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A mini project report submitted to



Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of


(BATCH 2018-2021)

Submitted by

JIJIN ANTONTY - 20183081201225

Under the guidance of Dr . S Karthikeyan, M.B.A, M.Com, M.A, M.A, B.G.L, M.Phil, PhD

Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri December – 2020



Certified that the project report


Is the bonafide work of JIJIN ANTONY (20183081201225),who carried out the research under my supervision certified that to the
best of the knowledge the work reported here in does not form part of any other project of dissertation on the basis of which a
degree or award was conferred on earlier acquisition on this or any other candidate.

Place: Signature of
Date; Forwarded by HOD
Internal Examiner External Examiner


I, Jijin Antony hereby declare that the project entitled “Project Report” in Wipro Limited , Trivandrum has been
prepared by me during the academic year 2019-2020 under the guidance of Dr. S Karthikeyan, M.B.A, M.Com, M.A, M.A, B.G.L,
M.Phil, PhD. faculty guide Malankara Catholic College, Mariagiri is submitted in partial fulfillment of the degree of Bachelor of
Business Administration under Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.

I further declare that this work is not partially or wholly submitted for any other purpose and that the data included in this
report, collected from various sources, are true to the best of my knowledge.

Date; Jijin Antony


First and Foremost I thank to God Almighty for showered upon me with this blessings and gave us health and knowledge to
complete this project work successful and I thank to my parents for their encouragement and support to do this project.

This report titled “Project Report of Wipro Limited, Trivandrum. Has been made possible with the help and active cooperation of
many people to whom I wish to express my sincere gratitude.

I would like to thank our principal Dr.Thambi Thanka Kumaran, M.Sc, PhD for his unwavering support towards the fulfillment of
this project. I would like to thank our Head of the Department Dr. S Karthikeyan, M.B.A, M.Com, M.A, M.A, B.G.L, M.Phil,

I would like to thank our guide Dr.S.Karthikeyan., and all other staffs of business administration department for supporting us and
giving suggestions throughout the project.

Jijin Antony


Chapter 1 6
Introduction about the industry 7
Introduction about the company 7
Board of directors 8
Chairman of company 9
Vision and mission 10
Chapter 2 11
Recruitment process 12
Number of employees 12
Other HR informations 12
Financial details of company 13
Chapter 3 20
Products 21
Manufacturing process/Equipment used 25
Logo 27
Chapter 4 28
Channels of distribution 29
Marketing process 30
Sales promotion activities 31
Chapter 5 32
conclusion 33



Kaveri Seeds Company Ltd (KSCL) is one of the leading seed manufacturers in India. It has vast experience in seed production of
major agricultural crops backed by a very strong in-house R&D program for crops maize, cotton, sun flower, bajra, sorghum, rice
and several vegetable crops. With over 600 acres of farm land owned by the company and 65000 acre for seed production across
different agro- climate centers and dedicated team of researchers, the company is conscious of the changing needs of farmers
and consumers to design and develop productive hybrids that excel in market. It is consistently building a robust portfolio of field
crops and vegetables to help enhance farm yield. It is also engaging more with farmers and educating them about its products
and handholding those to implement agricultural best practices. It is also extending its brand presence across India through
aggressive marketing and branding initiatives.


The Company is mainly into the business of production, processing and marketing of highquality hybrid seeds for Different crops
like corn, sunflower, cotton, paddy, grain sorghum, etc. and has recently forayed into micro nutrients and bioproducts .The
company produces non-hybrid seeds, primarily for paddy .The Company is a leading provider of crop solutions to the farmer by
supplying high yielding hybrid seeds and crop management namely micro nutrients, bioproducts etc. Kaveri is amongst the top
three seeds companies in the cotton segment, and top five in the maize, paddy and pearl millet segments. KSCL was
incorporated in the year 1986 and company is one of the fastest growing seed companies in India with a large network of 15000+

distributors and dealers across pan India. As on 30 th June 2017, Company has 775+ employees. Company has seven State-of-the-
art seed technology, processing and storage plants.


Kaveri seed company was incorporated on 27 August 1986 as Kaveri seed company Pvt.Ltd with Mr. Gundavaram
Venkata Bhaskar Rao Mrs. Gundavaram Vanaja Devi & Mr.Rangineni Venu Manohar Rao as its founder promoters of the




Starting as a small seed producing Company in 1976 at Gatla Narsingapur, Telengana, the Company has grown over the years to
make a name for itself within the industry and has emerged as one of the premier multi-crop producing Company in India. Guided
by one of the doyens of the industry, the Company has built a strong distribution network spread across the length and breadth of
the nation, which has enabled the Company to widen its reach. With more than three decades in the industry, the Company today
is one of the top three seed companies in India and is also a symbol of trust for nearly 3 million farmers across India. Over the
years, Kaveri Seeds has enhanced farmer trust by providing a complete seeds basket, comprising of field crop seeds and vegetable
seeds. The Company provides a complete seeds solution - across crops, seasons and terrains, enabling farmers to generate a larger
return from their given land area. Supported by a strong R&D base, the Company has not only been successful in developing an
innovative product range which has helped to meet previously unmet needs of the nation farmer community, but has also helped
the Company in capitalizing on emerging opportunities. The Companies success speaks for itself in being listed as a Forbes Top
200 Company in the Asia-Pacific regions from 2010 to 2013 and then again in 2015.Despite of slowdown in the agricultural sector
in FY 2018-19, Kaveri Seeds is optimistic of delivering strong growth across all crops. The recently presented Budget 2019-20
further reinforces the governments focus on empowering the agriculture sector to create a better output. The specific suggestion to
form more than 10,000 farmer producer organizations (FPOs) in next five years is another bold move that will help marginal
cultivators to have better rates for inputs and outputs. The budget also proposed plans to promote ‘zero-budget farming, an
environment friendly and remunerative alternative to the prevalent chemical heavy and costly agricultural practices that degrade
the soil, contaminate water and leave pesticides residues. The farmers also stand to gain from the revamped efforts of ‘ease of

doing business by the government. Introduction of e-NAM will help farmers benefit from the nationwide market agricultural


Government’s sharper focus on the seeds industry and the introduction of new hybrid seeds for Cotton, Rice and Maize by KSCL
would drive revenues for the company. Further, KSCL plans to increase its market share in Cotton Seeds by penetrating the
markets of Andhra Pradesh and Maharashtra and widening its overall presence in North India, Gujarat and Rajasthan.With
consistency performance in all functional areas of the company our endeavor is to make kaveri a bench mark seed company with
the best of research innovation and product development.



Over 15,000 direct and indirect distributors across the country and around 350 highly motivated marketing professionals drive
market penetration. Company is expanding its marketing and distribution network across agricultural belts. This expansion could
significantly enhance business opportunities in future in untapped and growing markets. Company is engaged with farmers
through multiple engagement programs like brand awareness, agronomic information to increase their productivity and


Kaveri Seeds has 226 Employees and Is ranked second among eat top 10 competitors. That Top 10 competitors average than 956
people at Kaveri Seeds are responsible for the growing success of the organization. Their knowledge, commitment and expertise
have helped bring our futuristic innovations to life. They are integral to our vibrant business model, assisting and collaborating
with farmers located at the length and breadth of our country. We endeavor to build deeper relationship with our employees and
work seamlessly to improve our performance and drive market leadership.


Kaveri Seeds is home to exceptional talent that drives its success and growth, and the Company feels proud to acknowledge them.
The Company focus on improving its talent pool by hiring a diverse mix of scientists and technocrats. The Company seek to
provide a supportive and enabling work environment which encourages employees to embrace challenges and realize their full
potential. Employee engagement is nurtured and enhances through communication meetings and creation of cross-functional
teams. The Company brings in eminent individuals and professionals to conduct training programs in management and technical
skills. To encourage talent and incentivise employees it has also introduced the quarterly ‘Utkrista Puraskar awards that recognizes
the top performers across all departments. In the reporting year the Company underwent restructuring to manage the span of
control. Every employee was assigned a reporting authority, while the superiors were given the responsibility of conducting
periodical performance reviews.


Particulars FY 2019 FY 2018 YoY growth (%)

Revenue (H in 768.99 772.40 (0.44)

EBITDA (H in 248.43 241.70 2.78
PAT (H in crore) 214.73 210.34 2.09
Earnings per share 33.30 31.36 6.18
(in H)
Key ratios
Debt equity Ratio 0.01 0.01 -
(in times)
Current Ratio (in 2.37 2.91 (18.55)


It is not uncommon to see companies perform well in the years after insiders buy shares. On the other hand, we’d be remiss not to
mention that insider sales have been known to precede tough periods for a business. So before you buy or sell Kaveri Seed
Company Limited (NSE:KSCL), you may well want to know whether insiders have been buying or selling. Cultivation of Cotton
has increased in kharif 2017 supported by better monsoon and farmers’ shifting from pulses and soya bean to cotton, Diverse
Product portfolio addressing crop rotation & reducing dependence on traditional crops, Aggressive focus on R& D helps product
development and sustainability in farm practices, Investment in Biotechnology is accelerating the breeding program of cotton and
rice, Focus on new products could help to garner revenue going forward. Shares Neha international(up 2.86 per cent) Kaveri seed
company (up 2.55 per cent)



Statement of 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2222222

profit and 2018-19 20020182018-
lose 19-19
Total revenue 1,00,101. 72,819.78 70 75,424.00 79,609.76 81,185.67
EBIDTA 32,220.56 20,250.90 17,222.57 24,170.11 24,843.22
Depreciation 1,227.89 2,498.29 2,849.21 2,335.19 2,117.65
Finance costs 15.42 16.90 12.27 39.96 12.52
Profit before 30,977.25 17,735.71 14,361.09 21,794.96 22,713.05
items and tax
Exceptional 33.25 - 5,923.80 -

Profit before 30,944.00 17,735.71 8,437.29 21,794.96 22,713.05

Tax 759.69 507.75 590.17 760.75 1,240.19

Profit after 30,184.31 17,227.96 7,847.12 21,034.21 21,472.86


EBIDTA / 32.19% 27.81% 24.46% 30.36% 30.60%

PBT / 30.91% 24.36% 11.98% 27.38% 27.98%

PAT / 30.15% 23.66% 11.14% 26.42% 26.45%

Balance 2014-15 -19 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
sheet 2018
Share capital 1,377.92 1,381.10 1,381.10 1,321.84 1,262.58

Reserves and 74,496.27 92,243.41 1,01,020.30 1,00,801.29 1,00,033.37

Share Appln. 54.03

Networth 75,928.22 93,624.51 1,02,401.40 1,02,123.13 1,01,295.95


Long-term 599.87 775.75 733.18 1256.24 1178.23

liabilities and

Deferred tax (32.33) 1,088.14 1,675.93 2,015.36


Current 38,120.58 41,048.71 48569.12 40141.74 49,250.24


1,14,616.34 1,35,448.97 1,52,791.84 1,45,197.04 1,53,739.78


Gross fixed 21,861.22 28,555.20 31189.82 32160.92 39,181.54


Accumulated 6,647.09 9,075.96 11784 13859.13 15,827.99

Capital work 6,165.50 1,951.00 2866.58 3159.59 3,292.24
in progress

Net fixed 21,379.63 21,430.24 22,272.40 21,461.38 26,645.79


Investments 2,222.69 2,272.04 5977.54 5977.54 6,658.59

Other non- 232.88 353.79 1035.51 1097.52 3869.55

current assets

Current 90,781.14 1,11,392.90 1,26,266.17 1,16,660.60 1,16,565.85

Total assets 1,14,616.34 1,35,448.97 1,52,791.84 1,45,197.04 1,53,739.78
Return on 40.52% 18.81% 8.11% 20.78% 21.75%


Return on 39.75% 18.40% 7.66% 20.60% 21.20%


Debt/Equity 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01


Current Ratio 2.38 2.71 2.60 2.91 2.37

Per share 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 -19 2017-18

Book value 110.21 135.58 148.29 154.52 160.46
per share - H

Earnings per 43.81 24.95 11.36 31.36 33.30

share - H

Dividend per 7.50 2.50 - 3.00 3.00

share - H

No. of 13,477 32,821 29167 39826 30096





KSCL is one of the leading cotton seed producers in India, with a significant market share. Company has multi-geography
presence for cotton seed production. Over the year, company has achieved good market response with key cotton hybrid seed
‘Jaadoo’. Demand of ATM has been good in many states and the feedback for its new introduction 3x1 has been very good from
farmers. In spite of tough growing conditions, Jaadoo’s performance has been par excellence; it has tested few new hybrids in
farmer field and could be launchedin the near future.


Company has consistent focus on increasing the productivity of maize hybrids and stabilizing yields against adverse situations like
drought or heat, among others. Company has partnered with CIMMYT Asia to support a project on Heat Tolerant Maize for Asia
(HTMA). Company has recently launched a new hybrid ‘Godfather’ to address the high margin single-cross market.


Farmers have been moving away from farm saved seeds and demand for selection rice has been growing rapidly. KSCL has been
able to increase volume in selection rice over the past 2 years. Company is strengthening its footprint in rice market to address the
growing market of hybrid rice and selection rice.


KSCL has strong portfolio of other field crops, like bajra, sunflower, mustard, sorghum, pulses, and wheat. In India, bajra
occupies the highest crop area after rice and wheat and forms an important segment in hybrid seed industry. Mustard and wheat are
other important Rabi crops of India; company could leverage its presence and channel of distributions to participate in these crops.


KSCL is emphasizing on tomato, chilly and okra. Besides, its research efforts on brinjal, gourds, watermelon are still in progress.
Company is planning to have a dedicated team to focus on Vegetables sales and marketing activities. KSCL made a major
breakthrough in plant breeding with the creation of genetic variation and the development and commercial release of promising
hybrids like Jaadoo and ATM in cotton, KMH 25K45, Kaveri 50, Ekka in maize.

Industry Overview:

The Agriculture sector commands the largest share of the country’s total land area at about 48% (or 156 million hectares)
compared to USA’s 18% (or 158 million hectares) and China’s 15% (or 106 million hectares). While India has more arable land
than China, its production is only half that of China The Indian Seed Industry is the 6th largest in the world in value terms
accounting for about 4.5% of global industry preceded by the US (27%), China (22%), France (6%), Brazil (6%) and Canada
(4.8%). The organized Indian seed industry has been in existence since 30+ years; however the last decade has witnessed
exponential and transformational growth. Going forward, the industry is expected to grow significantly, owing to improved seed
replacement rate (SRR) and increasing adoption of high-yielding hybrid seeds. The Government of India’s favorable policy
environment, aimed at supporting the usage of seeds through the National Seeds Plan and bolstering agricultural productivity
through the National Food Security Mission (NFSM) also augur well for the industry. Multiple forecasts advocate that the Indian
seed industry will grow twice the average for the rest of the world for the years to come. Farmers are moving towards branded
seed instead of using seed saved from the previous harvest and upgrading to better quality seeds to improve their yield leading to

growth in the seed industry. Further, the advent of genetically modified (GM) cotton changed the landscape of the Indian seed
industry. As per ICRA, the Indian Seed Industry is the sixth largest in the world in value terms accounting for about 4.5% of
global industry preceded by the US (27%), China (22%), France (6%), Brazil (6%) and Canada (4.8%).

Key Growth Factors: Cotton Seed:

 High market penetration of hybrids,

 Growth - a function of market share gains,

 High Density Planting and Mechanical Harvesting,

 Pricing subject to GOI’s Price Control Order,

 KSCL is market leader, Company developed hybrids with only the pest control trait sourced under license.


 Paddy is the largest crop under cultivation in India and is the staple food for large population,

 Hybrid penetration at less than 10%,

 Farmers used saved seed; however branded and hybrids gaining increased acceptance,

 Market for both selection variety rice and hybrid rice growing rapidly


Bitter gourd is an important vegetable crop and is grown for its immature tuberculate fruits which have a unique bitter taste. Bitter
gourds have medicinal value and are used for curing diabetes, asthma, blood diseases and rheumatism. The important bitter gourd
growing states in India are Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, West
Bengal, Odisha, Assam, Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Kaveri has international collaboration with the World Vegetable Centre for the
exotic germplasm so as to design and develop suitable genotypes for Indian situations. Bottle gourd and Ridge gourd in particular,
from the vegetable group, were the subjects of intensive research efforts to develop suitable hybrids segment-wise and promising
lines are on the pipe line

Watermelon, a popular summer fruit, is widely grown in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the country. The Company has
started R&D activity to develop suitable hybrids of the fruit to meet the increasing demand and changing customer preference.

Corn (Maize)

 India is the world's 6th largest producer and 5th largest consumer of maize,

 Maize acreage has grown in India over years as it is highly adaptable to different season, requires less water, easy to grow with
good commodity price,

 Demand for Maize in India in expected to continue to grow due to demand from feed industry (accounting for ~50% of domestic
maize demand) and export opportunity (seen a strong 24%CAGR in FY2005-14),


 Hybrid vegetable seed is one of the fastest-growing segments in India estimated to be around Rs 2,000 crore,

 India is the second-largest producer of vegetables in the world, after China,

Complete control over all stages of Product Cycle

•A 7-10 year cycle

•Seed production undertaken post comprehensive market trialing

•Practice benchmark production regimen throughout the cycle – Grower/ Breeder to Farmer


 Evaluating Needs
 Collecting Genetic Resources
 Developing New Hybrids

 Producing Seeds
 Quality testing & Packaging

High Entry Barriers

•Need for high investments in R&D for seeds

•Lead time from R&D to commercial production is 7-8 years

•Requirement of a wide network across India for a diverse portfolio of seeds considering the varied agro-climatic conditions across

•A complex process of developing an effective hybrid (key skills required to choose the right kind of lines)

•Need for high degree of credibility with farmers

Agriculture or farming involves many activities where one or the other farm machinery. Farm machinery and equipment used in
agriculture range from bigger size to a small hand tool. In fact, the farming compulsorily requires one or the other farm machinery
and equipment tools in every activity . Farm machinery and equipment are required in soil cultivational activities, animal rearing,
poultry rearing, apiculture, sericulture, fisheries and more. Agricultural Machinery, Implements and Accessories from leading
brands are available online at best prices. Power sprayer for agriculture and battery sprayers, manual seeders, seedling
transplanters Secateurs, cutting saws, fruit pickers, garden hand tools, pump motor controller, weed cutters, brush cutters, Chaff
cutters, poultry equipment, milking machines etc., are available. Solar lights, soil moisture and pH testers are also sold. Plant needs
growth substance or nutrient at different stages. Bighaat provides you a fertilizers according to the plant type.




Over 15,000 direct and indirect distributors across the country and around 350 highly motivated marketing professionals drive
market penetration. Company is expanding its marketing and distribution network across agricultural belts. This expansion could
significantly enhance business opportunities in future in untapped and growing markets. Company is engaged with farmers
through multiple engagement programs like brand awareness, agronomic information to increase their productivity and
profitability. On product developments, company is successful in developing several market competitive hybrids.
Hybridtechnology offers considerable opportunity for increasing productivity of field crops and vegetables. It is an appropriate
technology for sustainable agriculture and thus, deserves to be promoted on a large-scale. Network of more than 25,000
direct/indirect distributors across the country.350 highly motivated marketing professionals on a pan India basis. Large production
area across India with a loyal ‘producer farmer’ network High credibility with the farmers Focused programs to spread awareness
amongst farming community on new products in market As one of the most respected and responsible seed producing Company
within India, with more than three decades of experience, the Company is well positioned to meet the changing needs of the
nations farming community. To deliver on this purpose, the Company continues to improve and evolve its distribution network in
terms of how quickly and efficiently it is able to make available its products to end users. In line with this strategy, over the years,
Kaveri has focused on building a strong and deep-rooted distribution network necessary for delivering innovative and excellent

products in a safe, timely and responsible way to the grower community of 35000 dealers across India engaged in distribution of
seeds to reach the farmers.


India is the second most populated country accounting for 18% of the total world population. With an increase in the population,
the need for various agricultural products has increased significantly. This rise has prompted farmers to adopt enhanced
technologies to meet the diversified food needs of the people. Additionally, more than 50% of India population is dependent on
agricultural products. Rising incomes, rapid urbanization , a young population and the emergence of nuclear families is expected
to further propel the demand. Generally referred to as how much of the total cropped area was sown with the quality seeds in
comparison to farm saved seeds. Seed has to be produced in the field and it is not a onetime affair, it’s a year on year mechanism
requiring careful planning coupled with proper and timely pre- and post-seed production practices, it can only bear fruitful results
only with time. Different proactive efforts and various seed related program on the part of the government has resulted to an
increase in India SRR over the last couple of years. The Indian farming community is finally realizing the importance of quality
seeds and are therefore tasked with making relentless efforts to bridge the gap in quality seed replacement (almost 60%).We
follow the stringent procedure to evaluate our pipeline products. Since India is a diversified agro-climatic country, the adaptability
of crops to various zones, pest & diseases differ and also the choice of farmers and consumers vary. To design plant type
according to the situation, robust method of evaluation is utmost important. In this endeavour we conduct approximately 100
evaluation trials for each season against the best commercial products available as checks for both field and vegetable crops. We

record the USPs of each product along with their tolerance level towards both biotic and abiotic stress. We invite the local farmers
and our sales team to our demo plots to compare our products against the leading commercial products in each crop and record
their feedback on our pipeline products. All the observations recorded across locations towards yield potential, stability, reactions
towards biotic and abiotic stress and the feedback of both sales team and farmers are thoroughly analysed, discussed and debated
before launching the new product.

Marketing risk: Inability of the Company to market its product could lead to inventory accumulation. The Company has over the
years built a strong distribution network across India. The Companies distribution network today is supported by a network of
35000 dealers, coupled with the effort of an efficient marketing team, the Companies products are today available in the remotest
village of India.


India is the second most populated country accounting for 18% of the total world population. With an increase in the population,
the need for various agricultural products has increased significantly. This rise has prompted farmers to adopt enhanced
technologies to meet the diversified food needs of the people. Additionally, more than 50% of India population is dependent on
agricultural products. Rising incomes, rapid urbanisation, a young population and the emergence of nuclear families is expected to
further propel the demand,



To double agricultural exports from present ~US$ 30+ Billion to ~US$ 60+ Billion by 2022 and reach US$ 100 Billion in the next
few years thereafter, with a stable trade policy regime To diversify the nations export basket, destinations and boost high value and
value added agricultural exports including focus on perishables To promote novel, indigenous, organic, ethnic, traditional and non-
traditional Agri products exports To provide an institutional mechanism for pursuing market access, tackling barriers and deal with
sanitary and phyto-sanitary issues To strive to double India share in world Agri exports by integrating with global value chain at
the earliest Enable farmers to get benefit of export opportunities in overseas market.



Kaveri Seeds Company Ltd (KSCL) is one of the leading seed manufacturers in India. It has vast experience in seed production of
major agricultural crops backed by a very strong in-house R&D program for crops maize, cotton, sun flower, bajra, sorghum, rice
and several vegetable crops. With over 600 acres of farm land owned by the company and 65000 acre for seed production across
different agro- climate centers and dedicated team of researchers, the company is conscious of the changing needs of farmers and
consumers to design and develop productive hybrids that excel in market. It is consistently building a robust portfolio of field
crops and vegetables to help enhance farm yield. It is also engaging more with farmers and educating them about its products and
handholding those to implement agricultural best practices. It is also extending its brand presence across India through aggressive
marketing and branding initiatives.

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