
O!I\£OOOSCMEN\VMU: Ann~ndo Ot.' Ossorio
OIYGI N"LLY 1\[L(A5£O AS: £1 Duque MliidilO
An excrcbc in tedium fuvored by late-
night television st:lrcrs, this sequel to
The /31in.:/ Dead t:lkes pbCl' al most en-
ti rcl ~' on a ~ailing boat. Bikin i-clad f:l s h-
illl) mlxk: ls .tTl' ch:lsed in l'ndlcss c ircll's
hy eye less ghou ls we:lring hoods . Maria
Pl'TM: hy :lnd Jack T<lylor star. T he Sp,tn-
Fil/flltllJ l'Wulm.,s Ill! !"rT"T who S:l\'e, tht' ,by h~' knoc king \wer a ish Zll!l) hl b were hack agai n in Night of
uf the BI,)()(I MO!bl .. r~, I')<.~dkcr of ')odlum on <I living monster Ihe S("I,I.'1 ~1I5.
h and, which promptly dISllltegr,ttl's.
Billed <I S "the lint horror monstc r HORROR ON SNAPE ISLAND
IIlIISIC:lI!" it's a coni cl,hsic th,11 was :11"" [9il F.l!<' (England)
turned Into a photo (O mll hook. PI\OOUCEI\: RlchcuJ Gnrdon
KILLED BY MONSTERS! .t.UO 1\[l£AS(O M: /l(,\I)IUllhe f<'R,
T"IIt'T"fEI'II .
IIORROR OF 111E BLOOD BrY:l1ll lla ll lda\' ~1,l rs III a l:lle of mu r-
,IIONSTERS dcr, cannah;lll~m, a nd an al1(I('111
19i0 lnJcpcn,knl Imnn:llu.n,tI PI(lurc~ Phoelllci,1Il axe. \VHh George Cou-
PI\OOUCEII.!OIMCTOI\: AI AJ,1Il1 ....1Il 1('lIm, l :>Cnnl~ Price, ,md Jill H:lwonh.
SCI\[[H\VIYTEI\: Suc ~ k:-.l.lIr II lI'a~ rcreled'l'd In '81 with a new til Ie
AilO I'.£t£AYO M: Crc,,/Uf/'\ of lho: 1'T(·hl5l(m.: III 11t1,lc,td people IIlto thinking it mlghl
l''''I1<'/. H(lTTor CrClilurcs of Ihe PI<,h'JI(}rl<
he :l ,eqlld tl) Th(, Fug. Halliday also
I'Lm<!l, S{I<i<.:{' MlllilJll (,f Ih,· L)ll PLmel,
V<UH/Jif<' M('H of 1m- 1..051 PLm('1
_"lrred III lA-I,d 0<"1, C:urS(' vf the VIJUdo,),
,tnd The Pruj('{"fcd Mall for prodllcer
This paste-up ,;cicnce-fiCliol1 ;Itrllclty 1Il-
Gnrdllll. OU
clu,k, font age fTom:l hLtck-,tn,j-white
rd ipino movie with "sn:lke I1Il'n," "hat
dl'IlHHl:;," and "Cl:lw cfcature ... " TI) l'X -
plain the tinted scene~ thc alten pl,lIwt
on which Ihey t;tke 1,I:I(c is s:lld 10 hc
p<lI'>lmcd wilh "chn.ll}l<Ilk r'h.kulnn"
thM :lltcr~ the colors of the ,pcctrum!
Thc phony clllor \\"a~ l'\'cn advcrthl',l I'.>il Aveo EIllh.1S'\' (Spain)
PI\OOU<EI\: Prnfilms
,1., "Spi..'CtrUIll X!" The ncw >,(,'cn('s filmed
OI I\ECTOI\: C:lrlos Aut,'J
III AIIK'ric.1 fC;lIlJrl' Adam,>on rcglll:'tr..
KI\EEH\VI\ITEI\; J:I(II1I') ~'I"lm"
J,)hn C:madme, Rolx~rt Ol)', and Vick t OIYGINAllY I\[lEASED M : £1 Esp..1lI1U SUT.l:e
Vo bnte a, ,1'trlln:IlII/"cil'lltl"h IIWC~tI- ' ... (Tlml""

Thc puhlic Im'e" 10 re,ld the gn,ly Je- T~ gwm Gl.'TTfUln mOll-

ta lb of selb,l tlOn,11 rnurJers, so cTl me sto.'T In The Horrors of

repDrter ~\lhch,ld Gough" the
Sp,Jt'r Island.
ima,(:lIla{fvc k llllll)Z~ :"I nd then benehts
fTurn the det,uled account' he l\'rlteS,
Th IS unfmgl'({,lhle sick him hegms wnh
a woman tl'~ t1ng :"I new p,ur of hmocu-
IMs, especi.. lly (''(julppi:d wit h spikes that
go rillht 11110 her evcs. Gough dl ~pl'I Y~
the mUTJer weapons In his musellm and
sIgns HlItC>j!Tal'l)(.-J COJ1 I C~ o( hiS l'l'stM::ller
Th" Poet!)· of Mllrder fIn Ill) :"Idonng
(an~. Using hy pnlltl)t11, hc turns hl~
f'lIthful younl:; a ss l ~tant into a lumpy-
faced :um h ie wh o k ills women ,mJ
e\,cntuilil y re hl:ls I II an amusemen t-park
P,1l11 Nrlschy, a 1 5Ih-centuT~' knight clin1<lx. Gough, in his he~t wle, puts
bdll.!:ldccl (,)T wlt chcrilft, return~!O Itfe b()die~ IIltll an dcid val ,mJ kills With
III 1Illxlcrn tH11l') ,11,,1 trikes cllnTroi of icc tongs and ,1 gllilll)tme/be,1. \XIlth
hI' Idemlcal dC')cl.!nJ,tnt (Paul N<I.)Chy), Gr,lham Gu r n llW, June Cu nningham,
THE HORRORS OF SPIDER ,mJ Slmlq Ann Field (who finds a ho..!~'
m a trunk Po.'epmg Tom), O ngmally
ISlAND aJwT11~eJ as beong filmed III " H ypno- Ex-,,,nl,,.fold Barb. Brn·
19')1} P(ICl'nI,ll cr
\' i"lon.·' whic h referred to ,1 13-monutc lUll "mores m Tho:: Hospl-
(W. Ct'rm,Uly/Yul!o"l.l\ 1,1) (B&W)
iectUTl'-proll>f,!Ue on hypnot Ism. lal Ma~cre_
PP;OOOC(I\: G""wn I bklnl
OIN:CTOP;: Fnr: Ro)ttgt'r (J~m'c 1'01,10\
OI\lGIHAUY '-ELEMEO.u: Em TUIl'T 1m .\;"I~
ALSO p;nE.AS(O AS: I r' $ IluI ,,~r..IT<.rdI~
EgYPllrln ,(ClOr Alex D'Arc\', {he ,{,'f of
Blood of /)1(II:IILII ' 5 Cl.iSrle, p I HY~ a Holly-
woud trl lem )(ll ur whll, ,liung with
SC\'l.!n preny ShOW,(:lrlS, ~ur\'i\'es a plane
cr.,,,h 1m a r('mOlC Island. The~ discovcr
d dead .)C ieTl1( st ca ught m a !p ~rn t SPI-
dcrwcb ,md (~urrme!) giant spiJers.
Alex I" hit ten and becomes a gl,mt , ugly,
h,ury-faccc! m<.>mtcr. Th(' ,(:rue,om c hut
{,Icky spccia l effech fl.!semhle ,I Bert I.
G,)Td"n film, but 1\" a ll In German.
An (lu trage{)I.I' Ildd lt y,
1~59 Anl!l'l.Am:llg,(m~lcdlAIP
(Enl! l ~nJiU.S. )
PP;OOOCEk: Ilo::rman Coht'n
OI1U:crop;: Arrhur Crabtree
~CP;(( HWP;m:M: Al~n K anJt"!,
I !..rman Cohen

HOSPITAL ,IIASSACRE Dinehart, Jack ie Loughery, and t he
1982 C lIln,'" Grand Canyon from above. ~C B
PP.ODI,J(Ek5: M~nahcm (,., lem,
Yoram Glnhu,
OI~CTOI\: l3oa~ j).wiJ!>llll HOT CAR GIRL
KIU:[~ITE"; Marc Ilehm 1958 A lIll,d Art isrs (B&W)
AUO IU:L£ASEO AS: \\,Iard ",OOU(o.: Gene Corm an
PIa)'bo) rla ym:l\ c~ In rhe pa~ 1 h,l\'cn'( OII\lCT~; Bernard Kowalski
dnne [ (Xl we ll III muvies. Remembe r KI\£~n:I\: Ll'O Gordon
GaW.l.llla, BlotxI Fea:H. and Tu'IIIS of El'i/? "Ocfian! you ng trouble-mongers o n the
Ihrhl Benton, Hugh Hcfnl'r's o wn {)nc- loose!" the ads shrilled. Richard Sakal-
lime girlfriend , [efl her b ig Count r y yan and his pals make lunch mone~' sdl-
music career for the inevitahle exploi- ing stolen auto parts to a cf(Xlked junk
ratio n movie CHee r. See BaThi me n - dc" ler. They have part ies. Theirdown-
,Keel by evi! orderlies! Sl'e Barbi get a fa ll comes when a gang girl kills a cop
hypo in the neck ! Sec Barbi rakc her in a chicken run. Bakalyan and June
clorlws off! Box-(,fficc guld ! (R l Kenney fl ee, leaving a trail of sto len
cms and hod ies; he sends hi~ ~;dekick
10 sn (cty before gctting himself kill ed
1966 Cr,)wn Internal It'll,,]
in a torrent of lead il t the mouth of 11
cave. O riginally d istributed with Cry
Russell S. Duughton, Jr. &I/ry' Killer. Featuring John Brinkley,
KI\£EHWIIJTU; Robt'f( Lmln)! Robert Kna pp, Jana Lund, Sheila Mc-
A six -year-old boy is locked III a mcw- K a~', Ed Nelson, Jack La mbert , and
In),! \ ·.Ul J n n:n l-y t wo murderers. A Bruno Ve $ota. Mmic by Cal Tjader.
low-l-uJgct aJvcnturc II'lI h H a rry [X'an Roger Corman was execuTi ve prOOuccr.
Stanton as [he weak-willed Eddie and -CB
Don O' Kelly as his violent . dominm -
1n~ panner Bull. John C Hmdme plays
1956 Umtl-d Arnsrs
Oli ~ I..(wc\ace, a dc rel ;("[. Fil med un 10-
PI\OOUC[I\: HU" 'ard Koc h
C<llio n n\.... ar Des Moines, lnwa. Ted V. DlI\lCTOI\: Ra na kl Mac[)out;all
Mikels W ,IS the ci nem ,H~ra ph e r. Gary K!\£l"""""rrll,S: Don M artin. R ic h Land;!u
Kurt! was the editor .md ass istant Used car salesman fi red for refusing to
foist re<:ondilioncd wreck on Cllstomer
is forccd to return to work as infanr
THE HOT ANGEL son's medica l hil ls accu mulate. Jo hn
1958 P,lwrnount (B&W) Bromfield s<xm comes under suspicinn
PI\OOUCEIV~C fl'[[NWRlTEI\; St.lnle~' K" llis for ,he murder of a detective inve~tigm­
DIMCTOI\: J \ ~ Parker
ing his employer's scam, but he cle,1(S
The <lJ~ prumised: " Hot n.xlll(lt-shors himself HCter a harrowing roller-coaster
,I!leitheir t ai!~;lte banes! " A Korean strugg le with the real killer. Cast i n-
Win WI looks afrer hi ~ dead huddy's sis- cludes Jo i Lansi ng, Mark Dana, Carol
ter ,md kid brother wh ile doing aeria l Shannon, and Dabbs G ree r. Music by
survey work for a uraOlum prospector. Les Baxter. -CB
The boy get ~ mi xed up with delin - ,I
quenT ga ng led by rhe son of a ruth less
cI.lim Jumper, and the sister falls In love. HOT ,ltONEY GIRL, See
Featuring &..Iward Kemmer, M ason Alan LONG DISTANCE.

HOT ROD hot -rod racing program with help from
1950 Monogram (8&W) a young enthusiast . but John Smith
PkODUC(k: Jerry ThomilS wi thdraws his suppo rt fo llowi ng the
DtA£CTO~ Lewis O. Co llins death of h is younger brother in a cmck-
S(:UENWNTtk: [)anu' ! U llman up. Back to street dragging and chicken
A judge's suspicio n s are confirmed when runs for the lo<:al delinquents. Soon
a hm rod belonging to h is son (James Smith is arro.:- sted in the hit-and-ru n
Lydo n. sta r of the H enry Aldrich fi lms) deat h of a grade-schooler, and Con nors
is in volved in a hit-and-run fa tality. c h ases down t he tTlHh . With Lori
Lydo n cla ims the car was stolen by the Nelson. Mark Andrews, Frank GorshlO,
k iller, whom he eventually gets to Roxa n n e Arlen, and Dabbs Greer.
confess. Thcn James vindicates him- Originall y a co-feature wi th Girls in
self by using his f1athead roads ter (Q aid !'riwn . -eB
in the capture of a dangerous fugi tive.
With Gil Stratton, Jr.• Myron HC:Jlcy, H OT ROD H ULLABALOO
and G loria Winters of the Sky King TV 1966 Allied Artists
• series. - en PIIOOUCEM : Martin T. Low.
Will,am T. Naud
1958AIP( B&W) KII([ NWPJT£II: Stan Ie)' xhneider
PkOOUC[k: Budd y Rogers Terror stalks a nonsanctiom.-d demoli-
0 11\(001\.: Lew L'Incle rs tion derby. The hero, who needs to win
KI'.[[NWP.ITEP.: Lou Rusoff money [0 pay his college tuition , doesn 't
AUO IU:U:'t.SEO -'$: Fwl)' know that his chief competitor intends
Sec "Crazy kids living to a wild rock (0 shoot anyone who gets in the way.

and roll beat!" as advertised. While A frie nd get~ wo rd to the student hero's
wa iling for twO aun ts and their atto r- girl before being nln down in an amuse-
ncy [0 come thro ugh with h is inheri- ment park. The girl sticks a pencil in
tance, Joh n Ashley of The Eye Creallfres the barrel o f the gun. Featuring John
use s his singing talents to finance hot- Amo ld, Arlen Dean Snyder. a nd
car projects_ He is befriended by Gene Kend ra Ke rr, with Gene Bua, Va l
Vincent, who does "Dance in the Bisogl io, and Marsha Mason . Loc;n ion
Street, " "Dance to the &p," "Baby scenes shot in and around Wash ington ,
Blue, " and "Lovely Loren a" with the D. C. Fro m the di rector of Thunder in
Bluecaps and unbi lled Eddie Coch ran . Dixie. -eB
T h e cast incl udes Jody Fa ir, Steve
Drexe l. Dub Taylor, and Dood les H OT ROD RUMBLE
Weaver. O riginally shown wi th High 1957 Aillcti Artists (B&W)
School Hellcats. - en Ptl.ODUC(k: Norman H erma n
DII\(CTOII: Leslie H. Martinson
KI\([HWr.IT£II : M ercr Doblinsk y
1956 AlP (B&W) "Loudmouth" (Brett Halse\') is accused
PP.ODUCE" : Norman Herman of murder when a street job carrying
OIr.(CTOII: Leslie H. Martinson Leigh Snowden and ano ther of her suit-
KIU[N\VIIJT(II: john McGrec\'ey ors is forced off the road, killing loud -
T he ads promised: "Teen age terrorists mouth's rival. The truth leaks out amid
on a speed-crazy rampage !" Policeman live drag action from Pomona . A dual
Chuck Con nors sets up a supervised release with CulJPso }oe. Richard Hat -

fllnr a n. \'{/ri,!!h t Krn,!!. ,md} l)(,v FllTIll.ltl !lI , . kl'T~ prollll"" 10 "behave li k e sen si·
"PI',·\n . Drr1.'ctm M ,nllll'otl n 1.'ndn i up bk, ,Id ults." MUSK 11\, Mickey Rooney.
.II \Varn1.'h TV dum),! 77 SUllset Sln/), }r.. and hiS combo! Origin:1 l1 y fi lmed
Cht'~t'11I1e, ,md BTlJllco. ~ CB ,I, a ,elevislon !lIOVle, it W:1S deemed
!DO ...:n....uron;II for th:11 medium. So it
pl.l rl'J theaters and ended up on TV
!>lIon ,Ifler. ~'Iltn.~\' drd De"II'S Angels,
1I01'RODS TO HELL RWI 01\ SUll5el Sln/', ;md The \V!/d
196711.!G.\ !
R,rccn, then rcloc:1ted to Europe.
PIIOOUCU.: S,ml K,'l~m,m
DrIllCTOII: John Br.l],,,,
AUO II[LEASED AS: 51 Mlb to T <'rrul' 194; W,lrner Brothers (B&W)
"They're souped lip fur t hrills atl,l lh erc'~ PIIOOUCEII: 1")111> F Eddm:on
no limit In what the r' ll do!" Ih~~ :ld~ DIIIECTOII: Peter (}"d(r<')'

.,ne.ltned Dana AnJf<:\\'~, hb wde

S(IlEENWP.If[P': J,)
(je;rnnl' Cr<l in), , heir teen,r)!\' ,i,\l r ght~'r G erm:lt1' dllrrn ):,: the !:lSI days of ,he \Var,
:md litt!l' h 'y ,\ri\'e tl mlugh Ih~· Calrfllmla h:b..::d on a novel by Vicki Baum (Grwu/
,ie't:rt heading for il new lift,; Tunnin,!! a Ilorel). I klmw Danlrne stars as <In un .
r1.',LllIrant·motel. Their , !re ~lm ~ glJ baJ ,krgrolmd lea,kr. Perer Lorre is KOI.'n tg.
wlwn MinhY Farmer <lnd her two ddrn· ;m alco holic -c rentist. FaYl' Emerson is
, Ill ,lc 're~~, With Raymo nd Massey as a
' Iueru ki ll fr iends ch;r~~' the CM. throw
h\.'\,[ cans in Ihe window, try to M.'d uCe ,kf"'ctin~ N"zI general, GOOTj.,'C Coulouris
the d,lught\'T, ;md h na ll y In\'t' [);m;l In a~ " Ge~'''l'l1.l head planning the next
ta h' 'Kti o n. In th e l'ml. rhe trnubk. wa r, A la n H ~l l e, H e nry Dan iel l, and
A ndrca Krn g. Ad~ prolll iM.'d mo rl' of
" the Cd.'Illbltmca kind o f ~Ils,ation ."
Call them punks...
Call them animals... HOUIJIN/
19; 1 P~rnm""nt
But you better get PIIOOUC[1l: Georl!\' P<l 1
out of their way I 'r DII\£CTOII: Genrge Marsh<lll
KI\£ENWII'l£II: Ph,llrp YurJ:1n
A h rgh ly ficrio na!t:;.·d hio of the gredt
m;lgician a nd escape artist tlMt {cited
.' on the rcal . life star cuup le of Ton y
Cu rt is ,rnd Janet Leigh to draw audi·
cnces. Iloud ini deservcs bt'tter. W irh
Tori n Thalcher (the vii bin in The
SI'I<'nrh VO)'I!.l:'l' of Snrbl!d), Sig Rum"n.
il nd Lin Wolfe. Busy Jirector lvl:trsh" ll
1lI"..!e S\'ilrd Sllff ,md two other fe" luH's
the ~;!lne rea r.

1959l0dl C\·nt ur)'· F"x
'n" II •. ' '1, . . . ~ V'
PllOOllCEII: Jerry WalJ

Jr~~l! ·Jr ~ &:.1Ms.w~',~ • "'"'0&0111.. ° DII\£CTOII: Don SWJ;:d

Kl\E.ENlllP.lT(M: Fr~oJ G 'Jl>oOn. Win~lon MIller

UPI BI26159; LI!4.'fldl)fuJ -
~'""f\g In rhe fUOUl<'N of
Ell"Isl'res/.ry(Ie/",'6-) . . (17"-
old rock .n' roll sillgt'T"
FabulII (Tlght);s pl.'JIII/:
an almosr u/enlJ("(J1 role III
hl ~ [ifill/lOt'le. Appearmg
III I iound DOR Man,
FabwlI ,s ettell u ·.... 'lrlng
some of rhe .same duthe)
Elds 1I'(lre 11\ h•.1 finr
mot'IC Amung rhe orh.'T
wm6nrles; both ,,1lI<k r""',r
delmr 1lI10rh Cl'l1Il1ry-
Fox; bmh p6yed )'ulI'~er
mvlhers; borh U~JT"e rhe
$(Ime blue ]"um; b()[h u"l'Te
nami~d Clml m lhe films.
and bOlh lI~m.' rhe SI1fl1.t.'
Shoel. £11 [5 U shl,",1 dur-
mil' rh.: filmmg of 1-<11"t,
Me Tender III 1956_

Sixleen -yc,lr-uld r ,lbian rorte Bona- I'mslbly heGIlI'c 01 ,I bnt'f ilIcntUln o(

partc m:lkes hl~ aCllllg debut III a perin..! S lll'rlock'~ CI)C;IIT\e hablf. R1Ch:Hd
fil m wi l h lel'n apJlC:l1. The ~Iory, ,eI III Green I~ Si r Hl'nf\·. (:a,[ !l\cmher, under
19lZ, fei\ tlI re~ Carol Lynley, Lh_he ~USrl C1(ln l11c1ude L10nd A'II'III . I~ ,m
St('\'e ns, Cbudc Akl[h, Edg,lr Buchan - occult JllC:hlr .tnd john Carradinc a~ ;1
an, Arthu r O'Connell. j:lnc DaTWell, ~H11'1.:r "\'I~r,elT \Vend~· B.nne Illves
L.Q, jun('s, Royal Dano, ;IIlJ Stll.lrt Sir Henry. Mary Gonion i~ Mr~. IluJ-
\Vh ilman , The theme !>O.lIlg was:! lup-I O son. The Victomm cr;1 sleuth returned
hit. Siege! di rec ted Eh' l ~ In Fkmlllll{ SliIr 1.lIer tlMI III The Adl 't'IlWfI'5 of
tll(' ncxt year. Fahi,m's only hig hilS Sherux:k Il fllme~. '·\V,ltson, thc n('edle!"
camc when Elvis W,I$ in the ,mlly. ClIr-
liS I-!:Jrn ngron w ;t) associ:lle I'flxluccr. 111i:' /lO UN D OF THli
71fl:: HOUNO OF THi:' 1~')9 11 .llllllwr l ·nlr ....,l Art I-h (Encl.lllJI
BAS Kt:RVILLI::S PRODUC ER : A ,,!hpIlI [lln,b
["19 ZO.h Centur)·. Fnx (B~W) OIl\1CTOII: Tn .... lll .... 1· I~her
AlSOCIAT£ ProDUCE..: Gel1t~ M <l r~cy K kEENWII..I TER: Pe!er Bry""
DIRECTOR: Sidney L.mtield The tir~1 H (llmt'~ lilm ~11lce the U IlI\'cr-
K REEffl.lmtER:Erne:.f ~.I 1 ~t.'TI('~ c ndc"illl '46 s t.trs rt."er Cush·
B<I~il Rathbone ,IO..! Nlgd Bruce [('am 11l~ ,I~ the (.lIn":ll dl'tectll'~', II ~hnw ~
c.~ Holmcs ,IIlJ W,lfson fnr thl' hn.t time. mor(' 01 f he Ill'caJence an,.! horro r of
For ycars It was un .. vail .. f:.le for vit'w ing, B~I~h'rvdlc Hall rh,11l any other vcrsion

and was the fim Holmes in color. C hris- 11/li HOUSE BY 1HE LAKE
rophe r Ll'e is Sir Henry. Andre Morell 1976 All' (Canada)
is Dr. Watson. Lee next took the Holtrk!s 1'II0ooC(": h'an Rellman
m le in Valley of Fear. OIA£CTOII./SCA£[NWMU: William h em
ALSO I\£lU&D AS: iJeurh We . . kend
THE HOUND OF THE While on vacarion. Brenda Vaccaro and
her hc.yfriend are attacked by a quarret
BASKERVILLES or :.adist ic goons led by Oon Stroud.
1971 T V
PAOOOCUl.: Stanley Kallts
It's somet imes bi lled with ,Ill' si milar
OIIUCTOII.: am)" Crane hut much slrongl'r Las, H OlLie on lhe
~E£NWRJTEII: Rnht-rt E. Thumrso..lIl l..efl. FreUl later din:.'Cted the dull FIIIl<..' nJ
Hume. \ R)
A weak pilot fi lm for a series that would
have a lternated Holrnes stories wi th the
exploi ts of Nic k Cuter (Robert Con -
rad ) and H il degarde Wit h ers (Eve ROAD.. See THE INVISIBLE
A rden). Stewart Granger is Sherlock CREATURE.
Holmes. Bernard Fox is Watson. Wi th
W illiam Shamer, John Wil liams, and HOUSE OF CRAZIES.. See
An thony Zerbe. ASYLUill.
1978 Allantic (England) SCII.[[N\tIMEI\S: Sa m Hall. Gordon RuSSt.'1I
I'IIOOUCH.: John Goldstone IAlrk Shtulou's series regulan; Jonathan
OIA£CTOII.: Paul Mnrm.sey Frrd and Joan &'Imeu aPJX.-a r as Barnabas
saEENWIII1"£M: PererCook. DUdley Moorl', and EII:ahcth Collins. Grayson Hall,
Paul MOrriSsey
Kathryn Leigh ScOI(, and Roger f),w is
This spoof, wrinen by Irs sta rs. Peter all repeal rh ...·ir TV mil'S. Nancy Barret
Cook and Dudley Moore. wasn't re- stands oUI as a Hammer-sl yle vampi re
Il'ased here until after Moore's n('w fame who .'!"(·ts ~taked. The reason the 150-
in 10. It (e,lruTes an ExorCIst t'lkeuff. rear-\lld Barnahas so clost'ly resembles
Terry-Thomas. Joan GreenwnoJ. Ken - Du~' rn I loffman in Liltl... Big Man is that
neth WiHi:Hns (from CWl)' On fil ms), Dick Smith used basic<llly rhe s,lme
and Spike Milligan. From the direc tor lmex appliance makeup in both films.
of Trash. Also with Th<l~'er David. Nigh t of Dark
.~mulotlls was the sequel. Some of the
I. OOJorigina llullf_hour TV episodes arc
7HE HOURS OF LOVE nnw in syndicar ion. T h irtee n years
196} Cml'llIa V (Italy) (B&W) Liter, C urtis moved (rom ehe<lp mon-
PII.OOUCEkS: IsidoTO BrO~~ I. Rl'nar o UhlsSI ~ters 10 a multimillion_dollar min i-series
OIIUCTOII.: Luciano Salce
ca lled \'(/ind.s of War.
SCII[[NWRITEII.S:Luciano Solie .. ,
Franc o Castellano
A comedy starri ng Ugo T ogn a!2 i and
19<15 Unll'l' tsal (B&W)
Emm<lnueJle Riva as a couplc whoS\.' ro-
1'II0ooC[": Paul Malvern
nl<lnce ends when they marry. Barbara OIA£CTOII: Erie C. Kenton
Steele is third-billed. SCUENWII.lTEII.: Edward T. Low..

The superior follow-up f a The J-/0it5e of of herself. Thl~ re 's II warped family with
Frankenslein smrs the llnbillcd O mlow a sadistic husband and nympha wife, it
STevens as Dr. Edelmann, a :.e ll'mist nec ro son, a nd , as the burler, Tel ly
who becomes a wide-eyed killer whe n Savalas (with a lullipop!). New "exur-
Dracula's blood is mixed with hi~. He c ist" scenes with Robert A ida as a priest
also revives the Fmnkenste in monster and Elke spewing bile and frugs were
(Glenn Strange) and nics to "cure" the added fur the American release, but
Wo lfm an ( Lo n C haney, Jr.), and reported ly both versIOns can be seen
Dracula (John Carradine). Jane Adams on telcvisiun . With Alida Valli and
is <I prcn y hunchbacked nurse, the per- Sylva Kosci na. It's Savalas' beSt halian
fec t girl for Chane~'. lionel ATwill is film . ( R )
anOlhe r police inspector (he always
seems to turn up with a new name ;md HOUSE OF FEAR
the same un iform in these I1l ms). Mar- 19J9UnlV ... rs.... 1 (B&W)
tha O' Driscoll is the other nurS('. With .usoc. P"OOU CE": EJmund G raingt:T
Ludwig Stossel and Skelton Knaggs. OlkECTO": Joe M ay
Lots of stock footage and music can be SCl\EE HWklTEI\: Pd cr Milne
recognized from earlier Universal hor- A pretty titllle remake of The Last
ror hits. Th is was the end of the mill Warning ( 1928), about a phony Illur-
for the famo us Universa l monsters- dCTOus ghost in a haunted theater. The
until they met Abhott and Costello creaky whodull1t feat ures William
th ree years later. Gargan, Irene Hervey, El Brendel, Rob-
en Coole. and Walter Woolf Ki ng.
1968 Columbi;1(U.S.lMcxico) THE HO USE OF FEAR
Luis Enriqut: Vc raga
'''ODUCE'': 1944 Univ ersal (B&W)
OIMCTOM: Ju:ml baik;, Jade H ill Pl\.OOUCENOlMCTOI\: Ro~' Willia m Neill
SC'-EEHWklf["; Jack Hill ~MEHW"ITt": Roy C hanslor
O ne of the four 1oCldom-secn Mexican Sherlock Ho lmes (B..1.5il Rathbone) and
cheapies fo r wh ich Boris Karloff shot Watson (N igel Bruce) go to a mansion
scenes in Los Angeles shortly before in Scurland where members of "The
he died. This one is a ho rror film in- Good Comrades" club arc being mur-
volving a IOrture dungL'On. American dered. Based on "The Five O range
direcror Hill is an old hand at piec- Pip~."..1 sha n story by Arthur Conan
ing IOgether movies like this, havi ng Doyle. Wit h Dennis Hoe)" Gavin Muir,
worked on The Terr01", Blood Bmh, and and Paul Ca vanaugh.
others for A lP.


1975 Peppen;vrn Worm.\er ( Italy)
1945 Univ ersal m&W)
",OOUCEI\: Pollil Malv~rn
PI\OOU(E"; Alfr~d L~l)n ~
OlkE(1"O": ErI~ C. Kcn ron
OlkECTO "; Mlck... y l ion (~'hril) B.W.I)
KI\EEHW',ITE": Edw,lJ"(l T. low ...
KkEENWklTW: AI~rm Tinrini ,
A!fR'lIlL·tme As a mad doctor, Boris Karloff eS(:<lpes
OAlGINAllY kEILU(O,u; La CUS£j dell' from prison with Daniel the hunchback
Exorci!mo U. C.... rrol Naish) and .s<:eks revenge plus
AUO kEILU(O,u; USlIand [he /kl'll Dr. Frankenstein's journal in this epi-
A confusing horror muvie starring Elke sodi c a ll-star mo nster ex travaganza.
Sommer, who discovers a mannl."·quin John C.lrradine iSb'OOd playing Dmcula

- - - - - - - --'p.
(or the first time, hut he's dc~ tro ycd he- erous friend (C hri STOpher Lee). In rhe
fore Lon C hancy, Jr. , as the Wo lfman , d ressin!l room of a snake dancer, Hyde
shows up in search of a curoe for [ ~'GlIl' lets a python crush h is ex- fri e nd lO
duopy. Dehuting as ,hl' monSTer, Glenn death . He then m IX'S hLs wife who hils
Smmge doesn't have much t Il do. As herse lf. LrHer he convinces the police
professor Lampini. George Zucco has tha t Jekyl l committed the murders, and
his identi t y and rr.wding h o rror sho ll' thaI a hurnt corpse is all thaI r('mains
stolen by Karl nff. Ek'na Verl[ugo is a of t1w culprit.
pretty gypsy who lun's [hoe unhappy
wlT('wo]f. Lionel An-viII is a {Xl[i ce in - HOUSE OF HORRORS
spector, An n Gwy nne a vic tim u f the 1946 Uni\'er~al (B&Wj
va mpire . Wi th Sig Ruman, Pl'ter Coc. ",ODUCEIt: Ben r,va r
and Frank Reichl'r. The mon s te r~ were DlfI.[aOfl.: Jean Yarbrough
all back (m inus KrulofO in H ouse of X MEHWfI.Il£It: George BTlcker
Dr(l("Z./a later the same year. The incredible Rondo HaTTOn is the
C reeper;n his firs t starring role . Crazed
HOUSE OF FREAKS sculptor Mart in Kosleck rescues Rondo
1971Cinc rmn~ (It:ll y)
from drowning, makes a n ice bust of
,I\OD\KU: Ro......rt R:lnJall h im , and uses his un ique bonc-crushing
DIMCTOk: Roncrt O l ]l'cr po wers to kill various enemies. Hatton's
K';[[N\\I'NT£k: M :lri o Fr:mCInI (,lmo us killer roles onl)' lasted for twO
O"IGINALLY kElEAS£D AS: EI Curd/oddl' years, bUT he'll never be forgonen . Yu u
Clm., can now buy Rondo Hatton masks to
AUO MlEAlED AS: Fnmkensl~1I\ 's Crud.. of wear whe n you're tired of you r To r
FTC'~ Johnson ma~ k . WiTh Robert Lowery,
South Pacific sta r R\ )ssa no Bra::i plays Virgm ia Gre\', Kent Ta ylor, Alan
Count Fr:mkenstelll in a cheap Euro Napier. and Bill G oOOwin .
sex horror film . Michael Dunn . [he only
dwarf ,lefor [0 ~et good parts in m,ljor
produCl ions, SUlks TO the cliche e\,,1
dwarf role . With Edm und Purdom, See EXORCISWS DAUGHTER.
C hmtiane R\)yce (star of Th e \'(!o![-
wonum), tI giant, Ook the Neanderthal HOUSE OF IIIORTAL S IN, See
man, ,md lots of naked girls. It was the THE CONFl!.'SSIONAL.
last rdeal>\' from C inerama .
HOUSE OF FRIGHT 1967 All' (W. Germ;my/Spain)
1960 H:lmmt'r/AI P (En~laml ) ~oJ~ HarT)' Ala" Towers
P~ODUCU.: Mich~d Cart\'ras DI fl.ECTOfl.: Jl'rem)' Su mmers
DIMaOIt: Tert'nce FI ~hcr O kiGIHAUY fl.ElEASro AS: Das HilUS J..r-
XItE[N\IIfl.Iltfl.: Wulf Mlmkowit! Tiluscnd Frcuaen
AL50 MI.£ASED AS: A ridiculous drama starring Vincent
The Tu'Ii F(let's of Dr. Jekyll Price a nd Martha Hyer as stage magi.
An okay verSLon of Dr. Jek yll and Mr. cians who drug young women in Tan-
H)"ck starring Paul Massie. This ti me gier.; (or a white-slave ring. Hero George
,In old and weak Jekyll becomes.
<I young Nader (Rohal M onsler) fi ntlll y figures
and handsome Hyde. A.s Hyde, he fi nds out what 's goi ng o n and kills bad -guy
his wife (Dawn AJda m ~) WiTh his lech- Price . W ith Maria Rohm , star of many

trashy Harry Alan Towers films. When fi lm within a film is F"irh Domergue
first released, it was double-billed with (from This Iskmd Earlh) , who conjures
M ' lry Jane. up <I ghoul. T he <lCIOTS and crew mem-
bers argue a 10( and die one by one.
HOUSE OF PSYCHOTIC The house was formerly the Govemor's
WO;lfEN Mansion in Utah. Watching actors por-
1973 Jndependent International (Spam) traying acton is always a treat. Direc-
"'-OOUCER.: Modesto Pere! Redondo ror Harrison wrole the Saturday morn-
DI'-ECTOA: Carlos Aured ing H. R. PUrtl'SIII! television series.
KP.(ENW"'TU: Jacinto Molina
0A1G1NAU.,.. 1U:l£AS£D AS: Lm Ojos AZllks de
A bkxxly movie <lbour three smmgc sis- 1940 Universal (B&W)
rets and a sex murderer in the snow. AS~. PAOOO(EI\: Burt Kdl y
With horror Slar Pau l Nasch~', Diana DlIU:CTOA:Joe May
LOl)'s , and Eva Leon. ( R ) KIU:ENWP.ITEA: lester Cole
George Sanders is the evil Jaffrey Pyn-
THE HOUSE OF cheon in Nathaniel H<lwthorne's ta le
ROTHSCHILD set in 19th-century Massachu~tts. His
1934 United Artists (B&W with color brutherClifford (Vinccnt Price) issent
sequences) ro prison so J~I(frey ca n get al thc family
MOOUCEA: DalT),j F. Zanuck fortune buried in the anceslra l home.
OIIU:CTOA: Alfn-d Wc:rk .. r With Margaret Lindsay, Alan Napier.
SCAUNWP.ITU: Nunndl~' Johnson Cec il Kellaway, ,mel Nan Grey. Price
During the NalXlleonic wars Nathan sings. Universal m<lde an "exact" dupli-
Ro thschild (George Arl iss) tries 10 lend cation of the actual house in Salem,
money ro Napoleon's enemies. As the but thre ..... o ut much of the plol of the
<lnti-semitic Prussian Ambassador B<lron novel. The sam(' year, German refugee
Ledrantl, Boris Karloff blocks his bid Joe May also did The In\,isil>k Man' s
and later has Jews killed in Ihe ghetto. R C1'e7lge with Price, Kdl,,\\'<lY, and Grey.
Lorena You ng is Rot hschild's daugh-
{cr. Robert Young is her suiTor. Arliss,
who also plays Rothsc hild's (ather, is HOUSE OF TERROR, See
pu bl icly ho nored in ,he closing se- FACE OF THE SCREAAIING
quence filmed in three-strip Techni- WEREWOLF.


1965 Mcdalli0nrraurus
1974 International Amuscment
PAOOUCEM: Wdllam White,
RIChard SllOrwcl1
Paul Harrison
DIIU:CTOM: Haruld D,ll1lels,
Until Cameron Mitchell catches lip, Reginald Lc Borge
Jo bn Carradi ne will ho ld the record for SCIU:ENWMU.: RlCha rJ Mahoney
cheap horror movies. This time he's the of
41.50 IU:I.EASED AS: Bkx.d [he M(lli lkl1l.
creepy caretaker of a haunted housc Nighl of lho: Beasl
where John Ireland is a director shoor- Lon Chancy. Jr., and John Carradim'
ing an occult movie. The star o f rhe are the Dc:..ade brolhers in thi s obscure

horror film about witches. They don't HOUSE OF USHER
have any scenes together. Andre, the 1960AIP
good warlock (Carradine), spends the Pf.ODUCEI\IOlkECTOP.: Roger Connan
whole time in bed. Belial (Chaney with KP.EEHWkfTEk: Richard Matheson
devil horns) is more active. Possibly AUO P.£LEAS(O Al: The Fall of rM HOU5l' of
each had his own di rector. With the U,,,,,.
incredible Katherine Victor, a werewolf. The great success of this modest Poe
and '40s stars Tom Drake a nd Andrea adaptation freed Roger Corman from
King. Watch for it . making black -and-white double-featl.Ire5.
It was filmed in 15 days and cost about
$200,CX>O, both new highs for Corman.
Vi ncent Price is effective as the whi[e-
HOUSE OF THE DAllfNED haired supersensit ive recluse Roderick
1963 10th Century-Fox (B&W) Usher, who buries his sister (Myrna
Pf.OOUCEI\IOlkE(TOk: Maury Dexter
Fahey) alive. Mark Damon is her fiance.
KP.EEHWktT£k: Harry Spalding
It'~ a masterpiece of moody low·budget
A couple visits an old mansion once horror. Screenwriter Richard Matheson,
o wned by a recluse circus·sideshow cinenultographer Floyd Crosby, art
owner. The house seems to be haunted director Daniel Haller, and composer
and their friend's wife is found - dccnp. Les Baxter all did great jobs and con·
itated! But don't be scared, it's only tinued to work on the Poe series.
been faked by the shy inhabitants, all
freaks hiding Out after their boss died.
Starring Merry Anders, Ron Foster, HOUSE OF !PAX
Erica Peters, and Richard Crane. With 1953 Wamer BrOlh~'rs (3-D)
""ODUCEk: Bryan Foy
legless people and giant Richard Kicl.
OIP.£CTOP.: Andre de T olh
Director Dexter is also known for The SCAtEHWJUru: Crane Wilbur
Day Mars fnt'£&ded Earth, released the
same year. This famous remake of The M)"Sfcry of
the W(IX Museum (1933) was one of [he
best 3-D mov ies and the one that
launched Vincem Price's horror career.
In turn·of-the-cemury Baltimore, Price
is a horribly scarred sculptor left to die
in his museum during an insurance fire.
He survives and, for revenge. murders
people, steal s the bodies from the
morgue. covers them with wax, and dis·
plays the incredibly life· like figures in
his new C hamber of Horrors/Wax Mu-
seum. Carolyn Jones (Morticia o n
The Addams Family) ends up as Marie
Antoinette. Charles Buchinsky/Bron-
son plays the mute Igor. The original
jun kie character is an alcoholic in this
safer '50s version. With Phyllis Kirk,
Frank Lovejoy, and the ever-popu lar
paddle b..,lls. Price starred in The Mlld
Magicum, Dal\gerous Mission, and SOli

of Srnlxld, also
III J-D. H orue of \'(Iax Adulu-onl1 mons/.eT In
was rereleased in 1982. The director House on Bare Moun·
was blind in one eye. tain.

1974 AlP (Enghmd)
Peter Walk .. r
so.£EN\\o'N1U: DavId
A n elderl y couple runs II secret prison
in the count!)' and punishes "immoral"
young women with whips, mts. and
hanging. Their son (called Mark E. De-
sade) brings them II rather slow·wined
young French model (Anne MIchelle
(rom The Virgin Witch). Sheila Keith
(Frighlnwrr) is the sadistic warden.

1961 OlympIC
~OOUCEM: Bob C reSSt'o D;md Andrew. viewers' head~ on a pulley. Firsthand
W~'Sd<m Bishop repo rts reveal why many theaters d idn'l
OtUOO«.: Lee Frost bother: the excih:o patrons, knowmg
KIU:ENWP.rTEk: Denv.. r &:ott what was go ing 10 happen, were welt
"20 terrified tee n love lies tasTefully ilrml~J with candy boxes to throw at
unanin..-d!" were promised by the ads the b.u tered and defenseless bones. The
for This silly nudlc film. Bob C resst' o fi lm "self staT!> Vincent Price, who glee-
a co-producer. stars as a voyeurisllc boot- fu lly tries to scare h i ~ overnight guests
legger in drag running a gi rls' school. to death with a decapitaTed head, a
His/her assisTant i ~ a werewolf. At a wit ch. the skeleTon, and :'10 acid Vilt.
CoslUme ball, Drac ula and rhe Franken· I I I ~ schem ing wife (Ca rol Ohmart in a
stem monster show up and TWISI with while nighl gown) has o ther ideas.
"Mt~ Hollywood." By The makers of Elisha Cook, Jr., is the timid owner (I f
Olle Million ACII".>C. Adults only, of the "hilunted" house. 77 SlImcl S/ri/)
course. star Richard Long, Alan Marshall, and
C lrolyn CTlug are some of the guests
who recei ve guns in liTtle coffins from
HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL thetr thoughtful host. Sc reenwriter
1958 All ied Art1 ~b (B&W) Rohh Whire worked on 1I105t ofCastle's
Pf.OOUCEilJDIk.ECTO A:William Cast Ie hest mo\'i e~.
KP.[ENWI\lTEI\: Robh White
William Ca~ tl e, doing whilT he did best: THE HOUSE ON SKULL
scaring the shit out of the kids in the JJIOUN7/IIN
audience! The much ,pllblici:cd Emergo 1974 20th Century·Fox
proce:.s-"more start ling than 3-1)!"- Pf.OOUCEk: Ray SlOrey
was rea lly nothtng more Than , I lumi· DIAlOO" : Ro n H,)nt haner
nous skelecon thai fl oated over Thl! SC"EUfWI\ITE" : Mildred Par.::s

Ga r)' Clarke (feenage
wtrt!woIj), Gary Conwa)'
(Itt~ Frankerurein),
and Robm HamS (mad
makeup man) In How to
Make a Monster.

A black voodoo-horror mov ie (rom Ter (Ch loe Franks) pract ices voodoo by
Atlanta. Businessmen there hired the sticking pins in a little daddy do ll.
ex-associate producer of the G lmsmoke WiTh Nyrce Dawn Porter. The last seg-
series to d irect. Jean Durand is a butlerl ment is a bit of silly comedy with Jon
witch doctor. Victor French i5 the token Penwee as an actor who becomes a real
white vinim. lance Michc1le is his wife. vampire when he puts o n a cape. In-
W ith Mike Evans of AU in the FamilJ. grid Pitt is a vampire/actress.
Georgia Senator Leroy Johnson plays
the lawyer who reads the will. ( R)
HOUSE THAT CRIED 1969 AlP (Spa in)
II/URDER, See THE BRIDE. PAODtKo.: Arturo Gonzales
Oll\l:CT~: Narciso lb.·mez Serrador
Kf.[EHW1UT[1\: Luis Verna Penatiel

BLOOD Lilli Palmer, a respected Austrian-oom

1971 Amicus/Cinerama (England) smr, is Madame Foumeau, a widow who
P1\ODUCEP.5: Max J. Rosenberl{. nms a correcTion;! 1 sc hool for gi rls in
Milton Sulxmky 19th -century France. Jo hn Mo ulder
DlftECT01\: Peter Duffell Brown (Deep End) is her sexually re-
KUENW1\IT£k: R ober! Bl och pressed son. I wo uldn't want to give
Four horror stories by Robert Bloch. away the end of this sick made-in -Spain
The first features Delhom EIHon as a movie, but ... the son kills schoolgirls,
mystery writer facing his own fict io nal cuts off parts of their b.xiies, and con-
murderer. Next Peter C ushing is lured structs a composite " mom" in the attic.
to a wax museum by a living statue. In Rated po , but with scenes of girls being
the best segment C hristopher Lee's in- whippt.>d, tied up, and locked in closets.
credibly cute and innocelll little daugh- It wascm !,cfore the American release.

1974 AlP (England) 19iOTV
H.OC>OCU: Dian~ D:lUbenq· O('()rgc Edwards
DIM:CTOI\: Joseph La rraz OII\£CTOI\: Curtis H~rrington
Derek Ford
Scrwm and Die
AUO P.£l..£AS£D AS: This TV-movie suffers from tOO many
A young model witnesses a murder at familia r clements, including the Balry
an old house. then later can't find the Jane- type title. Anthony (Psycho) Per-
house. He r boyfriend turns Out to be kins plays a guih- ridde n , semiblind
the killer. Another retitled movie (rom mental patient who is released from the
abroad advertised with the overused "It's hospital to stay with his psychotic sis-
only a movie!" line. h sometimes plared ter Julie (The Hmlnling) Harris, who
..... ith lAsr House on the LefL Andrea proceeds to torment him. Also with
A llan and Karl Lanchbury star. From Joan Hackett (not kno wn for playing
the directOr oC Vampyrc5 . (R) stable t ypes) and toke n "old-timer"
Kent Smi th. Te leplay by Henry (Baby
Jane) Farrell.
1968 Unusual Films
H.OOUCEk: Aaron S~ lling
John Llewellyn Moxey
PP.OOUCWOII\(CTOI\: Herschell Gordon Lewis
KUEHW'JTO.: Henry Farrell
!oC1\([N\tmTEP.S: Bert Ray,
Herschel] Gordon Lewis
Barbara Stanwyck inheri ts a n Amish
A science-fiction nudic comedy with
house with ghosts! With Richard Egan
a compu ter that c reates beautiful wom-
and Michael A nderson, Jr. Screenwriter
en. After endless o rgies with beautiful
Henry Farrell wrote the novel o n which
robots, a p rofessor ( Rabe n Wood)
\Vnalewr HaPt>ened 10 Bah)- Jane! was
wants a real woman. His glasses break
a nd he falls in love with an ugly one.
S he turns into a rabbit after he tells
THE HOUSE WHERE EVIL the compu ter he wants her to be his
DWELLS d ream bunny. By the director of Two
1982 MOM/UA Thousand Maniacs.
~CXK[A: Marrin B. Cohen
OIk£(TO'-: Kevin Conner HOW TO AlAKE A AtONSTER
KIUENWMD.: Robert A. Suhosky 1958 AlP (B&W with color sequence)
nle director of Motel Hell returns with ",OOUCEI\:Herman Cohen
a samurai ghost story fil med in Japan . OII\(CTOI\! HNbtcrc L. Strock
Most vie ..... ers couldn't decide ..... hether !oCI\(EWWlIJTEkS: Kenneth Lmgtry,
th is one was supposed to be funny o r not. Herman Cohen
An American couple (S usan Geo rge He re's a movie especially for '50s mo n-
and Edward Albe n ) move to a haunted ster movie fans! It's (he behind-the-
Japanese country house and are taken scenes story of a makeup artist who
over by spirits of murder and hara- kiri panics when the studio stops making
vict ims. Their diplo mat friend (Doug ho rror movies-obviously a du mb idea.
McClure) is decapitated a nd big crabs During his last production he puts spe-
show up for an attack. (R) c ia l drugged makeup o n the aC[QTS

playing the teenage Frankenstein (Gary so he hircs I3wana, a witch doctor, to
Conway, repeating his earlio:r role) and help. Seventy-year-old Buster Keaton
the teenage werewolf (Gary Clarke, not conjures Up:l floating bikini, "stuffs" it
Michael Landon). The makeup makes with Beverly Adams, and sends her to
them th ink they're really monsters! distract Dwayne (Dobie Gil/i5) Hickman
They kill the stupid studio execs who from Miss Funicello. Series regulars Ha r·
th reatened thei r "master's" future! Our vey Lembeck (as Eric Von Zipper), Jody
hero, the makeup man (Roherl H. Har- McCrea (as Bonehead), and John Ash-
ris), joi ns the murdering fun disguised ley arc o n hand, as well as Br ia n
as a caveman ! This movie is littered Donlevy and Mickey Rooney. The
with o ld props from o ther American music is by the great fra t-rock group
Internatio nal movies like Tfu! Sfu! Crea- the Kinb'Smen (who play "themselves"),
ture and Intusion of the SaIICL'ITIlCn. Spot and Brian Wilson can be spotted as o ne
your favorites! Spot John Ashley! With of the "beach boys." With fou r Playboy
Robert Shayne and Morris Ankrum. It Playm"tes, including Marianne Gaba
origina lly played with Teel1age Cavcman. (Miss September 1959) as Animal.


1970 Medford Fi lm Corporation
1968 MGM DIMaO"'SCMENWPJTE": Ben I. Gordon
PP.OOUCEP.: Amhon ~' Spmner Imagine a sex comedy by the guy re-
olru:aOll.:Sulton Roley sponsible for The Amazing Colossal Man
KAI:[~I1U: Noonan !-iudls and Auack o/!he PtjPtlel Peuple . Too bad
The last of The Mall/rolll U.N.C.LE. it doesn't include giant people terroriz-
feature s, edited from TV epis<xles. Roh· ing a major city with unusual sex acts
ert Vaughn and D,IVid McCalllull are or tiny people doing it by a giant tele·
sent o ut by Leo G. Carrol l to prevent phone th"t deeps ringing. It's just soft-
Barry Sullivan from taking over the core frolics with a guy' who's frantic
world with obedience gas. With EIl'a' because his fiancee says - not till we're
nor Parker, Leslie Nielsen, Tony Bil l. married. Fo llowing Instructions in a
Dan O'Herlihy, and Hugh Marlowe. book ll'ads him through comical situa-
The fo ur-year series was o"er by the (ions, inc luding visiting a prostitute who
time this came out. tums out to he ... guess who~ With
Bamhi Allen, Victoria Bond, and Angel
HOWTOSTUFFA WILD Tompkins. Pruduccr Jerome Katzman's
BIKINI dad Sam was the executive producer.
1965 AlP (X )
P"OOUCEM: James H. Nichol.lI<.m,
Sal1wd Z. Ark uff THE HOWLlNG
[)IAl:aOll.: Will i ~m 1981 AV<:oEmbassy
SCME~ITEM: William Asher, PP.ODUCEM: Mlch:ldFinnell , Jack Conr..d
Leo Townsend olru:ao,,: J~ D..lntc
T he last and most ridicu lous of Asher's SCA[[~nus: jolm Sayle,;,
beach movies. Frankie Ava lon, o n Tcrencl" H. Wmldcss
nava l·reserve d uty in Tahiti, doesn't A horro r movie for horror movie fans
Trust Annette Fun icello!O Slay faithful, by the director uf Piranha. It's scary,

it's funn y, and it has incredlhle trans- HUDSON'S BAY
formation scenes, Including one ofhu- 1940 20th Century-Fox (B&W)
nl<lns rurn ing into we rewolves whi le ' ''OOUCEI\: [)~;nyl E Zanuck
l1l<lking love under a moonlit sky. The 011\(001\: IrvltlJ.l PIChe!
plot concerns a C"1lifomia consclotlsness- K[\£[ H"\I(I\I1U.; Ull n,u Trom
raislIlll group led by Patrick Macnee Paul Muni as the French-Canadmll
that's actually a coven of werewolves. PH.'rre Espri t Radisson, John Sunon as
A recent ly traumatized TV newswoman an Englishman, and Laird C regar as a
([k.e Wallace of E. T.) goes there wi th Canad ian tmp furs and take them hack
her husband. WlIh clips from The to the Sill y snobbish King C harles II
Wolfnum, lors of wolf gags, and count- (Vincent Pnce). Sulton gets thl' gi rl
les s fi lm references . Characters are (Gene Tierney). Wi th Nigel Bruce,
named after directors who m<lde past C hief Thundercloud, and Chief Big
wolfm an movies, Forrest j. Ackerman C lo ud. A vcry light and diston ed look
visiu an occult book shop run by Dick :11 history.
Miller, Roger Corman makes a phone
call, ere. W ith Elizabeth Brooks as a THE H UillAN DUPLICA TORS
leather-clad wolf woman, a very brief 1965 Woolner Bmlhers/AII.ed Artlsl~
an imated scene, John Carradlne, K(~vin MOOUCEIU: HUf!.to G rimaldi,
McCa rthy, Kenneth Tobey, Silln Pick- ArthurC. Pwrct:
ens, and a script co-wri tten by John 0 11\[0 01\: Hulo:o Grimaldi
Sayles, who <lppears in a morgue scene. K MEHWl\JTEI\: Arthur C. Pi erce
Much better than the more successful Richard Kid as Ko los, a giant al ien, is
Amencan \'(/ereU'o/f III London . A sound Sl.'111 to Earth to creale android dupli-
track album by Pino Donaggio IS <lvail- cates ofhllm:1ns to infiltrate the govern-
able. Watch for a seque l. (R) ment. The whole cheap produclion lakes

Effeclit~ adtoerrising art

for The Howling.

place in the man sio n of ~ professllT THE HUAIAN MONSTER
(George Macrcady) who IS him ~ l f .')oon 1939 Monogram (England) (B&W)
duplicated. Besides the thnll of havi ng PP.OOUCE ..: John Argyle
twO of hero George NOlder, thl.') IllUSt · OlkECfOk: Wal ter Summers
see non seme includes sexy Barbara SCklEHWkITEkS: Panick Kirwin,
Nicols, H ugh "Ward C le:wer" Beau- Walter Sumlners, John Argyle
mo nt . silent movie star Richard Arlen. AlSO k£l£AS(DAS: !:kIrk E:yes 0{ London
and a love interest (in a bli nd wo man) One of Bela Lugosi's beSI. He plays Dr.
for Kolos. O rloff, an insurance swind ler who d is·
guises himself as a kind ly old donor
H IJ;/lAN EXPERIAIENTS running a home (o r [he blind. The
1979 Crown In( eOla tional horror is stronger than in American
Pf.ODUCE'-S: Summer Brown, movies made <It the time . Bela and his
G re~ory Goodell ugly blmd-brute <lssistam tie up, torture,
OIMCfOIl: ). Grt~~ory Goodell
at)d kill victims in scenes considered
SCIlEENW?ITEIl: Ric h"rd R ot h s t e in
pretty rastcless at the time. Not at all
AlSO IlELEA5ED AS: Beyond (he G.;jf~
like other Monogram films (they mcrdy
A psychi:mist who bclit~vlo's th ~H ex·
released it). Based on an Edgar Wallace
treme mental shock can lx· uscd to curh st\)ry. R e m ~llie in Germany in '6 1.
c riminal impulses sets up sho p at a
women's prison, exposing the residents THE HU,/IAN VAPOR
to bugs, spiders. and the like. Ilis suh· 1960 T oho/AlIicJ Artists (Japan)
Jects become well·behaved catatoniCS EXEC. ""ODUCE": Tomoyukl Tanab
until he meets a charmi ng count ry·a nd- OIlUOOk: lnos1mo Honda
western singer. who becomes the ob- SCkEEHWlltTO.: T akeshl Kimura
George NadeT and Ius Ject of his attenflo ns. The star-swdded OklGINALlY kElEASED AS: Gasu Nmgen
android double III George ca..,t includes Jack ie Coo$pn. A ldo Ray. l.1.lUclugo
Macreoois bwemenilll and Ellen Travo lta (yes, hiS sister). A Tokyo man robs banks for (he love
The Human Dupl.c'lIors. Theme song by Jerry Jeff Wa lker. ( R ) of FUJlc hiyo. a fa mous da ncer. The
-n"', crunes. are simple becausc, (hanks to a
SCientist, the robbe r can tum himself
into a mist. Leavi ng his clothes in a
rump led pile, he goes unde r doors,
through keyho les ..

1979 Q)[umbia (Italy)
""ODUCE..: G.wrgio VenTurini
OIMCfO ..: Geo rg~ 8. Lewi.
SCkEEN\VkITE'-S: Adriano Bolwni. Aldo Lado
Richard Kiel and Corinne Clery, who
had JUSt been in Moonraker, star as
space-age heroes battling bad guys Ar-
thur Kennedy and Ivan Rassimov. An-
other Swr Wars copy complete with a
friendly robot dog. Kiel is the invinci-
ble gi<lnt humanoid. Also with Barbara
B.1ch (The Spy Who l...nwd Me) . Music
by Enn io Mo rricone .

HUiltANOIDS OF THE DEEP Laughton as the loveSICk, dl·fo rmed
1980 New World bcllringer. Ql.lasltllodo watch<.'S rhl' dai ly
PP.ODU(O.S: Martin n. Cohen, Ilun! Lo.... 'ry poverty and crime of the city from the
OII\ECTO~: Ba rbard PC(l'rS heights of the ~<ir/.!oy l e· laden c"thedral,
SCAUNWI\I1U.: Frederick James wlule rhl' powe rful. currupt cler~ y
The first major m(l n ~tcr mov ie whnc manipulate. roh. and hl rl ure the pow-
we SC~ the creanm:s ac t uall y J oing whaT erless masses. I·k disruptS all of Paris
was il lways implied in all th OSe old when he resc ues Maureen O 'Hara from
scenes showing women being carried a puhlic hanging <Ind proU~Cl~ her by
o((screen. Many were offendl-d by the pouri ng molten lead on the mob below.
Tape aspeCl of this (ast-pacl-d thriller Laughton's ac ting makes the char.JCter
featuring i()[s of Creawre frum the Black more pathetic tha n in the o ther ve r-
Llgoon- impirl-d monsters. Eventually sions. Very few shots of hi s grotesque
they IcaT apan a carnival before being makeup were eve r released. Also with
killed by st:lrs Doul! McClure and Ann those two great ci nema villa ins Sir
Turkel. Vic M (lrmW is an lndian- Cedric H ardwickI.' and George Zucco ,
tormentlng bad guy. Directed by a Edmond O'Brien, Tho mas M itchell.
woman , who claims Roger Corman had and a tiny hit hy the real-life deformed
the cont roversial scenes added after she Rundo Hatton ( Ill thl' King of the Fools
was fini shed with the project. like it segment). A great film.
or not, it was a hit and is not du ll. A
sound track album is available. (R)
HUAfONGUS 1957 Allu:d Artists (Frnn cc!lta l~')
1982 Embassy (Canad~) P"OOUCE..s: Robert ;md Raymond Haklrn
""oouc~: Anthon~' Krarnrt"ilher 01'-1:00": J('~ n Debnnoy
011.£00..: Paul Lynch SCMEHWlIJU..s: Jl'an Au rt"llcile,
SCM:EN\VMt,,: Willll!.rn Gray Jacques Prc "cn
The writer and director of Prom Night, O"IGINAUY MLu.s.t:D,u: NO!n~ Dame
a pos(- Hullowef'n Jamie Lee Curtis hi£. de Paris
return wilh more teens in reril. A SOllle peoplc Ihmk Anthony Quinn is
yacht with a gi rl, he r boyfriend, and a grl'at act nr and was a natural to fo l·
her brot her on Ixxml is shipwrecked on low Lon Ch:lIlcy ,md Charles Laughton
an island. A briefly viewed seven-foot- in the role of the deformed bcl1 ringc r.
tall mutant, who has been eating dogs They should've known bener. Quinn
since h is rape -VICtim motlw r died , was !:>est pia )'ing heavies in bit parts.
stalks the potenti;.1 meals. Janet Julian T hiS re make IS remem hcred mostl y for
and David Wallace star. ( R ) some torturl' scenes invo lving Gina Lui·
lohrigida. With Alain Cuny. For really
bad Q uinn, watch for The Happening.
....eOUCl..: Pandro S. Ikrman NOTREDMfE
1moE0Of.: Will iam Dielerle 1978 TV (EI1 j!land)
SCM:EN\VMt..: Sonya Levlcn ""OOUCE": Ct-un c Mcss mil
Classic version of the V ic hlr Hugo DIMOO": A la n Cooke
nowl, starring the wo nderful C harles SCkUNW"ITE": R o bcrt Mullet

A BBC videotape present<ltion starring completists only. It was rerelellscd as
Warren Cl;uke as QUllsimooo, Kenneth Seuson of the Witch in 1982 to confused
Haigh as the ;)rchdcacon. and Michele theater patro ns who thought it was
Newell as E~merelda. newer than Dawn of rhe Dead (as im-
plied by the poster) or Halloween: Sea-
THE HUNCHBACK OF son of the Witch. also playing at the time.
NOTREDMIE Here's the justification for the new title:
1981 TV (England) When the main character visits an oc-
P~OOUC[~: Norman Rosemont cult shop. Donovan's Season of the Witch
OIR.ECTO~: Michael Tuchncr is heard on the sound track. Romero
KIU:[NWPJT[~: John Gay was also the (:ditor and cinematogra-
Anthony Hopkins is an odd looking pher. Most versions of Hungry Wiws
hunchback in love with Lesley-Anne are missing up to 40 minutes of its orig-
Down as Esmerelda. Derek Jacobi is inal 130-minute running time. His neXT
Dom Claude Frol1o. Wi,h John Gielgud feature. The Crazies. although another
and Robert Powell. A Hallmark Hall commercial disaster, was a return to the
of Fame presentation. expected Night of {he Ut'ing DeaJ-type
thril ls.
1971 Cinemation (Spain) 1974 TV
~oouc~: F. lara Polop H.OOUC[~: Edward J. MOlllagne
OIR.ECTO~: Javier Aquirre DIR.ECTOf.: Jeny Jameson
SC~[[HWkJTE~: Jac.into Molina. KR.EE~IT(~: Jack Turley
Albert Insua. Javier Al:uirrc Larry Hagman and Martin Milner arc
OOGINAl.l.Y R.ELEASEO AS: £1 Jorbwln rk Ia hurricane experts who reac t violently
Morgue to rear-projected newsreel footage in
Paul Naschy as a demented, sexua lly this made-for-TV d isaster (not to be
active hunchback supplies bodies to a confused with Dino DeL,urentiis' '79
scientist who feeds them to a living head remake of the '37 fi lm of the same
atTached to a glass tank fu ll of guts. name). Also blown around are Jessica
The star also keeps busy killing rats who Walter, Barry Sulli va n, Will Geer, and
try to e;)t his dead girlfriend.( R) Frank Sutton (Gomer Pyle).


AIOTHER. 1964 10Th Century-Fox
P~OOUCEI\I'DIR.ECTO~: Robert Aldrich
SCR.Erw~m:~: Henry Farrell. LuLls Heller
1972 The successful follow-up to Whaf Etler
P1\OOUC~: Nancy M. Romero Happened fO Bab)' Jane! with the same
OIR.ECTOI\I'KA[EHIIIPJT[~: G~'Orge A. Romero producer/director, writers (adapting a
OOGINAU'" R.El£AXO Al: Jack'J Wife Farrell story) and twO of its stars (Bene
AUO R.EI.£AS£O AS: Season of
lhe Witch Davis and Victor Buono). Joan Craw-
A suburban housewife (J an White) ford was ilt and was replaced by Olivia
practices witchcraft. kills her husband. DeHavitland. Poor Ik'ne, an aging
and joins a coven. This dated ;) nd slow Southern belle. is being driven crazy
feature should be viewed by Romero by greedy relatives. In flashbacks h er

lover (Bruce Dern) I ~ decaplt<lt ~d ,lIld their (l'l" ,lnd lI(t balluom. This .)(.'-
her (ather ( Buon41) hll~hes lip the -.can - que ne e " an a m,l:lng btl o(
J" I. More wxxl casting i n cl llde~ Joseph th"t "houlJ be preseTwd in a lime
Cotten as the (amily due, Agne, Moore- G II'~u l e. If that bn', e nough, there's AI-
head as the unkempt huu~keer"~'r, Cecil l'''llfl Ha ye~ (formerl y a 50-foot woman)
Kellaway as a rellro.:d lTl~urance IIWC~tI­ ,h Desmond':, wl(e/assist,mt J usrine, a nd
gator. Mary Astor, Will iam Campbell, the "king of the: heatnlb" reci ting po-
George Ken nedy, and Ellen Curby. etr~' aCCUll1p,tnll'J hy Ed "Big Daddy"
N,lrJ on NlIl):,!')S! Also With Fred De-
H USTLER SQUA D, S ee DOLL mara, tht" grea t Impc rwnn tor (Tony
SQUIID. ClIrtI~ played h lln in a movie), imper-
MlIl,ning an a c tu r impersonatin,e: a
HYPN OSIS ductor. \X!,th Merry Ander~ and Carol
1963 UTlI{cJ Film EnlerpnS('~ (W. Thurston . I Will watch the hypnotic
Germany/Spallllltal)) (B&W) eYl'- 1 will watc h the hyp notic ey..--
Ptl.OOUCEtI. ; A1foll. C.lrc:bllld I Will w,nc h the hyp n utic eye.
DItl.ECTOtl. : E"geni() M,1T\1Tl
SC"EENWtl.ITEM: GIU')o"'I'I'C "langulIle, HI'S TERIA
EUi-:.::mo Manm , G. ~'nrcno BUT).,'tlS. 196'; H:mI111l'l MG M ( Efl),!l,md) (B&W)
Franci. :-.Ilcwa!. GduarJ Schnll,1t
Sangs t.::r
Pto.O OUC ErVSC"-EENWtl.IT£tI.: Jimmy
Oto.lGI NALLY " H EA1ED.t.l; NUT Tute ZlIel1fll
DI"-ECTO": hl·ddl\' FranCIS
SChll'<'IJ.:'· 1l
An effecti\"e l"ycholog1((l 1 dr."lma With
J..-,m $..)rd is Enk Su.· m, ,I venniloqu isrl
Ro her! \Vc hl'>('r as an Ame rICan acc i-
hr rnoll.t/ murJerer. He kills the ongl-
den t viCl111l with amnesia III London.
n,11 ~ ,ar o(his ~t<1).!e ac t, bu t the man's
In t he ho~p i t , d, Anthony Newlands IS
fianc ee (Ell-onom Rossi-Drago) ~ca res
t he doctor who tells h ll1 l to exp..-ct
confessing hy convincing h im
hUll IIlW
halilicin.lliom. Moving IntO an apart-
th'I' Grog thedumm~' IS aiIW. \'(Iith
ment don.lled by an anonymOl1~ hene-
I kin: Dmche and Hi ldegard Kne(.
(,!lIUr, he 1Ill,l!!1I1eS some horrifyi ng Hypnoost }ocqu£~ ~'T<lC
! hlng~ - ur d(le~ he! With Je n ni(er C{fflvinccs a 5IIb}Cc//Iia/
1959 AllteJ Am", (I3&W) Jaynt:, ~huTi ce Denham, Sue Lloyd, fw 's free~U\g In The Hrp-
P"OOUCEI'.; Charlc~ B. !\loch ;1Il.! Kl\vi K tn!.(~ t o n . notic Eye,
OlIUCTO " : Gcor/:<' Blair
SC"EE NWtl. lT£ M :
CIIt.I,1n,! \Vtilt.1I1l R'::.1d \Xi{,,)!ilcl.!
A ~Ie,l:e classic. J acqlle~ &'r):,!Cr."lC s ta~
a. the /-:Tcat Desmo nd, a h yp no tist
wh ()~ healillfli l fetn,lle \"o lulltn: r sub-
Jec t' lenJ to go ho me: and di~fi).!lIre their
f<tce~ . In :l nuly ~ Id: film that ~how~ up
o n TV tnt,ICt thanks to i b prc - rmmg.~
"re)tr:tmt," one \\"l)Ill,m wa~hc ~ her (,I(e
III acid, onc dTle ~ her h;,ir (ln'r a II!
hunwr, ,md anuthd l<lke5 .1 sca ldmg
,11<)\\'c r, The film feature s " H ypno-
nM),!IC": [)esmond hypn()[lzl'~ hi' el1llr('
audh,'nee (InclllJm,l: alloi m Ulhu~peCt-
111j.! ll1uvie: f;m ,) ,md lt1;tb'~ them ~Iill np

)5 1
• •

, •

1958 United ArtiSl5 (B&Wj
P«.ODIJCEIU: Alben Band. loUIs Garrin kl~
OIM:CTOI\: Albert Band
SCP.[ENWI\IT£I\: Louis Ga rfinkl e
A cemetery carcraker (Richard Boone )
Jack Pa lancc as Mad DoC Earl. Shel ley
Winters is his mo ll . With Lee Marv in ,
Lon Chaney. Jr.. E.·ul Ho lliman. Den-
n is Hopper. Lori Nelson , Mae Clark,
Bill Kenned y. and Gonzalez-Gonza lez.

• discovers an interesting (acT about the

m<lp of the grounds. The occupied plots
[972 Europlx
aTe marked wi th black pins; owned PkODUCEII: Lc.'oll Roth
but empty o nes have wh ite pins. B~' OIIlECTOII: Paul Lc.odef
switch ing the pins around, heean callsc KM£NWI\Il[II: W I[h;lIn Norton
the death of future tenallTs and revive ALSO II£l£AS[O AS: P/J()T Alrerl (Ind Lit/ie
current ones. A faV<lrIte of Stephen Anille
King. With Theodore Bike!. Peggy Zoey Hal l plays Alben , a psycho in H ul-
Maurer, and Russ Bender. By the direc- Iywood who kills "impu re women." He
to r of Face of Fire. fa lls in love wi th nine-year-old A n nie
(Geri Re ischl). W ith Greg Mull:wey.
I CHANGED JIY SEX, See the o n Mary· Haftman, Mary
GLEN OR GLENDA. Hartman, as a d(.'t(.'ctive. T h is retitkd
sick ie played with Blood Spatrered Bride.
I CROSSED THE COLOR By the director of P/ellSe Don't Eat My
LINE, See THE BLACK Murher . (R)

1955 Warner Brothers HER.
",ODUCE": Willis Goldheck
SCIU:[~TE" : W .R. Burnell [971 CItlt!nmtion
Viewers tired of High S,cml shou ld PIIODUCU: Jerry G r06$
walch for this cheesy remake starring OIIl£CToIli'5o(1I££NWIIJT£II: [}.Iv id DurslOn
A n intense gore comedy (0 fil m .
Hippie devil-cult ists give LSD to an o ld

man. His son remliates by injecti ng
rabid-dog blood inlo their meat pi..:s.
The cannibalistic longha irs kill e<leh
oth(.'r and inf(.'Ct a group of constmction
work(.'TS. An exrremdy unpleas.1!H fi lm
with Ronda Fultz, Jadine Wong. and
Lynn Lowrey (The Crazies ). It had to
be cut to earn an R tating. Director
Dursto n also made an c.'OIenaining v e-
ne rea l disease feature ca lled SrignuJ. ( R )


[BJ 1964Cmem;I!lon (H&W)
[Xl Tenney

Producer jerry Gross net.-ded a co-feature Aliens work ing from their flying saucer
(or his I Drink Your Blood, so he bought kidnap Earthmen and make themselves
a seven-year-old unreleased black-and- into identical duplicates in an effort to
white fi lm (Voodoo Blood Bafh) made re popu late their race. The memomhle
by the man resrxm sible for HmTOf of monsters ha ve faces like mutated rhu-
Part)' Beach and gave it a new title. A barb with round white mouths and
mad doctor uses radioactive snake three-clawed hands. They'd fit right in
venom to prod uce killer humanoid on The Outt'"r Umits show. One inspired
zombies with fri ed-egg eyes and crusty scene shows the d uplicated husbands
(aces. Sta rring William j oyce and lined up and float ing in the air while
Heather Hewitt. No skin is eaten. TIle hooked up (0 glow ing white o rbs in the
ad campaign for the double fea ture saucer. With Ken Lynch. Maxie Rosen-
insurt.-d large audiences-- "2 great bkxxl- bloom. and a heroic German shepherd.
horrors to rip OUt your guts!" Now avail-
able as pan of a special bad vi<K'OCassene I AtARRlED TOO YOUNG, See
INTR UDER. 1958 20rh Cl)mury-Fox (8&W)
P'-OOUCEP.S: Roger Corman. Gene Corman
I LED 11/10 LIVES, See GLEN 01P.E004l.: Roge r Corman
OR GLENDA. SCP.EEN'WP.rrtA: Steve Fisher
The rise and fa ll of gangland leader Joe
I LOVEAAIYSTERY Sante (Steve Cochran) , told in fl ash -
1944 Columbia (B&W ) back. With once-innocent girlfriend
PP.OOUCE'-: Wallace MacDonald Lita Milan , he goes from numbers to
OIIU:CTOk: Henry Levi n drugs to head of the synd icate. Bur-
K"EON/mtP.: Char1e~ O'Nelll lesque queen Lib St. Cyr sings. With
An Oriental mystic uses black magic Yvette Vickers. Grant Withers. Celia
t{) d rive people to suicide. Clairvoyant Lovsky. and Roben Strauss. It was
George Macready is afraid he'll be Corman's on ly modern-da y ~a n gs ter
decapitated. j im Bannon and Barton movie and \Io'as made after the popu lar
Yilrborough star as the detective team Machine Gun Kelly.
IXlpularizedon the radio. They returned
in tWO sequels. With N ina Foeh and I, AIONSTER
Carole Mathews. 19 71 Am lells/Cann()n (England)
P'-OOUCEP.S: Mal< J. R~nberg.
I " tARRIED A AtONSTER Milwn Sut-.otsky
FROAI OUfF.R SPACE 01P.E00 ..: Stephen Weeks
1958 Paramount (B&W) SCf.E£N\VP.ITt ..: Mihon Subotsky
P'-OOUCW01LUCtOk: Gen e Fo wler "Or. jekyll and Mr. H yde" becomes Dr.
SCP.EENWP.ITtP.: Louis Vines Marlowe and Mr. Blake. C hristopher
An overlooked . well-made sc ience- Lee st"Jrs. As time goes on , his evil hilif
fict ion hi t that should appeal especially gets uglier and uglier. Peter C ushing
to women. On h er wedding night Glo- and Mike Raven arc fell ow doctors.
ria Talbot discovers that handsome new With little C hloe Franks. It was origi-
husband Tom Tryo n is really an alien nally planned as a 3-D feature. which
monster! And nolxxly will believe her ! would have been q uite unusual in '71.

I NEVER PROAflSED YOU A ing the summer alone at an isolatcd
ROSE GARDEN lakeside house. Four locals (one rc-
1977 New World tarded) beat and rape her. She eventu-
I'AODOCW: Edgar J. Sherick. ally hangs, axes, or castrates the whole
Daniel H. Blan . Terence F. Dean. group. A humorless and disturbing
Michael Hausman movie shot in Connecticut. ( R )
DlUCTOII: Anthony Page
SCAEEH\If1IJT£AS: Gavin Lambe".
Lewis john Carlino 1, 711EJURY
1953 Un lled ATlIS(S (3- D, B&W)
Kathleen Quin lan suffers the horrors H.OOOCU: VIctor Saville
of schizophrenia. Bibi Andersson is her DIUCTO""~p'[[N"'klTn: l'larry Essex
psychiatrist. With Sil via Sidney, Signe The scriptwriter of Crearure {rom rhe
Hasso. Diane Varsi, Susan Tyrrell. and Black Lagoon and 11 Came from Outer
B.1rbara Steele. Based on Joanne Green- Space writes and directs the fir.;{ Mike
berg's bestseller. O ne of New World's
H<lmmcr movie (b<lsed on Mickey Spil-
beSt domestic releases.
lane's bestselling 1946 novel). Biff El-
lio t gives the 3-D punches as he tracks
ISAW WHAT YOUDID the murderer of a friend who sa ved his
. 1965 Universal (B&W) life during the war. He falls in lovc with
~ODOC[JJOIUCTOII: William Castle a l<ld)' psychi<ltrist who asks "How could
~~[N\VPJT(k: William McGivern
you!" at the end. With Peggie Castle,
Ads warned that this (eature was.about Preston Foste r, and Elisha Cook, Jr.
uxoricide (look it up). It's a light th ril-
ler with two teenage gi rls passing thei r I, THEJURY
baby-sitting time making random crank 1982 ZOlh untury-Fox
calls. They speak the mov ie's tille [0 ~ODUCn: Robert Solo
John Ireland, who coi ncidcnrall}' had DIP.[CTO~: Richard Heffron
JUSt killed his wife in the shower. Joan ~P.[!NWP.1T£A: LarT)' Cohen
Cra wfo rd is wasted as the " 'orned
psycho's lover-neighbor who tries to
blackmai l him in to living with her.
With Leif Erickson and lots of fog.
Some theaters had scat belts installed
to keep scared patrons in place. It was
Crawford's second Caslle shocker. Next
stop- Herman Cohen shoc kers!


1977 Jerry Gross Orgalli~ati () n
H.ODUC[M: Joseph Zbeda, Mdr Zarchl
UPI 9127153. Sh(XIm here DIUCTO""SCU[N\VPJT(~: Meir Zarchi
i.! lhe exlfrior of 1m. Town Da)" of Ihe Woman
Thealer m Ba/timore.
Maryland. whrrf ffllIT/kT Thanks to the PBS Sneak Previews
suspect and oonk T~ show, which labeled it inhumane and
John Elgin )oJlIIwn was sexist, this revenge exploitat ion feature
shot 10 death In a gun has j;:ained a new audience of videocas-
oonle wllh FBI agenu. S(~ tte buyers. Camille Kea tu n (Buster's
SeplembeT 15rh. grandniece) stars as a novel ist spend-

Armand Assante was the screen's fi rst makeup for the monster but what a
Mike Hammer after Mickey Spillane difference in the approach! As a Cui ·
himself tOok the role in T~ Girl Hunters rate descendant of Dr. Frankenstein
('63). This disappointing new version livi ng in L.A. , Whit Bissell creates a
of the original Hammer novel features weight· lifting ugly·faced mo nster in the
a psychotic slasher Oudson Scan ) who basement. H e keeps the monster a se-
hates redheads, and a sex clinic run by cret from his fiancee (Phyllis Coates)
8.'lrbara Carrera. Filmed in Manhattan and throws his assistant to the alliga-
and Glen Cove, Long Island. Screen· tors when he gets in the way. Whit then
writer Larry Cohen was originally set sends the monSter our for a new head.
[Q direct but was fi red by the producer. A handsome teenager (Gary Conway,
With Laurene Landon as Velda, Alan later on BUTke's Law) maki ng out in
King as a syndicate boss, and a group his car is the surprised dono r. A terri·
of porn stars in a mostly deleted orgy ble but inevitable and amusi ng exploi-
scene.( R) tation quick ie fo llow-up to 1 Was a
Temagt' Werewolf. Originally billed with
I WALKED WITH A ZOAfBIE Blood of Dracula.
194) RKO (B&W)
roa.OOUClk: Val Lewton I WASA TEENAGE
DIlUCTOA: Jacques Tourneur
SCIU:EH'III?ITDS: Curt Siodmak,Ardel Wray
1957 AlP (B&W)
According to the ads: "She's alive .. . ~a: I·terman Cohen
yet dead ! She's dead ... yet a live !" OII1.lCTo~: G~ne Fo.... ler, Jr.
Nurse Frances Dee goes to San Sebas- SCII.[[NIIIM(A : Ralph Thorton
tian in the West Indies to care for the Young Michael Landon (real name-
sick wife of plantation owner Tom Con- Eugene Orowie:) will never be forgOT-
way. Hoping for a cure, she takes the ten as the troubled high school student
silent blond woman (Christine Gordon) turned into a snarling drooling hairy
to a secret voodoo ceremony and un' monster by Whit Bissell. No full moons
covers horrible fa mily secrets. This or crucifixes are involved. Hypno tism
classic, poetiCfilm fea tures James Ellison causes the retrogressi ve transformation
as Conway's, Edith Barren whenever Landon is startled. Like when
as the ir mmhe r, ca lypso singer Sir the school bell rings whi le he's watch·
Lance\ot, and Darby Jones as Carre. ing a girl hanging from the parallel bars
Fo ur, the incredible zombie guard. in the gym. A trend-setting hi t wi th
rock 'n' roll, dancing, fistfights, and teen
I WANTHERDEAD, See W. traumas. With Yvonne Lime, Guy Wil-
liams (as a cop), and Vladimir Sokoloff.
I WASATEENAGE Bissell was back the same year crea ting
FRANKENSTEIN a teenage Frankenstein. Werewolforigi.
1957 AlP (B&W with color sequence) na lly played with Invasion of the Saucer
""OOUCD.: Herman Cohen Mm_
DIIILCTOII.: Herbtrt L. Strock
SQ.E£NWNTElI.: Kenneth Langtry
It's hard to believ{' th is American teen 1940 20th Century·Fo~ (B&W)
hit was released the same year as the ",ODt)Co.: Darryl F. Zanuck
British goth ic C urse of Frankenstein. D,I\£CTOII.: Gregory Ralof(
They both used horrible mangled.face SCI\£EH~ITO: Karl T unberg

Erich von Srrohdm, Peter Lorre (as
Polo), and Vcra Zorina arc jewel thieves.
She marries Richard Greene and tries
(0 go straight, but Peter and Erich just
won't go away. With S ig Ruman and a
Swan la ke ballet sequence.


1969 Hollywood Cinemart
PAOOUCEI\: Dorrell McGowan
OIU CTOI\: St uart E. McGowan
ALSO MlEASrD AS: Cold Blood,
The P(t5Jiall I'll
A psycho- killer movie starring twins
(RoOcrr ;md David Story) and good o ld
Scott Brady as a police lieutenant. After
be in!:: hit on rhe head with a bottle o f
booze by strippe r Venus de Marco
(Sabrina), brothcr No. I goes crazy, kill s
her, and freezes her body in his ice
house. He puts some more beauties on
icc, then kills nosy brother No.2, a
shcriff. and assumes his idcnli ty. In this
no-budget cheapie, madness triumphs.

U/'131l 1/56: Acrrmc~
Cleo MUUTe (kft) and
}lJ)ne M(Uufidd dlslnaJ
r~rr chams he5i(/e tin
Oscar til rhe Century The<.l-
Ire In New Yurk rmughr
wlu1e tI'IlIlU\l1 w ktlT the
tlumcn of rhe 18m An-
fIlud Ac.ukmJ A U'Il1CU
M (lll.sjidd·) rJCtI't'sr f..,m,u
i.s Illegal.

Sabrina was known for having ht'r 40- Construction magnaTe Ray Collins' son
plus bust insun-d. returns with his engineeri ng degree and
his d(-c ision 10 become a missiomrry.
I 'LL GIVE A " "LLION Father-son relations cool lImil yea rs
1938 20th Ce mury -Fox (I3&W) laler, when the young man dies o f jun-
Pfl.OOUCEk: Darr,·1F. Zanuck gle (ever in New Guinea. Then Col-
011\[00,.: Waller Lm g lins mounts ~r natio nwide (und-raising
~: Boris Ingst.:r tour in me mory 0( his dead son . John
Warner B.1X[e r is an eccentric million- Bryant , Dona ld Woods. and Angie
a ire posing as a hobo on the Riviera. Dickinson co-star. -CB
He searches for a kind person to give a
million francs to. Peter LOTTe as " Louie
the Dope" and John Carradine are (cI - IUEGAL
lo w hobos. A remake o( an Italian 1955 Warner Brothers (B&W)
fi 1m. Wil h Marjorie Weaver and Jc;m Pfl.OOUCEk: Frank P. Rosenburg
Hcrshoh. OII\[CtO,.: Lewl5 Allen
KP.EEN\lnJTEM:W.R. Burnett,
I'LL GI VE AfY LIFE James R. Webb
1959 Howco (B&W) Edward G. Robinson is a D.A. risking
H.OOUCU.: Sam HeThh h is career by defending N ina Foeh on
DrI\[CtO,.: William F. C lax ro n a homicide charge. Jayne Mansfield W.lS
Kl\EENWMU.: Herbert Moulmn 12th-hilled as Angel O ·Hara. She stayed
around Wamers for an appearance in fIIIJIIEDLATE DISASTER,
HeU 011 Frisco Bay, Robinson's next fi lm.
With Hugh Marlowe, DeForest Kcll y,
Edward Plan. A lbert Dekker. Ellcn
Corby, Hcnry Kul ky. and Jo nathan
I-Iale. It was a remake of The MOIlIhprece fllflllORAL TALES
(1932). 1974 New lme (France)
I'I\OOllCO: Anawle Dauman
DlP.ECToNSCAlEH\1rlN1£l\: Walerran Borowczyk
1969 Warner Bmlh~'n; Four erot ic stories comprise this Euro-
PkOOlICW: !-Ioward B. Kr~·rrsck. TcJ "lmn pean hit which was cu t by IS minutes
DrP.ECTOI\: Jack Smighr (or its American "art theater" release.
K I\[£NWlIJTEI\: Howard B. Krert,;ck
The beSt segment, which got all the
Most reviewers bla~ teJ th is aJ"pt:lllon at tention, stars Paloma Picasso as Er:c-
of three famous Rny BrndbLlr)' ~ to ri es. het Barhory, the legendary countess who
Rod Steiger and Claire Bluom star in b:Hhed in the blood o( virgins to rNain
all rhrl'c stories. In the connec ting her youth and beauty, Other segmen ts
M'gments, set in 1933. Stc iger is thc include a young girl masturbating with
tattooed mnn and Claire Bloom is the a cucumber, a group of priests having
mysterious tattoo artist from the futu re, sex with a woman on a table, and the
"Th e Long Rain" episoJe IS great. It story of Lucretia Borgia. A fifth seg-
even fca rmes Jason Evers (mm The Brain ment , "The Beast ," was expanded into
Tfmt Wouldn 't Die! "The VelJt" and a (eature, (X )
''The Last Night of the Wurld" ,Ifl' the
other stories.
P % mll PI(II.!S(I us Count- 1969 TV
I'I\OOlK[1\: louiS Mo rhe lm
t'JS til Immoral " 'IAGE: See lUON DO
Talc •. O.P.ECTOI\: JOkph Sarg,mr
H OLLYWOOD. KI\[[NWI\IT£A: Robert Spec h t
C hTl)topher Georgc stars as a race-car
dn ver wlth a rare blOlXl (actor that halts
a~ mg. A billionaire (Barry Sullivan )
and his men chaS(' him all over trying
to dram his blood. A series of the same
name resultcd, last ing one season.
George soon became a king of bad
exploitation features. With Carol L)'n-
ley as hi s dying girlfriend, Ra lph Bel.
lamy, and Jess ica Walter.

1974 ConqllcTor Films
OtP.ECTOi\: Wllli~m Grefe
TIlt! ,lds proclaimed: "When the demons
of evi l take over all powers of reason
only impulse remains!" When the direc-
ror of The SfIIlR of Dealh has William

Shatner playa possessed killer, o nly au- playing Vlad the impater, the "real "
dience disbe lief rcmains. RUTh "The Dracu la . And, it is-in part. A serious
Baby" Roman and Harold "Odd Job" and fai rl y du ll Swedish TV spec ial
SalaUi also sUir. It was Grefe's follow-up was t(Xl short for theatrical release. so
TO Swnley. He soon wen t on to become random scenes from various Hammer
the S(."Cond unit director on James Bond Dracula films and the then unreleased
films. Count Dracll/a were edited in . The re-
sult is a bit of a mess. all narrated by
IN LIKE FLINT C hristopher Lee.
[967 20th Century-Fox
PM>DUCEP.: Saul David
OIlU:CT~: Gordon Douglas
KIU:ENWIUn:,,: Hal Fimberg JESUS
James Coburn returns as secret agent 1980 Sunn Classics
Derek Flilll. A secret soc iety of women Charles E. Sellitr. Jr..
Jamc§ L Conway
plan ro takc over the world. They kid-
DIMOO": Ga ry Gmw(IY
nap the President and freeze three of K M£NWPJTEP.S: Manin Waldo Jack Jacobs
Flint's girlfr iends. Hc d iscovers their
Brad Crandell narrates a search for the
Fabulous Face Cold crcam frolll in Eu-
Shroud of Turin . It followed si milar
rope and ends up in Outer space. Dis-
sea rches fo r UFOs, BigfOOT, Noah's
guised as a woman, Pentagon official
Ark, and ol her popular phenomena . By
Lee J. Cobb Trics ro help. With Jean
the d irecto r of Beyond and Back. John
Hale, YvonneCrdig, and Andrew Dug-
Rubinstein, star of Zachariah (the first
gan. Music includes "Your Zowie Face."
rock WeSTern) and The Car, plays Jesus
O ne of the few Bond spoofs worth
and walks on water. W ith Nehemia
Persoff, Jo hn An,derson. and Royal
1966 Miracle (England)
AUO I'.ELEA$EO~: Some Ma)' UIIt' 1971 Hemisphere (I:ngl:md)
Joseph Cotten goes to Saigon to find ",ODUCE": ["Cler Rugers
out who tried ro ki ll a U.S. senator, DIMCTOP.: Sidncr H a~ws
Kll.[ENWMrEP.: John Kntuse
there on a secre[ visit . Peter C ushing
OP.IGINAUY IUlEA$ED A5: Tower o{Terwr
is a journalist working for the Com-
munists. As Cushing's wife, Martha A psycho rapist attacks sch(Xllgirls in a
H yer helps Conen and his assistant . If (eature often shown as a horror movie
was actually fi lmed in Nam while the on Saturday morning TV. Suzy Ken-
war was on. dall stars, with Frank Findlay, Lesley
Anne Down, and Freddie Jones.
19711ndepcndent Intemational IN THE FALL OF '55 EDEN
PfI.C)OuaWOIMCTOk: Calvm FlOI'd
SCM£NWM'l"; Yvonne Floyd
You might want to pretend this is a seri- IN THE GRIP OF THE
ous documentary filmed partially in SPIDER, See WEB OF
Transylvania , wit h C hrisropht'r Lee THE SPIDER.

IN THE YEAR 2889 ters have mall' first names (Ro)' and
1966 AlP-TV SHIn ley). John Huston 's second film as
H.ODUCEIVDIRrCJOII;: L.UTY Iluchan.m a diTt.'Ctor is a fevered melodrdma touch-
!>CP.[[NWklTEl'i: H ami d H offm ~n ing on themes of rac ial discriminaTion
AUO MUA$EO M : ) /-aT 1889 and Incest. Watch fo r an amazing mad-
Paul Petersen . teen stM of The Dunna house Sl'quence featu ring the cast of The
Reed Show and singer of hits li ke "She Mallese Falcon (Bogan , Astor, Green -
Can't Find Her Kcrs" and " My Dad," street, Lorre, Cook, Bond , Madanc,
stars III an ,lCtion les.o, unc red ited remake and WaiTer Huston)! Lee Patrick (also
of Corman's The Du)' 1M World Ern1cd. in Falcon) has a real role,
The (X'o ple hiding out (rum P OSI IlIlClc;u
mutants have a nicer h uuse in thiS INCENSE FOR THE
version, hut wait']] rOll see the mono DMINED, See THE
sters. Wo w!


1942 W<lrnCf i3ro rh'm (B&W)
1977 TV
David LeWI S
K~nll\:th Jo hn->Oll
DIki:crOll;: John H u~ton
KII;ElN'.ln.ITE"': H OWMd Johnson. who uscd to work on The Six
Bette Davis ruins the life of her sister MillIOn Dollar Man and later created The
A /)(}1ITall of TIle IncreJ!- (Olivia de Havilland) by stealing her Bionic \Vomall, showed more su per
ble Mchm~ Man husband (Dennis Morgan ), Both sis- slow-mol1on strength with this serious
version o( the Marvel comic-book char-
acter. Dr. David Bruce Banner (they
added David because the network d id
not want a hero called Bruce), played
hy Bill Blxhy, experiments with gamma
rays and fi nds that under duress they
change him Into a green giant played
by Illusc lcman Lou Ferrigno . A modem
/)r. Jekyll and Mr. H)·Je. Th is was
reit.::(lS<.-d as a (eature in (oreign countrie.s.
- AF


1968 Colurnbhl (MexiculU.S.)
~I\ODUC(I\: Lo ui sEnrique Vergara
DIfU:CTO'-S: Juan lha n e-z, Jack Hill
SCMENWI\ITE'-S: Karl &:h~n,n,
Louis Enrique Ve-rgarn
Oi\JGINALLr I\ElEA$l.D AS: i!lt'{lIio!l SilllteS{Hl
Boris Karloff sta rs as a scient ist with a
death ra y. In visible aliens arrive and
ta ke ove r humans. The last o f fo ur
quickies Karloff shot scenes fo r in LA .
before he d ied. With Maura Monti and
Enrique Guzman. The ill, 8 1-rear-o ld

horror star is always shown silt ing down TO :l frozen cave. Most reviews clai m
or leaning against a suppon of some it's th(~ aer ing th,It 's petrified. W ho
kind. cares! Watch it ,m yway. With Phyll is
Coates (Lois Ll nc rn T V's Superman).
1977A! P SlIRlNKlN G ,ltAN
P«.ODUCU: Samuel W. Gdfman 19S1 Un"'etsal (B&W)
Wi lliam 5.1Chs
OIUCTOAIso.££N\II"kITU.: P«.OOUC[!\: Al hcrt ZU!-'Sffilfh
Remember The Fiw Mall lllra Space! DIUCTol\: Jac k Amvkl
Here's a modem variCitinn o n its theme. K H[NWIlITEII : Richard M~theson
Upon his return from orb i tin ~ Saturn, A classic, directe,j by the master of '50s
astronaut Alex Rebar is a blocxhh irsry science ficri .)n, Jack Arnold. from the
creature. The skclcwn covered with n ove l hy Richard Matheson. Scott
bloody oozing !loop was created by Rick Ca rey (Grnnt Williams) begins slowly
Baker and is a highpoint of Ih is '50s sh rin king after passing through a radIO·
retread. With grade-Z movie VCT Myrnn active cloud. Nohody can explain it - it
Healy as a general. Rainbeaux Smith just happens. On the way down, he sees
as a model, and Jonathan Demme in a his happy mamage fall apart and is
bit part. (R) terrorized by hiS pet cat and fina lly by
a ~plJer while he '~ lucked in the hase-
THE INCREDIBLE ment. He escapes through a ho le in tht~
AfR. LIAIPET window scree n and ~I Ccc pt s hi s fate,
1964 Warner Brothers lookrng fo r\.vard to new worlds as he
Pf.O DUCU : John C. RUSt" becollles rnfillltcslIlIally sma ll. With Gram 1X' .lIumu ru ScOff
OIUCTa..: Arthur Lubm Randy Stuart as the wife. Apnl Kent Glre, mJack AmuIJ's
K M:ENWPJTEP.S: J llme~nBrewer, as an uncon vincing "midget," Wi lliam The Incrl-Jlblt' Shrinkmg
John C. Ro:>t' Sc hallert, and Billy C unis. Man.
In the earl)· 1940s Henry Limpet (Don
Knons), a mild-mannered Brooklyn
bookkceper who loves fi sh . goes 10
Con ey Island , fa lls off a dock, and
is lurned inw a dolphin. When World
W~H [I bre ~l ks nU l the cartoon Knotts
dolphin (with win'-rim gla ~sc~ ) be-
comes a hero by helping track German
U-boats. A good, partially anltnated
famasy. With elrole Cook rmd Jack

PIIODUCEtt./OIl\ECTOl\: Jcrry WaTTen
K I\EENWI\JTEI\ : John W. Sterner
John Carradine (with a wig and bc,ml)
dcvelops a diving bell and sends Robert
Clarke and h is crew down, down. down

36 1
THE INCREDIBLE acting is much bener than most of the
SHRINKING WOAlAN effeclS. Originally rated X. Wi th Niles
1981 Unive rsal McMaster (Alice, Sweet Alice). In 1982.
H.OOU(U: Hank Moonjean it turned up as a midnight fea ture and
OIIUCTOIII'\O.[[NWJUTEI\: Jane Wagn er was closed because of Women Aga inst
A pleas.1.nt s:ltirical comedy in which Pornography prOlests. (R )
air pollution, food additives. and other
hazards o f everyday life combine to
tum Li ly Tom lin into a tiny person, INCREDIBLE TWO-HEADED
much to rhe dismay of ad-man husband TRANSPLANT
C harles G rod in. A group of mad scien- 197 1 AlP
tim kidnaps little lily, with plans of ~oouc~: John Ulwrcnce
OIIl.£CTO~: Anthony Lanw
shrinking the world into slIbjugat ion.
SCM;EHW~In:IU: James Gordon White.
With the help of Sidney the gorilla
John LlIwrcnce
(effects man Rick Baker in his own
Even if you've see The Thin~ with Two
<Ire suit), she sets o ut to expose the
plot. Origina lly, John Landi s of Anillwl
Heads. you won', be prepared for this
incredib ly awful bad-tastc epic. Bruce
How e was to write and di rect Shrinking
Dem, who was in Bloody Mama the
Woman, hut Universal found his plans
same year, is crazier than ever as the
to be too expensive by several millio r"
docrm who grafts the head of a leering
and production was cancelled. Wagner,
homicidal maniac onto th(· body of a
a close friend and assoc iate of Tomlin's,
large retardcd handyman. The original
suggested sca ling down the fi lm, and
head. played by Jo hn Bloom ([he mon -
the project was rcvivt.-d. Cost overruns
ster in DrOCIiUt \15. Frankell5lein), cries
(m05r1 y involving the film's adequate-
and ta lks like a baby while the new in-
to-excellent effens) hro ug ht t hings
sane head leads them on a rampage o (
prefry much up [0 the level Land is had
kil li ng, Oem even offers his wife (Pat
suggested in the fi rst place, later justi-
Priest-Marilyn on T he MIln5len) to
fied by the film's moderate success.
thc horrihle schizoid crealurc. Berry
- BM
Kroger is suitably ludicrous as Dem's
THE INCREDIBLE 1VRTURE Germanic assistant, TV ho rror-mov ie
SHOW host Seymour is the gardener. America' s-
1978 Rochelle Tot) 10 host Casey Kasem is Oem's
friend. Director Lanza was o nce an edi-
Joel M. Reed tl)r for Ray Dennis Stcckler Films. The
Sucking Freaks
AlSO AEL£ASEO AS: Blood them!.'! song is "It's Incredible "!
A low-budget Manhattan-shot com-
cdy/gore/sex movie set in Soho Gmnd '[HE INCREDIBLY STRANGE
Guignol theater thar's sicker th ~m any- CREATURES WHO STOPPED
thing by H.G. Lewis. As Sardu, Seamus
O'Brien kidnaps a Lincoln Centcr bal -
lerina who later kicks a New )'fJTk Times
1964 Fairway- International
critic to dea th. A dwarf tends a cage of
AAOOUCE"'DI'-lCTO~: R aVDennis Steckler
naked cannibal womcn. People are tor- SCI\EEHWM1:IU:
tured and decaptitated, and a woman Gen(! Pollock. Robe rt Si tliphant
has her bra ins sucked out through a AlSO I\ElEAYO AS: Te~ Ps"}dlO Meets
straw. Filmed in ·'Ghoulovision." Thc Blood"} Mary

"The first mo nster musical !" claimL-d INCUBUS
the ads. At a Lo ng Beach amusement 1965 (},1 )'~ I ;1Il (B&W)
park Madame E.mella the gyps)' fortum' - ~ODUcn: Anthony h1. Taylor
teller hypnotizes patrons, [hrows acid DIIY:CTOWKkHNWkITEk: Ll"slil" Stevens
11l thei r faces, and col lects the now ugly In his las, prl'-Captain Kirk telLtlI re,
mo nsters in ca~e s in the ba ~emc nL Or- William SIMtne r pbys a ffilm encoun -
teWL the hunchb;lck and Carmel ita the tering delll()ns but h good and evil. The
~t rippc r help. Hero Cash Flagg (the dialll).:tlc I) ~po kcn In Esperanto. an in-
director) visits the gypsy and IS turned ternational bnguage developed in 1887
11l to a :ombie m a hoo.. k-d SWl',Lt shirt ! wh ich of cour~e did n '( get very far.
T h e monsters bre,Lk loose du nng an There'~ a h ow-to-speak-Espcranto LP
mcred ible dance numhcr and kill e\'- on ESP. You mIght need it to unJer-
eryone in sight unnl the police <m ivc. ~ t a nJ ,his Illo vie , Both movie anJ
Hear "The Mixed-Up Zombie Stomp"! alhuln are q uite rare. Directed by the
Sec the "IOC1] welT\.le~ t scenes ever!" creator of The O utn Limits.
"Not for sissies!" When the film was
rei~sued , actor, wefl ring ,he Sflllle hor- INCU/J US
ror masks used III the m OV;l' "crashed 1981 Film V... nurt·s (CHI'H.Ia )
nut of the sc reen to IIlvade the <lud i- Pf.ODUCEkS; M"rc f\.o)lnan, Johnny EcL.: ... rt
enec <md alxluet ,girl , from IhelT seats"! DIRECTO,": Joh n IloLLl.!h
At IC<lst that'~ how thc ads descrihed KklE~TEk: Gl'"()l"j.(l· FtanL.:lm
It. Filmed in Bloody Vi~lon . Look for A somet lines (unn)', often d i ~gl1~ t Lng
this un believahly "ell-photographed demon- rape movIe ba:.<.-d on Ra y Ru~­
oddity with Cflroh'n Brandt (the dm-c- sell's no\'el o f the )dllle name. A docto r
tor's wife), Atlfls KlIlg, and a hypnotic (John Ca~sa\' c tte~) invesligflres vUllent
umhrelb! Vilmos Zsigmond was the sex mllnk rs in a Wisconsin to wn.
c inematographer. Therc's a fCTllflle love interest, a movie-

l-'!Il Cheu ...·y " The·

~truC\lhll' \1<In
theater bathroom mau ling, the required (Rhonda Fleming) and her boyfriend
shower scene, and a brie tl ~' vicwf..'<i, ugly, (Will iam Lund igan). Ryan survives by
androgynous monster. John Ireland drinking cactus juice and catching an
(Sawn's Chee-rleaJen) lends his acting occasional rabbit. It's a serious, well-
talents as the sheriff. With ,hc rock made 3-D feat ure . but ncar the end
group F. M. From rhe di rector of The when Ryan throws an oi l lamp, caus-
Legend of Hell Hvuse and seveml rccent ing the inferno, you can clearly see t he
Disne}' fi lms. eN) string. The effect might remind you of
the J- D shoTtS with the Three Stooges,
With Henry Hull.
1956 Allied Artists (B&W)
Pl\ODUCEk/'DIIU:CTOI\;Jack Pollex fen
SCI\EEH\III\ITEM: Sue Bradford, V"t' Russ.::! INFERNO
The ads promised: "300, 00J volts of 1980 20th Cenlllry.Fux (ltaly)
horror!" Lon Chancy, Jr., made a lo t PI\O DUCEI\: CI~udio ArJ.:ento
of bad junky movies, but t his one is DIP,[CTOk/'SCI\[ENWl\tT[l\: J);lrio Argento

great junk. T he opening scene of a The follow-up to the popular SlIs/)iria.

doctor (Roben Sh<lyne) trying to stic k with hloody special ('((ects by Mario
a hyrodermic need le into the arm o( a B;lVa (who died in '80). Lt~igh Mc-
hutcher (Chancy) unly to h:we it be n..! C loskey. Alida Valli, <lnd Dar ia
is so good that it's shown twice. As an Nicolodi star. With music by Keith
electrocuted convict brought b,lCk to Em('rson. (R)
life. C hancy is silent and im ense as he
visits his o ld stripper gi rlfriend (Mari:!n
Carr) and kills the ex·cohorts (with INFRA -AlAN
names like Squeamy Ellis) wQo betrayed 1975 Joseph Brenner Associates
him. He ends up hiding in the sewer (HlInl! Knill-:)
system and having his face burned by "'~OUCE!\: Runnle Shaw
flamethrowers. Half the muvie seems DII\lCTOf.: Hua·Shan
to be interminab l ~' held extreme close- If you've ever watched the Japanese
ups of Chaney's baggy quivering eyes. Ultra-Mall TV show you'll have some
This cla ssic trashy film is narrated idea d how ourragL'OUS and fun this Chi-
Dragnet-style by Ross Ellion as a de- ncse production is. Super Infra-Man, a
tective, Originally bilk-d with World bionic superhero, battles endless in-
Without End. c redible monsters sent by Princess
DragO!) Mom fmm Inner Earth, The
lovely bur ev il blond Mom wears a dark
THE INFERNAL IDOL, See shiny outfit wiTh a skull belt and horns.
CRAZE, Her talkative, hyperactive ( re<ltmes in-
elude Octopus Man, Beetle M<ln, and
INFERNO scveral robots. The hero pb yed by Li
1953 20rh Century.Fox (3-D) Hsiu-Hsien (Fists of Fllry) not only flies
Pl\ODllCEI\: William Bloom but is a kung-fu expert, A lmost non ·
o II\£CTOI\; Roy Baker stop laughs and excitement with some
K I\E[N\III\ITEI\: Francis Cockrell great special effects. lots of skulls. and
A wealthy businessman (Roben Ryan) a character reading a Denn is Wheatley
is left to die on the desert by his wife occuir novel.

1978TV 1981 AInu Clm·m.l 5 Films (England)
Pl'.ODUCEII.: Jay Benson ~OOUCEI\S ; Rich:lrd Gordon,
DIUCTOII.: Robe rt D:ly David Speechlcy
5O.EENWPJltM: ()m In):a!ls, Carol S,u·;K~ no. OlklCTO~; Norman J. Warren
Kcncttc Gfe ller SCI\E£N\!I"-ITEI\S ; Nick and Gloria Malt.·y
Kay lenz is a qu iet college student. TC - ALSO ULOOEO AS; HOrT(JI" Plane!

jcncd by snony social climbers. in this A gory Aliell copy with the seHing point
Carrie im itation . She joins the suror- of rape by a nlonsu' r and thc birth of a
iry nolxxly "'ants to be in . Shelley Win- kI ller alien haby. To SIT with lot,c st;l r
ters is the oddball house mother, who Judy Geeson IS the e xpectant mOl her
cncoumgcs her to usc heTpsychic pow- who kills fo r b lood. W ith Jennifer
ers for revenge. With Ton y Bill, Kath- A shle\', Stephanie Beac ham. and Rob-
ryn (Grant ) Crosby, Morgan Fairch ild, in C lark. A Si r Run Run Sh aw prescn -
Tisa Farrow (Zombie), ,md the da ugh - tat ion. It was badly cu t to avoid an X
ters or n eiccs of Van Heflin . Martin rat ing in America. ( R )
Balsa m. Roben Stack, Robert Ryan,
and others. You won ', know which is INTERNA110NAL HOUSE
which, but it's an inreresting concept. 19J3 Parllmoum (B&W )
DIUCTOI\ ; EJward Sutherland
SCp'[EN'\ItII\ITtI\S ; Fr.mos Martm.
PEOPLE, See TERROR FRO,If A great 3 ntl ~llIe comedy STarTing W. C.
UNDER THE HOUSE. Fields as Ihe inve ntor of a giant screen
that shows radio prugT<lms visually! Bid-
THE INNOCENT AND THE ders for the 3mOlzing device arrive al a
hote l in C hina where they w;l tch C ab
Callow;ly sing "Reefer M an. " Rudy
Va llce and Bab~' Rose Marie also per-
THE INNOCENTS fu rm. Bela Lugosl shov<s up as a Rus-
196110th Cenlul)'.Fox (£ngJandlU.S.) sian general. It was a good role (or Bela,
( 8 &W) who did 15kmd of Losl Souls for Para-
PP.OOUC[pJOIAECJOP.: Jack C la YlOn mount the same year. With Burns and
SC~: Truman Capmt:, A llen. Fnmklill Pangborn as thl' desk
W illiam Archibald clerk. Swa n Erwin. Peggy Hopkins
Classic chi ller based on Henry James' Joyce, young Sterling Ho lloway da nc-
The T urn of the Screw. M iss Gidde ns ing, and Fields drivi ng his "Spirit of
(Deborah Ke rr) is h ired by M ic hael South Brooklyn" roadster up the smi rs.
Redgrave to be governess for h is nephew
and n iece . Young Martin Stevens (Vil- INl1,IIACY
lage of [he Damned) has been expelled 1966 G"kbt"ne (B&W)
from school for corrupting o lher stu- ruCUTIV£ P~O DUCE~; FeliX J. BI[grc~'
de n ts. He and h is sister (Pamela Frank - DllI.(CTOll.: Victor Stoloff
li n) are under rhe control of Quint and SCMENW"-ITU: Ib r\,ey F!;lxman
M iss Jessel, former servants, now dead. ALSO UlEASED AS: The l)ecelwn
The excellent photography is by Fred- T r'.!gedy reslI ll3 (rom government-con-
die Francis. Wilh Megs Jenki ns and tract hlackmad sc heme . Businessman
Peter W yngarde. B;lrry Sullivan tri\!5 to ru in an honest

mai ls a young girl into accllsing a black
student of rape. Ro bert Emhardt, a fa-
miliar o\'eT\\'eight screen villain. is a
wea lth y supporter of the outside agita-
tor. Shamer plays a real creep whose
downfall is caused by the unwise seduc-
tion of the wife of a salesman (Leo
Gordon). Ci tizens of Charleston. M is-
souri, play themselves; they probahly
did not realize that W illiam Shamer is
the story's villain. With screenwriter
Charles Beaumont as a doctor. Criti-
cally accla imed. it was too controver-
sial at the time to receive much dis-
tribution. Corman re turned to Poc
fi lms. It later played under more ex-
plo itable titles, someT imes with Poor
White Trash .

1981 TV
P"ODUCE": Neil T. Maffto
DII\ECTO": Peter Carter
K AEENWP.ITE": Ed Waters
.4ilO P.ELEASED AS: Panic Offshore
The wrlder of the Invadns official hy setting ur a hidden movie
(rom Mars. camer;) in his hotel room and getti ng A blatant Alien copy set on an offshore
him a date with Washington hooker o il rig. A snakelike creaTUre hatches
Jackie lX· Shannon. Su llivan dies of from an egg and attacks a crew member.
heaT! seizure after his own wife Joan The man then T<lPCS a female co-worker
Blackman's torrid sc reen debut. Jack (rememher, this is ~l TV movie). She
Ging is the intended victim , Nancy gives birth to a huge monster that kills
Malone is his alcoholic wife Virginia. off the rest of the crew. With Chad
Stoluff pro..luced Of to!.'.: cmd Desire . Everett. Joseph Bottoms, and the multi-
-en talented Jennifer Warren .


1961 P~rh e-Amer i ca (B&W) 1953 20th Century-fox
P"ODUCERi'DI"ECTO": Roger Connan Edward L Alpcr:;'(ln
~IU:ENW"ITU: Ck.r!t:s Beaumont DII\ECTO": William Cameron Menzies
ALSO P.ELEASED AS : I Hare Your Gl<rs, Shame K "EENW"ITEII.: Richard Blake
A wdI-rnade, ~{' ri ous look at integra- David (Jimmy Hunt) wakes lip after a
tio n in the Somh. starring Will iam nigh tmare and sees a flying saucer land
Shamer as a visiting racist tro ublemaker in the ma rsh below his window. His
who encournges the white citizens to dad (LeifErickson) invest igates, disap-
harass the new black students at the pe:lrs, and then returns, but with a new,
lucd high school and to fight court cold persona li ty. Soon David'~ mom
orders permitting their enrollment. (Hillary Brooke) and oth ers also act
When speec hes ,lren 't enough he black- ~trang('. Nobody believes the boy's in-

crl"Jibll" story until he meets a Health British hims, i ~ a ~ ll:nt i st. Wilh Yoko
[kparr mcni physIcian (Helena Canl'r) Tall1,Tsai Chill, C all Raia. and Ene
and an astronomer (Anhur Fran:). Yo un!!.
Giani grl'cn Mllrti;m.) who nl'lt!}' a tl:n-
tacleJ head in <l tr::msparent glom.. kid- INJI;ISION OF THE ANM/AL
nar the doctor and David, and dre PEOPLE
about fO make them slaves when the 19;8/62 AI)P (Sw('{l.::n) (B&W)
ann}' arrives, reSCUl'S thl' prboncrs, and PIIODlICEIU: !X'nll Jernhcrl!, Jt'Try Wllrrt'n
(U.S. wl>lon)
hlows up the ship. David wake ... up-it
011\1:0011: Virge! Vo!:.::!, Jcrr,' WJrT<'1l
was only a drc:ltn-then looks (Jut thl' (U.S. "crslon)
window and sees a flying S<luccr land KII£EHWIIITE~: AnhurC Pierce
ttl the marsh_ . O ALGI NAUY II.El[A5EO AS: RYlruimlmioli1
This movie has achievcd a cult repu- 1...Ilpplwul
Iiltion because of its imaginatively dis- In this unus ual fea ture filmed in Lap-
tOrted sets and nightmarish quality. The bnd, a woman is captu red by a want
director, once an iilusrmtorof chi ldren's alien. In ",e ked-on American fooragl'.
books, was the set desi};:llcr fm GOIII' she's rescued whcn her geologist uncle
tJ..'ith the Wind. O riginally plannl'J as a (Juhn Carradine) and his as ) I ~ lant
3-D project, Im'luier is shown m both (Roher! Burto n) stan ~m avalanche,
colur and black-and-white vcr...iun ... , scaTing thl' creMme away. WHh Bar-
~)me times with the on ly-a-drcam end- kara Wd~m. Stan Gester, and Ben};:t
ing missing. With Morris Ankrum, 131"mgrcn.
Milburn Stone, and theLunousmutants
with visible suit seams. INVASION OF THE ASTRO-
1956-59 TV (J ~,p:Ul) (B&W)
PAODUCEA: Mi! suJ:1 Okura
OII\£OOM: TcnlO IshII. Akora Mit~u~" " BEE GIRLS
Knrq'Oshi Aka).1ka 19]JCen!aur
KIIEEHWl'JT[A: IchlfO Mlyl\)(l\wa PIIOOUCEII: Sequoia PlCtur<,s

SI:C Atomic RLlu:rs of rhe WvrLd. Star- DIIY:CTOII.: [)'m's 5.1ndcrs

SCI\I:ENWllllElI: Nick"las ~'lcycr
11l;ln fights another army ofhizarn.: alien AUO IIEl£A5EO~: Gr(lw)'crrd Tram/IS
invaders. Better than Ultra-Man.
"Thl'y'lilove the vcry lives out of your
hody!" Male research scicnti)ts are dymg
INVASION of sexual exhaustion . A government
1965 Anglo Amalganmed/AIP-TV man (Willi .nn Smith, usually seen in
(England) (B&W) biker fil ms) Jiscovl'rs that a group of
PIIOOUCEII: jack G Tt.'enwooJ women have turned thl~mselve) into
DII\lCTOA: Alan Bnd"..:) stenle but sexually tlm'en "hees" who
S(P.UWWAlT£A: R~cr Marshall leavc thc "l en smi ling- and dead.
This interesting, small-scale M:ll:nee- Anita Ford (The BIg BirJ Cag~) and
fiction film deals wi th "I iem who put Victoria Vetri (When DinoStIHTS RuleJ
an invisible force field around a secluded tru: Earth) arc the (jllCen bees who cover
country hospital. The unwanted visi- naked women recruits in sticky white
tors are prett)' Oriental women in goop and turn on the radiation. Bl'au-
spacesuits. Edward Judo, hero of many !lful killers in dark sunglasses emergl'.

Screenplay by Nicholas Meyer, direc· INVASION OF THE BODY
tm of Tnne A/leT Time. With Rene SNATCH/:.'RS
Bond. { R ) 1956 Allied Artists (B&W)
Pf.ODIK[k; Wallcr Wanger
D'R[CTO~ ; Don Slcg....!
IiWASION OF IHE BLOOD KM[NWNf(IU: I:>:illld Mamwarlng.
FAJlJIIERS Sam Peckmpah
1971 NMO o.'trlhUlm~ When reSidents of San ta Mira tell
Pf.OOUC[klDlR[CT~; EJ AdluUl
ps~'chimri s t Miles Bennell (Kev;n Mc·
!oCREEN\II'-rt£1.$: E..I Adlllill . EJ Kelleher
Carthy) that their relatives aren't re·
Inepi cheapi..: with modern ""
ally thcir rehlllvcs, he says they're just
Jrawing the blood from victill\~ With
responding to "what's going on in the
plasric tuhes to h~cp their queen h"rrr worlJ today. " He soon discovers a plot
II) her gLm coffin. The lead vil l"lll I ~ a
to ttlrn eV('ryone into emotionless
qUCl'n of a different kind. The '\hnck·
equflb, This c hilling class ic- based on
ing" ending is tinted red. A !nt.d
Jack Finney's novel- had a ~afe happy
gnlJe·Z fe<lllm' tilmeJ in IIp~tak New ending added on whcn it was released
York that', gaining a hi! of a h'I-i· IllIlVll' right
in the middle of Eisenhower's
fan f{lllow;ng. Ed Kl·llcherd{~~ reviews
eight-year run. Dana Wynter i~ &cky,
for Creem magazine and ,lbo wwte
Milcs' girlfriend and last human COlll-
ShTIck of {he MlaJUuea. By the -iirC(f\lT
pan ion. Kin.!! Donovan and Carolyn
of Blonde ()ll a Bum Tri/>.
Jones are the couple who find an unfin-
Ished IxxJ man on thl' pool [able. Whit
Bissell and Richard Deacon arc in the
pho ny cndlllg. Sam Peckinpah, who co--
wrote the SCript, is a meter reader who
JO inS the crowd that chases Miles to
the highway m the original end of the
film. "You're nl.'xt: "


1978 Unltt'd Anlsts
P"ODlJC(~: Rol"lert Solo
DIR[CTO~: Philip Kaufman
K"[[NW~IT[~: W. D. Riclw:r
A scq llcllrcmakc of Jack Finney's para-
ble tlrou[ people becoming unemot ion,ll
zombics that starts where the other left
off. The "pod people" are now i,' the
big city. Kevin McCarthy (star of the
great 1956 version) is still running and
ye ll ing, waming passing motorists aoom
the invasion. Dona ld Sutherland and
Brooke Adams flee from the pods III
OTl,l(mllily re/ellted as San Francisco. Also with Leo nard
In\~\S'o., (>1 th\.' IX.... Girls. Nimoy as a psychiatrist, Veronica Can ·

(rom the Neptune men. He IT:we ls III
a custom ~ p<lCC coupe.


1957 AIP(B&W)
Pl'.OOUC[~: J.tlll('S 1-1. N1Cholsoll,
ROOcr( Gurnt:~'. Jr.
OI I'.£CTOI'.: EJw~rJ L. C.l hn
SO££NWI'.IKIU: Rul..... n Gurney. Jr ..
Al ~'.Jnlll
Gre~lt tl'en science-fiction comedy set
III Hicksville. where the kids JUSt want
to 1ll,lke Oul In their ([Irs. Ahens land
III .1 flYing :';lUcer. They h.we hypo
h,lIlds thai inject alcohol into thl" in -
nocent tccns_ :-.lohmly helieves the
drunk kid:.. but tWO con men pl,.yed by
Frank G.)rshm (The Ri£ldler) and Lyn
Osborne (Cldel H:1PPY of S/xICe Parm/)
pl,1n 10 keep a d.:ad a lien in th"'ir

_....__..- ..- . "'...

_ _ . . - .. .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ . . . . OOO'_"'"OOO
_ .... _ _ _ ' .... _ eo_"", .. _ _.'_' ...... ,"' ... _

-"--- "" ~-- I'G_=.~=.J.I:

........, ~
r.:frigeratnr. The ,gIant-headed ali.:ns
with bulgi n g exposed br<lins wer.: cre-
areJ by Paul BlaisJell ,md played by
nlldgers. A dismembered alien hand
wrig ht (Alien), a bit h~' the ungLn;l l's With an .:ye on Ib hac k slashes tires
director Don Siege l ;IS a cab driver. and and tcrnfics a romantic. couple in " hot
Jeff Goldbl um. mel. Wirh Glori<l Castillo. Steve Ter- KelJin Mcumhi! pod ae-
rell. Ru.» Bender. ,lilt! Ed Nelson. The t,dop! rn In vaslun of The
Eye CrearllTeS W<lS the <lwful '65 remake_ BocIy Sn:l!chers.



1961 T<)t:lfT"V (Japan) (B&W)
PI'.OOUC[I'.: H iroshiOL:aIl.'a
OtI'.ECTOf.: KO)I Ota
loCl'.£[NW?nn.: Shill MOr1l<l
OI'.IGINAUY II,[LEMEO.u: UchllKws<!kll
s,,1nny "Shinichi" Chiba st,m as lron-
~harp. a superhero alum who :...oves Earth

1962 All' (rl&W) 1961 K. Gordon Murra y Productio ns
H;ODU(U : &rJ Hagopian (MexIco) (B&Wj
OtI\£CTOII: Bruno Ve Sota H;OD\Kll\: Raphael Grovas
K P.E[N\IIl\flO.: Joml{h:m I la:c OII\£CTOkl'SCIU[N\VPJT(k: Migud M o ra yta
A stupid K iencc-fiction comeJy WTlt- OAlGINAUT ~[lu.sro AS: IA InmslOI1 de los
ten hy Jo nathan Ha:e, star of L../fI1e Shq, VmnplTI}s
u/ H arron. T",o .dlO{ soldiers (Boh !XIII Count Frankenhausen (Carlos Agosu),
and Frank ie Ram) run infO two \'egc- a vampire in ,he 16th cenrury, is stalked
table monsters (men in rig h ts with hig by Dr. Ulises. W ith some great \-isuals,
~llIffl'd heads). After heing cha~cd end- Including a misty cave filled with cof·
lessly through a small cavt', they man- fins of victims and huge vampire bats.
age to seduce The sexy fcmaJ(~ invaders,
Professor Puna and Dr. T;mga, hy giving fNVASIONOFTHEZOAfBIES
them their first kisses. Gloria Victor !96! AzteC11 (Mexico) (13&\'(/)
and Do lores RCl,d are ,racked I:x:ttcr PI\OOUC [~: Fernando Osfs
than The Cat \Vomcll (If the Mool1 and OII\£CTO tVK"EENW"lTE": Ikn ito Alzraki
The Queen ufOurer Space. W ith director
Sallto, the silver-masked wrestling hero,
Vc SOla in a walk-on role. defents a mad scien tht trying to con-
quer the world with an anny of zomhi(·s.
Wrestli ng movies have been IXlpuiar In
Mexico since the '50s. Santo, the most
BEAUTlfUl...DEADLY... IN THEIR VEINS THE BLOOD Of MONSTERS! popular star, has been in over 40! Only
a few have been duhlx-.J into English
(see SmnsoTl ... ) but others often show
up on Spanish- language TV stanon;;_
You Jon', ne('d to understand rhe
language; JUSt watch the outrageolls
act ion. Some of the more recem ones
have feawred armies o f wrestling wert:-
woivt.'S, space creatures, and naked vam-
l• pire wo men . Santo is <I real wresrler
.\ who can be followed on ,he screen, in
the ring, and in comic books.
l ,
1951 Cllumhia (8&\'(/)
j AAOOUC[II.S: Albert ZugsllllTh, Robert Smith
OII\£CTO": Alfred E. Green

K~EENW"JTE" : Robe rt Smith
Cold-war hysteria wi th a cast includ-
> ing both of the actresses who played
Lois Lane on TV (Phyll is Coates and

! Noel Nctl l), Dan O'Herlihy, GeralJ
Mohr, P('ggie Castle, and Edward G.
" Robinson, Jr. Patrons drin ki ng at a bar
J are hypnot ized by O'Hcrli hy into be-

lieving America has been alfacked by
nuclear weapons. Afterward, [hey
prumisc to be prepared. Ads claimed
you would "sec the mutant horror of
the H-bomb!" "Operat ion II Bomb,"
a Pathe newsreel about Yucca Flat:., was
released the same month.

1941 Universal (8&W)
~OOUC[~ Frank L1o~'d
DI"ECTOk: Edward L Mann
KIU:[~T£k: CUrl SlOdmak
The Invisible Man joins the war e((ort.
As a son of the original. Jon Hall goes
to Germany and makes foo ls l)llt of
Na~i leaders. Peter wrre as lkitu. a
Japa nese agent who commll S haril-
\mi, and Cedric J-IardwlCke provide the
rea l problems. With Ilona Massey and The friendly robot makes Ihe kid invisi· uri 715151: Stark realism
Key Luke. ble for a while. gives him a ride in a In special film effects makes
~uperk i t(', and goes had wh('n an eVil GI musltroommg (lIDTr\IC
computer rakes over. An undc rrau..d hlMl m MwJhcman seem
TilE INVIS IBLE AVENGER like the T(<</thmg. ThIS
1958 Republic (B&W) science·fiction fantasy with Richard
sCt'~ climaxes InvaSlun .
~ODUCW: Eric Sayers. Em:muel Demby Eyer (th e ,tJ('n ie in The Sel'enlh Voy. U.S.A., f(Tfv.hichenIlTe
D'P.(CTO~: John Sledge, James Wong Howl' age of Smlwl), Ph ilip Abbott. Diane $t.'CfiOru 0/ do\I.'TIfOU'll
KkEEHW"IT[~: Gl'Orgt' Bdbk. BellY Jl'ffm's Brew~tcr, Harold J. Stone, and Robert New York u. ...·re bull! In
AUO P.ELUSED AS: Blmrhon St Shadou·~ H. H arris. mIllUlf!<TC.
T h e Shadow (who can make himself
invisible) becomes involved Wi th an
exi led Latin American d ictator while 1960 AIP·TV (En/.[land) (B&W)
in vest igating the Illurder of a New J. Wilson
P1I.OOUCU./K kEEHWI\llU;: Maurlcl'
Orleans jazz-band leader. Rere leased OII\£CTOI\; fI,'\Onlgolllt'ry Tully
with additional footage as B()urOOIi 51. AUO "ELUSED AS: The I louse rn
Shadows in 1962, crediting Ben Parker Manh Road
as producer.dirccror. Richard Derr of A ghost S.1V (,S a woman from her mur-
\Vnen \Vorlds CoilUk stars, with Mark derous husband. With To ny Wright and
Daniels and Helen Westcolt. Howe Patricia Dalnton.
was an Oscar. winning c inematogra .
pher. Filmed in N('w Orleam. - CB
1962 Thunder Picture:. (W. Gcrm;:m,·)
1957 MOM (8&W) I'I\OOUCE": Arthur Brauner
PflOOUCU: Nicholas Nltyfack D'k£(TO~ 1 hl rold Reml
DlkECTO": Hl'nnan Hoffman SCI\EEN\\IM'E~: ladl~bs Fodor
SC "£EHWIIJT£": Cyril HUlllc O"IGINALlY "ELEASED AS: Die UliSlchlbaren
A preoccupied ~icntist dad givcs his Kralkn des Dr. M(Jms~
lucky son Robby the robot to play with. ALSO "[lEASED AS: ria.;> lltl'i~lbie HUTTOT'

Bela Lugosi is a kind doctor who thinks
his beloved wife (Ben y Compson ) is
dead, She just has amnesia and likes
to roa m around staring in windows.
Whenever Be la sees her, he goes tem-
porarily insane and strangles house-
guests, servanrs, etc. With Peggy A nn
Young. Jo hn McGuire, and Claren<:e
Muse as a surprisingly dignified black
butler. Lots of close-ups of Bela's eyes.




1959 United ArliSlS ( B&W)
Pl\oooCEI\: Roben E, Kent
OIPJ:CTOI\: Edward L. Cahn
KPJ:[NWi\lT[I\: Samuel Newman
InvISIble aliens arrive from the Moon
III an invisible spaceship. They rake
over the bodies of dead men (including
John Carradine as a nuclear physicist),
who become white-faced zombies with
blackened eyes ma rching arms our-
UPI 812157: If rhe Brook- A professor disfigured in a car crash in- stretched to conquer the world! Who
lyn Dodgen et't'T mak venrs "Operatio n X" to make himself can s,1Ve us! How aoout scientist John
thar mot~ ro lAs Angeles, invisible so he won't scare his girlfriend ! Agar and some high-frequency sounds!
the Dodgers ' famed carcher Dr. Mabuse (Wolfgang Preiss) kidnaps An early Night of the Living Dead-type
RCl'j Camptlnella had /.Itor- Story , but without the gore. With
ItT look EO hu laurel.!. He
the girl (Karin Dor) in o rder to get the
secrel. LaTer the invisible villain and Robert Huno n and Jean Byron.
may ha"e compeririOIl ill
"Robb-y." Hollywood's lne- his invisible thugs aTC stopped bY:l New
cNlllical mall, who IS JeT"- York detective (Lex Barker) as they try
ing as ballery IMI~ for to take over the world. Mabusc is re- 11IE INVISIBLE KILLER
young Richard Eye?'(. ar- turned to an asylum. Rei nl directed The 1940 PRC (B&W)
dem /.ink Leaguer. The Retllm of Dr. MabusI' next. ASSOCIAtE Pl\OOUCEI\: Sigmund Neufeld
pair are also cO-pUJYc?'fS m OIMCTOI\: Sherman Scott (Sam Newfield)
MGM 'sfortkommgri~­ KP.(ENWl\ltEl\: Joseph O'Donnell
ficuon mOllie, The InviSI- A detective and a lady reporter solve a
1941 Monogram (B&W) murder mystery involving sonic death
Pr.ODUC£A: Sam Katzman by telephone. With G race Bradley and
OIMCTOI\: J~ph H. Lewis Roland Drew. By the direcmr of Terror
KA[EH'IVPJT[P.S: Helen and A l Martm of Tiny Town.

1933 Un iversal (B&W) RETURNS
"""OOUC[!\: Carl La",mmlc, Jr. 1940 Un lvt'T:;al (B&W)
OIA£CTO~:James Whale ~I"T£ ....OOUC[A: Kenneth Goldsmnh
SC~([NWMl:~ : R. C. Sherriff OIRfCTO": Joe May
C lnude Rains (or at leaS( his familiar KI\E[t,I'IV,",TE~: LeSlcr
Olle . Curt Sioom:.k
vo ice) makes his film debut as the in- Vi ncent Price. as the brother of the
visible power-nHld British scientist Jack original In visible M:m, is wrongly ac-
G riffin. Good d ialogue and special ef- c used of murder and condemned to
fcc ls highlight the H.G . Wells story death. A scientist (John Durton) makes
featuring Gloria Stuart, Una O'C mnor, him invisihle, too, so he can escnpe
and-if you look hard- John Cumdinc and trap the real killer. Nan Grey
and Dwight Frye. A major technical provides the love Interest. Cedric
l1aw: when The naked Invisihlc Man Hardwicke is the villain. Cecil Kellaway
runs through the sn ow, h e leavc~ a hel pful de tective. With Alan Napier.
shoe prints. Featuring a photograrh of Claude Rams.


H.OOUC(~SCkE£NWf.ITU.: 5 rO:\'l:n &.cheo 1944 Univer.),11 (B&W)
D.lVid McCallum. a modern sc ientist K"HNW"IIITE": Bcrumll MlllhauscT
with an invisibility form ula , tries to Jon Hall (The llll/isil"... ARcnt) is .. n in-
keep the military from discovering h b visihle cmnmal aided by scient ist John
secret. The pilot film for a VCTY shurt - Canadi ne. With Gale Sondergmlrd .
I1v(:d series. With Jackie Coopo.::r and Evelyn A nker:., Leon Errol, and Alan
Melinda Fee. ClIru ~. Also with an invisihle dog. It

Is tfu~ Ilscent' from Night

of the LIVing lhd$! Nu.
II 'S lhe ret· corp.seJ in
Invisible InvadeT§.

was the lastofUniversa l'sserious Invisi- Amazing TraltSparent Man. With Hanaes
ble series. Hauser and Ellen Schwiers.


1937 Warner Brothers (B&W) 1941 U ni versal (B&W)
ASSOClATt PM>DO(£k: Bryan Foy AUOCIATt ""OOUCEP.: Slm Kelly
DII\ECTOP.: John Farrow OIP.ECTO~; Edward Sutherland
sa££HWlUTEP.: Crane Wilbur SCAEEH\lt'MDS: Roben Lees, Fred Rina ldo,
AUOr.n£ASEO.u: Withoul Warning Gertrude Purcdl
Murders at an isolated army poSt seem John Barrymore is wasted in one of his
to have been committed by embezzler last roles, an o ld comic scientist with
Boris Karloff. W it h Ma rie Wilson , an invisibility machine. Virginia Bruce
Eddie Craven, and Regis T oomey. It plays a fas hion model who becomes
was remade in '43 as Murder on Ihe the woman of the title and battles
Warer/Tonr. spies. John Howard is her love interest.
With Charlie Ruggles, Oscar Homolka ,
THE INVISIBLE RAY Margaret Hamilton, Shemp Howard,
1936 Un iversal (B&W) and Maria Montez. Barrymore died the
I'AOOUCEP.: Edmu nd Grainger next year.
OII\ECTO~: Lambert Hillyer
SOJ:ENWN'f[~; John Colton
Gcxx:I early science-fi ction horror with THE IPCRESS FILE
Boris Karloff as Janos Rukh, a scientist 1965 U ni versal (England)
""OOUCEP.: Harry Saluman
who goes to Africa and discovers "ra-
d ium X" in a mcteor. As Or. Benel,
DlP.ECTOP.: S idney Furie
sa££HWlUTEM: Bill Canaway, James Doran
Bela Lugosi helps fi nance experiments
Best of the three Michael Caine- Harry
with the healing alien substance. But
Palmer films. Unlike 007 and most spies
Janos has touched it: he glows in the
that fo llowed, this agent is a cockney
dark and begins to go insane when he
who has to be blackmailed by the gov-
discovers he can kill with his touch.
ernment before rendering services. He
To de mo nstrate his powe rs to the
undergoes "brain drain" torture for his
public, he melts a life-size statue repre-
troubles. With N igel Green (TN: Rul-
senting one of the seven dead ly sins
ing Class ) and Sue Lloyd (CorruPtion).
each time he ki lls. His own mother
(Violet Cooper) destroys the antidote, Based on the novel of the same title by
ca usi ng him to disintegrate. Wi t h
Len Deighton. Music by John Barry.
Frances Drake, Beulah Bo nd i, and
Snowflake. By the director of Drac- IS THIS TRIP REALLY
ula's Daughter. NECESSARY?
1970 Hollywood Star Pictures
SCP.lENW1\fTU: lee Kalcheim
1963 R&B (West Germany)
DIP.ECTO~:Raphael Nussbaum Has anybody seen this? John Carradine
SCAEEHWM"EM: Raphael Nussbaum, plays an insane director working on an
Wladimi r Semiljof epic sex fi lm who gives actresses LSD,
OAIGINALlY ~EI.EAS(D.u: VeT Uruichtbare then kills them with an iro n maiden
A crook steals a scientist's invisibility in his private torture chamber. Marvin
drug. Similar to Edward G. U lmer's Miller (star of TV's The MillioMirf') stars

with Peter Duryea. C arol Kane. and
Ba rbara Mallory. (M)

1973 TV
~ODUCE'-5 :
Ron &:m<;tcin,
Howard Rosen man
OUU:CTO": John B.1dham
SCk(EHWPJTEA; Lane Sl:uc
Oddball pseudo-horror movie ~ T (and
fi lmed) in Moum Angel, Oregon . EJ -
mo nd O'Brien is killing off 1928 high
school gr'dds with an e lectron ic murder
much inc that leaves no rrace~. The
sheriff (A lan A ida) and his wifC"{LouiS('
Lasser) try to find out wh y the o ld fo lks
are dying. With Ruth Gordon , Will La n ca~ler a~ Moreau. /n fhi s version, U/'/ 718177: AciOT" Rich-
Geer, and Lloyd Nolan. hero Mic h ael York turns in to a he:m. ard Basehart I.S a changed
1l.1rbara C arrera b Maria. Nigd D<lven- mall - or changed «'OJ!
- In the film The Island
HIE ISLAND po rr I~ Montgomery. Richard Bascha n
of Dr. M o re~lI. AI kft IS
1980 Um\'crsal is a poor subslitute (or Bela L~osi. Some
BasehaTt as he ordlllllnlJ
PI\.ODUCE'-5: Rich:trd D. Zanuck, good makeup i ~ was[Cd. Filmed III the looks. AI nght. he's made
JJavid Brown Virgin Islands. up !nr his part as "Sayer of
DIAl CTOA; MI Chllci RIT c hie
the Luw" lllihe film. He
K A((HWlOJTEA ; Peter Iknchley
ISLAND OF DOO,IIED ,IfEN plays £I ..'OJ! fhal has bn'll
A SClIT',' Be rmuda Tmmgle movte that's 1940Columhm ( B&W) glt't'n hlllJ1{m CMrUClfnS-
wort h watching. Seventeenth-century ",ODuc n : W~II~ce M.1cl),\Il"ld tin and a hulf-hullum £11'-
pir'dtes arc responsible for all the miss- OIAlCTOl\: ClHlrle~
Barlon pcaraflCe as Uw resl/li of
ing ships. They capture Michael C aine Peter loTTe b great as the sad istic. well- VlIo: of Or. Maretl!I's
an d tum h is young son against h im. Jre:.sed ru ler of an isbnd where men e:cpcnmeIllS.
Da vid Warner leads the ritu,dislic out- occome h is sbves and fhe onl y wnman
of-tlme cutthroolS. WiTh Angela Punch (Rochelle l-iuJson) is kept as an unco-
M cGrego r. Ba sed o n Peter (jaws ) operative ml~tress. She cringes in dis-
Bcnch ley's novel of the same name. The gust when Lo rre touc h es her and hopes
music by Ennio Morricone is available Ihat prisoner Roherr Wilcox will take
o n a sound tr'dck album. For some r('a - her away. C h ,lrles " Mmg" Middleton
snn , The Island COS t $22 mi ll ion TO I ~ one of the overseers. Lorre listens to
film . ( R ) Chopin before flogging more doomed
197i Al l' See BRIDES OF BLOOD.
~O DUCE AS: John T emple.Smith,
DIAlCTO ";Don Taylor [93~ Paramuunt (I3&W)
SCA£tNW1\fT(A; John Herma n Shan~'r OIA£CTOl\ : Kurt Neum.lJlIl
A big mistake. A use less, haTing re- SC "EENWI\ ITEAS : WIIIt~m R. Lipman.
make of lslmul of Losr SOIl/S, wirh Burt Ilurace McCoy

Anna May Wong searches (or a gen- An (lTOmic scientist wit h deadly ray guns
eral held captive by J. Carrol Naish on and three beautiful da ughters has un-
a jungle island. With An thony Quinn, wanted visitors o n h is island. Resu lt
Broderick Crawford, and Eric Blore. h - "T hey turned a forbidde n paradise
was a remake of the 193J Whlfi' Woman, into a raging hell !" Or so the ads would
with Charles Laughton. h:lve us believe. Alan Ladd was the ex-
ecutive producer. Wi th Jeff Richards,
Venet ia Stevenson. A lan Napier, and
1933 Pararnoonr ( B&W)
Erie C . Kenton
KM£H\lnJT£k.S: Waldemar Young,
1966 Plano:tJUnivers;l1 (Engl:lIld )
It was banned in England (or years.
Tom Blakeley
H.G. Wells. who wrote the novel it 011\.£001\: Terence Fisher
W:lS b:lsed on. con<.k'mnl'd it as Ixmg SCI\[ENIWI\IT£k.S: Allen Rams.o:n.
vulgar. It's also prohably the [XSt hOTT\)T Edward Andrew Ma n n
fi lm ever made. No o ther film has as ALSO "[LWEO AS: The Creepers
many d ifferent :lnd sc ary (;lCl'S :IS th is Effectively sca ry story about sli thery
one. The atmospherc (mo5rJ y ( re,lIed round tent;lcled crea tures that live o n
on SCts) is remarbhle. With hi s lillk bone ma rrow. When boneless corpses
goat.x', a clean wh ite suit, and an cvcr arc discovered on an Irish island, two
prcsent whip, Cha rles Laughton is per- scient ists (Peter Cushing and Edward
feC[ as Dr. More;lu. He surgica ll y turns Judd) lire brought over to help. The
an im;lls into a grntl'sque array o( hcasl- dlsgllscrng creatures responsible for th e
men and rri('S to get hi5 ultimate c re- carnage seem indes[fUC l ible~ and they
ation, LOla thl' panther woman . to mate divide and multiply! Soon nobody on
w1Th shipwreck vict im Richard Arlen. the island will have any bones left !
Ni netl'en-yea r_old Kat hken Burk c Richard Gordon was eXC<lItive producer.
played Lnra; she was a Chicago contes-
tant 1Il a nationwlJe search (or a grrl
w1T h the right "a nimal " louk. Bcb
Lugosi IS ;l lso great as the Sayer o( the
Law. His tormented voice leading a
chant o("\Vha! is the law-a re we not THE BURNING DOOilIED.
rnen~" is unforgettable. With Lei la
Hyams (a lso in Freab) , Arthur Hoh!.
St,m ley Fields, Koma i Tetsu. and 111 ISlAND OF THE BURNING
therl' s(Hllewhere- R:ll1dulph SC(ltt DOOIIILW
;lnd Alan Ladd. Seventy- twll (:lKin,H- 196 7 M~T()nlP l ant' t
ing minutes end ing in the Huu.'>e of '''OOU(EA: Tom Bbk.:: lcy
Pain. Ci nematography by Karl Struss. Dll\.£crO~ : TCfcnct' Fi.~h er
K "[(Hl.VI\.T£II.S: Ronald Liles.
Prp lmd Jane Baker
ISlAND OF LOST WOillEN ALSO MLW[O AS: Island vf rhe Bllrnmg
1959 Warner Brothe rs (B&W) lklTnned. Night of tN: Brg Heal
"'-'>DUCEA: AI~ n J. Cohen The Phmct Company o( England some-
DlAlcr~ : Frank W. T utt lo: how signed Ham mer stars ChrislOphl'r
KM:[NWIIJT£~ : Rav Buffum L..'C and Peter C ushing along with Ham-

mer director Fisher for this inrere~ting ISLE OF THE DEAD
little movie. Protoplasmic aliens take 1945 RKO (B&W)
over a small island during the winter PI\O DUCEI\: Val Lewton
and cause an unbearable heat wave. It DIR.£CTO R: Mark Ronson
gets so hot that humans begin to in- SCI\EENWR.ITE~: Arde! Wray, Josef Mir.che!
cinerate. Most of the action takes place Ads promised "201 blood-curdling
at an inn where the helpless inhabitants ~cenes you'll never tear out of your
get on each other's nerves, to say the mind!" Well, there are some atmo-
least. Based on John Lymingwn's novel, spheric frights in this grim tale of the
Night of the Big Heat. With Patrick plague during the Ba lkan Wars. As a
Allen and Sarah Lawson. Grt'ek general, Boris Karloff walks
around the OOdies. The "Vrykolak<l" is
a wom<ln who was buried alive, walk-
ing around ghostlike with a trident.
ISLAND OF THE DAMNED With Ellen Drew, Jason Rob<lrds, Sr.,
1976AIP(Spain) Alan Napier, Katherine Emery, and
PRO DUCEI\: Manue! Perez Skelton Knaggs. It's the least interest-
DII\.£CTOI\: Narciso Ibanez Serrador
ing of the consecutive three movies
SCIY:EHWl\tTU: luis rerallel
OMGINAL1Y W£ASED AS: Quien Puet/e Molar K:nloff did for Lewton.
a un Nino!
A man and his pregnant wife arrive on ISLE OF THE FISlMtEN .. See
an island for a vacation. The children
there have killed aU the adults and the
visit ing couple is next . A critically ac-
claimed movie by the director of The
Howe That Screamed. (R )


1966 Allied Artists (SpainIW. Germany) 1967 Warner Brorhers (England)
DlklCTOI\ : Mel Welles Herbt:rt J. Leder
SCI\.EEHWl\tTEl\: Stephen Schmidt A ridiculous updating of the legend of
La Isla de Ia MUl'Tle
D'.IGINAlLY I\EILASED AS : the golem, from the man behind The
Mon Eater of H)·dro
AlSO I\[LEASED AS: Frozen De<Ui. Roddy McDowall is a de-
As the mad botanist Baron Von Wescr, ranged assi~tant museum curator who
Cameron Mitchell creates a vampire- keeps his mother's corpse at home for
tree [hat sucks blood with its tentacle- company (it looks just like Mrs. Bates
like branches. If that isn't enough to in Ps)"cho). He discovers how to con-
make you watch , the d irector piayecl trol the ancient Hebrew statue, which
Gravis Muchnik in Linle Shop of Hor- resembles a skinny version of the tree
rors! With Elisa Montes and George monster in From Hell It Came. The
Martin. Mitchell, who has a handy golem kills Roddy's enemies and disap-
mute servant, ends up strangled by his pears under the sea after its temporary
own creation . Cameron Mitchell~the master is destroyed by <In atom bomb.
unheralded king of bad horror for three With Jill Haworth and Paul Maxwell.
decades! McDowall always plays crazy peuple

It Dme from Outer
Space and Kathleen HugheJ
htu JUS t 5t'rn it in this 5wged

with a lot of conviction (see Shock "octopus" has only five tentacles. The
Treatment and Angel. Angel Down We first of many enjoyable Schneer/Harry-
Go). hausen co ll abora tions. It originally
played with Crealure with !he AlOIn Brain.
1955 Columbia (B&W) HOLLYWOOD
MQOOCUo.: Charles H . Schneer 1982 Paramounl
OlklOOll: Robt-rt >n"lon PI'.OOUC[M: Sw.:-.n SUtlusberg . Jeff Stein
$Cl\[£HWPJTD.: George Worthing Yates OlklOQf.S: Malcolm Leo. Andrew Soil
A giant radioactive octopus (animated ~O..E[~rru: Dana O lsen
by Ray Harryhausen) is spotted by sub- Paramount purchased a "That's Holly-
marine ca ptain Ke nne th T obey. The wood" of B-movies made by film col-
slimy suction-cup hormr surfaces in San lectors and editors, re-edited it , and
Francisco, where it destroys the Mar- added new comic segments and insult-
ket Sn eet Tower and the Golden Gate ing narration. It has lots of great and/ or
Bridge before being torpedoed [Q smith- funny scenes from dozens of often un-
ereens. While all this is going on, Tobey ident ifi ed old science-fiction . horror,
finds time to batt le biologist Donald and teen movies, but the condescend-
Curtis for the channs of lovely sdemist ing ani tude sinks the project. Gilda
Faith Domergue. Thanks to the ridicu- Radner, Dan Aykroyd. John Candy.
lous budget and time limitations. the and Cheech and Chong are the ma r-

quee-valu(' additions, Categories in- rum('d inro a slave. With Sa ll y Fraser,
clude gorillas, ahens, monsters, and Ru:.s Bender, Dick Miller, Jo nat han
btalns. Haze, and Ch'lrlc~ B. G riffilh. Most
people know IX'verly Garland fmm TV's
11' CAllIE FROM OUTER M)' Thr"" SUIIS, Sec Zomar, The Thing
SPACE from Vemt.<i.
1953 Universal (8&W, l-D)
OlN"cr~: Jack Arnold 1979 FITt:,blrd Internanonal
KM[NWM[~: Harry Es.s.:x P"OOlKtIl/DIII..[CTO~: FrooOlen Ray
No lxxly believes astronomer Richard K M[NW"rtt~: Fred Olen Ray,
Carlson when he sees a huge space orb Allan Nichohs
crash in the desert. The allen Xeno- AUO ~[lU.5ED AS: Al!~n LRaJ
morphs make doubles of some tol>ms- A fearure s[arnng Busier Crabbe (in his
people to help repair thei r ship, Tele- 70s) asSheri(fKo .....alskl. The characters'
phone line workers Joe Sawyer and names .....ere chosen because of connec-
Russell Johnson (the professor on Gill· tions with Roger Corman mov ies, T he
Igan's bUirul) arc the first to be dupli- plot is about people on a houseboat
ca ted. A superior sc ience· nct io n fi lm turnmg Into gho uls. From the d irector
based on "T he Meteor" by Ray Brad- of The Brain Ul.'ches, FI lmed in Florida.
bury. It was the first of several Al1and·
Arnold hits. With Barbara Rush as IT HAPPENED AT
Carlson's hancee, Charles Drake, and LAKEWOOD ,llANOR
Morey Amsterdam, 1977 TV
""001)(0.: Pe","r Nelson
IT CAllIE UP FRO,J/ THE O'MCTO~:Rot-.ert Sch~'ere r
BERlJtUDA DEPTHS, See THE KP-t[NWMEP.S: Guerdon Trueblood, BUUeT Crobbt. ml/5<l\!lrtg
Peter Nl'ison the world in I! Fe II from
BERt/tUDA DEPTHS. AlSO "ELEASED AS: Pamc (II Lakel4M Manor the Sky.
P~OOU([~/ OI~[CTO": Roger Corm,m
SC"E[NW~IT[M: Lou Rusoff. Charle~ Grtffith
Corman's second science-hellon movil'
(e,ltures onl' of the screen's most un·
likely monstcr~, The Venusmn (played
by Ib crea tor, Paul Billisdelt) looks like
a pointed hat WITh flrms, h\Jrm, aod
lots of teNh , Scient ist Lee Van C lee(
talks [0 V{'nus on his ham radiO and
serves the crearure unTIl his Wife (Bev-
erly Garland) IS by if. n'cn Van
Cleef battles the crearure With a blm\'·
wrch, It falls on its side and dies. So
does Lee. Peter Graves is the hero, He
k.lIs his o ..... n ..... lfe aher she's attacked
by one of the allen's bat helpers and

This was originally going to be called It's 1896 and Jayne Mansfield is Ele ni
Ants. They crawl a ll over Suzanne Costa, Greece's most glamorous actress.
Somers at a summer resort. With Rob- The O lympic games are being revived
er! Foxworth, Myrna Loy, and Lynda in Athens and Eleni announces that
Day George. The same production com- she'll marry the winne r of the 26-mile
pany made Taranwlas, the Deadly Cargo, maraThon, confidem that it will be her
which premiered the same month. It lover, a lieutenant. A young shephe rd
W[lS [I feature release in Europe. named Spiridon (played by T taX Col-
ton) is in love with Christina, Eleni's
maid. He enters the contest and wins,
IT HAPPENED AT THE causi ng some embarrassment for the
WORLD'S FAIR actress. Filmed in Greece with a mostly
1963 MGM Greek cast, it also features Bob Ma-
PP.OOUCEP.: T eel Richmond th ias as the American coach.
DtklCTOk: Nonnan Taurog
K kE£N\VPJT(kS:Si Rose, SeamonJacobs
Elvis Presley plays a grounded bush pilot
who ends up taking a little Chinese girl ITLIVESAGAIN
to the World's Fair in Seattle, where 1978 Warner Broth~rs
he fa lls in love with a n urse (Joan PP.OOUC£J/DIk[CTO~KkE£N'IVP,lT£A;
O' Brien) and holds off confused chi ld- Lar!)' Cohen
welfare-board officers. Gary Lockwood .tJ.SO k£l£AS£O AS: I( 'J Alive /I
is his partner. With Yvonne (Bat- /I's Aliti(' was such a hit that more ki ller
woman) Craig. El vis sings "Cotton mutant babies were ordeTl..d. The orig-
Cundy Land" and "Happy Ending." ina l's dad (John Ryan) and scientist
(A ndrew Duggan) return to help wipe
o ut the new terror tots. Frederic For-
ITHAPPENED HERE rest (Apocalypse NOtu) and Kathleen
1966 Lopen (England) (B&W)
Lloyd star as an expecmlll couple. Eddie
Kevin Brownlow, Andrew Mollo Constantine (Lemmy Caution) plays a
doctor. Bernard Herrmann had died in
Germany wins World War II and En-
gl[lnd is occupied by Nazi soldiers. A
'75 but received credit for rhis, his "last"
British nurse (Pauline Murray) works score. wh ich was reworked by Laurie
for the fascist governmem but d iscov- Johnson using leftovers from the '74
ers that instead of being cured, her Rus- fi lm. like most of Herrmann's works,
the sound track is still in print. Ben er
sian and Polish patients are d ying from
injectio ns. She's arreSted and deported than the original. il was sti ll a financia l
for objecting and evenrually joins the fl op. (R )
resistance movement. A low-budget
drama that took 10 years to complete.
Filmed partially in 16mm.
1960 Valiant Films (England)
1962 20th Century-Fox (Italy) OlkECTOWSCP.EEHWkITEk : John Gi lling
AI50 kElEASED AS: The Challenge
PkO OUCEk : James S. Elliot
OIP.ECTOk: Andrew Marton Jayne Mansfield plays Billy Lacross. the
K kE£NWP.lT£k: L1SIo Vadnay leader of a gang of British crooks! An -

thony Qua yle , a widow('r inf,tt udted "Liar, liar." With Sid Ha ig as Big
wllh Jayne, is talked into helpm~ In a Daddy and Lori W ill iams (Fas ter P,my-
robber)'. He's caught and gets ~c nt lip cal ! KIll! Kill!).
for five ye<lrs. In tht, ml'anr imc t;"r!
Mo hner has takcn over rhe grmg and
has Quayl,,\ son kidnaped in ordcr to Irs A AIAD, AIiID,
find o ut where the hidden loot is. AIAD, " lAD WORLD
Jayne's stra ight now, so she heirs re- 1961 United ArtISts
~OOUCUJDII\ECTOI\.: Stanl ey Kramer
tneve the kid. Director G il ting is her-
K I'.£ENWP.tTEP.S: WlllI;'m Rose, Tania Rose
ter known for his horror film s.
The nnly movie with <tnima ted figu res
of the Three Stooges (as firemen). It
IT! THE TERROR PROAl <tlso has music by the Shirelles and 100
BEYOND SPACE many stars. Everybody knows that some
1950 United Artists (B&W) of then' arc Sid Caesar, Mickey Roon-
HiODUC£k: Rohert E. King ey, &l Ie Ad<lms, Spencer Tracy, Milton
DI'-ICTOI\: Edward L. C .. lm Berle, and Ethel Merman. Not every-
5O.(EN'.\IPJ1'U: Jerome Bixhy hody knows that Paul Birch, u."'O Gor-
A srowaway bl()(x!-drinking Martian ce)" S terli ng Ho llowa}" Zasu Pitts,
mo nster kills off a.Hronalirs. In a suit by Stan Frcix'rg, JeTTY Lewis, Buster Keat-
Paul Blaisdell, Ray "Crash" Corrigan o n. Joe E. Brown. and Don Knotts arc
hides in the air shafts and c an rip <llso in it.
through metal with his claws. Marshall
Thompson is the hero. A preny scary
space ho rror with Shawn Smith and Irs A SklALL WORLD
Ann Doran. 1950 Eag le Lion (B&W)
PI\ODUCEI\: P~·ta Scu ll y
DIP..ECTOP.: Wilkull Cns tle
V Kl\[ENWl\JtEl\: Otto Schrt'lber
1%7 Trans AmcriGm Film~ Even hefore his cnnnmy 3-t) movies
""OOUCEI\ ; C h ;lTrl') S. S ..·.. n : and h.s great gimmick horror hits. Wil-
DII'.£CTOP.: S teph ~nteRorhm:m ham Ca~ tlc wa~ making unique cxplo i-
KII.(E ~Il[I\S: Ch.lrb S. Swart:. t",ion films. This sddum-shown feature
St ephani!: Ro th11l,tIl i~ n ~ ri()us story of a mid~c. fmd "his
A bragging beach jock can't Will the nttempt to find a rlace in the wmid
gi rl he wants, so he poses as hiS own l<lhellllg him a mbflt. " Paul Dale, a Des
brother, a sh~' intellectual. She fa lls for MOlllcs dcejay, star~. With WIll Geer
the phony while he<lting the original (The Wa/tons) as hiS father. St eve
in a series of races (su rfing. skil te BTUdie, and Lmrnine Miller.
boarding, car racing). A novel femi-
nist theme for a beach-part y movie
- ( 0 0 bad To mmy Kirk and l:X-borah IT'S AL/VEI
Walley were pich-d to star 111 It. The \%BA rr-TV
real reason to see it is the hands: the Pf.ODUC(~DIR(CTO~KP..EE NWP.JTEP.;
Gentrys, the Toys, and the Animals Larry l311chan~n
arc all great, but the highli~ht is the One of Buchanan's legendary awful
Ca~ ta\\'ays (in their o nly film appc-ar- qui~ k ie tdcvision movies. Tommy Kirk
ance) doing Thei r wonderfully h'Zarre (Mars Needs Women) stars in rhls t<t lc

38 1
father, Sharon Farrel l. Guy Stockwell,
Andrew Duggml , and M ich;}eI Ansara.
II Liws Agwn was a sequel.








19i5 Jo~ph Brenner (England)
PRODUcEk: Belty E. Box
DIRECTOR: R~lph Thomas
ALSO RELEASED AS : Pcny"s Progrc~.\
A disguised sequel to Percy, a penis-
of a man with a pet TlIonster in a cave. transplant comedy. Denholm Ellion
It'~ ,dive; it needs pcople to cat; it h;}s <lnd El ke Sommer return from the
~harr teeth ;}mj a zipper lip its h;}ck. original. They ' re joined by Vincent
It's abo the S;} I1lC monster used in Price, Judy Geeson, Milo O'Shea, Julie
Creature of Deslmction! With Shirley Ege, and George Cotdouris. A chemi-
Rond and Bdly ThuTTlian. B;}sed on ;} cal in the w;}rer makes men imJXltenr.
simy hy Richard I>.blheson ,lfx,ut a di- Like the first (lne, thi" film was ignored
nOS;}llf callee! <I masasallrll~. in the States. (R)


IT'SALIVE 19'i6 Un l\-nsal (B&W)
1974 Warner Br<)t her, PRO DU( ER: Howard Chri,ril"
Llny Cohen SCI\.EENWRITEI\S: Nonnan Jollq',
The screen's fip,t monster baby seemed Wdkun Talm::ln
.1 hit shocking {Oven after The E;wrr.;i,r. Jock Mahoney stars as an a irli ne pilot
It was brry Cohcn's higgest hit and who, In the m iddle of;) Chicago-New
henefits frum Rern;}rd Herrmann's score York flight , decides he's been hil a nd
:md R ick Baker's hornhle (,mgcd mu- goes mtn a dive. Co-pilot Jerry Paris
t;}nt m(,mt. TIll' bahy doesn't waste <lny knocks hi m Olll ;}nd brings the plane
time slaughtering the doctor and nur,es in :llone. When Mahoney w;}kes up in
in the delivery room. Liter it ,mach ;) the hospital he explains to passenger
milk trllck. With a PG rating <md a Ann Harding that he is her long-lost
se ldom-shown Crl"ature, it', 'l lrprisingly fianel;, Lieuten;}nt Peter Stevens, shot
"'t;}steful." Wilh Juhn Ryan ;}s the down over France in 1918. By relating

imimate derails of their time wgethcr
and revealing the insc ription on a tTeas-
urcd locket, he convinces her that this
is the case. John Mcintire and Leigh
S nowden co-star. The Search for Bride)'
Mlnphy made 1956 a big year for rein-
carnation ; see S/'CII of the H)'pnotisl and
Hold That Hypnotisl. - CB



• ....... ••
• •
, J .D.:S REVEN GE M' .I mon ~ tl· r . II'Hc hl'''' OInd gholll:., T Wll
• • ]976AIP efl'l,' ml'mlx'r, ,Ire IUrned lIltn a dog
• • PROOUC[~D lk[ClO": Arthur l\ LorI<. , anJ , I c hunr, ,111,\ , I k'pTl'c h ;lun (D-on
• • KkHNlllII.R[I\: J,II" '11 S,.ulo:_ IkJdoe) eX lb on" rainhow, Prod",:er
• • An all-hlack TeInCarn,ltlull·hIlTTtU Sm,111 I,lter ,,(fered The ChnSlme j fJr/:<:Il-
• • I11,W le starrin /l Glynn TUTlIl,m .!' ,I 1..\\,
SruJl' nt P<)'~c"c,lll\ the 'Plrtt 111 .1 'K\.
S<II S ll1ry,

L O ll G ll"e" I.. d1l' rTl\lcha JACK ·' Hti RlPPtiR, See "lHti
hero. \Vi , h J,,;m Prml!il·. Pnne,' (1111 .. VEil,.
h;b smce m,lei... thl' hi ),! (Illw) 'Ill),!' " I
\VIII ~e\'e r Let YUli Cin.·' (H) .JACK 11-m RIPPER
11);1) P;!r,lrllnllnt (EngbnJ)
(R&W "lIh ..:"I,)r " 'qll<'l1Cc)
.JA CK AND TflE BL-:!INS"li ll, K
PP.O DU( EII.S / DIP.ECTOII.S: R"l"' rr R;lk".,
1951 \,(I,m1l'T Brolher' ,\1"1\t') Ikrm.Ul
(eoloT \\ Ilh R&\V "''1",-11, d J
SCP.EE NWP. ITE~ : IIllmy S~n~,{(:r
PIIODUCH : A i<- , (,(\nli,-j,
DIRE(10 P.: Jean Y,lrt-n l\1 ~h
L(lh (II p<,op le in Ameflc<l S:1\\' th is Ix'·
!>C I\ EENWP.IU P.; N", C urt" Co l\I'\' \,( th~' ,.ltll ration ad ca m p.1 ign by
Lou C<.l~tdl() dre.l[n, ,hal he ,lIld Bud pnHlI<ltl'r }n'\'ph E. Lev inl' (who ,11,,0
Ahhllo ,1[0: dUr,tCI<:'T' 111 Ilk' t.mluu_ h,dl),h'''IC,1 Hel'Cules m t n ;l Ill<lJor 'lIC -
C6~), With Lee·r,;.u n, Eddlc BYflll',
(airy tale. A ,uh,[.lnd.nd lllu"c,1·!.U1l,h\' with pnlfn,IIJn;ll hghtl'T BII,kh and EII'<,n Stl]OIl. Th" tilm ,l!l"-'~ inh)
B<ler ;l.. th ... gi.lI1t. \'\Iith DI)rnt!n Fur'! c\llm \\h<'n Jae k I ~ eru~hcJ til dl.'ath hy
.m,] \V.] liam ElTnum. an c!<'\',." )(, The Bakcr/ ikrman t~', ml
al",) made M ,l11ld, Blo()d of lh .. \ 'mll[JlTo.',
;lIld TIt.. rld/firo.' Cillh,
1%11 '111"',\ Am_I' JACK "I H E RIPPER
PIIODU( Ek; Eclu ,lrci :'111,,11
I'1if. <-' Ull',h.,"'l.,.,<'
DII'.£CTOP.; N,.,h,,,, Jur:m
(\'(.', Cknll.Ul\ ~\\ Lf;crbn,l)
SCP.EENWP.ITE P.S; l )n'III~' II 11.11111",111,
PP.ODIJCEP.: 1\' I~'f B.IUIU;:,lrtncr
I\:1lh,1II J UT,1Il
DIP.(OOP.lKMENIIIP.I1U; j"" ... h,m..:,'
Edw;n,\ Sm;dl. <I rr"duu'r who h .•d OP.IGI NAU 'I' P.ELEASED AS: /),'T f)Lnl,'nrn,,,J<,!
[mned JOI' n the ~ucl~",tlll 'o.'lo.'lUit \ '0'\- ,,,UI..OU.. /,,"
(11:0.' ilf Sinlxd, L\[a d~'<':I,l.:,1 1<1 mol\..c ;Ul Ano{hn ~ h lldd )' Fr,lIKU film. It \\',1' fe-
,l lm(l~' ex;\C[ duplll ;!l C. I ll' IIITcd I h.H I('.h~'d lwn' ('nk .Ilt er K I,IU' KIIl .. ki\
film 's d i r~'ctm (:'.Lith;m }m;\n), '!M 1l<'1I'("un el (;lllll' in \Vcmer Her:n,C him,.
(Kerwin I>..hllhell .. ), ,1I1d \,111.1111 (Tunn The K I!l,ki R lJ'Jwr }., ~h(lll'n cutting, l ut
Th.nelll'r), Fur Ih<' .111l111.1[i"n lw gut e~,'~ .lfl,1 ,,(heT h"' I':Ub _ Ch"r1 I ~'\
Ji m I bnf(lrrh (\I'h" h ,hi w,'r\ ( '11 dall g h{~' r In'~' p hllll' Ch" l'lm C <l·'l dT~.
"Gumhy" shurt .. ). The ,lnin1<l11"n " \Vith I krhl'TI Fux ,mel Lina Roma),. ( Hl
m (niuT 10 Sin/xul'." hut thl' rl,)1 I' ,'Irtll -
ally I he "<lme, Thl' \l'ic h'iJ '" )rel'Tl'T I\'n- nfli J/ ICf<lILS
Jmg,)n (Th,nchl'r) c.IP{ IITC' ,I I'TIIKl"" It)6i 20th C ... mur\-F,,~ (Som h Alfie;! )
(J uell Ml'Tl,cJith), I !en ) J'K\.. (~t\t t hl""') PP.ODU( [""D I ~E CTOP'; R"h.:rt ll. \'ikhf>
I' (aced WHh Corrn"mn, ;\ ( Tl';ItUTl' '1111- SCP.EENIII~ITE II.S; L U1! •• r J r, 'IIL,

Il"T 1<1 H"rryh au'l'n ', (I'dop ' 1'!If \\ Ilh AU'fln t..kd""l
IWtl C\<'~; G 'l liig.mlll;l , ,. 'II111L.r erc;\- A I,,,,...., rl'm.lh· 'ln~lIotc Sk,,' ('48) with
IlITe \,lth (\\'() iW,I,k a n\lng .Im!!'U1,;\ VlIlel.'nl Prlel' ,1'.1Il u lJ PTtb r"-'c(ur l o~-

11\~ hi' ~ll id ",Ik{', ,U h\'~ h lg ll 1\'C h;-lIlk
Tui'-Ix'h. It \.\"" ..... ,1..1 Lh T~'cdy Itl Iclcd-
'Il\ll 11\ Am .... T1 c,l. \Vnh 01<ln,1 h -,Lr",)Il
,mJ RIlh.:rr GunrwT.



11)112 PIC1<,n,lllnlcrn,III,\Il011 (I3&W)
\X/,lh,lIn M.,r{lll
A dclmqucnl l'..:Tty t hLl'/ who gC h III'\!
II, hvc \e;lr~ ,Itrn lx'lll).! Cd ugh, 111 Ihc
hick 'Cd I pf iI C,IT with a ti(t e\~n-\,e;lT­
(lId gi rl I ~ ).! I\' ~'n ).!.! T,lcn \\,l1Tl hi dw
Int~'rll,Hl( >lldl in! fI).!lIl' ~1:l rTlIlg J. IL' I l'Wj,
.. , ,III ,L(ltlel h': ,p~. Wllh Julin I iU 'hln
w,IT,I . . n whp hclic\'c~ hi> ., tnr\'. But
: I ~ ,I CTll'pk'd ~!lIrl'lIl~ t1\, [">Im-
w,mk-n [)oughb R.uhcrfl1Td Ihillb "g<lin
,l id Pl(',I'ence ,I'" ,I S,\(uh i\llll'TlC,1I)
II'I1 . . n 1Il1ll.! IC RICh,ITd M. . ad,· ,m,1 hi,
Jict;lt u r, Barh:lr,l B,Kh, Chn"""l'lIc r
,Lwghler (P,Ltt\ ~IcC"fl1\,lCk) fOIl! in
Ln', J'N;plt \'i/i 'CIH:II1, C.l l'tlL:lIll', <l n d
!\'\'l'. Sh", u n IUGHlIJfl ,II Southe rn
\V.x,,-ly Sirodc.
tl- h ch lgdn Pn",," m J,lChon. \t..'\\~rcd
It x ' I "g~' Ilf Ihe 19'>1 J,lCk ll )wn ri{lb fu r-
IlI',h\', ,Hl oprtlr! umt y fllr thl' YUIlllg' JIIlL BArr
'Il'r to rTlwe hi . . ~u,,,-I mtl'nth m .... \VHh ]1)55 II"""" \1\\.\;\'(')
:.. t. h, T,ltlcr~'d l, Joh,mll,1 J)Ollgl.h, ,mJ Pf.ODuc[IIIDlk(CTOf.: bh'drd n. \\'.....!, Jr.
G"rJ,lO G r,lIlt. CR KJO,E[NWkn (kS: blt', II.! n. \,\,,~,,1. Jr .•
Alex (J"r,l"n
AUO REL(A!>(D M: /-/I,/.J.."I hk"
.JAGU; IR TlIll F,lTrdl IrK" III g," {lUI lrolll
1'1')6 R"ruhh~ (t\\.\;\V) ,. 1,It,d Ih('al~r hl,ldup hy 10r(1I11,: hI'
,\lld,,:~· R",l()q, M;ItJflcc Dul\' r,lnner', pl.._IIC·"'IlTt.!l'OIl I,Ll her 10 Tl'-
Dlk[CTOA: (".'wg,· BLur
rLlC\' hi, (,1(,', Bul ,urgl,.,n I k rha l
SCk[[N\IIkITEkS: .hn F('nlun Murr.I \, R:nl'\m ... )11 tind, o ut th:1I hI' ... '11, ... ,ugh t
Iklwdlll Frn',lin,1Il fo r kdlm ).! the ni ght w.ltdmt:ln, h,1- ,1 1-
S.!hu ~ '<Ir~ \\'Ith C hlqultOl III ,. lIluTder Te: tel)' bel'n clll11ll1<ltcd t" keq' h ll n fr"1ll
m)'~tl'r~ wllh Jun,lth,1Il I bk , RlrL u n ,I con(c~~1<1Il lIe I.!I\C' FOIH,'lIthl' ,\ll\'
MeL.m ..... ,md Mich.ll·1 "Tollch" Con- facc th.ll 11'.11 iIl'li!'e hi' IIn,lolnl-!, hlllll',1
nur .... Th l, Indl:tn IIlTO w:" nc"t .,('('n In :111,1 :mum,l thl' M llnll'rc), T!tcdtrl'

III '\rr/m "tid til<' :\I (l,(:I( NUl!.:, ;II", directed III ~-'l "nl\'rey Park, C,ilij prnlOl. \\lITh
hi B1.l1T, SIC\'\' Re,·\'c', Li' !l' T,tlhll l, !)')["Tl"
ruller, Thl""l"r" Thl lflll,tn. :md CLIIK~
J; I(;UAR /J ill ,S M"lun,'. The mlll'lTd . . h"w pn"hl'Ih ln
11)i')AII' IHlIllh,'r I' IT"1ll <I 19';1 RIm (1rm,llhl
'kODUC[k: I),.'r\'l Ulh... ,n kalUr\' call",d );..,. SIT .\ 11 BmlL'~. r,d!" 't.
DIP.£CTOR: Enw'l l'ml(lti brrell. <lml FIIII\'r .II ... , '1,lrr .... d 111 \V. It "I',
!oC[I,uNWklf[k: Y"h.. Y.l"'l"n,l~ rn'IIOll' k.ITtIT\', ( ilen!lf GI.. IULL TIll'

EIVlj (.IIJd)enlllf~'T Holden
mJ~ilhous.: Rock.

." .. . .


am a:mg mll~i( <l 1 :-.cUTe \1';\' 1,(led !rulll VinCl' Ewrl'u, he accide ntall y kHL~ a
,\ kstl of L,sl \\" OltiCIl - ( ' 1\ mall III " h"T (he wa~ o nl y' defendlll)! a
lady In ,1I'ITCNo). goc~ III till' ~tatc prison .
,md gch a (lmn lvmg cx-GlllntT\" ~ingc r
THE JA1LBREA K ERS Uvh ch'\' Sh:\lIgh nessy) as a ( etlmate.
I%CAII'(13&\'(') Nlilc till' !!,\Ilk \Vl liiams pICture o n the
""OOUC[~OI"[CTO~KP.E[HW"'l[ " : cd ! \\,,11. \Vlwn VinCl' l~ Td eased , hiS
Alex Gra""h"ff ,)j!Cllt (judy T yll' r) helps him cut .m
Ruhcrt H unon a nd \\,lfe M,'f) C",tlc 11l~lepcndl·nt ~ 11l~le (" I \Vanna Be
arc held hO"t,H!C 111 ;\ ~h()"1 town hy ~TCC"). I)" c ,uckey [h.',m Jones rlu~s
Ihrcc c,c,Ip,,:d conI iCh 'c<Helllng Inr the TCo,;\ Ird; VinCl' fx'((ll1l l'~ a sensat io n ,
S400.o...-'O In 'Illk'n curT~' nq. \Vllcl1 ,111' ~\le~ Hollywood. /,,11, for an actre:;s,
"ther Thull arrivc,. t ill' connct, turn h' Tl" hl~ e x·ce/l ma tc ,\s a Ilunky. for-
nn each ,IT her and I O'l~ tl1l' rnn n q. ~l·t' hl~ fril'nd~. and almo'l I()~~ Ilis
With Michael O 'Cunnc1l , G;lb l , tA:- \'Olce, The (;1I11 ()US "J:lllho use Rock"
tutri . ,md Anelln Van Stralcn. I lutt nn d,H)ec ~ccnc I' p;\TI llf a TV speci"L
dlTecleJ and ,t,nTl',j In Tht' SIiUl!' Elvis aI,,, ~ I!l g' "Treat ~k Nice " and
('1\ "B:lhy. IIAm't ( :arc." \Vith S ..:ott') and
I3i1 L FlIr thi~ lilm Colonel Parker man ·
,1j!C,! t"j!l'( Elvis $2 50,000 up fmnt ,l11d
JAIDHOUSE ROCK 50 IX'Tel' nt oj all prllfits.
1<)5711 \ G ~.,j (lk"'\V)
HOOUCH: I',m"r" S. Ikrlll'"1 .JALaP)'
OIP.EClO": RI~hJr,1 Thorp,,:
\1,15 j AIII<'d Art"., (R&\V)
K " [E NW"tTO: UU\ TT<l~l','r
P"ooucu: ''..:11 Sdl\\.llh
Fllllllwi n!! hi, hit L,t'ing \(J1/, EI\,I' h,hl' OIMCTO"; \'(' ,11""11 ' ' ',11,.1,,1<'
(,111\ pLIY, h1TI1~\:lt <I,I!.11l1 III thl' 11(l1on,11 KIU:£HW"'lt"5: T 1111 R ),In. Jal k CnJld1l'r.
,lCculint of !Ill' Ti'l' III " frick 't,l r. A, p":rt Lm r,'nn'

The Bowery Bo}'s experiment with a JASON AND 1118
cmnbm:Hion love potion and super Glr ARGONAUTS
ful'!. Hunt: Hall suus with Leo. Dav id. 1963 Columl'lil (Engl,l/l,I)
and Bernard Gorcey. Robert Lowery is H.OOUC£k; Ch:lrll" H. Schlll'l'r
the villain. From the d irector of BiU)· 01N:CTOk: Don Chaff..-\"
,he Kid 1'5. Dracula. SCN:ENWlIJT£kS: jan R...a.l. Ik\"crl\' Cn ~
Another Ray H arryha u ~c n animatl,d
m<lsterplece. O nly h IS SC1'cllIn Vfl:--'{I,I:~
of 5mbad ha~ ab many greaT .~ce nl'~.
Watched uvcr hy the g()J~ o n MI.
JAIJIBOREE O lympus and a i de~1 h\, Hera (llnll(lr
195i Wilmer Bruthen. (B&Wj
Blackman), Jason (ToJd Arm~Ir.'n~)
P"OOVCEM: "--\ax J. Roscnberi:.
sails the Ar~H to ,hl' other siJ(' of ,he
Millon Suholsky
OI"ECTOk: R(lY Lockwuod
world toobrain the G.,lden .-:lel,.'ce. li e
~CkEEH'WkITEk: LNlIlard Killlwr encoullters purple·winged h:\Tple ~.Tri­
AUO kElEAno A~: Disc J{)('ke)' JiIIll/J()rt"e ton the merman, a ~cvl,.'n-headc ..1hydm
"17 grcfl t recording stars! 21 hit tunes!" whuO(; tl,."('th turn mtn flm;!:ing ~kele·
Therc's a plot flixm t divorced talent [(I n warriors. and The bWlul,.> giant
agents gelting h;lck logether and their T"los. A da s~ic f;Hltas~·. With Nflncy
kids hecomin,l! recording stars. There\ Kuvad as Medea, Nigel G reen a~
al,o endless mosic from ;I wide spec- H ercul:.:~. Douglas Wilmer, and Michael
trum of enterminers. Ik~ides the Count Gwynn, The m\l~;C b h\, Bernard
Basic Band with Joe W illiams. there's Herrmann. Filmed 111 Italy. It was a
Fats Dt)mino. Jerry Lee Lewis in his first box-offi cl' (ai lure hecallSl' mo~t pt.·uplc
film. th~' inc redible S lim Whitman, thought it wou ld be another WU(IIll'
Budd\' Knox. rockabilly greats Jimmy musclcman fe;lture.
Bo wen and Ch;uli e Gracie. young
Frank ie Avalon. popu];lT d isc Jockeys.
and ,he duhbed'ln voice of Connie
FranCl'. Newbpa{X'rb repo n ed ,hal lhe- JAIVS
.ller ubhers in Buffalo were stabhed whill' 1'J7) Um""rs;.1
Jerry Lee d id "Great Balls of Fire." P"OOUCEkS: RKh;ud n. Z.ulUck.
David Br"wn
OIN:CTO": Slewn Sl'leU",,·r,.
SCkE[NWklT£P.S: Pdcr I~:nc hll·\·.
Carl GoTtlieb
After four TV Inovio and The SI{,(!mkmd
19;? W~Ttll'r RwtheTS (B&W)
'kODtiCEkS!'OlkECTOkS: GC"TgC \Xi. GCOq.:l'. Express. 18-ye;lr'old Spiclh•.:rj.! becllme
R"be rt Aitm;1Il un industry glflnT !lnd ~cared ~, 10' ,If
"Was he a rebel! Was he a giant !" T hi s i mr rc~i<.)n;lb\..:: hat her~ OllT (If thl: (>((';In
cullection of stills. home movies. and with his dfl·ctiVl' ~ hark - I'flr,moi:\ fea·
inTcrviews wa~ released tWO ycars "fTer rure. Roy Sc hl~i dcr, Richard I)T\'yfuss,
[)can dIed (aT 24 ). Unclc Marcus and and Rnl:>crt Shaw go "fter the Ct'I1V IllC-
Aunt O rtense remin isce ~lhout his life in): aqu:ltic m.rn-cater in <I \'oat nflmed
m Fairm,mT. Indiana. Thcrc'salso news OrC(l. \'{Ii,h u>rrallle Gary ;10\1 Murray
f()ota~e of hIS car crash and a scrn"n Hamilwn. B,.!«"'d lIn r eler Bcnchky's
tCM fllr E(lst ()fEden, Tommy Sands sing:; be~t-~elllllg nllve\. Academy Aw.mi·
"L('I Me Be Lo\·ed ." winning musIc hy John \Vilham~.

JAWS II in . Jeff Core y is the religious-fanatic
J 978 U niver~a t (.rchet of a .'iChoolfli rl (Lisa Pelikan) who
',"ODIK[kl: R ..,;iJard O. Zanuck. con jur('1) up gianr snakes tu kill her
D.l\'id Brown
tormentors. Nina Foe h is a Teacher-
DIAECTOk.: J~annor Szwarc
!>OHH\WJTU.S: C ... rI Gotfh~l>.
VIC tim . With John Gavin and Ben
Howard Sadder Com'Y'
Roy Scheider i~ back. Lurrainl' Gary I ~
back. Murray Hamilton is hack. The JESSE JAlIIES A/EETS
shark is hack. John William~ JIJ th(. FRANKENSTEIN'S
music agai n . Lot:. o f Il'cnagl'r!> arc:> in DAUGHTER
if. By the director of BIIg and 32 NI~/ll 1%5 Elllhl)sy
Galby segments. Varic!)' ca lled iT " the P"ODUCU: Carmll CaM:
most expensivc film that AlP Ill'vcr DlkrCTO": Wllli,HlI Ik<ludillc
m!ldc ." The next sequel h;]s been an- K"EEHW"IT£": Carl Hmlcilull
nounced as J(/II'.~ 3-D. The last o ( over I SO chea pies d irected
by William Bc<rudine during his five-
JAWS OF DEATH.· Sec AlAKO.. decade 13 and Z CHeer. DespiTe the tit le,
JAWS OF DEA11/. it's the famous doctor's grtlluUUlURhlcr
(Narda Onyx!) who puts her dad's
THE JAYNEAIANSFIELD crciHion's brain in the head of Jesse
STORY Jamc!>' musc le-hound pal (Cal Bolder)
19SOTV and names him Igor. Bad acting and
PRODlK£kS: Linda O uo, J oa n Barne tt
dialogue m<rke this a jo}' to watch. With
DI~CTOI\: Did: Lo"'cn'
Nestor Paiva. Joh n Lupton, brelita.
SO.[[H\\I'-lT[II,S; C ll;lrl CS I1.:nnl ~.
Nancy Ga ylc and Jnn Davis. It S compan ion, Billy the
Kid t's. Dracllu.. was also dir....cted b~'
\'(/KRP ill CincIIJnIHI 5tar Lnnr An-
derson as jayne Mansfi eld ! ArnIJ ld
Schwancneggcf a ~ MICk ey H 'l rj.tu'I~"
1a\'ne'5 true love ! But it can ', top The JETII'l7,l CK
\ViM \Vi/d \X/mid of ja:yne M(lIIjjield (li T 1958AI P(B&W)
insight and good r:lSIe. ThiS seuutic- I'tI.ODU(£": A k'x G.'nlon
tio na l, romanriciz('d acco un t of th" DI ~CTO": Edward l. C alm
world's most (amolls decapi ratl'd dumh Sn£(HW"ITr": On' lll" Hampton
hlonde leads up to the fata l car c r".l ~h. Al50 "UEASlD AS: J~r Sl/IUid

Based on jUYlle Munsfield mui til(! Amen- Frum th{, ads: "Jet ac tion blasts the
CUll Fifties by Martha Sax,'n. Waiting s<: re('n!" Joe I-iallllitoll, a scientist from
to see who the networks ['Ounce on neXT U.S. Air Force radar, is capnm:d wlH:n
(or quic kie bios a lmost mak..:s televi - his cxpcrimelll<l] plane is shot down he-
sion in the '80s wonhwhile. hind enemy lines in Korea. John Agar,
James l)ohson, :lnd Gregory Walcott
JENNIFER must rescue him before he is brain-
19i8 AlP washed. Russ lOin nurS\..' Audrey Totter
P"ODUCE": StcH' Kr:ml: hdp~. Ag~ l r and Hamilton escape in a
DlkrCTO": BTice Mad: Rlbsmn MIG while Dobson runs in-
!>CkrENW"rTIII.: Kay COUSins
Terf{'Tenct" t-y crashi n,l! into an anacker.
Terrible C(lTTre Imitatio n with Ide,l!> O ri,l!tnall y !>h llll'll with Suicide Da t-
trom W/r/lurd (or ma yhe SWIII,,)-' ) thrown TtI/liJIl. -CB

JETSQUAD, S ee JET IIlg off the l(lc~1 peasants t(l the str <l I!1S
ATDICK. of c1a.,sical mus ic. It equatl's vampir-
ism with bscislll cmJ fealllTcs till' bluoJy
rddli'ltion ..A thl~ p...'a sdnt~. Aftn ini-
JIVARO tial ~h\lw ing~ , su.:nes ~Jf se x ;md vi,,-
1':64 POiLUllOlmt (B&\V) knec werc ,ldlkd to m,lh' till' tihn 1I1< )TC
PRO DUCOS ; William H. Pill~. mdrkct<lhlc.
\,';/ill.,u>1 C . Thumas
DII\ECTOfl. : Edw:ml L\ldwi~
GolJ hunters meet he ~d hunt<'TS in OESERI'
SOllth Am..:rica. Fcrnandu L all1a~ ~t<l r s 1961 Anu Emhd"y-TV O'r:m<:l,lkoly)
With Lon Chaney, Jr. , Rhon<11 Fleming, EXE CUTIVE PRQ DUC£ R: Nnl \V~chherger
fUr;J Moreno, a nd Rri ;m Keith. Olfl.[CTOIl.: EdgarG , Ul mer
Ug,' Li herat<\re,
Re mlg;,' l).A Gr(',,,,,. An,l re T,\lwt.
JOHNNY COOL Altll',i",u N"::,,ri
1963 United ,A,nl~t ' (B&W) OR IGINALLY REL[ASED AS: L 'A tLm rid,>
PRO DUCEIVOIREClOII.: Wil l i,llll A , lwr (Fr;mce), A ml1lcu. L'Amunte '/~il'l emil
K fl.EENWII.JTER: Joseph bn,j"n SCpO/tli (Ir:llvl
Out "IW Sicil i,lJl folk hero Henry Si k, l, A ve ry low-budget \'ersi"n of the A t-
in the Sta les on a ~bfia revenge mis- lantis legend fe~turin!! Ha p H :lr~rect
sion, is picked up by divorcee Elizaherh as Antine,~ the ('vii qU l'~'n. \Vith jl-,m-
(Beu.';tchcd) MomgOTm,;ry ,!ftc r he sh uts Lo uis Tritign;1rl 1 ,mJ Ueorge, Rlvi~ rc.
down <l wekt,lil-lounge hooa. "A ll men It was Ihe -,ecund-to- last ti lm f"r U lmer.
look like men, so few reall ~' ;lre," she who repbced ~ 11l 1 ther directur afrer fi lm-
remarks admiringly. Together thl'~' etn- ing had ~ t artl'd. Th .., srory h,l-! hel'n
bark <111 a 48-hour orgy of ,ksn uo iull fi lmell ~'I' .. ~rill rimes bd,)rc, (>IKe <I.' \ir~1I
(T(llll Idlewild Airport to MlilholLmd lif Arlalllll ('40). This llKl<.iern version
Drive. The direction tn<ly he half-b~keJ ends with :m a tum ic homb destroyi ng
hut what a cast: Jim Back us, Joe\' thl' lost city.
Bishop, Brad Dt.'xtn, Jllhn t-.kGiwT,
M ~, rt S'lhl. T~'ll y S<lv,lb ~ , S,lInmy l),l-
vi~, Jr., J"scph C~ ll eia , Dougbss l)um-
brdle, ,mJ Elisha Cook, Jr. Samm y ~ lIlg , 1977 Rurh'll\k Internati"lul \coj,,, and
"The Halbd ,)f Juhnn~' CloL" M,mt-
PRODUCER: Rud" lrh K" ll1\(\wic:
gome ry was Mrs. Asher whcn this was DI RECTOR: R"lfOl<cn
nt<ldc. -U\ ~C Il.EENWR(TER: Paul R u"
Most reccnt dOClllllen(;lr;cs on psychic
ph':n(mlend ;lrc only glW for dozing
1970 New Y" rk.::r (W. (Jntll,my)
through. Thi s one might keep rou
PRODUCER: 1,,(Jn~ Film, ,lII'a ke, if on ly lu guess which ~egml'nt~
DIIUCToRl~CREENWRITER : drc bkcd. A witch Joctor perfurms
I-bns \V. Gc;s><.'n,I(\rfcr hlu"d less e~'e surgery, statucs cry, people
ORI GINALLY RELEASED AS: Jmwrlum, Vdm/Jl~~ tloat in mid:li r. and an c xplic il "ps~'c hic"
Slernen Nichr ()I'er;ni o n o n ,In
ilhdomen is Sh<>\\,I1 .
A critically J(;chlimcJ I'erilx.i iilm with J()hn Ciur,lJi ne is on ha nd to explain
a dccu.lcnT v;lInpire (J urgenJunl.!l feed- ,Ill thl' w(}nders. (Rl

JOURNEY INTO DARKNESS to L.A. via Istanbul. Paris, and New
1968 H,H1unn (EIl)!bn.ll York. Jacques Scott fa lls in In\'e with
PII.ODUC EII.:J.);U1 t-I,lrrison nur)(' Gen e\'1\'e A limo nt whi le reco\"-
DIU CTOR!o: reteT 5" ",h-, J<HII<:~ IliIl enn).! from ,I con~trllctlun-si te mishap,
K IU[NWIIJTEM: Osc,]f Jllhn Gould Their Im'e I.~ Ihre:ue ne,l when tht, Reds
Two er l.~ IlleS lIf j(JI!nlt':.' II! rile UukrUJtI'7l. :.pring a hlt-:md-run frame- up. Geor,ge
th .. Brm"h 'lnrho\o!;!y "en(.'~ pm.Juced Grah,lll1- Morgan Lane . a nd Tor Joh n -
hy llammer. "T he ~l'\\' Pt'or1e" ~r.m. :.on Cll-~I .lr ; Dertano also d irlTted Grill
Run,.·n Reed. " P,'rl~r Dolls" 'tars ~h­ Grrls ,m.! H/(J1u/e Pick-up. CB
,hal,1 Tolan and Jill Collins. Wlth:111
IllCr,x.\ucrion Py P"nick ~\'IcGno,)h . m .
[<)7 4 St irling Gold (Ca nad~)
1954/67 New Trends
PP.ODUCEP.!S(A.HNWII.ITEI'.; Trc""T \Valla ..."
P~OOUCE~: Willi~m Cayton
DIRECTOR: I.)a nll'[ l>.hn n
OIP.lCTO~: Karel Zeman
KP.EEN·...'lUTHS: Karel Zeman. J. A . Novotny
Rem ake o f Eric Amhler's ,u~pcnst'
New scenes shot in New York's Ameri-
novel, fir~t dOlle in 1942 hy Or,un
can Museum of Natu ral History we re
\Velle,. Sam \V<ltefst()11 'LIf~ .IS a fl"
added to this fantasy fro m the c reator
>.e;lTCh hinlogist involved in intcrna-
o( The Fahilloro World of jilles Veme,
H.lIl;"!\ inrrL!Wl' with nll11ler"u~ guest
Young ooys on a ra(t drift backwa rd on
Mars, including Zero M,)"rd, Y\'t.:ttc
the River of T ime, encounteri ng woolly
Mlnll(,UX. J o~cph \'(lisema n . Shellc\'
mammorhs and dinosaurs. in 1967. [h e
\Viml'rs, Don,l ld Pkd~l'nce, ;1I1d VIll-
matinee price was 50 cents.
cent PTlC". From Ihe dlrl~ctor ofW'llltml
and BUlIl'Tfid!l B.
19CXlI lammer (EnctmJJ 19';9 2O,h CcnlLrry-Fl lx
P~OOlKEII.: lu,m I-iarn>lln P~OOUCEk: Ch:1rI~·~ Brac ken
OIP.£CTOru : Ro.- \'\/;nu B.,kn, Alan Gd"',..m Ol P.lCTO~: I knry LeVin
SC~[[NW kJT£ru : Rorc rt Rloch, Jerl'IllY P,wl K~EENWAJTO.s: Waha Rer>oeh,
TIl,,)episodes o( the joun\(') W ,he Un- Ch,lr1l'~ Br:lCkett
knvwlI show, a Brilish ,mlhlllug~' )l'Tll'S Janw:. Mlison ' e,ld~ Arlene [);Jhl. Pat
rnxluccd by H amme r F illll~ th,l( r~m Boone, flnd a hig Swede with fl dlh,::k
17 weeks. "The IndIan Spirit GUide" 1Il10 a volcano in this effectino Jules
was WTltten by R ubl, rt Bloch and star~ Verne aJ vc ntllTl', Tha)Tr David is a
Julie Hams and Tom Adam s. "Plx) r ruthk~~ ri\'(li explorer. T hey lind giiHlt
ButTl'dly" stars Chad Everett. A rare mushrooms fl nd jClI'els . big liza rds . :.10
c hance to MT part of thl~ forgoTten underground sefl . a nd a lost city. \V ith
series. Diane Baker and Alan Napier. Grc ,lt
mliSIC h~' Bcrmml Herrmann.
1957 Rcpuhhc (8&W)
Rul-ert C. Dcrtano
Soviet agent~ tr<lc k a "Voice of Free- OF THE EARTH, See WHERE
dom" aClivist from Commu n ist Bul).!aria Til" E BEGAN.

JO URNEY 1'0 TUE CENTER He rN.'rt LOin. Pamck \Vyrtl.lrk. ,Im\ tm
OF71AIB He ndr y.
1%i AIll('nc,\n Ger1l'ml PKtlIrt"~
PkOD4KEkS: R,ol}' Dom, D.wIJ L Ht'wnt JOURNE I' 7'0 1Ut: I, OS T
Dl k[CTO"; L),lv1(1 L. I-k wm CITY
K kEEHW"IT~; David Pn:n1I~s 1955 A lP (\'i/. C'ertll.lny)
Almost , I remake of The Time Trm .../cn. PAOOUCE~OtM:CTOA: htt : Lin)!
which Oavl.\ L. Hewitt CO-WTml'. Or. K MENWIUTEA: \Vnnn Joe r)!" LUl'.!n lo:
Von Ste mt.'r (Ahmha!l\ Sober- played Fntz Lang ret urn ed til Gl'rm,my dfld 24
hy Presron Foster in '64 ) and h is a~ i s· years in I io ll yw{>..x \ anJ FratKl' hI ~makc
(<ln ts (AnthIJll)' Eisle\' and G igl Pcrrca u) /JeT TII!(.'T tUft Eschlul/mr anll DdS lIuiISl.:h.:
demons trate their tlrm' capsu le to the Gmbmlll, (WI) 1919 advennl re' dlfl.'ctl'd
(mllTl' o wne r of their research center hy Jnl' Ma~'. A Illl'rtcm ,11l,li('tlCl" )!ot
(Scott BmJy). A ma l(ullc£ion ca uses (h iS bad ly CllnJemed \'cr~ion of hoth.
them III appear in 6968 A. n., when Dehra Pagel rla~' ~ ,I d,mcer 111 Indl<l
Earth \~ llnJer atwck h}' alio.:: l", th ... n hy Paul C lm,( liHl. Thl'lf ~l'ri,l l­
hnng~ them b,Kk TO rrc h i ~ t on c ti mes ~ly l c aJv('ntll rl'~ include lepl'Ts. ~nil k es,
for a dim'lS<lur attack. A ll t h eS\: wo n - elcphanb, .md l1l,m-citring ttgl'r,-.
Jcr~ are achieved by the use of stock
rumage . Despite the cheap ness , the JOURNE I'TO HIE SEVt:N IU
ahsurdit)'ll endlessly ping- poncin),: hac k PLANET
and fun h In time makes tim fun tu 1961 AlP (lJ.S.lS""dcn)
watch. Shots and bus of d ialogue .. re Pml.:
PAOOU( [ AfOtAECTOII : Sldn,,\"
repe ate d and cvennml1 y the need for KII[[HWIl ITE~: lh I-kldupr, Shin<,\, PUlk
cll ntin Ulr~' ~ n d logic d i sappt· ~r!\. The MinJ -bt.'!l,ltng science iicllon hltlll'd in Fruz L:II~' J Juurnl' ~ fI '
ed itor mH~' h ~ve haJ a great IUllC. W ith Swl.... kn tn Cml'nldglc(!). It's 2001 , Fin:: rhe Lost ett)
Lyle W'lggllnl'r.


1'J69 Un lv"r ....11 (En)!bnd)
PAO DUCEM: G" rry anJ S~' I\"la Amlo:r.>(,n
DI"ECTo«': R"h:n P;uTlsh
Ktu:£NW?tTEM: Gerp,' ami SylVia And,,~m ,
I \lIlalJ J.lm,,~
Ge rry <uld Sylvia AnJ erson, thc Bri t-
I,h (l'am that brouf,:ht us TV puppet
show~ like Superwr anJ T /u uukrbrrds
and the live-action shows S(>iIC/! 1999
and UFO, pru.Juced an d wrote this ne-
glccre...l f", lI ure starri ng Roy T hmnes.
fresh from thl' /mr(ulcTS M: r ic~. An astro-
nallt is sent In a planet hidden be hmd
th c sun wjth an orbit p~ra llcl to Earth's.
T hl' ~paceshlp crash- lands and he fi nds
h , m~c1f hack on Earth, e xcept ever,'-
Ihlllg j, hackwa rds! T went y minutes
wer(' CU I for ,he A me ric,U) rdeas..:. \Vi,h

astronauts on Uran us have the ir ns JUGGERNAUT
pic ked hy a gi ant eye crea ture. The ir 19J6Grand National (England ) (B&W)
fears, desi res. and memOries ;.ppear as PM)()UCEk: Julius Hagen
realist ic hallucinations. O ne of the DlklOOl\: Henry Edwards
weird monsters is a cyclops-dinosaur- SCf\£ENWNTtP.S: Cyril Campion,
rat animated b~' J im Danforth . O ne of H. FO"'ler Mear, H. Fraenkel
the dream women found lounging in a As Dr, Sarto rius. Boris Karloff ne...'·d s
bikini is G reta Thyssen . seen in many funds to continue his experiments, so
of the final Three Stooges shorts. One he agrees to poison an elderlr mill io n-
of the astronauts is John Agar! What a aire in exchange for mo ner from t he
movie! man's wife (Mo na G oya ). While plan -
ning to murder another heir. a nurse
discovers the plot and Boris injects him-
JOYRIDE self wi th the poisonous needle.
1958 Allied Art ists (B&W)
PRODUCEk: Ben Schwalb
DIf\£CTOf\; &h"ard Bcrnds
SCkE[NWf\rfEk: Arthur Hormnn JUKE BOX RACKET
An adaptation of an Ellery Queen story 1960 Brenner (B&W)
PROOUCEP.S: Jim Gea ll is, Gt'orge Barris
about a middle-aged sportsc ar enthusi-
DlklCTO~ : Barry Mnhon
ast plagued by hot rodders set on a test
driw. Regis Toomey of C ur[O!w BrO;'{IM'T'S Five tee nage rs help a friendl y sto re-
stars. with Rad Fulton, Ann Dor-m. anJ keeper fig ht mobsters bent on taking
N icholas King. More fro m Bernds: over loca l juke-box routes. Wi th Ar-
Refonn School Girl and Q Ut'0!11 of O Uler lene Corwin, Lou A nne Lee, Beverly
Space. - CB Nazarow, Seymour Cassel, Peter Clune,
and Steve Karmen who wrote the songs
wilh Peter Szabo. Mahon direc ted s ix
JUDEX movies in 1960. Cuban Rebel Girls,
1963Continemal (France/Italy) (B&W) Rocket Attack U. S.A., and Mora/.<; Squad
PM)()UCD.: Roben Dc Nesle among them. - CB
D!N:CTOI\: Georges Franju
SCkUHWM"EP.S: Jacques Champreux,
Francis Lacassin
A beautiful masked-superhero film by 1959CoIllmbia ( B&W)
the direcror of The Horror Chamber of 'kODUCEk: Sam Karzman
Dr. Faustus. It·s based on a 1917 serial DIf\£OOk; Arthur Dre ifu ss
directed by Louis Fcvillade, who also SCkEEH\vkrrt:lU: Mary P. McCall.
made the first Fantomas film . Judex, a Earl Baldwin
master of disguises (played by Ameri - A rock musical starring Jack Jones! He's
can magician Channing Polloc k). seeks a singer/student wh o~e father (Brian
revenge on an evil banker who dro ve Donlevr) uses forei gn princess Jo Mo r-
his father to suicide. People are kid- row in a publici ty scheme to help his
naped, villainess Francine Be rge Broadway show "Juke Box Jamboree. "
disguises herse lf as a nun , and a ci rcus Princess and student fall in love . It's
aerialist (Sylva Kosc ina) helps Judex in worth watch ing for Jo hnny Otis doing
his quest for retribution. With Edith "Wi llie and the HandJ ive". With Hans
Scob as the banker's daughter who loves Conreid. the Earl Grant T rio, the
Judex. Recommended . Treniers, and George Jessel as hi mself.

1970 AlP ( En ~ l ~nd) 1954 AI1I~'d Artl~I S ( B&W)
","ODU(E": PeTer S nell Pf\OOUCEf\: &n Sc hwalb
DII'.ECTOl\ : Stuart Burge OII\fCTOII: Edward ikrnd,
Rob..-n Fumi\'al
SCJ.E£NWI\.1D; KM("""""~: EII...ood Ullman.
YOII know the story. C harl ton ]Ieston Edward Bunds
is M rHc Anthony, Jason Ronards, Jr .. Whcn H untz Ha ll goes to the jungle,
is BrUTus, and John Gielgud is Julius. he can smel l diamonds. Wi th Woody
The supporting caSt is more interesting: Sunde, Clint Walker (as Tarzan), and
Ro l'Crt Vaughn , Diana Rigg, C hristo- L'lurerte Lucz (prehistorIC \Y!olllen). Leo
pher Lee, Michael Gough, Ric hard Gorcey and the ot he r Bowery Buys arc
Johnson, Richard Chamberlain, alld Jill there, too. Direc tor Ikrnds later gr;)du-
Bennl'tt. ;)h:d to T hree Stooges features.


195Z Lippert (B&W)
1948lipperl (£"I&W)
H.OOUC£k/01A.i:("TOk; William Berke
Pf\OOUCEl\: W dlmm Stephens
KI'.E[HW?IUP.: Carroll Young
OII\fCTO'-: L eWIS D. Collins
In '51. the Lippert olltfit made Lost Con- K MENWf\ITtf\; JO)l!ph Pagano
linen t starri ng Cesar Romero, prehis- A lost heiress (with a leopMdskin outfit)
toric monsters. and Acqllanelta. This rult.'S a savage empire "agai nst unbeliev-
follow-up stars Ro mero, preh istoric
ahle odds!" Ex-Dick Tracy Ra lph Byrd
mo nstch (eleph:llHs wi th halT j!lued
and future Superman G eorge Reeves
on), and Su1ch:ma! It was filmed on star in thi s bugh-filled adventure with
10(';1I10n in India ;md fc,mm:s Rod Cam- Wanda M c Kay ,md Armida .
CTon and Mark Windsor as a princess.
By the J lTcclOr of Zamba rhe Gorilla.
Filmed 111 ~pi;) (;) bbck-and-whi re prll1t
tinted in sh;)dcs of brown}. J UNGLE HELL
1956 Moo"llion TV (B&W)
J UNGLE CAlY/1VE Norman A. <:Crf
1944 Un ll·... r5al (13&W) Sa hu .';tars in this low-budget obscurity
.u~OClAT[ PkODUCEk: Murg~n B. Cox a lo n g with :1 fl ying s;) ucer, a death my,
DUUCTOk: J brold YOlln~ and radioactive rocks! Wit h Da vid
KMENWkltOS: M. Co: ' r~'s, BOICe (The M(ld Ghoul) and Geor~e E.
Wei'Sr!.'r and D. U. B,lhcock Swne.
AlM) ML[AS(O .u: \'(IlkI jUtlRlr Ctlplil"<'
The ~ccond seque l to Cafltn'(' \X!ild
\VUIIUIIl, t his onc With it neW cast. Paula
the;)re woman (Vicky Lane) I ~ revived JUNGLE JItII
h~' scient ist Otto Kruger. The female 1948GJllltnhL, (B&W)
wcrew(11f-styk, makt"'up is better this Pf\O OUCEIl: Sam Katzman
time and the a:;,sistant is Rondo Hdtton! [)IUcrOIl: Willi:uu Ikrke
He plays Moloch the brule, makmg this K M(N\VIUTEf\ : Carroll Y<) IInf;l
a rwo-munster hil. W ith Jerome Cow;)n For Johnn y Wcissmullcr, going (rom
and a fl)mantic subplot. playing Tarz,U1 at RKO to Jungle Jim

at Columbia was a short swing on the JUNGLEJlAf IN THE
vine. Johnny made 16 low-budget ad - FORBIDDEN LtlND
ventures based on the comic strip in 1952 Columbia (B&W)
six ~·ears. T his, the fi rst. fea tures Vir- ,""o oucu-: Sam Kat~man
ginia Grey as a sc ienrisT in distress seek· DIN:CTOk: Lew Landen;
ing a drug to combat polio. Future SCUE~k: Samuel Newman
Superman George Reeves is the vi lla in. Johnny Weissmutler figh ts greedy ivory
Ads promise "devil doctors," " mad hun ters and million-year-o ld " m an
eleph ants," and a "monstro us sea ser- monste rs." Surprise- the tall , ha iry
pem." Audiencesgot stock footage and " mi ssi n g link " creatures (male and
a b.1cklot jungle. Jim has a pet crow fe male) are actually effective; they look
(Caw-Caw) and a little dog (Skipper). muc h better than anybody would ex-
He later traded them in at the nearest pect in a lo w-budget series enrry li ke
pet shop for a more farni li,I T chimp. this. With Angela Greene, Jean W illes,
Weissmuller, a great Tarzan, gets to talk fi nd Zamba ("the talented ch imp") .
Fr()mJungle Jim in the too much in these ridi culous junglc
Forbidden Land. adventures .
1941 PRC(B&W)
H.Ooucn: T.H. Richmond
DtUClO": Harry Fraser
K UEHW"ITU: Rita Douglas
"1000 savage thrills" were promised in
this ch eapie starring Buster Crabbe as
a doclOr searching for a cure for jungle
fever and fighting stuffed lions and rub-
ber snakes. With Sheila Darcy.

1954 Columbl3 (B&W)
PkODU<; E": Sam Kanman
OIUClO": Lee Sholem
K kElHWkIf[": Samuel Newman
Jungle Jim (Johnny Weissmuller) fight s
a diamond-smuggling ri ng and a cann i-
bal tribe. With Karin Booth. T his is one
of the only Jungle Jim fi lms with black
Africans. Most of them fca [ure natives
who look like South Sea islanders.

1951 Colu mbia (B&W)
PkOOUCEk: Sa m Kat ~man
OtAlao,,: Lew Landen;
K kE ENWkITU.: 5.1muel Newman

AcquanE!ta as Paula lhe
iJ/:oe girl in Junglt' Wom~n.

Jun),!k JHII (Jnhn ny \Ve ' ~~mllll("r) r("~­ tnt . . . Ilf whl1'" pygmll" III ·hn~ wh" \\"or-
ClI("S ,I 100. Ith:J.l1 pLtyer (n..'dl ),!mlmHl her" 1o1111' th ... l1\(kln. Juhnnl' \'(I("I"!llulln:b
Boh W;\lertidd) wlle\ was l ,)~t In th .... J oh nn~ \V~i,,"'mll l ll'r .a\'e. J~"m l3yrnn,
lungl(". B,ld ),!lIys furce nati\'(,' ~ to Ill"ke :In 'IIHhwpo l (lgi~" from tlw little had
'yn !hl.'tic Ji~lm(\nd s. Two Il1cr":chhk j.!Ui'. \'(Il1h Btll)" Cmll' ,l11d Angelo
I1H~n·m·~lIH dlnO~,HJfS .how up. TIll.> Rn",,1IIn. A conlln u"lion of the lung!..-
creature:. are man -~ l:~'d and on . . hl!lH' Ji l11 '~·ril·'.
Jim In" ~cn .... th;!! !l1lJ~t have lIhplr~'d
j,ll'an..:.(" filmm"k~·r •. L,ugh,lhlc fun
\nlh Sheda Ryan, L~' l . . T,dhoT, and J UNGL E l1iRROR.. See
T,lmb,\ The chulll' (noT In be (un(u •..:J FIRER/ ILL J UNGLt.'.
with Zamha til ... ch imp).


19;5 C;"llImh" (B&W) 1'14., l '1))wr".1 (B&W)
PtlODUCU.: S:lm K.u:m.m 1'1I;0DUCO: \'(',[1 (:"".111
Dll\Eao,,: eh"rk, S. Gt,"1-1 DI R[CTO R; R .... )!I11 •• 1-1 L.· B"re
X:I\EE~ITEJU: I"""gh, \' Ihtx""J., KR[EHWR'TEJU: Il~'nr~ ~"Lhl'r,
Jo r,lg,mt' 1;,1\, ,mIl \'111, Bern,tld S<-hlll~n
A hhlnd 1'f1"'~'c~~ (Hell'n S\,l1l ttlll) WII h Th" qUIckie '~'qu~'1 t" Cl./III.'I;' \,\/I/d
1 he ~(,'cr("t of ... tanal llfl.' Tille. (l\',,'r ,I W~mllm hncl- J. C,lI·n ,1 :-J.II,h Llkillg, \\'o.::r
from John C1JTadine, reviving rhe dead
gorilla. and tu rning her into Acqua-
nena again. TI1C silent sex}" arc WOman
ag<lin turns into a mons te r and b killed.
only to return in hI/IRk Cuprl1'e. With
Mi lbu rn Stonc . Evel~' n Ankers, and J USThlfAGINE
many scenes from rhe first film. Also 1930 20th Cenrul)·.Fox (B&W)
with Douglas Dumbrille and a re tarded ASSOCIATt I'I'.OOUCEI'.S:Ra y Hcnder50lI,
assistant . B.G. De-~y l v3, LeI<' Brown
olP.£oO«.: Davld Butler
DaVid Butler.
SCI'.([ NWl'.JT[IU:
R ;I ~' Henderson. Il.G. De-sylva.
1963 Ami cus/Cu lumhla (En<:hn d ) Incredihle sc ience-fi ction musical COIll-
edy l> ct in the wonderfu l. then fmuri s-
PAOOUCEklscI'.EENWI'.ITffl.: Milton Subotskr
01P.£001'.: Gordon Flcm),o),! tic New York of 1980! EI Brendel. an
actor with a phony Swedish nccem.
In the n C<l r future, teenagers Mark
wakes up Blick Roge rs-style in the
Wyntl'f and Cherry Ro land organi zc
flltllr~' wh e re 19-year- 0 Id Mauree n
thcirown political pany and win a local
O 'Sulliv;'tn is fo ugh t over by men who
election hy using mu~ical performers in
nc<.'CI gnvemment approval to marry her.
the ca mpaign. One of the last pre -
Brendel and nne of the su itors. John
Bcatlemania musicals. ful l ofBryicreem,
G arrick. hlnst off to Mars. where ever)'-
hali:lIl suits. and Ix"Chi\'c hairdlls. High -
Ime Is n twin . The sets of future Man-
lights include Bohhy Vee si nj!ing "The
hmtan were SO impressive thar scen..:s
Night Has a Th ousand E ~' es," the
were later used in Flash Gordon Sl'ria ls.
Springfields with Dust y Springfield,
The Prohibition humo r and songs are
Freddie Cannon , the CTlckl't:.. and thl'
un helievably .~ill y <l nd the Martian cos-
Tremelos. \Vith Bri tl:.h roch'rs unhe;'trd
tumes cou ld smrr new fash io n trends if
of h efl~, like Joe BTI)wn and half Ilf thc
thi S gill w idcl~' shown . lighrning holt!'>,
~pikes, and l1le",lI ic-prinl bikinis mixed
wi th ridIc ulous wigs and l'ye makeup
are pan Il tIl(' wackiest o Uffirs in screen
.JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT htsto ry. With Mischa Auer and Frank
1%8 UnuslI~1 him, A lhertson. Nl'ver has a movie IX'l' ll at
PI'.OOUCEklolfl.ECTOklscfl.£ENWI'.ITEI'.: o nce:><) ;'thcad of its time anJ so datecl.
I kroehe ll Gordon Lewis
"V ioknce anJ v:mdall s lll - YOU'Vc
ncver ,cen :In)'thin/.! lih· it !" the :ld,
s.cre(lIl1ed. Thrcl' teell<l/.!e hOYl> and a girl
(named Bitsv) go on a r;l mpa gl' of ! 969 AlP (llaly/Sl'amj
Jesse Fmnco
(k Strllction. They disrupt ;l part~', dl'-
SCI'.UNWI'.IUI'.: A rrad Dc Ri so .
,troy a restaurant, h/.!ht hasehn !1pbycr~, Ench Kruhnh'
Ix'a! up girls. ,HlJ force people In takl' Ofl.lGINALLY I'.HEASED AS: M arqlU5 [k 5ru"1::
drug, . "Destrllction Inc. 1" b thl' Iheml' )l<~IIf!t'
so ng. More un ique 1ll.1Jncss (rorn the
A l>[(1I) ' I )f hlack magic , sex, and sadism.
di n'ctm of Bluod Feast. \Vitli Rny Sager. Jack Pil lance sacrifices naked womell
st;lr (If The \V,,:lIrd (Jf GIlTI'. on ;'t n altar. Wirh Mercedes McCam.

hrh.kc (99 WlOmt'II), Syi\' i<l K,)SC ina,
Mari.l Rnhm, and AkulL T,lmiro(f. Best
of all i ~ K1:Jus Kin ~ki,lS (he M:u quis De
Sade. Nor to h~· confused IVHh th('
G ..."t'rge C ukor him ,l the same mle also
rde:N::d In 1969.

1958 Rel'"h],c (I\&Wj
S,Jnq Picker
DIII.[CTO": \Vdham Wun.:\
K"[£ NW"ITE": Arthur T H,~rman
J,I::c<I·,UII tcenal!'" I!,Ulgsters on the
~ach. Corey All"n executes the pn-
feet kednaping and (lib in 1,)\'(, with
the h,,~ r:'lge, Il l' gets three slugs 1!1 the
bellv whe n hi ~ partners T(',liI:..: ,he
540,(XX) r;mSOIlI dem:1nd is 0((, WIth
Rcix'cca Wdles, Anrll' Whittlcld. and
RidHlrd BablY,\Il. Witney dl'sertcd
Reruhlic for AlP "fter this comp,1n ;on
(",;l[urC for YOIlII.!: mtd \ViUl. -CB


• •
• •
[967 ~IGM
1%2 Unltcd Artl~IS
• • PkODlKU: R"'TI~ I ng~(~'T Pll.OOOC[ll.;l}.Jvld WC ISh;lrl
• • OIMCTO"; Barry Sh<;!,lT 01M:001I.: Phil Karlson

• • !>C1I.£[NWklT£k; N o rm:m HlIdl ~

A Mall JrulJl UN.CLf.
K II.EE""""'rtU: WIll iam Fa \'
A good remake o( the 1937 Warner
• from TV q'IMxlel>. THRUSII I ~
{C,ltlIH', l-do
BrOl hc~ fi lm (which was retitled The
• lteJ
after a profcs,l>or'" formula (or t urn mg Baulmg Bellhop). Eh'is Presley, a ~rar­
:'<:<lW'Hn inro gold. TIllS nne rcall~' has ring partner at a Catskill train ing camp.
thl' ~ r<lrs: Joan Crawfor,/. Curt Jurgens, IS IUrn(-d into a pro and set up by G ig
I krbn[ LOin. Telty Sav<lb ~. Diane Young. who tries to repay debts to
McBain. Jill Ireland, <lnJ Kiln Darby. g,tngsters. Lo la Albright is Yo ung's
Regulars Ruben Vaughn, 1},lVid MCC11· girlfriend. Hi ~ sister (Joan Blackman)
hun. ;mJ Ll~O G. Carm ll :l I e hack, [II(). {a lb ({lr Elvis. WiTh Charles Bron son
as an honest trainer who has his hands
KEEP IT COOL, See LET'S bwken hy crooks. Ned Glass, Richa rd
ifl.'von, and Michael Dante. Elviss ings
ROCK " ]-Io me Is Where the Hea rt Is" and five
ot her songs.
1976 Liunsg,lIl' (Cmada) 11fE KIDNAPPING OF THE
PflOOUC [k: o."l<IlJ
1980Cf()wn (Canada)
ChrIStopher Lee sta rs :1:> ~I crippi(' who
Pll.OD\.ICE~ ; George Mendeluk, juhn Ryan
11l0niWTS the mm:l les in an ,1l>ylulIl ;md OIIl.£CTOII.: Ge"ri-!~ M~ndduk
Ine~ to
hll all thl' hl' In; ttl thelT (\)Tlu n c .. , KP.EENWII.JT£II.; R ichard Murph\'
A horror "pc,of ti lmt·J In BTl tlSh Co - When te rrorists in Toronto grab PresI-
lumhia with "cy..:n'(OO[ -[;111 twms and dent 11 .. 1 Holhrook and de mand S I 00
a detective hero n,lTI\l'd Old: Driver. n1l1l1(\I1 in d iamonds for mnsom, Vice
President Van Johnson has prohlems
THE KEYS OF 1HE holding thinl,'S IOgelhcr. Star William
KINGDOII/ SluHne r (working in his Canadian
1944 lOLl. C~nlu ry . f(l x (B&W) homeland) fixes everything. With Ava
PII.OooCEII.; Jil';Crh L. M,mklc'wlC: Gardner. An election year no nhit.
DIM:CTOII.: john M. 51:1hl qUICkly sold to televisio n ( R )
1(II.HNWII.IHM; ju~c'rh L. ~hnbcwic:.
Nunnaill' Jnhn'-<m
Thl' st()r~' of ,1 Jevout Catholic missklll-
:try priesr (Grl'w) r~' Peck) serv ing in
China. Hi ~ life i~ to ld in fb shhad (mill
chi lelhood, when he'~ pl ayed hy Rodely KILL BABY KILL
McDowall. Vincent Prkl' shIJws up a~ 1966 Euruplx (Ital y)
PII.OOUC[~: Nand u PI. anl,
a ~ n (lhhi~h worldly revcrcnJ who makc~
Luci,lIlo Cnlenacc i
the peas,mh carry him around. With
MaTio Bava
Thomas Mitchell. Edmund Gwcnn. SCII.£[NWIIJT[~; Rom ano M igl ionnl.
Cl"t!ric I lardwicke, BcnXln Fong. Ph ilip Roi'Crto Nalale. MaTio liwa
Aim. Richard Lon. R ll~<1 Stmdncr, ONGINAl.l Y M:L£AS(D M: Opt-rIUlone Pllllr(l
Peggy Ann G ~lrn C"r, and A nne RevcTe. AU<) II.£l£AS(O M: Curse of lhe L1"Ing Lkad

A 'lll.lll Tr,IIl,"h,lI\l,1Il hl"n I, pI,U!U\'c\
b~ 'Ir;m~I' de,llh,. The rev.:n ).!"'-'"·l"k In).!
glh),t III 01 ,el·..'n -\"l'oIr-"ld ).!Iri ,h",,·, II!,
10 dTlle 1......,,1'11· t" '11IC1lk. O ther, ,IT ..'
klll,'d h ,I wllch 1\ h" rhflhl' ~'Ild ("in,
IhTllugh then Ill',l n,. (Ji,I\'OIllU R" . . . I-
SlIl.lrt 1'1.1)' <1 d u(l"r ,1Il,1 I::nl B1.UK I,
hl~ .'''I'LInI In tht- "'\lIlIl'lIme ...... 1"" hili
rewar,llIl).! Ihnlk'r. One ~C ..· lll' ,how,
,1 1ll ,ln ,,!,enitH!" .loor ;In..! II,rlling
{hh)(lgh .1 TllIltn ,)\ ..·r .1nd ,11·..·r , I ~d m.
Th ..' glw,r (h il,1 " retnllli~(l'IH "I tll\"
Ilrde 1.... 11 In B.II .I.... I'<.:tter-kn"I'n Black
s"IM . . uh. R ..·rdl\I ......J ,I' p;trt 11/( he "On.!r
,,( rhl" L I\IIl~ De.kl" tnrk htl l. WARNING : W., t he producers_Ir. providint a·fr"
inwrance policy inwring th. IoInity of lV.ry patron
In'nding thi, uplosion of IIrror. you will receive
fr" psyehiltrit Clre or bl plat.d in In asylum for
t~ rnt of your tif.!
Kl L/,f)OZER W. Urt' you to Ilk. adventlfl of Ihil prollction !
PRO DUCH: I-k r~n I· :',,1, )\,
DIRECT O R: JeffY L, '1l,1, In
SC P;£[NIIIR IT[RS ; Th.",,.!, 'T..• SIIIT.I!".,n, KILLER IJEES TI..:"2,uJhu""i!h,~ " m/!k
EJ ~1.K",ll"r 1974 n ' (it <Jl.uu. h.. Ilj gmh hurr",
PRO DIJC £lU; 11 "11" rd R",,'nm.lIl, U lll (ml.~ndl" rrl..'l.15<.~j ,I'
A hlllld ,,:n l"llntr" lInl by .In ,.llen Kill B.lhy Kill
{(,rce ;':('1" ,.fter «1I1 111,eel ClllhlrlKT!un
ROll' Ik rn"'h·1I1
0111,[00"': C urti' II,url n:':h'l1
"(lrb'r, Clint \'(/,dler, C;lrl Ikt :, ,Ill.! !o;'[[h'IIII'.lTE'-S; I" hn \\';11101111 .lnd
r-..:,,·I·dk, Bran.1. B.h~'el 1111 ;1 'fOn h\ J, 'IT" ( :, )rn net< >Il
T In',,,II'T ..' ~Tllr).!~"ln. St'len( I -,e\~'n ye, lr ,,1.1GI. 'fl,1 ~W,II\'<lIl
(,\111(, ,1ut "f .ILlIIl).! re'IIT ..'mt:nt r" I'I.I~
/1\ .1,\.1111<' V'ln 1\1hll'll. 1ll.ltri.ln:h ,,' :1
KlLUiRAPI:' C.•lt{lIrTU,1 Illn..:!.!r"ll Ill;': t.II'lIk. :-;h~·
1<J'i) t.:.,lumh", tB.:::..\'(') rlile' heT 1.111111\ (illl"lu,I'1l1.! I::d\\ ,lr.1
PRODUCER : 5; 1111 1(,,(:111,111 A!1'~' n , R").!I·r r\tvi" ,l11el C r,li).! S ,..:-
OIR[OO~ ; Spcnc.·r Co. 'r,\,'n Iknnl'1 vetb) wJlh.m IrUll h :l1d ,tn,1~ l' n, l, out
scp'[ENW~ITt'-S; C,'rrnll Y,'"nj! ..-\rdwr I h>erl ~\" . lTIn . . o f I"c.l 1.....-1', 10 ,m:lck rhtl....; II'ho
\'\I.l:ull tf1I'<.:~m~'11 ,ITt' ~ell ln.L: ,11\111\.11, III OP£'Il'e her. K.'tl' J,lCk"-llil "I . ." ,tOlr, III
whll": hllntl'TS, II h,l ;lll' I'W.hKtn).! 1ll1ll,1- thl' r,)U{lne' " ~I "\' le ", tht: \'(/('e\... '"
(onr(\)1 ,Irllg,. Jnhntll \'\Iei"lllllller ,1'
Jllnj.!k' Jim . . t"p~ tlWI1I and hitt le" , J,: 1,lnt
Gl\· ..'!1l,1Il (~b)( P,llmn. ,I rl',,1 ;':I,m r )
wnh tilT N)(,ne,. C,lTtll Thur,tt)1l l' a KILUiRFISH
nanV l! gIrl III e!t'tre . . ~, \,(l ith R . I~ C,'r- Ivj9 A ........... ',lh·,1 hIm, (k ll, B",:II)
ngdn ;I!)d I'.:srm Pil i \',.. P ~O DUC E~; Al.'\ 1\ \1111
DIR[ CTO R: AI\!h(l(w ]").I " .... 'n
(An)'",,,' ~t.lrlhC'Tlli)
SCH[NW .... nR; ~'I~h.'el R''!!''r,
KILLER BATS.. See Altl'r t,'o lIlirn) . . h"rk !l)(\\'ll'''' . we gl't
DEVILBA1: I'ir,mhd lI1<"'i(',. Thi~, 111": ~l;\r . . L..:<.: Ma-
Ingrid Goude 5POU The TIlE KiLLER INSIDE /JlE
Killer Shrews. 1976 Warner Brothers
H.ODVCEP.: Michael W. LelghlOn
0 1'-1:0"011.: Bun Kennedy
KA([NWP.ITEP.S: Edwa rd Mann,
Robert Charnbltt
An unusual (eature starring Stacy Keach
as a psychotic de puty sheriff. With John
Carmd inc, Susan T\'rrell, Tisha Stl'rI·
ing, Don S Houd, Keenan Wynn, Royal
Dano, and Julie Adams. (RI

1954 Allil'd Arllsts (B&W)
Ford Beebe
B()Jllb .. (J oh nn~' Sheffield) leads a fa-
mous movie acncss (NO! IIf This Earth
star BcverlyGarl;md) through the jun.
gle m lind heTlost husband. With Ross
UlIlW:W and Bill Wa lker.

JIlrs and K,ul'n Black dlvmg (ur a ~unke n

Lrea~un:, protecred by , he "kI ller fi sh." f'RlDIl YTHE nib ...
I,'s lemble. So are performances by 11IE ORPHAN.
James Franciscus, Margaux H ClIlL n~,'w;l Y,
,md ~hri sa Berenson. By the dIrector
llf C..llllubals In the Strcc/. THE. KILLER SHRE WS
1959 Mcu-ndon RadiO PICtu res (B&W)
"'OOUC[": Ken Curt iS
1977 A1P(U.S. /S. AfflC;1) K"(( NWJJT[k: Ja ~' Sims
",ODUCEP.S; Nat and Patnck Wachshcr~er Ken Curtis (Festus on G unsmoke) pro-
DlIl.ECTO P.; Val Guest duccs and stars in a homemade horror
KAE ENlln.lTEP.S: MIChael Wmner, V,l l GlIe~l (in lxlth senses of the word) from Texas.
Professiona l killers at a Sout h A(rican H" creates and is laTer gobbk-clup by a
diauwnd mine, wiTh ,m all·star cns!. couple of dogs with phoney fangs . J;lIlH:S
Tclly Savalas stars wi th C hri s[l)pher Besr is rhe hero who loves Ingrid Goude
,md Maud Acl,um (bmh had jllst bee n (Miss U n iverse of'57). Watch the cast
in Mal! with thc GUk1Cl] G un), Peter members esc<'lpe while hiding in barrels!
Fonda, Hu gh O 'Brian, and O.J. The best thing about th is little disaster
Si mpson . ( R ) was the poster showing a giant shrt'w
ttl il (nothing Iike the fll TT), tails actually
used) knocking over a high·hL'Clcd shoe.
KILLER GRIZZLY, See The sa me people made The Grant Gtla
GRIZZLY. Monster to complete a dynamite double
h ilL \'(' il h Ba ru c h Lutlle l (SIJ n o:\" ~ {luI nt PIIlI:-r .,n),: hi li h,I!WS. Th~'r hrm/.:
J'I~I) . D lre c tu r Kdl o)!).! d id )CCtlnd Il~ H nllc! ~', I T "I,' IU"T Petn Gr,I\"l" hacl to
wu rk for Ju hn I-'un.l : U1 ~! H o wa rd H ,III·b . !Ife II) ,I ~.1ve ulIlI l'lcte w ll h u,c,1 dec-
In '!li c 1''ll ll l' ll le l\ l, T" , le ml 1Il.' ( nltc I he ir
1'< 1\\ er" the)', lh'\I' Pl.' kr , (,'c k f()(l I: lgo.:
Tilt; KILLERS l ,( 1i:.Jr,,," 1.11';1, ,mel gi. mt in,e({,. [-k
1<)64 U n ll'cr"ll ti g lJre~ (\lIt ,h"lr fur llTi , ric VU meter,
","o OUCO J OII\ECfOI\: n, ,n S lcj.:cI ,lIId (;111'0.:, 1ho.: '<Ce rcI [w;ldq llart~' r, II)
SCM:E~rTn; u ('n..: L. C."ln hlow up. blTth I, ',IICJ <I/.:,un ! \X' lth
Afte r a sc\'en -Yl'ar ,ih'enct' (rnm (ea- Barl',ir,1 1k..,.Jr ,m..! Jam('" Sl'<I\'.
tun ' fi lms, Ronald Rl'agdn .lg:rC(·..! II) r ia)
h , ~ h r~T rea l MTl'l' n v , II.lln III .. TV-
1ll!),' le v er~ l nn of H Cl1llll gl\'; t\" s T h",
Kilu'n (previ o usly h lme~! in (946). N BC
""oo uco.: nl\ l (:l.I rk
dec i,led iT W.IS {()(I v l\) !cnT. ",) It \\',b 0 11\[ 001\: Bn ln' K"', \n
rd l,,, ~,'d in tlwar,'T' , Ln' M;IT v in ,mel K H[NW"ITE I\: \ 1,.h"<'\I 'I' ),,,r
C III G u lager pla y pTllk,~ i o n;d hit 111\'0 Attl'r \V"rld \\I:lr 11 , two h,ICk wlk.lI..h
tTy ing 10 tind OUi wh y th eir T" ":l'nt vic - J\', 'flh C,lru l in "In' (Roh..,rt \V.11ka, Jr. ,
11111 (j o hn C,I' ~,I\ C 1 C~) ,1!,;..:e p1\'\1 h i ~
,mel 11K k C I,ITk) ruh ,I j-,,:.Iot k ,lO.!l'T\ "lIe,
dC<J th wuho llt rl·' I't. I!lCC, S(TO Ilj.:-a rm kill '~'\'l'r,d ",'opk III Ih,' r n)("e'~, ,m.!
" mte rvie ws" provide tla,hh.u.:b ., hllW- hl\ld tur C"Ii/U TIli,1 Wi t h \V,l lh'r\ II lie
m j:! t he dead ex-race-car d n veT he lll}! (111.l111' V,lf"'o l ) , \ lerle H ,lgg. lrd ,11'!"e,IT"
ma ni p u la ted and lIlomlly e Tu:.hed hy ,I, ,I ,h,' Tl tC ,md .. m!!S the Title song ,md
wlu Te-clIlbr g'IIl).!'Il'r Re,l).!an .Ind h is " tlt.i lll,1 Tri e,I." Wilh John C lr-!o ",
d()\l h l e-c rn~~ ing 1I\1 ' tre" Ang le 1)lcklll -
Bl\lCh 111... kef',<,'l1 , ,m ..! Bu n ny OW(: 'h. Pdfr Grll l'CS «<II ', b.:ltew
sl.In as h(' hell'll'.! 1Il a T\)l-hery, Reaga n A 11IC'Inl11 H(/1Il'~rwld h()~ r C lark, Il h ,) rile nta.k.>up olilhe Killl>rs
st irs Angi" a f<l\lnd, kills PI'I'P,,", and pl.ll ' ,j de l\1,) 111 \(1Il ,'Xrl'Tt with WI T,'- fw mS p.,cc.
pn )" ides ~{' lI l e Ilnin( e n(II'tl ;11 1 , 11I g h ~
whl!e disc u,sing how to gel ,IIie"d in
the worl..! with partner No rm,111 Fell (lit
ThTl!e's ComtxUl)'). N,lIler \'i/II'l<>n sings
th o.: [ltie son,!!.



1954 RKO (I3& W )
PP.OOUCEp.,IOt"ECTO": W. L\,\' Wl kkt
SCME~ITo.: Roll R,ll'flOr

Wh Ile his brother Billy \\Ia~ w" rllng on

The Se\'I;'l1 Yeclr IICh, Lee WIlder wa~ i-lISV
c h urmng Oll t annr her slIhsramlard sci-
ence-fiCl ion fi lm . Tlu:Ollnc k,IT \lrc~ h , -
la r 1\)US ah~' m Wit h huok,led ~ we ,H Mill ',
mlfll~ n ~ , slTl pcd hell", an d I.')'e~ ma de

frame g1as~e~, pnxluccd this po~t -Bunnie make this film before being drafted. No
and CI)'de fiasco. He also produced new Elvis records or movics were re-
Ps)"ch-vllt and The Savage Seven, By the le a~ed until 1960 and by then things
director of Simun. King of the Wiitches, JUSt weren't thc same,
(M )

THE KILLING KIND 19'55 Lip~rt (B&W)
1973 Media Cinema PI\ODUCEM: Bert I. Gordon, AI Zimhalisr
~I\ODUCEI\: Gl·or~e Edwards DIP..ECTOI\: Ben I. Gordon
DII\ECTOI\: CurtiS Harrington SCI\EENWI\ITEI\: Tom Grit:s
Lenny Crechalon
KI\EEHWI\ITEI\: Bert Gordon and co-producer Al Zim-
Young John Savage returns home from balist (Robot Monsters) created the rx)P-
serving a prison term for a rape he didn't ular min icast-vs. -rear-projection-mon-
commi t. He ~eeks rcvenge on his law- s[crs trend with this low-budget hit.
yer W,llth Roma n ) and the girl who Four people fly to the planct Nova
framed him, but his real problem i~ his where a blown-up Gila JIlonster and
overhearing mother (Ann Sothern) , a giant armadillo chase them. Marv in
who keeps bringing him chocolate milk. Miller of The Millionaire narrates. The
Cindy Williams is a persistent boa rder crew includes two women, so expect
in thc housc. Luana Anders plays a lots of interrupted love sccnes. An ex-
drunken neighbor. A seldom-seen ploding A-bomb ends the actio n ,

19'i8 Par~mount (8&W) PRODUCEMlDlI\ECTOM: Mcrian C. Coo~r,
PI\ODUCEI\: Hal W:lllis Ernest B. SchOt:dsack
DIRECTOI\: Mi<.:h<lel Curti: SCREIHWI\ITEM: JJmes CreelmJIl, Rulh Rose
KI\EEHWl\lTEM: Herben Baker, A timeless classic made by a Team of
Michael Vincent Gacm documentary filmmakers who patterned
Don't miss the great Elvis in his fourth hero Carl Denham after themselves,
and best movie, based on (he Harold Sets and stars (Fay Wray and Robert
Robbins novel A Stolle for Dallll)' Fisher. Armstrong) were from the previous
Danny, a busboy at a Bourbon Street year's The Mos! DangewlIS Game. Wil-
nightclub, becomes a local singing star lis O'Brien (The LOSI World) animated
and gets mixed up with gangsters. He the amazingly lifelike ape. Scenes ~huw­
also gets involved with nice girl Dolo- ing Kong stepping on and biting nativcs
res H art and o lder woman Carolyn and removing Wray's clothes were cut
Jones, who is the mistress of hood in the original version but were put back
Walter Matthau. As a young thug, Vic when the film was re-re leased in the
Morrow robs the drugstore where Elvis' '60s. With Bruce Cabot, Frank Reicher
downtrodden dad {Dean Jagger) works. (the ship's captain), Noble Johnson
Elvis is blamed. Some of the songs are: (the n:ni ve chief of Skull Island), dino-
"Hard Hc,lded Woman," "Trouble," saurs, elevated trains, and the Empire
"Dixieland Rock ," and "As Long As I StatC Building. Music by Max Steiner.
H:we You." Buy the alhum! Elvis was From an original story by Edgar Wallace
granted a two-month deferment to and co-producer/director Cooper.

Fay \XIHI)' (md Iln4ce
Calx)! (II lOp of rM
Enl/Jlre SliU" BuilJing (If rh.:
conciuwlrI of King Kong

UPI6IZJli6, )n~tcil
1.1I11£e, pklYll1g rhe p'arr
OtlgIlUIU) made famous In
Fay Wm)'. ~/.and.llllfronr
of (l trn.del of Kmg Kung
dlmn~ 1M slwoung far I~
final scene m !M Dmo Lk
UUlrt'llW511Judunrml of
K m!,: K.mj(. T/WUSiIJlJs
IIm1l.''' oullo IHitch shoo!-
Ing of rh., final sane~(lnd
It) St.'!'1 e liS WI~ e Xlra,l -
al {he W'orW Tr<ide C~lIIt'1'
p/o.~" tTl N"u' )m-k /"u<,
Ju ne] I.!{ Accordrngw
publicms far !he film. Sinn"
45,OC'() tumed QU{ "'Ie
June 12nd fllr more loca-
tion shooting .


KlNGKONG di rected new scenes wi th Rhodes Rea-
1976 P:iramoum son and Linda Miller. Slar Mie Hama
",ODllCEI\; Dino De Laurenfiis was also in King Kong tis. GOlblla and
DlUCTOk: Joh n Guillc rm in You Only Ll'e Twice. Maximum laugh s
sa.£ENWMD.: lorell::O &mplc, Jr. :md exc itement.
If defrauding the public were really a
crime, Dina De L'lUrcnti is would 've got- KlNG KONG Vs. GODZILLA
ten the chair for this atrocious $24 mil- 1962 ToholUntn~rsal (Japan)
lion deception-a C h ristmas present to P"OOUCE": John &'d,
gull ible patro ns in 2,200 the:uers from DIk£CtOM: h'IUShll'O Honda.
sea to shining !iea. Varie t), called it Thomas Montgomery, U.S. vers ion
"brilliant." It got an Academy Award K"[[N'.lnJl[kS: 5hin lch l Seki mwa,
(or spe<: ial effects. C an Dinu buy any- ]liml M,lson, Brllce Howard
OklGI NALLY "[lEASED AS: Kingu KVllgu
rhillg1 Who cou ld forget STar Jessica
L,mgc (a fashion model with no acting
experience) reading lines like. "Pur me After a seve n ·yea r rest Codt illa reo
down, you ma le chauvini st ape!" Were turned, in color (or the first time. In
you onc of the "45, (XX),' New Yorkers the film's best scene King Kong escapes,
who ~ h owed up at the World Trade kills a gi:mt oc topus, and proceeds to
Center to see a giant dead gorilla! Akinl step on Terrified South Sea native s.
fitton was! The fa llout from this bomb Ko ng is drugged with narcotic berries
lingers. G o to the Empire State Build- and fl ow!) to Japan by balloon. Things
ing where they still sell glasses shOWing get sillier as Godzilla emerges from an
Kong on the World Trade Center! The Arc tic iceberg, destroys a nuclear sub,
casting director desen't"J an award fo r and heads (or Japan. The two giants
getting John Agar to play the D.A. o( throw boulders at each other and act
New York City. (In real life. Aga r later like pro(esslo nal wrestlers. They (all o f(
o pened an amuse ment pa rk called Mount Fuji into the sea. Kong surfaces
Agar's L'md of Kong.) With Jeff Brid!,'Cs :md swims away. In the original ver-
and C harles Grodin. Music by John sio n Godzilla SCl'ms [() win. W ith Mie
Barry. Hama as a Fay Wray substitute, new
American scenes with Michael Keith
as a UN reporter, and lots of comic
KlNG KONG ESCAPES relief. The ma!)-in'a-suir Kong outraged
1968 Tuho (Japan) fa ns o( the original, bur after the '76
P"ODUCE": Tomoyuki T;mab
remake it didn', seem so bad.
DIAlCTO": Inoshiro IlonJa
SC"EENW"ITE": Kaoru Mabuchi
Cy((kU5hu 1933 Par.ltllQunt (B&W)
When the T uho Stud ios deciJeJ 10 OlkECTOfI.S: Bnlce Humbcrstone, Max M arc in
rev ive their gorilla· suit Kong, they SCk£ENWkITEkl: Philip Wylie,
pitted h im against Mebkong, a rl)bm Fred Niblo, Jr.
reM'mbling a giant metal Maf.lilla Go- Bus ter Crabbe pla ys a T arzan· like
ri lla. They also adJed a silly evil Dr. lio n man raised in the jungle an d
Who (no relation to the Brit ish Who), raken to America as a ci rcus attraction.
out to conquer the world, and GOtO- With Francis Dec , Irvi ng richel, and
saurus, a God!i lla substitute. To insure Douglass Dumbrille. Crabbe was Tarzan
overseas success, J. A rthur R:mk, Jr., rhi! Fearless later [he same year.

KING OF IHE J UNGLE When pe~ncides d<'~tr"y thl'lT fc.od,
lAND, See DARKEST AFRICA. c r..:epy taTan[Ub~ "track till' town of
Verde, Ari:ona. Fin' tholl"md 11\'<' f<I-
T,mtula ~ Wl"TC u ~<,d. With \Villlaill
KING OF IHE ROCKETJlfEN ShamcT. Tlft:lny Bo1l11l~. \VooJ)' Strodc.
1949 1h'pub ilC (B&\'(I) N;lllq Lafferty (tVl h. Sh,lIn..:r). ,md
ASMXIATE PI\ODl)([1\: Franklm Adr.'{m
Nat,bha Ryan (Dtl::- S of Our Lwes) .
OII\ECTOl\: Fred Brannun
Bertl'T th,m you'd Ihink. DiTector
KII.(ENW"ITEIU: Wll1i~m LIVely.
Roral Cule. ll~ \I~..:d to aCT III A I AJ;llllsnn
Sol ShOT
ALSO k!LWEO 1\5: Ln,/ Pkmet Amllfn mllvil' ~. M\I~ic hy nIlN~)" fillrnelle of Ongllllllly rekrued a~: The
Tri slmlll Coftin pby~ the popular flying TIll' J(\hnn~' Hume"c Trio. KIr1I ~n Wimcss.
mekelman. Usinf;: hi~ ,cf-pmpcllcd
f1 ymg SUII he ~wrs Dr. Vulcan from
J",slm},lIlJ,: ;.11 o f ~ew York City w iT h
hl~ dCCl!ll<tIOL \Vhen the Illaypr rdu~es
I,) r a~' :1 hil lion J ollars in ramum. parts
u( ,he ci !y a T... dl'stn)~'cd hy an ... arth-
quah.· and a tiJ,.1 W<JVC. The sc . .·n...·s of
Jc;-,trUClio n were l:lkcn from lJeluge
('3 J), M,I!: Cl;nke (FmnkeIlSleIll, Public
Enemy) IS Glenda. p h ()t(~rarh c r for
Mira.:!c rnag:l:ine. Repuhl lc bter reused
the rIlc k('tIHan SU iT anel th o:! well-do n e
flyin g .~cc ncs for CtlllllllanJo Cody
,(,rial s. A fC,lIllTC condemariun of thi~
popu lar -.eri;! 1 was releas..:d in '51.


194 1 ;-"·lunuj;!r;llll (R&W)
~ODUC[II; Lm,b1cy Pars<.n ~
DIII.[OOll: Jean Y,lTbwuch
KII.£[NWllITEII; Edmllnd Kd .... ,
H.'nry Vict~'r (the stnmgman In Fn.'(1/.:5)
wear~ a care ;md rurns hl.lCk m,m lOW
:olllb lCS for " foreign" agCnt'. Did:
Purcell b the hero. Ju,m \VOOOhU TY
.'>Crcam~. The Tl'al s tolT (If tl lI~ pUbtand-
ing ("xoIlllplc of inept wartiml' h"TToT i~
cO llll:dian rvbnt;ln Morcland. Nor to
I"l!;;: lI)i~~ed.


1~77 1)lIlIeO>lon
PIIODUC(II.S: [ ):<' K,mln, Jdfh'~' M. Sneller
KllEE~ITE!u: Ri(h~rd Rc.l'1n>ol'n,

THE KlRLIAN WITNESS title. When Ralph Meeker as the best
1978 Sampson & Cranor, inc. screen Mike Hammer gives a ride to
""OOUCE~DIMCTOII.; Jonathan Sarno an escapee from an asylum (C lo ris
SCM[N\\II\IT[~: Jonathan Sarno, Leachman), his car is run off rhe road
La ma r S;mdcrs and she's tortured and killed. Hammer
AUO '-£l£AS£D AS; The Planu Art' ""'arching wakes up in an L. A. hospiral, d ri ves a
Antonioni's Blow-Up m USt have been sport scar rigged with bombs, and is
a major influence on Ihis first feature given sodium pentothal at the beach
cffoT! by Sarno, who used to do proouc . house of Or. Sobcrin (Alben Dekker).
ri o n work (or Gera rd (Deep Throat) The search for "The Great W hatsit"
Dami,mo. The cinematographer and ends in a mushroom cloud. With Gaby
music composer also came from a hard- Rodgers, Max ine Cooper (as Velda),
corc-movie background. The result is Leigh Snowden , Jack Elam , and Stro-
a n intriguing. moody th rill er about a ther Martin. Filmed on Los Angeles
woman with tclepathic sensitivity to area locations. Music by Frank DeVol,
p lants who [Ties 10 tr[lek down her Nat King Cole, and Caruso. Essential
sister's murderer. Shot entirely in New viewing.
York. KiT];an photo~rl1phy is used to
disc lose who the killer is. W ith Nancy
Snyder, Joel Colodner. Na ncy Boykin ,
and Ted Leplal. ~AF
1964 G&S Productions
Russ Mever
I..£arnerl tu Stop W(llTyillJ,: and Lvw
1968 Commonwea lth United (Spain!
W. German~';U.S./England) An "adu lts-only" nudie comedy/science-
P"OOUC[fI.: Harry Alan Towers fict ion/horror movie that would get an
OIUCTOM.: Jess Fr.mco R tari ng if re leased roday. Sterilal{.
KWNWfJTE'-$: H arry Alan T o wers, an effeminate alien from an all-ma le
. Manfred Koh ler, Jess Franco planct , visits Dr. Breedlove, a mad sei-
AlSO MLEASED ,u: The Blood of Fu entist wi th a neck brace who manufac-
Manchu, Against All Odds [Ures women. The :llien ignores the
Ch ristopher Lee is b:'lck:'ls Dr. Fu Man- n:lked women and leaves with a vend-
chu for the fourth rime. Now he's in ing machine. It's all sho t on one mad
Br.-lzil and sends 10 native women, in- lab ser with a Frankenstein monster,
jected wirh snake poison , to give " rhe Dracula, and a mummy. Evcn more (un
kiss of death" to his enemies_ Richard that Dr. Goidfool and Ute Bikini Machine.
Green takes over [he role of Smith. C inematography by Laszlo Kovacs.
Shirley Eaton is " the black widow."
With Tsa i Ch in, How ard Marion-
Crawford, and Maria Rohm. Not too
bad for a Jesse Franco film.
1978 Avco Emoossy
1'P.0OUCEk: Terr)' Mo rse. Jr.
KISS AlE DEADLY OIMC10P.: Gordon H ~le r
195; United Artim (B&W) SCMENWM"EP.S: Jan.Mlchllel Sherman ,
Pt.ODUCl~DIMCTOf.: Robert Aldrich Don Buday
SCMEH\ln.lTEk: LA. Bem:riJes ALSO MLEASED 1.$: Allack of the Phall/oms
C lassic atomic -age film noir based un When the popular rock-spectacle group
Mickey Spillane's nove l of the same KISS released four so lo albums at once,
made a tcrriblc m ()v i l~, and lost their plr~' ,1Ihi Ih e h\l~h,Hld (Edward D~~
dru mmer all in the S<t rne ycar, l'Vl'ry- Sou:a) enlists the ai d of P T< \fl'~W r
boJy thought the cnd was ncar for the Zlflllner (CllITord Evans), a Van Ild"mg
yu ~mg New Y(lrk mill io n a lrl"~, Work- 'rpe. The AJIll:rican 1V version b miss-
ing at an amu ~e ment park, <.'vil ~C l en­ ing S(\me of the he.~ t scenes and ~lI hST i­
tbt Anthony Zerr.c creates KI SS clones. lU' e~ new, (,lfllCr ones. Evcn with the
Tc-.:nagers arc Itht in a fun h(llJ:.<: and changes it's nnc of the hest and nlwl-
the real KISS g l \'C~ a concert! Prud llcoo nusly mflucnced The Femkss Vcnnprre
by Hann a-Barhc~1 of He)' QlIl'ebdratt'! Krllen. PrnJ.UCl'r IllIld~ and scn'l'nwnter
farne and dirl'ctcd by the C(ln~ l ~tently Elder arc ul1e an,1 the sa me pl.'r:l-nn.
ba d Hessler. S hown hen.' (I ~ a TV
mov ie; lucky foreigners got tll ra y
(or iL
Tllt~" DIE
KISS OF EVIL, See KISS OF I'.I66Columbl,l (It.lly/U.S.)
P"OOUCEI'.; Dill" 1).0 Laurelllm
THE ViUlII'IRE. OI"EOO tu : Hellry Lel'ln. Dil10
K"€(NWlUTEIU: Jack Plilma n , Dino "-ham
O"IGINALLY "H W£O AS: s.. TunIc Ie DOllne
KISS OF 11IE 'DIRAN T UfA Dd :..Irma...".
19770mm M,td IIldllsrTl"lisl R;lf V,llIon e plans to
P"OOUCE"; O,ll1lcl Mlmg<'r w nqllcr the world hy hombardm).! Earth
OII\.[CTO" : Chn_ ~·l un.l!cr
\\'llh;l sierili zat ion r,l)' hy s.1Tellitl', <lnd
SCI\.[[NW1I.ITU.; W,lrrcn l-ia nlll!ol1
,hen usmg women (rom his hlherna-
A cheap shoc ker in the tradit io n of II\\n h,u l'lu ro rej"">\lpulatl' the pi:Ull'L
C.mie and WiIltlfd <thout <l tormented Amt"Tle;m CIA ,1)lCnt Mike Con nllrs
teenage ~irl (Suzanne Uni) whose fa m- ,lIld Engl ish agenl Dorothy PTl\vinc ;1T.
ily runs and lives in a mort uary, When flVl' III Brazil and lind hi~ secret under-
other kids rid icule her, sh" unleashes ,.e,l lah . Th(' lI"or)oot Rond tlllila t io n
hl.'r ho rde of obedient tarantulas. T he known 10 man . \Vith Terry-Thomas,
best scene shows couples maki ng out Margaret Ln', &'verly Adalll~, Man lu
in a locked car, not noticing the eight- Tolo, Na:l s(" lcnnSb, and Communist
legged horrors cra wling on tlH"lil. (R) C hine ~('. Filmed in Rio Dl' Jane iro.
Cmnors ,lid M (IIlIliX nexL


1963 H,un1llcrlUl1 l\"cr,,;ll (r.l1gbn,l)
~ODUCE": Anthony HlIld, KISS TH!':I" FOR tilE
OIlUOO": Don S h<lfl>e 1<)'i7 lO th C('l1tIlTy.Fu){
SC"EEN"'''ITE''; ,1m Eldcr P"OOUC E": J"rr\' W.lkl
AUO I\.[L.£M[O AS; Kus (If
£1"11 OIk[CTO": Slank ~' [\Ull"ll
A superior vampire thriller SCI m thl' KM(/'f"W'AlT£k: JlIlllI' Er~.tc1ll
Bavaria o( 19 10. Dr. Ravena (Nod T he hlsttlTlC mel'tmg (,( Cary Gr,Ult and
Willman) h ead s a vampire cu lt in J,lrnr: Man ,fie ld In , I flllP c.)TIwdy "bout
a ch;1teau. A v;lcationing ~'()\lng OH I· n,w,d "fticers Oil ~ hnrc ],:,lve in San
pk ;KcC rt ~ a dm ner inv;tatl\lIl, then Fnmcbcu. Jarn!' I' 1a~'s a dllln" hl<mde.
st<lYS f,lr a m a~lu erade hall . The \vife \'(11th SH~r P;ukl'r, R,I}' \Val,lon, L lrry
(~"I arianne Harcourt) h,..cnllle~ a Vanl- Bl~\.kn, and Ll'11 En ck"'lIl.

1981 t..:n1(l,J hIm J)ls tnh"llon
""oouco.: Rrch,rrJ P Ruhen_Tern
OIAlCTOfJ'sO.E£NWI\ITrI\; George A, R o nwm
A Tt:WelHl/! commu ne of mowrc ych~ ! s
and e ... f' -'Illen make rhe lr hvmg by .wt-
flng up ,I renalS$anee f,m highligh ted by
mo torcycle JOUSTS in e<leh of the town~
The y VI~ rt , Krng Billy, The le,lcier o f the
Trou lX', hnd~ that h iS own \'e~ i on o f
Came llH IS threatened hy ~ howbi:

\ promOTer~. Intl' rnal !>tnfe, and tin,lI\cial

en,e" K!H~hlridns was Romero's fourth
Jepanure (rom rhe splan er muld IIll-
flI) ~eJ hy 1 he !> lI CCl'S~ of h is zombie ti IIlls
,Ind :\1(11"1111, ;Ind. (or the fmlrth (ill 1(: .
SO In': c ri t ics raved while ;llI d,,: n c<:~
~t~ly.: d ,11\'.1)' in drovc" Romero's pC\) -
pIc h<l\'l' l'xrres,~ed The op inio n th:lT
KIlI,(:ll rridt.'r5 ('l ll e.j heca use audil'ncl's
idenTified It .I. a dateJ mOTorcp,:k ... x-
rinlliuinn lilm; a more c~ ll1 cal vi..:\\"
mighT he Th,lT till' hIm, which celebratl's
Id.:al "'n ;md Hllk·p,.'nJ..:nce, wa!> Jll!>t too
n :l l l 'e for 1lI00.k'rn m o\' i egne~, Th l , C,I ~ t
mclllJe, e hTl'Tln ... Fo rrest (M,..." Ru -
fit I) wui Elm tTl S<IIn KlSSIN' COUSINS mew), JIlh n Am rl a~, S ten'n King, and
KdI,mlln') KI).m' 1964 /o.1(iM Tom S,II'IIl!. (R) B/l.I
c..'u<m~ PIIOOlK[l\; S,l11l I(,.t:n1.l1l
KII.[(NWIIJTEI'.S; Gl'rakil"'lr.l\'lm A,bm', 1967 \'(IorlJ Cnl..:rlamnWIlI (1 ,,,ly)
(,en.' \I,-I,,,n ""oouco: r. T;r,l!I ',lf':fTI
In h" clW'I[X, .. t quickie mu"ic;!!. I:lv ... OIAlCTO«.; J"hn Ho ld (~t1rl') B.1I;] 1
SCMENWl\JT[I\: A lI .... rlo Llb.t:r:1I1
hoth Jo,h, ,m Air h llC(, ,,(Ilu,:r,
pl. ll "
OI\IGINAU.l' I\HU.$.EO AS: Rafji,'" al Colcdll
anJ In,ile. hi~ twin hill hill, CUlI'lIl. J, "h
t , tryrnq 10 COIlI'lnC,' Tl'nnl" '<'t' 1l1 (~1Il­
Viking, hall ie e,lc h lIthcr, JecapIT ,uc
.. hllleT Art hm 0'(:, lIme!1 It ) kr 11k' mll l- CIll'llIll", pdhlgc, and rapl', Cameron
LIT) m .. Llll ICBM, III hi' nlPunT ,lin .
Ml(dll'lI 'tan as Ihc vengeful Rurik Eh I'l'~ si nL: C'One !-kw, Til',) LIl - in hl ~ , ... cond Vik ll).!! dr;lIna directeJ
de Cirk" "C,ifchin' On hlq" and "111":1 by h1lrrur .:xpnT B,lva. \Vllh Fall't o
l1unh ir-l. Jcmce . find TOltldll Ce, ,md en - To::i ;lnd G I;lccomo Rossi-Stuart (Jack
,:<llllltn thl' Kirr yh,lIv k,. "13 m,ln - STcw,lrt ).
' L ITH:.! wOIll,'n" Irum a ne,lrhy ,ilLlg!.'.
Glen,L. Lmd! j, the Jun',. ~Lt. J,IL\.. KONGtI
1961 Angll,Atnalg,Im'!(l',I/AJP (En!.'b"d)
Alhert'iln I';, (,11'1,1111. r ,und ;l Au,tm
,,-oooco; I krnMn Cohen
,l1hl YVtllllll' erni).! ,Ire hdrdotl\ n'II"y 011\[00'-: John 1.,'mni1t
/I.\.ll" t\rl'~, El \, j.. rea lly 1i,1,1 ,I tWIn ~1\£€ NWI\IT[IU : AI'<-'n K,mJd,
hro dwr who J leJ ,1T h lTl h, H l'rm"n C.. ,hen

1II IdTio li s mo nk q· hu s ln es~ 'tdH lng
~llC h :le! Gn ugh d~ Dr. Dec ker, a hOi-
<lny rro(essor wnh :I grnw rh -'>4,'rum :l nJ
.I chunp. Soon rhe (re:ll) c1l11l1p he-
cpmes :I man III <l goril b SUit, which
,h~ docror h Yrnoti:e~ anJ order.. w kill '
~'h~:l nwhlle hl ~ 11\'e-ln ,1::..:,lst.lnrllo,·er
(Ma rgo Johns) g("~ Jea l ou~ 01 a r re tt y
~'I)lIng thing in " lighl ~ we~ner .Illd .I.: ,ve,
Ko ng:l :In overdose. Ko nga .!.:rlm, to
Ko ng 51:(" c ra~hes through the cellmg,
anJ head~ (or Rig 13\.'n with d Michael
Gough do ll. Also with pop 'mger Jess
C(l nraJ :mJ SO llll' gi,mt man- (,md
wllma n ·) ea tmg plant ~.

1957 20lh Ccntun··l-ox heIrs the III -tr('aled Ori('nt,11 lahorers Mrdlilt'l GOll/{h SIGIrs In
p~ooUC EIIIOIII.tCTO~ : Kurt t"...:",um:mll workm/.! <1 n the tr;rn-.contln('nta l m rl · Konga
SCM ENWkll(R : [r\"in~ fI[, )Ck TU;ld while hiding (rom enemies (ro m
Kronos, a giant, (erHureles), '4u,ITe Chllla . Ke ith C,lrradine plays C,une
"lien robot with cyl mdncallq:.:s, W ;I ~ a .I ~ a young:n m,rn. The m,l ~teh are
W{~kO llH,: c h:"mge m.1 Yl',1T o( teen mon- played 1--)' Kq Luke. Rlch,lTd Lon. and
~ t cr~ and giant aninl(lk Kronl)S is lie· Ph ilip Alll1. With ViCtU T Sen Yling and
po:.)'oHed ro ~kxico h) a tlymg ~Iucn IXn ...on rong. Luke, Yung. "nJ Fong
,roJ tramples ('\'c ryt hmg In ITS p.lth as .111 plave,j ~)!l~ 01 Cha rl ie Ch,rn . i3.1rry
it contmucs to gmw and ad\\mce to- Sl, ll ivan I .. d1l' oppre .... lvc rallroaJ ]'Oss.
wa rds L.A . All of coIrth's l"nng ~ i, ab- The se ril'~ m"de CarraJim' a hero/star
sorlx-d hr the con4uen ng CII~. Se len· ,md Inl TO the A nll'ric.rn release u(
tl~t John Emery I~ taken over hy allen I lo ng Knn~ kung.fu I;lrn~. Bruce L.:e
(\ m:es while 1m cnlleaj.(lles (Jeff M\ >now W ,I> ongrn.rlly I n .. Iar. but network
,lnJ Barh.tril Lawrence) T<lCe In "':I\'e u(fic i:lh ..!ccllleJ we lI'eren'( ready (ur
E,rrth. KnJllOS WiI' ,I great ~h()WC<I ~l' ,In O rr ':IU ,II TV st,lr.
(Ill" speCia l cf(eCh expen s Jack R, lhlll.
Irv lI1 j.( Bloc k . anJ Ll)uis Dl'witt. who Iflf~OllN
w~rl' ,,1'0(1 the assoc iate rroducen-. \Vith 1963 \'( '.rl ler RcaJl'·St<'rllll~ 0 ,11',10)
~lorrr' Ankrum and Rubert Sh.lync. P~OOUCE~ Sh'j.!cflJ W;lbt<lIki
OIlIJ:CTO~ : ~ l ,I"\l kl Kohlya,h,
K UNGFU SC~EENWlllTEII : Y(,k" )...l,:"k,
19i1 TV F.I<'(; IIl,llim.: trio o( J,lpanesc )!hu .. t sto·
AAODUCEllloIU CTOII : krr~ Thorp.: rre", a,bptcd from books h~ L:r(cadlo
~C II[[NW~lTOS: Ed Spl<·[m,Hl . HC:lTn, an AmerrCHI whn ~cn1cd III
Howar,] FmoJlanJt"r bp,lIl III 1890. A III.m in onl' el'bode
The pi lot film (or rh(' popular 'erre,", "paink..! \\ IIh ~\ mh()l ~ ro rcrelj!husts.
(1972-;;). D,lviJ Canadine IS KW:I' I-h.' (or/.!l)t 10 pamt hiS ear. so ther Tlr it
C h ang Ca me . (he phrlosophl ca l yuung l,ff! A inllrrh s<')!l11en( ahollt ,I ~ n nw
Ch ll1l'se·Al1lcrlcan m.rr [i<l l·art~ ex· WItch I .. ll~U.llly mi"ing frol11 Ameri-
pert om W6t Junn,!!. the 1870s. He C, 1Il pnng.


•• •
t • L.A . 201 7 LAB YRJ N7H, See
• •• 19i1 T V
",ODUC~; Dean HaIl:HJn'
• DIMCTOI\: Sll>n~n Sr1e1h..'Tg
• •

ll1E LADY AND l l1E
• Newspaper rubl isherGcnc BaTT) Jrcam~ ,II0NSTER
• he's in the llh Angdc~ of the future.
Thmgs aTC ('\'('n WOf:"C ,h,1n they ,ITl'
1944 Rcpuhlic (B&W)
now. Nearly e\'eryhody hye~ linder- Ge<!TgC Sherman
gmunJ because the pollu tio n b lo() bad. KMENWlI.rrn S; Dane Lus."ieT,
A feature-k'ngth episode of The Name Fre<lcnd.: Kohner
of thi' Game M:ries. With B,ITry Su ll i\'.In. ALSO I\.[l£A!>[O AS: '11':<7 Mm!
Edmond O'Brim, and Sll;Iwn F:1rrclL ThIS first version of DOII(It'(lIl'S Brain
~t,m Erich von S truhcim as the doctor
who keeps the hr;}in of a dead gangster
alive. The brain {;'I kes over lab ass is-
fflll! Ri chard A rlen and rn,lkcs him kill
Ihl! gangster's cncmies. Erich's o the r as-
sistrln\ h Czcchoslo\,;lkian-born Vera
Hruba Ralston. a for mer sbting cham-
pinn whu married Herhert Yatcs, the
preSlllen t of Republic. She could barely
speak English bu t he put her in o \'cr
t W (1 d,):en fihm. Na ncy Davis played
her roil- III the '53 versio n. With Sid-
ney I3bck mcr and Billy Benedict.


DRACU!.';! .


1971 New Wor ld ([t:lly)
K P.£ENWP.ITU: Edward dl Lo renzo
BODY Ff(lnkensfeiJ1
Jo:.cpb Cott en as Dr. Frankenstein ! H is
sc ie ntist daughter (Sarah Bay a.k.a.
Rosalba NerO creates a handsome new
crea ture (or h er sex ual p leasu re! -
"On ly the mo nste r she made could
s,'ltis(y her s l ra ngt~ desires!" A second
monster IlXlks like the closet Ill\llan!
In The Bram Thill Wallldll'IDle! Conon

41 0
dies early in the picture, but scenes of LllDY IN THE IRON AlASK
the ugly monster in striped pants carry- 195110lhCemury. Fox
ing naked women around and the good- "-ODUCnS: Walter Wanb'Cf, Eugene Frenke
looking o ne screwing his creator on the DllU:aOf.; Ralph Murphy
operating table make this an entertain- K M£HWPJTEM: Jack Pollexfen,
ing curiosity predating Andy Warhol' s Aubrey We isberg
Frankerulein. Directed by the flowe r A three- musketeers story with big To r
store owner in Uille Shop of Horrors! Johnson as the mad executioner. He
With Mickey Hargitay! A similar Ital- wcars a blac k costume with metal studs
ian mo vie, Franken.Slein 1980, was re- and keeps hero ine Patric ia Medina
leased the same year. (R) chained up in the dungeon. Louis Hay-
ward stars. With A lan Hale.

1964 Paramount (8&W) LllDYIN THE LAKE
~OOUC[,.JKR.[EtNINT[~: Luther Da ll is 1947 MOM (8&W)
DI'-EaOf.: Walter Grauman AAOOUCn..: George Haigh!
When wealthy widow O livia de Hav- DlMaO«.: Roben Montgomery
illa nd becomes trapped in a cagc!ike KIU:EN'tVIUT[~:
Steve Fisher
elevator, her mansion is invaded by a Montgomery di rects himself as Ray-
wino thief (Jeff Corey), a prostitute mond C handler's Philip Marlowe in a
(Ann Sot he rn ). a nd three young fi lm shot a lmost ent irel y from the
sic kos wearing stockings o ver t hei r detective's subjective point of view. The
faces. The trio, led by James Caan in ads made it sound like something akin
an early role, have an orgy, murder the to )-0 : " YOU accept an invitation to
wino, and torment the caged wo man a blo nde's apartment! YOU get socked
with a no te from her son threatening in the jaw by a murder suspect! . . . "
suicide . O li via survived to return in YO U star a long with Montgomery as
Hush Hush, Sweet Charlotte within the he submitS a sto ry to Audrey To tter for
year. Conside red controversia l and lurid Del«tl,,'e magazine and tries to find
overly violent at the t ime, Laay was he r boss' m iss ing wife. With Lloyd
banned in England. By the director of Nolan, Jayne Meadows, and Mo rris
[);>embodi,d. Ankrum.


1979 New World 1963 Uni ted Artists (8&W)
p«.ooucu: Julie Corman "'-OOUCE,.JDlN:CTOf.: Fran k P~rry
DIIU:CTO~: Lewis Teague
KM[HWkITU.; Eleanor Perry
SCN:EH\Vf.JTtA: John Sayles A chilling low-budget fi lm based on a
AUO ~D AS: G UN, Sin and Bauuub true incide nt during the 1962 C uban
Gin missile crisis. When an ai r-raid warning
A retelling of the Dill inger legend fo- box at a small rural elementary .school
cusing on his girlfriend Polly Frankli n goes off, the teachers and students think
(Pamela Sue Martin). Robert Conrad there's been a nuclear attack. A group
is Dillinger. With Louise Fletcher and of children hide out in a family fa llout
Dick Miller. Direcror Teague and writer shelter. They're afraid to let in a little
Sayles lafer did Alligator. (RI girl (because of fall out), so sl,e hides

in a discarded refrigerator and su(focates. Underrated C inemaScopl' epic abo ut
It was Perry's first film after Dat,id and Cheops (Jack Hawkins) and the build-
Lisa. Not 'many IJ(.'Ople h;we seen it . ing of his incredible self-sea ling eter-
nal tomb. Criticized fo r n ot ha ving
LANCER SPY enough action, it's still a fasci nating
1937 10th Cemul1··Fox (B&W) aCCOlint of how and why the pyramids
MSOCIATE PkCOUCU: S:lmud G. Engci were built. Wi th Joan Coll ins (" Her
OIIU:CTOk: Grq.'Ory Ra toff treachery stained every stone of the
p~' rdmid!" according to the ads) and
George Sanders in his first starring role ClWrilC C haplin's son Sidney. Music
disguises himsclf as a Nazi officer to get by Dimitri Tiomkin. Filmt.-d in Egypt.
sec ret information. Peter Lorre as Ma-
jor Siegfried Gruning is the real thing.
Sanders ;md Lone were together next THE LAND THAT
in Mr. MolO's Last WarniliR. With 71AfEFORGOT
Dolores Del Rio, Lionel AIWi ll , Sig 1975 Amicus/All' (England)
Rum;m, and Jo~cph Schildkr;wt. P~ODUCE~: John Da rk
DIRECTOR; Kevin Co nner
LAND OF NO RETURN SCkE[NW?ITE~: J~llles Cawthorn,
Michael Mm rcock
1977 International PiclllTl' Show
PkooUCElI,/'oIIU:CTOII,/'SCIU:EHWklTEk: The first and worst of a series of British
Kent BMetn:ln Amicus S tudios juvenile adventures
A,1j.() k£LEASEO AS: ChdblgC Iv Surt"ll"e. baS(."(\ on Edgar Ricl' Burroughs novels.
SnO\nJum A World War I German sub with pri s-
A slow surviva l pic ture. A bearded Me l oners on board ends up in the lost land
TOTllll~ plays a television animal tra iner of C,prona with caVl'men and the pho-
who crash-lands his private plane in niest d inosaurs you've ever seen. They
Utah. T orme wears loud spurts clothes are really men in rubber suits and giant
and talks to his trusty eagle. William prop heads on poles. The pterodactyl
Shatner is a worried television producer. doesn', usc wings to lIy; it uses easy-to-
see wires! And the star ;s Doug Mc-
LAND OF THEAI/N07)tUR Clure! The pits. The People ThaI Time
1976 Crown Imern:l{lonal (Gret'Ce) Forgol was the sequel.
PkOOUCU: Frixos Constantme
DIRECTOR: Costa C;.r.:ly iannis
AIj.() RELEASED M; The DCI'i/'j Pt'U/IW 1957 Universal (B&W)
Peter Cushing sacrifices wumen flnd ",ODUCEk: William Allaml
leads a modern Greek cu lt that wo r- OIUCTOk: Vir~cl Vogel
SCklENW?ITE": Laslo Gowg
ships the minot<lllr. As the vi ll age
priest, Dona ld Pleasence tries to Stop Jock Mahoney and three others crash-
him. With a biT of selC, some gore, and land a helicopter in a hidden prehis-
music by Brian Eno! (It) toric val ley be low the Antarctic. Shawn
Smith is al most devoured by a cBrni vo-
LAND OF THE PHARAOHS TOllS plant, and a tyrannosaur and a
1955 Warner Brothers "f1ippersaurus" attack. The dinosaurs are
Huwa rJ Hawks
PkOOOC[JI./DIk[CTOfl,; better than lIsua l for the man-in-a-suit
sep,EEHWkfT[~: William F:lulknCf, variety, and the misty sets and matte-
Hart)' Kurnil!, HaroldJack Bloom painti ng backgrounds make a pretty

41 2
effective lost world. With Douglas The h-cst parr uf th l ~ {een-rl'vcnge film
Kenn(.xI~' and Will iam Reynolds. ll re tll(' {mlle-he;!dcd ;!liem Ilni mated
hy [)a\-iu Allen. Ther k,l\'e a la~l'T glln
LAS VEGAS BY NIGH 1, Sec on t ht~ de.-.crr that IS pICked up hy young
SPREE Kim Milfurd (The Ro.:-k)· Horror /'iCl1Ire
Shutt'}. Thl' taunted and troubled teen
LAS VEGAS HILLBILLYS tu rn ~ green ,md ugly ,lnd pr()(('CJ s to
1%6 Woolner Bro(hc ~ hhl ~t everyhu:.iy WhD 11I'l<.Ie fun IJf hl1n,
","ODUCH/ sCIU:ENW,"ITH: L~rry E. JackS<.lt1 from kkb a{ ;J party to doper~ III a van.
DII\ECT~: Arthur C. Pierce
He alSo() blow~ apart a Scar ":I,m poster.
R (lJ J~' McDowall and Kt'cnan Wynn
Jayne Mansfield and Mamic Van Doren put in typical bTief ca ml'OS. Aimed at
wJ.!ether! Ferlin H usky stars as Woody, '70s junior high ' ChllOl students, With
a country bumpkin who inherits <I ca- C heryl SllH th.
sino in Las Vegas. When it turns out
to be a dump, thl' si nging barmaid
(Mamid helps fix it up and rUt on a LASSIE'S GREAT
music jamboree with Sonny J ame~, Del ADVt.1VTURE
Reeves, Bill Ander~ n , and Connie 1963 201h CenruT) -Fox
Smith. Both Mamie and Jayne (who P,"OOUCE": Roh.,·n Guh!.::n
plays a famous slar) sing and danet'. Oll\£crO~: \~/ il h:un JknllJm.:
Wuh Rich" rd Kid and "T he Duke of SCIU:(NWklf[~! ~lonl\)O,: M,lIllling.
Paducah ." Ferlin rCHlrned in a ~equ el, Ch,.r1,·,O'N.'al
HilIhiUys ill a Hmlllled Huuse. It 's really Originall r fl (<.lllr-rarr stur}' (The Jour-
uniair that Non herners were denitxl the 11'"')") on TV_ this (l'atureS thl' prime
opportunit y to see these cheap ~rar LlCS.~Ii' ca~t with gOI)!.1 old j unc Lock-
oddities at the time of the oTlglllal hart as Mr,. Ruth Martin and lovahk'
release. link Jo n l'ro\,<lst as Timmy. No{ on ly
IS II Jirl'ctl'd I:-r \'(/ illiam Beaudinc,
LAS VEGAS STORY who.5(' next feiHure was Bill:;. fhe Kid 1's.
19:;2 RKO (B&W) j)ww/a, hu t IT sr;lr~ giam Richar,1 Kic1
","ODUCE": Rohen Spnrb as Ch in()o')k Pete, ,j dCilf-lllutl' Indian!
OIIO.(CTO'-.: Rohcn SrevCllloOll
W hen TIIIlIllY and L1ssie arc carried
SCIUENW,"m:IU: E:!r1 Fclton. HnTT) E:.>cx
orf 10 , I hot-;m b"lIoon and land in :1
Grlmbkr VinCl'TH Price takes ~exr wife tree somewhere In C,In<lJ<I, C hm()o')k
Jane Russe ll to Las Vegns, whl're she Pde decide~ Timmr i, "perfcct rcplace-
encounters her ex-lover Victor Mature, ment ior h l ~ dead ." m, Las:;il' h:1~ Jiffa-
now a shcTl ffs dt'pu ty, Jane ~lIlgs "My em Idea,. With Walrn Sroch'r. the
Resistance is Low," is kidnaped by <l hcm of Th.o.!)" .'ial'cd I/i[/"is I3wll1 .
murderer, and ends up with Victor after
al l. \'{lith Brad Dextcr, Hoagy Carmi-
chad, <lnd Milton KIbbe. 1'HE LAST CHASE
1981 Cn1wll lntern :lI l"n~1
I.ASERBI.AST ""O DUCEP..S: Marryn Bllrke. Fran RO"lIi
OII\£CTO": ~\'myn Bllrkl'
1978 Sel':-Cll'J PlClUrcs
SC~E[NW,"If[M: C. R. O'CllTIsrnrher.
"'"ooucu,: Ch:lTles B~nJ
OIP;ECTO": M jchncl R,IC
Roy M,)o'\fC, /l.1art yn RlIrh·
SCI\EENWP;ITW: Frann.. Sch~n. In thl' fWllte, Amcrica i ~ out uf gas,
FTimk Ra~ P.:nl1, Thl're arc no more cars. Rehd ex-race

41 J
drin'r Lee MajnTs Teassemhle~ Ills red LAST DAYS OF
P()T~c hC" and head~ to C.1Ii{ornia with a PLANET EARTH
rOil Ill! dectron ics genIUs (Chris Make- 19 74 Toho (Jilp:m)
peace). The orrrCSSI\T go vernment ShJTO Moritani
sends a Phantom Jet tl' ~tup him. h'~ SCfl.£(NWfl.IT("; Shi nohu Hashl rnOlO
n,) Death Race 2000. With Burge s~ ONGl NAU.Y fl.[lEASEO AS: CaUlSrrophe 1999,
Ml·redtth. Tit.: ProphecICJ of Nomadamus
The makers of Tidal \Val~ assemhlcd
the s,1 me major cast to experience even
worse disasters in Ihis (allow-up feature
THE LAST CHILD released di rectly to television in Amer-
1971 TV ica. The end of the world looks pretty
Pfl.ODUCEfI.: AaTl) 1l Spelling exciting this rime. After atomic. bom bs
Dlfl.ECTOfl.:John Moxey drop. mllt<ln ts, vampire baTS, and other
K fl. EENWfl.ITEfI.: P~ter S . Fi,·r
harder tu define terrors attack, stoned
Edward A:;nn is a ropubt ion inspec' teen s o n motorcycles commit mass
tor in 1994. Hc's after ],tnd M arg~,lin suic ide, and the sky turns into an end-
an d hushan d Michrtel (Mud Squml) Ie..,..; mirror so everybcx:ly can get a bet-
Cole, who hroke tht~ law hy having a te r look. Kenju Kobayashi, TetslJTO
se((lnd child. Ven Hdlin (in h is b;;t Trmabn, and Hiroshi Fujiob ~tar.
f'l le) is <I fl·t ired sen,ltllT who helps the
cDurle cs(:apc. WITh f larry GuarJlIlo THE LAST DAYS OFPOAIPEJI
anJ Kent Smith. 11:I3S RKO( B&W)
PROOUCEfI., Menan C. C::oop...r
DlfI.lCTOA: Ernes! B. k
KfI.(EH"IIIPJT£": Rw h R ose
TilE LAST DAYS OF Exci ting spectacle from the King Kong
II/AN ON EAR TII te,un, uSing much of the KOIlR score.
1974 New WorlJ (En!,!1an.!l
Pre~ttln Fo~ t c r stars as il blacksm ith-
PROOUCEfI.S: Jnhn G"kbt,nll·.
, u rn~"t.I -g l ad i ator. Last Days features col-
S:"mdy H... I:-er",>n
Dl fI.[CTOfl.!Kfl.EENWfl.ITEfI. : R"I ....·rt FUl·,t osseum barrles and mass destructio n as
ALSO fI.£lEASED AS: Tit.- Fllwll'mgnmurle the volcano e Tllpt ~. W ith villain B.1sil
A scienc<:-finion fi lm with ':::"0..1 IIllen - R:tlhN,lll(", lXlrothy Wilson, Alan Hale,
tions thrtt do...~sn 't reall ~' m<lk . .· il. Jon and LOtl ; ~ Calhern.
Finch Slah as Jerry ('.orndi ll ~, hero nf
futuristic ropu[;n noveh hy Michael HIE fAST DAYS OF POIJ/PEll
Moorcoc k. Aft er;t numb",'r of carte.on- 1%0 Uni{t,d Artists (ltaly/Sp~ in l
Paolu Moffa
ish adv,:ntures, including m ll" in which
DIlUCTOk: M~ITlt> l3onn:nd
Ill' kill s his Jnlg-cclzcd hrother. the g ..... SCfl.[ ENWkITEfI.S: Ermio de Concini.
ne t ic dly superior Fin ch is ~e.\llitll~' Se r j.!lt> Ll'onc , DUl"C IOT ess~ri ,
jo me,! with Jenny Run".:!l· tn cr<,ale ,I Scrg[()Cnrbucci
new me",i"h. The result ban 'Ipt· man. Ofl.IGI NAllY AELEAS£D A.\: Ultlllii Giornr di
The cast mcllld e~ S t ""r1in~ H;]yJen, Pat- Prlltl/1<:1J
rick Magee. Geo rg...· Coulnu rb. I-hl rr y Stcve Reeves i~ the musclo::man hero of
Andr,·ws. and]lllll' Egl·. Music h~' & .. 1- this ~ladiator remake. With Christine
vcr and Krause. Fro m tht· dlTcctor (If Krlll(mann :tnd Fl'rnando Rq. Reeves
the Dr. Ph ilx's m (lvi e~. A f,ukd attempt ~t:lTTcd in fifu'e n II ;! li.. n action film s be·
at a cult fi lm. ( R ) gi nnmg with /1('fcllles.

41 4
1977 TV (U.S.f)apan) 1971 AlP/Hallmark
PI\OOUCEI\S; Arthur Rankm, Jr., JLII(!s Ba.s ""OOUCEI'. :Sean S. Connml!ham
DI~ CTOM; Alex Gm,,~h,lf. Tom KOlani OIP.£CTOP./SCI'.EENWI'.ITEI'. : \'(it' s Cravt'"n
SCIU[HW""'[~ William Ch·t'rg,mj A con troversial. popular rapeirevenge
A R;lnkm/Ba s~ Production made in rnOYll'. Is It a remake o f Bergman's
Jap:m. Richard wHle plays M;lsten Virgm Sprmg illustratin g the sickness of
Thrust. the richest man in the world . life in modern -d ay America? Is it a
H{' [,.kes a slll,dl crew In hl~ ThrusT coarse, repulslvc explott<lfion film for
Pobr Borer (it's lahekd on the sH.k) to sickos? It's both. The producer, who
a 1051 world 10 capture a man-m -a·su it previously did porno movies. l<ltef did
T. Rex. Looks hke the AmICUS Edgar Frida)· Ihe 131h. another con troversial
Rice Bu rrollghs film s find l ~ Ju~t as and n end-setting hit. The director (an
childish. W ir hJ(lan Van A rk . A made- ex-high school teacher) <llso made a bet-
fo r-TV movie here, II was released the- ler though .similar fil m (The Hills Hilce
<l trically in l e s~ fonuna!e count n es. Eyn). as we ll as a few wea ker features
(includ ing a TV-movie). um Huuse has


1971 R&S Film<
H.OOucu .: LUlh.. r [}.WI S
DIMOOk: Willia m Gmham
SCREENWI\ITo.: brl Hammer, Jr.
It"s the li st cent ur), and the world b
on'rpupu\ared wnh Stuart Whitman.
Vera Miles, Lew Ayres. Mercedes Me-
Ca mhrid}!c. Pearl Baile)', Lee GraTH.
MIChael Ren01e. ConnleSu·\'cn,. Phil
Hams. and Ce~. l r Romero.



1977 C mcm,\t Ie
NnrnMn F. Kalscr
OI I'.lCTO~: Victor J:)I10:0;
SCI'.EE NWI'.lTEI'. : Brmn W\\"H::nec
ALSO I'.El EMED AS : The Flm I 'Olt.~
T his extremely gory fcature about snuff
film ~ wa~ relc.lsed with "Cult C hl5.SIC"
stamped on the ads. It features a hunch-
hack ,lIld foo t;lge of an animal slaugh-
terhou.')t'. I-lave you evcr hearJ .tnyone
cYen :ldmit th at thq S:lW It ! (R)

1964 AlP (I mly) (B&W)
pp.ooucu.: Rober! L. Lippen
DIAlCTOA: U baldo Ragona
Sidne)' Salkow (U.S. Version)
SCf.lENWlUJ[AS: Logan Swa nson ,
WiIlmm P. Leicester
OklGINAU.V W£AS(D AS: L' Ultimo Uomo
della TClTor
An end-o{.. the-world vampirclzombie
thriller with an undeserved bad rep. It's
based on Richard Matheson's 1 Am Leg-
end. He hated this ad<lptation, but when
have writers ever liked the way their
work ends up on the screen? It was
IMer remade as the weak Omega Man,
bUI this vers ion and the hook were ob-
viously the inspiration for Nigh! of the
Utling Dead. Morgan (Vincent Price),
the only hum,m left, p<lsses the time
burning dead bodies and d riving stakes
through the hearts o( wandering pasry-
faced ghouls. His maddening routine
; includes gathering garlic, sharpening
Ji piles of stakes, and p l a~' ing old records
to hlot our the noiS(' of the creatures
try ing to break into his suburban house
at night. I-Ie later disco\'ers a group of
J, people who avoid becoming vampires
by takmg chem ical injeClions. Because
he staked many of thei r cohortS, they
wanl him killed. No blood. and gu ts,
nlt~ Last M ~Ul on Eanh h ..'cn cut. TtXlLt. and had SCl"IH.'S replacL.J but a terrifying look at the last of a d\'ad
(Vmcem PrICe) ShnPi far and removed ~) man y timc~ th;n Sto · mcl'. Wilh G iacomo Rossi-Stuart.
gmilc. ries ;Jhout variou~ Iqwn&uy ~h()c kmg
~ccn('s arc hard to dispro\'l'. The ('(fcc- l.AS], OF 111E SECRET
rive aJ campaign {"To avoid (:'linting
keep repeating: It's o nly a muvic .... 196!J P:ml!1H~lInt
on ly <I mu v ie ...... ") has 1)(;('11 cupied PI'.O OUC E";OII'.ECTO l'.: N"Tmnn Abbo tt
rmm y lim('s. No 11l<lnl'r what think
you SCI'.EE NWI'.ITEI'.; Mel Tul km
abo ut it, UlSf H ous(' is td(ect ivc and M<lrlY Allen <lnd Steve Rossi as Marty
disTurhing and stitl sh\lw~ lip penodi-

and Steve. American tourists in France.
call y In theaters. David !-less, Jeremy arc given a multipurpose umbrella
Rain. and Fred lincoln ~tM. IR) WCaIXltl and pitted against an interna-
tio n"l band of an thieves. The Statlle
LAST HOUSE ON THI:: LEFT of Liberty is among thc stolen trea~ures.
PART /I, S e e 1lVlTCH OF Co-slar ancy Si natra sings the titk
111E DEATII NER VE. song. With John Williams, Ed y WiI-

41 6
I I am~, L(\\I Jacilhl, 51!:: Ruman, Harvey Flemmg (al ~o in HOIlJ{ KOII,l! and Trul,rc
Korman , and Ed Su llivan ,IS himself. Zmlf with Reagan) and the Iale Hugh
Wnuld makt, a dynamltc double biB Be,uJmont .
..... 11 h The Mogle W/()rld uf T o/JU Gigo.


19') 1 l'arn mounr 1980Cmmm
PIIOOIKEIU: W,lh:lIli H. 1'111':, "'"ooucu,: Kelly Van 110m
DIII£CTO.vSCl\[[HWlllfEl\: l)omon,c Parr~
W,l!1::1m C. TIwf1l;'lS
AUO IUl£A.SEO~: /)r<lCu/a's Utsl Rue~
DI'-ECTOII: LCW1~ R. Fil>I ~'r
KP.£ENVrnJTEIU: Gco(frc \ Holf11c~ . A lo w-budget film made In upstate New
Georg\' WOr(hu11: Y,lles . Win,I,'n l>.l11lcr York that trrc~ to In vent new vamrire
Ro n:lld Reagiln and Bruce Benndt an: lore. Th\, r ..sults arc de;lden ing. Thc
hr(l{hcr~ who werC' on Oppositl' , ides in town mortician (callt.'d Luc:m.I) I ~ a b,lld
the Civ il War hm i,)i n to fight a COill- vamp ire. I-k works with the sheriff
m (>n cnemy - inj\llls . Rcag,Hl rode his and .. doctnr, wl1(l hring hi111 accident
own hl1T~e (T'lrhilhy). With Rhoncb \,Ictitll~. After sucking Iheir blood,
he JTI\'e~ ~ Iakes through ,h .. ir hearts
to .. \'oid (.ompctition and c() vcr~ thc
TERROR BEGINS AT wU\lnds fur hUTI"!. An o ld lady ,,)11)('-
THE EDGE OF THE GRAVE! how SllTvi>.' es th c o rdeal and walks
around ~ca rin~ pe\)pl c, 11ldud11lg
her daughter and son -i n -hlw (c;ll1ed
Ihe Fo ndas). Mi cro phonc~, :l camera -
equipment hox, and the tops\l sets arc
clearly \'1~ l hle throu~h()ut the film. I th ruugh It I Wlce. ( R )


196 1 Unll.:J Am" .
k WeI-I-
KIIEENWII.IUI'.: Wdlt"rn l)"wI' r,
A nvikl1l ptlOl pull ..d tnHl ..cllon in
the !at .. ,by" of World W:tr \I wlks about
,1 mel1Hlmhk acqualnt:lncc. Rohert
Mitchum i, Archie, a shamcll'ss con
nl ;m who bluffs his \\',IY thwug:h the
,ervi cl' ~ md Into a head sl\)t al a Ilo!\y -
wood movie stud,,) whilc Jack Webb
watchc, from t he sidelines. Co-SHHS in-
clude Manha Hyer, Francc Nu~'en, Joe
Flynn , J ame~ Lydon, Del Moorc, Louis
' ''' C'~_ ~_ -""'......,.,," N)'e, Don Knotts, Robert Strauss, Har-
......""""t....___... _,,,
•• , ..... " • •• _ <;t . . . . . . ,""'" \/IClOO ....... , - -.. " .. , •
~ .-
t"" vq Lembeck, and BoJb's:.em Jlln. loca-
'R---=-.::':'--- e ..-_...
"'-,,-~ .

tion scenes fi lmed at Californta's Fort ~Q'uilly

rd"rut"d (n; Lbl

MacArthur. - CB

41 i
THE LAST 1YCOON lucky wo man of the title (Betsy Jon es.
1976 Paromount Mo reland) . Towne used the name Ed-
""oouen.: Sam Sp1t'Rd ward Wain in the credits as both writer
Dlk£CTOP.: Elia Kazan
and acror.
!o(A[[HWM1:1'.: Harold Pini e r
Robert DeNiro stars as a fa molls Holly- lYE LATE GREAT
wood producer in a fai r ad;:lpr3rio n of PLANET FARlY
E Scon Fitzgerald's unfi n ish ed novel. 1979 Pac lhc [ntematlonal
A long mo vie with a lot of people who ""000<:00; Robert Amram, Rober Ridde ll
do n'r usually get good roles anymore . DIUCToNSC1\[ENWPJTU: Robert Amram
[ike Ra y Miltand, Tony Cu rt is. Dana "The ultimate disaster movie !" is what
Andrews. Jo hn Ca rradine , Do n ald the ads promised. It was also the u[ti.
Pleascnce, and Ra ben Mitchum. With mate Sunn Classics- type documentary
Jeanne Morelli, Jack Nicholson, and with none o ther than Orson Welles ex.
Jeff C orey. DeNim ;md Nichol son play plaining how the world will end in o ur
Ping-Pong. lifetime. No wonder he doesn't take
good parts anymore- what difference
THE LAST WAR docs it make if nobody wi!! be around
196 1 Tuho/M",Jallion -TV (Japan) to see him ! It's based on Hal lind-;ey's
''''ODUC£I\5 ; Sa ncwmi Fusirnoro, bestsel ler. Hal's in the mo vie too .
T o rn oyu ki Tanaka along wiTh bibli c;I [ re-enaC[ments,
D'R£CTOP.: Shue Matsubayashi
UFOs, F.knnuda triangk'S, and ~ientif1c
!o(k[[HWMl:IU: T os hl o Yazuml ,
Tah'shi Kimura
Senkw dar Senso
Nuclear missi les are fired by mistake. 1%9ToholNatronal General
War breaks O U I, leading to rhe end o f (U.S.lJ:lpan)
the world. Nor to be confused with The ""ODUCE"; Tomoyu b Tanaka
Filial War, a 1960 japancS(' movie. DII\[CTOII; Inosh, ro H onda
KUEN'IV1\IT£M: T cd Sh c rdem an,
Sh ml(h, Se b ~awa
lYE LAST WO,IfAN ON<ilHAU. Y I\[I.(AS(D AS: ldo Zero DaisakllSrn
C razy Japnnese fnntasy·adventure with
1960 Fi lmgroup
America n sta rs. CCs.1r Ro mero as Malic
AAODucu/ DIM:CTO,,; Roger emm an
~"EEN\lnJTU: Edward Wain
the murderer ;lnd Patricia Medina as
(Roberl Towne) Lucretia try to destroy an lInderwatcr
Corman produced three mo vi('s in five cimdel and, with it, submarine cap-
weeks in Puerto Rico, He directed this tain Joseph Cotten. Malic sends d
one ;md Crea tllre from the Hail/lied Sea Il yi ng lion. ,eiant rats, and batmen to
with the same cast. Ro1x:n Towne (who kill the scie nti sts . The other good
later wrote China town) didn't ha ve the ~uy s arc Richard Jaeckel (also in The
sc ripi done in time. so he W<l S bro ught Green Slime). Lindn Haynes, and Akira
along to fin ish it on loca tion and play
the second lead at the same time, l'ven
though he had never aCled before. He
1944 20t h CClllUry. Fm.: ( B&W)
plays crook Anthony Ca rbone's lawyer. PIIODUC£I\!DIIU:CTOA: D tll> PrCllllll)!t"T
As the o nly survivers of a nuclear war KllEEHWIIJT£M: Ja y Dr:II '<'r.
in Puerto Rico, they fight OVl'r the Samud I {n ffen- tt" lO , s..'tty Remhardt

41 8
Classic murder mystery with Dana the stairs to induce miscarriage, and
An~ rews as the New York detecti ve when Wilde threatens to leave. poi-
haunted by the memory of a beautiful sons herse lf and sets up her half-sister
murder victim (Gene Tierney). Tierney (Jeanne Crain) and husband to take
later turns up <Ili ve. Clifton Webb, as the blame. Vincent Price is the pros-
mdio personalit)' Waldo Lydecker, is ecuting a [torn c ~' , a (ormer lover of
her men tor who can't stand the possibil- the tragic. evilly p:Jssessive wo man.
ity of her marrying Shelby C"rpenrer With Ray Collins. Miho n Parsons,
(Vincent Price). Judith Anderson, who and Chill Wills. Based on Ben Ames
is in love with Pricl', doesn't like the William's nov·e l.
idea, either. All are suspects in thl'
murder of the mode l who was mis-
taken for Laura. Great dialogue and THE LEECH 1f/0,IlAN
performances. From the novel by Vera 1960 Unlvcr-al (B&W)
AAODucn.; Joso:rh GcrshO:l\sol\
C a spary. Direction was started by DI'-I:Oo..: Ed"',mi D,,' 1Il
Mamou lian, taken ove r by Prem inger. KMENW"ITE"; [bvld Dlin Cill1
Theme song by Johnny Mercer. A scieIHi st 's 3J,(ing. neglcCleJ wife
(Coleen Gray) disco\'ers that she can
LAW;INDORDER swy young hy killing men (or thl'ir hllr-
1953 Univers.11(B&W) mones. Sometimes calleJ "an Imsung
",OOUCEP,; John W. Rogo:rs
femi n l~ t fi lm. " W ith the unsunJ,(Glo ria
DI~Oo..; Nath.mJur.m
KkEENW"ITEP.5 :John and Owen Bagnl. Talbot rmd fcminbt Grant Williams.
D.D. Beaueh:lInr The leech woman regrets hn jungle
Ro nald Reagan as a rctirctl U. S. Mar- ~cret ~ at t he end and rums 10 dust.
shal brings kid brother Russell Johnson Coleen Cray haJ pn'vlnusly starred in
("The Professor" on Gilligan's Island) Red Hit'er a nd Th(' Killing.
to justice. S....scd o n the W)'att Earp
legend. With Dorothy Malo ne. Juran
had JUSt directed Karloff in the horing THELEGAC }'
197'} Unlwr,.. i (Engl:md)
Blttek Castle. HIS next, Highwll)' Drag- AAODUCE"; D,l\"ld Foster
net, was wrinen by Roger Corman. DI,-£OO": Rle h ar,1 Marqll,md
KP;EENW"!TEP.5: Jimmy S~ng" lcr,
LEATHER GIRLS, See Patrie Tilley, P'lUl Wh~·ele r
M iI).:I.!"l~ Walsh
Californ ians Kath<lrine Ross <Inc! 5,1111
LFAVEHER TO HEA VEN Ell iott go 10 England and h:come in-
1945 20th Century- Fox volved wi th a gr,l\I r of s:lTa ni st~ who
I'I'.ODOCo.: William A. Bacher hegin d ying in a variet y <If gr:lrhic
oe'-l:cro,,; John M. Siahl w~lyS. It '~ ,.11 bcmg done hy an ancient ,
SCiU:ENWI'JTE": Jo Swerling ug ly, hdriddcn m,m (Juhn St<mding) .
Technicolo r film noiT to ld in flashback. In o ne clc\"<'~r death schenK. Ih ..' ~ ur ­
Gene Tierney will do anything to avoid f..ICC of a swimming pllol lurn ~ solid
sharing her writer husband (Cornel whil ... :1 WOTn:m druwm below. Pretty
Wilde), who resembles her latc father. had. Rugl'r Daltrcy of TIll" Wh,) is in
She lets his crippled brother (Darryl I t. Marqu and directed The Refilm of
Hickman) drown. throws herself down [hl' Jedl . (R)

1973 Vnwc rs,,'ll El'llcmunmen( BLOOD J/OUN'DtIN
PI\OOUC[WOIl\ECTO l\: C<lrl Monson 1965 Cmddock
K MENWWEI\: Eric Norden H.OOUCE": Don Hadll'y
AUO IUl£Ano M: Blof.,J Leg"':> DI"ECTO": Ma~sey Cr,lmer
The c hildren o f a millio naire must KMEHW"ITEM: MOI$5ey Cmmer,
spend a week in his house in order to ~n Hadley, Boh Corle y
gain their inheritance. John C<lrr<ldinc Geo rge Elli s of Thr Old Glli!(!r is
is the father. The cast members (lnclud· Besroin k Dooley, a small-wwn reporter
ing Faith Domcrgue and Jeff Morrow who meets pretty girls and a monster
from This Is/and Earth) die. With while scouting for a story. Zenas Sea rs,
Merry Ande rs ilnd Buc k Krmari :m . Glenda Brunson of Speed l..wers, Eri n
See: The Ghastly Ones and Le,llacy of Flem ing, and Sheila Stringer co-slar.
Blood (below), Filmed on location at Stone Mounta in
and Lake Spivey, Georgia. - CB
1978 Ken Lmc Films THE LEGEND OF
Andy Milligan 1973 Howco lnternarional
~ODlfC EWDI"[CTO": Charles 8. Pierc.e
A Staten Island-silO[ pcrioo fi lm alxlut
S(M[HWmn: Earl E. Smith
a group of people who gather to nod
ot lt aoout an ir)hcrirancl'. One of them A doc udrama abollt a Bigfoot tyf'l! in
is a killer who wanfS to do in all the Fouke, Arkansas. Not bad for this son
orhers. The trouhle is that you have to o( thing- until you sec the creaTUre.
sit through one of the worM written, Rel1lm to BOg,!,')1 Cree.k came out in '7 7.
acted, and directed films to reach the
gory cl imax, where people get sawtxi, LEGEND OF HELL HOUSE
knifed, axed, and punctured. Mi lligan 1973 20th Century-Fox (England/U.S.)
also served as editor and c inematogra- H.OOUCEM: Albert FennelL
pher on this fi lm, which is a remake of Norman T. Herman
his The Ghastly Ones. ( R) -AF
DIMCTo": John Hough
KM[NWNTEI'.: RlchOlrd Math~'son
Richard Matheson adapted hi s own
THE LEGACY OFJIAGGIE novel (or this good psychic pheno m-
WALSH, See THE LEGACY. ena thriller, which is very si milar to
Th ~ Huunting ("63). New Zealander
Clive Revi ll plays the o nly psychic
LEGACY OF SAli1N investigator who remains both alive
197 j I}.lmiano FLlm~
and sane after spend ing time in Hell
Gemrd Damiano House. Yean; later, a dying mill ion-
aire. convinces him to go back with a
A dull item from the pretentious cre-
new team, including his wife (Gflylc
ator of The Devil in Missjones. The sex
i-I linnicur), a menta l medium ( Pamela
has been mmtiy edited out a nd what's
Franklin), and a physical medium
left is the usual sa tanic-cult SlUff.
(Rodd\' McDowall). Locked in the
windowless house, they're terrorized
LEGEND OF BWOD CASTLE, by ghosts and ectoplasmic material-
See F&lIALE BUTCHER. iza tions. British chi ld sta r Franklin

(The Innocelits. '61; The Nanny, '65; A young IXll nter on vacation in Bavaria
Ollr Muther' s H UllSt'o. '67) parricip,Ltes encou nrer~ the "Spider Goddess" ,lOd
m a horro r-movie first -~e x with an sc i en{l~ t s who kill with spider Vl'oom.
invIsib le ghost. The weird ending fea -
tllres ,m unhil lcd si lent role by MIChael
Gough. [, was the on[y film made hy
ex-AlP founder James Nicholson for
his own Academy Picture~. N icho[son GOLDEN VAiIlPlRES
died in '73. 197 3 H ~mmt'rIShnw Bmthcn-
Dy n~llli!c En tertainrn':n!
(EngianJ/Hong Kong)
~EIU: Dun Hnllj.(hwn. Vcc KlIlg Sh~w
DlkEC10k: R\.}' Ward &,keT
1 97JJ~ck II.Lrn. AUO kELEA~£O AS: The Sel'ell Brotht'T~ M eet
",oouCU: B:L rf1 e~' Ro~·tl:WCL!-l
OI~EC10k: John Ne"'I..uld
~ k[[NWkITU: MeivUl Levy It 's roo bad the world's first kung-fu
OPJGI NAUY Ml£ASEO AS: Who F ean vampi re fi lm had to wait six ye<JTS for
lit.! Dt'111! a U.S. release. It's an excit ing period
A wandering hallad singer in tilc Appa. iletio n·fantasy ~ t il rring Peter C ushing
lac hians encounters a giant demon bi rd as Professor Van !-Ielsing. He's joined
and bbck m;lgic. DlreCi ed by the host by David Chiang. Julie Ege. and a
of the Olle Sfep Bc)'orul show. With f,unily (cam of m,\TIial-arrs e xperts who
S lI ~an Strasht'rg, Denver P)·k . Hedge help him to defeat an ('nd[ess suppJ)· of
Capers. and Severn Da rdl~n . Sped al skeleton -bced pe asant gho ul s. Th e
effects by Gene Warren (The Time hcroes chop the creatures kung fu - stylc
M ad!!lIe). and pull the heans from their rOf ted
bodies. The ghouls are slaves of a group
of masked vampires aided by Dracula
THl! LEGEND OF himself (J oh n Forbes Rohenso n) . Bet-
LIZZIE BORIJEN ter than any of the last Hammer Dracula
1975 TV movies and an exci ting mart iakHts
",ODUCEk: G~'''rge u,·fl.hirl' advcnture. ( R )
DIUCTO k : Paul Wcndkos
KM[NWklTE~: William B.1St
Elizaheth Montgomcry SUITS as a [9th·
century psyc ho who hacks up her par- LEGEND OF
ents with an ax after carefully removing THE WEREWOLF
her clothes to aVOid bloodstains. Fairly 1975 (En!lbmd)
shocking for a TV movie, it won sev- PkOOUCEk: Kevin FranCIS
eral Emmies. Wuh Ixm Porrer, Fritz DlkECTOl'.: Freddie Fmncis
SCk[[H'Ilr(PJl{ k: John Eldt'r
Weaver, Ed FI;mdcrs, and John Beal.
A period film set in Paris with Peter
C u;:.hing as a police pathologist "fter a
TIlE LEGEND OF werewolf (David Rintoul). This wo lf-
SPIIJER FOREST man looks a lot lih· O li ver Reed d id .
1976 New Line (England ) With Ron Moody. Hugh Griffith, Roy
DIMCT~: Peler Sykes Castle, and Pamel a Green. Not released
OPJGINAllY kElUS[O AS: VelUJI'Il theatrica lly in America.

THE LEGEND OF kids attending. With Carolyn Brandt
THE WOLF WOAlAN (Steckler's wife).
1977 Dimeru;ioo (Spain)
DrAlCTOASO.£EN\vMU.: Rlno 01 S i]ve5lro
OIJoGINAU.Y mu.s£D AS: La Lupa Mannurtl 1974 Media Cinema
A preu y sleazy sex- horror movie that Pf.OOUCEk: Rober! Fern
begins with a naked woman growing DI~CTO": Richard Blackburn
hair all over her body, foaming al the SCU[N'ItINTtAS: Richard Blackburn.
mo uth . and killing a villager. Two Robert Fern
hundred years later another woman, AlSO k(I.£ASEO 1.$:TIu! Legendary Case of
supposedly possessed by her spirit, runs Le!nora. Lady Drawla
around murdering people and detectives During the InOs in Georgia a female
Try [0 solve the crimes. It was released vampire (Leslie Gilb) tricks a lJ-year-
here in '81 to compete with The Howl. old church singer (Cheryl Smith) into
ing. ( R) vis iting her home in the woods. This
interesti ng low-budget oddity (eatures
ghoul-like beast people and a sensual
LEGEND OF WITCH vampire whose followers are little
HOLLOW, See THE chi ldren. The Ca tho lic Film Board
WITCHAlAKER. gave it a condemned rating. Director
Blackburn also plays a preacher. Cheryl
(Rainbeaux) Smith is also in Caged Heal
and PhanfaSm Comes Again, an Austra-
THE LEGENDARY CASE OF lian porno featu re.


Pf.OOUCEpJOIMCTOA: Ray Denrns Steckler
K'-££N\VfJTEP.S: Ron Haydock. Jim Harmon
A wacky Southern California imitation
of the Bowery Boys from the makers of
The Incredibly Strange CrealuTes. This
homemade feature combines I wo 16mm
shorts starring friends and neighbors of
the director, who appears himself under
the name Cash Flagg. Steck ler/Flagg
looks a lot like Humz Hall. H e and the ,
gang have a race and run into a beat-
nik spy, a mummy. a gorilla, a vam-
pire lady, and spacemen. When the
film was first shown in [heaters, peo_
ple in monster costumes ran into the
audience, probably delight ing the

THELEOPARD ,ILAN A 12-)"l':lr-o ld nrph,m (I'd' C;1 r.h. l.tter
194JRKO(B&W) Ihe srar (,f Hurror HIgh) wh., h;h 11M
P"OOIJC£"; Vall.'"hm mherll,'.! ,I (o rtune I~ trappe,1 ,10 an I ~'
OiMCYO" : JaC4uCS Tllurn~lIT land with hiS unci.· (Nigel Green). <I
K " [[HW'-JTE" : ArJd \(Ira) (ormer BrHl ~h tnlclltgence cmnm,mder
The ads prollll!>l...u: "The bIO<:lll-nICHlg who mlenJ:. w kdl hUll. A }"IIllJ,: girl
story of a mamac who ki lls Iih';1 car!" (Mary Badh.lm (mm Tv Kill a Mo(.·km..:--
An unco n ventIOnal. h<llJnllng fil m bird) IS ,he hn)" ~ only <til } .. galll~1 th,'
••OOUI a killer \("opJrd loose in New sarca~tLC uncle , wh,.",e" hyrn')II~m, a
Mexico. It includ('s the (:l1nous scene pool of ~harh, hre, ,l1ld pll l :.<lIl mu,h-
of:l mother "pullI,hmg" her ltnie girl roums as wearxlll~. It\ dlfieTent. \'i/ilh
by nlll unklCkmg the fronl door to kl Nestor Pa1\';1.
her III at Illght. A ll the ;iudlencc OrCc~
during her ordea l is hlood trickling
under the d(lor. With black-hooded
monks and one of ,he b.'Sf tT<lppeJ-m- LET'S ROCK!
a-ceme l ery ~cqucnccs ever. Denn is 1958 C"ll.mb la (B&W)
O'Keefe, Jean I3wu b. ,lOci Ivbrgo sta r.
!>Ck[[NWkITEk; Il ,d H. ICk,h.l)
Based 1)0 a Corne ll W()()\rich story. ALSO kHEASEO Alo: /o..:4.'el) Ir Cool
Phyllis Newman hclr~ billlad ~Ingcr
Julius La Rm;1 sell rccufI.b 111 rl fl)c k 'n'
LESBIAN Tl fIINS, See THE roll wurkl. 1 J,)ubt If tim 111(1\'le 11<"ll'c(/
VI RGIN WI TCH. hun TIlllch i n re,ll h(c. \'(/,llCh II fur Ih;;-
RUFI I T('('n ~ (dOing "ShuTt Sh()rt~"!),
[);rnny and the Junll )h ("At the H')r'·),
Piml Ank.r, Roy Hami lton. Ddla R~...'-.c,
and '50s deep) Wmk Mrlrtlnd,IIl', ' 11 11 }ulnu l.n R"Sd III Lei's
19i9 H\gl.::nc hlrm
~n nmn~ h>lIJ}' u n T V qUI: .. h llw:,. Rock.
If't")lI h<lve a stro ng sltlmach ,IIlJ a taste
fo r the hmmo.:, IIM)k for dl l ~ tacky SI.:x-
change (c;uure, a modern cqlllv"lent
of Ukll or Glendt.. A h UlIlllrless and
~ Ic<l zy documentary, 1t'~ hosleJ hy a
"real" Joctor who sho\\'~ ;nlervkw~ with
rc:tllr:ms~cxllal~ I'<.'(ore ,md a(ll'r their
operatitl[l ~ (also shuwn), and slUck fOOl-
<lge fr~)111 r)ew ~Tl'l'l ~ and grainy porno
film~, A LeI Mol Die (I \'(/V/fl(!n raper-
hack hook W;l ~ ~Il ld at the hox offi ce.
For once, the hype ("Sec a ma n he-
cnmc "woman be(ore your eye,,") wa~
tTue . lU n .... I'..J)


1966 Unll'cn,.11
AAOOUC[ IV'OIlI.ECTO 't W.llmm Ca~{It"
Kp'[[HWf,.tTlP,: MMk R(ldl!o:r~

1959 ColumbIa (B&W)
Sam Kal lma n
OlklCT~: Arthur Dreifuss
KklEHWMEA: R1chard Baer
Edd Byrnes, then famous as " Kookie"
o n 77 SImser Snip, sta rs with Mark
Damon and Ann Doran Oimmy's moth-
er in Rebel Wilhow a Cause) in what
was advertised as "a fam ily drama of
adolescent love." Watch for it. With
LUflna Anders and Dormhy Johnson.

1966 Woolner Brothers (I taly/Spain )
PkOOUCEP.: Alfonso Balcamr
OlklCTOk: Antonio Margheriti
KklEN'W'kITUS : Alfonso Balcazar,
J ~ Antonio de la Lorna
AilO k[lEASED AS: Operationc
A spy thriller concerni ng sabotage at
Cape KCnnL-dy, an underwater city, and
froz en womcn. Slar A ntho ny Eisley is
Zohra Lampert $/aQ in LET'S SCARE JESSICA TO an unhe ralded hero of many cheap
Let's Scare Jessica TO DEATH horrors.
Death. 1971 Paramount
MODlICW: Cha rl~ B. Moss, Jr., LILA, S.. JlfANTIS IN LACE.
William Badalto
~: No rman Jonas, Ralph Rose 1951 Monogram (B&W)
Called an unsuccessfu l mixture of Car- ",oooC[I.:Walter Mmsch
wool of Souls and Night of Ute Ul'ing DI~CT~KklEN\/IAIT£k: Ford Beebe

Dead, t hi s debut by direclOr Jo hn Bombfl (Jo hnny Sheffield ) saves sacred

Hancock ( Bang the Drum Slowly) is an cats fro m corrupt hunters played by
enjoyable shocker. Zohra Lampert , re- Morris Ankrum and Douglas Kenned y.
cently released ftom a menta l hospita l, He also saves Ann Todd.
purchases a fann in Connecticut with
her classical musician husband. Her ten- LISA AND THE DEVIL, See
uous grip o n reali ty cnlmbles with the THE HOUSE OF EXORCISJlf.
arrival of a strange guest (G re tchen
Corbett) who turns out to be a fem ale THE LI1TLE GIRL WHO
vampire. Lampert stands o ut in a cast LIVES DOWN THE LANE
of stage and soap-opera actors. 1977 AlP (Canada)
H.ODUCU: Zev Braun
LICENSED TO KILL, See OlklCTOk: Nicola$Gessne r
AGENT IN THE WHOLE Fiftcl>n-year-old Jodie Foster is [he 13-
WIDE WORLD. rear-old girl of the title. She lives alo ne

in an isolated house and kills people cide .... " A wo nder with the ultimate
who threaten her. With Martin shft'n. hypochondriac mother, a jun kyard
chase, and the world's most famous talk-
LITl'LE RED RIDING HOOD ing plant. Every time it's on television ,
AND THEAfONSTERS school kids go around yelling, "Feed
1960 K Gordon Mlirrar (Mexico) me! ['m hung ry!" the next day. Not to
~~DtUCTOk: Roberto Rodrl~ue: be missed . In 1982, it became an Off-
SCU[N"IVPJT('-S: Fernando MoralesOrtit. Broadway musica l in New York. Script -
Aldolfo Torre$ Portillo writN Griffith had 10 ~ue for credit.
ALSO ~D AS: C~lla 'J Pu/g<lrClfO
Liule Red Riding Hood (Maria Garcia) LlVEA LITTLE,
and Tom Thumb fight a vampi re and a LOVEA LITTLE
witch in a haunred forest! O ne of three
Hood movies malle the same year in ~oDUCU.: Douglas Lawrence
Mexico and shipped up here like clock- DIUCTOll: No rman TauTOg
work in the mid-'60s to warp the mind~ so,EENWl\tTo.: Mu: h ~el A . Hoer
of little kids who~e parents wanted to As Greg, Elvis is a photographer lead-
go Christmas shopping o r whatever. [n ing a douhle life working both for a
color! PlayboY -lYre magazine (run by Don
Pon er) and for conservative publisher
THE LITTLE SHOP Rudy Vallee. In an attempt ro be more
OF HORRORS "hep," Elvis sleeps with model Michelle
1960 Filmgroup ( 13&W) Care)' and says ·'damm it" a few rimes
",OOUCEPJ DIMCTOP.: RogC'r Conmlll in this horclcssly out-of-it movie. With
SCIl[[NWIUT(Il:Char1e~ Gn(IHh
Dick Sargent , Sterling Ho lloway, and
Co rman's cult-classic comedy was a Celeste Yarnall. One of the fo ur songs
follow-up to Blldu' [ of Blood., and used is '·Edge of Reality."
the ~ame music (by Fred Katz) and the
sa me scriptwriter. Jonathan Haze. a fa- LlVEAGAlN, DIEAGAIN
mi liar face in many C orman films, stars 19i4 TV
as Seymour Krelboing, a fl orist's ddi\,- ",OOUC[Il: Rol'>e rt F. O ·Neili
ery boy who gains respect, minor fame, DII\ECTOk: Richard A. Colla
and Audrey, an equally d,mwnted girl- SCkEEN"IVPJT(k: Joseph Stt·fano
friend (Jackie J o~ep h ). by nurtu ring Donna fl..ltlls IS th~I\n.-d out "fter 30 years
Audrey, Jr., a rare planr that needs in thI S futuflstic soap opera. She has a
human blood. The 70- minute film, to ugh time dealing with her o ld hus-
which was shor in two and a h" lf day~, hand (WaITer Pidgeon) and her grown-
is crowded with great gags and ch arac- up kids (Vcra Miles and Mike Farrell).
ters. Mel Welles is Gravis Mushnik, skid
row /lower-shop owner. (, OTS PlANT::; LIVEANDLETDIE
-CHEAP, says thl' sign on the door.) 1973 United Artl~ts (En~land)
Buckel of Blood. ~ta r Di ck Miller is ",ODUCEM: A Ih('rt R. Broccol i,
Fouch, a customer who eat~ flo wers. Ilarl)' S~lltzman
Jack Nicholson has a ~rea l bit as a mas- DlUCTOll: Guy ll.lmtlton
ochistic demist's patient named W il- SCU[NWkITEIl: Torn M,lI1klC'wic:
bur Force. It all bcgms with d Dragnet Roger Moore, TV's "Saint," lakes over
parody: "My name l~ Sgt. Joe Fin k. I rhe 007 role. Fo llowing o n the hecls
work on a 24-hour shift down at homi- o( cumlcal D,lVld Niven, fo rgettable

Mikt Connors ill LIve
Fast, Die Young.

George L"lzenby, andoUl-of-shape Sean ~hing about this whole movie. Fonner
Connery, Moore looks preny good. nlis Beatles producer George Martin scored
time, the villains are all black. The ac- [he music.
tion takes place in New Orleans, Har-
lem, and Jamaica. Yapher KotTo, as LIVE FAS1; DIE YOUNG
Kammga, is fI~ing the U.S. with 1958 Um\'ersal (B&W)
heroin. 007 Stops him (I wonder who's ",oouco.s: Harry Rybnick, Richard Kay
supplying il now). Kono is filled up like OlklCTOA: Paul Henreld

a balloon and explodes. The wrilers SCk£[tfI.\IM"IM: Allen Rivkin, Ib Melchior

must have stolen that idea from a Three Norma Eberhardt runs off to a sleazy
Stooges short where C urly is covered San Francisco dive and almost gets
with tar and inflated. Attaining a new mixed up in an armed robbery before
height of sill iness, Jane Seymour as older sister Mary Murphy catches up.
Solitaire can tell the future as long as The ads claimed it was the "sin-steeped
she remains a virgin. Bond, of course, story of t()(Jay's beat generation!" With
ruins her plans to tell fortunes (or a Mike Connors, Troy Donahue, and
living. The character of J.W. Pepper, Dorolhy Provine. Co-released with Girls
a comic redneck sheriff, wou ld fit right Oil the Loose, also from director Hen-

in on The Dukes of Hanard, bur in a reid. -CB

spy movie! Geoffrey Holder is IXlron
Samedi, a \'~oo god. David Hcdison LIVE IT UP, See SING AND
(Vo)'age fo the Botlom of the Sea ) takes SWING.
the C IA-man rol e. With Madelin e
Sm ith. Paul McCartney wrore and per- LIVE TO LOVE, See THE
formed the hil Iheme song, [he bcSI DEVIL'S HAND.

THE LIVER EATERS, See aCteT in a StOry about a Coun try roc k
SPIDER BAR Y. SlaT in a ~li tt e r jump suit. He h as a ma-
nipulative manager, takes pil ls, and
THE LIVING COFFIN sings with the dubbed-in voice of Roy
1958 K. Gordon Mum \' (Mexicu) Orhison. His gi rlfriend is Ginger Alden,
PI\QOUCU: Cesar Santos Glt lindo form et fi ancee of the real Elvis. If you
OII\£CTO": Fnnandu Mende: live in the Northeast the only way you'll
KP..EENWNTU.: Ramon ObOn sec Earl 's lo w-budget North Carolina
AI.5O Mtu.5EO AS: £/ GrIf() de
/a Mlu.-rte movies b o n cable.
A girl has an alarm inst'J llcd 111 her eof-
fi n in th is " PremalU rc Buna l" -I }'pe
stOI)'. Presemcd by the im port e r o f Utile LIZZIE
Red RUling Hood (lnd the Mon.m'T5. 1957 MGM (B&W)
,""ODUCU: J e tr~· Bresler
OIIU(TOk: Ilugo I {aas
1942 Mono~Tlun (B&W)
PIIODUCEI'.: A.W. Hnclcl Eliwbeth (Eleanor Parker), a shy sickly
OIIl..[CTOI\: W il li am BcauJinlo museum employee, has a spli t person -
K kUNWklTEI\: Joseph HI,ffman ality. A s Beth, she's a happy, well -
A man becomes a ":.c icntific killer" (3 ad justed woman . A s Lizzie , she's a
zom bie). James Dunn clowns around hell-raising p:m y girl who writes threat-
and Joan Woodhury gets scared. With en ing len ers. Her alco holic aunt (joan
Minerva U reca!' Blondell ) and a kind neighbor (di rector
Haas) ra ke her to a psychiatrist (Richard
THE LIVING HEAIJ Boone), who discovers a sord id tra u-
1959 K. Gordon Murrny ma tic incident in her past. Songs by
(M~ xico) (B&W) Burt B.1chamch and H al David, Sling
I'kOOUC(k: Ahcl Sa Lt .,!T by Johnn y Mathis. It's the only Hmts
DIIU:CTOfl.: Chanto U rU l'W movie (hat received ,Illy serio us not ice.
KUENWIIJTH.5: Frederic k C lIri.::!, Basc:d on The Wrd' s Nest by Shirley
A. Lope: Portillo Jackson. The Three Faces of Eve was re-
OIllGIHAllY k[LLASED AS: / C:We~<l V11 'lcnlt'
leased the same year.
The heads of Cat I, ;m Azrec chief. and
his grand priest aTe found in a lOmb.
They come to life, placing a woman WCK UP YOUR DAUGHTERS
under a spell , and human sacrifices 1956 New Realm (B&W)
begin . With Germa n Rohles and Abel ,""OOlK£1l: SamKat:m,on
Salazar, both horro r SHlrs south of the Bela Lugosi made nearly a dozen classi-
border. It wasn't releascd in Engl ish cally inept (e<lt ures for the Monogra m
umil'69. studiOS. Fast -th inking Sam Katzman
hired the quickl y f:ldi ng star to narrate
LIVING LEGEND this compiiat ion fi lm contain inx scenes
1980 E. O. Corporation fro m six of them (including The Ape
,""oouca: Earl Owcnsn~' Man and The Voodoo Man). [n the
DlU:(TOk: Wort h Keete r " ne"," footage. Bela refe rs to this for-
scp'[[HWM"Ek: Tom M clmyr e gon en cash -in :Inempt a~ his obiluary.
Earl Owensby (who prcviously sta rred He died the year it W<lS released, not
in e ight of his own movies) plays a knowing hIS next and last fi lm would
thinly disguised Elvis Presle)·- trrx' eh ;lr- be Pkm 9 frvrn Owa Space, which opens

with a brief home-movie clip of him LOGAN'S RUN
shot a few days before he d ied. 1976MGM
PP.OOUC£k; Saul David
DIMCTO,": MIchael Anderson
LOCUSTS SCM[~I1U; [>':I\'id Zeelag Goodman
1974 TV
pp'oOlIC[k; Herber! Wright Righi up there wi th the same year's
OIAECTOk; Richard T. H effron KOllg remake. A much·publicized big-
SCJ.(EM\IIM"[k; Robert M~lcolm Young budget bus!. Michae l York did this
G rasshoppers land on Ben Johnson, in between his other terrible fantasy
Ron Howard, and Belinda Balanski and flops-Lost Horizon and The Is/and 0/
des u oy the harvest in their Midwest- Dr. Moreau. The futuristic togalike cos-
ern farming community in this TV tumes arc ugly, the sequence wi th Peter
terror film. Ustinov living in the ruins of Wash-
ington, D.C., bri ngs groans (rom the
aud ience. and the robot (Roscoe Lee
THELODGER Brown) wouldn' t make it in an o ld
1932 Olympic (England) (B&W) serial. Jenny Agutter also ~tars and gets
PkODUCo.: Juliu> Hagan to fight the film's best-loved star-F:1r-
DtAECTOk: Maurice Elvcy
rah Fawcett-Majors. The magnificent
SCk£ENWkrn:lU: Paul Rutha, Miles Mander
ci ty of the future is ac tually a Dallas
AUO k£L£AS(D AS: ThR Phantum F it'lid
shopping mall. Hard to beliew w,1,'"Cln's
Musician \vor Novello, a lodger in
Run acmall~' spawned a TV ~how.
an o ld couple's house, is suspected of a
se ries of killings in th is remake o f
Hitchcock's 1926 silent classic. Jack
Hawkins is a reporter. TIle film was re- LOLA'S ,If/STAKE, See THIS
released with a more exploitable title REBEL BREED.
(see above). Nonetheless, few in the
U.S. have seen it.
THE LODGER 1965 COlltlllen tal (B&W with
1944 20 Ccnrury.Fox (S&W) color SCl./ucnces)
PkOOUCEk: Rober! Bas.~ler PkODOCEtVDIMCTOk; Everett Chambers
DIAECTO,": Joho Brdhm ~[[ NW"ITEIU; Ewrctt Chambers,
SC"[[HWklTE": Barre Lydon Don Gordon
Excellent remake of Alfred H itchcock's An abandoned nine-year-old girl (Clrol
1926 film based o n Mari e Belloc- Sellinger) is hefriended by a boxer on
wwndes' novel. In 19th-century Eng- his way to Los Angeles. He hopes to
land, L<lird Cregar rcnt~ ~t r(X)!1l at the reclaim his life savings from his dead
ho me of an old couple. Unlike earlier sister's drug-addict boyfriend. Color se-
versions of the story, here he reall y is quences result from yOtlng Seflinger's
Jack the Ripper. With Merle Oberon, peering through candy wrappers, con-
George Sanders, Sir Cedric Hardwicke, rrllSting her rosy outlook with that of
&tra Allgood, and Skelton Knaggs. The her wo rld-weary friend. With Don
film was so popul ar (and big Laird GOTLlon, George Sawaya, John Marley,
Cregar was so good) that he and &.tnders Midge Wa re. and Lee Philips. Sally
returned in a similar lut. H angover Kellerman sings "If You Lo~e Me" and
Squme. "When I Sec a Rainbow." - CB

TElLi LONELY HEA RTS C<!USl' he h <ld scd uced hi s innocent

KILLERS, See THE gi rlfriend (13,lfb,lTa BcI Geddes) . T he

HONE I'tlIOON KILLERS. police dun't understand. A n:~ ll1ake of
the Fre n ch classic I.e j rHlr Se live
LONELY /IfAN Sec FIVE (1939). With Ann Dvomk and Elisha


1959 Br~nncr (I3&W) 1968 C mcr:lma (Ital\!)
Richard Ilill1.lrJ K'-U~I 'W: R,,~ rt{) Natale,
A pS ~'c hl :u r; st 's daughlcT is takl'n (0 a S ' C\·c Rcc\'cs
(ores! ludeout by a ki ller m:mmc. He O~IGINAli Y "ULAnD Ai: VIt () per It!
finds h er father's card in her purse and TIUI .~t (lTI.'
goes into town to confess, but is killed Fo rmer Hercules SIeve Reeves co-wrote
aftL'T being follo wed home by the psy- thi ~ \'(Ie.' tern in which he stars a~ a man
c hi ,lIml and his brothe r- a notorious who IS unjustl y ja iled . H e eSC;ll'es and
Pcepin~ Tum. D irCCfOT Hilliard later singk- h.mdcdly kil ls all the real horsc
wo rked \lmh Del Tenney in Clnnecti- ru~ l1crs and killers. Wit h Rosalba Neri
cur . Jm~ct lll g Ps),chomanlll and writ- ami Sil vana Venlurelli . It was the last
mg: the ~ rccn p1ay for The HUTTOf of movlc for the American hero of Italian-
Pan)' Beach. -CB llIade :ldve n tures popular at Saturday
!ll;l!inecs Juring the early '60s. He re-
LONG DlSVlNCE lire.1 t\ ) a ranch to rai ~e horses. (R)
Ii)W Alan Entcrpri!<s (W. Gc rman rl
tncl,mJ) (B&W)
OIIl,£CTO,,: AlVin Rakuff THE LONG WAlT
AlSO "ELLAUO M: H ot M one)' Girl,
1954 UnlleJ Arllm (B&WI
P~OOUC[~; Lc~ r Sanlud s
'flu.' Trea5UT<' of San Tt'T<'511
Vinor Savi lle
DUring the war. Eddie ConSTantine, an KU[N\II~rT[l\S; Alan Green, Les....:r Samuds
America n 0 . 5.S . man, hides some
A M ic key S pillane a.bpt:l tion abo ut a
pricdl'sS jewels in OJ Czech monaster y
hitchhiker who lo~c s hi S memory and
for a German resistance fighter. A fter
h is fac e in a fi ery highway smashup.
the W<l r, he rerum s to rc tTl eve them,
A nthony QlJinn, who IS tr}'111~ to clear
onl y {(l find that the monastery is now
himself o f a ro bbery/murJcr cha rge.
a Commu n ist police ~ t a ti o n . With
traces II photo of hirn~lf to a strange
Dawn Addams, Christopher Ll'e, and
town where, after plaSTic surgery, he
Tsai C hin.
must figure Oll t which of four womcn is
hi ~ ex - wife . With Charlcs Coburn,
THE LONG NIGHT Gene E\·ans. and Pcg.r;:ie Castle. -CI3
1947 RKO (8&W)
P1\OOO(£M: Rohe n and RaYIII\md Haloam.
Anarnlc Lln'ak THE LONGEST DAY
OIM:CtO~: An.l tole Litvak
1961lOth Centul)" Fox
KM[N\II~IT(~:John Wcxlq F. Zanuck
P~OOU([~: 1>..HT~· 1
Vin cent Price is a second- ratc blond( !) Dlkl CTOM: Ke n Annak in, Ikrnh,lrd WlCki,
ma~i cia n in a bleak Midwcstern mill GcrJ Osw;lld, Darryl F. bnllck
town. Ex-G l Henry Fonda kills him be- sa[[N\II~IT~: Cornehu.l R Y(1Il

The cast of this famous D-day epic of Satan. The cast is rounded out by
includes (to menrion just a few) C urt Broderick Crawford, Tina Louise, and
Ju rge ns. Peter Van Eyck, and Gert Donna Mi lls. How aoout a TV sequel
Frobe as Germans; Jea n Serva is and 10 Repulsion, too?
Jean-Louis Barrault as Frenchmen; Sean
Connery, Christopher Lee, RIchard
Todd. Leo Getm. and Richard Burton as
Englishmen; and Ray Danton, Tommy
Sands, Mark Damon, Tom Tryon, 5;:.1 1981 Warner Brothers
P«.OCXJCER: Howard Jeffrey
Mim:o, Paul Anka, Mel Ferrer, Richard DIP..ECTOIIISCP..EENWRlTD.: Michael
Beymer. Fabian, and Stuart Whitman
More slick science fict ion from the
as Americans.
writer-director of West world and Coma.
Thi$ yarn about subliminal advertising
LOOK IN ANY WINDOW on T V is his silliesr. Beautiful models
1961 Allied Artists (B&W) are murdered and duplicated by a com-
PRODUCEPS: William Alland, puter. Why ? You ~ot me. As the Ame ri-
Lawrence E. Mascot! can plastic-surgeon hero, Albert Finney
DIP..ECTOR: Wilkun Albnd reams up with a model (Susan Dey of
KREEHWRITER: LawTenc!: E. Mascot! The Partridge Family) to find the killers.
Ruth Roman is watering hl'r lawn when James Coburn heads the conglomerate
neighoor Jack Cassidy pull s up in his behind the mu rders. Le igh T aylor-
BMW 507 and offers a high time in Young runs the research institute. With
Las Vegas. They embrace wildly. While some PUIYboy playmates, stun gUllS, in-
they're away, C"lssidy's daughter Gigi visible bad guys, and DaTT)·1 H ickman.
Perrcau fa lls through a glass· lOp patio
table while fleeing a P(.'Cping Tom. And
Ruth and alcoholic husband Alex Nicol
examine their suburb-.m lifestyle follow- LORD LOVEA DUCK
ing son Paul A nka's capture by plain- 1966 United Artisls (B&W)
clothesmen. With Carole Mathews,
KREENWAAERS: Larry H. Johnson.
Robert S,lmpson, and George Dolem. G<.'Orgc Axelrod
Anka sings the ti tle song. The swim-
A sometimes-black comedy making fun
suits arc by Rose Marie Reed. -CB
of California '60s life-styles, exploita-
tion movies, and rock music, by the
LOOK WIMT'S HAPPENED writer of the plays Seven Year Itch and
TO ROSE'AIARY'S BABY Will Success SPOil Rock Hunter? Roddy
1976 TV McDowa ll tells the story in flashback ,
PRODUCERl scREENWlIJTER: Anthony Wil:;on from the psycho ward to which ht:'s
DIP..ECTOR: Sam O'Steen been committed after bulldozing a high
AlSO kElEMEO AS: ROWlllary'~ /Jalry II school graduation ceremony. He had'
Don't go out of your way to see this devoted his life to fulfilling every wish
shoddy "sequel" with Ruth Gordon re- ofT uesday Weld. She gets her cashmere
tlIrning to repeat her origina l ro le. sweaters, joins a sorority, passes her
Ray Milland is her husband. Parry courses, marries a handsome senior, and
Du ke rakes ovcr thc Mill E m ow role lands a smrring role in Bikini Widow.
and George Maharis is her h usband. With Lola A lbright, Ruth Gordon ,
Stephen Mc Hattie is the grown-up son Harvey Ko rman, and Manin West.

Tuc"Jay nexT playt:d ,mother pcrfl'(( by Bcrnll! J-l,ulHho n of Srarsky and
Amencan girl II) I'UIlJ I'vi$()lL. Hutch. WHh Jac k Star rett. (R) - CB


1'65 A llied ."rlh! S (B&W) )9'5 1 LIPI'.:rt (I3&W)
SIgl11lJlld :-.It'utdd
P(t.OOU CE(t.;

ForJ Beebe S,lIn N<:wlidd

K(t.((NWklTE(t. : Rlch,lTd H. Landau
Juhnny SheffielJ I' l ay~ B,)lHba t he
JlIngk' Boy for Ihe 1,1 ~ t time. He saves An at o miC nx:kct is lost on a plateau
.....1I11l· mon: cleph'lnh. \'(/irh \'(/ay ne
where an lillated dinosa urs ro.1m. Cesar
Romero org;umes a who's who of '50s
fI,'l llrn~ ,md Nancy I-blc. Sheffield. the n
science-fiction fi lm stars [0 joi n hi m 11)
24 . relm:J from .1((l ng .tIld Invested his
Ju ngle muncy III C .. llforn w re ;. l l·~ t ate. the search. Joh n 1-10\'1, Hugh Beau -
mont , and Whit Bisse ll are all there,
along with Il illar~' 13rnoke. They meet
LORD SH,tNGO the st ill l'xutic ,md heautiful Acqua-
] 9i5 Brpm!"n netta, whl! leads some of them tn safety.
PI\OOUCEI\S; Stew Bond. i{,lnol IJ llohh, The pl <it ... ,,!! ~ cquences were tinted
OIUCTOI\; R,II'mond M,Ir.h
green. Th l · ~I'ace~hip scenes arc from
SCI\£(N\Vl\lTEI\; 1',1ll1 C;lfI<'f 1l.lm.un
RockerShrlJ X-M. By the director of Th£
A nnncx piou at l\'c hlack horror fil m Terror of Tin )' Town.
that ~ uffered the .ame fa te as G(mja and
I fc ss-oblivion . In castern Tennessee, TilE LOST CON71NENT
M,lrlc ne C lark (,Iho III GIIII}«) anJ her
1968 I brlltll<:Tf20th Century-Fox
daughter (Avis McCrmhur) , who were (En)!hInJ)
mlsed as Ch ri s tian ~, :lrc faced with Af- P(t.OOU C(WOI(t.(CTO~: MIchael Carrna,
m: .. n Ml pt'rstit ions ,md a tribal priest SCII.UNW(t.ITE(t.; Michae l Na,h
whu rl"turns to lifl'. Llwrencc Cook is An odJball <idvcnture-fanrasy based on
(Ilp-b illed <IS Shango. ( R ) UlidulT!ed S<!llS by Dennis Wheatley. A
lost I<lCe of c.mquisradors lives in a land
THE LOSERS of gtant pre historic crabs and jellyhsh.
19iO FanEttc A shirfu l .)f fm ntlc Britishers is enticed
PI\ODUCEI\; J~ Solollmn there hy living sc<twl..·•.·d. W ith Enc Por-
OII\£CTOI\; J,tCk S t aTTl'tt ter, Hildeboard Knd. Su:anna Leigh , and
XUUtWklH(t.: Alan C ell l"u Dan a G rlle!>ple.
M~ny consider this the ulti mate biker
him. Five Hells Angels with armored THE LOST HORIZON
choppt.'rs arc recTll1tcd by Ihc C IA for 1937 C.\llLl11hlil (B&W )
~rcci'l l proJCU ~ in C am]"k,lia - every- P(t.OOUC(WO!(t.(CTO(t.; Fran k Capra
tiling from hll~tir)j.: up na ti ve villages X(t.EENW"ITO: R"Ix'n RI ~km
to rescuing a Presid erHi:l 1 advisor C lassic version of James Hiltun's novel
from the Red C hinese. Dirt y Denny with Ronald Colman leaving the waT-
(Houston Savage) wants to tt·tum to h is rorn rt',11 world for a 19JOs Holly....-ood
("nlflte whorehouse. hut he and frie nds version of S h.mgri-la. Sam Jaffe is the
Lm k ( Will i am Smith). Duke (Adam H igh Lama. Margo is the wo ma n ..... ho
Rnarke) . Speed (Euj.:ene Corne lius), ages when she tries to leave. With Ed-
,mJ limpy (Paul K. >slo) die at the hands ward Everett Horton. Thomas Mitchell,
.If the Congo Capwi n Jilckson is played N oble Johnson, and Jane Wyman ,

, 31
1973 Columbl3 1934 RKO (B&W)
PP.ODUCU,: Ross Hum<:r H.OOUCEIIJ: John Ford, Menan C. G.lOr""'r
OIUCTOI\: Charles Jarrun DI'-100..: John Ford
SCA[[HWkm:1I.: b arry Krame r S(kEEN"""IJEA.: Dudley Nichols
A flop Illusical remake fro m the pro- After Arabs ki ll most o f a British pa-
ducerof AirporT. Peter Finch and hroth- trol ~tr<lnded In the Mesopotamian des-
e r Michael York go fO Shangri-la. ert during World \Var I. o nly three men
C harles Boyer i~ the High Lama. Jnhn aTe left: rhe ~e rgeant (Victor Macl..<lg-
Gidgud i ~ Chang. Olivia H uSSt,y ages len), Wallace Ford, and Boris Karloff.
rapidly. Sally Kcllcrm,1ll is a reporter. Karloff, a religious fanatic, is the first
George Kennedy (Airport) is the pilm. /0 ct:1ck. W ith Regin:1ld Denny :1m!
Bobby Van plays himself. ~, bad come- Alan Hale.
d ian. liv Ullman da nces and sings WiTh
kids. It 's long, although :l fenility LOST PLANET AIMIEN, See
da nce seque nce was remov(.'d after au- KING OF nlE ROCKETAIEN.
d ie nces laugh ed too much. With K"::IH
1949 Cnlurnbul (B&W)
DlkEOOI\: William Rerke
1959 Howco (B&Wl
S("EENWIUl(IIJ: Arthur Hoerl, Don Martln
PkODUClk: Charles M. Casinelll
OlkEClOk: Frank Myers The ads promised: "Africa's most sav-
Kk[£NWMrrk: Norm:lIl Graham age diamond huntl" As Jungle Jim.
Ken Cla~' ton stars as a yOlln~ aefOr who Johnny Weissmuller h.1trles crooks after
uses the time hetween johs for mman- the rre:1SUTe of [hallllll. A man in a
tic hijinks. His dates mclude Sandra gOrilla SUit helps. With M yrna Dell,
Giles, Lilyan C hauv in 0(BloOOlu51, and Elena Ve rdugo, and battles with a lion,
Ba rhara Wilson uf Inv(lsiUIi of the Ani- a tiger, and a shark l The " lost" Afn-
mal People. Producer Casine1J. also can n:11lveS :1re whi te.
backed lollisiana Hltss ~. - CI\
1950 Monogt:llu (ll&W)
1958 Unit",d Artists (U. S.lC.1nada) DII\[OO I\: Fur.1 Bed~
",OOUCEI\: lee Gordon SOHNWI\ITEI\: Jac k [kwlH
OlkECTOI\: Lester William Ikrk~
S(I\EENWI\IT£IIJ: John McP~rtland,
Bomb.. (Johnny Sheffield) saves a lit-
Jaomc Bi xb~' tle buy \Vho'~ been kidnaped. W ith
The tid e ~hi p, lau nched by un idemified o..mtlld Woods, Mtlrjorie LurJ. tlnd
Elena Vcrdu,l.!o.
Eastern Europeans , circles the globe at
5CXXl m.p.h., burning a IO-mile-wlde
groove aeross Earth's surface with New LOST WOJIEN, See ,IfESA OF
York :md Ottaw;! in its path. Ro~rt LOST WOJIEN.
Loggia puts together an anti missile m is-
sile but juvenile delinquents steal the 1HE LOST WORLD
\\·'Jrhead. With Ellen Parker. L'lIT)' Kerr, 1960 20th umury- l'ox
Philip Pint', Ma rilee Earle, and JI1e IrWin Allen
H ya m.~. -CB sa.EEHWMEIU; Irwm Allen, C1'I:Jrles Bennett

Arthur Con an [)uy[e's rate ()(:I [ lI.~r pla- m,mtlc comedy, ,,1,, 1with Piper (CWTIc)
Il',lll discov('H.'([ h}' stubborn old Profes- LHl n e (in he r fil m debut as Rn n's
:,or C hallenger. The 1925 \'el'l>lon used d,HlgIHe r) ,md Rwh Hussey. By the cll-
SI\I IHllotion ,1Il111lation and Includn r~'ctt)r o f Here Cumes Mr. )onum.'nes of , I on I nr \h:l u ru~ wreckIng Lu n -
d'ln. This o ne uscs pt.·I-store li:ards with
phunv tins anJ m'ver lea ves the rrehis-
1960 Hu,,'co (B&W)
tonc world. [n nne of hIs 1.lst roles.
Pf.OOU(ll'.: Charles M. C..slTldl .
C I.mJe Raim I:' rhe profes!>or whose ex- 011'.[00l'.: Lt."<., Shulcm
pedItion incluJes Mic hael Rennit·, Jil l Charles Lang
K I'..[EHWl'.ITEl'.:
SI. John , David H cd iwn, Fl'rrnndo Dangerous C ajun heauty ruins every life
Lam as, ,md Rich ;.rd Haydn. Allen was she touches . hreaking up fa milies and
llo";lIu"ly inspiTt.xi h}' the prevluus year's event ua ll y causi ng the suicide o ( a
slIndar hi r, )ollntey to the CelLtt'T IJf the you ng bride . Starring Nan Peterson ,
EaTrh. Scenes of Hed ison and a gIant with Robert Richa rds, Peter Coc of
spider hil er tlI rnl~d up in A llen's V(J),(lJ;t' Okefenokee , H arry L lllter, ,md Beny
to the ROllom of the Sea TV ~e Tle~.
Lynn (Barney Fife's girl T hclm<"l Lou
on The And)' Griffith Show). Howco also
THE LOS T WORLD OF made Girl with (.tn Itch and My \'(Iorld
Sf NBAlJ Dies Screaming. - CA
1'J64 TuholAIPOapan)
Pl'.OOUCEl'.: Yuk" Tanaka
011'..[001'.: Scnkichi T,m giguchi WVE AT HRST 8fTE
K IIUHWl'.lTEI'.: Tak.,.h l Kimur.1 1979 A lP
OAIGINAUY l'.Etu.Y:O AS: D.:mo~ul<.ll PAOOUCEl'.: Joel Freeman
A.UO l'.llEAYD AS: Smr1l<T(u Pm Jr.. OII'.[CTOA: S I an Dr... goll
As L\I~()n, a wealthy 16th-century Jar - KI'..[[HWl'.ITEl'..: Robom Kaufman
lln.:~e cit izen wrongl y condcmned to A comic vamp ire movie fo r Lolle 00(1/
death for piracy, Tmhiro Mifuno.: (">C,IPCS fans. G eorge Hnmil lon is the ollt-of-
and sceks revenge. He S;:lVes the rulers place Dr..c ula in modem M<lnhaltan .
of .111 Island from re,,1 pira'e~ and from A rte Joh nson docs his o..-,·igh t Fryc
II WItch who c h ,mgc~ mto a f1ymg in- imiWl ions. Susan Saint James IS the
see r and can turn peol,l e mw ~tu nc . In fas hion model who wakes up with "a
the dllblxd American versioll Mifune dyn am ite h ickey." Richard Benja min
hCCllIIIC~ Ihe nwrt~ ( m\il i<lT "SinhaJ." is her psychiatrist lover and Dick Shawn
\Vlth Mil' I-bmJ. From the m a kt'r~ of is a cop. A scene at a Harlem fune ral
Ul)dzrlla. home with Shen nan Hemsley secms re-
ally out of joinT . Do you want 10 see
LOUfSA Drac ula disco danci n g! T h e mus ic
19:;OUn l\w",1 (8&\'(/) includes " I Love the Nightlife" hy Eve-
~c£P;: Roh.-rl Arthur lyn C hampagne King. love at Second
OrI'..[CTOl'.: Alex:mdn I 1.. 11 Bile is the announced sequel. Sc ri pt-
K IU[HWl'.rT£l'.: S(,lIllcy RoberiS writer Kaufman did other fil ms for Al P,
Remember rhe TV show DL'(('11l11l..'T' Hri£/e including Dr. Goldfoot. Direc[()r Dra,l.,'o [i
(195 4- 59H It was based on rh l' mov ie (married to C heryl T iegs at the rime)
fC:lwring Ronald Reagan. He \\'a~ hilled was buswd for cocaine pos5Cssion in Eu-
after stars Spnng B}'ingwn, C harles rope on the way to Cannes to pmlllotc
Cokllm. and Edmund Gwcnn . A rl)- l..oue at First Bite. He's also known for

4 11
direcring the " I Love New York" tele- hc returns a~ his handsome. vi rile a ller-
vision spots. ego "hTOlher" Lester, who seduces a nd
UPI6I27f67: Susan 01,- Ihen kills Ihe offenders. Eric Stern is
1l.'T g<'u mll'lll't'd m a J.mce
LOVE BUTCHER greal In ool h roles. Despite thc ti tle,
sequenct fllr rN! jiT5r IImt 1975 ~·1trrur
In ht'T C/.Ir;.'~ In II Colum-
t he fil m IS very lame by today's stan-
PkODUCru: G"I)' W,I11<tms, f..l, ckc\ Ikl,\., dards. T he d ialogue is often pricel ess
/:luI ptcnm', Till,' Low· OIMOOIU: Mll el Ane.:!. Dun Jon{"s
Ins. ThISIS II. Supposedl) and at one poi nt Ca leb shows up d is-
SCI\[[NWllrT£IU: I),,~n JIm""" J,um:s b'{"r,Crt'en
on a " mp" as a resulrof gUIsed as a Puerto Rican door-to-door
caking LSD, Susan-m An extremely ridICu lo us psycho movie record salesman! ( R )
rhe jilm-mlO.K'nes she aboul C11eh, a ba lding. crippled J.:a r·
IS Alice In Wonder· dener constantly mistreated by hb fe·
male suhurban Los Angd es employers.
land. As rhe .scene <'lids,
1967 Qllumh';I
she lears of{ her c/mhes. Whenever he's insulted or dismissed, Pl\OOUC[II: Sam Kat;man
011\£ 0011: A rt hur Ore ,fuss
S(1\£(NWI\t1t~: H al O:J ll ins , Arth ur Dre i (u~
Amusing hippie/drug m o v ie WiTh Rich·
<"l rd Todd as a Timo thy Leary- type e x-
professor who hecomes a self-centered
idol. wcaring ,md advocating LSD.
After he gets S U $.1 n O li ver pregnan t,
(hen rejects her, James MacA rthur (as
her ex-boyfriend and an underground
newspaper publisher) assassinates the
new messiah at a rally in a stad ium !
O lIver has a hilarious trip, imagining
she's (he star of Alice in \Vonderland.
And at one poi nt Todd goes o n the JDe
Pyne show (Pync plays h imselO. Wi th
Mark Goddard, the Chocola(c Watch-
band, and Ihe New Age. It was banned
in England.


1972 Cint'rna National
PkOOOC(k: Buc k F.dwards
OIIl[OoklS(M[NWI'Ill[II: Jacq ues L1certe
A rsychological horror fi lm aoom a wo-
man (Mary W ilcox) who loves corpses
and a ho mosexual mo rtuary-attendant
kiHer. T hcr hero is Lyle Waggoner of
the Wonder Woman series and The Carol
Bumefl Show,
1956 20th Century-Fo)! ( B&W )
PIIOO!JC[II: I);lV1d WelsbaTl
011\£0011: Roher! D. Webb
SCII[[NWI\IT[I\: Rohe r! Buckne r

UPI I If 15156 ."-1ure Ilwn
1.L\.\J 1<'<'IIlIgt'n luuk ,,<'t!'T
[he J>l.mmwull[ Theu.l('1"
wd" .. fur [he Neu '(,Jfk
III"<'IIU('1"e of Ell 15 J>re5w:/:;
jim film, Lon' ~l<, Tt;:n-
.In II<'T<' sullie "f lhe fulU
/"'(1 uuo <l fren~) ill lho.....
lId1<.h lhe PICIUr.'. Spendl
"..lI.:e IwJ w be wlkd 111
keep 'Jfdn Ul duo [Iu'ul<'T
(lnd TUllt'5 Sq!4111<' (lua.
Th< ,Jbj<'(,1 of ,ill lhe h,."!fl-Io.
11'(15 t101/JfeS,'t1L

Ekls Pr..-.I..-y (then 21) II"'~ dm.J-I'llIeJ LOVI; TRAP, Sec nlli CURSIi
10 his hr'l (eafUT"-, ,\ C ,vII \V,IT ~[or\ OF 11IE BLACK WIDOIV,
••h.XII (ulir hrOlher~, Rlcil<lrd Egan, Wi l-
I"nn C:unphdl. .md J.l1nes Drur~', dll IHIi LOVE Ir" IR
Conf..-do.:rat..- :.lIILl'..-T'. Toh ,I Fo.:lkr,d r"Y- 19i..'T\'
rull JI the end 01 tho.: war. Ehl', [he I'1'.OOUC[I\;A,If\In ~l'd11l\1.:
younge,.", $ 1 .l y~ honll'. 'lIlg, fuur ,"n~~, D,UCTOI\; Get 'rc~ ~ l d.'.""'"
,IIlJ 'teals [)..-hr'l P,I!::';:' (mm ml'~lng hll.: SCI\[[ NWIUl[I\~; (lu.:T,I"n Trud,I".,,1.
"mlh..-r Eg,m . The oTlglndl IIde \\"a~ l\l\'1d KI,IJ
"Tho.: Reno Brother,," hit II 11.1' I\bdy Th... hr-t T\" lHm Ie Illth ,Illem, Big
ch.lIlged. \Vlth Nl'I , llo.: Br,md ,lOll de,II. erc,l l m ..., Irlllll w;lrnn~ I'bnet~
Bruce I"knno.:tr. II 11<;1 , Ihe tir~1 k"wn' rakl' hum,1Il (.mll ,'n E,lrth. UIly,1 And·
10 r..:coup Ib enllT": CII,I In rhe hr..t Ihn::.;: gn .~ Kde. ,1n An':\lm"n "Illdlcr who
Ja~ s IJf re1..:<lso.:. Pnxlucer D"vid \Vo.:"- 1,,11, III I, II ~ II IIh A nj.!lc I)",.l..llhO", \\'ho
hart ,llso hro\l~ht u., Rd,.,/ \'V'i'!1I11l1 ,I I' ,1C1l1,,11I ;\ ZI1l,m 'l'Y!
C(l \j~~ ,
1~5i U I1\\~r,.ll
Cun ::I1\"lm .• 1; EOGlIR ALLAN POE
A m\'C II! f..:nhll..: l" ,.!'llITe., ,"Jnl": l'H12l~lh C ... ntllr~·h,~ (\1&\'(1)
c{) nlu.~J modo.:Tn men, Frunl , he JlTl'V I'1'.OOU(U; BTI',m I'l"
r" r ,I! Dndl' II/ [hI.' Gorrlla. \Vi,1. EJu,udo 011\[001\; II.un LI<.hl\\.m
C .:mclll, Dun fa ylor, ,Hid G ' ,IOIl,1
Sl!gd lo.:.

4 35
"1 1" hl'e,l dr<lnl.ltiCIl ly and It)\'"d In - An evil amazo n 4uee n has herself
t~' n,;cl~ !" <lccordmg to the <ld~. John turned 1I110}ayne (w"h a red wig) [0
S h~·rrerJ. who "un ... d hl~ IMllie fool l ove~ lck Mickey. The duhbing.
to Sh"pperJ Sl ru,lw Kk .md ;lcted In (J - done III England, ad,1s to the hilanty.
WlTl tes 11k ... Tht.' ,\[ /JIIIWn ,1ml /lIyr.:ho- So docs , I gm nt three-headed drago n
fl1.£U1W. I~ I'll..:. Linda nundl. Virginia f1 nundcrtng III a C:W(' wh ile MICkey
GllnlOr.... <In,1 Jane Darwell Influence decar ll ,lIe~ It . The amazing scene was
hiS II(\rk. also u!>C<l ln The Wild Wild World of Jayne
MllI15fida. With a cyclops and incredible
THE LOVES OF HERCULES lillkm~ !Tees. Funnier than The Three
1960 (ll al~'l rr:mcd S/(J~I~O!S M ('('t Hercules .
DIRECTOP.; C:lrlo LUJOIlICO BraJ.!~gk,
SCP.((NW?ITEP.: G>nlmenza, I:\,ria
UPI41J 11:;7 Ell'Cs Pm· ALSO Ml(A~EO AS: H("rcu/es t 'S. I-hdm
Ie), Tighe tS ~llg"ReJ In PSYCHO LOVER.
some Ilf « "lid fane) gyra- J:lyne Mim~fi"IJ in !II',) n>k", and her
IWIIS here as he i:~ IS mIt! il ,rTtmgIlIim hu~h:lI1J Mickey I brgitay a,
H<:rcuks! Mickey SilVC.. J"yn,' a~ i1 queen
IxwHlom fight «'lth OCIOT" 1957 P;I WnlOunt
K~1l 13fcl«.>rduTI!lg d shl~)I­ (with it hbck wig) by Ihrowmg axe~ al PI\OOU(EP.: ! lal Wallis
II\}{ of II,d Wallis' ()1"oduc- her hmdmgs while ,h,,' ~ ti"d spre:,..1- OIP.£CTOI\: I fa! K:1!ller
1I,)tI Lovmg Y()u. e,lglcJ to tWll trees. T h ... ~, f,llI 11\ I,we. SCP.EENWP.ITEP.S: ! teTher! £hkt'T. Hal Kanter
ElVIS at his best, lOp-hilled fur the first
tlm('. As Deke Rivers. a truck dnver,
he's persuaded b), press agent Lizabeth
Scott to 10m the hand of her ex-husband
Wendell C orey as a smger. Elvis' wild
rock stngmg and Scott's publicity stunts
soon overshadow the Country-swm g
band. After some great concerts, fights,
and IIllsunderstandings. Elvis gets a T V
Contract and band singer Dolores Hart
for a glrlfrtend. Elvis sings the hit theme
song. "LeI Me Be Your Teddy Bear, "
"Mean Woman Blues," " Let's Have a
Part y," and o thers. In VisraVision.


1947 Unlvmal (B&W)
PP.OOU(u: Hunt Slrom~rf.:
DIMCTOP.: Douglas Sirk
As an American dance-hall hostess in
London, Lucille alII is uscd as bait bv
Scot land Yard to catch a Tllurdering kid-
naper of women. Suspects inc lude fiance
Gemge Sanders. fiance's partner Sir

Cedric H:mlw;ckc. Genrge Zucco, and
C!"aZl-d dress dcsrgm'{ Boris Kad(l£. Erich
\'on Srroheim played fh e Karloff role
m the o rigina l 1929 French versio n.


1971l-imll mcr/ContUlCnlal (England)
H.OOUCEI\l: I htrT)' FUlc. \-1.chad Styl.,
0111.1:00«.: Jllllm)' S~ng'lcr
KJ,[E~rro.: T\KI"TGat ....,
ALSO I'.flEASE:O AS: To I.m .... <I V"Ulll)IT<'
[n the sequel to The Vamj,ire t own,
hlond Yvette Slcrlsgaard is Mi TGllla. the
IcsH an vampire busy in an all -girl ho ard-
ing schooL R(l iph Bates is ,[ professor
wh<.l offe rs 1\ ) h('lp. Mike lbven is
CUlm! K:Hnstcin. SOl1l1.:hody si ngs a
So,lng called "S tran gl' Luve" a~ Mirc;llla
snluccs and \'a mpi r hl'~ Michael John-
~l.Jn 111 one of the sill ier scenes. \Vid,
Su::an na Leigh and Pippa Sted. It h,uJ
to lx, Ctl t to gel a n R rating. (RI



4 37
ill (ew ycar~ laTer LOTTe (and Lang) lied
1931 P,\T,llllOUnl (Gnm.lll ~) (R&,\Vj Na:1 Germany; both ended lip in Amer-
AAOOUC[ II: Sq'mour I'\d-.:n:.11 IC;I . L('I rre ",<11> the fa vorite acro r of
OIItECTOk: FT1\: Line Gocbbcl:..
KM£NWIIJTU.<.: FTlt: L ing. TIle,] Vj,n Il.lrb,,\
PCIl'r L,lrre (will) \\',._ boom L,I,,:lo L LIII .
CIl'ICIn In H ung,ITY) \\"I ~ :lC IIIlj.! In rb ~~
1951 U,]umh,a (8&W)
InIkrlm when Lmg C••'1 hUH ,L~ the
f>1O.OOUC£,,: ~ym{)ur Ne ..... n~<ll
vamrm: of Dus~eld() r1 ..1 c hild ktl k r DIk£CtO«.: J '~rh Losey
ha~eJ on a rcal l'er'" Il. tht, IIInclt:~~ III K"[~t['-S: Norman Rc . lI~ Raine.
him. L()rr~"S Inco rnp,IT,.hl...· ['t.,rf, m]l,lll('l' L~) KMcher
and LHl/!'S 1I11l0V;J (t\'I' lI'I' of "nmd (II An almost exact rem;Jkc of the Lmg
11':1, hh fir~t talkie) Ilhl(k;\1 ,\11 interna- fi lm prodllccd by the sa me man. [hvid
tional c b, ~ic. Lorre whHk'" "The I 1.. 11 Wayne s t :H~ a~ a fiu/'"ying Los
of ! he M'lullrain King" hdoTI' (l lIIHIII! ' AI1J!clcs child murderer who collecTS
tmg the horrihk cflmc~ he later c ,m't c hildr<':Il's shoes. Howard Da Silva is
rem emher. It wh·, c rimin,d s (.mel tht: the inspcc(m. With Stl've Brodie an d
city's heggar,) to c ltch hl11\ ,111\] 1,lke Raymnr),1 BUTT. A grim film by Losey,
hun to an olJ hll dding for a "!fI 'II." A whl ) moved 10 England the next year
after he W:\' accll~l·J of heing a Com-
NO. 1 FEMALE GANGSTER OF ALL TIME! 1IlIlnl~t. ,\-1 Wil~ hanneJ in Ohio.


1960 F,lm.)l;'r\·ice (8&W)
~OOUC [k: W ilham J. Fans
DlP.lCTOk: Bill Kanl
KAi:ONIPJTO,; F. Paul Hall
From dust-bowl days in O klahoma to
an o pulent Florida hideout under siege.
Lurene Tunic leads he r sons astray
while maima in ing a cOn5ulr<lt io n side-
line for the likes of Dillinger, Karp ls.
Baby Face Nelson, and M<lch inc Gun
Kelly. The C<lst includes Tris Coffin,
Pflul Dubo\', Mym<l Dell, Nelson Leigh.

1- , L~ I
I ~ _I_ ,r-_,
Vic Lundin. and Don GmdyofMy Three
SOIlS. -01


B~'~~Kat_ R!~rS"
- - :.-
~ ._
- '
~~ illA CAJJRB
1958 Allted Anish ( B&W)
P~OOUC["'OIlUCTO~ ; W illmm Castl t'
KILlER BROOD" K~[[HW"'l[~: Robl' WlllIt'
A fl er 15 yean. o( direct ing forgO tll~ n
... " LURENE TUTTLE :::.~:., B-fi lm ~ Wl l1 mm Caslll' made hb fi r ~ 1

Clwrles Bron50n 5wr5 in
Rogc'TConnan'l Machmc
G un Kelly.

hor ro r movie and n ever looked back. It was rolan ~ kl\ fir,! rWJec t ,If' l'r
He al.o;o started his series of giuulllCks- ShrHnn Tatl" \\' ;I~ killed. Jon Fmch pl,lp
"W e in~ure you for $ 1,(x)() agaimr de ath [h..:: fi de role ;llId rr:mcesca Ann., i~
h~' (righ! !" It's ,I pretty dark plot about Lldy Macheth. With l11U~ic hy the
an attempt to .)Care a d isgrnceJ ~mall­ T IIITJ Ear &Ind ,md the "creen'~ fi~ t
!Own Joctt}r (Wil lmm Prince) It) death Clln\' m Clng decapn.Hlon sct'ne. (RI
by con vincing h1l11 thm his liu le girl ha~
been buried all vc. Sort of like PC:)"[Of] ,,,, , CHINE GUN KELLY
Place set in a gnlVeY'lTd. The ~ Tl rt was 1'158.'\11' (R&W)
h"sed on Th.! Marhle Farest. ,I nlwel ""0 00( [ 1\10111.[( 10 " ; R, 'I!t:r Corm,11l
written by I 3 I'>t.'ople usmg , I p~elJdo­ From the ,IJ~: "'\'({uhoU! hl~ );!un he \\'a~
nym . Wi th JlIll B.'lckus, Ellen CoriJy. n,lkL'l.1 yellow!" In nne ofCorm<lIl\ most
,1Ild C h ris ti ne White . r~"IX' c ted rllm'le" Ch;1Tk'~ BTlln ~o n has
hi' tir,t ~t,lrring n,ll.! ii' the fam')lI, han k
rohher, ~ekl()m wlthullt his Thompson
" lACBEIH m,ldlllW glln. The ~tor)" oren~ with great
19i 1 Columt.I,1 (U.S./End'lIld) ]<1::\' mll'][ .lncl <I murder ,hown III ,h"J·
"",,OOIJC[,,: Andre" Ilr.lun,t.crg u\v, anJ end~ \\,lth Kelly .g inng hltl)~ I (
OIIU:CTO": Rnm:m P,,"'n,k , lip tl ) policl' a lte r ,11,,'tched ktdn ilpmg.
SCIU£NW"ITEM:Itnn;m Pobn,k., A ~ h iS Illoll, SII';H1 C ahot i, thl.! driv-
Kcnm'th T)n:m inl.! (uKe hehmd hi' l'xrlu i t ~. I-Il." has
l'ul)/bv)" maga:me financed Illl' greal an I.!x,I).t!.!errtled (COlT of de;lIh ;md death
\'L'r~ i lln of Sh"ke~ l'ea re 's J,lTke~t work. ~rlllh l k The ,.ght of " coffin make~

him freeze during a bank job, causing sadistic joyride attack by young hocxl-
More y Amsterdam to lose his a rm . lums leaves Keefe Brasselle's infant son
Barboura Mo rris is a nurse kidnaped fighting for life after being hit by a flying
a long with a little girl. Frank De Kova wh iske y bottle. When Frank Lovejoy
is a gas statio n owner who threaU'ns and assistant Paul Bryar arc unable to
Kell}' with his caged wildcat. With jack come thro ugh with solid leads, the
Lamhert and Wally Campo. Corman enragt.>d parent in\lestigateson his o wn.
fo llowed this with 1, Mobs!(..,. As he fishes (or information, he is
recognized and is on the verge of being
,IlACISTEAGAlNST e liminated by Paul Dubav, Stan ley
HERCULES IN THE VALE OF C lements. james Delgado, and Joseph
1I10E See HERCULES IN THE Turkel at a descrred lumber mill when
VALE OF 1I10E. the police carch up. Lo\lejoy captures
the baddies, but the baby dies. Prologue
"lACU"fBA LOVE by Senator Estes Kefauver. ~CB
1960 United Arrisr$
Douglas Fo wle y
!tCP.£[NWAll[A; Norman Graham 19730ncmation
"Blood lust o ( the voodoo queen!" A PAODI)CEfl./OlkECTOIVSCf\[ENWkfT[A:
steamy cheap voodoo movie made by Bert l. Gordon
actor-turned-director Douglas Fowley in C huck Connors is the mad bomber.
Brazil. Seri;!l acto r Walter Reed shares Neville Brand is a mad rapist. Vi nce
bi ll ing with Zi va Rodann and june (Ben Casey ) Edwards is an angry LA.
Wilkinson, a popular ri va l o ( Mamie cop who has to catch the rapist in order
Van Doren known (or her PIa)"boy shots. to find the bomber. Connors walks
" In flaming Eastman color." Music by afound with bombs in shopping bags,
Si monetti. wears wire-frame glasses, and has a big
chip on his shoulder. He gives a penor-
1955 Fi1makers (B&W)
Harry Essex
The ads promised: "Trigger-h:lppy teen -
ers living for kicks!" And: " A true StOry
of teenage wo lfpacks on the prowl!" A

UPI 6/ 15160: Glliing Chi-

cago ilS bigge51 kick Jince
MrJ. O'Leary's cow, Bn"t-
iJh beaulY June Wilkinson
kuutcheJ her iu:,wenly body
ill/o orbit n.ext to the Buck-
ingham FOlontain in the
Winay CiI Y. The 19-,)ear-
u/d brown-t')td blond,
!J.'1!ose luck') numbers tITt'
44 -10-36, S!<lTS IIllhe
UnJled Arrim release,

Ill.InCl' th,u IIIUbl have le~1 to 11" role ~reo:n hllll.d. (Thl' ch 11 In'l,hrl1 cre,Hure
III TouTlst Trill). Br,md srar~ home and created h~ Dr. Lore,1 (RonalJ RO:III~' )
",<Itches po.1rno footage of hl~ II"lfe for titer returned In BedS! of B/<xx/.) When
l1l~pl rat ion. Belter than mo~[ Gurdon thi, awful hIm plilyo:d In (he~l\er' II"lIh
films but with rhl' u~u,d LlUghs. Brides of BIl)od, C Il,t\1I11l'r~ were giVl;'1l
SOlnl' "gTl;'en hl\llX\" (W,Hcr) JUTIng ~L
~pcc ... 1 rrologue ,md told (0 drlllk It .. ,
THElI/AD B UTCHER an ,'rhr"Jlsiae. Cll-~tar Ang~'llque
1972 El1m,m ( i[ Ji)) Pcny)ohn mu~t h"ve [,.ken Sllm~·. She
P"ODlKE"; I brT) Hol'c later ch,mgcJ lll"r lIilme to H('a\"~'n St.
DI"ECTO"=john Zuni
K"EENWJ.ITE"= eh.lrk, Ro""
J. )hn ,'nJ st~Hre ..111l porno fcalllr..:, like
"uo iUl.L\5( D AS: ""1f,1I is 1\ k<ll. ~1r,m}(k.'T
Bod )" Talk ,lIld TiI.t~ICI(m.
"Sausage Il)\"cr~, don't see rhl' movie!" 711E /IIAD DOCTOR Of'
the ads lI"ame.. \. Victor Buono ~ t ar.; In a /I/ARKET STREET
SlI"ccnq T,xld- typl~ role in rhis :",:Idorn- 1<)42 UnLvcr, •• 1 (R&W)

seen horror film. With Br,I(.\ I-Lirris. P"ODUCE"= Paul ~b"'~rn

DIN:CTO,,; jo,<.:I''' 1\. L~'\\' I'
K.lfen Field. ;md John Ireland. (R)
saUNWklTl": AllIl.lrWl

7HE JlIAJJ DOCTOR Ferociously violent · unexpectedly kind

1\140 P~raOlOlIn[ (B&W) Ruthless ban.dit or rebel hero?
P"ODUCEI'.: GC'!f)!C Arl hur ,A n outlaws outlaw with II. seore to settle
DIP.ECTO"= T UI\ \'(lhcl.m
K I'.(ENWl\.ITl"= 11,)w~1f(1 J. GR'l.'n
NO! a horror 1111)\'1(' but an amusing
mooern-da)' Blucbcard ~ t ()r)' In New
York C ity. Basil R,Lthhonc is the killer
rsychiatflSt wllL), with his admiring side-
kick Martin Koslek, is alwa)s onc ~tcr
••head of the law. One character refers
10 rsrchmtri~1S as sou l medJleh and
min ..l-rc,.ding quack,. Basil hts the de-
,cript ion perfectly. With Ralph Mor-
g,m, Ellen Drew, John HOII"ard, ~1I1d
Vera Vague.


(969 Hemhphcre (PhLlirrm~'.Jt;.S.)
,""ODUCEk; Ed.!'e ROOll'TU
OII1.£CTOM= Geraldu Do: Leon, EJ,IL~ R,,1llem
K IO.[IHWklTE"; Rt'uhcn Conway
"1..$0 "ELEMED AS ; T,nnh of lit 111.1: /)~a.J
"In hlrllxi dripping color." Hero John
Ashley goes 10 I3l<xxi bland and Ji~­
covers thllt a friend's {,!Ther has lx'en
IUmed 111\ 0 a hornble monster with

An Edgar Wa ll~c e mystery about a
group of vigilante killers, a sex maniac
who decapilates wo men , and a mad
surgeon . Scotland Yard investigates.
Mafia Persc hy stars with Hansjorg


1931 W~merBrolhe rs (B&W)
DlkECTOII: MIchael C urti!
KP.E[N\II'IIIl[IIS: Gru" b Alexander,
Har \le~' Thew
A fo llow-up to StI('lIga/i ('31) with its
star, Jo hn Barrymore, in a sim ilar
domin<lting roll' as a clubfooted dance
teacher who raises a young boy to be
the famous ballet star he could never
be. He succeeds in keeping the boy
Peler Lorre (Jlld Fr(.lllcis lionel Atwill, as a discredited doctor dancer (Donald Cook) away from the
Dr~ in Mad loYI;'. who can rev ive the dead, goes to a dancing girl (Marian Marsh) he loves.
tropical island and impresses the na - A drug-addict ballet master kills Barry-
tives. Noble Johnson is the chief. A more WiTh an axe and his body is dis-
preuy ridiculous one-hour feature with covered drap!-od over a giant slage-prop
comedy relieffrom Nat Pendleton. Also demo n. Boris Karloff plays the boy's
slarring Una Merkel, C lai re Dodd, and cnle l father in a brief scene.
Ann Nagel.
1943 Uni versal (B&W)
AlAD DOG l/fORGAN AS~IAf[ ",ODUCU: Ben Pivar
DlkECTO ..: Jam<;$ P. Hogan
1976 8nllsh Empi re (Aumaha)
K"UH\VPJT[p's: Brenda W~lsbcrg.
Pf.OOUCE~ Jeremy Thomas
Paul Gan~elill
PI~CTO"'K~ENW'-ITU: Phillippe M o rn
Dennis Hopper slars as a fa mous 19th- Fun nonsense wiTh a professor (George
Zucco) turning nice guy David Bruce
cenlury Australian ou tlaw aided by a
roung aborigine (David Gulpilil of The inro a white -faced living-dead ghoul
Lml Wave and Walkaboul). The story who robs fre sh graves and kills for new
is similar to Ned Kell)" with Mid Jagger. hearts. Thl' ghoul follows around his
singing star fiancee (Evelyn Ankers) ,
With supcrvillain Michael Pate. Direc-
TOr Mora later did The l3e(.lsr Within . but she's now intl'rested in T urhan Bey.
her pirmist. Po lice detective Raben
Armstrong catches the ghoul by hid-
THE AlAD EXECUHONERS ing in a casker. With Milburn Stone.
1963 Paramount (W. Ge r m~n~')
",ODUCU: Arthur Braum:r 1935 MGM (B&W)
DlkECTOII: Edward Willeg PIIODUC£A: John W. Considine. Jr.
KAEEN\II'IIfTU,: Robert A. Stemmle DlkECTOII: Karl Freund
OIIlGINAllY kELlASED AS: Dt-r /-I"lIm 1'011 P.J.
KP.E£H\VPJT[p's: Wolfson.
Lm""" John L. Balderston

O l)e of the all-tlTIle c ltlssie hom)r h Im~. VmceUl l'rice (U Th ... Mad
In his fiN Amcrie<ln movie, Peter Lo rre Magicinn.
S(.In. as Dr. Gugo\, ,I bnlliam ~ urgeon
who allenJs "Le Thc:ttre des Ilorreurs"
,tIld becllllles obsessed by iTS st,lr actress
{Frances Drake}. She loves her hus-
band, the famo us phlntst O rlac (Colin
C II\·e}, and finds the b<l ld docwr (who
al .... ) like~ to watch convicts )<\) to the
gu illotine) repulsive. Gogol huys a W<lX
ngure of hcr and st<lres at H in ,I 11I1rror
whde plaYing his pIpe org<ln. pretend-
in~ she 's there. The horror start~ when
O rlac is hurr in an ,Iccident ,md Gogol
grafts on to the plalliSt the hands of a
rece ntly executed kmfe th rower. He
COTlVinCl'S O rlac that he's b,.'ing driwn
(() kill by the new hands a nd , in
an ,Ull<l:tng scene, the cra:ed doctor
~ huws up as the dead, decapitated knife
thrower, complete with elaborate neck
hr:lce a nd shin y metal hands. It was
the b~t film directed by the famous
c in ematographer Freund, who later hums. With Patrick O'Neal, Jay Nov-
photogra phed the I L01.'c LIIC)" show. dIn. Core~· Allen. and Mary Murphy.
M,ul l ot'C I ~ es!;t'ntmlly a remake of The The prnJucer ,md sc reenWTlter were
HwJds of Orl",; (1925), whI ch was , d ~() r"' ~p')l1,i hl e for thl' much hetter
filmed in Germany with Conr<ld Veidt. Holtsi' of \VdX . Tltc Mad Md.l.riciall was a
With Ted I k dly (o n gtnall)' a partner hig L.A . tdcvislOn hIt when shown 11l
of the TInee Stooges) as a repo rter, 3-D hy horrur h ()~ l es~ Elvlnl 1I1 1982.
Keye Luke as Gogo!'s surgeon a ~~ i s rant,
and Billy Gilbert. AlA/) ,IUlX
1979 FI! mw,.p (Au'lrnita)
T H E ,1lA/) AlAG/ ClAN ""OOUCEI\: BIron Ken "ed)
1954 C.)lwnhia (B&W with w l"r DIMCTO\u: George ~1 dler,
~qllence; j. [) ) McI GII~\n
PI\OOUCEk; Bn;m Foy KP.lENW?ITEM: George ~hllcr.
DIP.£CTOI\: John Brdhrn Jalllc, McC,m,bnd
S(.I\U NWI\IT[I\: C r~ne Wl!hur Ca lled a cruss betwecn A C lockwork
A /-lOItS<? of\Vax imitatIon with Vi ncent Orall}!c and \'(IalkillK Tal/, thb Aussie
Pnce as a 19th-century llluslonM who exploi t,ltllln hit was dub bed sO slo w
cr<lc ks when hIS ideas and his WIfe (Eva AmericlIls could undcrst<lml fhe d ia-
Gahor) arc stolen. He kills the vi llains logue. In the near futllre , a cop (21-year-
hy deGlpHating one with a hUZ:-SlIW old Mel G lhson of Gallipoll) quits the
irick and putting another in I\ls fdll\OUS fo rce and goe~ on J \·e ngeance spree
cr... mato rium . Vincent is a ma ~ ter of after hi~ (amily is murdered hy ,llllo toT-
disguiscs, TOO. For a while hl' l(loks like eyet... g,mg:. Lots of car ehas... ~. At th ...
a devil with lmle cu rled haI r pi('ccs tOt time of It-. rclea~, If was fhe higgest

Boris KlIrlof( prov ides the voice for
Baron BoriS V.)n Frankenstei n in a stop-
motion puppet cOlUedy filmed in "ani -
mllgic." Forrest J. Ackerman contrib-
j uted 10 the screenplay. which includes
;;. a hunchback (with a Charles Laughton
i , uni tat .on voice), the in visi ble man
(with a C laude Rains voice). a crea-

[Ure with a Peter Lorre voice. and just
about every ot her famous monster of
j fi lml fmd. PIWllis Diller provides the
voice fur her puppet. Boris' ugly wif<-·.

A lso with the voice o( Gale Garnett.


1969 a.,lumbla
H PRODUCER: Nonnflll
Bernard Glr~ rd
New York-born AUjlra- KMEN"lVRITEM: Bernard G imrd ,
commercia l ~ucc e ss in Australian him
Ikm star Mel Gihson in A. Z. MflT!in
history. Mad Max 1/ was retitled R(){w
Mad Max. Warrior and was an even bigger hit In A remake o( ul£lies ill Rt'tin'l"IICf1t (1941 ).
'82. The sound track by Bri,m May 1:- Stella Stevcns is the companion of II
still available (R) wealthy widow (Shelley Wintcrs).
When her teenage brOlher and sister
,llADillAX II.. See IHE ROAIJ are released fru m an asylum they COllle
10 Jive 10 Shelley's mansion. Thq had
been suspecred of killing their parents.
When Shelley finds our their paSI and
tells them 10 leave ~he's found hach-J
1941 PRC(B&W)
~DUCo.: Sigmund N ...ufdJ to death. A dog walki ng arou nd with
DrkECTOII.: Sam Newfield one of her scv('n'J hands in its mOllth
Kk(EH\VPJTEk: FreJ Myron leads 10 the horrible truth! Nazz with
A pretty funny no-huJgcr film Inspired Todd Rundgren is heard on the sound
by Universal's The Wulfman. Cmzy trtlck. Filmed in British Columbia. ( M )
George Zucco turns big JlJ111h f:'H1l1hand
G lenn Str:mge into a hig hairy mon - ,IIADM IE S IN
ster in overa lls who kidnaps a little girl. 1'J71 TV (U.S.lEn),!bnJ)
Injections of wolf blood d" till' ni ck, PRODUCEIU: Ju l mn Winlle,
With Anne N,.gcl and Mal' Busch. Lou M(lrkeilll
Zucco cont ro ls hi.~ nl'W instrument uf DIII.ECTOR: [},wi,] Gree n>:
revenge with a whip , ;1 b Dr. Moreau SCR(ENIW"ITEIU: [);Ivld Grel'I1t'.
B(Hr~' O rlllJ,:l' r

illAD ilfONSTER PARTY I" her first TV-movie Belle Davis plays
1969 Avcu Em h;l~~' a (' m a l '~ Fli Manchu type li ving in a
PkODlIC£k: Arthur R:mkm. jT Scolfbh castle. She kidna ps an ex-CIA
DlkECTOk: Jules alss man (execut ive proJuc('r Rohert \Vag-
KkE£HWklTE'-S: Ken Koro"kln, ncr) III an e(forr to sle;! ! a Polaris sub.
Han'e y Kurt:man Bette ha~ I!onic I.:uns, tnind-conrrolling

drugs, ,md an t'bboratl' "Ih. It \\",IS a !-:lI~' wll" ., tarteel.ll1 the tr{luhlc remaim
pilot film ,hnwf) theatric.!!y in Europe lIlt,rel :II Ih..: lllnc1u,ion ,If Ihe filTH
and no\\" avad,lh!e on videoc,h~~lIe. - .IIlJ of C\lll~~' the m,ld man, ready to
Wllh D('lholm ElllO·tt. C~lIh~ r mc C1l\~ rge n nCl' <lg.lrn III C.I-C Il( a ....·(jud .
Schel l, and Roy Ki nne:"!r. Froll! the di- FdmeJ un Ltlll)! Isbnd. Wrth D(!II~l of
rector of Th<! Shl<ll<!rea Room. rh.: Dcaa ~t,lr GaylL'll ]{,ISS. ( R ) ~R ~l

197 4 Amicus! AlP (I:.n).!Lmd) ,IIAD" mN OFAIANDORAS, Sec
PkOOlK£kS; Max J. RoO).: nherc. THt:Y SAVt:D HITLER'S
~'lII hm Suhotsl y IJIIII/N.
DI"[OO"; Jnn Cl<lrk
KkE[HWRITE"; GTC).! ~·I"rn<on
V mcent Price s[ar~ a~ horrllT,Ielor P,llIl THE: AItIFU CAGt', See " 1Y
Ton mbl'~, fam(lu~ fm p];.ymj! "Dr. SISTER ,IfY WVt'.
[)carh." After suffcrlng a nervous t-rc:"!k-
down lw gIleS w England to .II) a TV
sen~'~, and Gis t and c rew memhl'f'< ~ Iart " IACIC
Jymj! Ihe wa y eharaet~n. did III T nom- 1978 20lh Cl'llIul)·· h,x
hc~' !lId tn()v ies. P{'tl'r Cushing pJ..ys P"OOUC[kS; J"~I'h E. Ll'VIIlC,
1m :.criptwritcr. Rolx·rr Quarry i<. thc Rrch.lrd P. Lel'inc
DlkEaO"; Rrch.lrJ Atl,·nh..r"ul!h
produccr. This Ilwctinj! oi th ree horror
KP.£EWW"ITO; \\!rllt,un (J"ldrnan
stars IS preny bl1le. TIH~ highbghh are
prlwideJ hy c1ip~ of Price in e<lrlwr AlP An lInea~)" llpchlle ,'I the nld \'cntrilo-
'IU r ~ t -f akcn -o\'cr -hy- h is-.... \" II -dumm)"
film~. \Vith Adnenne Corri and Linda
th~·ll\e. Antholll H"l'krns is ,I hil! suc-
1l ,lyden .
ee ....' wlIh hi' ugly fo ulmn urhnl dummy
hi". I k ~,l<.:~ h' the C:1 tskill~ In se l~ h r ~
,"/iDA/A.N forml'r 1«I'l' Arm Margrel and kdh her
L982 J"n~n F.ulc-\" hu, (Ed Laut,'r) .lnd 11I~ a)!e nl
P"ODl)CE!U:Gary SoIl.". (Bur.!!('~~ ~kredith). IT \\";1, a su h~t,m­
Joe Glann, >11.'
l i,11 hir ~lI1d II'~I'n(l[lll11,rled f"r Acad-
DlklCTO~SCkEENW"ITE"; J,,,,, Gi<lIll'l1rw l'1II1 All ,lTd,. Big ~1\',11. ( R )
An ,Ibandoned ~u mmer camp I' re-
o po,: ned a~ a trallllll)! center tor coun-
sel. )r,. Over a c lmptire, the gn lUI' leader 111HAIJICIC CiIRPET
recounts Iht, inude111 that bT\lu~ht the 19') 1 C.,llIm,,",.
clo~lIlg ,)f th{' C ,unr: a l\l'<t\'\"~er woods- PkODUCU; $,lIn Ka!:rn,1I1
111.111 naml',1 ~'b,lman tv"l r~ keer~ h Ull- DI"ECTOl\ ; 1.,' '1' LmJ"!"l>
~cI( well-hidden, but ~ h(lldel ,H\yune SCRE[NWl\ITE": I}.,\""j Mnlhc'\\"s
ca ll hi~ n:lnu' he' C<llll("~ our ~wHll!i ng Lucille 3al l ,m,1 J,)hn Agar!l ~ :ITound
th£' nearest av,lIlahle sh;trp IlhJee l. Of un thl' wI\." ca rpet ,lIld defeat ,"'11Arah
Ct'u r~ ('. one ,,'ise gu~' mllst ddy rhe R,lytn«nd !3I1TT. It wa, tin' cnd tlf thb
I('g~'nd - he calls \lilt for the llI,dman, kind ,If n"n'cme fllr the 41 -Yl'ar-old
who ",tirs \l UI lI( the lTe("s t<l dellvcr Lucilk I\r ll, II'h" h"canll." a re;ll ,t,lr LIter
bk....I~ deat h t ll <III the residl'nl' \If the In thl' Yl',lr \l lIh I L,t\! luc). Blirr and
c:llnp. RlilItflle ,tuft WI th so-,,, l'fkn~; Ag,rr ,1111 h,IJ a fl'\\' J.!'ITllla SU I!> III thei r
hilI unique in th,1I ,!Ii dw syrnpadll'lil fUltrH" . \'(lith P:ltTll: i<l M,'din;l and
c haraCfer:; ~ct WIped OUI. Q n h rill' \\"l~e U\·'lrce'l"()1-. ,1'.

UPI 10I27f5 J. jollll ARlIT, m:1n , The TV \'erSlon usua ll y o mits thc
{ornteT husband 14 (l('ITe55 ent ire cndi n~. (M)
SJurte, Temple, mlXtJ Ct-
Jl'U.'III allhe WtI)'sllk
HOllo, Ranch of lhe Lm 111f:;,IIACIC SERPENT
Angeles Pn.wn S),slt'ln
wheU' he ~..od a pan of 1966 ToeI/AIP-lV (Ja pan)
OIUOO": T 1'1511\' Y;nnallchi
Jus /50-00)' sentence {UT"
SCP.[£WW",fU,: Mas.1m Igam.
drunken dn.'mg, ARaT U'tIS
rekoued {rum the pt'lJ(m A pnnn' tu rns into a gianr frog and
1m Ocfnh.>r 26th a{wr hIS IXlIlle, a wIza rd who turns infO a drag-1 m
sentenct had bet'll reduced in thi~ nutty (a nr <ls\' from Japan,
fQ ume sen ...d {or good
behtllllQl'. The modd pm-
0I1ef $(U{I he uw IhrollKh "fACIC SPECIACLES
Wifh drmkmg, (Ina M real- )961 F.t lrwal'ln rernal ional
i?ed M U~IS Jim one of p"oOUC£rVSCREENW-'ltO: Arch Hall. Sr.
!hose!U' «-,hI) (tin', han- D1UCTO,,: Boh Wehling
dle Ik/uQr. I'II~ 1110.1 ' recenl ALSO " £lEASED AS: Tickled Pink
film is TIle MagiCCnrpcl. Hollywll(xl advc rtising rn,1Il uses title
speo In ~el' th ro ugh women's elothes,
T.)m m)' Holden stars, with June Parr.
Ka y Cramer, Cindy Tyler, Dania
Daniels, jc;m CaTlwright, a nd Carla
THE ,IIACIC CHRIS TIAN O lson :1re thl' "go-go go-go" gi rls. CB
1969Comllll'll\\enllh LJnl1~'J (Engl.ond)
'''ODU(U: [killS OT)..-I I
DIUOO": Jo,.q,h IIIcGr:l\h lUli ,IIACIC SWORD
~UENWPJT£PS: Ju~rh IIkGr,uh. J96! Untll,d Artl'l~
Terry 5..mthem, I\,ter S...rl~' " '''ODUCErV0I11,ECTOR: B,m I. Gordon
Peter Se ller~ and Rmgo St;lrr "tM :1, SCA[[HW-'ln,,: B... rn:!r.! Schoenfeld
S ir Guy Grand ,Ind hh ,Idopted '-(,n In TI", Bl'rt I. Gu rd.ln ~w(lrd-and-sorce ry
th l~ WIld hi t -alld-Tl1 " ~ ~:1tLrl' f-"I"l·.j on l'l'lC !,rm' ld"" a ~Tl'a{ till1e for kids. If
Terr} SOllTh("rn'~ h..ok. S IT GU) g'Il'" you'rl' a hll n lder you can enjoy o ther
ahullt pro\,lng how mune)" corru!'t' all. a' l"lI.'ct" of tl1l' hIm, ~uch as the (lI.idl:.:1 1I
Some of the gUl'st -star hits ,lrC I'n{"de~,. C:1S1 melu.lln,!.:' MaJb "VampiT<I " Nurmi
Highlights mclllde: Raqul'l \Vc!ch;1, a a ~ :1 hag, Ri c hard Kic! a s a gia nt pin -
g:1Jle y sla\'e dfin'r with ,I whip; Llu- he,rd, :md Angdo R0~sitt(l as <t dw;rrf
rcn Ce H,lrvey domg a ~lnp l l'a'(' \\"hlk burpmd, (h.'11 R:1!hhone IS the evi l
p..-rforming I bmlet; Chn ,! npIKr LCl',l~ 11t:tgic ian L(xLtc wh\) kidnaps:1 princes~
a \',l1npire runnin g in sluw lll"ll11n ; Yu l (An lll' H e lm ) and dev ise,,> seven ch,d-
Brynner in drag Sll1glllg "M'hl A I"I\'I I! I... n).!,' ~ fpr her wilulcl-he r(,M: ller Saint
the Boy" tn;J nefv\'U,', R, \"hlll i\)I'I11,kl. Gco rj.!" (G.try L(lckw(lod). With liny
With Richard Arll'nh..\TlHlgh and \Vd - pt:opl .... Si:1 m.:s.c twino., <In uncon\'inc_
(Tid Ilyde-White. C;r;lham Chapm,l11 mg tIl n- IIl"kkd dr,lgun, and a giant 'lgre
and John Clee .....· ffllm M om)' Pyrholl ap- alll( Ing the dIrecto r 's ~rx'clal ('(feCls, and
pear and nml rihu ted II \ I hl' .. ( re.:nrl.t~. E'lCIl ... WIIlII'nnd:1S rhe witch Sybil. It
Thc excclknt ruck sound Track 1~ hy \\' ,h till' 1Il (l~r (lctl'IIl- l'ackcd lanr,.sr
Ba.hing... r (w ho r('{:orue.l hIT the ' -.:,111 ...,' ~ 1I1ll' The Sct'C7t,h Voyage o{ Silllxul an,1
Apple I<lhd) ,llid ThunJercbl' N,'\\ - Bert'... Iw,t.

19'>2 Fllml!TOUr. (U.S.S. R.)
H.QOUCEP,: Art (h:IIIl()nJ
OIM CTOM: AI~xa!ldcr Ptu~hk{).
J ame~ L:lmiIS
K M:EH'W"JT£M : KarlllklT.
F[ ,lIle I~ Ford Corpola
ONGI NAUY kll£AS£O Al: Sadlw
No SLIlhad hen', Th is colorful Rlissian
fll n ta.~y epIC Wll' released here in '61
with a Ill'\\' tiTle ;mJ lln~IiCl:ed cast
names-whfll kind of parents would
~enJ ,h('iT kids to II commie film ! It 's
rea lly pretty unpr('ssive. The bearded
hero fmlll tlocien ! NnvgoroJ scarches
11,(, world for the bird ofktppincss. The
only Telll low pomt is a silly-looking
octopus. Based OIl Rimsli.Kors<lkov's
opcT'il. With Serge i Srolyarov ,mcl Anna A SUpl'TllIT Jap ~me ~e (,l nt ,ls), :thou t a Transporting Iltonuc matt'·
Larl\)!l\)v;,\. giant ~w ne ~ taHl e g,xl that comes to na1s In The Magnetic
life and hel r s a pTince and pnncess fe-
g,lITl their tlmme. M ,IJIll, the vengeful
'llIE AlAGNEnC AtONSTER warrhlr. C"ll-.c~ an l"trthqu:lke ,md kills
1953 United Artl~ts (8&\'(1) a cruel w,1r lord. lie turn:. IIltll a statue
P~OOUC[~: \v,m T"r~ Jg.lm , hut \\",1' h,tck for mllte ,Ict um In
OIIUCTOl\: Curt Sn-..i lll ,l k The ReUiOI of ;\ \ CI}III
K "[[NW'-IT£M: h'~n Tun..
Curt SU"xlmak
The a d~ hlared: "C\lStnlC Fnllllel\Stcm
1966 ]).llCI Alp·TV (j .•ran)
te rro rizes Earth !" An Isoto pe grow~ ""ODucn: ~[.' '''''Ith, 1\: .•),.
while a l'1S(l rbm ~ energy and g,vlng o jf OIIl.(CTO~: 1_,. ~1"rI. Y"sh')lIkl
radiatio n. Sim,lar 10 an ide:! used 11\ K~[(NWP.ln1t: T CICIIO
an O llfef Umlts eplso:le. The sequence Mapn. the -tunc Ido l. comes to life jor
wI th the g1:ln l cyclotron is fro1ll a 1934 the rlllTd and hna1 timl' to ri ghl ~l nl e
German film, Gold. With Richard Carl· wnl1l g~.
~n working fo r the Office of Sc i...:n·
rific lnvc ~ lig(ltion . King Donov~l n, Kath· lllAJIN, 711t: HIDEOUS IDOL,
len..: Freeman, and S trother Martin. See MAlIN, IIIONS1ER OF
TERROR ! '>76 Sdl'C\C,j
1%6l.),ul"IA1P·TV (j;lp:m) P~OOUC[IV'DI ~ (ClOl\: WIII,.UII Grele
""OOIJ(E~ : M ;h;llCh, NagMa AUO l\n[A~EO A}: Thl! ),1\1') vI Deuzh
OIM ClO~: Knllt y,,~h l YajuJ"
Sh,trk cx p1..1i l,l1l1l!) geb Rich,ml J,\l'Ckd
:K"[[NIllIUTE~ : T e ' CIlI) YlJ~hlJa
OkIG'NALLY '-£l W£O AS: /)<llIIlruln
maJ. \Vhen he me, to nl<lke a hV\l1 ):;
AUO ~[t.U.Y:O AS: Mtljln, The H l<kou.\ Id,,1. h\· rl'lHtllg hh linn} fnend~ out to ,I

research fac ility and a roadhouS(', the comedy was released. It's a G-rated film
lessees betray him. See a h(';!utiful a New York nudie-movie pro·
;:i bout
wonUln locked in a ballet of defuh in a ducer (Dan Rowan) and his star (Dick
behind·the·bar aquarium showcase. As Martin) . The)' go to an o ld house u n
with Stanley, a pretty chl'ap The Long Island . Martin rurns into a we re-
co-stars are Jennifer Bisho p, Harold wolf. j ulie New mar turns in to a n
"OJ.djob" Sakata, Luke Nalpcrin {Flip- Afghan. Lots of people are murdt'red.
/X'T ) , John Davis C handler (The Hooked Several different endings are offered.
Gellemfion) and Bu(fy Dee. Producerl Wi th Caro l Lynley and Friu Weaver.
direc tor Grefe went on to second uni t II was nOl a hit. "What's a bipp)'!"
direct io n of James Bond Fi lms. - CB
J1ALA1 'ESTA 'S CARNIVAL 193 I Warne r Brot hers (B&W)
1973 Windmi ll Films oluaa..: Roy Del Ruth
PI\ODUCW: Richard Grosser, K U EN"'W'/IJTW:Maude FullOn.
Walker Swan Lucien Hubhard. Brown I·\o hnes
OIlU:CTO~K UEHWI\ITE~ : C hri sropl1l' r 5pccrh AIM> ~£LEASEO AS: Dangcrou! Female
Pretty obscure gore horror co med~' (ea· 1r'.~ amazing [ 0 see how closel)' the pop-
turing Herve Villechaize ( Fallf-USY is- ular 194 1 versio n follows th is fir st
land) . In one scene mo nsters and ghouls attempt to film Dashiell Hammen's
eat people while watching o ld hon or novel. Of course the cast makes a hig
movies on TV. The sound track was differenc e. Ricardo Cortez is Sam
designed to produce terror psychologi- Spade. Bebe [},m ieis is Brigid. Dudley
cally! Somdxxly at The Monster Times Digges, Q II O Matiesen. and Dwight
liked it a lo\. Frye have the roles immortalized by
Greenstret't, Lorre, ,mel Cook. It's in ·
JIALENKA, THE VMIPIRE teresting to see Frye (who was Renficld
1968 Eum plx (Spam/ haly) in Dracula the same year) as Wilmer.
"'000(['-5: Auhrey Amb..·n.
Rossana Yanl
DII\E~~k: Amlando Dc Os.sorio 711EAlALTESE FALCON
OI\IGI NAUY A[l£....UO AS: UI Nlpore tid 1941 Warner Brothers (B&W)
Vllm/:>ITIJ P~ODo([k:I-Ienry Blanke
ALSO Ul£A.SED AS: FUII!:s of the Lt" IIl!: Oeud OIU:Cf04VKU£N\I{~tTU: Joh n HuslOn
Anita Ekberg is terrorized hy tfl(' niece It STarted as JUSt ano ther \'('a rners
of a woman who was burned as a witch remil kc: Dash iell Hammett 's novel had
at the castle o( Count Wolduck. It was been fi lmcd in 1931 and again in 1936
released here as pmt of the Orgy of the (as Saran Met (lWy). NobodyexJX'Ctt'd
Living Deoo show. With Ross:ma Yanni Huston's first movie as a director to
<lnd Dian<l Lorys. become an instilnt (and r erennial) hit .
George R,lft turned down the lcadi ng
IHEAIAL7T:SE BIPPI' ro le of Sa m Spade. It was taken hy
1969MGM BnJ.,'lI rt , o( course. and Mary Astor plays
~ru: Evcrcn Freeman, Roh::r! Ender:; Brigid. It ImH)ched the screen career
Dluao,,: Norman Panama of 61·year·old S idney G reenstrt'Ct (as
SCN:EN\VM"W: E\"I:rcn Frecm:m. R:1YS inger Gutman) who continued tn be paired
Rowan (lnd Martin's UIII1!h In was the with Peter Lone in Three S CTll flRI'TS,
talk (If America's TV.watching popula. The of Dimitrios, <Jnd so o n. As
tion when thi s derivative myste r)'· the (rizzy.hiliredJoci Cairo, Lorre hands

ing a haIry whIte \"least. SHirri ng liw
out perfumed ca llmJ: c;lrds and ~ets
great Rock Madisuo. With V irginia
roughed up hy l\o~arl. As Wilme r,
M:lynor. From the d lreclIlr of l!lt ~15 1011
Elisha Cook. Jr .. complctes Ihe (xl.\
of tht' Amilia/ Peo/)/e. You nugh t h:l\'e
gang. With GI"dys George. Ward
seen M(lJI BeasT hI lled wllh God"Ilu!.
Bond. BaTTOn M;1CI.IOl'. JCrtlme Cow:m
Some scenes were appare ntl y sho t tn
(;I~ MIles A rc hl' r)' Walt er H uston (he
deh"crs the f,,\con) . a nd Lee p:ltrick. Mexico.


1980 Lunelh:hl 1m . (Fr:mcd l3..·lg1Urn)
1967 MGM
Pf.ooucU.lOIUCTO": I\" rl s S:ubnJ.:er P"ODUCE1\: LeWIS M . Hlll\)wi{z
K,,£EH'*"-lTEM: BOriSS:ubnger.
DIUCTO": Rlc h"rd Rush
PIerre Sierckx. Marc-HenrI W,,)nh:rg Kl\£EHW",T("-S: Janles Pea! !lI:lll,
LOlllsc Fletcher (Olle Flew O ,'('r the Ruben S. Weekky
CIlcku(I's Nest) stars in a comedy vc r- Absurd spy . pod with Jan Murra y as
sio r) (If the Cll unte~S Elizabeth B:lthory Rudo lph Kofftmm, a f(lTIncr C\)11centnt-
legend. That me:lm funn y >ccnes of an tion-camp cOlllmand:lll! now usi ng a
agIng WOIll:ln killing yo ung vi rgim and 1l1eat-packin g plant :lS a front tll C{ln -
"'",hing in the ir bl(ll.)(\. B}· the director quer the world. P:lul M:mtee (wh(l can't
()f Shmnc of the Jun~lt'. an X-mted aCI. eilher) b seCTl't ;Ig\!nt Dick D.IAgcr.
C:l rtoon. WiTh Mana SchneIder (L!St WIth a hlser-he.lln wr btwa Tc h and g irl-
Tal1J..lj") III P(lru) and the WaJnbcrg Broth- friend/fel low ;Igcnt T c rry Moore. Suc
e rs (twins). Ann Lang~l(ln p1a).~ InJ:rid, MUfmy's
mistre,>s ,md paTlner in to rture. The
THE lltANAND stellar (,1St I ~ rounded \lut hy Brunn
THE IIIONSTER Ve Sot;1 a nd RIcha rd K1c1. MU~1C hy
19S8IAstriholllr K. Gordon Murr"y Steve Allen. Cmcmatogltll'h)' by L'tszlo
(MeXICO) (B&W) KovaCS.
p"oouc£~ Abel Sala:ar
DtPLClO": Rafad Baledon
KJ,n.....".n:,,: Alfredo Sala:;.u AfANCRilZY
O'-lGIHAllY ~D.tS: El Hombr("! d 195J 20th Cemury-Fox ( Il&'W)
M OllSlnw Pf.Ooucasl'SCl\£[HWNTtM :
A concert pianIst ;;e H ~ his sOlll to the Sidney H armon , PhIlip Yordan
DeV Il. Every tlllle a certa in cI:ls5ical ol~aOf,: Irving Lemer
pIece (" Hooked on Classics"!) is played "It dares to te ll The muh! " the ads
he fllrm inhl :In ugly snarling hairy claimed . Three teenaged gi rl s who
OIomTer WIth long pointY fangs and kills spend most of thcir time at a small-
people! W ith Abel S;llazar. town drugswre find $28,CXXl. C hristine
White , Irene Andcrs, rllld Co lee n
Miller (productS of uncaring p:lfents and
!9S5 FaVOrit e (B&W) broken homes) set out fo r thc big time
PP,OOUCE";DI"ECTO": Jerry Wanen in Ho llywood and bum thcir fingers
SCUEHWMTE": ArThur Ca",iJy instead. With Nevillc Brand. -CB
From the ads: "Sec: women sta lked and
capwr...-d for hreedinl! by Yeti mon~ter~!"
A nd: "Be~tial monster madness.'· with "fAN F.AI1' R OF m 'DRA, See
explo re rs in the Hllnahlya5 encounter- tSLAND OF THE DOOAtED.

" IAN 1'110111 A TLAN'l1S N ils A sther as a 120·year.o ld scienrist
1977 TV
looks 35 beca use of gland tra nsplants.
PkODUCO: Ro hen M. Justman
DIAlClOl\: L~ H . K al : in
T his love slOryfhorro r movie bast'd o n a
KA[[N\IIRnu.: Ma)"O S uno n
play by B.1Tre Lydon was remade as T he
M IIIl \Vho Could Cheal Dealh. W ith
T he fi rst pilot fo r the sho rt-li ved sene,
starring Pa trick Duffy (Bobh),on Dallas ) Helen Wa lker, Bra ndo n Hurst, a nd
Reinho ld Schuen t:eI ,
as rill' Aqu:umm-tikc SW lln llll n,c hero
wi th g ilts. Be li nda M OlllgOlw.: ry heIr:. 71IE ,I/AN IN OUTEII SPACE
him fight bad guys led by Victor Buono. 196 1 A IP·T V (Czec hoslovakia) (8&\"(1 )
A flop heTc, it was a big hit <I S o ne of I'IIOOUC[II: Rudolph Wo lf
till" fi rst American T V sho ws allowed OI "EOO": O IJ nch Lip~ kr
in Ch ina. Dircclc-d by Ih(, !Han who K "£(NWlllt£lU: O ldrlc h Lipsky,
made The Ph)'nx. &'vcra l (ca r u rc ~ we re ZJel1l'k Bbka
put toge ther from re-edi ted cp i soJc~. OIIIG INAlLY IIllEA$[O AS : M lin Pf)'mhu Stoleu
A toml ly foreig n science· fict ion com.
THE MAN FIIOIII PLANET X edy aho ll t a 20th ·century upho lstere r
1951 U n ited A rt ists (B&W) (Mi los KOJX'c ky) who aCcidenta lly blasts
Pf.OOUCEMiSCI\£[NWAlTEM: h imse lf into space . A fte r he ing exa m-
Aubrey W isbe rg, Jack Pullc:d cll ined hy <l liens he returns to nt h'cen.
DII\£OO,,: Ed !,>;)r G, U lm er rury E.1rth (wi th an invisible man ). The
This liule science-fiction fa vorite, along dubbi ng h<ls made th is sm ire of tec hno l.
with The Thing and The Day the Earth \l~y and cari talism a bit hard to 'o llow.
Stood StiU, was one of the first serious By the directo r of Lemollade Joe.
movies to feat ure visiting alie ns. He re
the ext ra terrestrial is a sho rt being wi l h ,I/AN IN THE ATl1C
a haunt ing. immo bile wli ite face with 1953 20th C~· nl u r)'. Fo x ( B&Wl
slit eyes and a speaker-translator o n h is I'IIOOUCl lI:Rober! L Jacks
chest. When his spaceship lan ds on the 0111£0011: H ugo FTeJ,,'Orlesc
SCIll£HWlllt£IIS: Roher! rresnd I, Jr. ,
m isty moors of Scod and . a sc iem ist
B.1rr": L~ "'m
captures hi m and tries to fo rce h im to
tell all. T he friend ly being reacts by Jack Pa lance is Jack the Ripper (a role
turning on a m ind ·co ntrol ra y. Robert he was bo rn to play) in a remake o f
C larke stars with Margaret Field and The l..JJdger. Constance Smith is his can-
William Schallen. It was sh O! in six can ·.!<mcl'r ~i rl fril' n d. W ith Frances
days. Direc tor U lmer was a busy Ill ,\!) Savicr (Au nr Bee on The Andy Griffith
who di rec ted lo w-budget fi lms of every Sh()\ (' ! ) and Rhys Will iams.
description in German , English, Yid-
dish , Ukrainian , and Italian. In th t:!
,/fAN IN 11111 DARK
silent era he worked wi th Lang and 19'i ' C.·, hu n hi<l (fI&W, 3.D)
PIIO OUCEP. : Wallace MacDonald
M umau, T his is one of his best. OIM CTO II : Le\\' Lmdl'ls
SCM[HW" 'T£ P.S: Gl'orj;!e Bric ker,
THEillAN IN HALI"III00N J,lck l cnrmrd
STREET Th l , fi rst major-studio 3·0 fi lm , a re-
1943 Para muum (B&W) make of The M IlIi \Vho Uved T «'ice, was
""OOUC[II : W 31rer M acEwen ~ h ot In 1J d,.ys <lnd beat The HOIlS<' of
OIIl.(CTO II: Ralph M. Murplly \Vax to the natio n 's sc reens. Edmond
SO.([N"lVkIT[II : Charle~ Kenyon O 'Brrcn b the crim mal whose face is

altered <llong wiTh his memory. LOTS of
objects are hurled aT The audience and
there's a wi ld ro iler.coasTer ride . With
Audrey Ton er. Ted De Corsia. ,!Od
Ho race McMahon. Original prinTs arc
Tinted sepia.


1939 United ArtlSlS (B&W)
""OOOCE"'DIIUCT~ Jame5 Whale
Kk[E~tl£k: George Bruce
Famous ho rror direcwr Whale puts his
mark of quality on this version of the
Dum<ls classic. Louis H ayward stars as
tw in broThe rs. One is imprisoned in the
iron mask and returns for revenge. With
W,men William. Alan H ale. Joan
Bennett, Dwigh T Frye. sword fights .
torture chambers. and Peter Cushing
makin~ his film debuT.

1961 Trans·Lux (England) (S&W)
HoOOOCo.: Michael Relph
DIIII.I:CTOA: Basil Dearden
KP.l[NWMt~: MIChael Relph.
Bryan Forbes
Kenneth More, a professional guinea
plg. lS chosen as The firST BriTish astm-
n<lUT. He's scnt 10 the Moon bUT land~
in AU~Tra l ia inSTead. A comedy wiTh
Shl rie)' Ann Field and Charles Gray.

AlAN JIIADE AIONSTER Anne N ,'gcl fWIll The c!',I:ed Atwdl. A The Man Made Monsfer
(1.ilTl Chaney) in hi5 rub-
1941 Universa l (B&W) classic of i b kmd.
OlkECTO k: Gwrgc Wag):ne-r
Lon C hancy. Jr., stars as Dynamo D,m 1957 Univl'r1l.11 (S&W)
the Electric Man. a circus performer PkODUCEk: Robert Arthur
who falls into till' hands of m"d doctor DlkECTOk: Joseph revney
Lionel Atwill. The frie ndl". nwn who Kk[[~ k}: Ivan Goff.
can absorhelecTricity is uansfonned into R. Wrighf Campbell. Ben Roberts
a white-faced zombielike killer in a This story of master makeup artist and
bulky rubber su it. Lon is st'nt tu the actor Lon Chane)' is, lik.e all Ho ll)·wood
electric ch,m but he survives, k ills the b i opic~, full of fiCTion. James C'lgncy
wa rden, and e'iCapes in lime TlI rescue (who doesn't look anythlOg ltke Cha-

ney) gets to appear as the Hunc hback THE ~IAN IVHO CHANGED
and the Phantom in an enten aining HIS~llND, See THEillAN
JXlrtrayal of the perfectionistic actor.
Raised by deaf- mute parents, he makes
a career out of playi ng grotesque, de-
fo rmed people and has marriage prob.
lems. With Dorot h y Malo ne , Jane
1959 Hammcr/PardmOl1nr (England)
Greer, Jim Backus, Celia Lousky, Roger
H.OOtJco: Michael Carreras
Smith as Lon Chaney, Jr., and Robert Dlk(OOI1.: Terence Fi sher
Evans, later more famous as a producer SCUENII.fRIT£I\: Jllnm )' Sangster
and studio head, as producer/studio A good remake of The Man in Half
head Irving G. Thalberg. A sound track Moon Streef smrring Anton Diffring as
a lbum has been re<:endy re leased. the eterna lly }'oung man who needs
gland tmnsplants every few years. Chris-
topher Lee is a doctor frie nd. With
~IAN ON A SIVING Haze l Cou rt.
1974 Paramount
PI\ODUCEI\; Howard B. Jaffe
DII\£OOI\; Frank Perr)'
KI\ElHWP./TEI\: D<wid Zelag Goodm~n
!937 Unir\·d Artists (Engl;md) (B&W)
Joel Gn'y is a clai rvoyant who offers fa
H.ODUC EI\; Alt'xander Korda
help police track down a rapist/ki ller. DIA(aOI\; Lorhar Mendt's
Police inspectorCli((Robertson thinks H.G. Wells
that Grey is the killer. A little-known
H.G. We lls himsel( WTOte the sc ript (or
fi lm directed by FT<mk Perry (PItIY" As
this greaT (;meas}' comedy starring Ro-
Ir UlJS. Rancho Dellue) whose fi lms arc
land Young as a meek clerk given un-
usually uniq uely puzzling. This one got
limiTed powers by dU' gods. It starts our
great reviews in some fairl y ob~u re
~mall ·scale and whimsical and ends wi [h
publicat ions.
incredible scenes showing what happens
when Young Sto ps Earth from rotating.
It has gre,lt special e((('<:ts, a strong an-
THE~IANTHEYCOULD tiwar dll'llle . and an impressive British
NOTHANG c a ~ t including Ralph Richardson. Er-
19J9Colurn hia (B&W) nest Thesig(,T. George Zucco, Tori n
PI\ODUCEI\; \Vallace MacDonald
Th:ltcher. Joan Gardner. anrl G('Org('
DIA(CTOI\: Nick Grinde
Sanders plaYing a go..! in his first screen
Karl Brown
rol('. Richard Pryor is set to star in a
Kindly scientiST Boris Karlo(( is eXeclited remake.
by The state (or his anifici'll.heart.
Transplant experiments. After being llIE~IIIN IVHO
brought back 10 life hy aSSistant Byron FELL 1'0 EARTH
Foulgcr, Boris traps the jUdgL' and jury J976 C mcm,l;
that condemned him in his s~cia lly l)Celey 5 rJlkings
PI1.00UCEI\ :
rigged mansion and kills them nn ... by DlkEaOI1.: Nic ho las R ocg
nne. One o( many si milar Karlo(( fi lms. Paul Mayersht-rg
Wi th Lorna Gray (as his dauglul> r). David Bowi ... sta rs as a cat-eyed bald
Rohert W ilcox. Roger Pryor. and Ann "lien in hUIll~Hl disguise trying to re-
tllrn h0111e to hi ~ desert planet and fam-

After an u peCllltll1 C(ln~crv,ltl\·l.! Bnt- UPI6I1l176; 1~lI'td Bo-
i~h hu~ill ... " m .Hl Roger MOOTl' is horn - wie has (hm "()(N!r-U urL:/l,,'
fwd III dl~covcr an extroverted l'xac r L:JUk" In The M.m Wlm -
dupllc;lle \If hUlI.'.elf 1Ilt'1. lllIlll)'! III hIS Fell 10 F_'mh, Ie' s Uo)tl'lf'~
[Inl mo.'te. (15C1<'11C<'-
,Iffair~, With H ildeg;JrJ Neil. O lga
[lCfiuII "f{mng in lI'hu:h h...
GL'or),Zl'S-l'lcOl, ;Jnd Freddll' J'lnl'S, It was dues"" pia)' lIT sUlg (.IIIOIe,
Moore's laSt pre-B.,lnd film , Ba~ed on
an epISl.xle of the /\Ifrl'd Hi tchcock tele-
VISIon sh,lw,

nlli lIMN WHO

1<}34 G ~IU Ill(lnl (Engl:lIlJ) (13&W)
PkOOLlC £k; ~1tch,1c1 8;llcull
OIR£CTOR: Alfrl",j llitchwc k
K R[(H\VI\lTEk : A,R, R:lwlmS<.lll
Leslll' B;Jnk s and Edna Bc~' pia)' a cou-
ple \'~lCat1"ll\ng In SWltzerhmd whu
dy, With the hl'lp of:l pall:nt 1,lwvcT learn (If an ;ma rchl~t a~l~s i n<I ti()n pi,)!
(Buck Huuy) ilnJ iI profl:"SOT (Rip (wm ,1 dying Frenchman, The ~maT­
Tnrn) h l , t1l;Jke~ unfOld mdh Llll> mdT- c h l ~" kidnap their little girl to IIlsurc
ketlng elec tronIC In\"en(l()n~, HI ~ glrl- tlwir ,ilenee, Peter LOTTl'. in hIS lir~t
fTll'l1d (C:1Ildy CLtrk) ,md the bw~cr Ellgll~h-1.tng"n).!e film. stand:. 0111 nsthe
,ITI: hnh..-.J by ,he gtl\'emment, hb Tetum chief kidndper, He h"s a hig ~;u "\'\()\'c
/li~ht b ~toPI'I:J, ,md , ,Ifler exten~i\'l' (lne e~e and a ~trl'ak of hlond h ~ur, A
p,\lnfulll:~t~, he h..!comcs an ;JicohnllC wdl-tlmL~1 MoTe.nn during a cOlleen :\1
TL'dlN' tr.lppcd 011 Earth, Dill'id H.,l\\'IC t he A lhert Hall ~t()PS t hl' , . ~s~bstnati()n.
t1l~kl.!~ a gre." ,111I:n .md th" (asCln:Hll1g The \'ill.llns lose III a ,hOoJIOlil with
'CIl'nee-nCtion film (whICh 'pan~ 25 police, It II'a~ the only Hitchcock movie
),("<11,) wtlllx' revived I11lhe (ulure long ,h;11 the dnLi:fOr c ho~ 10 rl'lllake (in
,Ifter mu~t of h l ~ den\':!tlve nICk ,l lhum~ 1956. II IIh James Stewart ,md l)mis
1.111<1111 the eut-uut hins, John Phillil' ~ nilY)·
w~!> rhe 1l1l1 ~ ICl l d"ccrur. Som e of
Bowle '~ '«mg~ for rill' film (, he\' \\'l'rl'Il'1
""ed) turned 1.11' (In I..n\l', whi'ell ha~.1
,hOT fT,11ll Ihe 'ilm o n till' co\"er (!>I.l df~~
)Wlflm 10 )/(II((m), \Vith Cl.ludld Jcn-
lltng~, ( R)

'[HE ll/AN WHO

I'H I LCl'iIlJPld.m.m (EngLmd) .\It "' ......1... 8r~,"" "'ooMt"", too -'"(10 [l1li
PROOUC[I": M"'l Relph Dollrt..IH by l",n I'lc_.,'" COII<O<'\OOO1
DIP.£ClO k : &t!;ill knrdL'n , - I GPI·~ -;.-=-
KkEE HW?ITEkS: MIChael Rdph,
R1<1I Ocarden

1936G.lUnlOnt ( (B&W) 1981 Warner Brothers
DlklaO": Rohert SrcI'enson
G ueneHe. Lee Kr:ullcr.
PIIODUCE'-S: Rolx·rt
SO[[N'lVIUT[IU:l. Du G :udc r Paul Dra ne
S,unq' Gi llial, Juhn L l3ald ... rslOn Dl'-£CTOk: Roben Q ueneHe
AlSO IUl£AS£D AS: The ,,"·Iall \tlhn Cha'Wd
S(A[ENWkll['-S: Robert Gue nette. Alan
, III Mmd; Th..- Brmn Snatcher: 1)r. Manr<1C I lorJ,,~x1
Scienr is[ Boris Karloff I:. In love wit h In 1979 Orson Welles narrated The Lale
as.sisr:lm Anna Lee. hut she loves John Grear Planet Earth. He 's hac k aga in
L,xlcr. Boris' SOl ution is 10 usc h is ele<:- pmphesyingdoom and desrruction . th is
[roll ;e brain-transfer aprar,lt us nn Lod. time as en visio ned by the 16rh.c(·ntury
cr. He'll get himself <I youngt:r fxx!\' and Fre nch physician Nostradamus. Film
the girl. Boris' plans go wro ng some. cl ips are mixed with dramatizations and
wheTI.', T his se ldom-shown film is s:lid inT erviews in the Sunn Classic STyle
to be o ne of Karlof/\ best. (cheap). Wars. assassi na tio ns, and dis-
coveries were correc tly predicted, ac.
THE Il/AN WHO cord ing to O rson. Thl' future holds n
LIVED TWICE massive earthquake in May 1988 and a
1936C()[umbia (B&W j nuclea r attack o n Manhattan (by Mos.
PIIOOUCUI: Ben Pivar lems) in 1999. Seven years of desnuc.
DtkECTO"; Harr,' Lac h ma n t ion will fo llow. Plan accordingly.
!.o..f:[HW'-.lTEAS: Tom Va n Dyc kc ,
Fred Ni hla, Jr.. Arth ur SlrJ"'n
A h orribly sca rred g:m gste r (Ra lph
Bellamy) emerges fro m an opera tio n
with a handsome face and amn esia. The TURNED TO STONE
" new" ma n becomes a fa mu lls du('(or 19,7 Cllumbla (8&W)
PkO OUCEk : S:nn Kat:man
but h is forgo tten past catches up wHh
OIk£CTOk: LI;'~Jie Kardos
him. With Marian Marsh . Thurston K k£ENWkITEk ; Ra\ mOM T. Marcus
Ha lland , and Ward Bond. Edmo nJ
Victor JOTy "" ads a group of Zoo-year-
O'Brien starred in Man in the Omk,
a remake. (lid scien tisrs who have managed to stay
~ h \'e by pU lfing wo men in a tu b o f
chclllica l ~ .m d sapping their en e rgy
THEAfAN WHO RECLA/AWD th w ugh wires attached to headhands.
HISHEAD \Vi rholil the stoll'n fe male energy they
[93 5 U nIversal CB&W ) tu rn \() stone. With Ann Doran , Char-
PIIODUCE~; Carl Laernm le, )r. lo tte Austin. and Paul C avanaugh .
DI!\£CTO~; Edward Ludwig
K ~EENW~ITo.S; )e<'ln Bart . 5<1l11u.:1 Ornits
C laude Rains stars as a pnc ifis r wh ()~c
wife (Joan Be nnett) and 1)C,lCe plans 71IE ,IfAN WHO WANTED
aTe sto len by warmo nge r/mu n it ion s 7'0 LIVE FOREVER
manufac rure r lion el Ar wi ll. Ra ins 1970TV (CmaJa)
PkOOVC Ek: T.:renct' Derw
forgers h is love of peace and dcedpi-
DI!\£CTO I\: John Trl'"nt
tates A tw ill. W irh Wa llace Ford anJ
SCI\[[HW~tT[~ : M. Denker
B."lby Jane . It was re made as .slranR~ AUO kiLEAS£O AS : The Onl)" \Vu:o OUI Is
Confession . lkOO

A h ea rt ~urgeo n (Sw an W hitman ) d is- UPI I ZI 13174; Su.\',lis/t-
covers that hill ionaire Burl lvcs I ~ (Ising born aclrt'55 Brm Ektlllid
h is pri va te nlf..-'1.lical-research center to is rhe larest ill " !em;; Iml'
stc,ll body partS (rom young mcn in of Iot't'ly leadmg /adJtos fur
James Bond. Bn tt helps
u rJt:r to pro lon ~ his Hf{,. W ith Sand y
Bond. played b). Ruga
Denn is. It was a theatrical release in Moore, trad, dnu:n rhe
Europe. bad guy m rhe laresr Smid
film. The Man Wuh rhe
1940Columbla (H&W )
Nick Gn ndt·
loO[[NWklltk: Karl Bn)wn
An uther ,Ilood -sClcntist-gune-had role
fur Boris Karloff. As bearded Dr. Kra-
vaa l, h e a[temptS to cure cancer vic-
tims by freez ing the m in his Canad i:m
ice cave by pi l ing large iCt, chips on
the ir bod ies. After being thawed m il
himse lf, h e is sto pped by the 10c;l1
mo unt ies from icmg Roger Pryor and
}o Ann Sayers. With Byron Foulger.

THE AlAN If//1H 111E

1974 United Arl ists ( Engl ~ nd)
",ODI,I(£kS: Albt-n R. Bwcwh,
H arry Sa ltzman
DtkLCTOf.: Guy Hamilton
K IU:ENIW"IT£kS: Rlch:lrd Malb.1um.
Tom M(lIlk iewlCI
Christopher Lee hits a career peak (in
terms of budget only) as Sca ramanga,
the million-dollar-il-hi t ass.1ssin with an
extra n ipple . Lillie Herve V i ll ec h il i ~e
pra ct ices fo r hiS ro le ;IS T ;lltoo o n
Fanws)' Is/and by playing Nick Nack.
Brit t Ekland is Mill)' Goodnight . Maud
Adams is Scamm,mga's mistress. In his
second outing as James Bond , Roger
Moore goes to an island where there's
a solar-energy b ser bc<l rn and dodges
some tacky but colorfu l psychedelic
effects. C lifton James repeats h i ~ J umh
sh eriff ro le . Lu llJ sin)::s th e no n -h it
theme song, Music by John Barry.

J9H Bud.1 ROl:crs (England) (B&W)
""OOIK; £'-: G UIdo Coe n
OIA(CTO~; W. Wilder. ClIa rles Saunders
SC~£[NWI\.ITO; Wdh:ulI Grott'
Sc ientist:. revl\'c the ta lki ng hearded
head of NO~ Tradam llS, Hooked lip to
tuhcs on a rabie, it STili makes accu.
mte predicllons. Rohen HUT w n decides
the hClId neNls a new hod }'. Pretty
tern hk·, Wi th George Coulouris and
Julia Arnall.

,. •, ROBERT "UnON . GEORGGEE: ;;LOiffilSl

.,_",. __ "'. . ...... '"
~ . ~ IJt .

...,. ", .. ~ 'H"~~ ~! .• .','.'.~ ~ ,~~.:~. " '"'~'

_,. ..,,'
'.1"""000' 0<;
1979 TV
PIIO DUC£ R/SC il,EEN\vkJT[iI,; Ric k Husky
DIA(CTO il,: I larry Falk
THE "fAN WITH THE A pilo t him ,Ibout Ihe comic-strip ma -
POWER giC1 an Mand ra ke (Antho ny Herrera)
1977 TV ~top r ing a se ries of roller-collster mur-
""OOUC[~KM:ENW~TU, : All a n Ba X! "'T
de rs. Ji-Tu C llIllbub is w rhllf. With
OII'.ECTO~ : Nicholas Sgarro
}-hl rry BlackSTone . Jr. MlIndra kl' was
A schoolteacher who can move ob,cc[S al'o() a ~ ria lill 1939.
<l od bend iron through eye concentra-
tion is picked to guard a visiting Bengal
princess. A pilo t fi lm with Vic Mo rrow. lItANFlSH
Roger PCITY, and Pcr.;is Khamhatt:"l. 1956 Un l" e!"):!1
PI\OOUCER/OIk(CTO~; W. lee W ilder
SCk££NWf.TT£A: j oel Murcon
A modern adve nture fi llllllbow an un-
BRAIN.. See BLOOD OF dersea Trc,bure, vaguel\' hased o n Poe-'s
GHASTLY HORROR. "The Gold Bug" and his "The Tcll- •
w l(, Hearl." W iTh John Bromfield, Lon
lHEA/AN WITH lHE C h aney, Jr., Victor Jory, the alwa~'s
YELLOW EYES.. See amusll1g Barbara N ichols in her first role,
PLANETS AGAINST Us. and calypso music. Fil med in JamaiGI.


19i2 Will iam ~"ji , hk J!l ISLAND
PRODUCER; W illia m Mi sh km 1945 Repun li c (B&W )
OIl\ECTOII/KREENWRITo.: Andy M i l l, gan ,uK>( IAT[ p~OOUC [II ; Ron ald [}.l\'Id50n
Nor The Thill}! with T wv He(uls made DlkLCTOM: Spenc er Bennet. Wall ace Grisso:!,
the same yea r, but a terrible versio n of Yakt ma Canu n
SCiI,HNWil.rT£~S :
Al hert De m o n d,
the Dr. Jekyll an d M r. I l ydc sto ry
8.1)11 Dickey, Jesse Duff~', Alan james.
made by Staten Island's M illigan in Grant Nelson. joserh Poland
Engbnd. Mdligan was h is OW Il c inema. AUO A(lU.S(D AS: C«/JtIJlO h l ephrsfO lind Ihe
t~ rap hc r. (R) TrllOJfOlllUmml ."-"Iachln':

Using the "transformation chair,";J man ,11A1V1AC
turns himself into the nefariou)) 18th- 1934 HollywooJ PrOOucc:r:. :ond
cenrury pirate Captain MephlslO (Roy DI~trlhulors (B&W)
Barcroft). Mephisro aUempTS 10 gain P"ODUCUJ DI"-ECTO" ; Dv,':lm E.o.per
control of the powerful radiO::Homic K P.£EHW"ITU; Hll.le~:lrJc: St;ldl!~
power transmitter, but hero crnnino lo· Don't pass u p an opportunity to sec this
gist Richard Bailey and in ve ntor's incredi hle o ld (Idllits-only oddity based
dallgluer Linda Stcrling s[{)P him after in part on Poc's "The BI(1ck Cat." Bi ll
about a dozen cI05C calls. A c.ondenS(·d Woods stars as a crazed vaudcv IlIlan
feature version of this seria l wa~ rcleased who ends up killll1g :md irnperson(1ti ng
in '66. Dr. Meirsc hlll' 2 (Horace Carpenter),
.. Illad sc ' l~ n t i s, who could rC\'1\·C the
dead. 1·!Jghh):.!lus Include thl' cating
of a cat's eye, hody snatching, two
women lochJ 1Il a cellar fightin g with
MANIA syringes. a rapist who thinks hc's a
1960 Pacemaker Film~ (England)
gorilla, and a 1m of nlldity in defiance
Robert S. Baker,
,,,O DUCEP.S :
Monty Berman of Ihe Hays Code. Includi ng film clips
DIN:CTO": John Gilling from \'(/irchcraft Through the Ages (Swed-
SCN:EH'N'NTE"S: John Gilling, Leon Griffuhs en , 1920) and Slegfned (Germany, 1923)
AUO I'.(lLt&:D AS:Tilt FleJh and the FU!nru; to illustrate madness. You won't believe
Tilt FirndUh Ghoul.!; PJycha-KiIlm it. Esper and hiS scTiptwriter wife Hi!·
Although screened here as if it were deg:mle also made Marijuana, \'(/eeJ t.l'ilh
an inierior exploilation film and ob· Roots in Hell and How to Undress III Front
viou sly inspired by the success of of Your Htlsfxmd.
H ammer's early horrors. this is an ex ·
cellent atmospheric movie. As Dr. JllANlAC
Knox, Peter Cushing scandaliz.;os the 1963 flammer/Columnia (E I\~tanJ)
medical profession by buying Oodies for
P"ODUCE"/K M:EHW"I TE"; J1111111Y San).!Slt'r
experiments. George Rose and Donald DIM:CTO" : Michael G.m(·ras
Pleasence arc thorough ly convincing
A n American art ist in France (Sel't.'nlh
an d disgus ting as the Irish grave rob·
VO)"(I/;l' of 51111)(1£1 St;IT Kerwin M,il thews)
bers Burke and Hare. They'll kill any·
falls in I\)\,e with :1 young woman hut is
body. of any age, to get some money.
seduc .... d h}, hcr stepmother (N lldi a
The poverty .tnd filth of 19th·century
Gray) ,md talked mto h . . lping her (Ither
Ed inburgh prov ide an unforgettab le
(>scajX' (nUll an IIlsane asylum. It's obvi·
background for this unflinc h ing fi lm.
ouslya had mo\'<..' and he nc,.rly becomes
The romantic couple (John Cai mey
the vict im of a nut with a hlow{(lrch.
and Billie Whitelaw) are, surprisingly
An inl .... re~tin)! P.1~·clUJ.imrlred thriller
enough, killed off. Scenes of expl icit
with a tyrical 1"'ISt endmg.
v iolence, including eyes being burned
out, are shown. The ori,(linal prints con·
rained some nudity, unusual <It the time,
1978 New World
especially in England. Cushin,(l inspeCTS P"-OOU(E"=Jam t's V. Han
th e corpses brought in by daintily hold · DIM:aor.: Richard ComplOn
in g his nose with a hankie and throw· KP.£ENW,,rTH: John C. Broocrick
ing some gold coi ns at the kdle rs. AL50 MI.LU£D AS: RaJlS()m : Ass(lIIh ()fl
Watch for it. ParadIS<'

45 7
An ex-Vietnam vet dreSSl..-d as an Indian Zi to, ,I repu lsive schizophrenic killer.
threatens to kill importan t people in When he isn't trying to romance beau-
a resort town unless he rece ives $5 t iful Caro line Munro (as a photog-
millio n. Corru pt millionaire Stuart rapher), he kills women, scalps them,
Whitman hires hit man O liver Reed and PUtS the bloody hair on the manne-
to put a sto p to the murders. Jo hn quins in his fi lthy apartment. From the
Ireland is the sheriff, who also wo rks director of The Violarion of Claudia
fo r Whitman. Wi th Deborah Raflin as and the diStributors of Caligula. The
a reporter and Jim Mitchum. Roger sound track album is sti ll available. helf.
McGu inn of the Byrds sings the tide unposed X)
song. An unrelated pn.'credit scene with
a ~asked-killer clo wn was racked on JllANlAC JlANSION
and used in the horror ad campaign. 1978 G roup I (haly)
Filmed in Phoenix, Arizona. By the di - AAOOUCEIVDIMCTOI\: jurgen Goslar
rector of Ange/5 Die Hard. ALSO M:L£AS[O AS: AmlKk
Maybe yo u remember Farley Granger
in Srrangers on a Train and thought he
JllANIAC was prelly good. Watch this and think
1980 Analrsis again. F<lrley kidnaps females and forces
PI\OOU([~:And rt·w G~rroni,
them to put on endless sex shows.
Wdltnm LU~II)!
OIM:CTOI\; William LU SII )!
B.1rbara Bouchet sho ws up looking (or
S(M:[ NWIIJTt'-S; Z. A. R~':l'nhc r!!, joe Spinel! her sister. Farley gets crazier by the
moment. (R)
This low-budget New York Ci ty ~ I ashcr
movie ~T<lrring the spec ial makeup ef-
fects of Tom SaVini (who appears as a THE JlfANlACS ARE LOOSE,
victim) managed to of(end even many See 71IE THRILL KILLERS.
inle1lUllWual que""'1 of SCI- gore fans. h 's a project of busy charac-
ter actor Joe Spinet! (I"otb Godfmher JllANIPULAl'OR,
mee jicllQl1 aM /wrr0t"
C(.1T"oime MUI"ITnS/(lrs (.1$(.1 fi lms, Taxi Dril'ff, CnIlSIII,I:!, the Rock)' See EFFECTS.
fruhlO11 {IMwgr<I/M f,ned fi lms) who wrote the story, was the ex -
10 meel lhe Mam,\(:. eCllrl\'l' producer, and stars as Frank
1978 Avco Emoossy
AAOOUCEIVOIM:CTOI\: William G.rd! .... r
SCA[EtflUl\JTE'-S: Wil!inm Girdler, jon Cedar
Poor SUs,1n Strasberg has an evil Indian
midget growing out of her hack! The
400-yea r-old medicine man is "reborn,"
terrorizes the all star cast, and ends up
confronting hero Tony C urtis in a
refrigeraTOr. C urtis, in the silliest role
of his career, is a phony spi ritualisl
and former lover of Strasberg. Michael
Ans<lra is Singing Rock. Stclla Stevens
is a gypsy. B.1.~d o n a novel of the same
title by G mham Masterson. With Ann
Sorhcrn , Burgess Meredith, Jeanette
Nolan , Paul Mantee, and Jon Cedar,
who co-wrote the sc reenplay. Onl)' the

special effech make it worthwhile. his assistant (Gloria C rahame). As the
Gmller, the 30-year-old producer- ki nd bu t crazed kil ler, Bllsehart is
dir<,;cTor, J ied in a helicopter aCCidenT pretty funny. Frnm the d irector of
before this was released. It was his Dracula 's Dog. W ith Vic Tayback and
ninth feature. Anhur Space. Prooucer Band was 21
at the time.
1959 Lopen (U.SJJapan) (B&W)
,llANOS, THE HANDS OF PP.OOUCEP.: Geo'l,'C P. Brcakston
FATE OIP.t:CTOIU: Kenneth B. Crane,
1966 Emerson George P. Breaksron
I lal P. Warren ALSO P.t:I.EAS£O AS; The Spilt
What kmd of 1110vle wou ld a fert ilizer The world's fi rst double-headed-mo nster
salesman from EI Paso, Texas. mllke! movie! An American reporter (Larry
This kind: \Varren IS vac~ltionlOg with S tan ford) is given an inject ion by the
hiS wife. link, girl. and pocxile Peppy mad Dr. Suzuki (who keeps his mu tant
when he tab..'S a wmng wm to nowhere wife in a cage). An eye grows on the
and stors at a ph ;mta~lllagoric house reJX>rter's shoulder! It S(XIn becomes an
to ask dil'(~c tions. Ser"',lIlt Torga answers ugly head that resembles a carved
anJ the nightmare begins. Peppy IS torn coconut ! T he extra-headed mon ste r
10 bits trying to escape, and his ow m'r~ ki lls people! Then it spli ts in to two
end up in a cheesy backya rd temple beings-man and ape mlln. Man throws
witnessing the weird rit es of revived ape man into a volcano! End.
master Manos and his harem 4ueens.
The presence of guests causes nothing
but trouble; the hlckering between
1968 B,)xoffic.. lnf('fIlanon,tl
Tnrga and Manos c$CabTes until Manos PT\O OUCERlSCP.t:£NW"ITE": S~nford Whitt,
m akes a point by vapo rizing Torga'~ OIP.t:CTO«.: WIII.,lIn ROISIer
h,md in sacrifiCial fires. MeeT Torga \ AUO "(LEASED AS ; Uia
repl,l(emenr in the su rprise conclusion. A ~ycho-kilJe r -d rug-nudie movie star-
Made in EI Pa:.o. With To m Neyman, r in~ Sus,m Stcw;m as Lila. a topless
John Re ynold" and Di,me Mahree.-CB go-~o dancer who takes toO much LSD.
She lures a series of men TO a candldi t
AtANSION OF THE DOOAfED warchou:.e for sex but kil ls them with
1976Group I g<mlcn tools whI le halludn;Iting. One
""OOUCE": Charle~ Band m;m seems to turn into" giant insect ;
OIP.t:CTOP.: Michael Palakl another \ head Ix·comes a bunch of
KP.t:EN\V"ITE": Fr~nk Ray Perilh bananas. Shot in New York C iTY by
Dr. Chancy (Richard B.1Sehart) feels cinematog raphe r L,s:lo Kovacs, who
responsible for the acciden t that caused did Easy Rider the fo llowing year.
daughter Tisha Sterling to go hlind. Makeup by Mike Weldon (no relatinn).
The doctor kidnaps people, surgically Harry Novak'~ Boxoffice Internali nal
removes their eyes, iLnd throws them 1,I Ter made hurror films like Axe and
in h is du ngeon. None of th .... opera- lhe ChIld. Direc lor Rorsler WTI(C1> for
tions work. The eyeless victims kill Adam Film \Vor!d mag~l z i ne. (R)

S OLDIF.RS, See BABES IN ]97.2 A lP (W_ Gerll1<1nvfEngland)
TOYLII N D. OIM CTOR: AdTl,1n J [own
SCMENWAtT£IU: Adn:m Hovcn, Fr...J l)ell>.!""
,I/ARK OF If/E DEVIL ORIGINAl lY JIll EAUO M: Hn<'l1-G,'s.:huIlJ.'1
19711 11,lllm•• rk (W. G ...nn,UlI End,IIl.!) IInJT,rc1t'tit'qUdh
PIIODllCEI\; A,ln:m f loven \Vh,lf , Il(I \'(Hli it h ;lg~! Thl' seq uel
OIM CTOII.: Michael Annstmng d,11II1:'- [II rndud,' "10 :-Cl'nes Il1<1r \'011
SCP.£ENWfl.rK R; s...·TCIO (':" ""11<" will/xISlllt'<!h n(ll lx' "hie 10 srom,lCh _"
<>'JGINAllT RD.U.5EO AS: R""1I1 H e\<.' /Jr.-nu The illb al '>l.l S,I} (I W,,", ""anneJ III 19
"Likely 10 up~(" r yom ~loll1ach!" (he ,Jd~ COtllHTI ('~." [,~IIIKe to see ,1 ll,f. Anton
r t llmed. Tlll~ [, the ll n~' with th (> /,1_ Dlffrmg (Cercus IIf l/rnTOrs) , t;lr~ thi s
THOU, "'{(I11I.1ch Jbln:,," h'l.l!' gl\,en 1<1 tllll e. Reggl ... )\.Ialder returns trom rhe
vin\'('r~. Thanb 10 d hnlll 'lIlt AmcTI - ,lngllld! :tnd its rroducer rO('K ovc r as
Lm Old L llnraign 'trc,SIIl", the g"r~' Jlrectur. \Virh ,I hl',IlIII(ul COWll ..",
("rarl'd V tor violcncl'''), dll' wULh - (Eric d I3bnc ) ,md ,(llill' n un, hemg tor-
h unt tOl lc 'd in filth ·tOl'nlllr)' AU'ln; , Illr ... d ,lIld hnrned. ( H. ~
Wd~ a hig Ill(llwyma k n. Hl'rI'<'Tt L" 1il
, rars ,\~ the ." IdI~fl C (,11).1 11Il!'O[l'nt) " IJIRK OF 111E CORIDLII
II j lldgl'. T(l n).!lIl·~ .Ire nrpl'd 19S0(:"lumhl,1 (B&W)
~ROOU( E" :
SOIlIl K,lf:m,m
(lut; wOl1lc'n (0 (1<:11 hlpl .....,) .1Tl' burnl"l.
DIRECTOR: \Vill',lIn &;rl..,·
~tre t c hed , CUT . . . . But If YlIu'n: :1 I,m
SCRE ENWRI TER; (: .. r«,11 Y"Ul1g
.If tht, krnd of stuff, YUlI'Te unl ikely In
Im,1 IT "TIll' mOST Il< lrnfpng him en:r ftlt.! .cll\,' (lHdndmg On~lo\\' Stevcns)
dl'gHl'l' tlwm_,,·!\,o.'s ,b gOTlII ", m order
1I1<1d .... " \Vlth Ud" Klcr ( Irnlll I Ill'
\'(/,lrh ol h lJrror,) , ugly R ... g,i.! ll' ",lld ... r fl' '10.';,1 hUTll'.! ;-":,,:1 loot. O nl y her" Jun-
(SlIil'1n '_s LuI), Ollver,l Vucn, ,111.1 G; llw t.:1l' Jun (j,)ilnny \V.........,"llllkrl ca n Idl
Fuch". (R) Ihe lTtlllb III ,II'''' ~l llh from Ihl' "re,,1"'
,IIX" (m ,IIX' 'lILh). Ill' re -.c Ul·' ,I Glp-
II\l' prln.:c,". \Vuh Tnl d ~ t-.tLT,h"IL


I'»; ~K;M (B&\,\')
",OOUCE!';; (:.j. 1-.Lmlll.'
OIP.£(TO ,, ; T,,,j Bn\\\,llln~
S( U E ~WII.ITE II.S ; (~1I~ End"H·.
A :.I'und r",Ill,lkc (,f Bnlllninc:\ L<ltl-
dUll Aftel ,\II(i1u,t!/u. which ' LIT'Tnl L"n
Ch'IIh'\'. TIll' I':HlIpirl'~ t urn ow 10 tx'
,ICI(\r.. h ired 10 (righlo.'n fX'upit.-. hllt B.d'l
LU).!').'I 111 ,1 ,m,,11 pan <IS COLint Mur;,
,md C lTTtl ll a , hi ~ dau!.!hte r
Lun,l !nnk !.! \Vith her Ion).! H;r(K
h,lIr ,lnd ]" l it- 'Kin, till' 21-r~· ,H· ll l d
I~ ,rtlnd ,~·t fh e rrl'ce'!"nr fllr Mort tc i<l
.m,1 V~IIlI]'l r , l . LUml'! B;lrrYlllPre 'I;II"S
'" , I V,'n I [d'Hl).! tv, .... ·. Ll und /\r\\"II! h
Ithpl'ernr :--Jl·UIn,ltln. \Vifh E!i :;lh,oril

Allen, JC ,1I1 Ikr~h"lt, ,md D.ln " I,1
}"Ieck. C ml:m,IIl~r.'ph\" l--\" Jaml'~ \Vung
Howc. Onh' one hour Ion£:.

,'lARK OF nil-: VAlJlPlRE, See


1964 \.jn,Il'T_ .• l
PI'.ODUC£N'OIMCTOI'.: Alir",} I l'{c\K'Xi.
KI'.E£NWI'.IT(I'.: J"~ PTl',,,,n Alt.-n
A\ldlence~ ll(,d ;1 hard lime \\"llh thiS
'l'Xtl;ll /p,ychnl'\glc,.! hnrTor him with ,.
W,lh ,HlI C.'~ ll e-styk gi mmI ck (th"
~c rccn iL"he ~ red at ~tre,,(u l lllulIlents)
,Ill,! Se,1n Connery, who w .. ~ kn,m'n
\'1I1y :b Bond t" m(l~1 v;e\wr,. Til'pi
licdrl'n I~ Milrnll', <I coml'ub,ve thid
hVII1g under an ,, ~ ,umed n<lllle who
I\l Vl" her hor,c <lnd ha~ ,Ill hptcric:ll ,If Ihlllhk·r.I'lnn~. ~·X. ,md the color
red . When Ill'r n ch pul'lL,her cllIrloyer
(Connery) cal che" hcr wbblng the "<llc
h(' hl,lCkmil,l) hcr 1Il{() nl<lH) m).: hnn.
tOTle, her 10 h,lve sex, ,mJ :ltlelnprs to
dhOI\er the causc of her prohlems. A
\'I~I' 10 her cri ppled mmher an,l a help-
lui tb ~hh;lC k Cle<lTcver~ thin\! lip. \'(llth
DI,Ull' B..,ker, Bruce Dern. :mJ Ahm
~ .'r ,er. MusIC hy Bernard Herrmann .
HlTchcIlCk I~ ~c n III " hotel lobhy.
196') G,lllmt-',l
UP/ 91 /7150, Johnny
Wl',ssm,.ller .umuns!rateJ
Pl'.ODUCE"; M .J. I'~ ml ,,, \eh
!he plungmg waistline fry
DIMCTOI'.: John Sfllrgc!>
u/J/Jing tM scales aI 199.
KI'.£ENWI\IT£I'.: M"y,' S' lium
According to his puSt'nt
Thrl'c Amenc ,tn .1,trOn aU h (Gene contract Wl'issmul/er h.:id
I i<u.:km:ln, Rich .. rJ C rcnna, :md Jamcs 10 report for his currem
Fr,mci.~cus) un ;'11 ('ndurance mission picturl'. Mark of the Go-
arc stran{kd in orhi t and running out rilla, l4'eighing no! more
of oxygen At Cape Kenne.!y. supt.'Tvi- than 200 pounili or fo1elf
sor G reg(l r~' Peck tnc~ !O help while a r/wusdnd dollars for I'ach
wi\"e~ Lee Gr,lflt, N:mq" Kovack, <md pound ()I.'eT 1M 1lUIrk. The
Manc(!c H;)rticy fret. In <In unlikely imeresf<'d young lad)" I.S
ending Russian cm mo n;)ut ~ amve with co-star Trudy Marshall.
o xygcn. T he ~h)ry IS baSICally <In 1Il- Bela Lus:osi and Carol
:ipacc remake of SlUrgcs' )eop(1rJ~ (,53). Dorland in Too Brou..wflg·s
.\o!aTOOnCJ wo n an O~car fnr spccial Mark of the Vampire.

('ffc:ct ~. Also with Scott Brady III hl~ Remember Tommy Ki rk as an alien in
tir'l rl"~I'('ct<l b l (' prod uc tio n III \·ea r~. Pajama Parr,! You'll love him in t his
made-fo r-television travesty (rom [he
tllARR1ED TOO YOUNG dire<:wr o ( ZmIUlr. th£ Thingfr011l Venus
1961 Ilcadllllto"r ( B&W) and Goodbye NOfTt\!J}ean. Yvonne " Bar-
DrAECTO" : Gcorge M..",kov girl" Cra ig IS a go-go danc ing lady sci-
SQ.E[NW"nE": N:l!h,lIlld Tanchuck ent ist in de mand on Mars. W ith lars
ALSO I\£LEM£D AS: I ,\lam ..." Tuo ~~ !I<II..': of stock footage and dubbed- in sound.
Harold Lloyd, Jr., trades his dream or Incredible.
b.."'Comlllg a dCK:tor fu r mec hamc's n\'~r­
ails to ~ lIpp(lrt high sehcN)1 hride Jana
Lund. Trllub[e comes when he tries to
1971 Avco Embassy.TV (Sp~in.lh <lly)
set up h ou~e keeping ;Lway (rom med - Jost Antonio Conde
DtfllECTO~ ;
d[csome o ldstl"rs and get~ invo lvcd in SCfllEENW~tTEIU; Jose Aneon io Conde,
Anthony Dextn's hot -GIT ring. With J.J.A. Mi llan. Lopez Ara nd ~
M:manna H ill (still an exploitation fi lm Stephen Boyd stars as a crazed killer
regular, in her debut role a~;I had girl) , wi th a tnrture ch amber and a dead
Trudy Marshall, Gellrge C isar. and Nita wife kept in a su it of armor. W ith
Lo\'cbs. ell Marisa Mel!.


WORLD .. See FLASH 1980 TV
GORDON'S TRIP TO " lARS. PllOOUCllU: Andrew Donally,
MIlton Sulxmky
,liARS INVADES PUERTO DlfllECTO~ : M lc h~eI Anderson
RICO.. See FRANKENSTEIN SCA[(HWI\lTEfII: Rlc h~rd Matheson

' IIEE7'S THE SPACE T hiS not-roo-successful, six-hour, th ree-

,I/ONSTER. paT( IllI niseries based on Ray Bradbury's
hook ~u ffers frum bad special effects.
" lARS NEEDS WO,I/EN slow pacmg, and uni nspired d irectio n .
TUlIlIIL), KIrk (uJ:hl) III 1966 AIP·T V T he ten stories were stru ng together
Wiry BllcMnan's Mars Pf.OOUCEM OIIU:CTC»./ K I\£[N\VIIJTEfII: by means of a main chamerer. Co[one l
Nl'eJS Women. u.ny Buch~n~n Joh n Wilder ( Rock H udso n ). who
li nks up the diffe rent segments. W ith
Bernie Casey. Roddy McDowall, Darren
McGavin. Maria Schell. Bernadett e
Peters, Michael A nde rson , Jr. , Fritz
Weaver, Barry Morse. Joyce Van Pauen,
Gayle H un n icutt, and Jon Finch (as
Jeslis Christ ). O ne alien looks just lik e
David Bow ie in The Man W ho Fell
to Earlh. It was a theatrica l rel ease
in Europe. - AF

1977 libra
PIIOOUCEA: Richard Rubinstein
OlfllECfOfVKfllEENWMU.; George A. Romero

Juhn AmpJu5 SlUTS in
AfAR )~/ANE r;eur...", R(ml<."'j)'~ l-.\'lTflll.
1968 All'
Pf.ODuco.lOII\ECrOI\: 1-I.I1In D•.-xI:l(
SCIU(NWIUT£M : RICh,11\1 (l,uUler,
Peter L I-. \"r;h,,11
Has-heen rill' '> t.IT bbl,tT\ pl."';1 hIgh
~hou l art teacher wh,) I'> 1r:lIlwd ,md
hmted while IT) IIlg to CIllWtnU' till'
pnncip:11 th,lt m,lyi1e Qra~~ I,n't '«1 h,ld,
Di,me ~IcBam (of the SIIrfSrJe St'( ~TI~'~)
LS a (elbw tl',lCher Wh'l turns (l\ll 10 he
~1 rW,hl'r ;mJ ;1 JunkIe whll ,le~'l" ..... Ith
her ~tu,lents. \Vntten hy th ... If)cr~'dl­
ble turned -on tl';ltn of Pet.:r ~hr~h:dl
(HuU)·1t'Ooc:! S"Wtft.'.i ) nnel OKk G.llItlt.'T
(Hymie the CO.N.T. R. O. !.. r,'hot un
G~I Smul'l). \Vlth !\my McC.lrlll:lck,
the hy-then gr,lwn-up little ),!:lrI tWill
T/U> Bad Sct'd, Kevlll C.)ughhn, \tu,s
Bender, TefL G,lrT, ,m...! ,\ hit h' G, l\ifler.
Exploit,l[illn tlP~ Ir' llll the o rl),!:lnnl
rTl,,,hook 'lI~c~tlllg ~rcc l,l1 ",reen! ng~
from the cl('r~n': "Memh..;", III the ckr),!:)'
Romero's LWlng Dctul f,lms are grl'ar but have a kt'en llltere~t in theIr ":, lInnltlnl-
thls;s hL,. beSt 1>0 far. Jr's tOO dlstu rhLllg,l1e~ ~md arc e:lgcr to ,I-"'Ist with IllL,ll
bleak, and pt.:r~on31 ro have lx'en a Ii- problems. \hTlJII, II' :II~" growmg PHlh-
nancml hit, eVen.1I m idnight ,.howmgs. lem m Ill,,,,t communities. ,md ,liter )llllr
John Amplas stars as Mart;n, a shy and dergYIll,Hl h,,, attemk-,J ,\ ",reenmg <If
severel y conftc.ed 18-year-llld "vampire" '\ \IIT)J«Ilt', there I, n~)d(lllht th,lI he Will
llvm~ with relativeS m a JYlng Penn-
sy lv;:mla ,.teel town. I Its elderly cousin
Two are
(Lmcoln Maazel. fdther of LorIO) lx--
In the hospital.
heves he's a "Nosferatu" and tT1eS to One In lall -
destroy hun with crosses and garlic. and the others
The old man's defenses merely Irriwre have blown
M artin, a snicdy modern sexlial psy- their minds!
cho who uses razor blades and syringes
to drain the blood from his fem<lle
victims. Romero appears as an ineffec- ... tlle slKLckLni
tual priest and makeup artist Tom facts be ~lnd 1
S;:lViOL plays rhe fiance of Martin's
cousin (Christine Forre'>t). One LIlspired
tilt marijuana
oonlrovmyl ii
touch has Martin becoming a regular
o n an all-night phone-in radio show:
he calls to mlk abolLt his problem. In 1,
years to come thiS WIll he considered a _PATHECDLDR i- ~
c1assic_ The sound track is available on
Varesc Saraband. ( R )
... lllllGllUN,""rIdlJRMAili :!
he k.rthcoming WiTh t~l\'orable c. !1tlUll'nT The olltragenm Erich von Strohcim
from the pulpit." )tars a~ a magici,ln who hypnoti:cs ene-
mlC~ to make them kill and comm it
lllARY, lllARY, BWODY lIIARY ~UlciJ('. With Jeanne Bates and EdwarJ
1975 Translor (MexIW) Van Sloan.
P"OOUC[I'.; Pm.1 F,lm5
OIUCTO":Juan Lo~z Mocle;uma
SCP.EEN\II1I.ITU: f\"lalc"lm Man",>Stclll 111E lItA SK OF DIIII/TRIOS
Christina Ferrare s tar:. a:. a leshlMl 19H W;ITner 13n>lhcrs (B&W)
vampire who stabs her lovers in (he ",ODUCE": H~nry fllank~
nec k and drinks their blonJ. Ex-model OIUCTO" : Jean N.:gulco.Co
Ferran: is now known as Th~· wife lIf K"[ [ NW"Il(": Grul....,r
accused coke dealer, millio na ire John Peter Lorre. a meek. lx,w-tie-weari ng
Dclorean. Guest smr John Carradine mystery writer. is in Istanbul tr~·ing to
(as her father) wasn'T around Ion); re con~ truc t the life of a nororious vil-
enough TO tin ish the feature , S(l an lain (Zachar~' Scutt in his film debut)
uncunv incing doub le W,IS ~uhtitured. who has heen murdered . He's Ill'!ped
Frolll the Jirecrnr of Dr. Tw" .1 Turturc in an I.dd f,lshi(In by Sidney G reenstnxt
01l11.1(C011. and ;l number of flash hacks revealing
the dcvillusness of Dimitri{)s. Based o n
THE "tASK A Cu/fin fll,. DnllifrJos by Eric Amhler.
1961 Warner Brothers (Canada) who:.\' Background /(J Oanga had JUST
(B&W;.3-D) hccn tilmeJ with Lorre ,Lnd Greenstreet.
Pl'.OOUC[IVOItu:CTOJI.: Juli:m Roffman \Vlth Faye Emerson and Victor'n.
~ Frnnk T aubes. Sandy Ilnbner It prom bed and nearly dd ivered ·'the
AlSO tu:L£A$[O,u: Eyes of Hd/; T~ S/KIOky Malte....c Falcon kind olf I1nill."
One of the great gimm ic k films. An
introd ucrion explains , he ha llucino- nil! lItASK OF FU IIIANCHU
genic powers of "Tht~ Mask ... The view- 19)2 MGM (f\&W)
t'rs were insrmcted to put t h eir masks P"ODUC[I'.; Ir"me Thall....,Tl.!
o n when the psychiatrist in the movie DIUCTOJ.: Ch~rI.:s Bmi-m
(Paul Steve ns) does. The result is Ktu:[NWIOJTE~: Ir('Il': Kuhn .

"Dept h Dimension." 3-D sequences Edgar Al bn Woolf, John Wilbn.!

showing the horro rs of the subcon - A w,mdedully ouTra);cous advcnture
scious. A beaut iful woman is carried to ~ 1N. )u t the O riental Fu (Boris K<lrloff)
a sacrificial al tar by hooded figures. A t(lnuring and killing In obmin fhe mask
ragged gho ul rows a coffi n thro ugh a and ~w()rd ofGenghis Kh;Ln. With thcm
sea of mist. T h is psyc ho logical horror (pli l) his dee m Ink -my m;lchine) he (;111
fi lm was o rigi nally a hnx-office flop but exterminate the white race <lnd rule thc
still gets reissued every few years. "Put world. Myrn:1 Loy is Fu's daughter hlh
t he mask on-now!" L,) See. Lewis Stone is Nay l ~nJ Snmh
ofSc(ltl:-mll Yard. As a British museum
TlIE ,ltASK OF DIJON ~cien ti st. }e:1n ll crsholt is placeJ he-
1946 PRC (B&W) tween two spiked walls. slowly closing
Pl\OOUC[~: I-hx Alex:mJer. A l(r~d Siern In. Othe r~ face the alligator pit. decap-
L.:w Lm,krs
DItu: CTOII: 11:"Illon. or Ihe horrors of the inceSS,lnt
KJ.[[NWIOJT[~: Arthur 51. CI;llf. h<:ll. With Charlc~ S tarrett and Karen
()rJ(fin Ja ~' M,)rley. T Ill' claSSIC Fu Manclllllllovie.

of The Mtlll Who Fell w Eunh) wa~ thc [JI'I 5111164, Vinc{"nl
Pnce JI151 CQI.Jdn'l reSl51
Jw:ctor of phowgmphy. O nc Hnprcs-
bu)'nlS: pcntTk'S and aloof
sl\'e .:>Cquenee follows the pnnec through of /:u",h bread In one of
a St.·Tles of la rge ehambo.!n, e;lCh a d iffer- lhe DilkeneJ along London' 5
ent rich colur. The dance of death :.c- I'elllctl(lr uUle. Shanng III
quence IS less IInpres~ l ve-unless you ,he SMpprnR fllnlS the
rake IIUO account that the whole proj- uc/Qr's o men! w-sl.(lT Jan.;'
co was do ne m five weeks! Cornmn AsheT. The), bolh wok an
usually needl·d threc or le~ but ex- afrernoon off dunng the
plained Ihat "'the English C Tew~ work Ji/mlllS! ofTh .. Masque of
~low(' r Ih;)n A menean c rews. " lht" Red lkath (/filum-
rum 1!1 England.

\94<) M<ln,,~mtl\ (B.::..\'V)
PI\ODUCEI\: j,\I1 GrI!,!,,'
DIU CTOI\: JCMl Y'Hhr,,"~h
KI\EENWI\ITEI\5: Charko, R. M~rl\m.
lkrt LawrenCe'
"' Hl'Hor-lfhc hlbnt y" aNlIl1lds ,\~ a ma..!
JllCtllr (ALln N,lpler) ...:arclws fliT a new
'I1-/E ,IIASQUE OF THE RED hnlll1 fllr I\ls hc<lr..!ed ap..:: nun Atlas
DEATH (Gle nn St range). TIll.' Bowery HllYS
1%4 An~l., AIll0l1~<lm;l!eJ/A1P (Engbnd) show lip at th..:: \'1" and H unt: Hall I,
",OOlKtIVDIMCTOf.: R0ii:cr Corm'lIl ~l n !! l eJ oul aod ,lrlIrred [() the ('refill-
K"E[NWP.tTo.: ChilTl ...s BcalUllont mg table. \Vlth Skdton Kn" ~', J:lne
In what IS pnlhably Corman':. N:~1 all- Adams. Mmerva Urec'l l. :"Ind the usua l
" round S\: r10U S ((';ll ure. Vincent Price ·'N.)ys" (Leo Gl,rccy. Rilly Bcn..::dICl.
(a:. Prospcro, ., Satan-wor:.hiptng pnne\.! G,lhnei Dell). t-.tJh·up hy J.,ck Picrce.
11'\ pl:lguc-nJdcn 11th-century Italy) ,s wh"CT(';llcJ the cb~lc Unl\,crs<l llI1 lm-
the U111111:'IIC ('vII ch araClc r. Everyune s ( e~ dunng mure prll'J'CrOIl' 11111\".
ex t ~IS merel y as a ro~' 10 he marupu-
!,Lled by the ~ad l Stic princl', On ly [he
l')V"hc~1 pca~rmb havl' ;'lny mon.b. AI·
! ')60 L'. S. Film' (Ar~cn!ln;l)
(h"ugh colmful ;md cntcrwimng, it ere- ",ODUCEI\: NK"!;" CITIW,lS
at ... ~ !lIllTe uf a fecling of doom and DItu:CTOII. : Ennllll': C:lm::r,ls
depress;',n th:m any otn.:r Connan film. !oC I\EENWI\ITE": L"lm [lcll,Ihcl
M:1kmg a !'Olet with the Devil, !-Ia:d Ol\lGINALlY I\ELEASED AS: ()Iml~ M(lt'~lrm
Court \-Hands her breast to impress del reITC!T
r'rl)~pCrl); but hc'sonl)' irllerc~ l ed in the A trilogy 0 / Poc '1Ilri..::~, including twO
Inn,lcc nl Jane A~hcr, wh()~e fiance Cunll:1Il hlm e,I:t ~ T,dt.'s of Tt.'rru1' a i'e,H
(D.lvid Wc ~ tun) ,lnd father (Nigel !at..::r. Thl' third ~egrncn l, "The Tell-
Green) (He i!1lpTl~<lncd for future hu- tak Hl'.Ht,·' w:t~ ,Ielelcd frum this
ll11li:loon ,md entertainment. In;) sub- dlll,l~d k lwrc prc!>Cnt.:-d h~' Jack Harm.
pll)t lifted from Poe'> "111)p To;)d." a It wa~ rde,l_ed With M<I~tl'T of Terror.
jester/Jwarf (Skip M:min) gets revenge
Iln ,I noble ma n (P:ltrick M:lgee) h,·
burnmg hm, :l!t\'e m :1 gOrilla ' l il t JUT- IllJISTER OF n ;RROR, See
ml; the m;lsque. NICholas Roeg (difL'oor THE 4- D "JAN.


1961 Al P 1~75 TV
OIP.£CTOA: William Wlln('~' PII.O DOCErVDIIl.ECTOA: BI.I:: Kulik
K~[[NWP.ITU,:\1athc .. . m KJ,[[N\II'iI.ITU.: Sam I I. Rolfe
In h.'tween Poe fi lms, Vmccnt Pnce Anthony Fr'lncios.1. in the olJ Dean
.,rarrL-tl as Rohur the Conqul'mr. a 19th· Mart in ret a/Zen( role. prolects a
celllury inve nto r who pbns to end waf movie STar. A series resu lted and·d
hy des truyi ng all ma n's weapon:. (mm a few momh:>. Wllh Ann Turkd . Gene
his flyi n g <lirshlp, the Alh'HrLlSll. B:lsed Evans, and Parrick Macnee.
on the stones of Jules Verne. It 'S like
lO,()J() L.ellRtlt'S Under Ihl' Sell in the al T.
As a munitio ns m:lkcr. 1knry Hull i~ A lilA ITER OF LIFE AND
held prisone r o n the ~hip ;llong WiTh DEATH, See Sl/IIRWAY TO
his J;H1ghtcr ,mJ her tiand. The hern HEAVEN.
is Strock (Charles Bronson in ,1 striped
T-shirt), Bronson had also appeared THE AIAZE
with Price in The /-/ 0lt.11' <If WldX. This 1953 Allied Artists m&W. 3·]))
low-hudgl'! productio n is spiced up with PII.ODUC£II.= Ri chard Heerlll~nCl'
footage (rom va riou, bank crIC~. With DI Il.ECTOII.: Wilham Cnnll'ron Ml'nzil's
Mary Webster, D;}vid Fran kh:l111, and KII.EEHlllkITO.: D.IO Ullr nan
\\1all y CaTllpo. A R~)gcr Corma n I'ft)- A slow- moving film tkl t') fascin;lt-
duc tion. A sound track ,.)J-, U1l1 I' cur- ing til look at. rh,mks 10 thl' \\'e[ rd
rentl y available. Scts desigm'J by the d irector and The
must unu:>ual end ing you'll en'r wil·
nc:.s. Veronica HU T)! m arTle~ Richard
Ca rl:.on. who l ea\'e~ fo r a Scottish C.IS-
"IATANGO, THE FUN GUS OF rle he's mheritl·d and tells her to ~ ta~'
TERROR, SeeATDlCK OF <Iway. SIlt' of cou rse show~ up WHh hn
THE"fUSHROO,U PEOPLE. ,mnt (KaT herrne Emcry), JCIl'Tmincd w
d l"<:o\'er why her hu~hand h<l~ turned
cold and ~ra\' -hm red. With ~h chael
,UATCHLESS Pale .lIld H ilbry BrOtl ke. Filmnl in
1967 Um ted Artists (Ital y) Engbnd.
Ptl.ODUCEM: Ermanno Don~lI.
Luigi Carpenfieri AlEATCLI:~IVER ,JfA SSACRE
DIMCTOII.: Alberto uttuada
197iGwur I
SCMEHllllI.rTEIU: Dean C mif, JOlck Pu lmO'in.
OOCUTIVE 'kODUCEII.: Ste\'l'n L S ingl'r
Luigi Malerga. A. L~uvada DlkECTOk: Ev~n L....
A New York journalist (Patrick O 'Neal) ALSO k[lEASED AS: The Hullyu'OfJ<:i M~ill
is captured by the Chinese and tortured Cl~(!~<,r Ma5sacy~
as a spy. A cellmate gives him an in- A cheap gore fi lm aoo ut a comatose
visibility ring, but when he uses it to professor of the occu lt conjuring up
escape, he's caught and to rtured by forces to wreak vengeance on the four
Americans. He later spies o n imerna- thugs who killed his family. The massa-
tional gangster Donald Pleasence for cre is too da rk to see most of the ti me
the US. With Ira Von Furstenburg and but an attac k by cacti is a highlight.
Henry Silva. Secret-agent weirdness C h ristopher Lee shows he has the
presented by Dina De Lauremiis. career sense of Lugosi or e\'en Jo hn


Carrad ine by appearing as the on.screen A major $27 million .science-fierion flop
narrator ("[he host"). (R ) from the director of Burt Reynolds' big·
gest actio n hits. It's a futu ristic motor·
JIEIIT IS AtEIIT, See THE AIAD cycle·and·car·crash movie starring Barry
BUTCHER. Bostwick as Ace H unter. Persis Kham ·
bana, the bald alien woman in SlaT
THEAtEDUSA TOUCH Trek : The Molion Picture, co-stars, with
1978 Warner Brothers (England) hair this time. Also with Edward Mul·
"-OOI.KW: Lew Grade, Arnon Milchan hare, Henry Silva, and Michael Beck
DlUCTOP.: Jack Gold (Warlords oflhe 2151 Century). A Mega-
SCk££H\VM'[IU: John Briley, Jack Gold force videogame was not a big seller.
Once Exorcist II : Tfu.> Herelic came O U[ , See The Rood Warrior instead.
nobody wanted to go sec Richard Bur-
to n in th is ES P disas ter film from
England. After having his skull cracked , l'HE AlEPHIS1'O WAL1Z
Burton lies in bed attached to a sup- 1971 20th Century-Fox
JXl Tt system and causes psychogen ic ~ODUCU: Quinn Marti n
havoc. A London cathedral collapses OIP'£CTO~ Paul Wendk05
and a jet crashes into the city. Lee . KM[NWJIJf[~: Ben Maddow
Remick (fresh from The Omen) is his A TV producer, a TV director, and
psychiatrist. French detcctive Lino Ven- (mosdy) T V stars make an occult
turn discovers the power behind the dis- thriller about souls being trnnsfcncd all
asters. Imagine a combination of Meal over the place. Elderly pianist C urt
Cleaver Massacre and an Irwin A llen Jurgens rakes over Alan Aida's body,
mov ie. A Sir Lew Grade production. As Aida's wife, Jacqueline Bissel has
her mind transferred to Jurgen's lover.
AtEET AtE IN LAS VEWtS Barbara Parkins sits around in tights and
• 19S6MGM ligh ts candles, and a dog walks aro und
MOOUC£P.: Joe Paslernak in a human mask. With Bradford Dill·
DlNaot.: Roy Rowland man , liule Pamelyn Ferdin . W ill iam
Kf.[EH'W"'TO.: lsobel Lcnnan Windom, a nd Khiegh Dhicgh. (R )
Cyd C harisse as a ballet star is good
luck to gambler Dan Dailey. It's an over-
• stuffed musical with Jim Backus and
A gnes Moorehead. The Sands Club TIBURON
backdrop provides the justificat io n for 1962 Art Films Internalional
guest bits by Frank Sinatra , Sammy
John lamb
Davis. Jr., Lena Home , Eddie Fisher, ALSO II.£UAS(O ~: The Aqua Sex
Debbie Reynolds. and Peter wrre, who
Foolish undersea adventure conceming
plays blackjack. His line: " Hit me, you
" unclassined" fish wo men though t to
reign over a fortu ne in rare nre pearls.
Marine biologist George Rowe, taken
MEGAFORCE into confidence by the Mcnnaid Queen,
1982 20th Century-Fox
supplies a running commentary through
"-OOUCD.: Albert S. Ruddy
DIUCT~ Hal Needham
the bubb les. A typical remark: " It
• K p.EENWkmfU: Alben S. Rudd y, occu rred to me [Q wonder just how
Hal Needham, James Whittaker, feminin e these creatures might be."
Andr~ Morgan That question is answered in an adults·

guirar-and-piano score was reused in Ed
Wood, Jr. 's Jailbait.


1978 Tocl/U mted Artists (U.S.!JapanJ
P~OOUCEAS:Ban)ITO Uemlura,
YoshlnoTi Watanabe, Tan Takaiwa
Dluao~: Kin)1 Fukasaku
SCI\EENW~lTE~: Hiroo Matsud;,

Vic Morrow and Sonny Chiba star in a

Jap.1ncse Star \Vars-inspired famasy with
a cute robot, a spaceship with sails, a
min iskirted herOine (Peggy Lee Bren-
nan) , and a lot of ancient- looking war-
The Mermaids of on ly revision called TN! Aqua Sex re- riors. The ad campaign featured the lane
TIburon. leaseJ In 1965. Diane Wchber (a. k.a. "Help liS!"
Marguerite Empey of early l>/aybu)· mag-
azine fame) is r('vealed In the added
scenes. Both versIOns feature Timothy
Carey, who kills charter-Ixlat skipper
Jose Gonzalez-Gonzalez and one of the
amphihians in his lust for treasure. With ,I[E1'EOR
VickI Kanrenwine, Nani Mo rissey, Judy 1979 AlP
Edwards, and Jean Carroll. Filmed P~ODve[~: Arnold Or~,'()lini,
mainly in La Paz, Mexico, and around
Caralina Island by underwater photog-
mphy specialist Lamb. -CB
Theodore Parvin
DIP.£CTOI\: Ronald Neame
sa££H'W'kIT£IU: Stanley Mann,
Edmund H. North
,'fESA OF LOST WO,IIEN An $ 18 mill io n all-star disaster-movie
1952 Howcu (8&W) f10p from the dirccror of The Poseidon
",covel's: G. William PerkinS, Adventure. Americans : lIld Russians re-
MelVin Gale fuse to cooperate in time to stop a me-
oluaO«.S: Herbert T evos, Ron Ormond teor fro m desnoying New York (the
Al.SO MUASlO Al: Los! WQIflt.'f1 World Trade Center buildings explode
A must -sce item for fans of Uncle Fes- and subways collapse). Tidal waves de-
ter and early-'50s girlie science fiction. stTO')' Hong Kong, avalanches kill skiers.
Mad scientist j ackie Coogan creates a Meanwhile, you can th rill to the per-
giant tarantula and superwomen with sonal tragedies of Sean Connery as an
long fingernai ls. A lobotomized sc ien - American scientist and Natal ie Wood
tist doing a strange Elmer Fudd imper- as a Russian astrophysicist, both of
sonation leads hero Allan Nixon (Pre- whom get covered by lots of icky mud.
historic Women) from a Mexican bar to A lso on the U.S. side are Karl Malden,
the mystehous mesa. Great grade-Z Martin Landau (he's hilarious), Joseph
nonsense with Tandra Quinn (as Tar- Campanella, and Henry Fonda as a
antella), Mary Hili. Katena Vea (later President even o lder tha n Reagan.
known as Katherine Victor of Teenage Brian Keith only speaks Russian and
Zombies) and Mona McKinnon (Plan Trevor Howard is a token Brit. With
9 {rom OulCT Space). The incredible footage from Avalanche.


UP1 7Il1179: Saml'tl Z.

Arlw(f. ",,,,,,,,,, ond_·
man of American Inlema-
lional PicruTtJ, 31Ond.! in
/rom of blowup! of pOJ!m
far some of his Jfudio'J
films . Abow his head is an
iUusrmtion far !he forthcom.
ing Meteor. Arko{f. 60,
has betn refeTTed IV as the
WI 0/ IN TrIQtIie moguls.
In W last 25 ),ean, his
J ludic has IUfTlI!d OUI mort
than 500 piclUTtJ. man)'
of them referred 10 as
B-grorefilms. Of AlP's
tally days, Ar/wff recalls
fhIu W fin! step WI15 me
na~ of the moW:. Next
\lW W: advertising cam-
paign. T~ writing of eM
SC'reenp/a)' followed.

,frETEOR ,fIONSTER, See is Velda. With Jo hn Considine and

TEENAGE,frONSTER. Donna Dixon .

,ftARGIN FOR ,ftURDER OIIU:CTOI\; R od H olcom b
1981 TV KIU:ENWJ.fT(k: Juan ita Bartlett
H.ODUCU.: A lex Lucas Rival high school girls battle it out in
DIM:CTo.: [},micl Haller this Carrie-i nspired supemaruml dr-una .
s.(k£EN\Io1\.lT(k: C11vin Clements. Jr. With Melissa Sue Anderson and Mary
A new version of /, the JI4ry was sup- McDonough.
posed to be released in '81. Endless
behind-the.scenes problems held it up. THE ,flIGHTY GORGA
This T V'mov ie, prob.1bly made to bear 1969 American Gelltral Pictures
t he theatrical feat ure, is surprisingly O'Neil, David Hewitt
Pfl,ODUCEP.S: R o bert
good. Updated to modern-day New 011U:00l\: David L Hewitt
Yo rk . the SlOry takes a cynical look at KIU:[NW?ITEP.S: Joan Hewitt, David Prentiss
crooked JX> titicians fllld sleazy discos. Anthony Eisley leads the searc h to fi nd
Kevin Dobson (Lc C rocker on Kojak) a 50-ton gorilla in th is no-budget ad-
makes a goo:! Mike Hammer, ave ng- ventu re. Wit h Kent Taylor (as Bwana
ing a friend's deat h ("We had Im5 of Jack), Scon Brady, dinosaurs, and a
beeahs and reahs rogelh a") and d is- witch doctOr. From the makers of Dr.
covering a far -rc:lching plot, C indy Terror's Gallery of Horrors and Spider
Pickett (swr of Vadi m's Mght Games) &/ry.

MIGHTY JOE YOUNG the windmill that powers the ex hibit
1949 RKO (B&W with timed sequence) and d iscovers that the man's daughter
~ Mer;an C. Cooper is being kept alive with the blood of
D'UCT~ Ernest B. SchoWsack murdered girls. The statues are really
~: Ru[hRose
petrified corpses. Based on a story fro m
From [he fo lks who gave us King Kong, Flemish Tales, nOt Bucket of Blood.
a wonderful fantasy/love story about a
girl and a gorilla. When T erT)' Moore THEAflLLION EYES OF
and her pet "Mr. Joseph Young" arc
brought to Ho llywood to smT in an im-
1967 AlP (England)
pressive but cheesy nightclub aCt, Joe ~ HanyA lanTowt:rs
gets h arassed by drunks, escapes, and DlN:CTOA: Lindsay Shonteff
totally destroys the place. The act in- From the producer of the Fu Manch u
cludes Terry playing "Beautifu l Dreamer" series, another low-budget Sax Rohmer
on a grand piano while held above her adaptation. The beautiful and sadistic
chained, unhappy pet's head and 10 real
Su-muru (Shirley Eaton) plans to can·
wrestlers losi ng a tug a'war battle with
que r the world with her anny of women .
the giant ape. Kong star Robert Ann- The free world has to rely on the fa 1-
strong returns as an exploitative show-
ents of Frankie Avalon and George
man. The film originally had a tinted Nader to stop her. As President Boong
sequence during the orphanage fire. of Sinonesia, Klaus Kinski is turned
Animation by W illis O'Brien and new- to stone. With Wilfrid H yde-White.
comer Ray Harryh ausen. With Ben Filmed in Ho ng Kong. If you can stand
Johnson, Frank McHugh. Regis Toom- th is one, look for the sequel, Rio 70.
ey, and Nester Paiva. The wrestlers in·
clude Primo Camera the Swedish Angel
and Bomber Kulkavitch, who later sub· THE AIlND BENDERS
merged weekly on Voyage 10 the Bouam 1963 Anglo Amalgamated/AlP (England)
of the Sea.
I'P.OOUCE": Michael Relph
DIP.l:CTOA: Basil Dearden
See GOLlATHON. A believable. pre-psychedelic variation
on the Altered Stares theme . Scientist
AIlLL OF THE STONE Dirk Bogarde undergoes sensory-depri-
WOAIEN vation tests in a dark tank of water to
1960 Parade Pictures (France/h aly) prove the innocence of a professor who
~~ Gianpaola Bigazzi
was labeled a trailor and committed su i-
DIU"CTO,,: G iorgio Ferroni cide after the same treatment. ~'3rde's
)ClUtH'W"'lT£'-S: Rcmigio Del G rosso, "friends" brainwash him into hating his
Ugo Liberatore. Giorgio Stegani, wife (Mary Ure) and he becomes vio-
Giorgio Ferroni lent and irresponsible.
ot.KilNALLy mEASED AS: /I MIt/ina delle
An interesting Euro- horror movie 1970 AmicuslColumbia (England)
fi lmed in Holland. In 1912 an art stu· H.OOUCW: Max}. Rosenberg.
dent is resea rching a carousel of stat - Milton Subotsky
ues of beautiful women. He meets a DIUCTO'-: Alan Cooke
scienti st (Wolfgang Preiss) who owns KIUENW~ITU.S: Joan Hale, Edward Simpson

Te rence Stamp slars as a man just tion on the title track. Filmed in Cali-
brought out of a 30.year coma by an forni a and Arizona. The "bikers" ride
American neurosurgeon (bearded Rob· Hondas. - CB
ert Vaughn). Another doctor (Nigel
Davenport) puts him through an accel-
e ra ted educational program that is THEhIINO'DtuR
monitored by cameras for a television 1960 Unitl'<i ArtistS (Italy)
.spx:ial. Things get a bit ridiculous when PWOUaP.S: Dino Mordini. Georgia Agliani,
Stamp escapes in a white jump suit and Rudolphe Solmsen
confronts people as a fu ll-grown baby. DIP.[CTOP.: SilVIO AmadiO
SCJ.(E~: AlessandroContlllenza,
Eventually he is found hiding in a bam
Glan Paolo Callegari
flooded with bright lights so the televi- OP.lGI HAU. y ~o AS: TI'1l'O Con/TO 1/
sion di rector can get a clear shot of him Minorauro
ki ll ing Vaughn with a pitchfork. Rosanna Sch iaffi no plays an evil prin-
cess and her twin sister. As Prince
THE "lIND SNATCHERS Theseus, Bob M:Hhias throws the bad
1972 Cinerama sister to the dogs and saves the good
Pf.OOUCU: George Goodman one from the minotaur in a labyrinth.
ouuaOA: Bernard Girard
so.aHWPJTEP.: Ron Whyte
AlSO iUL£ASEO AS: Tfw Happiness Co.!:e
Army scientists experiment on volun·
teer servicemen by attaching electrodes
to thei r pleasure centers and giving
them shock treatments. C hristopher
Walken stars with Ronny Cox (as a
victim) and Ralph Meeker (as a major).
Fil med in Denmark

1968 A lP
PP.OOUCEpJolP.laOA: MaUl)' Dexter
SOU:ENW'-JT(": James Gordon WIllie
Biker Diane McBain wants [0 cause
trouble for an ex-boyfriend (Ross Hag·
en) and his new bride (Sherry Jackson).
The mischief escalates until sister Patty THEAflRA CLE"1AN Bob Malhias fighu The
McCormack is killed by a Molotov cock· 1932 Paramount (B&W) Minotaur.
tai l and McBain finds herse lf hanging DlN:OOP.: Nonnan Z. Mcleod
by one hand ove r a dead ly chasm. SCP.E£MI.VP.lTEM: Waldemar Young,
Should Sherry Jac kson let go before Samuel Hoff'ensrcin
Hagen returns with r,he police! With "They come 10 loot-and stay to love!"
Jeremy Slate and Harry Dean Stanton. A temake of a 19 19 Lon C haney film
Pauysits in with the American Revolu- with Chester Morris and Sylvia Sidney

The giLlm jpttkr in Missile
to [he Moon.

leading a band of crook~ who use a faith Miranda the mermaid (Glynis Johns)
healer as part of their racke!. When rescues a drowning man and is taken
they witness a real miracle they reform, to London . Mad AoolII Men was a
helping to build a church. Boris Karloff sequel. Mr. Peabody and the MerrrUJid,
plays N ikko, a crooked tavern owner. an American film, came out the same
With Irving Pichel. year. With Googie Withers, G riffith
Jones, and Margaret Rutherford.
1939 MOM (B&W)
SCA££NWIUT£A5: James Edward Grant.
Marion Parsonnet, Harry Ruskm 1963 Buena Vista
~ooucu: Walt Disney
Browning's last feature is an underrated OI"lCTOII: Robert Stevenson
mystery starring Ro bert Yo ung as a SCA££HWIIIT£kS:T0 1"0 and Helen AugusT
magician/detective investigating fake Tommy Kirk takes over the patented
seances and murder. With Henry Hull
Walt Disney eccentric- inventor role
(as an escape artist) , G loria Holden, from Fred MacMurray. His electronic
William Demarest, and Florence Rice. helmet, attached to a record player,
h followed Mark of the V(Jfnt)ire, which
enables him to read minds. He and
also has a bad reputation because it re-
gi rlfrie nd Annene Funicello expose a
veal s the supernat ura l to be c heap
crooked judge with the help of a hyp-
tricks. notized chimp (Stanley). They were all
back in The Monkey's Uncle.
1948 Eagle-Lion (England) ( B&W)
SO££NWIIIT£II: Peter Blac k mo re ,lIARS.

"fiSSILE TO THE"tOON blood specialist [0 save hcr dying race.
1959 Astor (8&W) Earth spies interfere bu t everything
~ODU([I\: Marc Frederic turns out okay. It was goi ng [0 be the
DIP.ECTOl'.: Richard Cunha first of a series that never materialized.
SCUENWJUTD.S: H.E. Barre, Vincent Foue Pren y shoddy.
To provide a co-feature for his Frank-
enstein's Daughter, d irector Cunha re-
made the notorious Car Women of the
1969 Grove Press (France)
Moon. il's the old Earthmen-meet-a- H.OOUCEM: Guy Belfond, Michel Zemer,
lost· race-of-sexy-a Iien-women routine, Christian Thivat
but even more ridiculous and shoddy DIP.lCTOpJKII,UN\VP.ITEP.: William Klein
this time. With teenagers, hilarious A IXJlitica l fa n tasy-sat ire with John
"rock men," and a hairy spider puppet. Abbey as th e title character, a superpa-
With Richard Travis, Gary Clarke triotic sheriff in football costume who
(How to Make a Monster), Laurie takes his o rders from Dr. Freedom
Mitchell (The Queen of Ourer Space), (Donald Pleasence). Delphine Seyrig
and Cathy Downs. helps h im save France fro m Commu-
nism, but she turns o ut to be a double
"fISSION GAMCTICA .. THE agent. After figh ting Red China Man
CYCLON AT£ACK.. and Christ Man, Abbey decides France
See BAITLESTAR isn't worth saving and blows it up
GAMCTICA. with an atom bomb. Only in the '60s
would anybody even think of releas-
"fISSION"lARS ing this here. With Philippe Noirer,
1968 A llied Artists Serge Gainsbourg, Yves Mon ta nd, and
"'ooucu: E~·eren Rosenthal Simone Signorer. The director-screen-
DIJl.EClo-.: Nicholas Websler writer was a fashion photographer.
KJI.[[~: Mike St. C lair
Darren McGavin and Nick Adams, the "fR. DISTRICT ATFORNEY
first U.S. astronauts on the Moon, find 1941 Republic (B&W)
a dead Russian (who returns to life), a .uSOClAfE Pf.OOUC£P.: Lwnard Field.5
man·eati ng sphere, and a "polarite" DtP.lCTOP.: William Morgan
weapon. Filmed in Miami. Released the KP.l:EH"'oVurtk: Ka rl Brown
same year as 200 I. Dennis O'Keefe stars as the assistant
D.A. in a lighthearted mystery based
AfiSSION S1)IfUJUST on a popular radio series. With Peter
1968 T imes Films (Spain/h aly/ Lorre in a small but effective role as a
W. Germany) corrupt city offiCial, Florence Rice, and
DIP.l:CTOf.: Primo Zeglio Stan ley Ridges.
~: Karl H. Volgeman ,
Federico D'Unutia "fR. HEX
OIUGIHAU.T iI.ELEASU) .u: 4 ... 3 .•. 2 . . . J 1946 Monogram (B&W)
... MOTte Pf.OOUC£P.:J;m Grippo
G e nnan pulp magazine space hero Perry DIP.l:CTOP.: William Beaudine
Rhodan (Lang JeffTies) and a group of Cyri1 Endlield

American astronauu rescue blo nde Raymond the hypnotist (Ian Ke ith)
alien Essy Persson (1, a Woman) and rums 5ach (Huntz Hall ) into a great
take h er to Africa. She needs to find a OOxer. Bowery Boys nonsense with Leo

Gorcey, Bobby Jordan, and Gabriel is a master of disguises. Could it be
Dell. One of five Bowery Boys movies Lionel Atwill ! With Virginia Fieldsand
re leased in '46. joseph Sc hddkraut ,


I SLIIND 1938 ZOth Century-Fox (B&W)
1939 20th Century- Fait (B&,Wl ","oouco: Sol M. Wuruel
I'AOcucn.: John Stone DlIU:CTOA: James Tingling
DIIU:CTO~: Herbert I. Leeds K LUENWRlTEfU: Ch arles Belden,Jerry Cady
SCAEEN'tIIRflU,: Peter Milne Warner O land was scheduled to star in
AUO II.£UAS(D AS: IfillJgeT Island Charlie Chan at 1M Fighu. When he
japanese detective Mr. Mow (Peter died, the studio didn't waO{ to waste
Lorre) uaps a killer and diamond smug- time o r a scri pt, so a few changes were
gler in Puerto Rico. With Jean Her.;holt, made and it became a Mr. MolO fi lm.
Warren Hymer (comic rel ief), Amanda Number one son Keye Luke co-stars
Duff, Robert Lowery, and Ward Bond. with Peter Lorre. It's about murder by
Lorre starred in eigh t quick ly made mys- poison in the ooxing ring. With Harold
teries based on John I~ Marquand's Huber, Lynn Bari, Ward Bond, Maxie
Salurday Evening POSI stories, bur this Rosenbloom, and Lon Chancy, Jr.
was actually a remake of a no n -Mow
feature , Murder in Trinidad ( 1934) , also AIR. ,/fOTO"S LAST WARNING
filmed as Caribbean M )'S/(~ry (1945). 1939 20th Century-Fox (B&W)
","ODUCO: Sol M. Wuruel
KIU:[INfRITU.S: Philip MacDonald,
1938 20th Century·Folt (B&Wl
","OOLKU.: Sol M. Wurtzel Norman Foster
DlIU:CTOA: Nonn.m Foster Ricardo Cortez and George Sanders
K!UEH\VkfT[!U: Lou Breslow. John Patrick plan to blow up the French fleet at the
Posing as an archaeologist, Japanesede- Suez Cana1. Mr. Moto (Peter LoITe)
te<:t ive Mr. Mota (Peter Lorre) goes 10 foil s thei r plan while posi ng first as a
the ruins of Ankor Wat and d iscovers meek antiques dea ler and later as a
a fanariclll native with an arsenal who clown. As a spy, john Ca rtadine gets
plans to rid Asia of all whites. At one lowered into the ocean in an airlcss div-
point Lorre/Moto disguises himself as ing bell by the bad guys. With Virginia
an o ld Tibetan guru. With Rochel le Field, and Robert Coote as comic relief.
Hudson, Robert Kent , a nd Chick
C handler. '/fR. PEABODY AND THE
AIR. AtOTO TAKESA 1948 Univt:rsal (B&W)
VACA"IlON ","ODUC[RlSCIU:EHWNTU: Nunnally Johnson
1939 20th Century-Fox (B&W) DlIU:CTOR: Irving Pichel
"'-OOUCu: Sol M. Wumd There haven 't been many real mennaid
OIIU:CTOA: Nonnan Foster movies. This one was an imitation of
KIU:[INfRIl£IU: Philip MacDonald, Miranda ('48). Will iam Powell , wh ile
Norman Foster vacat ioning in the Caribbean, find s
In the last of his eight Mr. MolO films, A nn Blyth and dec ides to take her and
Peter loTTe guards a priceless crown her fish tai l home to his pool in Boston.
destined for San Francisco. The vi llain With Fred C lark and A ndrea Ki ng.

A macabre ta le of a rich 19th-century Mister ROCKand Roll
man whose face is permanently fixed (Awn Frttd).
in a wide hideous grin. The baron (Guy
Rolfe) resembles Conrad Veidt in The
Man Who Laughs. He tricks his wife's
doctor (Ron ald Lewis) into operating
o n his fa ce, with surprisi ng results.
Castle's gimmick is the "Punishment
Poll." Patrons received a ftourescent
thumb card . As in the arena, it was
thumbs up o r thum bs down. There are
supposedly twO different endings-Jou
decide what happens. Naturally every-
body screamed, "Kilt him!" Sardonicus
died every time. A memo rable plus is
Oscar Homo lka, the great Austrian
villain , as tbe sinister one-eyed servant
who spends his leisure hours tying up
AflSTER ROCK AND R OLL girts and applyi ng live leeches to their
1957 Paramount (B&W) faces. Based on a short Story by Ray
~ODOCO: Ra lph Siepe Russell , originally in PIaJbcry. The same
OINerOfl.: Charles Dubin year Castle made his all-time sleaze
so.£EH\IIMtP.! James Blumgarten hit- Homicidal.
Lois O' Brien writes a positive article
about "rock star" Teddy Randazzo but
her magaz ine edilOr rewrites it and AfR. SUPERlNVISIBLE
sla nders rock 'n' rol l! Alan Freed to the 1964 K-tel (ltaly/SpainlW. Germa ny)
rescue! He explains the history of rock Antonio Margheriti
and arranges for his teen listeners (Q (Anthonl' Dawson)
contribute to the nasty cdirot's favorite KP.ltNW?JTEM: M. Eller, Luis Marquina
ch arity. History is altered slightly when Ellnvendble

Rocky Graziano is included in a scene Hombrl'lm.>islbk

irt which C leve land's Record Rendez- K-tel, a company we ll known to TV
vous owner Leo Mintz hips Freed to viewers, tried real hard to convince gull-
the new phenomenon- white kids ible American parents that this dubbed
buying "race" records. The music in movie was a Disney product. Besides
this movie is by a great cross section changing the d irector's name , theyof-
of rock, Country, rh ythm and blues, fered chances for a free tri p to Disney-
and jan artists: Frank ie Lyman and land. The only thing American about
the Teenagers, Little Richard , C huck this kid comedy is star Dean Jones. Walt
Berry, Laverne Baker, the Moonglows, wouldn't have liked it at all.
Ferlin Husky, C lyde McPhatter, Brook
Benton, and Lionel Ham pton.
"'fR. SARDONICUS 1938 Monogram (B&W)
196 1 Columbia pp'ooucEJ.; ScQlt R. Dunlap
P"ODUCEI\/ DII\ECTOI\:William C astle DluaOk: William Nigh
KIU:EN'W'M"EfI.: Ray Russell sa.EENWM'EP;: Houston Branch

Boris Karloff starred in five quickies as illS. 45
the very British-looking and -sounding 1981 Rochelle
Ch inese dercct ivc Mr. Wong. They PP.Ococo.: Navaron Films
were Monogram's pitiful atlempts to du- OIN:CTOk: Abel Ferrara
plicate rhe success of the Mr. Moto and so.n~Tn: Nicholas St. John
Charlie C han films being made at 20th A well-made low.budget New York reo
Century-Fox. Wong discovers who has venge movie from the directo r of Driller
been ki lling people with poison gas Killer. It's son of a female version of
bombs. With series regular Gram With· Dealh Wish. A mme garment-district
ers and Evelyn Brent. The sc ript was worker (17-year-old Zoe Tamerlis) goes
remade in '48 as a Chan fi lm, Docks of on a killing spree ahershe's raped twice
New Orleans. in the same day. T amerlis, wearing lots
of makeup and black leather, looks great
IIIR. WONG IN CHINATOWN as sh e kills off all the male scum of the
1939 Monogl"3m (B&W) city. There's enough blood for explo ita-
Pl\OOOCD.: Scon R . Dunlap tion fans. great jazz music . and some
OII\ECTOII: William Nigh clever surprises. Recommended. (R)
sa.u:NWMD.: Scon Darling
A Chinese princess and her maid are III/STRESS OF THE APES
murdered. Mr. Wong (Boris Kadof/) 1981 CineWorld
discovers the culprit with the help of 9IIOoucu.:John F. Rickert
G rant Withers a nd his reporter girl· OII\£C1OPJSCI\£EN\1rmTU: Larry Buchanan
friend (Marjo rie Reynolds). Top act· " liberated Ilt last!" sa id the ads. A
ing honors go W Angelo Rossi no as a woman in Central Africa searching fo r
mute Oriental dwarf With Lotus Long. her lost husband decides to sta y and
It was remade in '47 as The Chinese Ring, live with the local "near men" after
a Charlie Chan movie. their o nly female4s killed. The missi ng
links look like football players with shag
IIIRS. BROWN YOUVE GOT A haircuts, loincloths, and a little ugl y
WVELY DAUGHTER face makeup. The ape men respect her
1968 MGM (England) more than the neurotic scummy men
PIIOOUCEI'\: Allen V. Klein on the safari and those back home in
PlIlECTOP.: Saul Swimmer New York, so she's happy. Important
SCJU:EH\\I'NT(I'\: Thaddeus Vane social statements from the director of
Peter Noone and Hennan 's Hermits star Zomar, the Thing {rom Venus. Starring
in a musical comedy somehow inspired Jenny Neumann and Barbara Leigh . Di-
by their 1965 hit song. The damn rectOr of phOiography: Nicholas Josef
movie's about dog rac ing! Mrs. Brown Von Sternberg. (R )
is a greyhound who gives b irth fa a
daughter after winning a race. There's Ill/STRESS OF THE WORLD
another Mrs. Brown (Mona Wash. 1959 CCC (halylFl"3nce/W. GcnnrlnY)
bourne) and Herman/Peter falls for her DII\£C101l: William Di~terlc
lovely daughter, a model, but she leaves KI\£ENWIlITEI\S: Jo Esinger, M.G. Petersson
for an assignment in Italy. What ex- OIIIGIHAllY 1\El[Al[O 0\$: 11 Mim'TQ dei T rei
citement! The group sings " Kind of a Umflnenri
Hush, " " Holiday Inn" and "Dai sy A shortened version of a tWO-P.1rt three·
Chain." Producer Klein managed the hour-plus international feature about a
Searles for awhile. sc ientist who can control gravity. With

Martha HyeT, Sabu, Carlos Thompson, Andrews. Clive Rev ill , Tina Aumont
Lino Ventura, and Wolfgang Preiss. It (the daughter of Maria Momez), and
was o ne of the last productions by the Michae l C raig. Fi lmed all over Europe.
direclOr of The Hlmch/wck of Notre
Dame ('39) and AU ThaI Money Can
1956 Universal (B&W)
JIOBSINC. ",ODUCO: William Alland
1956 Premier (B&W) OIMCTO": V,rgil Vogel
,,,ODUCE": Hal Ro.1Ch. Jr. K"EEHW'-lTE": Laszlo Gorog
DII\ECT~: William Asher Dr. Frank Baxter, a guy whom kids
SO£EHI.I.'M'[M: Wrll Gould, Lee Loeb
were supposed to take se riously o n
Listen in as Reed Hadley lectures the "educationa l" TV specials, introduces
young men of the Los Angeles Police
Academy on the wiles of confidence
men. Thesc thrCt' unrelated bunco cases
may have been lifted from the Racker
Squad series on which they're based.
(I) A taxi dancer and rdcketeer JX>se
as a writer-photographer team to g<lin
access to a wealthy m<ln's ho me. (2) A
gbmourqueen takes in $40,0cx) through
a stock swindle. (3) Townspeople help
a young arthritis victim fi x up a $1,7 50
farm, then buy it back for $50,OCX) after
the man claims to h flVe di scovered
miracle spring waters. Douglass Dum-
brille, Don Hagen }', Wi ll GCt'r, and
Marjori e Reynolds of The Ufe of Riley
are the stars. Asher, best known for
beach movies, a lso directed Johnny
Cool. -CB

1966 20th Century- Fox (England)
PM>DUCU: Joseph Jannl
Drf\.[O~: Joseph losey
Klo,UNWP.rrEA:Evan Jones
In her first English-speaking role, Mon-
ica Vilti plays the com ic-strip secret
agenr . It's the closest thing to a com-
edy Losey has ever do ne. Movies like
th is improve with age. Di rk Bogarde as
the tota lly whi te villain Gabncl and
Rosellil Falk as his sadistic assis[Unt Mrs.
Fothergi ll arc really strange. Terence
S tamp is Modesty's partner in mod
clothes and spy fighting. With Harry

1968 C raddock
PWOI.JCW: Bill Packham, GorOOn Craddock
OIi\(CTOI\: Frank Willard
Stude nts raise hell during spring break.
Billy Joe Royal supplies narration and
sings "These Are Not My People. "
"Hush," and "Down in the Boondocks";
Mike Sharp does "Spooky" and "Break-
through"; the Tams do "What Kind of
Fool" and "Laugh It Off"; the Swing-
ing Medallions do "She Drives Me Out
of My Mind" and their big frat house
drinking hit "Double Shot (of My Baby's
Love)". Weekend Rebellion was a new
version of the same film. Sort of Mondo
DaYlOna: Special Edition. -CB

John AgtlT' figho an albirw this favorite underground-civi lization 1967 Emt'T$On
Sumerian in The Mole fantasy. One of the screen's finest hero Pll.ODIJ(£N OIAECTONSCk(EN'oVPJTEA: Robert
People. teams Uohn Agar and Hugh Beaumont) Carl Cohen
climbs down a hole in Asia a nd discov- .wo A£l.£ASlO AS: IrIIl.\I:t', Hippie HolI)"wood:
Th£ Acid-Blasling Fww
ers a race of superstitious albinos. Nat-
urally John finds a pretty one (Cynthia The way-out world of Hol lywood scene-
Patrick) [0 fa ll in love with. Even far- makers Lewis Beach Marvin III , [}dle
ther down are the famous mole people, Davis. Jim Arender. Vito. Jay Sebring.
actually slaves of the albino Sumerians, Rudi Gernreich. Dee Dee Carrier,
who revoir and save the good guys from Hope C hest, Gypsy Boots. and many
the surface. Great fun, it was later marc. Featuring body pa iming, LSD.
turned into a photocomic book. Don't skyd iving, hairstyling, and topless fash-
forger your flashlight! With Alan Na- ion. With music by Bobby Jameson,
pier and Nestor Paiva. Davie Allan and the Arrows. and the
Mugwumps. -CB

1964 Crown International (Italy) AfONDOAIOD
PI\ODU(£I\: Ivanhoe Productions 1967 Timdy
DII\ECTOI\: Roberto Bianchi Montero PI\OOUCENOIi\(CTOA: Peter Perry
Boris Karloff is the host/muTator for the SCI\t[HWI\/TEI\: Shennan Greene
English-dubbed version of this docu- H umble Harve explains motorcycles.
mentary of bizarre customs. See an Ori- go-karts. surfing. LSD, pot, coffee
ental opium den, a transvestite bar, shops, and discotheq ues; Sam the Soul
child coke addicts in Ecuador, a man and the Inspirations, the Gretschmen,
who says he's Rudolph Va lent ino rein- and the Group furnish sounds of pro-
camated, a Las Vegas beauty pageant. test and love. Photography by William
and much. much more. (originally, and later, Vilmos) Zsigmond

and Lasilo Kovaa;. Director Perry ed- THEAfONOLITH AfONSTERS
ited Blood of Dracula's Caslle. - CB 1957 Universal (B&W)
Pf.ODO([I\: Howard Christie
OIIU:CTOA: John She""'-ood
AIONDO TEENO, See KP.[[N\III\IT(IU : Norman Jolley,
A standout '50s science- fi ct ion film
based on a story by Jack Arnold. Like
THE ,lION/TORS many of the movies Arnold directed,
1969 Bell and Howell Productions it takes place in a desert town. Meteor
~OOUC[I\: Bernard Samlins crystals growing out of the ground ab-
OIP.ECTOI\: Jack Shea sorb moisture (rom humans, resulting
KP.[[N'oII'mU; Myron S. G old
in really stiff stiffs. When it rains the
A rambling fi lmed-in-Chicago cult crystals grow until they tower over the
item about aliens with derbies taking town. The y get too big and break ,
over and enforcing peace by outlawing crushing buildings and people. New
emotions. They use TV ads with clever crystals grow from the pieces. Can
jingles and semi(amous personalit ies to Grant Williams and fiancee Lola A l-
brainwash the population. Guy Stock- bright save the town ! With Les Tre-
well stars and gets involved with Susan mayne and William Scha llert.
O liver and Sherry Jackson. Shepperd
Strudwick is the head alien. Avery AIONSTER
Schrei ber is a klutzy sidekick, Larry 1979 Academy International
Storch and Kee nan Wynn lead the MOOU(EJt.: Ken Hens
right-wing underground. Some o( the OIIU:CTOA: Herben L Strock, Ken Hens
TV stars are Xavier Cougat , Stubby SOl[~IU: Walter Robert Schmidt,
Kaye, Jackie Vernon, and SenalOr Garland Scott, Herbert 5nock, Ken Hens
Everett Dirksen ! Also with Alan Arkin An Italian Jaws -inspired obscurity
and Ed Begley. Cinematography by fi lmed in Sou th America and Cali-
Vilmos Zsigmond. (ornia. Or iginal trade ads (in '75) list
Andre Faro as the director. The cast
includes John Canadine, Cesar Ro-
AIONKEY'S UNCLE mero, Jim Mitchum, Keenan Wynn,
1964!3ucna Vista Diane McBain, and Anthony Eisley.
~DOCo; Walt Disney The monster is son o( a big dino-
OI"'CTOk: Rober! Stevenson saur. Considering the cast and director
• SCI\[[NWlYTEIU: T o m and H elen August (Strock did Tfu! Cmwling Halld and How
In a sequel ro The Misadt<enUlre$ ofMer- 10 Make a Monsrer) , it's destined to be-
lin Jones, Tommy Kirk , Annetle, and come a favorite of bad movie fans.
Stanley the chimp return with more in -
ventions and misadventures. Merlin in - AIONSTERA GO-GO
vents a man-powered flying machine, 1965 B. 1. &L (B&W)
uses a strength-inc reasing drug, and Pf.ODO(o: Herschell Gordon Lewis
saves the (ootball team by helping idiot 0IAI:C'1'C>M: Bill Rebane, HerschI'll
players pass exams with his brain ma- Gordon Lewis
chine. Anncne and the Beach Boys sing Herschell Gordon Lewis wanted a co-
the theme song. It was A nnette's last (eature (or his Moonshine MounLain, 50
(or Uncle Walt. She was stricr!y AlP he bought an unfinished science-fiction
material (or the rest o( the df'Cade. film ca lled Terror af Halfday, added
narration and some n ew .scenes, and pearances by the Pretty Things and
released it under the Sheldon Seymour US 40.
pseudonym. Usually considered one of
die worst, it featured Henry Height, "the
tallest man in the world." as an astro- THE "tONSl'ER
naut who returns to Earth as a mutated DFAtOLISHER
gian t. Ads said: "You've never sccn a 1960 AlP-TV (Mexico) (8&W)
PP.ODUCEA: Victor Paras
picture like this"-thank goodness! Un-
OIUCT~ Frederick Curiel
less you lived in the South in the '60s Frederick Curiel.
you probably st ill haven't seen it. Music Charles Taboada
by the Other Three. OPJGINAUT IU\..EAS[D AS: NQJrr~muJ" tI
Desrrncwr de Monsrruos
THE"fONSl'ERAND THE Sec The Blood of Nosrradamw;.
1940 Paramount (B&W) "IONSTER FRO"! A
",OOUCEI\: Jack Moss
OIUCT~: Stuart Heisler
1967 AlP-TV (Japan)
Stuart Anthony
PP.ODUCu: Mideo Koi
When a man is wrongly e xecuted, a DIUCTO~ : Haruyasu Noguc hi
doctor (George Zucco) saves his brain lOHN\VN1U.5: [woo Yamazak.
and puts it into a gorilla. The aveng- Ryuko Nakan Ish ;
ing apc goes after The scum who had OOGINAllT UL£M[D AS: Daik.,ajrl Gappt.r
sold his sister into prostitutio n (a da ring AUO UL£M[D AS: Gappa rhe Tripibian
theme at the time) . Ellen Drew is the MonslCT
girl. With Paul Lukas, Rod Cameron, A one-shot giant-mo nster movie with
Onslow Stevens, Gerald Mo h r, and a plot similar to Cargo. A giant young
hero Robert Paige. Philip Terry provides repti le bird is taken to To kyo. Irs even
the brain. Not your typical '405 horror larger angry parents arrive and level
film. A lso with C liff Edwards, the voice Tokyo before taking the baby back
of J im iny Cricket. home to their happy island.


1980 ITC (Eng l ~nd) GREEN HELL
Pf.OOUCEI\: Milton Subotsky 1957 DCA ( B&W)
OIUCTC*: Roy Ward Baker PP.ODUCEA: A[Zimbn[isr
~ Edward and Valerie Abr.lham OIUCT~: Kenneth C rane
Vincent Price, who hadn't made a film $O.E[~: Lours Vines. Endre Bohem
in five years, unwisely returned in th is Radiatio n in Africa produces giant
retread . Price , as a vampire , is the link buzzing wasps. The ma in o ne looks
to three offbeat but weak horror stories. more like a beetle, but that fibrures since
He HIkes John C arradine (as horror this movie was produced by the man
writer C hetwynd- Hayes) toa silly disco responsible for Robor MonSter. Edua rdo
for monsters where the tales are related. C iannelli and Vladimir Soko loff arc in
The cast also includes Stuart Whitman, it, but Jim D:Jvis and Barbara Turner
Dona ld Pleasence , Britt Ekland, Patrick star. Includes footage from Stanley and
Magee, Richard Johnson as a vampire. UvingSlon ('39). A lso with some stop -
and Simon Ward. With onsc reen ap- motion animation wasps.

1954 Lipper[ (B&W) 1959 Film Service Disuiooton (8&W)
~I\: R C>gf: TConnan MOOUCU; Jack Kevan
DlALcro..: Wyott Ordung I)II\ECT~: Irvin Berwick.
~ William Danch KP.lDC'tVIUTD.: Haile Chace
Connan's ~ r s t production effo rt is A lighthouse keeper puts out food for a
Terrible , hUT it made back tho:' $12,000 legendary monster he clai ms lives in a
iT C\)S[ pretty fa st so he was hllPPY. The nearby cave. Nobody believes him until
director. who also acts in this hlughable the creature shows up and ri ps the heads
six-day ....,onder, had an impressive b.1ck- off a fe w people. With little hams, big
grnund (he wrote Robot MonsTer). A claws, and a hellish snarling face, the
giant one-eyed oc ropu~ is kepI off cameta monster resembles a scarier version of
until rhe last fl'w minutes when a o ne- the Black Lagoon creature. It was cre-
man min;suh rams it in the eye. Anne ated and played by the fi lm's producer,
Kimball is the female-sc ientist sta r. Jack Kevan . Les Tremayne is a doctor.
With S WaT! Wade and Dick Pinner. Je:tnne Cannen and Don Sullivan hang
out on "Lover's Beach" as potential
headless teens.
1981 Fort Films (SpainlU.S.)
1953 Romana Films (Italy) (B&W)
~ulDI,-£CT~ J. PiqueTSimon
MOOUCEII.: Fortunato Misiano
$OlEN\lo'lUlOS: Jorge Grau,
OIN:CT~: Ro berto 8 . Mon tero
Juan PiqueT Simo n, R. Gantman
SCIIHN'W'IUTEP.S: Rober to B. Monrero, '
"The costliest fi lm ever [0 be made in Alberto Vec hieni
Spain ". is a Jules Verne adventure with OIIIGINALLY ~ 1.): 11 Morulro
Terence Stamp as the evil Taskinar. deU Isola
With dinosaurs and horror stars Peter No mo nscer. Just Boris Ka rlo ff as a
Cush ing and Paul Naschy. good guy involved with dope smugglers
who kidnap a bambino. It onl y played
Italian-language theaters in America but
THE AfONSTER AfAKER later showed up dubbed on television .
1944 PRe (8&W)
"'-OOUCU: Sigmund Neufeld
KN:ENWMD.i: Pierre Gendron, 1958 Un iversal (8&W)
Martin Mocmey PP.OOOCEII: Joseph Gershenson
When phony doctor J. Carro l Naish is I>IAlCTOII.: Jack. Arnold
spumed by Wanda McKay he rums on SCkEEH\VMU,; D.l.vid Duncan
her father, Ralph Morgan . With the Arthur Franz is a college professor who
help of strongman Glenn Stran ge he studies a prehistoric fis h . A dragonA y
inj«ts the pian ist dad with acmmeg- stings the fish and grows a foot long.
a ly germs, turning him into an ugly- His dog is turned into a killer wolf.
faced "monster." When the brainy teacher somehow gets

The M (ln~tcr ,)( Piedras

. .

- $ ' - ..

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. ,
:, ,,-
-- . . ., .
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:.orne fish imo his pipe <lod ~ l11nkc s il THEJIONSTER THAT

he Ixcomes an ugly'11 man
with an axe and;) plaid work simI ! Troy
1957 Uni kd Arnsts (B&W)
Don:lhuc is a student. Edd ie P,lrkcr
PIIOOU(EIU; ArdlllT GarJnt'r. Jules V. It'\'r
plays [he mo nste r. With Whir BiSS('iJ DIMOOk: Arnold Laven
and Joanna Moore. It was Arno ld's last SCIt.UHWIIITEJ.; Pal Fielde r
monster film. He didn't like i f.
Th is m.)nster is a gi<lnt ca terpi ll ar.
G iant eggs are laid in Cali{omi,l's Salton
THE IIIONSTER SHOllY, Sell. O ne hatches and heads for sc ien-
See FREAKS. tist Hans Conreid's lah. Tim Hol t and

Audrey D"lron star with Milton Parsons ,ItONSTERS FROAI
and Jody McCrea . 111EAtOON,


1912 M,lyfair (B&W) ATOMIC BRAIN.
PAOOUCEP.: Cliff BroulZhwn
K"EENW"flO,: Roben Ellis 1969 Leacock Pen nchaker
An o ld-dark-house mystery with mur- PAooucus: O.A. r ..nnchak.. r,
ders blamed on an ape (acHlall y a Richard Leacock
c h imp) tho ugh Misc ha Auer is the DI'-I:(TO": I).A. Pennebaker
actua l killer. Real o ld-fashioned SHIff This mostly great docu l1lentar~' of the
made after the success of Dracll/n and '67 MonTerey Internatio nal Pop Festi -
Frankenscein. With Rex Lease and Vera val is a who's who of dead rock stars.
Re ynolds. One of the rarer features now The longest piece 15 by Ravi Shankar,
being sold on videocassette. exce llent but Just a pass ing fad in the
Western world. The Mamas and Ihe
Papas do more :"ongs than anybody,
AIONSTER ZERO which figures si nce thei r manager, Lou
1966 Toh()/M~ron Films (jnpan) Adler, and John Phi llips proJucl·d the
Tomo~'u h Tan~b
PII.OOUC[P.: fest ival. Ca ss Elliot died from drugs,
OI~aOf.: In\1shlffi Honda claims Phillips. who wilh h is daughter
KI\E[NWI\ITU: Shinichi Sckizaw<l Mackenzie rcc ent l ~' reformed the group
OfUGIN.-.uY IU1.U SEO 43: KIlI)l' Dtl!wnso after &'O i n~ public with their drug aJdic-
~ '-I:l.EAXD 43: InlWlnIl ~ AsmJ-M vmwrs tion (lnd reh:lbilitation . Hugh Mas.'lkc1"
Godzilla in outer space! Nick Adams and Simon and G:u1"unk('1 perform. The
fo llows up his Fwnkcrucein Conquers the San Francisco scene is represented b~'
WOl"kI role as astron,lut Glen n. HI' and the Jefferson Airplane and Coun try JllC
G o:hilla-film regular Aki ra Takarada ,md Ihe Fish. The Animllls, not at their
make a deal with the citizens of Planer peak, do "Pa int It Blac k." Two mem-
X. Godzilla and Roehm are taken in bers ufCanned 'Hca t, Bob Hite :m d Al
~pace buhbles carried by fl)' i n ~ s;.lucers Wil::.on, arc dead. The relll highlighls
to defea t rhe alien Ghidmh. But it's all :lre prov ided by the Who (wi th the !ate
a dlrl Ytrick ! The spacemen wilh wrap- Ke ith Moon) , Big Brother and Ihe
around shades now ha ve three mon- Holdi ng Company (feat uring the lare
sters to attack SUlh with . Nick fa lls in J:ln isJoplin ), the lilteJillli Hendrix , and
love wilh a lOy s., leswoman who's rl'- [he b te O ti S Redd ing. W,ltch for the
ally a spy and there's a big outer-spiKe late Bri:ln Jo nes.
bmdc. Earth wins! That d idn'l make
Nick Adams happy, though. By the AIOONOFIl1E WOLF
lime this movie was releast.-d in America 1972 TV
( 1970 ) he had lx.-cn dead fo r two yea~,
a suicide. Peter Thomas
OI'-1:CTO": [);In iel Pe tr ie
KIO.£(HWPJTE"; A lvlIl S:I pm. lcy
THEAtONSTERS ARE LOOSE, Sheriff David Janssen hunts for :1 loup-
See THE THRILL KILLERS. gllTOu in rhe bll)'uu. Bradford Dillman

is the h;liry one. With B<Jrbara Ru~h "J:1llles Bond Meets StaT \Vars" or "The
and Royal Dano.
Return ofJaws. "The II th in the J,1I11es
Bond series was eVt'n higger and cost.
AfOONWOLF lier tlm\ its predecessor, The Spy \\lho
19')9 AllieJ Art,sts (Fmhmd!
W. Gennan)") (B&W)
Lmoed Me. Michael Lonsda le is Dr".x,
DIAlOOA: M3rtin N~(k the dullest villain o( thcm all. He's pbn-
Und Imllll.""f Rub
OflI(jINAU..,. I\£t£AS£D AS:
ning to destroy the present popu lation
das H<7~ of Earrh and then repopulate the p!;lI1et
A veterinarian allows his dog Wol( to with a superrace that he'll hreed in
lx' used in a span' projt'cr. Wol( IS space. Big Richard Kiel Ix'COIllCS the
launched in a rockt,t ;lnd !;lncls ncar hero after falling in love in spaCt'. Lois
the Arctic Circle. close hy the home Chiles IS Mary Goodhe;ld. With Co-
0( one of the vcr's old flames. The vet rinne Clery and Bernard Lc(' :1S M for
and ;I W(){x:l.stnan fight OVl"T rhe woman, the last tillle. Roger Moort' is ocr [t
Wolf is rescued . mId real w()lves ;m<lck. made more money than any other Bond
film, although Shirley Basse)' did not
MOON ZERO TWO enjoy a Goldfinge r·style hit with h er
1969 Harnrner/W<lrnn Brothers
,heme song. Music by John Barry. Wil.
(England) li3l1l Grefe was the second unit director.
PIt.OOUC[I\!SCkl[NWkITEIt.: Mich<lc l C,lrrer,l~
DIIt.[OOIt.: Ro}' Ward Baker
The first ollTer-~pace \Vestern . In 212 J
1969 Unud Artim
astron:\ut Jame~ Olsen goes to a Moon PIIODU(U: Hal Klem
hotd. shoots it out with bad guys, loob OIAlCTOII: Roher! Sparr
fo r sapphires, and help~ C;lthe rin e SCAlENWI\IT(A: Gcotj!e Schenck
Schell find her brother. \Vlth Adrienne D" spite Vincenl Price and tht' titk'. dll~
Coni and the Gojos. It was made n ght b a W~tem starring C lint Walker (TV's
after 1001.
Cheyenne) asan OUt-o(·place gunfighter
III the 1890s. He's heaten by Mike (Tar-
Z(11I ) Hcnr)"s g:1ng, nursed to health by
19i1 Filrnlll~kcr~ LimH<'J
Pf"OOUC£lt.: DICk Alexander Anne Francb. and joins a tra\'eling side-
OIIt.£(TOI\!SCIIEEN\V1IJTEII: Abn GaJnq show owned hy Price. After an appar-
AUO It.£lEASEO AS: FilII M oon ently happ)' ending a m:1n namt.-d K.. rma
An experimental (catllre filmed in (!) ~holl's up and kills the hero. (M )
Riverside, Cali(ornia. [n the 1920s a
young man goes to an inn whosl ' res,. AfORE IVILD IVEST
dencs have been repeating the sa me 1980 TV
t'xperiences since the J 700s. Jnhn PIt.OOU(EIt.:R<l hen L Jah's
Carradine plays the on ly llIortal therl'. OIIt.£CTOk: Burr Kennedy
Victor Buono is the maitre J' . M:1Jc SCIt.[ENWkITlkS: Willi<lm iX'''·crs.
(or :1 USC Master of Arts Jegrl'e. Ton}· Kn),<.k·n
The networks :1Te re:1i1y scraping the
,/100NRAKER bottom o f (he h:1rrel for TV-movie
1979 UI1l{<'d ArtISts (EngbnJ) subjec ts. Th is is the second time CBS
PllOOUC[II : Alberf R. Broccoli has regurg;taled (hi~ o ld TV serit,s. Be:-
0 11t.[001l: lc\\'i ~ GIII""rt
sides thc regular~ (Robert Conr.ld and
SCIt.[[N\lnJT(A: C llTIslopher Wuod
Ross Marrin) wc'w got Jonathan \Vin-

ters trying to mke over the w"rld with A t:lle of dru).: smu).:gling, opium pl,m-
1Il\,I ~ i h ll ity, Harr), Morgan, and Vicwr I:l!IOnS, rdigious fanal io. and death in
Buono. Not bad bur gel the guest ~t~I rs­ ManIla from ,hl' folk s who brought ytlU
jac k La l<lIlne and Dr. Joyce Bmlhers, The M(u/ f)OC/{lT of Blood Island. jock
The TV shrink ! 5lw's also III Embry·o, a Mahoney Slars a~ CIA agent jefferson
Ixlllllcing-fetus epic. SI,lrk. WiTh Margia Dean and Reed

1966 Cinema V (Englan.l) ,'lOSS ROSE
H.ODUCO,: I.e..-m Clor(' 1947 Will CCI1TlIr~'-Ful< (B&W)
DI"ECTO": Karclllcis! P~ODUC E" : Gem' ~ l:uko;' Y
SCIUENW"ITE": D.wld Merc~'r DIMCTOk: Urcg"ry Rat< 'ft
K"[ENWRJT[II.S:Julo:~Fllnhman, Tum R~'eJ
David Warner in h;~ hest-reml'mhercd
role as an eccentric Londo n artiST wilh Vincent Price ilS " wrn-of-thc-century
a gllTi ll a fixa tion. H, ~ mother wants him Scotland Y,lrJ ddeClivc! l'l'ggy C um-
min S is :1 Cuckney girl whll betters her
to Ix· a Marxist ami h is wife (Vane~~a
RcdgT<J\'e ) wants a d ivorce. \Vhen nOi
social po~it ion by hlackmailmg kil ler
watching the ape aT the zoo he w.lIche s nuhleman Victllf Mature. Et hel BaTT),-
KIJIR KUI1R or Tar~an, fhe AtJt' Mml. He TlIure is the ric h kilk'r's mother. Hem
Price figures out whl) th(· "Bible mur-
does everything \x)~~ible to distract hi~
ex-wife, from putting a ~ kd e[On in her derer" is. Wi,h George Zucco and p,,-
b.:d TO crashing her wedding to a :.cconJ trlcia Medma.
husband in a gorilla su il on a motor-
qclc. He ('mls up III a mental hospital TN E " lOST DANGEROUS
creating a hammcr-and-sickle-shapcd GAiIfE
gardell. 19H RKO(B&W)
P"ODU(EIIJ : MCTlan C. Coof'l·r.
Emesl B. Sch.,cdsack
Ernes! 8. Schl>\:,l>.l(k.
Irving Pichel
1960 MGM (Fmnce/]wly)
K"E[HWI\lTE": J"mc~ A. Cr~·dOlall
DI"ECTO": Primu Zegll"
K P.[ENW"IT£M: FtllpJltl Sanjusl. The creaturs of King K (Jl1j.( made this
Andre De TllIh, Pntno Zcghu classIC talc the year hefore their giant
O"IGI NAllT "El£ASED M: Mar):all ape burst lI\xm the ~ce ne. Lesl ie Banks
5Tl'Ve ReeVl'S as Morgan, an Eng li~h plays the faill ous Cou n t Z.. roff who
pimtl' who attacks only Spanish ships. hunts humans With a how and armw
He takes over Panama, where he had on his mist}' i~land. Joel McCn.-'a, Fay
heen a shlvc, and wins the lovc of Wray, and Robert Armstnmg an.' his
Va lerie L IGrange. rresenll~d by joseph late~t shipwreck victims. Onl' of Zarot1's
E, Levine. men IS N,)ble Johoson. the n;ltivc ch ief
of Kun~ blanJ. here playing a whitl'
m an~ Wray and Armstrong of course
"'IORO WITCH DOCTOR also wen! on to Kung. as did composer
1%410th Cl·lltuT)·. Fox (U.S. ! Max Steiner. Scenes with decaplI<lted
PhIlippines) (B&W) human heads arc missing from some
Pl\ODUCE,,",OIMCTO,,",KMENW"'TU: prints. RKO remade it as A Gamc of
Eddie Romero Dcmh in '46,

1HE JlIOST DANGEROUS InQ PT<lhlt·llh. the hu~ba n d \'isll:,< a
,JlA NALIJlH ~hnllk ,111<1 JbCtlH'rS that he ha~ a
1%1 Columha (R&W) "~ l tlIhl'r GO(l~e Complex" (!). The
PRO DUCER ; [knt'Jlct 13.>gt',m~ ')OIUtIOIl I~ W trear hlnl with an LSD
'pray while he ~Iceps, causlIlg hiS (:my-
KI'.£[NWI\lTEM:J:lme~ Ll'ln'»'cr. Philip Rll... k t,lle f,lIlt,l!)ll'!) tn l'nter Into reali!)'. YOli
Framed cunvict Ron Randell e-.capt!s, h~lIrc It Out. Fmm the man \\ ho bmught
walks Into a cohalr,N.lml-> hI.1:>t. ;mJ he- YIlU TfJ.? Blob. FeanlTlnQ TV [<Ilk-show
comes IInpen lOll' (0 hullers. He wX's hully joe Pyne ,mJ Hen ny YoungmJn
un .l vengeance spree until \.!cltlllj! ,I' rhl'ffiseh-...s!
[,urned 10 a cri-r by a tbmethrower.
With Dehra Pagel. Morrb Anknml. ,mJ IllonlER'S DAY
Anthon ~' Caruso.
1981 Unl!l·J Ftlnl DI,rnblition
PFIOOUCE" / DI"[CTO ": Charl.:s Kallfm~n
[980 United Am,r, W:IfT.:n n. Leight
PI\ODUCE~5CIIEENWIIITERS: Ike (I101dcn McGuire) and AJdle~'
Steven C. ~nJ R(lbt'rt Jaffe (Billy Ray McQuade) arc brothers , two
DIMCfOIl: K eVin Connor
hdd- rMtured ~ I ohs who~e mush like
An IInsucce~~flll m<ljur-srud iu attempt hrarn~ are far too ,enslti\'c [() signills
,"It (annih;)] comedy. A cheerful Rory (fIlm the media. The hOlls l ' they live
Calhoun star:; as Farmer Vincent. who,:,c In b a flot of co nsumer product,-
exclll~iVl' s..1US<lgl'S are :;old from hiS o ut . they're collectors of St'Sllme SIH'el ,md
of-the-war motel. V ictHlb ,Ire pl,uu('d SWr Trek paraphernallil, they cat Tnx
in the ground up to thelT necb dnd cere,11 h), the hucket. and the}" ha\,..
fora··fed. The rllllnr peork. II'ho.~..: cmllc~ arjl"IITlle nf S as to whl,ther punk
VOC;l! corJs han' been 5lir. arc Jug up I' hcllcr than J ISCO. And c\'ery o nCl'
,lIld slaughtered. ~md Axelrod as d 1tl a \\hl"-'. fhq' rare and kill ("J II" (
young woman who want.:. to m arry the llh· I ..cen on TV." ~'I r~ Ike), wh il e
cra:ed o ld Calhoull, Pun-bo\ centerfold m l)(hl'r (Ro,,," Ro~) dlTCClS the ~ho\\.·.
R o~anne K,lto n. and a grOl;p o f TIlIICU- ITHO fill' \\'Otxl~ ncar [heir h:lJlp}" h o me
1011' "punk rockers" don't hi.:lp much.
With l'\anq Parson (Purky's), \Volfllliln
Jack, ,md a clip from The MOIlS/a ThaI
ChallenRr"d the World. From the dln~c­
tor of all those BrltI~h/Amicu "'Ed!-!:lr
Rice Burroughs adVl'ntu rc~. (lU


1966 J~ck II. Harris Ent~rrrl,e~
J,lC k H. I brn,
The UllkIHeJ flY"I."
ThlSnnc'~ h:u,! to helle\'e, hur ... new-
IpH'Js (Tommy Kirk ,md An n e I[elm)
are ~tayin£:
at a hOlel owned by the
TV Jemh III Morh ... r's hnJe'~ uncle Uacques ikrgerac t)f The
IJ:lI II:-pnotu: E..,e). After havmg lo\"em, lk-

Erru and )'UInI 110 ru the
AIII"'I<I.I m Mothra.

comes a tTlO of young women, former caterpi llar emer)!es. j!oes to Tokro,
roommates on their annual reunion. crushes bUlldtng ~, spln.~ a cocoon,
The Jement(.'d brothcrs capture the ~ir1s beCOllles Mllthra (; 1 g:ianll1loth), caUM!S
and begin their wr!ure show. Of all the tidal wa\'e~ and wlmlsmrms with Ih
viol en! fillll~ rele~l))('d in the pa~t few wing~, pith lip lh<' liny twins ,L1 .he
~'C;lT~, none ha~ received reviews :.\) airp!.)rt and head:. home. Mothw and
unfairly re vi ling as Mother's Da)". None the AI IIcmlS returned as CI)-srar, In (,)lIr
{l the critics Il len!iWK..Jor cven ~ee med God:illa mllV les. When nm ;lc1ing, 111e
to rccognm: the ,allrlC~11 POlllt of thl~ gIrl, (Eml fl nJ Yuml Ito) have ,I ~lIlg­
admittcdl}' twisted comedy-thaI il i ~ ing C,lreer ,b the PC;lnllt ~ . O ne ,l rhdr
the "1;lundcn:eJ" vlo lencc performed alhums. "The Pl',lOurs Hit P"radl'" was
by the bland villallls of tele\'i~l<m that rdea'cd un Londun lntcrnatwn,ll Ifl
makes a vio lent l>uc ict}, Iiv;lble . mot<' Amenta. They dn 1>c1<'ctions hy G('ne
than any go rl' show. (Self Imp!.)~.J X) PltnCY, Paul Anb, and Tchalkovsl.:y.


1962 Tolul/Co!umb1.l (japan) ItJ6S Ew PmJucuolb (B&W)
""oouco.: Tomoyukl T anak.t Pl\ooUC[k/OII\[CT~: Ru"",, Mc~w
011\£00": !nv~hlro II, \nda SCkHNW~If[IU: \'(IIIlI,un E. SPr:Lllg...
SCkl£NW1Un:k: Shlll,cill St,kI:'IW.l RU Ii1i Mq'cr
OI'JGI NA.UY kELWEO AS: M U$lITa A lex RIl(c{) (hllcr Ul The CifJd[mher ,IIlJ
One o( the hest Jal'ane~e l1lonster Hl'Thie CI/i.'S Hml(UI(l.s, among: others)
mOVIC!). TIle Altlenas (twill ~ .x -mch JOIll~ the r.callTl(ul HaJI III a vengeful
prince55cl> who slJ)g ;md talk in uni>on) b;urle ag<linsr Three lIIurdcrnlis but
are kidnapcJ from Infant Island by an cbm-cut hikers on Hon,h... Thlscomic
eval :,howm:m and taken to Japan t\) sex ;l IlJ vlIllellCl' ( III rhe dl'~ ­
sing: in h is nightclub. Back on rill' Il>land crt was oriJ,.!in;llly cn-billed with Meyer's
a giant sacrcd egg hatches. A g:ianl more mem \l ~lhk' Fa.;; f('T PllSS)"CCIf! Kill !

Kill!, also featuring HajL Meyer was a Hartnell :lnd Leo McKern. The Mou5t'
bi t ahead of his time- the o uti::lw biker the Moon was a less effective sequel.
fa d didn't start unlil a yea r laler with
The W'ild Angels. THE ,110 VIE " tURDERER
19;7 AI P ( B&W) OII',(CTOI'.: Bons Sagal
P"OOUCEI'.: Alex Gordon scmNW"lm: Stanford Whitmore
DII',(CTO": Ed""ard L Cahn Good TV -movi e about an arson ist
SCJ.lENWIUTEII.: lou Rusoff
(Warren Oates) who runs around torch-
The evils of illegal ~ rreet raci ng. Slevc ing bui ldings conwining negatives of
TerrelJ is goaded by girlfriend A n ne him in the act. Arthur Kenned ~" is a
Neyland into a runoff wllh a highway fi rc-inslIT"dnce invest igator. With lots of
outlaw. John A ~h le y pays in the end. film c lips and an amusing look :It an
The cast includes Carl "Alfalfa" Switzer, unde rground movie. With Jeff Corey,
Edd ie Kafafian, and j ClIn Moorehead Elishrl Cook, Jr., and Robert Webber.
of The Violent Years. "Wild and wickcd- From the director of The Omega Man.
living with no tomorrow!" is the way
the ads described them all. AlP's 16th AfOVIE ST/IR, MtERICAN
double feature, with Saranr), Girl. -ell SlYLE, OR LSD, I HATE YOU!
1967 F;lmOll~ Pla\'ers (B&W WIth timed
,'IOULIN ROUGE l<quenc",)
1952 United Artists PlIOOUC[k: Rolx-TI Caramlco
ASX>CLATE P"OOUCE": Jack Clayton OII',(CTQA: Alb.:rt Zugsmith
DlJ.l CJOA: John Huston K"EEHW"-1TEIU: Alhen Zugsml th.
~C"E£HW"ITEIU: Anthonr Vell1er. Grnham lee M;lhn. Lulu Talm<ldge
John Huston
Zugsml rh 's Holl1'wood acid.the rapy
Jost' Fe rrer stars o n hi S knee ~ as
"comedy," complete with a tinted trip
Tou louse· Lautrct: in th isOsc<lr-winning
sequence "Ill IH larious LSD color." A
biography. Zsa Zsa Gabor co-stars, and
suicidal lilm Slar named Honey Bunn y
Christopher Lee (as SeuTaI) and Peter
(Paula Lane) is Sl'nt br her producer
Cushing are both in there somewhere.
(Rohert Srrauss) wa reST home run by
Cinematography h}" Fredd'l' Fr:lncis. the unhillged Dr. Horatio (Del Moore),
who give~ his patients LSD as :l Cllre.
The WllCh' patients include TC. jones
19'i9 Col lllllbm (En!,:larhl)
Walter Shemon
,l ~ (Ill efh'm inate drl's5 des igner, a mid-
DII',(CTOk: Jack Arnold /.!et, a Cit lady, and lots of actors .
5,CkEEHW"ITEIU: Roger MacDouga II. ,lirccwn, ;,m d producers . including
Slanler Mann Schlvck-lIlei~rer A lbert Zug5mith himself.
The Grand Duchy of Fenwick declares T C. Jones, who pbys both men anJ
war on America, plannio,g TO lose and WU!llen in o ther films. also sings the
get financi:ll aid. Peter Selle-rs and 20 title song.
men wearing :lTTnor and eqllip~d with
bows and arro ws go to Ne-w York and " tOVING VIOLATION
!976 20th Century. Fox
capture the football -s.haped Q bomb cre.
PlIOOUCl": Juli", Corman
ated by Jean Selx:rg's farher. They win OIk(CTOk: C harle) S. Dubin
the war. Se llers also plays the Grand SOEEMVMD.S: David R. Osterhout,
Duchess and a COUot . W ith Wlllmm W,llimn Norton

A car-chase movie with a sheriff chas- ccntury b)' an Egyptl.1O fanatic as an
ing Stephen McHatrie and Kay Lenz instrument of rl'vcngc. The Mummy
as a couple who witneSS<.-d a murder in JUSt wants archaeologist Cushing's wife:
a corrupl IOwn. W ith Eddie A lbert. he th inks ~he 's a reincarnation of the
Will Geer, and Dic k Miller. Roger princess he died for. The wife/prince!>S
Corman is the executive produce r. is Yvonne Furneaux, later in Po lanski's
Repulsion. Lee made a powerful. fast-
THEAIUAtAIY moving Mummy. The open ing sequence
1932 Universal (B&W) where he's condemned to be buried
",ODUCU.: Stanle r Bergcrman ali\'e was a real sbocker in 1959. One
DIIUCTOA: Karl Freund slave holds his wnguc with pJ.ers while
KII.E£NWP.IT£II: J oh n L B(IIJerston another whack s If off with a knife.
Cincmmogrnpher Karl Freund, who bad George Paste ll is Mehe met the priest.
worked on Merropolis and The LrullAItRh
In Germany, made his directur.ll debut
with this moody horror classic. Boris 1944 Un lvCTsa l (B&W)
Kluloff stars as Im-ho-tep, The J,700· A~SO(IATt PIIO DUC[II: O ],\"er Dmke
year·old priest buned alive for stealin,g D1II£CTOII: Lt'"I,t" Goodl<'ins
a 5.1Cfed scroll. He emerges from his KIIE[NWklllII: Bernard.I Schubt-T!
mummy wrap and, di ~g uised as Ardeth The reincarnations of Princess Ananka
Bey, a "modern" Egyptian, he offer~ :md Kharis the Mummy arc dug ou r of
eternal life to the r(' lncarnatlon of tbe the swamp they sunk lO W at the end of
wo m'lIl he \O\·cs (ZlTa Johann ). Some The Mwn!1l) '5 Ghost. Lon Chaney plays
of Ihe best scenes arc Ibshbaeb shown the Mummy for The last time , An:lIlka
in his poo l of rl'memhranee. Edw,lT(l is played hy Virginia C hristine , famou s
Van Sloan and David Manners play ,b Mr:;. O l...en o n rL'Cenr TV coffee C0111 -
the ir usual rules. Noble John:.on is the mercials. Pl·ter Cue and Martin Kosleck
Mummy's ~ ];l\'e. Bramwell Fletcher has :"Ire the tan". leaf-hrewing pril'sls, With
an unforgettable sce ne as the lIlan Kay llarJ11lg. Kurt Katc h, Hol mes
whose mind snap~ when he ~c~ the IIl'rbert . anJ lots of footage from car·
wrapped b..x\y move. The wmle of Isis lier Mummy film ~, The worst of the
plays an imp0rtanT ro le. Boris was hilk·d series.
as "Karloff the uncanny." Carl Laem-
mil', Jr. was executive produccr. THE AIUi/MIY'S GHOST
1944 Uni\'e r~al (B&W)
1959 H amml' rlUnl\-ers,ll (En,l!l;mJ) DIII£CTOII: Reginald Le Borg
",ooUC[II: ~'hc hac1 Carrl'ms 5O.£[N\VkIf[~: Griffith Jay. I lenry Sucher.
Srena We isbl"rg
KIIHNWR.lTlII: IITUII Y Sll!1l.:Stcr Since hi s disciplc Turhan Bey fai led in
After plaYing the Fr:mkenstl'ln mon- his mission in The Mllmm)"s Tomb. the
~ ter and Dracula, Christopher Lee old priest (George Zucco) sends a new
tllrned to Kh ,lris .he Mummy. Came of one, You~cf Bey (John Carradine), to
Frankenstein. The Hurror of /)rCICIIUt. anJ New England to help Kh<His (Lo n
th iS bit restarted the ho rror- mov ie C haney) find the Princess Ananka. A
IIlJustry. All three were direCTed hy college stuJcnt with two white shocks
Terence Fi sher and co-st,lrred Peter of hair (Ramsey Ames) is the modern
C ushin!:. Kharis is rl'v ived III the 19th reincarnation of the Egyptian prince!>S

who ends up in the swamp with Kharis. THE III UAMIY'S 1'0.11B
Robert Lowery is the hero. With 13M- 1942 Universal (B&W)
wn Mac Lane and Frank Reicher. .t.» H.OOUC£l\: Ben Plvar
Ol,-£CTOI\: HamId Yuung
TH Ii ,ItUAfIIIY'S HAND SC'-££NWI\If[II.S: Griffi th J a}', Henry
1940 Univcrs,11 (B&W) The seque l to The Mummy's 1·land finds
PI\OOUC[I\: Ekn PiV:lT high priest George Zucco, now an o ld
OlP.£CTOA: Christy a~banne man , sending his fo llower (Turhan Bey)
KM[NWJ.rrrM: Gnffith Jl~}" Maxwell Shane
to America with Kharis (Lon C hancy).
The first of the Khans the Mummy fi lms Hiding ou t at a cemetery, they seek re-
stars Tom Tyler in the bandages. Dick venge on Dick Foran and Wallace Fo rd
Foran and \V" l1<1ce Ford are surv ivors (also old men) who had defill..xI the !Omb
of the expedit ion cursed hy open ing the of Princess Anank<l in rhe ('artier film .
sac red 10mb. George Zucco is the high Elyse Knox gets carried 0 (( this time. It
priest cooking tana leav(,.'S. Peggy Moran opc.~ ns with flashhacks to the 1940 fi lm
is the woman the Mum my wants. With and includes shots of mad vill:!gers from
EJuardn Ciannel li and Cec il Kellaway. the origin:!! Frankenslein. In many o f
The impressive temple set W ~I S left over the scenes the Mumm ~' was played by
from Greell Hell. T yler went on to phlY famollS stun tm:!n Eddie Parker.
Captain M~lrv d and the Mummy role
went 10 Lon Chancy. \'(.Iith over ten
mimlles of footage from The Mumm y AIUAIS¥, NANNY, SONNY
('31) lLsed as a flashback. AND GIRLY, See GIRLY.
197J A,'co Embas)y-TV (SP.111l)
Pl\OOUCEII.: L"i~ Mendc~
OIMCTOI\: Carl", Aurc.\ 1966 Univ~rsal
M;I\U NWJ. ITU: JaclIlw M01 in:l PP.OOIKEII.S: Joe Connelly. Bob Masker
OI\IGI NAUY REl£Al[O AS: Ltl V<'llgall;,a de /a OI,-£CTOI\: Earl Be lla my
Mmme KN:£H\VP,lT£l\S: George Tibbles,
Joe Con n e ll y, Bob Mosker
Paul Nasch y play."> the wom- Iooklng
Mummy si nc.e the (me AbhOl l and e(lS- Half-h our TV situation comedies usu-
td ln met. He al ~) appe:!rs unwr:!ppcd. ally don't inspire very good feature -
length films. n,is one was made for TV,
TH EAIUAfIIl Y'S SHROUD but rele:!sed theatrically at the last
1967 H•• mmer/10Th Ce lll ll t)'-Fu~ minute . At least it's bener than the
(Engbndl 198 1 Munsters reunion TV-mo vie. The
Pl\OOUCEI\: An{hc>ny N~h.:m- K c~·s Munsters inherit a British estate that
DI'-£CTOI\!SCI\££NWI\ITtI\: J, ,hn Gi Iling is being used as headquarters by counter-
The nHnnmy of ~Hl EgypTian S!;IV'" (Edie fe iters. Hermio ne G ingold, her son
Powell) is re viwJ when an early-10th- (Terry-Tho mas), and their sinister but-
century exped ition hrc:!b into a tom b. ler C ruikshan (John Carradine) vainly
This mummy (muned Prem) ..... as de- try [0 scare away the weird Americans.
signed 10 rescm ble a re:!l o ne inst"'<ld Hennan wins a race in his custom-made
of a Ho llywood ItHlllo.:l, but the movie Dragu la coffin/ca r. With the TV cast
is still pretty forgermhle. W ith M:!ggie (Fred Gwynne, Yvo nne De Carlo, A I
Ki mbcrlt'y and A ndre Morell. Peter Lewis, Butch Patric k) except for Deb-
Cushi n~ narrates. bie Watson , o ne o((ourdi((erenl Mari -

Iyns. With Richard Dawson, Cliff Nor-
ton , and Robert Pine (From the C HiPs
TV series) as Marilyn's boyfriend.


1981 TV
AAOOUC£k: [\m i'\e],...,n
Dlk£CTOk: n.m Weis>
SCI\£EN\\l1mo,S: Arthur AI,hcrg. l)un NeI"m
The M llIls/eTS W<lS <llways infl'flllf to the
lhll'llly grc,1\ Addams F(IIlHl\. Both
,Imll's started in '64 ,m.! r.:111 e)(~ctl)· twO
~c. I 'nns. ['.I rather SCl' d C(lr 54 \,(!here
Art' You! T Y·mm'le th,m thi~OIle. Unt·
\'cr,al produced ,he :.cnes, ,0 Fred
Gwynne as Henml1l can [e ~i\lly Ipok
like the Karloff mon~ter. He stdl l"ob
the saml' ,h he did III the sene,. So
d\l'l'~ A l lcwI' as Gr:mdpa. Y",mne Dc
C,Ir10, o n ilK pther hand, \\ til ncn'r
rl'Cover In loob, or cred ibility from muv-
Ie, like Sllo.'llf Scream, Th.,> Sewn ~lmllle5
,m,! GlIyml£l: Cult of the Damned. Edd1C
and Maril\'n arc p\:!yed hI' m'\I' CI) mer~.
Sid Caes;u IS Dr. Iklhlo. The story i~
,Ihout roN)\) dll>gul,eJ ,I ~ wax hgure~.
One \\'ear~ .. Tor J(lhn~n mask.
" IlIRDliR BY tilAlL, S ee Alu",is. Fr..dGu')tltlc,
SCHIZOID. mid Ymn\1e Ik CarlO! re-
,IIURDLiR BY DECREE 114m {or Th ... Mun~ler,'
1979 A\'Cl,·Ernhao,:,~' (I:.ngbnJ/C,mada) Re\"t"nj;!t"
PkODU CEIU: Rene LJul'l \nl. Bob CI~rk 1'!3S I!l\p ... rial DI.,lnhlltor,
OII\£OOk: BIll- CI..rk ASSOCIATE 'kODUC[k: cd\\ ,.rd /1.1. SPIt:
K kEENWf.IT£k : John H')l'lm~ DlkECTOk: ( :IIMorJ S,mf,}rlh
h\ a crulle that th iS Sherlock I-I n lme ~ SCI\£EN\VI\ITER: Jp,;,t'ph OT),,>nllell
\.... J~ck the RIPTX'r him didn't doix,t- A T,lre :llld horing independe ntl y pw·
r~r. \r's the hnl 'liI·around I lllltnes d uc ...d Illy~tcry (earunnt: Bel;! Lugosi as
1ll1l\'ie ever made. ChnslOphl'r Plummer twm hfllther~. It rums {lUI neHheT on e
as l-Io l[lle~ :'In.! Ja[lle~ Mason :, ~ \'(!mson I' ,he kIller of a pwfes,nr whl' has
dl:.c(,\·cr a CO\'er-up plot implicating the IIwented ;! teie vbion set (~ ",clencc-
entIre government . l),lvid Hemmings, hClllln" Ide~ III '35). This SI.. ,ic talkie
Anthony Quayle, ,IIlJ John Glclgud with a "I~r of unknowns wa~n'l shown
represnll Varl<.lll~ <lfllh Ilf the law. Frank much ('\,cn in th(' '30s .
FinL,y IS Le~trade. Don~ld Sutherland
play... a helpful p~yc hi c. Genevlcve ,'IlIRDER BY HIE CLOCK
BujulJ I~ e~l'ecially ,L:,xxi as an I1lsmu· 1931 P,IWIllUUIl1 (H&Wl
(lnnali:ed victim. From the JlreCtllT of DI RECTOR : E,lward Slol1l,m
Dem/ulTi,tUlI, Don't miSS, SCk£EN'III'I\lTEk: Henry M\er,

49 1
A forgonen earl y horror movie Center- ,IIURDER ,' lANSION
rn g on a crypt ~JX'cially eqUIpped with 1970 AI'co Em"'bsy, TV (Spam)
a horn ,har sounds if the wuman hur. 011\(00..: l'TanCl>Co L.1r.1 Polop
led inside I~ actually alrve. A murder OklGINAllY kEl EASEO AS:
mysrery involves a dead m an brought 1..11 MunJlIlfI d.../a Nrehl.l
hack to life and a m y~te r10U~ hdlf-wrI A young coupk-spends the n1~ht i n the
(Irvin~ Piche]). Wi,h William BoyJ, hOl1le of rill' wle. Wirh "gh01>b and
L1 lran Tashm'lIl, a nd RegiS Tuolllc). va mp ITe:,." Analia Gade. !ttl Galti,
Andres Re~lIlo.
[966 Eumpix (Fram:e/[t<lly)
PkOOUCEpJOlk [ CTOk; Elul Sc,lnJ,lnl~~I , ,1
(Mick.el H~mllton) JlIURDI5R ON FLIGHT 5U2
SCkEEKWk'TEI\S ; Erne~!(,G,ISt.lldl. Lucian,) 1<)75 TV
Marrmo PkO OUCEk: !),!I'!d Ch:"l1lan
AUO kELEASED M: LI Lmlll Jd Corp", OlkEOOk ; Cleofge McCowan
T~ Murder S ()ClI't~, SCkHNWkITE k: D.1I'id P HnnTloTl
Ret en~.: uf the'illji
JJmJ Airtx!l'l '75, TV style. Robert St,lCk is
AnOT her Europl'an -pi ,l~t 1C'~lI rgcoll ' rhc pi/llt 0(:1 Jl't heing t l' rrllTi~ed hy a
tryi ng· to· rc~tore ',HI istig! Ircd,wom ,ill .s. manlilc. With Polly fkrgcn, Thelxlore
face fil lll . Ir also fcatllre~ ,1 IllII.xb.l kilkr Bikel, Sonny P,ono(!), Femando Larna~,
at :m a~ylum. Mi!1iom o( Anu'Tll,lnS Gl'OT)!l' M,lhMis. F;Jr,.h Fawcett-
have "..en it as part uf the Org) of rill' MaJt1T ~(!), Hu)!h O'Bnan, \\hlrl"r
Lilring Dead triple h& Wir h WilkHll PidgeDn, Danny Bonaducl"(!), and
Berger anJ Fram;obe Prl:vn~L St<lck's re;II·llfe wife <Hld daughters!

[I'l' l 21/3167: Til.? "Cu<u

\\,Ihu~ \Va)" of )esreryCllr
rc"Ln rs II ,)klC~ fr':(jll.:nr~d
tn"$rl)'/1) rite rmdeslwblt,.
ThIS IHldl/ {lom"'l of 42nd
SrT"",r HeilT Erghth AI't'!Ju,'
is <1 }(U1l O)f !wiI!I-lrghleJ
rl.'stWlT<mt$. (Um'SI.'Illt,'!lr
C~lIll.'rs of'l uI.'5rUlHttbl.:
,HlrClcrums. (Iud IImlli
1l~'U'" d!t.'iU,'T':S thaI are l!pt'l!
neaTiv "II HI,i:hl CUl'Te1I!/Y
4fuT15 ar .. hems: nuu/.:
I" mllkc lilt' Ilrl.'ll mort'

1'f{E" lURDER SOCIETY, See (I.uer knllwn il~ LClln A mes) St;1T as fl
nfE ,IlUROER CLINIC. f<lI11antic cuu l'le, Nohle plays
Bcla'~ ;1"1,I:lIlT. Thi~ quicki(' was sort
of .1 f,l\'or II) the relened dln:~c l or of
rT(lIIkelt~tl'm (Florey) ,lnJ the actor who
" lUROERER'S ROlf' lid.1 tllTnl'J down the m onster role
1966 Columnla (Lugo~ I ). The ape ,ull'S ben ... r th:m
~OOUC[R: lrvmg AJ1l"ll
1111 ,~t, but rhe 11 IlL~[(lI\ b ru in~'l.l h~' c lose-
OII\ECTOI\: H~'nr~' Levin
KUENlllkITU.: H .::rhcrt B.lker
ur~ ut iI re,ll llWn,L.:ur:1n.

The S\..'C<lIlJ M,ltl Helm ad\"cOIUfe fi nds

wl~-Cr;l(klng phnlogr..lphcr/,p)' [\:an
M~Lrti n rosi ng as a hit m,m w(lr klng h>T
h ilmmy vdlain Karl M,llden. wh() rlam
ttl destroy Washmgton. D.C. with a
hello bc,m\. Ann-Margrcr. ,I' Karl's 1971 AlP
datlghrer. is llSll,dly~, ,und dilTle;!)g wildly ",ODUCEI\ : loUIS M. H... ~'ward
DII\(OOl\: Gordon Hessler
III one 1'1IP-drt ou rht l>r another. Tum
SCI\E[~: Oms!llPhe Wicking.
Reese play, Imnhl',LJ, a killer whuends Hen'1' Sl ... ~ar
lip hangin", (mm a g l,ln! magm'(' OHlO'S
Jason Rob,tTds runs a horror theater in
luc ky son gers [(l playa few hot numhers
19th-centllT)' France. Herbert l.()m with
[I:. p ;lrf of "Oill0, INS! ,1n,1 Bil1r," It
a d isfigured tace, looking rhe way he
J ldn't help the ir recurd ~ak'~ much. did in The PfumlOm of che Opera. se tS
\\lith Cam ilb Spar\', Bc\"crl~' A,tuns, out to destroy Ro hflnh and his show.
and an intbtar-Ie noat. Filnwd (>n the A totally confused movie with fl ash-
Rn'lera. Dum sin)!::>, Ino! backs and dream sequences galore-. With
Michal'1 Dun n , Lilli Palmer, C hristine
Kaufmann, Maria Perschy, and a go-
,IlURDERS IN TfIERUt: rilla suit rh,1{ looks like it was left over
,'IORGUE from Trug. Filml,d in Spain .
t'J31 UI1I\"~r,~1 (I3&W)
Pi\ODUCEI'.: Cor! Laern111I", Jr.
0 11'1:001\:R"h:n Flor~'Y
KI\UN'oW.Il(I\S: Tom Reed, Dale Van Ewry ,'/uROERS IN 'l'f{E ZOO
Ii, his first horror fi lm flfte r DracI4t.:L EX'I" 19]] Paramount (B&W)
LUj!osi plays Dr. Mirakle. In turn-of- OII\ECTOII.: Ech" ard Sutherland
the-cenrury Paris he exhibits "Erik, Ie ~: PhilIp Wylie, Seton I. Mill ... r
gun lle au ceTveau humain" and sec re tly Kathleen Burke, the panther woman
injens women with ape blood. Dead in Island uf Lost SOllis, retlirns as the
victims are dumped in the river. It wife of an ins.1neiy jealous and sadistic
doesn't have much TO do wiTh Poe, bm zookeeper (lionel Atwill ). Both films
the distorted sets are greaTand the plot were condemned for excessively had
is pretty lUrid in a pre-Code fashion, taste. People arc rhrown to alligators,
\\i'hat"s M)' Line? regular Arlene Francis snakes, and lions, and one man is le(r
makes her film debut as a prostitute tied to die after lione l sews his mouth shut.
to a cross. Erik (Charles G emora) kilh Randolph Scott is the hero. Charl ie
p~ople and stuffs their corpses up chim- Ruggles p rovides comic relief. With
neys. Sidney Fox and Leon Waycroff Gail Parrick and John Lodge.

1964 AlP 1972 Col\lrn hin (England)
~OOUC[M: Jdmcs 1-\ , Nichols.. n . AAODOC£A: R o b.: rt Weinbach
Roh ::n Di llon OlI\[CTO"; J a<:k C:lrtlt ff
DIR.ECTOI'.: W , l1i~m Asht'r K"EEHW"ITE": G:' ~m Ra ~'l"
KI'.EENWI'.ITEII: R\\bcrt D i llon Donald Pleascnce plays a doc tor who
Frankie rmd Annette on t he hcach- c ros.~~ hum;)ns wi th plan ts. H is beSt
Pan II. A wc,lh hy con tc~'l (Lucian.. c reatio n is a venus fly trap man . He
PaluZZ I of The G reen Slime) wants IIlU S- sends his ("iluTes to a (re"k show oper-
cle rnan Flex Mart in ( Roc k Stev e n ~ ated by dwarf M ic h"cl Dun n in his last
a. k.a. Pe ter Lupu.'> of t he Mission Impm< role ( he died in '73). As in the fa mo us
5ible series) fo r he r o wn - until she Fre,!k$ , real sideshow peo ple art.' fea·
meNS Fr;mk ic. An ne tte gcb Jealous. tured: a huma n pincush ion, ,L lizard
Don Rickles trains the musc le huilde rs. lady, a frog boy, a mo nke y woman , and
Buddy Hackcn manages th e con u.'ssa. a p re tzel bo y. With T o m Ba ke r as
Wi th Morey Amste rda m. ]oJ\' McC rea. Dun n's s,adisric deformed "IssLstan t, Julie
Donn:! Loren , ,md Dan I-hlggcrt y. ]f y\)u Ege, Jill H<1wo rrh , and B"Id Ha rris. The
can last th rough the unfunn y l'C,l( h most mcmo ra hle ch arac ter is a m a n
an tics \'ou'll sec li tt le St('vie Wo n - c.. lled Popcye. Director C a rd iff wa:, a
der, Dick Dale and his Del· w nes. and fon ner cinematograp her (The Red Shfles,
a las t loo k at Pel er Lurre in a bit pfm BUII.:k Nllrcis.ILIS).
a~ Mr. Strangdour. Lon e, who surd y
would have conl1 nued In A lP fil ms, " tUnNY IN OUTER SPACE
died that yelT. 196; Allied An ists ( B&W)
AAOOUCEPS: H u).'o G fLln~ I Ji,
Art hur C. P't:rct:
,'IUS ICAL ,UUTIN Y DII\[CT~: Hugo G nmaldL
19700ncW(lrld ~I'.EEN\V"LT£": Art hur C . PLt: rcc
Pf.ODUCU: B.1 fT)' M a h o n Low-budget space-sta ti on proble ms
A IOIl!!-dead Ca n bbean buccaneer o n gm ,lll y sho wn with The Hu man
named Du n \Vil lmms the Gn'at viSlf ~ Duplicators. A lu na r fu nglls attac k s
Pir ~H e's \Vmld :un uscTlwn t p:uk where ast nlll;l uts, turn ing them hairy, ugly,
hc tricks a !!u<lrd in to throwing o pen ,LIld dead. Wil lia m Leslie, Dol o res
the IPles {O an Iro n Burre rfl y concert. Fa Lth , and OIhers worry a lot. W ith
T he grou p's man::tgcr pu lls them off a(tcr G lenn Langan and Harold Lloyd, Jr.
o ne S0ng ~md local ba nds /ill in umil a
rich hi ppie pro mises to settle accounfS HY BLOOD RUNS COLD
i( the Buu e rfly will fi ni sh thei r set . 1%5 Wamer Brot hers (B&W )
Do ug, Ro n, Erik, and Le(' return ttl P"ODLK EIVDII\[CTO": Wi ll iam Conrad
hurdler "Soul Experience , " " In the K"EEHW"ITE" : John M ~n tl cy
Ti me of O ur Li \'c~," and " In-A-G adda· Troy Do nahue risks his good-guy image
l}d·Y ida." The ('mergcncy gU C~ t bands <I S an insane killer who co n vinces Joey
include Fantasy, the New Soc iety B;md , H ea thc rto n( !) t hat the y arc reincarn .. -
a nd U rit. -<:1\ tions of past lovcrs. Her father (B.·u ry
Sulli van ) and ex -boyfriend ( Nicolas
Coste r) fi nd Tmy h ard to take. Dire<:ted
MU'DINT, See FORBIDDEN by T V's Cannon. W ith Jeanette N o la n
WORLD. and Joh n Ho lland (T hey Saved '·{,IIer 'S

Brain ). Troy iaU,' T p l a~'e d a Cha rles dlY FAVORll1i HRUNEl7'E
Manson character in Sweet SatJlfmr. 1947 Par, lmPlIT11 (!\&Wj
PIIOOUCEk: J),.llId [);'lr~
Dlk[CTO k: EIl,un l\:u).!~nt
)(k[[NWI\Il(I\S: Edmund Bd"lIl . J,"'k Rm~
Jlhll I',u:unnum (Canada)
PIIOOUCE!U: J"hn Dunning, Amln' Link, In one of hiS OCSTcomedies, Rob Hope
SfC'rh~n Miller plays a baby rhohlgrapher mistaken f(lT
011\£001\: GC'tlr).:~ ~ 1II1alb a p rl \'m~' dell'n ive. He Trics Tn protect
KIlEENWkITEk: )(,hn Ik"rJ Dorothy L3nlUIJr from the likes uf L.m
A H,II/IIII'eell copy aholll a cW:"'"l.i m inn Chancy, Jr. (as Willie). Peter L\lrre (<I~
wh,) turns lip fur ,\ ValC'ntlll(.·\ Da)' Kbmet), Elisha Cook, Jr.. and John
party, Cllt~ rco!'I ..... heart~ o ut wirh Hoy t. In a parod y of his famous rol e in
,\ p,cbx, ,md dd ,vers thcm to loc3 1 Of Mice arul Men C haney plays a dumb
C(lp~ in candy hoXl.'~. Man y gory ~c encs hrut e who cracks n1J[S with hl ~ hamh .
Wl'TC' Cut hefore rcle3sc (() a\'l)IJ an X Also watch for Bing Crosby and A lan
nlTln),Z. The ~tu rl d young 1){")p1c giv. Ladd!
Ing the party dl'clJe to mOVl' It to
the mine wherl' most o( them work. AIY GUN IS QUICK
\Virh a ~lITl'ri s l' cnJ in ),Z and lnts o( 1957 UniTed Amsr. {B&Wj
Molson's beer. (R) PkOOUCEI\: UctJrge White, Phil Vicwr
DlkEClOk; Gcurgl> While
)(IU:ENWkrTEk~: Rich:trd Col lins,
MY BROTHER HAS R lc h .. rd P(,wdl
BAJ) DREIIIJIS The third (\f UA's Mike Hammer fil m ~.
1<)77 Anll'rlcan P'C'UTCS
As the (anl(lUS priv;l{e e~'e, ROOcrt Bray
is in volved with a girl wit h an unusu31
A man driven to homicide out uf
ring who i~ murdered . With Whimey
Je<l l ous~' O\'C'r
h is sister's lowr. Nick Blake, P,1\ Do n .. hue , an d RIcha rd
Kl emho lt: ~t;lTS in a watch;IHe no· Garland. S pillane played his own cre·
hlJ,lget quickie from the Ill"k\!rs of ation six y~ars later in The Girl I IWlIrrs.
Scream [wlyn Saelllll. A latc'nlgh,
TV f"vurile with l ' mantwqllin un a
1979 AmCTlcan G.:: ncral
PkODUC[l\; D"lOil Young
dIT FAVORITE BLONDE OlkEClOk: Kar.::n Arthu r
1942 Paramount (B&W) )(kEEHWkIn-.: Don C h nstlan
DlIU:ClOII: Sid ney Lanficld OkrGrNAUY k(LEAS£D AS: The Mafu CaRe
loCkEENWklJ£M: Don H,mman. fr,mk Bud .. r A psyc ho log ical dra ma based o n a
Bon Hope spy comedy featuring vel· French play, rescued (rom oblivion by
eran'vl llains George Zucco and Gale videocasset Ie ~Ies. Carol Kane is cmzy
Sondcrgaard. With Madelellll' Carroll . and tortures and ki lls people. She's
The twined penguin that shares HOlX" S very dose 10 sistl'r Lee Gran t, wh o Joins
v~udc\,l lie act wa s a good idea, hut the her In elimi nati ng intruders. The twO
bird ge ts th ()ugh tl c~s [y throw n arou n d stars made more com mercia l th rillers
so much that the Society for Preven· after this: Damien: Omen II (Grant)
tlon of Cruel ty to Pen guins shou ld have and When Q Stranger Calls (Kane) .
c.een notified. Direc[()r Lanfield later With Will Geer, James O I50n, and a
produced The Addams Farml),. gonlla. (R)

1962 Umfcd t\rtl~{' (Iuly/Fr;tnc.:j See RAT rINK.
Pflooucn .: Franco C n ,'ak\,
DIAlCTOfI: [)un:lo Tc",an
KI\EEHWAlTEM: En nHllX C ..... nl.
Oucno T C"",'1r1 ' Ill' WORLD O[ES
Severa l rea rs hc (ml' \Vo\){l~' A llen [N 'I1[E HA UNTED HOUSE.
rurned <l J,l panese spy movie IIl tt! \\?hdt'5
U /), Tif!;eT U h ! . Ihi ~ myrhn luJ!IGI I ,d -
ve nture wa~ tUTIle,[ Intu ,1 Clll1wdy via ,IlYRA BRECKENRIDGE
English dubbing. The hnll tiglll' III rhe 1'.)]0 2Orh -Cclltury.Fo~
;!R"na. we:ns an inVbihlhty he lmd. dllCs P"ODUCU.: Roh.;·n Fr~a
DU\£CTO t\: MIchael Sune
battle with d1l' gorgon ; , [awe.' CU lnl'
KAfE NWt\tTtt\5: MlCluld Sarne, [)::wid G dl'P
tlllife while sayi n g 'lirrusl'd l ~' funn y
[inl', with Jewish accents. T. Row\! In ,I d C~r"'f;l!'" effort (I I make b<lc k S(l llle
wrote the new dialogue . , l lhe tn{l1W~' lost o n th is famous disaster
it was rerelea" ...d as a miJnight movie
top-hi IIi!)).: Fa rrah Fawcett "in her fi rst
A[Y SON, THE VMIPIRE crutie movie scandaL" An y film that
1951 mu,. Chip I'rodlJ(tium (En),!land) open, with J(lhn t.a rraJine as a doctor
(B&W) ~u rl!ici lll ~' removing Rex Reed':.coc k has
Pf\OOUC[~DIU:CTOR: Jo hn Gl il ing gIlT the TIght IJea even if it Jid go
5o(M(NWMJE I\; Val Valell fLn wr.)!)).:. SeveTlty-sen' n -year-o ld Mat'
AUO Ml.[AS(O AS: Old MQlhcr Rile) M t'cu \V('~t 111 her ,ir:.t role in 26 yt'ars got
Ih;- Vllmptrt', VWIlPITI' Ot.'t'T
rhe tl rtgllla l top billing but not much
T his infamous Bela LLlgosi fi lm Isn', III do, S hc's a " Talen! agt' n!" after rhe
reall y {har (... rrihlc when yo u consider ~'tlUll g man whom Raquel Welch (for-
irs background. Arthu r Lucan , a Brit ish me rl y Rl'ed ) had stmppcd 10 a Table <l nd
music hall comedian, had hcen play- T<II"'-.J· Jl lim Huston fo llows up h is gre,1{
ing an Irish washe nl,'Oman n amed Old rule~ in Cmuly and De Stl(/e hy playm g
Mothl'r Riley in a se ri e~ u f comed ic:. MyT(ln/M ~' ra ','i rich o ld ex-cowboy-star
going bac k to 1937 (this was the laSt ). uncle, Lot:. (I( ol.l liollywood film cl ips
Lu~,'os i 's presence had previoLJsly helped are ("'l'J :b wdl as o ld actors like And y
the fadin g Abron and CosTello. so wh y DeVine and G rady Su tton, With J im
110! have him he lp (JUT an aging d rag
B;lc kus, C alvin Lo ckhart. William
act ? Troub le was nolxKly in America Hoppe r, Tum Selleck, and Genevit've
wanted to know. By the time it ca rne Waite. whose hl(shand Jo hn Ph ill ips
out here in '63 it had a new title ;Inc! i\ WT(}tl' d ll' S()J)g Rex sings. The lovely
theme song by Alan Sherma n, whu W;lS Farrah, h)' dll' way. end., up in bed with
riding h igh wi th his hit al hum "My Son Raqud. (Xl
the Fol ksinger." & kl plays H,lron V;ln
H OUst'l1, a criminal who thinks he's a
vam pire. H is Ji~asse mhled roho t gets '[ 1[E ,IlYSTERlANS
misplacl'd and Mother Rile), ge ts in the 1<,157 T"h"/ M(iM (j:tP:II1)
way of his ~ inister plans. A weird movie H.ODU<;£t\: Tutnuyukl Tan:tk:t
for sure. bur no worse than yo ur average Ot lY:aot\: lno;; Honda
Monogram fea rure. The real c rime was SC Af£HWt\IT£t\; J"J .ro Okaml
Bela's salary- $5.000. OAtGINA.llY MLEM£D M: Chlkyu 1!neIRfl

"See! S',:e! See! A da ring anell1pt b~' 711E ,m 'STERIOUSdtR. dt070
l\l\'c-~r,tr\'('d Ill~'n of another plane r to [1).IS10th CenHJry-h,x (B&W)
stcdl o ur wome n !" That\ the plo t. ~OOUCE": s.,l Wurt:eI
T h e i nvad(' r~ from My~troid WC~tr D1MCTO": N"rm:m F,,,t<:r
capes, TOund helmets, and dark glasses. SC"EENW"ITEM: Phlilr t.kl.).maki,
~"rl1l,1\l FI>~t,'r
T h ey hnng: a giant mewllic t:mklike
mbot hirJ anJ ;I whole Heci of Hying Jap;\ne~l' det<:c tl ve Mr. M. )to (Pc fer
sa ucers tn aid them in their I1II"",io n. L.)rre) p\.lse~ as ,I J)evt!'s b land pr bollt'T
Lots of Illassi\'e dc~t ruct i on and good ami eS(;apt." with L<:ll n An1l'~, a tllCIIl-
~pcci,d effects make this an :tll- time her of 1Ill' Lcagul' of A~~as~ i ns_ In Lon-
favorite . The M),sreTll!f1s W:I" om' of don MOllllx'C(ltIl<::; the killer's houseboy
the l:lSI rde as~~s from RKO_ Whcn ,ll1d bre,lks ur the g:mg, With Mary
H u ward HlJgh e~ closcd down, It was MagUIre, H enry W,lcoxon , and lia r-
sold to MGM. 01.1 H uh('T.

1%1 G.,llllllhia (U.S.lEngland )
dfYSTERlOUS 00C10R ~ooucn: C had.·) H. &hnl'~'r
194} Warner Brothers (B&W) DI"ECTO~: Cr EmlflelJ
~ODO(O: William J aco~ :lCUENWAln"$: john rrel-bl",
DIIU:CTO~: IknStolL,!t I11ni .. 1Ullman, Cr:me Wilbur
SC"EENWlUT[~: Rlch:m:\ Well
Durmg I h •.' C IVt! \Va r some Un ion
A hcadless g host (ac luall y a Nazi) st<t lks prisoners, a rebd scrg('ant, and a re-
a min ing village, sahomges tht, British porter e~Cltx In an ohscrvatiun b,llloon
war effort, and dcca pit:m 's people_ A that Jnfl.s 10 a n o ple,,1 island . Along
repo.lTIedly hilarious hOTTor with John with tWI> f.'malo.! ~hipwrec k , urvivo r~,
Lndn, Eleanor P;lrkcr, M:ltt \VIIII;;, and they discover ~I giant erah ((hey boi l
C rcighwn Hall,'. ,md cat It), a giant h<lhy hi rd , a nd g iant
lx'e~, When I'irates att ack rhq"re res-
cu•."XI b\, non e odler ,han C'1plain Nemo
( Herhert LolU) . Thc story is a ~equo.! l
111E ,'IYSTER/OUS to Ve rn e's 20, (X)() Leagues Uru/ef the Sell
DR. SATAN and the wondl,rtul .. pecial ('(fecls ar..:
1940 R.. publlC (B&W) by Ray I Jarryh<luscn. With Ga ry Mer-
A~OCIATE P"ODUCE~: Hl r~ m S. I3rown, Jr. nil, Michael Craig, Joan Greenwood,
OII\£CTOtu: W ,lh:ulI Witlle\', j,)hn Engli.,h Michael C1lbn, and an octopus. Music
SCUEN\V"ITEII.$: Fr~nklyn Adreun, hy Bernard l/errt1l<lnn.
Rona lJ D:wldsl,ln, Norm.m S , Hall.
JOS<"rh Plll.mJ, Sol Sh,)r
AUO MlEASl:D M: lJr. $.:Udl1 'S RuhOl
Dr, Saran (Ed uardo Ci:lnnelh) {eTTOr-
izcs till' world with his cute awkward
11:I7l Cinema Ro.!le;l>ing (Fr.mcef51'<lm)
wOOt. Robert W ilcox ,IS Ihe Cop{"r- ~ooucu: Alma PnltiuCtion)
head, a hem wea ring a s;lc k over his DII\£CTOM: IlenTi COIPI,
head, intervenes. A fea ture vers ion of JIJaIl Am",,"o BarJem
thiS fun IS-chapler ~e ri ,1 1 wa~ released SC"EENW"IUM: jelm Ant oni,) Ihrders,
in 1966_ With Ella Neal and C. Mon- Jac<1ues Chamrreallx
ta~ue Shaw. ONGINAUY UILA5[O M: L'/k ,\i )Sk'rit'IHt'

A Cut-r:Hl' version of th~ }ulc:. Vl'me
Monrconw ry, Va ler i ~ Hnfuon, and rhe
story with good >-<:t:. and O m'!r Shd ri( crypt 1-\'1 (rom Dracula (' 3 1).
as Cartain :--JenlO.


,UR, lf/ONG
11)41l 11111"\'1"'>.11 (B&W)
193) ~·' on"}!r:lIn (Il&\Vj ASSOC'Art PROOUCE": Paul1l.blwrIl
P1\OOUCU: Gl"t'rg~ Yi,·m 011\£0o,,: Phil Ro .....·n
01'-£0o,,: Wilkun Ni;(h S(I\££HWI\IT£I\ : 1\llch,I~1 Jac o by
SC,-£EHWI\lTEI\; 1\ ina H OW.ll{
AUO I\ELEASEo AS: Ph.IIWml of I'mi,
Bela Lu}!osj wHh Ill, usu;d accent rl .1r~ p( X"~ slo ry I~ ha;,cd o n ;, real 1842 mur-
an Onenml Fu M;H1c hu~t y~ vIII ,lin 111 de r C (l ~C. The film fcatur{'s Patrick
New York's Chin,l[\ 11\'n. H l , (I>tel> h"tch- Kr1(IWks as detective Pierre Durin,
l·tllll·n ,mel a [,Irture chamher tn lake :lId~·d hy LloyJ C amgan. ~1ilTia Monl~':
ptl"l'SS lon of ·'Ihe 12 coins <If Con- i, M:lrI ..... A ~I(l l l'n hr,lin and the pres-
fucius," Whh.; h will make him ru l ~r uf ~' n ( ~· "I IYhria () lI ,;p~n sbya ,m el C:harle~
China. Wallace Furc/ h the wi ,~c racking Middk,t\lI1 ,Ide! hl'm)r t(luches. '·\Vhll
reporter hem. \Vith Arlene Judge ,md i, rlll' 1'i1:1l1tlll1l mangler uf Paris I"
L(ln l ~ Long. It has nothing to do With
r1w hltel Mr. \Vong lilm' MOllllgm m
m,llie with Karloff. THE JI/YSl1iRYOFTHE
19}; H.ullllwr (En ):hmdj (I3&W)
THE J/{YSTERIOUS ~ODUCll\ : M . Fr:I'>Cr P;]."mor~'
J/{ONSTERS 0111.(001\: I"\'nl-<In Cllfi
1976 Sunn CIa~~ln S(I\EENWM[R : Charlc, Larkwo Tlhr
PRODUCU: Cklrl"" E. Sdlu:r. Jr. AL50 I\lt£.AS(O Al: PhmllrJ)Jl Sh'll
OII\[CToNSCI\[EHWRrru: RON:n (Jucnclt~ Bela Lugosl play:, AnIOn Lorl'n:en. an
Perl'r G ra\"c:. n a rrarc:.~ \VHh Blg(oot! tlnshave n Cr:l:{'J ~emn a n, in the sec-
Thl' Loch Ness nlOl1 ~ te r ! The Abl.lmi- ond fi lm produced hy England's H am-
nahJe S no\\" rn an~ Peter [)f{wides proof! Iller Sw ,lios. The story is haS('d on a
Can YOIl tah~ it! rmc inCIdent cuncerning a 19th-c.elltury
American \\'lndjamll1er discovered adrift
with no crew. Nu trace was ever (ound
,ItYSTERIOUS SATELLITE, of rhem . With Shirk'~' Gre~'.
DROOD 1939 M o n()gwm (R&W)
1935 Uni\m~1 m&W) PI\OOUCtl\: 5<:0(( R. Dunlap
011\£001\: Stu~rt Wal ker 011\£001\: William Nigh
John L. &llderstcm,
SCI\El NWRlT[I'.S: K I\tEHWI\rT£I\: Swt! Darling
Gladys Unger
M r. Wo ng (Boris Karlo(f) exposes the
C laude Rains plays a choirmaster opium mu rdere r who has stolen "the eye o(
add ict in an adapt;l t io n o( C h a rl c~ the daughter o( the moon. ,. a priceless
Dickens' last (unlin ished) novel alX)u t sapphir~ . The second in the series.
murder and ;llo\"e triangle. \Vl rh David W ith Lotus Long, Iva n Lebede(f, Grant
Manner~ , H{~a lher Angd. Do uglas
W ithen;, and Duroth~' Tree.

THE ,lfYSTERY OF 1111, 15TH
1')43 t..·l"nol!ram (!l&W)
P~ODUCE": Mon,)gn"ll •
D!PJ:CTO l\: William Reau.. llm-
KI\EENW"ITEIU: Charl.. _ ~ t.mnn. TlIll Ryan
\Vho h till' hendlsh kdlcr ~ A r~'make
uf the 1931 G inger RllgCh Ill(l"j,; with
H..:kn P:ur;~h anJ Dick Purcell ilS a


1913 Wilmer I3rolh.:rs
",ODUCTION SUPo.V1SO" : H..:nr~' BIJnl.-
0 1"£00"; Mlc h,]l'] CUrti:
SC"[ENWkITE'-S; Don 1\.l uILmy. (;,.rl ErKk><.'fl
[n hi~ 1I10St famous Tok. Linne! Atwtll
is H.mry Jamxl the m ilJ Scu lpTor who
covers hodies with W, IX ttl repn pu1,ne
the mll~eUIl1 thm hl ~ p,Lrtncr ~et fir(' [0,
Fay Wray, h is fmure Mane Amoinc{(c,
cracks off Arwill's false (;lC(' TO reve .. 1
the !ne Tl'Jibly mangled fe.uurl·~ under-
neath. The rea l (elll,.le star I._ Cilcnda
Etrrel!, :\11 undcrmted hlond comedi·
enne, as a wisecr,lCking repOTH,'r who
saves th l: day, Arthur Edmund C,lrl'we
plars a junk ie suspected o( murder whu
is to rtured hy the :--Jew York P(llice. A
horror classic filmed in early Tcchni·
colur (two co lors) wirh grem ~L'tS and
some rcal scares. T he biggeST ltaw IS the
use of live people a::. the wax dummies:
~'ou can sec thl'm breathing <Ind trying
m silly still . The /-lullse of \Vax was a
close rcmake mmus the rCPOrfl'r and
the junkie,



• 19H l'Re (R&W) ATIIlllJNlGH1:
• PII.ODUCEI'.; Si!l!1lllnJ '1",,1.-1,1

• DlkEaOA: ~.lm :-Jc\\I",ld

K P.EENWII.IlEII.: I "'" ~hh>n
• AUO I\£L£MEO AS: Ci(lnll.r
• E,\!hte~'n·\<.:ar-"U Jutll: L, 'n.lon 1Il.l~1."
her·cll lld'lIt ,I' ,\ JlIn~k J,!,,,IJe,,.
19')6 A''llO.l.U,·'' rllm (S,s,W)
Her b..:_t tnenJ I' ,I h).!. h"Il!.:-uu,hl1lJ,! ",oouen: Ron Ornlll11J
,)[" Un! II h.lndSi 1111<': BoU_!.'T (:ral,lx- ,h,)\\, 01MCTOII : E.I""lrJ L'lt.-"
ur. S(lon Ju!i.· (wIth tillwer, 11\ heT SCII£ENWIIITEIU: ROil OrmonJ, Jelck L<."w"
h,rir) ,,>tWin":," ~ahont:!" that f\u,tl'r\ Th~ ,t{lry of an 1n~\lraIlCe man Sl"nch-
"L1r. An.l then rlwy "II ,ld.... H [h~ lng ({lr thc h~'1Te" to a srokn OInd
vil1:lIIh plaYl~d hy Ban 'lI1 \heL.lnl' ,Ill.! (herd,) cur ,~'d A:tec fo nune. It lurn~
Flit D'Or,,,} . ]\..:cII'hdc! dlrectl'd till' ,illll - (lilt1,) he M .I T:I Cor,b y of The CJimH
LIT \'Chi!o: /'''Il!!'' thc next } CII1U'. j,x!}' McCre;J co-stars. with vcr-
emil' 13.lrt(ln Mac L:ll1c, To m HrClwn,
NAKED ANGELS Veda Ann Borg, :lnd Morris Ankrum.
19(,1} Cw" 11 Intcrnd!loll.' I eH
P"ODUCE": nail'! R. n .• w,h
DI"ECTOII /SCIIHNWllllEII: flrlln' C !,.rt nlE NAKED ./UNGLR
On hi, rck·.lSl' tTom ;1 L\l' Anl.!c!c~ 1'J54 P•• ramount
hml'lloll. Mic h;1el Grl'l'ne le.ld, hi' PIIDOUCEII: G~'\lr.l!" Pal
cr;1~ed Angel, lIlhl ?-.:C'I";lcl.1 t,) Like C lre DIMCTO": B~'f{)l1 Hask m
K'-!£NW"!T£!OS: Pht!lP YorJall,
"f thc Tiv;11 ~ang pllt him .m.I~,
Ron.lld ~hcl\'l1l!:tll
Thel c'xpenellce thl' ,t.mcl.uJ lk'ol.:rt
h;ud,hll" .h thl"- 'oI.:.lTch tnT the L.. ,
\'C'~'h Hmc!{'I!I!l'T" "IJ mlnc' hIJe,'w.
knlllterGan, RICharJ R u~[, Art Jell{)H,
Ted.! Kin~, ,mJ f-dicla GUI Lo--ta r; !Ill'
Stralcht Records ;;ound Tr,lck k"tllft,',
JeffSlmmon~. R,,,,!er <.AlTIllan II';!' eXec-
U(1l'e proJucl'T. ( R) -CA

UP I 3113172. Actor John- THE NAKED APE

11)' CTIl u'iorJ 51,111(/5 he· 1973 Linln'r,~l
I\~ cell pre.huront fi~urcs HODUCEII.: Ze' flu tnMn
Ih~ Field MI':it'111!\ of
(l[ DIIIECTO"/ SCIIEENWIIITEII: f)"!1:l1,ll)Tll'cr
Nall<T<'/ Hlsrnn wheT(' II Mdli ons of ye:lr~ oj el'olutitln ,m:: ex-
5WI~ frrr rhe jil;n Thl" piL1Ted IVlth live :lctlon an,! .mirnatlllTl
:"hkc,\ Ape "'ill he ma<k', If) this oddit\' pf\xluccJ by the hl m-
The figures \I'eTc j'Spt'Ckl!Jy produCTion am] of /'wybo~' m;\g;1~inc,
In.:ide fuy Iht' film IU (I (1/51
Ex-RiJl"miln ClHta r Johnn} Crawford
of (li )()1<1 $1 C, ('00 e~-h. ,{:Irs Wi th Victoria Principal .m.! 1I1.IT-
CrauimJ, u'fIo SlaruJ II..'!
\ In ~'ld !er. A scldolll-scrn'ocd comIC
Chll(k COIlfII)fS' Slm III
Jocl1l1lentaTv-f;1ntasy excc tl tlH'-pro-
the " Rrll"'1T\dll" TV St'fles.
15 Jllllkmg Ius lrulll(nl-PU:IIITe duce,! hI' Ilugh Hefner, the 1ll;Jn whn
debur In rhe Jilin gave II" <llrbrll,hed puJ:.,c h ,l1r.

I he Pa l/ Haskin tea m (War of the location in The [sl(lnds. Wardrobe hy
Warlds) turns to the real-life horror of Shaheen of Honolulu. Fbh and the Spur
South American soldier ants. Mo~t of W(lS the co-feaTure. - CB
the Story concem s Charlto n Heston's
rejection of mail order bride Eleanor NAKED TERROR
Parker, but the scenes of his plantation 1961 Joseph Brcnn~'r AS50d~tcs
being overrun by millions of antS make Vincent Price narrates a documentary
th is one of the be~t insect-attack mov- on African Zulus. St'e: murder by witch-
ies evcr. A l a~er v;Jriery show(..>(1 up only craft, the dance of the deadl y pythons,
mo nths later in Them! virgins heing initiated into the nibe,
and arms thrust into scalding water as
THE NAKED KISS a WilY of detecting liars.
1964 Allied AniS{S (B&W)
S.. m Full"'T YOlTFH.
After hiS powerful Shock Corridor, Fuller
made this revcillin.!; look at American THE NAKED ZOO
morals: rhen, except for Shark Kill 1970 R&S Films
(1970), which he disowns, he didn't P~ODUCEtVDI~[CTO~: Willl;)1ll Ord",
dirl'C[ again until The Hi,!! Red Ont' in sau:[NWJUJ[~; Roy Pr<'""Ston
1980. The feature that nearly ended ALSO ~Et(AS(D AS: The HalluclIl(iI(]I"l
hb carC('r opens with a hald prosrilUte Love and crime in Mi;)mi's Cocoanut
(ConsTOlnce Towers) killing her cruel Grove OlnisI's colon ~'. Swinging young
pimp. She fl ees to Ihe town of Grant- writer Stephen O liver has (I falling-olll
vi lle disguised as:l1l Angel Foam chOlm- wi th benebctre!>S Rif"d Haywonh in the
pagne s:lleswomOln, but soon switches wake of a wild LSD P(lrty. Rit(l foo l-
w a respcc[(lhle job (IS (I nurse In The ishly rries bbckmail after OliVl'r's rec-
childrl'n's wOlrd of (I ho~pitOl1. She dis- onciliation attempr leaves heT crippled
covers d:lrk secreTS abom a respech!ll. millionai re hushand dead . F(lY Spai n,
wea lthy 10c,11 1IK1I1 (Michael Dante) ,md Ford R(lincy, Olnd Willie P(lstrl:mo (lrc
sta nds up to rhe local madam (Virginia the co-sta rs; the music is by Steve
Grey) who is busy recruiting young girls. AI(limo and Canned Heat. This was
Anthony Eisley is the helpful but cor- Grefe's eighth fe(ltuTe. -cn
rupt JX)1ice chief. With Pats)' Kelly (lnd
Edy William~. THE NAilfE OF THE GAlJIE
NAKED PARADISE 1968 Fanfar. . Fdms
1957 AlP ~OOUC[k: R obert Poor\'
Pf'.oDuc[~/DlkECTO~: Ro~"'r Corl1\~n DIp'[CTO~ : GlIlllliH Hell~lrom
!>O.[E~lm; Ch~rI<.""~ B. Griffith Kp'[ENWJUTE~: Gary Crulchn
ALSO kll(AS(D.s: Thtmd"T 0. ...". 1/1111'1111 umbo
ALSO tu:LWED.s : /..m'I'T} m
Bevcrly Garl(lnd fall s in wilh mohsters A weird one with Jack Lord, made just
planning to trick cruise-boat capmin hefoTe the long-running HlllI'aii Filre-O
Rich(lrd Denning inh) ,I pianwtion P,IY- kept him permOlnently employed. Play-
roll robh.:ry. Leslie Bradley, Jonath(ln ing (I tr.lnsient Hungari(lll refuf!ee in
Haze , :lnd Dick Miller arc outwitted; Arimn;1 named Symch(l Llpa. he be-
Richard and Beverly live \)U[ their days comes invoked wirh the Terry family.
exploring the SotJIh Se(ls. Filmed on Ti~h;) Ste rling 1S childlih' ,md love~

By the tUll(' the girl is 17, she t h in ks
Mc Laglen is her father and Lorre tr ies
10 collect a reward hy passing off an
Hllpo:.ter as the kidnaped girl. Wi t h
John C armd me as a Cockney convict.
W:lITl'T Conno ll y. and j,m e Darwell .

1965 Hammer/10th c,:nruq ·Fox
(En,!;:l:md) (B&W )
PRo o llCER!SCR[[NWl'\lfER; JImlllY Sang'teT
O)I'\(CTOR; Seth I !nh
Bette Davis stars as a dowdy and proper
n:m ny t ll littl e Wi ll iam Dix, just re.
lea~cJ from ,I ho me for dis turhed chtl.
dren where he'd heen plII for drowni ng
his s i ~ T cr. It W lh really Ekue's fault , l)ll [
(l nly ;t no:ighboring friend (Pamela
Sll$lm StrasMg in The ~piJ('rs . Sister Collm \Vilcox b " m il~' Franklin) believes the young hoy. The
N~me of rhe Game IS culine·looking. ·' S us;m S t r,l~hNg i~ Ihe whole (,lmily depends on the Iive·in ser·
KilL normal o ne. The three sl r;mgc ~l hlmg~ V:lnt and she's trying to kil l Them! \Vith
try to seduce, then kill SY1Hcha. [t tum, Wend r em il' ,md Jill Bennett.
ou t thaI ,heir no;:r\"ol1." mo m (T. C.
j one:.) is aClually tiwlr era:y dad . rre.
{cndmg he\ his own nl urd.,:red WI(l'. NASfl VILLR REBEL
Shades of Homicidal! T. C. Jl lIl l" mdlk· I%6AIP
il brief « Ireer out of rl,IYIll~ S('Xll.ltl \ ",OOUCE": Fr\·J A. \[11\"
amh i g u oll ~ role~ dnd thl' same yc;tr Dll'\(aOA: J:I} ShCTlJ.lll
p l:l\'ct[ ano lhl'r Mr. and M rs. III 11('{ld ~REENW".lTU.s; Ir,1 Kern,. Shen-ta n
with thl" Mo nkce". Filmed III jeTOllll', \Va\ [on kn ning, becOlIl{'S a popular at.
Ari:on:l. The Ek~Cf n c Pnmc, do "Sh,IJ. tr<lCII\'1l ,Iround his small·town Ten·
o ws . " Joe So [umon \\'il~ eXl'CUI I VC Ill':>..'<:l' home lo llowlllc :In ,lIllateur hoo·
I'roducer. Vi!rno~ Zs ( ~ m "nd \\' .. ~ the le n ,tnn \. A c roo ked agel11 ITies to saho·
C incma togr:lphcr. Tage hl~ tlla rr1 : lg~' :ll1d career hy sendlll~
hlln .t1V'(~' tn:l rosh C hicago nightcluh.
Alter hemg laughed off STage. he hi ts
NANCYSTEt;LE ISIIIISSINC the I"\(,ttl e. Hi, gi rl comes to the rescue
1'137 10lh Ccnt urr·Fnx (8&\'(') hy t,l lking Tl,x Rmo.:r into setti ng IIp d
PRODUCER; N,nmall\· John >lm w !1lchaek appearance at The Grand 0 1'
DIRECTOR; Gcorge ~br,h<lll Op r ~. Warlon does "Nashville Rl'bel, "
~ I'\EENWRITtl\S; I Jal Lon!!. Genc Fowler
"N,lsiwilll' BUll), " "Silver Ribhons," ~mJ
A World War I paciti~t (Viclor Me. " Long \Vay from Home"; T ex ~ings
La~den) kidnaps the hahy d,lu ghkr I)f a "Hillhilly HC<l ve n. " Also wtth I len n y
Tllunitl onl> m all!lfaeturo: r (junt' Ling). Ypung!1ldn, s..m ny jamc~. the Wil hurn
He Icaves thl" child \\ IIh umlhf'l'ctlllg Hnllhl'l'. Young. Porter \Vag(Jncr.
fnemb and e nds up in Fill With a de\'I' :l nd LoreH,1 Lynn (who ~ lIlg~ "You Am' T
ous prof('-"S()r ( Pcter Lorn') a~.1 cctlnMte. \V\)1l1.l11 Ennugh"). -ell

196; 1·"ir\\'ay.ln!anation~1
PI'.OOUC[II.: NlChulas MCrTI,,'crhl"r
DlkECtOl'.: J:l!I\CS L:mdl S
SCk£ENWkrTU.S: Arcll Hall, Sr. ,
J1111 CrulChhdJ
"150 "'ELEASED A~: S/III!s-a-Go'( ' o
]n(Nna tio nal agents in vade a dude
ranch to kecr (ah~ nn a Soviet ~ahotl"ur
:.em to release a contaminated hunny
on the Continent,,1 Divide. MI"ch.1Terr
stan;, with both Arch H;JIls (Sr. and Jr.),
Melissa Morgan, Little Jack Lillie. and
aSS I ~mn( camcram:m La ~z1o Kovacs a~
the Idiot. Songs ("The Jackrabh it
Shuffle," "The Roho t Walk," "The Sp\'
Waltz." ;mJ "Jackie") performed b\,
A rch. Jr. and the Archers. and P,I' and
Lo ll y Vegas of Rcdhonc . Filmed III
Wyoming hy Vilmo~ Zsigmond and
L'm]o Kovacs. Sec EeJ!(Ut! -CB
by a ranier. Luke G rog, wif~' Sarah, and Bellt' 0111'15 15 Th ..
mute hrother Je:...~ nul"<: him hack 10 N~lIm~·.
NATURE'S " " SVlKES, Sec hl~ (eel so that Luke can drop hill) In
FR EAKS, the middle lIf Iht, fore,! widl\)u { food
or w.lter a nd hunt hm} dnwn a) he ha )
NAUGHTY DALLAS 16 Indian ~ hcfnre him. Prooucer-dlrl'C-
1964 Pau1 ~'Ian Productions to r Seven I ~ \Vhlt(>hawk : Warren Kelll -
PkODUCEk/ olkECTOk/K I\EENWkITEk: merllng, V lrgln)oI Vlncem, and Ron
Larry Buchanan Sohl(> arc Ihe (imp. -eB
Some people wilt do aru,olutdy ,my-
thing. The man respomihle for The E,'e NAVYVS. TH E N I GHT
Credilires deals himself in by filming' a ,I/ONSTERS
~ran(brd slrlps-anJ-burlesque quickie [966 RC;II..rt
in Jack RlIhy' ~ C'lro uscl Club. Featur- AAODUC~; George b.lward,
Ing resident exotics Kim A[ha~, Peggy DIII,(CTOp./SC II,((NWP;IT£P.: t.,'i lCh,'el H 'Ie}
Sleel(>, Br(>ck Wall, and J'lda. Two A lOp rnll~ "see
featu re. The cas1mg di ·
lIlonrh~ Imer. 10 Arril 1964. canw The rector dese\'e~
an ,1\\'arO. BlonJ hurnh-
Trial vf Lee Hanrcy Oswald, abu hy ~hell Mamie Van Doren (real name ;
Buch:man . -CA Joan Olander) star~ wieh ~ lIave Anthony
E i ~lcy (Drum/a \ '$. Fnmkemlem), Pa-
NAVA J O R UN mela Ma,on, and Bill Gray (Bud on
1%4 AlP (I3&W) Falfwr KnOll'S B(51). The Iliull H " lemed
'P.ODUCU.lDIP.£ClOP.: Juhnny 5.:n·" (and dead) Bohhy Van al,o adde..!
KP.UNWP.ITU: Jo Ilerlll ~ humor w 0 0011\.50:/1:1)' Machait' and d1l'
A sick [tar open) for half-hreed Mal- wonderful ~yndlc;ul·d Make Me /..(Itlj!h
thew Whil ehawk when he seeb help ~how. And you will prohably r~'cognize
at a frontier ranch aher ocinJ! hitten Russ Bender from count le~s '50~ che,[p-

ies. They're all in the Navy, stationoo ish policemen . He and his brothers wear
at th e South Po le , but it's hot! Acid- bull e t proo( suits o( armor with masks.
bleedi ng, wa lking pianrs a Te a(teT th e Way Ion Jen nings provides the sound·
cast! The cast is after Mam ie! In rea l track Illusic. }aw,..:r sing!> "The Wild Co-
li(e, Mamie now ru ns an anriques shop lomal Boy." Filmed in Austral ia. It was
in Ca lifornia. prclty m uch ignored whe n re leased
1953 United Artists (B&W)
Pl\ODucw/ scl\££N\\f1UlUS: NEITHER THE SEll, NOR
Auhrer Wisberg, Jack Pollex(en THE SAND
OIP.ECTOk: E. A. Dupont 1974 TIJ,:onll nTemanon~[ Amusement
A scientist (Robe rt Sh ayne ) IIses a (EnJ,: land)
serum [0 tum his pet kitty into a sabre- H.OOUCEIU: Jack Smith, Pete Fetterm an
DII\£OOIl,: Frcd Burnley
toothed cat and himself into an ugly
SCkElNWkITEkS: Go rdon Honeycomb,
beast man wearing one of the most
Ro)crnary D;tvies
expressionless masks ever created. Di-
S usan Hampshire leaves her hu ~band
rec tor Dupont was once a big name in
Ge rm,my, where he did Ii Ims Iike Van'ety a young man (Michael Petrovich).
He vows never to leave her, dies, and
('26). With Richard C rane (te levision's
then returns from the gra ve . S he's
Rock), Jones, Space RanKeT) and Doris
Merric. happ y unti l he begins to rot. W ith
Fra nk Finlay_
H.ODUcnJ DlkECTol\IsckHHWkJT{k; 1973lOrh Century-Fox (C:mada)
Bert I. Gordon PkOOUCEk: S:mford Howard
Berr I. GorJon floundered throug h the DII\£OOk: Dantel Petrie
'70s with junk like this modern -day SO;EEN\VlIJTEk: Jack Dewllt
wi tchcraft ta le. He got Orson Welles Al50 kEtEAS(O AS: The Nrpumi' Foetor
In "tar (with a beard and (ake nOS(» as L,ltIghable all-star underwater mess with
Caw. the leader o( a sm,.11 town that an obvious model sub and nonm. l-sized
ma nufactures occult toys. Orson uses eels and fish used to represent horrible
Pamela Franklin (The u.gena of Hell giant sea monsters. W ith Yvette Mim-
HOlIk) [0 help bring back his dead son. ieux, Ben Gazzara, Ernest Borgn int'
Although released with a PG rating, it (The Poseidoll Ad."'lllllre) , and Walter
(lTiginaliy contained n\Jdl' covl:n scenes. Pidgeon. From the d irector 'of A Raisin
A lso with Lee Purcell, I brvc y Jason , in the SU1l.
and P/(j)'bo)· Playm,ltl' Sue Bernard.


1970 Un ited Artists (In)!bnd)
PkOOUCEk: Neil H~Tflcy
Dt kECTOk : Tony Richa rdson
SCI\£EHWMEkS: Tony RlChard.,on. Ian Jont.-s
Mick Jagger is an Austra lian (olk hero! 1965 Williams (B&W)
.lUtlaw who hanged ,l(ter bem g practi- PkODucEI\IDlk£aoAlSCk£EHI.IIRlTtk:
cally (orced in to a life o( c rime by Bri t- Ben Wi lliams

A revenue agem (Bert Will iams) chas- Olorw Gruhtlme In TIle
ing moonshiners through the Everglades Nesting.
stumbles onto a stl1lnge inn run by a
show~irl-turned-tax i dern\ist who dis-
plays human trophies in the Chapel of
the Dead . With C huck Frankie, Ann
Long, Jacky Scalso. and Larry Wright.
Williams' wife Peggy wrote the title
son~ performed by the Four Bits. - CB

1981 Mature PlCture5
"",,OOUC[I\I'OIlU:CTOl'.: Annand Weston
~: Amland WeStoll, DJ ria Price
Agoraphobic mystery writer Robin
Groves leaves New Yo rk to live in an
old house haun,ted by the ghost of a
m:'ldam (Gloria Gnlhame in her last
role). The ex-bro thel is the scene of
slo w-motion gore killings. With John
Conradine in a small role. Weston THE NE IV ADV~iVTURES OF
previously direCled hard-core sex mov- liIRZAN
ies. H e should go back to them. (R) 1935 Burroughs-Tar:an PicwreS (B&W)
Pf.ODUcn .s: GL'Or!:t' W. Stout.
!len S. Cuhen, Ashton Dcarholt,
THE NET, Sec PROJECTJ f -7. Edgnr Rice Burroughs
OIUCTOk: Edward KlIli
~ kEENWktT£I'. : Ch~rlcs E Royal

NEUTRON AGAI NST THE This historic oddity W<lS produced by

DEATH ROBOTS Edgar Rice Burroughs' own company.
1961 Commonwealth United-TV
Originally a II-chapter serial, it was
(Mexico) (B&W) the nT5t fi lm shO[ on locat ion
"",,ODllCU: lUI S Garcia de Leon (in GUaicmala). A cmde but fascinat-
PlN:CTOI\I'SCl'.tltf'.VMtl'.: Frederico C unei ing product ion, it's been called the pur-
OfUGIKA.I.l.Y I'.tL£A$(O ,tS: e5t treatment of the ape man on the
LOl Autommas de Ia MlliTte screen (as in the books, he speaks per-
Neutron (Wolf Ruvinskis), the Mexi- fec t English). Filmed in four months
can wrestling hero with lightning bolts under impossible condi t ions in the
on his black mask, battles a monstrous jungle, the sound was so bad that it
blcxx:l-consuming brain. human robots, had to be redubbed back home. Crew
and the neutron bomb! At least seven members gO! sick from insect and snake
Neutron adventures were produced. bites. Many of the 650 native extras
Many were sold direc tly to American refused to act around J iggs the chimp.
TV in dubbed versions. Wa tch for Burroughs fell in lo\'e and ran off with
Neutron Baules the Karwe ASSillsins. the wife of his producer partner. She
Neutron {.Is. the Maniac, Neutroll {.Is. the became his second wife. Herman Bnx.
Amazing Dr. Caronre. etc. an Olympic decathlon champ, was

pa id $75 a week (! ) to suffer in Ihe lun · Wunder Womall pilO[ film, take two.
j!le heat and do his o wn Slun ts as Lmda Carter IS Diana Prince, actuall y
Tarwn . Brix later chanj!ed h is name to Wo nder Woman from Paradise Island.
Bruce Bcnm"ll and landed ro les 10 Sluff Lyle W,lggoner is her co·star as Major
like The Alligator People and The Cosmic Sieve. The Wo rld War II - era adven·
Man. Ula Holt co· stars. The plot con· ture led 10 the popular series and Lind a
cerns the Green Godde~, ruler o( a lost C.'m er fryi ng to be taken seriously as
CIty guarded hy mon~ t er me n . Actual an aClress lind singer. She had bette r
Mayan ruins a re used fo r thl' c ll y. luck o n diel·soft·Jrink commercials. But
Theatl"rs could tun it as a ~erlal or as a she did make a striking·kx:lking and sin·
75·mmute feature. Tar ~(111 a nd [M Green cere ~u pcrhero ine. The fi tting b'llest stars
Goddess, a difft·rent . re·edited (('awre, in this live comic book were Red But·
came o ut in 1938. tons, Kenneth Mars. Fannie Flagg,
HenryGibson, C loris Leachman, Stell a
lHE NEW HO USE ON Stevens, and Eric Bmeden.
[977 H~[[tn a rk (italy)
198 [ C lnnon
Sewnd How..· frum the Left Pf.ODU(EP.S:Menahem Golan,
Murdcring rapist allacks womcn o n a Yurnm G1uoo-
train in a retitled co·(eature wllh LlSI DIMCTO": Emmet! AI,ton
H Ollse (111 [he L:/t. Ka y ileal and Pan ~' K"UHWIOJT(": Lt'Onard N e ubauer
Edwards ~ta r. (H ) Roz Kelly (Happy Da-ys) stars as an L.A.
punk fa n hosting a New Year's Eve con·
lHE NEW ORIGINAL cert attended by a maniac who kills one
WONDER WOAMN person every ho ur. Lots of bad hcavy.
[97, TV metal "punk" music is heard in this ri·
pp.oOU([P..: Douglas S.Cramer dlc ulo us slasher Illo vie. With john
Menta/pout'fl u m New OIP.£OOP.: Leon:ml Hum Alderman .
Year's EVIL SCP.[EN\V?JT[P.: St:lllley Ralph Ross


1950 MOM (B&W)
Pf.oovCU: Do re Sc har~'
DI"[(TO": Willmm A. Wellman.
K P.EENW"'TE": Cha rles Schnee
First Lady Nancy Dav is is married to
jnmes Whitmore. They li ve in a small
town, have a son (G ar~' Gray). and lik e
to stay home nights and listen to God
on the radio! Everybody's listening all
over the world! In all languages! O n e
God (or all ! High M ings (or Goo! De·
spile lhe hiSHlric broadcasb, Nancy was
soon facing death in DOIIOt-'tln' s Brain
and jamel> got pinched by Them. W ith
Jef( Core)' and Lillian Bronson.

James WhUIIIQTf is 11/)5<'1
by m,-. l'()tCt of God III
The Nellt Voice You
Hear. N(lncy Dau51.S

N IGIIT CALLER FROIII A Jungle <lJ venture advcrnsc.1 as a hor-

OUTER SPACE, S ee BLOOD rnr film. Donald rl.:a~cnce, one of the
BEAST FRO"I OUTER SPACE. sc rCl'n's IllU)t o\'erworked acto rs . is
hadly misGJ) ! as a macho hunter wHh
a PTlVMc Southe,b! ASian 1)land on
N IGIIT CHILO which ,l llc<Jdly p<lnlher 1) roarnlllg free.
1975 Film Venture) (EnglanJ/[{"ly)
Producer H agen pl.IYs the hero. Nancy
PRODUCER; Wdhnm C. R eich
DIRlCTOR: "'la"
KII' a n co·s tar ~. Both were abo in
K IUENWIIJTEIU: ~ l ,I!>l>tmO [hllam,mo, HOll.!l'n'S \V(Jllder \VOlllo.'ll.
Fr.mcu Mammax
Anuther ExorCISt copr. Rlch,ITd John- N IGHT CRr-ATURES
1>On'5 dauJ,;htcr I ~ rossesseJ. Sh(' kill) 1961 f-hllnmer/U nl (England)
.111 his girlfriend). Starring Nicole Elmi, PROOUCER; John Temple.Smith
the lit tle girl in And)' \'(farhol's Frank- OII\[OOR: Pett:r Graham ScO(/
('Ilsrem, Baron Blood. and Do!cp Red. KIU:ENWNTEI\S: John Elder,
B.lrbam 5. Harper
ALSO R£L£A5£D..u: CapUlin Clegg
19790tl1Icn.l\\n Peter C ushin g poses as Dr. Blyss,
PI'.ODUCH: R o~s I tlgCt1 ~m 18th ·cemury vicar, but he's really
011'£00": Ll'C ~tIJd .. n rhe noto riolJ~ C~ pt ;l in C legg. who has
KkEENW?ITEA: Hul-oerr Smith give n up piracy W o perate a smuggling
AUO R[tu.5E O~: 0,.1 of 1M UIT/Ult'J.$ n ng. H IS elaborate operation mcludes

the marsh phamoms (men ;md horses to h is estate fo r (un in h is little torture
dressed as skelerons) and a lookour chamber. His first guest is Erika Blan c,
scarecrow (Oli ver Reed ). Clegg turns whom he discovers in a nightcluh doing
om [0 he a good guy, helpmg the poor a great strip act involving a velvet-lined
whi le breaking unreasonable laws-hut co ffi n. Antonio Ih inks his dead wife
his bnllal P.1st catches up with him III Evely n h as reTurned to hinde r h is
the form of a huge mulatto (Mil ton games. The TV censors will h inder rour
Reid) whose to n gue was removed viewing of th is R-rated Italian shocker.
by the fo rmer pirate. Wirh Yvonne with Giocomo Rossi-Sruarr .(R)
Roma ine. This story was a lso fi lmed III
'37 as Dr. SYIl wirh George Arliss , and
by Disney in '63 as The Scarecrow uf N IGHT GALLERY
Rumney M(lTsh with Patrick McGoohan. 1969 TV
This version is consideH.-d the beSt. PI\ODUCEI\: John B~dham
DII\£CTOI\S: Boris Sagal. Steven Spielber)!,
Barry Shear
Rod Serling
1971 MOM (England) The th ree-part pilot film that launched
Alan D. Courtney,
PI\ODUCEI\S; Rod Serling's Night Gal/ery series. (1)
Norman S. Powcll Roddy McDowall schemes to murder
DlI\£CTOI\: Alistair Rt""id uncle George Macready. With Oss ie
SCA£(NWI\IT[I\; Roald Dahl Davis. Directed by Saga!. (2) Joan
OAlGINAllY A£L£AS(D IS; Tk Rood Bw& Crawford is a blind woman who stea ls
A frustrated spinster (Patric ia Neal) liv- The sight of Tom Bosley during a New
ing in ]. VicTorian mansion with her Yo rk blackoUl. WiTh Barry Sullivan.
JXlSSessive bli nd fOSTer mother (P~lInci a If wm, Sp i elher~'s first profession al film
Brown) shields their young handyman and the second-to· last (eature for Craw-
from the police. He ( icolas Clay) L~.L fl)rd. 0) Richard Kiley is a azi war
rapist/ murderer who buries hLs VicTLI1b criminal obs<,.·ssed with a painting in a
in the path of a road bei n g p:I\'ed. museum . With Sam Jaffe. Directed by
Screenwriter Roald Dah l ( ,HHhoT o ( Shear. All have surprise endinw; and are
Charlie and lhe Chocoklle Facl!!l) ,md inrroduc('d by Serling in his ga llery.
OIher soph isticated novels (or ch ild ren
and 'L dults) i ~ Patricia Neal's hushand.
Music hy Bernard Herrmann . 11IE NlGlITGOD SCREMIED
1973 Cincmat LO!l
PRODUCEI\S; Ed Ca rlin , Gi1 Las ky
Forties star Jea nne Cm in returns to pl ay
1971 Pha>cOne( l l al ~')
DIA£CTOI\; Emilio P. Mir<L)!ILa a wo man hunted by a murderous Man-
SCIl.lEN\VI\ITEI\S; Fabio Pilt oru, SI.>n-]ike )muded fi gure. You see, hcr tes-
Massimo Felis;Hti. EmilLo P. Mir",d ia ti mony in CO UrT SC nt some Jesus fre ,lb
OI\IGINALLY II.lLEM{O AS: Ll NOlte ,he Et"I.'lyn to dcath row. With Alex Nico l.
Usca ddlla TumN
Ant h o n y Steffe n (his re,1i name is
Antonio DeTcff...) p lays a disturbed N IGHTffAJR CHILD, See
playooy who likes to bring .....ofllen home IfIffATTfIE PEEPER SAW.

1948 P ,1f:UlIUUlU {B&Wj
PAODUCE": Endr,> Ik)h~m
OlUCTO" : Jtl\m F.UTO"
lo(k[ [H\VPJTEP.S: B,lTTe L\nJlln,
J(ln,tth~n L:ltI1U<'r
A ncgk"Clcd ~yc ho loglca t thnl1eT In the
film rU }IT tra.itflon. Edward G. Rohm-
:.on is John TnlOn, a man cllr.~cd with
the ahility to foretell Ih,' i\lfure. But
he's P()wcr1cs~ walter the doom-hlled
future he f()rc~cc~: "I had become a fe-
vcr:.c zombie; the worU was Jl'~ld and I
wa ~ living." John Lund ;md Gail Rus-
sd l (Tho! U lIl11 t1l1L'J) hear Triton's in-
crcdihk' ~wry Iwcr coffe e in a c<l fe , then
le"I,:,' their own involvcmenT. With
VirgIn,,, Brllce. \Vil!iam [)e m an.:~I ,
Jerome Cowan, John Alcx;JnJcr. and
Ri chard Wehh. rro m a ~ror)' by Cor-
nell \Vool nch. D IT"C h:d hy F,ITTOw Just
after h... J'll The HI.\: Cluck.
I Ie only got fifth hilling, hut R,llph Jea"";> CWtn m The
t\'1org,11l IS the leg l c~$ ,t<lr of th t ~ ~u pcr­ Nigh t God Scr,-am",,1
N IGH T IS 1'11E Pf/ANTO,I/..
See WIIA1! na rural murder llly~te ry. r:".lCh'r-. II ho
perforllled the Joui-lc ampUI,Hum ,Jr\.'
hem\! klUe,-\' \,(/ho', re,po.)1Nble ~ TIll.'
N IGIJT KRY buller (Ikb Lugo~I)! Llililel AtIlt !! !
ll)li L'nl,w<.• l (8&'W) 11le Indl<lIl my'ttC (t'II, t\~t h..:r)! I-I,m'
oUSOCIATt ",ODIJ(O! R"lx'n I'n:,ndl
:lhout Dun Port"r, Fr,mk R,'llhef, Led
0 1" [001': Lll1\J Cmng,U1
Erik-un, Irene Her,,\'}. or ['crhap, "
SCI'[[HWI'ITtIU! Trhlmm Tut'JX'r,
J\,hn C. M l1(tm
walkmg ,kcldon hold mil ;1 IIHllt,1wrl'
Kitrlnff rl.l),' II j.," 1<1<.1 guy-a IWllf',iglueJ cortin!
1)1.1 ,(w nt i~t wh'l Invcnl~ thl~ uhlln atc
hurgl;lr altHln, G.tng"k'rs kJ hy \X',1T,l N IGIlT ,I/UST FA LL
19)7 "'l(illl {!\&\XI)
&>nJ kidtl,lp hun, hut Bmb outwit , pp.O DU eE I' : Jlu nt Str"mh.:rg
th cm with hi~ electr ic nI)'s, \X'lth Jean
DIP.E CTO ~ : RI,holr,! Th"rl'"
RtlJ.!er~, \'(h lm;n I lul!' Hohart C IV<t - KI' EENWP.ITEP.! J\lhn V,U1 j)rutCIl
n<lugh, and Fr:1nk R(,Kher. On(\.' ~'''Il'\,~ ,een R\)~r! M"ntg')llIcTY
hCTl- "," (h;lTIllm!.! C()ck nc~' r~ych" c u -
N IGH T U 'GS .. See I''RIGH/ : rrlll!.! .lrnli n J ;1 hc,.J In ,I hox, he
,taTb t () ,ecm demcnted In "II hb hllll~,
T N l , N IGN T ,I/ONS1'ER 1-1..- ~lK(e~~f\ll1 y C\llll' tn ee,·,)ld
1942 UnlwNI (B&W)
D,l llw "'1.1\ \'(/ hill\' (Ill ;1 wht'"lc1Mlr)
",ODIJ( [pJOII'( Oo«': Ford &'..+".: th,1I hc\ rI", h:,1 ,,)I) ~ht' nc\er had.
SCI\.([HWI'IT[I'! Cl.l r,'nu' L'l'"m Y,lu ng R"',lltnd Ru,:-o.;l1 I,n't foolnl ,I~ e.htl)"

Feafuring several of the stars of the pla~' Ine pt gore mu rder mov ie fi lmed in
by Emlyn Williams. "Vio lent Visio n" in New Orleans. The
producers offered $I,CXX) cash to your
fam ily if you d ied whi le watching vari-
NIGHTAIUST FALL ous meat-cleaver mutilations and a n
1964 MGM (England) (B&W) eye-gougi ng. Gerald McRaney stars as
~ODUC[M: Alber! Finney, an often-jailed eX-menta I-patient sus-
K;uel Reisz pect. A Ps ycho ri poff in which the
OII\(CTO": Karel Reisz
mothcr actuall y did it . With Evelyn
SCIU:[HIW"nu.: Clive EXfOn
The director of Morgan! does a disturb- Hendricks. Fi lmed in 16mm. Music by
the Bored.
ing remake of the '37 movie , this time
with Albert Finney as a completely
insane Welsh axe murderer. He moves
in with a wealthy widow (M ona Wash- NIGHT OF DARK SHADOWS
bourne) to redecorate the house. He 1971 MOM
PP.ODUCE"-'DlkEOO,,: Dan Curtis
plays "games" wirh her while sleeping
Sam Hall
with her daughter (Susan Hampshire)
<lnd maid (She ila Hancock). He also Budgeted even lowcr than the first Dark
performs rituals with the head in the
Shadows feature (House of Dark Shad-
box until the daughter finds out wha.t's
ows), and Jo nathan Frid and Joan Ben-
b'Oing on. nen are badly missed. Grayson Hall,
Nancy Barren, Thayer David, and John
Karlen remain from House of Dark
NIGHT OF A THOUSAND Shadows, joined by TV series regu lars
David Selby and Laura Parker, who is
CA1S hanged as a witch. The new attractio n
1971 Ellman Enterprises (MexIco)
H.OOUC["-! Avanl
is Kate Jackson. Even if you're a devoted
DII\(OOP.: Rene Cardona fan of this Coll inwood no nsense it's a
SCI\(EM\VPJT["-! Ma rio Manac rea l grade-Z dud.
OAIGINAUT IU:t.U.Sro AS: La Nocht de
A gross but funny south-of-the-bordcr NIGHT OF EVIL
cannibal-cat movie from the din,'cwr 1962 Astor Pictures (B&W j
of Survive! (a canniba Ri chard Oailbreath, lou Perry
mov ie ). A crazed millionaire feeds peo- DIMOOk: Richard G ailbreath
ple to his brge collection of st<1rving SC"[EN~TE": Louis Perino

C;lts. He also dec<lpitates women and A high school girl (lisa Gaye) on the
preserve~ their heads. American actress road to ruin. After being wrongly sent
Anjanene Comer (L-r)ke, The Buby) to a girl's home she wins rhe Miss Colo-
co-s tar~ with Zulma Faiad and Hugo rado con test but has to withdraw from
St iglirz. the Miss America contest when her t(; -
cent marriage to an unreformed ex-con
is made public. She becomes a stripper,
NIGHT OF BWODY HORROR Tries to kill herself, holds up a drug-
1969 Hawco International store ... Featuring Dementia 13 sta r
""OOUC["-'DIIU:OO"-! JO\' N. Houck. J r. W il liam Campbell and a large cast of
SCU[NWM"EM: Joy N. Houck, Jr., unknowns. Filmed in Fort Wayne ,
Roherr A. Wea"er Ind iana.

193 I (:A-IIU1\lh,I (fI&W)
DIlt.ECTOR: 1J,,:nl,mlln S{<ll"ff
K I'.HWWIt.ITE '-S: !k;Jtrln' V,IIl,
\~/illl,"n j,lcoh" L."'<:r N,clStHl
ALSO RElEASED A): He tll'l'a fO KOiI
AI the end of till" sdl)' o ld llIlirder my,,·
\(>TY th~' dc"L1 killer n-.c" and WMn_ the
auJIO:n;.:c nut hI fl'vl'<ll his iJl'ntlt)', ,.,.)
I wun' t. HOWl'\'<.T, the killer
Lu/!~i, wh" arpt.',II', a~ a SII'aml (um ·
rktc wllh turhan ,md earring. Of hb
WI!c wh,) ko.~crs g.lIl1),( intu trances, or
n:porti'T \Valbcc run!. ur the hbck HEAD HUNTING THING
c hauffeur Ilr Sail} BI , HIC liT Geo Tgl' ROA~I!D THE lAND!
M.'eker <IS ,I M:ientls[ whll clal!n ~ hl' can
Tl'viw tho.:: lkaJ. \Vn tch 1I f(IT Be la'.,
c\'c~. "[ am thl' 11\i11W\C!"

N IGHT OF Tlili BL~ljT See

flOUSLi OF Tfll:.' BLACK
D1'.A71I. " NIGHT Of tH ( BlOOO BU ST" SIA~ ~ I N G
l'hch ..1 Emm ot . ~n. ell G.. t ne ' Jo~n B"f

N IGflT OF Tfll:.' IJIG IIL'.A I '

See ISLAND OF nlE Angehl GTeem', ,md Jean 1 ] 'I~en, who
BURNING DOO"IED. ,howe.l III' neXT 111 The CIJSlllh: Mall.


B&IST 19 71~ Air (Sra1n/V"rrlWl)'iil"ly)
1<),,8 AlP (R&\'(I) P~O OUCEM: I LITTV ALm ToweTs.
Pf.OOOCO; Gene Gmn.m Amhnn, ~"n V"IId)
OIR[CTOl'.: Ix-m,mi K,," ,lbb DIM ao-./SC~[[NW~ITE": h'""", Fran",
K I\EENWIIJTER : /l,1.1rl1ll Varno O "I GI NAL LY "lL(A~[O AS : EI PT'>:""" J(. 1m
Roger Corman dl'Cldt.'d [u hl'lp our hi~ 13m/Ill
hrother Gent.' hy !>CTVlIlg a,~ Iht.' l')(t.'(U- ALSO M ltAUD M: H/w.h Jung.'
II\e prodll(l' r for (hrl'e mO\,I~' [IM[ A che.tll unlt,ttroll of The COIl'lIlI'lUr
Gl'ne prtl<.hlCl'd, Th~ (lth('rs Wl'n:: Awu.:k \'('"nn I\'llh (:llTI>!')pher Le..: (Ill ~I pow ,
of Ihe Gimll l...:e.:he,1 rmd 131.'(1.11 fluU! [it... dcrl'd wig) '" the Lme! Ch ief JU~llCe of
IIwmretl Cillo', All w~re LlITelle.1 hy Engl.lIld In th(' 1000~. I-It, condemn"
K"w,tl,kt, [n [hiS unt.', asrrun,HlI MI- women ,I" wltche~ Tn further hi" pul lll'
dl'!d Emmel Tl'turn, 1\) Emh dl',1,1. HI> c:d and "l'XII,ll nl'l',b. l !o\\';H\.l V..:rnun .
c, 'Tf\,e h T"\,I\'<,;d hy ,Hlugly crll~[}' ,Ilien ,I' :1 hO" I<.I~d l'Xl'CUIIOllcr. had m,l,,1 o (
(h,11 ILkl" 10 decaplI;Hl' ('1(")1']", The hi" ,,(TIl":' (in\,o]vlIIj.! !ortur,' ,lIIe! nud -
rn\)n~tl'r h, l~ unpl.mtl'd HS cdh HI Ihe Ity) ell! III ordn III ):ct ~Hl AmcTlGIll
,11>lrllll<lUt\ HOIX!strl'dm, makin),: hun d11 ]'1(, ralll1).!. \Vith M. l ri~1 Schl'lI. L..:n
,'Xre(l,UlI mother ! \'(Ilth E..! N"cll>(m, (~l'nn. ~t.ln.:,.rl't L,'l'. <lnJ M,lri;t Rohm.

5 11
Frum the ad~: "She SliCks The life from
the 1..... ~l les of men !" Marlelll' C lark
(1)111111:, Stmpe) slars as a woman who
c:m tu rn herst-If intI) a cobra. S he needs
con~tant lo\'emakmJ.: (and snake \"en-
om) 10 ~tay elemally young. so she srcals
Ihe hoyfTlend o( a young bio logy ~ flI­
dent (k,y BanJ.:). Wil h Roger G arrett
ami Slash M:lrks. Allvertise.J as heillg
III "SllIherama", ( R )




Mexlcan Nigh! of the APES
Bloody Apes. NIGHT OF 'lYE DFAION, Sec
1968 Jt"rand (Me xIC'))
H ODUCE k: G. Calderon Srell 'lYE TOUCH OF SATAN.
DlkE CTOk: Rene C,uJona
K k[£ NWP.ITU.s: Rl'fll' C,nJ'1Il.1. NIGHT OF THE EAGLE, See
Rene Cardona. Jr.
~16I N AlLY kEL£AS.ED~: l..d Ilurrl/x.mlL'
Iksul.! HUlluma
Glm/Ia, H (nTar ~ Se.lO 19S9Crown Inlernau unal T V (I}&W)
Totally t<l!>tctess and am,Hl'Urish soUlh · PkoDUCEk/ olk£CTOkisctl.(ENWM"E k:
Edwanl Wood, Jr.
of· the·borde r horrors. A scienllSI pUb
Al50 k£UA5ED AS: Ret'ellRt'" of the Dead
The heart of a gorilla mto his dead son
whu hl'Comes a murdering ;md r,rp mg Pitlll 9 from OI/feT S/XICI' fans will love
~Ir() n gman resemhl lflg an ugly pTlze·
Ihls (Illiow- up wl(, aboul fhe walk ing
fichler. A vc ry )..'Ory fi lm wllh rl'al sce n c~ dead, It opens in ;-a cemNery, Criswell.
of open-he;-art ~ urg('ry and tecllmc alm· the "real" medium. rises (rom his coffin
to tell us of "monstcrs to Ix: piti(.xl.
novations ilke obv ious ruhlx:r knlvc~
and fll'lkeup tklt (alb off. 11" h; I ~ l c,rlly monsters 10 he de~rlsed," KClllle Dun-
a rem"kr: of Doct(lr of 000111 (hy th o.: can ( a 5\(111111\:111 in serials) STars <IS Dr.
sa me dirl'uor) w Ith only o n e wre~rllllg Acula, a ph\) ny mediulll aided hy Valda
H;-an ~e n, a hogus ghost. and hig Tor
her,lme thi~ rime. H er na1l1l' i~ Lucy
John~on, wearing rags <Ind horrible scar
.md her hoyfrien d I' a Ml'xic:rn COl' ,
fl);-ak elJp a~ Lo l).). The donm SWind le s
NIGHT OF THE COBRA people by prl"tcndmg to contacr dead
WOAMN relatives. bUT then acc u.lemally sue -
1973 New WorlJ (Ph')'rrme,JtJ. S.) ceed~ in reV1Vlll.l! a bunch o( (orpses
PkOOUC Ek: Kerry I'>'bgnll' Ih ill bur~' h im alive! Va mPi re (M,l il;1
DIk£CTOk: AnJrew ~l"l'''' Nurm i) i,~ O il hand as Ihe real blac k
:l(k£[NWkITE k5: Kerry M ,l!.!n,,~, ghosi. The infa molls \Vonl dlrecled on ...
Andrew Ml'yer more film (SIIUSlrt UrRe. '6 1) .

IJRl tS 'J'
1<)761n.k'pen,km Intt'rnatlon~l (51';nn)
",ODUCE": I'n)hlm~
OIM;ClOf,: to. hcud I).:k" ", B"nn~
~CI\[OIWkl1[k: J,ICUlll> \\,,1111.1
Oll'GINAllY kElWEO,tS: Ld M,JdlCUln ,i..' I.,
Ai50 1\[l£.&S£O .t.S: Tit.: Wh ... u,~f ,ma Iht' '~'II
Paul :'''b.,dl~ h hICk ,I ~ \V<lIJ~'!lI'U ,he
\Il'r~'\n,[f t\lr till' '-'Lglllh IIIne. In Til->et
till' nnw. he t,ICt." ,he f;llnnm YetI, one
\If ,h\' 1111 1'-' ,\\'erWi 'rked crt',n!lre~ pI 1hl'
'iO" \Vuh Cir:\Cc Milk


1955 Unllcd Am"," (B&W)
PkODUC[k: Pilul Grc!:()I)'
DIIU:CTO" : Charl ... s L~u)!IH(ln
KI\UH\V?ITE": J.uncs A)!t'c
Ro bert Mitchum 1~ a reli!!lOu~ r~ychu­
paTh (wl[h the wurds Jove and h~lte
r:utucd ,)0 hiS knuc kles) who mamc" a
(urmer ,cl lm,llc's Widow. When Shel-
ley WITUcrs t' unah! ... 10 tell hLln where
th ... h,)ldup m(lnC~' IS h idden , ,he wmds
ur III ,I suhmcrAed Model T with a sill ~.~

thnl:lI . Her tWi) li ll ie (llles. n uners of JOY 8ANG ' M ARtENE ClARK' ROGER GAUErT
the secret. drift dowllrlver with Mitch- M~ .. ocol", R "
um "' pu r,ulI on hll rse b ~l c k. \'(Iith
Lilll ,1Il G I ~h. EvelYIl Va rden. Billy
Chdpill. OlTey Allell, and PelerGr.I\'es. hlllllHmu 11<'T<1. \V it h I(ennl'lll Grlthl h,
A CIa~ IC. CH 11ugh RUf,kn . .md 1111' lI t '!l,th " .


NIGII'J' OF HIt: J,;IUGIfING \97 1 \IC;\1
PII.ODUC(II.; ,A., Co Ld.·,
/JEll/) DIII.EOOII. ;\'( ' tlIt,11I1 \', C \,'Xhlll
1971 ~.\( ;~ \ (EI1~\.lIld) SCII.EEHWlI.ltE"S: \"\ '11 I \"lInl.'I'.
P"ODUCERSI~c"U NWIIJl[I\S ; l:llw \,,,I,,n. (.J~1H" R. K ";ul1c'\
' \l'lnN<lII<>11 (ji,1I1t l;nll"',, r"u' hmnll,:' ,ltt:lCk ,h<'
[)I"ECTO"; \\'Il' r Syh"
O"IG INALLY II.ELEAS£D AS: /1"1"<': III J"I!!hl-
l"lpUl,lIhlll "t ArI:(ln,l~ SUl1lc!lmc" real
rahl'II' ,ITe ,11\>WIl hOPPing ,lnUlI,.! nllll-
m,lr~ /\Irk
,Io. LSO "(LEASED AS ; ( :T<I~) HUUSt
i;lIUT<' '1:1'. 5..l1lICf1(ll,·, ,1((,lf' I.:d '" \\,<'>lr
t.II11IW 'llit,. \Vh ll 1I'111l!d ;lgr,'<, (If ,Ip-
R ' I ~ :-vIllI,ln.! ,LIT, III ,I mplcr\"! n I1l1l',ly
I'l',lT III 'mh ;m , Ib~u nl tlllH ~ Swart
In ,hl' tr,lLln Hln t,f Th.: OI.l J )<lrk H "H~<'.
Cl mw.ll,1Il Fr.m\..ll· I luwcrd (S(!t. 1'<,/1-
\Vhmn,m . J,1I1<'1 Ll.'lgh, Rlln C,llhuUIl,
p"'r~ 1..oI1I'h H .:{m ~ Cluj, 3c:IIU/) I' thl'
[1..:Fuf<"t 1\:.:Ih. ,m ,1 1';1111 rl'" - !h.ll\

') 13
\\ ho. By the W,lY, till' ITt\(, l l rnhhH' roar. Interv iewer in Washi ngron , D.C. The
Producer Lyles is lx,tter known fo r hI' mUSIc wa~ 1Il000d y "bormwcd" (ro m ''lOs
sc ie nce 'Ict ion movies" A sou n d truck
W<ls Issue d 14 yea rs after the fi lm was
N IGH T OF 11IE LIVING rcleasl'd.
1968 Walter Rl, .. Je (B&W)
PI'.ODUCE~: Ru,.,;cll StTl'In~","r, Karlll:lrUlu,m
KII[[NWI\rTUl.: John A_ Russo " lOON
G re:lt, terrifying f1 es h -e:ltlng- gh uu l 1959 ~'l GM
P~OOVC[II: Alhert Zug,mlrh
~h(lck er with gore, p n(de~~ dlaloglle,
OrI\(CTOII: Hugo Ha,IS
anJ ,l refreshing lack o f scien tific cx-
KlllENWl\rrrllS: F~llk 1);J" IS, Franklin Coen<lt Hlns, ru m;Jn cc, or happy cndi ~ gs. ALSO "£LEASED M: Flesh a nd Fbm~
While Ruhina ;Jnd Johnny rlre visillng
" I d\ln't cart.' <l bo ut the color of her
rhl" i r father's gr ;JVl~ , John n y <.jpe ~ a
skin .. , ~ hc's mim'!" A rich \'cter,lrl of
K,lri,)ff imllat inn, and ;J livi ng corpsc
the Kprl' iUl W!lf (J ohn Drew B,.rry-
att;I(.:ks ,md kill s him. B! runs t()
more) IS taken on a Mexican fi shing
a f;Jrll\h()lI~c whC[e Ihe Terro r never 1..::t 5
tnp by his hrother (De;!n Jones), H e
up. Rumero's cul T cl,hsi( redefines the
(all ~ fllr ;lnd marries a "quadroon"
I1H'!lning of hnTTli r. He st dl l1l;lkcs Ills
I-Il ~ p:lni c WOIll<l11 (Julic Londo n !) and
1II,'\"IO':S in Pittshurgh, where this one
people hack ho me in San Franci.<'[o get
.scellc 1m," Gt'urgf Ro- wa _ shot. Duane Jones sIan. as Ren, Karl
1I1t70" I1I(Tt'J.bW ~"'ligIH of upset. Zugsmith sleaze Ilil'cts Haas Tras h
H,lrJm<ln and Ma ril yn Eastman arl' Mr.
the LIving DC:ld, With A):!nl.'s Moorehead, Nat King Cole.
and Mrs. Cooper. ROIlll'TO I'l..-ys an
Jacb t, C)oJ!;m , A nn a Kashfi, and C1T h y


1975 nil! April.' (Spain)
PIIOOUC£II: JusC Angel Santo..,
orIl£CTorVKI\([NWI\.TUI.: A11l:mdn Dc ~mo
AlSO II£tEASEO A.S: LJ Nuclle dt'/1I5 Gut 'IOWS
TIll' third sequel ttl The Blllld Dmd. The
Irvi n g-dc,rJ Tl'rnpiarios rl'turn on horS\.·-
hack til rmai m, mutilate , and kill mod-
ern Sraniard~ . The ads pro mised: "Se\,-
('n Nigh ts. Se\"cn Vict ims. Seven Hu-
man I k'<lrts!"


[970 Av e, I bl1ha,~\' (Spa in )
or"£CTOI\: Arm,lIl,in de O.,sorlo
In the Afric,m Jungle gorgeous VaJll-
pire womcn in leopard ski ns sacrifice
stran g..:rs, O ne foreiJ! ner is tu rned illlo
a rnomte r. \'(lith Jack T:lylo r.

Sli ll fightlllg (and c'1(1I\g) each other
NIGHT OF 11IE WITCHES near MUnich. It's all a sense less Nazi
1970 Mcdfllnl plot. Jam ie G,l"s, ,I porllOsl:U who can
""ODIJC(~: Kt'lIh tnk Burr, V lIlCCn! Fo rt<,
OIM:aoI\lKLUENWI\1I0: KeIth Enk Burl act bctll'r than mm l, pla)'StI C IA agen!.
Kellh Larsen , star of Women of PrehiS- The dirl'clor plays Ihe guy behmd the
Ionc Planet, used a p~cud()nym to sta r zombIe schellle. (1\ )
m and male (h'l> sex/horror film wnh
C harles Manson touche:.. Kellh is a N IGIlTSCflOOL
pIHmy-prcachl'T r,l p'~{ who tfl es to 1981 P"wmou nt
~ODtJCW: L.rr) 11.111-, Ruth AvO;'rJ,:;ln
hbd:m,ul a (oven o(Cal,(orma witches
011'1:00...: Kcn HUl(hcs
living III a mansion. (R )
SCkEENW ... rltk: Ruth A"crJ,:an
AHO kEL£A5.EO AS: Terrur Eyes
NIGHT OF THEZOAfBlES \'i/o[1\cn ,Ire JCGlpit<lICd by a nmnmc
1981 N.M .D. In this sllCk-lookin~ but fUl"gctTahlc hor'
PI\OOUCEI\: Loon E. Price rur film m~IJc 111 n.O~tl\ll. H C;lds turn
up in " PI)l)1, ,! PI)1 ,lC ~ICW, el C. , and
AUO "ELEASED.u: Gmnnlll 693
cups >caTch fu r the \'Illain. Thcrc's ,I
The fantastic plot of this shoeming- ,urpme enJI1l),!: ~ tarnng Rachel Ward.
budget New York City production in- R,lChcl W;l~ "hlo tn FiMI Temff, rc],.:a>cJ
vol\'c~ liVing-dead World War 11 s.oldicrs afler ~h(' ~ t.urcd Itl Tho! Thurn Birds l)tl
TV Nigh! Schoul is by thc JlrCCh)r of
ChIH)' ChIli)' 13.:n1J.! 1X1Il,\!. (1\ )

1970 ', V
pp.()oucU;: E"crcn C llamh:rs
OIMOOf.: l .:..IPIl!>t
SCM[NWPJ'[IU: E,'Crl'lt ( :h,lmbo..·Tl>,
Rober! Spl."Chl
Altcn ~ u:.e hrrnon:C\.! rCl>IJclH s of a
smail \lI .... n tu rcp;:llT thcrT ~ pa cc!>htp .
Jaml"s Franc llIC u!>, ,m unaffcc tcli m,m
with a metal plate In hi !> head, falls III
lo\'\! wtth .m altl'n (Tisha Sterling).
\Vtth Lec Grant. Sc\11I Marlowe, Lt,,!>,
he NielSt."n, anll Andrew Prine. A Bing
Crushy proJuctton with n plot awfull y
similar KI Th..ry Callie frum Beyond Slxlce.

1971 TV
NIGHT OF THE , ...ODtJcu: l~n Curt IS
DtMOO"': J<.h l1l1,\ "xl,·y
~CkE[NWkIT( k: I{).. hard M :, th" ~>11
11m well· malic ptk)! film featu rcs I),men
Mc(j;wln as <I ..... b,c·gu~· rcpt.lTIc r ..... Ith a

str,lw hat trying to pr,)\'c rh e exi~lencc C()flI' I1)u.'d ir was rea l. Paul ShenaI'
of and then dc~trny ,I I'lciou, modern - b Wl' ll c~, W irh Vic Mo rrow, C liff
da y vampiTl' (Barry A{\\ ,lll'r) ~ [ ,l lkln g DeYoun,g, To m Bos le y, \VilI Geer,
las Vega,<;. U nlikc m..~t dull Curt I!> pnl)- M{'fl'cllrh BaXTer, Eileen Brennan. and
cns, th is o ne used a ~'i x.,J dl Tl'cfl,r, John C;h ey KaM'm.
Mox ley (H urror I lord ), ::md a tl,ght
scripl based on a Jef( Rice ~to r). \'(IlIh
Carol Lrnlc)', Ralph Mce kn , CI,md...
Akins, Kent Snmh , Ehsh:l Cook, Jr"
198{l TV
and series regular Simon O;lkland :l~
p"ooU(u,: IrWin AII.'n
Ko lchak's bm!>. Th<, NI~hl S,wngl..'T wa, 01"[00"; Cie, )rgl' Fl'llaJy
the sl'cond pilot. SO[(NW"ITtP.S: Arthur Wei»,
Hay ()"kb t<lnl' , MlcI,acl Ro bert D" \' IJ
NIGHT S'DIR, GODDESS OF Dc"! Arn ,I: , }r. , rrohahl y yo ur (avoritc
ELECTRA, See WAR OF THE TV-m,lVlc star, is a crazed bank robber
ZOAfBIES, Iwld ing Ill'ople capt ive on a hridge.
With Le~d i e Nidst.'ll, James MacArthur,
TilE NIGlITSTRANGLRR ,InJ E\'l' Plumh. Its U.S. dehut ",,"aspre-
1973 T V l'mpted hy thl' 1980 World Seril's, After
PROOUC[pjOIR[CTOR; D.Ul CUr!" 1,l ayin,L! 111 EngLHlel a nd Australia, it
K"[[HW"ITU,: Rld1<irJ ~brht'5\m ti n,l lh' aired h.'re in 1983, Not wonh
AlSO "ElEA5EO AS; Th.: TIIII.: KIII"r The wait.
Darren McGavin Te l llr n .. ;IS rC l'ortl'T
Carr Kolc hak in the sc(on,j piiol him
1111:: NIGlIT THE 1fI0RLD
(m The "'i~ht Swlker M"'ne~. S Ullon O,lk-
land is o nce a,galll hi!> ~ k erTlc;t ll'dllor.
1957 u,lunl hl;1 (R&W )
In Sean le, K, )lc hak b,lT tle .. ,1CelltuTiC"
P"OOUCE": S an) K ,It~m;m
Illd kllb ,l lcherm~ t (RKhanl Ande ...... m) olP.tao,,: Fr.'J F. ~.l'"
wh,) ,rrang lcs \\'ll nWn , mel IlI'e, 111 .1 SCP.tEHIIIPJl[IU: ltlCl \Var,l. Jac k Naudord
wl' iTJ hOll»': undn the CII)" A notlll'r
"NaTUrl' gllt.'l> mad!" rhe ads sho llteJ.
sliperior T V rhnlkr !>cnph.- J hy RICh .
Bill,!! CroshY'3 wido w (Kathryn G ra n t)
a r,\ Mathesoll. \Vith f,lInd1,lr horror , tar3! (They wc re marned 11ll' yea r this
b ce!> Scott Br,ld}, "hrg,lrl't H,lIlldton,
dull fIl( 1I'Ie II'lb reblse,l.) Prl'~sll rc bUIlt
anJ John Carnd irll' a, ;I new'p,ll'er
lI], Ht the Earth 's core threarl'ns 10 end
()\\' ner. Also wilh Jo Ann Ptlu).!, \V,lll y
it ,[II. ScientiSTS ~a \'e us. With \Villi;lIn
Cox, ,mel N in,) \V;)}ne .
Leslie <lnd Tristram Coftin.
1975 TV
1<)62 Brlgadll'r (lral \'1Fr; ulct')
Hoouc£ klo IR£ClO"; )i"<'rh ~" r~ent
PROOUCER: VmC.'n! Fu n"
SC"[lNW.o.ITllU; :--!Id,,)],l' ,' le vt'<.
Aillholl) \ViI"",
OI"ECTO": PI,"rr" Chl'll,ll
SC"[[NW.o.ITEIU: l 'go LII,..rawre,
A good J\)(;u ment'lr~-'ryle I()\')k ,It thl' Plern' C Ill'Jl:tI , Andr" T~I~t
H ,l lIo wwn night in lY38 when ()r~lln AUO "HEA~EO AS; Th" Nighl~ of Ruspwin
\'(Ielk, and hb Mercury T hcatr.' dram- }" I\I) Drew Ba rrymo re is Prince YOll-
,l( 1:ed The \Var "f th., Wurlds on rhe SI)[lpO(f. the mall whll killed Rasrlltin ,
radio and New JerSl'1 Tl"lck'nt' wl'te "tlll{' h i, (adlt.'r had 1'1,IYCl:1 in '32. Ed -

ffiund Purdom (~lar of The Egy/man) is vurn' Jane \'(.lyman) as a doolll('d epi-
the lung-haired Ru!>Sian munk. Gian na leptic scil'nrist in love with a menIally
Maria Canale is the czari na. A colo r III Widow playcd hy Vivcca Lindfors
fil m , it was releaS(.x\ here in black and (C:mldrvll of Blood) in her American
white. fil m dehut. The Swedish Lindfors :>ces
ghosh. The film's release was held up
N IGH T l1DE for twO )·ear... \Vith Broderick Crawford,
1961 A l P (B&Wl C rai/.: Stl"VCm, and RlIscmary CkCamp.
PP.OOU(EP.: Amm K3ntaTI:ln Siego.:l alslI did Rloaj.:,m's last film, The
OIk£CTOI\I'5CI.[EN\IIP.lru: C urtiS Harri ngton Killen, in '64.
An excellent low-budget fantasy( !) with
Dennis Hopper as ;) s..... ilor on leave in ;) THE N IGHT VIS ITOR
small California :>caside resort. He he- 1970 Henll,pherc (Sweden)
comes o bsesscd wi th an orph tln girl I'kODU(£P.; Mel " t'rrcr
(Linda Lawson) who plays a mermaid OIMCTOP.: La_In Tk'nc,lek
at a sideshow. She bdieves herself to KIUEHWlUTEP.: Gul Elme~
be a descendant of the "SC~l pt..'Ople" who Hunga rian d irec tor Benedck (The \Vild
must kill during the full moon. Av,n\t- One) went to Sweden to film this cx-
garde dircctor Curris Harrington did this celk,nt re venge mle starring Max Von
odd Cut Peuple-inspired movie after Sydow. As S,llem, a f,mner accused of
making a series of experimenta l shorts. a murder he didn't cumm it, Sydow is
He's now known as a T V horror-film :.em II) an asylum where he uses an inge-
d irector and seems ro have lost most of nious merhud to CSC,lpe ,md kill the
what made Niglll T ide so memomble . peopl e who se n t hun t here. Each
Co-SlaT Luana A nders later starred in time, ,he po lice fi nd him hack in his
Coppob's Dementia 13. With Gavin cell (rom which it seems he cou ldn't
Muir ;md Bruno Ve Sora. pu~~ihly have esc'lped. The well -known
C<l.,t- liv Ull m;lnn, Trevor Howard,
NlGH TTRAlNTO ,I/UNDO and Von Srdow- were left out of the
FINE cheap Ilcml~phcre ads. Music b)' Henry
196611011)"woo..1 Slat PlClures (I}&W) ManCIlli.
PP.OOlKEtt,.: Anthony Cardow
John C,madinc In a cheap advenT ure DFATHIJREMI.
made hy and starring the team respo n -
sibil- fllr The Beast O{ YucCLl Flats! Din.'c- THE NI GHT WA LKER
Tllr FTil nc is SWT, a~ an escaPl-,d convict 1964 Unmnnl ( B&W)
OlttcmplHlg to invade Cuha. Pruducer H,OOUCE,jOIP.ECTOfl.: Willinm Castle
Anthony Ca rJuZ;t helps. C arradine is SCl'.[EH\lIp.rr£p.: R ohertBloch
<I tram cnj.:inenandslngs the title song ! After his ).!reat, gimmicky '50~ monster
muvics, llireuur William C astle tu rned
N IGH T UN1V N IGHT to Psycha- illliratit ms. Th i~ one is rret ty
1'J47 Warnn Bn,lhl-rs (B&W ) ridicul()lls. /'s)"cho author Robert Bloch
H,OOlKEP.: Owen Crump " 'rotc rlw l>Crcenplay and IXlrh;lril Stan-
OI~CTO": Don Siegel wyck (in h er hiS! thcatric;l l fcature) stars
!.( Kalhr) n Scob with r~a l - I lfe l')(-h ll~hand Rohert Taylor.
Siegcl' ~ secund fi lm ~t ars 36-year-old Ba rh.lm h<)s thcse nigh tm<lrcs. rOll see,
Ron:dd Reagan (who wa~ :lOOUC to dl- and ~ hc ~t, lrt s th inki ng tlu'y're rcal.

i 17
The specia l effec r~ during rhe dream An :mcmpr to show what happened to
sequences are gTl';!r-for a few laughs. thc children prior to the events nar.
H a~'dl'n Rourke is her ugly blind hus- nued in Henry James' "The Tum of
band. Lloyd Bochner IS rhe man of her the Screw" (filmed as The imwcenrs).
dreams. \'(/i(h Rochelle Hudson. ThiS The seiling poinl in this unsuccessfu l
almost did fo r B.1rbara what Tn'1!, d id "prequel" was Marlon Brando just he-
for Jo.. .m C rawford.
fore The Godfalher and Last Tallgo in
PariS made him a big star (aga in ). He
NIGHT WARNING, See plays Quim, the s,adislic garck'ner who
BUTCHER. BAKER likes fO abuse Miss Jesse!, rhe govern-
(NIGHTllIARE /IIAKER). e~ (STephanie Beacham) . Little Flora
and Miles easily come under Quint's
N IGHT WATCH influence. Despite his name, direct(,r
1973 Avco EmhNY ( En).!l ~ nJ) Winner has tuml,d out mostly forgerr,,-
Martin Po ll.
~kODU(['-S; ble misses like 1'/1 Net'et Forget W/wrsis-
Ge(1rge W. GeorgI:, ihrrl.!rd S. Slr"u~ name, Won TOil Ton, the Dog Thill
DlklCTOk: Brian G. Hutton Sat. ed HolI)"II'ood, and the SeJ1£ind. ( R )
In this modern British GaJliMhr-typc
thriller Elizabeth Taylor h driven fl) the
brink by hu~band Laurence Harvey and NIGHTJlIARE
hiSmistress (Bil lie Whitelaw ). This was 1956 United Anim ( B&W)
Harvey's second- ro_ lasr film. In the last PII.OOI.ICru: Wilham Thomas, Howard Pine
one, \Vrlcome roAlToo' Beach. lu' played OlklCTOk/ KIIUHWII.lT£k: Max....el l Shane
a cannibal. B.1!>('d on the play of the Ke vin McCanhy is a New Orleans jazz
same mle by Lucille Fletc her. With Illusician who dreams that he kills a
Lind;) J-Iaydl'O (Tai l e Ihe 810ud of Dra. man in a mirrored room in a strange
wla). By the director of another of Li:'s mansion. His hrother-i n-Iaw, police de-
flops, X. Y arul Zee. tective Edward G. Robinson , discov-
ers there rea lly was a murder there.
NIGHT WORLD H ~' pnotis m lind a record played at
1931 Um\'l:rsal ( B&\V) the wrong speed figure in the plm of
I'ROOUCEII.: Carl Laemmle. Jr. this adapTation of a Cornell Woolrich
OlkEOOk: Hoban Henley
sho rr story. It was also fi lmed by the
SCkEEHWIlITEII: Richard Scha rer
s.1me direc tor in 1947 as Fear in the
A nightclub, hoorleg liquor, murJer, NiRhl. With VirginiliChristinl', Connie
and music in a drama with dances ar- Russel l. and Barry Atwater.
mnged by Busby Berkeley. Lew Ayres,
a young drunk, is befriended by dance
director Mae C larke. Boris K"r1o(j owns
thl' club. C larke and Karlo(f had just
1963 HlIftlUin/U niversal (England)
been in Frankensrl'in. With Hedd a (B&W)
Hopper, Lo uise Beavers, and George PIIOOUCElI/ scklENWklTEII.: Jimm y Sangster
Raft. OIIlECTOII: Freddie Franc is
A gi rl (jennie Linden) has nigh tmares
THE NIGHTCOJlIERS of;l white-shrouded apparition leading
1971 Avco Em bass r (Engl,md ) her to a room contain ing a dead woman
Michael Wmn",r
PIIODl,JCEAlDI"EOOII: with a knife in her c hest. It's a drive-
SCklEHWPJTE": Michael H;lstllll!S
the- heiress-craz), plo t that backfires in

onL' of the more interest ing IXlst- PYKhn wood. LinJs~\~' G re~h am, the man who
films. Wi th David Kn i.lo:ht and M.llfa wrot .... th .... novel it W<L.~ ba~ed nn , la tl'r
Richmo nd. :.:ill .... J him.~d f. Wi th Mlh' Mawrki, and
Ian Keith. U n).ke an" other HnllywOlxi
NIGH1iIIARE, See pruJuCI at the timl', and 1001k who pro-
11S ! ZlstCentury 1965 Alhed Artists (1taly) (B&W)
',"OOUCE": John L W:nkL n) ",ODUCE": Carlo 0 11:1110
O.UCTO","SCI\(EN'\\,I""TE": ROlLlan<.) Sc;Lvohn i DtI\(CTO«.: Mario C<liano (A lan Grunewald)
A ~7()re movie about a man who choppl-d SC,"££WW"ITtP.$: ftlbiudl' Agostino.
lip his fa ther and a fe male dominatrix Marin (;ai.lno
when he was yUling. Th(' antipsyc h(ltic O"-iGINA.LlY "El£AS[l) AS: AmalUi d'O/lTeluml)(1
drugs he wkes fail to work. H(' has re- Barbara St....ele plays two roles in one
curring nightman:sand leaves New York of her be~ 1 horror fi lms. Whl'n scien -
to kill h is ex-wife in Florida. A lousy ti~t Paul M ul ler d isco\'l'rs his wife
film any way you look .1[ it. Fur real (Barb"ra) with the gardener, he cha ins
gore fans only. Since nobody ever heard Ihl'm tip in the crypt (afl er d isfiguri ng
of the Cilst , special makeup effects ex- the man with a hot pokl'r), Cuts their
pl'Tt Tum Savini received top billing hl'aTts out. and h ides them in an urn.
in t hl~ original ads. He infurmed the He alsl.l US4,;"S their blo\x! to rejuven'lte
proollc('TS Ihat he d idn't even work on his mbtre~ (Hdga Line) and marries
the film and wo uld sue . His name was hi ~ wlfe's blond cousin (Barhara again)
q Uickl y covered with tape un all the fllr her money. T he dead couple return
posters. Fro m a kung-fu movie disnih- as ghosts and give the s~\ Jis t ic scien tist
utor and a se x-movie direCTOr. what -fliT.
(~lf- l mr,,~ed Xl


1947 20th Century- Fox (B&W) 197JMGM
P'-OOUC[p.; G~r~e Jessel p"ooucu; Hugh Benson
011\(00,": Edmund Gouldiog OII\(CTO,, : Elllotl Sil\'etSlelll
~CI\(EHWM"E" : Jules Furthman KI\([H\\iJJrEP.; S. Lee Pogostin
Carniva l opera tor Tyrone Power heads "Thank h e<lvens it'son ly a movie!" the
for the bi.!; time in ChlCagu by trans- ads enticed. A sadistic lo w-budget
fonmng h imself into the Great Stanton. thriller aho ut newlyweds pursued and
a spiritualist. He forces his wife (Coleen terrorized by a pair of killer rapists. Dack
G ray) to pose as a millionaire's dead RHmbo and Rebecca Dianna Smith Hre
mi stre~s and uses a sideshow fon une- the unfortunate couple. One of the psy-
tdler Ooan Blondell ), a psychologist chos is Jo hn Beck from the '60s group
( Helen Walk er), ~nd blackma il to the Leaves (" Hey Joe"). Wit h Pat
become successfu1. The mcred ible Hingle and Jeanette Nolan. Filmed in
endi n g finds S tan ton , exposed and Louisiana. Nicolas Roeg, the origi nal
broken, back at the seedy carn ival as a director, was replaced after fi ve days of
chicken-bitinggeek . A real carnival was shoot ing. Si\ver5lein also directed Cat
authent ically reconstructed in Ho lly- Ballou. M usic by Elmer Bernstein,

5 19
N IGH7i1lARE IN BAIJHAlII A low-hudget horror comedy about an
COUN1Y acwr who plays vampires and turns our
to he the real thmg. A ho rror-film
~OOUCu.: William UoyJ Baum~
convention provides the background.
DIA(CTO": John Llewellyn M axI')
!.O.([HW1UT[p.:Jo Hellll~ KerWin Matthews makes a cameo ap-
ALSO Ml£M£D AS: Nlghtmure pearance, The di rector ....-as a San Fran-
ci~o TV-horror-movle host. (R )
ThiS IS a more scnou~ Vand(lon Oil the
plor of UntallU'd Yuuth (1957) . Vaca-
tlOnmg coeds Dchnr'lh Raffin and
Lynne Moody are sent to a prison {arm N IGH'lillARE IN WAX
by a sadistic small [Own shenff (Chuck 1966 Crown IIHemallonal
Connors) and a weak JUJ gl' (R;llph I'RODUC(I\: Martlll 8. Cohen
01"'[001\: Bud T own5end
!X-1Iamy). Suicide. murder, hc,Hing~,
SCI\[[l\'Wl\lTEl\; Rex Carlton
rape, and racism arc (;tCt~ of
their prison life. With TlIla LOUlS(, a~.1 WIIX Museum
very ungbrnorous guard, [klb Ree~c.
Don't miss Cameron Mitchell in his
Lma Wood. and Rohl,rt RCl'd (The
ultimate grade-z starring role as Vince
Brad)' Buoch). as a wardell. It W,IS of.
Rinaud, the crazed, scarred owner of a
fered as a theatrical release outside rhe
Hollywood wax museum, He used to
U.S. and reponedly was a hlg hit III
The People's Rl'public of Chma. The
be a normal-looking makeup man for
Paragon Pictures, but ever since stud io
big sc reen version also shows on crt blc
television. OWner Barry Kroeger disfigured him in
... Jealous rage over famous acness Anne
Mad scll/pror Clmeron Helm. hc's thought o nly of revenge _
MuclleU wlJu 10 an actrtlJ 1978 PFE lie Injects a secret {ormula in to vari-
wru. her head through a I'ROOUCoMSCM:£N\lrfAAEM: John Stanley. ous Paragon stars. Result- instant
hok In the wbk In Night- Kenn [},\\'IS stdtucs_ Cameron IS In top form ranl-
mare In Wax. DlJ.£CTO"-: John Slanley mg ~nd raving to scu lptured heads,
which arc ohviously the heads of real
peoplc stuck through holes in a table _
Watch them breathe. Watch mhers
trying fO stand still and imitate wax
figures. Scott Brady and John Cardos
are thick-headed detectives investigat-
ing the obviously demented MitchelL
Victona e m oll is a go-go dancer used
ro lure new vic tims co the museum.
Keep watching rill the totally senseless
ending. With the T-bones. Filmed at
the Mov ieland Wax Muse um in LA.
Director Townsend later did the X-
rated Alice ill Wrmdcrland.


THE NIGHTS OF RASPUl'lN, ,h is effective version of Gf.."Orgc Orwe ll's
See THE NIGHT THEY classic. The origma l hIm ends wi th
KILLED RASPUl'lN. O'Bri•.'n and his lover (Jan Sterling)
being ~hot. For ,he U.S. release the
e ndi ng \\',I S c h anged. They reform
THE N IGHTS OF and become loyal to Big Brothe r !
THE WEREWOLF With Michael Rf....dgrave. Mervyn Jones.
1968 (Sp<unfFnmce)
Donald P1casence hllso In TH X 11 38),
PROOUCE": Pl a ta Films
OIMeo!\: Rene Govar Michael Ripper. a nd Patrick Allen. By
!O.£EWWM'W: jacinto Molma, Rene Govar, n(lW Iht.' title IS a hll da ted hut the lllt.'S-
C. Belard sage is Increasingly relev;mt.
OklGINALLY "[LEASED AS: Noch.!s dd
Hombre LOOo 99AND 4-¥1(J('% DEAD
Pau l Naschy as W<lldemar Danmsky, 19i41Oth Century-Fox
Spain's famous werewolf. rNurns in a PkODUCU,: JO(' \'(I i::1n
sequel to Frankenstem's Blood)' Tt'TTOf. DIMCTOI\: Juhn hanh:nheunef
Naschy wrote the script usi ng his real SCI\EENWlllTEl\:Ruhen l )il l(1I1
name, Jacinto Molina. I-Ie fights a mad FrankenlwlInl'T (The M(lllchllrUI11 elm-
scientisL Nor yet released in America. ait/are. 'seconds) attemp ted to make
a furll n ~t lC, comic-hook-style ~ngstcr
N IGHlllYl NG satire. The few who've wen it seem to
1979 C-fllumhia a~ ree he failed. Richard Harri~ ;s a hit
PROOlJC[I\: Martin Rensohoff man caugln hetwe('n warrin~ g,lllgsters
011\(001\.: Arthur ] Ililer Bradford Dillman and Edmond O'Brien.
K MEN'IlmTEM: Steve Shil!!an, Bud Shr<lh ,. A s C law, Chuck CO nn(ITS has dl,tach a-
Marrm Cruz Smith h ie weapun s th a t ht his m e t,I[-S t Ump
BatS aTe scary, right ? Not this mne. A h,U1d (an idea sto len (mm Chamber of
New Mexican COmmUnl[)' o( Masbi In- Horrors of '66). A ri ver is filled with
dians is in uproar as cattle and pl'oplc Cl'men! ~h(X' ('( 'rpsc~ and the sewers cnn-
tum til' dead, horrihly m utdilteJ by a [,lin giant alblilo J<:a tors. There's lots of
horde of fakc- luoking rabid h,m. Trihal bi:a rre vloJcncl' in the rap/camp ~ tylc
deput y N ic k MancliSO is joined in the (rerhaps , I few year~ 100 late). With
ba ttle against them by Dilvid W:uncr. Harris' then-wife Ann Turkel (H1I1J1(!I1-
a surly En,l.llish b i ol()~ist who's been ouls of rh<' De<'p).
tracking down the m igmtory hea~ts ever
si nce they ate hIs fa the r. W ith S trmhcr
Martin ;m el Ge<)Tge Cha esi. an [ndi;ln
[969 c.,mnhHlwC;llth United (Sl'~in l
..... ho played a similar role in Pro/mecy. It ~lylW. German})
anothe r lousy '79 horror movil' . B~1 PI\OD UCEI\: Hnrry Alan T"wl'rs
DtI\ECTOII: JesSI.' I'ranc\,
1984 SCI\E(N\vIIIT£R~:
I·brr)' Alan T"w('r~,
19 S6o.lutJ1 "I ~ (Enghmd) (Il&W) Carl{l FaJJa. ~ 111uG. ella1a, k)!>C Fmm;o
PkOOllCEk:N. Pctl' r Ratlll'nn ORIGINAllY I\[LEASEO A~: W"·IlIJeres
MIChael Anderson
DlklCTOII= Besides r i di culo ll~ hurror movies, Jesse
SCMENWIIITEM: William P Ternrkl()n. Franco ,lo(ltnetll1iCS 1ll<lkes wUlllen '5 pnson
Ralph Bcll1son fill1l~-;I gre,H exc u,..., for sex :.cencs.
"\Var I~ p':'lCe. Frecdum I~ ,I;I\TTY." k~~e "I ... , h,l ~ grl(x! luck getting knn",n
Edm und O'Bn en dehl'~ BIg Broth.:r in pertonn('tli t., .ICt in his sensation,. I junk.

52 1
T his onc SUns Merc<.-des McC:nnhridgc NO HOLDS BARRED
as Thelma, a s:ldisric supervIsor of a 1952 Monogra m (B&W)
wo men's prison o n a Caribbean Island. 1'II00lJ(EII: Jerry Thomas
She's demored (O being an assislam 10 011\[0011; Wtllmm Beaudine
Maria Schell after IOU man)' prisonl'rs Tm} R yan, Jack Crurcher,
die. Mercedes gers her job mlCk hy ,IC- Bert Lawr<'nCe
cusing rhe new warden of h aving a Il's- Magic tums the Bowery 8o)'s into pro-
bian relat ionship wirh Maria Ro hm, fessional wrestlers. With Marjorie Rey-
a prisoner. Me:lll\vhile, on the s,,1 m(' nolds, Henry Kulky, and Hombre Mo n -
island , there's a men's pnson run hy t(lna. Leo Gorcey and Huntz Hall star.
Herhcn Lom, who likes to horrow fe-
male inmates for nights of pleasun'. Lot ~ NO tlfAN'S LAND
of floggings. torture .. . In 1983 Produ- 1964 C ent-ma- Vide o Internarional
cer Towers annOllnC<.'(1:l 3- D rcmake. (X) (B&W)
Russ 1·!.1tvey
NfNOl'CHKA Russ HfHVt'y of DIHlg('OIlS of Harrow
1939 MGM (B&W) '_ . plays Corpora l Je rry Linle in this Ko-
PkOOUCU.lOIl~ECTOII; Em s! Luhit sc h
rean War picture. He meets an Orien-
ta l girl wal king her dog and marries her
Billy Wilder. Waht:r RelM:h
aft er killing a sniper. Made in San
T his classic Garbo film fe a tures Bela
Anton io, Texas, and released the S,Hne
Lll~,'osi as Commissar Ram. Two )'cars
month as Harvey's other feature. Asso-
later, G reta was back in T u'o Faced
ciate producer- Par Boyette. Co-sta r-
Woman, her last movie, Two ),e;m. l:lIer,
ring Kim Lee as Anna Wong, with Lel'
&·Ia was back in HI' Det'll Btl! , SI)()()ks
Morg,l1l , Val Martinez, Henry Garcia
RIm Wild, The 1IllIIsible G ho:!r. etc.
and Capta in , Tom Lyrle. Musical di-
rector Jaime Mendoza-Nava is in volvt.-d
NO BLADE OF GRASS in a lor of third-rate Sluff, fro m Shell
1970 MGM (Enlthmd) Shock to F CVCT H em . -CB
r>«.OOUCWOI1\[CTOII: Cornel Wildt,
SC1\[[NWM"EIU; ~an FurcMa l. NO PLilCE LIKE HOtlllCIDE
Jeffe rson Pascal See IFltATA CARVE UP!
Actor Cornel Wilde directs his \)wn
Panic in the Ycar Zero. Instead of ;1 homh NOSUR VfVORS, PLEASE
it's po llulion :l1ld a virus Glus in j.( fam - 1963 Shotcht ( G erman y )
ine and the collar se of c ivilizaril)n. An PIIOOUCEII; 1·!.1n~Alhm
English family tries to r{"Kh <I safe (or- OlkECTOIIS: Iinns Albin. Pt'ter Bernt'is
tress ,lIld encounters de~[Tucti ve mOTor- SCII£ENWIIIT£k: Peter i3erncis
cycle gangs with ho rned helmets ,mel Lots of interesting German cheap ies
ritles. Wilde's wife. Jellll Walbcc, st;lrs [Urn lip latc <II night. It's hard to track
with Nigel Davenport (with an eye- down infnrmation on thl' m:my that
patch). A I.'>O wilh Lynn Fre,krick and were impo rted stric tly for T V packages.
George Coulollris. (R ) f lere, 11 repo rter and a beautiful Sl'cre -
IMy invcstiJ.,'flfC alien forces that are
lI~ mg [hc hodies and minds of murdereu
NO GREATER S f N.. See 18 scie nt iSh . About every 15 st'cond s
ANDANXIOUS. Ihete'~ a new scene with newchardcters.

Robert Cunningham and Maria Perschy Ex -helly dancer Nai Bonet stars as the
star. Walch for similar treats like The rebellious g randdaughter of Dracula
White Spider and The lmlisible Terror. (John Carradine). She nlll S off to New
Albin and Bcrneis also made one called Yo rk wifh an English musician and the
Games of Desire. -CB 73 -year-old vampi re fo llows. Mo re a
disco-comedy than a horror movie.
Filmed III Manhattan. Yvonne Dc Carlo
NO TEARS FOR co-Stars as "Jugulia." Prett y pathetic in
THEDMfNED every way. It played with Nai's ot her
1968 Gold St~r (B&W) cardboard h it , Hoodlums. With BrOther
PM>OUCEP.: O liver Drake
OlkECTOk: William Colli ns TIlt!odore. This feature was made possi-
SCAEENWM"tPS: June and Oliver Drake ble by the fin ,m c ial backing of ex-
actOr/embezzler Wil liam C."lilahan, who
Robert Dix (Blood of Dracula's Casde)
is a Las Vegas playooy who marries a was slain gangland-style in 1981.
prost itute and is driven berserk by her
two-timing. He kills twO girls, beatS a THE NORLISS 7ilPES
ho mosexual for mak ing a pass, then 1973 TV
tums on his domineering mother. Made H.ODUCWClk[CTOk: O:m Curtl ~
in Las Vegas. With Gillian Simpson, KkEENWklTEk; Wilham F. Nolan
Liz Marshall, G ay Conway, and John Before Kolchak, The Night Stalker be-
Cardos. -CB came a se ries, C urtis mude a third pilot
in ..... hich Roy Thinnes play~ a serious
investigator after a demon -statue. ABC
NO TMfE TO BE YOUNG went ahead with the origi nal concept
1957 C.)lumh'a (B&W) ,lIld thi s NBC one was forgotten. Wi th
",000(0: Wallace McDonald Angie Dickinson, C laude Akins, and
OIIUCTOk: Dav.d Lowell
H urd Hatfield.
KP.EENWkITEkS: John McPonlnnd.
Raphael Hayes
Robert Vaughn, Roger Smith of 77 SIIII- NOSFERATU, THE VAIl/PYRE
sef Strip, and Tom Pin1llan of HiRh 1979 20th Century-Fox
School Big Shm play three youths who
Werner Herz ..~
ho ld up a supermarket. Roger and Tom
AUO IW..EA$£D AS: N05f~(I{1t, Phanllml
don't ~el far, hut Vaughn, who kills a Nachl
cashier, al1llQst makes it to the Mexi - Since neither director Werner Herzog
can borde r hefOTe he is kilk-d when his nor the cast of Nosfemlll spoke Enghsh ,
stolen get away truck crashes. A Col- it was on ly logical for financier 20th
umhia " new fa ces" presentation featur- Century-Fox to request that th is re-
ing Dorothy G reen, Merry Anders, and make of the o ld story be film ed in
K:nh y Nolan (Kme McCoy u n Th.! Real English. Ac!Ually, Herzog filmed in bUlh
M cCo)"s ). - CB English :md German, and the English
version , which was never released, is
NOCTURNA, said to be a \aff-rio t. Instead, we get
GRANDDAUGHTER OF the Getman version with subtitles,
DRACULA which is slow- moving even b~' Herzog
1979Comrass InlernMion" j standards, perhaps because the story is
I"PiODUCEk.: Vernon i3t.'cker so famil ia r by now. Klaus Kioski stars
DIMCTOk/~CMENWkITEk; Harry Tatnpn as Dracula. With Isabelle Adj ani as

Kkil4l Kmslu IJ NOlo-fl'ratu,
the V(l mp~ r<'

Lucy '-brker and Bruno Gam <IS Jona- NOTHING B UT THE NIGHT
than lbrkcr. Mll~l( hI' Pornl Vllh. - BM 1972 Cin<'11ll1 Sy,[o:ms ( Engl ~ndJ
PI\OOUC(I\: Ant/lOll) No:lsol1· Kc \,~
011\£001\: Pt'fer S;lsdy
SCI\((H'oW,IT(I\: Brian Hoyl<'s
NOTOFTHISEARTIf ALSO I\£L£AS(O AS: The Re5urr«!iOn S),lIdictlte
19')6 AI"l-d Atll,t,; (B&WJ
The flrSI and last product of C h risto_
I'AODUCWOII\ECTOI\: R O),:cr ('.urm ~n
SCI\ilMVI\rJDI.: Q,'rk.... Onflith.
pher Lee's own production company was
rillS m)'stery/horror film abom killer
Coml<in'S most l'njoyaJc.le sclencc-fictlon
children who have dead people's mem-
film stars Palll Birch as a hlank-ey(.J
o n es. Lee IS a Scotland Yard inslXTtor.
anemIC alien vampire we~nng I>.' nlp-
Perer CUl>hlllg and Diana Ours co-star.
around black .~ hades and a huslnes.~ ~U l t_
He hires an UnSUl>plTtlllg nurse (Beverl y
It was never released to theaters in
Garland) to give hllll hlooJ inlecriom
and ~l'nd., spl'cimens of "Io we r-cl a~~"
Earth life to his home pl<llH'f lZl a
Illfitter-In111sfoTmarioll Illachinl'. V ic- nlE NUDE BOillB
[im~ include drunks he picks lip 111 fh e
1980 Unlvers.1 1
I'I\OOOell\: )cnfllngs L:lng
p~rk and ~ Chinalll<ln. Jonathan Il aze
OII\ECTO": Cl ,ve Donner
as his ~ uspiciou s cha uffeur <lnd Dick SCI\[(NWI\ITEIU: Arrw Sutton , 8'" D:l!1a,
Miller ~s a vaCuum cleaner saleslll im Leon!lrd B, Sfern
prov ide hUmC)f(lll ~ hlllchl,s. M or~an AUO HL£.\SEO AS; The Refilm of Maxwell
Jones is the Ill'TO cop. Great (a ~t-raced SIIl(1T!
nonsense with a flying, heaJ-cru~hinl! Ger Snwrt was a welcome half-hou r o n creatu re <inJ a Ill l ~ta kell rran~(lI~lon T Veach week frum 1965 to 1970, Ten
ot dog's blood. The alil'n didn't ~ now years lalcr, Don A,bms was hack as
the doctor was a veterinarian! S~cial Maxwell Smart In a film without Agent
effec ts h), Paul Blabllcll. Onginally co- 99 or Ihe Chic( (Ed Platt had died ).
h,l ll'J wllh Anack of [he CHJ) M On5 1~'Ts. It was !!Tecrl'd wilh Indifference. A n -

drea Illlward rLIY~ S m~ITI 's nt'\\' I';lrt· 111H NUrn ' PROFESSOR
ncr. V ittorio G,t.'~nun i~ a ~llImp· 19('d 1'.lr,un"unt
han Jed killer. With S~' lv i a KTI,u'l P"OOUCE": Ern..:,! n. (~ltKbrnan
(EmnuUludk), Rh,lIhl.l Heming, 1',llnd:1 OI"( TO": Jcrrr Lc''''
I-kn~ lcy, Bi ll Dan,1 ((JIll' of the wnteh), saEENII.'I'JT£~: Jcrn j C" I,.
Bill Richmond
M~lxw(:1I SII\;lTt cllmcs, and a tOIlT ut Jnry Lew" dlrect'.l hit! Pro·
Unl\",:n;,I1 StuJ io~. f,~,,"r K,·ll' ,kwl"ps a Jl·ky·Il-l l y·de for ·
I1IU\;1 ,111,1 lran~(llrm' hllllscif mto [he
,hcko.::d-d"wn ~!!ld BUllly Love (who
[-.ear~ ,l1lllnC;lnny re~emhl.lnce to Dean
~I.Htln). Stdb Stevens IS Ihe sexy
1'J78 In,j"I"><'n,lenl Imern.1! I"nal
'''OOUCU,; 1--.brk Sh"N'""J hright-eyed swJenr who decides she
0111,[00,,; AI Ad,Hll><Ul I'ref... r~ Ih ... sh y professor. J erry's son
AL50 "HEM EO AS: rk~')tkt [he l...II'inl: Gary· (whll em't gel a rl'corJing con-
A fTII,'llJly ll.year-old nur-.c (J i II J'IClIh- ([, let) n ull' li\-es III Lakewood, O hio,
'CIl) hceome~ I,,)ss.c~~c d hy the 'PITI! n t whert: he r.:vc;,ied 10 an exclu~l\'e 10'
,\ reh!:illu5 (,In,Hie who dlcd on the ,)p' lerVlew "'Jlh dIe UlkeU/(lIxJ Pm! that
l'rann!! t,lble. Everyone who partlCl- JeTTY ;md he haven't tal ked for live
patl'..! In hi, ~urgcry must die. ShcTTI, yl'ar~. C'mn n G,lry. call yUll r dad and
.nnwJ with meal cle;l\'eh :mJ a pitch· tdl hun YOII still care .
(Drk , gnes to work. With Geoffrq· Lmd
.md M.lrilyn Joi (115(.1. Harem K""'K'T (If NYOKlulND THE LOSTCI1Y
the Olt Sheiks). B~' the din'c!!IT IlfH'JTT(lr OF fIlPPOCRA TES, Sec lHE
flf the Bluod j\I(!llslt.'f). ( R ) PERILS OF NYOKA.

Vamplrl'.~ke abrn Paul

BITCh mrcmeru sUlTiel Bt'T-
er!, Garland In Not of
This Ean h.


• •
• •

6 • D.K. CONNERY: See bTl"her IS dug lip .IllJ hq!lIh klllmg
• • OPERATION KID IJRO'll(l;R. pl'upk·. \'(Iull Ild l<lry Dwyer, Rupcrt
• • Ilt\""·~. Judy Gee,nn. and Chn~f(l r hcr

• • OSS 1I 1 -IJOUIJLEACENT Ll'C III .I ~ m il ll role .IS a .locttlT. Also

• • I Y6S l T,A ( h;ln~<' [t,.h)

OIRlCTOP.: .-\",lr,'lllIIw"".'II,'
with it wrtch donor cI lied N\!alo and
tin- Oh~ O)!lmdl' dancl'T". Th...· hlm:d-
......·'o'mll<"5l·p..'T().'i.'i 117
,111\'" prOIllO .trI \\\t~ \"cry cI()",~ to The
//OIt'" IIf t '~hn .Ilk (M)
Psvcho nl·~[ar Joh n G,IVUl, ulrr,'nd)
,llIr Amh,I;,..',ldor to ~kX I «" I'r~t<'nd,
Ill"'~ bme~ Bon.1, t>.util1lg .m "".1" OIJSESSION
,inatlOn !-uTe,IlI III the M,dc,I-t, Til" 1976C,]mul-t.1
PRODUCru: G.:orgt' Lillo. Ila rT)" N. Blum
rule Illa~ h<l\'(' heen ,kCI'IV,' 111 ['T"\"
DIRECTOR: Brian r\"l'a[ll1~
IIlI.: his lju;Jllfic<ln,)Il' lor a dlrlom,HIl
KREENWI'.ITER: Paul Schrader
.lPl'oimment. \Virh l'vLlrg;lrd Ln', Curt
]lIfj.!cm . :lIld Luct>ll\,I 1'"l lI :: 1
Between hi~ I'~ychic- I'()w('r hits Carrie
:-md T he Fltry, ])l'P;J hnH dirl'cted this
mo~ tl y I,(:nllrcd H itchco(; k copy. AI(r ...~J
OSS 117 - /IIISSION FOR II him ~clf w:" rcpor tl,tl ly not too h;Jppy
KILLER with till' Wil~' Dt' P~lma and scnptwrirl'r
1'ol6S Emh"",\" (Fr,Ulu:/lrah) Paul Sch rade r lifted his Vt:Ttlgu plot.
PRODUCEII,; 1';",1
C liff Rob..·rbl.l n'~ wife "no d~l1ghter are
K "EEHWIt.ITEIU: J",1I1 H..I",. I'..~rre h ,ucall,[, kiJn:lpeJ hy his ex-part n l'r (john Lith-
An,[rt' I [urwh... II" gow). Yl.'ar~ I,Hef. Cliff nll'l'ts and f.l ll~
Ol\lGIHAll Y I\U[AYD AS; 1Il lo\"c with Gl' n e\' i ~\'l' Bu)old in Italy.
Furw A B.m", P<!liT O~, 117 Ill' Ihln b~hl"~ hI.;; wlfl' kilt she'!,> H.'ally
The h,'nch }llnn Bond. rb ~-ed h\ hiS(gu ...'ss). OTigmally to r.e ca lled DeJd
thl' AlNTl,m FredeTic Slafl~)rd (TI!p.:j~). VII. With a wry loud Bernard I-krr.
I!(!<.'S co Rill and dR-cove r,. ,j wo rld- mann ~,)rc. ~llml'd nn locatIon m Flor-
dmnm,\tIon riot lIl\olnng h)'rnoflc e nce .tIld Ne" Orlcan~.
Jrug~ ,k'TI\(',1 from a r<lrl' rlant. \VHh
.\I ~'lcne Demongl'ot O nl' of ,I h"lf- OC1't-IJIIA N
do:cn o r mu re ass
II i fill1l~. ll1o.~1 01 1971 Fl]m"r,Guli,j
whi(:h star diikrell! 117\. PROOlKEIU: }n...·] Fr ccm,tn. 1brry Dst'X
DIRECTOR: I brry b,ex
TilE OBLONG IJOX SCl'.rENWI'.Il[R: L"-I):h Chapman
1969 A lP (l}.S./l ll):l.lndl Direct-to-TV disaster direc!l'd hy The
HODUCEI'./ DIRECrOl'.: G,)r.1(,n H"Mll'r C rc(U!m.' fwm lIH~ IJ/(lCk i"<lgoon's SCripl.
SCREENWRITER}: LawTen, t' Il unt 111):t,)n. II"fI[cr. Kl'rll'in Matthews . Pie r Ang-eh .
Chrio t' )rher Wilkin):, ,md Jdf M(1rrow ,til come out or ~e l1 H­
PI.mned a~ a rn»l'CT by the Ltre MI - Ten T,'men! ((1 d lSCOVl' T a monster anJ
chael Reeves, d1l', I,nne 1','1: ,ld,lrTarion gl) rlm)ugh the Jow-hudgd love·rri angle
W:b The tir" of thrce Vincclll PTice Itl\'\'e~. Thl' uniqlle upright octopus
hlm._ d irecteJ by Amcric,m Gnrd,m m:!!1 was an cilrly crearion of Ric k Bak('T
Hl'ss ler III England. Price ;l~ Juhan (who Llt~'T d id American W'erelmlf anJ
M,lrkh<lm h", <I ,leran!.!l'L1. delormcd rhc ~ I,U CTe,HUfe 1Il St{lr \X/an ). A ngel i,
~r,l[her (Ala~talr \VllliaIlN ,n) whom h l , l11.ikmg ol Hu ll ~\\lKI(I (omehack, d lcd
<.k'C1Je~ 10 ~u r r ,11 1\"\' . The m,t~kcd nf ,I b, IThtlUr.n ..., ()\"t; rdl~' Junng fi lmlllg.
Shc onn' had d II'cll puHICI:cd :'lff,m
with ll!l\c~ DC:'ln.


1<)f,310th C:cnlUT\-Fnx
PII.OOUCEII.: VICt,'r ~t"lI<ltf
DI I'.E CTOI'.: RILharJ RlI,h
Kll.EENWI'.ITEM : LI,I'iC;" toC. Rich.ITd Ru,h
This cOlllcf>ack ,Htelllpr for r..terk'
Oh..~r'lTl I' lncrally ,1 hllln..:: 11lll\"ie filf1l~~d
In hcr 16th-ccnfur~' Mexico Cit\' villa.
Stcve Cochran, Jnh n A!!,Ir. and Sle\,,,
Bmdi~' arl' invllcd tll bc the rLI~lIl;"ltes
of a ll\1nphol1l:mi ,1C Mexico C ity "i-
chllile (:"'krle). Her bfe IS a hllrnlt sto'1
e\"~n hef(lr~~ hmther em! Jll rgem con-
k" ... e~ hb ("rhidden de'lrc~. "If y,lll ,Ire
.m ,I,llllt m every -cn"e of the w,)rd .
ylltl are qu,di!1ed to ,ee t hi S mo\·ic. ;"IC-
cord ltlg to rhe ,Ilk Sammy 0;1\",'. Jr..
!l\;hSaCre, "Kadll'nne'~ Theml'." Rmh

Wl'nt on wi/elI's AnKeI.1 on W/teels :lI1d
The SUint ,\ llIn. -CB

liJ60 hlmscT\'ICl' (I\&W) KERWIN MATMEWS
PkO DUCEII. : A,lron D.mch n
OII'.[CTOI'.: ROlli Hal),:
~" E[NWI'.ITEII.: Jes~ AH:x.>lt
Ilcnry I3randon and <;lI'amp-d lve o wner
_.. - .. - .
_ , . ..... _ .
,."....". .HDI OICI8ERTw- . r t ...WlHaO

...... c-..:<..- ........ W<J>-..c""" ",OOLOR

Pl.'ggy ~taley run ahens and dopt: mto

( .:ormJIl·s fir.,t, He J1Tl~cteJ tour qlllckle
the clJuntry 1I'1Ih SemInole glll.!e, and
\Vl'~temS in .1 row. This one .~ran; Peggie
air l:,'oal~. Petcr Coe's u:irl is shmned hy
(lnc of Brandon') henchmen and she
Castle ,b rhe woman the aJ~ Identified
as Ih.: "queen of thl' outlaws ... queen
~rrlrl'S IntO thl' '1111 umil hlim!. This,
of sm!" Sh.: runs t he g,lInbling hOlhcl
:llong wilh the Il:lngsters' habit of elimi-
5<Iloon <lIld th.: local elect ions. h\lo m:'ln
n,ltmg Ihelr helper." leads to an a ttack
cou ld tame her," mcludll1g Ri chard
by 50 InJian brnves. With Se rena
l)cnning, Michael ''Touch'' Con nor~ ,
Sande. Filmed on locat io n in Florida,
Jonath:lll 11,I:e, and Dick Mdlcr. She
co- relea)cd \nlh The 1\.lOllster of Piedras
an.\ C:'lthy Dlwm~ fight "with all the
Bl<mws. See The Wack)· W()1""k/ of Dr.
fury of s,n ';"Ige wildc,lts!"
;\'OTK'I~. -CB


OKLAHOAIA 1I10AliiN 1932 Ulme r",] (fl&W)
1955 AlP (B&W) Cdrl Llcmmlc. Jr.
PI'.O OUC[II./ OIII.ECTOII. : RO!;l'r Corman J,Ul1C. \\I]\,11e
SCAlENWII.ITE": Lou RU50ff K I\E(NWI'.JTE I'.: Ben Lcvy
1932 James Wha le movie. Chark's Ad.
d,lIm dId the main lirk' pictllrl·s. A
cOT\(u.....d Tum Pmton (lord IS a ~a les·
man ~rr.mdeJ In a ma nsion where mur·
der I ~ a way of lIfe. Rohert Morley is
Rod .... rlck Ft.'mm. Pett'r Bull (Dr. Srnmge·
loue) h.b a dua l role as Caspar ,I nd
J.lspar. Janelle Seon IS Ihe nic.e dallgh·
tt.' r. Fenella Flcldll\,L! IS rhe seuuC/n·..:
kooky on ..... One rclativt· waning for the
floods has IJlIIII an ark m till' backyard.
The mother sleeps With knitting ne ..•·
dies through h .... r lll'ck. With Mervyn
Johns (star of Deoo ufNiJ!ht). For some
reason it was ~h()wn in theaters in ~lack ·
and·whitt.' ~ut it's in cul,)r on TV.


1.1< "1~ K(!r~ ,if II) If..: dnlllk"ll Ongm:llly "J\'erti~d a.' "~mn(h .... r Whdl ....
1>!III..'1cumfilfu /.II/I(Ul DRlI CU&1.
n( ,I pictur....... with KARLOFF- thc
l.I<m"l. <111~II'lfl" Till' Frank .... n~fI.'1Il monsrer hilll~('I(.·· B"n~
O ld rbrk II"u')('
looh grl',l( a~ Morgan, till' hear.k'd ,mJ
:.c.ur...... l mute hilder, hili hl"S I"!lt on .... OEDDRACU&I
nf mrmy 'tars. Melvyn, ell.tTl.:::. 1971 All' (
Laughtnll, Gloria Sruart. Raym.JIld H. Wlcller
OIR£CTOII; Clt\·c Donna
M,I"SeY, ,mJ Ldli,11l Bond an.: slranJ.:J
S(R£( NWIIITU; Jcrcm~' lloyd
du rmg a ,form ,11 thl' hom .... o f a farllll~' AUO 1lElEA$[O A~: Vllmprra. Okl Drao;
Charle:. AJJam~ 1I1l15r 11.I\'c lov('d.
DaV id N iven stars m a vampire cum
Effelillnal .... Erne:.t Thl'siger h .. ~ a [02·
cd.,. unLurly ca lk'd a copy o f ¥Ulmg
yeM·olJ fathl'r. a pyromani,1C brother.
FraukclIslelll. It was made hefore that
and <I reltglous f,lIlMlC sister. \Vhalc
makes (un u( haunted·home lllystet1e~
film and rd .... ascd afterwa rd wirh nelV
title. Niven's castll' IS now a tOUTIst tra p
here the way he wa~ [() make fun of
wh .... re Playboy hunnies IXJSC. He revives
m()n~ter llluvil'S a few years late r in The.
his I(\\'e, Vampira, wilh a hlood trans.
Bride ()f FrankcllSlt'm. It's on ly 71 min·
fusion, but it turns hcr black. Ex·
lite:< long.
l.ilURh.ln comedienne T .:rcsa Gr,lvcs
plays th .... surpris('d v,Hnpire\ In.He. III
THE OED DARK 1I0USE th .... e nd Niv.:n turns hlac!.: ! From the
196111,lIllmn/Uninn.l1 (EngLm.!)
dlT(~ctnr of Wfuu' s New l'uSS)'wt! \Vith
Anrh"n\' Ill11d~
PP.OOUCW; William Ca,II.·.
DIR£CTOII; Wil!l,lIll C'I,tlC
Hanllner :.tars linda H ayden. VcroniC< 1
KIIE £NWIIITU; R"hcn DIllon C lrl.\o<m. and Freddie Jones.
William Ca:.tle went (() England to ftlm
Ihl~ Tt.'mak .... of PTle~tley's novel
ahout th .... cr;r:ed Fcmm Farmly. A fun OED ,I/OTHER RlEt:!' ,I/EE1'S
macabre cOlIll'dy wllh AddwlI.'i Flllnrly- THE VM1P1RE.. Sec lln' SON,
style fOlIch .... ~. u's nothing Irke the THE VM1PIRE.

11IE a l l/EGA ,IIA N Lltl'd 111 ,I _Cl'ne IllUTe eXrhUI th,m ,III )
197 J \Varn cr Bmlha, 4lnd Strl'l' t l<Orl~ fe,lnlfl.', The l'art
PRO DUCE"; \V:drn Scll:.." wln:n:: l},ulIlL'n',_ n,l11ny h;lng~ hL'r.-clf
Olll.EaOl\; B. IUS 5"1.:.11 in tull view . ,t ,1\:r"lll' I l ~m,111 c hil,lren
~C"EENWI\ITI'-S: J"hn \V,II,.,m, .. t a hlr!hd,I~' p,lrt~· I_ ;I I~ , u'hl'nllllg.
JOIn' H. Currington AnJ dun't (urge r [he I'fln t ~ kl~\\'l'rl'd
Sl' l:' 1th! v"'r~1< In ,l RIChard tvLlth ... '>I l!l '~ u n" hghtnln~ rud, Lee Rl'llIlck (,111m).!
I Am I....Rt'nJ (The Li:ll M/Ill rm E,mh "ft' ,I ha lconl', ;r Tll llllke)' .rt ta c k , ,1 dl~
\\'.l~ th ... tiN). Thi~ end·uf·tlu.:-wurld
ntl:lCk . . AlI\lIng fl'T dh' rcitg" ln-
~, Lg,l ~mn;
Ch,lrh,lIl Hl'smn III h..:twt'l'n tr, IlITll,lt i:nl m,h..~', the hl'lI W,I' ' lI C-
hl~' 11 her
cnd·,l· the-IV' )rld Ii lnl> (/'kmel fe ,stui ll' ~ Il": : lk - rrevu:wed 1m S \lmLIY~.
of the Apes ,mJ SfI)bll G rt't'fl ). Thmk· \Vlth Btllu: Whl1c1,IW, Leo ~IIcK ..:rn,
ing hl"~ the last healthy human [eft in .mJ lurk Harw ~' Sle H'n ~, By rhl' dl-
th~ Lu~ Angel('~ of 1975, he JI..c\l\·l'r~
re ct u r 0 1 :-i 1l/JI.'nllml. /)WlUl'lI: 0,,1<''' /I
:1 C UT(' J~)r th ... I'Ia).!tll' !hat' ~ kiltll1~ (lff 11':1"; till' j;r~t ~l'qUCI. (Hl
th.., rllpULlIIo n and protl'Cts hI1Tl~d(
II I th ,I rifle t hat has ,III tn ira-fl'.! :\C0IX' ,
Ttw film i~ wry ,wrly '70s: the nlU{,IIH ~ ON HER BED OF ROSES
kd by Anthnny Z... T"·
are mosdv hh.:k 19('(, EliHU", PI.I ) Cr,
PI'.OOUCEI'.: R"h.. n C .. r,11l1"-"
( B&Wl
.\l hl!111~ and aTl' memht: rs of a S\l n ·
like cu lt c;, lltxi [h(' Family; th..:: t>oTeJ OIIUCTO I'./ KI'.EENWflITEfI: f\lI'Crt Zu)!_tnah
I-h'~r()n re -\V.ltches \'(Iooc:hrll( k endle'>Sly A tecn,lgl' gIrl (S;1 ndra L ~' nn) g, lt.'~ TO
1Il ,I \';lC;IIH rhe:Her- .1 fat ..: WOI":>C th .1Il Dr. Kralft ~ ~binl! (Ric Mar1uwej ,I((l'r
<.Io.:<lth. With Rosalind CI~h, her tiancl\ (Stephl'n Long) murders his
mo ther, ra~ in ).: Ill' l t<.)ri~[ s, ;IIIJ him~lf.
Fb,hhlCb ~h,)w the flU IthcT-tiOllllTl:l tl'll
THE OJIEGANS m,rn 11'l1h ;t ro~l' fet bh J i ~{l\' t.'Ting he's
1960 r.l ranHlIlIll· T V (U.S. / N1,IIJ'pllll'-J
11llpote nt dUTln),! ,I ),!,lrdeTl seJue! Io n
~I'.EENWI'.IT[IU: \Val-hlll \""eel,IIl,I,
~l'n e .lIlti "hecumin),! tilk'.! with a desire
W , Lel' Wikler II) Ct lIlIIlII ! eV il :!Cts." Zl lg~l1l lr h '~ tcrnhlc

An l'xlTemd y ,)h~lI rl' horn )r/~ll' n C l'­ m OI' ll" ))'l're a Ill! m UTe flln when rhe y
tie l1 un ti lm, A ,_tr;tngl' tnlx' I ,~ immune t'e,HuTed Mkk c:y R,,,,nq :lnd M:lllliC
f" rad .. ,ac!iv(: \\';ller lh:H C;1u~e~ JI" V,ln Doren.
h).!uTemcnt and II(e ;1fter dl';l1 h , An <lrI -
1~1 nwkcs hi ,~ wife ,Ind lwr lovCT rose In ON HER IJlA.!RSTl"S SECRET
(he watCT, It ~ t :lrS horror '-Illeen Ingnd
Pin :md Keith L:men, 196<.J L nl( ",1 Artist_ (Ell~l;.llJl
PflOOUCEI'.S: 1-I..rr~ 5.1It:Ill;1I1 ,
'I'fIR O,JlEN AIIlt: rt R. i3n>cwl,
11}76 20th Centlll)··F"x (En~l,m<.1) OIIUCTOtI.: Pl'r.'T I hUH
PI'.OOU(EI'.: I Ll rI'er Ikrnh,ml SCIUENWI'.ITU: RI<.'II:lr,j t>.1,ll"'lUm
DII'.ECTOI'.: j{,ch:ml I)"nm:r A C0Il1111l!rcl.11 dl ~' l pro inr!l1enr .111 (' In
~1U[NWI'.ITU.: O;lVlJ Sdl :.:r (Iw , lh~c n C l' ,l S l' ;tn C 'lIlnery, t llis 007
I ne\'er 1h<')lIghf Gregory I\'ck would fi lm b less ).! Hnmlcky than u s I'Ted('ces-
l'nJ up In hig-hudgel s.,:nsatl u n ,.llst hor- :K,rs ilnd k'ar lIrl' ~ ex-AI 'clI~cn ~mr Di,lIla
r(1r nmvies. bm here he i ~ ,IS th e srl'p- RIg).! , I~ the ill"t uf thc "BunJ girls_"
I,Hher of the Anrichri~r who W ,h "bu rn SIll' "lay:,.!l1l' !-:OImhling slIk id, ll,bllgh-
li nt" ,\ jac k'II. " f).lvi(1 \V"rnn I_ Lk'capl- ter tit' DT<l C\l, ,Ill 1I11ern ,ltlOIl ;1 1 ).:, lI1g~t cr.

OOi ';I\'~'~ 11l'r Ilk, m.lrrl":~ her. ,md n I l',
/)<'Iil. l\L IIlI III U.' prd.... rre.1 ttl w,IIch
wh ... n -h ... \ ,hOI hy!lll' ",<,<."lnllll<h- Ill.!..:. Tht' Tmglo:r ,lIld Tho: \\"!hf) W'ullum.
'trllcnHe BI.,td.1 (Tdl} Sd\";I !;h). 1 hl ·
'I,'P.' Ct)Jlc ... m~ ~kh. h ,h,kd-. .mJ d rl.m
10 ,J..·'In'Y Ih ... wurkl hy 1Il;lkmc th..: I. . 'P. ONCE UPON A SPY
lIl.Hlon 'tnil .... \Vlth &"1,' 1..0\..... JIlII ... ltJ&' IV
Eg(~ , Cadwrlll,1 Vun ScIll' ult, . P~OOIJC[~;J .I\ [),mld
Georg ... L.c... nh y .1, J.lln<.", BOil,!. L"U1' OIf\((TO~ : 1..111 \" "\!~
Arrn~tr'JIlc '1II1b "\Ve 11 .1'''' All Ill ... !oCRE[NWRITU: J"nl11\' S.Ul.INn
THI1~' Hl Ihe \VorlJ." ~llI,ic hy J"hn TV· movl\' III dll' "J'1111{'~ B.lIld Ir;!di.
B.1rry. The TV "ef'lo n lId' '~'verd) rl" !Ion ," (eaTtlTHlj! '\ [,11\ wllh tht' Go/del!
,'..11["'.1. AtIlT Ihh, thl' ,,"."fI<.", ,hI ,uld h.I\'e Glm '1M ChTl~ I (1pht'r Ll'': d~ Marcm
vnJ ... d it all. (M l Valorttllll. ,I !11;ld,'ntbl \\'Irh a ,hrink-
111" 11l:t..:hlll .... D.,ln', l'xpeCI r.)O lllllCh.
Wuh Tl"d D,HNl!1, M<lfV LO III ~'" \Vclkr,
:tnd EI .... mllr P;lrk ... r.
J<)5,) l'mlc,j Art"I' (I)&\V)
PROOU( [R/ DIR£CTOR ; ."I<mi q I<r.l111<'f ONi! IWD 1'1'00 ,IYlNY
5(R[[NWJl.IlER; ,I ' ll 1':1\(011
1\)·H J'.,T.iln"unl (B&W)
\lUcil',"H war h ,'ut In i964 ~ Th l • Pfl.OOU(£IU; \Vdh,lI11 Pm" , \'(11111,111] T"(I'll'l~
'lIlly ['l't'pk' alin' ar ... ('llher In AU~lr; l lld DII\.[CTOR : hank ~ld )"!
o r ,m Grej.!ory Pl'ck\ ,(lhm'lrill'·' Ht' !O(RE[NW~IT[IU; \'(' in,hlll ~1111..r,
;Ind Ava G" rdnef rl'm;un CIvil 1111 th ... ~1."",'1I S],.I\JW
end, wll,'n we k'.lrrl ·'th ... r ... I' ,till lillie ." Bd,1 LU).!l"l 1'1.11' .1Il0till·r 'JIll-leT }-.ut.
\Vlfh nen'utl, Antho n y Pl'rknh ,111.1 In III ,I 1ll1lT.ln CtJllwJy ,t,1Trln!! J;l('k
Fred A~la1rl'. hlm ....1 m AlI~lr<lh.I . It 11.,1<,\ .h ,ttl IIburanc,' ... lll"tll.Jn h'n'd
made "Walt:mg l\l.l!d.Ia" ,I hi).! L:.S. I.) ).!u.lrJ dk" hllh 0 1 ,ttl l'{:cl"ntric nul-
hit. TIll' ,'e ,lr'., Ot!ll' f ...:-nou, look .It the fill' mdu hi, \\'1111' I.) 1'1.' r
(uture W.I~ Tht' W'urld, Tht' I-I... ,h WId th ... Wllh JI".11\ ",trler, b 1\, T.llhot. Bl.lnclw
Yurk.t. nur,'Ihy' Gr;II\).!a, ,m.! Ell /-klm.


19;1 ('"llIml, •• , (I3&W)


lillI!' I 11.,.1'
\V:tltT"" Ck'u MOtIf,' ~l)(" t ll pri,on !(If
rllhhing hn I"", who h.d mhbed Iwr
!.Ilhl'f. Atll:r 'I'TI'in~ r i llll' ~h<." gIl ... , hI
work i, \r 1[111-:0 H:I;ts .m,[ n ... Arl y' kdl,
the un ! ortlln:Ul' .. llfl"ct,\ r-st:lf. \'(Iit h
Clenn Ltng,ln. Ro~, Conway, and ;l
Illllching ..:n .. llnc.

Ask him about it! ONI ! /lOUR TO DOO,IISDl llc'



ONE ,IIILLION B. C. ~Jll (lila Pel'I);.'1. Unhtl led Christopher
I 'HO Ul1 1{C,1 An"t~ (R&W) L....... md Peter C ushing appear as Drne-
H.OOUcu: Hal R, >.I(h uta and Dr. Fr..mkemtcin. Lawford pitlys
OI~CTOM: 11-11 R'~1Ch. t-bl Rn,1 dl, Jr. two Ttllcs: ",lIh a lOO I take-Ilff.
!o(k[[NW'kIl E~ : M lCh·1l NOI',Ii.:.
('e.,rt!<: fiala. J',*ph rru.:kcrt ONE OF OUR SPIES IS
AU<> I'.El£ASt:O M: em e MUll
The ad~ hdlowcd: "The must exciting
a.!n'ntuTe in ;1 million years!" Victor H.OOUC(ll: B"n~ Ingster
:Vlmure (Ill hi~ first starri ng rule) ami OII\(CTO"; l),lrrdlllallenncck
Carole Landis grunt. fall in 1u\le, and K"EEHW"ITE": H, >w3rd l\oJlllnn
figh t dlll()~;llI~ III this exciting pre his- Vem Mi les, Ilwncrof a fashionable dress
tOriC epic. LOll C h;mq', Jr., plays the stllon , wanb to revlt;llize her elder-
scared !l'ader of the warlike rock people swtesman l.wet (Maurice Evans) with
and gels a llackcd I'-y a b i,:.: ox. Eif..-ct ive ;1 reJuvcnattun ~eru m . T. H .R.U.S. H.
:tCI'.'ncs uf h!ard~ doubling as dlllosaurs agt'n h Intervene . N:lpol ...on (Robe rt
h,IV(' been reu~d counricS5 rim es in Vau~hn) and lly,j (David McCallum)
low-hudget fi l m ~. The most s[,m ling come to ,Ill.' rescue. A Mall from
~e ne shows JX'ople being cove rl,d with U. N. C. L E. k<lture put together from
h,va. D. W. Griffith had ;,omethlllg to TV eri~odt: ~. With Leo O. Carrol l,
til) with 11 but had his n ame rl,'movcd Yvonne CraIg, and J ames Dooha n
fn1m the final credits. (SCOII), un Swr Trek).


[966 Hammt·rllOth C .. flIury.Fnx 1966MGJ..·\
( Engl'lnJlU.S.) P"OOUCEP.: Da\' lJ V
H.OOUCE"/ KUENW"IT£"; Michael Clrreras 011\(0041: Jo'iot'ph Sar).:l'll(
OII'.(CTO": 1)1111 Ch:lffl'Y SC"EENW"ITEI\: Dean Harij:HJvc
The roc k people arc fight mg the ~hell Rip Turn is Alextlnder rhe Greater in
IX'ople agilin . The dinosaurs are ani· the ,".-lull frolll U.N.C. L.E. (ctl ! ure
nlated this [iml' (hy Ray H arryhauscn) mtlde from two TV episodes. See Rob-
and blond Raquel Wdeh got a 101 of en V,lughn tied 10 a ~tone slah in a
pLlblic ity for wearing 1I brief fur bikini, "Pit and the Pendulum" par(x:i),. See
gotUing picked lip by a pterodactyl, and Tom altem pt to conquer the world with
grunting. With John Richardson, Mar· gas. Dorothy Provme is the viI bin's
tine Ikswick . and a giant turtle . Tocllt wife. With D,wid McCallum, Leo G.
el)S ts a real spider and iguana we re 1IS<.x\. Ctlrroll, and Yvo nne Craig.
With fa lse eyelashes and no spoken
J in loguc . 1,000 YFARS FROAI NOW, See
1970 United ArtblS (Engbnd) ONE WAY TICKET lV HELL
'''OOUC['-.; Millon EhtHm 1956 Eden (B&W)
OIUCTO": Jerry Li.'\\·ls P"OOUCE"/ OII\(CT04I/SCM:tNWl\lTt,,:
KI\([NWNTU; "'·b ehac! Perl wee B:'l1llct L. ['rke. Jr.
Sammy Davb, Jr., lind Peter Lawford The ad~ pnlllllscd: "The shocking truth
(the executive pn.xlilcers) star as night· ,Ibout narcotics and te('nage vice!"
dllb owners III this comedy ~eq ud to Girl (mm bmken h,l llle joins pothead

IOOforcyc!l' g:mg. She tTiCS to l11:lke a L'\sko wrote TIl(' songs. Originall)' a dou-
clean bre:lk by marryi ng hl' r chi lJhoo,j ble feature with Tank CU7!lmtllulos.-CB
swcl,the:m but is soon hac " with thl.!
g,mg. landing III the ho~pifal after , I
oorbiturate-influeIKl·J car crash . O n h("r OPERATION KID BROTHER
escapl..', she is forced ro sell d,)pc for J967 UnueJ Ani.ts (Italy)
PI\OOUC[I\ ; llirto Sabatcllo
Mr. Big, hut when the police start clos-
OrI\£CTOI\: Alh.,'rto Ot- Manmo
ing in ~he heads for thc IXlrder wlth
KI\l[NWl\rTEIU: Paul l evI. Frank \V~.rkt'T.
two Mexican hoy~. Cold tu rh.~~' 10 de"o('TI Can;lu
forces surrender. The caS f incJude~ AlSO I\[lEAUO AS: O. K. C"'lrlCT)
Barbara Marks, Rohert A. SIH'rry, A 007 ~p in()(f ":lrring Sean Con nery's
Robert Norman. and Joe POfXlVich, plus untalentl'd hrorher Nei l (as himself)
Bamler L. Price. Sr. and Jr. - CB and leftovers from Bond films. Connery,
a plastic surgeon/hypnotist/archer who
works (or the secre t service, fights vil-
THE ONLY WAY OUT IS lain Adlll(u Celi (Thwl(/crhall), loves
DEAD, See THE .1IAN WHO Danie!:l 8i.mchi (From R!<ssia with
WANTED TO LIVE FOREVER, Lond. :Illd takes orders from Bernard
Lee (all J3"l nd films) whOM' secret<trr is
Lois M;lxwel! (ditto). With Guido
OPERATION BIKINI L,)llo hri),.!ida.
J964 AlP ( B&W wilh Wj"T <;eqlll'ncc~l
""OOUC(II.5: Jamcs N. NICholson. L lil
Anthony Carras
!>CI\£ENW~U.: John T o Ulnl1n BLOODY DEVILS,
Despite the cast, this is not to he con-
fuS<.>d wilh AlP's beach movies. II '~ a ORCA HIE KILLER WHALE
serious World \Var II .l'wry ahu m a naq' 1977 P;lwmoun!
demolition team led by T:lb I hmter, ",ooucu: luci;Jnu Vincen:oni
who fall s for Brach Part)· star Eva Six OII\£CTO«.: ~·1t ch;JcI AnJcT~m
as Relko. Also on the low-budget suh !>CI\EEHWN1"(IU: LUCIano Vmccn;um,
are Frankie Avalo n , who sings. :lOll 5.:r!!I<IDun,t"
ScOiI Brady, Jim Backus, G :l ry Croshy, Mo re !:luehable no nsense presented
and Jody McCrea. who don'!. hy Oino Dc Laurentiis. This tasteless
mixture of Jaws and Mob)· Dick fea-
tures a ).!ianr whale after the killers of
OPERAll0N DMfES his rrc).!n:l l\l mate. Richard Harris and
1959 AlP C h:ltlotte Rampling star. The multi-
PI\OOUCEI\ : Stanley Kallis t,tlented Bo Derek has her leg eaten b~·
OII\£CTOI\: Lo uis Clvde Stollman O rca. Keen:ln Wynn is dragged under-
waTcr by Orca, and Robert Carr:ldine
Russ Meyer's wife Eve he:lds [ I USO is saved by Orca, who cats the sh:lrk
troupe caught behind enemy lines in that was atwcking him. With Will
Kore:l. A UN p:lTrol It,d by Chuck Hen - S:ll11pson (The While Buffalo). Orca was
derson locatcs the mi s~ i ng ent~rt<tiners ; rele:lsed between Dino's gian t goril la
romance, nude bathing, and freedo m :l nd gi:l ru buffalo ("pies. All ""ere finan-
fo llow. With Don Devlin, Ed Cra ig, ei:ll d ls:lppoi ntmenrs. Music by Ennio
and Cindy Girard. Screenwriter Ed Morrrconc.

I ':161 !~ D ,C;. Dl>tnhutur,
PROOtJCU.lDlMOOI\: S{\'l'hcn (:. A I" " ,,,[oft
K I\EENWII.'l(I\: Ed W, .. " l, Jr-
\Vo ndcrful d:,!\'J nudu: horror him with
a scrcc npld~ fly EJ \'(/00..1. Jr. ! It k. l-
lUres C n swell ,mJ slrlpp\'r, lik\, Tcxil~
Starr ,mJ B\Jnn~' GI 'N~ r. It take, pbee
un a (emetery ~cf whe re a couple ~ h ll W
up to find Tn.l!cnal (or a n,)\·\'1. The
M::l~ ler uf the IkaJ (Criw,'ell) ,H\J 11K
Pnllcc5.'i of [);.rkncs.' (Em'll 5 ,1\'(,'r) have
them l ied 10 pusts and make ,hem
watch smllers Iw mg IUJgl"1. T W,) "11, "
li ve" men in ~ (ripe,1 ~ kirt ~ ,get In [-,,',II
their fo rme r ~];l\T U WIlL'r, ,I fork"
hlo n,le. A topless murdercs~ ha~ I n
marry a skcicron. One W(lman I~ turne,1
11110 ;. gold s la rtle and ,mother I) tllTnl'd
lIH O a cat (she a [('or ,'Td )1111
with ho les for ha hrca sl) fU sti c k
m it) . \Vtth a wCrl'w.) lf, a mWllIny, .md
l'vell t>e!tl'T dla loj.!Ut.' (h;ln I'/all 9 from
OUleT S(xl<:"'.

ORGY OF 71/F. GOLIJF.N 71/F. OTllliR

NUIJFS, Sec HONEI'AIOON 1"72 20l h Cl' nlllr~'- F<w
OF HORROR. PI'.O OUCEI\JOI l'.E(lOl'.; R"h,,'rl ~ l ull ',I!.ln
SCIUE NWI'. ITEP. : T"111 Tr~(l!1
ORLA/(, F.L INHF.RNO DF. T hIS chil ling ~lIrcrn .l1mal {,Ill' ~cI In
FRANKENS'J'E IN the '30, 1,>1 Ib Ith~ The W!'llrort~ ,l~ ,I h,IT-
1960Columhl ( ~I o:xlcnl ( B&W) roT II\,WI<:. A ruung 1>l1}' ,lIld hi, eVIl.
PkODUCEI'./ OIMCTOl'.= Raf,I..,! B;lkJ<", ,k,ld (?) brother dl, rupt till' luck rel ;l -
!oCMENWIUTEI'.S: Alfr""ti" Ru,m<)\" .. , li Ves and IWlghbun., Ex~'Cutlve pr,lo,.lucer
C;lrlo, E. T ah..." d;l Tum Tryon, :\ (,l nUl'[ ,Ie tnr wh (1 rhYlod
lr '~ F"mkcn~ teUl - \Oll'xlcan ~ tylc! Aller ,llll'll In 1 ,\I'IITl':.J (I M unSfer fWIII Older
(h {" mad doctor (with the hl'lp \If S/xtce. wr,)le th .. 'lree npla)' h1.<;cd 011
hiS fa IThful ~(' r\";lIu Pedru) c re ,H ('~ hi' SIllIlI.1Tl y tititoJ n,I\"el. \Vlth U ta
the 1llti11l;l tl' ;1\an he d l ~C(lvcr, 111,11 till' !!agc n, Diem'! Mu!d:1lIr, and Ch rt. ,Hld
IOO,OOO-vult 0 rll.'f;l tl I1 n h a~ ml'lll'd 11' ~1.1fI11l Ud VM no k) ,,~ till' (11"llb.
facc! So dll' mon,re r, wh (l~e face lrl<.)b
hke the ptlsl lC pUkl' you can huy 111
novelty stll re" spl'nds lIhl~t of th e 711i! 011/ER S I/J/;: OF
(Imc WHh a ,a'l'! ho x n n II ) he;lJ. BONNIE / INIJ CIXIJli
One of !Ill' mon.' e nt~'rtamlllj.! SI Ill! h-o(- !9n~ I\\I-An (1'\&\"(/)
the -horder horrors. NO( d ui-hed 1Ill" PI'.OOU(EI'./ OIl'.(CTOl'.: Lltr\' t}lIch,l1l,m
Engli ~h. but whu C;l rt·~. )"\llI'1I tigllt!: D'lC\lm .. -~ty!e. So:~ :1ctual "Iot -
It u ut. <)1 the hl\lo.lI.h ,\mh u,h .'>(t' lk . II "ten

In on the 4lK'stloning of g,tng IlKmher
G (ll.m , Cohurn also 'tarred in III Lke
Floyd Hamilron, visit with Texas Rang. Flml C67).
er Fr,mk Hamer and h is famil y. When
,Ill' director of N(III1{hr-y /)«Ilt.l~ and erell'
fIIre uf Desrrucriun runs 011 1 of newsreel, OUR ,I/OTHER'S HOUSE
he drop;; In a couple of scene" wrth Jo 1967 MGM (En),:bnJ)
",OOl.lCERlOIUCTOII.; Jack C laYlon
Enterentree and Lucky Moslq as Parker
and Barmw. Burl J\'es narrall'S. -en
SC"EENWRIT£A5; r .. my Brooks.
Hap ~tlr:lTeel
More c hrllm).! chddrl'n from the (hrec-
HIE OTHER 1V0,JlAN tor 01 The Inll(Jc<'lIts. The :.<:\'el1 Hook
195510thCmruT)-.Fox (B&W)
cluldrl'J\ 11\,(' in a Vicwrian house where
I [uj;:(l llaa_ th ... )' Ii~ten to their hedridden mother
r('ad (mm Ihe Bibl .. every night during
In his seven th onl"man production
"m'Hhcrt iml'," \Vhcn she d Ies [her s.,'-
Haas plays a second·string direcwr 11'11,>
cretly hury her and commul1e with he r
):.:Cts hi lnsclf in hi):.: trouhle f;1y lettin),:
spirit. Lif(· goes on as usual unt il their
Ck,o MO{lre aud ition (or a bit par(. l ie
r,,11en fathl'r (Dirk Ro),!;]rdc) shows up,
passes her (lver, so she bccol11e~ crazl,d
sq u anJer~ their mone y, and makes [he
and lUTes him into a cOlT1prnl1li~rn),: ~it.
IlIlsrah, of tl'llin),! them the truth ;]hollt
uation complete with spih'd drink. Un.
Iheir l1l(lrhl'r. Thl' kids inclu(k' Pamela
less he comes up with SO grand ~he
Franklrn and M a rk Lester, bo th of
willlnf(lrm hl ~ wife of their torrid love,
whllm ... nd ...d up playi n j;! m any similm
which resulred in unwed rnorherhl)(XL roles.
A peJJk'r charged with th ... ~llhsc~IUellt
~rm ng l rng b frl'ed when Hug(l'~ g UIlt)
con-.c tenCl' InreT\'ene~, and the aClnr. OUT OF S IGHT
dlTcctor ,1f")I()'-!I:e~ for Ih l, unhappy end. 1966 Ull ,,'e~a[
Ing from hts nl'W pri:.on hOTlle. Scl'l1U1 ",OOl.lCE"; B;IT! P.lllon
OIUCTOR; L~'nnre Wl'lIlT1h
.1n<l Srrm'R<' F1ISnnatlr/fl. Lmce Fulll'T,
SCkEEH ....... IT[R; LITT)' H \W1S
Lucille Barkley, and John Qu,rlen
co·~tar_ -en A tl'en,lI,!l' /Sc..'CTel agenr/musical com<.-dy
wlr]) :1 f.lir ah(lul In be sab()[aged hy
OUR ,JlAN FLINT BI,I! ('>.1ddy (John L1wTcnce) who's heen
1966 20,h Cl'mUr) ·F,lX "dTiven mad h~' rock 'n' ro ll." The fait
""ODUCER: S,u,1 [lwI,[ (l';~ture ~ ~ IX hit ,lCb hut no hit son j;!s .
DI RECTOR; Llll1lcl Mann \Vuh til(' Turt k's, thc Astronauts, lhe
SCR£ENWRITEA5 ; l!al hrnhcrg, Iknn S{,'TT Knickerhocko.::T~, Dohic Gray, Gary
Star J,1Il1e, Cuburn m;]kes thb ()Ill' uf Lewb ,lI)el the Pl ayho ys, and hottom ~
til(' Il('st of the J;ln1l's R,JnJ _'I'" "A~. He's of·rhe. h'l rrcl Brit rock by Freddie and
the lJltimarl' spy/, cuJ (Ill' wlJrb fur Ihe Dre:l llK'r~. Fl'<lturiTl),! the girl froll l
/.:.O.\V.I.E.), carries a lllllltlpl!Tp')~l' F.L.U,S. H., be<tlltiful spies na lncd
cigdTdle li),!hler, and '<lve~ till' world Scu ha, Wipe(lut, and Tuff Bod, midgl't
(rulll threl' m,ld scientIsts \I'll" h.l\'l' Billy Curt l~, Buh Eubanks from The
COlltrul of the II'c'-Ither. The rhellll' No!lI'hu,d Gmllt:, and Jamie F'ITT. JUIl ~
mll~IC b gre;!r and till' pan ar...)ul :ul1lhc arhat; 1);lly :lIlel Karl'n Jensen ~rar.
,l!l r!., I-..:in.!! nained ipr plc,hure on an
hLlIld I.' lInf()rgdtal,[y 'lh~url[ . \,(111 h Ln' OUT OF THE' DARKN ESS,
J. Cohl', Edw;Ul[ MII[h.~re, <tnd COrl,l Sec N IG'llT CRRATURE'.

CONNEC11ON 1967 Gillman
19i 'i Slinn CI.I~>l C> ~OOUCEII./DliUCTo-.: Tltu~ M()udy
DlkfCTOfI./ KUEHW"'T£I'.: Fr~...1 W .. r" h<)hl y Weddings, funeral s. and vacations.
A !I<: ns wdl n.~!Urn o n Decemher 24, mondo-eye le- s t~· le. Producer-direc tor
20 11. How old will you he ! Sunn C las- Moody alS() a rrea r~ ;I S Titus Moede in
~ i c Fil ms return with another highly Rat Pfink and B"o &....! ,lI1d The Skyd!t'ers,
q llc ~ll \m d h l (' " Jnc umenmry" b .. ~d o n among o ther". O dle r Gillm,ln fill1l ~ :
th e ,haT ,.i.em ,Hl' n:sponsihlc (\ )1
ide;l AirbornI' a n J PaHiull Sln'i!1 U.S. A. - CB
cn~ r yIIneXpl<l Jncll CI"em In h l ~ (() r y.
Somehow the ~' got R.I<.! Serling to lend OUTLAIV TRFASURE
credihl1lty as narratuT. An American 195 5 ARC (AlP) (ll&W)
~l'llud to C/Ulrio[ of [he Gods! . PI\ODUCEI\!KREENWI\ITO,: John C~rf":n{e T
D'RECTOR: O ll" cr Dmk('
John Fo rhes stars as ,tn i"l rrll Y frllllhk-
shontn who e rn"",~ p~Hlh with h...... k :.s
OUTLAND Ad .. le Jergens whik inve~tigating a se-
198 1 L IJe! Co rnr,Hl y/" ',nrlcr Hn )lher, nes of gold-shI1'1I1l'l1t h d ~ t s . " He could
I'kODlJ([1\.: Rl ch:uu A . RI)lh ta me the \Vc~ 1 hUi h ~ld diffic ulty with
DIIU:CTOl'./K I'.EEHWI'.IT£I'. : r e l,-'r H \~nh a blo nde hllmh~hel1 !" When her ring-
}-I ran", whose Catmcom Oil£' \\' ,IS the leader h )y(riend (Glenn Langan) r('la li-
first SF IlHwic \\'LTh\l\lt an)' SF, fu rt her ates h~' guing ,lfteT the hero'~ elderl y
duc ulUcnls his conte mpt for thl.' genre farhe r (al",) pla ~'ed hy Furix's), she de-
(and insult ~ \'Vc~ t ern (,Uh, too) hy feCI' III t he ,ide o( JlIst iCl'. \Vith Frank
scttin ~ Ill S rem,lke ,,( HI~h )\ '()I) fl In "Red" Carpentl'r. MIChael \vh<llen. <lnd
(luter space . SI',m Cllll!1Cry IS the rell- I brry Lauler. CB
ernl DI Stri CT Marshall of The milling
C , )IOll ~' o n 10 , third muon (If Saturn, THE OUTLAWS IS COAliNG
Conne ry ICdrn ~ tha t an l'pidl'l1I ie ,If 1965 C" lumhm (B&\V)
e ta:e"! vio l(:IKl' ha~ heen camed hy a "kODUCEk/ DIRECTOk: N,mnan M allTc r
Hlpe r ;lmphet ~ lrnln e drug f1n~; f<) siknce SCR[[NWk'T£k: Elw,)(xl Ullman
him. co mr;Ul ~' g:1)(,ns aTC hcaJcd tor t he The Three.' St()(lgl'S in thei r last fil m
co lon y via ,hl' noon ~ IHItt1e , I lyams' Jilin (uture i3mmull AJ~lTn West (luI wcst
primll ivc idea of futurizcd susl'cns,' b wherl' ,h, '\, def,';!! f, lIlllllls gunfigh ters
'}'pdied hy rq1Ciul,d ~ huh of a digital ,lIld Il lJtlaw~ with the help o f Annie
clue k readout slipe rimposl'd un the Oakl e~' (~ , m c~ Kovac) . With Stooge
IIlilian l and~clJ't.'. Thc cffe C1~ arc l'XCel- Elml Sitka III three ro les and
le nL ho wl' \'cr. anJ SI..'cm to ,Iraw 1Il., pi - H ,'nr~' G ih", m . Mill' appe:lTcd in (wo
ration ftuIll the design.~ of AII .. n (:1major mure Jtlm ~- /JI!Il ' 1 W/IIlT)' Wr' /{ Think
Alan Ladd. Jr.• pn'JCCt (rilln h i~ lOIh "i'l Title an ..i /)oclI!r Demh, Sl'eker of
C entury-Fox J <l Ys, ju ~ t pnm to thl' for - Souk TIle pr<.);.Il1c n-~lir'~I <lr (M ("I1.·'~ son­
IUlll io n u( !lll' LadJ Comp.IIlY). In puh- m-law) al ...:} wro te the story o n which
l i ~ hed IIlter\,lew ~ . H Y,lil\', wenT til great th is was bi"lst'd.
I C l1gth ~ (0 dcn~' fhl s, hut o(t-tlw-rcrord
~t atemems hy ('f(ect~ c rewmembers 1Il -
dlCaIl' tha t thl' rescmhla lll.. e wa ~ nOI tit
all eo inc ident~1 1. \'ililh Fr:ll1Cn S tern -
hagl'n and Pet,'r I3(l~' le, (R) - 1\,\\

• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •
• •

PACTO DIABOLICO (crutlr('), II 00TVCY Lemheck, Donn,)

196R Lorcn, Susan Hart, and hit~ hy Don
PkO DUCEI\: LUI, Enrl'lU" Vcrgdra
Rlckle~ and Fr:mkie, Music h~· the
OIk[CTO,,: Jalm(! Salvildor
Noon!!)' Rlekl'l Four anJ Annette, who
K It.[[HWI\JUM; R~I1 1(>n Ohon. Jr.•
Adolrho Torrc~ Portillo Sings "Wherc Did I G,) Wrong."
A MexlC,11l ver~ion o t Dr. jek;dl wul MT
H)1k. John CarraJmc rlay~ an old '><: 1-
I'nll~1 who Jrmb a I'otu)ll mad ..' \\ IIh 1~INlC 111' LAKEWOOD
l'xtraCb fronl bVlng wom ... n and he- ,IlANOR, See IT HAPPENED
co me~ <I young ,lnJ Mexlc.1n killer AT MKEWOOD ,1111 NOR.
(Miguel Angt'] AlnHe:). \V'lh Regma
Thom..', Probahly neW T duhhed l11to
English. Mild ... ,11 (he ~<l me li m e ,IS LI P,INIC B U'lTON
Se,iom .\IIIcrte. 1964 (,,,non AWICI~t ...~ (II:. I},) (R&W)
PkODU(£k: ROil G('>rtlln
PA.lA;IlA PAR'll' DIk£CTO": U ..'t'rj!e Shcrm,m
1964 ,\1 1' K"EE NWIIITEII: Hal B1II<'r
PI\ODUCfIl.5: J,lme~1>.1. Nl(hol"ln. Sc\'l'n tY-'lx· ~'ea r-old MauneI.' Chevalier
SJ lllucl Z. Arkol( rlap .1 fOTgO!!en old :lefOr C:lSI a~ ROl1leo
DlkECTO": l)on \Vci,
in:l TV pdpt film made In Ir:lly, A star-
SCI'.EENWRITEP.; LOI!!> M. I Jc\,w,mj
let wllh a vo luptuous hody hut no lai-
A follow-ul' to Dmch Parry. A, ,hl' Mar- ent (jayne M:IJ1~field) is Clst as Julie!.
ti;lll G,)·Go, Tommy Kirk .Hn\'e~ on The Idea i~ to make;1 cl'TTified fiop- :ls
Earth and fall, in love wnh Annette In The Prodll':('Ts, Akull Tmniroff is hired
Funicdlo, It rnU_~1 h,1\'e been the in'PI- <I~ dlre<:tor, The film's invt.'stor (Michal'!
f:' IIIOI1 for ,\Iork md MmJ" \Vlfh Els.) umnllr,) and hlsex-wzfe (Elemor Par-
LanChe~[er a~:m en~cntf1C dUn! \\lIh.1 ker ) tilsglll,>(, Ihl'nl'.ekt.'s a.' !luns and
Akull T(Ulum/J mel /(1 h idden /ortUlll', Je~~e \Vhlte ,l~.1 cr,)o\.., [,Ike a prmt 01 thIS l?umeIJ mill Jlllict to
.1110:.1 lilYl1<: ,\I.UI~JidJ III BlNl'r Ke.lton as Chlt.'! R{l{[en l:..lgk, ,he Venice Film Fes[tv,ll where it rakes
P;)nl( Button. Doroth\ Lamour (in her I.I't the,um:,d all the hllno r~ a, be" comedy.

1,)68 Cumnwn\h·"hh lin""" CONGO
P"ODUCO.: E<lrI L\'Iln I<J ;; RerllH K (13&\'(1)
DI"ECTOl\; EJ,I,,;: n ,lll> PII.Ooo(O/ I>III.[( IOII.: Fr,mkllTl Ad rl'Ofl
$Ck[ENW"ITt"-S: EdJlc D~I'I', KII.[[NWII.ITEII.: R'lIl~I,II ),,,,,I.,,,'n
Ch,lri", E. S;J\'.I~C AlSO II.n~o AS: TIu.' Cbu' ,'vI"Il)I<'fI
( :tl mmunis{ c o n'rlratt)r~ i'Jl,hl'1ll1,lh Onl} <":olumhl,l ,1n..l Repul-11C (on tlll-
I'l'TSO(f imJ Anne JdfTll:~ plan t () ,kr<.l- ue ..i l\I.lkll1,L!: ~eTlal, \I1t,) thl' ';Os, The
nate an ato m ho mh in L A . Govern- la,1 \\'t:re till' W{IT,t, <In ..1thl' was 'lIll' ( If
IlIl!nt "ge nt I towa rd Duff ~,lc rL fiCl" thl' Ph) II,~ Cua tes (the onglll.11
till' Ci ty. Nucle,n hOT-
h llll~d f ro ~,I \' e Lui, Lmd I,n't mllch of a hl.'n)IIll'. She
r')f, with LinJa Cri~t"l. Ste\'l'11 Me - u,uall) 1,1111\' ,md ICb MIron J [1.'"ley
N" ll y, [\:nru;; I h ipper. Juhn H.,yt. and ..In thl' ti[!htl1l~. A )(1I.'I\II't (Anhur
S tanley C l (, l11 l·nt~. Sp.Kd turn, lohskr, Into )!ld nt hICk-
rroJI.'Cl cJ "d:lW 11lOfhtCh" 10 ~c aH.' rhe
luc,ll n,HI\' e-~ ,IW; IY Irolll ,I lh,uH und
PANIC IN I1IE YEAR ZL!RO! tnin~'. The n" II\' e~ ~Cl rl.' l': I ~l ly : une
1961 AlP gUIl,hot ~e nd, them TlJIlntn)! through
P,"OOUCEIIJ: Arn"ld Iloll)!hl.1nd, L,u RlI\o<,]t Ihe JllllgJ ~·, The trn'-'W ill)!mg foo{,lge
DlnCTO": R.lI' .\-[ill.m,1 W ~I:> Llh'n from thl' 194 J ,eri:l] }ullj!le
KI\[[H\\I'klTEIIJ: j,l \ SIl111n~ . ), ' hn ~ l" rl<)Il GIrl to ',I\'L' nnw <lnd monl.'),
AUO "-ELEASED AS: rh.: End .4 1ft..> \~ '"rk'
R:IY Mdbnd Jin:Cfed fm: 01 Ill, own
hi m:> hut thi~ I, the one ro look for,
1902 PJlhe ,AnwTlGl (B&W)
evc n If you' re not ,m cnJ·of-the·wnrid
movie complctl!>1. The Baldwin family Ilu)!" I-l.ia~
t ~ gomg on <1 h~h lll g tnp. R,lY I ~ the AlSO II.ElEA5ED Al: Sr,IT.! 11\ ) ( >IIT IJ,""'k)(lrJ
..I,d. Jl',1n Hagen is thc mom , M;lPr C:e-ch·hmn I [ugo H ad~ , the Jirectur-
/l.ll1chdl" the 17 -\'C<1[-o]J dau~hter and ,I ,U 01 ,I , ..' TIC' of wundertull} tT<1 ~hy
f-r.lnktc Avalon I~ the son , Thl'Y hl'.lr
,111 C XI, I')~I(l n ,md re,l li:"..! , h,lt L.A. hOb
hcen lewkJ hy a nuck'lIr ~ I,,(X)I -
l'r, nn ..l ktllcrs ;lTl' t:\"crywhere. :'>Jot nnt:
to givt: up, DaJ holJ, up d ~")re for
'llpphe, and hldc' Ihe (,l1nity II) a C,I\"C.
A g rOllp v i y uu n~ {()llgh~ r,lpc The i
d,lUghll.'r. All thl' wou ld Ix· vl.'ry Jl'- •
I're~~mg except (nr the T;.IlICOU) mu, lc
by Le~ B,lxter ,mJ the bnJ ;lctm~ hy
Frankie, Lblen to thc kiJ) haw Irl~nJ l y J
Mgumenr~ about whether the C:l nm'd i
(UI.X! I, mU luactwc or n,)t. Don't worry,
R,IY W;lS soon back in two mOTl' All'
hit, JITectc..1 hy Roger Corman. -

movies in the '50s, fittingly ended h iS
career by playing an e lderly, once-gTe,lt
fi lm dirt'nor, in this eccentric Illorallty
play. Hc moves IU a seedy L.A . board-
ing houSt' filled with various unhappy
unfort unates and announces he's mak-
IIlg a film starring thclll called The Cho·
sen and the Condemned. I-Ie neglects
to tel l them he doesn't h<lve any film
in the camera. Eventually a studio dis-
covers his plans and finances a real film.
In real life nobody tOver backed Hugo
again. With Marie Wind'.or, William
Schallert, the elderly Corinn e Griffith,
Margaret Hami lton, Almira Sess ion s,
and comedians Billy Gilbert and Ches-
ter Conklin. Don Su lli van (Teenage
Zombies) <lnd Carol Morris are the teen
stars. Sylvester Sta llone had a lo t {)(
nerve stealing the title for hi s directo-
rial debut.

mRAD1SE -HAWAIIAN body appea r naked! A nd somerilm:s

STYLE In 3-D! Nobody seems to know who
[%6 Par,omounr directed rhis oddi ty and it ma), ha\'c
MOOOCU.: Hal B. WalliS he..::n made a~ early as 1956. Leslie
DJP.£OOA: Mrcn:.d Moore H oward'~ hrothcr Arthur 5lars with Eva
SO[£H\VIUTEP.S; Atr:m \'(/eLss, \Vat'gnt'r. For more ).1) nudie con-
Amhon ~' Lawrence fUSion, ~e The Pklyblrls and lhe Bellboy.
Elvis, in Hawaii again. is RIck. a hell-
copter-charrer-service pi lot surrounded
by beautiful girls. He gets grounded
because of canine interfert·ncc. With
1968 r,lIl(are (Fr:lnce/ ltaly)
Suzanna Leigh, Marianna Hill, Philip P~OOUC[~ ; S;11v;u on: A1abl5o
Ahn, Grady Sulton, and linda Wong. DIUOO~; Umhcrw Lenzi
Hear Elvis Sing "It's a Dog's Life" and K~[ENW~IT£P.S : Ug" Morelli.
"Queenie Washine's Papaya." Uml-"':rI" Lloml, Mane eLm Soll<'vllle
OAIGIN.uLY ~[lU.S[D AS: Or.:,mn"
As a soc ialite widow in Italy, Carroll
PARADISIO B.1ker is the victi m of a scheme to gain
1962 Fanfare (England) (B&W, J-O) contro l of her inheritance. She's se-
p~ooucu.: Jacques Henriei duced by a you ng man who drugs her
SCP.£[HVn.ITEP.S: L.a"·rence Zeltllll, and mak es her participate in orgies
Henri Hai le Jaeque5 Henriei
which <He phot0Araphed fo r b lac k-
An Oxbridge Univcrsit)' professor in ma iling, Soft-core sex and psychologi-
Austria comes into posse~ion of a spe- C,I] horror with one of the stars of The
cial pair of sun$:lasses. They make every- Gremesl Slury Et'eT Told.(x )

PARANOIAC Rich,It\.1 B<l b ly<tn ;1Ccidenlally kills <l
1963 Hal11mcrIU !lI\'l·~,,1 (EngLlnJ) -"oldier wht) « llIed h im a coward. He
I't';ODUC[A: AOIh,IOY Hinds clears hl ~ n;l[1Ie hy trirping a series of
DIIIECTOil;: Fn.. Jdll~ Fr:mCI) lan.1 mines to opc n <l p<lth for <l much-
SCll[[NWklTU: Jimm y SangsTl'r
nc<~ded I',ldio .c:encmtm, giving h b life
Oliver Reed makes a great I'~yc h o whu III Ihe process. Ken Lynch , Jack H(~>an.
plays an mgan in the chape l for the and Jimmy Murphy cnmpl('(c the mi s-
mummy of the b~lby brother he has ~ion . Wltnq came 10 A lP afTer II years
kill('d . His s i~f e r (Janette ScUll) thinks al Republi c. A ch lble bill with SII'"
she 's going e rm,' heca ll ~C the cle"d numne St'aJum 'k, -CB
hrother shuws up ali ve. Full uf decep"
tions and piottlllg. it's one of r\w bet- PARIS PLAYBOYS
ter carly Psycho-inspired films. 1954 Allid Ani'ls (B&W)
",ooueo.: Ben Schw;llh
PARASITE DIIO.(OOI\: WIlliam 1k~ l ldine
1982 Embassy (3- D) !oC1\[[WWI\ITrI\: Elwood Ullm:;m
PP.OOUCEPJ DIII.ECTO ...: Charb B.1nd Hunt: Hall is mistaken for a French
KMENWPJTU.S: i\l" n Adler. Mlchad Sh~, SC lentl ~ twho di ~overs ato mic l>Qur-
Fr:mk LeveTing cream (uel. With Leo Gorce}' ami the
Advertised as "the fir:.t futur istic mon- ot her BoweT)' Boys. Director Bcaudine
ster movie in 3-D." This sluw-moving diJ ,\-foTo! for Peace for the Protestant
dud concerns a K icnt ist (Rotx·rt G la- FIlm Commission the S<lme year.
dini) hiding our in what [nob like a
set for an o ld \'({esTern, trying to ~ tllJ}' PARTS, THE CLONUS
and destroy a parasitic monster copicJ
from A/iell. T he slim y creamre burrows
1979 Group 1
through the body of '50s musical stat
P,"ODUCE'-S; M)'rI A . SchrClbman.
Vivian Blaine and ex- Runawa ys si nger Rul-en S. F,,·c>(.Jn
C herie Currie, and occasionally leaps DII\(CTOI\: R o ~Tt S. Flve<;()n
out at the audience. T he effec ts and KI\[(WWI\ITrI\; Mr rl A. Schreiolll<1II
acting are mediocre fn best. Producer- AUO "'llEA~[D AS; The Clmlll~ I lema.-
d ireclOr Band is more successful *lllllg An extremely low-budge t but effecti ve
o ther people's films on videocassette. featu re with Tom Donnelly as a rebel-
H e crea ted Media Video and Wizard lious clone trying to expose a massive
Video. Both arc ,!.lreat sources fl)r home conspil'<LCY. Duplicates of politicians and
explo itation and hormr. (R) industrial magnates arc kept hanging
in p1a ~ ! ic bags in a giant refrigerator
THE PARASITE "IURDERS, for spare parts. Mllre fun than Ihe m il jor
See THEY CMfE fRO"! release Cuma . With Pet er Graves,
WITHIN. Keenan W ynn. and Dick Sargent. (R)


1959 AlP 19:;8 P~rnmount (Il&W)
""Ot>UCo.JKM(WWI\lTr~: Stan Shpeln~'r ",coueu: William Alland
D1MCTO~: Wdliam WITnt·y DIMCTOIVKMlNWNTrI\: Bemard Girard
The ad~ prom ised: "The deadly thrill They' re "KIds running wild because
of jump and kill!" ftom this 510T)' o( their parent!> run wilder !" according to
Wo rld War II African invasion crises. the aJs. Mark Damon and his goom

cmsh a s,quare teen gathering, where P,ltTicK, it tumsout. is Carrie in a coma.
he talks Connie Stevens away from her The coma deepens in the bad ly dubbed
date. They make the ir way to a swank U.S. version. Starring Susan Penhaligon
motel parry and run into Damon's alco- and Robert Hclpman. Music by Brian
holic mother, who falls down a fl ight May (Rood Warrior), Franklin later di-
of stairs while being escorted out. Fea- rected Psycho II. (R) - BM
curing 'JOs bad girl Fmnces Farmer, with
Denver Py le, Onslow Stevens, and l'HEPA1'S Y
ch ild Oscar winner Bobby DTiscnll. - CH 1964 Pammoullt
"'000(["; Ernest D. Gluckman
PASSAGE 1'0 ilfARSEILLE DIiU:CTO"; Jerry lewis
1944 Warner IXOlhcrs (B&W) KUENWMIIU: Jerry lewis, Bill Richmond
PM>DUCEl\: Hal B. Wallis Inept beJlboy Stanley Belt (Jerry Lewis)
DIIlEO OII.: MlCh;H:1 Curm is made into a star celebrity by the
SCP.l£NIN"PJTU.: Ca~r Robmson, Jack Moffitt management team of a singer who has
After The Maltese Falcon, Warner just died. The st"drmakers include Ever-
Brorh('fs made Across the Pacific (with ett Sloan, Phil Harris, Keenan Wyn n ,
Bogart, Greenstreet, and Mary ASlOr), Peter Lorre (as a directo r), Jo hn Carta-
AI! Through {he Night (with Bogan, di ne (as a valet), and Ina Ba lin. Stan-
Lorre, and Conrad Veidt), Casablanca ley becomes a hit by appearing on the
(with Bogan, Greenstree t , Lorre, Ed Sullivan Show and lip-sync ing " I
C laude Ra ins, and Conrad Ve idt), Lost My Heart in a Drive-in Movie."
Backg"TOwul to Dallger (with Lorre and Besides Ed, George Raft, Hedda Hop-
G reenstreet), and lhe" this flashback- per, Mel Torme, Rhonda Fleming, and
fi lled film about five fugitive Frenchmen. Ed Wynn play themselves. Also with
They escape from Dcvi l's Island lO join Hans Conreid, Richard Deacon, Nancy
the Free French and fight Nazis. The Kulp, Neil Hamilton , Phil Fos ter,
not -too-surprising cast inc ludes Bogart, 5catman Crothers. and Lloyd Thaxton .
Lorre, Greenstreet, and Rains as well Lorre died four days after fi lming his
as French lead ing lady Michele Mo r- scenes.
gan, Austrian Helmut Dantine, Du tch
Philip Dom, British John LOOer, Italian PFARLOFDEATH
Eduardo Ci annelli, and Yank George 1944 Universal (B&W)
Tobias. By the Hungarian director of P1'iOOOCUJ DIIlECTOP.: Roy William Neill
Casablanca. Ci nematography by James KiU:[N'tln.ITE": iknr.lln Millha\Jsl'r
Wong Howe. Rondo Hatton debuts in his fdmous role
as the O xton creeper, a back-brenking
PATRICK brute who leaves a trail of ~ mas h l...J bric-
1979 Filmwars (Australia) in his wake. Hatton suffered from
",OOUC[IU: Anthony I. Ginmllle, acromegaly, a progressive disease that
RIChard Franklin causes enlargement and distort ion of the
DIIlEOOP.: Ri(h~rd Fmnklin bones. so he was able to play the grue-
K"EOf'IrnJTE": Evcrclt De Rocht: some creeper without makeup. Thi s
The electrical accident that killed his Sherlock Holmes movie is based on The
mother has left Patrick in a coma for Adt'enwrc of the Six Napoleons . One of
four years. When a cute nurse startS to the Nnpoleon busts conrains the Bor-
work on his floor, Patrick tnmsl1lits psy- gia pearl. Evelyn Ankers stole it. Miles
chic mash nOtes TO her typewriter. Mander wants it. Basil Rathbone and

-K,lrlh"ln: - n.. . . .
'llm), ,I (,1I11eTam,m L'PI 8/10175. Et'ehn
Ankns, an Engl'5h ,1II~t'''
wh u m,)lmitgh" t,lltnl! IlUJll' ,h'll" I ~ hom III Ch<le, U'ill a jlolm-
f"",cm 'lh:.1h I'IH'1C:lllml'o.'rl~'\:II\)Il' ,mel !tIT 1llfl\'U: (l("lress HI the
kill, nll"I.:I, IllIh.1 ~pl k cd tnp.,,1 Ilh.k /9-k's. Hen- Etd:-m IS ""'<'11
li.hmng dlL~m. II~' .•hn .hlluml'm, Ihl' m 1944 (Ihe "<'tiT she
l'ol1(x tn\'('~ltg;tI1"n' (h,11 ,,,lldll thl' sldrreJ HI Pcarl of \)c,uh)
mur,kr', .tnJ hn,llh ht, \'Iln 'lIlu.k'. u\'an ll~ 5lIrap.' und wm-
t>.brk\ ch,kihr" ...i W,I' 'ltlHl.lrh lhlCU- m-cro 10 ,dd,w/e b.'mg
mente'! hy h I' ~,I,h,ttl p'~'lholoj!t'l 1..- l4Imt'J th..-;""o_ J 'Imull
ther ( hy ]I"ll'd\), I\hllll'l'd hun RlTI of ru:T ll1i11l e wumT~
;" a gutne.L pIg for (e,lr <,xpattn,'n".
Today, she 15 pun;uIIIg
<I secuflJ WTt'er-U Ifc
r"rtllcrl y kllown only to '<'I1Il' IUlky (of <I('(ar Ri.;hard D..--nnn~),
1a(~'-11lghl TV \'lc\\,l'T~ and comple tt'i 'lII'Ih..'T, and graMmvth....--
Iwrror 1.111" thi' him r~'ll't\'~,d h~'LI I l'd ml lhc II<luwwn is!.md (,j
cnllGtl .tec t llm when M.lrtln Sc(\r'l"~' Maui.
arr:mg~'d ("r" IUlllted rl'Tel,':!'e In 1980.
l)"n'l ln i~~ It , t..:" lIT Ann.llvl",,\:) i1l1{i
her hlin,l but J'\:rc~'J'ltn' tlllltho.:r (lvhlx-
inc Audlei ) ;Ir~' th.: ho,mkr, 111 \\:ITk'~
hUll"". /l.h,tr;1Sh.';Hl'r 1,.1 ..l.mcl'r I'tt 11m.
\'ihlh Slmkoy Ann h~'ld ,m..! !.\lllOU' 'S(\,
nll,ltl' m,,,\\,1 P,llne];l (jr,·~'n.

PF.NR'I 'RlI,! 'I ON

l'r;l1 ~h,hl..lIl (1t,1\1 l.~)
PkODUCEI": \, ',lIl.UIl /I.\t.hl..l1l
D'I\(C10~: H. ,lx'n,' /I.\"m,'T. ,

\hgd BT\lC~ ,I T': I,I(..-J II Ilh !L' UII,<)k..-d

nlUT,kT~' \'(/l1h I)..-nnl' 11 <1<.'\' ,1' the
~ h '\\'-lI'tt!.:d L.:"tT,I'\~' ,mel M,ln ().IT,\.,n
,I' ~r' , I lud'lm, U nll'..-r,;!1 n~'xt I'll! Ih~'
InCT.',!lbl., R.'nd" \11 JUIl)!{" C<I/1!II<',

PI':l~'PI NG '1'0,11
1<)6C' Anclu Am,,\C,l\lI,IfI"\ :\'I, 'r
PIIOOUCEI'.5: \11 ~h,I"\ Pl''''t'\\' A\!'<:TI h'!l""ll
Ot"E(lO" : I>. II. h,ll'\ ]\)\I'l'\\
~"EEN\II"IT[": \ ",,1>.1,111..,
AUO HlUSEO AS: F,l<.t' "J h·,IT
Llll' TI"I Bn\\11l1ng\ i"fI,(tks, dll' \;N:i·
" ,Hlllg ,1111.1 unlhn.:h1l1g hUTTur d,l"i(
r rdll- ml1(h rUlIll'd dK ( i1n:~'r " I p"rl!-
br dm'CI<)T \1 teh,td P,III dl. t..1.lrk (K<lTI

A Icac her in a small C<lhfornia to wn
"UNHEARD Of! Farley Granger, Kim Pope and Matc Stevens
(K lill Dath) Jhcovers the loca ls arc
in a lavish production .. . unbelievably explicit! ... graphically
peacefu l flilens wtth powers of ESP and
violent! A DOUBLE TURN-ON!" - Weisman
le"ltallOn . WITh Will iam Sha m er.
Dmn(.' Varsi, dnd Dan O' Herlih y. An
American Zoetrope production on
which FranCl... Ford Coppola had exec-
ulive rroducer credn .


1977 Amicus/AlP (England)
P~ODUCU: John Dark
O'AlCTO~: KeV in Conner
SC~[[H\V"IT(k: Panick Tillqo
Okay ~cqllcl rn The Lmd ThaI Time For-
Dur in/.! W o rld War I, Patrick
Wayne (yes, John's son and star o (
Sintxul mtd rh .. Eye of the Tiger. rele<lscd
the 5.1mc yc,lt) fli es to the lost con t i.


nent or Ca prona to rescue a kcarded
Doug McC lure , still lost from the '7)
GRANGER · POPE · rFVIENS · KOSCINA mnv ic. Wa~' nc fi nds a trihe of N a-Gas
HARIrf iEEM;!:~i'. warri(lrs, a ci ty of skulls. some falfl y
SI ll y dlllos.!lur~, and (SIllCC David Bowie
f,ul&! to make her a rock star) Dana
Farlcy GranJ;!er in a hard -core ...ex
Gillespie III I>IJme prerty revea ling fur
outfi t,. \'(Illh Thorl"y Walters. Sarah
movie! Well. son of. I ll' played a cop
Dnu1!b~, <l nd Mron.eman Mihon Rird .
trailing after a kille r III an Italian
feature , which was ~ how n her(' unde r
the charming tide of The Slasher IS ,he PEOPLE WHO OWN THE
S('x M aniac. That him was given a sec- DARK
o nd life when it wa~ fe -ed ited and 197,) Nt'weal (Spalll)
ret ided. N ow Farley looks (or women EX[CUTIV[ P~ODUC£~: Sal vado r.: RlIme ro
havin/,: affairs (because the},'rl' a lways DIA£crOk/scmHllrnJTt~: Ar!ll<'lnJo dt'
the killcr'" victi ms) and in h is sea rch O~rGI HAUY Hl£.\5ED AS: P/Wle/(I Clegu

enCOU ntlT, rorno footage shot in Amer. A science·tict ion/horror film about the
ica lI'ilh Tm<l Russell , Harry Reems, end n( the world . You wouldn't know
Kim Pore, and nthcrs. An examrle o f it frolll the deceptive 1980 American
the irritating '·insert" method of fi lm. ad~, bur the ~ tar~ arc Pau! Naschy.
making. W ith Sylvia Kosc ina. (X) Mamt Pcr~ h y, and Tony Kendall. (R)


1972 TV
197! MGM (En.cla nd)
PROOUC[~ : GcrlaJ I. l,;cnht-r.c
&11\ E. Ikl~
OIUcrO~ : j.1hn Kllrt)
DI~[CTO~: R. rll'h Thoma.;
SCAlE HIIIIUTU: J,lme.. M. MIller
K~[[H\V~"U: HUl!h Lc,)na rJ

Chltfu's h,tlddlerrm mm
Lorn,1I Gr<l~ ((15 VlIlllm.l)
pru\'IJeone of The Penh
01 N~ob (pla)cJ try KII)
AWnJs.:d .

Jlu.-" (I". with rh~' A11lericUl-!1l,lde vi,lknu~. Fn:-" 1-;"l1y ' !"l!111",:,1 .. ' :1
AIIl' I~m,l! Trall'I)/'U!! '" the hT,r ren1~­ 11lKl!ld, R"H~ ,I T"" m.\1 thl' . ,,\\·nl1,I1I'o.::
tr,IIl'rLIIlI f(', I IlIT~'. 11~\ld &'11111"1IIfle, oj Tllrn ..'T (~I!lk J.ll!l!l'T), ,\ r ..·dll~l\·C
In hnd 111 ..' Jon,IT llf hi' IWW Innl. l:lh' h l(l _1 ,lr. I Ie'. nlfcf ..',1A nll,\ P;II1I'n\'Crg,
s"l1l11l11'r om.! BTlII I:lbnd ,IR' mler",t~'ll, 1\ Ilchl'k Brei. 'n, ,lIld " ,ml' I'rl'll~ -I r, >n).!
1"0, \'(llth [)..'nh"lm Elh"" ,m.l T nl{"~ mll_hn l\'II1~ Ic"d m).! II! ;\ liteT,11 per~(l n­
R(',,~\. R'I~ \)'111", ,md the }(mb rn>- ,IIIn' ," Il ch ,md ,IC,lIh, J,I)'!l!o.::r _Ill\!_
\I,k.l ,I i'l'Tl ..'r "'l1n,1 tr,Kk th,m Ihi' "l\lelll" h "11l Tllrnl'r." nne 01 dw be,1
n,1I1, ..' n, ..' .1l"I'n".I, Thl' 'L"llid \\',1' .ung" h,"- el·,'T d,>!w, ,Iunn).! , I I',IT -
,h,,\\n ,I' 11\ ,\'''1 [hI' SI:" Th,u emllllS, tlcularl\ ,Inl\.! lTd:(',\ ,(' ,'no.::. Otl1l'T
gr"'" 1l1U-l(' I' b\ R,md} 1'\cwm,lI), J,l(k
PERCY:5 PROGRESS, ~1I:'c1w, ,In,1 thl' LI'I ['<>l't-. C;lInmdl
Lltl'r "Ifeonl D,'mit!] S<,<'.I. Rile\.!\ !WXI
S IZii 11-111T COUN'!:\'. k;IIIIT,' \\,I~ W(t/lw/lIlH!' (XI


10.)N) \'(',lnwr Hr. ,1I",r, (En~I.'l\d 1
PP.OOUCE I\: ~,I1It.'r,ll.l,'b'·f"'T1
OIl\EOOI\S: 1\ ,n.d,\ C",n n",lI, 1' ,lh , ,I.., R, "-')! CONQUERS '/111-: UNIVI,'RSE.
SCI\EE NIlJ I\ITEP.: 1 \ 'l1 ,d,\ ( :,lIll nll' 1l
T he .1.1, TC,II.!: "Th " 111m I' "hulil 1l1,1l1-
n",--. And ,:mlf~. 1',1111;1". And [<',Ii'IY·
10.) 42 Rq'I,H" (B&\'('I
1) ..',1\11, AnI! 111l", Vice. And \"r"I." ASSOCIATE P"O OUCEI\; \1\',J. ()':-iIl\ll",\Il
PI',''', I'Tl'Io.::nll<'II', "lit \'(I,IT11"T' mU~1 OI"EClOI\: \'( ' .tII,lm \'( '1\ 11<'\
h,,\',' h,I, \ ;1 T".IIi1 h,lrd 11m,' rrvim.! Tn SCI\EENIlJP.IlEM; l{"I1"1.I1>.,, 1.1",."
1ll ,ITl ..,. rhl' m.lj.!Il,II, dl.Wri'lI1 j.! 111(l\· i,~. 1'\"fl11,IIl:-:. I L.ll. \1\'1111,1111 LII,·h.
It ', h,IT,1 ,u hnd.tll unCUT ,,'f_llln. hll J. ""ph l)' l \ ,nlldl. J, ""ph [,,,l,IIl,l
11w Ill'l'n1nc" ~"ll'- wlr h ,l!;ll1C,r,'r J,II1ll" ALro I\ElEAS[O A~: ,\ ,\ ,,1...1 ,UI,[ rh.' I~ .<I (U\
h', IIK III,I,' "IIIW 1':-'In'llI"h .,IIII.rIC "1 1111'tHud""

Nyoka ( Kay A ld ridge), con!>ldl'Ted a Wl· h h '~ ~ecllnd fealun::: and rroh:lhly h is
white goddes~ by African natm,:S, hdp~ h He ~t<lT~ as a tru mpete r in a '205
Clayton Moore (Thl.' Lme Raugl'r) and Kal1 ~;b Ci(~' ,I rl'a ja:::: band under ("on-
h is exped ition find sacred t,lhlets C\1n_ trac t pre:.Mlrl' from gangster Edmo nd
taini ng t he !>\.'Ul't of life. A~ rill' evil O'Brren. I'l·ggy Lee was nom inated (or
Vultura, Lorna Gray send::. hl.'r Ar.lh ,m O-Car for her JX>rtrayal of O'BTIen's
followers a nd Satan the J!onlla 10 ~t\l l' alcoholic gI rlfriend- who eventually
them. Wnh Tristam Coffin ,md Charlc, f.llls down a stai rway a nd enJ~ up in a
Midd leton as Cassih. A featml.' \'er!>I,)!l mental ho!>pltal. Also wi t h Janel Lel)!h,
of this 1j-chapter serial W,I!> rdl.'ase~1 A ndy [)cvine, L...... Marvin, Jayne Ma ns-
10 '66. It \\'a~ a .....'"(Iud to )m~le Girl ('40) fidd, Martin Mil ne r, anJ Ella Fit:gcr-
ald. CB
1967 Un iwr,al
PRODUCER: Huh.crt B. Ll'''n~rd PHAN7ilSAf
DIII.£CTOP.S: H .13. LcoTl,ml. J()~llII::l Shcliq 1979 1\\"(0 Emh.1"y
K REENWRrTfR: AII"ll'rt Ikich ~RODUC ERS : D.A. Co>c,'rell i.
Silly made·for-TV IlWV le ha se c! 011 ["Hd PC!,pt'TIII,Ul
the 191 4 serial. It sta rs 1>.111\ Austin. DIRECTOR/K REENW"ITER: Ikon C..,>careih
TV's '"[\xi,E!e Rdx: ll iun" girl. A ).!nrilia A un ....[ue and f;lscinating hor ro r hit
fal!~ in love with heT ilnd RU5~I ;)m try with more s:lt isfyin.c surprbes than ynu
to emha11ll hl.'T with Len in . Pat H",me c(lll"l li nd in a dO:('11 o t he r recenT
IS the hero. Tl'rry-Thol1l<ls IS a vlll.l1n. (,ffl· ring~. Jr's a {,lIH,lsy-horror mllv ie
Wi t h Edward E\"l're[( Honon. I lamll- With ,I .-<:Ience-tic tiun twist, Though
ton Camp, anll Ku rt Kas:nar. Somehow (ll11wd at kid, (the hero, Michael I\.IJJ-
11 ma naged to gl't released tlll',mica lly Will, I ~ IS), 11 had 10 lx' cut 10 avoid
In the U.S. ,Ill X raring. There',; a cemetery :,ex
!>Cl'ne, a ,E!ho~rl~' undertaker, a mOTtl!-
PERSECU110N ,Iry wuh a link tn ano ther dimensuJI1,
1973 Par.I~'..,n (Engbndl .md ,Ill'ttahle flying rn e't.d
P"ODUCE": Ke vUI Ft;IIl Cl' .' phere, The ~rherl.· Imhed ... ibclf into ,I
DIII.£CTO"=l\'nald Cha((\'\' vlclim\ (aCl" wit h JaJ.:j.!cd spikes, drills
K I\[£HWI!.ITEP.S=R"f"tl'n B. HUUnn,
;r hole dlTough the he<ld, and ca ux's
R,"'-·IllJfI· W(IIHI"Tl
AUO "r
REl£A5ED AS: TCITOl :Sh...h., ,III h h hhll"\ til .eush Oil! a hllie nn Ihe
,\thn 'Ide! A sou nd track alhum 1,
Lan;1 Turner pby, d criPI' J..·d, P( ""'~~ ­
av,lIl.lhk. Dir,·ctllrC'lScarcili made hi>
,1\'e mom in a panhuit In rhl., ~,t,II-rI":
hr.'1 fC<lture, )1I1l - lhc IX1orM's Gn'llIes!.
f;l le of Illurde r and Cit (ulllTak With
al rhl' ,I)'!l' II JH! I l is second , KClln:-
Ra lp h Ha te" Trn'or HO\\',Ird, O I,E!;\
Geo rges-Pic()I , ,Ill"a lIlt ,,( (",It~, ,I ll
Wid Co. , lI'il' .. hOIII a I-iidluwee n p ~I Tt".
In 1982 he d id Tho: IkaslnUlsta. (R)
naml'd S heha. L ma latn re(en:.! 1(1 dll ~,
her fi rst feature afteT TIl(' Dig eu/X!, ,I,
"a homh."
PHANTO,II/'1l:ND, S e e 1f/E
],),;, \X'<lrnc·r;;
PI!.ODUCE": ~l.1Tk VII LId.
DII\[CTO"=J ,lC k \Vchh I'HANTOII/ H END, S e e 7f/E
K"[£HWI!.ITEI!.: R"h.·n L Brcl'1l RETUR N O/,' DR. ,IIAB USE.

PHAN1VIII FROIII SPACE the cOLlntk, ~ ch eal' Oriental dell'ctive
J9) ~ Url1too Artl~f ~ (B&W) mov ies pnpu l,l r III the '3(k, :IOJ '40s.
",OOIJCEk/OIMCTOP.: W . Lee WiMer \Vit h G r.1Il1 \'(Ilt her, and Lo tu ~ Ln ng,
Bill R :lyTl,lf. Myles \'(I ,lder
Pretty forgctwhlc science ficuon abOlI!
an inVISIble alum lrapIX-.o in ,he Grif-
fllh Ohscrvmory. When the big muscle- HOLLl1VOOD
\xJund ahen die.'> ,md becomes visible 1974 T V
""ooUCEIIlOl kEOOfi: Gl'ne LevLtt
we sec a "naked man" (he has ngll[ ~; Rohcn Thorn. Gcor!.,,' SIll'nk
shom un) with a hu lbous hcad . W ith
Jac k Cas~ iJy r1ay~ 0 110 Vonner, who
Ted Cooper, Nun'en Nash, and Mi-
tums Ollt tll he ,hl' killer ph,mtt ll1l h\,-
chnel Mark. ing on the M G M b:,c k lo t . We.lring
an eXl'c utioncr\ cmTUllll' wlIh srudcie.\
THE PHANTOAI FROAIIO,OIJO wristb,mds, he goes CT<I: r whe n he
LEAGUES out his home i ~ going to I~ ,k'!royed.
1955 AI\C (B&W) I think hl' l u~1 it when he ~a w the list
PP.ODUCE'-S: J:lck :U1d D.Ul Ml!m·r
of Co-st,lrs in this mistired n,)stalgia.
DI"£CTO": Dan Mi lner
Rrode rick C r;lw(ord, Jackie Ct\O),!;lI1.
KMENWP.1l0. : l.IU RII ).()ff
re tn Lawfur"!, Kl'n t Ta ylm, Regb
Spies. ;m llf)(lcrw ~" er dc,lIh ray, ;md a
Toomey, Billy Halt)p. and Jnhn Ireland.
laughahle pUPI'\.' t !nomIcr art' (h ~l)('r:.ed
Skye Auhn:y, daughter o ( Ihl' one-ri nw
hy hern KCIlI T aylm. It wa ... co-billed
MGM rre ~ HJenr, is the lady in Ji S lre~ ,
WiTh Cor man' ~ The /)(I), the WlJr!d
Ended, making that movie look great
hy comp'U1S()I). W ith C:Hh ~' Downs and PHANTOAI OF PARIS,
M,d,ael Whalen. See THE IIll'STERI' OF
1943 M" nnl!r.lIn (B&W)
A rem ake of M\JIl\I).::r.Hn '~ T he S''/1II1.1:, l1fE N lAlVrOAIOF SOH O
a LU1Ilei AtwllI mp re ry. John Hamil- 1,}64 Pn...Jurcr~ Rd e:i,mg O rg;mi:;lItoll
ron (TV'~ Perry W hite) is the kilkr. (W. CieTnt,my) (R&W)
With Dick Purcell. Jua n Wu.-xlbur),. ",OOUCE": A rthur Sr.tuner
ami dumh Warren l-ir mer. Ad\'ertlS<'d 0IMOO": Fr ;l!1 : Jtl~fG,'tl llch
d' a hornn tilm ~"£E NIII"If[~ : L ,d"!.,, F",kr
O"IGINAUY "EL£M[O AS : D<ll I'lImul)lll ton
TIll': 1' l iAN'I VAI OF S"h"
Sc0tI;lnd Yard In ve~l i):(1tl'~ murder"
CHINATOWN c01111l1illCd hy a hOI,jed kil ler in :1 ,skull
1940 M"n0l<:r;uu (13&\'(1)
,,,,OO UCE": P:Lul M:dvcrn
m;l~k. Wir h :1 strip-c1 uh ~e tting, Ints of
OlkH;TOk; Phd R".- cn s\l ~re Ch, <In..! ,I mther t mplc:I' illl l r('\'e-
SC"EENlllkITt",: J"~l'h \'\'('SI !a ri nn ah,) lIt tht: Victims. From a novel
Ke~' Luke, \I~\I: L!! Y ~cen in Charlil' Chan by Bryan (n u l Edgar) W,,!lacc.
lIl ()V IC ~, [\10k ovcr rhe Mr. \'(Iu ng ruk
for rhe Ia~ t 10 that series aft('r Bo ris
Karl.)ff (jl lil, Karll)ff looked as Chi nese.'
a-.-lVell , Bom K"rlllff. Luh wa ~ the 11fE BIRD WITH 11fE'
n n ly C hlOc~' persoll 10 sta r III .ml~ <If CRYSTAL PL UAIAGt:.

THE PIIANTOAI OF ~'o\lng evil roc k music magnate, and Jes-
THE OPERA sica Harper doesn 't mak(' it as a "rock
1943 Universal superstar." But some of the visua ls are
H.OOUCEP.: Geor):1e Waggner exciting and the record-industry g'<lgs
OIAlCTOP.: Arthur Lubin a re prety funny. As the phantom.
SCMlNWPJT[p's: Eric Taylor. Will iam Finley (also in Si51eTS) is man-
Samuel Hoffenslein
gled in a record-pressi ng plant. A Kiss-
Respectable rechnico1oT remake of the like group dismembers a fa n in the au-
Lon Chaney classic ('25) wirh Claude die nce and Gerrit Graham plays a sissy
Rains as rhe acid-scarred composer Frankenstein mOllStersingingstar. W ith
Eriquc, living be low rhe Paris Opera De Palma's usual H itchcock references.
House. Rains is good and there's a great A ll references to Swan Song Records
crystal-chandelier scene bu r tOO much had to be optically removed because
opern for some. Susanna Foster is rhe Led Zeppelin's company sued. That's
Singer helped by rhe phanrom. Wi th why wavy lines appear around the logos.
Ne lson Eddy, Hume Cronyn , and Leo
Carril lo. Miss Foster and rhe Phanwm PHANTOAI
stage returned the next yea r in The Cli. OF THE RUEAIORGUE
max, a somewhat sim ilar Karlofffcature. 1954 Wnrner Brothers 0-0)
PI\ODUCEI\: Henry Bbnke
THE OPERA KI\E[IoI'o.VMEM: Hnro ld Medford,
James R. Webb
1961 H am me rlU nin~rsal (Enlo:land)
p,,"oOUC£kiSCkrENWPJTU.: Anthony H inds of Wax had just been a big hit for
(John Elder) Warner Brothers, so they decided to
OIk[CTOP.: Terence Fi5her follow it with this 3-D remake of Poe's
After successfu lly revital izing Dracula, "Murders in the Rue Morgue. " The
the Frankenstein monster. and the ft'sults arc prenr pnthet ic. In 19th-
Mummy, Hammer Studios fUmed to rhe century Paris Karl Malden overacts as
Phanrom. Herben Lom stars as Ihe acid- never he(orc as a mad :oologist who
scarred composer living be ne31h the h),pnotites an ape (Charles G remora,
opera house. New attractions arc a who was also in the '32 version, Mlm1ers
dwarf assistant , a comical rat catcher, inlhe Rile Morglle) to ki ll when it hears
and a black museum , but all t hat d idn't church bells. Steve Forrest (brother o(
improve things much. Michael Gough Dana A"drews and sta r of S. \XI.A. T.)
claims he wrote "Saint Joan" bUI we is blamed for rhe monkeyshines so that
know it wa~ Lom. With Heather Scars, Karl can take awa)' his girlfriend (Pa-
Thorley Wal[er~. and Edward Dc $(Juza. tricia Med ina), Co-starring everybody's
favorite talk-show host Merv G ri ffi n in
THE PIlANTOAf OF one of hi s rnre film roles. Wirh C laude
THE PARADISE Dauphin, Henry Kulk~', nnd the Flying
1974 20th Cemury-Fo;( Zacchinis.
H.ODUCO.: Edward R. Pressman
1961 AlP (B&W)
A hit-and-miss musical comedy/ horror
AAOOUCEI\: Fred Gehh'lrdt
fil m with a lot of good ideas. Paul DII\lCTC*: Willlnm Mnrshnll
Will iams, a songwriter and TV non - KI\E[IoI'o.VMEM: Wlilinm Tdnnk.
sta r, is hard to take as an eternally Fr.xl Jt. Gorlncr. Frcd Gehh,ndt

In the future (1980) an astronaUf (Dean Sa tlII3Ol s~. The ZOO / -style {'nding was
Fredricks) crash-bnds o n an asteroid drasticOll1y CU I hy the ~lUd i(l. With Nigel
named RhelOn where Ihe inhahitants D.JVenporl. Michael MlIrph ~'. ilnd Lynn
arc si x inches talL He shrinks to their Ftl'derick. MusIC hy StoUlU YamOlsh la.
size , fa lls for a mule girl (who later re- Flhncd In Engbnd .
gains her speech In the e xc itement),
and helps fight the .c;olaritcs. TI,e ndicu-
lous dog-faced mo nste rlsolarites arc led
by ~i ant Richard Kicl. Francis X. Bush-
m(ln (then 79 years old ) is Sea()m. the BOUDOIK See LiUGENILi ...
Rheton Icader. Antho ny Dexter (star 7HE STORY OF HER
of rhe '51 Vtliellfino) is another leader. JOURNEY INTO
Both were in T wdt.·c to the Muo n two PERVERS ION.
years earl ier. With Coleen G ra y (The
uech Woman) and Dolo res Faith.
PHANTOAt SHIP, See THE 19&J Maj..odnlParamollnl (Om;IJ,,)
CELESTE. K I\EENWkIT[I\5: L\· ... Ll'hlllan.
James SanJ:sler, PCll'r Beliw()oJ
THE PHARAOH'S CURSE Put together the d irector of The Mal-
1957 U nited Art istS (B&W) tese Falcon and thl' ~ tar of Swrsk), mul
PkOOUC[k: H (lw~lrd W . KIKb !-flitch and this is what you gcr. POlu l
011\£001\: Le.. Sbolcm Michael Glaser is a doctor treating thc
K"[[~lT[k: RIC hard I. andau ps~·choTlc fcars of a ~roup of con victed
An Egyptian kills off membe rs of an ar- murderers. The doc tor's therapy is
chiR"Ological expedition as he ages thou- interrupted, however, when someone
sands of years. A boring Mllmm)"- like starts kl llmgoff his palicnrsone by one,
mo vie wiTh Mark Dana, Ziva Roda nn. usi ng their greatest fears as the instru-
and Kurt Katch. ment of murder. Dt'cliled unfu for wide
thcatricill releilsc after iI few test en-
gagcments, Phobi« \;Iter show...'!! lip on
PHASE IV some cilblc services. ( R ) -B)-'\
1974 PanmlOlln{
I'koouca: Paul B. Radin
OlkEOO-': Saul Bass
KkUNW'klltl\: Ma)'o SlIll<m THE PHOEN IX
Grea t science-fiction thrilk'r Slarring 1980 21 sr Cl' ntllr,· (Ho ng: K"n~)
countless real ants. Becau5e of chemi - PkODUC£l\: Fr;lIIk W o n .'!
ca l pollutio n and ecological imhalance , 0It\[00kS: R1chani C"la n . S;lliam a).1
ants in Arizona band together and KI\[[N\l(I\llt": F. Kenneth Lin
attack. They can SHip the flesh of ani- Richard ("J<lws") Kid p lays Steel
ma ls (or humans) in scconds, hypno- Hands. a giant whl) helps a fi sherman
Tize people and destroy compUTers ;md battle the evil queen Flower Fox for
machines by chewing wires. T W () :!oCien- possession of iI magic vessel and a I;x)ok
fi sts and a farm girl fig ht a losing hattlc of spells. With a stone w;lTrior, a tidal
in the desert. Direch.-d b)' tirle designer wave, :md the bi.':: hird o f the t itle.
THE Pfn'NX Illan (:Hally attracted to a cheat ing
1970 \Vaml'! Hmllwn, ytlung J,Hne. In this, his fi rst C(fort.
PI\OOllC[~: Bo h B.." I.: <:r.
I-I ;la~ I ~ a hardworking widower living
G"url!" F"~tl'T III rill' de:>en whu ma rries young Be\'-
DIIU:CTOI\; lCl' ».-1. Kal:1Il
l'rI), Mlchad~ and ...oon becollies deaf.
~P.[[NWI\IT£I\: 5 ',,11 Corm'n
l-lI, un(,l1thfu l wife tries to halT h im
An athlete, a campus rmltrant. , I Ilecrt)
ktll..::.\. hut he Te~ains his hearing whe n
llll)Jel. ,mel an Amnican indl,111 a n.'
,I ColT kT\(lcks hllll down. \'(Iith A llan
pickeJ hy a computer (shared 11k,' a
N ixon (MeStI af L.osl \Vamen). Be\'erlr
woman) to (orm a T(K k ~roup Gltk'\.\ I'm .] IltI ~() wae "":){lIl hack in Girl a ll
dw Phynx '1ll,1 go o n (UUT In Alhnlll.l rhe BHd~.: .
wherl' Amcric;m sholl' hU ~ ln(·s., ~()P ll'
h<lVl' Noell k idn,Ir<',-1 h~' Cnmmlmi~b.
So had that the ~rudi() ,kcided n,l( I n
1966 Eml'~;;s~' Pictures
rck~ ;I ~l' it ,II tlw la" minute . SOlil{' of PRODUC[R / DlkECTOR: Bert I Gordon
dw ~tars thin the phon y han d re'(lIl": SCR[( NWkITER: R, ,I'en Sherl\\<lll
Johnny \'(/eisstnuller ,md M,HlTcl'n
Ikrt J. Gord,m, who h,.d given b it P:lrtS
O'Sullivan, Ll'" Gorcc), .md Hunt : til hl ~ d:lughter Susan, (k'cided to put
Holli, Ed SlIl li \',ln, Co lond l-I ar l:111
h<'r in a ~"lTT in g role. Thanks. Dad!
Sander" Xavier Cugar, Trillr LOI1l':, SU.'>::\Il k'aves an asylum wher..:: ~he's he ...'n
Dick Cbrk, Rkh<ln.l Pryur, lIMPId In ,hock over the fin}' death ,)f her
·'o...ldjoh" Sakal;"!, GCllr),!c Jn~{ :md mmhl'r (Zsa Zsa G~lboT). Dad Don
Ron:! Hanl'n! \V;lllt 1110rl.' ? \Vlly nOl 1 Amec hc h:l~a new wi(e (M:lnha H yer),
Patt y of the Andr\'II' Si,t ~r .. , E<I)!;lT who IInl y married him (or till' nlOnq'
Bl'r)!en. Busr.y Berkl·lq. Andy 1\:\·l!ll'. le(r hy Zsa z..,.I. Susan is slill haunted
Gu y Lomh;ml\). Bl.Itlnfly lv1cQtt<·l·n. Jay
h)' h..::r Ill olhl' r '~ memory, :lnd her step-
S d wrhed~, Rud y V;.lIl'l'. /ll..rd ~' n
mother" cn n.~ri ring with her 100'er, the
M;I)(wdl. 1';1\ O·Bnell. DorOtll~ L .- cilremker, to get the lrouhleJ girl to
mour, Patsy Kdk'y. Rub) KCl'kr. LOlli' lead .hem to Zsa Z~a's jewels. If you're
Ilayw:u ,1, Ca~~ nil\')" Fnt: Fdd, :Hld f:unilmr II' li h Berl\ work , YOli bmw
J 'lIll e~ Brown ! Af"o with the (01l1l\\·1nJ..:.
II'h:1I Til (' XIX"': !. \'(IlIh \'(/enddl Corl~ r
who don't c('{ ki dnarl'<1: Ml c h ••d and S tcm' H;I,,-'>(J.
An',tr<l. JO;l n Blo ndell. ~'Llnh ;l Ib y... ,
anJ Ultra VL"kt! Sound )!, ......I! \V:lI1na
see it? \Vritc yo ur local TV ~t.Hi(ln Ilr
1945 t-.KiM (13&W With eI.I')T"'-"4\1el1c.,)
fel'i,,;.! the:Hcr. PRODUCER: Pcdm S. BcTmim
PICKUP The cI:t~~ic wr.,joll of Oscar \'(Iilde's
IY51 G,IUIllI'I.1 (B&W) n(\l'cl " " lr~ Hurd HOlt/ieid as the hand-
PRODUCER/ DI RECTOR/ SCRE( NWRITER: ",.nw, II'c·;.lthr 19rh-cel1lurr L(llldllllcr
j !1'1"<l I-h,,,
wh\) ~til)' ~ ~"l\mJ..: wlllk hi~ j"X)rtrOlir ' I).!L'S
At aj!<' 10, C:ech()~I\lvaki,H1 Ch,lr:lCtn !Ind ~ h (l ll'~ till' l'ffects (If his decadenl
aCTur I lugn Ha;ls dcci<.kd tn 1....·co111l' a lifl' -~ t y k. Gellr).:c Sanders i~ great as
pr, ... hlu'T-dirccl, 'r-screenWfllcr, .111..1 <.ll'cr Dl.ltian'~ cynicil (ri('Ill!, Lllrd Ilcnry,
till' next tell I'Cdr~ he Turned "til U\'l' T ,1 wh,) ]llih <III tho"... e\' il tht)ughb in the
,10:"'11 Iuw·r.udgel (l"HUTe,. l"lmlly 'Idr- lInrre ~"tl n<lr.ll' you ng !Han's head and
nnJ..: h . Ill'l~lr In m "~ t {lfh h Im,h ) .... '.Ir lIltroJ lIce~ hun to tho: ;tn i~t who ,Io..·s
0lwra~ he rby~ a lond ) lIuddk'-,I,L:ed the mcl\.....ItI,le llkl'll('s",. TIle ''Ctuall ....1;m-
ing was by Ivan Alhright, whose "Mag- bllrneJ ;} t the stake. Also with Diana
got Realism" pieces e m he viewed ;]( Dors.
the Whitney ;]nd the Museum of M(xI-
ern An. Unl ike the Ino remake, this PIRR 5, HAVANA
one leaves a lOT to your imagination, 1<)')<) United I\Oi,l, (B &W )
but you can Tell wh;]t Dorian du...·s with PROOU CEfI.: R"h.;n E. Kenr
his spare time. Hatfield later repe<lted DI fl.ECTO ": Ed'\~rJ Cahn
his must famous rok in a typi edly .,illy SCREENW" ITE" : J.lIne> 13. Gordon
segment of The Wild Wild West in the Ca n1e run M itchell <lnd Allison H<lyes
!atc '60s. He looked just as he did in 11<'11' ~<lve C <1 ~ tru's headqllarters in H a-
'45 , though. Also with Angela Lam- V,III ,I from hombi ng hy B;}tista symp<l-
hllr~', Donna Reed, Perl'r Lm·fmd, and thi :er~. A pre-Bay of Pigs feature filmed
Bernard Go rccy. Ced ric H;}rdwicke on Illcatioll . Calm directed Th.: FOllr
narrates. Skull~ ilf j Ollar/uUl Drake, Riot in juw-
lUI" PmulI, /1l1'isib/;; bwad('TS, Vice Raid ,
PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY and /mid" (h-c Mafia the same year. How
1973 TV man y h,I\'(' Y(lU see n:
P"ODUCo.: Ddn CUr\ l ti
DI!l.ECTO":GIl'nn Jord;", THt: PILL, See TEST TUBE
SC'-EENW"'TEfI.:John Tomerlin BABIES,
A s urprisingl~' good version starring
Shane Briant who was briefl y ,I star of PILLOW OF DEATH
British !'!<lTIlTner films. Originally shown 11}45 Unl\'er,.d (5&\V)
in two 90-minute seg ments, it'll be PROD UCER: Ren P",<u
trimmed;) lOT if repeated. With Nigel DIM CTOfl.: \Va lIac<.: Fox
I},wenport and Vanessa Howard. SCREE NWR ITER: (';eor),!e Bricker
b Lo n C haney, Jr., stlh)thering peo ple
THE PIED PIPER Tn lbnh~ Dot,S his dead wife tell him
1972 r';,r~mO\lnt (Englandl to: Is this ,mother Inner Sanctum mys-
\V. (icrman~' ) tery: Yeah. ;md if fC<l fure s Brenda Joyce
p"O Duc n.s: DaVid I'uttnam. and Rosa lind [v;} n.
S~nd() rd Lid~r", )n
DlkECTOfl. : Jacqucs Dcm~' PIRANllA
SC"EENW"ITEM: Andrew B... rkin, 1')78 New \\wld
J;lCques Oemy. M~rk Peploe P«.ODUCE": Jon D:1\' id "...,11
I T ' ~ too bad This grim fantilsy gOT sHch DIRECTO " : Joe D.mIC
limited distribut ion hecause it's a cbs- K J\EENWfl.ITE fI.: Joh n Sal' Ie>
sic nut Olimed at kids. Forget Wilklrd; the A grea t modern hurror lIluvie with
r;}ts show n here bring ing the plague to thrills, hlood , bughs, and a cast picked
a 14th-century English town are SC'I!)'. to ple;}se the fans. The governmenT has
Pop singer [).mov,ln (who unfortunately created mut;IIlT, man-eaTing fish to use
hasn'T heen T,lken seriously for ye;} rs) ag<linst the North Victn;}mesc, but they
stars as the piper and provides the escape into a resort bkl' <lIld fear ,lparT
mu sic Don;,]d PleHsence is the inept vacati oning teens and kids. Bradford
h;]ron. As his despic;}hle son, John Hurt Dillman (Bl' ,l!", Swarm) is the hero.
is about to marry an II-year-o ld girl. Kevin McCarthy is the scientist who
H er crippled friend (Jack Wild) is the developed the too thy killers. Barbara
<lppn'nticc to the alc hemist who is Steele is Dr. Mengcrs. a military officer.

<In cyep'Hch . <l nd even with a l1~ l e~~
Icft arm i~ comp letely in cont rol of a
~hir (If curt hroats. Hc forces KerwlIl
M,llthews to t,.ke h lln to a Huguen ot
~1t1"'1lle IH 1Il rill' Caribl.....·,LIl to ~ t e,11
::,ot.d .(..'o ld ::.taw e. W ith Glen Cml..... n .
O l(\'er Reed. :mJ A ndre\\ Kelf. ~I a t ­
thew .• , he.t kn(lwn for sta rnng III The
$clt'fllh V(J~'lKe ()f Sinhttd, ;II"", \\'a~ in
MCUlWC fo r H,lInmer.

1961 AlP
p"o oucn /OIHCTo,,: Roger Cn rm~n
K I\EENW" IT(": R ic h ~ rd Matheson
In t he fo llo w-up to the successful
/-louse of Usher, Vi ncent Price rerurns
as N icho las Medina, a 16th-century
Spanb h nobleman who goes crazy when
he thinks h is wife has been buried alive .
He actua lly "becomes" his own father ,
an mqubi tor. Barbara Stl'cle is great
in her fi rst AmeriC;ln role; she pla ys
Elizabeth, Price's scheming "dead"' wife
who eventually gets hers in an iro n
1ll<lIdcn. T hc massive tort urc chamber
includi ng the fabl ed razor-sharp pend u-
lum wh ich almost cuts John Kerr (as
Ehmherh 's brother) in half pro vides a
vislml high lighl. Luana Anders (as
W ith I leathl'r M e n~ le~ (Sms), Kc n n,m Price's sister) and A nthony Carbon e
Wynn . Dick Mille r, Bruce GorJun, (as Stcele 's lo ve r) are there [0 re-
Ric hard Deacon, and P,Hl I Bartd . lh- mind you that despite Poe and a new-
rectuT of Eating- R(l(mi. Roger Corm,1I) fo und respcctabili ty, this is st ill an
\\'a~ rhe execu ti n' pnxlucer. i'rodllccr AlP picture .
Jon Davidson did H()II ~'u,(KxJ OOllle-
"(lrd \\'irh Dante. A s()unJ track alhu11l PI1' S1'OP
h ~' ['inn Donaggia (IJres.led to KIll) is 1969 Goldstone ( I3&W)
avaibble. ( R ) P"OOUCER/OIIU:CTO,,",KI\EENWPJTE": Jac k Hill
Fro m the di rector of Olood Bath and
THE PIRATES OF Spider B(lb)' , thc story of an ambitio us
BLOOD RlVER young stock-car d rivcr who force s h is
1%2 I lamnll'rlColulllh, (EncI.1n.l) competito rs into major crack-ups so he
P"OOUC E"; Anl hun~ Nel50n- Keys can stea l their women. Richard Davalos
OIR(CTO,,",!oC"HNW"ITE": Joh n Glllmc of Easl of Eden stars, with Brian Donlevy
Ch n ~ropherLee i~ gre,1T , I:) the pirate as his wea lrhy sponsor and Ellen McRae
Laroche. He wear:. all hlack. i n cluJ m~ (later Bursty n ) ;I S the track wife h e

m,tkeS <I wi.low. FllmeJ 1Il 196i m and A prett~· ).!" ,}oo.[ hnm'T him II IIh an
Mou nd L.A ., with ~(encs from the IIlc rl.'J ,hk d rl.'. un ,l'qllcnLc _,hilII'm).! .I
Phoell1x Intcrn:1t111nal. AI"" with SiJ blank-q'c'! :ombl l' fl'lIlg fmm ,I gr"n'.
I L I I~. Rn!!cr Corm.lIl wa~ execut!\,(' The rc~t " f t hc k-.s ~.lry-I(IOklOg Ci.rp'c'
proJuccr. ( H) _ell arl' rCI'!\l.'d ~y . 1 G Irnl,h lIlju !r". 1\1 IIIlrk
Ill' lin mlnc. \X'"h Andr": MilT..!!'
PLAGUE Ikllle C I.l re, and Bronk \'(/ l1lul11'.
1978 Cimur J (C,Ul:ld:l) \Vhcn 11 \\';j .... lir_t ,h,'WIl In thc,l!l'''' II uh
Pl'ODYCo.S/5O[[HWIIJTIJ": EJ IllIn!. Dn!Cl&I, PmKe of /).Irklless g lr1~ reLCI"l.'d
I3:.lrry Pe:lr... >11 ffl'c ~(lmbl(' \:\,," (gt.I"I.'~) ,lIld !'lIIY' g:o t
OIkl.CTO": F..:I Hunt \" I11II', re i:1n).!~.
OI'.IGINAllY IUlW£D..u: Pktgue - MJ. Tht·
G"mlll! Smun
A we:lk imit;lIion of [livid Cronenherg's
RlliJllI ~",rr l1l g [);Inid Pilon and Katl'
RCld. A ~c l c ll!i " t ex perlln ent~ with PLAN 9 FR(JII/ OUn,R S m CE
DNA and discovc rs a cont<lgi()lIs hacte- 1'1 5'1 CCA (B&W)
P"ODUCE"/OI"[CTO ~ I SC"[[ NW"Il[":
na Ihat C:luses fatal convlI[sl,ms.
Edw,m.l D. W,~ ..L Jr.
The nlnit, tI( Ihb mcr\:dlh[ c ti[m havc
nut h".,'11 \:x<lg!-:ewfl'd. It's n tl l ,ICtlI.I\ly
S 1'R1I/N, See PLAGUE. the wor~ l film \:I'c r 111.1dc, hllt It' ~ thc
mo~t cnl\:rr,llnlng h,ld unc ~,,"'I! hnd.
PLAGUE OF nlE ZOAIBIES Thc ~ tory II' ''~ hmh ,Iround a f,,\\" nlm-
1966 11.101Il1l'r 20lh Century·h,;.;
llle~ of &:b LUj.... N fO"I,lgo: ,lllll 111'[ day~
",OC>U(o.: Antholl) No:l"lIl·K{'\"~
befon' hc , hcd (In '56), The 'Cl.'ne of
D1N:ClO,,:J.)hll (;,111I1~ old Ikl.l VI"" "'!! th,· gr;II'\.',.,f .Ullln,I).:1-
loCM[HW"ITo.: P.'[er Br\"an n,lry dl.';ld Wile h wall) pr .... tt\' '.1.1 [11

Tur j.lhm~m [I) Ed \\"1(11/(1.

}r 'J Pbn 9 from Olll<'T

walch. But as .,*lOn as alkns ;I rriv~ ,lilt! at It again the next rear in Strange New
revive tlu' wife (V;lIllpira),;'I policeman W(lrld. a th ird piIoL Gent' Roodenberry
(Big Tor Johnson), ,md "Be!'," (rla)eJ of Slar Trek wa~ executi\'l~ prooucer.
by a chi ropractor fflend of the dm:oclOr
h iding h is (ace with a cape). It's all
laughs. Audiences ~t,lrl' In dl~bo..'llef .11 PLA NET OF BLOOD, See
the studio floor under the moving gra', QUEEN OF BLOOD.
in the cemett'ry, flYing saucers il1dde of
paper plates. night c()n~tantly
ing til day and back ag,LlIl, and a Jcf' P{.AlVEI' OF DINOSAURS
coc kpit SCt that elementary :.<:hool kllb 1978 Fl llllll~ rtn t:rs
cou ld have designed for a play. TV p~y. Pflooucn/oIIlECTOfl: jarm"s K. Shea
chic Criswell narrates ("Can you rrove SCIl(ENIWIlITEII: Ralph Lucas
it didn'r happen?"), In fact. he ~ays it St\)p-morion animation fans ~hould look
all. "There comes a rime in eVNy 1l\,l\l'S for this independenT feature ""'ith sev·
life when he ju~t can't bdit:ve hi~ cyt:s." eral we ll-done dinosaurs and oth er
Grt:gory \Valcotr and Mona McKinll\)11 creatures. Starring James Whitworth of
play the mexlt'rn [oupk living ncar the The Hills I fave Eyes.
graveyard. Dudley M<lnlo\'c (!) plays
the effl'minate Eros the A lien, aided
by Joanna Lee, now a rich TV writer. PLANET 0[1 HORRORS, See
Lyle Taloot (in hb third WouJ fi lm) GALAXY OF TERROR.
plays a genera l with a Htde Wa~hington
office. WOCKl wa~ also III [h~lrge of the
special effens and the edi ting. Worth PLANET OF TilE APES
watching nine time~. 1968 20th Century-Fox
PflOOUC[P,: Arthur P. j;Jcobs
0111£00" : Fmnkllll j. Schaffnt."r
1974 TV Rod Serl ing's screenplay was based o n
",oooco.: Robert H. Justman Pierrc Boulle's novel. The makeup by
OIk(CTOII: MaTI; Daniels Ben Nyc and Dan Srriepere (designed
KII£ENlllIUTEM: Gene Rodd~nb.:rr.,., h~' John Chambers) was quite a feat ,
Juanita Bartlett even though I got pretty tired of hear-
A pilot film starring John Saxun as mg about it when the initial media
Dylan Hum, a 20th·century man in the hlitz was on. Cha rlton Heston and
year 2133. It was a sequel/remake ()f Lillda Harrison as a mute sla ve girl
Genesis fl. The plot. aoout Sax(lI1 a~ <I rt re the star humans. Kim Hunter ,
prisoner of an all-female fUHlTe society, Roddy McDowall, M~lur i ce Evan s,
i~ hilarious. With Saxon's manly help, James Whitmore. and James Daly are
the male slaves (Oinks) convince the Ihe lead apes. In the end, which was
women to 1('[ them go in time [0 he lp really a surprise when this was new,
fight off some Nazilike mut,lIlts. Saxor) Heston finds the ruins of the Statue of
saves rhe future of mankind in the Liberty. Someday in Cleve land, they'll
bedroom, of course. Wearing long blond dig under the Beef Corral Parking Lot
hai r and a headband. Ted "Lurch" at 117th and Detroit and fi nd the reo
Cassidy is Saxon's sidekick. \'(lith Diana mains of the theater I saw this in back
Muldaur and Janet Margolin, Saxon W"dS in '68.

PLiIN l i'J' OF 111li I~ IA IPIRES
J%')A IPH1 .!h :->1'.lIn)
"'OOUC[~ : !-lIh II' ltKI.m .... '
01'-£0011.: M .m " "'lId
KP.[[NW"!TE'-S: ( ~.lllll, 1( ;o_ul h:h.
A n \(IIl1l1 Hnnl.ln . Alt-.:rtll B••'\ 11.1(<jU,.,
~1 ,lfI(, I\.1\.1. R.II.I,-IJ S.Ii-liI
ONGlHAlLY MI.£AS£D AS: r,"/T"T" .\'.-IL. 'ip.:I~I"
ALSO M:lEASEO,t.J: 1).-1110011 PLm,'1
f..lo'l If,l!Jan,'nc,··hctl!lIl !n uI' i," ,ITe
;I.CXCHlf)),! 10 \,\IH:h , 1~.I hbnl "'-Teen.
HNt'\ .m ,'Xt \'l' tl<Hl. blTlh ,1_tr,Hl.Wb
k·d h} B.lrry Sulll\,Ul l.ukl "n ,1 tl\l't~
V,)ll.lllI C pkln':! . C r,'11 nwmh,,'r, g" rr;t;~
and hgh, ",Kh nth,'T. Tl1<'Y tin,l fllin'
of ,m ~lh"n ~hll' ,l1d J.:"mt ,ldct()n, _
The ,1._If<'ndlih \\,';IT ,hm) hl.lCk ICHlher
Slllt~. \Vlwn the\' .11\' rh"\"Tt' "['mil'll"
urng1u 111 (rdll'I',IT,'n t h,I).! ,' , PI'l'm-
h..xil",1 ,1I1ell' Lll,' meT tlw C<'TI""'. (who .. illL!' rh(' ,helll,' 'lIn).:). J1tl111l} A ,k<iJ (l..IrT"'4IW rerum.~
fllrnl1l).! them mt n 'pace \',lInI'ITl" in- &'yd , Rlch .nd J'Il'dd. ,mJ \VilTT,'n 111 .~I<lTi" B<II'u'.1 Pbner of
rem Oil (nnq\ll'nn~ E, lrth. Ih ~kkll1"T B.:rlin!!l'r ,I' ,ru..len". E lhh ,1 C'lllk, Jr.. the V"m rlr" ~.
WTUle Ihl." Am~Tl e,m ....:n pL Ihr' huq.:.'r,.


See WAR BEiT Wl iEiN T/lEi I')tol T,'I,·""rl.l (11.Ih h'l1Kd
PI\OOUCEM: :\ lI~rtt' ( ·'mn,'n:. \. I~" !'.• nlnl
P& INRTS. OIl\EOOl\: J{, lm,1Il1 I h:n,'T,'
\.CI'oEENWII.ITlIl5: RI \111.111< I h·ff.n .• ,
19(,.:' .\l(.i'\l (H.:s.\'(') O RIGtl'l"LL Y 1I.[l[AS£0 AS: 11'1<1111'11 ( .umw
PI\OPU(EI\; AII"'fl 7UI!'llllfh ,II .,-",
OIUOOl\; ( :h,lrk .. 11.1., .. AL50 Il.ELEAUO ,,~: flit, \j,11I 1I!!1t tilt'
KI\EENWI\JT£I\: J{ "IX'rf ~; lI"u f-:""
"150 I\ELEASED "1: R" It. );'Wl~ ,m,j I )ndh. 1:.lrtl.I""lnJ ''--I~'nl~' IKil"n \\.Ih ",till'
1")I,I~"<If 16 _UfI'TI'IIl ).: '11l'll.tI <'Ih', h. ~lldH'1
Mld'l'~ R,\(l{ll'~ ,' TTlI',', Ull ,I 1''" L"lIhlllll' 1'1.11' 1,lentll.d .dll'n hum.lIl-
ml 111.lry-,l hIli ,I 1,1,1Il,ir. I cLllm hi'''' m '> I.d l'I.h,(, \.lIth hll'n'l111 l'~l" ,Ithl till'
h" lI..iy .If\d hnd out h')I\ thl' b () \ ,[,,,d. II,ulh LII de,nh
1',:\ lh ',I~ wd I CI II 'l'l'r,l t~'. EI'I,r~ I "~ ,<1\ 1'-'11 ..
h1ln Ill" or \\'1111" r.dl . 11 ,III. h ILIli loin 1'1 I F PI.A N '!:'; liRE
,r.I~ .l\\'"h' d'lrl11).: 11,1' honnL! him "'li'l] IFA T e llING': See T f ll';
,11'CllIl'r I Ill' .!Idlll t rllth ~ \X 'h "11 till' KIRI.ltlN IFITNL~·SS'."u l', [Il1lll1l'lIld~r (D;111 Dune,l)
,h,,\\', R'II'llc) " rhllTt I . )\ hi' ..... '11.·' I'I~ )' 1'1' COO/,
It'~ Tc.,11I ,I !,Iltlln: ,)1 \,H UH! .\ltcl~·\ 1'1t<! .\11,,·.1 ..\111-1' \1:1l~I. IIl'\) \H~\\')
hun'l'lt. \VlIh TCTn M'lIlr~', Y\'~'H" PIIOOUCH: [\" I,ll \:11"'. h
~ll11l1l'lI,( ("hll h,t,\ Jl bl d"hut,'d 111 The O(II.ECIOl\; \llch.Il,1 \\·11111\'T
TIII I. ,\ lll(hml'\, ,11),1 (:Of1\\,11 Til 1111 \.CII.EENWlI.tHlI.: I,IC~ 1l.-1ll1

Sir Charles (Dennis Price) sends his enlighten your friends who keep nor-
daughter away to keep her apart from a mal hours.
singer, hut she ends up with another,
Billy Fury as Billy Un iverse. They visit THE PlAYGIRLS AND
London nightclubs and watch Bobby THE BELLBOY
Vee, Sh:me Fenton :md the Fenrones, 1958/62 United Producers Releasing
Jimmy Crawford, Helen Shapiro, and Organ ization (W. Gcrmany/U.S.)
other names foreign to American ears (B&W/color, 3-D)
and charts. P1\ODUCEkS: Wolfgang Hartwig, Harry Ross
DlkECTOkS: Fritz Umgelter,
Francis Ford Coppola
KI\EENWklTEkS: Dieter Hildebrandt,
PlAY JlflSIY FOR AlE Margh Malina
1971 Univcrsal Ol\IGINAUY ML£AS(D AS: Mil Eva Fing
",ODUCH.: Robert I:>Jly die Sunde
DII\ECTO,",SCI\EEN\ln.IT£k: Clint Eastwo<'x! AUO I\EtEASED AS: The Bellboy and the
Clint Eastwood directs himself as a
Monterey late-night disc jockey whu This is basically a black-and-wh ite
makes the mistake of dating a JXlsses- German voyeur sex comedy for which
sive female psycho (Jessica Walter). Ef- Coppola wrote and shot new 3-D color
fective shocks with Donna Mills, Jack sequences (eaturing starlets like June
Ging, and Don Siegel as a bartender. Wilkinson. PauuJisio was 1962's other
Music by Errol Garner. {R) 3-D nudie . This one features a bellboy
using various disguises to spy on lin-
gerie models staying at a hotel. June
was described in ads as "Staggering-
PLAYGIRLAFl'ER DARK, Sec m:lgnificent-mighty-sensational
TOO HOT TO HANDLE. (4)·22-36)."


1965 (Canada) 1960 Fanfare ( Italy) (B&W)
PkODUCEk: Max A. Sende l PkODUCEk: Tiziano Longo
DII\ECTOk: Enrick Sa ntam~ran DII\ECTOklscI\EENWI\ITEI\: Pit:TO Regnoli
ALSO kEL£ASED AS: Decoy {tff T <"mIT OP.IGtNAUY kEL£ASED AS: L'Ullima Prcoo
Although not released theatrically III del Vam/Jim
America, this aston ishingly bad Cana- ALSO P.EL£ASED AS: Curse (Jf Ihe Vampire
dian mad-artist feature has long been a A fun pseudo-nud ie film with showgirls
graveyard-shift favorite on local tele- (usually in sheer nighties) being terror-
vision. St;lT Willi:Hll Kirwin has trou- ized by vampires. The action takes place
ble milking his moods stand still. The at the castle of Count Kemassy (Walter
ohvious solution is to kill them and Brandi), whose identica l ancestor is a
freeze the bodies in a meat locker. A vampire living (!) in the underground
worthy contribution to the inept hilar- tomb. Soon lots of lovely (uture female
ity is early '60s JXlP star Nei l Sedaka vampires are chained up in the crypt.
singi ng, "If You Don't Wanna, You TIle sexy vampires have very long teeth.
Don't Hafta" and "Waterbug." Get out Presented by Richard Gordon. Brandi
your tape recorders (or videotape re- W:lS:lt it again a year later in The Vam-
corders for tht, full effect) so you can pire and the Ballerina.

1965 Jcrand (8&\'(1)
J Illli.lrJ
P~OOUCEilJOII\(CTOIl: Ri c h ar,i
K k£ENWNTt": GOONI.' Garret!
An tlthelS( <l(fo r (TICS I" scare hl~ reli-
gious prostitute dale h\' lYing In a grave
and )\\'I.'anng. He dies of a he,lrt attack.
HI ~ wife is killed in a motorcycle acc i-
de nt IhM paral \'zes hi~ direct()f, who
laler dies when the aelor's other girl-
friend pull~ a r lug and gOl''> df to swing
In a park. The pms nnl"."~ r~ydualn~[
schedu les a lohoromy. For adlllr~ o nly!
Rcc~ Vaughn, Inger Stmwm. and Ed-
mon Ryan srar. ~CB


,'11' "IOTHER niglHduhs as "the hlack Garho." With Buck Karwlw.n In Plcase
1972 Box Otticc Internal,on:.! Jrlck Carter, Ida Jam e~, and Hamtrce Don't E lf My Mot her,
Pf.OOUCOJ OIIU:crO«.: Carl 1l.tOll!ol.)n the oouI15, rfflllik.> of
~k£[N\\I'l\rTU: j.lck Bcd.:cn
Ha rrlllgtoll. Son of i URt.IKI, rl hbck hor-
ror film, W:15 prCKluced the ~d m c year. lmlc Shop of Horrors.
AUO II[lEASED loS: J hlllgT) PelS, Glum/)
A sofT -core renUlkc of C.mnan\ Liltl...
Shop of Hurrurs. Buck Kart,lh,m plays a POINT OF TERROR
l o,1i I Cn)\\11 [nternathHl:l[
11lIddlc-agcd guy liVing with hi'> hyl'o-
I'kODUCEM: Chn> M,m;olll,
chondnac mother. Thl' mlgm:ll fl o wer Peter Ca~nt<'f
sho p IS ~one so he grnw~ h b m :ln -eating OIk[O~: A[ ~'x NICol
pi<mt at ho me . The plant IS acnwll)· Kk.EENlllkTl[ k$: To ny CR'Ch,lln.
better than the ongmal. S ince If I ~ a ETTl~,t A. Charl~'s
sex c. )mcdy. when the heflll ~n't (eeding Sh().IJ~' horror tW11l rhe m.. kers of f3iood
people to hiS plant he '~ 1111 :lcti\,e voy- M(mi,l, stdrring Peter C "rr~'nter (til<':
eur. \'(Iith Ren': Bond. From the director co-pn )(Iucer) :lnd Dyannc Th! ,me. bet-
o f I Dl5mem /X'T Mall\a . (Xl tef known fo r the increJlh1c /lSi.! hlrns.
Carpenter wakes up frum dre.lIlling
POCO,UANlA :lbnut 80 millutes o( ~lC kn c~ to find
1939 lenwal {B&W j u '~ re<ll1~ h:lppcnlllg ! ( R )
",OOUCU,/ OII\ECTOk: Arthur l eon .lrd
KkEENWp.,Il(k: George T erwllll~ er
ALSO k[l[A$£D oU: /J.cI 'd'S /)(l\Il;lu.:r
19H2 1o.·I G~·I/UA
Th l~ ob:.cure VoodCKl feawre filmed in PkOOUCEkS: SI ('ven Sp lelh~' rg,
Ja m ;II(,1 I ~ o ne of thl' r::trcst Hems no w Fnmk ~br,hall
avaibhle on videtlcl,,--cttc. h'~;m all- 011"': 001\: TI ......· H oope r
hlack rCIIl:l ke of an equ ,lll ~ rare film K kEENlllkllEk$: Stcvcn Spld .....·n.: .
called Olltmgtl, Nilla \,-lrlc ~-lcKlIlnq' M ~rk Gr,n~, t<.·hch,,,,1 VIctor
stdr~ a~ a voodoo pfie~l ess who puts a Some excl'lJ..:nt ~rcci al effecb highlight
c urM! on a riv 'll. M cKinney h;IJ ~ldrred [hiS )lhtl, t ~lO r~' 'oet (like E. T.) in <I
in Km)l Vidor's all-hlack 1l1lb1C:l I Halll'- modern. lIprer-mIJcll e-c ld ~~ C,llif!,rnia
it,}(1/t (1929) and later tnun,d European .~u hllrh .
Excc!,! (,l r une ~hoc ktn ~ ,cene

o( a (ace (,llling apart, it' s almost a ies (like Pink Flamingos) ~e med totally
throwbac k to the silly but (lin thrills o( unreal to most, hut the suburb"n fam -
William Castle's 13 GhoSlS. Joberh Wil- il y shown here is all to(l familiar. Made
liams and C raig T. Ne lson a rc the typi- in ·B.1ltimore. W ith Mink Stole and Stiv
ca l young dope-smo king American Bmms. Tab, who was 50 when this was
parents of the '80s. The real stars arc fi lmed , a lso si ngs the theme song.
[he kids, especially little Heath e r
O'Rourke . who stays tip nights watch- POOR ALBERTAND LI1TLE
ing a possessed television. Tiny cbiT- ANNIE, See I DlSAIEAIBER
voyant Zelda Rubenstein saves the day AiMIA.
and rescues the child fro m another
dimension. With scenes fro m A Gu)'
Named Joe , a World War II fantasy
1973 TV
which Spielberg plans to remake. James "",,ODUCEI\; Rohcrt S t ~nnhl c r
Karen of Frallkenstein Meers the S/XJce OI I\£OO~: RO~T[ Scheert'r
MOIISfi.'r fame plays the rea lrnT. TI)e enJ- SCI\ElHWAITEIU: Arne S lIirnn.
ing Wilsn't happy in relll life for the teen- EiUI Barrat. Rich B~l k er
age daughTer (Dominique Dunne) who C hristopher Lee as the De"il sends dis-
was murdered by her live- in hoyfriend ciple Sammy Davis, Jr., up to Earth to
shonl y after the fi lm's release. bring dow n gambler Jack Klugman . A
comedy pilot with Sammy talking (0
POLYESTER m,m hole covers and trying to cam his
1981 Nt'w Lmc homs. With Adam West and Madl yn
Rhue. Lee was also wi th Sammy in 01le
J~)h n WaTers
More Time.
The first fea ture in "Qlnrama"! Un-
like the e,ldier SmJl of MY5tL'T)·. Pol~·eslt'T POOR WHITE TRASH
features numbet-coded scratch-aod - 1957 Un ited Art ists (B&Wj
sniff cards of ~e nt~ ~·ou could do with- "",,oouco.: M.A. RIPPS
\)ut, ;md you Gm e n j(l~' tlu' m months DII\£OOI\: HarolJ Dan iels
latl'r in the priv,l(y o( ~'oll r own home ! KI\EEHWI\JlEI\: Edward L. Fern Ier
Divine stars as Fran ci ne F i~ hpaw , a OI\IGINAl.lY I\ELEA~D AS: I.k'you
htlusew i(e whnse life is a sh,lmbk'S After this tale o( Northern archite ct
h!cauM' of her cheating porno-thCilter- Peter G r.wes fig h ting sadistic illiterate
owner husb<md. her glue-sniffi ng, angel- Ti morhyCarey (or the hand of IS -year-
d ustcJ son. :md her wild. pregnam o ld bayou girl lit<l Milan fa iled at the
dauglm.'r. Her onl~' fflend IS he r retJrded oox o(tiee, M.A. Ripps, its execut ive
eX- 'lHlld Edith Ma ssey. S he drink s rrodueer. bought if from United Anists.
herself infO constant stupor. Her Jog He re-rele<lM."XI it in 196 1 under the new
commi ts suicidl' . But hcr li(e perks ur title Poor While Trash and, because o (
when handsome ph.yh,,))' Todd T omor- <I n ingenious ad campaign includ in g
mw (Tah Hunter) shows up. T his hi- un iformed police keeping uneSCOfl cd
I:u ious comedy is ti lled wil h references chi ldren out of theaters, it beeame a
to exploi tation. pomo, and arT film s. giam exploitatio n hit that continued
h ~hould have lx'l'll Waters' higgest hi t. playing into the etlriy ' 70s . Also (eatur-
hut the humor in this hid fOf m,I SS (pre- ing Douglas Fowley and Jonathan Hazc.
midnight) acceptance is a little roo cloM: Ripps also bo ught Connan's The II!-
t\) hnme. Ch,lT<lCtcrs in his earlier mov- !nu/cr, retitled it Slulllle. and co-billt-d

RI(h.lrd Bcnj.ll1llll j,Kb "Il J\lhn C,l T'
r,I,lme I' the ,\lice of GuJ. P,'rtnllY'~
]ll'IlI' t:llk" "II '. Ln' Gr,ln t is P(\rtn(l~"~
dOIllIn,ltln).! !1Il, thn. A T1l<ljnr tlnr w l, h
K,IT,'n k, Jil l C LlyhI ITj.!h . nnd Kev in
C, 11111',1\.rn 'Ill Phil ip Ruth's scandalous
1'I,.',hl'lk'T "f dk' ',lllle n:lllll·. L...·hm,m
1\r,II";: Ih l , ,en p' tor The Sl)und of:\ t.ISIC,

1<}6; AlP
DIMCT09.:J .K k 11,11
Patrick M,I,!!":": 1'1,1", ,I bw(xling, ~,Idl ~'
II C hit Ill,ill who .:h..:ch Intll , I ~l'nly
hO!l·1 III Venic..:, Cal lfomia. At une
p<" inl he', l"lfinj.! ,I t an Illl td(,(lr c;'lft ,Ind
.1 d:mcing ).! lrI j]1Tt ~ with him. I ll' !licks
,lut ,I 'tlle-n, ' ,rnd (lit , <IIi' hn hr1l'f
C<1~llIm..:, There". ,III IrnpT..:~~i\'..: ell;"..:
' C\' ll l·. ;1 (""w mllrd..: r~, ,llld ~om e ,.,;:x.
II 1\'lIh this e,ulier hll . In 'i6 Rll'p~ lIas \Vil!.;un C\lllp~11 I' a deranged .lTtl,~ ,
h;lCk with POIIT \X 'hllt' Trash II. ,Illume· 1T~11l j.! tll ,tc,11 a TItian pallltmg. All
I.lled k,lIlIr(' a bo known ,h oS, 11111 of tho' \'ery m lllllir .mel ,n.lnj.!l'. Set' ll l'S fTtlm
EllTlh . lr '~ "ho ur .. ,k'rallgcd V ICfll.llll thl~ hl rj.!nttl'n hull' tHOVI ": ~h(l\\, ur III
ve t cuming luml';; and kill ing Ill, hack· nlt/"c/ /lmh, d p,I'le'lIl' hUffllT iilm which
1\·Il<.xls neij.!hh.'r~. ,h, 'II', ~Llg.,;:l' (lIncr(,dltcd) cO\'l'red With
\\'lX. \Vat. AlIn" P'I\,"!ll~ . L(1I1k f,lr It.
]9(2 101h Cl'lIIUI'I· F".\
PORTS/N /STER ",ODUCE" : [1"1\ In A IIl'n
19,1 RKO (R&W) DIA£CTOI\: R,m,I!.1 ;-..'e.l111l'
],lck Pollcxfcn. Au}>rc\ Wl,,,,-"rg
OII'.ECTOII: Ilan, IJ IJ.mld~
AU O RHEA1EO Ill : Bnw <If P,.r,ub.. blww
"Colllhllllll,!! the Lllcnt. of I,
emy AII',lrd \\ inner~." \Vell- the 'pe-
An ennhqunke cnu,";:$ a ~lInkl'n pir;l (l' c bl eff..:c ts aTl' good as varillllS st:lrs
sh ip (Il rise (0 tlw ~ lIr/a c.,;. (il,lnl eTnh, furgl't \\'hl( h \\',1)' " up In <I Lar,i"l,d
,Itr,lck t h.,; CISL J,lIn.,;, \VOirren .,(ar~ with nc..:; rn liner. She lley \Vmters IS an eX'
Lyn llc Rohen,. Wl11mm Seh .•lIl·rI, ,lnJ swimming eh'lllll' rna rri('d to Jack AI ·
House Peters. Jr. Allx·rt lug,mllll \\'n.' hcTl~()n, It'~ l lTlC III h.,;r hC<l\'ic ~ t r\l le ~
the .. ~",,)(i at(· pr,xlllccr, In h<.lth ,c n ,.,;:~ o ( til.: word. Erne~'
Borgnrnc I" ;1 detectll'e with an ex·
PORTN OY"S COIl/PLAINT rm~ lHlIl e Wife (Steib Ste\'ens) . G('Il('
]1}i2 Warni;'r Brot her.. Hac kman gCh top billing as a mlnlSI('!'.
PIIOOUC ER/O I"ECTOR/KM£NWRfTE" = \Vllh C..wl Lynlcy , I ~ ,I "1'01' Mnger,"
Ernest Lchrn,m Re,! BlIt!OIh, R(xld\ McDo wall, Angela

Cartwright, Arthur O 'Connel l, Pamela THE POWER
Sue M,lTtin, and Leslie Nie lsen as the 1968 MGM
capt<lin. Rememher-"There's got to George Pal
be a nlOrning after." Music by John DIIU:CTOk: Byro nHaskin
Willi<lms . SCR[[NWkITEI\:John Gay
Underrated sc ience ficrion WiTh si mi -
larities to rhe recent Scanners. George
THE POSSESSED Hamilton is the chief suspect of inspec-
1977 TV tor G<lry Merrill after Arthur O'Connel l
PIIOOU C[II: Philip Mlmddker is murdered in a space-endurance de-
DIPd:CTOII: Jerry Thor~ vice. O ne of the scientists involved in
SCIIEENWIIIT£II: Jo hn Sanet Youn!.: a research projecr is an evil superhu -
Another bad made-for-television EX()T- man with telekinetic powers. Hamilton,
cis! ripoff. James Farentino SGlTS as a his on ly due the name Adam Hart, goes
defrocked priest at an iso lated girls' about finding the murderer. It could be
school. Wirh Joan Hackerr, Harrison Suzanne P leshette, Earl Ho ll iman,
Ford, and PJ. Soles. Nehemiah Persoff. Michael Rennie, o r
Richard C arlson . Also with Yvonne De
Carlo, Aldo Ra y, Ken Murray, and
THE POSSESSION OF JOEL Barbara Nichols. Music by Mikl(]~
1972 P;<r,ll1l('\lIl\
PIIODUC£II: M~rlin Po l!
Matt Robmson,
SCREENWRIT£IU: 1950 Eagll,·Lion
Grimes Grice PRODUCER: A lbe n J. Cohen
Rich New York socialite Sh irley Mac- DIIU:CTOk: Greg T alias
SCR[[N\ln,ITE IU: S~m X. Abarbanel,
Laine is surpr ised to fin d out th at
Greg Ta llas
brot her Pe rr y King (who's li ving on
East 1st Srreet) has lx'en taken over The ads promised: "Savage struggle!
hl' the spirir of his (bId (riend, .1 Puerto Primitive passion! In gorgeolls Cine-
color. " An adults-on ly feature with
Rican murde rer who liked to decapi-
beauti es in animal-skin dresses and
tate pt.~oplc. Carihhean vood(X) in Man-
hattan W,ISI1" a fil m topic that viewers lipstick, who capture men, destroy a
dragon, and get carried around by a
flocked to, but rou shou ld warch fpr
hairy gian t. A narrator te lls us abo ut
it on television. (R )
the advancing civilization and infonns
us that "these girls invented the swc.n
THE POSTAL INSPECTOR dive before the swan." With Allan
1936 Univctsal (I3&W) Nixon (Mesa of Lost Women). Laurette
Rol'<'rt Prn[l~ 1I
PIIOOUCEI\: Luez , and Mara Lynn. Watch for it o n
DIIlECTOII: Ouo flmwer late-night TV.
SCREENWP.ITEIU: R oocrt Presnell,
Hur<Ke M cCo~'
RiC;lrJo Corte: investigates a mail rob-
1967 Hmnmcr!20rh Century-Fox
bery committed by nightclub owner (England)
Bela Lugmi. Including an expose uf PROOUCERI DIIU:CTOR!:KkEEHWI\ITU:
fraudulent products, such as decnic hair Michael Cmrcras
growers, so ld through the mail. AI.SO kEL.£A5EO M: Slaw GirLs

A hlond ,ddt'" sal'(,
"fUT/IIl" Ikm "k nI Hdm-
'11t'1"~ I'rl'l,i"l<lrLc \Vnllll'n

UH4r~"~ Lu,,~ Wn>1tl11 her

mt'al uf rtJu m ..dl 141'''
/,Jd,.I.., ,,, IlL., Ifl'e rn I'n"
hl<IOTle W UIll<'Il ('SL')

Thl' nOh pTt I\',' IIll'\ C,ll1 11Mb, 'cm ~b

fllnn\ ,I' \\<' did 17 \"',Ir~ ...arh,'r (,ee
Pfl'\' U ' ".. ent n ' ), Thh qUlckl,' \\'.h m,ule
With "l'b tWill 01\,: ,\il/hull '~(in B C.
,iIl,1 '' one ,III" C,lI'C )!lrI~. \brlme
IX"II le1-.. .. h t ill' crucl Queen K.1fl I ler
tnh l ' \\1 d.lrk·h.llrl'd women In ,\nlln,ll·
"kill 1-11-..1111' u'c hl"nd rhlntl'\\'dr,lnp·
plll~ \\,)mcn 'h tlll'lr ,1.1\'e~, A huntn
Uvlich,lel LatltnlT) 'I\llllhks intu tlw .. 11-
t,·lll,d.· ~old millc and t.llIs tor E.jina
R(\n;IY, .1 ,1.lve,/vIilrtllll' .lI ul Edlll;! fi )..du
(l\'l'r the ,lrl'alll ll1).!(!) 1II:11e,


~OOUCUJPlk[C10k; R llj;!n Corm,1ll
KP.EEN\VkJl£~; ell .• d.·, 1k.1Ilnlllnt.
R,n Ru,,.dl

1967 P,lT:un(lunt
P~OOUC[1l: Stanlq' Rubm
O'RECToIllSCfl.([~no: TheoJurc J. Rtc hor
Spies chase the Pre~ ident's shrink fo r
In(o In thiS polttlCal ,afire (eanrrinc an
all -po wnful pho ne company run by
rol\t)t~ and ,Ill FI3I om hy nl1dgets. Sun -
ringJ a me~ Coburn , wlIh Gndfrey C,lIn-
hndge, Pat Harrington, Will Geer, Artl'
JOhlll>l.ln, and Barry McGuire (The Et'e
uf DesInKci(Jn). The hippie band Clear
Light I ~ featured as a hippic band an d
performs two snn!:s. Clear Light's pub-
licity claims Ihal "fony other groups
werc rcp.·cred," The TV version has m:::w
~ce ll e~ (I) rl.'place the nudity ;md vio-
lence in The llrigimll prints, Some say
part o( il was left ove r fWIIl thl" ullfin-
l ~hClI fhml IXr..:: k rlim movie. Kurt
UPI 6I8I77: Fr~lIfh dlref- C:onn;Jn'~ third PO(' picrurl' and [hI.' only Neuman (Th .. Fly) \\'<l S the aS5 ist;mr
lor lollis M(llk wlks IV one no t starring Vi nel'nt Pn el.'. R,l~' direc tor.
Brooke Shlekls alld K~lfh Mdbnd plays Guy Cam'll. a 19th-
Carr,i</lIIo! dU1II1R [he film- (l'ntuT\' [min ohsesseJ wlIh the ILil.', 1rh:1t
"W of lhe Sa'lIo! 1ft I'£lm- PJU::1TY BAB Y
he WIll be buried ali \'e while 1Il ;l srate 1978 P ,]f;tmOIlIl !
Jl'llJltnf'S PretlYllahy UMt'
w pruSlJtUlfJ £Ire /.lUSted o f ca r a lcp~y, as h iS fatht' r was. He P~OOUC[";O'RECTOIl: l..n\ll~ M " II~'
by the poIla from rherr m;ITrI C' H , I~d Cou n (m hn hr:, t A11ll'n- KRE[HIII'lllrEll; Polly Pial!
dmncf of Ntu Orleans, can role) hut onl y thmb u l IlL ~ Ill'W A hC:lHflfull y phmographed, ~ I o \\' ,
ClTw1917. cu~to m - huih coftin with ~JX'Clal l'~al'c matter-o(-f.lcr 1000k ,It a prc-\Vnrld War
Jl·vices. HIS fears hecome realit y ;l nJ I New O d eam brothel. Starrlllg Keith
,m m~I Jl uus plo t IS J I ~co\'e red . A Ca rradm e a ~ a photographe r who
m<xxly, serious movie, WIth Richard I\ l arrll'~ 12-year-old prostitute Brooke
Ney, I leather Angel, Alan Napier. Shields. With SU'<ln Sarandoll (AdamlC
and Richard Miller (as Mo le, a gr,wc Cil )'), B,nh;JTa Sleek·, Gerrit Graham,
rubbe r). and Frances raye. ( R )


1976 Avco Ernh,.,,;)' 196fl20lhCc!llllry-Fox
PMlOUCE";OIRECTOll; Rohcrt Allen Schnllzer P~OOUC[~; La wrcnn' Turman
SCIlUNWIlITEIl; Alllhony Mnhon OIMcrO~: Nud Black
An interest ing, Mississippi -shor ft!aTure SC~EENW~JTE~: l...oren w S"mpl,',
about a couple using parapsychulogy tl) Tuesda)' Weld plays a small-town New
locate their missing ;Jdopted J ;lughtcr. Englan .. \ high ~hool drum majorette.
An active dead mOTher, a mime , ,m..l a She meeTS an unhinged arsonist who
gnlVe~idc orga n rl'cital all tigllTe III Ihe wo rk~ at a chemical fac lory (A nthony
plot. Sharon rarrell ~ t aTh a~ the haunted Perkrns). She helps him try to destro)'
f()~ l er mother ,lIld Jeff CllTl'), a~ the [1) - the polluting factory and drowns a night
\'cstlgating wp. With RlCharJ Lynch. w:uchman. TIll' perfect couple are al":OLJt
Ttl Ic,1\'l' "m'n Ilhen TlIc,,-lay\ m(lm mcm Ill'" IX',Hl1lk ,ITtI". She', '"rrn,cd
(Bcn::riy CJarlan,l) ,hll\\"~ UI'. \Vdd i~ h~ thl~ "Ttl" (I{"I Grllnw(lld) \Ih(l Ill"
grC.1T ,Illd m,lkl'~ Perkin, ....elll ,111Il"~ 1 her tip an,1 fllrcc, hcr t(l 1""" ..' nUllc,
h;lf1nk~s.Thl' unll~ll<!l TlIl-, L,,'CIl1llI'k hLlCkm,lIl, Ihl' (T,,..,k.:d dc-
(hony team Wl're rng",ther ag:1I1l m till' lectlI'C (Frank Roche) mtn 1Il:lrn.u.:e Id -
dark PUI)' It As It Lays. &r,'l·n\I'Tltl'r lowlllg GrunwIII,I\ ,lc,1th .It ,11 .., h,H1d~
Semple later ,uld 0111 til [)' Ihl Dc ,Jf (Cena.!!l' I'igil.lIlle'. Fe,lIuring ~cmi­
Llurcntm, II fltmg /{lIIg KrJII(,(. Flash nudc IlHdnighr ,II lin p,1Ttll'S ,lIld wild
Gonloll, ;m,11 furY/,'Wl(', 11I11 ~1(. \Vlrh J:lllll'~ Br(lllb, ~LHI"
I'avl·llc. &:tr)· S ..'nter, ,m,1 K ,ITl'n BI,l(k
THE PRJ/liE TIiIIE (in her him ,I ...... ut). -(B
1%0 D .",I1II;11
,I\OooC£I\IDIII,[ClOI\; Ilcr,h,'lll",r,\,>ll L<'\\ I,
KI\[[NWI\ITER: R"I:,.:n :\f-".-I PRlill171 VE LOVE
1964 AIt\CrlCUl h lm l)"fTlhu" .. ,
L(.·WI." first, pre-gore lilm Illa.le III Ch ,-
PflOOUC£Rl: DI(:k R.uul.!ll. JDd H, )I!.
e lg.' IIndn 11)(' n~III1C Gnrdon \V..'ben- ]'ul,·", llK I,""', i',em, P,UlI" G",r.l;.m
ho rn . Tlml[-sl'l·ker J,)Alll1 Ll>(:,'lI1Pll' KR[[NWR.iT£Rl : LItIl!1 s..:", un"
ho rrow, her h...'y(nend\ ( ;IT to drl vc til Ar111"'l.I,,,, Si,ILl::"
a Jdte wi t h a dctl'Llive .I, rhe :\1',1rt- ORIGI NALLY R£l£AS£D AS; L· AlIIOIT<' 1'1"'111111"


]iM~ .. , OF ~ O llrf(

"FE ANO ' OVE! .:~~t~n~~

HI', " . 11 the
pa$siOll, lI'Ie PII"
the pOlg"In~1 01
l!nOti onll no.ken ing
He" OIl' III tho .,1eI utlt'm'~11 01 youth
dllco"""9 nl,,, ""'1\011 Dn tlrth'

Jdy tH' I\.l.l n~ticld In ,II Hlthcr n l hl'r A Llll' ,)1 /,0\'(1, In {hc " n fl.".1Il \"",Ir
oh-curc curo pl';m cOTl1l'dl"~, Sill' pI,I\~ with R"Il.Ikl Rl.. IgOl Il , who b Illhldk l'll
J ,ly n .. , ,111 .11ldH O I' "llJgl~r whu h,hl fOT ,I CUIIlIl1Unl't. ().."IT Ilo llh llk,l r, JIl
m.ldc a him ,hoWIIl!! ,h,1{ 1\,\· .. I' unl- Chd T).!l' lit t>f,HIlII"hhrn g Am,"nCln,.
Vl'rsalh' pnrnHl\·c. It dlll,tr,u .., ....·)(u.l1 \V,t h ':;tC\ t' F\ .rrC~ I , I Llrry ~ h .fg< U1, ,1 nd
pTacncc- ,md lllMfI,lg" cII'tom,. \Vhl'n nlrl")l lllc klll,m. B\ rhl'.ll fl·umul Blnh
<l hand.'o(I[IJ"" pT"I~''o(lr \' IC\\> rill' him ,111 ...1 Do II (w u h Soupy Salc,). Crack III Ihl!
I, n 't cUln- m ced. J,lyne dl.... l dc~ 'n U....· .I \nnM. ,In.! ( '/" n ·<.'III:t' Ihl'(;nJS5-1'~l!d !J,m.
m or.. dl r ...'Ct {c,ldllng '0111a nd 'tnr~ tilT
hun (,md tI\·o kCTlIl!! r"lrh"T~)~ \Vith
Jaync" rnuscleholillel hll,h.ll1d, ,\ lick ...,\ PRII~I 11i ITfiS
H dr).!lta\. I{ i n clllJl'~ 'ccnl'> pi J:'YIl ..., I":; 1 ..\1111,.1 Arn'h (B&W)
PP;O DUCEP;: 1\"11 S<:Im ;llI,
Jlldgin).! a h<',lmy C"nt ...'~t. ).!()Il1L: 1(1 a
UIJ/ 1ISI54: I'T~ tt~ NallC)' DIP;ECTO P;; b l",r r.l lJ.:rnd,
nlghtcluh, ,md \'j<iling;l Ill'-",Ig.: P,lf-
Dm'l s dispi<I)'s u 'I[~I)' (flll- SCP;EENW~ITEM: Ed\\'drd l"," rnd,.
eem [ur ~ eT ~1(S/XlIIlJ'S IIP- lor bt.:r uscJ In Til.. Wli/d Wild W'llrld EI",~" ll l llll1.m
/H?dTmICt' il) 51!.! Inmo!ls uf j(mw Mml-sficld.
Ait .. r hl' ).!.'h hit ,)11 the hca. l lllln! :
~I~ sfll!'!. He Nl{!/X'IlS W b.:
I L11I (", m rl'<p.I mind,. With L\~l' Van
RUII.lid Re'II;(/tl (Ill ellSl' PRISONER OF 1I"i\R C] .. d ,mel Emil 5i tb ,» .'l'il'~ . AI"" Wit h
)'Ull ,/ldll 'f T" CU),.'1 II ~1! hun; 1\)-5-1 :--1(,:--1 (R&W)
IIIIlI hIS f<.ICe is all (hrfl~d- u/J PP;ODUCEP;; j lcrlr'~ I).,:rm.m
~ l yrl1 n H I"I I\", 1.""0 Cmcq', :Hlli the
[aT hls/XITt III rTl ~()na o ( l)fhl'f B, )\\~ry Rt,y"
DIM CTOP;; An.lre\\" :--I.mull
W:lr KP;£[NWP;IHP;; AI!.-n RI\ kill
'111t.' PRI IlIl ,/,fi FIl.ES OF J ,
I "it! AJI'
l.1rn C"h.'n
A 1'1'1\ I'nTl'Tt,lIm ng low- htr.lgl'T epIC
COII'Tln)! thc (d rl'l'T o f /-I O(wl."r. It ~pan'
h\'c dC(" ••Jl" .1I1el ~Il\m ~ hl~ Teb. 1(1Il,hIP~
wtth \;lTIllU, prl·~r..Il'nT'. the me.I1;I, ,mJ
WtltllC ll , Bnlo.ll."ri(" k C raw(llrd <ta~ <" the
" Id .. r HUI"·I'r. Rip Torn holds the ,tory
tllgl,thcr ;I ~ ,m fBi <I).!Cnf. \Vith J o~':
FI'rrl."T. \I K h;h,! 1 Parb (.1~ Rohcrt Ken-
nedy), Ro n ec Bl.lkely, Cdes tl." Holm,
It1rmnnd St. Ja cq ues (as Martin Lu-
theT King). I-Inward O;} Sika, Jack
O"~ idy, Da n Dailey, Lloyd \Iobn, Jen-
ni feT Ll'':. ,Incl Michad Sacks. MU SK
hy Miklm R(l~:,l,


19h) U l\ltloU ArtI~I' (En2landlU. S.)
PIIODUClP;!OtP;ECTOP;: Billy Wildt"T
SC P;[£NWll tTEkS; Rill\' \'(Iild.·T,
I. A.l. ])1.Inlond

Th~' 11l' 1~ 1 1Il111ll.Hl' luuk :H tlw i.lm'llI~ d~ 1I.I\, \ ' mel'llI I'n(l' (.1' Sir
.1dl'.: ti V,' teatllrl" ,I pliit IIwulnng til<.' Wal!l'T R"kl gh) , Iknn 1\1111..11. Lt."I
L"ch :-Jl'" 1ll0n'l~r. ml ~ lIll.! Il1hJgl"I', G. Clrr.. 11. ,ut.! :\1.11\ I-\:rl.- , ~1 11'1L h\'
QlIl"'1l Victor!.I, CtlC.llll~, an,1 douhh End. \\'ultJ.!.1nc K,lntc"ld. III <.:\,I"r,
;11"'1 11 J-I"lt ncs' 1ll.1n1 1!1 ~'.',
R"lwn St,',
I'h,'ns h J-I olme~. Colin BLlkch- h
\Vmson, ChTl_(llp hcr L~c " .1 !J.II.! I'RI Vii 11,' 1'rIR'1 S
Mycwft J-Idnk " , ( ' e n eVI~\,c p,l),!l' I~ thc 1')72 ~K~~1
d\l o11l~·d 1,1\'c Interest. \Vilh St.lIllq· !'RODUCO : ( ~~'n,' ( :, 'TIll.lrl
1-1011\1\\'01)'. MII'I\; hy ~l1klm R,l~:,I , A OI M (10 1\; r,'1I1[\'IT\,,1
g r.,',II , 1''1ll! ("\'l'r 1 \1' 11 lllH lr,) Il ol ll1e, KI\EENWI\ITE ~: I'l ul,l' Jo\,'.lrJ h'\,

him t h,1( h lt,dh tio !,!,,'.! at tlw hux Lt." R,'n,kl'I,'1l1

olhee, A funl1~, lll'gku .."lnll"llIrl' III /',;'<'PIIII!;
Tom .lIld 11""li.:iddl , .. I 111.1 ,,'~,h L.A,
THE I'RIVA TE LIVES OF hOI ..'1. A \llUllg r\ln .II\,.I\' \!lrI (Ann
ADJU/ AND EVE Ruymc ll ) Clk:_ "n .1 ,I.H~ "nh " IlI ':l'
19:;9 l]1II\'ch.l l (B&'\i.1 WHh (,'[(O r guv (St;lI1k'y LI\' i n g~ l l H1 ~ (:hil' 11" ' lll
,,"'ljlll'n,c) ,\I) rhn't' SO"_I} hut I' mur,' dr,lwn t,1 ,Ill
PiI;ODUCE": Red D, ,tt "lckr l,h, ,tllcr.. l,h"T (j, Ih n \'\'Il LlIlt, ,m" )
DIf\EaOM: Alhert ZII,!,!'llluh, \-lich' I' n, ~ ,ne\, who lin', ill h ..,[ ,HIIlI\ hOI ..·1. lIn ,1I U11
K"UNW" Il[,, ; R"herf 1 1111 (llllillc 1\'·11.... ,n\ ",' l'rI'k" hln,li ttllwral
T:lcky ~lIa r 0r ,'ra with hi:,lrr" 11111 ... ..1 patron 11'11" I'h, 'f< Igr.ll'h, u 'ft"c', ,-\ gil)
i, lnt,,~~ M,'Ll lll~ n cc,
In the G,lr.!en " I n.III1<.'.I R~'I' c r"'l1 d \1'''''11 ,1,,\111 dw h,dl
Eden . \Vlth a (I'rK<l 1 ZlIg"llllTh ca~r. ~ntert,III1' mu!>< I t IIHll.! Ill,'n ,II Illdu,
M lCh'y Il.uo nq (01' th l' Devil!) ~c Tlcl., Th ~' I'IH'{"j.!r.ll,ht'T 1'1 11- ,I h",,d ,hul "t"
F,I\' SI'a lo ( 'l~ Lil ith) to the (j,lr,len. (hc \! lrI ti n Ill' w'lI~r·hlk,1 '1..''\ ,1,,11 ,1 11,1
Ad,lIn ,1Il,1 E\'\~ .ITl· r laYl'd h~ ~'1artr HlJeCh 1I "Itll Ill' "11'11 1-\, . . ,,1 ,Illcr ,I
Md m'r and /l.LlIlIiC Van Doren! A I,,, li ttk IUI'Cj,I.II, Lph "t !.1'{ ·I',) ' e,1. killb
II IIh T uesday Wdd, r ,lul Ank,l, Md '"rl'rl'l",P,,1rt~'1 1.lIa dir,'lled EcHlII~
T"rme, ZI\',1 R() , JW\l.' \Vllklll~lIl, Ramd.
,md C,'(' i l Kc ILtw,IY, Alll,):lng, In
"Sl'cct.I('olor," It I\'.I~ cu ndl'lllllc,1 hy the
Cathoilc LCgl(ll1 ,,/ O"·..::CTlcy, hw it" I'Rl Vil1E PROPI;R1'Y
rc .•1 h"rm l es~ ~tHlt. [lJ61..1( :'';)[(1)1( (1) &\\ '1
!'ROOUCE~D I "£CTO';K'-l £ NW)l.IT£ " ;


J:.'LIZAJJETH AND l iSSfX Thc CT,',II,'I' ,In,1 C'\,,'l'll i \ C I'Tl ,,1I1(l'r "I
I <J}9 W;trnCT 13n,lher. rht' ()IIIt'T Lmul~ m.I.I .., thl' III hi' hUlllc
AS~OC IATE P"ODUCU: R "I""rT Lord Iln ,l hll.ll!,·1 ill 56('.1..)(\1. I II, h,\lIltl'\l1
DljI,(aO"; t-"~h,wl Curt ,: rcal-Illl' \\'Ik f..: ,II,' ~1.1fL\ 't,lr, ,I' "
K "[ENW" llEl'.5: :'>j"rm:m R"lll\ Km"" ,,,'m,1Il ITllllJ,le,1 b\ tIl" 1"',lImk ,Ifi ll '
Ae,w.", ~b( h' !l : ,e e r~ (C:"rl'\ Alkn .lThi \V.lrr~n O,,,~,)
A 5 wa~hh uck l ln ~ rewo rklll\! 01 hl'tnn wh,) kn']' her lIn,kr ~lI rn' ll l.llln· lr"lll
lli lt h Ben e D"\'l ~ .IS Quel'll Ek.llwth, thc h"lhl~ 1l,'St ,1",,1'. Alk'n f'''C',1,.1
who t ires of t hc an t ic ~ ot th ..' Earl "f ),!,)rllclwT I. , 'l'( hl'r 'II' j"r l ),l ll", \Ih,,,,'
E,,~ex (Erml H ynn) ,md h .l~ hi' h"'"d -c)(u,IIII\' i, III quel(ltlll, \'\'lwlI OM\"
c ut off. T h e SCl'nc "f Err\ll'~ e)(C('lIl I"n fad~ tht' t,'.1 Alkn Like· hlill nUT'llI"
I\'''~ UII l~iorc Ihl' rc lc;,><:, \Vllh Oiivj<l t l.' Ihl, 1',~,1 ,lIld dr""n, hUll, lli:.:h ' .lrt
cinemamgml'hy by O::;.c..r winner Ted PRO.lI::C1'I" - 7
McCord. (I) 195.1 Unl\'cr .... ll (En,l1l.mJ) (B&\V)
....000(0.; Anlhony Imrn~hlh "'l.l'h
D[JU:CTOA.; Amhony A ~'qul!h
l%i L:nlver:O<11 (EnI!I JnJ) Til..· Nel
... UO AlLEJ.SEO oU;
....ooucu.; John H yman A sp;'lCeman disco\'ers he's in orhll widl
DIJU:OOA; P,,"Il'r \V.llklTl~ an ...' nem r ag('IH who's ITyin g- to kill
~[HW?JTU.; \J,'rm,lIl Bogner hl1l1 . Stmie Rntlsh scienc .. tiction Wit Ii
Sel in the ne<lr (U[ur~ o( 1970, this is a Phyl1!3 C alvert. Jam e~ Donal,!, anJ
J ocumentary-styk' film .. bow a popu- Herhert Lom.
lar singn used by a chlJrch-a nd -~tllte
coa lition govcrnment to control Eng-
land' s youth. As Steph<ln Shorter. PRO.lEC]'IIIOONBASE
l'x- Manfrcd Mann singer Paul Jones be- 1953 lippo.·n (B&W)
gins with a mock-dolent stage act that PRODUCER; J'lCk Seamon
O[REOOR; R ich~rd Talmadge
was I'rdty exci ting at the time. He sings
S(R[[NWR[To.; R ON:n H"mlt' m
"Frce Mc" as uniformed cups h;l11dcuff.
he~H. anJ jail him. Later he sings eV<1n-
Episodes of ,ttl un".,ld televisiun series
gel ical rock ~ng~ next tn a CT\lSS in <1 editt.'d intu .I f('atllre. In tht.' future
sta,-iillfll (u ll of 1l1,lrching hoy scouts :111J (1<i70) a spaee3hip leaves an url'iring
).!iant pictures o( himself MoJeI Je,m station for tht.' Moon. A Communi~t
~ aboteur destro ys il3 c han ces (If fe-
Sh rim pron is an artist who urges hlln
It) Stop hein~ a phony symbol for The
ruminJ!. hUI a surviving couple art.' mar-
~ll\'l· rnment. A powerful, \\TIl- made
ril-xI and congmruhlted by The kma le
film by the d irecTor of Tfu,> W/llf Game Presldem on 11 TV sc.ree n. Thc com-
(which was made for and b:lIl n ed Immdmg officer IS a wo man. too. The
hy thl' BBC). Great music by Mike beST pan i3 the 3pac ...·sui TS: 3horts.
Leander. T-~llITts. 1'K)I.1IS, and ~kll ll caps! With
Donna ManciL Ross Fo rd, anJ Hay-
Jcn Rourh'.
19i1 TV PRO.lEC1'X
PROOOCU'/SCP,[EWWRITER; Lcsll'" St,,""clh
1%8 Par.lln<lIm!
DI REOO R; Russ ~h ybt-rry
....ODucOJD[RECTOR; Wlillaill Ca./l(,
The pilot film for a short-lived series SCktEWWRlTo.: Edmund ,\lorris
sTarring Hugh O'Brian. He's a sp<1ce- In the year 11 18 R(l{ Patrui star Christo-
agc detective monitored by mission pht.'t Georgt.' is a sccrt.'t agent who knows
control with miniature TV came ras how to stop the immedi<lte d('strllction
while investigating a gCIlI robbery. Bur- of the West by "S ino-Asia," hilt he has
ges.. Mered ith and Angel Tompkins eo- amnesia. To probe his memory. seien-
star and were "Iso in the series. With risrs convince him that he's a bank rob-
guests Elke Sommer. John Gielglld. Kent ber in the 19605. His subconscious
Smith, andJaclyn Smith (in a bit pan) . unleashes a deadly mass animatt.'d by
[he Hanna-Barbera Studios, With
Mo nT e Markh ful\, Gretfl Baldwin,
THE PROFILE OF TERROR .. H enr~' Jo nes. and Key Luke. U nlike
See THE SADIST. any other Castle film .

1966 Unl l',·T.,a l (CIlL[l.1nJ)
AAOOUC [~: "'-\auriC" Frn.lcr. \
John Crol,.km l
Dllu:aOf.: Lm Cllrt~'I'
SCI\E[NW?ITE'-l: J"hn
I'l·ttr Bry,m
C. Co.'f'<.·r. !
Pm(ewlr Stei ner ( I}rya nt Halli,lar) USI:~
lase r POW i..'T for maf[cr-tr:ln~rorta(]on
exp<.' r inl{~ nf s. A. in the FI)' muvics,
thln.cs b'O ",ronl!. A gUlIlea Pi!! sent (mm
one room ' I) 'lTlolh..:r emcTge, chdrgcd 1
wJl h cleclnc lt ~. [n the mid., of d
h1ackm(lil-:md-~ah J tagc rl,)t, Steine r
r ro ll'C\:' hll n~ lj ,mJ eIllCq.;e' with a !
deadly elec triC Ttlu(:h. a warp..d IIlmd. "
an~1 one of thc m\\~ t dbgusting di,fig-
un.:d half·f<lc(·s evcr filmed. With Mary
Pc,lch ;lnJ T r;LC)' en,p. RIChard Gor-
don W;IS exccllrin' producer. ,
1968 M:l!!lnn
A New Yo rk Cit~· 11lm' lC proJccthllll,'
Part of thc rlnl l ~ ~tolcn (fUll I COrTI!!! RoIx'Tr SliwmWIl (.IS ,he
(Chuck McCann ) lInaglllc~ hlllN~ lf a ~ lestI(' Nlebcn IS W,bt(-d. [},I\'I,j Cronen· janitOf in Prom Night .
su perhero Captam Flash , WHh lors 01
herg {:llh :.hould watch for RLlhert
f<lTe fil m cl ll'~ <lnd RoJm'~' D<lngcrficlcl Sil vcrm:ln (SC£lIlIWT5. Th(, Brood) as ,\
as the mea n ,healer owner. Thl' film '!>
I\:13C man,lge.! t,1 get thl~
welfd p nlf(lr.
comic ,hclIle IS d l'Tuptl'd hy SOllll.' W ilT '
sevcn nWIHhs .Illef lb Ihe:llf1cal fl"
atrocity fooragl',
k·iI~e. Thc)' l'\'\'11 I-l',11 ,1m the cah le
~t,l\l\m~. (R l
191:10 A\'cu Emha~y (Cm;ld,l) PRO,'IIS I,S! PRWIISES!
PP,OOUC[I\; Peler SUllj'S()n
1961 :-JDT (B&W)
011.£001\: Paul Lynch
PRODUC[!'S: TIHlUll\ ~\"1Il ,1Il,
KI\UN\VIIJT£I\: Wi lli am Gray
IJ,."",I.l F. T,,.1or
Anothef J-Jalloweell copy with J:ullIe Lc\' 01 "[001\: KIn)! [)"n,lI'"n
Curtl~, A hooJ"d killer I ~ humpmg off KM[NW?ITEIU: WIIII,lIn \Vd~h,
all rhe kicl~ who wefe 1I1volvcd In thl' Tommy N'''lI1:tn
death uf J :llllll"S linic ~ I ~tef years N" J ayn~ Ma!l ~fi cld hMl'S ;1 11 (all1\(I~t) II)

fu re, 1 wouldn 't rUin thc end of a good her lir-;, nlldl(' comedy. J :lym' (:I n', ~ct
movlc-it wa~ Iwr brother! H(", the pregn:tnt h l'C:lU~l' IH:r hu .. h:lnd (co.
lkq;lr at the prom ! He klll~ I)('<)plc dur- pro, ltlccr T.llllmy 1\1, I(11),1Il) i~ Illlpotent.
Ing Il- lTlch Vl'r'I\lnS of disco <;t'ng~! They .kClJe ,1 fe'Ilul OCl',1n cnll .. \.' will
J<.unie d,lncCS like John T r;l\'\lb! A he:lJ t1I:1k\, ;. Jif(crl'nce, hut In the nexI (,;,hin
gCI~ CUI Ilf and Tolls on the d,IIlC\' tl\)()f! are" mu..c:l l 'I1J.1n (J 'l\, I1 (,'~ rl'<l l ·llk hils,

m lltl' rh..: hIm. 1\'·c ;1I1.,..·,,f ,) I..·w ~cCtJnd.,
of J,lyn ..· nolk..:,1 III l'l'd h,u·ln).! ,I h;"!,1
dT<:'OIIll. II \\.h ,howil o nl y III ",ITt"
th" .II,,·r,. It W;t, h,llln~d o lllrlJ,!hl In
Ck\ d 'Hld.

11110 PROPER 11111E

1960 L"I~ rt (H&Wj
Tom LluJ!hlm
Lauj!hlm pl:i y, ,I co lk'j!c Irl·,hnwn wi rh
a ~I'n'ch I'rnhk'm wh'l I, hir wllh a
ml1T;11 crbl' when )11' l!lrl\ prollll'ClI-
111I' Tl )01l\ 1ll.11 , · tn ..·, 10 'l'lIU (l~ him. Th ..,
( ,bl ilK Iu,k, I'\'iw \j, lib, 'Uf. Ri,'h Sllolll-
11011 .• 1Ild N,1fI1U QUIl1~. Shrlle)' \.LlIlne
di.1 th e mu .• ic. Tom m,llk (Inc IImt..:.
TIll' )"(' II11g SItlIlCT. helml' Bill:- hICk. _(g

I'ROI'I"';C ),
J '170.} j'.lT.lllh IIlIlt

PflOOUCEfI: 11., ,f,..:TI L. /{I ",'n

Olfl[CTOfl: I"hl] I-r.l"h·nlwllnn
SCf\[[NWflrf[fI: I},II hi S...!r:,·1
13I,lIn..· 'l'f..:,'fl\\ nkr nil "I Sl'h:n (The!
()ml'll) II,r mil qUllIl ll1! \\hlk he \\",1,
,thl'''.!. PTI:,I.! conc<:, rI vio lllll'r 1 01 11 <1
Shlr..' (RIJ,:k:-) .m.! hl' r dlKhl r hlJ,hUl~1
(Roh:rr h",:worrh) 11Ig hr ,liI t il the
.ltlth"TlI I~" \\ Ith ,Ill Incr..'dll,lr lIdy hah\
1'l'oIr cuh. rm.. 11 I.:hl'llHul PI 11\11\ ion
lAYNE MARIE TOMMY I' llHI1 .UIn).! th ..· \\""Iil<' III rhl' tllllN.·T-

MANSFIELD· McDONALD ' NOONAN, , ,) 1I.1.1IIh'. \. j~,tll\\"h"..:, ;In (''1 11,111,
III1"h.lI'<·n ).!,.11l1 \ b !lId Bear i, o n rh~'ir
Ir.1I1. ('fl·" t lH,llIll'" ell,l.!l11eeTnl hI till'
"11 m BU1'l\l,ln Sl (,~ " In'T In rh l • hur..:-
han.!. \'jlck~I' I bTglldV ) .md hi' h"';IIIII - , )"111 0 1 If ,III \\l i lh e'L'OTgl' Cluksi an,1
1111 wlf~ (M.IrI~ "Thc Body" \. kl) ,n;II.I ). Arm ;I!),) A" ,mr..'. 11). 1
1 he m'\, ('HI!,!.." II"Vl' .Irin kin).! p.I!II~'
.mel ~xrlunL:l' Illate". Or 1ll;lyh~ III >t -
rlll'I' c HI 'r T<'llwl1Ihe r, Bur hot h II" '1111.'11
'11"'; PIIO!VU:R
19K I -".mdh uT' l
henll1lc I'r..·gn<1l1l. \VIIII FIll: F,,·ld. k-
P~OOVC[IU: J, "" I'h 7 ,(".
Ill;"!le Illlpn"l llaltlr T.(: . .I.'lll·' .. In,1 n.llid :-Orr."t
Iml,gl~ I],· elK.1 .1' lll"r~('I " J.I'IW ' In\!, OIMCTOfl: J, ",'ph Llll'
"Prollll,r Iler Annlunt,( (IlTl!..:tn.dl} rh,· ~Cf\[[NWfl IT£fI : (;10:1111 L""'l",I,]
lIt1d and "LII-Lu-LII-rm In LIlI·,· ... AUO fI[l[A!KO AS: R"." '''~!r'''' f.:dk,·
/',IT1I,III~ lilllll'd Oil rhe .s.' /11<1"/1<.'11 : \1lI ,tllI:T l r.1:l'd ·l" I\'T- fdUrnlll l!- t ,,·th~_
elrllc);'. J ,I} Il<:' f'<N>,1 !tlr I'itl""'''' I" pn •. '«:,'lw-"I·hl,-"nj! -tnnlL· 1ll11\'i,' fCol-
turing gmphic gore effects by Tom nlll. Ald.) R"y, ["\:11" Rcc..c, and Nehc-
S;wi ni. A World War II sold ier who 1l11;lhPl'r'of(.
killed his unfa ithful girlfriend and her
n ew 10vCT with a pitchfork during <I PSYCHO
gmJu<ltion d,mce ret ums 35 years later 1960 (13&'W)
(wearing his helmet) to Illutilate moJ- P"OOUC[I\IOIII.£(TOI\: !\l(rcd H,tchu ... k
ern teens. Shoc ki ng scenes of .1 head SC'-£ENW"IT£": J"""l'n SId'lIlo
blowing up and a bayonet going through Time to Chl'c k mt,) Ihe Bale., MOld
a head arc cut ftom some p r i nt ~. Farley a~,un_ PS;iCnfl I ~ rhl' hest-known III<)\'Ie
G ranger is the sh eriff. With Vicky of the l"lCst-kn, )\\'n ,!ircctor In Ihl' workl.
lbwson and L'lUTenCe Tierney. Preu \' It·;:, une oj I he mo~ t lIliluemi,tl mnvil"
bad. (R ) ever m:1Lk'-and Alfrl·d ,:1Il1 he m.ll'!e
it a~ a j()ke~ cwry ,'tll<ttilln in rhe plot
THE PSYCHIC has heen Cllptl',1and pan ...lted 10 de.llh.
1977 Group I ( Italy) Bernard Hcrnn.lnn', dfecliwly irri".t-
P"OOUCE" : Franco Cuccu Ing mu"c has heen ,wlpt.'d cnuntle'~
OIlUOO": Lucio Fuki link'S. The tilm retlHlInS un ~cnl in L.! <If!''T
K IU:ENW'-ITEP.S: LuCIo h,lci. more Ih:ln 10 re;u." reOI'll· still .ll1!ue
Rohcn,) G;~nulti ahollt who II" ,IS re'r"m~ )hk lor whid.
OIUG! NALlY IW.u..s£O AS: Stolle Nor.' 1fI ,\kro plot r Whh and why II was ;:,hul III hl,l(k-
Jennifer O'Neill has a vision of a mur- a nd-whllc. Norman\ ti rst VlCtllll J,mel
der in a Iypic;ll dull Italian tnyst<.'ry d is- Leigh w\luldn't let her daughter Jamk
j:!lIISl·d as a horror film. With Gdbriele (Lee Curw,) w,Hch H on TV. Non lwr
Ferrett i (L'AvtIt'Tltura). O nly O'Nei ll d" ugh ter i., InX'ca~ 1 In horror t;llll ~ th;!1 Anrh(JIw I'..rkim III Nor_
reads her lines in English . By the wouldn't ex ist If It wercn'r fur Ihb one. mall &I<'S m Hllchcock's
director of Zombie. (R ) Anthony [>erkin ~. ~PIX"1Titlg al a -.crwn - Psyciw.

1976 A\TO Embassy
P"O OUCE": Mardi R us!a m
0 1,-£00 " : Ra ~' Dan ton
SCI\[ENW"ITEP.S: Grcy,lon C lark.
Mike Angel, Ra y Danton
Jim Hutton, well known for hi ~ portayal
of likable inn ucents, is wrongly placed
11\ a mental inST itution where a fdlow
inmatl' who happens to practice v",,-
lloo re:lChcs him t he fin c art of asrr.,.1
projecri(ln . After l"lC ing re1ea~e,1 with
the hdp of ;! friendl y psychliitrisl (jillie
Adams), hl' hrin),!s destrllCli,1I1 III all
who had victimi: ....""ll him-withulil en'n
Icavi ng his ap,mlllent. A s a hutc her,
:-.Jev ille Brand puts his ann in a meat
~ rmd er. Cop Paul Burke m\"esTlgat e~_
Th is sometim es funny thriller is Ihe
best fea turl' di rected hy actor D"nton
and includes Whil Bissell. R(xl C ame-

ing in C leveland. s;l id. "YOII know I THE PS YCHO LO VER
IUll!f been in other fil m:.." Most of the 1970 Medford
audience cou ldn' t reca ll any of them . ~OOUC[IIIOII\£CTOA!K"l[HW"'TU.:
Wi th John Gavin. our Ambassador [(l Robert Vincent O'Neil
Mexico. as the hardware ~ture owno.:rl The uNiflJ: Touch,
boyfriend, Vera Miles as thl' sister. M:lr- PJ,cho Killer
[in Ba lsam as Arbogast . John Mcint ire Mad psychiatrist uses patien t to ki ll h is
as the sheriff, and Si mon O;lkbnd :1... alcoholic wife after h is mistress tdls
the psychialris[ who explai ns what a him It.·hat she learned about br.lin wash-
transvestite is. At first-run showings in jng from viewing The Manchurian Clln-
1960 no one was a llowed to enter the didtue. T he wife puts the mistress in her
theater after the piCl urc had hegun. place. and the mistress and the patien t
Scriptwriter Joseph Stebno wen t on arc electrocuted by a TV set. With Law-
to proouce The Ower Limits. The Story rence Mon ta igne, Joanne Mered ith .
was based on Rohert Bloc h's nove l. In Elizabeth Plumb, ;lnd Frank Cuva. Pre-
1982. Psycho II W;lS finally being shot sem ed by Ihe I sle~' Brothers of "Twist
with Perk ins and Mil es repeat ing ,heIr and Shout" fa me. O 'Neil also directed
roles. Blood Mallia. (X ) ~CB

[967 All' (England) 196} VicfUna Films (B&W)
PI'.OOlICE" / K IUEN\VIUTD,; 1-1.111)' Al.m Towers ",O DUC[": Del To:nncy, Mar):,), Hartman
DI U CTO"; John Muxcy DIMCTOk: Richard HllIbrd
AUO " EL£A3.ED,u: CnTll5 of Fear KI\£[HWIIIT( ": Robin MI ller.
M i l rl-~)I I brlm,m
Based on an Edgar Wa llace story. thIS AUO II(l (..U(O AS: Vj"knr Mrdmghr
is a ci rcus murder mystery mad l' to CUIIl-
T Ill' ~c reenwrite r of thl' unforgcn:lbl{'
pete with Berserk. released the sarnl'
Horror fJf PllTty Beach steps om to di-
year. A Scotland Yard i n ~pccror (Let)
rcC( his own horror movie. like th ...·
Genn ) has lots of suspects in a murder
other Del Tenner projCCts, it was filIl K~
case. C h ristoper Lee is G regor. the lion
in St<l mford, Connect icut. hUl th isonl'
tamer who wears;l black mask [0 co\'er
wftS for adu lts on l ~' ! The [ea.! psycho
h is scarred face. Heinz Dr.lChe is the
(Lee Philips) is an art ist. Shepperd
ri ngmaster. Anthony New[ands owns
SITudwick is his lawreT. The re,1I rea·
the ci rcus. With Klaus Ki nsk i. Ma rga -
son to watch is to SCl' James F;lrcntinn
ret Lee. SlIZY Ke ndal!. Victor Maddcrn,
and. hest ,l al l, Ei~i Is Erumgh star Dick
;ln d a dwa rf n;lmed M r. Big (Skip
Van ['mll'n a~ a cop. If }'ou've ever
M;lrt in). A German- language vers ion
witnessed hi m gushing on talk show.'i
W;lS also shot at the same ti me wi th a
;"l 1"'Jut hi s wondl'rfu l fam ily. who li Vl~
di ffe ren t d irec tor. Al though it W <lS
il) adjoini n).: C<ll i(orn i<l mansions, you'lI
fi lmed in color. the U.S. prin ts ;Ire in
rerl ll y enju)" seeing h is roO[~. Also wi th
Sy lvia Miles.


PS YCHO LOVER. [972 ScorIa Intnn:u iona[ (Enghnd)
Pl\OOUCE~ : Andrew Donally
O'I\(CTO" : Dlln Sharp
PS YCHO-KILLERS, See K~£[NW~IlEA: Jul ian H " I~"y
AlANlA. AUO ~[lU.S[ D ,u: The Demh \,t//teehs

Inc redIble. to S;l~' the lerlsr. The leader cnt!) who beat and mi)treat them . Tom
01 rl mowrcycle g;m ): (Nicky Ilen!)on) Basham, the ~'oung man who plays Mr.
le;lms the M.'Crc! of immortality. }-Ie kills Rahbq', acts like ao infantile Anthony
hims('lf, and hIS ganJ.l (the Livtng Perlim. His incredible performance
lA' ;IJ ~ ) plr.lCl· ~ htln tn rl gtrlve o n hi ~ makes this less- than-great mo vie a must.
hIke. lie comes hrlck to life , drivesoU[ , When re-released III 1980 allrhl' bizarre
,mJ heaJ!) for hi ~ incredulous girlfrienJ. murders (wirh a baseba ll bat, a lawn-
Soon he convinc('s the rest of the g,lng, mower, ere. ) were cur au!. Icaving only
,md hikers arc committing SUIC ide all Basham riding his bike, putting o tl pup-
o\'('r the place onh' [() return to mur- pet )h{)ws, pouting. rolling his eyes.
d<! r a nJ terruri:l' - fll rev('r! \VcirJ playing With kids at " p,lrk, throWing
h,lrrur n llneJy( n hy the ,ltrect()f ,l tantrums, hemg cuddled by his {emale
orhn lIitereSl tng horrurs. ineludtng Kiss prooucer, and making this amatcurish
vf Ihe Vam/,ir... and The C urse of the F/)'. slt'au' hearable .
The ",Idult" !>tar!) are Beryl Re id rlnd
G" o rg'e Srlnder!) rlS Jevil wurshlpers.
S,mders killed hlllls.-1f shortly after mak- THE PSYCHOTRONICAlAN
1980 Intcrnatlon;llllnrnlll11Y
Ing thIS movie . bllt did not relllm o n a
PI\O OUC E": Pd cr SJ'l,lson
motorcyc le. OII\£ClOI\: ],ICI.: M. Scli
K I\[(N'.\II\Il£\U: PeTer Spelson.
Jack M. Sell
THE PSYCHOPATH An extremely low .budger independent
IY66 /\mICll!>!'P:lTamUun{ ( (rom C hil: ago. The produce r, whose
P~OOUC[\U: M:\K J. Ro)t'nberg,
main occupat ion is runn in,!! ,m insur-
Milwn Su lYl {~l.: y
llnCC husincss. stars as Rocky Fuscue,
OI" ECTOI\: Fred,ile hanos
SC~([~I T£I\: Rob.:n Bloch the psychiC barber. Unknown forces
cause him to blink at people, who die
A gnod shocker. An inspector (Patrick
Ill!>tandy or jump out of windows. Re-
Wymark) is investigating a :,eric!) ofhru-
potls s u~mes l it's good for laughs. Great
ml murders (wcaJX-lm meluL\c a blow-
title though.
tnrch) in whICh a do ll of each VICtim is
found at the scene. The du lls, it wrns
\lUI. were purchased b~' the crippled PSYCH-OUT
Mrs. Von SllIrm (Margan't Johnson), 1968 Al P
whose home ISovercrowded wirh a doll P!l.OOUClA: DIck Clarl.:
collection. Her pale , wide-I..'yed, neuro· OII\£ClO I\: RIchard Rush
ric son (John Standin~) is the prime K I\[ [N'.\Il\tTtlU: E. Hunt,'r 'J::' IIIII.
~lIs pe C I. As Ihe d,Hlgh ter of one o( rhe l3o.'uy Ulius, Beny Tush,>r
victims, Jud~' Huxtable disco\'ers fhe The best Haighl . Ashbury drug film.
shocking fruth. SUS;'In Stmsberg ;'IS ;'I deaf 17 - ~'ear - old
runaway lookmg for her IlllSSlllg bmther
THE PS YCHOPAIH is "helped" by the hippie team o{ [)can
]9 iJ Brentwood Stockwell , Jack N ichoho n (as SIDney),
Pl\ODlJ(£I\IOII\[ Clo I\ISCI\££NWI\llO,: Adam Roarke. and Max Julien. They
LarryBrown get her beads and a mi ni (0 replace her
ALSO IULEASEO A}: An E),<, fvr WI E.. ~ square clothes and gi\'e her some STP,
TIllS cheap little C alifortlld fi lm has a which sends her wander ing in the
unlquc theme: a chi ldren's TV )ho ll' traffic. The lost brothe r turns our to be
host prote<:t) kids by killing the p,lr- a totally crazed. long-haired Bruce Oem

"eICClnmnnih ilafl lr. " '-I... also has a "d is-
t,lIlCe cl imlllator" (dosed·c ircuit T V)
and ca n t.lke OVl'r other Ixxl ies. Den-
n! ' Moure and linda Srnling are the
Enrrh rn1tcctor., in thbcondensed :;erial .
Milry Moot,· isa female Martian. James
Craven ,~ Dr. Bryant. Mora re turned
In F/:WIll~ f),SC Mall from Mar5 ('51).

1972 TV
PIt.OOUCEIt.; Rohert L. Jncb
OIIt.£CTOIt.: M'ch".:l C richton
KIt.EEHllllt.'TEIt.; RIlI",rt /)o"cr
A madm:ln thrcatl'ns to use nerve g:.IS
to kill l'l'e ryolldy at thc Republican
pr{\"demi .. 1 convention in San Diego .
Ben (laWlra ~tar~ with E.G. M"rsha!l.
Max )l41Ien, 5US4Ul'sITa.s_
walk Ing arrllJrld like <I my~teTi. )lI~ C hrist Williillll Windom, Joseph Wise man
I}I:TK. wuij,,,k MduolJml
in J\ych-Out hgurl'. \Vith lor~ of h;ld r,lCk music hy (/)r. No). and Martin Sheen. h was
phony hand~ rlu~ on~ terrihle rl'al hilllJ the firs! film d irec tl·d by Crichton.
- the Strawfx.rr~· AI,UIIl C lock. Oil('
influential flower/punk b:lIld. the St·l',b. PURSUITOFTHEGRAF
(featuTing Sky Saxon). docs a goo..! SPEE
song at a be-In, Ci lwmatograrhy b... 19S7 (Engl,mJ)
LI~:lo Kovac,. BI the dIT,x:tor o( Tho! AAOOUC[It.S! OIIt.£CTOI\S! So.E£N\IIMl:I\S;
SlIml Mall. \VlIh Rohcrr KdIFIll. dlrec- fl,lIch"d Puwell. EmeTIC I'ressourJ,.'Cr
fOr o( the COUnt Yor,i(a lilnh. The Rallie vf tilt· RIt'<'T
A.UO 1t.[I.£ASEO A.S:
PURPLE DF-ATH FRO/it Anoth"r IlIgh-4Uillir y fi lm diTl'Cted hy
the team responsi ble (or Swirw(I)' to
I/C{lWll, The Red Shoes, and Black Nar-
Fr.ASH GORDON CONQUERS <:ISSIH, BTltI~h forces follow a German
nit; UN!VERSE. h,Hrle~hip t,l South Americil where the
Incil h dfer n,) help at all. The Briti~h
'lifE PURPLR JI/ONSTER C:1~t includes John Gregson, Anthony
Sl1l1KES Qlla~' le, Peter Finch. Ian Ilunter, Ber-
1'J4S Rq'"hlj~ (fI&\V) n;lrd Lce (M in Bond muv ies) . Patrick
ASSOCIATE PRODUCER; R"Il,Ii,l [)<1\'id'oll M:'Cllel" :lnd Ch ristopher Lee.
DlfI.lCTOI\S; Spencer /knn.:!. h",i B r~nnwl
so.EEN\VIIJTEI\S: ]\"\'dl C)I.:. AU~rt ,I, MOlld,.
I:\.hd n.d.:q. L~ nn Pl'rk Ill'.
1945 U rll\·~·rS.11 (B&W)
J"'''plll'"I,IIl,l, f\;mwy S'H':cky PIt.OOUC(It./OIIt.[CTOIt.: Ro~' William Neill
AU<) It.[lEASEDM: 1)-0,1\' "11 "'''U
KIt.£[Nllllt.lT£lt.; Leonard Lee
.\1,1[" th l· Martian (Roy Barcroff) ,\r-
'I nl ll1c~ and Warson ( Basil Rathbone
TIlT, on Earth I\'c"rlllg a ~d l r lIutht w,th
and NiJ,:d Bruce) escort a Far Eastern
,\ hun..! ,Ill..! thre;ltcn~ humans \nth dn
pnncc ahoa rd an tKe<t n liner. As Mirko,

~LH t in K,,~leck k'ad~ rl );!TllUp o( politi- B~lrry SlI!iI\',1Il ~"Irs , I~ ,I Bntl~h engi-
c,11 .t~.':l_"l!h. \Vi,h Jnhn Ahh.m ,m,1 n..:..:r wh'l ~ndr~ afkr lib wije and Jaugh-
~larJorie Rllmbn. G:bcd Illl The Reuml ter Jie In :1 fire ~CI by hi~ Illi~tres~.
of Shnlol:k Holmes. J) 1 ~figun:,ll\"hlie IT) mg to save hl~ (,un -
ily, hl' rll[~ mgl,thcr a di~gllise and gll('S
THEPUSH£R aftl'r the mi~[rc~ ;Jllll lwr little girl. Mar-
1'}60 Unucti Artl>l~ (8&\'(1) rh,1 H ycr and Sherr), Murcl;Jnd co-~t;Jr.
p"ODun~: (J"nc MilforJ. Snlnq K,lt: With Soledad Miranda.
Dl"E(TO": (j"tll: Milfurd
I-brlll.! Rohl>tn>
SC"EE NW'-lTE" :
A polio.' h eu'cJl,IO " ~ adJict d,!IIghter WITHOU T A FACE.. See
I~ Implic,lteJ in ,he dea th o( a Puerto
Ricdll Iccna~cr whose hody i~ (pund
th',lr a hroken hypo in the h;l-.cmcnr 'f'HEP)'}(
dllh room o( a tenement gang. Cold
19i} Cml'r,Ull,1 (CanaJ,I)
turkey for Kathy C lrlyle ;JS Lt. Dullgbs P"ODUC£~: M,lxlrle Sam\leb,
r. RoJgcr~ inve~tigates with till: help JLJlt;m R,tf(man
o( her hance, Robert Lansing 1I( T u ...ltre OI1\[CTO": I t.l n c" Il,lrt
Q"Clol:k High. Filmell lll New York City SC"[£N'W"rTE": Robert Ve:lcr
(rum a scrl'enpl;JY h~' the H<1mld Roh- C hnst'lpller 1'lulllmcr investigates the
hUh, bas...'d on a novel by Ev,m H unter, death ot prostitute Kare n Black, who
author oj The BUlCkboord JUII,,;!. With wcars ~1Il Il p~l de-down cross. flashbacks
Felice Orbndl and Sln.1n Simp:.on.-CB ,I
Involving hlack ma~~ prov ide ;J solu-
tion. Karen also ,ing" (R)
19j1'C"lumh,L (B&W)
P"OOUCE": 5:1111 K,u:II\,I!1
OIIU:CTO": Wl1h,un Ikrvc
~CI\[[ NW "ITn: Cartl,lI Yuun)!

Ju n dc Jilll (Johnny Wei.s.slllulk·r) le;J1ns

up wllh pygmies (re;Jily whi te dwarfs)
III ddl',H enemy agent., seektn);! waT
,urrlie ... H e abo hght~ ;J crocodile a nd
, I man in ;J );!onlla suit and finds a lost
WAC (Ann Savage). With D,IVid
Bruce, Billy Curtis, and Billy Barty.

1964 AlP (L.S _/Sr,lIn)
P"ODUCO.S: 51,tney \,(/, Pmk.
Richar,l C. '" \erct
ouuao,,: JulioColl
SC"EE Nw"rTO: Sujncy Pink
ALSO "EL.EASED M: Pvw- rM Thn\.l: W/u il(Jl,r

57 J
• •
• • 1982 U nited Film 1J,'trlhUII!lll Xf'ERJJIIEN1, See
• LI TT)' Cohen

•• AUO R£L[M(D AS: The \X/mge" wTfJo.'IH
Q is Qucr:.r1coad (featured In PRC\ QUEEN OF BLOOD
• old The Flyrnj{ SnlX'III). ,I gl,ml 11 )U1).!
~nri.'nr-h lrd )!(xl w(lr~h ll~d Iw rhe A:-
Gemge Edward,
PII\£CTO"'~EENWI\ITEI\: CU rl I, I {arrington
{t:C~ (and 0111\ ,1mmateJ hr I),n'rd
ALSO I\[lEAS[D M; PltUl<'1 of Bluod
A lien). Q makc~ <I m'b! III the f Ur of
I lere\ ,he ,{ory (rllm C urt i, Harri ngton
Nl'\\' York's fa m o llb Art Deco Chrysler
hl1nscl( (q uoted (rolll Cortmm's hiug-
Budd mg. oC\:.3S1\lnall y tl)' IIl~ .. ro und 10
raphy): "Roge r Cmnan h;td ;tcquired
JecapiTalCCllnSnucti nn \\'IIT h 'f" Mc,m·
some 'pect:lCul;tr Ru"ian footage o(
whde l'flblS <l Tl' sacrificing V1(Unh by
sp;tCe~ llIl' " I ,aw rhe (omage and WHite
rl'mlwing dll'ir ~k ins . The highl ight of
;t screenplay a round it. \Xle ..,hot the
this ]ow·hudgd raJ.: is Mrchad M,'ri,m y
film III ~e\'.' n ;lnd a ha lf day., ,n a
(Ballg the DraJil S/uu'/:-' ) g iving a gTl':1 t
cmt (I( $65,000." Dr. Emaday (B;"Isil
odd hall pl'rfnrm,m cc a b JHnml' QUI11I1, R<lth h~lIll') Ic;td, ;In ~'xrediri(ln to Mars
a sma lltim e crook. cX') lIllkit.' , ,1IlJ
to rl:~CUl'.1 c msheJ ~ p'lCcship. The o nly
would·he llIu,ician who , I urnhkb nn the
~ urvl\'or I ~ a Ween-,b rHl L-J alien WOI1l;tn
creature's hiding place. C,llIJ\' C lark I,
WI th glow ln).! cyes ( F!orence Marly). On
his grrlfrren.1. David Carr,IJH1l' :mJ
the tr ip hac k ~h l' compleTely drains I he
RIC hard RoullJt rn' ,Ire JeteCllvn. Pre-
hlood (rom a~lfted c rew IIIl' John
sc nteJ h} S,lTIll1d Z. Arko(f. A sound
Saxon and L1.'nnlS Ho pI',.'r a re ;thoard
track ,llhum l~ ,I\',u b hle. ( R )
.I ~ well a~ Fllrr.:sr J Acke rman III a
hit part. Prell }' .c<XXl. co ns l<ierlllg, an d
QUA1"ER11li1SSAND THE PH , M ,Ir!y ., ;t Illt.!mora h le ], food,ucke r.
See nVE JWLLION JUILES RaThkone hung around lo ng enough
TOFA R1'11. 10 film ~l l1l lla r scenes (or Vtry(lge (I) the
rrl'h l~rI)Tr': Plml('/. Srel'h;t nu.' Ro thman
1'11E Q UA l'ERJlliISS wa~ a~sllciflt (· producer.
19t!0 T V (Enl-:I,md ) QULiI::N Of' OUTER SPACE
PI\ODUCEI\: Tcd C luld, 19S1!! Allied "TIl)!>
DlI\£CTOI\; Pier, H"gg,lrd
PI\ODUCEI\: Ben SdH"alh
KI\EENWI\ITEI\; :---Ilgel KTwak
DII\£CTOI\; Edw,lr.! I\'rmb
A fOUT-hour TV ~r~ci:ll bt~' r <."d lt ~d Inl< \ $C I\UNWII.IT[I\: Ch"rI ... ~ ~a llnl(\T\l
<l fe:1I1Ir~. As Profe,,,or Quaterlll: I.", Fa 11l () 1I~ bf( riliT that\ righ t up there
John Mdl s C( ml e~ o ut of rdlTellll'n l with Ar{(lck ()f [he 50 Fr . \VUIJI(l1I in
when Ihe young pe,)plc (l Engla n,] rll\l dl u.,triHII1).! The battle of The sexes.
and decide to w<.l r~hip n de'lfuc tive Everyone's (,Ivoritl' Miss Hungary. ZS<I
nlien hea m. The y g;)lher at Stonehenge, ZSil (,a hur, pby~ a n·be! Vell \l ~ i an in a
whe re the hcam frre.<. the m . By Ih ~ dl- ~ Il[ ,kirr wh,\ a c tuall~' likes The fou r
ren,)T of Tht: FH>lIdi.~h 1'/(11 (If Fu M WI - E.lrth men hcr qllecn wants dcstTO}"l"d.
rhu (Peter Sc lk'rs' b st film) <l nd V"lIom. The "llIec n (La urie Mitchdl) hate~ a ll
m,lk', bcGIUS(' her (ace. which she hides
QllIl Tf:1WASS II, See ENDII Y hch md , I glillerln).! mask, was scarred
FROA! SPACE. III \\, Ir Wi th them. T hree o( the cap-

"1(" E,lrth ,hIHl,).lUb, h;md~l1Ie Rat{-
hwo! ~I, lr ErK Hemmg, ~'lUng Pawck
\V,III:, ,lOd ((lIlHC Dave \,i/ilcox, go nlll.~
on:r the 'exy ,I.ulle'. ChoKl'dmlogue:
"11,w/d ~·\)U like w drag th;n om' 10
th,' IHgh "Chool prom~" O lder, dumpy
Palll Birch mostly hlu~hcs. Fam w,ll
rl'<:'lj!nl:C Id((l\'cr 'ri1ce"ull.~ from Ft1rbW-
Jell Pum!'!, seh and a ~pl,lcr from W'orW
\\"lIhltw EruJ, i1nd a rocket from F!l~hr
hi ,~ I (1n. From:l. -tOr)' hy Ben Iledu.
In (Illllr :mJ Iklux,' CtnC!1l"Sc()pe~ By
th..: direct()r (I(Three Stollj:!:e~ movies,


See /JRIIJli AND nit; /JEIlS7:

QUHiN OF Tilt: NILt:

,Ill..! j(,hn Verllllll. G,' th: R, xklenherry ,\IIk.' ran-ell mid Uubt'TI
1961 C"lpr:m1<l F':,IflIr':' (11" ly)
/)IJu.(!hl 'JT~/"IT" {ilT Ih ..
",OC>1)CO: 0\1.1\1<' ''')~~I (SWT Trek) W." exccullvc I'T"duccr. (1(II\'UWlTI ,,{ Que.llrJT, <Ill
C>ltUCTOI\: ""m.m.!" Cerchlu
um/",L,uur< <OIll/mh'T Cup.:I-
K"E UN... ",TElU: J"hll Bym .. , ()!{,I\ It, 1\1j.!~1
QUICKSAND bIe 01 (III hUllI,Jl) IUIl<fI<ms.
Of.!GIHAl l Y MlEASl C> M: Nl'/<'fUl.,. R../..~u"
19jO LIlIIl.J Am_I' (Ho.\X/j III Th~ Que,lor T.lpc~.
tid Nr~'
11 ,.h' 111l1)()f!' American"h> rl.l~ Egyl'-
PIIOOUCU,: Mort BrI,km
tt:m ~. VUKellI PrlCl' i1~ Bcni1kon, Ihe OlklCTOII;: ITllm.: rIch..!

hl,!!h pnc~t, hm:l" 11I~ d,Hlghler l\!der- 'tC"UNWIUTE": R"h.:n Smllh

M lck~} Rooney,,, a ,raw' '1ll,111-lune
1111 (je,mne C ram) 10 'll .lrr~ th,' heir to
crllllmal III I,,\'c wllh jamc' (:'I):IW~' \
,he ,hwnc, who h,'ppen, ttl ~ Ln'.IIlC.
~ISler j~,lIln('. Peter L,ITTC ," , I hl,lck-
Shc, 'tl
ilMrr)' ,I '-CulplOr, pbled
Iml1lmg I'l'nny ,m.:,ldl' \lwncr, [\aTheml
hv E..lmuilli Punl,lill hLlr of Th .. Eg:.·tJ -
8;,les. :md Mlner\'a L'R'C:l.1 ;II. . . , ,II'I'C,IT.
111.111), whllm Pncc tne~ to keel' III J,lii.
V in(.~nt ,Ih0 1ll,lde RaJ!I' <If [h .. 1l,lcciI-
11\','rl In It.tI~ till' ,~nll' \·c~r. QUINTt:1'
1979lu,h C.,rm'r~,F,,)(
P"ODUCE";OIR£CTO ": R"hCT\ AI'"ldli
n l li QUES1'OR 7APES ~"'[ENW"I T£RS: h,l11k H:lrhy,h,
19i1 I Y R"h.'rr Alt"",n, 1';'ITlll:1 R<',nl, L.
P"OOUCE": II , 'WI.' 1I,lf()\\,II ':
OIlI.ECTO": Rl(h"r,1 A. en]!.,
An ,'ml ()f the w"rld/ic ,' ,Ij.:l' mlll' t.:.

~CHENW"ITE"S: (;,,11" R,.j,k"],,,rr), P<wl NewllI,iIl, Vitllm(\ Ua,~m:ln, Bibi

(;<'1\,' I.. (;,,,'11 AnJcrs:.on, ,md \)dll'r~ playa j:!:,Hlll' in
Que't,IT (Roben F,)Xllurth) \, :\11 ,Ill- wlllch till'\' tr~ ' " kill l'.Ieh ,llh.:r.
dn'ld er" ,II.:<llll prcvent thc d.·,truc- Fern,iIld n RI'~ I' Ihe rdl're,'. RngltrC
[I.m nl E.lrth. Mlh' hlrrell is Ill, hllllli1n Fos;,!,'YIS ;-J,'\\ ill,iIl'~ Wife. If yOU'H' 'el'n
-ell'nll't Incn,\. A guuJ p,I", tlMI IcJ mher rec,'nl A!tIil.1Il hIm, ~'\ )ll kll'l\\'
nOllh,'rc .111<1" ,urrri-tn}!I} 0111(,11 t,)r wIll' thl~ lUlC d ,s<lI'P'-',lred ..... ) f'I~t. ~...t\l~1C
,I tcl,'\'I'ItHl 1Ill>1 Ie. \'Vith Ll'W A\'r .... ' hy John \Vtl1t.lI1h. (10

RAR/D RACI:: W I111 7111:: D EVIL
19/i :-.le·\1 \V"rld (C.mad,ll 197510111 Ct'nfur}, I:ox
PIl,OOU( [1I.: Jllhn nUnnml.! Pt.O OU(£1I.: We~ BI,hop
DIIl.(CTOIIISCIl,££NWRIT£Il,; 1),11"1-1 Cn>rwnh:11.! OIIl,(CTOIl, : J:lC k S larrctt
AlK) 1l,[l£MED AS; f/<lI!" SCIl.((HWIl,ITEII$: lct' Frost, Wt's Blshtlp
PnTn ,KTrc" ~1;lTlkn CkIlTlN>r" ).:'X'~ An aClion-r:lckcd c:lr·c h ase movie
"lq:!lt," .... )rt of, playing , I Wllm,tn ~('. bI lled ;"l~ horror about four vacationers
Indy lIl]lJH',illl ,IIllOfnrL'clc acciJent In , I trailer pursued hy dcvil worshipe rs
who f<x e ln'~ an expcrlll u..'nt;J1 )::T;lfr o{ III C:ln. and twcb, W it h Peter Fonda,
"lIlorrhl)I''',!icalJ) neutral" ,kin , Flee,IlI'" Warren Oates, and Lorcn a Swi[. St:lr.
,hl"~ I. hI iI !!ond ell'a] 01 IntC'IIn,' a~ rl'tt also direc ted biker films like RUIl
\\TII. the nl'utral ,kin devel"p, alto ,I AIl~.A RIIIl and IS a busy character actu r.
Jlg"~t!\ 'l' o rg,Hl-illl ug i}" ph<11111"
,h:llx'(.1 rroj<:cn,ln Ihdt ~uc k ~ n,\l!r1,h. RIICI NG FI:: IIER
menr Irum tlw bi(l(\,1 p( her ~lel' l'lTlg 1':164 AI II ~d Artists
IOI('r,. SlK unly t,lke, ~I ll ttl(' at d t imt"', PIl,ODUCEIIIOI II.ECTOIIISCII.£ [ NWIl,IT£II. :
~l ,he figure'._ ,he' C.1I1 IlIT with it (which W11I1"1ll (Jr.,f,·
j, \\1\\ Croncllh,'rg\ tir" tr,' at1l\l'nt f"r Hot hydrnplanl.'s and tiw wildmen who
thl' lilm \\',)' Cillkd M()\(/I4HU) Bu r rill' mi., them. Jot.' Morrison star~ as Lee
dl'l?a .... 'i.J v,unplTl( 'Irg,1Tl .'1 .on II HKhl',.)1f Cunna, whllsl' fa ther i ~ run down in
A ,,,,i/..,,j·"fJ ' " ((II) "1 ,\1,,1'(' ,Ill el,),i<- mic. and thl' uty " j .\lontrt"', .1 hi,' I.I_t T,lCe hy alcnhollC pbyhoy Grcgg
hn '- ',,"u1I":n 11) ({,J]>"I g.l(', r~I\'id' W ilh )'x' Sll wr ( H ) fi~ 1 Sfl'Vl'n'l)t). ) Ol' (ails III lo\'c WiTh Con ·
nle Sfl'\'l'thOn wllt'n she an,] hcr mothcr
C(lllle:lT< l\llld r,) olTer their condolence~.
And JlX'\ prt'gnanl .,i~tn shooh G regg
whl'n , he rea h:es hI S pnmll se~ \\TTl'
nllthm j.! hUI I lc~. From Ih(' ads: " TIl('
;"lc rum! TIle Iluills! The spills!" Ch arl~
G. ,\-laTtIn, B;"lrh,lnl Biggan, and "" 1.1 :';'
m e C .. rr<lll C()'~f,lr ; Gerry Grana h,ltl
rcrfnrl1l~ til(' Iwi~t·h i t Title "llllg . Wi ,h
t.' ndle~, hla:rn,£: htl,H ,Iction (rom M iam I
~1 ;mnl' S tadium in Pelican] brl"\(. r.
Wollch (,)r CJrl.'k's 0 1hn FloTl.ia che,II"
~ Icr' Inclu,lin,!.! The Ch('("k.:rrd r- /(I~,
De,1I1t C lIrs.: of Tarl1l, and Sting of D<!(uh.
Rl'tjuin:d, -ell

II/W illi ,/lIiN FROA! 1111::

1<);1 R<:ruhll< (I3&W)
DIII.£(TOR: i-r,·,l C. RWnn ,lIl
SCIl,[[NW!\ITH : R ,'nlll,1 I).w"lson
ALSO RELEASEO M: R..lIk , Ih~ M u(}n Ml'1ltlCt·
Comm,ln.\,) Cody, S k ~' Marshallt)f the
u nl\'\'~e (Gt:orge W"lbce), gl l('~ to the
1\'I (lo{) to ,top Rcnk (Roy f\;l rcroft) fmm

nmquc rmg E:lTIh with ,Ill ,Hom l" gu n . K,um Allen (Alllll1a/ HUlIse, The \\1(Ul-
Madc ngh t ahcr DeSlnUltwll MO;)11 ush- J('T<'Ts. CrwsillJd l ' hiS tough hut rduc-
ered III the .~ ienc('-hctllln-fi!m ern, II m nt p,mnCT In r-.; ,m, Ar~lh , and ~ n,lke
was tlw tit'>! scn"l ,incc the rla.ltt Cur- h)!htillg. ExpeCt sevl'Tal ~el\ lIl' h ,\ nd
cUm ,,:rles to tdb: place In oilier ~r,u:e. !Hany Iml{.lIllln~ .

C'·~ hll lkt-~hd l'ed llK' t,,1 helm\,! dnd

rocket -po we red hackpac k wete ()r il!i- RAISli 'I1fE 'I1TANIC
nail) u!>I:d in KlIIg uf th." /{"ckew~1l ('49). 19&J AI-!) (Enct md)
Actlt)n ,,",enes ff(1111 I ha l ....,fi ,11 \\'en~ ,11:;..) ",ODUCEII:WIlil,un Frye
rell~l'd he re. Aline T"wne IS Cody\ DlkECTO" : J.:rry J.!lllC,, ,l!)
Clavtun MOO f l' crhl' Lmh.'
,1S.5 i ~I,IIlT. K'-I:ENW"ITI"; AlLIIll K~'nrlt'd}'
RlIIlRl'T) help:;; R\'tlk. The CI)nden.'I!d f(,it- Lmghahle .5p~'(· 1<I1 effech ht ghllg ht thIS
turl' W;l~ relea~l'd III '66. Cody rC!llrnn\ du ll $ 36 millu)f\ ;-tdvl'nlure st.lrring
In ZlIIubll'S of [tt", StTaflls/)ht!re. Ja>lm Rohards a, a crooked admiral ~a l­
tlw f<lI n(}lI~ hn er. Wnh Richard
V<Jg lll g
RAG'lie See RABID, Jordan, l\".·iJ Sl' lhy (Dark Srull/(J\lS),
and Al cl C;lIinn e~" A Sir Lew O r,lde
Produc t ion ,lIll\ monq' I tl~e r of c lta-
RAGE OF THE B UCCANEERS ~tTtlp hlc pHlpt)ruon ~. MusIC hI' Joh n
I. 962 Col"ram" FC.1t tllc~ (1I"ly)
noDUC~; Ott,lVlt) P"\!.I!I
OIIl.[CTOII; M"IItl (::'''t,1
KlUENWllrTE~: J"hn Byrnr, Ott.1V,,' I\'~I RANSOM, SeCllIANIAC!
OklGINAllY IIElEASED AS: Gumon iJ 1'1T<111I
Al.50 klLEASlD AS:Th..' RI.<I.:k H[j,.·tllI~l.'r
In Sa n Salv,ld"t, Curdon th e Bl.ICk \ \) 12 ~'l G Mm&W)
Burc ilnee r (Rica rdo ~'klTltall"tn, the PkODUC~ : Irvin,!: Th.,lh.:r,!:
wilite aew r) I~ I mp n by the evil DI'-I:CTOk : RlcharJ J\,le.;;\ankr
governor's secrl't.ny (Vincl'nt Price). KIIo.EENWklTIlIo.; Ch,lrlC$ ~LK Arthu r
Price i) secretly Ic"Jer of the slave tmde All three B;lrrYlTIorcs star in ,hi ~ blg-
and Montalhan h a formcr ~ la ve. Pricc hlil iget dr~lllla ah1lut tl1l' "mad monk"
mack'Quee)1 IIf rill' J\,Ii/e III I !. t!~ ,l! 'lhl.lur (lIl.l hl ~ l'(kct l,n R\l1>."i,,\ m('n,\H: h~ he-
,he ~am~' lime. fure till' RcvulutHlIl. LH'lwl , I~ ltl_pu_
tin l~ lin.llly kl lleJ by Joh n ,1S I'mu:c
RAIDERS OF IN!'.' LOSTARK C he)!"'\lcff (II 1;lh,s ptll~"n cakl' ~ , a
I<fHI r.,r~Ill"(!m f'O ker, :11\.1 ,lmwning). Sbter Ethel i.,
"kODUCEk; Fr,ml.. '-I.'1"'h,ll1 the C:.lT lIl.I, and R<t lp h Morg,lIl I, the
DIMOOII; SIt',,'n ::-;1'1l~Ih:r)! c:;u. The rea l c:.Ir\ n ieCl' (,In.! C(l U~ In)
SCP.EENWkITEk: L,wrl· rK(' K.I.,dan Prince" Irina Yuusoupof( ~ \led MUM
T Ill" world's mo~t CXIX' nSIVl· .llld hl'~ ' - fllr slandl'r. She 1>\.'ttllx! om of \:tillTl,
1(lI1kllll.: "sen,11 " .lI ul an \)thcr Hlp-gro",,- DIana \Vynward rl, l\"eJ ht.' r In ,he lilm,
In).! fe;l1ure fur Splelherg ~tnd cxec utlvo:
pr(k.\ucl"r Georgl" Luca~, From ,I 'tor)'
hy LtlC" ~ ,IIlJ PhilIp Kaufman, wh{) was
I <}(,(, 1I,IIIHIll'r12Ulh C~'nlll r\"-F"x
"nce ex r cn ed (,) dircct. As arch.ll'lllo- (I:ngLmd)
I.!I~t J nJhtn,1J " ll e~.
Star \\1(/1.\ heTtI J i.lrri· PIIO DUCIII: A,ulH"'1 I\d"'''I-KI.'I''
~{O n Ford rT.H' l'h ,Ho ttnd tlw wu rl d OI'-l:OOk: 1\ >1l ::::h,ITJ'
sl'<IRhing for tilt' <trk 'If the covenant. SCIIUNWkll[lI.: Anrh. 'Il\' 1 !1Ilt!,

No mher Rasputin fi lm w~s ever like g-ets pregnan t he fakes her to an an i-
thiS! Christopher Lee as the .. Imt)st ~1I­ 1ll;!1 h05pl lat. SwrringSchuyler Hayden,
pt'matural debauched monk chops of( wilh I ial Bokar, Warrene O n , and the
an opponent's hand in a fig ht , throws FUItiT"ds. Don Sn yder si ngs "One o n
acid m another guy's fac{', and hypno- Every Cotner" and the original [ide
tizes and S<Xiuces his way IIlto the (lin- song, "My Soul Runs Naked." C ine-
ily of Nicho las II. When plotters tr~' to ma wgra p h y by Wil liam (origina ll y,
kill him they find the task nead}' and later, Vil mos) Zsigmond. - CB
impossible. 1.(,(, was ~ as th{' hearded
Russian , hilt th(' mov ie wasn't vcry RAT PHN K BOO BOO
popular. When it showed in America, 1966 CradJod: (B&W)
some lucky viewers were ~pven (ree PROOUCEIIJOtR.ECTOR: Ray [\.·nnis Ste<kler
R<lsputin beards <II tht, box office! Boys KkE£ NWlt.ITEIt. : R,ll1alJ lla~'d"d
go t hlue Ix'ards, girls received red ones. Rod ~ in ge r and gardener transform
I C<ln imagine a matinee audience of lhemsclv{'s int o supt'rherocs to rescue
hearded kids throwing ca n dy ,11 ,h{· the si nger's girl (Carolyn Brandt) from
screen. With Barbara Shelley, Ri ch:lrd ev il. Vin Saxon and Titus Moede star,
Pasco, Franci s Mathews, and Suzan with Gl'orge C<lldwell, Mike Kannon.
F<lTmt'r. Filmed with the ~nme sets, James Bowie, and Kogar the ~winging
crew, and stnTS as Dracula, Prince of ape. Sec also The Lemon Grove Kid:;
Darkness. Meel the MOlls/en. - CB


196; C inema o.~mhUlor) (B&W) 11IE WEREWOLVF,SARE
Pll.OOU<U: L~'w15 Andn:ws
ollu:aoIllKREENWlt.llIR: J.mlc~ Lmdls
1972 Wll1tam Ml sh k Ul Motion PICtures
RWI$ Naked
AUO 1t.[l£AS£O,u: My Sulll
Pll.OOUC[k: Wilham MLshkm
Landis' fo llow-up to The Nruly RaiXm OIR£aOk/KR£[~tTU.: Andy MlllLgan
IS the slory of a namele~s rock 'n ' rolt Awful cheaple ahout a family of were-
singer who tries to sleep his way to the wolves in 19th-century England. The
lOp. He ~teaJs nlOne~' from an o lder daughter raIses man-l'afing rals. Fi!rll(..-d
woman'~ purse to gel til l Io l1 ywood,
on Staten Island and In England. Do-
where he takes on a teen,lgeT and hIS 1[ -al1 Mishkin was also his own cine -
agent" wife. Wht'n lill Ie Jud y Hughes m:u ographcr. The rat ~'quenccs were
added aftC'r Willard achieved popularity.

1':165 1!e11l "phert' (U.S.lPhll;PI';nes)
DIR£aOR: Edd lt' R011lero
,.' . KRlENWRlt[M: Ct',;<Lr Amigo, F.Jule Romero
One of Ihe many war films Romero
made I:>cftlre he turned [0 more lucra-
tive horTL!r m,lVic.~. As American C'lP-
1.l1n Kermlf Dowling, John Saxon leads
WIN A LIVE RAT a ,l.!TtlUp of nallVl' glLerrill a~ aga inst the
FOR YOUR MOTHER-IN-LAW! Japanese. HI ~ ex-convicl p.1TlnCT ( Fl'r-

130m KllTloff lind Vm(<'11 1
I'l'In.' 11111,,, Ran:n (6-))



n,tn ..I.) I'D,,', Jr.) lnfiltr:ues a C<llwent tic !>UTgeun O h~""l"! b~ tlw w(lrk, ,)j
.1nd (:111, III \'\\'l' With a wnlmlll lx-ing Poe, He ',I\e, rhc IIIc nf aC Hl'" Irene
hldJen there h~' til\' nun~. Romero did \V,u "" (,hl" .lpJ'l'<lT' 10 ;1 11m' p(l,~
onl' ml'T(, W,IT JnllTI,\, Flight w FUT)' ,
Illllllberl , Hl'r JuJge f.HheT (S,IIIHll'i
H mJ,,) 1. ' lI!!h~ ,II &:1.,', requl'~t to m,ITr,
he r. The ,pIITnl,J 11\,,,.\m,1O 111\ I(e:) hIS
THE RAVAGERS "Lenore," heT j,lIher, ,m,1 h,'T ,lppr""eJ
]9i9 Avco Em ...·'"'>"
"",oooco.: John W. IlyJ<' fiance f() h I' ek-<:I n C Il!} op.:T,IIeJ hlll\w
olluaOf.: C'llll'Wn to tr} \lut hi' l..olk·c tl,lIl o( (.)TIUTe ,I,'·
so.[[NWNT(~: Do.m"ld S. SandforJ \'icc~. Be,kk, 11" 1'\\1\ pll.,lnd·"en.!,,·
Rlch<lrd I-hlrn~ \\'anJ"r~ through a ro st - Ilim ( heTe ' ~ ,I h::dnl(lm/dev,lTor ami a
lw l()camt \991 ~archi ng for .1 place room \\ Ith c rushlllj.( w<llk &~I of ,III ,s
c;tHed "Go.:n<'~l~." ! Ie 11mb Ernc,! Dorg- the doct ur\ new "~SI~ I ;l IH, "n e~"ped
nme lIving In;111 (Ill (,mkeT. Execu!;"'c crunin"l (130m Karloff) who 41(,wcd
rrnduccr Saul [);wJJ ,11 ,0 llMJe If/gall"s up (or il new f"ce <llld W(l~ turned InIl1 a
RWI I'\iS~ Ih!C. :--Julhing gooJ h;L ~ hCl'll !1lulibled, p"rtl"\!Y p"r:rly:ed In~(ru·
sa uJ al..... lu t thl' end·, l.rh,'·world m (lV;C. mcnt of revenge, LU).:05i torturc~ Karlofi
which "L<;() (\!illur<,~ Ann Turkel, Art furth er hy J{'hll!ing hl~ ne w "facc" In ~l
C:uney. and WunJy S(rc"k . mo m lmed wi th fllll· length mirrors.
The rIo! IS quite ~ llll i l"T in ~(llile wa}'s
to th ill tlf the ~,un (' year's Mad LOll;',
1935 Unlwr-,ll (I1,&W) frolll MG~\.
ASMXIATE PP.ODUCEJ.: Da\'l,] l)l<lrn,lI"]
0IUCTO~: 1..)\11< Ffll'd];mtla THE RAVEN
S(U[I\IWAITEM: 1);.1\ "I B..d11l1, Jun Tully 196> All'
Bela LUg()~l In one of Ill s J,!Tcatl'!>' rnk~ P~OOUCE"'DIMClO~ : R. 'p.'! G'T1ll,11l
<" Or, Volli n." " n lh,lIlt, eccentnc· K~EENW"no: RI.:h,IT,1 t..t.llh" ,>" n
(:nrnun', .... l1jll\dH .... lIlI1w,l y-b ,H ,l'l'
Ill,!! L.1I)dlll1 ~lIh\\'I \' rldl'r~ to r dinner.
,ll"" ,u{ Tln<.'<.' 15Ih-e<.'IHUfI rn,U,!KIHh nOlldld PI..:;t'~'n(l' , {M_ ,I' a rollC{' o ffi-
bruu,!! lu Tt',l!"dwr K,HI" " , Po..:<.', ,m.! Ll,l lm Tllt~ ,,'ml -'l'rll 111.', f.urly nltld hOf-
l"ff", ,mJ, Ul1liJ..,~ Ill .." lIIHl fl -h"rr"r- n Ir I,ll" . CI >--IM (]m,wrht:r Lee o lll y
'(,Ir hit', It WllTh'J. l'lr. l:r,l'mll' (:r,I\,." h;r~ ,I hrrd C.UIIl."" \'(Iull D.lnd Lldd,
(V II K"111 Prred, ,I fl'TlTl.'d "'r,,'Tn, I' ~h,ln ,n ('llrn~'\", ,lnd \:llrIn,11l RI"'ln,!!-
\"Nt..:d hI ,I tillklll,!! r,lI,'1l Ih;lt tllTlh 11111 I<>n It 11<1,,1.1 h;flt: 1"lt:l.'11 '{',trIt:r If ~l.'t
'0 he ;111 mere dnlnJ.."1l 1ll,lglU,lIl. I k
III N"I\ Yurk e ll \", II hnl' I h {)u~,md~ 01
Ad"II'III" B,'dln (I"'leT L,'rrd. 11,· h,l,1 hI lind,'" 1'l"ll'le h\·" III 'Uhll "I" runnl''''
"n'll IT,m,fofliwd hI till" l.'\ 1IIIlagluIII ( I( \
Dr. Sc.lf;lhlh (& ,rl' t-.:,lrl()It), Ilh o ,,' Inl'-
IH'" Lenn rl' (I b:d Court) "era",'!)'>
\Ilk, Ihnugln t"I'l' ,11',,,1 . /.11 k ;,J1,hlrl, Rli/II;L ANGHL
.011 i., ,uthel<'nth .,ill y ,I' 1)",.11(1\ ,,,n , 190211"um.1Il
R..:xt"r,j. O li \',' ~turgl'" I, ( :r"I"l"n\ H ooucn : j,IIIIl" J. l;,tnl\(lIl
,LIUghl l'r. It ,,111'11,1, in;1 ,1\'1) ,)l11IL ,lta·1 O I~ [CTO ~ ; LUlI( 'nl I)' 1IIgl ,,,
5n£ENWR!T£~~: ) \ '11 11\ R"", Ell inu l"yl1<"
",'t\\"l.'1'11 thl.' l'\ II ;Ill,! 11K" g'"
"I mol )..:1
(('lIh. I\'ri, IUTTb Vin(l.'1I1111!r l,1 ,i 1'" l rh';I :1 ~bllnll1g ".1 high ' ch()o l .llI-
1.1111 S,lIlK" "I Ihl' illnnl",r 111,'111":111 ' ,kn l {(lrn 1->••:llll'("n Rich,ltd Flynn .111.1
dr,' l'f(l\'ill",j h\ L"TT,' , wll" ,d ,lrhh,d "lllll .. dk IIlllll "Il\" 01 Ihi:rn 1IlIlrd<.'r,
IIlUC!r '" h), ellal"t:ul.'. ,I lhlkl ,hI' h f,,,"',,,nlllg. r..1"'I( hI
till' ;"t,lr,IU'11·r,. hl.lIlnlll).! h~-d ,I bur,ln
III :\ 11"1/\, I' .\ '01 d Ilmnl': I'r", llIu.:r
RA If'/ A/l'A 1" (i,ml)(>11 h n .IIKI',1 EIIT\ S/I<lrrr,U ,\llIsr
1<J;:\IJ'II-.l1d,lll.l) hili, ('f!
PRO OIJ( £R, ]',"11 1\1,1,1,111<1.,
OIR£C10R: (;,If> 'lwI IIl,m
K RHNWRIT£R , ('nl J"n." R";IlIi/. RO{ IS{,RS
j,(, J.. ,\ '(, h"h"" I II uh A1.50 RH[A~m -'5: f)lluhl"" I <J(,7 J, ttl! "I"r 1:"I"1"" r
'1I1/O(.·J /~Ulh ,m,I",,".,!! J\·'Cl.'lld,HU' ,II ;111 1 "9! IlIIlIl,'1 ,II"" PRO OUC£R/OII"£C10R: .\ t,m III B. l." lw l1
nl~ (lNJ Ul I~,·I,,·II{,~J'l.'T" kT ,Ir,' lit III III lil t: IInd..:r!!Tt >lill,1<In,1 ,',11, K RE[HWRlT[lU: AI ...., [,,,I,h. .\t.lh.ll'I K,If',
,\ 1.1rI1II11 C"h,'n
:-ih'lnk hd'ITl' bl\\ R,,/a and inr,Tl1a-
IIl'n.t! I;lnrl', J;ld: ,"Kh,,j"lIl 1,1.1\·l.',1 hI'
1.1"1 lIud, lII -hlka fllk'. Alung tor till"
rldt, I, !'flll": I \:rn Th..: 11\,:\1 th n
\1 l'r,' I.... II h 111 IIll' d ,I"ic L.'\j) <'j'ie l',,(h -
()w Th..: inlf\'.llhl" C;III\O,:rllll r..lrtch -
1,111' ,\ I r. (~" lIler, dll,lrchl1 , -rt . TIll" g,m),!
,,j 1.1111.-" rd'I'I, C"'I'tur", h " l'r<.'"n,1111
)! 1r1lrwnd (j)nll\ r<',rI -111<" \111<" f" r ,I
1IIIIk- Dldlll' LIlI,1) ;md h.l\l' " ell'''L:
1',1(1' ,,, \1'11l) II 11111'11\ Ill'r. ( :,IIII,' run

).!I'l' lr.tIllI ( ,mel nnl(l' w.rrn, J,Kk tp

'I, 'I' I, 1',lrrni.! ,1 rlp<..,.1 p, rnl~. The n ll!pk
!, rl"< 11<,,1 h .1 I.tlilth "I ILHl' ,\!':xicm,
1\1111 rH, hltlrk" J-rlml",llll I\r i:lln;r ,md
1 .1\, h L.hl" l("I,Il'. \X'Hh H ,lrn
1\',111 Sr,HIIlIn. ,","I rl"1'·,I......1 milll [<JiLl.
THE REBEL SET Rt.lgill,l( Dull left " ut Jake La Morta\ :lel -
1959 Atllt,,1 ArmIs (I"\&W ) ing career. lie was 1Il some rea l fringe
Pf.OOUCEP.: E:ul Lyons stuff. A s Julto in this obscu re anti-
Fowler. Jr. Castro item , he te,lIns up wuh Lon
KNl:~lTo.s: l ou V,ltt.". BemaN GI rard C hanq, Jr., and 13111 Fletcher to md a
AUO ~o AS: &(1.151"& revolt aga inst th~' ComlHtllusts on the
Beatnik coffeehouse propriewr Ed .....ard Isle of Pines. FdmeJ 1Il Mlanu ;md
Phm recruits Gregg Palmer, Joh n Lup- Cub,l_ It would make a great douhle
too. and Don Sul1 h'an tu help with a bill with ,he i,:-w mlh' rare Erro l Flyn n
mil11lm .dollar armored-car helSl. The !lIovie. C uixm Rebel G lr/s.
caper goes off ill:> planned during a four-
hour tnt;n layover. but Platt sp r; ng~ a
double cross . Kathleen Crowle)", Ned nlE RED BARON
Glass, and I. Stanford Jolley cu-star. 1970 L!nltL',1 Arrim
Piau was the chk( on Gd Smart. and PRODUCER: (.iCT1<' C"f\n,m
0111.[(10": Rngcr C"fm,m
Fowler d irec ted I M arried a Munster
K"EENW"ITE"S: J"hn ,tTl,j J' l)"ce C.)[ rm),:lun
from O u (('r S/xlCe. -CB
ALSO R[l~EO AS ; V"n Ri(h lhl!W!I (IIIJ
REBEL WITHOUTA CAUSE .A.,~,I Can"dlan g;tr.lg..:_mechanic_tumeJ_
195; W~rnt'r Rrodwrs pilot, Do n Stfl)ud ,Icfeah th~' hun,)r-
pp.Q()IJC[~ : i>-1\'ld W.. "han ahle o ld-f' Gcrm<ln ace Von
OIIUCTO il;: N' Ch o l;l$ Ra)' Rich{hoven (John Phillip Law) . Wuh
S(1I.([Pf'W",lT£k: St CW:lfI S t ern
Hurd I b tficld. Barry Primus. Kart: n
Fro m the ads: "Teenage terror (Om from Huston. S[oI:rhen t.kHarrie, and a 101
tocb y's headlines!" This classic pre-rock of fh'ing ~..:qll e nce~. A nude love sct'ne
'n' roll teen drama stars James Dean. was delete.1 after aud l ence~ laughed at
Natalie W()()(l. and 5.'1 1Mineoas mixL-o' it. All th,' German v\)Ices were duhhcd
ur ~'oun g m lsfit ~. See how much fun in afteT lil .. fi lm was fi nIshed . II W:lS
th e '50s really were. Midd le-class kids tht' \as! 1\1\1\'ICdlreC{L.J by Corm,IIl , who
with ever),thlllg cope with maladjusted had Jm{ fllnm·d hiS New Wllrld PI C-
parellls and a terrifying VIsion of Earth tu re" co mpany.
explodin.e:. O ther stlldellls are pblyed
by Dennis Hopper. Nick Adams, and
Corey Allen (as Buzz. loscrof a chicken THE RED liANC,JtAM
run) . Jim Backus, Ann Doran. Rochelle See THE BLOOlJ)' PIT
Hudson, and William Hopper arc par- OFlJORROR.
ents. Wi rh Paul Birch and Edward Platt
as cops. Key scenes filmed at the Griffi th
Park Planetarium. A ll th ree of the stars RED lJEU" Sec TWO
died unn,ltur<l 1 deat hs. Blacklx"m/ lUIl- BEFORF ZERO.
gk was rt:!e:lsed rhe same year.


1961 Im ~rn.lllnn,, 1 Film l)i>Ir1~Ut l>r~ 19')1 Ul1uc·.1 Am_I> (fi&W)
PRODUCER: Am hon)' V('dler
( B&W )
""oDuc£IIIDI"£C10": Allwn C. ,-"mna...."y DlkE(1O'-: I I ,lfT~ Ilorner
K " UN'\1I'R/TI:M: J(,hn L B.ll.lerslc>n,
KkE(~rr£ ..: Gr.we~
A UO kEl UMD Al: C hllldlO, lletTlIWr Ant honr VCIIII_·r

Christian science-fic tion (rom The Mc- IWFLEC110NS OF AIURDER
Carth yera. Mars. a utopian planet . is 1974 TV
ru led by Goo! Married scientiSTS Peter P«.OOUCEII: Aaron Roscnherg
Gnlves and Andrea King find OUT the OIR.£aOI\: John Badham
shocking facts hy communicating with SCII.UHWPJr[A: Carol Sobieski
the planet via a supertrammiuer le(t Jcxm Hackett , TueS(lay Weld. and Sam
behi nd by a crazed Nazi (Herbert BcIlZ- Wate rston prove themselves in this re-
hoI). When the news get uut . religious make o( l)i(Wolique. Nerve-case Joan a nd
revolutionaries overthrow the Commu- lo use husband Sam run a \x,ys' school
nist government in Russia! I'm SUfe the on an island in PUl,,'et Sound. Best friend
fo lks who made it were si ncere. but the Tuesday offers to help somebody mur-
ludicrous plot twists make it impo~~ ihle der somebody else. Beautifully shot on
to take seriously. An anti-Communist location in Washington State . Genu-
cla ss ic with Ma rvin Miller. Mor ri s inely sttspenS<'fu l. - CB
Ankrum. and Walter Sande.
1957 A ll' (B&\V)
THE REDEEAIER ~O DUCll\: Rohert J. Gurney, Jr.
1978 Dimension Edward Ikmds
PAODUCEP.: Sheldo n Tromherg From the ads: ';Caged boy-hu ng!)' wild-
DIR.£OOP.: Constantine S. Gochis ems g,lIll' mad!" Edd ·'Kookie'· Bymes
From the ads: "First T HE O MEN ditches Luana A nders to take Gloria
now TH E REDEEMER." Six sin ner Castillo o n a wild joyride in a slo len
graduates fro m the class uf '67 arc car. Cast illo is (r'dmed in the death of a
graphically mutilated and ki lled hy a peJe~tTlan . B~' rn es then gets Ander.; out
skull-faced angel from hell (T.G. Fink- of Ihe lI'a\' by having a third gi rl turn
binde r) . Twisted mora li:ing. explolt,l- her in for car stripping. Lu,ma th inks
lio n slyle. (R) that illo IS rCl;ponsible and tensio ns
belween rhe two rack the cellbloc k.
Teel1<lge tm mps include Diana Darrill,
REFLECTION OF FEAR Yvet((' Vickers. Donna Jo G ri bble, and
1971 Columbia (Canada) Sally KellcrmOln. O riginal ly distributed
P«.OOUC[I\: How~ rd B. Jaffe wlI h Rock Armmd rhe World ,lIld re-
OI R.£CTOP.: Will iam A. Fraker relea~ed III 1959 to cash in on Byrnes'
K II.[[NWl\rrus: Edward Hume. TV success . -CB
Lewi, John C"riino
/...ah)Tl!1 lh
41.50 II.£LEASED AS:
A young girl (Sondra Loc ke) li ves in a 1971 Mcmlinn (Ca na.b)
fan lasy wo rld with Aaron. a doll s h~' ~ODUCl"/SCR.£ENWI\ITll\: See lig Lester
believes can kill peo ple . Her f:H her OIR.£CTOII: Don H ald~n('
(RoheTi Shaw) returns afteT 10 yeOlrs. The ads pTllmise: "No one ever dies. "
Sa lly Kellerman is her new stepmother. A struggling young scu lptor Olgrees ro
Mary Ure is her mo ther. Many of the let a dying lawyer transfer hi s spiri t to
c a~t memhers d ie . Th is P5)'cho- ish tale the sc ulptor's bod~' in Oln occulr ritua l
sa l on the shelf for two yeOlrs before invo kmg the sacrifi ce of a young vi r-
heing released in a cut versIon. A very gm and black Cat s. The (k'ad girl is fe-
effec ti\·e . well-photographed sll rpri~e incarnOlted as the hahy of the now
thriller. ~uccess (ul sculptor.

PETER PROUD 1961 AlP (Denmark)
19i5 Cmerama PRQCUCEioJOIR,ECTOR: SI.lncy Pink
MOOUCEk: Frnnk P. Rll><nOcTJ.: SCM£NWPJTE'-S: Ih ~'l e1chlor, Sidney Pink
OIMCTOk: J. Lee Thu l1lpstln Oil dTiller~ find a hunk of dinosau r flesh
SCJI.E[N\IIkITU.: M a~ Ehrlich that ,l.!f(lW~ into a gialH flying reptile
Michael Sarra:m begins to realize he's that attdcb Copt'nhagen ! T he laugh-
the reincarnation of a man who was ahle ~ ub-Jap,me:.c monst{~r I ~ acnm l l~' a
df()wncd years ago. The dead man's jerky puppel. Starring pcllple named
daughter (jennife r O'Neill) ("lls 10 love Ca rl. ASJorn. and Bent. Filmed III
with him . The dead m<ln's wife (Margot "Cinemilgic," from a StUTr b~· pwdllcer-
Kidder in old-age makeup) wants him d irectur Pink .
out of the way. Sound interesting! Not
vcry. With some reall y embarrassing
dialogue. A Bing Crosby pnxl uction. REPULSION
With Cornl'l ia Sharpe. Based on a 196; Royal (England) (fI&W)
novel by M<lX Ehrlic h . (R) PI\ODUCo.: Gene Guw ..... ,ki
OlkE(TOJI,:Rnm.m Pol:mski
SCP.EENWl\tTtP.S : Roman P"bnsl l,
Gerard Brach
Catherine Deneuw as a yOllng Belgian
woman worki ng a ~ a manicurist in
1966 Univer'HI
PIWOUCWDI'-£CTOf.: Edward J. Mom,'gne
London is repclbl hy sex. When her
~ [Nw,"rn.s: Jnll Fm.d 1. roomm,lIe-sistcr (Yvonne Furncaux)
EverCH Greenh'llIm leaves for a vaca ti o n with hcr Tl1arried
lAm KnoHS as a nervous NASA jani- boyfriend (I an H endry). she '-Iuits her
tor afraiJ of heights is SCIl I inti) space joh and Shllb herself In th l' ap..1rt mcnt.
to prove how cfticil'nt u.s, sracc cap- Her Il h:nt;l ] state deteriorates a~ she $Ce~
sules arc. A m:idc-for-TV fearure re- a rm~ reacbm!! out of the w,11l to grab
leased instead to ,hem'rs. With Leslie her, a nd ~hl' kill~ her would-be boy-
Nielsen, Joan Freeman, Jesse While, friend (John Fraser) and a l echcrou~
Jcanene Noilln, and Anhur O'Connei L landlmd (Patrick W}"mark). p(J l'~
first Englis h -1angua~c feature is an es-
scntia l clas~lc. Music by Chico Hamil -
ton . \Vatch for Po lan.~ki pb ymgspoons.
1966 l-i:uJ\tn('rl20th Ccnrury-Fox
~OOUCEI'.: Anthlll\Y Ne]"on-K{'"y~ REQUlElII FOR A SECRET
ClkECTOk: Ju hn Ud1ing AGENT
SO,E£NWPJTEk: John Elder 1%5CPT(h~II~')
In 19th-cent ury Cornwall, Jacqueline OlkE(TOII: S.: rgH'> 50 1111113
Pierce [urns ilHu a sn~l ke CTl'allire be- After co-starring in a grc" t Ja ll1c~ Bond
cause of a Malayan curse. The '50s-style movie (FwIII Ru.ssia with lot.... ). Daniela
m onster h as fa n ~s, big pop eyn, ;lIla a BianchI went to lrah' and co-starred
scaly fllce, bUI she's got a human's body in two of rh{~ worst Bond IInitatill11S,
nnd hair. With Noel Willman, Jennifer Openlllon KUl Brother, and thb one fca-
[);m iel. and Ray Barrell. Made at the lunn.ll Stewart Gran,l;!cr. Granger 5~ nds
same time as PUlgue of the ZOIlli>irs. mo~t of the movie ~ I arping and punch-

Int: kmak Gl~[ "1l'mhl'f~. \VlTh I\,tl:r 71IE RESURREC710N OF
V; 1Il Eyc k 'Incl GIl1rgM ~Ioll. ZACHARY WHEELER
[9il O"I.! Kc~ Entcrt,llllmcnt
AAODUC(R: BIl" St:lhler
1965 World \'(II.k
SCk££HWRlTlM: Jay Sln\~, Tom Rolf
proOU(£,jOIUCTOR: DKk R""
KR££NWRll[R: J,mlt'~ F. C. ,lllc'T RepllTtc r Le~"c Nielsen disco\'cr", a
J,)hnny Crawt()[d'~ rarl:nt~ find (11th
clone (.1([1)1)' in New M,'xic{) where ~ i ­
{' n l iSh blackma il their rcvi,-ed palien fS
while ,Iui ng re~c<lrch for ,I tdevl'11m
IU gaIn f'lJ\\'cr, A :.o.:mltor (Bmdford Di ll -
"cript on \\'"ywan.1 Yllllth, HI' l'~:lp.",
tu Palm Srrin).!~ with ,I pregn.tnt fncnd, lIlan) )..'(' t ~ new Vital organs afteT:l car ac-
Kim Darby, wh.) h;l~ [(lInc ;lll1ng to cid,'nl. ShOT on vidl'Ota!)(' ,lIld solJ d l-
IllCl:t her [Tuch'r /ian(',:, ,LI.,hn hl'r reed y w television. With Angie Dick-
wri~t~ when Ill' doesn't ~ho\\', Thi, i~
l'nson, J(lck C,mer, :lnd James Daly,
enough for John ny; at Hilly Gr,lh , Il1\ '~
nex t Lus Ang,'k,s re\'iv,d he ,t ,l11d,
rruu,1 in the light. \\lit h J I:~\Il Eng~tr'Hn,
LUTcnl' TutTle, I. St,md fl,rd J'll le)" !>Ilh
Random, ancl RUN'rt C brh" R<ll~n S YNDICATE, Sec NOTHING
Sampson of F.n' I't'te's Sak" an,l G"OT,L!I,1 BUT 71110 NIGHT.
Lee .)f \'(/ITC[((/)/)<,T :lTI: thl' I':lTl'nts, Mr.
;11111 Mrs. \Vinhm , en


198 I UIlI\Tr....'l[ IIIOON.
Hml,ml Ro....-::nm,\Il
DIRECTOR: D,lllld Pelt":
SCREENWRITER: L.'wl;; John C.ulln"
Ellen !3u r.~ l rn briefly "dll'~" :lfll'r ,\ car [980 Grey.!,,,, Chrk Pnxlucli,>n,
coll ision and «Itches :l,l!lllnr",e "IMc- PROOUCE,JDIM;CTOR: Grt"j'.!,m Clark
after-dcath-which is SOT[ 01 like a hi),! Jun \'i/he;II, Ken \'Vhe;u,
SC"'££ N\lnJTUS;
family reunion held in ;[ diSCO , h,lt 1'1:l~, Curl!' HUTch
soft electronic music. Th"re:lfTl'r, ,he TWl'nt)' )'eOlt~ 01,1:'), two children and a
discowrs th:l[ she has the "hdlty "' (~'l'l pro~recr(\r were :Olpped by :l saucer.
the sickn ess of <.lthen , ,111.1 heal by Noll', [he kid~ have grown up to he
touch, Putting ,[s iJe the q~'rn rnor;.!it)' C~'hill Shepherd, the scienti/ic -gcnills
of her father (played \->r R(,hert BI(l"~)1l1, da ll ghT~'r (lfhigh-t,'c h industrial ist Ray-
the m:lS., murderer of AILm Ormshy\ lIloml Burr, and JOln-Mich:lel Vincent,
Uo:ran/..'t'd) , she lets S,IIn Shep.!r,l, the derll[), to MaTlin L l11d:lu , the Tllarsh:l l
rehellious son of a hell-and-hflm~tonc of the' dl'~cTl rown of little Crl'ek.
preacher, muscle his way intn hl'r hed- The 1'T\)~pccto r (Vinnie SchiOlvell i, the
room. Later, Shep c:ln't ge t if up Jx.- whining inma te from One Flew OW"
cau~l' hl"s con vi nced that !3ur~[)'n I~ the Cuckoo's Nest) h,lsn't aged at all;
Christ returned; he shoob IWT In :l ll hc's h\'lIlg in a cave near liuk' Creek
effort to pron' it. The tl'.lr-rl\)nC ~houtJ ;l ntl hOl~ t,lken to mutilat ing people and
hTing lots of Kkenex. B~I !\:c\'1l1e Brand'~ cOltt le with a glowing

rod ThaT burns flesh, lind th rowi ng THE RETURN OF CHANDU
spare pans through a wei rd glowing 1934 Pnncipal (B&W)
tu nnel that is his di rect line to the sau- PAQOUCU.: Sui lesser
cer people. S hephe rd and Vincent OtIlJ:CTOP.: Ray Ta}'lor
eventually learn thar the saucer folks SCIIJ:[~IT[": B.'lrry Barrmga

are o kay after all-Schiavel1i JUSt mis- A s rhe hero magi c illn with occu lt
unders tood thei r inSlfuct ions. Director powers, Bela Lugosi goes to the magic
C lark appa rentl y didn't know whether island of Lemuri<l 10 rescue Princess
he wanted to make a horror fi lm or an- Nadji from a cat-worshiping cult. The
o ther Close Encounllm; the result is a first four ch apters of this independent
lot of contradictory nonsense with a few serial we re condensed in to this feature.
flashy effects scenes. Never released to and the I(lst eighT inw another (Chandu
theaters, though it's heen seen on TV. un Magic Island). All [2 :nc now ava il-
Without Warning (b~' the same d irector) able on o ne videocassette. See Lugosi
was, believe it or not . ben eT. - BM actuall y .5..w e the leading lad~' (Maria
Alba), gaze into his crystal ball, and
use his yoga powers to become invisi-
RETURN FROAI THE PAST, ble ! W ith s('(s (and the great wall) left
Se.DR. TERROR'S GALLERY o ver fro m King Ktmg. Iron Eyes Cody
OF TERRORS. is Be la's native assistant. Bela played
the villain in the earlier ChanJlI 1M
Magician .
1978 But!na Vista CHAN, See HAPPINESS IS A
nOouctM: Ron Milia. Jerry Courdand WAJlJJI CL UE.
DINCTO'-: John Hou/;!h
SCIIJ:E~ITl": Malcolm Marmorslcin
The twO alien kids with psychic JX"W-
eo from Escape to Witch Mountain re-
1971 AlP
turn to Earth and are used by mad PP.ODUCU.: Miac hacl Macrcady
sc ientist Christopher Lee and partner DIIIJ:CTOP.: Bob Kelljan
Bene Davis 10 rob a museum and de- SCP.£[HWNTEJU: Bob Kdl,a n,
su oy a nuclear reactor. Excellent spe- Yvonne WilJer
cial effects highlight this science-fict ion Caunr Yorga mad e so muc h money
advent ure. Wilh Den ver Pyle , Jack that this quick seque l was rushed out.
500, and Dick Bakalya n . Robert Q uarry again sta rs, rh is ti me
stalki ng around an orphanage in San
Francisco. Roget Perry is again the hero.
THE RETURN OF CAPTAlN Mariene Hartley (of Polaroid camera
A-fAR VEL, See THE TV ads) is the Count's main interesr.
ADVEN'FURES OF CAP7)IfN Edw:nd Walsh is Brudah agai n and
MARVEL. the producer's dad, G eorge Macready,
appears as a professor in h is last role .
Quarry went o n to Dr. Phibes Rises
THE RETURN OF Ci\JYJ)lJN Again . Madhouse, and unemplo~' tnent.
NEAtO, See THEMlAZlNG Dire<tor Kclljan made Scream. Blacula,
CAP'J)lJN NEAtO. Scream.

TilE RETURN OF personatlllg a visiting artist and pro-
DR. ,'/ABUSE ceeds hi v,unpin:l' the locals. Prohably
196J AJ~\' Films bccau~ of Htmnr of DmClllt:l (released
(W. Gnnmny / Fr.lIlc("/ ha[~· l (B&W) rhe s.1 me yea r) , we gel 10 M~e a litrle
H.ODUCTION stJPEI\VI$OII.: \'\!nlf Bralllll'r f-.lolxl when rhis creature of the nig ht
011\[001\: HamId Reml IS ~tak('d . He also turns into a bat and
K '-£ENWIUlOO: Laulsb, F"d ...r. M ,ITC f\ellln .I wIII(, With Norma Eberhardt and
R,.y Smddyn.
1m Sluhllk'l; de1 Dr. ,\]nbule k.!:l£AUD AS: rlw.nlurn Fiend
Dr. Mabuse (Wolfgang Preis.,). work- nil! RETURN OF ,IlAJIN
ing with th(, Chicago Mafia, u~o.:s hyp- 1966 Dau:i/ AIP_TV (Japan)
notism and drugs III m3kc mindless PkODUCEII: ~1.lS<llchl Nag,ua
slaves of the innwtcs and ~ta(( of a Ol kEClOflS: Kl'nji Idisunl l, Yosh l)"uki KUTuJa
prison. Gnt Frui')(: as InspecTor Loh- SCIIEENWkITEII: Tl·t ..... 'U Y",hida
m:mn. Lex Barker as a C IA m:ln, ,md TIle gi;"!nt warrior st;"!tue Majin retllm~ in
Da liah LiJvi as the dillightl'T of the pw- " seqlld, almust identicd to the mig-
(l'SSor who invented the .Irug rush to iili"ll - Majill. MrJIIsrrr of Terr()1". Kenji
pn:Vl'nt ;m aTtack on a nuclear rC::lctnr. Mislimi later directed Sh()~HIl Assassin.
By rhe director of l3/oot/ Fiend.


1939 Warm-T BrOfher~ (B&W) S" tAR1:' See TilE NUDE
PkODlKEk; S TY.1n 1'0)' 801118.
DtM:CTO"; Vincent Sherm.U1
SC"[[NWMl:Il: L...... Kat:
Ilumphrey Bogart as a vampire! AClu- TilE RETURN OF ,IIR. " IOTO
ally he's the notorious Dr. X"nCf, elec- 1965 20th Century-Fox
trocuted for a few murders but returned MOOUCEflS: Roberr lippert. Jac k Paf50ns
to life b~' John lite!' The liVing-dead OII1lCTO": Erne$t MorTIS
&gey has a shock of white hair, wears ~[[HWI\lTEk: Fred Eggers
strip('d pants, and carries a scalpel be- A failed attempt to pULl 19JOscharac-
cause he needs hlood. Pmenrial vict ims t('r HUO the modem James Bond world.
indud .., Rosemary Lml', Dennis Mor· Henry Silva, a Puerto Rican, plays the
g;m, W,lyne Morri s, Hunt: Hall. WI1· Japanese sleuth (now an Interpol agent)
liam Hopper, Cre ighton Hale , ,lnJ without makeup. He exposes a world·
Glenn Langan. Bogan did nor receive domination plot involving oil sheiks
top hilling and hated the role. You and ex·Nazis. With Martin \Vyldeck
mi~ht not. though. and Suzanne Lloyd.


1958 Uni ted Arti sts (B&W w it h color RETURN OF TilE APE MAN
sequence) 1944 Monogram (B&W)
PIIODUCEM; Jules V. Levy, Arthur Gardner PIIOOUCE~: jack DieTl. Sam Katlman
DIk.£CTO"; P<lullanJres DIII.£ClOII: Phil Rosen
K k.£lHWIIITEII : Pat Fielder KII.£EHWIIIT£II; Robert Charles
A.lSO II.£L£A.UD AS: CUT.l<' of DrOCIIW Sixty minutes o f vintage Monogram
As Dracu la, Francis Lederer arnves III nonsense. Bela Lugosi as Professo r
conrempomry Sourhern C,llifornia 101- Dexter brings a prehistoric man (forml'r

box('r Frank Moran) to life and gives it THE RETURN OF THE
Ihe hrain of his co-worker (John Carra- GlANTdlONSTERS
dinoel_ The croeatll re (firs[ seen frmt'n 19671).uci/ A1P-TV (japim )
in p lflstic-wmp "icc") plays piano and ","ODUCU: Hidemil~;' N~g;lti l
shows h is underwear under his anima l OII\£CTOfi: Noriaki Yuas~
skins! Wonderfu l. Third-billoed George SCI\E[HWP,IJ[k: runll T~bha$hl
Zucco isn't even in it (he was g\)ing to OI\lG INALLY P.EILUEO M: Gamera WI (J),{lm
play the apc man) . It has nmh in),! to do In the third Gamer,. the Flying T un1e
with rhe previous year's The A/>emall, 1I100-ie, the giant world proteclOr fights
but it's just flS funny. Gyao~ , a winged reptile wilh lasoer-beam
brelilh .


1973 (Spain )
DtI\ECTOIU: Armilndo 0.:' Ossorio RETURN OF THE TERROR
OI\tGINAU Y I\EI..£AS£.D M : 19 14 W:uner Bro thers ( B&W)
£1 AM'll/I" de Iv5 M ueT"tus Sin Qos "'ODUCTION/ suPUVI:.oP.: S~m Bl"choff
You loved the <"tncient w ain):: zombies DII\ECTO P. : How~n.l Brerherton
in The Blind De(l£i. Here they are again, KP.EENWI\lTEP.S: EUl:enl' Solow. Pert'r Milne
back fa attack Tony Kendall and all A remake of The TmOf (1928), wh ich
his beautiful European girlfriends. S mce was till' fir~ t sound horror film. The in-
yo u still couldn't ger enough of ,he lov- vento r of ,he supcr X-ta\' machine es-
ahle t1csh -eat ing ghouls, they relUrned capes from fhl' a,\,lulll and the murders
yer agam in H()1Tur vf lhe ZombieS. ~ t :lrt . Mary ASlOr and L,']e Taloot arc
the romantic stars. Frank McHugh is
w nliC rel ief. With J. Carrol Naish, Ir-
\'Itlg PlChcl , and Frank Re icher. It was
RETURN OF THE FLY h:.~cd 0 1\ an EJgar \Vallace story.
195910tl1 Cemul)'-F(l~ (B&W )
PI\OOtJCEk: Ikrn:u'd Glasser
The soequc1 to the color hit The Fly is a VM fPIRE
more stand.:lTd bkKk-flnd-while rctelling 1943 G,lumbla (B&W)
of the ~'lme story_ Andre's grown son, ".ooocU: S.. m \'(1h" . .
Phillip (Brett llalsey), dusts off the nHH - DI RECTOP.: Lew LIIl\!crs
ter transmincr and, Ihanks 10 a spy, SCI\EEN\VP.ITEk: G rlftil h Jay
becomes a human fly like dad d id . Th i~ Dt-sPllc hi" fame , I~ a hlootbucker, Bela
time the monster has a huge head. nn ly pbycJ a rcal wllnpi re thre('
spends a lot m\)[e time Ollscreen, and times anJ once it was in a COIlll'Jy
goes after the h y~teric a] wife (Daniel lc (Abbt:'lf mul Cvswllrl Merf Fr(mkrn5f<.'i ll).
Demctz). Vincent Price is back as the G reedy U n i \"er~ "l wouldn'l let Culwll-
concern<.-d unck' and there's one good hi,. cflll him Dracub, .'>O he'sell!!e.! Ar-
silly/sick scene worthy of the o rtglnal: 11 mand Tc ~ 1a here . He's <I Rum:lIli<m
miln IS pliT in the machllle with a gUinea vampire In Lundo n who gels revived
pig, resulting in a dead guy with white when Wo rld \V"r !! Germ,l11 hombs hit
paws. Di rcctor BcmJ.~ is bc~t known a ccmCI('ry. His assiswnr (Matt W illis)
for h b work With the Threc Stooges. 1~ a werewolf! FfI<.-.ja I ne~on runs nn

I 19;8 H(lm merlColumhia (England)
j ".OOUC[~ Anlhony Hmds
OI'-£CTO~ Ttrtmce Fisher
S(P.l[NWIUTO: JImmy Sangster

] Peter C ushing returns as Dr. Franken-

siein. He now calls himself Dr. Ste in
and nms a charity hospital for the poor.
h's an ideal situation for the "g<XKI"
doclOr, who takes body parts from his
peasant patients whenever he feels like
it. With the help of his assistant (Fran-
cis Mathews), he puts the brain of Kar l,
a crippled man who rescued him from
the gui llot ine in the opening sequence,
into a new body. The creature (Michael
Gwynn) looks like a normal human
with ~titches. With Eunice Grayson and
asy lum and nil's to dc~uoy the vampire. Lionel Jeffries as a body snatcher. An
With Nin:J Foeh and Milcs Mander. American ad wllrned: "If you go alone
The director, originally known as Louis . .. you' ll find you rse lf fUnning all the
Fnedhlnder, had also done The Raven way home!"
wi th Lugosi.

19i7 777 Dislrlhuto~
",OOUCEP,; Bon Gat~·s 1955 Unlver"al (3-D,8&W)
DrUClOIl.: T o m M oore ~oocu.: William Alland
0 1,-£001\; J:lCk Arnold
SCI\[£H\VJJT[I\: [)a\'~ Wood~'
K'-£[HWMtk: Martm Berl.eley
The h<l;r)' man- i n-a-suir creature from
TIle popular gill man relurns, only to
The Legend of 8000-Creek hclp~ some
kids lost in a storm. With Dawn Well ~ be captured hI' John Agar. taken tu
Florida, and thrown in a Marineland
(Mary Ann on Gilligan's Is/mull.
fish tank. Ag:u, with co-workers Lori
Ne lson and John Bromfield, uses elec-
REVENGE I'ric crurle prods to help in his study of
1971 TV the chaim'd crea ture. The angry am-
Mark Carlint'T
f¥.ODU( ER: phibian (Ricou Browning) is once again
DIMCTOR: Jud Taylor rlfter the lead ing lady. He follow s her
SnEENWl\tTER: Joseph Stcphanu to a swingin' dance, which quickly ends
Shelley \Vinrcr~ stars as a dcrao!!cd when the party-goers spot the scaly
mOTher in her first TV Inuvie! She square from South America. Alrhou,Ilh
thinks Bradford Dillm:J1l caused he r fi lmed in 3-0, it was usually projected
daughter's death, so Brad b'Oe~ In the jail lIat. With Nestor Pai va and, in his first
(ell in the basemen£. Hi:. wife (Cilrol screen role, Clint Eastwood as a lab
Rossen) uses ESP to find him. With fechnici ;m with a mouse in his rxx:ket.
Stuan Whit man and R Ogt' T Perry. In 1982 ,\ New O rleans showing made

John Ag<JT wid Lon Nelwn
u~dch John Bromfield in-
ject dams In Revenge of
the Crea ture.

" the firs t fC;lturc "'madC;l~t in }-D I'll A to(;lll)' u,ekss ",equd" to a pretTy
commercial televi ,jl'n . u scle ~, fe,l(u rc. A rer orter (ShOlrnn
Glc'\s)dl'co\'cr~ the truth aNl\lt the
~eemm!!ly perfee! wives 111 ;l New En-
REVENGLi OF THE IJJ::AIJ, gl:tnd hedT~'''!lI cU !llmll nit ~'. With Juli e
Sec NIGIITOF THE GHOULS. Ka \'ner (RhOt:/d) and Anhur H ill.


1943 r..l"no)!Tam (B&W)
REVENGE OF nlE LIVING ""OOUCER: Lmd,lq' 1',11"S<mS
CLINIC. !>(UENWI1.IT[JI.S; Edmllnd Kelso,
V;ln N,\rcross
Mptl' \\,lrtlllll' hOTTlm,. Down 11\ the
hdY,l\1 ~Clel\t1't John Carradllle crCiues
REVliNGR OF THE a :olllhie <U!lIy for the Na:,,,. H, ~ wife
SCRl'AllllNG IJJ::A/)' (VeJa Ann BOTg), ,,1"1) a :omhle , I'llt ~
See 1JJ::Af) PEOPLE. ,I 'lop III hi" fm'mll y 1'];111' , tvl)' Ladt.'
.\'l (lT~II' ~[" r Srnnn ,md iWllrl' R u -
m,m Roh.,.;rt L(IV.eTV ~n(M'p aT<lund itnd
RliVENGEOFHIE t.tllltan h funn y. \"nh Hob
S TEPFORlJ WIVES St<.:dc. I Walkd with (l 201ll/.le had jll st
1980TV hl'en ,I lilt for RKO, Thl' dm:c to r,
H.ODU((I\: SenU RlI,lll1 who~..:: re,,1 n<lme 11',," Istvan Szekely,
OIUClOII: R"Ix·rr Fue)I .I,d (eiltllrl'~ III Hung:lTY ,md Gl'rnmllY
KIIEENWIIIUII: [\lVld WI!t"'-' hefufl' !1\,)\'ing to Amcrird 111 1940 .
milk. Thcre\ a ,good white magicia n,
l\)mh ll'~ with ,pikes throug h their hl-ads.
The'WALKING DEAD' canniha l", kung I'll, a nd sex.
,I II I,((,l toh,
are the DEADLY! ••
Look (lIT II ,It }'lUlr loca l manial-ans
the;ucr. With Tl Lung and Lily T u. (R)


11,136 Acadc!n~ (B&W)
P"OOUClil.: Edward Ilalpcrm
Otf\(CTO": ViclOr Halperm
SCN:EHW"'TEII.S: IlowarJ 111!l!!ms.
R,)II" LlIII'd, Victor Halpertn
Th..: m:lk..:r~ l)i\Vhue Zombie fl)' un~uc­
c c,~f(lJl)' (or a rl'pe<ll hit. They evC" n
r<:lI~cd ,hOB of 13<: 1" Lugosi 's e~'c~.
During World War I you ng Dean Jagger
c n'dte,:( lI11hie ~() [di e rs in Carn1:xxlia fur
the French. With Dorothy Stolle. A
r:lrc Independent (cattlre th at looks lik e
One of 11 IV')S Ill<lck' In t!1l' '20~. Dean Ja).1ger
the mosl '1111 helps crcat,' m nmre TS (:;..." Alli}.:lltur).
and RE VOl.U11ON
bizarre 1%0.) llnll,.J Arrl)b
films P"OOU C(";O I"(C10";iC"((NWRIT£R:
of the J.(d (n \>!Hldl
year! The d'Tl'ct()r 0/ Th~ GrCCllu"lt"h Vilkv::c
SIIIN Illll\ e, II'C,,! 10 Joc llln ent Haigh t
A,hh' T\, A you ng: mlddlc-clas~ )!irl
drop, out ;m..! c h;"lrl{!l" her name to
T, TIll' ,1..1, tell you ;"lll you ne' ....1
tl1 knOll ;ll>oUI hn newfound way of
11k. "Tllocby panhand les ,md sell, un-
I!.-rgruund nl'l\" p:lpers wilh ,m equ,t!
"'I1")l' \ ,f ,1 1",uT,lity. ., "'()(iay hdll'ves that
n.lI',llrn " Illun' harmful th;"ln LSD."
RliJ!I:'NGI: OF THI: ZOlll/JlliS H'PI'!c, ;l1ld t)P l'l )~Jn).1 ,'srahll, hmcn t
)9t' i \V"rld )J"rlh.d (HnTl),! K"ng) I~T"" ,tTl' I1lten'il'\\'ed. If yOU 'rl' a S;lll
P~OOUCE"; RlI ll Run ShdW h omel'co tll u,I C Lin. you' ll luvc the
DIRECTOR: t lur.ln' .\kng" " 'lllld tr:lI.:k Wit It rllu ,ic hy Cou n try Joe
ALSO R EL[A~m AS: 1l1,I,k ,\l i')..~( II .tn,1 till' Fi,h. Mu!Itn E:lrth, the SI~'I't'
C,d le.j "the 1Iltim,Ht' eXpIOIt.HI.lI) him" :-'1r1kT B,md, ,m" rhe Quicbtlvcr :-..1es-
h\ /l.1.l11h,lrtdn bn, whl' 'ITl' h"T,1 r,) ,,·ngo.:r St'r\'lH' icarmrng till' ).1U ilOl r of
,,11';1"', rhl_ Illl"Il'TIl"(by hldl' k-mdglc John C'I'f'<.'! lll'l.
1ll"\'I!' k , l tllTC, m, 'fl' m'l.lnl'''. 'Kknc,",
)!"T,', ,lilt! flill th,uI ,I dtl:,'n Tnl'nt RICII. )'()UNG l tND DFADL)',
Alllnic,m hlnh. A 12)-le,IT-\,ld ,'I'll See PLA 11NUAI
.,0T(,' T,'r ,1.1\', \null!.! hy dTl nJ..lIl1..~ hUlH,1ll IIIGII SCIIOOL .

RIDERS '!'O nil, S I )IRS TuJ.<I'·\·I,US ,UI &l-wtlr-
1954 1IIl'h~,1 Am'I' "lJ , /III/:hl Alhh"n- f<'SI-
Iknl "hu dWll15 II! j,n,
PROOUCE~; !-,In 1""
Olluaoll.; I{R l ur.l ( ' .lfl ... 'n
h,/'I"<'s III Rt:,""lu""n
K~E(NWII.nU; (\111 S" ...
[\xullh'n{.,n-,,,ll.' lIn'~'n~.ItIUn,11 >0( 1-
enee henllll hN~d I'n r rllh.,hk' luwre
'P,IIT pT< ,]-,1.:111'_ A,trlm,lut')!,) Ill) ,1 me-
t~'''r h U11I . \X'uh \Villl.1l1t Lundlgan.
I-krhnt \I.,r,I",11. RI~h.1T\1 CHI"m
(wh" .d", dlT~,(t\·dl. l\I.,nh.1 ll )~'r,
[llwn Adc\.lIlh, ,m.! Kin)! nUIl,l\d ll .
Kin\, \Vllll ~ 'Ill).!' the dll.'11\l.' "' Il~.

Till, RICH'!' I/I IN D OF '!'HR

196" (: il1<"III ,,- \'id,·" Im ,·Tf1.lI'\lIl:,[
.'\r;lIll K.l! chl·r
K,llLhl.'r ,[1.1 t:\t:r\"thm;.: \ 'Il I hi, hIm. 1t)-
dud11l1! 'I.IT. 1 Ie I'L')"~:l cnl\)k who l'n-
!!llll'\"T' tilt: ,uccl',~ llIl n,H'l.'ry III Ille
Rle l/l lRn
I ')j2 Allf,' ('11\
11"1\p",,,,1 $rort' Arl.'ll,l. [hl.'ll JUlllP~
"-000((": I "r,'," '10Th 111' :lccolllr1Kl." Ill' " ,I b,llhwh hlk'li
OIM:CTOM: I "fl"', Yl'rh. II.ur\ lluT\\,t: Il l th ,KI,I , 111 ,1l.'-..(:;lIX" ru R" " Ill.' IdC('~
~CI\ [(HWI\If[M: f\'mr,lrl,1 c'Nd1" ,I... ,uh Ilh ... n hl.' r... runh tl' L.A. \11 1h
L"rn" Y,'rh. J [.'Tn. I JUr\\lt: ,111"d",r 1, ... , .. 1 til Illlnd . L".l \kl\I1l.'[.'
A f .... II-I.Il' hllrr<lf CU1I1,',h IklT mix", ((>--I,Ir,. II Ifh Br.I,\ Trumh ull. Ch rb
nl.'\\,rn'l t,)lI(,I\!I' \llth ".Til\" "~I :--Ji'\,111 <II"T RICh;'Td ~L P,x"n. Jllim C,lf-
r,I,I In,' t, ,I 'UTJ.!,-'t'll. \Vlfh \IICk,'\' R(lon· RING-A -DING Rf-f}' TI·/iJ1
,'Vol' ,m .HlJ.!d. 1-:<.'''111 \1cC"rr)l\, and [9t>1 AI1l'lU' (:',[umt-"I II·tl),!l.lIld)
1'.1\11 fmd. IBM'\.')
SCII.EENlllII.mll.; ,\ Ilil"n =';"I"I,h-
ALSO ~EL(AS£O AS ; Jr') Til,,!. [),,,!
RlDl' nil-: IF/DD SURF
19M C"IiUl1hl.l Rid'dfc\ Le~ tl'r ' \"I,I. ' ),~.l fell' II I th e ~k "\s
P"OOU CEk /SC fl.EE NWkll(k: J,' l\ ,'['(1 1"(ln h ... broughr (,' the 1"k:H ll' ~ 1Ilo\"i e~ in rhl'
O'''ECTOI\: [\>n r,\I'I'I[ I\\ll" i( ,I\ wuh a tri\"l,\l rillt ,ll"" ut :\ mayor

C1Ium\-i,\ mak.:~ ,I ['<'<lch 1l1(l\'i .... \Vith whe. ]:,,\11- To,:k 'n' mil ,I n ..\ ja:: mu~ic.
h,·,lrtthr'lb~ E,hldll ,m,l T"h Humer, the Hl'kn Shapiro .\1ld CT:lIg DVlI).:L" rut
1ll11ltltdknto.:,! Shcllt:~ raklTe~. Barbara on a ~IK'w .m.! chang... h" mmJ. T Ill'
Eden, and Su,,1n H:H t: "itls James 1:>\).: attractllm, her(' :Ul' Gcne Vinccnt,
~\lll1chllm :'I'; E~kl1nn: Gre,IT th,'Ille "om: Del Sh,mnon, G:lTY "U.S." l3on,!-, ,md
h) Jan omd [X,In. Fl11l1l',1 III Ilaw<llI', Gem' ~ld),U)u.·l~. AI", with Chuhhy
B('(lch I'(/T['1I on'r <II All' pTon:d mnT" Ch ... c ke r. thl' P.m ' Shrl' r~. Kennr B.lll.
rorul:lr. Acker Bdk, .md l \lr~ llj Lune I3rttl,h

1)ixld,md and i"!~ grou p~. VI ncetll d<lCs chopathic Indian. Featuring the prison 's
"Span' S hip to M,lrs" and Bo nds sin)..'S real warde n , personnel, and inmates.
"&:ven Day Weekl·nd." By the directOr of The Explosive Genera-
lion. Written by the late James Po e.
RiNG OF TERROR wh o had been married to Barbara
1962 Ashcroft (B&W) Steele. (R )
PI\ODUCEI\: Alfeo Bocch icc hio
DlI'.ECTOI\; C lark Pal,low RiOT AT LAUDERDALE, See
KI\£EHWl\tITl\; Lewis 51111<o'On. HELL 'S PLAYGROUND,
O.J. Z11m:mlOn
An allcgt'dl y true storr "hout the eVils RiOT IN JUVEN ILE PRiSON
of fr<lIcrnitr h azing. Premed student 1959 Umlcd AruSf5 (B&W)
Gc:.'orge Mather is knnwn .Hound cam- Pll.ODIJCEI'.: Rober! E. Kenr
pus fo r hi s courage, ha vi n g lived DII'.ECTOI\: Edward L Cahn
throu,gh class disse({ion ~ as well as a KI\[£NWk!TEI\: Orville H. Hampton
run-in with an angry rattler in lovers' A public outcry arises from the shoot-
hme. To ,get into the right (rat , he must ing of two youngsters du ring a breakout.
5t('al a ring from the linger {){ a corpse. PsychologisT Jerome Thor. appointed
"k' dies of shock. Mather. star of Pattern by the governor 10 keep an eyc o n wa r-
far Murder, is supported by bther Furst , den John Hoyt and his sadistic guard s,
Austin G reen , Joseph C'..on wllY, and turns ,he institution coed and tries very
June S l1l<IVCY, CB hard, hut Scott Marlowe starts lights
and screws everythi ng up. With Mar-
RiO 70 cia Henderson , Ann Doran , and Doro-
1970 (S pain / Gmnany/ U.S.) thy Provine. -CB
Harr~' Allan Tower~ RIOT ON SUNSETS1'R1P
DtUCTOI\: jeSliS Franco 1967 A lP
S hirley Eaton is back in this spectacu- PI\OOOCEI\; Sam K ~tzm<tn
lar sequel ro the wonderful MillivlI Eye~ OII'.ECTOI\: Arthur Drci(uss
of SlIllIa m. S he has an all-female vil- Kk££HWM(I\: OrVille II. HamplOll
lage in the Amazon jungle an d is trying The ads claim it's "The most shock ing
to take over the world :1gai n . George Ii lm of our J:e\on!" A Ida Ray stars
S., nders co-stars. With Maria Rohm and as po lice lieutenant Lorimer, sympa-
Richard Wyler. the t ic 10 the kids on the Strip bUI pres-
sured by businessmen to clear them out.
RiOT Tim Rooney and his fr iends convince
1968 PaT;lmount Mimsy F~lrmer 10 hrlTlg out. At Pan-
'I\ODUCEI\: William Castle dora's Box they watch the Standells
0 11'.E001\: Buzz Kulik (who do the theme song) and the
KI\HNW?ITEI\: James Poc Chocolate W atchband. The Watch-
AfH'r Ros('11wry 's Bt,iry, William Castle band was a great drug/pu nk band with
producl..J this violent prison ad venture a M ick Jal-meresque lead singer. The di re
Ii lmed at the A ri:ona State Pcnl tcntia- tale cont inues as the kids go to a parry
ry. Ex -C leveland Brown s s tar Ji m in an aba ndoned ho u$(' and a movie
Brow n reluctan tl y hdps fdl ow prisoner star's son puts acid in the naive Mimsr's
G cnc Hac kman stan a Tlot to cover drink. After her choreographed frcak-
thei r escape . Ben CarrlllheTS is a psy- ou t , she is gilng-raped (off-sc reen).

Akin, who I~ rlw 1,1Ih.:r .. he h,hn't ~~'n Ps)'du! I/J b tOHn being Il ltchcock. 11\,\
In y~'<lr', r<:<lCb II Ith I'unche~, ,md ~-ne~ ;1lut c!tl~l'r th,1Il [\oP,tl m" , ,hlltlgh,
of "I'.. ,ll(~ hmcIllry" Hdrt t 11<: rit H ,ll hI' (I( ) - RM
tltl~', ('r.:at tlwm~' "mg Iyn~, : "J u,t
d(\(>I\'t ....em t.urfTu hug ya 't:,HI~~ \'..
g"r long h<l lr, ROAD TO NASlfVILLE
1'16(. rr"wn Iman,ll u'n,,1
P~ODUCEI'.: ]{"I"",rt [',mid,
RITUA L OF liVlL Z.'rh
DtI'.[CTOI'./KR.£EN' ''"UT£R: \'VIII

19h'TV C.. lumry mU_~ lc l·xpl.. ,lt.UIlHl lilt l\'le fro.Hll

PRODUCER: 1):)\ d L<·\ Ith"" rhl' ,hn.:Clnr \If Sp:; SqlutJ, o..llldl .. ~
DIIUCTOP,: R,)~rt I \I} \Xlcavcr i> " Ilollyw')'lIJ agent II'h (\
KR.£EHWP,ITER: R"I""'T! I'r..:,ndl. Jr, m: l h'~ many n .. w frknd~ among th ..
Th.: .....·cnl1.1 rllot tor ,I I'ruJec,~'d ~n~'~ N:lsh\'llle rO;:~l!l"litie~ hut (Ilrgers th,lt
(;.lIe<1 13dl.'l,i/rd ~t.l rrlllg Lllu" Juurd;m h\" ~ heen 'l'nl '0 ~ig n them (I)r an up-
<l11~1 Wilfrid Hy,!c-Whit.: ;I' psychic Ctltlllll)! fe,lU lre. \Vhat .. j:1m whl'n film

IrW~"!lI.!,t'{)r.,. Th.:y IOI.,k ill'" ,h.: ,II" cr.. ws arrive 10 lind ~\ d..~c nl·d th e" t~'r.
r,lr .. nt ,uici.1 .. "I ,I YOUIl)! l"'lr~'" 10- I"
emil Smith, Mart} Rohhim, \'(Il,bh
\'" h 'l'<1 with \\'Itdllt:lfl. \'(' i,h D i:Ul:1 Plac... \V<l~ Inn Jenlllll).."'. J"hnny CI~h,
Hyland, Bl~ ll nd.\ ~lontgl)f.l~'r~' , <111,1 KIt!} \Vclk Pnner \Vagnnt'r, Do ttle
CHtl Bmdli, \Xle~ t, I bnk Snuw, ,In,l nrh l'f~ ri.,..: tn
the resctl<', ~1 n)!S inc!ttdl' "EI Pa';(l,"
"Sk id Row Jo..... "A Won""l H .. lf My
Agl'," ,lTlel "Ju~ t d F:lJed 1'.. ,.. 1 Fftlm (.
THE ROAD IJUILDER, See Bc~'u t lf\l113. )lIqu<:t," Cin .. m;\h 'graph~· by
THE NIGIIT [}[GGRR. VilmH' Z~Ij..!nHIIl~L -en


19R1 Ant> Eml';I"\ (Au,trail:!) 1'hl2 \'iI"mC'r Brt>,h<'" (t\u~tra l ia)
PRODlICEk$: h ;mldm, I'ROOUC£k: B~r,'n Kenn~'lh'
ROIrnl T~dor O.MCT()ft;.: Gl"t,r):c ~ltIll'r
DIIUCTOfI : Rlch,lre! Franklm KI'.l[NWI'.rr[ I'.S: T<'rrl H:l) cs,
~RHHW~IT£~: EI":f,·1t Dt:rochc George ~l1lk'r, RTI:ln l-b nn,Ul1
An Au~tr,l li<ln tnlckcr, rraveling through ORIGINAUY IULEASED A5: ,"- I,d Max II
the Olu h;)ck ell ro ute to Sidney. h;)s The rlvl'lIng no nstop ~..qud to Mad
found th<lt it l>r"(lk~ the monOlOny If Max al:,.o ~t.lrlo Mel G .b-l1l (Ga/hpv/i)
yOll murder an allmc tive female hitch- as the sullen. lemher-clad luner Max,
hiker every fe ll' hund red miles, Swcy fl),u ning th~' futuristic wastelands (\f
Ke;)ch, anOlher trucker whos(' br<lin Au~tmli .. in his soupeJ -up Must<lng.
sel'ms to h;)\'e bt.·.. n ..Jdled by too much se.. rchin);: (,lr gas. He finds himself re-
speed amVor ~) l lIude, is nl1~t<lken for ,I
luctandy helpmg peaceful community
the murderer, J.. mic Lee Curtis i~ <Ill escflpe from 11 tribe of muscle-hound
attra([(ve femak· hitchhiker, The Hitch- pllnh~d-out killers on wheels. With lots
cock ian concept I~ underlim'd by a few of Interestin,!! chamctl'rs. stirring music
un~ uhtle rl~fc re n ces to thl' late director, b)' Brian M .. y. and thl:: greatest motor-
but that unfortunately only emphasi:es Ized chaM' I>(enes ever, The ..ction
ho w far Fmnklin (who ;)lso d irected fil m in rear~, Don 't mi ss it. Director

59 1
Millcr's nex t project W<lS a segmcnt of pm(cssor Gre&,'Ory Moff(·[t and his crew,
the T wi/ighl Zone movie. (R) which consists o f Georgc Nader, C lau-
dia Barrell , two horrible ch ildren, and
Selena Royle-the high-class mo ll who
THE ROADRACERS taugh t Joan Crawford manneT5 in The
1959 AlP (B&Wj Dtlffilled Don't Cry. Ro-man strangles
H.OOUC[pJSCI\£EN\VP.IT[Il: Swnley Kallis rhe professor's litt le gi rl, pummels
DlI\£CTOIl: Arthu r Swe rdl uff
N"der, and is about to do something
Young Joel LawrenCl' is suspended from really subhuman to Claudia when he
U.S. car-racing compt.'l ilion fl)llowing gets an important call from his superior.
an :lccident th:lt cla ims the life of an- The Greal O ne punishes Ro-man fu r
mher d ri ver. Ret urning after two very hi s incompete nce b~' unleashing a
succes~i\ll years in Europe, he sets out
devastating U-my; ciries and dinosaurs
to get SUl1\ner \Villi:lllb fur Heal ing hIs
f:lll in the SUbSt.'qlK'nt orgy oi stock-
girl. With Mari an Collier, S<llI y Fraser, footage destrll.::tion. Already something
and Skip Ward u( The Mad Nwm. Ac- of a legend, Robot Monster was shot
tiun foot :lge (rom rhe U.S. G rand in four days in Hollywood's Bronso n
Prix. - CB
Cany\)n for under $20,OCXJ. Ro-man's
interplanetary receiver is a standard
war-surplus job on a kitchen table which
fi lls the ai r with hubbies when in usc.
Music by Elmer Bernstein (To Kill a
[964 ParamouI!I
PM>DUCEJ.: Aubrt'y Schenck
Mockingbird ). Stock scenes (TOm One
DIM:CTOI\; Byron Haskin
Million B.C. and Flight Iv Mars. Mov-
~[[NWI\ITD.S; Ib MelcllIur, ies don't comc any beller. - CB
John C. H i~ins
Astronaut Paul Mantee l,aves an alien
hum:lnoid slave (Vic Lundin) who in
tum helps h im survive the han;h planer. THE ROBOTVS. THEAZTEC
Adam " Batman" West is the astronaut ,IIU,IIIIIY
who never makes it to Mars. Filmed in 1959 K. Gordon Murra y Produnions
Death Valley. T he spaceships wcre le(t ( Mt'xlw ) (B&W)
over from The War of the World.l. Mona H.OOucn: William C. Stell
the Woolly Monkey plays herself. DII\£OOl\: Rllphael Portillo
KI\EENWAlTtI\: AI(red Salazar
OOGIHALLY I\[lEAS[D AS: La Murnia C()ntra
1953 Astor (J-D. B&W) TIlis bizarre Sl.'quel to The A Z!ec M1Immy
PI\ODUCEpJDII\ECTOI\: Phil Tuckt'T fea tures Dr. Krupp, a mad scientist after
K I\[ENWI\ITEI\; Wyott Ordung the treasure buried in the mummy' s
ALSO I\HEAlED AS ; M O)l.lIt'T.'! from the Moutl tomb. He cre:ltes a t in -can robot with
Belly laughs meet stark rerror as the il hut1wn head looking thro ugh a (ace
last six "hu-mans" in existence ,lTe window (a nd light bulbs for ears) that
ca ught in a death strugg le with the bMt!es the zombie- like mummy attired
dreaded Ro- man . a bogus gori lla in a in shredded clo th. Lots of American
plastic diving helmet. The hail)' in vader kids sat through th is at '60s Saturday
is under pressure to figure out why his mat inCl'S. The Mexican momia \\'as soon
ca lcinatOr death ray is ineffec tive against back in C lirse of the Aztec M1Immy.

m,l! :-egrncnt. It wa~ o ngUl,rlly cU·!:>llk·d
Come see this ROCK 'N wiTh Dril.g~InIJ (1,T/.
See and Hear 19')6C.)h'mb , ~ (B.:s.W)

THE P"OOU(£"; S,lIl! K,lf:man

DIUCTO"; h~,< 1 ~"r,

PH.HERS KU[HW"ITEIU; I{"hcrt E. Ken t,

J,un c~ B. (Jordon
Sing Th(' ,1(Tef IJI..u:koomdjwLKle' s \!pc n·
" HE'S MINE " ing e rcd", IIHwduccd roc k mll.,k !tl
" \' fit SORR'( " filmgocrs, S.lIn K,H:m ;iJ) (fir~t WITh
l'very trend) made th~' tir,t movie ab.!lH
rock 'n' ro ll , S I.II11e Cllie:. !--,mne,l It.
Prujcctl<.lJlisrs we re TolJ {n {lim down
thc st)u nd track. In Enghmd some
audiences "rl')led." TIll' ~{(!ry sh,)ws the
mostl~' fictional n-.e 01 Bill Haley ,mJ
the Comets, Ji~(lverl'd roehn' with :I
new heat It) .1 motrmatn vl ll,L)!e. TIw{rl'
hmudll to the ,men tion ~l Ncw York
decpr Abn Freed ,md. dc ~ plt e IIlTl'f·
fcrencc lrum t..Klke r Alix Talton who
llives Their t,cW m;lTlageT, Johnny J<.)hn~·
.. un
Olel( RU SSELL ABBY ton, thl'Y make iT hlg. Haley sure
e(lll!.!n'! ,tCt bliT I,,~ hand Teally c\Klks
MILLER JOHNSON DAlTON J OUlI-: nllll' ~mg'. \'(Iith the Phltlers
.. SynStl Product,on
An Ameflun-internlll"nli Poely" do ing til(' II·, )n,k,rful "G reat Prctl,,,ders"
and :,ome lI)crNilhle d,lt)clt)g. A I....) with
ROCKALLNIGI1T Freddie Ikll ;md the &: lIhoys. Sec you
1957 AlP (13&\'(1) I,lter, A ll ig,HOr.
1'1\000(0/011\(001\; R"g\'r Cmman
K .. EEWW"ITEI\; Ch.uics B. G rlftll h
From the ad~: "Sol11e j..·..,rta J.1ncl', "om c 1957 AW(EnglanJ) ( I\&W )
gorta ki!l!" Thl' C luud Nine, a nICk 'n ' P"ODUCEI'.l: rCln Rpj.!l·!';,
roll h,IT, i:. 111\'••ded hy IWO del-peTalc Herl ....'rt Smtih
killers (Rus~cll Johnson :lnd Jnn.llhan DIHCTO": GcmrJ Bryant
Haze) who hold gu m on the patron:. :-Jorm,m 1·lud"
and make them ~K I hke nu!illng i~ ALSO "ElEA5E D AS: The TOllnn) Sleek Srr:orv
wrong. Ahhy 0:111,)11 ., fo rced ((l sing England's fiN EI\'I~cupy. Tommy Stede,
rock hits (accomp.ll1lcd by the Jukehox), ~ t:lrs 11\ (hi, cinematic artifact, which
DICk Millcr. as Short y, an "Jdba ll with ,hows how he,l\' ll y American rock 'n'
a striped jackel. i~ d1l' her\). Tlw all- rol l hit o\'cr th ere. American Teens
star Corman playen. In this 62 minute, waTchmg pre· Beatie Britbh roc k films
o ne-scI. five -da y wonder include Brunn must lIa\,(' wondcred who the hell these
Vc Sot.!, Mel Welles, Ed NdStln, and ).:uys werc. Stcele's lll~e~t hi t (i n Eng·
Beach Dickerson. The Ph.lll'rs ,H\J thl' bnd) W;l~ ,1 cuver of "Singin' the l3Iues."
BI( x: khllS !Cr~ Sing In an IIllTe!,I!C..! upen· L.A. dl'oC Jockey Hunter II,Ul COck pro·

\' i Je~ the InlruJuCTIOIl. \'(Ilth lOb III el·U) !hll)~, 1Ildudll11! Ill;tke- nu t lcv,o n~
skiffll' all,l calyrso IllU'I(, '>tlll f"I)l'u],lr for Joc k Vlnccnt Van I'atl,"n. M.1fY
In EIlj!],llld at the time.
\Votono\' (Chd5l'd CliTls) I~ ~ II "'!> Tugm,
the rnugh new prmcipa1. D.... y Yuu n~
ROCK BAB!; ROCK 11' ,II-c'l\'er~ ruc k 'n' roll. So doc., a gi.1Il1
1957 Fredw 03&W)
1.1,", mOthe, The R ,lfllonl'" pial In ,I
PIl.OOUC£R:J . G. ilCl'r
tlw.lfl'r. 1tl the h,llI, of till' '-Chool. ,md
DIIU:OOR: ~1 urray IJ,."'I.lJ.I' S po r ll!,
III ,I "hol\ er. The ,chool blo w., ur.
SC/lUN',VRITEIU: H<:r~ rl M'lrl!"II~.
Wilham R"ynor AudlcrlC,'s cl1l'er. \Vir h DKk i\ '1 Ik'r ,Ind
Dalb~·Ill.tJe ohxuril y 11'11 h cult (\1111 ~\\"_
P,ud Bartd. Roger Ct l rm,1Il 11',1;; l·Xl·CIl.
IIlg. Syndicate hn() kie~ w!mt ~paCl· th;lt
le":ll~ ,Ire lI~mg as cluh h":ddqll,mC' r~.
KId, pur OJ) herwht, ~,,\'c club, <lnd ex- ROCK, PRt::TTY BABY
f"I)SC g;]llgstCT,. JIlhnny {:,ITTlIII, lxm 11)57 U ll! wr~,11 (8&W)
PRODUCER; Edmond Chc\"ll'
C(l;lts. ;lnd KdY \Vho:ckr ";lr; 11111'1<':
OIRECTOR: Rl l h,ml H Ibn k n
.,cgmc n! ~ fe ,Hure tho: Blln A 1Tl".\, Cell
SCR[(NWRITtRS: I krh.:rt M;)rg, ,IiI,
Block Sn'cn , and Pre,KilN S mith'" \XIdhdll\ R.l\f\I\r
Dcacons. ( 'I'
John Sil x,ln rWl,ds an eil'ctTlC gllil,tr (or
;l ncw comh.) with ,Jrllmllll'r S,II MIil<':(l
HIGHSCHOOL ,lIld h: h~man R,)...I McKucn. Mineo ta k e~
1979 No:w W orld tllllC our from frYlllg to sep,ltate Caryl
PRODUCEA: Mlchad Fmncll Volkm,lIl from hn tWin si.'Il'r to
DIMOOlU: Alan Arku~h. Joe· ...... , "1'.1 hench! rock (l·St. The nl'll' gil i-
SCA££NWRlTEIU: RIChard Whlll ... )_ (, I t ~I","" IIlto hock to p,ly Ililphlpcrry

Ru~ D'itlllch, Jo"o:rll McBnd... d,ll1ldge' rl·'>ulllng (ro m Trot "Cl'ne hut
h Tl'lI,lIlnl·d ,l(tl' r till" Frat,·rnoll Order
The h.~~t teen Jnn"·111 mone III ye,lr,!
i'. J. Sole" live'> for ,he 1{.lmlllln. 01 BI,>(llb offl'r,> a 1\\·o-wn"k ""mlller.
Riff RanduJl (/J) Sok~'
and 1M RalJl(mt.'s 111 rhe The{r... ,Ihour to gl\T a coneen bUI In C,Ulll' l·llg,lg.'lllcnt. \Vith LUdna Patten.
ha/Is urVmel' L()Inn:,rJI the nll'anflme high -chllul h.I' to I. . .· I:.dward PLH{ , ~al " KlIlg Kllm(' \Vta,
H~oh . a.k.(I.. Rock ·n' Roll ,·ndureJ. C lint H,m·ar,] (frolll the (h'mll' (,h S,lxlln -" Ill,JIll) , ,lIld Shelley Fah"re~
H1l!h School. Hen 'crle!» IS the :.<:hol.ll\ "uprller p( ,I' TW1Ilkq. MU'lc hy Jl1nrny f),1Iey ,Ind
hI" J)1Il~·,t-ll1)g, and Henry \1anc inl.
Srmlll1er l.fll'l? wa~ a ,eqlll'l. -CB


1956 1X:;A (fI&W )
PRODUCERS: Mdroll Su]'oc;k\ "
Max). R(ls\'nhcrf;:
DIRlOOA: Will Pnn"
SCRlEN',VRrl[R: Milloll Suhotsky
Thinct."n-yellr_old Tucs<hy \Veld stars
as a sc hoo lgltl who devises a mone~'_
lending scheme to e;lm cash for a prom
dres~ afrer d,le! rah's he r ch;lrge account
away. The story IS be low TV sltuat ion-
comedy len'l but mo"t of thl· bands arc
,Creal. L lrrlc FrankIe Lyman and the

From Ruehl·lIlly Baby.

T t!c n;l gc r~ take top h ll nor~. The kg-

An ,l1na:mg luw-hudgcI (calllrc wIth
tack) !>Ch, great 'hlck kl(l t<lge, (In.! <I
endary Johnn y Bumenc Trio nwke their
rom<lnt1C subpkll. United St,Lte, Intel-
onl y hIm "pP....Ir... nce. With the king
of rock 'n' roll Alan Freed, L l\'ernc ligence !>CnJb ~P)' John Macby III ob-
B... ker, Chuck Ikrry, the M,xJI1glow:.. taIn Sput mk 1>ecrct~: the St.WL~·" rcwl-
iat ... hy la un ch lllg (l 11lL'I>l le <lg,uns! New
the Flanungos, ... mI ot her:.. Conl1lc
York. Mall hattan IS levcl ...J. "Don't let
FrancIs pro\ I d('~ thc :.mging V01Ce for
r\us be- th e enS' Ib ,he hnale ud ... caru.
little T uc:>(iay. It wok nme Jay:. [0
hIm- ill the Bronx. A n extremely rarc \VHh MOlllnl D,' \,I~, Ib n Kern, <lnd
Edw(lrd C:(,TIlluk. D.L\' I!> ,mJ Mackay
~)unJ -t rack alnum W"'b l ~sueJ hy C hc:.:>
also appear 1Il tvlOlhon's The Dccid One.
r~cord::.. -en
1957 20th Ccntut)·- I'(l)( (B&W) 1954 10th CClllul) -Fox (B&\V)
Pf,O OUCO'/ OlkECTO" : W,lh:nn F. C\:lxwn ""ODUCE": Lt..·ollnrJ G"IJ~telll
loC"UNWktTEItS: WIll Ge"r~c, OIMOOk: th.c<lr Ru,\o\ph
WIlh,nn Dr"klil S(:kEENWI'JTEItS: Lenn~· Bruce, J'h.k Henlc~·
A fl)c bbilly movie with music hy Les Lenny Bruce CO-Wnltc ,he .iic rcenplilY
Brown? TWl) teens are fo rceJ out of for this COIlll:J~' " <l rring George "Fo~ ­
Illwn hy 11Ic(l 1big,)tS when their lIlother horn" Win ~ ll)w <I~ <L littl e 1")\1)' whose
(Virginia FidJ) l~ eX{Xlsed as an ex-fan Sp<lCC gun f{lfC"'b pcop1c f() tell t he truth.
J rmCer. WIth IfI: ne Ryan (The Il'wrh· The hom;~t ca~ t melu,les C harles Co-
Hillblllll!s) , Ellcn Corny, Douglas Ken·- hurn, SrTln!>: Byingt<m, John Agar.
nedy, S u~an ,mJ C Myl V,l1kman. and Anne Fwnc ls, Ik\'crly <lml
G ene R ~l t h . STanl ... ~, Clemcnh.
1960 Exploit F.ITmo (B&W)
PkOOUCOJ OlklO Ok: Ib rry Mllhull GORlJON.

(calurl's. A sound-trac k :llbum is avail-
able through SllIr/og magazi ne. T he as-
tro nauts a rc Llo ~'d (Sea Hllm) Bridges,
Os., Massen, Hugh (Wya/t Earp) O'Bri-
a n, John Emery, and Noah Beery, Jr.
Morns Ankrum sta ys home. In 1978
Wade Williams shot new special effects
scenes ( in color) and :lclcled them TO
the restored original print. The lon g
shots include actors dressed to look
like the original cast. The "spl~cial
edittor," IS available o n videocaSSl'ttc;
the original STili plays on local televi-
sion statio ns.


GeOT.l,(o' "Foghvm " Wills _ PICTURE SHOIF
luw with tTUIl. d nd 5/xu.'('
glm StI/IiIt'S III Tlw CAT 1F0i/fEN OF 11fE "lOON. 1975 20th CcnfUl)·.Fux (Enghnd)
,I\ODUCII\: Michael Whnc
Ruc ket Man
ROCKETSHIP X-I/I OII\[CTOA: )1111 Sh,lrtl1an
K I\[[HWI\ITtM: JlIll Sharman,
19;0 Llp~rr (B&W with CO/"T ....·4ucnee)
Rl ch:lrJ O 'lln\:n
Kurt Neumann. If th iS IS the (irst (ilm }'ou're looki ng
\Vhl'n United Amsb ,md Georgl' Pa l Up, you pmhabJy know mo re abou t it
,mnouncell thar D<'SIIJl{uioli h-IUCnl was than J do. You might a lso enjoy Basket
ahour I,) he sho!, Roher[ L lp pert'~ c(lIn- Case, Shriek of rht' MUlilmed, and SlranKt"
pany quickl}' malll' Rude!shlp X-M DeNno!,". (R )

(Expccil!uJIl ,\.I(lulI) and got II (lUI hTs!,

making it [/1(' fir~t seTl()U~ pn'fwar RODA N
~cle nCl'-fiction movie. The plot 1$ 1957 TnhoJDCA (jap,m)
bHlll'le- (our ml'n and one IlnllMn r.Jke PI\OOUCEI\: T onlO~ub Tanaka
,)(( tn the Moon, run inlO :l meteor OII\[CTOI\: In()<hlm Honda
~huwer, and are knocked d ( cou rM.'. KI\[[NWI\JT[M: T ah'shl Kimura,
They land o n Mars (which is tinted Take!) Mllrata
pl1lk), a planet devast:lfl'd by ~ltumi c Japanese miners are upset when Ihey
warfare and populated by dcadly radia- run illfo giant bugs in a cave. Then a
tion-sG1ITl'd mumnts. All thc l1srroni1llt~ Will)' big pterodactyl hatches (rom an
die. The special effects team o( Jack egg, eats the bugs, and flies around ,
Rabin and Irving Block went o n to causin~ untold destruction just by flap -
othcr '50s hils like C(lprit,c Women and ping its wings. &xm another big bird
FiiJ!hr !o M(ln. Cinem:ltogrnpher Karl joins the fun. Ci ties crumble . People
S nuss worked on Islaru:l. of Lust SOllis run (;md scream).
and many Neumann films. The music
hy Ferde Gro(e (who WTOte the "Grand
Canyon S ui te") "'as urchestrated by Al-
1948 Universal (B&W)
bert G lasser and (e:ltures a theremin,
PI\OOUC[WKI\[[HWNT£I\: Robt-n Buckner
wilich "'as soon to be overused III other OtMCTOI\: Robert Ro re}'
AS ;ln army intell igence offi cer in the ROPE OF SAND
French Fo reign le~ ion, Dick Powell 1949 Paran\Ount (B&W)
tries 10 track down an ex-Nazi officer Pkoouco: Hal B. Wallis
(Stephen McNally) in (he Orien t. Vin- DII\£CTOk:William Dieterle
cent Price , rid icu lous wi th a Ger- SCUENWkIT£A: Wallcr Doninger
man accent , is a double-dealing an- Anot her Ca.sab/{llua imitation, with
tiques dealer. With Marta Toren, C :lrol three o( its .stars. Bun Lancaster stars
Thu rsto n, Ri cha rd l oo, and Philip as a game hunter in Diamondstad, South
Ahn. Africa. Paul Henreid is his old enemy,
a sadistic police commandant . Claude
Rains runs the local diamond mine .
Peter Lon e is Toady. With Corinne
Calvet (making her U.S. fi lm debut ),
ROLLERBALL Sam Jaffe, John Bromfidd, and Mike
1975 Unttt"d ArtisTs Mazurki.
PAOOOCWDlA£CTOA: Norm:.m jewison
KUENWklT[k: William J' brrison
In the year 201 8, James Caan is a star ROSEAIARY'S BABY
player of a violem elimination sport 1968 Paramount
ca lled Rollerball who becomes tOo P~ODUC[k : W I[Ham Caslll'
popu lar fo r the to talitarian govern- DlUCTOWKI\££NWP.1tEA: ROinan Polanski
ment . This mostly dull science-ficti on Polanski 's cl assic witchc raft thriller
dud, based o n an Esquire short SlOr)" based on Ira Levin's novel srill looks
fea tures ponde ro us class ical music, great, even on TV. When Mia Farrow
Maud Ad:lms. Ralph Richurdson, John and her actor husband John CaS5aVeleS
Houseman, and John Beck. Death Relet' move into the D"kota Apartments at
2(xx), made by New World for a fra c- 72nd and Central Park West, his ca-
tio n o( Rollerbal1' 5 budget, was far more reer soars- bur the price is high. The
successfu l in relatio n to its cost. ( R ) next-door neighbors (Ruth Gordon and
Sidney Blacktner) seem like noisy ec-
centrics bm they (and al lt he at her older
people except for Maurice Evans) are
ROLLER COASTER much more. Mi:l and John should h~, ve
1977 UniverS;ll known something was wrong when the~'
",ODUCE!'.: Jenni ngs L:mg find out Elisha Cook. 1r. , is the super.
DII\£CTOk: james Go ldstone When Rosemary meets a woman in the
Richard LC'·IT1§on.
SCkEEN\\I'NT[I\$: laundry room she tells her she resembles
William Link actress Victoria Vctri. It's an inside joke
George Segal and Richard Widmark try because she really is Verri, :. former
to catch madm:m T imot hy Bottoms as Playboy pl aymate (Miss September
he sabotages rollercoasters across the 1967) and star of When Dinosaurs Ruled
cou ntry, Thou~h it's in Sensurround. the Earrh, now usi ng the name Angela
it's not your usual dis,'lster mo \'ie. The Dorian. With Ralph Bellamy, Patsy
cl('ver cult b,md Sparks is fe:lture d doing Kelh', Hope Sommers. Ch:ules Grodin,
"Big Boy, " With Herlf)' Fonda, Susan Almira SeS5ions, and the voice of Tony
StTasberg, Harry G uardino, and Tom C urtis. Ruth Gordon won an Oscar.
B:1kt'r. Filmed on loca tion at various Prod uce r Castle is seen in a phone
<lmuscmen r parks. booth . After his first big succeS5, Polan-

ski. whose wife had juSt been killed, LlIbitsch started directing it hefore call-
went into:'! noncom mercial period thaI in.c: in Preminger.
resulted in Macbeth and W!uu!
ROSF.AIARY'S BABY fl.. See 1977 I)mlen~J()n
LOOK WHAT HAPPENED TO PkODl)(O: Georgt' F.dwards
ROSElIIARY'S BABY. OtkfOOfU: Curtl~ H:ltnngwn,
Srephnn .... ROl hm:ln
SC"lEN\VkrT(P.S: George Edward.,
ROSElllARrS KILLER .. See 111rr)' Schnel,ler
THEPROWLER. Piper Lillrit"s career .....;'IS revit:lli:ed
when she playtod the (lnati(;11 mother in
ROUSTABOUT C{JlTie, Slw returned rlw next year to
1964 Par~l1lount Star in f~I(/)y, ;'I~ the owner of a driw· in
PkODUCU: Hal B. Wal!IS theater who \\'a~ once a gangster's llluli.
DtkfCTOk: John Rich As her d rHlghter, Jrlll('t Baldwin is pos-
SCk££NWktTEk5: Anrhony Lawrence, s('ssed by a dead hood. Buill'! holes
AIJ~n Weiss nppear on her (ace. People die. The
Presley and Stanwyck! Elvis is Ch arlie drive-in screen shull'S AWli.:k of the 50 F!.
Rogers, ;. handyman for Fbrbua Sran- \Vuman, The projectionist is found
wyck's carnival. H{, likes to fight (hi.' hangin.c from till' film. A corpse is
knows karare!), ride his m{ltorcyclc. :tnd stuffed inhl a Coke machine. With
si ng. His singing saves the ,lilinR carni- Stuart Whitm:ln and Ro.cer Davis. Har-
val and h{' wins the love of Joan Free- rington wa s fired befoll' the fe;'lture was
man . With Lcif Erick son, Sue Ann done. (HI
Langdon , Pat Buttr:am . and Juan Smley
(PltiJblYY's M iss Non'mhc:r 1958). CO)- RU,IIBLE ON THE DOCKS
tumes by Edith Head. He sings II 1>onRs 19'.i6 Colunthm (I\&W)
including "Poison Iv}' Le'.b'ue," "Wheels P'kODUCEA: S;tnl Kal:nlan
on m y Heds," and "Big Love, Big DIAlOOA: Fr~....1Sear5
Heartache. " Watch for Raquc1 Wdch SCU£WWklrns: LOll MOrlWUII, Jack DeWIt!
in her film debut. B.1rbara S ranw rck's A Kar:man-Sl'ars delinquency exptlsc,
next was William C:astle'sNI/{ht \'(/alkL'I'. maJe to MIPIXlrt rheir second Billiialey
p:trty, IAm'/ KU()ck the Rock. Teenagt:
A ROYALSCANDAIJ ga ng leader J;unes [);Irren tries to get
194510.h Century. Fox (B&W) in with waterfront mohsters bur I\':lkes
~O DUCEk: Ernest up when they terrorize his crippled
DlkfCTOk; Otto Prel1lmg't'r father. With Laurie Carrol l, Mich;tcl
SCkfENWktTU: Edwin JUSli5 Mn)'tr Gr;tn.c~'r, Jl'rry Jangl'r, Dan TerrrlOova,
Talltdah B;'Inkhe<ld ;'IS C;nht:'TIIll' thl' Tim Carey, and Bobby Blake (Bafetta).
Great, Czarina of Rll.'>Si:l. H(:r Ill\'e r~ Music hy Fredd ie Bell and his &'Ilhoys.
include Willi,lJn Eyrhe and Vincen t -CB
Price ;'I~ the Frenc h ;lmha~ldor. Her
COlirt incl udes Charles Cohurn , 51)::
1969 t',lnfar..:
Rum:ln, Anne Binner, anJ MI!>Cha AU('r
PkOOUC[k: Joe Sollllllan
(a real Russ ian!). With Eva Uanor,
Ol kECTOk:Jotd: Starrett
Grady Sutton, Henry Vicmr, and v.m- SCk£E~tT£kl: J<>rnllll' Wbh.
OllS palace srooges and lackeys. Ernst V.IIt'Tll'St;lrrl'l l

Angel (big Wi lliam Smith) quits the Frank Gor~hrn. O riginally a double fca-
[)evi l's Advocates molOrcyc1c gang a{(('r fU fe with S/IlIkc. RUHle and Rock. - CB
selling a hiker-expose story 10 a na tional
magazine (Uke). Ill' S(![[les on a Ca li- RUNNING WILD
fornia sheer r~illch with his ):.:irlfriend 1955 Univers;"l \ (B&Wl
(Valerie Starrl'tt), bur {\)UT ofhl~ sadi~tlc PIIOOUC[": PIIlt'
ex-nding buddies show up see king OIIU:CfOl\: AbneT Blhcrrnan
venge<lnce. Tammy Wyncnc ~ing~ lh{~ K~([N\VkITE": lcu Tnwnsc nJ
ti tle song. The Soloman/Starrett/Smith R<lckcteer Keenan \V~' nn heads a gang
team m(lde The Lmers next. (R ) of juvenile car thi eves from his service-
station fronl. Rookie highway patrol-
R UN FOR THE HILLS man William Camphell infiltrates and
lY53 RcabTi (B&W) geh to romanc\' had girl ManHc V:m
DrMCfOf.: Lew l.andl:T~ Doren while ~lIIher inJ.: evidence. Hot-
Obscure H -bomb feature with Sonny car ho.H,b Include John Saxon. Jan
TufTS (Cat Womcn of the Mo(m) as an Merlin, and Kathleen elSC. -CB
i n ~lIrance clerk who buys a cave and
m oves in with his fam il y in ordcr TO RUSSlilN ROULETT£, See
survive an imagined nuclear att<lck. He TWO BEFORE ZERO.
worries when his funds run 0111, but a
mild ea rr hqllake loosc n ~ a rod, rl'veal-
ing gold. A happy ending for Sonny
and wife Barh;rra Payton. From rhe di-
rector o( JIII\R.k Jill! m the Forbtdden i...(I1\d.


HAPPy dI011iER'S DAl';

19'i6A IP {B&W)
AI ... x Gon;I.on
Pl'.OOuc[~ :
OIru:CTO~: [dw,ml L Calm
scru:[N\V?fT(~:Lou R\I~f(
From The ads: "The revoIr \,f the teen-
agers!"' Three Itc h~' hl~h schoolers 11ft
a car and heaJ for llollywood, tlet'ing
paren ts who aTe too srrict, TOO lenient,
and too Jrunk. Tragedy follows. One
roars of( a cliff in the heat of •.1 high-
speed ehaSl.': another must marry a ser-
vicem,1O to )::I\,\,l)\.>r bahy a name. The
third retllrn~ to:t rcfMlned housch,)ld
wnh hope for .. hetter lomormw. Marla
En)::l lsh, Anne O'?\JCitl. and GI"rr;r
Cast illo Slar, wifh LlIlee Fuller. Anna
Sten. Adele Jer:o;ens, Juhn Llt el. ;"loll

• •
• •
• • 19i/ TV
Georg!..' Mnharis. Bill y C rystal, Barbara

• • ""OOUCE"; Ron Roth

AnJer.)tln. Brock Peters, and Robert

• • DIR(CTOII: Da\ld Ln"dl Rllh

R...ed <IT(' on America':, fi rSf sUjX'rsonic
rra n'I'Xlrt i'l nJ the)" re headed for Je,Hh !

~t ... \"n
R"f>t:rt L JI\'I'ph.
n"lln,b. \X'ill,,11ll R"h.,rt, \Vou ld rOil ml S~ ,my of them!

• ALSO II.U[A5[ D AS; SST - /J'«l'iIl'T m Ill.-

Sin l).:,uh Ft.j.,-hr
PeleT Gr;t\"e... SU',111 S'r", I~r1!, Rq.:I'
S Klc' See SST - DEA7H
Phl lhm. Be rt Con ,,\", Lome Cirectll'. PUGH'l:
Burgc~ I'.krl.Juh, [)"lI~ '\kClurl'. Tmol
LOIII"'-', "1 ,min M,lnn. Sed","] Iluhlq. SA BAKiI .. See 111E HINDU.


1957 AII,.:,,[ Arrl>b
PROOUCER; Mauri ce Dukr
OIf'ECTO,,; Ge,'rgc BLur
S(II.[ENWRITEII.S; S;'!ll R'>t"Cll,
13..:l1 c,[' (1 Frl"<:c!Ill;m, John F~nr()n M"TT.!),
Thirtr-d1r(~e-~'c;Jr-IlIJ Sahu Dasra!!ir, (he
!\)T11ll'r "! I)(l~" " geb his n>lrne
III TIll' tII le (an honuT I'rc\' i o ll~ly rl' -
~l'T\'C\.! IUT Lug,)si and Karloft) in ,h iS
Tc -edlted lIn~o!\.1 ,eI"\,I~i()n ~l' fle~ hy the
dlTcctllT 0 1 Tho' H)'lmotrc Eyr, In a noJ
'0 Tho' fhll'/ oj Ikrghillul. S,lhu ha~ a
~c nr l' (Wrll iam ~ 1 "T~ha l l. of Illlk:rllll) to
hdr lichr the h,IJ g U} ". W ith VI.rJI-
mi T Slll 'lloft ,md Dari .. ~... I 'Il>~e)·.

J\}Si r,tr.lIl1tlunr (8&\'\1)
P~OlXlc£~; J [,rI A. W;t[Ir,
DIIU:crOl'\; (.1\."'1):" ~ 1..r,h,)[[
K~£OIW~IT£IU : F...[lllunc! Bel-lin,
1'\,1(" )"j, 'n.l,r,'r
Jcrr~'LCW Il> comeJy ">I ' cd on the Sw:/
S(lck ('\ Ull l{' St rip with Ph)-Ilis Kirk ,
l);.v iel \Va)'ne. Gene EVan" Yvc ttl'
Vi c kl'r" <rnd P"!l'r Lorre al> Al:xluJ, an
Arah. J I wa~ Jerry's se<;t Ind fil III wi thorn
Dlno. AI,,, with SherlKrd StnltiwlCk
,mel Ahrahalll SOI;ll'r.

1%3 h ur",,} lnn,, [ ( B&\V)
L. S t\,vcn Sn\da
DI I'\ECTOI'I/K~[(NWl'\tTE~: Jdllll" Lan.!I'
AUO ~£lW[D M,: Th.. I'rojilt· "f Tt'TTtrr

Teenage psychos terrorize ,hree small- I'ut unh' I~ this AI Capone \..'. Bu);:s
TOwn 11Igh school teachers whllSl.! car Mumn ~ t ()ry rq)o rtcJly prett\' aecu r'lre.
has broken down near a deserted ~ilrage. It ~t l :.(J h;IPrcn~ w he n.'rvelUert.tinmg
Helen Hovey. Richard A lden, and Don III ;1Il o,ld Ja'o\lTl Rol-Olrds st,lT~ as
RusSe ll -en route to Dodger Swdium C apone. R31ph \1eekn i~ Bugs. A nar·
- are under the hood when Arch Hall . nrtor ~l\'es u~ preen.e tltne and IOC;ltion
Jr.. and Manlyn Mannmg appear. Arch II1fo rmation leaellTl~ lip to the tamoliS
shoots twO motorcycle patro lmen. two tn,,~saere. Some of the many other ac·
teachers. and his companion before tnrs are George Se).!,,1, Jean I Llle. Har·
falling imo a rattlesnake pit. Cmellla- o ld ]. Stone, John Aaar. C(,I,Ol Lo\'~ky,
to~raphy by Vilmos ZSigmond. -CB Ail-x l)'Arcy, Brllee Oem. JOlck :-.Iieh·
ohon (as d chOluff('ur). DIck Miller.
SAFARI DRUJIS Jona thOlI1 11,,:e. OlI1J BOlrholiTiL Murris.
[951 AII,l·d Arum (B&\'(I) At the l'nd, the narrator mforms us:
P~ODUC[';DI~lCTO';~C MlHWklT[~ : "Th'lUgh n. ),lIle beYer l>mllj.!ht to tnal
Ford Bnlx- for tht, ~\'Ilighter, the kllkr~ .11 1die yio-
Bomba (Johnny Sheffield) catches a tent ell'mhs Within 22 month~."
kil ler with help fmm his animal fne nds.
With Douglas Kennedy ;lIld BarJ:.ara
SOE£H\lIIIJT£I'.: Ben 11"lme.
SERPENT George Stlnders' Simon Tetnl'lrrr
1957 AIP(B&\'(I) .Illd his dDuhle. rr ~l1\llgg l er. As a fe l·
P~ODUC[';DIMCTO~: R~er Corman
low ero:Jk. fkb LlIgo~i spenJ~ TnO~t of
SC ~£EN"""'T£~ : LouIs GolJm~n hiS time 11\ ,I hasemcnl hideout. It was
AL~O HLW ED AS: Vikmg \):'omrn wu.!lhc the fuurth in a ~nc, of nine ferrture~.
Sell Ser/1<.'111 Prercy ~h(xld\'.
\Vms the awa rds for longest title and
lowest budget for a historical spec tacle
with a sea mons ter. The cast (mostly SALElII'S LOT
111 blonde wigs) includes Abb), Dalton,
1979 TV
S usan Cabot, Betsy·Jones Morel,md, P~OOUC [II..: RlCh~TJ Kn"m:
Jonathan Ha:e, Richard Devon, Gar\' O IH CTO~ : T"h<;> Hoorcr
Conway, June Kenney, and Michael SCI\E[NW~ ITE~: Paul M(ln~sh
Fo rrest. The statuesque V ikmg women A good but o\'eriong TV horror mov ie
rescue their men, who are prisoners on from a novel by the incrt,dibly popular
an island. Se\·enty minutes of"Huh?!" Stephen KII1),l. B,ulow (Rcgj;lie Nalder),
a vampire pattern~d after l'-!osft·ratu.
THE S1: VALENl1NE 'S DAY lives in a spooky Nell' Engl,md mrrll '
JIASSACRE ~Ion in the hometown of 11 ~ueeessful
1967 20th Century-Fox writer (DaVid Soul). James Mason is
PI'.ODUCE"/oIHCTO~: ROf!er Corm,1Il the blo<xbucker·s hum;tIl aide. Mason's
SCP.lEHWIIJTO: How~T(1 B mwnt" rc .. l-lifc wife, ClaTl:.:... Ka ye, IS <I fernale

vampire. With Lew Ayres, El isha Cook, SAil/SON AND THE SLAVE
Jr., Fred W illard (Femwood TOlIIghr), QUEEN
Marie W indsor, and Kenne th McMIl- 1964 AlP ( hal )·)
lan. Soul's young partner in vampire- PIIOOl)(lk: Fortu nato M isi ~no
hunting (Lan ce Kerwin) IS a hurrur OlUCTOk: Umherto Lenzi
movie fan who fi lls h is bt.-droom with S(l.[lNWJ\IT£J\S: Guido Malatl'Sa,
monster models and pos tn~. Originall~' Umt-.cno Lemi
a (our-hour miniseries, it was releaSed OJIlGlNAU. Y k£lEASED AS: Zmm Gmtm M ocisce
in Eu ro p<.~ as a fea Ture with stronger Maciste (Alan Stcel), called Samson
Kc ncs "deled. rT(m~ t15tei ll . Tlu.: TnI'.: in the dubbed versio n, figh ts Zarro
Story, James Mason 's other T V movie, (Pierre Brice) in the 15th cenntr)'. They
was given the same treatment. The decide to join (orces and defea t an evil
bloodier theatrical version o( Sa/em's queen, A major rewrite of historiCi.1
I.m is shown on cahle. legends. mixing t imes ;md continents.

1961 AlP-TV (MeXICO) (A&W)
1961 Tele"'IJc (l Tal~' ) PRODUCER; Alberto Lopez
DIUCTOR: Oi"francn r,uluni
DFUCTOR: Alfonso Corona Blake
!t(AEEHWRlTEIU: Fernando Oa liana .
Brad H;lTris is Samson. Alan SIct.: 1 IS Julu) P"Her
Samson's son. Brigit te Corey isJamine. A mad sc ientist turns people into mon-
A lan Steel also played I-krcul('s (and ster) and d isguises them as exhihits in
Maciste). Figurl' it out if you dare (or h i) wax museu m. Santo the sil ve r -
care). With Walter Reeves (not George mask('d wrestling hero (called Samson
or Steve) and Sergl' Gai nslxJllrg (wi th- in the dllhhcd prims) dcfeats them a ll
out Jane Birkin ). in fi ve rou nds, A K. Go rdo n Murra y
product Ion.


1961 AIP(I t<lly) 1%4 Alexander F.l m;; (!tal\·) (B&W)
PJIODUCEP.S; Erm~nn" Donati. ",.ooucu.: LUI)!I Rovcrc
Luigi Carpl"nncrt DIUCTOR: Amerigu Anion
DIUCTOR: Ricca rdo Fred a KREENWkITEP.S: Mari u Moroni,
SCREEHWJ\JTEP.S: On:~tl' Bianco li, O U((;" Alhefw de R(),si, T"nio Boccia
T{'~sari OkIG!NALLY R[tEASED AS; Madlre all" Corte
ORIG INALLY ULEASEO AS: MIKi5te alill C::"n o; ddkl lar
del Gh.m Klwn Kirk M('lrris ~I S Samso n (actually M ,I-
For mer Tartan Gordon Scott pla ys cis le) has been (rozen (or ccnturie s
Maciste, but he ends up being ca lled under the Russian tundra, Anthropolo-
Samson in the Aml'rican prints. I-Ie gists Ih<lw him out. He goe~ to St.
goes to China. saves a princess (Yoko P..::tershurg and leads the people in a
Tan i) , and fig h ts Tartar rchel.~, It all revllit against the cruel czar. Maciste
ends when he causes an e.mhquake b}' rea lly ).:e , ~ around. It was shot in colo r
mov ing a mountain in which he ",a~ bill the American company was too
buried alive. cht.·ap 10 m,lke color prinls.

SAi/lSON VS. THE ViWPIRE grl',11 ChT1~ tl11.1> cla~lc! Sl'en by Ill II-
If/O,JlEN l ion~ - (.ring tIle wh.) le falnlly." S;lnw
1961 AlP·TV 1t..I~x l c,,) (Il&Wj tcams up \\ It h h-krllO thl' magic ian to
PI'.ODUC£I'.: LUI ) Garcia DeLc<l1l tigh t the dreaded rl~d devd. The devil,
OII\£CTO" /SCI'.[ [HWkll(l'. : in tights and horns and the worl> t Srock
ears ever seen . would fit right IIlW a
OP.IGINALlY IIllEA5[D A.l: 5.,,1/'1 Cumm 1.1> silent-era olmedy. lfS,mta pby ~ fn YO llT
.\ hIJ~1<'s loe,ll shopping mall this year. by all
Sex)' vampire women keep rnuscubr me,ms go and experience holld,l)' ex-
I1l<1le s.bvcs on slab~ in thdr 'I (m()~rhcric plOlt,lI lOn at its fi nest.
crypt. S,mto the masked wrcstllllj.! hero
(call. . d Samson in the dubbed version) SANTA CLAUS CONQUERS
defeats them ,.Il. A K. G o rdon Murray
1964 Emh:l'sy
",OOUCEI\: P:lUl Jacohson
SAi/lURAI PIRATE.. See l1fE OII\ECTOI\: Nichol.l< Webster
As bad as the Mexican S(lnta CtuuoS is.
SANDOKAN THE GRr-.AT residents of our own Long Island proved
1964 MGM (F rn ncei ltaly/Spatn l they cou ld make a more inept. embar-
PI'.ODUCEI'.: S"lIy V. BI:l1lCO rassing mov ie and Teap an even bigger
OUU:CTOI'.: Umhcrw Len:1 profit! The spitll of Christmas shines
X ..,[[N\VIIJlE'-S: F"lvloGlCca . through in one o( the wo rs t mov ies of
Umherto Lcrd any kind ever !1Iflde. Santa find twO
As Sandokan. Ste\'e Ree\'es T:lkc~ IllS Earth kids are kidnaped by green Mar-
muscles to 19th.century North Africa. tiam and a robot. On Mars Santa is
whl're he leads rc\'oiurion;lfies a~a inst forced to make to ys (b\' pushing but-
the Bmish, who han- ~1allghtcred hl~ to ns). is impe rsonated, plots a min i-
famil y. Featuring headhunters and :l rebcHion, an d returns to his h<lppy dwarf
kidn,lped British wo man who d .."C ides elves "Just in time (or Christmas." The
she loves the Arab hero. It was the last sets, props, and acting ar(' all bottom-
of m'er a dozen juvenile hisrorical ad- of-the-budger-barrel. Some C<lst nlem-
ventures made In Italy :.tarnng the bers were (rolll Broadway shows. Some
An1l'rican-bo rn ex-Mr. Universe. H e of you mig h t recognize little green Pia
made one more, A Lang Rule from Hell. Zadora as Girmar. " Hooray for Santa
an R-rated Western. Claus, " the thl'me ~ng, was released
as a single and the exciting story was
SANDI CLAUS retold in a Dell comic book.
1959 A:tCC;1 (Me~ico)
H.ODUCn.: WIlham Calderon THE SATAN BUG
OII'.ECTOI\: Rent C~td0n<l 1965 Umr",d Artists
KI\UNWttJYW: Rent Cardo na, PII.OOUCE pjO IMCTOI\: John SllIrges
Ado lpho Portillo KUENWttJTEII.l: Jame$ C lavell.
H o! Ho! Ho! Every winter for years K. Edward Anhalt
G o rdo n MurrdY has dusted o ff his RIchard Basehart plays a modern mad
dubbed prints of this creaky south-of- sc ientist plflnning to wipe out the pop-
the-border cheapie lmd made a bund le. u lation of L.A. with a deadly virus
From the ads: "Sce the all -lIme- serum. He pmctices o n a Florida town

first. Edward Asner ,Ind Frank Sunon Four hi~h school cheerle;!ders and a Indy
help. George Maharis as a government teacher arc captured by hooded back-
agent and Anne Francis as General wooJs satan ists led by she riff Jo hn
Dana Andrews' daughll'r tr}' to Stop the Irelrmd. His wife (Yvonne De Ca rlo)
deadl~' organism. With John Anderson, prays to a big l're fixed to a wooden
Russ Bender, and S imon Oakland. Star unr il dogs kill her. Yvonne's best
dialogue: "Kill ! Mutilml' ! Destroy!" One
THE SATANIC RITES OF of the girls turns out 10 be a real witch
~ nd admonishes Ireland for ru ining
thl" maicil'n ~ a c rifice by rapi ng the
197J Hammer/Dynanlltc
~ODU([f\: Roy SI.:"1:!!s
o nly virgin - the teacher. W ith John
OIIU:CTOk: A hln Gibson Carradine as a crazy burn and Srdney
SCIU:[ N~T£k: Don H Oll~hron C haplin (Lalld of the rlumJah.~) as a
ALSO k[lE.oU£D AS: Cuunt DflU"ukl Imd 1-11.\ com ic Jevil worshiper. The no n.>en~e
Vam/Jire Bride; Dr/ll.,ub Is Df{W mid \X/dl ends with the gi rls using satanic JXlw-
mid Lll'illl: in Londo!! ers to help their foothall (ca m. (R )
C hris(()pher Lee, playing Dracu la for
the last time. has a brief sp(:aking rule SAJ/IN'S III/STRESS
in this modem day follow-up (() Dracula 1978 M,lIlson rnll'rn~fionar
AD. 1972. Not content with hi s fe - PkODUC[klOlkECTOk; Jnmrs Polakof
m;!le vampire followers. hl' wants to AUO kElOOED Al: Fury 4 tilt" Suo;ubu.l;
control the entire world with the hdp 1)..'lllIm RllX~; Illrk Eyes

of a seil'ntist and black-deat h baCleria. Lana Wood staTS as a bored rich Cali-
As a descendant of Van I leising, PeTcr forn i;1 h'lU.;;cwife who spends most of
C ushing stops Dracula. who ends tip this mllVic naked while writhing around
in a tho mhush. Warner Brothers de- With an invisi ble spi rit . Britt Ekland
cided not to bother releasing the VIO- (who receivl-d star billing) has a small
lent fi lm, which sat around for five years role as a psychiC and John Carrad ine
Ix-fore ocing released here b~· Dyn:unilc. has ,Illeven smaller role as a priest (see
(R, The Selltille/) . There's a guillotine in the
basement and a few laughs to relieve the
h:)red~lm. With Kahir Bedi. (R )
1968 (Spain/Italy) SAJ/IN'S SADISTS
~ODUCEk: Ro mano MlI5:10111l1
1969 lndcpt:nJcnt·Jntanational Fi lrns
DIIU:CTOk: I'iero Vivarell l
PkOOIJCEk/ o lk[CTOk: Al Adamson
SCkEEN\Vkrrn: Edu,lrdn M. Brocheru
SC k££NWkIT[k: Dennis W~yne
Ugly Magda Konopb uses a po tion
The ads tollted this one as a portra it
to become beauliful, but it backfires
of: "lluman ga rh,lgc-in the sickest
as usu al. rurning her into ~l horrible
love parties! " Russ Tamhlyn stars in his
second psychotic-hiker role of 1969 (see
Free Grass). He and his gang pass the
SATAN'S CHEERLEADERS time killing OlnJ raping college girls after
1977 World Amu:<mcnt~ purring LSD in their coffee. They're
~ODIJC[k; Alvin L. Fa~ t fi nall~' taugh t a lesson by a h itchhi king
DlkECTO~: Grq-don CI;uk Vietnrlln vet. With misused o ldtimers
SCkE[N\VkrTEM: Grcyoon Clark. Scott I3rady (lnd Kent Taylo r. The in -
Alvin L. Fast credible Regina Carrol is " the freak-

ouT ).: lrl. " Al~n
wlIh J \l hn C,lrdo_. SA'IIIJV'S SMVto
Hd'~'n niX. Gar)' Kent. Bamh. AI1..:n. l'JihCr"\\'l1 1"1<'111,\1"'1\;11 (1'lli.:I,lmll
,mJ lutur... dlrect"r Grqdnn Cl.lrk <I~ PI\OOUCE!U: Ll" Y.'un~, R,d"'r,1 ( 'r,thlor
ACid. MlI ~ I C h) "Th~ Nl!!hlTlcic-r" " The DII\EOOI\: r..;"rm.m J ''I\'''II,'n
'ollnd Tmek W;b Oil til\' Sm,l,h lalx-I. \\.1 \1,( ;1111\,1\
'>(I\EENWI\IHP.: I).l\
Pruh.lbh· the !!Ttl',('~{ hJ.. ... r Ill"Vll' oj \I u.hdd (i(lugh Ic'",I, ,I COhon ,,1 IIIICh ... _
them ~111.( H. ) i n .I g'H~ ,hplk ... r k,llurin),! ;o..\.nl ill
PoOn (h.:lInli S(J/"'Jdlll). \V"rrc'n l.ltcor
Jlrl'lil'd /"\<'))1111'1/,/. , HI
SA'I )INS SAn,I,L1T1iS, See
lo,li5 TV
PflOOUCEI\ : J.lIm" j{. 'I l,"
1971 TV KI\£ENW1I.Il[I\; 'X'ilium RI'I .' ''I\', ~ ... hll'kl
Pf\ODUCEM; Aaron Spel ling, i-ldu:ul'lcr I'd"t-. 1\\u).: II.IcClur.. ,111,1
l ('t"l,trd (Juld!>..,,!: Alq. III,lro R.. \, l'I'lt till' 1'''l'lIl.n Fkr-
011'.£00'-: Dand LmH,l1 Ri ch mud.l Ifl.lllgk 1\1 fl"c llc' ,hll'\\H'Lkc'd
KI'.£ENW1\ITH: Arthllr A. R{l~~ Kiln l\:olak, A [\ 11l!l\ Th, 'Il1.1' pr,,-
p,lI nei .. Franklin enroll,;I' a stud ... nt :It dUll'll11, nUl :1 Su nn ( ~Ia"'l. ''I\'l1h
a l'rlV,lte »ehlX,1 III o rder It) In\'''''IIJ.,:,ltl' J1111 1),11'1'.
[he ~uicidl' of heT 'I ~ kr. S he di -cm'l'r,
a :..1T :mic cu lt ! Lnl lJy J1f<)fl'~~Or Ro\
Th innes in :1 hooded dO;Jk ! WITh (ll ', SATF.!,Ll'll' IN Till,; SKY
lure Clulrlr.. 's AURds K,lt c Jac\.;"m and 1951'> \\'.mw! I\r,,1I1<'1' O:n\.!Lmdl
Chl'r),1 L;}dJ, L1ny,[ Boc hn er. ,mel J" I>I\ODUC EI\S: 1:,1" •• ,,1 ]. ,m,1
Van Fleet. li Mn I ),m: l\.!,,!
DII\EaOI\:P,ll,I!)"\..,, ,n
T h .. wml,!" hr'l "ndllll' I' "h'lit IU
SA 111 N'S SKI N, Sec THI, l'Xrl".!", Su .. ntl\!' ru,1l III ell"r rm :1
BLOOD ON S;l1;.uV:\' e'-'l ilc homb .In.! ',11.° d\\' lnOII. \X'lt h Kll'nlll
moon of Saturn. They gel an unex-
pected visit from Harvey Ke itel (whose
Brookl~'n accent, through the miracle
of dubbi ng, has been replaced by a
British one) and a robo t named Hec-
tor. Harvey proves to be a psychopath
on the run fro m Earth-and Henor
shares his personality. John Barry, the
production designer o n Star Wars and
the first Supennan film. conceived the
Story and was director for the first two
weeks of shoori ng, but "creative dif-
ferences" with producer Donen sent nim
packing. He then joined the crew of
the Star Wars sequel, and d ied of spi -
nal meningitis before its completion.
At least he escaped any blame (or the
boredom Salum 3 eventually generated.
Kirk Dou~ Jcam Hartle)' Moore. Lois Maxwell, and Do na ld Tho ugh Sa turn 3 includes the on ly
Ktittl wilh a pia,slic oonle Wolfit . Talky science fiction . known fi lm (oorage of Farrah Fawcett's
in5awml bare right breast, two sce nes were
SATURDAYIHE /-InT clipped prior to release in the interest
t981 Nt,,· World o( good mste- o n(' where a drug-crazed
H.OOUCEk; Julie Corman Kirk O;;.uglas imagines that he has killed
Howard R . Cohen
DI'-lCTOPJSCIl,£[N\\fkITU: Harvey Keitel, and one in which th e
Despite the tirle, this is more a pa rody psychotic robot tears Kei tel into little
of old monster movies than of newer pieces. CR) -BM
slasher fi lms. Real-life husband and wife
Richard Benjamin and Paula Prentiss 1HE SAVAGE BEES
playa couple who move into a haunted 1976 TV
house. Their lit tle boy (Kevin Brando) ,""ODUCEIVOIP.lCTO-': Bruce Geller
accidentally conjures up some creatures K'-lENWIIJTU.: Guerdon Trueblood
(left over (rom Galaxina). and some Killer African bees go to Mardi Gras!
vampires pay a vis it. With Severn They Sling sheriff Ben Johnson. hero
Darden as Van Helsing, and Rosemary Michael Parks, bceexpert Horst Buch-
DcCmnp (the 1949-50 edition of the holz, and G retchen Corbett. This low-
Lfe of Riley series). Not to be confused key TV movie is betrer than the B-epics
with Thursday lhe 12th, a spoof di rect(.'{/ that fo llowed-The Swarm and The
by Alfred Sole , which is also known as flees-hu t that's not saying much. Don
Plmdemollium. Kirshner was the co-producer. A theat -
rica l release in Europe.
1980 Assoc ialed Film Distrlhlllion SAVAGE DRUJJIS
(England) 1951 Lippert (B&W)
n.ODUC[IVDIk[CTO"; Stan le y Donen OlI'.ECTO":Wilham Berke
KP.lENWtmn: Marlin Amis
Sabu vs. commies who have taken over
Kirk Douglas and Farrah Fawcetr run a h is m),thical island COlintry. Spies kill
hydroponic food factory on the third a visi ting prince while Sahu is studying

III All1l'nc,I, He Tu,he' h,)rne \\lth S id .Ido pl modern llre~~ ,Inll the ;lppc,lr.mce
t..lclt.lIl ,m" a rn')tlley til " I\e th.' 1'- ;111,1 m.u m<:r~ .,1 20th-..:entUT'i 1,lle nch
I.tIl~1 r .lr..llh..c tTtlrn ,he R~... k \Vuh H.B. peorle. Iht'n rl'\'l'rt 10 IhClr urlgm ,II
\X',lrne r .11ll1 LIt.l Hawn. rmllll'r c h.ld ',·. The C.I"I mcill..le' TIMy<.'r D,lv id.
,1M S,II'1I I,ll' hll1ml! In a 'l' r1e~ 01 U lrr<l Vint.-t. S:lnl \V, IIl'hIUll, SU~, ltl
u)m u.:,11 '')(.\ .ldl"l'rlfUTl'" ,hen i.Jdul mto 13I.1h·h (Ill her hN '>C Tel' n rold. <lIld
'Ur£'l ITt l1lj:! ruk" In the .'arl" '60,. L,'WI' J. SwJlen . Filmed In T.lrryttlwll.
l' ..·w Ytlrk. H\ tlk' ..!treCftlf ,If (ht! W'II.:I
PliTt:> and H(J~d.I1l{1. (10
5111'/1G/~' I"~ U1'1 NY
19') I ( :"I\"nbl.1 ll\~\'('l
P"ODUCO,: :-;.lIn K.I1 :m.1Il SA VI I GI':S FRO/lll/tVJ
01'-£ClO": =' r e1k ..'r (j"r, I, \n lx' Ill"'!! 19('~ Tr.t!l,-lntl'fIl.II!<>n.iI
sc" n NW"IU" : St,1:.'h<>T PROOUCE": K. ()(,rd"n ~I\1rr; l\
Jundl' J111\ (johnny \\I(,"~ll\lJlIer) r"lmJ~ OI,-£ClOR: J"~rh Pnew
II]' n,I(II'<." 1.\ tl"'l' Ihelr 1~1:l1d. ~l "Ie fo r SC"EENW"lTE": Rl'll l~n G ul'l·TI11.ln
A-I'I\\tllh te,tln ),: , I: nem)' :1),:('nt~ Il·1l tho.> ALSO kELEMEO AS : 131~ ElI ",,~h (/lui
11,l tll'\', ,,\ '1.1)" \\lllh Angel.l Greenl' OlJ En"u~ 11
,m..\ L,"ll'T lvLlthcI\' ~. High Te't. 1,';I,1l'r o t the Bbck Angd~
cyde gang. \"i,ln ~ll" .. 1ll1),!T;JIlI Llrm -
workcr\ ,l.lughler ;l l1 l'r be;l!lng her
hr.~ th,,·r 1~'r .lnT;Iul11g hi , 'Tl';Ili \ j,(lrl.
1\)l'I." ,A. II )
SI;mil1g \'\h l klln l ~ Kelley ;1' I hgh Te~t,
",OOUC[": [)" \., \"
OI "[Cl O": RI,h,lr,] Ru,h Wllh Viul.l LI,,\",1. 1~l hbll' B\e r~. Cynl
K "UNW" IU" : ~l llh.le l h,111;T P,)1Tl ,·r. ,1I)d ])"""1.\,, :\1~l'r" Te~t
h k,lIed \\·h"" h,' tnl" ttl r.lpe hl ~
(nll' lIt the llC'l rlh'r tilm~ !.'<l1UTl" hn<'
, \ 0.: 1"1'. Biker (~hN lln (A,I.lIn R.l.lrk e) "",mlllul h O_, .lg..·, Filmn l III }-Iord,l.
1,1\'l" Imh.1n 11.ll1re,' /I.\. ITII· LillI.- 1 1.1\\ l. (R I lH
(1 ••. 11111,' ~ ranl.). I ler rn'lher (R.)IX'rt
\V,I1 \",·r. Jr.) ,1.,.11'rr,,,e'. TIlt' 1"'0 SCALP/,L , Sec I'/ILS!: l ,tICR, Ruberl Sil\ ,'OIlIUl o.I.l lhe-

!!r. IIII" J.lIn h I r~e' blll o.:n "Ik ..'" hU'lnc,v cr<l~",1 scull)/(" III I)",·td
nll:n 'c\W lIIl' ttl h .ll e thl'lII ,It ,,·.u.: h Cn" ...·nh..'T):·5 Sc.lnncl'>
"d'1l'r', ,hro,I" "I!,un, \V,th Duane 19.:'\1 hlml'l.m A, .. " t-.mb,L"\ (( ',Ul.lJ.l) .' .. "I ..... .... "', .... "..,. ..
,_.,.,,,,,,,. 1.....'1""""1.10,,.
hhh. Llrr~ B" h"I'. J,,11I1 C,lrd .. ,. ,lIld P"OOUC[R: (J ....dl· IlewlI\ ~,.J .• ·1 ... 1 'n"! ........ ' R«",'"
1~',llh ! ) I ~\""I",n, TIll' tlll'lIle ,<mg. ~ .,..."'\~ ... ".'l""" .",,",
OII\[ClO"fscMENW"ITE": n."HI '- 'nuwn l'<.· rg 1'1.0. , ..... ~I,,"' . \;",'''', , .., •. ",
,."'.,, ,.W~,,' r,·,"
"{\ tl\on ..• I .. T r,·!I!lI'." h h~ Crl"uII. ,,,,~,,

Ir\)11 BUll<:rtl\ ,ITe hl'<lre! l'l.J'I1)t: their

d .. "I ... "\r,'11 Bllttl'rtly "\ h ..·11)l· ... C i.nk
dIll! Ru,h nw.k /\::l(h.01ll ,',lrlll'T in

th ..· \ ..·"r,

,\/ I V, IG/';S
l<)j2 AIl!.!...!,\".1
P"OOUC E"; \'"1.1,·1 ~lcr\.h.ol\l
OI R[ClOR: 1.11\\\" I"on
K "UNW" ITE" : ('; ..·"rl!t· \\' ='. r ,n"
111 (\11' ~"IlT1.-" l hll'\" ,11 111:.1110 11. Ih..'
,' 1\

',I \·.Il!" lI)u..1P\'''I, le ",lIllll:l c r'''llIl'l h.III

to , .111 ,'llIl'lI 1I) .I11~ho n . Th..·\ gr.kht.llh

A new strain of telepathic humrmkind and:l Colonel Sanders tie) ac[S like he's
is capable of suc h antisoc ial acts as tak - in a rrance. He lurks around peering in
ing comrol of other people's bodies lind windows with dW:lrf pal Angelo Ros-
blowing up folks' heads to colorful liq- sino. Angelo, who was in two other
uid explosions. Dr. Ruth (Se~Te t A.l:efll Lugosi tnovi e~ , ;lISo,) :lppeared in Freaks
man Ptltrick McG(X)han) is a sc icmist and played an :llien in GUUlxina. W ith
with the ConSec Corpo ratio n, and has villain George Zucco, idio t Nm Pe n -
a vested imerest in finding and connol - dleton , one-t ime srar Joyce Comptlln,
ling the mutam "sCilllners." Ruth sends and Duuglas Fowley (who I:lter d ireC[oo
a docile scanner 10 infiltrate the SC,m- Moclnlloo Lot'e). Jr's only 65 minutes
ners' "terrorist underground," and t\) long. Watch it close ly and dec ide : Had
face his greatest enemy, I}-drryl Revo k thl' actors cver st.'cn the script ! Were
(Michael Ironside, the psychopath of some of them under tht' influence of ..
Visitill,J: Houn). Tht· concluding scenes very disorienting drug! Fasc in:o!ting in
of telepathic batt Ie bcnefil gn:'atly from a different way from Bela's Ed Wood
excrucialingeffectsen~ineered hy Dick film s.
(The Exorcist) Smith. C ro n eniX'rg did
VideodrVlllc next. (R) ~ BM S CARED TO DEATH
1980 1..<lI1c Stnr Films
SCAREDSl1FF Pflooucw: Rand Ivlnrl is, Gil Shdton
195J Paramount (B&W) OII\(OOOKkEEH\VIIJT£" : Bill Malone
AAOOUCE~ : leLlI B. W~lli s ALSO I\£LEASED AS: The TI'TTm' Foccar
OlAlOO'-: GCOl):t' Marshall Look o ut! it 's a SynGenOr! 1['5 in the
KM£H\VfJT£M: Herbert B.1kcr. sewcrs of your cil\'! And ii's out to get
W~[ t er Jt' Leon you! A modernized Frankenstein ta le
Dean Martin ami Jerry Lewis in are- in which ;1 DNA experiment om wild
m:lke of The Ghost Breakers, a [940 Boh re~ lIh s in a SYNtlwtic GENetic O R-
I-lope mystery -comedy also din:C[ed h~' g:lnism (that's SynGenOr fo r short- it
Marshall. The plot involves g:ln~s ters, closely rcscmhles the cre .. ture in Ah..">fl) .
ghosts. :lnd a zombie on a Ca nhht.~:"l n The monSTer escapes the lab in Los An-
isl'lIld. Lizabeth Scott is th e love in - geles :lnd stic ks its long sucking tongue
te rest fo r Dino. Jerry imitat es a nd down vict im's throals. LOIS o f lo w-
sings with Carmen Mirand:l. 11111")(: and hudgel fun :I S thl' :llIthurities, unable
Crosby put in guest appe:lf<lOoces. Song~ tll cope With tht, unseen mo nSIer's
include "The Bongo Btngo" and "Th(' ~tr:.Ulge M. O., put a hard· ho iled pm'ate
Enchilada M:lIl. " eye on the case. Director Ma lone and
his tilmm:lk ing partner Bob Sho rr were
SCARl:.JJ TO DEATH last ~ec n :ltl elllpnng f(} bunch :"l (ea-
1947 Screen C ui IJ tllr..: film ba~l·d on TV's Thl! Man from
AAOOIJC[~ Wilham B. David UN.CLE. (R) 8.'1.1
OIMOO k : Christy C'Ioonnt'
Th i.<.almost surreall inle fi lm is rl'mark - NATION
able for three re~sons: it 's in cillor. it\ l'lll Un llCcl An; ~l" {B&W)
n:lrrated h~' a woman's cnrps... , :lnd it's PI\OOIJCEI\IOI"ECTO": Howard Hawks
the closest thing to a ho rror 1I10vie re- SCI\EENWPJT£M: &'n i-kdlt. Sewn I. t.,'ldlt:'r,
leased in the lC(ln year of 1947. Bel" J(,hn L<,<, M~h;n, \'\/. R. Burnett.
Lugosi (in a crooked, wide-brimmed har Fr\" ! [,,,,Ie)

Paul MuOt I ~ a thinly disguisl'J Al Far East ;ntrl \:lIe produced ll)' PhIlip-
Capone 10 this J!ang~ter classIC fl'alUr- pine bko.l-mov u~ mogul EddIe Romero.
109 Bons Ka rloff a~ a nva l hood who Vmee Edwmds of 11-11 Case)' m lTS as a
gets machine-gu nned to death In a former smuggler who ~p(lt, ml~~mg Wife
bowlmJ! a ile}', With Ann Dvorak, C arol O hmart III Hon!! Kong. New
G~)rJ.:c Raft, ~lOd Ka ren Morley. Brian friends h,lVe glllfen her Hwolved wlIh
DePalma di rected a 1983 remake star- hard drugs a~ well a~ {o n,'lgn bonds
nnJ! A I p;.cino. stolen from Ihe C hillesc Nall(1nal lst
Government. Paramount trlcd 10 make
Ohman IIlto Maril yn M 01lTOl' for a
T1IE SCARLET BLADE, See whiit-. S hl' played anllther drug 'lddlet
T1IE CRlAfSON BLADE. in Wiki YU\~111. Director Cwrnwcll wa~
a Hollywood ,"clemn fallen 1m hard
times. His films include the 1934 Of
T1IE SCARLET CLAW Hllmml /3ondage, with Bette Da\'IS, and
1944 Universal (B&W) The Goddess, a 1958 di~section of a
H.ODUCE"/ oIUCTO": Roy William Neill
Monroe-like star, With Kim Stanley.
SC "UH'W'''ITt'': Edmund L Hartman
Touted as "Holmes vs. Monster!" Well,
nO! exactly, but it's one of the best
H olmes movies. In La Morte Rou~e,
1960 Sct:llI of M ~·SI ... r~· Productions
Canada, the detective exposes a phan-
tom killer. With Gerald l lamer and ""O OUC E": Michael TOlIJ , Jr.
Paul Cavanagh. OIN:OO": J.lck Car.lllf
K!Y:EH'W'M'UI: Wllklm R"I)S
AU<> N:lEASED.u: Holtc.1l:-' 111 Spal1l
1970 Hamnlt:rlAnwTlcan Cummcnt.JI Mlh' Todd, Jr., r rl·~nt l'd thl~ techll1-
Flhns (Ellglal" l) cal man·.... 1 til "G l o r iou~ Smel l-a-V i-
,,"OOUC['-! A"I.. YUlln\: sion !" It was oTigmally planned by h iS
lJl'lllIr4159: \'(' i,h<l
OIN:Ct~: Roy WarJ B.:.I.,,:r late father. Only au dlence~ III New
mlCTuphoru' p",,5t'd 0\ <'T-
K N:EH'W'M.lrr,,: Anlhl'''\ 1 11mb
heud In IHCk III> lhe Wit lid.
C hristopher Lee IS given more screen rTlf}t·1£' r"ooll. . ("T M.,had
tllne than m other Dracula films. He Todd.)r.. I:els an ex/J<'n-
also looks real pasty and dead. There's ~IW shfle shuI£' un lhe SCI U1
more sex and sadIsm than before and Ilull),II'f)(.:.L NeqlllTing"
the special effects are awful. Somehow shoe Ihmc ,uund ..ffcn f"r
it's hard to take seriously a scene of a hJ.I f(!f'liu:omm)< Smell-O-
rubber hat on a string drooling into a Vision mO\.IC. Sccnt <",of
M~'stny, T (J(L.! (UWUirJl1<,J
coffin in order to revive his master. hnorlila.:ks from (ill owr
There arc lots of phony big b,HS and Svu[r...'Tll Calif<mlill I....'T,,~,
death by lightning for Dracula. Dennis O,mid (kft) ,md Hcnn
Waterman is rh .... hem. Jenny H anley Carrier (CI'lllnj pw.. d ro
is the main potential pinup victim.( R) Ii..- rhe he'll durh 'I1WPp..'1'j
and brmh wieJd..'Ts <lTUI'!UI.
SO lhey go! [J..... JI,b, The
111E SCAVENGERS luck:; /X)(}[nuu:b h'<"'\ ed
19;9 Vah,lIlt (B&W) $100 for 1e!>S [han,n. hI",r',~
PkOOlJC u J K MEH'W'M.ln " : I;.JJ1C R omero 1.4'Ofk.
OIN:Ct<».: John CT<)ln~'dl

York, Ch icago, anJ LA. lud;1 eh,mce Lynne Frulenck (Peter Sellers'b)t Wi(l')
ttl exrl.'Tience o\'cr 30 arom,b, :.en l fflllll s lar~ ;l~,I woman hUllTed hy a m'lI1m.:.
rhe "Smell-O-Vlsion I'T;lln" thn.ugh Whl'n :-11l' lI'a~ a dlllJ she sal\' hlln mur-
plastIC wf>e) an,lCh,,'d to t'ae h rhe,ltl'r der her mother. \Vnh kn ife llIurders, a
,,-,at. Scents mdudnl WIIlC. "l'aii 1(",1. golr- )holl'cr sccne, a p"ychic hrotherhooJ,
II(, pepl"'-'rmilH, h;m,mas. pipe loh,ICC", ,tnt! a ,.urpmc cmllng. Wirh John Le}'-
perfume, and gunsmoke. T h e I1I\'~tery wn, Steph;] nle Be,leha m, and John
feature 111111e..1111 Spain star-. Peler Llrrl' FF,I.~r. AI ~(lme ,.howi n gs, frce smdl-
a~ Snlliq. a taxi d ri ver. Di:m.1 Dor:-, IIlg '<1its '\'l're hamkxl (lur.(R)
Il.,·n holrn EII,uf{. P;lul Lllb~ .•md Ll.'o
McKern, It was ren.:ll·a~d ~e ntk'~~ III
'61 and h,,~n'l lx'en ,hown much any-
WhCH' Of any way ~Itlce. A sl'.,:ci:11 CM-
1971 A(J'([!~I\fFr.1ncdSr~m)
won co-feature cllkd The T{llc of Ok!
\Vhi!! lI'a~ n;lrra reJ hy Ben Lahr. UIl1 II OIIl£(TOII: LUCIO Ftlki
Po/yester in 'SI ir W:I' rhe unly (c,!tur<' SCII[ENWIIITE"5: Luno Fu!n,
li lm th at smelled. H"I'~'rf()GI:Il1"ltl,
LII" M,lr! 111<'; 11.1,,11<1. Andre Tr,1]1che
OlllGINAllY ~n{M[o M: UtW Ll<cnww com
SCHIZO I,. I'd/.: dl Dunn,1
1977 ~dc' lntern.lllon.'! (En~!.m,l) A (em.L11' killer ,lIld drug-Induced h,ll1u-
PllooucuJ OIlUCTOII; rCIl' \V.llkcr cin,lIll1lh enha n Cl' Ihls Eur{)-p~p,:h,)
KIIHNWIIITlII: Lb'id l\lclJdJ., r.1~' mOVll' fil ml'd In London. Starn ng 5[,111-
AlSO IIHl.tS£O AS; All",,!.;. moot! "f Ihe Iq' Riker ,lIld Florinl!'1 Bo)k:m. With
l l,uk,iJ
Ll'() Gl'nn 'lnd Jl',111 Sord.( R)

1<)N.' ( :,lI1n. III
PkOOUC£"5: I\len,lh"1lI G"Lm,
)'.)r,IIn (,I"hu,
01 IllC101l/K ~llH\\lIlIT£II ;!),,,,d Palll,en
AlSO IIEILASlD AS: \1"rJa fr" .\1<111
SOllll' I'l'opll' dl<lught h,ndworkin).!"
KLw, KIn,kl would hn'<lk ;lway from
Chl';lP 11llrror IICln~ :Ifln he "Chit~\'l'd
in!l'rrl;lIl11n,11 LUll<' III \Vl' I ler:))).!"
hllll~. rorgct it. He jll'! gr;ld ll;lh'd 10
hl'lll'r-,li~lrihlltcd ehe"I' hmf()f film."
In thh ('nl: hl,'.- II I'~yc hi'ltrisl in "ulln y
( :,I)ift'TI1la wh'l ,'C(,lllS to he 1l1llrderin),!
I", gn IUp_1 he r.II'Y p"tiellts WII h 'c i""Oh.
11 ,11'pl'~lr' th"l hcj~)rl' e;,ch kill Ill)! he
111:111, thre,Hl'nlllg I':,,(e-ul' nor..:, to
t..l"n.Il1n,1 HilI. .1 p .I(WIlI wh" WTltC~;1
rh'w'l',lpl'r ",],.icl· ctllullln. A ludicroll _'
hll with hpt tllh~ .llld ;l .,urpn,<, (')

1972 JJck HoITn-
P'.OOUCl": Janl (~ c. O'Rourke
OlP.£ctOk/scM(t"""M'[R: John La n dIs
AUO MUASED.tS: T~ Banana MmlSleT
Thb first effort hy the guy who hit the
hlg l ime with AnLmal House mostly
r 1a)·ed nudnight shows. landis (then
22) alsul>tars a~ a prehistoric ape man
10 th is low-budAe! spoof. The convine-
1O~ apc SU it was deSIgned b" Rick
Baker. Forrest J Ackerman, makeup
eXf't!rt John Chambers, and producer
Jack Harris ha\'c bll parts. Including
a 100 j sroof,


1967 TV
'kOOUC[I\/OIMCTOk: Richard Thurpe
sc..[[~tTt'-S: Adrian SrlC~, Eismgn
ShIrley (Goldjinger) Eaton and Alex
sonu~ gi rlS, K1a1t.l Kimki (md aW!II
Cord aTC s pic ~ after Scorpio. head of handcuffed hy po lin', te;lTS

off his hand to eSClpe. and JlI1l\l'~ Ill(\) SchiZOid.

an International bbckmail Tlng. Oscar
Bereg; IS the had IlU~' III ,his TV Bond a vat of an ..1. Later much ,)1 the cast
copy. ends III' 10 ,he ~.l ml' vat. \'(/ ilh JuJy
HlIxlahk ,md the Amcll Corner.


11IE HOUSE 11IAT 1969 We<;!hul)
VANISIIED. Pl\ODUCo./ DIIUClC».: J(l'.:rh Adl\'r
KI\llHWNTE": L:l\"·!l'nc.: R"h:n C:oh.:n

SCRE~IAI AND SCREMI A dernent\'J arll" klJn:"ll's I'cnpll' and

surgica ll y dishgure~ them 10 pnwIlk'
AGAIN modds fur hl~ c rc\'py p,111ltlll).!'. V,lri-
1970AmlcuslA!P. (EnglanJ)
~ODUCUS: }\hx J. RO)l"nNcrg. OllS sruJetHS go 10 I", 11\;I11,illn 1ti'arch -
Milton Subo."sky ing for mls~tng fri end, and hCl"IllllC
DIMelOk: G,)rdcln Hc,;:,I"f "hideous c rcat\lre~." Fllmcd III Mi;lIlli
Kk[Elft/kITEk: Chrbtuphcr Wickmg With R (l~s 1 hTT!';. ~~lI ~IC h\' the Odys-
Wild and con(us in):l hOTTor with ;l greal sey. (R )
title <Ind a mostly w;lsted cast. Vincent
Price keeps husy crdt inA perfect beings SCIU'AI~I Bf.ACULA SCRl'.AIlI
lISIn):llimh ;lnd organ trampbnts. In ,I 1973 AlP
slll;l1l fllie as a Nazilike fore ign ;lgent , pI\OOUCH,: J"~rh T. :'-J,I"r
Peter C ushin):l h;lCh the project. Ch n ~­ 011\[001\: Ik,[, Kdlpn
topher Lee I ~ also In a small role as ;l SCI\[[HWI\ITEM: J(lan Torr.:s .
British agent. The heSi part IS when R,, )mund Koenig, MallTlt.: Jull"
M IC hael (The Det,j/s) Gothar ..1 ;lS a ThiS Inc \' It ~Il-le scquel. dlf\'C tcd l-\' the
,'oung creation Jr:.IlOS thc hlood frorn guy who liid Ihe Cuun! Y,)rga h lm~,

pits Blacula (William Marshall) against SCREAAI OF THE
a voodoo priestess (Pam G rier ). The BUTTERFLY
results are pretl y laughable. Se l in 1%<; Emerson ( B&W)
modern ·da y LA .. with pan i e~. mod OI~ClOA:Ebar Lobato
clothes. and a lot of new vafllp ire~.
Ra y Den n is Steckler shor [his story of
With Don Mitchell (from the Iromde
a nympho man iac who is Illurdered by
series) and Richard Lawson .
her lo\'cr afler explain ing that ~he plans
[ 0 stay on with her millionaire hus-
SCRFAlII BLOODI' ,IIURDER band. The dist ric t allOrne y must de-
1971 lndepix cide whether to send N ick Novarro to
prison or to a mental institution . Nel ida
Rol'<"rt [Illery
Lobato is the victim, William Turncr
A laughable tale of a killer with (I hook is her husband. Stec kler directed Th e
hand. He lost his real h;lIld while kill - Thrill Kilwrs t hc same year. - CB
ing his father with a tractor. He kId-
naps a prostitute after kill ing hi s mo ther
and stepfather. From ,ht, ads: "Fil111ed
in violent vision and gory color!" "So DEAtON LOVER
1971 New World (lta ly/S ram)
horrifying you need a blinJfold to see
AAOOUCEAlO I"ECTO"; Jose LOllis Merino
it!" Theater patrons were given free
SC"ElHWkITEM; J ose Louis MeTlno,
hl indfolds. (R ) EnTico Colurn ho
A 19th-century baron has killer dogs
SCREMI FREE.. See and a monstrous brother scarred by fire.
FREE GRASS. Wi,h Agostina Be lli and a lot of angl i-
cized names. It was co-bi lled wi th Velvet
SCREMI OF FFAR Vam/nrc. (R )
1960 Ilamrn~'r /Qllumh m (England )
( B&W)
H.oOUCE" / SCIU:EH\VA!tIP.; Inlm}' S angs ,<:r
OIIU:CTO~ Seth Holt
1974 TV
ALSO mEASEO AS; T(lSle of F.:(lT
SCMEHWkITE": Ric hard Matheson
Hammer Films d id a lot of le& than
A pho ny werewo lf mo vie with Clint
tlHilling psychologicalthrillets inspired
Walker as a macho sportsman trying to
by Psycho, hut this was their firsl and
gct his (o rmer best "pal" Peler Graves
it's great. You'll never fi gure out the
to leave his girlfriend (Jo Ann Pflug)
ending or ;lIlticip;l(e some of ,he piN
and writin.c career SCI the two of thl'lll
twists. SUs.1n Str.lsherg h:!s hcr hcst fI>le
as Penny Appleton, frightened woman
can .co live in the woods wgether.
Unex pected ideas from screenwriter
in a wheelchair visiting her fath er's Matheson.
French villa. Stepmorhn Ann Todd
tells her that D<ld is aw:!y. but his dc tlJ
body keeps showing up in odd places.
1973 TV
O nly Penny sees it. A doctm (C hris-
AAODUCEk: Lou Morhcim
topher Lee) tries to calm her down. An OI~CTOk : Gordon Hessler
t'speciall y good sccne conce rns Dad's KAUNVonitTU.s: Ji mm y Sa n gster.
discovery at the ho ttom of the sWim - Arthur Ho((..
Illing pool. [n nice. da rk b lac k-and - T(.-d Bessel l. co-slar of the TJwr Girl
white. series. gets 10 prove how good he can

act as a f<lmous sculp tor wiTh a cr<l2Y to steamy music hy the Red Norv(l Trio.
siste r. But si nce this is <l subst<ln- The cluh's tuugh owner (Gypsy Rose
dard Psycho copy, he's the sister too ~ Lee) sings an incredihl y had song when
A nd Be tte DdVis is hi ~ overprotective An ita is late ,me night. The trauma-
mo m! Sian-Barbara. Allen is Peggy, who Tizl't\ A m ta is suspec ted of a series of
sc reams. By the d irector of Scream and murders. Eac h vielim had purchased a
Scream Again. contorted scu lpture of a woman called
the Screaming Mim i, wh ich was cre-
SCREMIERS ated by her sTep-hrother. He's the one
1979 Nt'w World (h~ly)
who had shoT her ,It!'lC ker. Handsome
PM>OIJco.: lawrence Marl in columnbt Philip C 1rlj' figures it all out.
OIMCTOiJS: Sergio M~rll no, Dan T. Miller Includes i nt ('rc~ ting phmogr<lrhy and
s.:rglo Dunnri.
SCl\[[HWI\ITEI\S: a killer Jng n<lml~d Devi l. B<lsed on the
Cesarl' Frugoni. Sergio Martino nuvel of the sa me tid e by Frl!der ic
AUO Ul£AS£O M : Isle of the f lShmcn, Brown. T he d lTcc tor J;uer " '{lrked o n
Smndhm,l;' Waus IfI The Dark The Ower Limits show.
"Warning: In this film you will actu-
ally see a man turned inside o ut !" This
tag line from the ads is (Otally untrue,
m ade up to get p.:ople to see a child- THE S CRRAflllNG S KULL
is h lralian fantasy which New World 1958 AlP (B&W)
brought over here <lnd added new foot- Pl\OOUC[IV!oCI\l [ HWI\lf[1\.: John Kn cu huhl
DIM CTOl\ : A lex Nl(ol
age to. Some gory killings by a fi sh mon-
ster arc featured in the new sc.:nes. A man tries tn drive hi S new wife in-
sane by pklClng skulls all o\'er his South-
Some [hin ~:s never change. The stellar
explo itation cast includes B<lrbam a l ch. ern mansion. (,ut the plan hack fires.
Richard Jo hnson. Beryl C unn ingham , 5oml" good !ll(lTnents with skulls pop-
Joseph CoTten , Cameron Mitchell . and ping up in a mur ky JX)()I and ...creech -
Mel Ferrer. C ameron and Mel are in ing birds e\'erywhere. The dir('Ctor plays
the ser\',mT. The music is by Alex Gold,
th e new American scenes. ( R )
who d id thl' score for EXOOU5. With
John H udson, a.k.a. William H udson
SCRFMIING 11111111 ( H arr~' in Arrack of the 50 Ft WOllum) ,
1958 Columbia (B&W) a nd Pq~~y Wdx~r.
~ooucos: Harry JOt' Brown.
RnOcrt Fellow5
DIMCTOl\: Gt'rd Oswald
Rober! Blees
A great neglected sleazy psyc hological 1972 TV
horror fi lm sta rring An ita Ekberg. She PRODU C[I\ : WII!i;1I1i Fr~'C
sees a man gel shot momenfS after he J
DII\lCTOl\: ad: Smlghr
tried (0 kn ife her in a shower (two years K M[HWIIlT£I\: Me rWin Grrn rd
before Psycho), so she goes to a psych ia- Olivia de Ha villand. JUSt out of the
n iSI (Harry Townes) for therapy. He asylum, hears a vuice from the ground.
fa lls in love with her and rakes over Of course noboJ y helie\'Cs her when
h er life . although she insisTS on con - she tries to gel help to dig up the un-
tinuing her career at the El Madhouse fortunate speake r. A real downbeaT
nightclub. Great fi ller is pro\,jdcd by versio n of a Ray Bradhury story set in
Anita doin~ a very erotic stri p/dance a ver~' unfriendly Middle America.

6 13
With Ed \Jetson, Joseph Cotten, and Ralph Bellamy. Stephen McHatt ie. and
Walter Pidgeon. Raymond St. J>Lcques.


19i9 DLmension
~ODUCW: Richard Wadsack,
DIk.EcrOA: James K. \X' ilson AGENT IN THE WHOLE
A 16mm feature shU[ in Natchitoches, 196; Embass~' (Enl!1and)
Lou isiana, consisting 0( several stories PI\ODUC[I\: Joseph E. Lcvlne
w Id by teenagers around .. campfire. DIM:CTOI\: Lindsay Shontdf
They feature a haunted house, a psy- SCI\[[NWI\lT[IU: How~rd Griffiths,
chic kil ler, >Lnd the ever-popular Big lindsiL\' Shonleff
Foot. "'l u~t people who h~lVe seen thi~ AUO 1\[l[ASED AS: /.Lccnm/ w Kill
probahly own the videoca~scne. An 007 copy with Tom Adalllsa~ agent
Tom Vine. He and assistant Veron ica
Hurst protect Swedish scientist Karel
THE SEARCH FOR Stepanek ;md his antigrav ity machine
BRlDEY,IIURPHY (rolll the Russians. With Peter Bull and
1956 Paromount (8&W) Judy Huxtable. Sammy I},IVis, Jr., sings
~ODUC[I\: Pat Duggan the theme song. heard on ly in the
DIUCJOA/SCUEN\VI\tTEl\: Nod Lmgle)' America n version. Adams was back in
An unsensational version o( the beSt - \Vhere lhe BlIllels Fly.
selling book, supposedly based on a true
incidcnr. Louis Hayward hypnotize~
Teresa \Vright, who regresses and re- SECOND FIDDLE TO A
members her previous life as a 19th- STEEL GUITAR
century Irish woman. Every day, record- 196; Mara thon
ings are made to documenr her pas!. ASSOCIATE ~OOUCU: Edward R. Neely
With Kennt'th Tobey, Nancy Gates, DIMCJOI\ : Victor Duncan
SCMENo..Lrn.tJU: Seymour D. Rothman
and Richard Anderson. The public
couldn't get enough reincarnation and Arno ld Stang puts together a country
hypnotism during the nex t few years. music show after the cancellatio n of an
See; 1',le Lived Before, The Undead., Holl.! Italian opera company his socialite wife
That H)'pnutist, Spell of the H:ypnorisf. (Pamela Hayes) has lined up for a
benefit. The crowd is won over by Kitty
Wells, Homer and Jethro, Webb Pierce,
SEARCH FOR THE GODS Faron Young, Minnie Pearl, Donie
1975 TV West, Lefty Frizzell. Sonny James,
'I\ODUCEI\; Wilford Lloyd BauLllCS George Hamilton IV, Del Reeves and
DII\[CTOI\: Jud T aylnr friends, but stagehands Leo GorceI' and
Hunt:! Hall get into mischief by fool-
Kurt Russell goes to Taos, New Mex- ing with the opera wardrobe. Stang
ico, fights bad guy~, and takes mesca- thinks the dread iTalians have arrived
line. A pilot film for a series inspired and goes after a musketeer with a
bl' Erik von Daniken's books. With mallet. Filmed in Nashville. Songs in-

6 14
elude " Hello Walls," "Han ky To nk SECREl'AGt:Nl'
An~d s," and "Born to Lose." - CB SUPER DRAGON
1966 Un lt...J Scr.:en Arts (Fr..mce/lta ly!
W. G(.'rl1l~ Tl ~·)
SECOND HOUSE FROAI THE ",OOUCl'-: Rol'<.'rto AmhnJ:><)
LEFT, See THE NEW HOUSE DlklCTOk: CalVin Jackson Padg.:t
KkEEN'oIn.tTEI'.So: Rill Coleman,
ONTHELEF1: Mi1.:(.' Mitchell, Remlgio del Gm~).
RolxTto Ambn">O
Ot\IGtNAllY P.£lEAlED AS: Neu' Yurk Ap/}e/ll'
SECONDS Super /)ra,l:on
1966 Paramount ( B&W) A Venezuel an criminal starts conquer-
I'M>DU(('-: Edwllro Lewis
ing Americi hy giving dmgged candy
DIP.£CTOk: John Frankenhcimer
and gum to college students in Mic hi-
KJU:EN\IIkIT£k; Lt-w15 John ClI rlino
gan. AbOCnt Supcr IJrab'On (Ra y [},mton)
A chi lling laic of a bon.od middle-aged
tracks the villa10 to A msterdam. W ith
Scarsdale banker who undergoes pla~·
Marisa Mell and Margaret Lee.
tic su rgery and various transphlO ts,
emergi ng as Rock Hudson. T he new,
younger-looki ng man leaves his fami ly THE St:CRET /NVASION
(they think he d ied) , moves to Cali · 1964 Artists
Un l[ed
fomia (() be an anist , and fa lls in 100'e PkOOUCl'-: Gen(.'Corman
DIAECTot\: Roger Corman
with Salome Jens. To his ho rror, he
KkEENW?tTEk: R. Wright C~mp~l1
discovers that the corporation he paid
to change him has other demands. With UA /lave Conn:m h is biggest budget to
John Randolph as the pre-operation date (S590,OOO!) to di rect this World
man , Will G eer, Jeff Corey, Richard War II dr,u n a wi th .. plol similar to The
Anderson, and MurrdY Hamilton. Great /Jirt)' Dozen (which didn't come out
cin emaTograph y by James Wong Howe. until '67). Stewart Granger leads hve
criminals ( Henry Silva. a killer, Raf
Vallone, a ganp!er, Mickey Roon ey, a
demo litions expert, Edd Byrnes, a
SECREl'AGENT forger, and Wi l!i;uII Campbell, an ,ITt
1936 Oaumont (England) (B&W)
",ooucW: Michael Baleon, [vor MOTllagu thief) in a mission to rescue <In Italian
DtkECTot\: Alfred Hitchcock
geneml (rom a N:lZi prison. Filmed on
KI'.l[N'o1nJT[k: Charles Benn.:tt locat ion in Yugoslav ia. Who would
A comic spy thriller with John G ielgud h aw expected this in between Poe
as a British agent come to Switzerland pictures! It W:1S probably the hest film
to ki ll an enemy age nt. Madeleine role Edd " Kookle" Byrnes ever had.
Carroll pretends to be his wife . Peter
Lorre (in his second Hitchcock movie) THE SECRET UFt: OF
is a sexu<l lly twisted Eastern European WALTER ,II/TTY
disguised as a curly·h eaded Mexican 1947 RKO
with an earring. Robert Young, as the P~OOUCl~; Sam GoMwyn
innocent American in love wi th Miss DlAECTOk: Norman Z. Mcld)..!
C :1rroll, turns out not to be what he KkEENW~ITEM: Ken Englund.
seems and the wrong man is killed . Ever(.'tt Freeman
W ith Lill i Palmer and Sebastian C1bot. In his best mm'le, DaOlW Kaye plars a
Based on stories by Somerset Maugham. timid prllUfreadcr of pu lp novels who

imagines hi mself in heroic ~1 ( U:Hi o n s, TilE SECRET OF THE
Bor is Karlo ff is grCiH as a v illa in! Tt:LEGON
psychiatrist. Virgin ia Mayo IS the girl- 1960 T oholHerts-Llon (Japan)
fr ien d. Wilh Millon P.lTsons, Frank ",OOU([k: T omoyub Tanaka
Re1Che r, and Ann Rutherford. From DlklCTOk: Jun Fukuda
James Thurber source material. KkE[N\VfJT(k: Shl m ch. Scki;awa
OOGINAUY kElUoSlD AS: DrnwNingen
TilE SECRET OF An elect ric man can teleport him-
DR. ALUCARD, SeeA TASTE self an ywhere, ki ll people, and rerurn
OF BLOOD. un nOllCed.


1964 (W. Gt"rman)!ltaiy!France) EATER.
PkODUCEk: Filmkunst
DlkECTOk; Hugo Fr~gonc.<;(' SEt: NO EVIL
SCkHNWkITEkS: L~disla> Fodor, 1971 Co !un)hi~ (England)
Rnan Edgar Wal!ac~ PkOOUCru: Mart in R~nsohoff, Le,lic Linder
OkIGINAllY kEtEASED AS: 011' TOit'SS IT(lhll:'n OlklCTOk: RlchMd Flei;;chcr
an Dr. MabusI' K k[[HWkIT[k: Brian C lemens

The l"Vi! Dr. Mabm.e (Wo lfgang Pre iss) A blind girl (Mia Farrow) goes to stay
gets his hands on a death ra y in the at her \mcle's mansion. O n the way,
last of six German-made MabuS\! thrill- the uncle's car splashes mud on a young
ers from the early '60s. Peter Van Eyck mnn's cowhoy boots. Later, while M ia
sta rs (it was his Third appeara nce In the is O UI , the man with m uddy boots
series) with Y\'onne Furncaux (The slaughters the entire fa mily. When she
Mllmm y - 1 9 59) and T oko Yani. returns, he's read y and wa it ing. W rit-
ten hy Bnan C lemens (The AvengeT.'i
OlkECTOk: Kurt 1952 Astor (B&W )
Advertised as: "The IO-star mys ter~' OlkECTOk:Fnmk S (r~yer
drama! " Three men after the same Kent Tflylo r stars as a Communist spy
woman are asked to spend the nighT in who aSSUilles the ident ity of an impris-
the room of a castle where a murder o ned missionary and tra ve ls to the
took place. The main star~ are lionel Un ited States to spread destructive
Atwill, Paul Lukas, Gloria Sruart (Th e ideas. However, his brain is infected
Old Dark Howe), Edward A rno ld, and with Americanism and he renounces
Onslow Stevens, If it looh overl y fa - his fo rmer beliefs on an international
mil iar, maybe you've seen on e of the radio broadcast. The mission ilT)' listen s
remakes: The Missing GileS[ ('38) or in h is lo n e ly ce ll. Featuring Ge n e
Mllrden in the Blue Room ('4 2), By the Lockhart, Gloria Holden, and David
d irector of The Fly. Bruce. - CB

1974 KKI Films
ChalrncTKirkbride, Jr.
OI!U:CTOfl./KLU(HWkfTU,: jim Kay
ALSO MlW£D ~: T~ Gar.u1U'f
A talk y fantasy fi lmed in Puerto RIco
with ex-Warhol ~ uperstar Joe Da ile-
s.1.ndm. As Carl, he grows odd plants
for a rich Yankee woman living in
South America while exercIsing a men -
Ial ho ld over he r. All h is previous em-
pio,'crs died mysteriously. Some of hls
plants e mit deadl y fumes. In the end
the pony-tai led Da1!csandro turns into
a nee. With Ri ta G am and Katharine
HoughTOn (ClUB \Vho' s Coming to
DInner). Terrible.

]974 C mcnmm (CanadoJ)
PkO DUC[ kS:Ga rmrJ G lenn ,
Jeffre) Ka pelman
OI!UCTOk: Oliver Ston e
SCJU:[NWkITEM: F..dw;IIJ M~mn. O ll \'('r Ston...
A badly distributed horror film made
in Quebec staTTlng ex-Dark Shadou,s
vampire Jonathan Frid as a writl~r whose
dreamed-up creations come to life. The
incredI ble subconscious trio conSIsts of
Martine Be~w1Ck as the Queen of EVIL
H enry Baker as a giant hlac k execu-
TIo ner, alld hule Herve Villecha1!e as
an evil bearded dwarf. ViclHns IIlclude
Troy Donahue, Mary Woronov, C hrIS-
tina PIckles, and a dog. It was the fim hospital patient known on ly as John
fe ature by the director of The Hand. Doc.', He has a mysteriOUS IlIlk wi th his
ghostl y mnt hcr (Shirley Knight) and
the uncontrollable abIlity to make oth ·
THE SENDER ers experience his ni"htmares. Visions
19R2 1~lTa!l U)lInl (Engl,mcl) of rats, roache~, f1am es, and more un-
'kOOUCEk : SI"MJ S. ~klm,m usual horrors are cxperienct.'<i without
DlkECTO k: R"g<'TC hn , rt:l11 la ~ tLn g ph~'s1Ca l harm . Kathryn Harrold
SOUHWkllU: T h o111,1S illlllll Ph, GlorgiU) IS a sympathetic doctor
A superior shocker rhat got lost amid trying to remam mtlona! whtle help-
the glut of edTly '80s slasher films and Ing the tro ubled p'Hienl. A BritIsh
bi.a-buck fantasies. Yugosl:w i~lT\ - born pruductlon, r ,m i:1lly filmed in Atlanm .
Zehjko [vanek pla,'~ a young men tal - Georgt.l. D m:ctor Ch n ~[ ian dId art Ji-

Canad ine as a mute priest guards the
gate of He ll (in the basement of a nice
brownstone ). For a ll the acting he does
they could have used a picture of John
Carr·adi ne. When oddball tenan t Bur-
gess Meredith releases the sma ll popu-
lat ion of Hdl , they turn Out to be a
mixture o f actors with effect ive gory
m:lkeup by Dick Smith (The Exorcud
and real (reaks, which is preny unsett l-
ing. Ano ther highlight is when n ude
lesbi:lll cannibals Sylvia Miles and Bev-
erly D'Angelo enjoy their dinner. Most
of the mov ie is spent wi th C ristina
Rains and Chris Samndon as a modern
couple with m;lrital problems. Some of
the m ~my caSt members with small , use-
less P:lrts include Martin Balsam, Jose
Ferrer, Ava Gardner, A rthur Kennedy,
)VTW:lti'ltlll Fnd u manhan_ ree tian for Alien :In..l set decoration for Eli Wal lach, Christopher Walken (The
dled by a 1"'0011£1(Jf his Star \Vars. (R )
suocOlUCiQIU III Stlwre.
Deerhul!1e"T) , and Deborah R affin. (R )
1968 Colu moia 1956 Warm,:r Brothers
~ODUCEA; LUIs En rique Vcrnr~"
'AOOIJCEA: H enry Blanke
OIAl CTOA; Jaunc Salvador OII\lCTOA; Amhon ~' Mann
K AlENWAITEA; Ramon Ohon , Jr. KAlEl>Nanru: Ivan Goff, Ben Roberts,
A Mexican horror movie wil h John Joh n T WI~t
C1rradinc a.~:l mad scicnrist who hlack- Maflo Lama stars in a CinemaScopc
m:"l, a horrihl}, scarn:d woman (Regina music;11 soap opem based o n James M.
To m e) inro ktlhng rc.'ople. As a re- Ca m'.., novel. Mario sings a lot and is
ward she kecom l'~ tempomnly beaUTI- lo rn between Joan Fomaine and Sarita
fu l ag:lln. Probahly never Juhked IIU Il Mo ntiel . Vincem PriCe is a cmel world-
Endish. With Elsa Card en'l ~ and a ly impres..1rio. With Vince Edwards and
Fr:lnken stcin monster. Madl' al the Edward Platt.
sanK' (iu1l' a., PdCru Didbolic() .


~ROOUC EAS ; Ja me s H. N ich o lson,
THESENl1NFL Sa nHlc l Z. A,koff
!97i UnivCTsa l Norman Taurog
I'AOOUCEAS; MIChael WUl11t'r, Jdfrt·y Kpnv lt: K AUNWAITtA: LOUI S M. H ey ward
OII\lCTOR/KRHNWAmA; M kh:JcI Winner An Air Force comedy wi th a Beach Parry
Another loser dirccted hy Wmnl'r. This cast. Fra nkie Avalon gets to stumble
"hocker ti lmed in Brooklyn Heights !Hls {hrough two roles aga in. As Sergeant
11l'W lows In b:lJ taSle. which would tx-
Deadhead , he acc idemally goes into
okay II H Wert' a n y good, hilt ... Jo hn orhH with a chimp and rcrums with an

<I).!gressl\'e nell' pt>rsonaliry. H I~ dOIl"lc T wemy-~e\'en-reaT-(lld Vincent Price
(S~rge,mt Dt)nm'an), !:> ubstltutc d tt l m akes IH~ film dehut Op po~Lte Con-
keel' the cmhOlrrassin):: mist,lke quiet. stance Bennett in a ""cri.'w"'"l1" com-
I, ah.)Ul to marry Dcadhead'~ tiancee edy ,.!xnil .. l\'ew York C it y service
(Det...)rah Walley). With Harwr Lem- hureau for th l' ultra nch. Ch,lrles Rug-
heck. John Ashle y, Bustcr Keat un . Eve gles hires Iknnett tLl keep hb ha~'sce d
Arden (who Slllp), Cesar Romero, ne ph cw (Prlcd frnm \'i~1I 1l1g hUll,
Calc Gurdon. Frl',! C lar k, and two Vinnie and C{IIlStanCe (a ll !II lo\'e and
1'1«:-'00)' I )l'l ym<lte~. marry. The next year Price was in TOll'er
of I..mulvlI, hy the ~,Hlle director.
1954 (I3&W)
lkrt !. Gu rdun Aft:l:.T DRACULi\, See THE
Be(ore til<.' ,Ima:ing King Dina.StUlI'. Mr. LEGEND OF 111E SEVEN
R.I.C. made rillS \'oodoo thrdler. GOLDEN VlIiIIPIRES.
& lnny Tufts (em WOlllel\ vf the Moon,
Run fur the Hills) stars with M:1T ) Mun-
Jay. Pn.'l1Y Illemllrablc. SEVEN DAYS IN IllAY
1%4 P,u .... nHlLlIlt (B&W)
f>f"OOUCU,: EJw;m./ Lewl~
THESERVANF DI'-£CTOP.; j<>hn Franh'nl,clLlwr
1961 Lindau (EnLdanJ) (I3&W) Kt\[[NW1UT[II : Rod Scrim):
~ODUC[k/DIIU:CTOt\: jo,erh
A modern political hormr ~rory, As
Kt\[[~I T[t\: I tlrold Pmtcr
Chmrman Llf t h e JLlLnt C hlcls of S t.lff,
A h~lrr(lwing look at a t1la~t<.:r-~crv,lnt
Burt Lanca~tcr rLI11 ~ ., 11ll1l1,Iry CIlllP
rdatiomhip gone aw ry. A!:> an eftici,:nI
when thc Prcsilknt ( FTl'dric March)
schem ing Cw.::kney valet. Dirk IX>g,mlc
Mgth ~l Iluclear trC.II)' with the Sll\'let
Ill,mages til JOllllllatl' the hom,' 1,( rich
UniLln. A, a p,J(ri,lfic ),:cncral. Kir k
J,unes Fox. He hnng!:> III "sisrn" Sarah
DouJ.da~ d i"C\l\'Crs rhl' p lor lIlVlIlving a
M des to f>e rill' m,lid and ~duce Fux
secret mis:.lIc h;]~ \Il Tex,b. \Vlth Ava
aw~\y (rom highborn h,Hlcce \Vl'n<.l}·
Cardnn, E..!m'l!ld O'Brien, Martin Bal-
Cr,lIg. Thc m:1.~ «:r end, up a wltdess
.-;.a111. ,md, to rctnmJ yuu of H:. :,C lenCl'-
111l!1dk~ drunk, unable ru control h iS
hctl(H) (lVi.'rr.mes, \Vhlt 13 1 ~~cl l. Hugh
servanr's orgics. \Vith Catherine LICY, Marlowc, GenT):c Macready, and Ri c h -
PJtnck MJ):,'Ce, and SCTeen wr;t~'r PinteT.
ard Anderson.
Fllx . who la ter went through iH1<1ther
personality switch in PerfaTm{JIl.:e, must
haw wken thl'"c roles p rell~ ~cnou~ l y. SEVEN DAYS TO NOON
I k retired fmlll act ing ill rhe early 'i(>; 1,);<') Ma\'.'r-Klngskr (England) (B&W)
and was "hom <L):::lin," on ly to announcc Pt\ODUCO.sJ'DIt\[CTOP.S : J"hn an,1
a return to actIO!! 10 the early '80s. Ro~ I:\olllnng
K~E£NWI\rn:P.S: hank HaTn'\'. R "y Bouitlllg
SERVICE DE LUXE In tillS early ;mrinllclear thril ler, Lon-
1938 UIl1\w",... 1 (B&W) dun I ' eVaClI,l1L.J when" sciembr (Barr),
IUSOCIATt Pt\ODUCU, : Edmllnd G r~lngo.:r Jonc~) th re:l1cns to des troy the city if
DIMCTOt\: Rowland V. L~'t.· the ~"l\'Crnml'nt d(lC~n't ban rhe we;ll"'lIl
!.(t\[[NWLI;L1U,S: GerTruJ\: Purcell. he hdpl'd ere,iTc. Wl1h Andre r." lorcil
Le"nard S)ligel ~,I>~ and O live Stone.
OR. £/10 J9iJ lOth Cclllu ry-rox
19M \IGM PAO DUCEA/ DIAEClOA: Russ Me\·t'" r
PROOUCEA/ DIA[CTOA: G~... )r).!.-:: P"I R1(hard Warr en Lt'"W1S
!>cAHN"\WAtTEA: Chari" .. B..'<lUnl,)lll AfTer Ihe ~uccess of Bl'ymld rhl' Valley
Excdbn tant:l'}" with Tun)' R,mJ:l1I of [he VOI/.I, Meyer attemptell a serious
:h a n olJ Chme'e .. howm:ln :.eumg tip film ,1h:1Ul cen~or~hlp and pornograph y
hb magic nrcu, In ,I ~ m :lll \Vntern h,l~ed (lI1 [rvUlI! \Val lace's ~Imi la rly
town and ch:lngmg the h\'e~ of '" oded novel. The result is a mixture of
mhalll[,mtl'. Rand'lll :lhn "rre:w; ,h horedom and [aI1JZh~. Yvo nne De Carlo
~krllll the .\\;J).!lcmn. Ihe I:>lind Apt.,I· ~ 1:lT~ as a ...malOr from Ca lifornia. With
lonlu" the ,n"h'·h:llred ~\'kde:1, P,m, Philip C, rq (Screml1l!1R Mimi), Harold
and thl' Aholllin;lb[e Snowman, The J. Stune, Edy Wdliams, Barry Kroeger
,~'\'ell1h bce b .111 ,minwlcd :.I,'rpcl1!, (N'Rhl11wre III Wax). Alex D'A r c)"
A":1 l,hrari,m, Barl',lr:1 Eden (I J)r... mll Wayn..: Maun,ler (the CII.lter TV series),
0/ k<lllllld ,Cl'S r,m:l" hl'T ~C<:TI.:I 1,>\,(" Mariantk McA ndrew, Tum Sci leck,
nc\\',p"I'<':T <.:d l[or John Em.':'lln. fhd )'!tIl' and John C arra\[ inc as a d r unken poet,
AT/hilT O'Conncll sec ... hllll .. df :h Ihe
.. n,lk l ,. \Virh an incredihle '(('Ill' ~hilW'
in):,: " rilly li~h gtPwin):,: ITltn rhe L"ch
N<.: .. ~ M(llbler. JlI1l Danforth \\',b onc Tfll, SEVEN PER-CEN T
,,\ thl' anim'lTurs. For 11I~ cunrribiltl ull SOL Un ON
1\) til" film, \Villi,ull Tuttk won ,11..: 1<)71'1 lIllI\ o:r,;11 (Engbnd )
tir.'1 01 tw,) Spcc i,ll O,c l r~ il'r m"keup .. AODIJCErVOt1\lOOl\: Ht'"rh:'rt Ros,
(thc 'collld went to Pkme[ ollh . . A/k\ !>CA[EN"\W"'n A: \l1(hob, Mt'"yn
In '68) l'C t or~' m:lkcllp W,I~ e,[',hl"hl'd 1976 W,b ,l hi/! YC:lr fo r Sherlock
..... lrq!lIbrc.llcgon III /981. Al .... 'wl[h I [o lme" There wa~ a TV-mo\'lc wn h
.\-'nwn·a l'[("c:ll, Ll~l' Palrllk, ,md ~n,lh R\I).!..:r Moore (Sherl(X'k Holmes in Neu
Pn.f<'~1f' \\"dllll" ..~lorl (Rarry &·~·n. Tony R;m,j,11I Jldn't i1k~' 1(. [n- York), Gem' Wilder's spoof (The Ad~
{h.· nm III &\'~'Il
)fJlI"l) (If! clude, -(.'I'm', frolll P,l l'~ Alklllll.~, [Il.: IJ)~I I't'murt's of Sherlock Ito/mes' Smarler
1\1\, 10 N,lo,ln CUIl[II1t'JI!. Brolher), and a lOUTing reviva l of the
I'Lly (Sherlock Holmes) wilh Leonard
~im(l\,. Tills o ne's the hest of the
H o lml') offering", Nicholas Meyer wrote
the 1IC rec np[a y based o n his bestse lling
n\)\'el (h .. laler turned di rector with
Tim . . After Time and Swr Trek 1/: The
\Vwrh (,[ Khml), Nicol Wil liamson is
Ihe (:l!l1IlUS Jetecri\'e. Watson (Ro he rt
[)uvall) ,lnd Moriarty (Lallrence Oli-
vU,:r) team lip ro nic k I lolrncs into going
1(1 V'l'nna t o meet Sigm u nd Freud
(Alan Arkin). It see m~ Freud alone can
c\lTe I [(llrne,' coke h:lhit and Moriarty
" a m;1 ~t..: r vi llain only in Sherloc k's
!lllnd. Vam'~sa Redi< ravc is kidnaped.
C IMrk.. Gray IS -"tycrofl. Wilh Joe l
Gr~'Y ,lIld Sam,lIl tha EA,gar.

TOIl)' Randall (llId Bar·
bar'l Eden III GfOTg<' PilI'S
~\"cn Faces uf [),-. Lao.

Harryhall"l'n Lrc,lte.! the lncrcdihle

HIE S IWt:NTH VICTIiII giant ..:yc 1.1r' th,lt r".I,h mcn o n ,I ~P )!'
\\).\3 RKO (R&\V) ,I gIant r\le wlrh ,Ilw,,·headed ch ick. <l
pI\ODUCO: Val L.: ... ~,nl":<ltlun).! guar,km dl1lt.!,)n. , UK\ rhe
OIMClO ":].. R"r"'ll j,lmllll:> ,kekrlln \\;Irfl"r. A, the eVIl
~O[(NWJ.If[t.l: I~" III S.,,\ccn,
magicIan Snk ur,lh . T o nn Thatch'::T
ChJrlc~ O'~c.ll
,hnnh Pf1nc\"~ P:lT1,,1(K,uhfyn Gr.ln!)
M:'Ul\ (on,.dcr Ihl~ till' ~c~1 01 V,,1
to ~IX \nche, .I~ r,lft 01,1 rbn to o btmn
l cwhm's tmcl~ det,i11cd low-budget
d1f11krs. A ~Ie\,ll cult Gn'cnwlCh Vil-
the nl.l).!l<: b111r hdd h,·
heT h,\ncC,
S,nr.,lll (KerWin M.,tlh..:w~). Sokumh
I.lgC 'S 1111CnI dunlnatLng former
create~ .1 hornli..:d ~n.. ke W{llll,\n :mll
member Jean PIfl'lllb. 'leT ~l~ler (KLIll
,In IIwIslhk ~hlc1d. The hule pnncess
HUlHl'r) llfr1\'n (l) loc<IH~ the [1l1~~ing\ and tind~ an ap.HtllH_'nt fur-
mect~ the genIc (RIChard Erer) 10 hi:.
culorful lamp pfl,on dnd le;lrns the
nl,he ..\ with a ch:m and a noo".;:. Dmk.
magic worJs to free h11n. N,)mtl1p won-
ncs~, l(lni.:hnc~~. a re~(alltant called
ders wllh a Bcrn<!fll t\errm,rnn -core,
Dan!e'~, ,mJ ,1 ~urpn~lIlg "hower ~ccne
still a\'ail~l hk o n V<!fCl>e S.rrahano
are <In part of an <lma:in)!h gnm story.
With Tom Conw~I)'. I ~ahcl Jewell. ~l11d RecorJs.
Hugh Bern.unon\. SF.)( KITTENS GO
1960 AlI,,:~d Arml~
S INBIW pl\oDucr,.,l oII\ECTOI\: .:"\hcrt Z"~'OlI(h
1958 Co\UO\!-1,1 !>(I\EENWI\.ITE I\: Robert H,\\
~OOUC[": Charlt's II Schnnr AUO I\ELEA~E D M: BCiJuly mW th.: Rvbul.
OIMCTOP.: Nathan Junm the Br(lll1
Jk(l141) (lnd
K I\UNWlI.ln,,: Kennelh Kulh
After producing HIgh School Crmfiden-
The hc~t antm,lIed film since KlIlg KonJi: ria! and prodUCing and It.r\!( Un~ Col-
IS SCI In an ancient fantas~' world where Iegr Confidentwl. the n OIOT10US Alhert
anythmg can aoJ does happen. Ray
ZugslIlirh was responsible for this <I II-
sT<lr I11l'S$. As in h is other school pic- Bela Lugosi is Victor Poten, a scientist
tufl's, the star is Mamie Van Doren. criminal who hates C hinese and Cauca-
She's a stripper with a high I.Q. who sians. He is h ired by San FranCisco
~ets picked by Thinko the rohot to dragon lady Luana Walters to help keep
head a university science depanmem. tourists out of Chinatown . Bela , some _
As if Mamie weren 't enough to han- times disguised as an O riental, uses a
dle, the cast is crowded with Tuesday hypnotism machine, bombs, and poi-
Weld, Mijanoll Bardot (Brigitte's sis- soned dans. Hero Herman Brix ( Bruce
(l'r), Mickey Shaughness)', louis Nyc, Bennett) fights h im. A feature version
of th is ridiculous 15-chapter serial was
Pamela Mason, Many Milner, Jackie also released.
GJogan (Unclc Fester!), Jo h n Carra_
Jine, Vampira, Conway Twiny (he
sings!), and two talented sons-Charles SHAOOWOFEVIL
Chaplin, Jr., and Harold L1ord, Jr. Woo 1964 Seven Art~ (France/Italy)
Woo Grabowski plays himsel f. '~OOUC[~; Pillil Cad~ac
DfMCTO~: Andr~ Hunebdle
See CASE OF THE FULL Raymond Borel. Andr~ Hun ebe!le,
lllOON IItURDERS. Michd Lebrun, Richard Camn,
PlnTICC Rondanl
OkIGINALLY ~UEA$lD AS; Banco il Bangkok
THE SFXORCtSTS, See !'IIUT 0. S. S. }17
nlE TORIIIENTEO. KerWin Matthews as Superagent OSS
1/7 goes to Bangkok and discovers a
SHAOOW IN THE SKY plot devist-d. by Dr. Sinn (Robert Hos-
1952 MG~1 (B&W)
sein) to {'x tetminate "inferior races"
f'AODUCEI\: William H. Wright
0 11\(001\: Fred Wilcox
with a deadly virus. Pier Angdi is res-
SC~I\: Ben Maddow
cued and lovl'CI by the famolls Bond imi-
t'dtor. T he world is saVl-d. and Dr. Sinn is
World War /I VCt Ralph Meeker retums
thrown into a pit of cont'dm;nated rats.
home a shell$hocked ps).chupathlc
O ne of a series srarring different actors.
wreck. His .selfless sister (fuTun: Fi rst
Marrhews and Angel i were reunited six
Lady Nancy Davis) leiS him move in rea rs later in Ocwnum.
with her subu rban family, bur Meeker
goes nUls every Time it rains. James
\VhitliloTt" who had already starred SHAOOW OF TERROR
with Nancy in The Next Voice YOII 1945 PRC (B&W)
/-feaT, is the husband. Wi th Eduard ASSOCIATE AAODUCE~: Jack Grant
Franz and Jean Hagt'n (NiRh! uf rhe DII\(CTO~: Lew wmders
Blood Beast). SC~£EHWklTE~; Arthur Sc. C lair
Scicnrist Richard Fraser develops the
SHADOW OF CHINATOWN A-homb and dodges spies for 60 min-
1936 Vic wry (B&W) urI's. In trut' exploitation manner, this
f'AODUCE~:Sam Katzman
film was released right after the hombing
OfI\(CTO~; Roben F. Hi!!
of Hiroshima, bea ting out the compe_
SCI\(EH\VJVT[IU: lsado r RemStelll.
R ISI ] Dickey tition . The mushroom cloud footage
AilO Ml£ASEO ,u: Yellow PhalUum was added at the last minutt'. See Be-
gllminj1 or the End.

:\ ,',mn /),1\" ( R~<I~<ln) , j.\
Sfll WOWOF nlE e rr ,I p~, .. h"'In.\1 III SI".,I,,"
111(,1 llnllw-,II (I:nL;Lm,1) (lt~\\ 'l
nil the Wall
PIIODUCEII. : j,'11 [\'[1111111.:1< '"
OI"[CT O":j"l\o (i,llllll!
~CIU(N""'''I f[I\: ti,·, 'TC" H"'I
\\ 'h,'n A,hir,' ~["Tl' 1l ,m.! hh ,,'n',nll
Illllrd,'r hi, Wlk lur Iwr 1\1(111<:\, h ..'r p<:!
(,l( ,md'"ttdl, ,c,.,b n;\'I.'tl\!,', The

, h, " t [h ..' ,,' Tn lied kl lkr, ;IT,' ,ho\\ n

dUPlich th ..' ,'h" "llh,- ;IICIl).!IIH! kiln,
\\'lIb Itrrh,IT.t ~hdk·\· . !' reJ:1 J,u.:b un .
,III.! \'(hlll.lm LUC.h.


1<)7(,C,lillllh' ,I (Cm." b)
PIIODUCEII.; )"hl1 K""II<'Il'l
01",£(101\: ll",'r~,' ~ 1, (",,,.111
~CI\E[NWI\ITE I\ : 'l"rl1ull rh",j,j" " , " ,me
<. ':In,ld l.1I) In;.l I,\11 Iq.:cnd l'ln t."y hlnh',l
In V,Hll\'un:r. J,lll- M ICh.l" j VIl1(l' n l
k.w,·, till' clty \llIh hi, n:l'ur[,'T ;.:ir\.
10,'11.\ (~I,l n l~ 11 !-\" ",'tt) h' dhcn\'('r hi· h..: r 'tl'p rnu rh..:r·' iHur,l.: r. ] kr 1.llh..:r
1"d l.t11 n~\t'. l Ie ho,j, .,1..1 C hid I )~m (Z.Kh,lT~ Su,") I.. h1.11111·,1, (P1\\ Ilil"1,
G..:" r),!e .In.! ,I 1<11 1\1 .1.;tlV": ..:\ d ~rmh ,mJ dhout Tn I,..: eX"'(lIt ..·J~ t :,1Il :--J'IIK~
10 /11.:11( . I'rul'l: th..: .. IIlIJ\ 1111ll.\ !1\ 11111,· \II rl'-
\ c,11 tll<' lJcnll1\· 01 I h..: 1" ..'.III...I11 ... T! \'(IIth
SlfllfJOlfl ON nlE LIIND :\n n So lhl·rn. John \klnIl Te. JlIlIm~
1'~"I[Y I [un! (/IH;I,Il'T' Ir"rn \ 1,1") .Ind R lr-
P"OOlKEk: :-'\;lIlh~'\\ Klpl hlTd Bllll1lg.. ]c\ .1' O lg,l.
OI UCTOf. : RI< h ,IT,1 ( ".u.lhl1
KUENWklT(k: f'edn.-l )" '1l 111! SHADOII'll lIAN
In the Ik';lr IUHlrt· t\m ... n c.I h run b\· 1l/il 1'..:" LuI<' (h.II"c)
.1 1.1....:I .. t ),!O\·\"rIHn ... nt~ T\\"<lI~'\rk- 1'1<11 PROOUCEk: R.,nllon,11 T<'IU,·1It
.1 r..:,,,luII,,n. ",m.,u, mi!ltan" t\· I'e~ ,Ire DlkECTOR: t 'C"I~":' I rdllJII
r1.1Vl... II'yJ.1Ckl,' 0, 'I>er. John For,yth", SC,",EENWk ITER: )"'4\1<" ( · h.lIl1l'r~II"
.mil ~ 1 ~r'H1 Il cdt..: ~ . \X! lth Gene H ~1Ck ­
m,m ,uhl C,lwl L~nk~. By till' Jl r..:(tor .A. n'.\-m,l"k..:d 'lIl'~'r..: fllIIln:t1 (J.1l4 lh.'~
li t \ 'WII.I!Ut\,il" P"II1L Ch,llll prCllX) ilnd \11' ,ICCIIl1lp ]ICC (G'I~·lc
\ 11I11Im:u n ) ,1r..: ,lfr..:r t il..: m l'~InJ..: h.llf
" t" :l !1'c:l,ur..: tIl .I\'. It \\' ,h CI)n,]..: n,e,1 to
\',1;,) :"K;\1 (I)MV\
HH minu\..:, lllr ,\ llllll t..:,] U.S, rele~\~..:.
p,",ODucn: R"h:n .s"l With JIl,cl'hl1le Ch.lplill . GeT! Fwhe.
DlkECTOk: P,ltrlL~ J.lchon ,m.] ill1 ;Jf11I\. <I t re\ l\'..:d CI'rp'e', From
KkUNWklTEk: \'('1 111,1111 Lu,lwlg the ,Il rccror 0 1 The ] formr Chamber
)\;,lJ)cy D,l\"i~ (R"',Il.:'ln ) h a, one 01 her of Dr. F,UI.\III\ .m,l Jude).. \'V<Hch for
}-c" roln <I' Dr. CaTtlhnc C;lnf.-'rJ. ,I It. An clght-dl,ll'teT rcl..:v"lOn 3l'rial
r'\'ChldlTl'," bght-u'<lr-nlJ GlgI Per- (L·Homm..: )illl~ \ ')sm,:.-) \\Hh the '01111('
re.11I Jcvdor .. runnl'~I,1 a(rer \\·ltn '· ..., mg c,N andCh,IT;lC ICh w,,~ airc\.\m 1974 .

62 J
Ifl)J]'r Km)(:k rhe Rock. ) The kids win.
Fm~ I)Jm1llosJnj!S "Ain't That a Sh<lmc"
and "I'm III Love Again. " With Joe
T UTI1I,.' r . A lmira Ra y. and others. It
playcd wllh Rllnaway nlllghrers.

SII, WE, S ee

Frd M a.:MIHTII)· \1'llh /tis THE SHAGGY DOG
1974 P'tr;mlOunl
PI\OOUCEI\: Sle\,en North
DiI\(CTOI\: Wilham Ca.tlc
SCUENWI\ITEI\: Ranald Graham
The 100~r film directed by Wil li am COlS-
tic i ~ ,m odd. ulleve n ~lO ry starring Mar -
.Ion, Th~' Sha);!l!l' [kll!. !959 Buena Vista cc l M"rce:l ll fl~ a mute puppetee r work-
PkO DUCO,: W a lt Dbn.:\, mg for a n ,lId wrinkled sciemist (fllw
OII\£ClO I\: Ch.,rI.:s Barr n n
M arce.llI) who brings dcad animOlls back
SCII,£ENWkITEA5: Bdl W~I;;h. Ld l ll' Il,l yw:lrd
ro lif.... with elec tri city. When the old
Thl' ti~1 \V,llt Disney 11n'-acrinn I,m- man Jies, his Olrpse (and a few o thers)
tasy_ It loob prcHy gooJ "frer nWT 20 arc re vlvcd hy the puppetee r Ol ild used
~'cars of Increasingly unfunny varm! 1(InS agaimt hl.~ e nemies. Co-sta rs T si lla
,If rhl' '<lme fomlula. A~ rhe 'on of 1I1all· C hehon ;md Ph ili ppe C lay Olre also
man Fred Mac M ur m y, Tommy Kirk I1l l m .... ~. C aslle. whu d ied in '77. has a
finJ.~ a ring fh at turns hllll III tt) ,I sheep cameo ro le.
dog. A, "ueh. he cilrruTes ,-("110.: ~pIC"
\('ith Jea n Hagen (I'(lui(' m the YI.'(lT
um), A n netlc Funicello. (A'nl Kella· THE Sfl;lPE OF THINGS
way. Tim Considmc, ,mJ Strotha Mar- 7V CO,IIE
tin. TOllmlY anJ Frl~d refUmcd In The 1979 Film VenTures
PI\ODUCEI\: Wil ham 1Ja\' ld.on
Abscnr-MmJd Pm{.:ssor.
DII\(OOI\: Gl'llrf!l' McG()wan
SCI\EEN\VI\ITEI\: Mflrtlll Lager
SHAKE RATTLE AND ROCK Anothe r mindless StaT Wars d o ne that
1956 AlP (B&W) I... s no thing to do with H . G. Wells
PkODUCEP.: Janl<'~ H. N Khol"on except the w.e uf til(' 1l0lme Cabal. Jack
011\.[001'.: Edward Cal m P:1lancl' i~ the ri,lic ul o us Emperor/villain
SCI\£E NWkITEII: LOll Ru",(f Omus. e lrol Lyn ley is fro m the M oon.
Fnlltl the <lJ .. : "Rock 'n' nlll \'~. tlw Illrry Morse :1nd John lrebnd <Ire o lder
squares." lx'cjay M Ichad "Touch" C'Il- g,)()d gllyS. \Vith cute robots. Harry
nors me.' to help teem "pen :1 nlCk cilih. Alan T()wcr~ wa s executive producer.
The tither (Sll'rling H o ll owa ~) of 11I ~
gl rlfrlt'nd (Lisa Gaye) o"jcct ~ a llJ !, I kc~ SlIARKKILL
the matter to court. An otd new,reel 1976 TV
,howing 'nohhish r.,·\argarl't I.)tllII ,lnt a, 'I\ODUC[I\: RaT ry Wei t:
a Charle~ton dance C(l l1t l'~ I,mr decide~ OIIl,(CTOI\: W ,lIl.UII A. Graham
th .... case. (Th e :;.ame Ill.,,, was u~d III SCI\[EN\VI\lt[I\! Sandor Stem

Man v~. great whltl' ~h ,lTk In ,I Jauos (whom sh ... lx-Itn'cs to he the reincar-
c1onl' TV-movie wllh RicharJ Yniguez, nation o( her lovcr) to ('IHer the flame
J,~nni(.:r W;m en, and Phi llip CI,I rk. By o( etern,,1 ~'''(lth, Majur Ilully (reta
rhl' dircetur of Clklll).:o.' of HaiJir. Cushind tries to c t1rn thing~ down,
while Bdl.lit , the pne,_t (Chnstllpher
SHAROD OF A1'LANTlS , Sec Lee), ha ~ fun o((ermg ~a( nfi ces, But
UNDERSEA KINGDOAI. I-Iaullu'id (Andrc Morell) hd ~ a hard
lime (on!roh ng the hlack slaves, The
Vellgeance of She was a ~quel. witho ut
SflA7TEK Sec CALL fill/I Andre~.
AIR. SflArrER.
711t:: SHE BEAST
SHE 1965 Eur,,!'\x (It,d)'IYlll.:,,~I.\\,I'')
19H RKO(B&W) ,""ODU(E": P~ud M , ~h>l an~ k y
,""ODUCE": Merian C. c.. ..'f'l·r Reeves
DII\£CTOII;; ~'Il chacl
DII'.E CTOIU: Irving Plc hel. KI\£ENWII;ITOo: M,ch,lcl B\flln
LanSing C. Ho ld,'n O'-IGINALL Y kELEA5EO AS: 1.(1 S,m:lt.l iii SiUilll.ll
KI'.EEH'IVPJT(": RllIh R\,~· The fiN (ea/tlTl' by Engl,lnd'~ Michael
T he ,.Js d...scril,,· Shot as: "Young and Ree\'cs (the n 21) stars Barbam Steele
beautiful for 500 years ... and IVlcked as a tourist In T mnsylvania po5SCs~d
every nne of them !" In her \lnly film by a vengeful Ilgly wi tch, Ian Ogilvy is
role, futme Con gTl'SS WOIlUln Hele n her husband. Lo ts of odd g,lgS ahollt
Ga hagan stars as "She who mu~t he Communists 111 1ll000Iern Ellstern Europe
o beyed" in IillS Incredihle art -deeo mllke this a III11l]lIe dmller. \X' ith John
fantasy set in the lost kingdnm of Kor. Karlson and Mel Welle ~ (as the inn-
The cast of 5, ()(X) dances and writhes keepa) , Un{llrlunately yuu only gC II\ )
,lTounJ in Flash Gurdon-style nl~t\l m ...s !oCC Steele fOf ,.huut I j minutes.
on massive sets that wou ld SU it a Bu~b)'
Berkel.:y film. Rand.,lph Scott IS the 711E SfiE CREATURE
lucky explore r choscn for etl'Tnnl life. 1956 All' (B~W)
Helen Mack, in a getup you won't ,""OOU(E'-: r\ II'X GnrJI>n
bel ieve, is prepared fu r sacrifi cmg by OII\£CTOk : E"W,LN L Calm
high priest Gust,IV Von Sey({ertirz. Kk£UfWNn,,; I."u Ru .... lf
With Nigel Bruce and Noble Johnson. The ,Lds tell ~'\lll ~ he wa~ "Reincarnated
From 1-1 . Rider lIaggard's nuvd, Music :I S ;1 momter (rom I kll!" \Vhcn rhe
by Max Steiner, ...:rcat LOInh;,rdi ( C h e~ ter M o rn ~) hypo
nntl :es sex)" Marl" English. her prehb-
SHE ron e SC,l-IIHlnster former ~If emerges
1964 I Jammcr/MOM (England) fr\lI11the M:'I to kill. LombarJi hecomes
H.OOUCU,: Michael C arreras famou s hy {1rcdlCting the lllurJers anJ
DlJ\.(CTO«,: Rohert I);,y sp h t~ Ihe sh uw hi: profit s with n c h
KI'.EENWP.rTE": [}.wl,1T C ham In pdrrnerTlllll Conway, The hlgh lig!u IS
U rsllJ.. Andress IS the heauti(ul Ayesha rhe monster cre;Hl'd by Paul Blaisdell.
- "She who mu~t be obcyed" - in II has skin likl' the hottom of a dried
Hammer's cut-mte version o( H, RiJe r lake , 5u inj.w hlond hair, a 1<111. claws
Hagg:ud's novel. T wo-thousand-year- 111 Its ~wl1l ach, w1l1gs. and very large
o ld Ayesha rule~ the.> lU'it city of Kuma hr(',bh! The popular cre;Hure was back
and wallis advelUlITer John Richardson withuut tl1l' breasts in VOlltlOO Wuman,

M{lr~1Eng/ISh mid Ch..'){,'T S IIElJlW IL
,,"-10TTI! fX'ljurm III
The ]');710Ih C,'nruT\- h ,x (B&\V\
She C re:lIur",. PkOOUC [k/ OIHCTOI.: Kun N"lIl11,mn
KkE£HlllkIT(Al: Kurt S~'umann,
C.ITT,,11 Y"unc
Man I3lanc h nrd has TB. She's ('[Ired
hy a :.crUIll. UnfOTT unateh' it turm her
HUll ,m mdestrucTible chameleon· like
kdll..'r ! With Jac k Kelly, who faced si m-
ilar rrohlelm In C llit of the Cobra the
~i1 mc year, Alh·rt Dekker, Blo~ so m
Rock (GranJmn on Till> AJJmHS FClm·
Ii)')' nnd X Dr:md,.

1 96~ ,\1.1),111 ,wcr
PlIOOUCEk/ oIREcrOR; 1 I.;r;.chcll Gurdon Lewl'
KkEE NIIIRITER; 1.0lll~'· DOli ne
Ml'llIhcrs ,)f dw "Man-Entcr~," a vio-
lent kmalc !1lmorcycle g,mg, chl)ose
men trom a "~IlJ,lllne" and hattie hnt
also with MI~~ English, Th" n:m C.lrt1<l-
fIltldel' WIth chains. A character n<lllled
tlon-cra:e hOTTor !l1llvie ,II", ) (~' lllIrc,
J II('- Bo~ i, dcc,ll"llfate ..l; Honq'-Pot IS In l '
Fricdd lnc~ ort anJ LlIlc~ Fulkr. A d,)u-
tldted dunn/.: an 'lrgy. A vcr)" r Ol"lular
ble (e;llmc with Ii COlll/llered the W'orld,
ellry nl\lV le hy til(' dIrector of Bluod
It \\'a~ remad~~ ,I.' Cn'l!IlIrl' of l.kstnu;lrun.
reCls!. Wlth RIl],)' Tut'sJay.

IY5il A,tor (I\&\V) S Il/:.'FRRAK
P1l.0DUCO; Arthur A. J:I":"],'
1966 S.Hme), hlcciman
DlkECTOk; RKh'lrd E. Cunh;l
])n\·,,1 F. hiedrnan
~kEENIIIII.tTtRS; Richard E . Cunh,l,
DllECTOk: H)T<1!l M,Ih..'
II . E. R.lfn<;,
A w.tltrl'" (Cbin.' Drennen) !11arrl('~
A nJICulou, 1'\,,:1 war cmn inal lurn,
the o wncr of a ,cedy freak sholl' ,mJ
hcautiful women HUO ugly·faced mo n -
h.l~ ,In ;\(t',lir With a sadisllC Fl'rris-whed
, Iers on hl~ pTivate i,land. Tlw wOnlen,
" l'erdt uT. HII,h,lnd kill, rival- goes to
kepI in hamhoo cage). do;] grcdt Titu:11
Jad - w(lltrc~, l<Ekes over ,llOw - hre~
d;mce, ;md CVl'1) tht, tr:m.,(oTmc,1 (lnl"
"Shorty"- thc freilk. turn her mto "om:
rClam their perfect hodin and wear hrief
o( them." A sleazy pnrtial remake o(
nn un;d·skin bikinis. Forllll'T Sh1'1'1l1l.
Frellb fWIll till' pr<xiucer of Twu Thou-
Queen of the Junglc Irish McCIlia (39·
\(Alld ,\ j(mi(lC5 ,md Blood F"(lst.
24·37) shows up with Tod(;Tlffin (thc
hero) nn tl Victor Sen Youn!! (ethnIC
conn'dy rellel) to do hattle with the S IlE GODS OF SHARK REEF
had guy) (who havc horrihl l ' Germ;m 1956 AlP
accelll~) III from of the vcry phon~" ~ODUC(k: LudwI/l' H. G",rbc r
lllo kmg sets. A Imc wonder. By the ,II- OlkEOOk; ROl!,'r Corman
rec mr of Missile to the M oon. KkEEHlllklT(Al: Rnkrt J hi!. ViClur Swlo lf

Two hrlldll'r~ hnd~ a uuple"l 1,i.ln.llIl-
h,lhul.'I.ll'nI irely ho;' pearl-JI\'inJ! \\'llnll.:n.
T h l' h;ld hn\dll"r (Dun Durant) wc~ 10
~{c,1 1 pearl, and l'tld~ up as sh,nk (n.....I.
Thc ).:0......1 hnuhl'r (B. 1I Cur.l) (,.I1 ~ tor
a 10c,.1 rn,u,\l'tl (I..", M,lIltc.l) anJ M\~"
her ffllm , I tflhal ",lCflhcl'. Th., c"lor
,Id"cnltlrl.' m ll\'I'" \\,<1, lilnll"d hack tll
h,l.:k WIth NakeJ HmWIS<.' .11l the l~l.m.1
I.f Kau,u ,tn.1 (l',Hur.." sume nICe PTlIl(
h:tthlng ~U lt '. \1I.'\:GI rdca-cd the ,h..'lllc
"Ne:"Hcr My Luvc III You."

11}67 s..'\ltll<~,I'I,,·rn (B&W) The Sh~ [lemons '::.I ((Ifx'.
PPiOOU(EPi: Ch.,rI.::, W. "r""n. Jr. SHE If'lIJ1:5
OIf'.ECTO Pi: !~\b CI"rk
['172 TV
KIUENWkITEPiS: 1\ ,I, CI..r\.:, Jo,·ff Gllkn PflOOU(EPi /OI REc r OPi; I\,jbcrt M"nn
KHENWPitTEI\.: An W"l1,,,~
A rmy ,1.::~,·rtcr hH.!.:~ und"'r W1l111en\
clodung and IpT(l" hllTmone pill, on Tht: de,),j OUTurhy ~kGlIlr ..' I'.,"l'" .... ,
h. ~ (orl1\eT 1Il'Wen.l111, whll muS[ help
the h:>o.i} .)( P;llt~· Duke, r!1l' 111.:\\ wtfl'
"1"\)11\11' 1(,1" run ,m eX lurnnn T,lC kel
of WIJ"Wl'f \),wld t... \cC"IiIlIll. Lew
II'hl.'tl nOI hus~' II'lIh FT,,·nch- m ,"'~.
Ayrc, I~ , I do(wr. h"!\l the d .r,'Clur <If
Mtlrr~ .
S r,ITnnJ! J).)fI,m \Vaync, with L"'~he
M,ld.)w ,m..! Wend\' R.,berb. SuUfhe, '~t­
ern al:'>\.J d"lTIhut ...,..i The Wild W',1d \V()rld SHt' JJ~I S A fIlPI'}' I~WI'IRE,
(If )(1)'11':: McmsJIt'Id. Cbrk Ialer lUI the See nlE WIU} WORI, /J OF
hlg tml,' Wllh l'urk~ 's III 1982. -en BATWOlllilN.

l'Pf f2 1/2/66: H"jh'"(~Jd

,ru.&.:up 111e" "re stiff Ir,IIIS-
f(lrmn~ I"my /-.~rb mfO
1Ii"nSlnS Jt}!" hUfTu", jiltH"
Swrlcc Clune BTl'l1ll1U11.1
the /.U,'51 If) 1lL(,ke It..: "II!
511'I!<h fur h.,'T wi..· III She

6 _I
Lassie), a In ut(k ring \w rewolf! Nope.
Nellher IS [Am Porter. Martin Kmlt-ck,
Dennis !-loey, or Lloyd Currig;)n.

71IE Sf/t.'RfFF OF
195910111 Ccnrur). fnx (EIlQland)
""000((": [lml...! M. An)!...!
, OIP.£CTO": Raoul \Va[~h
Arthur Oak.
Ja~' m' M;IO~hdd Oll t \Vest. As s;) loon
O\\'IWr Ka te, ~h(' rides, shoots, ,lOd sings
,, -~()rt ,If. Conni e Fr;lOcis suppl ieJ Ihe

!. v\lie(', Jayne moved her mouth. It's Cl

BTlti~h·pr()dllc~·d sagehrllsh Cl)med), shl It
in Spain st:ming Kenneth More as (h,,;
En,,1ish ge m who hecomes " sheriff.
W ith R(lhcrt Morley, William Camp~
WORKING HER WAY hdl. I knr)' HII[1, and Bruce Ca bo t
1952 \VdfllCt Broth<,r_
P~ODUC [I\: \Villi~11l Jacot>, SlIt:RLOCK HOLlIIESfiN D
OIMCTO": Bruce HlI11lh:T_I ()Ill'
KIlEEHWlt.fTU,; Peter 1I-IIIno'
J ~61 &:Tl'\'n G"lm (\V. Germany)
Vir),!m ia ~'1 ayo [" an l'x-l'-urkMlue qUl'!.'n DIUClOIU: T,'r,'nce FIShe r.
allcnd m g coll ...!!e. Sn' Ro n ,lid Rc,Lgan \Vrthen.tcm
as he r meek profe~Jr ger man ng dmnk, SCI\£[N\IIkITO; Curt S,
fighT Dnn lA:i;Jr(' (Mr. B.lXfcron HI1~<'/). O"IGl NALLY Il.£LEAUD M:
defend _how bi: pcoplc III , I deli,lIlt Sh....,.~Il·k I /l.o/nl!'S Imtl <k H,dsho.nd (b T0&15
"pt.'ech, ,lIld rur on ,I lllu'IGd ,INlut ALSO Il.£LEASlD M: V<lI/" .. ()f Ft'<!r
mfl.l[ion! Song" Include "Give 'Em H,unmer ,~' ,I h .lnd a Hammer Jltc~ctor
Wh .. , They Want." "Love is Sti li for wem II) Germany to make th is seldom
Free, " and the title tune. hfcl,J (rum 'cen Il ol me~ adventure. C hristopher
GoUJdI~<'I'"s(Jf 1937. With PhylJr" Thax- Lee I ~ Sherloc k Ilolrnes but .ometxxly
Il'r, Genl' Nelson. and Roland \Vm te~. cI~e duhbcd his voice. Thorley Walters
It was a Tl'make o f The Male Amm(li 1~ Dr. Watson . Dr. Moriarty escapes at
('42). By the director of Char/I(' Gum the end . It's considered an interesting
at (he Op.;ra and T l1Tza ll' S FiRhl for Life. till lure. With Senta Berger. Lee went
Nelson brer direc tl'd The Hand of on to pla~' Sherlock's hrother in The
Oem /I. Pm'ate LIfe of Sherlock Holmes .


1946 Unl\'er~'-'! (B&W ) nlE SECRET WEAPON
PlIODUCEII: Ekn Pil'ar
1941 Unln'T$<1 1(I3&W)
Je:m Yarbrough
AUOCIAT£ p"oouen: Ilow:u,1 Bene,lin
Kk[[HWJIJT£" : Ge<:>TRe Bricker
Olk[CTO": Roy Will ',lIn Neill
Is June Lockh ;)Tt, mother of \'(fill and KI\£[N\IIkIJE!U: Edward T Lowe.
Penn y (~ml to me nt ion Tnlllny ;)nd W. Sc"tt [)arlin/.:. Edmund L. H artmann

Patriolic World Wilr J[ r ropag,m.\:J wllh
the e\'11 Pro(e~:.Or MOrlany (Ll(lIlei
Alwdl) Joining the NaZl ~ only tu I'll.!
f(llk.J ag,lIn hy S herluc k I [ olmc~ ( Aa~, l
R,uhhonc) IIlP~ 1 o( wh{l~e hlooJ h,l~
h,:endri\lnetl. [I wiblhescctmJ u(lhrl'c
UI11\'e r~, d war-themed H lIl mc~ fi lm~,
The had l!uy~ are <I(ler (l new homb,
divided 111[0 (our unit s and held ....'Crctly
hy (uur sciemisrs. Basd (loo~dy) on
The Adt'Clltllre I)f I~ iJ1UlC'11R )\ len hy
Arthur Conan Doyle . W llh reglllar~
L)enms H{)('y (as Lcsrrade) a nd Mary
(JUTc\OIl (as Mrs, HuJson), AI'll wnh
Paul F, x ,mt! Phdlp Van Z,mJt a ,~
Na:lS and Wilham POSI, Jr., as the
lIl\,cntor of Ihe bomh. ])irecror Nl'ill
d,d 11 Holmes films In (our ye,lrs.

19H L'Il1\l'r.,,11 (Bo..W)
P"O DUC£~DII\£crO I\; R"y Willl:llll Nt'lll I
KMUfWI\IITI\; Iknr'1Il1><'r
One "I The IIh)st ptJpular ,mJ hlzarre In the I1r~r of thl' Unl\'crsal ,eTlCS, Angd" R(»$IIW /I1W GaL.'
A.I~II Rdl hbont' H'llmes m. W1('S, As tilt' Sherlock Holm,', an d \Va hO!\ hnd SOluln):<4lTlI I!I Shl'TI, lC k
S,,!cIcr \V"lllan, Ihe wtlnLintul G .. le themseh-e, meXrl lCilhly 1I",In~p'lrfl'd to I lnlnws :IIlJ Ihe S,,,Jl'f
St~ndcrg;I ~l rd kl'I'P' ;1 niack dwarf (An- WllrlJ War II Engl.m,l where dll'y're Worn,lIl.
gelo R CbSI HO) In her s Ult Gbl' ,mt! C,ItIS1,'S MlIllllloncd h) Iht.: British mner (nun -
a 'cries , ,f "I',lj,lIna Mliclde,." Sht' re- (" d t\l ,1"1' ddll),:cr,)u, ~ a :1 T,ttl"l hroad-
turn .....1 III '46 (wIth the Creeper Rondo C,hb. Hol .nes [(Iun,l, up !Ill' s,th<.lrc ur~
H a tttln) tn The S/HdeT \VV IIUII\ SrTikel ,rnd J"ll\'er, ,I ~llrTing rr'lpag;l111b
BliCk. Th is o ne I' h,•.~ed o n Arthur spcl'ch. Ralhh>lle and Awee "'0011 fe -
C onan D,..,yle\ Th" SI,i,'ll of Ine FouT. I\lTlll'.1 II) I I mor,' .. m ......krn" ,ld,lllla-
\'\I.1lch (m gre,11 World W,lr II pTopa- li{)n~ of COll,iIl Doyle'- ~ t"nl'" With
gamb III the tin;IIe ,II rhe caron'al wll h E\'elyn Ankcr, '" Kitty, ;1 d; lIlll,- h .. 1I
!-i,llmeS tieJ hehind ~I sh,)llting g,dlcr y girl, Regln,.ld I \~nn~', M,ml,lgu IA)\'e,
("UI-.)UI of I-h tle r. \Va,,,,,n IS I!ln?n , I Ht.'nry 1),lnll'll, Th' )Ill.1s (J,)ml':, and
1,,; •..1(,..1 rifle, With series rc glll:t r~ G,lr- ~t.lry G •• r, ,r~ Mr,. Ilu,l,un. B.1~I'd
lio n ,mtl IllICY. Oil His i ..llS! 13mt',

t9·U ll nil','N I (Bo..W) DPAJ1f
AUOCIAT£ Pl\oouco : 1I ,)""~r" '>"mc,llll 19,0 Unlwr ...,l (801\'(1)
D li\l:CTOk: j,ld, It,"'IIIl' AUOC IATE PIIO DUC£I\/DII\£CTO I\:
~CI\EENWl\ lnllJ.; Lynn RI~',
R"h\! rl n. Andrc\\,

After leavi ng Na:i villai ns heh ind and vtlll;lm. \Vi Th Maqnri ..., Lord. For SOTllC
combing his h:lir, Sherlock Holmes fl'a~() n R:lThhone h;Jd a \'ery weird
( Basi l R:lthbone) .lnd Watson (Nigel h,HTcUT tt1 rhe three ;Jllti-N;l:i movic~.
BOice) began a series of more tradition,11
adven tures, This o ne, based o n Tho!
MII.\I,'rlIt'C Ritual, concems lIluruers com-
1980 W:lrn('r Am{hcr~
mitted whe n the clock stnh's 13 and a ....oouc£R/ OIR£CTOR: Stan Icy Klirnck
chessboard with hUIIlan chess pieces . SCk£EHWPJT£kS: SI"nle ~ KlIhnd:,
Thl' underground crypt is the s,1 me ~l'I I)Ianl' John ..un
u.'IC{[ in the 1931 /)ra~:lIu!. To remind j;Jck N ichobon is ,(:reat in th is uncon-
view('rs that a war was on, Milhurn \'enti(lnal and ch illing horror film des-
Stoll(' shows up as a soldier. \Virh Hi[ - fined to he reg;trJed as a ehtssic onc('
bry Smo ke, Pcter Law(ord, ;II1J ~cri ...'s the in It lal cmicism is (orgot ten. Scent'S
regulars M:lry Gordon :lnd Denni~ and dlal,)guc will linger in your mind
Hoey. Di rector Neil! did Fmllkensll'llI ye;Jrs later. Thl' m;lssi\'e Overloo k
Meet,l the Wolfman the ,'<1111 ...' rC;Jr. M,)tel (:lCtlt<llJy ~cts) Slars, .. long with
S helley Duva ll. Scmm;ln Cwther" lit-
SHERLOCK HOLAIES I N ric Danny LI'l~'d, ,md Ihrry Nelson.
NE W YORK O;l,ed on Stephen King's nowl. Thl'
1976 TV Be l;l Bartok tt1lt~ic is rlayed hy \Vend y
PRooucn: John Cutts Carlo~. See il again. (R)
SCk£( HWPJT£R: AlVin S:' plnslq'
ROJ:er Moore as Shl'rlock Ii olme~! [n
1946 20th C,'nfury. Fox (B&W)
love with Charlofte Rampllllg! Nor as .... CDUCER: AIII' rq' Sch('nck
bad as it soun&,. Hnl!ncs ;Jnd \V:lbon OIR£CTOR: Alfred \X'c'rker
( Patrick Macnee) save th ...' world's gold SCREEHWIIJTtR: Eucenc LlIlc
su pply, hidden und ...' r Unio n Squtlre. Vmcent Proce tn lu~ firs t starring role,
John lI usTon is Morian y. Wilh Gig and wouldn't you know that he rlays a
Young and J;Jckic Coogan . It wa ~ tele- Wife-killer psych iat n st. As Dr. Cr()~~,
vision's ,lnswer to The 5<'1'C11 P"''l'-Co!lIl he ,md 1m nur' ...' (L\'nn B.1n) kill hiS
Sniurioll . \\,i((', hut It nel,(:hhor (A nahel Sh;Jw)
witn ...'s,;;,e, the cttme. \Vhen th ...' neigh-
S HERLOCK HOLtIlES IN hor'~ hu~h;1t1d (hank Latimore) arri\'l's
WASHINGTON hom ... (rom a J:tpanese prison caml'.
194) U"I\·cr, .. l (13&\XI) Price easi ly C(lnVltlCl'S him that hi, Wife
ASSOCIATE PRODUCER: H (," "rd Bcn",j,ct is cmzy and has her locked aw'I)'. In
Olk£CTOR: R" y :-.J,'dl th~' end justice prc'vails. Th i, uns;Jl'orr
SCREENWRITERS: Iktlr<Hll Mdlh,HI','r,
L\'Tln Ri Cl!'
rx \rtnt~'a l ,,( " psychiatrist uu tra,(:ed seri-
1l11~ cmic' .. I till' tinw.
[n the third ~md last ,If th l ' Hultt1~,
\V,)rld \VaT ll-thetne hhm, th~ ddl'C- SHOCK, See BEYOND TilE
tivc is mOT,' (lut o( ,,1;lCl' th,m l'\'('r. In DOOR 2.
20th-c ... nIUT\· \V;" hingtun, D.C., rh l '
sleuTh trac k, down \'ita] ttllcwiilm d"e-
u ment~ hld.].'n tn ,I malehf.,., ..ok (,(lV('r.
1963 Alhl'd ArtbT~ (B&W)
George ZucC\) ,lIld Henry nont ... 11 (wh.) PRoOOCl R/OIRECTOR/SCk£EHWIIJTER:
hOTh pi<ly ...'" Moriart') . ITt' rill' AX IS S;lltlud Flilier

Newspaper wri ter Peter BH.'Ck will do
an yth ing to win the Puli tzer Prize. He
con vinces stripper gi r lfriend ('..onslance
Towers 10 pose as his sister and have
h im comm itted to a mental insTitution
in order to invesrigilte the m urde r of a
pa t ient. He meets a devastat ing collec-
tio n of trauma tiZl'd A mericans, IS given
shock thempy, exposes t he killer orderly.
wins the coveted pri ze, and becomes
irreversibly insane. This amazing movie
incl udes some of the most effective hal-
lucination foomge ever seen. Part of it
was fi lmed by Fuller as early as 1955
and stlved. With Gene Evans a~ a for-
mer nuclear scien tist who now hil.~ the
m ind of a six-year-old, Philip AIm,
Ja mes BeSt (The Killer Sh rew~), and
H a ri Rhodes. Fuller's next was The The Deep End of HotrOf!
Naked Kiss.
A surprisin gly )<\)(11.1 indcpendcnt fea-
S HOCK TREIITJIENT ture fwm Florid,l. An (lId sed capwin
1964 20th Ccntury. FOlj" (B&W)
(jo hn Carradine) giles down with his
PI\OOU([I\ : Aaron Roscnht'r)!
OIU:CTOI\ ; Den I) Sandl'"rs
ship duri n g a storm hut the survivors
SCI\UNWI\ITEI\; Sydnq r\..l\:hrn (inc1udtnf.: Broo ke Adams and Luke
Asylum fun with L'lUTen Bacall a~ a ~y­ H a lpeTill of F1illpcr) find themselves
c h ianist tryi ng tll nick patien t Roddy stranded on a tropICal Island. Peter
Mc[)cJwa ll intu revea ling where a for- Cushing, a former S.S. office r, lives
t une IS hidden . Ruddy, ,I gardener. h"d Ihere Wi t h an army ofblond ~uper-Nazi
ZOl1lb ll'~ who live unde rwater. The'
decapitated h is rich employer W I( h g;IT-
den shears. An actor (Stuart \V hmmm) creanrres rbe from Iheir liquid graves
pretends he's crazy and is commined and ,lIwck the cast. An effective
!'(l he can find out Roddy's secret. T hen
o ld-fashioned non-gore movie. A lan
he goes and falls in love with malllC- Ormsb\' did the makeup.
depres;.ive Carol Lynley. The schelll-
ing Baca ll end~ up a pallent in her SHOGUN ASSASSIN
tlwn hospital. You ..... ould. too. Direc - 1974/80 fohn/ New World (J"r:m/U.S.)
lor Sanders later did I lIt'(I~i(J1l of the PRO DUCEM-: S hlll l .ITc> KilNI.
Bee Grrk HIs.lh~ru ~I.l{_uhar:l. Down] \'(' t:,_111.m
(U.S. "el'lnn)
OII\(CTO'-S : Kl·n_1 MI~lIml. Robert Hnust<ln
1977 Cmema Sh~rc~
K'-£[NWI\I H '-S: Roher{ Hou"nn.
Pl\OOOCEA; Reuben T ran('
D.I\ 1,1 \X/,·,_In;rn. Kd:UO KOike
OItu:CTOI\; Ken Wledc rhorn A Jdran.::.e hIm c.ll led BtU})· ( :llfl (I( Rit-et
Ktu:[HWI\IT£1U : John Harn~n. SI)·.'\: was shurlen,·,l, duhbed. and fe-
Ken Wicderhom eellted lu r an Al1Iertclll release. It·s 11
AUO I\El.EA$(D 1.$: D (llfh C(}I"j>$ gllr\ ,"rprl".~ hit. wilh light ~c encs

i..(nll! wolf Imd ~m III
Sh~u n ASlo01SSlIl subway tunnel. With James Brulin. Don
Mitc hell, a nd about six others. h om
lIu.' director of Wild in lhe Slreers.


196} Arkora
Pf.OOUCEPJ I)ltl.(CTOk: Bons L. Petroff
~((H\VklT£k: F.{[ward D. Wuod, jr.
Wood'~ :.creenplay is ahou{ love trou-
hie (or a sh<lnTy-hoat family stu c k in
the same mud (or )0 yea rs. One mem-
lX' r W,lnts {(l marry a (ugitive carni-

val girl who loves a phony preacher.

His son i ~ locked into a RO!llco-and_
Jllikt situa tion with <I can tankeroll~
!l\lJonshiner's daughter. Ft'arllrin g 1 enn~'
Maxwell. Vn lcri e Allen, Nan Pcre rson ,
J. Pat O'Mnlk'y, and Prtcr Colt. e n
1974 AII.l Film.,
~OOUC £k.: F.{[ Ad[ulll
h l11lli.lier anJ !Hore graphlC th,Hl ,m y- O!klCTOk: Mlchnel hndby
SCk£EH\VM'£~: WAdlum.
rhmg m a Gcon.!c ROl1il'r" him. In
J,IJ'lC1Il It \\',15 ,...·con.! III , I ~ef1 •.:~ al'l.JUf
Lone \'(/nlf. :l vl'ngcance-M'ek m~ eXl'- The nlll(l iated of rhe ririe are college
CUfliJlll'r II ho II Jtl~ hl~ 11ft Ie f:,aby ,mlund
sfUd{'nr~ :.e"<lrchln g for Big(oot. Servcs
'l'!l1 nglH. The white yt'li Cf{'aturcs are
In a ~lx'Cially riggl'd WO(Ii.!cn cart. TI H~
[·hh-cl·ntury Oril'nt.11 ;;;lI'ord-.)IlJ-...or_ actually men in fluffy Ctl~tunws and o nl'
cery ,1.h-elHlIre I ' hcttcr rhan rn(l~t I~ rhe kids' profl'ssor (T<lwn Ell is o(Cm
kun/.:-(u lilm~ ,mJ pr\'ttl humurllu., (the \I1umen of the M(.Hm). The r're both
hdhy n,lrr'lte~). An clcclnmlc sou nd cann lhals! ThIS incpr New York St<ltc
tr;lck II',I~ added hy MOirk LlIl~kll', once gore film I) rill' perll'C' elITe fo r viewers
'1IlJ.!L'r II'lth P,HlI Reverl' and the R:lid -
hored h\' endk·s~ " In )earch o( the
... r,. AI,o II'lIh (out,lJ.!e from Sl('oni Ilf <lhoI1l1llah ll' hlg-foored yeti" doell-
VcnRcllllc(', rill' fir,t LOll l ' \V"lf film . dram<l~. Including dl'ath hy toaster, an
R.I, ....I on 01 1al'<l l1 e,c comi c I'l.Jok. (R) Indian named Laughi ng C row, ,Ind the
hit ~.m).: "I III! BlIIIl'T." By the writer o(
11Im.lioll of the BII.H)(/ Fanners and thl'
SHORT WALK 10 DAYLIGHT lilrl'Ctm of S1ll4ff. With 1l'nnifcr Stock.
PkODUCU.: Ed\I.",[}. \ ·jpnr,'l1nc
DlklCTOk: Ihrry Slwar
11ll, S f! U77ERED ROOJl!
!.C k££NWktTE~: Philip II. R l ·"Ill, IIl. Jr.. 1967 W,ITIll'r Brorlwrs (England)
CI·r,.[J Di/\'go PkOOUC£k: Phlllir H.:dl(lIl
OlklCTOA: n.I\·id vreellc
\ll'W York Ciry L< de"tmred hy an l'omh-
!.C k((H\VklT£~; N<I!h.lnl,'1 T :mc!mck,
qll,lh' ~ E1J.!hr peoplc , I Tl' tmpped HI , I AI.·x ),1(01-0.

Fil med \· er~ltlO~ .If H.r. Lon'c raft to r Buonu). ,I ,ul'crvl ll.H11 fWIlI rIll' Bl),!
~t\)nes u'II:l11~' Jon', 4uUe m~lke IT . Th , ~
o org,mi:,lrion Ih,lt II,ml' tn "Ih.II,lgl'
A tllcnc;nl ,\tnUIlI: t1Il~l l e'. l ie ,11:>'.1 g... "
one ,~ no excer"on. GIg Y.lltng <lnd
Cdwl L) n k~ tnhcnt ,Ill old Im ll hou:.e 11wolh",1 wtth 5t..l1,1 SIl'v ... n" l\lihlh
L I\"l, I'\,HlCy KO\"ilCk, C}'d eh,In,,,e
on ,Ill i~ I ,lml oft" the C{la~ 1 o f ~ew'-I. A" Aun t Agatha, Flora Ruh- (\\'h" 'nlg~ the !HIe "'1Ilg) , ,md R\'VI' Th
!'oon know!'o the "hornhlc" -,,-"erN of the Ada m' a' 111' 'eCfet.!r)'. \Vllh Arthur
O'CunndJ, Rnhl'r! \VehlX'r. ,ttl,-I RIch-
locked rnom. O h l'("r Rel'J is .. local
trouhlem,lker whn hdps make hfe 1ll1Y ard t k\·,1Il.
... rahle f'lr the courle frum New York
FIVE HIli flAM If/,'t Y. SILENT N IGlf'(;
BLOOD!' N IGlf'('
1971 c'mlh,t)
Hili S ILENCERS Pl\ODUCE'-5: Ann An:I, Jcffrq' K"n\"ll:
1966 G,lumhl.l DII\ECTOI\.: T Ill" ,,\. ,f': Ci~'r,h, ' n~'
P"OOUC[~: IrVIn),! Alkn KI\E[NW"1TEM: The, "\,,r," (:;,'r,h\ln~"
OI MCTO~: PhIl K,1fl"'!l Jdfrq K,'IWlI:, lw T cikr. Ami Art:1
SC"[ENW"IT(k: (}.(<tr ~,llll AlSO "El[A~[O M: .'....h~hl vI lh~ J).lrk hili
~(\ J a!lll'~ BonJ films cam," out in '66, ,)"\(}I!ll. i)c,uh H Im,.,
Itbtl'aJ yllli Cll\IIJ gu to Ollr !\llIll Flint
:;I.) t>. \,JdJlcd hUI lntert.·'Tlllg sllllCkcr fil meJ
Uf, if you were really J("!'operate, une of in Optl"r Bay, LOI)I! 1,1.10.1. GU61 ' t ,lf
t\\(l M,m Helm ti lm" "tarri ng De~n Patrick 0'1'\"',11 1'1.1)"' an 11l ·{,lIed bw-
l\brtm ,IIlJ h b explod mg buttons and ye r ~remhng Ihe nIght III an olJ man-
lame sex J()kc~. Th l", thl' first of the sion he', bee n lured til ,el l. James
1>\'fle", pttS Dum ,u.!alll~t Tung-t:e (Vic- p,llIer:.lJil I ~ till' hulkmg owner. T he
horn1-l .. hl,IOl"\' uf the cx.;l~yll1tll h w id
III Jark tl",hJ:.,lck, lI\ wh ich ;l !!roup of
~ew York umk'rgn1unJ movie vcter-
, illS (Ond me, J,lCk Smit h, T,l ll~ BrllWll,
an,\ C;m,k Darl l1ll-!) rlay mental pa·
Ilents wh o tal ... over the place. The
m~-xiern scenes fl'ature M<lry Worono\',
John Carra.l me as ,I mu te ncw~ pa pe r
ed itor, ~l1\J ~I bl(1()J ~' axe, Prod ucer
KO!l \"lt: [all"r wTnte T he Sel\f llld.


1974 \'i l,lmer fin l(ilcrs (f::ma,\.I)
P~ODUC[~: ikll, CI,lrl-;, Gcrr) 11,rh:,J
DIUCTO": Bo\' Cbrk
~C"E[NWl\,no,: Ittl) l>.\;llITC
AUO "[lEA~D M: I.!kti:k ChTt511l1l.c.;
Slr,mg~J 1!I rll<' 11(>115<.'
Ch ristmas Eve lIlurtieh In ,\ :.(l rtl r ll~' A ClmmlxU 5TU)U TlI(m frum
home from the dIrector of Dt'tUhdrrll m Simek. of the Muul<lteJ.

and P,,,.k:-/5. O li via Ilu~~ey of Rum t'() heights of tastelessness. With Rd)t~cca
(mdju/ret IS the ,, scrl'ameT. \VHh KelT &Ileling. ( R )
Dullea, M;l r~ot Kidder, John Sax()n (a:.
. 1 cop), ;lnd Andrea Marti n (SCTV).
The end is a real surprise. ( R ) 19S7MGM
PAOOUCEA: Anhur Fr('C(1
S ILENT R UNNING DtN:CfOA: Rouh.. n Mamouli;m
1971 Um\'crs"l SCAUNWArT£M: Leonard G ... rsne,
P~OOUC[ll,: Michael r.l"lr~"',(( Leona rd Splgdgass
D'MCTO~: l1uugla~ TrlLlnhllll Musica l remake of Nirwrchka starring
KMfN~TEM: Dene W~"hhllm, Fred Astaire and Crd C harisse in the
M Ike Cimino, Sieve R.xhc" Mel vyn D.1ugbs and Greta Garbo ro les.
Bruce Dern, an expert <It pl;lymg vaTl - Peter Lorre, Joseph BuJoff, and Jules
ous demented ch;lractcrs, is;l l:'I<.ll,mist- Mllllshin (On the Town ) are danc ing
:Jstronmrt who resorts to murder in ()rder comrades of the Russian wo man. A t
to save the ollly E:Jnh grl~l'nt:'ry Icrt in one poilH they si ng "We've got the red
the 21st cen tury. A domed fqTl'st in .1 blues." It was the last completed fi lm
ma1>.'>ive ~pacesh ip orh iting- Saturn is t( l b~' rill' director o ( Dr. kk)·/l and Mr.
he dcs troyed by order of the go\'- I/y,& ('32).
ernrncl11. To ~ave it, Dern kills th e
other thrcc (few members and lives wi th S IJION, KlNG OF
only three wbob :JS companIons. The 711/:; WI TCHES
friendly "dronl'" mach liles, acnra lly con- 1971 Fanfar...
tain ing legless human amputces, are in- P~OOUC(A: f);wld Ha nllilond
credibly lifel ike. Th l , director of rillS DIN:CfOA: BnKe Ke$.Slcr
thoughtful, unde rrated look at a possi- KMfNWMTD.: Roher! Phlppen l'
ble hleak future worh.·d on the special 1~;l rded Andrew Pri ne plays a modern
effects for 1001. A S/Xlce Od)·sse). \XIi lh wa rluck with a m<lgic m irror. His ho me
Chff Pom, Ron Rifkin. and Jesse V, nl. IS .1 Los Angell'S storm scwer. The ads
TV viewing hint : turn of( your volume cla im that " He curses the Establish-
evc r~' time Joan &lez warhles on rhe ment." The psychedel ic.trip plot con -
sound tr"ck, which is .~ti lJ in print. (uses the audience. With Uhr., Viol<.'t
as the Icader of a Satanic cull. Joe Sol-
S ILENT SCRFAAI omon w.,s executive producer. Prine
1980 American Cin ... rn~ Rdl'asUlg went on to hits like Gridy and Center-
~CUnvr P~ODUCE ~: fuld Girls. (R)
Juan and Denny H,mis
D I MCTO~: Denny I brn,
SC~EENw~rn:~: Ken andJirn Wh ... a t
A (am il y with a horrible secrl't takes in
1977 Colum hm
col lege TOomers. Pl~o ple die gory deaths.
P~ODUC£ru: C h~rb Sc hneer,
Cameron Mitchell and Aver)' Sch reiber Ra)' Hilrrylmusen
:IT(' an unlikely cop te;lm whu try to DIMCTO~: SIUIl WanamaL
sol\'l' the crime~ . The l1l;ld fa l1lily in- KMENW"ITU: &vcrlyCross
cluJes Yvonne D(:Car1o as the mother The third Sin bad advemure (eatures
and B.1Tbara Steele in a SIlent but very :>orne uf R a~' Harryhausen 's best an i-
act ivl" role. A flashback showlIlg a preg- mated creations. There's a chess.pla\'ing
nan t gi rl hangi ng herself reaches new haboon, a giant walms, a friendl), o ne-

hl'Tnc,1 t r,.gl,,,-I~IC. d IIWch,l11ll, l1 gIll.!
1Il1 aloabrl.'-Illl" h t igcr, ,mJ thrl.'e
"\.:.IT) bug-..:)l',1 ghoul-. Palrlck \'(/,1)110:
I' SlIlhl.! 1111' III1IC_ AI ..... , 'tarnng T.lfyn THE CURSES ... THE CEREMONIAL SEX ...
P. .wo:r (J,lughll'r,.\ T yrono:), JdllC S\'y-
mnur (a~ rrmel'" Farah), anJ ~t.m!<lrd
\Vlllung (;l~ the 0:\'11 20:n"hl,I), It Wol,
d1\' ekn'nth kltUH' (or ,h", &hnel'r-
j,,,,n leoun,

1<)6 j l'llIl ,'r',11 iEn~l,md) i B&\v)
P~OOUCE"'DIM:CTO~: Lince C,'ml~'rl
KI\(( NWMT[II : L)11 1-,urh,tIll-
AU<) IIEl£ASEO M: LIIl' 11 L '(I

A pre-Bloullp non 1..1 HI'llH1Ung, ;1' .t

po"t-O(!iCI' 1I\e:..'>\'nl.!l'r hoy I'ro1l\1'e~ IH'
I,Hlwr In lh~hm,! hl~ group, the Smd rt
Aleo. It theIr ',IJ't.' do",~n', 11\,1\"1.' them
l>lIccr,~tul. Hr lo",>~ till' \;1111.' hm hiler
hndlo 11, phi}, It (or an AmeTlcan produ-
Cer, ,l1ld sign,,, C\lnlnlCt. I rbpLr.ll lOn,I!.
Gene VmCl'nr I) ,1.eU\.'",, S'l've ~ I , lr-
110ft ("f tlll' Sm,11l F,l(c') ,mJ Eur0l'l'.In
rock ~tar Heln: ,Ilso ~ mg and ,ICt.


l'};i\ W(h(A-muTi-F,,~ (B&\'(I)
Tommy S,mJ" ,I' a Pre,lc) -lot) Ie fllck
'n' roll ~t,lr, nead,' cwcb lInder I hI' pre,-
,urr of a crnuked 1l1.lndger. \\lith Ed-
mon,! O'Bnen (Tit.? GIrl Can '[ Help II),
John Mcintire, ,mJ LIII Gl'Il!I\.'. B;1~\.',1
on a Kraft Phl\h ou~e TV ,hO\\, Sand~ ", -.".
1.lter lI1aTrlcd :-J,Ulq SIn,I\T'I. SIll' h,ld ANDREW PRINE.' BRENDA SCOTT
more hH'. , ..' GEORGE t'1IlllSIN NO
_ _ _ .G
RfAAN BlJR10N GU!.ILO lI)F1K _ ,..,.. """
_ . : .... _ -=-> _ « _ '''''''''I
~ .._.oo.a ....." > _ • . , . , , _.. ____ R'--".'.. _''"
S INGLf' ROO,,, FURNISHF.D MfTROCOLOR ~=:=~.:: lBl -._-;~:=~ 0-
19fd Cn"'n lm,'rn,llional
P,-o o uc£,-/OI'-[CTO'-: 1I.I.Ltl.:,) Ott,ln,Ill"
5C'-E£NW'-,TE'-: 1I.\"h'Il'1 ~llhtO III thl.' Pink P~lhlce ,mJ ,.oon fUlind him-
J, I) nl' t>.lamheld md M,ltTl.'OOtt;I\·I,mo "df dm-'clmg <1 movie. (Brianne Mur-
(al"" ~btt Cill)h~'rl whde C()-~t,lrTln(! phy, a woman ci nemalO~wrher, cI;1 lms
\\·"h ~lTckey III a );)nkel'l 1'1 ,1 ~­ that ~he ,m,1 nm C llllhe r directed tillS
home rrlllluction o( B1IS SIU/,. Smitten fi lm , hur I've I1('V\'r ~el"11 hrr na me III
with r:lglfl~ Jove, t-.Lut reJ'I,l(~"'! ~hckl'Y ,hl' c redL1~.) Jayne rJ;Jr~;1 young hnde

who dyes her hair and changes her name From rhl'" headline sch..:ool nf adven ising:
to waH taf:.les after her hushand Icaves "Another sex maniac murder! Srnur p ic-
her pregnant. She changl'"s her name ture racket hlamed! Police .seek Dirk
agam and f:.ecome~ .1 r rosl ifute. The Wtlliam~!" nino Fantin i goes Ix-rscrk
downlx-at fea ture e nd~ when a ~,lIl o r w:lIchmg a <;('x film and corners the
proIXIS(.'S, ,hen ~ho(J ts hImself as Jayne lead ing lady in a city r<lrk. Po lice lieu-
hunlliiates him wITh 'alllll~ of "Mon - ' e!lam Ken !le Duncan and Sergea nt
kee, mon-kee!" Jayne ,lIld C lmh:r had Jatm.'S Moo re seek to elimin,ne rhe killer
a !Iff during the sll{xlf ll1ll and the r m - and the fi l1l1 that caused rhe crime.
duct ion closed do ..... n I>o·hll(, she off With Jean Fontaine, Carl Anthon y.
for Florid<l to cool o ff. Her (atal CM crash Jealltw Wilbrdson, Ton i Costello. and
outside New O rleans occurred a~ she April Lynn. Th .. last film directed by
was on her way back to L.A . to re~lIme the cr('aWr of Pkm 9 from O w er Sp(l(:e
her role . To compens;t te fur her loss , i ~ a fa sci nating adults-onl y time piece
(oomge is radded om with a side plo t expJuiting the field o( pornography.
involving neighbors Flo (Dorothy Kd - Wood h imself appears in a fight scene
ler) and Charley (Fabian Dean). The ,md posters for his movies decorate the
photography is by Laszlo Kov;tcs. With wall of J(lhnn y Ryde, the porn director,
Bruno Ve Sota as Mr. Duna ld Dlic k who C];IIIllS he used to make good films.
from Dlllu th <lnJ a lengthy introduction Wi th an und .. rcover cop in drag. line
hy Walter W inchell. Ci mher fo llowed very brief (Iude scen e. and a judge wh o
with 49 positions of sex ual Intl'rcourse warns us all ahout rhe price po rnogra-
in Mall (Hid \'(life <lnd Pi a Z .. d o ra's J1her~ must pay. -C B
1948 Un lll...t A rllSf ~ (B&W)
THE S IN ISTER URGli MODUC(k: ~ymnur Nt1:t'n:ul
1959 1le:.JIIIlt'T (I\&W j Otk£CTOM: Arthur Ripley, [\,u~tas SlTk ,
PAOOUCn'/ OtA£CTok/ sck£ENWM"[k; J"ho flmlml
Edward D. WuoJ, Jr. K A£[N\JnJT(M: Ruland L" I~h, Roben La)'
Murgor Kidder In Bnan The y,JII"R <lnd Ih"
AlSO k£l.£AS(O AS ;
Df'P(llma'J S I~' Crs. Irnm(nul; Hdlbom Maria MImIC:, in o ne oCher last fil ms.
I, the queen of the lost C l t~' of Atlantis.
}e;m-Piern' Aumont arrives with h is
legllln n<li res and love hlo~ms. With
Henry Danie ll. Dennis O' Keefe. and
AHa n Nixon. The ed itor got credit for
directing. The rea l di rectors were t(X1

S IS 'l1;RS
IY73 AlP
'''OOUCH,: Edward R. Pressman
OtJl,(CTO": Brian [).: Palma
Kk££NIII"PJTtM: Brmn Dc Palma, Louisa Rose
Great firs t horror shocker by De Palma.
Reporter Jennife r Sal t is con vi nce..i fha t
Danielle (Mar.cot Kidder) is a ki ller.
Dalllcile j<Jwas a S iamcse Twin se pa-

r,1I e<l fm m h.:r ~ I ster ny
<I cn.'Cp\ doCtor American workmg hb wa y through col-
lovo:r (Bill Fmley). Spllhcrce n doohk I.:ge .I' .\ sk i In,ITuctor .n .\ ~W \ng lng
IInaj.!':~ ;md som.: Ilonderful tlbhl'ach Ausw:m re,>\lrt. TIll" emplo)e\", under
<I nc! dream scqll.:nce~ lell the I'.:rvc rw CO ntract to \.'ntefT ,Un f.:male guc,r, Jur-
stoT), which ranj.!6 from a hlnnd~' hlrth- ing o ft' hour~. Wlrt' on\.' hed 111m a rin-
Ja)' ccl.:hration tn the {I)P nf a tek- k.!! l1l;'\chinc .Illel I!a mhk rhClr W<lgh
phone pole. ~l\1slC hy (k'rn<lnl H~' rr ­ on f"" -.cor\.'" AcLUII 11'5 ~'tLrr III M iI-
m,mn. With Charl.:~ Durning <lnJ LI ~ l e ncr avuhJ, rhc mllnk.:~ btl, me'.' hut has
\Vil:>(m. Fllrn e~1 on Stat e n Isbn.! . From trouhJc provmg It wlwn Dc,l1l Martm'~
<I s tmy hy De P'llma.( Rl dau ghter C I.Wtil.t hCClnnes IllS ragmg
dblr\', Vil'i 1);l(h. 1).lmh nom.
111t: S I}(-AIILLION Schimhnr. .In,1 '\Ilwnh lll ch,I!lIp TllIll
DOLLlIR "1/1N S.ulnr Me ie'lt med. Wat ch for the
1973 TV choice Mdnl'r-m'l'lre,! IHu'lC,11 dream
P1\ooucu/olt\[ooll.: Rl ch.mJ IT\'Ul).! scquen(c. ":CA
X t\£[NWII.IHII.: 11 ~'1\rI 5 1m<1<111
The pilot fi lm lilT Ihe popular ,eTll',
(1974-78) starnllg Lee M<LjOT, d.' th.: S KIPJIRTY
relll,lde humic host pilnt . \Vith ~1artln I<J6S AJI'
Bals:1 lll. !:Y.l rrcn McG:1 vin. :mc! Rlfh,lr:l Pt\ODUCEII.: Cil.'n.: ( :. ,rlll,II'
Ando.'T:;on . DIMCTOt\: Ala" RJik111
KII.EENWII.ITE~ : R,llx·rt Kaufm~n
16 FATHO,IIS D/:,'EP If y,lIl C.1I1 get P,I'! rr;tnki\' .A.l'alol1 and

1948 Monogram Dwayne Hl ckm'lIl III drug, you mil)'

AAOOUCW: Jam .... ~ S. Burn.:n, <"!ljny I\ild 1\1l1~IC,,1 actinn fC.llllTlIl),.! Ihc
lrvlI1g AlI.:n H ()nd e ll ~. jiHne~ Brown and the FI.Hnt'~
DI II.(CTOt\: Irvin!! Ail.:n ..loin)! "J Gill You (I Feel G\lI,J)." ;111.1
XII.([NWlI.rTEt\: 1I.1,.x Trcl!
The "ds p roml ~e "Spine-chi 11m).! thnll o;
in the lllonst.:r-nJden world h.:ne<lth
its where the liEs meet tlle SHEson SKIs
the ~ea!" \Vilh an odJ cast m c lue! -
tIlg A rt hu r C'l),lg\\'I)(l,I") Like, LIH1
C haney. j r.. LI"yd Bridge~ (th~' flllllTe
st<Lr nf Si!<i HI/Ill), a nd Tanl~ Ch,mdler.
It·s In "slilnling AnSCI' color!" II wa ~ a
renuke of :m \'<lrI\ -' 30s Mnnogr,lm
feature . ,11"":1 IIlIh Ch,lIley.

1967 :\11",.1 An,,!, (l:.S. iA",m,l
( ::;~.~ 11< •• 1.,1<11.: 1.1 )
Pt\ODUCE'-S: \·(/I ,h).:,m~
/l.1"rl.: C l<.po:r
:-X 11l1,"h.
CUrl S,. ... lm.11.:
XII.H NIW~IT£'-S; Cllrt SII ... III"'I.: .
RI,I'Crt l. Jthl'rh

From tht'l"'SI -b\.'iKh Icen ski cr<l Z.: Ih.l!

ne ve r II':!'. till' ml ~. I ~h entur.:, III :111
Leslq' Go re. Frankit, and Dwayne are Scnat(', Planted in the prison, Gleason
Los Angeles college students on vaca- takes acid, 11:l.~ some ridiculous halluc i-
tinn in Sun Valley. They cross-dress w nat io ns, and decides that violence i5
find out why all the hcst girls arc mter- evrl. To esealX'. Jackie 5pike5 rhe prison
ested in Aron Kincaid. Their Cover IS soup wi rh LSD :lnd, wh ile cverybcx:ly
blown and a chaSt.' through Sa ..... tooth goes nuts. he floats awa\' in a g:lrbage
Nat ional Forest (ollo.....s. Cu-starring Gm held ;tlo(t by plastic-bag ba lloons.
Ddxlra h Wa ll e~' and Yvonm' C r,ug, C1rol C halm ing sings rhe Tit le song and
wi th Robert Q. LewIS antI An nette strips. John Phillip Law is Stash . Nilsson
Funicello. - CB
wrote the music and plays a drugged
guard . With Frankie Avalon. Frank
S KI TROOPATDl CK Gorshi n. Peter Lawford, Burgess Mere-
196(l hllll~Tllul' (B&Wj Jith. George R:lft. Cesar Ro mero.
p~oOUC [~/OI~[CTO~: R(l~crC.)rtll:ln
Arnold Stang, Slim Pickens, and Rich -
K ~[EHW~ITE~: Char lc~ Gnftirh
flT<.1 Kicl. Groucho M:lrx (tot:llly W:lstL-xI
Fr,mk \Volf( and hi s men penetrate and unfunny in hi s I<lst role) plays
Gerill any's HlIerr gl'll (ores! and are "Gud." Costumes designed by Rud i
trapped hy enemy tir(' near t!ll'ir rai!- Gernfeich. Assist:lnt director- Erich
rn:ld-hridge uhjectivc. Till' mission IS von Strohc im, Jr.
:lcc"mrlished (ollowing :l hair-raiSing
enCOllntl'f with Friilliein Sh<: iI:l C:'l rn l.
wil" ~h dters :lnd then nies to pois.on
I%S AIllICuslP<lramount (Engi:lnd)
them. Shot on locatinn In 1)..'adwnO:lll. P~ODUC[I\S: Milton SUlxlfsky,
Sou th D.. kot;l, wlwre Michal'l Furrest, M ;I~ J. R"scn~ r.c
W:lII~' Cmnpo, Richard Sin:llTll, and the DlklCTQA: Fr\·dJle FranCI~
others def\::lTed The Beast from '-i(unlteci SCAUNWNtrl'.: Mllron Sul'lOtsk\,
(4-11'1'. Special guesb- Rnger ulrm.m Roher! Bloch's "The Skull of the Mar-
and te;lIn skiers fro m [)c,,,Jwoo.j and qur~ Dc Sade" was the basis for this
Lead high sc hools. A~ the ad" put it, retN Cush ing horro r film . Cush ing
"Tlwr IUrned a white hell fed with rlar~ a proft'ssor who bu~'s a sto len sku ll
l'nell1 \' hlood!" CH frllll) de:ller P:lfrick Wrm:lrk. He soon
wlshc~ he hadn't. The evil skull f1O:lts
S KIDOO atl llind and will~ him to murdcr JX-'Ople.
1968 P:lr<1I110Unt Wuh an impressivc slIp(X)rting C:lst and
P~ODUC[~/DI~[CTO~! Otl< ) Prl'mln~l'r interc~ting pho togmphy. The long end
SC~E[NW~rrr~! f\'Tan Will,.ll11 Clllln, ,n
~equenCl' contains no dia logue. With
M()~t of the had dircctm~ (e:t!mcd in C hrb rophcr LCl" Nigel G reen. Michael
thL- hook work for sillall IIldcpcndcnr GO It),!h. VCOT),!l' Coulotlri s, P,l!rick
C( H11 1';inics with irnpo..-,ssihly l(.\\' hu<-lgcts Magee, and Jill BenneTT.
and :Ire unknuwn to the gencmll'uhlic.
No t so Orto Premingn. ;I f:1nl!)u~,
rc~rec red hack who was tUfning out
1969 Un ll'ersaJ
IIlcTl'd rhly h:ld films unrit vcry fl'centlr AAOOUC[~: Saul DaVid
This mbguidcd cOulltcrculture cI)med} DrA£CTO~ : Gord()n o.)lJgl;l~
is hi, wnr~t. A gangland h()~~ fl'cnrits SC~UNWAtT[~ : Nelson GidJing
retired g:ln,Cster 1:lck ie Gle:lson to Burt Reynolds tries to S:lVt' a trilX' of
kill :In imprisoned mohster (Micke y cllte miSSi ng linh found in New Guine..
Rooney) who is :lhoUI TO t e~tifr to thl' fro m hei ng sold :lS slaws. He rakes the

case and the <lpe peopl(' to court to SLAUGHTER OF THE
prove they're human. The mix o( com- VMfPIRES
edy <lnd social comm('ntary just doesn't 1961 Pacemaker Otilly) (B&W)
work. Vercors, the aurhor o( rhe novel PkOOUC£k: Di no Sant'Ambr~ lo
this film is based on, had his name OlklCTOk/SC~[INWmlk: Roberto Mauri
rcmoV('d . If you w(mder why Univer- OkIGINALLY kUEAS£O AS: La Stage del
sal made this, remember that PIlUlel of V(lmpm
the Apes was a hit the previous year. Aoo "ELU.lED AS: Curl<.' of the Bbod Ghouls

The cast includes Susan Clark , W il(nd Yet another carbon-copy halian vam-
Hyde-White, William Marshall, Pat pire film. The bloodsuckers live in a
Suzuki, and 24 University o( Djakarta castle and are defeated by a doctor with
students as the "Tropis." iron stakes. With Dieter Eppler and
Walter Brandi (The Vampire and the
Ballerina) . Graziella Granata is a great-
THE SKYDIVERS looking fema le vllrnpirc.
1963 Crown Internatton<ll (8&W)
",00lJ(£'.: Anthony C1rdoz;)
OIN:OOA / KU£N\lnJT£k: Coleman FnmCls
FroIH the creator o( The Beast of YUCC(l 1957 Uniwrsal (8&W)
Fklrs. Newlywed jump-school owners A lhert Zugsnmh
arc terrorized by a rich girl who's been 011\(00": Arnold L~\'Cn
jilted by her husband. She triel> to de- SCUIHWkIKk: Lawrence Roman
stroy their bUSiness ,md their lives by Violence results when gangste rs use
monkeying with plane wiring and sabo- brute (o rce fO subvert New York dock-
raging chutes with comlSh'(·s. No happy workers' unio n. Richard Egan is the
ending for Tony Cardoza and his wife O.A . Great music, courtroom drama,
Beth (Kt."Vin Casey ). Marcia Kn ight. and a wate rfront banle. With Walter
Eric To mlin. and Titus Moede co-star; Matthau, Dan Duryea, Jan Sterling,
Jimmy Bryant ,md his Night Jumpers Micke y Shaughnessy, Julie Adams. and
perform " Ha-So," "Tobilcco Worm, " Mickey Hargitay as "Big John."
and "Stratosphere Boogie." -CB
1971 Univcr:;;11
1971 Hallmark (l nt ly) OlklOOk: George Ro)' Hill
PkODUCE'-S: Armando Novelli. KI\(INWm(": Stcphen Geller
As Billy Pilgrim, Michael Sachs is un-
OlklOOA: fYrnando DI l~""O
KU£NW?rT£kS: FtornnnJo DI leo.
stuck in t ime. H is most memo rable
Nino Latino moments arc spent in World War II
OkIGINAlLY m£ASU) IS: La B/:')Iia Uwde II Dresden. where his o nly real friend is
Sallgue Frcd.:/o shot by the Germans for no t handing
AUO kll.LtS[O IS: Al,lum Emll("(l over a porcelain statue found in the
Kbus Kinski at his c.mziesi. running a ruins. Back in postwar America, he suf-
private asylum wheTc- inmat('s arc tor- fers through a prosperous but boring life
tUTed. decapitated. etc. With Margaret with an Irritating wife and a long-haired
Lee and Rosa lba NcrL Ads pwmiscd son (Perry King) who knock s ove r
" The Slasher Mass.1cre of eight inno- fOtllbstones for (un. Then he finds hap-
cent nurses!" (R) piness living with an actress (Valerie

Pt'!rrine) he o nce saw in a drive -in SLEEPER
movie. They're both specimens livlllg
under a glass dome on an alien planet.
J97J United Artists
H.OOUCEP.: Jack G roS5be r!;
Tht conl)ranr time changes are accom-
panied hy lXI, h, 1XISt.-d on Slau,i;htl.'I"house
OIP.lCTOII. : Wocxly A llen
SCP.EENWP.lTIM: Woody Allen . I
Fit'(' or Children's CnlS{w(' by Kurt Marsh ~ll1 Brickman
Vonnegur, Jr. With Rohert Blossom Greenwich Vi llage heallh-food slore I
(th .. slar of Deranged). (R ) owner Wo<xiy Allen goes 10 the hospi -
lal wilh ulcers and wakes up in 2173 ,
disguises himse l( <IS a robot, and is sold
1962 MOM ( h<ll ~· )
to Diane Keaton. loIS of great g;.lgs ,lI1d
props arc used in this inventive sc ience-
OtMCTOP.: Sergio Clrhucci
SCP.EEHWPJTEM: Adri;mo Bol!onl,
fi ction comedy. Too bad Allen d idn't
anticipate how it would 1(X)k on tele - I
Bruno C orbU CC I, G iovanni O rimilldi vision . An oft en v isible boom m ike at
0«.1G1NAU.'t' kElEASlO Al:
/1 Fig/II) dJ Sp.erruou
Son (If S/XlrwclO S
the top of Ihe screen is verydisrrac ling. I
Steve Reeves as Randus, son of Sparta-
eus, leads a slave re volt in 48 H.C . The
t'v il G rasslls dies when mohen gold is
poured on his face. W ith Gianna Maria
1%4 Hansen Enterprises (B&W)
Ca na le. H.QOUCEP.: Joseph F. Rohcrfson
Robert l'lutton
KP.EENWPJTI~: Villlce Sk"rsr.. dr
One solid hour of laughs as prehistoric I
cre<llures resembling ro tten vegetables
emerge from a sewe r and take over Los
Angeles. The mon sters "from the bow-
els of the Earth" terrorize the tin y cast
led by hero/director Robert Hulto n .
1977 New Lin .. (Italy) With Susan H art, Les Tremayne, and
PP.OOOCEP.: LUCiano M :lrtIllO
DIP.ECTOP.: Semll) Manino
Tom Laughlin . I
OP.J61NAU.'t' MlLUEO Al :
Jl M (fIlt(IgIUl dl DIQ
5mey Keach 1ll' lps dw always sex~' Ur-
sula Andress search for her lnst hus-
1978 Fahrrak
h;md in the New Guinea jung le. Aft er '~ODUCEr..s: Sterhen T r;lxler,
sur viving many peri ls (i ncluding a giant 1';1\.1F:,".an I
python ), they d iscover the lost man , D'MCTO~/K"EEHW"ITER: St.. phen Traxler
dead and now worshiped as a deit)· by
a canni ba l [rilx', In a scene latt'r reere-
AUO IIEl.EAS(O Al: SpaUll of W S /Jdus
A '50s-style scaly mo nster, a produCl
ated in Urs ula'sone-lime husband John
Derek 's Tall'an movie, she's stripped
of nuclear pollulion , auacks people in
Venice, C alifornia. A good indepen-
and pa inted by the natives in prepara- dent projec t with a fun publicilY cam-
tion fur a ce remon~' thai never happens. paign. Free Slithis survival kits were I
John and Bo must have swdied Ihis me- given our at theaters and you could sign
diocre ad vent ure for inspira tion . W ilh up for the Slithis fan dub and receive a I
H elmut Berger. (R) free photo.
640 I
Can hy Hwe~lIg.IIC~. Fur;c W(, ln on 10
SLU,IIfJER PAR1Y AIASSACRE d lTeCl The 'tx."rl.'ss Fill! an,l /...(uI::-- SUI!!'
198Z New W"rld PlClurl'~
"'OOUC[~: Am) J,>n...s, the Bllles.
A :mll1 Llr~la.h
OIk£.CTOI\: Am) J UI1<,'S SNAPSH07, Sec nit: /JIll'
KP.E[NW'-rto.: Rit a t-.he Brolnl AFTER HALLOWEEN.
A :.hort (77 ' l1lmutc), h UIllOwus. ;mJ
l!ory no·fnlls ~ 1asher movie. A group THE SNIPER
of high school )!lrI bllskerball players 19S1Columf-ol<l (B&W)
(:md a fl'w awkward male crashers) are ""ODUCEI\: Stanl.::y Kr.1m.::r
,l\IackcJ at ,,~lumher parry hy a dClllen- OIMOOl\: Edw;or,\ Dlllytryk
ted .looking. w idr ,c)'l,(\ killer with 1I r or - KI\UHWI\nEI\: Harry Bn''''l1
tahle pOW!..'T drill. The guy just shows Anhur Fmm rlays (I h(lllllcidaimaniac
liP; there's Iln lime wasted o n P;lst who 1ll1lTd":TS women. I-k rC<lkc~ his
cvcnb , rt.'ven).!:l' riot s. or ro1iec. The probkm ,mJ sceks hdp. With Adolphe UI'151517R I! is final
scn pt by fcminbt nllveli~1 Rita Mac M enjol!, Ger~, id M()hr , <I"d M a ri e exam 1I11l1' on ,ol!.:!: ... «Im-
Windsor. See Tar,i(el.~ :lI1d Th<! Deadly Imst.'s acrms the cuunlry,
Br,lwn (Rllb)'fTuit jHlIgld Ill ilkes the SIl4l:lenH are o.:w/Jlfd Willi
clWrflctCTS a bit Illllfe human ,h;m the Tower fur more (,j the sa me. It was
pas.lIl\!! grudes lind Iun'<'
lIsual srupid. dru~ed,ollt losers f('<Irured Dnwrryk·s first fIllll ~ince 1947 when h..: link 11m.. fnr an)'lhmg ..15<'
in IllI)S! of thC~l' films. and p:mxlies the wa~ nr::mdL-J one (,f the Hollyw(){X\ Ten . In Ihl5 rase. (In.,.thmg dse
cliches without sacrifIC ing the pace or is JU5! the ,,\'<'1(1g<' mrJUSle1
eXC itement. A cla~ i c of its kmd. \Vith THE SNORKEL mHfuf<1u·<1lk./,Jffu
MlChl'le Michael, and Robin Sulk-. (R I 19,8 H<luum·r (En!!l.m,11 (B&\'(.'l lillie moT<' !han <1 ~fWlld
",OOU(E": Mj(h~d c',rr"r,,, glance frum IheSt.' lUX)
OIMCTOI\: G\I) G r~c n UlIIl.'1}I1), of Nehr<l5lw
1968Col\11111' I.1 ( ~'I CXlCrJU.S.) KUEfNnJT(IU: P.::!cr MI'::I", Jllmll~' S:n1!!'!Cr 5uukllt5. The mtJ1\5I<'T. <I

""OOUCo.s: LUI' Enrlqu~' V~rl:ar.'. Peln Van Eyck ~tars a~ a ""f(' k, lIer III S lllll1~. U'tlS III tOU"ll II)
JU:Ul Ih:llk: a nmnkr m y~t el)' mad~ hy H ;ml11lt.'T JuSI
DIUCTOf.S/Kk.EE~nw : Jack HIlL
J. ll--:lik:
OIUGIMAllY MLEAYD AS: /..(1 z\·llI,·rle VIl·It.'Tlle
ALSO MLEASEO AS : Is!.: "f tfu> SndL: !'e"lk
130m Karl uff I ~ [hmballah . a \"(xxioo
CUltl~ ' <)Il an I~lam\. 11\ one oi th..: four
Ljlllcki(' llll)\" i('s he shot scen('s fm in
L.A. ~hortly before hb de'lI h. With
zumbies. an ('viI tlwari. and Ka hlea, the
n:rtile woman.


\961 Unll.::d Arll~I' (En~bnl\)
PI\ODUCEI\: O,'ml:':: F,lw \cr
DII'.tOOl\: SiJ n,')" J Fum:
SCl\E[N\ln.ITEI\: O rvilk H . Halllplllll
On ,hc m l)O TS dunn!! the 19th centur)'
Su......1Il Traver~ kilb by turning herse lf
101\) II dC;lJly cobra. It's all becausc her
fathe r m j('ch.'<.\ her morhe r with ",n ake
venom. ScOl\.md Yard m a ll John Mc-

before t he (ompan}' neg,1Il to concen-
BI{)S,\,()!l1 Ro( k, but not cnough insults
trate nn horror. \Vith B.: n a S I. John .
and eYI.'-gougings. It was a hox-office
1954 United AH1~t~ (8&\'(!)
!>C1\£[NWMr[I\; M}' le~ \"(' ild,'r 1977 TV
A norll('r InCpt felture hy Bi lly \Vl ld('r's " OOOC(A: Wrlfrd Lloyd B.'lIlIncs
hrodwr. A n abo.lllllnabk· ~ nowrnan (a 011\£0011: Hcrh Wallcrsrt'in
tall Illan wearing ~l· WIl -{ogl·t h cr furs SCI\£ENWAITU: JOM'ph
cm'erl ng e\'er~' t hing hur Ill s (,ICc) IS A Jail's mspircd ahomi nahlc -snowrna n
hrought to Lo~ Angeles and e~ap('~! TV·movie, Thl· beast terro rizes a s k i
With Paul Langton and Ll'sl il~ DenlMlI1. (C.)()ff. Bo Svenson plays husb,md to

It W:lS rhe first and poss ihl y rhe wnr~t Y\"clle Mlillieux. whoencoun rered scar-
ahominabJ.: sn o wman film. ier crcllrurcs in The Time Machine. With
S~'lv l a Sydney and Clint Wa lker. Yo u
SNOW DMIONS, See SNOW nC\"l·r even ge t to see the m onster.
1965 MG~'1 (Italy)
PI\ODUCEM: Joseph h~d.
AntoniO Margheml SNUFF
OII\£OOA: Anronro Marght'TIII
(Anthony Dawson) 19i6 Sclect......1 Picture... (Ar~,'l'mi na/U.S.)
OlruOOI\: AII .. n Shackerrnn
!>CAUN\IIkITEM : Ch;ITI ...~ Smchllr.
\'(lllll~m Fmgt'{. I. Rl·m ...r, ~loretll Mmhld CUTlOSlty u k ks millio n s into
OI\IGINAllY mwm ~: 11Ji,1I"'/, dcllo Spu,UJ paymg to $t.'e dull unco n v incing film !
ALSO I\£~O 00.$: Snou DemOll! lmtl· film rl'Vlewers provide maximum
Explo rers Gmcomo Ros~i-S cuart (Jack puhllclty hy condemning phony movie!
Stuart) a nd Omhrctt:l Colli (Amber T.. c kl·d on to a 1971 Argentinia n pic-
Coll ins) <lisClI\'er hUIll:lnoiJ surVIVor, lUre called Slwll{hre-r was a new, badl y
of the pbnl·t Arti:l ( .. l:-ol11lnahl(, ~1l1)W­ do. 1111.' sequellce III which a ....,oman. hired
tIll·n). Vcr}' horing. to act In a m ovie. is shovm be ing cu r
apan. Th ...• hadly dllll(' special cf(en s
SNOW WHITE AND THE fOl.lled no (lIle exC<..·pt revil·.....ers whl)
THREE STOOGES hlldn'[ l·vcn watched till' filrn . Patrons

1961 20th C ... ntllrr.F"x were taught nllt to hcli('ve what they
PAODUCH: Chd rlC~ Wick ((' (lJ If) the papers. Snuff ended up sec-

DlruOOk: \Valrer Lang (' n<l-b dl ed to The Sliliher with Farley

KA££NWAITEIIS; NOl·1 Lan gle}', Grllnger, hlll is now :l favor ite of sick
Elwo<>d Ullman vid(·I)(asselt{' collectors. (Xl
Larry. Mo(', and Curly Joe arc tr<ln' l_
ing puppett:l'rs who' \'(' adupl ed Prince
Charmi ng In th is sappy wrsion of (Ill' 1973 Cenrronl C$
Grimm f:my t:lle. P:ltricia Medilla r~ PAOOUC[I\IOIII£OOk: 1 l arry Thom a!;()n
the witl"h / qucen . Gill Rolfe Is her KIIl £N\IIl\lTU: MilTSha l Rigga n
advisor. Sbt ing star Carol HeiSS b A dlsturhed woman ( Lori Saunders) is
Snow White. With Rudd y Baer and being dTlven insa ne (again ) b}':l pho n y

app,ariuo n a nd DcanJaID:er. Pretty use- and his army of beatlfiful female robots
k ~ axe-murder c heapness b)· the mak- try 10 conquer the world. With Oali;Jh
er~ ()f EnCOllllh_'TS with the Unlmou/fl. La"i. Sydne Rome . Vanessa Howard,
and gue~t smr R,)ocrt Morley.


1972 ~hgna (U.S.S. R. ) SAIGON, SOI'IE AlA Y LIVE.
OIN:CTOf.: And rei T arko\'sky
K P.E[NWNttP.S: Andrei Tarkovsk ~·,
Excellent 2 hour and 45 rninutl~ long DOOR
Soviet science-fict ion epic based on a 197 1 A\'eo Emh.'\ssy (Fmnce/Engl:m.J)
~OOUCE": Raymond D;lIw n
n.wcl by Stanislaw Lem. Asuoilauts on
OIP.ECTO": Nicolas Ge ~ncr
an " lien planet arc confron ted hy illu- SOlEHWM'{IU: J~cq\les Roi'l,rt . Marc Ikhm,
sions from their subconsc io us memo- N icholas Gessner. Lor,'m,' Venta\'o h
ries. Better th .. n 2OCll. Mad br;lin surgeon Anthony Perkins
takes homt· ,unnesia victim C harles
SOUiSURVIVOR BronMln and r('pro~ram s his memory so
1970 TV he'll kill Perkins' wife Jillircland. Per-
P~OOUCE~: Willt~r Burr kins is his usual nervo us, nigh!y se lf
OII'.ECTO~: Paul S •. mlq- but set'ing Bronson act like a disori -
K~[(HWM'{~: Gut:Td'lIl Tru.:-hlnoJ ented zombie is pretty s trang~ .
A gcncm l (Rich;ud B;,sehart) re£urns
10 the Libyan sife of a World War II SOMEONE IS IfIATCfllNGAIE
air crash he survived. The ghosts of thc 1978 TV
crew memhcrs ;lppear and accuse him P'.QOUC£'-: Ann" Cottll'
of desertion. With Vmce Edwards. Wil- OIP.ECTOII..IK~E£N\\I"'fElI.: J,,hn Carrell! CT
ham Sh ;ltner. and Pau ick Wayne. A Peeping Tom with a telescnpe h as
bugged L"1uTl'n Hutton's high -rise apart -
SOAIE CALL ITLOVING ment and terrOrizes her with phone
1973 CI ne Gloh: c;Jils. Nobody bclie "e~ her hut frie nd
",OOUC[.JOIP.ECTOf./K UENWmU: Ad rienne Barbeau. who fries to help.
J ilme~ B. I bTTls A superior made-for-TV thriller with
Jazz musician Zalman King buys a slecp- MlIllC o hvio us simiiariti('s to Rellr \'(Im -
ing beauty (Tisa Farrow) from a SCl--<iy dow. With David Birney.
c arnival. A s tran~e fantasy with a
drugged -oUl Richard Pryor and a bald SOAIETHING EVIL
nun. By the di rector of The Bedford /11- 1972 TV
eidem. (R) PkOOUCE"; AL:m Jay Factur
DIP.ECTO"; Steven Sl'\clh..:rg
KU[HWl\JT£k : Rohcrt C lousc
SOAIE GIRLS DO Slmdy Dennis. Darren McGavlIl. and
1969 Unlt.:-d ArtistS (Enginndl their kids rHove into a possessed Penn -
~OOUC[": Betty E. Box
sylvania filTlnhou~ . Their son IS J ohnn~'
OIIUCTOf.: RlIlrh Thomas
K IUEN\\IIUTtIU: l}.l vid Osbo rn ,
Whittak~r (Jody on Fallul), Affair). This
Ll <: Chllrl es, Wlll l ~ ms early Spic1herg effort shares some ~ Imi ­
R ichard Johnson re!Urns as the space- laritks wi th hi S bter produc tion, Polrer-
'I~e Bulldog Drummond. Ja1ll c~ V illiers Reist. Wi d, Jeff Cure),. Ralph Bellamy,

and, in bit parts, AlP regu lar Bruno SOJIEWHERE IN TIME
Ve Sota and the di rector himself. 1980 Unt\'ersal
H.ODOCE~: Stephen Deutsch
DIN:CTOk: Jea~not Srwarc
SOJIETHING IS Ol/r THERE, KN:ENw,"rJ[~: RIChard Matheson
See DAY OF THE ANMIALS. Playwright C hristopher Reeve is tra ns-
ported I/U O the pa:.t It) be with his rrue
love, ~tage actress Jane Sl'ymour. A ro-
mall1ic fant asy that, despite The pres-
SOJIETHING WAITS IN THE ence of SUp" rman and some critical
DARK, SeeSCREMfERS. accla un , was ignorl.'d hy the paying
l1l11viegu('rs of America. It went o n to
become a ~ ma sh hit in Japan, however.
SOJfETHING WEIRD WiTh Ch ri ~fl)phcr PluTI1mer. Music by
1966 Mayflower J<)hn Barry. -BM
MODUCEA/KN:ENWkITt~: James F. Hurley
DIN:CTOf.: Herschel! Gordon Lewis SON OF BLOB
A love story aoout an ugl y witch restor- 1972 Jack Harris Enterprises
ing the handsome face of a man scarred AAODUCE~: Amhony Harris
in a high-tension-wire accident. The DIN:CTO~: Larry Hagman

accident gave him extrasensory percep- ~: Jack Woods, Anthony Harris

tion and the power of telekinesis. He AUO ~ElEAStD AS: Beu'l1re! The Blob
becomes a fam ous fortune-telIer and Some smartass recently re-released this
goes to Ch icago to help IXJlice solve a comedy sequel as "the movie l.R. shot!"
crime. One of Lewis' obsc ure non-hit That's right , Larry Hagman actually di-
horror movies. rected and has a bit part as a hooo con-
sumed by the blob. As in the origi nal ,
a teen couple (Robert Walker, Jr., and
Gwynne Gilford) are the ones who warn
the town, but it's not the '50s anymore
and even the prescnce of guest stars as
victtms doesn't help much. Godfrey
Camhridge stam the stoT)' by acciden -
tally drinking part of the blob. He's
eaten from the inside out. The pulsat-
ing, featureless creature next invades a
party and a oowling alley. elrol Lynley,
Shell~' Berman, and Burgess Meredith
(as Hagman's companion) also show up
as blob food. With C indy Will iams.


J9S I Columbia
Seymour Friedman
KMENWM"E~ : Edward Heubsch
A s the son, Louis Haywa rd sets out to
prove Dad was no killer, but then he
becomes one himself. Horror fi lms were

not fashllmable in 1951. Thl ~ nne'~ a weather gun , lu,es hi, wife (NilIlCY
prl" 'vreM rai ne.. l. It turns (Ili t thl1 t Hay- O lson) . and I' taken rncuUT[ by Kcenan
wan! on ly .1JUiRlJlI.'S , hrlt he becolll(,s Mr. \'(/ ynn. Protege Tommy Kirk \\'cnt on
H yde. With Ak'xanJcr Knl )x and Jody 10 star 111 Th(' MlSlWI't'lIf11res of Mer/Ill
Llwrcnc('. j()lIKS. With EJ Wynn, C harlie Ru~lcs.
William Del1la rest. Paul Lyn,]e, an,]
1943 Univnsal (B&W)
PI\OOOC[~ Furd Bl'the
DtAECTOII: Rohert S u)(lm;lk SON OF FRANKENS11:lN
KkI(H'o.VNl'E~ Ene Taylur 1939 Un i,'ers,,] (l3&W)
A neglected hIgh light of U nl \'C rsal '~ PI\OPUCEI\/ PIII£CTOII: H,,,w\anJ V. Lee
hurror ye:lrs stars Lon Chaney. Jr. , as KI\£ENW'I\JTE~: Willi, Cooper
Count Al1.Icar..! (th(' backward -~r)t~lle..! B;ISII Rathbonc ~tars a~ Wolf III th l'last
na me was copied ma ny times in infe - of Ihe KarlofflFrankenstein Irilog~'. I-Ie
rior movics). H e goes to LOlll~i:ma ;md re\'i\'e~ h is f~lIher's creation. mut(' agam
recruits dl(' willi ng Lou ise Allhrilion and with a new furry \' ... ~t. &,la Lugosi
as his vampir(' bride. Robert P,lIge I~ s h=l1 l~ the show a~ Igor, the ven,rzdu l
her cu n(u ~ed ex-boyfrie nd , Evelyn shepherd ,,,ho uses the IHonst ... r to kill
Ankers her sister. Chrmq' Ci'ln Him into mcmbcr~ of the jUl)' who :.elllenced hi m
m ist or a hi'lt m th is anno~pheric one- 10 hang. A~ inspector Krogh. Lionel
shot, which makes no attempl tl) lIe It) Atwi ll I,)scs his arm to the lIlomter.
with , he other Univ(·n,al Dracula films. Tlw "(ril'nd]y gi;1I)t" kidnar~ \'(,Inl('- llt-
No son of Dracula I~ irl\'lllved. do: hoy tn insu re cuuper:lI ion. A ll the
Wb ar,' twiste"! and photographo:d with
SON OF DRACULA ~ trong ~had ()ws, m,lking If a lllllque film
1974 CII)CUlallOn (Enl! t il look at. :i' Iwll as the last in Uni-
PI\ODUC£I\; Rm~... ) Starr vo: r,i'll', Franken'tein sc ric~ to make
DtP.ECTOA: Frl'\kl>e FranCis milch 'ense. Lugllsi reHlmed as Igor in
K~[HWlUT(A: Ja y E urh;mh Thl.' Ghos/ of Fmnkrns{('IIl. hut withou t
Ringo's horror-c(,medy flop sta rs ] b rry Karlo(f, tho: mon'leT hecame a stum-
Ni l5StJnasCount Down. sonufDr.Jcula. hlm,rz cliche.
Pn'ny funny so (rlr. Ringo is Mcrlin the
Ma,rzician. AlSo.) with Dennis Priet, as
Van I-leising, dead rock drutnme., Kl'ith SON OF GO/JZILLA
Moon and John 13unll.ull. i'lnJ du' srill 1968 f"h" fA IP-T V U:lr;m )
living Peter Frampron. !t premkred in PI\ODUCU: T"mo~'ukl Tanilb
Atlanta. OII\£CTOI\: Jun Fukll.].1
KHENWI\I TEM: Shmllhl S\.,kix:lII'il,
OI\IGI NALL Y RELEA1ED AS: C; u(./:(,lIu 1101 M1l5liko
196113ucna VI ~ la (B&W)
Pfioooco.: Wah [)Isn('y An el!}! hatc hes and out comes a c ute
DttlECTOII: Rul~rt Stev<:n~on little dm m dur. Mmya. Godzilla is a
KI\£EHWAll'EIU: Bill Wabh. Don IJ" Gradl ~h('!! M llm( !) prOTeCts tho: n ... w kid from
Fred Mac Murray return, in his Absenl- :I ~lilnr ~ r"Jcr ;111.1 giant pf<lyl ng man-
Minded Professor ro le. heirs the Med - ti:.cs. Thq h.",h gil intu hihernation
field foothall team win with "flublxr- m the ~now. The m(l~l Juve1l1k" C(lllli-
gas," breaks all the glass in town wilh c,,1 God:ilb IIlOvic 10 th.1t [11110:.

Thts inSlant, hghT-Ill'artl'd :.l'qtu:1 to
King Ku'W. was made tn a rush, o n hal(
thc original's budget. Ca rl Dl'nham
(Roher( Annstmng) flees the mins of
mldWwn Manhattan and heath hack
(0 Skull bbnd. T he crew mu tinies and

set:. Dcnlwm, the carlain, thl' Ch inese

cook. and a ~to waway ci rcus gi rl (rom
Java (I-tell'n Mack) adrift in a rowhoat.
TIley tind a sma ller. (riendly white go_
rilla slUck in quicksand. It was nowhe re
neaT the hit the original KOl1g wa~, seal-
ing the (ate o( animated fantasics for
yea rso With Frank RCicher. No ble
Joh nson. and Victor Wong (rom the
earl ier tilm. The specia l effects W<:'Te
aga in by Willis O 'Brien and the music
by Max Steiner. Merian C. Cooper was
executive producer.

1960 Mt'J~lhon (Fr.mceJlral ylYugoo!a\·i:l )
PflODUCl~: Enna nd.l Duna ti.
From Son o ( In~agl, an SON OF INGAGI
early all-bla.... k hlJJTOT film. LUIj;! I Carpen nen
1940 Sack Amusement (B&\V) OtREClOf.: C:ulo Campogalhani
PkODUCo./ OtR£CTOk: R 1Ch~rJ C. K:lhn SCJ1.[[NWJ1.lT£k: Ort'5Te Bloncoll
KkHNWArT[k: Srenc~'r Wllham~, Jr. OklGt NAUY RElEAS£O Al: Macisre Ndln Vulle
Inga,e:i, a 1930 roadshow h it , \\',IS a del R..
phony "A(rican documen tdr)''' (cawr- Mark Fore:.t a~ Macrste (son of Sarnson )
mg an apc carrying around (Upl e~~ na- fights an eVil queen and leads a s!a\'c
(I\'e women. Its SUC CCS5 leJ to many rcvolt. The America n muscleman For-
imitaTions. T his totally unrelat .... d film est phryed Maciste m a hal(-do:en ital-
(earure~ ,I n all-black cast ,md b al"l)ut ian q uickie~. By the time the films got
love-starwd apt'man Ingeena (Zdck to America. Maostl' always had a new
Wilkllns) who kidnaps a bn de and Tnkcs name (Hercu ll's, Samson, Golia th .
her to his hasemcnt labo ratory. h 's Fr .... d. etc. ).
de~crihed as a mys'ery-con1l.·d~'. Laura
Bowman, Alfred GranT , and Spl'ncer SONOFSINBAD
\Vill iams star with rhe Four Toppers. 1953 RKO {' ·D)
Williams (who wrote ,he stury) lat er P~ODUC£k: Rubert Sparks
played Andy on The Amos ' r!' And) DJ~[CTO~: T cd Tl'r:bff
Shuw. K~HNWJ1.tTU: Auhrey Wi, berg.
Jack I'nl1l xfen

SON OF KONG AlSO J1.El£A.S(D AS: NIghts U] II HaTt"l11

J9JJ RKO (B&W) Howard Ilughcs presenrs Si nbad (Dale
ASSOCJATr PflODUC£k: Arch,l'" M:lr<hl'k Robcrt~on) all,J his comica l ~iJe kick
DIRECTOJ1.: Ernest B. Sch"",,'(ba..:k O mar Khayyam (Vincent Price) bat-
KREENWMrEk: R uth Ro$C tling the ()rr ~' thieves. In typical Hughes

fashion thl' thi\' ves ,He :Ill t-.e'lIItifu! cverythmg he dOt.'s. TI)e c1dnly woman
WOllll'n ami thl'y're III "Super~orc"! gets carri eJ away with the vi Glri,)uS
The veik'd Irwd les include Sa lly Fur- thTll l~ and wlll~ the mud ZOl1 1bil' lo steal
rest, {,)rmer Snipfl'a.scr Li li 5 1- Cyr, and and murder. Filmed in London. With
MolTi Bbnchard. Kim Novak is :llso iI' Susan Genr~e (S traw Dogs).
rh(' re sllmewhcre. HII/.:hes hl'ld up the
rell'ase for two ~'ea rs, leumg it get fl SORORI1YGIRL
reputaTion as OJ "hot" fil m . A grou p of 1957 AIP(B&W)
sexy "Sinhadl,tte.~" toured The cutrm ry Pf.ODUC[k IDlkE(lOk: R"~l'r Cl)f!nan
by tralll promoti ng i l. The movIe W<l~ !oCk[[H\VM"[M: EJ W'II.·r".
JUSt a pat hetic way for H u~lll's to kl'l'P LOll L ! elx'rl1l~n
hl ~ pmmises tn;ln enJ Il'ss !me of you n /.: They're " RICh, smart, pretty- and all
slarleb. had!"' prolllise the ;Ids. Sahra, Tina, :lnd
I{ila arc yuur gll lde~ 10 the dark sid(' of
SON OF SPARTICUS, See sistnhood - where hair-pulling, pad-
THE SLA VE. J ll n/.:, ;lml hlackmall are the favored
p:Istim~. Witness their "shock hy shuc k
THE SONGOFBERNADE7TE cunfessium!" ReJectl'd pledgc Susiln
1943lOI hCemur)"· Fn~ (B&W) a lOOt I-'t'ts rcvenh'C hy m in ing other girls
PkODucn: Wililillll Pt'rllx-rg with Hlmn r!; :lnd innuenJ". l3arootlT;:1
DIIUCTOk: Henry Kmg Murris, Jun e Kennq, a nd Oick Miller
~II.[EHWkm:r\ : Gcor~e S,'aflln a lso star. Originally rck'aseJ 011 a dnll-
As a French I!Irl in 1858, Jen- hk' hill with MOfarcyde GmlR. -en
nifer Jones sees a vision of the Virgin
Mary (Lindil [)<lrnc\1). As rhe pmsec u- SOULS FOR SALE, Sec
tor wl1() n ies w h<lve hcr put in an CONFESSIONS OF AN
il~ylum, Vince nt Pnce gets cancer. Thc OPlUJI EATER.
ca st incl udes Lee J. Cobh , G lad ys
Cooper, Sig Rurmm, Jerome Cow,m, SOUND OF HORROR
Ala n N;lpier, Edward Va n , Fritz 1964 Euror.x (Srllln)
Lelher, D ickie Mno re, and many, rnan y PkOOU(£k: Gregt'T) SlcchTlSl1iln
others. DlkECTOk: Just Amonio Nievc ~ Conde
!oCkEEN"lVM"EIU: S:m·X·Ai-,u ll:mc1.

THE SORCERERS Gr<'I-")I)' SwcilTl)tian

1967 Tignn/ Allied Artists (EngLmd) A preh lstoTic dl1lt)s:lllr mllkes a lot of
P1'.ODUCEM:Pll1 rrck CU rl IS, noise and kills people but the da mned
Ton v T en",'r thing's inVISible. Soled:ld MIranda and
DIk[CTOk: MICh:.'" Rt't'\'cs ingrid Piu run for , hl'ir lives. il plarcd
!oCkE[~: Mic h:leI Rl'CVCS. Torn &!kc r here With Kill Bilby Kil! .
T wenry-three-year-old M ic h ,lcI Reeves
dirccts 70-year-o ld Bori s Karloff il S SOYLENT GREEN
P rofessor Monserrat in an rn teresting 1973 MGM
t ~ll e of mind contro l. Boris ;md h is wife Walter Sdt:er, Rll.sel Thntcher
(Cathe rine Lacy) offer a new p~yche ­ DlkECTOk: Richard Flcl>c hcr
delic eX pl'rience to a bored swi nging ~k[{NWkJTEk: S",nky R. Greenb... r~

young Londoner (Ian Ogi lvy). Us in ~ a [n lO22 New Yllrk C l t~' ,,~ 111 retilly had
rnesmcTllin,e lig]" mach ine , they gain ShHPC ami a nosy cop (Charlrnn Hcs-
tot:11 control of hil1"1 and c an c Xpl'flence hlll In hi s fllllnh cnJ-of-the -worlJ

movie in fi ve re,lrs) dl .!oCtlVCh that the SPACE ,II/SSION OF THE
overcrowdcJ po pulace ha:. heen fed Itr-
d e squa res of dead peopll' for Yl'ar:.. EJ-
ward G. Ro binSl.ln ( in hiS la!>t ro le ) b a
police researcher fr iend whl)M: ue,lth
le;.ds Charlto n to dl(' awful muh. \Vuh SPACE ,I/ONSTER
1%; AlP-TV (B&W)
Leigh Taylor- Yo ung as a pI('ce O{fU TnI -
l'M>Oucu: Bun T0ppt.'r
{lire , Joseph Conon, Chuck Connor-,
DI,-£(lO"'K~[EHW~IT£~; Le.... n,l rd Kal~l n .. n
Brock Peters. Whit Bisse ll, ,IOU Mike
H enry. Franci ne York (CurS<.' 0/ the SumnpCre(l_
tlIre) and RuS!> IX'mll'r find rheir rocket-
ship in a fis h tank conta in ing cr<.bs.
THE SPACE CHILDREN They meet a sp<lccman with an e XIX)St'd
1958 Paramounr (B&W ) hrain left {wcr from The Wf,<:ard IIIMan.
P~ODUCU.: William AILmd Ama:ing.
DtMCTO~: J~ck Arnold
K"£ENW"If[II.; Bcmard C. Sc h n~l1(cld
An a lien brai n in a cave li St'S men ta l GORDON.
tl'iepathy to help the c hildren of roc k(,t -
base personnel SlOp the launc hi ng of a
nllclear warhead. The kids include lit - SPACE SOLDIERS CONQUER
tle Johnny Crawford (The Rijk'lJltm) and UIE UNIVERSE, See FLASH
Sand~' Dcscher. The adults headi ng for GORDON CONQUERS THE
destrUCT io n include Jack ie Coogan and UNIVERSE.
Rus:.dl Jo h nson.
1957 10th Cenrury·Fox (B&W)
~oouc£'-: Ikrnard G laS&'r SPACESHIP TO THE
DIMCtO"; Ed"'~,mJ Bemds UNKNOWN, See
KM£MVfJT[II.S: George Worth ing Yates, FLASH GORDON.
Daniel Mainwaring
An alien fungus brought back by a space SPACEWAYS
probe is mixed with blood and becomes 1953 H ,mmcr-Llppcrt
deadly " blood rust." If th:11 doesn't (England) (B&W)
tempt yo u, ho w a bout Moe Ho ward PkODUC£k: MIChael C meras
playing a cabdriver in a serious film? DlkECTO"; Terence Fisher
The Stooges' contract for making sho rts KkEENW~IT£II.S: P<lllJ Tabo n.

had just expired, so Moe did thi s rare Ricll(l rd Landau

solo appeara nce before rcturning with A science fi c tion/murder mystery based
Larry and a new Corly in H (J1."e RockcI, o n a radio show. A scie ntist (American
Will Trat-·d . Bill Willi ams, Paul Freb, actor Ho ward Duff) is acc used of mur-
T ho mas B. H enry, and others m:magcd dering his wife and her lover and send-
tD ge t be tter billing t han rh e agi ng ing their bodies up in a n o rbi ting
comedian. satellite. To provc h is innocence he has
[0 go up in a rockership to bring bac k
[he satellite. It's smmge to hear charac -
SPACE AIEN, See ters wo rryi ng that English me n might
ASSIGNAlENTOUTER SPlICE. not be the first to conquer sp.1ce. Wi th

Eva &arlOk and footage from RUC/uoflhifJ Brett Halsey competes in events on the
X·M. Amencan sportscar ci rcliit. Meanwhile
police Ix)re Dvcr tire tmcks left at the
SPA If/N OF THE SLITHIS.. scene of the cri me. The au tho rit ies
See SLiTHIS. come arllund Ilist as Brett is aboUi 10
run new employer Ch:ules Wilcox off
SPECTRE the track (or steali ng his girl. W ith
!977TV Yvonne Lime, Regina G leason, and
~ooucr~ Gordon L T. Scuu Slick Sktvin-who sings the tit le song.
DIM:CT~:Clive Donner -CB
KI'([~IT[M: Gent' Roodl·nl~rry.
Sarnuel B. Peeble~
Robert Culp as a crimi nologist and G ig [968 ]l,tnCO
Young as his alcoholic ,klCtor partneT PI\OOUC£I\/ OtI\ECTOl\/ scA£ENWAlTEI\:
go to an English mansion owned by WIII"llll McGaha
John Hun. T hl' inhahi tants, one of A track mechanic's you ng son decides
whum is ac tually a green liz,ITd man. to become a stock-ca r drive r after
(0111) ..... Druid priem. Lots of kink y sex watch ing real-l ife champ Fred Loremen
is im plied by having modcl~ dresM:d as tear up [tacks in Atl:'lnta, Riverside,
little girls. a dominatrix, ('Ie. Another Chari()fte, Darli ngton , and Daytona
unsold pilot film from s[Ory provider and Beach. TheclSt inclUlk-s D.wid Marcus,
executivc producer Genc Roddenberry. Peggy O ·Hara . Glenda Brunson, and
11 was Young's last English language the director ; Billy Lee Riley si ngs the
feawre. title !!>lmg. - CB


1974 Cin('rarna 1968MGM
~ooucuJD!U:CT~/KA£[NWIIJf(I\; ~ucu,: DOllgl;u Lawr.. nce
Muh)' Quamlpr OtI\EaOI\; Norman Ta"!'()~
Cesar Romero ., tars ,IS the owner of an KI\EENWl\tl£l\: Phil ip Skuken
asrlum with a smlkc pi t and tort ure de- Steve Grayson (El"b), a stock-car rac-
vices in the hasement. Edg~lr Albn Poe mg champ, is in [touhlc with the IRS,
(R\llx'n Walker. Jr.) brings his heloved which sends i'lgen t Susan Jacks (NlITlCY
Lenore 10 ~ta}' there and ends up go- Sinatm) to collect. They fall in lo\'e.
mg mad himself. C arol Ohmart is ,m Bi ]] Bixby is Elvis' m:mager. Wit h Ga le
axe murJeress. With Torn Drake. Prl'tt)' Gordon and Ca rl Ballantin e. Elvis
had mdependent featu re by the multi · and/or Nancy Slllg: "He's Your U ncle,
talented Mr. Q. Not Ynur Dacl." "YnllT Groovy Self,"
"T here Ain't Nothing like a Song,"
SPEED CRAZY and three others.
1959 Allied Anisl. (B&W)
~ODUC£I\: Richard Ikmstem
OIIl.£CTOI\; Wilham Hull'. Jr. THE SPELL
KI\E£NWl\lTEI'i5: Rid1.lrd &~TIl ~te in, 1977 TV
G ...... ,Tj;!<' \Vat<'rs PI\OOVC[~ DavI<1Manson
TIle ads promis;.'d : "Jet-h(n thnlls!" A~ Otl\Ea~; Lo:e Ph,I'I'lS
till' killer \If" g:as st,lfilln ancmhmt, KI\EENWI\IUI\: Brian Taggcn

As til(' ads lell you. th i ~ movie is ahout TflESPIDER
"A raumed o\'l'rweigln tee nager with J9S8AIP(B&W)
a m yS terious power to de~ lr o)' h er PMlDOCWDII\lCTOP.: Ben I. Gordon
enemies!" A CUTTie fm television With KI\[[NWI\If(JU: Lasz lo G.~rog,
Susan M)'ers turning on hl' r ronnenlt1rs Gct)r~c Woublllg Yates
and evcmually o n mother Lel' Gram AUO Ul1MED M: EdTZh t 'S. rhe Sp.der
(The Omell). The samc T V sea ~on TIle ads warned: "It lIlust cat ~·ou to
pnwidl>d more cheap psych ic ho rmr In live!" A high schCXlI biology reac her
The Possessed and Goot:! ARuillsr ElJi/. ,I
nnds "dead" giant spide r and puts it
in the gym. TIle music of the band pmc.
rici ng for Ihe prom wakes up the mono
SPELL OF lHE HYPN071ST ster. It hares roc k 'n' ro ll and decides
19'56 ExploH<ltlon Prudll<::l lons (B&W) to stomp the town and turn the c iti .
~oDuco./DIRECTOR: W. Lee W, Ida zens infO dried· up corpses! Two teens
KR[[NWRITo.: Myles Wilder get stuck in a spiderweb in" cave . Wi ll
AlSO RElEASED M: Fnglu they be rescued! Wow! With J une
From the ads: "One murde r commi r. Kenney, Edwa rd Kremer. Gene Roth ,
ted rwice-a century apart!" Nancy and Mickey Finn. O rigina lly co.billed
Malone misses her flight (Ilr London, with The Bmill Eaters.
having gotten stulk in a traffic jilm
caused hy crimin,l] psychopalh Frilnk S PIDER BABY
Marth's altempllo jump off the Qucen~. 1964 AmeTlcan General Picture~ (B&W)
horu bridgc. Psychianist Eri c Fleming ~ODUC(AS: Paul Monka, G il laskc\'
restores rhe doomed ki ller 10 police cu~. DlA.£CTOP./ SCAlENWI\IT{R: Jack H ilt
rody, but Ma lo ne b srr.l ngcly affe cre..1. AUO IWLAS[D AS: The i.A('J Eaten. CanniOO/
Jn a subsequem hypnosb M:SSlon she Or.o or rru: Mtiddesl SIQI)' Et,<'T Told
I Il ~islS she is Austrian C mwn PrIllCl' Lon C hanc y, Jr. , IS a member of a de·
Rudo lph's illici t lover, who dlt'<1 wllh nl('nted fami ly of adults who have b..::-
him In <t Mayerli ng suiCldc pOI(r III 1889. come cann ibals because of inbrl'l'din,::.
Flemmg falls in love hut th ..: tmubled ThiS seldo m ·set:n horror c heapie also
girl dL~lppears in a (I' lIlce. M :mh gets swrs C.1Ttll Ohman, Manran Mord anJ,
her hack hy impersonaring the pnnce . "nd Sig I'b ig. What a cast ! And gL't
W ith Humphrey /)OI\' i s and Dean AIm. tht., alternate titles! Lon also sings thc
quisf. Fleming was also Gil Favo r nn themc 1>l ln).:.
Rawhide . 01
SPElIiIIlJLA 1946 Urll\'l'r~.11 (13&W)
1975 prFC (Fr;lOccj '~ODU(U: Howard Welsch
PRODUCER: Tkrnard L<:nt<:ri c DIMCTO ~ : Arthur Luhin
OIR£(TOR/KR[(NWRlTER: C b~rI<: s M.llwn K RE[HWRIT£R : Eric Taylor
In thl' tradition of Emll11Ulz«,lk and The! Ga le Sondergaard, sl ar o( Sherlock
Story of O. an afmmphcric. Hulmes l ind thl! Spider Woman , and
erotic hOfTnr film about i1 sne il-ty of Rondo II"tton frolll the /-Iol ml's fillll
bcllutiflll females frulH outl'r ~pacc living PI!{Ir/ of IJ.!{I/h leam up to drain the
in a J;:iant plush casrlc. Th(')"re v<rmpircs hllloJ of Yllung womcn in o rde r to keep
who live on sperm insll'<lJ of bJl'lIxl. somc rlanrs aliV('. Sherloc k isn'l ;rround
Dayle Hflddo n srars with Udu Kier. (R) 10 stop dWIll , but Milbum Smne and

Kirby G mnt are . Brenda Joyce is an A ps"cho who ki lls women with physi-
almost-victim. cal defects pursues mu te S('Tvant ~ir1
Dorothy McGUIre in an o ld New En-
SPIDERIIfAN gland mansio n during a rhl1 nd .. rstorm.
1977TV Wi th Ethel Barrymore as a bedridden
~DUCU: EJward J. Mont",lgnc old lady, Kent Smith as " frienJ ly
DIMCTOI\: E.W. SWiI(khamer doctor, Elsa L<lnchester as a fTighTened
Akm Bon'l:
servant, Rho nda Fleming, and Gordon
Nicholas !-iamrnnnd is Pl'ter Parker, Oliver.
who doubles a~ a \\"(,h-spinning supe r-
hero. Wi th Michal'l Pataki, Bob H a~t­
ings, <lnd Thayer [},u'id. It 's ahOlIl a niE SPIRAL S7it/RCASE
mind-control plot. Th.! Illcredilk Hulk, 1974 (En~lnnd)
wlHch ,lIfed two months later, proved OlMCTO"; P... terCt)llms.)n
more pOJlular. S/Jidernulll led 10 a sue- Remake of the clas~ic 1946 thrill..:r.
ce)~ion of ~peciab but nor a senes. It Jacqueli ne Bisset is the !lUile servant
was a ,heatrical feature in Europe. c uing for an invalid lady in iI hOI1~e
thaI ~tso harbors ~I hiler. With ChTls-
SPIES-A -GO-GO, See TilE topht' r Plummer, John Phillip LIW, S<l111
NASTY RABBIT. \Vanamaker, Gayle Hunnicutt, and
Elaine Striteh (Who Killed TcJi1~' Bcar 1)
SPINOIJT as the old lady.
PI\O DUCU: JDC rn~l"rnak
DIN:CTO": No rman Taur"il
SC"[[NW"rnl\: Theodure J.
1967 P~Tilnh~!lnl
ALSO Ml£AS£D AS: Callfunlkl Huiw,l)"
""OOUCO'/OI"[CTO"; Wilham Castl~,
Elvis is Mike McCIlY, :1 raCe-Glf driver SCI\[[NW"'TE": Ik'n Star
who leads a hor comho fearur ing Jimmy Sid C-W;SJT and Venl Mib rem a haumed
H aw k ins , Jac k Mu llancy, and Dchorah New Engbn.1 hous('. Son RUTY Gl)r-
Wa ll e~' (on drums). Shelley Fahares is
do n gets blamed fur the destruction
the rich Cynthi<l Foxhugh. She w,mt~ c aused by ,h rl'c ghusts. W ith Harvey
Elv is. Diam' McB<l in is Diane St. Lemheck, Jo hn ~...lcG, Doodles
Cla ire, author of The Perfecl Americall We<lver, Nestor p,liva, JessI! White, Jill
Male. Elvis IS he. Dodle Marsh,11l and Townsend, and John Ast in as a p)ychi-
Walley want him, tnll. Solution: I Ie: anist. It's a cOlllcdy.
"marrics" all four. Wi th C<."CiI Kcllaway,
W ill Hutchins, Warren Bo::rlinger, Carl
Bet!, <lnd U na Merke l. It was rhe )ixth SPIRITS OF 711E DEAf)
Elvis movie dircrted r.~, Norman Tau- 1968 AlP (Fran .....J\t ;d)')
TOg. Elvis only has time to sing I1v(' OIMCTOf.S : Rtlj.!CT VaJufl,
songs, including "All th<lt I Am" and L""I~ Mall.... Federic,) F...tlinl
"Am I Ready." !O.E[NWM'E'-$: ROj.!('f V,...llIn. P.l.c,ll UII.Nn,
L('lIl<l\blk, F"Jnico Fcllin(.
71IE SPIRAL STA IRCIISE Bern,.rdlm, Zappoll1
1946 RKOtB&W)
HIS!'~Tt.'5 E.l!TI~1TJmlllr...s
PI\ODUCEl\: Dore Schnry
OIMCTOI\; Rol-cn S" ...II1l~k The ide;l (If having three ilHnc~llllg ElI-
SCI\[[NWI\ITU: MclDlIlelil TOI){'iUl di r(!cr()~ c;lCh adapt a P~'I<: ~h()rt
ment is great. Terence Stamp is a di-
sheveled drugged/drunk Engl ish movie
star who nods acceptanc(> as the Ital-
ian press and his producers fawn over
him . A ll of Fcllini's usual grotesque
c haracters (and his humor) are presem
in this unforgetta ble horror Story, which
was also released separately. Mario Ba."a
was the cinematographer and second
unit director. With music by Nino Rota
and Ray C harles singing "Ruby." The
other two segments pale by comparison.
"Menengcrstein" was going [0 Ix Roger
Vadim's feature fo llow-up [0 Barbarella,
again starring his then-wife Jane Fonda.
As countess Frederica, Jane wears
provocative costumes and spends most
of her time organizing orgies. When
her cousin/neighbor Baron Wilhelm
(brothe r Peter) resists her advances,
she ~ ts fire to his stable. He dies but
lives on spiritually in a wild black stal-
lion with which the countess becomes
obsessed. Fairl y shoddy-looking a nd
with obvious hi nts of incest and besti-
ality. "William Wilson" is a haunting
story of a sadist ic Austrian student
(A lain Delon) wi th an exact double
whom he later kills. A scene of kids
lowering a screaming boy into a tub of
rats is unsettling. Brigi tte Bardot is
flogged after losing a card game. Vin-
cem Price narrates the Engl ish ver-
sion. ( R )

1948 E.1~1<;! Lion (B&W)
""OOu(£,,: Ben SlOloff
OI P.£Oo..: IkmllTd Vorhaus
SCP.£EHWRJTEM: Muriel Ross Bohon,
I ~n MeLd Ian !-iunlcr
ALSO AELEASEO AS: Th;- Amazing Mr. X
Jane Fonda Roger
story [0 the screen is great, hut the re-
Vadim's Stgmem of Spirits Fake spiritualist T urhan Bey creates
su lts ,n (' mixed. "Toby Dammit. ,. also some very convincing ghosts to fool rich
of the Dead.
known as "Never Bet the De.,,11 Your clients. The wrirers must have seen the
He<ld," by Fellini is brill iant. Even if prcvious year's NightnUlre AII.e"'!. W ith
you're not a Fellin! fa n and think his Lynn Bari, Richard Carlson, and Cathy
fil ms <lrc overlong n on sc n ~, his scg- O'Donnell.

Th.- dekli'd Slar is JuJU'1
Prou.-Se III Spree.

nIt: SI'I_I1', See THE .l!ho'h .Ig,un . K(li til I"X' (Imill,...,1 with
01 her Ea~t Side Kidsl&I\\·... ry Bo.l}·' cia"
J11/ INSniR. ~ICS: Spooks Rim \'(II/J. HvUi Thtlf Ghost,
The Ghost Creeps. S/)lJOk Blisters, ,lnd
SPOOK BUSTERS Ghust Chas('rs.
t <)4n ~h)!1"J:r.lln (8&W)
P"O OUC[": J.m Gnl'''''
OIP.lCTOP.: WIII1.lIn IX·.'lIdm~· 1941 Moo,,!!T:lnl \B&W)
~CP.[[NI,\,I"IT[p's: .."d Seward. Tim Ry,Ul I'f.ODucn : S"m K,lt:mlln
Phi! Ru~n
A m,.,1 ~ I enll't (Ix)u.chlSS Dumb-rrlle) DIIU:CTOP.:
KP.lE~ITE"S: Carl h,ri'm;I",
Wi'lnt' t,1 rut l llln!: I LIB's lo-rain Into a
Ch~rk, R. ~1arh\n
~"Tllb. With Ch,lTb Middleton. Ber·
This is Olle of 1\\,\, movies Bd:"l L1I ~osi
nilrd Gorccy a~ Louie, ~md the 80",,·,
made with the En't Side Kids (ea rl y
ery Bo.I~' ~ (Len Curcq, Bohhy Jordan,
Bowery BIlY~). N:1Tc\n the l1\: t ~icia n
Gcthrid \)e\!, 0:1. ,II.) (Lug()si dro:~~d;\, Drncllb) :"111(1 his dwarf
ass i ~rant (An).:elo R()~s; t to) termri!e
MlL).!!;s (Leo GorCl'Y), Gimpy (I 1wHZ
SPOOK CflASt:RS Hall), Jnd theIr p:11 s In ~t IUlIn!ed
1957 Alhed Arn.;r- (8&W)
hOlLsc. Th t ~ w()nderfllll~' cheap Monn-
PP.ODUCEP. : Ben Sdm .• lh
DIIU:CTO P.: G\·,)r~e BlaIr
grant StULIIl" B-11lovtc also features
K r..([KlllIIJTEP.: Elw<lu.. l Ullm,\Il Sammy M ()TT1 :.l\1l :1n ..1 Bohbl Jo rd;m.
!-IlInt: IIaIL 51,mle} Clement', ;md the They were "II had: 10 Ghl!ll5 on the
&)""'''''1' B(l~" ,ITe 111\', )I\'e..1 With rhony Loose ('43).

A documental)' about L'\s Vegas {eatur-
iog Jayne Mansfie ld singing and snip-
ping. Juliet Prowse doing a C leopat ra
takeo ff, Vic Damone si nging , plus
cockfighting and barc.fisrLxI boxing with
Jayne's husband, Mickl'y Harglray.
• Jayne smgs "Promise Her Anrrhinp;. "


1966 MGM
Pf.ODucn: Bons Ing'leT
OlkCCTOI'.: ,uscph Sargent
KI'.EEHW~IT[~; Peter Allan Fields
Episodes of The Man /rom U.N.C L. E.
are edited in to another feature. Jack
Palance pbns to diven the Gulf StTcam
with fl sonic destruct io n mechani~m!
Roberr Vaughn and [mvid McCallum
arc scm by Leo G . Carroll to stup hi lll .
The all-star cast incl udes Janet Leigh,
Elisha Cook, Jr., Maxie Rosenbloom .
Allen Jenkins (C hained 11ft Life), Let i-
W I Roman (Fwm)' H ill), Joan Blondell,
Jack La Rue. and Eduardo Cianndl, .


1966 All' (haly)
H.OOUcoo: Ful\·,o FUClS..'I IlQ,
Luel" M,lrem:"
011\£0011.: V,ttono 5;l b
OIl.lGINAUY I\£l£AUO AS: Ikrlmo.
APPWi/,UlICII!() p.e-r k S(Ht.'
[mna Andrews has a tiny ca mera illl-
phlntl'J in h iS eyc and battles Russians
l)Ver d death m~' and a kidnaped dallgh-
U/'1114177; As "}(I tl!S,"
THE SPOOKY IIIOVIE SHOllY, tef. E:,pinnage shenanigans with Brett
mIl5~ WC RldldTd Kid 1.\ lla lsey and Pier Angeli . -Cll
"eq w/J/.li:d \( Ith II s~ r (J{
delldly slee/leeth rhm Wt1
ni' 11/.r.:ITr /llnllwre" In rhe SPREE SPY SQUAD
film nle S l'~' Who Low.] /961 U nll('d J'nx]"u'r., 11)61 S,all'S RI)!hh (R&W)
Rel"<l""!! Cor,,"T'!!I()1l PFlOOUCEII.lOII\£CTOlI. /sclI.££NWII.ITtI\:
Me. "Jaws" 15 ukk{·,/ (l
/omu(krbk op/Jvnellf f()T PI'.OOUCEI'S: C;uroll Case, Will Zl'n.,
007 Secrer ;\gem )lImes l-bl Ruach , JT. AUO 1\[l[AS(O AS: Cllpum Thai C,I/mlk'
&111£1. pia,ed by RU!{(>I" 01'-£00'-5; MIl Chcllll'l>cn. Bumhling Colllmuni~ [ spks play into
Moore, Wa loll Grecn ,he hands of America n int elligence
KA£[NWI\IT(I\: Srdnl'Y Field agents b~· rc trieving a phony noseconc
.l.UO Ml£AS[O AS: LI5 Vl'gas Iry NIgh! fT(11ll wat e r~ off Ihe coast of California .

65 4
Thl' (,LI"ulc', ''''In.:1 Imll'IllLtTl'T i~,l.!' ,In.1 :--l,lnq II _ueh, DU" ({l',II" till' (T,,'
"ur 1'0.)\, eu ,L ';9 BLl ll k CO Il\" ~ rI L hk ;th,r ,It ()IIC \11'/) Bl'\!I/Id.
pdTk,·.! 11L1I'Llle \\.ITlnei ,L nd . A limiiLn!!
I.tnll.,md·,,',L dl , I'~ lull,m,. DKk 1>.111· SQUI{I,Il
k'r \)1 Buckl'! of mood 1,111l~ "t,lf'. TIll' 191(-. :\11'
(,\'1 In..:\ud," I)Kk l)'\!<.'lii, Rlch,lr,\ p"'ODu c n : l.,. .
,r)!,· ;..tlll." ....·
DIREClOR{SCl'.(CNWRIT £R: Jdt Lld ....·rI1l.1n
Jur.idhl. P,L1 Br,Idl,'\. Carl R o!!e r-. ,lIld
1\lwdn S..:hllkr. Thl' ,1"I,wnt ,brec· Prl'l t\ hi,' 11 1m .Ih"llt \·k·Cl rltl\·.I,·.lT1h·
ror \r,b 1),1\1<.\ Rra, lh (Thl'\ S,m..J Hu· WUTIll- ml)l'uT).!I.1 th.1I h,I\\.' I\.,,·th ,lIld
I.:r\ B"un). . LOB m,lke nUI'\.·' hke hur-.. ,. It .I, ....', h.I\,·
,111 .Ull .t:l1l!.! _,"I,,"' II It h Ion'.! l\l'rm, hU T'
Td\\ ' I11!.! thruugh " 1lI.ln" (.1(\.'.\V hull'
nn;sP)' WHO LOVlW,/lf;
r, l<.l1l1' ;LTC 'ille,' \\lIh wh:\1 I""k- II~"
1'!71111l1td .Anl-!' (i:.ncL""i)
{hick '1',lg he rti. \\,n\ t, til\'
R. nnx<."I,
DIII[ Cl OII : I,'" '' C;ill",n
'Iud",u, \' uun '.! ''''TlI. Tit,· .t.I .. c Lullll'd
~C I'.[£ N\v"'ITEPJ: (:hn·t, 'ph", \ 'i,I, 1< ~I, thert: weTe "2;0.L~\.1L~ f" ,11 \\'II Tm'" III the

lZ " ~1,I,I"ILI m hIm. Frum tl1l' .llf\.·.:!" r "f BII!,' SlOl.,llI1l~.

\( \\',1" th,' h,!.!,!.!c'l11 IH'( th,' 11\''01 Pbyinc <H '
007 I,'r the Ihml l inll'. R oger /l.lrl<.'Tc
'1, 'P~ S In '!lIheT,!.! ( :urt JUTcem) tn >Ill -Ie- SSSSSSS
'tr,wlng t he \\' ur i,i wHh hi, ,{ulen I'Jjllm\\.'r·.d
P"'OOUCE"'; 1\111 ~trl\.'I,,'kt:
.11"11\1<': 'lIh .. , .A" RU"I;1n ,L )!~ n t t\rl\'.l
OI"'£ClO"'; !km,lf,1 K"\\ll·l,,
AIII,I,,)lI,l . R.lrh:LTa R.LCh hell'" It fea·
~C RE[NW"'IH I'.: 11 .• 11 ),,··I1\.·r '\I"'1"j1 j, ...·k (~in/! (c'<'IlI<'1')
rufe, Ihl' IdT\.:l"1 ,," <.'\'cr I'Ll lh (hI Ih,1I
\1I1Id lur;1 IIlll\ Ie. It ,11 ... 1 f",I(LlTt'~ {he (L),1Il', _.1\ It. ILl" II.) /1.\,1,1 ..... le11l1'l IId/), )t!,J</ ,.:I<.'IlIlS1 S/T('lllc'1'
S tr",h\.·T \I,Jf\llL tllT1l- h, •• 1.H,eht,·r', \\,mll' dllJ d.u~I<'T Ht:uUt·
ht.:!!l',1 \ 1II.I1n', 'l'\"·n·{'.... ){ 1\1',)·i nc h
RICh,ITd Kll'i ,I' till' 'h~d-h\l,lIh..-I J,I\\'
Im .. r (DITk &:11 ....11(\ )11\1. I ,I kllkr u )hr.1 t:r .\kn~'<, 11"1111 II ,Ic'' '
man wh" .: n.', lip IlL .1 If,'.lk _h, )\\. A nnL<m.-rOT U\ SSS.::iSSS
.lnJ 11.lmmer \ t't \IIIHIn R~ld ,I' San·
.lor. C.lro lll1<.' /I.\Lllln) ,1 1... 1 ,{,IT_. Carl y
S llllun 'lI1g~ the hIt ··;\u\.........h L\. ....·, It
Iktter." /l. Iu'lt b) \bn'u, H ,lll\h~h .
\'('illt.lln (lrd<.' (Sl<illl.:~·) 1\,1' the 'ecun.!
lItlll l',T\.'U,'f.


H6(l lIK;~!
PlIOOU CEI'.: =,,"ll Rpil,'
OIP,[ClOR: J"hn l'\t''' ""hl
~CP,[ENW"'tTERS: CI I.,k WaH',
Jp,"'~,h C:II'\., I"
Sct' Rubert V"lIghn ", N.ll'oku" Solo
h).!hl Rol-crt V,IUg\lll ,I ' ,I THRUS H
.I, ,n.. III tl11' ;\1<111 jwm U. t,,; C. L E. te,I'
1UT.. expandt:., frum "Th\.' Douhl ...A t·
1,lIr" t:pl .........le. Mo .. , u!' tht: ,1C1Lu n {<Ike, .. In SWIt:,·rl.lnJ, where Scnta
Ber)!l'r ,lI\d Iwr Crulll\.·- h.l\'\.' <I 'UJ'CT'
nLlel .. ,IT \\e,I'..... II1 . \'(Ilth Len G. C1Troli
giant python ~wall(lw~ a man and hun - Yltle Wexler, Jonathan Haze, and Mor-
dn::lls of \'arioll~ snake~ slither around, ris Miller find two pounds of uncut her-
Jr 's all to benefit mankind. With Hea- oi n and try w sell it. thinking the ir
ther Men~ies and a m"ngoo~. futures arc assurcJ. Abby Da lton, He r-
schel Bern;lrdi. and John Savage (The
S1fl iRWAYTO HEAVEN Deer Humer) appear. The music is by
194'} Umwrsal (Engl;mdl (B&W wllh the Hollywood C hamber Jan Group.
cllior ~l'<luencod
Kershner also direnoo The Young Cap-
Pfl.oDUcw/ ouu:crOM/SCI\EEHIV1UTEM :
rives and The Empire Strikes Back. Pho-
Michael Powell, EmeTIC Pre!>:>hurj.!cr
OkIG1 NALlY IU:lEA$£O AS: A I\·III/(l,," 1.41.' tographcd by Haskell Wexler. Roger
(11141Death Corman was executive producer. - CB
Excellent romantic fantasy. DaV id
Niven as a downed RAF pilOT finds him - STANLEY
self as<:l'nding (0 he,]ven in :'m IIp('r,U- 1972 C rown Internatio nal
ing r,lom (Ill an escalator! Once there, PI\OOUCEI\/ O'IU:CTOA: Willi"m Grefe
Ill' has to smnd trial and prove hi., death SCP.EEHWP..TEI\: Gary Crut cher
was a lTli~take. The tear~ of Kim Hunter Ben- with snakes. C hri~ Robinson (of
arl' valua hle evidence. With Raymond General Hospital and Diary' of a High
Massey. Ro hert Come, Richmd Au!.'n - School Bride) is a yo ung Seminole vet-
horough, and Abraham So(aer. With emn with many enemies. Steve Alaimo
some alll<l;ing spo.'cia l ef(t'<:T~ thaT r,mge of Where the Action /s and Alex Rocco
fwm awesomely surre,11 (0 JUST "kun (The Godfarher) poac h snakes for a
Silly. ~nake-prod u crs tycoon. who was in-
volved in The killing o f Ro bi nson 's f'l-
STAKEOUn ther while Robinson was away in Viet-
1961 Crown Imerna(lun;II (B&WI nam. Then there's the father's former
",OOUCEM: Rohm Hughes.
lover, whose "Cleopatra" nightclubac[
William Hughes. jO<.' R. Gomnle
OIM:CTOI\l!o(AEENWNW\: J<lme~ l;mJIS
climaxcs WiTh her biting off the head
of an asp. C h ris forces his reptile friends
On release from prison. Bin g Russell
to do his dirty work and o ne day the y
retrieves his 1O-'icar-old son and tries
draw thc line. See Mako. -CB
to set up a decent life. but his record
keeps him ix:luncing from jub to joh.
In desperation he talks a jailhirJ huddy S7i1RPILOT
into helping kidnap thc son of oil m,m 1966 Monarch (Ita ly)
Bilil-lale. Made in Texas with financ- PI\ODUCEM; A Ido Cl lamara.
ing from Roben Hughes. who plays Errn:IIl110 C llrti
Sauru, and William Hughes. whose son OII\ECTOA: Pit-tm Frandsc i
Billy p la~'s Joey. With Jack Harri s and SCI\EE NWPJTEM: Pietro FmnciO;Ci,
William Foster. -C B ErnmnnoClirti, Girob rni
OI\.GI NAUY IU:LEASEO AS; 2 + 5 M tHio1lr
DOPE STREET In [977 this terrible. then ll-year-o ld
1958 WaTl"lt-rs (B&W) space opera was retitled and released
PI\ODUCEI\; Andrew J. Fenady in America to cash in on the Star War:s
OIIU:CTOI\: Irvin Kershner mania. Kirk Morris and Gordon Mitch-
SCAlENWPJTlAS: Irvin Ki rshner. ell. bofh known for flexing musc les in
Irwin Schwarn. Andrew J. Fenad)' sub-Hercules spectacles, appear wiTh

les~cr- k nown 1t,llian~ and a laughab lc
tm-fl lll sr ace:.h lJl that I.mds III Ro me.

S7;lR TREK, I11t :,,/o110N

1971} [\' r~'n\ 1Unt
PIIOOUCEJl,: Gene 1{,,,IJenl'Crry
0111.£0011: R,lix,rt W,*
KII[( NWIIJTEII: I [,II"kl LI"m).:~wn

Wise directed the cla~IC Tfu: DtN the

EtHlh Stood SuI/ :md The A,.JTlJI~t'dtl
Stram. so he ~ee ml·d like t he PCrfl"ct
c h Oice to do th l:' fi lm. BUI, unfllr( u-
natel y, Paramount wa:.((.-o much o( Ihe
alleged $42 million hudger in ll\'crtime
s,alar[e ~ for the effen~ crew, who wcn'
IIwnlvcJ in a race agamst the clock to
dellv..::r the complcted film I,) the,Heh minute, uf fOo,)I,').!C wer.. ,Iddcd 10 the UI'I 1116/79: WIU!(.IIII
~'n the guaramn'd Jatc. The ~tory is a Sham.'f. flL'TSI5 Khllllli)o.l11d,
n('{wllrk TV ,howing, addi ng 10 the
comhmatlo n of a few cpiSl.x.I..:::. of the horedo m. - AF anJ SIe-pJ\4'n COUIII) (lrf
le lev':.Il1I1 sh.)w: "Thc lmTnunuy S~' n ­ shuu.T1 III" .scene from
drumc," "The [)olll1hday Mac hine," 1'(lf(UII""'Ir'S Star Tn::k.
,md eSpt.'C iall), "The Ch,mgei",!:." A The MotIon Piclllfe. The
mas::,IVC, all-p!.\werful Ill.1chine ~ucks up 1II0\1e nnneJ 10 850 the-
STAR TRE K '" 111£ If/Ril111 ,ut'n III the U. S. (lnJ C Ull'
eVl'rything in ils path iI~ it Sl'l'k, u(If It ~ OFKHIlN
CrealOT. The Elllcrpmc is o\'erh:wlcd aM "1I1)~ce",ber 7Ih (l11(/
198! J\lF,lInllU m promOlm 5(1)' II «'Ill wll.
and Ib crew rc,l:.semhlcd to St'.ITc h out I'«OOUC[II ; Roo.:n S" lhn
,md ~ I 'IP thi:. force (rum reachlll).: Earth OII\[OOk; Nich,)ia .. ~lq't'T
Admiral Kir k ".:III:\'''::~ the Emerl,ri5l."s KkrENWkITEII: J.lCk 13. 5t.Jw:lrJs
currcnt C'lrt,un Decker to regam what A lo ng-h,nred R1 C,lTdo MOnl,llhan re-
h l' IHI~ lost and Spock {ai ls hi' VlIlcan Creatl'~ hl~ rnl ... a~ ;1 g.. neric;llIy l'ngi·
final exa m and return:. tn th~' ["'o sit ion neerl'd ~ tlperv"I," n from thl' 1967
h l' left. T hl' c rew gam:. a ncw alll"n, a "Span' Seed" er1 ~ ...Ie In Ilk' !>l'CIlIlJ Sltir
~'au!1{ul bald woman named 1[,;, (Pl"rM~ Trek movie. Pft)h;lhly h...'cau;.c If cost
Khamh;Hta). One (l thl: h igh 1"lIlin1, ,if unly $11 mliliun (5 40 mill ion was re-
t h l~ fi lm is the (,llHa~!lC SCOTl' hy jerry run ....1ly 'pent o n Ihe firM (ealtlre), it
Glll,l~mlt h , hut ll\'crall it'~ a 11IaJo r rclams mn rc of the (eel nf the ~Cf1es.
d lsaprxlln lmcn t . With seTl e~ re!!u la r~ The agl11g erew Clllllhmcs hlllllor with
\VII!tam Shamel. Leonar,1 NlnlOY, IWflJlo whlk (,xj'lt.:rienC I1l j! ,hc horwN
[)d:'.)re~ t Kelk)" j ,lTnes Dl.lllhan, G ...'I.)I}..,'C u( ~r. IC"'. T h\, l'nllre 'm,lIn (;,I~I .)1 TCgll'
Takl' l, Majd Barrdt ( Mrs, Rtl\.lden- hlr~ reHlrn" wllh thl' a.1d 111l1l1 IIf P,1ll1
berry), Wah .. r Koell1g, Michcllc Nich· Winfield, Bihi Hesch a:. Carta III Kirk's
o b. Grace Lec Whitney, and Mark old IllIllC, ,1Il,1 KINIC Aile) as a pOinty-
Leonard, Slar Trek 1/ . The \VT!I[h of edred Sj"ll>ck dlc~ ,mel recclves
Khan W,I~ Ihc tir~t ""lIlIe!. Sp('cia l ef- " spaCt' fune ral, hut scriptWTlteN )hllilid
feci:. h~' DlIugl.,~ T Tul1lhali and joh n h ,1 \'(' no Inlllhk H'\'ivlllg hllll (o r fu-
D\'ks tra (SWT \Vars). F;(!\'cn nITa IlIre 'l'qlle k

Mark Ham/mil (Con't'ffe Swnmer, T he
BrK Red On!'), Harrison Ford (lirbriskie
PO/Ill. AmeriClln Graffirl), :mJ Carnl'
Fisher (d:luchter of Eddie FI ~hcr a nd
Dchhrc Re)nolds) sta r with two roklllS
<J nJ ,m urri~ht dog III ,hl' film thaT
ch.rnged the look of sc ience-fiction f",a-
t llre~ and created a multl-mdl ion -dollar
IIlJtI~rI)'. BTltlsh horror still' Perer ClI ... h-
mg make, a great vi llam as lIsual. and
Davit! ProW'l' (Cu~hrng's mOnStl'r rn
FrallkensleIlI mu/ rhe MUllSter from Hell)
is Danh Vader (with the help of James
Earl jonl'S's \tOice). Alec Guinness is Ben
Kenobi. Mt~~ic by John Will iams. A [Oml
UPI 7118178: Darth Va-
Jer, liiUain 111 rt.;: fillll Star of nine Sl"qllels :md prequels are pl:lIlnt·d.
Wars, gd~ a t.;:rrl's we/-
cOIne [rulll yOWL,I;!srers at
TallahLUsce's mrron re- S1)JR CRASH
celllly. YoulIKsrers yelled, I\,IN Nl''-''!d Pictures (ltal),)
" Ma) It.;: Forct' be u Irh
""OOUC£'-S: N,n ,m d Patrick \V'lCh,heT~n
)OU ," as he k[t rt.;: (IIrporr. orllECTOIl: LUI);!' Co::, (Lewis C(latl")
l)f.rrrh t!(lS U1 room [f.!r a KIlEENW"tTUJ: LUICI e,l::' (Lewh ul<lIes).
/Il'fsonr.u ilP/I<'ara luf.' aI a \Va Ohl'<.'rj!~'r
water rhm has run the Al$O IlElEMlO M: ~ Idl" Slar
mOtilt [O'r a [ull year.
Star Emperor ChTlStophef Pillmm~ r
hnd, h i' km~dom under attack by eVIl
Space Coull( Joe (Mmlulct) Spmnell.
0;0.1 ht.' ~(' nd~ hiS heSt rocket Juckey, Car-
oline (Malll(lC!j Munro to check (Ju t
the SII U,III.m In the Empire's farthest
it.'(lches. C amlme's accompanied hv
rnbot Judd! bmilton (her real-li(e hus-
band) and superrowered alien MaTJO<"
(ex-evange list) Gorrner. DespiH' a
criminally low budget. Cozz i and his as-
sociates manage to squeeze in every kind
()f e(fect imagrnable; stop motion. Ill<ltte
paim ings, and so on. They range in
quality from adequate to almost good,
but the psychedelic Ch ristmas- tree look
of the spacecra ft makes these sequences
ganshly attractivc, espec ially to young
children and peoplc under the influ-
S'DtR WARS ence of control led substances. John
19i7 20th CemUT'i-Fox Barry, usually busy scoring James &nd
~OOUC[I\: Gary Kurt: fi lms. supplied the music. With :--Jadia
OIMCTOII/ SCIl[[HWArT[ll: Gt"Orj.!c Luc;ls CaSSl1l1 and Robert Spmnell. (R) -B~1

STARK FEAR Ltghrlh )ud , a h,llf-:'>J,I\ .lJ U, giri-ch,1'I I1),!
1'J63 B./1.S .l EIlI'> Filnb (Jl&W) rnJctl rllkr. Till' etllharr;h" lng, ftlt.dh·
PI\OOUCEM : In.: E. Hur!.:..:. III1t-oj-1t C,)l1led v ,ti,,) ,rar' nurgl'~s
"'~d I juc km ,m . Lh.I)!llI V. 5 ".1111 Ml'f<.'Jirh ,I' Elvt;,' Indi,tn j,Hher, JO~\11
Ol"-£CTO": Ned l-Iulkm,m Blnn,!..::11 <1 :- ,I LIV\'TIl 1'\\'lwr, Th<l11l,1~
SCP.[[HWIIJT[I'.: [).Il)!hr V. Swain
GUrHe : ,I' ,In (l Id lndl ,tn. ,lIld L.Q.
A otle-.,hol hOlllemaJl' I'rl,dUCIUlIl J'IIlC'. EI \'l ~ rhe In,li,lll h,lrh,,' c lle';1 pTI:e
hlnwd in Okl,.lw111:1 and Arkan ~ ;ls. bull, thtnkHl).! If\ ol ..'UW, <md 'lIlg, two
fifties horfllr SlaT Ik\"cdy Garl~ln.! i~" Je rri' Rl'ed _In),!, "U. S, ~... Llk',"
marTIcJ 10 sad istic. unclIlploYl'd Skip
I lumeler. Altef he 1,,'h his "e ~t {Tll'llll
beat her. ~hc l('a\'c~ [0 he with her klnJ
S1i IRCRiISfi.
huss (Ken n eth Tohey). Low-budgct
Suutlnn;.'st (cmUli_lll, wi l h mlhic per-
formed h~' ,h(' Ok bhoillil Cur Sym- THF. Sl1,PFORD WIVES
197; Culumhl,o
I'h()n~' Orchc~t~.
PIO;OOUCER: E,lg<lr J s.:hcnd:
O.MCTOR: f\rY,\Il Fnrh.',
See EATEN ALIVE. F\ ,nnl'T ,le l ')T F,'rho.', (h ..· \\'a~ 1Il rill.' " fl gl-
IMI QlI'l ..:rm ,l" tilllh) directs ;\n Ira
SVlRS IN YOUR BACKYJIRD, LI'VIIl '!(If)' ;th.. IU! ~lIhIITh;\n WI\'C~ wm\.J
See PARADISE ALLEY. 1111<1' .[X'dlent T< '["Ih I,), tl'clr hll~ h,md~,
K,Hilaril1l' R,,~~ ~L!r' ,I, a newComer
STARSlflP INVASIONS tn town willI w"ndcr~ wh y thc 11Ie:11
197i Warnn "T"then, (em" d,,) W \lllw n ,IT''' alw,.},s happy and falk likc
Pf.OOUCEM: Norrn,1Il (Jilek. tlwy're III TV com1l1erci'1Is. Pau!.1 Pren -
Ed I lunt. Ken G" t.] !b~ 1._ heT tlnh' no rm,11 erK'nt!. ]\i,lIlelle
DUUCtOA!SCIU:EHW1I.ITEJI;.: Ed Hum Ncwlll,m :111..1 Tind L,)lIist' arc !'crf,,'(1
Funny, childish SCie n ce fiCTIUJl Ihat ac- Ilclgh hun. P,Hnck O'Nc,d rum the
tually looks like :In old !>t"Tla l 11\ color. hll,han.l~· ,,-'eTet 11T!!.lni:atu Ill. R, ~ ('nd~
Clm~topher Lee h, l.~ a nomrc<lk ing role lip with IWW. Llrl,!er hr('a~t., "II lT!CS), o t
as evil ~lli ~ n CapLlin R'lm~es. lie \I'\\IT~ 11l.!kcllp fll.!Il DICk Snmh . Son "f :1
black tighh. ":.<.lllarc-fUpped h,·.....!, ,Ill.! fl.'lIlill1 ~ r IllIl ..<;ion of rho' Bod)' SI1l.IIdl('r.~,
a dmgon on his che.' r. Good aliens wi th Filnll.'d In \Vesrport, C\lIltll·CIICU(.
la rge ha lJ h ead~ kidnap U FO expt:rt
Robert Vaughn_ R;lIl1s('s aims a su icide 81'1NG OF Drv rnl
ray at Earth. Scenes (If people suddenly 1966 ThUTl,krhtrd l!Hem;lI ton .• 1
strangling r1H:m~elve s or runnmg In PRODUCER; H ,mk Rd\;lIl
from o f car~ :If(' !'relly strom g .." \'(Iith DIMCTOf': Wd li.<m Grefe
H elen Shaver. KIO;[[NWIO;I1[": R, .. h",.[ S, Fllllk
G rdt' \ Ii"", IH'rror hIm, "h<.lu! a ma -
8mI' AJf~Y, JOE nne hl" I (l).!ht·~ ,1\,hLUH whll condliCb
1968MGM P\'rw.~es~' In,IIl -" f-war eXIX' flm('nl S 111
PM>DO(£I;: L,UTl'Il(C
l)oIJgl .lS an unJl'Tw:lt<.'T e:ovc. 110.: thmh he'll di~­
CIMCTOR: P"ter Tewbhllry CI )vcr ~ lI nethin).! II' help hI, melted face,
KIO;[[N\VNT[IO;: M,ch.,ei A . Hot'l hut 111'11:':1.1 h(' turn, illlo a mon_rer and
In hi ~ fiN nonforUH lb film .;ince W/jld f<.:rn ,n:..', \:\Glt II 'ncrs wid) hl ~ hydr.,~o:\n
III rh<! Cotlllrry, ElVIS Pre,lqo is Jot' hw thl'r.,. [)" ug Hoh"rlllf Dl',uh C ur)t'

of Tilrlu takl,s over (mm JlIhn Ve lla fll r ventrilll\.luist Paul Wi nchel l (withJlTf\'
Thl' crl'aTllrl' scenes; Joe Mornson Ilf Mahoney) and the M;] rquis chim ps
Ranl1J! F.,1'L'f, Vall'rie Hawkins, and jack
(remember The Hmh(lU'ays!) acting O UI
Nil/de co-slar. SIX'< ial nU I~lcal ~ue!>t ­ "Cinderella ." The resu lt was 78 min_
Neil -ell utes o( unrelated muck and a hlw!>ui t
by the T llr'.... Stooges. A SC'ttlem<"1H was
STOLEN FA CE rCllChed, hut MIX.' and Larry never got
19S1 Hammer/Llppefl ( ) (B&W) a cent for any of the o ld sho rrs that are
PI\Ooucu : An tllOny H mJs a lway~ bei ng aired 011 television (Curl y
0 11\£001\; Terence h ,her
dk-d hcfore the T V sho wings).
KI\[£NWIIJT'[IIS; M~rtin B... r!':d~·y.
Ri ch.lrJ H. L1nJ.lll
Terence h sher (1?04- I()80) \\';IS 11(;sl S TO/l;II WARNING
known for directing I lam mer ho rror 195 1 Wilrrwr Bn Jl hers (B&W)
films, bur he had also been an edi lur Jerry Wnld
and aCfur in England ~ inc<: rhe 'JOs. 01.'.£001\: SllIilr! H~' i sle r
This prehurror I >cIJity S I ;]fS Pal ll Henn.::id SCI\EENWI\I TEII.S; Dilniel Fuchs,
Ric hilrd Bn >lJb
as;) plastic surgeon whn falls in love
with Lizalx:th &on. I 1" (;] Il 't haw Ill'T, A good film about the Ku Klux Klan
~l he sonll'how transform!> a C()c kne ~' with Ro nald Rc;]gilll as a district nttof-
prison inmate imn an l'xa( 1 replica. The ney. G inger Rogers, .1 New York mode l,
always wonderful and sexy SeIl11 gets trnvds south to visit her sistl'r (Ix,fis
to pl;]y two roles in this unl Ikely story. Day), who is married to a Klan mem -
ber (Steve Cochran, star of The Beat
GCllcmllrm ). G inger witnesses his ill-
volvellle/ll in a murder and IS ahour to
19 Dlmcn~ion (Cm:l(hJ)
PII.O OUCEIIS: Gt.'Orge Mendelu!.: . John R)',m he horse-whipped beneath a burn ing
OIi\£O OI\! KII.HNWlIJm; G~... )~.. /l.lel1-1..:.1l1k cross for talking when hero Reagan
shows up and elllb.1lT<l51;CS local husiness-
Terrible. ineprl)' produced thri ller about
men by rl'coglli:i ng them undn t h l~
a psycho killing prostitutes With a high -
powcred ritle. Cop Richa rd Crenn a sheers. Despite the fOpie . there are no
black charaerers.
tracks hlill down. Featuring Paul Wil -
li a ms (that 's right, the tin y t('[ror
of trashy television and maudlin mu - THE S TORY OFi/lANK/ND
sic) , Linda Sorenson, and Belinda j. 1957 Warner Brothers
Montgomery. P~OOUC El\/oll\£(TOI\/KI\£EN\VI\ITEI\:
Irwin Allen
STOP, LOOK AND LA UGH Back before he was the king of empty _
1960 Columbia (B&W) headed disaster films and moronic T V
"',O OUC£A: Harr), Romm series, Irwin Allen tried to be the new
OIMOOIIS: Jules Whit e, Charley C hase. Cecil B. DeMi lle, whose Ten Com-
Edward B..rnds, Del Lord. Don Ape) mandments had come out in '56. Here
Kl.[EN'oVI\rT[IIS: Felix Adler. Edward Bernds,
Allen tells, as the ads pur it, "The
Elwood Ullman
whole story of men and thei r women
After the succe ss of Hat'e Rocker, fro m creat io n until now!" J USt look at
Will Tratll'/ Columbia threw together [hat C35t. Who else would sign [he three
scenes of Larry, Curly. and Moe from Marx Brothers and nor put them in any
seven old shorts and added scenes o f scenes logether ! Who else would have

the foresight 10 cast Vmcent Price as STOlf!,1 I1"l1 Y TO TIJEAIOON
the D.:vil! TIlt" insight to cast D.:nnis 1975 TV
Hopper as Napol(:on ~ Peter Lo n e as ",OOUC[I\: John Clllb
Nero! Hedy Lamarr (in her last role) OI '-l:CTOI\: AIlJr~'" V. McLlgkn
as Jmln of Arc! BccalJ~e man h,IS d is- SCIU ENWI'JTtIU: John B..){lIh~·.
cove red the H -Bomb too earl y. the Wdl larll R . She lton
spirit of Ulan (Ro nald Colman in hi s An 11'ycar-uIJ boy (M ichael Lmk)
las t role) and the devil debate o ur I\ldc~ on a ~ p acn hlr headed fo r the
future, cit ing past events. More of the Moon . Good for kid~. With Lloyd
"50 big names" are John Ca rradine as Hndg\~~ as ,Ill <I~ r rnn<lI rt, Jnhn CaT"mCline,
a pharoah, Agnes Moorehead, Ant hon y and Kel'ne Cmlls.
Dexter, Cedric Hardwlcke, Ces,IT Ro-
mem , Marie Wmd>or, Ziv;! Rodann, STRAIGIfTON
Henry Daniell , Angelo R()s~i tto. W I1- TfLLAIORNIN G
li<lm Scha llert , Fr.mci s X. Bush man, 19711 1'lIll!1WT (EnJ.d:mJ)
Edw<lrd Everett I lorton, and Roher! Pl\OOUCEI\: R(,.,· Sk~gj{'
Wat >O ll , who p l a~'cd H itler in at lea~[ OIN:CTOk: Peh:r Q,llmloO,Ul
six films. With stock footage from umd SCIU ENWklTEk : M1Lhad Peaciocl.:
of Ihe Pharooh~. U nbelievable! Don't One of the nl<lny '70~ Hammer St udios
miss it ! movies rh:l[ newr got much dl~rrib\l-

tion in America (i( any). This o ne was
ca r holdup/hom icidt'. Marla English,
relea sed directly to American TV.
Joan hans, Jan Me rlin , and Nick
Shane Bri<lnt is a young guy living in a Adams co-star. - CB
london apartment with a mlmm:.·J hed-
room and drawl'rs (ull of money. Hi~
nell' gi rl is Rita Tushingham, a "shy 11IE STRANGEAND
ugly duck ling" who isn't prepared for DFvlDLY OCCURENCE
his bizarre ways of showmg "how much 1974 TV
he cares," PI\OOUCEI\; Sandor Sr~ rn
orl\£CTO/I.: John lIt'wellyn Mox;",
SCI\EENW'-.It(I\S; L1n~ Sloan. 5;mdur 5krn
STRAiT-JACKET Occult "accidents" plague Robcn Stack
1964 Columhia (B&W)
and VeT(l Miles in Their remote ncw
PI\ODUCU '/OIlUCTOI\: William C 'srk'
SCMENWl\rrEl\; Roher! Bloch
home . WiTh L.Q. Jones and Herb
This slasher film was promo!",,-I hy the
precautiunary scholll of adl"(:nisill)1:
depicts axe murders!" It also depicts 1980 World Northal
Joan Crawford in a hlack wig JUSt re- PI\O OlJCEI\S:Anthony l. Ginnan.·.
j(,hn Harnc!!
leased from an asylum allJ <:ollvinced
orl\£CTOI\: MIChael Lau!1hlm
she's returning to her old habit of de- SCI\E[NWI\ITEI\S: MIChael G.mJon.
capitating rcople. Slw ha ... a nightmare Mlcha~llalJ!1 11Iin
of having the heads of her latc hus- /Je,,J Kids
O/I.IGINALlY I\£l£M[O -'l:
band and his lover in bed with her. An interesting, origina l horror film
Sculprress daughter OI,llle B.1ker ju~t about s tudenr ~ in a small Midwestcrn
wants to get married and heir J0.1n lead town who suhject themselVl's to psycho-
<l normal life. Doesn't she! With Lelf loglcil l ('Xpl'nments (or mone}' ,md arc
Erickson. George Kcnnl.ay, and Ro- turned l1UO programmed k1 l1ers. Dan
chelle Hudson. Joan made f .5.:111 ' \VhlU Sho r stars as the main human guine<1
YOII Did for Castle nex£. The greal gi m.
pIg. Michael Murphy (Manh(llwn) is his
mick ad line ("JUSt keep sap ng It) JX)licc-chie( father. With Fiona Lewis
yoursdf-ir's only a mOVie-it's only (who blew up in The Fury), Lou ise
a movie ... ") was lateraprropriau..J hy Fletcher, Art hur Dignam, Dey Young.
1he producers o( Ldst HillS<' on the Le/L
ScOtt Brady as a C h icago cop, and a
Lucky theater patrons \\"Crl' givt'n lillie slasher in a Tor Johnson mask. The
cardboard bloody axes.
mllsic is <l mixture of New Wave, Tan-
gerine Dream, and Lou C hristie. Filmed
A STRANGEADVENTURE in New Zea land . B<lsed on School Days,
1956 Repuhlic m&W) hy Roher[ Hughes. (R)
ASSOCIATE PI\OOUCEI\; William O'Sullivan
OII\ECTOI\; William \Vlln~r
Houstun Branch
1940MGM (B&W)
From the ads: "C"ptiw of killers ill a PI\OOUCEI\ ;J<>M.'r h l. Mankiewic:
white nightmare !'" Young hotrod enthu- OII\£CTOI\: Frank Borm)!c
siast Ben Cooper (alb in love with an SCMENWl\lJEI\: lawr~nce H<l;arJ
out-of-t own girl and i~ forcnl ,jf gun - Atm()~rhetic-allcgorical adVCnhlTl' o r
pomt to drive her and her two accom- whores .1Ild Christ-figures involved in
plices into rhe Sierras aft er an ;Irmo rcd ,- IA-vil\ I,land penal-co lony t'scapt'.

Wi t h Joan Crawford , Clark G,lhle, I.m lIoyJ HrI \ l)!l'~. An "Innl'r Sanctum"
H i lmer, Petcr Lnrr\' (as M'~icllr, Pi).:), tTly s t ('r ~' .

,lIld AI~rt I~.'k k er. Dit1ercm and TCC-

OIlUllC Tllkd, II Wlh condemned hy till' THE STRANGE DOOR
Catholic Legion of Den'nC}'. 1951 Unl\'cr<;tl (R&\'(f )
PkODU(E~: Tl·J RIchmond
THE STRANGE CASE OF 0 11\£00 11: J......
I,h [\'V1WY
KP.EE_lIrTE~ : JeTTY SKklw1I11
1968 TV (U.S. /C an,w,l) Shoddy hi,loriOll h,)rror hl~ed un a
PIIODUCE": Dan C lITm Rohcrr LOll1~ Stl'VCllSon story. C h,TTles
OIlU:OOA: ChariI." Janu " L llll:hton i~:l sadi ~ tie [7th -century no-
ScIlEENWkITEII: I,m McCld l;1I1 Hum ... r hleman wh o impT1 ~on s hiS brother (or
Onginall~' a tw,,-pan ~I'eci"l. ,hi~ vid- 1ll,1TT) in).: a WO!1l ,lIl thcy hOlh lowd . As
cotaped feature made III Lonclnn ,!.IT:' V.)I,an, hi' ~{'fV'lm. Bl lris K" rloff rehel ~
Jack Patane(' . S inee Palanee , l lre aJ ~ when S' lll ~' Forrest, thrown in thc
10Clks like M r. Hyde, a spccml ' ,lIyrllke dun g,'on 1\'l(h h l'r f,,, I)\'r, I ' "hOlil '" lx,
m akeup WaS J csigm'J hy Dick SnHlh c rushl'd til d<',llh \'(Iith Ml child Pille
to make Hyde wemler-lllo..1 kll)).: th.1n ,1n.1 Abn N,ll'll'r. II \\',b , I Te,lllolI' roil\{
J\·k~' 11. Billie White!.,"' I ~ ).:ooJ ,I~ Ilk (ur LHIi.!1l1 (ln. who ","m f.1~"" Ahho.llt
d'lI)ce-girl. \'(Ilih Ddh"lm 1::111,111, Tunn ,111.1 Co"d l,) when Ih <,y m et C" I'Ir. in
Thatcher, O~c ar Homo lka, anJ Leo Kkk!.
THE STRANGE G1SE OF 1951 Col umbl.1 ( B&W )
1941 U m\'o:r~,. l m&\V) H"i!<' H,I."
AS~IATE ""OOUCE": J,lC k &'rnh:lrJ Mlddk ',lgl'd rianl~t 111I!!o J Lt,l~ 11I<)\,l'~
OIM ClOk: \'(fdl Hlm ]'\;'l:h In Al1Ieric" ,md !lI,lrnn a flirt , lI io u~
!oCI\UNWIIIlEk: Cl..renn· UI1_"1I1 Y"unl: Y(lIITlJ,: dan(<,r (hlnlld C ll'll Mp<1r\'). HI'

A mllTder mplery adv(' rtl ~eJ ", a h.,r- 11\,llIlh hT~ h,m.1 (o r 1I1'urallLe mIme),.
ror m ovie. U Ilncl Atwi ll wilh thick Tlh' pl.lIl h,Kktir\', ,md lit' emb up 011
gla~~es IS Dr. Fbh . !',uric Knowles I S a till" fl.uII l>ry. ,I br" k <'n. lo nely 1I1r.n - "l]
J etee ti\,\: whll i ll mo~ t has hi~ hrain put h,'(;ll!'': 01.1 II'om. m ! With MUll:! fl.r.r -

in ,Ill' hod)' o ( a ),!oTllla ! \'(11th Anne TIC and Rick V;,llin . C leo M,ltlrl' re -

Gw\'nne, M,uHan Moordand, Shemp IIlf1lL'.! to tI~l~ ,md humlh;lI l' Ill1go III
H,lwil r.1, and Sam uel S. H md~. , I X mo re .~ll'; ' :)· fe,lture,. 0,,<, Gn-l', COII-
f.:.~swll W,h Ih~Xt.
1'J45 Un l\'t~ r ", 1 (B&W) 11-1E STRANGE
""ODllCEII; &n !''''ar AIR. GREGORY
DIMCTO~: John H"ffm:111 194<'- /l l"'H'I:I,\[I1 (I~&\V)
SCk[(_l\IlE~ : M . C)a!l'~ \'(/Cb'll" ""000(0: L""I' [\,.'rk",f
Rl'11lr.kc (lfThc Mall \Vlw Rc(uulTlca Hi~ DI IIEOO k: Phd R",,-'n
Ilc,uJ (,14). J.Carrol N : u ~ h I, ;J Jrug From ,he .Ilk "LoW' thief hy d; IY.
!I\,lI111f,lc turn who ~ Ieal~ M:ie llll~t Lun fiend hy n idu . " b.lTTllUh! I."IH· ~I. lrs n~
C hancy, Jr. 's {(1 r!lI11 la and hiS Wife. Lon a \"ill a moll~
hyp nl," .'1 \\' ho prt:lend" 10
ret"liates by c un in),! Nai ~ h '~ h ead off. I"" Jead t" Jl',m Rug.:fS. \V"h Fr.lllk
\\' 111
With Brl'ndaJ \})"ce, Milhum Swne, .1Ild R<, lChe r and Jonathan I-Ial(·.

PP.OOUCW: Alan A. Amler, Gerald s'ln{"rd
DIIl.EC701t.: Lee H. Kat:m
K It.££HWRITEIt.: Gera ld Sa nford
A SC lell(('-fiction prlot film about a n
a!> l ru n a ur Ianclrn80n Ea rrh 's Twin plan·
et. With Cameron Mitc helL G lenn
Corl:'Ctt ( H umicidal), Lew Ayres, Denn
Jagge r, a nd Geo rge Cou lo un s. A Bmg
C rosh y prndllcrrnn. Similar to the much
hcttl'r Jollmey IV Ihe Far Side of rhe SIUl.


! 1/'1 719/75, N"II, (14(\). STRANGE NEW WORLD
1~'l<Ikl, II -w<ir-"klm<ik 19i5 T V STRANGeR I·ROlll VENUS
11"n, rekl:\('~ \I hll" 1li.1,)f 1'J54 Rrdl & RICh (Engi:Jnd) m&w)
PIt.ODUCEIt.: R"h.:rr E. L<lr"m
John Sax"n ,U.dl." m,X'TI/l1 DI RECTOIt.: R"bc n RLltin PRODUCERS: Blirr Ihl"han, Gcnl.' Man e l
fur Ih" 1lI,' WABC-TV DIUC701t.; Ilun l3abhlll
SCIt.££NWIt.ITERS: \\'"I"n Green.
mrAlf Str. UlI,:.:: l'\cw KIt.[EHWIt.ITEIt.: H ,II1 ~ J:l("h~'
R.'n<llc! F Graham. AI Ram,,,
Wllrlt!. N('II, IIh".'d[5 AlSO It.El(AS(D~; Imm<,Juu<, Dr$(lSI<'T
m()r~ INm 15 l!'Oumru uf A third u n:.uccc~fu l 1',1"t '11m fllr Gc!nc
RorJ.knherry'~ (;"11<'51) " ~enl'~ . John A tew Yl.':U':, :Iftcr The Va, the EIITfh Stood
IILf<H <I a.1', Iuu /;WtI u Stili ,lpI'C,lrell. Pat n c ia Nea l wcnt [ 0 En-
Jibn uaor sm...' hI' lI ,lS S,I)Wn (\\110 al~tl p l.l ye.! III 'Htem pt
fum )t'aTS uld HI' NI~ nu mhe r t\\,()- PL:m<,1 E"!'th) '" " 1lI,1n I I) ,tM In wha t's h;l!>icaily , I c h e<l p
h.'<'11 m nil",' ,h,m 1<'1l who \\"dk ...s up 180 }'l'a r~ In the hl /ure. IIn c re.l lll'd r,,· m ake. IlellllU[ Dantine l~
, J 11l,ltl (rulll V('nus who c()me~ to W;l m
films, ItS udlllS ruml.7'U1IS T hl>- flTlll', K,lthleen ~vlrllcr ,md Keetll'
WIUlfI<'R!<iI) (!IaJ rek't'lwm C unh afl' with hUll. Till, " m o\'le" I ' brth o ( n uclc'!r d;ln!'.:e r. A fi YIIl,l! S;lU-
sIlo'U" The UIUIU,r/'S ITlun•.,. Ju:.t two l'p,,,o,k,, 0 11 Ill' nC\l'r-pTl"lu(cd ee r drn\'('~ to r lll'goll,lTiol\~, hut Earth -
l'-IIT7I5 ,h.u dllhrmJ.!h Nfd
"erll'!> "rrung ttl,l!l'lhcr. Thc heTllc:, ),!., lll'),!~ IT) 10 ;l mhush It.
IS 1:<'II<'T,r/lv IIml<lhk h., IS
to "Etemd, ,. IIIH.'rl' ell'rnal cJo ne~ ;rre
1""Il"1I1m' HI(IIIl<'~~ ,mJ
,h(lI4lrllllll~I") I..: h./Ili.U<,,/ hel n ): Ill.1Je, and tI, an, Hher Lind whal.' STRIINGER IN OUR HOUSE
uuh re<ped :00 lel'per~ h,mle huntl.'h. \XlHh "br- 1978 TV
OlW Bc~wlC k . PIt.ODU(ERS: Pat ,I n,! Bill Finnegan
DI I\.[C70R: \Ve~ Cr~\'l'n
SCIt.HNWIt.Il( ~: ~Llx A Kcll.:: r.
11/f:' STRANGe- POSSESSION G knn M. BI.'llc,r
OF 1IIRS. OLfVeR AlSO RElEASED AS: Summer "f F e(lr
l'Ji7TV In hcr Mlh TV.lllllvie, Lind" Bbir is a
PRODUCER: Scm Shrc!1w r SC hllOlglrl wh(l~c horfricnd and bmriy
DII\.[C70R: GurJ"n I k" ln (lre L,k "l1 UI'c r hy a back woods co usin
SCIt.EENWIt. ITER: Rlch.lrd ~blhe",n
II'hu b a Witch. O nl y Lrnd,,'s hor".., and
RoreJ housewife K,lren t,lh'~ on occ ult c...:rCT! Ma c d ll nald Ca re y can
till' rersonalllY of a Wllllla n heliev('d ((, ~cn,~c thc truth. A !>urprise TV-movie
be de<ld. Th" new Kare n h . 1 'WIll)!I IlJ,1 hy Craven. II ho had Jus r do ne The Hills
hl. lIlde. F,) r lan' of Karen BLick and I la l'e l::) e5. With Lee Purcdl. Je rem y
Ceurge H "mlhon o nl y. DIR'nor f-k:.:,ler Stue, ,rnd C,In )1 Lawrcnce. II W!i:. a
d ' le,n 't h,l\'l' any fil lh. the;lfTIcdl rclea,* III ElITure.

S1'RANGER IN THE HOUSE, Falcon. With Margaret Tali lceL It's 64
S • • SILENTNIGHI; mmutes lon g.
1982 ~lGM
PI\O OUCEk: Ne.1 t. Ma(fe;:!
OIUOO«.: Lee
PkODUCE": Sldn.::y &ckerman
Dlil.f:CTO,,: St-an Cunnmcharn SCI\[[NWkllEl'.: RIChard Ma!he~)n
X:I\.E[NW"ITE~ : Earl M ~c Rauc h, [n bel ween be mg <I geme and a resl-
ViewT Miller dCllt ofllarpcr VallC\', Ihrbm'a Edi:n had
The prt k.lucer/cuwt1tcr of La.11 /-I f!!ISe /)1\ an cxpeTl~'nce of the {ollnh kmd , be-
the /1{1 and pmducer/di rcCfor/ wTiter of camc ext remely pregnant , and cnded
f-ru/uy Ilk- 13th mak,-~ Ills bid (\IT respect - lip with I n allen hahy. The SlOr} in -
ahility with the film aJ ,lp,uion of a cludes clcments from The Exur<,; lst and
novel hy Mary Iliggms Cl,lrk. TIllS ~tol) R(Jsenull) 's Bllb). With JO}'C(' Vall Pat -
of a mother-dallghrer kidll;Jping under tell. Nd,cml ,l h Persuf(, and Dav id
New York's CcnIT,,1 Station en · Doyle (ugh).
glneered by extremdy weml r'~'c h()tlc
Ri p Torn belies ClinninghaJll'~ rer un.- THE STRANGLER
(Io n for Tdl'nlless \,tu lent. [t mclude!> 1964 AIl.ed ArtISts (B&W)
on ly OIh.' se lhek'~) mpc -murJer, two
PkOOU(['-S : SamlldBI>choff.
O;.viJ DlamunJ
kmfe killings. and a VICIOIIS scrcwdnvc r PS"jchopllIhlC killer Rip
OlklOOk : BUr! Topper
wound. played against a perV'I~ I\'e at- Kk[EN\I,'klTEI'.: Adl S. Ihllmgcr
Tom holds Kal.. M ulgre ...
m~phere of sadism, Plot considerat ion_ (left) and Shawn t'on
Victor Buu no sta rs as an o \'erwt'lght Schr...1xr Iw:mo~e IrI ilw
are ignored right and left, but Cunning-
ho~pit al lab technician whu murders fUllI \e1s benealh Grund
h ,lm .J()('s ach ieve an appropriaTe level
nur.,es. His ~c~i\'c mothe r (Ellen Ct mral 5uuIOTl In MGM 's
of nervc-rac kmg su~ pen sc.{ H. ) - HM
Corhy) i~ constantly attended b~' nurses. A S TrJnger Is WaTching.

",ODUCU,: Lee Ma rcus
DluaO«.: Boris [ngsler
!oCUEN"'.ln,ITEI\: Frank Panos
Credited as bemg "the first true film
IJOlr fi[m." The testimony of New York
reporter John McG uire conv icts taxi
dnver Elisha Cook, Jr. of a brutal mur-
der. Soon McGuire begins to suspeCt
that an elusive strdnger with a scarf
(Peter Lorre) is reall y the killer and has
horrible dreams of himself being scm to
the chair. This sleeper, which was influ-
enced by German ExpreSSio nism , had
Van Nest Po iglasc for art director. The
next ye;'T he worked on Citiz.en KafU',
a lso for RKO. Lorre and Cook worked
together the next year in The Maltese

\Vnh D;lvid McLean a~ a 1".'utcll'lnl, fi lms th is makes fun 01. The wrire r-
Dmne S,IYl· r. and Davey D.rv id:-<m. dircCltlr H~('d 10 coflalxlra te on \Vood y
Alle n sc ripts. (R)
1945 PRC(B&W)
O.MClOfl./ SCfl.[[NWfl.ITEfI.: hanl \VJ"].;l1 I ~70 New \V"rld
Char b M lddll·ton. formerly Mill),! the P"'OOUCl fl.S: Charlc~ S. S\~.. an:,
Mercik·~s. b a vengdul wh ite-faced Slel'lunlC Rot hman
ghost h,lllll tlllg a swamp . A rl'rnake of OIM ClO"': Stcphmllc R"th man
SCM;[NW"'ITU, : Dun Spencer
a German movie ny
,hl' ~amc d irector,
it's s;l ;d to be tll(' he~1 product io n frllm A~ rhe aJ~ said , ''They're [earn ing fasr
PRe. The c;lS'l1lclude~ furtl re producer- Th i ~ \\'.t~ t he S<.Tond product ion afte r
di rector Blah· Edw,lrch and RO,e11ldry Au/!ds DII! Hard from executiw pro~
L;l PI;I!1Che. ducer Ruge r Co rm;}n 's New W o rld
Cllrn pany, no w the largest indepe nde n r
in the husin ess . Fo ur i)C<llI tiful yo ung
nurses ;l re IIl v,llved with ;l dying P<I_
7'HEAIAD BUTCHER. flelH, il C h iclIlo revolutio nary, an ac-
c ide ntal dru.E: ovc rdose, a nd a Sl'cre t
S TRANGLERS OF BOIIIBIII' ,II'orru m. Ela lile G iftos srars with Brio ni
1960 1lalllllwr!C"lumht.l (Engbnd ) Fdr rct l. B,lrh;lTa Leigh , Ric ha rd Rust,
ilnd K,l ren Ca rlson as Ph rl.-d . Fro m the
AAOOUC£"'= And\On~ Hmtl,
DlM ClO"'; T .::rcnc~· fj,her dlh::ctnr of V('/I'cl VlIIllpire. T he succeS5
SCfI.[[NW",TU,= I},l\';d Z. C; ........lm,lIl of thb ,ex-tease d ri \'e-i n lime- wastl'r
A rcl igiOlb cult ,hat worh h .ps K:lh III led to I'nl'1lle /)uly Nunes, Nigh l uI/
1820 Indl •• tUTtlires ;lncl kill._ Rntl~h NurS(·s. The Y;nmg N1Irses. ulld:'l Sl1iPt'
1>t,ldler:s. A n(ltnrHlu~ l y","u l l _nc lillli wl fh Nurses. TCI\{I~'T ~'il\g CaT<', amI. for
ttl nj;!ues ;lnd li mh~ nit uff ,m...! l111plled a eh,ill).,,\:: of pace. The Sfltl:lclll Teudu.'Ts.
C;l~tratlo ns. \Vith ~I' ,me nevl'reux III
5l1mml'T 5,-hun/ Tt'(lchen, FI)· M e. Cot'l'T
c ha r),!e of the Illutdations, (JII)' Rolfe. C;rrl Mudels, an,1(J rh(' r \';l ria tio ns fro m
and And rew Cruikshan k . ~ , Irnl'd in :I",lrtl'd qlllCk- huck comp;lll il'S. ( R )
"Strangk'scope" ~
STUDENT BODIES 1%5 c;.,lumh,a (EngLmd!U.S. )
1981 P:lIal"olint P"'OOUCE"': 11,'m), G. L",ter
P"'O OUCE"'= Allen Smi thee OIA(ClO"': J:lm,·~ Hill
OIMCTO Ri sc "'££NWRITER: /I.·ltck q R(,,,,,· SC ~£ENW"'ITE!I.S : 1\ )na IJ and f\: rek Fmd
A te rri hie spoof of Halluwt'f1l-trrc rd' n - Fr"m the ads: "Hol y terro r! Sherl ock
SL"fll'r movies . The o nl y fl'~ II ~' fun ny 11 " [IlIl.!S V$. Jac k the Rippe r!" · Jo hn
pa rr is the "pmJuccr" a ppe'lTI l)g (In till' Nevi ll ..:!, w i\<\ Iml'r played Ho lmes o n
sne(' n and s iring tI"' t since t1Wfl'\ 110 Brnadw:l)" di'>Cm'c r.; who t he RipJX'r Tl'-
OIhCTCl'n sex or viole nce III t h i~ m uvil', ~Ill y j,. D.lIl;lld Huston is Dr. Wa tso n.
the un[y way to get an R rat in),! IS to W ith .An thtlny Q lmy[c, Jo hn Fraser,
swe~r. I-Il' doe~. Jokes ahollt a n.'tarded Adrie nne Corio Ro be rt Morley <IS My-
dO ll b le-joi n tl'd jan ito r who doe~ n 't croft I-{o[ me). and Fr;l nk Finlay as
understa nd the purpo~' of f n il('b ~ re Le'trade. Thl' sanl\' idea was later l' X-
m,lre offensive than a n}'t hmg. in the:' pl" red 10 M.mll'r Iry Dl'cree (a lso wirh

Vll,llk' m.l Fln!;II) , lkrm,ul C"IIl~n
-,".s::•. -~ .
W,I~ l"'l" Hun' I'nk.IUll'T,

SUBIIIAR/N t:. Sf:ttllA If/K

., TheSubterraneans
1'1;<,1 \11' (I\\:l;.\\-) W HO L.lve A N O LOVE IN A WOR L D 0 1' THEIR OW ,",
PI\OOUCEI\: ."-1.,, (;"r.\"n THI S 18 THEIR S T ORY TOLD TO THE
011\(001\: "'1,,·1\,\·r {,_ !\:mwu
KI\E£HWI\ITE!U:L"" R"",U, l ).,.,-,11 I i.lrrl'
'!"h ...h IIHl(h Ilk.:, (Tell (.,lllm.lIl.1er
l"lln Bend.:\ ullnll1l' 1ll'."I, .1 'IKle,~­
J,II',mc'c ,HTaait (,IHln.
luI ,nt.II_.!.. \'11.1
Brl'u 11.11,,'1, \'\',I\"IIC lid/I ... " ,111.1 Stl"
Il'n 1I.IIId",l\ CI >·,I,jT. Oru':Ul,lll\" rck"hc.1
l\muriJof) COll1l11/inJ tll (! 'mrn,e
"t A 11'\ II .1r·l<;,tt \",11 -IlI,ll,. Scc "I,"
\ lIW
T,mk ClIl llll)(lud", ,llhl J 1.:11 S,pukL Ben·
lW11 1\',1' ,Ill "ld· t lmeT fr,)1ll B",IlI.Ii,)
\'( 'C,I,' Tn'. -( 'Ii

'111'" SUIJTI-:RRANl'.iLVS
PI\OOUCEI\ : '\rl1"'r Irt",1
OII\ ( CTOI\ : R,m.II.1 ~kL\.'''f.:<,ll
!tCI\EENWI\Il(I\: R"I'CTt I hom
A frc\··lllIlI1).! h.-nch )llrl (ll-,Il<.'
f:lll~ III I.wc II Llh thc I',l('t-~,unt 1,1 th ...
rCdtmb In ~,1Il Fr,lnCl,cn (Gcllrge
PI-rI'MI\). h':,lT" ,I [1'1 01 )<1::, an.! gelS
rrCAIUnt. Se.: ,wJ hl',IT GI'TTI \Iul·
tlg,ln, Shdh' t-.1,IIl'w, An r. Art
Peprcr, Red \lltchdl. an.1 CaTmcn
\\'Idb.: . \\'Llh J.lIlice RuI .... Ro,!J\'
l'I-lcI"\,\\',Il\, JI111 Hulton, Scott r-.Llrlo\\"~',
,md An ... J" P,d, ... d un what rhc
:l.i-, ("Ikd "th ... J"l~ Kertlll,u:; I"",k th"t
,h. 1<.:k.",\(,lnl'o:ntl' moll A tn,~nc.,! " TIme,
1t\(lu,k "( :\11"'1- Tltlle," " Look \Ll, '!u
In"C:":lnl'. thl' .:.I rl) X·rdt.::d ,exI h,lr·
(~lPthe,," ,111.1 ".An"l\,t
ror 11 1m 11:1' "' ll l<'lIm,·~ '1,h.:rtl,e,l ll'ith·
UILt It' n"llll', Y\lll '"\I t.1 (.Ill the t h,'", ... r
SUCCUIJ US fur thc ,h<)('ktn)..! utl.'. J:ll1l11e R.:\n"\lJ
1'.l6H Tr,m,.A!l\~TI(;m (\,\1. Cicrm,m>\ st,IT' ,I' ,1 kHlk\ llI,i.!htchlh l'... rt'lTI ll.:r,
PI\O OUCEI\;,1ll H, ' .... " El'en nIght ,hc 1<ITturc, .1Il,1 1.>11.11.:""
011\(<101\: Jc"., Fr.m,,,
KI\£(NWI\IlEI\: 1'1."r A. (:,1[l1",nC(I
man"ll ..,j \'i,llm ,'11 'I, I),!C, Ih.:n pre-
ten'!, I" bll hllll. 11.11"1n).,: ,1 h;u,lwne
\,:." nlll"ml,,," lirlTdldlllt' S"nd~n d"IIII).!UI,hHl!.! i.ulI,I'1 Irlllll rl',lltt\. ~h.:
C"lIe.! "pl.:rl'cr,ell tunny ,mJ Inn...d,· I'I'II~ "1"'\chl'ltrl~t Sh ... h'Ii ... ,c- ,\
1-1) I'rl'lcnllllll<;"' III (:a.'>tk flf Frdl1kllSlt'nL demon « IIUn l!' hcr , ICILIlIl". Ancr ,In

~ WEIRD Frum till' acb: "To hell with urJers- we
AND WAY-OUT, a(t,!ck!" A It~t ,If guerrillas wh,) ha ve
EROTlC·SEXY! ~ jOllleJ thl' A lhel> is hidden in the un -
del}!l\)unJ vault of a captuTl,d U.S. Ollt -
pO~t III the Ph dlpPlrles. If Axis ~Id lers
/-:e t dll' IT h.mds o n Il ll, list, the men
named 0 11 il 11'111 lx, killed. Major M ike
"Touch" C lnnors leaJs Jo hn Ash ley,
Russ Render. ScOtt Pelers, Walter Mas-

,,! lu ll', Bing Russell , a n d Jewell Lain into

enelll y tc rtirory to retrieve the doe u -
1l11' IlI . WnhJ:m En.l;lund. Sanl11)('e Tung
, o{ Boellc/u.,. Farfk-r, ;tnd Hlwaibn enler-
tainer HrI() Hartie. Originall y paired
1 wi th Jet Attack. e ll

<1tgy she kills her ictll<tk lover. At rhe

next show ~he ,.,(ops bking tl1\' ~l.'X ,md
11)';7 UrlllW',ll m&W)
kdll!lg. Include.., clrl.'alll Sl'ljllen Cn , <lnl'
PI'.ODUCEI'. : Willi,llll (,rad y, Jr.
m;Hl'd tll<mnellllins. Olnd :l j<t:: "core . DII'.ECTOI'. : Chari,>, I hIS
With Howard Vcm(ln, J,Kk Tit~'I(l r, rvh. K "EENW"'J{ t\S: \"('1 111:1111 RdrnoT.
chell' LemOine. and Adrirm I [U\'CIl , J krh..:n M.rT)!<l11ll
wh o later m,jJe til{' ;\lark of rho' 0.:1 il Jnhn S,!xlln II> hack as com ho le;IJe r
fil m." (X l J II1Ull) Dale)' 111 a M.:q trd to Ruck. Pr<'lI)"
IJill,..". 1),lley'l> DIIlg:-a- Lrng5 ( md udlllj..!
SUGiIRHILL "a~I' t Rod M c Ktren) are hi reJ to pby
19i4 Al P
,IfII 'lItllUll'r CillllP, Ruc k m rrs ic and TO-
P~ODIJC[I\; Elhon Sclll(-k
rn,mce with Mully Bel', Jdl St. John ,
OtMCTOI\; Paul !l.la5Llll,k\
;HlJ Shl..'licy Faharl's. ray Wray repcatl>
SCM[~": Tun K ell}'
AlSO W£AS.EO .0.5: \'''0.1...., hl'r T\lI,.: (T\l1ll the hrsr til m.
Suga r Hill (Marki HI:)' ) m;lke, <I dl'al
with Rmm S,Hl1(~d l (D.'11 P.,.-elm Co]. SUI/fillER 01' FEAR, See
IqJ, a ch.rraCll'T hfred (rolll l it,,, <Hu/ S'I'RlINC/:.'R IN OUR HOUSE.
L:t Dr.:. Sh l " find ~ hun ;I kric!.: and Ill'
pnl\'idl" an ;Irmy ,If H,lCk 11 ,llt 1,111 ."'111 .
hll'S to wipe out the while M;lti(f~1 wh" SUNSLiTCOVR
killed her hoyfTll'nd. The C\,hwch . 1\}7"'C.d -Am
cov,:rl'd :"mbic, with hLmk cye' ,md PI'.ODUCH: I !:iTT)' H()~
lllaclW Il's arc pretty "" IT)' in pne (If rhl' DII'.ECTOI'.: A I A,Lrrmon
hl'tter lll11des frum TIll' hL!xrloitd ti (ln SC"EENWI\IT["S: C",h ""1.lmtcn~nt,
crme. With Rol)('rT Quarr~'. 1\.·lu,t c h~ [)u,ld I\..,ndl~
th e O rL.c lll a l ~. C ru\l kcd condo deve lopers pl;ln to rui n
, I I" teen !-each spot. The ki,l...
SUICIDE BArJilLlON lI'e wx ,Uld hldckrnarl to ernharr,ISS rh e
19,)1'1 A lP (R&W) ,hcn tt ,md hu s lrl e'~ m en. A drin'- m
'''ODtJCE''/SO.HNW''tTE'-.: Lou Ru,... ft cuml.' \l'lIh .cu"st ~Tar John Carmdinl'.
Dt'-ECT~: EJwa rtl !.. C al1l1 ,.J
SUPDIARGO I I NO THE e xl'crt c rim," hJ..!h ICr ,111 Ih,' gr"llIwi. It"-
1·)1 O :U :SS GIANTS ;1 cOllll'd). JI,hll C.lrradmc 1'1.1" ;1
196 i (1",1\/SI',,;n) ~urJ..!e(ln. (R )
D1M:CTO~ : P"ol" FI',lIldlln'
OI\IGINAUY R£l.£AS(D 10: I\u/"''''''':I:'I ~ I (i!,l!wllI 1971'1 \"(', Irn('r Brother'
~\t'n~<.l \ 'uhf!
P"ODUCE": PILTTl' ~f"'nj.!I,·r
A lI\:ld 'C1t~IHI'1 lurn~ [lthlcrc_ illl o DI"-!:CTO": Rlch .• rd \\'nnn
mummified nIl"),,, SUI',:rar,l!<), Ih ... wrev K"-!:[HIIII\IT(!U: ~ l.lTI,' I'll:", ])." 1.1 ;-.1"\\ Ill,HI,
1I1t1).! 'I' ~ in !1cht~. JOinS with ,til ex- Le,lic N,'wllI,In. R,,]','rr BCn\!ln
1,lIll,' \\ h(> h',K h ... ~ hun wlc\'!T;Jtl.' - and 111,' 111.111 ut '-I"d rc,ld",:>- rill' ...crn'IJ (ur
the world j, ~,l\' ...d. \\lith Ken \XInod. lh" tiN l illie ' UK,' '57 (when tht.!
L,: B;'fTl'ft, and Gu~ t-.1.1,h'o(1Il . It W"~.l T V ,,:n,'~ c ll,k,l). Chn'\llplll:r Reen.~·
'l'qUC[ I,) ~Uri<!hIT.l:(} 1 .1 DIII/",ilc'14' , an .. \ M !Uglll Kld.ler ~td r With ~1"f!.l11
Bf,mJlI, t()p·hl!l" .. l.l~Jo r -EI. \'(Ialfh rll('
SUPERARGO liS. (r:l1II scqlle ll n: Illeh IlItI" L" I ~ Lm,',
IJlJ1BOLICUS He r lIl,uhn (Nu,,:1 Nl'i(1) pb\'cd L" i.
19M C"I"mh•.• ( 11"li/ Sr " m ) m dw ~,' n , l l~ and on T V. l ler (,,,her
PkOOUCEM: Olt;n il' 1'''~L. J.J. B,oIl,l:a r (Kirk Alyn) W;I~ SIII"'fman 11\ 1\\\, ,er·
0IlU00"; I\: leI.: N",tr" ial-.. A1YII wa~ (III our ,)f the tlll',II f1C ,11
KREENWIlITEI\S: {;'.1(,I" ,1 1,,1 J,J . B:. lc.l:dT \',' r'I<'1I hur yuu com ,ee hlill HI the f'"
O'.IGINAUY RHEAnD AS: SU/l<'T"rl/"( :,,,,[1<1 con~lnlneJ lV \'(,"'"lII, which 1Il(llId('~
Vl(ln"/I( It.\ 40 m i nlll e~ "I rn~\'i (, tI,I )' d l ~ca r ,kd
A ElJTllrCan I llllt .lliOn of ~ll':\lC an foorage. Ol..lnll,'r\ pT,·\'ioll.' eredll' in·
Wf<.:~ rllll ).!. h e rll
iitl1l\. Gu)V,mnl C mn- clu ..k '!If,'n mg Ihe act1<111 ','g1!lcnts uf
fnglm (Ken \'Voud in (he AIIl<..'ric,H) Ih" B..u\{ullI S/)/iLl ~h,\W. Mu'lc hI' John
Cr.:Jlt') ~a \"c, rlw wlld,1 wh, k' w~"mnJ..! \'(/l l1l a1l1', S 14/.II.'OII11I1 CO~ { all ,,'tllllndlll).!
a 11l.l.k .lnJ I'ghl'. Gc rhdr.\ Tlch~\" I' 5'i5111i1lion.
Ihe "rii,lIn who 1lI,tnu(,rCfllr,·' J..!llld.
Good f"r Lltl),:h,. Ad~ ~trt::~:;ed - " N (ll
,I Cartolln!"

1':172 Ulll1<:d Artl'I' (l'hdll'I'lm")
P"OPU([II! Auf-.r'·1 &:Ilt'nck
DIUCTOII{KIlEENWIIIT["! G''<.lflll· So..lwnck
A nO·~ :\-l l1~r
Dmrgt"fUl4s (;ame·in·
~pl r ..d dud Hhnut;1 ,hll.-\OT wl1() l·)q x'n·
l1ll"IH, '\ll cn rnillah. then IlIrn, Illt,\ .1 UPI 717/77: PiJ5S,-rsb)
haH)"·,lpe· lih· mUlhler. It w,hn.·h,ll.:d "O<iily
Sl(lre (l.r rho: 1I,(irllo;"'
WII h DW tgh!l'r~ of ,Ii,U"!!. \'(1 nh A mUi!1 ' I'lmU,'I" (Jh'T" Jlu.' J.'OHt-\I;t
Cltc Bo.1Wl'L ( R ) u/ tlw N","' Y,'rk D,Hly
N('w~ hlllldrng ill the ji,"II'
tiou~ Pd/)('T fr.nn Ihe fmlll,
SUPERCHICK ~lnl) Su pcrm,Ul (()!n ..~ I"
1971 Cr" .... n Intern,1! hlllell life f,,,. (l. dtl;t fUT ,h" (III'
OIUCTOk: EJ h'r" till" ema I((!TW. Mot,."
cr~ lI '~
Joyce Jtll-.<l11 h T OIr;1 Il Tnlc. " hlonJ zl.5ed rhe frol1l of ,h"
"IClI'a r ..h:,~ wh" dOllhlc • .I, a k,lr,I\," audloblry fur ,. Hu>\'re:lt'l

SUP"JlJIIAN II kryp ton cTllnllla l ~ gel more SCreen time.
IYhl \,(I,lrnn BrodIn_
\.\'IHeh b ,(..'ood, hut for all those millions
P~ODUC[k: r'l'rr~ Sr....,,)(ln
(54) could n 't tlll'Y make the d(ecb
DIA(CTO"'; Rlckml L{"{~'T
more convincing ! Insiders sa~' SU/JCT-
\.O.l£NIIIINT£M: \ tin,' P":". 1);1\ 1~1 N~" m.m.
l.e,lll' r-:CI'1U,11l »um dlTcclOr Richard lJonnl'r :lcrually
dlTectl-d flhout 7') percem of th is (cature
~I ()"t of th .., o rlgm,,] ca,[ .... xcep' for
hcforc hc was fired. Watch for SU/X'T'
rru/it-l',lTIng Marloll BmnJ\I n.'turn to
till' 'l'4uel. T ..'renc,,· Stamp and 11, ..·
1951 Llr~r! (B&W)
No place to hide-No place to run ••• ,,,ooucU: Barn..·}' A. SarlXky
Six kids become kiUers to live!!! DIP.ECTOII,: Let' Shnl('111
K "£ENllllltT£fI.: RlChnrd Fielding
GCtlr,L!l' R('cv ..·~ plays Superman for the
first time. Il l' helps a sm;J1I group (l(
"moll' men" JiSfurhed hy ,m oil well.
The ~llhte rrilnC :lnS :l re JW:lT\'('s with
furr y pajam:l~, cn],lr)!ed he:lds, and a
r;ldIO<lCli\'e my gun that Inob like ;:1
vacuum ell'ane r. Genr)!e started th e
popular TV 'l'Tl6 thl' next year ;md
tl lI ~ 67-lI1l1ul(\..' (eature later tUTn\..,J
up , I~ II two-parle r called "Unknown
People." Wllh Phyll is ('"--<J,nes as LOI~,
Bil ly C urt i S a~ ,I mol\..· m:m, Je(f CNe}".
and Wal ter Reed.

19l! Par,lIm'unl (B&W)
~OCXJC[II.S:Vicl" r ~ nd EJwilnll-hlpcrlll
DIIU:CTOA: VlChlr 11,III'I.·rlll
KIU:EHWlOJTtIl.S: 1 hr\"q TIww. Brleln ~br!"w
Ca r,lk· Lomholr,] I~ p"sses~cd hy the
~rlnr ot an cx ..'cUlcd cfHllinal ! Vivienne
0,1... ,ml' IS ;1 gh, bt, I I. R. W:lTlll'f:l dl >\..'_
InT. and Scolt a hero in Ihi s
pld h,lrmT mllvie {rom till' Ha ipeTiIl
hrnthcr" I'TI>ducl'rs of \'{Ihir" Zmnbii'.

11}7') Tnpar (Spalll)
K /\[(NIII/\.TEIU: Juan PI<jlll'T. SI.·haslian M Ol
C,lIllaoll Mllchell ~ ' ,Irs a~ , he mad Dr.
Gu lk In , ht~ rem h Ie !;;upl'rhero film. H e
h.urlc Kt\)IW~, the SUlx'r:..m ic Ma n .

'\'111 IP E.trrh 1(I':,l,h In un t hl' 'itCH'" A juml... , jl't cr,t,Ill", hUI Ihl' \ mly '1In'i-
,,1 rh.: I'n::viou~ ~\';tr\ Su/'t.'ymwl. \Vnh \"'f, plh.t R .. hert P"lldl, ca n't fcmo.::lll-
\11(h,td Olh-. h.,'f" Ihln).!. A TIlIiI~lu Z,m':-ln'.: "Ilry
rcle.h\,J .1m;".:",· III (,,1-1.: Il,ll'v, .. ion til
SURF 1~IR7Y AmefK ;l. knny A).!uu.: r CO-, " 1y" a~ ,1
]'-JM 2l'rh (:cntur~"F,>x (B&W) p,ychl( ,md J""cl' h C"f(en ha, ;1 hit
PROOUCEIVDIR(CTOR : \ l,.ur, I \'XIc'T part. ~11I'1C h I3n ,1Il M,ty, D irl'cltlr
SCR[(NW RITH : ] l.lrT~ Sl' , llIl,llTI~ H<'ntnttll).!.; ,md Puwdl were 111 Hmlc-
!}.,hh, Vintl,n ,1,lf' ,I' rlw " ]X'TaII If ()t ,t 'Iui n th.: ,aml' lear.
.. ur( .. hilI'. J~ckw [)".. Sh'll1n"1l t, , j \ ,IC"-
lillner 111 /l.b[ihll Bc,\Ch. Song' Includc
"hrcw,Hl'f" ;lIld "'If I \Vl'Tl".1Il Artl'I," SUSPIRlfI
\Vl l h the A,muMIl" ;In.! dlt' ROIII .. r, 1'l7t> [ntl'nl,IIIPll,11 (:1.''''ll'
(lOlh C,'nruT)-h,x) (1Idl..,)
;l' rh.:m'l,lvc", PRODU( £R; CL,ud,,> Ar).!l'nlt >
n.1T1l' Ar).!.:ntu
SURF TERROR, Sec TlU: 1\:(111'" I]' ~h, ><-L (,.nln ,m ].-"1(;1 I ];lfper
BRI I CH GIRl,sANIJ TIll: l\hl'l1 ,hl' ,1rnlt." <II ",m: Akalla lll l"; In
,I/ONSTER. Frl'lhurg Hill hy Jtl;tn Bt:nn.:tt (Ddrk
Slt"dill\ \) <llld AI".!.. V,tlli . A culorf\l l,
S UR VI VAl-RUN ~[yl , .. h
huntlf nlUI'''' II lIh;l wlfch. holt .. ,
]'),'kl Fdm "<,nturl" al1ll".t,tl ly IInl'''I'<.'cIl'l] cl.:ml'Il\.', Ilk.'
PRO DUCER; I ,m.:.: II, ~ ,I
~, £:til tnl,' :l f<l(lItl full lIf h"rh..;d wire
DI ~CTOR: Lar!\' :-i1'll'cd
.md droppln).! (rom the c(,lhn).!!j.!,'b
SC RUNWlI.IT£J\l; Llrr\ ::<l'lc):l'l, U, \\ (""hlll
un til ,kl'Plll).! ).!lfb. Thl' l.>ound tnKl h),
T,','n,lI.!,'r" V1tlil-IK':, Jmg', nudltl" ;tnd
th.: rnrk gr<'''I' (';"hlill b fh.: 1"1I,!"'~1
"" .h..H'r, \1 Irh )""WU! V itKl' tH V,m J\n-
Il'n 011 ,I mOI"f(~ll.:. AI", with l'xl'l,,,-
!.tljon .:xp..·rr, Itt\' \ l ilLtild ,1Il,1 Pl''''f
Gr,\\.:, ,I' \'. ,,] ).!II\·,. \10

1977 1',11,1111<111111 t~kxl''')
11.'n,' '- ~oIT,l, >n.l, Jr.
\X'h.:n ,1 !l'! IIIK'r n,bhe, l!\ the And,'"
tll<..' ~urviV<lf~ '1.11 ;tll\'l' hy ':dung Ih.:
In l:,'n 1... ",11(" 01 1'1:1>1'1.- Ihe~ Iwrl' buw
rd,lllll).! 1<' durmg th.: Il.ght. TIll' h.,',1
known'" C,mj"n .. ', !tH'r' '1'':c(.1(I.:,.
Wlfh P,Ihlo Fl'rr,': ,md 1]1I).!') S"t!l il:
(.. 1'0111 C;trd"l1.,\ Tmllllt..'TIl ,lilt! ('In-
Wl,1, CHI! (If tltt..' l)(!l ll llCd).

191'0 (AII'If"I.,.)
PJlOOUCER : Amlulll\ I (illlll.Ul<'
OI"'EClOR: !\I\',d I !~Il1I1lIl1~'
~ JI(ENWRI TER: 1 \" Id A",h,,,,·

61 1
~'ou'li ever hear. With Uclo Kkr ,md THE SWMfP THING
Stefania Ca~im. ( R ) 1981 Embassy
Pf.OOUC£M: Benjamlll Mclnlkcr,
SVENGALI Mich<lcl E. Ushn
19}1 Warnn BrOlIl.. T, (Il&\X1 ) DIMCTO"/ S('-lENW"ITI"; We~ C raven
'''ODUCE!'.: WarlH:T IlrodH.·~ Despite some unintentional laughs, this
Dlkr(TO": Archie Mil)"O comic-hook lldapwtion is enjoyahle and
SC"EENW"ITE": J. Grll hb AleK,mJer deserved to do be tter than it did. A
John Barrymore I~ great as the wild· scil'ntisr (Ray Wise) working o n a se-
eyed hearded hypnotist in turn.of·the. cret project in the Louisiana bayou is
Century Paris. He contrn!~ the life ,md doused with his new llnimal/vegetable
smging career of l-Iond Marian Marsh formula and becomes the Stro ng but
as Trllhy. WlIh Bramwell Fletcher. tr:lgic Swamp Th ing. Bad guy Arcane
BarrYlIlore foll owed tillS role with a (Louis Jourdan) eventuall y steals the
similar one in The Mad Genil/s, the formula and becomes the Arcane mon -
sa me year. ster for an anticli mactic battle of sill y-
looking men in monster suits. The best
SVENGALI parts involve government agent Adri-
195; fI.-IGM (England) enne Barbeau h iding from A rcane's
'''DOUCE''; George Mmter henchmen with the help of a young
OlkrCTO"/SCkr [ NWJ.ITE'-: N .)C) bngley swamp-wise black kid. Sick cinema fans
Donald Wolfit, Star of Blood of the will recognize [),wid Hess (Craven's Las,
Vampire, gNs \() wear lots o f eyeliner House olllhe Left) and Nicholas Worrh
aga in as the fam OU5 1()ve ·~t'l rved rrcnch (DOfl't Allswer Inc PhOflC) as the inept
hypnotist. Hildegarde Ndf is TTllby. bad WolyS. Barbeau fans will enjoy he r
first onscreen topless bathing scene.
SlMlllfP DIM IONDS, See "Swampmani3" items, inc luding lxX"lks,
SWAtIlP WOIIIEN. records, shirts, bubble-gum cards, to)'S,
~(lmes, and underwear, m ostl y sat on
S WM fPFlRE shelves collec ting dust.
1946 ParamOUnT
PM>OUCW: William Pmt'", Wilham Thomas SWAt/IP WO,/IEN
DlkrCTO": William Pme
1956 Wnolnt"T
SCMENW"ITE'-: Gcoffrq' Holll1l's
Pf.OOUCE-'; Bernard Woolnt"T
Once agam the ads tell the story: "Twin OlkrCTO": Rroger Corm~n
water wizards cla~h in deadly bayou low SCMEN\1Il\ITE": If.1vid Siern
feud!" The wo rld's two most f3mous AUO krLWrO AS: Swamp o,amwuk Cnu.'1
O lympic swim ming champs- turned- SU'amp
m"tince-idol-hemcs appear together for Policew(Jlnan Car'l le Matthews po~es
the first time! Navy lTlan Johnny Weiss- a~ a gun mo ll to get in with prisoners
muller figh ts bayou king Buster Crahbe Beverly Garland , Maric Windsor, and
on land and (of course) 10 alligator- Jill JaTmyn-"the NardoGang"-who
infested waters (or "a tige r girl's love." have a fortune in sto len diamonJs
Except for cameo appear:lnces as h1O\- tucked away in rhe Louisiana h il YOli
self in other films, it was Weissmuller's country. Thl'Te's;1 rigged bn'a kolll and
only role outside of the TIlTwlIllnd}Jm- the four end up in the swamp, where
R,/e Jim series. With Virgima G rey, Carol they mel'{ geologbt/oil l'xploreT Mike
Thurston, and young DaVid Janssen. "Tollch" Connorsand his fiancee. Con-

N010RIOUS "Pick· Up"

... ,h


~~:!!~!!!~!!~~!!~~~~~~~~~I ........•
nOT) has a strong effect on the lonely love; hIm. OilVI3 de HaVilland, a school
women, who fiRht tooth and nail for
teacher, IS Hwolv<.-d 10 a love triangle
hI' (,!vur. TIl\' fiancee and Garland with Ben JohnllOn and Fred MacMurray
arc hOlh k.lIed hefore the poitee ,min; hefore being stung 10 death . Ilenry
10 clear til(' way for Carol... and O llT
Fund;I, RiCh;lTd Chamberlain, and Jose
hero. With LOll Place. jonath'lIl I b:c, Ferrer aTe doctors. Rtchard W;dl1ii1rk,
and albga,or~. Filmed III a LOlli,iana Br<ldford Dillman, :md C1meron Mitch-
ell ell reprc~ent the military. Other stars
swamp. carefully selectcd for th is multi-million-
dollaT flop include Slim Pickens, Lee
SIfI,iRJII Grant, and Patty Duke Astin. It's long,
1-)78 Warner I)rol!her<
it's funny. and It featl1re~ posters for
KP, E£NW" ,TEP.: Swr1 ln~ $ll1'phanl The T()\("efmR Inferno.
A wnndcrful (;1St of well·bh)wn s{,ITS
try to uUldo ("Kh other whde re,l<.Im)<
!cTrlble dIalogue and hcing Slung. MI- SWEET KILL
c hael Came, a B-mo\' IC hero if there 1971 Nc" World
ever was one, top.hilled as ,I ;;c1O:ntlst
I' PI\ODUCO: T ~m~m A~ycu
ollY:o()l\./so,([PNn.rT[l\ : CU TIIS H~ns()n
who saves HOU)Wil h~' duplicating the
AUO IY:lEAS£O Al: The Arou.K'"I"$
sound of hccs mat mg. J<<lrhllTlnl' Ross

The Los Angeles Times called it "a mile- chic kille r in this pilot for The Sixth
stone in Tab Hunter's career." He stars Sense series (1972). With Stefanic Pow-
as an lInpote nt Ca lifornia J::)' m teac ht'r enand Pat Hingle. Gary Col linssrarroo
who masturbates while a prostitute pia)'S in the series.
h is dead mmher. Psycho-type thrills arc
promised. (R )
THESWEETRIDE 196) Eme ~n (B&W)
~ODUC[k/K'-I:EN\VkITU.: Gunther Collins
196820,h Ccn'Ufy-Fox
01 '-£00" : Ja~' O. Lawrence
P'kODlJCo.:Joe Pasterna k
DIIU:O O ,,: Harvey Han William We1!m:ln, Jr., tries to finance
SCMEWW"'TE": Tom ~hnklewl ct a college education whi le h is waitress
Surfers. tennis hums. and hikers in Mal- love wairs on [he sidelines. Sandra Gale
ibu all figure in this mess. which would Bettin and Arline Judge co-star along
he better off wi thout Tony Frilnciosa with Dick Dale and the Del Tones.
as a tenn is bum and Michael Sarrazin Emerson Fi lm Enterpri ses even tually
as his roommate. Jacque line Bisset and found se x mo vies less o f a h ead:lc h e
Bob Den ver (in one of his Milynard - than the likes of th is, Mom/rosily . and
type roles) can stay. With Michael MClTIos- Hands of Fate. -CB
Wi lding, Pe rcy Rodriguez. Wilrren
Steve ns, Pat Buttram. and a sadistic S WINGIN'ALONG
bald biker called Mr. C lean. Music by 1962 10th Century. Fox
Dusty Springfield and Mob)' Grape . '''ODlJ(u': Jade Leewood
01"[00" : C harles Barton
SWEETSAVAGE SCIl.EENW"'T£": Jameson Brewer
1979 Evolu.ion Films Tommy Noonan and Peter Marshall
01'-1:00'-: Ann Perry were a comedy tcam in a series of for-
Aldo Ray stars as a bad guy In IllS fi rst J.'OTten films. In this, thei r laS[ together,
hard-co re Western. He had p revio usly Noonan ends up winni n g fi rst prize in
distingu ished himself in hits like N'gs:er a songwrit ing COntest. With Barbara
I....oocr. Indi:lns and co wbo ys haY(" sex. Eden, T..-d Knight (as a priest), Mi ke
When poor Aldo starts taking Ius Mawrb, and Ray Charles, Roger Wi l-
clothes off. a man rushes 111 the room lIams. and Bobhy Vee as themselves.
and pushes h im o ut the window. C arol Noon"n later made nudies with Mans-
Conners (Deep Throm, The Gong Show) field and VlIn Doren. Peter Marshall
si ngs and d:lnces. Beth Anm. is the real has been the host of HuilyWO<X:!. Squares
s(ar. Laughah/(- porno feawrin,l< real In- since 1966.
dians dancing and various C,HIC;}sian
:lnd black women playing Indians for
the sex scenes. (Xl THE S WINGIN' SET, See
1971 TV
'''ODUCE'': Stan Shpt"tner
01'-l:00A: Sut ton Roley A S WINGIN'SUtlltlIER
K MEWWlI,rru;AIHhon r l:lwTt'nce 1965 Unued Screen Arts
' ''ODlJ(U: Reno C;:a re ll
A lex Dreier. a former newscaster. stars OI'-l:OQA: Ro ben Span
as an ES P expert se:ltch ing for a r sy- SC'-[(WW"JJ(A; Ll'l ilh C h;:apm;:an

Will iam Wellman, Jr., plans to m,lke eludes s01l1e grea t shocking sp..:cial e(-
mililuns with parmer James Sracy hy feCb and lors Ilf 3ellon, hut have flln
bo<)king dy namite acts into a Lake Ar- trying to fo l [ow the plo t. Hew Lee
rowhead dance pavillion_ But the uwn..:r Horsley (the M(lIc Houston ;:,cries) helps
say~ nu 10 th..: likes of the Rip Chords, Kathleen Ikller (who likes 10 kick men
the R ightt:uus Brothers, G ary u:wis and in the groin) rescue her brother from
the Playboys, Mr. Pe rsonalit y Don nie the evil Cromwel l's IIlTt llre c hamhcr.
BnxJks, and Jody Miller- until his GCorgl~ Maharis cu-stars. With Richa rd
girlfriend (Quinn O' Hara) arrnngcs for Lynch as Cromwel[ , a scary demon from
her (ather to put up security. Wdlman He ll, and II triple-bladed, jet -propelled
ac ts typIcally stupid when the SC'cret supersword. II W,IS the firsl (eature (or
leak s out , but hl' gets over it in time the 26-year-old director. (R )
for o pening night , wh ic h is ~uc h a
success that three friends of a jealous THE SWORD OF ALI8ABII
Ii fe~ u 'lTd ( MaTlin West ) try to make off 1965 Un lwrs,'11
wit h the cash bo x. The perfor11ler~ ",ODUC[II: Ilow;II'J Ch r l~t II;"
Ignu re their h its in favor of "Ju~, in C, " OIIl(CTOM: Arthur Lubin, V,rJ,:,1 W. V()):~l

"Penny thl' POt)," "R<..... I HOI Roadster," SCII(ENWMl:M; Oscar Brodne)'.

Edmund llart lllillln
"Out to Lunch," and "N itro" , hook-
ish Raqucl Welch fina li)' takes o(f her Supposedly II p 10 70 percent o( { hi~ (ea-
gla~~es in all the exc item ent. Mi ller ture was taken (rom the 1944 All Huhl
s in ).l~ the title sung. With Mic hael and Ihe FurlY Thin>e5. Frank PugH" as
Bltldgen (Beyond me Valley of the Dulls). Prince Cassim remai ns fmlll rh(' 21-
-CB year-old (oomge. The nl'W "star" is Peter
Mann. W ith Jocelyn Gille. Gavin Mac-
SWORDAND HIE DRAGON Leod (later captain of The I~t\!e Boat),
1956 Valiant (U.S.S. R.) and Frnnk De Kova.
",oDucu/ olkECTOk: Alcx~nder I'w,hk.,
Of.IGINAU Y [l.[L.£A$[ D AS : I/yo M rmwlnel,
Channin g (antasy epi\.: with 1 [th- 1960 H;ullln~'rlColumH~ (En,l!l.llld )
cenlury Russian hem Ilya Mourometz PllOOllCEI\: Sldne)' ("..01.·
using his magic sword to shl y a three - DIII(OO": T ~ r~n{' C Fisha
headed dragon . \Vilh a wind demo n SC[l.[[NWP.ITO,: A I ~n Hackney
and uther legendary creatllTcs. Starring TV's Rohin Hood , Riclwrd Greene, vs,
Bons Andreyev. By the di rcC(ur of ThJ.· Peter Cushi ng as rhe Sheri ff o( Nor-
Magic World uf Sin/xuJ. tingham (a rule once plaYl'd hy Basil
Ra thhond. Wilh O [i\'er Ree,1 ~md
N Igd G recn. Filmed 111 Irebmd.
1Y82 Bellford
MOOUCEM: Brandon Ch ~lse.
M :m ~ul!1~ Ch i l~C
SCkUNWklTtk: Tllnl K:un<lwsk),
This bloody, low-budget muneYlilaker
IS In man)' ways b.:llcr than CmulIl and
Excalibur (as ad 4u ()t e ~ clllimcd). [t in -

• •
• ••
THE l:A.df.l. SHOIf/ Sl'e how rill' dlrecttlr o( SWr \\'lars re-
• !964AJr(B&W)
;]lIy (eds ;]hout thmgs. AS!l film srll-
• •
PkODUCU; Let:' SJv;n
St"\",, Binder
dent!ll USC, Lucas made ,I ~h{)rt called
• • Th<il 's 'Teenage Aw'lrd.' MusIc Inkma-
TI IX J 138 4EB. Franci~ Coppa'" S;]w
• • tion,.I," the uhiTl1;JIC rock 'n' mlllllovie.
An Ell'ctron()vi~i(ln (viJC(llal'c) "HI-
it, liked it, and helped him mIse money
to makc rhis(e,llure ver,ion . whteh he-
came the tirst Aml'fican ZoeTrope
duct ian with no ~uhpl()tsc'r acting-it's
production. (Coppola t!lh,s executive
just one wunderful ;tll-st;lT liw ,huw.
I'r,xiucer credit). It's a classic, chdling
STarting with the le;}~t Imrr~'~"l\,(' and
look at a dehumanized (UTure. Rohert
moving up; the Barharians ;l Tl' t fit' ()Illy
Ou\"111. a~ THX, b arrested (ur not t;]k-
bad group. Thl"Y only do one (nonhir)
lIlg his tf<Ulljuilizing drug~. Hc and an
song but }'OU [<In ~ec drummer Moulry\
unwantl,d l'ompan ion (Donald Plc;]_
famous hook hanJ. Billy). Kr,rmer <Inti
sence) go to pri,on, an all-whi te void
the Dakotas ;lnd Gerry ,Hld till' PilCe -
w!kre rob,,! gU!lrds IXlke hald prisoners
m;lkcrs om: good, hut r;lfc C()[Il),;ucd to
with c<ttt le pnxk THX f;nd~ the cm-
[he other :lct~. Chuck Berry's great ;l~
bryo o( hi.. unlXlrn ch ild, discover~ his
usual, hut he's in lots of m(lvie~. J<ln
ilkg;]II()ver (M<lggie McOtnte) i~ de;ld,
and DC;ln, rhe comical ho~t" W'l';lT
and escapes in ;1 Ie, C;]r. \\l1<h Don
sniped T-shirt:; and ride ,brd)():lr,h,
Pedru Coller, Sid rlaig-, Marshall Efmn,
hut they don't do their be,{ ,.mgs. Lc"
Johnny Wei"rlluller, Jr. (a rohot), mu-
Ie}' Gore does "It'~ My Parry" and "You
tant hatry dwarfs, h()logmm,. and !l
Don ' t Own Me," n,.,th st dl I'opul;]r
\Vizard of O~-stylc religioll~ leader.
anthems. The beSt o(M,Jt(l\\'1l is n::pre-
Partialy ,hot 111 San Francisco's BART
sl'I1ted b~· Marvin G,lye ("Iii tchhikc"), tunnels.
Smohy Ruhinson and th<' MIracle ..
("Shop Around"). and the Supreme"
(eatuTing Dl<lna H.()~-,' eye:; ("B;lhy
uwe"). The Rolling Stolles do a grl'at TABOOS OF THE WORLD
'Time Is o n My SIlk" but r!ll'Y really 196) AIP{ltaly)
can't (allow James Rr,lwn and rhe Fa"- PkODUCER; ()"IJO GI<!ml'!lrtnl'Hllcl
ulous Fb!1l<,s. J inne~ ddnces hh~ noh()d~· DtP.£CTOR/SCk£ENWkt TER; R(HIlOI, \ M~rcdllni
e!~(, in t he husiness !lnd .,>ings ;'Ple;]sc, OktGtNALL Y kELEASED AS: I T (J/m
Please, Pl ea ... e,'· throwing ,,(( hb cape Vincent PrIce n;lrf<ltl'S anuther l\1Ulld()
and repe;]tedly returning (ur mure untd (:«11(,ImitatIon with lepers. <tl<l!ll-1:xllnb
you rhink he'll drop. It's till' Iwst "ken" l'IUttlb, drug addkc, selling their hahte~,
fil m ever !1l!lrk. The sdd()!1l-~Il(lwn hh,xl drinktng, ;Int! childhirrh!
117 -minute version also (<'<11I1re.., the
Be,lCh Boys. Jack N itz.'che w,ts till' mu-
sica l difl~ctor. A TALE OF TWO CInES
1958 R,m!.: (Engl,.n,l) (1l.&W)
PkOOUCEk: I~.:(f)' E. Box
DtRECTOR; Iblrh Thom,ls
THX-I/J8 SCkE[NWlltTEII : 'I. E. R Clar kc
1971 Warn.::, Sr.,ther, Dirk f\('g;udc ,lars in tlll~ ver~i()n o(
PROOUCER; L""retl(c StllTh~hn Dlck<'rb' ,rory. Christopher Le.c , who
DII\[CTOR: George Luc~.,
soon ti,und intl'rn,lriunal f,UlW 111 HUTTO)"
SCI\[ENW!IJITI\S: Gl'Or)!l' Luc~' , \x'"ltl'r ~ lurch
of Dr£k!da, plays the decadent rnarqui~.

On Chnsrmm l:'t.:. Ju-
()OOll Cullins' il 'rs-
by fill \Imnlnltd Sunl<.l
(Olner .\,lrI((;1<'t' .... , HI
T:lles from tne Crypt.


19i 2 AI1lIClh/C mCT:lIll.1 (En)!!.",.! I 1962 ,1\ I P
P~OOUC [M: ~hlt()" Sul"","-, .."oDUcu /DIlUcrO": Rll).!l'f C,lTIll.ln
~1 'I~J . H"""ni-.-r).!
KHENWI'JIT": Rrch,Ir.! ~t.uhc"on
DIN:(lO~ : he,kl,,' Fr.lIl(l> Aller due ... 1\1\.' hll~, R,,~ ... r,1n dill
K kU NW" rTEP.: ~',h"n :3l1hn,h- Ihl' t hree-In-CIll ... Poc tl)(W I.... Vmc ... TlI
An ;UTclll l" 10 hrlll!! ti.\' •• E.C. horror Pnc ... _t.U' In ,.1I1I1r...... , hUI till' hlg ncw~
CU m IC_ to ,he ....."Tl'(' n with Iblph RlCh- wa~ Pl'ter Lorrl' .rml B,I'II Rathl1'\ lI1l' r... -
, lrJ :-IJIl h"ldlllg ,hm,!!, rugcth,'r ,l~ th,' lumlll\.,: In h,'rrur him, .md 1ll,Ikmg lill'Ir
cTvptkccpcr. " I\>('(Ic JU~TlCf,-'" fe a tllrc ~ hr.-t A[P apl'.... lr,m(·l". [n "Mur... H,I, " a
Peter ell,hm!.! .I~ Grun"Jyh" an (,kl ., ],In· ~ rmllar III "T{lmh Ilf L lg...:I." Pnce
m,1Il \\ho rdllrll S 11\\111 the gr,I\(' (,) .eel is h 'lIeJ hy III, J,HlgIHl'f. L ... n,II',I. wh,)
re\en).:..:. "Bltnd AlIcy~" t.;OIturO P,U- IS f'I."'('"e.1 h} Ill .• ~k'; IJ wl(e. Mllrcl l,l.
rick />.1.II.!C(' ,I' ,I l'ictlllll:ed \-1111,\ man "The Bl.lCk Crt" (which IIKI\l~b Ihe
"",h,) .iTt,lIl!.!l" !ur Nl).:d I\nnd.: to Tun ~tll r y "'The Ca,k "j AtlHlllnJ[adu")
d"WI1 ,I n ,ITT<IW d,lrk hallw;IY lmcd With hCgltH wnh :1 CllllllC I \ W i lh' -I. I~] r ng
!";i:,lT H, ldc~. "All Thf<lll).:h ,\w II(HJ"~." cont,',' herwl'l~tl Lllrr..: ;mel ['Tic .... \'(Ih,·]\
with JU;Ul CoHill, and Chkw,.' Frank, i~ t hl~ drunkl'n L, 'TTl' ,h..c, \\'l'f~ Wlfl' Dehr;-t
:\1,,,111 il I',y ... h" S,Lnt.l. In "Rdkuion P,lgct ha~ hel'!) '"olin).,! ;]ftlunel WIt h
"f I )cluh" \:tn I kmlry pLly~.1 m,ln wh,) Price, hI' hricb t!k' tlI up in tht: ..:el b r
due,n', T".Il i:!..: Ill''' d<"I,1. "\Vl~h YllU ;llon),: II'll h :In unnotlc ... d Cdt. \Vlt h
Wert: I l ... n:" hnd~ Rich;lrJ Greel1l' \V;-t \l y Cam!,,'. 111 " F,H.h III the C,IK o(
bwught hICk tn life In <l v;lriatlun of M. V<lldem,lr" llll' ~ tIIcri ~ ( 1\.l[hhl.llle
"Th..: M{lnb..'\" ~ 1',1\\'," b~ ~l\cce~~ kd keep~ PrH.T <I[ne In .I lrimn'. \Vht:ll he
III Val/II IJf f f rlfTlJT the next ye;lf. for(c~ Pru.:e· ~ wife l\1cbr;, Pil~~·tl Tn
n\,lrry hml, l'rltt: fI.t:,. hegm~ melun.c
T;t /~ ES FRO"I THE CHI'P], 1[, mto.m ,1'\): tn g (;IC l'1c ..... lll"'~, ,Illd oloC <lft:S
s.... 'I1IE VlIULT OF HORROR. hl~ Il cnlL'.r~ I,) d":.llh.

I( ~Oll l'\·..:r wnnek'rcel where the dlTl'c-
fm of Tltt')' S,IWJ Hltlt'r'j Bram got hiS
~I<lrt, bilk no furrhcr. III~ (eature dchm
11;t ~ thl' him ,t.lrrlll/.! N;)ncy D .. \"i~
(R":'lg,lIl ) ,md tUlUrl' rolitici;lll George
Murph y ;I, hll~h;Uld ;lllll wife. T h e
h,lprr lIrru~ ·gro\I II\J.: coupk· ;)re upset
Ilhcn dll' lr .... m (Btll\· Gr;l)" o ( FlI. rha
KnullS /Jt'S!) find~ hl~ Jng Je;),\. A n..:w
(forel,!!n) !)),\Il III (Ow n (Kurt Ka~:nar)
I' hl.llncd (or the C<l111tle carer. Gm"p
I(';lel, ' l ) Ihc f1'<lor lH,\Il lx- Ing accused o(
a tnur,ler. Wilh Ll'WI~ Stone. Critical
rl',Kfhl1h r:IIlj.!C from "u n belle\""hly
]"'«Ior" (\ '(II'It' f)) tll '\Iisturhlnj.!. exrre~.
~ I()nl ,,!ic" (rlim ;\lVlr, Overlook Press),

l i l!1l UN, See THEDEVIL'S


1958 All' (1'&\,\1)
PRODUC H : Rl(h,lrd Bcrn_'ilt' ln
DIU:CTO~; Sht'rn];J1l A. R o","
K~[EHWI\I1 [IU; RIChard IkrnSll'ln.
Vl'Pt l!t' \'\1. Wal,'r;;
Ad\erfl'ed ,h ; "A raging In(ern u of
UPI 1112716/ ThI$I~ IlOI 'DILES THAT 11M!" non Kelly, ;\ 1,lfJo ne Hellen,
"W /llCk <il1..""'I" hilI nu/u:r WITNESS ,UADNESS Fmnk Gor~hln, ;lnd Edward G. Rohn-
a /lIIeuf/ o/lMc'k cau UN&' !ton, Jr" ate !tllmell,h{'re In Korea. A
1'Ji J Anm:us. P,ll<lnlnUnr (Encl.lIld)
o,me11 MIl<: for a e~m..::e
",oouco,.: Norman rfl~cn t<lnk \llth a hruken 1!("lrhox is pmneJ
In rhe mOUQlllm:wr..> Tllles
DIM:CTO~; Frcd,II~' FrMKI' ,1gtll!1Sf ,I ,heercll((hy enellly tire. Ro b-
of Terror Prud uceI"J Silo·
KM:£HW~'rrl\; ]cnl1lkr Javnc 111'><:111 rl'.b de,llh by sertlngOUt (o r SPilT\.'
dlO In Hull)u (Jod Imr O il{
lhe call mid a rmal (If 1&' Fuur ho rror _'tories rciateJ by r :lIi..:m~ part~, OperatuHl Spider h s<1ved. A dou-
Call and rh':IT ou lien In a cllnic. Thl' ~tilf' Inc lude Kll11 ble I\\,h Hdl SqlwJ. Rosc also directe,l
S/wU'ed up IU rh.?dkIlKt'IIf Nm'ak In her first mit.: 'Illce '69, ),l( k TclrR"<'t Earth, -CR
g.:lIIrw a 5wmng role fV1 Hawkins in his !a .. t mle (hl' died In 'i3),
flufh Donald Pkasence, JO;)1\ Coli 111', Su:v TANK CO,UiJ/ilNDOS
Ken(hill. and Dona ld I lou, Ion. The ~t\l. 195'.1 A lP (B&W)
til' S illl'oln'c;)nnibalbm,
a IIV11lgp!.m t , P~oDuc[I\/Dll\EcrO I\/~c I\EENW~ITE~;
;)n im agmary tiger, and a rl11u'::- Ill<tchin..: Burt T"rl'CT
bicycle. (R) Frulll th..: .1tk "The glJt~ and dynamite
demolifl,)I1 S(IIJ<I,I!" In \'(/orlJ \'(/Jr II
7i1LK ABOUTA STRANGER II,ily Ro\x-rt l3;)rrnn and his crew ~e,lrc h
1951 ~fG~l (R&W) (or II brlelge u,ed hy the Germans for
PRODUC[~; Ri c hard GuIJ,tt'in hc,l\\ -"rti llet) fmmp0 rT. Rumn spenJ:.
DIM:CTO~; Dand 8raJfq' off h\)ur~ II Ilh Red Cross nur~(' :v1agglc
K~EEHWI\1TEA; ;\larl.:,uet FlIt~ Llwrencl' wh ile h iS Gb chase Italian

!!lrI~. \Vith Wally Campo..) and Donato
Elfett<!. A dual r...teaS<' wid, O/X'T(I[ion
D«mes. -CB

l itNl;1 'S ISLAND

1980 Fr~'\1 B.lkn Fdm~ (Canad,l)
P" O DUCE"/K MENWI\I Tt": Pierr... Brou)l> ... <lLJ
DIMOO" : Alfr~...1 Sole
Thl~ untque fanta~y Jid terribly .11 the
hox officl' but. like So!e'~ Alice. Surccl
Al,co.', it'~ ,urpri~mg l y well m,.de for its
smflll budget and dcsl.'[ves another look.
The someTi mes pretentious screenplay
I'rCM'nts !!mgl'OU~ dark-skinneJ m\l(\eI
D.D.Win ters as Tanya, a film tcchni-
cian with an ,Ibusive unemployed live-in
artl!>I-lover. His pmllltive pl.IIntings help
inspire ho.:r dream aiXHl[ liv in):! on ,I
be"luiful Tropical island where he ,!CIS
surl y and paints a~ usua l anJ she mostly
rides naked ,dong the shoreline. Shl'
finds anJ hcfrien,l~ a gl'nrie ape w jth
blue eye~. Her Jealous hoyfriend c,m't
accept the platonic rclaIionship. locks
the ape in a bamh:XJ cage, and, when
he CSC,lreS, locks up Tanya. TIl(' ~ lIne­
[iilles humnrulls batt Ie continues .. , man
:md ape man inlllate l'ach o ther ;mJ 'DIRAN TW.!I M(IT(.I Gon:wy (mdJohll
fi .d l t for tilt: wum.Hl wh\) eventually 1955 UOIlvl'rd (B&W) A£<lr mJude Amolll·s
wakes lip scream mg. The extremely rc- I'P.ooucn : Willldill AILmd Tar:mtula.
a ll,tlC apt' costume was deslgn .....,,\ h)' RICk OIMOOl\: Jack Arnold
Bilker :md Rub Ro llin. Filmed in Puerto K llENW" lrELU: Roh..' rt M . Frc".;:,),
R ICO. With c hp ~ from Might)" Joe M:utin Ikrk",I,,)·
)~Jl lUg.( R ) Prufes~m Leo (J. Carroll l~X fX'Tllne n h
with artlficLl1 food in his descrt lab.
II cau~~ rat:-. .HlI l1lil ls to ~row large hut
'DIP ROOTS gi\'e~ people acrumeg<l ly. Cr,.:et.i de ·
1'.148 Unlvt:r><ll fOrlned assistant Eddie Pa rker destroys
PIIOI>\KEIl: W.. her \X';lIIgcr ,he lah, IInk'a~hi ng ,he lOO-foot-[all
OIMCTO" =C",o!")! ... "-I:m.hall t;lrantlda. which kills callie, rhen
K II.£EN'lln.ITE": ALm Ll'lHay Pl'Ople. Joh n Ag<lr and M:lTa Contly
Van Heilm and &.uthern helle Susan (as "Stew") try to help the ugly, dying
1-I:1)'ward arc would-be lovers in Mis:;is- profe~~o r and desIToy the tamnrula b..:-
sippi Jurin~ tho.: C ivil War. Boris Karloff fOfe il art.Kks the [own. Air Force pilot
.s TISh (lmlll~(l , ., fno.:ndl)' Indian with Cli nt E<I~twol.l(\ (in ;. \'ery ~llla ll role)
IlTOuds. With Wa rd Bond, Juhe Lo nJon, drops an effect IVC bumh on the monster.
Rlck.rJ lImg, anJ Arthur Shidd~. O ne of th ... l:x,ttcr gi,lIll -creaturl' movies,

it was haS<.-d on an episode o( the SClelLce A TV-mOVie dee med tOO vio lent to fur.
Fielion Theatre TV show. With Nestor It played in Europe WITh some nude
Paiva. 3C en e~ "dded and ~howed up in some
American theaters in 1980. It's aJames
Bond,sh ~ py film with a Malle~ Falcon
'DIRANIULAS, THE DEADLY pillt, fi lmed partiall)' in Monte Car lo
CARGO and Istanbul. Vic Morrowsrars as HaTTy.
1977 T V Vicwr Buono is after plates stolen from
",,"ODUCo.: Paul Freeman till" BrHl ~ h Mint. So is doubk'-crossing
OII\.ECT~: Seuarl Hacmann Su:,mne Pleshene. Also wi th Cesar
KI\.E[N'oV1OJTEP.S: Guerdoll T nl~'hlooJ,
John Grows
Romero. Stanley Ho lloway, Charlotte
R,lmplmg, Michael Ansara, and Milto n
A So uthwe~tern rown is artacked by
Reid. Music by Les Baxter.
taramuias dw t escape (rom a crashed
cargo plane. With Claude Akins and
Pat Hingle. It was a theatrical rc l ea~c TARGETS
in Europe. Kingdom of the Spiders \\'dS
1968 Par;II110Ilnt
rdeased the same year. It's better. 'P.OOUCEP./OIP.ECTOP'/SCI\.E(NWl\.TEII:
Pet\'r II.,ll'!Janovich
'DlRGET EARTH Exce llen t first featu re by Bogdanovich .
1954 Allied Artists (B&W) a former a~istant to Roger Conn"n,
",,"OOUCEI'.: Herman Coh~'n who was cXl'curive producer. Tim
DlI\£CTOI'.: Sherm;m A. RU<il' O'Kelly, a hand.',ome CaJi(omia WASP,
!o(I'.EENWIIJT[I'.: Wl lklm Ra}llor huys a rifle With a telescopic lens, then
Only six people arc left in C hlcaj.!o afrer g(l('~ home lmd slaughters his family.
robots from Venus attack- and some AfTcr picking off mo[Orists fro m atop a
o( them are selfish J!:angster~! Richard ~asolinl' rank he hides out bchmd the
Denning and Kathleen Crowley are the 3Creen at a dri\'e- in and starts shooting
oncs to cheer for. A tall roOOt wHh cor- people m their cars. Meanwhile agi n g
rugated legs. really broad !;([lIare shou l- horror ~mr Bnan O rlock (Boris Karloff)
der.;, ice tongs fo r hand~, :md a death- arri ves TO promOiC his nell' film and con-
ray eye IS o ne of filmdo m's Ix:st. In front s ,hc sniper, I>.' ho g-dS so confused
addition, this mo vi(, ha~ Whit Bissell, at seemg the real and the reel Orloc k
Virginia Grey, Arthur Space, and that the police arc able to cluse in <lnJ
1·louse Peters, Jr. The science-fiction arre~ t hun. Boris is g-reat in what shoulJ
gangster theme later showed up in The have heen his last role (he made five
Day the World Ended and The AstOlmdillJ: 1110rl' fill1l ~ , all pathetic). Bogdanovich,
She-MOI1.Ster. First-time pTlxlucer Cohen who also plars till' wri ter-di rector o f
was 23 when this was made. Bori~' fi lm-within-the-film, pulls off a
contemrorary hOTTor classic. In com-
parbon rhe tame supernatural shocks
TARGET, HARRY of old movies, represented hne by clip5
1969 ABC Pictures Jmcrmll o n"l from The Terrurand a 1931 Karlofffi lm ,
,P.OOUCEl\: Gene Corman The Crimifw/ C ode, seem incredibl)'
OII'.[CTOP.: Hem..,. Neill (ROj.!er Corman) dated. With Nancy HSlIt"h. Sandy
SCI\£[NWMEI'.: Bob Barhash Brlron , Mike Farrell, Jac k Nicholson .
AUO P.£L[AlEO AS: W1hat'l III II JUT I larry!; and Dick Miller, Cinematography by
Hour to lv/ak J[ Las:lo Kovacs.

V1R7hV AND illS !flATI:: to defeat The Ll."opard Men . Filmed on
1934 /I.·IGM (B&Wj location III 8mzi!. The most juvenile
",ODUCU,: Bcm;lrJ H . I h 'Ul;l1l T anan III yean;.
D!kE(lOI'J: Cedric Glhhlll';, J~(k C' 1Il\Oo',IY
SO[[HWl\lm: J:UIlCS Kevin M(GlIInn~''1;
In the great sequel (0 Tarzull ,he Ape GREI::N GODDESS
Man, mOTt' white men invad(' Ihl" jun- 1938 Prmcir:ll (B&W )
gle pilradise, ,greedy for ivory. Tarzan I'llOOUCEIIS; Gcor"lte W. Stou!.
fight s ;l rhino and a gmnt crocodile. Ikn S. Cohen, Ashton Dcarholr.
and is helped hy a herd of elephants EJ,,'ard RIce Burmughs
and a group of men in unconvmcing DIII£OOIl: EJward Kull
gonlla ~ui[s. Jo hnny Weissmull('r ami SCI\£EHWfJTEII: Charles F. Royal
Maureen O'Sullivan g<.>! to WC.lT their A re-edi red versio n of The New Adven-
brief loinclO!hs for the last tune. T(XI rUTes of Tarzan, with some previously
much thigh. ruled rhl' Hars offi ce. An unused fuo tage added. Herman Brix
"off{'mivc" scene in whIch Jane's breast stars.
was revl'<! lcd got Clit to plca ~c rhe
censors. With Neil Hamihon repeat- TAR7hV AND I'HE
ing hiS role as Jane's dl'Jcc rcJ ,Idnmcr HUNTRESS
and P,wl Cavan agh. 1947 RKO m&W)
I'IIOOU([II.lOIlUOOII: Kurt Nf."llillallll
1<J4S RKO (f'I&W) Rowl.lIlJ Leigh
""OOOC[~: Sol Lesser Thb was the last time around for Johnny
DIIU:CTOI\: KUT! N ... um;mn ShcfhelJ as 130~'. He went on 10 play
SCI'.[(HWl'.rrrl'.: 1-I.n15 Jacohv, Bomba In eleven awful adventu res. It
MarJ(lm~ L. Pth:l:a W,lS "ho the second -ro- tne-bst fo r
A ncw Janc (Brcnda Joyce) jUlIl:> T.Ir:.a n Johnny Wci:.smuller. Tanya, the hunt-
(Juhnn)' Web..~ mul l er) and Boy (Johnny re~~ of the TItle is Patric ia Morison.
Shcflidd) in a ~ tury ahout a lo:.t trim' Brend ~l J Il~'ce is Jane. Tarzan issues a
of whltc wo mcn led by old Man.! Ous- call to ,Ill the ,mimals of the jungle to
penskdya, OCUcr know , I~ an n:pcn o n ~ lOp the had guy hunters led by Barton
lycanthropy. Bartun M:lc1all(' I~ a vil- Machine,
lain. Advertl:.ed as: "Lm'cly p,lg,UlS v:..
whIrl' man's cVII!" For ~ml' rea~)Il, TARZIIN AND 1'111::
black nativc:. virtually disappo.;ared frulll JUNGLE BOY
[h(" jungle in Ill(' S I X RK O/We l:.:.muller 1968 1\ ,ramount (U.S.lSwltzcrland)
Tarzan nlOVles. PIIODlKEIl: Rol'Crt Day
0111[0011: Rd>t'r! GorJu n

GREAl'RIVER MIke Henry, the mooern Tartan , does

1967 P;lram<l1HlI olle 1a~t tilmeJ-m- Bmzil entry. He helps
""OOlKEII: S}' Wemll'llllh Alizi .. Gilr find a lost white jungle boy.
01 11£001\: Rolx"n I).n' l lenry was sUppoSl-d to star in the TV
SCIlEENWIIIT£II: Boh llarb;l:.h :.enes, hUT resl,I!ncd from the role before
Tamm (Mike Henry) juins a grizzled the fil'~t of his three Tarmn films was
Ja n Murmy, MIChael Paddla , Jr., as even released. His nest film was The
Pe pc, a pet IU)I), and ])lnk~' thl' d1l1np (i[eell Berf.'rs.

TARZAN AND THE Sad , but truc-after making thc jun-
LEOPARD WOAIAN gle safe (or 16 years, Johnny We iss-
1946RKO (B&W) muller was forced to re tire. For this,
Ptl.OOOC[k/DI-.ECTOI'.: Ku n N eu mann his laSt appearance . RKO hired a good
SCREENWRITER: C.-rwl1 Yuun g director, Roberl Florey (Mllrders ill rhe
By the mid-40s the Tarzan series needed Rile M rJrKIIe, /3caSf with Fit'(;' Fi7lgl!rs ),
help: M <l uTCC n O'Sulli van was l(l n ~ and shot on location in Mexico . Tarzan
gone, Johnny Sheffield was getting too leaves Jane (Brenda Joyce) behind and
hig to he c:lllcd Boy, ,md things were helps Linda C hristian and her native
becom ing prett y dull in The RKO jung- islander (X'orle revolt against their ev il.
le. U nli h · other e ntries at the time, living god , who residcs in a pyr.lm id,
this o ne is grea t hccause of a plot wor· With the great villain G eorge Zucco
thy of Ed g<lT Rice f31Irrough !' and Aqml- and an octopus fight! Music by Dimitri
nn w [b the h igh prieS Tess o f the lcop- T iomkin. Later the smne year. Weiss-
ani cu lt . She was prohahly the most muller hecame "J ungle Jim." who h e
exot ic-looking actress in the '40s. Yo u went on to play in 16 h orrendou.~ fca-
might rcmcmlX! r Ill'T as Pa ula the Ap<' tures and a TV series. Lex Barker took
\'(loman in JIIII.(!Je CAlplit'C and Jllngle over as Tarzan .
\WmJll:I!\. J,)lm ny \Vci~mlll1 e r slars w ith
Brenda Joyce ~IS a hlond Jane, Edgar TAR7.AN AND THE
Barrkr, Denn b I {oc y, ,md the "hc ;l ~t · SHE DEVIL
c b w llll'Il ." 195) RKO (B&W)
PflODUCU: Sol Lesser
KUENWJ.IlU.S: Karl Karnb. a lrr,,11 YOll n!!
1957 f,.K'M Monique Van Vnoren st<lrs as Lyra . t he
Ptl.ODUCE!!.: Joh l1 C l\lydo n seductive "she de vil " who has Tar.::m
OII\EOO": Bruce H umhcrsronc whipped. Raymond Burr ,I S Vargo and
SC~[[HW~ITEkS: M u ntl-'Hm e ry Pit tma n. Tom Corm'a)' as Fidel are her ev il.
Li llI(: H ayward ivory-stealing partners. Joyce Mackenzie
Gordon $con in Ihe S('cond of hi s six is Jane. It was the last and funniest Lex
Tarzan movi es. It was rhe first in col- BarkerfTamm movie. That year Barker
or <!Ild involves a millio naire pla y bo~' married Lana Turner. bccom i n ~ the
and h iS fr iend~ crash ing III the jungle. fOUrTh of hl' r seven husbands. Gordon
Nohod y pla y~ Jane . The British cast Scolll\ Klk over the apeman role next.
includes George Cuulo uri s, Wilfrid From the director of Thl! ~ he Devi!. an
H yde-Wh ite , Yo landl' Donlan , ,md unrd atoo 'S? (eature.
Rohen Beatty. II was film ed entirel y
on loc al ion in A (TiG I ,lIld fea tllres "14 TAR7hVAND THE
different [fi hc~ ." acc.)rding to the swellu SLAVE GIRL
puhl lc lt y. 1950 RKO (8&W)
",OOUCU: Sol Le:>sc r
TAR7.AN AND THE DIP-ECTO": Lee S h o lcm
,I/ERlIWDS 5C1\UN\V'-lTU5: H ans Jocoby, Amo k! B.:Ig;no
1948 RKO (B&W ) Tarzan (Lex &Irker) is made a slave
PflODUCn.: Sol Len<:r of the lost tribe of Lionians. Jane is
DIRECTO": Ro kTl Fl orl' Y VaneS.'!;1 Brown . The cast includes Roh-
KUENVn-ITE": C Mr.. ll YOtln g ert A ida, Arthur Shields. Eva Gahor.

1958 TV 1966 AlP
fl'M)OUC[1\; Sy W{"IIlU~IlI"
I'M)OO(EP.: Sui Lesser
DlUOO": Bnlcc Humbt"rslOne 01'-£00": R"hcrt O.l}
K1\EENW?JTtk: T holll," Hal Ph l! ~l rs sa.E[~IT£": C l.m ilu(fJkep
Fo r anybody who ("ares. ,his one i~ Ilnss-
ing (rom most complete Tarzan llsts.
It's a comhinalion of three TV pilots.
The sa me cast and director Humber-
stone did Tarzan's Fighr far Life the s<unc

Che ..w, Johnny W"'~S­

mu!U'f, and MCllm'en
O'Sult.nln in TilfZan

Ex-pro (oO[~all sta r Mike Henry was 'DIR7.AN FINDS A SON!
the 14th screen Tarzan. A(rer do ing 19J9 MGM (B&W)
three features. he ~ued the producer (Ilr 21mbhs(
,.,.000(0.: 5:1111
physical and mental injury (Dinky rhe DII\[Cl~: RlChm l Tho tJ't.·
chim p hi t him). This. rhe ti rst o ( SO-££HWklTEII: C\ nilltull<'
Henry's series, (eatures N;mcy Kovack, In (he o riginal print o( MGM's fourth
a bald Don Mego wan (Cn:"clU()J1 uf Ihe Tar:;m a<I\"('llt llre.Janc dies. Before it
Humanoids), and Michael Padi lla. Jr., was rclcascd Edgar Rice Burroughs s:<1id
as Ramel. the kidnaped hoy rescued they had no right to kill off his charac-
by the urdated Tarzan. Fillnl·d in Mex- ler. Thc cndmg was refi lmed ilnd Mau-
ico. With Carlos Rilas (The )" Scwed rccn O'Sulli van was talked into doi ng
Hiller's BrClin). IW{) mllre en nics (i. c. paid more). Fi\'e-

ycar-lllci Johnny Shcfticld is 80\,. who

(ails O ut of thc sky to keep Tarzan and
J:1Ill' company. Thc rlor concerns a
IMZAN ESCAPES s:d:1TI to lind thc lost Boy, h osti le
19J6 MGM (B&W) nillivcs, Hnd yet anothcT elephant
stampede. ln credibl\', the scene of
DII\(CTOI!.S / KIlEEN\ln.ITE!U: James M cK:IY,
John Farrow, Rich~rd Thorpe
Johnny Wcissrnullcr fighting a crocodi lc
was lIseJ (ur the third film in it row.
One ()( the best Tarzan fi lm~ , It woukl Screcnwritcr I. hulle also did Furbi&len
h~\'l' been really grca t j( ldt in It S rurner. With Ian Hunter, Frieda In-
original fo rm. Called "The CapruT(' of CSCOTt. anlll lcnry \Vi1coxon.
Tan:an." it featured giant vampire,
pn:mies, and lizards. The stuehu dccid('l.l
it was roo scary. Scenes wen' aitl'T('J.
1961 MGM (U.S.lEngland/Swu:eriand)
reshO[. or total ly delctd. Threedlrect- PII.ODIK[II: Sy Wellllraub
ors worked o n the (e,Hure, mcludlllJ.: DII\(CTOII; John Gmllcnmn
John Farrow, who married star Mau- SCIlUNWIltT(!U: R o bert Hardy Andrews,
reen O'Sull ivan after being fireJ . Must John Gml lcrman
of one awesomc scene rcmalOS: till' Juck Mahoney, the villain in T llrZliJI.
Ganc10nis natives tic h.:nt trees to Ih l, the MClgllificellf, becomes thc hero in
limbs of spread-eagled Vict ims. ca using till S aJn..'l1ture shot on locatio n. Ravi
their bodies to sail through the :m 10 Shanbr wrotC the InJian music. Tarzi.1n
several direcTio ns at o nce. The plot s"vc~ a hcrd o( elerhants fTllm drown-
concerns evil hUlltl'rs tricking Jane into ing l"lCcause of a darn pr(ljecr. leo G{'r-
leaving the jungle :md a heartbroken don and Mark J);ma arc the thoughr!css
Tanan (Johnny Weissmulb) giving up contrac tor villains. With Jai the Ele-
and loc ki ng himself in an iron cagc. ph<lnt Boy llnd Pcter Cooke. Director
The elaborare trechouSl' appears (or the Gll illcrm in lilter made The T()wering In-
first rimc and Jane WC;lr5 a new OI1C - lenll) rmd KinR Kong.
piece dress to rcplace hl'r (lId, rl'vcal -
ing two-piece. \Vith an ck'ph:lnt ~tamr­
cJc. the crocodile fight from TClr~Cln and
1932 MGM (B&W)
/-lis Male. and a nne-fangeJ n;ltlvc
PIIODIKEII: Ir\" lnl: ThaibeTIt
called Bomha, playcd ky Darky Jon('~ 011\£(1011; W.S. Van Dyke
.)f I \Valked with a Zmnb!t'. John Buck- !>C1\[[NWkIT£I!.S : Cynl Humc,
Icr is Captain Frye . l"u r No"ellu

Ahow left; Vt'uny "'-1,ller
~wn III AI Zunhdils(s Tar-
:an, the AT'< ~hn re-
1T1Iik.- ('59).

'''' I(lW Ide Maura'll

()"Sull,\'(JIl (ll jmll' III Tar·
zan .md His Mate ("3 4).
fIo.' \, ""'. right ; /;', I.),:n;k and
fri~lId III rh~ ll!~,1 Tar-,m,
tIl<' A~ M:lIl; I'RI J.

Twenry-e ighl-year-o ld Olympic swim- Lots of us were suckered into seeing this
ming champ Johnny Weissllluller m:lkes silly, dull remake because 0( the totally
~ reen history in the fi rst all-talking manufactured Bo Derek mani a. A s
Tarzan picture. Made pilrtially with left- Jane's fa ther, Richard Harris rants. A s
over footage (rom the 19) I hit Trader J1me. 80 has her lxxly painted white.
Ham, by the same direc to r, it led to John Phillip Law takes pictures, and
five mo re MGM Tarzilns . Maureen Tarzan fights a sn:lke in slow mot ion .
O'Sull ivan , 20 years o ld when she The beSt acting is by Steven Strong as
started, played Jane in all o f them. The the native king. Somebody plays Tar-
story. bearing little re latio n to Bur- The estate of Edgar Rice Burrou):lhs
ro ughs' novel. features a safari led by sued, creating more publicity. (RI
Jane's father (c. Aubrey S mith) after
ivory in the iegendaT)' Elcpham'sGrave- 7AR7.AN THE FEARLESS
yard. A tribe of pygmies lo wer Tar-an 1933 Principal (B&W)
imoa pit containing Zumangani, a huge 9't\OOUC[": Sol Lesse r
gorilla . Elephants stamped e the native OtIU:CT~: Rob.:n Hi ll
village and the Englishwoma n Jane Par- K"£ENW"ITo,S: Basil Dickey.
ker stays in the jungle with her ape- GCllq:C PlYOlpron , Waller Anthony
man luver. Despite the studio sets, it's Bustl'r Crabbe was the first spinoff Tar-
a classic adventure. W ith Neil Ham il- zan to cash in on the success of We iss-
ton. T«r~an cmd his MUfe W<l S an imme- muller's Tar;:(m, lhe A/Je M(m (,3 2). Li ke
diate sequel. Weissmuller, "perfect man" C rahbe was
an Olympic swimming star and had al -
'D\RZ1N, THEAPEAlAN ready played a pseudo-TlIrzan in King
[959 MOM of the jungle. This de lightful. ancient-
9't\OOUC(A: Al Znnbalbl looking :lrtifac t was released as a 12·
DlIU:CTO": Joseph Newl1l(ln chapter serial :lnd thcn as a fea ture (...J-
KIU:[~tT£": Robert HIli
ited fro m the first four chapters. Let
TIle worst Tarzan movie ever! Produced Buster tell the story: "We shot most of
b)' the man responsible for Robot Mon- ours on the back lot in six weeks and
Sl er, it Slars e x-UCLA baske tball star
we only had a few animal s: a chimp,
Denny Mi1Jer. The hlond first-time an o ld elephan t, and a lion , wh ich fo r-
actOI made $1 75 a week. He made Olorc tunately didn't ha ve a tooth in hi s
on Wagon Train a few years later. This head." Includes men-in-suit gorillas,
remake fe atures endless chunks of the white natives that dress like Egyptians ,
1932 version, T«r;:an and His Mate and rmd Mischa Aller as the high priest of
King Solomon 's Mines. The o ld black-
Zar. Jacqueline Wells, later known as
and-white Weissmuller sho ts are tinted.
Julie Bishop, plays the Jane role. Guar-
The horrible new portions fC<.Ituring Jo - anteed fun. Producer Lesser turned lip
ilnna Barnes and CesaTl' Dano"a :Ire in fi ve years later with ano ther Weiss-
color. The pygmies :Ire played by Los muller rival in Tarzan 's Revenge. With
Angeles high sc houl kids! A laugh riut. \},ub), Jones.
H.OOUC[": Bo D.::rck 1960 Paramount (England)
DtIU:CTO": John Derek P"ODUC["= Sy W(intrnub
KME~IT["5:Tolll Rowe, DIIU:CTO": Robert Day
G:lI)' Oodd<.rd SClU:EMVPJTE"5: Berne Oller. Robert fhy

In h is fifth and final Tar..<1n appearance, Tarzan (Jo hnny \Vc isslllu ller) fights
Gordon Scott escorts a cTiminal (Jock Nazis again 111 a quic kIe follow-up to
Ma ho ney-the next Tarzan) to Jungle Tarzan Triumphs. Aft ~ r rescuing an
police. With Lionel JeffTI CS, Betta St- Ame rica n magic ian (Na ncy Kel ly)
John, and evcryhody's fave star- John from hangin~ in an Arab city, he en-
C madine. A hir foll ow-up to Tarzan's counters ..Iinnsaur foo tage from One Mil-
Gre(l!eSf Adlretlfllre, fi lmed in Africa and lion 6 . C. and throws a few o f der
London. ScOtt went o n TO lraly (0 play FClhrcr's men to a giant spider! Gener-
Hercules t ~'pes. ally conside red the mOSt ridiculous of
the series, it features O tto Kruger, Joe
Sawyer, Robert Lowery, Johnny Shef-
fi eld as Boy for the fifth time, and a
1943 RKO (B&W)
~OOUC[J.: Sol Le~r
man-eat ing plant.
DIJ.[CTOJ.: William Thiele
sa.E[N\I/Mt~ Ra }' Ch:HlSlor. Carroll You nli; TARZAN'S FIGHT FOR LIFE
Jo h nny We issmullcr as Tam!!) and 1958 MGM
Johnn ~' Sheffield as Boy leave MGM ",oo(l(u.: Solle~ r
DII'lOOA: Bruce HUllIberSlone
and Jane for RKO and a hatrl e with
KI'lENWklTU,: Thom:IS Hal rhdlip~
Nm is! Francl's G ifford, who was Bur-
roughs "Jungle Girl" in a 1941 se rial, is Gordon Scott is the jungle hcro. Eve
Princess Zandra and she nt'Cds help from Brent is hne. Tarzan helps whitc
doctor~ hattie hlack magic. Partmlh'
the patriotic a l~ man. Wirh Stanl ey
Ridges, Sig Ruman, Pedro DeCordoba, fil med in Africa . With Woody Strodc
and C heetah-as herself. G rear dia- as Ramo. The 5<11I1e cast made sollle
logue as usual: "Now make ...."ar!.. T V pilots, later released as Tar~an and
ffw. Trappers.
1970 N.u lonal General ADVENTURE
",,"OOUCH.: Leon Benson
1959 P~ramount (England)
OlkECTO": Roben L Friend
",OOUCE,.: Sy WelT'\!fau b
KIU:(HWknt "-S: Lee EdWin,
DII'lCfOA: John Gmllcrmm
Jac k A Robin~on,
KI'lENW"ITUS: Beme Gller,
John and Tom Con Sid ine
John Gui \lermm
W ere you tricked into paying to see
O nc of the best Tarzan adventures, it
these sirung-together TV episodes! Ex -
was fi lmed in Afnca and London and
Tarzan Jock Mahoncy plays the general,
features Sean Connery and Anthony
a villain with a whip. With Woody
Quayle as Villains. At the u rnI' il was
Strode and Nichel1e Nichols (Lt. Uhura
considered quite "adult " for a T;uwn
from Slar Trek) . See Tarzan'5 }ungle Re-
movIe. GorJon Scott stars with Sara
bellion for the regulars. Shane :md Sci lla Gabe l. No Jane or
C hcctah. In Cincmascopc.
1943 RKO (B&W) 1955 RKO (B&W)
",ODUCE": Sol L~sse r ",COUCEJ.: Sol Lesser
0 11'l00": William Thiele DI"ECTO": l-htTl)ld Schuster
KI'l£HWPJT(": Edward T. l owe KI'lEHWkITO.: Wi lliam Li vely

Tar-an's N~'"' York

G,)rd,l11 Scott , <I (ormer lifeguard who ..... ;t~ }.II , Packy the dephanr, and Chee-
real name is Gordon \Vcr:;ch kull , I~ 1,lh, The sl x·fOllt fOUT·inch Ely now
T,Ir:,111 for the fi rsl 0 1 SIX rl[l1e~. Vera h()~b TV g:l me ~how~. H b Tar:an ~d l
Mll e~ l"( as J tl l H ,mly. Scott 1Il,lr- \\a~ .Ic ltla ll y rrov ided hy a Jo hnny
rt~'d hl'( a{tn thl ~ cheal', 'uhsland,lrd WCI~~mu ller sound track from over 30
,ldvclHurc TIlovie was nlll .
hl-J. Peter yerlr~ ea rlier.
V,m Eyck IS ,I docror and J,lC k El.ll1l IS
Hurger (a had guy). Rl,x ill/-:ram I,
Sukulu Makulllwa. St.'sllle, s ta rn" /-: III
1949 RKO (I3&W j
Gre.'en Pasltlre.~ ,tnd The.' Thiel of &If.:h. Pf.ooucn; Sol L~';\oS('r
41£1, Ingram was in th.:: very tirq T,ITZan Ol,,-£CTO~ ; Lo:~' Shokm
11I0\'ie in 1918. This W<J~ rhc lasl p ( thl' S C~[[N""~ITns: Cu rt Siodmak ,
dmen RKO Tar:;tns. J J.lrrrCh.1ndler
For th ... fir~ t tilllt', Lex Barker puts on
TARZAN'S JUNGLE th ... 1(l1I1cJlllh vacat ...d hy Johnny Wl'iss.
REBELLION Inuller. BrembJ(lyce returm as Jan e for
1<)70 N,ltllln'li Genn,11 Ihe fifth and la ~ t time. TIll' plO( is ri ght
P~OOUC[~: Sll'\T Sh ,IJ.!~n out llf L,,~t Hori~01I Evelyn Anke r:;
OI~[CTO~: \Vtlli,lIll \X1,tnc)"
Ill'ver gro w~ old after she crash-land~
SC~HN\\I~ITE"; Jac b on GIll" in a magiC jungl .... "Dr. Cyclops" him-
Pl'llpll: paid to gl) see rhls {e,lTuro:: 1l 1,lde self (Allx,rt Dekker) is on hand as rhe
{nm1 cpi So.xlc ~ of the TV ~l' r ie~ (1966- villain. Edgar Rice Burroughs was on
69) starring Ro n Ely. S uckers! With th ... se t JUTmg filmin g. He d ied a few
S:lmj<tffe. W illiam (HUI£"IIU1) Marshall , months hlter. T he fi lm was nO[ a h it.
J . I>-tlll Evers. f..-bnuel P;ldella, }r. (ldt
With Akm N fl rler. H en ry Kulk y. and
ll\'l'r from thl~ M ike Hen!)' (c,ml rc~), Elmo Lmcol n In a hIT part.

lIIl1Z11N 'S NE W YORK kdl Tar:,lII. VlrgmLI HlI ~ton is Janl'.
AD VEN TURE A, QUl'c'll Mdmen,h, Dorothy D.mel-
1942 ~'I GM (B&W) ridgl' (Pvrg:'l iIId Bl'.,s) I' kleln,lpcd. Ill'el
Pl'.ODUC[iI.: FrcJ\'flck St'-rhalll to the ~t<1l..e. ,In,1'd h ~ the Jungle
OI"[CTOk: Rlchar,[ Th, 'f~ hl'HI. \Vlth Gl'orgl' t-.Llcre'I,ly. !",-,l1g-
K'-EEN'ttnJt(M; Wllh,ull R. LII'I11,II1, la~ Fowley. ,lIld Abn :"Jar1er. It W>lS
Myles Connully the hr.; t T,lr.:.m hlllll'J on IOC>lllon In
En.:n if you hall' Tar!,m 11I0\, I C~ you Africa.
nught like t1us noojunglc "Jvo.'nturc,
It was,. commerc ial/lop when n: lellscd
anJ Maureen O'Sulli van qui t the ~c· 1/IRZllN'S REVENGE
rks ,Ifrer acting in if. When Bo), IS kid- 11J1.'l10dl C\'nwry-rp\ ([\&\\;')
n,lped by some low- Me promoters and PI\OOUCEI\ : s...t Ll" .....·r
taken to Brooklyn. his fa mily (w it h OIIl'.(CTOI\: 1\,,,,, Lc',krm,m
sccne-:.tea linj.: C heetah ) flies to New SCI\[[ NWIIITEM: R"hnl Lc'~ )" hl1">11.
J,I) V.lnn
York to find him. T;ma n (Jllhnny
Aftl'r T<IT~(01 EI("(I/)':I It W,l~ I hr~\! years
Wt'issmul1cr in <I hUl>iness suit ) h as III
I1('"II lre ~I G ~..I hnl,hcd the next J\)hnny
put up with hotels. skyscraperl>, n igh t-
\Vl'I,~mulh:r k,\[un:. To !til the \"Ilid,
club;;, and the clem 1942 subw'lY- After
20th ulltl1f\ -F"X m. ~~le thl~ 0I1e-,hot
SW lllg lllg from tall hu ilJmgs. JU1llrHlj.!
dl'<I't~r II lib (1) 11lPK dL'(:.l(hlon c h ' l1lll'
off the Brookl yn Bridge. lind GIIl~in).!
Gl~ nn t-.h ' rri" "'h'rTl~ retired Irom
ra ndo m trouhk·, Tar-,1Il is h;llIled HlTO
,KIl1l)!. Prl"luCl'r l~"l'r eH'ntll,lll) )!ut
C') UrI, where I ~ is ,Kcuscd nf nut prnp-
erly adop ting Boy and not Ixing mar- III 11l"h' WCh~ lIlul1cr hlm ~ <11 RKO. EI -
ried . 1-i:1ving had enuugh uf th..: cr,ny e,mor P.lrkc'r " tlw IU\l'" lIlh.'rC"~t. A Iso
wit h Joe S" wy..::r md I kdeLI I-io f'per. [t \
white lIlan's bw~, he picks up th..: I'rn~­
gener.ll1)· thought to I'll..' nne u f rill' \\'or~t DartHhy Dtmdn.W u.s liu.·
cur ing atturney and throws hllll at the
jury! At the ~a m e time a~ it Jlh'r ,~kes,m movie, l'ver. N"b..-xl) hUI \Vel'>.v Qt41.'e11 <11 Tartan's Pl'ri!.
muller rld)"d the lungl..:: heru ,I).!ain NOle the ha/J.j makeu/! Jo/1s
"how CLvilil;atlun n. the ~ imp le lif(,. II
un(ll 19 49. QlI ~ ~1tbJ<'L·U.
feat ures bl ac ks (including M antan
Moreland) in typically demean ing role,
ali porters ,md maid ~. Tarzan c m ' t rc-
laic 10 the "SlOne jungle" hbck~. \Vuh
Vi rgin ia G re y, Chdl Wills. anJ , I bit
by Elm\) Lincoln . the original Tarzan.
Thl' crocodile fighl scen e fro m T"r~(m
and his Malc was used for the fOll n h
tllne! The scrles !llo\'cd to RKO and
g l )l even chea['<.:f.

19, 1 RKO(B&W)
Sol Lessc'r
DlI\[CTOI\:Byron /'h skln
SCI\((NWIUTEIU: Samud Newman.
Fram; IS Swann
T he third of five fil ms With Lex B:ukl'r
as Tarzan. T \1.'0 escaped convicts try to

1952 RKO (B&W) !967 A,ay Films
Sol LeS-"<:T
P"ODl)( E";
PAOOOCWPlII.lCTOI.: Herschel! Gordon Lewis
OIMClOl\; Cy Enfield
SC"UHWNn,,: Donald Stanford
~M EHWl\ m:M: CYril Humt'.
AUO "El[M(O -'1: TN: SeCT('1 of 1ft. Allu;arrl
H,ms J awh~'. Shute)' \Vhue
A two-hour-Iong low-budget vampire
Parrie Knowles im(x:rson,lt{'s Tdr:an's
cpic, which some feci is as bad as the}'
cousin in a plot to find diamonds. Lex
come. An American businessman (Bill
Barker stars with Dorothy I-I ~Hf as Jane:
Rogers) drinks some British brandy and
and a "Boy" substi tute ca llt·J Joey. The is u"',ms(ormed into a vampire. He goes
tir~t Tarzan film with a Cummun lst vii-
to England to claim a land inheritance
[:lin (Charles Korvin).
:md avcnge his ancestor's (Count Drac-
ula ) death. Back home in Florida, he
hypno ti zes his wife (Elizabeth Wilki n -
son) and kil ls a stripper na med Viva_
'DIRZAN'S SECRET cio us Vivian. A Dr. Howard Helsing
T1UA SURE (OttO Sc hlcsin,l.lcr) ;Jrrives to drive the
1941 MGM (B&W) stake in, It sometimes shared a hil l wi th
P"OOUC£I\; 5, r Fineman T~en ·age Sfrunglcr . Filmed in M iami.
0111,1:(101\: Richard Thorpe
5C HENWI\IT05: Myles Conlllllly.
Paul Gangclin A l ilSl'E OFEVIL
More evil white men show up In The 1971 TV
jungle and kidnap Jane and Bo~· to force ""ODUCE": Aaron Spcllin!:
Ta r:an to lead them to some gold. OIIl.lCTOP.:J o hn U .......ell}·n Mo~i ..
K"EENlUNT[1I.: Jimmy Sangsu."r
Johnny WeissTnuller, MaUrCl'!l O'Su lli .
van, and Johnny Sheffield star in a A drive- heT-craz)', psychologica l th riller
folluw-ur to Tllr~'m Finds II Son. With written by Hammer Films vet Jimmy
Tom Conway, Reginald Owen. and Sangster. Barbara Park ins returns from
B..'lT!)· Fitzgerald. an asylum and faces Barbara Sranwyck
and William Windom. Roddy Mc~
Dowa l1 IS her doctor. With A rthur
O'Conne ll .
PI\OOU(EII: S" Weintmub
DIk£CTO"; Rnlxrt Day
1nEEHWII.ITU1; Berne Gilor, Robert Day
l ilSl'E 11/E BLOOD OF
Joc k M;Jhoney plays Tarz;'!n for the sec- DRACULA
ond and final time. He tmvcls to Thai -
1970 Il a rnm~'r/ Warncr Brother,;
land w help an heir [0 the thron e claim (En~land)
his rightful place. Woody SHOOe stars PII.ODl)(I": Aida Yuun!:
in two roles as brorhers. The highlight Oluaoll.: Pet~r Sasdy
is the b;'!d Woody fighting Tarzan on a SC"EE NWM(" : Anthon~' Hinds
n('( o\'e r a pit of coals. Filmed in Sam n iSI Ralph Bates convinces three
Thailand . Mahoney, the 13th Tartan, respectable c itizens he met at a bor-
is Sally Ficld's stepfa ther. de llo to go to a dcsecrared ch apel for a

hlooJ-dnnking ceremo ny. The men
heat hlln to de;lth hUI he "I-econles"
Dracula (Chn~t\)rheT Ll'e) ,lIld t<Lke.~
I)\'l'r the lf sons <lnd d<lughters, II hI) then

kLiI the Ir depraved dads. Mor,' tkm

('"\'cr hcforc. Dracul;1 b Ihe her,). lin,b
I hlyden and lisa Blair <LTC vampm:e...\
daughters. L('"e's hrief <lppearancc as til\.'
count was his fllurth f(lr Hammer; this
W 'l~ the last wl>rthwhLle entry III the
~ ries . ScaTS of /)1"(1I.:ull.l came nexr.

l1/E 1)l7Tt'RED DRESS

1957 Ull1ve r"."l1
',"ODUCE,": Al~rt Zu,",mLth
DlIU:CTO": Jack Arnold
SCIUEHWklf[1I.! G'::"Tg" Zuch'nu,1Il
C r<lok('"d l:m'Y('" T Jeff Ch,md l(,"T gt}e~ III
a C.1lifornia J,'wrt town to defend .I
TKh hut unrxlrular societ y figure ,ICCU!>l.x.i IOMI! UII!KUI 10 NItSON 'AI (;1011(;1
uf killmg the man who had <I ~~,\U1r,'d
III~ wiil'. Chandler wms thl' C, I..... hHl
hnJs hlll\self ol11T1al fliThTl bm ~ a Ju ror.
J,lCk Ca T,.;on I ~ the IOC<l1 shalff. With
Jeanne C rain , Gai l Russl' lI , Edw,lrd T-81RD GANG
Plan, Pau l BITch. William Schallerl , 1'>'59 Fllmer"u!, (B&\V)
,I\ODUCo,: R","crC.'rm,m
<In,\ El<line Stt:wart a~ the tt:,he whos" DII\[(TO":\'m,"CT
irock ~et... shn.'dded. Arno ld directed SOEEHWl\lfElU: J.,hn fkmkl.,y. T••Il Y"tllleT
Tht' hllTedlbk Shrrllkmg MUll fur Zug- A youth ~yn ,II Gnl' Tun hy ~, ldl ~llt Ed
.l mi th till' s,lIne ),e" r.
I'\'e\",m i, mhln:tl\'d by John Brlnkky,
a r.'celll h igh "-.ho.,1~rad uate co.11X'
7ilTTDO Lng wi th ;lulh,Hltle' tn .lven~.' his
198 1 ZOth (:elltur~- F<. ,)( f:lther\ murder. C;;L!l~ o pcr,H Inn~ r.reak
""ODUCE": Rl ch..rd l~ LeVine dO\ln wh.;:n Ncl-.on's ngln-h;lI1d man
OtI\ECTOI\: Bob Rr,x,b turn , til S<l\'\' Brinkley's neck. The ads
S<II.llNW1l.ITU.: Joyce BUllul'i rroml~ed "EI:;! C<lr~, f,l~t girls. ,md no
BTllce Oem returns tt, the lylX' of J l'- "l<lcl' to go!" \VHh P,I\ Gl'<'rge, Tlmy
Illentl'd p~ychll r"le rh ,1I m~Jl' hlln such Miller (wh" c,,-wruTe the sc reenp1i!y
;1 gn'al Ch llTaCTer ,Ktor In t1w ('i(),. A, a with Bnnklq). anJ Beach IJtckl'Nm
t,ltluoed eX-S<lldll'T li Ving 1Tl lluho ken. lit ShdIShll..:k. Score I>~' Shelley M,Hme.
New kr~ey, hl' bdnap' he:lulI!1I1 )0.1,111 - Till' ;mJ C\l-fl';I!IJre I li,o:h S(h"o/ Bi/! Shut
hamill mnJd Maud Adam ~. He WUt XIlo wcr.' Fdmgroul"s hr'l Telea~e~. ell
ill'T h:xh'. Ihey fud. she sl"l", hlln with
the tanl)l) machine. They trleJ to ptlsh TEA CHER 'S PET
Ih lS dud with a puhhclI Ycamr;lIgn cm- ]9SS P,lI"anll'um (R&W)
phasizing t he nu d ity. M ,,~t pe,'pl c DtI\ECTOI\: G~" r ge SI·:uon
ya\\'n,~1 and l~n"rcd it. (R) SC"EENWl\tTOS: ~hdl<lcl :md F~ y Kanm

\lcw~r,ll'l:r ediTor Clark (j'lhl.. r,ml,mcc~ IIH<.'T\· I<.'W V.lughn c:1 l1c,1 it "one of thl'
JOllnMb~1l1 t~':1c111' r Don ~ Day. \V:11ch \\'orst tilm~ of all 1IIne." He prob:1hly
11for 1\.1 ,1lI1ie Van Durcn :1nd Nick ,.ud tlMt hefore starTing in Swnhip
A,tum. W ith Gig You n)! .mJ C hariI." Im ds.fIIls. \VlIh Jo nathan I laze, Ro b-
<.' rt Sh.lyne, Fmnk lA' Korva. and Darr-
,Ih Ma~ha l l, a former Miss Tel'na~e
TEENAGE BAD GIRL Arncnc,1. Dmnsallr foota~c , courtesy
1957 1X:A (Enl!lan.1) (l3&W) (PI(' t-,'I!/Ium H.C. IkK h Dickersoll ac-
P!\ODUCOJ DiIlECTOII: I ler.....n \Vllco~ re!;l lly pby~ f(lllT role" (including a he"r)
S(I\HNWllrT[R: fcli.:ity (\lllld,,, ,md J.:(' I- killeJ three ti mes!
Syki;l Sr m~ _tars ,15 the tccn 0/ rhc wk,. 'l1WN-AGE CRUIE WAVE
O ne t,( the hetter J u\'l~ni le -lkl lnllUCnC\' J()55 C,lumbia (B&W)
tilms. With \VilfriJ H yde-Wlnte. Ann.! PkODUC£k: 5.1111 Knr:m:lIl
\ll'ag!e, anJ Norm:1n \VOOhIl1d. O rigi- DlkECTO k: Fr,'d E Sea r~
11<111\, co-hilled with Teena.!.!.: \'(!o/fpack SCkEENW~iT£II: R"y Buffum
Irom Ge rm,m~" Ad\"erti~<.'J a~: "TIll' sc reen-scorching
_tIlTY o f t<x!:iy's immora l youth!" An
innoc<.'nt joyride turns into a trip tn
TEENAGE CAVEdIAN rd\,rm sc hool. Mo llie McCart imro-
19,hAI P (B&W)
ducc ~ Su<.' Englund to Tommy Cook and
S(IIUNWllrTEII: R. Wri~ht Canll'hell
Jame~ OIZJ.! o n the wa y to an arnwJ
ALSO l\[lEAS(D "5: Prehl~luri .. W'lJr/J T\lhl'l:ry. T Il{' fOIlT share advenrures. in-
c l u,l in~ a farmh,)uSl' siege and a cl imac -
R"h<.'rt Y.mgh n rb ~·~ th e rchdhous
"ho\ ,. whu breah his tnhal rule" lind ~ lie ShOOt\)Uf with the law, in the shad-
,)11' of a £'ull1 observa tory. A s the
"th<.' mtJn~tn that kills with .. rouc h ,"
.mJ lh"m'crs th:1t hl ~ rrehbTt Inc SOC let} ad, cI,UIlICd, "Teenage terror str:1ighr
"rc.llly a r()~tho l nc<ll1~t ~OCIC (y. In:11l fro lll the ~Ide\\'al k Ju ngle!" - CB

19,7 Alltcd Artists (B&W)

PIIOOUC[l\/ orlllCTOII: Roger Corm nn
S(1I££NWl\rrrll: Ch:1r/6 B. Griffith
AUO I\[L£ASlO AS: The Young Rebds
Ad\'Crll ~cd as: ''The scorching truth
nbout toda y's thrill-mad hellcats!" (See
Teen-age C rime \Vave for striking con-
rrnst,) June Kenm'y swbs a gang-girl
riv:11 in OJ struggle for the affections of
Vandals le:1der John Brinkley. Kennq
CSCrlpes to the Vand:1ls' city-dump hide-
out where she finds the guys t'ngaged
in dcb:1uchery with their coumerpart
Vandfllcttes. All concerned prep:1re (or
a major confromarion with the Black
Widows and their Tarantula boyfriends.
More advcrris in ~ creativity: "This IS not
a prctry ~to ry, but n's true !" \Vith

ConminHllrx In lho.- T CCfl-
(Ige emllc Wavc.

Collcr rc Jtlcbnn, Ed Nelson, Zn',l

Rod:lOn, Bruno Ve Sola, Rtlrboura
Morns, RIChard Devon, and an unlx--
Ilcvahle g..:ekbkc JIlother. O n gln;!1 co-
feature: UIlJerst'u GIrL A \'{IoolncT
B rolhcr~ prLJJuCtLOn. -CB

1961 UIlU("{! Art".s
(B&W ..... lIh «,lor ....·quclled
",ODUCO.: H",,·;tr,1 B. Krcu sck
DIP.ECTO~: Ln ..... rcnn· F. o..,hcllY
K"EENW"ITo.: II fl. ern"
MIIIi(ln,lirc Ji1l\m~' Clanlun I~ C,ITed {or
by his aunt (ZthU l'ITt~) and his boJy-
guard RL)( ky (Rocky Gr;Lz ialw). I-k
~ne:L k, his Llwn recor,\ on rhe fami!}'
r.1dLo~tation and II'S ,Lhit. Ar the happy
ending hc's Jrflftl"l. W;l!ch II for re r-
for m a n ce~ h) Dinn, Jackll' \'{IdMJIl,
M arv John ..on. Ch uhby Checkl'T. :tllli
Bd ll3 lack'~ Clllllho. Includ ... ~ 10 ~m).!~.
WuhJack LaN:Jtl (TV'~JlnlTny Oben).

TEENA GE JlIONSTER I,h ~e IW~ JIH'Cfed l->y Richard Lc:.tcr:
19571 10ww (B&W) :lddttlllll(l l ftiota~c fmlll the U.S .. Swe.
~OOIJC [klOII\(CTOII : Jacqu,.., 1-1.1 r'III~'t te
den. 1I,[l y. hallce. and Jap;m. CB
AUO k[ ILAS[ O A~; M('/(>(,.- "1'IliS/l7
TCTnhle s low science-ficTion horn)r ~l'f
til the 19th-century \'(I~\t. A ho)' lUrrh n iEN-/IGE' STRANGLER
mw a h .ury TIlurJenng moron ;dlo.:r 1%4A,,)\
hemg ex pose,] to a meteor. LOV in .!! PIl.oou (u/ S(A.[[wwklm; Clark Oal'l,
0 1k£001l.: Bill Pn,ncr
mother Anne G wynn,' hul ... :. th ... ul.dr
kdler from the ~ h efl(f. \'(IHh Ci lon,1 Made In \V('sr Vlrgmia m 1964. ~ [;lr.
Costello, GiJben Pl'rkirh is the In'IIN,'T. nng Bill A. BI.IO,)1ll. Jo C1llterhu ry. John
En,iJ;:ll. Jirn A,p. Bitt Mitt" andJohnnr
11,1)!lll·r. II ha, .... )mething to do lI'ith a
high x-h(IO,)] Bhleheard. In 1967 thi:; (lh.
BLOODYIIIARY, See 111f: 'Cllrllr ,h(lwed UP ;b a [ll·feature with
INCREIJIBLY STRJINGE J Icr~[hl· tt G(lrdoll Lewb' A TiI.Ile of
1%7 (B&\XI) PIl.OOu([~: J,K,!llC' Man.lucne
PRO OU( Ell/ oIIU CTOk/K IIUNWI\JT£/I ; Hdrlllcl
0'/1.£ 0 011.: P,ltil
t\:"rm;)Tl Ilcnn,m Malmll
SC/l.£[WWII.IJ EII.; R Ulh
AI.lO I\(LL4SlD M: ,\I",wlJ r.,..,,,, /-rom till' ;Ilk " H o\\ [all ylllJ tdl Til l 'lll
\VprlJ youth 1Il Tl'\'olt! Burt T"Pl'cr 11.IT- In I", g.:I\lO,t rheY\'e !(ln nUll)' rea.'OIl"
r.1ll·~ ,):-. rhe }"Oll llg go IlM J on dru)!" Tt' Ill' h:ld!" hJhng.'t,l(lOn CmpllJrl'~'
-t'x, mck II1l1~IC, ,Ill.! wrld (,1,htolh. BTH - (:hark·, G ,urtney\ lather d ......'n 't ~ h arl'
111'''' Hl \ l'nthll'h\Sm for Jrag r:.1C1Il).! lIntll
he With thl' hlg race In til(' "taTltln
I III Ill'r\ m,l( hme. [)av id I lou'ton .' In!.!'
''Teel),lge Ki~~e,." Ca,I In[ludl" /l-k.
tmd,1 Byron, Rol ..... n Fulb, T\'kr Me.
Vq. ,md P;ltil Br\"lr or SlllWd Cdr.
I h:lmi( k ,II", d Ill'Cled Thunder m Caro.
[JIIIL S IIII1I' hy /-r;lnk Hm:ar ;l1ld Ill,
rhrll!l k· /l-1.-r eh,II1". - (.1\

1<)'i7 Ci.,I'l'rn.,r O'&W)
Pfl.OOUCU./OIH(TOfl.; J~·rrr \V.lrfl'n
KfI.£[NWfl. ITEfI. : )''''-Ilil'' L<: G.'llcr

........ "'E'-''' DA
K;uherllll' Vinllr. ,I mad doctur un all
1.... 'J. lll·d 1.,I,md u,(" ncr\"!,: ga, 10 turn
COURTNEY · BYRON · FULLER II ,ITcr·,kllng te,'!),lger, 11110 m1lldle,~
,J.I\·l·~. Ol.k'r mllldle.~.~ :um hie C huck

N iles and a mindless gorilla help. Don THE TEN COAlAfANDIIIENTS
Sullivan, star of The Gianr Giltl Monster, 1956 Paramoum
IS rhe hero. Shot in 1957, It wasn'r ~OOOCo.lDUU:CTOI\: Cecil B. Do:Mille
re leased unr il 1960, a bir lare for the KP.EENWP.ITEIU: A('lIe,l> Macken;lc,
teen/horror craze. Jesse l. la~k y, Jr., J:lCk Curbs.
Fred M. Fr:mk
Captivating 219- m inute all-star epic
with Charl ton HeslOn as Moses part-
TEENAGERS 1'110111 OUTER ing the Red Sea wtth the help of spc-
cifll effects mastcr Juhn l~ Fulwn . The
last movie Jircctecl by thc legendary,
1959 Warner Brot llt~rs (B&W)
then 75 -year-o ld DeM ille, it was a
TOlll GT1H~ff remake of his 1923 hil. The story is
"They blast the flesh off humans!" abour the Jewish slilVes being freed, but
claimed the ads. A young alien (David other matfers lake up most of the time.
Love) falls for a teenage earth girl Will evil (lvcrlord Edward G. Robin-
(Dawn Anderwn) and ruins the plans son spoil slflvc girl Debra Paget for true
Ilfhis invading cohorts by blowin~ rhem love John Derek! Will architect Vin-
tip. The inwder.;;, who :uri vt'{i In a cent Price flog i"K'rek to de;lrh ! Will
flying saucer, carry deadl y my guns and Yul Brynner become Ph ~H-:loh C ...-dric
b>reed gianr lobster m () n ste r~ for food. H arJ"'ickc's numher-one son ! With
Only the shadow of one of the crea- Anne Bl1xt~'r, Yvonne Deelrl,), H. B.
tllfe~ is shown in Ihis extremely low-
Wfl mer, Rohert Vaughn, Mich~lel Ans-
aT'd, C lint Walker, Judith Anderson.
hudgct fe,lturc picked up b~' Warners.
Some of the rnu:,ic later wa~ heard in Woody Strode, Nin<l r(xh- and Joh n
Cmradll1e turnmg :,ta((:, infO :,nakes.
Ni).!ht of the Llt'ill).! Dead.
The next y~'iU Irwin Allen Iried ro tOP
o ld CS. wllh his rrJiclllolis The SlOry
of Mankind (;ll'>l) \\';Ih Price, Cmadinc,
and Hardwickc}. In Vist,lYL:'HlIl, Tech-
nicolor, and ~r e rl'()phon ic sound. Music
1974 AI'Co Embassy (Italy)
Pl\OOUCEP.:Edmond" Am,,11 by Elmer Bcrmtein (RuiN! Munster).
DtP.£CTOA: Alherto DiMartino
Vm(t""n~o ManninO
1%5 7 Ar1s(En~l.mJ)
op.rG INAUY P.HEAlED AS : AnucY!.I!O PP.ODUCEP.; H,lrry Alan Tow~'l'
It rook it a while to gel hen', hUI tim DtP.£CTOP.: Go:o.)'1:'· r oll.)(k
was the first hlatant Exorcw COpy pro- K p.EENWp.r TEP.S: ! larry Alan Tower,.
dllccJ. Carla Gravina is a 20-)'~'a r -old reIn Ycklham
cripple 1")()SS{'~~d by a witch ancestor. Agatha Christie's Ten LillI.: NIg,f.!t!rs, pr..::-
The iL-ering woman with blackened e)'e~ vioush' filmed as Alld Theil There W/ere
,md ~hort, punk hlond haLr kills her None. I ' gl\'cn a mure ,I(ceprahle title
fa ther (Mel Ferrer) and ~edllces her flJr rhi~ Britrsh V~'r~L(ln ~~'t m ,11\ AIl~­
brorher. A rt hur Kennedy and Ge()rge man c;lsde. As the Ju,l!-'t" WIlfrid Hyde-
Cou loUTls are pnests. Wilh Alida Valh While r lIrm out In he the /.:lIilty h()~I.
anJ the usual grecn bile. fl oatin).: bodies, Hugh O'Bnan ilnd Shir lq Eaflln slar
and an orgy ;n hell. MU~1( b\, Ennio ..... 1Ih 1)('nn ls PTlCl', DJ li:lh Lavi. Swn-
Morricune. (H) ley llo llo .....ay, :lnd rhe unlikely F.lOLm.

Sb' II n1lugr(ml chk R, nll.(Ul
Pultmskl learns 1Iu: f.ul' uf
hIs Irt"u' 11/)(lrllll"111 '5 prt'I'I-
me. Il"nwl! fmm ,',mo.-r.!:..
Shdl..'" W' mfl'rS m Till'

Jndll,k~ a '\vho dllnit break" m which

Excdll'nt I'~ycho logi c al horror Ii 1m star-
a\ldiencl's \wre ~lIl'posed to glJcs~ who rln).! d irector p.. lanski as Trelkovsky,
thl' kilkr W<l<,
an ..w-of-place Polish file clerk in Paris
with a new apartment. Thl' j1n'vious
TEN LI17'LE IN Dlfl NS ren,rnr (<I woman) died slowly in a ho~­
1976 A\'C<l-Emt>~,.,.~, (l" .h, Sr,lln.
FranC(" \'(,- (,ermany)
r ita [ a{rer Jumping out her wmdow,
Pl'looucu.; (::',rona/c..H11<'CI Trdkm',ky seems doome,l to Tepl'31 her
OlI'\(CTOI'I: rl't~r ColIlll"on
findl ilU. He Jumps [wice (in drag) while
KI'\([NWl\Jl[~; EflTl4Ul' UOIJl't. hi' nelghhorl> warch. A d'~fUrhmg :md
Erich Kmhnke Vi'lhlll)' f,lscmallng ~ 11ll with :'OIllC
M liTtler on Iht' Oneill Expre55 wa~ a hlg ~uhtle l"lI ( he~ ImpoSSible to catch In
hit III '74. It had a hig InternaTIona l one VICWlng, W I/h Isabelle Adjani.
Cl-t :lnc! \\':1., ha'>l'd on <In Auath" Chri,,-
Mel\'yn 1:\)u,:,d,ls. Jo V:ln Flcct, Shelley
lie nuw!. SO I, thl" qllld:ll', ,he Ihml WlIlter:" ClnllJe 1},lUphi n. :l tooth in a
wr"l.lIl of Agatha ChTl~lll'\ Ten I.lttle hole In tlll' wa ll. <I Mtlncing Po lanski
NI!!X,I'H, For SOIliC re:l'on ,he 'cUing I~ Ill';rd , and (In;\ fi[mc[lp) Bruce Lee, (R)
ch"llged frorn England til Ir,lll! It
(catun" E[ke SOIllIl!l'T. O[il'l"T I\Cl'''1.
Chdrlc~ /\:ndl'olJT, Gcrt rrllhc, llerl J('rl
L(\lIl, Rlch:lrd Anenhorollgh, dril.l the TENDER FLESH
VOice o( ON>/l \Velk'~. ExecuTlvc rrn- 1:)7) Bnll Prr...lllCfulIl,
dllcer J larry Alan TOII'er, al~ll f:,,,cked PRODUCE~: J~l'k CI"hmgharn,
thc 1965 version, Slel'en NImh
DIRECTOR: LI\lrCI1H' H nrn')'
1'>76 r " T;Ull<l1l1ll { AlSO REL£ASED AS: \Ve/(()TIII' I" Arrott· Ikach
PRODUCER: An.lre\\ Bralln.,I~ rg h.lrn dl!,' :ld~: "He killed mo re than he
DIAlCTOII; R"'n,1Il r(>bn_kl c\lu[d ,'al." TIll' ye:lr hedil'd Litl1U:lnian_
Kl'lr[NWI'I"E~: Rom;ln 1\,I,IIl,l" I"lm L"'lrencc Ibn'e) d lrt'Cled himse lf
:I'" Santa Rarl'ara rnan irving With his

sister (Joanna Penet). They're both THE TENTH VIC11J11
nlOnihals. HIPPie Meg Foster finds out 196; Emoo:»} (1t,.ly/Fr.lIlce)
and goes to the cops Stuart Whitman ""ODUCE1\:Carl,) roml
and John Ireland but they don't believe Olluaop.: El io I'r lTl
he T. You won't ei ther. Warner Broth- K1\£[NWNTEP.S: Eli o Petri , Ennio FI;u,mn,
ers decided nm to release it ,H the last T on lOn Glierm, Glor~I(' S;,l vl.lnl'
OP.IGINAllY kEl£AUO.&.5: 1..<1 /)ecl11w V lllmw
minme, so a cut version ended up on
the exploitation ci rcu it in '76, With A very '60s look at Iht.' 21st century
Jesse Vinl. Harvey al.\oO funCil oned as when "t he big hunt" has repl'lceJ war
executive pnxlucer. ( R ) and Ur~lI la Andress is n~sigm:d to kill
Marcello Ma~ lmianni. The nlurder is
10 be fi lmed for a tell commercial. The
opening sequence featurt.'s UrSlib kill·
TENNESSEE'S PARTNER ing a man with her shooti ng hra in a
195; RKO New York art J!<lllery. In short hlo nd
PROOUCE1\: Benedict Borge,JUs hair and shades, Marce llo t.'VCntllHlIy
Ol1\£CT01\: Allan Dwan falls for his wOlild-be as~as.,in hut the
»'·hlron Knms,
!tCI.[[NW1\m:IU: legali:ed killinJ! must go (In. With Elsa
n. D.&'flllchamp, Gmham Baker, Martinelli.
Tcddi Sherln,ln
As unu5ual. popular Western with Ron - TERlIIINAL ISLAND
a Id Reagan as a lonesome cowboy 197 3 Dtmen~I\Hl
helped hy gambler John Payne, Rhonda P1\ODUCU: Charle, SwarH
Fleming runs theelaborate whorehouse Ol1\£aOfi: Stephanll' ROIhm:m
where much of the action rakes place. KU[N\II1\ITEIU: Sle ph;mle ROlhm:m ,
With Coleen Gray, Morris Ankrum, Charles SW<lrt:, Jim Barnett
Leo Gordo n, Myron Healy, and Angie An ac tion (eallire about fouT wo men
Dickinson as "a girl. " After this, Reagan prisoners being banished to an Island
made o nly one more theatrical feature housing two camps of male death row
-Hellcats of the Nat')', convicts. It's a variation on the usual
sadistic prison movie with sex and a
little fe minism added. En a Hart men
leads a hand of rebels. The cast includes
TEND! CLES Barbara Leigh. Don Marshall, Phyll is
1977 AlP (haly)
Davis (llll er on luw. Ameri((ll\ Style )
P1\OOUC E1\: E.F. Dori;!
OI1\£CT01\: Olivcr Hellman
and T o m Selleck as a l11ercy ki!ler
(Ot..·Idiu Assonilis) doctor, ( R )
SC1\£ENWMT[IU: Jerome Max, Tiro Ca rri,
Stcve Carabatsos THE TERlIIINAL ,IfAN
The director of /3e:Iand the Door, an ital- 1974 Warner Brot he rs
ian Exorcist copy filmed in Califomia , ",ooucEllioluaolllKI\HNWI\Il[1I.:
returns with an Itali an Jaws copy. It's Mike Hodges
hard to convey JUSt how boring and George Segal. as a man with a ~yc hotic
useless thisoctopus-artack film is. John fear of machines. has a small computer
Huston and Shelley Winters smr as Mr. planted in his hrain to control his vio-
& Mrs. Turner. Henry Fonda has a lent urges. The o peration backfires and
mercifully bnef role, With Bo Hopkins, the loboromi%cd Segal l,'OCS on a kill-
Cesare Danov;'!, and C laude Akins. ing spree. C lothing in all black or white

aJd., an arty look to this ad'II't,lrlon uf TI:.'R/IOR
a M ichal"! Crichton nuwl. \VHh Jo.1I1 1978(:f<,wn Intern.lll0nal (England)
I bckett as a .loClor and Jill CI,lyhurj.!h ",000([1I.S: L~'~ YOlln/;!. Rl c h~rd Cr.lIter
a~ a ;;;trlpper. H(xlges lat\'r lhrect\-d Fl«sh DIII.£OOk: Norman J. W"rrcn
Gordon for Dino De LauT\'nt ll:'. K lI.l£NW1IJTlk: 1);1\"11\ ~kGllh'r:J}'
In Lundon a IH:l n makes a movie show-
1Il,e how his fllllli ly had burned a witch
7T:RRIFIED a hund red YC<lrs ago. After a private
1':J63 C r"wn Inlem,monal (B&IX/ ) ~c reel1lng relat ives and tcc h nic ians
Pkooucn/SCII,lENW1IJl£II.: RKh~rJ Ikrn'I"m h..'wn III dil' in various ways. With a
DI P.£CTOk: Lew LmJel"l' tioatlllg ca r and a woman skcwered to
A ho(xled rh:lnt<lm fiend who is ;1 1'-1) il illree. StarnngJIlim Nolan and Carolyn
ven triloqui sT kills pCllpk' In a gh(l~T C ouragl'. It was douhle-bi lled with the
town. \Vith Rod Lallr\:n a nd Tracy famou~ /)mcT 4la's /)(~ . (R)
O lscn;l ~ yOlmg fllol., vl,iting the town,
pills I"km'cr Pyk and Angel,) R \l~~itTo. TERROR AT RED WOLF INN,
It W;h the I"st tilm by L\,w Ll11lk'rs, Sec nlLi FOLKS ATRED
wh,1S(' C,lrl'er reaclll'd h!lck til the ,ilents. If/OLF INN,
'I HE TERROR 1966 T.>ciff"ieworld (japan)
1<)63 AJP.Film~rnul' U[CUTM PII.ODUClII.: M<ls.~(llmi Sog~
I{o,.:er Corm,1n
PII.ODUCllI./ DIII.[CTOII.; DIP'£OOIl. : HaJ lmtl SalU
LCI) GorJon. Jac k 11111
SCJ'.[£NWII.ITllI.S; OfIIGINAlLY II.U£AS£D M: KU;lel/1J.iseJl5()
R'lj!er Corman IS f.llnolls for tumin' 'C IlI An odd Japanese sc ience-fict io n movie
O UI fa.,I. This one was SlIl'ptl...'-Cdl)' J(lIlC "hoU( a mad sciemist in an underwater
111 th rcc days! The Rlm.'JI Wil!> finl~hcd city who turns h umans into water-
l'.lrly. The :.l'ts were snll there ~lIld Oorl' hreathmJ: rubor monsters. TIle reporte r
K:.rloff was stil l unde r contrac t . So wh y hero I S Si ntchl "Sonny" Chiba. now
1l<1t! QuICkly wrmen scenes were h,mded knuwn ;IS the ~treetfiglue r in martial-
(lll! to f1\'e other directors l'ven thou!!h arts filllh. Fun to \\'atc h and the tr.m~­
<lil ly COrlnan got ~ reen credit. TIll' (urmation scene" Otn.' incredihle! With
\1!her~ we re Fran ci~ Ford C (II'I'{)In, Mlh'Daneen.
Monte H ellman, Jack H il l. nl'nnl ~
Jacuh, and even star J;lck NicholSlm . TERROR BY N I GHT
As lielltenrtnT Andre \)uvalier, Nich · 1946 Uni\'crS,11 (B&W)
olson I ~ tutally uncnnvinung. Lo,t on PkODUCEII./ O(II.[CTOII.; Ro~'
W illiam Neill
the Itdtic coast , he fol1uw~ heall1 l(ul Frnnk Gruber
w,'man (ghust?) Sandra Knight 10 the Bas il Rutb bonc ,1Ild Nigel Bruce as
C: I~tI(' of I'b ron vun Leppe ( Karinf/). Ho!rncs lind Watson attempt to protect
Nicholson and Knighl Wl're nUTfleJ at thc Star (If Rhodesia diamo nd on a tr-,Iin
the [1I11l·. Wi th Corman regulars Dick trtlvcling from London to Edinburgh.
Milll'r. as the haron's S('rvant Stephan, A lan Mowbray is 11 fr iend of Dr. Wat-
,11,,1 Jonathan J-Ia:e a.~ thl' hal(wll Gus- son . Ske ltOn Knag.e:s hides in a coffin.
tan. who lives with a witc h . Of cour~ As Lc)tradc, Dennis Hoc)' is puzzled.
It 's d isJomll'd. hut Think of it as an ex-
erc iM' in economy and speed. A l e~­ TERROR CASTLE, See
end,IT)' mess. HORROR CASTLE,

Tl:.'RROR CIRCUS, Sec BARN sounJ tmck was Lller u~eJ (pr NiJ.;hl lif
Of' THE N/IKED DEAD. rhe LIt'I1lR Do.'u.cI.


1\)71 H~ml'l'her.., (En)!l;md)
J Y65 P,KcnMker (Ital~·/U. S.)
PIIOoOUC[II : Gl'Ot).!~ Bmwn
PkO OVCE'-.: Fran k '",Il'rlc OII\[OOo k: Sidn~r Hayer,
DI'-lCTOk; Ralph Zuda~r (1I.h~)lm(l Pur,lIu)
K IUENWIIIf[II ; Juhn Knl ......'
KMENWIJTEM! I{"bcrw Nat,. le.
OIUGINAll.Y Il.ELEAS EO Al.: I.:<"l<"n/.:"
Romano M! ~.dtOflnl "LSOo knEAJ [D Al.: AIr,'f j"Hn), du.,d.
0«'!G1NAlLY IU:lEA5£D AS: emql/(' TUTII"" Il<:r Inn (jfl:rlght<"n,~d P,'opk
WI ,,",tt-dmm
The American re1c,,;;e cumpany h~ld [0
B."lrhara Steek' is the widow o( a mur-
dcvl~(' ,I dCCl.'Pl ivl' ad camp.lign <lnd a
dered occultisT living In a wrn-of-rhc-
nell' scary title Til get patwns for this
century Eurorean Villa. The hu~h;lnd one. Two men who!>\! daught(.'rs had
wh om she had hdred to kill returns as
been mo!csteJ ~md killed di5CO\'er that
a ghost and Mlmmon~ dead mcdie\'"l
the potict" h aw released the pmne sus-
plague victims to avenge hUll. Walter
pect. Ther kiJnap him, beat him, and
Brandi and Marilyn Mitchell (as S tedc '~
!e:l\'C hl1l1, thmking he's dead , in t he
daughtt.'r) arc th" romantic survivors. cellm of .. pub 0Ill' ,;f thcm own:). Most
of till' time b ~pl'nt trying to keep thc
Tl:.'RROR EYES, See NIGHT con~tilblcs and rill' drinkmg p:urons
from di'>CIl\'cring their captive, while
SCHOOL. J~nnes Rooth. Jo,m Collim . and their
(,undy yell at one anothe r.
1963 A1P(ltaly/Spain) (8&W)
1958 All' (B&W)
",OOUC[II: WIlli.un Mulligan
Hiooucu / o IRECTO k/ K IU:EHWIIITE";
OII\[CTOf;: Thomas Milia
Roher( Gur"'.'~·. Jr. (CamIllo Ma5(f(Xlnqllc)
A (avumc '50s cheapl\: about SCI(' nti~,s sa.£EHWI\Itu\S ; Mariti Del Carmen{
un an i~lanJ pbying <lwund with a time M:lrflm,z Ruman. Jose L. Monte r
machine. Thl'Y rccci\'t! ,. fmurisl1c cat ALSO Il.ELEASf: O AS: Crypt of Honvr
with fnur eyes and later a gorgeous OP.IGINAtL Y "'ELEASEO A5; 1..1 Ma/diculI1
woman who rival, The ASltlllndlllg She KUnlsli.' '''
M Urt'Mf for Frederick's of I lull \,wood- An interesting version of Cannilta by
st\,le st'xinc~~, She di~gui scs ha,eI( a~ J. ShcnJ.1Il I.e Fanu. Chrisropher Lee
a nurse and hypnotl:cs people with her (who filmed his sce nes in English) slars
glittery fingcrn~lI l s. Starnng \Vanl as C\)unt Karn~tein. He con~ults an ex-
Co~re llo , Joyce Ho lden, and I3calrlCe o rcist becauSl.' he thinks h i ~ daughtcr is
Furde~H!x. \Vhl'n a cnurle ,!!()es 10 the possessl'd b~' a dead witch. T he ~tOI')'
mamlanJ 10 ~ce a movie, !t'~ AIP'~ I had prc viou~ t y been filmed a~ Blood and
\Vas a TeefU~e FnmketUiein, Pan of Ihe Roses.

TERROR IN 11m HI! UNTJ.:/} ptrn\.' wh~n till' c rew gets fOl..JJ poison-
HOUSE mg, With ROOd y McDowall. Leif Erick-
1l)';S J ]""T,' [n{~·rn.i!l"n"l ( B&\X' ) MIll, Kl'llll t.' th T ob;"y (al."o in Airpon),
~O()lKEI\fDI"'[CTO"': \V.II,.un S. I:.h", lr"_ L UIS Nl'ddl~ton, and Jack Ging.
KA£EHWII.ITO: R \lh..·rr C. n'-I1n!'
AUO HL£A5ED M: .\h \~ 'v,-kll)r .. , .\c.,.nunm~
The ~(nr} ,I huut ,\ m.m ( " I...IIl),! hh nell'
w,fe' te) thc' h ou'l" ,,( Ill',- Illghrlllotrl" ,_ 11illROR IN 111t: WAX
no hlJ,!J<';lI. but whC'n( 'Tlglnollh rdc,lx'l.l IIIUSEUAI
thl~ fi lm ux'(\ the "p,)ci,.,r;tllld" pTl >Cc ~. 1973C1n('r.ulla
\Von]:) anJ piCfur,·~ (If ,kulh ;Ind ~ Ildk l" PI\OOO(EI\: Alldr~v. J.
011\£001\: Gl'(lrg~ F,'nady
lI'(,fe tl'l ~h ... ,1 ( In th scr.xn ("r 1/ 50 (,(.1
" KI\[E NWI\IT[I\; J.lm~"'\n Br~wcr
~('c()n,1 to tallSe ~lIhIHllln,11 ,hmIJ,'r .. ,
The pflxe.", pr"\Tn (" work "elver-
tlM.'r., who '\ugge'tl\J" dwt dudtt:llC\'"
"r A h:ldly rn ;"k, r"hash of old movies,
>!.rrring R'I), Millanel as the sculptor ;lnd
huy th<:lf pr()dU(h ,It ilw Cl,l lK'C ." j,lIl
III.rn,I),!I·r <If a nr}'sl~riolls wax lll11sell!1l.
'!;lIld . \\'<lS halllwd Llt ... r In tho.: Y(>;lr. Ir\ .1Bing Crnshy pnxillcrinn. Cwshy
to help
h:!I'l' wanlt.'d
Ger:dd M"hr ,md C uh)' 0'1\ 'nncll TIlli st
Irien.l,- Parric Knowles (The \'(Iu/I-
'l't.1IROR IN Tilt: SKY 111m!) , L, 1(lis H ayward (SOil uf Drand«).
1<)71 T\' EIs;1 L;lnc hl'~le r (Hnde of FrankeI(5tt'in).
",OOUCH: 1>.L,ldll"v. R"I'I Bro..!L·Tl ck C rawford (10-4), and Mau-
Rmu.-ru:k Cr<!Ilfmd (k'M 01'-£0011: "krn'l rd K" v. ., j,kl rice Ev ,IO~ . Jo hn Ca rraJinl', however ,
/Jff,on It) hu .. r/w 11<1\ UIl" S(AEENWAIJE~: R ,~h,lrd\,j~I ..."n. j- nevcroUI of wurk: rhls was his "41 Sth
klml jromJf!hn (:«TT<I(]m.' Skph~n ;",.1 EI"'or K"TI'I 111m' I""! It \ berrl'r rhan rill' p<nheru,:
/.I.S as~15WIII :-'t<'1\'11
,\I" T/I) TeI~n~I'ln\ dlhwn Ttl A,r/.Il!rl W,'~ ; I r~' - N~hrr'/ll.lTO: III W' IIX with C Ullerun Mitch-
JUTl rfll! II~IX "mt./wn 1ft 1I\,lh' " I ':nu Iluw. th ... '.Il111' 1111111h.l l ell, hUI , h 10 thar di"'1s1er YO Il can see
Terror III !lw \'{I. IX An-/I/.:ml' W.b h":><..-J o n . ' r(l u H~·.1 l'X - tho: W,IX fi),!lITe~ hrealhlllJ.:.
M U5ClIm
hdu,: o pt er pIlo t Duug McC lllrl' Lm.j, ,I

n iRROR IS l i llIA N
1959 Va h.l'" (U,S.lPhihppmes) (B&Wj
UE(UTIVE Pl\OOOC[~: K a n e L y nn ,
F.J",~' R< \m~ro
OII\£CTO": Gnry Dc 1......111
S(I\E[NWI\ITEI\; I brry P••ul l l.nlx,
ALSO I\U[ASED AS: Illt...:l C reiUltT,·
Th l, oTlgin,, 1 ,mel he~t Filipino horror
(ilm. A mad doctor (Franci~ Lederer)
on Blo..xll sland su rgically !Urn, a leop-
ard IntO ;1 h(lrrihle leoJl,mUman. It's ba-
~ l c;J lly The IS/lind uf Dr. Moreau with
' IIlJ ~· une crea!Ure. Executive producer
Ed,lie ROllll'r<1 lm"f rewnrk~d the theme
1011) , I *Tles of Jo hn Ashley film s. A
huz:t.'r w.rnu'd audiences when a bloody
inCl~ 'OI1 wa._ <thou! to 1)0.; made (a shock-
log scene OI l rhe lime). With G reta
Thyssl'n and Richard Derr.

1962 Thunder Picturl's (W . Gerl1lan~)
P~OOUC[I'.: Arrur Broullcr in his MOST
OIk£CtOI\: Wnnn Kltn~ ... r
K P.££N'IVM"(Al: LI(i.s lau s FoJor.
Roh..:rt A. 51elnml<:
All MtW!
ALSO "£LEASEO AS: T t'TT(1T of IIu> A'lrw f)OCI(}T SEEN!
Ol'.IGINALLY "ElEASEO AS: j)as T eswl!I.:nr de.!
Or. Mubuse
A rC1\l<lke of Fritz Lang 's 19JJ Dr.
:'v1ahu:>c film. As the head of an .bylulll,
Walter Rilla is Ix-inA controlled by the
dl'ad Dr. Mahusc (Wolfgang PrCl '>1» •
..... ho h.1d hr rnou:cd him. As Inspector
Loh11l:lnn, Gert Frobc tries ro learn
the truth ahout the apparent return of
the lOll ..., master CTlmlnal. \Virh Sl'ma
Berger. Helmut Schmi,l, an,] Walter
R il l<l .

1975 Toh.II Bob Conn Entertainment
DIk£CtOk: lno~him Hun,!.,
• IOHO PflOOUC 11()/> on •• "" .. t,,,,, •. ,~ 10100 lI IOCO " P '~V 110 ~
SCIlEENWPJf(I\: Yukrk " T :rb ya1l) ,j
O.. " .... 'od br _ CON/( E/(TERf>R1S($ In COlOII_WJ()(SCR(£N @ .~
OklGI NALLY IIElEAS[D AS: Md";l. (j O}rr,r Il()
Thl' mns! reCl'nI G odzilln (ilm at thb Thl' Ternlr IlRlline I ~ a skinny,,~ !lIan.
wntzng (it 's ,he I ;,h). It fl!aturl' S They fI ghT III The glaJi,Ho n ,11 a rl' na.
Mccha -G od:illa and ,I
m'w hmJlike MaTilu Tol" w(ll(h<.:,.
c r('atlLn.' calbJ ChltanLlCera~. A liens pili
1Ill' comml ~ to Ihe baJ metal momter
in~IJI! an inn"cent WOIlIan, wh.) com - TERROR OF SllEBI!, S ee
IlIHS ~lI1cidc to ~a\'e Eotrrh . PERSECUnON.


1964 AVCLl Em I-o;L.,,~- TV (1',Liy/Fr,mn' ) BLOODHUNTERS
0111;[0011;: M:lTio Cl :II1" 1962 i\ n p I'n ....lucl''''''
SCIl;£ENvn,IT[Il;l; ""ODU( E';O IIl;£CTO';SC!U:£ NWIl;lUII;:

Amc'ndnl:! :md Alfon>o\\ Br~'''' l'' Jar, W d rrt' n

OIl;IGINALLY Il;[t£AYD AS: '\!O.:i51"', C; ~I(II(' ­ Je rry \Varren. who u :.uall y Americ m-
WTt' ill SpaTiO I:CJ fl lre,gn horror fdm s, oc c;I ~ ,onal1y
The ~O l) o f H nc llle~ IS M ,lelste (M ,Lrk made ,lismal o rlgin,11 features like (his
ForesT), but he'.- o lll!J P,,~ei,bn herl!. one. Rohl'r1 Cbrke (The / i,Jem15 SUIl

70 1
Delllon' stars as S((:\'en Duva l, a Frenc h TERROR ON THE
wri te r St.'nt to the [)evil's bland penal
colo ny. He escape~ through Jtvaro In-
1974 TV
d ian country with the cnrn m,mdant's H.OOOCEA: Ed Monlagne
daughter (Dorothy Haney). DlkECfOA: Jerry J,\mcson
S<:kEt NWklru: Jack Turft.'y
TV's Towering Inferno copy. with peo.
TERROR OFTHE ,'lAD pic rrnpped in ,he penthouse of a hurn .
DOCTOR, See THE TERROR in,!:: skyscr:lpt,T. The hot casl includes
OF DR. "fABUSE. John F'lrsYlhe, Joseph C ampanella, and
Anj,m<.'tte ComeT.


1':J61 HamfnnlColumht<t (England) PRODUCEk : Peter Nelson
Kenneth Hym~n
PkODU(£tI.; DIRECTOR: Lee H, Kat zi n
DtkECfOk: Anthony Bmhell SCRU NWAtTEM : (JucrJ'l!1 TnH,'blood,
SCkE£NWRITEk ; Imtn )' S;mgs!er Pelcr Nelson, Duris Silvcrton
ChnMupher Lee isChung King, a tong Rl'member Th(' Sat-'aK\: Bees from '76!
Ic,tcler in 1910 Hong Kung. I lis "dru);!. (If you C,IIl lell Ollt' TV bee movie from
c ra:ed hatchl'ttllen" hrurally kill ,my. another, yllll prl)h"bly watch too muc h
Ixxly who siands in the wa y o f his ~ I a\'e telcvlsion.) Th is is supposed to lx, a
an,1 opium s;lles. A merch,mt seam,1Il M:qllc l. As bee spec ia lists, Efr('m Zim.
(Gl"Offrq' Toone) whose daughter and "albt. Jr .. and Dan Haggerty figh t an
:.erva nt had l'Cl'n rnurde n.'tl hy Chung'~ attac k .If the li ttle stingers.
men te<lIns lip with a fo r mer s lavl'
(Y\'tlllne Mo n la ur ) to gct rev('ngc.
Mtlflln Re id ( Ha mllll'r's re~ ident f:'I,
191:11 20th CentUI).hIX (Cm~Ja)
"Gu y ~trongrnan) pbys a " "Id pnson
'AOOU(tA; i-b wld Gret'nh.''l:
guard who sho\'es lo ng ncedle:. mlO Ill . OlkEaOk: R~~'r Spol!Iswolldc
mat~'s. A good vioknt adventure, I~: t . S<:kCEHW'JTtA; y, T,",
ler Ihan Chri ~toph n Lee's Fu M:m chu
Jamie Lee Curt iS screams aga in. as a
ftlnh. With some early Chine~' kung c rcw of college kids holding a party
fu fighttng scenc~ (eaturing Bu rt K\\'\ ltlk
al'l(Jard a train are terroriz('J and mur-
I,f tlw Pink Panther ~e rie~ ,
derl'{illnc hy o ne hy a fonner classmatl'
OUi fpr revenge. A few things make Ihis
worth el~duri ng rhe fa miliar sb ughlcr-
TERROR ON THE BEA CH Illovil- (' Ie llll'nr s: S t:lnl cy Kubrick's f:l -
197 lTV vurile cine ma tog rapher, John Alcott,
PRODUCER: A ILm Ja y FKt,Jr is ;l hoa rd, doing a fin e joh, despit(, the
DI RECTOk: l\ll d \V"ndh .,.;
prohlcms of shooting wirh in the I:on-
SCkEE NWk tTEk : Fld] SII<lnde
fines \I( :In :lc tua! train: the pillt has a
The Il!lIs I lat·,; £)'(,5, TV·~ t ~' lc, ~!lni~ cnltple of biz:lTr(' twi~rs that keep rhe
\Ve:lvl"T, btelk P:lr'on,_, <ln ~1 family wl1l)(lunil aspecr goin,!:: till the final
t ~l ke th~,tr trai ler 'l l lhe bea('h f,)r; 1 ntcc reel ; a nd Bcn Johnson plays Ihe falherly
VOlcatton. A Man:;on· ~ tyle g, ln),! sh(lw~ condllclor, W ilh Illagician David C.AJP-
III' to terron:l' them (c~pt'ci,llIy d, IU"h- pcrfidd and the reqU ired disco scenl'.
ter Su .... tn Dey),
( R) -B~'

1<)67 AmlCu.JElnba"l (Enclan.J)
PI\ODUC[IU: ~llhlH1 Slll->.){,k~.
~ 1.1.\ J. Rl~nlx'r)::
OIU:CTO!t.: 1I.,!,Hlle,lIn<:n Tulh
)(M:[H'o\If.ITU.: J"ho Brunna
Umh~(I1l):: ul~hcd BTlt .,h l>C1Cnn:·(ICIlon
adV\'n!UTI!. An o,:n( l r(' bUlldlll).! cont,llll-
m)! re'c;lfch ~Ll'nll,t~ I~ rmn'l'onc,1 to
anolhcr p1:ml'!. There, ,I robot who
give, I1ltelll),!('llcC fe,h takes ,h,' Earth-
1m).!' III yet ,modl('T pbnct, popular.:,1
with gn-cn hIUn,11l0Ic/s. In show dll'1ll
the f,lk \If E.lTlh. '''hth Si m(lll O<HC~
~uhl Zl'I\;\ ~vLmlMl\ (Dr, No)


19S} Se rl'l'n C1NlC' (13&\'(1)
PIIOPUC[II: Ge,'I)!l' \'\/Cb'
011\[(101\: 1>,-\cr\,' C ,mrwll
KI\UNWI\ITE": Rlch.m'! ~1c~bhan
AUO IUl£AS(D ..1: Tho: I'll!
A 1 ,111l\'\L~, ,lll'n h;mn,",\ ildulb·"nly ~x·
m~trucnon ~hu~_k('r lnml the Jm:ctur
01 Th4! FI<!~h ,\ It'fciklllb ,mJ the pr l .. 1l1eer
01 (jll'll ur Glemld John ~bltl'IIl'\ ~[.jp,
wlIh ~lomc,1 1),111" of Thl' I)",ul Ont'o
RCIIllrko.:.\ ,Im\ T..:-ro.:\e,N"\ 1Il 1967 ,I~ \Ilth hI' eh,III1" I\\' , eh.I'ln)! ~1,tn l yn A muml'll! of [<'1TOf lJl
Til" P,II Thl' T CX:I~ Ch:Hn",ll'
-\1'1 Burn,. ~Ihll ... d III Tl'xJ.~, !1lr ... cflH
Iiollpo.'r h.I,\ I'n:noU"\) m,ld.:: ,11\ anti-
'I U E TI';XilS Cf//IINSA IV V ,,~tn,l1l1 \\.IT mO\,lc ,mel ;1 JIlClIll\en-
,WISSJICRE tar\" ahnul Pclo.:r, P,nll. ,1nd M,lr),! In
l'1i4 BrI',I1NPIi 19~2 " ,.,:X;[, C h:l1n,.lw \ Id,'ll g,l1l1e
PkODUCEkfDII\ECTOk: Toh..: I kl< 'I'er \\",1, 1l1,lrkl'l ... d. IH I
K "[[NW"ITEM: t-.: Il\I I 1.'lIke\. T"he 1I,,,,f":'
Thl' crow,I-I'\cd,lng, bw-hu,h,:e[ r he - 1UAN I( J'OV ,UR. ,'10'1'0
llPllwnon h \'~I~l·l~ hl'l;d 'Ill thl' r!',JI- 1')3i 2('th<:et1!ur\· h ,x (H&\'i/)
\Ii"!' eXr\'\lh 1\1 Ed Cie lll ('Cl' J)"nmgcJ). EXECUTlV[ Pfl.ODUCE": s.,,1 ~I W"rt:tl
I hr,'':: l'x-,bu).:hll'rhillbl' empl",.,,<.:~ OI"EOO": t\"l1\),'1l F,"ltT
,In,\ an :IIKwnl gr,I!\,l/,nhcr !t\'!" in a SCII,E[NW"ITEI\5: \'1,1 III,. ( ;, "'I1<.'r,
n'lII"t,' lilnn hUlI'l' full (If hOll'::~, "C-
Ull! I[ .::ill', ,lIld '[Mrl' 1......1) part' (in- A, :o..1r. 1\1,,1\1, Peter Lorn' lr_",:k, d"lI'n
clud,n).: .I hUIIi,ln-,lf[lI l.lmp). \\fhrn ,I ,c r"ll (\i,lt II"ho.:l1 J"1l1~cl with ,IX ,,(h-
(' r~ T('\,\';lb "Iii.:: ~,,',kn '~..:r"( III Kul,hl
111'1) II lim)! ":')IIJ'h.'~ ,mel ,\ crll'rkd tnend
111 d v,m '1lI1',dk ~[IlP there k,nkm!! tllr
KIt,Il1"! \Vllh :;I,ln ... ~ B1,lLkmef, Sig
\!,I', t1w ,ICuon ne\'er 'I"p~. L.::ather- Rum,m, Jolin C,lfr,I,1"'l' (,,, ,I Iw 1r fu1
Litl' ( }unn,lr 1\.1.,'<.'n, II carlJl)! ,I hum;m
l-1I1!.-r). PhIlip Ahn (,\, Pmll\' Chung),
... klll 1n,I,k) proll'\!''' th ... 1:0,,-( IliOllWIl!' TIlll[[\,\' ,tnJ p,luhn,' h ...,\o.:nek.

Jiuk l/iIltknu unJ !lieiU<'J
eTltU" Room Mvrk-,'du!(h_
mg h'5 hdi)wJ !'n~ poo-
dles III 111c:urt' ul mood.

l1lfjlTRt: OF BLOO/) 'l1ilill'l'RE OF OEATH

197) L'nn,-d An"t' (cngl,mdl 1967 H'-lI1bpho:rc (,mJ)
PltooU([IU; John Kohn. Sr.lnt.·\" f., PllooUC['-: .\ ·h eh3d Sm... d!q-Asflll
DlI\£CTOI\; 1\'UI!i.h J Ild.ok CII\£CTOI\: Sanltu:! GaUu
KM[NWl\rlUl.: Anrhnm Grn IIJ ..... IJ... II KI\[[NWltll[kS: EIIt,.on Kad"oll~.
V lI Kl'nt I'nc .... \ \\'h,)1..: car .... n i. ,I prcp,l- Rtl)!l'r ~br,hall
ration for ,hi' wonderful J!"n r.... \l· I\I..: .... AlSO I\[!.USED 1.1: B/md Fierul
c{)ll1e,ly. Although in'I'IR',1 hy Ihe 1ft ChrN up/wTLee h Phillippt-, Damas, d i-
I'fulJC5 'ilm". If\ ,1 Ix·lter rlOdllClhlll III rector (If Gra nd GUi.2no l horror r lays
c\ay way. Pnce rl.ll' E..lw;lrd L'ol1 - m PaTl3. The lIll'an, d o mineering man
ht'ilTf, ,1 Sh,l k":'r<'ilT",1Il aCfOr who mllf- i ~ iI rrnnc 'lI~rcct in a S('ric~ of vampirl'-
Jef', theatrICal Criti c<, II~ in l! 1,1 111111 " ~k',lth li ke kdlmp. Lel i.. Goldolll an,1 Jenny
'-Cene' trnln ,\1<1.,/>..·/11, I{'c/ldrd III. ,'IC , Till .Ire mOllllnalC aClrcsse~. A go,.....1
, h m(ldd~. Ile\ i , id~-d hI' hi. (.lIlhflll l1\y~rery with a rerfecr hac kgrounJ o f
lb ll).:h,er (!1i<m;l Rig).:) "nd d grollr oj fil k"d g(lTC ,md murders. A s lightl y
tr~ lI\p, . Edch killing I1lVIlJ\'l'~ e t:. hJr:l1l' flll.que vlllxl(lo dnnce segment is often
p)dnlllllg :m,J dL,glll~l", with I{ I)..!g 'IHlll" (Ul. Ci nc matl'gmphr h}, Gill><.:Tr Tay.
Ilnlt', I'Llrin~ Illl·n. J;Kk J l'IWklll' I~ 11IT (Swr \Vars).
dTJv<.:n In lllurd<.:r hi' wif... (lkmd [\'r,)'
:,' III OlhdllJ. A, ,m Illitragl'I"I'ly g;'\,
{nllC, R(,hcn M"rlt.:1 I, kd III. "\\11 tI\ III
1954 Wml"r Brot h.·" (B&W)
J'1)(ltl lt.:, (Tllus AlldrllluclIs). O thcT \ 1(. W,-j,/-o.ltt
PI\ODUCEI\: 1),11,.d
11I1l~ .IT"" n. . l1nb PriCl', Ar!hur L"\\"l', 011\£001t; Gutdon Dougla,
Roher! CUIlt<:', I-.bddilll' SmITh, ,111,1 SCIt[[NWI\ITEIt; T cd S hcrd,-mann
11,lrT} Alldrl~\\ ~. \'\Ilth I.m I kndn' ,lIld Thl' C Lh~IC sC ien ce-fictIO n film wa.'
Coral Brllwn (\\r,. Vinu'n, PrI{·d. ml ,bl' hr.•' of Ill(' o\'crsl~ed -bllg movies.

c re "ture~. Sh,rlq Ann Field Hie, to
Twclve-fl'l•.ll-hlgh (mechanica l) anl~
C, UI~" hy mdl,luo n ,Irl' d,~o\'creJ In e~C,lr\' h"T ()Ver rT o[\'CI IVC. \'w lent
broth\'r (Reed). The themc »<1Il~ ):!n.>:
New Mexico ,md he"lI f'lr Ih ~' 1>Cwers
"f)1.lCk I...-,Ith':f. htlck k ..lIh ... r rock·T\xk·
I)f L.A. J amc~ Whnmnrl' L ~ top-bIlled
mek. .. " The end 'lfkr' no hope ,I[ ,111.
:." tht, ,.c1f-~ac nhclll!! po],ce :.crgl'<lnL
FAI ,lgl'nt J:lme$ A rm's~ and ",icntN
In,1 n \'l/cklon proViJl' ,he Wlllant;C
1Il ' l'n..'~t. Edmund Gw~'nn lb \VdJon'£
cnlllmologlst f:uhl'r. The movle\ gn'"' '
See D/~VGl;ROUS }'OUTH .
hut the (un of ' l'O(IHIIlJ.: !I)l' Supf'lxung
ph",cr~ m:lk~'~ it l'vell better. The hu·
n\\Hlll1S drunk III th . ., alcoholic w<lrJ
(Olm 1IIIw<lr,1) was the first viCtlll1 In SPACE
The Bloh. The linll' gLrl (Samly Dc,.ch- 1<)67 ArnLclI,./Eml,.•,,) (£n.:I,md)
l'r) wh(1 Cln llllly ~ay "Them! - Them!" PP-OOUCEP-S: M .• x J. R"wnl"ll'r~,
W:b on ... of Jack Arnold's Simcc Chilo
Md,,,n SlLh'l,k)
OI P-EClOP-: hcdd,.: h,meL'
tlr.:!\, T h ... ;lirline "ililt who saw Ihe ,mts
SCI'.EE NWIlITEII : t>,.·lllwtl S"h.",k)
I~ Fe~, P:uker (Daniel Bwue) , AI'><'ll(,nk
Sill)' ~cicnce hClion with forgotten
fur W,lli,IIl' Sch:lllerr (Mr. l;lIle on The
Aml'ric,1Il ,t:lr Rot-l'TI IllIttun (The
'\ur:y Duke Shott· ,I, well a~ th ... ""icc "j"
Slim" I'<'(JJ,I":) ,I' "n 'l,trorh)',lCi ,[. He',
"Milton the T o,htl'r"), Onslow 5,e\'l'l\>
gut ,I Ill ...,[,,] 1'1,,1" L1l hI' heilll. \\hlCh ML,had G"lIl:h 'll the all~n
(The House of /)nt':UUI), Duh Taylor, le/!da ill Th .. ) C,HllC
m,lke' hllll mHllune tn all ... n t,Ik.'()\ l'f.
,tIld i.e.mard NL1l1l')" Aftef Thelll '~ ~IIC'
b'd) I'O("j} ...1 ..... l~ [ ,l h' ll (wer h)· a~tr<l l Ffilm Ikn>nd Spau'
cc~~ .... C weT'" qUick ly offen'd TIITIlIUUUI.
bt.'mg~ \\ ho w.I1U ~ I ,l\"e~ til help rep.ur a
The BUICk SLur/)lIm. The DelUII) !\I,UlU5,
~hlp tlMt cr,l,hl"j "n the r-. lnon. HutHlIl
l'te ,lIld hl~ )!lrI (jenn l!..r J.1)Ill') )!" to the


1%1 I LunnwT ·C.,lllmh1.l (Eng]"n.!)
","OOUC[A: Amh<lm' Hill.!,
OI~ClOk: J,lSo,.'rh L",..;'\'
~CIIEENIoIIPJn:II: EV<lfl J OI1<" '!
AUO II[lEA5EO A5: Th .. D..Ul(n<,,\
A Illult L.L'Cdl'd Or",l'lklll c b~~ic th,lt 1
rccl'ived cnt Ical ,,(c \a,m d"~l'lt ..., CUb hy
the P[(XIIlCCT and ,L lOLL] b ck ,If "T<llllO-
[j"n. Macdona],j CiLrey, ,Ill AmniGII1
h\l'\Ill'~~l1KIIl In :I BrltI~h «(M,tal tuwn, }
L~ ho.::lten hy iI J,:,)I)g of Tn!.!y f),,\,~ lecl
,\iscm'l'T' a ~cr .. t
hy O Hvo.::T Rl'"d ,Ill...!
mlhtdry imwll.l[l un wh .. re r,IJh"Lctive
I # n

d) 11lln::n aT\' Wll~IH hy c1'''''ll·ciruLlt ;

rdeVblon how to ~urV I \'l' , hl' lTl~vi [ ahlo:
,Hlllll lC "" If. Alexandef Knox I~ the ~~
cold .hluode...i m<l ll III chafJ,:e (It thl'
pn IJCct. I-t. ~ j, mnef lo\'Cr, V Iveel Ll ml·
(Of" 'f'Cn\l~ h ... r tim ... -.culptmJ,: J\lllt;m t
, "

Moon, meet Michael Gough, and work ing after sec ret documems of soille SOrt.
everyth ing out.
Scon Brad)', Jim Davis, and Amhon),
Eisle)' run into complications when
Luana teams up wi th strategist John
Pa),ne, whoal.'iOdirecroo. "Thisoughra
19i5 Trans ArnCT1(an (CanaJ,I)
P"ODUC£~ Ivan R~'ltm<m
slow r/wm down," Payne says as he
DII\£Oo"/ so,E[H'\Vl\lTU: D.J\,ld C rolll·nikrj.! plants a can of peaches o n the tra il.
AlSO 1\£l£A5£D AS; TIu?
Purame Murden Sure enough. The geologist's former
O"-lGfWA1lY I\ELEAS£D oU; FmSUlu partner Jo hn Carradine arri\·es and al-
The first of Cronenberg's un ique com- most gets the upper hand before Payne's
mercial features ha~ horrihle, sc ientifi- dog Bravo edges him off a cliff. Filmed
cally creared <lphrrxlisiac pnTasites that in the Valley of Fire near Las Vegas.
live in the ~tnrnachs of tenants <It <l SH'r- Great title song by the Kn ickerrockt'TS,
ill' ;'lpartnwnr complex on ,Ill island nt':.r who stole much of it from their smash
Momre;'l!. P;'llil Hampton, JOl' S il ver, "lies. " -CF\
and Lynn Lowry star. l3arhnra Steele
reCeives;1 par;lsite while taking a b;'lth .
A blorxly, quea~y, and vcry personal 71IE), SAVED flI1LER'S
horror film. Cronenberg's next was BRAIN
R"bid. (R ) 1963 Crown rnt<:rnation~ 1 ( B&\V)
Carl Edwa rds
DII\£OOI\: D:lI'id Bradley
711EY LOVEAS 711EY SCI\£EHWf\JT£II.S: Rlcllard Mjle~, Steve &'nnen
PHASE, Sec GREENWICfI AlSO 1\£1Lt.S£D M: Madmen of MrlIlilarcu
VILLAGE STORY. This classic bad movie has been amaz-
ing late-night TV viewers fo r Yl';trs.
Some o f it seems 10 haw been shot in
TflEY ll/ETIN BOIl/BAY till' Phil ippines, SOIW,' of it in Anll'rica
1941 fI.·IOM (B&\V) aT a diffcrelll time. and a car crash W;lS
I'f.OOUC£lt: Hunt Strolnhcrg "borrowed" from Thunder Rood. T he
011\£001\: Cbr('nce Bruwn incolll..'rellf story is aoout an A merican
SCII,£[NWf\IJ£II.S: F.Jwin JIJ.~tIS M,lyer, ncuTtlhlOlogisl w h odi~appears with on e
Alma LUllS. Leon Oordon ()f his daughters. Another daughter and
C lark Gahle and Rosa lind RlI~' ll ,ITe her hllsh;md fl~' to a Caribbc;'l n island
Jl'We! thieh's in a TOmantic-cllllledy to l(xlk for him and find Nazis raking
;I!.h'enture. Peter Lorre co-stars as Cap- orders from Hitler's head, which has
tain Chang, a double-crossing Chinese been kepT al ive on top o( a llll'chaniCII
caq,':l) ship ~kip rer. 00.'(. They plan to t<lke over the world
with nerve gas ;t nd find a new body for
der Felhrer. Hero \Valter Stocker was
711EY RAN FOR 'lllEIR LIVES in l..ilssie's Greatest Adt'elllure. Police
1968 Color Vision Illkrnatjon •• 1 chief Nes tor Paiva is in do:ens o(
PkODUCEI\; Samuel Ray Cala"re~
scie nce-fic tion movies. He ro's wife
DII\£OO~: Joll n Payne
Audrey a lire weill on to greater height:;
SCI\[[HW"-ITEI\; M onnl\: Manlllll!!
as the wife of t hl' execut iv{' in Joe. The
Ludicrous desert-chaM' yarn (eaturing director was a contributor to Fam0145
Luana Panen as a dead oil geo l ogi~ t 's MOJl,slm of Fl/mumd and directed Charl-
daughter who is plagued 0)' thugs 11l~1- ron Heston in h is first role, in a 1941

amateur product io n of Peer GYIlf. This TilE 1111EF OF IJAGHDAD
production, on ,he o lile r hand, is 19'i91--IG~·1 ( 1 IaJ)'/F~ncl')

pru{essiomti. ",ooucu.: HTun" V,ulall

01'-£0041.: Anhll r Lul'ln
)Ck1[NWNTEkS: AlI l!u,ro Fr.l><&l1Il'l l •.
THEY'RE COAliNG TO GET flJII'P" San JU~I, Bruno V,lIla"
YOU, See DRACULA VS. O4I.IGI"ALtY MlEASEO .u: 1I1..alru JI a..~1(1
FRANKENSTEIN. Tll(' third veTS lo n of thc Amhi:111 N ight»
fant<l~y st,1TS StevC (1 Io.'Tcules) R ccn'~.
It '~ not had at all ; It has ,I w inge,1 hoTh\.' ,
THE THIEF filccle~s wa rrioTS. ,mJ al onc 1,,)ll1 t an
\951 Unud Amsts (B&W) army of Steve Rec ve. douhles. \Vilh
",ooucn.: C I ~n.'ncl' G reene Giorgia Moll and Arturo Domin ici .
DIMCTO~: Russel! Rnu.c
KMENW"ITEkS: C larence GTel' ne,
If ~'~lll don't like too IIllleh talking in 1978 T V {Engl ~l!1J)
P"ODUCE": AIJ .. Y"ung
yvllr movil.'s, her("s one withoul any.
01,-£00": Clive Donner
Made as a n expe rimen t , it fe aTUres a )C"EENW~ITE~: A.J. C~T<'lhl'rs
siknr Ra y Mi lland as an atumic sc i('n -
A gvoJ (;I ~ I cIluldn' t "ave Ih i~ dull
tI ~T fmee d by :t commie spy 10 mi er<)-
fourth \'erShHl of Th..: po pular Arabian
film f() p -~eC rd ftlTlIll Llas. RiT a Gam,
Night ~ bn l a:.y. KahlT Bc..t. I" [he prine... ,
M:Ht lll Gal"li.'l, <lnd H a rT,· Rronson also RoJdy M c [)ow:lll l ~ th l"' thll"'f. Ter... nce
kccl' Thei r mouths clo~. Stamp IS the enl \V:.: IT. W it h P..:I.:r
USl1 nov, hI S d,lUgJuer P,IlI!.', fran k
THE TfIlEF OF IJAGIlDAD Finlay, I.m 1 101m, ,md n.Ul lcl Enu lfork .
19'1 0 Unne..1 ATlI~1 (En~I:HlcJ )
P~OOuC[~: Ail-xan.le T Kurd:! 111E 111lliF OF DAlIiASCUS
OlP.ECTOkS: Mn.h.lel P""dl.l,,,lwlJ,! fkrgc r .
19';1 Ct,llImbla
TlInW \w l,m
PII.ODUC[II.: S.lIn K :Il:I1I:1Il
K"[[HW~ITEkS: tvhl ('< M,.lk.."n, L'I""
01,-£0041.; WIll J.,,,,,n
Thl~ cl a~ 1C Awhmn Night» ..;pcct,.cle SCII.[(HWNf[~; H"hcrt ~ . K~'nl
11l c,lrly Tcc hll1 eo l"r . ~ stl ilihe Ix-~, fan- Pa ul l-knr e id ~ a y> "or cJ' ~c~a nll"
t.l ~~ fi lm ewr produced. [( fe,Hure" ;. .A b din. Sinb.ld. ,md A li B,, 1,;l Join
white, wm ged htl r ~e. a gl:tIH ~l'iJer, .. foret's. With L,1O C h ,m e~', Jr .. Eleml
tl,'lng " lrpe L and m,.""i"e S(.,~ hy \ViI- V(' Tdll ~o. ,lIld J~,llIl S(I[wn .
h"m C:1 11H' rtll1 Mcnzit's (Thlll,l.!5 To
COlli!! , innu:lers {rum Man). Rex In-
gnl ill (De La w..! in Gm:1l P(lstl<Tes) i~
[he ~i:11l1 n~' i n).: djmni fmm rhe b()[ d ~ S l'FALt:JIS.
and the ~reat Cunrad Veid , i~ the evil
m :lglClal1 Jaffar. 5:lh" st:m in h i ~ see- ll1E HllNG
und film with June Durre: :md Juhn 1'.I1l2 Li ll i \C·r".!
JU"tHl. Prud" etH II\ in En glancl \\. ,, ~ "'OOUC[~: 1).1\ 111 ro:,tn, Llwrence Turlll;m
~t ur r.ccl h)' Workl War II and hacl 10 01'-£0011.: Jo h n c' lrI'Cnil' r
KH[HW~n[lI.: BI ll L.Ull.I'ICr
lx, re~umed in H(lllywooJ. II wa ~ " re-
m.. ke of a J)" u l! la ~ hmhanb .~ iI .... nt The lI!tl1natc ~rec l a l .d ll' ct, ho rro r
11 11 1\"i , '. HI ).:llly rubJICl:l,J Tran,f')T1l1<l-
mOV I e and ha~ l>HlCe bee n hlmed two
",orl' IIIn6. Mu~1C b~' M.k l o~ Ro:;:a. lion ...een..·, In olher recent ~h\)cken. p;11 ...

j(JIlles ArnfSS {U TI 1<~

in comr <lrison to the 1lI'1Il)' a, luu ndll1 g way. A /lyinj.; S<lucer i~ discoveTl.:d
and o ften gross and dlsl urbing changes (under rhe ICC) hy an Arnie resc;uch
in thi~ one, as an al ien pr..:-senCl' take~ rC<lm. TIlt'y wh' it:. (ro:en alien inhah-
over ,Ill' hxlil's of J ogs and men ~rranJ. it<lnl (jmnes Amess) indlMJrs whl're It
cd al an AntarcliC milH,IfY re~cMc h tluw~ our. The pl<lnt creatu re lIses
rO~{. The 1951 ve r~lon of John C.lOlp- hum:m hlood 10 nu rt url' its I>l'eds. and
hell's \Vho Goes Then'! wa~ 1ml'o~lhle '()Inc of the SCient ists <If the hase ho.:lp
to fUP In the dw logue dl'parl ll1l~nt. Thl~ rhern 10 ~roll'. T he more :,cnslhle mih-
\'erMOn doc_n't ('Vl'n Ir}. wlfh ~t M Kurt tar~' leadl'r ( Kenneth Tobey of The
Russell plaYIn1! a man of lew II nr..Js. RUI \t'lhtrk:-hlnls televi~i()n ~hllll') pUb a ~ror
v i ~uall}' this 1~ real mghtltl<l H' material. to fh:1t nomen~e. G reat dia logue and
Special e(fecr~ by Roh Boftlll (The aC IIIl,(:. II' lI h:1 ~tron.l! female lead (~br­
H()~dlnJd J.nd Roy Arbogast 0ml·s). ,(:d ret Slw n d,ln). \Vith Gl'Or.l!l' Fenne-
{ially filmeJ In Ab,ka and B flt l~h m,m (rom Tile Groucllo Shull. "\Vat l:h
Columhla. Music by Enn in Murricllnl·. th l , _ki ... ~!"
Script by Burt Lmca'lcr's ~"n. (It )

nlE nUNG l1JAT

ANOIHER WORLD) 1958 Un ll'c r,al (B&\V)
1951 RK O (R&W) ,.kODUClk/ DlkECTOk; Wi)1 C.,w;ln
P~ODUC[k: HO\I',ud llawb SCklENWkITEk~ David DtmC.ln
OlkECJOk; Chri~!I,m ~,.hy The living hl'ad of a devil worshipn
SCkHNWRJTEk; Charll's Lt'Jl'rcr
hurwd h), Sir Franc is Drake tab,:_ over
A scielKl'-llcTlon cla.", jc that STIli h, l~n' r the Illlnd~ of people on a ranch. The
been topped. It has all thl' elcl1ll' nh Il( girl rlMt found II dlscOl'crs ,Ill' htxly In
a haH' ly l'<tssablc S F llIovie ( SIll:1]], ,I C<1,kel .md PUh the pil'ces W.I!crlll'r.
nonSla r casl. a mOllster. ,I rrctty 101\ PrellY h id. Wilh Willi<ltll Ih'ynolds and
hudget). hut It ~urpa .. ~,s rlWIn IIlt'\'cr)' Andra M,lfTlll.

'/'lit: THING win/ TWO O,I,' TThe \V"rlJ) ;lrTI"', 'IIIP till" \\',11 ,
;1Il,1 hq.:m ,I nell ,II.!" IIf tl,'lhnlll.lg). fh
~lH6 l'\'Cl\'Plle 11 \"" In I,'IlUrIllIJU' Art
ltJ7Z Al P
H.ODUCEP.: \,(1<.., RI,hnr Deco und~'rgrtlund Lllll", hilI pro hlem'
DlP.ECTO~ : Ll'\' hI'" <Ir"l' when Ihe hr" ' I';I(C ,hIlt I' ,LI .... llll
~(NW1Uf(M: LCl'I-r,,'I, \\\" R"h"p. III Id\..e ,,1.IeL'. Till' ,mllqu(' \'hlUn Ilf
J :lmc~GI'r,l"n Wh'il' thL' fu wrc f(";nuII" ,lWe'l'IlH.' 'L't ~ ,m"
The uh,rn,u,' hlaxplOll,lUllll h"rrln lul urL' m .1Tn~l, hh' TV .lIld Jcl', 1 Ill'
ml l\ I ~. llI )t f() he Cll!lfm"d WI! h th,' pre- (\ n ly. II her 11\\ 1\ I~' I hi' ";,, " I....:: comp,I T" .1
\,IOU' yc" r\ all .wlul'" III~Tt'dlhl" Two- 10 L' ,\kt Tflf}l)I!~. R.I~m\llld ~1.1 . . ,e)' . ,1.tT'
11,,«(k-d Tr(ll15/)kmf. Both ,Ire Ir"1l1 AlP. <\..; O,\\,,, ld C " ;]nd ,L" hi , gr.In" -
Till;;, I-x:lievo: It u r n"t. (catllr.:, Ra y (,tlilL'T. John. \'(IlIh R.Ilph RICh, II,\-.on
MdLmd as a r :l c i q l>wm 'lIf)..:l'Im II'lth ,I' the II';Lrlnrc1, Sir Cetin c 1l.uJII' lCke
termln ,li C,InC,'f. Mllhmd tir~t Lf"';lk'~ ,I ,t~ ThetlluCllrl\llllt" \\ho 1m:, ", ,top
tW(I.hCdd ... ,\ gonlkt (clc,igned h~ Rick I'f<,):rl'''' "nd /l.1 .ITg;l rell:1 Sn'll, ,lb,1 111
Bah-r), Tlh'n he arwnges to !uve h l ~ til'l> T, ,ie,.
hl'ad transplanted unto the hl',llt h ),
Ixxly of d \I(l iuntn:r convic t fT. '111 deal h
T,'\\'. When h . . aWilkcn~ (mm hiS opera-
wIn he /ind~ hi, he,u.! Oil Ro,l")' erk-r's
1'01 \ i 2L'th { :'·n!lIf\ · h ,~ (13&\'1.' \
UECUTlVE PI';OOUC£ I';: Sill \\. \X' lIn:"j
h"xiy. )'uu'vc ",'<.11 t ll~C hill! (them) run·
OIIUCTO I';: :'ol,\rm,m h"I,'f
nmg ;lnJund, nJm!,: it motorc"c\.:, yell· )C1';££NWI\If[I\S: I I, '1\ ,lTd 1;111, :-:lIl1lh,
In).! ,II''<tell ,)lh"T, iUlJ punchmg each
OTher 11) tht: (,Ill'. Pnm R;lY Md1.lIlcl i<
oec.hluT\;llly' 'r;lTed ;IClmg 0 11 G n~' r \
sho uldeT when ,I L!umm y head IS ~uh­
~ 111'lIed f" r ,\c ' I{m ,h,'l', Chd ....a Brown
t\,'TIlMIl h""'r

....ON. .THE
- -
Thin)!, '" C.,1m",

L) Ihe cOlwin', ,uTrnwd ::!Irltm:nd .
\'(IlIh Rn.c:er P~'rf), wh o I,. ,1 \'0 III horh
COIIII I )'()r~" m ll\' 1,", ,lIl d \Vil1L;LIII
5 11111h . M INe b) Jerr\' Buder. Din'cwr
Frn<1 wu rk..::J Oil Ill" o f '60, "adu lt,
unl)''' hill'"

1111NG'S TO COlli"
l'Htl L:nunl r\UI'h (I\~W)
, I\O OUC£I\: Ak~,Uhkr K, \r,b
OI"' ECTO"' : \V, II,.un C H\ll,'f"n ~kn : ".:'
SCI\ ££NWI\IT£I\: I U;, Wdl,
So..:icncc- lic l l\\1l I'PI C With ;1 ,crl'l'nr!:tV
b\ I i.e.! \'(1..:11,,-.11).1 >lJl\\lhl'f CL1,,.i~
f\nll , h Kurd" pnll..luc!lun . The ,tt,rv.
\\hKh ",,:\11,. m:;Lrl) 100 year" hq.dn~
dLITIIl): II'ha( we now c;11l \'(Iurld War II
(rrcd lCleJ i:Jy \'(Iell~). The war "rag~ on ,
1,'d\' lIlC ,Ill Ihl' knllwn world III ruin,
,m,ll')('lll n b.ll ,1",;"II<lT' III Ctlntrol. In
the '70, huge h1.l{k .lIrl>hll" (Wmgs

Peter Lorre starred in eight Mr. Mow a ca noe ride through the sewers of
hlm~ 1n Ju~t tWO years. The\"re actu- Mani la.
ally better th ,Hl mmt uf the similar
"Charlie Chan" films that were being /J, See EYE OF THE DEVIL.
made hy the same studio. In the fir~t
entry, till' JapaneSt.· mastl'r of disguises /J FRIGHTENED GIRLS
tmils diamond smuggler.. fro m San Fran- 1963 Columbia
ciseo [{l Shanghai. With Vi rginifl Fide\. P"ODUCU'/DI"ECTOII: William Ca~ tI{""
Sig Ruman, J. Carrol Nfli~h. and Tho- K"UNWIIITE": RoOCH Dillon
mas Ikck. B<1st..J on John P. Marquand's A spy "dvelHure aimed at preteens. As
novel of The ~<lme name. When tills the daughter of dir lomat Hugh Mar-
was filmed, only o ne Moto feature was lo .....e, Kathy Dunn has a crush on C IA
planned. agent Murray Hamilton. She becomes
involved with Chinese Communistsand
THIRST discovcrs a body in a ffl'czer. With Khigh
1979 New Lm~' Cinelll.l (Australia) Dhie);:h and" bunch of hl1my girls.
P"ODUCU..: Anthony I. Glllnan c
K "EENW" ITE": John Pmkney 1960Columbia (B&W with two colnr
Beautiful career woman Chantfll Con- sequences)
touri IS kidnaped and hrought [{l the I'IIoouca/OllUcro,-: William Caslle
sec ret headqwwers \)f a worldwide K"EENW" 'TEII: Rubf-, Whit{""
org;mi:ation. The group's seduct ive Fun scares about a hauntl'd hous<: film<.-d
ringleader (David Hemmings) exrlains in "lIlusion-O." Viewers were gi\'C1l a
that memhersof the Hyma Brotherhood card with two transparent colored plas-
believe that their superiority over the tic squares. The "ghost viewer"' squa re
re5t ofhumanit\' stems from the ritual- was red. The "ghost remover" squ.ue
istic consumption of human blood. har- was blue. (So were the ghosts.) Marga-
vested fro m a human herd and d istrih- ret Hflm ilton is the housekeeper. Wi th
uted in milk cartom. A c risp :lIld classy Donald Woods, Martin Milner. Rose-
rroduct ion, despite scri pt holes wide mary DeCamp, and Jo Morrow. W ith
enough to invite freeway construction. a fl aming skeleton. a headles~ lion
With Henry Silva. (R ) -I)~, tamer. a lion. and the popular Dr.
19i4lmnnatlonal Amusem.. nt THE THIRTEENTH CHAIR
(PhilipplIles) 1919 MOM (B&W)
DIUCTO": Terry Ikd.:er KIUENWIIITEII; Ellio[ Claw,;on
K AEEHWNTlk: Ch:lrl{""S Dennis Two years Ocfore Drawkl Bela LUJ,'Osi
Laughable horror with captive woml'n made his first all -sound fi lm fo r f)racuUt's
fighting each othcr to hecomc the bride dir<.'Ctor. Browning was known at the
o( {'[emally young jungle cu itisl John rime for his Lon Chaney hits. This ver-
Considine. His slaves kidnap the sexy sion of a popular stage play stars Marga-
females for blood sacrific..s. The cave ret Wychcrly as a medium. As Inspt'CtOf
SNS are pretty unbelievable. With Jen - Dd:amc, Bela helps catch a mUfllcrer.
nifer Billingslcy (While U~h[)jillg) and With Leila Hyams and Jod McCrea.

It h.hl hecn til1\wd hefore In 1919 ;mel Till'. 71J1RTY FOOTIJRlDE
W<l~ remade In 19J7. OF CAND Y ROCK
19':ilJc..,lum01;1 (B&Wj
EXEC. PROOUCEIt; 1:.lw,u.1 Shcrm,m
THE 13111 CHAIR DIRECTOR : S"lnc\ Mdl,'r
1937MGM(Il&W) KREE NWI'JTEM: R"wl;mJ !brilCr.
,,,ooucu.:J.J. Ct,lm Arthur R,,,,,
("jcor}!c (1. s..·u;
Ol'-£CTO" :
Aller hI' ~I' lll !rUIll Ahhott. Co"o:l10
SC"EENWI'J1("; \bmm Parsunnc! 1ll,H.le Ihb \1Ilt.' him al\lne I:....·f."l' Ill' .tIl...!.
A third \"crsion of a mYSTl'ry pL.y "hmt A Vl:ry II).!hr COtll1rlTl'.lTt to) The ArriH.:k
f,lke «'ances. Bela Lu,gosi was in a 1929 of rhe 50- FO()f \\?omClU, II feaUlrc' LO ll
version. This \) IW fellilires Dame Ma y .b:1 Illl'd.. in\"(:ntor who !U rn~ hi, glrl-
Whiny, Lewis Stone, Hcnry [);H\ldl. tricnll (Durlll hy Provine) int\l.1 JO-tllot
and Elissa Lamh. WOI11:II1. I Ie ,11'>(, h.l~ "n
unu,ual timl'
madllnl' he u"..." to turn l><IIJkr, inro
C.lvem,·n. Wtth Gale Gordnn .111.1 Doo-
HIE 1HIR1'EENTIl GUEST dles \'\h~al'l'r.
1912 M,m'l)!r;lIn (B&Wj
P"OOUCE": ~·1.H Hoffman
Ol,-£CTO"-: AI""' rt R.' I' THE J9Sn'PS
SC"([HW"'lEM: Franci, Ilr"'n.!. Anhur 19':i9 20Ih C"l\IuT)·.F,.x (Ens.:1.lnJ)
Hucd PRODUCE": Benl E. &'.x
A llUodcd killer in a creepy old OIMCTOII.: R.ll ph Thoma,
hllu5<.~ elccrrocutes IX'( ,pie by
telephune. SCREENW"ITO: FL l11k ( 1,,11 q
A myster), thaT was re\,i\'al :)Cveral times Kennel h t\'ll)r~' ,rnd T .IIIl:l EIJ: takc the
hec;lusc of star G in j,Zer Ro!-;t'rs (1Il her sta r mk~ in rhl' f;ulhtu! (II]Pr rem'lke
scc<>nd fi lm). L~'le Talbo[ is a det ec tl\·e. of Httchcoc k\ cb .,sic. \'\II,h &Irf>ara
Remad e as The M)"s rer)" of rh" 13rh Slede . FTllIll the direc l,)r of /1'$ NO!
GUesl. Itrc oSll:1' Thm C,mllls. A nolhl'f \'cr~i,m
wa~ made t il 1978.

1959 W;mler Brothcrs THIS HOUSE POSSESSED
PAOOUCU./ OI'-£CTOA: Jack Wcbb 1981 TV
SC"EEHW"lfE": Wrlh<un lloow<'T~ PRODUCE"/K ltEtNW"ITO: D:w,d 1.;:'1m,.. >n
Annth l'r Thursday nigh t shift at rhe LIs DI'-£CTO": Wllli.lIn ~1 1,1fl1
Angl'Ws Bmlllcc'T. J,lC k Wehh ;l rri veS late A mpleTl\lIIS f\,rce Clln , rol~ Ihe Mlr \'l"l-
(r')llI his weekly visit to Ihe grave.' of lance ;,y;,lem uf il coun try h(lme ,lwned
hl~ wift- :md Soo n 10 :.cHic in w illi c il), br:1 ric h flICk ~t. lT ! Ex-" Har'!y Bo)" I~ar­
eJiwr Will i,ull Conrad fo r eigh ! hour~ ker S tevl'n,nn ,1<lTS With J'lan Iknne!!
of Cigarettes and siale coffee. l.);wid Nel- (as ,he raJ: I<ldy) .mJ Sl im Pid,:(·n,.
son and friend~ rehlx wi th "Cup~' [k,y"
t~lT voice and bonJ:os, whi le ,I",;;orted
n ewsroom tYJ"l~~ ,IW,lIt progress fepofh
nus IS NOTA Tt.'S1'
19621..Jod nn (8&W)
on a S-ycar-oIJ gi rl lost in the c i ry'~ PAOOIJCEM : Ft('.1~·flC ('.IJd[C.
~ttlrm -dr:lIn s~'stl'm . Cannon and Fnllay\ Murra ~' De'At!l'VI
hnc kups induJe Richard Bablyan, Joe DI'-£CT()p; : E G~.1l·U('
flynn of McHaJ.,>'s Navy, ,md /l aze/'5 KU£NW",TEkS: Pl'!.:r A"cnh~'\m.
Whitncy 8lake . - C1\ Ikny b~ky. Fr"den;: G,ldettc

An (' nd-of- the-world atmTllC':lItack superior scil' nce-fic rion hits. Faith
mo\'i~ rh:l[ has to be se..:n r,) l...., helr~\·l"Ll. nomer~lIe (<I personal discovl'ry of
A st,lte rrooper ':;{OPS a sm.. 11 grour o f Howard Hu~hes) made If Cmlle fWIII
wl\'ck,rs; the rac:ho announces.1n atomIC BeflelUh the Sell and C ulr of the Cobru.
atrack. Thc travelers hide In rhe h ick Ongrna liy co· hilled wirh Abooll and
of their van and [h'e. TIll' lr\.)(Jper ~t'l yS Costodla Meet the Mumm)". With R us-
Outside and dies. \Vith Seamon sell John~n and Lance Fuller.
and Mary Mo rias.


195:; Univcrs,al GJ::NERATION.
PkOOU([k: William Alland
OII!.ECTOk: Joseph Newman
SCk[[NWkJT[I'S; Frnnkli n GICI),
Edward G. O'Callaghan
1960 Warner Brothers (B&W)
T he first serious in terp lanetary sc kncc- PI\OOUC£k: Wil ll<lm Ruwbnd
fict ion epic. brth scil'ntist Dr, Ca l 011\£001\; R,chard L. ["kIre
Meacham (Rex Reason) a~~el1lhles an SC I\E(NWkITEk: M orr i ~ Lee Green
inre rocit('f (a futuris tic tWO'II';!Y tele- AUO kEtEASlO AS; Lnk"~ MISI.:ik
visio n ) sent to him from the Planet I3bcks v,. Whltl'S vs. Mexicans as high
Metaluna. T he inquisitive docror :.oon ~ch()o l gangs slice each other, push
fi nds himself prisolln at a remote d,)pe, terron:e innocent ci ti:ens, ,lIld
research mansion run by Exeter (JC'ff turn you ng girls Into tra mps. Two
Morrow), a superintclll,l!ent agl'nt frum po llce·academy ~radua tes are assigned
the dying al ien planer. When Dr. Cal an undl'rcover investigation. Thl' G15t
and Ruth Adams (Faith Oumcrgue) try incluJe~ Mark Damon, RIta Moreno,
10 escape. they find themselves III a GeralJ Mohr, Dyan Cmnon, ]a}' ~O\'eI ­
stare of suspended ,1Il1lnatlOn aboanl hl, ,md Richard Rus[. Richard Bare was
Exeter's fT\'ing ~auce r, heaJ ed (or the ~taff d,recfOr of GreCTI Acre5 fmm 1%5-
horrors of war-torn Met;lluna. There, 69. ThIS film W<l~ re-released as an ex.
the couple is threatened Wi th space lo- r loltation it\'m In 1965. - CB
botomies (by rhe good guys), attacked
by an incredihle mutant insect-miln
(Eddie Parker), and dodging metl.',)r~
guided hy the destructl\'e Zahgons.
They survive with the hdpof th(, noble,
1945 Clhllnl'ia
compassiona te EXet('r (he likes to l i~ll' n PI\OOUCU: S;1nlUel l:k~h"ft
to Mozart ). A lthough di rectl"d hy New- OII\£CTOI\: Alfred E. Green
man , most of the exciteme nt can pr,)h. SCI\[EHWl\lTEl'S: Richard Engli,;h,
ably be credited to unbil led co-direc[,)r Jilek I ll'nley. Wilfred H. Pettit
Jac k Arnold and producer Allam!. Aladdin (Cornel Wilde) fi nds a lamp
M,lkeul' ace Bud Westmmc cre:lted rhe with a female geni(' (Ewlyn Keyes) in
fa mous mutant \\'ith thl' l'ul~Hin~ ('x . this Technlcolur Arabian Nights com.
posed cranium aI a CO~1 o( S24,(XX)' edy. Rex In~ram repe<l ts h is gen ie role
Herman Stein wrote the IImslC. M~t (mm The Thief of Baghthl. Shelley Win-
of the technicians cont inued to work ters IS a harem girl. With Ph il Silvers.
with thl' A rnold-A lland team o n ot her Nes!or Pai va, and Adele Jergens.

THE 1,01111 EYES OF DR. cut. He agrl..'l'~ hu t imtl',Ki f;l lis in Im'e
Al!l/JUSE with Sara ;md marries hcr. The enragcd
1,)6C t\ Jay hln" (\'(/, Gcrm'In)'/[t~lvl Hughes tl'lls Sar,l th;lt she and the hu ~­
!-wned (B&W) hand are having d tomJ "ffair. Sara pre·
PRODUCER; Arthur Br;ul11cr par6 t(l d"'e from a cliff as S l ~te r and
OII\£OOk: Fnr ; L'llle hu~hand fight f(lf the II'heellif a sl'el..'d·
!>O.££HWPJT[M: Fm: Lanl!. ing car. With Brett Iialsey en
Hem: Osbr \VUlt I),!
ORIG INAllY kELEA~ED M: DIl' T(m~<.",J A u!:",.
DcJ Dr. .~'I(.1/n,5t'
ALSO I\EL[M(O AS: t)'<'s oj E'II 1948 :-'1(J~'
P"ODUC[II: r"ncin l S . Ikrm:m
Frit z Lang returno.:d in his last tilm tu
OtIl£OOIl: (Jct'rJ':" S idne ~'
the ma~tcr·crimm;'l l character he had Kk£ENWAIT[II: Rober! Ardrey
hr\lught hI the ..crct:n in GCTTll:'my 1I\
Gt'ne Kelly i~ l)'Arta~nan, The muske-
1922,mJ 1933. HI' postwar ~ IICCC~' led
tI..'l'r~ arc Va rt Heflin , Gig Young, and
to" whole ~cne~ 01 Dr. M,llm,..,. th nll-
Robert c.x'ie. Lan,I Turncr b Mi l aJ~',
er, hy other dir~·C I<)r ... They're .Ill fun
III TechnicoloT (or the firST lime.>. Vin -
III watch hUI th., o ne i~ a lnw-hrdge t
cent Price I) RlChellcli. \'(I ith June
c1,'>o.'lC. The H,nd Luxor " comr1c1eiy Allyslln, Angda L ;m~hur~' , Keenan
bugged with hidden TV c ameTa, :md
W ynn, ,md Frilllk (The \Viwrd uf 0::)
~ce-t hr() lI ).!h mlrr\lr~. Commi"Hml'r
Morg,m as K1Il j! L(lUI ~, Lma I S deC:lpl-
Kra ug~ (prl'·(Jo/dJiIlK<'T GeTt Fmhd " (,Hcd in thl' enJ.
1IW<'" igOlr in),! 1'5 murders C() ntl\'c h~d
WITh the hotel. which IS nlll h\' Jordon
(Wolfg,l!l),Z Pf('I~~), a 11I:I,le r c rullmal
197 \ 20th C.'ntury-Fnx (Englitnd)
who thmh he\ dK reinClrndll(ln (,f
PIIODUCEk: /\l,::~<uhlcr ~,dkI1lJ
Ihc Itlng-Jc,u;! t.,'I,.hll,e. T he l-uRL:cd· 0111£0011: RlCh,ml LC)It"r
hotd Ide,l wa~ denvc.] frllln 1';l:1 rLl!l~ KIIE ENWIlITEII: Ocorge McJ)"rl;lld !' I"<I><!T
hi o hscr\'I..' fo rcign dlgnitdrie~ vi~lt mg An excdknt all·swr C(llllcdy ad\"t~ntun:
Ge r many flfrer they had 111111 thl..' war. w ith 0111'er Rl'l· d. RIChard Chamht'r·
With Peler V,1n E~'ck, [),lwn A.I.!;lIn~, bin, ;lncl Frank rind!.l }' as the muske-
and H. )ward Vernlm d~ "]\llmher 11." teers and }.!Iichacl Yo rk as D'Artagnan .
Raqud Welch has her bt.'~ 1 w1c a~ ,\
THREE /JAD S ISTERS clum,y Sl'rl','1llt o f spy FiI)'{' DlIn;lway.
19S6 UnlT .......1 Art"I' (B&\V) C hrist(lpher U'C has ,I ve ry hO(l(xi onc lIS
PRODUC EII: I low_".! K"ch the C\"l! Rochcfllrt . PttlJ ucer Alcxand ... r
01,-£0011: Gdherr L. I(" y Salkilld nicked thl: Cbl hy filming two
Kk£[NWPJT(II: Gnatd nra~~111 Adam. mov ies ;\1 once and paying them (I )f
Fmm the :lds: "Whfl l the~' dl.1 In mcn one. When Th ... Four Mw kt' tl:'t'TS W;lS
WflS ll11thlllg cnmparl·d t,) what Ihl'~ did released the nex t YCilT, the y slIcd and
to each otlll'r!" EVil K,Hhlcl'n H llghe~ wcre awarded ~u hs "'nri :llly more than
wants ,,11 "fher I:'thl..'r's (",taTl' tnr hcr.-... lf. their IlTIginal ~ala rics, I hlll igh nIH tw ice
She heat>. ,md dbhguTe" hcr )1,leT, M;lria as milch. S,dkind later tried to pull "f( Marla com mit>. '1IlC Ide whcn the .~"1m l' for SllfX'nmln .lIld Sllp....,.·
~hc SCl'S hl'r n ew (acc. Then Ilughes man 11. Also with GemlJine Ch;lplin,
encliurages her late ! .. ther's pilol, Jllhn C harhon I k~ ' o n , Mic hael Guthard,
Bro mfield , til heir IInran·1 ~1~le r nu m - Spike M illIgan. S~' hill)anning, and Roy
ber two, Sara Sh,lIH', I'nllllbl11l! him a Kinne<lr (Hell)) .

71 )
F.n~rm\f( ,I tIIdnlUilts/"""Ik.
la_'1 til rh" <l</llh~-">lh
ThT.'\.' "U" In s..'_,r,h 01
" B"I!

711/U'r ; NUTS IN SPARell ThTl'I.~ "nuh"-M,Hllll' V;11l [\)ren (;1.,

OF il BOf-l' S~lXW SYlll ho l), P<lul Uil hen, ,mJ John
19641 brlnrlllll J'H"n\,m.)n,,1 (1\&\'(1 with CrwlIn-Can 'l ,Itturd to go to an ,'x-
t't,I"T ""'I''''lKt) rcn'l\"\" p'ychi;nr l't , so tlH')" ra y :m
PflODUCE~!'>(IU:[NWJUT£~: !')Illlll\ [\.,~)n"n, aC lnr (Tommy 1\:oonan ) to gil ;1n.! .let
otl! e,leh of thelT JX'rsona l lrie~ so Ih,1I
011\[001\; T,>nl11w "''Im:m
,Ill II III h"vl' thelT p rnh km ~ ,,(lIved tnr
T,)mmy 1\,'I(lI1,m, II hll h,I,1 .. >ilL" 't,lrTl'd thl' prill' n l on .... '-bs s... ~ i on " tilm~d
{"",,"11 TIu""/IWIl /1J"k~ \llth ~lllJlr<'e (In (;l'f11/.-111fl1 I're/.'1 ber,llN: Dr. Myrn Von (ZII'a Rod,lnn)
HI Ilw hi, ~ ,,J. 'I,Ulk'" h.,J, I.J Blun./l's). \ITn! un ttl J,\\l1<' ~I.\Il,fwld thrnh he ha, ,I rar ... Trl rle l'Cr~)l l;I1r ty.
rn."( l:lII/Ut'lll./ 1ft ThT",· nn (m Promilcs, rnml!\l'~). ,Ill..! tin;tlly T Ill" him I~ ,lec idl' ntally aIred on TV,
,I ~k,uh'~ll ~bl1lll' til till' ";ullllt, (lnly" 1I1 11lt.'d~ 11l<lk rng hllll a cl'lchrrry. He heCOllll'S
nch ,II1J " h.lrp~ l'VCT ,,(tl'T with Sax ll'.
\Vllh AI\'\ MOllTC ,II1J T. C. Jone".

111RRE ON il ,III'A11100K
I ~7 3 StudiO Onl:
AAOOUCE~: JjJh n A,mnn, Ln' J01W,
OII\.[CTO I\!SCI\EEHWI\Il[I\; Wilklill C;,rdln
I I~l' /)crwlgl'd and TJu. T exm elwin.lilt(!
,"lm'IICTe, th" horr.,r Ill< lVie i, p,lrt 1"lly
1,,1,,'d u n Ihl' deed, of real-life kilkr hi
G ... <n Charle, Kl,,;inger (As)'ilOti of
'slUml) I' ;1 c;1llnihal,Qic mad111;1Il whll
I'lld~ lip Ilh' TOIl~' Perkrns in P~)'cli(J.
H" Inl1\Iccnt "on (Jamc, P,ck"tt) I~
H'll11e.1 tilT till' mllrd,'T' of ~\'l'rn1 young
girt-. A \'('r) gory muv ie wit h a 10 1 o f
( " 1111( lil.I1()l;lI l" S hot III Louisl'ille,
~l'ntti Lky, (Rl

\%; (\llumhl,l (B&\'(I)
PM)DUC[""DIMCTO~; ;-':,mll.lll·r
~"[[NW"ITO! Elw"",\ Ulirllan
Lflrlj', Mo\!, ,md Cu rl~ )0(' ,In' ,er\',mf.'
(If Phdc.h Fo),!!! III ,mIl JOIIl hun when
he m,I"l'~ th ... ~,lI1W he, hl~ j!n,',lt-gr,mJ-
t;1(I I CT did. The)!n Hlp cxp<:rienn,'" enJ-
Ic" w;ICky dJ\'~'nwrc~ ,m,unJ t1w \,urlel
,m,\ Win' ,h..:: h..-\. \'\fl l h J":111 Fn:em,lIl
,tIlJ EI1III SlIk,1. It J'r~'nllcrcd \Il Ckn>
1.11kl. Pru;.\uCl'r.d ITtXtoT M rUITl'r j, lI.loc"


1')62 C.,III1\lhl ,1 (I'I&\VI such. \'\lith " ri,b(,;1I1()u~ S i ,1l11~'''' ..-:y- Cmh j()•.'. UIn":', anJ :\1"1'
elU,"1'!LUn c.m,j Chmkll<;t'n
PI\OOUCEI\: ~'lTIll.ln /l.1 .• url'r cl(lr~, r.m d Silk". G~'nc 1\'\lh, and
1:,I\I,Ird lkrn,l,
O,,,ECtOI\: ILl Enul Slrka \1.111,11".1 U\
S;Ull">il Burke .1' Hl'rudl".
Thl' ThTl'e Stu,,)!l''' III
~C"[[MW"'1E": EhH""ll'llnMIl
Th~' TIHl'l' St{lI)gl'~ pl 'IY thl'11l, .. h-C'
O rl'lI
ho.. tlO,l! ,\ TV ,how. TIl!.' ~ron:-m I ~ "N 194(-. \V,ITT,,'T Brnthn' ( B..::s.\V)
Yuk N Yub-hrl',lkf",t ,i Stoogc'," ",ODUCE": \Xr" ltg.LI\,I! RClI\h,lr,h
The\ \ I'lt ,\ nUfty sci,'ntl't (Emit Sub) DiIl.lCTO,,: jl';1n ~"'cllI.'">I.:"
wh,\ hH" III ,m olLl (.urlc and ha~ a KM[NWl'.IT£~: j"hn 1hl'IPn,
11\,111)< 'Uhmilf1lw/rank. M:lrtl,m' that 11t,,,,I[.1 K, ... h
h",k h~c l-r,mkcn't~'l n mon'!~p. \\"lIh Aft..:r Th;., ~l ldh,'S(' Fukllll, \Vam~'r Bn lth-
C:I.\f.I-\' lg h~;lJ, , I ro\'(' tn ,tc,d !he ("r, cOrHlIll1l'd to tl',ll11 Pctl'r LIlrr~' ;m ..1
m\'~n1!"n, but th~ Stl,,'g~~ mt..:r\,em,-'-. 51Jn..:} Gr~'~n~trl'ct, llll' , d~ rl',,<!.I(l'dly
\\llIh C;lrol Chrl~t~n--cn an,1 ~~'-~lOr refer to th"'l11 .I~ "th~ lude l11on'ta"
P.II".I ;1, till' M.lrtl;1I1 k'adcr. ,mJ "th..: 111. In "- n'r} 'UbI k'. In !Ill,
one, Ihree r"rtl1l'r~ h n lJ11l,!!.1 wnmin).!
nw 'I11/U:.'f: S1VOGt:S;lIf'ET s"'el'-r",,h'~ I1ch', I'ral' II, ,hl' g(l,l..k~,
IlERCUI,BS Kw ~m Yin lIn the C hmc'c nl"\ ),l>,I(.
1%2 C.,hnnhl.1 (f\&Wl Grl'\~,l.ln,l deCerli(H) r":'III I . Gepl..llnc
P"OOUCE": ~orlll.uI M.lllrn Fiq..:eral.l ., ,I dC'l'rt..:.! wik, LI,rrl' :1
Dl"EOO": bh\,ml l\.'rilll, sma ll-ti me c rimin:ll. :l1ld Gr('en~trl'ct a
~CR[ENW"1H": Ehll""lllllm.ITl crl1" k..:d Ll\\'ya.
A time llI:lchinc !r.ln'l"m~ dw Three
Srll{)).!~' (r,lIll !thanl, New Y"rk t" TilE n[RF.E IVORLDS OF
Ith.lea. Grcl'cl', 111 961 II.< . Th ~' y r;N, GULLIVER
nt t tlll'lr nc rVIlU, IIH'l'JI!ur IricnJ as 19f>1.1 C"I " ml,I.'
I kr(IIIl', uno I ,h~ rl'al '!Tung1l1,1\l ,how, ,,,ODUC[": Ch.,rl,', 11. '-,..:hn.'l·r
lip. The Stt"llge~ become g.l l1e~ ~l"\'e, DIIl.lCTO": J., ~l ~h.>r
,lIld \Ilo.,k great 111 Wj.!a~ ,m.! hl',lllh;lTlcl~ KUEHW"ITER: Anlun R"".
\\ IIh ZOth-ccntuq ,hlll'-" and whllC j,Kl Slll'r

Kerwin Matthews follows his Scvcllfn cus after his blac kouts cause a fa tal :le.
VO)'age of Sinbad role, s(;Hring in an. eiden! that gets hi m thrown o(f the
other fa ntasy with Ray Harryhausen ani. c ire uil . He s h o w .~ Pete's daughte r
mated effects and Bemard Herrmann (Annl'tte Funicello) and her boyfrien d
music. The effects ate grea t, hut the\' (Warren Berlinger of The Ufe of Riley)
mostly involve tiny or huge peopll' and C\'cl),th ing: he knows. Berlinger takes
props. Wi th 10 Morrow, Peter Bull. a up with Fabian's gi rl (Diane McBai n )
giant all igator, and a giant squirrel. :lfter winn ing h is fi rst time out. They
arc fie rce rivals by rhe next race, duro
THE THRILL KILLER S mg which Fahian remembers driving
19M Hollywood St"r (B&W) \lvl'r his hrother with a ~o·karr and
PIIOOUCEII: George J. Morgan IX'rlinger h iTS the wal l. "Days of scream.
OIIllCTOII: Ray St('(:klcr ing whl'l' ls, nights of reckless pleasure!"
SCII£EHWlltrflU: Ra ~' Stl'ckler, \\'('Tl' promised in the "ds. -ell
Gent' Pollock
ALSO IIH £M£O AS : The Milnia.:s Arc Luose,
The J\1(Jll.Ilers Are Luose THUNDER IN CAROUNA
1960 J-I.,wco
Cash Flagg 'L k. a. Ray Dennis Stl'c k l~r J Fr~n c is Whitl'
stars in his less. knuwn follow · lip tn Pnlll l idmick
The Incndihl)· StmIlRcCrc(lI!ITL'5 , As M:1d S(IIH NWJ.IT£l\: Alcx~ndl'r Richards
Dc)); Glick, he nms arulind killing IX'l.lplc From the ad,: " Hl' had a way with fa.s t
and kidnaps l'X·stripp<-r Liz Rend),. cilrs and women!" Moonshine-runner_
Meanwhile three escapees from a men . turn ed·sflKk'C<lr.ace Rory C;llhoun
tal hospital are all a decapltat ioll sp r~ . IOllh up an old garage-owner budd y
Some lucky thealer pafTons &1W It III after rurning h is car and his leg in a
" Ha llucinogl'nic Hypno-v islllIl"! A ... mash.up. John Gentl)' and wife Con·
~ lx'Clal prologue with a "real " h ypnotist nle Hines have taken over the business.
l>xplains that when you set"' <I spiraling Racl'·we;r ry Cal houn teaches Genrry
whed on the screen )'Oll wdl 1'>(' cun. the tnch of I1l l ' track, then finds he's
\'incl'd that the nlalllacs are II.!,rpmg Ollt creatl'cl a mOn~tl·r. W ith Abn Hale:,
of the sen'en infO the audience. U... h. Ed McGra th. Troyannt· Ros.s, anJ
l'rs with hoods. cardhoard ;lXl·.... and Tnprll' Wisecup. Acriun sequences
C1sh Flagg masks nUl up the abies ter. filmed ,II rhe Southern 500. A Darl ing.
r'lri:ing the 'llldierlCl'. Even wit h"lI t Ihe ron Product io n. -CB
~ lmmicks it's;r weird, well-l'hutogT<lphcd
hit of culture thaI rou ~hou ld sec. With 71IUNDER IN DIXIE
Carulyn Br:mdt, Atbs King, Ron Hay. 1965 MPI (J3&W)
dock, and Brick Rlrdo. When Li: Re nay PIIO OuC EII/ crIlECTOII: Wd!i~1ll T N~ lJ d
rC:lchcd her 40s . "hc he,lck'd the \Inly SCII£(NWII1T£FI ; Georgl' l3ax!
H1(lthl'r/clallghter strip·(ea.'>e <lCI. Vengeance sta lk s thl' high hank ov,ll
of till' Dixie 400 as Ticker We lsh (Mi ke
THUNDERALU, y Bradford) grinJs !lll'tal with the man
196i AlP he b l illlle~ ((lr the death of his l)C loved
Pl\O OUC El\: Burl T. 'PI'Cr hancel'. Ticker's new girlfrie nd Nancy
OI IllCTOII: Ri(:hard Rush
Berg (Karen Mallet) knows what he h'l.s
Sy Salk"wJt:
in mllld, a~ does the intendl'd victim's
1-:lhian st,lrs 3~ a srock-car driver who wife. hut they don' t do anythi ng ahour
h forced ro jOtn j,m lvlllrray', th rill Cl r. it. JUSt a... well, bcca llS(~ by , hl' tltlle

lJ I'I417/65 Se(.1Il C.m~
TICh'T gd~ nut 0 1 till' h')~l'lt:l1 h~' h,h
Il<'ry. u I1I) plIl:Oj SC'-T<'f
,HI " ld fnl!n,l ,md a n,w li,HKl~l·. St:lr· Axen! (\.17 III !he l<.lnl<'~
fin!! H:ul)' Mllbrd . Boh W ill, b th,' Bmul iilms . ... k"m5 u'uh
tr,ICk ,mnllUnCI!T, ~ltl\:b ch,Llnp RICh· (l<.."!r<,S5 CLnul1l1<' AlIg<,r ()II
,m.I I\::tty ,mli stnpr'l:T Shl'fl Fknet r1.IY III<' St·! "f lhe Lu ....<! Bond
th~m,elve.~, ,md B,ury J)afval " 1!l gS Ihnlk.'T" Thumler.... ll1.
"111\,1\ I..... T\lIllOrroll. ,. Sl'e Hot Rod /-lull· u·hich IS (liTTen/I) ""mg
(m.:ill>o. -CB filmed III the lluNnnas
,\11.15 AII~er is"\··s
lewlml: Lw:" m fhe mou<,
H/UNDER OVl,'R /JA 117;1 I"

1\)5~ Unltl,d Artl'I' (B&\V)
PIIOOUC EII : RI,]"crt M\! chU Lll
OIIlEOOII: t\nhur Rll'ky
~C IIEENWIlITEII : ):l1n,·, Alkl' Phdill"
The h,1I 'c,lhlnd '1llollf"hi!1l' ,Irchetype.
('nglnccrc,l hy R"hcrt Mltclu l1l1 - whn
wfllte [ho.! orlgin,II ~t"l). produc~J. COlli'
po,cd tho.! title .... 1Il~, 'mg~ 1\, and phws
tho.! lead . tvbrchw1\ b Luc.b DOI,II1l, a
Kllrl::.1n \X'ar \'ct c:lught hetwcl!n T·men
and!f1> :IS hl'!igIHs !(Md,
nnltathllh ,m.1
'PI lI1I,. Ge l SI1\(1rr, I Sp;.,
of cl1m l'quoT through the Tennc,see
h,lIs to t:l)( · mg buycr~ In Memphis. ;md The G!rl fmm u.N.eL.E, JOIned
1I1ltchum's rl'al·hf... '1m J1I11 J'!ay~ the The "Iall from UN.CLE. o n tcle·
httl... hrother who IT c he~ fur aC[ion of \"I~lnn. P1a~flC 'ultCa~es wllh h,Jden
h,~ ()wn. Keely Smith ,~ the girl who Ja~\'T' anJ rn'(1 hcr~ wcre mll~t"h,n'e
wal[~ behind . \~/ilh Gene Bam', San· IIl'llI" ror rhe h'r elementar)' loChtXl1
.Ira KllIght, Randy Sp,uks, ,md Peter ~ tlI.lent. PUI\-!I.,\ ~howeJ lb the Bond

Breck. And the hOrIX.J·lIp For..b SOllnJ )!:Irh In --cl'n~~ ; h,lt W<!TC nevcr In the
[\l(l\"ie,. Thl~ tlnll', C l.1udLne Auger is
thl! way they're SlIpJ'll.......J IU. For a clo*r
look, see Richard Th(ll1lr~n's cssay in 1)o ml11 u, ,he w,lrJ (1(SPEc...1RE \"IlhLln
KulgS vf rhe Bs. The fDDta~e of Mitchum's Largo (AJolfo Cel l With ,m eye p.llch).
crash Int O a rower tran,formc r W:lS U5t..J SPECTRE hlFlck- a ]\;ATO plane with
In The) Sm'ed Hider' s Brain. -CB hydrog('n homhs and thre,ltc!h 1,1 de·
suny Mi,uni and Cape Ko.!l1nedy unless
a r,m:;om III Lknlllllllj, i, I':,id. 007 (Sean
'IUUNDERIJI1LL Connery) luves Duminn, wh" j(lin~ his
)965 Unllcd Armb (En~bnd)
>!lIe. ,md Ho n,\ (Lucian,l Pa lu::I), whn
P~O OUCEk: Kt!\"Ln McClnry
JUI:--n'!. unLlerw,Iter ,cene' with
OlIl£CTOII: T ere net! Young
SCIlEEHWIIITUS: RIChard ~l:ll"aum.
hy,lrol'bnes ;In,1shllrb. MUSIC by John
John Horbns B.lrry. Tom J l",e~ sings the thl'llIe song.
The fourth iXlIl.1 mO\';e reall\" u~hcfl'" o..~'ml)nJ Llewelyn JOins the reJ!ulars
10 the '605 ~I'y man';I. s..)(JI~ we h"J '" headqll,lrler, as Q. \'Vlth Rik Von
hltm with Matt Helm, Derek Flmt. "uner ;)~ C IA ,Igent Felix Leller ,m d
Holr!)' Palmcr, ,mJ I!mlle~s EUTIlpt'an \<1.lTtlfle &:oWICI.:.

'lHI!NDERlJIRDS I IR" GD jUllt:- AJ:lIm hlre ~ srngt:- r rodco Tldcr
I <}M United ArtH~ (Encl.mJ) Eh-l ~ (.IS "Lonnte") to wo rk ;"ll h"'T0111-
PI\ODlKEI\; S\'k". An,ln~'n
glrll1l"l hh ~pa /Jud ..' milch. He enJ~ III'
0.1\£001\; 1)<1\ 1,1 Lin"
Jl'-Coverrn,l.: ,l.:old 111 <I gho~t town fi lled
Gn!)' ,md S\ hi •• Amlcr-<>t1
wHh \'ll1arrh dl~glll~"'d as l1Ionste r~ ;lIld
A fC',lTlJT~' ha~cd on Gl'rr~ ,mJ Syivl,1 martj till! I'lw~·ed teacl1l'T Jocelyn Line.
A n~lt:'r~()n \ ~lIl'l'r lll.trl01l<lt II In '1'.1(<; ElVIS ~ rng~ "Di rt~" Dl n y Fedln 1!"" a nd
,,:n l"'. Th,' Tr,tCy I,Hl1Ih- ,md LoII'!r [\;_ "S l ()w l ~' Bllt Su rel y." a nd [ead~ (he
ndnpc tly 10 ~Llr, in Zao X .111.1 hl.:ht young heaUI I"'~ In aerobic .bnces. \'(1 ith
,he Ii0Illi. ;m Hlkrrlandil r y crl1llln,rl. Merry Ander~ ,md All iSl)il Hayes. The
,InJ !vbrri,ll1 rock 'CIlX'nt-, Thl.' 'l'lt.!cl;ll. ~ret:nwT1ters ;Ir~' hetler known (or I h"'lr
l>ffCCt, tllllli<ltllrC" bean th.m III
, If('
work on Thn::lo SroOgl'S (C;"Ilu r('"
mm{ 1110\"'" \\,lIh real I'.,:oplc. The
ruppet heru•.~~ reTllrrll'd in Thwu/nhtrJ
51.\. Cliff Rich!n.! <lnd lhe Sh" d (l\\"~
,U, IGI C SPRCl )t CLEs'
(,<'ell a, l'llrrcc-) I'H)\, j,k dw 11l1l~I C.
Odwr ~h(l\\'~ hy ilK' sa me l'r"W werl'
SU/Ja,:ul and Slill~WY. 7WIIl> If/A VE
1';)7)15 T"h,,!N~·w World (J a r~n fU . 5.)
7HI!ND FRlJIRD SI X ~R.ODUCER.; Max E. Y"ungstcin
I <}N, L:nI{<,,1 Artl'h (Erll.d.mdl OI"£CTOR.S: Shm) Mnrllnnl. Andr~'" M" y~'r
SCR.EE NW"ITU,:,"", Ml'Yl'r
PI\OOU(E"; S\"II j" An,k""'11
OI RECTOII.; f\,\,id LITle The SUbml:'TSlOll "f jll{l(m. ;"I Iwo-a nJ';I'
KIlEENWI\ITEIl5: Gerrl ,mJ S\ h,,, An,il-r"lIl half hour epic. was the most popu lar
The rurret 1,llml\" Tr,lCY ,lIld Lld~ film 11\ J"pall Ill' to I h ..· ti mc o( its
Pl.'rw]of'C tl.'~t ;\ rww 'l"lH'~hrl' III ,ht:-
11 -I (;enttlT\ .IIlJ I'auk· the Rtlck Ph.lIl-
h un . "·Iore gr~',H '"I'~'r IlIMrOll.lrrlln
,hTl[I~ In'l1I GelT\" ,lnd S'[\'r,l AnJl·r .... >n.
S"h-i,1. the rTllllllc~'r. pfunde, Pene-
[Ol'''~\ \UK,·.

7111' NEI GHBOR 'S If/In,

1');) 2Qth C,·nrur'i-F"., (1'1&\Vj
I lug" Hd'l>

The I'ol' Hug<l I b;l,~Ckn Ml .... lre

Il\lm T;"Ike thelT '<l,lr-OI'I.' Ta ' t ,'ril.'~ tl)
rlll' I<)th c..·nturr. llul.!(l I' ;1 rllth l l"~
Judge wh,) h ;lJl g~ /;,r killln~ rill' IO\l.'r
(ll Ill'. yuun).! wik (Cl ...,,). Wirh Ken
C:lrlron and K.nh ... m1l" Hughl".

1965 Unit,',1 Art"I'
PR.OOUCER.; Ben .5<..hW,l lb
DIMCTOR.: '\Jorm,m T,IUh)g
K R.EEHWIUTEM: l:]wo.....ll·]m,Ulll,
--"'9 lOllNE co.UNE
Ed" MJ BernJ,

rdeasc. It fC;ltlires the eV,lClIafl(lIl ,)f rhrtlllgh 11Inl' ,Ill,t 'l';iCe wl1h i1 g,lI1).: III
the country, which rook two Y('dr:- to dll",lrf thle\·l'~, including J)"vIJ R"Pl'a-
~tn k infO th e on'all . and 'lIhplors tn- ron ,Ln.l Kenn)' B.lker ( R1D2 III StiLT
volving thl' I'riml' minister, a prince, Wan films). David \Varner is great ,I'
!>C ientlsts. and YOllT\,L! lo\'ers. Thl' ..cenl'~ rhe theamcLl e\·tt genii!:). Ralph Rich-
of de~rrU(:tiun (hy till' pe,)pk' W\lI}\'l' ard,on IS th~ hlL~iness-~(llted ~lIl'reme
hcen wH.'Cking cities with Gudzilla for heing. and Sean Cnn no:ry is the heroic
years) lire excellent. For till' AmerICan Ag,lmemntlll. \VI!h Python nh.'mbl'r~
rdea;;e New \'(torld Clil OUI more rh,m Jl,hn e ke'e a nd Mich"cI Palin, Shel1e~'
,tn h ouT of pint and added c heap !>Cencs Du\',!l!. Ian llolm, ;lIld K,Jthr) n He! ·
with Lome Crel'ne. who had h.·en in mond (S()(l/)). The great ~pecial ;.:(feCh
Ean/u,lulk£ (which was pnxi ul.."l,d after inc1uJe a ll\; I,,"~I\'e giant. an 0gre. and
rhis was released 10 Its orlgtn<ll (,ntn). tinw I)(lrrak Ex-Be,I!le Gellrge I IarriSo.ln
\Vhat's left is nonsen~e. Roger COrln,1ll wa, ,'ne III the execu tive pmducers an,l
was execu tive pmducer. r r')\, ' lk~ :.nngs.


11111EM71iR 11AIE Tllli THIE I/fIlCHINE
1979 Warn er Brul her. (Englancll 19N" \lGM
",oouco.; Herr. J;,(fc "I\ooUCn/ DII\EO Ol\: Oeorj!l' P;ll ~lcyer
OIl\ECTOI\JSCl\££HWI\ITtl\; KkE[HWl'.lTn: 1).1\"ld Dunc.1ll
Malcol m McDowall ~ta rs in a g0lKl ro- A lI"ond(,rfLll \'er~hlll (If H.G. \\1el1-'
mantiC advenwre-fanta.y that mixes ama:ing ~tor)' with Rod Taylor lea\'in.!!
clements of Th<? Time M(lchine and lack hl~ Ctll11fort :1.ble TLirn-of-1 he-century lIfe
the Ripper. As H.G . Wdk McDowall t,} exrlore the horrms of the future. He
acciden tall y allow~ the Ripper (David ~'as~e!> through tWl' world wars. ,ltomlC
W;lrner) to escape the police in hb destruction (in 1966) . and stops In the
time-travel machine. The guilt-ndden year 802.701. The beautif_11 pa,>,>I\'e Elui
Victorian inventor foll ows Jilck to spo.:nd their hnd lives eating fnm ,md
rncxlern-da)' S,Itl Francisco and fall. in loul\gin(! arll(m,1 w;lIlIng for rhe u.c:l y
love With a bank clerk (his soon-enough nocturnal I\'\orlock\ Slrl'!l. The h(lm-
uffscreen wife M"r~' Steenbu rgl>n), hle cannib:tls with whips live in c,lve~
who:.e life is suddenl y threatened b~' the hel,,\\' ,I giant monument. Rlx/ decides
farnou s killer. The nlusic b~' Miklos to teach th~ hum,m cattle how tn fight
RosziI. is avadilhlc un a sound tf<lck back and to slay in the future with
album . Ween.1 (Yvdte MUllIeux). The 1900
:>Ci./uellCCS fe,l(ure ALI11 Young. Sebas-
TH/:: 11111E BANDITS tian C lhot. ;mJ Whit BIs~dl as douh t-
1981 Ernh;my (En~I.lI1d) mg friend~. A special cffech Osca r
Pkoouc£klolUCTOI\; Tcrr)' Gillam winner.
K II;[(NWM"EM: Terr,' GIllam. Mlch"d Palm
An cxccllem comic adventure-fantasy 1'HB THIE I/fIl CHINE
fmm the Monty Python JX"'Ople that'~ (un 1978TV
for lIdu Its or kids. Lutle Cr~llg \'(tarnock 'l'.ODUCO: Jam,'s Sun mum
e:.capes the dull British suhurban home OIMCTOl\: Henning Sch:llierup
(,fhls Icily-addicted parerus by u< ing KkE£NWI\"EfI;; \V"I\,ICC Bennett

Yl '''II~ ,\ [mlll'lI.\ II Ifh U~ITI ­
)/<'T If) Tl Il' TIIUl' tvbchllw

A S unn Cb~~ i c~ TV \'eN,,,, ol I I. G. till' ~ tmlght liMn ,If d team f,)r a Ch:lngl',
\Vl'lI~' nm·d. John P,.:ck Ir<l\·d, h,lCk doc~n'I have much It) do.
;mm the '70s .lIld e ru.:ount c rs 101" 01
STock I~")()t,.ge irwoh IIlg COW lllIY ... lIh l A 71/1/E TO R UN Sec IHE
II' H ciws. In Ih .. fut ure he 111(,(," \\I('en.1
(Pn ~Cl lb Bamt's). (J('orge Pal. who dId
the 1960 the:ltrlc:l1 feature, con"l,ler('d 11IE 11/lIIi TRAVELERS
'"lng. \Vhn B .~' 111~ In h..lth ver"lon ... [%4 AlP
Wnh R(hl' m ary DeC.II111' .. nd J,lCk ....ooU(o,: W,[hmn Redlin
Kru~chen. Or lgin ;rl l\, ,Ill ;-";OC "Big DtI\£CTO,",SCI\[[NWlltT£l\; II> Melchior
Event." G(l(l([, Im " gmatin' scicnce·fictio n aJ-
\'C tHurl' with Dr. Erik Von Stei n er
1HE n ,IIE OF 1HEIR LIVES ( P re~I{l n rl) ~t cr) ,md his a~s i s tant s
1<}46 L'nll'cr'dl (B&\V) (Philip Care ~'l1 nd M l'rr~' Anders) trav-
pI\ODUnl\; Val Burt"n eling thro ugh a IInw rona l IOi yea r:;
DII\[CTOI\; Ch.lrlC~ Bdrf0n II) the futurl'. Tlwy find:l harren IInder-
5CI\EENWlUTEP.S: Val Borwn, W,llkT I\'· LI.~'ll . gn,"nd I''''~rnllcll.'ar - w''r soc iety rlln hy
Br:l,hnr,! i{opn
Ju hn Hoyt. TIll' rem,lin ing humans liglH
An Ahbott ,111..1 Co~teIl1ll"<1Il1('d y th:tt\ off mlil ilflt' while lI ~ in g androids !II
d l(ferent in <l numher o f w;ly~ :lnd ,Ictu- blilld iI ~ I'a c l'~hip to ta ke them to a n ... w
ally \\'urth watching. Ir\ .. gh{l~t cl'm - I,bne!. The impressive androids are ha ld
cdr with Co.<rd lo and ~Llq llTl'" R... y- ilnd tl(lsd{'s~ with n)und e<lr :lnd lllOut h
n(\ld~ as s!'<lI,ks ki llnl fllr ~ ry llJg ..luTing holes. Th... scienrists attempt to Ilec
the Rl'Vol utlonary \VaT. Thq' h.ulnt :I hac k through ,he portal and li nd rh<'m -
l11o.. leT11-d;ly home, trying to c 1<" lr Ih<'I T sc[ve .. rraI'P('J in t llne. \V ull Forr<,st J.
n a me~ and r"~1 in IX'ICC. (Idle Sunder- Ackerma n iI~ a t<,("hnlcian. Ci ne ma-
gaard h a 111edllt111. I\hh..ltt, not C<tSI a, logTa l'h \· hy Vi lm l)~ b iJ!Tllo nd and

L.,.:in K,'\',K\. A IlHnUll;liht Tl'm;lko:,
)IJUnl':~ Irllhe Celller
oj Timl', (,line nllt
1Il '67. Irwin Allo:n'~ TUlIl' TUllnel \\',I ~
;Ibu uh\' I l\lI~h' lIl~plreJ h~' d\1~ l1tfle
111l1 ... tr:lV.:! 1'1'1('

71/1·: n lllE TRIIVEU,RS

197'i TV
P"ODUC[": lrwU\ Alkn
DItu:C10ll: Alcx ~u'l:.:r
KM:[NWllITEII: cl",n (;,11"
A fl,rgl'll:,hko rdu~h "tulclide,b thrown
1"~':lhcr :" " pdl'I film. S,lIn (, ruom
.l1ld T,'m 1J.,\l.d: rTilv,·j h;lCk IU rh.:
gTl':11 Ch,c,Igu tm' uf 1871 and dudg..:
,,1,1 tl11Il'd tpOLI!.!e tr,'m In Old Ch'U!I:()
(19)8), With Rich,Ir,1 [b~l·hart ,lIld
Tn.h St..:WilTI. Frum ,I ,I<lry hy Irwin
(Tun.: TWill,,!) Alkon .md Rud Snling,

n lllt:SUP, Sec TflEII1VIIIIC

run~ ,\ ,hea'd th,n onl)' ~hnw~ ~lle1H Vm,,,,,Tlr l'ria m \'C,l!"UIl
THE n NGU:R C(15I!..'·STIl<: T mg!.:r
19W C"I\IIIII".I tB&W .1Il,] rcJ) hl!l1~), She -co:. il ghDlIl ,IIlJ ,I h:uhtuh
H.ODUC["/ OIMCT()t.: W, I11.1111 (::'~II,' hllmg up wnh hio.,lll (rl,m whICh ,Ill ,mil
K"UNI,III'JT[II; R,J,h Whit," rC ;lche~ Oul tilT her ! Th.1I ~Letll· \\,15
\V,lllam" lh:.cllVeh the p m n:.l IInll"d rl"J. \Vllh !),lfry! I-hd;m,ltl,
-cream ,lIld m ake:.,' bnll"ml IcgcnchiT)' Ph'!lp C",IIJcc. ,m.! ,\ '>Cl'ne With PflCC
j.!HlHIlICk fil m , Doetor Vine"1\1 Price freakln)! out attcr IIlJCdlllj.! h,llluttIlO'
J,scuven. ,I 1.11);" 1!\,,-'(:tlike c n.:arllTl~ th,U genIC Jnll.!_,
gn IW_, ,1\ ,'l'lIlot! corlb ,,( t,·rriti,-'\.Il~(,pl..:,
If thl' l'e""le _crea m the IInj.!kr j , nN7VRJ-:/III . . . IJI>OOD Y
de~lf<lyell. If th,"y J" n', II kill~ th"llI hy II;;tTERS
PIl1Chlllg their nervo, He 1~,latc~ (Inc 1',1771'''"1'.1 FIlm n"tTlI'UII('"
(If Ihe crc "!\Irc~ anJ It !:ets I (I(I~,~ III a (I< 1,·xlc"ILni-!1.\lld)
T1l\l\'ie rhcilter. Th,~ I~ whne "I'crcepto" PIIODUCE~: Cj"r:,k! (,rcc'll
DIRECTOR: R~'n': (;" r,\I'n.\, Jr.
Cllt1leS In. Se ll'ctcd ' CillS were wifed to
j.! IV': mild shtICk>. If th,\! didn' t make
A \>1,,,1<1), )1111" ":I'l'~' tr"l1\ tll\' dirl'..:t!)r
l1e('I, le ~cre, Hn the him st,'ppeel. Ihe
hllll'C 1i).!11I ~ CIIlIC (I n , and l,-,hl'r~ cu- of (;uY(l1H1, CI'!' II! til" J)(111111"d T\\'o
.Iurk hllnt.: r. \\,:1111 Su"l1l (Jcllr)!e, They
rlell:J planted etnpl\l~' el' (llit " / ,he the-
arer In a dc,td famt~ On scr<.~en" Price h,th get her .lnJ ;! eh,lIlee til hunt the
PC;!t \\lllte .h:lrk. \'\11th Jl'lmifa A~h·
Yl'll~ that ytlU'1i ,he It ynll don't scrcalll.
Of CfH lr::.c the pcopll' you're watching Icy ,lIlel Hnn .• Lc ..\'I~, ,R)
In the d le;ltcr un the screen .Ire ill!
1>Cro:;"ntn~ {(lO. Th':fl"\ ,\1:,0 a pin' 10
SCire a deaf-mute wom.m to de,lth (she L UST FOR / 1 ViIII/PIRE.

ttITcJ hrorhcr Dr. G.lfY Donohllc
( R,lhen J)urn.ln) wtth help from ,I sol-
dlcr. ,I '),ITI\·"., ,lnJ a pri .. ~f. Gary Will
h! kllk·d hy the V iC'tcong lilT refJhllH!
to tn..',H dWIT ca~ual [les un Ie,." hI' IT"
ClIef, (,11\ 1Il,lke th<'lf wa\' thruu!.!h ,1111-
hu,lw, and h..ltJhy trap' m tilllC'. The
l\lilohuc brother, ,m' rl~u n H ..d [u .....·l·
their l(\Ural.!l.·llll~ Irtl'nJs n.::(,'I\-e proper
hUrl:l!. \Vllh KI\':I LawrelICl', Rich,ml
t\ rlen, Jeff reMI , Rich;lrJ J(lr,lahl. ;mJ
DIck O'N"il l of Sh S(/I1(U/. -CB

1966 ~IGM
DIRECTOR: Dlln McdfprJ
O rigln,llIy (, 111 .. .1 Th" Vld..:ml Af!wr. thi>
rdo t l'p"",lc t, 'T The ,vlml frum L:. ,'\' _
C.L E. ,)l'TlC'S w,,~ fir,t ~h()\\'n II) Septcm-
TO THE DEVIL- ber '64, and thcn cxpilndcJ in[() a till'-
A DAUGHTER ,)t Tlc,11 fe,ltuTe, N'lpolcon Solo ( Ro hert
19i61lamnwT CIIlt" Am'l- (tnd,J1),lJ
V,lughn) ,Ind Illp KUTY,lk lll (Dav iJ
~OOUC (k; Rm Skcc.c< ~lcC"lIum) u:>(' their be~ t Jamc~ f3,;,'nJ
OIA{CTOk : Peter SI-ke< move, to ,~a,'c the rTl'sidenr of a nl'\\'
KA[[HW" 'TEk; Chr!> Wlck"'g Afncall ,tate (WIlImm ~lar,h'l lI) from
If thl~ ~,I t,mic mO\'ic get, ,Ill" attcnrl(ll\ c,'d I-m: \Veavcr ,IIlJ Ill~ Vulcan Ch.. m-
In the fUTUre 1{'IlI:-...' N-G1U'l"of IO-v":,lT- ical Company, V'lugh n ,md PatrICia
lllJ l\:a~t,\55ia Km,kl 1Il ,Ill carl\' mil'. Crull'l) ,Ire hune I" Ill(' WTlS[S for
Tht, 5ton, l:-a~<"J nn ,. Derlllh \Vhe;!!!..:\, IIHl·rfenng, \Vlrh Luci;ma ralll~:1 a nd
non'l, pre,cnt" Chn'tllpher Ln.' .l~ ,Ill I\':ln Dixon. The rOpula f TV 'nies
ex·rnl·~t arrang:in!! I()T i\',I-t.l'Md (:1, ,I lasted j(!lIr \eai", In 1968 II "'<IS repl;lcl....J
nun) to have thl" De\·d·~ rah\'. When bv ul14l!h-ln. Boo!
she docs IT'S a blol.l<.ly little hanJ I'urrcl.
Richard \'(/idmark, as the f"moll" au- TOBOR 111E GREAT
thor of "The LXvII Walks All\llng U" ,.
1954 Re!'uhlic (A&W)
Iric, to put ,I stop to the dcvili,h PRODUCER: RU,har,j G"ld, r,'ne
non,cnSl', \Vith ! iOIlOT BLtckmilll tlnd DI fl.ECTOR: L.:c Sh"lcm
DclhoJm Ellint!. (R ) SCREENWRJTERS ; Ph lll,p Mnc lxm,dJ,! Gold,r,Hlc
TO 1HE SHORES OF f1loLL A r,tli r,)OOt With eiliUTlOlh save., its in-
1966 enl\\ n 1[l l nnal ional ventor ,md hi' grandson (Rilly Charln)
HODU(U / Dlk£CTOR; \Vill Zen,
(rom 'l'le~, Cre<lky science-fict ion thrills
K I\([HW'JTU....: \VIll Zt'Il~, Roh:rl r>.ld',.dden ;l Imed :It k ids, Featun ng Lyle T"loot,
Manne M:lJOT Donohue (~l'lrshall Willi,1I1l Sch,llIer!, I-kmy Kulky, Rob-
Thomp.'on) tlie~ m[() Do. !\ang .md I ~ ert Sha)lle, Charles Dr-;,Ike, and Kann
gra nted penni!>SIon to 'l~arch fur 11I ~ C.lp- Booth.

UPI 11115158: If[he~ J J
h.l\"e ~topped w!lh ,'yI(i~II"! ,,1 till' Ncd
10111 ilJIll1lb
D ..(/tll, CIU llCe :.cent," 1.[ll.'r wme,! Ill'
men mw t/otn<n Ina).; I,k.;
\9,)H ~\GM (l:.II~LIII.1) J11l(!g<I~. [he Rl(llll /l<lIn[
In Scor:.<.:'>C'~ ,\ I.. ml S/r,'cl$, Scrcl'nwrill'r
p~OOIJCE~: Cicprg,· P"l l)fu~h (.UW Iu-) rmg !ht·y· TC'
O[MCTO"'KklENW~[TO:,la, F."kr Towne !!"t hl'ttcr tlll'r Wit h ChUla/own. hoI..lmg <lU mil) ptlr[ Df!he
Good ch l l.!rl·n'~ 'rlIH,l~Y \\'lIh R Il~~ With EII:abdh Sheperd, r<<l5IJ11-[he mher /ltlT! 15
T:ulIbh'n . lS Ihe h\'l'-,mJ-:J-h,llf mch- [Ii< f,Ji,1 !hr:1I lhe) <I.:lu"lll..
1,lll h... ro nf the Gnm l1l ~' fany tak. <lT~ miiIJ...... l5. To lOtnlx1l
1'0,1/13 OF TNt: UVINC
T errr-Thnl1l <l~ ,IIlJ Perer S... llen, arl' th ... ,/...0 IIISS of ",l l t"TI1511lJ1: .II'"
Dt:AD, Sec II/AD /}OC,(,OR OF w Neuo YtJTk' 5 Ik'U·SP.!p<'r
\' ill ,lln~. Fe.ltuTing A 1.11\ Young .111,1 Jes- 13LOO/} I SI.AN/}. smlce . .\KiM w5p.:udu.',f
~[e ~l.lIhcw,. \'(IlIh Pupl'l'wun ~,'­
lhe ,"nl-51~<J people mt/!
qucm_ e.~ ui .. bncl1lg tlly~ and ,,'n!!~ hy Ih;., Tlln.e~ Squm< (In'<I IU
Pe~~n Lel'.
1'0,1/13 OF 'fORTURE ballyhoo rhe film 10m
\%\ Tr:l!l,-lu:>. (It.d\) (13.:::..\'1.' )
Ihumh, .:un-<'ml) pl,,~ing
P~OOUC[I\.: Fr,lIlk CLlIl!,U..!!!
III m't'T II_Xl Nt'u-Yark
HIt: TO,Jl13 OF LlCF, 1 01MCTO": Anh'l\Io 1}......:~.1l1
K~([ NW~[TE~: Ant"IlI<' r..lC~<I .. I,
\'ol64 All' (
P~OOUCE"'O["[CTO"; R'l~err:'lTIl1.ul
0,·"r),!10 SUllOllclll
O R[G[NALlY ~£l[AS[D AS; ,\kl"rlIl)~~(/)~
K~E(NW "ITE"; \{"hcrt T, mm'
CpT1n,m'~ b,t l\x: picture, ,1[,,0 his b,t Anol her II,[l[i[ll h( ,rrl 'T filII! WIth pIUHl)'
h\lTnlr hIm Vincent ['nee lo"ks great a.nglkb~d (r,'dlt" 10 hdl' Ihe /;lct thill
a~ Ihe I 9th-cl'ntllry [",hk[1l,m in a hlack it'- duhhed It'- dl,,'ul .1 ).:1r! tr'luhled
~uit ,mel dark . ,unique \\r,lpafUund h}' [lightnLlre~ who IlHght hl' ;t de,ltl
~Ia~sl'" Unlikt, th ... 'Hher Poe hh m. Cllllnte~~, The (1!1II1tC~~'- hItler. ~\[ ll
TlI[lntng till' Lundy mTlltTe ch,lIn!>c r in
much of [t \\il~ ~h(}1 ,lwdoor,. ih an ex-
penmelll h~ rhe Jlrl'ctnT. The plor the hrlsc]1\cnt, I' thl' hlm \ hlghiLghl
In\'ol\,L1l~ :"l deil,1 wIfe's SplTlt t<[klllg H ,ll f hl~ (;1((' I' 111(l1,1~ :1n,1 Mnklng, One
l)\'er a new WIle ami ,omethmg "b.)Uf a ey ... i~ JUWII I1c,[r hI' 1111Juth! \Vl\h
Gil h c~lIllu~mg, and :-l,me of Pri<.: ... ·~ .A.nnL'" Albert ;mel Adn,Hltl /l.IIC,Ll1(OIlI,
J[,[logue l~ 1.1ugh,lble (no«' the Glh- Rich.ITJ GI'Td, '11 W;\~ eXl-<:lIll\'e r ro.lU(l'r
bagc ~cne). B.hlC .. l\~·, Corm,1Il ~ho\lIJ of thc Engh~h \,er.>1UI!.

TO/JIBS OF THE BLIND kidnaps n young neighbor gi rl (Pamdyn
DEAD.. See THE BLIND Fcrdm). til'S hl'r to a bed. and ~mgs
DFAD. "$olllcri ml's I Feel like a Motherless
C hild" as he sucks on a lollipop. Mitc h-
ell 's pcrfonnance is indesc ribable. Aneta
THE TO/ItAlY STEELE STORY.. Corscllu (Hden Crump o n The Andy
See ROCK AROUND THE Gnffilh ShOtt ) plays Pamelyn 's harmald
WORLD. mo m. Saturday mo rn ing te le vision
watchl'TS will recog!lltl' Wesley Ure frum
Land of the Lost and Pamelyn Ferdin
1'00 HOT TO HANDLE fmm Space Academy. (R )
1960 Tor a: Film. (England)
PI\ODUCEI\; Phil C. Samuel
DIPJ:CTOP;; Terence Yo ung
SCI\EEN\VI\ITE,o,: Herbert Krcr:mer TOPPER
AUO RHEASED AS: Playgirl Afrer D,lrk 1937 MO M (B&W)
One of Jayne Mansfield's Bri t ish films PI\ODUCEI\: Hal Roach
(It Take5 a Thief was made the same OII\[CTOI\: Normnn Z . M c L ... oJ

YC<I r). Jayne is M idni ght Fran klin, a SC I\EEHWI\/TEI\S : J;!ck Jev!le,
stripper in a sellny Soho cl ub. The Eric H:ttc h. Eddie Moran
c1uh'sowner (Leo Gmn) is piagu<.-d with Whcr) Cary Grant. Constance Bennett.
blackmailers, his manager (Cb ri~torhcr <lnd their dog are killed in a car crash ,
Lee) is in league with loe,11 h rxxllum ~, ther return ;}s ,ghosts who ha\"C' to per-
a French journalist (Karl Boehm) is form a good deed in order to rest In
hangin~ around trying to pick up a mys- peace. They decide w he lp Cosmo
terious German dan cer. and a 15-year- Topper (Roland Yo ung) who's hen-
o ld girl named Pony T'lI l l.'> used as baH pec ked I-y " 'ife Billie Burke. Excellent
fo r a gangster. Jayne wel TS a .see-through comedy produced by Hal Roach (OIH
.sequined net dress. Need we say mOTe! Gang ;lOd Laurel and Hardy shom) .
With Ian Flemi ng. W Hh J-k dda Hopper. Alan Mowbray.
Arthur ("Da!."vood") Lake. and Doodles
Weaver. Music by Hongy Carmichael.
IRE TOOL BOX /JIURDERS Roach also produCl·d two sequels.
1978 St-lccred
PI\ODUC(I\: Tuny DidiO
DIPJ:CTOI\: Ikn n i~ [)onnell~'
SCkEEHWI\ITrkS: R ON:rt Easte r,
Ann N. KmJbero:
1979 TV
Ho ovcn: Robert A. Papalla!l
C;}rncron Mitchell in his ulrirn;}(<: ex - OII\£CTO_: C h(lr1eS S. Duhin
ploit;} t io n siebe. Thi s o ne 's pretty SCI\EENWI\ITEkS: Gt'o rge Kirgo.
strong stuff. As the cr;}zt'd super of n M (lry~n!lt' Ka sica . Michad s.:heff
C;}l ifo rnia aparrment building, Cam- A late. lame aTTempt by the husband~
eron puts on a ski m,lsk ;}nd takes hi S and-wife rea m or Kate Jackson and
tool hox along to kill "sinful" wo men . Andrew Stevens (The Fury) to create a
A screwdriver is driven through a head, new series with Jnck Warden as Topper.
skull s are mashed, and in the most It h"d alrendy been a series (1953-56)
shocking scene hl' repeatedly shoots a With Anne je((reys. Robert Sterling,
naked woman (porno star Kelly N ich - and Leo G. Carro ll . and there was also
o ls) wilh a powerfu l n;}i l gun . Later he ;I 1974 pilot.
1941 Uni ted Arfl>ts (J3 &W) 1960 AI11CJ Anl~() (B&W)
Pll.Oouco: 11.11 Roadl PIIOOUCEIIJ: BenI. GorJon,
0,11.£(1011: Ruy Del Ru t h Joe Stcln~rl1
so,HNW'-ITEIU: j llll.uhan la! 111\0:, DIk£CTO": Ikrt L Gord"n
Gordun 1)nul<l." Kk.[[HW'-lT[II : G~""ry.:(' \Vorthmg YJIC~
To pper ( R\)!and Young) and a new gho~t In Bal Gor,inn's must "adult" horro r
(Joan BlllOdcll ) "llv\! a m urde r mystl'ry fi lm, Rlchar,] Ca rl ~ m !'tlsht·, hl ~ mis-
In an o ld huuse. Bi llie Burh' i~ Mr~, tress (jull Reding) to her death (rolll
Tnppo.;r :lA,lIn. E...1,lh~ "Roclk'~rl:r" An- hiS llgh lhou-lo<:. lie') h,llIntcd hy r an s
derMHl. Georg ... Zuccu, Carule Landl~. oCher J,!host (d (T<lwlln).! h:md. ,I tlnalltlg
P:H ~Y Kd l~·. DI.-'llnISO'Keefc, and H. B. head) and ,I -.c.I\\'ccd-con:reJ hody rums
\'(lamer a n:.' al!>ll fe;uureJ . up at hi, wedding. TdCky flln II'llh Gene
Rmh and Bcn'~ d,llIgiucr 511',111 . Ben
also WWIC Ihe ~tmy and hdped with
TOPPER TAKES A TRIP th(~ ) I'O(,'C1;I\ "((eet),
1919 United Artl>t~ j])&W)
1'II.00UC[I'\; \-hl Roach
Ol'-£CTO": NOrlll;lI) Z. Melc,"'] 711t: TORlIlt:NTED
KN:[~ITlIU: E..IJ,.. 1I.IoWIl, 1'.171 Tlfx-rl,' Film !ntl'r11.ltIUI1,d ([t,lli)
Jac k J('\' I1 .... Corey Fur.1 ""O OUC[I\= JII>lIl1 Rc,,]
(A. m,rancc Benncn n:.'l urn" as the ghu"l OI I\£CTOl\: M ;lrI"G~TI.'::')
AUO k[l£M£D M : T~ St>.\flJ<'15IS. feeTk'
of Marion Kirby :'lnJ tnes 1(1 h"I" C."n1()
,\ jUj,'Il(hl HinT"r SIII'u'
Topper (RolanJ Young) ",nil hh man ·
Scx·h.lrmr non)t:n~e dhout .l young
tal prnhli.'llls. Rillll' Burke I~ hl~ wife.
fcrnak.ln )luJ(,111 In Italy who stc;,b ,I
\'Vllh Franklin P:mghtlfll, IrvlOg PIChe!.
111e-Sl:": ~ { ,I111e of o n .., \)f till' cTllclficd
Ak'x D'A rcy. and Alan Mowbray.
tlllev .." (rUlll a church. The fl<.",\:~~cJ
~talul' cnm ..·~ 1(1 Me ,Tn d loCcb T..·lid frum
VERT LATE ••• cc ntllri e~ (l{ c h'I>tity. \'Vlth Stdla eM-
IT4:>U''RE ALL ALONE••• nadlia. ChTl~ Auram, ,1ml LucreT ia

1975 J">-cph IlrcllIwr A." >CI.U,·, (lt,dl I
PI\O DUCU.: Anl"nh)CCT\ 1
OII\£CTOI\; ~r):hl fl.bnlil"
S<1\[ENWI\11EI\S ; Ernc"hl (J,"lalcll,
Sergh) ~ I.utlll<l

A h...,oded p~rch(l-r,lpl~t hlln \\ Ith a

h,l(b.. IW Turn, Ulit 10 I,,· John RKharJ-
R I>(ln In ,hi, 1"I\)TlnJ,.: ~hu,ckcr. \'(Iith Sll~\'

• lU
l l""
' ~ Kencbll :m d Tin,. AUllIoru. Noun..:: w<t~
;ldmI11c.J eluTing !Ill' liI~r 10 111IllUtc~,
when lho.: krlll'r i" unm;hkcd.( R )

fum pl.'lipk'. A man r~ wlllc,1 by h is C;l[
((l kIll pcople.')() II can cat tlll'i r Iwad~!
A )1,lrlcr (Ben'rl), Ad:lJllS) disn)\'crs
,h,1( 11l1l\IC ,1M Robe " I llItton I ~ a
mhO!! A doctor makes Iwr Into 0 11,' ,
fiX', R,lrhar:1 Ewrng f,lll:. III lo\'e with a
(;1In"I1' pl,1nl~t, hut his J ea lo ll~ pmno
klll~ hcr! A:. , I collcctor o ( EJgar AII:ln
Poe relic", J,rck Pabnee kill" :In(){hcr
c(lllcC(, Ir (Petl'r (:u~ hln).!) ((IT an unpuh.
l"h~'J ImUlu,erlpt anJ I~ faced Wllh Poe
hI111'el( who haJ heen l'e,uTTected hy
ell,hlll,!!:. Thc"t~'r patrons were ,!!I\'~'n
"p;lch'! o j "(TI!,!ht 'cnh" to grow their
own "t,lr[ Ul'l' gaTd~'n."

11)51'1 lIrll\'~'r, .. 1(13&\\1)
SI<Ht' relldt'IlIS PfI\ODUCH: AII'l' rr Zug_,rn,th
1)1.1), dr~H.ul) In Torturi." DII\[CTOM: ONl1l WeilL·" i-brr~ K~·lkr
I )un,l:<,on OF DR, SADl~il/.. See BLOOD KkEENWIIITE": 0,."", \Vell",
D£'.IIION, A bl'dli.1Il1 I,xlk at eorruptulIl ,lilt! .1<.:-
'1',lIr iii ,I ~l:xlcan hoteler tow n. A(ter
,I 11I1I1I,m,lIrl.' I:. h[own up In h l ~ Clf,
J9ioJ 1I.11,hklll hlmqmlltllllnl: f."jcxicln mlrcotlC~ I,(h.
PIIODUC£lll: \X' IIII,u11 1I.11'hkm
ccl' Ch,rd" til He'ton ne!!iect, his AllIlT'
DII\[( I O II: AnJ\ hlllllg,m ICUl hnde (j,IIlCI LeIgh) HI 1Il\'l':.tlgi11c.
K II££H\VW[,": And\ hlllllg"Il , II.Ull QUIntin «()p.,.m Wdlcs), , I t!ro~,
Juhn P.r,!'k" (lj.!,ll'·dlOmI'11lJ.: AI1l<'Tlca n Jell'Ctl\ e,
Clwap gure lil.n from Sf,1\<"11 [,Lind, t"I1111" ,I I1l.1\1 j or rill' eTl llk. \Vhen the
1 he l'vIII)uke ,)1 ~llr\\'1Ch 111urd,'r, ,Ind honc'l I k:.ton HU erterc), his WIll- I,
tOTl\ITCS till' SUCCl', to tlw th ronl' III kldrlilpcd an,1 ~hOl lip with junk hy
Imnt 1)( 'l't' rcprc'>cntinc I11c.JI,'\;\1 punk, Icd hy M,'rcedn McCamhrid,!!e.
Engbnd, Filme.J "in dTlprln,!!: blo".[ TIll' C,bl tnclu,ks Akim T,lInirof(
((lIm, " Jt "pcneJ on ,\ .luuhlc hili wit h l''k'lll' [)ldTlch , Ray CollinS, l"A:n .
Milllg,m's BI()(Jdrhrm~' B,a(-hi.'r.~. Ill' \V~\lI'c r, Z':I Z~a (lahor, K cell;ln
\'(/),n n , ,tn,11""... ph Con..:n , h lllll'd 111
VCI1 I CI.', C" II(,'rl1ia. Sl Ime ,tddI IH lI1,.1
IVRTURt.' GARnICN 'Cl'nc' wero.: ,lddcd hI' the studio ,1(t..:r
19('7 AmiclJ ..JC, ']um),I., (En g Lllld) \'(/dlc' W,h tini, he,1. The wmpkto: \'er -
PIIODUU ,":/1.1." J- R, N'nN:rg. ~lIm rIIn, 107 11IlnUle" Alhcrt Zllg,m llh
,\Idwn ::IlIN",l) \\ ii' thc I"" I'cl'soll to I'TllJlH.:C a \VeI k~
DI I\[CTOII: FreJdl" h,mc" him III Amo:ricd,
K k£[N lllllrf[lI: R"N:n 131",(;],
A ckn'r hUTTor ,mtholog) 1'\IHlT1 ll g
Bur,!!e,,- ~I e redrth ,I:' D r. Di,lhlo, ,I ,rde. 71IE TOUCH Or-II/ELISSA ..
,hoI\' o\\'ne r who n,ITT,Hc' thl' 1,11,', 0 1 See 71/1i TOUCH OFSATAN.

Great histtlTica l-horror fi lm (Nuning
THE TOUCH OF SATAN Basil R<lthbn m: (as the eVil Richan.\ Ill)
1971 FUlurarn:l Imcrn:lfhHlal
with Bori.'> Karloff (as his execuTioner).
",ooueEI\: Go;'I)rg( E. e ,rey
DlUCTOP.: \).)0 Ile IlJ~'r"':lIl
Ka rl off I ~ awe"Ollle a~ the b"ld, club-
K"UNWM'£I\:J,mlC) E. ~kLm~ footeJ Mortl . tortllTlllg rriMlIlers in the
ALSO ML£A5EO.u: T~ TUltCh of 10, klt,5ti. well-equipped dllnJ,:co n, ch oppmg off
Nlg/u vi ,he l.xm()n heads wi lh .In enonnou .. ,Ix e. and
A ynun,L: man gets lust ~lIld 1~ allowed drownlllg Vincent Price in (I ViII o(
III .'> t:l Y at ;1 (:mn. lie falls in love widl wine. (Price J,:raduated to ,he
a pretty young girl (Emh}' Mellay) who III role III the Roge r Corman remake
.'>dYS .'>he'~ a wHch. NOI onl y i ... she a of 1962.) A 11 rhi~ wa~ considered .') hnck-
127-year-old wilch. but her "parents" ingly violent 40 ),ear.') ago and some rur-
life :tClu,llly her .'> lsIer\ chl\Jr,,;n. Her Ture St~"tlcncn were cut before the
~l~tcr, al~\l an old wiICh. looks her ag..: relea,e. (The llIusic W(lS tlw :>core writ-
and occaSi\\ml\l~' escapes (mill thl" anie ten for SUIl uf FTIIllkl.'llSreill, which di-
til hack up the Jpcals. An intcT('s ting. rector Ll'e did the ~a llle year, also with
c)(t r clllcl~' low-bu,lgctnl 111,)vic. st ill Rathhone and K ~l rl\lf() Lee retired frolll
pl:lying theaters under Jiff..:Tcnl tides. filtlllnaking In 1945. cxpiai n in),.!; in an
interview; "The fun had gone out of
the picture Im~ine ss entirely. People
TO URIST TRAI' wert' cOlllin),.!; tIltu the bllsinn~ who had
I 'J78 Cl1np;l.'>, been m~lking sa(ct)' p i n ~."
PI\OOVC[I\: J. L,u)' Curt,11
OIIU(lOI\: nll"'\ Sc hmuellcr
K"UNlln.II[IU: I\l\ld Schm"dlcr. TOWER OF LONDON
J. L.ln) Clrr,,11 196Z Umte.1 Arll~(~ tB&\V)
A h,:arrc m(l\'lO.! that makes no sc nSl~ Gene Corm:1I1
;11 ,1\1. C huck Connor.'> (Tht' R!j1ellum) Dlk£CTOI\; R "j.:cr c..'TlII,Ul a~ ,I p-'»'ch" wllh telekinetiC pow- !>Oo[ENW"t1[ P.S; Leo V. GorJ"n,
er... At hl~ out _llf_the _wa)' vacation ~pot E Anlll" Puwell. J,U1lcS 13. Gor,llln
he Imps (our )oung people III hi S wacky Conmm str,lyed (Will A IP Tn 11\,lh· tillS
\1'I,rld Il f \ll,lnnequlns. Swre-wim\l)w minor I\><:-Ilke h'~lOncal drama. Vi n -
dUnlm ), part~ arc e\·er)'where. Somc cent Price (Wh0 had rhl)'ed a dllke
manncyums ":<\\l1(' ali\'e. Some people dwwned in wine in the much ~lIl'eri'lr
hcco1l1e 1I1anneyums. Sharp llhjt'cts 11)' 1939 vc rswll) .')tan as Richard th('
through the ,li T. Future Charlie's Angel RUlhle~~. hUllchhlCkcd hnlther ,1(King
Tany;\ Roh ... rts l~ st.lblx,d in 111(' he,Ld , Edward IV. WiTh the help o( Michael
An int ... re~lin),.!; mislire. The nlllsic by P<lle ,md ,I Il,Tlurl' cham1.,...r he destrpys
Pim) IAmagg1l 1 is ;lvailab1c ,In a ,ound evuyonc sl,llldillJ.!: hetween him ~md
Ir:lck alhu111, the thrunc. Richard hccil me~ \IlllTC de-
ranged. h;\l1l1cil1lllc ~ ,1 lilt. and duri ng
a b,llde (pr< wided b)' ~"x:k f\ xltag\'j see~
TOWER OF EVIL, See the ghl'''{s of ~I \\ hi~ \'ictim~. With J(\~m
HORROR ON SNAPE ISLAND. Freelll ~111 ,Ill.! San,lm KIll),!hT. Francis
FurJ Cnrpilb w:\~ the dinl ll).!lJC dire(1llr.
1939 UnwcT~'11 (B&W) TOWER OF TERROR, See IN
H.OQUC(kiOIk£CTOP.; Rowl;mJ V. Lt.",>
SCk£[H\IINru.; Robert N. Let."

THE TOWERING INFERNO cause of a meteor fra gment. A no nstar,
1974 Warne r Brot hcrsl20thCen tury-Fox "we can't act" hit tha I shows up o n
""OOUCEI\; lrwm All e n te levision o nce in a wh ile. T he soon·
DlP.lOOl\.: John G mllcrmln to·he·fa mous Rick Baker designed the
SCI\([NWkIT[II: Sterling Silliph;mr beast.
It took two swd ios and twO novels !O
m ~ keIrwin Allen 's biggest hit. It h as TRACK OF THE VMfPIIIE:,
the biggest stars of any di s..1S tCT movie See BLOOD BATH.
and proves that. if paid enough, few
actors can rcfu.'iC taki ng second place TRACK OF THUNDER
to special effec ts and be ing fr ied to a 1967 Uni u~d AniSIS
crisp in a bummg 138-slor)' h otel. Paul I'IIOOUCEfI: E. Stanley Williamson
Newman is the build ing architec t and OII\[CTOII: Joe: Ka ne
Steve McQueen is the fire chief. With KAnNW"IT£II: Mau rice J. Hill
Faye Dunaway (magazine cd ilar) , W il · A (eud between tWO to p stock-car
liam Holden (building dcve lo pt'r), Fred dri vers, fa bricated by syndicate rrac k
Astaire (con man) , Richard Chamber- owners to increase attendance and gam·
lai n ( it' ... all his fa ult), Susan Blakely bling income, TUrns real as boyhood
(h is ""ifd, Jcrmifer Jones (art dea ler), chums Tommy Kirk ;l nd Ray Stricklyn
Robert Vaughn (senator), Robert Wag- co mpt.~ t e for I he same girl. As Tommy' s
ner (p. R. man), and O. J. Simpso n mol her, Faith Domergue marries h iS
(lOken). MiislCby John Wi1li;lms. Mau- rival's d;ld. Young Brenda Benet must
reen McGovern si ngs the theme song decide whether she would rather be n
(she also sang the theme for T he POiei- !Tack wife o r live on a farm . Appar.
don Ad"enl1lre). It won three academy cody Kane's last rel ease, made, as was
aw,uds. The director next did another h is prevIous film COUll1ry £30)" by Am ·
disaster, Kmg Kong. bassador Fil ms o(Nashville. With H.M.
Wynanr, Chet Stranon, James IX>bson ,
THE 1VWN nlAJ' DREADI::D and Majel Barren-Nurse Chapel o n
SUNDOWN rhe Starship bHrrprise. -C:13
1977 AlP
K k[EH"lVfJT(II: L'lrl E. Smith WHITE DOG.
Americana horror from rill' pro..iucer
01 The u/!cnd uf !30g,l.,')· Creck. A l1Ian TRANSATLANTIC T UNNI::L
who kllkd five pt..·opll.' 111 '46 ret urns 1935 U~U m()nl (England) (B&W)
with a hood over h is fac e to terro rize I'IIOOUCEfI: Ml c h~~'l Bakon
the PI lpulation of TcxarlGma . With lx'n OIAl CTO": Maurice Elvery
John»{lIl . Andrew Prim', (SinlOlI, Kmg K II(£N'oln.IT£I\l: Clemence Dnne .
()f lhe ~Vilchn), Dawn Wells (Gi/ligan's L DuGarde Pcach
Island), and the dlrl'ctor;lS" cop. Ra~l'd In the fu tllre (1940s) a huge [lillncl
on a tnn: story. ( R ) connect ing England and Ameri ca is
dug under the Atlantic. Hard-wo rking
TRACK OF THE ,JfOONBFAST designer Richard Dix spends years under
1976 Cm~'m;l S h~res the E.uth , only seeing h iS wire on the
OIIlECTOII: Richard A~hc telev ision/phone . Leslie Banks ~ tay s in
A you n g mi n ero logi st becomes ,In England and comfortS her. Disasters kill
inlerl.'sl in ~-look i n g lizard monster be· workers but Ihe work ,",'oes on . W ith

Walter HlI~ton. George Ariiss, and A~ It might have heen. Defense plc<tds
C. Auhre~' Smith. not ),:uilty, then not ),:Ul1t~· by reason of
msanny. ree witnesses take
THE TRANSVESI1TE, See ,hntanll. A ~ in Buchanan's FYl'e. White
GLEN OR GLENDA . and 21 and Under Age. dw verdtct
IS up to ~·ou. Arthur Nations. George
TRAU,IlA R\I~scll, George Edgley, and Charles W.
1%1 Para..ic (B&W) Tessmer are featured; Charles Mazyrack
"'-ODucu.: Jo.>Cph Cranston I~ Lee. In 1977 a televiSIon mov ie
DII\,EO OI\,! SCII..E£NWl\,lTIk: 1I( the ~, I ml' name co\'ered the same
R~fI ~alcolrn Young ~round. -CD
A forgonen psychological horror film
with a 21·year-old girl (Lorie Richards) THE TRIBE
suffering from amnesia after witncssin~ 1974 TV
the murder of her aunt ('40s st;ir Lynn ",OOUCEk : Gl·,\rl!~ E(ksl~in
Bari). She returns to the m,LI)sion where DlkECTO" : Richard A. Colla
It happened with her new husband SCk[[H'W'NTn.: Lane Slatt."
(John Conte) and d iscovers the truth. One Million B. C. without dinusaurs.
which involves a careta ker and a re· Victor French, Henry Wilcoxon , and
tardeJ relative. mhers represent Neanderthals and Cro·
mllgnollS. A new low or high for televi·
THE TREASURE OF SAN sion movies, depemlrng on your ta~te.
1975 TV
WillIam F. Nol.m.
1962 Astor (Fr.mccllr.1ly!\V. Gcrnwny)
Richard Matheson
PN)OIJCW: )\.(.~ L1pbncht.". ~·lr.l!lIci S.1lknu:i Karen BI~lCk pbys (our (actuall" three)
DIII..ECTOk/SC lI..ElNWkITEk : Or!ioon Wt."l1c~ different women III three tales serving
~ IGINAlLY k£L[M£D M : 1..<' l-'mc"s a~ a prlot film for a series to have been
A neglected masterpiece hy Orson called Dead (>/ Ni,J{ht. The stories arc an
Welles. Anthony Perkins ~ tars ,IS Kaf· hy Richard Mmheson , who also wrOle
ka's Joseph K. a doomed bank clerk the scnpt for "Prey," the third and hcst.
uymg It) save him~df ,rfrer hl'mg ,1r- In it Karen huys a sharp.tout hed Zuni
Tested for unspecilied crimes. Welles ap· doll th,ll comes to life and attacks . She
rears as (I defense attorney who never tries to drown it and bum it in the o\'cn
).,!:Cts around to the case. With Ro m,· btlt the horrihle noisy doll keeps reo
Schneider. Jeanne Moreau, Elsa Mar- turning. The stOries all have surprise
tinelli, and Akim Tamiroff (also in endings.
Welles' previous great nonhit T01lch of
1967 All'
PkO DUC[ W Dlk£O Ok:
OSWALD Jack Nichobon

1%4 Falcon (B&W) From the ads: "LSD-a lovely son of

PkODUCUl/ OIIl.ECTO k ! SCk[[NWI\ITEk: death." Confused TV·commerClal di·
Larry Buchanan reclOr Peter Funda asks heardcd friend

with 11. !llan." \Vould rou trust Rnrcc
rkrn! The Ix-~t scene is Fo nJa groov.
In)..! on the II,hhlng machines In a
bundrollldt . ~l u~1C hy the Elennc H ill.
With Su.",1n Str<lsherg. Dick MIller.
B.rrboura M lIrrJS, LU;llla Anders, Pl'ter
/3..)gd,I!l{II·ich, .r lld Angelo RnsslTro.
Vari(IUS (O rnhll1 ;11 ions o( The Trip's SI ,lr.ii
wac III P~~'ch -Ow :mJ EClsy Rider.

1970 \'(!;Ir!wr Brnthi'Ts (EngbnJ)
HOOUClk: 11~'rlll,m Coh.'n
Olk(OOk: Fro:dd,,' Frnnci.,
SCkHNWkITH; Ah.'n Kaml..!
Anthr, If'''(ll{)gbt J{lrlll Cr:lwforcl show~ up
111 th ... Cit y with a troglodyte (affcction-
.ltel)' c.llled Tf{lg). Th ... economica l
ll1()n~tl'r is rl mrlll WiTh hai r :lrl)lInd hi.\-
WillSt and')I\ hl~ ("he~t, ;md iI monkey
he,ld. Michael GUII),!h, an irate hmd de-
I·eluper, I... " the missing link 1(Xl~c so

11 c,m Impall· a hutcher on a meat hook,
throw ,omc f'l'd~'strlan!> around, a nd
k ldndp ,I lurll' g:l rl. Joan !>tilllows and
under~tal1ds Tmg:, who enJoys da~ical
IllU ~IC hut g(lC~ herserk 11'11('11 he heal"li
fiX!..: '11' roll. WIll'n Trog'!> hraln b
r,lp("'<.'d, he "r... m"'lI1N-r!>" o ld foola);:e
(rom 1m III Allen" Allml£ll \VorL:l. \'(Ihl~n
Trog 13 fntllllllll :1can' a crowd g;l(he~
10 watch ,lIld ,Irmk Pep!>is! rt was J oa n' ~
kN fcarllr....


!'}f,) C'll('r~Ill,1 (J-ran("dll~II\')
·"no... -.••_"" ..
f JACK NICHOLSON· ROGER CORMAN PkODUC[l\; Gldnp<1( ,h, I3lg~::1
INTERNATIONAL..,,,,•• DIl\[CTOk: (Ii, ,rgl_' F,·m'lll
SCl\E[NWkITH ; G" lrg'" Slo:!(,m i
Bruce ~rn to he the glli,k un hh hr't Ol\IGINAlLY knOO£D A~: 1 ...1 ("4elT(" d<! Tmi4'
trip. Thl'Y cOl' (rnlll Dennl.' l-ioppt!T;t[ A (:worit,· 1I1<11111,'e (e~ture starring
,I P,lrty :lnJ Tl"CUm to Dern\ ,pin-len']
Slcve Rl'e\·l'~ a!> the hew Aeneas. John
pad with'ln mc/oor 1'001. Fonda cxpcn _
Drew Rdrr ym'lr,· I., Ulrsse~. \'(Iith lOIS
cnfl'S vIsions nf!>ex. de, lth, ~tr()ht: I"d'h. of lighting, ,hl' grant wOtxiell ho~', and
flowers, J:mc ing glrl~, wltclll'~. hn<.",It.'d
eh,l!"acrer. nam(',1 AJdX, !'"ris. Achill('s,
ridt'r~. a Ttlrture ch:lJl1hcr. ;tIld ,I J\\', lrf.
(, fC. Wnh JUlll'tr o.: Ma rnld and Anuro
lie pa ni c~ hut IA'rn tell .. hun to "go JAlInIIllCi.

THE TRaLLEN8ERG the '61 film . This 3·hourCurtis ~make
TERRaR, See THE Il'as originally shown in twO parts.
12 Ta THE /llaaN
TRaPICZONE 1960Coltunhla (B&W)
Fred Gebhardt
1953 Par311l0unt
OI U ClO!\.: DavuJ I3r~dley
P"OOUCE~: Willi:lffi H . Pine.
KI\.[[N\V!\.ITE!\.: L
).:wi!{ B.xleen
Wi IlI:IIn C. Thom;IS
D'UCTOI\J'5O.£[HWPJT£P.: LC"'I$ R . FOSle r An IOlcrnatio nal ex pedi tion to the
The last of three [OW-bull.lZet adventures M oon finch Moon Illen who threaten
~(arring Rona ld Reagan and Rhonda to freeze Eanh with a ray. Most of the
Fleming (all dircc(<..-d by Foster), This movie is devoted to examini ng the as-
time Ron is a reformed hum who helps tronauts and their peny. I:x)ring rersonal
So'we a South Amer!c"n b:mana planta- problems. With Anthony Dexter, Fran-
tio n from ou tlaws. With Noah BecT)' cis X. Bushman, Tom Conway, Ken
and Estel ita. Clark, and Rober t Montgomery, Jr.
From the director of The)· SW.lea Hitler's
Bmin. Anthony and Francis X. both
TRaU8LE AT /6, See returned in Phalltmn Planl.'!.
(AND Ha w 1''0 GETlN1'O IT) P!\'ODUCE!\. I DII\.[CTOkl~CkEE NWklf[k: ChrIS
1969MGM LofvCIl
PR.ODUCo.: Lest.:r Welch A rock mtlsiC;ll \"ersion of The \'(Ii~ara
DIIUCTOII.: Peter Tewb"ury of Oz! 'Fraid so. From the ads: "The
~EOfWlIJlOS: Ar[l()ld and Lo is Pc}'..:r Scarecrow is a surfer- the Tin Man is
Elvis, in his 5CconJ-to-hm acting role, a greasl'r- the Lion is a bikcr-the
o nly ~ ings two songs. The year is 1927. GCllxl Fairy is gay." Sounds great, right ?
Elvis is the m;m;Jgcr of a traveling cu l- {R,
tllTal show and invoh'cd in ~I murder.
The pint -sized star of the show is Ani>&1 20 /IIILLION /JIILES
Jones (Buffyan Fwnily Affair) , Vincent
Price is Mr. Morality. John Carradine
1957 Colutnhia (B&W)
is Mr. Drewcoh, a member of the ""ODUC[!\.: Charles H. Schnecr
troupe. With Marlyn Mason, Sheree OIIl.ECTOf.: NathanJuran
North, N icole Jaffe, and Edward An- ~U[NWNTEI\.S: Bob W ill ial1l~.
drews. This is a rock 'n' roll idol! Christopher Knopf
When astronaut William Hopper crash-
THE TURN 'OF THE SCREW lands o(f the coast o( Italy, a gelatinous
1974 TV egg he brought (tom Ven us is found by
""OOIJ(EWOIIU:CTO!\.: Dan CurtIS a young boy. He takes it to an old zool-
~'-£EHWPJT£A: Wi1!i;un F.
Nolan ogist and his daughter (Joan Ta~' lor).
Lynn Redgravc stars as the new gover- Thc little creature in thl' egg is the Ymir,
ness in this videotaped TV version of one of Ray Harryhausen's greatest ani-
the chillin g Hem)' James story, pre- mated creat ions. Earth's atmosphere
viousl)' filmed as The Innocents. Megs causes the hellish snake-tailed monster
Jenkins repeats her servant role from to grow at a rapid ratc. TI1C soon giant

c reature is captured h}' sc i en tl~ts, l'~.
capes, f:.:lt ties an an ill1<lTed eleph:lllt ,
196! Ununl ArtIsts
kI lls a lot of horrrtil-J ltali ;Hl~, and faces
PlIOOUCEk / SC:UENWlUT£A: RoJ-....·rt E. Kent
the m ilitary from t he top of the Colo~. OIUCTOk; SIJIl<'r Salk O\~.
seUIll in ROlll e . A Harryh<lllscn (,l\"oTrfe!
A II' had JUSt sCt)red wi t h Vincen t PriCl'
in a Poe trilogy (Tale.~ of Horror) so UA
THE 2TlHDAY deCIded 10 u~e h im in t hree Nathan iel
1957Corumh':l (B&W) Hawtho rn(' stories. "Dr. H eideggl'r 's
PkOotJCU; Hden Ainsworth Experimen t" IS <loout <I n elixi r of youth
DIUCTOk; W,rlt;un A s her that keep) Sebastian Ca lXlt a nd Price
SC'-£ENWlVTEk: Jolm M:!nt Il ,)" young and brings Mari Bla nc hard (The
Co ld,w:lr scic n C l~ fic tion wit h an tn . She Der'iI) hack to life-for a wh ik,. In
c redihle ending . Fivl' Earthlings (rom "Rappaccini's Daugh ter" Price ma kes
different countries (i nclud ing Gell e hi s d;]u)..dlTer's to uch dead ly po ison .
Barry a nd Valerie Frenc h ) are giVl'1l l·ap. W it h Brdt Halsc}' and A braha m So(acr.
Miles hy :! n ;]I ien (A rno ld Moss). If In "The HOllse of t he Seven G ables "
opened with in 27 da ys e,Kh carslik is ['rice is Ge ra ld Pync hcon, who .sea rches
ca r :!ble of killi ng elw popli latilHl ,If (or hi s family fnrt ll ne a nd d iscovers
Earth. The RU&;ian is tortured hy the deadly ghllsts. Beverly Garland is his
KGB an.! when the Commun ists Ilrx;n ne w wire. With Richard [knn ing and
his c:lpsuk the entin' 1'0plll ~ni()n of ell(' G ene Rot h . B<lc k in 1940 Price was the
Soviet Union is wired \ltll! The frel" ~'olln g hero rn t he sa ll1e story. G eorge
world lives o n. An earl}' e(fo rt hy the SanJer~ was the troubled nobleman .
director of A lP's be,lCh movIes. I nchk.le~
film cl ips from Ecntn 1.~ . the Flying
SilUcers. Originall~' co·bilk'd wit h 20
MIIlIOIl Miles to f urrh.
1971 New WorlJ (Philippines)
~DUC£M : Eddie Romero, John Ashlc~'
SEA OIUCTOk; E..IJ,~· Ro mero
1954 !\tR'n:! Vb!a SCU£N\Io'NT[M: F.Jdie Ro m~ro, Jerome Small
PlIO DUCEk: Walt Di,ney
DIU CTOk: RICh ard Flcbl,' her
In 1959 E..ld ie Romero Tried 10 remake
SCkEEN"IVI\ITEk : brl Fenton the claSSIC Isli/lld (Jf Los( Souls as Terror
A s Captain Nemn, James M ~l.son II M!S
Is ( I Mml. He was the execu tive pro.
his 11I'(uriulIs I 9th-celllu ry ~1torl1 ic suh. ducer then. For (his versio n of that talc
of a m ,ld sc il'nti sl c reat ing an inw l!
marine till' "lUI/Ii/liS to dl'Stro), the
!"lCI)pk nil a fl' mute isla nd, 11("s both
wo rld 's w;] r sh ir s. An eXCl·llent ve rsion
rmducer a nd d irec tor. (Roger Corrn;] 11
nfVe rne's sro ry ,1I1d t he best rivt"-<Ic tron
Imnd led execut ive prod ucer chofe s.)
film from till' Disr1l'Y Studios. Il:u.
Like most Romero d uds, it st<lrs fo rme r
rOllnist Kirk Douglas, profesS(lr P:w l
American tcen ac to r John Ashley ( who
Luh,s, and a&;istanl Peter Lo rre '1ft"
co· produced). The panther wo man is
take n hosta)!e ahoard rill' sub, where
played hy Pam Grier! T h is boring quasi.
Ih .. )' dinc o n "unho rn octopus." With
rernah· includes a n a pe man, ameiopt:
a convincinj;( giant sl.jllid, a natIve
man, tl ~' lnJ.: ha t ma n , wo lf woman , a nd
attack, and an explosh'e endlllj;(, Douj;('
b ~ sIngs "Mermaid Mi ll ie." a t rl'C w\lm<ln(!), a Na:i, bad ma keup,
:md some pre tty gory scenes.

n17INS OF EVIL were dead, "lamed ," or flllOed hy
1971 HarnmerlUrll\'l"r;;at (Engl;mdl sca ndals. T hl!> remake (If the e:1rl~'
I'P.OOUCEII.S: t-i1m ~ Fm('. Michal'! Style K,lIznl<ln hit exrlo its ,he d;lnce Cr:1!e,
OIIl.[CTOk: Joh n H Ollgh which wa~ fu n hut harJly as {'xc lting as
loC'-£[HWlurrll: Tudor G:nes rhl' new sou nds In '56. Countless twis t
More 19th-century v:llllpi rc sex hased song, by C huhh y Chec ker Ineluele
(m C anlliUli. 11m onc features M(ll)' and "MerrytWist-mas. "Wit h Alvy Mome,
Ma,ieiemc Collmson. Playbo)" ~ first the Marcel!>. and, hest of ;lll, Dlon. He
twin play mates ( '70). Whll wt.'re sings "Runaround Sue" ;lnd 'The \Van -
in The L(we M(/chtnt!' the S,lmc re,iT. derer," both cl'l SSIC~. It W,IS followed
There a TC witch burnings, vampires. h~' the feared hut inevitable /Jon'] Kn.xk
and blac k m a~:ic c('remonics. Pere r the Twist.
C ushing, re pealing his Vampire lfi.ll'H
role , shows up to deca pitate the \'am- T WISTED BRAIN, See
p iTe tWin who hites female Vlctlms o n HORROR HIGH.
the breast.
n 17ISTALL N IGH T [969 Nation:!! G~nera t (England)
196 1 AlP (8&W) H.OOUC[I\: John Boultmg
AAOOUC(II: Maune!: Duke OIMCTOf.: Ro~ Bu uhlllg
OtACCTOk: Wilham Hole. Jr. KI\EENWI\ITEU: Roy Bou!tmi!. L~o ~hrb
KIU€NWkJITII: Berni Gold A ~ood p~~' cho l ogic;\l c h iller, with
ALSO M1.£AS£D AS: The Commrnral Tu'w . H ywc1 Bennell a~ l l -Yl'ar-old Martin,
The YOIHl.l: and lhe Cool who so rn(,tirn c~ "[x.C(lme~" slx-rear-nld
This p:l [ch job hea t KaTZm;ln's Chuhny Georg ie. Martm/Georgle h;l~ a Ulon-
C h ecker feature to the the,ners b}· 15 go loid hrother, k ills hi!> ~tepbthe r
days. Enjoy th{' nine minute TW IST (Frank Findlay), and rnov{'s inf O the
C RAZE proiogul' in color, rhl'n the best
of Sam Burera and the WimesS('s and
Louis Prima-who breaks an art-theft the first RJot~n p~hlre
ring whi le Turn ing h is cluh In TO a to re~ulre a
goldmlne. June Wilkinson is LOlli S' girl. face·to·facewarning '
Hl'<lr all the big dance hits: "The Cnn-
t lnl'n tal T WI,t," "Twistln' the Blues," may be the fast '
"Tag That T w1stl n' Doll ie," "When the shock film youwiff em want to
Sainrs Go Twbli n ' In," "Iklter Twist
Now Baby," and "Oh Mama, T W1 SI."


!961 Cl[umhla (B&W)
~ouca: Sam Kal:man
OIMCTOI\: ()s(ar Rudolph
SCI\([NWI\ITEI\: J amc~ Il Gordon
Five yl'a rs aft e r "Ruck Around the
Cloc k" real flick music was rl lrcaJy
gonl'. T here Wl're STIll great artl,ts and
reco rds, hut many of ,he o riglnarllr~

horne of Hayley Mills and hcr lllOfhcr
the lIlonth (Ocroix-r) of the C uban m is-
(Billie Whitelaw). The o ldcr woman ~ ll e Cri SI'.
trieS to seduce him with disa~trous rc-
~u [t s and H ayley return, hOlll l' to find
Georgie, a leddy hear. and an axc. HI~ nIB 1'1170 FACES OF DR.
prohlem,; are hlaml'd on a c hrornmomc JEKYLL , See HOUSE OF
imbalance. Mu sic by Bernard H err- FRIGln:
mann. The Boulting hrothers. whn pro-
duced and direcred, ar~' fwrn .' . Aft~'r
fi n ishing this fea ture. Ror 1X1IJiring l1l:lr- 1'1170 LOST WORLDS
ried Hayley Mills, who is 23 ~'car:, youn- ]1}50 UIlUl,J ArlrSlS (B&W)
ger than he i~. PRODUCER: B(lTl~ Perm((
DIRECTOR; Norman Dawn

TWITCH OF THE DEATH Ninetecl1! h -cell tufY Ausl ra lian prrates

NBRVB k,clllHp a ~ir l (Laufa Ell io t). The hem
1<)72 Hall'l\ark Oraly) (Jarnc~ Arness) arrivl's and thcv're a ll
PRODUCER: G i,"C'ppt' ZaC<.: ian.I I,) ~hi rw rl'c k c d ')11 ,1 Je,~crt island en liv-
OIR[(1"OR: \1 ario B~v<, em'd hy stnck footage frum One MiIll!m
K R£ENWI'.ITElU; II.-brio Ba\'~. Carl" Re" lr D.C. Wirh Bill Kennedy. now a Mid -
ALSO RH[ASEO AS; Lasl Hur4.\(' "'I Ilw 1..41 lI'e~t TV Il)(lvie-show host. O nl y 63
P<lrI 1/ minutes I'Jng.
O RIGINAllY I'.£LEA5EO AS; Am<,/l11l11
A strong I.... xl}·-coun r mnvle that greatly
in fluence.l the infer i,)r FTidll~ rhe 13[/1. TII700NA GUILLOTINE
I! include._ "I J pt.' of IIlIC;:"SC ~hoc k " ]1}6'i W;lt!wr Brothers (B&\V)
PRODUCU! DIR£OOR; \'(/ rlll~m
(:1. k.a. gnn' m ll rder~) ,mJ when origl-
SCRE£N\\IJU"ID.S: ! Icnr') SI"""lr. John KneuN.lhl
Il.I ll ~' r dea~ed the,lTer ralro n ~ werc
wamed "facc to (,1(e" ••hout thc contel\{. Connie Sten'ns ha~ to spend a week
III a Cfc'epy h:rUntl·d mansion !x.forc'sht:
De~plle the new rid e II 11'••5 n:-rl'"lcascd
umk'r In a CII[ version, II ha~ nothmg can colleCT he r rnheritancl'. Cesar Ro-
to do wirh UJSI Hmm' (III the Left. \VITh nwro I~ he r demented m;t.eician fa ther
ClauJrne A u.eer ;tllli ;t "\lrl'n ~e ending. ,md Dean Jones IS a nosy reporter. \X/i th
DiH'cror Bava ., crvcd ;t., his own cine- 1\llm Hun and Vlr.ein ia Gregg. e ll
matngr:lpher. (It )
1968 MGM (U.S.IEnghnJ)
1<)62 Elli,; Fi lm., SCRE( NWRITEI\5; SI<ln)ty KIJhrkk. Arthur
PRODUCER: Fred A. Nill's C. CI.1rl.:.::
DIRECTO R; \'(f,Jli~ 1llbrall.1
"TIll' ultimate rril'''-and for once the
ALSO I'.ELEASEO M; Rcd Hell. RltSlllUl I<'IU/<'ue
flds \\'~'re corrl'c !. It rel'olutionized th.::
An Olnt i-C()m rnunrst a )l eg(lry/f<lnl;r~y/ 1\lok \l( Cin~'llla fi c space travel (and ,1 PC
d"c umcnrarr with hlack-rohed B;tsrl Hli!~). It ,1 1:.(1 l\Ia~ resr onsible for makrng:
R,lIhh;)nl~ nOlrTaring rhl' hbhll)' el M;lrx- "Thlls Spakc ZaT;trhuslra" the most
i~rn (with til m <. lip.~). },,'Ial)' Murphy (~rar
(l\'c ru~ed IU ne known tn man . WITh
,JI Thc W/ild O,r.-) i~ Ewrywnlll,1I1 in a
Ke lr Dllilea. Gary Lockwood, ;tnJ
whitl' TIlhe. Shc rnternrpb R;uhhlllc Wi ll iam Srh-e.~ l er. Douglas Rai n is ,h l,
IVTlh qllestions. It was rc!e;t'l'll .luTi ng VOIC~' n ( I IAL.

Some of {he T\\"o TIwu·
sand M::miaC5tlf U'OTk.

Cloud, FloTlJ". Lewl' ah" pholo,

n."o nIOUS/INIJ AIIINIJlCS grnphed ;II1LI II·flII ... tho: musical ~COTe,
1964 B..)S Ofti(~' Spa,IoIcu[,U'
",000((1.: 1),1\,1.1 Fn~',hllan
DlkECTOk/K M I NWklTU.: II~r..chdl (Jordon THE Tlf/ONKY
Lewh 19}} L"nIlL...l Artl"!' (B~W)
After the m cr~·,hbk Blood F<.'<bL gl)n~ PII.OOUCn./OIIU:ClO""~OE(NW"ltE": Arch
tn.bler ILG. LCWh Ul,d~' Ihl' unique Oh"lcr
look :1( luthl'rn h'l,plt,liIIY· The :.mall A w"ndo:rful .tnl,·tl'le\,'~'\lIl cIlmc,h
nil.dulll,ITe. l!ans Conn;ld's ·..quarl' TV
10"" oj Pk'.L"lIH V"liq, \\,1 1~d nUl ~y
~et w1\h r;lhbH·o:, IT :Ultenn .1(~ comes III
tht, Unum dunn~ tin' CI\·i! \'\I .. r. m ,II.':I -
(,Illy return, l'very hun,lred y..:aT" for a Itfl', w"lb (\'Cry .1wkwanlly), J(leS
cch:hr,HlllO ,m.! rl·\'cn~l·. S IX \,lc.HUlIl- hOIl,ch"IJ , h oTI." wlIh elcC t nH)lC
1Il~ NUTlhc rm'r" ,ITe J,!n::ck'd by the JO' i:x:am', h)pn"":l'~ anYlme wi", trll'~ In
~tol' 1\, :lnd !ric, helpfully \<It:1h, (WeT
vi:tlm:lyuT :md 1ll,lck j.!Ul·"I~ 01 hOIl,'r.
One WIlman " dbmcmhl:red. ;mNhcr 1-I:1n; l,fl'. \11ro:CIOT O\"l(ll..:r lI'i\~ In,)r('
effeclI\"l' on the ra,lin (Li~l1ts O ut). !-I e
CTlI,hc,1 by a h'lldc\cr. Onl' man I~
II'''' :11", r",~p\ln ~i hlo: f,'T the hr~ ! p"~I'
harhl.'cu"d, il1wtlwr rulkd ,Iown a hill
\1l , I harro.::! linc,[lI'ith !liuls. As in the
nucle.IT \\";lr hIm (Fin.') Although Ihis
fir~1 LewI" j.!11rc hi m, PI<!ybo~' rlarmat..: I~ " (,)Illed\", 11 1ll,lko:~ " murl.' ~ta rtling
C,mnlo: M;l _', \l l (,',(;ll'l'''' The un,d- ~t.II .. ~ment th.m tho: recent N('tIIork.
Ibn).!ly ,L!T,lphIC ('ftech ,nil m,lke It hard With Glor i,1 Bllln,\cll and 13111)' Lynn.
fo r m,lIn' pcupk rn lilk.... Thl' corrn-
han),) lllthic i, I'Tt'\"1,kd hy Ihl.' Ple:1~anl
V"llq &ly~, who pl.l) Ii'l'nl-.e\\"e~. EEE-
1-I AH~ lil .. ltlrlc,ll h"mlT IllIh Thomas
\VPIlll ,m.! Jdfrl.'Y Allen. hhm:d In 51.

• ••
•• •
• • people. Yul Bryn ner (in between \Vest-

• •• 1956 Umll-d Artist, (B&W With ("ol,lr

Pf.ODUC[~: Clarence On"ene
«'()Tid fi lms) IS:l knife fighter looking (or
a heHer life. Max Von Sydow (in be-
• • SCIU:EH'WAITEA: FrancIs "'·1.uTln tween ExorCl$[ films) is the bamn , leader

• • Al.l() P.£I.£AS[D AS; UruJmlljied Fly,"g Ob,n:-ts

Tom Powns narmres rill:. very d:ucd
of the biggest tribe, who hoards IUXUTlf..'5
lrke Ixx:rks, cigars, and alcohol. Yul es-
and slow documentary \\'1111 m an~' ohvi- capes with pregna nt Joanna M iles
ously staged sequtO n ccs. Includes whar th rough desertro subway tunnels, kills a
rhe ads called "aClllal co lor fi lms o( lot of people, and loses h i~ hand before
UFOs kepr {OP secret unn! now !" surfac ing at 14th StreeT. Simi lar TO
ESctl/X! frum New YOTk. With William
Smith (Graw of tnc VampIre) and
Stephan Mch3ltie. From dw producer
THt: UFO INCIDENT and director of Bruce Lee's Enter [he
1975 TV Dragon. (R )
PI\ODUCEA!OIRECTOI\; Riehar,] A. Coli;'!
SCI'..E[NWI\IUP..S: S. Le(, Pogo,tin.
I il"sper Ander,o!l
This well-done TV-movie td ls the Story ULYSSES
of Ben~' and Bamey Hill, who said they 1955 Paramount (ITaly)
wefe t:lkcn alxlard a UFO and CX:lm- Dmo De Lau rt""mi is,
met! hy litt le gfl'cn Tl1t' n. It lI1c1udc~ Carlo Pontr
faelS th:ll many UFO (,mat ics c bim to D'I\lCT~: Mano C~Olf"ri ni
be undisputahle t~\' i dcnce. Onc(((lr KI\lEN'o\fkfTlAS: Fr.mco BrusaTi.
Colla l;ner went on to BaU/cslar Gtlltx- M ~no Canll' rilll, Ennlo De ConCiru,
Hugh Grny, Ben Hrthf , Ivo Pailli,
rica. With James Earl Jon e~ .mJ &ore !!c Irw in Shaw
Parsons as the II<IUI1l:lt i zcd couple. AI· OAlGINAUY Mi.LAS(O M: UliHl'
A heanlro Kirk Do,lglas Takes forever
to rerum to h iS wife, Silvana Mangano.
UFO,VlRGt:T t:ARIH He fights a giant crclops and Anthon)'
1974 Centrum I rn~rn3ti"n:ll Q Ullln and sees his men IlIrned in to
PI\ODUCEI\! DII\£CTOI\.: pigs by C irce (a lso Mangano). Wich
Mlch,wl A. De Gnwron" Rossana Podesta.
A pretrr flJnn~' fea!llfl' madc fOf
$70,000. Most o( the budget went (,)r
the compmer gr3phics llsed to ~h()w the
pure-energy (orm-,hi(ting al iens di.;c, >v- nlE UNCANNY
efed in:l ~p:lce,hip sllhrnergcd III a lake. 197 7 (l;n~ l "n,l/(:an~d:l)
PRODUCEII.S: Claude Heroux, Rene Dupon!
DIR£CTOI\: J)(·n ls Ha,llix
SCI\E(NWI\ITo.: MIchael PMr),
TilE ULTlA/An,' WARRIOR Anoth..:r horror antho logy, with three
1974 W••rncr BWlhers ~Tllries linked hy appear3 nces of R3Y
n.ODUCEIU: Fred \XI~'rn1raul>, P,nd H.:Ii"f Mi ll,rn.1, Peter CtJ~h ing, and some killer
DI I\ECTOI\! KI\[ENWRITEI\ : Rol>cn Cl,,,,'l"
Aftl'r rhe plague In the 1 h t century,
c<,,,. With S~lIn anth a Eggar, Chloe
Franh, Susa n P('nh:!li)!on. and Don:!l.!
\lew York C ity COIl5JSt~ of ~'\'eTil I aTllll'd Pleilscnce a' De'Ath. Not rl'le:!scd to
communes and cra:ed. wandl'TlIlg ~tTt..'t..t ArneTlcan theatefl-,.

Miller. Org,naHy hdlL',\ wllh VooJ""
19S9 Ernk.,<;)y (It:lly)
",OOU(o.: M;mn CO:CChl Gun
DIUCTOP.: Stefan" 5 1('n,' UNDER A Gt:
loO.(£NWlUf(M: EJuard" An"' .. , Dnl<> Verde. 1964 AII' {n&W)
S;'lndn)(~mtm.:n:a ~Oou<:.[1\: H.nold H,,(fm:m
()f.lGtH,ul Y Ml.£ASlO IS: T,'1n/N Dun 'it"" I OIIUCl()f;: LUT) Ruch,nun
V(IInpm SC!UEIiWIIJT£M: L'IrT)' Rueh.lnan,
C hrhWplll,'T Lee , frc~ h fru lll Horror of Har"ld II"ffm,1Il
/)mcula, pb ys a vi1mp;rc who hi les his D"'orcce Anne MacA.\,11l1' I ~ acc ll~t:,1
I1np")\,l:r ; sh~.,1 italian no"lc!lIan cousin of encouraging Ill'r 14 -y... ar-()!d ,bugh-
(comc,lirm Rcnatll Rased ). who is hu~y Il'r to transgre-.:. with " ~\!kxic :"Ul h,y
wurling as a porter In his c<lstlcfhotd. ,mJ hnJs hl.'r~elf on tTl;.l f,)T rape unde r
A cumcJy with Sylvia K'lscina a~ a hlJV Tex:. ~ la\\'. "Thl' TUT11c~IIl\"": Sung" omd
g:lr .. k'ncr. 11 was dll' fIrst of many Euro- "Boil Them Cahhag..: [").,)\\"11" ;lrc hear,l
p~: l n Christopher Lee 1ll()vic ~ . in til{' hackgr,)ll1ld .,~ daughtcr Ju,ly
Adkr, a unt Tommie RlI~~ll. ,m.l )""illl).!

11m UNCONQUERED RobnJ RoyteT paint Mom into a c"r-

ncr 0 11 1Iu.' S(,IIl,\. Bill, ,I~ in Tile Trild
1')47 P: IT.H1WUnt
P"OOUCEitJOIlU CTO" : C,,'ol 5, Dc l>.hllc of Lee /-lam:,) Onwld, th..: hnOll d\·C\-
!,O.HNIII"IlH,s: Chari .. , Jknnctt. silln is yours. ('1\
Frc.kTlC M. Fr:ml. J:ld: Lasky, Jr.
A hh.h c TUUS hl,mnc,,! epic aholll AllIeri- UNDERSEA GIRL
(,In 1n1.11:I1\$ (k'l.\ hy P,c'ri~ Karloff:ls Chil,f 19;7 AlIll,.1 A rll,f< (R~\V)
Guv;Nlra) \'~. the c(ll,)nist~. Techni- PM>OU(E"; Nonn~n T 11"rnl~n
cnl:.T fun ~1,lrrlnl! Gar,' Cooper ,tIld OIIUClOII.: John Pl'y,.cr
P,nll(,ftl' Godd;ml, I'r~- vlOlI~ l , ((',lIned K I\EEIiW""EI\: Arthur V, JI>IlC'
1Il I \:t.,tlll ... ·~ N!lrrhlt'...~ [ MVUIl[...d I'o/Ke. Ad\" ... rtlscd ,1': "Skin- divlll~ mermau.l
\'(/1111 H""';lrJ Ih Sih.... CeCil Kdla- \'S. ruthless (l\I~mcn III a whlrlrool ()f

w,ly. \'(f,.rJ (3.'n.l , M,h, Ma:mkl. Alan c rnn l'~" M,tra CorJ ,I)' finds mllne~' ()n
Ndl'l(' r. Lloyd Brldl.:e~, Lex Iluh'r, and the ""xiy 01 a murdereel (Una ti,\lI,'Tln:m,
(:haTle~ ~·I H.ldl('hltl. t hen \u·lp' tht: police ,mJ the Na\'y tie
up " ca~ lIWOIV lIl g $2 mllll\'" l(,~ t III
Ih,: sink ing o( a \VorlJ \Var II ,1....,[T<lyer.
Hili UN DI'AD O rigin<llly en-hIlled ".mh Tee1l(!)!\.' 1).)/1.
\<);(1 All' (R&W)
FeHurm,l! PoU C,'nwa~' of Tp111JI.lllmc:
P"o OUCU./OI"ECtO": H,"),!"r C,mn,ln
SC.U EHW" ,TEIU : Ch .• rl.-, Gri ft\! h. Tl'Tritln'~', Myron I-il'al..:y IlfW:mu EMil,
0:1Il Sq tllnU f, ;\nd Brick Su llivan .- Cl\
~brk 11.<1111:1
C\'r rn :I!l' ~ qlllcki(' rl.'lllcarn<1tlOIl m,wi ...
_,[,Im!)g Pallll'lil Duncan a~ a 19'iOs I'T0S- UNDt:RSFA KINGDOIII
{lIllie \\"h" ).!\le~ to a shr ink omd tinds 1916 R"ru\'\,( (fl&W)
hcrso.: lf \11 m .... I...'\·al timo.:s, con demn('J PRODUC E": N.1I 1,'\"lfW
, IS a wi tch. Alh...:,n I \;t y~'..; is a rl'al witch OIIUCTOM: n. I\cc\"c' E .. ,l"n. J""Th K,I!lC
wh" can turn mlo a cat. Brun,' Ve Sota SCHEIiWI\ITEM: J"hn R.nhm,'II.
:>.1.1lIT1U' UCr:l~h\l. Ohwr ])r,lh'
" killed wilh an ax('. W1th ,Ia ne;n),:
AUO IUUA!>[D...s: SfulY'''! "J Alkmll'
w,tch('~. a dw"ri.(Billy B..rty). an,i the
Devil (Rlch.ITd Del',m)! Al ~) with
Grl-,II ~L.I$h GorJrnl',lyk- ~l'n. ll ,lbo llt
RlCh,lTlI Garhmd, ~Ikl Welle~. ,md DICk ".lr III tho: l,)~1 CIIY IIf Ad,IIlTl', A~ the

In rhl' tradition o( Herschell Gordon
L{'\\'I~ ,COTe films hut wHh more <lttetilpts
, I t hum,) r. T \\'0 m,InIi1C~ wlrh moron;:y-
ell'S rind ch'l1 n~ hutcher WOllll·n 10 ere-
,HI.' hu~rne,~ for ,Ill undertaker (Ray
I),mnl,) who provides ClI{ -raa· funer,lls
wllh lradrn,C ,tillll~. Pan~ of the \'icmns
ar..: sl'rveJ In a diner, which o(fl'rs
'£X'Ci,lltles like leg of lamh (£rum:l MISS
Lamh). A ~t up id derective who loses
,el'C'Till sC'c rl'!:uic, with food nilnH.'S
investigates. Ternble :lcti ng and totally
t;l,t('le" hlack c()[lIl'dy. A cI:lssic of its
kind. With Rohen Lowery (a serial
/3mtntlll), When !ririe-billed with The
Cor/)sl' Grillders ancl Th" Embalmer, a
nur,e 11'<[, on clulY in the the:lt"r to give
hlpoJ-pTessurc checks and parrons rt'-
cl'Il'ed a "cerrific:llC o( asstlt;rnce" tn
>lgn. The the,lTer was nOi re'~l'o nsih1t·
fOT dl\lth, lIl~anlty, o r cornnilrics suf-
fl're.1 during or following a \·jewing o(
the ,ll'lllC'ntcd Iriple hil).


1%1 c;.,lumbl<l
PflO OtK£lI: Alex Gordon
011\(0 0 11: hank McDonald
SCI\£[HW"kI TEII; ()wt'n II~rn5

Dull ,lCcnunl uf the world';, tirst under.

<'I·iI Kh,lIl. MonIc Rlu,· h~hb fill' (orel" wal\'r Cll\' ;mJ Ihl" per~on:lllil'es o( Ir~
oj Sh:u.kl (\Vdh,lIn r,nnum). H,IY rnh:lhlt,HllS. \Vnh \V,lIi,un Lundlgan,
"Cra,h" Corn~i1n (,h hilll~elO l' tlw Jldw Ad,HllS (CreatIne {mm the B/a,:k
Ill!l,;cuL,r hero Irom lh,· ,urhce oj Earlh.,lloon). ,;nd Paul Duh..,I',
\Vnh 'pike.! I.mb. Wilmor, I>1l hor'l·-
",Ilk. ;1 di'UHl").'T,lt lon lILIChulC, T,IY
~lIn" iln.1 the IX'rular Repllhllc f\)h)I,. 11ft: UNDYING JIONSTER
\Virh LHI Ch:l Il<'Y. Jr.. il' I I.l kuT. LI'I' 194110thC,'ntury.Fox (8&W)
\Vll.k, ,m.1C. MOnl:lglll' SIr,III. A k:\ - ' II;O OUCE II;; Br~',lI\ F"y
IIIT<' \"cr_lnn Wd, rde,1,cd III 1961. O I Il;£CTO ~ ; ),,1111 Br:rhrn
SC II;[[NWIIIT£M; Ldlre Hayw:l,d.
11ft: UNDER1AKl,RAND 111.1' Mlch,,<' 1J.h:(,h~
l !4 LS A wealthy RTIII_h family 11\,1ng: near the
1<)6711,>1\(" 1l1()\)r~ I' cu r~l·d. The Ill,. Ie hClr (Joh n
PflOOUC £II !OIIlEOOII; n ," 'I,1 ( . ('r"h.un H ow,lrd ) hecome, il wnewotf. The
S(I\[[ NWIIJTEII: T. 1. .1' ~",n'g, . ... 1 wolfm rm I~ .- een onl)· hnd1r III th., at-
mospheric mystery. With H eather
Angel. Bramwell Fletcher, James Elli-
son, and Holmes Herbert. It was made
be<ausc of the success of Universa l's The
Wolf Man the previous year.

1957 Republic (B&W)
Pf.OOU(EpJOlktCTO«.: Brooke L. Peters
SCI.EEH'NMPJ: GeoffTe~ Dennis, Jane Mann
Advenised as: "Guaranteed to fr ight-
e n !" In one of Republic's last pro-
duc tions, mad scicntinJohn Carradine
lures mentally disturbed patients to his
house in Georgia for treatment. He uses
them for experiments with etemallife
which lliways backfire and cause his
basement to fi ll up with mutan ts. His
servant Lobo (Tor Johnson) turns on
him and rescues sexy Allison Hayes and
her new love, escaped co nvict Myron
Healy. Originally co-billed with Begin-
ning of ,he End. It's similar to but more THE UNHOLY FOUR Tor Johnson gram hero
fu n than the previous year's period ho r- 1954 Lippert (Enl:land) M yron Hl'aly In The
ror film. The Btack Sleep. ""ODU(EI\JK'-EEWWNTEII.: Michael Ca rrera s Unearthl),.
DlAECTOII.: Terence FI sher
Srmngcr Came Home
Early effort by Hammer Films director
THE UNGUARDED AIOAIENT Fisher. Wi ll iam Sylvester (Devil Doll)
1956 Universal is an amnesiac accused of murder. With
l'I\Oouca: Gordon Ka}' Paulette Goddard who d idn't act agai n
OII\,(CTO": Harry Keller for 12 years. after thi s.
~: Herb Meadow. Lan)' Marcos
High s<:hool psycho under influe nce of
misogynist fa ther intimidates buxom UNIDENTIFIED FLYING
teacher with series of mash notes. She OBJECTS, S ee UFO.
nics TO help him. The boy is fina lly
freed fro m his mania when the crazed THE UNINVITED
parent dies of heart seizure afrer be;n~ 1944 Pardffiounr (B&W)
d iscovered rummag ing through the ",ooucu.: C harles Bwc kctt
teacher's apartment. Jo hn Saxon and OIP.£CTOI'.: leWIS AIIO;>Il
swimming great Esther Wi1Jiams STar as SCk[ENWM"tIU: Frank Panos.Dodu: Smith
student and teacher, with George Na- A supernatura l shocker aoout a brother
der, Edward Andrews, and Les Tre- and sister (Ray Mill and and Ruth
mayne. One of the screenwriters was Hussey) who rent (I haunted house on
act ually Rosa lind Russe ll und er a the Com ish coasl of England. A young
pseudonym. -CB medium (Gail Russell ) n ics to exorcise

a spiri r. which ,lppe,lTS as eC((lpJ.hlll , UNKNOIVN ISLAND
A serious American ghmt movie W,I~ :l [948 Film Cla»I"_
unique itk-cl in ,h(· '40s. No other~ II'l're PI'.OO(JCO.: Alhen Jar Cohen
made until The Hmmlmg (1963), The OItU:CTOI'.:j .tCL.: Remhard
e<bl includes Abn N:l l'l er. Donald KM:ENWl'.tTEM: Rubert T. Shannon.
Cn~p, and Co rnell.! al i, Skinner. j,ll k I Ian l'Y
O oginal ads compared II to Rd:Jt>cc(l, A 1(l~I-w,)rl d movie wHh h l J.lTi oll~ Ill. ln -
tn-;'l-'UII d inosa urs w:l lklllg "roUlll] a
THE UNKISSED BKIDE, S ec lk·x·T!. \Vllh RIc hard Denn mg. Virgi m a
"!OTHER GOOSE-A-GO-GO. Grl·~·. Barton Macl,me, ,md a man in a
gorrl !a 'U II pbYlIlg" prehistoric ~ loth.
THEUNKNOIVN All Ihh 'Illd Ci neco lor loo!
[946 C()[uml:>ia (R&W)
PI'.OOUCEI'.: \V~[[ ,KT Id"d\maIJ
DII'.£CTOI'.: Ilenr) LCI'II'
KI'.E[NWI'.ITU.S: M"Ic.']T11 Stll<lr! 1'..'il.1I1. 'lIll; UNKNOWN TERROR
Juli an 1 [ arm<11l 1\) ,)7 20t h Cl' n1llry. Fox (B&W)
An "I Love ;1 Mptl'r)" fl'dturC h;'l~ed PI'.OOU CEI'. ; Ch,1 rk, SI .lhkr
o n rhe CBS radio shuw. Private dell'c- OII'.ECTOI'.: Ch:l rl es Mnrqllis \V~rr~n
rivcs capmre cloakl'd gra \'(,~ rohhcr a t SCI'.HNW"ITE"; Ke !1n~th Hlggllb
a haunH'd Sourhern Illan~ion, Jim Am",! :-c knmt III the CaTlhlwan tllrm
Bannon and Rarton Yarhorough ~t;lT, loc' l l~ mfil _111~ f{la m-((IVCred 1l\0nS ler~.
With Ka re n Mo rle y, MaLI Power, ... mer_ the "cave o r dead I"
,Ill,] explore_ "the ~l'cret~ 0/ hell." Lcg-
end,lr}, n\)I)-·.C<lre~ WIth John Howard.
P,lUI Rllh,Ir\]~, and Si r Lancdot-K lng
<11 dw C. l lrp'<O~ (from 1 \tla/ked Il'Ith a

]\~;0 LII'll<:rt ( BMV)
PI'.OOUCEIU: j,lCL.: R,lhn, In, If1 Bind
OII'.£CTOI'.: rl'rrdl O. Mor,c
SCI'.[ENIIII'.ITU: \llllar,l K,llI(m:m
A nCI\'~rccl .. bow a "s..x iny to SdVl'
C!v lli :.t tlo n " ~ h(lw, ll1('mhcrs cl<liming
th ... rc I' no hop..: of "lIn'ivtng ,In tne v i-
1:1H .., nllc blT war. Aflcrnbt,lin iTlg some
l:bT minutc fund." the Mo rle y e xpedi -
Il'lIl h,)ard, th e cyclotron . a gi;ml

HIDDEN p;l~f!/;Jy
tfil\'('ling drill Vl' hide, an,] heads (or
Ihe Cl>nlc r {It the E.. nh (ac tuall y (:,lrlS-
:'F£"I'.l ]" .J C;tVl'f1h) hI lind a sa fe place lor
TERROR! _, ~~
hll l1l <ln~. Ailer a ~trong beginning th l ~
;0 , starring hIm rl',llIy , I (lw~ dow n . \Vith Bruce
AW RLD NORTHA L FILM BARBARA BACH lm Kdlogc, fI.'laril l'n Nash. and Vict<lr

\'(/01llt'11, retllrns I1l llm'ther meT"",ilhlc
UNNATUlIiID IIldep,:nJcnr. The lll\' c\,lIm 11\ ",I pIC-
1',};2 t1CA (W.Co.-rm,!!",)
OIUCTOf,: Arthur 1<.1.1(1.1 Ralx'!l;lh
ture tklt wmlill shlxk tn. KIIN!"~" ,Iml
)(M[MI,\I'NTo.: Fru: ROUt'l
~ h()w an :Jr<-' tondlm).! ~ t ,lTlet J<lL'IU""-
QPJGINmY "EL£,U£O AS: A!r,ulI1<' h nl' FontaH'le (\\"ho \\",," I,Her III (j1lt'~$
Sc u:nllst Ench vun S Hoheull uses Who's CllminR 10 Dllmer). Sh...', ,I (c-
,lrllfic~ llIl ..e nHn"Tllln In create:l :'1.111 1- mak Tar-an t)f'I.'. The hlg qll,:-l1l1n I':
Ie,,:. wolll,m (llilJ~'~,'rJl' :-.left). \Vith "WhICh Will ht.- h e r 1I1:1IC ... m ,m or
Kflrl R.)Chm. A po pular German stur'), hea:.t!" It W,I' l, n l!ln,lll y cll-hll k·.! With
It haJ prev lollsly heen filmed three Ont' \'(/(1:" T lCk", [II lid!. a t ...,...'IMgc-
TIInl' ~.
na rCI)tK' ex("'l)~"':'


194; r .,r<lmpullt (B&W) 1951 l) rlltc,\ .Arll'" (B&Wl
OII\EClO": L<,w I) Alkn p~oouc[~: Rldl<lrd K<I)
Hag.'f Wikk.
Dt~ECTO~: W. tvk rk Conn,'11
Rlyn\\\Il,1 C h:mJkr SCREENW~ ITE~: Genr)!,' W. ::;,'\,Te

A t,lf),Zotten fnl\ow ' lIp to The UIlIIII'II<:d. From thc :ld~: "S,I\"I).!"" hC,LlItl c~ whll
A, d ~'\lllng g,lVcrnl"~' luvdy Gilll Rus- fC~lred n o a n llll.I!. . y...·t t..:lllx'fo rc thc
sel l 'lI~pl'Ch her l'llIp\llycr 01 hem),! a
killer. Wuh J,wl McCrea. He rl-en
~ .lr .. hall. and Ph~'llh Brnuks. No ghUSb EEl VELDA
tI,... tllllC, though.

1~81 W"rl.1
"'000([": Amh.,n} Unger
OIPLCTOI\: PI'{I'f !-.. le),!
K I\[(NWklTEI\: f>.lichold L Groce
B.uh:lra Bach star, as an L.A. TV
no.:w~wu man ~JX' ndmg ,he night at the
11\:\",1(1) of:\ weird museum manager
(Sld" ...,\, L:1 ~ lck of Olle Fleu Ot'{'T [hi'
Cllclu ... I'S Nest). I IldJen in the h~lso:mel1t
I' :1 ll1UrJt'TllUS rct:1TcbJ O\'cr\\"e;ght full-
gf(lwn hah\' (Stevcn Furst of Allimal
IliIl!l('). Barhlra's lWO fr ;end~ ,He kdled
and ~ he ':. nest. An lIn,lerr~Hed ami per-
\,CT:.<' Ihlmlr nun-hi\. (10

1960 Brennn
Ron O rmand
AIl,IIl N lson, the chansmatlC star of
Prt'h I 5[uri ~ W/umen fl nJ Mrs'. <If Los!

touch o( Illl'n ~" Fo ur healthy 20th. Lyle Talbot. and Doris Merrick. Choict.
ccntury American malc~ finJ thl'm~lvc~ dml o~uc ; "Shoot anything with hair
on ,m llncharTf"j island nrleJ by pnl'~t­ th:l r moves!"
e'~ S;mdra and hef trlhe o f beaut l(u l
Dn"d~! The onh· male~ thne afl' h.llry,
ment.llly JeficienT W:lITrOl'. The Aml'n- UNDW£D YO lffH
c.m ~ arc capture.j br the WOlllt'n (or 19;7 Warners (B&W)
hrccdmg. OUt carnl\'or\lU.~ plants. thc PI'ODlJ(EA: Auhre~' Schenck
OIM:CTO«.: How<lro W. Koch
h.llrr Opposition .•md ~ t{lc k (Ol...t:li!e o(
KR.UNWI'lTEI': John C. Hl\!.I!lIls
din(lMur~ keep r1wm too husy to have
;m\ tun. A classic. With Mikel <':"111"1.1. The ads promiscd a look "Inside a JUVl'-
nile prison (arm!" Two entl'naincr sis-
ters :lre picked up hitchhiking and gl't
30 drlYs' lahor at a reform school/conon
Your vacation is about \' to end III (arm run hy senile lady judge LUTenc
Tuttle imd la~civi()us tyrant John Rus-
se ll. RllssdJ's labor sca m blows up ,lfteT
Yvonne Lime miscarries ,md uit's fTum
overw<)rk. "Starring the girl built like
a platinum JX)wcrhousc" (Mamil' V;m
Do ren), with Lorie Nelson as hcr sis.
tcr. MUSICal sequcnces (eature EdJie
Cochran and thc Ho llywood Rock 'n'
Ro llers. with inCidental themes hy Les
Baxter. CR

19;8 Alho:J AT1I~1S (B&\V)
PI'OOUC(I': Jo:.eph Juslman
0 11'(001'; \V:lller Dllnll{n
SCI'((N"'.InJrns; An..on Bond. Alden ~ as h
Norma Moore, a small-town girl new
to Lo~ Angelcs. sees a brigh t (uture
when Robert Vallghn, a nice IXJY from
a wCfllthy (amil~'. promises to make hcr
dreams come truc. Then he asks her to
help hun rob a movie theater. "Snagged
h~' unguidcd emot ions!" as the ads put
It. From the dircctor o ( over 200 epi.
sode~ of /'c)"lOn PlcKe. With Diana
Darrill, Billic Bird, and Ron Hargr<lve
- who sings the tirle song. - CB


1979 New World (Phl],ppines)
PIIooucn.; Clfl O H. Santiago
OIM:CTOl': Olliries 8. Gnffith
So.((~IT(J.: Alfred Sween}'

Annthcr Jm! ,-in~I"rnl 11",\,11: ah.llll ;\
hI!! I'rchl't, ITIC h,h, \XI 11h Sam Bulh )11l~,
\'tn.!t1 fl)'l'. ,11\,1 Su:,lIlnl' Rl'e.l, Dlrec-
("r GTlfhrh wroll' m,lIl~ ,l Rugl' r Cor-
1ll.ln', h."1 mll\ ll". "Your \·;\CII"III 15
"b.,tlt (II l'n,I~" eTlc,1 " ,", ,11k {Rl

IlJ-llll ' I11H'NIIBc..\'V)
P"'ODUCE"{SC"[(N;\I~ITE": K"rl T"nN.'Tl!
DIM:CTO": WIIII,1I1l t\ . :'CI1,'r
A Illu'lldl with '111).!lng I\,l [)mbln
,mel r"r< lrl cr nl, k H:1\'nlC' I'xpt"tng rh,'
c,' rrul" !I)th -(" ntury "Boss T\\,I'I'd "
(V lIl(l'1I1 !'ned, )11" try :mll si t tl lr, ,ugh
II , Durhln I'l'tlfl"\ fr"nl ,u.: t ing dll ... r ,m.:
m,'r.' pielurl',

I 9'i,": Alh,''! Arl I'\> (1'>&\'(/)
P"O DUC E": RI,h,Ir.lllnT\Il:lnn'
DIII.ECTOII.: \'(/,Ih\llll 1l"",,,,,III),'
KII.[(NW"IT£II.: J,I'~ T"wn1,',
Hu",: 11.11\ 1'0,. 11, hl~:.t lui w Sawn (Byron
h'l lh!,'r), I-k ,I. IC~ It II I win at th.: rael'",
\'(I1th St,tnk-,' C I.,:ml 'l1h, 111l' I\'\\'l' r~
1\,\, dill ()nh " Ill' 1I1"ro;' (llO\' 1(". [!all
h,I,II",,'n I'I.I~ In)! h",u.:,llIy th ... ",'lIn,: n ,11
'1I1e.: tlw ]<)37 111,,\' 1,' (.1Il.! pl.ld /)<,,11./
tn.1. II,' W. l " ,I 3$,,,·ar.,,I.1 h" wh...n
th ... -':fI," ,:nJ,'.!,

74 )
Tilt: VAGA BON D KING 1\'l nd'lll rm '\\\'l'p, t lK Ill (lIltO;J 1'''~~ lng
19'i61',U.lllh'Ull! com e t. O n ,h,II lilly rrdl1~tonc glom-
PI';ODU(o.; 1'.11 In.l!!c.m thc)· hn d the nn' r peu ple figh rmg the
DII';£OOI';; ~lich""1 CUrt.:
C<l\"~ 'rl'opll' mJJtant~. limlls.lm fool. lgl·
SCII[£HWPJTEI'S; Kt'I1i:ngllln,1. '\; 1><:1 Lmdn
{Will One ,\ jtll,ou B. C. . th l' spider fr,)IJl
Kdrhq n Ural" In ,1Il,1 Or~'rl' (,Ill ()!'Cr.1 \'(/orld \'('ahuw End. and ~()m~ /n .. n dJy
'~nor ) m a mlNeal r,'rn,."., , )1 III W'a", C:l\·C\\·OIlll'n, JO;l11 S l a n l,'y (Pl{i~bo~'s
Km~ (I<}3bl. \ 'i n ct.'m Pnll' 11.Irr,u~,. M", NOl'cm her 1958), <l n d Damdk
W ith R ir,. '\ I o r~n " ,md Sir CnITlt.: OeMI'!:. Th(, m~n hecome p;d~ an,1
H " r.hlockc In \"'f.I\"'I<"1. un,,<, til" II<lrr mg (TIN'. B,I"-'d on <l Ju Ie,
Vern(' nm·l' l.
1':151 C"lur" I1I,( (R&\V)
lHE VALU;Y OF (;1I"llNGI PI\ODUCEI';; S,un K,a :m" fl
19h9 \\I,mW r BIll( hn' OIIlE(TOI\: \'(I d ll ~m Berh '
H ODU(EII: Ch~r l t, I L :;,-hn~"1 SC I\£E NWP.ITH: bill ,lTd Ikrnd,
DIII.[OOI'; ; j"I11'" l)"C,mn\ ,III
JUIl)..!k JlIll (Jllhn n y \V1~i~, m 1J lk r ) lwl p '
~CII£ENWI';ITEI'S; \X'ilh ,ml E. Ft"t.
juh,m ~j",c ,I g\lVl'rnnwll t Il' l' re,(~ n (a t t\"l' m" k ~ a
de,11 wHh ll.ltil"e, tllr 111 1l1 t'ra l dq'o.' l(,.
Th " R,ll IIMrrh<lu'en pn'J"-'U I_ Olll'
\Vtlh Cbn'lIil(' Llr~m.
of [hI' b.>S[ ,mim.lh'J m"Vll" ",ITT m:ldc .
h \ ,I pr... h"lOrtc dmO',llJT n. (o\\"ho\_
~ [lln '1' ( III .\ Il'xic(l ,h,n k'm ~ KilliK ,11lI -
VAL I, 1i1' OF 11/F ZOIllBIES
1946 RlTUhl " (8&\'(1)
11l.I(, )r \X'IIII~ (rBTlen wrote ,lIld \\",lIl tl·.1
I,) mdke hlilbelf" \Vhen d tT;l\clln!1 ur. I\lln-II .1ll,1 ~!u.lT1 ~k(J,m ,Ill
Cll, l",lpllJn·' rhe [I(k' crt.',l(urt' [hn .1" . I'hlhp I'old
D[ I';{OO Il:
pby him III a 'f.ldlU IH (,I '~qul'nu' I,m Kt.' lth ptlys ,Ill 1Il"me doct o r who
'lTlgln,llh 1'l.lIln~d for k'fJIIR). TIll' ,K'
"'!Urn, lrom fhl' Je,lcl <lnd ,t..:" I.< hloo.1
nOll take, " whd ... to ,fan, f-.UI h,U1!1 III
W ~f<ly ,dl\e. ,",m -rlmlls wIth Rof.....n
therl' ,lIld ,"<lldl ":I' a IlIlr prclll'toril
L,\·m l.!'t,m , Adrian Ro: ... ,t h. dnJ a to r:11
hor,,' , " pl ... ruJaclvL Gw,mgl hghtin!1 I.Kk 01 :,\llll'ic,.
,moth ... r JIIlO~<lUT and an eI~r h anl. ,mJ
('\\',IIl[!1 hTmn: lIlg a dlllrch. r-\l'\'~r 1,\·.
f(1n~ or 'IIKl' h'lI"1' anillld f\'d crcaturc,
l()ok~d ~(l cOI1\·inctng. Le,~ {"olll"1I1cilll.!
,I re j;J I1 H.~~ Fr: lllc i ~c(l.'. G il., CJolan. ,m el
' 50, scielH.:,'·tlc [io ll ,1M Ri ch,lTd Colrl .
1961J <:"111 11110,,, (~j"X i '-ll )
son . SCrlp[writer R.,'t \I'ol~ ,I fOO!1lIll,l!<.:
PI';OOUC[I';: L llI ) i:nriq llc Vt'q!,IL(
and h illgra r fll"r of J<l me, ])\"111 . DIII£ CTOII: FrCdl'rl(: " CllTl<: 1
KH[NWI';IT£I'S: AJolfo T UTT,'" Pund!",
VALLEY OF 111£ DRAGONS Fro:.knUl Cur'tl
1961 Columh,l (B&\V) The I"" o f (')llr h')TTll r movies joh n
R" !-cn,
PI';ODUC(I';: Rryon
Ca rradme I1Mde III t-. lex lco. Th,~ Oil..:
DlIl.ECTOII! KHENWlI ll[lI : EJ",ud ikmd, 1 (', ' lUr('~ wrl'sd'I1.1! s u p~ r he ro \1d~ .\-1dS-
Ce~,l rl' {)<l110\,l ,.nJ S~,l n "kC I (l r ~' ,. n' CM:l, fighti n g .l gro up of fe rn,lll- \a l11-
having a 19th·c~ntuT\ Juel when ,I plrl'~ 1Il hn..l~· ~ t n{: k lll l.!) Wlf h w lll g~ "

Senor Canadine. Ihl: vamp irl~ lellder. is the herll. E.G. Marshall is the V;! n
IS o\"euhruwn by Maria Duva l (Sal\la Hd sing type . k~IGl Walter (Play Misl),
tis. [he Va mpire Woman) ;!nd luch·d m for Me) has an attrac tive neck . like
a C. lge. th(· va mpire III Hrides of /)r(lClIW, this
one IS blond .
l1-lE VAlI/PlRE ('32), Sec
l1-lE VM fPIRE AND T Ht:
THE VAI/IPIRE 1960 UnliN Artish (ha ly) (B&\'(/)
1957 Cnited Arn'b (I3&W) ~OOUC[I\: Brun,1 BoI{)!!ne<.
PI\OOucu.s: AnhurGarJna. Juics L\·vy OI I\lCTOI\; Renal\) PO[S\'[['
Oll\EOOI\; P~u[ L.lIldrc, SCI\lEN\II'NTEI\S; Rcna!U P,,[sdlt.
KI\EENWI\ITO; P~t Fl ~[der Ernt:sh1 C;" I;I[d, . G,II,....pp.' Pl:llt),! r lll1
AUO IULEASEO M; Murk of Ih.- V,nUplrt· Ol\1GINAUY !'.[lEASEO,u; L'Anumte dd
A doctor (John Bea!) becomes;l c TU;; ' ~' VamfJIrtl
mo nstl'r when he tllke~ soml' pills. U)St in the w()I KIsin a ~ to rm , rwo mem-
Billed a, "a n ew kind {) f horror. " Right, bers of a ballet troupe hnd a ea~de in
With Coleen Gray and Kenneth Toocy. which ,,) spend the nigh t. Thl' castle
is owned by ;! COnfe.~l who is realiy a
vampire. She ,mel her vampire ~ervanf
7'HEVMIPIRE (with a Wiled, le;!lhery (aed terrorize
1957 K. Gonion MlIml ~' (MeXICO) the dan cer~ , \\'ho ar\' hlJllt more li ke
(B&W) striJ1 per~ than h;!lIertlMs, Great cheap
~OOUC[I\: Abel S.. la:;u
thrills. With Hell'Ill' R .. my, Walter
OIIl,lCTOI\: Fernando Mende:
SCNOfWI\/T[M: 1 [enriqul' RoJTlguc:.
Brandi. and Mari" Luis" Rolando.
Ranu\n Ohlin
While A rnericam we re concern... d with "'IIIIPIRt: BAT
,t[{)m ic bombs and space invad ... r~. Mex- 191\ M;l)e'IIC' (13&\'(/)
ic{) gut husy coprin/.! our '30s ;lI\d '40~ "'OOUC[I\: Phi l G,,[d~\tHlI:
horror movie~. Gerrmlll R,)bles is COlin! OIl'.ECTOI'.:Fr<l"k S1Ta~e r
SCI\tENWI\1TEI'.; EJ ....lrJ T. I...~w~·
lowud, an irnpressi\'e-look1llg vampire
with very Ion/.! fan,i.!~ and a nice crypT. LlOnd Alwi1ll~ the tIl,ld Dr. Ot!\) HlTl
Pnaducer Abel Sill,,:'1r was the [Or-hilled Nklll,mn In litiS 1'l<)\T rt ~'- r\)w hl)rror
hem. The Vampire', Coffin was a seque l, trle~ hard In m,lke YOII think It'S
(rtlm UI1\\'er,,,1, Th<lT stud iO's St.-t, we re
horrowed, Lionel Bdmore repc,u~ h is
VM fPIRE /mrg<'TJI1(,ISfer rul~' (r,nn Fwuk<'lIS1elll,
19i9TV amI. he~t ( )f ;!II. idio! I'lltkeq't'r DWlghl
"'oouco: G rt).!\,ry I-I,)hhl Frye look, and ,Kh like Renfidd in
OtUOOA: E. W. Swackhammcr /)1'(Icuw. A twi 11 ~~nd~ RoheT! Fr<l"cr OUI
sau:E~: Sll:\'t Boeho, Mldht,,"l Ko:d[ (or \'lC TlillS to nouTl,h a hl\lh of IrVtng
In re~pon~ to the Frank Lan,i.!ella /)r(u:- li s~ue he h'l'P~ in a t:rnk, Fay \V ray (in
u w. ABC gave liS thiS T V-mOVie with hl'r third hIm Wi th ATll'ill ) is the ~t ar
Rich ard Lynch terrori:ing I1Kxlcrn-d<1~' :litl]ust-vlCtim, Mc1 v~'n DOllgbs I ~ the
San Francisc(), where of COUrsl' he vis- hero. A \ ery ~t rallge ,md ~xlre1llclr (Jut-
its a di.'>Co. J a~()n Mill er (Th .. Exorml) dateJ exrl<llt;l1l111l him .

nlE VMIPfRE BEllS I' lessV(lmpire Killers, plays another com ic
CRA VES BLOOD bloodsuckcr. This ti mc he's sUTToundl~d
[968 T l,I«.m/ PaCt"makcr (EnJ.,!land) b~· beautiful wOll1en and rides in a "hat
P!\ODUC£A: ~\ m(lld L /vl illcr copter. "
S("'[[NW~TU.: Peter Byr.m
AllO R£I.£ASlD M: The B1uud Bei!)1 T~'TT(I,.
19790lprrcorn TIlree ( Ph ilippinl's)
Rohen Fleming is a 19th-century cnto- ~CEk: Roher! E. W:llers
11lt)I,>gI~{ ..... ho~.-' daugh ter (\V,lIlda Vent- DrIl£CT~: C 'rlo H. 5.Jntlago
h,un) L~ act ua lly a gi,ml mot h (!) thm KI\£[NWA.lTEII: Howard Cohen
ncnh human btooJ to survive. They AUO 1lEl£A5£D M: Senmuu5 Vam/llte5
'£:0 to ,j fishing village ~) Fiem lllg can John Ca rradine is a 73-year-old vam -
w(lrk qllil-tly on (;fearing" 1l1!lI C for hi~ pirc widl a h<lf{'m o( (emalc v<l rnpi res
'\!.tug/Hcr. " &xause of the moun ting who bring victims to his t<lcky h idden
,k"Hh~. an irhIX'ctor (Ill,ter C ushing) crypt. I think it's supposed to be (unn y.
arrives with hi~ d:Hlghter (Vanc ~sa Carradinc W<l5 anoTher aged bloo.:!slIcker
Ilow:nd) who is soon cLpturcd hy the the sanll' ye<lr in Noetl/nUl. (R )
Ill"lh W,)Ill<ln. l3;)s l i Rathh.Hle W(\S
~lg ncd co pLl)" the brhl'r hut ,lil'J he- THB VM fPIRE LOVERS
(nre tihning ,1<Irtcd, 1970 liammeriA1P (Engh"dl
PIIODUC EII.S : I I ~rry Fine, M Ichacl Seyl ...
[972 IlamnwrflOrh G:n!ury.Fox K II£[NWAtT(A: Tudor Gael'S
(Encl.lI1.1) It migh l look tame now. bur th is was
PRODUCEI'.: W ll hur S{,uk Hammer's fi rst ho rror film with nudity,
[)lU CTO ... : Rubert YUlITl)! and li S lesbian-va mpire theme was:.oon
!>(AE[NWIIIJIII.: Judson Krnfx,rg uSt.oO m quile a (ew Europe<ln imitations.
A ~urernatural circu~ nm hy a v,unplrc Based (In Sheridan Le Emu's Camlilln.
pl"\,, In Ihl' 19d1-century Europea n it ~ tars Polish-born Ingrid Pitt as M ir-
IOwn where h . ~ C()U~1I1 had Ix'en c<l lia K<lnlstein , an ageless va mpire who
The populal1on I , enlen,lIned, dll'n seduces her mostl y (emale \'ictillls before
horn lied. hy a man who Il lfn s mI ll ;, d rai ning their blood . Shl~ re(Urns to
p'HlIher. ,Kroh"TIC Iwin~ wh o become plague the village o( Sryria. using the
11;",. and a tiger woman. \Vith Adri- names MirC<l lla and Marci lla. Pippa
enlh' C"ri , Thurk y'l'r~. Jt'hn S lc e l, Madelit\(' S mith. and K"rc
Moulder-Brown. :m,l D;lvid Prow!)\:. An O'Mara flrc three 0( the victims who
ltllcrl'sl in~ v<lriation un thel11e.' fT\l11l havc nightrmres abo ut a gi<ltlt blooJ-
I i.l11l11H'L IT urig lll;,ll y pi"yed with sucking ca t. Peter C ushing (as Gen-
CUWlh'5,\ Druel/Lt, ewl Sp iels..torl) <lnd Dougias Wi illler (rlS
Baron Hartug) know how to stop the
THIi V/I,IIPIRE HAPP!:.'NING vtl mpircs- decapitate the m. W ithJ u n
19i1 Acqu ,1a hlrm (W.licTIll.,ny) Fin c h, Daw n Addams, and Ferd y
P'l'r A. Cmlllmcci
PIIOOUCEII: Mayne . The sequd W<lS Lus t fur (I
DtIl£CTOII; Freddlc h :m(i. VWlIpire. (R )
KIIHNWIIIT(II: Augu,t R,cgl'r
PLAN !:.']', S ee HORROR OF
FerJy Mayne. ,hl' \'ampI Tl' in The Fear- THB BLOOD AIONSTF.RS.







l'l;d f..: . (;or,l"n ~l lIrr~y \~tcxlc, )l
Pkooun"; AI'd S,'\
I-crn"ml. , l>.ll'Il,k:
D'I'.ECTOI'. :
K U £NWPJTlM: R.lIUllll ()h:m , J;1\''''r 1\1.11,-,,,
dd Cullm
S':qul,1 to The Valli/Jill' . with G~rm;11l

R"hk~ rt:tllTllm g '" Count LI\'ud, "
\'Olmlllr~ who Jic' ,1, <I h H pl!lnccl r"
till' wrtlll-Y;l 'I'Cdr. Ah,>l S"l,I:.'T 1, t hl'
h,'T,' ,lg.HII. It I'Ll\'cd '>(111\,' Allw ricall
thl·,H ... r~ ,', p:nt o ( ,I "gl. tnt ~r"'.lIn ,ho w"
wHh Til" Ruhut \'5 Ilh' A~I<'c ," IWI1111\
,1Il,1 rl~opk ,In:~~"d hh' lllon~h'r- Till;'
ning th mugh dw ;u,k"
194; R<'l'uH 'l (II&\'(')
,. _- ...
~"'. >C TO.
R . "......"._,,,,,.,,.,,,,


0'''£00'': L",k~ Sclan,It'T
SCkEENWI\ITEM: L,'n.:h Rr,ld ; ,·t!.
J" hl1 K. Blllkr
J'lhn Ahh It t .• \11 Imdl'rW()rt,t IC.llkr IIII
TilE VAlli PIRI, :~ N IG,//T AI,,, rd",I.II.'J ''-' \ ',U1I1'Ir..:
ORG )' H,~,h' r,
the we" coast 01 Africa. turn~ uut to
he" In 01 " v'll1ll'in·. He rom' r he kdtl·d 197) In rnn,lt hlll,ll Amu .....·nwll1 (SI" "")
P"ODUC£k: J'hl' h~dl'
by I'ulk f ~ ,mel he Gl rril'~ PC!!}!\' S W,lf(
DI"ECTOf.: L'~'II K lml<,\,k \
"Hlund. Slow 1l\ITTlIr with G r,lll ! \'Vllh · SC"EENW"ITE"~: (J"hl..:1 R" f)!''',
l'''' ,md C hdTlc~ C;,)rd,m. T he mll~t n l)'
! ,.hle \'1(t ,Ih"ut I hl' ' l l lI.:kle I, that., O"IG I NALll'''n[ASEDAs: L,!Url-~'I,\ , ,,-u'n~'
w o m an OI - llnl!C tlw ~cr,'cnrL I }, J. /,-" \'WJI{lm'\
Not-h,ld thriller .lhnut people visltlllil A n ightfll<lrish an house cbssic ha,.,cd
,Ill ullll~ua l
EUfOTX'<l1l (Own tOI ,IIl) In- loosely u n CIIT/mlld hy S heridan Ll'
h<lbll"d h y \',unplr('~. Jack T<lylllr ,md Emu. The D.. nlsh Dreyer fil med It ~I_
IH~ (nends ,lnn'l have kIng to II\'e. DI_ lendy 111 Par i ~ and added a German
rector Kllln nvs ky US Il 'III~ doc, Paul sound track III Rcrlm. The C<1~ t i" made
Nas(:h} \'l'hick~. ( R ) lip tl his artl~t an,1 WTller (nends. Baro n
Niwl,b de Gun:!"'t:rg financed the proj-
VAiI/PYR ect and play~ David Gray, who watches
1912 t..:lan!! Film (Fr~'1l(:c ,'Gcrrn.U1\) h lmsel( heing hurieJ alh'(> in a co(fin
with a glass Window. Polish cinell1atog-
~OOUC[IU: e ,dln-eVCI,
rapher Rudolph Mate later dir('C{~d
1\ Ich"Lb 0..' (jun:huTg
OII\£CTOI\; Clrl [)r"\'~'r
\V'heu W'arlds Coll!d.'.
~CI\IfNWl\lnlU: C,lrl Drewr. C lm-ll.1tl jlll
Doom, tht'
1975Cambl>1 (England)
PIIOOUCH: Brian Smedler-A'h>11
"More Se x Appea l 011\£0011: j(II><.'l'h Lura:
Per Pun cture Than K A[[N\VI\IT£I\; I). Illll!~Ilt'r
Any Dracula Outi ng Anlilb and Mflrianne Murri> ,ITe (ang-
On Record!" les~ hut be,luTiful his..'xual vampirl's whll
- Playboy Magu ille lme men to th"ir casde for sl'x-<lnd-
['1. )llI.l or~ ll'S. O lll' m an h<lppilr slay~
"Suspense! Sex! for the llI),:hr1\' rllmps IIntd he fi nally
Mayhem! l" e~ (mill lack d blond. T he only fe-
Unusuall y male \'ICTIJIl . ' an an i ~t Ilvin),: III a rr,uleT
Erotic! on the .L!T<lund~ of Ihe ca"rle with Iwr
htl~h.Ul,L Anulb was the May '73
PIa"br.,,· (tlldtlut. \Vllh l or~ o( nll,llty and
go;e, -The ultllnatl· e Tllll C va mpire
movie. ( R )


1111': BlACK CA 7:

""~;';:':""J~. REFR ES HI NG LY
1971 ZOdl( :t:llIur\, _h"..
PI\OOUC[I\; N(>nn,Ul SP<>llct:r
OIIl[ CTOI\: Rllh"rd S,u,lh,m
K II£[NWl\tl!l\: GlI l!ler"Ca,,>
I'elrtx.:elll ~ t .. r Barry Ncwman is Kowal-

~k., .1Il ex-col' Vlctn,ull hem who kch
he Cilll drl\'l' hi~ l)'xlgc Chal lenger (rom

OJ J\:n\'er 10 San Frano!>Co in 15 houTS.

RU;"ldhltlCb arc ,n ur to ~ tLl P 11I Ill,
L",ldcd II'lIh aml'hl'tanHne~, Ill' race~

on, encountering an old prospector Tom Baker as an art ist who uses voo-
(Dean Jagger) :md a naked girl on a doo to eliminate his enemies.
motorcycle on the way. An almost suc-
cessful metaphysical smtement that's THE VEIL
worth catching. With C leavon Little as 1958
"Supersoul," the blind deejay, and John Pf,OOUCEI\:Hal Roach
Amm;. Charlotte Rampling was in the Two years before the Thriller series,
original uncut version , not shown in Boris Karloff hosted and sometimes
America. Music by Delaney and Bon- starred in a s)'ndicated show that is for-
nie and others. gon en even in Karlo(( biographies, At
least three fe<ltures were culled from it.
The others were Deslinalion Nighlmarl!
VARAN THE UNBELIEVABLE and lack !he Ripper. each containing (our
1958 Toho/Crown International Uapan/ of the episodes. ConfuSion arose because
U.S.) (B&W) at least one story turned up in two dif-
P«.OOUCU : Tomoyuki Tanaka
(erent (eatures. With Patrick Macnee.
01"1001\: 1noshiro Honda
SO£EHWM"£M: Shinichi Scb tawa.
S id Harris THE VEIL, See HA UNTS.
O«JGIKAllY I\[LEASEO AS: Dai/wiju Sawn
A Godzilla-esquc monster with a spiked
back emerges (rom a lake to destroy ev-
erything in its path. In new American
scenes Myron Healy stars as a com-
mander responsible for reviving the pre-
historic terror.


1973 AmkusICmerama (England)
P«.ODUCEkl; Milton Subotsk~'.
Max J. Rosenberg
OIIUOoa.: Roy Ward Baker
KIUEH\VMtI\: Milton Subotsky
AlSO 1UL.£.U[0 AS: TaleJ from tilt CryPf /I
Five horror stories adapted from Wil-
liam Gaines E. e. comics o( the '50s.
Five doomed men tell their nightmares.
"Midnight Mess" is a comic vampire
ta le with Daniel and Anna Massey
playing what they are-brother and
sister. "The Neat Job" stars Terry-
Thomas as an insufferably neat man
whose new wife (G lynis Johns) can't
stand it anymore. Edward Judd double- '1111
crosses Michael C raig in "Bargain in
Death. " In "This Trick'lI Kill You" Curt
Jurgens steals a rope trick in India and
regrets it . "Drawn and Quartered" stars M~el.en · Sllirry MlleMeilSle 'B1'IIIII '~'E1

VioL VET HOUSE, Sec ag,lIn) play, Dr. Vaug n o ud. and Karl
CRUCIBLE OF HORROR. Boehm (srar of I'eelmw TfJm) plays an
enemy ,Igenr who shoots Ixc'ople up wi th
111E VEL VET VAlli PlRE a serum thar turns them into l'r,lIn-
1971 Nt"wW,'rkl wash('J rohot~. \Vith Elke SOm ln l~r
....coutu..: Ch,ules S. SW;trl: (!w()mellllli..'S dl ~gUlseJ,,~ a nun), Edward
DIA£CTOR: St<'ph,ln'<." Rothm,lI1
Asner, Feltcia Farr, Roger C_ Carmel.
~([HWRITERS: ~1.1"nc<, Jute.,
and Luciana Pa luzzi.
Ch,ulc, S. S\\,lrl:. St~,ph.IIHl, I{, lthm,m
The ad, pronHwd "C1Hllolx <,f(er clullax
(If lerror and d<:~tr~~ ..... Shnry Mil.:s VENGEANCE, See THE
and ~Iich<ld Blodgl't( (Ik:W/II.;/ tho' Villlcy BRAIN.
of thl' Dulls) go rlm-,ugh enJle~~ psyche -
Jdic "exu,11 (hange~ when IIl.:y ~ray
wilh vampire Oi,ma Ll~ Emu, (Cdcsre 1UE VENGEANCE OF FU
Yilrn,dl) al her Mojaw desert hOlllc. ,IlANCH U
H IpJ'ies With CfU.'>SCS SiH'e thL' day. Pretr}' 1967 An"I.) Am~lg'llll .. ted/Warner
Llllghilbk, \Vil!t dune buggil's, drcalll ~, Bn'fhers- 7 Arb (England)
an,j ~ nilkebi!c.,. (R I PRODIJCr"tKREENWRIT£R: HalT',' Abn Towers
l·:PI 3112106. Aim Roh_ DIR£CTOII.: Jl'remy Summers
..11 Vmwhu. alUlj NI!/>tI- 1UE VENETIAN AFFAIR The thir,l C hn~lOpher Lt'e/Fu Manchu
/.'1111 SI,j1l l>f iiI<' h1<1n FTlllll
1%7MGM film with thl' usual cast of Douglas \Vd-
V,N.C LI;. TV St'ru.'j.
PRODUC[~: Jnry Th"rp~·. E. Jack Nl'wman mer a~ Sir Nay land Smith. Howmd
,",m[l/lI... ~hol/ldt'TJ II ( 1m-
pi.. o[ j,!lmks U'hl~'h Iw 1<'-
DIR£CTOA: Jerry Thorpe Manon Cr.lwford as Dr, Petrie, ;mJ T sal
'-~Il 'ed [rom hiS [ilT\.! <II hl5
E. Jack Ne\\ m.1Il
!(:R([HWRlT£R : C hin ii' Lm Tang. From his palace in
p1" "m[''T''11i.·~ IhlS mOn!- Rohen V,lllgh n -(,IrS a~ " former C IA C hlO,l, Fu amlllges the kidnaping o f a
nil{. Vaughn IS dul:' III COlli · man/reporter 1n Vl'mce II) m\'e~ flg. l h; f,lIn()u~ ~ urgeo n a nd his daughtcr and
ItIi.'IIU' "'Irk m \ 'elllft' 11t'~'1 the ue,lrhs of some dlplom' l t~. Rea!>l.JIl~ t(lrCl'S t he doc tor ({) transform a prisoner
,",nuh 1m a Ill' " ,1IIft'l<'. to \\atch th is MlIrl from u.N.e L.f. Into an exact double of Nayland Sm ith_
The Ve n('rlan Arf,u r copy: BOTl ~ K"rlotf (111 " whl'l'1ch,1IT He <1 1:.<) ,lilies hitl1~df with the Mafia
III !mm a new cTime .'iynu icate_ \Virh
H llr~t frank, Mana Rohm. and Ton\'
Ferrl'f. A color ~lm for .'>Ollle reasO/~
~ho\\'n here In black-and-whire. "The
w(lrld w,11 hear from me agil;n." says
Fu at the end. (We hl'ard from hllll
rw o more Wnes, actu:llly.)

1';167 Hammer/20th Cen tury-Fox
'RODUCER: Ald.1 Y()Ung
DIIY:CTOR: Cliff Owen
K R[[NWRlTER: Pe{l-rO'Dunnell
Olinb Bcro\'a is tricked into thinking
she I~ the Immortal Ayshea of KUlllii i n
the nH..dlOcre M.'qucI fO She. John Rich-
ardS<ln (who :11...0 starred in She, One

MlillOll RC., aTlll BUICk Srmaa)') I:) the (Klaus Kinskl) dies wh llc ..::nacti ng a
king se<lrching for her. With Edward slave-lIl l~!rc,, ~ 'tury at .r r<lrty. Manfred
Judd. She TewrneJ again in 1983. this Mann plays at the r 'lrt)'. PLlor J<lmcs,
tune starTI ng Sandahl Bergman from obS('~~d with deadly Venus. trails her
Co nall !h~ Blir/xtriClU . to a cc ml't er~' and tind~ her fur LIn
W,md,l'S grave~ B,lck on the hcach he
VI!.'NO,Jh See THE LEGEND finds Ius own Ixxly! \V,)\\,! Not to he
OF SPIDER FOREST. confllsed with the '67 Anll'rtcdn or
the ot her '70 1';III:1n him of thl' ~"IIl('
VENOAf name. ( Ho )
1981 Paramount (England)
",ooUCE": MartLl1 Bregrfllln
DIIUCTO": Piers Haggard
1946 Warner Bwdl<'r~ (13&W)
KJ!iEENW"IT(P.: Ro~rt Carrmgton
P"OO!JCE": W illl.llil JaCllrs
An all-star suspense film with a Jeadly OIIUCTOII : Du n SIc!.:cl
hldck mamba snake thrown in . As a SCIIUHW"ITEII: I\'r ... r ~"rlnc
Gl..'rman criminal. KlaLls Kinski kidn'lps Don Slegc1\ tirst ('(ilLITe ,I~ , I director
a n ch American boy III London. Ser· was the last teamrn,g o( 5i,lney Grl'en -
varHS Ol ive r Re('d and Susan George SW'l't :md Peter Lorn.'. In 19th-century
help, Sarah Miles is a toXicologIst. Mi - Lond{)n Grl'emtrel'l han ex·Scod,lIld
chael Gough is a ~nake expert at the Yard ~u peT! n t('nJent plonlng the per-
zot). With Cornelia Sharpe, Swrling (ect murder. Best frknJ LOTrC IS su~pi­
H<lyden , ,md N icol Williamson. Tobe c iolls. \Virh Joa n Lorring, Gl'llr,ee
Hoo per startl'd the proj ect but was Coulollris, and Arthur Shleld~. Ba~ed
repl'lCed. From the director o( B/ood 011 un The Big Bell M)' sler~' h\, Israd bn)!-
Swan's C/trw. Reed was hack with more will , also filmed as Thl' Pt'rft'ci Crmlt'
~mlkes in Spasms, (R)
(1928) and Thl' Crmll' D(x:tor (1934).
1970 AlP ( l ta!~'/G mnan~'/ EngbnJ) DERVERLONE
",OOUCEP.: Harry Alan Towers 1951 (\\I. Gl'rrnany)
OIP.£CTOII: Jesse Fnrnco ",ODUCE" : Am.. ld Pr()~huTJ!l'r
K"EENW?ITE~: Je su~ Franco, MalvLI1 WalJ OIIlECTO II: Pcter Lurn'
Incredible fusion of sex :mel sadism with Ax~l Eggehrecht, &'l1no VIJ.!nr
ho rror ovcrtones and a totally unex- After 18 years Peter Lorre returned to
p''Cted cast. Jazz music ian James D.lITen the counrry where he first f{)){' to (ame
(possibly still in the Time Tlilinel ) sees and dirl'cted :l strongly al1n -Na: 1 film.
the horrible murder of Wanda (Maria He stars a~ a sc ientist in hmnbed-out
Rohlll) by three people in Istanhul. He Hamburg who hecomes a killer. [I was
goes to RIO and has an aff;lir with night- unsllccessful m Germ,my and wasn't re-
club singer Barbara McNair, Venus leased hlTl'. LUTrC returned to H(lll~·­
(who looks JUSt li ke Wanda!) arrivcs wood to contrnuc plrlymg mostly chche
and seducc~ o ne of Wand,I's killers parts m light films rl nd ~tartcd puttrng
(Dennis Price), who is a homosexual. on wl'ight. He gained {wer 100 IXlunds
He d ies o( a heart an 3ck. Then she m Ihe ea rl y '50s and didn 't work (or
makes it with Olga (Margaret Lee) , who three years. Dt'T V('T/onc bter becurne
kills her:.clf, Back in Isr;mhul. Ahmed appreciated in Eurnpe but was never

tea:.c custullle dr.-una with Andrew Kil'r,
A dri e nne Corti . and Dona ld Huston .
If ~'(lU loo k hard , YOli can M'C a ile c har-
actcr wearing a wristwatch.


1960 MUM (England) (B&W)
,~'I (lTun Sr,'ph.,u, ,/lIT!!tI dubbed InTO English. h e m he ~ee n at PRODUCER: Ronald Kinnoc h
Vlll<lge ,,f! Iw 1): l1\lIl l,d U.C.L A. DIM:CTO~: W,>lfRllla
SCR(ENWRIT(I\5: S tcrlin~ Sdliphant.
VICE RAID W" lfRII1:J, G eorge Barc la r
1%0 Unitl,J Art l>ts (B&W) Exccl knt Brill ~ h sckncc fiction based
p,.ooucu.: Roh... n E. K~1l1 on TIl<! I\-fidtl'il'h Cu..-/ux)S by John Wynd-
0 11\[00,.; EJv. .• rd
C ahn h,un. T wd vc sliperilHeliigent, emo tio n-
K RHNWR!TER: Ch~rles EIIi, less, hlo n (.l, (,ur -ski nned c hildren with
Ma mie Va n [\'Ten sta r~ In th l~ 1>urlhJ. te lep,i,hic powe rs arl' born ar the sa me
GI~ r with Ric h Cooga n. Br.ld Dt-xter. rime III a ~ ma l l village. The mothers
,md B,lr'1' A tw:Her. lvl.1l111e a lso acted mI X' rh e rn~'~ t<'riou1>, al i en-~i rl.-d kid~ as
In Girls, GUllS and GlUlJ,!51t'T:l, and I'II!r rilclr o wn. Their pur:lcd, angry ·'dads"
5, HIl1"(II\,1l for C<lhn , arc hllally dem oralized exccpt fo r
G<'urj,:e Sa ndcrs, who becomes the ir
VICTDR F1IilNKl.NSTEIN te,)(her, then tries ttl stop their plan of
197'5 FAW (Swedl'rv lrd~nd) dOl1llllarm n . HIS lInw,lIlt(-d "son" Mar-
PIIOOUCEI\I'OIIlECTOR; C.,lv", !'Ioyd un Stcvcn s (The IlIIlOcelllS ) is the leadc r.
KRUNWIIITEIU: Yvonne ~1l( 1 C"lvm Floyd Some thmk rhe ~t!q uel. C hildren of lhe
ALSO RH£AS£O ~: Tt'rror F n mkt'IIs/<'in /)lIUlnd, b <'wn he{{cr.
A rreHr dull hut f;lithfu l vers io n o f
Mary Shdlcy's nowl by Ihe dlH.'c tnr uf VILMGE OF lUE GIANTS
1n Search uf Dracula. \Vilh Per Oscnr~­ 1965 Erllha~sy rinu rcs
,un an d Leon Vitali. In Engli sh . PIIOOUCER!DIR£CTOII: Berr I. Gordon
KRU NWRITER: Alan C lilloll
THE VIKING QUEEN From rill' ads: "Sec them burst o ut of
1467 I-bmrnl'TllOlh Ceillurr-Fox their clothes and hust lip a town!" Bert
(EnglanJ) Gn rd o n ~ i c 1Ual!y cl a ims this ,lbsu rd
PIIOOUC ER: John Temrle-Slnlth g i,Ult -teenager cumedy was based on
OIIl(CTOR: IJr.m Ch"ff.:y Fo()d of lhe Gods hy I-I.G. Wells. (Gor-
K II(ENWIIIT(R: Cbrke RernulJs do n IS res po n sible for the fi lm's "Story"
o..' n Murray Im'l'S statuesq ul' Vik ing <ind "v isual effects" as well as p roduc-
i....,)ueen C<lrita but h e's a Ruman Iml!- in ~ and Jire.::t lllg il.) At least it 's mOTe
ta ry nl;ln and has to stu p her (mill fun than hl,~ 1976 version with MarjO('.
hgh tlng the Dnl1ds. A ~ns;.m(lnal -X'x- Thl~ one's ~ot real stars like Tomm y

Kirk (i list given hi~ willking paro.;rs by S<IVC Aldll Ray, David CarT".lelinc , ,mel
Walt Disney ), Johnny C raw(orJ (no Tommy S3 nd~ from \'Igtl.mte ltbllce.
more liljl"lJWll ~hlJw~ ,Ind his rock 'n' With LI ~a Gayc and MdlllJa Marx,
roll ca reer didn 't do so hot) , Beau Film c~1 in Lone Pille, California. 31ld
Bndgc), Tisha Sterlmg. Tim Rooney, tht· Milia\'{' Dc,crL CB
Toni 13.1sil. JO$Cph Turkel, ;md litt le
Ronnie H OMITe! as Gt.-'nius, tht· kiJ who
cau.'>Cs all ,he sudden growth. Some of
the female casl rm.::mbers grow 30 feet
t,111 Sll guys c<tn climb on their hre,lsts,
G o.:...1 music hy the (ka u I3rul1Imels,
Freddie Gmnnn , nnd Jnck NH:!>Cht"
rilme~1 in "Pcrceptovisinn" (C!t.1 rdon's
usual b.:low-par specral effects),

1954 Palace (I}&W)
P1\ODU(u: WUII Ho lland
DIIUCTOI\; Wah er StrJle
SCI\EENWl\rfEl\; Wllli<llll P'lul Mishkin
Detect ive hires psycht.lpathologist t ll
help in case of h,lIT-fetlsh killer, Mitch -
el l Kow;)1 int errng;) tc~ a sle;):e photog-
rapher who has shots of sollie of the
victims; Wim I llllland, the m (Wle'S pm-
ducer, is givcn truth serum ;md l'xpbins
how he becamc a m;miac. \Vith Lili
Dawn. Vicki Carlson , William Marlo'\.
a nd Ja,'il.m Niles. Harmonica ~o re by TEEN·AGERS ZOOM
Tony MotTola, <=1'1
See .•• The Wildest, Weirdest
VIOLENTilIIONIG flT, See "Party'-Rumble" Of 'Em All!
1967 r,:aturc Filrm
Pl\OOucu...: Rol'Crt W, Slahlcr
DIIUCTOA: Fernando L3 m.l~
nnug WiI."n, CIMrle~ Davl,
The gringo illlplicated in the sex death
of a sm" ll-wwn New Mexico girl could
be anyone of three avaibble strangers,
so the victim's father thinks it I~st {()
lynch them all. Dcptll Y LlIllas must
suppress his ami-while sentiments to

THE VIOLENT YEARS A lor of vampin.> movies with sex scenes
1956 Ht"adlm{"r Productluns (B&W) were released in rhe '70s. Th is, how-
H.OOlK£M: O'Camp and A .a. BaY(,T ever, IS a sex film with vampi re scenes,
DlN:CTOk: Franz Eicho rn the fout[h in a series that included The
SCk[[H\VMl:iI.: Ed W ood, Jr. Vampire's Rtl/>e, The Naked Vampire, ilnd
AU<) k£UAS£D AS: Fallaw
The Vllmprre's Thrill. It's the onl y one
From the ads: "Untamed thrill -gi rls of Ihat got much exposure he re and fea-
the highway !" The innocent- looking tures two girls with braids and mini-
daughter of a prominem newspaperman skins trapped by the vampire king in
organ izes a girl gang. Sht' and he r young his casrle. Includes a bat biting the girls
hellions ho ld up filling stations, mo- between thei r legs. (Xl
lest men in the park, and vandalize thei r
high school . Then they ho ld a torrid
mixed pajama party with heav\' perring,
capped off by a com!ll<mdo raid resulting
1980 Toho (Japan)
in rhe murder of a cop. Jl'an M oorehead PkOOUC£k: Haru ki Kadokawa
dies ill prison giving birrh [() an illegi ti - OlkECTOk; Kinji Fukasaku
mate child. The ke y phrast' is: "So SCkEENWk lTEkS: Tosi Ta bda,
what." Co-starring Barbara Weeks, Gregory Kn ,lpp, Kmji Fukasaku
Glen Corbet!. Gloria Parr, Lee Con- From the ads: "The entire world is a
stant , Art Millan, and I. S tanford graveyard!" An epic $1 7 millio n end-
Jolley. A recently fe-di scovered classic, of-the-world movie with music by Janis
written by the direClor of Pkm 9 from Ian. Many of A merica's finest ac tors
Outer Space. Don't miss. - CB wem ro Japan because they wanted to
make a film for the compan)' that made
Go(hilia. The dying human race livi n g
THE VIRGIN WITCH on Antarc tica is represented by C huck
1970 TigonlJoseph Brenner A-WlCiatcs Connors, Glenn Ford , Henry Si lva, Bo
S, re nson , Robert Vaughn , Ol iva Hus-
~oDUCO; Ralph Solomons
OlMCTOk; Ray Austin
sey, and George Kenned y. A lso wirh
~M[H\lt'M"Ek; Klaus Vogel Sonn y C hiba. Solddi rectly tocable TV
AlSO R£lLU[O AS; I....sbum T u"U\s III America.

Two gi rls (Ann M ichelle and Patricia

H aines) go to London to beco me mod .
els. They meet a lesbian who init iates VISIT TO A SAtALL PLANET
them into the world of soft-core sex ,md 1960 Paramount (8&W)
witchcraft, complete with white robes PkOOU(£k: Hal B. Wallis
OIR£CTOk: Norman Taurog
and voodoo ceremon ies. It p layed wi th
K k[[NWkITU,S: Edmund Beloin,
the fe -released The /]ctJii' s Rain . (R)
Henry G arso n
Jerry Lewis as Krero n , an alien with
VIRGINS AND VAIl/PIRES superhuman powers, lands on Earth,
1972 Box Office International (Fr,mec) where he encounters beatniks, fall s in
~ODOCEk: Sam Selsky love with Joan Blackman , the daugh-
OlR£CTOk ;Jean Rullin ter of right-wing news commentamr
OP.!GINAlLY R£LLASEO AS: Vihges t'! Vamp!Tt'5 Fred C I<lrk , and generally "'Teaks havoc.
AllO kEUASED AS: Caged VirK11I5, Cm;:ed W ith Earl Ho lliman, Barbara Lawson
Vampire. Dungeons ufTITTllT as a da nci ng beatni k, and John Wi!-

Iiams as the rllil·O chid. Spt'Cldl e(fect~
by John I~ Ful ton. [laM.-.J (loo~c1y) on
a play by Gnn' ViJal.

One dro p ... a nd a rag ing mons ter

TIlE VIS ITOR is unleashe d to kill
1980 Imernat ion :11 PiClu re Sf,o .... ... and kill a g a in in a n
(II.,I)'IU.S. ) unend ing lus t fo r blood!
DlIl.ECTOII: Glu ba Parad iS!
(Mic hael J. Paradl.<;t: )
K Il.EEH\VI\iT£I\$: Lo u Conll ci. R~rr Mumh
O k lGINALlY IlEl£AS£D AS: /I VIlIWlor~
A terrible th rille r about a young Ann-
christ from the makers of Tcuwcles.
They've asscmhled a typical "juSt pay
us anJ we'll do it " C<lst: Mel Ferrer (as
an alien), Gle nn Ford, Shelley Winters,
and in COllneo role~: Sam Peckmp<lh and
John Huston. Filmed p<lrtiall y In At-
lanw . Presented hy Ovido Ass.mitis.


1964MG M
"'000([11): Jack CumminJ,.~. George S Idn,')'
DI IlECTOk: G .. \lrg.: S IJn{"y
KIIE[ H\VkITEk: S;llly Ik n:;.tlll
Elvis is race-car dTive r Lucky Jackson.
H e IH!l'ds a new l·ng lne. S(l h e Tah's <I
walter job ~Uld (ails fo r ~ w im lIl ~ truC'
trl'1>:) Ann- M "rgret. So d()\!s ri va l Cou nt
M llI\C ini ( Ce~are D'II1<)va). William
11ernare~ t i.~ Ann-Margret's understaml-
ing d"d. Typi ca l nonsense save d h ~'
some hot musical scenes featuring A·M
gO- ,Cll lng like lIohody's business III hbck rOll~fsr MI lelT ftHOOIS MIM I1AUU
righT S and spike heels. With Regina R~Y IIIOll!lUIi SIAN III.SIlII MARY MU llNfl Min •
C arrol. Fmm thl' d irector u( By.. Bye
R:w M"IIIl;J
DlklCTOl\./ KI\lEH\VkITEk: eh .•rl", :\I1:el
VON RlCliTliOVEN AND Pnldllcer ~\'l ll liTl ~ ! ~ tar'
,1\ ,1 m.m tllrn~·d
BRO WN, See Till! RED Inln rl hltloJ-drrnking mo n ~l(' r with
BARON. bngs. \Virh 1m greasy h,HT <lnd lung
s ldl!burn~, Molm:l rCM.·mhles , Ill ageJ
Sowhrrn ruc bh l ll~' s ln ,Cer. Philip A Im
VOODOO GIRL, S e e S UGAR i ~ the on ly naml! ~loIr. hut this c h(,<tl'ie
lilLL. fea1U n'~ Ihe (unnl e~1 dl,llogue you'll evcr
encounter plus VOl Joliou cerl'm.mies with Jungle Jim (jnlmny Weissmuller) fi ghts
hb ck wOlnen doi ng the frug in IIger- Nazis, headhunters, and g'lrl!,'Sters. With
skin hikin i:.. Also with RilYMoli na, Jr. Jea n Byron ;md T amba the C h imp.
Fil med III Las Vegas. ( R )


195i U ll lfl'd A m sb (B&W) 1957 AlP (I3&W)
PI\OO!K£I\: H c.....·a rJ W. Kuch
PII,OOUCEI\: Alo;o x Goroon
OII\£CTOI\: R('gm;Jkl LelxlTg
D1Af:CTOI\: Ed waN L C<l hn
K l\UNW1UT(k: R IC h a rd L;J n-i.lll
KI\(EHWP.lrt'-S: RIb>cl lkndcr. V. I. Voss
In one of Karloff's wOht movil'S he Ill - A horror quickie made with leftovers
vcstig,l(es the island of the tlll(', SIX'S fro m T ho! Shc CrcMuro! . When mad
,ome of his men turned into zo m hie~, scientist To m Conway turns Marla
and discovers " woman -eatin g co hm English int,l il monster. the She Crea-
pl,mrs." With Rhodes Reaso n. Elisha ture suit g~' ts a new head, a sack drl'ss,
Coo k. Jr.. Beverly Tyler, and Murvyn and a bbnd wig. Junll lc tl'rrorwith Mi-
Nyc. It was filmed in Hawai i.
chad "Touch" Connors, Lance Fuller,
Paul Duhov, ;md Patd Blaisde ll as the
VOODOO AlAN creawre (aga in) .
1944 ~.j"n< (B&Wl
PI\OOUCEk: Sam K;Jf: ma n
DtI\£CTOk: \X/ ,lli a m Ika udml:
K I\(EHWMrEI\: Ro ocr! C h a rl .. ~ VoRTlD(, See THE DAY TlAtE
In th is great example of Monogram hor- ENDED.
ror Be la Lugosi is Dr. Marlowe, who
Weah a goatee and a robe cm'erN wuh
mystenllUSsymbols. He kidnaps gi rls In
order to fi nd une "on the s.1ml· men tal
plane" as hb wife, who is m a perma-
ne n! tra nce. Afte r undergoi ng the
doctor's mind- transfer process . the ~ lrl S ~: IrWin Allo;o ll . Charles !Jennett
a lways beco me :o mhies and ~He wken
Irwi n Al len 's best fi lm and the o ne that
to the basement by idiot Joh n Ca rra-
led to his popular, ridiculous TV series
d me . G as-starion owner Gl'Orge Zucco
o f the same name. Admira l Nel son
tricks victims inro driving o wr to &·Ia's
(Walter Pidgeon) saves the world from
ho use . \Vanda Mckay is fin .. lmos t
the Van Allen radiation belt with the
zomhi(' rescued by her boyfriend , wh.)
Seaview. his giant supersub. Joan Fon-
decides the who le ordeal will make a
taine IS a psychiatrist/sahoteu r. Barba ra
great script for il Lugos i film . A s Lug,)si
Eden is the admiral's secretary, Robert
SilyS, "R;Jm1:xxmilllever fail s! " S ixty-tw\)
Sterl ing (from rhe Topper series) is Cap-
minutes long.
min Crane. Peter wrre is a shark-loving
marine bio logist. With Frankie Avalon
VOODOO TIGER (who si ngs tht' theme song), Michael
1952 ColumbIa (B&W) Ans.1ra as a religious f,m atic , Henr.,.
~OOUCEI\; Sam Kat: man Daniell. and Regis Toomey. The im -
[)IUCTOI\ : S~ncer Gordon Bcnn l't pressive sets were econo mically reused
SCI\(EHWl\rru: Samuel N e wman
on rhe TV version. Underwater photog-

raph y by John Lamb (Mermaids of VOI'lIGE TO 11fE
1965 AIP·TV
VOl\1GE 1V THE END OF PROOUC[II..: George E.lw;:lr,j,
OrI\ECTOk/sckE£NWl\rTu: j"hn ~ba~tlan
THE UNIVERSE {Curt iS J Jarrll1~h'n}
1963 Air (C:cchoslovakia)
In 1962, the Ll'ningrad Studio o( Pop-
f'fI.OO4Ko.: Rudolph Wuhl
O,k[CTOk: jinJf ICh Pulak
ular Science F,lms ( really) made a
~: P,l\'Od jurotek, j1l'ldhch Polak :.c f101L~ scicllce-fictilm film Gl lled PItI1k'"td
Of.ICoINALlY kEltAS(O A5: lkane Xll I. Bura (Planet of S torms). It featurcd
A ~m;) 11 grotl]' (,f space travcl cr~ spe nd &wit"! t C(ls m ()na w ~ wi th a giant rohor
mOll!hs in a \',I~( ~p " ceship searching l'xl'loring Vl'nll~. Tlw special effects
for a planet I Cl>~ co rrupt tha n their were excellent , including a I'teT(l.J,lCtyl
o wn. T ho.::y d bcover a ghost ship with and a land ro\'cr ~ullliar to thl' one tiler
a gruup of fi nely dTl'sscd l>e;)ted uscd on lost III SI)(lc.... AlP anJ execu-
a round Ol rabie , ;Iro.: e ngulfed by a space tive prnduclT Rllgl'r CorTll:ln (oclng
"ehula, and finally discover a frie ndl y ),ollr rYl'ie<l \ gTt::l'Jy c,Ipitillists) h..)ugh t
planet toscttlc o n . Guess wh ich pbTlcl . the Ru;.:.ia n mOVIl', lIlTed Curt i ~ I-Iar-
A superior C:echoslov;)kian :.clcnce- ringtlJn to s hoot nl'W :.cenes ..... lth &Isi l
hc tlon film with excellent ~ pccl,1 1 d- Ra thbone and Faith i)omerguc, <lnd re-
fl·cIS. Twent~' -~ I X m in llt e~ werc cu t leased it 10 te leVISio n as a new 1ll()\'le.
for its U ,S. rek·'lse. Sta rring Zdenek R;r ch hone p1a~·s h,bically thl.' sa me
Stepanek and Francis Smulen. l'arthbound rule he had in ()uecll of
B~~!d, wh ich was abo built :lroun.J Rus-
VOYAGE lV THE PLANET sian fO\.ll,lge.
1968 AlP-TV
,I\OOuco.: Norl1l:m D. Wells 1966 P,lT;lI n"unl (Engl,tn,VU.S.lul1l"d.t)
Olk[CTOI\: D..:rek Thomas PkODUC£k/ olk£CTOk/scf\[[ NWI\1TEk:
( Peler B.:'I!.I:tnovoch) 1... lwTence IllIntlll.l:h,"
KJl.[ENWklT£k: H t""r")Ncy U nf<.ellevable c l1lha rr.l~ IHelU 11\ whIch
ThiS o ne wkc~ a while to expl,un. Firsl Ak ml T ,nni roff uses ,I\omic l'ne rgy to
fl'ad the entry on VO)'IlJ{C 10 thl! {In:his- comhlnc himself With a ,lead bird hUT-
toric P!.:met. Donl.'! Okay. Thb is the leJ with ;)n 18th -century witch. The
"nne s..wiCi f';lge in its thlrJ fe:HlITe. re ~lIl t il> a b ig killl'T \'ulture with T un-
The new scenes shot hy Bogd,movich lroff'~ he;,d! And Broderick Crawfllrd
(USi ng psctld\ln~' m ) are astoundmg. He pl"ys an Eng!.<;h '>qlll re! And Rol'Crt
.il'>l) n;)Tr;)tes. The nl~W ~ WT I ~ Mami e l llltton (Til.- Slum' I'l.'ople) is Ihl' hem!
Vfl n Doren! S he's rhe le:lJcr (If:1 tribe A c(llor film rl'll':I,ed here in hl:lck-.rnd-
of alie n \\"l'men who wear clams hell while. \Vir h DI;)nl' C l.. ire.
hl kmis, wor~h lr the ptl'ro..lacfyl (if'S
dl.'ad ;)nd a bl! IUlir in the ncl\' :.cenes),
and lie arou nd thc hcach commun ica t-
In g h~' means (,f te lerat hic v,\lce-overs.
T h ey never meet the pcO\)r c,)mr,uJes
wh o've Del'n wandering a r, )u nd (ur ~ix
year.;. A \'CT)' diso rienti ng cxperlcnce
for cve ryo ne mvo l"xl.

IV dlc~ of hean fa l lure. ProJuceT-JireClpr-
19i4 CUWT,l111,l (EnghmJ) wTlter O rdllng dl'l1t.'dTl·d In Fi.l l'd Bd:"O-
PkODOCEI\; Mel FerreT lIelS ,lIld wrote Ih e'enria y f,IT RI!/)fJ/
DIAlCTO": Ric hard QUint' l...I(lllslcr. -en
KMEH\VMT[~: GeT:lld n.
Peel>, J,l111t'> Kdh
AI.lO Ul..£MEO AS:J ,,",ml H eT Dl"IL/
TWigg y III her fi~t drmnaflC rule! S he nlE WflLKlNG DEAD
pl'IY~ , In ex-model who's terrnTl:cd hy
1930 W"rnn Brother, (B&Wj
E,ldma n
her LIl !>illll' l'x-hu~band (DIrk BeneJicl ).
011\£0011.: M lch~,' 1 ClI rll:
Hc\ ~llrro"..'(1 to be III j,ul for killmg SCII.H NWII.ITEM: /;"~rt A"~l1h"n.
her, hut _,hc\ <lhvc ,inti n'1l1MTll"1. I kr PCh'r Milne. Rof-....·rl An,lre"",
new hush:mJ IS plilycd h~' h l'r Tl";d· h k Lilli .. Ib}w;ud
hushand. Mich;Jd \Vilnc y. Ex -con BOTl~ Karl,,f( is (r,lllled (,)T a
murder, g()C~ to th ... ch:m. ;l1lJ i, dl'c-
THE lf~ CKY WORLD Ironl c" lI y hrou).:ht h.lCk '(1
li(~' ;b ,I
OF DR. AfORGUS plann- plolying wmh ie hy ,joC(or Ed-
1961 (fI&W) mund Vw ... nn . Kar1o(f, wilh ;1 whit ...
OIl\ECTO": Iboll1 H,lig "re;\k in hi~ Iwir, kads hl ~ enellli ... , t<l
SCIlEE NWIIITEPS; \l oci and R .H'u i] Lu g \,10 1\'nt Jl'a t h ~ . Ric lrdu Curte:, M,lr-
Dr. M()rgll~ (Sid Noell, d l'o plIl .1T tele- ~lle ~ iT '" Ch urchill , Bartnn M<1d an .... ,mJ
I' ls io n horror m ov ie hos 1 111 N l,\\ \Vanen Hull ;1\sO st,lr. Karlo!f Llt ... r made
O rleans. stars III a l1l\l\'ie ;1h"lIl ,Ill a sene, nf ~ lIl11l a r tilms al Columhia.
" m~tant-pc()l'le" 1l1<tc!1I11l' th,lt turn, hu- hut Ihl., ,me I~ (hl' b...-st.
fI1dn~ In to sand, I hen n'vlvc_ thcm. The
evi l rukr of ~ t. cm\" IIlI '1 u-<'s II to ti ll
t ill' Uni ted ~ tM es With .300 ~ple'. Re-
1%4 Ilem"pher,· (U.S., Phil 'Pl'me,,)
portl' r Penc il" r...IcCIn\' t;l lb ;-! TOI' l.uJy
I'I'.OOU(U: EJdu.! Romero
,lgCn! InIlI a dOllhle no", Filmed In OI,"EOOM: G.-r,lrdn De 1."(lf). ~JI '" R,)[llert'
Kiln , t..11 -':' 1'~l rrl , Kenncr, LIIlI I,ia na, SCU ENIln.ITE"S : h'rJ ... Gfl,(e. Jr.,
anJ New Orle,lIl" \VHh Ililu B,.rton, C,·,.lf Ami,!."', hI-he Romer,)
ka nne Tesl,)(' a nJ I}.IviJ Kl e 1l)1~r.t.:er. l\ml' rICa n Ile\lll'nant Jock ~\lbho ll\'\'
See OkKf~lIokcj'" - (II k'ad, ,111 ,utac k ;l~a l1 h[ J;lra ne:.e . .oldlc"
ho l.llIlg rhou"mJs of rlllrlll0S Capll\'c
If~LK THE DARK STREET 111 :m ;U) ( wnt \\',llled CHy. \Vith Fl'r-
1956 Domm,mt nandi' J),x', Jr. Fnlm Ihe rnakas ()f ,\1(1)"0
PII.OOUCElI./ o llI.£CTOlI. fscII.E [ NW,"ITEII.: W/ltch /)o\."lU1'.
W~" !1 Or,lnng
Rijlcllwll ~L1T Chuck Connur, 1~ d
hlg -game hunlcr wh" hukh Arm) \I(h- If11R IlR.,.WE/:;N
en Don Ru,s rc,p.,lbihll' (or hi , G I Hili PLANE1~\'
hroTher's (,It,ll hl\lrt attack. H e h~llI.:h l'~ 1965 1·,m1.,r... (\toll})
P,"OOUC(M: J '~'l'h Fr~',1.
a scheme whcrd", he ,m.! R,~" will
AnUlIll(' 1>.1,ITglll'TIII, \V~lt c r 1>.1.mlq'
track e,l(h " ther Thr""gh thl' ~ trl'eh " ,. OIIl.E (TO~: An t hon}' 1)"1t""1I1
downtown L.A . WiTh n ove l l,1111\'1,1
(.A.nt. '111(' ~·t .IT)!hcrlll)
gun.', Ihe wmnn tak mg a rcwdrd. A, SCII.E[NW~IT{M: I",m Remer. M " T,'ttl
Co nno r, I~ cur n e red hl' H,;:tll:c' Th e O,"IGINAUY II.ELEAlEO AS;
\\"l',IJ'tIll' have hccn ~\\"It Chell ,l1)d Rll" '\/fIIl"",' !'kmet,: Emmit'
h,I' tin' ca mer,l \\ ITh tl 1l' I>ulll·[. I ll' ALSO AELEASEO AS; !'l.IIlI'r 1m rhe rm"t
A'ITlm.ltl l ~ fry 10 'lOp Ihe orbit of a
pl:mo:t fh rll's C.UNng c,lfIh4uake~ :mcl
JI .... I~ter. un, Bonng sci ..'nee fic-
lion \l'lIh Gmc\l!Oo Ro~~i-Stt ... rr and
mho:!') u ... mg ,mghCl:l'd n,Ulle",

19M AI1I~...1 An"" (H&W)
PkOOUC Ek/olk[C TOk/~Ck[[NWIOJT[k;
Run T"I'P.::r
A delllented ~f),wanl lies an,\ murder.,
hi:!> Wd)' 1\1 \l<lnOr dunn)! rhe final Jays
oj Ih(" Kor~"m \V:H, DIn.:ClOr Tupper.
who 'I:trt~'d al AlP with Hell Squad and
T(mk CUllluumdlls. C\1-~I, lr!i with I-hynes
Ibrrnn, Wally C IIllPO, and Judy Dan.
TI ,ny RlI'~cll is S('T~cant KO:l,fer. C!'> a land with",,! war. LI\'e act1l)Jl I ' (\l11\- AcrlUnfrvm The Wall,
'-'ined WITh ,l11rlll,ltIl111 :I!hl '''I ~ hl,ed ,,( Hell.
WAR OF 111£ COLOSSAL on ..:ngra\'\lIp 111.1,1 .. dunn,(: the ThirT~'
IJElIST Ye"r~' \V"r.
J I);~ A I P (H&W "!lh ("I" T,.:q"enu·)
' i'-ODUCU .lOlk[CTOk : Bcrt I. GUT,I.'n WAR Of" nl£ GARGiINTUAS
)Ck[[HWIOJT[k: G~'''r~~' W"rrhm~ Y,lIe, [967 T"h"l 'PA (j"I'.rn)
T~ Ama~mR' Colossal MIIII dl,ln't J ie [)l(CUTIVE P9.0DUC[I\S: T,>I1Il>\ ull T.m,Il..,
,Itler .I II ! In Ill .... Ben Gllrdoll follow-up [kIm O. S" I'l'r.fe11l, Reur..m \kr..:.wIKh
hc\ ,1\r\'O: III MexIco ~lI{ half hrs (,ree IS OIklCTOk; Itl\~,hl(\} II"n,\.1
Kkl[NW9.rt[l\S; Im",lm(l Ilun.!.I,
rumcd. } Ir ... nghT o:~ .. ~oc ke{ IS l'mply,
Cilam Colonel }"·!.rnnrng (thl" 111m' K;rnrt ~bhuchl
pl.IYl'J Iw Dean P,lrkrns) gOt."" on thl'
In one ,)( rhl' funnl"'1 J.lp,rne ..... 1ll,lll-
r:1mp.H!l' agalll. uch :mJ cr,l:ler thrill
l,,'l'r, Tho: arnl~' cHcll ..s him anJ ch,l ins sIn ha~Ill"'. AmeTll.1Il .:.Clembt Ru""
T;rml>lyn IfI(", III ,re I veT) ,,'TllIlh ,md
hllll!1I a glan! ,I raw I:x,d III an ,"rphme
(onc..:rned "hllll IW(l ).!1.11l1. 1I).!ly ,IIX:-
h.I1l).!,lr 1'\l<1Il til\' "hea~t" " IUllse.
ilh' ).!,ug.lnTua,. lie kd, fl"I" m'lhle (,)f
InrnWI1l,(: bllSl" .In,\ !fUcb. \Vhen 1m
~ I 'ler makl'~ hl111 i ,(:lJilry h~' corn-
th .. "e~tru\..lI"n I hc\' 'r,' (.lll'lIl).! hcc:lu:,l'
he Ol1ce ~t\IIJll'd :1 h,ll-) g,lr),!<1 nluiI (:1
rl1lt~ ~lIlC1,le hy ~fahhing hl~h-Iensiun
kid III iI ,d Iv l11(lnkl'Y '1111) th.1I "",ll'l'd.
\\'irl'~. runnier than till' ,)ri~ma1! \Vith
~I'l'(l~ .l effect-. hy pfodllcer-dlreC I (lr
Th~~tl .1n ;IT OIllIC 1>\.I't 1ll:I"'l' Ihe (l'll~ of
dw fnl'lldly hrpwn Cr,' d(lIr.. gmw I!ltu
UIlr.!,,!), as U~U;11.
a (win gn.:~n \In..:. nllnng ,I ni).!hlcluh
S(;cne ,I girl ~Ing~ ,I \\'(1I1derflll ,,'ng ca lkd
19M C:(.'Cllll~l( "".1.:1.1 (f\&W)
"Th .. Wur~b (Jet SHick in My"
DlktCTOk: K,lr,'\ Zcm.m until ,I ).!.lrg;rnlll.1 ,tIl,,,h,'~ the hllrlchn).!.
~k[[HWIOJT[I\S: K.lrl·1 Zcrnan. I'<wcl Juri\(l_d.: The h:md I~Vtl \I'l'd 1,1 ,Ill Ihl' ",'ng at
O klGtNALLY k(L£AS(O oM: 13L,~,1J)! <I 1\rmuk.<l J.\'e r,~r j (\rrn,rrll... ~. Thc 11111\,1 .. w;r,
A hl,wTlca l , II"IW,IT l anra~r from t h l' 1I1('nde.\ as .r "'~'qlll'l 111 FI'IUlk<!mll'1lI
crl'atllr l)( The F(lblliOiIS \tlorld of Jules COIl(/lI .. n Ihl' W/or!"1 bUI AIllCTlC;tn re -

Vernt'. In 16ZS th Tl'C l'\Cl)r1..: ...... arch for edrtlllg ub .... uf<.,~ the Clllln~c!U\n.

1965 MGM Ut.lly)
PI\OOUC EM: JU~':rh Fry.!.
Anhlllh. M.lrglll'rIIl, \'(I,llter ~·\·
OIIlECTOI\; Anlhony J.):m,un
(An"JllIo I\brgherltl)
SCP.lENWI\IT[M; h·.m R'·lna. Mor!.'tIl
OOGINALLY I\(l~ED AS: / Diu/.mold( Porwn"
I.! ,\IOT!
Mnrti ,l1ls mad" of liRIH inhahit Earth -
11ng~ dunng the 21 st c,,-'nrury. Forget I,l-
hie thrills with Tony Russel! and LiS<1


1957 i\1I1~'d Art,,!. (B&W)
PI\O OUCEll/oII\ECTOI\: RI'gl'f Corm,,,,
SCI\EE NWI\ITH: L.lWrl'llCC L(,uis uoldm«11
T 11'(, mImI II,' :I (t('f the tiT~t Russi,m ~put­
Illk I\'"nt up. thl~ eight-day eXl'k,it.l-
lion lI~'tn \\',I~ III rhe theaters. Life
11lng.l~lne ,lC hMll y gave II a good re\'il'w ~
AI1l'n~ t;lke liver the hody of astron;Jut
RlChdr,1 Devon ,mJ he ....1hmages a SIXICl'
flight. DICk Mllk'r IS the hero. \Vuh
Su~nn C,lhot, Beach Dickerson, and
Brunu V l , SOt:!. II l~ one o f COTma ll' ~


19; 3 Par.unolJ!l1
Pfl.OCXJCEI\; G,·urgc Pal
OII\(CTOI\: Rp"On I [.hkin
K I\£ENWIII TEI\: R.un.' L~,I,)n
Gr<';I! ""d.Hlllg of H.G. Wells' novel
It) clmlemp"lrary $outh\.'rn Cal iforn ia
with GI'IlC B.lrry a~ a re~e,.rch scientl,1
I1 n the nm With Ann Rohinson when
11) in).: M,Irti;\n w,lrships ;\ttack. Humans
UI'19/14151: Earrh·J,.!lItI(/ IYijIR OF THE ,/IONSTERS ,lnd tanb dl'lllIegriHe, major Cil ll'S
bemw.; AIIII f/,,/mI.IOH Irrl" 1966l\lIciiAll'-TV (jaIWl) ,lround the worl,l are dc~trored, ,'\'en
11m/!1 ru b.' rnmsfirrmd mro PI\O OUCEI\: ~lasiH ch, :--J'l),!ata ntlHl Il( I",lmh, (:l ll tl lStup the lnvaders.
a dU'f11er \!f .~l'ITJ Iry ml'(!Il,1 OII\ECTO I\: Slll),!~'() T"n"b The Incr",hhle. "ridl)' seen, one-~'r('d
of !h~ S{r,.<I) 'l/JjIill!d I~' KIIE ENWI\ITH : Ni:o T<lbh",hl M.ITtI;l!l' ~'\'('ntually die from EnTth
mal«'L411 man W/((lh' W"st- a.JGINALLY I\(l~ED AS ; (idln!.'r" Idll..klTu,,~m
mllfl' "'L rh..' Pm"<lrllOlmt/OI,
gl'fln, l)lH~lde a church. CAll" of the mo,!
fur hl!f (lppe,lTdIICl' In [N: In til,' second G;unera-Ihl'-tIYll1g.prl" Tdlgl{)ll~ ,cl\.'Tlce-fict1On films. \\llth
Ik'U' film. W,tT 0/ rill"
hl-Illrie-turtle I1lO\"ll', th" hno replIl,' CaTlllyn JOIl<". Le~ Tremayn\.'. Alvy
W",I.k fi1!hb BnT<1)!On. a dIl10_,IUT who C.II) 1'10- MOOTI'. ,md Pn ul RITch. Cedric I la rd-
J"'t .1 fr<,e~lII)! ramhow. Wicke llilTmre<. \\lhen H was re·relea~cd

with \Vhen W'urlds C ullide, a uJience~ WAR-GODS OF 11IE DEEP
were 'urpn sed to se .... the ex.!ct saml' 1965 AlP ( En~1and l
"cene uf re<)rk in a store listl'nl11g to a PI\OOUC£I\: Danlell].,!] ..'r
raJlo in noth movie). DIRE CTOI\: J ~tC""l'~ T",mwur
K M£NW!UTEII.S: C harles Iknnett,
L(lUl~ r..l . l ley ... nrd
!r/,'lR OF THE ZO,1f8IES
ALSO flElEASED M: C it\' Unde r rhe Sell
1'J6} AlP (It.lh')
PI\OOUC£I\S; F.. rrun:iu CIt> ~ I,multl, AnOlh .... r All' POI: 'l(b r t,1I10n. Corman
dIdn't want to do a n ~' mo r..', ~o it
DIRECTOfl : Gilli>CPP'" Van becam,,: the b ~ t feature for Jacllues
K M£NW!UTEI\S: P'cm P'l'nlttl, Tourneur. Tab Hunter. David Tomlin-
~1.1!l,;e llo S;trtJrd l, son. and a pet rnoster d l ~on' r an un-
OI\IGINAUY I\£L£ASED M; Rom« CV1\lr" Jem'ater city while st'~Hchi ng fur Susan
Hart . She had heen kidnaped hy one
AUO 1\£l£A5£O M: I\,i~hl Sldr.
of the gl ll m('n and taken to the city
{j l~Uk)5 Df Ekara
bt'cause the ndmg ca r nun (who ebe
John Drew Barrym<m: III a rohe and but Vincent Price! ) thinks she's the re-
heard is Adl'rhal. the evil magician Incarnation of his dead wife. A d ull and ng revived c nrpS('~ of Rom~ln so ldier~ uncon vmcing aJ\"cnt urc film with un-
III c,)nqller thl' world! The hero Gaius
derwat er photogmphy hy the director
puh <)U[ the eye of h is giam idul and of Menntllds of T!buron.
de)troy~ his power.


1937 Warner Brothers (B&W)
DIM CTOfl : Juhn FarNw
SCM[HWl\Jrrfl: C ran e Wdbur
of Sh.lH);iwl
ALSO fl EL£.,t.,iED M : W' t'S!
Bori ~Kar10ff -'Tars as a renegade C h inese
Gener-II n amed Wu Yen Fang. Ill.' cap-
tures ,\ (Own and cake~ the Amencans
there I'nsoner. Ricardo Cortez is the
rcal villai n. With G ordon Oltver, RICh-
ard Loo, and Beverl y Roberts. The stOT)'
had heen fi lmed (as The B(id Man) Iwice
j before. Previous versions weTe <oct in

,,• Me xICO.

1, 1978 AmicuS/Columl'i:1 (Englan,[)
John Dark
OIMCTOfl: KeVin Conno r
SCflE£NWflITtfl: Rri,\n H~ Y[l'S
1 Doug McClure stars in this lo~t-wo r1J
kidd ie a.!ventur .... fil m, his fourth in a John Drew !Xllrymurt' In
row. This on e ha ~ rurn -of-the- ccmUT"Y War of Ihe ZombIes.

cxplllfcTS fi nJlIlg th l' I,~t CI IIC!> III A rlan- ficth)n movil.'s are all the same, th is
11', 'is-year·oIJ C:yd Chamw a~ high !>hou lJ be a big surprise.
pne~ f e!>!> Atsil. ;l giant octOI'll!>, anJ
olher unco n\'InClng crt'iHlIre!>. With
Dame! Massey and MIChael GOd l.lf<1. THE WASP WOIIIAN
19;9 AII .."d Artists (B&W)
PIIOOUC[II/OtP'£CTOI\; Roger Corman
1956 D:Ilt'i/AlP-TV OJ!"m)
PIIOOUCO; /l.1:is<oichl NaC~I<l She's ;Idvcrri.<.ed as; "A beautiful wom-
OII\£CTOII; Koj l Sh"l1<1 an hy day-a lusting quc('n wasp by
S(I\[ENWRlfElI; liideo Oguru n tgl"!" A!> the head of a cosmet ics finn,
Publuher Iknnl'lI G:rj
OeM shom smlS j(JII.IUNUl ORIGI NALLY RElEMEO AS: Uch uJUl Tok~(t Susan Cabot uscs wasp en:yrncs (or her
AT<!II~ml reJuvenation formula. Shehecumesa lu-
and C hns/()/)M Ih" JO~S
AlSO IIELEMEO 1<5: M YSI<"ll() U:! S.1I"'11l~ dicrous hu):;:-cyed mOnstl'r probably in -
of fil1f1I11{,km~ 1/11 Ihe 5,'1 of
Wailisi. Sim George Frimdl y aliens who look lih' giant nnc- ~rifl'd h}, Ihe previous year's The Fly. A
Montgomery IIHroduces eyed starfish travel [() Earth disguised as (U I1 G mnrm feature with Anthony Eisley,
lhe family W (I /XUT ,4 humans 10 warn us of I he dangers of t hc Barhoura Morris, Mi chael Mark, and
"Wmwis. " II-homb. If you think J;II'<lI1('SI;' science- Bruno Vc Sota. Music by Fred Katz. A
Filmgmup presentat ion.


1981 Bt,ll'n:l Vi,t.!
PIIOOUC£ll: Ro n Miller
011\(0011: John Ho uJ.:h
S(1\[[H\InJT[I\l: Bnan Cle men"
Harry Sp:luklill/:, Rosemary Anne SLSKln
CUII.' t('en Lynn- Ho llyJohnson (For Your
E)'es Ollly) is con vinced that something
is warchtng her from the woods sur-
rounding the ancicnt mansion that has
become hcr home during her familr's
stay in England. That somelhing turns
out to he another cute tecn who got
ca ught in a timc knot some 30 years
before and is trying to ge t back to her
mom, Bette Davis. In a final bid to
shakc its "kiddie film" image, the Dis-
ney folb decidcd to make this in the
style of a gothic horror fi lm, but some-
ho w rhe horror got left out. Also left
OUI was 11 sequence involving a bizarre,
bat-winged alien creature and a trip to
his native planet. The studio spent al-
m~t S200,OCXJ developing the "other
world " sequence, but decided that
Watcher wasn't wonh the expense of
completing it. Instead, they r('wrote the
ending (badl y). With Carroll Baker, Di-

rec lvr Hough left Di,ncy anJ did Incubus \Vtth ~)Il1(' really funJTl~tic clot hes and
next . BM a j,Ziam TV scr('l'n showing thl' 1931
1957 20lh Cl'Tllul)··Fox (R&W)
IfijiTUSI PP.ODU((II! Ch;orle~ Ilr.u::h:n
1959MGM OfMCTOP.! VIctor Vlcas
,p.ooucu: Al Zim[,;tli,l SCP.E(NWPJT£P.: Ivan M"ff'lll
OIUCTOP.: Kurt i'Jellm~1l1l An "d;tptatl[1rl ofa John S f(~ in lx'Ck no\'c!
)CU(NWP.ITU: J.unes Clavel1 with a husloaJofCalifomia types, mcllle!-
In 1950, Stew,Jrf Granger starred in a in,::: Jaym' MansfidJ playin,::: it stra ight
pop ular ver>lon of II. RIJer HaggarJ 's ,IS a forme r s Uippt:r and I),m Dailey as a
King Sa/ollloll'5 Mines . Nine years hiler. drunkcn ,a lesman. With Joan Colli n ~
Icitovcr footage from that feature wa, and Rick Ja!>l..lll.
frugallv added to new scenes fCfltUri ng
Geor~c Montgomery <IS the son of the
(,rigl n<tl great whiTe hunte r. T his clwap, THE WAl1VARDGIRL
phon y~eq uel inc luJcsUCLA ba,kl,tball 1957 Rel'lIhlic (B&W)
player) as Walusl Ifilxsmen, and a trir H.OOUC[P-; W tll iilmJ. O'Sullivan
tn the land o(fire hy Din;lh S hore's then OIMOOll.: Lesley Selander
!JCM[N\lnJT£'-S: HOlJ ~lOn Branch.
h usband George in a pith helmet. With
Frederic loUIS Fux
Rex !ngr<nll, Finlllsh actress T,l( n;l Elg,
Marci<t H endl~ r~lll coob her ('VII step-
and David Farr;lT. Originally co- billed
mother's lascivious bo}·friend wi th an
wi th TheM:mt'nlllls. Director Neul1l;lnn
iro n . Stepmom Katherine Barrett, hav-
died befmc it was rdea~cd. Some good
ing heard the whole thing, fini shes him
resulted (rom II, though: the Orlans haJ
off and ra ilroads rhe youngster into pris-
;l hit , mgle, "The Wilh-W~HlIsi," lind ;l
o n, where Marcia finds the hair-tugging
new ./;'tnce c ra~e S\\'epl Ihe n;ltion for a
inmates victi ms of a prostitution scam .
few weeks.
W ith Peter Walker, Whit Bissell, Barba-
ra Eden, Rita Lyn n , and Fr;lncis De
WAYWAYOUT 5.1Ies. At du spoint in h iscaree rSclander
1966 20th CenTury·Fox
had been cranking out arou nd six mov-
",ooucu: M;tknlm Stu~ rr
OfMCTOP.: Gordon Ollugla, ies a year for 2.1 years. - CB
KP.[( NWI\ITEp's: Willi,lIn 1}..-'lI'er~. Laslu
xience-ficlion )cx comedy set on the 1963Cine111;O-Video 1mem.1liollal (B&W)
Moon in 1984. A s a platoniC married ,p.ooucn: Robert M. Carson
coupl .... Jerry LeWIS and Conn ie Sle\'ens OfMCTOI\: Ph ilip S. Goodman
rl'phtce American weathernau ts who ~I\.E[NWI\ITU: PJI Frank
well! crazy ovcr sexy Russian Anita Cesar Romero stars as a prominent Cu-
Ekberg. Ani ta's troub lesome Sovie t ban \;mdowner who flees 10 M iami wilh
paTl ncr is Dick Shawn . Th ... fo ur of his anti-Castro activiST younger son , then
them dnnk IOSlan l vodka, the Rus.sians learns that his elder son is work ing to
marry, ;lnd ,II the cnd of Ihe fil m the sabotage th e Bay o(Pigs invasion . To ny
two couples happily decide to nICe to Ray, Linda Libo.:r;l, and Ramon Rodrigues
h ave the first baby born on the Moon . co-star. Shot on locat ion III St. Allgus-

tine anJ Daytona Beach, Flo nd,l, H\ WEEKEND OF FEAR
1961. e ll 1966).D. Product ions (B&W)
J ~ I}.mfon.1
THE WEB Widow Ru th Trent hires deaf mutt' to
1947 U nL v<!TS..11 (B&W) lerrori:e and eli min<l te gi rlfriend of ,I{-
P~OOUCEI\; J~'TT)' Br",.ll'r tnlcl ive 10e.. 1 !xlY. Kennerh \Vashman
DIUCTO~: Michael OorJon cO'stars, wIth Tory Album , Micki Ma -
SCP.EENWfUmu: Willi:'!", BUWl'Tlo, &:rfr:lIl1 Io ne, lind Dianne [}dnfo rd. Filnlf.:d o n
Millhau >e r [ocallon in the Los Angeles area. - CA
C rooked industrialist Vi ncem Price ar·
ranges for hodyguard Edmo nd O 'Brien WEEKEND REBELLION
10 b,-' blamed for a homic ide . New Yl Irk 1970 Ci nl' Worid
rolic(' lieutenant William Bendix has ~ODUCU: HarTY /l.b hon
doubts. Elb Raines is Price's s~' c rl'la ry. DIM:CTO~: Will~TJ
Pwducer Barry M<lho n took rhe 1968
fe:lfUrl' Mundo D llylOlUJ and added foo t-
WEB OF THE SPIDER age ()( that ne w sensaTion, Grand Funk
1972 Cirwrna Sh"rcs (lral)") Railroad, to Tn<l ke rhis "new" movie .
P~ODUCU: O iuv annl AJ.:,;,;; which includes the long. haired Michi·
OIUCTO~: Anthon}· lJiJwso n )Zan trlorlnw;ng thnlugh "Paranoia" and
(Ank1nlO MargheTlf;)
"On TIme" and the origi nal Mmul()stars
SC~EENWfUf£IU: A nton iO M aT){hnlfl ,
mixed with "documentary" footage of
Ol<l\'anlll AJl'sSI
O~IGI NAllY P.EL[M[O AS:Nl'iln Sfrt'I{" MOTSa stude nt:. .m 11 spring: break.
del Rugn()
AUO UI.£AS£D AS: In ,he Gn/) of IN S,1i<kr THE WEIRD ONF.s
Marghcriti remakes hi:' own ursrl.. of 1962 CtJ l(JnI ~ll niernauonal ( I3&W )
Blood (,62) withollf Barham S teele bllt ~OJDlUCTOfJsc~ Pat l3oyet{~
with the ta lents of Klau:. Kmsk , <IS EJ. Two press age n ts hi re a "cosmos-curie"
gar Allan Poe, Tony Franciosa, and M,- Il) he I pearrUTe an al ien "astron i k . ,. M ik c

che le Mercier. Br."llk'n, Rudy Duran, Phyliss W,lrren ,

and Let.' M or~an star; rhedi reetor crcd it
for rh" vcry ohscure San Anton io fea -
ture , ~ n(l[ defi nite . See D Ullgl'Oll s vf
//('ITo«' a nd N() Mall's ullul. -Cil

1944 U 1\lvcr'nl (B&W)
P~ODUCU: Oliva l)mke
D IM:CTO~: H ~'~ ;n n ld L~ Borg
SC~[[~TE~: Brenda W~ishc rg
FTlun the ads: "She strikes WiTh thecursc
of YOO dO(l !" Th is first version of Fritz
Le lher'~ COIlJllre \'(/ife was part of the
" Inne r SanCTUm " ~' r ies. L ltl'r it was
fil me d as Hum \'(/irch Bllm. It 's intereST-
tn).! TI l compa re th e d ifferelll appr<Xlehes
to WOm <ln using wi tchcraft

TOhelp the care('r of her profe~:.m hus· marshall. Samant ha EggaT creates:. d,)u-
hand . Lon Chaney, Jr., and Anne hie of herself w ~I'end wne with Keir
Gwynne :lre Mr. and Mrs. With Eve lyn Dullca. Barry Morse is In char~e of a
Anker:., Iblph MOT,!;!;tIl . :lnd Eli:<theth projl'CI to find .. h[e warriors. Th l , film
Rus:.('ll. n('vcr made II «) Ameflc,l.


BEACH, See TENDER FLESH. 1956 Columbm (ll&W)
",CDUCE": Sam Kat:nI:m
0 11\£(101\: Fred F.
1977 E~H (EnllbnJfC:maJa) James B. Gurdon
PI\OOUCEI\: Marilyn Swneholl>C Sc ientists' serum "accidentally" turns
OII'.E CTOI\: Peter S",J}, tormcnted famil y man Steven Ric hie
SCI\,[ENWM'EI\; Slerhen :X,hnct:k mto a werewolf. He looks like thc were·
A \Ve5{world'1n~pired science·fic Tion wolf in Rerum of the Vam/Jire from the
tall' aho ut a c'lInpu t e r ·pr()~rammeJ Sillne st udi u . Don Me~owan is the ~heT'
\Vestern·town. Resldenb are eHher Iff. W ith Joyce Holden. O riginally co·
ci ll:ens or slaves. Jack PalanCl' I:> Ihe hilled with Eurrh t '_~. the Flyirl~ SmKt'TS.




1961 MGt-,1 ( if aly/Au;;{Tl.I) (8&W)
GlIld,) G iamba rtolorm'l
OIlI.£CTO": RicharJ &n;,on (1'.1010 H('usch)
SCI'.EEN\III\1l[1\; Ern ...sto Gast.I!11!
C urt LI)wl.:ns a., Mr. SWift. the .' lIp('[in'
tendent of a schpol for wayward girlS,
turn~ ow to he a feroc ious wncwolf.
Th(' monstn has fanf;:s and IOf~ of eye
rn,lkeup, btU nO[ much facilll ha lT. The
sc riptll'nto.:r must h,I\· ... sccn the 1957
American Bw.1(/ of J)f(lCl lk!. The the m ...
~ ng 1 ~ "The Ghou l in School." A ~uh·
plm Involves blac kmail. Carl Schell
(brother of Maxim ili;m) is th(' hero.


(THE GHOUL IN SCHOOL> 1935 Uni\ers~ 1 (8&W)

"'OOUC(": Stanl~'} Rerg... rrn.1Il
OII'.ECTOf.; S wart \,(!~Ih'r
... SCRHNWI1.ITU: j.unes e" I!! >11

/-Ienry /11111 ru Til.- Were-
men's room to enrer a hidden lab and
wolf of London.
create mo nsters. Director-writer G in s-
berg also edited the film .


1970 Ellm:m Entcrprises (SpamlW.
PIIODUC[I\ : Plata Films
DIMOO,,: L('on Klimo\-sky
:K1\E(NWl\lytl\S: Jacinto Molma,
Han) Munkdl •
O l\IGI NALLY "(L[ASED AS: La Noch/' d/'
Waldenw r Daninsky, EI Hombre Lobo
(Pau l Nasch y), ret urns to life afte r a
sil vcr hullet is remowd dur ing :m au-
top~y. As rill' wolfman, he's a snarl ing
vic ious killer. As Wa ldemar, he joins
(WlI fema le st udent s searching for the
The origmal wu lfman. Henry Hull. a
ooraniM in Tilx:t, is ninen h)' a werl'- tllmn of a witch. The revived va mpire!
wolf (\Vaml'r Oland). B..·lCk in London, witch turns o ne of the girls into a
till' two cursed donurs fight o\"er the vamrirc, a nd thl' monsters of the titlt·
moon flower that i~ the olll y known fighT . Ads warned: "Those easily nau-
cure. I lull vbits a real wol( ill the :ou sClited arrroach with caut ion." W it h
wh ile on a n ightly rampage and (cars Gaby Fuchs and Patty Shepard. A big
that he'll kill his wifl' (ValeTl\' H ()I~m), hi t In Eu rope, It led to an onslaught o f
" the olle he love~ most." Su me l.f the Spanish horror movies. ( R )
ix'St scenes fl'm UTe two dnmkl'n cocknq·
women . Univcrsal n::wmte the wen::wolf WEREWOLVES ON IVIIEELS
n iles (or their hetter-known '4! film. 1971 Fanfa~
",OOUCE I\: Paul Ll'", l ~
WEREWOLF OF 011\[001\: MIchel Levcsque
Mi chel Lcv('squ<',
WASHINGTON 1):11'H1 M. Kaufman
197) Diplomal
PI\ODUCo.: Nina Schullllan
SataniSIS !Urn two bikt'rs into were-
DII\[CTOl\/:K I\EEHWI\ml\: wolves. They're shown fo r aboul two
Milton Moses Gin,herl! mirHUl·~. LOTS o f viole nce, rock music,
A sometimcs effcu ivc satIre , r:mially and stllri d ity wilh Barry (Eve of De -
inspired by \Valcrg,ltl', wIth Till' r rc~i­ S[T! 4Clioll) McGuire. Billy (Father Know."!

dl'nt's prc~s ~ecretary ( Dc;m S(nc kwcll) Best) G ray, and hiker-movie reguklrs.
h:cuming a \H'rewolf. A~ a Chin e~' dIp- It was nilled wi th Simon. KinK of the
lomat watches in dislx:hC£, S tllChl"l:1l Witches. Joe Soloman was executive
is rran~furmed infO a hairy crl'~l tll rc and pnl(lucer. IR)
bites The President ( Bi(( McGuire) .
Michael Dunn plays Dr. KISS, a :.(:Ien[lst WliST OF SHANGItAh See
whl) liSt's a secret door III a \Vh Ite H 1 Hl~ 711E WARLORD.

WESnVORLD A seldom sh own alVa fi lm that was
\973MGM ban ned in Ital~' for its sado-sex ual
l'''ODUCf '': Paul bZ:lnJs, Jr. theme . [t was heavily censored before
D'RECTO"/KREENW"'T~; Mi c hael Crichton re leas.;' elsewhere. During the 19th-
T he ultimate aduh am usement park ce m ur)' the sad is t ic Kurt Men li ff
turns into a mghtmare when ,he an- (ChriSTOpher Lee) rl~tun)S to his falher's
droid popubtion TIlOl[func t ions. Yu l c astle. When his brother's new wife
Brynncr is great in a silent role as the (Daliah Lavi) spurns his advances, he
gunslinger that paying customers can follows her to the beach and whips her
"ki 11" over and over without fca r of into unconsciousness. Soon afterward
being harmed themselves-unt il things Kurt is discover("{i dead. More people
go wrong. Richard Benj;unin and James a re killed and the family believes that
Brolin fHen', so great in speaki ng roles the bad SOil h as returned fwm the crypt .
as parrom of [he fantasy park . With The uncut version was reportedly ex-
Dick Van Panen (Eis:hl i5 Enollgh) ccllent , but what rem ai ns is a bit
h;lVtng his W;lY with a rONn hooker and incoherent. With Tony Kendall.
Stephen Franken (Ch:lIsworth on Dobie
Gill,s) as a mechamc. FIIfI,reu'Ofld, a
st.~qucl, came Ilut in '76 and there was W/JATA CARVE UP!
a mercifully shon TV series. 1961 Embao;sy (England)
"'-OOt.ICW: Robe" S. &Iker. Momy Bt-nllan
DlMCTOl: Pat Jackson
SCII.[EHWIIITE'-S: Ray Cooney, Tony Hdwn
WETBACKS "LSO MLEASED AS: N" Place uk.. HmmCld.'
19S6 Banner A comedy version of The Gholll, a 1931
011U001I: Hank McCune Karloff fil m. h '~ rime to read the wHi
Two government secret agcm~ work- of Uncle G"hriel. ~, proofreader of hor-
Ing wilh U.S. [mnugrmion employ a ror and ~cx novel .... Do nald Pleascncc
former Coast Guardsman having trou- IS th(, sinist,,'r sol icitor. Michael Gough
ble making payments o n his charter is the clubfooted butler. Sta rrin.c Ken-
fishing hoar. Smugglers John Hoyt and nelh Conner, S idney James, Shirley
Hmold Pe,II) ' are trying 10 hire him, Eaton , Denn b Price, and pop Slar
too. Starring Ll\lyd Bridges- whose Adam Faith.
sim ilar Sea Hlml c harac lerdebull.."{i o lle
}'ear later. W"h Nancy Gates ,mel Bar-
1971 AunclIs(En,l!i:m,l )
""OOUCE'-S: ~b)C J. R'lSCnb.'r.c,
WI/An Mih'ln Suhu"ky
196} FurUT:lln,1 Relea~mJ; OIIlECTO": fillillaill
(J I aly/Engl,ullIlFranc<.'" 1 K M£NWWEI'.: RU/:cT M'lrShali
John Oscar
V,mcssa J luward and Paul N ichol:1s star
(Ello Scard:ul\,lglia)
.IS lo\'e rs who terrori:e a meddling
Manu Bav:\ (john M . OIJ)
SC MEHWIlm:'-S :Ernes{{) Ga~laldi,
grandmother pldycd by Mona Wash-
hOliTne (the old lady in the 1964 ver-
Ug,) Gu erra, LUCiano !>.-lart Ino
OfUGINAllY MLU.SEO AS: 1..<1 FrUSIiI f II sion of NiRhr M! .~ I FaJl). This psycho
CorlJ/, ... tory wlI......olrigin,lli y hilled here With The
AUO IIElEASEO AS: NI/<h! 15 Ih.: Phml!{)rn StrlllLRc VC JlgC<lJtCl' of ROs{liie.

AUN1'AL ICE? 19i1 Ave" Em has.",y (EngbnJ)
19ti9Cmcr,1llld "-OO\IC[": Grahnm H:uTls
""'ODUCE"; Roi'Crt AIJmh DIP.£et~:Jame, Kell y
0 11\£0(»;.: Ll~ H . K,lt:ln scp'(ENWlklrr.. : Trl'l'or rrt'SlOn
!oC'-££NWl\ITER: Tlw,,,/"Tl' A~I'm OP..IGIMAUY P.£l£AS£D AS: ,'Ihght Hilir Ch,1d
AI> Aunt Alice. Rurh Gordon applies Young problem child Mark Lest~r (\XJho
("T rhe loh of·cper In lI'l' Tue- Slew Aunrie Ruo!) plays Britt Ekland's
"'111, Ariz.lIla home •• f widow Geraldine step..,on, His mother had been electrn-
Page In order to hnd out wlm! h,lrrcnl'l.l cllled in a hathwb, A psycho my.~tcry
to a mi ssing friend. Till' crazed Page, from executil'e prod ucer Harry A !;lIl
left o nly a stamp .. [bum hy hl'r hu~hand, Towcn;, fi lmcd in Spain. With H ardy
rilkes Il\on('y from her h{)u~kee l'c r~. Krug('r. Li lli Palmer, and H<lrry An-
kills them, and hUrI<:s the h. . "II<.'s In h~'r drl'I\'~' (R )
garden. Alice is ,I widow f()(l. Su IS
Ill' lgh l'\()r Rosemary For.' rili. 1..1 lr~.i wid·
()\I'S in Ih is [3(11)), Jmll.' ~l'i n(l(t. a.1)
yOU ... ?
197! TV
PP.ODUC[k: N.1Tlllan U'l)d
1961 Warner, t}rnthcr, ( B&\V) VmCCnT Prict' ap pe;lrs O il TV all rh e
PkODUC£R/ OIlt.ECTOR: R.,hcrt A kl n,h
timt', hut rim is h is o nly TV-mol'ie.
KAE[NWRITER: LuLl. !-Idler
Bfl'nda Vaccaro STars as a kid naped
A H llllywooJ horror swry ~ 1 , l rTln !! Delle
Bronx girl forced TO impCrSll na[ C a
Da\' l~ ,IS the guilt' rldden ex·dll tJ star
social1(t,. !I's a comedy_ W iTh Roddy
B."lhy Jane I-I U,I~Hl. Joan Cr<lwfllrJ I~ Mc Dowal l. Jack Wa rdl'n, Ed mond
IWT ,)I-Icr :.ister Bhmdll·. rI (\lrm~r 1110\' ....•
O'Bm'n, and Jo An n e Worlq', Directl'.!
star cuntlll ...·d to a wh .......·lch;ur <I(ta ;11\
bl' the dc ntist nl'igh hor on The lJic-k
,lCCIJ~ llt Janl' h.'lieve" ~h ...· em",'.!' The V(m Dyke Shutt,.
r..."CIII~lve lluJdle-,lged wume n h,we 1":~1l
torm~ntin~ each oth('r fur Y'·'!T1;. J:m('
, lIlg' '"I'n' \Vritten ,I Letter tl> Da,ldy" WHA1"S IN ITFOR HARRY?,
In grote ..qlll' little-g Irl 1ll,lkeul', a CCl llH - Sec TARG}:'"]; HARRY.
l"U1led hy 24-year-old Victur Buuno (111
hI" hrsr film). and ,ern" h er ">fer" IVflA1"S TilE AlilI"TER IVITII
.k'ld rarak~"t for Jl1lrwr. In "erfect HELEN?
hlack-and-wh ite. l nciu lks 1930~ (ilm 1971 United Arris{,
eli" .. trum th~ rt\11 ",1,,1 of hl>rh SI:1r.. , fOP-ODUCH: Gcnr/.:"l' Edwards
[3,bed on I lenry E lrrdl'~ novel. Th l, DIP.£etOk: C urti < H"rringr""
11)n,)\',11 IV", uften-inl ir<lrl'd hi' revived K kUNWkJTEk; I lenTY Farrell
dw career~ oj Da\'i~ an. 1 C r,Iw(urd an,1 TIl{' Midwestl'Tn 1l1ot hefs of two (('en-
,e! tlw precedent fllr aj.!inj.! fl.:l1I: .le ,tars age LeupolJ and Lneh-like mllrdt'TCfS
r b ymj! Il llhll1 ge.1 human mOI1 Stl'h. mtwe tn Iiollywnod in rhe 1930~ <lnd
l)":l1e fulJllwed with /)CIU.J RIIWt'T. Joan o" en a d:Ul c ing sc hOoo l for would-Ix'
\ll th SIT{lighl]ltckcl. A ldnch m;lde 1m Sh Ir ley Temple,. Debbie Rt'Flo lJ s fall s
0\\ n f"llow-up (with 0, 1\''')' 111I.lh 111 10\'(' wirh ,I Texas Imllinn;lire (~l1nis
IIu5h . . Stlt't't Chllr/our:. We:l\'a), bur I lelen (Shelley Wi nters)

Tern Y;lki . Thc Lov11l' Spoonful are
turn~ an evangelist (Agnes Moore-
gexxl bUI Ihelr mUSical intruSions re-
heau) and goes off the deep end. With
ally siD..... down,ln otherwise gre<u com-
Pamelyn Ferdin and E luy Arr.uck!e's
edy. The scriptWriters also ~uppl y thc
look -alike son. SheHe\' was back the
voices. Allcn "\,1)(,<11"$ ,It the be~innlllg
same \'ear III Who Slew Aunul' Roo!
and th,' end \\'llh C hlll,1 Lce (Playboy's
MI:..i August '64 and ..... Ife of Mort Sah l) .
WHAT'S UP FRON T [)o n't miSli.
1964 F:llrw<ty_llltl'TIl:ltlon<ll
DlkECTO": Bob Wf blmj: 1979 Columf-,;i
K "UN'/oI'-ITt'-S: Bub Wehlmg, I'P.OOUC['-S; Dou ~ Cb:)rm . Sle.'e r"kc
Arch Hall, Sr, DIM:CTO": Fred Walto n
... uo ,,(L.U.SED .t.S: The Fall Gu)' SCI\[EN'W"ITt:II.S: Steve Fckc, Fred Walton
Fn: denck's of Hollywood supplied the nle ultimate in bahy-siltcr terror. Carol
merchandise for this slory of ;1Il Indi- Kane lakes a job looking after somenne's
ana h .>y who becomes the world's great- kid and is victimized b\, a Itlllrderous
est door-to- door bra salesman. The phone Giller who ;\Iways seems to be
Johnson Bra C ompany's sales manager one step ahead of everyone else. Not
triCS to snare Ihe b .-lS-s's daughte r by tak- satisfied with this one night of nail-
int.: credit for HI)mer L. Pettigrew's suc- biting h urror, the psycho makes a re-
cess ;lIld ewn get s him arrested h\' the tllm engagement years later when K,me
FBI. but it all work ~ Oul in the end. is happll\' marned with children and
T o mmy H o lden stars, with C arol yn baby-sitters of her u ..... n . Allhough fairly
Walker as Pamela, Marih'n Mann ing predlCta'-'!e , II'S sfi\1 ~lIspensc ful and is
lISS(.'Cretary C 'mdyCouon, and Will iam helped by ;1 stmng c a~t that includes
Watters as the old man. Waners, who ~lIc h troupe rs ;I~ C h arles Durmng, Ra-
also wa~ the e xccutlve producer (using chl" Rolx-rts, C olleen Dewhurst , and
a pseudonym), is actually A rch Hall , Ron O' Ne~I' (SI(/x'fji) ). Ba..ed lin the
S r., of EeRah ! fame . Vilmos Zsigmond d l rector'~ '77 ~ h Il Tf . Th4! Sm..r. (R ) B~I
was cinematogr<lpher. - CB


1%416 AlP (US./j ar an ) 1970 I \;"llI\l erlW~ rn<' r BHld1l'f'
Hem)' G. Sar<'Mem.
[X[CIJI"M Pf'.OOUCE'-S: (En ~ I ;Hh.l)
TOI1\O~'l1kt Tan ~lb P"ODUCE"; A"I" YOlln )!
DIM:CTO": ScnL.:ich, T,,,,\~ucbl D1MCTO" I!>C "E[N'W"If[I'.: V,ll 0 (1\' )1
SC"UNW" IlE'-S: WOOlly Allen. In the (1,\low -lIP ((l O ne MIlium YI'(lTS
Fwnk 8U)(I0l1, L"n ~b)(w(>H. D.C.. hbnd Plll)"I,.,) pbymiue Victoria
LoUIS<..' Lasso:r. Mickey Ro>e,
Veni takes {lver from Raql.ld Welch as
B!)'ml WI!S('". Julie Bcnn(>tt
the stilT C< IVCW(llllan . Jim Danforth ,lid
Wood)' Allen to,.)k a T,)ho spy fihn (Ka,>;i
the excellent ~ tnl'- ml'tHm animatio n.
'10 Kagi) , had it Tl'cdited. and over-
indulllIl!-!" h~hy l\mos;1ur hatc hlll!-! fr,lIn
duhbed hihlri o\l~ new dblogue . The Jap-
an ~gg , a ptdnll.lC l )·1, ,I \TiCl'rarop'. and
;lneSt: hcro becomes Phil MoskowItZ.
giant c r;lh~. Th... ,1J.llnglle comist~ of
He's takcn tu a mythical country and
a~ked 10 help rcme\'c the wmill's best
27 won.b. "N'dYl' kr:J.~I.' Ill'kan neecTO
tedak" me,IIlS "Cnm(' (,I~t kll1l' vll fl\'ing
cj;g -~abd TI..'C ipe. With Mle H,II11a as

mon"ter." Th ... M oon I~ ttlTn t"rlllll rhe
Rooney). Rich rlrlyh<)~. H;)f\'e Pr... ~ ndl
Erlrrh. Crl lI"lng tidal wavn. hUIll.1n
hdp' POOf Nev<1d:l ra nc h girl Conil le
,acrihce", and p,lgrln rlh.·S. Sex ...:('nl'~
Front IS I)r'l'n 11 dude " Inch for di \'()rcee".
~l'l'm to h:l\"(' "t'en CUt bol'/IHl' rill'
rdt,rI ....·. In I'Cflveen Gers hwltl songs sung boy rhe
Je.ld~, popular b:lnd~ ,m d singl'r' per-
f'lrIll. \\llth S,Ull th ... Sh<lm anJ the
IVIIEN ,'IICIUWL CilLlS Ph,lr,ltllh, lierman's He rmits, Lo uis
IIJI2 TV (Can,l,I.,) ATm~trong. a nJ Lrbcrace. Ir was Ihe
£X[cunV( PROOUCn.: Vlu"r J. Shnrrck onl) film ,lrp"':I"mce of the IIndermloo
UPI 31261&..1: T"~ J '''UJL,\! OII\£CTOR; 1'111111' L... "'!It k S,Hll rhe Sham ("Woolly Bully").
oar.'5k'5 (Irt.' p.::umllmg th.' ~R[[NWRl nR; Jilin", 13, iJl!c,
IloIh\lY}(I(III(JII~'mrd ar,'u
(m 1h../()(JkoUI {or {'x/)lri'J
A r.rcho Iwrn oti:e~ :I kid and lIl;!ke' WllliN TilE GIRLS TAKE
/klrkmg IIk'ters. A T{'J {~I~ hUll call 1115 'l,tl'r (Elt:dlwth A,hk}) OVliR
UJI Ill<' mrlt'r (Ikm Iht' ,md Imper:;.o.'Il Me tlll'lr dead hTntil l'r. 1%1 PilLI.!.' Rcl"allog
gUild s.mwrll,ms, \( hil Iml \'(/,rh a hn • ana.:k and ;1 I I:Jllmwl'n PROOUC[R! OIR[CTO R: RIJ',ell Hayden
(! dllllc 111 Ih,' meli'1" (lJlil II Illlirder. Starrlllg Bl'n Gaz:<1r;1 ;lIhl SCRH NWRI T[I\: S,l lllUli R'\l'ca
"Ird 011 I/W Cllr'.llImd_ ~·l, ch:lel Douglas, A (a\'ontl' oj Sterh l'l1 Re V(IJlItu ,narie, try to bre;lk J-Iundo-
Jhwld rellil,ng: "\\'lh('11 Killg. Ba~l'd on a novel hy John Fl'rri, R1 Cil nn the Ca nhlll'an hy holJ ing the
Tmw Ran 0141 (Ill wmr (Th" Fur),).
p.::lr/WIj! mel,'1", 11\' I('ef,'
Fir't Mmhll'r\ daughter ho~ t age (,IT"
"'lllfl" w hl l) WII, ,m eXlrll r,1I1"Otll nf .1mb. Resclle atl.'mpts £:-til
"'JI hour, muiwlSh '01111 IVHt-'N THE BOYS ,111,1;'f ' THE lInrlll, Ilt.·all til' ~~how lip in 26 pJtlk
l'I.'r y "'I/l/))' J.l,. . 1/1111:-- GIRLS ji.'l'P' hlJt...1 with (ulxl and wine. Rllhe n
"""./C"'unht... ol Cum- 196') ,\ Ie;;, 1 Ll)\\"T\ ~ tat" a, tllaxllll,) T nro. wIth
,nertt' " CO/H,-uk,1f<dh PROOUC [R: S.Ul] K .1CIlI,1Il tltlTlm tlldk'r, Jacbt, Cooga n. )1111111)
Irum Alkn's 1u1".1 film. OIR[OOR: All III ('"n:ln EIIL,, 'n. Inj.!ehorj.! KJeld ..... n. a nd TomrTl)
When Tlnl<' R.llI OUI. S(R[[HWRIT£R; R"h.:n E. K~'n( Cook "I' Tt't'll-ilg... Crllll" W'm t'. -( : B
uf __"'1L.S (111 l 'IJIl·'lI "'-u UOIl./o:. A r"nuh' of (,rrl Cril~'. hlnll'd 1tl '32
t~lrJ IUfJ1(}rmu
In,1 '43 (\\ tlh Jud\ G,trl:lnd ,Inti IIllckl'~ IFIIl/:,N Hili SCREA,'IIN G
IIJillndq'<.·o,leni Art"" (Spam)
Pl\oouco.s: RK:lr,j" ~<tn:.
R'l,lrd" )1 1111/,): SU,II
OII\£CTOR!KI\[ENIIIPJTU; Arm:ln,k, I'll.' (),.!><'TJ('
ORIG INAUY R[l.EM[O M; I_II GmT<lS'&' L<rd.."
A l'Cow ! l(lIl \\'lIm"n tllms Into" {J''!.nhy
rl'l'lIk, llI"I1'tn ,md flr~ rlw he;Jrc, our
n ( nak ... d g Irl-. A gllry Spanish tilrn (nlill
rilL' .I'rl'ct"r " I' Til.: /JIIIIJ DelliJ '<:Ti es.
\\lith TO ni K~'nd,dl ,mJ Helga LlI1e.
:\ Tl'd il.hhl'T W;)rlh \'ie\\'er~ of th l '
hJ\~l'!~ "·gllwnl.,. (R)

WllIiN 111118 RA N OUT

J 980 \,(I,ITI)('r Brnllll'r,
"~ODIJCU: Ir"ln ..\11.,,,
DIRECTOR; j .ll11l·' (~"ld,'! ' lIl"
~RUNWRtTEkS: C.lrl l·o,el1l.lIl.
:'1.' r!U1C SI11'l'h.lnt

Only irWin Alkon cuul,1 m,lke ,I $20 nul· co vered o n ,Ill Isl,lIld h y 1>C\','11 hllm)
linn , 1 1 ~,I'h' r Ill.WIC \\. 11 h P,IU! Nn"I\l,nl cavemen. h '~ (I COIllIC vCP'lon 01 SilO""
hc,I,l lng , In (l11-~L lr l""~t - ,lnll h ,l lT 11 \Vhlt(,. It e\"\:n h,Id a :-equd- W'hrn
g., 1.)\ ,llh Igll' IrcJ ! N." \\"Il1mg It, ,1,lulit \'(/om.'ll L,s[ Trn.IT Tillis. 1>.111~1C h) Enn UI
thc rublic h,I,\ g.1I 1... n 'lCk ,)1 the", MorrlCom'. \Xlilh han" Wulff. IR)
Ihm).:', h... ITI,,,I IU J.:l'l ,l\I,IY \llIh IU'"
,lIlC 1l" ,rl', \VuhJ ,IC\.jUclllll' Rb",,-' t, \Vil·
1i ;lIn 11" lden, Ih'd RlItt " n~ , I::.rnc~t 19'; I P3r:llll,.um
B.,r),!llll"', J ,lm,'~ Fr;tnC I,c m , Bllr).:e~,. ",O DUCE!>.: G., •• r,"c Pal
Kudnlrh ~t. LIC
/lle-r"lilth, [\,Irh.lra C arra.. , John Con- DII\ECTOII:
K"-EENW'JTEII: Svdnq' ",)Chm
~Idlill'. c ... -It" Hhal1 ~ ' ; Ir Alex K.1rr:1~. and
1951 was iL ballner (, Ir g. " ... \, Ill"J,IT-
.1 \"t .k,ln. I and [!,\.d \\',1\,' Jotr"YIIIJ.! ,m
,(UJiu M:icnc,' hc tUln, mcludlng Tho.!
"l.tnd In 1 1.1\\ :11\. 11 W<I, ;lnnounn" \ In
Thill/!, Tho.! D":,,, the E,lrll1 Sw()d ~[dl.
V.II"1<'[' ",\, ,I' "th,' 111,,,1 imp"rr,Hlt hhn
,md this c,ld-o(.1 h,'-w.lrlJ epic h,\,,',[, 111
Il( ,h.: ,k":d,k."
a l10Vel b)' Phl hp Wylic and E.twlIl
B:li1lll'r. It's Ar11l'lgnJ..llln tim ... :1' the
WHEN WOJIIEN HAD 1)1JLS p;L>sing of 1he rLIIll't Z)'r:Lc au~.:' y ukil -
1970 Eu r"pt.'an Intern.Humal (Italy) noes 10 erupt on E;mh ,m,1 (ld.d W:L\"l"
",ODUCE": Sllvi.,Clemclllell l 10 ~uh llll.' rg..: M,lIlh3tt.JI) . (ACld"::lll)"
DIMCTO " : P;l."'Iu,lle Fl·,I.' C~"!lpanile Award- v. l11mng ~ p..' c i ;L I ...-(f,'cb ~ho \\.
SCM:ENWMTEA.S: LIn.1 Wertnllllln,
Hcrald Squ<JTl' II'lIh ;Lgi:lnl lI'al"c CU11I-
O n ,wlI' Jcmm,l, Marct"ll,)c.:",ra,
in)! tip Bro~l1.1 W,L). )Bc(, )rc Ihe ~t<lf rk'l\u~
PlSl.IUalc Fest;LCaml':l!llic
006INALLY MI.lAS£D M : Q umul" k /Jmme c"lhdc~ w,th E.Lrth, " m....lcrn ark/'p,Kc-
Att"t'tIrw:LJ Itl Co;/a ~h;p lIlU~ t t:Jkc nff (o r the g\lt.Il\ i1f,'.)Il
Whe" Dm()S(wfS Rllkd Ihe E(lTfh mad,' the pasulral pl:Joct Z\ r:J . MC,lIl llhl!":
m, .nC} , '1:' wh } nOl throw Ollt Ih ...· Jmo- Rl("h:ud I"\: rr and Pcter I \'m"lIl hght
S;JlIr~ and ,ld,1 mllre ~cx! Th(lt '~ wh,\! o\"cr B.lrha ...a Ru,h , ,mIl rll1h!c,~ cnp-
the It,I],:m, ,hd , Se nt 3 &: rger ,t;lrs a~ a pled I1l1l hol1.11r.: Jnhn 1-1,))', I'lnh t,) J.!,u n
~xy cavcWOlll3n wllh ~L tflll Wh ll\ JI ~- pa~,ag(' "11 the ,trc:lIl1lm...,d ,p,lll' ark
and dlllllll,Ll C ('XCt's:, human cargo, \)1-
rcctnf tl-htc (fro m Pobn,!) 11',1, thc CI111-
cranlan fur VamP:-T (19l2 ). With S W,Lr!
WhllnMn ,


1974 TV
PRODUCE": Gcr"IJ b<'nbcr):
DII\EClOII: J" hn L Moscy
KIIEENW"ITEI\:$: Lc" \ < J \It.1I C,l f itnll,
S.I1lJN SI \'TJ\ U1'1816!iC AnTess S.'TUd
P('lcr Gr<l\"\.' ~ a nd hi' ..:hch(: (.Ilnll~ un\! &r;:<'1" h.1S U "1w11X~ U P" m
elllergc from a C<1VC whil ... on (I (. 1I1I1'I1Ig "51:ene Jrum 1tL.> film.
trip to J I!>Cover Ihev're III (In . :: n<.l-.. f- Whcn WOIl\CIlI-bJ Till,
thc-wlIrld 11I0nl', A ,oiar flarc -up (not Tru- TllIIn she IS smngmg
, L bOllih fl,r :J change) CoLIN,::.! ,h,' ~Ie­ up .s JI'I/ian 1100T GmJumu
~tru C ll o n ,m J turtl e,I IIlI)'1 o f til\' p\lpU- G~mTllll.

lation into sand. Wtth Verna Bloom B.1dly made juvenile Jules Verne adven-
and Kathleen QUin lan. It was the un- ture with giant turtles. a big ape, and
luck.y I Jth made-{o r-T V {ealure by ruhhcr dinosaurs projected behind Ken-
Mo xey. neth Morc and the rest of the cast. From
the director of The Sllpenonic Man.
1966 Embassy (England)
DJ~ClOA: John GI IIIO//" 1956 RKO (B&W)
KM:E~ITEA: ~'hchad Plflock I'IIODUCEA: Ben Frtedlob
Tom Adams is back as agent Tom Vine D'~ClOA: Fm: Lang
in a sequel to The Second Best Secret KI\(EH\WJTE~: G1!)(,~' Robinson

Agent. He and Dawn Addams, hi S Air Vince'" Price as Walter Kyne. Jr.. in-
Force officer girlfriend, stop the Rus- herits hi s late father's newspaper and
sians from stea ling spurium, a ligh t- ilnnounces to his edi tors a competition
weight metal used for nuclear a ircraft. 10 find "the lipstick killer." They all tum
With Sidney James (the Ca rr)" On to women to gain influence and infor-
series), Wilfrid Brambcll (A Hard Day'$ mation. Reporter Dana Andrews helps
Night). and Michael Ripper (Ret-'enge city editor Thomas Mitchell investigate
of Frankenstein). by using girlfriend Sally Forrcst as bait.
Wire service editor George Sanders
IPJIERE TUIE BEGAN sends mistress Ida Lupino to charm in-
1977 Almen<l (Sp<lln ) (ormation (rom Andrews. Photo edimr
I'llOOLKEII.!DI'-EClOI\: Juan Piq ue t James Craig is having an a(fair with
!IO.EE~ Carlos PUerto. John Melson. Kyne's wife (Rhonda Fleming). The
Nhmilld FIt'umlj[ omfnm15 }uan Plquer killer turns out to be Jo hn Barrymore,
J"hn D...'U !l,tTn·mt....' <U QA)G1NAU.y ~ED Al: ViaJe al ernlTO de Jr. , a confused delivery boy who reads
,h,.> ItP511(k "til..·.,. 1ft FTtI~ Ia Tirrra's WllIk· 1110,' Cuy comic Ixx>ks. Top-notch Lang, despite
AlSO An£AS(D AS: Journey w W CenleT of what you might read.
Sl c~·I').

1951 RKO( B&W)
I'IIODlJ(EA: Ltwis J. Rachmll
DIMClOA: Wilham C. MenZIes
K~E~JTEIU: George Bricker,
Frank L. Moss
Nazis- tutO"d -Communists plan ro wipe
oue the entia' U.S. populat ion via germ
warfare! A secret lab is set up in a New
England village and the insidious work
begins. This astounding anti-commie
shock. feature was originally filmed as
The Mall He FOllrul, a story about Hit-
ler relocating to America after the war.
Under orders of studio head Howard
HUJ.:hes, much of thc (ootage was cut,
new footage was shO! o and the title and
plot were changed. The results are inter-

Gwdy SIl!!(}I1, ,~l lllUn
BeT/.>, WIIII<,6.,sl. <Iud
['CTl llg G hoSlS.

eStill!!, tn ,ay ,he le,I'\. C~lr1a B'llen,l.l , Ad\·erll~l"I." hel1l).: "h" 11\ ,h,' If.:, .t or~
Ellullt Re id, E.lg,IT Barner, ,mJ Ra y- of Kl r-.:G K O~G," t1\I~ W,h flO ,'I'cl1
1llOnJ Burr ~t'l r. A~ In :111 his uniqul'
!JIgger jl.1r rre~(' n ,ed h)' D1I\1I [\., L.Illr-
(1.'.lture, (The to. t (I~<.', /1II ~l(lcrs fWIII Man), 1' ll tl1~! Ch, lfk ~ Brllo ...on I ' ,h,' r" ll,h
dlrccl" r M.:n:u.:' \\,h ••].,0 pnxluc{I(ln W.ld Bill HKkok ,lfrer ,. j!1,ltlf ,.lhlOlI
!JuR.I,). Wlrh Jack Warden, Kiln NI lV,lk
d~'I).:oc r.
(In her tir'l rok 'InCl' Tales Thai \X'il-
ness ,"l (1JtI<!~~), Stu;lrI WhHlll,In , John
JYlHlS l'liRIN ('" GJlOS H ' C:lH,,,11I1t' , 51u11 Pl ck.' n~, ,m.l \Vil l
PHllC, h (\'!l111r\·h '" (B&\X')
S:lIl'P:'<1n (ChletBn lln,len 10 ()II<.' Flett'
UEcu nVE p~ooucE~ lol~ECTO~:
Ot'ef rIll' CIl.. k(~I'S Nt'sr). Dm,' ,ll".I!,wl'
Allr,·,! Wnl,·!
liS Or..... till' ~.lllle }'l';lr. Mu,1C h~' J,)hn
K~EENW~ITE~: L"u nr,"!""
~111hlll Ik'rk I' d r,d" , ,ktnlll',' 111 1("- Fhrry.
[he' I\\urdl"f lit ,I 'C.I CHp{.Iln wi th
the' bdp ,,{ \,(-'lHll' lx"\' J"hn Cm,ldll\L' WHITt: 00(,"
I, " Ill' ,,{ thl' "'\I"lll't~rl1'ltllr.d ~Cdre,. I Y82"muunl
\'(Ii [ h Pin:n,l.l J"I'(t', (;ra,ly Sun, ; 1\ , :md P~ODUCO: J. )hl1 1},I\·I,!".n
MI\[lln p~ I f"<ln,. 1r 11'.1' "111'p in:d "' r.y DI~E (TO" : ~,1I" Fuller
K ~EENW~ITEI\S: S,lIn hdkr, (:IIT1l) H,m... m
Rnl Sko.:lt"n\ \'i'hllflin~ 11\ th.· Dmk.
AOO ~ElE..tS[ D A5: Tr,LIIlt'd (0 Kill
Kmly Me" khl II ,1,1, )P ' ~.t ,IIII!. Slhl'ect-
nlli If/HlTt; BUFl'/ILO
1977 Linlle,1 Am,h
mg 1b.1! 11" Ilt,:en kl!1m).: \11\ ,he ~ Iy, , he
t:lke~ II It I ,UlII\\,11 U;1I 1l10g 'r':C ;,.bSb.
P~OOUCE~: I'.mdl" Kohner
Paul \Vinho.:lJ .md Burl lv.:, lh:-.cuI'er
DIM:CTO~ : J. Lt'" Thulllp-un
th:l l rhe d, l).! 1l<1~ I'("'eo , r:l1ned '11K,' hlrth
~C~E[NW~IT[~: R.( h,lnl S,.!e

(0 arrack and kill - but o nl y b lack WHITE VOICES
people. T hey try to deprog ram the rac- 1964 Rmoll (Frdncelltaly)
ist hut o therwise friend ly dog. After PR ODUC ERS: Luci~no Peruglia, Nello
finall y find ing somebody to di rect th is Memcolll
controversial project, Paramount ch ick- 011\(001\: Pasqu~leFesla Campani l....
enI'd out and decided not to rdease 11. KI\(EHlWRITW : Pasquale Festa Campam le,
\Vhite Dog has played to good TI!\'icws Ma~lIno FranClosa. Luigi Magill
in Europe and will evcntu,llIy play here OfJGINAUr I\El£ASED AS: I.e Vo.::l BUUlche

in a Cllt version o n cable TV. Based o n A comroy abo ut a man (Paolo Ferrari)
a Life magazine story by Romain Gary, in 18th-century Rome ..... ho sells his
the ex-husband of iII-fatL-d Jean Seberg. brother to the Vatican Choir. The
With Dick Miller. brother escapes and the man takes his
place. pretending he's been castrated
in o rder to sing soprano . He's ca ught
THE WHITE GORILLA fooling around with the wives uf o ld
1947 Spcci~1 Attractions (I3&W) noblemcn "ncl is faced with decapita-
PI\OOUC£k: Adrian Weiss tion or castration. With Sandr" Milo.
AnOlik Aimee, B"rbara S tee le, and
O ne of rhc chcilpest and funni est fea- Rosill b" Ncri.
tures ever rnade. Using adva nced tech-
niques later perfected. by Roger Corman
~nd AI Admnson, the producers man- THE WHITE WARRIOR
aged to create a "nl'w" fi lm by shoot- 19;9 Warner BTOIhers (Italy)
ing around a 192i Silent. T h l' original ",OOlJCEII: Majl'SIlC-Lo\,cen
OIIl£CTOI\ : Ricca rdo Freda
footage is from Pcrils of the )lmgle star-
SCII£EHlWI\ITtM: Gmo 0.... Samis,
ring Frank Men il and feat uring hlack Ak()s To[n~y
natives worshiping o ne -eyed sta tues OfJGINAUY I\£lLf.S[O AS: Agr Murad. II
with beards. TIle new footage fea tures Dttll'vlo Bianro
Ray "Crash" Corrigan as a hig ape Tolswy's " Khadzhi-Murat" is given the
thrown Out of his tribe (or !x-ing the Hercules treatmelll. A !x-arded. Stt've
wrong color. Narration was stippliL-d 10 Rec\'cs stars "s ~ 19th-century tribal
an am'mpt to hold th ings together. chieft;lin who defies Czar Nicholas of
Sec men in d ifferen t-colored gorilla Russi a. He also fig hts a villa inolls rival
sui ts fight. carry a girl around, and react for ~ss ion ofSutanet. Director Freda
to actors filmed two dL'Cad<..'s e"rlier. did Calliki I"-'Xt.

WHITEPONGO 1933 PanlmOunt (B&W)
1945 PRe (B&W) PI\OOUCEII: E. Lloyd Sheldon
PRODUCER: Sigmund Neufeld
OII\£CTOR: Stuan W~lkt."r
OII\£CTOI\: Sam Nl'wfield
SCI\EEHWRIT[IU: S~mud Ho(fcnsrein.
SCI\[ ENWI\ITEI\: R ~ymond L Schrock Glildy~ Lehman
A pove rt ~·-row Qu ickie starring" lTlan After Island of Lost SouLs, Paramount
in a big fluffy white gorilla suit as the put Charles Laughton in a similar role
missing link. From the di rector o( in this se ldo m-seen adventure. The in-
Nabonga. Terror of Tiny Town, and crt'CIihlc sers (rom the first film were
Harlem on lhe Prairie. With Robert Fra- re used. Decapitated h eads arc kicked
ser and the wonderfu l Maris W rixon. around. Laughton is an evil jungle ruler

with a hushy mus tache. Wi th Carole
Lomhard, Kent Taylor, Charles "Ming"
Middleton, NobleJohnson. and Charles
Bickford. When it was shuwin!: ,IS an
"adulbonly" featur;,.', the newsp;l~rads
promi~ed "Woman H ungl'r. C mzed
Men Who Lin'd Without Love-Sly
Whi ~pers!" It was remade as hkmd of
Lm Men in '39.

1932 Unlll;'d ArllSlS (B&W)
AAODUC[": EdwarJ Ha[p... rin
DIU CTO" : Victor Halpcrm
K I\[[NWI'JT"[": Garnett WeslUn
The original zombie movie! In 1929 a
book ca lled The Magic Island IIltro-
Juce..! The word zombi..: TO America. A
play called Wmbl(.' hit New Yurk in
1932. Everyone was talking ahouT AmeTican phY~ICi~f whn had heen III a
zom bies. For this fi lm the I ialperin car crash ncar the Bt.-rlin wall. Trevor
Brothers, independent producer~, bor· Ho ..... ard is a Commlllll~t .Igent. A n un-
rowed sels ((rum Fmnkcllstdn, 1}r(ICIIUt, lI~\lal sdence-fictHlIl espulIlage film.
The HZnlchlxJck ofNOfn: Dame, <lnJ King
o[Kmgs) and Universal's master makeup
man Jack Pierce. Best of aU. They ~igned WHO FEARS 111E DEVIL, See
Bela Lugosl, who h;ld jllS! hit in Dwe- THE LEGEND OFHILLIJILLI'
Ilia . III play Murder Legendrl', crearnr JOHN.
and ruler of zombies in I I"i!i. The r(~­
suit is a ulllque, ancienT-looklll~ but
f,lscinating \llw-budget horn)r movie WHO KlLLlill "DOC" ROIJIJIN
which madl' mill ions. LUb'osi, who mus! 1948 UmreJ ArCl<r~
have had awful agents, walked away ""ODUCO : R"h:rI E 1I.-IcGO\\ an
wi th $800. His eyes and hands arc DIRlCTO": I3crnard Cn rr
SCRlENWIYf[IU: ~burJCC G .. mj:ht~·.
prominently fealUred. In addition to
[lnrothy Reid
great sets and lars uf the living dead, oOJ..SO I\[L£.oUEO AS: Curle,· (lnd /-IIS V(!Il,l( in
there's weird music, some of it b\, X;lvier Ih .. I IliunleJ Mall.5Wll
Cugat. With silenT star Madge Bellamy.
A hallnt('d - hou ~c comedy featurin~
George Zuceo as a mad scienllst minJ.:
WHO? "an atomiC firing chaml...... r.·' It'- a Iial
1974 AIlI ..d Artists (England) Roach production in "gay new Cine-
Pr.OOUCE": Barry l ..... mson color." With Vi!l;lnlaGrcy. [)lnC.stle,
DIIU:CTO,,: Jack Gold and a man in a gorilla ~1I 1t. It was a
K U[N\VMU.: John Gould sequel to The Adt't'llftlTt's of Cllrlc)" wul
FBI man Elliott Gou ld has to find (lut if His Gung. TI1l' features were an altempt
a cybemetic ma n (Joseph 8ova) cre- by Roach to CTl'atc a new Lirrll' Ha.'iw/s-
ated by East Germans is really the top type sene~.

WHO KILLED Tt'DDY nr..AR? Shdl l'Y \'(Imter~ plays a kind but crazed
196') ~1J!!n~ (B&W) AmcTlCfm Widow bvmg in Engl<lml In
PRODUCEiI.; E n~rett I{,r.,ellrh'll
the 1920~. She her I,He daughter
DIAECTOfI.: Jo,;erh Cnc~
so mllch that ~ h(' keeps her mummified
SO[[HW~l[M: Leon Tobr~·. m.
Arml lJ Of"akc corp'l' ar(lund ,md kidnaps a lit tle g irl
(Chil,,-, Franb) who re'o(.'mhles her. The
Really grnllY OhCl·ne·rhonc Gill ch iller
glrl\ brother (Ma rk Lester) thmks
wuh a New York JI~ctJrhequc h.ld.:-
Shdle~' I~ fill' witch 11\ " H an .,d and
~round. Bu.,boy S;d MlIlc(l. glldrllt:m
Gretel" "nd dl'Clde~ to duplicatl' the
fo a hra in-danmged s i~{er, wmhc~ 111
end ing of the falTY tdle. With Ral ph
hed while club h o~ tl'sshlccJ'I Y Ju l.c t
Rl c h<lrdMlIl, lionel Jeffries, Hugh Grif-
Prowse wo rrie~ on the other end o( thl'
nth, :IIlJ Michael Gothard (Til.: Dct tils ).
line. Jan Murray of the vice !o(]uad t rrc~
to investigate and aCb ~() crelT)' th,lI thinks he '~ the Illani<lc. \'\Ilth IFHOEVER Sf-ElF AUNllE
Fr<lnk Campanella, Mdr",)t f:kn ne tr, ROO?, See IflHO Sf-ElF
and Elaine Stritch a., Juliel'~ Icshlim AUN'I1E ROO?
boss, who tf"ies 10 ht'lp 111 her own way.
Title song and Ji scu theqll~' h it~ writ ten
1-y Al Kasha <lnd Ru 1- G,IlI,IIO (ut the J96C AlP (B&Wj
Four Seasom) . CA
PROOUCER.: Ri chard Bl'rmtein
DIRECTOR: R o~ Do:! Rllth
SCRUNW"ITCR$: Gl'nrl!c \~.lI n~,
WHO S LEW IlUN1W ROO? R Kh.lfd &'rn~[em
1971 All' (U.S .lE I1~I,md)
I'IIODUC£M: SJmud Z. ArkOl!. J,Ull<:~ H. An I \'(/(1111 to Lit e n:tread sta rflng
N'l-hobon Terry MntJ re o f Might:>, Jot' Yotlng. She's
DII\£CTOR: CUrt" l-iarnn!!tnl1 , I ntghtclub :.mger whn:.e comeback IS
KR££N\ln,fT(M: Jmml\ San.l!'!er, cut ~ hort whe n an associate of her
Robert Blcc., . Ga\111 Lamh:n lx-try -c rook f,Hher comes around wnh
AUO RU£M£D A5: \nlH'~h'r .skI{ AuntIe a ~'l fecrac ktn1: girlfriend and a plan.
Dd'''r:l Pa,l!el ,hoOl~ the dun o wner

S/I/I1-5l"reen ,l(tlOli/ti
Wlckt'<.l, \'(II(. k cJfe~t!lT­
/til<! star /)$)'dw Rmllh Rob·
ens (IIad SUlRl'T Tlff"'!';t
during the big Juh hut o\\'m lip only
<I(ter Moure gues w the c h air. Juli
RedI ng o( Palfcm fOT' MIITd..'f and Bert
Freed CO"!>1ar. -CB

197~ MGM
R IcharJ L Bare
A CCl mic psych!) Ill(wie In "DLIO-vi ~ l on."
The emire (eaTUre empl())"s the ~plit"
screen techniq ue used 10 parts of Slsler.1
and Woodstock. As " h,mdYl1lan at a
seaC~last hotel Randolph Roherts wear~
a momter ma,k while he ki ll~ and
dl~ll1emhers w\)men wll h hlunJ h<llr.
From the ads: "5...·e the hunter, sce the
huntl·d hmh ,l{ the :>:nnc 11Il le." Ca~[
memb...:r~ tnc1lldl' Tiff: ln~' Bolling a~ a
smgcr, Scon Bradyasadelcctivc, DI,me
McBain, Arthur O'Cunnel 1. ;md E,ld
'·Kol.lkic" Byrnes as a li(e~lIard . T he
Intl.,IC is the or~an ~ore fnr thl' )11cnt
Phal1lUlIl of ,he O/XT<I" It was nOi a hit.


1972 \"ilam"T Hrm hcr~ (En,l!l.m,l)
PkODUCEP.: Petcr Snell
DtP.£(1Of.: Robm HarJ\
5C~HNWP.ITH: Anthon\" Sh~ffcr
Lcd hy Chri~toph("r Lee, the inhdhl-
tants of a Scott Ish l~lanJ practlCc p,lgan Peter FonJ;:t ~tOlrS a_ Heavcn ly Blucs, urI 7114179 : reter
riles. The title rders tl) a gi'lnT, hlllinw a ~\tlking, lc,ulwr-clad H l· II ', Angel sUiruis III [r"l1l o[ a huge
leader" The "nmctmws !)hockmg events POlWl' hIou,.p of hUIlSl'lf in
s<lcnhci:ll WICker statue that hurn, with
III (hI> l11c rcdihl c movie Wl're ba~ed on
u saIl<' from The \'(Illd
a medJlc!)omc I.... ,lin: ~rgeant in it.TIl I'
Angds durntg un a{{wr m
mov ie has ~I repUt<lIlOn ,,~ a negleCled stones ItlIJ hy the rl'al C~tliforni:l
of Mno:krn
chssi(-~ec It and decide (m your,elf. Angels, II" h o :lppC<lr ,h themselves.
[fw M1151'1I1I1
Arr hlJlwrilll! AmeTl((1Il
\V Ith !-I,ullmer ho rror ac tre~ Ingml Pi tt Afl('rwar,] , he~" sueJ lor def<llmll ion of Inr<'l' rlC[u rl'~"15[h
and Brit! Ekbnd, whry;c nuJe dance dl:lrac'er~ Afh'r:ln art;:tck nn ,1 ~l exi" anntl·~'T.sary.

wa~ the rcason (o r the R r<lting. Sen....."n- can hl kl'r club, Heavenly's hcSI frie nd
wTller Amhony Sh:lffl'r also dId Slewh Lo~ r (Brun" !"h:rn) I~ wounJed ,md
and Fr<'IlU" It was rele,l:.ed S('\'cral t IInc~ end~ up in ,I h\bpilal. Gang membe rs
by dIfferent C\)f11panles. (R) kidnap hlln fmm the l\I)spl(,11. He d ies,
,mt! during. hi, luneml ~e r \' i ce they tic
THt: WILD ANGEf..5 up the p r<';1chN ami h,IW a ~tnned -"ut
1966 A lP orgy In !Ill' dlllr(h (wi th f,lst hongo
T>P.ODUC[pjOlkE(10P.: RUJlCT Gmll,ln lIlusic)" Dcrn altcnJs, proppeJ II!, on ,I
5C~[£NW~ITE~: Ch" rle~ Gnfhrh hcnch Wit h a lomt 111 hl~ mouth. AI

the end Fondastay~ hehlnd. explaining: new French stepmother (Noelle Adam)
"Therc's nuw here [0 ~o." T ruc. nu! once <I stripper <It a burlesque club.
after Tho' TTit) Fonda m;ld ... Eru)' Rldl'r She /Z()e~ there and becomes involved
and became a cu lt hero (for a while). With the cluh's sleazy owner (Chris-
Literally dozens of hlkn filrns fo lluwed. TOpher Lee}. WiTh David Farrar. Nigel
some more vio lenf and meamngless hu! Green, ~ nd Oli\'er Reed as a dissatisfied
few heller. \Vith Na nq S m:lIr<l as youth. Gn'at music by ,he John B.11ry
~t.h.'. Michael J. Pollard ,IS Pygnw, Seven.
Gayle Hunnicun, Diane Lldd, DICk
Mllk·r. and Pefer Bul!danonch (fhe a~. WILD GUI7JIR
~hfalH Jlrecwr). "Blues Theme" hy !he 1962 F;lrn.'ay·lnt~'rn;lti()nal (13&\'(1)
Arrows was a hl( Single and t wo alhulllS n.OOUC£lt.: N Ic h oias Mcrnwether
o( the Fu::tune in.'tnnnenTa I music wcrc Otl\£oo ...: R~y Dennis Stec kler
relca~cd. KIt.((NWlltnM: Nicholas Merriwethe r.
noj, WchlinJ,:
Arch H<lII. Jr., motorcycles to Ho ll y-
IV('.od wlwre ~ young d,.ncer tips him
to :"l TV tal ent show. Unsc rupulous
,lgCIH William Watters (a.k.a. Arch
Hall. Sr. o( Eegait!) ca tches the act and
SCt~ \llIt to line his own pockets with
gl.ld. Arch, Jr,. and Ala n O'Day wrote
the so ng~, TIll' CO-Stars arc Nancy Cza r,
C"h Flal4: (a.k.a. Steck ler), and Maric
Denn. -CB

Olll ....r Ro'o'J (ko{!} J.1H"o'~ WILD FOR KICKS

III Wild foor KI~h. r960 Vkwn.l Film, (£ (B&W)
PAOOUC£k: G<:oTce WIII,)ughhy
OtklCTO ... : Edrnond T. Gr<:vrllr
5CIt.EENW ...ITEI\: rl.u l Am~r
AUO It.ELEASEO AS: H~il! (;Ir/
A hor Brill~h teen movie With h.,:atniks,
~rr il'rer'. murder. <lnd mll~ i c, Rock ., (<IT
Addlll F,l ith was the hig arrr;lctl{ln. hllt
the .,wry Centeh on (Jil l mn 1-111 b (loI!l'r
one otthe girls III Blow·Up) '" <I young
),!lrI who lik6 w h,mg out at a ix'atmk
d ive \\"l1h Faith and Simler Ann Field.
who o..)th smg. She hnds out th,1\ her

\961 Surwn (B&'W )
!'P.Qooca: AuoTey Schenck
OIUC101;: Je rry S. ,,:r\\'lI!
KP.£(H,*,fJTo.: Sid H arn~
Female m igrant workers cal din al the
hands of a sadistic mnch foreman (De;m
Fredericks of The Phanwm Planet) dur-
109 grape harvesting season in the San
Joaquin Valley. HIs mistress changes
~Idc~ after 5us,m Kelly (Playboy's Mi:>.~
May \961) IS killed deli wring a peti-
tion to the ranch owner. She supplies
a b.:)' t(\ Fredericks' hideout. where he
is a ttacked and mUTilatcd with pruning
~h cnrs. Dolorc~ F,lith, Robert H :1Tf()\\',
Arlynn Greer, Kathleen Freeman. and
Ivy Thayer C(\·~wr, wi th narf:ltion hy
Wrllter WlOchell. Filmed ('0 \oCatLll ll
III 1-I(1mc~'c",!' Fl,l(Lcb. -en l<"hollTJ Pryflf (lp/JWw:b fur
M ~I X Frost (Chmt<lphcr Jone,), a 11111- Chmll.>p""" Jon .. ~ m \);'llJ
II7IDD I N THE COUNTR Y b~ln:ure wck ~[.Ir, N:COIHt.'Sthe Pre~ u.lell1 In 1he Strect~
1961 20th Ccn!Ul)"·Fox of the Unl1ed S[.lte~ after managIng to
,,,"ODUCE": Jerry W:lk! have the VOIIIl ): agt.' lowereJ 10 14. He
OUUCTO'-: Philip \)unnt" Jecrcn that cm :en, over 30 hi: ~em to
Clifford Odel>
Kp'!UI",,..rrp.: concc m rat10 n Cd mps where the\·'re
In thiS <.en()u~ drama, E l v i ~ Presi.;y is (orcell to rake LSD. Thl~ w;lcky politi-
G len T yler, a rd'i., lltous country buy cal yuuth same IS a hH -and- ml~ affair
who l~ ~nr to Itve With a crookeJ unde . that Ilu xes Wit with t.'lllbarra~"'t.'nt.
He IS go!)..,ipcJ ;Ihout . fought o ver, ac- ShcHq \'(,II11(c rs lZl\'eS an unresrra1l1cd
CUM:J (If a murder. anJ end~ up gOing to pc rl(lrm;lll cc .IS Ma x's th'lu ghtless
college. As hl ~ wiJow psy c hilltrl~1. 1lI<llher. H.11 Holhr""lk I.~ ,I "her.11 Con-
I lope Lange meS to kin herself when gre~.'Ill;11l whose arrc<11 to )1.1\l(h back-
she ht.'"r~ Elvl~ h;I.' "murdered" the son fire,. W;dtl'r Winchell. Melvin Relli,
(Gary L(lckwo,)d) of her ex-fi~l ncce and Dick C lark 1'1a~' them~d\'cs. The
(John Irdandl. Tucsda~' Weld i~ )!reat f,l1ll1h :u voice of r~,ul rrl'C~ n"n"tes.
flS Elvb' ~dl.lClivccoll~ ln, comrk1e with With Ed Begley, Diane Var~l, Rich"rd
an illegitimate kid. Min k- Perkins i~ his PrYllr (~IS Stanlc\' X), Kevin Coughlin ,
l ong-~ufferin): chi lJhooo swe('lhe;tn. ,l11d Millie pcrkms. I'h,..::d on a ~ t (lry in
\Vilh Alan Napier, Ja>Ol1 Roh~lrds , and Esqwre. "The S h:lre (If Thlng~ to
Chri ~ lina C rflw(ord as Monica. El vis CUll":" hy M"x FT(\~ t :\11J the TTI,,\pcr~
smgs fouT songs. was a hit ~ing!c. It \\', ,~ AlP's higge~t­
hllJgell'll film to Ihllt tllne.
",OOUCEM: j,nlw< 11. Nichol",-m. Sanluel
1963 ~\I,hkm (fi&W)
Z. Ark.,ff ....OOucE"fol"[CTO"; RlCh,.r.! \-III1),1r.\
OIMCTO'-; Barn Sh... ar K M[NW" ITE": 0 11" Lemtnmg
KpJU."""If(": R. ,1-<r l Thnm

A (JTf· l)c\,r Huntt' r Rill.
T(mknt' St.'qll('1ICt' rn
Sla l'!
Wild Is /1,-1), 1J:)I't:

H i!ll<lfd\ (ollow.up to P~)"(h()miznu... Rl" Tfll, IPILD ONE

I.lfions among thH'e colkge cllll lll ' 1953 (Allumhl" (B&W)
studying fur makeu p l'xa rn s are ~ trazned ""OOUC [~ ; Swnl\'y Kramt'r
when One I nVrte~ a , tri pper to 'pl.'nd ;t OIIl,[CTO~; LI,I" I3cncdt.k
II"l'eKl' n,1on rill' de.'>eTt(·d campu ~. :"'h s~ !'c1I,[[NW~"U: Jo hn Paxton
Qucenle leaves afll'r tl'nSIOIl>, lead to Ma ry M urphy: "What are rou rebel.
R II~sm n rou lctTe; !kn. Aga, ~nd ZCI\) Img <.g:ltnst!" Ma rlon Bm ndo: "What
resUllle their friendsh ip. P;J III H ,lnlpto n. ya g\)t!" Thirty b, h ·rs takl' over a small
Ray Fulmer. and Boh Alex<'r ~(a r. town .md terron:e the locals while figh t.
en IIlg each other. W it h lee Marvin, Rob.
en Keith, Jar c.
fl ipJX'n, Jerry Paris,
WILD .JUNGLE CAPTIVE, See ,!Ild Bruno Ve Sota. Ba nned in En -
J UNGLE CAP71VE. .cbnd, It wa.~ only a sa mple o( th(, dis-
CO nt ent to COllle.
196510th Cmrllrr- Fm (Il&W)
PI'\ODU( E~/Dr~[crol'\: M;t ur~- IJcx rcr WILD ONES ON WHEELS
K~£ENWI\ITU : H:lrr)' Sr~ldrng 1961 bn..:r:,oll CR&W)
I'~O Oucrl\: Fr\,,! C hn ri ..:,
FTilil ki l' Ra nda ll and S he rr y J ;Jchut1 D IRrCTO~; Rud()Jpll CU,ml1:lIl')
lJ<lth I<1Y cla im to a heach hOll~l~ (,)r ~t u- O~IG INAllY AEl(AS£D AS: lAwaI 10 Hdl
den t boardl'rs. I'ruh lcllLs ari se wh~n
Sp0Tl.\car /!Olilg l1l urde r~ ex-cun :md
hOlh hor~ and girl~ sh ow lip ru I!Vl'
(orces hl,~ wire 10 help t he m IOeatl'
the rc. T hey're Si.orhed by rill' mll.~ic
$240,0C'() huried in till' MO)<1ve Dcsnt.
of Son ny and C her, Jackil' and G;J ~'le.
With Fra nCine York, Edmund TOnti n i.
Sa nd)' N elso n , and the A~fTon;Jut s.
;md Roi'x-rr Ohm. Enll'Nln also reka!>l..'tI
\Vi t h Ru ~~ Be n der. Songs 1I1e/ude
··P),r<ltmd S to mp" a nd "Gods of l ov(....
Cremio/! of /he I-IIUlumullu, :IIlJ Memos,
/ht' f-/ema of Fellt'. -CB

Tllli WILD PARTY A(,tIl I Llufrecl, ,md T'lh.l C')Pl'oL, Ht'f
L'lln~.1 Anl"_
19'56 hrndwr Frilll'::I~, II h, I did rhe li(\lInd llll
PI'.OOUCE I'.! Sdnq' H.uIll,lIl The )~)Img
Racers . .,dl"ilnce.! to ~ecoml­
DIUCTOR: ! LilT) H<lrn~'r unit "hrl'Cf<lr'If\ thl' on,'. He \1:1-1 <11-
K MEHWMTU: )"hn ~kr.lrll ,,,,d re"dl" dlfecle,\ ) lm'Te II HI.!: Do) Now
Dl'rm:n t('d ex-f.).llhall hem Anthonr and /)emenllll 13. ROi.!a Corlllan was
QUlflll<lnd his J,r::<:"J,ollf drug-<r.k!.cr excrU!II·C pr'l\.IIlCl'T.
friend, h,)ld <I young 'llCidlltC ;lnd
her h,lIle": hn;;[,lgc III d ,1,,:1;\- 1:'<:,IInrk
hangout in J.,wnr"WI1 L,A. CMPI 111L: WILD RL:BIiLS
Ohm,ln ,mJ Arthur Fr,m: :Ul' renllr- 1% i (:r,mn Int<'rn.iI" m.,1
!led ,m.1 humilia ted hy J,IY Rnbllblm. ASSOCIA TE PI\OOU( EI\ ; J"'CI,h hnl
Nelwllllah Pl'rsoff, <Ind Kathryn Grant. OI I\ECTOI\/K I\EENWR ITEI\ : \V, ll, .un Gn:le
MU~ll by th l ' BuJJy De ~ranoIQu<md. From Ihl' ,Ilk ··They hl"(', 10\"1', and
OriJ,(ll1ally <I I'!lcka).!e wldr hmr Buys ,'ven kd l t~lr b-.;k.!" Lieutenant [Alrn
emJ II GIII1. Horner Red Pianei (\Valt,·r I'hllhen) {,lib iI '{roCk-cilr r,lce r
M«n. eH (SH'n· Al.ullIn) liltll <lC('·rlmg an off"T
iro!ll S.II.m\ Angd, r .lt~ (JeffGdlenl.
Tllli WnD RilCERS I\HlJll (\VIi\'e P;I'I\'U1"). and Jede r
191''{All' (Jnhn Veil.,) In ,Inl'l" the g(~t,l\\"ay C;IT
PRO DUC E!'.:j,,,·1 R.lrl' III a Joh. He "I" the a1l1horlllcs
OI U CTOI'.: D.llHd Il.dl~r .h pla11lwd. hut the g,m\.: ,lir~ :"lW.IY !O
!>CI'.[(HWIIIT£I'. ; f-1<IX l-I"lI"'-' .1Il .lh,lllll"n",]lightholl_e .In,] I'n'rarcs
If you Irked Corm .tn's T~ \~mlLg Hu.:.·rs for h,lll .... Grde (who dITl'.:\cd ep''>(xlcs
bOle\... III '62. he re\.1 n-'worklll).! " f till' Ili S. . a Hun!, FIt/J{It'I. and GenIII.' Ben)
same Iheml'~, ag~l ll1 with r;ICC _(.'nc, turned til" (lut helllecn /)e(l(n Curse of
filmed III Europt,. Fahl,ln :.t<lh a~ In-Jo, TWill .m.! The I/o()kt!d GellewUoll. \Vidl
(I In\'<.:T wlll\(· hi\nge~ w,lmen like tm,:'. 'l)lItlWTI1 FllITll.b'S RlrJ\\,IILher~. Steve
M llm) rarnll'r (RI(l1 rill Suns<'l SIIl/)) ],l,h AbllllO ,in,c' "You Don't Kn o\\" Lik(, I
for "h.lU[ 45 minutc'. Wuh ()ick ~111I er, Know." -CB


BmMo·!!:"n!: In The

78 1

'IHE WILD RiDt: ni~ 16mm hi ke r \'~. tlune hugg)· war ;u

]960 Fi]mgmllp (I3&Wl Pi'llio Beach. Rohe r[ Dix of SewlJ
',"OOUCU/ DIIUCTO"; II 'lrr~ Ac:rm,UI moody Grtltt's ,md his Roodnmners an°
KA£[H\IIII.ITtIU; Ann Pu n.' r .
accu.....d of rapm~ a local ~irl Juring a
,\1.lrh ,n Ro thm:m
1"'1(.anJ,sf(,llOn -llqutlr orgy. Dix Jo m ~
J,l(k ~ich,,1son runs J,IWIl two motor- the mor... pe;lceful four-whtt kors after
nel" cor s, tllen Inc':' til rulll the life "f h iS hihor huddies a rc apprehlonded
a rdurme,1 friend hv k h.lndpu1g h i:. hy pollC(O, Don Epperson and Casey
.l!lrl. At the drags, G""TJ,!t:lnna Ca rler Ka ~e m co-sta ro with Oov ie Beaml>.
\\'atchc.~ Jack win hr killing Ihe com- Terry St;lffmd. Evelyn GUlorrero, Byrd
1.... ~tl tl lJn. Roher! EX'an ,Jttl'mpb .l rc~. Holland, Three of Augu~t, BiIIllo &
Clll' during the wild v ie(. U'i c dehr;lt lon. Bhllo. S:lIurda~' Revue, and Thmcenth
TIll' ,uh,cq uent high"rc('d c ha~' l'nJ~ Commitl ec. (R ) -CB
1Il tragedy. The C;ir/ m Lnt'en ' LUlie Wih
rh e ori gin<ll co-feature. Rnger Corman
\\' :1> dw execu ti ve prod ucer. en
1961 MG M (1r,]ly)
PRODUCEIU: Just'ph FryJ.
WILD WHt:ELS Anlunlt' M ~rg h ent l
1'J6\) hmf:lTl' OI"((TO": An thony ])~W"l!l
~OOUCEI\; Bu.ld Dd J (Anflllllu Mar"half i )
DI RECTO"; K,'n! ()"hornc SCRUH\VPJT[IU: Ivan Reiner, Renato Murcul
K IIEENWkrrus; Kent O<horno:, Ralph Lucc OkIGINAUY IIlLEMED AS; I Cn!l]l1klll ddlu
Funo cheap science-fin ion ad\'cnture
LD BIKE RI wllh :m allen mad scientist sendi ng
fcrnale agcnr s in tiglu leathn pants to
DUNE GY BOYS! shrmk humans. T he tiny people are
rakell in )UltcaSlOS 10 a fUl llrisl1C c ity
The Oriaioal
with mUfams, dwanoes, and four-arlned
Gang! ,mdrolds. With Tony and F~Ulco


[979 TV
P"OOUC£": Rubert L. Jacb
OIIllCTO"; Bun K~nncdy
SCRU NWRITER ; W illia m 13o"'ers
T cn ye:lrs after the origina l ~ho w 's
dCllllse. Robe rt Conrad and Ross Mar-
tin reTU rned in this fca ture a~ agents
~OIBE~lr DlX r..-,,..,"I CASEY KASE M' DOVIE SEAMS Ja mes Wes t and A rtem us Gord o n.
Good ide:l. Michael Dunn, who played
.....Ub, FANFARE filMPRODUCTIONS. INC. - ~ ''l.~ _ _ _..
Dr. Lo\'e les,o" h:ld d ied, so they got
slilger P,lul W illiams to play his '>On .

Ternble ido.:a. With H,ITr)' Morgan, WILD WO,JlEN OF WONGO
Ren e Auberjnn nl~, and Skip Homier. 1958 Wnlc(}(1
Mort, \'(/I!d, \'(/IJd WIest was offered the ",ODUCl": George R. Black
neXT year. OIill.f:CTO": j,mll'S \'('okoll
KP.EEN\II,,!U": Cl'lInc Rurhl'rforll
ThIS unbeliC\,;Jhle Path(.'color pnx luc-
WILD, WILD WINTER riun is the most oh~ ure (and the funni -
1966 Unl\Tr$al est) entry 11\ the w\)Ilderful slIhgenre
PII.ODUCE": Ban Pa!!on
,If ~cant II)' -c lad -p rch i ~ l o ri c- w o men
Dlill.EClO": Ll' nnle Wemnh
Illovies. The l~ l l' of Won,l..,'O is po pu-
t Iled b\· heautiful C,l\'ewomen and ugly
Another song ft·$I. this rime featuring
heardl·d-neandenhals. On the nearby
the Beau Bnlmmels. the AstronauTs. I ~ land of Goona . h;Jndsome, tnU:;.( UhIT,
Jay and the Aml'ricans. Dick and Dl'e clean-shan.'n men Ii\'(' with ugly fe -
Dee. and Jackie and Gayle. Fraternity males. After a lot of ~pt'ar chucking and
boys chase sorority bl'auties at a small a few S;lCrifi.ce~ to an alligat0T. the ITIhe~
college in the hills. With Gary ClarKe ,
exchange mates and live happily l:\'l'r
!Xln Edmonds. Les Brown, Jr.. C hns after. A must flIT <1I),hropo..)I<l!-'Y Mlh.lents.
Noel. Vicky Albright, :md DICK Miller.
\'\lith future Italian Ilerculc~ Ed Fury
Songs include " Heartbeats." "Two of
and Adrienne Bourh...'<111 as \' \Ve
a Kind." "Snowball," "A C hange of
~lTong!y suspect that this is fllnner nudie
Heart ." and "Just Walt and Sec." lIloJcl and Mmule star Adrknne B..·u -
Wdnrib also made Beach &111 ,md Ollt
beau . who doesn't like lOj!i\'e her age.
of Sigh!.
HlOOU<:£II.: I)lck Rand<lll JeTT) Warren
Dlill.f:CTOII.: Arthur Kmgh t She ~V(.lS (I HI/'P~ Vilm/lln'
AUO 1I.£L.£A$[O,t.l:
SO;[[N\IIiIIlrEII.: Ch~rle s Ross Th is b s.1id 10 be Jerry Warren's worst
Knight and hiS mondo eye rl'VI ~ H some fi lm, which would make it rl'ally un-
favorite locations from Around the \'(forld believ;lhle. He was sued fo r u~ing the
with Nnrnillg 0 11 In the compan~' of the name Batwoman, so he changed the
faded slar. From nude island resons 10 title to She Was (1 Hippy Vwnplrc. Smart
the standard big-city drag bars, strip move, Jerry. He lost so much ca~h figh t-
jOints, cru ise areas. and drug markets, ing the hlwsuit that he never aga in
Jayne knows where 10 look for action blessed us Wi th his cinematic charms.
no matter where she goes. Special fea- Very few people ha ve seen this pICture .
tures include a wild outdoor twist pany A few more would like to . Slighd \' over-
wilh Rocky Robens and his Airdall's, age K;Jthcrine Victor stars in a tight
a visil with the topless Ladybi rds com- black costume with a cheap mask.
bo, and Mickey Hargitay's guided tour teased h-ai r, and a rubber bm glued to
of the It'gendary Pink Palace-where her chest. She and her batgirls battle
a pair of Jayne', heels wait by the foot Dr. N{.'O n and Ratfi.nk who arc after a
of the bed. Insulting footage of the fawl heari n ~ a id/atomic oomband uSt" laugh-
car cmsh is included, of course. \'Vorrh ter pills. With Steve Brcxly and Lloyd
,eeing. - CB Nelson.

licl ty nead )' ruin ... his life. Jaynl" ~ re,11
Me 1., satlri:eJ in thl.' semr -fic tlonal
aCCOUnt. Known for her te rrible film s,
RIta M,.rI()we \\ III Jo anything for mo re
puhIICH),. Mlckc~' Hargitay pla)'s her
Jealous T V-Jungle- man lover. Wi th
Joan Blo ndell a~ her companion-.ser_
va nl, John \V l rriam~ a~ Rancb ll 's boss,
anti -T V gag~, hlg-hreaST jo k;.,s, and
Groucho Marx .

1971 c'n a ama
PRODUCER: Mort Bn,km
DIRECTOR: D:ln,d Mann
SCR[ENWRITtR: UiIIl<.:rt A . Ralslpn
Brucl' navi"lt1'~ Willard i~ a typicn l
U1'1411l157: II lull/I'! lonely, pu,hed-~lTolind o ftice boy until
1m..,. Jim
n!1ll~ SlJO! h:T {)I" hl · trains (1I'(l ~lIperit1telli.celH Tats ttf
/Ike rll/: ff)ur- ftlllllll~ HUIe 1961 Ci nema As:,oc i;n,,~ (B&W)
PRODUCER: John Bushdman lead (heir I',d~ and attac k hi~ l'lh:m it,s,
(IT lhe ~T'lo:kmx of rile SVlmd
Sellrc}""r En-r)'hody lowJ the scene of the crud
OOTTlt'T. Ja)'1l1! Mml~ficld. OII\[CTOR : J o hn
ho~s Erne~1 J3.,.)rgnlne heing anack.:d hr
m{)$r phoU/grl.l{llw!d of lhe SCI\[EH\I(Rrn~ : Rol~' n J. Black, Jr .•
l c",tcr Willl:lI1l lkrkt' , o..·al] Rom,mo rar ~, even tl1l1l1gh It 11I()k~ n.' lfl)t'fscre.:n
bllSIY glamollr ){Ids, has
{rllldly be(n pIN"ugr,qJhed AilO I\£l£ASEO M : N(I/u>J v'mln crew l1ll'mhers wen' throWing them ,1/
m <I hI/nil/b. And her~ m.- TIle New Mex ican descrt expJodl's lb hUll . W lI !;lrd make ... "1(' lTlist.lke of fall -
IS m the bubble hmn S<'- two eloCapees fro/11 an ho nor (arn l and IIlg 111 lo ve (wlIh Sandra Locke) :md
I/I....rl(t' frum rJu. mffl'II!, a fugit ive murdner fight o"er a do ll negk'Ct~ r:n leaders Soc rafl's and Ben ,
W.II Success Spllll Rock fi lled wit h heroi n . Robert Arthur I~ WrlhH.! dle~, hut thc ITlOVIl' made
I lumer!
Frankie, Steve Rowland is blalle-harp), tl1llll'IIl S,!)I) lJeIl wa~ hack the next year.
S witch. Co-starring Jo hn Goddard, With EI ~:. L:1I1chester (The Hnde of
Robert H utto n, Jan Broob. and Carol Fral\kt!l\s/cm) as \Villard·.~ mother :md
;0 rcal r:u.'>,
Oh mart a~ Goddard's addict moll. Pro-
duced h)' John Bushelnmn of Day of lhe
j\hghtmare. CB WILSON
194 4 20th Q.'ntury-Fox
PROOU<ER: l11 rryl E Z:lnuck
HUNTER? KREEH\I(RIl[R: Lamar Trol(i
1957 10th C('l1tll ry_Fox
Prcsiden t W'lO.xln)w W ilson (Alexander
Fmn k Tashl m Knox) tries to get ArneTic" in to the
Le ague of Nations. T he long, expen_
Tashl in's follow-up tn The G,rl C m'/
sive historical drama wi th 143 speak-
Helf) Ir is based on a pia)' alx llH H u JJ ),-
ing parts was a big financial flop. A
wood, They changed it to a m O" ll' about
few o ( those 143 were Vincem Price as
television ad\'ertislllg and rem meJ its
star. Ja)'ne Mansfie lJ. Ad man Tony the Presidellr'.~ son -in -law and Secre.
fnry of the Treasury, Cedric Hatdwickc,
Ra ndall signs Rita ~brlowe (Jaynl'J to
Gemldine Fltz'(,'em ld. S telne), Blackmer,
endorsc Stay PUt lipstick. but til e rub-
George MacreaJ)" Fra.nci~ X. Bushman,

and Tho m,IS Mitchell. T he ac rion fo- with Jon i Lyman, the As u onaurs. the
c uses on the years fWIlI 1909 to 1920. Hondell s. the Reflect io n s, and the
Nooney Rickett Four. Scdflb collab-
THE WINGED SERPEN1, See o rato r Ho wie G reenfie ld wrote "King
of the Mou ntai n ," "Ski City." and the
Q. title son)::; "00 thc Ski." "I'm Sweet
on You. " flnd " Hip Square Dance" were
If/INK OF AN EYE written by Tommy Boyce/Bohby Hflrt
19 58 United Artists ( A&W ) flnd (riends. With James Stacy, Bev-
""ODUCE~ Fernando Carrert." erly Adams, Jill Donoh ue , a nd Tom
DIMCTOI\: Winston Jones N~I rdllli. - CB
sa,EEN\lffJT[I\$: Ro bert R:tdnit:.
Robert Pre.md1. Jr., Jaml"~ Edm l ~ton THE WITCH
A chemist in a perfume facrory (jona - I966G.G. PnxiUCllom (haly) (B&W)
than KiJJ) seems to have killed his PRODUC EI\: Alfredo Bini
Wife, Cut her up, and swck her remains DlI\£CTO~ D ami ano Dami,mi

in the freezer. A comic horror film with !t(MEN\\IMT(I'\l: (}uniano Damiani.

an interesting l~ n di n g. With Dori s Ulc:O Llberatort'
Dowling and l3arb.1Ta Turner. Historian Richard Jo hnson takes a jo b
at a castle ;lnd (ails in lo\'c with a ~'oung
woman who turns o ur to lx- fl witch.
THE WINN ING TEAtI! W ith Rosanna Sc hiaftino and Gian
1952 W~rnt."r Brothl'TS (B&W) Maria Vo lante.
","ODUCEI\: Bryan Fo)'
DIIUCTOI\: Lewis Se iler
K MEN'WPJTEI\$: Ted Sherdt'm:m .
Scelcg Lester. Mervin Gerrard
1966 Producers Rel easing Organlwtion
Ronald Rell/.p n stars as Grover C leve- (SpmnlU.S.)
land Alexander. a baseball great with PRODUCEI\: S id Pink
double vision and epi lepsy. Everybody DII\£CTOI\: Jose E. Lonelnl Uoc LaC)')
thinks he's an alcoholic, including his Kl\£ENWIIJTEI\S: Jost Luis Navarro Basso.
wife (Doris Day), who leaves him Ho ward Berk
(temporarily). With ~'oung Russ Tam- Of.IGINAlLY I\ElEASED AS : Un.. Bruj(lsin
blyn and Frank Lovejoy. Irs numerous E~OOa
songs include "Take Me Out to the Ball Jeffrey H unter went to S pain to playa
G ;:amc " and "Ain't We Gm Fun ." Ron professo r involved ..... ith a blond witch
a nd Doris had been in Sumn \Vaming (Maria Perschy). She accidentfll1y tmns-
t he yea r hcfore. It was the las t of ports him to t he stone age, the 16th
Reagan's 40 fi lms fo r Warne rs. By the century, and Mars. /ku-'irched must hflve
di rector of Tugboat Annie Sails Again hit Spa in that ,'ear. Produced by Sid-
and C Mrlie CMn in Paris. ney Pink of }oltmey to Ihl.' 7th Planel
fam e. With lots of sex jokes. Not bad.


1965 Columbia 1964 20th Ct'llru ry. Fox (E ngla nd )
DlI\£CTOI\: Richard Benedicl PAODUCU.: Roben L Lippert
Williflm Wellmfln. Jr., turns an inher- DIMCTO I\; Don Sh~rp
ih.-d ski lodge into something groovy so.rE~lru: Harry Spalding

When a CemeTn)' Co ntalllln ~ the lx"l- 11IE WITCHES 'jIflRROR
les of wITches hurneJ during the 17rh 1960 K. Go rdon Murr<1 r (Mt'xlco)
century is buIIJo:eJ, the Whit lock (B&W)
f<tmll}', led hr Lon eh,lIley, Jr. (Ill 1m ""ooU(['-: AN'I Sab:<lr
o nl )' really dt'cent '60s rold see ks Di~CTOk: Ch ~ n() U rvl'ta
revenge. Yve1tt' Recs is <I melllor:l hl c Kkl[NWI';ITEA: Alfrl'dn Ruano" ,1
rcvi\'eJ witch in till' B.1Thcml Su..eJc OklGlNAllY I';~O AS: EI ESPt'JUde Id
tralllTlo n, Theater patron!> were given 00.111
a rounJ "witch Jelleclor" to save them A man I~ hmHHed hy the ghost of his
"from rhl' eerie weh of the un known ." hr:,r wI(e who makes him disfigure hi S
After thl~ succes;;ful fi lm IT \\'a, h;lck to new wife. lIe lI~n skin frmll corpse~ to
rou tme \'(Iestnns and un'IX'abhl y h,ld re~wrc her f;"lce. The ghost can change
horror films (or o ld Lon. into an owl or a G I L \'(Iith ,I Jwarf an"
a witch. Pretty ~ tran ge.
Re(lltufu/ \I'llch Warelle
Orr 1IIItiMes Thurclls Brandt If//'l'CHES 'jllOUN1AIN
IIlln (he cot'ell of Lur/ter 1,}70 Avw 1: l11h~,>y - TV (S I'~il\)
the lJerserk III TIl<; TH/i WITCHES, See THE DII'.[CTOl'.: R,lld Arrigol
Wltch mnh'f. DEVIL'S OWlY. Ol'.IGINAllY HL[A5rD AS: Ell ,\\o>Hcdc b

A new~ phtltogr<lpher is sent to t he SiT.;

of a Witch burning. Obscure and low-
budget. With Parry S h eparJ, John
C:lff;"lri , and Monica Randall.


1969 exCelSior
PI'.OOUCEk /o tklCTOl'.' KklENWkllU.:
William O. Ilrown
AlSO I'.HEAH:D AS: Le):crul of \'(/ nch Hoi/oU'
In!c rl'~ttng low,budget thrille r with
Alvy Mt"lOrc taking ;"l small research
team to the ~wamp~ to inh'stigare the
murder~ of e ight women. Gn'i'li Ani'.1
regul<ir Mnore (also till' associate pro,
d ucer) I ~ c h.mningly enth llsiasti c in hI..,
V,tIl H cbing-type role. Jo hn Lodge
plays "Luther till' Bersnk," <t warlock
suppl~, tng hlood ro a 200-year-old witch.
Anthony Eb ley I ~ the hero. Thordis
Brandt is the Witc h. Filmed in Lou-
1 ~ l a na. Wnh three for me r Playboy
pl<tymates and tdcvisio n ho rror host
Seymo ur.! .\!)

THE WITCH'S CURSE Ra y Sager slars as Momag the Magicmn.
1960 Medallion (Italy) His show in duJcs sJwing a WOIllJn in
,lO Ducn.S; Erman" [lon"!I, half and dnving a spike through the
LUigi Carpemlef1 head of another. The \'o]untecr victims
OIMO OI\: Rk c;udn Fr.:dil leave The Theat er in onl' piece but
scPJ:£NWP.rTU.$: EdJy H. Given. expe rience homble delared de,uhs
O re,l<: Bianco1., Piero PiCT()t(l
when they,l!o home. Appearing on a TV
O "'GI NAllY N:lEASlD Al; Macl~le allnfemu
show, Montag hypnoti:es the entire au-
American muscleman Kirk Morris plays
d ience but is killed by the hero (Wayne
Italian hem Macistc. Somehow he ends
Ratay) before any damage is done.
up in 17th-ccnrury Scolland, where he
W ith Sherry Carson and lots of laugh-
rips up a tree and climbs down a hell
able acting and effects. The insp ired
hole. He goes [0 blazes to find the witch
Zen cnding is not to to believed. IR)
who had put a curse on Loch L1ke.
By the direcror of Thr Homble Or.
1964 Amertcan G~n~'ra l PlClu re~
Cheap Hn d pren\' horing sc ience fic-
tion abom four astrona lll~ who cTl.lsh
WITHOUT WARNING on Mars and wander around unti l they
1980 Fdmways find the Wizard of M:m, playtOd hy John
PAOOUC[ I\IDIPJ:CTOII: Grc~'Jon CI,lrl. Carradinc. Preuy :.hort o n ideas, con-
KI\EENWktfE'-S: Lyn Freeman,
sideri ng it's vaguely a takeoff of The Wit-
o.,l1llel GrOOmk. I3en Nett,
SIeve MathiS tlTd of Oz. With Roger Gentry Jnd Vic
An "Ii'st<lr terrible movie (rom the di·
rector of Satan's Cheerleaders. An alien
that looks like a lcftovcr frorn The Oueer
Limits lands in a renlllie rural area and TilE WIZARDOFOZ
battles gas-station owner Jack Pa lanec. 1939 tI.·tG1vt (Color and B&W)
T he invader uses frisbccl ike flesh-eating PI'.OOUCE": Mervyn Lc Roy
parasites for weaJXlnS. Guest victims 011\(00": Victor Fleming
include Martm Landau as a Vietnam SCU(N\lI'JTE~: Nod Langley,

vet, Cameron Mitchell. Neville Bmnd, Florence Ryerson. Edgar Alhm Wool(
Larry Storch as a cub sCali I leader, Since it used [0 be on TV every year,
Ralph Meeker, and Sue Ann Langdon. Oz has probably been seen more times
Director Clark started out p laying biT by more people than an)' mov ie ever
parts in AI AdamMJn hi rs.( R) made. A high point of my junior high
years was playing bits of Munchkin d ia-
logue (taped the night before) at select
THE WIZARD OF GORE times during math class. Guaranteed
1970 Ma~'lIuwe r 10 torally disrup t the learni ng process.
PP.OOUC£P,/DlI\(CTOP.: H~~hdl Gordon leWIS Director Fleming followed it with Gone
SC"[[~IT[": Allan Kahn with the Wind and Dr. Jekyll and Mr.
The direclOr of Blood Feasr makes a gory Hyde. Wicked witch Margaret H amil-
hit rem in iscent of The Hy/mnric £)'e . ton was only 20 ~' ears o ld at the t ime.

WOLFEN wa~ rrcH)' much W<ldlelJ:!h'~ work, With
19h I Oriuw\'(',lTncr BnJtho:r< .'>I.nn e '1 .....'Cia l·e(fl·('[!> (ootagl' (Ihe Sleadi.
PIIO OlKU ,; R upert HII:r/l
cam work) re~ hut. ( R ) -B;\l
DIMOOk; /l.1i,k..;1 \X' ..JIt'lgh
SCIl£EHWIUTU.~: G.'I 1.1 lone.
.... 1.Ch,ld Wadleigh
111t: If/OLP IltAN
A ~('nc~ of lIlcrelllhly "ruldl klllmJ..!~ 194Il lnl\'('tloOll (B&W)
keeps rd ....·lllOlIs ;\ tanh,man cop I\"wq ' Pf.ooU( £A/Ot l\£CTOI\: G~nrgt."
;\brtlll (Alhert FlIlIle ~') ~IIC~~ IIl~ . Tcr- KI\[[N~lEl\ : Cun Slodm~ k
roTl~ts~ \VilJ Jog~? AIlll'TmJ I:ln ",('n', A horrm classic slarTIng Lon Chan... y,
wolves? The ;WJlencc kn o ws {holt ,1'- Jr. A~ LlrTY Talhol. h ... r<."turns ho me
the \Vo lfen - a hitherto IlIld"(:O\'l'Tl'J 10 hb f",h('r'$ Wd~h {'State and l'lCcomes
s pccie ~ of wu[( that h (l IJ ~ a grudge a tormented killer. Ir made Chan ... y a
3g<lIll.,r Ihe wilire .'...~ttleN who mo k thelf Snlr a nd c reated a folklore con cernlllg
hmd, :md is null' prep;ucJ to ~('Itle <In wulfha n <'. pl.:ntagra ms, silver. and rht;
old SCUTl'. \\lhidey Streilx~r\ "')-M) Il,ll'ci Mlm n. Thl' excellent cast includes
h,.s been tr<lnsfonned Intu a c la ~sy, C laude Ra in ~ as Sir Joh n T;l lbor, rht;
rhouj.!ht(u l, hut not vcrr fn.ghr..:nin).! RII~~ i an M ;1Tia Ouspensb}'a rts Mrt leva
hUTTor film. the Gyl'~Y. Be lrt Lugosi as her son Bela.
Aiken Fillnl'Yh,ldn 't made.1 (",trun- Ril lph Bdl.UIl Y, Evelyn An ker.,. Wilrrcn
In YCdTS, .md neither h.IJ \V(xxls!III..'k .li- Wdh anh, Patrlc Knowl ... s, ilnd Fay
rcct<lr \V.iJlcigh. when hOlh we re ~lg ncJ I-lelm. LIm wa~ hack In FrankC:1l5tl.'l1l
hy Onon for W(jlf~lI. After Wadleigh Mel'ls ihe \Vo/!lIum in '43. •
dellverell h l ~ CUT uf th ... pictllre, O r1On
d...cidl'd Ihe y dld n 'l UU ~I hllll, a llli SCI
,] t-alll'ry of ... Jl{ors to work to "S.lVl''' a 'I1lLi If/OLPlllilN
Plcr UTl' thM they tholll!hl wa.., In tJ'()uhle. 19i9 E.n. c,,)rp.
l ' , the picruh' that \\·rt" rdl';t~'\1 Owt."n,hy
",ooU( [I\: Ed TI
\'('''nh Kl'l'tcr
North C.•rolilla dTlve·m mov ie mogul
E..rI OWl'n,h), h a~ fx>en the InrlC 01 reo
l"'lrts 1m 60 :\tmlll C:S a n.! in ES(IIIIre, but
I\llhoJy o utside of the Confnleraq'
~cc m ~ 10 h"\'e '><.'<'n :In) o( hIS m o\'ie~.
Thl' (lIle', ~l't in 191 0 G,,'orgia. where
Eilrl'~ u"llr. 1 'tar (Earl) play, a cursed
ri ch !l);ln "'h\l l.....~o rn ... s <I w... rewolf The
hud).!~·, ""I S very low. It m ade mon~'y
Wilhl Ill! ev~'n I'IaYIIlJ,: ur I'<.~ing reviewed
in Nell' YIlrk. Sel' LWlIlg Le,l!end. In '81
O wen,hy jO l!wd Ihe new 3·D race w it h


[959 CoJurnl-l,l ( En !! l~nJ) (B&W)
",OOUC[I\ ; GUldoCoen
D'I\£CTOI\: ChM I('~ SaundeTli
K I\[[NWl\lT[l\: Brandon Fleming

Interesting tide for a pretty horrible the bellboy used , and Gerald McRaney,
movie about a m(ld doctor (George the boyfriend of her daughter, Christa
Coulouris) feeding women to his call Hart. Later mother and daughter are
flesh-eati ng plant and trying TO revive terrorized by parking-IOI a[[endam Mar-
the dead. With Vera Day. cus J. Grapes and his sidekick Michae l
Anthony (as "Zool") . Shot in New
Orleans. With music by Gary Le Mel,
THE WOAtAN IN GREEN the Armadillo, and Cleveland's Sonny
1945 Universal (B&W) Geraci (of the Outside rs and C limax),
H.OOUCOJ Dlp'[CTO'-: R oy William Neill who sings "Come on In" and "Mr.
SCMEH\W.ITE~: Ikmam Millhause r Funky." (M ) -CB
Women are found murde red with their
right forefingers missing. As the nefari-
ous Lydia, Hill:uy Brooke teams with WOt/fEN IN CHAINS
Or. Moriarty (Henry Daniell) to defeat 1972 TV
Pf.ODUCE": Edward K. Milkts
Sh erlock Ho lmes (Basil Rathbone) with
OIIl.(CT~: B.::mard Kowalski
hypnotism. Adapted from T~ Adven-
5O.££HWJUTE": Rit~ Larkin
ture of the Empty House. With Nigel
The first women's prison 1V-moviestars
Bruce and Mary Gordon.
Ida Lupino as a s,"ld istic warden (see
Women's Prison of '55). Lois Nettleron
is a parole officer posing as an inmate
THE WOAtAN IN WHITE to expose bruta l condit ions, but she
1948 Wilme r BrOlhers (B&W)
can't prove her identity when she wants
PflOOUCD.: Henry Blanke
DIP.ECTO~: Pet ... r Godfr... ~·
to be released. With Jessica Walter and
SCII.([HWJUW: Steph... n Mo rehouse A\·... ry Belinda Montgomery.
S idney G reenstreet plays a vi llanous
count in this gmhic mystery aoout twin WOAfEN OF ALL NATlONS
ststers. Agnes Moorehead is his wife. 1931 Fox (B&.W)
Starring A lexis Smith, Eleanor Parker, ,""oOlJen; Fox Film Corp.
and Gig Young. Based on a popu lar DIUCTOf.: Raoul Walsh
novel by Wilkie Collins, whlCh had KPJ:£M\\I1UTE'-: Barry Connors
been fi lmed four times during the Si- One of a serics of comic adventures star-
lent era. ring Edmond lowe and Victor McLag-
len as Sergeants Flagg and Quin . In
his firsl fi lm released after Dracula, Bela
WOAfEN AND BWODY Lugosi p lays a bearded Turkish prince.
TERROR He {JTders the invaders of his harem cas-
1970 Howco lraled. With Humphrey Bogan.
"'OOUC[~: Albert J. Sab:r
OtUCTO'-: Joy N. Houck, Jr.
SCIUEH'-WMifU:Joy N. Houck , Jr., THE WOt/1EN OF THE
Robe rt A. Weaver, AlbenJ . Saher PREHISTORIC PLANET
ALSO W£AS[DAS: Hil Wife's /-Iabit 1965 Realart
Howco drifts off-co lo r as Georgine Pf.ODUCE": George Gilbe r!
[},ucy enjoys Mardi Gras b)' havi ng re- O,P.ECTOIV'SCIUENWJJTU: ArthurC. Pierce
lations with a bellboy, a hustler, the son U ltracheap sc ience fict ion with shoddy
of the te nant whose apartment she and sets, man-cating plants, giam lizards,

and" huge spider. It also h<ls Wendell WONDER WOilfAN
Core r and John Agar, ridiculous as as- 1974 TV
n onauts who hring together linda and I'AOOUCEA: Jo hn Stephens
Tang (the oriental Ad:HII and Eve) and DlI\£CTOII: Vmcent McE\·eety
naml' The planer they explo red Earth! KI\£[NWIIIlU: John D . F l3lack
Linda and Tang presumably begilt all A d i5.1SrrOUs fir.;( atrempt al a \Vondcr
mank ind in th is rack}' studio-seTEden . Woman pilot starring Calhr Lee Crosby
Produced by Jack Broder. (Bela LIIR051 in a sta rred zip-up-the-fronr minidress
Meers a Brookl),}1 Gorilla). W ith Leith b.1Ttling evil Ricardo Montalban. The
Larsen, Merry Anders. Adam Rnarkc, seni ng was changed [0 modern times.
Lyle Waggoner. and Stuart Margolin ABC tried again neXT year wiTh an en-
(The Rockford Files). tirely n1!W conC1!pt and cast. With An-
drew Prine.

1955 Columhia (B&W) WONOER fFOlltEN
PIIOOUCEII; Bryan Foy 1973 Uener.11 Film COT]x>r<lrron
OIIlECTOII; Lewis R. Seiler (Philippines)
SCII([ NWlUTEfI.S; Crarw Wilhur, J<lck o.;.win PIIODUCEII: RoS!; Hagen
011\£0011: Ro hcrt O'Neill
Inside <l coed hell, Warren STcvens' se-
KAEENWllrT[lI; Lou Whil ... hill
creToff-limiTS visit is discovered hy 5.1-
distic and power-mad warden Ida Lu - F10tJ)('T Drum Song star Nancy Kwan is
pino. Audrey T OIter is punished unt il the cvil Dr. Suo whose all-female arm~'
she miscarries and almost d ies. Cleo kidnaps the world's top athletes to d is-
Moore and Jan Sterl ing, hahitual offen - rnemher and LIM' for spare parts. TIlcir
der.;, o rganize a prisonwide rior and in organs arc sold 10 aging millionaires.
the storm of teargas and hulleb that An insur-mee investigawr arrivcs at the
foll ows Stevens tracks down till' hutch- doctor's island fortress to stop the lad),
ering warden. Thc ads promised: "Gals etlfups. Producer Ross Hagen ga \'e h im.
on Talllpagl'! Shock after shock!" When self the hero role. With some pit iful
The slIloke clears she is found - a hope- mons t e r~ and Sid !-big.
k'S.~ raving lunaTic. WiTh PhyllIS TIlaxTer
and Ho ward Duff. e ll
1962 MUM
1961 MGM (France/Italy) OIJI.ECTOII: Henry Levin
PIIODUC£ll: joserh E. Levine
SCIIE:ENWIIITEfI.S: David I~ Hnrrnon.
Ch:lrlt'~ Bt'l rlullonr, Willinlll Roocrts
LHurcnee Harvey and Per/ling Tom ~ tar
Aladdin (D,'mald O'Connor) rubs a
Karl I30chm lire The Grimm brothers
ma~ic lamp and Vittorio Dc Sic;r PClpS
in this fanta sy cinerama release featu r-
O UI and ~ranrs him three wishes. Nm
ing Plll'~ pllppetoons and an animaTed
t{Xl thrilling. With Michele Mercier, dr.ll.,'on. A biographical story is com-
Noetic Adam, MillOn Reid, and Mario hinl.'CI with three fairy tales. "The Danc-
Gironi, later famo us as Terence Hill . ing Princess" stars Yvette Mimieux, with
M:lrio Bava ....~dS Ihe second-unit din..'CI\)r.
Russ Tamblyn and Jim Backus. "The

Cobbler and the Elves" stars Harvey. Woman on Earfh had a more likely
"The Singing Bone" features Ten)'- conclusion. Music by Miklos Rosza.The
Thomas, Buddy Hackett, and Otto world premiere was held in Cleveland !
Kruger. With Claire Bloom, Walter
Slezak, Barbara Eden, Oskar Homolka,
and Arnold Stang. WORLD WAR llJ
1982 T V
DtkECTOI\: D;lV1d Green
ANDCOSTELW From the ads: "The world is on the
1965 Universal (B&W )
PfI.ODUCELU: Max J. Rosenberg,
brink. Anyone of them can push it
Mitton Subotsky ovcr the edge." In 1987, when Russia,
If you can't take whole Bud and Lou led by Brian Keit h (Meleor), invades
features, you might go for this compila- Alaska , President Rock Hudson (Ava-
tion with scenes from 18 of their films lanche) n ies to avoid a nuclear war. Two
(a ll made by Universal from 1940 to hours of human drama and small-scale
1956). It even includes the "Who's on battles in a feature kicked off by &ris
first" rout ine . Narrated by Jac k E. Sagal (he died in a helicopter accident).
Leonard. The American forces are led by David
Soul. C athy Lee Crosby is an intelli-
gence offi cer.
1960 AlP-TV (Mexico) (B&W)
Ptl.OOOCEA: Abel Sa la~a r
DlkECTOI\; Alfonso Corona Blake
!>O.EEHWP.ITEI\: Ramon Obon BRFAKS O(},I, See
A caped vampire controls his converts
by playing eerie music on his Voca llion WORLD WITHO(}'F END
organ, bu ih mostly with human bones 1955 Allied Artists
and skulls. Also with a great-looking PP.ODUCEI\: Richard Heermance
vampire woman with just the right DIP.ECTOI\{SCMENWII.ITU: Edward Bemds
e~'eliner. Mauricio Garces and Silvia American astronauts head fo r Mars.
Fournier uar. enter a time warp . and end up on 21st-
century Earth (wh ic h of course has
THE WORLD, THE FLESH undergone a nuclear war). Thcy fight
AND THE DEVIL a big phony spider and mutant cavemen
1958 MGM (S&W) and discover an underground civiliza-
PP.OOUCEA: G OO'l,'e Englund tion with angular tunnels and people
OIl\lCTOI\/ KkEENWkIT£I\: Ranald McDougall in tights and tunics, The sets, props,
Harry Belafonre emerges from a mine and plot were all recycled from other
accident to discover it's pan ic- in-the- movies. hm this one is in CincmaScope
year-zero time. He heads for a deserted and Technicolor! With Hugh Marlowe,
New York C ity and finds Inger Stevens Rod Taylor, and Nancy Gates, Popu-
and Mel Ferrer-of course. a racist. la r pin-up-girl art ist Al berto Vargas
They argue, fight, and fi nally decide designed the cost umes for the alien
to live in harmony. Corman's Lmt WO Olen .

iArrctO'rlaclUr Herb Rob-
illS III The Worm E:lIcrs.

71IE WORLD'S GREATEST Advcrr ised as: "An im mortal film of

S INNER o ur t unc ." Direc lo r Ro bins .~ tars as
1961 Fren:y Production) (I3&W) U ngar. a clubfooled worm breeder. in
tillS \\·cttd horror cOIll l'd~' with te rribk'
acting by pt.-'oplc whoacruallyeat worms
Frank Z,lppa did the mllsic for th is on ...creen. At the Las Vegas premiere
oddit y ;)oout ;)n IIlSlITance sal(' ~ma n the re wa~ a wo tm -eatingconrest. Some
who deCtde~ he's God and becomes a Cd S! rnemOers Ix-come " worm people"
rock 'n ' roll evangcllst 10 spread the and as such wiggle arou nd o n Ihe floor.
\\·o rd. Timothy Carl'Y, the nl<ln who
;"'M..,inafeJ fhe race hOTse III The Kill-
Ill}! , Slars as well as proJucing, di recting,
;m,1 wriring till' screenplay. With Gil l1fE WRECKiNG CREW
Raretto, Berry Ro wland, Dori s :md 1968 C()[ulllhi ;1
Georg(' F. Carey, l'lme~ FMiey as the PRODUCE" ; IrVing Alkn
Devil, anJ Titus Moedl'. Made in V;)n - OII\[CTO,,: Phil K.lrl"'>11
5C"E[ NW"IT[ " ; William McGivern
Couvcr. R a)' Dennis St('ckler wa s o ne
of the cmlleramen. ell The las, Man Helm film - finally!
Sharon T:l(c plays a beautifu l hut bum-
bling secrel agent helping Dino recover
gold stolen h~' villain Nigel G reen.
THE WORilI EATERS With Elke Sommer and Nancy Kwan
[<)77 !\'ew Am.:nOln
as female vdlains and Tina louise. \\'ho
I'lIOOUCEk: T V. Mikcl~
gets kIlled hy an explod ing boule of
Scotch. It's h;)rd 10 believe Dean Mar-

lin gol away with plaring himself in
fuur of Ihese su h-Bond sp(lof~.


1965 A l P-T V (M<;,xico) (5&\'(/)
",ODUCE": Gui!1ermoClklerun Stel l
DlklCTOk: Rene C utiona
SCM:[H\V~T£k: Ahd Sai<nar
O"IGINALLY "[lEASED A~: Las LlfCh Adora5
ConITa Ia .~OIma
Sometimes Mex ican filll1mak ers come
up with great original ide"s. [ ma~inc "
series abou t wrestli n~ wo men! They
wresde monslcr.;. Maytx· ~·ou caught
them in Docwr of Doom. Xochitl, the
mummy. can tum into a snake or a b<u .
which arc hard fa.(l:eI h"I(.N eI ~ n s on.
Loren" Vasque:! is Loreira. the Golden
Ruby, who juins her sister to bn u \c rhe
evil Prince Fugl),am and her O riental
femal e wrestler.;. The mummy i ~ also
fe male and on rhe good side o f the
s truggle.


• •
• •
• •
• • THE X FROII! OUTER SPACE where it d issolves people while absorb.

• • 1967 A lP (Japa n )
OlP.lCTOl'.=Na:ur Nlhomatsu
lIlg mdloactlvc material. With Dean

• • SCP.UHWPJl(M; Eibl Motomuchl.

Morlyoshl Ishida. KazUI NLhonmatsu
Jagger (token A merican (or box-office
d raw), Leo Mc Kern , an d Antho ny
• • OOGlNAU.Y ~D A.S: Uchl4 UUXmJu Ne",ley. Not to be confused with the

• • Gm"", Q uatermass fi lms. Originally co-bi lled

• •• An explorer spacesh ip bnngs hack an

organism that grows inm a giant Ilzardi
with The Cllrse of Franknslein.

• • chicken and levels To kyo. !)uIRAO, See CRY OF TilE

• •
• • x - THE "fAN WITH THE YEAR 2889, See IN THE YEAR
• • X-RAYEYES 2889.
• • 196.3 AlP
PI\ODucr",/ oIfI.ECTOI\; R oger Cormall
SC"'EEN'W.ITE'-S; Roocrt Dillon. Ray Russell
In one of h is best-remembered roles Ray
Milland is Dr. Xavier. He experiments YETI
on himself with X-ray vision cyedrops. 1977 (Jt~ly)
He can sec through skin, di ,lgnose a PROOUCEM: M~n() 0 1Nardo,
patil'nf's inrcrnal phys ical dam;:Jge, eas- Gi~nfra nco Parollni
ily win when gambling, and (in a pany OJ'-lCT~ : Frank Kr~meT
scene) see Through clot hes. All rhe K'-lEN\I(~t'[A: Mano Di N ~rdo
naked people aTC discrt'cdy coven..-d by An uncon vlllcing man in a Bigfoot sui t
plants or furn iture. After aCCId en ta lly turn~ OUt to he friendl y and helps a lost
killing a colleague, he hides o ur as a mUle boy and h is little dog. Filmed in
m ind reader at a carn ival. Don Rick les Canada. Nor released theat rically in
is h is boss. The pair of wisc guys In the America
audi(' nce are Corman regulars Jonathan
Haze and Dick Mi ller. Ray's sight gets YOG - IIIONSTER f'ROIII
increasingly stronge r un til he can sce SPACE
throul:h everything- to eternity! And 1970 TohO/AlP O~pan)
it hurts! At a revival meeting the Pt'.OOUC[~: Tomoyuki and Furnio Tana ka
preacher yells o ut-"If thy eye offend OJI\(CTO~ : lnoshiro Honda
thee . .. " With Diana Van Der VIis, KM;[N\lnJT[~: El ~awa
Harold J. Stone, and Jo hn Hoyt. A dve rt ised ~ s h<lvinl: "Tw ice the mono
sters! Twice the terror!!! !" Well, maybe
twice the mo nsters. An alien fo rce takes
XTHE UNKNOWN over Emrh creMmes, making them grow
1956 Hammer/Warner Brorhers and destroy. An OCtopus, crabs, and
(England) (B&W)
bats att<lck <l P<lcific isl<lnd.
PROOIJC[~: Anth o n y Hi n ds
Leslie Norman
KM;[~~ : Jimmr Sangster YONGARY, lltONSTER FRO"!
This early Hammer science fiction is THE DEEP
one of the first pulsati ng. blob movies. 1967 AI P·TV (5. Korea/Ja pan)
Ot'-lCT~: Kiduck Kt m
Living radioactive mud (tom the cen -
K'-l[N\I(tI.lTU.: Yu ngsung Suh
ter of the earth surfaces In Scotland.

Kv,.. r\ l-.mJ J,)e~ hn' number,. The
Here's )\IHr chanLe to '-": ahle 10 S,1Y
w,l"teJ ITIO I, hh,wn IIr ,II Ill" end,
yOU" .... ~e ... n .1 Kure,1O him. Y\lIlg.II)' is
t>.llL~1l by Johnn) ;-'I .. rcer.
.1 ralher eccentnc city crusher. A giant
mon~ler. It I~ unk""heJ by ~1I1 ~·,Irth- UPI'dI9I77: W'ha.r's 400('
4 uake In Chlll.l. It Jnnks ga"olme and l'OU'LL LIKE ,'ll',IIOl1IRR ViSlIUT'S (It (l Rml\(' film
sn.J1U J::ft (In OOmnc.. l(Jok
~tnp~ stompmg HI Ja nce [() mck 'n' ro ll 1972 l ln"c!'>.ll
PkOOUC[1\.; M"n I\rl,lnl al rctl r<,(entl,. Fol!ou'lllg
mU~IC. Ever he .. rJ Korean rock nUlslc! DIP.£CTOk: L.Ullom John ... ,n Ul the foolSlfps of Kmg
K1\[ENWl\trEk; Jo II .. nm Kong. :,011 might S(I~, tit.-
YOU ONLY LI VE nl"ICE Rich,If~1 Tholl\," 01 The \Vdl!(JIlS ~" Ih m(m~I<.,. - smnt' 30 ftet ",,!I
1967 Umt\.,.1 Aru'l~ \I:nIo:1:In,1) ,,~ ,I I',ychnirap"(. Patl), Ollk... I' a pre).:- and 4,960 pounds-l.Ilo
PkOOlKEM: A\~'rt R. Hro(C"h, n;mt wdo\\ vI'LtIng her ll\other-m-bw b< the SUIT of an IIpn}lnmg
Harry S"h:m.l1l mOl'lt'.
(Rnselll.lry MUfJ,hy) III l\.llnne~(l!a,
OlkECTOk: Le'" \~ G\\\~rt
~kEEN\vklT(k: l\"alJ 1)~lhl
A kw month, after C(tsinu Ro)·a/e. rhe
(Ift h redl J~\lm" &lIld movie was rekaSi.xl.
007 (Scan C0nm'ry) gues to j,lpan,
(:-Ike' hiS uwn death, gets marncd. and
~tol'S SPECTRE villain Blufekl (Donuld
Pleascncc) fwm ",lHlng World War ilL
BlnfdJ, a bal.l, -c,ITTeJ man whu loves
cats, had been Intercepting U.S. and
RU'Shm 'p,lCe cap,uh:~. The female
leaJ~ Includ ... tv1te H .\Tll.1 (a" Kiss)'
Suk ukl) and Aklk,) Wakab;!ya"hl. B.")th
IMd \i;:en III \Vh£rr\ Up, Tl,I!eT Lil)! and
Kmg KIJIl,l! t·s. Gfxblla. Wult Charie"
Gra)', Roher! HUHon, KMm Doc and
FIl M(lIl.::hu -.em', rl'gular T sal Clun.
', Smiltr;l "mg the theme l>\.1Ilf,!.
which ,huulJ ha\ e roeen a bLg hit. l\.lu~1C
h)' J\lhn Barr). C.lIlll<'fY qlll[ I he series,
unly t~l ro.!wrn f<Jllr \'e~l r' bier II) /JUl·
mOIl(/S Ar\! Fore,,·r.


1->40 RKO (B&W)
PkODUCEk /D!UCTOk; I),,, iJ p",tl"r
""UNWk!TEk: J,lm .. , V Kern
A,h.~,rti,..::d .I': "A Sl',mce In sw ing wi l h
the h, i_h.l_horro r buys." The \'o)'~ <lTe
Peler Lnrrl'. Bon, K~lrlulf. anJ Beb
Lll)!\'~1 ( 1Il .1 tuTh~H).1S Pnnce S<lliano).
They're trYing to kill y,llmg heirl"~
I !elen Prmi,h. A ~lice of pur hLstory
.... Ith Dcnnl,Q'Kl'cfe ;md Ish K ~lhlbH('.
The fe.l \ ~I.U L~ l:>an,l l..aJ .. r K'I~' Kyse r
WIth his Knllel;e ufMu"ical Kn,)wiedge.

While (rapped by a nli2mrd Sh l' discO\'-
A Mexican-America n student organi-
ers horrible secrets. With Sia n f\;lTnar,1
zation, pushing for the d ismissal of bigot
A llen. A Bing Crosny Production .
coach Russ Bcndt'r finds itself at war
with David Macklin and h is goons afte-r
YOUNG AND DANGEROUS his girlfriend Pan r McConnack takes
19'5i 10th Centlu)'-Fox (B&W)
PIIOOUCEI\!OIIl£OOIl: Will,am F. C I;ullun up wn h a C hicano (Tom Nardini),
SCAC£NwlUT(R: James landiS Ar.<;Qn, rape, WTl ure, and de-ath fo llow,
From the ads: "Why can't o ur parents Eventua lly Panr and Tom get conll'reci
understand us!" Mark Damon goes in an 'airplane ju nkr ard br Macklin,
who's at the controls of a giant steel
MIuare to get in with a niCl' girl. Lill
claw. Sungs include "Love Has Got Me
Gende, Edward Binn s, Paul Bryar,
Frances Mercer, Ann Doran, ;md Con- Down" by the American Revo lution
nie S'l'vens appear. Vcry raml". Claxtllil and "In Big Leners" by the O rphan
ended up dif(~ning for Bvllanza and Linle Egg. With Zocy Hall (1 Dismember
Mama). - CB
House UII the Pairie. Screenwriter Lan-
dis later worked fo r FlIirway-lnreTl1a_
tio na/. See Delul«,ood "76. e ll 71IE YOUNG CA PTIVES
1959 PnmmOlint (B&W)
Pkooucu./scU£NWIIIJ[II.: Andrew J. Fenady
YOUNGAND EVIL, See CRY Olll.£crOll.: Irvin Kershner
OF THE BEWITCHED. The ads tel! the 5tor)': "Two kids who
couldn't ~top loving, held by a kid who
THE YOUNGAND THE COOD couldn', ~top killing! " Tom Se lden and
See llf//STALL NIGHT. Luana Pan en pick up a hitchhiker on
their way to Mexico, More ad copy:
THE I'OUNGAND THE "TL'enage dopers' love turns to te-tror
IiIMfORA£, See THE as they batt le cfazed kille-r!" Steven
S IN ISTER URGE. Marlo, sought in the murde r of his
oilfield forc m<l n, announces his inten t
YOUNGANO W7LD to kill To m and claim Luana . In case
1958 Republic (R&W) you haven', got the picture yet. the- <Ids
Pf.OOUC[1I; Sidney Pic ker COlH lIllll'; "Vio/{'nt dea,h threatened
William Witney
their ~'Olmg romance!" Marlo drives into
Arthur Hurman
the side of a warehollS(' rrring to escape
Su mmer in suburban L.A. stinks of the law. With Herb A rmstrong and Ed
beatings, rape, and hit-and-run homi- Nelson. B~' the director of The Empire
cide <I S RoL.:n Arthur and Carolyn Strikes Back. - en
Kearney arc terrorized hy Scott Mar-
lowe and his thrill-seeking goons. With YOUNG DILLINGER
Gene Evans, Morris Ankrum. and John 1965 Al lied Artist. (B&W)
Zaremba. In Naturama . Origina ll y co- 'AODUCU.: AI ZimbnliSt
billed with Witney's Juvenile JUligle. -CA 0'11,(0011: Terry O. Morse
K II.([NWAlTEM; Zimh~!ist,
1968 AlP Young Dillinger (Nick Adams) meets
Pf.OOIJC£I\!OIUCTOII; Maury OcXtl'r Pretty Boy Floyd (Robert Conrad),
James Gordon Wlme
Bab~' Face Nelson (John Ash ley), and
AUO ULU.S£D AS: 80m Wild
Homer Van Meter (Dan Terranova)

"Ami'TtC<In Bandstand"
11051 Dick Cwrk a5 <In In-
1L'1Tt 11\ Th~ You ng Doc-
",rs, narrated fry Rmw/J

Dick CI,Lrk, F.Jd l ~ Al hert, an.1 George

wh Ile III prison fu r rohiling hi:. girl.
Segal. W ith Ina Balm and Ph\ I h~ L.I.)\'e,
fn end's father's safe. W ith h elp from
V lcwr Buono, theSl' guy:. and their
gLrl fri ends N!come legendary desper· 71fE }'OUNG fJONTCRY
ados. John 110\ 1, Reed H:ld ley, A n· 19S( C"ILlm"l.I (13&\'(1)
th ()Il~ Caruso, Tl,d KllIght, Pany Joy PIL.ODUCEIL.: Phil A. \\'axlIlan

I larl11ol1, ,mJ Beverly HLIl ~ wear 1965 OIUCTOk; Alfr<...1 L \'(I.,rk.,r

'lCIL,UNWIL.IUIL.; I~Ich,ml J",)'"r
SHeet clothes {the fil m I~".. I In the '3\}.,
f rom tht' ad~; "Tf)o Inugh for lears!"
of co u r~e); d h' I11mLC L~ hy Shon y
S,III\\l nen. "the :.c rcen's nI()~I d ~· Il 'lIll1C
Rogers. Also " mt wducing hrliliant new
teell.,Ice SLIT. " I~ a loner wh,) hc1p~ an
St,Lr Mdr), A nn Mobley." -CB
l',.,caJlt'J IlIllrckrcr O an L e~ \'Vh ltl1\of(·).
With ]. Carr,)1 NolI ,h ,rnd Pall\ Carr.
]961 Unu <',! A rtl'IS \ B&W ) YOUNG DRlICUf.,1Ie SecANDY
L,wrl.'nc ... Turm:,n
Dlk£CTOk: Phil K;u!','-l1\
K kUNWIL.IT£IL. : J'N:ph 1 1,1)""" YOUNG HMNKENS71UN
Rona!.1 Reagan narr" tcs t h l ~ hns pll al 1'-}74 2OIhC.,nll1ry·Fll~ (H&W)
drama fi lmed In New York. The A rm~n · PkO OU CEk ; )I. Illhaci Grll:.K.,tI
Ol k[ClOk; )l.ld Bn ."k,
C<l n Me.\ical A,S(K ;ation aSSI:.leJ. Ben
'lCR££NW kITEI'.5; Cil'nc W,IJ\·r. ",·1\,\
Br,)(ll ,
GiL::anl, a IWW J octor ,m thl" pathn\og)"
~,)Jll~ )!(lu.l I.Hlgh, Ln till' ,plOof n f
~t:lff, 0pp')~e:. the mClhexl, of st ubborn
Lnl\'er',.\\ Frankcn)Ielll m()\' \e~. In
old docw r h ...dnc M,lfCh. who m'lke:.
bl.l(\.. .•md. whlll· ,md wLlh \' \ectronlC
:,OIllC :.cnous IllL,rakl·'. O lhe r Lloctors an'

equipmem designed by Kenneth SHick- THE YOUNG SINNER
fadde n, it looks right, but then so did 196; United Screen Ans (B&W)
Fksh GOTdon. Gene W ilder stars as the PkODI)Cl k/ DIUCToAlS<,tII£ENWklT£II.:
young Dr. Frankenstein. He has on T0 111 Laughlin
hand a copy of the origmal doctOr's ~GlHAllY ~D AS: Among the T horru
book, How I Did Ir. As the monster, Seen in pr .... view as ea rly as 1961, this
Peter Boyle sings and dances. Made- was apparently Laughl in's second self-
line Kahn becomes his will ing bride. made fea fure, after The Proper Time.
With Gene Hackma n as [he blind He Stars as C hri s Woran, a once-
hermi t, Kenneth Ma rs as the one- promising high school athlete whose fall
armed inspector, Marty Feldman as rhe from grace is sho wn via confessional
hunchback Igor, Cloris Leachman, flashbacks. Highlights include getting
;md Teri Garr. caugh t in the sack with a girl by her
wealthy parents and a degrading expe-
rience in II c hurch loft with a 1 4 ~
THE YOUNG HELLIONS, See year-old , S tcf;lIli c Powers, William
HIGHSCHOOL Wellman, Jr., Linda Marc h. James
CONFIDENTIAL. Stacy, and C hris Robinson are friend s.
Charl es Heard and Dorothy Downey
arc parents, Jack S rarrett is Coach
THE YOUNG RACERS Jennings. Part one of an aborted tril,
1963 AlP OJ;y to be called \Ve Arc All Chri5r.-CB
Pkooucu/ DIlt.£CTOk: ROj.!cr Corman
KU[NWArTU: R. Wright Campbe ll
Roger Connan made this G rnnd Pri x
adventure while in Europe o n a vaca - 71/E YOUNG SWIN GERS
tio n/work trip. W ill iam Campbel l is Joe 1961 ZOlhCcmur.,.-Fox (B&W)
Machin, a race d river who uses any PAOOUC£MD'k£CTOtl.: Maur)' Dexter
means to wi n and spcnd~ hiS sp,lre time SCk£[~tT£A: Harry Spalding
havlJlg extramarital affairs. \Vhen an- Mo lly Bee TrIes to sa\'C the Vanguard
other d TlV("r (Mark Damon) d iscovers nightclub fro m being to rn down by her
Machi n with his girlfriend, he \'ows to mean real-es fate-a~wnt aunt. She fall s
write a book and exprnt' him . Campbell\ in love with star attraction Rod Lauren.
real-life brother Robert play ~ his film They sing "Mad, Mad. Mad" and "Wa-
brother. P,mick Magl'e is Sir Wil lia m IlIsi Su rfer." The duh burns down and
Dragone!. With Luana Anders. Sound Molly films 2 I . With Jack Larso n
ma n Francis Ford Coppol .. retained (television's Jimmy O lsen) . Direc tor
tho.: main cast members and di rected Dex ter f(lJ1owed with Sllrf Pari)' and
Dementia 13 "fter th is was fini .~ hcd . Wild (!II Ihe Beach.
Filmo.:d in Frallu', England , Ik lgillln,
and Mo naco. \Vith the " International
Playgirls." Futurl' producn-dlTcclnr
Mcnachem Golan was the pwpert}'
1966 K;m;lwha (FrancclW. Germall~')
~ODUCE-': fra nk ScI! :
THE YOUNG REBELS, Sec Dluaokfscu£NWAlrrA: Volker Schlondorff
TEENAGE DOLL. ~IGIHAllY UlEAYD Al: Dt'T Junge T ll1"k5s

Torlcss, a boarding-school student in [I private club hearing her name in

[he prewar Au~tro- H ungar i an Empire, Ca nnery V ill a,ge, Nl'\\'pon Beach,
15 .1 fasc inated observer as hl ~ fr iends C 'llifornia. TIle cluh, s;lid a press release,
visit the loca l prostifUte (Barbara Steele) "will cater to those wanting a b..!lter
and turn o ne sruJenl into a humilbted life-styk, wit h ,1 swa rm of Ph. O. s back-
<lnd tortured slave. A critically ac- ing Manlic wilh their services," )'Oll"t",
claimed look at the st.'eds of Nazism. GOI 10 be SmaTi [Urned out to be ,I pro-
"An istic supe rvisor" LOllis Malk ust..,j phetic title.
Stee le as a prostitute again In Pretty
/3ah)'. The director later did The Tin
/)n,m. Basl'd 011 the novd of the sa me
tit le hy RONorr Musil.


1960 EIII> 1'1111" (England) (B&W)
~ODUCU.; Norm~n \'i/illi:orllS
DIMCTO«.: An,hon~' Sunmons
KIU[~: RI>n,tldJeans
A domestic comedy about a couple who
take in boa rders I() par the rem 1)Il the ir
large ho use. BarJ:.uT'1 Slee le b ;1 pro-
spect ive lodg<:r. Peggy Cummins (GUll
emU') and Donald Sinden star. Re-
leased in A merica in '65.


1967 Producers R~I<!il ,ing Or~~n l !at\('n
AI\MNGED BY: 5 1:111 Wonh
DIIUCTO«./K,-£[HW1';ITU: Ell,s Kadl ... lIl
Thirry-four-year-old Mamie Van Doren
III her last movie. Fourth billmg <I~ ,I
~er.: ret'lfy who fools arou nd wiTh the W IT
(Tom Stern) of thi~ unheard-of little
opus was a step d~.wn even from N(lvy
t's. lhe Nighl Mm\Slers, so she rl'l ired
from the sc reen. SmaTi is ahout II nllle-
year-old singing Oza rk preachl'r Noin):!
exploited on Television by Stern. <t sleazy
pilblicisi. The kid (called MeThuselah
Jo nes) and hl ~ brot her mUSIClllns are
pl;lyed by "nle lXmtams," a real hrothe r
ac t. With RI)gl' r Perry of the COUIli
Yorga movks, G lori<! Castillu , ,md
"rocbbil!y mu~ i c."ln 1982, Mamie was
one of the q U:lrtet o( nosla lgm stars in
The touring show 4-Girls-4. The &1m{'
year, she and her Ialest hushand 0pI:ncd



~~\ Z.P.G.
19i1 r"ramount (Engl;mdl
1957 P,lram')UII1 (13&\'(/)

·• L . ",ODU(U: TI'Ol11,b F
0.1\£001\; ~lldl;ld C,mlrU~
!>CI\([NWPJTU.S: ~ I u

ErI,th, ITank J)cFd'I1 .•

PP.ODU(U: Joh n CIMrnpI(ln
OflU:OOA: 1LIlIlhn len
KIIJ:EHWAITE,.: Arthur Ha l l.,}"
• AUO IUlEA5£D M: ::""u P"/lZlI.J!um (lnm Ih
In the list ce n t ury en'f)'one wearl'> g,,'
TIle crew of ,I tm n~-Ca n aJla n p;lsscngn
pl,me IS O\'l'rcome hy foud poison m g.
11l a~b. The state procidl" m hot dull, I':eurmic Wo rld War II pilot Da n a
(o r couple.'> II hu \V,lIlt children. OI,H'r AndrcII's hmds It sa fely m the fog a n d
Rl'l,J and GeraUmc Ch<.phn def} tlw IS reun lled with old fla mc Lmda Damell.
j.!on'rnnwnt hy lu vmg ,[ Tl'd! hahy. A ,I ~te\\'.lrdess. Sterling HayJcn a d v i ~c~
dUll VI"'\\' of the future th,il g('! :cn. h un ffl'tll V~m e(lllv.·r. A Cb::..sK air nea r-
J i ~ tr ih'ltllll). dl'.l'tl'r mllV lC, h<ls..:d on a 1956 Alcoa
Hmll' TV show. It was later th..: hasls
flIT Alrpkme, Wi t h John Ashley as;l TV
~I!lgl'r, Jerry Pdris, Maxine Coopt'r, ;l nc!
z,tAl:· See nlE BLOOD El roy "Cra:y Ll'gS" Hirsc h . By the d!-
WATL!RS OF DR. Z. rcctor uf jO!lari411 1 Lil'in!;HOIl SeilJ;llll.

19i4 20th Cmtury- Fm,
Pl\oDUc(JI./DIR[C10~KM:[NWI'JTE" :
J,)hn Boorman
I ~8C Jl'H) (,Tn" Or~~m:atl<'n (Italy)
I3..)x-off,ce fl op that "now" '-LIl t (,cor- PM>DUC[AS: u),.. . ,T un:l. Fahn:l" nt' Angdl'
Il l', In th ..· yea r 219~. a huge 'tonc he"d OIRfOO R: LU{llll'uki
flle~ our of thl' ,ky ,IIlJ hlll~~ gun, to S(R[[NWAlT[": Elt ...l Rng.mll
the E X[ennll1,I[Ol ' In th ..' nUl land" Zed 0AIG1NALlY MlW(O Ill: 20m/",.. 1
(Se,1Il Cunnny 111 ,I rok tlTlgI Il.l I I) ALSO RfL£AS[O AS : Zmnhlc FIc\h Eu{,....s
p[;"Inned li,r Hu n Rl'Vllo llh). an I:xter- In [(,lly /)(lt17l (If [he Dewl was calle d
mmatoT, st,)" , ahoi!rd till' IW,H.I to 1Il- Zmuble. Thl~ unrebr..:d phony Sl'tluel i'i
(iltr:lte the Vortex, ;1 pt,ICc wh..:rl' tbl' ZllIIbl\' 1. American ad.~ II nplil'd thm
l'tl'nut ly voung, ~ex l e" lI1(~'tll'(: fll.,I .. t1c~h-":,HIIl).! :llmhll'S iIlv;ld..: f\c w Yor k
llvc. H~' isclpwrnl hy them and l(lll11d Clf~. ror):,:ct If. Thcciiche ;lclion mmtiy
to he generically 'Ul'n lo r ;lTl,[ thcn:ture t .lkc~ )'lace un ,I Impical island. O n e
d th Tl'a( to t he lT eX I'1<:!KC. S, l v~'cl h~ (tl ll n~' K Cn(' h~b ~ n u nd ": rI\',l t n zomhie
FTll'ncl (John A ldert(ln), hc (<lI1 ~ Hl Il)\"~' fig h ting :1 ~h a rk. There\ t he c xr ec t,~d
\\ Ith C h'lrio tt c l\;l1u pl ing ,m d thcy ~(:! gut-illu nc h in g ;md O Il C inc redible shot
,dlout hrl nging an cnd to th ..: inu:llec- " I a plcce ,,( ,p llTl I..:rn l wond gO ing
tu.\ I ~· ruk. [X"mnan ll ''':'' !k..:t1hl\'l'n'~ t h ruugh an eyehol l!. WIth R ichard
Scv..:nth S)"l\1phon~ .md Cicultr..:y Un,- John'>on, M!.I b rrow\ ~ist e r Ti~ , and
worth\ brilliant cll1em:ltogTdphy to I,m McCu llllCh (Dr. Butcher M.D.).
create iI 'lllnning, t houghl- r ru\ukmg We~t CO.I't . I ud l ..:ncc~ we re givcn 2mll-
fdm. hu t Jon't [,I kc II tl") ~": rl ou,ly: hie had h; 1):,:~. T h l" l'Vl' n gllTier Eurorea n
"Zardo:" IS a COLH T;lCllun 0 1 "\VI:,lrd \'l'r~ll)l1 h :\\';li1.lhlc (In vid('(lCa:<...<ette.
niO;:," ,md. ilS Fril'nd ~.Iy'. "[e \\,1' ,Ill Gill ... , "f Ill'll was r ulC1's n ext goq'
Just a 'llke." AI AmenC;ln relc,,'..:. (....,11-11111 .... ",......1 Xl
ZOAIIJlli I-UiSH FATERS, See Comm,m.L Co..!} (ju.ld 11<1ldrcn) re-
ZOAIIJIR. turn' In ,l1lllther ,err,1! \\'c.lrr IH! hl~
rockt:! ,lilt .md "'II mg E..lrth (rom ,Ih.'n"
()ne, ,f ,hc ,ll lcn, In h,,, "lcd , me.\lcl';l l·
!t",klne "lilt' l~ n,lIncd ~,lr.lh ,m.. lpl.l~ ...-J
h~' L\·"n,lrd 1'\ 1m,,} , Almc T,m!\c I~
",OOtK[k: Ikn Shllot1
c..,,\} \ ,1..,,1'1; 1111. ~cMh cl'cr}thrng III
Ihl' 'crral II",!' IcCt Ol'eT Ir,ul1 (" Irher R ...,-
OIN:CTOA.: G"Tdon D"u~la,
KIU:[HW'-lru : L1WTl'IlH' Klmhl~ puhhc pwJuclIlln,. TIl\' gr(',1( cllInk}
I W(.lked \llfh (/ Zom/'I(' wa~ <In RKO qllllJer wh 11 11.1' from Tho' ,\\ "SleflOl(~
hit. so the sTUdio l'X"''C~ figUTl·d ,I ~om' Dr. Saliln (,40). The tll'l1lr.:-m:m il,,'t-
fllc cwnedy would he even nigger. A "gc 11:\ .. tnml Kill/.( of [he R,,,:k('t ,\,It'll
New YI'rk Illghtclul' run t-y galH:S[CTS ('4!). The (c,II\I[\· \"\:r'1(1I) 11',1' tl1rl,wn
advo.:rtl,e~ 1\ ha, real :omhICs. TIl\' togCtlll'T In ';8. ! \uld rcn conlinueJ :\ ~
com cdy 1..:,11\1 ut Brown ,mJ C,l rnc y 1 ~ Cody un tckvl'lon rn ('\,.'n ch.:al'\'r
,enl to the W c~t In,lies I II ~l'l them. ,1,lvenlurl". All 12 (h"l'lcr, "rl' noll'
3da LUgOSI. a~ Dr. Renau lt. crC;HCS thl' ,"dllah\c "n (\!IC vlde,lc" '.:!t.',
hVlng dead wnh Injl'Clil)J\", Darhy
Jone" rill' (<Ill zomhl'" In rhe carheT film .
repeats hi, rote. So d"cs Sir Lanu:lnl.
the calyp>,(' 'Inger. Bcb turn~ pudgy
Al:'tn Ctlrm.·~· Into ,I hllg.eyed :mnhle
and .dI1l 0~1 J oe~ the ~a m (' u > An ne
Jeffnc~. A vel)' ~ {range film. \~hlh Sht:!·


19')7 G,llImh.1 (B&Wj
H.ODUCU .: S,lIn K,It:nl.lll
DII\ECT~: !:.J" Jr.1 C;'llm
j.Q,EEN\V~ITEIU: R:l\ Ill.'nJ 1. ~1,,,oJ'
Zmnhll" gu,ml an HnJ~>rll'a'cr nC,l;;ur~'.
The lInJ~"rw<l'~' r cff.:ct I' rn.",lllCcd by a
W;'lV\" I m>lge ,mJ \--ub"le~. AUIlIIllIl
Ru,~d I ' the J'lI.lm~·d hcrome. ,A.IIi,on
H:1\'':, )lllih thc =umhln. \'(fith ~'l nr­
n~ Ankrum, Gel1\' Roth, :mJ Grel-:L!
p" lt1\cr. .

1')52 Rcru l-il~ (B&W)
ASSOCIAT[ P~OOIJC[~: FranL.:11ll AJr,·(\"
OIMCTO~: hcJ C. 5r,ml1o"
KME~IT[~: R"ll.Ild 1).1\,1,\"..,11
AU<) ~[l[,t.J(o AS: SIlI'IIl'~ SIl~flrle5

1966 A rr·T V
H;.Oou(EIVOIM:CTOf.: L1ITY Buchanan
K,-£EWWIIJTEIU: Lmy Buchanan, H . Tarim
An IIlc rel..\.blc T('makc of It C01u/w'red
,he W'orld. II was one of seven .',eience-
fic llo n films AlP Ill<ldc in a row and
·,old fOlelevislOn in a h<lrgai n pacbgc.
John Agar stah. Ill' rrie~ tu stop An -
thony Hu ~ ron, who give, <In historic
rcrfclrInancc as a sci('mist dominated
hy illl ,tlien bat. Wh..:n he fires his fa.ser
gun th..: film rurm n..:g,lti\"e! Mo~ t of
th..: C<l~ t rnemlx' r~ end up with brain-
cOll1ml de \'ices nn the h<lck of their
n ed ~. Thi~ inept hil is so pOPlilar that
SCTV Jld a t<lkeoff ,md there's i l Bus-
t,m - ha ~l'd lll<lgazine naTl1cd after it.

p"ooUC£II./O'iY:CTOf.: William Ca~trc
G rea, urle! RUI this William C astle
com..:dy doesn' t reall~· ilIah' it. To m
Po.~l\)n I~ a pwfc.'>S()r wh!) finds an an-
clem C\lln th<l! gH"CS hun magic powers.
Ifhe I"-llnts at snmdxxiy, it causes paIn.
If he .~. I y' the movie's mIl', c\,('rythin g
slows down. If he points <It someone
cmJ S.IYS "Zot:!" they die ! The Pema-
gon thinks hc'~ craz~', hilt th(' comml(:~
Bela LI~15J II! Zomh!\,. know hl"~ got <l gll'at we<lpon so they
nn f'lro~d \\, ;IY,
~c nd ,pi ..:~ (() get It . With Jun Backus,
Frn! Clrnk, CeCl! KcI!away, Margaret
Dumon t, Julia Meade, u)uis Nye, and
<l Khrusc he\' lo,)b llkl'. Scriptwri ter
Rus ~cl! did X- The Niall with the X-Ra)'
E)'o!s. Plastic 21J1z coi rh II'tTl' given to
the fir" theater patrons.


OOOKS jenkinson, Philip, and Alan Warner.

CeUIl/oul Rock. London: Lornmcr,
The American Film Insrilute Ca[(llug 1974.
(1961-1970'. New York: R. R. Lee, Walt. Refnence Gllide ro Fallf.tific
Bowker, 1976. Films. Los A ngeles: C helsea, J9i2.
Bojarski, Richa rd. The Films of Bela Marrill, AlvIn H. MOt'le;; Made fur
Lugmi. Secaucus, N. J. : C itadel , 1980. Tekvi$irJll. New York: l)e Capo, 1980.
Bojarski. Richard. and Ke nnerh Beals. Manin, u.·onard. MUtrieComed)' Teams.
T~ Films of Boris Karloff. Secaucus, New York: S ignet, 1970.
N.J.: Citadel. 1974. McCanny, Todd, and C harles Flynn.
Brooks. Tim, and Earl Marsh. The KinK.I of the B's. New York : DUllon,
Complete DireclOf)' 10 Prime Time 1977.
Neftl.'OTk TV Shows. New York: Miller, Don. B Mm·u!s. New York:
Ballantine, 1981. Curtis, 1973.
De Cou lteray. George. Sadism m fhe Parish, j:lmes. The Great M(wic SCries.
MooU's. U.S. translat ion. Secaucus. Cranhur,), N.J.: Barnes, 197 1.
N.J.: Castle. 1965. Parish, james. and Steven \Vhllney.
Di Franco, Phill ip. The MOt-'ie Wurld of Vincent Price Unlll./Skcd. :--Jew York:
RogerCorman. New York and London: Drake , 1974.
Chelsea. 1979. Pirie, D,l\'iJ. A Herlfllge of Horrur,
Dowdy, Andrew. Filllls of lhe Flflles. The fURII sh Guthlc Cmema. London:
New York: Morrow, 1975. Equinox, 1973.
~. Gabt·. Tar~an oflhe MovU's. New Pms, Mich .. eI . HOlTur Frlm Stars.
York: Citadel. 1968. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland . 1981.
Everson, William K. Classics of the Saxon. M,lrlha. Jaync MaJlsfield Imd
HOlTur Film. Secaucus. N.J.; CII"dc l, [nc F{jbu~ms Fifril's. Rmtlln: I kHlghton
1914. Mlfilin, 1975.
Gerani, Gary. and Paul Schulman. ShIpman. David. The Grear MOt'le
Fm\f(l5tic Tekvision. New York : Stan, The lnferlUlrl()lw/ Yean. New
Harmony, 1977. York: 51. Martin's, 1973.
Hal liwell, Leslie. Film~oersCompanion . 5lker. Alan . and Eli:.lhcth W<lrJ.
New York: H ill and Wang, 1977. Frlm Nurr. Wrll:xistock: Overlook.
Hirschhem, C li ve . The Warner BMhcn 1979.
SIOf)" New York: Crown , 1979. Thomas. Tuny. H.m1(l/d RetlJ!an- The
Hogan. [},,\'id. Who's Whooflhc HoJ/)'u'(l(l(l YeaTS. &-caucus. N.J .:
HOTTurS. San Diego: Barnes, 1980. C itadel. 1980.
Howard. Moe. Moe Howard (lnd the Turner, Genrg~' E., and Marsha ll H.
Three Swoges. Secaucus. N.J .: Citadel. Pnce. Forg(luen HOlTors . Cranhury.
1977. N.J .. Barnc~. 1979.

Vmie!), ImemarionaJ ShowbU5iness
Reference. New York and London:
Garland , 1981.
Youngkin, Steve D.. James Bigwood.
and Raymo nd Cabana , Jr. The Films
of Peler lorre. Secaucus: C itade l,
Zmijewsky, Sleven and Boris Zmijewsky.
EJvis- The Films and Career of E/tris
Presley. Secaucus: Citadel, 1976.


CAStle of Frankenstein. New)brk:

1958- 1970.
Cinefanrastiques. Oak P;lrk. III. : 1971 -
Confessions of aT7mh FiCTUJ. Old Bridge,
N.J.: 1982- 1984, bi·weekly.
Famous Monsters of Film/mul. Philadel·
phia: 1958-1983. bi·monthly.
Fangoria. New York: 1979- .8 times
a year.
Fellr of Darkness. Columbus, Ohio:
1982-1983. irregular.
Fi/m}oll.mal. New York : 1934-
GOIl'Gazt'lft'. Montclair. N.J .: 1980-
bi· ....'Cekl y.
Motion Picture Exhibitor. Ph il..dclphm:
19 19-1968, wcekly.
Motion i' Herald. New Yo rk :
1907-1972, weekly.
Sleazoi!l Express. New York: 1980-
Traslwla. San Francisco: 1981-1984.
NGlI.ide. Radnor, PA : 1952-
Weekly Vanel)'. New York: 1906-


The fo llowing compan ies and ind iv iduals ki ndly gmnted pe rmi ~ion
usc the photographs and ilIL1stratlons in rhlS book. Columbia

Pictures Corpora tion, Embassy P1CtureS Corpowt ion. and Orion Pictu res
Cof1X>ra[ion also permitted the use uf pi ctures owned t-y them; the flpprnpria[e
CClpyrighl and courtesy lines appear next t() the!>e pictures, at their r<--quest . To
these fi lm companies and to those lIsted heloYo·. the autho r and the publish er
gratefully acknowledge thei r de bt.

rt.,~...-.."t. /rom lllE Au x.;,o,n"lll PEoru_- c,,..,~ , ..... I'huo~ "' ... "COLlEVlUlNfl[)u''Tl'''l"(~'I"'...,.h!
e I<K~ T......" ... h Urto,,,,,--r,,, F,1tn (;,"1"-"-"'" All II,,,,,» C> t.. lr.",.."..1 h' ........ ~ I~ ...... '" uI U",,",",,",I Cot. St..J"".
1Itw......J. u..,,, ... , ,i T••", .... ~ c.. ",~,) . ro,· . A,.,..",,..... ,,, I", Go ... ,." ,i ue... ruN,.I"..... Om""" '. MC ... c...n.
"" '·ANGEL'" WILD \1,'Ol-1E~" Cvp,,,",,, C 1, o,kp''''I.n ,- m"".·",."". I,. I''''.u,,'.'~' (....,
~rHl-: (nOL "' ~Il TlI[

0 ... , ...... () j ..l ll 11...... 1'1._""" ",,,,,,....n,"...

In""'",1OO.I1 1'... """, c...1"'"<"'~" AJ ...

10M NE5·v-..... ,JT«iV ,",,1.1. ~.."t.", ""TIIE

· A·r,E"
iTL ... ""TilE ASTRO-
(·R ... Z¥"' eor-,,,ICh, f" 1'"p'",,1 I" .I ""k~~, ... J..,.""""",,,,
·'Tlll CORI"'E Lal.l'lllERS·· (', .. "." ,,; T«I V M,~~I ,
I'h. ... """'" ""'" ""CRAZY MAM...· ('~,..,~ C IQ)\ L~,'"

An.)MIC KII )"~ ,.-N.,........ "'-",. ..... In.-__ Il<. L hi"" ","",....."t. "' ... "'Till ( lU;AnIll.E FRUM nlE
1'\..0"1.....,, Ad ... " ...... ", ... "AVAL-\NClIE' C, ~" .. OII>' C IIl ... CK l.\(j(lON'· c.,\,,,,,,~I,, r I" Un"'......1 P,,'.,<o.•
197~ ,0,,,1.,"-,,,, Prod"..,,,,,,, AJ"",,.. .... ,,, ',H ·· BA~HT I~,,".n ,,; U,,,,,,, ... I f:", S,.J I, •. I"", ''''''n, vi Mf: ...
CA"€'·c.:..n.., ,i f H.n<Io<w, AJ ... ",.. mm, "" "IIATil..E 1\.... ,./'''''' •• n,,"'"'' ,,; MCA (~""mun"·"""". I", I'I~"" .
N'\'()I';OTI-lEST",'ISeos"n«I" C> 1'1&1 Nn< \T. ·.~IJ ""d.-:- n;or/> ''''''' """EC'.lkS~;Of THE W(lH:\T.\)I.F'"c..,..""", C>
'''''''. I..... ""'_orh ft. .. - BllMZ7.I.ETY"c.::.r.,,"'" f"O l<>to; '" tln .........1P", .. n.. /),,-"'.""~ tJt, .."""IC.., St...Jo.~. I...
0;,.,,1<; Donm F."" '1 ~"". o. ... ""',..J bo T......." ...h (:-....,.- c;."",... vi u(", I't"""""nc.• n....... CO M(;A C, ..............
I'Q, ,,1m l."""'.'...... AIIII,~", 1I<,...,...,j Co...,,"'. ,. T......· ,."". I .... 1'I•• .,..,ph ,~"" ·T~ W'I O. THE DEAI)" \;,.,,,<>,,
, .. ,h ynw""-f,,, AJ,.. ",,.. .... ,,, ... "TlI~ Ilf.F$"' G ,,,,,.h, '. l :.. ""J 1',lm 1'1".,,,,,,••« , (;" "'J,~,,,,,,,,,,"n' h "TIlE llAY
ClI~78 A II« 0... "" ....... ,""". In< , AJ,~", ....... ", '~ - RIG M ... IIS INVAnfll EAIITII ·· G ,,"'",h, (J l%l l".n""I,
IlAn MAM.... c,p. .."", c: 1974 :;On,. C.... 1't,,J,,,:,1Oft>. (An, ... I", 1'.1", c....r. ....... All P.""" K.-.",...,j ~.
rt...,.. ..... _ . fIlACt;; HIIIl'Ir c.~~ ,d>, () '" I ·m.,,"'" .J l ...... ,...,h ( ,..... "N,Fo. rt. ... 'V• .,.,;"-<!O "llt:"'TlI RAU
s..... "" ",",.Ioc,.",,_AJ ..",.......... '
P~ 'u"". ' 1), ... "'" '" U.",~I (;") ~Wooo. I... t:«.-, ..,. ,.- ICo.."\)"" (;,,,,,,,.t,, C '~;I
MCA I'I.N"/-.,,,*,, • D,.""",,~ MC... Cornm""..-.".", !roc ~. ""TIlE IlEIINQI. 'ENTh"v""""", () l ~jJ 1"'1'"".1 F'roJu<
I'h.xo......"t. "!!lACK SLEEP"' '~ '\'V,,", .. C I~"" I... "'! ...·• ' ."". I"", A II II 'ih" lit" ", ,,",, 1\>1,_1 ,lm"",l, llM,,1 A" .. "
Po,.J.K.""". I"". R,,,,,,
All R.......J IItI<-owJ ,hn ....~' U"",,",
.......... f:. _ _ . I'h......orh ""'" m. MGM ..I<.... ·RL.ACK
c:."1"'''''''' 1'h. .. ..~o4'h ....... ""TilE I'Ol.L S()I. 'AI)"· c.",,,..,'
'f r,,", V ~"L<h I'h. ... ""..~, ""'" ··IJRAL1JL-\ ANO .<0"1 ••
I'O'LRD JU~l£ - CI 19"51 I ~ ..... •• h", k .... ....J 11JIj} b.. (;, ....... 01 Qu.,' ~, F,h... 1.... ,~puo .,«1 I'ho ... "" • .,., ,,.,,..
MGM,'UA E",." •• " ..... n' Co AJ .. " .......... ' ..... "111.000 ' IIRAOILA \":> HV.NKDlSTlIN·C,'!""' ..... C I~' ·
MA~IA: ·COO " .. y ,i Cn,..." In, ...... , ..,,1 r,o"" ., I..... ",,., • .,., 1~ .. n.. " "",,1 l '..-"~ c...rv"." rh ~ ..... >;'h m,." 'DIIAG-
r.. .. ··1lUXJO Of LlIVoCtI!.A:5 CAS"nE-- O. ".... , ~ (;n"'" STRII'(;IRI :C.""oh, C (".,u.." ::it", I""h''''~ I 'h.*~. ph
In'....... , ......1 1'..- ........ Ad~"' ....... n"~ -BLOOI) 011.(;)" Of iTL..., "(IIAs(RII~.AI)"· c..r."'<!h' r l~J7 L,,",,, hi .... , AJ""
THE SIlE-fJEVILS- ~ C> j ... LJ 1Ln... AJ ..... ' ........ n' , _ ... ""TIIE I:.VI\" r:. '1'1"'''''~ C> I";~ l'.... \T.'.~ IJ 1'..-.......
lot "'TilE BRAN t"ROM THE PLo\t.lET AIlCUS"C..., .... of I"" All R,,,u 1Ir..n-rJ AJ...", .......... b ~ nlE fEMALE
H,.... <o l'.oJ",·",~". Inc. 1'h.)I.""ph from ··MlnES o~ IIL:n.:lltll· r:. .~." ..... ()
him V... ~u .... 1"'....... ' ......1 Jl.:,t,~
DRACULA:''!1oh' (J .... Un i .~",,1 P... , .... " • I~.".,., ,,j 11'>r'L fo .., -fIRtBALLIVNGL~" C ....... '" P""....., ('"""'"
lin' ........1 C .", SluJ"". In<- c.",,,<,, of Moo.. Pu!.,,j,,,,,, . • !I. "'..,,,,. ,0"1 ..... " ,,,,,,..,,, b·'HVE 1\l.OJIf( GR.AVI::>" (''1'>'-
O' ........ ,jMCAO ........... " ....... In< rt.....-.r/1 ...... . 1!I.Xlo: "el" () !'..... l'<"nJ.n'·ln .. " ..' ''.n. 1 p""",,. (:'''1''''''''''
ROOEltS" Copy ..... " b, Uno ...... I!'..-....... D........ of ~""" iTL ... ·F1.A:>1I nORPI.W·OJrrno,h, CI t:, lIn ..... -
u." ""","" C ..... SO..J. ... In<. Co. ........ of M eA Pu/LI'''"'nc. • .. I r.. ,,,,,,,.• I~,'"'''' ofU"' ......1C"" Stud ...... I,.. G:oun.. r
1), .. , ..... ,,j ~I CA Comm.n",.,""". In<. AJ,~." .. ""'~, ;". 01 .\K-:A Puj,j,,h,,,," , • !)"., .. '" ,., M(;.... r:.""""",,,,.,,,,,,..
'·WRY ME AN ANUn' 0 'J"l·".1" () 197Z S"n
I"" AJ,·."' ....... h '·TlIE CA R!NET 01' CAIIClAIII' ·
"".I... ,,,,,,,. AJ,.",,,,m .... /'" 'Flt~1 1 nORIJ()N'· O:'J',,,.h, C I~J 4
Gulli,,, Pn.J"", ,,,,,, . AJ"..,,,,,,,,,,,n, h ''TIlE n Y" C.,~·' i "'''
(""....' .... ID [\161 T_""h C.............. Fo. him (""~.., ~~ .. ..,.. (J l'>\<j 1......... '10 (An ...... -+-.. "'I", c.:.;."", ~ .. All 11,010.,
All R,p" ~"....J Co."", '" T...,n, .. ,h 0"' .....· 1'0. ~ Coun,·.. ,,( T.... \1 ..,h\;....,""'"IU. ","",...."t.-
AJ,."" ........... "" ,(,.AUWHEAT'-~"" () 1074 bo Anuo -R "III. 11I0SE '"' ~10 TlII'IK YOUNG' c..r.,,"'" ()
E"""" nm<1~ 1..A:o<nJ>Ir. ","_orh ft. ... ""THE <.: ...T ANO s.:"" ...U:. ~ h l"' ~ ",",>o, I... An II, ...... 1Ir.. n-rJ kk-.!
Tl1E CA NARY' · c".."", of Qu.""lhlm. I". "" ~",,,J 'hn..,m U" ",,", A" .... Cv<p.., ... , .. iTL.n · 'rRA~ K -
Ad ..."",,,...,,, b ""Tllt O\ULIJRON OF ~TlI" ~ ..... , t::." !>"1 ~. I 'l" r:."."Ith, C b, Un,..,.",,1 p",," ... , • I~,·"." ,,j
() " 1m v............ I"' ....... oonal. I...... ~ from ''''" MO M ,."- Un, ... ,,,1 C ... SI""" •. In< . (~ .." ... r of Me.A f'ul,I,.h'''Il ••
"""Cl.I\SH OFTllE m ... NS"c.::.r...... ., [\IlI1 T..... ' '1<:..Iu<- 0.,'_", ,,j M(.A c.;.,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,. I.... I'huoonorh ft._ ,""

MI;1.1 ,,~ ... "FREAKS' {~'r"'ICh' () NIl M.,~.(;, .u...~ . "KI NG KONC. lIS. 0Ollll Ll ...... C.tJ"!""oh, " .... lIm ... ,,,1
.I.l...., I)" ",....,,... c.~I"., ... '" R.-....... " I I~W \>y 1.< ...... .. .....'....... 1)0,; ...... . ,(lI .........t err. Sr ...... I..... ....-,<> •• 1
1.... ,.,.. ... <.1 .."... ..,........ ftr .......... I.A XIJWr"~_ .... ,j . ...." MCA Put<l""',..... (l,v_... uI MC.A O"""""'r<a<.,.... In<
1",..."....-....1 1.... " ...... 1'I>...... " ... r.._ "TlH' liEOl!,r.;l: R/.FT .................. , ~.... ,hr MGM ... k.,.. "KISSIN' cotlS!NS" G_
~Illll'- C. ........ ,. low, .... rr..Jr.,u·" 1'1>.., ........... r.. ... "nlt: ,,~h , () 1_ M~, .. ,.(;<.Id .. ,n M..,..., . I"" . • n.! fuw, L~ .I
I ~I T _ ...... Cmr,..,.,
GIRU)N THf l1li1["(;1:-<.:.'1""'''''''' .... ,J",., ."... I"" A.J .... ' ....... n' {.·"V.IJ\"fRANKE... ~TI IN "
Ii"hl",{ ~"l''''''' AIlR"",,,~ C. "",.,."jTwnr, ... h C.'I'\1'ICh, to 1971 M.I ~·dl<t..-.J (."""~ In"rTUI" ....1!'.lot"
un'"" 1' .. F'h.~''''''rh j".m ·'()IRl.S O~ TI lE l [')')sE" Ad .... ", ......,.., h "LAST RITES' A c.,,,.... F,lm K.k_
{'""·,,ICh, C .... Un ,,,,,, ..1 r.'"." .• I'", ... , ,. V,,, ,..,,,,I ( :". rt.",,,,,,,,,, In ... "I.IV E I·A~T. DIE """lUNG" C.""·,,oh, f) '"
So..J.~, I... <.:.""'''' •• MeA 1',,1,1,,1., ...... I' .... "'.ri 1-'(:.0. Un, ... ....! 1'''' ......, • n......'" "i U"' ..... I C", s.",,~ .. In<
c _.......... In.. ............... "llUUTOI.I)Mf. n r c;.,.." ... •1 MeA 1\oN,>b;no: • • n .. _,., ,. MCA c.,.._.
c."",..... () IQ 77 Tht ...... ..,...C.""""" ..". ...."' ....... "' ... ""TIIE """' ....... I"" ..". ......."'" ""'" · M",,:;'UNf. GIJ:oo,I KELLr
GOI~.. lr A (";''''''.Q~ I ''.J.,;'u,h n .. , ........ lio."",. ,.""',"", " f.1 MoN. F't<oJurt."" """",,_ b "MAl)
I"" Ad",,,.........,.. kw...rOOln IA ON MON~TER ISlA"I)'" u..x.; MORGAN" c..-....n,. <.fU ....... str-,. I..............t T.k·
<.:. ... " ." 'jOn,. .... st..r...1"' ....... .....1 T.lrv ..... l.tJ, AJ ...
,,,,._.,, ',. "C;()UATllON" c. .." .. , ,,f W,,..IJ N" "h. 1
....'" I.." 1......... '11<"""'" r.. ... "TIl E MAG NETIC MON~TER"
c.,.."I(h, l:: I~ I A·M.n r."'iK" ..... I"" . IV ....-J I~I . All
c. ,~ ,,.. ,,," .. AJw ,,,,,,",,,,,, h "{~RI771 ," c''I"'', ;,h, () f,lm R,oh" IV""",I , Ro-I."oN <lm"'lllr Un",,1 A",,,, C.""".' K.'
V ..n'u,." In ...... '''.'''1. rt. •• """",,, h •• " ',(;U \,A~ . ('tJt:fI.)1' Phr., ......... f" ... "MAN MAflI' M1..)N~TE R .. (:.,.".,,"", " ....
TilE 1.... ~N Hrc.'I"'I" ,o:oh, () .... 1i..,......1 P", ........ 1.);.... .. Urri .... , ..1 P., ...... n.. ,,,,,,, ,t U.. ,....... I C,,' Sr""'''.' I,,,
,. U.. ,,,,,,.I C., SO..Jo .... I.... c. .." ..... , j Me.... PuN .....,... . , .. _ ... ,I"", . • D......,., ~ .'-IeA , ............ 'u
["I, .... '" ' . I.\CA c. .. m."'• • ' ..... I..... I'b.._.. ph r.. ... ,._. I.... ..". ........orh r.._ ..... ~I U M .. I. .... "I>IARK Of TI lE
· IIAIllN'EE'I"G..,......, f) IQ78 " .... ,.", I"' ....... ~oul r..-........ VA.\tPlR["C ...... , ..... " 19J~ M,., .,.(;.,,u..~ ...~ ,~"f' ....
G ..., .... ,10 ...1"" I",."'.. " ..... 1'>< ........ 1...._ ...... "',.. ."",. R<....-.J 1%1 '" ~>IJ .... ,·M........ I"". ['h....... " ...
"IIALl!.NlUN U- ",.1 "IlALlOWEE"I lll~ 0'1""''''''' () .... f...n "MAMTIN" V'I'\1 ..... f) 1'111 11t,.,u.-.;l A",,,, ...... I"'"" ,
lim .... ,,,1 I',',u"",, • [''I'''''' ,. U"'.......I Cot, s. ..J" ~ , I .... ......... j""" 'THE MINOTAU~" c...,.."j!h' ., 1'161 "',,"hi·
0..""" ,. ~t CA P"~I"I.", •.• I', ,, • • , ,I MCA c, ,,,,mu· M, ,,,I,,,, ·IIl,,. ~,In\ All R,<;h" R.,r.....-J , IVI.-.l ,1m ....'" l ln"...t
nK ....... , I... rt."'''''~I...n·HA . . [)nF~'TWI..:.''''."''~ A,m.. G"I' ........ I....~;oph "' .. , ·"')IF. MOlE PEOPI.E"
., 1"01 T...,,,,,,,,h l ..... ,...,·h, .. f,l", G"" ..d' ..... All R..... " n"""ICh, 0 '" Un, .... ...t r ...,........ 1)0 • ...,.,.". Un,,...,,.1 C"y
&......J CO_....·,I·r......... 'hC."' .... ·F; .. ..".............. ,"... Sr""".. I", , • .......,<.fMCA ProbIuh,.... Dr. """,,,,. MC :A
· I IAWKTllE~.AYF.Jt" O' .. " ... "IIt. .... O..,..... rt._ ...... Comrnun" ........ I"". I'h."""'...... In>oo "tr.IOTHER"s o.o.r
",... "IIELL "lGlrr G~ .. itN C I'II:!I NTI'n.J.,;, ..... 1 ,J. ..
,~V' oh' «> 1'IIlO """ ......, n.,. 0,. C:ru" ... ",. lInoo..l !'.I..
c. ...,.... •1 C ..r- 1",.,,"' ....1 P"',....... rt-~ /n .. L' .. """,~", (~, . f'h<""",,,,,," "'... "THf. I.1l1N~TIRS· R E·
"ntF. lUll.:> IIAVE HES" "'I'>T<lh' Co I~J7 n... 111. ••1 "" . VENn!;" U"", o,tft, (J '" 1Jno ....... 1 Pi<, " ...... 0. .. _", n(
I" " , ,, {:r" Mo.~",,"r-h h,'" "1101.0 !lAC K ·1\ )MI.1I\Rt)'r,),/" Unl .......1 C", St,.!"". Inc G .."." •• MeA I\obli>/1"....
{~,!",·",h,"'" U""~",, I r.'" ,"·". l~ .... "", ."U" ,... , ... I Cot"~ n..". "" I MCA C.""m"nK·"""'" In< , rt."''I«".., "T llE
Sr..J.~. I... c. ..""" ,t MCA r..N."'"", .• l'"."",,~ MCA ~~TING"(:r""" ... , (J I'll:!(JTht N.... 'n~ (:.""ra"'· A, .... nJ
c..,"',",... ",.. ".~,. I", ,0..1,·... ,,..,,,... , ,,~ ··IIOI.LY\II\)OI1 \\...... '" F't<.Jro:.. I1)W<" ... rt.,........orh ",... "N[W YEAR"s~VIL"
Bt)llU VARI1" C''J'!"' .... , " IQ7~ N.... \1",.. lJ r.,.J..:,._ A Gul.on·()~""" f'rod ..., ,,,,, ,_ n... un""" Gtuur. I....
rt. .......orh h•.., "IKlRROR ()f TI lE IIlOJO MONSTERS" ....."' .......... ", ... ,hr Mc.M ... k ..... · TlIE NEXT""*".:Io)\)lJ
.......,.., .... , () I~ ·I"'." .. '" ..... p""...,., ~...."... IIEAR" C. .... "oh' «> I<JSO l<""'·. I,,'."l' .....-d. I!<n<-.J 1<>77
, ....... "','"" /" ... "Ito>I'ITAl MA ;;'~"":II.E" A G,ol... ,·Gl ...... '" M.. ~ ~('.. olJwo.yr M.,.,. ....· ~ ... _ ro. "Nl(;l lT Ol'
Pt.",,,,.,,, h n ... Coo ... ", l"'"'f'. 10" AJ,~","""'"'" (, ,I>< nlEo.JtlRA ~\lMAN "G'I'I'noh< to 1 ~ 11 N.....~'(n! r ", ,"~ .
MI..:M r."k_ "ft()"fRtlOS nl HELl"C '!"'.. oh' () 1<l()(o1.1" •• I",' . rt.~ .... ,.ph h •• " '"N IG)lT 0\' 'filE LIVING [)( AI)"
~-;' ,]J •. ,,, M.,..." h ....1 h, .... l, " P. ,J"",."" , I",. I......... CovIrro:h' to lQ78 I........ T.n. In< AJ ..." ' ... ~n' ro. "NKJI·l T
..... '" 1M" ' I+OW Tel MAI(F, A MONSTER" G'I"'I""OIh< " OF TIlE lOMUlES· 1'. .... <>, ci NMll Rln, 0.""]""" ... 1..:.,, •
Sun..r r. ..k,."". rt.",,,, ... ,,, '""" " nl~ HYPNOTIC EYE'" I", I'h. ... "" ...... Iron. "NK;mMARf. IN WAX" n ....... , j
c .... ,... •• l ....... PnoJo..', ..... ... "'.. " ......... ~ h"1 DRINK Ctown 1"'..... '.-....1 Pxovra. rhot. ....""'r..... · NOSflJI.AnJ.
YUlIR IIIl"'("lJY" .onJ-l IoAT VOtIRSXIN"rr....... ,.,t ......."h TllE VAMP"1'RE·C."........ f),.·"'. hI...
~ ..,... c."f'......... ~ .........,"""I WASA TI£'IAGE G::rcrr ........ AU R...... ...,.,11'- ..,_, ...........
" - ' - l <:. ....
Fll AN ~b.. :·;T~IN·· C. 'I" ·h~h, C'l ~n .. R" ... P.. .! .... " " ,... Ii". ''''",,,,,.orh r.._"NOT Of TIUS EARTH" On,,",,, ()
AJ ... ",,,,...,,,,.~ - I IliAS A TU NAG{ WF.II.Elll(Jl~- c., ... 19'ito I, . AI" . 1'rr..J..:'K",'. I",'. , All Rlohb R< .......-J. ['I.,..,.
",h' Ii' s",n,.. Pr..!,,,·",,,, I....","'.. I~. ;mrn "IMM(lfi.Al ~"rlr f",," "T HE Ol.D OARK IIOUSF." Cor,,,~h, C '"
TALI:.S",."''' .... , .. N..... li.... C' .... n .... 1'1.... "'.. "'" j".n 'THE U no .......1 " .,, "'.... Oo.~.", , .. U.. I...".I C ot, SO •• t .... 1""
INCIlEI"lIIIU MEl TIt-;() MAN" c."",,,0II>, C 1971 Or ...... Cot." .. , , .. MC'.... f\,hl,,I,,~ •• ])0....., ... MeA Comm.... "'.·
r....." ._C..."... ,.. M.. J 1t. ........... PnoJ..... ['h._ar-I, " "". In<. Adwn,w ....... b"ON Tt lt. tlEA(..lI"G ........., "
..... "TI lE INCflEDl BLE SIIRIN ~I :-.Il; ~ A !">I " (4... """ 0 lQW lom" .. Pn.Jrr<:, ..... I"" All R~ . Rn.-rw,I. I!rir-.l
I-v lin' ........ 1'><,....... 0.., ...... ,(U .. ,....wl Cot. StuJ...... I"" ,1uo.cIr lInoo..l An .... ~.. ,~ ... A.J..n .......... , •• "PEN E·
c....".", ,,( Me... I\rbl,"'<nl. , [),.,,"'" .,f MCA Co .... · TltATION·C.,...,""', f) W.II" .. M,IM,,, Mo...... r..: ....... In<
"'''''.......... I"" !'h.",... ~ "' ... "TIlE INDESTlUIC"TI lII.t AJ,..,.,,,,,,,,,",,, '" "PIRANHA" "'I'I">eh' () I QJ~ n.. r ... ,,.,
MAN " ( ...".".• ,( Lr.,m. , P~.!uc,""" .... .1 ....,,,,,",,,,, •• Tn", d.h .• P" . nh..o r.. . ~ .. ,,,,,,, 11"...... ..".. ;,."", "KABII)"
" INVA .~ I ON ~1f THE 11[[ () IRIB ' eu., ,, ...· .'(M,. ,,,,, r i<''''' c.,..."tlI .. e 197~n... L'ba, ~" ,\J ..... AJ"'''''''''''t~ h "1""'1.
M.... ",I/r, I,,,. Ad",............., k."'INVASK.)NOfTtIE I\l.()."lfJ RATS AK~ COMING' TlI~ W~KEWOLVES ARE Il~RH'
fA RM ERS" c..."." ,I NM]) f,l", 1.);.. "","" ... Co, .• Int G""·,,oh." W,lh... l.1r>hl", M••• ", 1'><,....... 1.... 1'1>... ""...,..
·· IS\;\~I()r..: Of nlE SAuctR ~f. N" 1.:.orY ...... C M.I,,," (""" " REVENGE OF TIlE CREATUR f. " ("""",,..,h, 0 b.
Pn.J.,;,~_ I'huoo:..,....... "''''' ~ntE INVL<JIIILE INVAI.JIib- U",......I ""'.-.•• 1)0.",,", ..". U... ...,..J C~ T SO,.J.... In<
c.'I""' ....., (l 190;<1 """""... r .. , ..... I"" All R,oh.. R<vrw,l Cow .... ," MC..A I',>b .... , O'.n ... ..". MCA Coto""",,,, , .
R.-k--.l ,h..,...t. lIn""J A.. ,." c."" ....."'. 1\rH""1 vI~. ,,,__ In< Ad,..,.,,,,,,,,,",,, h "R~v£NG£()fn lf.lOMBl ES"
" ... ,~, 'M" "IT CAME FROM ClOTHI SPACF"~..,.,,,,,,, 0 c;.,.." .., .1 "',n! N<>r,h.1 G.,,"...... AJ ..","'" .... , ~ •
.... Un,,,.,.. II'",,",,,.• n.." .... ,~ Un' ....""1c.", SO,~t.,.. In< "Ro::K AU NIUlIT""n'J'!""j!h, " Sun"" r"..Juc,""". I""..,..
0 ....... ,. MC.A 1',,,,1,010 ;",, , • ]).. ,,"'" ,,( MCA c.."m' ...·• · 0:""'" In"" "Ro::K 'N' KOU IIlGI! SCi IO(lL:' c.:v.,, ~h, C
,."". It" ['I. .. ......... in .. "JUN()!.t. 'M..lMAN" G,... ,,~ h, ., 19J\1N.w W,.IJ ,."', ....... Inc, ['I."' ......,t. ir<"" 'TI lE Roa( ET
I" lIn' ......1 r",urn .• 0. ......... ,. Un ........ IC". St"""". In<, MAN" G'I'\1,lI-, " 1<l'i1 T..... , ... ,h 1.:<",,,,.,.,,,. F,lm C"."J'O>"
c.. ...,... ,~ MCA PuN .....,.... [)O ......... ,. MCA L<>m...."".• • .."o... A1I R....... ~.C. .. " ..... ,IT_ .,.,.hc...."" Fu..
,._. I.... ~........., h "KIl.l. BABY Kilr ' c.-.... '" AJ .............. , '" "SATAN "SSADlm-u.r"rtb< «> In.t.,..-n .
NMl)hhn 1""',iIu.... c:., .. I.... ..". ......~"' ... "KIN(; I(CtoI(; d<n,·lnk,n.t<,,,,,,1 r...,u,..., c....p.".,,,.... !'h<",,,,,.ph I",,,,
('JJj" c. .......... " RKO G. ..... .t P"Nf<'I. AJ,~"_n' h "'SeIlIZOIO" A u.~ ... -G~~ ... r...! ...,,,,,, "" n.. C ... ",,,,

(;.. ..... In.: I............orh "'........ MGM ",bot · HIE S[VE.'1 "AIR I'ORT"- " IJUnl rARTY" "II~"'T TIlE
MI'I-'s OFDR. UO'"C""", .... C I%J Mctn..c.oIJv,... M......... DEVlt" " I\UllAM ' ROUNll TIlE VAllH ( If IIlf
In.: (gI" . . r....luo:"O'l•. In.: ,onds........ I"" I'b.",co~ ft. ... LX""" ," "TIlE BlRll~ .. ·1111 'lflEARIl " "1I\1.'A'IA ('>EVIL·
,ho- MGM ..Ir_ ·SIIAf"Ool' or-: TliE WAU· Co """"",, () "C "'I'TI\'l l; IRl ' ''(;",V lM ... N ·· '"A CLOC t..\1. {lR t..
i9~ ~ 1.. .... .. h"-'''f'n,"", 11<......-.1 1970 t.. M<'~,.('• .u..,.... 011,0.)00(,1." "(:RlATl'H_' THE lIO\lRW FUR(iOT " "IV.
M.,~" I.... rt..,..... rh I""" · TI IE ~UAC.GY [""(X)" Co "",,,.,!., LEKS IN\",~I(IN E ""RTH 1 1\('~( "" [)(AIlOfNIt.I!r "
C I~~~ \1.', 1, [), ........ 1'1.-.1",,, •• ,,, rt.«"".rh I, ..", · TI1E SUE "l lI-$TINATI<Y.' ~ I~" IN " "I)R l1Ol 11k ll.JT ..... n Tilt 1\1
CREATU RE" 0.""·,,.h, () u..oIJr~ 51". Pn"""' .... ', ,..... ". KI "I~lA(·H IN F.""nR J ~n ll A~ I >M R HYj)EI' ~ I I""11R

C..rh 'n,'" "SHER LOC': HOL MES ANIl Till ~ rll)~R r·HIFIf.~ R!S~ AlOAI\I" .. EARTlk:>I. ... n" "[A~Y RIl"~ "
1I.\'"lMA:oI· eo"",""", () P, Un,...,..1 f .. ,....,.• I~ ...... . of -nl~ M(EOF RJ MA~l(I ' - -fAMILY rtOr: "Till t,\.\)
C~. s...lo.,.. I", c.outk>. ,i MCA I\of.i,,,",,,,, .•
Uru ... ",,1 fl'-JGf.IIS Of (lR T· tRAt-K~%llI\I 1~7(, " ~II OM
D,.,. ..... ~ MeA c,,,,,,,"u .. ,,,.,,,,,,, •. In< I'b. .......... 'n"" IIUSSI... WIHI LO.'E "1" II~ villi C... NT HELf If ' "TlIF
·~ Jt:GUN A".""SSII'l" c."""..., C l'I!!OI\.oIIoCon "',..luo:. GIRL IN IILACK ;'TOL~IM~~ '" ·'UOl.llI-IN!.;F.R " "TilE
, ...... All R~" k",.......t 1'Io.., ..aph fT,,,,, · 5I-IRI1': 01- TIlE H"'IINn:I )~' R A;-.k ~I.F.II : ' lllX ' "I UGH SCIlOOl UlN·
M UTlLAT E[)"C,"""" , ,~ A"",,,,:." F,I""L ,,,,;!<'J .0.,1 ... ", .. · FtI){NTI"'I. " "HOl}Nlll'0( • .~ I A~" "1, TilE JURY- "II.·
""'" ' ~ .. ·ST"'Ill:RASH" C 'f'\'''.,L" () I ~N N«.' W,""I POL''''''', LI:.t-...I "" "INVASION lIS,A " "TIlE Ir--:VI~ l tjU fIOY" "THE
I"" I'h.._oph i" ... ,ho MGM "'k. ... "... ~TR"'NC EI\ IS ISI.ASI) 01, llK MORE ... l l" "JA il JIOt)S£ ReX:K" "KIN\J
W...n.: I II~· , .. "", .. ch, () l-'!ill H.~", Pt...,Juo:, .... 1.,,,,,,,,* KONG l'lbl" 'urs ,;u,R~. jL,>S KA TO PEA nl ""TilE
.0."-',........ u ,ho- MC'oM ..Ir_ 'TIlE SUfITERRAN"":oIS· ~ ~ ·IN~" "lU\-'t 1.11' TF.NI'ER·· "llNiNG YI'lI. • "MA
C.'I-"".h, c: 1%(l t ....... ·• Inc"'l'-'n',,* an.J Aft"'" F.....! CUMIIA lo.'F_" '""THE MA(.k . CARrEl " 1"1l! MAt- WIIO
r...J.."._.11K ... J...".......... "" "'SURVIVAL 1I1lN·(;..,p.-· ~ru . mEARTiI "~ lHf. M... N \1.·1TI1 III£Ol"'.I)U, (01.11'1·
,~, e F,1m V... , ..., 1,,'''..........1 "",,", ......... In... "'-A· " MA~t.. nF THE ~llLA' "MA"QIJE Ot rll~ Rfll
RANTtJl.K eo ".,,, ... , e h Un,....,..1 i'K, ...... , • 1),.... '" ,I !~TlI " "ME"!'I:OK" "MbTlR Rn.: ~ .....mRC·u · " ~'UR
U""v .....1 C",· s.uJ~ •. I"". c~ .."".
01 MCA f'uI,j,,j,,,"I . • IJtIl~R 'l1 !lOW " " TlI~ ~AKm APE· "Til), l'tARL rlf
D"". ",.'/ Mr. ... n""Mvn"".,"" I"", rt. ..."".rh fT,,,,, ,ho Df.ATI! " "11.RIL~ ,)I' NYVlK"''' "1'RFJlISTORIC \1.\lM~.~
M{, M "b>< "TARlAN. THE APE MA~ nlr·C~""',,.h, C (U ~ I' PRETTY H"'~Y' "rRI~ O NtR (l~ WAR ..
(YJl M<m..c...u..... ",M"'" I),,,.. hrt,,,,,n"l'."~'" Rc-f>rW<J "1'S,« :l ll) " "1111' Ql I E.~Tl'IR 'r... I'I-_'" "SCENT I II M"""·
1'Iff ""I ...... ., iN:<>fI"f....J /'to ........... In......... MGM rfto_ TERY ' ·~ IIE fREAK " '"S UTlII ,~" "Tilt SI'l' ~· IK1I.(l\,' ~[)
..,-... RLAN. TH1 APE M"'~ n~)· C'I'I" .... ' () 1'I-'j~ 0 ........ MF. · "STAR IREK TilE ).lOTk.N I'K'Tl.IIIE " ·;. IAR
1""".l'-'~ot<J. Pbo: .... ~ ..... ,hor MGM .. Jrao.. ""TARZAN. "'AII ~" "~ TIIANliE t-[IIO 'I,'ORll) " "Sl 'Pt.RMA\I "
TIlE ArE M... N 1"8))·C.""',..... 0 IllS) M<!n,.(l,oIJv,.,...•\tIon- '"TAI.ES FR O ~' IIlf C R\I'T '" I"'I.E~ OF TEIIIIOIl '
I'1nIC., ... """' .......... , '" "Tlf.N...GE LAVEMAN·O ""'·, .... ' ""T"'RlAN [S('.AI'ES" "AIlLA,'!'> rf.RIL" "TlIE 'Iu--A:"'''- "
() M,I,,,,, l'1.oJoc'."", AJ'''''><mtn t~. "'-EENAGE MON· '''TIII~' TnCOMl. .. ·"TliRU N l}T~ IN Si:ARctl 01- A
STER" eo .."", •• ,/11._" Pn,J.,c'k"". I",· AJ, ...... m<~ , h Ill'll. T " "T ll lJ ~llUH1Al.l ." '"T HtTIMI. M...CHINE" "T0M
"TEENAGE THUI"DER"( ~ .. " .. ,.,'/ ilowe .. "".k..,."". It", TlllIMR ,. "T HE VENETIA'l AffAIR' "~' ... " ,)j- TilE
/'to .. .... rh h."" ''THE TEX ... S C HAII"SAII.' M"'~ E " 1lKlRl1:b." "W1:R ~. \1.U.f Of I.<..lf'IION " ""llfN TIM!: RAN
c. ....... ,~ ~ L, .... C, ........ ""'-.rh ...... 'llII:ATltE U.'1'. · 'l' ilE.'l \1.'LlM(t- HAil T... ILS " '1lIE WIW .0.:01
Of I\t.CIOfT n ....". ,I u..,raj ... ,,"', CDrrot...",. Pho",~ GEts ""W(llSl ;c(.:IS:>Sf\lll Reo.: HUt-TIll '" "nil "
.."'" I.... ""THE THING" c.... ..... ,I Rm 0. ....... 1'0<.......
AJv,:" ............. ""TIlY<L WAVE" Con-<cht 0 lon~~\II",\J
r....luo:, ...... h" "'J",,,,,,,,,,",, ~~ '""TINTOREIIA" c.,.", ...
,j U" .. rJ F, lm L)"",t.J, ... c., Pho"'-"P",rh I" .. '''TORTUH
UUNGEON" Cor•.-"rh, () \11,11 ,.", M..h.," M ,~,,,, POL,",".
I... AJ"''''><mrn<'. · THEUNDE RTA ~ ER AI"I)HIS P"'~"
C,,""~ •• ,I T,,* V M,bl, I'h"" .... rh 110ft! '"THf. UN·
EARTHl r c.",,, ... ,I N",,,... I T~k"l", A",,,, .. , ... 111<- .
(""',~ ..... AJ.~"..., ....... ,, ~ ""THE USSEt;N" c.-ra,
,,', -.1.1 S..,hoIc.."P.-.... ., AJ .............. h-urfllOM TIlE
UlrTIlS· c. ........... () I~~ Thr f..."o< T..... All R",,, 1\".
... .......t, AJ"""....",....'k • ..,-HE VAMPlHl lOOlt:ERS"C. ........·
,.- s..",m i"""'-',. ....I r",,",",, I~,; . AJ,~,,' .....n' h '''THE
VlLVE"T VA MPIRE" C 'fII'''jCh, () 1911 N,,,, \I.'•• IJ p"""",,
I"" rt. "''''-~ 1ft .... lho MC M ",k... "VlLLA0E Of THE
[\O.M.-';[ I)" C.",,,,.h, C 1<1(,0 M.<r:"'.(;.~d"'V" . M ..... , . In<-
rt.........~ ... _ ,I.. "', oI"\IIAlUSJ " c...."... " o......
c.,.; AJ ... ,l>tnwn, b "WE8 Of TIlE SMOEII" (~d
C, ....... st.. .... 1"'...... .....1 T....,,"'" L,d rh. ......"'" ""'"
"WHILE TIlE an' 51.U~- c. ........ ' lImO'-II'w: .......
1'10. ........... {" .."WIII Sf'ERINGGHU'>IS" C"",,,ch, C I~l
T""n,.." h C.-n,""··F.... F,(", Co.wr<."."" All R,jCh" R. ... ,~
n",,'e', ,.. T.... no ... 'h C"',,'u.,..f;... rt. ...,.,...,h In"" ,ho MG M
..Ir... · WIO:En. WICt(UY'C",nch< () 1911 Mt",,.c;.,u,,.,..,·
M.w.. 11K rt.. .........orh r.. .. "WILD IS MY LCNE" ~.. oh,
(; \1;\11..... MHhlon M.""", 1'0<....... I"". Ad .............. '_""THE
II.'OU M...."'· C'I'I"~' () lor U", ..... I r.:,-..• 1),,'..,.,...-
Un,,",,,, c •• SluJo>o. Inc C ....... ...- MCA J\,I)Ia/<' ......
1)O" .. ",,~ MCA c. ......"n"."".... 11K. rh.."".-.orh "''''' 'TIn .
WORM f.AT£RS" c....... ,,/ T.,J y, M,'«I., Phon ..."", lrom
'''TilE YOUNG IXX.T OltS· c...""". d UMN ",,,,>t. CW'
1''''''''' AIIR ...."R<>tI...-J rt.. ... ~"""'·' ZOM ~IESON
Nlo.o.DW...V· c...n... ,I lit.:!) c..r..-..I P", ..... ,
u..".,J Prr.. (",<tNt,,,",,,,,. I"". ~ ",mo'''''''' '" _
_ II<W> .... ...,. " " ' " ,h." 6... '" """""''''''' ."~ .....
01 ... ," II." booI.' Lur"*'" MOb,K, .... " ... ,"" .... '" """'""-
.n C-..y ,I UP!


his index lists over 400 names that show up frequently in The Psychorronic
Enc:tclopedia of Film. Included arc notable producers and directors, big
stars, famous character aClo rs, cult favorites, and a few select special-effects
experts, screenwriters, authors, and composers. The author extends his thanks
and best wishes to everyo ne listt.'<i here and hopes that their contributions to the
world of PS),ChotTonic movies will be remembered and preserved. - MW

""k". P.o, W.. J. II . 11.11. 164. 411. 4114 . ~. 746. 7-49
A<"'''''''''. ""'- ). 106,118.114 , )-47, H4 , S71 , 611. 710 1:10............ Jo-.......... lB. 141 . I~. 110. 251. 196. 6011. 671.
... <_,,~. 10). 1M , 196, 4 11. IlI!I
A.J.m., "",,",I,. 11. 19, 181. HI> • .07. 4~J. DH. 11~. 7~S
... doom, J~I .. U~I.d. 1l7, Ill. HS, 400, s('1. 619,718.1)8
Sort... 1..0 •• 181. )W. HI. SIl4. 681. 6AA.I>lN./fIO. lH
e..-,.......... JoM. Ill. IH. 44 1. lIS. 67l. 771
"dan>.. N"k. 186. /'\6. 471. 4/!l, SN. Ml. t<9/. 1'<16 Rom_. Joh" lJor..,.. 10. Ill. JI9.1O. 51 4. 116. Sll. 130.
AJ.INOI'I. AI. 16. 12. n. 8S. 118. l('(" ns. HI>. 141. 114.
m. '11». sn. 6001, H:>Il, 114. 181
A"",joIIn,18. 34. ii. 8S, 111. ISO. IW.l~. 189. .\OJ, m.
"",.. I. r...!. 101. 170. 111. 114. SloC. '>til. S94
~'. Rt<hoo.l. IZO. 149. llI. 4\9. toOl-«>+. 6011.711
172 • .188. m.~. oMS. t18. S17. St!(). SOX. toOl. 07'0'. ;<I() "",... Ralph. 181 . l<)t . 1.14. HI. 417. >44. 690.91
... kird•. 1'>-1. l'iIl. 4..~. 768 a"..•. M.,.,. IS. SJ. 61-61. 1>8.100. ISS. 161. 181. 191. 191•
"' 11anJ. "I-',JI ..... toO.IH. 116. 118. Ifill. rN. 41 /. 4 10. S]9. 119. Ill. In. 106. liS. Ill. J6+. I'I@. m.4.."ti. ~II. 7lo1.
~. t>48. 679. 711 167. NO
AlWn. {'..,...,-. N. -HI. ~I I. <;toJ. SN e.-t, ..... "to',I1 ..... 19. SO. loll. 110. llS. 119. 174. /16. lB.
"'IWn. I""at. S. 10. II. 11. 4'1. SI. So. !lO. ISo. 1W. HI. )86.. )88. 4 11. 417. 471. 49'1. Ill. 5\9. 6SJ. 74). 7<;6
149. til. 411. 467. 491. S16. 6lJ. 017. t.«!. Oil. 1lI. WI. ""-..... '14. 11)';. 1M. 461. SS9. 610. 790
no. 1<;to. 17{)."1I. 791 ""'I.....,.. R.oiph.~. S7 Ill. In. J'i08. +H. ~1O. 191. 6li. 64J.
"'Ilm. N_y. n. I(),;. 109
.......... Unt.b.. 101. Ill. 1'1'5. lH. 161. MS. 640. 697
~ ~~nJ l.. 81. UW. IZO. 191. 171. SIk). )8S. Moil. 715 •
......-... r.w... 7. I II. 143. liS. 1M. 116. HI. 4 18. 4 19. S46. 718. 744 . 191
IoN. 6H. nl 11<... 'V,II ... Jl8. -HI . 490. 611
. .'*toM.'"". E..........7S8 104. u.s. ns. III.
m.~. 44 1.~. 619. ""'-t. 104... ,.... IN. 1'14. 1601. Ill. SS'!. 617. 664.111
&,. T......... II. Ill. IN. IH. -481. 7J]
"'"krum. Men... 49. Ill. Ill. H9.1)J . .IOO. }'IIl. 167. 00'l. IIoK"'. !'...t. 18. III. 1601. 141 . 181. S14. SJJ. IN. 691
411 . 414 .4116.500. J.SoJ. 5%.1111. 19to. 8.:)1 8iw11. WltK. 6.H. 110. Ill. 249. 411 . /ZO. 161
"'_.0...,. loe. 1()9. 160. 111. IH. 164.671
........... J....... 70S . )('1'1 . 714
FII.""No.I. ),I"" I. 101. 616. 6047. III
1Lc~. K.ft'fl. 6. '!"S. 101. II I. Bl . JOO. IS I. 161. m. 664 •
"'",,>!d. J"' k. I 16. Ill . .161. 179. 479. 488. SS6. t>48. 67'0'. 71/
....... ,. ~',Ih.m. -IC. 16 . %. 97, /19. Wi. 18\1.471. 494. 71Z
... ...,~.)uI"'. -IC. 41 . 41. tl. S1. ;1 . 8\1 . IQ9 . liS . IS'!. III.
FIIt-.-h. Roho". 10. n
S/)/j . ~. 618. 661
98. 109. Ill. 165 . 167. I-H. 190. 517 .

119. HI. )46. 488. 619. 1M. 1ll. 1% 1\. ,..1.0""",-.-h. I't",. 1iIIO. 710. 71 ) . JJ8
... , ... ,11. loorotl. 19I1. III. 151 . 171. 171 . 19+. Ill . 1\9. )4(l . """I" i... . E..... ~. 6 1. IJJ. 167. 1S4 . 119. 119. 161. 171. Jo04 .
411. 4il . 411. 4$4. 460. 414 . 491. 491'. \0\1. 14S . b16. 619. S04. 177. 171 . 184
661.74\ ?.,d. s..p/I<-n. St . m. lll. Jo04. 461
... ~.1on. F.. n'.,. -IC. 41 , S1. 191. 119. J 10. )o41i. 410 . 4'14. Sll. lltadbu",. R. ... 4 1. IN. 461. iii I
Sl7. 61 8_1 9. 6Jl. 618. 7\06 n. ...u.,·. In-t<!. 109. 61S. ~78. 706. III
FltoJ •• 5<"... '19. 107. Ill.!. Il ~ . lit>. 19), 'IIll._.
S16. HI. 60+. 661. 706. 777
1!o....J. Nf.y'lk. 114. 119. HI. J\lII. +40. ~l. 787
""..... L""-'I. 6. 18. ZO. 41 . 168. ~ IS. W6. 631. 661. 661.
D 717. 7lil
"""'-. u...-tt... 1St. 141. 198. ~ 19. 466. 601 1. 11J
8eo:"'. 11........ S9. Ill. JoI3. )81. bI J. on. 741 Iltooo~. T,.J. IN. Sil . 710
1101<.1_. R.o: ....... 81. 110. 111. H 4 . W7. ~19. ~I. 111 1Iotc"-o. w... 111. 149. IlS. 161 . 110. 160. -!til. 4,6. ';OJ.
801:< •• G.mII. 14. Ho'!. 161 lB. 719. 111. 801
110m. Rock. II. IH. lSI. 166. 161. 161 . )81. Sll>. 611. 619. f!u,-...,. V"""". 10. SO. Ill. lSi. J'iIl. lSI. lSI. -HI . 4'i1l. 4114.
709.718 4081 . oM. 1iIIO. 7Y4

1Iun. Ila)'nl<ln<l. 88.!9. 106. 144. 141. 186. 194. 111. 4.18. Wi. eon.... J<-I>h. 104 . I. n. 110. 181.164. JIO. H9. 41(\.11.
lollI, 681. 77) 418. 61l. 61 '1 , 6+8. 611. 1M
1IooIwnan. "'-io X,. 2n. s.! 1. 661 . n l. 1&1 c-.. H-I, 146. 11!O. I\JO. '160. ~78
CtM>b< . &ot... 92, 10J . 141. 319. J90t, 404. 500. 671. 6&6
CnYfl1. W... 167, 168. /01, 1l1. 41S. 664. 611
c OowfOod. Brud< . 19.60. 119, 191. JOS. H i, Jl 7. 176.
flO. 517. 541. 100. LS7
Uh.o:. s...... 100;.641. 1«1. II;.! Cnwbd. J<-. II. 104 . ll4. l SO. Is.!. J98. 'iOIl. S1 8. S6l.
('........ EJ"",roJ 1 • <II>. ~1. l Jil. 119. 148. Xl6. I (JQ. hI>. I~~. 191.661. 116J. BO. t6e
l8!. 1(09. 11l. 1111. WI. '1M. S-W. ';\10.614. O/S. 6toII. HI. c..p.. Lo,od, lO4. 141. H8
ISfi.i!Ol Crich"",. Mi.c ..... l. 11. Ill. 4.10. 110, 696, 767
CII ;,... M", h.. l. SJ . 57. 1()lI. 16~ , 101 , 174, 171 en..... nt.. ... Do..!. 91. 101. 114. 607. 608. 706
C.mrb<II, 1t·,U .. m. 69. III, 174, 116, l5 1, SSI . MS. ~18 c....w. 1l",1\atd. 1\9. 1i7, 181. 47) , 626
('....i ..... 511. 6Ol. 191 Cunn, ........... Sun. 106, 101
(:..dona,~. '" lW. Ill. 1>11, 1lI c..•. Don. 9\. IH. 166. 106. J J8. H8. 110. SII. 116. Ill.
('.-t..>n. Il ",,,",d. 115. 117. 101. IH. Ill. 119. 441. _ . ';8\1.

eM"""''', J<>hn, 11, 1\.1\, 116. 117, II~ , 116, 1l7, 111. JOO,
~ 9. 611 . 66l. 71 1
c...•. 10m"" t-. nl. 100. Wl. '161. '167, 191. 102.
em... Ton,. lit. 119. J.l6. m.
418. 4S8. m
III, 1>41 c...... M;,;..... t 106. 499. \40. \61. 144 , 7S8
c.n-..;, ..... I)o.,;d. I I.~I , 119 , I7\), 111. I1/. 'ICIl. m. IH Coohi"l. P.... , 4. n . 19, lI ·ll. 41, 11.90.99, 106. U I. 140.
c-..-...... ~"'" ./O.ll. 19. ll. "". 51. S!>. SiI. bl. 71. II. 78. 146. Is.!. 196. 197. 198. l o.·lO'l, 1lJ. 234. 1'16. 111. 261.
81. 8J. 81!1.8'f. W. 101. 101. 101>. lOll. Ill. 141. 149. ISii. 166.191. l\I6. Ill. JI1. 119·19. HO. n7. )44. IS1 . 119.
lW. 169. 171. 191. 1lI. 119. ZII>. 14l.19I.)OO. II I. 11 4. 176. 411. 411 . 445. 457. <181 . _ . 489.!. 124. HI.
118. I/O. Jll. HI. U 4, m. II9·to. 141 . J.41 . J.41, 151, ~ 604 . 611, 61S. 6J I. 6IB, 653. 671 . 677. 716. I ll. H6.
)61,11>7, Ill. HI. IH, ].89 • .00. 418,410, 41:>4 . 414,419,
480 . 4$4, 489. 4~. 4% , ~l.~ . 116 , 111, IlL 516 , Ito,
117. SilS. 1081. ';8\1. 604 , 618. 610. 61 1, 6ll. oll. 60 1, 6t>I! .
t,M. M7. 695. 700, 7CI. 7Ob. 746. 7SO, 111. 78)
('.-...:1_. ~ , .... 51. 81.118. 'ICIl. 'i6O
Camn. 80m..". I~I. J75. 111 D
c.....>I. ~. 16,45. 71. 8\. 106. n6. 600J..6M. lH
0",."",. MM\ . 19. 46, OJ. 144 . 18\. 111. 414 , H O. 1)9.fO,
c...,.,.,., ..... j<.t.n. 101. 141. 181. 16(), 16l, 1'17
c-t.. Pta,. lJ. 4~, 114, 170, 4/9 , III 71/.1% . 'NIJ
I);,,>k>.th. J,m, Ill, Il~ , 1411, 1114, )9/ , 610, 169
c-.... W,ll"",. ~ . %.114.114. It!. HI . 114. un, 4/1, [)on .. U, I......,. 19. 110. 141. Bo. S!>I. 619. ~ IO. 661 .1 11
4)3. 4)\1. 4(01. 411. 111. 118. so... I~. WI. 614. 611. 61)1,
710. 7/1. 801 Uonn..... s,t.1. lB. N
~. Jot. 101. 114. Jtt,. 5""
0.....-.. I..... j •• 1. 9. 5Vil). 60. 1>'. 88. 94. <N. 101>. Ill.
..-.... Jt.r. 41, 0;6. 1+4. 171.171. 110. s!>1. 1>11
liS. lSI. 1M. 18l. 191. 106, 119. n6. Ito. In. 114. 115.
lOtt. I!O, H9, Ito. l11. HI , )51. J.to4. 189. 411. 4\1. 1Sfi, 1)0. ... 11<,,,,,11.9\, 157.107.114 , lS().11. 160, 4+4-41, ~I.
411 .414, 4tN, 4'IQ. 491, 1 II, 146, 119. 6JJ, M I. oKl. 61») , '561 , 13) , ~. 611. 161. 1M
110. lIa. 1M. 786. 788
~. 1\,"'. Ill. 118. 111. III>. ""1 . 611
I ~;, ll!..~n). N..... , lit, 111. 199, )IHI ,~. 6ll. 6H.

o. c.n... ~......... 106. m. 490, "" I. Ill. 5!i11. 604. 610.

u..w. ll. <18. SJ.s.!.8o. 10.. IW. 187. 169. 119.
I)I~ .69'S
J61. 4 ~. 581. 101;101
L'ktnoo .... 1Irun. 11. 101. 1904. 190 n.U,... 1\1bn<. 11. 191.1&9. JS8. 106. b16. 66J.
~. C.. Jw".... IW, 131
C,h.,. fI.nn... , 51.64, Jl, I!'I. 114, 14\, Ill, \4 1. 114. 3\1.
~ , I>IlI .toIIO. 710
o.nmn•. l\ " horoJ, til, Ul. 161. 18l, 18J. ~ I . 117, 680, 711
G.I,r.,. 1.>. •..,. II. )4, )11. \!j(). 1lI1. S!>I l).oo..."." 1\,,,,,,,,,,,,. 61>. 174, J II . 448. 514 . S41 . \3~
0;.11"". j< ..... 117. 111. lJ4. 'Ill. 61l. 678. lIN. 761 I", r.I .... !I.,.... 17. IO'S, 11\6 , !Ol. l~ , SI~, 546. 609. 6:16
~.~. I~. n. 191. 1 4~. 411. 486. s.!l
o.m. Il""n. 16. I~l . Ill. III. 461 . \0&9·70, S18. 601. no.
c"..,....,.. 101" ...... 11""",1."). 164. 141. 1410. III\, ~n. 614. m
6611. 67:.71. 7W. 0. .... M ~. 114. HI . ... 1. 111. 671. 71!O. l\II\. 'NIJ
Gonnrry, Sun. 15(" 1_7. I~. 1""' . 190. 4 1(), t!l1. 468. 0.11'", ... A...... 41, W, IW, 1:10. 411. 1(()
1\,....""",, F,,,b . 11 , 1 4 ~, J.41. H8, 410, HI, 711
IN , Ill , IJ\ 687 , 711, 719. 7'l1.lI(ll
I~ ... hu< , TfO\', 426 , 481, "" ~, 617
G""",.". 0","" , 10 1, IXl. Il~. 4'1(\.'11 , 1/0. III, MS, 711.
n •. 7.\8 Ih.h" Ilr.... , '1'1. 11 4. 1\6. 161. 1()4. 124. S49. 610. 70.
I),.... 1lI>N. SI. 114. IS!>. 161. J04. ~14 . 149. 610. 10f
G_. T_. 88. 10iI. J.4~. 61 1. 6l1. 681. 6'10. 1l1. IS!>
(,h"" ... Kott. JlR. 118. 166. 6Ofo. 619. lll. 7J6
Coopn. J", ~ ... 41. S!>.1l6. I~'. 116. 119. 110. kII. _ . 514 .
0uIIn.~. 87. 94.177.107. 611. 7 J.4. 7~1
s.!~. 61l. 6.10. 648. 710
Cook, EIosl..o. j,. 64 . 1/4 , 160. l~'. 106. m, 141, 114. 160. 1M.... Mo<t-I. Ito. 49'. oWt . 766. 781
189. 1!<1, 44<1 ' 4~, +88. 491, 116 , ~IJ. \91. 601 , (014, 66\.

O>w<~ •.
m"" .. fuN. J8. 174, « 7. )41. \)4. 67e, 0'JtI. 711.

Owo.b.. 104 ..... 60. 61. lSI. 117. 619

Cot.y. Joil. t . .ltI. I I. 119. ~. 'I ll. 418. _ . \00(>. 'i6O. MI.
64 1.610. Edrn . 80m..". Rl . 14J. 1+4. S89. 610. 674. 761
Co ......" Ro ..,. I ~ , II , lb.1J. 18, 41. 'I I . 44. 55. 69. II , ~I. Ec<. J..J ... lH. Il9, 181, '1 14, 421. 4 ~ . HO
91.101 ,1 01. IO'S, Il l, 14 ). 161, no. 171. 114. 111. IQ), Eaao, SO .... n ..... 91. 16\. 116. 610. 7)6 , i61
111. III. HZ, III. 168. 111.1911. 106. l ro, 1J.4. J.41. 141. EooIt-!, A!\!hon" 11"1 ,106. IW. )90. 414. 469. 41'9. SOl. 706.
J.4~. lSI. 166. IN. 418. 4 1~. 4n. 41'l. +to. 461. 466. 431.
489. 500. ~ I , 511. 114. Ill. 517. )41. S~, m. liS. IS!>.
II'.', IW. Ill. 5n. 178. HOI, WI. 1904. 601. 611.616. 6l1,
Elb<tt. A....... I. Zs.!. 1119. 448. 61l . 1(01
Elobnd, 8nn. H. 41S. 11!0. HI. 60<1. 768. 777
6Jt! . 647. 6\1, 666. 6n. 611. 080, 691. 691, 6'0111. 719. 1lI, e..,I ...., ~ . 146. 615. 616, 661. 1]). 1\6
719, Ill , 711. 74), l!)(l. 761. 101 , 1/4. 711. 78t, 194. J9!j Eo ..... a...., I ll, IW, laJ, 119. 176, 419. 466. 600. 611 . l\II\

------------------------------ ........

F It.... SIJ. Sl. 69. II), III, 6SO. 676. 190

H.Il. Ateh, So lNw:h,,4. M.. m'6'flhnlWillwm '1,'" .... ), 118,
Fabo,,,,, Sh<1Jr" 120. 119, 3lJ. m. bSI. 61>8 ue. 169. liS, 446. SOl. 169. 778
F.!,. ... (1'."'<1. 193. lH, 3M> n. 4 10, 063, S89. ()J6. 116. i81 H.II. It..,,,. l. 119.114. lJ6. lB. 18,. 391. 41l. Sll. SJ9.
Fat".,.... ~,m>O . 29, 181. 25-4. }J(), $4(', S90 S48. S62. ~. 61 4. 61l. 141
f.lffil. 1Irnrt, Uf>. 31S. J~. Ifill 11011. Ion. -to. 17l. 614. 6\). 741
n,-, ..... T .... m.10M. 643, SOO H.II<.. 00ni<1. 91. 181. 188. 141. 469
fnJ"" r .....I,-n. J59. k"l. 714. 1~ 11o""I, ,,,,. ~. 1M. H 4. 116. SI8. 787
r"" .... ~"'" W. IS, 101. 114.~. S6l.1>18, 1>71 Mm. 10. 16. lS7. S1 4. 117
mrr.. ~kI . l1li. iii. 117. 19S. 1(').4.10.517 1>1l,69S 7\S. llottt..-w:u. s... (,....In<. ZO. Ji. IH. 241. ns. 116. 149. HI .
7s.!!. Nl 19!1. 41l1 , Hl. )49. 661. 69'1. 70\1. 7ii. 76iJ. 7&0
h ........ T.~r. <OJ. 146. I~. 161. lC'5. 211. IH. ,So 1'16. It......."". c.r ..... 10\1. 161. IN. 270. HS. m. +01. 111.
ni. 191. m. }OO, Ji6-ii. 4S! , 4119. ~4tJ. ~. 618. 64a, S71. 198. 7H. 76/1. 776
6<!(\, 666, 6iS. 7)9 Ib~. IU •. ll. 41. 43. 110. Ill . Ill. /+0. 190. liS.
I-Qn,:b, /kn<J;. IN. BO, < 19.~.
WI. 1>71. 0'17 )81.470. t'l1. SJI. 611. 610S. 116, 1Jl. 7ll. iii
hond... P..... , m.lI!. 167. "''\'1, 5:4, iN· Ie, 7?1·~ It.... ,~. "'_. 101. 118. HII. 191, 689, ;I,i)
I'orJ, Girnn. 64 , M. J04_IO'i. 7H. in H... , ... Rottdo. 91. HO. 619. 610
F..,J, 111,11",<, 8, 19. W. IH III-.AIt, ...... U,.61. 114. le~.ISS. N9. m. 549. ilB. 111,
",-"" ... R, ...... 9. 19, 61, lSI! ~,

fo,.,kr, Gm<, IN. lSJ . lIl. 119 m. 170. )79,

1t.1<'. " ........ n. 18. 26 , M . SI. 1C'i. 1M, 141.
F"..,..... ,,".,1.,1«, \0;). t H. t+;). 161. 191. III>. III /76. 411. \01. 1/4, SII. 136, S91 , WI. 6SO, 67) , 692. 698. 790!
H.. mm ,,,-,,,, o.viJ, )S, In. 226, 104. 491. 671.110
18J , HI, 16\, 411. \\9, SIH. MS, M5 . 6J7.l>i~, iOI.1l6,
litrl""n", 1I<.... 'd , 78. 161, e, no.
1)4, 104 , 181. 190, 497.
F,..-.:o. Jr..., (j ..... ,. 10. l~, JI , 35. 101 . Ill, lilI>, 19\. III
1 ~4 , 400>, 511. m. \<;J , 667 . m
~. )z6. J.61. 611. MI. 716
11'''1<..('",,00.., In, I'!C. 491. 116. 611. Ml , 664
F,.nk] ,,\ , r."" I., I I, 1<\\, 4!0.1 1, S(11. SQ., IH. nos Ii.." .... (..'h .. J.;"", , Ill , 19J. S19. 511. 641, 64S , 695 , )()6,
F,,, ~ , , ""hUI, l~, Jl , J9, 149, I l l, 1M, "" I Ill , Wi
h<Ja. R"",Ju , 100, l ~l. !il. In 114, 1~) H,Il. J.d, . 69, 110, lJl . 119. l(\iJ, HO. 551. 6'00. 69S
F, ..... 1. Ab n. 2(\\ \Qj , 5~" 661 lW. Mo,,,"",, n , 104. 69. 166. 319. 462 . B ~, 610
hv. , [)O""",, 85, 1M , WI, II), !il. \JJ. 4JJ, 4 ~5, '~ 1 I{",hc,,,,'. AII,I'd. }S, 186.2 61. 41B, 4\J, <6 1. 126, 14/0, S<lJ.
Fuk,.h, Jun , 101:-, 181, ~ 1 6.1>4\ 191.6IS.711
Fuk " L..: ..., ';61. ~IO. s..'\"l fl."""'
, I"'....14A,
,"" 16. n. IS. 1..... liS. 1';6. 271, lSI>. IS!!,
404 . 41!, 45l. +S7, 4%. 701. 149, n9 ,
Fun",.lh An"""., ll. -!C, 41. 11. 1~1 . H9. 1o,.~·10.~ , 471 )o."'(), S9(;,
.,9. 4~ . 116. 6l~. 635, 116
no, .... s.Jr... J, I~\ Ji'. 6<1 '"
I h _. T""'. IS7, 21 4. 2M. NS, SSS. WI. W3. JSl
It.c>roro<t. Donn .. , 1M, iii. 117. 661. 1)('
Ho'W'" W,II ..... J), 118, 168. HII. 5114. 711
G tI......rJ, Mo.. 11I1 .IS •. 28\1.)('8. ).81, SH. 6<1. 6411. 6«). 71.1
llowat.!. She"",. ~, I)S. 311. Ill. 661
GaoIMKl. B.....!,-. i. Ill. 1M.
WS. 6'08. ~7!. 6il. ill
m.IN . ....."0. '001. S/4. S61. Ho"" "oM. I!. 60. M. 88. tOto. IVI. 1SO, lo.!J. 181. " II. Sl1.
SIlO. 110. 7}t. 771, 7<14. m
Go .... n. John. lS6. S!6. '1M H"", ... Toll. W. 189. HI. 1\6. SII9. 6i~
Grn.:.n. I..J.·. IW. !Ol. n •. J6S. 1l'1. SI ... H.....,... J<>hn. 18. is. 14. 100. ICl6. 107. 171. J.6O. J.8S. 44<1 ,
(''''''V. a,,0>t0f'hrt. S!. 141. I~I. !Iq, 29S. 200/;. J~5. '1<>4 4'16. SH. 610. f117. ill. 7SS
Goor.,. l ...... u",. 10. Sl. It J. 11>1. IH. litO
(';,11, ..... Won. til. HI .l7C. 1ql. kJ(I. JSI. "S] , O\lto. ISC, m.
'!<II. 611. 771
Q"JIn. '1,',1t0Ml. l. B. 161. m. 418. 4\'1. 714
Gor.: ...... l<o. §I. IH. n~. In. lSI. JliJ.4tJS. 47J·H. S21. 1..10<>.1. J<ohn. Ill. 161. Ill. m. 141. JS4. 164. iii . <'!<I ,
SW, >+0 . 361. 614. 6\1 141.62*. fin. 119
G.-...h... AL.... 18, !~. 89. 1101. 1~. 1.... ~S. )88. oIS8. m.
6lS. 661. )';6
('nJ,,,,, II<n I. LO. 11.lS. 4~, 81. 11~. IS). 111, lSI. lB.
J.06. ~1. 4~, 4.1. 446. so.
548,619. US. JJ.8, m. 1S9
G.,..Jon,Il,'Ii. Ill, III, I~. IlI(\, ~I~, lJ7, 140, !{l7,
l19. HI. 1M. !i6 ,5)4, ';61. ill. 111 J.,,,,.I, R;.;h>o-J, 118, 1111. III. 161, Ilia. 144, 19J.I9S, 41 8.
('A"-'oh, M" ..... 1. 11 . 64. !4. 141. 14), ISle, HI'. II(!. In,
19l, ~. 411 ....'S, 6lS, 1('11, 7](' J,n_", DoviJ. IH. I\() , 2SS, '1J
G",~ ....... , Gk~ , ., ~l, bS , 1I~, 'oOS ""'o~,", N,oI>It . 169, 274 , 196. 401, <JI. 4< 1. 4RI. 4rl9 •• ~),
6lS. 1><6, JJ5
G"ftjO<', F"lry, 1J, .S~ , 541, 5<\1.1>11
Gum , Pm',~ , " Q, 1)0 , li~ , 40 1 I I I, S.N, sSe, SIlO.bOO. JoI,"""" R" ...II. S, )6 , J18 , IN, S9l, 6'11!. 711
fill. ti)1, 15 1 J.'or", ... , T,~ , 'J , 6l , 89 , 10\,1"'. JIO , N,) , o il . 4~ 1. Ill ,
~~l, b/il . 7JQ
G, .. "", ..." S"ln.. ,'. 11.4> , 51 , IN>. 119 , 114. It-.'. 44~ , 4{)1,
1+0, 711. 711. 71i'! J_" C. " ~ l~. 11.. . HI. 368. +01 , 160
G"", W;II .. "" I ll •. 170. Ili, J5~ , »9 , t47 , 44S , 4~4, 101,
J...... , 0.',,",', JSI , 684, fo8(" 801
Si4, nlS, 65<\, M9. m )ann. J,n",' £",1 . 116. 197. IH , 19'1, OSi!, 716
G,,,,, P.m , Mi , 711 ",..,.. V;.;,''', 110. 119. 181. W. " 14. 4S/;
Jor ... , N.,h,," IN .. h." tlom), 60, 84. !S, 168, I'!C, 1010. JII.
('",n;,~. Clt..,J<, II .. !J. 16. 4 1. ~J. In. 170, Ibl, 1M. IQJ.
Ill. JI~, J.8.4 • • 19 , 611, III
198. Ji'>. " 'S , 5oJ1. Sl4. S~J, 6JS , fill. 7!7. 141, 7~), 7n
Gt""", V.I, i . IN>. 140, 1M. 11 8. 11S. -!OO, Iff!

H •
K.wI<oII. ""' ... 1. I. 18.10. • 1. 48. 4~. SO. W. 61. 61. 61. 7\1,
H ..... 110 ..... H &/. 1()6_ lIS. 114. lSI. 1111, Jll. i l7. S1 4. 80.81.88. QI. III, 116. Ill. Il'I, Ill. 141. 1M. 179. 181.
Hr. Hi 1I7-JS. H .... SIl. b61, b6Il. ;I! 1~7. 101, In. HJ·". )41. lIS. lS1. ISS. liS. 116. J07.

8 10
H 'i ,
;1,0 '"
" ;' , "'I, ,
.1(..' Hi
'" M141I."'\
" i~
, ,,,,I
. '" ••
N:, ' I~, 'Ill, <J)'.H:,-IH . <,.

o;~ t><;' ,
'il ~, 'H. IH, 'i4l>.,n
in. 711, 11<' i'\{"
M-"'IJ.I ... .,.. i1. 94. I'lli. HJ. llCo. In. 119. 19L. m.
1I1 , 1l5, 151, lK'.~I. +,)1, .. " . 4)6, 11<\. 'i1', ~l , 166-<06.
6/~ , 6J'i-lto. ~H. "4, 114, i~), 131, 1M
;QI M........ " ., Am""", ~An'h.. •• '·I).w."'1. I I, lL, lY, 101, 10i.

~"'''' ..... "-n. I~. ~I.~! I'X'. 1,'1,
Ie\:' :~I. Ill. :11 I'll. ,~ :n I)'. nb. :77 '".
III. H'i. I I. 1;~
loll. 1~ . IlII
MMp- ~r-.....,,"1. 1. II. ~SII

,. '"
p- 111>.141>. m.N:. IQI. m. 4..'<1. 414, <:i . m M.. ~". • . II,.+.. IC7. ltiJ. 11/. I~ . 7'11

.... ,.
" ','" ~ \I~ , 111, I'''', I'll, ;"3, ...'7, ~:I, .... ', M....... j.m<>.~. 1"0:'. .. 91. hill, toll, 131
~H, Mi 10i, m, ; , 7~\ ii,'. ~I 101,,1 .. ,..\ , ROO M"I, ~ \, 94 , 115 , ito(>. Iii, lS I, 11jij, IL'4. 21 0,
" '"_,,,-.,j... A"h.,,_ 111.1f l.111. I". ,~ 611> • 141. \(,1 , 18/ " Iti. 410. ~l • .. 10. liS. lin, IN. 1Si.'.'77,
~<"",-.J.' . r-",~"" b·i, I !~. l il.lll. 1\1. '11,,,,,1 i,. '" till. 64i.1lb4.1l65. 677.1/'1
hlJ., M..... , o;~1. ~14 to'" ,..,.. M.. "ht"-,,. I:."'.... , H. &I. 17L. JoiI.4. 4Si'. ~lb. 1'lo.' . t!l. 61/ .
, .. I, lI.dud. 1-18, 'l!. "'ti . • 4Q .. "" I";, bl'. ~I\
K... , L·J.·. I .. , II, <1>.' ~n '"
M,r-..... h" I:.<on, I . .. , 1-41, l<)8. Sl~. 149. 'iIlQ
K,"Il. ~" " ,,",,, h'l, I .. e. 141. 111 4(' ~ . 01<'. ii,' Md.;I .. " . [) ••. ll.~. 1 7" , 141, 1.. 9, . 11 , 141. toro.bOl, ;;:0
~ ",.~ 1<1,.... 111. II~. Ie,. 17\. IS! , 191. 1,'1 1M \97

"n'~ " .......... II~, ) ,:

'" no.
!l.-.!J...• 20. l<!. 5L. bl. lib. 119. Ill. 119. IS'i.
H~. Ill. 177-16. J'IIJ. 41J. 4)0. i lO. 461. sas.
K"I T,,,,, .. , . .. )1, iI, 11.'.111 , I~I ." ....: • • ;l, . N ........ 1\2. In. t11.1l61 , fA', 100. 10/, 768
III>. 02 <. ~ 5 71~_ il1';1 "'«k". 1l.o1,~,. I ~I. 151. lin. ~21 . is)
"~I",,, M. ",n. I, l~, 1~', H e', .... I. """ M"", ..... \l/ill ...". Um<"-,,,. /0, II .. , M. 41>1<. 701 . 1"",, 111
t\..,~.IJ. •. R.nwJ. n ~:, H~. ~\I ;,\).;". Mn<..lo'h. &Of""". 10. 17,~. III. ."', " >8 , '>04. 600, 618.
, ,,"',,1 ",.onI<\ III I"". ~I<' ;"1. ; 1< ~J.S.6+4. 771
Mdlk1"n. Owl<>. bl. 8\1. 144. 6Sl. 661>. 711. 771
M,kd•. T.J IT V I, 21. 61, 7... 110. I J(l, 10/, 1<10'; . 1"9. 150,
l ).1. 11.>.-..1 , Ro>. i, JY, ~l. 61. 141. l SI!. 159. 16\, 1!IIl.1IO , l61,
413. ' J(J. 511. 117. 671. 700. 70/, 7()Q. 7)6, 71'1
.....d ,.... r. u... 10. SII. IIJ.HI ",.IIn. DKk. L3 , "". IS. 91. 1M. LJ5. L9J. IIC, IH. }Ol. UI.
'--.10 •. Mmu.. llO. ¥>II. ~l. 781 4&'> . 1<'1. SH, I/i. 'il<'. 'iII1,~. WI. MI , bll. _ . 7J<:'.
LoooJun. Moo .... L. )l~ . J46. Ji, 117. 7ro. 174 n~. '181. UI . N4
U"I , f,,,,, 101, 1~1. "18... 10. 701. 71J. 77/ M,II,~.n. AnJ.,', M, J\ , i6, 7'/, lI/ , 171, 19'1 , ~ /O, .'01>, \;~ ,
L",.,h ton,o..rk-. /Ill, JlJ. )49, 11~. ,+1. 'ill. IIS, bill, 7ii· ;1 i/~
Lo .... fohn 1'1,,11'1', n. lOtI. liS. 1~. H':I. till.1>Sa ).I,"' ...... h<,«< . nl. bl. 171. IN, WI:'. "-'4. HI, MI. 719.
u.... a...~. 1'1, lO, Jl _ '1 . 7i>. 90. I~l . IClI , 11'1. lll ,
Ill . 1'10. I~l . 140. 111. I!o(). 181 181.10'.101, 1i.'l>. liS.
1n H9, HI, ll ~ . 191 , 19J, JOI, IOO.~, j1~_N , BO.
M"~-,, 5.01. 141 1&1 !lO. 'iN. \ .... 77ti. i'l1
~"td... lI. r..........." 19, t\!i, 1\."1, I~, )W, !!~, 14~ , l'I1, lr7.
JJ~, J'IO, II~, j 1~, lSI, J9 I, I'M. "N. H(l , 41" 41S. 4«>·67, 11 1. \Ji , 01, 110, \ 49. 6t) , ~J4. t>t>I. 610 , ~7J . 1,,,, iR1
""8. "8'1, \11. H 4. 116 , HI, II,'. 1\6. \61. 168, M,<1 t...,.,...... r-"'.~. Ictj. 111. 101. 161
11~. S16. 11~. sal. (J(\4 • ...'""1. M I. oil. 61S. 61~. tiSQ. 67b. M.. .... a.... J4. 111 ·11. 11o(l. 514. ""1. 71~. m
1191. 6'>'>. rot. 711. H • . ill. 7K\ 767. 771. 7i! M~. A ...... , • . }to ...... I~. 1l'1li. 1>8. III . .... 7. 114.
Lt..n. J...... 168. 2SL . 31). 1 ~I. JI6. S13. ~. Sol. no 6111. "1&1. 7ll"
I"",,,,, l\ ~hoN , 47, 1~. 315. ~. 610, 6'>i, 71). 7M ,\1",,1.>"", M.nt." HI ()II<I
~ •.• ", I", ..... , 191, 19) , M9 M, ,.,,,..,, raul , I' . II. liS
1... ., ... Il"'Ki-otllc;. . .... ,, 6I:>. 70, 124, 191 , 1'ill. I ~ I. 1..... . /'1 . Mom.... J<Il. 118 lil. 410. lIb
!OJ. \61. 6/0. 644. ()9(l. 194. 1)S. l!g. 7Si Moo..,... v..-."1.1 ' 1. Ill. l"fo • ..:ll. 468. ~Ib. lotiO
~t ..... V.1. H • .s. /'I. IO'J. 11 0. I.. i . L#l. ns, ISS. m . Muntu. Ca.ob"" '. 1 1. U'l. 1,1. I...... lC~. l~. 'I~. ~11 ... 'i8
4! I. ell
l,""_, V..·""•. loC. III. 141 . }C/ , 117
l."",. 11,&,.,.. I I. lI. I Jl, 117 , 10 \, 211. Jilt!, <!h(J, "~l. Sll , N
S5<l. \64
Lt"",. r .... , 8 • .10, 41 . H ·+I , i s. 110. W. 81, 'l6, 10f;. 110. Ill. S..Jrr. (;""",. 51. 1!1. III. 140;). 108. 4iO. IQ)
IZ7. IN. I Il. I< I. IH. 101. II . 12.. . J 1<\. )So. lSi. !iI . ... ...... J Carrol 44 QQ. lB. 181 , I""" 101>. JJ9, lIb. 195-%.
I?S, 411. 418, ..... . ....s-4Q. _ . 467. HI, ' 14, ""1 1'15. oSl. $~S . .... , 11~. 7"1
" 'J7.~ , 171, H8. sn t)o."\), MO, oJ4 . 61:>1. /0(,1, O()I. on.
."1""1,,, h,,1 jj"," " "l> Mol ...... l1, I.~, I .... l07, I\~, M'1,
701.106,1 10.111, i\l, Ill, 1St'. 189 , NI 111. 1. 1. 1\(1, "',0;), III , Ill. 141 , 14S, 7""
L"' .... Gro<-c<. 11S. 6Sti. 616 Nd..... E.l. 7, 16. ~I, 9J. tIl. I II. 1"1, 1M, JI •• J69. 'i l l,
..... ,... RrL•. I. I':I.~. II. S\I.(o(I. 61. 61. N. 8/ , If' ~I. II". I'>J. "I " . /)QL ..... J. i'ltJ
Ill'. Iti5. IN. L81 . 1'17. 101. 1""', lSi. 170. 111. He.284.
m . I<IS. 1M. m. IH. 411. ....... ' 91. t96. 4· 1!I.~. Ill ,
"'.....unn. 1:,,", I" , 56(0. ';\11). Mb, ~lti. 681. 68~ . 76J
Ul. IJ;J, III , I~. Sn. \.AI, 1M, ISS. IAA. \.1108, ()()1. ,..-...
s... .. IJ. s.m. ~l I~I. 1\(1. 11l, 411. ""4. oSl. SOO
." d."I.. 1\0';-""" ~ \(), 158
~21 , MS . MI . 110. I I I, 1\6. ill. 1811, NI, &"1
N" h" I",," , J.. ' , 1/ , II. 1~ 1. IS7 , 11 I, lOS, l ' ~. 10<1, I I I,
l"".,.,. IJ.. I. 181, HI, 114 , 771. Ill" 41·' . 56'>. 17~. Oil!. 6J(J. 1o<.Oi, IN, 7S1
1min, c.roI. 18. 94. 1;)11. 116. l4Q. II L. In. 1'iIl. +48. 116. l'. ... I... n . Lot.., .o. 100. III. Il<! . 1.1 . Itil , 11J. 104. 1o":lI. 146.
551. 611. ~1 4 . ell. tiJ1. M4 ILL III. Hli. '\.&1. 13L. 'iIll
N....... l ..."..."j, I I. 81. Jb8. ol ~. n17. ;('S. ~1

Mocf'<.oJ,-. u.-.po. 7. 9. IW. Lol. 211, ~. lSI, '10.-... ·li!J.
619.611\1.780 ( . . . .. A",h 11 ql, '17. I II
).I"""" , ".".o k, I), 2l. Il , to'I. Ill, 11 ", 1l6, 1>111. ~. 'I1 , ~)'IIt ..", w,n", !1. 01, 61, ll~, 470, ..... , J .. 1
...,1, "N, 117 , M9 , 616 , 677, 7'Itl 01,1..,., I." , I I, 11.( 2M, M l
M;,/u, . 11.0",'. 4J. 14... i to(>. 191 . .. 94. 595. J~ ()'IJ<,hh.·. n." ...... ~, ,II.'. 100 JC2. 346. 110, SoOl
M>I""'r. }od. 181 . 411. b/H , f>Ill. to9Q. "1~ (11,,''''. Su l>u"''''''......
Ill . 1001. 610

8 11
O'N. J. J............ 'ili J. ~1 ...
Roch ....... s.~ SI. 69. HI. 666. 697. JSO
Oowold. Grnl. 5. i 29. loU R_U. ':un . 168. 216. l17, 1 19·l0. 6 H

o...p.n..b,.. . M.wi.. 2H. 498. 68 1. J88
Paen. tM.., 164 . .la'). )91. +86. 6 11. 69S. 176 ~' •.
1bt. ...L {"'('\1J,.",-). I~. lSll. 4ta. H;;
N. Gm.J<, H. 128. 117. 190. l%. J.J6, ~. SO l. H8. S96. ~". , ........ N.!I(I. 114. 111. 11>4. I H . !QI. Jo..... . HI .
610.719. no. 721. 760. 790 41 1. 4[d, 4lt.o. 41!. w.o.
WC'. 001. 711. 7S!. lil
P.oLonc• • jac l . lli. 1001 • .109. lSI. J96. iSO, 614. 6S4, 66J. 76S ~'"'' T"... ll. 19\1. 111
P'Tb'tl. fIoo-bon. 88. lSi. m ......1... T~ll,. 101. 119, JiIj, 1'lIl. +.'X'. SII.'
r'Kl . c..,.,.,.. &4 . J98. +61. ~19. HO s..,."". T.... 'IS, 141 Ill. In. llS.l!o. 161. 1l9. .....1'1. H8.
"" ... ,..... Ambon" 61 . lSI. HO. 'I«!. 'l,jJ~. 569.61), 719 4<>1, SI~, \{)1
P~, . Int:nd. Ill. !+t. S19. 6017. 177
""'-nc• . Don..kI. 119. IS7, 181. 104. 2lO. ll6. Ill. 261 .
s.. ...., J<""'. IS. 4~. Ii. ttl. I~. 1.\1. 101. 1~1 . Ill. Ill. Ill.
l7i. 10+. \"". ~H. 6(,+. !)(oIl. 119
1119.)00. JOl • .l8S. 190. HI . 451. 4ll6. 471. 480. ot94, SOl. ......~... ~""'. ~. 17. l-lli. 1. 1. 111 \49
SIJ. S49. S18. 616. 618. Ilt.o. 167 ",IuIl,·II. 1l',II,'m. i l. 10. , It!. i19. 181, IS>!. 1;)4 • .Itol. 47'1 ,
P"..... ,. 14. HS. 439. 44<1 . 489. SoBI. 597.98, 69() H~. HI. 061 ~I . M. no
r.,....,... M.t.. 119. liS. 114. 110.lOl. 140 ""~, , v" ..... , Il~. l l~, 191 , bO!, 6ot-1, <>Ill. ~
~. El. i •. 18. I II. 116. 110. 146 . 111 . 116. /44 . lSI . 119. ~''' , h>-J, Ill, IJJ . 100. 111. lll. \l ~. Wl. \'>S. l6~
2M. 1M. l SI . .la'). lJ1. J.I!(l. Wi. J98. 401 , 408. 41S . 411. ",""",. I"",lo",," , IS'! , I"" , 471
4 11. 4lt.o. HS. 198. 6H . 6S I. 619 . 718. 7)]. 7SS. 779 'i1''''I' ' I~ .... il \1(',117. 1"<l. IN. l!9. 407. jJ;. 18S
1'""•. D.nn~ . ISO, Il l. 129. lX\ l ll. 111. 104. lSI S.... ,..." 11.',11" ", . II , I ll. l SI. Ill , lIS. 1l~ , 1'~.19 • .Itol ,
Pro«. V,r,c<nt .l. 1. 4, l l. II . Ill . Jl. 41. 506.&11 , 91, 106, 114. k>Ii, l~, ""S , 411, ' 4/ , Ml . ell
liS , Il l . 118. 119 , IH . l SI. 156 , 18S. 16 7, 19M), 191.96. ~wffitIJ , I•• """ . S, ""', IM9. 4<V. <I I. "'"-' I t>!Il Njl . Mi .
l(.';l. Ill , 149. 196 , )O6. )1l. HQ. H I , 141 . J4J. 147 , J81. M7,0'N
IS,US. J ~. J9S , 4 U. 41 6 , 41 ~, 419. H l. t H o +65 , 410. 'iI~'I I " 1\.o,NI>. 11, I(N, 1('0,. 241. I ~ l. ;)~. 6lJ
4!l(l. 4.'\4, 48 5. SOl. 516, SSO, 56 1. 57) , S75 , 518. 597.1<18 , ~ ",."' , N '''~I. II!. !II. lll. 416. elS. M9. 71~. 7'1\
6 11. 618. 619.6.10. 6046. 64 1. 651.661. 676, 677, 695 , ' "~,,",~.t:."t. 4 1. ",, /j/j, 1/1.111, I \.!<. 141, IS! , I ~ I. I."..
704, m. 7lJ. Jl7. 71 1. Ill , 741. J.u. 161. 164 . 767. 768. In l-I.~. ISS , Ill. )Jl , 4 \ \. '~ ; , lIN. ~l~, blJ , MIl. 7&11
m , 784 ~",,,h, llOck, II), 11 4, \I~. "-~ , 6 1', 6W
Pr, .... AnJr<w. II . IH. liZ . 298. 111. 6)4. j/8 :... .,], kn,. I[>J. 141, nc. '~ \. 4 11, '1/. 116.)()4 6S1
,,,,,,11 II/,ll",,,,. l b. 1I, 116. IiI. Hi. :11>1. 590. );)1. 116
:;'.~ ....... I, ... I~, I ... . w,. 1'1'>. 614. 1M
!o. .. " ....,. 1·1\.t. II. 167. 11'1. -'<1/ , \41, It-l. _. 7\0. 1"1
Q ....... ', ..... J (; ..... b.\ 17. I.". I~"'. m. 6.19. blt\ 7N
'N,n f ... 11. I~. 149 !lb. I(ll. )t,)
0.....,. 1Wb<tt. HI. 172 . 1516. +I S. 581 . (0()8 ..,... lh-fII. " ......,. Il!. II.'. !lJ. 1111.11.'. "-18. III. sSt>.
1)1. &II
""'II ....... M ~ I. ... Jill,) 1S4 III. +."fl, 1 zq. 1'1S

R.l!n" I\-h .... , ~1!6. 4>" 11(', 61~
"'...-nr. T<"",,,,<. 471. 477. i'l. ~\!. 61J
.... .. n. R,,,,,,,. 100. Ill . l~. II.'S. 1l1• .w6. frtS
~" ... j",~. 10. Ill .• 11. \7 • . WII. 199. 198
""•.1 .... R.. [\-nn .. ICao./, A.aJ. / 4 . .n'. •n 17b. 611.
R... ..... ('"b.oJ.. 19. >+.~. \-4(). j~i. i~ 71~. lil1. 1'1/
R...,hh ...... lb.,!. S.l"."''- ~1. 1(..... Ill. I 11.1,"1 IN.l,l. "'.... , 1\,. ........ Ii. 1>4. 96. 107. 14l. lH 116. HI. lb. 1\4.
II.'. n,. 119. 414.",1. _ . \+.'-41. 11\' 5il. ~lQ, Mt.', 110. 14~. ISO. >6.1. m, 611. 6 1i.!fI9. Ic"fl. ill. ,.,., iU.
1>4\ ~il. oli.!r>". ill. i14. i"t>. iii, i'9 (~ 1'19
It"" AU,. 10. J..'7. I.... S~. "'i. 1~.9L ~i4. ii) St",~", ......'11.0. 10. "I, J6l. /81. '0,)(,. HS. \\1. 6lJ
R.-_n. 11. ... ,1.1. !I. ''i. Ii.... III. Ill, II I. J!f>.l7. 4<' 1 411. """"'", (~"'nn. 1. 6/. 119. 1+J. i . .. 461. iIIl
'I ~. ' 11. Iii. )(,!, ~! ~ . f(,I: 1:'>1.;\1 (~ \.;"'II
""..... ,~ .......", JJ~. HI. 4\S. X'I. \ttl. Sqi. 600. 011. 11.J
It.... "'. 1\,-" lJ~. ill "''' d . II ........ L. 71. 114, lS I. l~, HI, 11\. ~N
It..-J. ~l!,,~,- ~I, ~I. 111. III I~I, j'+l. 1 1,. "'" IN, lx', St, ...... "".. oJ<,', S. &II. 1(9. Jljl. WI ........... In 657. b'1C, .... 1
~ll. 611. fI'II',. 1\". ill. ill. JI~. "''''
R.... ,,~, M~t...d, 11,( \1~, ,·11, (Ji
",,,! ... ,I:on.,l, 1\.,.1.1. 4" 11. l<ll. l,;ij. 1%. 1('1. ""'. H I

Ik<>~" "< ....... , \;), in 1"1 111, 111. \I", Ioijl, ~I'I , '1 19.
,,'I, '>4<', I>\i, ll<l
11..'"",', l". ~,. " ~, I ~I T
R..'"n,,·, Mlc h,,'1. 11. " I. I ~' I~
R~" ,,,Jx .. , ~ ,K , l rlo. -Ii, li't- , 21" , IJ ~ , 41 1. \~7 , "~ no 1,lY , T, lh".(ikw .. . l SI. 119. I~I, III , 41 Q, J11
71~. 776 T, I t.~ . 1.\· 1<, I. 114, 167, 189 , llO , l ii l , )9S , 5JO. 5)1, \~I.
K,,,,~,, , ~t,,~, 47, l i 4, 111 . 271, 1Il\ , In . 011 II I, no
R"l.k-nh.'n" 0."", II I II! , In M~, ~\J,"'" T ,",~h n , Run, ~ 4 . 106, 116 , lbO , lOl , II~ , JW. NJ.l /11.
~,"'" N"-!" '],~. leI. 211.'. -!liS. \I~. ~I 11~, I" S, 790
R.""·~ ,.C< ,,,. 2,'- 11. WI, 41 1, 11~, -1 '1 t 19. ~I'I. eloij M~ . T,,,,,,.JI. .... 'm, 10.61. 181.197 , 116 , J16. iN. 71/
"..,1 Mo.'- n, 7h1 T.... SIlO',.,. !/h, 111. 4 19, S</!! , 791
R. ...... ". IAlJk' . 12. H . So' , ~\ , "" Ill , H I 1'1 , \1~ S77, To",.",. N.""",n. '9, 18. 191 , 101. 1<>Il. lSI . J.5O. i lS. t'>1~ ,
,,'I. ;(\'. III. 7'>0 6\1. 718
~".."''', C., ....·, I". 1.....\ I...' . 100, !II. 2~1 Jx'.
-II.l' .... ·1.~1. T,,~ •• ~.n'. 16. 7J. 8S. '10. I ii. I~I. Ill . JH . J40. _ .
Ii i. Ml '\OS, 60< . 616. 171
R. ........ M,,J,.... : 4 II."'. !il. Ilt.o. I... ,. ~.I.IN.I\), \()) n..;..,... En,.,.. M. no. n l. lIS
~11. MI. m' Tho""!,",,, M."".II. Ie. IQ. 141. H~ . 140
R._. ~ .. hcr,"". 11~. 17.,- 41~. ~I'I. eil T........ ~.n' ... 'h. 6. ' 1.10. us. liS. Jt7. 6l4.6S1l. 700. 7c.1.
R.,.",'h, An.,..h I!. 1\. ~\. 1'>Oj. In 11...'. 171. 1.:>1>. IN).
:"". NI. 44(,. ~ ie ......... 6."1. ~H «> .. _. 110.' '"
T............. j..-""" 11l'I. 143. Ill. 177. III. 4!J . 161

T.....". H",,· AI", IP.... \\',Ikdl . <)(), 101. Ill, 10), )lI,
l!9. HI. J.IO. ) 4 1. 01,)6. t1\). SII. Sll. Sll. W. 190. ~H.
<>"1._.1So:1.7SI.1t>8 z.~ . V~_. \1,\.·,11....,). III . Ie'<. 141 . HI. )61. -I7t.
419. SOl. SOl. S10. )91.,",1 110
Z... <". Cn~ ... I. 1>1. 10. . In. lb!. IIIb.llll.lI l. I<!C. 1<9.
u t l1, ••1...... 4 11.~. 451. 45Q. t 9O. m. SSI. 608. 6J.O.
MI. 1/1. lW,. ns
/ ._,,,iI, An..". t l. lto. \1>1 . 114 , 1l1. 19!i , Ill. In, /el.
18/ , l l ~. 11>1. 110, t!!S . II ' . 119. IS), 5\1. \Ii). ~1I.11.
6N, till. 116, JtIl
V.liI (.... ,..:iIl. Jl8. lJ'I. }04 I>lI.69'
\.",,,,,. I~b,b Nu.",,) •• ~. -I"'Il . Sil. III
\.n n.....-, t..-.. tl, 1)0(), 119, I~l, IN, Sl;l
V. n o..~<n. ~hm .. , -IS , \/" 81. 100 , 101 , 114. III , 180. lill.
110. t il , \N , \Jt , Il~, S!>l. )~ , 611, 69/ . ;14, 142, 7)1.
V.... ';I. ...... f.J-..n.l . 49. 61. Itl. liC. Iii 11J. 1,11 l~l.lll>.
181. _ . +iI'J. 641
V. n V.,...... Mo.",_. II. B o. 6011
\'."""". 11.0«. •. 38. 104. 111. llot'. 1>-1
\.oJ<, C"m.oJ.~. I~, 41~
V." •• , I-Jo.o--, .J, t . 9, JI It . I"" . I~)
V..... ~, lin,....,. 18 , ll. \4 . S) , 118. Ill , liS . 109, 114, HI.
1111. /Sl , 19'1 , l\lI\, II 1. J)'. JJJ, ... ~, )1), sn 61<\ , 644.
e'<1. m. )60. 16Z. ISO
V" .... K.,..... n"". 101. US .. lt'>. HZ . !W-4. 181
\ '"n S, ,,........, ... E,,,h II. 141·.1. 11". NS. Ill>. 410. '1M.
i 41
\"",~. M.• • • 11~. n ... HI. 1<.. .

1'«<. In. IIIiI lIN. !~l. I-4J. 010
4tl. ~l. 1"1. lSI. ~J<I. ~Sl
"' ........... 1'l3.'.!. 1<>1. )11. O ~\. \!~. 119
"' .......... )<ny. n. In. It Q. H~. 11>1. \frl . ..'I. 11)1. ;'1
\\''',"", I... l , ISO. 1il7.1"'. 411, Stt, 711
\\1",..""lk" k l," .,.. 100, 1.'1, IN.J , 1M , 191·'14, 1"1. 1'1',
#0. >til. III. wI , 1>1/, ~7~, M I. 681. M-I , ~, MI NI.'!.
D&Q, 6'>\1, 14t , 1)1,
1I..l<-h. ~l, 41. N. HIli. 1...... _ . t 'lt>. III. I"I!, 111
1I.'<lJ. T........... 'IC. til lb.'. \(1). )$.). )'It. HI. 611.1 ;9
11. <11.--. Md. I. lb. lB. 11~. HI. ' I~. -In. bll. 717
11.',11... 0.-. IVI. 11>1. 1Q(i. 'I~ .•St. x.... I!<Ih. Ilto. n9
\l,o..... .., Jo ....... 118. ZSI. IS!> ' SI. In. 118
\l'l ",n",", St."", "9,1<)1 1).,- liS. 10\, 11~, II', IN), lW ,
10.'1 , !II. t l<l. ti l , H~, 4r1C. I ll. '>db. I~b , MI, ....1. ;SI ,

\l',U." W L.., 'N, -lSI;, \!~, \4\, ~l, ~So:I
\l',I. ,......... Ju ..... 1(\\ \14. Sol. ;11
\\',11" .... J..,,", U, ........ ,. Ill. 11!. HI. 117. 111 1M. M.
III.'. 1\8. 181 1&1. 41 1>. Ij./\. bW. lotH. Il'
'I. .• nJ..... ~b,w. '. 110. II' 161 lliC. I'll. I\~. "'-'I. 6<1.

\l',n'r"'. 51.,11"" 16. 11.,- I MI.ll~. \11. l"-l. ~t • . I I I. SII

1<1/>,0'10) , JI! , lSI, J~~, 176. TN
\l' .... 1\.,.",,,, lJ, l~. N. 141. JtIl , 1<l1 , 611
"" ,~-..l. t:J.),. SO, 88. 8'1 Ill'!. IH. Ill. 1\1. Ill. m. Ml.
""",J. L.>n.. I~I. 187. lSI 1"'-'. 1M. It!. !l~. <:0......
",',,,,,,,,,,,. M..,.. IH. I"'. 1>17. 1>\1
\l., .... F..·. 110. 198. 10'1. lo~. 'll .....1. 4~1, 4QQ W., 61>8.

V...... ,...h.;.an.91 . 119. Il()'ll. 141':. 184....S '1(1\ olS
\I." • . ~IKh><1. .18 . • )1. 711


r<l0~1"& H~v'£ ~kW~~5 BE~N A ro~JoA. pMr d' «I~ LIFE, "'Y
.F\RLIEsr ""E"'<lRI€5 ME: Cj; SI""N6 IN R<oNTeF 1\ TELEVISION
\N<rrtI1ING Ot\.SoJAc Iq 30s M~Sn;RiES liND cOMEDIES, I FELT
Pcs.sre.LE:T~C\SE.5Ho~ ~w P~ WEREJLlST FILLE~,
PfII\E..n-s iOCO( """ \0 ~ ~E.LEASES ONE NI"'Hi A WE@(.
AlIt> I .):>jNED SG~L FRIENilS EV€ll.~ - " " D AT DCu81.£
FeR'1\J1>.E I"'ATiNEES. I\"r THE T1I'\€ "*K~D ~ ~<\LF Do'Z.E>J
T~€1!Te<.S WITlt!N W~L""'''' PIS-rn<lCE To CHOOSE FI'I>M,
r"\'1 FIItST Fj:\voe tiES 'vJE.RE. MONS'T"ER.. ft"'CVn~S. \' fV'I ""fl:)L'D I
TrlReFITENED FR"", THE Tv, SCAf£N. W~E>I r"'I F'A1'llE,Q, TlX>!(
ME'Tb,5<;.. 'fME S<>JfN'T" V<>IM£ cF 51NElAD (WHILE M~ f'1OTliER,
WAS I~ 'fHe ~DSPITI\L ABo11T,., HAVe r<>I FJASr 8~"~E"') I
TO se.. ~1"6 ELSe 'fHAT SCAf<.'1,
L~1"ER \ WEtoJr T'D MIDN~&trr VNt:ER6~o 5H~v.lS./AEVI"PtL
l-\oJS€.s I FO'-.E.\Gt.l L~GUI\GE" TliEFrT'EAS I AtoJD BEST eF AL.L I
C.~ElJ'IIoJt>S tlc>W>lThwtJ GRINPHt>0SES WHE.P.E '\tiE MoST
'sttOC",NG. C:INElnI>rIC. BJ.oct>, 6\n'5. AND .sox (I" ~ eRA 01'
EI<'TR6t"£ C:E>I.5<>fI.SHIP) COJLD!lE etJ.k>~ED. MVSlc. (n.p FeRN),
Mblllt;,S I AtoJO T'H-c f"\'1S1"E.R.IES Of sex WEP£ M'I PRu""IE CON c'E.A.NS.
Sl~c.E i"tte;E ~\c.s ~\,.. OISCUSS£t> c::R. Tou:.Rf:\TED B1 TE~Qie.~ I

I CONSI[)€Ra> I"\OSr "I'\~ 0A~.s BE~I~O ,sro'LL oe.SI'.S FI WASTE.

IF \ S..E." &REAT """'E, I w!WT n:> '!"ELL PeoPlE A8OU'T' rr. IF
I'M IN ~ BAD r"'£>OO J 1)\e RI",wr FE~TUR6 S~Rf'S 1'16 OJ!' cF 11'. I
lcHE INEPT, Bi'0\..1 MAIl£ f'I'oVIES AS WELL AS EFF£cnv€ WEL\..-
~Il OWES, Seu;,c."!'I\IE f"'<'VIE IIIfI1l:~1 N", a1/oJ ,,..,PRoVE ~CtA(
LIFE:, 'ffil<.E Se/'\EeNE'It> >I THEf\1'ER. """I"'HT.

8 1')

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