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A numerical value used as a summary measure for a sample, such as a sample mean, is known
as a
A) Population Parameter
B) Sample Parameter
C) Sample Statistic
D) Population Mean
Answer: C
2. Statistics branches include
A) Applied Statistics
B) Mathematical Statistics
C) Industry Statistics
D) Both A and B
Answer: D
3. To enhance a procedure the control charts and procedures of descriptive statistics are classified
A) Behavioural Tools
B) Serial Tools
C) Industry Statistics
D) Statistical Tools
Answer: A
4. Sample statistics are also represented as
A) Lower Case Greek Letter
B) Roman Letters
C) Associated Roman Alphabets
D) Upper Case Greek Letter
Answer: B
5. Individual respondents, focus groups, and panels of respondents are categorised as
A) Primary Data Sources
B) Secondary Data Sources
C) Itemised Data Sources
D) Pointed Data Sources
Answer: A
6. The variables whose calculation is done according to the weight, height and length and weight are
known as:
A) Flowchart Variables
B) Discrete Variables
C) Continuous Variables
D) Measuring Variables
Answer: C
7. A method used to examine inflation rate anticipation, unemployment rate and capacity utilisation
to produce products is classified as
A) Data Exporting Technique
B) Data Importing Technique
C) Forecasting Technique
D) Data Supplying Technique
Answer: C
8. Graphical and numerical methods are specialized processes utilised in
A) Education Statistics
B) Descriptive Statistics
C) Business Statistics
D) Social Statistics
Answer: B
9. The scale applied in statistics which imparts a difference of magnitude and proportions is
considered as
A) Exponential Scale
B) Goodness Scale
C) Ratio Scale
D) Satisfactory Scale
Answer: C
10. Review of performance appraisal, labour turnover rates, planning of incentives and training
programs and are examples of
A) Statistics in Production
B) Statistics in Marketing
C) Statistics in Finance
D) Statistics in Personnel Management
Answer: D
Which of the following is the probability calculus of beliefs, given that beliefs follow certain rules?

a) Bayesian probability
b) Frequency probability

c) Frequency inference

d) Bayesian inference

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Answer: a

Explanation: Data scientists tend to fall within shades of gray of these and various other schools of

2. Point out the correct statement.

a) Bayesian inference is the use of Bayesian probability representation of beliefs to perform inference

b) NULL is the standard missing data marker used in S

c) Frequency inference is the use of Bayesian probability representation of beliefs to perform inference

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: Frequency probability is the long run proportion of times an event occurs in independent,
identically distributed repetitions.

3. Which of the following can be considered as random variable?

a) The outcome from the roll of a die

b) The outcome of flip of a coin

c) The outcome of exam

d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: d
Explanation: The probability distribution of a discrete random variable is a list of probabilities associated
with each of its possible values.

4. Which of the following random variable that take on only a countable number of possibilities?

a) Discrete

b) Non Discrete

c) Continuous

d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: Continuous random variable can take any value on some subset of the real line.

5. Point out the wrong statement.

a) A random variable is a numerical outcome of an experiment

b) There are three types of random variable

c) Continuous random variable can take any value on the real line

d) None of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: There are two types of random variable-continuous and discrete.

6. Which of the following is also referred to as random variable?

a) stochast

b) aleatory

c) eliette

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: b

Explanation: Random variable is also known as stochastic variable.

7. Bayesian inference uses frequency interpretations of probabilities to control error rates.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: b

Explanation: Frequency inference uses frequency interpretations of probabilities to control error rates.

8. Which of the following condition should be satisfied by function for pmf?

a) The sum of all of the possible values is 1

b) The sum of all of the possible values is 0

c) The sum of all of the possible values is infinite

d) All of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: A probability mass function evaluated at a value corresponds to the probability that a
random variable takes that value.

9. Which of the following function is associated with a continuous random variable?

a) pdf

b) pmv

c) pmf

d) all of the mentioned

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Answer: a

Explanation: pdf stands for probability density function.

10. Statistical inference is the process of drawing formal conclusions from data.

a) True

b) False

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Answer: a

Explanation: Statistical inference requires navigating the set of assumptions and tools

A sample from the population does not have to share the same characteristics as the

a) True
b) False
Question 2

Probability sampling is based on various random selection principles

a) True
b) False
Question 3

With the non-probability sampling methods you do not know the likelihood that any element
of a population will be selected in a sample

a) True
b) False
Question 4

A method of using samples to estimate population parameters is known as

a) Statistical interference
b) Statistical inference
c) Statistical appliance
Question 5

The mean of the sample means is

a) A biased estimator of the population

b) An unbiased estimator of the population mean
c) Neither biased nor unbiased

A sampling frame is:

a) A summary of the various stages involved in designing a survey

b) An outline view of all the main clusters of units in a sample
c) A list of all the units in the population from which a sample will be
d) A wooden frame used to display tables of random numbers
Question 2

A simple random sample is one in which:

a) From a random starting point, every nth unit from the sampling frame is
b) A non-probability strategy is used, making the results difficult to
c) The researcher has a certain quota of respondents to fill for various social
d) Every unit of the population has an equal chance of being selected
Question 3

It is helpful to use a multi-stage cluster sample when:

a) The population is widely dispersed geographically
b) You have limited time and money available for travelling
c) You want to use a probability sample in order to generalise the results
d) All of the above
Question 4

The standard error is a statistical measure of:

a) The normal distribution of scores around the sample mean

b) The extent to which a sample mean is likely to differ from the population
c) The clustering of scores at each end of a survey scale
d) The degree to which a sample has been accurately stratified
Question 5

What effect does increasing the sample size have upon the sampling error?

a) It reduces the sampling error

b) It increases the sampling error
c) It has no effect on the sampling error
d) None of the above
Question 6

Which of the following is not a type of non-probability sampling?

a) Snowball sampling
b) Stratified random sampling
c) Quota sampling
d) Convenience sampling
Question 7

Snowball sampling can help the researcher to:

a) Access deviant or hidden populations
b) Theorise inductively in a qualitative study
c) Overcome the problem of not having an accessible sampling frame
d) All of the above
Question 8

Which of the following is not a characteristic of quota sampling?

a) The researcher chooses who to approach and so might bias the sample
b) Those who are available to be surveyed in public places are unlikely to
constitute a representative sample
c) The random selection of units makes it possible to calculate the standard

1. Which of the following statements is not correct?

a. When an interval estimate is associated with a degree of confidence that it actually includes the

population parameter of interest, it is referred to as a confidence interval

b. If the population mean and population standard deviation are both known, one can make

probability statements about individual x values taken from the population

c. If the population mean and population standard deviation are both known, one can use the central

limit theorem and make probability statements about the means of samples taken from the


d. If the population mean is unknown, one can use sample data as the basis from which to make

probability statements about the true (but unknown) value of the population mean

e. when sample data are used for estimating a population mean, sampling error will not be present

since the observed sample statistic will not differ from the actual value of the population parameter

Answer: E
2. Inferential statistics is the:

a. process of using a population parameter to estimate the values for sample statistics

b. process of using sample statistics to estimate population parameters

c. process which allows the researcher to determine the exact values for population parameters

d. process that eliminates the problem of sampling error

e. branch of statistics involving using population parameters to estimate sampling distributions

Answer: B

12/15/2020 Statistics MCQs – Estimation Part 1- Examrace

3. Which of the following statements are correct?

a. a point estimate is an estimate of the range of a population parameter

b. a point estimate is an unbiased estimator if its standard deviation is the same as the actual value of

the population standard deviation

c. a point estimate is a single value estimate of the value of a population parameter

d. all of the above statements are correct

e. none of the above statements are correct

Answer: C

4. A point estimator is defined as:

a. the average of the sample values

b. the average of the population values

c. a single value that is the best estimate of an unknown population parameter

d. a single value that is the best estimate of an unknown sample statistic

e. a number which can be used to estimate a point in time which is unknown

Answer: C

5. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

a. an interval estimate is an estimate of the range of possible values for a population parameter

b. an interval estimate describes a range of values that is likely not to include the actual population


c. an interval estimate is an estimate of the range for a sample statistic

d. all of the statements above are correct

e. none of the statements above are correct

Answer: A

6. A confidence interval is defined as:

a. a point estimate plus or minus a specific level of confidence

b. a lower and upper confidence limit associated with a specific level of confidence

c. an interval that has a 95% probability of containing the population parameter

12/15/2020 Statistics MCQs – Estimation Part 1- Examrace

d. a lower and upper confidence limit that has a 95% probability of containing the population


e. an interval used to infer something about an unknown sample statistic value

Answer: B

7. The term 1 – α refers to the:

a. probability that a confidence interval does not contain the population parameter

b. the level of confidence minus one

c. the level of confidence

d. the level of confidence plus one

e. the level of significance

Answer: C

8. A 95% confidence interval for the population mean is calculated to be 75.29 to 81.45. If the
confidence level is reduced to 90%, the confidence interval will:

a. become narrower

b. remain the same

c. become wider

d. double in size

e. most likely no longer include the true value of the population mean

Answer: A

9. A 95% confidence interval for the population mean is calculated to be 75.29 to 81.45. If the

confidence level is increased to 98%, the confidence interval will:

a. become narrower

b. remain the same

c. become wider

d. double in size

e. most likely no longer include the true value of the population mean

Answer: C

12/15/2020 Statistics MCQs – Estimation Part 1- Examrace

10. In the formula for the confidence interval, zα/2 is part of the formula. What does the subscript α/2

refer to?

a. the level of confidence

b. the level of significance

c. the probability that the confidence interval will contain the population mean

d. the probability that the confidence interval will not contain the population mean

e. the area in the lower tail or upper tail of the sampling distribution of the sample mean

Answer: E
11. Which of the statements below completes the following statement correctly? The larger the level of

confidence used in constructing a confidence interval estimate of the population mean, the:

a. smaller the probability that the confidence interval will contain the population mean

b. the smaller the value of zα/2

c. the narrower the confidence interval

d. the wider the confidence interval

e. the more the width of the confidence interval remains the same

Answer: D

12. Which one of the statements below is correct?

a. If n, the sample size, increases, the confidence interval becomes wider

b. A 90% confidence interval for the population mean is narrower than a 95% confidence interval for

the population mean

c. As the population standard deviation increases, the confidence interval becomes narrower

d. If α = 0.01, it implies that we are 1% confident that the population mean will lie between the

confidence limits

e. none of the above statements is correct

Answer: B

13. The boundaries of a confidence interval are called:

a. Confidence levels

b. The test statistics

12/15/2020 Statistics MCQs – Estimation Part 1- Examrace

c. The degrees of confidence

d. The confidence limits

e. Significance levels
Answer: D

14. What value of z would you use to calculate the 80% confidence interval for a population mean,

given that you know the population standard deviation, the sample size and the sample mean of your


a. z = 1.96

b. z = 2.58

c. z = 0.84

d. z = 1.28

e. z = 1.645

Answer: D

15. Which of the following statements is false with regards to the width of a confidence interval?

a. The sample mean from which the interval is constructed is located half way between the

boundaries of the confidence interval

b. The width of the interval increases when the sample size is decreased

c. The width of the interval decreases when the significance level is increased

d. The width of the interval decreases when the sample mean is decreased

e. The width of the interval increases when the confidence level is increased

Answer: D

16. After constructing a confidence interval estimate for a population mean, you believe that the

interval is useless because it is too wide. In order to correct this problem, you need to:

a. Increase the population standard deviation

b. Increase the sample size

c. Increase the level of confidence

d. Increase the sample mean

e. Decrease the sample size

12/15/2020 Statistics MCQs – Estimation Part 1- Examrace

Answer: B

17. The problem with relying on a point estimate of a population parameter is that the point estimate

a. has no variance

b. might be unbiased

c. might not be relatively efficient

d. does not tell us how close or far the point estimate might be from the parameter

e. may not be consistent

Answer: D

18. A federal auditor for nationally chartered banks from a random sample of 100 accounts found

that the average demand deposit balance at the First National Bank of a small town was R549.82. If

the auditor needed a point estimate for the population mean for all accounts at this bank, what would

she use?

a. The average of R549.82 for this sample.

b. The average of R54.98 for this sample.

c. There is no acceptable value available.

d. She would survey the total of all accounts and determine the mean.

e. The mean would be impossible to calculate without further information

Answer: A

19. Which one of the statements below is correct?

a. If the significance level is equal to 0.1, it implies that we are 10% confident that the population

mean will lie between the confidence limits

b. If the sample size increases the confidence interval becomes wider

c. As the population standard deviation increases, the confidence interval becomes narrower
d. A 90% confidence interval for the population mean is narrower than a 95% confidence interval for

the population mean

e. Increasing the significance level increases the width of the confidence interval

Answer: D

20. Sand is packed into bags which are then weighed on scales. It is known that if full bags of sand are

intended to weigh μ kg, then the weight recorded by the scales will be normally distributed with a

12/15/2020 Statistics MCQs – Estimation Part 1- Examrace

Developed by: Mindsprite Solutions

mean μ kg and a standard deviation of 0.36kg. A particular bag of sand was weighed four times and

the weight recorded each time was different. The sample mean weight was recorded as 34.7kg. What

is a 95% confidence interval for the true weight of the full bag of sand?

a. 34.35 to 35.05kg

b. 35.85 to 36.55kg

c. 34.21 to 35.19kg

d. 34.48 to 34.92kg

e. 37.75 to 38.45kg

Answer: A

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