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Interpol as an organization became known as such in

A. 1936 B. 1946 C. 1956 D. 1966
2. The Organization known simply as Interpol is the
A. International Police Association B. Association of Chief of Police
C. International Criminal Police Organization D. None of the Above
3. The Present Interpol was officially created as the International Criminal Police Commission in what
A. 1913 B. 1923 C. 1933 D. 1943
4. It is the world’s largest international police organization, with
190 member countries.
A. International Police Organization B. Aseanapol C. Interpol D. Borderpol
5. It is the Interpol's supreme governing body. It meets annually to take all important decisions related
to policy, resources, working methods, finances, activities and programmes.
A. General Assembly B. Executive Committee C. General Secretariat D. National Central Bureaus
6. Elected by the General Assembly, It is headed by the President of the Interpol. It provides guidance
and direction to the Organization and oversees the implementation of decisions made at the annual
General Assembly.
A. General Assembly B. Executive Committee C. General Secretariat D. National Central Bureaus
7. It is considered the lifeblood of INTERPOL because it contributes to the criminal databases and
cooperating together on cross-border investigations, operations and arrests.
A. General Assembly B. Executive Committee C. General Secretariat D. National Central Bureaus
8. Interpol has how many member countries?
A. 180 B. 185 C. 190 D. 195
9. Cambodia National Police was established in what year?
A. 1945 B. 1946 C. 1947 D. 1948
10. The Permanent seat of the Aseanapol secretariat is in what place?
A. Manila B. Kuala Lumpur C. Hanoi D. Jakarta
11.Abu means Father, Sayyaf means?
A. Swordsmith B. Base C. Headquarters D. Muslim
12. It is defined as the conscious abandonment of Islam by a Muslim in word or through deed. It includes
the act of converting to another religion by a person who was born in a Muslim family or who
had previously accepted Islam.
A. Al Qaeda B. Apostacy C. Apostacious D. Chusai-san
13. A country with only one recognized police force which operates entire that country. It uses a
centralized system of policing.
A. Centralized Police B. Decentralized Police C. Recentralized Police D. Bi-Centralized Police
14. A theory which states that along with higher standards of living, victims become more careless of
their belongings, and opportunities for committing crime multiply.
A. Anomie theory B. Modernization Theory C. Synomie theory D. Opportunity theory
15. The belief that social order can be achieve through moral and political reform because man is by
nature good or capable of goodness.
A. Modernization Theory B. Confusian Thought C. Synomie theory D. Opportunity theory
16. Is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies,and government of
different nations, as process driven by international trade and investment and aided by information
A. Globalization B Hezbollah C. Modernization D. Drug Trafficking
17. The world’s oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization of police executives, with over
20,000 members in over 80 different countries
A. UN Policing B. Interpol C. IACP D. Europol
18. Defined as crimes against the peace and security of mankind.
A. Offense B. Felony C. International Crime D. Domestic Crime
19. (Islamic Congregation) is a Southeast Asian militant Islamist terrorist organization dedicated to the
establishment of a regional Islamic caliphate in Southeast Asia.
A. Jemaah Islamiyah B. Mutawa C. Ngā Pirihimana o Aotearoa D. MILF
20. Is a British telephone kiosk or callbox located in a public place for the use of members of the police,
or for members of the public to contact the police. Most are disused at present with the advent of
two way radio and mobile phones.
A. Police Boxes B. Koban C. Chusai so D. Kapolri
21. Means "students", is an Islamic fundamentalist political movement in Afghanistan.
A. MILF B. Abu Sayyaf C. NPA D. Taliban
22. It is a term that has been used in comparative and international criminal justice study in recent years
to reflect the complexity and enormity of global crime issues. It is defined by the United Nations (UN)
offences whose inception, proportion and/or direct or indirect effects involve in more than one
A. National Crime B. International Crime C. Transnational Crime D. Domestic Crime
23. Japanese criminal group. Often involved in multinational criminals activities,including human
trafficking, gambling, prostitution, and undermining licit businesses.
A. Yakuza B. Oichu Kabon C. La Cosa Nostra D. Japanese Cartel
24. Name of Police Agency in Myanmar?
A. Myanmar Police B. Myanmar Police Agency C. Myanmar Police Force D. Myanmar Army
25. 3 basic functions of criminal justice system are, except?
A. policing B. adjudication C. corrections D. rehabilitaion

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