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This value
Cell Max MPO Power
No Power(dBm) Power(dB constant Margin(%) MPO DL free TCP(%)
1 46 33 2.5 5% 10.5 10%
2 46 33 0 5% 13 10%
3 46 33 0 1% 13 10%
4 46 36 2.5 5% 7.5 20%
5 46 36 0 5% 10 20%
6 46 36 0 1% 10 20%
7 43 31 2.5 5% 9.5 13%
8 43 31 0 5% 12 13%
9 43 31 0 1% 12 13%
10 43 33 2.5 5% 7.5 20%
11 43 33 0 5% 10 20%
12 43 33 0 1% 10 20%

Counter Value
min(13, Pcell-Pcpich - MPO constant) dB , The MPO constant is 2.5 by
Formula-1 MPO
Formula-2 CQI CPICH Ec/No + MPO + 10 * log16 + 4.5
SNRcpich + MPO + 4.5
SNRhs-pdsch (based on assumed power) + 4.5 (with a round process, de
10 * log16 16.5411998

02/15/2021 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第1页,共4页

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Recommended : 1-1.5 Remark

compensate CQI CQI Value Compensate Power
power(dB) Measure Value (Transmit Code
d (depend on EcNo) Power Capacity
1.79 -9 18.04 Normal Normal Normal Normal
-0.71 -9 20.54 Higher Normal Lower Normal
-0.51 -9 20.54 Higher Normal Lower Higher
1.25 -9 15.04 Lower Higher Normal Normal
-1.25 -9 17.54 Normal Higher Lower Normal
-1.02 -9 17.54 Normal Higher Lower Higher
1.66 -9 17.04 Normal Higher Normal Normal
-0.84 -9 19.54 Higher Higher Lower Normal
-0.64 -9 19.54 Higher Higher Lower Higher
1.25 -9 15.04 Lower Higher Normal Normal
-1.25 -9 17.54 Normal Higher Lower Normal
-1.02 -9 17.54 Normal Higher Lower Higher

B , The MPO constant is 2.5 by default

+ 4.5 (with a round process, depending on the UE implementation)

02/15/2021 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第2页,共4页

510065681.xlsx 文档密级:


Northern Network, 99.8% applied with MPOConstant 2.5

Northern Network, 99.8% applied with MPOConstant 2.5
Northern Network, <1% applied with MPOConstant 0

02/15/2021 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第3页,共4页

510065681.xlsx 文档密级:

Constant 2.5
Constant 2.5

02/15/2021 华为机密,未经许可不得扩散 第4页,共4页

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