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A comprehensive resource of product knowledge, the PMA Fresh Produce Manual will help
your operation succeed in today’s competitive market. Its easy-to-use, full-color format
was designed specifically for retailers, foodservice operators, and distributors.

The PMA Fresh Produce Manual contains specifications for 160 fresh fruits and
vegetables: nutrition values, grades, sizes, packaging, availability, storing and
handling, receiving and inspecting, and the names and descriptions of major
varieties. At the end of this manual, an easy-to-read chart provides a quick
reference on ripening after harvest, ethylene sensitivity, and recommendations
for water sprinkling and top ice. This information comes from the most recently
available sources as of the date of copyright.

We appreciate and invite your comments

on the PMA Fresh Produce Manual.

The Produce Marketing Association wishes to thank all of the individuals,

companies, and organizations that contributed their expertise, time, products,
and photographs in order to make this product possible.

Published by the Produce Marketing Association, P.O. Box 6036, Newark, DE 19714-6036, a nonprofit trade association serving the fresh produce industry.

All rights reserved. This product may not be reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise,
or stored in a retrieval system, without the written consent of the Produce Marketing Association. To do so is an infringement of copyright law.

This Manual has been prepared by the Produce Marketing Association as a service to its members and their customers. The information provided herein is offered
in good faith and is believed to be accurate when prepared, but is offered without warranty as to fitness for a particular purpose or any other matter. PMA, its
members, and contributors, disclaim all responsibility for any loss or damage arising from reliance on such information by any party. PMA, its members, and
contributors do not assume any responsibility for compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Appropriate legal counsel should be consulted when any such
issues arise. This Manual is not intended to be all inclusive on any subject covered.

© November 2002 The Produce Marketing Association

Produce Marketing Association
About PMA

Based in Newark, Delaware, the Produce Marketing

Association serves more than 2,400 members by
advancing the marketing of produce and related
products and services worldwide. PMA members
market fresh fruits, vegetables, and related products,
and are involved in the production, distribution,
retail, and foodservice sectors of the industry. In
addition to our tradition of bringing buyers and
sellers together, PMA offers world-class information
and educational programming, and advocates for
members before consumers and the marketplace. Members benefit from networking opportunities,
including major events such as PMA’s Fresh Summit
PMA’s leadership in the produce industry is the direct International Convention & Exposition, Foodservice
result of over five decades of dedicated partnerships Conference Tour & Expo, and Retail Produce
between staff and industry volunteers. Volunteer Solutions Conference. They also enjoy discounts on a
leaders, working through PMA Boards, advisory variety of training and education products that
councils, committees, and task forces, guide the enhance productivity, profitability, and
development of programs and services that help professionalism. In addition, PMA members receive a
members meet their business goals. number of services and benefits, including:

Working closely with these leaders is the PMA staff of • Access to the PMA Information Center for research
about 70 association professionals with expertise in assistance to answer produce industry questions
administration, meeting planning, marketing, • Updates, backgrounders, and conference
information, and customer service. PMA benefits workshop material on critical industry issues of
from having one of the highest percentages of concern, including regulatory information, such as
Certified Association Executives (CAE) in the irradiation, biotechnology, food safety and
association industry. security, and standardized coding
• Industry studies and educational products

PMA also has programs dealing with food safety and

security, research, and consumer information.
These are funded in part by contributions from our
Gold Circle members. This contribution, in addition
to their dues, helps to advance our efforts in these

For more information about PMA and its programs,

please visit, or call PMA’s Solution
Center at +1 (302) 738-7100.

Produce Marketing Association
How to Use this Manual
This manual contains eight sections:
Receiving and Inspecting includes a brief
description of what a good product sample
should look like, and some common
Availability provides general information about the problems of which you should be aware.
time of year a fruit or vegetable is available, and
some major geographic locations where it is
grown. Where available, geographic locations are
segmented by states and regions of the United
States, as well as other countries. Photos provide a picture of
a good quality, whole or
cut sample of the
commodity featured on
that page. When available,
pictures of varieties of the
featured commodity are
also included.

Descriptions lists
some of the most Nutrition provides the
commonly available latest nutrition
varieties of each information available
commodity. from FDA and USDA’s
A physical description Handbook 8. See
of each variety and Nutrition and Labeling
general taste and Facts on page 4 for
usage information is more information on
included. nutrition labeling.

describes some of
Ordering the most common
Specifications list challenges to
the common product quality,
packaging used to possible causes of
ship and store each those problems,
commodity, as well and suggested
as U.S. grades and preventative
product sizes. measures.

Storing & Handling provides general information needed to

correctly store product for seven days or less. Included are
ideal storage temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit and
Celsius, relative humidity ranges, water sprinkle and top ice
retail display tips, ethylene production and sensitivity
information, storing tips, and handling tips.

Produce Marketing Association
Nutrition and Labeling Facts FDA are: asparagus, bell pepper, broccoli, carrot,
for Retailers, Foodservice cauliflower, celery, cucumber, green (snap) beans,
green cabbage, green onion, iceberg lettuce, leaf
Operators, and Distributors lettuce, mushrooms, onion, potato, radishes, summer
squash, sweet corn, sweet potato, and tomato.
Regulations from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) On March 20, 2002, the FDA published a proposed
create many important requirements that must be rule to amend the voluntary nutrition labeling
followed for the food/nutrition label of food products guidelines for the 40 most frequently consumed
in the United States, be it in a produce department or varieties of raw fruits and vegetables in the U.S. The
part of the health claims of menu items. proposed amendment includes changes to nutrient
values and serving sizes of some of the top 40 raw
The purpose of the new food label is to provide fruits and vegetables. The proposed revision can be
information to consumers, to help them choose more found on
healthful diets, and to offer an incentive to food
companies to promote the nutritional qualities of The voluntary program is subject to FDA evaluation
their products. every four years to determine whether there is
substantial compliance at the retail level. If the FDA
The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act (NLEA) determines there is no substantial industry compliance
specifically exempts raw agricultural commodities (defined as 60% of retail outlets complying with the
(including raw fruits and vegetables) from the posting of information), FDA has said it will propose
mandatory nutrition labeling requirements that apply to rules for making nutrition labeling for raw fruits and
most foods in the general food supply. However, wax vegetables mandatory. Should this happen, the Agency
labeling is still required for all fruits and vegetables. has said it will not be limited to requiring labeling for
just the top 40 fruits and vegetables.
In place of the mandatory program, the 40 most
frequently consumed varieties of raw fruits and PMA urges retailers to comply with the voluntary
vegetables identified by the FDA are subject to a program to avoid having FDA initiate rulemaking that
voluntary program whereby retailers provide will result in a more rigid and, perhaps, more extensive
nutrition information at the point of purchase. mandatory program. PMA recommends the FDA’s
However, if a nutrient content claim is made for any Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition Web site at
fresh fruit or vegetable, whether the top 40 or for assistance. In addition, through
otherwise, the exemption disappears and nutrition an industry partnership with Try Foods International,
labeling at the point of purchase becomes mandatory. Inc., PMA offers an informative and attractive poster for
you to hang in your store or restaurant.
The 20 most frequently consumed raw fruits
identified by the FDA are: apple, avocado (California), The above provides you with only a very brief
banana, cantaloupe, grapefruit, grapes, honeydew overview of your responsibilities in the area of
melon, kiwifruit, lemon, lime, nectarine, orange, nutrition labeling. Please take the time to fully
peach, pear, pineapple, plums, strawberries, sweet comply with these important voluntary guidelines.
cherries, tangerine, and watermelon. The 20 most For further information, please contact PMA at
frequently consumed raw vegetables identified by the +1 (302) 738-7100.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Jonathan – Brilliant red color with
firm juicy texture; tart flavor. Good for
eating out of hand and cooking.

McIntosh – Two-toned red and green

• • • • • • • • • • • • color; slightly tart flavor. Good for
eating out of hand and salads.
NOTE: Major production areas include
California, Idaho, Michigan, New Newtown – Green skin with yellow
England, New York, North Carolina, highlights; aromatic flesh with tangy
Oregon, Virginia, Washington, and flavor. Good for cooking and baking.
West Virginia.
Red Delicious – Heart-shaped with
deep ruby red skin; mild sweet flavor
Variety/Type Descriptions and juicy texture. Good for eating out of
hand and salads.
Braeburn – Solid red to red with some
greenish-gold; sweet-tart flavor. Good Rome – Bright red skin with sweet,
for eating out of hand and salads. slightly juicy flesh. Good for baking and
cooking. Equivalents
Crispin/Mutsu – Yellow-green with
some pink blush; sweet flavor. Good for 1 medium apple = 1 cup diced
eating out of hand and salads. Ordering Specifications 3 medium apples = 1 pound
2 pounds apples = 1 9-inch pie
Empire – Dark red with some yellow Common packaging:
flecks; sweet-tart flavor. Good for eating 3-, 5-, 8-, 10-lb. bags in boxes
out of hand, salads, and cooking. 40- to 50-lb. crates, cartons, and bushel Receiving and Inspecting
baskets/cartons holding loose, bagged,
Fuji – Color ranges from yellow-green or tray-packed/cell-packed apples Good quality apples should be crisp,
with red highlights to very red; sweet 20-lb. ½-cartons flavorful, and well-colored with firm
flavor. Good for eating out of hand and 120-count smooth skins. Crispness may be
cooking. 2 layer - 26-lb. cartons determined by measuring flesh firmness
with fruit penetrometer. Avoid fruit with
Gala – Yellow-orange skin with red Grades: bruises, broken skin, or internal browning.
striping; heart-shaped; sweet flavor. U.S. Extra Fancy
Good for eating out of hand and salads. U.S. Fancy

Golden Delicious – Yellow-green skin

U.S. No. 1
U.S. Utility
Storing and Handling
with firm white flesh. Good all-purpose Combination Temperature/humidity
cooking apple as well as for eating out of Washington Extra Fancy
hand. recommendations for short-term
Washington Fancy storage of 7 days or less:
Granny Smith – Bright green skin 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Differences between grades are based
with pink blush; crisp texture and tangy 85-95% relative humidity
primarily on external appearance.
flavor. Good for eating out of hand, Individual states may set their own
salads, and cooking. Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Honeycrisp – Juicy with yellow flesh; Top ice: No
sweet-tart flavor. Very crisp. Good for 48-, 56-, 64-, 72-, 80-, 88-, 100-, 113-,
eating out of hand, salads, and cooking. Ethylene production/sensitivities:
125-, 138-, 150-, 163-, 175-, 198-, and
Produces ethylene: Yes–high
Idared – Two-toned red and green (NOTE: Fuji and Granny Smith
apple with some pink blush; moderately varieties produce low levels of
tart flavor. Good for eating out of hand ethylene.)
and cooking. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Jonagold – Orange-tinted color; tangy-

sweet flavor. A cross of Golden Delicious
and Jonathan apples. Good for eating
out of hand and cooking.

Produce Marketing Association
Storing tips: Bruised skin or flesh:
Keep apples in original cartons with lids Rough handling may cause bruising. To
closed to prevent absorption of odors prevent bruising, keep handling to a
from other foods or passing odors to minimum and leave apples in original
other foods. Some varieties (McIntosh, cartons while storing. Do not drop Gala:
Yellow Newtown) are sensitive to chill cartons on the floor.
damage and should be held at 35-40
degrees F/2-4 degrees C for long-term Discoloration:
storage. Store apples away from flowers, Apples may discolor if they are sprayed
fruits, and vegetables that are sensitive with water before or during storing. To
to ethylene and may be damaged by the avoid discoloration, keep the surface of
gas. Exposure to ethylene may apples dry. Do not rinse until ready to
accelerate softening of apples; keep use. Wax on apples may turn white if
separated from other ethylene- exposed to moisture. Golden Delicious:
producing fruits and ripening rooms.

Handling tips:
Keep handling to a minimum to avoid
bruising and skin damage.

Braeburn: Granny Smith:
Serving Size 1 medium Apple (154g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 80
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Crispin/Mutsu: Jonathan:
Total Carbohydrate 22g .................. 7%
Dietary Fiber 5g ........................ 20%
Sugars 16g
Protein 0g
Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Empire: McIntosh:

Internal browning; brown core; soggy
These are indications of chill damage.
For best quality, do not store apples
Fuji: Red Delicious:
below 29 degrees F/-1.5 degrees C.

Soft flesh; loss of crunch:

Lack of refrigeration and exposure to
ethylene gas will cause apples to soften
and lose their crunch. For best quality,
store apples away from ripening rooms
and at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.


Produce Marketing Association
Availability Sizes:
California (sizes based on the number of
Some major production areas include: apricots per pound in a standard 24-
pound volume-fill container):
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16.
NOTE: The majority of California
apricot volume is in the 7 through 12
California size range. Tray pack sizes are
• • •
identified by actual fruit count.
• • Washington: 54-, 60-, 64-, 70-, 80-, 84-,
Imports 88-, and 96-count
• • •

Variety/Type Descriptions
One pound = 6 to 8 large apricots
Blenheim – Orange fruit with fairly
soft texture when ripe; excellent eating
Receiving and Inspecting
Castlebrite – Bright orange color with Serving Size 3 Apricots (105g)
Look for well-colored, plump apricots
moderately tart flavor and good firm
with fairly firm texture. Avoid fruit with Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
texture. Largest volume variety shipped
blemishes, dull-looking skin, soft or Calories 50
from California.
mushy spots, or those that appear pale Calories from Fat 0
yellow or greenish-yellow in color. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Improved Flaming Gold – Orange-
yellow to yellow in color with fair flavor Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
and juice content. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Storing and Handling Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Katy – Large-sized fruit with good Total Carbohydrate 12g .................. 4%
firmness. Yellow-orange color with some Temperature/humidity Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 10%
blush. recommendations for short-term Sugars 9g
storage of 7 days or less: Protein 1g
Patterson – Large, firm-fleshed fruit 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Vitamin A ...................................... 50%
with orange skin; good shipper. 85-95% relative humidity Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Perfection – Oval, oblong, firm fruit. Retail display tips: Iron ................................................. 4%
Skin is clear yellow-orange; no blush. Water sprinkle: No *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
Flesh is yellow-orange. Top ice: No have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non-FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
Tilton – Slightly flat oval fruit; light Ethylene production/sensitivities: such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
orange color and sweet-tart flavor. counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Produces ethylene: Yes–high marketing of specific products.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Ordering Specifications Storing tips:

To ripen apricots, store at room Troubleshooting
Common packaging: temperature, checking for ripeness daily.
Decay; mealy texture:
24-lb. volume-fill containers Store ripe fruit under refrigeration.
Apricots may begin to decay or become
Tray packs holding various counts mealy if stored at room temperature
Handling tips:
when ripe. To prevent decay and mealy
Grades: Handle apricots with care to avoid
texture, store ripe fruit at 32-36 degrees
U.S. No. 1 bruising or fingernail damage. Do not
F/0-2 degrees C until ready to display or
U.S. No. 2 drop containers on floor or dump
use. Check and sort ripe fruit daily,
displaying or using ripest apricots first.

Produce Marketing Association
Asian Pears
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • •
Retail display tips:
• • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Chile Produces ethylene: Yes–very low to
• • • • • • moderate, depending on variety.
Japan Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
• • • • •
New Zealand Storing tips:
• • • • • Keep Asian pears away from other
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
NOTE: Other major production areas rooms. Brown spotting:
include China and Korea. Asian pears may develop brown spotting
Handling tips: if they become moist. Do not sprinkle
Asian pears are very susceptible to fruit with water during storage or display.
Variety/Type Descriptions bruising; handle with care.
Loss of color; softening of texture:
Apple-shaped fruit; color ranges from Asian pears are sensitive to ethylene.
green to yellow to brown, depending on
variety. Skin may appear smooth and
Nutrition* Exposure to the gas may cause loss of
color and softening. For best quality, keep
shiny or slightly speckled. Asian pears Serving Size 1 Asian Pear (122g) Asian pears away from other ethylene-
exhibit a sweet, juicy, and mild flavor. producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Texture is very crisp and somewhat Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
granular like a pear. Asian pears may be Calories 50
eaten out of hand and added to salads. Calories from Fat 0
They may also be baked, poached, or Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
sautéed. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Asian pears are also called Oriental Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
pears, Chinese pears, Japanese pears, Total Carbohydrate 13g .................. 4%
Nashi, Sand Apples, Salad pears, and Dietary Fiber 4g ........................ 18%
Apple pears (although they are members Sugars 9g
of the pear family). Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
Ordering Specifications Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%
Common packaging:
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
5- and 11-lb. bulk have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
Single or 2-layer tray packs holding developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non-FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
various counts such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
No U.S. grades given.

Receiving and Inspecting

Good quality Asian pears should be
aromatic and hard. Asian pears do not
soften as they become ripe.
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Choose firm fruit with no cracks in the
rind. Avoid fruit with discolored skin or
moldy stems. When ripe and ready to
eat, atemoyas give to gentle pressure.
Florida: Aug-Nov
• • • •
Storing and Handling
Variety/Type Descriptions Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
Heart to conical-shaped fruit with thick, storage of 7 days or less:
gray-green, bumpy rind. Flesh is creamy 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
white, fine-textured, and contains a few 85-95% relative humidity
dark seeds. Atemoya flavor is sweet and
fruity. Atemoya flesh may be eaten as is, Retail display tips:
sliced into fruit salads, or pureed and Water sprinkle: No
used as an ingredient in beverages or Top ice: No Troubleshooting
frozen desserts. Flesh only is edible;
remove and discard rind and seeds. Ethylene production/sensitivities: Darkening or black discoloration
Produces ethylene: Yes–high of the skin:
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes This is an indication of chill injury. In
Ordering Specifications Storing tips:
severe cases, discoloration of the flesh
may also appear. To prevent chill injury,
Common packaging: Keep atemoyas away from fruits and do not store atemoyas below 45 degrees
10- and 20-lb. cartons vegetables that are sensitive to ethylene F/7 degrees C.
and may be damaged by the gas. Ripe
Grades: atemoyas may be stored at 45-50 Accelerated softening:
No U.S. grades given. degrees F/7-10 degrees C. Atemoyas are sensitive to ethylene;
exposure to the gas will cause accelerated
Handling tips: softening. To prevent premature or
Atemoyas bruise easily; handle with accelerated softening, keep atemoyas
care. away from other ethylene-producing
fruits and ripening rooms.

Nutrition Bruising:
Atemoyas are susceptible to bruising,
Nutrition information for Atemoyas is even when the fruit is hard. Often times,
not available in the data bases used by bruises will not appear until the fruit
PMA. softens. To prevent bruising, handle
atemoyas with care; do not drop
shipping containers on the floor.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Pinkerton – Long, pear-shaped fruit
with medium thick, slightly pebbled
Some major production areas include: green skin and creamy pale green flesh.
Green skin deepens in color as fruit

Reed – Round fruit with thick green,

Bacon: California slightly pebbled skin and buttery flesh.
• • • • • • Skin remains green as fruit ripens.
Fuerte: California
• • • • • Zutano – Pear-shaped fruit with shiny,
Gwen: California thin, yellow-green skin and pale green,
• • • light-textured flesh. Skin remains green
as fruit ripens.
Hass: California
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • Ordering Specifications
Chile Common packaging:
• • • • • • •
California: Equivalents
Dominican Republic Single-layer, 12 ½-lb. flats
• • • • 36 count = 7.4 oz. pulp
2-layer, 25-lb. lugs
40 count = 7.0 oz. pulp
New Zealand 25-lb. volume-fill boxes
• • • • • 48 count = 5.4 oz. pulp
37 ½ -lb. RPC’s
60 count = 3.9 oz. pulp
Pinkerton: California 60 = 90 count
70 count = 3.6 oz. pulp
• • • • • 48 = 72 count
84 count = 2.6 oz. pulp
Reed: California
• • • • • Florida:
Single-layer, 13 ½-lb. flats
Zutano: California
• • • • •
2-layer, 27 ½-lb. lugs Receiving and Inspecting
35-lb. cartons
Florida Varieties 10-lb. natural packs Unripe: All varieties should be free of
• • • • • • • • • • bruises and hard or soft spots.
Grades: Ripe: Ripe avocados should yield to
California: gentle pressure and should be free of
Variety/Type Descriptions No U.S. grades given. Generally bruises and hard or soft spots. Pulp
ordered as #1 or #2. color and texture should be
Bacon – Oval-shaped fruit with consistent with variety and free of
smooth, green, thin skin and yellow- Florida: any dark spots or streaks.
green flesh. Yields to gentle pressure U.S. No. 1
when ripe. U.S. No. 2
U.S. Combination
Florida – Varieties differ somewhat in
appearance, but are generally large in Ungraded avocados are called
size with smooth, green skin. Flesh has “unclassified.”
lower oil content than some California
varieties. Skin color remains green as Sizes:
fruit ripens. California: 36-, 40-, 48-, 60-, 70-, and
Fuerte – Pear-shaped fruit with thin,
smooth, green skin and creamy, pale Florida: 6-, 7-, 8-, 9-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 16-,
green flesh. Skin remains green when 18-, 20-, and 24-count

Gwen – Plump, oval fruit with pebbly,

thick green skin and gold-green flesh.
Green skin turns dull as fruit ripens.

Hass – Oval-shaped fruit with thick,

pebbly green skin and pale green,
creamy flesh. Ripe and ready to eat
when yields to gentle pressure.
Produce Marketing Association
Storing and Handling Nutrition* Varieties
Temperature/humidity Serving Size 1/5 medium Avocado (30g)
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Unripe: 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C Calories 50
85-95% relative humidity Calories from Fat 45 Bacon:
Ripe: 36-40 degrees F/2-4 degrees C Total Fat 6g .................................... 9%
85-95% relative humidity Saturated Fat 0.5g ...................... 3%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Retail display tips: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Water sprinkle: No Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Top Ice: No Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Sugars 0g
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Protein 1g
Produces ethylene: Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Unripe: Yes–low Vitamin C ........................................ 4% Fuerte:
Ripe: Yes; keep ripe avocados away from Calcium .......................................... 0%
fruits and vegetables that are Iron ................................................. 0%
sensitive to ethylene and may be
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
damaged by it. Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
Unripe: Yes; unripe fruit is extremely of specific products.

sensitive to ethylene. Exposure may

increase symptoms of chill damage.
Ripe: Yes; ethylene promotes Troubleshooting Gwen:
continuation of the ripening
(softening) process. Grayish-brown discoloration of skin or
pulp; dark streaks through flesh:
Handling tips: These are indications of chill injury. To
Handle ripe avocados with care to avoid prevent chill injury, do not store ripe
bruising. Do not dump avocados into avocados below 32 degrees F/0 degrees
displays. Check ripeness daily, C and unripe avocados below 45
displaying or using ripest fruit first. degrees F/7 degrees C. NOTE: Exposure
to ethylene gas may increase symptoms
How to prepare: of chill damage. Hass:
1. Cut the avocado
lengthwise around Uneven ripening:
the seed. Avocados may exhibit uneven ripening if
they are stored at temperatures that are
either too low or too high. Improperly
2. Twist the halves stacked avocado boxes may also cause
in opposite uneven ripening. To prevent uneven
directions to ripening, maintain proper storage
separate. temperatures for unripe fruit. Ordering
preconditioned avocados will also help
prevent uneven ripening. Stack avocado
3. Slip a spoon boxes on 40” x 48” pallets in an
between the seed alternating four-block pattern to insure
and the fruit and proper air circulation and temperature
work the seed out. control.

4. Slip a spoon
between the skin
and fruit and scoop Zutano:
away from the peel.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
recommendations for short-term
Imports storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Mature green and ripe: 60-65 degrees
NOTE: Some major production areas F/16-18 degrees C
include Costa Rica, Ecuador, Columbia, 85-95% relative humidity
Honduras, and Guatemala. The growing
season is year-round for all locations. Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–ethylene
Cavendish – Primary variety available
production rate increases with
commercially. Characterized by a blunt
shape of both crown and fingertip ends
and a thin skin that turns from green to
yellow when fully ripe.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure:
Mature green: Yes–ethylene is
required to initiate ripening. Dull skin color when fruit ripens:
Ripe: No
Ordering Specifications This is an indication of chill injury. To
prevent chill injury, do not store mature
Storing tips: green or ripe bananas below 55 degrees
Common packaging: To ripen bananas in shipping containers, F/13 degrees C.
40-lb. cartons keep containers covered. To slow
Volume-fill boxes holding 150 smaller ripening, remove container lid and Accelerated flesh softening; flesh
(petite) single bananas plastic cover. Treating mature green decay; poor color:
bananas with ethylene will help ensure These are indications of temperature
Grades: uniform ripening. abuse resulting from exposure to high
No U.S. grades given.
temperatures. For best quality during
Handling tips: short-term storage, maintain
Sizes: Bananas bruise easily; handle with care. temperature range of 60-65 degrees F/
Large – about 16 clusters per 40-lb. box
16-18 degrees C.
Small – 150 single bananas per box
Nutrition* Dark, discolored flesh:
This may be the result of product injury
Receiving and Inspecting Serving Size 1 medium Banana (126g) due to rough handling. To prevent
bruising or discoloration, handle
Bananas should be of uniform shape and Amount Per Serving % Daily Value bananas with care; do not drop shipping
color, regardless of degree of ripeness. Calories 110 containers on the floor.
Avoid fruit with damaged skins. Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat0g ........................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 29g ................ 10%
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
Sugars 21g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Produce Marketing Association
Bananas, Specialty
Availability Ordering Specifications
Common packaging:
Niño: 10-, 15-, and 20-lb. bulk cartons
Burro Burro, Manzano, Red: 10-, 20-, and 26-
• • • • • • • • • • • • lb. bulk cartons
• • • • • • • • • • • • Grades:
Niño No U.S. grades given. Manzano
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Receiving and Inspecting Red
NOTE: Some major production areas Niño: Purchase when green or yellow.
include the Caribbean, Central America, Choose firm, plump bananas with no
Mexico, and South America. Other bruises or splits in the skin. Avoid dull or
areas include Florida and California. gray-skinned bananas, which will not Burro
ripen properly.

Variety/Type Descriptions Burro, Manzano, Red: Choose bananas

that exhibit shape and color Nutrition
Burro – Short, chunky, and square- characteristics of the particular variety.
shaped banana. Skin color of ripe fruit is Avoid bananas with soft spots or Nutrition information for Specialty
yellow with some black spots; flesh is significant damage to the skin. Bananas is not available in the data
creamy white. Banana flavor is tangier bases used by PMA.
than Cavendish; texture of ripe fruit is
fairly soft with some firmness at the
Storing and Handling
center of the fruit. Burro bananas are
eaten fresh.
recommendations for short-term Dull skin color of ripe fruit:
Manzano – Short (finger length), This is an indication of chill injury.
storage of 7 days or less:
chubby banana. Skin color is green To prevent chill injury, do not store
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
when unripe and turns black as fruit specialty bananas below 55 degrees F/
85-95% relative humidity
ripens. Banana flavor exhibits a hint of 13 degrees C.
strawberry and apple; texture is soft and
slightly firm. Manzano bananas are Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No Accelerated flesh softening; flesh
eaten fresh. decay; poor color:
Top ice: No
These are indications of temperature
Niño – Short and chubby, these 3” long abuse caused by exposure to high
bananas are also known as Baby, Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes temperatures. For best quality during
Ladyfinger, or Finger bananas. Skin short-term storage, maintain
color is bright yellow with some brown Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
temperature range of 60-65 degrees F/
spots when ripe. Flavor is slightly 16-18 degrees C.
sweeter than the Canvandish; texture is Storing tips:
softer and creamier. Niño bananas are Keep at temperatures above 55 degrees at
all times. To ripen in shipping containers, Discolored flesh:
smaller than Manzanos and are also Rough handling may cause discoloration
known as Honey, Sucrier, or Dominique. keep containers covered. To slow ripening,
remove container lids and plastic covers. of flesh and bruises on the skin. To
maintain good quality, handle bananas
Red – Squat banana shape. Skin color with care; do not drop shipping
of unripe fruit is greenish-red and turns Handling tips:
Specialty bananas are susceptible to containers on the floor.
maroon-red as the fruit ripens. Flavor of
a ripe Red banana is sweeter than bruising; handle with care.
Cavendish; texture is soft. Red bananas
are eaten fresh or may be used as an
ingredient in baked goods.

Produce Marketing Association
Berries, Specialty
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Oregon 90-98% relative humidity
• •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No Boysenberries

Boysenberries – A blackberry- Ethylene production/sensitivities:

loganberry-raspberry cross. Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Boysenberries are large (8 grams), and a Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
reddish-purple to deep maroon color.
Storing tips:
Loganberries – Commonly found Discard any berries that have been
thorn-less, flavor can range from sweet crushed or are moldy. Blot with paper Longanberries:
to tart; skin is a dark-red color. towel and store in single layer on a tray Serving Size 1 cup Loganberries (144g)
covered with paper towels. Refrigerate
for up to two days. Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 70 ...........................................
Ordering Specifications Handling tips: Calories from Fat 5 ...............................
Fresh berries are fragile and tender; Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
Common packaging: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
handle with care and use immediately.
12 6-oz. clamshells Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Small, frequent deliveries may help keep
Half flats of 2 ½-lbs. Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
losses down.
Total Carbohydrate 18g .................. 6%
Grades: Dietary Fiber 8g ........................ 31%
No U.S. grades given. Sugars 11g .......................................
Nutrition* Protein 1g ............................................
Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Equivalents Serving Size 1 cup Boysenberries (144g)
Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Boysenberries: 1 cup = approximately Iron ................................................. 4%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
28 berries
Calories 70 *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
Calories from Fat 5 have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
Receiving and Inspecting Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
non-FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% marketing of specific products.
Berries should be dry, plump, firm, and Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
uniform in color. Check for leaking or Total Carbohydrate 18g .................. 6%
staining that may indicate berries are Dietary Fiber 8g ........................ 31%
overripe or have been damaged. Avoid Sugars 11g
dull or soft berries or those with caps Protein 1g
still attached. Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Longanberries Iron ................................................. 4%

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
California 90-98% relative humidity
• • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Guatemala Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
• • • • • • • Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
• • • • • • • Storing tips:
Blackberries are very susceptible to
NOTE: Other major production areas
include Texas and Washington.
freeze damage. Do not store below 30
degrees F/-1 degree C.
Fruit breakdown or collapse:
Handling tips: This is an indication of freeze damage.
Variety/Type Descriptions Blackberries are very perishable; handle Blackberries are very sensitive to mild
with care and use soon after receiving. freezing; do not store below 30 degrees
Common varieties include Cherokee
F/-1 degree C.
(sweet), Chester (mild/sweet), Kotata
(sweet), Marion (tart), Ollalie (sweet),
Texas Brazo (sweet), and Waldo Nutrition* Leaky berries:
This may be an indication of overripe
Serving Size 1 cup Blackberries (144g) fruit. For best quality, inspect
blackberries carefully and use shortly
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value after arrival.
Ordering Specifications Calories 70
Calories from Fat 5 Green berries; caps attached:
Common packaging: Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1% Green berries or those with caps still
Master shipping cartons holding 12 6- Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% attached are under-ripe and should not
oz. clamshells, 12 ½-pint containers, or Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% be used. Always inspect blackberries
pint containers Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% carefully upon arrival.
Total Carbohydrate 18g .................. 6%
Grades: Dietary Fiber 8g ........................ 31%
U.S. No. 1 Sugars 11g
U.S. No. 2 Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
NOTE: Not all blackberries are graded. Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
Ungraded berries are called Calcium .......................................... 4%
“unclassified.” Differences between Iron ................................................. 4%
grades are based primarily on external
appearance. *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
Receiving and Inspecting counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Good quality blackberries should be dry,

clean, plump, bright, and well-colored.
Avoid leaky, soft, or dull berries or those
with caps still attached.

Produce Marketing Association
Blood Oranges
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
20-lb. ½-cartons

California U.S. Fancy
• • • • • • • U.S. No. 1
U.S. Combination
Florida U.S. No. 2
• • • • • • • • •
Australia NOTE: Additional grades are given to
• •
Florida fruit. Not all oranges are graded.
NOTE: Another major production area Ungraded oranges are called
is Europe. “unclassified.” Differences between
grades are based primarily on external

Variety/Type Descriptions
Moro – Primary variety grown Receiving and Inspecting
domestically. Small to medium-sized Nutrition information for Blood Oranges
round fruit with smooth or slightly Good quality blood oranges should be is not available in the data bases used by
pitted peel. Peel color is orange with red well shaped and exhibit thin, orange PMA.
blush. Juicy pulp is burgundy red in peels with some red blush. Blood
color. Moro flavor is rich orange with a oranges should be heavy for their size.
hint of raspberries. May be used fresh as
an addition to salads, as a garnish, or as
an ingredient in beverages, sauces, Storing and Handling Pitted peel; discolored flesh:
marmalades, and desserts. These are indications of chill injury. To
Temperature/humidity prevent chill injury, do not store blood
recommendations for short-term oranges below 38 degrees F/3 degrees
storage of 7 days or less: C.
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity Peel deterioration and decay:
Exposure to ethylene may accelerate
Retail display tips: peel deterioration and increase
Water sprinkle: No susceptibility to decay. For best quality,
Top ice: No keep blood oranges away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–low Mold:
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Blood oranges may show signs of mold if
they are exposed to certain fungi and
Storing tips: then stored in an area with warm
Store blood oranges in a well-ventilated temperatures and high humidity. To
area. Keep away from ethylene- prevent mold from spreading, remove
producing fruits, ripening rooms, and affected fruit and discard. Handle blood
foods that absorb odors such as apples, oranges with care to avoid injury and
eggs, butter, and cheese. maintain short-term storage conditions
of 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C with
85-95% humidity.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality blueberries should be firm,
plump, and dry. They should be deep
purple or blue-black in color with a
silvery sheen or “bloom.” Blueberries do
not ripen after harvest; discard any
• • • green berries.

New Jersey
• • • •
North Carolina
Storing and Handling
• • • •
Oregon recommendations for short-term
• • • • •
storage of 7 days or less:
Canada 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • Retail display tips: Troubleshooting
Other Imports Water sprinkle: No
• • • • • • • • Top ice: No Shriveling:
Blueberries may lose moisture and
Ethylene production/sensitivities: shrivel if they are stored in an area with
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
low humidity. For best quality, maintain
humidity level of 90-98% during short-
Cultivated Northern Highbush – term storage.
Primary type grown for commercial Storing tips:
production. Plump, juicy berries with a Store blueberry containers in a single Tough-textured skin:
deep purple to blue-black skin color layer in a well-ventilated area. Exposing blueberries to high
highlighted by a silvery sheen called temperatures may cause skin texture to
“bloom.” toughen. Maintain storage temperature
Nutrition* of 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.

Loss of silver sheen or bloom;

Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup Blueberries (145g)
broken skins:
Common packaging: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value This may result from rough handling.
12 6-oz. and 12 12-oz. dry pints Calories 80 For best quality, handle blueberries with
Clamshells Calories from Fat 5 care. Do not stack blueberry containers.
Cello bags Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
5- and10-lb. cartons Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Mold; leaking:
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Blueberries may begin to show mold or
Grades: Sodium 10mg ................................. 0% leak (bleed) if exposed to fluctuating
U.S. No. 1 Total Carbohydrate 20g .................. 7% temperatures or if stored in an area with
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16% restricted air circulation. To prevent
NOTE: Not all blueberries are graded. Sugars 17g mold and leaking, keep storage
Ungraded berries are called Protein 1g temperatures constant and arrange
“unclassified.” Vitamin A ........................................ 2% blueberry containers in a single layer to
Vitamin C ...................................... 30% promote adequate air circulation. To
Calcium .......................................... 0% prevent the possibility of freeze damage,
Iron ................................................. 2% do not store blueberries below 30
Sizes and Equivalents degrees F/-1 degree C.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
Extra Large – less than 90 berries per cup have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
Large – 90-129 berries per cup non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
Medium – 130-189 berries per cup such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Small – 190-250 berries per cup marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
55-65 degrees F/13-18 degrees C
Caribbean 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No

This oblong tropical fruit is harvested by Ethylene production/sensitivities:

hand when it is fully mature, but not Produces ethylene: Yes
necessarily ripe. Mature breadfruit have Sensitive to ethylene: Yes
a dark green rind with light browning;
segments on the rind are less angular Storing tips:
and more smooth textured when ripe. Fully ripe breadfruit that is wrapped in
As breadfruit ripens, the rind begins to thick (38-50 micrometers) polyethylene
bags can be kept for ten days at 54
yellow. The cream-colored flesh is mild
flavored. The main variety is degrees F/12 degrees C. Colder Soft flesh:
Whiteheart. temperatures will cause chill injury. This is an indication of chill injury.
Breadfruit should not be stored below
Preparation tips: 54 degrees F/12 degrees C.
Ordering Specifications Breadfruit can be eaten underripe as a
vegetable or ripe as a fruit. Soft spots on the rind:
Common packaging: This may indicate bruising or damage
Single layer packs of varying counts, done at harvest. Breadfruit is cut from
ranging from 27-35 lbs. net weight. Nutrition* trees and dropped into a net or by hand
before being field packed. Fruit that falls
Grades: Serving Size ¼ Breadfruit (96g) to the ground may not show outward
No U.S. grades given. bruising, but flesh will be soft where
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value injury occurred.
Calories 100
Calories from Fat 0
Receiving and Inspecting Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Select firm, unscarred, clean fruit with a
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
uniform shape and predominantly green
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
rind. Fully yellow-skinned breadfruit is
Total Carbohydrate 26g .................. 9%
ready for immediate use and should not
Dietary Fiber 5g ......................... 19%
be stored. Naturally occurring latex that
Sugars 3g
appears on the surface should be
Protein 1g
washed away.
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 45%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: A good quality cantaloupe should be
well shaped with good netting or
webbing over creamy-colored rind. Tip
end should be smooth and slightly
depressed. A ripe cantaloupe will have a
• • • • • • distinctive aroma and the blossom end
should yield to gentle pressure. Avoid
California shriveled or bruised fruit or cantaloupe
• • • • • • •
with punctured or cracked rinds.
• • •
• • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
Costa Rica Temperature/humidity
• • • • • recommendations for short-term
Dominican Republic storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • • 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Nutrition*
Guatemala 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • Serving Size ¼ medium Cantaloupe (134g)
Retail display tips:
• • • • • Water sprinkle: No Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Top ice: Ok Calories 50
Mexico Calories from Fat 0
• • • • • • • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Produces ethylene: Yes–medium Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Variety/Type Descriptions Sodium 25mg ................................ 1%
Storing tips: Total Carbohydrate 13g .................. 4%
Several varieties are available for Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
If cantaloupes are going to be used in 1
commercial production. General Sugars 12g
or 2 days, they may be held at room
characteristics include a thick, creamy Protein 1g
temperature (68-72 degrees F/20-21
rind with yellow netting. Peach-colored Vitamin A .................................... 100%
degrees C). Otherwise, they should be
flesh is aromatic and juicy with a sweet Vitamin C ...................................... 80%
properly refrigerated.
flavor. Calcium .......................................... 2%
Handling tips: Iron ................................................. 2%
Handle ripe cantaloupe with care to
Ordering Specifications avoid bruising or damage. *These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
Common packaging: can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
40-lb. cartons of specific products.
11/9-bushel cartons/crates, and baskets

U.S. Fancy
U.S. No. 1 Pitting; rind decay:
U.S. Commercial These are indications of chill injury. To
U.S. No. 2 prevent chill injury, do not store cantaloupe
below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.
NOTE: Not all cantaloupes are graded.
Ungraded cantaloupes are called Bruising:
“unclassified.” Differences between Bruising may result from rough handling.
grades are based primarily on external To prevent bruising, keep handling to a
appearance. minimum; do not drop containers on floor.

Sizes: Deterioration of flesh:

9-, 12-, 15-, 18-, and 23-count Flesh may begin to deteriorate if ripe
cantaloupe is exposed to extreme fluctua-
tions in temperature. To prevent deteriora-
tion, keep storage temperature constant.
Produce Marketing Association
Carambolas/Star Fruit
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Florida 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No

Glossy yellow, egg-shaped fruit with 4 to Ethylene production/sensitivities:

6 fins that produce star shapes when cut Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
crosswise. Skin is smooth, waxy, and Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
edible. Juicy, crisp flesh with a few seeds.
Flavor ranges from slightly tart to sweet, Handling tips:
depending on variety. Sweet varieties Handle ripe fruit with care to avoid
such as Arkin, Fwang Tung, and Thai may damage to fins. Troubleshooting
be eaten fresh. Tart varieties such as
Golden Star, Thayer, and Star King are Browning; increased
good for cooking and garnishes. Nutrition* susceptibility to decay:
Carambolas are sensitive to chill injury if
Serving Size 1 Carambola (127g) stored below 41 degrees F/5 degrees C.
Ordering Specifications For short-term storage of 7 days or less,
store carambola at 45-50 degrees F/7-
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Common packaging: Calories 40 10 degrees C.
7-lb. flats holding 16-, 20-, 25-, or 30- Calories from Fat 0
count Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Bruised fins:
20-lb. suitcases holding 60-, 72-, or 98- Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Fins may become bruised if ripe fruit is
count Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% handled roughly. For best quality, keep
Clamshells holding 2 pieces of fruit (16 Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% handling to a minimum.
clamshells per box) Total Carbohydrate 10g .................. 3%
Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 14%
Grades: Sugars 7g
No U.S. grades given. Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C ...................................... 45%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Receiving and Inspecting Iron ................................................. 2%
Look for firm, shiny-skinned fruit that is *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
yellow-green to yellow in color. Some have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
browning along the fins is natural and non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
does not affect fruit quality. Carambola such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
is often shipped before it is completely marketing of specific products.
ripe and may exhibit some green

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • •
Retail display tips:
Central and South America
• • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• • • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–very high
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Variety/Type Descriptions
Storing tips:
Also known as Custard Apple. Heart-
Store ripe cherimoyas at 45-50 degrees F/
shaped fruit with embossed-like, dull
green skin. Pulp is creamy white with
7-10 degrees C. Troubleshooting
large black seeds. Cherimoya flavor is
Handling tips: Bruising:
similar to a cross between banana,
Cherimoyas bruise easily; handle with Cherimoyas bruise easily from rough
papaya, and pineapple. Pulp only is
care. Cherimoyas are ripe and ready to handling. Handle product with care; do
edible. May be eaten as is, sliced or
eat when they yield to gentle pressure. not drop shipping containers on the
cubed and added to fruit salads, or
pureed and served as a dessert topping. floor.
Cherimoyas are ripe and ready to eat
when they yield to gentle pressure. Nutrition* Brown discolored skin; moldy stem:
These are indications of overripe fruit.
Serving Size ¼ Cherimoya (137g) Always inspect cherimoyas carefully
upon arrival and use or display ripe fruit
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value immediately.
Calories 130
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 5 Black discoloration of skin:
Single-layer tray packs holding various
Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1% This is an indication of chill injury. In
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available) severe chill injury cases, flesh may also
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% turn black. To prevent chill injury, do not
Grades: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% store cherimoyas below 45 degrees F/7
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 33g ................. 11% degrees C.
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 13%
Sugars 18g
Receiving and Inspecting Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Good quality cherimoyas should be well- Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
shaped and free of bruises. Ripe fruit Calcium .......................................... 4%
yields to gentle pressure. Size of Iron ................................................. 4%
cherimoyas does not affect quality.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Cherries, Sweet
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for cherries that are plump with
firm, smooth, and brightly colored skins.
Avoid cherries with blemishes, rotted or
mushy skins. Avoid those that appear
either hard and light-colored, or soft,
• • • shriveled, and dull. Good quality
cherries should have green stems intact.
• • •
• • • Storing and Handling
Chile Temperature/humidity

recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 90-98% relative humidity
Bing – Large firm cherry with mahogany Retail display tips:
skin and flesh; sweet rich flavor.
Water sprinkle: No Pitted skin:
Top ice: No Pitting is the result of damage caused by
Chelan – Firm, round, heart-shaped fruit.
rough handling. To prevent pitting, keep
Lambert – Dark red, heart-shaped
Ethylene production/sensitivities: handling to a minimum and do not
cherry with sweet rich flavor. Produces ethylene: Yes–very low dump cherries from shipping containers.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Lapins – Mahogany red cherry that Shriveling; dry, dark stem:
exhibits excellent firmness and flavor. Storing tips: These are indications of moisture loss
Maintain high humidity while storing due to low humidity. For best quality,
Rainier – Firmly-textured cherry; cherries. Keep separated from foods maintain humidity level of 90-98%
golden skin with pink-red blush and clear- with strong odors. during storage.
colored flesh. Sweet delicate flavor.
Handling tips: Loss of flavor; dull color:
Sweetheart – Bright red, heart-shaped Cherries bruise easily; handle with care. These are indications of age. For best
cherry with mild, sweet flavor and quality, inspect cherries carefully upon
outstanding firmness. arrival and use soon after receiving.
Hard, light-colored cherries with dry,
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup Cherries (140g) acidic flavor:
These are indications of immature fruit;
Common packaging: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value do not use.
11- to 20-lb. cartons or lugs Calories 90
32-lb. crates Calories from Fat 5
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Grades: Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
U.S. No. 1 Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
U.S. Commercial Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 23g .................. 8%
NOTE: Differences between grades are Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12%
based primarily on external appearance. Sugars 20g
Individual growing areas may also set Protein 2g
their own grades. Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%
9, 9.5, 10, 10.5, 11, 11.5, and 12 row
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
Equivalents can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.
80 cherries = 2 cups pitted and sliced
1 pound cherries = 1½ cups juice
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Choose coconuts that are heavy for their
size and “slosh” when shaken. Avoid
coconuts with cracks or that appear wet
around the eyes. Coconuts may be
treated with a wax coating or film-
Dominican Republic
• • • • • • • • • • • • wrapped to help prevent moisture loss.

• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Thailand recommendations for short-term
• • • • • • • • • • • •
storage of 7 days or less:
NOTE: Other major production areas 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
include Costa Rica, Honduras, and 90-98% relative humidity
Retail display tips: Troubleshooting
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No Mold:
Coconuts may become moldy if they are
Round fruit with a hard, thick brown Ethylene production/sensitivities: exposed to warm, humid conditions. For
shell covered with hair-like fibers. White Produces ethylene: No best quality, store coconuts at 32-36
meat inside is slightly sweet with a moist Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No degrees F/0-2 degrees C.
and slightly crunchy texture. A milk-like
liquid is contained in the cavity inside. Weight loss; milk inside dries up:
White meat and liquid are edible. Nutrition* These are indications of moisture loss.
To prevent moisture loss, keep coconuts
Serving Size 0.5 ounce Coconut (14g) cold and maintain a high humidity level.
Film-wrapping coconuts may also help
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value prevent moisture loss.
Common packaging: Calories 50
Calories from Fat 45 Cracked shells:
24- and 30-count box
Total Fat 4.5g ................................. 7% Exposing coconuts to extreme
40- and 50-count sacks
Saturated Fat 4g ....................... 21% temperature fluctuations may cause
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% shells to crack. To prevent cracking, do
Grades: not store coconuts below 26 degrees F/
Coconuts imported from Puerto Rico are Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1% -3 degrees C. Rough handling may also
designated Puerto Rico No. 1 and Puerto cause cracking of shells. Handle
Rico No. 2. Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Sugars 1g coconuts with care; do not drop
Protein 0g shipping containers on the floor.
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Choose cranberries that are clean, firm,
and well colored. Avoid cranberries that
appear shriveled, soft, or decayed.

• • • Storing and Handling
New Jersey
• • Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
• • • storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Washington 85-95% relative humidity
• • •
Wisconsin Retail display tips:

Water sprinkle: No
NOTE: Other major production areas Top ice: No
include Maine and Canada. Troubleshooting
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No Rubbery texture; red flesh:
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No These are indications of chill injury. To
Variety/Type Descriptions prevent chill injury, do not store fresh
cranberries below 36 degrees F/2
Small round and firm berries with deep
red to red-maroon color, white flesh, Nutrition* degrees C.
and distinct, tart flavor. Cranberries may
Serving Size 1 cup Cranberries (95g) Softening; spoilage:
be used cooked or uncooked in sauces,
Rough handling may cause softening
relishes, and baked goods.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value and spoilage of cranberries. Spoilage
Calories 45 and shriveling may also occur if
Calories from Fat 0 cranberries are held for extended
Ordering Specifications Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% periods of time, especially at
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% temperatures above 50 degrees F/10
Common packaging: degrees C and/or humidity levels below
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
18-lb. cartons holding 24 12-oz. poly 90%. For best quality, keep handling to a
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
bags minimum and use or display cranberries
Total Carbohydrate 12g .................. 4%
20-lb. bulk cartons soon after receiving.
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
Sugars 8g
Grades: Protein 0g
U.S. No. 1 Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Currants, Red/Black
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Fresh currants should be plump and firm.
Avoid any broken fruit or leaking
packages. Choose currants without hulls.

• • • Storing and Handling
New Zealand
• • • • • Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
Variety/Type Descriptions 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
Red – Tiny, glossy, semi-transparent,
scarlet berries that grow on bushes. Retail display tips:
Commonly used fresh on salads, Water sprinkle: No
desserts, or eaten out of hand. Red Top ice: No
currants are the signature flavor in Nutrition*
Cumberland sauce. Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–low
Black – Deep purple, black berries Sensitive to ethylene: Yes–low Serving Size 1 cup Red Currants (112g)
generally used in jams, jellies, and
liqueurs. Black currants have a highly Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
characteristic aroma which provides the Calories 60
flavor for crème de cassis liqueur. Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
White – An albino form of the red Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
currant. White currants have lower Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
acidity levels, making them excellent to Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
eat out of hand or use in salads and fruit Total Carbohydrate 15g .................. 5%
cups. Dietary Fiber 5g ......................... 19%
Sugars 11g
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Ordering Specifications Vitamin C ...................................... 80%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Common packaging:
Iron ................................................. 6%
4/6-oz. packages
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality dates should be well colored
and exhibit characteristics of the
particular variety. Halawy and khadrawy
varieties exhibit a soft texture; deglet
noor and zahidi varieties are semi-dry
• • • • • and exhibit a firm texture. Avoid dates
that show crystallization of sugars or
China physical defects such as insect damage.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Pakistan Temperature/humidity
• • • • • • • • •
recommendations for short-term
Saudi Arabia storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • • 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Tunisia 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • Troubleshooting
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No Discoloration; flavor loss; aroma loss:
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No Dates may show discoloration or loss of
flavor/aroma if stored in a warm area.
Deglet Noor – Semi-dry, amber- Ethylene production/sensitivities: Warm temperatures may also promote
colored date; medium-large size. Produces ethylene: No molding. For best quality, keep dates
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No cold during storage. High humidity
Halawy – Soft date with a sweet flavor. helps maintain preferred soft texture of
Storing tips: dates; however, low temperatures are
Khadrawy – Soft, dark brown date. For long-term storage beyond 7 days, critical in maintaining flavor, aroma and
reduce humidity level to 65-70%. general quality.
Zahidi – Small, semi-dry date with egg
shape and golden color. Sugaring on surface of dates:
Nutrition* Dates may exhibit a crystal-like sugar
film resulting from exposure to warm
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 5 Dates (42g) temperatures and low humidity. Dates
may also suffer moisture loss and
Common packaging: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value shriveling if stored in a warm area with
7-oz. plastic cups holding whole dates Calories 110 low humidity. For best quality, keep
8-oz. plastic cups holding pitted dates Calories from Fat 0 dates cold during storage (32-36
15-lb. boxes Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% degrees F/0-2 degrees C and 90-98%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% humidity for 7 days or less).
Grades: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Dates are subject to grade and size Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
regulations through the Processed Total Carbohydrate 31g ............ 10%
Products Inspection Service. Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12%
Sugars 27g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Dried Fruits
Availability Storing and Handling
recommendations for short-term
Dried Apricots storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • • • • • • • • • 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Dried Figs 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Dried Peaches Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Dried Pears
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Dried Plums Produces ethylene: No
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
• • • • • • • • • • • • Storage Tips:
For long-term storage beyond 7 days,
reduce humidity to 65-70%. Dried Plums
Variety/Type Descriptions Serving Size 5 Dried Plums (42g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Dried Apricots – Varieties typically
used for drying are Blenheim and Tilton.
Nutrition* Calories 100
Calories from Fat 0
Dried Apricots
Dried Figs – Calimyrna and Mission Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Serving Size 12 halves Dried Apricot (42g)
varieties are used for dried figs. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Dried Peaches – Freestone peaches Calories 110 Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
are typically used for drying. Calories from Fat 0 Total Carbohydrate 26g .................. 9%
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12%
Dried Pears – Bartlett pears are Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Sugars 18g
typically used for drying. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Protein 1g
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Dried Plums – Dried plums used to be Total Carbohydrate 26g .................. 9% Vitamin C ........................................ 2%
called prunes. Only specific plum Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9% Calcium .......................................... 2%
varieties that will dry whole are used. Sugars 18g Iron ................................................. 6%
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 6%
Raisins – Common types include
Vitamin C ...................................... 10% Raisins
natural seedless and golden seedless.
Calcium .......................................... 2% Serving Size ¼ cup Raisins (41g)
Iron ............................................... 10%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Ordering Specifications Calories 120
Dried Figs Calories from Fat 0
Common packaging: Serving Size 2 Dried Figs (37g) Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Consumer cartons Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Film bags Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Calories 110
Plastic cups Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Calories from Fat 0
Bulk Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 33g ................. 11%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
Grades: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Sugars 27g
No U.S. grades given. Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Protein 1g
Total Carbohydrate 25g .................. 8% Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Dietary Fiber 5g ........................ 18% Vitamin C ........................................ 2%
Receiving and Inspecting Sugars 18g
Protein 1g
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%
Good quality dried fruits should be well Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
colored. Avoid dried fruit that is Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
darkened, moldy or insect damaged. Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 6%

Produce Marketing Association
Dried Fruits
Dried Peach
Serving Size 3 halves Dried Peach (39g)
Troubleshooting Sugaring on surface or in flesh of dried
figs, dried plums, or raisins:
Dark or brown discoloration; flavor Storing figs, dried plums, or raisins in a
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
loss; mold; insect damage: warm area may cause sugar
Calories 90
These are signs of damage due to accumulation on the surface or in the
Calories from Fat 0
exposing dried fruits to high flesh. For best quality, store dried figs,
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
temperatures. For short-term storage of dried plums, and raisins between 45-50
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
7 days or less, store dried fruits at 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% degrees F/7-10 degrees C. For long-term
storage, reduce humidity level to 65- Excessive drying:
Total Carbohydrate 24g .................. 8%
70%. Storing dried fruits in a warm area with
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 13%
extremely low humidity may result in
Sugars 20g
excessive drying. For best quality, maintain
Protein 1g
a relative humidity level of 85-95% for
Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
short-term storage of 7 days or less. For
Vitamin C ........................................ 4%
longer storage, reduce humidity level to
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 8%

Dried Pear
Serving Size 2 halves Dried Pear (35g)
Dried Apricots
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 90
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 24g .................. 8% Dried Figs
Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 11%
Sugars 18g
Protein 1g Dried Plums
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 4%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Dried Pears Dried Peaches


Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • •
Retail display tips:
New Zealand
• • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene: No
Also called Pineapple Guava. Oval-
shaped fruit with thin, slightly bumpy
skin. Skin color ranges from lime green
to olive green. Creamy white flesh has a Nutrition*
somewhat gritty or granular texture and Troubleshooting
contains tiny edible seeds. Feijoa flavor Serving Size 3 Feijoas (150g)
is similar to pineapple with a hint of Brown discoloration of skin:
spearmint. The flesh may be eaten Amount Per Serving % Daily Value This is an indication of chill injury. In
uncooked (fruit salads, edible garnish) Calories 70 severe cases, flesh may discolor as well.
or cooked (stewed, jams, jellies). Feijoa Calories from Fat 10 To prevent chill injury, do not store
skin is typically bitter in flavor and is Total Fat 1g .................................... 2% feijoas below 41 degrees F/5 degrees C.
generally not eaten. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Ordering Specifications Total Carbohydrate 16g .................. 5%
Dietary Fiber 6g ........................ 25%
Sugars 10g
Common packaging:
Protein 2g
Single-layer tray packs holding various
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 0%
No U.S. grades given.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
Receiving and Inspecting non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Good quality feijoas should be plump marketing of specific products.
with lime green to olive green skin.
Avoid product with blemishes or broken
skin. Feijoas are ripe and ready to use
when they give to gentle pressure.

Produce Marketing Association
Figs, Fresh
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
California 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • •
Retail display tips:
NOTE: Another major production area is Water sprinkle: No
Arizona. Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Calimyrna – Large, pale-yellow-
skinned fig with nutty, sweet flavor. May Storing tips:
be eaten fresh or cooked as an Fresh figs are very perishable; do not
ingredient in chutney or preserves. store longer than 7 days. Keep away
from fruits and vegetables that are
Kadota – Greenish-yellow skin; amber sensitive to ethylene and may be Freeze damage:
flesh. damaged by it. Fresh figs are susceptible to freeze
damage. For best quality, do not store
Mission – Purple to black-skinned fig Handling tips: fresh figs below 28 degrees F/
with pink flesh. May be eaten fresh or Fresh figs are delicate; handle with care. -2 degrees C.
External damage:
Nutrition* Fresh figs are very delicate, especially
Ordering Specifications when ripe and ready to eat. Rough
Serving Size 3 medium Figs (150g) handling may cause fresh ripe figs to
Common packaging: burst. For best quality, keep handling to
Single or 2-layer tray packs Amount Per Serving % Daily Value a minimum. Do not drop shipping
Calories 110 containers on the floor.
Grades: Calories from Fat 0
No U.S. grades given. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Receiving and Inspecting Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 29g ................ 10%
Fresh figs should be plump and fairly Dietary Fiber 5g ........................ 20%
soft when ripe. Avoid figs that are Sugars 24g
damaged from rough handling. Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Vitamin C ........................................ 6%
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Fresh-cut Fruits
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Fresh-cut fruits should be fresh and well
colored. Avoid product that is discolored
U.S. or slimy. Bags or containers should be
• • • • • • • • • • • • intact. Avoid punctured or ripped
containers. While fresh-cut fruits may be
moist, they should not be wet. NOTE:
Variety/Type Descriptions Some fresh-cut fruits may extract juice
during transportation resulting in some
Fruit Salad Mix – blend of melon balls liquid in the bag or container. This is
or chunks, grapes, and pineapple chunks normal and does not affect overall
quality of the fruit. Fresh-cut fruits
Grapes – proportioned clusters should arrive cold. Warm product will
deteriorate rapidly and valuable shelf
Mango – slices life may be lost.

Melons – balls, chunks, slices

Papaya – slices
Storing and Handling Nutrition
Temperature/humidity Refer to individual commodity pages for
Pineapple – chunks, spears, wedges recommendations for short-term fresh cut fruit nutrition information.
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Ordering Specifications 90-98% relative humidity
Common packaging: Retail display tips:
While specific packaging varies by
Discoloration; slimy or wet product;
Water sprinkle: No
supplier, some common types include: foul odor:
Top ice: No
These are indications of temperature
Consumer packs: abuse resulting from exposing fresh-cut
Ethylene production/sensitivities: items to warm temperatures. To
Fruit salad mix/melons: Plastic Produces ethylene: No
containers and pouches; glass jars maintain quality and shelf life, fresh-cut
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No items must be kept cold at all times.
Grapes: Pre-portioned: Loose-pack
boxes Store fresh-cut fruit at 32-36 degrees F/
Storing tips: 0-2 degrees C and maintain a humidity
Mango and papaya slices: Glass jars Keep fresh-cut fruits cold during storage
Pineapple: 12-, 16-, 40-, and 80-oz. film level of 90-98%. Always pay attention to
to help maintain freshness and shelf life. supplier “use by” recommendations and
bags; 5-lb. plastic pouches
expiration dates.
Handling tips:
Foodservice packs: Handle fresh-cut containers with care to
Fruit salad mix/melons: Plastic NOTE: Fresh-cut fruits may extract juice
prevent punctures or rips. Always use during transportation resulting in some
containers and pouches; glass jars good rotation practices; first items in
Grapes: Pre-portioned: Loose-pack liquid in the bag or container. This is
should be used or displayed first. Pay normal and should not affect the quality
boxes attention to expiration and “sell by” dates
Pineapple: 5-lb. plastic pouches of the fruit.
as well as shelf life information stamped
on individual packages or shipping
Grades: containers, and use or display product
No mandatory U.S. grades given. accordingly. Discard product that is past
its “sell by” or expiration date.

Retailers: Follow supplier guidelines for

arranging fresh-cut packages during
display to maintain proper air

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-34 degrees F/0-1 degree C
California Relative humidity: 90-98%
• •
Retail display tips:
• • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
New Zealand Produces ethylene: Yes–low
• • • Produces ethylene: Yes–low

Storing tips:
Variety/Type Descriptions Gooseberries will keep in 32-34 degree

The grape-sized fruit of a spiny shrub

F/0-1 degree C storage for up to two
weeks. They may also be frozen after
native to Europe. Gooseberries may be par-boiling in either whole form or as a Mold:
light green, white, yellow, pink, deep puree. Gooseberries are susceptible to mold;
crimson, or almost black. The most
keep dry and cool.
common variety found in the U.S.
market is round, light green, and juicy.
Gooseberries, a relative of the currant, Nutrition*
are different from Cape Gooseberries
Serving Size 1 cup Gooseberries (150g)
which have a papery husk and tart,
bitter flavor.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 70
Calories from Fat 10
Ordering Specifications Total Fat 1g .................................... 1%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Common packaging: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
12-count Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 15g .................. 5%
Grades: Dietary Fiber 6g ........................ 26%
No U.S. grades given. Sugars 9g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin C ...................................... 70%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Look for plump berries with intact skin Iron ................................................. 2%
and no mold. Color should be consistent
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
except for natural light-colored have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
striations running from top to bottom. developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
35-lb. cartons
17 ½-lb. cartons
10- to 12-lb. single-layer cartons
• • • • • • • • • • • • 5-, 8-, and 10-lb. bags

Florida Florida:
• • • • • • • • • •
4/5-bushel cartons
Texas 5-, 8-, 10- and 14-lb. bags
• • • • • • • • Bins holding bulk and bagged product

Variety/Type Descriptions 20- and 40-lb. cartons
5-, 8-, 10-, and 18-lb. bags
NOTE: Grapefruit is usually classified as Bins holding bulk or bagged fruit
white or pink/red, and seeded or
seedless. White and pink/red grapefruit Grades: Storing and Handling
are similar in flavor. U.S. Fancy
U.S. No. 1
Duncan – Thin-skinned, juicy with U.S. No. 2
recommendations for short-term
white meat; contains a cluster of seeds U.S. Combination storage of 7 days or less:
in the center of the fruit. U.S. No. 3 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
Flame – Round, very smooth, thin rind, NOTE: Additional U.S. grades are given
external red blush and dark red flesh, to Florida/Texas grapefruit. Not all Retail display tips:
and few seeds. grapefruit is graded. Ungraded Water sprinkle: No
grapefruit is called “unclassified.” Top ice: No
Golden – Honey-colored meat, bright Differences between grades are based
yellow skin, and few seeds. primarily on external appearance. Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Marsh White – Smooth, thin skin with Sizes: Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
white meat, and few seeds. California: 27-, 32-, 36-, 40-, 48-, 56-,
and 64-count Storing tips:
Pink – Reddish-pink meat, smooth, Store grapefruit in a well-ventilated
yellow rind with some pink tinge, and Florida: 27-, 32-, 36-, 40-, and 48-count area.
few seeds.
Texas: 23-, 27-, 32-, 36-, 40-, 48-, and Handling tips:
Rio Red – Fairly red meat with yellow 56-count Keep cartons off the floor to prevent
rind, seedless. dampening from condensation of
moisture in the room.
Ruby Red – Red-tinged meat, smooth,
yellow rind with some red blush, and Equivalents
few seeds.
1 medium grapefruit = 10-12 sections
1 medium grapefruit = 2/3 cup juice
Star Ruby – Deep red meat, yellow
1 medium grapefruit = 3-4 tablespoons
rind with red blush, seedless.
grated peel

Receiving and Inspecting

Look for grapefruit with smooth,
blemish-free skins. It should be heavy
for its size and well-shaped. Grapefruit
may exhibit some regreening of the skin;
this does not adversely affect internal
fruit quality.

Produce Marketing Association
Serving Size ½ medium Grapefruit (154g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 60
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 16g .................. 5%
Dietary Fiber 6g ........................ 24%
Sugars 10g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C ..................................... 110%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Pitting or browning of skin; watery
breakdown of flesh:
These are indications of chill injury. To
prevent chill injury, do not store
grapefruit below 45 degrees F/
7 degrees C.

Skin deterioration; flesh decay:

Exposure to ethylene may accelerate
skin deterioration and increase
grapefruit’s susceptibility to decay. For
best quality, keep grapefruit away from
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening

Grapefruit may show signs of mold if
exposed to certain fungi and then stored
at warm temperatures and high
humidity. To prevent mold from
spreading, remove affected fruit and
handle grapefruit with care to avoid
injury. Maintain short-term storage
temperature of 45-50 degrees F/7-10
degrees C and a humidity level of 85-

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Chile:

Some major production areas include:

California: Crimson Seedless
• • • • •
Fantasy Seedless
Autumn Royal • • • •
• • • • • Flame Seedless
Beauty Seedless • • • •
• • • • • Perlette
Calmeria • •
• • • • • Red Globe
Christmas Rose • • • • •
• • • • • • Ribier
Crimson Seedless • •
• • • • • • Ruby Seedless
Emperor • • • Rouge – Large, dark red, oval, seeded
• • • • Sugraone grape.
Fantasy Seedless • • • •
• • • • • Ruby Seedless – Medium-sized, deep
Thompson Seedless
• • • • • red, oval, seedless grape.
Flame Seedless
• • • • • • • •
Tudor Premium Red – Large, red,
Marroo Seedless
• • • • • Variety/Type Descriptions oval, seedless grape.

Green: Blue-Black:
• • • • Autumn Royal – Large, blue-black,
Calmeria – Large, light green,
Perlette Seedless oval, elongated, seedless grape.
elongated, seeded grape.
• • • •
Red Globe Beauty Seedless – Medium-sized,
Perlette Seedless – Medium, light
• • • • • • • • bluish-black, oval, seedless grape.
green color, nearly round, seedless
Ribier grape.
• • • • • • Fantasy Seedless – Large, blue-black,
oval, elongated, seedless grape.
Rouge Sugraone – Large, bright green,
• • • • elongated, seedless grape.
Marroo Seedless – Medium to large,
Ruby Seedless Thompson Seedless – Medium to
blue-black, nearly round, seedless grape.
• • • • • •
large, light green, cylindrical, seedless
Sugraone Niabell – Medium, dark purple to
• • • black, round, seeded grapes.
Thompson Seedless Red:
• • • • • • • • Ribier – Large, dark blue-black, round
Christmas Rose – Large, dark red,
seeded grape.
Tudor Premium Red oval, seeded grape.
• • • •
NOTE: Other grape varieties include
Crimson Seedless – Medium-sized,
Concord and Champagne.
blush-red, cylindrical, seedless grape.

Emperor – Large, dark red, oval,

seeded grape.

Flame Seedless – Medium-sized, red,

round, seedless grape.

Red Globe – Very large, red, round,

seeded grape.

Produce Marketing Association
Ordering Specifications Nutrition* Troubleshooting
Common packaging: Serving Size 3/4 cups Grapes (126g) Shatter:
16- to 22-lb. cartons and lugs Detachment of berries from the cluster
Containers holding pre-portioned Amount Per Serving % Daily Value is called shatter. Shatter increases with
bunched grapes Calories 90 rough or excessive handling. Shatter can
Calories from Fat 0 be reduced by gentle handling and
Grades: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% maintaining recommended temperature
U.S. Extra Fancy Table Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available) and relative humidity levels.
U.S. Fancy Table Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
U.S. No. 1 Table Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% Moisture:
U.S. Institutional Pack Total Carbohydrate 23g .................. 8% Never wash grapes in preparation for the
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4% display. The natural protective layer
NOTE: Not all grapes are graded. Sugars 20g created by the grapes, called bloom, will
Ungraded grapes are called Protein 0g be removed. This allows for dehydration
“unclassified.” Vitamin A ........................................ 0% or water loss to occur. Once the bloom is
Vitamin C ........................................ 2% removed, it dramatically increases the
Calcium .......................................... 2% grape’s susceptibility to mold and decay.
Iron ................................................. 0%
Receiving and Inspecting Air circulation:
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
Grape bunches should be well-colored Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of Grape lugs should be kept away from air
with plump berries firmly attached to these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result blasts. Moving air has a drying effect on
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
green pliable stems. Grapes should be suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing grapes. The rate of drying is directly
consistent with the color and shape of of specific products. related to the velocity of air.
the particular variety.
Ethylene gas:
Table grapes are not sensitive to
ethylene. However, exposure to ethylene
Storing and Handling may be a secondary factor in shatter.
Reduce the effects of ethylene exposure
Temperature/humidity by maintaining cold temperatures and
recommendations for short-term good air movement.
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Odor sensitivity:
90-98% relative humidity Never store odorous products with
grapes; they absorb odors.
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Storing tips:
Maintain adequate air circulation during
storage. Keep grapes away from
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Round to oblong-shaped fruit with light
green to yellow edible skin. Flesh may be
white, yellow, salmon, or red and
contains tiny edible seeds. When ripe, Nutrition*
guavas exhibit a distinct fruity aroma Troubleshooting
and sweet flavor. Guavas may be used Serving Size 1 Guava (90g)
cooked or uncooked. Increased decay:
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value This is an indication of chill injury. To
Calories 45 prevent chill injury, do not store guavas
Ordering Specifications Calories from Fat 5
Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.

Common packaging: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Accelerated ripening:

Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Guavas are sensitive to ethylene;
Single-layer tray packs
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% exposure to the gas may cause
Bulk cartons of various weights
Total Carbohydrate 11g .................. 4% accelerated ripening which is indicated
Dietary Fiber 5g ......................... 19% by flesh softening and skin color
Sugars 5g changes from green to yellow. To
No U.S. grades given.
Protein 1g prevent accelerated ripening, keep
Vitamin A ...................................... 15% guavas away from ethylene-producing
Vitamin C .................................... 280% fruits and ripening rooms.
Receiving and Inspecting Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%
Good quality guavas should be firm and
free of bruises or decay. Ripe guavas *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
should exhibit a fragrant aroma. developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Honeydew Melons
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
Arizona 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• • • • • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Mexico Produces ethylene: Yes–medium
• • • • • • • • • • Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Storing tips:
Variety/Type Descriptions Riper honeydew melons may be stored at

Honeydew melons are characterized by

45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C. Exposing
firm honeydew melons to ethylene gas can
a large, round shape and smooth, help promote softening and color change Pitted rind; reddish-tan discoloration of
creamy yellow rind. Flesh is light green, from green to creamy yellow. flesh; failure to ripen:
juicy, and sweet. Orange-fleshed
These are indications of chill injury. To
honeydew is also available; flavor is Handling tips: prevent chill injury, do not store
similar to cantaloupe. Handle ripe honeydew melons with care honeydews below 45 degrees F/
to avoid bruising. Do not drop shipping 7 degrees C.
containers on the floor.
Ordering Specifications Decay; flesh softening; off flavor:
This may be an indication of age or
Common packaging:
30-lb. cartons
Nutrition* product that was held for an extended
period of time. These symptoms may not
2/3-cartons Serving Size 1/10 medium appear until after honeydew is taken out
Honeydew Melon (134g) of storage and held at room
Grades: temperature. For best quality, inspect
U.S. No. 1 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value honeydews carefully and use ripe
U.S. Commercial Calories 50 product shortly after receiving.
U.S. No. 2 Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Bruising:
Sizes: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Honeydew melons may bruise if
4-, 5-, 6-, 8-, 9-, 10-, and 12-count Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% handled roughly. Handle melons with
Sodium 35mg ................................ 1% care; do not drop shipping containers on
Total Carbohydrate 13g .................. 4% the floor.
Receiving and Inspecting Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Sugars 12g
Choose honeydew melons that are Protein 1g
heavy for their size and well-shaped. Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Ripe honeydew melons are Vitamin C ...................................... 45%
characterized by a creamy yellow rind, Calcium .......................................... 0%
light green, juicy flesh, and a slightly Iron ................................................. 2%
soft blossom end. Honeydews are picked
*Based on information published by FDA.
while they are still firm which is
characterized by a whiter rind color
with slight green tinge and a hard
blossom end. (However, all honeydew
melons should have a soluble solids
content of 10% before they are
harvested to ensure good flavor.) Firm
melons may be softened by holding at
room temperature.

Produce Marketing Association
Horned Melons
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • •
Retail display tips:
New Zealand
• • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Small, oval-shaped melon with golden-
yellow, spiked rind. Pulp is bright green
with a jelly-like consistency and contains Storing tips:
small edible white seeds. Pulp only is Keep horned melons away from
edible. Flavor of horned melon is a ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
subtle combination of cucumber,
banana, and lime. Horned melon is used Bruised or damaged rinds:
uncooked. May be halved and served Handling tips: Horned melons are susceptible to
alone or as a dessert topping. Handle horned melons with care to bruised or damaged rinds. To prevent
prevent bruising. bruising, handle melons with care. Store
and display fruit in a single layer; do not
Ordering Specifications Nutrition

Common packaging: Pitted rind; water-soaked spots;

Single-layer tray packs Nutrition information for Horned softening:
Melons is not available in the data bases These are indications of chill injury. To
Grades: used by PMA. prevent chill injury, do not store horned
No U.S. grades given. melons below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.

Accelerated yellowing; softening:

Horned melons are sensitive to ethylene;
Receiving and Inspecting exposure to the gas may cause
accelerated yellowing and softening. To
Good quality horned melons should prevent accelerated yellowing and
have yellow rinds; avoid melons with softening, keep horned melons away
split or cracked rinds. from ethylene-producing fruits and
ripening rooms.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Kiwifruit should be plump with no
wrinkles or signs of exterior damage.
Unripe fruit will be firm to the touch;
ripe fruit will give to gentle pressure.
• • • • • • • • •
Chile Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • •
New Zealand
• • • • • • • recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degreesF/0-2 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 90-98% humidity

Hayward – Predominant variety Retail display tips:

available. Plump, oblong fruit with thin, Water sprinkle: No
brown, fuzzy skin. Flesh is emerald Top ice: No Troubleshooting
green with tiny, edible, black seeds;
flavor is mild and sweet. Ethylene production/sensitivities: Bruised or broken skin:
Produces ethylene: Ripe kiwifruit may exhibit bruised or
Gold Kiwifruit – Smooth-skinned, Unripe: Yes–low broken skin if handled roughly. Keep
more oblong in shape with a hard, Ripe: Yes–high handling to a minimum and do not drop
pointed crown at one end. Interior flesh shipping containers on the floor.
is golden yellow with black seeds. Flavor Sensitive to ethylene exposure:
is more tropical, milder, and sweeter Unripe: Yes Softening; shriveling; mold:
than green kiwifruit. Ripe: Yes These are signs of spoilage due to
accelerated ripening from exposure to
Storing tips: ethylene gas. To prevent premature
Unripe kiwifruit is extremely sensitive to ripening, particularly in unripe kiwifruit,
Ordering Specifications ethylene; exposure will accelerate keep product away from ethylene-
softening and other physiological producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Common packaging: disorders.
Single-layer tray packs
3-layer tray packs
Volume-fill containers
20-pound bags Nutrition*
Loose-fill bins
Serving Size 2 medium Kiwifruit (148g)
California: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
U.S. Fancy Calories 100
U.S. No. 1 Calories from Fat 10
U.S. No. 2 Total Fat 1g .................................... 2%
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
New Zealand: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Class 1 Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 24g .................. 8%
Differences between grades are based Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
primarily on external appearance. Sugars 16g
Protein 2g
Sizes: Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
25-, 27-, 28-, 30-, 33-, 36-, 39-, 42-, 45-, Vitamin C .................................... 240%
46-, and 49-count Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality kumquats should be firm
and well-colored. Avoid fruit that is soft
or shriveled.

• • • • • • • Storing and Handling
• • • • • • Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
Variety/Type Descriptions 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
Small oblong fruit with golden-orange
peel. Flesh contains tiny white seeds. Retail display tips:
Kumquats are completely edible. Peel is Water sprinkle: No
sweet-tart; flesh is juicy and tart. Top ice: No
Kumquats may be used cooked or Troubleshooting
uncooked. Can be used for preserves, Ethylene production/sensitivities:
marmalades, sauces, snacks, and Produces ethylene: No Chill injury:
garnishes. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Kumquats are susceptible to chill injury if
stored at low temperatures. To prevent chill
injury, do not store below 41 degrees F/
Ordering Specifications Nutrition* 5 degrees C.

Common packaging: Serving Size 7 Kumquats (133g)

5-lb. bags
10-lb. bulk cartons Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 80
NOTE: Kumquats may be shipped with Calories from Fat 0
leaves and stems attached. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Grades: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
No U.S. grades given. Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 22g .................. 7%
Dietary Fiber 9g ........................ 35%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Vitamin C ...................................... 80%
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Equivalents
Some major production areas include: 6 medium lemons = 1 cup juice
1 medium lemon = 3 tablespoons juice
1 medium lemon = 3 tablespoons
grated peel
• • • • • • • • • •
California Receiving and Inspecting
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Lemons should be firm, heavy for size,
Chile and have thin smooth skins. Ripe lemons
• •
should also have a pleasant citrus
• • • •
fragrance. Avoid lemons with bruised,
discolored, or wrinkled skins.
NOTE: Other major production areas Serving Size 1 medium Lemon (58g)
include Florida, Texas, Australia, and
New Zealand. Storing and Handling Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 15
Temperature/humidity Calories from Fat 0
Variety/Type Descriptions recommendations for short-term Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
storage of 7 days or less:
Primary varieties are Eureka and Lisbon. 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
85-95% relative humidity Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Both have smooth, firm skins, juicy
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
flesh, and few seeds. Other noted
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
varieties include Bearss, Avon, Harney Retail display tips:
Sugars 1g
and Villafranco. Water sprinkle: No
Protein 0g
Top ice: No
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Meyer – Much sweeter than ordinary
Vitamin C ...................................... 40%
lemons. They have an attractive Ethylene production/sensitivities: Calcium .......................................... 2%
appearance, with yellowish-orange rind Produces ethylene: Yes–very low Iron ................................................. 0%
which is smooth, soft, and thin. The Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
pulp is usually a dark yellow color, very *Based on information published by FDA.
juicy and tender. Storing tips:
Maintain adequate air ventilation during
storage. Keep cartons off the floor to Troubleshooting
Ordering Specifications help prevent dampening of boxes from
condensation of moisture in the room. Skin deterioration; flesh decay:
Common packaging: Store lemons away from foods with Exposure to ethylene may accelerate
40-lb. cartons strong odors and ethylene-producing skin deterioration and increase lemon’s
10-lb. mini-pack cartons fruits. susceptibility to decay. For best quality,
8-lb. consumer cartons keep lemons away from ethylene-
2-, 3-, and 5-lb. bags Meyer lemons will keep for up to 20 days producing fruits and ripening rooms.
if refrigerated.
Meyer lemon: 10-lb. and 18-lb. bulk Pitting of skin; interior discoloration;
containers loss of juice:
These are indications of chill injury. To
Grades: prevent chill injury, do not store lemons
U.S. No. 1 below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
U.S. Export No. 1
U.S. Combination Decay or mold; shortened shelf life:
U.S. No. 2 Storing lemons at high temperatures may
promote product decay and shorten shelf
Sizes: life. For best quality, maintain short-term
75-, 95-, 115-, 140-, 165-, 200-, and storage temperatures of 45-50 degrees F/
235-count 7-10 degrees C. Decay may also result
from cuts or scratches caused by rough
handling. Handle lemons with care; do
not drop shipping containers on the floor.
To prevent mold from spreading, remove
affected product immediately.
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Select smooth, glossy fruit that is firm
and heavy for its size.

California Storing and Handling

• • • •
Imports Temperature/humidity
• recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 85-95% relative humidity

A cross between a kumquat and lime, Retail display tips:

limequats are slightly smaller than a Water sprinkle: No
Mexican lime, have a smooth rind, and Top ice: No
vary in color from light to deep yellow.
Limequats are as juicy and acidic as Ethylene production/sensitivities: Troubleshooting
limes, but with a sweet, aromatic rind. Produces ethylene: Yes–low
Sensitive to ethylene: Yes–very low Shriveled skin:
Avoid fruit with shriveled skin. This is an
Storing tips:
Ordering Specifications Will keep for two days at room
indication of aged fruit.

Common packaging: temperature and in the refrigerator for

10-lb. bulk packs up to two weeks.

Nutrition information for Limequats is not
available in the data bases used by PMA.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Limes should be heavy for their size and
firm with smooth, shiny skins. Persian/
Tahiti limes are bright green in color;
Key/Mexican limes are more yellow-
green. Avoid limes that are light in
• • • • • • • • • • • • weight, shriveled, spongy, or
significantly discolored.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
recommendations for short-term
Variety/Type Descriptions storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Key/Mexican – Thin-skinned fruit with
85-95% relative humidity
yellow-green color and sweet-tart flavor.
Persian/Tahiti – Thin, smooth, and Retail display tips:
shiny skin; brilliant green color and Water sprinkle: No Pitting or discoloration of skin:
sweet-tart flavor. Top ice: No This is an indication of chill injury. To
prevent chill injury, do not store limes
Ethylene production/sensitivities: below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Ordering Specifications Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Skin deterioration; decay:
Limes are sensitive to ethylene; exposure
Common packaging: Storing tips: to the gas may cause skin deterioration
10-lb. cartons Store limes in a well-ventilated area and and increase the fruit’s susceptibility to
40-lb. cartons away from direct sunlight. Keep cartons decay. To prevent damage from
off the floor to prevent boxes from ethylene, keep limes away from
Grades: becoming damp. ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
U.S. No. 1 rooms.
U.S. Combination Handling tips:
U.S. No. 2 Handle limes with care to avoid bruising Shriveling; loss of juice:
and internal decay. Low humidity may cause limes to lose
NOTE: Not all limes are graded. moisture. For best quality, maintain
Ungraded limes are called “unclassified.” humidity level of 85-95%.
Differences between grades are based
primarily on external appearance. Nutrition* Pebbly brown or black skin:
Serving Size 1 medium Lime (67g) This is an indication of bruising or decay
Sizes: caused by rough handling. Always
28-, 36-, 42-, 48-, 54-, 63-, and 72-count handle limes with care; do not drop
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 20 shipping containers on the floor.
Calories from Fat 0
Equivalents Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
1 medium lime = 2 tablespoons juice Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
1 medium lime = 2 teaspoons grated Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
peel Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
Sugars 0g
Protein 0g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 35%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Produce Marketing Association
Longans and Lychees
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Florida 90-98% relative humidity
• •
Retail display tips:
• • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Taiwan Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
• • • Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No

Storing tips:
Variety/Type Descriptions To delay moisture loss and color change
from red to brown, store lychees in a Lychees
Longan – Round fruit that ranges in perforated plastic bag; keep humidity Serving Size 15 Lychees (144g)
size from an olive to a plum. Fruit is level high.
covered by a thin, light brown shell. Pulp Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
is juicy and translucent with a single Handling tips: Calories 100
large seed. Pulp texture is similar to a Longans and lychees should not be Calories from Fat 5
grape. Pulp only is edible; may be eaten peeled until just before they are served. Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
fresh or cooked. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Lychee – Small round fruit covered by a Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
thin, bumpy red to brown-colored shell. Nutrition* Total Carbohydrate 24g .................. 8%
Pulp is gray-white and translucent with Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
a single large seed. Pulp texture is Longans
Sugars 22g
similar to a grape. Pulp only is edible; Serving Size (cups unknown)Longan (140g)
Protein 1g
sweet flavor is similar to grapes or Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
cherries. May be eaten fresh or cooked. Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Vitamin C .................................... 170%
Calories 80
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Calories from Fat 0
Iron ................................................. 2%
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Ordering Specifications Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available) *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
Common packaging: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
10-lb. bulk cartons Total Carbohydrate 21g .................. 7% such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6% marketing of specific products.
Grades: Sugars 19g
No U.S. grades given. Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C .................................... 200% Troubleshooting
Receiving and Inspecting Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%
Discoloration; decay:
These are indications of chill injury. To
Look for heavy fruits. Avoid longans and prevent chill injury, do not store longans
lychees with cracked shells or those that or lychees below 32 degrees F/
are shriveled. 0 degrees C.

Longans and lychees may lose moisture
and shrivel if they are stored in an area
with low humidity. To prevent moisture
loss, maintain humidity level of 90-98%.
Rough handling causing cracks in the
skin may also lead to moisture loss and
shriveling. Handle fruit with care; do
not drop shipping containers on the
45 floor.

Produce Marketing Association

Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Florida 90-98% relative humidity
• •
Retail display tips:
• • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Variety/Type Descriptions
Handling tips:
Round to slightly pear-shaped fruit; size
Loquats bruise easily and turn brown;
similar to apricot. Yellow-orange skin
with creamy to orange flesh with a
handle with care. Troubleshooting
single large seed. Loquat flavor is sweet
and slightly acidic; similar to a cross Bruising:
between cherries, plums, and grapes. Nutrition* Loquats bruise easily. To prevent
Texture is firm and juicy. Loquats may bruising, keep handling to a minimum;
be eaten fresh or cooked. Although Serving Size 9 medium Loquats (144g) do not drop shipping containers on the
loquat skin is edible, peeling may be floor.
necessary if skin is quite fuzzy. Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 70 Internal browning; weight loss;
Calories from Fat 0 shriveling:
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% These are indications of damage caused
Ordering Specifications Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% by exposure to warm temperatures. For
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% best quality, maintain storage
Common packaging: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% temperature of 32-36 degrees F/0-2
Single-layer tray packs Total Carbohydrate 17g .................. 6% degrees C.
Bulk cartons Dietary Fiber 2g ........................ 10%
Sugars 9g Water-soaked and soft spots:
Grades: Protein 1g These are symptoms of freeze damage.
No U.S. grades given. Vitamin A ...................................... 45% To prevent freeze damage, do not store
Vitamin C ........................................ 2% loquats below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Receiving and Inspecting Iron ................................................. 2%

Good quality loquats should be firm, *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
free of any green color, and exhibit a developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
sweet aroma. non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Mamey Sapotes
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
Unripe: 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
Florida 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • Ripe: 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity

Variety/Type Descriptions Retail display tips:

Water sprinkle: No
Oval fruit with rough brown skin. Pink Top ice: No
to salmon-colored flesh contains a single
pit. Flesh only is edible; sweet flavor and Ethylene production/sensitivities:
smooth texture. A ripe mamey yields to Produces ethylene: Yes
gentle pressure. May be used fresh in Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
fruit salads or pureed and used as an
ingredient in beverages or frozen Handling tips:
Mameys are susceptible to bruising;
handle fruit with care. Bruising:
Mameys are susceptible to bruising;
Ordering Specifications handle fruit with care and do not drop
Nutrition shipping containers on the floor.
Common packaging:
7- and 18-lb. cartons holding various Nutrition information for Mamey Sapote is Water-soaked or soft spots;
counts. not available in the data bases used by PMA. increased decay:
These are indications of chill injury. To
Grades: prevent chill injury, do not store mameys
No U.S. grades given. below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.

Receiving and Inspecting

Choose firm fruit. Avoid damaged,
bruised, or shriveled fruit. Mameys
soften quickly and will give to gentle
pressure when ready to use.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Satsuma – Light orange (with some
green) skin; easy to peel. Medium
Some major production areas include: orange interior with no seeds; mild,
sweet flavor.

Dancy – Pebbly, red-orange skin; easy
Arizona to peel. Deep orange interior with some
• • • • • • • • • •
seeds; sweet, mellow flavor.
• • • • • • • • • • Fairchild – Pebbly, deep orange skin;
Florida easy to peel. Bright orange interior with
• • • • • • • • some seeds.
• • • Honey – Smooth, yellow-orange skin;
easy to peel. Deep orange interior with
Mexico some seeds; sweet, rich flavor.
• • •
South Africa Sunburst – Smooth skin, deep red
• • • • • orange; easy to peel. Deep orange juicy Ordering Specifications
Spain interior with some seeds.
• • • • • • Common packaging:
Pixie mandarin: California Tangelos (cross between Arizona/California:
• • • a grapefruit and a tangerine): 28- and 40-lb. cartons
Minneola – Large fruit with knob-like 5- and 8-lb. specialty cartons
NOTE: Another major production area formation at the stem end. Deep red- 3- and 5-lb. bags
includes Japan. orange skin with a texture that ranges
from smooth to slightly pebbled. Bright Pixie: 18-lb. bulk containers
orange interior with few, if any, seeds
Variety/Type Descriptions and tart-sweet flavor. Florida:
43-lb. 4/5-bushel cartons
Mandarins: Orlando – Flat, round, and rather large 30-lb. ½-bushel cartons
Afourer – Oblate, medium sized fruit. fruit with orange, slightly pebbled, tight- 3-, 4-, and 5-lb. bags
Deep orange-colored skin. Easy to peel with fitting skin. Light orange interior with
an intensely rich flavor. Virtually seedless. few seeds. Grades:
Clementine – There are numerous Tangor (cross between Choice
clementine varieties. Most offer a deep a mandarin and an orange):
orange-colored skin which is easy to peel Royal – Resembles an orange with Differences between grades are based
and an orange interior with virtually no rounder and larger shape than other primarily on external appearance.
seeds (seediness dependent on variety). tangerines. Deep, red-orange slightly
rough skin; easy to peel. Light orange NOTE: The above grades apply to all
Pixie – A cross between a King interior with some seeds; spicy, tart- mandarins/tangerines/tangelos/tangors.
mandarin and Dancy mandarin, fruit sweet flavor. Additional grades are given to Florida fruit.
are small, firm, sweet, and juicy with a
bumpy pale orange to yellowish-orange Temple – Medium-large fruit, Sizes:
rind; short broad neck. They are easily averaging about 2¾ - 3 inches in California/Arizona:
peeled and almost always seedless. Also diameter. The fruit is slightly flattened in Medium, large, jumbo, mammoth,
called a Pixie tangerine. Fruit should shape and may have a short, wrinkled colossal, and super colossal
have a dull orange color and feel plump, neck. Rind color at maturity is a deep
uniform, and slightly soft to the touch. reddish-orange. The flesh is a mild Florida:
orange color. Seeds usually number 64-, 80-, 100-, 120-, 150-, and 176-
between 15 and 20 per fruit. count per 43-lb. carton


Produce Marketing Association
Equivalents Nutrition Tangelo**
Serving Size 1 medium Tangelo (96g)
5 medium Pixie mandarins = Tangerine*
approximately 2 cups or 16 oz. Serving Size 1 medium Tangerine (109g) Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 45
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Receiving and Inspecting Calories 50
Calories from Fat 5 Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Look for fruit with peel color and texture Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
that is characteristic of the particular Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Total Carbohydrate 11g .................. 4%
variety. A good quality mandarin should Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9%
also be heavy for its size. Avoid fruit with Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 13g .................. 4% Sugars 9g
soft spots, water-soaked spots, or mold. Protein 1g
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12%
Sugars 8g Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Protein 1g Vitamin C ...................................... 90%
Storing and Handling Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Calcium .......................................... 4%
Vitamin C ...................................... 50% Iron ................................................. 0%
Temperature/humidity Calcium .......................................... 4%
recommendations for short-term Iron ................................................. 0%
**These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
storage of 7 days or less: developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C *These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
85-95% relative humidity these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
Pixie mandarin: 45-48 degrees F/7-8 of specific products.
degrees C
Retail display tips: Mandarin**
Water sprinkle: No Serving Size 1 medium Mandarin (84g) Soft, spongy texture; increased decay:
Top ice: No These are indications of chill injury and
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value old fruit. To prevent chill injury, do not
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Calories 35 store fruit below 38 degrees F/
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low Calories from Fat 0 3 degrees C.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Decay; loss of flavor:
Storing tips: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% This is an indication of age. For best
Keep mandarins, tangerines, tangelos, Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% quality, inspect fruit carefully upon
and tangors away from ethylene- Total Carbohydrate 9g .................... 3% arrival; do not hold for extended periods
producing fruits and ripening rooms. Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8% of time.
Sugars 7g
Handling tips: Protein 1g Bruising:
Handle fruit with care to prevent Vitamin A ...................................... 15% Mandarins, tangerines, tangelos, and
bruising. Do not drop containers on Vitamin C ...................................... 45% tangors are susceptible to bruising if
floor or dump fruit. Calcium .......................................... 2% handled roughly. To prevent bruising,
Iron ................................................. 0% keep handling to a minimum; do not
drop containers on floor or dump fruit.

Deterioration of flesh:
Deterioration may occur if fruit is stored
at high temperature. For best quality,
store at 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C.

Accelerated deterioration of peel;

increased incidence of decay:
These are indications of damage caused
by exposure to ethylene. For best quality,
keep fruit away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.

Tangerine 49
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
Ripe: 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Florida 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • For ripening: 55-70 degrees F/
13-21 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 85-95% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No
Primary varieties include Tommy Atkins
and Keitt. Other varieties include
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–medium
Ataulfo, Hayden, Kent, and Van Dyke.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Round to oval fruit; similar to pear in
size. Juicy yellow-orange flesh
Handling tips:
surrounds a flat seed. Thin skin turns
from green to yellow-green or yellow Handle mangoes with care to avoid Accelerated softening or
with red blush as the fruit ripens. Ripe bruising or damaging the fruit; do not ripening of fruit:
mangoes yield to gentle pressure and drop shipping containers on the floor. Mangoes are sensitive to ethylene;
emit a fruity aroma. exposure to the gas may cause
premature softening or ripening of the
Nutrition* fruit. To prevent premature softening or
Ordering Specifications Serving Size ½ Mango (103g)
ripening, keep unripe mangoes away
from ethylene-producing fruits or
Common packaging: ripening rooms.
Single-layer tray packs Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
40-lb. cartons Calories 70 Pitting or gray discoloration of skin;
Calories from Fat 0 uneven ripening:
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% These are indications of chill injury.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Chill injury may also result in poor
No U.S. grades given.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% flavor. To prevent chill injury, do not
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% store mangoes below 50 degrees F/10
Total Carbohydrate 18g .................. 6% degrees C.
6-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 16-, 18-, and 20-count
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
Sugars 15g Ripening:
Protein 1g Hayden: turns yellow, with an orange or
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ...................................... 80% red blush when ripe.
Vitamin C ...................................... 50% Tommy Atkins: turns red or yellow when
Choose mangoes that are well shaped Calcium .......................................... 2% ripe.
and free of bruises or blemishes. Unripe Iron ................................................. 0% Kent: turns yellow or remains green
mangoes should be fairly firm with when ripe, with a few hints of color.
green skin. Ripe mangoes should give to *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
Keitt: stays green when ripe, and may
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
gentle pressure; skin color should range developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of have a slight yellow blush.
from greenish-yellow to yellow with red non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
Ataulfo: remains yellow when ripe.
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
blush, depending on the specific variety. counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Avoid shriveled or discolored mangoes marketing of specific products.
Source: Fresh Produce Association of
or those with soft spots. the Americas

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
Store at 47-48 degrees F/8 degrees C
California 75-85% relative humidity
• • • • • •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No

A cross between a pummelo and a white Ethylene production/sensitivities:

grapefruit, melogolds can be over 6” in Produces ethylene: Yes—very low
diameter. They have a smooth, yellow- Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
green rind. Flavor is slightly less sweet
than a pummelo. Storing tips:
Store melogolds in a well-ventilated area
away from ethylene-producing fruits
and ripening rooms.
Ordering Specifications Pitting or browning of skin;
Common packaging: Handling tips: watery breakdown of flesh:
Keep cartons off the floor to prevent These are indications of chill injury.
14-count cartons
dampening from condensation of To prevent chill injury, do not store
moisture in the room. melogolds below 47 degrees F/
Choice 8 degrees C.
Nutrition Skin deterioration; flesh decay:
Exposure to ethylene may accelerate
Nutrition information for Melogolds is not skin deterioration and increase
Receiving and Inspecting available in the data bases used by PMA. melogold’s susceptibility to decay. For
best quality, keep melogolds away from
Melogolds should be aromatic with a
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
firm rind that is bright yellow.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
recommendations for short-term
U.S. storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
Imports 85-95 % relative humidity
• • • • •
Juan Canary: 45-50 degrees F/
7-10 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 85-95% relative humidity

Casaba – Large, round melon with Retail display tips:

yellow, slightly ridged rind. Creamy Water sprinkle: No
white flesh with sweet, juicy flavor. Top ice: No

Crenshaw – Large melon with round Ethylene production/sensitivities:

base and slightly pointed stem end. Produces ethylene: Yes
Smooth golden-green rind with golden-
pink to creamy flesh; mild sweet flavor.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Troubleshooting
Storing Tips: Pitting of rind; decay; failure to ripen:
Juan Canary – Oblong-shaped melon Riper melons may be stored at 45-50 These may be indications of chill injury.
with yellow rind. Creamy white flesh degrees F/7-10 degrees C. To prevent chill injury, do not store
with sweet flavor. melons below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
Handling Tips:
Persian – Globular-shaped melon with Handle ripe melons with care to avoid Decay; flesh softening; off flavor:
mottled green and yellow rind. Pink- bruising or damage. These may be indications of age or
orange flesh with sweet, delicate flavor.
product that was held for an extended
period of time. Often these symptoms
Santa Claus – Oblong-shaped melon
with mottled green and yellow rind. Nutrition* will not appear until after melons are
taken out of storage and held at room
Light green flesh with sweet flavor.
Serving Size 1/10 Casaba Melon (164g) temperature. For best quality, inspect
melons carefully and display or use
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value shortly after receiving.
Ordering Specifications Calories 45
Calories from Fat 0 Bruising:
Common packaging: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Melons may become bruised from rough
30-lb. cartons Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% handling. For best quality, handle fruit
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% with care and do not drop shipping
Grades: Sodium 20mg ................................ 1% containers on the floor.
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 10g .................. 3%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Sugars 9g
Receiving and Inspecting Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
A good quality melon should be heavy for Vitamin C ...................................... 45%
its size, well shaped, and exhibit rind and Calcium .......................................... 0%
flesh colors that are characteristic of its Iron ................................................. 4%
variety. Most ripe melons will be fragrant
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
and slightly soft at the blossom end. have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Varieties Varieties
Casaba: Persion:

Crenshaw: Santa Claus:

Juan Canary:

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
Single-layer tray packs
2-layer tray packs
25-lb. volume-fill boxes
• • • • • • Grades:
U.S. Fancy
Washington U.S. Extra No. 1
• • • •
U.S. No. 1
Chile U.S. No. 2
• • • •
NOTE: Not all nectarines are graded.
Ungraded nectarines are called
Variety/Type Descriptions “unclassified.”

August Red – Large size; skin is solid Sizes:

red. 48-, 56-, 64-, 72-, 80-, 88-, 96-, and
Storing and Handling
Fantasia – Medium to large size;
primarily red skin. Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
Firebrite – Medium size; creamy skin Equivalents storage of 7 days or less:
with a bright red blush. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
1-lb. fresh nectarines = 3 medium 90-98% relative humidity
July Red – Large size; skin has some
1-lb. fresh nectarines = 2 cups sliced Retail display tips:
red blush.
1-lb. fresh nectarines = 1¾ cups diced Water sprinkle: No
1-lb. fresh nectarines = 1½ cups pureed Top ice: No
Mayglo – Small size; yellow flesh with
a red blush.
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
May Grand – Small to medium size; Receiving and Inspecting Produces ethylene: Yes–high (Unripe
skin has a maroon-red blush. fruit produces less ethylene.)
Good quality nectarines should be Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes;
Red Diamond – Medium to large size; plump and well-colored with smooth, ethylene promotes ripening (softening).
golden skin with a bright red blush. unblemished skins. Avoid shriveled or
rotting nectarines. Storing tips:
Red Jim – Large size; skin has a deep Do not store unripe nectarines between
red blush. 36-46 degrees F/2-8 degrees C. This
may cause chill injury and promote
September Red – Medium to large internal breakdown of the fruit (mealy
size; skin has some red blush. texture, browning, and poor flavor).

Spring Red – Medium size; creamy To ripen nectarines, hold at 55-70

skin with a bright red blush. degrees F/13-21 degrees C. Store
nectarines away from drafts to prevent
Summer Bright – Medium to large dehydration and shriveling.
size; skin has a red blush.
Handling tips:
NOTE: When stored at 32 degrees F/0 Nectarines bruise easily; handle with
degrees C, nectarine varieties differ in care.
their average post-harvest life as follows:

• Early-season varieties
(before July 1) – 6 weeks
• Mid-season varieties
(July-August) – 4 weeks
• Late-season varieties
(September and beyond) – 2 weeks

Produce Marketing Association
Serving Size 1 medium Nectarine (140g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 70
Calories from Fat 5
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 17g .................. 6%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Sugars 13g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the

Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.

Bruised skin or flesh:
Nectarines may bruise from rough
handling. To prevent bruising, keep
handling to a minimum; do not drop
shipping containers on the floor.

Nectarines may lose moisture and
shrivel if they are exposed to drafts. To
maintain good quality, keep nectarines
at a relative humidity of 85-95% during
transport and storage.

Flesh browning; lack of juice;

poor flavor; failure to ripen:
These are indications of chill injury. To
ripen nectarines, store at 55-70 degrees
F/13-21 degrees C. Otherwise, store ripe
fruit at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.

Flesh breakdown:
This is an indication of freeze injury.
Flesh breakdown does not appear until
after fruit thaws. To prevent freeze
injury, do not store nectarines below 30
degrees F/-1 degree C.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Variety/Type Descriptions
Almond – The predominant variety in
California is Nonpariel; others include
Nuts Butte, Carmel, Fritz, Mission, Monterey,
• • • • • • • • • • • • Neplus, and Price. Tear drop-shaped,
cinnamon-brown kernel with medium to
light brown shell. Almonds are available
Some major production areas include:
as in-shell, whole shelled, sliced,
slivered, diced, and chopped.
Almonds: California
Brazil Nut – Solid white kernel with
Brazil Nuts: Brazil
three-sided dark brown, rough shell.
Filberts: Oregon, Washington, and
Filbert – Also called hazelnut. Small
amber kernel with acorn-shaped
brownish-orange, smooth shell.
Ordering Specifications
Macadamia Nuts: California, Australia,
Guatemala, Hawaii, South Africa Common packaging:
Macadamia Nut – Marble-sized and In-shell nuts:
golden-brown, macadamia nuts have an Bulk cartons of various weights
Peanuts: Alabama, Georgia, North
extremely hard shell. The meat is Peanuts: Polypropulene tote bags and
Carolina, Oklahoma, Virginia
creamy, buttery, and sweet. mesh bags
Pecans: Georgia, New Mexico, Texas,
Mixed Nuts – Mixture of in-shell nuts In-shell pistachios are available in cello
including Almonds, Brazil Nuts, Filberts, packages and jars of various weights.
Pecans, and Walnuts.
Pistachios: California, Turkey
Shelled nuts:
Peanut – Varieties include Virginia, Cans, cello packages, and jars of
Walnuts: California
Spanish, Valencia, and Runner. Small, various weights
NOTE: Other major production areas oval-shaped kernel with light brown to Peanuts: Bulk cartons, tote bags, and
include Florida and South Carolina. pinkish-red paper cover. Hour-glass- burlap bags
shaped shell usually holds 2 to 3 kernels,
depending on the variety. Peanuts are
available in-shell, shelled, or roasted.
Almonds (in-shell):
U.S. No. 1
Pecan – Medium-brown kernel with
U.S. No 1 Mixed
oval, light brown shell.
U.S. No. 2
U.S. No. 2 Mixed
Pistachio – Small oval-shaped, thin
tan shell that is split open at one end;
Almonds (shelled):
kernel inside is greenish-tan. Some
U.S. Fancy
pistachios may be dyed red. Pistachios
U.S. Extra No. 1
are available in-shell or shelled, salted or
U.S. No. 1
unsalted, and raw.
U.S. Select Sheller Run
U.S. Standard Sheller Run
Walnut – Varieties include Eureka,
U.S. No. 1 Whole and Broken
Franquette, Hartley, and Payne. Hard,
U.S. No. 1 Pieces
golden-yellow shell with slightly rough
texture. Kernel inside ranges in color
Brazil Nuts (in-shell):
from extra light amber to amber.
U.S. No. 1
Walnuts are available in-shell, shelled as
whole, half kernels, chopped, and in
Mixed Nuts (in-shell almonds, Brazil
diced kernels of various sizes.
nuts, filberts, pecans, walnuts):
U.S. Extra Fancy
U.S. Fancy
U.S. Commercial or U.S. Select

Peanuts (in-shell Virginia):

U.S. Jumbo Hand Picked
U.S. Fancy Hand Picked

Produce Marketing Association
Peanuts (shelled Spanish):
U.S. No. 1 Spanish
Receiving and Inspecting Nutrition*
U.S. Spanish Splits Avoid nuts with moldy or rancid kernels. Dried Almonds
U.S. No. 2 Spanish Serving Size 1 ounce Dried Almond (28g)
In-shell nuts should be clean and free of
Peanuts (shelled Virginia): severely damaged or cracked shells. Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
U.S. Extra Large Virginia Calories 160
U.S. Medium Virginia NOTE: Pistachio shells are naturally split Calories from Fat 130
U.S. No. 1 Virginia open at one end. Total Fat 14g ................................ 22%
U.S. Virginia Splits Saturated Fat 1g ......................... 6%
U.S. No. 2 Virginia Macademia nut shells should be smooth Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
and light brown. Avoid shells with black Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Peanuts (shelled Runner): spots or other blemishes. If shelled, Total Carbohydrate 6g .................... 2%
U.S. No. 1 Runner macadamia nuts should smell fresh and Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 13%
U.S. Runner Splits show no signs of rancidity. Sugars 1g
U.S. No. 2 Runner Protein 6g
Peanuts must meet USDA specifications Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Pistachios (in-shell): with regard to grading, foreign material, Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
U.S. Fancy moisture, and aflotoxin. Calcium .......................................... 8%
U.S. Extra No. 1 Iron ................................................. 6%
U.S. No. 1
U.S. Select
Storing and Handling Brazil Nuts
Pistachios (shelled): Serving Size 1 ounce Brazil Nuts (28g)
U.S. Fancy Temperature/humidity
U.S. Extra No. 1 recommendations for short-term Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
U.S. No. 1 storage of 7 days or less: Calories 200
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Calories from Fat 170
Walnuts (in-shell): 90-98% relative humidity (if nuts are Total Fat 19g ................................ 30%
U.S. No. 1 packaged in moisture-proof containers) Saturated Fat 8g ....................... 39%
U.S. No. 2 Cholesterol (Not Available)
U.S. No. 3 Macademia nuts: 55-60 degrees F/12- Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
15 degrees C Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Walnuts (shelled): Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
U.S. No. 1 NOTE: Reduce relative humidity to 60- Sugars 1g
U.S. Commercial 65% for bulk nuts. Protein 4g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
NOTE: Not all nuts are graded. Retail display tips: Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Ungraded nuts are called “unclassified.” Water sprinkle: No Calcium .......................................... 4%
Top ice: No Iron ................................................. 6%
Pistachios: Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Colossal = Less than 18 per ounce Produces ethylene: No Filberts
Extra Large = 18-20 per ounce Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Serving Size 1 ounce Filberts (28g)
Large = 21-25 per ounce
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Medium = 26-30 per ounce Storing tips:
Calories 180
Small = More than 30 per ounce Nuts absorb moisture from the air easily
Calories from Fat 160
and become soggy. Nuts stored in bulk
Total Fat 17g ................................ 26%
containers should be frequently rotated
Saturated Fat 1.5g ...................... 6%
for optimum freshness. Nuts absorb
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
odors easily; keep away from foods with
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
strong odors.
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 11%
Store nuts in a well-ventilated area; keep
Sugars 1g
shipping containers off the floor to
Protein 4g
prevent moisture absorption. Shelled
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
nuts are more perishable than in-shell
Vitamin C ........................................ 2%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 8%

Produce Marketing Association
Serving Size 1 ounce Peanuts (28g)
Serving Size 1 ounce Walnuts (28g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 160 Calories 190
Calories from Fat 130 Calories from Fat 170
Total Fat 14g ................................ 21% Total Fat 18g ................................ 28%
Saturated Fat 2g ....................... 10% Saturated Fat 1.5g ...................... 9% Almonds:
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 5mg .................................. 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2% Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 2g ........................ 10% Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
Sugars 1g Sugars 1g
Protein 7g Protein 4g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 0% Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Calcium .......................................... 2% Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 8% Iron ................................................. 4% Peanuts:

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
Pecans developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
Serving Size 1 ounce Pecans (28g) non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value marketing of specific products.
Calories 200
Calories from Fat 180
Total Fat 20g ................................ 31%
Saturated Fat 2g ......................... 9%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Loss of texture; mold; rancid or
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% stale flavor; insect damage:
Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1% Although nuts are generally less
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6% susceptible to deterioration than fresh
Sugars 1g fruits and vegetables, they can suffer
Protein 3g flavor or texture loss if they are stored in
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% a warm area for an extended period of
Vitamin C ........................................ 0% time. Storing nuts in an area with high
Calcium ........................ (Not Available) humidity may also cause mold or rancid
Iron ................................................. 4% flavor. For long-term storage, hold nuts
at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C and
60-65% relative humidity. Storing
Pistachios shelled nuts in vacuum-packed Pistachios:
Serving Size 1 ounce Pistachios (28g) containers or freezing them will help
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value maintain quality during long-term
Calories 160 storage.
Calories from Fat 110
Total Fat 13g ................................. 19% Dried-out kernels:
Saturated Fat 1.5g ...................... 8% Nuts may lose moisture if stored in an
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% area with extremely low humidity. For
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% best quality, maintain humidity level of
Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3% 60-65%.
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12%
Sugars 2g Off flavor:
Protein 6g Nuts may absorb odors during storage.
Vitamin A ........................................ 4% Keep away from foods with strong
Vitamin C ........................................ 2% odors, especially during long-term
Calcium .......................................... 4% storage.
Iron ................................................. 6%

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Grades:
Some major production areas include: Choice

NOTE: Additional grades are given to

Florida/Texas fruit. Not all oranges are
graded. Ungraded oranges are called
Arizona/California “unclassified.” Differences between
• • • • • • • • • • • •
grades are based primarily on external
Florida appearance.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Texas Sizes:
• • • • • • Arizona/California: 48-, 56-, 72-, 88-,
113-, 138-, and 163-count
Florida: 64-, 80-, 100-, and 125-count
Variety/Type Descriptions Texas: 56-, 64-, 80-, 100-, 125-, and
Cara Cara – Flesh is reddish-pink and
the taste has undertones of raspberries,
strawberries, and sweet grapefruit. Also Equivalents Storing and Handling
known as the Red Navel or Scarlet Navel
orange. 2-4 medium oranges = 1 cup juice
2 medium oranges = 1 cup bite-size recommendations for short-term
Hamlin – Thin-skinned with juicy, pieces storage of 7 days or less:
sweet flavor and some seeds. 1 medium orange = 10-12 segments 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
4 teaspoons grated peel 85-95% relative humidity
Navel – Juicy, sweet flavor; contains
very few seeds. Easy to peel. Good for Cara Cara orange: 3 oranges = Retail display tips:
eating out of hand. approximately 2 cups or 16 oz. Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Valencia – Thin-skinned with juicy,
sweet flavor and some seeds. Good for Ethylene production/sensitivities:
juicing and eating out of hand. Receiving and Inspecting Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
All varieties should be firm, heavy for
size, and have fine-textured skin. Skin
Ordering Specifications color of a ripe orange ranges from
Storing tips:
Store oranges in a well-ventilated area;
orange to greenish-orange. Many
Common packaging: keep cartons off the floor to prevent
oranges go through a regreening process
Arizona/California: boxes from becoming damp. Keep
on the tree in which the skin color
20- and 40-lb. cartons oranges separated from foods that
begins to turn from orange back to green
12- to 13-lb. consumer cartons absorb odors such as eggs, apples,
again. Regreening is a natural
4-, 5-, 8-, and 10-lb. bags cheese, or butter.
occurrence and does not affect the
5-lb. and 18-lb. bulk cartons flavor quality of the orange.

4/5-bushel cartons
3-, 4-, 5-, 8-, 10-, and 14-lb. bags
Bins holding bulk or bagged product

20- and 40-lb. cartons
4-, 5-, 8-, 10-, and 18-lb. bags
Bins holding bulk or bagged product
5-lb. and 18-lb. bulk cartons

Produce Marketing Association
Serving Size 1 medium Orange (154g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 80
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 21g .................. 7%
Dietary Fiber 7g ........................ 28%
Sugars 14g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Vitamin C .................................... 130%
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the

Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.

Pitting of skin; discoloration:
This may be an indication of chill injury.
Oranges from Arizona and California are
more susceptible to chill injury. To
prevent damage from chilling, do not
store oranges below 38 degrees F/
3 degrees C.

Skin deterioration; flesh decay:

Exposure to ethylene may accelerate
skin deterioration and increase oranges’
susceptibility to decay. For best quality,
keep oranges away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.

Molding may occur if orange containers
are stored directly on the floor. To
prevent molding, store orange
containers off the floor to prevent them
from becoming damp. Keep storage area
well-ventilated. Do not hold oranges for
long periods of time; the longer the
oranges are stored, the greater the
incidence of decay-causing fungi.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area is: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
47-48 degrees F/8 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • •
Retail display tips:
NOTE: Another production area is Israel. Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Fruit is a cross between a grapefruit and
a pummelo. Sweet fruit flavor without Storing tips:
the bitterness of grapefruit, oroblanco Store oroblancos in a well-ventilated
are slightly larger and have a thicker
rind. They are nearly seedless.
place. Will keep refrigerated for up to
one month if properly stored and
temperature is kept at 47-48 degrees F/8 Pitting or browning of skin;
degrees C. watery breakdown of flesh:
Ordering Specifications These are indications of chill injury. To
Handling tips: prevent chill injury, do not store
Common packaging: Store cartons off the floor to prevent oroblanco below 47 degrees F/8 degrees C.
Single-layer 18-lb. cartons moisture accumulation.
5-lb. box of approximately five
Skin deterioration; flesh decay:
Exposure to ethylene may accelerate
Nutrition skin deterioration and increase
fruit’s susceptibility to decay. For best
No U.S. grades given. Nutrition information for Oroblancos is not quality, keep oroblancos away
available in the data bases used by PMA. from ethylene-producing fruits and
ripening rooms.
Receiving and Inspecting
Select fruit heavy for size with smooth,
uniformly yellow rinds. Avoid fruit with
blemishes or soft spots, which may
indicate bruised pulp.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
Hawaii 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes–medium
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes;
Varieties include Kapoho, Sunrise, and
ethylene promotes softening
Waimanalo. All are pear-shaped with a
smooth greenish-yellow skin that turns
yellow-orange as the fruit ripens. Papaya Handling Tips:
flesh is juicy with a sweet, melon-peach A papaya is ripe and ready to eat when it
yields to gentle palm pressure and the
flavor. Small black seeds fill the center
cavity. Flesh color ranges from deeper peel is approximately ¾ yellow to Pitting of skin; decay;
yellow-orange in color. Handle papayas
orange for the Sunrise variety to peach- failure to ripen; off flavor:
colored for the Kapoho variety. Some with care to avoid damage.
These are indications of chill injury. To
imported varieties exhibit red flesh color. prevent chill injury, do not store papayas
below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
Ordering Specifications Serving Size ½ medium Papaya (152g)
Dark spots on skin:
Dark spots may be the result of damaged
Common packaging: fruit due to rough handling. For best
10-lb. cartons Amount Per Serving % Daily Value quality, handle papayas with care; do not
Calories 60 drop shipping containers on the floor.
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Skin discoloration; hard flesh areas:
No U.S. grades given.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% This damage may be caused by excessive
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% heat treatments (in temperature and/or
All papayas shipped from Hawaii to the U.S.
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% duration) or a delay in cooling following
mainland are given a Hawaii No. 1 grade.
Total Carbohydrate 15g .................. 5% heat treatments that are required for
Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 11% quarantine (insect control). For best
Sugars 9g quality, always inspect papayas carefully
6-, 8-, 10-, and 12-count
Protein 1g upon arrival.
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Vitamin C .................................... 160%
Equivalents Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 0%
1 medium papaya = approximately ¼
pounds *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
1 medium papaya = approximately 2 developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
cups diced non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
1 medium papaya = approximately 1¼ counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
to 1½ cups puree marketing of specific products.

Receiving and Inspecting

Good quality papayas should be firm with
unblemished skins, regardless of degree
of ripeness. (Most papayas are shipped
while still green to prevent damage from
rough handling.) Avoid papayas with
large dark spots on peel, or those that are
soft, moldy, or leaking at the stem end.
Produce Marketing Association
Passion Fruit
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality passion fruits should be
large and heavy. Wrinkled or shriveled
skin is a sign of ripe fruit and does not
indicate poor quality. When ripe and
ready to eat, passion fruit skin should be
• • • • • • • very wrinkled, brittle, and almost black.

• • • • • • • • •
New Zealand
Storing and Handling
• • • • •
NOTE: Another major production area is recommendations for short-term
Columbia. storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions
Retail display tips: Troubleshooting
Round to egg-shaped fruit with leathery, Water sprinkle: No
purple-brown skin. Skin darkens and Top ice: No Water-soaked spots; accelerated decay:
becomes wrinkled and brittle as fruit These are indications of chill injury. To
ripens. Pulp has a jelly-like consistency Ethylene production/sensitivities: prevent chill injury, do not store passion
with many crunchy seeds. Passion fruit Produces ethylene: Yes–high fruit below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
flavor is sweet-tart and lemony. Pulp and Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
seeds are edible; may be eaten alone or
used as an ingredient in dessert toppings, Storing tips:
sauces, beverages, and jams or jellies. Passion fruits are high producers of
ethylene gas; keep separated from fruits
and vegetables that are sensitive to
Ordering Specifications ethylene and may be damaged by it.

Common packaging:
Single-layer tray packs holding various Nutrition*
Bulk cartons Serving Size 8 Passion Fruit (144g)

Grades: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

No U.S. grades given. Calories 140
Calories from Fat 10
Total Fat 1g .................................... 2%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 40mg ................................ 2%
Total Carbohydrate 34g ................. 11%
Dietary Fiber 15g ...................... 60%
Sugars 19g
Protein 3g
Vitamin A ...................................... 20%
Vitamin C ...................................... 70%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ............................................... 15%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability NOTE: When stored at 32 degrees F/0
degrees C, peach varieties differ in their
Some major production areas include: average postharvest life as follows:

• early-season varieties (before July 1)

– 6 weeks
• mid-season varieties (July-August) –
California 4 weeks
• • • • • • • late-season varieties (September and
Georgia beyond) – 2 weeks
• • •
South Carolina
• • • • • Ordering Specifications
• • • Common packaging:
Chile Single-layer tray packs
• • • • • 2-layer tray packs
25- and 30-lb. volume-fill boxes
Receiving and Inspecting
Variety/Type Descriptions Grades:
U.S. Fancy Choose bright, fresh-looking peaches.
Peach shapes vary from round to U.S. Extra No. 1 Skin color should be creamy or yellow
somewhat oblong, with slight to U.S. No. 1 with varying degrees of red blush or
prominent tips. Flavors range from sweet U.S. No. 2 mottling, depending on the variety. Ripe
to slightly tart. Availability of specific peaches should give to gentle palm
varieties depends on the season. Seasons NOTE: Not all peaches are graded. pressure. Avoid bruised or discolored
for individual varieties are short and Ungraded peaches are called peaches. Green coloring indicates
often overlap. Common varieties include: “unclassified.” Differences between immaturity. Shriveling at the stem end
grades are based primarily on external or excessive softening are indications of
Elegant Lady – Medium to large appearance. overripe peaches.
Fairtime – Large freestone. Western Sizes:
48-, 56-, 64-, 72-, 80-, 88-, 96-, and
Storing and Handling
Flavor Crest – Medium to large semi- 108-count per 22-lb. carton
freestone. Eastern Sizes:
recommendations for short-term
2, 21/8, 2¼, 23/8, 2½, 25/8, 2¾, and
3-inch fruit diameter
storage of 7 days or less:
Last Change – Large freestone. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
O’Henry – Large freestone.
Equivalents Retail display tips:
Queen Crest – Small to medium semi-
Water sprinkle: No
freestone. 1 lb. peaches = 2 large or 3 medium size Top ice: No
Red Top – Medium freestone. 1 lb. peaches = 2 cups peeled and sliced Ethylene production/sensitivities:
1 lb. peaches = 1 2/3 cups peeled and Produces ethylene: Yes–high (Unripe
Rich Lady – Medium to large freestone. diced fruit produces less ethylene.)
1 lb. peaches = 1½ cups peeled and Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes,
Spring Lady – Small to medium pureed ethylene promotes ripening (softening).

Summer Lady – Large freestone.

Storing tips:
Do not store unripe peaches between
White Lady – Medium to large 36-46 degrees F/2-8 degrees C which
freestone. may cause chill injury and promote
internal breakdown (flesh browning,
lack of juice, and poor flavor).
To ripen peaches, hold at 55-70 degrees
F/13-21 degrees C.

Handling tips:
Peaches bruise easily; handle with care.
Produce Marketing Association
Serving Size 1 medium Peach (147g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 70
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 18g .................. 6%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
Sugars 14g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the

Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.

Bruised skin:
Rough handling may cause bruising.
Handle peaches with care; do not drop
shipping containers on the floor.

General deterioration;
discoloration of flesh around stone:
Storing peaches at high temperature may
cause deterioration or flesh discoloration.
For best quality, store ripe fruit at 32-36
degrees F/0-2 degrees C. Do not hold ripe
peaches for extended periods.

Uneven ripening; shriveling;

flavor loss:
These are indications of immature fruit.
Always inspect peaches carefully after
receiving. Green-tinged skin may also
indicate immaturity. Mature peaches
should exhibit a creamy or yellow
background skin color.

Flesh breakdown upon thawing:

This is an indication of freeze injury. To
prevent freeze injury, do not store
peaches below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.

Flesh browning; mealy texture;

poor flavor:
These are indications of chill injury. To
ripen peaches, store at 55-70 degrees F/
13-21 degrees C. Otherwise, store ripe
fruit at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
for 7 days or less.
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Bartlett, Red – Similar to Bartlett in
shape and flavor; skin turns bright red
Some major production areas include: when fully ripe. Good for eating out of
hand, desserts, and salads.

Bosc – Symmetrical body with long,

tapering neck. Skin is cinnamon-brown
Anjou: Oregon, Washington russet in color and flesh is tender and
• • • • • • • • • • • sweet. Good for eating out of hand as
Bartlett: California well as broiling, poaching, and baking.
• • • • •
– Oregon, Washington Comice – Chubby shape with short
• • • • • neck and stem. Greenish yellow skin
color with some red blush and juicy
Red Bartlett: California
• • • • • sweet flesh. Good for desserts and
– Oregon, Washington
• • • • •
Forelle – Medium to small bell-shaped
Bosc: Oregon, Washington
• • • • • • • •
pear. Skin turns golden yellow to
brilliant red blush and freckles as fruit
Ordering Specifications
Comice: Oregon, Washington ripens. Flesh is sweet and juicy. Good for Common packaging:
• • • • • • • eating out of hand. 45-lb. cartons or 4/5-bushel boxes
Forelle: Oregon, Washington 46-lb. cartons or 4/5-bushel boxes
• • • • • • • Packham – Large rounded pear with a 23-lb. ½-cartons/lugs
short neck. Skin remains green or green-
Packham: California yellow when ripe. Very similar to a
• Grades:
Bartlett with slightly bumpier skin. Summer/Fall (primarily Bartlett):
– Oregon and Washington Packhams used to be grown in the U.S.,
• U.S. No. 1
but most production is now imported. U.S. Combination
– Australia, Chile, New Zealand U.S. No. 2
• • • • Seckel – Small, elliptical-shaped fruit
Red Anjou: Oregon, Washington with skin color that ranges from dark Winter:
• • • • • • • • • maroon to olive green with maroon U.S. Extra No. 1
blush. Creamy flesh with sweet, U.S. No. 1
Seckel: Oregon, Washington
• • • • • • aromatic, and spicy flavor. Good for U.S. Combination
desserts. U.S. No. 2
NOTE: Other major production areas
include Michigan, New York, and Taylors Gold – Chubby shape with NOTE: Not all pears are graded.
Argentina. short neck and stem. Fully russetted Ungraded pears are called
golden pear. Rich and sweet. Lightly “unclassified.” Individual states may
perfumed. Tastes best as it turns golden also set their own grades. Differences
Variety/Type Descriptions yellow. between grades are based primarily on
external appearance.
Anjou – Egg shape with thin light-green
to yellow-green skin. Creamy, fine- Sizes:
textured flesh with a spicy and sweet 70-, 80-, 90-, 100-, 110-, 120-, 135-, and
flavor. Skin color does not change as 150-count
fruit ripens. Good for eating out of hand
and salads. NOTE: Sizes are based on the number of
pears that fit in a packing box designed
Anjou, Red – Egg shape with red skin. to hold 44-45 pounds of pears.
Creamy, fine-textured flesh with a spicy
and sweet flavor. Skin color does not
change as fruit ripens. Good for eating
out of hand and salads. Receiving and Inspecting
Unripe – Pears should be fairly firm with
Bartlett – Bell-shaped fruit with thin
no cuts or bruises.
skin that turns from green to yellow as
fruit ripens. White, slightly granular,
Ripe – Pears should be slightly firm, but
juicy flesh with sweet flavor. Good for
yield to gentle pressure at the stem end.
eating out of hand, desserts, and salads.
Skin color should be consistent with
66 variety.

Produce Marketing Association

Storing and Handling Troubleshooting Varieties
Temperature/humidity Bruising; scuffing; stem puncture:
recommendations for short-term These are indications of improper
storage of 7 days or less: handling. Handle pears with care; do
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C not drop shipping containers on the Anjou:
90-98% relative humidity floor.

Retail display tips: Lack of flavor:

Water sprinkle: No Improperly ripened fruit can result in
Top ice: No low sugar or juice content. For best
quality, ripen pears at 55-70 degrees F/
Ethylene production/sensitivities: 13-21 degrees C.
Produces ethylene: Yes–high (Unripe
Long ripening period: Bartlett:
pears produce less ethylene.)
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes; Improper temperature control can also
ethylene accelerates ripening (change of result in long ripening periods. Always
skin color from green to yellow) and store pears at the proper temperature.
flesh softening.
Off flavor:
Storing tips: Overripe fruit may exhibit an off flavor.
For long-term storage, pears should be Check pears daily for ripeness.
held at approximately 32 degrees F/0 Barlett, Red:
degrees C with a humidity of 90-95%. Shriveling:
Treating pears with ethylene (100 ppm) Low humidity may cause fruit to shrivel.
for 2 days will promote faster and more Keep humidity level at 90-98%.
uniform ripening.
Uneven ripeness:
Handling tips: Storing pears at high temperatures may
Handle pears with care to prevent promote uneven ripening. To ripen
bruising. Do not drop shipping pears, store at 55-70 degrees F/13-21
containers on the floor. degrees C. Bosc:

Water-soaked appearance:
Nutrition* This may be an indication of freeze
injury. To prevent freeze injury, do not
Serving Size 1 medium Pear (166g) store pears below 29 degrees F/-1.5
degrees C.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 100
Calories from Fat 10
Total Fat 1g .................................... 2%
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 25g .................. 8%
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
Sugars 17g
Protein 1g Forelle:
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*Based on information published by FDA.


Produce Marketing Association
Pepino Melons
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Choose melons with a sweet,
honeysuckle-like aroma. Skin color of a
ripe Pepino melon should be pale yellow
with dull purple striping. Ripe melons
should also give to gentle pressure like a
• • • • • ripe plum. Avoid soft or bruised fruit.
Green skin color indicates unripe fruit.
New Zealand
• • • • •

Storing and Handling

Variety/Type Descriptions Temperature/humidity
Round to oval-shaped fruit; smooth, recommendations for short-term
pale yellow skin with dull purple stripes. storage of 7 days or less:
Golden yellow, juicy flesh contains 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
edible seeds and exhibits a mild, sweet 85-95% relative humidity
flavor that is similar to a combination of Troubleshooting
cantaloupe and cucumber. Pepino Retail display tips:
melons are eaten fresh (alone or added Water sprinkle: No Pitting; water-soaked spots;
to fruit salads.) Top ice: No accelerated decay:
These are indications of chill injury. To
Ethylene production/sensitivities: prevent chill injury, do not store Pepino
Ordering Specifications Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
melons below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.

Common packaging:
Single-layer tray packs
No U.S. grades given. Nutrition information for Pepino Melons
is not available in the data bases used by

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area is: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
California 90-98% relative humidity
• • • •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No

Fuyu – Round, slightly squat-shaped Ethylene production/sensitivities:

fruit with green stem; similar in size to a Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
baseball. Skin color ranges from pale Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
orange to brilliant orange-red. The Fuyu
persimmon exhibits a sweet, mild flavor Storing tips:
and crisp, crunchy texture when ripe Keep persimmons away from ethylene-
and ready to eat. Because of its firm producing fruits and ripening rooms. To
ripen persimmons, hold at 60-65
texture, the Fuyu may be eaten raw like
an apple or sliced into salads. The pulp degrees F/16-18 degrees C. Accelerated softening of flesh:
may also be pureed and used as an Persimmons are very sensitive to
ingredient in baked goods. Handling tips: ethylene; exposure to the gas will cause
Fuyu persimmons are slightly firm when accelerated softening of flesh. To
Hachiya – Heart-shaped fruit with ripe and ready to eat. Hachiya prevent premature softening, keep
smooth, brilliant orange-red skin. A ripe persimmons are very soft when ripe and persimmons away from ethylene-
Hachiya persimmon exhibits a sweet ready to eat. producing fruits and ripening rooms.
and spicy flavor and very soft texture.
Because of its soft texture, the Hachiya Shriveling;
pulp is ideal for use as an ingredient in
baked goods.
Nutrition* Persimmons may lose moisture and
shrivel if held for long periods of time.
Serving Size 1 Fuyu Persimmon (168g) For best quality, store ripe persimmons
at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C and
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value 90-98% relative humidity. Use or display
Calories 120 ripe fruit quickly.
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 0
Single and 2-layer tray packs Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Water-soaked spots:
Bulk cartons Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% This is an indication of freeze injury. To
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% prevent freeze injury, do not store
Grades: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% persimmons below 28 degrees F/-2
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 31g ................ 10% degrees C.
Dietary Fiber 6g ........................ 24%
Sugars 25g
Protein 1g
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ...................................... 70%
Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
Choose well-shaped persimmons with
Calcium .......................................... 2%
good coloring. Some blemishing or
Iron ................................................. 2%
discoloration of the skin is acceptable
and does not affect eating quality. Avoid *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
green or shriveled persimmons or those have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
with broken skins. non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality pineapples should be
heavy for their size, well shaped, and
fresh looking with dark green crown
leaves. Shells should be dry and crisp
and range in color from greenish-brown
• • • • • • • • • • • • to golden brown. Color of shell does not
indicate ripeness or sugar content. Shell
Costa Rica color is determined by the amount of
• • • • • • • • • • • •
sun exposure during growing.
Honduras Pineapples with greenish-brown shells
• • • • • • • • • • • • may be just as ripe and sweet as those
Mexico with golden brown shells. Contrary to
• • • • • • • • • • • • popular belief, pineapples do not ripen
after harvesting. They are picked when
fully ripe. A ripe pineapple should have a
Variety/Type Descriptions distinctive aroma and a soluble solids
content of 12% or higher.
Smooth Cayenne – Predominant
variety sold commercially. Characterized
by a dry, crisp shell and dark green Storing and Handling Nutrition*
crown leaves. Shell color of a ripe
pineapple ranges from greenish-brown Temperature/humidity Serving Size 2 slices-3" diameter,
to golden brown. Shell color does not recommendations for short-term 3/4" thick Pineapple (112g)
indicate ripeness or sugar content. storage of 7 days or less:
Interior flesh is firm and light yellow 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
with a sweet to sweet-tart flavor. 85-95% relative humidity Calories 60
NOTE: Other varieties include Queen Calories from Fat 0
Retail display tips: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
and Red Spanish. Water sprinkle: No Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Top ice: No Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Ordering Specifications Ethylene production/sensitivities: Total Carbohydrate 16g .................. 5%
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Common packaging: Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Sugars 13g
20-lb. single-layer cartons Protein 1g
40-lb. 2-layer cartons Handling tips: Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Although pineapples have a tough- Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Grades: looking exterior, they can bruise easily. Calcium .......................................... 2%
U.S. Fancy Handle fruit with care. Iron ................................................. 2%
U.S. No. 1
U.S. No. 2 *Based on information published by FDA.

NOTE: Not all pineapples are graded.

Ungraded pineapples are called Troubleshooting
“unclassified.” Differences between
grades are based primarily on external Dull appearance; water-soaked flesh;
appearance. dark core; rapid decay when removed
from storage:
Sizes: These are indications of chill injury. To
6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, and 14-count per 40-lb. prevent chill injury, do not store
carton pineapples below 45 degrees F/
7 degrees C.
NOTE: Counts 8 to 14 are most
predominant for retail; counts 12 and 14 Wet boxes:
are typically ordered for foodservice. This may be an indication of overripe or
damaged fruit. Carefully inspect
containers immediately after receiving.
Handle pineapples with care; do not
drop containers on the floor.
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
recommendations for short-term
Imports storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • • • • • • • • • 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
NOTE: Some major production areas 85-95% relative humidity
include Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, and
Venezuela. Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes; ethylene
Banana-shaped fruit with thick
production increases with ripening.
greenish-yellow skin. Starchy flesh must
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes;
be cooked. Plantains may be used at
ethylene promotes ripening.
various stages of ripeness. In its green
stage, a plantain tastes like a potato or
squash. When cooked at this stage, it Storing tips:
Plantains may be ripened with bananas
can be used as a side dish or as an
ingredient in soups, meat dishes, and in ripening rooms (60-65 degrees F/15- Black skin with mold around stem end:
casseroles. When cooked in its soft, ripe 18 degrees C, 90-95% relative humidity, This is an indication of age. For best
stage, the plantain exhibits a sweet and 100 ppm ethylene for 2 to 3 days). quality, inspect plantains carefully upon
flavor and may be used in desserts. arrival. Do not hold for long periods of
Handling tips: time once plantains become soft and ripe.
Handle plantains with care to avoid skin
discoloration and browning of pulp. Dull skin color; failure to ripen:
Ordering Specifications Maintain a high humidity level to These are indications of chill injury. To
minimize water loss and skin browning. prevent chill injury, do not store
Common packaging:
plantains below 56 degrees F/13
45- to 50-lb. cartons
degrees C.
Grades: Nutrition*
No U.S. grades given.
Serving Size 1 medium Plaintain (179g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Receiving and Inspecting Calories 220
Calories from Fat 5
Choose plantains with uniform shapes. Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
Avoid those with bruises or gouges. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Plantains are often sold in their hard, Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
green stage. Like bananas, the skin of Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
the plantain will first turn yellow and Total Carbohydrate 57g ................. 19%
then darken as the fruit ripens. Plantains Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
with dark skins indicate ripe, sweet fruit Sugars 10g
that is ideal for use in a cooked dessert. Protein 2g
Black-skinned fruit with mold around Vitamin A ...................................... 40%
the stem end indicates old product and Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
should be avoided. Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 6%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
2-layer tray packs
28-lb. volume-fill containers

• • • • • • U.S. Fancy
U.S. No. 1
Oregon U.S. Combination
• •
U.S. No. 2
• •
NOTE: Not all plums are graded.
Chile Ungraded plums are called
• • • • • “unclassified.” Differences between
grades are based primarily on external
Variety/Type Descriptions
Plums range in shape from oblong to round 20-, 25-, 30-, 35-, 40-, 45-, 50-, 55-, 60-,
Storing and Handling
and flavors vary from sweet to slightly 65-, 70-, 80-, 90-, 100-, 120-, 140-, and
tart. Availability of specific varieties 170- count
recommendations for short-term
depends on the season. Individual variety
seasons are short and often overlap. NOTE: Counts are based on the number
storage of 7 days or less:
Common plum varieties include: of plums in a 10-lb. sample of fruit. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Angeleno – Deep purple to black skin
Retail display tips:
and amber flesh.
Equivalents Water sprinkle: No
Black Amber – Deep black skin and Top ice: No
1 lb. fresh plums = 6 medium-size
amber flesh. plums Ethylene production/sensitivities:
1 lb. fresh plums = 2½ cups sliced Produces ethylene: Yes–high (Unripe
Black Beaut – Black skin with yellow 1 lb. fresh plums = 2 cups diced
to red flesh. fruit produces less ethylene.)
1 lb. fresh plums = 1¾ cups pureed Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes;
Casselman – Red and yellow skin with ethylene promotes ripening (softening).
orange flesh.
Receiving and Inspecting Storing tips:
Fortune – Bright red skin and yellow To ripen plums, hold at 55-70 degrees
flesh. Look for smooth, plump, and fairly firm F/13-21 degrees C. (Ethylene treatment
plums with coloring that is consistent at 100 ppm is required to ripen some
French Prune – Elongated shape; with the specific variety. Avoid plums plum varieties such as Casselman and
mottled red skin and yellow flesh. with punctured or discolored skins or Angeleno which produce very small
that appear shriveled, soft, or leaky. quantities of ethylene on their own.) A
Friar – Deep black skin and amber flesh. ripe plum should give to gentle pressure
at the tip end. Keep ripe plums away
Kelsey – Greenish-yellow skin and from fruits and vegetables that are
yellow-white flesh. sensitive to ethylene and may be
damaged by the gas.
Larry Ann – Bright red skin.
Handling tips:
Red Beaut – Bright red skin with Plums bruise easily; handle with care.
yellow flesh.

Royal Diamond – Deep red to black

skin and amber flesh.

Santa Rosa – Purple-crimson skin and

amber flesh.

Simka – Deep purple skin and yellow

Produce Marketing Association
Serving Size 2 medium Plums (151g)

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 80
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 21g .................. 7%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
Sugars 13g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the

Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.

Flesh browning; mealy texture:
This is an indication of chill injury. To
prevent chill injury, do not store unripe
plums between 36-46 degrees F/2-8
degrees C. To ripen plums, hold at 55-70
degrees F/13-21 degrees C. Store ripe
fruit at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.

Flesh browning; loss of flavor:

Plums may lose flavor or turn brown if
they are held for extended periods of
time. For best quality, keep storage time
of ripe fruit to a minimum.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area is: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
California 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No

Also called Chinese apples. Round fruit Ethylene production/sensitivities:

with a turret-like calyx; size similar to a Produces ethylene: No
small grapefruit. Pomegranate skin is Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
red with a leathery texture. Inside, a
shiny white membrane surrounds Preparation tips:
clusters of crimson-colored seeds. Only To prepare pomegranates for use, bend
the seeds are edible and exhibit a juicy, back the rind and pull out seeds. Do not
cut pomegranates.
crisp texture and tangy-sweet flavor.
Seeds are eaten uncooked. Rind pitting or discoloration; internal
discoloration or decay:
Nutrition* These are indications of chill injury. To
Ordering Specifications prevent chill injury, do not store
Serving Size 1 Pomegranate (154g) pomegranates below 32 degrees F/0
Common packaging: degrees C.
6-pack tray, Euro-tray (18) Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
2-layer tray packs Calories 100 Loss of juice:
Bulk cartons Calories from Fat 0 Pomegranates may lose moisture if they
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% are stored in an area with low humidity.
Grades: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% For best quality, maintain a humidity
No U.S. grades given. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% level of 90-98%.
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 26g .................. 9%
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 4%
Receiving and Inspecting Sugars 21g
Protein 1g
Good-quality pomegranates should be Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
large in size, well colored, and show no Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
signs of deterioration. Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Prickly Pears
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Also called cactus pear. Barrel-shaped
fruit; size similar to an egg. Slightly
prickly, firm skin ranges in color from Handling tips:
green to dark red. Flesh inside is seedy Prickly pears are susceptible to bruising;
and meaty and ranges in color from dark handle with care. Troubleshooting
red to pale green, depending on the
variety. Prickly pear flavor is sweet and Bruising:
similar to watermelon; texture is soft Nutrition* Prickly pears bruise easily. Handle with
and slightly granular. Pulp only is edible; care and do not drop shipping
usually eaten as is or added to salads. Serving Size 1 Prickly Pear (103g) containers on the floor.
May also be used as an ingredient in
jellies, marmalades, or sauces. Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Brown discoloration of skin;
Calories 40 water-soaked spots:
Calories from Fat 5 These are indications of chill injury. To
Ordering Specifications Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
prevent chill injury, do not store prickly
pears below 41 degrees F/5 degrees C.
Common packaging: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Tray packs Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Bulk cartons Total Carbohydrate 10g .................. 3%
Dietary Fiber 4g ........................ 15%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 1g
No U.S. grades given.
Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Receiving and Inspecting Iron ................................................. 2%

Good-quality prickly pears should be *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
tender and well-colored. Avoid moldy developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
fruit or fruit with soft spots. Prickly non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
pears are ready to eat when they are counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
slightly soft, but not mushy. marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C85-95%
California relative humidity
• •
Retail display tips:
• • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Also called Chinese grapefruit. Round to
pear-shaped fruit; similar in appearance
to grapefruit, but larger. Smooth skin Storing tips:
ranges from greenish-yellow to yellow. A Store pummelos in a well-ventilated
layer of white pulp just beneath the skin placed. Keep away from ethylene- Troubleshooting
is very thick. Pummelo flesh is firm and producing fruits and ripening rooms.
varies in color from white to dark pink. Brown discoloration of skin;
Some pummelos contain seeds, others Handling tips: increased decay:
are seedless. Pummelo flavor is similar Keep cartons off the floor to prevent These are indications of chill injury. To
to grapefruit, but sweeter and less moisture accumulation. prevent chill injury, do not store
acidic. Juice content is typically less than pummelos below 45 degrees F/
a grapefruit. Pummelos may be halved 7 degrees C.
or sectioned and eaten as is or added to Nutrition*
fruit salads or desserts.
Serving Size ¼ Pummelo (152g)

Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving

Calories 60
% Daily Value

Common packaging: Calories from Fat 0

10-, 25-, and 40-lb. cartons holding Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
various counts. Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available)
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Grades: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 15g .................. 5%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6%
Sugars 13g
Protein 1g
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C .................................... 150%
Good quality pummelos should have Calcium .......................................... 0%
smooth skins that are free of mold, Iron ................................................. 0%
decay, or blemishes. Pummelo shape
may vary from round to pear-shape. *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area is: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
California 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No

Pineapple quince and perfumed quince Ethylene production/sensitivities:

are the two most common varieties Produces ethylene: Yes–high
available: Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Pineapple – Round to pear-shaped Storing tips:

fruit; size similar to a large apple. Yellow Quinces are high producers of ethylene;
skin and white flesh with a firm and keep away from fruits and vegetables
that may be damaged by the gas.
rather dry texture. Pineapple-like flavor
is somewhat acidic. Pineapple quince Bruising:
must be peeled, cored, and cooked Handling tips: Quinces are very susceptible to bruising;
(typically poached, stewed, baked, or Quinces bruise easily; handle with care. handle product with care; do not drop
braised). shipping containers on the floor.

Perfumed – Fruit is shaped like a mini-

football with smooth yellow skin and
Nutrition* Water-soaked or soft spots:
These are indications of freeze damage.
white flesh. Flavor of the perfumed Serving Size 1 Quince (92g) To prevent freeze damage, do not store
quince is tart. Perfumed quince must be quinces below 30 degrees F/1 degree C.
peeled, cored, and cooked (often used in Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
jams, jellies, marmalades, and syrups). Calories 50
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Ordering Specifications Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Common packaging: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
2-layer tray packs Total Carbohydrate 14g .................. 5%
Bulk cartons Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
Sugars 12g
Grades: Protein 0g
No U.S. grades given. Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%
Receiving and Inspecting
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
Good quality quinces should be large have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
and smooth. Minor bruising should not non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
affect eating quality since quinces are such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
cooked. marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
California 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Chile Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
• • • • • Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
• • Handling tips:
Mexico Raspberries are highly perishable and
• • should be used within 1-2 days after
arrival. Handle berries with care to
New Zealand, Australia
• • • • • prevent damage. Leaking; deterioration:
Berries may leak or begin to deteriorate
if they are mishandled. For best quality,
Variety/Type Descriptions Nutrition* handle berries with care; do not drop
shipping containers on the floor.
Red raspberry varieties include Meeker, Serving Size 1 cup Raspberries (123g)
Willamette, Amity, Heritage, and Sweet Decay:
Briar. Golden raspberries are also Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Raspberries may decay if they are
available in limited supplies. Due to Calories 60 allowed to stand at room temperature.
varietal differences the appearance of Calories from Fat 5 Keep raspberries properly refrigerated
red raspberries can vary from dull and Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1% until ready to use or display.
dark to bright and shiny. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Product breakdown:
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Raspberries are sensitive to even light
Ordering Specifications Total Carbohydrate 14g .................. 5%
Dietary Fiber 8g ........................ 33%
freezing. To prevent this, do not store
raspberries below 30 degrees F/
Sugars 6g -1 degree C.
Common packaging:
Protein 1g
5-lb. boxes holding 12 6-oz. or 9 8-oz.
Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
6-lb. boxes holding 12 8-oz. containers
Calcium .......................................... 2%
9-lb. boxes holding 24 6-oz. containers
Iron ................................................. 4%
Grades: *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
U.S. No. 1 have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
U.S. No. 2 non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Note: Not all raspberries are graded. marketing of specific products.
Ungraded berries are called
“unclassified.” Differences between
grades are based primarily on external

Receiving and Inspecting

Good quality raspberries should be dry,
plum, and firm. Avoid moldy, soft, or
leaky berries, or berries that break apart
easily and don’t hold their shape.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Strawberries should be plump and firm with
a bright red color and natural shine. Caps
should be fresh, green, and intact. Avoid
strawberries with green or white color, or
those that appear mushy, shriveled, or leaky.
• • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • Storing and Handling
Mexico Temperature/humidity
• • • • • • • • •
recommendations for short-term
NOTE: Other major production areas storage of 7 days or less:
include New York, Pennsylvania, and 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Oregon. 90-98% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: No Troubleshooting
Top ice: No
Fresh strawberries are not typically sold Loss of color or flavor; shriveling:
by variety, but rather according to their Ethylene production/sensitivities: Strawberries may lose color and flavor
point of origin. California-grown Produces ethylene: Yes–very low or begin to shrivel if stored for long
varieties include Chandler, Selva, Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No periods of time. For best quality,
Seascape, and Camaroso. maintain proper storage temperatures
Storing tips: and use strawberries soon after
Place strawberries in the cooler immediately receiving.
Ordering Specifications upon receiving. Do not spray berries with
water or remove caps during storage. Internal breakdown:
Common packaging: Strawberries may begin to deteriorate if
12-lb. flats holding 12 one-pint Handling tips: they are sprayed before or during
containers Handle strawberries with care to storage, or if the green caps are removed
9-lb. flats holding 8 16-oz. clamshells or prevent damage. prior to rinsing. For best quality, do not
16 8-oz. clamshells spray berries during storage. (Berries
6-lb. bulk half-trays should not be rinsed until just before
6-lb. trays holding place-packed Nutrition* they are used. Remove green caps after
berries are rinsed to help preserve the
strawberries with stems
Serving Size 8 medium Strawberries (147g) strawberry flavor and prevent internal
Grades: breakdown.)
U.S. No. 1 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
U.S. Combination Calories 50 Decay:
U.S. No. 2 Calories from Fat 0 Delays in cooling strawberries soon after
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% harvest or handling strawberries at
NOTE: Not all strawberries are graded. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% temperatures above 36 degrees F/2
Ungraded berries are called “unclassified.” Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% degrees C will accelerate the growth of
Differences between grades are based Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% gray mold. In addition to maintaining
primarily on external appearance. Total Carbohydrate 12g .................. 4% proper temperatures, shippers may use
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16% 15% carbon dioxide-enriched air during
Sugars 8g transportation to delay decay incidence
on strawberries. For best quality, always
Equivalents Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% inspect strawberries carefully upon
Vitamin C .................................... 160% arrival.
1 pint = approximately 12 large
stemmed berries Calcium .......................................... 2%
1 pint = approximately 36 small berries Iron ................................................. 4%
1 pint = approximately 3 ¼ cups whole *These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
medium berries Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
1 pint = approximately 2 ¼ cups sliced these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
berries suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
1 pint = approximately 1 2/3 cups puree of specific products.

1 cup whole strawberries =

approximately 4 ounces 79
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • •
Retail display tips:
New Zealand
• • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Egg-shaped fruit with pointed end.
Smooth skin is glossy and ranges in
color from golden-yellow to scarlet. Handling tips:
Golden apricot-colored flesh contains Handle tamarillos with care to avoid
seeds; flavor is somewhat bitter, tart, bruising. Troubleshooting
and tomato-like. Tamarillo texture is
meaty. Tamarillos must be peeled and Pitting of skin; discoloration:
are best when cooked (sauces, chutneys, Nutrition These are indications of chill injury. To
relishes). prevent chill injury, do not store tamarillos
Nutrition information for Tamarillos is below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
not available in the data bases used by
Ordering Specifications PMA.

Common packaging:
Single-layer tray packs
Bulk cartons

No U.S. grades given.

Receiving and Inspecting

Good quality tamarillos should be firm
and heavy. Tamarillos are generally sold
with stems attached. A ripe tamarillo
should yield to gentle pressure and emit
a fragrant aroma.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Florida 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
New Mexico Produces ethylene: No
• • • • • Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
NOTE: Other major production areas
include Jamaica and Granada. Storing tips:
For best quality, place tamarinds in
vented plastic bags or boxes with plastic
liners during storage.
Variety/Type Descriptions Cracked or crumbled pods:
Handling tips: Tamarind pods are brittle and very
Also called tamarindo. Brittle brown
Tamarind pods are brittle and can crack susceptible to cracking or crumbling.
shells shaped like plump string beans.
easily. Keep handling to a minimum. Keep handling to a minimum; do not
Pulp inside is soft and brown; contains
medium-sized seeds. Pulp flavor is a stack or pile product. Maintain humidity
cross between apricots and dates and is level of 85-95% during storage.
also somewhat lemony. Texture is soft Nutrition*
and slightly dry. Pulp may be eaten
uncooked or used as an ingredient in Serving Size 25 Tamarinds (50g)
chutneys and curried dishes.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 120
Calories from Fat 0
Ordering Specifications Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Common packaging:
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Bulk cartons
Sodium 15mg ................................ 1%
Film bags
Total Carbohydrate 31g ................ 10%
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 10%
Grades: Sugars (Not Available)
No U.S. grades given. Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 2%
Receiving and Inspecting Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 8%
Good quality tamarind pods should be
whole with few cracks. Avoid crumbled *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
product. developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Small round fruit covered with a
parchment-like green husk. Fruit
resembles a green Cherry tomato. Green Storing tips:
flesh contains tiny seeds; solid texture. Keep tomatillos dry and well ventilated
Tomatillo flavor is lemony and slightly during storage. Troubleshooting
acidic. Husks must be removed before
using. Tomatillos may be used cooked Handling tips: Pitting; discoloration; increased decay:
(stews, casseroles) or uncooked Handle tomatillos with care to minimize These are all indications of chill injury.
(chopped into salads, guacamole, cold bruising. To prevent chill injury, do not store
soups, and sandwiches). tomatillos below 45 degrees F/
7 degrees C.
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 2 medium Tomatillos (68g)
Common packaging:
10-lb. bulk cartons Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Prepackaged containers Calories 20
Calories from Fat 5
Grades: Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
No U.S. grades given. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Receiving and Inspecting Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Sugars (Not Available)
Good quality tomatillos should be firm Protein 1g
and dry with clean, close-fitting husks. Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Avoid soft tomatillos or those that Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
exhibit black discoloration or mold. Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Ripening Progression Round/Globe

Some major production areas include: Stage 1/Green – Tomato surface is

completely green; shade of green may
vary from light to dark.
Stage 2/Breakers – Definite break of
color from green to yellow-tan, pink,
• • • • • • • • or red on 10% or less of tomato
surface. Roma
Florida Stage 3/Turning – Yellow-tan, pink, or
• • • • • • • • •
red color shows on over 10% but not
Mexico more than 30% of tomato surface.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Stage 4/Pink – Pink or red color shows
on over 30% but not more than 60%
of tomato surface.
Variety/Type Descriptions Stage 5/Light Red – Pinkish-red or red Cherry
color shows on over 60% but not
Although there are many varieties of more than 90% of tomato surface.
tomatoes, they are generally sold Stage 6/Red – Red color shows on over Sizes:
according to type. The most common 90% of tomato surface. As of November 6, 2000, new size
types include: specifications for Central and South
Florida growers only are:
Cherry – Small round shape with shiny
red skin and firm flesh.
Ordering Specifications
6X7 (formerly Medium) = 2-9/32 to 2-19/32
Common packaging: inches.
Grape – Small oblong shape with shiny 6X6 (formerly Large) = 2-17/32 to 2-29/32
Vine Ripes/Mature Greens:
red skin, firm flesh, and concentrated inches.
2 to 3-layer place pack lugs
flavor. Also known as Bryan or baby 5X6 (formerly Extra large) = 2-25/32
25-lb. bulk containers
Romas. Originally propagated in China,
grape tomatoes are now widely e
Romas: 25-lb. bulk containers
cultivated. Flavor is more concentrated e ons
t Siz ns um um
S ati e atio
and sugar content higher than in d r r n im ter xim ter
conventional varieties.
Cherry: Flats holding 12 one-pint baskets Ol sign Cu sign M ame M a ame
De De Di Di
Greenhouse: 15-lb. single-layer flats
Roma – Plump, oblong shape with 7x7** Small** 2-4/32 2-9/32
shiny red skin and firm flesh.
4 7-oz. 6x7 Medium 2-8/32 2-17/32
Round/Globe – Round shape with
4 2.5-lb. clamshells
shiny red skin and firm flesh. 6x6 Large 2-16/32 2-25/32
6 1-lb. clamshells
12 1-pint clamshells
Teardrop – Small, pear-shaped 5x6 Extra Large 2-24/32
tomatoes 1-1½” long with a crisp, sweet
Teardrop: 12 6-oz. packages
flavor. Also called poire-joli or pear *Old size designations may still be given
tomatoes. Red teardrops are bright
Grades: to tomatoes that are not inspected by
orange-red, yellow teardrops are yellow the USDA.
U.S. No. 1
with an under-blush of green. **Under a federal marketing order,
U.S. Combination
U.S. No. 2 Florida does not ship small tomatoes.
NOTE: Tomatoes are generally
U.S. No. 3
designated as vine ripes or mature
greens. Vine ripe tomatoes are picked at
stages 2, 3, and sometimes 4 of ripeness.
Greenhouse tomatoes:
U.S. No. 1
Receiving and Inspecting
Mature green tomatoes are picked at
U.S. No. 2 Good quality tomatoes should have
stages 1 or 2 of ripeness.
bright, shiny skins (regardless of degree
NOTE: Not all tomatoes are graded. of ripeness) and firm flesh. Avoid
Ungraded tomatoes are called tomatoes that are soft or mushy, lacking
“unclassified.” Differences between in color, or have blemishes or growth
grades are based primarily on external cracks. Inspect tomatoes immediately
appearance. upon arrival to ensure that the degree of
ripeness, size, and quantity is consistent
with order specifications.

Produce Marketing Association
Storing and Handling Nutrition*
Temperature/humidity Serving Size 1 medium Tomato (148g)
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Ripe and mature green: 60-65 degrees Calories 35
F/16-18 degrees C Calories from Fat 5
85-95% relative humidity Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
Retail display tips: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Water sprinkle: No Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Top ice: No Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Sugars 4g
Produces ethylene: Protein 1g
Mature green: Yes–low Vitamin A ...................................... 20%
Ripe: Yes–medium Vitamin C ...................................... 40%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Iron ................................................. 2%
Mature green: Yes
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
Ripe: No Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
Storing tips: suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.
To delay ripening of mature green
tomatoes, store at 55-60 degrees F/
13-16 degrees C. Tomatoes are very
susceptible to chill injury and should not Troubleshooting
be stored below 50 degrees F/
10 degrees C. If ripe tomatoes must be Decay; softening; loss of flavor; failure
placed in a cooler, wrap boxes in of mature greens to ripen properly:
thermal blankets and store near the These are indications of chill injury. To
cooler door to reduce the possibility of prevent chill injury, do not store
chill injury. Keep unripe tomatoes out of tomatoes below 50 degrees F/
direct sunlight. 10 degrees C. Moisture accumulation on
or in containers during storage may also
Handling tips: promote product decay. Store containers
Tomatoes are delicate and can bruise off the floor to keep them from getting
easily which may promote spoiling. damp. Maintain moderate air circulation
Handle tomatoes with care; do not drop and inspect tomatoes daily during
containers on the floor or dump storage.
tomatoes. Store and display tomatoes
stem-end up to help preserve quality. Bruising:
Tomatoes bruise easily and may
eventually spoil. To prevent bruising and
possible spoilage, handle tomatoes with
care; do not drop shipping containers on
the floor.

Uneven color development:

Exposing tomatoes to temperatures
above 86 degrees F/30 degrees C for
longer than a few hours will result in
uneven color development of mature
green or breaker tomatoes.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: A good quality watermelon should
exhibit shape and rind color that is
characteristic of its variety. All varieties
should be firm and symmetrical.
Watermelons should be ripe upon
• • • • arrival. They do not ripen after
harvesting. Ripe indicators include a
Florida dull rind, dried stem, and yellowish
• • • • • • • • • •
underside where the melon touched the
Georgia ground. A ripe watermelon will also
• • • produce a distinct hollow sound when
Texas thumped. Immaturity is indicated by a
• • • • • • • • shiny rind and a white, pale green, or
light yellow underside.
• • • • • • • •

Storing and Handling Nutrition*

Variety/Type Descriptions
Temperature/humidity Serving Size 1/18 medium Watermelon (259g)
Many types of watermelon are grown recommendations for short-term
throughout the United States. The most storage of 7 days or less: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
common types sold commercially include: 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C Calories 100
85-95% relative humidity Calories from Fat 0
Icebox – Round shape with dark or Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
light green rind. Juicy red or yellow flesh Retail display tips: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
with seeds. Water sprinkle: No Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Top ice: No Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Picnic – Large round or oblong shape. Total Carbohydrate 25g .................. 8%
Rind color ranges from light to dark Ethylene production/sensitivities: Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
green, with or without stripes. Red juicy Produces ethylene: No Sugars 23g
flesh with seeds. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 20%
Seedless – Oval to round shape. Light Storing tips: Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
green rind with dark green stripes. Juicy Keep watermelon away from ethylene- Calcium .......................................... 2%
red or yellow flesh with a few tiny white producing fruits and ripening rooms. Iron ................................................. 4%
edible seeds.
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
Handling tips: Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
Yellow – Oblong to long shape. Light Handle watermelon with care to prevent these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
green rind with mottled stripes. Juicy external or internal bruising. can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
yellow to bright orange flesh. of specific products.

Ordering Specifications Troubleshooting

Common packaging: Pitting of rind; off flavor; loss of color:
35- to 85-lb. cartons holding various counts These are indications of chill injury. To
Bulk bins prevent chill injury, do not store
watermelon below 41 degrees F/5
Grades: degrees C.
U.S. Fancy
U.S. No. 1 Mealy or soft flesh:
U.S. No. 2 Watermelon is extremely sensitive to
ethylene gas; exposure will promote
Sizes: softening of flesh. For best quality, keep
Picnic: 15-45 pounds watermelon separated from ethylene-
Ice Box: 5-15 pounds producing fruits. Do not store near
Seedless: 10-25 pounds ripening rooms.
Yellow: 10-30 pounds

Produce Marketing Association
White Sapotes
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity
recommendations for short-term
storage of 7 days or less:
Unripe: 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
California 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • Ripe: 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
90-95% relative humidity
• •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions
Round fruit; size similar to an orange or
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes
grapefruit. Skin color ranges from bright
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
green to bright yellow; flesh is cream-
colored with a few flat seeds. White
sapote flavor is sweet and mild. Flavor of Storing tips:
Exposure to ethylene gas may cause
specific varieties varies from fruity to
coconut or caramel-like. Texture of a accelerated ripening and softening. Bruising:
ripe Sapote is soft and somewhat juicy. White sapote skin is very thin and
Flesh only is edible; may be eaten plain Handling tips: susceptible to bruising. To prevent
or pureed and added to beverages or White sapotes bruise easily; handle with bruising, handle sapotes with care; do
used as an ingredient in baked goods. care. not drop shipping containers on the

Ordering Specifications Nutrition* Brown discoloration of skin;

increased decay:
Common packaging: Serving Size 1 Sapote (225g) These are indications of chill injury. To
9 10-lb. packs prevent chill injury, do not store white
Single-layer tray packs Amount Per Serving % Daily Value sapotes below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
Calories 310
Grades: Calories from Fat 15
No U.S. grades given. Total Fat 1.5g ................................. 2%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 25mg ................................ 1%
Receiving and Inspecting Total Carbohydrate 76g ................ 25%
Dietary Fiber 6g ........................ 26%
White sapotes are best when received Sugars 0g
while still hard and allowed to ripen at Protein 5g
room temperature. Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C ...................................... 70%
NOTE: Sapotes ripen very quickly. A ripe Calcium ........................................ 10%
sapote will give to gentle pressure. Iron ............................................... 15%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Artichokes should be heavy for their
size, compact, and firm with soft green
color. Shape and color will vary
somewhat, depending on variety and
season. During spring, artichokes will be
• • • • • • • • • • • • globe-shaped; during the summer and
fall, artichokes will be more conical with
Mexico: slightly flared petals. During winter,
• • • • • • • •
artichokes may exhibit a white blistered
or bronze appearance due to exposure to
frost. This cosmetic defect does not
Variety/Type Descriptions affect quality, and in fact, enhances the
nutty flavor of the artichoke. Avoid
Big Heart – Thornless, conical artichoke; artichokes that appear wilted, moldy,
green color with some purple tinge. Some significantly discolored, or woody.
frost damage may appear on petals
during winter which is only a cosmetic Nutrition*
defect. Good flavor and wide hearts.
Storing and Handling Serving Size 1 medium Artichoke (128g)
Desert Globe – Conical to round in shape;
green color. Thorns are less prominent Temperature/humidity recommendation Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
with this variety. Some frost damage may for short-term storage of 7 days or less: Calories 60
appear on petals during winter, which is 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Calories from Fat 0
only a cosmetic defect. Good edible petals 90-98% relative humidity Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
with well-developed hearts. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Retail display tips: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Green Globe – Globe-shaped in winter Water sprinkle: Ok Sodium 120mg .............................. 5%
and spring; conical-shaped in summer Top Ice: Ok Total Carbohydrate 13g .................. 4%
and fall. Green color with some purple at Dietary Fiber 7g ........................ 28%
the base in summer. Thorns are more Ethylene production/sensitivities: Sugars 3g
prominent in summer and fall. Some frost Produces ethylene: No Protein 4g
damage may appear on petals during Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
winter, which is only a cosmetic defect. Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Good edible petals with heavy hearts. Handling tips: Calcium .......................................... 6%
Handle artichokes with care to avoid Iron ............................................... 10%
Imperial Star – Thornless; generally bruising.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
conical-shaped; seasonal variations will have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
be rounded; glossy, green color; compact Preparation tips: developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
appearance. Winter harvests may show Wash artichoke under running water. such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
Pull off lower outer petals. Cut stems to counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
frost damage on outer petals. This is a marketing of specific products.
cosmetic defect only. Frost tends to 1 inch or less. Snip off tips of petals.
enhance the flavor. Place in acidified water to preserve
green color. Cook by boiling, steaming,
microwaving, or sautéing. Troubleshooting
Ordering Specifications Wilting or molding:
Artichokes may wilt or become moldy if they
Common packaging: are stored under improper temperature and
22-lb. cartons humidity conditions. For best quality, maintain
a storage temperature of 32-36 degrees F/0-2
Grades: degrees C and a humidity level of 90-98%.
U.S. No. 1
U.S. No. 2 Significant discoloration:
This may indicate damage resulting from
Differences between grades are based rough handling. To prevent discoloration,
primarily on external appearance. handle artichokes with care.

Sizes: Woody appearance:

Small (2 inches or less in diameter) This may indicate over mature product. Be
Medium (8 to 10 ounces each) sure to inspect artichokes carefully upon
Large (15 to 20 ounces each) arrival for best quality and freshness.
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Asparagus should be fresh and firm with
compact tips. Spears should be straight
and round, and should snap easily when
bent. Contrary to popular belief,
diameter of spears is not an indicator of
• • • • • quality. Spears with larger diameters are
just as tender and flavorful as slender
Michigan spears. Avoid asparagus with wilted
• • •
appearance or spreading tips.
New Jersey
• • •
• • • • Storing and Handling
Chile Temperature/humidity recommendation
• •
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Mexico 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • •
90-98% relative humidity Troubleshooting
• • • • • • • • • • • • Dull gray-green color; limp tips:
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok These are indications of chill injury. To
Top ice: No prevent chill injury, do not store asparagus
Variety/Type Descriptions below 36 degrees F/2 degrees C.
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Asparagus is a member of the lily family. Produces ethylene: No Tough spears:
Commercial forms are actually the Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Asparagus is sensitive to ethylene;
shoots of the immature plant. The two spears may become tough if exposed to
most common types are: Storing tips: the gas. For best quality, store asparagus
To promote better shelf life, stand away from ethylene-producing fruits
Green – Predominant type for fresh asparagus, butt-end down, in 1 inch and ripening rooms.
availability. Green stalks with some white water. Store away from ethylene-
at base. Green tips with some purple tinge. producing fruits and ripening rooms. Decay; tough texture; loss of flavor:
Asparagus will deteriorate and lose flavor
White – Almost perfectly smooth and rounded if stored at high temperatures. For best
at the tip, with no bract development visible. quality, maintain storage temperature of
Spears are thicker, more tender, and have Nutrition* 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.
a more subtle flavor than green asparagus.
Serving Size 5 Asparagus Spears (93g)
Dried up butt ends:
Asparagus butt ends may become dry if
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Ordering Specifications Calories 20
exposed to low humidity. For best
quality, maintain humidity level of 90-
Calories from Fat 0 98%. To help maintain quality, stand
Common packaging: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
28-lb. pyramid cartons holding bunches asparagus bunches, butt-end down, in
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% shallow water. NOTE: Asparagus with
12- to 15-lb. ½-pyramid cartons Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
30-lb. loose-fill pyramid cartons white butt ends is less perishable than
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% asparagus with green butt ends.
Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Grades: Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
U.S. No. 1, U.S. No. 2 Sugars 2g
Protein 2g
Sizes: Vitamin A ...................................... 10%
Washington: Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Small – ¼” to 3/8” Calcium .......................................... 2%
Standard – 3/8” and larger Iron ................................................. 2%
Large and Jumbo – 7/16” and larger
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
Other areas: Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
Small – 3/16” and larger can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
Standard – 5/16” and larger suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.
Large: 7/16” and larger
Extra Large – 10/16” and larger
Jumbo – 13/16” and larger
Produce Marketing Association
Australian Blue Squash
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Do not be alarmed by unusual divots in
the skin. These are spots where the
squash sealed itself.

• • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Variety/Type Descriptions for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
50-55 degrees F/10-12 degrees C
Large pumpkin-shaped squash that is 85-95% relative humidity
flattened at both ends. Exterior color is a
gray/blue/green color and may even Retail display tips:
develop an orange tinge upon storing. Water sprinkle: No
Interior flesh is orange. Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities: Nutrition*

Ordering Specifications Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Serving Size 3/4 cup cooked
Common packaging: Australian Blue Squash (85g)
25-lbs. Storing tips:
Bulk Store and handle like other hard-shelled Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
squash in a dry, cool place. Calories 30
Grades: Calories from Fat 0
No U.S. grades given Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Sugars 3g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 70%
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Baby Vegetables
Availability Ordering Specifications
Common packaging:
Cartons holding 12 to 24 bunches
Beets Cartons holding 100-count baby corn
• • • • • • • • • • • • 10-lb. cartons holding baby soft-shell squash
Bok Choy.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Grades:
Carrots No U.S. grades given.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Receiving and Inspecting
• • • • Like their larger counterparts, baby
vegetables should appear fresh and well
Kohlrabi colored. Green tops or blossoms should
• • • • • • • • • • • •
also be fresh and well colored. Avoid baby
Leeks vegetables that show signs of shriveling,
• • • • • • • • • • • • pitting, discoloration, or decay. Storing tips:
Soft Shell Squash Maintaining proper temperature and
• • • • • • • • • • • • humidity conditions during storage is
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling critical for baby vegetables because
these items are more susceptible to
water loss, chill, and freeze injuries, and
NOTE: For major production areas, refer Temperature/humidity recommendation
physical damage than their larger
to specific commodity pages. for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
counterparts. Because of their increased
Beets, Bok Choy, Carrots, Cauliflower,
susceptibilities, baby vegetables should
Corn, Kohlrabi, Leeks and Turnips:
be used or displayed soon after
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 90-98% relative humidity
receiving. Do not hold for a long period
of time. Baby vegetables designated as
Common baby vegetables available sensitive to ethylene exposure should be
Soft-Shell Squash:
commercially include: kept away from ethylene-producing
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
fruits and ripening rooms.
85-95% relative humidity
Beets – Gold, red, stripes
Handling tips:
Bok Choy Retail display tips:
Handle baby vegetables with care to
Water sprinkle:
Carrots – French, round, white prevent physical damage. Do not drop
• Beets, Bok Choy, Carrots, Corn,
shipping containers on the floor.
Cauliflower – White, green, purple Kohlrabi, Leeks, and Turnips – Ok
• Cauliflower, and Soft-Shell Squash –
Corn No
Kohlrabi – Red, green Nutrition
Top ice:
Leeks • Beets, Carrots, Corn, Kohlrabi, Leeks Refer to individual commodity pages for
and Turnips – Ok Baby Vegetables’ nutrition information.
Soft-shell Squash – Green and yellow
zucchini, green and yellow summer, • Bok Choy, Cauliflower, and Soft-Shell
crookneck, pattypan, scallopini Squash – No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No Refer to specific commodity pages.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure:
• Beets, Bok Choy, Carrots,
Cauliflower, Leeks, Soft-Shell Squash,
and Turnips – Yes
• Corn, Kohlrabi – No

Produce Marketing Association
Bamboo Shoots
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Look for shoots with no blemishes,
consistent color, and crisp texture.

China Storing and Handling

• • • • • • • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Variety/Type Descriptions 38-40 degrees F/3-4 degrees C

The young shoots of a dozen or so edible Retail display tips:

varieties of bamboo are cut as soon as Water Sprinkle: No
they emerge from the ground. White or Top Ice: No
ivory-colored, tender and cone-shaped,
bamboo shoots are usually found in 4” Ethylene production/sensitivities:
lengths with the fibrous outer green and Produces ethylene: No
brown overlapping leaves removed. The Sensitive to ethylene: No Troubleshooting
Japanese word for bamboo shoots is
takenoko. Fresh bamboo shoots are available in the
Nutrition* spring. Soft spots, mold, and dark
coloring indicate decay caused by age.
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup Bamboo Shoots (151g)

Common packaging: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Water-packed: 12 7.5- or 8-oz. plastic tubs Calories 40
24 12-oz. packs Calories from Fat 0
Fresh: 2-kilogram cartons, bulk Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Dried: varying sized packages Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Grades: Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3%
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 13%
Equivalents Sugars 2g
25 slices = 1 cup Protein 4g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Beans, Snap
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality snap beans should have
long, straight pods and be well colored.
They should also be free of decay or
blemishes and snap easily when bent.
• • • • • • •
Florida Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Mexico 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • •
NOTE: Other major production areas Retail display tips:
include New York, Oregon, and Wisconsin. Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No Pitting; russeting:
Green – Long, straight pods, green color. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes These are indications of chill injury. To
Pods should snap easily when bent. prevent chill injury, do not store beans
Storing tips: below 41 degrees F/5 degrees C.
Yellow wax – Long, straight pods; Maintain moderate air circulation when
creamy to yellow color. Pods should storing beans. High air circulation may Loss of green color:
snap easily when bent. cause dehydration; low temperatures Green beans may lose their color if
may cause chill injury. For best quality, exposed to ethylene gas. For best quality,
Green and yellow wax beans are also keep storage time to a minimum, and store beans away from ethylene-
called string beans. separate beans from ethylene-producing producing fruits and ripening rooms.
fruits and ripening rooms.
Wilting; shriveling:
Snap beans may wilt or shrivel if stored
Ordering Specifications Nutrition* in areas with low humidity. For best
quality, maintain humidity level of 85-95%.
Common packaging:
15- to 22-lb. cartons Serving Size 3/4 cup cut Beans, Snap (83g)
30-lb. bushel containers
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Storing beans at high temperatures
Calories 20 combined with high humidity may
Beans, yellow wax:
Calories from Fat 0 promote rapid deterioration. Exposure
10-lb bulk
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% to high temperatures may also cause
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% rotting or mold. For best quality,
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% maintain storage temperatures of 45-50
U.S. Fancy
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% degrees F/7-10 degrees C.
U.S. No. 1
U.S. Combination Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
U.S. No. 2 Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12%
Sugars 2g
Differences between grades are based Protein 1g
primarily on external appearance. Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the

Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Choose small to medium-size beets with
firm, smooth skins and purple-red color.
Tops should be clean, fresh, and tender.
Avoid beets that are shriveled, soft, or
have rough or flabby skins.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
New Jersey
• • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
New York Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • • • • •
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Texas 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • •
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
NOTE: Other major production areas Water sprinkle: Ok
include Colorado and Ohio. Top ice: Ok Troubleshooting
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Sprouting; decay:
Produces ethylene: No Beets may begin to sprout or decay if
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No they are stored at high temperatures. For
best quality, maintain storage
Dark purple-red round roots with
temperature of 32-36 degrees F/0-2
purple-red tops and large, dark green
leaves. Early or new-crop beets are Nutrition* degrees C. Low air circulation may also
promote decay; be sure to maintain
usually sold with tops attached; late-
Serving Size 1 Beet (82g) adequate air circulation while storing
crop beets are usually sold topped.
beets. Bunched beets are more
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value perishable than topped beets.
Some common varieties are Detroit,
Ruby, Crosby, and Early Wonder. Calories 35
Calories from Fat 0 Wilting:
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Beets may begin to wilt if stored in an
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% area with low humidity. For best quality,
Ordering Specifications Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% maintain humidity level of 90-98%.
Sodium 65mg ................................ 3%
Common packaging: Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3% Rough, woody texture:
25- and 50-lb. sacks holding loose beets Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9% This may be an indication of age. For
Cartons holding 12 or 24 bunches Sugars 5g best quality, choose small to medium-
Protein 1g sized beets with tender, fresh green tops.
Grades: Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Small size usually indicates younger,
U.S. No. 1 Vitamin C ........................................ 6% more tender beets.
U.S. No. 2 Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%
Differences between grades are based
primarily on external appearance. *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
NOTE: Beets are graded as bunched, non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
with short-trimmed tops, and topped. such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Belgian Endive
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for uniformly shaped, firm heads
with compact leaves. Avoid Belgian
endive with open or green leaves.

• • • • • • • Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • • • • • Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 90-98% relative humidity

A relative of chicory, Belgian endive is Retail display tips:

characterized by an elongated head Water sprinkle: Ok
(approximately 5 inches) consisting of Top ice: No
white, compact leaves with creamy
yellow tips. Flavor is mild and slightly Ethylene production/sensitivities: Troubleshooting
bitter. Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Open or green leaves:
Belgian endive leaves may open or turn
Storing tips:
Ordering Specifications Store Belgian endive in a dark area away
green if the product is exposed to
sunlight. Always store Belgian endive in
from light. Keep away from ethylene- a dark area. For best quality, display
Common packaging:
producing fruits and ripening rooms. product in its original shipping
10-lb. wooden boxes
NOTE: Belgian endive is usually packed
in layers that are separated by paper. Nutrition* Leaf browning:
Storing Belgian endive in a warm area
Serving Size 1 cup Belgian Endive (43g) may promote browning of leaves.
Exposure to ethylene may also cause leaf
No U.S. grades given.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value browning. For best quality, maintain
Imports are designated as Quality 1.
Calories 10 storage temperature of 32-36 degrees F/
Calories from Fat 0 0-2 degrees C. Keep Belgian endive away
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% from ethylene-producing fruits and
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% ripening rooms.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Sugars 0g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 20%
Vitamin C ........................................ 6%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Bitter Melons
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-48 degrees F/ 7-8 degrees
85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
• • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low when ripe
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Member of the squash family. Cucumber-
shaped melon with bumpy greenish-
Storing tips:
Keep bitter melon away from ethylene-
yellow skin. Flavor is mild and somewhat
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
bitter. Flavor is most delicate when melon
is green. As melon ripens, skin color turns Troubleshooting
yellowish-orange and flavor becomes
stronger. Skin is edible; spongy pulp and Nutrition* Water-soaked appearance; pitting;
seeds should be removed before using. accelerated decay:
Serving Size 1 cup Bitter Melon pieces These are indications of chill injury. To
(93g) prevent chill injury, do not store bitter
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
melons below 34-36 degrees F/
1-2 degrees C.
Calories 15
Common packaging:
Calories from Fat 0 Yellowing; loss of green color:
10-lb. bulk cartons
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Bitter melons are sensitive to ethylene;
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% exposure to the gas may cause yellowing
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% and loss of green color. For best quality,
No. U.S. grades given.
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% keep bitter melons away from ethylene-
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1% producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 10%
Receiving and Inspecting Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 1g
Choose bitter melons with shiny, Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
greenish-yellow skins. Avoid melons Vitamin C .................................... 130%
with brown spots. Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Black-eyed Peas
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Look for clean, unbroken skins with a
fresh smell and no slime.

California Storing and Handling

• • • • • • • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Variety/Type Descriptions 32-34 degrees F/0-1 degree C

Buff-colored, kidney-shaped bean with a Retail display tips:

black spot at the inner curve. Sold fresh Water sprinkle: No
or dried. Black-eyed peas require less Top ice: No
soaking than other dried beans, and pre-
soaked black-eyed peas are also available. Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene: No Nutrition*
Ordering Specifications Storing tips: Serving Size ½ cup Black-eyed Peas (47g)
Common packaging: Black-eyed peas will keep refrigerated
12 11-oz. bags or tubs for about two weeks. Pre-soaked beans Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
may last longer, in consistent Calories 20
Grades: temperatures. Calories from Fat 0
No U.S. grades given. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Bok Choy
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Bulb-like base with thick white stalks
and large, dark green leaves. Bok choy’s
Storing tips:
Keep bok choy away from ethylene-
mild flavor is similar to cabbage; texture
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
is tender-crisp. Bok choy is normally
cooked (stir-fried as a side dish or added Troubleshooting
to soups).
Nutrition* Wilting:
Bok choy is susceptible to wilting if
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup shredded Bok Choy (70g) stored in an area with low humidity. For
best quality, maintain humidity level of
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value 90-98%.
Common packaging:
Calories 10
30- to 70-lb. cartons and crates
Calories from Fat 0 Yellowing:
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Bok choy is sensitive to ethylene;
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% exposure to the gas may cause yellowing
No U.S. grades given.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% and loss of green color. Damage from
Sodium 45mg ................................ 2% ethylene is increased if bok choy is
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1% stored in a warm area. To prevent
Receiving and Inspecting Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 3% damage from ethylene gas, keep bok
Sugars 0g choy away from ethylene-producing
Good quality bok choy should exhibit Protein 1g fruits and ripening rooms. Maintain
clean, crisp stalks and fresh-looking Vitamin A ...................................... 40% storage temperature of 32-36 degrees F/
leaves. Avoid wilted or significantly Vitamin C ...................................... 50% 0-2 degrees C.
discolored product. Calcium .......................................... 8%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Boniato is a tropical sweet potato. It is Produces ethylene: No
an oval to elongated tuber with scruffy Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
skin that ranges in color from reddish-
brown to pink or purple. Flesh color Storing tips:
varies from white to light yellow and Store boniatos in a well-ventilated area.
exhibits a fluffier and drier texture than Keep boniatos away from ethylene-
regular sweet potatoes. Boniato flavor is producing fruits and ripening rooms. Troubleshooting
slightly sweet and chestnut-like.
Boniatos may be cooked like white or Decay; pitting; internal discoloration;
regular sweet potatoes. Also called Nutrition hard core when boniatos are cooked:
batata dulce or Cuban sweet potato. These are indications of chill injury. To
Nutrition information for Boniatos is not prevent chill injury, do not store
available in the data bases used by PMA. boniatos below 54 degrees F/
Ordering Specifications 12 degrees C.

Common packaging: Brown flesh discoloration; off flavor

10- and 25-lb. bulk cartons when cooked:
50-lb. bags Boniatos are sensitive to ethylene;
exposure to the gas may cause flesh
Grades: discoloration and off flavors. For best
No U.S. grades given. quality, keep boniatos away from
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
Receiving and Inspecting Sprouting; pithiness:
Choose hard boniatos that are free of Storing boniatos at high temperatures
soft spots. Avoid moldy, bruised, or may cause sprouting or pithy texture. To
sprouting product. maintain quality, store boniatos at 60-65
degrees F/16-18 degrees C.

Skin discoloration; mold:

Exposing boniatos to high humidity may
promote skin discoloration and mold. If
boniatos must be held for longer than 7
days, reduce temperature to 55 degrees
F/13 degrees C and humidity level to

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: Ok

Canada Ethylene production/sensitivities:

Produces ethylene: No
Mexico Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing tips:
Keep broccoli away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Variety/Type Descriptions Troubleshooting
Handling tips:
Calabrese – Most predominant variety
Handle broccoli with care to avoid Yellow bud clusters; loss of buds:
sold commercially. Light green stalks
damage to bud clusters. To revive Broccoli is sensitive to ethylene;
with compact bud clusters that are dark
slightly wilted broccoli, apply ice directly exposure to the gas may cause bud
green with some purple tinge.
to bunches or plunge in cold water, clusters to turn yellow or drop off. Keep
drain, and place in cooler. broccoli away from ethylene-producing
fruits and ripening rooms.
Ordering Specifications
Common packaging:
Nutrition* Discolored leaves; buds dropping off;
softening of texture:
23-lb. cartons or crate holding bunches Serving Size 1 medium stalk Broccoli (148g) Holding broccoli for long periods of time
may cause discoloration, loss of buds or
Grades: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value general softening of the product. For
U.S. Fancy Calories 45 best quality, use or display broccoli soon
U.S. No. 1 Calories from Fat 5 after receiving.
U.S. No. 2 Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available)
NOTE: Not all broccoli is graded. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Ungraded broccoli is called “unclassified.” Sodium 55mg ................................ 2%
Differences between grades are based Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3%
primarily on external appearance. Dietary Fiber 5g ........................ 20%
Sugars 3g
Protein 5g
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C .................................... 220%
Good quality broccoli should have fresh- Calcium .......................................... 6%
looking, light green stalks of consistent Iron ................................................. 6%
thickness. Bud clusters should be
compact and dark green with some *Based on information published by FDA.

purple tinge. When pulled apart, some

bud clusters may appear yellow around
the edges. This does not affect product
quality; it simply means that the clusters
were not exposed to sunlight during
growing. Avoid broccoli with open,
flowering, discolored, or water-soaked
bud clusters and tough, woody stems.

Produce Marketing Association
Broccoli Raab
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
20-lb. masters, bulk packed

Arizona No U.S. grades given
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Receiving and Inspecting
New Jersey
• • • • • • • • • • • • Select firm, freshly-colored, small-
stemmed broccoli raab with relatively
Canada few buds and open flowers. Avoid wilted
• • • • • • • • • • • •
or yellowed leaves or stems.

Variety/Type Descriptions Storing and Handling

This close relative to broccoli has Nutrition*
medium to dark green leaves on slender, Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less: Serving Size 1 cup Broccoli Raab (113g)
6-9” stalks topped with small clusters of
tiny buds and occasionally small yellow 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
flowers. The entire plant can be eaten.
Calories 20
The bitter, pungent flavor is prized in
Retail display tips: Calories from Fat 0
Italian and Chinese cuisines. Also known
Water sprinkle: Ok Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
as rapini, rape, broccoli rabe, brocoletti
Top ice: Ok Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
di rape, brocoletto, cima di rapa, and
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
choy sum.
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Sodium 20mg ................................ 1%
Produces ethylene: No Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Sensitive to ethylene: Yes Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Sugars 0g
Protein 3g
Storing tips:
Vitamin A .................................... 250%
Keep refrigerated and wrapped in a
Vitamin C .................................... 120%
plastic bag for no more than five days.
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Brussels Sprouts
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • Top ice: Ok

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Small, round heads with dark green,
compact leaves. Brussels sprouts
Storing tips:
Keep brussels sprouts away from
selection is based primarily on size and
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
rooms. Troubleshooting
Handling tips: Yellowing:
Ordering Specifications For best quality, brussels sprouts should Brussels sprouts may turn yellow if
be used shortly after receiving. Keep exposed to ethylene gas. To prevent
Common packaging: handling to a minimum to avoid bruising yellowing, keep away from ethylene-
25-lb. volume-fill boxes and decay. producing fruits and ripening rooms.
10-lb. cartons or flats holding 16 12-oz.
cello bags
Grades: Nutrition* Brussels sprouts may decay if they are
stored at high temperatures or in an area
U.S. No. 1
Serving Size 4 Brussels Sprouts (76g) with low air circulation. For best quality,
U.S. No. 2
maintain storage temperature of 32-36
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value degrees F/0-2 degrees C and provide
NOTE: Not all brussels sprouts are
Calories 35 adequate air circulation.
graded. Ungraded product is called
Calories from Fat 0
“unclassified.” Differences between
grades are based primarily on external
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Loss of color; black speckling of leaves:
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% This may be an indication of age. Do not
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% hold brussels sprouts for long periods of
Sodium 20mg ................................ 1% time. For best quality, use or display
Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2% soon after receiving.
Receiving and Inspecting Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12%
Sugars 2g Wilting:
Choose brussels sprouts that are fresh in Protein 3g Brussels sprouts may wilt if stored in an
appearance with good green color. Vitamin A ...................................... 15% area with low humidity. For best quality,
Texture should be firm, leaves compact, Vitamin C ..................................... 110% maintain a humidity level of 90-98%.
and butt ends clean. Avoid puffy, wilted, Calcium .......................................... 4%
or yellow sprouts. Iron ................................................. 6%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality cabbage should be well
formed, fairly even colored and heavy
for its size. For Green and Red Cabbage,
leaves should be very compact and fairly
smooth. Savoy cabbage leaves should be
• • • • • • • • • • • • crinkled and less compact. Avoid
discolored or wilted cabbage.
• • • • • • • •
New York
• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Texas Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • • • • • •
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Canada 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Green Cabbage
• • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity
Red Cabbage**
Retail display tips:
Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: Ok
Serving Size 1 cup shredded
Red Cabbage (70g)
Top ice: Ok
Green/Domestic – Round head, light Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
green compact leaves. Ethylene production/sensitivities: Calories 20 ...........................................
Produces ethylene: No Calories from Fat 0 ...............................
Red – Round head with compact, purple- Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
red leaves. Sweeter flavor than Domestic. Saturated Fat 0g ............................. 0%
Storing tips: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Savoy – Round to oblong head with loosely Keep cabbage away from ethylene- Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
compact, crinkled leaves; pale green color. producing fruits and ripening rooms. For Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
best quality, whole heads should be stored Dietary Fiber 1g ............................. 6%
untrimmed with wrapper leaves intact. Sugars 3g .............................................
Ordering Specifications Protein 1g ............................................
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 70%
Common packaging:
50-lb. cartons and sacks
Nutrition Calcium .......................................... 4%
40-lb. cartons Iron ................................................. 2%
Green Cabbage*
1¾-bushel crates Serving Size 1/12 medium head
Green Cabbage (88g) Savoy Cabbage**
Grades: Serving Size 1 cup shredded Savoy
U.S. No. 1 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Cabbage (70g)
U.S. Commercial Calories 25 ...........................................
Calories from Fat 0 ............................... Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
NOTE: Not all cabbage is graded. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Calories 20 ...........................................
Ungraded cabbage is called “unclassified.” Saturated Fat 0g ............................. 0% Calories from Fat 0 ...............................
Differences between grades are based Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
primarily on external appearance. Sodium 20mg ................................ 1% Saturated Fat 0g ............................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sizes: Dietary Fiber 2g ............................. 8% Sodium 20mg ................................ 1%
Medium Sugars 3g ............................................. Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Medium-large Protein 1g ............................................ Dietary Fiber 2g ............................. 9%
Large Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Sugars 2g .............................................
Jumbo Vitamin C ...................................... 70% Protein 1g ............................................
Calcium .......................................... 4% Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Iron ................................................. 2% Vitamin C ...................................... 35%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
*Based on information published by FDA. Iron ................................................. 2%

**These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the

102 marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association

Yellowing; loss of leaves:
Cabbage is sensitive to ethylene; leaves
may turn yellow or drop off if exposed to
the gas. Keep cabbage away from
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
Red Cabbage
Low humidity may cause rapid wilting in
cabbage. For best quality, maintain
humidity level of 90-98%. Avoid over
trimming which may also promote
moisture loss and wilting.

Bruising; loose leaves:

Cabbage may become bruised or lose
leaves if it is handled roughly. For best
quality, keep handling to a minimum. Do
not drop shipping containers on the

Savoy Cabbage

Produce Marketing Association
Cactus Leaves
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Also called cactus pad or nopales. Flat, Produces ethylene: No
broad green pads with tiny thorns. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
(Thorns are usually removed before
cactus leaves are marketed.) Flavor is Storing tips:
similar to a cross between green beans Keep refrigerated and tightly wrapped
and bell pepper; texture is tender. Cactus for up to one week.
leaves may be eaten cooked or uncooked Troubleshooting
(salads, Mexican-style dishes, egg
dishes, stir-frys.) Thorns or eyes must be Nutrition* Bronze discoloration:
removed before preparing cactus leaves. This is an indication of chill injury. To
Serving Size 1 cup Cactus Leaf slices (118g) prevent chill injury, do not store cactus
leaves below 41 degrees F/5 degrees C.
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 20 Decayed cut stem end:
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 0 Holding cactus leaves for long periods of
Bulk cartons Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% time may promote decay of the cut stem
Cartons holding 12 8-oz. packages Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% end, particularly for product that has
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% been damaged during harvesting. For
Grades: Sodium 25mg ................................ 1% best quality, inspect cactus leaves
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1% carefully upon arrival for any damage and
Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 11% store only briefly before using or display.
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 2g
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ...................................... 10%
Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Good quality cactus leaves should be Calcium ........................................ 20%
green with a crisp-firm texture. Avoid Iron ................................................. 4%
pads that appear dry, limp, or soggy.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include:
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Costa Rica 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
Dominican Republic
• • • • • • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Round to oblong hard-shell squash.
Rind color ranges from green to beige to
orange and may be striped or speckled.
Storing tips:
Keep calabazas away from ethylene-
Bright orange flesh is sweet and fine-
textured. Flesh only is edible; may be
producing fruits and ripening rooms. Troubleshooting
used in soups, stews, or casseroles.
Water-soaked spots; pitted rind;
Nutrition accelerated incidence of decay:
Ordering Specifications Nutrition information for Calabaza is
These are indications of chill injury. To
prevent chill injury, do not store calabaza
not available in the data bases used by below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
Common packaging:
35-lb. cases
50-lb. sacks Decay:
Storing calabaza in an area with high
Grades: humidity over an extended period may
No U.S. grades given. promote decay. When storing calabaza
for an extended period of time (longer
than 7 days), reduce humidity level to
Receiving and Inspecting
Calabazas should be heavy for their size;
rind should appear dull and stem should
be firmly attached. Avoid squash with
cracked rinds or soft spots.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for rigid, pale-green stalks with
white hearts.

California Storing and Handling

• • • • • • •
Arizona Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-34 degrees F/0-1 degrees C
90-95% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions Retail display tips:
The stem is of a whitish hue; the leaves Water sprinkle: No
are very large, of a slightly grayish-green Top ice: No
color on the upper surface, and almost
white underneath. In several varieties, Ethylene production/sensitivities:
at the angle of each division, the leaves Produces ethylene: No Nutrition*
are armed with very finely pointed Sensitive to ethylene exposure:
yellow or brown spines from about ¼ Yes–very low Serving Size 1 cup chopped Cardoon (178g)
inch to over ½ inch long. Leaf-stalks are
very fleshy. The flowers, which usually Storing tips: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
have pointed scales, resemble those of Keep damp and cool. Calories 35
the artichoke, but are smaller. Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Ordering Specifications Sodium 300mg ............................ 13%
Total Carbohydrate 9g .................... 3%
Common packaging:
Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 11%
Sugars 3g
Wirebound box
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Grades: Vitamin C ........................................ 6%
No U.S. grades given. Calcium ........................................ 10%
Iron ................................................. 6%
40-45-lb box *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
50-lb. box have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
35-lb. box non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality carrots should be well-
shaped with firm, smooth exteriors.
Color should be vibrant orange to
orange-red. For best quality, tops should
be closely trimmed since they tend to
• • • • • • • • • • • • decay rapidly. Avoid flabby, soft, or
wilted carrots or product that shows any
Florida mildew, decay, growth cracks, or splits.
• • • • • •
• • • •
Storing and Handling
• • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Wisconsin for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Canada 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: Ok Bitter flavor:
Top ice: Ok Carrots may acquire a bitter flavor if
NOTE: Another production area is Texas.
exposed to ethylene gas. Store carrots
Ethylene production/sensitivities: away from ethylene-producing fruits
Produces ethylene: No and ripening rooms.
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Although there are many varieties of Storing tips: Carrots may wilt if stored in an area with
carrots, they are generally sold according Keep carrots away from ethylene- low humidity. Bunched carrots are more
to size. Carrots are characterized by a producing fruits and ripening rooms. perishable than topped carrots.
firm, smooth exterior, orange to orange- Carrots may also absorb odors; keep Maintain a humidity level of 90-98% for
red color, and crunchy texture. away from foods with strong odors. best quality.

Decay; sprouting:
Ordering Specifications Nutrition* Carrots may begin to decay or sprout if
stored at high temperatures. For best
Common packaging: Serving Size 1 Carrot, 7” long, quality, maintain storage temperature of
1-, 2-, 5-, 10-, 25-, and 50-lb. bags 1¼" diameter (78g) 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.
holding medium or jumbo carrots
5-lb. bags holding baby-cut carrots Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Cracks; flabby or discolored skin:
Calories 35 These are indications of freeze damage.
Grades: Calories from Fat 0 To prevent freeze damage, do not store
U.S. Extra No. 1 Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% carrots below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.
U.S. No. 1 Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
U.S. No. 1 Jumbo Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Yellow tips; soft spots:
U.S. No. 2 Sodium 40mg ................................ 2% These are signs of age and will result in a
Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3% poor-flavored product. For best quality,
Sizes: Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8% inspect carrots carefully upon arrival.
Medium Sugars 5g
Jumbo Protein 1g
Baby-cut (peeled and cut to size) Vitamin A .................................... 270%
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the

Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality cauliflower should have
creamy white, compact curds with
bright green, fresh, and firmly attached
jacket leaves. Some small leaves
extending through curds do not affect
• • • • • quality. Green cauliflower should exhibit
a bright lime green, compact curd. Size
California of head does not determine quality.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
New York
• • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling White Cauliflower
• • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
NOTE: Other production areas include for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Oregon, Michigan, and Florida. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Green Cauliflower**
Retail display tips: Serving Size 1/6 medium head
Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: No Green Cauliflower (72g)
White – Most predominant; creamy white Top ice: No
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
curds with bright green jacket leaves. Calories 20
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Calories from Fat 0
Green – A hybrid of broccoli and Produces ethylene: No Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
cauliflower. Green cauliflower has the Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
physical appearance of cauliflower and the Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
chlorophyll (green pigment) of broccoli. Storing tips: Sodium 15mg ................................ 1%
Keep cauliflower away from ethylene- Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Purple – Purple cauliflower is a type of producing fruits and ripening rooms. Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9%
broccoli that is purple. It resembles Sugars (Not Available)
cauliflower in overall appearance and Handling tips: Protein 2g
does not require blanching. The purple Handle cauliflower with care to prevent Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
head turns green when cooked. damage to curds. Vitamin C ..................................... 110%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%
Ordering Specifications Nutrition **These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
Common packaging: White Cauliflower* developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
50- to 60-lb. cartons or crates Serving Size 1/6 medium head such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
25- to 30-lb. cartons holding trimmed, White Cauliflower (97g) counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
film-wrapped heads.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 25
Grades: Calories from Fat 0
U.S. No. 1 Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
U.S. Commercial Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
NOTE: Not all cauliflower is graded. Sodium 30mg ................................ 1%
Ungraded cauliflower is called “unclassified.” Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
Differences between grades are based Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
primarily on external appearance. Sugars 2g
Protein 2g
Sizes: Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
6-, 9-, 12-, and 16-count Vitamin C .................................... 100%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Produce Marketing Association
Gray-brown discoloration; curd
softening; water-soaked appearance:
These are indications of freeze injury. To
prevent freeze injury, do not store cauliflower
below 31 degrees F/-0.5 degrees C.

Yellowing or loss of leaves:

Cauliflower is sensitive to ethylene;
exposure to the gas may cause leaves to
turn yellow or drop off. For best quality,
store cauliflower away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms. Green Cauliflower
Decay; water-soaked
appearance; spotting:
Storing cauliflower at high temperatures
may cause decay and spotting. For best
quality, store cauliflower at 32-36
degrees F/0-2 degrees C.

Wilted leaves:
Storing cauliflower in an area with low
humidity may promote wilting. For best
quality, maintain humidity level of 90-98%.

Bruised heads:
Cauliflower is susceptible to bruising;
handle product with care and do not
drop shipping containers on the floor.

Purple Cauliflower

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: Ok

Florida Ethylene production/sensitivities:

• • • • • • •
Produces ethylene: No
Michigan Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
• • • • • •
NOTE: Another major production area is Storing tips:
Texas. Keep celery away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Celery absorbs odors from other
commodities such as apples and onions
Variety/Type Descriptions and should not be stored near them. Wilting:
Green/Pascal – Primary variety sold Celery is susceptible to rapid wilting if
Handling tips: exposed to high temperatures and low
commercially. Light green color with
If discolored or damaged, ribs must be humidity. To maintain fresh product,
long, straight stalks and crisp texture.
removed from stalk; do not pull rib out store at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
of bunch. Trace damaged rib down to with a humidity level of 90-98%.
the butt end and trim out with the point Adequate air circulation is also necessary
Ordering Specifications of a knife. to maintain good quality celery.
Common packaging: Yellowing:
50- to 60-lb. cartons or crates
Nutrition* Celery is sensitive to ethylene; exposure
to the gas may cause yellowing. To
Grades: Serving Size 2 medium stalks Celery (110g) prevent yellowing, keep celery away
U.S. Extra No. 1 from ethylene-producing fruits and
U.S. No. 1 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value ripening rooms.
U.S. No. 2 Calories 20
Calories from Fat 0
NOTE: Not all celery is graded. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Ungraded celery is called “unclassified.” Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Differences between grades are based Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
primarily on external appearance. Sodium 100mg .............................. 4%
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
Sizes: Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
18-, 24-, 30-, 36-, and 48-count Sugars 1g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Good quality celery should have straight Iron ................................................. 2%
stalks with rigid ribs. Ribs should snap
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
crisply when bent. Inside surface of ribs Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
should be clean and smooth. Leaves these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
should be fresh, well-colored, and show suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
no signs of wilting. of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Celery Root
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Celery root should be firm with tender
flesh. Avoid product with a spongy

• • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Variety/Type Descriptions for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Also called celeriac. Bulb-shaped root 90-98% relative humidity
with rough brown skin and rootlets.
Celery root texture is crisp and flavor is Retail display tips:
nutty and celery-like. Celery root may be Water sprinkle: No
used cooked or uncooked (soups, stews, Top ice: No
stir-frys, salads). If used raw, celery root
must be peeled first. If cooked, celery
root may be cooked whole and then
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Troubleshooting
Produces ethylene: No
peeled. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Water-soaked spots; softening:
These are indications of freeze injury. To
prevent freeze injury, do not store celery
Ordering Specifications Nutrition* root below 30 degrees F/-1C.

Common packaging: Serving Size 1 cup Celery Root (113g) Decay:

25-lb. 1-1/9-bushel crates Celery root may decay if stored in a
20-lb. crates Amount Per Serving % Daily Value warm area with high humidity. To
Prepackaged containers Calories 45 maintain quality, store celery root at 32-
Calories from Fat 0 36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C with a
Grades: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% humidity level of 90-98%.
No U.S. grades given. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Moisture loss:
Sodium 115mg ............................... 5% Celery root may lose moisture and
Total Carbohydrate 11g .................. 4% shrivel if stored in an area with low
Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 11% humidity. To prevent moisture loss,
Sugars 3g maintain humidity level of 90-98%
Protein 1g during storage.
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 6%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Good quality chayotes should be firm
and free of blemishes. Avoid soft or
spongy squash. Smaller sizes are
typically more tender.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
NOTE: Other major production areas
Storing and Handling
include Florida, Costa Rica, and Mexico.
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 85-95% relative humidity

Pear-shaped squash with smooth, Retail display tips:

slightly ridged or wrinkled skin and Water sprinkle: No
smooth white flesh. Skin color ranges Top ice: No
from light to dark apple green. Some
varieties exhibit white skin. Chayote’s
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
flavor and texture is similar to cucumber Produces ethylene: No Pitted skin:
and zucchini. May be used raw or Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes This is an indication of chill injury. To
cooked. Peeling is not necessary. prevent chill injury, do not store chayotes
Storing tips: below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
Keep away from ethylene-producing
Ordering Specifications fruits and ripening rooms. Yellowing; softening:
Chayote squash is sensitive to ethylene;
Common packaging: exposure of the gas may cause yellowing
20- to 50-lb. cartons and crates
16- to 20-lb. single-layer tray packs
Nutrition* (loss of green color) and softening. To
prevent ethylene damage, keep chayotes
holding various counts Serving Size 1 cup Chayote pieces (132g) away from ethylene-producing fruits
and ripening rooms.
Grades: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
No U.S. grades given. Calories 25 Shriveling:
Calories from Fat 0 Chayotes are susceptible to moisture loss
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% if stored in an area with low humidity.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% To prevent moisture loss, maintain a
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% humidity level of 85-95% during
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% storage.
Total Carbohydrate 6g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9% Handle chayotes with care. Abrasion of
Sugars (Not Available) the skin resulting from rough handling
Protein 1g can also cause moisture loss and
Vitamin A ........................................ 2% shriveling.
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Chinese Long Beans
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
36-38 degrees F/2-3 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Although Chinese long beans look like
very long snap beans, they are actually
Storing tips:
Keep Chinese long beans away from
related to black-eyed peas. Slender, long
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
beans (up to 30 inches in length) with
color ranging from light to dark green.
rooms. Troubleshooting
Flavor is similar to snap beans; texture is
somewhat crunchy and becomes more Russeting:
firm and chewy when beans are cooked. Nutrition* This is an indication of chill injury. To
Chinese long beans are well-suited for prevent chill injury, do not store Chinese
stir-frys, braising, and stewing due to Serving Size 1 cup Chinese Long Bean (91g) long beans below 32 degrees F/
their ability to retain their firm texture. 0 degrees C.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 45 Yellowing (loss of green color):
Ordering Specifications Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Chinese long beans are sensitive to
ethylene and may be damaged by the
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% gas. For best quality, keep Chinese long
Common packaging:
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% beans separated from ethylene-
Bulk cartons or crates
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Prepackaged containers
Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3%
Dietary Fiber 5g ........................ 18%
Sugars (Not Available)
No U.S. grades given.
Protein 3g
Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C ...................................... 30%
Receiving and Inspecting Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 2%
Choose beans that are firm, very thin,
and well colored. Avoid spongy beans. *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Corn, Sweet
Availability Handling tips:
For best quality, corn should be used or
Some major production areas include: displayed shortly after receiving.

Receiving and Inspecting

California Good quality corn should have fresh
• • • • • • • •
green husks with silk ends that are free of
Florida decay or worms. Ears should be evenly
• • • • • • • • • covered with plump, consistently-sized
Georgia kernels. Avoid corn with discolored or
• • • • • • dry-looking husks, stem ends, or kernels.
New York
• • • •
• • • • • • •
Sweet Corn*
Serving Size kernels from 1 med. ear
White Corn**
Sweet Corn (90g)
Variety/Type Descriptions Serving Size kernels from 1 ear White
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Sweet Corn (73g)
Corn is generally sold according to color. Calories 90
Yellow corn is most predominant; white Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories from Fat 20
and bicolor (yellow and white kernels) corn Calories 60
Total Fat 2.5g ................................. 4%
is also available. Primary varieties are Calories from Fat 10
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
characterized by plump yellow or white Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Total Fat 1g .................................... 1%
kernels and well-colored green husks. Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Total Carbohydrate 16g .................. 5% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8% Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 14g .................. 5%
Ordering Specifications Sugars 5g
Protein 4g Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
Vitamin A ........................................ 2% Sugars (Not Available)
Common packaging: Protein 2g
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
42-lb. crates holding 4, 4½, or 5 dozen ears Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2% Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
Grades: Calcium .......................................... 0%
U.S. Fancy *These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the Federal Iron ................................................. 2%
U.S. Fancy, Husked Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of these data
should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result can never be
U.S. No. 1 assured. Consultation with Company counsel is suggested before the **These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
U.S. No. 1, Husked data is used in conjunction with the marketing of specific products.
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
U.S. No. 2 non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Differences between grades are based Yellow Corn** marketing of specific products.
primarily on external appearance. Serving Size kernels from 1 med. ear
Yellow Sweet Corn (90g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Troubleshooting
Storing and Handling Calories 80
Loss of sweet flavor:
Calories from Fat 10
Temperature/humidity recommendation Total Fat 1g .................................... 2% Decrease in sugar content may be an
for short-term storage of 7 days or less: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% indication of age. Inspect corn carefully
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% upon arrival for quality and use or
95% relative humidity Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% display shortly after receiving. Storing
Total Carbohydrate 17g .................. 6% sweet corn at high temperatures may
Retail display tips: Dietary Fiber 2g ........................ 10% also cause a decrease in sugar content.
Water sprinkle: Ok Sugars 5g Store sweet corn at 32-36 degrees F/
Top ice: Ok Protein 3g 0-2 degrees C.
Vitamin A ........................................ 6%
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Produces ethylene: No Calcium .......................................... 0%
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Iron ................................................. 2%

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality cucumbers should be firm,
well-shaped, and have an even dark
green color and uniform size.
Cucumbers may be treated with an
edible wax to prevent moisture loss and
• • • • • • • • • • enhance appearance. Avoid cucumbers
that are shriveled, yellow in color, or
North Carolina have soft spots.
• • • •
• • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Variety/Type Descriptions for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Green/Slicing – Major field-grown
85-95% relative humidity
type sold commercially. Characterized
by a straight, plump shape with slightly Troubleshooting
Retail display tips:
tapered ends and smooth skin with an
Water sprinkle: No Pitting; water-soaked spots; decay:
even dark green color.
Top ice: No These are indications of chill injury.
Hothouse/Greenhouse – Elongated, Often times, chill injured cucumbers will
seedless cucumber with mild flavor. Also Ethylene production/sensitivities: decay rapidly after they are brought out
know as English, French, or Frame. Produces ethylene: Yes–very low of storage. To prevent chill injury, do not
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes store cucumbers below 45 degrees F/
7 degrees C.
Storing tips:
Ordering Specifications Keep cucumbers away from ethylene- Yellowing; softening:
producing fruits and ripening rooms. Cucumbers are sensitive to ethylene and
Common packaging: will turn yellow and soften if exposed to
55-lb. 11/9-bushel cartons the gas. Storing cucumbers at high
Grades: Nutrition* temperatures may also promote yellowing.
For best quality, keep cucumbers away
Field-grown: from ethylene-producing fruits and
Serving Size 1/3 medium Cucumber (99g)
U.S. Fancy ripening rooms. Store at 45-50 degrees F/
U.S. Extra No. 1 7-10 degrees C.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
U.S. No. 1
Calories 15
U.S. No. 1 Small Shriveling:
Calories from Fat 0
U.S. No. 1 Large Storing cucumbers in an area with low
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
U.S. No. 2 humidity will promote shriveling. For
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% best quality, maintain humidity level of
Greenhouse: 85-95%.
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
U.S. Fancy
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
U.S. No. 1 Soft, sunken ends; loose seed cavity:
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
U.S. No. 2
Sugars 2g These are indications of over mature
Protein 1g product. Be sure to inspect cucumbers
NOTE: Not all cucumbers are graded.
Vitamin A ........................................ 4% carefully upon arrival.
Ungraded cucumbers are called
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
“unclassified.” Differences between
Calcium .......................................... 2%
grades are based primarily on external
Iron ................................................. 2%
*Based on information published by FDA.
Medium/Super Select

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Imports Top ice: No
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Also called Japanese or Oriental radish.
Storing tips:
Long, white, carrot-shaped root with
Keep daikon separated from ethylene-
crisp texture and distinct hot radish
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
flavor. Available topped or with green
leafy tops attached. Daikon may be
Handling tips:
cooked (added to soups or stir-frys) or
Daikon radishes with tops attached are
uncooked (as an addition to salads or Loss of firm texture:
more perishable than topped radishes;
relishes). Daikon radishes may lose moisture if
keep storage time to a minimum.
they are stored in an area with low
humidity. For best quality, keep daikon
Ordering Specifications Nutrition*
cold and maintain a humidity level of
Common packaging: Serving Size ¼ piece
Bulk cartons or crates of various weights
Pithy or spongy texture:
Daikon/Oriental Radish (85g) This is a sign of age. Always inspect
daikon radishes carefully upon arrival;
Grades: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
do not hold for long periods of time.
No U.S. grades given. Calories 15
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Yellowing of tops:
Daikon is sensitive to ethylene; exposure
Receiving and Inspecting Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% to the gas may cause yellowing of tops.
Sodium 20mg ................................ 1% To maintain good quality, keep daikon
Good quality daikon should be firm and away from ethylene-producing fruits
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
smooth with a somewhat shiny exterior and ripening rooms.
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
appearance. Avoid flabby or limp product.
Sugars 2g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 30%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for firm eggplants that are light for
their size. Skin should be even-colored
and free of blemishes. Avoid eggplants
with soft spots or those that are flabby
or shriveled.
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Mexico Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • • •
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
90-95% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions
Retail display tips:
The most common varieties of
Water sprinkle: No
commercially-grown eggplants (standard
and American) are large-fruited with
Top ice: No Troubleshooting
shiny dark purple skin color. Product
shape ranges from egg-shaped to globular. Ethylene production/sensitivities: Yellowish-brown skin discoloration;
Produces ethylene: No increased decay:
NOTE: Specialty eggplants are also Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes These are indications of chill injury. To
available. Japanese eggplant is small prevent chill injury, do not store
and slender with purple skin color. Storing tips: eggplants below 45 degrees F/
White eggplants range in size and shape Keep eggplants away from ethylene- 7 degrees C.
from large and elongated to small and producing fruits and ripening rooms.
round. Italian eggplants are smaller than Browning of pulp and seeds;
the more familiar deep purple, smooth Handling tips: accelerated decay:
skinned variety. Also known as baby Eggplants are very sensitive to bruising. Eggplant is sensitive to ethylene;
eggplant, Italian eggplant has thinner Handle with care; do not drop shipping exposure to the gas may cause pulp and
skin, more delicate flesh, and a milder containers on the floor. seed discoloration, decay, and loss of
flavor. calyx. For best quality, keep eggplants
away from ethylene-producing fruits
Nutrition* and ripening rooms.
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1/5 average Eggplant (84g) Shriveled or flabby skin:
Common packaging: Eggplants may begin to shrivel if stored
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value in an area with low humidity. To prevent
33-lb. 1-1/9-bushel cartons holding 18-
Calories 20 shriveling, maintain humidity level of
or 24-count
Calories from Fat 0 90-95%.
Italian eggplant: 10-lb. bulk cartons of
4/6-oz. packages Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Skin or pulp decay:
Grades: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Decay may result from bruising due to
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% rough handling. Handle eggplants with
U.S. Fancy
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2% care to prevent product damage; do not
U.S. No. 1
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8% drop shipping containers on the floor.
U.S. No. 2
Sugars 3g
NOTE: Not all eggplants are graded. Protein 1g
Ungraded product is called Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
“unclassified.” Differences between Vitamin C ........................................ 2%
grades are based primarily on external Calcium .......................................... 0%
appearance. Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

Equivalents: have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
1-lb. fresh = 3-4 cups chopped non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
1-lb. fresh = 1 ¾ cups, cooked and cubed such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
1-lb. fresh = 1-pint frozen marketing of specific products.
1 medium eggplant = about 1 ½ pounds

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for endive/escarole that is fresh and
crisp with well-colored leaves. Avoid
wilted, flabby, dry, or yellow product, or
bunches with dark butts or cracked ribs.
• • • • •
California Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • • for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
Endive – Also called chicory. Loose
Top ice: Ok
bunch of narrow leaves with very curly
edges. Leaf color ranges from dark green Troubleshooting
on the outer edge to yellow-white in the Ethylene production/sensitivities:
center. Flavor ranges from mild at the Produces ethylene: No Wilting:
center of bunch to slightly bitter at the Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Endive/escarole may wilt if it is stored in
outer leaves. an area with low humidity. To prevent
Storing tips: wilting, store endive/escarole at 32-36
Escarole – Large, closely bunched Keep endive/escarole away from degrees F/0-2 degrees C with a humidity
heads of slightly crumpled green leaves ethylene-producing fruits and ripening level of 90-98%.
that curve outward from the center of rooms.
the head. Yellowing:
Endive and escarole are sensitive to
Nutrition* ethylene; exposure to the gas may cause
yellow discoloration. To prevent
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup chopped yellowing, keep endive and escarole
Endive/Escarole (50g) away from ethylene-producing fruits
Common packaging: and ripening rooms.
Cartons, crates, 11/9 bushel containers,
and ½ bushel containers holding Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
primarily 12-, 18-, or 24-count Calories 10
Calories from Fat 0
Grades: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
U.S. No. 1
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
NOTE: Not all endive or escarole is
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
graded. Ungraded endive/escarole is
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6%
called “unclassified.”
Sugars 0g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 20%
Vitamin C ........................................ 6%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Fava Beans
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Large green pods holding pale green
beans that resemble large lima beans.
Storing tips:
For best quality, do not store fava beans
Fava beans must be shelled and the outer
longer than 7 days. Keep fava beans
skin of each bean must be removed as
well. Fava bean flavor is somewhat meaty
away from ethylene-producing fruits
and ripening rooms.
and may exhibit a bitter aftertaste. Fava
beans are generally cooked, although Shriveling; softening:
young beans may be served raw. Fava bean pods may lose water and
Nutrition* shrivel or soften if stored at high
temperatures. For best quality, store fava
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 each Fava Bean (8g) beans at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
with a humidity level of 90-98%.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Common packaging:
Bulk cartons
Calories 5 Yellowing:
Calories from Fat 0 Fava bean pods are sensitive to ethylene;
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% exposure to the gas may cause
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% yellowing. Exposure to high
No U.S grades given.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% temperatures may also cause yellowing.
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% For best quality, keep fava bean pods
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% cold and separate from ethylene-
Receiving and Inspecting Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Sugars 0g
Choose shiny, well-colored pods. Beans Protein 0g
inside should be of uniform shape and Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
size. Avoid beans that show signs of mold. Vitamin C ........................................ 4%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Fiddlehead Ferns
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for fiddleheads that are tightly
coiled, bright green, and displaying no
brown coloring or yellowing. Fresh
fiddleheads should have an elastic tone.
• •
Michigan Storing and Handling
• •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
38-45 degrees F/3-7 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
The eastern fiddlehead fern is the
Top ice: Ok
immature form of the ostrich fern.
Fiddleheads are tightly coiled, bright Troubleshooting
green, sweet flavored and about 1½” – Ethylene production/sensitivities:
2” in diameter. The taste is similar to Produces ethylene: No Brown coloring or yellowing:
asparagus, artichokes, and green beans. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes–low Use fiddleheads quickly, as their
The western fiddlehead is the immature freshness is short-lived. Fiddleheads
wood fern and more bitter with a dull Storing tips: freeze well if par-boiled and vacuum
green color and gelatinous texture. Wrapped tightly, fiddlehead ferns can last packed.
for two weeks in refrigerated storage.

Ordering Specifications Nutrition*

Common packaging:
5-lb. bulk packages Serving Size 4 oz. container
12 4-oz. containers Fiddlehead Fern (113g)
Pint clamshells
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Grades: Calories 40
Calories from Fat 0
No U.S. grades given.
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat ............ (Not Available)
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 6g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber ............. (Not Available)
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 5g
Vitamin A ...................................... 80%
Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 8%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Fresh-cut Vegetables
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Fresh-cut vegetables should be fresh and
well colored. Avoid product that is
discolored, wilted, or slimy. Bags or
U.S. containers should be intact. Avoid
• • • • • • • • • • • •
punctured or ripped containers. While
fresh-cut vegetables may be slightly
moist, they should not be wet. Fresh-cut
Variety/Type Descriptions vegetables should arrive cold. Warm
product will deteriorate rapidly and
Bell Peppers – sliced, diced, rings, cups valuable shelf life may be lost.
Broccoli – florets, spears, diced,
shredded, coin-cut, and broccoli-type
slaw made of shredded broccoli, red Storing and Handling
cabbage, and carrots
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Cabbage – crinkle-cut coins, flat coins, for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
crinkle-cut sticks, sticks, shredded,
sliced, diced, whole peeled, bias-cut
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Nutrition
90-98% relative humidity
Cauliflower – florets Refer to individual commodity pages for
Retail display tips: Fresh-cut Vegetable nutrition information.
Celery – sticks, diced, sliced, trimmed Water sprinkle: No
stalks Top ice: No
Cucumbers – sliced
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Lettuce – shredded, chopped, whole Produces ethylene: No Discoloration; slimy or wet product;
trimmed heads, cored and trimmed heads Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No foul odor:
These are indications of temperature
Mushrooms – sliced Storing tips: abuse resulting from exposing fresh-cut
Keep fresh-cut vegetables cold during vegetables to warm temperatures. To
Onions – sliced, diced, whole, peeled
storage to help maintain freshness and maintain quality and shelf life, fresh-cut
Potatoes – sliced, diced, shredded, shelf life. vegetables must be kept cold at all times.
sticks, whole, peeled Store fresh-cut vegetables at 32-36
Handling tips: degrees F/0-2 degrees C and maintain a
Radishes – sliced Handle fresh-cut containers with care to humidity level of 90-98%. Storing fresh-
Spinach – stemmed and washed prevent punctures or rips. Always use cut vegetables in an area with low
good rotation practices; first items in humidity or for an extended period of
Tomatoes – diced should be used or displayed first. Pay time may also increase brown
attention to expiration and “sell by” dates discoloration. Keep humidity level high
Vegetable blends – vegetable as well as shelf life information stamped during storage and pay attention to
combinations including broccoli, on individual packages or shipping supplier “sell by” or expiration dates.
cauliflower, carrots, celery, snap peas containers. Discard product that is past its
“sell by” or expiration date. Dry or chalky-looking carrots or celery:
This is an indication of dehydration. For
Ordering Specifications Retailers: Follow supplier guidelines for best quality, keep product cold and store
arranging fresh-cut packages during in an area with high humidity. Handle
Common packaging: display to maintain proper air packages with care to prevent punctures
While specific packaging varies by circulation. or rips.
supplier, some common types include:
Foodservice personnel: To restore
Consumer packs texture and appearance of fresh-cut
3-, 4-, 8-, 12- and 14-oz. bags carrots or celery, plunge in ice water and
1-, 2-, 3- and 5-lb. bags drain thoroughly before using.
10-, 15-, and 20-lb. loose-fill cartons

Foodservice packs
1-, 3-, 5- and 10-lb. bags

No mandatory U.S. grades given.
Produce Marketing Association
Gai Choy/Chinese Mustard
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-34 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: Ok

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene: Yes
A mustard green that grows about 12”
long, gai choy resembles bok choy, but
Storing tips:
Gai choy is sensitive to ethylene, so store
has green stalks and a pungent flavor.
away from ethylene-producing fruits
Often called Chinese mustard, this
nutritious green is sometimes referred to
and ripening rooms. Troubleshooting
as chuk gaai choy, bamboo mustard
cabbage, Chinese mustard cabbage, Handling tips: Loss of green color:
Indian mustard, or leaf mustard. The Store unwashed gai choy in loosely This is an indication of ethylene
leaves of some varieties of gai choy are wrapped plastic in the refrigerator for exposure. To maintain good color, keep
discarded while the stems are pickled, 3 – 5 days. gai choy away from ethylene-producing
salted, or dried. fruits and ripening rooms.

Nutrition* Wilting:
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup Gai Choy/
This is caused by lack of humidity. To
maintain good quality, keep relative
Common packaging: Chinese Mustard (250g) humidity at 90-98%.
10-lb. and 30-lb. bulk pack
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 50
Calories from Fat 0
Receiving and Inspecting Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available)
Choose heads with firm, light green Cholesterol ................... (Not Available)
stems, and bright green leaves. Avoid Sodium ....................... (Not Available)
yellowing, brown spots, and wilting in Total Carbohydrate 9g .................... 3%
the leaves and stems that are not firm or Dietary Fiber ............ (Not Available)
have holes in them. Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 3g
Vitamin A ...................... (Not Available)
Vitamin C ...................... (Not Available)
Calcium ........................ (Not Available)
Iron ............................... (Not Available)

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Gai Lan/Chinese Broccoli
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Choose gai lan that is firm with small
stems and relatively few open flowers.
Avoid brown spots, which can indicate
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
Variety/Type Descriptions Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
A member of the broccoli family, gai lan 32-34 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
has dark green leaves and slender gray- 90-98% relative humidity
green stalks. The entire plant, from the
stems to the fully opened flowers, is Retail display tips:
edible. Gai lan is usually harvested as Water sprinkle: Ok
the first flower buds begin to open. The Top ice: Ok
flavor is earthy and slightly bitter, similar Nutrition*
to broccoli. Also known as Chinese kale, Ethylene production/sensitivities:
gai lon, lai lam and Kai laam. Produces ethylene: No Serving Size (cups unknown)Gai Lan/
Sensitive to ethylene: Yes Chinese Broccoli (80g)

Ordering Specifications Storing tips:

Keep gai lan away from ethylene-
Amount Per Serving
Calories 25
% Daily Value

Common packaging: producing fruits and ripening rooms. Calories from Fat 0
10-lb. bulk cartons Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available)
Grades: Cholesterol ................... (Not Available)
No U.S. grades given. Sodium ........................ (Not Available)
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber ............ (Not Available)
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ...................................... 25%
Vitamin C ...................................... 40%
Calcium ........................ (Not Available)
Iron ............................... (Not Available)

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Galanga Root
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
10-lb. bulk cartons
12 8-oz. packages

• • • • • • • • • • • • No U.S. grades given.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Receiving and Inspecting
Variety/Type Descriptions Choose galanga root with unbroken skin
and stiff, firm texture.
A rhizome of a ginger plant, galanga root
has an aromatic, peppery-ginger flavor
and is a key ingredient in Thai and Storing and Handling
Southeast Asian cuisine. Rhizomes can
be from ½” to 2” in diameter, with light Temperature/humidity recommendation Nutrition
yellow skin showing pink sprouts and for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
knobs. The flesh is pale white. There are 48-55 degrees F/9-13 degrees C Nutritional information for Galanga
three types of galanga root grown 65% relative humidity Root is not available in the data bases
commercially in the world. Each varies used by PMA.
slightly in heat and appearance. The Retail display tips:
most common one found in U.S. markets Water sprinkle: No
is also known as galangal, Thai ginger,
galingale, and kha.
Top ice: No Troubleshooting
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Shriveling; softening:
Produces ethylene: No Soft or shriveled galanga root may be
Sensitive to ethylene: No caused by age or chill injury. Keep
temperatures above 48 degrees F/9
Storing tips: degrees C and relative humidity at 65%
If kept at consistent temperature of 48- for best quality.
55 degrees F/9-13 degrees C and low
humidity, galanga root will keep for up
to one month. Galanga root can be
frozen; wrap tightly first in foil or plastic

Handling tips:
Keep dry; moisture will cause mold or

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality garlic should consist of
firm, plump bulbs with tightly closed
cloves. Outside sheath or skin should be
tight and unbroken. Avoid shriveled,
soft, sprouting, or moldy bulbs.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Mexico Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • • •
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions
Retail display tips:
Regular – Firm, dry bulbs made up of
Water sprinkle: No
tightly closed cloves covered with a
smooth papery sheath or skin. Garlic
Top ice: No Troubleshooting
color ranges from white to purple. Aroma
and flavor ranges from mild to strong. Ethylene production/sensitivities: Molding; sprouting; root growth:
Produces ethylene: No Exposing garlic to high temperatures
Elephant – Similar to regular garlic in Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No and high humidity may promote
appearance, but larger in size. Aroma molding, sprouting, or root growth. For
and flavor is milder than regular garlic. Storing tips: short-term storage of 7 days or less,
Maintain adequate air circulation during garlic may be held at 32-36 degrees F/0-
storage. For extended storage (longer 2 degrees C with a humidity of 90-98%.
than 7 days), reduce humidity to 65- If garlic must be held for a longer period
Ordering Specifications 75%. of time, reduce humidity to 65-75%.
Maintaining adequate air circulation
Common packaging: will also help prevent molding,
5-, 10-, and 30-lb. bulk cartons
Jars holding whole peeled or pureed Nutrition* sprouting, and root growth.

Serving Size 1 clove Garlic (4g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
U.S. No. 1
Calories 5
Calories from Fat 0
NOTE: Not all garlic is graded.
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Ungraded garlic is called “unclassified.”
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0%
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Extra Jumbo
Sugars 0g
Super Jumbo
Protein 0g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Super Colossal
Vitamin C ........................................ 2%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Ginger Root
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Gnarled light brown tuber with golden
to white flesh and sweet-peppery flavor.
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 2 slices Ginger Root (4g) Troubleshooting
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Shriveling; softening; moisture on skin:
Common packaging: These are indications of chill injury. To
Calories 5
5-lb. bulk cartons and bags
Calories from Fat 0 prevent chill injury, do not store ginger
10- and 30-lb. bulk cartons
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% root below 55 degrees F/13 degrees C.
12 3-oz. prepackaged bags
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Mold; sprouting:
Grades: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Storing ginger root at high temperatures
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% or in high humidity may promote
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% molding or sprouting. For best quality,
Sugars (Not Available) maintain storage conditions of 60-65
Receiving and Inspecting Protein 0g degrees F/16-18 degrees C and a
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% humidity level of 85-95%.
Good quality ginger root should exhibit Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
firm, well-shaped roots with fairly Calcium .......................................... 0%
smooth, light brown skin and golden to Iron ................................................. 0%
white interior. Choose roots with
minimal knots for best quality. Avoid *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
shriveled or soft gingerroot. developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Gobo Root/Burdock Cabbage
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
38-40 degrees F/3-4 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

China Ethylene production/sensitivities:

• • • • • • • • • • • •
Produces ethylene: No
Japan Sensitive to ethylene: No
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Taiwan Storing tips:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Scrub gobo root and place in acidulated
water to prevent discoloring.
Variety/Type Descriptions Handling tips:
Peel each piece as it is used to prevent Softening; rubbery texture:
A hairy taproot of the burdock plant discoloration. Soft, rubbery, or darkened gobo root
which can grow up to 4 feet in length, but indicates decay from age or temperature
rarely more than 2” in diameter. Similar abuse. For best quality, maintain a
to salsify in appearance, gobo root has
white flesh and a crisp texture, with a
Nutrition* storage temperature of 38-40 degrees F/
3-4 degrees C and a relative humidity
flavor close to artichokes or salsify. Serving Size 1 cup Gobo Root/ level of 90-98%.
Burdock Cabbage (118g)

Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 80
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 0
5-lb. bulk pack Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
22-lb. bulk pack Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Grades: Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
No U.S. grades given. Total Carbohydrate 20g .................. 7%
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 2g
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 6%
Choose firm roots that are
Calcium .......................................... 4%
approximately 1” in diameter and 18”-3’
Iron ................................................. 6%
long. Gobo root is commonly sold mud-
crusted to protect the roots from *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
discoloration. have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Greens, Bunched
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Beet – Thin, red stems with flat, green Produces ethylene: No
leaves with thin, red ribs. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Collard – Flat, green, loaf-shaped leaves. Storing tips:

Store greens away from ethylene-
Dandelion – Thin, white stems with producing fruits and ripening rooms.
narrow, dark green, ragged-edged Keep away from strong drafts. Collard Greens
leaves. Serving Size 1 cup Collard Greens (36g)
Handling tips:
Mustard – Long, narrow stems with Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Follow good rotation practices with
large green, curly-edged leaves. Calories 10
greens; first shipments in should be
Calories from Fat 0
displayed or used first.
Swiss Chard (green) – Thick, white Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
stems; large, dark green leaves with Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
prominent red veins. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Nutrition* Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Swiss Chard (red) – Thick red stems; Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Beet Greens Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
large, dark green leaves with prominent
Serving Size 1 cup Beet Greens (38g) Sugars 0g
red veins.
Protein 1g
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Turnip – Long, narrow green stems with Vitamin A ...................................... 30%
Calories 5
flat, green, and slightly fuzzy leaves. Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
Calories from Fat 0
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Ordering Specifications Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 75mg ................................ 3%
Dandelion Greens
Common packaging: Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Serving Size 1 cup Dandelion Greens (55g)
Bushel crates, baskets, and cartons Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 6%
holding 12 or 24 bunches Sugars 0g Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Protein 1g Calories 25
Grades: Vitamin A ...................................... 45% Calories from Fat 0
Beet/Collard/Dandelion/Mustard/Turnip: Vitamin C ...................................... 20% Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
U.S. No. 1 Calcium .......................................... 4% Saturated Fat 0g ............................. 0%
Iron ................................................. 6% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
NOTE: Not all greens are graded. Sodium 40mg ................................ 2%
Ungraded greens are called Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
“unclassified.” Dietary Fiber 2g ............................. 8%
Sugars 1g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A .................................... 150%
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin C ...................................... 30%
Calcium ........................................ 10%
Choose greens that are clean and fresh.
Iron ............................................... 10%
Avoid wilted or discolored greens.

Produce Marketing Association
Greens, Bunched
Mustard Greens
Serving Size 1 cup Mustard Greens (56g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 15 Color loss:
Calories from Fat 0 Greens are sensitive to ethylene;
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% exposure to the gas may cause loss of Dandelion:
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% green color. For best quality, keep greens
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% away from ethylene-producing fruits
Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% and ripening rooms.
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7% Wilting:
Sugars 0g Greens are susceptible to wilting if
Protein 2g stored in an area with low humidity.
Vitamin A ...................................... 60% Keep humidity level at 90-98% during
Vitamin C ...................................... 70% storage for best quality.
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 4% Water-soaked spots: Mustard:
This is an indication of freeze injury. To
prevent freeze injury, do not store greens
Swiss Chard at 30 degrees F/-1 degree C or below.
Serving Size 1 cup Swiss Chard (36g) For best quality, maintain storage
temperature of 32-36 degrees F/
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
0-2 degrees C.
Calories 5
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Varieties
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Swiss Chard (green):
Sodium 75mg ................................ 3%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0%
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 2%
Sugars 0g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 25%
Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%

Turnip Greens Swiss Chard (red):

Serving Size 1 cup Turnip Greens (55g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 15
Calories from Fat 0 Collard:
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 20mg ................................ 1%
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7% Turnip:
Sugars 1g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 80%
Vitamin C ...................................... 60%
Calcium ........................................ 10%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
Produce Marketing Association
Hearts of Palm
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
12 14.5-oz. to 14.8-oz. packages
10-lb. bulk
8 packages (4 bases and 4 hearts) in 12-
lb. carton
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Receiving and Inspecting
NOTE: Another major production area For fresh, look for firm, smooth surfaces
includes Costa Rica. and a fresh scent.

Variety/Type Descriptions Storing and Handling

The inner core of the cabbage palm Temperature/humidity recommendation
stem, hearts of palm are ivory-colored, for short-term storage of 7 days or less: Nutrition
with the texture of firm artichoke 40-45 degrees F/4-7 degrees C
hearts. Stalks are about 4” long and no 90-98% relative humidity Nutrition information for Hearts of Palm
wider than 1½”. Usually found packed is not available in the data bases used by
in water, hearts of palm are used in PMA.
Retail display tips:
salads and side dishes. Fresh hearts of
Water sprinkle: No
palm have a crunchy texture and nutty
Top ice: No
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene: No

Handling tips:
Fresh hearts of palm are extremely
perishable. Use immediately or keep in
water in the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

Produce Marketing Association
Herbs, Fresh
Availability Marjoram – Member of the mint
family. Tiny, bright green leaves with a
Some major production areas include: mild flavor similar to oregano. Good for
egg dishes, meat, seafood, poultry, and
cooked vegetables.

Mint – Sweet flavor and fragrant

California aroma. Good with fresh fruit, desserts,
• • • • • • • • • • • • or as a garnish for beverages. Mint is
Mexico also used as a seasoning for lamb and
• • • • • • • • • • • • other Middle Eastern-style dishes.
Puerto Rico
• • • • • • • • • • • • Oregano – Small, bright green leaves
with spicy, pungent flavor. Good for
Italian and Greek dishes as well as other
meat, poultry, and vegetable dishes.
Variety/Type Descriptions
Parsley, Curly – Curly parsley has a
Anise – Annual herb of the parsley sweet flavor and crunchy texture and is
family, cultivated chiefly for its fruits
called aniseed, the flavor that resembles
most often used as a garnish or chopped
and used as an all-purpose seasoning.
Ordering Specifications
that of licorice. The plant, up to 2.5 feet
tall, has long-stalked basal leaves and Common packaging:
Parsley, Italian – Flat leaves and Cartons holding 6 or 12 twist-tie bunches
shorter-stalked stem leaves. Its small, slightly peppery, more strongly flavored
yellowish-white flowers form loose ¼-, ½-, and 1-lb. film bags
leaves and stems distinguish this from
umbels. The bulbs are edible. 1-, 1½-, 2-, 2½-, or 3-dozen count
curly parsley. Italian parsley is preferred
in cooking.
Basil – Varieties include Cinnamon, Grades:
Italian, Lemon, Opal, Spicy Globe, and No U.S. grades given. Many suppliers
Rosemary – Soft green, short spiky
Sweet. Slightly crinkled leaves that range leaves with a fragrant aroma and mild, follow specific guidelines for
from dark green to greenish-purple in spicy flavor. Good for meat, poultry, and maintaining overall appearance, leaf
color. Aromatic fragrance and sweet- seafood dishes. shape, and color.
pungent flavor. Good for Italian-style
dishes, soups, stews, poultry, and salads. Sage – Gray-green, elongated leaves with
Bay Leaves – Long, narrow, dull green
a strong, musty flavor. Good for stuffing, Equivalents
meat, poultry, and seafood dishes.
leaves with pungent aroma and flavor
1 tablespoon chopped fresh herb =
that mellows during cooking. Good for Savory – Tiny green leaves, flavor 1 teaspoon dried herb
soups and stews, stuffing, poultry, game, ranges from sweet to tangy, depending
and fish. Bay leaves should be discarded on variety. Good for soups and stews,
before serving. stuffing, pork, poultry, and veal dishes.
Receiving and Inspecting
Chervil – Small green frilly leaves with Sorrel – Pale green leaves that resemble
sweet flavor similar to parsley. Good for Good quality fresh herbs should exhibit
spinach in appearance. Distinct lemony
soups and stews, vegetables, and fish. color consistent with variety, hearty
flavor. Good in sauces and soups. Leaves
aroma, high leaf-to-stem ratio, and
may also be cooked and served as a side
Chives – Sturdy, bright green grass-like leaves that are firmly attached to stems.
dish or served fresh in salads.
strands with mild onion flavor. Good for Avoid herbs with brown, black, or
all-purpose use. Tarragon – Long, narrow leaves with bruised leaves. Avoid herbs with limp
sweet-savory aroma and flavor. Good in leaves (except sage) or that are
Cilantro – Also called Chinese parsley sauces, salads, fish, poultry, and flowering.
or coriander. Leaf shape and color is vegetable dishes.
similar to parsley. Distinctive, pungent
flavor. Good for Mexican and Chinese- Thyme – Tiny round green leaves with
style dishes. spicy-pungent flavor. Good for stuffing,
meat, poultry, and seafood dishes.
Dill – Feathery, bright green leaves with
a sweet and savory aroma and flavor.
Good for fish, vegetable, and egg dishes.

Fennel – A pale-green, feathery-topped

vegetable with celery-like stems and
swollen bulb-like base of overlapping
broad layers.
Produce Marketing Association
Herbs, Fresh
Storing and Handling Chives
Serving Size 1 tablespoon Chives (3g)
Serving Size 1 tablespoon chopped
Temperature/humidity recommendation Parsley (4g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
for short-term storage of 7 days or less: Calories 0 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
All except Basil: Calories from Fat 0 Calories 0
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Calories from Fat 0
90-98% relative humidity Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Basil: Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
85-95% relative humidity Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0%
Sugars 0g Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Retail display tips: Protein 0g Sugars 0g
Water sprinkle: Ok Vitamin A ........................................ 2% Protein 0g
Top ice: No Vitamin C ........................................ 2% Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Calcium .......................................... 0% Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Iron ................................................. 0% Calcium .......................................... 0%
Produces ethylene: No Iron ................................................. 2%
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Storing tips: Serving Size 1 tablespoon Cilantro (1g) Rosemary
Keep fresh herbs away from ethylene- Serving Size 1 tablespoon Rosemary (2g)
producing fruits and ripening rooms. Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 0 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Handling tips: Calories from Fat 0 Calories 5
Fresh herb leaves may bruise; handle Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Calories from Fat 0
with care. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Nutrition* Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0%
Sugars 0g Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Basil Protein 0g Sugars (Not Available)
Serving Size 1 tablespoon chopped Vitamin A ........................................ 2% Protein 0g
Basil (3g) Vitamin C ........................................ 0% Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calcium .......................................... 0% Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Calories 0 Iron ................................................. 0% Calcium .......................................... 0%
Calories from Fat 0 Iron ................................................. 0%
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Oregano
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Serving Size 1 tablespoon Oregano (6g) Sage
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Serving Size 1 tablespoon Sage (2g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0% Calories 5 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% Calories from Fat 0 Calories 0
Sugars (Not Available) Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Calories from Fat 0
Protein 0g Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available) Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Vitamin A ........................................ 2% Cholesterol ................... (Not Available) Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available)
Vitamin C ........................................ 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Cholesterol .................. (Not Available)
Calcium .......................................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Iron ................................................. 0% Dietary Fiber ............. (Not Available) Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0%
Sugars (Not Available) Dietary Fiber ............ (Not Available)
Protein 0g Sugars (Not Available)
Vitamin A ........................................ 2% Protein 0g
Vitamin C ........................................ 4% Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Calcium .......................................... 2% Vitamin C ...................... (Not Available)
Iron ............................... (Not Available) Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ............................... (Not Available)

Produce Marketing Association
Herbs, Fresh
Serving Size 1 tablespoon Tarragon (6g)
Serving Size 1 tablespoon Thyme (2g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Yellowing:
Calories 5 Calories 0 Fresh herbs are sensitive to ethylene;
Calories from Fat 0 Calories from Fat 0 exposure to the gas may accelerate loss
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% of green color, especially if herbs are
Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available) Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% also stored in a warm area. For best
Cholesterol ................... (Not Available) Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% quality, keep fresh herbs away from
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% rooms. Maintain storage temperature of
Dietary Fiber ............ (Not Available) Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C for all
Sugars (Not Available) Sugars (Not Available) herbs except basil (45-50 degrees F/7-
Protein 0g Protein 0g 10 degrees C).
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Vitamin C ........................................ 0% Vitamin C ........................................ 6% Darkening (black color) of basil leaves:
Calcium .......................................... 2% Calcium .......................................... 0% This is an indication of chill injury. To
Iron ............................... (Not Available) Iron ................................................. 2% prevent chill injury of basil, do not store
below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

NOTE: Nutrition information for other

Fresh Herbs is not available in the data
bases used by PMA.


Chives Dill





Rosemary Chervil Parsley

Bay Leaves

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for firm, well-shaped roots. Avoid
horseradish that appears soft or

• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • • • • • Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • • • • • • • • • 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Long, narrow root (resembles a tree
root) with brown wrinkled skin, white
flesh, and hot, pungent flavor. Ethylene production/sensitivities: Troubleshooting
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Green discoloration:
Horseradish roots may turn green if
Ordering Specifications Storing tips: exposed to light. For best quality, store in
Store horseradish in a dark area away a dark area.
Common packaging: from direct light.
5-, 10- and 50-lb. bulk cartons General deterioration:
Storing horseradish in an area with low
U.S. Fancy Nutrition* humidity may promote product
deterioration. For best quality, maintain
U.S. No. 1 storage conditions of 32-36 degrees F/
Serving Size ½ piece Horseradish (5g)
U.S. No. 2 0-2 degrees C and a humidity level of
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value 90-98%.
NOTE: Not all horseradish is graded.
Calories 5
Ungraded horseradish is called
Calories from Fat 0
“unclassified.” Differences between
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
grades are based primarily on external
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0%
Dietary Fiber ............ (Not Available)
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 0g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Japanese Cucumbers
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
52-55 degrees F/11-13 degrees C

U.S. Retail display tips:

• • • • • • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Mexico Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Sensitive to ethylene: Yes

Storing tips:
Variety/Type Descriptions Keep in a cool place when whole. Avoid
overly cold temperatures.
Slender, dark-green cucumber with
ridged skin. 8-14 inches long; about 1½
inches in diameter. Troubleshooting
Serving Size 1 cup Japanese Cucumber Japanese cucumbers are sensitive to
Ordering Specifications (129g) ethylene and will turn yellow if exposed
to the gas. For best quality, keep
Common packaging: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value cucumbers away from ethylene-
10-lb. and 30-lb. bulk Calories 15 producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Receiving and Inspecting Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Look for cucumbers that are firm but not Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
hard. They should not be pliable or have Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
soft spots or shriveled ends. Color Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6%
should be solid green with no yellowing. Sugars 2g
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 6%
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Jerusalem Artichokes
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity
NOTE: Some major production areas
include California and Washington. Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Variety/Type Descriptions Ethylene production/sensitivities:

Produces ethylene: No
Small, knobby tuber with thin brown
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
skin and white flesh (no relationship to
the globe artichoke). The Jerusalem
Storing tips:
artichoke exhibits a nutty flavor; texture
Store Jerusalem artichokes in a dark
is crisp when raw and becomes tender
area away from light.
when cooked. Jerusalem artichokes may
be used cooked as an alternative to Troubleshooting
potatoes or water chestnuts, or
uncooked (in salads or on vegetable Nutrition* Decay; shriveling:
platters). Peeling is not necessary. Storing Jerusalem artichokes in an area
Serving Size 1 cup Jerusalem Artichoke with low humidity may promote product
(150g) decay and shriveling. Damage to the
thin skin may also lead to product decay.
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value For best quality, keep Jerusalem
Calories 110 artichokes cold and store in an area with
Common packaging: 90-98% humidity. Handle product with
Calories from Fat 0
Cartons holding 12-oz. or 1-lb. film bags care to avoid damage to skins; do not
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Bulk cartons drop shipping containers on the floor.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Grades: Sodium 5mg .................................. 0% Green-tinged skin:
No U.S. grades given. Jerusalem artichokes may develop
Total Carbohydrate 26g .................. 9%
Dietary Fiber 2g ........................ 10% green-tinged skin if exposed to light. For
Sugars 4g best quality, store artichokes in a dark
Receiving and Inspecting Protein 3g area.
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Good quality Jerusalem artichokes should Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
be hard with fairly smooth skins and no Calcium .......................................... 2%
soft spots. Avoid product that appears Iron ............................................... 30%
shriveled or with green-tinged skin.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Imports 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 85-95% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Resembles a turnip in appearance with
round, slightly squat shape, light brown Ethylene production/sensitivities:
skin, and ivory flesh. Flavor is subtle and Produces ethylene: No
sweet; texture is crunchy and juicy. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Jicama must be peeled before using.
May be served raw or cooked. Jicama
may be used as a substitute for
waterchestnuts. Nutrition*
Serving Size 1 cup Jicama (120g) Troubleshooting
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Decay; internal brown discoloration:
Calories 45 These are indications of chill injury. To
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 0 prevent chill injury, do not store jicama
10- and 20-lb. bulk cartons Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% below 55 degrees F/13 degrees C.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Grades: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Sprouting:
No U.S. grades given. Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Jicama may begin to sprout if exposed to
Total Carbohydrate 11g .................. 4% high temperatures. For best quality,
Dietary Fiber 6g ........................ 24% maintain storage temperature of 60-65
Receiving and Inspecting Sugars 3g
Protein 1g
degrees F/16-18 degrees C.

Choose jicama with firm texture and Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Mold:

smooth, unblemished skin. Avoid Vitamin C ...................................... 40% Jicama may show signs of mold if it
shriveled or moldy jicama. Calcium .......................................... 2% becomes moist during storage. To
Iron ................................................. 4% prevent molding, keep product dry and
maintain a humidity level of 85-95%.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity
NOTE: Some major production areas
include California, New Jersey, New Retail display tips:
York, South Carolina, and Virginia. Water sprinkle: Ok
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Predominant varieties include Scotch
and Blue.
Storing tips:
Keep kale away from drafts to prevent
Scotch kale – Characterized by yellow-
green leaves with curly edges and
slightly wrinkled centers.
Handling tips:
Blue kale – Characterized by blue- Maintain good rotation practices; first Wilting:
green leaves with curly edges and flat shipments in should be used or Kale is susceptible to wilting if it is
centers. displayed first. To crisp kale before stored in an area with low humidity or
using, plunge in ice water and drain exposed to drafts. For best quality,
Flowering kale – Characterized by thoroughly. maintain storage conditions of 32-36
large, ruffle-edged leaves that range in degrees F/0-2 degrees C and a humidity
color from cream to violet to green. level of 90-98%. Keep kale away from
Flowering kale is often used for decorative Nutrition* drafts.
purposes such as lining salad bars.
Serving Size 1 cup Kale (67g)

Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving

Calories 35
% Daily Value

20-to 25-lb. crates, cartons, or bushel Calories from Fat 0

containers holding 24-count Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Common packaging:
Sodium 30mg ................................ 1%
U.S. No. 1
Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2%
U.S. Commercial
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Sugars 1g
NOTE: Not all kale is graded. Ungraded
Protein 2g
kale is called “unclassified.” Differences
Vitamin A .................................... 120%
between grades are based primarily on
Vitamin C .................................... 130%
external appearance.
Calcium ........................................ 10%
Iron ................................................. 6%

Receiving and Inspecting *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
Good quality kale should exhibit crisp, non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
fresh leaves that are well-colored. Avoid counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
wilted kale. NOTE: During the winter marketing of specific products.
months, kale leaves may exhibit some

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: Ok
Top ice: Ok
Light green or purple, globe-shaped root
with green stems and flat leaves Ethylene production/sensitivities:
attached. Bulb flavor is somewhat sweet Produces ethylene: No
and similar to a turnip. Bulb may be Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
used cooked or uncooked. Leaves must
be cooked. Flavor of leaves is similar to
collard greens or kale.
Serving Size (cups unknown) Kohlrabi (70g) Troubleshooting
Ordering Specifications
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Shriveling; tough texture:
Common packaging: Calories 20 Kohlrabi may shrivel or develop a tough
Cartons holding 12, 18, or 24 bunches Calories from Fat 0 texture if stored in an area with low
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% humidity. For best quality, keep kohlrabi
Grades: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% cold and maintain a humidity level of
No U.S. grades given. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% 90-98%.
Sodium 15mg ................................ 1%
Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1% Freeze injury:
Receiving and Inspecting Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 10%
Sugars 2g
Kohlrabi is susceptible to freeze damage
if stored at 30 degrees F/-1 degree C or
Choose kohlrabi with smooth bulbs that Protein 1g below. For best quality, maintain storage
are free of cracks or visible fibers. Vitamin A ........................................ 0% temperature of 32-36 degrees F/
Attached leaves should be fresh, firm, Vitamin C ...................................... 70% 0-2 degrees C.
and green. Small to medium bulbs are Calcium .......................................... 2%
best. Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: Ok
Top ice: Ok
Member of the green onion and shallot
family. Characterized by a long thick Ethylene production/sensitivities:
stem and large, drooping tops that range Produces ethylene: No
in color from green to blue-green. Some Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
specific varieties are shorter and thicker
with more erect green tops. Leeks Storing tips:
exhibit a mild onion-like flavor. Store leeks away from foods that absorb
odors. Keep away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms. Troubleshooting
Ordering Specifications
Common packaging:
24- to 30-lb. cartons holding 12 or 24
Nutrition* Leeks may wilt if they are stored in an
area with low humidity. For best quality,
bunches Serving Size 1 cup Leeks (89g) maintain a humidity level of 90-98%.

Grades: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Yellowing; rapid decay:

No U.S. grades given. Calories 50 Storing leeks at high temperatures may
Calories from Fat 0 cause yellowing and decay. Exposing
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% leeks to ethylene may also cause
Receiving and Inspecting Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
yellowing and decay. For best quality,
maintain storage temperature of 32-36
Good quality leeks should have clean, Sodium 20mg ................................ 1% degrees F/0-2 degrees C. Keep leeks
blemish-free white bases with fresh Total Carbohydrate 13g .................. 4% away from ethylene-producing fruits
green tops. Avoid leeks with bruised, Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6% and ripening rooms.
ragged, or dry-looking tops and bulbed Sugars 3g
bases. Protein 1g Bulbed ends; woody texture:
Vitamin A ........................................ 2% These are indications of age. For best
Vitamin C ...................................... 20% quality, choose smaller-size leeks with
Calcium .......................................... 6% fairly straight white bases.
Iron ............................................... 10%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
38-40 degrees F/3-4 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

South America Ethylene production/sensitivities:

• • • • • • • • • • • •
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene: No

Variety/Type Descriptions Storing tips:

Wrap tightly in foil or plastic to prevent
A perennial grass, lemongrass has a drying. Kept refrigerated, lemongrass
white, bulbous base with several
narrow, pale yellowish-green stalks
will retain its freshness and pungency
for up to 2 weeks. Lemongrass freezes
growing up from it. The stalks contain well when wrapped tightly.
citrol, an oil found in the skin of lemons. Serving Size 1 tablespoon Lemongrass (4g)
A key ingredient in Thai and Southeast Handling tips:
Asian cuisine, lemongrass imparts an Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Because of their fibrous texture, the Calories 5
aromatic, pungent lemon flavor to
tough outer leaves are removed from Calories from Fat 0
soups, teas, and sauces. Also known as
food prior to serving. When peeled, the Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
citronella root. The powdered form is
tender inner leaves, which are greener, Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
called sereh powder.
can be sliced very thin and included in Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
stir-fries, sautéed, or baked dishes. Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0%
Ordering Specifications Dietary Fiber ............ (Not Available)
Sugars (Not Available)
Common packaging: Protein 0g
12-count zip lock bags Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
10-lb. bulk cartons Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
12 2- or 3-count bunches Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%
No U.S. grades given. *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
Receiving and Inspecting counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Stalks should be firm and green. Avoid

yellow or brown wilting stalks.
Avoid lemongrass with any brown on its

Produce Marketing Association
Lettuce, Boston/Bibb
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Florida Ethylene production/sensitivities:

• • • • •
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Variety/Type Descriptions Storing tips:

Keep Boston/Bibb lettuce away from
Also known as Butterhead, this head- ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
type lettuce is characterized by light
green, flexible leaves and a mild flavor.
rooms. Troubleshooting
Handling tips: Russet spotting on leaves:
Follow good rotation practices; first Boston/Bibb lettuce is sensitive to
Ordering Specifications shipments received should be used or ethylene; exposure to the gas may cause
displayed first. russet (brown) spotting of the leaves or
Common packaging: loss of green color. To prevent russet
22-lb. 1 1/9 bushel crates spotting, keep lettuce away from
10- to 20-lb. cartons or crates
Nutrition* ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
Grades: Serving Size 12 medium leaves
U.S. Fancy Lettuce, Boston/Bibb (90g) Wilting:
U.S. No. 1 Wilting may occur if lettuce is stored in
U.S. No. 2 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value an area with low humidity. For best
Calories 10 quality, maintain a humidity level of 90-
Differences between grades are based Calories from Fat 0 98%.
primarily on external appearance. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Yellow leaves:
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% This is an indication of freeze damage.
Receiving and Inspecting Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% To prevent freeze damage, do not store
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1% lettuce below 31 degrees F/-0.5 degrees C.
Heads should appear fresh with even- Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 4%
colored leaves that exhibit a soft, buttery Sugars 1g
texture. Avoid lettuce that appears Protein 1g
wilted or shows signs of discoloration or Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
decay. Avoid heads with dark butts, Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
yellow-tipped leaves, or leaves showing Calcium .......................................... 2%
cracked ribs. Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Lettuce, Iceberg
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Colorado Ethylene production/sensitivities:

• • • •
Produces ethylene: No
Florida Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
• • • • • •
Storing tips:
Keep lettuce away from drafts to prevent
Variety/Type Descriptions dehydration. Store lettuce away from

Iceberg lettuce is characterized by

ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
compact heads, light green color, crisp
texture, and delicate flavor. Handling tips: Lettuce may wilt if it is exposed to drafts
Follow good rotation practices; first or stored at warm temperatures. To
shipments received should be used or prevent wilting, keep lettuce away from
Ordering Specifications displayed first. any drafts and store at 32-36 degrees F/
0-2 degrees C.
Common packaging:
20- to 50-lb. cartons Nutrition* Russet spotting:
Lettuce may exhibit russet (brown)
Grades: Serving Size 1/6 medium head Lettuce, spotting if exposed to ethylene gas. To
U.S. Fancy Iceberg (87g) avoid russet spotting, keep lettuce away
U.S. No. 1 from ethylene-producing fruits and
U.S. No. 2 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value ripening rooms.
Calories 15
Differences between grades are based Calories from Fat 0 Rapid deterioration:
primarily on external appearance. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Storing lettuce at high temperatures may
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% promote rapid deterioration. Rough
Sizes: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% handling may bruise leaves, which can
18-, 24-, and 30-count Sodium 10mg ................................. 0% also promote product deterioration. For
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1% best quality, maintain proper storage
Equivalents: Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 4% temperatures and handle lettuce with
1 medium head Iceberg = 1 ½ pounds Sugars 2g care.
1 medium head Iceberg = 2 ½ quarts Protein 1g
shredded lettuce Vitamin A ........................................ 4% Dried, translucent outer leaves:
1 medium head Iceberg = 3-4 rafts Vitamin C ........................................ 6% This is an indication of freeze damage.
1 medium head Iceberg = 2 ½ to 3 Calcium .......................................... 2% To prevent freeze damage, do not store
quarts chunked Iron ................................................. 2% lettuce below 31 degrees F/
1 medium head Iceberg = 4-6 wedges -0.5 degrees C.
*Based on information published by FDA.
1 medium head Iceberg = 2 ½ quarts
torn pieces

Receiving and Inspecting

Heads should be springy-firm and give
slightly to gentle pressure. Some browning
of the core end is natural and occurs from
oxidation after lettuce has been harvested
and trimmed. Avoid lettuce that appears
wilted, discolored, or with dried or
translucent-looking outer leaves.
Produce Marketing Association
Lettuce, Leaf
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality leaf lettuce should be
fresh, crisp, and well-colored. Avoid
lettuce that appears wilted or show signs
of spotting or decay. Avoid leaf lettuce
with yellow leaves or with leaves
• • • • • • • • • • • • showing cracked ribs.

• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
• • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 90-98% relative humidity
Loosely bunched curly leaves with crisp
Retail display tips:
texture. Both green and red leaf lettuce
are available. Red leaf lettuce is
Water sprinkle: Ok Troubleshooting
Top ice: No
characterized by green leaves with red-
tinged edges. Russet spotting:
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Leaf lettuce may exhibit russet (brown)
Produces ethylene: No spotting if exposed to ethylene. To
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes prevent russet spotting, keep lettuce
Ordering Specifications away from ethylene-producing fruits
Storing tips: and ripening rooms.
Common packaging: Keep leaf lettuce away from ethylene-
10- to 25-lb. baskets, cartons, or crates producing fruits and ripening rooms. Deterioration:
Storing leaf lettuce at high temperatures
Grades: Handling tips: may promote rapid deterioration. Rough
U.S. Fancy Follow good rotation practices; first handling of the product may also
U.S. No. 1 shipments received should be used or promote deterioration of bruised leaves.
U.S. No. 2 displayed first. To maintain quality, store lettuce at 32-
36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C and always
Differences between grades are based handle with care.
primarily on external appearance.
Nutrition* Wilting:
Serving Size 1 cup Lettuce, Leaf (57g) Storing leaf lettuce in an area with low
humidity may promote wilting. For best
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value quality, maintain a humidity level of
Calories 10 90-98%.
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Dried translucent leaves:
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% This is an indication of freeze damage.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% To prevent freeze damage, do not store
Sodium 20mg ................................ 1% lettuce below 31 degrees F/
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1% -0.5 degrees C.
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Sugars 1g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 25%
Vitamin C ........................................ 6%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Produce Marketing Association
Lettuce, Romaine
Availability Storing and Handling
A major production area includes: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Head-type lettuce consisting of long, Produces ethylene: No
loaf-shaped, narrow leaves. Leaf color Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
ranges from dark green outer leaves to
greenish-yellow inner leaves. Very crisp Storing tips:
texture. Keep romaine away from drafts to
prevent dehydration. Store away from
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
Ordering Specifications Russet spotting:
Handling tips: Russet (brown) spotting may occur if
Common packaging:
Follow good rotation practices; first romaine is exposed to ethylene gas. To
22- to 40-lb. crates, cartons, 2/3
shipments received should be displayed prevent russet spotting, keep romaine
cartons, and bushel cartons holding 24-
or used first. Because of its shape, away from ethylene-producing fruits
romaine can be easily damaged; always and ripening rooms.
handle with care. To crisp romaine
Grades: before using, plunge in ice water and
U.S. No. 1 Wilting:
drain thoroughly. Exposure to strong drafts or low
NOTE: Not all romaine is graded. humidity may cause dehydration and
Ungraded romaine is called wilting. Keep romaine away from drafts
“unclassified.” Nutrition* such as those caused by cooler fans.
Maintain a humidity level of 90-98%.
Serving Size 1 cup Lettuce, Romaine (56g)
Receiving and Inspecting Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Rough handling of romaine may
Calories 10 promote bruising and decay. Handle
Good quality romaine should be fresh, Calories from Fat 0 romaine with care; do not drop shipping
crisp, and well-colored. Avoid romaine Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% containers on the floor.
that appears wilted or has damaged Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
leaves. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Dried translucent leaves:
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% This is an indication of freeze damage.
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% To prevent freeze damage, do not store
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 4% romaine lettuce below 31 degrees F/
Sugars 0g -0.5 degrees C.
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 30%
Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Lettuce and Greens, Baby/Specialty
Availability Red Romaine – Oval-shaped leaves
with crunchy midribs; color ranges from
A major production area includes: green to bronze to deep red.

Ruby Red Leaf – Puckered leaves;

bright, cherry red color with some green
at the base of the leaves.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Sangria – Boston-type lettuce leaves
with red to pinkish blush.

Variety/Type Descriptions Tango – Deeply cut leaves resemble a

cross between endive and green leaf
Lettuce: lettuce; leaves are dark green.
Bronze leaf – Dark bronze ruffled
leaves. Greens:
Arugula – Smooth, small notched
Canasta – Blistered pale green leaves leaves with dark green color. Arugula
with vibrant rose-colored mottling. exhibits a delicate, peppery flavor.
Storing and Handling
Cocarde – Arrowhead-shaped, lobed Frisee – Feathery leaves that are pencil-
leaves; bronze color. thin and somewhat scraggly. Frisee is Temperature/humidity recommendation
ivory-yellow in color. for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Green Leaf – Long, curly, dark green 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
leaves. Mache – Small round leaves; deep 90-98% relative humidity
shiny green color. Leaf size ranges from
Green Oak – Deeply lobed, lime green 2 to 4 inches long and ¾ inch wide. Retail display tips:
leaves. Mache flavor is mild and nutty; texture Water sprinkle: Ok
is delicate. Top ice: No
Green Romaine – Crisp sweet leaves
with crunchy midribs. Mizuna – Notched, feathery leaves. Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Little Gem – Green leaves; appearance Red Mustard – Dark purple-red leaves Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
similar to a cross between romaine and with light green undersides. Red
butter lettuce. mustard flavor is spicy and somewhat Storing tips:
hot. Keep baby lettuce and greens away from
Lolla Rossa – Small round leaves with ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
ruffled edges; leaf color is red with Tatsoi – Thick, dark green, and spoon- rooms. Store away from strong drafts.
frosty green interior. Texture is soft. shaped leaves with white midribs. Tatsoi
flavor is similar to spicy cabbage. Handling tips:
Manoa – Ruffled, bright yellow-green Baby lettuce and greens should only be
leaves with crunchy, sweet flavor. lightly sprinkled to help maintain
Red Butter – Boston-type lettuce with Ordering Specifications freshness. Excessive water sprinkling
may promote breakdown of delicate
bright red color.
Common packaging: leaves. Follow good rotation practices;
Cartons holding 24 to 30 heads/ first shipments in should be used or
Red Iceberg – Round flat leaves with displayed first.
red to burgundy color and somewhat
leathery texture.
Red Leaf – Long curly leaves with red No U.S. grades given.
or bronze tips.

Red Oak Leaf – Narrow lobed leaves Receiving and Inspecting

resembling an oak leaf; dark red color.
Baby lettuce and greens should be clean
Red Perella – Crisp leaves with and fresh with well-colored leaves.
delicate flavor. Avoid product that appears wilted,
discolored, or decayed.

Produce Marketing Association
Lettuce and Greens, Baby/Specialty
Nutrition* Troubleshooting Leaf breakdown; deterioration:
Storing baby lettuce and greens in a
Arugula Russet/brown spotting: warm area may promote product
Serving Size 1 cup Arugula (20g) Baby lettuce and greens are sensitive to deterioration. Rough handling and
ethylene; exposure to the gas may cause excessive water sprinkling may also
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value russet or brown spotting. To prevent contribute to leaf breakdown. For best
Calories 5 damage from ethylene, keep baby quality, maintain storage temperature of
Calories from Fat 0 lettuce and greens away from ethylene- 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C. Handle
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% producing fruits and ripening rooms. lettuce and greens with care and water
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% sprinkle lightly.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Wilting:
Sodium 5mg .................................. 0% Baby lettuce and greens are susceptible Yellow or dried out, translucent leaves:
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% to wilting if stored in an area with low This is an indication of freeze damage.
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% humidity. Storing lettuce and greens in To prevent freeze damage, do not store
Sugars (Not Available) an area with high air circulation or baby lettuce and greens below 31
Protein 1g strong drafts may also promote wilting. degrees F/-0.5 degree C.
Vitamin A ...................................... 10% For best quality, keep lettuce and greens
Vitamin C ........................................ 6% cold, maintain a humidity level of 90-98%,
Calcium .......................................... 4% and keep away from drafts.
Iron ................................................. 2%

Serving Size 1 cup Manoa (56g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 10
Calories from Fat 0 Frisee
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0%
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 3%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Calcium .......................................... 2% Red Oak
Iron ................................................. 2% Leaf

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
Lolla Rosa
NOTE: Nutrition information for other
Specialty Lettuce/Greens is not available
in the data bases used by PMA.



Produce Marketing Association
Lo Bok
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Choose firm, smooth roots with a shiny
exterior appearance. Avoid roots with a
dull exterior appearance or those that
appear flabby or limp.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Imports Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Variety/Type Descriptions 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Lo Bok is also known as the Chinese
radish. They are a carrot-shaped Retail display tips:
vegetable whose texture is similar to the Water sprinkle: No
Japanese daikon. Some varieties have a Top ice: No
greenish tinge to the crown. Flavors Troubleshooting
vary: spring and summer radishes are Ethylene production/sensitivities:
hotter and have a less strong taste; fall Produces ethylene: No Flabby texture; flavor loss:
and winter radishes are milder in heat Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Lo bok is susceptible to losing moisture,
but deeper flavor. which may cause a loss of firm texture
and flavor. For best quality, keep lo bok
Nutrition cold and maintain a humidity level of
Ordering Specifications Nutrition information for Lo Bok is not
90-98% during storage. Do not store lo
bok for extended periods of time; use or
available in the data bases used by PMA. display soon after receiving.
Common packaging:
10- and 25-lb. bulk cartons or crates
Freeze injury:
Lo bok is susceptible to freeze injury if
stored below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.
No U.S. grades given.
For best quality, maintain storage
temperature of 32-36 degrees F/0-2
degrees C and a humidity level of 90-98%.

Produce Marketing Association
Lotus/Lily Root
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Keep refrigerated at 32-34 degrees F/
0-1 degree C
California 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene: No
The underwater root of the water lily or
lotus plant, lotus root can be up to 4 feet
long and looks like a solid-link chain in
Storing tips:
Fresh lotus root will last in the refrigerator
8” lengths, each link about 3” wide. Also
called ling gaw, lotus root has reddish-
for several days. Towards the end of the
fresh season (March from California)
brown skin over white flesh. Flavor is
shelf-life shortens to only a few days. Darkening skin:
like fresh coconut and jicima; texture is
Keep refrigerated at 32-34 degrees F/ Dark spots on skin, darker overall color,
crisp. When cut crosswise, root shows a
0-1 degrees C. and mold may indicate decay caused
symmetrical pattern of holes. Also
known as hasu no, leen ngua, and bhain. from age or from inconsistent
temperature during storage.
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup Lotus/Lily Root (85g)
Common packaging:
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Loose pack in 44-lb. boxes (from China),
Calories 50
primarily, and 10-lb. boxes
Calories from Fat 0
Loose pack in 55- to 62-lb. boxes (from
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 35mg ................................ 1%
Receiving and Inspecting Total Carbohydrate 15g .................. 5%
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
Look for firm roots with consistent color. Sugars 0g
Avoid rubbery roots or ones with soft Protein 2g
spots. Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 60%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 6%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Choose hard tubers with light-colored
skins. Avoid moldy, soft, or shriveled

• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Costa Rica
• • • • • • • • • • Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 85-95% relative humidity

Curved or club-shaped tuber with thin, Retail display tips:

shaggy brown skin and creamy, yellow Water sprinkle: No
or pinkish-colored flesh. Malanga flavor Top ice: No
is nutty and potato-like. Must be peeled
and cooked; may be used as a potato Ethylene production/sensitivities: Troubleshooting
substitute. Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Water soaked or soft spots;
The most common variety is white or accelerated decay:
malanga blanca. A less common variety These are indications of chill injury. To
is pink (malanga lila) and yellow
(malanga amarilla). All are based on
Nutrition prevent chill injury, do not store
malanga below 45 degrees F/
flesh color. Nutrition information for Malangas is 7 degrees C.
not available in the data bases used by
PMA. Decay:
Ordering Specifications Malanga may show signs of decay if
stored in a warm area with high
Common packaging: humidity. For best quality, store malanga
Bulk cartons or crates at 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C with
Plastic woven or burlap sacks a humidity level of 85-95%.

No U.S. grades given.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Porcini – Thick beige stem with large
white to red-brown cap and nutty flavor.
Some major production areas include: Porcini mushrooms should be cooked.

Portabella – Large, heartier version of

the Agaricus and Crimini with meat-like
flavor and substantial texture.
California Portabellas are generally cooked.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Illinois Shiitake (Oak, Chinese or Black
• • • • • • • • • • • • Forest) – Broad, umbrella-shaped caps
Pennsylvania with wide open veils and tan gills.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Shiitakes exhibit a rich, woodsy flavor;
texture becomes meaty when cooked.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Shiitakes are best when cooked.

Woodear – Brown mushroom with

floppy cap and short stem. Mild yet rich
Variety/Type Descriptions flavor. Woodears are best when cooked.
Agaricus (White) – The most widely 1 pound white mushrooms = 6 cups raw
available variety. Ranges in size from sliced
small to jumbo and in color from creamy Ordering Specifications 1 pound white mushrooms = 3¾ cups
white to light brown. Exhibits a mild, raw chopped
woodsy flavor when raw; flavor Common packaging: 1 pound white mushrooms = 2½ cups
intensifies when cooked. Mature agaricus Agaricus/Crimini: 5- and 10-lb. cooked sliced
(open veils and darker caps) exhibit a containers 1 pound white mushrooms = 2 cups
richer flavor. May be used raw or cooked. Enoki: Cases holding 12 to 24 bags cooked diced
(3- to 5-oz. each)
Chanterelle – Trumpet-like shape Shiitake: 3- and 5-lb. containers
with golden to yellow-orange color and Portabella: 5-lb. containers
rich, meaty, and slightly almond-like Oyster: 3-, 4-, and 5-lb. containers Receiving and Inspecting
flavor. Chanterelle mushrooms should
Mushrooms should have a fresh, well-
be cooked. Grades:
shaped appearance, firm texture, and be
U.S. No. 1
free of spots. Size and color do not affect
Crimini (Italian Brown) – Similar in U.S. No. 2
quality. Open veils are not a sign of poor
appearance to Agaricus. Naturally dark
quality. Open veils on certain varieties
cap ranges in color from light tan to NOTE: Not all mushrooms are graded.
such as Agaricus simply indicate a more
brown. Flavor is deeper, denser, and Ungraded mushrooms are called
mature mushroom with a richer and
more earthy than Agaricus. May be used “unclassified.” Differences between
deeper taste. Avoid mushrooms that
raw or cooked. grades are based primarily on external
show signs of deterioration, mold, or
that appear slimy.
Enoki – Fragile, flower-like mushroom
that grows in clusters. Characterized by Sizes:
long, slender stems and tiny creamy white (Agaricus/White):
caps. Enoki mushrooms exhibit a mild Small – up to 1¼”
flavor and slightly crunchy texture. Enoki Medium – 1¼” to 1¾”
mushrooms are best when served raw. Large – 1¾” and over

Morel – Thick, short stem with sponge- Counts per pound:

like cap. Morels exhibit a dark brown (Agaricus/White):
color and rich, meaty flavor. Morels Small – approximately 89
should be cooked. Medium – approximately 43
Large – approximately 23
Oyster – Short-stemmed with large
fluted cap that ranges in color from
brown to gray. Oyster mushrooms
exhibit a mild flavor when cooked.
Texture is delicate and velvety. May be
used raw or cooked.

Produce Marketing Association
Storing and Handling Crimini**
Serving Size 1 each Mushroom,
Serving Size (cups unknown)
Temperature/humidity recommendation Crimini (14g) Mushroom, Portabella (84g)
for short-term storage of 7 days or less: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C Calories 5 Calories 20
90-98% relative humidity Calories from Fat 0 Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Retail display tips: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Water sprinkle: No Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Top ice: No Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Produces ethylene: No Sugars 0g Sugars 2g
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Protein 0g Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Storing tips: Vitamin C ........................................ 0% Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Store mushrooms in original containers; Calcium .......................................... 0% Calcium .......................................... 0%
do not store in plastic bags. Keep fresh Iron ................................................. 0% Iron ................................................. 2%
mushrooms away from foods with
strong odors.
Enoki** Shiitake**
Handling tips: Serving Size 1 each Mushroom, Serving Size (cups unknown)
Handle fresh mushrooms with care to Enoki (3g) Mushroom, Shiitake (84g)
avoid bruising.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 0 Calories 30
Calories from Fat 0 Calories from Fat 0
Nutrition Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Agaricus* Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Serving Size 5 medium Mushroom, Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Sodium 20mg ................................ 1%
Agaricus (84g) Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 4%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Sugars (Not Available) Sugars 1g
Calories 20
Protein 0g Protein 2g
Calories from Fat 0
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 0% Vitamin C ........................................ 4%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Calcium .......................................... 0% Calcium .......................................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Iron ................................................. 0% Iron ................................................. 8%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Sugars 0g
Serving Size 1 each Mushroom,
Protein 3g
Oyster (15g)
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 2% Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calcium .......................................... 0% Calories 5
Iron ................................................. 2% Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
*Based on information published by FDA.
Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available)
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0%
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 2%

Produce Marketing Association
Serving Size (cups unknown)
Mushroom, Woodear (84g) Dark spotting; slimy texture:
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value These are all indications of improper
Calories 20 storage conditions. For best quality,
Calories from Fat 0 maintain storage temperature of 32-36
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% degrees F/0-2 degrees C. Do not sprinkle
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% mushrooms with water or place in
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% plastic bags.
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1% Dehydration; general deterioration:
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 4% Fresh mushrooms may exhibit
Sugars 1g dehydration or general deterioration if
Protein 2g they are stored in an area with low
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% humidity. For best quality, maintain
Vitamin C ........................................ 4% humidity level of 90-98%.
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 6% Bruising:
Rough handling may cause bruising of
**These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They mushrooms. Keep handling to a
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of minimum. Do not stack heavy produce
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action, on top of fresh mushrooms.
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.






Crimini (Italian Brown)

Agaricus (White)

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality napa should exhibit well-
shaped heads with fresh-looking leaves,
be fairly even-colored, and heavy for its
size. Avoid wilted or discolored product.
• • • •
California Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
New York 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Texas Retail display tips:
• • • • • • Water sprinkle: Ok
Canada Top ice: No
• • • • • • • • Troubleshooting
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No Water-soaked or soft spots:
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes These are indications of freeze damage.
To prevent freeze damage, do not store
Also called Chinese cabbage. Oblong Storing tips: napa below 31 degrees F/-0.5 degrees C.
head with tightly packed, pale green to Keep napa away from ethylene-
white crinkled leaves. Napa’s mild flavor producing fruits and ripening rooms. Wilting:
is similar to a cross between cabbage, Napa is susceptible to moisture loss if
iceberg lettuce, and celery. Texture is stored in an area with low humidity. For
tender-crisp. Napa may be used cooked
or uncooked.
Nutrition* best quality, keep napa cold and
maintain a humidity level of 90-98%.
Serving Size 1 cup chopped Keep napa away from strong drafts.
Napa/Pe-Tsai (76g)
Ordering Specifications Yellowing; separation of leaves:
Napa is sensitive to ethylene and may be
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Common packaging: Calories 10 damaged by the gas. To maintain good
Bulk cartons and crates of various Calories from Fat 0 quality, keep napa away from ethylene-
weights. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Grades: Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
No U.S. grades given. Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ...................................... 20%
Vitamin C ...................................... 35%
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
NOTE: Some major production areas
Top ice: No
include California, Florida, and Mexico.
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Slightly curved, carrot-shaped pod with Storing tips:

shallow ridges and fuzzy, green exterior. Okra is very perishable; use or display
Pods range in size from 2-7 inches. soon after receiving. Keep okra away
from ethylene-producing fruits and
ripening rooms.
Ordering Specifications Pitting; discoloration; water-soaked
Handling tips: spots; decay:
Common packaging: Handle okra with care to avoid bruising. These are indications of chill injury. To
Bushel baskets, crates, cartons, and prevent chill injury, do not store okra
hampers of various weights below 45 degrees F/7 degrees C.

Yellow discoloration; tough texture;
U.S. No. 1 Serving Size 1 cup Okra (100g) rapid decay:
Storing okra at high temperatures may
NOTE: Not all okra is graded. Ungraded Amount Per Serving % Daily Value cause rapid deterioration and
okra is called “unclassified.” Calories 35 discoloration. For best quality, maintain
Calories from Fat 0 short-term storage temperature of 45-50
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% degrees F/7-10 degrees C. Use or display
Receiving and Inspecting Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% okra soon after receiving.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Good quality okra pods should be clean, Sodium 10mg ................................. 0% Shriveling:
fresh-looking, tender, and well-shaped. Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3% Exposing okra to low humidity will
Avoid misshapen or decayed pods. Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 13% cause product shriveling. For best
Sugars 2g quality, maintain humidity level of 85-
Protein 2g 95%.
Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
Vitamin C ...................................... 35% Black discoloration:
Calcium .......................................... 8% Okra is very susceptible to bruising and
Iron ................................................. 4% will turn black. For best quality, keep
handling to a minimum; do not drop
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases shipping containers on the floor.
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company Yellowing; loss of green color:
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the Okra is sensitive to ethylene; exposure to
marketing of specific products.
the gas may cause yellowing and loss of
green color. Keep okra away from
ethylene-producing fruits and ripening

Produce Marketing Association
Onions, Dry
Availability Variety/Type Description
Some major production areas include: Dry onions are typically divided into two

Storage – Generally available August –

March. Characterized by multiple layers
• • of thick, dark skin, intense flavor, and
higher percentage of solids. Storage
California onions may be red, white, or yellow in
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • •
Spring/Summer – Generally available
Georgia April – August. Characterized by thin,
• • • light-colored skin and a sweet, mild flavor
Hawaii due to a higher water and sugar content.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Because of their thin skins, spring/
Idaho/Eastern Oregon summer onions are more susceptible to
• • • • • • • • • bruising. Spring/summer onions may be
Illinois red, white, or yellow in color. Storing and Handling
• • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Indiana for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
• • • • • • • Ordering Specifications 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
Iowa 85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • Common packaging:
Michigan 40- and 50-lb. cartons Retail display tips:
• • • • • • • 5-, 10-, 25-, and 50-lb. bags Water sprinkle: No
Minnesota Top ice: No
U.S. No. 1 Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Nevada U.S. Combination
• • • • • • • Produces ethylene: No
U.S. No. 2 Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
New Mexico
• • • • • • •
NOTE: Not all onions are graded.
New York
Storing tips:
Ungraded onions are called
• • • • • • • • • • For extended storage, hold dry onions at
“unclassified.” Differences between
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.
Ohio grades are based primarily on external
• • • • • • • • • Maintain good air ventilation during
storage; keep onions out of direct
Oregon sunlight. Store dry onions away from
• • • • • • • • • Sizes: foods that absorb odors.
Texas Colossal
• • • • • • Jumbo
Handling tips:
Utah Large
Handle onions with care to prevent
• • • • • • • • Medium
bruising or decay. Spring/summer
Washington onions are especially susceptible to
• • • • • • • • • • • • Small
bruising due to high water and sugar
Wisconsin content.

Receiving and Inspecting

Good quality dry onions should be firm
and hard with short, tight necks and dry
papery skins. Slightly loose outer skin is
common and should not affect quality.
Avoid onions that show mold, decay, or

Produce Marketing Association
Onions, Dry
Nutrition Yellow Onion**
Serving Size 1 medium whole Onion,
Onion* Yellow (110g)
Serving Size 1 medium whole Onion (148g) Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories 40
Calories 60 Calories from Fat 0
Calories from Fat 0 Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Sodium 5mg .................................. 0% Total Carbohydrate 9g .................... 3%
Total Carbohydrate 14g .................. 5% Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
Dietary Fiber 3g ........................ 12% Sugars 7g
Sugars 9g Protein 1g
Protein 2g Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Vitamin C ...................................... 20% Calcium .......................................... 2%
Calcium .......................................... 4% Iron ................................................. 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%
**These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
*Based on information published by FDA. developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Red Onion** marketing of specific products.
Serving Size 1 medium whole Onion,
Red (110g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Troubleshooting
Calories 40
Calories from Fat 0
Sprouting; decay; mold:
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Dry onions may show signs of sprouting,
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% decay, or mold if they are stored at high
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% temperatures or high humidity. To
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% maintain quality, keep short-term
Total Carbohydrate 9g .................... 3% storage temperature of 60-65 degrees F/
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8% 16-18 degrees C and a humidity level of
Sugars 7g 85-95%. Be sure onions are stored in a
Protein 1g well-ventilated area. For extended
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% storage (longer than 7 days), hold
Vitamin C ...................................... 10% onions at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Calcium .......................................... 2% and 60-65% relative humidity.
Iron ................................................. 2%
Water-soaked spots:
This is an indication of freeze damage.
White Onion** To prevent freezing injury, do not store
Serving Size 1 medium whole Onion, dry onions below 30 degrees F/-1
White (110g) degree C.

Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Green spots:

Calories 40 Dry onions may develop green spots if
Calories from Fat 0 they are exposed to sunlight. For best
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% quality, keep onions in a dark area out of
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% sunlight.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Bruising:
Total Carbohydrate 9g .................... 3% Rough handling may cause bruising,
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8% especially with spring/summer onions.
Sugars 7g To prevent bruising, keep handling to a
Protein 1g minimum; do not drop shipping
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% containers on the floor.
Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%
Produce Marketing Association
Onions, Green
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for green onions that are crisp with
fresh, tender green tops and slightly
bulbed white ends. Avoid onions with
discolored, decaying, or wilted tops.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
New Jersey Storing and Handling
• • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • • • • • • for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
Green onions are harvested while bulbs
Top ice: No
are small and white and tops are green.
They are generally not sold by variety. Troubleshooting
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No Yellow or decayed tops:
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Storing green onions at high
Ordering Specifications temperatures may cause tops to decay or
Storing tips: turn yellow. Exposure to ethylene gas
Common packaging: Keep green onions separated from foods may also cause yellowing and decay. For
10- to 30-lb. cartons holding 12, 24, 35, that absorb odors. Green onions are very best quality, maintain storage temperature
or 48 bunches perishable; do not store for long periods of 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C; do not
of time. Keep green onions separated store green onions near ethylene-
Iceless green onions: 2 x 24 bunches, 4 x from ethylene-producing fruits and producing fruits or ripening rooms.
12 bunches, 4 x 2 lb. loose, 48-count ripening rooms.
bunch liner General deterioration:
Green onions are very perishable; do not
U.S. No. 1 Nutrition* store for long periods of time.

U.S. No. 2
Serving Size ¼ cup chopped Onion,
Green (25g)
NOTE: Not all green onions are graded.
Ungraded green onions are called
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
“unclassified.” Differences between
Calories 10
grades are based primarily on external
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Sugars 1g
Protein 0g
Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the

Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing
of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Parsley Root
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Look for firm, creamy-beige roots topped
with leaves of fresh, green appearance.
Avoid product that is yellowing or
• • • • • • • • •
Texas Storing and Handling
• • • • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Variety/Type Descriptions 90-98% relative humidity

Resembles a small parsnip with feathery, Retail display tips:

green leaves. Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Ordering Specifications Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: Yes–very low Serving Size 1 cup Parsley Root (129g)
Common packaging: Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes–low
Bulk Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
12-count Storing tips: Calories 15
Keep refrigerated. Calories from Fat 5
Total Fat 1g .................................... 1%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 105mg .............................. 4%
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6%
Sugars 0g
Protein 3g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 0%
Calcium .......................................... 0%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
White, smooth-skinned root with carrot-
like shape; ranges in length from 5-10 Ethylene production/sensitivities:
inches. Parsnips are generally available Produces ethylene: No
trimmed. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Storing tips:
Ordering Specifications Keep parsnips away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Common packaging:
25-lb. ½-bushel cartons or crates
12-lb. cartons holding 12 1-lb. bags
20-lb. sacks
Nutrition* Decay; brown discoloration:
Parsnips may discolor and begin to
Serving Size 1 cup Parsnips (133g) decay if they are stored in warm areas.
Grades: For best quality, store parsnips at 32-36
U.S. No. 1 Amount Per Serving % Daily Value degrees F/0-2 degrees C.
U.S. No. 2 Calories 100
Calories from Fat 0 Loss of weight or crisp texture; color loss:
Differences between grades are based Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Parsnips may become limp, lose weight,
primarily on external appearance. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% or lose color if they are stored in an area
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% with low humidity. For best quality,
NOTE: Not all parsnips are graded. Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% maintain humidity level of 90-98%
Ungraded parsnips are called Total Carbohydrate 24g .................. 8% during storage.
“unclassified.” Dietary Fiber 7g ........................ 26%
Sugars 6g Bitter flavor:
Protein 2g Parsnips may develop a bitter flavor if
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 40%
exposed to ethylene gas. For best quality,
keep parsnips away from ethylene-
Choose parsnips that are clean, firm, Calcium .......................................... 4% producing fruits and ripening rooms.
and have smooth white skins. Parsnip Iron ................................................. 4%
tops should be well trimmed. Avoid
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
misshapen parsnips or those that exhibit have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
growth cracks, bruises, cuts, or developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
discoloration. such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Peas, Snap/Snow
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Pods of all types should exhibit good
green coloring with a soft, velvety touch.
Green peas should have well-filled pods
with large, round peas inside. Snap and
snow peas should exhibit firm pods.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Snap peas may be slightly darker and
smaller than snow peas.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Snow Pea
NOTE: Other major production areas Temperature/humidity recommendation
include New York, Oregon, and Wisconsin. for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity Snow Peas
Serving Size 1 cup Peas, Snow (63g)
Variety/Type Descriptions Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Snow – Most commonly available fresh Calories 25
pea. Flat green pods with small, Top ice: No
Calories from Fat 0
immature peas inside. Pods are edible Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
and may be eaten fresh or cooked. De- Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
stringing pods is not necessary. Produces ethylene: No
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Green – Large, bright green pods that Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
bulge away from round, mature peas Storing tips: Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
inside. Only peas are edible. Fresh green Keep peas away from ethylene- Sugars 3g
peas must be cooked. producing fruits and ripening rooms. Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
Snap – Similar in appearance to green Vitamin C ...................................... 60%
peas, but slightly smaller in size. Pods
are edible but should be destringed.
Nutrition* Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 8%
Snap peas may be eaten fresh or cooked. Green Peas
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They have been
Serving Size 1 cup Peas, Green (145g) obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases developed by PMA
and its members. While PMA believes use of non–FDA-approved

Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result can
never be assured. Consultation with company counsel is suggested before
Calories 120 the data is used in conjunction with the marketing of specific products.
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 5
30-lb. crates, bushel crates, and 1-1/9- Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
bushel crates Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
10-lb. cartons
Sodium 5mg .................................. 0% Shriveling; wilting:
Grades: Total Carbohydrate 21g .................. 7% Peas may shrivel or wilt if stored in an
U.S. No. 1 Dietary Fiber 7g ........................ 30% area with low humidity. For best quality,
U.S. Fancy Sugars 8g maintain a humidity level of 90-98%.
Protein 8g
Differences between grades are based Vitamin A ...................................... 20% Loss of flavor:
primarily on external appearance. Vitamin C .................................... 100% Storing peas at high temperatures may
Calcium .......................................... 4% cause a decrease in sugar content and loss
NOTE: Not all peas are graded. Iron ............................................... 10% of flavor. To prevent loss of flavor, store
Ungraded peas are called “unclassified.” peas at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.

NOTE: Shelled peas are more perishable

than peas in pods.

Exposure to ethylene gas may cause peas
Snap Pea
to lose their green color. To prevent
yellowing, keep peas away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Produce Marketing Association
Peppers, Chili
Availability Hungarian Wax – A large yellow chili,
3-5” long and up to 1½” wide, these
Some major production areas include: peppers are mild to medium-hot. Similar
in appearance to, but hotter than
banana chilies.

Jalapeno – Small, pointed pepper that

California ranges in color from bright green to
• • • • • • • • • • • • greenish-black. These peppers are
Mexico extremely hot and should be used
• • • • • • • • • • • • sparingly. May be chopped and used in
cooked or uncooked dishes.

Variety/Type Descriptions Pasilla – These peppers are the dried

form of chilaca chilies; although fresh
Many varieties of chili peppers are chilacas are also sometimes called
available for commercial use. These pasillas. They are 5-6” long and 1-1½”
include: wide. Rich flavored and medium hot, it
is traditional in mole sauce. Pasillas
Anaheim – Long, green tapered pods. (dried) are dark raisin brown. Fresh, Receiving and Inspecting
Flavor ranges from mildly pungent to ripe pasillas are dark brown.
hot, depending on the growing region. Generally speaking, chili peppers should
May be used whole, stuffed with cheese Poblano – May also be mistakenly be smooth, shiny, well colored, and firm.
or meat, or chopped up and used in called Pasilla in some markets. Avoid peppers that appear shriveled or
salsas, salad dressings, and tomato- Elongated bell pepper shape with decayed. Dry lines or striations across
based dishes. pointed end; dark green, shiny color. the skin indicate a hotter pepper. These
These peppers exhibit a mild to medium- lines are not an indication of poor
Banana – Sweet and mild, these hot flavor and may be used whole for quality.
peppers are long, yellow, and juicy. stuffing.
Sometimes called yellow wax peppers,
banana peppers should not be confused
with Hungarian wax peppers, a hotter
Serrano (green and red) – Small,
tapering pepper; very hot; may be used
Storing and Handling
chili. in sauces, relishes, and Mexican-style Temperature/humidity recommendation
dishes. for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Cherry Hot Pepper – Round pepper 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
with scarlet to deep red color. Medium- Yellow – There are many varieties of 85-95% relative humidity
sweet flavor with heat level ranging yellow chili peppers. These peppers vary Pasilla: 55-60 degrees F/
from mild to medium. These peppers are in degree of hotness, depending on 13-16 degrees C
often pickled. May also be used fresh in specific variety. May be chopped and
salads, salsas, and cooked dishes. used fresh in cooked and uncooked
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Cubanelle – Sweet and mild, these Top ice: No
peppers look like elongated bell peppers. Other varieties include Jalapeno Staffin,
Usually pale to medium yellow, Red Cayenne, Red Hot, and Thai.
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Cubanelles are harvested before they are
Produces ethylene: No
fully ripe and red.
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Fresno (red and green) – Small,
Ordering Specifications
Storing tips:
gradually tapering pod with medium- Common packaging: Keep chili peppers away from ethylene-
thick flesh. These peppers are very hot. 8- to 10-lb. bulk cartons producing fruits, ripening rooms, and
Red peppers may be sweeter in flavor Prepackaged containers strong drafts.
than green. Fresh Fresno chilies may be
chopped and used in cooked and Grades:
uncooked dishes. No U.S. grades given.
Habanero (red, green, and
orange) – Small pepper that ranges in
shape from that of a bell pepper to
teardrop-shaped. These peppers are
extremely hot and should be used
sparingly. May be used in hot Mexican
and Sichuan Chinese dishes.
Produce Marketing Association
Peppers, Chili
Nutrition* Serrano
Serving Size 1 each Pepper, Serrano (6g)
Banana Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Discoloration:
Serving Size 1 each Pepper, Banana (46g) Calories 0 Chili peppers are sensitive to ethylene;
Calories from Fat 0 exposure to the gas will cause a color
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% change in the peppers. For best quality,
Calories 10
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% store chili peppers away from ethylene-
Calories from Fat 0
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0% Pitting; accelerated decay:
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% These are indications of chill injury. To
Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Sugars (Not Available) prevent chill injury, most chilies should
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Protein 0g not be stored below 45 degrees F/
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6%
Vitamin A ........................................ 2% 7 degrees C.
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 1g Vitamin C ........................................ 4%
Calcium .......................................... 0% Shriveling:
Vitamin A ........................................ 4%
Iron ................................................. 0% Chili peppers may shrivel if exposed to
Vitamin C ...................................... 60%
strong drafts. For best quality, store
Calcium .......................................... 0%
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They peppers away from areas with drafts or
Iron ................................................. 2% have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of high air circulation.
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
Hungarian counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
Serving Size 1 each Pepper, Hungarian (27g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Green
Calories 10 Red Habanero
Calories from Fat 0 Fresno
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Green
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Fresno
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber (Not Available) Red
Sugars (Not Available) Habanero
Protein 0g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 40%
Calcium .......................................... 0% Anaheim
Iron ................................................. 0%

Serving Size 1 each Pepper, Jalapeno (14g) Red
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Hot
Calories 5
Calories from Fat 0 Green
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Serrano
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Jalapeno
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Red
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% Serrano
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 0g Jalapeno
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% Staffin
Vitamin C ...................................... 10% Red
Calcium .......................................... 0% Thai
Iron ................................................. 0% Red Hot

Produce Marketing Association
Peppers, Sweet
Availability Sizes:
Some major production areas include: Medium
Extra Large/Jumbo

• • • • • • • Receiving and Inspecting
Florida Good quality sweet peppers should be
• • • • • • • • •
firm, fresh-looking, and brightly
Georgia colored. Avoid peppers that appear
• • • shriveled, dull-looking, or pitted.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
Variety/Type Descriptions Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less: Red Pepper**
Sweet peppers, also called bell peppers, 45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C Serving Size 1 medium Pepper, Red (119g)
are generally sold by color. All sweet 85-95% relative humidity
peppers are green at the immature state. Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
As the peppers mature, they turn color. Retail display tips: Calories 30
The most predominant color for a Water sprinkle: No Calories from Fat 0
mature sweet pepper is red, although Top ice: No Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
other colors available include gold, Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
purple, orange, and brown. All sweet Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
peppers are characterized by their bright Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Produces ethylene: No
skin color and fairly sweet flavor. Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3%
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Because the sugar content increases as a Dietary Fiber 2g ........................ 10%
sweet pepper matures, colored peppers Sugars 3g
tend to be sweeter than green peppers. Protein 1g
Nutrition Vitamin A .................................... 140%
Vitamin C .................................... 380%
Bell Pepper*
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 medium Pepper, Bell (148g)
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 4%
Common packaging: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value **These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
15- to 35-lb. bushel cartons or crates Calories 30 have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
Calories from Fat 0 non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
Grades: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
U.S. Fancy counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% marketing of specific products.
U.S. No. 1 Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
U.S. No. 2 Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
NOTE: Not all sweet peppers are graded.
Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8%
Ungraded peppers are called “unclassified.” Sugars 4g
Differences between grades are based Pitting; decay; darkening of seeds:
Protein 1g These are indications of chill injury. To
primarily on external appearance. Vitamin A ........................................ 8% prevent chill injury, do not store sweet
Vitamin C .................................... 190% peppers below 42 degrees F/
Calcium .......................................... 2% 6 degrees C.
Iron ................................................. 2%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Mechanical damage caused by rough
handling can result in bruised product.
For best quality, handle sweet peppers
with care; do not drop shipping
containers on the floor.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Ordering Specifications
Common packaging:
100-lb. sacks
Russet 50-lb. cartons or sacks
• • • • • • • • • • • • 5- and 10-lb. bags
Round Red
• • • • • • • • • • • • Grades:
Round White U.S. Extra No. 1
• • • • • • • • • • • • U.S. No. 1
U.S. Commercial
Long White
• • • • • • U.S. No. 2

Yellow Flesh NOTE: Not all potatoes are graded.

• • • •
Ungraded potatoes are called
NOTE: Some major production areas “unclassified.” Differences between
include California, Colorado, Idaho, grades are based primarily on external
Maine, North Dakota, Oregon, appearance.
Washington, and Wisconsin.
Sizes: Storing and Handling
A – 17/8 inch and larger
Temperature/humidity recommendation
(40% of size A potatoes are over
Variety/Type Descriptions 2½ inches or 6 ounces)
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
B – 1½ – 2¼ inches
Russet – Most widely used variety. 85-95% relative humidity
(may be called new potatoes)
Oblong shape with netted brown skin
Baby – 1½ inch and smaller (usually
and white flesh. Good choice for baking,
packed in pint baskets or tubs)
Retail display tips:
roasting, mashing, and frying. Water sprinkle: No
Consumer Packs – 17/8 inches or
4-ounce minimum (packed in bags) Top ice: No
Long White – Oval shape with thin,
light tan skin and firm, waxy texture. Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Carton Counts (based on 50-pound carton):
Good choice for boiling, salads, stews, Produces ethylene: No
soups, and roasting. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Count # of potatoes Average weight
Size in carton of potato
Round Red – Round shape with Storing tips:
50 49-52 16.0 oz.
smooth, light red skin, creamy white Store potatoes in a dark, well-ventilated
60 58-60 13.0 oz.
flesh, and firm, waxy texture. Good area. Keep away from ethylene-
70 66-72 11.5 oz.
choice for potato salads, roasting, producing fruits and ripening rooms.
80 78-82 10.0 oz.
boiling, and frying.
90 90-95 9.0 oz.
100 100-105 8.0 oz.
Round White – Round shape with
110 108-115 7.3 oz.
smooth, light tan skin and waxy texture.
120 118-130 6.5 oz.
Good choice for salads, roasting,
mashing, and steaming.

Yellow Flesh – Round to oval shape Receiving and Inspecting

with buttery flavor. Good choice for
baking, mashing, and roasting. All potato varieties should be uniformly
sized, fairly clean, firm, and smooth.
NOTE: Specialty types are also available Avoid potatoes with wrinkled skins, soft
in more limited supplies. One type is dark spots, cut surfaces, or green
blue/purple potatoes which range in appearance.
color from dark blue or lavender to
white and have a nutty flavor. These
potatoes are best prepared in the
microwave to preserve the color.

Produce Marketing Association
Nutrition* Troubleshooting
Serving Size 1 medium Potato (148g) Shriveling; sprouting; decay:
Potatoes may begin to decay, shrivel, or
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value sprout if they are stored at high
Calories 40 temperatures. Low air circulation can
Calories from Fat 0 also promote decay. Store potatoes at
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C;
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% maintain adequate air circulation. For
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% long-term storage (beyond 7 days), hold
Sodium 10mg ................................. 0% potatoes at 45-50 degrees F/7-10
Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2% degrees C.
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16%
Sugars 2g Sweet flavor; flesh darkens when cooked:
Protein 3g These are indications of chill injury.
Vitamin A ........................................ 0% (Cold temperatures cause potato starch
Vitamin C ...................................... 40% to convert to sugar which results in a
Calcium .......................................... 2% sweet flavor.) To prevent chill injury, do
Iron ................................................. 8% not store potatoes below 42 degrees F/
6 degrees C.
*These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result Green-tinged skin:
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing Potatoes may turn green if they are
of specific products. exposed to light. Store potatoes in a dark
area for best quality.


Long White

Round Red

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
• • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
• • • Top ice: No

Maryland Ethylene production/sensitivities:

• •
Produces ethylene: No
Michigan Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
• • •
Missouri Storing tips:
• • Keep pumpkins away from ethylene-
Pennsylvania producing fruits and ripening rooms.
• • • For long-term storage (more than 7
days), reduce humidity level to 65-70%.
• • • Maintain adequate air circulation during Decay:
storage. Pumpkins are susceptible to chill injury
• • and will decay if stored at low
temperatures. Often the decay will not
Nutrition* be apparent until after pumpkins are
Variety/Type Descriptions Serving Size 1 cup Pumpkin cubes (116g)
removed from storage. To prevent chill
injury, do not store pumpkins below 50
Depending on variety, pumpkins range degrees F/10 degrees C. High humidity
in shape and size from tiny and squat to Amount Per Serving % Daily Value may also promote decay. For short-term
large and round. Weights range from Calories 30 storage of 7 days or less, store pumpkins
less than 1 lb. to 25 lbs. each. Although Calories from Fat 0 at 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
most pumpkins are used for decorative Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% with a humidity level of 85-95%. For
purposes, the pulp may be cooked like Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% longer storage, reduce humidity level to
hard-shell squash and used for pies. Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% 65-70%.
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3% Weight loss; pulp deterioration:
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 2% Storing pumpkins in an area with very
Ordering Specifications Sugars 5g low humidity may cause weight loss or
Protein 1g pulp deterioration. For best quality, keep
Common packaging: Vitamin A ...................................... 35% humidity level at 65-70% for long-term
25-lb. ½-bushel cartons or crates Vitamin C ...................................... 15% storage and 85-95% for short-term
50-lb. cartons, crates or sacks Calcium .......................................... 2% storage.
Bulk bins Iron ................................................. 6%
Flesh softening:
Grades: *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
Pumpkins are sensitive to ethylene;
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
U.S. No. 1 developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of exposure to the gas may cause softening
U.S. No. 2 non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
of the flesh. For best quality, keep
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the pumpkins away from ethylene-
Differences between grades are based marketing of specific products.
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
primarily on external appearance.

Receiving and Inspecting

Choose clean, well-shaped pumpkins
with no cracks in the rind. Avoid
pumpkins with soft spots or decay.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98 % relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Compact head consisting of maroon-red
leaves. Radicchio shape is similar to that
Storing tips: Troubleshooting
Keep radicchio away from ethylene-
of a Brussels sprout. Leaves turn from Loss of maroon-red color:
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
bright green to deep maroon-red as the
Store radicchio in a dark area away from Radicchio may lose its color if exposed
radicchio plant matures and growing
light. to sunlight. For best quality, store
temperatures become colder. Radicchio
radicchio in a dark area away from
flavor is distinct and slightly bittersweet.
direct sunlight.
May be used raw in salads.
Nutrition* Loss of leaves; decrease in color
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 10 Radicchio leaves (80g)
Exposure to ethylene may cause
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value radicchio leaves to fall off and lose their
Common packaging: intense maroon color. To maintain good
Calories 20
7-lb. cartons or lugs quality, keep radicchio away from
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
Grades: rooms.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
No U.S. grades given.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 20mg ................................ 1% Water-soaked appearance; sloughing
Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1% off of the outer leaf tissue:
Receiving and Inspecting Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 3% These are indications of freeze injury. To
Sugars (Not Available) prevent freeze injury, do not store
Choose radicchio with well-shaped Protein 1g radicchio below 31 degrees F/
heads and compact leaves. Leaves Vitamin A ........................................ 0% -0.5 degrees C.
should be dark maroon-red with white Vitamin C ...................................... 10%
veins. Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality radishes should be bright
in color with firm, well-formed roots
and crisp, white flesh. Attached tops
should be green and fresh. Avoid
radishes that appear dry, wilted, spongy,
• • • • • • • • • • • • rough-skinned, or with external
• • • • • • •
• • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Variety/Type Descriptions 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Red Globe – Most predominant type
sold commercially. Round shape, bright
red color with crisp white flesh.
Retail display tips: Troubleshooting
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No Top or root growth; softening:
Black – These radishes resemble
turnips in shape and texture of flesh. Storing radishes at high temperatures
The flavor is pungent, slightly turnip- Ethylene production/sensitivities: may promote top or root growth and
like. Black skin covers crisp white flesh. Produces ethylene: No softening. For best quality, store radishes
Also called winter radish. Sensitive to ethylene: Yes at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C with a
humidity level of 90-98%.
Daikon – See individual commodity. Storing tips:
Store radishes away from ethylene- Pithy or spongy texture:
White – Round shape, white color with producing fruits and ripening rooms. This is an indication of age. Always
crisp white flesh. Bunched radishes are more perishable inspect radishes carefully upon arrival to
because the green tops tend to break ensure good quality product. Do not
down faster than the actual root. hold radishes for long periods of time.

Ordering Specifications Yellowing tops:

Common packaging: Nutrition* Exposure to ethylene may promote
yellowing of green tops. To prevent
15- to 35-lb. cartons or crates holding
Serving Size 7 Radishes (85g) yellowing, keep bunched radishes away
24 or 48 bunches
from ethylene-producing fruits and
25- to 40-lb. bulk bags (topped)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value ripening rooms.
Cartons holding 6-oz., 8-oz., 1-lb., and
5-lb. bags (topped) Calories 15
10-lb. bulk packages Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Grades: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
U.S. No. 1
Sodium 25mg ................................ 1%
U.S. Commercial
Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
NOTE: Differences between grades are
Sugars 2g
based primarily on external appearance.
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 30%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*Based on information published by FDA.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Rhubarb stalks should be straight, firm,
and smooth. Avoid limp or discolored
Field Fresh rhubarb. Hothouse rhubarb will have a
• • • • • • yellow leaf tip. Field fresh leaf tip is green.
• • • •
NOTE: Some major production areas Storing and Handling
include Washington, Oregon, Michigan,
and California. Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions
Retail display tips:
Field Fresh Rhubarb (field
Water sprinkle: No
grown) – Long, straight, smooth stalks;
Top ice: No
dark red to greenish-red in color. When
cooked, cherry rhubarb exhibits a Troubleshooting
slightly stringy but tender texture and
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
tart flavor. Only rhubarb stalks are Produces ethylene: No Mold:
edible; remove and discard leaves before Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Rhubarb may become moldy if it is
using. Cherry rhubarb must be cooked stored in a warm area with low air
and is most often used like a fruit in pies, Storing tips: circulation. For best quality, store
preserves, and sauces. Maintain adequate air circulation during rhubarb at 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees
storage. C and maintain adequate air circulation.
Hothouse Rhubarb (greenhouse
grown) – Long, straight, smooth stalks; Handling tips: Loss of firm texture:
bright red to pink color with satin-like Do not trim rhubarb during storage or Rhubarb may become limp if it is stored
sheen. Flavor of strawberry rhubarb is display. Trimming may cause product to in an area with low humidity. To
milder than cherry rhubarb. When lose moisture and become limp. maintain quality, keep rhubarb cold and
cooked, strawberry rhubarb exhibits a store in an area with 90-98% humidity.
tender texture and is not stringy. Only To revive slightly limp rhubarb, plunge
the stalks are edible; remove and discard Nutrition* stalks in ice water until they become
rigid. Drain thoroughly and refrigerate.
leaves before using. Strawberry rhubarb
must be cooked and is most often used Serving Size ½ cup diced Rhubarb (61g) Do not trim rhubarb; trimming may
like a fruit in pies, preserves, and sauces. promote moisture loss.
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 15 Water-soaked or soft spots:
These are indications of freeze damage.
Ordering Specifications Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% To prevent freeze damage, do not store
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% rhubarb below 28 degrees F/
Common packaging: -2 degrees C.
Bulk cartons holding bunched or loose Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
rhubarb Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Film bags Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 4%
Grades: Sugars 2g
Field grown: Protein 1g
U.S. Fancy Vitamin A ........................................ 2%
U.S. No. 1 Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
U.S. No. 2 Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 0%
NOTE: Not all field grown rhubarb is *These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
graded. Ungraded rhubarb is called have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
“unclassified.” non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
NOTE: Other major production areas
Top ice: No
include: California, Georgia, Michigan,
New Jersey, Oregon, South Carolina,
and Mexico.
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes–low

Variety/Type Descriptions Storing tips:

Keep rutabagas away from ethylene-
Round to top-shaped root vegetable with producing fruits and ripening rooms.
creamy white to pinkish-red skin and
white flesh.
Maintain adequate air circulation during
Shriveling; loss of color:
Rutabagas may shrivel and lose color if
Ordering Specifications Nutrition* stored in an area with low humidity. For
best quality, maintain storage conditions
Common packaging: Serving Size ½ cup Rutabaga cubes (70g) of 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C and a
50-lb. bushel cartons or bags humidity level of 90-98%.
25-lb. ½-bushel cartons or bags Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 25 Decay:
Grades: Calories from Fat 0 Rutabagas may show signs of decay if
U.S. No. 1 Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% they are stored in a warm area. Rough
U.S. No. 2 Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% handling may also bruise the vegetable,
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% which may promote decay. For best
Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% quality, keep product cold and handle
Receiving and Inspecting Total Carbohydrate 6g .................... 2% with care. Do not drop shipping
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7% containers on the floor.
Choose rutabagas that are clean, well Sugars 4g
shaped, heavy for their size, and fairly Protein 1g Water-soaked spots; light brown
smooth. Avoid product that shows signs Vitamin A ........................................ 8% discoloration of flesh:
of shriveling, flabbiness, or growth Vitamin C ...................................... 30% These are signs of severe freeze damage.
cracks. Calcium .......................................... 4% For best quality, do not store rutabagas
Iron ................................................. 2% below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Salad Mixes
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S.. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: Ok
Packaged salad mixes – No
Coleslaw – Combination of shredded Bulk mesclun mixes – Light mist
green and red cabbage and shredded Top ice: No
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
European-style mixes – Various Produces ethylene: No
combinations of chopped iceberg, Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
romaine, endive, escarole, radicchio,
butter, and leaf lettuce. Storing tips:
Salad mixes must be kept cold during storage
Iceberg lettuce mixes – Chopped to maintain quality and shelf life. Follow Troubleshooting
iceberg lettuce combined with shredded good rotation practices; first shipments in
carrots and red cabbage. Other salad should be used or displayed first. Pay Discoloration; slimy appearance;
mixes may include a combination of attention to “sell by” and expiration dates foul odor:
iceberg lettuce, romaine, shredded as well as shelf life information stamped on These are indications of temperature
carrots, and shredded red cabbage. individual bags or cartons; use or display abuse. For best quality, salad mixes must
product accordingly. Discard any product be kept cold during storage. Maintain
Mesclun mixes – Combination of a that is past its “sell by” or expiration date. storage temperature of 32-36 degrees F/
variety of specialty/baby lettuces and 0-2 degrees C and a humidity level of 90-
greens such as red or green oak leaf, red
Handling tips: 98%. Salad mixes may also appear
Handle individual bags with care to avoid discolored due to oxidation. To prevent
or green leaf, red or green romaine, little
puncture or rips. Retailers: Bulk salad mix oxidation, handle bags with care to avoid
gem, lollo rossa, tango, mache, frisee,
displays may be lightly misted; avoid excessive rips or punctures that allow air to seep in.
mizuna, and radicchio.
water sprinkling. Follow supplier guidelines
for arranging salad mix packages during Foodservice personnel: If bags are only
Salad kits – Various combinations of
display to maintain adequate air circulation. partially used, be sure to squeeze out
chopped lettuce and greens along with
prepackaged dressing and croutons. any air before resealing the bags to
prevent possible oxidation.
Breakdown of lettuce leaves:
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup Mixed Salad Greens (55g) Excessive water sprinkling of bulk
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value displays may cause a general
Common packaging: deterioration of the delicate leaves. Mist
20-lb. cartons holding consumer packs Calories 10
Calories from Fat 0 bulk displays lightly to maintain
including 5-, 6-, 8-, 10- and 14-oz. bags freshness but avoid excessive water
20-lb. cartons holding foodservice packs Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% sprinkling.
including 1-, 2-, 3- and 5-lb. bags
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
3-lb. cartons holding bulk product Yellowing:
Sodium 15mg ................................ 1%
Total Carbohydrate 2g .................... 1% Salad mixes are sensitive to ethylene;
Grades: Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5% exposure to the gas may cause
No U.S. grades given. Sugars 0g yellowing, especially if mixes are stored
Protein 1g at room temperature. For best quality,
Vitamin A ...................................... 30% keep salad mixes away from ethylene-
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin C ...................................... 15% producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Calcium .......................................... 4% Maintain storage temperature of
Salad mixes should appear fresh and Iron ................................................. 4% 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.
well colored. Avoid product that is
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
discolored, wilted, or slimy. Bags should have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
be intact with no punctures or rips. developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
Salad mixes should arrive cold. Warm such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
product will deteriorate rapidly and counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
valuable shelf life may be lost. Bulk
mixes should be moist but not wet.
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
A major production area includes: Choose firm, medium-sized roots. Avoid
flabby or soft product. White salsify may
be sold in bunches with tops attached.

• • • • • • • • • • Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Variety/Type Descriptions for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Also called oyster plant. There are two 90-98% relative humidity
types of salsify:
Retail display tips:
Black – Stick-like root with brown- Water sprinkle: No
black skin and cream-colored flesh. Top ice: No
Black salsify is fleshier than white salsify
and easier to peel. Ethylene production/sensitivities: Troubleshooting
Produces ethylene: No
White – Irregular parsnip-shaped root Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Shriveling:
with pale, tan-colored skin and off- Salsify may become dehydrated and
white flesh. Skin is covered with tiny Storing tips: shriveled if stored in an area with low
rootlets. Refrigerate unwashed in plastic bag for humidity. For best quality, keep salsify
up to one week. Freezing is not cold and maintain humidity level of
Both types exhibit a mild flavor that is recommended. Maintain high humidity 90-98%.
similar to oysters and artichoke hearts; to keep salsify from drying out.
texture is crisp and carrot-like. Salsify Water-soaked or soft spots:
requires cooking (steamed or braised These are indications of freeze damage.
and added to soups and stews). Only the
flesh is edible. Nutrition* To prevent freeze damage, do not store
salsify below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.
Serving Size 1/2 cup slices Salsify (67g)

Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Calories 50
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 0
Bulk cartons Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Cartons holding 4-lb. film bags Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Grades: Sodium 15mg ................................ 1%
No U.S. Grades given. Total Carbohydrate 12g .................. 4%
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9%
Sugars 2g
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Some major production areas include: Good quality shallots should have
uniform shapes, firm texture, and be
free of blemishes. Avoid shallots that
appear soft, shriveled, or moldy.
New Jersey
• • • • • • • •
New York Storing and Handling
• • • • • • •
Temperature/humidity recommendation
• • • • • • • • • • • • for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
Holland 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
Variety/Type Descriptions Top ice: No
Small, onion-like bulb consisting of a
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
cluster of cloves covered with a golden Produces ethylene: No Decay; mold:
to reddish-brown papery outer skin. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes Shallots may begin to decay or show
Golden-pink flesh is milder and slightly
signs of mold if they are stored in an
sweeter than that of an onion.
Storing tips: area with high humidity or low air
Maintain good air ventilation during circulation. For best quality, keep
storage. shallots cold (32-36 degrees F/0-2
Ordering Specifications degrees C) during storage. Maintain
adequate air circulation during storage
Common packaging:
5-lb. bulk bags
Nutrition* as well.

10- and 40-lb. bulk cartons Serving Size 3 tablespoons chopped Water-soaked appearance;
Cartons holding 3-oz. mesh bags Shallots (30g) softening of texture:
These are indications of freeze injury. To
Grades: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value prevent freeze injury, do not store
No U.S. grades given. Calories 20 shallots below 31 degrees F/-0.5
Calories from Fat 0 degrees C.
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Sugars 1g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Vitamin C ........................................ 4%
Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • Top ice: No

Texas Ethylene production/sensitivities:

• • • • •
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Variety/Type Descriptions Storing tips:

Store fresh spinach away from ethylene-
Savoy (Curly Leaf) – Preferred type producing fruits and ripening rooms.
for fresh applications. Characterized by Savoy Spinach
dark green, crinkled leaves. Serving Size 1 cup Spinach, Savoy (70g)

Flat Leaf – Dark green, slightly Nutrition* Amount Per Serving

Calories 20
% Daily Value
crinkled leaves. Used primarily for
Spinach Calories from Fat 0
Serving Size 1 cup chopped Spinach (30g) Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Ordering Specifications Calories 5 Sodium 20mg ................................ 1%
Calories from Fat 0 Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1%
Common packaging: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 9%
Cartons and wire-bound crates holding Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Sugars 2g
24 bunches Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Protein 1g
Cartons holding 10-oz. and 2 ½-lb. cell Sodium 25mg ................................ 1% Vitamin A ...................................... 15%
bags Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% Vitamin C ...................................... 35%
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 3% Calcium .......................................... 2%
Grades: Sugars 0g Iron ................................................. 2%
Spinach leaves: Protein 1g
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
U.S. Extra No. 1 Vitamin A ...................................... 40% have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
U.S. No. 1 Vitamin C ...................................... 15% developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
U.S. Commercial Calcium .......................................... 2% such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
Iron ................................................. 4% counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
Bunches Spinach:
U.S. No. 1
U.S. No. 2
NOTE: Differences between grades are
based primarily on external appearance. Rapid deterioration:
Spinach is very perishable and will
quickly deteriorate if exposed to high
temperatures. For best quality, store at
Receiving and Inspecting 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.
Good quality spinach should have clean,
fresh, and fairly crisp leaves with good
Spinach may begin to wilt if stored in an
green coloring. Avoid wilted spinach or
area with low humidity. For best quality,
spinach with long stems.
keep spinach cold and maintain a
humidity level of 90-98% during storage.

Exposure to ethylene may accelerate loss of
green color of spinach leaves. To prevent
yellowing, keep spinach away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S.. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity

Retail display tips:

Variety/Type Descriptions Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Alfalfa – Delicate white sprouts with
tiny green tops. Nut-like flavor and crisp Ethylene production/sensitivities:
texture. Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Daikon Radish – Bright green tops;
hot flavor. Storing tips:
Keep sprouts away from drafts. Store
Mung Bean – Thick, ivory-colored away from ethylene-producing fruits
sprouts with golden-yellow ends; and ripening rooms. Serving Size 1 cup Sprouts, Mung Bean
crunchy texture. (104g)

Onion – Delicate sprout with onion

flavor. Nutrition* Amount Per Serving
Calories 30
% Daily Value

Serving Size 1 cup Sprouts, Alfalfa (33g) Calories from Fat 0

Pumpkin – Sprouts generally come Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
from hulled pumpkin seeds. Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 10 Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Soybean – Larger than mung bean Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
sprouts with a stronger flavor. Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 6g .................... 2%
Saturated Fat 0g ............................. 0% Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
Spicy – Resemble alfalfa sprouts in Sugars 2g
appearance, but slightly larger. Crisp Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Protein 3g
texture and spicy flavor. Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0%
Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram ........ 3% Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Stir-fry – Combination of sprouted Calcium .......................................... 2%
azuki, lentil, and mung beans. Sugars 0g
Protein 1g Iron ................................................. 6%

Sunflower – Sprouted from sunflower Vitamin A ........................................ 2%

Vitamin C ........................................ 4% Serving Size 1 cup Sprouts, Soybean (70g)
seeds. Flavor is similar to alfalfa sprouts;
crunchy texture. Calcium .......................................... 2%
Iron ................................................. 2% Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 90
Serving Size 1 cup Sprouts, Radish (38g) Calories from Fat 40
Ordering Specifications Total Fat 4.5g ................................. 7%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Saturated Fat 0.5g .......................... 3%
Common packaging: Calories 15 Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Cartons holding 9 to 12 individual Calories from Fat 10 Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
containers weighing 4- to 6-oz. each. Total Fat 1g .................................... 1% Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2%
1- to 5-lb. bags Saturated Fat 0g ............................. 0% Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram .... 3%
Bulk boxes of various weights Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Sugars 2g
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Protein 9g
Grades: Total Carbohydrate 1g .................... 0% Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
No U.S. grades given. Dietary Fiber less than 1 gram ........ 4% Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
Sugars (Not Available) Calcium .......................................... 4%
Protein 1g Iron ................................................. 8%

Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ........................................ 2%

Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
All sprouts should be brightly colored Calcium .......................................... 2% non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
with a fresh appearance and crisp Iron ................................................. 2% such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
texture. Avoid sprouts that are slimy, marketing of specific products.
decayed, or discolored.

Produce Marketing Association
Dried out sprouts:
Sprouts are susceptible to dehydration.
For best quality, maintain a humidity
level of 90-98% and do not expose
sprouts to drafts.

Rotting; slimy appearance:

Sprouts may begin to rot or develop a
slimy appearance if they are stored at
high temperatures. For best quality,
maintain storage temperature of
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C.


Daikon Radish


Mung Bean


Produce Marketing Association
Squash, Hard-Shell
Availability resembles a tiny pumpkin. Some
varieties may have a greenish-grey crust
Some major production areas include: near stem end. May have a green circle
around the stem end.

Hubbard – Large round squash with

tapered ends. Hard rind color may vary
California from orange to golden to green to blue-
• • • • • • • • • gray.
• • • • • • • • • Kaboucha – Includes many varieties,
Michigan some of the most common being delica,
• • • • • • • • • hoku, Tokyo, Ibisu or ebisu, orange, and
red kuri. Kaboucha are generally dark
New Jersey
• • • • • • • green with paler uneven stripes. Flesh is
pale orange, smooth, and sweet. Turban
Mexico Pumpkin-shaped in varying sizes, the
• • • • • • • • • • • •
most common are 2-3 pounds. Also
NOTE: Other major production areas called Japanese pumpkin.
include Arizona, Colorado, Oregon, and Receiving and Inspecting
New Zealand. Spaghetti – Large, oblong-shaped
squash with yellow, semi-hard rind. Look for squash that is heavy for its size,
Stringy yellow flesh separates into has a hard rind, and intact skin with no
spaghetti-like strands after it is cooked. bruises, cuts, or dents. (Spaghetti
Variety/Type Descriptions squash rind is semi-hard.) All rind colors
Turban – Vivid orange rind striped should have a dull appearance and be
Hard-shell squash types are generally
with cream, green, or white, and a consistent with the specific squash type.
larger than soft shell types. They have
turban shape distinguish these squashes. Avoid hard-shell squash that is light in
hard, inedible rinds. The flesh only is
Turban squashes are 2-15” in diameter; weight or has a shiny, tender rind.
edible and must be cooked. Major types
rind is bumpy, flavor bland. Often used
for decoration or soup tureen.
Acorn – Acorn-shaped with deep Storing and Handling
furrows. Green to yellow-gold hard rind,
and yellow flesh with slightly sweet Ordering Specifications Temperature/humidity recommendation
flavor and somewhat dry consistency. for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Common packaging: 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
Banana – Large, cylindrical-shaped 35- to 50-lb. bushel containers, cartons, 85-95% relative humidity
squash with pointed ends. Hard, creamy and crates Delicata: 50 degrees F/10 degrees C
yellow to pale orange rind. 20-lb. and 25-lb. bulk boxes Golden Nugget: 50-55 degrees F/10-13
Bulk bins degrees C (dry)
Buttercup – Flat, round squash with Kaboucha: 50-55 degrees F/10-13
turban-shaped top. Hard rind is dark Grades: degrees C
green with some gray flecks or stripes. U.S. No. 1
Orange flesh is slightly sweet with a U.S. No. 2 Retail display tips:
somewhat dry consistency. Water sprinkle: No
Differences between grades are based Top ice: No
Butternut – Large squash with an primarily on external appearance.
elongated, bell shape. Hard, tan-colored Ethylene production/sensitivities:
rind and yellow-orange flesh. Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Delicata – Cylindrical squash with
longitudinal grooves, delicata is sweet, Storing tips:
buttery, and mellow. Usually 6-8” in Keep hard-shell squash away from
length and 3” in diameter, delicata has a ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
light yellow skin with dark green rooms.
striations. Also called sweet potato
squash and bohemian squash.

Golden Nugget Squash – Small,

round, hard-shelled squash with an
orange colored shell that has ridges.
Flesh is bright orange. Vegetable
Produce Marketing Association
Squash, Hard-Shell
Nutrition* Hubbard
Serving Size 1 cup Squash, Hubbard
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
cubes (116g) non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
Acorn such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
Serving Size 1 cup Squash, Acorn cubes counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value marketing of specific products.
(140g) Calories 45
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Calories from Fat 5
Calories 60 Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Decay:
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Rapid decay may be an indication of
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Total Carbohydrate 10g .................. 3%
chill injury. Oftentimes, hard-shell
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Dietary Fiber 3g ......................... 14%
squash will not exhibit any signs of
Total Carbohydrate 15g .................. 5% Sugars 3g
decay until after it has been removed
Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 8% Protein 2g
from storage. To prevent chill injury, do
Sugars 3g Vitamin A .................................... 130%
not store hard-shell squash below 50
Protein 1g Vitamin C ...................................... 20%
degrees F/10 degrees C. Storing hard-
Vitamin A ...................................... 10% Calcium .......................................... 2%
shell squash in an area with high
Vitamin C ...................................... 25% Iron ................................................. 2%
humidity for longer than 7 days may also
Calcium .......................................... 4% cause decay. For long-term storage,
Iron ................................................. 6% maintain humidity level of 65-70%.
Serving Size 1 cup Squash, Spaghetti
Discoloration of rind:
Banana cubes (101g)
Hard-shell squash is sensitive to ethylene;
Serving Size 1 cup Squash, Banana (113g) Amount Per Serving % Daily Value exposure to the gas may cause green
Calories 30 rinds to turn yellow. For best quality, do
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories from Fat 5 not store hard-shell squash near ethylene-
Calories 40
Total Fat 0.5g ................................. 1% producing fruits or ripening rooms.
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Excess weight loss; flesh deterioration:
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% Storing hard-shell squash in an area with
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Total Carbohydrate 7g .................... 2% extremely low humidity may cause
Total Carbohydrate 9g .................... 3% Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 6% weight loss and internal deterioration.
Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5% Sugars (Not Available) For best quality, maintain a humidity level
Sugars 4g Protein 1g of 85-95% for 7 days or less. For longer
Protein 1g Vitamin A ........................................ 2% storage, reduce humidity level to 65-70%.
Vitamin A ...................................... 90% Vitamin C ........................................ 4%
Vitamin C ...................................... 20% Calcium .......................................... 2% Shiny, tender rind:
Calcium .......................................... 2% Iron ................................................. 2% This is an indication of immature
Iron ................................................. 2% squash. To ensure best quality, always
inspect shipments carefully upon arrival.

Serving Size 1 cup Squash, Butternut
cubes (140g) Banana
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 60
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Buttercup
Sodium 5mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 16g .................. 5%
Dietary Fiber 5g ......................... 19%
Sugars 4g
Protein 1g
Vitamin A .................................... 220% Butternut Spaghetti
Vitamin C ...................................... 50%
Calcium .......................................... 6%
Iron ................................................. 6%
Produce Marketing Association
Squash, Soft-Shell
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
10- to 42-lb. bushel containers, crates,
and lugs

• • • • • • • • • • • • U.S. No. 1
U.S. No. 2
California, Colorado (Scallopini)
• • • • • • • •
NOTE: Not all soft-shell squash is
Florida graded. Ungraded soft-shell squash is
• • • • • • • • • •
called “unclassified.” Differences
Dominican Republic between grades are based primarily on
• • • • • • • • • • • • external appearance.
• • • • • • • • • • • • Sizes:
• • • • • • • • • • • • Small
Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Variety/Type Descriptions Pattypan:
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
45-50 degrees F/7-10 degrees C
Crookneck – Cylindrical shape with 85-95% relative humidity
bulb end, creamy yellow rind, white
flesh, and seeds. May be used raw or Retail display tips:
cooked. Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Opo squash – A long, thin, light green
soft shell squash that originates from Receiving and Inspecting Ethylene production/sensitivities:
tropical Southeast Asia. Flesh is similar Produces ethylene: No
to a zucchini; flavor is mild. Also known Soft-shell squash should be firm with Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
as pul qua, long melon, and bottle shiny, tender rinds. Shape and rind color
gourd. should be consistent with type. Avoid Storing tips:
squash that shows signs of injury, Keep soft-shell squash away from
Pattypan – Round, squat shape with pitting, or dull rind. Generally speaking, ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
scalloped edges. Light green or yellow smaller sizes are more tender and rooms.
color with white flesh and seeds. flavorful.
Completely edible either raw or cooked. Opo squash, kept refrigerated, will last
one week.
Scallopini – A cross between pattypan
squash and zucchini, it is shaped like a Pattypan
top with emerald green skin. Skin has no
bitterness; the flesh is sweet and smooth.
Straightneck – Cylindrical shape,
creamy yellow rind, white flesh, and
seeds. Completely edible either raw or

Zucchini – Cylindrical shape, dark

green shiny rind with some light
speckling, white flesh, and seeds. Zucchini
Completely edible either raw or cooked.

Produce Marketing Association
Squash, Soft-Shell
Nutrition Straightneck**
Serving Size 1 cup Squash, Straightneck
Squash, Summer* (130g) Pitted rind:
Serving Size 1 medium Squash, Summer Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Soft-shell squash is very susceptible to
(196g) Calories 25 chill injury. To prevent chill injury, do
Calories from Fat 0 not store squash below 45 degrees F/7
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% degrees C. Do not display soft-shell
Calories 40
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% squash on ice.
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Dull rind; dried or discolored stem end:
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2% These are indications of age. For best
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Dietary Fiber 2g ........................ 10% quality, always inspect shipments
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Sugars 3g carefully upon arrival. Do not hold soft-
Total Carbohydrate 8g .................... 3%
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16% Protein 1g shell squash for long periods of time.
Sugars 4g Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Protein 2g Vitamin C ...................................... 20% Yellowing:
Vitamin A ...................................... 10% Calcium .......................................... 2% Exposure to ethylene may accelerate loss
Vitamin C ...................................... 60% Iron ................................................. 4% of green color. To prevent yellowing,
Calcium .......................................... 4% keep soft-shell squash away from
Iron ................................................. 4% ethylene-producing fruits and ripening
Zucchini** rooms.
*Based on information published by FDA. Serving Size ½ medium Squash,
Zucchini (98g)

Crookneck** Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Serving Size 1 cup sliced Squash, Calories 15
Crookneck (130g) Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Calories 25 Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Calories from Fat 0 Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% Sugars 2g
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0% Protein 1g
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2% Vitamin A ........................................ 6%
Dietary Fiber 2g ........................ 10% Vitamin C ...................................... 15%
Sugars 3g Calcium .......................................... 2%
Protein 1g Iron ................................................. 2%
Vitamin A ........................................ 8%
Vitamin C ...................................... 20% **These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
Calcium .......................................... 2% developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
Iron ................................................. 4% non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.
Serving Size 1 cup Squash, Opo (129g)
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 15
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 0mg .................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 5g .................... 2%
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0%
Sugars 0g
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 0%
Produce Marketing Association
Sweet Potatoes
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Louisiana Water sprinkle: No
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No
North Carolina
• • • • • • • • • • • • Ethylene production/sensitivities:
NOTE: Other major production areas Produces ethylene: No
include Texas and Mississippi. Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes

Storing tips:
Variety/Type Descriptions Store sweet potatoes in a well-ventilated
area. Cured sweet potatoes (held in
Varieties include beauregard, garnet, controlled storage after harvesting to
improve shelf life) may be stored for
hernandez, and jewel. The sweet potato
is a root vegetable with an oblong to longer periods of time than uncured Decay; pitting; internal discoloration;
elongated shape. The smooth skin may sweet potatoes. Keep sweet potatoes hard core when potato is cooked:
vary in color from pale yellow to deep away from ethylene-producing fruits These are indications of chill injury. To
purple to vivid orange, depending on the and ripening rooms. prevent chill injury, do not store sweet
particular variety. Flesh color ranges
potatoes below 54 degrees F/12 degrees
from light yellow to pink, red, or orange. Handling tips: C.
Handle sweet potatoes with care to
Flesh consistency ranges: firm and somewhat prevent bruising or damage. Do not drop
dry for light-colored sweet potatoes; soft and Brown flesh discoloration; off flavor
shipping containers on the floor.
moist for orange-colored sweet potatoes. when cooked:
Orange sweet potatoes tend to have a sweeter Sweet potatoes are sensitive to ethylene;
flavor than lighter-colored sweet potatoes. exposure to the gas may cause
Nutrition* discoloration and off flavors when the
product is cooked. For best quality, keep
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 medium, 5" long,
2" diameter Sweet Potato (130g)
sweet potatoes away from ethylene-
producing fruits and ripening rooms.
Common packaging:
10-, 20-, and 40-lb. cartons and crates Amount Per Serving % Daily Value Sprouting; pithiness:
3- and 5-lb. bags Calories 140 Storing sweet potatoes at high
Calories from Fat 0 temperatures may cause sprouting or a
Grades: Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% pithy texture. For best quality, store
U.S. Extra No. 1 Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% sweet potatoes at 60-65 degrees F/16-
U.S. No. 1 Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% 18 degrees C.
U.S. No. 1 Medium Sodium 45mg ................................ 2%
U.S. Commercial Total Carbohydrate 32g ................. 11% Skin discoloration; mold:
U.S. No. 2 Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 16% Exposing sweet potatoes to high
Sugars 7g humidity may promote skin
NOTE: Not all sweet potatoes are graded. Protein 2g discoloration and mold. For long-term
Ungraded sweet potatoes are called Vitamin A .................................... 440% storage beyond 7 days, maintain
“unclassified.” Differences between grades Vitamin C ...................................... 30% humidity levels of 85-90% at 55 degrees
are based primarily on external appearance. Calcium .......................................... 2%
Individual states may set their own grades. F/13 degrees C.
Iron ................................................. 4%
Equivalents *These values are based on the proposal published by FDA in the
3 medium sweet potatoes = 1 pound Federal Register of March 20, 2002. While PMA believes that use of
these data should not result in FDA regulatory action, such a result
can never be assured. Consultation with Company counsel is
suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the marketing

Receiving and Inspecting of specific products.

Good quality sweet potatoes should be

firm and well-shaped with clean,
smooth skins. Avoid sweet potatoes with
bruises, soft spots, or signs of decay.
Produce Marketing Association
Taro Root
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Good quality taro root should be firm,
dry, and plump. Avoid product with
U.S. cuts, mold, or soft spots.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
NOTE: Some major production areas
include California, Hawaii, Brazil, China, Temperature/humidity recommendation
Columbia, and Dominican Republic. for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
85-95% relative humidity
Variety/Type Descriptions Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Barrel-shaped root; size similar to
Top ice: No
rutabaga or turnip. Brown, shaggy skin
with ring patterns and some rootlets.
Smooth flesh ranges in color from white
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Troubleshooting
to creamy to slightly gray. Flesh may Produces ethylene: No
exhibit some dark speckling. Flavor and Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No Decay:
texture is similar to potatoes and Cuts or other physical damage may
waterchestnuts. Taro root must be Storing tips: promote product decay. To prevent
peeled and cooked (baked, boiled, Maintain good air circulation during decay, order taro roots that have been
steamed, or stir-fried). storage. cured after harvest to promote healing
of wounds caused by harvesting.

Ordering Specifications Nutrition* Water-soaked or soft spots;

increased decay:
Serving Size 1 cup Taro Root slices (104g) These are indications of chill injury. To
Common packaging: prevent chill injury, do not store taro
Bulk cartons roots below 50 degrees F/10 degrees C.
Burlap sacks Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Prepackaged containers Calories 120
Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0%
No U.S. grades given.
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0%
Sodium 10mg ................................. 0%
Total Carbohydrate 28g .................. 9%
Dietary Fiber 4g ......................... 17%
Sugars 1g
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ........................................ 8%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 4%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
NOTE: Other major production areas
Top ice: No
include: California, Michigan, New
Jersey, Oregon, South Carolina, and
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes–low

Variety/Type Descriptions Storing tips:

Keep turnips away from ethylene-
Round to top-shaped root vegetable with producing fruits and ripening rooms.
creamy white to pinkish-red skin and
white flesh. Turnips are available as
Maintain adequate air circulation during
bunched, short-trimmed, or topped.
Turnips may be used cooked in stews or Shriveling; loss of color:
uncooked (sliced or cubed and added to Turnips may shrivel and lose color if
salads). Nutrition* stored in an area with low humidity. For
best quality, maintain storage conditions
Serving Size ½ cup Turnip cubes (65g) of 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C and a
humidity level of 90-98%.
Ordering Specifications Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Calories 20 Decay:
Common packaging: Calories from Fat 0 Turnips may show signs of decay if they
50-lb. bushel cartons or bags Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% are stored in a warm area. Rough
25-lb. ½-bushel cartons or bags Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% handling may also bruise the vegetable,
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% which may promote decay. For best
Grades: Sodium 45mg ................................ 2% quality, keep product cold and handle
U.S. No. 1 Total Carbohydrate 4g .................... 1% with care. Do not drop shipping
U.S. No. 2 Dietary Fiber 1g .......................... 5% containers on the floor.
Sugars 2g
Protein 1g Water-soaked spots; light brown
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ........................................ 0% discoloration of flesh:
Vitamin C ...................................... 25% These are signs of severe freeze damage.
Choose turnips that are clean, well Calcium .......................................... 2% For best quality, do not store turnips
shaped, heavy for their size, and fairly Iron ................................................. 2% below 30 degrees F/-1 degree C.
smooth. Avoid product that shows signs
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
of shriveling, flabbiness, or growth have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
cracks. Bunched turnips should exhibit developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
fresh tops with no signs of decay, such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
discoloration, or wilting. counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
U.S. 32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 90-98% relative humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No
Variety/Type Descriptions
Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Small brown, bulb-shaped roots with Produces ethylene: No
white flesh. Flavor of raw Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
waterchestnuts is similar to a cross
between tart apple and jicama; flavor of Storing tips:
cooked product is nutty. Waterchestnut To help maintain moisture and reduce
texture is crisp. Waterchestnuts must be water loss, place waterchestnuts in
scrubbed well and peeled before using.
May be used raw or cooked.
vented plastic bags during storage. Troubleshooting
Shriveled or dried out bulbs:
Nutrition Waterchestnuts may lose moisture and
Ordering Specifications dry out if they are stored in an area with
Nutrition information for low humidity. For best quality, keep
Common packaging: Waterchestnuts is not available in the waterchestnuts cold and maintain a
Bulk cartons data bases used by PMA. humidity level of 90-98%. To help
Film bags reduce water loss, place waterchestnuts
Prepackaged containers in vented plastic bags during storage.

Grades: Mold:
No U.S. grades given. Waterchestnuts may become moldy if
stored in a warm area. For best quality,
maintain storage temperature of 32-36
Receiving and Inspecting degrees F/0-2 degrees C.

Good quality waterchestnuts should be

very hard. Some external dirt is
acceptable. Avoid soft or shriveled

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Some major production areas include: Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
32-36 degrees F/0-2 degrees C
90-98% humidity
• • • • • • • • • • • • Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: Ok
• • • • • • • • • • • • Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Variety/Type Descriptions Sensitive to ethylene exposure: Yes
Dark green, heart-shaped leaves
clustered on long thin stalks. Spicy
Storing tips:
Keep watercress away from ethylene-
flavor and soft to slightly crunchy
producing fruits or ripening rooms.
texture. Watercress may be used raw in
salads or sandwiches or as a garnish. Troubleshooting
Nutrition* Wilting:
Ordering Specifications Serving Size 1 cup chopped Watercress (34g)
Watercress is susceptible to wilting due
to moisture loss. To prevent wilting, keep
watercress cold and maintain a humidity
Common packaging:
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value level of 90-98%.
Cartons holding 12 or 24 bunches
Calories 5
Calories from Fat 0 Yellowing; slimy texture:
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Watercress is very perishable and can be
No U.S. grades given.
Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% damaged from temperature abuse and
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% rough handling. For best quality,
Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% maintain storage temperature of 32-36
Receiving and Inspecting Total Carbohydrate 0g .................... 0% degrees F/0-2 degrees C and keep
Dietary Fiber 0g .......................... 0% handling to a minimum.
Good quality watercress should be fresh- Sugars 0g
looking and well-colored. Avoid Protein 1g
watercress that appears wilted, bruised, Vitamin A ...................................... 30%
or yellowed. Vitamin C ...................................... 25%
Calcium .......................................... 4%
Iron ................................................. 0%

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Winter Melons (Dong Qua)
Availability Ordering Specifications
Some major production areas include: Common packaging:
40-lb. bulk

California No U.S. grades given.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • • Receiving and Inspecting
Look for consistent color on skin, with
Variety/Type Descriptions even texture and “dusting.” The melon
should be firm and heavy for size.
A large, frost-green muskmelon native to
tropical areas of Asia, winter melon has
a bitter cucumber flavor and a smooth Storing and Handling
green rind. Grown on vines, it varies in
sizes and even shapes. Most found in the Temperature/humidity recommendation Nutrition
market are round and less than 10 lbs. for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
The flesh is cream colored with a slightly 55 degrees F/12 degrees C Nutrition information for Winter Melons
fibrous texture. Also called a wax gourd Low relative humidity is not available in the data bases used by
or ash gourd, winter melons have large PMA.
cavities full of seeds. Retail display tips:
Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene: No

Storing tips:
Winter melon may last several months if
kept in a cool, dry, dark area. After
cutting, wrap in plastic wrap and keep

Produce Marketing Association
Yu Choy/Flowering Cabbage
Availability Receiving and Inspecting
Look for firm stalks and dark leaves.
Avoid bunches with brown spots or
U.S. rubbery stalks.
• • • • • • • • • • • •
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
Variety/Type Descriptions for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
34-36 degrees F/1-2 degrees C
This member of the Asian cabbage 90-98% relative humidity
family is similar in appearance to
broccoli raab. Rounded leaves are dark Retail display tips:
green on long, slender stalks. The entire Water sprinkle: Ok
plant, including the small yellow Top ice: Ok
flowers, is edible. Flavor is tangy and
slightly bitter. Also known as yu choy
sum, yu choy sin, yow choy, and Chinese
Ethylene production/sensitivities: Nutrition*
Produces ethylene: No
cabbage. Sensitive to ethylene: Yes Serving Size 1 cup Yu Choy (85g)

Storing tips: Amount Per Serving % Daily Value

Ordering Specifications Store unwashed yu choy wrapped Calories 20
loosely in plastic in refrigerator for up to Calories from Fat 0
Common packaging: one week. Total Fat 0g .................................... 0%
10-lb. bulk packs Saturated Fat ........... (Not Available)
Handling tips: Cholesterol .................. (Not Available)
Grades: Thoroughly wash yu choy to remove any Sodium ........................ (Not Available)
No U.S. grades given. grit. Total Carbohydrate 3g .................... 1%
Dietary Fiber ............ (Not Available)
Sugars (Not Available)
Protein 2g
Vitamin A ...................... (Not Available)
Vitamin C ...................... (Not Available)
Calcium ........................ (Not Available)
Iron ............................... (Not Available)

*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They

have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Availability Storing and Handling
Temperature/humidity recommendation
for short-term storage of 7 days or less:
Imports 60-65 degrees F/16-18 degrees C
• • • • • • • • • • • • 85-95% relative humidity
NOTE: Some major production areas
include Mexico, the Caribbean, Central Retail display tips:
America, and South America. Water sprinkle: No
Top ice: No

Ethylene production/sensitivities:
Variety/Type Descriptions Produces ethylene: No
Sensitive to ethylene exposure: No
Also called cassava. Thick elongated
root with woody pinkish-brown skin and
Storing tips:
dense white flesh. RAW YUCA
Keep yuca in a well-ventilated area.
exhibits a creamy texture and mild Troubleshooting
flavor when cooked. Peeled and cooked, Nutrition*
it may be added to soups, stews, sauces, Cracked skin; yellow flesh:
or used as a potato substitute. Serving Size ½ cup Yuca (103g) These are signs of age. Always inspect
yuca immediately after receiving. For
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value best quality, do not hold roots for long
Calories 160 periods; use or display quickly.
Ordering Specifications Calories from Fat 0
Total Fat 0g .................................... 0% Gray discoloration; internal streaking:
Common packaging: Saturated Fat 0g ......................... 0% These are indications of chill injury. To
10-, 25- and 50-lb. bulk cartons
Cholesterol 0mg ............................. 0% prevent chill injury, do not store yuca
Sodium 15mg ................................ 1% below 41 degrees F/5 degrees C.
Grades: Total Carbohydrate 39g ................ 13%
No U.S. grades given. Dietary Fiber 2g .......................... 7%
Sugars 1g
Protein 1g
Receiving and Inspecting Vitamin A ........................................ 0%
Vitamin C ...................................... 35%
Good quality yuca roots should be free Calcium .......................................... 2%
of cracks and exhibit white flesh. Avoid Iron ................................................. 2%
roots with yellow flesh.
*These values have not been adopted or approved by FDA. They
have been obtained from USDA's Handbook 8, or other databases
developed by PMA and its members. While PMA believes use of
non–FDA-approved data should not result in FDA regulatory action,
such a result can never be assured. Consultation with company
counsel is suggested before the data is used in conjunction with the
marketing of specific products.

Produce Marketing Association
Produce Marketing Association

Sensitive to
ethylene Produces Ripens after
sprinkle Top ice
Page number
for additional
exposure ethylene harvest okay okay information
Apples x x 5
Apricots x x x 7
Asian Pears x x x 8
Atemoyas x x x 9
Avocados x x x 10
Bananas x x x 12
Bananas, specialty x x x 13
Berries, specialty x 14
Blackberries x 15
Blood Oranges x x 16
Blueberries x 17
Breadfruit x x x 18
Cantaloupe x x x x 19
Carambolas/Star Fruit x 20
Cherimoyas x x x 21
Cherries, Sweet x 22
Coconuts 23
Cranberries 24
Currants x x 25
Dates 26
Dried Fruits 27
Feijoas 29
Figs x 30
Fresh-cut Fruits 31
Gooseberries x x 32
Grapefruit x x 33
Grapes x x 35
Guavas x x x 37
Honeydew Melons x x 38
Horned Melons x x 39
Kiwifruit x x x 40
Kumquats 41
Lemons x x 42
Limequats x x 43

Produce Marketing Association

Sensitive to
ethylene Produces Ripens after
sprinkle Top ice
Page number
for additional
exposure ethylene harvest okay okay information
Limes x x 44
Longans and Lychees x 45
Loquats x 46
Mamey Sapotes x x 47
Mandarins/Tangerines/ x x 48
Mangoes x x 50
Melogolds x x 51
Melons x x 52
Nectarines x x x 54
Nuts 56
Oranges x x 59
Oroblancos x x 61
Papayas x x x 62
Passion Fruit x x x 63
Peaches x x x 64
Pears x x x 66
Pepino Melons x 68
Persimmons x x 69
Pineapples x 70
Plaintains x x x 71
Plums x x x 72
Pomegranates 74
Prickly Pears 75
Pummelos x x 76
Quinces x x 77
Raspberries x 78
Strawberries x 79
Tamarillos x 80
Tamarinds 81
Tomatillos 82
Tomatoes x x x 83
Watermelons x 85
White Sapotes x x 86

Produce Marketing Association

Sensitive to
ethylene Produces Ripens after
sprinkle Top ice
Page number
for additional
exposure ethylene harvest okay okay information
Artichokes x x 87
Asparagus x x 88
Australian Blue Squash 89
Baby Vegetables x x x
see page reference see page reference see page reference 90
for details for details for details

Bamboo Shoots 91
Beans, snap x 92
Beets x x 93
Belgian Endive x x 94
Bitter Melons x x 95
Black-eyed Peas 96
Bok Choy x x 97
Boniatos x 98
Broccoli x x x 99
Broccoli Raab x x x 100
Brussels Sprouts x x x 101
Cabbage x x x 102
Cactus Leaves 104
Calabazas x 105
Cardonis x 106

Carrots x x x 107
Cauliflower x 108
Celery x x x 110
Celery Root 111
Chayotes x 112
Chinese Long Beans x 113
Corn, sweet x x 114
Cucumbers x x 115
Daikon x 116
Eggplants x 117
Endive/ Escarole x x x 118
Fava Beans x 119

Produce Marketing Association

Sensitive to
ethylene Produces Ripens after
sprinkle Top ice
Page number
for additional
exposure ethylene harvest okay okay information
Fiddlehead Ferns x x x 120
Fresh-cut Vegetables 121
Gai Choy/Chinese Mustard x x x 122
Gai Lan/Chinese Broccoli x x x 123
Galanga Root 124
Garlic 125
Ginger Root 126
Gobo Root/
Burdock Cabbage 127

Greens, bunched x x 128

Hearts of Palm 130
Herbs, fresh x x 131
Horseradishes 134
Japanese Cucumbers x x 135
Jerusalem Artichokes 136
Jicamas 137
Kale x x 138
Kohlrabi x x 139
Leeks x x x 140
Lemongrass x 141
Lettuce, Boston/Bibb x x 142
Lettuce, Iceberg x x 143
Lettuce, Leaf x x 144
Lettuce, Romaine x x 145
Lettuce and Greens,
Baby/Specialty x x 146

Lo Bok 148
Lotus/Lily Root 149
Malangas x 150
Mushrooms 151
Napa x x 154
Okra x x 155
Onions, Dry 156
Onions, Green x x 158

Produce Marketing Association

Sensitive to
ethylene Produces Ripens after
sprinkle Top ice
Page number
for additional
exposure ethylene harvest okay okay information
Parsley Root x x 159
Parsnips x 160
Peas, Snap/Snow x 161
Peppers, Chili x 162
Peppers, Sweet 164
Potatoes x 165
Pumpkins x 167
Radicchio x x 168
Radishes x 169
Rhubarb 170
Rutabagas x x 171
Salad Mixes x x
see page reference see page reference 172
for details for details

Salsify 173
Shallots x x 174
Spinach x x 175
Sprouts x 176
Squash, Hard-Shell x 178
Squash, Soft-Shell x 180
Sweet Potatoes x 182
Taro Root 183
Turnips x 184
Waterchestnuts 185
Watercress x x 186
Winter Melons (Dong Qua) 187
Yu Choy/ x x x 188
Flowering Cabbage
Yucas 189

PMA has also created an eye-catching, quick-reference poster and pocket guide that includes optimal storage temperatures,
relative humidity levels, and information on ethylene-producing and ethylene-sensitive commodities. To obtain a copy, please
see the enclosed order form.

Produce Marketing Association

Produce Marketing Association
A Black Beaut Plums .............................. 72 Castlebrite Apricots ............................... 7
Acorn Squash ................................... 178 Blackberries ................................. 15, 191 Cauliflower
Afourer Mandarins ............................. 48 Black-eyed Peas .......................... 96, 193 (White, Green, Purple) ........... 108, 193
Agaricus (White) Mushrooms ........... 151 Black Radishes .................................. 169 Cauliflower, Baby ................................ 90
Alfalfa Sprouts ................................... 176 Blenheim Apricots ................................. 7 Cavendish Bananas ............................. 12
Almonds ............................................. 56 Blood Oranges ............................. 16, 191 Celeriac ............................................. 111
Anaheim Chili Peppers ...................... 162 Blueberries .................................. 17, 191 Celery (Green/Pascal) ............... 110, 193
Angeleno Plums .................................. 72 Blue Kale .......................................... 138 Celery Root ................................ 111, 193
Anise ................................................ 131 Bok Choy ..................................... 97, 193 Chanterelle Mushrooms .................... 151
Anjou Pears, Green ............................. 66 Bok Choy, Baby ................................... 90 Chayotes .................................... 112, 193
Anjou Pears, Red ................................. 66 Boniatos ..................................... 98, 193 Chelan Cherries .................................. 22
Apples ............................................ 5, 191 Bosc Pears ........................................... 66 Cherimoyas .................................. 21, 191
Apricots ......................................... 7, 191 Boston/Bibb Lettuce .................. 142, 194 Cherokee Blackberries ........................ 15
Apricots, Dried .................................... 27 Boysenberries ..................................... 14 Cherries, Sweet ............................ 22, 191
Artichokes ................................... 87, 193 Braeburn Apples ................................... 5 Cherry Hot Peppers ........................... 162
Arugula ............................................ 146 Brazil Nuts .......................................... 56 Cherry Tomatoes ................................. 83
Asian Pears .................................... 8, 191 Breadfruit .................................... 18, 191 Chervil .............................................. 131
Asparagus (Green and White) ..... 88, 193 Broccoli ...................................... 99, 193 Chester Blackberries ........................... 15
Ataulfo Mangoes ................................. 50 Broccoli Raab ............................ 100, 193 Chinese Apple ..................................... 74
Atemoyas ....................................... 9, 191 Bronze Leaf Lettuce .......................... 146 Chinese Broccoli/Gai Lan ........... 123, 194
August Red Nectarines ........................ 54 Brussels Sprouts ........................ 101, 193 Chinese Grapefruit .............................. 76
Australian Blue Squash ............... 89, 193 Bunched Greens ........................ 128, 194 Chinese Long Beans ................... 113, 193
Autumn Royal Grapes ......................... 35 Burdock Cabbage/Gobo Root .... 127, 194 Chinese Mustard/Gai Choy ........ 122, 194
Avocados ..................................... 10, 191 Burro Bananas .................................... 13 Chives ............................................... 131
Buttercup Squash .............................. 178 Christmas Rose Grapes ....................... 35
B Butternut Squash .............................. 178 Cilantro ............................................ 131
Baby Vegetables .......................... 90, 193 Clementine Mandarins ........................ 48
Bacon Avocados .................................. 10 C Cocarde Letttuce ............................... 146
Bamboo Shoots ............................ 91, 193 Cabbage (Green and Red) .......... 102, 193 Coconuts ..................................... 23, 191
Banana Chili Peppers ........................ 162 Cactus Leaves ............................ 104, 193 Coleslaw ........................................... 172
Bananas ....................................... 12, 191 Cactus Pears (Prickly Pears) ................ 75 Collard Greens .................................. 128
Bananas, Specialty ....................... 13, 191 Calabazas .................................. 105, 193 Comice Pears ...................................... 66
Banana Squash ................................. 178 Calabrese Broccoli .............................. 99 Corn, Sweet ............................... 114, 193
Bartlett Pears ...................................... 66 Calimyrna Figs .................................... 30 Corn, Baby .......................................... 90
Basil .................................................. 131 Calmeria Grapes ................................. 35 Cranberries .................................. 24, 191
Bay Leaves ........................................ 131 Canasta Lettuce ................................ 146 Crenshaw Melons ............................... 52
Beans, Snap ................................ 92, 193 Cantaloupe .................................. 19, 191 Crimini (Italian Brown)
Beauty Seedless Grapes ...................... 35 Cara Cara Oranges .............................. 59 Mushrooms ................................... 151
Beet Greens ....................................... 128 Carambolas/Star Fruit ................. 20, 191 Crimson Seedless Grapes .................... 35
Beets ........................................... 93, 193 Cardoons/Cardonis ................... 106, 193 Crispin/Mutsu Apples ........................... 5
Beets, Baby ......................................... 90 Carrots ....................................... 107, 193 Crookneck Squash ............................ 180
Belgian Endive ............................ 94, 193 Carrots, Baby ...................................... 90 Cubanelle Chili Peppers .................... 162
Bell Peppers ...................................... 164 Casaba Melons .................................... 52 Cucumbers, Green ..................... 115, 193
Berries, Specialty ......................... 14, 191 Cassavas (Yuca) ................................ 189 Currants, Red/Black/White ......... 25, 191
Big Heart Artichokes ........................... 87 Casselman Plums ................................ 72 Custard Apple ..................................... 21
Bing Cherries ...................................... 22
Bitter Melons .............................. 95, 193
Black Amber Plums ............................. 72
Produce Marketing Association
D Fresh-cut Vegetables .................. 121, 194 Herbs, Fresh ............................... 131, 194
Daikon ....................................... 116, 193 Fresno Chili Peppers Honeycrisp Apples ................................ 5
Daikon Radish Sprouts ...................... 176 (Red and Green) ........................... 162 Honeydew Melons ....................... 38, 191
Dancy Tangerines ............................... 48 Friar Plums ......................................... 72 Honey Tangerines ............................... 48
Dandelion Greens ............................. 128 Frisee ................................................ 146 Horned Melons ............................ 39, 191
Dates ........................................... 26, 191 Fuerte Avocados ................................. 10 Horseradishes ............................ 134, 194
Deglet Noor Dates ............................... 26 Fuji Apples ............................................ 5 Hothouse/Greenhouse Cucumbers ... 115
Delicata Squash ................................ 178 Fuyu Persimmons ............................... 69 Hubbard Squash ............................... 178
Desert Globe Artichokes ..................... 87 Hungarian Wax Chili Peppers ............ 162
Dill .................................................... 131 G
Dried Fruits ................................. 27, 191 Gai Choy/Chinese Mustard ........ 122, 194 I
Duncan Grapefruit .............................. 33 Gai Lan/Chinese Broccoli ........... 123, 194 Iceberg Lettuce .......................... 143, 194
Gala Apples ........................................... 5 Iceberg Lettuce Mixes ....................... 172
E Galanga Root ............................. 124, 194 Icebox Watermelons ........................... 85
Eggplants ................................... 117, 193 Garlic ......................................... 125, 194 Idared Apples ........................................ 5
Elegant Lady Peaches .......................... 64 Ginger Root ............................... 126, 194 Imperial Star Artichokes ..................... 87
Elephant Garlic ................................. 125 Gobo Root/Burdock Cabbage .... 127, 194 Improved Flaming Gold Apricots ........... 7
Emperor Grapes .................................. 35 Golden Delicious Apples ....................... 5
Empire Apples ....................................... 5 Golden Grapefruit ............................... 33 J
Endive ....................................... 118, 193 Golden Nugget Squash ...................... 178 Jalapeno Chili Peppers ...................... 162
Enoki Mushrooms ............................. 151 Gold Kiwifruit ..................................... 40 Japanese Cucumbers ................. 135, 194
Escarole ..................................... 118, 193 Gooseberries ................................ 32, 191 Jerusalem Artichokes ................. 136, 194
Eureka Lemons ................................... 42 Granny Smith Apples ............................ 5 Jicamas ...................................... 137, 194
European-style Mixes ........................ 172 Grapefruit .................................... 33, 191 Jonagold Apples .................................... 5
Grapes ......................................... 35, 191 Jonathan Apples ................................... 5
F Grape Tomatoes .................................. 83 Juan Canary Melons ........................... 52
Fairchild Tangerines ........................... 48 Green Beans, Snap .............................. 92 July Red Nectarines ............................ 54
Fairtime Peaches ................................. 64 Green Globe Artichokes ...................... 87
Fantasia Nectarines ............................. 54 Green Leaf Lettuce ............................ 146 K
Fantasy Seedless Grapes ..................... 35 Green Oak Lettuce ............................ 146 Kaboucha Squash ............................. 178
Fava Beans ................................. 119, 193 Green Peas ......................................... 161 Kadota Figs ......................................... 30
Feijoas ......................................... 29, 191 Green Romaine Lettuce ..................... 146 Kale ........................................... 138, 194
Fennel ............................................... 131 Greens, Bunched ........................ 128, 194 Katy Apricots ........................................ 7
Fiddlehead Ferns ....................... 120, 194 Guavas ......................................... 37, 191 Keitt Mangoes ..................................... 50
Figs, Dried .......................................... 27 Gwen Avocados .................................. 10 Kelsey Plums ....................................... 72
Figs, Fresh .................................... 30, 191 Kent Mangoes ..................................... 50
Filbert Nuts ......................................... 56 H Key/Mexican Limes ............................ 44
Firebrite Nectarines ............................ 54 Habanero Chili Peppers Khadrawy Dates .................................. 26
Flame Grapefruit ................................ 33 (Red, Green and Orange) .............. 162 Kotata Blackberries ............................. 15
Flame Seedless Grapes ........................ 35 Hachiya Persimmons .......................... 69 Kiwifruit ...................................... 40, 191
Flat Leaf Spinach .............................. 175 Halawy Dates ...................................... 26 Kohlrabi ..................................... 139, 194
Flavor Crest Peaches ........................... 64 Hamlin Oranges .................................. 59 Kohlrabi, Baby .................................... 90
Flowering Cabbage/Yu Choy ...... 188, 195 Hass Avocados .................................... 10 Kumquats .................................... 41, 191
Flowering Kale .................................. 138 Hayden Mangoes ................................ 50
Forelle Pears ....................................... 66 Hayward Kiwifruit .............................. 40 L
Fortune Plums .................................... 72 Hearts of Palm ........................... 130, 194 Lambert Cherries ................................ 22
French Prune Plums ............................ 72 Lapins Cherries ................................... 22
Fresh-cut Fruits ............................ 31, 191 Larry Ann Plums ................................. 72
Produce Marketing Association
Last Change Peaches ........................... 64 Mixed Nuts ......................................... 56 Pears ........................................... 66, 192
Leaf Lettuce ............................... 144, 194 Mizuna ............................................. 146 Pears, Dried ........................................ 27
Leeks ......................................... 140, 194 Morel Mushrooms ............................. 151 Peas, Snap/Snow ....................... 161, 195
Leeks, Baby ......................................... 90 Moro Blood Oranges ........................... 16 Pecans ................................................ 56
Lemongrass ............................... 141, 194 Mung Bean Sprouts ............................ 176 Pepino Melons ............................ 68, 192
Lemons ........................................ 42, 191 Mushrooms ................................ 151, 194 Peppers, Chili ............................. 162, 195
Lettuce and Greens, Mustard Greens ................................ 128 Peppers, Sweet ........................... 164, 195
Baby/Specialty ....................... 146, 194 Perfection Apricots ............................... 7
Lettuce, Boston/Bibb ................. 142, 194 N Perfumed Quinces .............................. 77
Lettuce, Iceberg ......................... 143, 194 Napa/Pe-Tsai ............................. 154, 194 Perlette Seedless Grapes ..................... 35
Lettuce, Leaf .............................. 144, 194 Navel Oranges ..................................... 59 Persian Melons ................................... 52
Lettuce, Romaine ....................... 145, 194 Nectarines .................................. 54, 192 Persian/Tahiti Limes ........................... 44
Limequats .................................... 43, 191 Newtown Apples ................................... 5 Persimmons ................................ 69, 192
Limes .......................................... 44, 192 Niabell Grapes .................................... 35 Pe-Tsai/Napa ............................. 154, 194
Lisbon Lemons .................................... 42 Niño Bananas ..................................... 13 Picnic Watermelons ............................ 85
Little Gem Lettuce ............................. 146 Nopales ............................................. 104 Pineapple Guava ................................. 29
Lo Boks ...................................... 148, 194 Nuts ............................................ 56, 192 Pineapple Quinces .............................. 77
Loganberries ....................................... 14 Pineapples .................................. 70, 192
Lolla Rossa Lettuce ........................... 146 O Pinkerton Avocados ............................ 10
Longans ...................................... 45, 192 O’Henry Peaches ................................. 64 Pink Grapefruit ................................... 33
Long White Potatoes ......................... 165 Okra .......................................... 155, 194 Pistachios ........................................... 56
Loquats ....................................... 46, 192 Ollalie Blackberries ............................. 15 Pixie Mandarins .................................. 48
Lotus/Lily Root .......................... 149, 194 Onions, Dry ............................... 156, 194 Plantains ...................................... 71, 192
Lychees ....................................... 45, 192 Onions, Green ............................ 158, 194 Plums .......................................... 72, 192
Onion Sprouts .................................... 176 Plums, Dried ....................................... 27
M Opo Squash ...................................... 180 Poblano Chili Peppers ....................... 162
Macadamia Nuts ................................. 56 Oranges ...................................... 59, 192 Pomegranates .............................. 74, 192
Mache ............................................... 146 Oregano ............................................ 131 Porcini Mushrooms ........................... 151
Malangas ................................... 150, 194 Orlando Tangelos ................................ 48 Portabella Mushrooms ...................... 151
Mamey Sapotes ............................ 47, 192 Oroblancos .................................. 61, 192 Potatoes ..................................... 165, 195
Mandarins .................................. 48, 192 Oyster Mushrooms ............................ 151 Prickly Pears ................................ 75, 192
Mangoes ..................................... 50, 192 Pummelos .................................... 76, 192
Manoa Lettuce .................................. 146 P Pumpkins ................................... 167, 195
Manzano Bananas .............................. 13 Packham Pears ................................... 66 Pumpkin Sprouts ............................... 176
Marion Blackberries ............................ 15 Papayas ...................................... 62, 192
Marjoram ......................................... 131 Parsley, Curly .................................... 131 Q
Marroo Seedless Grapes ...................... 35 Parsley, Italian .................................. 131 Queen Crest Peaches ........................... 64
Marsh White Grapefruit ...................... 33 Parsley Root ............................... 159, 195 Quinces ....................................... 77, 192
Mayglo Nectarines .............................. 54 Parsnips ..................................... 160, 195
May Grand Nectarines ........................ 54 Pasilla Chili Peppers .......................... 162 R
McIntosh Apples ................................... 5 Passion Fruit ............................... 63, 192 Radicchio .................................. 168, 195
Melogolds .................................... 51, 192 Patterson Apricots ................................. 7 Radishes .................................... 169, 195
Melons ........................................ 52, 192 Pattypan Squash ............................... 180 Rainier Cherries .................................. 22
Mesclun MIxes .................................. 172 Peaches ...................................... 64, 192 Raisins, Dried ..................................... 27
Meyer Lemons .................................... 42 Peaches, Dried .................................... 27 Raspberries .................................. 78, 192
Minneola Tangelos .............................. 48 Peanuts ............................................... 56 Red Bananas ....................................... 13
Mint .................................................. 131 Red Beaut Plums ................................. 72
Mission Figs ........................................ 30 Red Butter Lettuce ............................ 146
Produce Marketing Association
Red Delicious Apples ............................. 5 September Red Nectarines .................. 54 Teardrop Tomatoes ............................. 83
Red Diamond Nectarines .................... 54 Serrano Chili Peppers Temple Tangors ................................... 48
Red Globe Grapes ............................... 35 (Green and Red) ........................... 162 Texas Brazo Blackberries .................... 15
Red Globe Radishes .......................... 169 Shallots ...................................... 174, 195 Thompson Seedless Grapes ................. 35
Red Iceberg Lettuce .......................... 146 Shiitake (Oak, Chinese or Thyme .............................................. 131
Red Jim Nectarines ............................. 54 Black Forest) Mushrooms .............. 151 Tilton Apricots ...................................... 7
Red Leaf Lettuce ............................... 146 Simka Plums ....................................... 72 Tomatillos ................................... 82, 192
Red Oak Leaf Lettuce ........................ 146 Smooth Cayenne Pineapples ............... 70 Tomatoes .................................... 83, 192
Red Perella Lettuce ........................... 146 Snap Peas .................................. 161, 195 Tommy Atkins Mangoes ...................... 50
Red Romaine Lettuce ........................ 146 Snow Peas ................................. 161, 195 Tudor Premium Red Grapes ................ 35
Red Top Peaches ................................. 64 Sorrel ................................................ 131 Turban Squash .................................. 178
Reed Avocados .................................... 10 Soybean Sprouts ................................ 176 Turnip Greens ................................... 128
Rhubarb .................................... 170, 195 Spaghetti Squash .............................. 178 Turnips ...................................... 184, 195
Ribier Grapes ...................................... 35 Spicy Sprouts ..................................... 176 Turnips, Baby ...................................... 90
Rich Lady Peaches .............................. 64 Spinach ..................................... 175, 195
Rio Red Grapefruit .............................. 33 Spring Lady Peaches ........................... 64 V
Romaine Lettuce ........................ 145, 194 Spring Red Nectarines ........................ 54 Valencia Oranges ................................ 59
Roma Tomatoes .................................. 83 Sprouts ...................................... 176, 195 Van Dyke Mangoes .............................. 50
Rome Apples ......................................... 5 Squash, Hard-Shell .................... 178, 195
Rosemary ......................................... 131 Squash, Soft-Shell ..................... 180, 195 W
Rouge Grapes ..................................... 35 Squash, Soft-Shell, Baby ..................... 90 Waldo Blackberries ............................. 15
Round/Globe Tomatoes ...................... 83 Star Fruit/Carambola .................. 20, 191 Walnuts .............................................. 56
Round Red Potatoes .......................... 165 Star Ruby Grapefruit ........................... 33 Waterchestnuts .......................... 185, 195
Round White Potatoes ...................... 165 Stir-Fry Sprouts .................................. 176 Watercress ................................. 186, 195
Royal Diamond Plums ......................... 72 Straightneck Squash ......................... 180 Watermelons .............................. 85, 192
Royal Tangors ..................................... 48 Strawberries ............................... 79, 192 Whiteheart Breadfruit ......................... 18
Ruby Red Grapefruit ........................... 33 Sugraone Grapes ................................ 35 White Lady Peaches ............................ 64
Ruby Red Leaf Lettuce ....................... 146 Summer Bright Nectarines .................. 54 White Radishes ................................. 169
Ruby Seedless Grapes ......................... 35 Summer Lady Peaches ........................ 64 White Sapotes ............................. 86, 192
Russet Potatoes ................................. 165 Sunburst Tangerines ........................... 48 Winter Melons (Dong Qua) ........ 187, 195
Rutabagas .................................. 171, 195 Sunflower Sprouts ............................. 176 Woodear Mushrooms ........................ 151
Sweetheart Cherries ........................... 22
S Sweet Potatoes ........................... 182, 195 Y
Sage .................................................. 131 Swiss Chard, Green and Red ............. 128 Yellow Chili Peppers .......................... 162
Salad Mixes ............................... 172, 195 Yellow Flesh Potatoes ........................ 165
Salsify (Black and White) ........... 173, 195 T Yellow Watermelons ........................... 85
Sangria Lettuce ................................. 146 Tamarillos ................................... 80, 192 Yellow Wax Beans, Snap ..................... 92
Santa Claus Melons ............................. 52 Tamarinds ................................... 81, 192 Yu Choy/Flowering Cabbage ...... 188, 195
Santa Rosa Plums ............................... 72 Tangelos ..................................... 48, 192 Yucas ......................................... 189, 195
Satsuma Mandarin ............................. 48 Tangerines .................................. 48, 192
Savory .............................................. 131 Tango Lettuce ................................... 146 Z
Savoy, Cabbage ................................. 102 Tangors ....................................... 48, 192 Zahidi Dates ....................................... 26
Savoy, Curly Leaf, Spinach ................ 175 Taro Root ................................... 183, 195 Zucchini Squash ............................... 180
Satsuma Mandarins ............................ 48 Tarragon ........................................... 131 Zutano Avocados ................................ 10
Scallopini Squash ............................. 180 Tatsoi ................................................ 146
Scotch Kale ....................................... 138 Taylors Gold Pears .............................. 66
Seckel Pears ........................................ 66
Seedless Watermelons ........................ 85
Produce Marketing Association
Instructions for Fresh Produce Manual on CD
This CD contains PDF (Portable Document Format) files of each commodity found in the November 2002
edition of PMA’s Fresh Produce Manual.

License Agreement: keys on your keyboard. You have to select a folder

Opening the package subjected you to the or a commodity, or click somewhere on the page,
enclosed license agreement and will constitute to activate the page down and page up keys.
use of the product according to the terms thereof.
How to Change the Viewable Size of the Page
You Will Need Adobe Acrobat: To change the viewable size of the page, go to the
You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader on View menu option and select Zoom In to increase
your computer in order to access the files. If you the size of the page, select Zoom Out to decrease
do not have this program or need to upgrade your the size of the page, and select Zoom To to select a
current version, please go to specific magnification percent.
prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html and install it for
free. Another way to increase the size of the page is to
select the “+” icon on your tool bar and click
The free Adobe® Acrobat® Reader anywhere on the page. Remember to select the
allows you to view, navigate, and hand icon on the tool bar when you have finished
print PDF files across all major computing increasing the page size.
platforms. Acrobat Reader is the free viewing
companion to Adobe Acrobat 4.0. How to Print One or More Pages
To print one page, click on the page you want to
If you already have Adobe Acrobat Reader, simply print, go to the File menu option, select Print,
place the CD in your CD-Rom drive and close it. select Current Page, and click OK. If you know the
The program should launch automatically in page number(s) you want to print, go to the File
about 20 seconds, and open to the Introduction menu option, select Print, select Pages From,
page of Fresh Produce Manual on CD with a list of enter the page range you want to print, and click
bookmarks on the left. OK. NOTE: If you don’t select Current Page or
Pages From and enter a range, the entire
How to Select a Commodity: document will print.
The commodities are separated into two sections:
a Fruit Section and a Vegetable Section. In each of How to Navigate Through the Document
these sections, there are PDF files named by the To navigate through the document, scroll by
individual commodity. For instance, in the Fruit selecting any bookmark on the left of the page or
Section, you’ll find information on watermelons, just click on a page and 1) use the up and down
in the Vegetable Section, you’ll find information cursor keys on the keyboard, 2) use the right and
on artichokes. left arrows on the tool bar, 3) use the page
buttons on the bottom of the window, or 4) use
To select a commodity, click on the “+” sign to the the Page Up and Page Down keys on the keyboard.
left of the fruit or vegetable sections so it becomes
a “–” sign, and then click on the fruit or vegetable Another way to navigate through the document is
of your choice. If the sign is already a “–” sign, just to select the Document menu option, select Go To
click on the fruit or vegetable of your choice. Page, enter the page number you want, and click
Another way to select a commodity is to scroll
through the pages using the page down or page up

Copyright © April 2003 Produce Marketing Association • P.O. Box 6036 • Newark, Delaware 19714-6036 • USA
Phone: +1 (302)738-7100 • Fax: +1 (302)731-2409
How to Search for a Commodity or Variety How to Show the Document on the Full Screen
To search for a commodity, scroll through the To show the document on the full screen, go to
bookmarks on the left of the page and select the the View menu option and select Full Screen. To
commodity of your choice. You can scroll by show the menu bar again, press the Esc key once.
selecting any bookmark on the left of the page and
using your up and down cursor keys, or the right Troubleshooting
and left arrows on your tool bar, or the page The entire document printed when I clicked on the
buttons on the bottom of the window, to navigate page I wanted to print. You must select Current
through the document. Page or Pages From and enter a page range to
print a specific page.
To search for a commodity or a variety, select the
Index bookmark on the left of the page, find the The screen sometimes jumps to another screen when
commodity or variety in the index, and note the scrolling. Try changing the view method. Single
page number. Then go to the Document menu Page view scrolls page by page. Continuous view
option, select Go To Page, type the page number scrolls with no page jumps. To change the view, go
you want and select OK. to the View menu option and select Continuous or
Single Page.
Another way to search for a commodity or a
variety is go to the Edit menu option, select Find, Nothing happens when I use the Page Up and Page
type the text you are searching for and select Find. Down keys on the keyboard. You must click on a
You can also use the binoculars icon on the tool page in the document or select a bookmark on the
bar to find an item. left to activate the Page Up and Page Down keys.

How to Show or Hide the Bookmarks Contact Us

To show or hide the bookmarks on the left of the If you have any questions about this product, or
page, go to the Window menu option and select any other PMA product or service, please contact
the Hide Bookmarks option to hide the the PMA Solution Center. Call +1 (302) 738-7100
bookmarks, or select the Show Bookmarks option or e-mail [email protected].
to show the bookmarks.

Another way to show or hide the bookmarks is to

select the bookmark icon on the tool bar.

Copyright © April 2003 Produce Marketing Association • P.O. Box 6036 • Newark, Delaware 19714-6036 • USA
Phone: +1 (302)738-7100 • Fax: +1 (302)731-2409
LICENSE AGREEMENT PMA Fresh Produce Manual on CD
Opening of the enclosed CD by you or your agent signifies your acceptance of this agreement. If you do not
accept this agreement, do not open the package. If the package is unopened, you may return the materials to
PMA for a refund. This license agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the license and the limited
warranty for the enclosed material.
Copyright © April 2003 Produce Marketing Association

Communication of License Agreement:

All rights reserved. This product may not be The customer agrees to communicate the terms and
reproduced, transmitted in any form or by any restrictions contained in this License Agreement to all
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, persons under his or her employment, direction, or
recording, or otherwise, or stored in a retrieval control.
system, without written consent of the Produce
Marketing Association except as outlined in this Unauthorized Use and Compliance:
license agreement. To do so is an infringement of The customer will use all reasonable efforts to see that
the copyright law. employees, agents, assigns, or other persons under the
direction or control of the customer abide by the terms
and conditions of this License Agreement. The customer
License Grant: agrees to notify Produce Marketing Association of
The customer does not receive title to the electronic unauthorized use.
educational material. The customer is granted a
nonexclusive license to USE the electronic educational Limitation of Liability:
material subject to the restrictions and terms set forth in In no event shall Produce Marketing Association be liable
this License Agreement. The customer may print in part to a customer for any special, indirect, incidental, or
or in full, in unlimited quantities, the Fresh Produce consequential damages arising from the use of the
Manual on CD for their company’s use only, provided that materials however caused and on any theory of liability.
it includes all notices and markings in or on the original.
Produce Marketing Association’s liability shall in no event
The copyright and all other rights in the printed exceed the price actually paid by the customer for the use of
material shall remain with Produce Marketing the material. These limitations will apply even if Produce
Association. Marketing Association has been advised of such damages.
The customer acknowledges that the license fee reflects this
Restrictions: allocation of risk. Some states do not allow the exclusion or
The customer may not remove or alter any proprietary limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the
notices, labels, or marks on the materials. The limitation or exclusion included in this License Agreement
customer may not modify, translate, reverse engineer, may not apply to particular customers.
disassemble, or decompile the materials. The customer
may not translate or create derivative works based on Severability:
the materials or merge it with another program. If any provision of this License and Limited Warranty
Agreement is declared by a court of competent
The customer may not replicate the CD itself, or the jurisdiction to be invalid for any reason, such invalidity
files, except to place the files on one computer for shall not affect the remaining provisions.
viewing or printing for their company’s use only.
Company use does not include giving copies of the CD Governing Law and Jurisdiction:
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not include allowing anyone outside the company to State of Delaware. Venue shall be proper only in the
re-produce the printed pages in any way. courts in the State of Delaware. Customer hereby
consents to such jurisdiction and venue.
Termination and Transfer:
Any failure to comply with the terms and conditions of this Produce Marketing Association
Agreement will result in immediate termination of this P.O. Box 6036 • Newark, DE 19714-6036
license. Upon termination of this license for any reason, P: +1 (302) 738-7100 • F: +1 (302) 731-2409
the customer must discontinue use of the materials.

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