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1.1/f!PJ.Il !HNR:U

T1lt HltiOIY oi iiiOOd ................. ..
SI*U Wlclt w.oid ............. ....................5
WllldWldo 11 Sk•:,~~ Traits ........::::::::::::::....:::::::·....·:·::
1110011 ..... Stldla ........................::·::..:::.........:·19 T111ts.. ...... ...... "",
N<J!i1~1 sacn<~ Tu~.. • .. 20
Sportllil'iflpi'OI~I~ .. .. • lnduetmtnb in Oetl~ .............................................88

,... ..................................... ...................... 23

Lt.... and [lhibillon PitY· .. .................................96
Go<>...ol Pnn< pe> • • ...... •... 26 Runnl~ • Leag~,. ........... 97
Pil)'" SloM 28 E>.h1bhon Play · 101
Pl>)tl !'roll~ .. 2<J
Ch~",.'"'"' T!l!t$ ... 30 Thtltlml............................................ ..............104
011~1'1 al!lcod 8o..t loam 31 ReQionll speoal Rules .... ......... " ....
Team 0<1~ lilt · Teom Spol<i&l Rules ........ 106
TIIIR111tS al-81wt ......................................:.. :!; T..mTltiS ...
St>1 Pl)..n ........ .
Aell"" of locH-'. ..40
ThtStJitotaDmt. ··· .. ·· 42
ThiToamTum ........... ·· 44
MM<nenl. 48
PIW'~jlllea.ll.'" 52
Th<Oo!'lj ot~ Pllltf\ .. !i6
Bloc~... 60
Mrooul lrod I"'' ""' ...... 63
K•t>." m.m whilell\e(<e OOoon ..
Touchclown! ... .. 64
ThtEr<lofll'tllriolf . !i6

C~1,fliGIII"II\W)I~U~IIAd2020 iS(Q$~.111oodlkM' fheGlr"9Gif.ll ~i\1F"OotfHII, ~! 1~ Fo111~y roa~:bll)ol.lll'lll

Orrift.0.,. ~~ G'N •~ •' No; .t'ed ~ nl'l\tl, r.:a, ~!tiM. wtai)Orlland dlllltiM'I a•t t rtllef
' 01 r~ ..- Cl Wtrcll"qqll"' ~ All RfitJ Rtstf\llld
Noi*1 01 hl~iO"',.., bt"Puduttc~ ~~ • r.ot·.,tlft~U'!, cr trt"NN't:.llld in .tr~flutm or boJ •~tt rnNM u ctronlt.
!Ntllto:'QI, P"Ch:of¥'1. ~ 01 OIN>tw\t ~ 1'- Slfr:f Pl!lllliyiclft 01 ttle ()UbiiW'l
~1'111 "I wnrlt d f<IIOn. An lrlt thllat~ ar4 Milts PG"'Itld nfill book,. ftdoo1141 lfld In'( ~~b 1JU to
,.. .,....Cl.!f'OOetk"P..Iilt~l'
&li\1\CIUoOIJtiiC IM\.blu!Q\ D-. A ~-ltlOIIS 'of hi book , •~••I;'*J tJrQm tile Unt:.sf'l t.btary
c..-..,... ............ _...,._.,_
W:rl,q- "'= 'ltr.Wi~ \11101\\~ ('!"~!

food 8o<ll IS u.....,.,bly

I. A 11000 IO'N/. ,TC/1 I
tht aruttst pme ever 4~Q ~ 1~
played. Not only IS It the Bcw W'
~·· most poj)Uiit .,.. ol l . TWO CARDIDAAD 'DU&OUTS'. I
f1nusy football but, In the eyts a•m• u'., ,, "
of rtslqrons or loY~I fvllo..on
tht~om. ~11apmelou l. TWO TCANS D,t.AYlRS.
no othtt: ~tlc11, chellenrrnt. 1...--,J
emotoon•l and, 11 hmtS,
OClltJ&-•I'f funny!

To pl.ty a pmt of Stood Bowl,

thttt 111 1 few key lttms yOCl
win nttd. 8tfotl flPIOnna tht
wotld of Stood Bowland the
rules of the pmt in lurthtf
dttirl, let 11> liM a look Ill
pmt In xtlon 1nd list till viul
compontn11 tequrrtd

A«! to~ • " Nt fer tilt lnllmt"' "'""Y
- N.!!lt'l A'!W)IO F;>OCWI .. tile ~ame •••
~··" pl3)od In lhf 01: WoriO. ~ ""' bbdOO< .. a.
<d l!lld> ,. "" ""' """-'•,..,., .,. muu odd'
lh'f.., 't<M.~ I""" lllo _ , .......,11om rt1e temple 1FICI l)l4(:ed on t~
.. ""~:ted
,..~roll aA""""
l)oo~ CCO:"""' 'UP<~
"A /1(1- '"
.,.,... foor<1 .,tilttlldt 1'1•1~ ,,. teum 111\'d •P.1 10<11
'"'VII'Iill"' M"'hd bl't~ pm~ lnto!ll"''llte •~ • neutral
Clfli«J « l ~/tom f t trt4 olt"t '":'II
At~ IJ-"f'.
\l'!#'fr .., orn\itd In tr~h zebra M for tne: occas1on
"'"'""'"' " ' " - ~'fll<lll- • Ill bott~t, '~~~~'~'~'~and the pmt w.ti iNJ'/
~,I,UAAtJIWlrxrt J.!ltiiC!Cllrtumbef~
I Cl'lld,..,b'
,~,. "'" no poper p1tc~. no ~tch malkrnll' ol
Tht IH~r, lnW 1 Ml p~tiOd oft ~* Al '"'' olor<l '"'lew,~,. be)<>nd tho>e •~ith Ute elderly
fltd, t'-Hl11114t /141 """UIIt !hit MOf.t ~b WIS o.. rl ""~ ~u"'eo~ eorcoellrom 111e tonlus•na 1umblo
rJ«JJif!dthtN' ~'(.ljref!l:~ ;lwd/drJ'Ifi'M,.,.... t11 011 •1. tnd 10 IJ\o dJy no-one os qurtt su11 who actually
..., lllore ••" "' lably ~'o"umo•nl of Y1olen<e
,.., '"''"'""""""'u "'""~'~ t't ""'"' "'""!'IC.!!f• fi.'f!-.r"XJJt ~bw'; '"11(flmonybtlY.f't'n lhttwo ~H. hOMM!f, and
II '"' 1'111. II N ".elWIW\1 ""'l'ft . , Jl. onltll t\«)Q'Itl,lrl!td ttwt they t- Jd tea 'I 8n10',t.'<l U1~ actLvlty

..... ,.,. .
run t1 from etc''t ft(t Cl:ll~ bt01t ff'll lrtido! ~ltil ,, '" "'""' •1 hll!••a ont enotntr a>esl The oawo
'"" bFIII'n, Ml tht "'o"' , _ d spe'led 10 torry
trf, t•e :'1 llll"YI\ to hit hOft ,lli,a'"di, whe-re every tnbe
At1!'4 il'n•ll• ("ttt dolt o1 ""'"'""lilt Cll ~II) fljWQ .. fltlcf .......
o.: ....... •;--"""!oct••*~
•-·mlfl!mjiiiO dco.t •hottro"-"'ttr
II wa. 'f)l>iclft 11>1._...,..., ..... "IO'Ct
'""''...,. ~•l!ollodl<;~ Oo:tlan
c__, o'Wle I>"' Ill ... ,. ~ "" • IU
- - loti • • Pw:O'; liorercllll< m....(r.l
""'~.1 ho...f-

I the d 'lo.t-1 re:es of :he t.. P''" ~~· ., of remar. tbl/
THE EVOLUTION OF SPORT v.e pr~rled pamph tt.s and strof s "P-re lound, fJ ng
ROZE-El AND TH E>t-t \ 1 tt1eandent fJI!Tlfl•l rluals P. h·ilm
Qf ~,.,and swbes "''"set tl) JwOt~ transJa' ng iJnd
W1th U11J l1f\l (I N1'1'f"'' Am~r,cal r J !lbd t-Il fed
1n the ulodtm ~~. mllnf ol th~r>P l)ft nt 'If tre tf thused
ll!tran!JatJnt: tneo~~t l,jnt ,., llOdt tlf kr.&NIOO&f! was
• .,. bled Tnes• tr£Oihtr " th • ,..., t war .coop1 ot
w•lfl an atmo\t fanat,CII n•f,KIOUS f r'I'Jur kom f
t1ctM>n and a M ollm't not lOll QO~ ~ y hoi~ P<l Cialily the
h mw I t~hne youn~cr Jnd rrrAt er Wf~du:: than t-.e tllltt
ruleS rJ '.lle g.tmil' Socw1. RAmM v. .re t~e;r g p111·~ 111th1n
In mar1~ )eM'S. hulntod to put fliD rnot1on thP Kfll!ld
piani thit ttHir t>d jftl'.Jnd •n "' mmd and. w lh Ihe he p
~t tame •1'1'11<. a~rl on propt1ly •naw~
ol m;ny olhol> wtoo """''d coon to bocome tne $P(ltt's
loundlng offiCI&I>. the''"' da>' and_, l>llow>n~
Roze.(l, wc<Jnd 1011 l~rgc 1 to:k care ot 11~11
1/ntd o' NuH •' Amor cal Footboll >P ead lar and w de
Mon>k's di!<O.ery !II N no~:ollndes takin M•"YY"'" IS 11 carr·~ b) the wma In the d•l' •nd weeks that
'''"'· Rot• [I was to commen11n hiS rourlllllhal, lool<mg
bo'k, 11 hardly seemed th•t II e bold >de•s wo,. h" follolo«< t">t l11st game. dottgallOf'> '"''""' •t t~e temple,
own he fen atterwjfds ttwt !~ tdm» lo h•\ m•nd fully drah" tt'ltre oy rM!N> of tr.e ,....t>nt from c111~ ;md ~t•tn
lormed. M 11 ~·was mrrely t:tl"f! IS a r""'ptacl~ let the 0 d Wor1d dnd rl!pleiet~lv•g "'"' d•tferent race'i
Nofflc!'s er.atn~ And perlllll' thiS was true; pemaps Ear1v fear\ iiT'IOfl~t tr~\Cfl~ Md schOlars that had s!t
Rott El w•HP<'4k·n~ p!opl1e11UIIy- Simply PU"ni on op ~<lth n t11e temple. that s~.Ch • galh"''"i would ro>ult
U>t word• of NuH •"' t~• grPll iod spoke them thtOujlh on ho.t lilt. pt01ed unlounded it riP dlt becirnt Cleat
h s earthly """ant> Ot l)!'t!"~' the mlklence denued lrom t11•t tn•tur• ol "'",...,\pert ..,., !tt:n that Mn the
RotO-(I's oodltss and .nt•mat! contiltt wth the wcred rn~t blttH of enem•es 'NOu d sooMr !arn the rutes of
to~l Who &'t~r 411 CJJn sa1 -Ahat powlllf res.clf!i 1n J ntua eogagemt•t tnao draw uP bank! I nes The ra<es
boo<, thOUif\11 •nd Ide.-. the po~os hold ttawo<J of the world Htm~ WllhnJ ao; nt~o'er before to un1te m
w1th n. ready and wa hog lor an •••"' m1nd lh-' t~ty v.ay!> pre<~oullt undreamed ol
m•y bn!ak lree mto tho >YO< d'
By t~e ~me ol Roze·Eis aeath at the erand Old age
Roze-EI'!, f1r1.l ok.hon 1\S,., t!d Comm ntonfr of 196. there v.~e 16 sect> or. a> ~Y Nere commonty
wi> to lound lh• C~urth ol NJHit >Amon< al Foceball na
com•nc to ~ ~no""· learrs, compet 1n a season
BaWd w thtn thf" anc,f!llt tempi,., the churtt'l wouk:l act v.h1Ch culmonated 1n the &IOt•M ~·te>$<> ol the Blood
•• • gO\'ern•ng body o"rlheiPOtt eod M>Uid he p to 8owi 111101 the annua ch.lmp1011$h1p game tnat quiCk f
S~>tead word ol Nollie's 'Miodtr far and w<!e. It must be eave Its name to the sport as common folk lar and
noted h•re that the llt•e of cl\.rcn' n~er really cao0ht w1de came toulltre ~"re 1tse1l B·Xld Bo.v ·and u·e
onamonpt the lol~~l$ o1 ~ultlo Indeed. e~<en w thm &Q'I<tnln& body undH Roze-EI the NAF' Trese teams
a lew lhOrt )tall the records snow that t~• ·cnurcll ol represented men of tht Emp111. Norsu 01nd furtnlf if•e d.
N A.F had become known to the publiC ~rrpjy as the Dwarfs ol the WO<ICb Ed~e Mounta rs. Orcs and Gobhns
'NAF' lnteresllnily. to th•> d•1 the NAF" st111 ctmed .s hom the Badlands. S•.tvt<~ from tile Under·Emp re, Elves
• church, tOIT'plolt w lh •I tne moe: at~ ta. bonil11$ . oC Ulthuin acd mote W th hr> legacy secured. Roze E
went peacetolly to h s rest teavme tehmd h1m enougn h,s t•mt as Sa~..r!d Commrss1oner, Roz•EI !\ott~ ~lted.(tav-·n w...~r;~tKM1S. dl!\d ~!dlntS.hed 10urnJI
pr>OHIIII'<f l•l\lly th• ptopor "'"''"'on oC u·e rult$ ot hiS ent11eo to k<f1) hi$ $cetesSOI1 b-J$t tor centur es'
pmP ond "'condly to thP 'tl~~d ot tn. v.Oid ol Nutfte.
In terrnl of h's t.l\t goal, Rozt.£1 mado grut str>des in
bolh recreat ng Nuh~·· OfiRINI ute-.
and 11unc1n th• ~~~'

IIIAN tiiiJI 0161W

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t11 zJit
"",..... __ _
__...,......_....,._ ...
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..... ...,...,.,....


__ ___
................. .....
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........ fill\- .. .-"""""' llt'l'\

.. __ ____
...... _
__ __.. ... ..-""..........-........
................ ---~~·­
.... ,..,.,--..,.

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'-'- ................ .
.,.. . . !WI

. .(toft>-·-
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fl"twiii"«J#o . . . . M: . . . ~
0111\. .,_ H' 4 ... N ...... Mil

_ .. .,.,.._.. ... P.N

.........~ ... _..._ .........__, ~


- - ,._.......·-- ... -""""-"'

-- " --- __ ,.,.
....... ' a


_. ........... """
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! ~;>tt o'' '"' ~~ !"!p. J~'(l

Hf.l"('l "ld•n~«-'f~IAX'f1.VI
lnfl.lted ••8"' of playeiS and oth
supj)OII staff, stadium owneiS, SllOrt\
p.omotns ond, ulttmalely, tho NAf
~~*" we1o ;Jtll collecltng the lion's
sNit of the proMs

"Sltrt6 Com"'I'I~S'C)I"'rt' and t\ct Many oi lhe tnduslnes that

pocu ,. •~" ,.,. ta Conlt,...,vr. had sPfUr.!l up IIOOnd the SJ)Or\ SOOr
1t otfJCe " '" ' Ol'-i ()nP
hiS 1enurt ""''~ lhat lhes<' new economoc
>tt c"'e uncDIICfmed by p:i>JI" II' demands couldn't be sustained
..,. '" 2477, ,r,.. , '"li'li·148 by Jlckel sales and C.baiYlSion
yNISitl dfict, Ht II'IOJnd tft~red M
contracts alone. and as lOfiR as
110$ tlon by d, 'I ol CliO ••~ ll< was
the NAF wu maktng suCh huge
11.<<10dld by ....,"' "'""~ ploeol
t.nanctal demands, 01110" we1e go1nR
o1 Nu!!lt """ed N k• Tn...,om A> 1fP011t'd at tile l me by
to M!Uiate them. Many sponsors
~tr the c01.1'$e ol h'~ 1-'lort career.
Si>"' MJgllrrf, •IIIlO JUst four
Thleti'<lm hllll pto;Od "'"""'t !lOCh • ,..,., ,,. ..,...mol gold 11 cost
happily slOpped up, paymg ever
h~ wor~~;~t " ld '"able ISSIS!il'll to mo1e to get th~r IOiiJ> seen on te.-~ m
tnt ..,. rc ~"111ound H~ kno•tedi(O
tt>t '""""'ton tn Jlle slum to luis and around •lad>a Sadly, tor
olt!'e . _ wcntf'C:I <1 tna NAF '"""' a ""''h hllll "'"~>td hom tile allt>o~gt fan, th>s spendmg JUSt
a oor~y illfotd•b t O;f pr.,n,gs to
'nd f) ~~~~10\..., ~lt>ll!te coW!d the pnce of &QOds to 1"e.
1 truly e~Ctofti<J' a!e 75! By t:O'Il.IJII.
iJ>IOUjl ""llt>OIIllpo COrafu ~ C.baiV>sion network; began to look
bofl'l a1d ntJrturl!d by Her huuf(l IN! wlary ol thiiM'IOi< pl3yef
ehewhele for l)ll)grammmg to enttct
IT'll? l'llrn seem a nacurJI cflQct •'""' 100 NAFM1""' 1101111
.,.,...,, le.>dmg to an exJ)Io>loo
J..,i>Jndll!d gold p>t<eo to more
than 30.0001 Vel ;~lltnl m011ey m Jhe numbe1of chat shows ond
Soldly •I IOOfl bee_,. •pr~ront - nard, "' spore ol t!'e va!lly theatncal d1amas be•ng broodcasl
tn.ll ftlltlfhciln d tff;tfd ijrPalft from
h~ Pludt<.IISOOI Ill II.... f!y I'M
W!IPte HP'II'I~nd was oodoobt~ry
IVMI(I(Iu\. tu f«us rl"mill'f'd t1flllty
uex>n t"" l>!llerment of Siood &•I
AJI <I h~ """'Y mokW>Il<h<'.,....
""""'. Cllmn>On u- l!'e
bffld.Jetof WI'S II'NJ)'~ the eam~
C.ltlonlt Hcfl"""" lndmot. ff
profl*! ~ttal y. all v.ere woe!J·pa•d
llllll ll.od luMIOUI 'tiiJI!ytes, but
u I meteoly t1'1t money ra~ was
PiOugf>td b«k tllCO ~ Ofi.O"Ml>On
•nd ltit\) ttlt soort.

Tt' tethcwn. by cootra!tt

"'"""' to bo lr!t'dy and l<Ht~
He q""lly lhcY.od lllal lie Cltdn'J
.~~ shir tW cred1t w•tn ot~
l'1d Jl P'of!fy opoorturltJ' Y..OUid
.>:e<pC U e pl•udt:s IOIII>e hllll

"'"" d '" unCIOr!mJs..., Mil

s pre~ In adel l on to
opseru,. ma'y eo!l""'""' dut~g
t) S II,~ fl?l. )'fii"S IR olf>telht

Cob< ' "' net~ lour<~ the <OSl

(If llctrse$ to br0idcl1t ffllt"""
10141 "'~l.olt. doublir aaea••

of ~aggarot hr se f "" saod tc be
lven tho game of 6 ood 6o11l • ttel amsPI.Ir' & ma<lll P
t• fanaLca M support of the
hold to idapt '" orllo;r to ~eo dr•"''fl ent rely I ch.! "'" N ,.~ d na loorues
the tlc>ct ~'es and C-lbOIV,~ron lor got atxx.t tn. blJ •n.1 •ocussed eo ..tx>Y' Koollhtu, swround~>d al
tJC USIV!Ij 00 the ilolr!U t "'~ all 1 mes bY n emile~ of Th< e.rrty to mi<l·2480s
the w'"h Knll'iO"' Bta k Guard.
~" an e<piO!.ron rn on p1t<~
For many the commertla cou:d sr1 as hew shed. and 511''
vrotentt Alonewe fresh ood ~•crtrog
lnncl\'attons, game o~-~ lilld\ R\•de a 'ucct>"' of t~e 2480s wtte ~· d d ?!ten
rew'ience rn popularrty at the ptch- tor.sH1P.ftd a g 1t~ era O' ew·;es$.
But not ever 11)0e "' 1 ha?PY 1<oot ""'ned t" t s~h P<tesses
srdc. the lees ct>araod by the Cd:egeo
coo dn t te ~t' •t:d, thJtiOOnet cr
of M3&'c suddenly ~eCm 1111 not~
Mort,onate Chrel among th~ fresh Sm~< teams "ere d .mayed totO< the NAf NO 'd Nallo" 'lie I
by ,h,,n,ng cm"11 ft'ld t~C so gr•al wn rh greed and that
1nnovat10n( was the mechomc•l
contrapCIO<l, cunrong mveohons chd''i!n& face of tM 'P0'1 M•nv the fvt••• ollhe <port t.!y n ()!)en
rntmduced 1n grPat number~ to idd farnous ''""of the lifldrron c.en comp!t loon rat~et tnM a ~Joated
Church •nd cheap "'nsatrona m
1!\en more bloomht'd to lhton P'tw !;pOke out1n mt!rv1e A~ about tne
nardsh'ps endured by fans rn e<der to And 1<oot ...~t lurthef CJII ng out
act roo ThP 1110'>1 notable of tnese
modern wond~ wi1~ IM ctl~ n~N see tneu be <Ned t••m play Amon~ N,,, n r.ehO<n rPm ndiO& h m that
whrch ptovod by far the mo~t tile m~t outsooken wtrcs of IMP Blood Bewl .. as •bout llle w '"h'P
llOfllllor •nd Konor of th• era Tt>e NAF wa> Jerem••h l<oot. capta'n of of N '"le oot go<!, aod mtmg that
the Oart<Srde CQ.vboys. Not ~nly w•\ soon•r or ,Jter Thr~chorn'i uti
~rrdrmn qu~t>ty became a deMty
Kootlaudod by m•nv as th• trPOf, >t wa<ld wanjle 'cr Nu"le wn l'<l4 a
pia e a> P'IY•" w•rP dt't•r• tated
aod ~1\.00tatOO m huge number\ play<'r rn the MIO<y of BloOd Bowl ~· 11 '"''~ Nhom tomes I
There ....a ~-~n a t.nef
per «<in bLt tne C<Jwboys m~~re thJ 1""' ~tlr•r
2486 wllcn oi/Orf g•me pl<1yod '" t•am tfljO)ed tne p;ltrorl.l~~ ul •
the mooth ol Pflu~/trl endod 0 0 po~'rlolrndMdc at ThP Wrtch KrnK


! lllht ball Mr lea,... Ire l"lch, the crowd w1ll
enlhv>•.r>bt!lly t11row 11 back f'os1!10fllhe -n.-.111
• , •t • ;;;;d,i • yOUl mporn1~ ty !fmpl.!t• •• $hewn m 111e d1agram below, willlllle Bklod
<1"" ~ , 1" .c -r cno ol ,..,, l.unt. eo.. IC£0 tNtr the ''"' SQUAr1! the bill occupild bllat
II.',.,.., ......,..
I> "'1ft rt Tum rr.c"" on IU""''Ihe p lch M1d <ejl a 06 to clelennlne the diiiCIIGI
'fJJq>l. tne ba llra•els '"

"'""mit )QIW rd IQr mae; 11M '*"
.,., bl "'"'"'~I 'i\l< or -.1
1':011!11n blk'! _ _ ," ~ -

hoaame of Blood BoN! .,.. four <loNortm l'tl>'•

T ol d c• to detllmliM the outcome rJ vanout

lltiiO"' "'d ""'" Thfto irt oflll\ rtl01rocl to M
'Nuf!le • ..crtd c.rbol' In ho._ 1o tho """'" 1011 of
Blood BOW1. tntmlrniiiY tpomopol, no\111 of lheoe dice

Unoque Ia 11'4 pmo o1 Blood Bawl, blodl dlrli.,.IIIICIID
- Bl~ ltd Btflz ocllons lllir4t CQlCIIIIIan ...,_
They "' 11111dod d1t11 tnat 1e11u1e 1wt UOique 1ct1n1 (alii
II duplicltod on 1wo t-1, 10th ~a d1tllllnt
oulcome !!lee Plll57l.

Blaod llow111to- ""'" ~11ielod dico, morlood I

lo 6 ft It common tor lhe '6' 1D bl NCIIICOII by I laiD
-IIOter lttll d lhe pma or alf>Otlfic 111m -on many
8laod Bow1tllce
Th ; " USed when I PISS or Thnlw TelrtHnltt ldiotl is
pe!form!d. both lo dolarm011..,.. and, In the t:11e d • Dl: The rules mlfll lito call tor a D31o be rolled,
a Pau oc11on, 1o llllormlna Hltrf OlillO'illcirl !)IIJIII can but 11n oclual ttv.Hidod doce " not necesury To roll
attempt ta lnter!ere with the pus 1 03, limply rolla 06 ond haiYe tlte re>ult, round •1
Pas. actiOnS 11t CMIICIIn pt111r dllall on 111111
48 and Thoow Tum..,. actions on f>OII 62 ba
An &WMIIdlcl dKl! is often.lhou£h not l!lt'usively. u"'d
In ~unction wtth the Rondom Dorecllon templote.

A 16-sldld dice. lAss trequenlly used but no less v1\al, a

D\61s used tor some rJ the tables in the rules lhal follow
or to select pllyers at random from w1thm a team.


, s;J ,.lOllS WI on !y t. .><d ;n dt1a «) ~ tht
Sk.i ct5tf1Pt.on
• s~a.~ t!--f'O!b un tlf used durlf'l etthef learn 5 t1.1
" ai)IIIOP"'I• rn.
\\ fltO I d tt pool ~ 10100, a S• lrNoll .. ,. IIO..
ont1 ctrl.l n "'""' to be re-m led, a• <itlotleQ on ~
,t1<1$~114ll101'1 "

l"''>' BlOOd Bowl team Will have a number o1 team It·
roii!IO u1e dunng 1 Kame A team wtll ~rt each game
wlh tiS full tomplrmenl of team re·mlls. Any u\0<1 dun,.
the flf'l half ot • game ate replentshed In Mlattht •tort
ollh• second half, bul unused team rc·mlls do not <any
aoer ftom !he f11SI ~If to the second half lor tram one
lotu<e to Ule next m league play):

Team re ~~Clift only be used wllen a tum IS ldM.

durme 1ts own tl!am turn
• THm re ro<ls cannot be u.ed to re-11111
• 0..11111011, sutter and bounce rolls.

htlootbiPs 1114<1 In BlOOd Bowl ,.. DCI<j!y

ll'ahiPIJIAliu,...., _ _ .............
shaped ond olltn behi!Vt qurte ~~
boll tor Ire !l'lytlln- alll!l 11111 .. , cr
Througl>:lut tilt rules, re111ne wrll be f1\ldt 1o wtlll\a~diOCIIft
the bll 'dl"lflin( ·~ne~~nt 01 'bo<Jnor(, end~~
worth establiShing Nrly 0<1 what '' ,., by toCl1 d • Whtn111obollbcal...,,~,_n!IIIM 1
tl\ISO tt~ms clilottron -.nintd by loilrrt I 0811111 ......
DEVIATE ... Alndom ~---
• gIN bol bounces 11C lsqul!tlhllll--111'
TM rel)ltltnl! alo<lred be~ 01 Cielperlle PISS*"" llbodi.. plljlr lhllhllltllllaiiiNIITaCIIItlGnt,
wrld~ ol1 large\ lhllplljlr mUll --.~oCIIdla.blll ,..,
ft wllbuct-
• Wilen thllllll dMIIIS, l - 1 nurtelral ,...,_ • HhblllbaunclliiDI-Ihlllll~
eq11.11t0 tho rdl of 1 D6 flam U. lqUIIt wltldll th'lrt I SllftGIIIDIIJirltiiMIIIIIIINII'Iaclllt
we> placed, rn I dllecl!tln ~ llf lllliiWI D8 lnO<IIfll'nlnlllls.rnl- a.llllwl
and referring to U.llndom dliiiiiDn . _ . IIQIItlllllllo buct until ft it CIUF\Irt I S11J1!~
• II thf tllllllncls In IICIUI" IIIII IIOlarllild by I
Standr.. plljrll tltll hllltlllliiiiMTiddi %Gilt ···-~~~ 1111111 In u.-prld lqUIII
(see PI&' 261, .,....,_ Nlll'dlqltiOCIIdl
tlrt bill (let pqt51l • IIIey III lllllllonl•
descnbed oppllllle.
• g tlrllllllllnillllllll iiiiCICIC1IPitdiQIIIIIOIIIQUIII
lhltls «.QQIIIId....., 1Jt 1 Slll!lq piljerll!ll hit
lalllhllir TICidl ZOnlorllf 1 Pnn or Slnld •
rt wll bouiiCI lllbt ·-10 llllllllllt fDUI!II.

TNshiPI*II..._•IIIIIIora~n player) rn 11!1
·~ trMIS lllllllllllq)CIId WlOJr
• Whln lhe lie ICIIIIIJ, "-flam.,. IqUIRI In
\llllldl t• _., 111111 am. blilallllndrna.each
lmiiiiOitiW 0111 squnln 1 dlltdion clllormrned

bylOll.. a DB IIIII IWII.. tD 11!1 Raldam
DR:IIIIn ......
ceMD1 a111m11t to caldlll!e bill illautd •
tlllllli!IIIIWJ ace~ 11111!1 fim or MCGnd
IICIIIIrd.••lllllltiF In the 1111ttn~ pcil1l
IfllllrlbllltnllCIIIIr tal tht blllllndlllll !QUilt
lilt actupild by ISland~ !MJerlhltllalltlll kill
Nrlldda z~ tNt 11111er must~~~~ 10 catll
.. bill ·-~ kwll bouiiCI
- atlel ~llhllilllllndlln Ill

; .'--"""',..~-·or uqun tltlliSoccuplld

•IIJ.J~··- p!Mrtltlt l1a loltlhllr

Pl3,.CI!. U~ lh1!11 T41Clo;IP loM lO IOtl!rfiHO With OpPo$1;;;--
playe~t, Ma1k1ng' them ai\CI h1nd~nnR ltle1r act1 on'
If .J p cl~el OCCUJ)IeS 8 $Qll31e that l!i Within Clll
oppos•l•on playtr's Tackle lone, they are be1ng
'Marktd by lhat OPIJOSIIiOn P11ytr
If 3 player hM an oppo~t1on playv wdh•n the-Ir la(kl•
Zont,they ilte 'Markin&' that OPPOSitiOn pl1yer.
A Stand ng p!>yor MarkS 311 oppositiOn player. thit
are wJtllln fhe1r Tackte Zone.
• A pl~er c.1n be MarkC<J by multiple oppos1toon plol'fi
at the same time
Apl>ytr that has lost their Tackle Zone for any ,....,
cannot Mark an opposition player, though lhey con 1>e
MarkC<J themselves.

Players n"'·er Mark team-mates- they wiN on~-t

Mark oppositiOn playe". Mirlu"i opposnlon plajtrS,
and Marl-00 by t11em In tum, 1111 muldpllln
eame e11ec1s
Pront and Stunned plajell kilt IIMiir Tacldt Zont It m11
also happen tlli~ d.. to an ln'Pme ellect, t ~I Nil
or • Sloiltllld by an OjliiCIIIIon .,_, 1 StlndlnJ piQor
1ooes thetr TICkle Zone

• CIIINII Mtrk olller pltjWI

Cannotlltlm!lt ID lnlllfn wllh 1 1'115ldfOn
• Clnnolllltmpt It! Clldllhl biU.

ThtJ wllltlto bl Ulllblt 1D U11 Clllllin olhlt' Sid I

lila! flqui11 a~ 1D ltlrwt Tickle zone.

Pi•IM I1W)' 'flU 0..1' - ltw, 1 - l o Oodflt or
1hey may"'""" fill o.. l!lfor""" 110110 " " ' -
"''" '"' i>lth IOo Qui<·~ When • plljll fill a.. •

• ld niiOC!od l"<<ot can~"""'*' d,... 1...,.,..

PRONE own ldt¥allon
wnen a playl!f 15 Prone, the model1' laid face-liP 00
the ptch AProne OI~G< can do nothooa untotthty 11M • K a playel ralls Oter. 1 llll'ft0¥11' • c.a.-
slooxl up AProne ployeo m~ Ill - "*
tcilm tumto Ptrtonn 1ny IC1i0n lhlt Includes Movement
• II I PlfiOr fllb 0vtr thoy _.,. Pront and ""'
llljury Tho<oltlo ollho - .. '""" ,.....,
Allowance ll<>"ll so IIIOWJihtl)ltyw 1o Mellloc:t 1 -roll..,oml llllma-.Dotlan..-.29
portoon Ollher mo.tmtniiO- up (Me - 44) o Hlho....,...trmour~brola!lld-an
.... 60,., "''"" rol ~- ...... ""'"IN!
STUNNED llwy wll - . Slurvled ar wo,.
Wilen 1 pltytr ~ Stunned, lhe model IS laid fact.down an
the p.IA:h AStunned pltylr Is not el•liblolo Ill octivllld 0
o ftlhollla)loto•-•root-•.lllov

WI Pltyor Fllll 0 . . - on poo!OI\1011 of the l>oll,

durorc th~r teom tum Wt-on 1 teom • turn Wodl,-
ollt Ol1dS will! aT.,. 1111 pll)'!fl ... ...,. Sbrnntd
plljll Falll 0... llllr ...~.. 10 Armour ,. I land
- U10 tum btpn wiM IUCOmllll<olty d - tnd IIOUiblolnlury mit) lpoMIIIo""
becOme l'lanl. • alllayer becarnt SluMtd <Mqlhl
couno d UIOir own 111m llll1l lilly must rtllllln SluMtd IlliG10100110 DOWN
unt I tht and d thek ...,.. nel lum, whan lilly Wll Pll)'ll\ 11'1 ohln l<fladlod ~n t\ the re-.u!t of a
IUIOmlliCIIIJ ftlllover and become Prone VICIOUS Block action m on DPI""t>On ll'tytr Of wh"'
t1wy 111empt 10 perform a Block ltbon ap""t ••
BECOMING PRONE OR SfUNNtb _.loon oil)".....,-~· 1:1e buort.,.,,..,.r.,
USUIIIJ, ll)lljer becamn Pront 11 tht -~of 'flllin& luo:lolor IJI.\nttw, ,,. Pia,." to>tl10 be K~ Down
0..' or bti'll 'Knocklcl Down'. When 1 ptoytr Flits 0... byJl'OI0<1>Ios lllo..., by tne~(o...,d.,.141<'1•l . O<
or 11 Knodold Dawn lilly atoo 'l1lk InJury', meanonc !hey by """'oth" ,•.,.,. elf<oct, by •
may-. Slunned or_,. AlternatM!y. • player
"""''trule 0< by •
may be 'PIIC*I l'nlnt'- nsk rA •"tury.
II a plafl'r '' Knoe~Pd Down d~K~f18 lhe1r leam turn
I luii'IOYet IS <:ause!S
8eirw PIICell Pront IJ on.. a _ , . . choic< 1 pii)'O' • When 1 pll)tr '' Kllor:l<acl {)Qy.n, thov btoome Prono
Is lblt 10 maltl due 10 1 Skollhey possess At Olh" lomeo or<! ""' lllfllry Tht CX>I<h of tho ._,,.t••m
111 n-pn11 e111ct. 1 specltl rulo or 1 Skoll used by •• mal<es an Mno<Jr roll&aonst lntm
opposlllon l)ll)tf mey Cllrlt one of your pltyllt lo bt o litho plojll'i "'"""' 0 bl<lkan. ill llltury roll G

PIIC*II'nlolebyyour-t mada oponsl th.. and thty wi btcomo Stunned

.. W001t
o • a pll)wll PIIOed Plont dunnc thOJr ICIJYIIIOrl. Iller o 11 tne plljor's .,... mn« broloan,lhoy
...,..lion Wills knmedlallly. tlmllft Prone
o Wajllljer In ~ rA tht bolos PIIICOCI Pront • ill pt.,.r rs Knotbd Oowlo wllrlslon- C11
durinl tl1eil film lum, 1 TumMr "caused the IIIII tho 111111 wlll-lrom tht ....... In wtrkll
o H1 p11y1r lhlt 11 n poaasoan d 111e bell II Plactd tht plll'f WlllWiclld Dawn, ..........
Plate, the 111m will bounca 11om lhl~q&~~rt in whidl
till piljlr. . Pllcld l'lanl.
o Whln 1-11PIICed PlaN, ll1ert Is no IIIII of
Armour 101 lind polllllio InjUry roll!

~ no Armour llll 'mldiiPIM'Ihlm

ft,~,~:" ttc'"",:-'ho'-
-, PIIJt" may .,..., 10 NJ or PA oil+ It rTlo(ht _ , Ulltwch p11yor1
~nnot ta l When IKI I'C ipql these ctl.lriiCtf'rl~lt.\, bllt thalli.
of squt11es tht plarN may mQ\'e
wr.en acttvated dur•ng tt\elr tram
ul\1ort~natt~, r'CIIIt4 - ! R'""mbtr Ulll whon IKI"'C apnst 1
tum Thete a1e ~tvtral acttOm a
P'~Ytr 1 NJ or 1¥., ooy roll ot • nerurotl I• t 1101 In idd~IO!I. lt4re wo1
olton bt moc1 fil!1to •PI>IY
player can perlprm thot ollow them
to move. rangmg flom a s1mp10 MOlt
act10n to a d,.mallc Bllll lael001111re
101 IJOiml)lo. 1 pl.,., •rlh ,. NJ oil +"'ff l.nd -
IUblecllD 1 ·2 mt!lllflor, ,. wlwch ,,. ""'-~~~ -~~~""' 1 3 01
aeall w1th mdetJII on Plllt 431.
hlcfttt 10.0011 tn A,olrly tnt - lltOold""' rvn 1 21!111 """"1
·2 mt!llrlltr"" rtiUIIW!ltlld lit 0, wiiiCit lj , . . , lllln l
Aplayft'l Slltn&lh ciUiraelorttiiC
reprmnts how pny..e.lly ~!loy OioOIVAWl!AV! SIILU
"' Strenglh 11 used dunrc lllocll A player's Armour Vlllll•a haft~. S~W~t .._ • ....,.........nct
a.hOils, both wt>tn pellolmlrc ~Mn ~ eherlcllmt~ llatt ~lllliY. tn.,-.lle~pllln&thema
Jllll when dlltncUn&lpllllllhom • _..haw ... CJIIIilr and
durHIIlly oltplljti'Jit)III1J left
lltt IHIII '"ll*lk -"""·or
_..,. tlwn to mt!lli!y a<let ron.
!§tUTY (AG) ~lhlm flam honn IUAY !oint 1!111'1" boc>ft lholf CMft! Willi
A pti~(S Altl<ly ~ Clll liso NpiiJel'lt flow ""i! I
repmenlllllelr Sldlllnd dallrlly In ..,... SoiN 11111'111
d•lftrtnl ""'lllonl. bt nhaw llli'J JW*Y lll!'rDIIIId but hM . . .
lillY·- Ollulallllonts Ullllrt .._,loCI
in INs way • othtB dMiop "'"'
Si<llb as IIley 1mproye dunne
thly can pick 141 the btl or theil
ab~lly Ill brak ~horn IICIU1ll.
AV characltrlllic, lndlcatinaa hi"' I ieaCut
- - ol physical durlbolily Olhe!\
"'IV- vtfY hel"~ armourerl TRAITS
AGIUnTUTS 1tl 11M atow AY ehl11ttlnstiC, Whil51 Sk1lls t1111 be learned bot
You wtll ollln bt required to test shawlf18 that on spite ol thtk k1t, t11oy a pi•Y"• """"*a tueue. Tra•ti
........ pi~·· Aailrty. An~ 'Y art doiiCIIO and p!O!II IOIOjUry1 reprHtnll unique abllrty a p'aJil<
r.t 111 11!111 n'""ber 11111 made "' 1 brlnp to tht pme. Tra1ts con be
IIIW• 06, 11 diiCnbld on Pllt %4 ARMOURROLLS both poll\l'lt and n~trve . Wha\Mr
In elkiiUon, It the ro11111 naturel6, Whenever I IISIII II!QIIIred l&llollSII the, 11i> most uoosual lor a
tht r.tts automalleally puHd player's Armour Vatue, It 11 the - h player to clo'lelllp 1 ntw Tr111 dUfll\&
HowMr. Wtht rott Is a natural!, of lht ~ ng team tNt mal:es11. a lugue llhouih not imll0$S•ble),
the IIIIIs aiiiDmltlcllly t111ed. Tht. Is referred Ill as an 'Armoot r01r. playl!1 ~~ Tra,tswhen
An Armour rollrs a targtt number h red and reuln tnem ewer their
PASSING ABILifi (PAl 11111 made on 206. If the roll Is ent1 rt tarMr.
Thll CIIMKI«illle represents the !UW!sstut, the pl.lye~s armour iS
ptayll'slllitlly to PIIJ the bfll (lnd 'brol<tn'. If the rollII unsu-.M,
In 1101111 ea. othef ptaytll and the player's tmnour "not brclloen
periiiJIIMft bambi(). and protecllthem lrom harm


You wtll altln be reqUired Ill tes: In eddrtoon to their
lllintl l player't Plllinl Abillt/ ehiiiiCtiiiiiiCS, a l)ltyer
APullna AbiUly till it I tlrpt may ()06IIIJ one or
number IOIII'IIIdt on a lin&lt 06. tnor~~SIIIItsorTrarll

In lddlllon, I the !dill 1 llllu111

6, lhllllllt a-.ucaMy palled
HowMr, I liteplajer has I Mal'•'
ar llltuullln nabrlll, thnM II
'FIIIIItlld' • diKitbld on 1)1111 49
lrtd 53

, .,.•• ~·, need
.,plrml Utlne lh<Y

B team to story,~~~ Tl~ fundiMentals of

ill teamto lea . h n,..d whether.•
'"" emaln u()C dl .... '
team creat.u.. r ed tor tucut or ,,hlbihOR
tt.amIs bllnC ereat !loW t~plaln MW to
pi•Y· Th< nrres rhal ~~. ",.d Sldelrne sraH.
consb•<" ttom of P ' ; nand stc~ •"'"'
rhcrtll) .ti!JO ~p"co to list other lnlf)Orldnt team
re.tdy to ta~e to the c:ri ro dMal s. ~uc.h ai the Sideline Staff Pl!lmonently 11 ,1ed
clory rorrcnommy)l - - !'lurrbel ot te~m rc 10!1!. bOught and how mMy Of!(! 'UlP
Fans folio.,.. the team. J~ well a!. the team type
and ttle name ol the coach.

Fmally, the Team Orc11t l!s.t conta1ns spaces t

record how many go'd p1e(es the team has In rts T~a<:.
(>H Jl't" 35) and the total value of the team whfn ury
of tflf piW)efS, S1det1r.e Staff, tt>am re·rolls and pia 'tr
ldvances arc acoounted for )


Tho"'""'" ol tl>e Team Draft list leaturas the Game
Reoord she.t. ThiS,. u>td to l<e<!p track ol 'INgue
tuttures' and ·erO!.~ d1v1~n fnendHe!' played O'oir the
course of a league, ""lud•n,g detaH! of OJ)P<»Ing teams
~nd the name$ of theu coac~. and the number of
fallS'" attendance along w1th petty ca~h awarded
Inducements hlfed (:;oe page 38), Current r..m Volue
'nd any othet no1es coaches w•sh to keep

Onoe the jjamo ts wer, this IS ot10 where tile

outco~U •s recorded alone wrth winninp and vanous
othtr notable oventJ as descrlbld o n - 69

If IbM's - · ' ' " /elmld-
the ,.,., 11'1 ""' bills ,.., lite
1111/y lillnl IIIII ,.r t/ttrlfiiiMOond
by BloOd...., p/111f1• You oocldrtY
,.,... lite 111/1111/'wt Uflllll 011

Every lea ... may h~re chef
whoo II '' llr1t drafted f rltaafr\
cost o4 10.000 go>o P~:.the
each. pa d 101from thf!!Tea
Dr•tt Bu<l!et. m
Addttl<lnat ch..rl..<!"> ,.
()UfCha~cd duung a leagu 'I be
Hiring, Fling and Temr:.·111In lflo
Ret1nng step of the ""'"'I
~·· ·&•...Y
sequence (see page 72), lor U..
coot o4 10,000 gold pieces eocn
SICie! nt $tiff can be ol ~·1tal
assbtance 10 their, he ptng to
The apothealry lulltl> • vltallllle -
t'P the bllance •n several seenungly
'"any team. It 1!. their Job to jl,eep
mlt'IOI but ol!en \'itll wa'f$
the valuable players ht and heiiUYy
Apotnecanes work hard on Ole
Ewry 1s o.v11ed and managed
sidelines, pitching up m•nor lnjurlts
by, coach As dtSCUSSed Pl"''ou<ly.
and gtvtng ttgent care to...,..
lh's Gyou, th,. reader. As such. when serlou> inju..< bel0111 111ey con tntlo
complellng the Ttam Or•ft 11•1, the player's ea...r. An apotheclry'IIOII
- h l<lCtiOn shookJ 00 fili«< tn wrth is covered In delatl on pqt 62
• [-rttt t'lfl' trl'/ purtl\.1~ 0·8
)'OIJ' name Of a su11able nickname
tum"' f'Qiti iohto '' JS ~~1 • Not _.,tum can hill.,
dr1!'!ed, !Of 1.. cost sii(W'I on apothiCIIY. Whlllter a lam..,
'"'""" ""'"' pood tor f., ltle Nrf tram can h.,. a number ol or cannOllncludt ., . - ,
ru~ Ora~ IMJI'I
aSS~Ilonl -ht$. n.... rep~eSent wtll be I'Dlld an lhl•m 10111t
Our"''"'"" oddtbOill tum • It alUm can hiraM apohcaly,
l!lO!j)e(IOIISts t>rou(llll In to help
lr-m'M- mat be ll;lt~TJ;!.ee ac • it IIIII' 011)' -liM ona on
litH da"t.lf'l the Hmne. Ftflli w•th vanou< espeets o1 the game
olld r.._,~ Rr!b"'l!rteP tht!IIIW.
Tilt berdlt olossiSlanl co.chli Is
CO'I't!d "" pap 41 :
• Teeml tNt can hlnlan
<~"" P"11'"" ,.quenca r... lflCIIheCIIY e~n dP so wlWt 1111
Pllll721 bill"" tam nw PlY
doublt for~. lotu'll • E.-y tNm lillY hill lllilllnt 111 first ~llllld. or duri"lhl
• atl! to pilldWo tum ""lOlls ooachiS whlnil 111111 dllllld. Hlltnc. filklllnd 'flnt9D!I"Iy
b60.000IIO'dpoces.ttnrt lorlllecostd IO,OOOpd piiCM RetirlniiiiP Gf lhl poll......
IIQUIIItl 111111'/....,. (Ill
•- lddi!IONI ""',. • • peld lorhm the Tum
Pill 72) for 1 CCIII d 50.000
lOIII " " ' - i11or on cilql DrllllludiiL
·-wlllllllllO.OOO • ,.............CIIIdwl-
llllld,.... ,_, flldpllcll.
• T-11111110 11111111

· :~
.__.1)' IPOif*IIY ,_lnduCII
...mblrcrliltiCIIIOftal Wlflll' ..
~·tar•1111i' •
dlltltW 1 llllUI tp lhl Hln

;,,~i~;~=:.:;~3=8) J

Blood Boo11eam~ un amass v»1 wealth M05I ~ 1111> ilrot<NWOCI
1mmtd1atl!ly lnlo "''~"• ~tC~Votmllll and l\lnnlf'C COlli. but a caiO!ul coecll
con bull4 up qu~e the loolune

Arrl 11016 p.- not l4lOnl wt.en clrllbrc 1too 111m'"- tnltoo
Trr~W<Y 51<11011 ollht T.,. o..n 1111 o..r 1too- ol•lelell-
wln,.ns> 1111ddtd 10 lhll TM TttDiry II ulldlo putth•lnduc:onwlls
(,.. paee 381 IS well IS -lddtttons 10!too 111m, Midi IS new p!IJIIIcw
S1cltlono S!Jft

E'*Y Blood Bowl 111m Is .,ppaolld by a ..... (ullowloC ~ Dotbtld 1'1111,
.,_ toraiiUPIIDI1elllllll wlllldlow illllr111m In pd limit llld bid Tttos
dediCitllllln bill Is midi both ollllale . .110 lltow illllr SUIJIIOII b I
tocallrlncliM end thole flam flro1her atleld...., lUIJIIOIIIIre ..... b leo

IISIIr lrlenlillecl 111101'1 Many delliellld flraiUJlPQIIt 111m
p1111111 dlel
e1o so Urrptr bi<IUIII!rer 1111 1too..,. _ , leW'orc

'Mien tlelm 11 drallld. n•• ,_, Dldtcltld Fw clllrldlllll<

tA I reallllld on thl Ttlm Dllllllll (reprMtlinl lallt'4Y 1,000 Dld<llecl
fine), o..r lhiiXllllll ole 111t1e-. this challderl!llc w11 mcrme and
.,_, tholr&ll Kwtll- fall biiOw I
Mdlllonlltj, "'*' 1 tum "clrlftocl rt can 1mpnwe Its Oed<ated Fans
dllriCIIrhtiC by I, up toe m111mumel6, 1110011 of 10.000 ll'ki pteces
perimp!Mment for IXII1lPI•. I 111m m11 imii'OW lis Old<llod Fan•
cllltlcler1* from liD 3 at • oost o120.000 ll'kii*tl flam 111 Team
Dllft budlll

The final~ rtCOnled on ltlt Ttlm DraftiGiillhe value of lhe team

rrNf rJUif (f'l): ThiS II wor!oed out by 1111!101 up lite Qmlll \fatui
d tllhl players on lhllllm, plus lire cost o1111 Sideline StiH
end t.m !Hils lhlleam his. The ""*'ol Oediclild fn
llld d liPid pieces held In lhl T,.IUIY do not edd
ln)Uitna ID TV.


!lN _ !rn
n.. ••FACTOR. , __ ,... .., ..._

- ...... --

• Ucll--·03 n.._ .... _""

• ~
Ucll_,. llldtlllor ... r.,.cNrocltrlitrc 10
.. _01""-tnchooroalllort..,

Thtlolll-.... """''-·"''"''"'
~"",..,"""'and tl>ould b o - '"the fl

lood- . I pmt ~O,.cl OM lollnwoc! by hordy

B 11'-:i!Yiduttt, '10 It tale, rrut tNr I little lr'('rMtn\

wuthtt 10 hilt a Pl'l"41 ~ tltt~tme wtalt-.1
tondtbOns U"' N'f'e quite an 1mpett vp:w~ tiM! prn•

bch coach roi$1 06 Ada!~ mu1l1•thtcll'd

rtff!l to lh~ WMtl'ler !Alllr bt'Q\\

Z Swrlttrlnp Htot: Somo ~'I!"'''"' on tnt
unllt.ll>blt hOot' OJ .....,.,.., "'' "<!
tmm NCtlltaM tl'lat 61f ()(11~ pttt'! Y!'htn I d1Ht
tn<ls oro ~to tho R,.....,.
boo !hoy mlllt

"""',.,.,,_ Ntrn.... alld ,.., 100 .....

A"""'· dry and
~~;.tty- dtr ""'idos
pOiioct """""""' "" BlOOd iowl
r~ ; 'r \ ' .~ ';..>• ' •
~r ' l
,· ' --: ,,·l . ' '
';\ ~. '


IZ ,_
_._, Awq...-.1111
..foollot _ _.,, I
~ ..poll,__,_...,
~""Slot p.-........

n I£J£u! pay (nt•l net m cdHbll•on pay), the p,;-l-
I to Nt.~lt lii:JI~ mJy oltcu be u~d duunp, lhl~ ue:et\
tl'lfl !.equencc lu both let!gue aod e~h•hth:~~~
pl.t~. 1 -nay sornCIIfnes lC used at the ~tart of 8 do·,.,
d•:W bPd on P.ll!e 4l.

• as

Ounq~ tl"is $lt'P a Ihe pm·RamE' ~ueocP., lht

cMCh of t~ Underdog Wam may roll onco ontre p111 el'\
to \lulllc tabte fOt t!'il!fY full 50,000 gold l)ie~ or y
dltfere-1CP. tn CTV.

Roll' OJ 6 and ceo suit the table on the pago

4. INDUCEMENTS .--,--~ opposite, re roll1ng dny dupli~c1te tCWit!., and mak! a
tw.Jd"""Aa~"'r e.a~ h• p~~,· off YiiSOfl J1il'ne
note of tn.a resutl(s). AU rPsulls rolled on IhiS table come

A o· , r:x\ j,\. , )r. lr>"'li!'J eAch tell~"~ an S()Hld

pa p«n lr?T the r Trt.l'>Jry frot ~Ill Cash
!set :lf' .,.,) cr lrJm liOt'l. tc pvc~ illl)' l1duct'rrlents
mlo fl'fcct .,! t~ star1 olthe next drivfl Most rewlb t,n~
unttl the l~(j of the nell d11ve (t.e•• the drNe whiCh ,tarts
tmmed1ately af1er lhrS r<•ll IS made), then they cuse to
a'•a'.a~le Iii :~em The~ ate l'lcr r!(.()tdfid 11'1 the tta11's
•PP) Other$ last unto I t>e end of the haW and a low
Garrt ~ord i-"H'l
re~oults l.ast unt1l the end of the game.
IMt !r'IM a~ ~ocribtd on PIJ:f' 102, lnduetMffits
.roe I' led d~f~t~ tly .,. e.t11ti.J.~ play. 6. DETERMINE KICKING TEAM
vtry game of Blood Bowl stlrll with 1 coin loll to
"'Ofle.lw"l lin IIC-~tt CTV •llth.dti'C the Ylllut of a1y
Jot.rnt'y'll n pta;t.~.'. 1: •s g111er •petty u~l,. to ~optrd 0'1
E determont which team will bllhe 'ldcldng !elm'
(the detencol and wt11ch lelm will be the
tNm' m.. olfence). In • rullltood Bowl ..... 1M
ln:lllCelfl~.s. T'll' amov1t ol Wf'f e~sll a•VPO IS fl~ly sompl< ce<efiiOI!Y Is mutll belaYed of Blood Bowlla1'4 •
tQ;.~aleo N dlfft'!re'IOt tr CN berlfetr th~ tt~JO teams 11 Is ;.,anlbly when Vtollnet lltil bfeaks out ~ 1111
teams, the tans and, quite often, till ollicllfs!
F\>tty c.sll car n::t bl! kPpt, 11 M\nt bt s,pene an
J,ceomu"' •r. ''"" "'"' Any l~d I>OCII not On tlllllblelop, thll ritual can be roc;ruted eother
s~ liar~ ol byii!SS11181 Blood Bowtcoln, 01 by a D6roll-oll once
It has been dlllrmined whiCh Is the ldcl<lrc 1e1m and
wlllch Is lilt IICIMn& 111m, tht opllllf'C d"" ollllt
pme lleclns 1ft earnest with lite set-up and kick-all
dllctlbld 011 PI&' 40

1. w-uP ~~~va• abtf'ptayersonthej};tch~t
- ttl coat~ P h lt141re
o re ttw• II pll'(('rS ava tablf', I ose not choo;pn to Play lhl!

B ,," ~oef'd 111 the Ar'"rvrs bOt unhl thl-' start o! th(' nfl_.t <h•ve_ Adrryt
IJft ('!'
11,.~11 11 piJ)f'l) 111 Ill!' stJrt of a dr!V~ le.arl\

{lnwt\. U't> numbeJ of avll•lablc playcl!. IS Ukcfy to be 'edut

In &all'1 shong 1n t~e Knock.Cd-out or the Ca~u:tlty box Tho - ed,
l.t.¥'!1 Jrl(ll - s 1$
v. !fl P r- t ....._, , If you are unabiP. to set up 11 players at the eo
tted ,, ·10 ll-~- 1 ."'art 01 a
prrrn• • ou must )tl ,.pat ava,lo'lblt !>'ayers no players can be 018
tattr d,r.t, ~ lx».lf It,.,.,., thJn 11 ptay~rs are aYallable. ctd ~'~


l'll ~ "I.Jt!i ~tt~m se1 up f1t:,.L fo'loNt"d by the rcccMni tc~m. as follow$

Both tums set up tully \~1th1n the area ~tween then own End Zone and
the Lll't of scnrnmAif Nell her team may set up any players beyond the
l,J'le of Scr rom'gt '"the oppOStllon·~ ha f
£ith c.1n 11et uP a max1mum of tv;o playrrs 1n each Wido Zooe
In ~, word$, e~h team $el up four plilyers m W1de zones.
PfCN'd•'~i tney are spl1! eQually w1lh two players per W1detone.
A ,,m must set up a tr.mlmum or lhn~e players in $Qua res wtthm Ihe
Cerllf r~ttd. dlteclly adjacent to the line ol Scnmmage.

~~· tll8t should • t"m find ~11 reduced to only th~ ~" ., , _
ot rrayconcede wothO<Jt penalty before SCUIO~ up, as dCSCnbcd on pago 67. ·
S."'U ~ Y"'""h to play on. the avaolable players should be set up on the uno
o1 Scnmma~. as descr.bed abo~~e

I t"""•~· t...
SCT-QI': ... • t I2. THE KICK·OFF
""'both t,.,.
h.!ve been sct·up ready fOf the drive aheild,tht eOICh

loot• !'It 11"<11' bc!rJ co.Kh~
\at ' p 'l!J':'i'S
of the koclong t..m makes the kotk·olf.
THC KICK•Dff: Ap1ytt
2 N"lfV~ ~ jiN .(...$

3 :HC~/C~~rr":vc~~~·
Althou£11 nolalwl)t esstnbal, certain rules requino lspetific pllyer Ill be
H _,d~<ICI< ~ nomor••led "'tilt kltktng player. It Is thelefOit usefllllll ldol)llht hlbit of
~ f'Oi~C.. t l<c., .off nomtnahng .1 Juck1ng p&ayer:
E..,.t u"'
• The klcl<m~ pta)'tf cannoe be oo the Une ol Scrirnmqt (unless lhelt 111
onty tllrte, "' fewtr, ptaye~S belonfnclll their 111m on lht pilehl
Tho k~long pleyer cannot be rn erther Wide Zone.
100 """~' "'"".
~, Ufl.~tne.l)'ltn PlAcE THt Rick
ftNJ~I!IOitldtlObrlt<!l"' AII'Od ludr ""' help the cllllnce 1nd h1ncler lht ollllnce, end wl1ere Ill place
d C'o cr 1t. OtrVYWittl 11'4 IIIIo llllmportenl conslderltlon wllen klckifll. The coech ol the kJCIUri
t'<l'liStile.a_.,.. ...., piKe U. bll n any &quill they wiSh, occupied or unoccupied, on t~
"<l!!Jro ..... lp:IIJC l.fllil "'"' -rw~~~m·s hill or lht pllch
Diet: II";""'~
~b ......... FQII
.... TAt RICk DmATES

.-...,..__.. ::*"lllillllon.
IUcllllt hllll II nail precise 1rt, and 1 bed ldek can teelht bill lind
"""' • dllatllotl 1111 , .63
~ flllilraiL The COICh of the klckln& teem !IIIII both 1 08 and I 06t

........... 't104111Wt
• describecl on P18125 Atlhll moment, the biP "'
In the llir No attempts un be mlde Ill atll:h II until efllr the
Mill' hal been ltSOtved

very lock-elf IS 1 unoqu• rwnt

E Almost anyth1ng can MP!len.

Md olten does'

lmmOOiately atter the ~~• has

d•"'•lted, wh•IM ti\P ball 1\ \till hill)\
In 111!' 111, the coach of tt-;, kotklng
t"m rollS 206 and eonsult1 the
~1Ck·ot1 EveniiJble Ojlp0$1te.


Once the KiCk·olf Mnt hiS been
resol..-ecl, the IIIII Will come batt
dOwn to be caught bV a Pill" 01 10
land on lhe paund, as descnbod on
P'lt 25

Aklek·olf must land ..,.ly In lhe
11Ctivl"' 181m's hiH of llle pilth.
If lhe IIIII devllles 0t boonces
o« the pitch 0t 8CI05S lhe Lme of
Sc:rimmaeelnto llle klcklf111eam's
hllf allhl pitch for any rUIOO II
al, a 'touchbeck' Is caused. When
1 kluchbick Is caused, Iller lho
Kid<~ evenl has been resolved as
normll, tho ooech alit-;, ~1VIf11
181m pos~on al the balllo
one a1 thell ptll)'ef'. No Aa~lly 1es11s
requiNd, the player Is simply handed
lhl ball. Sl1ould 11 ever occur thai
lhelt 1$ no Standl"' player onlhe
teeeMng team to tal<e possessiOn of
the bell, the ball Is given lo a Prone
or Stunned player and will bounce.

"Crttpersl Creepers!
They lma ftght
with Elves!
Or Orcs, or Dwarfs,
or anyone...
They'll even fight

Wi'cft yr ..:c.vt·• • pllyer.-:y:::OI::-,m::U'I::::-d::ec-l'"ore_the_~t~oon~-
.n.ot ployor"' ' pcrforr- land, ,f requ"""· lho la'i't
uf IMtiCIJOO) You m1y not move • player and lhoo
~xkfd. 1¥ dl'ltr(f d'fl•re 11101 P'•Y"r ..,n per1orm a Pm, 1hrow r..,..,~~~,
Ha'l<l off. Blitz or Foul actron. If 1 playo~ls rn"''d 'MII1oul
'F'lt$WO.ItfiCtl~ ~~led l,.fll t~P dft'l'f/ tlld• '1\'!ftll 1Ml cloclanng theu ac1•on, lhe player can only perform 1
lwcflh 1,.,...; d 1 ,.1 Qtli'f ond ~ II~ PM'
r.tmplt' Mo11c act!on.
, AI !J:I! '1 pi tnt f n.l ~ 'Atllth te.1m k1d~ dt
bet"" You "e 1\cvet obliged lo complete a declared
1nd 1'11'1~ CN!f ~f: 'ftl wtll I M beffl dec!d~ b)'
actoon. for example, rf yoo ct«larc a player wrll perform 1
I'll': c:~~n IMi ,., deer~ on IJIR" 38
o A.!Ct P ~In I'll d l~e ~Drw:l 'laJl pii)'IS feYHifld
Pus acloon, yoo may decide aprnst petloonlnc the 1'111
"'rn tl"t tu•,.. c~.J1 MPh~ 11\d ple:tfd offence at ll)t OCiron 11>tlf <>net mo...,onl I$ oompllla II,-~
fo!Jrt ol tl't Jllff 11CM !);{t: I ~ ttf ~ klnJINn , you decide 1111 nsl performrnc the dlcllred KtJon, h
•lid ra ..en.~
iltlron strll counb u hiv>nc boon porfanMd 11111-
• 5""~ llit "''" trd ..u 1 b>u<N..n ~lulo ""' tum lncl CIMOI be pertonnod by ...... piiJir.
ttrC cf ltW t 1 Chit !•"" l1o1t ~red tilt COVC~n
It h·~~tl'tiUtn!tll~tl"ftcuc:hdowll

Alw.llun tro:l> 00101 O'lCt II cltl>it ~

,.zn""'-··""'Mild."""""' !lee

ACTIVEAND IN;a;ACTffiiilvt"'T"WI"iU_ _ __

~Jt .,.,.., W. 'fU- I , . , . . . . . .

dOt llr.l


1he most ba!AC oeloon. Any p!o)tr on the oarw teom
!hal , nol Stunned 01n lltrform 1 Simple 11M oetion
Mcwement is covered 1n ITIOf! dibil on Plll44

onco ll<' team tum. 1 pii)'W on the ldNt 11om ..,
8 ttem~ to pm the beiiiD 1na1111r 1q11011, • "-'~bed
on PliO 48.

one• I* ..mtum. • piQII on 1111 ICIIvt 111m IIIIJ
atl<mi!IIO hind 1111 11111111 tl lnallllr SIMcllow lllllw
hom U>1ir IWIIIIIIIIlft lllllld)lclnt 1q11111, •
doocnbod on Pill 51
Onct per 111m lum, 1 pllljOI on lhe I<INI!um may
- I Foulldion, >t•llhlly Ulelorc lht boo( rnlo
Once ... - IIIII, inllllll Gl perbm..... onlnlry • downed OPponont wton !hey hopo no one llloo~•rc!
Plllldlon.l IIIIIW on 111e ICIMo 111m wllh lilt 'lh""' Foul'"l ~ towr<d rn molt dtt~lon pop<lt be
TM.,.IIIIW trill lillY lilllmPI1D- I pll)'ll lnlm Wlmod lhlt IIICh lli~~tlll d•repr<J for lht ru!t• may
lhefr 1111111 IIIII IllS 1111 'Rrlht Sluft' IIIII. A111m may ,.,.," In lhe ICllvt pltytr bolnJ Sent.olf and the l•anr
nG1 plllarm ballll 1'111 ICIIOII and I Throw TtiiiH!IIII turn ending v. th a Tur~er
lldiOn durinl t i l l - tum tum. Thrawinl!um·mMes
11--'ln mn dMIM on pqt52 SPICIAL ACTIONS
In add1tion to these s:.,.. t:-.,.-,.-,-,.--
IIIJmtrOU$ Sk1lls Mid Tra1b 1 player may POSleU tt'lat
'lllocll' 111111111m used when a plo)'lf tarpts on all•• lhem to porfoon another. unique ac1oon wmpleo
Dpp1111t1an plljW with In ltlldl, hOI)O"& to pU>h thl!m Include Hypno~re Gazt. which •'~ • ployerto """''"
IIICic,IIIIOCII them ID till pound and ptt1\apo eaust a •n opponent, Ciii'JSII'lg them 10 tM\poraoly lose lhe1r
lllllr'IIAJIIIY- AStandql!lljll on thl! octrve team can Tadile Zone 10 that lhty cannoll.1•11< othtt pl8)'tl'l
IIIJII• Slllndinl oppoi!Otion plo,.r thot " wllhlftlhelr
TICide lana wtth 1 Block ldlon (or a Sll<Cral acloon Such oct<Xls ore OJIIed 'Siltt•ltlctlolll' and 111
fllllld by 1 Sloill Of Trart lhot can be ptrlonn!<l•n\tead detilled In the IPP'OI)OIIII Skill 01 Trio! dOJCnpt.M AIIIII
II I Block ICIIon), but eonnot """" before or aftet lilt of Ski ~. Tr11b 111<1 d""'il4'0"' ol how lhty """'tan
paltannl,.lhlldian. Bloctung is COYell!d rn more dea.ll be found on p;p 74.
on pqt56.
Once per tnm 111m. 1 pla)'lf on the ICiive team INY
1*fomt 1 Blitz IIC!Ion, an ICIIon !1111 eombinesloeethtr
balll 1 11M action and a Block ICIIon (or aSpea11
ICIIon •llllld by 1 Sllill CJ TraK t1111 eon be l)lllomtld
lnlfMd II Bloc:k ICiion). When I plljll pelfont'll BlitZ
ICiion, tltly lillY- • nctmlll HowMr. Pllfunnl..

',,,~~~::::l:·:~~~=plljll: OM~~~~ -ball


A 1~ ~• plllyfl ,., dO not.,•"l "W•Ihout first sta~
,. f .. p~
4~11 • c 1n '>Ia 'ld LJP Nhen they are iKtfllit~uo
D('fWf" Jr'l'j llfl()(l th~I10CIU<Jes t"''I\t~nt to

Tr-t<J"I) t 'T'Ie i Pronep14tf'C.Jn Stand up , 1 d~J,

tnttr lelfT!Ium. 11 Uw Wrt <:A H·ttr ath~at on fiC
su'"ldi"C uo c~h • Pronf!' pi 3rt' t!'ltee (3) \Q
(1'1if:tJ.f~tAi!lcNltVI" Ulfts.t:J
• Prone Pl.rytr 111 tn • Mcrfltmtf!l AJ'c>.vanee d
ns (b(t;)l't 01 atttr mod 'at'Oft)...,.~ &o sta cw
'<)11106 ""-
0n•rd d.4• rhePI)"f"!' sa~aosuno"P
"' I'""' luI t.!MmMI ~10-oW<to eo !0 o
On' <d Ol I J. I.. playet 1$ U".ablt 10 nitlt
htmst'\ts.. T~ rtma>fl Prone al'ld the,
.:_tryii'O'\ tfldS
~ !'ron< Pil~r "' I~ 1MoY<ment Allow...., at 2 01
"" ll>t!orc 01 all<• modloe:aoon) moy RU$11 oft"
st•o'od & 'P

11 .a Prone p11,.., cs not ~t•vated dur•nt1Mif teatn

tu!n, tht)t w If rem.a1r1 Ptoroe until they ate actrvat.ed n 1
-~ 1.1tPrtum
A~' I II fll ~ !Y•dtot.'u~ClPed
P:•'"'""''r·~ 1 t q 101: up!f'dtQaiR'tnlll$ Whf'nl"rt-r a ~eyer perl01ms any achon that tnclode$
td..Ktrlf ftO t'W tQI.!I'' I •rr OCC\!rtl (nly ~~t~ ''"
IX;U~ I ~1..#'1 ,f 1 1-]Wif (l)'tlj!f'6 01'11)' l rJt b.)ll Of •
mo-.., I. thry may ancmpt to gain an extra one or 1wo
l(lulrt> of MD'Jement Allowance, ThiS Is called Rushif1', 0

lflp.:Xl f. Co'\i.JII up ~
lh•" .,,,a oquares ol Movemont Allowance may be
IMd to mll'J•, to pcrlorm a Block action as port at • Blitz
•elton ,,.. Pl&e 59),10 Jump D'Jer a l'loneO<Siunnod
plf)er lllf PIE" 45) and ""on. iUSIM Hlhoy were
no•m.ti!TIOVI!nlt nt.

AI lilt end ollht plf!W'I"""""""' detln U1111hoy

"''I Rush end m<MI t11em ono more-
Aller the R<Ah•ne p~oyer hal blln ~ .......,olllll•
o On a mN or 2 + t1tt Rus'*'lpllrlr . -
• On. roll oil (IIebe ftl tllllllidltallot~olht

Rush.. plirlrlripoiFid fill Ower IS cleiCrllled 011

the Rlnll.. pll,erls 1111 SllndiiW,. fMIIote

onct. they tilly -.ptiD Rulli I _ . . , tJmt ~

Wherlo p~oyer 11 ~ t1tt D6 rail- W<

Oilier """IIIII tilly be NQUftd. be IIIeY ID Doll&"
poclt tltt bll ftl lfiWIIIIrw ...

AND DODGI N G -:-~-,--
11 an achve player IS being M.,,li@d,
as deSCilb<!d on Pili• 26, by ooe 0<
more opposition plrytr>, they mu1t
•()odge' m ordtr to vacatt the \QUire
thtY cumnlly occupy and move
1atefy onto anotllff, mhenv1se they
w1ti be tackltd and will Fall 0.1!1 In
lhC ><!Uifelhey WISh to move Into.

To Oodi!O. 1 ployor musl 185t aplnst

~MJr ~illy as dtsctibod on pop 29.
l)ed ... thlllho plljof Will Oodp
from tho ,quare 1n wftleh they are
betnl Mlrl<ed. ond movtlhom Into
aoy adJI(enl, UIIOCQJplod !qUIIO.

o Thl ,..llyflllt IS madllflorlhl!

dodliiiC pilyer has been moved,
RIMIIW first 1l necaNty.
• No- how many playor\
- Mlll<lrll!lhom, lhl! dodl!irw
pla)'lf Is only requlftd to maho
ont Acfl<ly flllt to OodfiO
• Ull dodi!IIW playor IS bet"l
Marl<ed In the squore tney have
moved Into, apply a ·I rnodif11r
per pl.,.. Mlrld"llhtm.

No4l thll ~ the plryor os Open

mlilt lqUIIIItney hiM! moYOO
into, 11111111re no mod~ to opply
lor bei!W Mlrl<ed. HOWMr, tllere
may be modifiers to apply lor other
- · such as Slull$ and Traits
belrw used Ill' an Opp0$1111 plrye<.

Apii)W lhlt Is Open does not nted
to DodfiO to move from ,qua11 to
!qUill. An Open player may move
Into 111 unocc:upled square lhlt IS
wllllln 1111 Tactde Zone ol one or
men opposltiCIII players, so thll tilly
'" now Maltd"lllose pii)'IIS llld
1111,. Mllllld by them In tum. The
. . . . . . . 1111'1111111 Slap mcMn&
or lillY continue to-. bat will
11M Ill Dad81as dllcrlbed IbM

To r•d UJliiH" N I, a payer mu~1 IMI "EP•n~tlhtlr
a~ ck'\O l'lrd on P,.lf::~ 2? Alb tty

11 II!C piJytt •\ Optn .vhenaHt m~Hng to fl!(k 11

~,)1., ltlt!le <~"'no moo•l•c~ to ,lpply P the
11 the iA<!~·er 1S Dl!•n~ M3rked, epp!y a ·l n'IOdilicr
pl,,)er M;uk ''R them Ptf
!Ia p .1,e1 a:tempts to pd up the b."'tl Jl'l(J fJ!\i, tl
wu ,o,ll oo.n ce il'i CP~IIbt>d on pa~ 25 Should:
h,,ppt:rl. il Tuuto·.N ,o;. CiiU\tCI, wpn •f u'e bounee I$ ~
c.tLg' 1 1>1 annther l)l.ii~N on lOP acltvoe team.

After !>uecess.luUy p1ckmg up tht ball, the PlayP.t

may· wt1nuc mov1ng •l lltey W1St and tllt)ey are ablr

NOt\' thit $h0uld a ()laytr ever be moveo

1rwOiurtJr•ly into a ~uiUP Ill wh~c;h the ball ts plactrd,
t ey unnot <~lt .. mpt to ptck II up. ln$tUd tht ba 1w111
t>ountt. but ,o Tun'IOV(!t is c.aus.ed

IIJ the -'lltt un ,... • lilt l,.,.cc on1I'""·
IIIIJ llfltllmt, durl" 1 fruk mqki/IJIIDMd.
Jllltl»lhllth.llld d1wlnfll!. W-o«. 71111 supposedlr
,_,..,..., lilt fMM tfreulh, II 110M fl lilt p/IJttJ
unlillfll . . S WI

~~tie M"1ty trs' r<; p.l'i~fld, the pfoye,., niiPmlJt io---
mtertert w th trw p.ts,s hJ~ bf~n 'ucc~tul 31'1C1the Pa
NS bet" •()ffle(.tcd' The p.n' •S lntenupted ana the ~
.r.t•Oflltl'lnll!dl-iltt'IY ends

The pllytt llliU mJdf' the Delll!ctlon must !'ION

ttemPI to corwert that Oellcc:tron tnto an 'l nterc~JOI'I'
c•'"' 1'4 tl\0 tMI• ~~ de5e:rtb0d oppos1te u tne,. do, lhtyby
r.ave m.)de 1111 tntetctptloo. tt the: player fJIIs to eaten tt.e
ball. It w111 sutter from the SQu&re thty oceupy.

foii&W ,,,any sucte\'iful p.~~tsh'g !nter1crence, 11

the ba to rest on the ground 1n an empty squ~e
01111 u1, possesstOfl ol a pf.ayer from the opposin& tu
a Turi'IO'..Ct rs uu\td II, howevtr, the ball iS tft\l&tlt ~m,
, pltytt on the actwe team after 5C~tteung, no tumQ\ier
,, caused

tf the pass was ne:rther successfully lnttrfered with f'oOf

11mblod. the pass 1tself 1'5 OON resotvect. Where tht bit
taocts. '" determtotd based on the rnull of the Passin&
Abdity test as descnbed prev.ous.l)'. If the ball lands in 1
sq1~o~rt oocup1Gd by a Standing ptayer that has not los.
ttltlt Tatttlt Zone. that pleytJ mu!C attempt to catch 1t,
as described oppc»•te. If no player on the active: teern
utches the ball auer a Pass actton and tho ball tomtl5 to
rest on thP. gtound or in tOO PQS.St$$lon of a pll)'lf from
t~ io.acllve team, a Turnover Is caused.

It all)' oppo$1t101'1 p!lfllt• •t In a PQSIIIM lD

.:ttmpt to •nttliwtw1th 1 PISS, ltlt coect1 d lt'lt
opc;105q team nomu\ltts one lD maN the 1nempt

tNI "'" "''"" itlt>t ,..."f. oppl~,. the_,.

"""'("' 10 •-nc the OiiTI<ulty tJ alllft'4llt'110
wtch !he btl! ffom the ,..,

htre tUt m.oy 1nJUnc• when tho rules Wilt THROW• INS

T coli upon a Jlll)•• to all""pt to catch tho boll

A piOjor lhol '' obit to catcl!tho boll ""'I
atlempiiO do !0,""" II ll'oelr CCich d... t1C( WIMII\II
playor 10 ulch the bolll
• f'bu!oon a. Th_., ilmOIIIIIel .,_Ill ..
rloopn bolowl Wllillftt Blood l!owl--111111111
To eaten tno boil, • ployw mutt lilt ICIIIIII thoit
Agility., d.,.nbed on pqe 29, Wllrclftt """"tho lllloc:aollltl!- illvl'11111 - -
loliowlnt modlfilll ... all610 dllormiotlile dltiCIIOIIIile 1*1- 1ft
Wlon tho llolillll-..ln by tho CIOWd I Ill....
, II the pllyll II lltlmpCjii&ID Clldl., -~~~~-
011 HonoHI! (Mo Pill C9 Inti bllatll, tlllla ..
ltwirttho lllldl. ..... _..,_"'a.
2D61QUW t... llle lallsq,.,. ft occupood bt4ore

TI!VvHnlomplo4o, l1obllanclrc.
• NlhtiliA'-1111-that"ott:upiodbye
, ~ tht pllyll il . . . . . lo CIIIPNI1 DIJoction IIU
Standtrc playot IIlii Ita not IOIIlholr TICkle Zone,
•• 1~• • • 1·1 madolel
tt• plajor to catch 11. llthoyf111. 01rt
o H1111 piljlr llll1lmpii!W 10 Clleh I iloiJncilt bll~
1111 bill IIndt in an """""'1'« squort 01 a sq111re
111Pr 1 ·I moclfler. Iilii 11 -plod tlliler by a Star<l re ployer 11\at has
• Uthe pi1j1r illllemplq ID Clldll blillhlt Ita loll lilelr Tldtlo lone or by • Prone 01 Stunned ~,.,.,_
-IIIOINIHn by 1111 CIIMd 1111OiliiOIIIII. lllPr• Rwtllllounc.e boiOie 11 c:omes lo '"ton tho pound
• • the IIIII" lllbnptlrcto CIICh alloalhlt "" Should tile ba~ ..... the p.i<h ~•nlotlowln& an
ICIIInl or devilled lniD tho "!!llitlhly OCCUlll. Ml~nthvl•all~ lhro*·lrl, ltPIIIIho illloYe process.

lAllY 1 ·I rnodlfter
In llddlllon 10 11111bM, 1111 fotlooril1 rnodolilll tnly

• K1111 IJIII'Ir 11 bllrc Mlllbd, •llPr an acldlt10na1 1

madiflll' per p1eytr Malli•rc them

llddtiOIIIo perlormtAII Pus ldooo, MCI ptl

l 111m 111m 1 player on tile acli'lt team INIY perfurm

1 HIIIO-Oft acloonlnd 11mpty hand the balllo a
Sllnd""'l 111"'"'"'11 in an ad)l(:e<ll square, Tho pii}'QI
1111)' ..... bofrn pelformlt18 lht 1-tand-oft ICtlon
tdiawtrc 111 olllle normal mMment Nies, bot once lht CORNERTHROW·INS
ICtlon hiS bien mede and lhe ball handed to a tum- Snould the blllleM the P'lth trom • COII'III lqllllt,
matt, tlte~ ICII'Iatlon eotne$10 an and and tht1 caMGt ,... dlrecllon ~the llliOIN·tn" dtllorn•nod bf !UC..
mMiurtliet A$ will1 pallinlo the playel perfonnlrclhe lheAandom o.- ....... - tnthe
Hlnd-Cift ICtion doe not need 10 Ill In poues5IOI1 ~ 1111 dl....,onPif!2l,lntlroillrCIDl j
bill whln ICtlvlled, they may pid< l up IS lhly 111M

AHlfldoollldlan II nat I PuiiCtlon, IIIII 111111

II no lilt requlled 10 perlorm tile ICIICIII ...IIId-
GI'J lillY l*bm I Hlnd-Cift lilian.

I; 0' It• t to-N
1/: S"'O1 (hro~

1tnt ct~f"'' kl be l~fl.",~in-' '-1Mtdln.. thef can

.nt'~ ;Jt ''' 1•,'d ~~
, '!ltflltll11 mmn IMII P'&e fl4),
~~~ "' ~ cr ~1.,111'1ed tnt)· taf'l s.t•D bt tl'lmwn bot
c.arml: IFICISI'ttt

'hf ~ l>f~~"' 'I"" >:10'1 WI"""" ~.VIo/!00101

,. d t"t nom'4 ITOtt'mtnl Rl~ !:&It l!'lU'M be Ill 4
14"-"'o:"" ~ 1'-P..,..ll'C!. \hllltr- """"
r• ,_ • '"l!lt. rt~ u m c-ct uc..,., arry • •..,
,...,. Clfl:ro tiDf1IC.,.,. Onct tile ll'r\>o ,.. been
-..,: ll'C! '""Y '*"""-I'd Iller 1Cit411011
"""' .... Ia!

Once llw '""if' hM bN>n nwlklfe(l lnd th~ l"'tt \quare
II, when ,.k•na tl'o "'"',. Abollly 1111, a. diCO 101 •
declared, • Passin& AM1ty lt$l n maQe to dtlffmln..
1! lhl throw 1\ '~t~Ptrb', 'SIJCCeM.Iul', 'temblt cr 1\
o I 1!1or modW.r> 11M been ac>ll'oed t h e - PiOJII
'fonlblecl' The playtt perbmin& the oitl1on makt5. 1 'dl d"""' """'
"""'"'"'II ll'ol<l-"""""""' hJill"
lilt lhJOW lei..., -.11""""
~'"8 Ablllly 1"'1., de>crobed on Pti! 19. appJ~na the
foi!CM1ng mod1t1m bawd on llflif FUMILlD THROWS
011..,, vnau.r pil)'tft ol>tOd 10 boirC- INI wiK
If th• piii)'Or 1\ allompllllfll quiCk Ulrow,lhett " lqiJirm lllrl Wi1en !hey OO.Ihett 11 1 -lllllllle
nomocllfler a..... ...lbeluml>lecl
o If lilt pl~ytr ~ ltltmpli,. I"""' Ill..... ac>II'Y I
·I mod<hef • V """"-'lfl""'
Paolna Aboi•IY !lOll nllutll I "

In llddlbon 1o tlllobovt. thllcflow•na mod f1ln .,., • Vthe ployor e>erlonnln&ll'o Th""' TNm mate oc110n
Oholpply hiS I PI\ ol ' ., the II>""' 1\ IUiomalltatly IIJmbi<d

• If thO pllyor II belrc Mlot<oci,IPI)Iy MII<Jdillollll I When 1 Tnrow TtMn m111.e ec.Mn •!. fumblect, tht
rnodi4ior per p1lytr Merlc1n1 thlm ICI on" ""'UCCtUful oneS lht octwotoon <I 1111 P.Ytr
pertormona ~ """' mmed'•otol) Th• pi'Y'• thai ..., to
SUPIIII THROWS be ll>""'n o dropped and WI booncAI (as II thef wro! I
Illite Pa!sl"l Ability 11!51 rs PIMI. or« lite lOIIlS I baiQ lrom lhe "'""" oerupod lly lh• piOJ•r pork•n"na
nltUII16. Ute lttrow IS suporl). Afler ~. Ute lite ICioon, a~er Whod\lhty mUll all..,piiO IMd, OS
tttrown pill" wllllnd ~ .,..., 1o land dacnbed on Qtge 54

If thO Paltillfl Ablkly 18>11\ foiled U1t thoow "sill
IUCCtUfut Alter ~eaHerrn1. lite thrOWit 111•1"• "'II hnd •I
harder lo lind.

u1c ~J)t'l occtrp)i•l)t "''IUdlt' tlo l<notlo.t·d l>ov.
1.1"1 Am~H ro I and cx.--...~01~> lnJUJ)' ro'l ~~ 1'1\110.., n:
tllt!lll evrn Tl lllt!'Y Y.t'•' .!llr,ldy Pt()fle Of Stun'ltd~ l'l~
fliP mrcv.n pt.we-r wtll bOunce (8$ tl lhey Yterf' 1 bllll
lrom ll'l' $,QUdtt' lhf')' l.vwt •n .md Ytlll.tutomattca
r11t O"t'r upcn tMomc. as dcscr~bcd on PJir.e 27 ly
::,hOold the uuown PI •Ytt bounce tnto Mothet:
occ.1p1t'd <,qtJtlre, lhe OJI>o\•e proces"S is reprated

lll11e lhrcw.n pia~· ~ W6\ !'ron~ 111 Stunned, ex had~
tht· , TKklt Zone bfofo1t- tl'w'y wNe thrown, ttlty eann«
6 to Jtld ~!ely

O~t! the \C<IItt'r hai bren resolved, the pla)'tf will

oouoce fas t11hey were a ball) hom lhe ~quart they
Thfl player v.1U automat•cJily Fa11 Over atter ~ nc:111
l'f'lt ~ l)t'l $ tM'IflC f\1.)! il tht ,q\lltC tllfy af'd an Armour toll 111d pos.s.• b~ ln)ory roll1~ mad!
""~ rn a:>e:ir d·' acd 1..,~~ 1 1'!10\l'tcr pet ~yet
"•'-'•Mt lhtm.
MJ•k trlt'l'l
t• tl "W'•t; tr~ll\ JI'!M'\l Of .. !hP roll i I n.JIIIfd
ShOuld tt;u;;ow, p!c~~er s.cttlter off lhe pitch, they~~
I, t".C {!)fl:•l• rU)"f'! w• l.l'ld SJft>ly .tnd IS (OilSidered lCI land in trw crowd Tht playtr 1! tmme<hately reM!Md
tu"' :wr<1 \<IV ~urlv !rom pi~ )' and placed 111 lhe'1r team dugout. l andrn& In
Ult' crowd IS very dJinsf'rOUS as Blood Bowl tans are
It I 1 At) lilt t~t 15 I IN, I~ (1'4\J...n rj.Aytl wtM
nola<oou~y voolenl, "'ll>e plll)1!f nslcs 'lnJU'Y by the
I.J'lCJ Willi J"'CC ~~ roMIC1tred to 1\a'\e rno.'t'd .n'I"'Ountar'lt
Crowd, a\ dMcnbtd on pace 61. Thts Will determ•ne
flit l'irGo\ p If" 'o\ Fall ~t'. 1$\k\Ct!~ on pti£P
';7 tf t~f rn o\"1 ~.J)'tl..,as 111 pos..•.eu'()l'l of the ball, 11 the player 1s placed 1n the Resef'Yas, Knoeked·out or
111' lf'lbtb~.r'Md Ott•t'""'~ noTurnovtft5talr.otd C•W<lltyOO.

U1'\1..> tr., ""'" plll)rr h~ not ~tt bt&l'liCtr.llcd thi\

II • plal"r In posoessiOfl ol the boll IInck on the
turnlht) ma·, !lit JCitvated b tef rn the lurn rf PQSS'ble, uowd •H~r beang thrown. a Turnover ts c..uMd ancl
If lfl!·t"f 1'1 '10C !irl.flnt!d •1t t I ltiU!NtiC l~tt~d f1 lht boll Will bt thrown In by the erowd ,. d...:ntooo on
page 51

mx• Ill om r~.n 'ltd u-. ns iPCIC&II block
o) •noQUO I• Ill 1011 lloNI H.., 0111!)' blotk diet lit
,, ltd and ~~ro·h th COl£ h ctloO\(I:s U1e rawlt to apply ll
(j ,. U1\lfltclb)' tht r,trrnRth ol lhfl pliiYif perform,. ...
lllr!f> 11<IJOI\ '""'~'~'"" wolh 111l! St<..,lllh ollhl ptarw
th<tl h lhn Iali/' I oil he Block JC.hon.

lm r I ll ~t' hvr playr:r has dodlred they wiR perform 1

I' • ~ .tl hOI lf)d nomtf11(fld thtJ' ....... thlftld . . .
to oo 1\ 10compooo IM SI,..U. cNrldlriiiiC Gl baUI
PlY'" indudtnc any St...... maddlllt . .nlld bl' sus
01 ' 'il>
01 ollfred b)' 11!1111' flam IIIIIHNIII C.
~~~) "tll1l pq,., •llniiWI' 111111 .... -.,~~~~y
'" """'' lottt lo l!nodl tlllit ClllPIIflllll ....
-1>01 pq,.,s_.,._......,._idliilolle.

Clllllllack diCe II did

o WClllllllljlf ,_ 1 ~ ....... ddl...idlii-lllllllc.l<. t/llllt

IOCdolell... 1 paal GIIWO lllack diCe II did llld
.."*""'.. IIJIIWII . . . lllldlwl*ll oWl

• ICIIII.,..,.,,_I..._~ ... II
.... diiiAIIt IIIII Gl"* . . . . . . . fiiDIIIkiiiC'
1 paal .,.,..lllack dlclil did 11111 . . cx•dllll
.. .,.., 111111' lllldlwNdiiiiUIIII-

A~_SI~Tif!Ci A B[OtK
fht!llfflfli!hrhartLI 111 alit•
tJI.I yt~f ttlll ., p-;rtr11mu'IW lht Bb:k
att.on, Of o4 lhe plt'(ilf 11111 "tne
Ul~o1 altho UI•J<~ Itt""" con'"
lli<xll"" by owlt<IAiortd by tt...
m4tet IIIII ,,. tn • t.wt<>n 10 f>ojp
In tM Wll"/. two 01 """' pll)'tB can
&J'liiiPOO enol"-'"""""' lwo
tyflO' of ...... IIIII tan bo <OUnlod

··~"""'anti 'clollrMt'
Moflen.... _ll_anolllef
plfYIIOIIIIteadNtlolm,a ......
mala of lite plljlf thai " petformtn1
1111 lllotk adoan, 11 able 10 ..~M
To Qltaf an ollnNt 1111111 o plljlf
ntUII biiAarktna tht oppoeruon
pial" lhal " lhlllll" of !hell lean>
maW• Blodt action
A .,.,.... tannol o!le1 an
.,.._ ...151illltey ,.. being
Malkld bV ony oppo<lhon pilyf!l
olhtt< Ilion lho ont th.!l " lhe t.lrgot
of lhllllllm·mote• Bloc> lei on

Each ollen•"• ,..,,. counled

moclliel Ule Slrenll)h chlliiCIIIIStiC
ollhe ptljlf pettomMne till! Block
aamlil' +I
A delenwe MSISt IS when lnolhe1
pleyet on lhe IIIICirle l.,m, • team-
mall of lite pt1yeo lhal " the ll•aet
of 1 lllotk ac:llon, I• able 10 Will To
ollt< a dele..,.. Will. 1 ptoyor mutl
be Ma•klnaltte oppoliloan pl~yt•
Utll " porformina Uto Block adton
oplmllhell lelm·mall.

Aplljll cannot oller a

d....... Mttill "lhly I l l * '
Mlllold ~ any CliiPCJiltiOII plljlf
CIUIIr than tilt one lltat ts pellomt'"
tilt llctclc ldlon itplnll Utili

t'lch dllnln ..... CDUIIIId

madlleltht ~ chlnCIIriiiiC
allhi.UIIt lithe ...... of tltt
8loct IOUon lrt +1

H1 "'"if' occvpo.. • oqu"t ldJICI!nl to • Sidel.. or
~ •II> n an End Zone when pu5hed bid<, ond f tt. . ,
square t~ey C¥1 bt pu5hed •nlo • - .. or • '*'
1re r'() IIIU'res l!1el' t111 bt puihtd lnla. lht....,., . .
t>e 'puslled onto tnt aOifll

AIIIII" IIIII • puihtd 111111 lht a-' It

.,.,......., IIIIICIOid flam JU/11111 ..... In lhllr .....
~ A.,_...,. IIIII .. GIIIMIIIIb ~117
~ .....-e l:le IW<d llock !U)o! IS ...,.., IIIIo tt. Ooold' • ....., . . . 61 'lllil . . ~
l>t.,~-·VftdldiJOOiitllt tt. w.. .,.ltpllr.ldlll .. , _ _ ~tor

~..., lllci!IIJtr"' ~ l>t I>Uhd

CIOIId '*' ...
cr • dii'"!UUh ,... IIIXII' u. CIIIIIGIIIII
IIIII rit NJtrJ Clll O(XIIpj l ..... II . . . .
CII1IQ rit lilt bid 0! I illlldaol. Cii ii'CIIIIIIIIIIft
•I>Uhd bd "'"'..., .. - ..,, ........
..c-.. ............_..
• . , . ~Cif. . llllispullllll i*l
. . . . . . 51 Mlllal. . . . . . . ...
t.KIIIfllt! •...,.., .,.., ...... CMIIII.. IIII,
l!lebolliltl~ Allllflrcnai .....IIII**IIP IIIID a. CIOIId. 1 """-IICIUIIII
lilt bii- I>Uhd ...

~KED DOWN - -- - - - -
s.v<ral oloc:k d<e""'I>t•u.. .,, (or both• I iJio)t~
bt Knotled Down, as df>(nboO on"'"' 27 r~,. un
lead to a Tumov•r. ol dMenbtd Olllllp 23, " a"""'
I> Knoc'ed Down when they are tho one Ptrlormi"'tho
BIO<k iKIJOn! If a jlloy•r •>IMhed back ano l<lloekd
()own, thO push b>ek happem I~Aiand the ~)tr 11
Knoc~«< Down an the 1<\VIfO they hi,. '*" mo.M •n&o
Soln< Skills may allow a pll)tlthit " Krockod o.,-
donna a BJock .ctron to anstNd be PIICtd Plone Wilt<!
tn ,5 iS the c~. the Nh!\ •bow •re unchanl"l, rt ~
~mp1 tne outcome IIIII " allerod as no Armour roll "
mad• aptos! 1 player ihlt • Placed PlOflo and they do
not nsk tl!jury

lien an actM! playtr matunaa Blocl< act100

W pulllellhe ialpt beck they INI 'follow Uti,

mOVUII! d rectty 1010 the lqUIIO vacated by tho
pushed blck jllajOf You must docldo it your Pl)tr Will
rottow·up belofe ""'turther da rolls '" mldo When a
p~~yer lollowi-IIP, rtl$1 ~111M, they do not noors 1o
RIJ>h, they do not need to Oodee. and they do not eovnt
as hrlvrog used •01 of t/le11 Movement Allowance

SornHJme., a player must follow·up due to an

tn-pme eflect, a specaal Nle, or a Skrll or Tra t, whelhr!r
they want to or not. AI other limes, a plty~!r may be
p<Milted lrom followrna·up e-en It they want to, perh•ps
due to • Skill theta~ ot the Block actron ~sseslor
wmple. In such m!$, rules that prevent a t>laY!'r lmm
lollowlllg·UP alw1~ take preet<lence

Nolethal when a player folloWS-lip, they are

atwa~ eon!<ld<ttd to havt I1!0YI!d voiUIItan~. Th" ''
the at!ll Mn when a player must fotlow-11p due to an
tn·same effect, a sptcral Nle, or a S~lt or Trait, whether
they want to or not

_ARMJiDliAOLLS ---=,...-::-----
~ (l~nbed (If! page 29, by the coach olthe ..___
An llff'l'(l~e:~.
ARMOUR O{!p()511l&
tne pta)'ft'$ armour ts 'broken·, an InJury ro11 1s made
ot bltJcn. It protM:tS tt-em from harm.
hett 1rt marYY ways iNJURY
II the ' "tmaur 1\ 11

ROLLS·, armour - ,s broken, .mtnrury rol IS lllllde agaln$t

- -


1. -
In whl<h a Blood Whvrwvt' a ;yr 1 - nem,
BoWl playtr e.on a•t fllf cOI'Ch of tiM' Ofl(lO~mg team rollt 706 lind consults the tabte beloN
fniu<ed· From bflt11 p«f
by arampoci111 M~noUur, to OOURYTABLE
trlpPinc and breaklncan ankle
whrl!l Rulhina. Blood Bowl Is
zDiiRISUU ----------~ -----
--;.1 Stunntd: ll'l('l playur tmm!dtalely becomes Stunned, J~ d&tibe(t.._
acamelhll provfdosll111011 paf:P 27. ,nd •s 1111d f!KC dONn Ot"' lhf" n•teh
llmitlrssopportunrty to crt . KD'd: The player" 1mmed10tely removed trom plfY and Placed
..,..sly hurt! Evrn dtlth ~ n '"' KrlOCI-ed-oul 1><>< olthf• team dugout At the end 01 tach
an t¥tf'·prmnt thfeil! Most dnvt, theft 151 chance any Knocked-out players Will recover, II
Blood Bowt playen prO<Jdly desCnbOCfor> page 66
sport illlj)rrssivt se.o,, •nd rt tO+ ccuuotty.r: The player beCom~ a casually and ~~ tmmediately
is widtly said that'" old pro rtmDI'ed !rom play and plated In llle C.!Welty boJr ()4 thtlt team
can bf ..,;ty identified by tht dvJIOUI The coacn or U•e DPI>D''"& team rmme<11ately mat<u a
way they WiftCt and crumble CaiUihY rol a~11nSI the pi•Y"'• •• descnbed opposite
aboulthtir •ches•nd pains
durillji wet wuthtr.
Players"''" tn. Stunty troll b,. page 86) aro pamcularly small and
RISKING INJURY frog lt. mean l'jj tney are mc>le prone to breaking wl1en hit! 11 an IOJuty
t dest"bed"" P'i" 21,

A ~~INCt01'18fl/!~r)
Krrocktd Down II! ancthcr.
bt •I as lh~ rtso I tl a BloCk jtUOI'I
rol rs ev~ made 'R''"''' play« w1th the Stunty trait. roll on thiS
tab~ lnlltJd.

or some ot~t•, moo> drvlCM !rd,

lt'r)' beCome Prone .and t.l!.i •llfllt)'.
L•""''st whtf'll'\tr • pll)'ff rats
()vet mosl olttn uu'Std by b•Mi an
llt'•IYitll"''"~"'· 0< tnppr;~
lltl'lty Rvsn aero>~ the ptcn. they
~ l'tont and rol. "'I'I<Y W~on
I flii)'Cr ~ KllOCkfd [lo;m 0< falli
!Atr. the'"""' olll~ -nc teom
'fJI!! rN~t 1<1 Arm~>Jr roll llil•r'ISl

Not> lfla1 """' ' player

• Pllcocr f'IO<le pert\1"' hl• roe
·~ '"_,.ntto the ilound.
tllert " ''"''" o1 lt>J'lry 100 no
A- r roll ~ madt 'CI nsttlwn.

WhC!n , pJayer ~ pus.htd lnck tnto the erowcs or II"'JJ
1n me crowd the1e Is. no teUmg how the lint v.4 1tr•l
them, dOd tlley ri!l< ln1ury by U>e CI(>MINo""'- ""'-'
roll IS mode oplns1 the player tnstoocl tho COich of tho IIJillltd
oWO'In& team lmmed~ rat II OOihel"'ury table to Cnuottrlllltei*N. . I"'uoJillll•
111 wnot the orowd dooo to tho plojtr
c!!!RMTIII!m goump•
II tht ptl)'llll Slunntcl,thi1M 111at1 Ill 1te
• nthe ptl)'ll'll Knocltockul. t1111n Pllcled"' a.
K~boL Tlteyllllf-• .... IIIM
, Ktht pilylr lllliOmlf I~ llllf..1lilcltl
tht ~ IIOtC. A IOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIInll111m on h




DIJJocotld Shouldtr

Tho plll)'tr Is deldllleacl PIII\'IIS ••e dosmOlledlrom

1110 111m dunos Sttp 1 of the POOl P11lO *~"""" •
descnlled Qrl " " ' 69

I ___
• Jt's not whether YDII Vet
knackld'l how much of
you vets blck upl" ,.,.....

noles olllood
ouo n1 1$ ltridly IIJ'MI tilt

F Bo-1, and a.., pl.lytt '""""" to illct tilt

boOIIn IIW lht wrath of lilt ......... Hoc
lhaiiM $109$ IIIJ'O"t of Count' lila.., .....,
a~ ttnowntd ..... ciM1y and"""""" and
,otelllln a llw pllytn llaw buill a c._
upon 1M 111 of lilt ..... llodled, ..,.,. II -
wch an H!Abhlltd part of lilt ....,.IIIIth
RAitG ... establlllled Plidlhl ...... DtUIMGTAt tAu.
mernllln ID tum a blond.,., ""'""·~·""~"'
1 ............ ~
~ "*''- may"""'~~ 10 Art~~ C. llola
1)(, .......... to .... ta:Ae l>tlow

~ RUULT =---------
1 "l'o41'rr O"tr' Hm! ..Tht f!'ne 11 ~"l'fit"d
!rot 11'4 <nidi b ~octet! alcw•c•>tto lht ~
lor 11'4 ,.,,..,.,., cf '"'I<'""you may no
ml!f Aract II< C.lla'llll'lUII •lllllfl l
mo1:ll.f~tr w~ 1011~1 fol 811 ant Cclr.h."

'YIIoii,Colll"n.o"""' ,... · -
II~W ....- . ll>o pltyet II S.nt-dt llld 1
,..,_ CIUIO<!
·-w,ll, Whtn tou l'ltr/r Ukt Thor... "The
tef'ertt' 1\ 'IU)'Id by YQ~r arg~.""*"· ATum~r
FODUNt ~ 11•11 car.otd. b.ol !he !D,tr 111.11 "'""llottld tt.t
To commola Foul. 1 mply ma>t •• AnM.Jrrol lalld IOI.hi'IO($trol~"
paoulllo lo1ury !fllllac>tnlllhe oomlnat...S Vl<l m
011of1!M and doltn~"' "'"" are 'MIIII'.d 0114 bolorelh·•
AIIIICIUI 1011 olmadt ..atlly IIV.hen ptrfonn
acuon. as dowobod on""' ~7
Rlthtl 11\Jn mod ~"'I
S..,.U. 1'- awlb.., I mod ty lilt Armour101

• A(Jply a .; I modill<r lo ''' Armc"' mit lot ta:h

o A(Jply 1 I lftOIIc!ler to tht Atmour mit lot taCh

' ' •
,., ,
' . , '''" w ~"" ~"
n tt"''tf :o ,&:t...lrr
'Nf' <11.1

I '" •
..,mplt 'lliil"' Xlldl & lllo b.lll COUld I>' PU>h ''
10 "''l"" n< but oot Knockto Do.. bn 6"' t.o.
midi '~' mt'J>om led.

~~~~~~---- -
SOmeUmti, a cOICh w II w; nt tt'le1r tea.m to run tfl-;-
clock doNn, nolto '""'• wh<>n they easoly C<>Jkl
AI olh 1limP., a !tam can &t"l so caught up mthe viC*rltt
o41"" ll"""th•lthey ~mply loog.tlo ""' wi'o!n lh.,
h• ,..liw t hane• Th~ IS ~ perleclly valid lactiC, •It~""'
.n some n~ta 'let!. ll can be t1sky1

II 11 any poont donne your loam turn a pla)tr bfloog,. ~

your I<1m mee11 al ot tile lol ov.on& cr~tena, tnal pi~
....~ t be •• "i

D;;;;;;TN SCCRCT WeAPONS.- ~"r Sec~
W..:>M P'.ll"' ,,.. bttrg Sen-oil,
MOCitd out,.,..,~,\ _.'1 teeo"~t
TN£ D/1/YC CIIDS: Tho drl" enos


I t tn r t "'" fltldtd ill) ployert With the Sotrot -

I V.•ti>O' trot dunn, the prece<lln& dn.,.., ~ p~

.,.II Do S.nt oN lor comrMtong a Foul, Mn o1 they
wtre not on lhe P•lch at the end olthe dnve

Whtn 1 piaytrl$ Seot..,n on thiS way, thtll coach

may ort•mptto AtiU• the C. II as descnbe<l on Pa&e 63.
A 11,re Btlbe Inducement may also be used PH player
Sent·oH'" thiS way, II any are avaolable and should the
cooch wosh (ste page 91). If either Is successful, the
player s not S.nt·off.

leother coach ha. •ny player> In the Knoclcsd'()Ut

l box of th"r dui(I'Jt. tn.y may now see If they hM

-red enou&n to t.l~e part In the ne.<t drove. Rol 1
06 lot eaen pta1tr that " ootrently Knoc:lcsd.<Jut.

• On • roll rJ 4+ the ptite< has rec~ and rt ,_,..

to fl Recovered I)W~rt ••• rmmed11tely placed Ill
tilt Resffles bo• ol the r tum du&Oul
• On a rolle! 1·3. ~ P'~"' os SlrM lariOO ~~~~
lol.! to the pot:h ~pott


I I thOle 4ft >toll tum• to be l"•ltd In the ' """'I hall,
or ol there ISanothN lull half w~l to 1"1y, both te ,..
w1ll ,.t up•gain, " de>trobe<J on ~· 40 tl the
porCIIOUSdfiVC 01\dl!d With Olou<hdown. 11\e te>m thll

score<! Ihe tOIJchdO'Wn nowbecomes the delenc. and will

~otk.()il to the team thit <onteded !he 10\Jehdown

ENDING THE GAME 11. ••IIlii 11111 n .. -.. 1111. .. _ ..

ttecl~ ............ lllllfAUnl*lodcl-
A I !he end o1 the secooo "'"·!he pme w<ll
end . Unim tho pme IS a lt.!&IM ftldure,
lhen! IS nothlnl tilt to do buldelllm111t 111
wrnner.ln •league, howMr,lhoPCIII11m1~
tiOII can lie lilllltL Onct Ill [ad cl Oliol ...,_II
....... - -li!Pibr CllllrlltilqwNcll-
..... "'*"wll-.., • dllalbld .. - ..
~~when coaches W<lltc oul wlnnr,.., lilllllllftl1111ft
advaocemenb, IndiO Oll(lle 1111169) TelmiMIIIIIInal.......,_ll.. lllllcl
......... ~ ..,_IHllllhel_nal_
WINNING TAt iiAMi dulflclll-- hill lllantld_lnlll_l...
TIM 1111m lhal 1111 ICGIId tile llllllllouchdowiii It lhe In elllltllr 1111*11 • • 11 plojld IUd!r a...
tr'ld of lhl Pml II tllclllld h..._ KlwiiN
,,.,, Mnner, 1 period at• lfml..., lltliiiJIII a
<*cribed oppGiile,
lflwiiMI N ctur wln•lllhl end olntrolimt
HI> \Ill)' ron far I Blood billeniiDCGNidtI 811111
fi10SI waukl-pla, 1D llldlllh U. quit Ill lildl
.......... llr I !*lilly rail-oil, flllfiMnll"llh•
In I hid pi l*\llly lhool·oul(lhe
cnylllllt IIIII plun ,_In fiiOdlrn Blood Bowl I
1b IIIOIIIIUddefl delth, llolll _ , . roil-dllilrt ~~.
In nme. But 111111111111111 CIOICh lillY put dllaltlan
beloit valolw llllluy the(w hid.....,. 'tllu llll'f G . .l D61nd ~Iris fho COI(h- WIOS
... pme
eoncede It11111111 .,.., al,aar 111m bins. ~

• The G111101iU0n II IWfllld onallludtdawn, IIIII..,

1auc11i1c1wM !111111 111m IIIIICG!Id 111 Wlldld IIIII
IWIIdld to lite CIIIPtiiiUon.
• YoutllllbiiiD -.1 an MVP IDiny cl
• YGu dQ nat.......,wltlnql
• lllur Dlldlcalld f'anl chlrlclnUc illlduced 1ft
D311o I mllinum all~


A llht end of IXh 1M M1 1 1t'lut f••lure, bOCh

toacllM art 'ftPOfl'!blelor corrktly riiC.Ofdlrc 00
lh~r O.n.e Record •htot lho dtloll• of ' - lhou
leam perlormtd ond tho oul<ome of 1110 ml1th Uc:h cooeh
<hould rocord the IOIIowlrt lnfoonollO<I on 1111 ~
10<1...,, of lholf Game ROOO!d .nett 10 lhol " ton .,.
On 10 the \rt&IJt tommrlo\IO!Mt;
' lllo '"""of tilt pmo liMn, !ott or drow).
How many IOilChdowns wertiOOitd I by""' teoml
' HO'IV maoy CHU1ll1es wtr! uulld (COOOhlll only ,how,
lhflt llfnetolt SPP, .s ~bed 1n Sll!ll 3)
• How man,lfaauo polnli ,..,. ..mel! 1,., Ill&!' 981
Finally, 1ny PII)'On lhll lutll!ed 1 DEAD fe\UII on lhe
Ca100ily table durln&th' cam• ... deleted ,_ your
T..mDrtlll~l (!M pep 6D).

At tilt end ol Mry pme, each team "'c""" a ,.. lor
play1n1, u•uolly palcl by lho 1tadlum ..,.,., from lo<~el ,.,..
To 'NOrk 001 how ""'•" exh loom Wlm,

' ONrdo tilt Fan All"'dance lor the pnoe (... l>eiCWI)
by two
• Add 1110 numbe< of IOIIChdoM>o. your teom ICO<eO 10
Ulo$ ficure.
• Mu hply lhetotal by 10,000.

lllo '"ull "how many (iOid plocn your leom has

.,.,. lor lhos pme. ThiS IS r!COfded In the Wonoin~t>' secuoo
of the Game RllCord <hetland IS added lno<nfdlelt!fy to 1110

Note IIIII, ''one loam conc!Oed, fao Altend.!nce 11 not

dM<ll!d by two.lll!leod,lhe lullamountol INerdodlo tho
"''nnlng team.

lh~ Is wod<ed out by >Imply lddlrtloplhor tho Fan FlltW
of both l"m>lo determine tilt ldal number ollaM prlltnt


IIQOd rew~ can Mt at..m'elanlollownllll,.,_,

A and 1 ~ wiM nesiiUk can brlnl the lans

ftockiMC to buy licl<ob 81\d mt!Clllndltl Th<S 1011 ol

_ ..
HACKSPIT QUIIJ.CIIEWER'S populonl)' can reilly help • leam ~nanclany
. . . . lll..,..lllllplll , , • llyour W.m.,.,.tlltpmo,rotl a06 "IIIII'IIUIIII

.. ....,.,,
llljiJ llftJ/1111 Mqu/111, VIIM Sllft 1111

equal to 0< ho&hlr th"' your """"l Dlcbt.d flnl
charactenlllt, Inc,.... your Oedittlld Fn ChalacltriiUc

,.,.,,.,..,..,. , ...........
111m VIlli! llilllllll- llllllllllicf IIIII 1111 • II 1001 W.m lostlhe pme, rolla 06. II tilt -1111 ' -
then your current Oedicll!d Fans chtlll:lerlllle, rtduca
your Oedclled Fn c h - by 1
..... , llf.t/(,.,.,.,
~_.,., llllldl • If the pme was a dllw, nelhr ._., Deckltld Fn
chaiiCieristiC w1W 1ne111se or dec-

SPENDING~~R PLAYElfiiOilffiC =:::------- - - - - - - - -
11 once lh~ I.IVP ~~ drlentiiJled unCI Mt~ p~yl!r'l lll~ of SP
c>" •peod '"""to Rat nan ldVJnCI>nOI't f~•SPP~cj P~a' beonC<>IIlled liP. I plll)'lr hii-Sf'P.Itll¥
"'"'""''«II plo)or ~.the ll10I< SPP '"'"" .,..., """ ta.;h '"'''"•'""'' "111oW11"" 1111 lllllo lloiQw Tho-
thotr SPP unltl lhey h•vt "'ouen "'rllnCiom~ "'"" :"'i:m"'lllley f>lln Will COli Aplll)'lr • 0010111...,"'
~omo 01 •II ollh•l• SPP < 11'11'""~ trn-1111. llWNCIIIJ!>Itllll<t mllll-


Ea~ '""" , _ oi10wa tile Sldq gtee<~ra llllllalllo ro
lllll'er lllon '4*'<1 SI'P"" a - S~ll. o ployer m11
uch playr~ PIIYt" hlvl 'l'rtmor(ICUII to 10me s~ 1
aal<COMS, and 'Secondary' ICCm ID otllon. P!I)O!I '*' '4*'<1 SI'P to lmP!1WI 1 tll•racttn.Ut. lo 110 50. <•mply
ttduco tn• plo~yt~'s SPP If)' IO!Munt shown on tN:
pin Si<tMs from lhlll Primary 11<-1 ~,...,.,.. tallty. whoII!
~dllln<tmonll t.ble, •oil 016"" tnt tatit be'>• "d
ioii"'"B Sldll$ mthllr S«ooc~art lid~ ce~epoo a -a ll'tt plo}'l!r\ •mi"''ed thorattonsllt on )'(N<loam
mo•e CO$IIy in lerma"ol SPP llf•h ~lb
Clloollrc • SldlltsMI!IPio. ....,,, s10n cat110ry CHARACT£RISTIC iMPROYEMdh TABLE-
/lVI ilblllo lho Pll11r end C11o01e 1S~ll lrom lllol DI& RlSULT
caiiiO'Y lilt! tho player dOl$ not aloady have, then
reduce lhe pltyer'~ SPP by lht amii!Jnllhown on llle
Mlincernenllllblo. finally, IOr:coillle pla)'el's new Sl<ll
on your Tum Drift list.

Wllon 1 playtr pins • rll1don Stull, c110010 the

Skill Cll$ty)'Ou wiVI lollll1tllllltli!OI<III !rom and roll
hlo 06, onufter lht -,on lhtSiullllble on PliO 74
("'rallinl " the pllljtf llreldy has IIlii Stoll 01 II they toll
I SkiUihly C11111C11 tiM) and ~e 1he player'• SPP by
lito 11110unta'- on lhe AdYanceonenb L!ble. F~n~l)l, llottlhat no cNratlt<"tJc can..., be lmp.....S
ltllOfd tht p~ayv·, new Slclll on )'011 Team 0rat1 hst 111001 !11M twke, or tbovt till maomum vol.. sllown on
oqe 28. Sna.ld i<N lll'domW setld 1 dlarat11mlc IIIII
Noll lht~ IOilhclul ucepllon, PO pl~jtr 1M)' bo cannctl be tmp!O\'Od trr thll )'011 do 1'1111 WI!/) ID -
fverla I new Slt!Q • S1clll INI tlwy ilready hM. Fo! the ~ moy lns!Nd c'-• Seeondary !Ill"
erample, vau may nollll<t a plajt<11111h lho M~ b
(+X) altilllha ume Sklllfllklln an llllmpt to,,...... In lht t111 II I I -AIIOwi!ICI, ~or
the efllc:t oJ liteSkiM. Amw value, lhll rneensll>a chtlldllllllc 11 -.s
17f 1 Ill the .... Gl ~ trr l'ltllot ~ ' - · h
c111rltllnlbe ilklwlllrllll' I Fo! lllftlllll. f 111111'11
wttll AG4 +.,._ !hair Acillly, lito cNIIc1n1ll;
W01M lleCGml AG3+

13yer' are prone to InJury, and rven the bi~

P sup~ta" ciln f1nd them!lel~ looking for WOrk

CHNI'Ifltt' 11 Ihe r 1n1urtes outwe-Igh then abilltH!S.
Afttr at , there art alwJ)'S hC'Sh f.:~cM rookK>s tookmg 10
m''~" a oam~ I£H thtmsl:!lvcs ror J fractton o4 the c~u
Stmtl~rly, COJc.h~s wtll often h rc and f~re Sidrllne Stalf
on 8 rt1:ularba~t! to manage tht~r overheeds. Ounna lhls
, 1, 0 oltll<l IJ<l'l·gamr sequence a team may

Spend any amount ol gold from the Treasury to buy

OCY. p!a)t>rs from your t~am rcxter and/or Sid!!hne
Staff and mcrfl~~ Team Value aoc:ordmgty, any players ar1dJOr Sideltne StaHwho are no
longer rtlQUirt!d, de etong them from the Team Draft l~t
and reducmg Team Value accordingly,
Purcha"' add•llonar team re-rolls, but must p.~y
double to do so, as descubed on page 34.
Permanently hore any Journeymen that played for the
team dunng t1t1sgame:
A team must hnvc fewer than 16 player! on its
Team Draft l~t to permanently hire Journeymen.
If permanently hired, a Journeyman loses the Loner
IX+ I tratt but retatns any SPP eamoo during ll1is
game or advancements gatnoo durong Step 3.
II oot permane<1lly h1n:d, Joorneymen W1111em
and not return. Any SPP earnoo or advancements
gaoned are lost

Duung u~ I'O'I·R•me sequence of a game In which a
pi.lyer suite!!. a Lasl1ng ln;ury result on the 1:.\soatty
!Able, that player may be g.-en llmc ott to ~.
Taktng some l•me off may allow them to return f~ and
htalthy for next season should you w1sh lore-draft
yourteam !see page 100).

Ylh"" a player Tempotardy Reltre5 ITR), m11111 noll

on the apptopriale box on your Team Draft List. 11111'
rema1n as Pilrt of yoor team and are not deleted 110111
your Team Draft List. They cannot like pert In Ill)' fUIIher
g;ilne$lhls season but !hey woU still COIIIltowlldl bolh
the ma..mum number of pl~jtr~ ollhllt lype 111owed
by the t•am rosier, and the 16 p1a,er llllldmum Finllly,
wholstthe r Currtnt Value 11 counllld when worldrw out
Team V•lue, rt os not counted whenwarlcqoul CUnenl
Team Value

o CRISIS A'IIIITtD: Thlnklto some Clllfiii!N11111if1*11, )'ClQ leam betlr.t> rtself lor onct'
o MINI/It /NODt/11: Tht INm pis up ID some mrldliel and IOU lose 03, 10.000 gold Pl!<es fiMI IOU' T••~ury
o IIAJ(Jit /NODt/11: HIWihe gald In )'0111' 1'ltasuly (lllllndong down to tho ""'"' 5.000 &Q<d -~ " fosj to on
unfcrtulllle miShap
o tATASTtiDI'I/11 Your T111sury IS ~led,~ to< 206 • 10,000 gold~ -.11rch you ""~bly "!urrreled
IWIY for Just such an OCCUntftCt


n prap~r~Uon lor lhe ntld llxlu~e, m.11ke sure both

I )'0111' 1Um Valutlnd CUnenl Team Value art up


7rAM IIIWI{W}t AI diiCrtbed on PI&! 35, this IS

worlte(l out bl' lddlf1 up the cuntnt vefue olall ollhe
lurn'l pi1Y815, plt11the CIOII ollll Sideline Staff and
111m !Mils the tum haS

ttiUIItrfr.W 111W1(CW)I This is worlled out

lltiCIIy •
IbM..but minus the culllllt Vllul olany
pll)'illllllt $UIInle Miss Ntld 01rne Clsually table
-liill1111111 pmeend will be uiiiVIillble 10 plly
......... Aem!tmlllr to Include the cun.ll ¥111111
~ IIW thlt nUsed 11111 pmt; they 11M-
';NCIMitld fftllllthWtlnjullel end 111 lit ID pliy In lhe

he followonc
_ p.~ges

T t.. turethe complete

t~t of Skills and Tr~lll
ilable to pl1yer,. Be they
Yoo c.hOO~ t, t)$t a Sk. ll cw fra t th3t mod I~ a d<e roll artcr the
Is• pl.tytr start>with.
or Stults g1lned durin& the roll h" l)een mad<'
course of''"''"'' all pl.tytrs , A1bQI'1ws Jnd-O' w.«hllf'rS froiT1 Sk II) or Tra•ts can be combin~d.
will havt • decree of access • un1~,. !he deswptlon s.tates oth~tY.t~t, :1 S"-•11 01 Trl! t can be U!.fd
to General, Agility, Strencth ml)lt tnan or• plljN per toam tuon by
and Pming skrlls, and m1ny ' Un~ss tt!edtioen;Mn st~tf!S otherw~. a Skill Of Tra t can be u~
will h•v• accm to Mul.lti<>ns. rro liple lilt~ d~~tnQ each team turn.
Trorts ore more unique. thej , Unlm.' s~~ll ~ l'alt is markld w1th an asten~k (•), It$ u~ li not
result of 1 pl•ytr's noture compu <dY frc , )<'I do not 1\.!ve to use that Skrll or Tra trf you <10 no
rather than somelhln& they ma~ed
w1sh to) Ha'o'f'(Ner thf' ll!lt of a Sk II 01 TrJ l
w1th an a11 - t
er~k (' )
can learn.

CATCH llft PAIR OF Alibi
ThiS pl3)'tl'l n\3y re·rofl a failed Durlne '(OUr ~t'steam llJrn
(but not <iiJIIOi )OUr OWOIMm Wtltb plljw II K - DDwft ar
j\grllty t"t wh•n attempli"8 to catch turn), any ..,.,..,tlco Pliii'OII bolrc l'llcld Pin Olul IIIII UIIIOfM
the ball Olwl wllillllft _..d.,.
Marlctd by th" Plii!W Wlnoi!Jit the
Guan! •lull ildlhtbll-naiiiOula.
DIVI NGCATCH I~ IGU..,IMoollllllllllfttn
Th s player may attempt to utch the JUMP iiJI UIIOCICIIpitdtqu~~~tti(ICin!IDN
ball rf a pau, throw on or k~k·olf
auw 1t to land in asquare ~ttun "tills Plt!w"-.,.,up-
""'- Ortl tltb .,., tiCCIIjlltt
'-"e .......
llllr ""*'
Ulllo! lrot (It , llllldlrc
lhelr Tackle lono ottor sutll<tng or
nol CCIII tltillliiJir ._ Ql~q~on
de'IIIMB This Skrtldoe< nol lllow llliDTIJI
d M "'-ntn1 Albwlnoe, • 1 I tltb pltytr It IIUihtd 11tCk tor 111J
thl> ployer lo ottempt to celdllht ~'MIIAdl
ballrf It bounces IIIIo I ~Millin _.,., ... nol-lnlo
their Tt<klo Zont. . . . . dloltn by ... CIPIJO'Inl
Adcllorttllr, IIIIIs PII!WII
AdditiOnally, INI9il}<lr..,
ldtvllttl, .,., ..,
llllmlltlo i*lo!m
Up llld
COICh.l......,)<lll ....,.._ ony

I UIIOCCUIIIod """" lll~llo lh•

llii!W. Tills ptl)'ef Is puV>ec1 bocl<
apply 1 +I modllllr ID lftJ llllmpl
to caldl anaCCIIIIIIIIIIS111he,
llloi:t< ICIIon. This Plt!w ...... lntolhtl ~~~ IIIIINd Ut11ert trt
~ •~~~~~~~~a~• +I madill! no ..._Pled sq111"' td('cent to
OCCUIII' tltl llfiiiiQIIIII. Hlhlllllll& pad,ltllf Mind U9 lhllpiayw.lh~ S~•• tar\001 be IJW<I,
lnd.., I*IDfm IIIIDdlactiOn.
liiVIRil Bel[! Htilt lllllllllod, lhlr -In Pin SN!AIIY GIT
Shodd . . . . GIIPQIIIIGn ...,., tnd lhlir ICIMIIan endL When ltos piJYtf l*101n'4 1 foul
tiltlll ~ID Dodll, .U.., -.they'"
noc s.,t on tor
or l.elp In . . . ID¥ICIIII . . . [fip camrnmu>a 1 foullllould IIley roll 1
In whlclllhl't lltblllflllllold ~
Durtrwtllelr -"'·In-
Jlimllina Mr I Sln&ll tqullllhtl
ol ntlllrtl doo~• on tile Armouo roll

!IOU lftlycll:ln tltll tiD...,.,.... II accuplttl by 1 Pin or Sluonecl AddrtiONIIy, lhe tcb;ii!Jon
11M IIIII SWI Your 111J11C111M11 mutt ....., a dtlcribed on Pllll 45, crt this pill)'"...,.. noc 111... 1o tnc1
...........~ IUIItrlcl2lnlm tilt 1 plljll with thiS Sldll may choale once tne foul he> been comnutl!d
...rtaltiltlfltr• 'IIIII pll)rtlr flll.elp- eny II. ~I II you "'"" and If thl$ ployer ""' not
v. PIICIIII'Ialltn the 11111111 ~t~~~•re. n:~rc unoot~~PIIII u>td thor lull M""'""'" Allowance,
. . . . ., the CIIIPOIIUOn -~ SQUallS l n d - occvpoed by they may contlrlut lo move lltor
Standtnl playtrl. comm1tb11! tile Foul

Addltionllly, this ploy• may SPRINt

IIIIY<I.., .,.._ rnodollor tppllll Whonlhil Pill" (llltorn lllf ICIIOft
to lht Acllll)r lt<l wtren IIIey atlempt
to~ ooer tl'nlna or~
-..Ia Rulli-. . ..,.
lhtllncblll _.... ""'..,

....,.or a !qUirt tiiQIIIIId by 1
Stlndlrt pfi)W by I to I tt*llnun
af I

(\·e•Y t~n~e th15 Ol~c-r per1otn\1 a
[»oek .KtiOn (ootts OV.'fl or liS pan oi
ilShit achon), they mu!.l follo•·up tl ""*' lh• llllt'fW tor)lls "'
tn• wgtt i> p~>Sht!d bm aO<Itt ltle1
art oble It the lafll'l 11111~ Standtoa tc1:10n IDf'lltl own or B .-rt ala
after lletng puihocl bKk, and ~ th11
pial" was able to follo.v·up, this
lll!lllctlon),o-.• lOP'\'.
PIM Bod ,...,,.lltarMIItll
fll•>" must then perform a •-d t>io)111Ddl1l!llllt batt In lilt OQorn
BloCk actoon against the "'m•tofll'l,
!hot,,- bod ..... '"' bill
ago n totta.v•ne up '' the tilfll'l " ' OnotOIIQIJt,lfltd<e""bt Wll~r<t""'"lflt-tht
,.,.nedbaCk. ...!OIIod IIII\Or •• """'"'bock <nto "1 to.y
hod boonl<nocJ<od Down
' Onaro"oll or2 lhtd<t
" tltll pta)'Of 11 pertormone •
tllttz tclton, polbmong • MCond Citlnot bt "'"""" Si!Rl HANDS
IJIO(k .etoon wiN lito cost thom one lt'rt playl"t' may tt-roll any ltl!d
><1'1.,. o1 theu M,..,_ Altowanee Jt1tmpt to l>d up 1M DJII
" thiS plt)'Of ttas no MovoiMnl In l()jtbOtl, Ult Sll p 8.111 \k t1
Attowonct loft to perform • second CMinot ~ U'toed t&a"fl\t 1 pla'ft'r
IJIO(k tctoon, !hoy - Rush to do Wrl!t ltlrsS\rll
so. If IIIII' cannot Rush, !hoy ...,not SHADOWING TACKLl
porlamlt seccod Block tcllon Thl' lllllerw IMihoSI<Ii when W11111 an ltt~t O~bOtl pllyet
on oppooittor\ ployer they,,. ette•nplltD Dodf:O ~om 1 square tn
11«1 thol Wan oppostllon
pr., in ,.,........, of tho baQ Is "'•ne """'"""~ """t' "" rJ , ..<11 11>e1 wort ~>r<na M01•<d t>y
square w~htn tholllt)tr'• Totkl' .., .. .,~'l'~Oill"""te.lm
pushed bad< tnto your End Zone tnd Zont. Roll t 06, tdd~C t!t• MA
ts ,un Slandtrc. atou- Wilt of lit$ pll)lr 10 the ""'IOd Ill..
•~h tM S~ll that pta101 1A1 '"""ot
tht Oodgul <II.
be SCO!Id, 11\dtne tho d..,. tnlhts SWtracttne the MA otlllt oppoo1bon
- the ....,nd Block acloon " ploye<, It tho 11$UII rs &or ltr,..r, or Ad<ht.onal!y, wntn Dill
not peofonned ~ tho till lla n11urat 6. this pll)to oppooo!<>o pt.,.. '' ta•lltlol 111 I
lnly tmm<dtot<!y"""' li'!Oiho Bloc< IClon Pt~- l7t o PIO)'<r
Apll)oer with lh11 Slott ctnnol \qllate vacate<l by the OPIIO'Ii•on w1h ""'SkIt, tt1a1 pt,yer taN'!ot use
also hiYe lho Grab sl<dl plryO< (th~ playw does notoeod the Doell&~~~~ tf a Stumble ,KUit ~
to Dod&< to ma~ tho ""'"l apfll«lii&I••UIIltm
kick lf,hOwMr,theresoll•~oo'-•
II tilts pll)oer rs nomllttflcllo be the roll IS 1 natunll. 11rts S1<rll
0< rl WRESTL!
lho kleld.. pllyer dlln... luck-oft, has no lurther «toet llto pll)tr mry 1M IIIII S>Jtt-
)'011 may choose to hll\le the m utt 1 Bolli Down ltiUII "IC>P'rtd -
d lho 06todtllrmlne lho number Aptl)tt may 1110 thll Slcril "'Y wherlllley pa1orm a Block-
d IIIUittllhlllho bill deYiaiM, numbw oltor,.. por llrm, dunrc or wtt.. U>o11rt lilt llfll4 ol 1
raundlft& any fllclioM down etlhor ....,., MO. II"' opposotron Block IClu>n lnlllld of~ the
plajtr ,. lltrne t.lw-...1111' more than Both Down .....- " """"' ' ""'
"""pla)'Of wrth th~ $1.1 1. Ol'ly oro Ill"- rJ 1111 olhar Sluilllll'*
player may uoe it. pqyw may - botlt !Nrn n

an OC)po$1llon player they are "'"'
~t1rk•ng voluntanly mov~ <kit
squa•e Wttl11n lhl!. p!a•'tr's 1 '
' •c~te
Zone Rolla 06, adding tho Sl
of thiS playe, to lh! rou and lh
sublrachng the ST Of lht op tn
player. I! the result IS 6 01 ni' '0"
or 1f tt~o rol is a natural6 tiKher,
. ,.
opposlhon playe, I$ ht!d r fmly .
pla"e 1nd tht1r movement,.,... In
iioRifs _ - - - - an end. If, howevet, the res~""'toit
when thd piOJ~'flr ptrlonnS a Block " uoss.,
K[ on IS part ot ' 8htl ICCtOfl (but Iower, or n the roU k a natural I
Skl'l has no lurthet etfett. '~~11
not "" Its o..,J. l'l" "''' •w'Y •
t I mocM rr to Ill~ p'd)otr's Strength
ctw.KltiiShC. ThiS modtf•cr IS A playef may use thrs Sk·ll an
•pplttd before count1ne aul~. number of ltme) per turn• durma 1
b<'ore •JJillr ng any oti'" St<fngth t-Ither lf'am•, turn. 11 in OP()OsltiOfl
n-.?cMffi and bef<Ye ~1ng any other player Is b<lng ~to•l<ed by more t~on
Sk1r.l 01' TrJ-ts. one player w1th thiS Skirt, only ot\e
pta,.., may use it.
Ttlt Cia~ s.ktll ca n~ot be used TWO HEADS
Tht> player may'"""ap-p""ly-.-,-~-m-..,-
when n•o.-.tng an Armoor roll ag&mst
to the Asohty test when they anemllC
to Dodi<!.
Th1s player rr'IAf re-rol !1"1)' fa led VERY LONCi LECiS
onemp< to catth tllf' ball. tn oddlt•on. Th1s player may reduce any nept1vt
the Stnp Ball skill eannot be u!Od modoloer appl•ed to th• Aslllty t~
II(! n5t IM tJ/Iyt!l. when they attempt to Jump OVtla
!'>one or Stunned player (O< to wp
PREHENSILE TAI L over an empty $QUare or a square
Whft'l 11n v.:ltve opp:~s..hon player occ:upled by a Standln& player,
atttmpt> to Doclge, Jump 01 LMP 11 this player hu the Leap 5kiltl
.., Oldet to vac•te a square ,., whrch by l, to a minimumof ·1.
t>•r are~., M.!•k!d by th 'player,
t!ltre IS an add•tiOI>II I mod rfler Additionally, th ~ pliljtl may
aplll ed to the acll>t pl.l)'er's apply a +2 mod•ller to any llttmpll•
Ag hty test to Interfere w•th a PIS5 they mt1ill

II the Oppo~IIOII pta)'er>S bMg

Mirked by mOlt tilln one player w1th
th~> Mutatoon, only one pial'' may

~ ......
T"" .,_. 'Nr.... liPID llnl

declnaiiWI..II llllr..,..,
.,qiD llltlorm I ,_ICIIOII. 'Ills
Wilen lhl$ player perlorm. a long ............... h.

f>eSIIICIIOII 01 I lOOR Bonlb Pall
octron, you may aP!)!y an additional Oedllld, ~ ............... ....,.
• 1 moclrfler lo Ihe f>o<slrc . . .. ...... ~ .... llllq
Abll ty lesl Ills ._lrillrnll* tho ICIIYIIoon
II 1111 "1!111*11101 p1oyor J1111o1rnorc
clOUD BURSTER lht"*ICI!oriApiOyor""'"'"
Wlllln IM playor perbms ll.q IIIISioi'Ohal., -borlpiOyor
..... - 01. LGill Bomll Pnl
actron. you m1y c-lo 1111111 1111
_ .. Do.lll~attlilll bu1"""'~
lllillllt!w Foil tMr w!lllll,..,.,na,
oi>PO''"I COICh !Hal l ~ A-lrllllch.,_GIItCIIIIIOII
I " " - ft CIUIIJd

1 nempllo rnlllln Yoillltllt IIIII. '*""voltltlisSIIIIp~~~aa_,.. .lciiiiiOnlitt, ri<rrlftRM<II S~n

llllrllllmllollll Clledl ~
DUMP:DFF 11-1111 H-, lllll.urlet- "'O!M -""·"'"SUe> 2 ""'
Hthis piiJtr IS nomloll1ld 111111 """"Slip l, """O!>on P'al'l ~til
llfPI cia BkiCk acaon lor a stMctal ti1G 51<11 "" !he ltCONIOR l.. rn ""'Y
Gilt plljll '1111111 tlis Iiiii GO tht Pild\
IICIJon pilei Ill' aSWII or 'IIIII mcr.t up to tn,.. ~~J~•m treearok!u
Ill ltl•r MAl l hrs S•ll lftay no1
lhll can bt performld lftANd cl llf'lllllt SlunNd or.,_ loll U.r
1 Block ICIIon) lnd I IIIey lllln be uSI!d ''' tw<hboc~ 11 cauHd
l'lclrltln) HII~WIIhlh•
possellbl clllll bll~ IIIey lillY wtren tilt~" cle'l•lts '"'doe> not
Slillllll..._ 11om pity be1ort al"" lilt rll:l'' 10""" 1010 the 1
iml!lldllllly perform I Quick ,_ 1111 Lllcler llitlll Is Ulld,. b loll oppononr, 11a11otthf Pt<h
ICIIon, ~ llllldlvlllan of Tht Lllcler ~t-roll can be urnod
lilt IIIIPOiiiiOn- ~ 1111
Block ICIIGn (Or Sl*ial adlan) to
- rnto om bme ,, ~~not !Md,
bulllle 101m does no4 ~~Wit I
Thll pl.,.. ,..,,.,,,l.,
dno. 11111 Quid< ,_ICIIan canno1 -one lithe surt Ill e.tra hme Po.m1 Ability IIIII when perl""'ftR
- llllm- but OUIIrwlll Ill ol Unlll<a staooanl Team R&rol3, the a Pan .tct.on
llllnorN tUilllor ~ 1111 bin 1.1ar1er R&roll ca ronor be l"'t due 10
IIICMd 1111 adM-
lllllllock adlon lnd lllllr 111m
1 Hellling t.lasllf C1lOf 0tl1e,..,..,
!he leader IO·roll "tr,.tl!d lUll "'" If lh~ pbyor ptr1o<m• a Quck ""''
"'rmalteom rt-riJII O<IIOII. Ill< • OCW.hon does not hM
...,........... CGIIlln• In end anco U.. PI" • """'Oil
Wlllllfld lllv\ pi,.., ... ""
Thos pt~ye~ m!y rpt '"'Y used tilodul Movonwl1l Al""•nca
modllfrtll lor tre.rc M.m.d w"'" !hey~'""""""'- oftlr
they olt!mpt In perform 1 1'115 -ORihlfllll
ICborl, 11\empt lo ealch tllllllll 01
ll!lmlllln lnlld.. wllh. flll$ SAFE PASS
Slloukii!Uipiljlr ~~~~~· "*
ldlalt. 1111 bll II no4 illopped, -
p~~yer '-II
CMid.lnllllll - -. . .

,.. r~lh plkytf'} Klf\o.lfi!CJ ~•flhlyartfrronto.
,...e~ootU • rlo<>l z,.,.,.,
1,. ocbon ll'fy .,,u
porlonn 1M lle!ort ~ ltlo
"''"'"' rol • 06.11101)"'• •2 -!lo<IQ lllt6cofa1
I )OU do<w.d ll'oO l'll"lor -ill Pll1olm • Blod. or 8riez
J<t#l (Of 1 Sl*lJIICioOO l'lnlld 11r 1 SOil or l<M IIIII
""Df ~ ' - ... Block ltbOo)

On 1 roll oil l.lllll "'-lolhoo or(MII'oor


One Stondq t•I!Hnlle 01 your Cholet IIIII "
ldiiCI'II ID U. Pll'lft "~
K,_ Down by lhil pto)lf IM llooo r..c CMo
• ,_ _ ,,..llnotlood Dowo ployor .......
_...... .,,,.. boll Allor ..... ., Armc.. rCII
(Jnd pouoblt Injury roll) ...... lhr Kncriod Doom
p1oyor, this pt- mor contlnw u.rac~~.....,...,
complete lheor doclorld - llble Nolo'"''·
~ 11111 ptl)'l' hH lny IPIJ!Qblt 511111, lht Cllld1
ollhe "PP""'"I INm rnoy ""' lhom """" .....
on Armour "'" lond fX"I•blo InjUry 111111.,.0011 u.. """' l'ill"• "'""' to p0r1onn • ~~- '""' mou
Knocked Down ploy<r ICbon. 1!111 • 06 il1ltr 111oy hM finl>i'otl "''""" bul
bttoft they I !wow u..., tum-mate On a roll o1 2 +,
• II lhil ployor rl nol CU"'"IIy ldjlctriiiO ony toclltl!ijf With thf ttwow as norm~! On a roll ~ 1,
Sllnd•nlll!am-mol.., lh•S ployof'l 1<1,..,11011 rnm I"IS pltyet WIU IUetn()l to eat t.l'lt1r INm·mate Roll
lmmodralely AddiiiOnllly, lllls pll)tr to... the• ·~"'•06·
Tocldo Zone untrllhty .,. nut IC11VIIod
o On 1 IIIII 01 4 t, thiS ptl,.l COOMuts lhelr ICMI>On
On I roll of 11 lht INm Nit his bern ta1~ lnd
as nom111and compltles l~r declared """'" " •mmotl~ltly , . _ from lilt Team llrah l&l
110 IIXII1'<al\' CO'l,.,. '"'"' onO no ~IOo
If you decilrld lhollhio pll)t! -ld porlorm on

. _,_. .
•ttemotl an be made It.,. tunwr\lte MJ. rn
ICilon wltiell con 0<1ly be porfomnod oru prr loom '"'"
and lh•• pqyer's ldlvlllon ondtd bfloro 1111 oct on could
_,.lteblll,~1!0il""'""""""'""'- ..
bl ~. 1'- ICtiOn lo Cl)llSjdfftd to hlvt boon "' • "''"" oca.crlol
CM o ltll ,_ 2• .,._ "'"'"'*
!ll'.;ntlS..,. or4 ""
perlorrnld lind no - plo)'Ot on your ...., rnoy porlorm
tho .... ICIIOn this- tum dooc-"' 1111" !il

A 6~11 & Cht'IIA player 1r.nores the Foul APJ:~Car~tnce
A 6all & Cha1n pla)er mus1 foiiOW.tJp i1they Alsh ~kill
anotr~r playe• tk

tt this p ~~er movei nto J square that 1"S OC<

ey 3 Pto•'le or StunnOO P aycr from ~lher team, fOf 8t'!y
reason, tnal pldyer •s ·mnlctl;,tely pu~hed bac.k at)(! an
lllfl'tOur roU lS m&de aga nstthem

This pll)'f' m~y Ru!ll\. Declare that the playl!:r Will R:Jsh
betore platms the fhrow·tfl tomplatl' and rollin.: !he 06
to dctt~rmme dHtclion

lllh!S playe• Ru<ihes into an unoccupied ~ua11!, mo~

HlCI'll as normal al'rl ro I a 06
• Qfl a roll ol 2+, this player mo'Yes wilt'M)Jt mo1.~aC~.
• On a roll of ! <bclore Of after moc:Jifitalion), the
pla)'tf fal s ~t>t
If this player Rushes mto a square that tS OC:tuP•td by
a c;tandmg pla)'tf from e1ther team, roll a 06
On a roll 01 2+, this. player moves Without mi';~.JO
and will pe~orm a Block action against the player
occvpy ng the sq ..are as ~ribed previously
On a roll o1 1 (before 01 after modrhcation). the
olayrr oecupymp, the square tS pushed back ancl
ttJ1!. playCI wtU r" I Ovtr after mov1ng into the
vacatltd !.CIU<~te.

If 11111 player eve~ Falls Over," Knocked Dawn 011

Placod Pron<!, an Injury rol Is rmmediatoly made oc••~
them <no AnnOOlr roll I> requlrtO), treo~na 1 Shrllllod
re"' t a;; KO'd result.

sM!J!li:IICh!II..-'Aplaytr wrth this Tllrt c:onnotolso"""

the Drvi,. Tocklt, fiW)I Glib
wp, Multiple lllocl<, On 1111 Ill
or Shldowirti sldlll

A BomD <;~n belhrown lnd Clufll. llliS ll1e lh..., 1 - wllh lUll IIIII
1 ba t usma lbc rules tor Pill IdiOM 11 dllcnbed on pap 48, Wltl lht
fo'IOWII'lg exttpbOM·

Ap!ay~r m1y not stlnd up or IT10YI blbll*formlna 1 Thrv.v

Bomb actton.
Bomb> do not bounco ond con come 1o 1111 on lht p!lllllCI •n on OCCUpod
>quaro. Should • llio,er lolllo coldlollomb ~ w•ll come 1o 1111 on lht
'"'"nd tolhe IQUirt thai plo,er OCCUIIiOS
11 o Bomb 111u-. " will explode •IM1Idlolely lnlho IQUIIt occuplld
by lhl flllyef lllempi1n110 - ~
• If o Bomb comoo 10 llllanlht l""'nd In on •"'IllY - r t oris'"""' by
1n oppos1llon pllyar, no Tu..-" co-
• A pllyar lhlt IS In - - cl thllllll ... llll totch 1 Bomb
• Any Slcills lhlt can bo ullll whon porfor..,. 1 Pll!loctoon can - be
- whon pot~ormorc I Throw Bomb SPICIIIICIIOII,..., thlmeptlon c1
On till Ball


• On 1 roll 014 + tho Bomb explodes lmmed1atoly. " doiCIIbocl btlow

• On 1 roll of 1-3. IIIII plljll ..,.. lhrow the Bomb apln lmmlld alely
Tills tnrow IJI<el p~oco ou1 cllhe """"''-•"' ploy

Should 1 Bomb- - tho pitch, olexp-ln lht CftiWd wllh no

ollocl (an lhl pme) bolore lhe CIOWd can Urrow ~ bl<l<.

Wllln 1 Bomb CDmlllo Ill! on lhiiJOUild, 1n IIIII• on unoocuplod-11,

In 1 -occuplod by 1 p•lhlt flllod 1o <11th thlllomb orin 1 - "
_,., 1 ....,.. or Stunned pllyar ft will explode 1m......,.

' Hlhl Bomb lllllodllln on DCCUIIIodiQu.. lhlt pllyar II_....,

1111 by tho.....,.,,
• Rollo D&lor lldl p1oyor lflorn lllhtr lllml thai..,._ 1 - "
ICIIIclnt ID lhl onoln whk:lllhl Bomb lqllodiCI
• 0n I roll ct•+, ltlo pllyar hoi boon Nl by lho .......
• On I roll all-3, lhl pllyar- ID Mid thllflllbiln
• l!lri Stllldilw plojWI hft by tho ........ 1rt KIIOCIIIII DooiL
An Armour rail (IIICI (XIIIIbl)' on rcllallllll Is mldl.-1111'
lliliWh• brlhl ~- WlhorWIIIII!IIdy I'!Wor .,_,
• 'l'ouiiiiYIPIIIYo +I mOIIIIIriDIIIh•lhi~IOilorlrljtryftll.
'IIIII maclllr miY ......... *1111 rolllllllllen . . .

To prrtorm a Chatnsaw Alt.lck Spec1al action_roU a 06.

On a roa1 of 2 •, the nonun.aled 1~uge1 ts htt by

()1 • roll of l, tht Chatnsaw >Mil vtO!enUy 'k.ltk-blck'
and htt the player wtckhng 11
Inc tllef ease. iiR Armour roll is mtde Diblnst the
platff M by the Ch.-ln~~w. addmg +3 to the 'HUll
If thl" armour ot _the ~ayer tut ts broken, they become
Prone 11nd in InJUry roll ts mooe aga•nst them. This
InJury roll C.iJMC)( be modtfted In any way.
"the ~rmour 01 the player hit ls not broken, thfS Tran
his no ttfi!Ct

ihfS playe.J can only use the Chatns,aw once per

tum (t e , a Chatnsaw cannot be used v.tth frenzy or
MuttJple Block) and 11 u•ed OS ~n of • Blitt act1011. lho
p101er cannot contmue moving alter u~n& rt.

111111s player Falls Over ., '' Knocked Down, u.

oppM<ng coach may add +3 to lht Armour roll mldo
oa•u"l 1M ployer.

II an op~l"'n ployor perlonm • Block act100 IIIJIIIIIC

th~ player aod • Player Down! or • POW! ,... 5
applied, +3 •S added to tt>a Armour roll Ua Ballo
Down resu~ " applied, +3 illdclld IDIIGUI
Armour rolts

Finally, 1t11s player may use tllllr CIIIIMN

v.hon they pertoom 1 FauiiiCIIOft. Rail I
06 b'
k•ck·bac:k 8$ deiCIIIIIIIIIIM. Once ..... Ill
Armour roll il mldl ....... lhl p!Qel hi
Ctl.lln- lddiiW +I ID lhl_llilllt.

~c1-v,l -;;iroh;:-::;:~4o)tt=:m::~y::o:.,.,::::rloo=•1'1-
, --
'1')0"01 c Go:. IP«• ac1bl TI'<IH 1'0 I Ill) ....
mi"J pll""" Ill trio l•oC 1111)' por1ann 1m SP«rll
"""" tJ(h tom him

To~. H!Vd< Gilt s,nl dar\

""""':ealinc'<~ ....,.,..,..
<'4 loU- Toc ~ •Z4M ..., .,. ... .,., .....,..
'"'" ....... • ICfltl• ....,.,....
lmorlklar .-y ......... _ . . .......

11\0 ....,_....,._......,......,
pll(f4IINIB - .. lhll.,. lllltllllll . . . .
'"""'~ .....,._cr..,_dnaCIUif-cl
IS.I6.1UDII.. _clai!D..,_ ........

......,.,.........,..... __
Tlil....,.. . . , _ lriiDrl Jlllllnr'qllil cra,..,. _ _ ..,,.,...,. . TIIIIhll
Sl*iol- ..... l l l c l l l l t - - . .ID,... ............ _ .. _
"'ra- ooaMI!IIdll-1111•
prrrtonnld. tta ..,_ 1NJ IIIII , _ ""'* 1111'* ,. ..............
- - ........ JIUINJcNaiD-11111 .......


. . . .lllmllln. 111 111. . 111 111111111111111111
~lll!llr I .... crI ' " - 'lllnlall-.
111. pll)'lr wllh lha Tllft lllllllt ICIM- C111
.... _........., .,.,_. . ..
IJIUI-11111111"-IIIIUfl' 1P1C111
N.... -.aobl . . -....yillllltAIIIMI
baa ell,.., lllm'l~ llhiiiiiiJ tiUII • - ~~~
p111orm 1 ICidl or- mill' SplciiiiCIIorllfllllllln'CIIID " " ' - lhlnl6 . . . .farlhl !UIIIndorcllhls
IriCk I Sllndlr'CIIIm-mllll wllh lhl Rlfrl hrlllnlllllll ...... O.,lfnllllp4clllllpaal...... . - , hi
II In IIQrllllldla>IID lhlm.
To J*fcrm I ICidl or- IIIII Speclol ICIIDo,lrlllow
lhiiUilllorll.w ~ICiiiM ....... 011
11111111 ..., - - -- · _ , . , . .
I .JaulniiiMIIIIIII'fhi hlllpillld tar 'f/111/lln •

11111152. NIIOmtl

......... fhiCidl , _ _ ........

.., .....,lrldllll.

Alleilc;.5uolty ~<J!IIIas llCeO mode ap•nst th<s jii;;;-
1011, 06 On a 1011 ol 4• th• Casullty roll IS dl!
w•tnout clfKIInd Ihe play•• "ploced 1n the Re~>Qrvn
lXI,: 1athl!r th•n the Ca!.ualty bOx oC their tf!am du80Ut
On <oil ol 1 3 howev<r, t~e <esult ol tlltl•lty ,~ 1 "
appl•d as no<mal

1th" Pii'reralso hn a Strength chanlcte<lslfc 013 .,
less they can be lll<own by • team mate W<lh the Throw
Tcam·male s~ll. as de5tnbed on page 52

Y/h!fl 1 dnve '" which this ptoyc< took pa<t end$, even"j1
th 5 ployer wos not on the potch at the end of the dnve
th, pl.tye< will be Sent·off fo<commltt<ng a Foul, IS '
desetib«< on page 63

ln!lead o1 perlo•m•ng • Block action (on 11$ OW1I 01 a.
part of a Bl<ll oct10nl, this !)(aye< may perlorm a 'StW
Sl>'(lat act100. Exactly as deScnbed fo<a Block octlon
no•unafe • ~ngle Stand10g player to be the tiii!Cf o1 '
11\e Stab Speetal act<on. The<O is no hmlt to how m1ny
A p'•rt< ""only pe<'etm th< ~~ actiOn one• pl.tyer> w<lh th~ Trait may pe~"'"' tM Special fiCtion
"'' tum(<'. f'rol~~ Vomt "'""'be
~ed "'''"Frenzy 01<h !Pam tum.
or ~ utip!< BlOCk)
Toperl1lrm a Stab Special act<on, make an unmcd<fied
REAUY STUPID ' _ ____,..,----:-- Anmour roll against the tors<t·
Whe<· tl 'P~Y" ''oct !>led. M'l <f they ore Prooe or
t11Yl' t~tthtir T~~le Zone, !mmKIIIIPiy atter dediflfl'J
ff tne Armoor ol the pt•yer h<t IS brolu!n. they biClomt
1~• oct"' they Ml perform bot bffe<e per1orm11g the
Prone and an Injury roll~ made aa•tnst them Tbll
tciiOO. rolla 06. •Wftl"& • +2 modlrer to tile dice roM f
InJury roll cannot be modlf<ed <n any WIJ
tho pla t< 10 ono or more • ff the Armour ol the playe<M ~ nol biG4IIfl. tHs 1ltlt
tea~ ""'"' tllol do nol .... th<s !fall
hasoo effect.
• On a roll oil 3, tillS of•rtrloraets wl>al Uley • II IS used M part ol • Bl<tz eclian lhl
are do<r~ aoo Ill!• IICbVillon ends tmmtd<atdy <:<~nnot contllllle mOYN18 alter usl" II.
Md<t<onlly. th• ploy<< I:JsH Iller TICk~ ZOIM! unbl
they are rt•t IICbVJted
Or • rol of 4+, this pl.!yet cont•nu!S theif acbvaflon
"11011Mi olld <Ompltll'! lhf1r decla<ed act*>.

ouung each Start ol D""' sequenoo. aft" Stop 2 but
I)OIOI! Step 3. you may remoY! 03 pla)t"" lrllt
from the Ro;erv~rs bOX~ your duaoutend <ttthtm up
on the pitch, allowlns you to,.,
up mort lhlllllho usUII
11 pta>"" These e1<1ra pla)tl$ mty 110! bt !liKed on 1111
l ne o1 Senmmage 01 10 a W~ Zone

If this pllayer Is UWwn br alllm·mlll IS4elatbeil
on flOI!' 52, IIIey do nalltllllr illlorlllndiiW M._
normally ....,lei !MIIId,I/DU IIIII'
ln tomc>llte ovw tile pi• flclltcfiiModallllwflld

•rou....,., n.
Zone or eltlllr 8kll1lnt llll!lf1111n
moves fnlm 1111 !Jipltq- DS 111DM I ~~~daft
del*nllned bJldllnl• 0611111 1111111111 ltltlle

011 .. 111-3 11111 plajw . . . ncoiMftlly

"alllm boa llhiMIIIIIIe lite Theot-

Mnomtlland --llllir
a Dn I odl 114+ loll plljlr COII'III,_IIllir llt'M1IOII

111\1 ~ lfll~','~.,"',...,=;-lr<l~----....,.~,::-._.-,.­
.,., """t ~'' lndoctmlfl\\ 1n.1 m~at l8ml hive
MOtoln-nbc"' bolound "'IJit
SU~~p!Pfl'fl'lt\ tve ..bit
ICI:eo.\ to 11'1f'lf OW!\ \lf"'lqlll I~ n wei

' 0 4 '""P ....,,, t11oorioMon 20 000 PI

• Oll'oit ttmo A1s1obo1 tood!H 20 000 f>ld
• O·IW.OU.Mip JO,OOOfiOidpoca
• 0-Uioodwol.., Moa1 !10,000 PI p~o<oo t1t11
• 0 Upoclll P'tlyt 100,000 told pta~uc:h
• 0 lldra '""' '"'"'"' 100 000 IJlld pooce udl
• 038- l00.000f>ld--(500001old
,..,,., ,.. - . . . , ""'llllbory llld c..,-

• 02W-nc~•ltl 100.0001'*'1*"
...~ '"" l'llolab-10 '"'"" 11\11 "'""" ~......
• 0·1 Mo!loiryAII!Not IOO.OOOI'Jid!M<'"!"'~
"''~"" loltoml w•lh lht ·~~• .,,,. Spoll!iht
• 0·1 ~IICUODocillr IOOOOOIOidp•noc~"' ~~
IOINIM"~~ ~~ ft...,...,ol Nu~ -~~rule!
Ml•lo l,.ml "'~h U.,""
Co\11 '"'"""'
• O·l ~a\lllna ~''" c~~o~ ;oo,ooo fJI<I ~·­ "'"'~"""c.. lt-111" .,.,,n '"" ·~· ,,,.
Thimblt Cop' lpot>IIIIJiol
• UrAl""'"' Mt!<INIY Pilyon Jl'ICO "''"
• 0·2 Slor Pll)trt P'"' """
• 02 un1r......, !Mih•nc su" 1"1<1 "'"'
• 0·1 Wllonl "'"" ...."
• 0·1 8ono<l Rt4"" Jl'ICO vllllt\

-- 51!' like •
aloOdwelstt Ale ~rvtd ~t••tght from tho keg lhert'\
fl!'otl,)~ an OHIOJI rule rtglfchng dFJnka!\& dUIII'£ a ear
btlI ~~ettlct 1t'~ comoutsory or t>a~nOd who can•st r01no,
t.>eh Blood..r!tr Keg Induced. you moy apPly a ; I
mod.l~er to tN result d any du;e rolls mad~ doting this
e~me vohlf'l rollin& to sc:e ,, •ny of )'<XI! Players 'eeGvttt
lr:n· bt<OQ KO'd Brood•""' Kte> b«leM ol pl,)er>
c\rrr!f'ltlY on llle team. mc.ludmg JourneymerL!t5
end Mtrd!l'llrts

0·5 sPffiALPLA>Yv<s- - - - - - -
iiiQ.Ooo GOLD PiftES EACH,
{l'h Speclll PloyS lnducl!fl1enl pureh.,_d gives you
.,. Special Plays c;~rd to u" during the game aheJO
cardS afCI drawn lrom ooe or mot'e 01 the Spec•at Plays
ard de<l.s dtH ng the Inducement< 1tep ol the pre.
I!.Jm! ~uenct!

Each Spec~l Plays lnducemontll<Jrchoseo ollows you

todrnwardi from as•nglt dock.
The deCk from ~ieh eerds ere drwwn IS determined
AJ. tit tnd cf tni! eame. ¥!)' P4'1·1imf' Ms~t3nt by rot'''a 06 and consultrne the table below.
for soparate Spec" I Prays lnducemtnt
eo,c!'IM "'!U W'~ tne I.Ym fl<!ICI»<ed, roll aga•n on tho tab.. below.
lhttt ~~ f\0 hmtt to hO'N many cards mlJY be dmwn
]0.000 &OLD PI!C!S,AVAI!ABLL TO ANY! !AM f1001 e>Ch deck. tlUIIf the second roll or '111'
J.loW!y ~;;;w;C'Aflt!'S tml)'oy Wtiltlet Ma~. PIY!OJ wll!Oquent rolls gwe a duplicated ,.,.,11, you m.oy,.
iiood ,.'101' to< '&IllY IOColrled spell! to cootrol tl'< ro• the 06. If the 06 is re·rolled, you muu ICCOI>Iilw
,.,...," 10 I"P t"' ta"' OlJ on<II11PI7f Ra1t~ a... <t>ult ol til< re-roll
ro• ""'"'' """re (I)Mrol mend to tno pt<h !hough.
11111ess 1 cOld! 6 llltllti'IJIO PlY tor tne sem:e !h&C rs! SPECIAL PLAYS CARDS
A Wu'hef ~ tS tw:Jt a Wizard lnducctntr:l and i 06 DECK
CG!CII may lndUCit 110111! IVU'he< M~ i/111 a IVOI<Q d Random Cl'tntJ
.,.,. !0<1 /llfii'!Wdll

You mat use • Wtllllet Mage once Pf1 g~me, a!

"" u..t ti 1ny011tol )<>Urlt!m turns. belole ac1i.atine
•"" ti )'Ill.< ID)!n. Roll on tho W..lh« t.lblt. app~rng a
mcxlifl« ot • l Of • 2 or I or -2 If des. f&:l The re~uiMJ
woett. 00001t101'1l are •pPU«~ImmedJJl~ tlnd WI• last
unt~ 111' end" tilt IIPP<>'•t.on·s nod t••m turn. rtpladne
tilt Wll•ll•utner condrbon$ AI tho t/111 of "'JPPOIC•on'•
..,,,..mturn or tho end d llw dr.,.lwllrci>e'M """'"
~..v. tho roplaced ""'"" cooci.tro., ..,, recum


Gc11•ni '"dIll<' pleyefS loe<lhO! In l~t...,., lll•ct
1) hard eno\lflh on gamo day, fit alone toe i tOlUiaf
1131nlng m<lon II • ""'"' wa"b lo hold txt11 ~'"''1
st><IOM TO Qlan
aho.>d AHVIEAM
mportant lb!ulo, lhoy "-' 11oaor be
.,.opored to ll11h ,.,. ttlll to lndi.CO tilt 0001*141on a1
111,,, playe~>l Elell Exira Tttm Till~-.,.....,.
team an ,.,.. t..m" 1011 for IICII ..J 11111111•..,

(50.000 GOLD PI!CUiai'IWISwmttHI
!l!!!!lll'I!!U!D pr I!!!!IU' II'UIAI.IIIILI

n.l'llpl Docltltlllll __, .....,........,

IIIIP!tlldllnilnllhiWII:IIIIIrdlolt!L Olq
1*.....1 .... OGdlil...,boUIIIIto- ono
IIIII ~.a! for a 1111111 on"*' team.
~ ... llll .... lllo Plop Oocllr may 111
... In ~lilt-way. lllljllllhlaly-
. , plljwonlllllr laam • K- . . , u. ~ 62!

..... lloda\ bllllllllll ~ Clml1lly 00 ltle"""'
lldd'C~.butiiOCI'<W.. IIoft:oiWI•(II

1M AIDfous Rooklts

,_. a1 tht prna tho 1W--

OUIItda lilt
111dillll.,. wltlt hldlll of tmlil clllllllnd dlllll



.. _ __

_,., __
100.011 COLO "'US. lWIIlQU 1'11 ... IUII

·--.........._-··- I
'-Clod ""111.
1>100 ............
............. _ ...IQIAAI.
__ ..

............ _._,"""11..,....

_.... .. --
.,....~,$Ill! ... --"
p.ICIII!I"""' 11'4 ..._-.h ...
--.. . ""'-tOlD ........... "'_.,._
-c..... . . -... ~- ......... c....
s:i!""' ... . . _ .. -
,... ....
-..- ........._"'-
......... .
"'..en SIJII'll)on. ........
,.. ........ GIIIll ..........
tor...,-..... ,..,.... ,... ....,_
Slo'l(!Utll .. -~
a....,.. ,. . . ..,._l!wou
~~~~- ........... lllolklllllfll . . .
-"""tall ......Ill,.....,~ SIJII
one~...,. -'- r,.o'l
...... "''"""""'
..,, .,. (01 f.,.....l:cloc!q Sloflwcl loolollalll .,. b 1ho ott'",.,.~ tro p... ... -

__ ,.....,.
" 1M hlllflll'l a...,._.., ploj.IIGII1 """''""
.,. llollnlf-.s C..Crq SIJII ClOt- hl1
I"*'Mien~lf'Cl00niJlNUu"'\W4y or ,.._lf",,
tl(m;-wr O'ullk, or \Omt ~OliN 11110
llld .. 1\agtrl CUI Of¥0 11'4 field 10 ll!•.fl rr..tlt't\ tnlo
tlr\ hl/'1(1-

Thltt 1111oo mony llolhmM C..Ch I'C SUI! to
&JIYitn PIQW:tn p-.~~~-"....,.''h'-'IM-m-wo'"'th-,-.,-,-:-,
11111>111 onclmool III!Wy Mlllb~ lo Cfrtlln
l~ef 9lr&rnlo'• nx.ux, 1M~ fAti1CM
Ooeao~ of f\Jr11lw Unlfa"""' Coochirt Stoff can bo IO>rd
d OY.MII'tSii ftiiC:lt'ft'INI kt t\ tteuperit'Yf!
n lilt ..,lOu\ Blood bltuppleme"l\ ,,.,~It
~111M Wllftn 1'01111'1 kl ttc il KnockNJ.oot plll)fl\
f'lc:IMI, 10~~ d I I (VI bP ,~..~

MUM run-..•-....,....,.....,.,...,--:-::=-
>l.lrt mty - 1 0 '*'
nB<CIN" """ """'',.,"' 11 II•""' otll"
"''c.... s,,...
rlf"'5df 'fouancf\o,:MI, wtl\miiO•I»!'tallOI.I
lum W!COICOIO,'-""'~IIporloll"tam
~- 1J1e lMI'ICil ~ ltw .,......,., 1l't Q... ~
e..cm11 ~sn<l!tor-.~o rout llld""llQ
I,..,..., fto:t .. I"' prr• t•e>Wll lit""" trl I
ltlli!lc:mt.\ ....
llsl;ltwl'lt.... '~"""hll!

O 1UIA~Lil lll l Ull I
"'"''' 11 !tift•! lw~ '"''~ ',.,, llflh' • If! lh" r tum 11Kttt1
"'mt•lllllt~ tm lhll'lr t-'1'1'11 h1111!l tl1Vftl ~~~~'" ,~ th•
wlr ,, uMJt• oll•m f,,,Ut•lll M11lllll fA•flllf"ltm «<f ~ItA!
(lltttl)lr"l'! M-11lf l~'<ll!!l\ Will if~ <Ail nllttfl•r Nly 1o tmhli 1
,,of l,ciii)(.JII!loa tmJtl' tmnw IC ~11 lo • &Jfl)ll ~JVWtl'tllhfl
11 ,, 1, 1 h 11<A 01111011 I!JUI Plfoofl, bhf 10 fAI<I<II~ 1,.,

H1>10d flofollflt Ill OVIIIIblt lo Pllltlltit dullfll

Ihi Jl'" """' ""!''•~ ollht COIIIItlld,llld - -
AI""l 1J<WA pm11 ltnd lobe alllcllltd Clilr by 1pp
"'"" then • ••nlltlndMduol baCh ttoma 1111y Pllldlnt llriCIIdlw-loii'O,. • 01 , . , _
0 Ult...O Rtftrtl V011 ""' pu!thoMI>IIIillllld """'-
!mj)OollfQIOIIII ,-._ lhlt ~ "C>>CNNIr""'
lolllll yout ...., flvolnbly ••~• 1111 II'M '"""
--~~~~~~~ ...... ,...p;ifi~IQ.IIIIlii'O

rot'"'-~~~~. BIMd ~~~~tow w11111111 baCh
tllmtiCIUIIII', mMIII,.Ihlt lilly follow Ill of 1111-
llptJOolloon tlool!j! H"''Pl'fOI"" '"' 0111""1 '""'
,.,_ 1\111111 dllellbld on Pill 63 Whlfllhly cat~~~ llllw 11'0 ArlniM roll",..,, t<li '"' .~
lllhtllilly wtll Ill ""*Ill 11'01 hlnllln lholf _..,
of lilt opjiOIIIIOII 01 fir mollltnllnlln .,.lllllmtfll Gl
"" - lhll hll peld !hom til How IIIII mtnlllll•
• 011 IIQII"' ~I lhl a..,., Pllt<MI(>',(I ""'"'1
lllldlhtplljW·r.tnt~ ...~ .. , ..... lt'l
roilod I dooA<t ht lhO @NAI (f;t" f!VJ/ ...
~ In lld1 Blllld 111111111'1 dllctlpiiGn
tllrillt 4,.. • mM~tlnd mtt.,.,IA 10
Mlny ..... AlltiW ... ""*
C.ltlwlllll. llllhouf!

• On I t<>Q oil 4, lht IIi•I" INn"" IQOI!J*I '"'
moll 11t noL AI wlllllllt Pllyllt, MII pollllilllor ref'tiU~.,..

bGIIIIIIIN 10 hlrllhl ...... Of 1111 umt l1lfned

Wlloltl woiO:IH& ""''"'"' ""'"''iotr <'Mil Ill!

• Klhlt hllll)llll dultnll pme lhll II "" of • ' - · U..Md R.!lo1,. <>n "'~ bt IOIJ>•!<I '''"' I
nllllhlf tum can UHihl..,., 81.tted Rll01ot bul
'"''"'""" Jl'l<ptililld by lht- -H""' <Giq
""'*'* ·-,.,...... -baCh'"""' ftol.
• HIIIII hlppena duqlllllbttlon pity, baCh ,..,.. t111
on IM AT• tr. Cll!ftlt. trJJ mt1 11111'1' I • I
1Md41otl 10 Uot d<t trJI
11111111 nllllld lliiMd Relnl they can d~ 0111
hlllh rullf1110 botlt ._,

Tiwlllt IDO llllftY tlllllld Bl.tted RII.,..ID

~ holl, IIIII IIIGIIIIIIIftiy lllll.oltiD UIU•n IUIM.
Dlllill o1 fwlhlr 81_,
111m. can bl tound In ltol
WIIDUI Blood 8owt ~ tvlilllill

r~~n ' ~•&ue. )<IU "''"lOCI at

II is re<:001mended that you Ida bme hmrt for tiCh round Th• pr!Vm til!
leagoo sta~1ng boca\1141 two players canl seem to &<l ~" ldleclulu to l•ne ~ A
BOOd rule I« deciding i 00\t lomitls to ""'mtiNt tach t!lm an piiJ""' pmo
pet wttk Any lugue fi<tvres lllat how: nd bftn pii)'Od by the end ~ tht hmt
lim~ count as a looslor both teams ool~s cot coach .otunla~ _,due to
realltfe oommitmenls. In this case, U1e o111« team W•M 1.0, 11111 06<10,000
I!Qid pieces and may m.lM two MVP IWI~

Aftelaleal!l'! fi•ture Ills beet~ plajed, bdl1 teams follow tile ~~~~ 1"'1 pmo
sequ- as de5clobecl on Pl&t 69. Nol.e that bolll- ore~ lor
CIOifttlly r~ the outcome of the pmt and PI'"I'C u..ttnlormll"'" on to
the leap oommtiiiOner

/ID·SHDWS: H1 coacll ~ tiiDUJfltlo bo pnq lilt ll"'*n -ot . - ... c-ta11

pmes fUSI tO prMIItthen op!)OI't"li!Om llt(bl'( I 'Will Gill> protect INor j)lljll\
from harm ahead d allOihtrpmo, llltl...,t comm-IMIM dock tnat
coach 3 LoarJt poonts


~nn1the reaular IQ!Illl, any two coaelleS tnalut not "' the 11me CIMIItlo 1111'1
IIJIIlif lot lhetl MIIMio play 11nefdy pme W MOm Clll tuY II IIIIIIY Gl
as few friendlyprM IS lhllf WISh, buti!NO !MillS Clll GIIIJ tuYIICh CiiNr ..
lh~ manne1 once CoatlleS mid"'* 11111 dt~~rclht PDII....,........, ella
frilfodly, no MVP 11 awarded 1nd no !.e$1 pol1b"'- lniiiiOIMIIII*D.
tnMdly IS IIUied jUit like I l..... f<tbn.

1'l1e team m3' ptoce roa1m :W,OOO COld 1>000$
The team In 2• place roce1..., 60.000 eotd l*b
The tt~m who flnrllrl<l 1n I' pi"". lht .....,..,
ehamprorl, uwA«led 100,000 eotd p""" and lht
~"'I"' Trophy

TheSe wr1101~ should not bo ofiiCOd on lht ttom'i

Tl!i111HY untrlllftl!r lht Expens1,. Mollios ,.ep (II ti'<e
pOSt g.~mo oeq;~e
Tlrel!i<lr!, ttre.. "'''""~~" eao1101
be "'' •• """' .. they "'

Thf LYf!U' Tropl!)' I• hfld by lht w1nners until lht

end of lht neat season, lrlhel1 It w\11 bo aw- 1o the
nto~ champoonl For as IMI" a team hOld! a Leaeue
TIOI)hy, rt odds"' oddlbonal 111m,. roll 1o 11! Ter.m Draft
list. oi'OCIUSII'i 1b Team Value aa:udloely t.Jt Wltho.rt
ha"lll to l4)tnd "'Y cold Pteeel born 1ls T-.ry


AND RE·DRAniNG TEAMS Dllnrc the of1....,son brt•k. pl•yas have ''"" t~
hillt many coathellrko to start oach """'"

tetuperate from lhc•r lfliJnes The:rtfort, 111y (:Uyer& lhlt
Willi a brand new toam. many more ~kt to suff!l!<l a M1U Ht!l flame Casually table '""'It dunr«
dMiop a llvounto loom..,., st,...l s...-,oos, tne ,...,.,,,,.lll'm< o1 the !flson w111 ,...,.I bof<rle
buoldOI'( lhlll!am's tejend - trmo and l!ll~g the ""'Y thent<l..,son~ll!.
ol f•n fiYOUnt.> who ded1C1Ie !herr Cil1!ef to their team
The tollowlng rules allcw eoaehel who W11h 1o rc d11~ a 2. RAISE FUNDS
~tom born one INIOn rniO the neat to do so When re-dra~ona, eldlteam i<b 1 R,.o,.~ 800111 Ill
1.000.000 cot61MO<C> Th~ -'>-doled
out by lht league, tile trram's spomo~. tan ctullJ IOd
a-. soasoros, there IS a penod ol downt1mo called &erteltlUS i)llltlns Atum tNt IS rHrlftJn& tlten odds
lite 'oii·MIIOII biNI<'. Cooch., and ltleor playm 1.,1 JollliSifiYihrrtlhey""'loll lnltleorl'""""'fmlllte
and recuperote, spend lltelr hard.amod told, or 10 prt'lious !OMM. lll1r whrdl lhltl Truoury IS lll'rfll*l
CXI ollbtnll fiiUIIIO promote the latest edolion of lhltl !PI!"'mlllly hlwl& boon U10d 1o ~ the coot allhl
'""'""lillY Ullbelie'l'141le ltlfdliOCI~ -~-INIIIIW~Ihloii­
_,_I.Frnatiy,llllmlhllts~rlftrrtltltl$ ..
Allor the..,,, 11M been plljed, any t<liChes who'""" bonuses tilled beltM-
to rMrlft their 111m for the nat ~M~on shoUld pi
llillther willl the lelp comltlisslorw and runlh!Qiih • 20,000&0ftl~loreach...,.lltl*'"piayltf I&St-!btlllt"*-INiiolp-)
• +20,000lflld-ltrlldllolpllllnthe
111111 P- lhltMUlti mill lite.,., nut lllmoonte.t-.
• tiO,OOOpt-loreacltlolpldtftthe
a. IWSI lfi/IIISI 0ti1c1111 t:11cu1111 the lundsa,.lllblt .... played 1111 _,lhll eftlllllll I -

lo them Ill IHrlfllhlir 111m.

J, IHIAnl Ccllcllllcanpllll t1te1r - 111111 Orlfl L I I P - mrt. IIM-dllcltllolt.
liltfalh _ ..... p11ct 1 eep ol 1.300,000 PI pilciS Cit lltl Rt-DIIft
- WllllloO""'""" .. . , . , .

, .o.r.rrl"' pl.r,tr "''been ro-dr•llold. ro• a ()(,lor
t.Jtll t•r>Cl<l st c l!ductoo 1'-ey r••t stilt'<d
,»Yi"i 1 +l modt!~ to th# d(,. roll I tl'le tb"n ".at
J IP:~
• ()ul!llc14• """"1 :r•cft and "'""r-IA!~••
llltr1PI N-o~ 1110 JOill"" ~ W.roo••rotoc 1\
T Orlllillrd ...t:nd ti-..,...'0! such "JUres o~tn It~~ lhti
" ~·,.,.. - .... • ... "-""""1M mJtU'ld It~ play•n C3~ I 1\Uf"'& lnjl,r,
erW>. ~>n"' .....-",... 99
p~OrJ'! M-.1 ,..11011 "CleiCT~"' PI<' On a 11)1 <A I J 1110 pi¥;« s "I"'Y lias M1 )el lil!t,
llel eel Tilt tl\l!Wter61C redutiiOII ber"i ~~~~
r"' ...,..,. ""' >Wl'
10' tfi'N ~
, .......,.,1! CCfChn..., ctoo"folt~ M>l 1>t u'!led
.... ..,., .,.. ""~ ..., I)!Jll •t•l • COil ~:(• lll•l •'lilt pll)e< h~ su~ered mO<t lhon
10 ooo ~ •""·" 1M ""'.,. !tl eo oH d1arotl"'" c ..OIICI on, you ~ou d ro~ 1o<
A(dtloc>t<S ""' l>t u•rold 0><1 ,,..., )WI P'f' OUI exh .-parol•~
1to11N~IIII•I•"lii~OOOeoldP!CCS":h ~
1.., .. ~,.,.,~,
lr.a"' '' rolh ""' be urrlf'd CW'!'t trom your p!tvK:uS tror lilt e<c< o4 the pldy.otf Ieason and
Tu"'' ~ra~ ~~ 11 U:t c~ ,...,~~on on )0.11 It¥" rmter.
~ l"'f') ,.,111 bflfi~O

A$ ~til" t1111nJ nt'A pla)tl! trom )'OUf lt-'m to~Itt you

A Ihe !hull ollhe hnals, lhe obYIOUI question from
mosl coaches 11: when's lhe next ~eason •t.fbrel
T>o an1~tr. as ever, IS up10 lire leag~Je commissioner.
SJtllng a ntwleASOIIII u easy as lollowmg these
Ull r111 re P•ttl1 trom '"'~~-.on·, Ttlm Dtlltl t~l
P,,..,.. "" ~ rt h1rtd Oy ~fill:'"''' Cu1rtnl VJ1ut J$ 11 "' si•P'
•hew cr Llll,..l<lf1 1 !""Or•lt ~~~ pM 111 a~:"nt 1
lilt ltaPJ• cOI!Im•sstoner eslibh~es who Wlll be
l<t<l ?0000 goll p«n lOt po:hptM>~IINSCfllht
ll~<ng part '" lhe next se<~son. Th•s •s a coed clllnct
""'" '.OS""" • ~~~~ S·l"piy coey lrt pt~111 Hnl '' fo< co.Kh61o Slep down 1r0111 llle league If IIIey'~<
P'O' • •""" '""' Y'l"' cld ltMI Oraft 111 orcludt"i I"Y
N Jt I lnjllf'<> &!'I cN•ICitr~ rtduct"" 1"<1 iry "ruggltrc 10 1nd the 11me 10 pli)', nd .rsan ideal
opf<)llun I)' fo< ntN reams 10 rolc1 •n the loll
<Ill St.•· "'·~ pod'!$
U ·h Cl>l'h who IS la< nc ~ 1n The new fei&Ue
•v-.~111 "''~WL",>cli•061111 .,.,.. •ubmJts a Team Otalt ~ll
""".W,."i•·l~trt.ll... dCirtll~lllt • T.- •·• d'VIded tnto dM$10n$ C•f .-saryl and
... , "" •• '>C'./IIQI)' ct.·~ art st1. Tnt ~.-on bef"S anewl
O.•!!talh IC!IItftll • "d .. ~(JIIu$
""""' OO'lln Ito~ lrPJJ'lll't lllllnc
0. I I 3 tnt lllJtt 1 "' 11¥. 'd 1'1 Ill'!)
~#! 1"' ~;tl"( rr;:ry beo"C roec 1o1 llii\IC

fR!lS PP _
- - -
n.\llf srr coact~ hi VI.' I() d!'tlr•ll\lltl between u;;;;-
~l.t~(''S v.lll+"> for (1\Jmplt, ~'OU coold grant eactt t~ll!ll
H> SPP 10 ~pend 011 JtMU)Ccmcnts. thl& 1!. a Ia 1''Uilfl>e1
¥Jd ,1 (1~ .td·'"''lt~llt'~ts
a 1-.'00d srtcct10n cl across 1
te'M H,:.,.. 1··~tr. th1!. •S only ft g~Hdtlrn~. and the num~
c.'ln bf! 1rlCre~d or dN tt<.'Jt;ed as des•reel More Sf!P
w11 e-•l.'lbiC mo·re piJ)t'' advanr.emenl\, lewcr SPP will

olwro 161y e!lrrw li'lf r~er pfJ:~er advancements

1two coJdlt:\ are dralhng tcams1or exh1b bon

pity bttW\"tO lhPf'I\<.PI~;t'S, the~ !tllOUid tll...c a lew
mmutcs to dfttrmtnC' how ma11y SPP II L'"'f will hiJ\•e
Tourn.lment orji!dOI\o!!J\ s!'l(). ld dec~e how many
SPP p,ut•c•pants w•ll t·a\le i'll\d tMure thrs lnfonnahot'll$
..,A\<;1'(! on tO p.U1u:.pMIS


~·nc t·~o-:t>J-c•J:::,-:'"-:"-c'ind-:7w-:he-n-,dr-a7
tor t>h b<lton ploy " thai "ndomly selected Sl<•lls 01
rh.,a<:tOl lilt tmpta.emcnls are !Mlrhaps beslllVOtdcd
INDUCEMENTS INEXHIBITION PLAY - ThiS IS espec•ally lru~ '" 10\Jtnament play. Randomly
91 olu.,.. -~~· "" tr.tTt.amOri'tB•Id~l sc~ett 11g Sk Us Of charactOIIStlc Improvements aheid ot
r \ll \fli.,\<Aitndra!Hf"l£11r ·nlctt•l•t>.bonp!BY c1Ch round can $low procMMP,S down qu11e aloe
11 rs ~IUtiCt.Yfi'OOI' tt~o~l l Jm\ 'Alii bt old ffertol
~•'~~~'~ 1htrd.;~re, "-'h\'fl 1 tram 1S dro~fted for t:Jh b bon I hiSieJ"' co..wes wtlh ll1<l oplion lo choose
[)LI'y, fN INt sprtld J\ mtd Of IS \1Mit cd )'001 Tum Pl•mary 01 Secondary sktl~ lor some ollhelr piJI'f'S.
[)rJI!Budf~ n you wrVI 01'1100uet•Mtnt,, p!O'IIded yotl1 How to.lth4'> dt ~nbUIC SPP betwten pla1•ers IS up to
te.;rn to11!a1,\ t~ rn fl•ml.l'r'i oil J 1\'layetS. not tnclvd1llg
th•m II " 1"'1 n occeplab'e to «tale one suporsta<
l~oad St1r P11ft'S lt•dJ.<tmel"'l5 ~X~rthaH\IIn P1l way
~1"' wtlh ~"'"'' new Slulli as IllS lo distribute
t,hou'O txo refti!Cii'd on the ltl!'l Drift l1~l
SPP aenly bel-n • oumbO< ol play!!IS. How many
tdvaneomentsa Single player can be gl"'n shOuld bo
It t..ncov.t-M are drtl't "l ttl'tU lor tdltbi\IOtl
d.scuswd b<twwn coaeiiM or di!CidOO by tournament
play Dt~v.tffllh~'"'WIYn. thry shOtJid tal.e t1 feo~~ m nutes
to d11.C!A.\ lr'<l~otPI"ltnl! hrsl It rs ,mpottiWlt lodt'ldP It
o•&<'M"'· AA'i SPP th.!tlfe not spenl are losl
thl'!l' e~m Jily lndl)(rmof'llt~ they ll'll shoUld be «ludtd
F01 eoamp/e, rf • COICh hll 36 SPP to spend tlify
cw a 1'r Jr~cy WOI.IId CK'Itltf lo Wvt out
1011 clloose ro diSIII/wle them el'l!nly. ewrllf 111 pltl'f'S
Tourtl....n• Or£it111f'l\ ~ld df'«<t which, 1f lll)l, • Pt1mary slr/1, or emnt foor piiYf'l 1 PnfNI'I Wit IIIII
Induct nt1 t~ w1ll De &~IO'o\td and ensure th s lnformjlron one plaf"r • Sr-<onrJ•rr s!1/l Altetn~trre/y, all ollht
i fl!l\\1 ~on to p.lltc~otio SPP OO<Jid bo l{Jtnt on 011<1 play«

Inl..gue ploy, a player's value w~IIIICIUM ulllfY
sJ'('nd SPP and prn allvancemenl5. HoweYif, lOr
limpl<rty, lh11 rs nc1 the cat whln dralblfl 1 tNm lor
e>hiblliOn pley. No maa. how mlftY ldvance~ •
playor Is 81Ven. lheor value doll nollncriiSt

In 011-er wonll COICile$ do 1101 hi'IIID wrlfY tb<

CMIII\IIIle COli ollftY addllionll SkillS 01 thlrac1f111
lnCIMIM players '"' pven wiii1ICJid p1tct1 fnllll ineJr
Tum Drill Budpt 54rdliiCivlntemiiiiS do ncl Jncrtl!'
• plijer 1 value In llhlbKion play

In l~'sue play, II w~l H oarnrn&
SPP and gaining ildv1ncf!menh,
pi.Y•" ean pie~ up lastrn~ •nrurrtl
rrom rne Casualty t•blt tl\it .... rr
dog IMif "''•"'· In " hrbilron play
this does not 1\allC)en. EYI!ry llrnt a
ltam drt~cd lor e•h brilon pill tall!s
to thl ptcll, r! does 10 Wllh a luM
eomplrmenl ot healthy, unlntultd
player~ Arrt Ca'"'lly ro!lt made
agaim! a plalfl "' one prne are
IQriOIIen abou! lhould lhe Ymt
team be u.e<l apln 1a101 Thrs rsol
pa<t1Wii1 •mpoot&nee lor Blood Bowl
toum~mtniS, - . eoocl1es wrlluse
the s.ameteam '" lll'eral pmft 17>'11

Th~. of OOOIM, II Milo vy

thai c..uelly rolls do nol mille! In
fill l>borl play Casualty rollS should
lle mlell as nom~~• This rs btcau10
nol only do epolheca•res wor1111
110111111 ne>hlllltJOn pity, but SMrai
~e~ms lnolably lnms \lith thl
Mas1eR of Undtalll or fi'OOIII!d of
Nurp specill Mel) hM !toe CllanQ!
ID pn an extra Unemen fol lhe
remllnder or lilt game

Do I"" ,.,..mbtr th•t sk!MY Sit<tn Cllltnt hlmstN G~rl SmiiSMp JunM
Ht h1111't bttn sttn on tht c/rwn slll(f • ttonlon wiiS tmnrod wrlilll!t
ml Gltrt. Gltrt Stnlor hts bttn vtry Utht·IIJlllfd on w~t mflht hne
- of lilt flltt/Umtlt runt, which Is unus"'l for him - we'tt 11/llnt
111ou1 tht 111 thlt onct swt/lowed • O.trl Blitzer ill one bitt...

Stunty, Th~k Skull
• ,_ S+ 10 + Br~Wltr. Grab GS
06 90.000
S S• 5+ 10+ A~•r> Hun&ry, Lon<'! (3+), S AGP
0 I T1a><lfd !mil llS.OOO Mil;nty BlOW(+ 1),
I'!Ojech'& l'orrut, Really
Stupid. ~ne•ahon,
Throw Team-11•ate

Hu~Nn unemen 3+ 3+ 9+ Anrmosjly lall team·mllell, GMP
75.000 6 ~- Sale Pllor of H111ds
O.l ~de
Human- 2 3+ 4+ 8+ Animosrty lall team-mates), AM
0·1 Rrn<eade Qotrlrn 40,000 Dodge, Rrght Stuff, Stunty
I). I fl>oepdf O!t 50,000 5 3 3-t 5+ 10+ Anlma5ily (Ill 181m-mala)
0.1 Reo<g~dfSkl1tn 50,000 7 3 3+ H 8+ Anl1110$1ty(allteam·mat~)
0.1 Aenopd!Did<EI 75,000 6 3 2+ 3+ 9+ Animolly(llllllnH!IItlll
AChaos Rtnet~ldrte<~m INY rndude up to three Ble G~. ch~n from among the follOWing
0 1 Ren;¢e Troll 115,000 4 5 5+ 5... 10+ Alw')'S Hungry, l.oned4+),
Mrghty Blow I+ I),
P!ojectrle Vomrt, Really
Stupid, Regeneratron,
Ttwow Team·rNte
o> fiiiiiPde ore 140 ooo s e •+ 5+ 10 11on1 Held.
Mlf!IYIIDW -~~·
150,000 ~ 5 4+ • 9+ '


170000 ' 5+


8+ Ood&e. Stunty
8• Bomblldlt( Dcd8t.
Secret WeljXIn Slunty
8+ Chamsaw, Secret Weapon, A
40,000 6 2 3+ Stunty
G-1 toon'Y
3+ 8+ Ball & Chin No Hands, S
().! flnll( 70.000 3 Semi Wilpon, Slllnly
5+ 8+ Oodge,I'O:Igo Shd<, Stunty
75,000 7 2 3+
().] l'rP 3+ 6+ 8+ [Mr1)' Ptey~~ !+II
().I '()oltlll MOOO 6 2 OiiiUrtllrW "'-'tt,
OOd&l Rflhl Slul, Stlrlty
().] Doom 60,000 6 2 3+ 6+ 8+ Rtght StuH, Stunty, SWOO!l

G-2 Triinid Ns 115,000 ' 5 S+ 5+ 1o+ AlwlyS ~~ur-.y.r.-cs

Mlfll)' Blaw(+ll
Plajlctill \Qnlt, . . .
SluiJid ~


Hum•• paytf1 a1t wrde!)' con11dertd to be tl•tlle>l a11-101rnd Blood llowl players rn the Old W~
thl\' may lack , u-.e sh!'Cr strenC'h oltht Orcs. the agrlrty of the Hrgh (lves. the toughness ()I the Dwarls

~ealne.sel ~
1 Orld. What
0 Ottho illtfd olthe S>avtn, thtr mah• up to< tn st>ttr1 ant and determ•nalloo' MOle 5'the lrenr,
OJrt< El,.,,

dO nc! suM'' tht commonly assoctat«< rU> any ol thtll' p ayers Rlt e<ample, where ow:nPOrtantly, they

Cha~ pi~
lhl\' are i)l>O >leW, HJmans by eonl•lll Mrdt and rtlah..tly qtiiCk, and v.hilst Sitll'leo are WI)' quid are touRh,
"bra"' as Humans. Ito. hanllf sufl)lrllngti'tn thattlumans account fO< "'"half ol all Blood Bowl they &re not
~ 1eamsl
COIJ1llrr& Sklletons, GhOiJIS and Vamll<res plarne lo< uoocad teams, aod mutants playing tor yel'$-

0 4 C,tchi!S
0 4 lllrtltiS
85.000 7 3 3+
30,000 5 2 3<
• 2+
8+ catch, Dodge
9+ 810d<
7+ Dod~. Rtght Stuff, Stunty
0.3 HII!IOI Hopefuls 140,000 5 5 4+ 5+ lOt Bone Had. Loner (Hl,
Q-1 Ogle Mfll'1!Y Blow I+II, Tlltek
SlwR, Thtow Turn-mat~~
Tier: I


LIZARDMEN TEAMS _ ==:;-;:;:;::~~..:------
~ P'•r"~ ~$­
1B·" n•I "'"' o•l• !V t>rl·•'"l, t•:ol\ln>Pn "'"' ,..,., thr sport lor owr 8,000 yro". "'und l.'ly
,.... , Ill•, , 1 , '"''1wl•!'11 •W''"' '"'' 01»1 Bv•l '"''''r"'"' ju<l nod srnugly, prtr owrlhelr IJ)!(IItl•~
'"'~'-' th~~~ ·~>""'''"'"'"'I\VIlAil_.llh~

INI th, u;t t-•t>
1 to"""" lx•• I'" M'Oil :.ud•>lPil "'" <INY behind IIICII lovoi'Jtment1 the I
lr>t• ., ,,rl
1 ,,.,, ..,a• t' On 1•1.1 L•IM\lllll n $Pl'C::
w1lh up to lour dllte ent •
~"''"' t~"'" ~~~~~and
~~out~~ on tne111 "'"''t'O"' ,,s Quick u hghlnl
11 I' I• h ;tat""' pl•v<"· hlgllly
1M IIC b.l $.11M. r,,,-1 '" numllt'l ,IIlli oot JS 11>1 1>1.1rap.<ble Of d•lhln8 OUt 101l1t se!IOU> O&
N"<~•·~r'l Thr<~lh•, ~ro• "'r'"''" IOOI>i""'h~CJI'i~'P
art ll•t p. of klhl\ll an Ogre Wilh a slnglo blow!

8< Ood&f, On the IIIII,

70000 7 2 3t 3+
shldowtrc. Stunty
85.000 6 4 5+ 6< lOt NOI\e
10+ Bont Hucf. LOner t4+1
140000 6 5 51 ll,_,ty BloW t +II.
Pllhllllllt Till 'll*k Sllull
0·8 tu m,..~11: 70.000 aold ple(!S Nth
Splcillllullt: ustllin Su~


_ ____,--- _.,:-:-:=.,..,.,..,=----
l<ll~•tf\01 C~IO' lot~"' oil~ tc~msspo~1~


n a-ngtome<att d
l•a··• betfl'nvol..od .n BloOd IJ<>wl \IOCt the eaoloest days ollhe
d al Cl>ao> gndl. I dodn'l take tong lor
Althomorc !eletti
be ugh most leam;--

[OOI<Io'l.liiOf\ thl\' mooe
~ wh~
coo ct 01 d<'olf On n.. t.ld. N••&'• tear1s are • t.,r.lyong prospect to tact Whal they lack9In • oh

m•k• uP tOt woth bnM wenJ<Ih. a naturalresoloencc to harm and ty and
""1•onal del1nit

<t(lmi.:O ch"' IIi ractocs de111ed tob11ng tile other tMn> to oil kl\tes Nurg\< teams defy le playbook ol
""de up ol playe<1•·1'10 have COI11"ded oot or more of Nurgle's many bleSIInRS;
·~laye11 oon, being

mt~t.lied ~nts.
•"II' d,..,lt. P...t•gors. Beo1tm"' attrocted to tl'f smell, and Rotspawn. pta)'tl' so blesstd by the swollen
th<•1 h"'' de•Oi•t<l onto hd""slt aRue God that

Decay. pr,.,.,. ,.,,..,_

9+ Hems. Pla&Vt Ridden.
4 4 4+ 6+ 10+ Otsturbt~ f'le5ence. GMS
115,000 foul Appearantt. Plague
Rodden, ~~~bon
lOt DtiiiJiitrt , . _ Faul
140000 4 5 5+
AppiiiiiiCI. Lonlr 14+I
M11111Y Blow I+ II 1'111111
Rtdckrl Rully ~
llllpnerlllon TIIIIICIII


~ 6 3• 3• 9t AlimaleY"' Dw•h•d ClP
Son Hindi
~000 8 7 3+ 5+ 8• A.....:&1yU~ D"ll11111d
Iii J!tlum<IIB$1
~I OdM 90 ooo 3. • • 9 Ai*naoil1 1a11 owhlld
'iu'lii.O fl;l.'tl
..... tiiiiHIIIIIII. lllldl
02 ()ldW:RI 75 000 • 3 41 5+ 10+ Arm Bar Btlwltr,
LOI\ell3 t l. Thiel< Slw I
~I OdWotlil 85 000 6 3+ • t 9• ~I!+ Suot Hillldl.
lllldl ...
01 Old\'I!RI 80,000 3+ •• 10• Block.Lone~ll+l.
a...~ Lllfe !hid< Slw
0.1 Old""""
o....t rGISIIJir
95000 ••
9 ........

02 Old tiMO .!0.000 3• • + 1+

olntmOiity Ill Dol~ lllld GS
Iii ~
oqe. Rlfll u...,
.......4;..- ·-
: i -.....,~. . .
. .' .-·
:• '

1.00026 +


O~a hll'll been playq Blood Bowl WICO tile pme Wi1 dltcovnl In foci 1 -111 Do: w110 10un0 ~~~~- ......
lhesa<11!d Ten>• ol Nvmrw,. hllld4n 01t ..,,.. ""'..., hlfG.hlltirc, CCIICenlrlllnt a~IIOUIIdl11 1111 _ . . , 111
th•turlto tle<~te &•P' lhrou&f> which Olt 81!HI\tan"'" Do:"""'
lrodood. w•., llv• t111 be loomd 111111
1llhty a10n't "~~'''"I amo"" ltoemst...,,lhoy'" ll*l<lln& toomuch'""'
ft It.,.
bi!IIIII'C up 1111-....,, Ola 11M
alwty> ltsPtCII!d blrwo <NIIIntllllpria!, 10 tlllul~~~e b Dftan- Willi Boa u..llld Td
pl.lyen, eddln& ..... 111011 ""'''1C "' tholnlnt """ Tht Olt- 1110 ha tlott"" .... -a...... _ ......
Gobl1ns, and ~ 11 common to l'nl such piii)OIS In Olt '""""


n;::T."t s"'mbl.~ u ndtld tYn•s tool lo tnt ~"d"on • mere holt ctntury ago, and It has taken much of that time fo.
tilt Unde~d t o - accr~ttd by tht f't.ll'l••""'"' lodl), tn.y oro a po!l<JI11 >1ght on the pitch Fan< tcwe to see
tn.ltaoomal!d d •J6 '"''nol 11C allOUI. oblov<>J\ to all blltthe most dtblhl31ing Ol onjurt~, e-<en OS 11\ey dish Out
PI'' 1•-tto the oppo< toon' Be 11 dry" dust S\~ctons. th"r manonetlt ,.,.mcnts mockong the t1V1ng, or he.ll
lomD•t< lhr•r """"' and trNIII rcho•ngaroo•d lho p<1 h. a«ompan<t!d by the fans' laushler at their awl<ward and
,, ltoi """"'"'"'' Or trom enraged Mummoel lllf I unearthly nlJIS ol ans('( pulses tactn&. to ~nlster Ghouls
•ul><nr '"" ~.ot '"""' ;yoong an• e~o•~• IIIJIV!nly, Undtad tc.m1 are • fmt of sensahons for eager fanst


The game ol Blood Bowl has become "'Y PQIIIIIIr In el v.ell<s a1 SkMn lilt Trut lolllllr wlfllld lllllfll.lllo S..
have adapled lhe pme In their own spec~l WIJ". Anew dan h11 been """*' 10 pem lftCI ~ 111o..,..- 01r1
Rlgcns which ccn!l~ls of over 20 lllms. The """llomous lftlhe ~""bl'lhi Scrombllll, - - allllo
Blood BoNI Irophy. S.'IOtlll olher ' - hM IChiMd ._on OCher, 1 -....... oncl *'PIWn lao, lOCI
there .,. m•xed learns Wllh • 1"11 PfOPCIIIon"' Ska"" con>poti.. ltvartous IMis or Cllllf10, lholr claM ~
wrlh WIIPIIOIW! llld tile Nlllfti"' mulllllons 111.. hill*! With buiMnlhe blllt SUien pia,.- hllllat
~11\i lor thwn. II'• ooly 1 matter of Ume llelcre 1 Sb"" ' - ma1oes I Ill tho 10p 1111n1


Snolhnp are the smal'e.l, arYl porh3ps the lllCIII numtrous, 11pe ol Gwens~lo rn the w01ld. Tiny rn stature and
sevl'rely tack rna any wnso o1 ~tl presrrva11011, they 11e enlhuSiastre lollo~ and playciS ol Blood Bowt They
sometrmes appe.Jr tn ()grf t•ams, llul Snotl n~ art olttn unwrhnR to ta~ to the lreld alongsrde olher ra~. bclre'III\R
as they so oll•n do rn"' I P"fpeluaung m)'lhl olthetr own supr:nOfrly Such Snolllngs swatm togelllet around a
vrsoonary CO'th rn gteal numb~'" and take to the ptch rna lrenzy of enthusiasm. Offttlals hale to see Snollrna team
101 vanousrM""\. chel al!lOfl&'t ~hrd>l> n~s nd>CUtoU\~
thai Snell e.1n't (01, more correctly, won'1) count and their
tony st•turc "''"-" th•m n gil rmpossrble to m1nogt as tJiey !lood onto lhe prlth

Dodge, Stu11, A
SideStep, Stunty,
S~arm111g. Trtchy
30 000 5 I 3 t 4+ 6+ Bombardier. Dod&e _,
G-2 fUfl&UI flrneas
R- Stutl. Seem Weapon
Side Step, Slunty
0 2 fun hoppas 20,000 6 3+ St 6+ Dodge, i'o&o Sbck. Rtai>t A
Slufl, Sde Step, Stunty
0-2 Sirtty ~nas 20,000 6 3+ St 6t Oodll RWt1 S1uf!
0·2 PUrnp Wall'\S 105,000 S+ 9+ 0 rty Playtf (+I)
Jugetn~ul, Mrghty Blow
(+I I, ReaUy Stupid, Secret
Weapon, Stalld finn
0.2 Tramed Trolls 115000 4 5 5+ 5+ 10+ AIMa,s
13+•~ MIIMYIIMI'tli


they'll •II' boqj 1 mallllld lo
comer a Skavtn Ions tnotJtlliO &el an • - out of Item, 1tlel''d ll'Oblbl)o 1111 you lhliiM'1 in lht IIWII1 os leMiun
lhan 1llool<s It's nol enbrely dell when thOM Vfly d"'- - fil'll JOined forte, lkll there's •~Dad chancllhal
the Underworld ~ ""'lhe fi111 such 1oom 1o lile 10 lhe pildl fuelled 11y 1 heady tl11lr of ~lilucl
mushrcoms, Undorwor!d Dtnlzens IIams combo Ill lhe -•lness of 51101 nl'and Golll1ns IMih thllj)Md of SloMn
moslare despned, but tome of lhem hrlt Pmtttd I Cllll fclliom&! Tho mG11 IJOIIUWIInd lo bii!W wllo fteld I
Troll"' 11M O!Pt. hideM and pallid ma.nlalnsof ~ol>llle mUIClelhal-a enror-1or lhllr.,..ler

Wood ENOS l'\ilkf natural Blood Bowl pla)'t!f'. althoogt> thrlf relusalto ""'''heavy armour docs leave them vulnerable
10 some or the more hard Mt•ng team> Generally, the WoOd El>.s' natural athletiCabthty 1Senough to keep them 0111
oiPOOblc •I l.l~es •'•'t cu<~nt"& foe to catth a WQOd £If play~:~. In any case, no decent Wood Elf wanli to wear
oor~v. ih•DOie» aHTl0\11, 'tl •lone be ~ '" rt' For Wood (lves the long pa1111 evcry1h1ng. Mil more so than lor
theu H1gt1 EN tot, n>, arl<l all o1tt· ..r eff0<1 goes 1n10 beCOm'"g e..pcrts at throwing or receiVmg The 011e exception 10
thiS 11 the Wood mWarda~•IS These athlet~ wamors aretramcd rn the deadly arts of hand·tO·hand combat and are
a m.Jtch '"' •11!10'1 •ny foe

95,000 7 2+ 8+
90.000 8 2+ 4+ 8+ Catch, DOdge
W1nl1ncm 125,000 8 2 + 4+ 8+ Block, l)od&l, IMP
b+ 5+ II+ loner(H),MiatltyBiow AG
u..n rortst 120.000 2
(+ll, Stand F1rm, SIIOrt
Atm. Takt Roo!, Thtd<
Skull, Throw Team-Mete
().8 lelmf'Hih: 50,000 fJld P** MCh
Specill Rulei: El~n KHlgdOms League


T his sectlo!l provides dellils oliO Ill the Stir PllyWi currerrtl1 m111111t far 1'0111 Blood Bowl
team• to Induce, their prallles, SldMs, l!*lllnrlel and tulllllhly wtn p11J for. Fubn BIDod
Bowl supplements will Include new Stir Pliy~r~lar 111111y rvsltrt, 10 lhltt wlllwiYI blrw
superstars and celebrities poppina up on lhl clrQJitl

Plays t.. Any l•am ,.lhfr the 'fiMlU"" Of • or Underworld Cllall•nce' spec,al rules
$ptcill nrln: FrtnZNd Rush: Qll(t pe~ eamo whtn Gla~ perlorms a Bl<lllc!IOn. ne may pin the fllnly sklll. You
mull oec;l•~t th~ SP«"I rulf" ~'"'used .,.hfn Glart IS tctwated Gi¥1 1111)' not ust the Grab skill
(!ur "~' turn •n wl>lefl ne u!f! tills SP«~ ru ..
NAME t f.fil!iiP I \ili:J!Ifiii·tht
Cila<iet Summerbloom 7 2 2+ 2+ 8+ Accurate, Oodso. Lonor (3 t J. Pass. S1de Step, 150,000
Sure Hond•
Pl•ys lor· Any t..m w1th tnt 'Elver~ Kinji~> Le.>gut' spec111 rule.
Spoci•l nrln· Shcl to Nothonr. Once per pme. wl1tn Gloritl peo1otms • Piss act1on w may ealn lhe Hill Miry
Po<.> .,..,11 You must doc,.. th" '1*'•1 rule " belrc used when Glorlells acti..ted
a5 '''.Ji'P·* V'i:Ji!§;t "6
; 4+ 4+ lOT Bone Hoad, K.:Heam·mnte, Lone!(HJ, 250,000
M,gnty Blow ( t II, Thick Skull
Crumbl<berry 3· 6+ 7+ Dodge, Lonor (4+), R1ght Stuff. Stunty, Sure Hands
Pl1ys lor: Any team
Spodal Nits: 1'wo fo< 0nt: Gllk and Coum~ musl b! h lfld u 1 Jlllf lind count•two Sllr .......
'' e•t"" Gr>k or Coumbttberry " """"""" from peay dUe 10 sullerirc 1 MO d ar C~M~~w~...a Gil
1n1ury t>bll tne otheootpl~a~~ 1t11loner (4+) tYiil with lhe Lonerl2i')tnl.

Grotchom Wkhttr 3 2+ • 9+ 01sturb<ng Presence, Ood&t, Foul Appearance.

'The Blood Bowl Jump Up, Lonor (4 +l. No Hands, Regtneratioo,
Widow' Sh.ldow'"i· S•de SI•P
Plays lor; Any team WJ!h the 'S)iv•m•n S~h81ti' speclal rule
Spoclllouln: IIICOfiiOINI: Dnct por pone, aftlr lnlki"'.,
APiiY tell !Ddotlll. Gileci!M'. .
lhtdi<O roll

Pl•ys for: Any tfim "''th
eother the 'Halfl ng Th1111btlt C4rp' or 'Old World
Spoclll oultl: Cantullllllllll Plallalaaal: Once per ...... 011' .... . . .
,"~', •.'
sonp ~~rca ""'· • par~ d 1 ~Ntlpll da tGI or • ... r- ~ -
rtrtlod as part of 1n ~ ~orCIM!Ir


Ni\',1[ ~~A (',T .\G PA All SM. ILLS & IRAI'S r,P rn 1"'nurr
6 3 3+ • 9+ c;,.._ ~14+1,fllo.s.a.tWNpon.
Sllncl F1nn

Mlchty Zuc
Plays lor: Any telm w1th ,.IMr the 'Halfl ne Thirnblt Cup', 'Lu!lntn SIJperleague' or 'Old Wond Classic'

~~ nrlts: Clvlhln& Blow: Once per pmo. when an oppo~~tiCIII plai!f IS Knocked OOw1l Mthe result ol a Blodl
special """'
ar:t1on pertorm!d by Zut. you may apply an add tuml +I modifier to the Armour roll This rnodMier
may be apjll1r!d aftor tho roll "'"been milde.
: t.l i l !IP t \Wj:t!lfj if;Uif
6 6 3+ 4t IH 81ock,LO<Pr(4t), \tlghtyBICI'N(+2), ThiCkSI<ull,
Mo11 'n' Thora
Throw Team·mate
Ploys for. Atr~ tram mtpilllOSe thlt have the 'Sylvan•an Si)C(IIghl' special role
$tledalruiH: Thl Bllis!l: Once pma. d M0<1 faols the ~,,. Ab•Nty to5t when makinsa Pass action or 1
Throw Tum-matur:toon. ~may m-roll the 06. j
'tt.19 M'i'·'IPWi3i!;NIF diUIP'tlitaj
Roxanna Oarl<nall 8 3 I• 4+ 8 t Dod~. Frenzy. Jump Up, Juggernaut. Leap, 270,000
Loner (4+)
Pl.oY> for: Any team w1th the 'Eiven K•n&dOffls Lugue' rule
Special rutH: Bum Ill Speed: Once per pme. Raunn.a may a~ 10 Rush thlft ames. lither 111111 tlili IIIUI
two Y011 may CleC~rt you art Ulil'( this ljiOCill rule lflet RoQnna has RUShed twice.
Rumbelow Shetp<kln 6
• 8+ Block. Horns. Ju~~~:ernaut, Loner (4 +), No Hands,
3 3< 170.000
Tackle. Th~tk Skull
PI'YJ foe Any tum Mth Plther the 'Halflrng Th1mble Cup', 'Old Worid Classic' or 'Wwlds Ed&e Superleaeue'
spec11l rules
Sjloclll nr1ts: Rant. Onct per pme. when an Qilposllion lillY" 1 J<noCJed Down IS lhl..-t .. - ..... """
perft>rmeci by Rumbetow. you may IPIIIY an lddllfwf +I modiii•ID e1Uter lllo.llnMirt;;lll
roll Th~mocl~

... A:.:~J~4 ·---~....... ~~,J...... ~ • ''I '

NM'E. lo A ST AG PA 1\V (,p TO INDUC(
s 3 3+ 4+ IO+Biock,Daunlless,Loneti4+J.MnBiowl+ll
SIJI1d Flrm, Thick Skull


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